Trump Sexual Misconduct Accusations Repeated by Several Women

Dec 11, 2017 · 195 comments
Gene Cass (Morristown NJAWC)
How many women would it take before we believe them?
Elias (NY)
The worst part of this besides those women hurting is the people who call themselves Christian including pastors which is even worse, are totally supporting Trump despite his documented sexual assaults on women. Christians unbent on Trump rather choose one of their own in the White House than having a heart for those victims. Nothing Christian about that but they don't care. Crazy.
PL (ny)
Oh, he ogled the woman? She shows up at the press conference and goes on the Lawrence O'Donnell show on msnbc to talk about how she didnt like the way he looked at her? Is this now the standard for whats considered sexual harrasment? This sort of stretch trivializes the complaints of women who have real grievances and has the effect of making people tune it all out.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
The only thing that could make Trump more disgusting: PALIN. Come on, Donald. Add her to your Cabinet. Director of Women's Affairs. We really NEED the entertainment. Seriously.
bp (nj)
Ms. Hovey shouldn't be entering beauty contests if she doesn't like being looked over. That's what they're about. Other women have disputed her account. Ms. Leeds was photographed with Hillary Clinton and is a donor. The story was so long ago its way past credibility and the fact that it came out the month before the election doesn't help. The other woman is in a tither because he kissed her. It's probably exaggerated if it happened at all. These are hardly reasons to investigate a POTUS and lacking sufficient evidence of anything other than he said, she said. These are people that hate Trump getting their 15 minutes of fame. The documentary film is being financed by billionaire George Soros.
Diane E. (Saratoga Springs, NY)
Trump lacks class and morals and always has. Sanders lacks the belief that the Presidency is based on principles and representation of all of the American people. I give a great deal of credit to these women accusers who are standing for principle and justice.
Blair (NYC)
Trump bragged on the Access Hollywood tape that he routinely sexually assaulted women. Then eighteen brave women came forward with detailed accounts that confirmed his confession. There is no shadow of doubt here. How is it that the American people are allowing a confessed sexual assaulter to remain as President of the United States? Aside from his other destructive policies, this is certainly one of the lowest points in the illustrious history of our nation. Sad, very sad
Ann (Boston)
Wjat ever happened to the woman who had a lawsuit against Trump for an alleged rape that occurred when she was 13? I think her name is Katie Johnson.
Deanna (Western New York)
From what I remember, she dropped the suit because she was receiving so many death threats.
Elizabeth Binder (Minneapolis MN)
Is Sanders saying that because Trump was elected he's not subject to the country's laws concerning sexual harassment?
Lozza (UK)
Ms. Sanders, the American people knew this and voted for Hillary. She won the popular vote--it seems you've forgotten this!
ChrisKM (Colorado)
These are life-long abuses by Trump, showing that he has not changed (after all, he cheated on each of his three wives). Rachel Crooks was assaulted numerous times in the past 15 years. These are not isolated events, it's a pattern and he should be held accountable. There's no reason he should get away with harassment. I can't imagine how many other women there are who have lived through attacks of this kind by Trump and are afraid to come forward. Kudos to the brave women who are standing up.
srwdm (Boston)
And to all the others, come forward—NOW.
Mike Edwards (Providence, RI)
The Polar Bear Go accusers! We're with you. Totally - and not just to score points against Trump. You deserve redress against whomever has wronged you. But what about that poor bear? Are we not allowed to comment? Can't someone set up a fund to rescue him? At this time of year, the picture does not reflect well on mankind. I truly hope there is a happy ending to this story. May God find a way to help you, Mr. Bear.
JAB (Brooklyn)
Since when does an election result exonerate sexual harassment? This is just an unbelievable response to very serious accusations. As a society we need to think about how we are going to address these accusations so ALL are held accountable for their actions.
Dex (San Francisco)
This is where the popular vote counts. We did decide in the election. A large majority of us decided it did matter, and that he was found wanting. The Electoral college only serves to obscure the Will of the People.
Parkbench (Washington DC)
NYT puts it nicely: "The effort by the women to attract new attention..." after having been "frustrated" before the election that they didn't get enough. And disappointed that Trump got elected. So here they are. Getting attention. Courtesy of a far-left documentary maker, likely seeing a shot at an Oscar next year. Press conferences in front of his corporate banner for a little attention and fundraising while he's at it. Willing to pay their touring expenses while Gloria Allred (now free from the one who lied about a high school year book) and her daughter (now free from her contract with Harvey Weinstein) take care of whatever legal details. And getting attention for themselves in the bargain as they drag this sideshow around the country. Are we supposed to take this seriously?
Lostin24 (Michigan)
Trump admitted he assaulted women. These women should file a class action lawsuit for defamation and demand this liar be held accountable.
Eleanor (Augusta, Maine)
America elected a racist perverted liar to the presidency. Does this mean America is about to disappear as a leading nation? Quite possibly.
Bruce Rehlaender (Portland, OR)
So according to the Huckabee Sanders Doctrine, an elected official cannot be held accountable for a crime so long as the minority that elected him should reasonably have been aware that said official was accused of said crime at the time of the election. Should make for some interesting case law. It certainly is not good news for crime victims.
Arthur Lynn (New Mexico)
So he supposedly hit on some women FORTY years ago...Big Deal..How come nobody made a fuss about Obama being a Stoner before he was elected . This is nothing more then the Democrats pathetic witch hunt
William (Fresno)
Gee, let's see -- a stoner or a sexual predator, what's the difference? If you need to ask that question, you can't be argued with. You're just a blind follower of Trump.
R.V.S. (Boston)
The most recent serious accusation was from 2007. It was part of a pattern that continued through the 80s, 90s, and 2000s. We're not talking about an isolated incident from 40 years ago. To suggest that is deceitful. And yes, sexual assault is a BIG DEAL. And if the perp hasn't been punished yet, then it doesn't matter how long ago it was. Have you read the accusations? Our president is an attempted rapist. He's disgusting.
Mark (Smith)
@Arthur Lynn: ... Because a stoner is only impacting himself/herself. A sexual predator is impacting others. For others reading this, I know this is obvious, but seemed like it needed clarification for this gentleman.
Kim H (STL)
No, we didn’t vote for him, the electoral college voted for him. Again the minority rules the majority.
professorai (boston)
it's just like Sarah Palin said about putting lipstick on a bulldog to make a press secretary, or was it soccer mom. You can't call me sexist for saying that about Huckabee, because "these allegations have already been answered." And, some wealthy actress needs to find, fund, and protect JusticeForKatie Johnson, the 13 year old alleged victim.
Les Bois (New York, NY)
Trump should resign. if he refuses, he should be impeached. He makes me ashamed to be an American.
Patricia Maurice (Notre Dame IN)
The Republicans have done a great job of convincing their base that abortion is the greatest and most absolute evil because it kills defenseless babies, so it doesn't matter how bad Trump behaves as long as he appoints anti-abortion supreme court justices. His evil deeds don't matter when compared with the question of abortion. Unfortunately, this is very biased view of the entire issue. When abortion is made illegal, women and girls still have abortions but they are far more dangerous and women's lives are put at enormous risk. Obama had it right.. keep abortion legal but make it far less common by ensuring that birth control is readily available and low-cost (no copayment), provide coverage for pregnancy and childbirth so women aren't facing total financial ruin by having a baby, and work towards family leave and other ways of supporting mothers and young families. Unfortunately, as long as evangelicals (plus many Catholics) and GOP leaders continue to convince voters that abortion is the key issue, and that democrats are evil because they believe in killing babies, it won't matter how much Trump sexually harasses and attacks women as long as he appoints anti abortion judges. It's that simple. He can do whatever evil he wants and to his Republican base, he will still be doing God's work as long as he appoints anti abortion judges. And, anybody who opposes him--no matter how good the reason--will be evil accordingly.
Deanna (Western New York)
You took the words right out of my mouth!
JB (Mo)
Consider the source? You bet. Do any of these ladies look like crackpot, publicity seeking, gold diggers? Say, whut? Look again! These women are as normal as you get and, unless you're a Republican, their stories are more than worth hearing. After living with this lo these many years, and watching the rise of a their attacker, what they are relating should matter even if you belong to the party of "keep em' barefoot and pregnant". If the dems controlled even one house of congress, would this be dealt with differently? Would we be 11 months into Trump's "presidency" and still be dealing with this? Would republicans be calling for a democratic President's head on plate? So where is the republican Congress? As 11/6/2018 nears, will Republicans still be huddled around der leader? Anybody else had enough of this?
David (Rochester)
I didn't vote for Trump. The sexual harassment allegations and Access Hollywood tape, though hardly the reasons for my vote, would have certainly sealed the deal if I had been on the fence. 3 million more people voted against him than for him. Thus, the election hardly ended the story or answered the allegations. But, since so many were so gullible in the past, might as well keep up the act. Let the president, rather than his spokeswoman, face his accusers and deny it to their face in an impeachment trial, then let the Senate decide.
Larry (NY)
If every unrequited kiss, leer or even grope is misconduct, we're all guilty. What’s important is what comes after one's advances are rebuffed. Being unschooled in the art of seduction is hardly a crime.
Randy Smith (Naperville)
Speak for yourself.
Pete (Texas)
Donald bragged on tape that he used his celebrity to sexually abuse women! Bush confirmed that Donald made the statement and the tapes were real. You can't ask for any evidence better than that.
john (washington,dc)
These pathetic women are out for publicity. We are not interested in what happened to them 40 years ago. The most pathetic was the one seeking publicity on Megyn Kelly this morning. Who even uses the term "objectified"?????
R.V.S. (Boston)
The "40 years ago" line is incorrect, and I'm pretty sure you know it. The last time he attempted to force himself on a woman was 2007.
Dex (San Francisco)
Every girl in the Miss Teen USA dressing room, after going through the Trump gauntlet of ogling and spying?
J. (Ohio)
Actually, Ms. Sanders, the people did not elect Trump. He lost the popular vote and sits in the Oval Office only due to the archaic Electoral College. So, I would say that a majority of Americans would welcome an impartial investigation into these serious claims of assault against him.
Vickie Goff (McLain)
You're wrong the people did indeed elect President Trump. The Electoral College was put in place to keep New York, California, and Oregan from electing every President.
Deanna (Western New York)
That’s because more people live there because more jobs are there! Should those people’s votes not count as much as the people in less populated states? Every American’s vote should count an equal amount no matter where they live.
Eileen Paroff (Charlotte, NC)
Huh? Do you realize the absurdity of the statement? If not, check out when Oregon and California became states.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
I've made my disgust with Sarah Hucksterbee Sanders clear. But, yesterday's " press briefing " was like witnessing performance art. And, not in a good way. She is the best, most practiced LIAR I have ever seen, at least in public life. It takes a special brand of guile and deviance to Lie for Jesus, and absolutely enjoy doing so. So, Trump denies these allegations, therefore they are " fake news ". Sarah, Dear, you will get your just reward. Bigly.
Michael (Austin)
Why do people pay attention to Sanders? She apparently feels called about by God to lie for the greater good.
Steven of the Rockies (Steamboat springs, CO)
The American 2016 presidential election was deeply violated by the illegal actions of Russian Intelligence Officers, illegally hacking private American emails and the Democratic Party's emails, and countless acts of tampering by social media advertisements, which influenced poorly educated people from Wisconsin to Pennsylvania. How an illegitimate election clears Mr. Trump from his allegations of sexual assaults against numerous women, is a mystery best answered in a court of law with the victims and the sex offender under oath. Miss Huckabee might be the only female aside from Kellyanne who has not been sexually assaulted by Mr. Trump, but she and the other enablers should face obstruction of justice charges, as well.
Arthur Lynn (New Mexico)
Exactly what law did he break ?
Dex (San Francisco)
It was right in the definitive last sentence: obstruction of justice (related to the Russian investigation). But if we can get him on record denying the women, then: lying to the FBI.
MBSTRONG (Ala. Gulf Coast)
Ms. Huckabee Sanders: American has NOT moved on and the election did NOT prove that Trump is innocent. Millions of people marching in the streets of all the major cities the day after he was inaugurated should have given you the first clue that we consider these more than "mere allegations."There are millions of Americans who did not vote for Trump, partly because of his misogyny and sexual harassment of women. We still feel that this should be investigated and, by the way, we'd still like to see his tax returns.
treabeton (new hartford, ny)
Memo to Trump: A majority of Americans believe your accusers. The accusers are credible. You are not. A majority of Americans know you are lying. You have incriminated yourself by your own words. However, if you are truly innocent of the charges levied by over 18 women, you should welcome a thorough investigation to clear your name.
Gangulee (Philadelphia)
Vox populi, vox dei. In a poem Mirza Ghalib wrote that knowing fully well that God committed many injustices every day, somehow Ghalib continued his daily prayers, (hoping, hoping..)..
Independent (USA)
It was common knowledge about President Trump behavior when he was running for President. And yet he still got elected . That's how bad the Hillary Clinton was.
Psmith (WA)
He did not win the popular vote, so what's your point- HRC was so much worse, she garnered 3 million more votes? Good thing for Trump voters the EC came through.
pbehnken (Maine)
More accurate to say "that's how badly Hillary Clinton was portrayed". She's a saint compared to Trump.
ron (mass)
So Trump KISSED a woman without her consent ... and looked at her ... She didn't ask him to stop either ... " “My memory of it was, nothing was said. " how many men have not done that ? What % of first kisses have consent granted? Are we going to ban ALL MOVIES where the woman ...or the man doesn't give consent before being kissed? Or LOOKED AT ... look at it the way a Trump supporter would ... Trump looked at a girl and kissed her ...she didn't say stop 20-30 years ago ... now ...add in the weekly ...or is it daily attacks on Trump ... So Sarah looks at a reporter who wholeheartedly protected Clinton ... cry over Trump kissing a woman ...
Ann (California)
You might want to do further research. Mr. Trump is also accused of sexually assaulting (raping) a 13-year-old girl. He himself as said that he would do Ivanka if she wasn't his daughter. He's been interviewed more by Howard Stern than anyone else. The tapes are shocking. Trump Says He Groped Melania in Public, Ivanka Looks Down on Him ... Sep 25, 2017 -
icareforthisplanet (Munich)
Not and utterly rubbish bird brain commentary! It’s quite evident what Trump inflicted upon those vulnerable women was an act of force that stunned the other person into silence. Not to mention the emotional distress that was caused by a man with power who is seemingly invincible. Manipulating the general weariness about Hillary doesn’t make Trump’s horrendous actions right. What next? It’s the media or the liberal left that led your beloved Trump to sexually assault women?
NM (Houston, Tx)
Actually, Sanders is wrong. Donald Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million so the American people did not vote for the president. He got elected by Electoral College.
ed (honolulu)
"After the meal was cleared, all of a sudden, he was all over me, kissing and groping and groping and kissing." What is this? Chiasmus? Trump's accuser should at least be credited for the effective use of literary devices for emotional coloration, but her Muse fails her when it comes to other details: "My memory of it was, nothing was said...." In fact, nothing has changed since the first airing of this issue although in a rhetorical flourish of its own the article claims that "rapidly shifting attitudes in American society about the need to hold men accountable...." have occurred in just the space of a few months." There is such poetic license here that generalizes about men's behavior and then creates an articially imposed time frame that confuses hyped up media coverage with actual societal change. This is nothing but a device--fake news as it were--that not only distorts the truth but exaggerates the role played by the media in shaping the moral attitudes of society and then twists the facts to justify itself.
[email protected] (Chicago, IL)
Dex (San Francisco)
Truly he has a dizzying intellect. I concur with vozelgang: What?
johnny (Los Angeles )
Since these claims would never be taken seriously in a court of law, it was up to the American people in November 2016 to decide. The decision was clear and decisive. Notably, Trump got 53% of the vote from white women. This issue should be a dead issue and I really question the motivations for bringing this up again.
APD (TAkoma Park)
So only the votes of white women count (white Republican women)? The votes on minority women mean nothing?Trump lost by 3 million votes and your comments demonstrates your misogyny.
Dex (San Francisco)
Yeah, he got creamed in the popular vote. On a related note to some of his alleged behaviors, you're cherry-picking.
Kathy Manelis (Massachusetts)
I would point out that he did lose the popular vote. So, WHITE men and women voted for Trump? There is a message there should you care to understand.
Joseph (Orange, CA)
If all these many women are lying, then Trump should sue them like he said he would. The question of their veracity was not, and could not be, litigated by an election because an election is NOT a court of law. So come on, Donald, put up or shut up. Or are you too scared of the truth?
Don (Baltimore, MD)
This president wants the power of the position without the associated responsibilities and accountabilities. A responsible leader would recognize and acknowledge his errors instead of attacking the reputation of his accusers, behavior so many in lesser positions have already modeled for him. No one without a political agenda believes he speaks the truth here, especially after the "Access Hollywood" tapes. During his election, Trump said he could kill and get away with it. I didn't believe it then, and I didn't ever contemplate the possibility that Congress would be among those who would let him get away with it. Still TBD: what degree of impropriety - or in GOP-speak, commandments broken - will the GOP Congress tolerate before they act out of decency instead of politics.
Sports (Medicine)
These accusations were typical "Democrat Character Assisination 101". Go get some dirt. Fake, real, doesn't matter. Release said dirt just weeks before the election, so Republicans can't replace current candidate. Then rely on your cohorts in the media with 24/7 wall to wall coverage until your opposing candidate is destroyed. They do this ALL THE TIME. Only this time, it didn't work. They miscalculated Trump the builder. Builders are rough guys. Underestimate them at your own peril. I jus cannot give much credibility to 11th hour accusations made weeks before an election, over stuff that happened decades ago. Sorry. Not buying it. Dems got caught lying answering cheating and colluding with the media in a mass scale the last election, evidenced by Wikileaks. That was the real "meddling". They are just not to be believed.
DR (New England)
Funny. You don't seem to have a problem believing Trump who has lied about everything from the weather to his business dealings.
NOT a trump supporter (Midwest)
And Republicans don't engage in character assassination? Look at the tapes of the campaign where trump had nasty, childish names for his opponents. Remember how he lined up Clinton's accusers before the debate? One party does not have the lock on acting badly, but trump sure has taken it to an all-time low level with his awful behavior. It will be so interesting to see how history records this administration. I predict it ain't going to be complimentary. Time will tell.
"Trump the builder"? "Rough"? No. He's a developer and a broker. He never built anything with his hands. If he ever framed a wall or cut rafters or dug a trench or hung a single sheet of drywall (I have done each, plus), I'll eat a bug. Closest he comes is lifting the gold-plated groundbreaking shovel, and always in a suit and tie. Google trump in work clothes or trump exercising and see what you get. He did however pay many other people to do the hard work, and even stiffed a non-trivial number of them. Trump and hard work are like oil and water.
Betsy Comeau (Long Lake, NY)
The courageous women who brought up the allegations against Trump in 2016 were made out to be liars by Trump and his campaign and summarily dismissed. This was a total travesty to the women and no-one pushed for an investigation at that time. Although I am glad to see that they will get a chance to re-tell their stories in this new "environment" of coming forward to report abuse and harassment, it is a sad statement of what our country has become to have ignored and bashed them as liars over a year ago with the highest office in land occupied by a sexual predator and continuing to deny the allegations. Trump has lied numerous times , yet his actions continue to be exonerated, covered up and enabled by the Republican Party simply because of party allegiance over moral and ethical allegiance. Trump's actions and words far outweigh in severity Senator Franken's actions and he was asked to step down. Yet here we are in 2017 with the most morally corrupt administration holding our country hostage to the sad ideology of a few. Trump's tweets continue to display the inner workings of a brain that has not matured past early adolescence, full of vitriol and name calling and innuendo if someone does not agree with him. This man is the supposed leader of our country,and he has brought nothing but shame and ridicule along on his wild veering ride with the morally inept Republican Party of enablers who are not there for the people they represent. Shame. Hoping for a return to decency.
Gabriel C (Manhattan)
I'm confused: Trump winning the election means that he has defended himself against all the allegations of sexual harassment and assault? In other words, the election served as his "trial"? Im not sure that's how the justice system works, but it certainly is how the White House is characterizing the events. The American people voted for him so that proves his innocence?
Jacob K (Montreal)
The recent tsunami of allegations and accusations has rendered most of the complaints null and void. There are legitimate complaints and victims out there, that is a given. However, the tidal wave of allegations surfacing, possibly orchestrated by Bannon, has muddied the waters.That makes it difficult, if not, impossible for the legitimate victims to get their day in a court of law since the court of public opinion has dismissed them and tainted their case. The most prevalent and efficient person at tainting a case, due to decades of experience circumventing the law, is president Trump which is why these women will end up victims of vile attacks by Trump's base on social media and Far Right venues managed by intellectual sadists like Bannon, Alex Jones and Limbaugh. Their nightmare has, yet, to begin.
Larry L (Dallas, TX)
So based on this logic, you can do whatever you want as long as you win the popularity contest? Are we still in high school?
JM (San Francisco, CA)
It is more appropriate than ever for all of Trump's 19 accusers to renew their charges. Nineteen unrelated women simply do not lie about the same thing. The hammer is finally dropping on these sick men who use their power to prey on and demean women. With Trump, I would suspect that there are many more women who are on the verge of also speaking up. His disgusting behaviors span many years. The electoral college may have gotten Trump in office but the voters have now had time to witness his deranged behaviors and provable daily lies, and attempts to undermine our free press, our intelligence agencies and our national security. The accounts by these 19 women have always been believable. What has changed is that the majority of voters (70%) no longer believe Trump.
Andrea G (New York, NY)
These allegations were brought out and heard during the campaign and enough voters either rejected them or were willing to overlook them resulting in Trump's election. Re-litigating them in the press now is unlikely to change anyone's mind, certainly not enough to have Trump voters call for his resignation over them. I believe these women were brave to come forward with their stories especially during such an ugly election. However, I can't help but feel they are now being used as pawns to garner TV ratings, or viewers for a doc film company, or to gain political points.
S. Dennis (Asheville, NC)
I don't care. If the accusers had been taken seriously, we wouldn't be here. If HRC was in office, we wouldn't be here.
Jack Toner (Oakland, CA)
The funny thing is, they don't think they're "pawns." Why do you? There wasn't time to really investigate their charges during the campaign. But now we got the time. After the 2018 election maybe we'll have a House of Representatives willing to take the time and fully investigate the charges. Just because Trump "got away with it" in 2016 doesn't mean he'll always get away with it.
JY (SoFl)
“The American people knew this and voted for the president,” That is NOT justification to let the crimes go unpunished. The American people don't run the Justice Dept.
John David James (Calgary)
October 22, 2016, Donald Trump, "All of these women will be sued after the election is over. The election was over a year ago. Put up or resign.
Allison (Austin, TX)
Again: More Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than Donald Trump, despite what that prevaricator, Ms. Sanders, claims. The liar-in-chief sits there in the Oval Office because of the Electoral College -- an institution designed to prevent the majority of people electing the candidate they want to see in office. Most Americans were very angry that a minority of sixty million voters put a man who assaults women into the presidency, just because they wanted an anti-abortion judge on the Supreme Court. Maybe the Electoral College should join men who assault women as some of the things that belong to the past and have no place in the future of a real democracy.
Rich (California)
President Trump was legally elected. Read the Constitution, particularly how it is amended if you want a change.
Tom (Hudson Valley)
Why is there a "short list of Democratic lawmakers" who have called on Trump to resign? Why isn't every single Democrat unifying behind this issue and signing on?
Jack Toner (Oakland, CA)
Well it is clear he won't do it so the question is does it accomplish anything? Remember the Republicans repeatedly repealing Obamacare whole Obama sat in the White house waiting to veto their bills? Now right now may be a good time to focus on Trump's sexual misconduct. We'll see if the charges against him gain any traction.
Jon (New Yawk)
Trump‘s endorsement of and failure to suggest that Roy Moore should step down was likely a calculated move on his part for self preservation. If Trump were to call for Moore’s resignation he would essentially be acknowledging that he should step down as well. With Republicans falling in line to support Moore as a political strategy to maintain control of the Senate, despite seemingly credible accusations of child abuse, they are providing cover for him, their actions will help Trump avoid any investigation into what they may perceive to be less serious allegations, and perhaps Trump and these enablers should be investigated for obstruction of justice.
djs (Longmont CO)
It never happened, but it happened a long time ago. And the people gave Trump a blanket pardon anyway: MS. SANDERS: Look, the President has addressed these accusations directly and denied all of these allegations. And this took place long before he was elected to be President. And the people of this country, at a decisive election, supported President Trump, and we feel like these allegations have been answered through that process.
William Case (United States)
It is best to settle political issues at the ballot box and legal issues in the jury box. The women who have accused Trump can file criminal complaints or civil lawsuits. Constitutional law experts asserts that presidents cannot be criminally prosecuted while in office, but they can be indicted after they leaves office. However, civil lawsuits against presidents can be litigated while presidents are in office. Congressmen can use evidenced introduced in civil lawsuits to drafts bills of impeachment.
Canuck Lit Lover (British Columbia)
"... Mr. Trump's belief that his election should be the end of the story" shows just how deep the moral cavity is in Ms. Huckabee Sanders as well as in the president. In their minds, if you hoodwink enough of the electorate - and the electoral college - then you're exonerated: a false equivalency and worth as much as a paper "get out of jail free" card in a board game. Let's hope that the lawyers, accusers, and outraged citizens playing this round of Monopoly roll the dice and play their cards right to wipe the smirking little mogul right off the board for good and end this horrific "game".
Randolph A Dumesnil (Hartwell GA USA)
I know this is about the women that are telling their stories of encounters with Donald J. Trump. His spoke person Sarah Huckabee Sander's support of this behavior is mystifying. First she is a woman who apparently has not been a victim of workplace sexual harassment. If she has she is very much in denial. Also by saying that by voting for Trump was approval of his behavior is wrong. The majority of Americans voted against him. There are still unanswered questions of the legitimacy of his electoral win. Even this tacit approval is not evidence of no wrongdoing. He should face the hard questions and stop with the they are all liars defense. If Congress agrees to investigate this I suspect it will not be very vigorous. They are not interested in "looking their gift horse in the mouth." They have their donors and their party to think about, not these accusers, all citizens and even their own constituents.
Gerithegreek518 (Kentucky)
I don't believe Trump won the presidency legitimately; nonetheless, he holds the office. That he is in office should be a warning to us all, particularly women who have a misogynistic leaning. Our nation is headed by this man, in no small part because of misogyny. For many—some of them being women—the thought of a female president was anathema. Disenfranchised long enough, women can form a mighty voting block, not to the exclusion of men, but understanding that gender needn't be the deciding factor in casting a vote. We must become far more discerning in what we choose to believe. When we see someone on film bragging about his ability to assault anyone because he is rich and famous, then admits to having done so and apologizes for it on film, and then denies that the first videotape is authentic: people should realize that even if they are unsure about his status as a sexual assaulter, he is obviously a liar and is not to be trusted. Voting processes need revision—in particular returning to a more labor-intensive but easier to track paper ballot, doing away with the Electoral College, and becoming more critical and open-minded in our choice of candidates. Being wealthy does not mean anyone is any more or less noble or decent than anyone else, more worthy or able to lead, or place them above the law. It does not mean they are ethical or moral or intelligent. It does not give them the right to infringe upon another's rights. And it does not give them the right to lie.
RD (New York)
Why do I so not care about who Donald Trump kissed on a plane in the 1970's? There are so many REAL issues to try and undercut the president on nonsense just dilutes any authentic discussion. It just smacks of weak, opportunistic political scandal-making just for the sake of it.
NOT a trump supporter (Midwest)
"opportunistic political scandal-making just for the sake of it" Exactly what trump does on a daily basis to distract from all the problems he's caused!
Patricia Maurice (Notre Dame IN)
It wouldn't be nonsense if you were one of the women who suffered from Trump's bad behavior. Then, it would be a lifetime of pain.
www (Pennsylvania)
“he also feels strongly that a mere allegation shouldn’t determine the course,” Then Trump should agree to have Robert Mueller investigate all the allegations.
Susan (Olympia, WA)
Why doens't anyone repeat the fact over and over again that Ms. Clinton received 3,000,000 more votes? Yes, I know, I know, but can't we keep on acknowledging it? At the very least it gives me some shred of hope.
Ulrich Hoppe (Germany)
Since Mr. Trump has a very selective perception it may be helpful to visualize his victims and their comments. The Guardian has published a list of allegations regarding his sexual misconduct. It is very disturbing, not only for the victims.
hbggirl (<br/>)
Could we please line up all these women in the front row of any speech or future debate that Trump participates in?
Tom (Hudson Valley)
It is up to us to keep the pressure on Trump and allow these women the voice they deserve. Please SIGN and SHARE petitions on social media. Here is one:
Trump, physically repugnant and characteristically abhorrent man that beautiful women would never say yes to if he were not rich. He deludes himself into thinking that he would be the object of desire, sexual desire, from these women if he were not rich or powerful. His three wives have all been influenced by his money. Let's face it, "He is not a babe magnet". In normal society, there is a name for women who do this for money. I will be kind and call them Gold Diggers. Trump is a disgusting, repugnant individual.
Martha (Northfield, MA)
Trump's wives may have said yes, but the many women who he harassed and assaulted certainly did not. We need to stand behind these women and make this abomination of a president step down.
Kathy M (Portland Oregon)
Publicly lying about the president of the United States is slander. Trump threatened to sue the women who accuse him, but he has not. Instead the lawsuits are starting to grow against him. But can they win, even though Trump is guilty? I learned the hard way that lying is actually rewarded in our legal system. If you can’t defend yourself from a wrong doing — because you are guilty — then lying about it will save your skin. The court will accept your lies as evidence and weigh it against the truth told by others. Sadly this means the liars win if they have enough lies to offset the truth. In my case Vancouver Prosecutor Josephine Townsend was allowed to lie about me because the government had shredded the file containing the evidence of the truth. Without this paper trail, her lies were considered valid evidence against me. Whenever you stand accused of anything just lie about it (and destroy the evidence) and chances are you will go free. It works for Trump and Roy Moore.
Padraig Lewis (Dubai, UAE)
The three women accusers had their #metoo moment before the election. Despite the media and the Clinton campaign fawning all over this, their charges went nowhere. Without proof it’s hard to win even though the events may have happened. This looks more like a desperate stunt to boost Meghan Kelly’s dismal ratings another pathetic attempt to reverse the 2016 election.
Jairus (New York)
Really. 19 Women. All lying. Really??
ann1apt (new york, ny)
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Despite your insistence that the American voters decided the issue of Trump's sexual misconduct, perhaps you need reminding that the American people did NOT elect Trump. The quirks of the Electoral College system elected him. The American people elected Hillary Clinton by a margin of about 3 million votes. I am one of those Clinton voters, and I do not like having my vote dismissed by you and the Administration. History has warned us, repeatedly, about the "Tyranny of the Majority." America is now suffering under the Tyranny of the Minority. You represent the minority, Ms. Huckabee Sanders, and your boss is a tyrant.
moosuch (WHY-oming)
Actually, corrupTrump received, rounding up (just to be fair), 63 Million votes. Hillary Clinton, AND Jill Stein AND Gary Johnson, et al., votes equaled, rounding down (just to be fair), 74 Million votes. So in essence, 11 Million people voted AGAINST corrupTrump.
HozeKing (Hoosier SnowBird)
The Miss USA Pagent is all about 'ogling' the contestants. That's the entire point. We have officially jumped the shark.
Andrea G (New York, NY)
It was written out in the contract that contestants signed with the Miss Universe & Trump organizations when they competed at the Miss USA, Miss Teen USA, and Miss Universe pageants. It was referred to in the pageant community as the 'Trump pick 6'. The preliminary judging panel would pick the Top 15 but Trump would personally pick 6 contestants. If those 6 happened to also be included in the prelim judges' 15, great, if not the lowest scoring contestant would be replaced by the Trump pick. So on and so on. During one of the rehearsals the girls would line up in their opening number outfits and Trump would walk down the line as the girls introduced themselves and shook hands.
C. (Oregon)
"Well, I'll tell you the funniest is that I’ll go backstage before a show, and everyone's getting dressed and ready and everything else, and you know, no men are anywhere. And I'm allowed to go in because I'm the owner of the pageant and therefore I'm inspecting it. You know, I'm inspecting, I want to make sure that everything is good. "You know, the dresses. ‘Is everyone okay?’ You know, they're standing there with no clothes. ‘Is everybody okay?’ And you see these incredible looking women, and so, I sort of get away with things like that." --Donald J. Trump
fast/furious (the new world)
Trump just tweeted that Kirsten Gillibrand used to 'beg' him for campaign contributions and "would do anything for them." He should have to resign for THIS. Bizarre. Disgusting. Trump degrades the Office of the President every day. Historian Douglas Brinkley once predicted that Trump would wind up having to resign because of something he did on Twitter. This should be that something.
Demosthenes (Chicago)
Credibly accused by over a dozen women of sexual harassment, Trump’s continued presence as president when other officeholders accused of far less (but still awful) behavior is testament to a double standard: Republicans face little retribution from their voters. When will women and men who vote Republican wake up?
john (washington,dc)
How did YOU decide they are credible?
larry (pittsburgh)
if he did not do it, why did he brag about it on that bus and on the Howard Stern show?
Carol S. (Philadelphia)
The fact that these allegations are made indicates that there may be a serious problem. Our collective response to them is pathetic. Our ability to deal with these problems has not evolved a whole lot since the middle ages.
Brad (NYC)
I so admire these brave women who are willing to stand up against Trump, far and away the worst American who has ever lived.
Chris Smith (Everett WA)
Agree with your assessment. Trump is a monster who must be stopped.
CT Reader (Connecticut)
It may be difficult to tally the number of untruths President Trump has told (especially since he tweets so frequently), but it's not hard to tally the number of females who have accused him of sexual misconduct. Nineteen so far. He must step down.
john (washington,dc)
So I guess you've decided they are all credible. Why didn't Bill Clinton step down? Please explain.
Crossing Overhead (In The Air)
All of them put up to it my the media and Dems that still wrap their head around the fact the Trump won. He'll be last one standing here. Many more Dems being accused of this than Repubs BTW
C.L.S. (MA)
Grab him by the tax returns, etc. Assuming it's all true (let's keep open the possibility that "he's just an errant boy who didn't do anything bad"), it's disgusting behavior that no one should hold any doubts about.
Freudian slip?
RCS (Stamford,CT)
Parading out these women again, after the Presidential election, only demeans the misconduct claims of real victims. So sad these women do not know that they are only pawns in a political game.
Chris Smith (Everett WA)
This is not a game. It is sad that so many Americans think that it is.
Psst (overhere)
"These women" are'nt real victims ? What about Al Frankens accusers ? I'll bet they're "real victims". Right ? Your hypocrisy is nauseating.
Mary A (Sunnyvale cA)
I believe them.
Claire (Maine)
Thank you, brave women!
Rw (Canada)
“The American people knew this and voted for the president,” Ms. Sanders said. “And we feel like we’re ready to move forward in that process.” Move on, eh? I wonder if you're now "feeling" like cancelling today's press briefing given Boss Hog's twitter performance this morning: "Lightweight Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a total flunky for Chuck Schumer and someone who would come to my office “begging” for campaign contributions not so long ago (and would do anything for them), is now in the ring fighting against Trump. Very disloyal to Bill & Crooked-USED!" Sick. Disgusting. Vile. Cruel.
John (Stowe, PA)
It will be a bizarre irony if the women Mr. trump has abused over the decades are what bring him down, and not his crimes against the Republic. Republicans in leadership roles must be thinking the obvious; if they can force a resignation over his dozen or more sex assault and harassment cases they can maybe avoid exposing the depth of corruption and rot at the core of the Republican party in their acting as accomplices in his Russia election tampering and their attempt to cover up the Russian money trail in the Mueller investigations. If they can silence those scandals they might escape with McConnell, Ryan, Nunes, Roehrbach and Graham unindicted and Pence in the White House.
Thcatt (Bergen County, NJ)
I well remember in the early 70's as the feminist movement heated up, it wasn't difficult to find females who were very suspect of the new wave being led by th Gloria Steinems of the day. Most men of that time simply laughed the whole thing off. As usual, emotions trumped logic. These men and women still exist. Their reasoning has altered somewhat but it's their tribal emotions that continues to control their choices in life. Startrek's Mr. Spock was right: human emotions will be th downfall of mankind. These brave, even brazen, women who are determined to show Trump for what he is, will be justly remembered.
Dawn Sokol (New Orleans)
I believe these women. You should too. Our President has lied repeatedly about so many other things. There is no question that he is unfit for office based on his actions. This is just one of many offenses and we will have our justice one way our another or our system of government has truly failed.
Kerby (North Carolina)
Two words.... Bill Clinton. The voters knew about Bill Clinton's abuse of numerous women before he was elected. Bill was elected President. He served two terms and no one took an interest.... democrats, the media, Hollywood etc. in pursuing the "allegations". Bill served this Country for 8 years. What's changed? After barely 11 months, because we don't like Trump's agenda he should be investigated and pressured to resign?
Randy (Illinois)
Bill was impeached due to lying about his conduct. Perhaps this will happen to #45 as well? Or, better yet, maybe he will resign first.
Hugozilla (Seattle)
By that twisted logic, any transgression that has ever occurred in history should be permanently seen as "OK" since it wasn't punished then. Would you say the same thing about slavery? About Watergate? About war crimes? Also, Bill Clinton was impeached by the House, but not convicted in the Senate. We are all looking forward to Trump's impeachment trial.
Dawn Sokol (New Orleans)
These are different times than the era of Bill Clinton or so we can hope. It's time to no longer look the other way in our society when men behave badly.
susan (nyc)
NPR broadcast this press conference live. CNN did not. I wonder why.
John (Stowe, PA)
I watched on CNN. NYTimes did not though....
HalfMoon (Nyc)
There may well be reason for them to be heard. But this whole stunt with the step and repeat behind them to promote Brave New Films suggests sadly that rallying for cause is more franchise than sincerity in this all too media savvy culture.
MRPV (Boston)
I am genuinely curious as to how an investigation would be carried out about allegations that are years old? One of the complainants said that Mr. Trump ogled her. Forget politics, isn't ogling versus looking an entirely subjective interpretation? Ms Gillibtamd has decided to opportunistically hitch a ride on the political issue du jour, but for electoral process to be subverted the bar must be high, not low. Otherwise lets get rid of elections and appoint technocrats with clean images to power. China already does that.
fast/furious (the new world)
One of the multitude of reasons Trump shouldn't be President. Unfortunately this isn't going anywhere. Kirstin Gillibrand build a coercive Senate groundswell to get rid of Al Franken, who's been a great Senator and a strong opponent of Trump. Many suspect Gillibrand did this to get rid of a powerful rival and to build a resume for herself as the leading female Senator that will let her win the Democratic nomination in 2020. What I want is for Franken to run for president. He's a candidate for the people. Gillibrand in the past has earned millions working for Big Tobacco, opposed gun control, opposed same sex marriage. She flipped on a lot of this stuff when she got to the Senate. But it's a warning that Gillibrand has no real fixed position on anything except as it benefits her politically. The Clintons were the same way - they supported only political expedience and it ruined the Democratic Party. We can hope for Congressional hearings with Trump's accusers but Trump is not going to be taken down by this and won't care who gets destroyed as he fights it, and he'll be vicious. I'm so tired of the ugliness in our political culture right now that I dread hearings on Trump & sexual misconduct. I don't need anything else making me pessimistic about this country....
silver bullet (Fauquier County VA)
The Republican party and the president's base will never hold him accountable for his sexual assaults on women. They don't even want to get to the bottom of the truth about his dealings with Russia over the years. The president wants these women and Robert Mueller to simply go away and let bygones be bygones. Like dominoes, elected officials, Hollywood icons and news media moguls are falling as the result of women coming forward to report wrongdoing, as they should. The president is no different, and his actions were inexcusable, even if he is being protected by his party. The president isn't above the law, although he thinks he is, as do his supporters.
John Virgone (Pennsylvania)
In trump's case, accusations are a reality, as detailed on Access Hollywood. Going forward, lets not just hear the accusers, lets listen to their stories and take action to rectify the injustices done them. What more evidence is needed? The braggart president has already implicated himself and continues to blatantly support other's libertine behavior. The body politic needs to support the"every woman" of this great country, to whom we are all greatly indebted. I am confidant that somewhere down the line, we can find the moral balance against this scourge.
Impedimentus (Nuuk,Greenland)
It's unfortunate that Sen. Gillibrand and other Democrats in the Senate have expended so much effort on forcing out Sen. Franken yet have been slow to direct their energies at Trump. The timidity of the Democrats in going after the predator-in-chief is disturbing. Trump should resign, not Franken.
Howard Levine (Middletown Twp., PA)
A heartfelt thanks to the woman that came forward with the accusations against Trump. We hear your story loud and clear. Hopefully, you get your day in court. Regarding Ms Huckabee Sanders: 1- The voters of this country do not and cannot litigate the allegations against Trump 2- The voters did make a judgment. Trump lost the election by almost 3 million votes!!
Charles Werner (Switzerland)
What the public thinks is totally irrelevant. What is important is the truth of the matter. It does not look good for DJT, a person whose word has become worthless. I’m sure he can’t remember, and that is yet another problem....
Mr. SeaMonkey (Indiana)
This report leaves me with only one question: Where can I donate to their legal defense fund?
brian (Chicago )
Before the election, Trump said he would sue his accusers after the election. Has he sued yet?
R. Anderson (South Carolina)
Our country has a population whose emotions swing from one extreme to another. Anything goes seemed to be the attitudes in the fifties and sixties and seventies. Now, even the slightest faux pas causes violent reaction by some. But make no mistake, groping, putting ones hands up a skirt, kissing someone who doesn't want to be kissed, threatening retaliation unless sexual favors are granted, propositioning etc are all legitimate reasons for a lawsuit against not only the miscreant but the organization which tolerated it in the first place.
MarkMcK (Brooklyn NY)
"And the people of this country, at a decisive election, supported President Trump... "The American people knew this and voted for the president,” Ms. Sanders said. Yes, of course, unless, technically, one cares to point out--Sanders certainly doesn't--that MOST of "the people of this country" did NOT support Mr. Trump. He got there by the many quirks of a queasy system, not quality of character. And even more, now, do NOT support Mr. Trump, after eleven months of his definition of voting, and "winning," on full global display. And at least just as many who did not vote for Mr. Trump, and likely many more, would support an investigation into his alleged, and revolting and pathetic, displays of macho entitlement. That, of course, would be a de facto form of voting, a national referendum, that Mr. Trump would much rather ignore. A judge and a jury of his citizen peers might well conclude that his behavior with these women was entirely consistent with the misogyny, elitism, loss of integrity, and chronic sleaze that so far defines this administration.
Rosary (Tarrytown, NY)
Thanks to these women for speaking up. It takes special courage when you have been ignored, maligned, and disbelieved. And Sarah Sanders' comment that "The American people knew this and voted for the president." is a sickening reminder that we need to stand together for justice.
AB (New York)
Sexual Assault Matters. Sexual Harassment Matters. Women's Lives Matter. Women need to keep talking about this problem and outing perpetrators until the world listens and acts CONSISTENTLY to stop those who are committing these acts of terrorism against women. And yes, terrorism is the right word. Women live in fear of the next attack, not knowing where it will come from next. Trump's accusers are so brave to continue to tell their stories in order to stop the most powerful man, and in this case, predator, in the world.
lindentree (Ohio)
I think that Trump should resign. His behavior against the women who have spoken up and his views of women are unacceptable. I feel that when a man acts like this, he is counting on his ability to instill fear in the woman he is attacking.
Joe Gagen (Albany, ny)
There is something very phony-sounding to these allegations, and that’s the way it must have appeared to the millions of voters who elected Donald Trump president. So be it! It’s about time we turned the country’s attention to weightier matters..
treabeton (new hartford, ny)
What is phony about the allegations? What is more important than protecting women from sexual assault?
Spencer (St. Louis)
Spoken like a man. And I don't mean that as a compliment.
DR (New England)
Phony? How so?
Deb Stover (Wichita, KS)
POTUS45 should resign. The multitude of accusations and evidence demand it. As a woman and a voter, I demand it. He is unfit to serve. Period...
Flak Catcher (New Hampshire)
Trump isn't the first world leader to lie and misinform a nation. And he won't be the last. 10 months and counting, America. We've still time to fix this broken nation...if we wake up to fake truth.
huh (Greenfield, MA)
I thought republicans, especially evangelical ones, can do what ever to women. I hope this will prove me wrong.
AFDietrich (Philadelphia)
In another article by the Times, there is a graphic of the men accused of sexual misconduct. Where is Donald Trump's picture? I guess that was BEFORE Weinstein.
DBT2017 (CO)
How is Sarah Sanders able to speak? Or look at herself in the mirror? Look at her children and say this is okay? Ugh.
Neal (New York, NY)
She is a role model for remorseless, surly-looking liars everywhere.
Dennis D. (New York City)
I call on the Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, to refuse working with the sexual predator in the White House unless the Republicans commit to a full investigation of the Trump's actions. The Dems are in no position to initiate any action against Trump but they certainly can do all within their power to halt it. If the Dems really mean what they say about zero tolerance, then let them back up their words with action. And let it start now. DD Manhattan
James (St. Paul, MN.)
Of all those who have been accused of sexual abuse, only Donald Trump has publicly and proudly boasted of his actions. What else need be said?
Jim (WI)
Ogle means to look at in a flirtatious manner. So Trumo ogled MS contestant Ms Holvey? But wait there is more. She was wearing just a robe. However that is way more cover then the skinny bikini she will be prancing on stage as millions of men stare at her. This accusation is ridiculous.
avid reader (U.S.A.)
how about the allegations of walking in unannounced on partially clothed and unclothed minors who were in their changing rooms? hard to believe?
Lisa (Charlottesville)
Here's something you may have missed, Jim: no men were allowed in that room where the young women were changing. Trump knew that but he went in anyway. Why? Because he could. This is about naked power, not sex--not that difficult to understand, surely?
treabeton (new hartford, ny)
You neglected to mention he was in the women's dressing room (bragged about it with Howard Stern) where no men are permitted. He said he was thrilled to see the contestants in a state of undress and could get away with this gross behavior because he owned the pageant.
Jake (NY)
A sad commentary of our nation's moral fiber when a man who admittedly abuses and treats women as personal sex toys is elected to the WH. Sad indeed that America knowingly stood on the wrong side of decency and respect, believing a pathological liar devoid of morals and values.
avid reader (U.S.A.)
they didn't believe. they didn't care.
James Murphy (Providence Forge, Virginia)
Can we expect the gutless politicians in Washington to go after Trump? Of course not.
The 1% (Covina)
My take on 2017 is that DC is a big circus, the Prez is a clown and the jesters are the media. Then there are normal everyday Americans like the women pictured here. So much for the magic of the internet! One wonders just how many such women have been mistreated in this way by Trump... 20? 30? 40? I'd bet that only 10% are wiling to endure the death threats from the extreme right. These women are brave.
Robin (Western NY)
Sarah Huckabee Sanders should be subjected to the same treatment from DJT and these women received and see how she likes it! Wonder if she'll still call it FAKE1
Neal (New York, NY)
If she can lie with impunity, why can't you? Why can't I? Why shouldn't we all? Trickle-down economics meets trickle-down (im)morality.
T (Kansas City)
Bravo to you brave women that not only once, but twice came forward in great courage!! The self admitted on tape sexual predator in the White House needs to be investigated and treated the same way as every other man accused of these awful crimes. It sickened me along with millions of other good women and men to watch this creepy unethical immoral know-nothing get elected even after he admitted on tape and in interviews over the years EXACTLY who he is and what he does to women and teenagers (pageants). Not to mention his white supremacy and sexist and racist and xenophobic rhetoric, along with all the lies he tells on a daily basis. We all stand with you! We believe you. Thank you for your service to this country.
S (Midwest)
Not sure how 'the allegations' of sexual misconduct are answered through the elections process. Is this the new trial by jury? Should serial rapists and pedophiles all run for office, thus clearing them of previous dalliances. Oh wait....
Tom (Pa)
Would you trust your daughter with Donald Trump?
Virgil Starkwell (New York)
The most bizarre (if not sick) image of the Roy Moore campaign was his interview yesterday conducted by a 12 year old girl. I threw up a bit in my mouth watching that. It trumped (sic) the twisted anti-Semitic comment by Kayla Moore. Shameless. Roll Tide?
treabeton (new hartford, ny)
Only if she had a Black Belt in karate.
Gerithegreek518 (Kentucky)
Unfortunately, many folks answered that question at the polls just over a year ago. They entrusted the entire nation to a disgusting big-mouthed million-/billion-aire (we'll never know which he is because most of what he says is false). How is it that and the nefarious Mr. Bannon can mesmerize so many people into believing them? I never believed in a lot of the stuff I learned in Sunday School, but Trump et al are making me a believer in evil.
Frank Greathouse (Fort Myers fl)
Sarah Huckabee Sanders should ask her daddy, the evangelical, whether lying to the American people, bigly, gets you into the kingdom of heaven.
DR (New England)
Daddy is a con artist himself who peddles phony diabetes cures. Sarah learned at the feet of a master when it comes to deception.
cheryl (yorktown)
His latest tweet manages to get dirtier yet, with his attack on Gillibrand: 'Lightweight Senator Kirsten Gillibrand,... someone who would come to my office “begging” for campaign contributions not so long ago (and would do anything for them),..' I doubt that any GOP leaders will step up, because they have managed to lose the ability to see their President in the light of day. That the Democratic Party called for Sen Franken to resign when he was willing to address his failings, and already supported women politically; while Trump reigns, is galling. It doesn't matter to the GOP - they were delighted that all of the anger was used on the wrong person.
Uofcenglish (Wilmette)
Pretty funny. He is accusing her of prostitution! Nothing is too low for this guy. Some of his best friends are mobsters, and mobsters love the degredation of women, gambling, gun running, drugs. You know, all that good stuff.
Straight Shooter (SF)
Frankin isn't out yet, he said he will resign in WEEKS... playing for the hopes of a Moore Loss... LOL... Adios Frankin, under the bus....
alan brown (manhattan)
Instead of asking for a congressional investigation of their allegations, which everyone knows will never happen, why don't these accusers, submit to a lie detector test administered by a respected authority. If they are precluded from a civil suit by lack of hard evidence or the statute of limitations this avenue is open to them. The President will surely not resign.Anyone believing that is engaging in wishful thinking. Impeachment and conviction over these unproven allegations, albeit they may be true, is highly unlikely but passing a lie detector test would given added weight to their accusations. Why are they reluctant to pursue that road?
Hardly a definitive solution. Lie detector tests are rarely admitted in US courts, and for good reasons. These women are willing to testify to their experience. Trump is not, and his ne plus ultra defense so far has been that at least one of them was too unattractive for him to assault. Also, he has eyewitnesses to the things that he said never happened to the people he doesn't know and never met. Ponder that statement for a while, and let me know if you still think a electromechanical lie detector is needed.
S (WI)
Same for the president. Quid pro quo- to see him take a lie detector test for his statements regarding this subject as well.
Not Me (Boston)
Why not put the accused men in the lie detector rather than continue to cast aspersions at the women speaking up?
Brian (Ohio)
It looks like the political and media establishment have determined that using gender as a wedge is their best defense. Let's hope they're not successful. We need actual reform not manipulation.
Carol S. (Philadelphia)
That's a good idea. How are we going to get actual reform?
Brian (Ohio)
Stop falling for divide and conquer. Sanders/Trump supporters agree on a few economic issues and both know the current system is staked against them. Don't allow identity to frame your political views. Both parties need to be realigned. We need to think about foundational issues without being manipulated into fighting each other.
Allison (Austin, TX)
@Carol S. : An excellent start would be to get rid of the billionaires and millionaires in the administration and Congress, including Trump. Electing far more women and more compassionate and ethical men to office would also help. Overturning Citizens United would be smart. Restricting campaigning to six weeks before elections would be great. The return of the Fairness Doctrine would help level the playing field. Replacing the Republican Congress with real human beings who care about their fellow citizens, not their donors, would also go a long way toward reform. There is so much we could do if the country weren't in the hands of corporatists and fascists!
ARNP (Des Moines, IA)
"And we feel like we're ready to move forward..." Aren't those accused always ready to "move forward" and forget the matter? What criminal would request that the charges be fully investigated? That's why our justice system doesn't--or isn't supposed to--let the accused perpetrator decide the merits of a case. I suspect Wells Fargo executives also feel "ready to move forward." At least Al Franken had the decency to request an ethics investigation--Trump disdains any consideration of ethics.
Neal (New York, NY)
Ethics is to Trump as garlic is to vampire.
Sassydaf (San Juan Island, WA)
The American People heard this and voted and defeated Trump in the popular vote by over 2M votes. But for a quirk in out electoral system aka the Electoral College, Trump would not be President. Congress, instead of proposing an insult of a tax plan could step up and fix the Electoral College so that it works for our country today.. No President, from the Right or the Left can govern in today's toxic political climate without the undeniable political legitimacy of both a popular vote win and an Electoral College win. Fix it!
No - we are a federal republic, and the College is designed to reinforce the power of the States to balance the overwhelming power of the Federal government. This was a conscious design by the Founders, as they knew the limitations of a parliamentary system for such a geographically diverse nation.
Virgil Starkwell (New York)
These are credible assertions, or at least assertions that deserve investigation. But the entire GOP and an unfortunate number of independents will shrug their shoulders and move to the next distraction from the White House. One reason is the lack of an institutional design for conducting such investigations. These are allegations of criminal conduct, where is the Grand Jury to examine these claims? Where is the Senate or Congressional Select Committee to investigate its own, and perhaps including allegations in the House? Taking these claims seriously means taking serious institutional steps to examine them and respond.