Is Struggle Essential to Happiness?

Oct 20, 2017 · 114 comments
Lyman starmer (Jacksonville FL)
The #1 ingredient You are born, and automatically receive ten million dollars. Once able to drive, you get (for free) the nicest car of your dreams. Once to the age of 20 or so, you, without applying for it, automatically get your dream job. This will go on for years, and nothing being taken away and no real struggle. Does this sound like a marvelous life? Or does this sound like a dreadful way of living. There’s nothing to live for, nothing to strive for, nothing to beg for. There are tons of successful people who have testified about their life, and have said struggle, and grit have made them stronger, and more successful as a whole. Failure and struggle have helped them to learn and find out exactly what they don’t want. So they’ll strive to be what they want. It’s a mindset though. One has to already have that want predetermined, then he can strive for that yearning. I feel as if struggle is the #1 essential ingredient for happiness, and anyone can drown into hardships and swim because of it.
Joel Woeste (Florida)
The Simple answer is no, the rule is a little too much of one thing isn’t good. Happiness comes from there being a sense of freedom, but if there is no struggle, what is happiness? When I studied for my test, I felt a sense of boredom and stress, as I dozed off I heard the silent rustling of my family upstairs only to be jostled by the loud bang of my dog squirming in his cage. Yet after I took it and received a good grade I felt an overwhelming amount of relief and happiness, it’s like the crackling and fizzling of a freshly opened soda can or a cool breeze on a hot day. Another example of this is summer vacation, at first you feel ecstatic and try to cram everything into the first week. But soon you start to question what you will do for the rest of the time. I, as do many, feel depressed on the over extended “break” called summer. As the break trudges onward and eventually starts again I soon feel a sense of regret, like I wasted my summer doing nothing wishing I had the sweet lack of responsibility again. Happiness is based off the feeling of boredom, If there was nothing to base what is hard or boring there is no fun. There are articles about those who are rich being depressed because they have everything and there is no struggle. Those who have less usually tend to be happier due to them being able to find the “silver lining” in a situation. Robert Browning says in his poem, The Faultless Painter, that “Less is more”. In other words a life without struggle is misery.
Joel Woeste (Florida)
The Simple answer is yes, the rule is a little too much of one thing isn’t good. Happiness comes from there being a sense of freedom, but if there is no struggle, what is happiness? When I studied for my test, I felt a sense of boredom and stress, as I dozed off I heard the silent rustling of my family upstairs only to be jostled by the loud bang of my dog squirming in his cage. Yet after I took it and received a good grade I felt an overwhelming amount of relief and happiness, it’s like the crackling and fizzling of a freshly opened soda can or a cool breeze on a hot day. Another example of this is summer vacation, at first you feel ecstatic and try to cram everything into the first week. But soon you start to question what you will do for the rest of the time. I, as do many, feel depressed on the over extended “break” called summer. As the break trudges onward and eventually starts again I soon feel a sense of regret, like I wasted my summer doing nothing wishing I had the sweet lack of responsibility again. Happiness is based off the feeling of boredom, If there was nothing to base what is hard or boring there is no fun. There are articles about those who are rich being depressed because they have everything and there is no struggle. Those who have less usually tend to be happier due to them being able to find the “silver lining” in a situation. Robert Browning says in his poem, The Faultless Painter, that “Less is more”. In other words a life without struggle is misery.
Thomas (AHS)
Struggle is important to happiness because it shows the hard work people had put to be where they are at in their current life. Without struggling it leaves an empty space in them knowing that they were just handed what they shouldn't have earned. The struggle makes people happy because they are relieved as in the journey they went through to be in the position they are in in their current situation.
Hailey Pevear (Danvers, MA)
Many people hope for endless riches, for a loving spouse and for a decent, well-paying job. We all strive for success, and for a full life. We want to adventure and expand our horizons, and we want to pursue lives that separate us from normalcy and uniformity. Yet, the most prominent element in each and every one of these aspirations is happiness. We all truly want to be happy. Unfortunately, with happiness and a life worth living comes an inevitable struggle. Endless riches means suffering, just as a loving spouse means devoting yourself emotionally and mentally to a relationship on a whim. Love is typically strung along with heartbreak, just as adventure is strung along with danger and an unbelievable unfamiliarity. Riches comes with loss and endless expenses. What we tend to forget, as sensitive and impatient humans, is the importance of heartbreak and loss, or normalcy and danger. We can never seem to remember just how much happy likes to hide there. Happy does not grow from struggle. Happy weaves itself through grief, tucks into loss, and wraps itself in heartbreak, simply waiting for us to welcome it.
Alexis Adams (locust grove high)
I think struggle can lead to good happiness. you have to struggle to get to good things. If you have not struggled through something in your life before you havn't lived in the real world. Struggle leads to good things but you have to struggle a little to get there. Just think of it as god pushing you to see how much you can take.
Srikanth (Arlington TX)
Happiness is just a thought as unhappiness or anger or any other feeling. Feeling is thought. If we have a satisfying thought we feel happy and if the thought is unsatisfying it gives unhappiness. We live in a world that has been mostly conditioning us that in order to be happy we need something external but is it? Why we are not happy for the rest of our lives after achieving the so called "success" (getting a dream job or lottery or winning a game or getting in to ivy league school) and still crave for a new "aim to beat". As long as we search for happiness outside of ours we won't find it because it's inside us. It's our "thoughts". Instead of changing external situation to make us happy why not we change our thoughts? This is the secret of happiness. Since the birth of the first human community on this earth, we have not changed a lot but we do have in our lifestyles. I believe that changing our thoughts and lifestyle only can make us happy and healthy (physically and mentally).
Julia Hickey (PA)
Struggle is very essential for happiness in one's life. To get to your happiness, or true dream, you need to work hard for it, which most times is a struggle. Personally, I think that everyone experiences struggle before they achieve happiness, even I have. For example, my happiness comes from soccer, so a struggle for me in soccer is getting along with someone on my team. She is very bossy, but if you ignore her and put her comments behind you, my teammates and I get to our happiness of winning games. Struggle is a main component of being happy.
Maddox M. (Asheville, NC)
Much like others who have responded to this article, I too believe that struggle is essential for happiness. If we choose to lead a life of passiveness and indifference, there will be no conflict and consequently less happiness. In my opinion, not everyone has to be bold; it's simply those who stand up for what they believe in that find true happiness in the clash that is soon to follow the inevitable challenging of one's ideals. The human struggle proves the fact that we are willing to work hard to feel content.
Lisette 3D (YC-CLIP)
All people have different personalities and have a distinct concept about what means happiness. Some people think that without struggles they cannot be happy. When I think in happiness, it has to be linked with goals, dreams and being successful in all life’s aspects. Anyway, many people believe that happiness is having peace and enjoying the simple things. Both of them are happiness. If people go to extremes or do much more than what is considered reasonable and normal, they can get sick and may have mental illness. Definitely, people need a balance in life, and happiness consists in being satisfied with what you have.
Mahir 4D (YC-CLIP)
struggle is essential to happiness for me because I think when people struggle it illustrates that you’re working hard and trying something difficult that you had never done before. Also, when you go through hardship and struggle, it illustrates that you are not giving up and when you see your improvement you forget about everything that you had to go through. In addition, when I came to this country, I wasn’t able speak English for few years even though I was going to middle school. I felt like I wouldn’t be on good standard because when I heard other people spoke all I could do looking at their face and I didn’t understand anything. after a while I started watching English movies, videos, cartoons. Afterwards I started speaking well, and stared making friends.
Mohammed 4d (YC - CLIP)
I believe that, struggle is essential to happiness for me because I think when people struggle it illustrates that you’re working hard and trying something difficult that you had never done before. Also, when you go through hardship and struggle, it demonstrates that you are not giving up and when you see your improvement you forget about everything that you had to go through. For example, when I came to this country, I couldn’t speak English for two years even though I was going to high school. I felt an outsider because when some people spoke all I could do looking at their face and I didn’t understand anything. So, after a while I started watching English movies, videos, cartoons. Then, I learn English little by little and now I can talk English fluently, but I need to work on it more.
julia (new york)
I agree, everyone should try to promote happiness in other people. i think struggle is essential to happiness, because in many ways it makes you do the right thing.When you have to overcome to someone that really knows what they are doing helping a person that really needs.Not one or two people in the world have a really hard life and end up having a good life they could possibly be happier than anyone because they used to have something they really want, a good life. In fact, you draw happiness with something you really love. For example, something that you might want to be in the future.
Ashley 4D (YC CLIP)
It is necessary to fight for our happiness because nothing in life is easy. Everybody has goals, dreams, something that really we want, but not everybody wants to fight for them, because they want to get it easy and they wrong because easy come easy go. We have to think about our happiness, to put ourselves before all things because if you don’t do it, nobody going to do it for you.
In life struggle is the most difficult and dangerous thing in our life, and people should not let that happen to them. because struggle come in many different ways and also happiness. They are some people who struggle in life because of money, school, friends, and parents. Especially teenagers they struggle in life because of what happens in their life. when they think too much this happens especially when they don’t talk to someone about it. They keep it to themselves and it became a burden in their life when you keep a secrets to themselves. Happiness is good thing in life as long you can have happiness. However, some people struggle in life to learn after that they find happiness because they learn from it. Struggle is a bad thing and a sickness too Don’t ever struggle in life because you will get sick from it Solve and get result or talk to someone about it, don’t keep it to yourselves and you will not struggle in life.
ALVARO4D (Yc-Clip)
How we can get the happiness, it is constant thought in the life of people. I can get happiness if I get everything that I want but, what happen if you don’t get that, what you think that will be happy. The life is full of goals or dreams but you don’t get that so you never be happy, the life is beautiful and interesting, because we can work for our goals but that is not happiness. Attitude is a secret of the life because how is your attitude when you have a problem or you are in the difficult situation if you can enjoy the simple food, or you can say to yourself if I have a better job. I can go to the restaurant that I like so much or you have a good car but your goal is the new BMW, you aren’t happy because you are thinking about in the car that you want but your car is good. the happiness is that you enjoy everything and you are happy when you achieve your goal but if you understand, you can chose what is the attitude
Marileidy 4D (YC-CLIP)
I agree with Mr. Mill about that all human are capable of finding joy in peace and normalcy. I think that people should stop of being worried about what is coming next. I’m not saying that people should not have plans for the future because we really need it, but we need to appreciate the little things in our environment. We are always trying to be happy and what it does is complicate our life. We have to realize that happiness is more about accepting things and people how they are. Also I think that we could find happiness in our struggles because happiness is made of different components not always everything is going to be pink color. It is real life not a story takes from Disney. When we achieve something that is easy to do we feel happiness because it was easy. Nowadays no one wants to work hard for the things that they want. In my experience I feel really happy when I do something that is hard to me than when I do something easy. It is why I think struggle is essential to happiness.
In this article the reality of life is different to novels or drama movies everything in the life have effort to have happiness. Every single person feels good when reach your goals, but in the way not everything was easy sometimes we need to work more than other people but not for that we say it is impossible to make come true that’s why when we get away on our own and we propose something new, we don’t see it as impossible to achieve.
Nayana 4D (YC CLIP)
In the world every human struggle is essential to happiness. A person without struggle does not feel no sense of accomplishment. Somehow, some way, people try to be essential to happiness. I am one of those people. Happiness is in our mind and it depends how we feel about ourselves. Anything we can do to make ourselves happy or worse. When I struggle to fulfill my accomplishments, it pushes me to keep going. In the journey of my life, the more I keep going, the more I feel encouragement and excitement. When I pursue my goals through struggle, I learn through my mistakes and in the end, I reach my accomplishment. I become proud of myself because I know that strength is coming from me. Although at the end of the day I feel enjoyable and happiness. All ways I try to keep myself happy and healthy.
CRUZJ4D (Yc-Clip)
Happiness depend on ourselves the most important thing is to find in our self-first. If you want to do something you can do it, but before you are supposed to think about of the end it is going to be ok for you and if it is that you want to do. Many people are trying to do the best of their but at the end they do not know what is going to happened after that. For example, if you have family share with them in your free time if you want because we don’t know if tomorrow we are going to have time or if we are going to be ok “health”. In my opinion, struggle is important. If I want to do something that is going to make me feel better, for example work hard if I want to travel, and try to find the happiness in the things that we believe less insignificant.
Andra 4D (YC-CLIP)
Struggles are necessary in life. They make a difference in our lives because we fight every day to be happy and be different from others. For example, some rich people don’t know about happiness because they have a lot of money but they don’t take a time to be happy and they aren’t relying their lives like social people. However, people who don’t have anything make good essential things in different ways hugging, greeting, talking to be happy.
Afrin 4d (YC CLIP)
In our life, we have to struggle in order to achieve our happiness. The struggle is important and good in our daily life to accomplish our goals Struggle makes us work hard to fulfill our happiness. I have experience of happiness of struggle in my own life. Every time I tried to get achieve some goals in my life and I had to really work hard. Struggle makes push further to be better person. For instance, most people are successful because of those struggle in the life. Finally, Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.
Shah 4D (YC-CLIP)
I think struggle is essential to happiness. Life is very hard and without struggle, no one can get happiness. In order to be happy, you have to face some struggles. Taking risks and struggle can make our life more interesting. We can learn how to be strong and ambitious from the struggle. I have experienced the happiness of struggle in my own life. Whenever I tried to get something, I don’t get it easily but after some struggles when I achieve it I feel happy. Struggle makes us to believe in ourselves that we will succeed one day. For example, most of the famous people are successful because of struggle. They faced a lot of challenges, risks that’s why they are successful. I draw happiness from my home and family. I also draw happiness from everyday things like laughing. Life is an endless battle full of many defeats but you just have to overcome them to obtain happiness and live your life the way you want.
Angela 4D (YC-CLIP)
In my opinion struggle is essential to happiness because many times people aren’t be happy because they are working and their thoughts are focused on work. When we have time for ourselves the search for happiness begins. Many people need to have a partner, family or friends to be happy because for me, it is difficult to be happy alone. Happiness comes from the moments shared in family, friends or when we achieve a goal. In my experience, I had moments of happiness when I got married and I gave birth to my son. Those times were very important for me and today I am enjoying with my family “my son and my husband”. They are now my company.
beauty 4D (YC-CLIP)
For every single one of us we have to live with depression and struggles after that there is always happiness that is waiting for us. Such as, I’m personally struggling to pass CATW test and get rid of it. it’s noncredit class and it’s gives me so much tension whether I am going to pass or not. Also, it’s five days of classes. But I know if I could study harder I can pass my test and start my college very soon. I believe struggle is essential to happiness that’s how our lives are.
Andrea 4D (YC-CLIP)
In my opinion struggle is essential to happiness. When you have a goal you work hard to make the goal come true. If you have a struggle in your life, you have the pressure to give the best of yourself. Sometimes when you are comfy in a specific situation you don’t work hard and this a negative thing. But you don’t have to obsess with this because that can make you feel frustrated and this is negative too. The best thing is to keep focus and feel happy with your progress.
Habiba 4D (YC-CLIP)
Life is nothing but a struggle. Struggle of a life starts with coming a new life into the earth. A kid starts struggle adjusting with the new environment of the earth after his birth. And his struggle continues with learning to speak, walk and so on. When he grows up, he has to do struggle to establish in life, to deal with many problems which come in the long run of his life and this struggle continues until death. I think since life means struggle, without struggle life is meaningless. When we struggle to achieve something in life, if we could achieve it, it brings us happiness. On the other hand if we couldn’t achieve it for any mistake, it teaches us so that we can avoid the mistake next time. If someone gives up his struggle for failure, then I think he is ignoring his life, because struggle is essential for the happiness of life.
Bin 4D (YC-CLIP)
As far as I'm concerned, a struggle is essential to happiness. We can achieve the happiness what we want by working hard. When you are ready to accept happiness, happiness might want to come to you. Because we don't believe in the fate, we fight against the god and snatch the happiness we deserve from the god. The human ethos is an industrious and brave spirit of the earth nation in the days of struggle, and the real long struggle with the tenacious resistance and valuable spiritual wealth accumulated in the process of cultural heritage. The struggle has played an important role in the development of the global economy and the progress of human civilization. When I was in college in China, I didn't do well in long distance running. But I practice every day after school, so long-distance running is getting better and better. If we continue working hard, we will get our success.
Kerly 4D (YC-CLIP)
I think that everything what a person makes in excess is bad. Most people should think very well what they want for their lives, and how they can get it. Making it always step by step and not anticipate to the future because that could bring us consequences just like it happened to Mill. A life full of stress can become in a torture and if we do not put control on this it could cause us in a bad way. I believe the life is a process where people should always strive what they want in order to get an excellent future. However, I also think that everything must be done with moderation. We also must give ourselves time to relax and meditate on everything that happens in our lives, because in this way we can always get and reach what we really want.
Luz 4D (YC -CLIP)
In my opinion, I think that people should enjoy life because life is very short. Some people have family, but unfortunately they do not spend time with their families because they do not have time. We spend most of our time working and studying. We need to learn that working is not the only thing that we have to do. If we learn to distribute our time that would be perfect, because we can share time with our family and friends. Since we were children we started with responsibilities like school, then most people start college to be able to prepare and find a job and we finish the rest of our life working because we think of a retirement in some cases for to give welfare to our children. Remember life is about to enjoy, smile and most importantly travel and share time with your family and friends
Bing 4D (YC-CLIP)
Struggle is not necessarily the only way to happiness. people who do not struggle or do not know how to struggle, must not be happy. Everyone should have goals in life. if you want to accomplish these goals, you must learn to struggle. If you want something, you have to pursued. Not necessarily give all to you want, as you as you do you will certainly get something, perhaps success or the experience of life. Everything has two sides, nothing can be done too absolute. The same is true of struggle. We shouldn’t just pursue and struggle but ignore the important life course around us. We can’t become lazy because of enjoyment and laziness. Let us learn to enjoy the process of struggle and results, make to happiness.
Angela M 4D (YC-CLIP)
I believe that our lives are always full of different goals that can give to happiness. Many people believe that they need to have material things to be happy and they dedicate a lot of time their life to work to obtain money, actually they don’t have time to share with their family. I think that struggle is essential when it doesn’t sacrifice the time for yourself, so it struggle is essential to happiness. For example, now I am mother and I think the most important in my life is has time to take care my daughter because money is not happiness when you cannot share with your children.
Robert 4D (Yc-Clip)
Struggle is essential to happiness because everyone has to fight for what they want in their life and to reach our goal we must get struggle. Everybody has some obstacles in their life and we need overcome them to get we own happiness. Happiness depends on you and how you fell and how you affront life, it all depend on how we resolve our own problems and obstacles. In life we have many struggles, but only those which are ready to face it is going to be successful. We have to be happy even if ours struggles are present, because the happiness is a way as you are does not matter your situation. Of course all of us have many struggles, but this make us wake up every day, motivation, to fight and become us in strong people.
Daniel Lee (California)
Was John Stuart Mill’s breakdown a result of continuously imposed academics? Or could it be credited to a realization that true happiness can not be found in Utopian societies? Whatever the case, it is no wonder that John Mill, plagued by the concerns as to his life’s work was leading towards a distorted version of the world, internally collapsed in 1826. Mill describes his nightmarish insight, upon realizing that there is in fact a limit to the amount of discoveries, and thus progressions in the world would eventually stop. I find this statement frighteningly realistic, as if there are no more new discoveries, we would have to resort to repetition. And if there’s anything more horrifying than repetition, I’ve yet to see it. Unless you’re rehearsing an important section of excruciatingly difficult music for your upcoming concert, practice does not make perfect in this case. In correlation, perfect does not make practice. If everything is perfect, there really is no reason to practice, repeat, or innovate any longer. Discovery has no place in the world of perfection, as everything has theoretically been discovered, plotted, and tested. Maybe this is the realization that awakened John Mill to the realities of what he was working towards. After all, if there is no struggle, can anything really be achieved, and thus, can anyone really have a purpose?
Ishan Patel (Wilmington, NC)
I truly believe that without struggle there would be no happiness, if struggle would have not existed then there would a feeling like happiness that we would feel. After the struggle is over or once overcame you feel something, you feel happiness. While ignoring or putting away struggle can bring happiness too. For example relaxing and just not thinking about any work bring happiness. As the article says "All my happiness was to have been found in the continual pursuit of this end" the journey till the end brought Mill struggle but in that struggle he found happiness. Without struggle there would be no value for happiness. while there many ways to find happiness, i find it while struggling through the week all caught in work and stress but weekend or break comes it brings me happiness and takes away the struggle for temporary time because for me the end of struggle is far from over.
Kendall (Georgia)
I believe that struggle is a part of life, without a struggle you wont have a outcome or solution. "For me, a struggle to achieve a deeper and better understanding of the world is one of those independent goals, without which no reasonable person can have positive attitude towards life"-Albert Einstein. Every person struggles in their daily lives, without a struggle nobody would be successful, our greatest accomplishments would not exist, there would be no progress, and our world would wouldn't be the same. Our lives are built up of struggle, everything we do has something that struggles us but the end result is credible.
Bryan ondara (Brittn)
“Struggle” could comprehend many things that are not obviously comparable—unless you believe they are all amenable to the same (psychological/emotional) resolution, which makes it an organizing principle of life.
Knight (locust grove high)
With out struggle not only will you ever be truly happy, you would never grow as a person. Happiness waking up on a Monday but actually having a good day, happiness is waking up to your 6:00 am alarm but turns out its Saturday, happiness is being away from the people you love for the longest time but then you finally come back when you thought you would never see them again. You have to struggle to know what happiness really is, if you don't you will always take things for granted and never grow enough to see the light.
Owen Travis (Georgia)
I really think that struggle is apart of happiness. Without struggle you would never be down and there would be happiness all the time. I believe that whenever struggle comes, happiness is right around the corner. Struggle does not last forever. My cousin was in the hospital and it was a big struggle for my family. A week later i got very good news that will hopefully change my childhood.
Brandon (Locust Grove, Georgia)
I think that struggle is part of reaching happiness. Because if there was no struggle, then everything that makes you happy would eventually just get boring because you could just have it or do it any time you liked and you'd stop being satisfied by it. The struggle is difficult, and very unpleasant most of the time, but that's what makes reaching your goal so good, because it also adds a feeling of success and overcoming a challenge.
Mary Wells (Wilmington, NC)
I believe that true happiness is not instantly attained. A struggle or sign of pursuit of happiness must occur before truly comprehending what it means to be happy. In the article, it states that John Stuart Mill devoted a majority of his time to hard work. He also believe that happiness must be achieved and not granted automatically. One cannot possibly understand the meaning of happiness unless they undergo a struggle during hard times. It is is hard work and dedication that make us strong and insightful to the world and make us understand the meaning of happiness. Happiness is different to everyone, whether it be devoted time with loved ones, or achieving goals set for years. It is better to work for happiness because we would be able to stop and be proud of our achievements to obtaining happiness. Everyone deserves to have the feeling of pure content. If happiness was automatically achieved, would we know the true meaning? Would we be able to stop and think about what makes us happy? Mill was accustomed to hard work, "I was in a dull state of nerves, such as everybody is occasionally liable to: unsusceptible to enjoyment or pleasurable excitement" and was subjected to depression. He was very preoccupied and put too much stress on himself. The true works of happiness deal with a define line between trying to hard and not trying enough. In my experience, hard work has taught me to push myself to achieve my goals, and as a result I have.
Francesca Altunyay (Wilmington, NC)
As I read the article, I found that I related to Mill in a lot of ways. He found himself so preoccupied with realising his utopian dream of utilitarianism that he became "unsusceptible to enjoyment or pleasurable excitement." I am convinced that this is a universal problem for all overworked teenagers trying to deal with the stresses of academics, finding their niche in society, and achieving every other goal they're expected to; they hold themselves to such high standards that everything that falls beneath it is dissatisfying and they often lose that wonder of seeking out happiness. The article mentions a German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer who said, "Life swings back and forth like a pendulum between pain and boredom." It's pessimistic, but ultimately I can apply it to my life; on weekdays, I struggle with the pain of having no free time, losing sleep, and stretching myself too thin with schoolwork, and on the weekends I seem to have endless time (not including homework) that I can't fill. And that leads me to answer the prompt: I think that there must be struggle in life, but a happy medium between pain and boredom. Struggles that push your limits, but aren't debilitating to your mental health. Sheer happiness that comes with overcoming something you've been working so hard and so long to, but also finding joy in the beauty around you that doesn't require struggle or elicit boredom. Joy that can "survive the unbearable goodness of the world", as Mill dreamed.
Janaka Volpe (NC)
I would say struggle is what makes life worth living, and while that may not sound logical I think it is. If life was easy, no roadblocks, no trouble, then it really does seem pointless. People are upset by hard things in their lives and ask that same thing, why is life worth living, but really if your life was never changing it would be agonizing. Without downs there are no ups, without the ups there is no happiness. Hence, struggle is essential to happiness.
J.T. Burgee (Wilmington,NC)
I have two different points of view on this topic. I personally think that struggle is most of the time necessary for happiness. Although, there are many different shapes of happiness and not everybody views it the same way. I think for some, happiness can be working hard for something and finding success in the end. Why is because some people like working for things they want to succeed in and find happiness in their accomplishment. Then there is the other side of people that find pleasure in things that they can do without trouble. For instance, someone may find happiness in things they can do easily such as relaxing, eating, or living in a beautiful location they were born in. Some may argue that these things are minor and aren't really defined as happiness but for some, it is. People create their own kind of happiness. I believe that I can merge my points of view together by saying a struggle is necessary for accomplishment but, not everyone finds happiness in success.
Athena Brenner (Wilmington, North Carolina)
Personally i believe that struggle is most definitely essential to happiness. The answer is simply that there would be no happiness without struggle. All life was made to be challenged, and our brains are wired to yearn for more knowledge and for more in life to accomplish. If society didn't have any struggle while trying to achieve their goals, there would be no joy after overcoming that obstacle. But this is only a scientific way of looking at it. Struggles emotionally include depression, sadness, anger, loss, and so on. To be happy, these emotional struggles have to be brought into our lives, because happiness can only be obtained when a person is no longer sad. However, If a person is never sad, then do they actually know what the reward of happiness feels like? Humans are odd. They think order and chaos are somehow opposites, and try to control what won't be. But there is grace in their failings.
Grant Holland (Wilmington,NC)
Life is a constant battle between happiness and struggles. By the end of our day though, it is our decision to either dwell on the good or think of the bad. Struggling is difficult and challenging, but without it, we would not know the difference between pleasure and hardship. We cannot have happiness without the struggles and we can not have good without the bad. We would never feel healthy without the feeling of sickness. We would never be happy without sadness. Even though our struggles my be challenging, we can still find something good from these challenges. Struggling helps us learn, experience reality, and places gratitude within us. Knowing what it is like to struggle makes us appreciate the times in life when we experience joy. Sometimes we can find joy during our struggles by stepping out of our own life's, and help others. We are all capable of finding joy. To enjoy the quiet, joyful parts of life we need to be grateful for what we have. If we are never grateful for what we have then how can we become happy? Life is a balance, we must understand pain before pleasure and in order to concur our struggles we need to hold unto what we believe is right and we will eventually find happiness.
Garrett Brian Geschickter (Wilmington, NC)
The thought itself, although not totally original, causes a unique type of thinking in the human brain. Overcoming a struggle is definitely more pleasing than having something handed to you. From experience, failure doesn't bring about a sense of happiness such as succeeding at something. Whether it be a school assignment or winning a marathon, humans have the natural tendency to strive for happiness, even if obstacles stand in their way. Humans enjoy a struggle, it is necessary. Winning a struggle makes you feel accomplished. However, losing one only makes you try harder the next time you try something. People's striving for happiness is something that can't be generalized. Although every human's brain works the same, we think in different ways. A sister may find happiness in doing yoga and listening to trickling water in the background, while her brother may find happiness in blasting rock music. No matter who you are, different things make you happy and the way they make you happy can't be the exact same as someone else. Most humans do use quiet moments to collect themselves and to think, but that isn't joy. Joy is eating lunch with a friend. Joy is helping your child walk for the first time. Joy is something pure, almost tangible. It can never, will never be the same for every single human, and that is what makes it so desirable.
kayleigh r (pennsylvania)
In my opinion, struggle is essential to happiness. When I think of the word "struggle", I don't really think of it as a negative word. I think the true definition of the word "struggle" is the good or bad choices that we make or that are presented to us on the road to happiness or success. Sometimes the choices we make impact our lives negatively, but that's ok. What really matters is how we deal with those problems or setbacks, and how it makes us a better person, which ultimately leads to happiness. Good things can also come from hardships and setbacks as well. For example, I chose to quit dance last year because I was not happy anymore and I was so exhausted from the late classes every night. But a couple months after quitting, I had a lot of regrets. I missed being with my friends and teachers, and I missed dancing so much. I was really upset about my decision for a long time and I was really hard on myself. But that did not stop me from being a good person and a hard worker. I thought that since I had extra time at night, I could focus more on school. I put in a lot of effort and ended up getting distinguished honors, which is an accomplishment that I am so proud of. Throughout this situation, I learned that good things can happen when setbacks occur, which is something I remind myself everyday. In conclusion, I believe the word "struggle" should not be interpreted as a negative thing. You can take away many things from setbacks, which is an essential part of happiness.
Feodor Mejouev (Wilmington,NC)
First you must know that accomplishment and happiness are not the same thing. Struggle is essential for accomplishment. Struggle is not essential to happiness. Struggle tends to lead to happiness but it doesn’t create happiness. A person who live a carefree life without struggle is capable of happiness but the opposite is also true because a person can live a life full of struggle and never experience a day of happiness. I believe happiness isn’t determined by the things you do in your, but more so the things you accept into your life. People tend to strive for perfection but perfection never occurs, there is always something better. If you struggle your whole life to find perfection you will never find happiness. John Mill went a long time striving for perfection eluding his life of happiness. When he finally accepted not having perfection he fell depressed but it also opened to opportunity for happiness. I feel that the only essential thing to happiness is sadness. If you never experience a bad day how do you know what a good day is?
Feodor Mejouev (Wilmington, NC)
First you must know that accomplishment and happiness are not the same thing. Struggle is essential for accomplishment. Struggle is not essential to happiness. Struggle tends to lead to happiness but it doesn’t create happiness. A person who live a care free life without struggle is capable of happiness but the opposite is also true because a person can live a life full of struggle and never experience a day of happiness. I believe happiness isn’t determined by the things you do in your, but more so the things you accept into your life. People tend to strive for perfection but perfection never occurs, there is always something better. If you struggle your whole life to find perfection you will never find happiness. John Mill went a long time striving for perfection eluding his life of happiness. When he finally accepted not having perfection he fell depressed but it also opened to opportunity for happiness. I feel that the only essential thing to happiness is sadness. If you never experience a bad day how do you know what a good day is?
Juanita (Maryland)
I believe struggle is essential to happiness. In order for you to feel some sense of accomplishment or happiness you have to experience struggle and hardships, or how else would you know how happiness feels like? For example, let's say you have to learn a dance for a show you're doing. You can't seem to get this one step and you just keep struggling and doing it over and over. Until one day you finally get that step, you successfully hit that step right on beat. You feel that euphoria of finally hitting that step correctly, you get that sense of accomplishment and happiness. Now if you were to just easily hit that step and get the dance overall, you're just doing it over and over again and it becomes boring because you know you can do it, it's easy. Overall I personally believe that struggle is essential in order to experience happiness.
Caroline (Maryland)
Is Struggle Essential to Happiness? Throughout my life, I have overcome many obstacles and am currently still going through some. This past summer I just moved to Maryland from San Diego. No one wants to have to move their senior year but everything happens for a reason. Also, during my sophomore year of high school, I was in a bad car accident, and I still suffer from it to this day. I went through a long period time where I became depressed and wasn’t myself and I thought I would never get better. Right as I was at my lowest point, I had then discovered a new style of treatment to undergo and after that my life started to turn around for the better. Every time I have overcome something, it has helped shape me into the person I am today and has built my character and given me the strength to move forward in life. I think that struggling in life sometimes makes you realize how much you can appreciate your life because of somewhere out there, someone has it way worse than you do. Also struggling makes you thankful for all the good and happy times in your life. You gotta have the bad days to appreciate the good days.
Talyah Huss (Maryland)
We cannot truly feel joy unless we experience actual hardships in life. For without sadness, we have no idea what happiness actually it. I think it is absolutely essential for people to face difficulty in life because it enables us to grow. It is necessary that we face challenges in life in order to grow and progress. It is almost like a muscle, you have to break it down in order to strengthen it. I am not saying that going through trials is something I adore and love, but when I look back at the hardships I have faced, I am more than grateful and wouldn’t wish to have experienced it any other way. My trials have shaped me into the person I am, they have taught me to look at life in a new perspective as well as become a more positive person, which indefinitely creates happiness that we are sometimes oblivious to.
Sophia (Maryland)
In my opinion, happiness can also be defined of the lack of struggle in life. I know that the times where I feel most happy are times when there is nothing bugging at the back of my mind or making me worry about the future. Anticipation for events and goals to come, whether they be positive or negative, causes me great stress, which dilutes any happiness that I may have experienced before the event had the potential to happen. The idea Mill suggests about finding joy in peace and normalcy is valid-- I believe that the development of a routine that is comfortable and provides activities that are enjoyable is a great matrix for happiness. Once you have a sense of stability and certainty for the future, you can focus on expanding areas of your life that are uniquely interesting to you. The argument to my ideas may be that without the knowledge of the feelings associated with a struggle, there is no comparison to recognize the feelings of happiness, but in all honesty, I think that the way we are born, innocent babies without the ability to be preoccupied, is the happiness that we all know and can use to compare to how we feel now to. I think life itself is a journey to return back to that state of our pasts, to finally get to a point where there is no nagging feelings of insecurity or uncertainty. When we find times in our life when we return back to that struggle-less period of youth, we are happy.
This is a amazing piece of writing
Nikita (Latvia)
I think it was interesting and had adavanced vocabulary.
Gabe Newell (latvia)
I think, that happiness is to fully enjoy something which happens at a time. Struggling is to be stressed out at a time or being depressed.But John Stuart Mill was very depressed at his time because of the hard work he had to do as a child.
vanessa (latvia)
i agree mostly whit the article it was true and feel the same thing
Rose M (United States)
I do believe that struggle is essential for true happiness. Are the people who did nothing to earn their money and fame more happy than the man who had to struggle to even get into college, but then became one of the most successful business owners? I think it's obvious he is going to feel fuller inside, and more accomplished. What I just described is one aspect of true happiness. There is no better feeling than working hard to get somewhere and then achieving it. In one period of my life, I struggled with depression. But, until I hit that cold, rock bottom, was when I truly started coming up and feeling better as a person. After overcoming something so unhealthy, I felt happier than ever. I became a lot more grateful and compassionate.
Addison Liney (King of Prussia, PA)
The struggles you're put through do sometimes bring happiness, sometimes not. For me, my struggles have brought me some of the happiest points in my life. Everytime i come across an obstacle in life, i overcome and stand up taller. For most people, this is the case. Struggling and overcoming the hard times show you your strength. And that, brings me happiness.
Logan Bolduc (Wilmington, NC)
The word happiness means a very different thing to each individual person. Some describe happiness as a state of mind where you are at ease and you no longer have any major worries in the world. Others describe happiness as one moment or event that happens to you that makes you feel good or accomplished. In the article it states that Mill constantly worked without taking Holidays off so that he could be a smarter person and a better man. But what did this give him: He fell into a depression after questioning all he had done and thought “I seemed to have nothing left to live for.” His struggle in life to better himself and better society gave him the realization that even if all the things he wanted in life came true he would not be happy. Mills needed a struggle, a fight to prove that what he was working for was worth it. I think that different people need different things in order to be happy. When I was in the 6th grade I was placed in a class that I did not belong in. The first three weeks were awful and I was not happy once. This was a struggle for me and my family. Once I finally figured out the situation and was put into the right classes I was able to look back at the struggle and be happy that it was over. The struggle I felt was a hopeless struggle to find where I belonged. Mills needed a different struggle, one that gave him interest and meaning not one that hurt him. I think that struggle in not essential to happiness but has the ability to enhance one happiness.
Luz 3D (YC CLIP)
happiness is to fully enjoy something or enjoy a moment. each person in the world draws their happiness depending on their own goals, then, happiness is experienced differently in each person. it is difficult to say that it is exactly happiness, but if you want to experience happiness you must experience struggles. The struggles give as a result something positive. after a storm comes the calm. I draw my happiness after have had a bad time.
Aysha Seidova (Latvia)
I think it also depends on the goal of the person. The goal of one person which will make them happy may cause trouble to another person, which might disappointment or even ruin someones life.
Anandeep (Pennsylvania )
I believe that struggle is essential to happiness. For one, when you struggle it signifies that you're taking a risk and trying something new and if you don't try new things you are unable to discover your passion. Also, if you are struggling it could show determination and the fact that you are not one to give up on your goals or desires. By going through the hardships and struggles life throws your way, you realize that each time that you were knocked down you stood up taller. By knowing this, when you do get to the end of the storm you enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you endured everything thrown your way. Without all these hardships in your path, one is unable to relish the outcome of it, as it indicates that you were practically just handed the end product all wrapped up for you. What you do not realize is that the struggle you faced taught you lessons, and without those lessons, you are bound to make the same mistakes eventually.
Shuhag 3D (YC CLIP)
i highly agree with Utilitarianism, i thank everyone should try to promote happiness on other people. i think struggle is the essential to happiness. In ways it make you stronger when you had to over come obstetrical . If someone had a really hard life and ended up having a good life they could possibly be more happy than someone who has had a easy,
Cam (FSI Asheville, NC)
In my opinion, yes, struggle is essential to happiness. My reasoning is this: Someone who's been rich for their entire life isn't happy because they can't appreciate what happiness is like - they don't know what it's like to be poor and have nothing, so they can't actually be happy for what they've got. I, personally, draw happiness from planning future events - be it buying a new book or video game, or mapping out when to read or play said books and games.
Tucker G. Oakley (Wilmington, North Carolina)
Every day I am reminded that I am not a genius, a jock or complete, yet I find myself in a hidden state of happiness behind my poker face. Mill wasn’t wrong to say that he wouldn’t be happy if he accomplished his work. Happiness isn’t the boss fight at the end, but the grinding and quests you do to get to the finish. I find that struggle is my mind arguing with my body when my courage is being held back by my dignity and trying not to backhand my friend for being overly annoying. These challenges are what make my life enjoyable, the moments when I break down and swear to myself or begin to cry are just pebbles in the road to the next milestone. I do also agree with Mill on that I can find joy in normalcy, but even joy can get bland and I begin to miss the hardships again. The pain of the struggles are what give me my laughter and smile, both of which I can then spread to others, and in return gain happiness in return. I haven’t ever thought of the overall end because I want to experience the smaller challenges along the way. My small challenges of getting A’s, writing stories, running for cross country, and getting a girlfriend. The struggles are necessary to live because it gives possibilities and pain, all of which we can laugh with afterward.
Maggie Yang (King of Prussia)
I strongly believe that struggle is essential to happiness. You need have been at a low in your life in order to feel like you're at a high. I agree with Mr. Etinson's statement that, "Some part of us prefers to struggle or quest after an ideal, rather than attain it." I personally think that life is partially about the end result, but mostly about how you get there. It's the journey that makes you who you are. It's the journey that determines your personality and your happiness. I personally draw happiness through having a goal set in mind. Once I have a set destination, I will strive to get to there. Some goals are much bigger, while others are smaller. For example, my current dream is to be accepted at UPenn, but a minor goal that I'll set to help me along the way is making the Honor Roll. Once I make a goal, I make a new one, and I just keep striving to become the best self I can be. This is how I personally draw out happiness. Everyone has different ways of reaching happiness, but no one can experience the true feelings of happiness unless they've been at a low point in their lives.
Gracen Stowe (LGHS)
I do not think struggle is the essential to happiness. In some ways it might be. If someone had a really hard life and ended up having a good life they could possibly be more happy than someone who has had a easy, no struggle life. At the same time I think someone who has had a great life for as long as they have lived could be just as happy as someone who has struggled for a long time.
Emily Sears (LGHS)
Throughout my life I've notice that some of my everyday struggles pretty much stick with me. I tend to get stressed out over the smallest things and can't quite get the motivation to finish what l might have started (homework). Some things I can draw my happiness from when I feel like I have had a bad day is chilling out on my bed or taking a shower just to get a fresh start again and clear my mind. I feel as if you have to have struggles and get stressed out at times to become happier at points in your life.
Alexis Adams (locust grove high)
I think that stress and struggle can lead to happiness but also lead to other things if you cant handle it. There's been times where people go through things in life to where you cant handle it and you feel like nothing will get better. I've been in situations to where i feel like nothing is going to get better. But if you wait for the right time things will get better and improve in your life. Its just got trying to put you at your best.
Mackenzie Little (locust grove ga)
Struggle is a thing that is going to happen in any ones life at some point. But the happiness you feel after struggling on a test and making a amazing great is so bliss. Struggle comes along with everyone weather it be death, stress, or anxiety. At a point in your life you will overcome your barriers and feel a ray of serendipity. So in my opinion one must struggle to feel the most pleasure and carefree in there life You shouldnt cry because its over smile, because it happened and and made you more joyful than you were before. Make mistakes and learn from them.
Adriana 3D (YC-CLIP)
In my opinion, Struggle is not essential for archive the Happiness, because is depend who need make happy, sometimes the people, need some stress for move or for go out the comfort and surely will change for more productive and better life. But not always is same, in the world, we have different kind of people, for example I like talk to people and smile, this is my method for make myself happy. Sometime the people need stay relax and comfort, or prefer not told with anybody and enjoy the simple things, if you have many problems in your environment where you grow, off course you may be feeling empty, and nothing is enough for you, is so difficult find the Happiness and is possible you see everything black, and you not see any light, not saw any future, sometime the auto esteem is in the floor, if you feeling depress you can’t dream, you can’t love what do you. The point is to give another to those who need and not go be struggle people, because you not want this, but you can’t help anybody if you state in crisis. You need looking the solution in your life first.
Laurent 3D (YC-CLIP)
Yes, I have experienced happiness form my own struggles and that is fundamental process because base on that is where I start setting what is important and primordial for me being able to face the challenges that in life are presented. Humans are always in search of happiness, or something that makes us feel useful, loved and respected But every time through the hard times is where we find the real joy and what inspire the human being to look forward for what will be the real happiness and find the reason why we are here. Because sometimes having everything we need, makes us incomplete that there is not a focus to what we want to achieve if we already have anything we want. So the real happiness it is not having a lot of recognition or diplomas or money… The real happiness is to have someone to share with and to enjoy all your achievements that you have done in order to bring peace and tranquility to the life.
Lizeth V 3D (YC CLIP)
we do not settle for anything that is why we are always looking for the ways to find happiness, most of us think that happiness is in materialism, buying clothes, shoes, accessories, etc. But, this is called consumerism and a lot of people believe that they are happy because they possess those kind of things. However, I agree with the author, I believe that the happiness is in the simple things of life such as have health, tranquility, have access to education and know that my family is good.
Ling 3D (YC-CLIP)
The struggle essential can give us a feeling of happiness because we can get something that is very useful in some part of the life by struggle. It need people take a long time for working many works, and sometime, ones feel tied and so hard for it. But if they constantly do well with struggle, then they will win a different life and future that compare with others. Our life need struggle essential because it can push us go forward. In my experiences, I have even been struggle for some goals, a project and a job. All of these improve me became better than before.
Aury3D (YC-CLIP)
Of course, when we fight for any right we are making that our voice is listened and we get happiness if we are safe and in peace feeling like we want and satisfaction with us around. Mr. Etinson said, "Some part of us prefers to struggle or quest after an ideal, rather than attain it." I agree because most people treat to get goals with sacrifices because they know that the true success is when we struggle. I get happiness until of errors because when I got errors I learn what I must don’t do then when that happen I feel safe that the next time will be better. Mill suggests that all human beings are capable of finding joy in peace and normalcy. We can find happiness of everything because when we think that the life is only one, I think that we must to let of worry about things because if something doesn’t have solution for what worry about? and if has why worry about?
LilianaM3D (YC-CLIP)
In my opinion The struggle essential to happiness because everyone need to sacrifice in ambitious different and for get to succeed, I every day struggle in my life but when I finish the day and I see my result from the activities or my goals that I can do or get. I feel very happy also I enjoyed of happiness from struggle in my own life. I am agreeing we having that struggle for only this way we will enjoy our work and our idea however it make to feel happy. I bring happiness from peaceful moments of quiet contemplation and meditating and looking for the best alternative to achieve goal and happiness
Onevil 3D (YC CLIP)
Happiness is positive emotion. This is a feeling in your heart. It is a good thing for your body. All human should aim to promote the greatest. Happiness can make people healthier because this is your time and your moment. People can happy for a lot thing, improvement in gender, relations, working, job, money, promotion at work, wages, wife or husband, travels etc. Everyone needs it because it good for your mental. All human being are capable of finding joy in peace and normalcy. Happiness is a peace.
Rosa M 3D (YC-CLIP)
The struggles are important in our life because this is a way to find the happened. You have to be happy does not matter what is your situation. Many people in the life pass for many struggles but that does not prevent them from continuing to fight for their goals, in life we face many struggles but these struggles often help us to successful. Every day we have face a challenge but all of this challenges, make us to motivate, to look forward, and grown up. If everything is perfect, you are not going to fight for ours dreams. The happiness is a way as we life, as we thing, and as we express in the life.
Hichem 3D (YC -CLIP)
the struggle is something is important and good in our daily life to achieve our goals and dreams. its play the same roles as the challenges. struggle make us strong and ambitious too, and we run behind our future to guarantee it. the struggle teach us how's the time is important and expensive, and we have to get lessons from our experience. the struggle let us enjoying the life cause of we believe that one day we will success
Lisa3D (YC-CLIP)
I think the struggle is very important to get happy because we can’t find true happiness in our life without struggle. If you don’t suffer a nervous experience, you will not realize the value of happiness. In addition, there is difference between people who don’t struggle and do. People who suffer a difficult problem, they are the person of high caliber, can understand feeling who are struggling with something, and they have the ability to solve problems. Difficult environment makes people more strong and more refined. People who have faced problem or struggle, they can compare to the difficult situation and happiness situation, so they could realize any small happiness and appreciate that. Life is not easy but you understand that and you experience the hard situations, you could find small happiness to big happiness.
Jodi Garrett (LGHS)
My opinion is that you need struggles to truly know what happiness is. I draw happiness from my family and what i do to make me happy. Me striving for a goal to succeed does make me happy. I do think that all human beings are capable of finding joy and happiness. The fact that you have struggles makes your life better and more joyful.
Yusanny 3D (YC-CLIP)
It is essential to strive for happiness because we can find happiness in a useful way by fighting for it. It is important to fight for what we want in life, because if we do not fight against what we want, we get all those who want to live, we do not give it the value it deserves. It is very important that we fight for what we want as much as for our happiness and thus, we will get a better life because we fight for our happiness. once I experienced the happiness of the struggle in my own life, where I had to draw strength to fight for my life. when I was a child I had to operate a cranial invoice and 17 years of life again, that was very traumatic for me. but fight for my happiness and my life.
marissa sheirling (lghs)
No i do not think struggle is essential to happiness, but I do think it helps. Yes, i have experienced happiness from struggle. It shows you that you are stronger than what you believe. I do believe that statement is true because some people do prefer to struggle after something good happens in their life, as other than to struggle right after you just overcame another struggle in your life. I draw happiness mostly from my family and friends. But i also draw happiness from everyday things like laughing and talking to friends. Yes i do think every human being can find happiness in something, even if it is just being happy with being alive. I think people will enjoy life more if we just take it slow. Look around for things that make yourself happy, because sometimes we look over everyday things.
Radia 3D (Yc_clip)
in my opinion, the struggle is essential to happiness because everyone learn about his struggles in life and his struggle make him stronger and can continues in life. Every one of us has some obstacle every day, and he needs to deal with its to succeed in life and feel satisfied about himself. When the person does his effort to do something, he enjoys his successes, and be positive person in the future. without struggle we cannot experience anything good and we cannot know the importance of our abilities to deal with the enjoy your happiness need to do your struggle in life and prove yourself.
Franchesca 3D (YC-CLIP)
The struggle is essential to happiness because to get what we want and reach the end of our goals we must struggle. I have experienced the happiness of the struggle in my own life whenever I propose something and I want to fulfill it, when I achieve it I feel happy. Mr. Etinson writes: "Some part of us prefers to struggle or quest an ideal rather than attain it." I agree with this statement because some people prefer to look for the perfect struggling to reach the easiest. I Draw the happiness to striving towards a future goal, knowing that that will be what will always give me happiness, my goals and the things that I really want. Mill suggests that all humans are able to find joy in peace and normalcy. I think this is true, I think people can learn to enjoy the quietest moments of life, living each day in harmony with others.
Forhad 3D (YC-CLIP)
In happiness, everyone should be struggle in their life. Some one of you established their happiness and someone didn’t. Most of people think happiness is only money but isn’t true. Because people struggle many things about their life, family, jobs and other thing. I saw in USA many people are struggling their jobs and families. They try to developed himself in society and finding good jobs, better life. When people found something they think that’s happiness. Every person’s life story will have many struggles and no one have to success about their life without struggles.
Greenlee Reese (LGHS)
In my state of mind i feel that struggling is an essential of happiness. I think this because no body is perfect and without struggling we won't be able to live the real world. We can't always be happy all the time but after we overcome that struggle we tend to be happy. Also If we did not have struggle we couldn't learn from are mistakes! Having struggles is not always bad it can be good!
David L. (locust grove)
I feel like you have to struggle to at least know what it feels like and to get through it. If you ever struggle again, you have some knowledge of what you're going through. Besides that when you do get through it, it brings you happiness especially knowing that you got through it.
Kennedy Allie (LGHS)
Happiness can be found anywhere in life. You do not need to struggle for happiness because you will not find happiness by struggling in life.
Jose 3D (YC clip)
How can a person feel happiness or determine if the happiness is happiness when they have no suffer any struggle to reach it? People who usually get things easily, they do not see the effort that others do. For example, for wealthy families who go to vacations every month is not than satisfactory than families who have saved money for months just for that occasion. Struggles in life are important to give us more awareness of our achievements is opt to us to determine the happiness and how to reach it.
Gianna C (LGHS)
Struggle often teaches lessons. Those who say ignorance is bliss are just that, ignorant. They have never been open to struggle so they cannot learn the lesson it teaches. If a lesson is not learned, one will keep repeating the process. For example, when you touch a hot stove you are burned. It hurts, it heals, you know not to touch it again. Now you live your life much happier being burn-free. Hardships and heartaches teach you what to and not to do, they allow you to discover what you do and don't like. Going through these things ever so slightly pushes you to focus on/pay attention to things that make you happy so that you will not again be faced with the same struggle: you learned from it. It taught you how to be happy.
Safaa 3D (YC-CLIP)
To success in life we must pass by a lot of obstacles, we cannot be happy if we didn’t deal with a problem. Naturally if we don’t have the sadness, we don’t have the happiness too. After we find the solution of our problem, we feel the sweetness of happiness. So, the struggle in life in my opinion is very important for so many reasons. it encourages us and gives us the energy to face other kind of more complicated problems. So we have to see our obstacle as lesson to learn from it and try to find the solution and neither give up.
Salwa 3D (YC CLIP)
I believe that is struggle is essential to happiness. Struggle in life guide us to happiness, we can’t reach the success without passing struggles. The more we struggle and try to overcome that struggle the more we become more successful in our lives. After a long struggle with trying to deal with it make our lives has a beautiful meaning and the things what we have done will be more precious to us.
Liliana A 3D (YC CLIP)
I think the struggle is what give us like the meaning of our life because it makes us to have a purpose in our life. If someone haven’t struggle is like haven’t more goals in your life. The only time that we can allow to haven’t more struggle in our life is when we are achieved all our Goals. However, always is important to have motivation to continue follow something in our life because it is what give the meaning to our life. Despite that we have to have goals, we cannot forget life in our present too. Enjoy what we have at the time while we facing struggles to get what we want.
Karina3D (YC-CLIP)
The struggles are essential in our life, this helps us to improve, to look forward and grown up. Many times we have to pass the worse to get the best, is in this way as we start to know about the values of happiness. If everything was perfect, we are not able to overcome ourselves. In the life we are going to have many struggles, but only those who are ready to face with it, going to be successful. We have to be happy even if ours struggles are present, because the happiness is a way as you are does not matter your situation. Of course all of us, have many struggles, but this make us to everyday wake up, motivate, to fight and make us strong people. The struggle makes us to see how strong we are and capacity to deal with in.
Md Nazrul 3D (YC - CLIP)
My opinion is without struggle you can not enjoy happiness. if you get any happiness without struggle that is not feel not proper satisfaction.
aut abrahamsen (LGHS)
Happiness is from within, usually found after recovering from a time of grief or darkness. There are many standpoints in which how happiness can be found. Everything has an opposite so with being happy, along comes struggle, showing you how happy you were at one point and how down your feeling at the moment. You grow, prosper and build from any struggles you've gone, are going and will go through.
Dalton Laney (Locust grove high school)
Are you having trouble finding out when you're happy? In the passage, it says "difficult roads lead to happy endings". If your life isn't going the way you want it and you aren't happy, don't give up. In the end, you will find someone or something that will make you happy. There are many obstacles in life but you just have to overcome them to be a happy person and live your life the way you want to.
Wesley Owens (Location)
I think struggle is essential to happiness because without struggle we would become prideful and think we know everything. Struggle's we face everyday remind us that we don't know everything and we still need to learn as humans.
Hayley O. (Locust Grove)
Happiness can only be defined by how you feel it should be. Every persons life story will have many struggles. The true way to find happiness is to rise up from those struggles and learn from them. To be happy is to be yourself and enjoy everyday life and seek positivity in all situations. Going through as struggle only makes you learn.
Jordan G. (Georgia)
Struggle is essential to happiness, "Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations." I have had many struggles throughout my life but every struggle and challenge has made me the strong woman I am today, I know that with all of the struggles I had,I always managed to think positive. I run cross country and I struggled my first couple of weeks but little did I know that the struggles were only helping me better myself, if you are dealing with a struggle you have to look it in the eye and don't say "Why me? Say Try me."
Jacob Pittman (Georgia)
i draw happiness from my arrows and sitting on a tree taking a nap in the warm sun and sitting on a cliff high above the trees and watching the sun set in the pinkish red sky like the world stands still and time slows down so i can clear my mind of all the terrible things in the world.
Jordan (Georgia)
In life if there is no struggle you'll never get stronger, so yes I believe that struggle is essential to happiness. I would not be the same as i am today if i hadn't struggled throughout my life. Going through all the struggle has made me a stronger person and because of that i'm able to stay happy through tough times.
Kaitlyn (Atlanta Georgia )
I feel that struggle is essential to happiness because not everything turns out the way we want to. People feel that in order to be happy everything has to be going perfect in your life which is wrong. You can be happy no matter what especially if you are struggling. When you struggle with something you have to push more and work harder which may seem like a pain but will come out greater in the end. That is why i feel like struggle is essential to happiness because no matter what your going though as long as you push through it you'll be happier then you'll ever be knowing how hard you worked for what you wanted. And then you feel accomplished and like you did something right for you and that is what happiness is.
Rhyon House (Georgia )
I believe that struggle is, in fact, essential to happiness. I think this because hard work is considered a struggle, and it is nearly impossible to achieve anything without working for it. I guarantee you that in any sport if you don't practice and show up and expect the best results they will not come simply because you haven't put in the work in order to achieve greatness. If you ever look at any successful scholar, artist, entrepreneur, or athlete; they've all been through some sort of struggle to be considered successful, and success is how many measure happiness.
Xander Kruvczuk (United Sates of America)
I feel that struggle is essential to happiness. I feel this way because without struggle, one cannot experience anything good. If someone spends their entire life living it up and not having to do anything, they can't appreciate what they have. I have experienced this feeling firsthand in school. When I don't study for a test and get a good grade, I don't feel accomplished in what I have done. However, when I study very hard for a test and get an "A", then I feel accomplished because I know I have worked hard and that my work payed off. I draw happiness from success that I know I have earned. If I haven't earned it, then it doesn't really make me happy. I don't believe that Mill is right in suggesting that everyone can find happiness in normalcy, because some people need to do things to be happy.
kf (locust grove)
I say that you would never know how to trully be happy without having a little struggle. Without struggles people would take every good thing for granted and not ne compeletly satifisied with it.
Sydney Durner (Wilmington, NC)
A life without struggle gives a person no sense of accomplishment. If we have no struggles in our lives, we are often left unsatisfied and take it for granted. As it states in the article, “It’s a familiar tale: the child that always gets what he or she wants ends up forever unsatisfied and always wanting more.” Mill theorized the same for adults, that when we aren’t facing “struggle and privation” we forget how good our lives are. When we finish an extremely hard task, we feel relieved and content having it done, but soon we are left bored and unsatisfied because there is nothing left to do. Mill wanted to find inward joy, peace, and tranquility. He found that this happiness could be achieved through seeing the beauty in everything and to find joy in “the quiet contemplation of delicate thoughts, sights, sounds, and feelings, not just titanic struggles.” If we all just appreciate the little things, like the sound of birds chirping in the morning, we may be able to achieve happiness and something close to a “perfect world.”
Alyssa (Spring Valley, Wi)
I believe that everyone in there life struggles at one point. There are many different ways you can cope with your struggles and I believe people do learn from them. In my opinion struggle can be essential to happiness because it can teach you many things as you are going through it. I draw my happiness from doing the things I love and striving towards my future goals. I believe that taking a breather at times and enjoying the quieter moments of your life is good and essential to your health. You experience peace by just pausing and taking that breather moment. I think its important for many people just to appreciate there struggles and cope with them, find ways that help and benefit you.
Monica (Anaheim, CA)
I do think that everyone in this world does struggle at some point in their life in many different ways. I believe people that people do learn a lot from the struggles they go through and it all has a meaning. It teaches us to appreciate what we have and that even if we struggle we can accomplish what we want.
Hayley (DeArmond)
One does not truly appreciate something, until they have been stripped of it for so long they never expect to have it. I understand and am grateful for the development of the world, but I will never be able to truly appreciate as I have not lived thousands of years ago and been without this ages benefits. In the same sense, it is hard to have happiness for something if you never experienced the extreme absence of it. There are enough thing in the world that the world will not entirely bored out of complete peace, although overall it would become more boring. John Stuart Mill spent so much of his early life working to create a perfect world, with all of the hardship he had to endure it would give great happiness to know others would not face the same hurdles. However, Mill’s realization that for the other who come after him, or even himself later in life. A world without problems would suffer the single greatest problem; no gratification, no sense of happiness. “To find some peace in the cessation of motion.” Peace comes from the cessation of motion that once was hardship, but hardship must always be overcome or there is no sense of peace. I, like many others all over the world have suffered and with continue to suffer, of course I wish to be without these issues, but this come from my knowledge of the pain. It must be accepted that without struggle there is not happiness.
Ed (Old Field, NY)
“Struggle” could comprehend many things that are not obviously comparable—unless you believe they are all amenable to the same (psychological/emotional) resolution, which makes it an organizing principle of life.