A Glasses Menagerie

Jan 03, 2018 · 6 comments
p. kay (new york)
I've gone through many pairs of lost glasses to replace with this wonderful store. Maybe 50 some odd years - they fix too with a smile and never turn you away. We may not have a good bakery in our neighborhood but we surely have a great store for optical concerns.
NYCLugg (New York)
"Midtown East"? I really wish we could put a stop to these micro-neighborhoods where people feel deprived if their block doesn't have a special name. We're starting to sound like a second-tier city like Philly or Chicago. It's especially silly when you're writing a story about a business you think people would be interested in and we have to wait for eight paragraphs to get the address. Why not "airy flagship store on 1st Ave. at 55th St."?
rjon (Mahomet Illinois)
You carp that people in “micro-neighborhoods” feel deprived without a “special name,” accusing them of status-consciousness, then suddenly Philly and Chicago become “second-tier” cities? I guess projection and status-consciousness sometimes go together. Perhaps you mean well, but it doesn’t come off that way, at least not to us in the “fly-over” states.
Nancy (Great Neck)
The best of the best, I will be there in the coming week.
Anna (Brooklyn)
Reading this article has reminded me to make an appointment soon. Best opticians anywhere. I have tried others but no one has come close. I purchased glasses last year from an optician in my neighborhood. While I was trying on frames (for which I ultimately spent hundreds of dollars) the salesperson was scrolling through her cell phone. You won't find that at Clairmont Nichols.
Linda Graff (Manhattan)
Clairmont Nichols is an optician like none other! I have been a customer for 40 plus years. No where do you get the expertise and care that you do at other establishments. A great family-run business,, an amazing staff and such an enhancement to have in one's life.