John Kelly, Asserting Authority, Fires Anthony Scaramucci

Jul 31, 2017 · 664 comments
John Smith (NY)
Now if only Gen. Kelly gets President Trump to fire Jared and Ivanka.
john betancourt (lumberville, pa)
I don't want to appear like I have a clue about what would work best on the NBC line up, but Sean Spicer, Reince Priebus and the Mooch (as the decider) would make a great team on the New Apprentice...This folks is a no brainer...Ratings through the roof..
Russell Smith (Inwood, Manhattan)
We are given to understand that Scaramucci's firing was a condition for Kelly to take the job. Don't write off the possibility of Kelly, Mattis, & McMaster standing as a firewall to hold off major Trump Administration miscues & excesses. The trio has the support of Bob Gates, who has unimpeachable character, & an ability to distinguish between fish & fowl when it comes to sizing up future public servants. The fact that Kelly removed Scaramucci,
augurs well for his future as Chief of Staff.
CD-Ra (Chicago, IL)
Ivanka has no business in the WH and should go home to NY and try to stay out of trouble. She is not a politician and never should have been the president's advisor. She is inexperienced and incompetent.
against rhetoric (iowa)
For all the fawning over Kelly, he is still a person who has chosen to serve trump and that is an absolute disservice to the nation. All support for trump is destructive and the eichmann defense rings hollow for all who have signed on to work for trump in any capacity. the only exception are the dogs used by the military and secret service, or those in government before he took office. the others have pledged their loyalty to donald trump which is a degrading action.
human being (USA)
The fawning over the generals, including Kelly, on Trump's part is disconcerting in the least and potentially very dangerous. Kelly also oversaw the mobilization of ICE, which appears to operate with no constraint on use of force. (Hint NYT: write about what rules ICE has in its raids) in addition, with Trump's executive orders in place, including the less publicized one on immigration, not the travel ban, it is clear that there is virtually no standard other than officer suspicion of a potential detainee. Reasonable cause is wishful thinking.

Trump was wrong in his remarks to police officers and cadets regarding rough treatment of arrestees, but at least we have court decisions and rules for use of force and probable cause for arrest. Departments and individual officers may fail in implementation and rules may not be sufficiently enforced by administrative procedure, as well as courts failing in decisions on some cases involving use of force, including lethal force. But at least there are standards for arrest, interrogation, use of force, etc. and some departments actually do a pretty decent job implementing such, as well as probably most officers.

I have no great faith in Kelly's policy judgement and approach to foreign affairs. I cannot respect what he has unleashed with ICE raids. But, his military training and career may help him to enforce some semblance of order and perhaps temper some of the president's erratic behavior. That can only be a good thing.
Wayne Dawson (Tokyo, Japan)
Scaramucci was obnoxious, so I cannot say that I am sad to see him go.

However, in all of this kerfuffle, the man did honorably and transparently divest of his assets (something that is not so clear with T), his wife filed for divorce, and he got fired after only 10 days.

I can understand the Schadenfreude in these events, and he certainly is not without substantial savings (even after a divorce settlement with all those lawyer fees). However, it is not a good thing to rejoice over someone's misfortunes (even though largely earned).

It was terrible foolishness to hire the man in the first place merely to operate as a cat's paw, and now three people (Priebus, Spicer, and the Mooch) are all demolished at their own expense. Yes, they should have thought about these things, their association with T invited these misfortunes, and they should not be surprised at being dumped at the side of a road far from home when they trust a man like T. Nevertheless, there is an ugliness in rejoicing at these events.
jiminy cricket (Right here.)
There was more ugliness in his calling a reporter and screaming obscenities at him.
Godfrey (Nairobi, Kenya)
Kelly, McMaster, Mattis and Dunford, all General's serving the King, should form a pact with each other declaring that if the King tries to fire any one of them, they will all resign in unison. These four General's can force a change of course in terms of the norms being shattered and ensure that normalcy returns to government.
cfluder (Manchester, MI)
Oh, wonderful----the executive branch of our democracy being run by the military and a band of civilian incompetents and outright kleptocrats. It's highly unlikely that this is going to end well . . .
Kyle Reese (L.A.)
You know what happens first in failed states? Generals take charge. And perhaps some of them even mean well, at least at the beginning.

They assure us that the suspension of the rule of law -- the stripping of our civil rights and liberties -- is just temporary, a necessary evil until they manage to right the ship. After all, their presence ensures the stability that is absolutely needed in a government that is veering wildly out of control.

As a student of history, however, I can't recall an instance that ends well, when leaders of a nation go down the path we're headed. And we're so far down that path already, we've nearly run out of runway.
human being (USA)
I never thought I would say this, but I fear a de facto military rule, if not a coup, is a possibility if things get too bad and our legislators refuse to act. Certainly, with his lack of knowledge of history, governance and even basic civics, Trump probably has no grasp of, and respect for civilian control of the military. Or maybe he thinks he can cobtrol them as the. Ultimate wheeler dealer and negatiator--in his own mind, at least.

We are headed down an extremely dangerous, dark path. I believe our hope is twofold, though: the electorate who might finally mobilize and the press.
Chaks (Fl)
The 'Mooch" spent more time deleting old tweets about Trump than he spent being Communication Director.
nkda2000 (Fort Worth, TX)
For the Trump Administration, the words "Clean Slate" are the new buzz words for "You're Fired".
Steel Magnolia (Atlanta, GA)
"[A]ll staff will report to [General Kelly]," but "Mr. Trump [will] decide how that [will] work"?

Can't you just see this one coming? Ivanka is already making clear it does not apply to her (she is looking forward to working "alongside" Kelly). And do you think for a New York minute that softly furrowed brow above pained doe eyes won't net us a "family" exception from Daddy by the end of the week? To include Jared, of course. Or that the other usual suspects aren't already plotting how to work both sides of that street?

I wish Kelly godspeed as he ventures down this road to make order out of the chaos of the West Wing. But methinks he undertakes a fool's errand.
Michael (Denver)
I doubt that even a general can keep control of the White House. He needs help from the top. It will never happen!
Chaks (Fl)
In Memoriam:

Antony Scaramucci
The Mooch
White House Communication Director loyal to the President
Late July 2017- slightly Later July 2017
Tyrone (NYC)
I feel very sorry for Mr. Kelly. I just don't see Trump as suddenly breaking a lifetime habit of undermining those working for him. Trump does not understand that loyalty is a two way street, Kelly does. I doubt Kelly will still be there when 2018 rolls in.
tonyjm (tennessee)
Poor reporting, Scaramucci resigned, he was not fired. Get your facts straight.
nataan (nyc)
Ah, yes. And "hara-kiri" was simple swordplay in old Japan.
And hemlock was just another "martini" in ancient Greece.
gary brandwein (NYC)
We should not expect miracles here. given some of the great military failures from Viet Nam into the new century. (I believe after reading General Macmasters books he believes Viet Nam was winnable even without a nuclear option) and currently Afghanistan and Iraq , the lost authority and respect of military elite (Petraeus in love) may garner well earned cynicism. Let not forget that the generals were well represented on Ms Holmes, drug company THERANEUS, Board of Directors, with her mad cap scheme of taking droplets for blood work with instant results, since discredited and sued for fraud and criminal negligence. Now there is privateering General Flynn and the fired Gen Mattis by Obama; so with all due respect let us with hold judgement on the likelihood of success that Gen Kelly is likely to bring to control TEAM LIAR.
MauiYankee (Maui)
The real question here:
Will the appoinments secretary xGen Kelly ever learn to make a good cup of coffee.
White Bread with Mayo Preibus knew the brew preferences of the entire Trump Crime Family
Kara Ben Nemsi (On the Orient Express)
Trump knows exactly why he didn't sell off his assets. He expected to be fired after 10 days on the job. He is still amazed that didn't happen.

Every day he keeps hanging in there means more profit for the family business.
Chaks (Fl)
I was still printing my "Team Scaramucci " Tee-shirts..... Sad
Rodrian Roadeye (Pottsville,PA)
Why would a man who voiced quitting to Comey even take this job? It amazes me the caliber of people desperate for power and recognition. He certainly didn't need the money. Nor the potential damage to his rep and credibility for associating with this egomaniacal Rasputin.
GR (Texas)
The reality is that John Kelly, effusive descriptions of him, his service and his competence to the contrary, decided earlier on to work for Donald Trump. This means that Kelly believes in Trump and what he stands for and therefore renders Kelly suspect in his ability to think straight and be morally and ethically centered.

Kelly has to know - hopefully - that he will be dealing an exceptional pathology, an infantile, bullying, intellectually lazy narcissist that will throw him under the bus at a moment's notice. Everyone who has taken a job with Trump thinking they could change him has found out that they cannot, strangely to their chagrin - Trump will always be Trump.

As for John Kelly "asserting authority, fires Anthony Scaramucci", The Mooch made it easy, basically firing himself with stupid rants that were so vicious and profane that it apparently even took Trump aback, and worse, committed the greatest sin by voraciously sucking away so much attention from the boss.

It will be interesting to see how successful Kelly's military style will be when it runs up against Ivanka, Kushner and Bannon. Unless Kelly can bring the big three in line, his tenure will likely be relatively short and frustrating, relegated to putting out tweet fires from Trump. Kelly may find that it is easier by far to deport illegal aliens than it is to work for Trump as his Chief of Staff.
Meredith (New York)
GR---- a well put comment that sums up a lot.
Re can anyone with any backbone or ethics ever join the trump? We are misled by comparisons in so many things. It's all relative. Kelly is practically a hero because he's not as morally repulsive as Trump/family/courtiers. He knew the mooch made trump look even worse than he did already. He wanted total authority and to protect our worst leader ever.
jbmckenna (Stony Brook, NY)
I was a Lt in the Second Marines from 1957 to 1959. I have followed the hypocrisies and idiocies of Mr. Trump; I cannot use his name and his title in the same sentence. I have very high hopes that Gen. Kelley will lead in restoring quality and dignity to the White House. Others I talk to have the same hopes.

All our best wishes for success.
Kyle Reese (L.A.)
From the tenor of these comments, it appears as if we're holding our collective breaths, in the hope that one man, Gen. Kelly, manages to keep our government together. Or we're placing our bets on how long he'll last in this administration, until Trump unleashes his next round of disasters.

Think about that, for a minute, and then think about this.

Last year at this time, we had a very sane, intelligent, thoughtful president and an equally intelligent, professional Cabinet. Never once did we think that our country might be on the verge of collapse, or that a Constitutional crisis was only a matter of when, and not if.

And now we comment about these possibilities as if they're entirely normal. The destruction of our once great nation reduced to chatter around the water cooler. This has all happened well within a calendar year. We're now well beyond "It Can't Happen Here." We've blown by "It Could Happen Here" and we've now arrived at "It Is Happening Here."
Robert (San Diego)
What a guy, 10 days after being sworn in, Mooch swore himself out with remarkable versatility.
Jim D (Las Vegas)
I have mixed feelings about Kelly. On one hand I'm delighted that he has begun to clear out disgusting trash. On the other hand, I am fearful that he might make this White House effective. That wouldn't be so wonderful.
Kim (NYC)
Your fear is baseless, no pun intended.
Richard L. Wilson (Moscow, Russia)
Hows that democracy stuff working out over there?
Citizen (RI)
Better than it is over in Moscow.
Richard L. Wilson (Moscow, Russia)
Ill keep this over that....seriously, you are joking.
Your country looks like a circus show.
JAM (Florida)
Kelly seems to be a great pick for COS for any normal president. But Trump is not a normal president and he is surrounded by "yes men" and family; that will not take too lightly to restricting their access to the President. And indeed, the chaos in the WH is a direct result of the chaos that this man brings to everything around him. He is truly what Jeb Bush said he would be, "The Chaos President."

Now, how is General Kelly going to bring rationality and organization to a Chaos President? It would seem that he cannot. Either Trump has to change (fat chance of that), or Kelly will be no more successful than Reince has been.

I can't wait until General Kelly tells Ivanka that she cannot see her father today. The will be an interesting topic of discussion at a future family dinner.
James Keeley (Brooklyn, NY)
This is just too delicious. In an article largely concerned with White House frustration with leaks, The Times is relying heavily on unidentified sources with access to the White House, i.e. the very communications the White House considers leaks. And then there is the particular leak, presented as a leak, about the person coming in to fix the leaks. I love it!

Plus, the White House does not need "military discipline." There must be a term in logic for this sort of thing, where something is introduced as the remedy for a situation that does not exist. The situation at the White House is not the absence of "military discipline"; it is the absence of mature, adult intelligence. That is the problem. What good does it do the nation to successfully hide through "military discipline" the lack of brains in the White House? The problem is lack of brains, not lack of discipline. Again, you can't make this stuff up.
James Williams (Punta Gorda FL)
I have very mixed feelings about General Kelly serving as Chief of Staff in the White House. With few exceptions, the separation of the military and civilian branches of government has been a bedrock of our republic. Now we see generals being turned to as seemingly the only competent people to run civilian portions of the government. I hope I'm completely wrong, but I don't want to see more power given to the military-industrial complex in America. It has too long had too much power, and generals running the country is not a good thing.
TerriTarHeel (North Carolina)
John Kelly is a RETIRED Marine. He's no longer on active duty. You seem confused by referring to "generals" running the government - they're not. They're FORMER generals. The skills they acquired in the military can be very beneficial.
rudolf (new york)
From 9-5 Trump's family has to report first to Kelly before seeing daddy. In the evening though they can see him without prior approval or restrictions in subjects of discussion. Same obviously during the weekend or Federal Holidays.
John Kelly obviously went a Bridge Too Far.
Michele (Seattle)
I take little comfort from Gen. Kelly taking on the chief of staff position. He has shown an alarming authoritarian streak of his own, especially in relationship to his comments about Congress and his willingness to enact some of the worst of Trump's instincts regarding immigration. Kelly may be willing to discipline staff but I have a hard time believing that he will counteract rather than enable Trump's strongman tendencies.
nkda2000 (Fort Worth, TX)
If Mr. Kelly cannot get control over all who bend Mr. Trump's ear, especially Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, then Mr. Kelly's efforts will be for naught.

Afterall, it was Jared Kushner who pushed to have Mr. Comey fired. Using Mafia like tactics, Mr. Kushner stupidly and naively thought removing Mr. Comey would stop the Russia investigations. Even in foresight, that advice was disastrous for the bellicose and one level thinking Mr. Trump.

We now know Ivanka Trump was a Scaramucci supporter who wanted him in the White House inner circle. Despite Mr. Scaramucci's expletive rants, Mr. Trump never once tweeted his disapproval. It was not until catastrophic blow back from all sides did Ivanka Trump and Mr. Trump start to withdraw their support ending with Mr. Kelly firing Mr. Scaramucci.

Bottom line, how much bad advice from Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump will Mr. Kelly continue to allow to reach Mr. Trump?

Although I hope for the best for our Nation, I wouldn't even bet two cents that Mr. Kelly will succeed. Afterall, his boss, the egotistical Mr. Trump is now acting as his own lawyer, spokesman and publicist. As they say "A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client"
Michael F (Dallas)
If General Kelly threatened to resign over the firing of James Comey, it's only a matter of when, not if, he'll resign over some future shenanigans. Medusa had a lot of snakes in her hair, but only one head.
ecorso (Penasco, New Mexico)
It's going to be: "Yes Sir.., No Sir..., No Excuse Sir..." Will they be in a "brace"? I'd very much like to witness this imposition of "military" discipline. What about the Leaker in Chief?
It's going to be a hoot! Stand by....
Robert (San Francisco)
This is not demonstrating authority. This is demonstrating common sense. Your headline is misleading and after the gross and incompetent comments from Scaramucci, anything less than firing him would amount to Kelly not doing his job or doing it very poorly. You don't need to pat the General on the back for making a decision that most everyone would have made. This was not a courageous or bold decision and painting it that way lends credence that this firing was just that.
Gina D (<br/>)
So in the latest episode, Bannon gets Breitbart to point out in a headline that Trump is now playing second fiddle to the Mooch. Then Trump's family says the Mooch is bad and he has to go. And then Trump hires a retired Marines general (you know Marines are really, really tough) and then HE says to the Mooch, "You're fired!" IMHO Omarosa comes back next week as communications director. OMG, this is the best season EVER!
Emcee (North Carolina)
Now that the organization chart has been reviewed, and the chain of command has been clarified, I suggest that we place the subject on TRACE, for further review at the end of a 90 day period.
Between now and then, anything can happen.
David H. Eisenberg (Smithtown, NY)
Day after day here I find myself defending this deeply flawed and incompetent president online because the attacks in the media and comments nevertheless manage to go way over the top and I find the "resistance at all costs" mentality even worse than him. That being said, Scaramucci seems more incompetent and out of control than his now former boss. I guess he interviewed well.
fast/furious (the new world)
The hiring, outrageous antics & firing of Anthony Scaramucci are just a sideshow Trump willingly orchestrated to keep the media & public focused on this ridiculous, amusing sideshow while Trump & his administration continue to dismantle our democratic government & engage in covering up collusion with Russia.

Cable news is still talking about Scaramucci right now - even though he's gone. Scaramucci is too good a story to ignore.

In this one area, Trump knows what he's doing. This is the same Trump who ran a phony tv reality show & set up fake World Wrestling Federation matches - all these things were circuses - all of it make believe that served a sleazy show business imitation of 'reality.'

As long as the media - and the public with them - find these sideshow antics like Anthony Scaramucci or the firing of Spicer & Preibus to be worth days & days of obsessive media coverage -- while there's little reporting on Trump dismantling climate initiatives or who knows what Trump's planning to do about North Korea - we're getting the government we deserve. Much of the media continues to cover Trump like they're just a platform for reporting entertainment news. NYT and WaPo are rare exceptions.

The destruction of our democracy ain't a dream no more. It's the real thing...
Joseph John Amato (New York N. Y.)
August 1, 2017

John Kelly under orders from the illustrious and adored POTUS kick out Tony the big bad mouth and so goes to the next round of hiring for the best non - communication - communication director - god save us from reality at this podium and forever be truth to it, him, the golden hair ruler moving towards a military junta as well we use the playbook of Hugo Chavez and the departed Castro brothers for spare us from the truth in this stricken times of imploding the name of Donald Trump as President the pretender - going to GITMO to contain the dire debacle of chaos that is just unacceptable to our making America normal / at whatever greatness we cherish to enthrall.

As for Antony he never should take the job and just had to much of the awe of power: would you believe? No.

jja Manhattan , N.Y.
Bill M (California)
Mr. Kelly is by all accounts an able executive and leader. As such, he stands out as an oddity among a jumble of in-laws, relatives, and the sweepings of Republican back room politics. We wish him luck and success but it is hard to see where he can survive in the stampede of inexperienced and unqualified opportunists that Mr. Trump has collected about him. For his own survival he may have to get a large broom and sweep the clutter out of the White House. Best of luck, General Kelly.
Sudhir (orlando, FL)
Wonder how much Mr. Scaramucci still loves President Trump.
Phil M (New Jersey)
Trump is filling positions in the White House with military personnel because they are used to taking and following orders. Trump is counting on just that. I hope for the sake of our country, that these military people adhere to and respect our constitution above the incoherent Trump.
Kim (NYC)
Give me a break. Another General who knows how to take orders and make Donald look strong. Enough with the diversions. This administration is doing very real damage to the country and its institutions and unlike 2007, there's no guarantee we can come back.
Terri (North Carolina)
I think you're a little confused about what generals do.
fast/furious (the new world)
We all 'get it' now that Trump is lying about literally everything, and most of all about his part in the Russia conspiracy. And he's now busy trying to coverup his and his family's collusion in this conspiracy.

Nothing John Kelly does will undo Donald Trump being a liar, criminal & possibly a traitor. Nothing. There's no "window dressing" that transforms the fact that Trump is working to destroy our civil discourse, our democracy and what constitutes reality.

Taking away Trump's Twitter does nothing to make Trump fit for office and nobody should be fooled by Kelly's makeover that Trump is a sane, responsible person fit to be president.

He's not. He never will be.
elizabeth (cambridge)
So finally the military dictatorship is creeping in. Trump's military school upbringing favors such a system. Ike's warning about the once semi-covert "military-industrial complex” seems to be coming out in the open. Mad Dog Mattis, General McMaster, now Gen. Kelly (Gen. Flynn got dropped only because of his too obvious greed). Prezs like Trump can only revive their lagging popularity by starting a new war or putting the country under threat to rally the loyalty of the populace. He's now got the Generals to do it. Will it be Iran, Russia, Venezuela next to join Afghanistan, Syria Iraq, Sudan, Columbia, etc? And what do they say about military men - the only solutions they see are the result of military actions?
Terri (North Carolina)
Please present your solution to the probability of a North Korean ICBM striking the United States.
Luke (Waunakee, WI)
I want to give credit to John Kelly that since the announcement of The Mooch's dismissal, there has been a noticeable dearth of odd, head-shaking or downright scary news coming from the White House. Thank you. Is it possible we've seen the last of the Trump White House reality show that has a new plot twist seemingly every 30 minutes?
Paul Smith (St Petersburg)
Let's remember that Kelly's job is to control the Presient's staff and not the President. I'm sure in Trump's mind Kelly's job is to stop leaks and make everyone on the staff say only positive things about the administration's accomplishments (or lack thereof). Here's there to be The Enforcer to the staff, but Trump gets a free pass to get to do and tweet anything he wants. The real test will be if Kelly criticizes the President himself and what the repercussions will be.
Chico (New Hampshire)
John Kelly firs "The Moocher", now I hear Trump is thinking about replacing him with Ex-Fox executive. Bill Shine, who has some murky dealings with Roger Ailes and the sexual predatory abuse cover-up at Fox that should go over well with Ivanka and Melania.
Geoshiva (Cooperstown ny)
americans seem so easily manipulated . Little tweet d will now have military order ! Martial Law will be on the agenda now in this White House. If you don't see it you must have voted for tweeting twerp. We are getting to the tweet that takes our freedoms . So sad America was doupped .
TheRev (Philadelphia)
I think we're seeing a child's science project here illustrating why oil and water don't mix. You put the two things together, but no matter how hard you shake them, they refuse to blend. What is needed is some agent whose molecules are attracted to both substances, like dishwashing liquid.

Unless there's a two-star general somewhere who enjoys channeling a profane, unprincipled version of Fonzie from Happy Days, I can't think of anyone who could successfully make discipline and chaos join together in this particular West Wing.
KJ (Tennessee)
Military discipline in the West Wing makes one think of the old saw about herding cats.

Since Trump himself is the least disciplined person in the administration, perhaps Kelly could do us all a favor and challenge him to a duel next time he acts up. As in tomorrow.
Belle8888 (<br/>)
Kelly Anne as comms director would only increase the circus like atmosphere. Jason Miller seems like a puppet - but at least an inoffensive one.
J Boyd (Columbus, OH)
it's a brave man who would attempt to ride herd on this particular White House and its denizens. I wish General Kelly the best of luck. If he is successful, he will have done us all a service. Unfortunately, I suspect his efforts will be doomed to failure.
Not Funny (New York, NY)
All distractions form the real story- russian collusion and trying to pass a bad health bill and continue to undue anything the Black President did. Our current leader is not interested in leading, only winning.
Mford (ATL)
Kelly is definitely a highly qualified chief babysitter.
Polite (Suburbia)
Good for Gen. Kelly! It needed to be done and more will probably need to be done before the dust has settled.
Devendra Sood (Boston, MA)
I hope that General Kelley consults with the "Golden Standard" for Chiefs Of Staff - James Baker III, regularly and heeds his advise.
Linny (Michigan)
As the country dares to exhale a bit because Kelly is in charge, be careful what you wish for. Firing one out of control person means nothing as far as the out of control chief executive's agenda to roll back protections that Americans have fought for, goes. Kelly's appointment doesn't mean Trump will suddenly, or even over time, change who he is and begin to care, beyond his rallies, what Americans expect of their president. It doesn't mean he will recognize that he has a responsibility to stop lying, because he has lied and gotten away with it all of his life. And maybe most importantly, it doesn't mean Trump, under Kelly's influence, will realize he is simply not up to the task, and for the good of all Americans, move back East, where he can play golf to his heart's content. Only Congress can fire Trump, and, from what Senator Flake so aptly describes as the Republican's denial, that's not likely to happen, anytime soon, or ever.
TM (Alaska)
The true test will come when Ivanka pulls rank.
Chico (New Hampshire)
I think the real test for John Kelly will be how he deals with Ivanka, Jared, Junior and Eric Trump, the sooner he dispatches the Trump family from the Oval Office the better off this country will be, otherwise Kelly will end up hanging it up.
Citizen (RI)
At the end of the day, Trumpy is president and Kelly isn't. The Clown-in-Chief will do his utmost to undermine Kelly within days, and fire him the minute poor Ivanka or Jared start crying that they want to see daddy but "That mean old Marine" won't let them.
I give Kelly two months at best.
Van (Georgia)
The train wreck of this administration reminds me of a day room in a mental institution
p.s. I did a short stint (depression) at one in my youth.
I'm Van and I approve this message
What say you NYT?
KJ (Tennessee)
Most of the psychiatric patients I encountered while on the job knew they had problems and wished to improve their condition. Doesn't sound much like our present government.
M. Camargo (Portland Oregon)
The success of Mr Kelly has nothing to do with his connections to the congress or organizational skills. His success is only possible if the prez lets him function as the chief of staff. If the prez is going to have his family have direct access then it's all over and K will walk. All the problems in the WH begin and end with the man in charge, the prez.
Lorem Ipsum (DFW, TX)
That sick old man's tweet harked me back to 1979 Britain and a famous front-page screamer in The Sun:


The Times wouldn't run such a hed, but The Daily News might.
mike hine (london)
That was supposed to be a quote from the PM Callaghan as he returned to the UK. In fact the words were made up by The Sun in its usual 'inventive' manner. (See also THE TRUTH which introduced their lies about the Hillsborough disaster)
The Sun's owner is Rupert Murdoch. Doesn't he own a couple of things over there in the US?
Tim (Denver, CO.)
Fake News 101 - Incompetent executive, hires incompetent mouth piece, rearranges the deck chairs on the SS Ship of State. Newly appointed
executive advisor fires incompetent bozo. Media channel stream 24x7 this stuff really matters (not).
Atticus (New Mexico)
I do not believe this is going to work out well. However, I do believe the Mooch or Anthony Scaramucci will be better suited for the Apprentice. People like him always land on their feet. He will end up on TV somewhere. I do believe that the president approved of his behavior. I am quite sure that he enjoyed it because as we say in the South, "He just loves mess!"
Christopher P (Williamsburg, VA)
I envision the Mooch and Spicey now embarking together on a road tour, discoursing and diatribing on anger mismanagement, on being bid adieu by he whose brand they helped promoted, and their thoughts on being booted to putatively create "a clean slate" by someone with the dirtiest slate of all.
SCZ (Indpls)
So we're all hoping and praying that General Kelly can impart at least a whiff of dignity and order to a man who thinks personal dignity is for losers?
Not going to happen.
Chico (New Hampshire)
Here's some news for Sarah Huckabee Sanders, stop lying about the Trump statement that he wrote a lie for his son's meeting with the Russians, Don Junior isn't a 12 year old caught lying.

No father, at this stage of his sons life or his own stature in office would draft the statement that was a complete fabrication or lie regarding the his sons meeting with the Russians, this is stupid, amateurish and not something a President should be doing.
David GK (tucson)
Does this mean if Don is naughty, he must do 20 push-ups?
BEB (Switzerland)
So long Mooch. You were simply too novice for this role- really a spoiled child. You should be embarrassed but rest in knowing you set a record for the shortest tenure of a Senior White House advisor in the entire history of this country. Good riddance.
Susan F (Portland)
Sorry Mooch, this administration has room for only one big mouth. Your main sin was probably upstaging 45 for a news cycle. Not that you weren't already objectionable enough.
We'll see how the former general does without having the threat of court martial to back him up.
Hey Joe (Somewhere In The US)
Well, I had high hopes for McMaster when he replaced Flynn. Given his history, McMaster was unlikely to be anything but his own man.

That hasn't gone so well and McMaster has been a disappointment. Here's hoping Kelly has the strength to resist the worst instincts of this president and the sycophants who surround him.

Time will tell. In the meantime, here's hoping Kelly can bring some order to this pig sty of a White House.
fast/furious (the new world)
What is a good courageous patriot like John Kelly doing working for Donald Trump, who's busy dismantling our democracy & burying us in discord, hatred & lies?

There's no claiming Kelly is doing this because he respects the "Office of the President" & has a patriotic duty to help stabilize this administration. Anyone paying attention understood Trump had to go when he fired James Comey & told Russian agents in the Oval Office he did it to rid himself of the investigation.

Anyone working for Trump now is either stupid, crazy or ignoring reality. Kelly's aiding & abetting a traitor. Trump may be president but he either actively colluded w/ Russia to steal our election or Trump's now - for bizarre reasons - covering up what his associates AND the Russian government did.

John Kelly should not be working in the White House. Trump's given power to Jared and Ivanka - violating democratic norms against nepotism & is listening to nuts lSteve Bannon & Stephen Miller who want to dismantle our government.

No amount of scheduling & controlling 'access' by Kelly will make Trump a sane, decent, responsible human being. Kelly's no Fairy Godmother or Sigmund Freud w/ the power to change Trump's personality or values.

Kelly should quit & get out w/ his fine reputation intact. Every day Kelly spends in the Trump White House madhouse, he risks his reputation as a great public servant. Trump won't hesitate 5 minutes to use & dispose of John Kelly.

This will be horrible to watch.
Abby (<br/>)
Kelly might be the only thing protecting us from this president. He could be claimed to have pulled a secret coup d'etat, but let's not give Trump anymore wild ideas.

I don't like the way he covered for this meeting Don Jr took for the team, but knowing he was willing to resign after Comey got fired, I think he's trying to prevent Trump from blowing up Korea.
Eileen (Philadelphia)
Oh I have to disagree, it will be wonderful to watch. Anyone who still thinks they can work for this administration and come out reputation intact deserves exactly what they get.
Clyde (Pittsburgh)
The White House is neither a business (see: Trump) nor a military base (see: Kelly) and this will end in more pain, chaos and, ultimately, more people being fired.
CD-Ra (Chicago, IL)
I don't believe for one minute that the president disapproved of Scaramucci's behavior. Nor did his family.
Mr. S left because of General Kelly and the wholehearted loathing of the American public. The man was a loud-mouthed opportunist and liar who would have said Heil Hitler if Trump had asked him too.
Rodrian Roadeye (Pottsville,PA)
Trump IS the chaos. Can Kelly quiet Trump? Remains to be seen but odds say no! You cannot undermine your staff and not create chaos.
L (CT)
What happens when Jared and Ivanka start to ignore Kelly?

We all know that this will not end well for the general. Donald Trump is very good at destroying people who, unlike him, have stellar reputations.

He calls H. R. McMaster a "pain."
monee (NY)
hopefully Trump will sent the children back to NY where they belong
Misterbianco (Pennsylvania)
The general is nobody's fool. He has plenty of chops when it comes to handling people much smarter than the Trumps. And he may well be the only person in the entire administration not out to serve himself. Sit back and enjoy the show as things get more interesting.
Larry P. (Miami Beach, Florida)
Bringing in General Kelly is the adult equivalent of sending President Trump to military school because of bad behavior.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
Just like throwing B'rer Rabbit into a brier patch.
My Country Has Always Been Great (NYC)
Truth be told, Trump was sent to military school by his parents, obviously it did not help.
Fred (NJ)
We used to call it 'reform school'. Is that still politically correct?
jim-stacey (Olympia, WA)
Gen. Kelly may be able to bring order and discipline to the White House but what he can't bring is intellect, class, gravitas and respect. It is amateur hour in the West Wing and until he, the House of Representatives or voters restore the Presidency to something close to functionality we will continue to be in grave danger from our enemies, circling like vultures. The sooner the better.
Isabella (Vancouver)
So you question the intellect , class , gravitas and respect of General Kelly who has served honorably for your country for years and has received several distinguished service medals. Without a doubt he will bring law and order to a White House that has been infested with moles and leakers which are a threat and detrimental to national and international security.
Dee (Anchorage, AK)
I wish reporters would keep in mind that Trump's tweets are sometimes authored by other people e.g. Transexual ban in 3 parts was clearly not authored by the overnight tweeter-in-chief. During the campaign someone analysed that the feed was being authored on two different phones and showed the more coherent ones were most likely by the campaign staff. I suppose a reporter could ask Ms Huckabee Sanders but I doubt she would provide an answer. Perhaps Gen. Kelly will give his new charge a fidget spinner to quell his middle of the night anxieties.
Millie Gee (New York, NY)
What difference does it make if it was approved by him?
Jeffrey (Michigan)
Kelly is window dressing. Let's get back to the real subject: WHAT is it going to take to remove the unqualified buffoon from the Oval Office?
Nora (Mineola, NY)
It will be interesting to see if the General can make sense out of the nonsense of the Trump presidency. I wish him all the best of luck in his new role as Trump's nanny.
Yolanda Perez (Boston MA)
As much as I want Kelly to succeed. And being a daughter of a Marine, I know the importance of discipline and order. But the reality is Kelly will be as successful as a Chris Christie diet. Trump already went on a Twitter bender this morning. At the end of the day, Kelly is one man. Donald is going to do what Donald is going to do.
JGrau (Los Angeles)
Now, this John Kelly looks and feels like a traditional government man, quiet, serious, low key and out of the way. The mooch and his ex-boss and ex-friend are the complete opposite, they are certainly entertaining and tons of people will follow their every move, and many will think that they can do no wrong, but they're just very wealthy celebrities. Mr. Trump should understand by now that governing requires patience and political accomplishments take a lot of work and a lot of time.
Lawrence DeMattei (Seattle, WA)
Looks like Trump is back at military school only this time the headmaster is a Marine. Oohrah.
GW (New York)
This is a positive development. We should want this president to succeed for the sake of the country. When he succeeds, when government succeeds, we succeed. Give credit where's it due. We've got real matters of state that need attention. Let's go, Kelly. Clean it up.
Mike (Brooklyn)
Yes, there are real matters of state which need attention. This president hasn't shown the discipline to actually work on those matters of state. Meaning that, not only isn't the country succeeding, it's receding. We're moving backwards. This is a disaster. And there is one person who is responsible. At the end of the day, Kelly isn't the president. After 193 days of this administration, it's now clear that we all need to hunker down and limit the damage in any way we can. He's had ample opportunity to make the situation right, to try to show he's "presidential" and take his monumental role seriously. He hasn't. Kelly can't fix this.
Polite (Suburbia)
Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!! At last, a decent post phrased politely without malice and hate.

Sincerely, THANK YOU!
Brian (Minneapolis)
What a great post! Looking out for our country and hoping the President is successful. Your sentiments are a far cry from the daily chatter from the libs. You made my day with a positive message.
LESykora (Lake Carroll, IL)
This so called administration has become a three ring circus. It will be interesting to see if Gen. Kelly can tame it.

Mean while the Russians conduct maneuvers and NK fires missiles.
Catherine (Philadelphia Area, PA)
I think the main person who needs military discipline imposed on him is the President himself. He exhibits absolutely no self control.
Billy (The woods are lovely, dark and deep.)
I suppose this means that the comments moderators only allowed swearing for one evening. Could it be made an annual event like Whacking Day on the Simpsons when the citizenship whacks the snakes until they leave town?
ChesBay (Maryland)
Billy--We should be able to repeat what has already appeared in print, as quotes.
Julia (Georgia)
My guess is that as soon as Kelly starts making behavioral recommendations to the turnip, he'll get fired. Or, when he targets a favorite, he'll get fired. Six months, tops.
Jon Creamer (Groton)
Some things General Kelly might try:
1. Put Trump through obedience school, much like one might with a puppy.
2. Behavior modification therapy in which he receives a treat for every day he doesn't tweet or insult/threaten some large segment of our population.
3. Take his phone away.
Even then, absolutely nothing is going to better, because Trump has no reasonable ideas of his own and a diminishing number of 'friends" in the House and Senate.
Doug Terry (Maryland, USA)
A military man is a bad fit for chief-of-staff. What the Trump White House staff needs is a hall monitor, a third grade level disciplinarian and an organizational structure that they, all of them, are required to follow. If Kelly can impose this kind of order and move on, he will have done a national service.

If Trump knew more about how organizations work, he would not have chosen a military man for this position. For most of his adult life, Trump has not run anything like a traditional, well organized corporate business. (The only public corporation he ever headed fired him and went bankrupt, losing almost one billion in value.) Instead, Trump has run a personal venture empire with himself, his needs and his ego, at the constant center stage. He's trying to run the presidency the same way and appointing Kelly is his blinded effort trying to cope with the strange and unfamiliar situation in which he finds himself.

If he had 3 1/2 more years to do it, Trump might, just might, find a way to fit himself into the presidency instead of trying to fit it to his own needs. The country can't wait and Trump has shown zero capacity for change and growth, so no amount of time would be sufficient. Meanwhile, we and the world are at grave risk, daily, hourly, minute by minute.
Doug Terry (Maryland, USA)
One of the great problems with experience is that people try to apply the same templates to new situations. As others have noted, Kelly is likely to try to operate as though he is still in the military, because that is all he has known. This is not to say that military people cannot be politically astute, but the skill set involves more one of barking orders than people are used to in a civilian setting. Many ex-military never make a comfortable transition to civilian life and wind up working for defense contractors, selling stuff to the military.

Trump operates like a lone, egomaniacal developer/promoter and brand seller. That is virtually all he has ever known, an enterprise with his personal ego and needs at the center of everything.

I had a gym teacher in high school who was an ex-Marine drill instructor. You can easily imagine how those gym classes were conducted. It was survival of the fittest as bullying was let loose.

We all have a tendency to want to duplicate success by imposing our methods on new situations and this can quickly lead to disaster. Trump has a slavish admiration for military people, but what happens when he and Kelly clash? This will come up immediately. Kelly is unlikely to last long and the chaos will blossom anew.
Rodrian Roadeye (Pottsville,PA)
The only public corporation he ever headed fired him and went bankrupt, losing almost one billion in value.

How much will we lose in value before he is fired, if ever?
Ed (Old Field, NY)
There may be no one better than Gen. Kelly to explain to staff what *selfless* service means.
nataan (nyc)
But who's going to explain it to the President?
quixoptimist (Colorado)
Any fool can walk in the door and fire people.
Let's see what Kelly does in the next 10 to 30 days.
Michael Feeley (Honolulu Hawaii)
This is hardly a test of his authority in the west wing. This was the low hanging fruit. Let's see if he can shut down the tweets and keep Trump's grifter family from having too much access. So let's stop jumping to the conclusion that Kelly has the authority to change things. I doubt he'll be able to change his boss, who is the source of the disfunction.
Fred (Chapel Hill, NC)
Scaramucci was an easy target. If General Kelly has any integrity he will also expel Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka, the most thuggish members of this sorry administration. Which is saying a lot.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
General Kelly cannot promise anyone he hires that he can shield them from the rage of Trump.
Jude (Pacific Northwest)
If only Toddler-in-Chief could meet the same fate.

I feel sorry for those who have met such fate with this Admin.It has to be mortifying to have your dignity and career just topple at the hands of an entitled lot, who feel now that they have more power, they can get away with anything (and unfortunately, they have) because that's their standard way of life and all rules of law and order that apply to the rest of us, DO NOT apply to them.They have nothing to lose...Really!

Anything with and for Trump is not worth it!
JB (kansas)
I like how NYT takes great care in not using the term "Mr. President' or "President Trump' - Way to go. - although, calling him 'Mr. Trump' is probably a bit too much respect as well.
GMooG (LA)
But if you had been paying attention, you would know that has been the NYT style for about the last 40 years or so. No matter who the current President is, each article refers to him the first time as "President ____," and subsequent references in the same article use the shorter form "Mr. ___."

When Obama was in office, there were about 5,000 comments per year from people saying that the NYT was not showing enough respect (by saying "Mr. Obama," instead of "President Obama"). Now, we will get another 5,000 from people like you who believe that using "Mr." instead of "President" is a deliberate sign of disrespect, but an appropriate one.
DR (New England)
The standard in journalism is to use "President" in the first mention and "Mr." in subsequent mentions.
infinityON (NJ)
We will see if Kelly stays when Trump makes the move to fire Sessions.
Jeffrey (Michigan)
Exactly WHO died and made Ivanka Trump queen?
Steve Bolger (New York City)
It will be a test of Trump's will when Kelly blocks Ivanka at the Oval Office door and she starts screaming for daddy.
GMooG (LA)
I think it was the same guy who put Hillary in charge of healthcare reform back in the 1990s, ie, POTUS
Rev. E. M. Camarena, PhD (Hell's Kitchen)
In the corporate world there exists something called Management By Revolution. The first thing a new manager always does is abruptly fire someone as a way of saying I AM HERE NOW.
In a corporatized White House, there was no way a new Chief of Staff would start the job without at least one high-profile case of head-rolling.
In this case, the choice was easy. There was a new hire who was getting way more media attention than the boss. So bye-bye.
It is standard operating procedure.
I mentioned this when people expressed horror over Trump firing people early in his administration.
It is a corporate thing.
Management By Revolution.
Vernon (Bristol City)
Spare the rod and spoil Scaramucci. John Kelly did not spare the rod, evidently, and deftly handled Scaramucci's scare tactics of firing people at will. It appeared Scaramucci was well on his way to cross the Rubicon of blasphemy, and thus become a Gordian knot himself. John Kelly's coup de grace could not have been more propitious. On the contrary, the SNL has lost a valuable whipping boy for their kit. Yet, Trump's team has quite a handful of lightning rods, to go after.

Trump's ravenous appetite for ''blaming others'', obviously, will not suffer any setbacks. He has hired both stern, and straight shooting generals, as well as a few relative imbeciles, who have been adept in putting their feet where their mouths were. His paths of governing have, hitherto, been quite tortuous, torturous, treacherous, and tumultuous, just going by what has been happening.

The casuistry Trump exudes in his taking points seems like examples of his bumptious behaviors, and humility has been singularly absent in his addresses to the public. His metronomic statements about ''making America great again'', have become quite vexatious. Need one say more?
WillyD (New Jersey)
The best that General Kelly can hope to be is chief of all staff other than the Trumps themselves. He probably doesn't have worry about leaks from upstairs at least - except when they inevitably come from the nutball-in-chief himself. I wish him luck getting sleep at night.
Classic Cajun (Dallas &amp; New Orleans)
It seems like the U.S. is being run like a monarchy. It's passed the point that the administration is run by 'family members.' It more a royal family. All they have to do is worship Donald, owe him their life, kiss his ring and they're in. Oh sure there's the usual palace intrigue -- the butlers are sloppy, they don't love Donald enough, and that's on you, right Jared? SAD. OK, let's decide on NATO and war on North Korea. Donald Jr., whaddaya think?
CD-Ra (Chicago, IL)
Out of the WH with Ivanka and Jared. They are complicit with the lying blundering incompetent racist program of her father and the neofascist Republican Party that the decent Republican Party used to be when I once belonged to it.
CD-Ra (Chicago, IL)
I relate to General Kelly.that is if he is a fair minded man who understands that in America we have freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and that every man or woman ( no matter color) is created equal----just as the Constitution clearly states. I pray God he knows that!
CJ (Texas)
Values of U.S. Military Generals:
- duty, honor, country
- esprit de corps
- chain of command
- loyalty
- respect
- selfless service
- integrity
- personal courage
Values of Donald Trump:
- grab 'em by the crotch
- punch 'em in the face
- loyalty, but only to me
- more combat knowledge than the Generals
- dishonesty, manipulation, mockery, deceit, fraud, shyster, immoral
Good luck Gen. Kelly, but discipline and self-inflicted chaos don't mix.....
Mike M (Orange County CA)
“The president certainly felt that Anthony’s comments were inappropriate for a person in that position,” Ms. Sanders said.

'Moving on them like a bitch' and 'grabbing 'em by the pussy,' though - totally OK for a person in the position of President.

Got it!
Blue in Texas (Forth worth)
Good point mike
Linda (Phoenix)
Can you fire Trump next please?
David (Brooklyn)
Do Comey, Scaramucci, Spicer, and Priebus all get taxpayer paid body guards and unemployment benefits to boot, or am I just being petty?
Michael Feeley (Honolulu Hawaii)
They're definitely eligible for unemployment benefits. That would be a great thing to find out. There must be some leakers in the unemployment offices. Go NYT. I look forward to this bit of informations.
Taner Sen (Albany, CA)
From today's NYT's print edition: " the eyes of a a president..." My 11-year-old found the typo. I hope you'll reconsider your decision of reducing your copy editing department.
We will know that Mr. Kelly has been effective when we start reading headlines about the White House position on the major issues of concern to the American people and we stop reading headlines about interpersonal conflicts among White House staff as if the West Wing was an eighth grade girls club. Did you hear that Janie is no longer talking to Sally because of what Sally said to Judy?
Gloria (<br/>)
I prefer a comparison to pre-adolescent boys...thanks!
Julia (Georgia)
I haven't know any 8th grade boys with the ability to display maturity that goes beyond "Gee, that feels good. I think I'll do that some more." Why denigrate girls to make your point?
Carolyn (North Carolina)
Why the sexism?
Ed Neuert (Vermont)
Now the Mooch can go off and write his memoir: "10 Days That Mildly Jostled the World."
GW (New York)
Preibus will gladly take your pre-order. He's now working at Barnes & Noble.
stb321 (San Francisco)
I'll give Kelly about 4 months, then bye bye.
nataan (nyc)
Thanksgiving ?
SVBubbly (Mountain View, CA)
Why are we even talking about this nonsense as if it's somehow rational or acceptable? It's an absolute circus. This is not the way to run a presidency. I guess there are only so many editorials that can be published before the reading public gets exhausted.
bzg1 (calif)
Dear Gen. Kelly,
Welcome to the minor leagues A ball.
We hope you have a nice stay. We are looking forward to your contribution to the team. Our manager, Donnie, will try to make your stay both enjoyable and productive.
If, for any reason, you can not communicate with him and find him unhelpful please let us know asap.
We depend on your integrity as an ex General to protect the integrity of the Game.
The American People
Jay Orchard (Miami Beach)
People, including those working in the White House, take their cues from the top. As long as the President is unable or unwilling to exercise control over his mouth and his thumbs, neither General Kelly nor anyone else will be able to put the White House in order.
Barry (Virginia)
"Mr. Kelly had been so upset about the president’s firing of James B. Comey as F.B.I. director in May that he called Mr. Comey to say he was considering resigning, an account that was confirmed by a former law enforcement official who was told of the conversation."

A former law enforcement official? Would that be Comey himself? I doubt that many law enforcement officials listened in on Comey's phone calls.
ebmem (Memphis, TN)
Mr. Comey had to go. it is obvious that not only was he not loyal to the President, he was not loyal to government or the FBI.
Andrea Lovely (Menlo Park, CA)
The vast majority of leaks lately appear to end up true and worth telling. The leak about the dinner was both true and of great interest to all of us.

"President Trump reportedly had a private dinner late Wednesday with Fox News's Sean Hannity, former Fox executive Bill Shine and new White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci.

The dinner at the White House was intended to focus on the president's political strategy, a senior administration official told The Washington Post."

"Scaramucci has vowed to crack down on those leaking information from the White House. He has warned of taking dramatic actions to stop the leaks."

Thank god for leaks sometimes. Imagine having a president that actually dictates news stories directly to a scandal ridden news network? And having a news organization advise the president?
ebmem (Memphis, TN)
Better than having a news media that conceals the truth about an administration.
L (CT)
I agree with everything you said Andrea, except that Fox isn't a news organization, it's a propaganda outlet for Trump and conservatives.
Julia (Georgia)
Fox News is running the country if you think about it. Gives me the heebie-jeebies.
Patrick Borunda (Washington)
The acid test for General Kelly will be whether he can stop Ms. Trump and Jared Kushner from doing end runs to reach the Dimwit-in-charge.
Donald is as dumb as a rock and Ivanka can get what she wants from Daddy.
Kelly has his work cut out for him.
ebmem (Memphis, TN)
Trump has a higher IQ than Obama or Hillary. Just like George W. Bush has a higher IQ than John Kerry. Ironic, isn't it?
daniel lathwell (willseyville ny)
Leave my dog out of this
Grace Brophy (New York City)
No doubt, you have this information straight from Trump himself; I doubt Trump even has an IQ.
Jean (Holland Ohio)
Big progress in one day, General

But please do not make Conway the communications director. Her credibility is zilch, because Americans know she speaks with a forked tongue.
PogoWasRight (florida)
Well done, I say ! Ten days was nine days too many for such a foul-mouthed man and the biggest brown-noser in many years......
Pilot (Denton, Texas)
Say it ain't so! This has been the most entertaining WH ever. Please do not let the adults ruin everything for the American people.
Mary B Sheetz (Framingham MA)
I'll be impressed when Kelly orders the Navy Docs in Bethesda to administer a complete physical with a cognition screen to POTUS. He must know Trump will not complete his term and that if he remains as C-o-S, his job is to direct Pence, Ryan & McConnell in their constitutional duty to remove a manifestly unfit man from the Office of President.
ebmem (Memphis, TN)
In your dreams. You sound like a Soviet apparatchik who decreed anyone who did not follow the approved politically correct narrative was insane and needed to be re-educated. Scratch the surface of a progressive and you find an authoritarian. Which works out well only for those who follow the orthodox viewpoints.

It is shocking the extent to which Democrats are showing their true colors.
WMK (New York City)
You do not become a four-star marine general unless you are very bright and very disciplined. John Kelly seems like an excellent choice as chief of staff and appears to be very steady and stable. This is just what this White House needs after all the turmoil and instability of the last week. Anthony Scaramucci was a loose cannon who wrecked havoc upon the White House in his relatively short time as communications director. He was the polar opposite of Mr. Kelly. He seems like a no nonsense kind of fellow. If anyone can make a positive change, he can. Marines get things done. Just ask them.
Doug Terry (Maryland, USA)
I have great respect for how the military promotes people to the top ranks. It is basically a survival process whereby you move up or you are moved out. This can make for a lot of tricky, difficult politics on a personal level so that one vindictive person can sometimes derail a very promising career, but those who make to the top are generally very well qualified, experienced and, it is hoped, well rounded.

However, relying on intelligence ("very bright") is something of a false god. Instincts, character and life background count for as much. In fact, I would rather have a person with high level qualities in the last three than merely smart. Bright can be dangerous. We place so much emphasis on that quality because it correlates with making it through prestigious educational institutions, but what, actually, are they teaching aside from technical knowledge? They are teaching the past, not how to make decisions in the present and the future. You can be bright as the summer sun and wrong as the darkest night.

A military man is a bad fit for chief-of-staff in the White House. What the Trump staff needs is a hall monitor, a third grade level disciplinarian and an organizational structure that they, all of them, are required to follow. If Kelly can impose this kind of order and move on, he will have done a national service.
WMK (New York City)
Doug Terry,

John Kelly has a Master of Science degree from Georgetown University. This is one of the top colleges today and is very competitive. He graduated in 1984 and was taught by the Jesuits. They train their students in character and integrity which I am sure has stayed with him throughout the years. It is an honor to have this fine man serve our country. I am sure he will serve us proudly.
dan (Montana)
So much chaos! So far Trump has lost a FBI Director, Press Secretary, National Security Adviser, Chief of Staff, Communications Director...what else am I missing? He threatened the Attorney General and is in danger of losing other Cabinet secretaries like Secretary of State. And we're only six months in!
A.A.F. (New York)
The irony of it all; this is a case of the ‘pot calling the kettle black’. President Trump hired Scaramucci because they’re alike. Have we all forgotten about President Trump’s vulgar remarks against woman which included grabbing there private parts. Have we forgotten about the division and hatred he has created in this country with his words, his disrespect for our democracy and laws.

The hiring of Scaramucci was convenient; the President needed him to do his dirty work. He wanted Priebus out and Scaramucci fit the bill. Scaramucci, who thought he was doing a great job, was also stealing the President’s limelight which was probably a bigger concern to the President and inevitably led to his ouster. In the mind of the President’s, this is his reality show and no one is going to show him up. So much for all of the love and comradery Scaramucci has shown to the President.

As far as Kelly is concerned, he will probably fall like the others.
Malt Shop Exploit (Maryland)
Voters chose Donald Trump in large part because he was a successful businessman. Are we really to believe he is a competent business person when he can't even hire and retain good help? A revolving door of problem employees is not a good indicator of success in any venture.
DR (New England)
Voters chose Trump because they are ignorant and intellectually lazy. None of them paid any attention to his supposed business skills or to his scams like Trump University.
D Price (Wayne, NJ)
The real shame is that anyone paying attention knew long before the election that Trump was NOT a successful businessman. But people believe what they want to believe.
Katy (NYC)
Let's not congratulate Kelly yet, the days or week's not finished yet - so we have no idea if his number one problem child Donald Trump will remain behaved. It's not as if Trump has a track record of behaving well.
Ginger Walters (Chesapeake, VA)
Was Scaramucci another Trump distraction?? Can someone at the NYT possibly do some research? I understand there was an important interrogation during the Russiagate hearing. Why do I feel like DT keeps throwing out distraction bombs, like the announcement about banning transgenders from the military? Is he intentionally creating chaos to take the focus off of his Russia problem?
YogaGal (Westfield, NJ)
General Kelly - military style order, or military rule???
amir burstein (san luis obispo, ca)
welcome General.
but as things look now, he'll be removed the " procedural/ constitutional" way anyway. sooner - or later.
but thanks for reminding us ( and the world) that there's still hope for some more civility, orderliness, and SANITY in the American ( political) system.
CF (Massachusetts)
A general as chief of staff gives some commenters pause, but I'm all for it at this point. Who better to steer that finger off the nuclear button? I know it's weird, usually the military are the ones proposing force as a solution because that's what they do, but this president is such a loose cannon I"m relieved to have a person not in politics keeping a cooler head. With a guy like Priebus, the only question would be how good launching a nuke in North Korea's direction would look politically. That's about the level of thinking anyone would expect from Mr. "Team Trump." I don't get the impression Mr. Kelly is on "Team Trump," I believe he is on "Team America," and for that I am grateful.
Duane McPherson (Groveland, NY)
This is how military dictatorships begin.
J. Faye Harding (Mt. Vernon, NY)
That remains to be seen.
Elizabeth (Roslyn, New York)
So General Kelly has full authority "But ....Mr. Trump would decide how that would work".
Well there go any grand plans out the window. Trump will have final say who will report to him. So Jared and Ivanka will probably continue to flit in and out at will and be able to bend the President to their will.
Jared and Ivanka used the flame thrower Scaramucci to do their dirty business.
Once mission was accomplished out he went. Trump liked what Scaramucci said until someone told him he shouldn't. Anyway, back to General Kelly.
How much change is this military straight shooter going to accomplish when Trump has the final say? Kelly clearly defers to Trump and in so doing is walking down the slippery slope of being even more compromised and having his core values eroded.
It would be wise for him to look at the past 7 months to see how those who come into Trump's orbit do not fair well. The Oval Office does look good on a resume but when the President is Trump it points to lack of character.
Chris (Asbury Park, NJ)
"Another one bites the dust" ... "the mother of all political flameouts" ... or, if you prefer Timesspeak, "And so it came to pass that the most colorfully bombastic White House official besides the president himself was fired 10 days after he was appointed, and two weeks short of his official start date." Generations from now (assuming that the republic survives), Americans may well look back on the demise of the Mooch as the one moment--truly befitting Trumpean pomposity--that encapsulates the dim history of this sordid administration. Here's hoping the curators at the Smithsonian are able to save the sunglasses and thumb's up photo from Air Force One.
Norman (Menlo Park, CA)
Anybody that thinks that Trump is going to turn over access to a Chief of Staff is nuts. It'll be the same dominating Trump in a week. Further, if you want to see a signal look at when Trump grabbed Kelly's hand and pulled it to him basically saying, I'm still the big boss.
Occupy Government (Oakland)
Reince was epicene, Mooch was obscene. They both had to go to continue the charade.
Observer (Backwoods California)
So the Mooch turns out to have been short relief, brought in to get one out (Priebus), because of a double play, he got two with Spicer's resignation.
Lisa Kraus (Dallas)
Kelly's first acts were decisive and straight forward. A welcome change from show, like kiss blowing.
carl bumba (mo-ozarks)
This won't help Scarramucci's chances for the presidency in eight years any.... (With so many on the verge on apoplexy, I just couldn't resist.)
Backbutton (CT)
The Mooch said: the fish stinks from the head, except for him and Trump. The first part is correct, Now he is gone, and Trump is the remaining stench. Trump has to go, to clear the WH.
Jeff (USA)
I think we can all recognize that there are different kinds of leaks. Leaks that reveal threats to our democracy or that point to potential criminal activity by American officials are important and should be applauded. For these, Kelly should look the other way or even participate himself. By all accounts, he is one of the few adults in the White House. Leaks that are gossipy in nature and serve no purpose other than embarrassment or backstabbing or simply advancing the leaker's agenda are just a distraction for everybody and unneeded.
Blue Ridge (Blue Ridge Mountains)
It would be wonderful if Gen. Kelly could bring an air of dignity, gravitas, and respect back to the White House, and I sincerely hope that he remains in the position. I have to wonder, however, about Ivanka's inappropriate "work alongside" tweet. Amazing that she seems to believe herself his peer... And I also have to wonder about the president's penchant for sleaze and adoration.
The question is can Kelly stay the course against this ship of fools?
Rocky L. R. (NY)
An "air of dignity" isn't going to fix the problem. And Kelly's "military discipline" won't do anything but conceal the problem from view for a day or two.
ZijaPulp (Vacationland)
I know it's early days but why do I feel as though Gen. Kelly is primarily playing the part of WH majordomo? The image Sebastian Cabot comes to mind. I wish him all the luck in the world. I have no doubt he can keep things moving forward with hired staff but sincerely doubt he'll be able to rein in the Trump Family.
Tosh Togo (Springfield)
It shouldn't be hard to replace Moochie, since Barnum & Baily Circus has gone out of business there are a lot of clowns looking for work.
vlad (nyc)
Bada-bing, bada-bum.
Robert (East Coast)
Kelly seems a good man, but at the end of the day he is still at the mercy of a whimsical megalomaniac.

What with every psychological dysfunction known to humanity competing for the POTUS’s next tweet, I’d say Mr Kelly’s window for improving the administration is, at best, limited.

If he gets too much into Trump’s face he’ll just get fly-swatted and peeled off on to the list of casualties.

Unless Kelly preempts the rake and quits, of course, which would really put a pebble in Trump’s shoe.
John Prater (Phoenix)
Inquiring minds want to know if Scaramucci received the tax break for selling his company to join the Trump Administration? If so that's a huge windfall for ten days employment.
ana (california)
Trump's daughter and son-in-law are mentioned running the White House as if it is okay. Scaramucci is yet another absolute embarrassment. North Korea can now hit the United States and Russia is threatening everyone with a military buildup called "West" while China shows it's massive might with a ridiculous military parade and in the meanwhile the United States of America's clown show in the White House and in Congress continues to provide fodder for comedy on a daily basis. Impeach the "President", remove him and his family from the White House and get a real President please. We need a Kennedy, an Obama, we need someone powerful, eloquent, intelligent and kind. We need real leadership and we need it now. It is incomprehensible to me that our country has fallen so far from the halcyon days of my childhood when we were the greatest country on the planet. Now we are a joke and irrelevant and are weakened every day by this clown and his clown family. We need to take care of our citizens, save healthcare and make it stronger and better, save the environmental rules we have in place, take care of our national parks and wild life refuges, we need to improve education in this country and make university affordable for everyone because the level of educated people in this country is at an all-time low, allowing an irresponsible, racist, misogynistic, dangerous man-child into the office of the most distinguished and important position in the United States of America.
Merlin (Atlanta GA)
If I have to approve an outside guy to become my superior in a family business, how much authority does he have over me?

As long as Ivanka and Jared continue to serve in the WH, it's only a short time before they become disillusioned with reporting to General Kelly. As family they can visit Trump in his WH residence and discuss whatever they want.

And, Trump just tweeted today that he'll never stop tweeting. So, therein lies Kelly's great challenge.

If you have responsibility but without full authority to enforce the rules on everyone, then your real job in your organization is to be the fall guy who takes the blame in a crisis. This was the fate of Reince Priebus, I'm afraid this will be the fate of even a Marine General.
ohreally? (Boston, MA)
Once Mr. Kelly begins to get "too much" air time on TV, President Trump will fire him. Sally Yates, Mr. Comey, Mr. Spicer, Mr. Sessions, Mr. Scaramucci. Fifteen minutes of fame (or infamy) by someone else--even if they're not actually on TV, but just in the news--that's all it takes for Mr. Trump to feel dissed. Then, it's over and out. The President simply can't stand not being The Biggest Star of Any Show Ever.
Glen (Texas)
A couple of things.

Gen. Kelly "...demanded assurances that he would wield...sweeping authority over personnel, the flow of information and access to the Oval Office that chiefs of staff have traditionally been given." And "Mr. Kelly made it clear that everyone in the staff --including Mr. Bannon, Ms. Trump and Mr. Kushner-- would clear policy proposals, personnel recommendation and advice from outsiders through him."

Don't put any large bets on that. For Trump, blood is thicker than the promises he makes, which are thinner than water. Is Kelly going to be dining with the Trump family at every meal? If he is to fulfill his statements, he is going to have to do at least that as well as walk Trump to the water closet door, then stand guard. Every time. And even then, Trump will have his trusty smart phone in hand.

Kelly has been set up. In very short order, Trump's approval of Kelly's approach will be rescinded, and someone in the close, as in closed, inner circle will disseminate a diplomatically worded announcement of Kelly's departure.

The article states Trump was initially pleased by Scaramucci's rant and that it took several conversations from multiple family members and old and trusted friends (hard to believe he has one, let alone multiple) to talk him down from that high. He will ever be thus. You can't teach a snake to not strike. So it is with Donald Trump.

Gen. Kelly, sir, you're days as chief of staff will be few in number and fraught in the extreme.
John Townsend (Mexico)
We need to stop entertaining intellectual curiosity items about this guy and hold him to account for doing everything from obstructing investigations to enriching himself by refusing to divest interests. His henchmen keep trying to normalize the abnormality of his behavior. Nothing about his time in office has been normal and nothing about him has changed. He is grossly incompetent and proves it daily. He is using the office to enrich himself and his spawn, and proves it daily.
Kathleen (Chicago)
Ah, the freak show continues. This is the White House Apprentice ... "you're fired" ... "you're fired" ... "you're fired" ... such a chaotic joke of an administration.
Cyclist (Trumpistan)
It's a total fabrication that Trump and family decided to get rid of Scaramucci! Trump could care less about Scaramucci's behavior up until the point that it overshadowed the media attention on Trump. The firing was decided fully by Kelly. Yet another lie by Trump and Sanders.
Mikeyz (Boston)
Moochy.. We hardly knew ye
Ruben (Toral)
Donald. When you tweet in big caps and tell people that you did not do something...that's a red flag that you did smart guy.
CD-Ra (Chicago, IL)
Thank God that foul-mouthed braggart is gone. It is said he was invited to the WH by Ivanka and Jared Kushner. Given their unmitigated childishness in making this arrangement, they should go too. They should not be in the WH anyway since both of them are fully aware of whatever transpired between Putin and Trump and are to my mind suspicious.
Let's see how long the general lasts. There's already a press report that he showed an independent streak and a flash of integrity by calling Comey and offering support after the Orange Buffoon fired him. And as we know, Mr. Orange never forgets.
Robert Buckingham (Greenville, SC)
Let's pause for a minute to remember that our tax dollars are supporting this side show circus. Sad!
Zoned (NC)
How people of reputation are willing to work for this farcical administration is beyond me. Here's hoping Mr .Priebus, who did not sign a nondisclosure agreement during the campaign, is called to testify by Meuller and Congress.
DR (New England)
As far as I know an NDA doesn't keep someone from testifying in criminal matters.
VtSkier (NY)
I think Trump just wanted to get Kelly out of his job in DHS. Now there's an opening and he can move Sessions over. Intra cabinet probably doesn't need any approval from Congress.

And then he can get someone in as AG while Congress is in recess and shut down the special counsel.

Maybe he's guessing too that if he does it at the beginning of the recess 8/11 or so, and then he runs off to a golf course somewhere, that there won't be as much fallout to deal with and it will work.

That's what I think is the plan.
Dave M. (Melbourne, Fl)
In the corporate world, it's not uncommon to bring in a hatchet man to clean house, and then fire the hatchet man. That's what happened here.
Dee (Anchorage, AK)
Yes it was all a big well thought out plan by our crafty President. NOT!
Phil (NY)
At this point, I don't know if the chaos in the White House should be titled "The Court Jester" or "Game of Thrones" or both...
Ms. Pea (Seattle)
It's interesting that when Trump's profanity-laced discussion with Billy Bush became public, he was elevated to the presidency, but when Scaramucci's profanity-laced discussion with a reporter became public, he was fired. Could that be because Trump's comments were about women, and the Scaramucci's were about men? Making lewd remarks about women is just harmless "locker room talk," but lewd comments about another man's anatomy is going too far.
Robert (Texas)
That Ivanka says she is looking forward to "working ALONG SIDE General Kelly" shows how arrogant this nepotistic family is.
James (St. Paul, MN.)
"he will impose military discipline on a free-for-all West Wing..."

That can only happen when and if the clown-in-chief is removed from office.
angel98 (nyc)
"with the blessing of the president and his family"
"created an opportunity for Mr. Trump, with his daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner,"

Is the NYTimes normalizing nepotism?
unreceivedogma (New York)
As this will make any difference.

The problem is The Family at the top: thinking they can run the Federal Government as if it was a tawdry family-run real estate company from Queens.

If only Kelly could "fire them all!!!"
Larry M (Minnesota)
The absurd turnover in this administration says a lot about Trump's management ability and personnel judgement:

He doesn't have any.
Rick (Louisville)
Trump started tweeting again this morning, long enough to announce that he has no intention of stopping. It's the same old nonsense. Kelly won't last.
Aaron of London (London, UK)
I expect, based on his The New Yorker interview, that Scaramucci couldn't pass any drug screen test imposed on White House staff by General Kelly.
David F (NYC)
So Kelly may (or may not) make the WH seem less idiotic, but;

"The new chief of staff will also be charged with reviving a stalled legislative agenda".

This bit means meeting with members of Congress who represent many different points of view and cajoling them along with promises of honest dealings and compromises and such.

Does a career Marine have the facility to do that? Or does he, as 45, believe that everyone in government works for the President? Lastly, even if he did have this fine diplomatic ability, who would believe him anyway?
Keith (Washington, DC)
John Kelly spent four years on Capitol Hill as the legislative liaison for the Marine Corps. His personal relations on the Hill were so strong, the Commandant of the Marine Corps told Kelly that instead of commanding a regiment, he was staying in Congress to continue representing the Marine Corps. I am astonished the media has not taken the time to look more closely at Kelly's background.
mario a. (miami fl)
It would be great if he could fire Trump and his family out of our lives.
Bluebyyou (Tucson)
"...out of our lives"
For a second that thought brought such a sense of relief.
George (NY)
Seems clear Scaramucci had a job to do that Trump, despite the Apprentice character he played on TV, was too weak to do himself - get rid of two of Trump's employees. Once that was accomplished, he wasn't needed any more.
Max Lewy (New york, NY)
Kelly was absolutely right in firing Scaramucci.
Now Kerry hs only to fire Trump and peace will finally come to the White House, to the US and to the World...
Ameliorate (California)
Seems someone relented and finally handed over the liquor cabinet keys. Kelly incites sobriety but will Trump's feckless family comply.......
K Nelms (Chicago)
But for Michael Flynn's lying about his communication with top level Russians, there would be four Generals at the highest levels in this Administration. Others have rightly expressed their concern about the surfeit of military men in posts that should be within civilian jurisdiction.

I'm of two minds about these appointments. The most generous assessment I can make is that they may keep the nuclear codes away from this deranged "president". And if they do nothing more than this, they will have performed a great service for the nation.

And yet, when one looks at the political leanings of these generals, particularly Flynn and Kelly, one finds a bigoted, xenophobic streak that is anathema to this country's highest ideals. These men have made statements, on record, that could have come directly from "A Few Good Men". And they have, on record, voiced hateful comments against ethnic groups whose only "crime" is the color of their skin, or their religious beliefs. Recall that Kelly has enthusiastically endorsed Trump's "travel ban", and is a firm believer in "the wall".

These personal views give lie to their decades of "honorable service". They show what these men are capable of, when given "an order". When men such as these have agreed to do this "president's" bidding in targeting certain of our fellow citizens, we should all be alarmed.
Captain Nemo (Phobos)
Military personnel in high political office does not worry me as long as they remember that their oath is to the CONSTITUTION, not any person.
Dee (Anchorage, AK)
Time to rewatch Seven Days in May.
John Adams (CA)
Unless Kelly plans on guarding the White House 24/7, he'll have zero control of access to Trump. Propaganda players like Sean Hannity will still slide in for dinner, filling Trump's head with his own message of the day. There's no getting in the way of the Trump family, Ivanka has already made it clear she won't answer to Kelly.

Certainly Kelly took this job as a patriot and out of duty to America, a noble cause but he faces the impossible in trying to restore order to an operation riddled with chaos...chaos supported and encouraged by the man at the top.
matt shelley (california)
oh sure, getting rid of low hanging fruit is easy...

but when mr trump claims "the generals don't know much because they're not winning" (June 5, 2016) how do we really think this arrangement is gonna end?
kathy h (cleveland)
What about T's latest Tweet that only his enemies and the Fake News want him to stop Tweeting? Sounds like a response to Kelly's first order.
nastyboy (california)
"telling aides he will impose military discipline"

kelly will get eaten alive in this job if he truly tries to do this. someone needs to tell the general this ain't the military and strict regimentation is counterproductive to getting things done outside of a military hierarchy. this was a bone-headed move to appease the establishment but is unworkable.
hen3ry (New York)
So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good bye, we hate to see you go so quickly by. Moochie, we hardly knew ye. But we're sure that Trump can find another one just as bad.
Chris Hunter (Washington State)
Nice to make a pretense of putting your house in order, Mr. Trump, but we all know how this is going to end, don't we?

This administration can't fire or hire it's way around the basic problem: Trump.
Bob (New Jersey)
Wait until Trump figures out that Kelly is not going to help with the cover up of all things Russia related. The fur will be flying.
R. (NC)
Sadly, the truth of the matter, for me, is that Trump has so little authority within the walls of high pressure day to day government responsibilities that I view his hiring of these stiff, ex-military honchos as a way for him to hide from the big bad world of the "fake" news media and his detractor legislators. All he has to do is give his simpleton but stark three word orders to these unsmiling, over-disciplined generals and he's got it made. They'll take care of the transgressors. It's dark, but it's that simple to me.
Marie (Boston)
RE: "he will impose military discipline"

Looks like the fun police have come to the White House. It was fun while it lasted. While it will be better for the country it will have the affect of leaving Trump to seem, well, Presidential with fewer objections to a second term.

RE: "“The president certainly felt that Anthony’s comments were inappropriate for a person in that position,”

After he had a good laugh that it is, and agreed with them (as has been reported), until someone pointed out the optics and then resident certainly felt that Anthony’s comments were inappropriate for a person in that position.
EPB (Bridgewater NJ)
It's good to know Ivanka and Jared approved ...
"with the blessing of the president and his family ..."
Robert (Houllahan)
I wonder what kind of odds Vegas is giving on the tenure of General Kelly?

I predict that he is out within six weeks.

The Orange Biscuit does not want to be disciplined.
toomanycrayons (today)
What's this OB's worst case scenario, that he goes back to being a billionaire on a golf cart full time, not just when G20 oppos have to walk a block?
Llewis (N Cal)
The title of this position is Communication Director. The job should be to inform the press about White House drama. The President needs to have the skills to defend his own decisions backed up by his advisors. Then the press liaison can present a cohesive message. This may be beyond the scope of the Trump rodeo.

What we are seeing is a group of people who act as thugs rather than communicators. Conway is no better than Spicer or Scaramucci. Jarvanka has no business picking out the next Director. Let Kelly find some one who can speak without becoming the second best rodeo clown in this process. Please no more enablers. The country cannot afford this.
Jean Cleary (NH)
Since when has Trump thought anything was in-appropriate. He is the most in-appropriate person occupying the White House. I do not know how Huckabee-Sanders can say those words with a straight face.
I am willing to bet that Trump enjoyed all of the Mooches performances, up until they overshadowed him. Then it was time for the Mooch to go.
The leaks and chaos will continue, because that is how Trump likes to operate.
With Kelly in the White House who knows. Maybe the plot of the long ago novel "Seven Days in May" might happen.
Hotblack Desiato (Magrathea)
Kelly's authority will be tested very soon. Does anyone think Ivanka or Jared will ask permission to see daddy/daddy-in-law?

You can be a four-star general but anyone who gets involved with a family operation will always lose power and access eventually.
rudolf (new york)
This will be "a Last Hurrah" for either Trump or Kelly. Their communication styles are 180 degrees opposite angle. Time will tell (3 months).
Don (Shasta Lake , Calif .)
Now if only he could fire Trump too . . .
Laura (Pacific Northwest)
The President felt that Mr. Scaramucci's comments "were inappropriate for a person in that position." I'm sorry, but does "Mr. President" have any idea how inappropriate it is for the President of the United States to be tweeting the world at 2 and 3 o'clock in the morning? Or in my view to be tweeting at all. You are not a celebrity, Mr. Trump. you hold one of the most distinguished positions in the world....act like it!! This whole presidency has verged on lunacy and the theater of the absurd. I am so sad and frightened!
Nicholas (Brooklyn)
My hope is that these Generals and military commanders being put in positions of power remember the country they serve, not the man.

My understanding is that most of these men despise politics so here's hoping good old fashioned American pride will prevent authoritarian tendencies to continue creeping in.
Dee (Anchorage, AK)
Praying for Generals to keep us from being Authoritarian. Irony much?
Robert M. Stanton (Pittsburgh, PA)
One down; at least 100 more to go.
Beth! (Colorado)
Everyone seems to forget it was Kelly as Homeland Security who unleashed the global chaos of the first travel ban (NY Times: How Trump’s Rush to Enact an Immigration Ban Unleashed Global Chaos - Jan 29 2017). So I am beyond baffled why the press consensus now is that Kelly can stand up to Trump. Kelly did not stand up to Trump on the reckless implementation of that first executive order, even though he had to know what would ensure -- or at least I hope he had that foresight and simply followed orders anyway!
Carla Benson (Spokane, WA)
President Trump may initially be compliant and listen to his new Chief of Staff, but his track record of self-discipline is abysmal.

At some point, President Trump will fall prey to his own narcissism again and he will assume he knows much better than all those around him.
Larry Brothers (Sammamish, WA)
If Kelly lasts a month, it'll be stunning.
MEM (Quincy, MA)
Kudos to John Kelly for making his first official action to fire the foul-mouthed, inexperienced, self-aggrandizing Anthony Scaramucci. This says as much about Scaramucci as it does about Trump's ability to nominate qualified people to his staff. I predict the next time we see Scaramucci will be on Dancing with the Stars.
Karen (Ithaca)
Soon there will be enough fired/disgraced WH staff to have their own "Dancing With The "Stars": White House edition show.
cec (odenton)
Laugh of the day : "“General Kelly has the full authority to operate within the White House, and all staff will report to him,” Ms. Sanders told reporters later. But she added that Mr. Trump would decide how that would work." A ringing endorsement of Kelly's independence Getting rid of the Mooch was the easy part. Now everyone must go through Kelly to see Trump, like Ivanka, Jared, Steve, Kellyanne, and a host of others. Sure.
Richard E. Schiff (New York)
This is the most insecure, disruptive White House I can remember in my 70 year history. This election of a man wholly inexperienced in academic diplomacy has been a nightmare to seasoned diplomats.

Congress should take advantage of the 25th Amendment to relive Trump of his duties. He should be sent back to clean up his business practices.

How will young people consider this presidency in their history classes?
kaw7 (SoCal)
In the realm of politics, Anthony Scaramucci’s ten days at the White House is of little import. He merely confirmed what we already knew: the Trump administration is a disgrace and embarassment. However, because of his interview in The New Yorker, Scaramucci changed the journalistic landscape. His foul language became part of the “news fit to print” as the New York Times and other outlets repeated his words verbatim. Still, I hope the Scaramucci lexicon is not the new stance of the Times. At a time when the Trump administration has debased the White House, it is more important than ever that our other institutions maintain the highest standards.
Captain Nemo (Phobos)
I don't get, and have never understood, all the fuss over "foul language".

Come on, face reality: real people, LOTS of real people, use this language. JFK did. LFB did. Nixon did. I do. Even my prim and proper Mom does on occaision! To pretend otherwise is simply a fantasy.

If you teach people to freeze up with horror or outrage at specific language, all you do is make them easy to manipulate or ride over (roughshod or not).

"Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."
ChiGuy (Chicago)
The Mooch was handpicked by the president, which gives us yet another reason to fear his decision-making inadequacies. The president is apparently in awe of generals, even though he prattled on in the campaign about the US having the "worst" generals while claiming that he (the most uninformed candidate and now president in memory) knew a "lot more than the generals, trust me." He was also thrilled to get an honorary Purple Heart, saying he always wanted one, even though he got a medical deferment.

Now, we're supposed to believe that this good general is going to have a meaningful impact on the operation of the Trump White House. As if.
Andy (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Breitbart prints an article suggesting the President is outclassed by his subordinate and Scaramucci gets fired. That explains why Trump was ready to dismiss his hitman so quickly. Scaramucci had already done his job getting rid of Spicer and Priebus. He lost his leverage on the center stage. Only Trump can be the star and Scaramucci was hurting Trump's ratings.
K. Molyneaux (Missouri)
On the subject of Breitbart: wasn't Steve Bannon given a waiver to contact reporters there? Interesting how that conflict of interest thing played out for him in the Scaramucci scandal. The Mooch lays into Bannon; Bannon alerts Breitbart; Breitbart criticizes the Mooch; Trump reads Breitbart; and that's the end of the Mooch.
Redd T. Dawn (Portland OR)

In Memoriam
Anthony Scaramucci
June, 2017 - June, 2017
toomanycrayons (today)
WH45: MIA...
Peter Zenger (NYC)
Just as Trump is a window into the character of the typical New York City real estate developer, Scaramucci is a window into the character of the typical wealthy New York financier.

Politics has become, as they say on Wall Street, a "Do onto others before they do onto you" business. Our leaders now tend to represent the worst of America, instead of the best.

A good start to solving this problem would be to get money out of politics; but recent Supreme Court decisions, such as the McDonnell appeal decision issued by Chief Justice John G. Roberts, championing political corruption as a "routine" activity, suggest that we will not be heading in that direction.

Traditionally, when politics become unmanageable, the military steps in to rule - let's hope things don't get so bad, that General Kelly becomes Dictator Kelly.
President Trump came to office first by beating the Republican establishment and then by narrowly beating the Democrats with an assist from Senator Sanders. He had gone to war with the Fourth Estate and there has never been peace on that front. The relationship with establishment Republicans is best described as detente. Is it a surprise that there is turmoil?

Let's see where this goes. The unilateral Affordable Care Act was collapsing before the national election, and the Republican Replace and Repeal collapsed after.

I guess people will have to work together. Good Luck to us on that novelty.
Captain Nemo (Phobos)
>The unilateral Affordable Care Act was collapsing before the national election

Only if you believe GOP lies. The reason for most ACA trouble now is insurers leaving exchanges in droves because of the uncertainty in the market caused by 7 years of GOP flailing about for an issue, ANY issue, with which they can gain/retain political traction.

You cannot set out to destroy something and then, while shooting fire, brimstone, and artillery at it, say it is failing all by itself.
It seems that Mike Kelly has been put in place to insulate the "Presidency" from the President? Has the military subtly quarantined this out of control White House while we wait out the end game here?
D Price (Wayne, NJ)
Conventional wisdom is that Trump hired Kelly to impose order and discipline in the White house. I'm not at all sure that our drama queen president has any affinity for the discipline he's incapable living by. Since all things Trump are about creating an image (perhaps mirage is the better word) -- appearance without substance -- I think it's just as likely that he surrounds himself with generals because it makes him look and feel more like the dictators he so admires.
Kathy Lollock (Santa Rosa, CA)
Well, on one hand it is a good thing that John Kelly, seemingly a man of principle, is the new Chief of Staff. But the American people need to review how he got where he is. It was not because he would have been an appropriate choice from the beginning, rather, on the contrary. Trump needed individuals who were yes men (or women), to feed his amoral and narcissistic character, whose loyalty good or bad was only towards him. To heck with the American people, whom he successfully (with the help of Putin) manipulated and exploited.

Now he has a man who will try to bring order to the chaos and ethical leadership where there is not only none but also little hope of ever coming into being. The question is will Trump, and Bannon, heed Kelly's advice. Or will he just be a temporary baby sitter for a group of misfits out of control?
Jay (David)
One problem.

The five-time Vietnam War draft dodger Trump has NO military-style discipline (or any other kind of discipline since he has never served anyone except himself).

In fact, Trump has over and over again disparaged military veterans like John McCain.

Kelly is just for show. Kelly won't last.
John Townsend (Mexico)
Trump of course knows about sacrifice in war personally. He evaded sacrifice not once but five times in the Viet Nam war ... a draft dodger par excellence while over 50,000 of his fellow americans let it all go as he carried on his hedonistic life style with absolutely no regrets or second thoughts.
kaj (brooklyn)
Now General Kelly, in no uncertain terms inform Ivanka and Jared that they report to you, not work alongside you (Ivanka) and hopefully usher them back to their private lives. Then it will be up to Bannon to conform or leave, this is all dependent upon POTUS accepting and growing into the Presidency, we'll see.
General's this may be the biggest most important battle that you have waged.
God's Speed !
Marge Keller (Midwest)

I like John F. Kelly. I like his notion of asserting his authority and his attempt at restoring some level of calm and discipline at the White House. Well, good luck with that pal because you're going to need it. Thus far, every individual Trump has openly and profusely endorsed in the beginning has been shown the revolving door, in a very short period of time. I would like to think Mr. Kelly will be there long enough to make a difference, but I doubt it. I wouldn't even bother unpacking the boxes or dusting off the plethora of medals because his nickname may very well be "Tick Toc" Kelly . . . it's just a matter of time sir. But the best of luck to you General.
Jimboleus (The Old North State)
Mooo- Mooo ,,,,, Moochie,,we hardly knew ya. I don't won't disparage many really good and fine New Yorkers. But this man's behavior,attitude and demeanor is EXACTLY what turns a lot of us other American's off to that New York State of MIND THING.. ""Moochienity from New York City ,the city's so nice,they sahy it twicde, New York,New York.. Badda Bing Badda Boom."" See ya later Pal-E..
M. Stevens (Victoria/Salt Spring Is., B.C. Canada)
"A great day at the White House!" says Trump.
For Trump there is no chaos in the WH because the real chaos is all in his own head. As long as he can take as many checkers as possible off the board in one play, he is "in control" & all is as it should be. The real consequences (ie in the WH) of his personal mental chaos mean nothing in his distorted, limited perceptions of reality.
mnc (Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y.)
Once Kelly starts to look like the grownup in the room as in the Scaramucci firing then his days will be numbered in the White House.
MoneyRules (New Jersey)
when will the "Kiss & Tell" books come out from The Mooch, The Spice and The P(reince)?
Lawrence Linehan in Buckinghamshire (Buckinghamshire, UK)
It will seem so dull when you have a new President.
Lawrence Linehan in Buckinghamshire (Buckinghamshire, UK)
We will only have Brexit for chaotic deadpan humour from politicians.
DJ McConnell ()Fabulous( Las Vegas)
Dull can be good, very good indeed. I'd gladly take a presidential term or two of dull right about now. And that may actually happen, right around the time hackers render the Internet totally inoperative, which could be any minute now. This could be a blessing in disguise, because as the Internet has taught us, everyone may have a voice, but not everyone needs to be heard.
njglea (Seattle)
The freaks and geeks finally got "their" president. The freaks are the Koch brothers, Dictator Grover Norquist, casino owner Sheldon Adelson, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Rupert Murdoch and all the other democracy-haters who are trying to destroy democracy in America and set themselves up as "kings".

The geeks are the heads of google, microsoft, apple, amazon, facebook, twitter, people like Elon Musk and all the other internet "leaders" who are "libertarians" who think their brilliance alone made them successful. They are trying to convince themselves that OUR hard-earned taxpayer, 401K and consumer dollars didn't make them what they are. Now they continue to bloat with wealth - tax-free and socially unconscious and/or too greedy to pay it back.

Behind it all are the freaks and geeks on Wall Street and other "markets" who are also the most socially unconscious and greedy people who ever walked on this planet.

Their spouting head - The Con Don - is busy keeping the media chattering about "news" that they call "palace" intrigue and the weather. Many average people have simply tuned out and think the "problem" will take care of itself. They are trying to convince themselves that this is normal.

It might have been "normal" when there were kings and peons but we do not have those in America. Every single person who values democracy in America MUST step up and take action to throw the democracy-destroyers OUT of OUR government at every level. NOW is the time.
Elizabeth Barry (Toronto)
What planet am I on? Pluto?
Gerry (west of the rockies)
No. Pluto has a big heart, remember?
Mary Reinholz (New York City)
Gen. Kelly will probably be an improvement over Priebus. But the fish stinks from the top as The Mooch made clear in his doomed rant to a writer for The New Yorker he was foolish enough to trust. Meanwhile, Trump remains that blood-thirsty shark in the Oval Office who isn't likely to change. Anyone who works for him has to have some kind of death wish.
DJ McConnell ()Fabulous( Las Vegas)
"[F]oolish enough to trust"? Look, with reporters you're either ON the record, or you're OFF the record. What; you think Scaramucci actually believed he was making a social call to Ryan Lizza ... of The New Yorker, mind you ... just to shoot the breeze? Get real. Scaramucci obviously wanted his comments aired publicly; problem is, he's so out of touch with American reality he didn't have a clue as to how much dung was going to hit the fan once they were published. Back in Chicago's Little Italy they had a name for guys like him - chumbalone.
Dee (Anchorage, AK)
DJ, you scold Mary in error. Mary was sarcastically quoting The Mooch's own tweet where he tried to deflect his own appalling lapse and blame Zilla.
Mary Reinholz (New York City)
Re-read Lizza's article. Scaramucci called him to find out who Lizza's source was on a WH dinner. Lizza refused and then Mooch started to rant. He could have said this is off the record or on the record. From what I can tell, Mooch never did and Lizza didn't bother to clarify. He just quoted him in their conversation. It wasn't an interview as some in the media claim. Lizza gave Mooch the rope to hang himself.
TM (Boston)
I'm hoping against hope that Kelly has installed himself in the White House as a stop-gap measure. Knowing that a Constitutional crisis is likely as soon as Mueller's findings begin to be available, may he simply be attempting to keep things somewhat contained, as he fully understands how vulnerable the United States is under a blatantly incompetent, unruly and probably mentally ill president?

Kelly is known to have been very upset at Comey's firing and the inhumane manner in which it was done.

Could it be that I'm just searching for an honorable person in this very sad and shocking point in our history?
CG (Los Angeles)
That's my hope also, that Kelly sees the fiasco that is happening, and has jumped in to save our country. Why else would he position himself so close to the cesspool?
John Conroy (Los Angeles)
Conway as communications director? Oh, joy! A Venn diagram of Kellyanne's statements and the truth would show no overlap.
Blue Ridge (Blue Ridge Mountains)
I hope that isn't on the table. Watching and listening to Conway is like watching A Picture of Dorian Gray in reverse.
This is all well and good for Kelly, but Trump should have been the one to act on firing Scaramucci. President Obama took responsibility for removing Stanley McChrystal following an inappropriate magazine profile. When Scaramucci gave an indecent interview days ago, Trump should have been the one to pull the plug.
Bob H (CT)
Yes. If the same behavior occurred at any other work place, there would have been immediate termination.
E C Scherer (Cols., OH)
Trump wouldn't have thought to pull the plug. He liked Scaramucchi's "harsh" language...until he was told otherwise by the General and numerous sources close to him, who whispered in his ear that he was a "liability". I believe DJT was persuaded because Scaramucci stole his show.
There is no logic as to why Ivanka & Jared viewed Scaramucci as key in ridding the WH of Reince. Having insisted on Scaramucci being hired, they were OK with his being fired...because he got rid of Reince.
JS (New York)
I question the integrity / sanity / choice of anyone who wants to work for this administration.
Blue Ridge (Blue Ridge Mountains)
I hear you JS, but I am assuming that General Kelly is willing to lay down his life for his country.
Marcus Aurelius (Terra Incognita)
He and his wife have already suffered the loss of a son, a Marine officer, in the service of this country, and another is serving at this time. General Kelly is a man of honor and lover of our country, qualities political wonks seem to have have difficulty understanding....
MKRotermund (Alexandria, Va.)
General John F. Kelly, Pres. Trump’s latest chief of staff, will have a short tenure at the White House. Like the other generals the president has hired, Kelly will soon tire of trying to corral Trump. The generals' collective failure will further besmirch the reputation of all DoD generals, unable to succeed in the civilian political arena.

Civilian politics is largely a horizontal discipline. The people, experts, sycophants, fellow party members, and others are players with major influence. Leadership in the military is a task divided into only two vertical parts. Keep those above satisfied and those below, synchronized and effective. Idiosyncratic officers will run straight into trouble eventually as General Petraeus learned to his chagrin.

Generals rarely suffer multiple perspectives gladly. Hence, expect the current crop of general-politicians to decamp, one by one.
David Paquette (Cerritos, CA)
Mr. Trump may have met his match in Mr. Kelly; time will tell.

Trump is a bully. With all his money he's been bullying people around for years. If anyone dares to attack him, he responds with 10 times the force -- his policy, not my idea. He's arrogant, thin skinned, narcissistic and will take people to court at the drop of a dime to add to his intimidation tactics. But there is a vacuum behind Trump's bully tactics. As President he's in vastly over his head. Deep down, he must know it, but he won't drop the bully tactics because that's all he's got.

For every bully, there are a few strong personalities that can intimidate and subdue the mean characteristics. Those few people are the sort that can say, "no, we're not doing it that way" and have everyone in the room shut up and listen. Apparently and hopefully Mr. Kelly is one of those people. The fact that he fired Scaramucci on his first day in office, forcefully indicating that he would hire his own staff and that he was going to be in charge is promising. The fact that everyone in the White House shut up and listened and did what he said is even a stronger indication.

If Kelly stays, even for months, the effect on the White House chaos will be dramatic. If he goes because he can't get cooperation from Mr. Trump, the repercussions will also be dramatic. Why? Because he's the guy for whom people shut up and listen.
Salim Sachedina (Toronto)
One loose cannon is enough. Well done, General K.
sg (fair lawn)
Considering the gaggle of clowns performing in this administration, perhaps the Clown in Chief should have hired Emmett Kelly as his chief of staff.
ezra abrams (newton, ma)
Military style discipline doesn't work so well in civilian life

Or, didn't some congressman say, after Trump tried to strongarm him, the last time someone told me what to do I was 18, it was my daddy, and it didn't go so well then either
taxidriver (fl.)
Enough with the charades already. Show us the tax returns.
Joe (Lafayette, CA)
For a place without chaos, there sure seem to be a lot of ciaos instead. Hasta la vista, Scaramucci.
Nancy Bilderbeck (London, England)
Du, du, du, du ..
"Another one bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey, I'm gonna get you, too
Another one bites the dust"

Here at home in the UK we have a family bet on to predict the next White House staff "change". Who next?

Apologies to Queen, but the lyrics were just too good to pass up.
Daniel K Garofalo (Philadelphia)
A great lesson for any aspiring politicians or political actors: a year from now, all anyone will say of "the Mooch" is, "Oh yeah - wasn't he the one that dropped the F-bomb with a New Yorker reporter? What was his job supposed to be again?"
mgaudet (Louisiana)
Trump has no ability to determine whether a sound bite or a policy decision is correct and/or appropriate, witness Scaramucci's obscene rant which Trump first perceived as first class and a winner.
L (CT)
“The president certainly felt that Anthony’s comments were inappropriate for a person in that position,” Ms. Sanders said. “He didn’t want to burden General Kelly, also, with that line of succession.”

Another bald-faced lie to add to the pile.
Bassman (U.S.A.)
Yeah, right? Trump has said NOTHING about Scaramucci until now, maybe.
BCnyc (New York)
Wow. I, for one, am shocked that the Scaramucci show ended.
I mean, I knew Anthony would blow himself up, that was inevitable, but to have done it in such record time, what can I say other than, bravo! Bravo! Maybe with Kelly there's actually an adult in the White House. Unfortunately, the adult reports to a child. I wonder who our next Chief of Staff will be?
PJT (S. Cali)
"John F. Kelly,...firmly asserted his authority on his first day in the White House on Monday, telling aides he will impose military discipline on a free-for-all West Wing,..."

Good luck herding cats General Kelly.
ALB (Maryland)
The clock is now running on Gen. Kelly. It's unclear what his "Sell By" date is, but the likelihood that Kelly will have a long shelf-life seems small indeed given the circumstances of this deeply sullied WH.

The one thing we can be sure of is that when Kelly does leave, he won't slither away like Priebus, The Mooch, or Spicy. No, when he goes he will make it clear to the public precisely what ethical and moral line was crossed that made his ability to do his job untenable.
Michael Lamendola (Amsterdam, NY)
Like so many things that come out of never-neverland, it is all smoke and mirrors. Within a week or two, we shall see more chaos, more heads chopped and more lies. The walls are closing in Mr. Trump and there is nothing you can do about it.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
The proof is in the Tweet. If Kelly prevents HIM from using twitter, then it's working. This game of musical chairs is pointless in solving the REAL problem. Kelly needs complete control, Donald needs medication.
Just saying.
Ameliorate (California)
Great. Trump's sobering up. Chief of Staff now means something but Ivanka stating "alongside" means "peer". The irony is how boorish his family looks next to the real thing.
SJP (Europe)
With the arrival of Scaramucci and the firing of Priebus, I hoped that the rate of scandals/hour would increase so much that republicans and Fox News would finally turn against Trump, and that Trump could be booted out of the WH soon. Now, with Kelly asserting authority, the leak rate may instead fall down, and Trump may well linger on for a very long time. Let's hope not.
FunkyIrishman (Eire ~ Norway ~ Canada)
A pawn was moved forward to sacrifice two other pawns. Now that original paw has been sacrificed for the rook to protect the King.

Its all leading to checkmate against the American people.
i'm not so sure. Eisenhower was an ex general and he proved to be a very good president. Give Kelly a chance and see if he can bring some needed control into the White house while Mueller investigates Trump.
Mitch4949 (Westchester, NY)
Trump won't lie still until Mueller and the investigation are gone.
Denver (Denver)
I wonder how long General Kelly, a man of honor, will be able to work for a man who has no honor or integrity. A man without a conscious. I wonder how long he will want to be associated with corruption and lying.
Adlibruj (new york)
A real "man of honor" would never work for a corrupt billionaire, doing his dirty job.
kathleen (san francisco)
I think the NYT should put the word - "leakers" in quotes. It's not a real word and it's being used as part of the outrageous verbal propaganda machine of this administration.
SAB (Fairfax, VA)
NYT just cannot resist: Is a leak that did not come from the White House and was confirmed by second source that was not in the White House really a 'White House leak"? I think not. There is nothing like a little anonymous sourcing to spice things up -- unfortunately the use of unnamed sources is diminishing the NYT's credibility. The story was good enough to have not been marred by unsupported speculation. Your creditability is not served well by stories that cast a cloud of unsubstantiated darkness.
Oyster Bay (Boston)
If Kelly can control trump and his family, it certainly won't be for long. trump has proven in his 71 years that he is incapable of self discipline, uninterested in anything that isn't trump, totally lacks any curiosity, and most certainly lacks any qualifications or traits that would actually make a president. Kelly cannot fix those traits and ultimately will be fired leaving only the sycophants and truly unqualified in place.

Note to Mueller: can you pick up the pace?
Avatar (New York)
And who will impose discipline on Trump? Kelly? Good luck with that.
Dan Raemer (Brookline, MA)
I fear this glimmer of competency will spoil the white house's near perfect record of clumsiness and embolden the administration to actually accomplish the horrible policies they have espoused.
Carlos Rodriguez (Spain)
Out of topic but why Ms. Trump is not called Mrs. Kushner?
Did she ask for that style?
Or maybe it is another way to show she belongs to this brand new U.S.A. Royal Family
programming 60 years (Alabama)
How many Ms. Trump are there?
Dominic (Astoria, NY)
Is anyone else disturbed by the abundance of Generals filling key positions in an ostensibly civilian-run government?
YogaGal (Westfield, NJ)
YES. The "so-called president" sure loves his generals, and inquiring minds want to know WHY.
HK (<br/>)
It is truly disturbing that the only people in the current administration who are not incompetent, inexperienced or ignorant are generals. The goals of a nation and those of an army are, to put it mildly, different. And, as long as we're talking about comparing institutions, the goals of a business are vastly different from those of either an army or a government.
Robert Barker (New York City)

I am not bothered by the abundance of generals serving in the west wing of the White House.

I've been quite impressed with the behavior of most military personnel over the past number of years, far more so than I am of politicians lobbyists and many other people that serve in government.

After listening to Kelly speak on a number of YouTube videos I feel certain that he has unquestionably taken an oath to a piece of paper called the constitution of the United States. He will speak truth to power
trex (notinjurassic)
I hope Scaramucci is able to parlay his celebrity into a competing run for president against Trump or Tillerson or whomever is president in 2020.
Lawrence Linehan in Buckinghamshire (Buckinghamshire, UK)
I don't know if anyone has already thought of this but I think he might make an interesting competitor on a TV reality show, like the Apprentice.
Jl (Los Angeles)
Yesterday was Kelly's first day, marking the beginning of the end of his time in the administration.

Who knows when Trump learned that Kelly was upset by the firing of Comey ; evidently Kelly even called him. Maybe Trump learned of it in this article. In any event Trump can not trust him. Kelly is a prop.

And Sanders: " General Kelly has the full authority to operate within the White House, and all staff will report to him," Ms Sanders told reporters later. But she added that Mr. Trump would decide how that would work".

Mr Trump would decide how that would work? Words and reporting structure mean nothing.

More over there was no appearance by Kelly on this eventful day. He will remain in the shadows, out of slight, out of mind, and ignored..
He has been sandbagged, duped, played.
STSI (Chicago, IL)
Ivanka Trump's statement on the announcement of John Kelly's appointment as White House Chief of Staff is telling: "I look forward to working along side General Kelly." This does not sound like someone who intends to work under, or take direction from, the new Chief of Staff, and it does not bode well for the future success of the latest leader of the West Wing.
Carol Mello (California)
First, regarding Ivanka: What exactly does Ivanka do in the White House?

There was one line in this story that she and her husband had urged the hiring of Mr. Scarsmucci in the first place to get rid of Spicer and Priebus. Priebus, as RNC Chairman, was the person who allowed Trump to co-opt the Republican party even though Trump was not a long term member of the party. How successful would Trump have been running as a third party candidate?

Other than that one thing, what has Ivana accomplished? Are we, the taxpayers, paying her to do whatever she does or does not do?

Second regarding Mr. Kelly: It does not sound like Ivanka likes Mr. Kelly. If a disagreement arises between Kelly and Ivanka, I wonder who will go. Ivanka and Jared or Mr. Kelly?

Mr. Kelly was successful in Homeland Security because it is a quasi-military/policing organization in the first place. A president's staff is not a military organization.

I really do not see this solving anything. I am expecting more fireworks from the White House. The source of all problems in the White House is the President. Being Chief of Staff does not mean Mr. Kelly will be able to control Donald Trump's faults. The buck stops at President Trump, whether he knows it or not. It sounds like Trump is oblivious to this fact.
ScrantonScreamer (Scranton, Pa)
Ivanka Trump and her lurking husband Jared should not have any role in the White House. How were they able to get around the anti-nepotism statutes?
me (here)
he is oblivious to all facts.
jacquie (Iowa)
Trump and highly respected Generals are now running the Country. How does that bode well for our democracy?
deburrito (Winston-Salem, NC)
I am sincerely amazed at how little the media have made of Mr. Trump's time at the NY Military Academy, & his affinity for generals. No, he never served, yet attending one of these schools, like The Citadel, or VMI, certainly provides an internal paradigm of some sort, even if the outside is a mess. Mr. Trump likes the discipline even if he has no ability to impose it himself.
mgaudet (Louisiana)
"likes the discipline even if he has no ability to impose it himself.'
Or the ability to impose it ON himself.
Carol Mello (California)
Mr. Trump's military academy was nothing like The Citadel or VMI. From the descriptions I have read of his time at the military school, it was much more loosey goosey.

I do not recall the school's curriculum being heavy on military topics, none being mentioned in articles on the school. It seemed like it was a school that replaced academic emphasis with a sports emphasis, not a school producing young graduates ready to enter the military.
Carol Mello (California)
The Citadel, or VMI are military schools of national reputation, producing young men destined for a military career. They are not dumping grounds for boys expelled from other schools.

Trump's military high school was some place he was parked after either flunking out of public school or being expelled.

It was still the practice when I was young in Massachusetts, that students expelled from public schools were sent to private schools who were willing to accept expelled students for a price. These schools were all known for practicing physical punishment which the public schools did not.

When we moved to California in the mid 60s, we found that California public schools did use physical punishment. The private schools in California were not dumping grounds for expelled students.
Rita (California)
My fervent hope is that all of the military men on staff remember the oath they swore when they became officers. And that if they must choose between loyalty to the Constitution and to the man who is President, that they make the honorable choice.

On a separate note, the NY Times and other news media needs to think about the use of the term "leak".

It is being used to describe any negative remarks about Trump, his aides or policies. it should be limited to the more narrow sense of unauthorized release of confidential information not in the public domain.

It is possible that the information about Kelly's phone call to Comey was provided by Comey or a person close to Comey, in which case it was an authorized release of non-confidential information. Not a leak.

Scaramuccia went off the deep end when he thought that someone had leaked his financial disclosure - when, in fact, it was a matter of public record.

The President has a right to be concerned about disclosure of confidential information. And a right to be concerned that his staff is talking behind his back. But one is criminal and the other is not.

The news media should not let him frame the discussion by buying into his definition.
Philip (South Orange)
Very cogent remarks. Great!
SueSays (Redmond)
What do you mean NYT concerning the comment "Mr. Scaramucci was forced out of his post, with the blessing of the president and his family,"? There is something seriously wrong when "the family" gets a vote in the White House. Of course, we all know that there is something seriously wrong in the White House and in Congress for that matter. American's, wise up!! Didn't realize we were a Monarchy?
YogaGal (Westfield, NJ)
Hope "the family" never blesses me. Sounds more like the kiss of death!
conradtseitz (Fresno, CA)
I think that Scaramucci was canned because of his pornographic insult to Bannon. Remember Bannon? He has successfully stayed out of the news for months. There are no current stories about him-- he hasn't said anything or done anything that has reached the news. But he is the closest man to the President, and we know that Don the Con always listens to the man closest to him (and I use the male pronoun deliberately. His daughters have little influence on him.)
Bannon is the most dangerous man in the US because he is a fervent advocate of "drowning the government in a bathtub." He will destroy every government service, from Amtrak to Medicaid, if given the chance, and he tells Don the Con what to do (when Don isn't watching Fox "News".)
Bannon is a bad-tempered, evil-intentioned man, and he wants to wipe out the American government. I am very afraid for the future of this country.
Merlin (Atlanta GA)
Pride goeth before a fall...

We knew it was a matter of time before Scaramucci fell out of favor with trump, the megalomaniac who hates to share any spotlight. We just didn't know it would be this fast.
Karen (Ithaca)
I hope Trump supporters take notice of the snowflake-like behavior of Kelly and Trump. Time to toughen up!
JKvam (Minneapolis, MN)
No one is naive enough to believe that the President + his admin. is ALWAYS going to be someone you agree with but there are standards of decency, professionalism and dignity the office demands and we all deserve.

If Kelly can merely stop the deluge boorishness and embarrassments to all Americans, past, present and future, it would be a start.
Jennifer (Chicago)
"If Kelly can merely stop the deluge boorishness and embarrassments to all Americans, past, present and future, it would be a start."

Are you suggesting a coup d'etat? Or perhaps shutting down Trump's twitter account? Hmmmmm......
René (Harlem)
As much as I despise the current administration I applaud the appointment of John Kelly. Firing Anthony Scaramucci on day one was on point. The thought of twin narcissists competing for the limelight adds a dizzying component to an already terrifying scenario. I already have battle fatigue from the 100+ day blitzkrieg inflicted upon us by these dangerous clowns. I hope Kelly will at least provide us with some room to breathe and digest the daily horror of our emerging kleptocracy.
ezra abrams (newton, ma)
Fall, 2019, dateline Washington DC
We report that President Trump has hired a new campaign manager to bring order to his chaotic re election campaign (queue the "Today Trump became presidential Pundits)
Marcus Aurelius (Terra Incognita)
Do you understand the difference between the White House Chief of Staff and an election campaign manager?
styleman (San Jose, CA)
As we watch the daily soap opera known as Trump's White House, let's see what happens when General Kelly takes the spotlight away from the Narcissist in Chief for even a moment.
Jenifer Wolf (New York)
Kelly might be a right wing authoritarian creep, but I see no signs of his being a narcissist. So I don't think he sees himself as competing with Trump, and like most Americans, sees himself as being superior to Trump. We're all looking down on him & at the same time a bit terrified.
Isabella (Vancouver)
Kelly is an Independent.
Marcus Aurelius (Terra Incognita)
Are you sure you understand the difference between up and down?
AM (New Hampshire)
Kelly wants to bring "discipline" to the WH. Presumably, also stability and integrity. So, the next one he'll have to fire is Donald J. Trump.
Ed Op (Toronto)
What a joke.

Or, at least, it would be a joke if it wasn't so dangerous.

The US has chosen as its President a man who lacks any capacity to work collaboratively. He wants to operate as a Chief Executive in a world governed by collaboration and consensus. That world is what we call "democracy" by the way.

Trump hasn't had success leading in this strange world called Democracy and has put the blame on all the people around him (well, you hired them, didn't you Donald?). Now he hopes a General – the ultimate authoritarian – will get 'er done.

Sorry Donald, but General Kelly is not going to have any better success. Especially as long as you're his boss undermining his authority at every turn.

So this Administration will continue to lurch from crisis to disaster achieving nothing along the way blaming everyone else in the process. I'd be happy with that except that the job is too important. The world is very unstable and needs clear, focused leadership from the United States, not a 24/7 reality TV gong show. As entertaining as it's been.
quixoptimist (Colorado)
If the firing of Scaramucci is Kelly’s claim to fame and authority there is still a big problem.
It seems much ado about an insignificant action that by all account was a no-brainer.
It sounds as if Kelly will be the de-facto president; if Kelly is to do all the things this article and all the talking heads are saying he has to do.
Janice King (San Marcos CA)
The piece says it all right here: "Mr. Kelly, [is] the first former general to occupy the gatekeeper’s post since Alexander Haig played that role for President Richard M. Nixon during Watergate.". Not really illuminating to historians or even high school civics class students. But for those who eschew an academic understanding of our nation's history or believe the only "real" education is from the school of life..."Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it."

You might as well resign now Mr. Trump. The writing's on the pages of history.
Keith (Washington, DC)
Mentioning Alexander Haig and John Kelly in the same breath is disingenuous and a cheap attempt to paint Kelly with the same brush as the sycophantic and politically ambitious Haig.

Unlike Haig, who continued on active duty in the U.S. Army after the White House, John Kelly is retired from the Marine Corps. Kelly served 40 years, and he is not returning to active service. Kelly is a civilian, not a serving military general.
Eric (New York)
When Barack Obama became president, he inherited 2 wars and an economy in free-fall. Eight years later, Trump inherited a recovered economy and a smaller U.S. presence in the Middle East. There were no urgent issues to deal with on day one.

President Obama's success on these and other issues (in spite of Republucan obstruction) has allowed the Trump administration to flounder about. Trump has created an ineffective, chaotic environment that has created crises where none existed.

God knows how he'll deal with the inevitable real crisis when it comes his way. We should all be very worried.
jw (somewhere)
Am I to understand that you're blaming Trump's floundering on Obama's successes? Trump trips over himself, oops I mean tweets.
Eric (New York)
Obama's success has allowed Trump the luxury of being incompetent since there's nothing urgent for him to deal with.
joe (Westchester)
Obama's campaign promise to get out out of Iraq no matter what lead to the rise of ISIS and the deaths of hundreds of thousands.
bu (DC)
Trump not only likes chaos he thrives on it as the masthead above the fray - so he thinks. Kelly will be able to discipline much of the West Wing, but the Donald? stay tuned for another change. The Donald can't help his bad childish habits. He is entitled to tantrums and his "winning game" (afraid of being a loser). Kelly taming the wild one will have to go, eventually. It's part of the Donald psychology/psychotic 101.
Denver (Denver)
I agree with bu. Kelly will not be able to reign in Trump. His narcissism will not allow anyone to control him. He has to have the last word; he has to be the one and only Wizard of Oz. I was surprised to hear on national news this morning that even his daughter and Jared Kushner would have to go through General Kelly. But what's to stop them from talking business after hours around the dinner table? They both should be fired. Nepotism and cronyism hasn't worked and won't work. But that won't keep him from doing what he's been doing. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Observer (Backwoods California)
Next thing Kelly needs to insist on: when he leaves the White House every day, he takes Donald's cell phone with him. Donnie can have it back when Kelly arrives in the a.m.
Wendy Aiello (Denver, CO)
Oh, to be a fly on the wall.
What a horrible, embarrassing display.
Joshua Schwartz (Ramat-Gan)
Well at least Mr. Kelly has a pension from the Marine Corps if he too is pushed out of the WH.
JayEll (Florida)
Don't worry. Dancing with the Stars will pursue him along with CNN, MSNBC, Fox, etc. DWTS already put out feelers for Spicer.
Anne Carroll (Ontario)
Don't worry. The Mooch will be back for the season finale as a fan favourite!
YogaGal (Westfield, NJ)
YAY! We just adore his hairdo, his well-cut suits, and his penchant for foul language! Colbert will be so happy to hear this.
Dennis Hinkamp (Logan UT)
Game of Thrones is heartwarming family fare with a simple plotline in comparison to the White House.
JayEll (Florida)
With Gen Kelly, Trump finally got what he desperately needed: a guardian ad litem.
Majortrout (Montreal)
Too bad, Trump is not part of the staff under Mr. Kelly!
Impeach Trump (Tokyo)
He is, but he probably hasn't realized it yet.
Emmy (SLC, UT)
The thought occurred to me that since Trump was shipped off to a military school when he was young because he was so 'high spirited', that this might be the only person he'd listen to. Kind of like they say that old school British people respond to a nanny's tone.
SLJ, Esq (Los Angeles)
"That just happened!" (Talladega Nights: The Legend of Ricky Bobby starring Will Farrell)
sashakl (NYC)
Jeez, that must have been some amazing dinner last weekend with The Donald,
the Mooch, The Hannity and the other FOX guy! Oh to have been a fly on the tremendous world-class chocolate cake that night….
T. Max (Los Angeles)
Pinning your hopes on Kelly is like hoping some wild out of the blue draft pick is going save a dysfunctional team. Nope.
AE (California)
How long will Trump supporters swallow his excuses? At what point (If any) will they hold the president responsible for his failing Whitehouse? This man is utterly incompetent, but until he stops being propped up by propagandists and fellow Republicans he still, remarkably, will remain leader of the free world.
Nick (Chicago)
This is the worst reality show, ever.
G.P. (Kingston, Ontario)
Its not a turn around kids. Far from it but it is a start.
Moxnix67 (Oklahoma)
General Kelly is the 'manager' in charge of implementing the new rules at ICE. That is to say, no rules. Obama era policies regarding prioritizing deportations and mitigating considerations, gone. General Kelly's ice men can go after anyone, men, women, children, babies, anyone. New tactics are in play such as ice men ambushing families exiting the schoolyard. Why would it be a celebration to have this sicerheitspolitzei wannabe busily organizing the gang of pirates around Trump is beyond me? You think he's some kind of mensch?
Mary Douglas (Statesville, NC)
All this the taxpayer's expense. Trump should be fired.
Tom L. (Chico)
We'll have a chance to start the process of firing him in 2018.
(DEMOCRACY: Government, by consent of the governed.)
Barfoote (Long Island)
The Mooch pushed the threshold for shock beyond mere words. His vivid profanity generated mental imagery of Bannon that everyone would like to forget. They were only words. But their source - the White House Communications Director, and their target – a senior political operative, amplified their impact. It’s gonna take a fistfight on the White House lawn to raise eyebrows at this point.
Melvin Baker (Maryland)
WH attorney Jay Sekulow is like a puppy walking alongside a highway. You know what is likely to happen, but it is hard to watch!

Good luck.
Peter Gonzalez (Greenwich Village, New York)
Oh... the Mooch? You won't be seeing him no more.
J.Santini (Berkeley, California)
Poor Mooch, lost his ground! The next snake to be trown out should be Kellyanne Conway, she is as bad as The Mooch. Her Alternative Facts, became a REAL burden for the WH. Truth became a mirage.
Roger (Seattle)
If Trump were smart (note subjunctive here), I'd say he hired Scaramucci for one reason only - do the hit on Priebus - and then "Sunglasses the Mooch" is expendable: his firing will make the General look really tough. However, I don't think Trump can think that clearly or that far ahead.
PO (ny)
Why do people do bad things to others when everyone knows these would inevitably happen to them one day. In this case it happened to mooch in a matter 72 hours. It is called karma.
A. F. G. Maclagan (Melbourne, Australia)
The Mooch committed that one fatal crime in the White House - he outshone the President - a sure fire way to attract the ire of the Narcissist-in-Chief.
lje (california)
If it's correct that Jared & Ivanka pushed Trump to hire the Mouth as comm director, what does it say about their judgment? What kind of advice was that?
Adirondax (Expat Ontario)
Forgive my second post on this matter. But let me get this straight.

So the President's daughter and his son-in-law push the Mooch into the picture, presumably knowing full well his animus towards Spicer and Preibus. The Dad/President knows the guy, likes his style, and says OK. So he comes on board, after having been sequestered over at EXIM.

Then, after the Mooch goes on a down and dirty rant about the President's Chief of Staff, the President goes ahead and pushes the eject button and his Chief of Staff is gone.

But wait, there's more. Daughter and son-in-law start getting cold feet about the Mooch. He's gotten press that makes Dad/President look bad. So when thuh' General comes aboard and asks for the Mooch's head, Trump willingly hands it over.

Which begs the question, who the heck is actually in charge over there in the West Wing? It's almost as if the Presidency is a group family affair.

It's just not to be believed. Except of course it must be believed. You can't make this stuff up.
CitizenTM (NYC)
We will be like Brazil, Nigeria, Pakistan or maybe Turkey soon.

Democracy with a broad independent public education system will produce these results. People unschooled in cognitive reasoning and analysis will vote occasionally for a Trumpster.
John Ellison Davies (Australia)
Call to Steven Spielberg and/or other blockbuster movie directors:

Hoping that your script writers are on the job and already well ahead for when #45’s impeachment time comes?

Title suggestion: “America The Beautiful (b.1776 – d. 2016) ”

Main role casting suggestion: Mickey Rourke

Sure to be a totally unprecedented box office record !

(Please then give a percentage of proceeds to charity.)
ZDude (Anton Chico, USA)
The real cool thing is that "The Mooch" will be on talk shows and the first thing he will always say is, "Look let me tell you how it is, because, in my ten days of working at the White House I...."

Hopefully years from now, while Mooch struggles to stay relevant in the bubble of Fox News, perhaps "The Mooch's name title will read, "10-day White House Communications Director." I'm thinking there will be a Trump Scaramucci Channel in the near future, seriously.
D.A.Oh (Middle America)
The Mooch fulfilled his contract of front-stabbing Mr. Priebus and taking the heat off of the Don during the Failing Trump Organization's incredible healthcare debacle. Time to disappear now.
Dikoma C Shungu (New York City)
Appearances can be deceiving...

Step back for a moment and look retrospectively at what the Mooch did and how he comported himself during his 10 days in the White House and what do you see? I see the Mooch as precisely the sort of person the White House would have turned to if Trump had decided to get rid of his press secretary and chief of staff but did not want to take the blame for it. The Mooch's full frontal assault on Priebus was so bizarre the only logical explanation for it is that he was hired to pick fight with Priebus and cause his demise. The president wanted a "clean slate" -- the buzz word used by, among others, Spicer on his way out -- and Mooch delivered it by being both the "cleaner" and "fall guy." His apparent firing by the new chief of staff, General Kelly, was also part of the script. The Mooch did good. The president is happy. It was all a con job and thanks to the Mooch, it's mission accomplished!
Melvin Baker (Maryland)
Vlad Putin owns DJT. Look at the actions by both parties. It is obvious and there for all to see.

Just pay attention and look at the actions of this WH.

DJT has been compromised. It is now fact....
ZDude (Anton Chico, USA)
The Mooch saw himself as leading Trump's Crusade, where the boys from NYC, would own the political ecosystem and dominate the media, congress, and Trump's staff, and of course bring back nasty words we haven't heard of since we were in high school.

Trump saw it as a twofer: run off Preibus and torch Mooch's reputation.
Of course in Trump's handwritten manuscript, "Art of Evisceration" the Mooch aka "The Candle" had to first issue a thousand apologies for earlier trash talking Trump's candidacy while he ignorantly issued broadsides that essentially stacked kindling onto his impending pyre.

Ultimately the Mooch achieved what he was looking for, eternal fame, for he's now the first Harvard Law graduate with the shortest White House tenure.
Mike (Canada)
He has less character then a snake oil salesman. His a stooge.
tomjoad (New York)
Scaramucci just signed a contract to write a tell-all pamphlet . . .
Diana (Centennial)
This is beginning to be like some kind of vaudeville show where the hook comes out and pulls people off stage with a shout of "Next".
Dana Licko (Denver, CO)
I'm laughing so hard right now.
Maria (NYC)
Image fits perfectly, Diana!
CitizenTM (NYC)
When are his supporters starting to feel embarrassed by this President? This makes the "House of Cards WH" a zen monastery.
Betsy J. Miller (Washington DC)
"When are his supporters starting to feel embarrassed by this President?" Never. A YUGE percentage of Trump's xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic, racist base will never, ever admit how thoroughly they were conned. And they will re-elect him no matter what he does if the Dems don't get their act together and soon.
Jasonmichael (Virginia)
Coming from a trump supporter never was in his Camp her like the guy a whole lot I just picked him because he seemed like the lesser of two evils I still wouldn't have picked Hillary Clinton I'm disgusted those were are only two choices. Honestly after watching some of the things over the last couple of weeks I got to admit it's been cringe-worthy I've actually cringed when I've seen some of the coverage. Him going off on sessions that just made my stomach sick he talks about loyalty that man was the only one that was with him from the beginning whether you like him or not who cares. But you don't treat loyalty with a public flogging because you don't like what he did. I checked into it what sessions did was well within what he supposed to. If he had not recused himself he may as well as step down as attorney general because in a sense he would have been obstructing or breaking the law. I have no idea why none of Trumps people in the Oval Office did not explain that to him. I'm embarrassed for him and all of them they don't need to talk about Russia anymore I always said that was a fake story and I'll always stand by that. But if they were to just report the truth everyday about what's actually going on in the white house which I see is starting to go on now finally. I've been hearing slightly less about Russia and now they're just starting to report about all the craziness going on in the Oval Office
Nancy Lederman (New York City, NY)
C'mon people. This is just pure distraction, Saturday morning television for the kids. Russia, Syria, North Korea, ICE enforcement policy, climate deregulation, staffing for CDC, State Dept, Energy Dept, other government agencies. Oh, yeah, and health care. Let's keep our eyes on the ball.
S B Lewis (Lewis Family Farm, Essex, N. Y)
Question for reporters, the public, the administration, congress, educators, medical professionals... citizens of The United States of America...

Simply put, state here - or find another place... do you feel this president is honest, able, trustworthy... or is he a pathological liar and a sick man?


I am certain. And I do not think he's all that able... or intelligent.

Anthony Scaramucci: I met him at Goldman decades ago. I was unimpressed. We have spoken recently by his cell phone. I found him hyper - and unbalanced. He was simply not worth my time.

Astute reporters of the past would be writing.

James B. "Scotty" Reston and Walter Lippmann would not hesitate. They were among the best.

It is time for the public to speak. It is time for reporters to put the question to those that have the needed credibility. All know.

It's clear: we have a sick president. He will not change. His life is testimony to what he is - his campaign was one giant cheap manipulative con.

Trump said we have a mess. We do. He is right about that. Obama will not earn high marks for Syria, North Korea, or ACA... and I have no use for an addict in The White House, recovered or recovering, it's just not wise. That said, I VOTED for Obama, I voted for Romney. I wanted to give Obama a shot.

Today. I want the nation to speak. I want our best, our important and our least important - to speak.

All of us are important. What would mothers and fathers want to say to their kids?

Is he sick?
julian3 (Canada)
I have a couple of friends and a close family member who live with treatable and treated mental disorders. They have had to face their problem and seek help.They are doing well.
I believe that Trump is highly dysfunctional and has been since childhood.I do not believe that he has ever, nor will ever, seek help.
CitizenTM (NYC)
Where do you get the idea we had an addict in the WH with President Obama? That invalidates anything you have to say, Sir.
Jasonmichael (Virginia)
I think you're going a little too far but he definitely is not in any capacity ready or was ready or will ever be ready to run the country I agree with you on that I wouldn't have agreed with you a few months ago I do now. This last week and a half ruined it and finished me off completely. I never liked the guy that begin with I just figured he was the lesser of two evils but God Almighty what a train wreck dumpster fire. After watching the way he treated sessions I'm starting to wonder if he might be a little bit of a sociopath that's the only guy who is Ever truly loyal to him since the beginning and he goes and publicly flogs him that was pretty much it for me.
Fredric Kleinberg (Rochester, Mn)
It's rather a shame. Scaramucci added an element of class to the WH. Says something about the current standard of what constitutes class.
Betsy J. Miller (Washington DC)
I'm pretty sure that your comment was the first time in all of history that the words "Scaramucci" and "class" appeared in the same sentence.
Melvin Baker (Maryland)
Yates, Comey, Spicer, Priebus, Scaramucci and he is attacking Sessions. DJT is creating a complete war against everything he does. And in the end he is bringing Dems and the GOP together AGAINST him!
Anna (Minnesota)
And somewhere in the big city, Mr. Scaramucci is saying, "The Mooch is feelin' bad tonight."
John Blackwood (Alameda, California)
It's time for the producers to pull the plug on this failed reality television show and bring in a real president.
Betsy J. Miller (Washington DC)
Sorry. Mike Pence will waste no time in helping Mitch and Paul effectuate their evil and greedy agenda. I'm happy to continue to be embarrassed for awhile if it keeps those guys too busy to deconstruct the democracy.
Gene (Fl)
Is 10 days a new record?
Carla (Ithaca NY)
I'm so tired of winning.
Elly (NC)
It's not as if other countries don't have a bad enough opinion of this administration. One bad move after another. You know the moment Scaramucci became the topic of conversation he was a goner. No love lost.Vulgar person. But when you choose someone like him, what do you expect? No direction, and they think Kelly won't get tired, more tired of this?
chw1121 (nj)
My deepest condolence to someone in SNL who would be playing Scaramucch this fall. Sorry dude, you just lost the chance of becoming the next Melissa McCarthy.
ann dempsey (CT)
Some hope for our country. . . a stable man of honor as White House chief of staff. But alas. . . John Kelly's reign of integrity will most likely be buried by Trump's impulsivity and narcissism.
MFord (ATL)
So, President Kelly, what's on the agenda?
Richard Casey (Morgan Hill, California)
I hope that Anthony was "born with the gift of laughter and the sense that the world was mad."
George (uk)
Was an egotistical Trump easily groomed by the Russians from an early stage of his business dealings with them; or, is he actively and consciously working with them to destroy America? It is perhaps significant that Russia did not withdraw from the Paris climate agreement. The droughts of the 30s show that America is on a climate cusp. Also that Americans, around 4% of the world's population, cause nearly half of its greenhouse gas pollution. They are also the most technologically proficient to move rapidly to green energy. What better way for Russia/China/India et al than to actively pursue green energy development, the future, knowing that America is energetically doing the opposite with Trump...and better still, they are doing so virtuously - knowing that if/when the American economy collapses as a result, the world's biggest polluter per head, buys time for the rest of the planet...Discuss.
Robert (WIlmette, IL)
At any other time and in any other position, I would applaud Gen. Kelly. But his skills will only prolong the pain of a Trump White House. Then again, would we rather have the incompetence of Trump or an equally misguided but more politically skilled President Pence?
farhorizons (philadelphia)
So after how many days, Trump finally fired Mooch? One can only deduce that Trump is running scared and knew he needed to do something about the mess in the West Wing. Kelly was his cover. If Trump weren't afraid of the consequences he would never have done the right thing and rid the government of that low-life.
Christopher (Oakland, CA)
Agent Smith has left the building...
ViggoM (New York)
"two people familiar with his thinking" presumes the president thinks. Fake news indeed.
David (California)
I get it - Trump decided to fill the swamp before draining it. Hope more is on the way. The never ending fiasco's require a lot of scapegoats.
Nitama (New Yorik)
Donald Trump with his demeaning acts has cheapened the Presidency of the U.S. and the world leaders no longer respect for the POTUS. It is a sad sad day for the US Presidency.
MidtownATL (Atlanta)
How does Mike Pence manage to stay out of all the drama?

Perhaps Pence is the leaker.
otherwise (Way Out West between Broadway and Philadelphia)
When Trump is eventually impeached, it will be "Win-Win" for the Republican Party, and for Mike Pence personally.
DD (earth)
It's because he's just a mannequin/robot under mind control.
julian3 (Canada)
I don't think so. The Republicans allowed him to become their leader. He should have been stopped.
KL (Plymouth, MA)
The 10-day reign of terror has ended.
Lawrence DeMattei (Seattle, WA)
Still waiting for that "Make America Great Again" thing to happen.
DW (Philly)
He'll get to that right after he builds The Wall.
Ken (St. Louis)
In firing Scaramucci, fledgling Chief of Staff Kelly demonstrated good sense and leadership.

Tomorrow he should use those same skills to fire Trump.
glen (dayton)
"But over the weekend, after speaking with his family and Mr. Kelly, the president began to see the brash actions of his subordinate as a political liability and potential embarrassment, according to two people familiar with his thinking."

His thinking? I thought you guys were always striving for objectivity and truthfulness. What gives?
Paul Kunz (Missouri)
Can't wait for SNL and their skit All the President's Former Men. Maybe Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman could co-host.
Angela (Midwest)
“No WH chaos!” DT thou protests too much.
Gene (Seattle)
Game of Thrones meets Confederacy of Dunces
Karen (New Mexico)
Note to POTUS : When one commits to draining one's swamp, it helps not to simultaneously stock said swamp.
Nasty Man aka Gregory, an ORPi (old rural person) (Boulder Creek, Calif.)
Oh my gosh, someone more foul mouthed than me? I would've thought Mr. "you're fired"would've had thicker skin than that.

It's time to sit back (as I'vs been) and enjoy the show!
Erika (Atlanta, GA)
"Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter, and Jared Kushner, her husband, had pushed the president to hire Mr. Scaramucci, seeing him as a way to force out Mr. Priebus, the former national Republican committee chairman, and his allies in the West Wing."

So how much longer do Ivanka and Jared get to skate on the meme of "They're a calming influence on this president/they insert a touch of glamour to this White House/they're the quasi-Democrats keeping this ship running" - before people realize they are just as destructive as good ol' Dad?

P.S. If anybody thinks Steve Bannon is truly in favor of this installation of General Kelly to guard the henhouse, keeping him and Stephen Miller from direct contact with President Trump, I'd like to sell them this piece of real estate called the Brooklyn Bridge. Mr. Bannon sees Gen. Kelly as a chess piece - a knight getting rid of a bishop. As far as he is concerned, Mr. Bannon is still the most powerful piece - the Queen!
Todd (Oregon)
Does this mean "boy talk" is no longer acceptable? Does Melania still approve when her husband does it? I guess it doesn't matter, Trump can pardon himself for anything, right?
Rhea Goldman (Sylmar, CA)
Krantz in Landers, Ca. I went out for that popcorn and look what I missed.
gagal (georgia)
I am excitedly waiting for this ship of fools to sink.
Amazing that it took a convo with Trump and family over the weekend to make a decision to dump Scaramucci. What about making a decision immediately after his disgusting ranting interview with Ryan Lizza? Just proves that Trump and family will throw anyone under the bus. Anyone who thinks that this is going to be a reset for this abomination of an administration is delusional. Trump and The Mooch were made for each other.
BF (Boston)
At least my health insurance covers whiplash injuries (for now anyway).
ben kelley (pebble beach, ca)
“Mr. Scaramucci felt it was best to give Chief of Staff John Kelly a clean slate and the ability to build his own team." Yet Ms. Sanders, quoted here, has not resigned, nor have other staffers. What "clean slate"??
David (Portland, ME)
I posted recently the question -over/under of the number Mr. Trump's appointees who would last a year., Wondered if Vegas had set that. I would imagine that may be off the board now.

A very sad state of affairs in DC, for all of us. Doesn't seem that Mr. Trump has a clue about how all this is suppose to work. Is he still waiting for the writers of "The Apprentice" to send him the script?
Gilwrite (Delaware)
Quite a strategy executed for getting rid of Priebus and Spicer in one fell swoop, while getting a better choice installed as Chief of Staff. Side benefit of more public distraction from miscues and investigations and legislative failures, and more excuses for Trump's base as to why little has been done as promised. Trump's tactical, unnuanced mind didn't think of it, so it must have been the Jared-Ivanka dynamic duo behind it. Wonder if Mooch was in on it all along? Probably. He gets fame and notoriety, maybe book deal, speaking gigs, a record in history. Kelly maybe in on it, too. He steps into the planned vacuum to save the WH and country at a time President Trump is ready to listen (probably temporary state).
Melvin Baker (Maryland)
Are we winning? It is hard to tell...
frankly 32 (by the sea)
I do not like the idea of Trump becoming a more effective president, since at his core, he's morally bankrupt.
Oceanviewer (Orange County, CA)
Medication, please. Why doesn’t Trump’s personal physician medicate him? It won't take away all of his craziness, but c'mon.
SMartin (Santa Monica, CA.)
Korea now has a missile that is capable of reaching the US. This is no time for a Presidency that is not ready for a serious challenge that will be above the skill set of the current President. John Kelly needs to reign in the mess and clutter of the Trump administration....and there is plenty to reign in. We are a nation adrift from a position of leadership and respect. John Kelly has big shoes to fill and a whimsical "boss" who only casually knows how our system works.

I'm wishing our new Chief Of Staff the best of luck. He is an upstanding man with military discipline. But, given how unstable our administration is, the best I can do is wish him good luck...and that my friends is a sad state of affairs indeed. More than sad....frightening because of events unfolding because others sense a void 'of sorts'.
Jin (Seoul)
Wow...How will we ever get used to a world without Trump?Things would be so dull
Nina (Newburg)
Dull, please, boring, too...the sooner the better!
expat from L.A. (Los Angeles, CA)
For the first time in my life, I'm embarrassed to have an Italian last name.
LL (Westchester)
You shouldn't be. The media and much of the American public should be embarrassed for their racism.

Emanuel's ethnicity was never an issue when he made vulgar comments.
Bh (Houston)
In these last six months the Republicans have finally realized in all three branches their self-fulfilling prophecy, transforming their ugly lie into an uglier truth: Government IS the problem.
GMooG (LA)
I would just like to point out that, even though I was the White House Communications director for only 6 months, that is 18x longer than Scaramucci.

Yours Truly,
Sean Spicer
wbj (ncal)
Did the Mooch get pushed out by Kelly,or Trump? After all, the press coverage was all about the Mooch and not Trump.
Jonathan (Brooklyn)
Aaron Sorkin, you've been topped.
EK (Somerset, NJ)
I give Kelly 4 to 6 weeks.

The first time he tries to get between Jared and daddy he'll be gone.
wbj (ncal)
And the Good Lord help him if he tries to get between Ivanka and Daddy.
Robert Stacy (Tokyo)
Was he back stabbed or front stabbed? Seriously can't make this stuff up.
GSC (Brooklyn)
This White House is like watching "Julius Caesar" performed by the cast of "Noises Off."
Bob G. (San Francisco)
I am kind of loving that Scaramucci was removed at least in part because of his very crude blue language. All the people that have undoubtedly been the brunt of that language for years must be experiencing just a little bit of schadenfreude.
bones 307 (South Carolina)
Trump Needs to FIRE Himself....
Howard64 (New Jersey)
With the people in succession there is no good outcome of Trump's impeachment
1 Vice President Mike Pence (R)
2 Speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan (R)
3 President pro tempore of the Senate Orrin Hatch (R)
4 Secretary of State Rex Tillerson (R)
5 Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin (R)
6 Secretary of Defense James Mattis (I)
7 Attorney General Jeff Sessions (R)
8 Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke (R)
9 Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue (R)
10 Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross (R)
11 Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta (R)
12 Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price (R)
13 Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson (R)
– Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao (R)[a]
14 Secretary of Energy Rick Perry (R)
15 Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos (R)
16 Secretary of Veterans Affairs David Shulkin (I)
17 Secretary of Homeland Security Elaine Duke (I)[b]
eaalice (East Aurora, NY)
Oh, poor Mooch! Wasn't there long enough to earn vacation days and healthcare coverage like the rest of America's working stiffs! And no severance!
Kerm (Wheatfields)
Bannonism- in and out ; paying attention to what we are not doing! is really what we are doing who is the chain of command... really? It's what is going on while we were not paying attention, listening and watching Congress behind all the Bannonism's. It's working.
C Nelson (Canon City, CO)
Good riddance.
Who the dickens is Anthony Scaramucci anyhow?
There is little doubt that Gen. Kelly can improve operation of the WH Staff, but the overriding issue is whether he can influence the behavior of the President, which is by far the biggest problem with this administration. A huge step in the right direction would be to end the practice of "Government by Tweet".
Joel G (Upstate NY)
Everybody is on notice: There is an adult in the room. Problem is the child with the orange hair.
Lise Schiffer (Chicago, IL)
I would be shocked if Kelly could reign in Trump. The moment Kelly seems to be getting more respect and admiration than Trump is when Trump will start to undermine his new Chief of Staff. Donald Trump simply cannot tolerate anyone getting more positive attention than he does and I predict Kelly will be the next to fall if he doesn't aggrandize this rogue president.
Karen (New Mexico)
Plus, Kelly is now on record as harshly judging Trump's careless and punitive firing of James Comey. Will this be the first crack in the "loyalty test"?
Susan Beaver (Cincinnati)
So now Pres. Trump will marshal HIS generals?
Lawrence Linehan in Buckinghamshire (Buckinghamshire, UK)
It will seem dull when you have a new President.
Cmary (Chicago)
Dull would be good, indeed.
julian3 (Canada)
Is it dull for you without the odious beer-swilling Farage ?
Jay Lenn (Chicago)
Call your general if your Scaramucci lasts more than 10 days.
Diane E. (Saratoga Springs, NY)
The current President is acting more and more like a leader of a third-world country. He is not an appropriate leader of our country.
MFord (ATL)
Good to know the US President has a decent babysitter.
SLMc37 (Frederick, MD)
What an absolute train wreck.
VoterID'd (America)
Be Courageous

9 minutes ago

May I suggest a short but very insightful story about why cursing and tongue lashing is toxic to everyone exposed to it, including the one who utters it. It is called, Ooooooooo, You Said a Bad Wooord!: How a Group of Young People Outgrew 'Adult' Language by R. Adams. It simply lets us know why we need to stop tearing one another down so we can build success together. Find it on Amazon or Barnes and Noble PLEASE.
John Hansen-Flaschen (Philadelphia, PA.)
So that the public gains something useful from Mr. Scaramucci's 10 days of fame, I propose that a perfectly sculpted men's coiffure featuring 3-dimensional coloring and fine-comb separation of every adjacent surface hair glued unmessably in place be hereafter and eternally known as "a mooch."
Brian S (Las Vegas, NV)
They must be playing musical chairs to the tune, "Hail to the Chief".
ajoycebolla (Oakland)
The Trump presidency is a disaster and an embarrassment, an insult to democracy its citizenry. Congress needs to revolt and send a clear message to Trump. Trump can't be gone soon enough.
human being (USA)
It does seem that some Senators are moving toward being more vocal but Paul Ryan and the Republican House are still spineless.

Interesting opinion piece by Republican Senator Flake in Politico in this regard entitled "My Party is in Denial about Donald Trump."

But his cabinet needs to get in line to utilize existing constitutional authority to remove Trump as being unsuitable for office--generally taken to mean by reason of health. They are all as spineless as the House Republicans, though.
Luis Miguel Sainz (Puebla, México)
Just an small sample of the perfect tuned machine, of what this terrific goverment is
N.B. (Cambridge, MA)
"No chaos in the white house" sounds like "What a day!, what a lovely day!" from a recent movie!
Anne (Sacramento)
Thank you Ryan Lizza.
Anne (Sacramento)
I was shocked when my brother told me he didn't know what I was talking about in my very short comment: Thank you Ryan Lizza.

So, for clarification, Ryan Lizza is the New Yorker reporter that Scaramucci called and unloaded about his plans to " fire everyone" and unleashed a torrent of foul language. This call was not off the record and Lizza reported it for all to read.
akhenaten2 (Erie, PA)
"Mr. Trump was initially pleased by Mr. Scaramucci’s harsh remarks..." Hideous! Here is the source of all of this mess, and the mess will remain as long as the source.
Wilbray Thiffault (Ottawa. Canada)
Is that mean that Spicer will be back?
Nina (Newburg)
Spicey and Melissa now get there jobs back! Cool!
Febr2301 (NJ)
A Director of Communications should at least know how to use his big boy words.
Angela (Midwest)
I am going to delay my move to Canada. This administration is just too much fun.
human being (USA)
Much harder to move to Canada than previously--best bet is if you have a rare skill you can bring to employment. Perhaps you have other eligibility. I don't but wish I did. (:
Katie Fernald (New Mexico, USA)
Also, Canada's single-payer healthcare system is not big on accepting people with potentially pre-existing conditions.
bob welborn (austin, texas)
Good Lord, I've got soup in my refrigerator that lasted longer than Mr. Scaramucci's shot at being WH communications director. I wish Mr. Kelly all the luck in the world but fear reigning in the moving pathology that is the Trump White House is akin to herding cats on LSD.
John Sawyer (Rocklin, CA)
It will be interesting to see how "headstrong" Bannon works with Kelly. I see a power clash.
eLeg (Seattle)
I feel sorriest for the guy who probably just got hired to impersonate "The Mooch" on Saturday Night Live. Out of a job that quick. Sad.
sashakl (NYC)
What? You're telling me that the Mooch is NOT a cast member from SNL?
ted (portland)
In all this noise not a word about his connection to and the sale of his hedge fund to a Chinese conglomerate H.N.A., which is under dome serious scrutiny. I'm not sure what worries me more, Kushner, or the ease with which the American public can be distracted by National Enquirer type news.
Kabir Faryad (NYC)
"The Art of the Nothingness (how to win an election)" coming soon to local barns everywhere.
FilmMD (New York)
Scaramucci should look on the bright side: he has great hair, and Donald can't take it away from him.
Buck California (Palo Alto, CA)
Who is going to give us the inside skinny on Bannon's habits?
Vikram Phatak (Austin, TX)
I'm in shock! 'The Mooch' was good for ratings! Maybe too good?!
Jonathan (Brooklyn)
Here we have the self-professed smart businessman showing us his best game! No wonder he couldn't even sell steaks or cover expenses in the gambling industry. No wonder he went bankrupt so many times in so many endeavors. And no wonder he likes to hide in the safety of a family-run operation. If any of his jobs, this one included, reported to a board of directors, he'd be Scaramooched.

"MAGA" gang, I think you erred.
paul (brooklyn)
I know I am wrong but I loved the mooch.

Don't get me wrong, Trump is a bigoted, rabble rousing, admitted sexual predator, pathological liar, ego maniac demagogue.

The Mooch, in his own way sort of said what I said above.
Mr. Prop Silk (Wash DC)
Is it possible, that they merely used Scaramucci as a temporary, or "pinch hitter", to do the hatchet job on Priebus, then getting rid of both of them, to get a truly fresh start? Suggests a lot of forethought…. so maybe not.
Maria (NYC)
Oh to be able to hear Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus' words (or laughter) to their inner circle about this latest boot (make that plural since the Mooch's wife is dumping him too). No sympathy from me, Scaramucci deserves every bit of it for his vulgar, backstabbing tirade that irretrievably demonstrated he is not White House material. Ahh, but one person still appreciates him... Trump, wouldn't you know!
Chris (Cave Junction)
With no sarcasm, no cynicism, no irony and in total seriousness, I believe the cast and crew of the West Wing could run the nation better than the Trump administration, which really isn't saying much.
sashakl (NYC)
So could the cast and crew of Trolls.
M.I. Estner (Wayland MA)
The idea that Kelly's appointment represents a significant change for Trump is misplaced. Trump is a narcissist, and he truly has no idea that he is the problem, because his condition prevents him from thinking that he ever can be wrong. Even if Kelly were able to instill so-called marine discipline throughout the White House, Trump would still persist to make a mess of his own Presidency. The problem is, has been, and will continue to be Trump; and he is organically incapable to change his behavior.
VtSkier (NY)
My guess is this is all planned out. So Kelly goes from DHS to COS. OK, now we need someone at DHS who is tough on immigration. How about Jeff Sessions who is more or less looking for a job? (Or should be). Great so he's gone.

And looky, looky - a Congressional recess. Very convenient. Maybe make a recess appointment of some faithful toady to the suddenly vacated AG position.

Maybe Tiffany needs some spending money. Or hey, even Baron (better than going to school). And Chris Christie seems to be freeing up. Worse comes to worse, Sean Spicer or Scaramucci. I'm sure someone would like to be called AG.

And the timing is perfect. Recess appointment. No confirmation needed.

And guess what. Now the new AG can fire Mueller. Wow. What a coincidence.

It all works.

Very worrying.
Carla (Ithaca NY)
There is nowhere near that much thought going into these "decisions."
ContraEgoiste (NY)
Yep, exactly that. Odd how few can connect these obvious dots. Whether Scaramucci was in on it or he was just used and discarded, that was his sole job. He did it and now he's gone. I'll give it until Friday before we hear of Sessions moving to DHS.
BCN (Glenview, IL)
Makes me wonder how long General Kelly will last.
Some Dude (California)
If I were an overseas friend or foe of the United States I would be watching this presidential circus with great interest. Who is going to take us seriously? When are we going to wake up from this nightmare?
human being (USA)
The leadership of these nations is doing just that. Just review Merkel's statements about Europe going alone.
Terry (Davis, CA)
Late night comedians everywhere just let out a wail.
sashakl (NYC)
Comedians everywhere are just fine because they know a new shiny replacement is somewhere waiting in the wings.
Loomy (Australia)
I can't speak for America, but as soon as Trump and his cronies go...

...everything will feel greater again!

And so many will feel greater, again.

Just make sure it doesn't happen...again.
human being (USA)
So many of us are in shock still that he was elected. But there are many reasons for that, one of which, IMO, the Democrats had the wrong candidate. I truly believe Joe Biden could have won. He is perceived as still being a "common man."
EFM (Brooklyn, NY)
He is male and that sometimes seems to be the only qualification that sticks in this country. Look at Trump.
Loren Hammer (Northern California)
This would all be very amusing serial, if it wasn't real.
voter (california)
There really should be no place in government for such boorish behavior. Glad he's gone.
Yunkele (Florida)
Let's focus on the big picture. Since Trump and his family invaded, our civil rights have eroded, bigotry has been reinforced, the police have been given freer reign to shoot their guns, our health care is in jeopardy, and Trump is trampling freedom of the press. We also get propaganda, quick decisions made without thought, harassment via Twitter, changes in plans made at a moment's notice and more. Most of Trump’s words are lies…Jared Kushner admitted this…..and Trump knows they are lies. This is called PROPAGANDA, just like Goebbels used in Nazi Germany. This is very serious business folks. Trump ignores the Constitution and Congress. He seeks to defile and destroy freedom of the press and the First Amendment in general. More than half of his appointees and hate mongers: Anti-black, anti-Semitic, anti- Moslem, anti-LGBT, anti-immigrant… If you want to keep our country free, you'll agitate to get anyone but Trump who knows the meaning of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, of the Constitution and of proper procedures and decorum, ANYONE OF ANY PARTY, any non-demagogue, to be President rather than this horrific monster. Time to stop talking and get this done. The Republicans won't do it.......they're crooks like all politicians, essentially. If they talk and say the ‘wrong’ thing, they’ll lose their precious seats and ‘political careers’, along with the corrupt money thrown at them as a result of being in their seats. It's our country, not theirs.
magicisnotreal (earth)
Guess what? It worked!

We aren't talking about Jr's meeting, The Russian Conspiracy, Whether or not Sessions will quit or be fired, Mueller's investigation, and the failed healthcare bill.
Joe (White Plains)
Chaos, confusion, backstabbing, profanity and no legislative achievements, and yet Trump's approval rating among our rustic brothers and sisters is still higher than a kite on meth. The heartland needs a bypass.
human being (USA)
Actually, it should give us pause about how alienated these folks feel and how they have bought into "fake news" and truly fake promises. A real problem, regardless of Trump's win, is the superior that drips from some well-educated liberals. Another problem is that the Democratic leadership has never perfected or attempted a narrative on what Medicaid does, what the AACA did etc. It is activists that have been able to shape this message.

But really who knows, even among some of the literati, that Medicaid is the largest single payer for long term care in this country? Who is paying for folks' mom and dad in a nursing home? Who is providing home services for frail adults and people with disabilities of all ages? Who pays for addiction treatment? It is not your neighborhood religious congregation.

The Democrats have failed miserably. I am saying this as a proud left-of-center liberal. We have to get off our high horse of superiority. Some people on the fringe will never see Trump for what he is or are just like Trump. But there is a group out there that can be spoken to, and more importantly listened to, who may begin to acknowledge that we elected a very poor president. They may never register as Democrats. (: But being a level-headed Republican is not a bad thing.
James (Los Angeles)
I suppose we should view Mr. Scaramucci's tenure as a great success. Barely a week on the job, and nobody leaked his dismissal!
Nellsnake (Pittsburgh)
So does this mean it HAS been Reince all along?
Sheila Gibson (Austin, TX)
Since Trump has never been one to shy away from vulgar behavior and profanity, it appears that Gen. Kelly deserves all the credit for dumping the Mooch and--one hopes--initiating some sense of decency for Trump and his surrogates. It has also been reported that Gen. Kelly considered resigning from the Dept. of Homeland Security when Trump fired Comey. It is almost bizarre to have someone with a sense of ethics and morality serving at The White House--we simply have not seen this before. Gen. Kelley's appointment seems to strongly suggest that Trump is so afraid of Bob Mueller's investigation that he has actually appointed someone with a sense of honor as chief of staff. Let's hope that Gen. Kelly can exert some control over Trump until the president is carted off to a federal penitentiary.
Ron (Nicholasville, Ky)
Beginning with Comey fired by hearing a report on television, dismissing Yates, bullying his AG via tweets, possibly firing Priebus by a tweet, exploiting Scaramucci by using him to force out Spicer, it appears Trump is a coward. Talks big, acts small. And it seems that DNA has been passed on to some of his children. It is going to be a long painful wait for 2020.
rlkinny (New York)
Hey Mooch -- Chris Christie could use a new Communications Chief. You'd be perfect!
Mark Paskal (Sydney, Australia)
I can see Mooch as the valet car parking guy.
sandhillgarden (Fl)
Not only was the Mooch an immediate disaster to the White House, he was a gut punch to the morale of the nation, after so many others in the last 6 months, and a further slide into slime. At least someone, for at least 5 minutes, could do something sensible in this administration.
Krantz (Landers, California)
Please pass the popcorn.
The Heartland (West Des Moines, IA)
The Republican Party is going to suffer massive losses in 2018...IF all of you who comment on all the articles about Trump put your money, and time, where your mouths are. It's not enough to write comments. You need actively to work for Democratic candidates.

I don't care if you're Bernie Bros or establishment Democrats. We all have a common goal--to terminate the Republican majority in the House and Senate, and ultimately to send Trump and his minions packing. It's time to act.
YogaGal (Westfield, NJ)
Did the Mooch get fired via twitter too???
mikeyh (Poland, OH)
Moochie, we hardly knew ye.
Meredith (New York)
Satire from Andy Borowitz---always the most appropriate response to the most bizarre happenings
"The Borowitz Report
Comedians Protest Anthony Scaramucci’s Ouster

Thousands of angry comedians protested outside the White House on Monday afternoon, demanding the immediate reinstatement of the ousted communications director Anthony Scaramucci.

Chanting “Bring back Mooch,” the irate funnymen and funnywomen argued that the abrupt removal of Scaramucci was akin to taking the food out of their families’ mouths.
Industry estimates had projected that Scaramucci’s presence on the White House staff would generate between four and five billion dollars for the comedy industry this year alone, a windfall that has now been erased.

Buddy Schlantz, the owner of the Bethesda, Maryland, comedy club known as the Laff Pagoda, travelled to the White House to protest what he called “a direct assault on the comedy community.”

“Most comics I know are in a state of shock,” he said. “Years from now, comedians will be asking each other, ‘Where were you when you found out that Scaramucci was canned?’ ”

Tracy Klugian, a comedian who described herself as “furious” about Scaramucci’s departure, said that she and her fellow-comedians were demanding that Donald J. Trump appoint a replacement who is acceptable to the comedy industry.
“Unless he picks someone of the order of Gary Busey or Snooki, it’s going to get ugly,” she said."
Marc (Golden,Co)
Comedic writers use to work long hours but since Trump Co has been on the political stage they have cruised with little effort. They typically show up a few hours before air time and just quickly convert actual events to comedy. Its high time we make them go back to full work weeks by taking away their "cash cow" Trump Co.
63 and counting (CT)
As Groucho Marx once said, "time wounds all heals."
Perry (Portland)
Usually, when they escort you out, there's no "alternate position" you get to work at.
Ms. Pea (Seattle)
Will Kelly be able to get Trump to control his Twitter fingers? That would be the true test, and would really show who's in charge and that this administration at last means to settle down. Stay tuned.
Gnirol (Tokyo, Japan)
Well, we've been through Pres. Bannon, and now Pres. Kelly. If only Donald Trump had the capability to be Pres. Trump, instead of "Pres. Trump." "A finely-tuned machine?" More like a clunker driven by Laurel and Hardy with bits and pieces falling off day by day.
Garth (Vestal, NY)
The beginnings of the Trump White House have been more remarkable than FDR's first 100 days, but for all the wrong reasons. Trump's White House is like a warehouse that has gone up in flames and the glow of the blaze can be seen for miles.

Donald has already fired a national security advisor, the head of the FBI, his press secretary just quit, and has fired both his chief-of-staff and his communications director in a weeks time. Yet Donald insists that the White House is not in chaos. Sarah Huckabee Sanders has her hands full trying to explain away that whopper.

It is as Donald would say, "Amazing", and ridiculously entertaining. However, Donald is challenged just managing the White House while the North Koreans are increasing pressure, the Russians are punching back in regards to the sanctions, the cost of health care may soar and be denied to millions with the challenges to Obamacare. God help us as we have a President who is mainly focused on squelching the Russia investigation even though, "there is nothing there".

We might all be better off if the disciplined Mr. Kelly is the dominant force inside the White House and becomes the de facto President in place of the foppish and floundering Trump.
Robert (Montreal)
Well, that was about 11 days late. And Mr. Drumpf has been about 6+ months too long.
Mike from Colorado (Colorado)
After reading all the comments here (3,200+), you'd think the sacking of Scaramucci directly affected a lot of people. Yet oddly, the commentators never explain how they've been affected, other than vague remarks about how the U.S. is "imploding," "losing its rightful place in the world," etc. Given the obsessive comments, can anyone simply explain this action affected your lives (e.g., the stock market tanked, your taxes went up, you were thrown in jail, etc.)?
dale (austin)
Not affected directly, but indicative of a incompetent administration. That's it. Really concerned if a crisis occurs.
David (California)
As an American, it is shocking, disorienting and worrisome to see the Presidency in such disarray. It is one of the foundations of our country. The rapid erosion of Presidential standards we've witnessed over the past six months is, frankly, scary. I lived through Watergate, this is more troubling.
Quaint that you find honest concern for the institution of the Presidency a sign of weakness. Many people are embarrassed to be governed by this confederacy of dunces; honestly feel the White House should be staffed with better human beings than this and can't imagine when the swap draining will kick in.
morGan (NYC)
Not that Jeb Bush was an awesome candidate, but he predicted exactly what we have been living through the past six months, chaos.
He said that during the debates, paraphrasing" this man create chaos and upheaval everywhere he goes"
Maybe Kelly could convince him to quit!
VJBortolot (GuilfordCT)
Perhaps some of the Russian nationals put out of work by Putin's retaliation against our embassy and consulates there could be brought over to work in the White House. They've been thoroughly vetted, one supposes. And would work for way less than American employees. What's not to like? What could go wrong?
Guernica (Decorah, Iowa)
The Mooch was one terrible hire among many. Bad hiring is the responsibility of the person doing the hiring. The blame goes to trump (lower case "t" intentional.) Time to eliminate a boss so inept at hiring "the best people."
Terri Smith (USA)
Couldn't have a loud mouth like Trump going thru a divorce while his wife is pregnant. Brings too much Trump history to the forefront.
JAM (Portland)
WH incompetence meter jumped x100 by appointing an ignoramus communications director who 'forgets' to go 'off-the-record,' then firing him two weeks before his start date when he vomits all over the Oval Office carpet.
Vin (NYC)
With a man of arms in charge, the courtiers will have to be on their toes.
Meliza (Baltimore, MD)
Apparently #45 needed family (the same ones who encouraged the hiring?) and Kelly to see the words and actions of Scaramucci as a potential embarrassment. Any 7 year old would know better.
Gary (NE Ohio)
This reminds me of an old comedy skit on the National Lampoon Radio Hour. To paraphrase:

"Thank you for calling MoviePhone for the Ajax Theater. Playing tonight on Screen 1 is "The Mooch", depicting the life and political times of Anthony Scaramucci, with highlights of his fantastically influential presence on the Office of the President. Show times will be at 8:00 PM, 8:02 PM, 8:04 PM, 8:06 PM ..... "
Dan88 (Long Island, NY)
As to potential replacements, Corey Lewandowski has been lurking around on the sidelines since he was ousted as campaign manager last year. And Trump does have a history of recycling his Apprentices...
TheraP (Midwest)
All these ups and downs...

It's gonna kill us all.

We'll die laughing!
Otto (Rust Belt)
Blood in the water and the sharks are having a field day. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!
Petey tonei (Ma)
Kelly should turn his attention to ear whisperer bannon.
NYCarchitect (NYC)
Another example of Donald Trunp is such an amazing leader. I mean- he picks the best people. Surrounds himself with really terrific people. the best people. He's always winning.
lou (phila)
Hey Tony, was dat a knife in da front or a knife in da back?
Jim (California)
The Mooch was last seen running in the direction of his wife's divorce attorney shouting something about 'temporary insanity'. (This could not have happened to a more deserving guy!!!)
steve (US)
All things trump lead to money. Here is the reason the mooch needed the job for 5 minutes.
fairlington (Virginia)
This is The Godfather inside the Beltway. The person in the Oval Office is Sonny Corleone - all narcissistic muscle and nothing but empty space between both ears. Scaramucci will have a new job as the new Clemenza ... Assistant to the President for Bipartisan Executions and Unexplained Disappearances - "Leave the gun, take the Cannolis."
Richard Monckton (San Francsico)
Scaramucci, a foul-mouthed bully with the looks of a gigolo, would not just have made for a great sketch in SNL, he would have helped the rot in the White House hasten the administration's demise. In a perverted sort of way, Scaramucci was an unwitting patriot who could have helped the Trump White House drown in its own filth. Too bad he is gone.
Lingonberry (Seattle, WA)
I wonder if the Mooch has enough material for a tell all book? In the Trump Administration I guess ten days of surviving the ax is sufficient to get a book deal going. You know, if you were on a two week vacation hiking in the forest and not checking in, you would have missed the entire Moocharama show.
David C (Clinton, NJ)
When CoS Kelly succeeds in removing Kellyanne Conway, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, I'll begin to believe that we are getting close to the end of the beginning of the debacle of the Trump Administration we've witnessed to this point.
Tanya (LA, ca)
If Kelly is to make any change at all... POTUS will need to practice some discipline (especially with his trigger happy twitter fingers) as well as yeild some authority to Kelly if any change for the positive is to manifest. I have ZERO faith that POTUS can do either of these two things. This is one instance I would loved to be proved wrong.. He just can't LEAD it's not in his DNA he is way to insecure to lead which is why he falls back on threats etc every time. We shall see?
Jude (Pacific Northwest)
In spite of the position he landed, I am highly doubtful The Mooch's genuine perception and his real thoughts of Trump ever changed.

As comical as this seems, it's unfortunate this is real life and the world is attentively watching our rapid fall from grace.
Jonathan (Brooklyn)
Hey, Priebus is gone and still the White House is leaking! Does that mean Scaramucci is not just coarse but wrongheadedly impulsive too? Positively Trumpish!
sloreader (CA)
Steven Colbert may be in shock. He was having a field day with "The Mooch".
Erfa Alani (Toronto)
SNL barely had a chance to spoof him
Atul (Kansas)
It seems that Trump's family members call the shots for hiring and firing of the staff. Chris Chrisite was denied a position in the administration because of the bad blood he had with Kushner (for prosecuting Kushner Sr.) So Christie was discarded like gum on the shoe after the election once he had served his purpose during the campaign as an opposing candidate turned loyal supporter. What a fool to believe that Kushner would not turn the knife later on.

All other appointees live as long as the prince Kushers and princess Ivanka are happy. We still see a parade of sychophants clamouring to be near the seat of power because they lust for fame, however fleeting it tirns out in this administration. They can't seriously believe that Trump and his family will behave differently with them.

Fools all of them, Senator Jeff Sessions and General Kelly included.
sdt (st. johns,mi)
The real problem needs to resign for health reasons and go play golf. That's a lie most people would like to hear.
Engarcon (New Yawk)
There is no possible way Americans or Senate will allow this buffoonery to continue for 3+ years. It is scary to think that this will go on unchecked for much longer.
DS (Toronto)
We live in hope.
Jay Buoy (Perth W.A)
Memo to Steve Bannon.. keep your head down..
So, Jared and Ivanka are responsible for The Mooch to get the boot..
Hmm, wonder what choice words The Mooch may be using to express his "love" for those two!
michael (hudson)
Some of you may remember when George W, Bush left on his own, nominated harriet myers for a supreme court spot, . That incident was Exhibit A of W's unfitness for the job.
Mooch's unhiring is Exhibit AA of Trump'Trump's ncompetence. The pathetic bottom line is the best to expect from this administration is it may recognize obviously idiotic policy and personnel problems.
Robert (Geneva)
The cynical view:
Mooch's wife probably left him only after she finally learned how much he was worth since it was in the open, so that she new what she could claim from him ...
NeeNee (Salt Lake City, Utah)
General Kelly is now de facto President. Better Kelly than Bannon or Ivanka or Pence -- Kelly is (we hope) a lesser evil. Unlike his boss, Kelly has a respectable knowledge of world affairs, domestic security, military strategy, management of complex organizations, ethical behavior, and professional demeanor. Trump surely picked Kelly because -- deep down -- he knows he is in WAY over his head and lacks the intellectual and psychological resources to save himself and us. Who will supervise Kelly though? Hope he is enough of a patriot not to let his power go to his head, a la Alexander Haig (I'm in charge!!!!).
Else Tudor (95531)
John Kelly is Trump's father figure. In that role, he will have to manage the disputatious, rebellious, headstrong, bullying, impetuous Putative President #45. If Kelly's successful, #45 may enact his regressive agenda. I don't know which is worse: a docile, focused Trump or a disorganized narcissistic Trump.
D.A.Oh (Middle America)
After fulfilling his purpose to front stab Priebus, the Mooch was promptly stabbed in the back.
Kally (Kettering)
I'm starting to see that letting Scaramucci force Spicer out (by his very appointment), then get Priebus out (with his foul-mouthed rant--he may have watched too many VEEP episodes), was a way to help Trump get some things done that he wanted to do but didn't want to take responsibilty for. He just wasn't able to get to Sessions yet. So maybe Scaramucci has some pay-off waiting for him. On the other hand, The Mooch said he wanted to let Trump be Trump and maybe Ivanka, Jared, and then Kelly, said, ...wait a minute! That's the opposite of what we're going for!
Agent 99 (SC)
Mooch was trump toast from the day he walked into the White House. Trump used him to fire the Spice man and the Preibus. Not for one New York minute would Trump let Mooch get away with his bad mouth comments about Trump during the campaign. This was Trump using Mooch to do his dirty work and it was a success. This is fake news but it is likely Trump did this also to make Mooch sell his company. Rule by revenge that's 100% Trumpian.

On unrelated note, Trump and Putin likely orchestrated the expulsion of the 750 from Mother Russia. Trump gave Putin the ammunition by saying he was going to sign the sanctions bill. Yet he hasn't signed it. Then recess and the bill has to go through other delays before Trump has to sign or veto. By then who knows what's going to develop.

And, I'm not a conspiracy theorist!
BG (Rock Hill, SC)
The Mooch was my favorite character this season so far, and though I'm sorry to see him voted off the island so soon, this Kelly character has clearly earned his rose. Is it still only Monday?
Jack M (NY)
And then there was Bannon...
Dan88 (Long Island, NY)
A true front stabbing?
The Mooch could elucidate
But now he is gone
mrelin (seneca lake,NY)
moochie me was even too fou l mouthed for the Trump family! That tells you how bad things are in the White House! There could not be a more classless group ever to inhabit Washington!! Remember he was only emulating his boss .Poor General Kelly,fighting a war will be a lot easier than controlling Trump!
Kitty Mack (Boston)
And this is a world leader? No wonder we have lost so much respect and credibility, globally, just in the past six months. When will someone get rid of this guy and his zoo of an administration? Honestly, they each belong in a psych ward, strapped to a Thorazine drip.
Michael (Iowa)
Call me crazy...but Scaramucci can't be all that stupid. He's done enough business and been around enough to know how and when to watch his tongue.

Given the reality-tv-esque nature of everything Trump, has anyone wondered if the whole mess is a story arc? The Mooch drops in from nowhere and boom, Spicy resigns, then the Mooch goes off the rails, then Priebus leaves and Kelly arrives and we all see his first "take-charge" to be dismissing the Mooch.

If the past six months hadn't been so unbelievable already, then I'd dismiss the idea of a Hollywood script. A housecleaning that aligns with Trump's wishes without having to do the dirty work. HHHhhhmmmmmm
Elle (Midwest)
Will the "mooch" backslide and revert back to his stance that the President is a 'hack politician'? This guy has many pressing issues to deal with at the current time. Well we know that Trump can hold a grudge, so wouldn't it be funny if Scaramucci was to be hired/fired all along because of his flagrant remarks? Lol
canislupis (New York)
Trump: Scaramucci an embarrassment? Not. (Trump knows no embarrassment). Pulleeze.... Ivanka and Jared. This was ALL about Scaramucci stealing Daddy'o's spotlight, something that Trump will not stand for. End of the Mooch.
Neil J (Sydney, Australia)
Every morning across the Pacific we wake up excited to read what has happened overnight in the next episode of the White House Comedy Show.
Today's episode was gold!
The best week ever!
Can't wait to see what happens next.
(not that our current government is any better.....just a lot less influencial in the world)
Debbie (Santa Cruz, CA)
Exactly- can you image living here in the midst of this circus?
We should ALL get tax breaks this year for enduring it all....
Richard (Long Island)
The Mooch jumped the shark real quick.
Aw just when I was waiting for who would be playing the Mooch on SNL .
At the very least, some of us had a humourous repreve .
gordy (CA)
This is another bottom feeder Mr Trump came up with who has even smaller hands than Mr Trump.

There is no way Mr Trump didn't know exactly what kind of mouth/mentality this little guy had before he was brought "on board."
Patton (NY)
Did little Mooch really sell his business for this?
Michael S (Wappingers Falls, NY)
Scaramucci thought he was Trump, but Trump has the monopoly on bad behavior. Too many of these White House duds became the sroy instead of delivering the message.
soitgoes (new jersey)
Karma sucks, doesn't it, Anthony???
Godfrey (Nairobi, Kenya)
When a movie or documentary is eventually made about the Trump presidency, no one will believe it.
Dan88 (Long Island, NY)
By the time the Trump legacy would be that distant a memory, Trump's global warming will have taken us down.
Neil Novik (Holyoke, MA)
That's because it will be marketed either as a slapstick comedy or a Shakespearean tragedy. It's a coin-flip which will win out.
Walt Sisikin (Juneau, Alaska)
Soap opera, again. How can anything this White House does be taken seriously?
MidtownATL (Atlanta)
Meanwhile, over on Breitbart . . .

The commenters there are trying to spin a story that this was all part of the plan. Scaramucci was brought in as the "fixer" to get rid of the GOP establishment types (Spicer and Priebus). He did his job quickly and left.

Has 38% of the country lost its collective mind?
Dee (Anchorage, AK)
One look at Doug Mills' picture of The Mooch in the Oval Office this morning would prove that scenario is a lie. He looks like he's been hit by a truck.
Dodger (LA)
The ongoing antics in the White House are likely good for NYT circulation but I am getting tired of the never ending coverage of what Trump did or said each day, to the exclusion of most everything else. This tabloid coverage of "inside the White House intrigue" is nothing more than junior varsity reporting. Easy work for a day's pay.

What I am waiting for from the NYT is more substantive coverage of what is happening in the shadows. Take a look at the Michael Lewis examination of the chaos in the DOE in the September issue of Vanity Fair for a good example. There are other stories about the damage being done by this administration that beg for coverage.
Debbie (Santa Cruz, CA)
You're right. They do a piece on the Trump W.H. every month, as they did every month during his nomination and campaign; informative and informed.
Thank goodness now I won't have Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody going through my head after every press conference. Scaramouche Scaramouche will you do the fandango?

All joking aside though, this week has revealed a massively dysfunctional White House and GOP in crisis. Which may be the only good news as it will hopefully ensure their demise in the next elections. And, Senator McCain, thank you for the No vote on ACA repeal, the only responsible action taken by the GOP (along with the 2 other nays) recently. There is hope.
Chris (NYC)
How can we fans of the theater cope?? We've lost Jeanne Moreau and Scaramouche, both on the same day.
John (CA)
As a friend of mine remarked, "This administration is a train wreck; send in more trains!"
Nancie Greenfield (San Diego)
Part of me hopes T will finally do something good and right for the country and part of me wants him to over-tweet, fail, and leave so we can get America back. But, in a comment from the past someone wrote: "Every time he is tweeting, I feel lucky that he is not governing. Let him tweet. That's what he likes to do and it keeps him distracted. Really, what more can we ask for? It is clear that just about everyone in Washington is keeping arms-length away from him so let his little fingers to the talking and let people who actually have a clue do the governing." On that note, I hope Kelly doesn't forbid him to tweet...
Follanger (Pennsylvania)
What? Mooooch, nooooo? That was the last chance for the Jersey Shore in the White House.
Michael (Michigan)
The notion that Donald Trump, of all people, might be worried about "potential embarrassment" is proof that we have somehow slipped into a perverse and surreal alternative universe. Perhaps Kellyanne Conway was actually on to something, after all.
Mark Smith (Dallas)
I'm just gonna call it now: Trump will listen to Kelly (see, Scaramucci) until, very quickly, he feels the need to reassert his dominance. Then he'll pull rank, show Kelly who's "boss" and do something so ridiculous and eye-rollingly bad - against everyone's advice - that any gains they've made are quickly, irretrievably lost.

That's how Trump is and how he'll always be.
TrevorN (Sydney Australia)
A lot of people are hoping that Kelly will bring some much needed discipline to Trump's WH team, but I wouldn't bet on it given that the POTUS is the main problem. Kelly's term could be just as short as whatsisnames.
Mike (NJ)
Good riddance, Mooch, or as the mad king would say, das vedanya tovarich. Perhaps Kelly assuming command will bring a measure of sanity and stability to the WH. We can only hope.
Susan (Toronto, Canada)
Now if Kelly manages to shut up Kellyanne Conway and her constant stream of alternative facts, I will be forever grateful.
awa (houston,tx)
Scaramucci thought smooching and pandering to Trump will work. He was wrong. Misled into thinking that a direct line to Trump would protect him, he resorted to gutter politics, nasty venom and most unprofessional behavior while abandoning his 9-month pregnant wife and new-born child.

As Scaramucci and most Republicans are finding out, Trump is loyal to no one. Trump will use and squeeze you like a lemon. He will squeeze all the dignity juice outa you. Then he will throw you in the garbage can. If you are stupid enough to believe him, he will even say some nice things about you and make you feel you'll be taken care of financially with some contracts from his vast network of enablers. This is the last stage of Faustian bargain so you can keep your mouth shut about any inside information you may have on him.

At the end of the day, with your integrity shattered for defending the indefensible and your name in the mud, you may face the world and boldly declare that you will always be on "the Trump Team". Its' a big exercise in self deception. And history will not be kind to you for making such a fool of yourself.

Word of advise to the wise: If you are on the Trump Team, protect your integrity. Fiercely tell Trump the truth. Don't be a sycophant. Tell Trump the truth. If he doesn't like it, the problem is not yours, but his. That way, for the nation and your family's sake, you can keep your dignity and integrity intact in case you and Trump have to part ways.
Andrew G. Bjelland, Sr. (Salt Lake City, Utah)

Where have all Trump's lackeys gone?
Short time passing.
Where have all Trump's lackeys gone?
So short their show.
Where have all Trump's lackeys gone?
Trump handpicked that latest one.
When will Trump ever learn?
When will Trump ever learn?

Where will now the Donald turn?
Short fuse burning.
Where will now the Donald turn?
So short fused now.
Where will now the Donald turn?
He'll tweet out to every one.
Whom will he never spurn?
Whom will he never spurn?

Where will all the spurned ones go?
Short time passing.
Where will all the spurned ones go?
Short time their show.
Where will all the spurned ones go?
Writing memoirs every one.
On whom will their rancor turn?
On whom will their rancor turn?

Where have all the Trumpsters gone?
Short time passing.
Where have all the Trumpsters gone?
Short time their show.
ce (inCalgary)
While the USA prepared militarily for all imaginable threats, could it be what finally brings this great country to its knees is one man who was allowed to walk into the whitehouse through the front door?
magicisnotreal (earth)
It's the only way to take us down.
DS (Toronto)
... and everyone has the right to bear arms... in case of an invasion... who knew it would be an inside job?
Hey Joe (Somewhere In The US)
At what point does this WH get down to the business for which Trump was elected?

Kelly's appointment is a good one. But the problem in that WH hasn't been so much the apppointments (I'm thinking of Mattis, McMaster, and maybe Tillerson). But add Kelly to that mix and you have quite an assemblage of accomplished strategists and tacticians.

How long will they hold our under the raving Mad King? Just as important, who could take their places. Amazing Trump got them to say yes in the first place.

And I'm not talking about the sycophants like Price and Pruitt and Zinke.
JulieB (NYC)
Oh NOOOOO!! This was how I was going to get through the next three & a half years. Now what am I going to laugh hysterically at?
Harry (Los Angeles)
Turmoil continues. Can Kelly fix it? Not unless he can fix Trump. How long before the next Tweet-rade hits the web?
Dan88 (Long Island, NY)
To every single person working in the WH, there is a date on the calendar with your firing date on it. As of today, nobody might know which day it is, but it's there.