‘Let Obamacare Fail,’ Trump Says as G.O.P. Health Bill Collapses

Jul 18, 2017 · 631 comments
RNS (Piedmont Quebec Canada)
Just in......President's little speech at beginning of lunch with Senators only mentioned repeal and replace. No mention of letting it fail. Will update the President's position after lunch. Odds are it will change again.
RLG (Norwood)
"“It’ll be a lot easier,” Mr. Trump said at the White House, adding: “We’re not going to own it. I’m not going to own it. I can tell you the Republicans are not going to own it. We’ll let Obamacare fail, and then the Democrats are going to come to us.”"

Remember the fable of that King who went to the seashore, thinking he was, after all, KING, and ordered the tide to retreat?

Didn't he drown?
stuckincali (l.a.)
Every day Trump shows the world how unsuited he is for the job of president.Yet there are still people who believe in his lies, and there are still members of the GOP who will destroy the US for their own hunger for power and warped religious agendas. Too bad we cannot quarantine this sick people,along with all of the voters who support them.
NewYorker6699 (Jacksonville, Florida)
That's real leadership there, Orange Menace. Instead of throwing 23 million off their health insurance, you're willing to throw 34 million off! Is this how you threw tantrums when Fred told you "no"? Why don't you hold your breath until you turn blue and pass out. That'll really do the trick. Problems solved.
Febr2301 (New Jersey)
How dare he say he's not going to own it! He's the "leader" of this country. The buck stops right there in the Oval Office.
thinker (lafayette, Indiana)
I once heard that you can judge a society by how it treats those who are weakest. But apparently our image conscious president can't look beyond his nose to see that his temper tantrum is going to cause his condemnation in history. His indifference to the suffering of other people is one of the most destructive traits anyone can have. This battle over healthcare is far from over, but one thing people will always remember is that trump said to let people die. Without health insurance, many will.
Caroux (Seattle)
Let them eat cake! Trump might know less about French history than we dared to imagine.
RG (Massachusetts)
Sorry to have to slap you down mister president, but it your evil plan to rob the poor and middle class to pay th rich that has failed and no amount of lying, even yours, can obscure that fact. Seven years of bellyaching from the GOP, followed by control of both houses of congress and topped by your nightmare presidency could not produce a winnable bill. No wall, no beautiful healthcare, no Muslim ban, no jobs, no infrastructure, etc...you are batting .000 and your presidency and administration are a complete failure. And everybody knows you took Russian money in exchange for assisting their efforts to mangle the election. I, for one, cannot wait for the forthcoming charges from the Mueller investigation and your removal from the now sullied Oval Office. With any luck, your next residence will include bars on the Windows.
Dano50 (sf bay)
The cowardice and hypocrisy of the mostly morally bankrupt GOP is simply staggering. They are VERY willing if not enthusiastically so, to see their constituents (esp. those who elected Trump on his empty promises) suffer real harm. they seem to be spliting into three camps: 1) the one's (like Capito) who cannot stomach harming people 2) The one's who've done the political calculus and don't want to be harmed at the ballot box then 3) the uber-cruel who don't care or even want to intentionally inflict suffering on their constituents.

One day in the future a few of the Trump supporters will finally stop spitting in our faces and realize who their real friends were all along...those awful liberals who fought for them, to keep their health insurance.
russell manning (San Juan Capistrano, CA)
Trump asks they let Obamacare fail. That would imitate his presidency.
Dbell (Texas)
A bankruptcy by any other name smells just a foul. This is worse then give them cake if they are starving. This hatred for Obama has spilled over into everything. Bad for the country. A personal vendetta by our President and politicians (Republican Party) is just going to far. I am begining to think that Party needs some serious overhauling. They have forgotten who they work for.
Jhsu (Seattle)
"Let Obamacare fail" is the latest evidence he's not my president. He's not your president, he's not anybody's president.....anybody but himself.
morGan (<br/>)
‘Let Obamacare Fail,’ Trump Says
Only an intellectually hollow and morally bankrupt clown who pretends to be president can say that. Turnout he never had any plan whatsoever to fix any pressing issues. All the empty slogans during the campaign for a quick, awesome, and cheap health plan for all exposed him nakedly for what is?
A pathological liar who master the art of a snake oil salesman.
I hope folks in AL, MS, KY, TX, OK, and FL who gave him their votes are now realizing he plays them for a fool.
mamarose1900 (Vancouver, WA)
If the Trump administration do the things outlined in this article that will force the ACA to fail, I hope the news media and the Democrats will remind everyone that it wasn't the ACA that failed, it was the actions taken by the Trump administration that made it fail. And keep reminding people until, maybe, just maybe, these cruel people whose mantra seems to be "do as much harm to as many people, plus the environment, as possible."

I truly don't recognize our country anymore. I've never understood deliberate cruelty and to see the governments, from the locals all the way up to Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court, promote cruel policies is frightening and frustrating. We need to get them voted out and replaced with people who believe that government is there to improve the lives of all of the people.
Casual Observer (Los Angeles)
"Let Obamacare Fail", is a silly thing to say for a President of the U.S. This is not some issue where if it goes wrong people will have a lesson that will make them demand a correction, alone, it's one where people will die or lose all of the wealth that they have accumulated if it goes wrong. In any case, the reports that the ACA is failing are greatly exaggerated and the failures can be corrected with some serious revisions but it means Republicans committing to it's perpetuation which they are loath to do.
Russell (Pennsylvania)
The President's mantra, "Let Obamacare Fail" more accurately should be "Make Obamacare Fail, when it really should be "Make Obamacare Succeed" where it otherwise might have failed. If he does that, his place as a leader in history might be better assured.
Sequel (Boston)
I can't recall any previous US president who proudly displayed his desire to hurt people. It fits with his established pattern of asking his supporters to beat up protestors, of banning an entire religion from the US, of calling on Russia to hack US computers, and of advocating execution for Snowden.
Andrew Hong (Seattle)
Trump would not fair well if he decides to take every measure to decimate the markets to paint the picture that this was the ACA's fault. Because...

1) His approvals will fall.

2) So will the GOP's approvals, and they'll lose seats in the House, and won't gain seats in the senate (which Republicans SHOULD have an easy time with in 2018).

3) He may lose his House majority in 2018 (and possibly Senate too, but unlikely). So he wouldn't be able to get support of a Republican health bill from step 1, The House.

4) And the people who elected him will lose/worsen their health insurance.
heathrose (DC)
People need to raise their sights. This is not Obama/Trump. This is Republicans. They cast zero votes for Affordable Care and they do not want to pay for it now, or allow their groomed "base" to notice/believe in good government. Premature death removes a set of people from the electorate who are health-care costly and could decide to switch their votes to live.
Mobiguy (Boston)
Watch out for framing here. Trump says "Let Obamacare fail", which implies that it will fail without help. What he really means is "Make Obamacare fail": Obstruct, prevent, damage wherever possible until the system can't work.

If he "lets Obamacare fail", it's not his fault when it does. If he "makes Obamacare fail", he is at fault for all the suffering and death that occurs as a result. The rhetorical point should be made, and he and the Republican congress should be forced to own the consequences of this active strategy to blow up healthcare in America.
Phaedrus (Austin, Tx)
If Trump or anybody on his staff had an ounce of understanding of our healthcare system, they would realize ACA is not going away unless we go single payer. To the contrary, it is the only thing holding the whole sordid mess together.
Pumpkin (NJ)
No, Mr. President you now own the health care policy. Don't forget that you have obligation to govern and take care of your people, rich or poor Democrats or Republicans. If you don't like it, please resign. America will gladly accept your resignation.
Realist (Ohio)
The policies of Trump and the GOP could lead to the deaths of a lot of people. I don't know which is more dismaying, their willingness to slather their hands with blood, or their apparent joy in doing so.
Bayshore Progressive (No)
If President Trump and Republicans in Congress intentionally destroy ACA then they ARE responsible and will be held accountable in 2018 and 2020. Trump's perspective is deeply flawed and dangerous to Republican Candidates in upcoming elections.
freeasabird (Texas)
The 45th POTUS swore to protect the laws of the US.
He can repeal a law, if he believes that it doesn't benefit the American people. Well, he and the Republicans tried to repeal the ACA law, unsuccessfully. Outside repealing, such as defunding the program, could be argued as not performing his duties. Duties that he swore to fulfill.
Casual Observer (Los Angeles)
Trump is expressing what he would like to think, not what any rational and knowledgeable person would consider likely. If the ACA fails without any attempts to delay it's demise or replaced with a better plan, it will be Trump and the Republicans who are blamed, not Obama nor the Democrats. Failures are always blamed upon the people who are currently in power, even when the primary cause might have been a different group of people, it's just the way it works.
John Cahill (NY)
Please emerge from your confusion. Although the ACA was a very important legislative achievement which has helped tens of millions of Americans, it was far from President Obama's "signature domestic achievement." That honor belongs to two far more significant domestic successes: 1) Bringing America and the world back from the brink of economic collapse to the point where we are thriving again; 2) Inspiring America to transcend -- even if for a brief shining moment -- its racist legacy from slavery and Jim Crow, and proving for all time that an African American can personify all that is good and noble and admirable as well as, and perhaps even better than, any other leader in American history. The latter legacy will last as long as America does.
Véronique (Princeton NJ)
It would be tremendously helpful to replace the word "Obamacare" in Republican speech, with "the American health care system." Doing so exposes just how morally vacant these people have become, where they're willing to let millions suffer solely out of spite.
Vijay Damaraju (Philadelphia)
Hats off to Senator Shelley Moore Capito for opposing to simply repealing the Affordable Care Act without a replacement exercising her impartial political representation coupled with commonsense for the best interests of the people.
Oliver (Key West)
I love the spotlessly clean, carpeted Senate subway car that Ms. Collins gets to ride in by herself. Not to mention the warning sign which contains a word I've never seen before displayed on any other version of public transport, "PLEASE." Can these people be possibly more removed from real life?
Sarah (Chicago)
Trump won't do anything that's not on the face of it popular with his "base". So, no mandate enforcement, but also no cuts to subsidies or Medicaid. He will continue to demand that congress "Repeal and Replace". Congress will twist in the wind and hopefully be voted out next year for failure to do anything about the impossible hand that they dealt themselves. We can only hope that the country can muddle through until then.
John Smith (NY)
Eliminate te punitive taxes put in place on hard-working families who happen to have investment income. Stop the taxpayer subsidies to insurance companies to keep rates low for low-income people while allowing rates to sky rocket for the rest of America. And finally end the open-ended feeding at the taxpayer trough by Medicaid.
In other words go back to where we were before millions of able-bodied individuals received free medical care through the expansion of Medicaid. It is immoral to have overly taxed families subsidize others who are just drags on the US economy.
Duncan Lennox (Canada)
No reduction in healthcare for the people means no $800 billion tax cuts for the 1%. Trump & the GOP are total failures. Will there be enough awake patriots to dump the GOP House in 2018 ?
Eugene Gorrin (Union, NJ)
So that's now President Trump's plan": Let Obamacare fail.

Is that how a president acts? Is that presidential leadership?

Remember what Donald Trump said when he accepted the presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention one year ago: "I alone can fix it."

And President Trump repeatedly assured everyone that a health care deal would be made. “I know that we’re all going to make a deal on health care. That’s such an easy one. So I have no doubt that that’s going to happen very quickly,” Trump said.

It's President Trump's responsibility to lead & produce. He didn't. He preferred golfing at Mar-a-Lago and Bedminster.

He failed. And the Republicans failed. They own it. And they're responsible. No one else.

The Emperor has no clothes.
Eugene Gorrin (Union, NJ)
After finding out the hard way how complicated health care actually is, President Trump said letting Obamacare fail will be “much easier.”

After the Senate’s version of Trumpcare fell apart on Monday night, McConnell came up with a “burn it to the ground” strategy to repeal the ACA now but delay implementation—a strategy that would cause more than 30 million people to lose their health care and cause premiums to skyrocket.

Trump and the Republican care more about the politics and optics then the people affected. There is much more than a political win at stake - people's lives and health are at stake.

Do the Republicans really want to be henceforth known as "The Party of Death"? Because it sure looks like that to a majority of the American people - and those who will vote them out-of-office next year.
paula (new york)
So Trump wants to use blackmail against the Democrats?
I thought decent people always believed that tactic was unethical, no matter the gain. Pay attention, America, this is a politician who think a naked power move is the proper approach to governing. Not dialogue, not compromise. Blackmail.

Could be he is very familiar with the tactic -- both on the giving and receiving end.
suzanneo (bronx, NY)
Not only Democrats but Senators as well. I just turned on the news and saw trump 's remarks before his lunch with republican senators and it sounded that he was threatening those who don't vote yes on repeal - it was said in a very sinister/thuggish manner.
CJ37 (New York)
there is nothing that trump wouldn't do to get rid of Obamacare (ACA
for those that think they are two different programs)

this is not about good healthcare for Americans.....
This is about an obsessive venal hatred of Obama who once had the temerity
to kid him at a dinner.
This is payback for that slight.....with the help of the Republican Party.

Do not try to convince me that trump isn't seriously mentally ill...and he
holds the future of this country in his hands.........fortunately he plays
golf more than he works even an eight hour day.....A slug, ignorant,
and....sick.....but he's now trying to gather the name of every voter in the country
in an effort to purge voters not likely to vote for him......Sick?
....and anyone who thinks this is the democratic way.
E-Llo (Chicago)
We lost the right to call ourselves a democracy when the popular vote ( by a large number ) was denied the presidency.
I believe that one of a presidents responsibilities is to see that existing laws are enforced.
Can repeal without replacement be legal?
frank monaco (Brooklyn NY)
So just stand by and Hope the Afforable Care Act dies. Don't care how many people this will hurt I get to watch Obama Care Die.. This is Leadership? Of course it would be too much out of Charcter to say I'm going to sit down with Leaders of both Parties to fix Health Care. ......... What a Fraud we have in the White House.
lftash (NY)
Once again the GOP is the party of no. There is an opertunity in 2018 to clear and clean the swamp of elephants. Don't vote, don't complain.
Larry Dipple (New Hampshire)
Here's the link to the 1990 campaign video a commenter mentioned of McConnell and how he's going to bring better healthcare to Kentuckians:
Andrew G. Bjelland, Sr. (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Isn't it time to admit that the Republicans have dredged the canal whereby the Creature from the Black Lagoon of New York City real estate development swam on down and now frolics in the swamp of Washington D.C. politics? All the Creature's thrashings are not likely to drain the D.C. swamp. The Creatures blind thrashings merely stir up the muck from the swamp's bottom and rip in the murk from its banks.
Stephen Miller (Oak Park IL)
You are the president, responsible for every program administered by the executive branch. You have owned this since January 20th.
Ken (St. Louis)
"Let Trump keep failing."
--The American People
Tim Lum (Killing is Easy Thinking is Hard)
Let it fail in Kentucky and Wisconsin first.
Emily Corwith (East Hampton, NY)
No: Let Trump fail.
Basic (CA)
DJT's character, or lack of, has been on public display for decades. No compassion or concern for anyone, but himself. For him, ACA "failing" doesn't equate to millions of people losing health care (he couldn't care less), it means he can say "I told you". Puerile POTUS!
msf (NYC)
idea for reps: Do the Trump real estate T. Keep Obamacare and just put your T on it (big + golden). T-care. Happy?
Let it fail = Let them eat cake.
MR (Massachusetts)
What if they called it Putincare?
freeasabird (Texas)
Now you are talking. Definitely better than Obamacare and as good as the ACA. :-)
Georgez (CA)
It is criminal the lengths Mr. Trump will go to prove himself right. And the American people be dammed.
Smitty (Virginia Beach, Virginia)
Trump says it's not on them. It's not on the republicans who have spent energy crafting a turd bomb. It's not on trump who spent no time speaking for or against it. So everyone dodges responsibility. And trump is clean. He is not "them", the republicans. He is above the fray. Who is responsible? Oh. Americans for wanting healthcare. Shame. Shame. Join the Federal Congress and get all the health care you want. Have they ever cared that Americans are caught in this health limbo, wondering what is on? This administration is spineless, brainless, humorless, with the most magisterial lackwit at its head. Jenny speaks
Brian Sussman (New Rochelle, NY)
Trump and the Republican leadership in Congress have failed in their efforts to destroy the USA, despite their obvious efforts to do so.

Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan should all resign their offices and try to do something actually useful that will not destroy our great country.

Trump would be wise to do so before he is impeached or removed under the 25th Amendment McConnell and Ryan should resign before their next elections in which both will lose.

If Trump, McConnell and Ryan were to resign and to avoid governmental office, in doing so they would do much to make America great again, considering how much they have already damaged the USA.
SO Jersey (South Jersey)
We would end up with Pence [a zombie from the heartland] - just sayin!
Em Hawthorne (Toronto)
I wish the media would talk to Pres. Obama, who wanted, not Obamacare but single payer, right from the get go.
Fred Rothenberg (California)
It's as though Mr. Trump has no awareness of the impact of his ignorance on those who need his help. After promising a brave new world during the campaign, his answer to the millions of those who ask for little more than sustenance is "let them eat cake." And we know what happened to her.
Dbell (Texas)
He's aware, he doesn't care.
stuckincali (l.a.)
Unfortunately the US does not behead or hang their corrupt presidents/followers.
Mark (South Philly)
Repealing Obamacare is really about making sure this country takes a step back from socialized medicine. Because of the healthcare system we have, or had, America has developed the best procedures, therapies, and medical devices the world has ever seen. The innovations at the University of Pennsylvania alone are truly amazing. This administration has to do the right thing and repeal Obamacare and ensure the future of medicine, not just in America, but for the rest of the world.
Sue Williams (Philadelphia)
Yes, you are right. America has developed (most) of the best procedures, therapies, and medical devices the world has ever seen. For those who can afford them...I am not among them. But if you have excellent insurance and can afford it, lucky, lucky you!!!
That is just patently not true. There is amazing Healthcare for everyone in every single European Country. And they all have it, because they are all forced to have it. Everyone must be insured. And it works like a charm.
Melpo (Downtown NYC)
Mark fro South Philly - Since you are so excited about innovations in medicine, and proud of all the progress American scientists have made, wouldn't you like to encourage the Trump and Republican Administration to actually increase funding for the NIH, NSF and other agencies and foundations that have made the procedures, therapies and devices happen? Repealing the ACA is actually about destroying a legacy and giving tax cuts to the rich.
Phil Carson (Denver)
Isn't this article already dated?

Trump has already announced an edict that the personal mandate will not be enforced by the IRS. He has already pulled advertising encouraging ACA enrollment. He has already roiled the waters with incendiary remarks that the ACA is "failing."

Now the only lever left is to refuse to pay the subsidies ACA guarantees to insurers for the low-income enrollees.

As for "I'm not going to own it" (and his previous rejection of responsibility for anything at all -- "I stand by nothing"), DJT may only be fooling himself. No surprise there.
Walter Ingram (Western MD)
The inference to not pay the subsidies is enough. He can then pay them and claim innocence, even though the damage has already been done.
Ron (Virginia)
Trump may be right. This has to have democrates involved. Mitch needs to dump Cruz and Rand Raul. They are ideologues who show no compassion for the needy. Medicaid has to be saved and even expanded. Vouchers, health savings accounts may work for some. but are worthless for those who live in poverty. Unless people are moved out of poverty, medicaid is the only answer right now. The democrates will help to make sure medicaid isn't reduced. Reducing premiums and deductibles are areas that can find common ground. But we need to make sure what Trump promised. is achieved. Not for Trump but for the people.
Walter Ingram (Western MD)
Don't bet on the Dem's keeping Medicaid from being cut. They may prevent a steeper cut but they seem to have away of caving. Lack of backbone.
Dbell (Texas)
How about allowing them in the room when the discussions are being done. Wow, how brainwashed can you get. If you are relying on a Trump promise, look at his history. He has alread began picking up his and your marbles and has quit playing. Let it die, let you die. You may have insurance right now and thinks this has nothing to do with you, but the tides do turn either for you or someone you care about.
Paul Sitz (Ramsey)
Trump's strategy will work! Why?

Because most people are like me. The promise that "if you like your coverage you can keep you coverage" was fulfilled. I kept my excellent healthcare coverage through my employer and transitioned to Medicare when I retired. So the debate about repealing "ObomaCare" is a debate about something that affects other people, not me.

So the crucial questions become how I view my situation as opposed to the situation of those without the means to get adequate health care.

If I take the view that I worked hard for 50 years and made good life choices and therefore am deserving of the benefits that accrued because of my efforts, does it not follow that those with fewer benefits worked less hard and made poor life choices? The logic is tenuous, but my circumstances make it attractive. This is the situation for the majority of people in the US. Congress.

If I accept the premise that my current good situation is not entirely the result of my own efforts but is the result of a healthcare system that was built up on government subsidized employer provided health insurance supplemented by Medicare after retirement I will be more inclined to the view that those not covered by that system have been left out though no fault of their own and that the system needs correcting.

So whether Trump's gambit succeeds or fails is going to come down to whether voters like me care about the affects of that ploy on others. I have doubts.
Walter Ingram (Western MD)
There is talk that the upcoming budget will have cuts to Medicare and SS. How does that play into your scenario?
Sylvia (Thousand Oaks, CA)
Trump seems hellbent on failure. So far, he's doing well.
RPfromDC (Washington, D.C.)
Killing the ACA by failing to administer it is classic Trump: spiteful, reckless, contemptuous of people in need, vacuous and a violation of his oath of office to administer the laws faithfully. Let him kill it. He'll be handing the Democrats the best campaign issue they could have next to his indictment for treason.
Wendy Writer (East Village)
True, but as one of the people whose life was saved by Obamacare, I shudder to think of what will happen during the time this would all take.
KatieBear (TellicoVillage,TN)
DJT doesn't care about failing; look at his business deals. And won't take responsibility; no surprise there. He's a spoiled baby. Most of us hate to fail and persist till we learn how to succeed. And these lacky Senators by his side smirking and eating at the WH need a good defeat in '18!
Majortrout (Montreal)
The easy way out for the impatient,immature, and lacking compassion man-child!
Marc LaPine (Cottage Grove, OR)
To schedule a vote on the repeal of the ACA, patterned after a vetoed attempt in 2015, after the multiple failures of the GOP attempt to make good on their 7 year promise of repeal and replace, in spite of the 70% approval rating of the ACA, is a clear message of the character of Mitch McConnell: empty, morally bankrupt, desperate, stubborn, vindictive, and frankly, evil. I hear talk on the radio of the brilliant strategist McConnell, who are they referring to? There is no strategy to 8 years of resistance. Anyone with the ability to fog a mirror can resist; we learn it at age 2. The character of McConnell has been shown, and is wanting. He is no leader, and ought to be replaced with a moderate who is willing to work across the aisle. "Promote the general welfare" from the Constitution does not cross his radar screen.
Jeff M (<br/>)
If Trump and the Republicans use those "levers" won't they OWN the collapse? On it's own, Obamacare is doing fine. It's only the uncertainty of the long term commitment from the government that is destabilizing the marketplaces.
Nathaniel Brown (Edmonds, WA)
"Let it fail." Now there's LEADERSHIP!
Eric (New York)
I wonder, if the facts about what the Republicans want to do to healthcare in America were presented simply and clearly to their voters, would they still support Trump and the Republicans?

There is nothing good in any of their plans for the people who depend on government help with the expenses of health insurance. No rational person would support these proposals.

If Republicans aren't soundly defeated in 2018 and 2020, then it's possible the efforts of Democrats to save America will be hopeless.
Jeff Baskin (Los Angeles, CA)
Truly inspirational leadership from our president. It reminds me of when FDR took office during the Great Depression and famously said, "I'm not going to own it."
LaughingBuddah (USa)
Thank you Mr. President for being willing to endanger the American people's lives and health to make a political point.
Elizabeth Ujfalussy (Miami, FL)
It would be incredibly petty, and down-right criminal to sabotage Obamacare just out of pique, did we not talk about Trump. He doesn't seem to have one single redeeming human quality. What IS incredible is that there still are so many trying to justify his behaviour. What will it take, for goodness' sake?
Richard (Louisiana)
It would certainly be incredibly petty--and irresponsible--to undermine health care for millions of Americans simply out of his intense dislike for Obama. But we are talking about Donald Trump, whose idea of public policy is to automatically do the opposite of whatever the other guy was for.

And I also have problems seeing anything positive in this man unless being a superb, if shameless, salesman who understands our basest instincts counts.
CJ37 (New York)
Time to name it for what it is.......an attempt at American Fascism.
JLErwin3 (Hingham, MA)
The Trumpliban seem to be confused. Actively killing or sabotaging something doesn't constitute "letting it fail" any more than stabbing someone in the back constitutes letting him die of natural causes.
MikeC (Chicago)
45 absolutely adores both himself and his name in lights, even if the marquee is flashing his repeated, epic failures. Not news to the even minimally informed, I realize, but just a good reminder of who is "Not Our President."
Cate R (Wiscosnin)
I thought he was the "great negotiator" - When bullies or spoiled brats don't get their way - they throw tantrums. They make threats. They lie. They steal.
No great skills needed for that.
Trump's obsession with Obama and his legacy is currently at a very dangerous level. He needs help and he needs to vacate the White House ASAP!!
alan (Holland pa)
dear Mr President- How does Obamacare failing bring about the better cheaper more efficient healthcare you promised us on the campaign trail? Why not go to the democratic party yourself, find solutions that enough dems and Rs can agree on, and fix obamacare, making yourself a hero to all those people who need it?
RDA (Chico,CA)
"I won't own it." Sums up Trump's life when it comes to taking responsibility for....anything.
CJ37 (New York)
the histories are being written as we speak......
Roger Reynolds (Barnesville OH)
This statement amounts to nothing less than criminal negligence. Lives are at stake.

Lock 'em up.
gmsoros (NYC)
Republican idea is to destroy Medicare, Medicaid, EPA, the educations system, science research, etc.
They want USA to be like Russia - Oligarchs and a big military and the poor who live in wastelands.
BL (Austin TX)
So much for his oath to faithfully execute the laws of the United States but then again what hasn't he lied about.
George Morin (Boston)
Trump may not want to own Obamacare but he will certainly own the deaths of many sick people if he proceeds with his program of sabotage to the ACA.
He truly is a horrible human being.
Nick Adams (Hattiesburg, Ms.)
Donnie Boy,

You own this, baby. You and Mitch and Paul and the other miscreants. Just liked you owned Trump University and those beautiful casinos.
If your voters had a brain they'd be demanding their votes and money back now.
John Adams (CA)
Trump owns this failure:
He promised:

“We’re going to have insurance for everybody. There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.”
- Trump, post-election, Jan 2017

And his conversation on 60 Minutes, Sept 2015:

Scott Pelley: Universal health care?

Donald Trump: I am going to take care of everybody. I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.

Scott Pelley: The uninsured person is going to be taken care of how?

Donald Trump: They’re going to be taken care of. I would make a deal with existing hospitals to take care of people. And, you know what, if this is probably–

Scott Pelley: Make a deal? Who pays for it?

Donald Trump: –the government’s gonna pay for it.

There you go Trump supporters, you bought into all this, it's a shame you've enabled this clown and saddled the country with this dunce in the White House.
Diane (Poughkeepsie, NY)
Wasn't there a Revolution the last time a leader said "Let them eat cake"?
6spokewheels (Universal, IN)
It's ok for him to literally look forward to my personal demise, but not ok for me to wish him to accidentally wander in front of a hi-speed projectile?? The time is here
John (Nolan)
I can't believe these fools, all of them. Start by working on controlling costs. Once the costs are under control, THEN roll back taxes. Prescription drug prices are out of control because of the mail order services demanding rebates (payola) to get a drug on their list. Consolidation of health care providers turning what used to be a human service into a profit generating industry. This all just sucks the money out of the system.
Robert Kerry (Oakland)
"Let Obamacare fail, I am not going to own it" says Our Fake So Called President. Because, what's more important, the health of of 30 million Americans or my own carefully crafted phony self image?
Bill N. (Cambridge MA)
Is t-Rex going to discuss mental health care?
SO Jersey (South Jersey)
Sorry Mr. President - you don't get to decide what you will "own" and not own. This is not TrumpWorld -- a network of Ponzi schemes of one flavor or another. You, Mr. Trump ran for the highest office in our land and somehow won the electoral college vote and now you must perform the actual duties of the office.
Regretfully, you are an utter embarrassment and failure as president.
CJ37 (New York)
and we're working on the "somehow won the electoral college" right now.....every minute.....
Lawrence Imboden (Union, NJ)
President Trump DOES own it. The Republicans DO own it. They are in charge. This is happening on their watch and by their hand - NOT the Dems.
He is our FAKE POTUS. America, aren't you glad you voted for him?
DaveB (Boston, MA)
Rand Paul: "you need to explain to Republicans why you're no longer for repealing Obamacare.:

"Gee, folks - it was easy to vote against Obamacare when there was no risk to me personally for doing so, but now that I could lose my job for voting the same way, ....well, come on, folks, you wouldn't want me to lose my job, would ya? I mean, I'm a senator and all, and it makes me feel important. Just because I've revealed that I'm a gutless ideologue should I really lose my job over a silly little vote?"
berkshirebob101 (Otis, MA)
Can you imange FDR saying to the country at the time of the depression of 1932 upon his election "Let the country fail, I don't own it, the Republicans caused it" This is beyond SAD, it is beyond category!
Walter Ingram (Western MD)
Was it Trump's nephew that he took insurance away because of a disagreement with someone in his family?
If he will stoop to this low of a posture, he sure as heck doesn't care about you.
JawsPaws (McLean, Virginia)
We have failed at the one thing that could distinguish us as a civilized country, decent health care for all. We have failed because our so-called elected officials are corrupt to the core. For those in power, "tax reform" means the continual rape and impoverisment of our country through tax cuts for the rich. Every rich man in this country is, de facto, the sworn enemy of every middle class struggling professional, every blue collar hard-working man or woman, and every young person gouged by debt and joblessness. This is the simple obvious, never -clearer truth.
gene (ny)
Marble mouth Mitch is a mean man. A lot of people from his own state are NOT for repealing the ACA, they benefit from it. Is he on the side of his own people? Nope, because he is mean marble mouth Mitch.
Chris (San Francisco, CA)
This man disgusts me more than anyone I've met, read about, or seen (fictional or real) in any medium. I really don't have more to say.
NotSoCrazy (Massachusetts)
So Trump would wish for a Pyrrhic victory over those who oppose his destruction of health care (American citizens).
"Let Trump Fail" replies this citizen thought criminal.
His decedents will change their names to disguise the shame of being a "Trump".
David (Seattle)
Seven years of lies reveal that the Republican party is basically a criminal syndicate dedicated to enriching their wealthy donors. Their tax cuts will show the same thing.
True Observer (USA)
Strange Progressive Logic.

The Republicans had nothing to do with passing Obamacare.

But, they should take the blame if it fails.
Phil Carson (Denver)
Let's review to clear up your confusion.

If the country's leaders conspire to undermine a popular program to make it fail, that's the issue.

Because Obamacare isn't failing on its own.

Got it now?
Robert Johnson (New York)
The Times needs to publish a side-by-side comparison of the health care plan that covers Congress and the one that covers Obamacare and Trumpcare. The latter two have been published by the paper - but no mention of how our public servants, at our expense and after we sent them to Washington to serve, are covered. This is a crucial part of the debate - the haves (elected officials serving at the expense of the public) and the health care available to the public (ostensibly the "have-nots"). Let's make sure that Congress is constantly reminded of how they cannot run above the fray with a health care plan clearly superior to the one they offer Americans. Get into the Health Care trenches Congress!!
Jessica Rath (Coyote, NM)
Somehow this reminds me of "let them eat cake". Remember what happened to her?
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
It's just a game to him. And, he MUST win, no matter how much suffering and evens Deaths HE causes. That is the definition of cruelty. If this is winning, I want to lose. Bigly.
su (ny)
we are back to square one !

What is wrong with this guy?

Millions of peoples lives at stake , and he is saying I do not care.

In-Humanity is its full display.

36% is still there still cheering.
Big Island (Pono, Hawaii)
"we'll let Obamacare fail"
Yes he wants it to fail and just think about that for a second. What will be the human cost if his wish comes true? He just does not care. Or think.
Dadof2 (NJ)
The irony of letting the ACA fail (which it won't. Trump will actually have to take active action to do so) is that the people who will be the most hurt are the ones who so enthusiastically voted Trump into office, in West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, and, of course, Kentucky. The states that normally go Blue that put Trump over the top will suffer as well: Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan and Florida.
Of course, Trump and the GOP will lie like crazy that it's the Democrats' fault as they build their scapegoat myth. They've already put "globalists" and "internationalists" into the mix, code words, of course, for Jews to justify Antisemitism. But that's par for their course.
Unfortunately, many people in those states who voted against Trump will suffer as well, as will many people in Blue states.

With the rampant tribalism pushed by the far right, and endorsed by the President and GOP leaders, I'm wondering just how the USA can survive as a single entity without tearing itself apart into 2 or 3 nations, with diametrically opposing philosophies. I expect in such a scenario, the Blue states who make up the bulk of the donor states, will prosper as the bleeding to the recipient Red states virtually ends. The Red states that depend on Blue money will founder. 26 of the 30 states for Trump are recipients, and only Texas, Wisconsin, Michigan and Florida are donor states. 14 of the 21 (incl DC) for Clinton are donors. Guess who will prosper!
Dre (East Coast)
“If you’re not willing to vote the same way you voted in 2015,” Mr. Paul said on Tuesday, “then you need to go back home, and you need to explain to Republicans why you’re no longer for repealing Obamacare.”

And herein lies the problem: I'm sure many of the same Republican voters who protested Obamacare and voted for Trump are now calling their Congresspeople and demanding that their health insurance not get taken away. The issue is that people lack the cognitive capacity to grasp what the ACA/Obamacare is, and that "freedom of choice" is a euphemism for "here's a paltry subsidy that will not pay for a decent insurance plan."

I know I will be shot down for saying this, but sometimes I feel like you should have to pass a basic knowledge and civics exam to be able to vote.
bas0229 (Middle Island, NY)
"but sometimes I feel like you should have to pass a basic knowledge and civics exam to be able to vote:

Dre, And be president!
Katerina (Bay Area, CA)
A true leader takes blame on him/herself when there is a failure. This president is pointing fingers at everyone but.
Steve (NYC)
The problem the GOP has is that they cannot replace it! Why? The ACA aka "Obama care" is straight of the GOP playbook in order to avoid a single payer system. Once Obama was able to get the ACA passed the GOP went scorched earth and now they have nothing because the ACA was their plan.
Nat Balch (Durham, NH)
This is tantamount to driving the car into the ditch, and blaming the auto manufacturer.....
edWard (california)
Sabotaging the Affordable Care Act is the GOP's solution to solving, eventually, the medical care crisis in this country?! Amazingly childish. We're in serious trouble folks. Children are leading this country right now.
sleeve (New York)
That's a libel against children.
James Sullivan (California)
This appointed game show host president's compassion for those desperately needing medical care is astounding. He never ceases to reach yet another new bottom daily. "Let Obamacare Fail" = "Let them eat cake."
Doug B (Saskatchewan Canada)
Until you folks reduce the costs of medical services you are merely whistling past the graveyard. What I paid for my surgery last year up here in Canada- $0.
Paul P. (Greensboro,nc)
Trumps call to let it fail will achieve parity with his administration.
dmuise (San Francisco)
Perhaps if the senators had had the vision and foresight to all wear matching, snazzy yellow blazers from the 90s, this bill could have been saved.
Luz (Orlando, Florida)
Sorry Mr. President Donald Trump, but you own the ACA (Obama Care). If it succeed it will be good for you as the president who fixed the health care crisis. If it fail, it will be your fault. The buck stops at the president desk. You cannot blame anyone except yourself. All past president inherited a crisis and instead of playing the blame game they work hard to do better and fix it. Obama inherited the economy crisis in 2008 and work hard for a great recovery. It does not matter what you say, our economy is firing on all 8 cylinders because Obama. That is what president do! So far history is saying your are the worst president of the nation history. You still have time to prove us wrong.
peter schulman (norfolk, va)
Trump to America: Drop dead!
How a sitting president can wish a health care plan that insures so many people to fail and get away with it is beyond me. He has no constructive solutions to anything (just destructive ones), causes unbelievable harm and yet his base still supports him...
Plennie Wingo (Weinfelden, Switzerland)
Never ever heard a president say such a thing. He is reducing the office
to a kind of huge schoolyard.

What a disgrace this man is.
In a way healthcare is a simple proposition for the Republicans...if you cannot afford it you don't deserve it.
Patricia (Connecticut)
I remember when I warned my GOP friends that George W. Bush would be the worst president in our lifetime. They laughed at me and told me he would be the best and you can't go voting for Al Gore who "invented the internet". Well I dream and wonder what would have happened if Al Gore was our president. We would not have had the Iraq war and our economy would not have imploded. Perhaps the ice bergs would have melted a little slower...

DJT is actually making me miss GWB!
PStevens (Denver)
"Let Obamacare fail?" Real elected leaders try to fix things, on behalf of their electorate.
Matthew (Bethesda, MD)
Does President Trump not know that his constitutional obligation is to faithfully execute the duties of his office which, in this case, includes ensuring that a law passed by Congress and signed by a previous president actually works. This despite any personal reservations he may have about that law.
Bruce Egert (Hackensack NJ)
Once Trump starts taking adult responsibility for his actions as president he can approach a more successful tenure. Until then he will be a pathetic, petulant child doing an adult's job all the while tweeting.
pmbrig (Massachusetts)
Here's where the Democrats have to focus their message for 2018. They have to have a list of all the things trump and the GOP do to undermine the ACA, and they need to pound away with things like "Well the insurance markets were actually going all right until Trump stopped subsidizing the high risk pool," and "Notice that your premiums really started going up when Trump stopped enforcing the individual mandate," and "you lost your health insurance because Trump kept how to sign up again a closely-guarded secret." And on and on. MAKE the GOP own this, and don't let their sabotage go unnoticed!
carl bumba (mo-ozarks)
Trump doesn't need to pull any levers for Obamacare to fail. This partisan childishness is standing in the way of needed, progressive change. We should acknowledge that Obamacare was failing before Trump got in (I know this, firsthand), the pre-Obamacare situation was also "failing" and any Republican plan would likely be worse, yet. We need 'single-payer' for basic health insurance, like most other developed countries have. We should start with expanding Medicare down to 55 - leaving the Free Market to work its wonders on younger groups whose medical needs are less and ability to participate in the job market better.
jimD (USA)
Um...Ya! I think most objective observers would disagree with you. And conservatives have proven they have no better plan. Tens of millions of Americans have insurance as a result of Obamacare and republicans have nothing better to offer. They schemed in secret and had nothing to offer that even their own party couldn't swallow! So you can save that 'partisan childishness' garbage for a less informed crowd. If republicans offer a better plan that insures more Americans than are currently covered, then I think most would rally around it. Republicans offer tax relief and draconian budget hacks in the guise of health care reform. "Free market" wonders? Are you serious? That got us into the mess of a spiraling budget vaccuum that we find ourselves in now. The "free market" has no answers for providing every American with affordable, competent health care. And the job market should have no functional connection to health care availability. That rabbit hole also got us to where we are today!
Tom (Wilmington, DE)
Now that the repeal has failed, does this mean insurance companies will have to abide by the original intentions of the law?
DaDa (Chicago)
By this point, only the most naive will think Republicans will be able to achieve (or even conceive of) anything constructive for middle America. They can't come up with anything other than fighting Obama even if he isn't in the ring.
Bystander (Upstate)
Ah, the Uncle Wiggly Maneuver.

When my spouse was 3, his big sisters were playing a board game based on the Uncle Wiggly Longears book series. He badly wanted to play, too, but his sisters (ages 5 and 7) loftily demurred, explaining that he was too young to play.

My husband promptly flipped over the board, sending the game pieces flying. Message: If I can't play, nobody can play.

The Uncle Wiggly Maneuver is sort of a charming when it's about a small child. When the board-flipper is the 71-year-old POTUS, not so much.

But then, many of us are not surprised to see our president behave like a spoiled pre-schooler. That's been central to his personality all along.
JackRobinson95 (North America)
NEWSFLASH - Trump and Republicans failed to pass a workable replacement for Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare! Accepting responsibility and ownership for failure is part of leadership, unfortunately Mr Trump lacks both sense of responsibility and ownership.
hfdru (Tucson, AZ)
"He could throw insurance markets into a tailspin at any time by cutting off the subsidy payments to insurers, as he has threatened to do. He could further destabilize the markets by not enforcing the mandate that most Americans have health insurance. And he could cancel advertising and other efforts to encourage enrollment under the Affordable Care Act when the annual sign-up period begins in November."
If he does the above it will be similar to Lawrence Taylor criticizing Joe Theismann for limping. In LT's case his act wasn't deliberate. The current law can be fixed to work for everyone and most people would be happy except for the single payer group.
MK (Connecticut)
“We’re not going to own it. I’m not going to own it. I can tell you the Republicans are not going to own it. We’ll let Obamacare fail, and then the Democrats are going to come to us.”
I've said it before, but instead of the Harry S Truman desk plaque stating "The Buck Stops Here, " DJT's plaque reads "Don't Blame Me!"
This is the man who said "Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated."
Kabir Faryad (NYC)
Yes President Trump, let ACA fail so millions suffer from lack of insurance. GOP is absolutely detached from feeling and understanding the needs and anxiety of America people.
sunburst68 (New Orleans)
The GOP needs to get off their government, tax payer health care first! There are no words left to describe the hypocrisy of these people other than just down right despicable.
matt shelley (california)
watching this mess makes one wonder- what if the GOP had played by the rules, included bi-partisan input, and crafted policy thru committees and hearings... you know, like statesmen representing their constituents are supposed too?
granted, they might not be ready to vote on a measure... but working toward passage is certainly better than spinning their wheels and being 3 time losers on the matter!!
Richard (Ajijic Mexico)
This reminds me of the famous line from Gerald Ford: NYC, drop dead. In this case The Trumpster says: USA, drop dead.
BoycottBlather (CA)
"Made in America" should start with Republicans, Democrats and Independents — *America's* Congress — all working TOGETHER on a healthcare bill.
GBGB (New Haven)
OK - let's let "Obamacare" go and see if it actually fails. Like some many of Trump's and other Repubs' statements, just saying something does not make it true.
Martin X (New Jersey)
Gee, what ever happened to the notion of "let a businessman run Washington and you will see results." Here's your businessman. The only thing being "accomplished" is lunch.
SO Jersey (South Jersey)
True - I think on average, at least 3 out of 5 pictures of the President has him at a table set for some sort of meal. He treats the presidency like he's staying at a resort. Donnie likes the finer things in life - like health insurance
larry (hackensack, nj)
Trump to America: Drop Dead
Solarcat (Up Here)
A true patriot. Let trump fail.
Debbie Ryan (Columbus, OH)
What's shocking is the shear ignorance that he thinks Democrats will own this. Or is his comment a precursor to a massive disinformation campaign in the offing? Republicans have had 7 years to come up with a better plan and get everyone in their party on the same page - why should that have been so difficult? They got the first part of the plan right - gain control of the Executive and Legislative branches to pave the way for 4 years of layups!
Up There (Upstate NY)
"If President Trump is determined to make good on that pledge, he has plenty of levers to pull."

I'm sorry: How is that "letting" Obamacare fail? That sounds a lot like "making" Obamacare fail.
GS (New Jersey)
Maybe Trump is too ignorant to realize that he and all members of congress already "own it". But in Trumpland, the easy fix is to just declare "bankruptcy" and have others pay the bill.
Unfortunately in this case, the bill will be paid with people loosing their health care and possibly their lives. Trump and the republicans are an absolute disgrace.
Joseph Barnett (Sacramento)
Less than a year ago, Donald Trump toured the country telling millions of voters that he had a great health care plan that would be so much better than Obamacare. Here are some of his statements:

“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,”

“I was the first & only potential GOP candidate to state there will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid”

"nobody will be worse off financially"

"Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.”

Where is this plan? So there are several possibilities here, I think he intentionally lied, but he could have just been remarkably ignorant and misled. Neither are qualities we want in a President.
sharon (worcester county, ma)
Joe- I go with deliberately lied. As each day goes by his arrogance grows as do his lies. This subhuman is a craven monster. What I cannot wrap my head around is the amount of support he not only got in the election but that he is *still* getting from his supporters. It is apparent that winning is more important than the health and well being of our country and our democracy. Revelation after revelation are revealed about the monstrosity of all things trump and they still support him and applaud him. Had any Democrat done half of what trump has done just 6 months into his presidency he would be facing minimum impeachment and possibly prosecution for treason. That trump's supporters are so willing to turn a blind eye to these seriously egregious acts that undermine our very freedom and our democracy is appalling. What have we become? I no longer recognize my country of 58 years. I was never cognizant of the utter hatred and contempt hidden just below the surface of our society. I believed in the goodness of our people, that we truly were exceptional and would not be fooled or swayed by such a craven individual. I truly thought we were a better nation than this. I was wrong.
Mriddle (Southwick, MA)
When is our government going to grow up and govern? They act like a bunch of schoolyard bullies.
Harry (Los Angeles)
If you ever were uncertain about just how evil Trump is, you now know. Who would doom millions of Americans to bankruptcy and death just to prove a point?

He said the Senate bill was mean. Now, he intends to one-up that meanness.''

I hope he fails to scuttle the ACA through executive actions. I hope that Trump ultimately becomes the factor that re-creates bipartisanship in Congress once again. We must salvage something positive from this disaster of a president.
JackRobinson95 (North America)
The comedy gets funnier...Congress is in big trouble...Trump has effectively made Congress own "repeal and replace" responsibility and the public is mad at Congress not Trump. Public anger is waiting for midterm elections, it wil be REALLY interesting to watch!
Six Minutes Remaining (Out There)
It has been quite the experience to see Trump and McConnell doggedly attempt to eviscerate, if not try to wipe out, the Obama legacy. That the POTUS would openly declare that he will let a program millions rely on 'fail' shows the venal character of this Administration.

One thing I do take heart in is that the more Trump tries to undo the Obama years, the more the Republican heartlessness appears as what will consigned to the dustbin of history. Trump, McConnell, and the do-nothing, science-denying, women-denigrating, immigrant-hating, 1%-oriented Republicans will be cast as true villains who preyed upon, and sought to undo, the social order. History will not be kind.
G. Stoya (NW Indiana)
Don Trump does not possess the legal or constitutional authority to unilaterally withhold payments on ACA obligations. As chief executive his job, indeed, his duty is to implement and enforce the laws of the land.
Ann (New York)
How's Trump gonna break the law and let the markets collapse without a) tanking the economy b) making private insurers extremely reluctant to collaborate with the government again c) risking a large number of Americans' health, possibly even causing personal crises and killing a few d) making his party unelectable e) making people so fed up that all they want is single payer and get it over with?
Jane Doe (The Morgue)
Many comments here urge Republicans to work with Democrats to fix Obamacare, but not one Democrat has offered a solution, so do we even know if the Democrats have one? If so, are they holding out with the fix until they are in control again? It seems both parties are standing next to each other, wearing t-shirts that read, "I'm with stupid" and an arrow pointing towards the other party.
Elizabeth Ujfalussy (Miami, FL)
I agree that Obamacare will need some tweaking as new and extensive government programs usually do. Social Security took some improvements from the original plan, so did Medicare. The situation, though, is that there has not been an opportunity to work for changes for the better because due to Republican dogged opposition, the fight has had to be about the program's survival. The stupid arrow, I am afraid, is pointing in just one direction.
BWCA (Northern Border)
Obamacare is imperfect but has been working. That's Obama's legacy.

Trump's legacy will be allowing the ACA to fail by incompetence and omission. After all, health care is too complicated for Trump.
Helane (NYC)
What Trump fails to realize that any de-stabilization of the ACA and impact to Americans is under his watch and therefore, in the end, voters will hold him accountable. Watch what happens for mid-term elections in 2018
Marc Miller (Shiloh, IL)
This is what happens when you base everything on reconciliation rules and then shove the whole thing through without hearings or a plan. The voting public clearly see this as does the President. Senator McConnell was way overconfident on this.
Elizabeth Ujfalussy (Miami, FL)
What is it that the president sees, exactly? He was pushing for the approval and now is threatening the nation with reprisals because he did not get it. I can see you are making an effort to find something positive in Trump's behaviour in respect to this debacle. You fail miserably!
Mary Melcher (Mesa, AZ)
This is the first time I can recall any president openly expressing such a malicious wish on the people of this country. These people seem to hope harm to other Americans instead of disciplining themselves to improve the ACA. A small number of misanthropes want to deny healthcare to millions because they consider them to be lazy freeloaders. Evidence disputes that. People need healthcare, and the systems we have had do not work and cost more than they should. Why are we too full of hubris to learn from other countries what is workable?
Regarding, "who owns the bill" will be decided at the 2018 mid-term elections.
Brian (Michigan)
I would say "Let Trump Fail", except that would also be hurtful to so many, just like what the fraudulent president is proposing.
awink (Massachusetts)
Not a word from the health insurance companies or their lobbyists, funny huh. When both sides of aisle are properly greased a bipartisan agreement will miraculously appear. Follow the money.
Tracy (New York)
Obamacare wasn't made to last. It's makers new it would fail. Thus them hoping for total Government healthcare
Eleanor Sommer (Gainesville Florida)
Do Trump, McConnell, and Ryan realize the plight of insurance companies--and therefore the citizens they were elected to SERVE (rather than skewer)? (Despite the fact that the insurance companies brought some of this on themselves with high prices too high for the ACA coverage). But can you imagine trying to plan a future business model and budget for successful management of insurance under the current instability of our country's leadership? What a mess thanks to the Republicans who seem to be collectively bent toward some weird revenge on the American people.
Quandry (LI,NY)
Trump is the most incompetent President in modern times. Further, no President has made promises, then then lied and done the opposite to harm millions of Americans.

There is only one thing that Trump supports. That is, to enrich himself and his family, along with his billionaire friends, to the detriment of millions of Americans. He shows no decency, nor morality.

To have him sabotage the ACA and Medicare is no less than criminal. Millions of Americans will die, if he does, and he will own it.

He told the parents of terminal baby Charlie in England, that America would welcome them to come and receive an experimental treatment in the US, which is still not proven and probably won't work according to those working on it.

Well, Trump, what about the millions of Americans here, that will die because of his potential actions and his stupidity to gut Medicare? How is this any different than Hitler's final solution in Germany?

For once in his life, Trump should think about the lives of others, besides himself. Then he might even make it to the pearly gates.
Swami (Ashburn, VA)
I completely agree with the President on this strategy. It is better for a bad thing to fail quickly so that we can replace it with something better.
LT (Springfield, MO)
So how is that replacement going to come about? The Republicans have had 7 years to craft another plan that would make health insurance affordable for all citizens, but they have come up with nothing. What makes you think that they'll suddenly come up with anything if they force the ACA to fail? All it means is that more people will lose insurance, be unable to get health care or be bankrupted by it, the costs will continue to skyrocket, and many will just die. Is that really a good solution?
Elizabeth Ujfalussy (Miami, FL)
With what exactly? Do you know something nobody else does? Why do you think there was this nationwide outcry to keep Obamacare? Defending the indefensible is hard work. Good luck with that.
duckstahhh (DC)
They couldn't do it with 7 years of promises and complaints, how are they going to replace or fix if it fails when it is a worse mess and insurers not confident in outcomes given this repulsive T-rump attitude.?
duncan (San Jose, CA)
Does anyone really believe the Republican Senators wanted to improve healthcare for the poor and middle class? If you believe that, explain to me why all but one of the objections to the Republican proposals were because it did not take away enough of the benefits to the poor and middle class.

We need to recognize the Republican Party is about power for the very wealthy provided for by the rest of us. In 2018 it is time us to let the Republican Party know what we think by voting them out.
Daniel Morris (Rochester NY)
Right! Why not "Let them eat cake"?
Judyw (cumberland, MD)
When you have someone like Chuck Schumer on the other side, you have to make the situation get a lot worse, before Schumer will deal honestly. At this point Schumer will want all kinds of changes and enlargements which are impractical. He will refuse to recognize the deep hole financially that is caused by Medicaid. There is not doubt that we must rein in the runaway spending in Medicaid. I am almost certainly sure that Schumer will not go along.

By letting the ACA fail it will probably be easier to deal with Schumer. Schumer is the real problem in any sort of bipartisanship. He is not about Compromise, he is about stamping opponents into the ground.
b fagan (Chicago)
Too funny. "Well, let's throw 20 million out of insurance and see what Schumer does in response?"

Pretty harsh, especially since he hasn't even had the chance to be intransigent, because the GOP wants to do it all themselves in secret meetings.
Drain67 (Los Angeles)
As opposed to Mitch McConnell? Politics is a contact sport, Judy. The only reason either side will deal with the other is because we, the people, force them to. That's exactly what happened here. To your point, I sincerely hope these people find a way to work together because the lives and health of millions of people are at stake.
The Hawk (Arizona)
Letting the ACA fail means that people will go without healthcare. This argument from Trump makes for a very nice campaign slogan for Democrats in 2018 and 2020, after people have lost their insurance and premiums skyrocket. That's what failure looks like. There is no deep financial hole created by Medicaid. The government could easily redirect spending to keep Medicaid solvent. If there is a deep hole, it is caused by a private system that costs more to the taxpayer than any known universal healthcare system in other advanced nations. Finally, Schumer is not the problem here. The problem is Trump who has absolutely no support from the other side, never did and never will. There are other people in this country too and we do not agree with you or Trump. You have no right at all to try and dictate to us how this country should be run without negotiating with us. There is a wider lesson in this: there is no such thing as a corrupt Washington. That's only in your mind because Washington does not do what you alone want. Of course it does not. Of course there is negotiating, compromising and exchanging of favors. That's called democracy. What Trump and his supporters are after is dictatorship. That's what they understand by "draining the swamp". It means throwing out their opponents.
Concerned Citizen (USA)
The cynicism of Trump's comments are breathtaking (as usual). He doesn't care about the people living in America. He doesn't care about healthcare or even public policy. He cares about his reputation and the Republican Party - in that order. This makes him only marginally worse than the Republicans who have placed their party's interests ahead of the republics (e.g. in turning a blind eye to Trump's evident collusion with Putin). For Trump the buck always stops somewhere else. And this is the party of personal responsibility?
david x (new haven ct)
It's encouraging that a number of Republicans are focusing on what the American people want rather than on the petty political infighting that Trump, Pence, McConnell, et al are so determined to continue.

Americans, by a large majority, do not want the Affordable Care Act repealed. I don't want it repealed--even though I'm no lucky enough to be on Medicare.

Just as educating our children costs me money, in the form of taxes, so will a system that provides all American with a fair chance for good healthcare. I'm willing to spend my money on these things.

We don't want things to go back to emergency rooms being the primary care system for many Americans. It's not only bad healthcare, it's incredibly costly healthcare.

Responsible Republicans and responsible Democrats can join together in getting our nation back on track. This trip down Trump road needs to be a glitch in our history that we soon look back at in wonderment and shame.
Kayleigh73 (Raleigh)
Democrats need to start running some "public service announcement" ads NOW. They need to keep pointing out how many House and Senate members were willing to make health care insurance unavailable for even employees.
1. If you're a part-time employee, you're generally not eligible for employer-subsidized insurance;
2. If you're a full-time employee and your hours are cut below 30 hours per week, you'll lose your insurance;
3. If you're injured on the job and cannot return to work, you'll lose your insurance.

In situation 1, there's no federal law that an employer subsidized policy have any comprehensive plan so you may be getting a policy that's not much better than Medicaid and have to pay for that plan from your earnings.

If you're in 2 or 3, you'll be told that it's okay because you have COBRA coverage which sounds like a safety net. However, that coverage will cost over twice as much as the job-related plan and have lots of carve outs that reduce its value.

These are just some of the insurance "gotchas" that Republicans never talk about and which the Dems need to explain. Democrats should explain them.
S A Johnson (Los Angeles, CA)
Kayleigh, agreed. The Dems need to make it clear why the system was problematic before ACA and what ACA needs to keep in place and what needs to be fixed and why.
Im Just Sayin (Washington, DC)
The insurance companies make healthcare profitable by denying care, reducing coverage levels, increasing copays and raising deductibles. The republicans make healthcare "affordable" by denying care, reducing coverage levels, increasing co-pays and raising deductibles. Ironic how those two approaches are so well aligned.
KM (Houston)
Republicans own it, all right. Seven years of running against it and can't repeal it. Seven years of running against its problems and can't repair it.
Republicans now own the government and own all the failures.
What's useful is the honesty: it's not about governing, it's certainly not about what's good for the American people. It's what's good for the president's ego and the GOP donor class.
Jack Litzau (St Paul)
The success of the Affordable Care Act is already challenged by Trump's failed efforts to overturn it. Health care providers are not renewing contracts with service providers because of the uncertainty. In turn service providers are laying off workers because they don't have the revenue streams to pay them. Even though the effort to repeal is apparently over, the cynical promises to "let ObamaCare die on its own" will continue the carnage. Trump is not going to "let ObamaCare die on its own." ACA depends on three things: 1) Everyone is insured. 2) Folks that can't afford insurance get subsidies 3) Insurers cannot deny coverage for pre-existing conditions. Trump will do his best to destroy two of these legs and then the ACA will fail. Then Trump and all his cynical lying cronies in the Republican party will crow over the failure. And there might just be enough ignorant voters in this country to believe them.
John Schwab (California)
The ACA is failing and the GOP plans are an awful alternative. Time for the Dems and Reps to step up and try to develop a sensible alternative. If health insurance is an entitlement give every person who is "entitled " a lump sum and let them buy the insurance or keep the cash. Cancel all health insurance employers would be required to make employees presently covered whole.
Ruth (Glorida)
And what happens when the "keep the cash" folks, who will be many, get cancer, have a heart attack, are injured inan accident, get pregnant, etc.? They'll show up at the ER, and the ER will have to take some kind of care of them. It doesn't work. Everyone is healthy, right up to the point they aren't.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Trump wanted to cut the cost-sharing for subsidies and then was told that he couldn't "blame Democrats" if he did that.

This is supposedly the "genius" guy running America into the ground like one of his bankrupt ventures that taxpayers paid for. He owns the failure to live up to his phoney pre-election promises and he owns the mess he made of the insurance. markets.
james haynes (blue lake california)
Here's what I don't get: repeal advocates say the system is collapsing, citing 38 counties where no insurer offers policies through the ACA. But there must be 38 counties where there is no Ford dealership, and can't consumers just get a Ford in the adjacent counties? Ditto health insurance?
LEM (San Francisco)
There are 100 Senators, why does he only invite 52? There are many ways to pass a bill that works for everyone, and that's to include everyone in the process.

Americans will see through Trump and the GOPs sabotage of the US Healthcare system, make no doubt about it.
HighPlainsScribe (Cheyenne WY)
I hope everyone has seen the 1990 campaign video of McConnell talking about how he had polio as a child and got help only through a third party, the March of Dimes, because his parents couldn't afford treatment. He talked about the importance of healthcare and vowed to bring it to Kentuckians. The ad is easily seen on YouTube. Why that ad has not been plastered over the airwaves is just another indication of how horrible the Ds are at politics.
C.R. Kennedy (California)
The Ds? Mitch McConnell wants to do away with the ACA period. How is that the Ds problem? They are not going to help destroy what insurance people have. Although, I do believe they should be working with the Rs to make ACA better. Make some major adjustments that are needed. But the Rs won't have it. And if the Ds don't want to work with that, then welcome to retro 2008-2016.
Citizen 0809 (Kapulena, HI)
Patricia (Connecticut)
Highplainsscibe: You are so right about something, the dems are terrible at POLITICS. However, when it comes to running the FEDERAL Gov't they excel.

mB (Charlottesville, VA)
Trump nor any president has the authority on his own or through agency regulation (IRS Reg., e.g.) to undo the tax subsidies under the ACA.

Nor does Trump, or the IRS, have the authority to undo the individual mandate.

mB, SCOTUS practitioner
William Case (United States)
The Obama administration kept insurance providers in the market by transferring money from the Treasury to cover their losses. But a federal court has ruled this transfer of funds is unconstitutional. District Court Judge Rosemary Collyer ruled that the Constitution says "No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law.” The ruling in on temporary hold pending appeal, but its doubtful the Justice Department will appeal, since it would have not chance of winning. Trump cannot continue to draw the subsidies from the Treasury unless the House allocates the money.
mB (Charlottesville, VA)
Collyer misinterpreted the breadth of this Clause in the Constitution. The ACA is the law of the land. Neither Congress nor the President acting alone, or together ultra vires, have the authority to abrogate a Supreme Law of the Land. Doing so would violate their oaths of office and the Constitution.
Stephen (Austin, TX)
There is a lot this cynical non-presidential person can do to hurt the ACA by denying subsidies to the people who need them the most. I don't expect anything more of him or the Republicans who clearly have no vision on healthcare as it is about more than tax cuts for the rich.

When you've spent a lifetime fighting against the notion that all citizens deserve a healthcare plan. it's hard to suddenly pretend it matters. President Obama showed tens of millions of our citizens that it is more than just a pipe dream for them and their families to have coverage. Now there is no going back.
R (New York)
Was there really any belief that the GOP had an alternative? It was easy for them to say "No" for 7 years but when pushed into action, they can't lead from the front or from the back.
john tay (Vienna, Austria)
'i am not going to own it' was turned so quickly to 'The Republicans are not going to own it' ... and blaming the democrats and waiting for them to crawl back?
Probably it was too early to call it failing Obamacare instead of calling it what it all the time was: Affordable Care Act.
Because now its coming back at him and his base starts to see who really is failing.
It seems he has galloped through his childhood days. Because every child in Kindergarten learns: What you say to and about others, you are yourself.

It's everyone else (the people, the lawmakers) and him. What a drama!
Mary Melcher (Mesa, AZ)
Unfortunately the president seems still to be "galloping through his childhood".
john tay (Vienna, Austria)
yep. still galloping..
Richard (DC)
Trump is playing fire with the well-being of 23 million Americans. How can a president wish a health care plan to fail? Is he looking out for the people or for his own ego?
KM (Houston)
300 million people add up to nothing for Trump. That's how empty and needy he is. Sadly, a large percentage of our fellow citizens mistook his desperate, attention-seeking wailing for strength,
Sanjiv Singh (Dallas)
A message (reminder) to Mr. Trump:

You, sir, sit at a desk, whose occupant at one time said or had a plaque: "The buck stops here." And now we have your statement: " I am not going to own this problem." (regarding healthcare).

You, sir, sit at a desk, that inherently requires that the man or woman sitting behind it, represent all Americans, and who accepts and acts in a manner befitting "the buck stops here" principle.

One must either vacate this desk (and the position) it repersents or accept and act on the principle of "buck stops here." //
DaveB (Boston, MA)
The buck has never stopped at Donald Trump's desk for a single moment of his 70 vacuous years. And it ain't gonna start now.
C.R. Kennedy (California)
Here, here sir.
David Macauley (Philadelphia)
How about "Repeal and Replace Trump(Careless)"? Or "Let Trump Fail"? Millions would be willing to own that.
giniajim (VA)
This is pathetic. What he's saying is let 32 million of us lose health care and then they'll come crawling back. This is what we elected to be the leader of the American people?
JustSayin (Chicago)
A major benefit of the health care debacle is that it may, if only briefly, wipe that insufferable smirk off Paul Ryan's face.
KM (Houston)
I'm afraid it's surgically implanted.
Allison (Sausalito, Calif)
What a vile man. He's going to pull the security of health care out from millions, cause the cost of healthcare to skyrocket, and make institutions unreliable and untrustworthy. All in his fantasy of what a leader looks like.
asdasdasd (nyc)
ACA wont fail. It was designed by the democrats. Its a great law, works well and everyone gets affordable healthcare/
The curtain is being pulled back and it allows most Americans to see how little Trump cares for the American people and their health care. Our TV president is compromised by Russian interests and his money grubbing family. His cult following are going to suffer but as Trump only cares about himself and his properties they will be the last to wake up to reality. Crying fake news Trump rails vs reality as the country realizes we are the new Trump university victims only 2018 can address this travesty.
Mick (Los Angeles)
So much for the shining city on the hill. America under Republican leadership is a Third World country.
Catherine (New York City)
My fear is not the words, "let it fail" it is the worry that Trump with Help it fail by refusing to fund the subsidies that are needed to keep it working. Is he, McConnell and Ryan that vindictive?
Stay tuned.
Asher Fried (Croton On Hudson NY)
Trump is clueless as to policy in general, the issues involved in health care policy , and the details of the specific GOP plans, Obamacare and the implications thereof for costs and care.
This is consistent with Trump's business career. He started out as a developer funded with inherited or gifted finances. His narcissism and lack of comprehension of the business issues involved eventually caused the collapse of his business empire. A bankruptcy scheme to unload his debt on his investors, at the expense of his lenders, employees, suppliers and contractors gave him a new start. He found success as a faux real estate developer and businessman promoting his name on projects developed by others. He needed funds from questionable sources to survive and in reality we do not know if his investments, such as his golf business, are in fact profitable. He may be the master of a Potemkin business empire.
He conducted a successful campaign by using racism, bluster and lies.
We can all see that as President his b/s routine and willful ignorance won't cut it. His political demise will mimic the collapse of his businesses.Hopefully , his political demise will occur before he can damage America to the extent his bankruptcies damaged those who relied his his faux business acumen.
E. Sol (Portland)
How vindictive can one very sad man be to want to destroy the current health care millions of Americans rely on just so he "wins." A hollow victory for a hollow man. Bravo to the four Republicans who are choosing country over party. To the McConnell/Ryan followers, please find your collective spine, because you're a reflection of this administration - not your constituents - and it's soul-destroying. This bill was particularly insensitive to those for whom it was intended to benefit (I'm not referring to the insurers or the 1% here), but let's admit, it's in keeping with a horrifying array of current actions systematically crushing or critically debilitating democratic rights and values including but not limited to voting rights, privacy, education, clean air/water.
Bernard Bonn (Sudbury MA)
The ACA won't fail as long as the federal government fulfills its obligations under the law--pay the subsidies to insurers and enforce the individual mandate and require healthy young people to sign up or pay for not doing so. If trump refuses to enforce the law then it would not be a failure of the ACA, it would be a failure of the federal government with trump at its head. But this "business man" has never succeeded at anything anyway; why would he start now.
J Jencks (Portland)
It seems, now that the GOP has failed to pass a replacement 3 times their next plan is to blame the DEMs.

"We're not going to own it."

Sadly, many of their supporters will sheepishly line up behind them and nod in agreement.
JackRobinson95 (North America)
Senseless to repeal a working public healthcare without a replacement. For 7 solid years Republicans have no replacement for Affordable healthcare Act (ACA) a.k.a Obamacare, all they do is talk, talk, talk. If repeal of ACA goes ahead, millions of Americans will have no coverage while the congress juicy healthcare coverage is intact. You wonder who elected congress and who they serve.
Joy Abbott (Citrus Heights, CA)
Big Business elected congress. Congressional "leaders" (ha!) serve themselves and those who finance their election campaigns.
J Jencks (Portland)
What can we do to make things better?
Write to the Democratic leadership and your representatives if they're DEMs. Tell them that this is a window of opportunity to come together and develop a DEM alternative, a package that improves on the ACA.

DEMs should be holding town hall meetings across the country this summer, soliciting feedback from the voters and creating a new and improved plan. This is how we lay the groundwork for 2018.

Write letters, on paper, mailed through the USPS. They get more attention than emails and online petitions. My letters are going out today.
Jena (<br/>)
What will happen to the coal miners? Mr. Trump remember you were elected to be the President of the coal miners- this will take away their Obamacare and as a side note 22M other Americans.
joanna skies (Baltimore County)
This is my healthcare - through the excellent Kaiser Permanente.

How dare he say that?
C.R. Kennedy (California)
Love Kaiser Permanente. Their system should be examined for a Single Payor system nationally.
MarkU (Aspen)
It's time for the Dems to take the leadership role; the country is obviously rudderless at this point. Come out strongly with a plan to amend the ACA with an Omnibus fix; something that should have been done after passage to clean it up. Put that in front and the republicans and their pathetic excuse for a chief executive and then make them come to you to fix something that everyone needs and only spiteful republicans want to ditch.

By the way, question for the base, are you still waiting for the "something better and cheaper" version -- it's not coming and it never was. That was just another irresponsible lie by the "president."
Joy Abbott (Citrus Heights, CA)
Dems can come out with the best program in the world, but GOP has majority and will vote it down, just on general principle. Hopefully you will vote in 2018?
Glenn Pincus (Los Angeles)
So Mr. Trump, in saying the ACA should be allowed to fail, you're saying it's OK with you that tens of millions of Americans lose their health insurance?
Joy Abbott (Citrus Heights, CA)
Well - yeah, that's exactly what he's saying. He has his own health insurance, why should he give a damn about YOU? (unless you're a wealthy campaign contributor).
LM (Cleveland, Ohio)
The current Republican bill failed because humanity won. Something Trump will never understand.
Todd Wyner (Boston)
Pardon my naivete but why has no one in office articulated in simple bullet points why ACA is inferior. Pres. Trump speaks as with a broadbrush claiming the law is a disaster but cannot offer up one specific change he wants enacted. Here is my take on all of this: GOPs don't like any popular legislation nicknamed for a past Democrat president which denies fat cat insurance companies from making their own rules as they go. Furthermore, some of those same GOPs and even others who have no clear knowledge of the law's costs and benefits dislike the law because of the race of the man it is named for. I'm sure my hunches are all wrong but that's what I see.
Joy Abbott (Citrus Heights, CA)
Your hunches are not wrong.
al (medford)
trump will use the same tactic in failed casinos in Atlantic City, undermining the ACA. He's good at bankruptcies, using lawyers to bail him out. Bad mouthing the ACA gives insurers card blanch to indiscriminately destroy the ACA mandate. gop looks the other way. What a pathetic bunch of misguided politicians with no moral compass.
Joy Abbott (Citrus Heights, CA)
"Pathetic" implies we should feel sorry for them. I think the word you meant to use was "disgusting".
Christine Abraham (Bronx, NY)
What an irresponsible administration, and what an insulting president. When is the nation going to fight back and stand up and say enough?!! He is so determined to destroy President Obama's legacy that he is willing to hurt the hard working American public!!!!! I am sitting in a doctors office finding out they will no longer take my insurance by the end of the month. Will my new patient visit turn into a pre-existing condition? What will my options be if I change insurances? This is a travesty.
MR (Massachusetts)
The public did fight back and say that's enough - that's why it failed. Keep writing, protesting and telling your representatives how legislation personally affects you. That's how to preserve what's important in society.
VtSkier (NY)
Interesting that trump blames the Dems for the failure, yet they were not invited into the process at any point.

And if they matter so much why aren't any invited to the lunch today where trump will explain how to fix things?

According to his tweet things will get better at lunchtime. I guess he's going to set them straight!
Ann Gansley (Idaho)
Let's not support the insurance companies with taxpayers' money. Let's get the insurance companies OUT of healthcare!
Steven (Connecticut)
Letting things fail ... finally, the President's finds a way to put his business experience to work.
Memnon (USA)
What would New York Building Department say if Mr. Trump bought an inhabited building with serious structural defects and in response to the rejection of his inadequate architectural/engineering proposals to rectify the building's defects Mr. Trump publicly announced in the New York press.....

True Observer (USA)
Trump didn't buy the building, he got stuck with it.

He wants to demolish it and build a new one.
Memnon (USA)
President Trump voluntarily chose to assume the Presidency of the United States and he cannot pick which federal regulations or institutions he became responsible for, he is responsible for ALL of them as well as the general welfare of the American people. My analogy put into a context relevant to President Trump's business background.

President Trump as the Republican's Party's nominee repeatedly promised he had the plan to repeal and replace Obamacare. But President Trump has been at best an unreliable and inconsistent leader for whatever national healthcare regime he unequivocally asserted he would put into place.
Jan202021 (Maine)
I don't get it. Is Trump just clueless or heartless?
susan mccall (old lyme ct.)
Joy Abbott (Citrus Heights, CA)
He's both.
jp (<br/>)
50 years ago, my 3rd grade civics class taught that the executive branch's duty was to see that the laws were faithfully executed. I distinctly remember that there was nothing there that said "unless the law was enacted by a black man."
Dennis Hinkamp (Logan UT)
Yes let's also let all the bridges in the country fail so we can get support to rebuild them. Some people might have to die for us to make our point.
True Observer (USA)
People have been paying gas and other taxes to maintain those bridges.

Bridges can last a hundred years.

The politicians stole the money to buy votes.
Nanna (Denmark)
"A president who was bored of the grind."


He can afford to be bored, for his Health Insurance and that of his close family is top-notch and so is the insurance of his fellow republicans and the Senate.

Why should they care, when depriving millions of Americans of Health Insurance could give the ugly turtle and equality ugly fiends a wonderfully nice tax break!
Helen (San Francisco Bay Area)
Another day, another impeachable offense.

I know Trump probably has no idea what the Constitution says, even though he swore to uphold it. Here is part of what he swore to do (Article II, Section 3): "[The President] shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed"....

Perhaps someone should tell him that includes Obamacare, which is still the law of the land.
Mike G (Big Sky, MT)
Oh, how sweet watching McConnell squirm!

His obstruction during the Obama years affected our nation more than anyone (or anything) else. Would that he learn something from this for the next time the worm turns in Washington. But, SADly, his bitterness will only increase this. What a government!
Mick (Los Angeles)
Donald Trump is the Republicans idea of a president.
They will have to take ownership of that.
They are cowardly failures .
Armando (Chicago)
"But...Mr President, what about the health of all those Americans?"
"Americans? What are you talking about?
AG (Calgary, Canada)
Is this how the US President hopes to 'Make America great again'? We in Canada are happy to sensible Republican senators resisting Trump's lunatic idea of letting Obamacare implode. Is this how you govern a nation?

A good battle-cry for upcoming electoral battles in the US should be "Make America Awake Again."

Calgary, Canada
Pecan (Grove)
Why does he hate Obama so much?

Because Obama is everything he is not? Thin, handsome, smart, educated, a good husband, a good father, a good man, a good friend, a good President.
John H. (Portland Maine)
Failure is not an option. People will die.
Joy Abbott (Citrus Heights, CA)
You seem to be under the impression that he and his cronies care about that.
Nuffalready (Glenville, NY)
Our President can't even talk about the issue of health care, let alone "feel" for the people who will be affected by it. This is all evidenced by his next option: to let Obamacare fail. What a pitifully un-empathetic coward.
Paulv (Sarasota, FL)
Boo hoo. I'm taking my ball home.
Hugh Briss (Climax, Virginia)
On health care, Trump promised voters the "most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you've ever seen" but now he's offering them the "Trump Sandwich"

white bread
heaped with baloney
soaked in Russian dressing
and served with a small pickle.
Ari Backman (Chicago)
That is a willful breach of his fiduciary duties - he should be jailed for that comment. He is a public servant and he acting against public's best interest.
Joy Abbott (Citrus Heights, CA)
Gosh, you think??
Barry Williams (NY)
Let's not fail to recognize that the House and Senate bills are only secondarily about health care. They are mainly about cutting services to the middle class and poor (the rich can pay for those services, from the best that money can buy) so that they can pay for a huge tax cut for the top 2%, and making sure insurance companies can keep profiting big off of the health of our citizens. The GOP can't move on to tax reform until they find the money somewhere to pay for that tax cut. Setting up a system that discourages people from carrying health insurance, and calling it free market, is the first step. Next step will be to gut Medicare and Social Security, to keep the gravy train running for decades.

Politics? Sure, but...as with most everything, follow the money.
FrankWillsGhost (Port Washington)
Aw shucks. I was looking forward to the Republicans Party repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) so they could destroy the lives of their own constituents, thus accelerating the implosion of themselves and their party. But, it looks like Trump will do it for them anyway and will blame them when voters in red states devastated by the flight of cash starved health insurers turn on their so-called Republican representatives.

The truth is, Obama and the Democrats passed a bill that was good for the country and all of its citziens, and for 7 long years the Republicans couldn't stand it. They want to destroy something good, simply because it was carefully thought through and fought for by Democrats. Ideology before practicaltiy and pragmatism. Yeah, that works.
Nanj (washington)
Close to 50% the US population is covered in Government funded healthcare in US. The only segment that is not covered is the working population under age 65.

Isn't it obvious where the next evolution of ACA should be headed to?

Letting ACA fail (which will take government action to put more holes in the program - such as not honoring low-income cost sharing payments), will presumably just hit the private insurance piece and not the Medicaid expansion piece of ACA. Deliberately making it fail is a heartless thing to do.

Why not rise above the pettiness and work to a government funded healthcare. We can do so much better both in care for the people and in cost.
Peter Clothier (Laguna Beach)
It is this man's sworn duty and responsibility to uphold the law. To let this particular law fail, as he expressly wishes to do, is not only an act of sabotage, it's a betrayal of his responsibility as president. He must be held accountable for his position.
Marcus Aurelius (Terra Incognita)
Who created this mess? Not the Republicans or the current POTUS. Check the popular name of the ACA. It's not Trumpcare, is it?
Andrew G. Bjelland, Sr. (Salt Lake City, Utah)
President Trump's self-centered disregard for others is yuuugely evident in his pronouncement: "Let Obamacare fail." He and his Party are setting the stage for a major national catastrophe.

Republican tax cuts, when they come, will, as usual, favor already immensely wealthy individuals and corporations far more than others.

I fear that President Trump, in order to distract the public from his and his Party's inability to govern, will soon send the American military careening off on yet another costly and fruitless adventure. Given the likelihood of this "Wag-the-Dog" scenario and the GOP penchant for tax-cuts at the most inopportune moments, the country will plunge into a debt and death spiral, just as it did under President George W. Bush.

If military adventurism and lowered taxes are coupled with Trump-GOP financial-deregulation fervor and current ballooning private sector debt, then the stage is all set for another 2008 style economic meltdown.

History is starting to echo--and echo loudly.
William Case (United States)
Trump cannot save Obamacare unless the House of Representatives votes to allocated funds to cover losses that are driving insurance out of the Obamacare market. The Obama administration kept insurance providers in the market by transferring money from the Treasury to cover their losses. But a federal court has ruled this transfer of funds is unconstitutional. District Court Judge Rosemary Collyer ruled that the Constitution says "No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law.” She said “Paying [those] reimbursements without an appropriation thus violates the Constitution. Congress is the only source for such an appropriation, and no public money can be spent without one." Trump cannot act unless the House acts. People should blame Congress, not the president.
Casey Burns (Out west sitting on a subduction zone)
Congress set to repeal the Interstate Highway System and replace it with something better and much cheaper. It will be fantastic.

Meanwhile Trump has decided to let the Military and the IRS fail.
Jomo (San Diego)
Let's keep reminding Trump voters that he repeatedly told us he had a beautiful plan. It would cover EVERYONE at lower cost with lower deductibles. No details provided, but he said he'd reveal them soon. Still waiting...
George Ovitt (Albuquerque)
The health care debate, and Republican actions on the ACA and Medicare, will stand in the history of our age as the crossroads of the Republican Party, as the event that either led to the Party's rejuvenation and rebirth as a moderate force for bipartisan government, or as its demise as a credible actor in American politics. The Republicans, like the Democrats, have allied themselves with minority forces within their ranks and abandoned any pretense of governing in the name of the people. Just as the electorate rejected the neoliberal politics of Clinton/Obama in favor of Trump's false populism, so too will they reject the cruelties of McConnell/Ryan/Trump. The best case scenario will be transformed parties that begin to live up to their obligations to the people. I doubt that I will live to see rationality and compassion return to American public life; I hope that my children might.
LivingWithInterest (Sacramento, CA)
trump's callous disregard for peoples' ability to access healthcare (something he will NEVER experience) coupled with the hard-bitten hatred of the "other party" (self-defense against being made to look bad in trump's bases eyes) is a stark contrast to the responsibility we ascribe to the role of the presidency in our democracy. This man makes GW Bush look like a scholar.

I believe the trump base and GOP constituent may be too ill-informed and too party blinded to recognize that when their premiums increase beyond affordability or the number of plans to select from is whittled down to one or none, they won't know that the source of the pain is their own "man" and their own party.

When the result of polarization is that a nation inflicts untold pain on itself, that pain will be the source of more divisive choices and more "us and them" camps.

How do we return from such an abyss?
GBC1 (Canada)
Trump is right. The Republicans opposed the ACA when it was introduced, they have no obligation to save it now. If Obamacare fails the Democrats will no doubt be willing to support a modified Republican proposal. If that happens, the Republicans can put forward a new proposal acceptable to a majority of Republicans rather than a bill tailored for approval by their extreme right wing. This will get done. What Trump loses is time, with no solution on healthcare he can't move forward with the rest of his agenda.
Denise (Philadelphia)
GBC1 -- the representatives and senators and the ridiculous president DO have the responsibility to assure the continuation of the ACA. To "allow" it to fail, or worse, to change protections to make it fail would be negligent and destructive. This truth may not convince them of their public duty, but it certainly will be documented by history.

I see their responsibility on the improvement and health of the ACA as no different than fire protection and speed limit and safety belt laws and protections.
GBC1 (Canada)
I understand your angst Denise. We have universal health care in Canada of course, and it would be hard to imagine life without it. On the other hand I suspect that many Americans (those who have good medical coverage and the well-to-do) would not be willing to trade what they now have for the Canadian system of socialized medicine and all that goes with it, the wait times, the lack of specialists, the high taxes. This is not just a decision for the politicians, it is a majot issue for the American people.
Tom G (Baltimore, MD)
And what do the American people lose in the meantime? Peace of mind, restful sleep, and any assurance that help with staggering healthcare costs is on the way. If you haven't had to worry about whether you can afford to go to the doctor, consider yourself fortunate. The Democrats invited the Republicans to help craft the ACA seven years ago, and they declined. What's different now is that a select group of white Republican men crafted their sad offering behind closed doors without extending any invitation or thought to the Democrats, people with disabilities or women of either party.

Penny Graf
Karn Griffen (Riverside, CA)
By choosing to run for President and by being inaugurated Mr. Trump is now the man in charge of this country's health. His willingness to sit back and do nothing to improve the lives of millions of Americans is one more piece of evidence that this President doesn't really care about the American people but only his own wealth and public display. Follow the money. It will end up at the Russian laundry where Trump spends his time.
greatnfi (Charlevoix, Michigan)
Where does it say in the constitution does it say the President is in charge of the country's health?
Gothamite (New York, NY)
The problem is that the insurance industry is in the business of making money, not helping those most in need. So instead of pouring $40 billion extra into the military, how bout using some of that to create a non-profit, government sponsored insurance company for ordinary Americans that isn't medicaid?
Marissa E (Cleveland, OH)
I don't know if this has been discussed in the comments yet; there's too many now to read through now. But if Trump were to willfully to let the ACA fail by, e.g., not reimbursing insurance companies, not enforcing the coverage mandate, etc., wouldn't that be a violation of his duty under the Take Care Clause? Any constitutional scholars out there who know how that works?
Parigino48 (Washington, DC)
I’m not a constitutional scholar or a lawyer, so perhaps someone out there who is can enlighten me, but isn’t there some language in the Constitution compelling the President to enforce all laws and certainly not deliberately to sabotage them (e.g., by not enforcing the mandate, withholding payment of subsidies, etc.) ? Isn’t such behavior grounds for impeachment ?
Marcus Aurelius (Terra Incognita)
It will be enforced. That's why it will ultimately collapse. It was doomed to fail when enacted. If Mrs. Pelosi had taken the trouble to read the ACA before leading the charge to push it into law she would have understood that. Then again, maybe she did....
DecliningSociety (Baltimore)
And in other news social security is well on track to achieve bankruptcy in the next 15-20 years so all you young people can look forward to the government managing its scheme to take an enormous amount of money out of your pocket to use for vote-buying schemes and then tell you to go pound sand when you retire. It will be the same with government healthcare. Quality and access go down, cost and bureaucracy goes up.
Jim (Athens, Georgia)
Isn't it true that one of the president's sworn duties is to faithfully execute (which in this context DOES NOT mean "put o death") the laws of the land? The ACA is presently enshrined in laws. Therefore, a deliberate policy to "let [it] fail" ought to be considered a serious dereliction of that duty.
John Brews ✅❗️__ [•¥•] __ ❗️✅ (Reno, NV)
Trump says: "We’ll let Obamacare fail, and then the Democrats are going to come to us.”

I hope not. Does anyone in their right mind shake hands with Trump? Can't read bills, doesn't plan, doesn't follow through. A bit worse than a weathervane because he doesn't know which way the wind is blowing.

And Ryan/McConnell? Why did they push for bills that they knew were unworkable and very unpopular. Clearly not because they wanted working healthcare. They march to a different tune, one played by their bonkers billionaire backers. And that means no deal for Dems.
R.F. (Shelburne Falls, MA)
Most republicans like to think of our country as a "christian nation" and most of them also consider themselves to be devote christians. So, republicans, answer me this: What could be more "christian" than to provide quality health care for your fellow citizens?

Having trouble with that question?
The answer is to uphold, support, and even improve Obamacare.
berman (Orlando)
Let it fail. What leadership. Chaos, confusion, disruption, distraction. Hallmarks of Trump all. Governing is not the point. Destruction is the intent.
"Let Obamacare Fail" is not a responsible way of governing. It would create havoc not only for > 20 million individual lives, but tens of thousands of jobs and an entire industry which accounts for 17.5 % of gross domestic product in the US. It is simply irresponsible to pursue such a strategy out of spite for one’s predecessor and unworthy of the office of the President of the United States. This president is not only short of any policy ideas, but truly unworthy of the trust people have bestowed on him if he intends to follow through on this without regard for consequences. This is how you destroy a country from within.
rawebb1 (LR. AR)
At the moment, I assume Democrats will let the President use the tools at his disposal to destroy the ACA and never say a word. The Democratic Party, and particularly its leadership in Congress, is totally incompetent. They have said little about what Republicans are doing and have introduced no bills of their own to show how they would deal with health care. You can't just watch your opponents are trying to do terrible things, offer no alternatives, and expect people to support you.
Patricia (Connecticut)
Obamacare is a democratic bill - and they are not just sitting around - they are trying to get rid of this scourge of a POTUS. They don't react the way DJT does on twitter, they are carefully planning. They don't control congress so they can't just put forth a bill. Perhaps if you knew how this democracy of ours worked you would know better. Useless? hate to tell you this but check this out if you actually want to see who is better serving your needs:


Restore Human Sanity (Manhattan)
With each passing day the president is less and less able to conceal his utter ineptitude, his vengefulness for Obama, his lack of caring about the welfare of actual people. All his moves are geared to benefit only he, himself, and his standing in the eye of the media public. Besides his own bank account, he has no clue what or how health care affects the 99% of us. Having no curiosity about history, no comprehension of how the last three presidents lack of success, in one way or another, with health care reform, affected changes in party control of the congress the next election. Hopefully, this will be further bad news for him next year. With each passing day he becomes more exposed as the phony con man he is. McConnell has long since shown his utter disregard for ethics and people, his tunnel vision quest for his own power wins, just like Trump. At this count, they are both painful losers.
Kathryn (Kalamazoo, MI)
Does anybody else think that Donald Trump, at his core, is just plain lazy?

His solution is to "let Obamacare fail" since "it'll be a lot easier." Not try to gather bipartisan support. Not set up a task force about health care reform when it's clear that the Republicans in Congress have no workable plan. Not roll up his sleeves and GET TO WORK!
ferdie14 (metro, ny)
All those years of obfuscation, throwing up barriers, and slinging mud were a fool's paradise. After all that time, McConnell and his party showed they are an incoherent mass of internal contradictions moving with all the swiftness, intelligence, and forethought of an amoeba under glass. The only redeemable Sen. is Collins of Maine. Cheers to her. This has been comical and terrifying as a dog who accidentally shifts a car into gear and needs to learn to steer--fast!
Pharmer2 (Houston)
CITIZENS UNITED. The gift that keeps on giving. These politicians don't work for us, they work for the billionaires. CITIZENS UNITED makes that possible.
Michael (Silver Spring MD)
I'm fortunate enough to have decent health insurance. I can't imagine how disheartening it must be for people whose lives depend on the ACA to know that the president of the United States hopes for its failure. Reprehensible.
Technic Ally (Toronto)
Like an addled Moses, Trump shouts, "Let my people die!"
Grove (California)
And "let my profits live".
Eric (Minneapolis)
Are there no workhouses? Are there no prisons? Let them die and decrease the surplus population!
Hank (NY)
The president has begun shooting people on 5th avenue, I guess?
Reg (New York, NY)
Mr President - it is YOUR responsibility to NOT let any current legislation on which millions of Americans rely fail! Your responsibility/job is to ensure it DOES NOT fail. If you have a better solution, then the American people (both Rep and Dem) and their elected representatives would support it. But just pushing some hastily prepared legislation that will cost millions of Americans to lose healthcare, to lose Medicaid benefits and also push premiums up doesn't help the American people.

It would be a FAILURE for you to let Obamacare fail or to slowly weaken and clip it's wings. It would be your personal and administration's failure - and history will remember that!!
doris threloff (oregon)
And you call this leadership.
RobfromMedford (Medford MA)
Another great triumph for the Halfwit-in-Chief.
And kudos too, of course, for the Republican Party. Could it possibly be starting to dawn in the foggy minds of Trumpeltons across the land that the problem has never been the "swamp in Washington" but rather, the vacuousness and incompetence of the GOP (to say nothing of their reptilian advisers and consultants). If they can't make anything happen when they have the House, the Senate and the White House, what will it take??
Jake (NY)
This guy is so full of himself that his ego cannot allow anything Obama did stay in place. He is hell bent on undoing everything Obama did, from Health Care to the Russians, deregulating those that took us into the financial abyss, to giving more to the rich and powerful. The swamp is now HIS...he owns the swamp that he has filled to the brim with those same folks that shafted America the first time around. Despicable human being with evil written all over him. That is who this man is...the devil himself.
aamacdowell (California)
Contrary to what Mr.Trump says, the GOP will own the ACA when on his watch, The 25% of the population of Trump supporters in their bubble may believe their idol, but the other 75% will get fed up of Trump deathcare.
K Portal (NY)
If this is Trump's version of winning, I hate to see losing!
DecliningSociety (Baltimore)
Trump tried to repeal Obamacare and even allowed the Republicans to run with the idea of a replacement as that seemed to be fashionable among voters. I mean who doesn't like free stuff. I could use some help paying for health insurance and child care - but I wont get it because I went to school and have a real job. Heck, I will be targeted as rich because I make more than 15 bucks an hour. Add another burden to my back. I still support Trump,... congressional republicans,...not so much. In fact, I am beginning to think this country would be a better place if we had a single session of congress every 4 years - with a one session term limit for law-makers.
jonathan (decatur)
Declining Society, if you make just over $15/hr you can qualify for tax credits to help you purchase health insurance on the exchange, even if you have no dependents. It does not sound like you comprehend what the ACA is and what it is not. How you can still support Trump who has lied to his voters repeatedly and taken many steps that hurt them directly is beyond me. Is it his hateful lies that you find appealing?
Sam D (Berkeley)
I still don't get this: "Senators Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, all Republicans, declared that they would not vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act without a replacement."

How can these three Republicans who have at least a shadow of empathy remain Republicans? Why would they associate with a party in which 94% of their compatriots have no such empathy? If you're a Republican, you have to hang out with people who have no concern at all about the poor, the disabled, and people to whom bad things happen. Come on, please, denounce the Republican party and leave it. You have enabled Trump too much already, as some of you did with George W. Bush. Your colleagues are heartless; no, they're evil with respect to the 99%. Do you really want to be part of that gang?
Eleanor (Augusta, Maine)
They are traditional Republicans who still believe in the old values. Hence todays apparatchiks call them RINOs.
Joni Moody (Evanston)
President Trump is correct, in that if the country's citizens are gagging from lack of health care coverage or affordable health care coverage the Democrats will try to rescue. They will own the rescue, or attempted rescue, whereas Trump and his GOP minions will own the calamity. It's about branding, and the Democrats can handle this one. Trump made a colossal mistake -- it's not his first, and won't be his last. Indeed, his mistakes (nice word, that!) are mounting hourly. He is paying attention to his inner bully. Fellow citizens: talk to Trump supporters and encourage them to understand that they deserve better than this guy. We can work together, as citizens, to solve local problems, for a start. Show Trump how it is done while he is asked to leave, and not return.
jimD (USA)
Dispicable! Heartless, cruel and immoral! Trump fiddles while tens of millions of Americans' lives dangle during his barbaric disavowal of his duties to protect Americans! "Letting Obamacare die" is also letting Americans die for his own shallow political gamesmanship! His and all members of Congress's duty is to make healthcare work for all! PERIOD!
RNS (Piedmont Quebec Canada)
'Let Obamacare fail' followed immediately by 'Repubs will not own it.' How does that make any sense? And to think this man, with his warped thinking skills, could end all life on earth with one decision. Of course, I probably won't be around to hear it, but I'm sure Trump won't own that either.
Jo Shields (Westport CT)
If President Trump is so intent upon dismantling his predecessor's legacy (Iran nuclear deal and the ACA for starters) perhaps he could set his sights on bringing Osama bin Laden back to life?
C G (Austin)
Trump's "Let them eat cake" moment.
Eleanor (Augusta, Maine)
One of them.
West (WY)
If trump manages to "make the Affordable Care Act fail", and thereby, he puts all US citizens at risk, then he must be sued into oblivion by the citizens of the US. And any republican that supports such a nefarious act should be similarly sued.
Grove (California)
The Republicans will do. everything in their power to destroy the ACA.
They don't want healthcare for anyone but themselves. They don't care about anyone else.

Willie Sutton was the famous bank robber, who when asked why he robbed banks answered, "because that's where the money is.

One might ask the Republicans why they are continually trying to rob the American people.
The answer is pretty obvious: that's where the money is.

Someday people will realize that this era of Republicans are just thieves who know that they can betray the trust of the American people to get rich.
Bill Carstensen (Blacksburg)
“We’re not going to own it. I’m not going to own it. I can tell you the Republicans are not going to own it. We’ll let Obamacare fail, and then the Democrats are going to come to us."

Two questions:
1) So Trump will watch it die by not supporting it? Sounds like the most hideous possible ownership of people's lives possible.

2) Exactly what is it that the democrats will be coming to "us" for? Clearly "we" have no answers.
PWR (Malverne)
If Obamacare fails through governmental neglect, then Trump and the Republicans own the failure. If the government does its best to support Obamacare, like it or not, and it fails anyway, then the Democrats own it.
Eleanor (Augusta, Maine)
Fair enough.
DKM (Middleton, WI)
Republican Senators explaining why they are no longer willing to repeal?

"I'm not mean, and my constituents like the ACA."
"The ACA is a Republican health plan. Why would I repeal it?
Mark Jenkins (Alabama)
It's encouraging to see Lamar Alexander eager to work on a fix. For the others calling for repeal now/replace later, let me offer some advice: don't sell your mule to buy a plow.
Realist (Santa Monica, Ca)
Am I missing something? Trump, on his own, is going to do what voters didn't let the congress do, and he's not going to own it? I almost want it to happen so I can see Trump in a quicksand of his own making.
John (New York City)
So this is what passes for leadership at our highest political office(s) in the land? "Let it fail?" That's as childish, ignorant and vindictive a comment as "Let them eat CAKE!"
Elin Minkoff (Florida)
There is no leadership. You get what you elected. (or what THEY elected, because most of us here did not elect this immoral, incompetent, anti-intellectual, corrupt, deceitful, greedy, useless piece of flotsam...) And the entire GOP? Leadership?
omartraore (Heppner, OR)
Ominous headline, given this administration's penchant for sabotage and the president's petty instincts for retaliation.
Peacekat (Albany, NY)
Whatever happened to the rule of law? It's not OBAMAcare, it's the law passed by the US Congress, which alone has the power to change it. They can't. Meanwhile, it's saving lives and preserving the economic stability of families.

Get over yourself, Mr. 45.
Abby (Tucson)
Let them eat yellow cake?

Way to lead, bleeder.
George Orwell (USA)
Three GOP women are keeping us subject to the horrible disaster of ObamaCare.

They need to be replaced.
Sage (California)
George Orwell, indeed. Positively Orwellian!
nkda2000 (Fort Worth, TX)
So Mr. Trump now says ‘Let Obamacare Fail'

This is what a petulant child says when he does not get his way. This is NOT what a responsible President of the United States would ever state.

What next Mr. Trump?

Let Medicare fail? Let Social Security fail? Let NATO fail? Let South Korea fail? Don't raise the Budget Ceiling?

Mr. Trump, you swore an oath to Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States. This includes all the laws on the books NOT only those you prefer.

Governing is hard work. Something you, Mr. Trump have no desire to do.

Per your own words, Mr. Trump, at a Florida rally in October 2016 “That begins with immediately repealing and replacing the disaster known as Obamacare…You’re going to have such great health care, at a tiny fraction of the cost—and it’s going to be so easy.”

Mr. Trump, now that you find it tough, you blame others and take no responsibility.

No Mr. Trump, you are the President at this moment, so it is your job to make it work. This IS your responsibility. You cannot blame anyone else.
Donald Ambrose (Florida)
When will someone free us from this traitor, this cancer that has infected this great country of ours? Trump, yes but more importantly , the GOP.
Larry P. (Miami Beach, Florida)
We elect officials - Republican or Democrat - so that they can act with their constituents' best interests in mind.

We do not elect representatives so that they can be Captain Ahab.
jacquie (Iowa)
The GOP never was interested in healthcare which should have been obvious to all!
Elin Minkoff (Florida)
Oh, but they ARE interested in health care! They are interested in which health care corporate lobbyists will give them the most in bribes, pay offs, and kick backs...(and that is the TOTAL extent of their interest in health care...well, other than having the best health care for THEMSELVES, that mostly WE pay for...)
the dogfather (danville, ca)
Appropriately, that one aide wore black. The other aide wore the Nineties.
barbara (chapel hill)
It is a shame that DJT doesn't know how to read; these comments would be so enlightening.
Maggie (Calif)
So true. I wonder if he ever reads the comments in the NYT. He might discover how the majority of Americans feel about him and indeed the rest of the world .
Betty Boop (NYC)
Contrary to what Trump and the Republicans are saying, Obamacare is actually not failing, but it will if they petulantly take away the financial and legislative supports that make it work; very much akin to losing a ball game on the playground and then taking the ball home with you in a snit.
S.T. (Gainesville, FL)
I actually think this is one place where President Trump's lack of any particular policy agenda or vision may come in handy. If (big if) McConnell sticks to his word and works with Democrats to fix the issues with Obamacare, I would be shocked if President Trump would not sign that bill. He prides himself as being a 'dealmaker,' and is simply not in the business of vetoes. I suspect he will sign anything that comes across his desk just to try to live up to his claim that he's signed more bills than any president in history. It would matter little if it's completely contrary to his previous statements.
MB (Illinois)
Republicans would eat their young if they could profit by it, politically or monetarily.
Sage (California)
The Tea-Taliban-GOP is 'eating its young'; that 'young' is US!!! Our job is to continue to resist; it is the only way to curtail their damage.
Stephen Holland (Nevada City)
Well, letting the ACA fail due to Republican neglect and monkey wrenching will finish them in 2018. If anyone thinks that Democrats will come to them, begging to save the ACA due to their malfeasance, I've got a bridge to sell you. In states where the ACA is working (like CA, NY, WA, etc.) millions of people not receiving subsidies will bring us all into the streets demanding an end to Republican rule.
EC17 (Chicago)
I hope more of the GOP sees what a loser POTUS Trump is! His response is like the spoiled 5 year old that he is "Let Obamacare Fail". What a defeatist attitude. I am absolutely disgusted that he calls himself a Republican and an American. I hope his response to the failure of Trumpcare will wake more Republicans up that Trump needs to go, McConnell needs to step down and the Republican Party needs new leadership.

Trump is an absolute disgrace and abominable human being, why doesn't he just resign!
Nelson (California)
If he wants Obamacare to fail he should administer the plan himself. After all, the Loser has the experience of several failed businesses: three casinos, one airline to his name, one football league, one healthcare abomination, one international bicycle competition, and one fake university.
With THAT experience whatever he administer or touches will fail miserably.
Mitchell (New York City)
With Donald Trump and Republican control of our government we are the laughing stock of the Western world, perhaps the entire world. Venal, incompetent politicians put in power by an insipid, uninformed population.
Elin Minkoff (Florida)
"With Donald Trump and Republican control of our government we are the laughing stock of the Western world, perhaps the entire world. Venal, incompetent politicians put in power by an insipid, uninformed population."

AND Russian interference.

AND a corrupt and partisan Electoral College...that did not follow the law that states that they shall not install a president who is unfit in ANY manner. If these Electoral College people could not see that trump was mentally and temperamentally unfit during the campaign then they do not belong in any position of responsibility. I still get chills when I remember how he STALKED Hillary Clinton around the stage during one debate. I guess this, and all his other brutish, mendacious, and bizarre behaviors, appeared perfectly normal to all the people that are responsible for putting him where he is now.
Ed C Man (HSV)
Hey Congress, you elected federal employees inside the DC beltway.

Surely, there must be one of you five hundred and thirty-five sitting around the Capitol who is able to write a very short and simple bill that a majority of your associates would agree is an improvement to the democrat’s affordable care act.
So, write it and try to get enough sponsors to get it onto the floor.
Then debate and vote and hopefully pass it over to the other side for consideration. And get it signed by the President.
If, whoever you are, can do that once, then maybe you can do it again.

Wow, sounds simple, not complicated.

Except for those phrases like “short and simple” and “would agree is an improvement” and “get it onto the floor” and “debate” and “vote” and “pass” and “get it signed” and “if you can do that once” and “you can do it again.”

That effort is complicated, very complicated, for our republican Congress and our republican President.
Scot Yonan (Chicago)
How much longer do we have to endure a caricature of a President that makes me wish we had George W. Bush back in office? How much longer will we let America's democracy falter and deal with the very-real consequences of this life-threatening ignorance? We are not so far apart from each other that we can't find common ground. Republicans, heal thyselves.
Cw (Alexandria, va)
Let it fail? Incredible. While we are at it, lets just let all of Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security fail. Let it fail via sabotage and let the people suffer so we can make a point. This is how someone who used bankruptcy multiple times thinks. Why try to fix something the we can just sabotage it and say we are too broke to pay it? I just hope that there are political strategists crafting ways to use the "Let (the people) it (suffer) fail (and die). For it will not be our fault and we will not take responsibility". At this point, it is almost comical how much of a fraud and amateur of a president this is.
Carlos (Madison)
The Republican plan fails because we all know that what is being offered is not an acceptable alternative. For Trump to prefer that people suffer over choosing to do the hard work of coming up with a new plan or a repair plan for the ACA shows his true disregard for the people who will be affected most.
Promethius (The United States)
Now we see what the health care reform is all about. A billionare president doesnt care if you lose your health insurance, and lose your life, house or all your money if you get sick or hurt. No compassion. In fact he WANTS that to happen? Why? To score political points and say he got something done. What a nice man. Are you paying attention, trump voters?
Glenn Strachan (Washington, DC)
Dear Mr. President,

Have you no sense of decency Sir?

Citizen over which you have selected your own self-interests instead of supporting the needs of the people who did not vote for you.
T. Cloz (Toronto Canada)
Donald Trump is simply a vile human being. He has no redeeming qualities. He is interested only in his own fame and private interests. He could care less about any other person unless there is something in it for him and most importantly his brand.

Being in Toronto I took some glee in seeing a crane remove "TRUMP" from the top of newly constructed Trump tower yesterday. The new owners are currently scrubbing any last vestige of Trump from the tower. No one will ever remember it was ever a Trump tower. I suggest for the sake of your country you do the same.
John Lewis (Arizona)
The President is the chief law-enforcement officer in the country and the Affordable Care Act is the law of the land. If Trump allows it to fail is he not in violation of his oath and thus guilty of breaking the law?
June (Wisconsin)
"Let them eat cake" for our times!
RetiredGuy (Georgia)
"‘Let Obamacare Fail,’ Trump Says as Health Bill Collapses"

That's right Trump, let the health care insurance for 23 Million Americans and our Veterans fail. This really proves how much concern you have for all the folks you asked to vote for you with promises you never intended to keep.
CathyZ (CT)
Isn't failure to execute a law a dereliction of duty , even a "crime or misdemeanor", worthy of impeachment of t the head od the "executive branch?
"Let Obamacare Fail" and "it will be lot easier" are two most discouraging and stupid remark a president of America made so far. Does our president know that how many children, old people and terminally ill patients will die if ACA fails without affordable replacement? How a human being can be so cruel? If he is not willing to take the responsibilities for the well being of the citizens, then he can hand over the responsibilities to VP Pence and he can go for long vacation. Mr.Pence is waiting in the wing and he is ready.
Elin Minkoff (Florida)
Believe me, you do not want Mr. Pence either. Just different BAD, but BAD for sure. I do not want to live in The Handmaid's Tale!
Ben Martinez (New Bedford, Massachusetts)
"Nice health care plan ya got there. Be a pity if anything happened to it."
JoeJohn (Chapel Hill)
Trump, not Obamacare, is failing the country.
PayingAttention (Corpus Christi)
I guess he's not everyone's President, even though he somehow was elected. This arrogance is insulting and embarrassing to Americans. A completely ignorant person in the White House, unaware of the simple workings of this country. Let's not keep kowtowing to his base, they know nothing.
georgebaldwin (Florida)
Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell and the Republicans in Congress are so breathtakingly dumb they don't realize that now that Obama is gone, no one is interested in metaphorically lynching him by repealing Obamacare.
And, as had been true during the first 6 years of the Bush/Cheney regime, Republicans simply have no idea how to craft health care legislation to cover the broadest number of Americans possible, because - at the core and since 1936 - they don't want THEIR (code for whites) taxes going to support THOSE PEOPLE (code for non-whites).
Except nowadays, the moochers are retirees, most of whom are white. They are being supported by the taxes of hard workers, most of whom are non-white. In other words, the opposite of the Big Republican Lie.
Philip Alandt (Philadelphia)
Trump is inept and a disgrace!
Shenonymous (15063)
The Let Obamacare fail, or the ACA fail, is beyond enough to defeat the self-serving Republicans in every election from now on! Crushing the health care of over 32 million Americans is about as selfishly mercenary as any assembly of humans as they can get! They need to be systematically gotten rid of starting in 2018!
pb (calif)
The Democrats will never be asked to rewrite the ACA. Trump's hatred and jealousy of Barack Obama is like an acid. That also applies to the GOP sheeple in Congress. Yes, Trump has directed that the ACA be sabotaged. No website, no websites for information, no nothing for citizens to sign up. The insurance companies were pressured to drop out. This will be felt soon enough when ERs are packed and people start screaming when they get bills they cant possibly pay.
DBT2017 (CO)
If I remember correctly the Constitution reads, Of the people, for the people, by the people.... What 45 s suggesting is anything but .... I repeat patroklos "The president is a clear and present danger." For the people .
Valerius (Minneapolis)
“If you’re not willing to vote the same way you voted in 2015,” Mr. Paul said on Tuesday, “then you need to go back home, and you need to explain to Republicans why you’re no longer for repealing Obamacare.”

Well, Mr. Paul:
• they did go home and explain the party line
• their constituents shamed them for taking away their rights
• they went back to Washington and represented their constituents.

Isn't this the way this is supposed to work?
Paul Presnail (Minneapolis)
The buck passes here. How typical of Trump and his ilk.
Salvadora (israel)
Bless female senators on both sides of the isle. Let's just quit these two old corrupt male parties and have a female party that will finally care for humans.
libdemtex (colorado/texas)
A truly terrible person surrounded by truly terrible people.
LL (Now Former Republican)
Trump letting the Affordable Care Act fail is dereliction of his duty to the US people.
Patricia (Connecticut)
So I hope that some of Trump's followers see who this man really is. He is ok to let Obamacare fail. He counted on the GOP to establish a "Beautiful" healthcare solution in a matter of months (even though they had years). Something that took much longer under Obama. He realized it was "way more complicated" than he anticipated. He doesn't want to OWN it. He's more of a politician than you all thought! He only cares about how this looks for him, not for the benefit of all! Does any of that sound like someone who cares about the average American? I think not. It doesn't even sound like someone who cares - period. It sounds and is very self-serving.

Well we who didn't vote for this person knew that right from the start. Folks didn't like Hillary? REALLY? sorry...but I never liked a misogynistic, female grabbing, ego driven, tax cheating, liar. I knew someone like that would NEVER want what was best for us all.
JW (Canada)
Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
Angry Bird (New York)
The failure, Mr. illegitimate and odious president, is YOU.
Not Obamacare.
Chris I (Valley Stream)
Sorry Trumpster, you are the president, so you OWN IT!!!! How about some bipartisan cooperation, what a concept!!!!
Ignatz Farquad (New York)
"We’ll let Obamacare fail, and then the Democrats are going to come to us.”
If Democrats, especially Schumer, are dumb enough to help the Republicans off the hook they have impaled themselves on, then they deserve the same electoral ash heap that awaits the Republican Criminal Organization in 2018 and 2020. Democrats are on notice: will not tolerate any cooperation with these neo-fascist criminals in any way, shape, or form. Let them at last own their evil deeds. if Democrats are spineless enough to cave into Trump's threats, or dumb enough to walk yet again down the dead end of "bipartisan, reach across the aisle" cooperation, they shouldn't be surprised when they get none of the credit for anything good, and all of the blame for everything bad, that comes from the Frankenstein bill that will result. The time for kumbaya politics is over. Democrats should grow a spine and 1) relentlessly attach the Republicans to Trump and Trump to the Republicans - he is after all, everything their party has been about for the last 40 years: racism, bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny, sedition and now, treason. 2) Insist Trump faithfully executes his oath and administers the ACA to the letter of the law, and point out any GOP attempts to sabotage it. (As they have been doing now for 6 years) 3) Press relentlessly for single payer healthcare. 4) Give the GOP the same degree of cooperation Republicans gave Obama, when he tried to pull the country out of the mess THEY left in in: NONE!
Rick (New York)
This insanity has gone on since the Vietnam war. The Republicans live under the myth / lie that they are holier than others, including the Democrats, and that therefore the Republicans are entitled by God to act the way they do. The Republicans think they are somehow entitled to pass judgment and thereby "screw" any American who does not go along with what they say. So what we have now is war - all out war - between Republicans and Democrats in Congress. The Republicans will brook no comity with the Democrats because they think they are entitled by God to do what they do. They think they are somehow entitled by the heavens to reign down pain unto the American citizens, without being accountable themselves in any manner for what they do. Until the partisan divide starts to break down, and we have some of form of intelligent bi-partisan governance of this country, we are in deep trouble. Putin in a way just opened up the long festering wound of political dysfunction and let America see what destruction and malfeasance our political dysfunction, and in particular - the moral bankruptcy of the Republicans - could bring to America. And Trump is only a very extreme symptom of that moral bankruptcy, sort of like a Frankenstein monster who arose from the toxic brew.
Laura Merrill (Taos, NM)
You are more correct than you may know. The current GOP has really become the Party of Religious Zeal. A prime example of why religion and politics should never be combined. I truly believe that any of the rest of us that do not serve the greed and ambition of the Oligarchy that is actually running things are deemed expendable, and should be left to die - amply proved by their version of "health care." It amazes me (though I suppose it shouldn't) that their far right faction doesn't think they've gone far ENOUGH in their despicable cruelty.

However, you are again right - the Dems ARE spineless, totally disorganized, and have no clear message. I'd love to vote Independent next time, but am afraid it will just allow the GOP to remain in control.

I only hope that we and the planet survive these clowns.
alias (the west)
fine job by all in d.c. please resign since it is obvious you have no interest in serving the american people. take trump with you.
alias (the west)
and don't forget to take pence and the rest of the corporatist admin too.
Psst (overhere)
Repeal the ACA on first day in office....check
Ban all Muslims from entering USA...check
Build wall, have Mexico pay for it....
Show proof of 3 million cases of voter fraud....
Trumps followers start to get it.....
Strider (NY)
How can I say this without being disrespectful to the office of the President?

Well, I can't. Our POTUS is a moron.

Instead of doing his job and trying to better the common weal, Donnie continues to operate from the White House as if he were still campaigning for the nomination. Slashing opponents, belittling people who disagree, pandering to his minority base of, yes, deplorables.

And he wonders why his poll numbers are low? The guy is the most divisive President of the modern era.

Hillary and Obama pleaded with the GOP majority in Congress to work to better the ACA, which is by no means perfect. All they got in return was a raised middle finger. Now that same gesture is coming from the White House, whose "strategy" is to let the system collapse.

Makin' America great.
Barbara (KY)
Trump's only objective is to destroy everything Obama did and I mean everything. Since the correspondents dinner in 2015 when Obama made fun of Trump, Trumps only objective has been revenge, Trump could care less about America. Everything he sells was made somewhere else, every worker he hires is foreign, everything his daughter sells was made somewhere else. His only plan was to get even!!! When asked why he was running for president his answer was "because i think i can win" no plan to make America great" only to get even with Obama. This is the most petty vindictive man on the planet. When he leaves office he will really be rich and will probably move to Russia. The people who still love him are totally blind and the rest of us are paying the price. "I love the uneducated" he said. It shows.
Steve (Hamden, CT)
Trump to America - "Let them eat cake, and when they get sick, SCREW 'EM." He's giving us the finger, and laughing about it. Haven't we had enough?
6spokewheels (Universal, IN)
Let's be careful out there, li'l doll-hands donnie.....
Jay Stephen (NOVA)
This isn't about healthcare. It's about power. Whoever wins has the power. The idiot we have for a president is only concerned about keeping promises he made to get elected, promises too good to be true. The naive, the envious, the disaffected, and the racists bought the package.

Universal healthcare is expensive and necessary. It's here to stay. We all pay.

Coal is not coming back.

Robotics will decimate the need for human hands in manufacturing.

Loyalty to trump is not patriotism. trump is as American as vodka.
F Bragg (California)
Now I hope those "cooler heads" in the GOP will lead the way to repair the weaknesses in Obamacare, and give all Americans the security of healthcare.
su (ny)
Pray the God and wish best .

because their hatred of Obama is blinding them .
Susan scandrett (Oakland)
Where are the Republican senators who will stand up to this monster? Cowardly, pathetic, and they can add murderers to their resumes, as well. What a repulsive group. Ironic that Americans didn't want a politician at the healm. They got a bumbling, vindictive clown instead. For shame.
Peter (Minneapolis)
First time in history a sitting president says he wants America to fail. This is what happens when you elect an ignorant egomaniac.
Bob (My President Tweets)
He was not elected.
In fact he lost The American People's Vote by three million.
Mr. trump was appointed president by his fellow elitists in the now useless electoral college.
Turgid (Minneapolis)
Let health care fail in this country. That's Trump's idea of leadership.

Pitchfork anyone?
Mel (NJ)
A pouting child who needs adult supervision. Please please; he is unfit!!
Anne (Oregon)
Sounds like a man who knows how to file for bankruptcy
Tom (California)
Trump's new reality show: Ignoramus Apprentice
Aaron (Houston)
There are so many so-called "reasons" stated for why the GOP refuses to seriously address healthcare policy, chief among them seems to be the "get Obama" mindset. I can agree with that shallowness from our presumed 'president' whose makeup is nothing other than sheer narcissism and egomania; but many of the congresspeople involved here from the right are seasoned politicians, for better or worse. By that, I mean their motives are far darker and certainly more complex than anything dreamed up by Trump. Their actions are driven by: 1)keeping their job; 2)lobbyist influence. Way down the line might come concern for the public welfare...maybe. And keeping their job is often secondary to the influence (i.e., money) from lobbyists, in all its degrading features, whether perks showered upon them, outright money concealed in the lax "political donations" laws, nefarious political support schemes in their home districts - whatever can be shoveled their way in order for the lobbyists to get what they want. In this case, certain health rules are paramount. There is just no other logical reason why these obstructionist, spineless, depraved individuals would act in this manner...the public be damned!
Lisa (Windsor, CT)
Oh I'm so sorry that providing healthcare for millions is so boring Mr. President. This is what happens when you are morally bankrupt and have the attention span of a gnat.
Pondweed (Detroit)
Spite. Pure spite.
Elwin McKenzie Jr. (Peculiar, MO)
Whatever happens to healthcare/Obamacare-- the Republicans own it. Let Obamacare fail and it's on you come the 2018 midterms.
jay reedy (providence, ri)
I don't know. One of the few GOP talents seems to be the ability to hang whatever failure they craft or immorality they commit on those "liberal devils" who only care about non-whites and other "abnormal" Americans..
su (ny)
Our problems will become cancerous after Trump presidency.

Republicans and their horn blower , FOX news are singing the same marche America is the greatest country god created on earth.

The question is what you are ( republicans) doing for fulfilling that statement.

This propaganda statement ( America is the greatest country god created ) is becoming day after day in Trump administration a lie.

let see why.

1- We do not have western world level health care
2- We do not have western world level infrastructure
3- we do not have western world level education
4- we do not have western world level upward social mobility
5- we do not have drinking tap water in western world level ( flint and etc.)
6- We shot Australian woman because he called 911 for help ( The evil of second amendment possessed entire nation)
7- We do not have gender equality at western world level.
8- we do not have wind turbines and solar energy generation systems at western world level

list goes .

Republicans propaganda doesn't work, fake bravado, patriotism doesn't work in real world.

If it really work for anybody , Nazi's will be well and living today.
vova (new jersey)
Millions of people, including myself, are still alive thanks of ACA
How can anyone say "let it fail"? What an inhuman monster you need to be.
Sherr29 (New Jersey)
"Let Obamacare fail" -- that has to be the campaign issue going forward -- exposing just how awful, careless, crass, ugly, disgusting, selfish, etc that Trump is. The Republicans have the stink bomb in the WH that they wanted. It will take years to remove the stench of Trump and his co-horts.
Alice (NYC)
The President is a total loser. The fact that he would advocate for the collapse of the ACA - leaving millions of folks without insurance - after having failed to provide meaningful policy solutions , after having simply giving Ryan & McConnell free reign to put forth vindictive out-of-date proposals which they knew were DOA, & after having been to lazy to turn off the TV & get his butt in gear, he has demonstrated that making America Great is second fiddle to bashing the media, Obama, Hillary et al. Let's " make a list of all the things the world has put DJT through & raise a glass to everyone he's not speaking to..." DJT needs to stop whining & start working.
Michael Kubara (Cochrane Alberta)
The egomaniac would let millions get sick and die just to erase "Obama" in "Obamacare" replacing it with "Trump".

Those aiding and abetting should also have their heads examined.
tedc (dlaas)
It is the Obama's fault and the buck never stops at the fake POTUS.
Leon Trotsky (Falling)
"Let Trump fail," I say.
Getreal (Colorado)
Don the Con !
News flash. Single Payer.

fbraconi (New York, NY)
"We'll let Obamacare fail, and the Democrats are going to come to us." What a disgustingly irresponsible position for a President to take.
Peacekat (Albany, NY)
No, the Democrats are going to the Supreme Court to stop this madness. The sooner the better.
Lee Downie (Henrico, NC)
"We'll let Obamacare fail..." Stunning.
JD in TN (<br/>)
"failing" is the new "winning," apparently
James Mc Carten (Oregon)
Bemusing, Obama care is essentially a republican concept that offers health care while still preserving the profit oriented insurance companies; since it was hijacked by a middle-of- the-road democrat President, the republicans are hell bent of throwing 'their baby' out with the bath.
Deb (Boise, ID)
A mean man.
TJ Michaelson (Iowa)
And you're the leader of my nation?
Jeff P (Washington)
Trump: The president of no.
CGM (Tillamook, OR)
Let Trump fail.
Joe B. (Center City)
Epic fail = all things trump.
Steve Snow (Suwanee, Georgia)
"Everybody?" Who are you kidding..... 17 white, male, republicans. .... that is who " everybody" was! Tell the truth, Mitch!
Wondering (Los Angeles)
Wow! Just what we need in a president, huh? Mr. Trump, you are despicable to the core; please just step aside and tell everyone you didn't like the job; things didn't move fast enough for you...whatever. Make up any excuse you like, we don't care...just get out!!
Ken Cobler (Sacramento CA)
Could we just rename Obamacare as "Trumpcare"? Perhaps stroking Trump's ego would finally get the ACA on sound footing.
RNS (Piedmont Quebec Canada)
'Let Obamacare Fail'.......and this from the supposed deal maker?
Joe (California)
Saying you intend for the ACA to fail *is* taking ownership of it. The ACA is Trumpcare now. If it fails on his watch then it will topple right into the laps of the Republicans, whom we already know can't do any better.
Pajaritomt (New Mexico)
Trump and the Republicans will continue to face angry crowds if they sabotage the ACA through neglect and failure to enforce the laws regarding the ACA. The opposition is now organized and will not go away. Even the insurance companies want it to continue. The Republicans have lost this war. They would do well to cut their losses and move on to a different battle.
Socrates (Verona NJ)
President Spite and the Party of Spite....take a bow !

Angry, Uninformed Leadership For A Brighter Tomorrow

Grand Old Polonium 2017
George (US)
Trump, if you let Obamacare fail, that's on you, not the Democrats. And, as if we needed another reason to vote against you in the next election.
Tina (Illinois)
They will destroy because they are unable to create.
Steve (Hamden, CT)
Trump's heavy hand sabotaging the Affordable Care act, aka ObamaCare will be his legacy. He and the GOP wrecked it; he, and the GOP own it. When all citizens who recognize his malfeasance and lack of care for everyone's well being and quality of life, his legacy will be one of shame and disgust.
Northpamet (Sarasota, FL)
Voters must be JUST AS ENERGETIC in fighting this as in fighting the healthcare bills!
Billseng (Atlanta, GA)
The 21st century version of "let them eat cake"?
Randy Harris (Calgary, AB)
Mr. Trump has forgotten the Americans who need health care services - which is the entire population. He talks and acts like their well being is of no concern to him and should they lose health care coverage - so be it. How the richest country on the planet can have so much trouble creating a health care system for all Americans is odd and deplorable. Borrow one of the health care structures that the rest of the industrial world uses and go from there. Done!
Tombo (New York State)
"MAKE AMERICA FAIL AGAIN!" is the true slogan and goal of todays GOP.
Rick (NYC)
Allow the healthcare of the American people to fail....now that's leadership.
Ken Pierson (River John, Nova Scotia, Trump free Canada)
"‘Let Obamacare Fail,’ Trump Says as Health Bill Collapses." Thank you President Trump, it's nice to know you've got our backs, just not our healthy backs.
John A (San Diego)
So, what are saying Mr. President? You will see to it that the ACA (Obamacare, to the Republicans) will fail, even when it can be easily fixed, just to prove a campaign slogan that the ACA is failing. You will do that and see millions of Americans suffer just because you had no better idea? This is what vengeance looks like!!
Alden (Kansas)
Trump can say "We're not going to own it," all day if he wants to. The truth is that he owns the welfare of all the nation's citizens by virtue of his position. His abdication is irresponsible but not surprising. We do not have a leader in the White House. We have a whiner, a complainer, a pretender who is lazy and likes to shoot off his mouth.
Hedley Lamarr (NYC)
The Republicans by their DNA are relegated to supporting big business like the Insurance industry and the Pharma industry. Two entities ripping the public off for decades. Outrageous costs for medicine and insurance prevail.

Their opposition to the ACA is rooted in their racism. Their covert racism.

President Obama has got to get credit for the ACA because no other President has done this since Lyndon Johnson did Medicare and Medicaid. This was a breakthrough. Flaws? Yes. Fix them for God's sake. And take on those evil giants of Insurance and Pharmaceuticals.

As for the POTUS. He has no clue about health care. This obsession with killing the ACA is an extension of his birther stuff. It's also his dog whistle to the remaining racists who voted for him. He's quite a disgusting person. I'm extremely uncomfortable living in my country with him in charge. But my discomfort is only exceeded by my sense of shame.
VF (West Coast)
Sure - what does Trump care - "let Obamacare fail" means letting people lose their health insurance, not giving payments to the CSR insurance payments which give payments to companies to equalize and they haven't been paid - and it means insurance companies will fail. He is too stupid to pay attention to ANY details!!!!
Robert Kolker (Monroe Twp. NJ USA)
Government "benefits" are like splinters or ticks. Once they are stuck in the skin of the body politic they are hard to dig out.

It would not surprise me if Barack Obama made that political calculation when he pushed for the passage of the ACA, which is a pretty badly crafted program. It is not funded well and it is almost impossible to administer.

Barack Obama who is Saul Alinsky's spiritual step-son calculated the consequences rather well.
jmsent (Chicago)
Saul Alinsky? Good Lord, you're reaching awfully far back into that closet full of boogeymen. And however "badly crafted" you think the ACA is, it utterly pales in comparison to the disaster this group of 13 white old Republican men was attempting to shove through while nobody was looking.
Jim (New Russia)
The Republicans have been tossing monkey wrenches from all sides into the ACA machine from day one.

If it fails to work, it is the fault of the party in charge. They could fix it, but ideology and hate get in the way.
James Strange (Canton, CT)
Mr. Trump. Whatever you do YOU OWN. Sabotaging the Affordable Care Act as you have threatened, YOU AND YOUR PARTY WILL OWN all the way to the 2018 elections.
Paul Ashton (Willimantic)
If, after this, you still need convincing that Trump cares about no one or anything but himself, you're beyond help. He's not a president, he's a pathology.
CathyZ (CT)
To @Paul Ashton,
" He's not a president, he's a pathology."

I strongly urge you to trademark that line !
Justin (DC)
Killing thousands of people in order to extract political concessions from rivals.

How is this not terrorism perpetrated by Donald J. Trump?
Jim Charne (Madison, WI)
Someone please tell that big orange haired goof that this isn't a game about winning and losing -- it's about PUBLIC SERVICE. Fix the problems with healthcare. Stop the scorched earth policy already. You were elected to be pres*dent of ALL the people.
WeHadAllBetterPayAttentionNow (Southwest)
We have always had a few sickos, like James Wilkes Booth, Jim Jones, Richard Ramirez, Timothy McVeigh, Charles Manson, Steve Bannon or Donald Trump. We have survived it, because our government has worked in concert to defend the people and the nation. What is so scary today is having a political party in power that is so bent on victory at any cost that they refuse to work in concert with the government to protect and defend the people of the nation.
Steve Lauer (Matthews, NC)
I guess that the Republicans' belief that the President should see that the laws "are fully and faithfully executed" doesn't apply when one of their own occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Howard64 (New Jersey)
Such a fitting name, trump, (1690's) to "fabricate, devise," (1510's) to "deceive, cheat".
Abby (Tucson)
Oh, go sit on a big beautiful piece of cake with your bestie, Trump. We got a nation to heal!
Kim Murphy (Upper Arlington, Ohio)
Now that the Senate leadership has flamed out, cooler heads will prevail. Since they'd like to keep their jobs, people like Lamar Alexander and Tim Kaine (whose job is already safe) will convene their bipartisan committees and get to work.

None of them truly cares what Trump thinks or says. They know he has the attention span of a gnat anyway. The system needs to be shored up, and there is NO political capital in allowing it to implode. And there is no shortage of pro bono legal organizations ready to step up to force the federal government to do its job.

Now it's time to watch them fail on tax reform.
Mike (Golden, CO)
I just wish these three women (Collins, Capito, and Murkowski) would leave the Republican Party (the party certainly has left them) and turn independent. They might be able to turn the Senate into something resembling bi-partisanship by caucusing with Democrats on some issues and the Republicans on other issues. Let the women show the men how to get things done instead of my way or the highway.
nancy (Colorado)
The HC plan failed Simply because it Failed to represent ALL Americans favoring the wealthy and Tax Breaks for the wealthy. However, the GOP severely fail to acknowledge that the majority of Americans are not Wealthy. IT became clear that the GOP only functions for the Wealthy Thus as Representatives they FAIL Americans and Our Country.
When any politician or Political Party only functions for Donations, Corporate Favors and for the Top 1% they Fail the Majority and this HC plan is just an Example.
Paul (White Plains)
Let it fail. The Democrats, who refused any Republican input or revisions to the original Obamacare legislation, now own this failure completely. They have refused to accept any changes to this failure in order to make it fiscally sane and affordable. So let it fail. And when it fails, Democrats will have to explain to the American people why they refused common sense changes to keep it alive.
Freddy (wa)
Paul. I suggest you read the Affordable Care Act timeline analysis and compare it to the recent McConnell measure timeline and process. The difference is significant.
Promethius (The United States)
Wishful thinking Paul, Democrats wont take any heat for watching republicans destroy heqlth care so they can give billionaires tax cuts. Time to wake up and smell the coffee, dude.
Tom Valler (Florida)
Really? The Democrats refused Republican input or revisions? As I recall, the Republicans inflated the original ACA proposal to a beast of over 2000 pages in an effort to kill it under its own weight. They did that when Obama and the Democrats asked for their input. Your statement is not just distortion, it is wrong.
Ben (NYC)
Why haven't the democrats put together a fix or there own version of replace that is better, more equitable and truly beneficial to Americans? Why are they just obstructing? And why hasn't the media (NYTimes included) pushed the democrats to come up with what they believe is a better plan for Americans. Everyone seems to agree that Obamacare is not perfect and has many flaws. Why can't the democrats come up with fixes that benefit most Americans and start selling it to the American people? Instead, the democrats and the media just seem to revel in the republicans failures. Even if they know the legislation won't pass in the republican dominated congress, at least they can say to the American people, this is what we want to do for you (very specifically) and if you like it, press your congressmen to vote for it, or vote for us in the midterms.
rpoggi (Berkeley, California)
Obama himself asked the congress, including the republicans to make amendments to the plan that would improve it. He met countless times with both parties in order to get input into the bill..the republicans refused to participate. Even now, as noted in this newspaper, the democrats have pointed out the areas where the bill could be improved..The republicans have refused to participate in improving or offering a better alternative.
Saurabh (Pleasanton, US)
Because no bill can be passed without Republican support?
Dems have said many times that they are willing to work together to fix the problems. You can hardly expect Dems to support after CBO scores
Cons control all branches of Govt ... they own the failure of any bill or the collapse of any system ... as long as they are in control
Where is the better plan being promised for 7 years?
Applejuce (NYC)
A) The Dems do not have control of the House or the Senate. Your vote in November probably helped that to be the case. B) I sure hope that you were asking McConnell why the Repubs were obstructing for 8 years during the Obama administration!
Dan88 (Long Island, NY)
There you are working class America, those who voted for Trump believing he would protect you and your families.

He campaigned by promising you a "repeal and replace" that meant more people covered, at less cost, with more choice.

He immediately endorsed the House and Senate bills, which would have thrown over 20 million off insurance, resulted in soaring costs especially for those over 50, garbage coverage, and gutted Medicaid relied on by the elderly and newborns. People in your families and communities.

And now that that effort has failed, he is spitefully rooting for the complete collapse of the system that currently gives you, your family and your neighbors coverage, without any replacement.
Alejandro (New Jersey)
DJT's incompetence and lack of leadership never ceases to amaze us.
As always he blames others for yet another miserable failure.
This timeless tweet seems appropriate:
"Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible." DJT, 8 Nov 2013
Patricia (Connecticut)
We need MORE women in congress on either side of the aisle! Has anyone noticed that those who want to take away parts of healthcare (including POTUS) are men?
Maria Rodriguez (Texas)
Obamacare has saved thousands of lives. The Republican plans endanger lives. So yea, there's not shame in owning it. The argument here is that the Republicans do not believe the government has any role to play except for military and to prop up business. Caring about the education, health or well-being of the population is the job of religious institutions, and for the rich to distribute charitable crumbs here and there. They oppose the ACA because it begins to redefine health care as a social right and not a privilege. That is what this "war" is all about.
DaveB (Boston, MA)
I don't think that's the whole story. I think the deeper story is to prevent that black guy from ever getting any credit for his health plan.
Maria (Bronx, NY)
This so clearly demonstrates that the only thing the Republicans were ever interested in was resisting, obstructing and defying President Obama. They never had any intention of creating a health care system for their constituents.
J. Larimer (Bay Area, California)
Healthcare has a lot in common with fire protection. Not everyone needs it, but when you do the cost will be high. Taxes and premiums pay for expensive healthcare and fire suppression that only a few Americans will ever need. If the taxes and premiums do not add up to the cost of servicing the needs of those unlucky individuals who need these services, we have a collective problem. No one can predict who will need expensive healthcare or fire suppression, and those who do will be left to pay the bills if we don’t have taxes and premiums that cover all the costs.

For the last 30 years Conservatives have argued that we do not need to pay those costs, they have tried to lower taxes and reduce essential services. Many fire departments today are inadequately funded which means that destructive fires cause losses that could be prevented. In healthcare, many Americans find that they cannot afford the cures that would extend their lives or manage a chronic disease. This will not change until voters recognize that government must provide these essential services and are willing to raise taxes or premiums to pay for them.
KatieBear (TellicoVillage,TN)
NOW IS THE TIME: 1) fix the ACA (big pharm; etc.); price gougers 2) start inching our way to Single Payer 3) work with the sane republicans (mainly women). Applaud those brave women Rep. Senators and keep them close! Forget everything and anything that DJT says because he'll forget it tomorrow. Let's start marching toward the goal line of Single Payer.
TJR (Seattle)
The American people have spoken. "WE are watching you Washington!" And it is time for both parties to work together in fixing the ACA. Because, the alternatives would leave millions of us living without the needed health insurance. Mr. Trump can pout as much as he wants. WE elected him. But, the adults in the congress and the senate must get their acts together and start doing what's right. WE also elected you in hoping that you would represend us and that you would do your job. Pointing fingers won't move anything forward. Country over Party!
Mick (Los Angeles)
I have my finger pointed exactly where it belongs at Republicans. Let's not try to share of the blame here.
They stole the election they stole the Supreme Court seat and then they tried to steal health care for America.
They know how to steal an election but they don't know how to govern.
ericreagan (chicago)
Is anyone surprised that after 8 years of false outrage against the Affordable Care Act, Republicans have no plan of their own. Reminds me of how Trump actually was elected president.
Lilou (Paris)
While it seems the tempermental President is acquiescing to the will of the majority of the electorate, for the moment, that this will last, given Trump's, and the Republican Congress' hatred of all things Obama, it's only a matter of time -- probably a very short time -- before the "Obama burr under Trump's saddle" will become unbearable, and he will lash out with another vicious attack on healthcare.

As the article notes, Trump has at hand many means to gum up the ACA, plus the coercive power of his office. "Kindness" is definitely not Trump's middle name, and I am certain that he could make serious personal threats to deprive states of funding for things other than healthcare if they don't comply with his wishes.

For instance, 4 of the Republican states who do not support Trumpcare are also in the Top 10 highest receivers of Federal funding. Alaska's "Permanent Fund" makes it a 5th. Ohio, Utah and Kansas are not nearly as dependent.

Acquiescing? I think not. Laying low and plotting how to "turn the screws" on non-compliant Republicans by threatening their funding seems a likely next step.
Bystander (Upstate)
"'If you’re not willing to vote the same way you voted in 2015,' Mr. Paul said on Tuesday, 'then you need to go back home, and you need to explain to Republicans why you’re no longer for repealing Obamacare.'"

It will be interesting to see if the Republicans back home will consider this a good thing or a bad thing. At least some of them would have lost out if the repeal effort had succeeded. (Or should I say "succeeds," since McConnell sounds game for another vote? Dear god, how many ways are there to beat a dead horse?)
Pajaritomt (New Mexico)
Even the citizens of Russia have universal health care. If we are stuck with Russians meddling in our politics, can't Trump take a note from the playbook of his buddy Vladmir and let us have universal health care too?
DaveB (Boston, MA)
Sure, as long as it's not spelled with *o*b*a*m*a.
Ed C Man (HSV)
Congress has finally crossed its Rubicon, after nearly eight years. And Congress has burned the bridges after crossing.

Just one more little caesar shouting out after crossing just one more little Rubicon. Their acting out confirms their mounting political battle losses as they sit back and do nothing and senselessly declare “no retreat.”

The republicans have demonstrated they are not fighting “for” the American People. Rather, the republicans joined battle against both the “people” and the “peoples’ government.”

This 115th republican Congress confirmed that President Obama’s Affordable Care Act is the law.
The future of the law can be better or worse than today’s.
Republicans have made it clear. Congress and the Courts will weaken the law but neither can kill the law.
joanne (Pennsylvania)
People may not know, but Obama's prolific American Recovery and Reinvestment Act increased funding for the National Health Service Corps, which gives debt relief opportunities for primary care physicians.
And Obamacare strengthened the role of these gateway physicians.
It modernized primary care's infrastructure, and this has kept costs down. Why? Preventative care saves both lives and costs.
It's a sad state of affairs that President Trump is so disinterested in every facet of healthcare, except to hurt Democrats and ridicule critics. He's made a partisan game of what is a lifeline for Americans.
And Republican Senators risk doing the same.
Gene (Fl)
While we're repealing the ACA let's repeal the healthcare of McCain and Scalise. They are getting all the healthcare they need, paid for by the public, while they and their party are trying to take away ours! Turn them both out on the street with no healthcare and we'll see how they like it!
no longer shocked (Texas)
The part of Trump's statement about "let it fail" that refects his presidency best is "it's easier".
KatieBear (TellicoVillage,TN)
Yea and he wasn't even sitting in his office with pen in hand when he said he was sitting in his office pen in hand; waiting....LAZY!!!
Ellen Campbell (Montclair, NJ)
Interesting that it was three women that killed the outright repeal. They persisted.
KatieBear (TellicoVillage,TN)
Do you think it's because women are the care-givers in our society. Children, spouses, elderly parents. They know the cost of things, the processes involved in obtaining insurance benefits; and how to balance budgets. MORE WOMEN NEEDED IN THE HOUSE. And I live in a red state (TN), and when there are no dem's even running, I say let's find some moderate Rep.women at least. Case proven by these three courageous women!!!
Neil (New York)
Trump says, "We’ll let Obamacare fail, and then the Democrats are going to come to us" to work together on a bill to bury the ACA. Really? If Democrats are smart, they'll do no such thing. They'll let Trump "own" his plan to scuttle the ACA, and then let Republicans suffer a mighty backlash at the polls. If the Dems work with Republicans at all, it should be to fix the obvious flaws of the ACA, while retaining the humane intentions of it -- to offer a safety net for the poor, the sick, the elderly.
Mark (Virginia)
Maybe heard at a Trump rally: "We will continue to sabotage the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act until it fails. There are many things I can do, believe me. Many, many things. You'd be surprised at what I can do. Many thing. We don't want patient protection. We don't want affordable care. We don't want collective contributions to the common happiness of Americans to buy anything but guns, tanks, and a big, beautiful wall between us and Mexico. And it's going to be a beauty, isn't it? (applause). Believe me."
Southern Boy (<br/>)
The Trump administration may hasten the demise of Obamacare by stopping payment of the subsidizes to the few insurance companies still participating in the exchanges. According to a report on NPR this morning, there is ongoing litigation concerning the payments dating from the Obama era. As the reporter said, the Trump administration may just refuse to participate in the litigation, leading to no decision, which would not guarantee continued payments. At any rate, for the past seven years the Republicans have voted to repeal the ACA. Obviously that vote was merely symbolic as they knew Obama would veto the bill once it reached his desk. This time when the vote counted, the Republicans abdicated, some for good reason because the bill left too much of Obamacare intact, especially the abhorrent taxes on the upper middle class. Their abdication shows a lack of integrity, a failure to stand by their word. Americans should be appalled. Conservative groups will organize and target those senators in the upcoming elections. House members who oppose reform will be targeted as well. The Congress needs to be populated by representatives of integrity, men and women who will stand by their word, and not cave to special interests. If not, the sustainability of America is doomed.
KatieBear (TellicoVillage,TN)
Citizen's United has got to go. Unfortunately that lies w/the Supreme Court. We have to be very worried about the future makeup of the Court!
Mick (Los Angeles)
Integrity is not something that Republicans have.
Ldraxx (Silicon Valley)
The GOP/"konservative" obsession with "keeping their word" baffles me. If the world changes, if the data changes, if "keeping your word" is going to result in pain and suffering and death for millions, maybe "keeping your word" is a bad idea. We are supposedly sentient beings who have survived this long by adapting to the changing world - ADAPTATION is the key - "keeping your word" to hold to a path despite evidence that your path is doomed.....that's just stupid, stubborn and the way of the dinosaurs.

And the GOP obsession with "Freedom" - yeah - "Freedom" to spend $ on a junk health care policy that will do nothing when you are actually sick, "Freedom" to die in the streets of preventable illness .....

This isn't freedom, it's tyranny by the powerful .

This country needs sensible healthcare that covers everyone birth to death - and YES! we can afford it. Every other civilized western democracy can pull it off - we can too. Unless we are "exceptionally" stupid and stubborn.
Kelly johnson (On)
Trump will dismantle the USA completely during the next 3 years. You will not recognize it as anything but third world. Every spare dollar will go to the military, where bombing poor countries will be the only " business" venture allowed.
KatieBear (TellicoVillage,TN)
AND that's what scares me. His temper. So each time he loses in court of public opinion, air strike or war. More of our young shipped off for his vanity wars. Please God put him on some good drugs.
Horrifed (U.S.)
So Trump says "let Obamacare die". How about those people who are currently getting treatment for cancer, or some other disease? Their insurance just stops in the middle of treatment? What kind of President do we have, that will stop health insurance without a thought to the people who need it now? He is sick, cruel and evil. Isn't he supposed to represent all of us? Isn't he supposed to care?
Zejee (Bronx)
That actually happened to me. In the middle of treatment I got a bill for my chemo which had been reclassified to "specialty drug" and no longer covered.
AJ (Peekskill)
What most moronic Americans don't realize is that you're going to pay either way. Either you pay taxes and receive health care, education, etc. Or you pay for it privately. It's quite simple. It does not make a whit of difference to my bank account if I receive less in my pay packet or pay more to a private insurance company. A debit is a debit is a debit. And if you want to opt of either insurance or higher education, fine. Just as you wouldn't be able to crash a college course, you shouldn't be able to get treated if you opt out. You don't think you'll ever get ill or require insurance? Fine! But know that we will leave you to die in the street after a tragic auto wreck, or that your pregnancy is not covered and that you can go begging in the streets if you break your leg.
Kim Murphy (Upper Arlington, Ohio)
80% of Americans opposed the attempt to repeal.
James (Wilton, CT)
Ah, but it matters who pays, doesn't it? I see "freebie" patients every day, no ACA insurance nor Medicaid despite the law, yet I have to treat them as they game the system (fresh from the airport from a trip "home" where health care is worse or nonexistent or tax payors do not tolerate cheats, carrying a brand new iPhone, putting assets in others' names, etc. etc.). Try calling a plumber or electrician to your house when you tell them you cannot pay! This is medicine on a daily basis, often at night, weekends, and holidays -- treating 30-40+% patients gratis or at a loss. It is no wonder nurses' and physicians' children are not pursuing this once prestigious field; they see their parents' sacrifice for no reimbursement or thanks. Meanwhile, insurance companies account for 30+% of costs in the system and do not contribute anything to care.
hank (<br/>)
He is in charge of the program. Its failure is his failure.
Blue Moon (Where Nenes Fly)
Those of us who owe our lives to Obamacare propose a toast to you, Mr. Trump: "To your health." We need to take care of you -- keep you fit and hardy. After all, you've helped us realize that we're the expendable ones, right?

I've got to go get ready to see my cancer doctor today. Every visit counts. Especially when you don't know if you'll be getting any more next year.
KatieBear (TellicoVillage,TN)
My prayers go out to you. Take care! We've got you "covered" we will fight the fight for you and others. Because as Pres. Obama just wrote me in a reply ltr..."As long as we keep working in common effort, and assuming the inherent goodness in one another, our brightest days will always lie ahead."
Gerld hoefen (rochester ny)
Reality check another good cop bad cop mean while nothing getting done all should be fired. We allready paying for medicare is perfect plan providing make good changes like dental for every one. Medicare has worked an could be appplied to every one . Mean eleiminating medicaid an worker comp saving the government billions every year in triple adminsration cost
James (Wilton, CT)
"Good" primary care doctors do not take Medicare, or haven't you heard of concierge medicine? In the Northeast, it is next to impossible to get into an experienced American-trained internal medicine office that accepts Medicare's dismal reimbursement rates. You can have Medicare or Medicaid, but that doesn't mean anything if you are shut out of care.
JH (New Haven, CT)
Let it fail? The moral and intellectual debasement of this man and his party defies comprehension.
theWord3 (Hunter College)
Corollary: "Let millions and millions suffer, if I don't get my way."
Jaf (Georgia)
I swear DJT, lives in a fantasy world. He and the republicans will own the failure of the ACA. Their actions have caused the instability and hesitation in and by the insurance industry to continue in the markets. They will own it because I will be a voice to remind those who forget!! 2018!!!!
alexander hamilton (new york)
"Let Obamacare fail." The man can't even turn a decent phrase. Marie Antoinette's "Let them eat cake" was so much more memorable.
James R. Laubach Jr. (Bethlehem, PA)
Of course he says "Let it fail." All Trump's ever cared about is wiping out Obama's legacy. He doesn't care at all about what happens to the people if that occurs.
OmahaProfessor (Omaha)
Seems to me that gumming up the works and failing to perform the executive function of administering and enforcing the laws of the land, the ACA being among them, represents a failure to abide by his oath of office. Claiming power over all 3 branches isn't so great either.

To review:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

At what point is this bum shown the door?
Mareln (MA)
Trump thinks that "let Obamacare fail" will exempt him from all healthcare responsibility. HE is POTUS now. Because his party can not come up with an alternative, he IS responsible for ensuring that Obamacare--the law of the land--doesn't fail.

He and the republicans in congress are now responsible for overseeing the health and well being of millions of people in this country. Doing nothing is NOT an acceptable option and is indeed an action for which he, the republican senate, and republican congress will be held accountable.
Paulo (Prescott AZ)
Senator McConnell has stumbled through this whole process and needs to fall on his sword & retire.

Everyone thought he had some master tricks up his sleeve. He didn't. He needs to be gone.
KatieBear (TellicoVillage,TN)
So McConnell's 3rd plan was to repeal, then have two years before that took place. That's so the 2018 elections would still have the ACA in place. But in 2020 when he's up (or whenever it is by his calculation), he must be planning to retire. I'd like to know what his term end date is because he must be "planning" for it!
ER (Almond, NC)
Not "let" Obamacare fail -- continue to *make* it fail.
Hank Toms (New York)
So Trump and the Republican party are going to sabotage the ACA, which is to say they're going to punish the poor, ill and elderly all so they can try to claim a political victory? These people are vile.
PogoWasRight (florida)
When you say "vile", you are being much too kind. They are way below that, probably what was left when DT drained the swamp..........
William (New York, NY)
He did swear to the solemn oath of office stating that he "will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States." But "let Obamacare fail" sounds an awful lot like a planned act of sabotage or a decision to ignore positive law, not to execute the laws as the Constitution requires of a President.
Shayladane (Canton, NY)
It is now time to make temporary repairs to the ACA so that Trump cannot sabotage it, as he has promised to do, although he will blame it on Democrats. The Republicans need to do this to maintain any credibility in the public eye. (Not that they deserve the credibility.)
Once they do that, they can establish a bipartisan group to work out the issues with the ACA and strengthen it, or come up with a people-based replacement. Bipartisan is the only way to go at this point.

If the Republicans fail to see that, they will likely pay the consequences. It is hopeless to suppose that Trump will see the benefit, since he is rabidly and jealously opposed to anything President Obama accomplished.
p. a. (virginia)
it would seem, based upon the letter from the health insurance rep. that those insurance companies had much to lose if it passed. now, if it matters at all to them about where this nation is going, is the time for them to step out of their shadowy places to make their own gov't program work the way obamacare should work. they can stop raising their prices, coordinate their care packages and demand mandatory coverage to cut their costs...so they could do much more if they really want to continue in health insurance now. if they make it work for all of us, when the next round comes, single payer may well be off the priority list. if they help make obamacare fail, as they have helped do in the past by raising prices and cutting locations around the nation out of them, this issue will continue to be at the top.
When Obama became president he inherited an economy that was in free fall. Had he taken the Trump approach and allowed the auto industry to collapse many more blue color workers would be out of work today.

Trump is six months into his presidency. He is too far into this term to blame others for his failures.
Kathy M (McLean,VA)
Trump is a ridiculous caricature of a man. What decent, responsible leader of any country would pitch a fit and say "Let it fail?" He can't govern. He can't compromise. He doesn't even know the first, basic tenants of the art of any government deal. He has become a very dangerous embarrassment to this country.
Ken (St. Louis)
President Trump,
As a candidate, you promised to serve the best interests of the American people. Letting Obamacare fail could wipe out our health benefits and plunge health markets into chaos.
President Trump, it's time to START WORKING FOR US, NOT SO MUCH YOU.
mgaudet (Louisiana)
Trump just showing his pettiness with his comments about not owning the ACA.
Sad. Wonder if he's tired of winning yet?
Tom (Cedar Rapids, IA)
Mr. Trump, if the ACA fails, you own it. You are responsible for your actions and for your inactions. The executive branch runs the ACA, you run the executive branch, so failure would be your fault. Why not try to make it a success? Then you could claim credit for that, too. But that wouldn't be your style.
Kingfish52 (Rocky Mountains)
"Let Obamacare Fail".

Spoken like the petulant, schoolyard bully that he is. He is not a President, despite the title. He is a tinpot dictator, a tyrant, and everything he says is the exact opposite of the truth.

Perhaps the truest image of him that comes to mind at the mention of his name is Rumpelstiltskin, red in the face, eyes shut, and stomping his feet. He is a fairy tale ogre, creating nightmares for adults. Too bad we can't simply close the book on him.
Tom (California)
The biggest question left:

Who are the 36 percent who still support this know-nothing traitorous spreader of hate and lies?
kathleen cairns (san luis obispo, ca)
I ponder that question every single day.
Paul (Jones)
Obamacare isn't failing, the president is - biggly.
Stop and Think (Buffalo, NY)
Does anyone smell Vladimir Putin, coach and mentor to Donald Trump, behind this one?

Who knew that Vlad despises black US presidents as much as Don, Mitch, and Paul do?
The 1% (Covina)
In addition to the obvious failure of leadership, *45's comments make it very easy for people to sue the feds and win.

If the GOP do not wish to meet their moral obligation associated with the benefits the ACA provides, and they then do not meet the legal obligations imposed upon them by the law, a federal judge can block any shenanigans this morally bankrupt set of corporate shills try.

All it takes is a set of harmed citizens to lodge a class-action lawsuit.

I suspect this is what will happen.

Then many of these jerks can be removed from office in 2018.

This crap should never happen in America. But this is what Gingrich, Limbaugh, Hannity, McConnell and Ryan seem to want. Get rid of these bums!
Paul G (NY)
I read this quote somewhere but it's worth repeating at this point: "if the wealthiest Americans pay their taxes no one dies, if the ACA fails because republicans want a tax break then many will die"
Michael (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
The so-called king of "deal making" has failed once again to seal the political deal. The President once again failed to get his own majority party to rally around a new health care scheme. He blames the opposition and makes " Let Obamacare fail" is his new strategy. Laughable!

Wouldn't it be funny if Obamacare - with all its flaws - didn't fail after all?
Sarah O'Leary (Dallas, Texas)
"Let Obamacare fail." This from the guy who fails every single time he opens his mouth.

I wonder if he has a framed photo of this big Rose Garden victory lap when the House bill passed prior to its disaster. He should try to hold on tight to the memories of faux successes.
Joe From Boston (Massachusetts)
Trump is willing to have people die rather than fix the problem.

That figures, coming from a person who cut off his own nephew's son's medical care (the infant had seizures leading to cerebral palsy, in order to win a lawsuit against his brother's estate. Trump admitted that he did so out of revenge.

If he would do that to a blood relative, what would he do to you and your family?

Trump is one sick puppy. He is unfit and unworthy to sit in the Oval Office.
Kris (CT)
If he lets healthcare fail, he will fail. Pure and simple.
Marty Burnswolf (Roatan Honduras)
"I'm not going to own it," is just a colloquial way of saying 'not my fault' which is the way Trump has lived his life. No surprise for those who are at least skeptical, perhaps even loathing of the current President. What is surprising is the way Republicans have accepted whatever he says, blindly move beyond it and keep plowing away at ignoring the meaning of their job title-representative. They long ago gave up representing the people who put them in office. The give new meaning to the phrase 'follow the money.'
mmxvii (LA, CA)
I'd say "Let Trump Fail," but why bother? As Trump promised, he "alone can fix it." He is doing fine failing all on his own. Plus the rest of Republican Party that enabled him is also helping him to fail.

They are all very good at failing, which is probably the best thing we've got going in the country these days.

Nevertheless, I am indeed tired of winning. We need a new President. Unfortunate that next up after resignation or impeachment is Mr Pence - unless that hush hush meeeting at the G20 was about bringing Putin and Medvedev into the line of succession. Still, even a little change would be good, until we can limp into 2020.
susan mccall (old lyme ct.)
Of all the appalling statements trump has made in the last 2 years[most of them lies]this one is truly despicable.To say "let the ACA collapse"is the worst.His total disregard of the constitution,the American people and his vow to uphold and protect both is grounds for removing a president for being unfit.To then add that he and the GOP will not "own"this failure is absurd,craven and stomach turning.Again our hopeless president shows he,his cabinet,his family and anyone connected to him care only about themselves.
Ariel (Miami Beach)
The politics in this country needs to be completely redrawn up. Twenty years the GOP would have TRIED to fix obama care, not completely repeal and replace it. Only because it makes THEM and their big businesses have to pay more money and they make less profit are they so against it and say it’s destroying America. This country is literally going to be torn apart by greed. Everyone is out for themselves and their own wallets instead of the common good of the country. It’s ridiculous. Elite democrats and GOP alike.
Salvadora (israel)
Create a multi party system, stop the hysterical expensive campaigns, talk about issues, count the popular votes.
Kim Murphy (Upper Arlington, Ohio)
The UK and Israel are excellent examples of multi- party systems, and it's clear that's not the answer either.
Suzanne (Indiana)
Trump as President is as bad or worse as I expected. The GOP has far exceeded their expected level of incompetence and corruption. They must be unbelievably fearful of Trump's supporters or the Russians have some really, really good dirt on a few of those at the top of the party.
Marie Antoinette's didn't garner any much needed support from the masses by saying that starving peasants could just eat cake. Will the downfall of Trump and his minions begin by him telling sick and dying people that their safety net should be allowed to fail? Time will tell...
Victoria crain (Vermont)
Of all the ridiculous and revolting things uttered by President Trump, "Let Obamacare fail" is by far the most immoral. Another opportunity for leadership was killed by crass, self-serving rhetoric.
Chris (New York, NY)
The GOP will continue to lose because the fact is, poll after poll shows that the majority of US citizens want a public option.

Remove the age limit for Medicare!
tom (<br/>)
He may 'have plenty of levers to pull,' but he's incapable of finding them.
Kim (San Diego)
I hope you're right.
C.L.S. (MA)
Cynical, hypocritical, and stupid. Sure, some of the self-employed who depend on ACA insurance are finding policy premiums go up, due to the insurers unwillingness or inability to attract enough participants from both relatively healthy and less healthy people, leading also to insurers "pulling out of the market." The answer is, as always: Forget piecemeal patchwork legislation to get health insurance for this and that group, using "market forces" to come up with differently priced policies for different groups of participants cum federal subsidies for low-income individuals plus expanding Medicaid coverage to individuals/households with incomes below a higher ceiling than traditional Medicaid. It's all unnecessary. Just go to a singe-payer insurance system like all advanced countries already have in place, and everyone will be covered with basic health insurance. Anyone able to pay for more bells and whistles (e.g., private hospital room, etc.) can and will be able to have supplementary policies paid out of pocket. And, finally, we will be off an employer-based insurance model and allow companies, large and small, to be much more competitive by removing that very heavy cost burden from their business models. It will all work, and it will (defiantly) not, repeat not, be the arrival of "socialized medicine" in the United States. Get the picture?
Lanslide (Seaford NY)
Washington D.C. is no longer the shining capital of democratic authority. It has become the petri dish for an experiment in chaos theory. Can we just go back to good, old fashion, honesty, integrity, and the pursuit of all things that matter?
PeterC (Ottawa, Canada)
So "Make America Great Again", reduces to a mantra of destroy, destroy, destroy. Not sure where the "make" in this slogan applies.
mary (06239)
What kind of leader states he takes no personal responsibility for a failed bill or for that maker a failure at anything? A simple minded, self engrossed, delusional ,spoiled old man who displays a genuine incapability to feel an ounce of empathy for his fellow human being.

Never before in my lifetime have I ever experienced the absolute and dire need for every single citizen of our country to cast their vote in 2018. We have to take back the House and Senate. We must take back our democracy. As days pass by, the quality of our lives is only going to get worse.
Kimbo (NJ)
He doesn't need to pull any levers...its already failing. Our law makers from both parties are also failing at their jobs as well.
Kim Murphy (Upper Arlington, Ohio)
It's not failing. It just needs some improvement.
IceCream (Norway)
Among Trump and his equals, this is partly the result of a perverted form of American Exceptionalism;
"We have got nothing to learn from other countries".
Salvadora (israel)
So much arrogance. So much ignorance.
Deb Schmidt (<br/>)
I guess in the world of business this would be a good move, force your agenda with a strangle hold until your opponent capitulates. The problem is that the opponent is the American people. Rather than waiting and hoping that this president's faithful followers will see the light, perhaps they'll all simply die off without proper health coverage and care.
Richard Cavagnol (<br/>)
It is all about power displayed as arrogance, self-centeredness, and an adolescent attitude towards governance. A senator who vows to obstruct everything the other party proposes and lets his racism bubble to the surface by his obstructionism should be censures and throw out of office. Mich McConnell has aptly demonstrated his total disregard for the American by his constant bleating and ineffectual leadership on key legislative issues. For seven years all we have heard is how the big M&M is going to take down the affordable care act. While taking the temperature of the resentful, he neglected to put a thermometer into the rational, educated population and thought the cake was done but it is still raw in the center. Get rid of this bag of gas the next election!
Michael Kennedy (Portland, Oregon)
Health care for America vs Trump looking good? Guess where he draws the line. It goes like this. Donald Trump is Donald Trumps first priority. Also his second, third, and fourth. America? Forget it. This country is little more than a tool for Trump. A means to an end. The man isn't a patriot. He's a grifter.
In other words America, if Trumplicans can't get their way and only their way, let Obamacare Fail, Medicaid Fail,Medicare Fail, Social Security Fail, ... and let America Fail. Are these grown ups?

Sounds like the petulant lashing out of those who elected these people into offices of great responsibility to lash out on their behalf if they do not get their way. Trump tantrums are a perfect symbolic mirror to his base.
Let Trump, Ryan, and McConnell fail! Improve and strengthen Obamacare.
Tony (Portland,maine)
Mr.Trump is President of The United States. To see/here him say that he will let the ACA collapse is him dropping the ball. HE is the one who should corral both parties to fix the existing health care bill. He's acting like an angry outsider for God's sake. He is the PRESIDENT......Act like one.
Janet Newton (WI, USA)
Please call this farce of a failed bill what it actually is - A MASSIVE TAX BREAK FOR THE RICHEST OF THE RICH. The best thing that could happen for our country is for the Capitol and the White House to be swallowed up in massive sinkholes filled with fire and brimstone.
r a (Toronto)
US health care. Like a guy sinking into quicksand with a giant squid, a giant python and alligators.

Fun to watch. Glad it's not me.
froneputt (Dallas)
Why do Republicans take ObamaCare so personally? Did Obama eat their Cheerios? Make love to their wives? Beat their kids?

No - he attempted a compromise to provide minimum levels of care for our people. Private industry, subsidies for losses, with the vision of affordable and complete care. We don't know when we will have a terminal illness, fall victim to a heart attack, have an accident - so we all need complete care to bring down costs for all.

Sure, any large healthcare bill will have issues. We are new at organized healthcare. We need to focus on preventive care to bring down costs and shy away from wait until a problem develops and then test beyond reasonable cost.

Back to the GOP, which wants to relu on a capitalistic system to provide health care without killing people? Will not happen. TedCare, GOP Care, TrumpCare? It's all JUNK INSURANCE.

The GOP does not want to solve an issue - they only want to pass a bill and repeal the old one. They have learned nothing.

TRUMP? The same. LET THEM EAT CAKE, SAYS TRUMP. He doesn't have to worry about healthcare. He will just decimate ObamaCare for the sake of his mountainous ego, and allow tens of thousands to die. Yep, that's leadership, that is TrumpCare. Kill your people. The GOP has killed ObamaCare since its inception, strangling it, and then pointing its deadly finger at the ACA.

The ACA needs reform, but it doesn't need an execution. Execution is what the GOP is doing to our citizens.
debby (ny, ny)
If the republicans have such great ideas on a replacement for ACA, why can't they just put it out there? Why does one have to take away ACA first? It's disgraceful.
Richard K. Fry (USA)
Why does everything Trump says and does seem like he is trying to sabotage American ideals and needs?
Jim (Placitas)
Yesterday as I was picking up my 2 year old granddaughter from day care I watched another 2 year old throw a tantrum and send a table full of Lego blocks flying across the room, apparently because he could not have his way.

Last night I watched Donald Trump do the same thing. He didn't get his way so now he's going to smash the ACA and scatter it across the room in a fit of anger, and then he'll blame everyone else for what he did.

He will say he's going to "allow" the ACA to "self-destruct", and that neither he nor the Republicans will own it, but he'll be the only person to believe this Bart Simpson-esque denial of responsibility, and he and the Republicans will, indeed, own the resulting catastrophe, lock, stock and barrel.

To my few remaining Republican friends I say this: You wanted control of Congress, you wanted the Presidency and now you have it. You own it and everything it accomplishes or destroys. This is the legacy you voted for. If the ACA goes down in flames because of Donald Trump's infantile tantrum, you will be remembered for this.
pczisny (Fond du Lac, WI)
Democrats should vote to allow debate on the latest GOP "health care" measure. Let Republicans explain why they should let 18 million people lose health care in a year and another 14 million lose their access to care by 2026, all to pay for tax cuts showered on the wealthiest among us. It would expose the callousness of the GOP leadership's agenda and the paucity of their ideas to the American public (because, after all, there hasn't been a single public hearing on the Senate Republican's multiple attempts at a "health care" bill). Moreover, it would take up 30 hours of floor time in the U.S. Senate, thereby leaving less time for the Republicans to pass other aspects of their rich-people-first-and-only agenda.

Don't let the Republican officials hide from what they truly want for the country. Vote to open debate, Democrats!
TMD (Atlanta)
Heads up here - the Dems created this Obamacare fiasco - not Trump. Time for the Dems to become part of the solution rather than continue the problem. Trump is right - let it fail - and the Dems caused it.
maisany (NYC)
Heads up? Heads up to the fact that the ACA has lowered the percentage of Americans to the lowest level in history? Heads up to the fact that the ACA now protects people with pre-existing conditions from being denied health insurance? Heads up to the fact that the ACA eliminated annual and lifetime caps? Heads up to the fact that the ACA guarantees free baseline healthcare and minimal levels of service, eliminating sham policies that cost little but offered zero? Heads up to the fact that by expanding Medicare, the ACA provided healthcare to millions of poor Americans, some for the first time in their lives?

And we should let it fail and allow all those benefits to be stripped from millions of Americans so der Donaldt can crow about how he took down "Obamacare"?

If you want to get your head up, better get it out of the sand first.
Maria Rodriguez (Texas)
Yes. What a wonderful leadership solution. If things don't go your way, take your marbles and leave the playground.
Psst (overhere)
I'm guessing you have health insurance. Good for you! Right?
Mike Gold (New York)
Trump says, "We're not going to own it." News flash, Don, you inherited it - you own it. And the notion that the Republicans will have some new plan in two years is as ridiculous as the reality of them having seven years and coming up with NOTHING. The con is on!
MLC (Buffalo, NY)
This is the nonsensical "logic" we've come to expect from Trump. If Obamacate fails because he refuses to reimburse insurance companies or enforce the coverage mandate, he can't NOT own it. He will have actively, intentionally driven it into the ground. How is that serving the American people?
CD-Ra (Chicago, IL)
Obamacare wont fail because it is the only half way decent healthcare plan Americans have and the Republicans are so disarrayed among themselves that they won't come up anything feasible.
Americans need care like that in Canada.
But a selfish Republican minority wants Americans to have little or no healthcare, especially the unemployed or chronically ill. According to these "so-called Christians" these 2 groups are All malingerers and Only those who have a job should have insurance. That is wrong, unChristian thinking in the extreme.
Not everyone in America can be employed because we live in a bigoted society that discriminates against people of color in hiring, provides bad schooling for the poor and inadequate childcare for the working class. It further goes without saying that many chronically ill simply cannot work.
Rich too far right leaning Republicans don't or won't understand how the majority of Americans live and frankly they don't care. Poor judgment and greed have clouded their thinking rendering them utterly useless.

Eric Cosh (Phoenix, Arizona)
I agree with most of your statements, but would maybe add a few other thoughts. It's unfortunate that most politicians, regardless of their political affiliation will really never understand how helpless it feels not to have a job or medical insurance. No matter how many articles you read, or town halls you attend, the only way to really feel the pain of dislocation is not have the option to return home for safety. Yes, you might be able to see a movie about homelessness and feel a sense of compassion but unless it's actually happened to you, you'll never really know.
medianone (usa)
Repubiican Senators Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska received immediate plaudits from voters nationally for doing what the male dominated Senate and Congress writ large has failed at doing. They listened to the concerns millions of Americans have over losing the recent gains in coverage due to the ACA, and instead of "shutting up and sitting down" they swiftly acted in the public interests by joining together to just say "No" to McConnell and Trump.
McConnell has failed as Senate Majority Leader. It is time for mainstream Republicans to replace him with someone more moderate and who is willing to work honestly with Democrats. The Senate has become a teeter totter where a small extremist contingent has held the body hostage for way too long. Americans and America have suffered as a result.
Our country faces many urgent problems that need Congress's attention. Not gridlock. Hopefully more Senators and Representatives will open their ears and eyes to hear and see this. Just as Senators Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska did.
Salvadora (israel)
We could have elected a woman....
tpbriggs47 (<br/>)
Trump has until Thursday, July 20, to provide $7 billion in authorized and appropriated payments that make the individual markets work. He can decide not to provide those funds thereby sending the individual markets into a tailspin. So yesterday's threat is serious. He can create the chaos he seeks.
ij (new york)
he an his fellow criminals in congress will pay dearly if he does this or any of his other threats to hurt millions of americans. I would think that there would be a path somewhere for suing
Eric Cosh (Phoenix, Arizona)
There is really only one solution; work together for the good of everyone. How simple is that? What a novel idea. Surely there is a way that both Republicans and Democrats can agree on the best way to help the vast majority of people with proper health care regardless of their political or financial conditions.
db (pa)
So health care in America is a pawn that this current administration is willing to use to make a political point?
The only good I can see coming from this ridiculous excuse for a president is that moderate, caring, thinking people on both sides of the aisle just might come together to help those that they work for - the American people. Perhaps I'm being overly optimistic - but I am truly hoping that those who understand the work of governing, understand the role of the leader, understand the art of effective communication, and possess empathy will prevail. Clearly that means the current resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. will not be present in these meetings as he possesses none of the above.
msjokav (UK)
Threats to let ACA fail are immoral and sinister. Trump is saying that he won't uphold the law, and is willing to standby as US citizens suffer and die. He and the GOP will own every one of the avoidable deaths that occur.
Absolutely, let 20% of the economy fail and let the most vulnerable go down with it. They'll be grateful for the crumbs you throw after they're starving. Excellent plan.
Barry Williams (NY)
"...he has plenty of levers to pull, from declining to reimburse insurance companies for reducing low-income customers’ out-of-pocket costs to failing to enforce the mandate..."

This wouldn't be letting it fail. This would be actively killing it. Will the millions of Trump supporters who will be affected be all right with that? Hmmm.
Frightened Voter (America)
Trump supporter rabidly believe that their government insurance coverage is not the hated Obama Care but some other program Obama had nothing to do with.
HES (Yonkers, New York)
I couldn't help but observe that Mitch McConnell's chinless chin got almost lost in this latest attempt by him and his Republican followers to deny Americans affordable health care.
What a bunch of pitiless, mean-spirited lawmakers and president we now have leading the country.
I just hope their supporters will finally see that Donald Trump and the Republicans don't care about them and are willing to deny them and their children such basic need as health care.
Kelly (Buffalo)
If any of these politicians (of either stripe) actually had to rely on the ACA for their own healthcare needs, "let it fail" would not be the mantra today. We are being used by both sides in a selfish war of wills. Someone has to blink and fast.
Richard Brody (Mercer Island, WA)
When the Republicans pointed out that the ACA had "Death Panels", composed of people whose decisions on individual's health care could be death sentences, they had no idea they were nominating and eventually electing the panels' chairman.

Of course the idea of "Death Panels" was a folly created as a scare tactic by people who simply couldn't come up with a better answer. And they still can't. So, like the child that he is who doesn't get his way on the playground, Trump takes his ball and walks away. When will his base get it that he's so ignorant of healthcare as well as the manner in which a government operates?

Perhaps they should take their President and "walk away". This isn't a playground; it's real life. And real lives are at stake.

Congress: Grow up! Get real! Play nice! Stop calling it "Obamacare" and refer to it as the Affordable Care Act, ACA, and improve it for what it is, for better (hopefully) or worse (unless you work together to make a good idea great).
Melquiades (Athens, GA)
This poor man is an absolute fool: he says 'we are not going to own it', while setting up an executive platform that a substantial part those same interests that have blocked any new legislation will hold against him personally...I mostly regret that his feeble and narcissistic thinking will prevent him from recognizing how miserably he is performing until it's absolutely unrecoverable, but for many people more honest than he.
Tom Just (TX)
This dead bill was only supposed to be a tax giveaway for the well off.
It was never about health insurance, and certainly not about health "care".
That was just the vehicle for the wealth transfer to the rich from the poor, sick, and old.
Pure deceit on the part of Republicans which blew up in their faces just like the recent popularity contest/presidential election.
West Texas Mama (Texas)
President Trump: "I’m not going to own it." Pretty much says it all as far as his worldview, don't you think? The only thing important about what happens in his presidency is his personal image.
Mike (Santa Clara, CA)
I use to think that McConnell was pretty smart, but I'm starting to question if his thirst for revenge against those Senators that said they would vote for repeal only is in the Republican long term interest. Note that he didn't call for a vote and the repeal and replace bill opposed by conservatives. He's only calling for the vote when it puts moderates on the spot. Maybe it's because they are "uppity women" that he's doing this. You know the same women that he excluded from the private crafting of the bill and whose sex represents 50% of the population.
Dr Bob in the Bronx (Bronx)
Not a bully pulpit. Just a bully.

The ACA needs fixing mostly because of GOP efforts to break it.

Both parties have a duty to repair the ACA. Starting NOW!
Lee Paxton (Chicago)
Let Trump collapse instead as we see daily he's on the verge; McConnell should be deported or incarcerated due to his ineptness, or basically, the most unskilled and least talented politician for the last fifty years, who will bring ruin on any worthwhile project for the people; we the Populace of The United States.
robert s (Marrakech)
The only one who came get rid of trump is trump. Republicans are frightened of him and the Democrats are on the planet of wishful thinking.
William S. Monroe (Providence, RI)
The republican Anti-Health-Care Bill was a no-starter from the beginning. Trump says he will let the ACA fail and then the democrats will have to come to the republicans. The democrats should do no such thing. let the people come after the republicans and throw them out! Trump said he would replace the ACA with something bigger and better. He has no proven he is not the deal-maker he likes to pretend he is. SAD!
jw (somewhere)
How do we,the voters change,the Golden Healthcare Plan enjoyed by the elected officials whose salaries we pay? Businesses change benefits all the time and if we're running the Government as a business let's institute some dollar savings.Why should I care if your coverage evaporates or you have to change doctors? Let's make Walter Reed a PPO participant. While we're at it, how about pension reform?
jeff Bryan (boston)
so basically, Trump is going to "break the law" and not enforce the laws of the country -- is that what I read -
Chazy (Boston)
Here is a great opportunity for President Trump to say,

"Hey, I HATE Obama and his health care plan, but for the GOOD OF ALL AMERICANS I will do the best job I can to keep the current plan well-funded and functioning until we have a replacement. The welfare of our fellow citizens us more important to me than political capital."

But he won't. He will nudge Obama Care to the edge of the cliff and then kick it as hard as he can. He hates Obama that much. He disrespects the country that much. He's a huckster and a fraud.
Larry Scultz (Florida)
If the ACA fails, it will all be on the Orange Dictator. Hopefully he wont be around that long.
Romy (NY, NY)
The entire cadre of Republicans -- up to their neck in self interest and money-grubbing -- is a cancer in our country. From McConnell's smug hatred of anything but the monied class (especially given the fact that his state is one that collects one of the most benefits from the national government!) to Trump's "Let them take an aspirin" despicable contempt for the well-being of the citizens of this country, I cannot fathom that anything but a purge of this infestation of our government or a revolt. Either way a welcome from this despotic gang.
Tina (Illinois)
Spoken like a real slumlord. Wreck the building, raze it and rebuild. Or like a serial bankruptcy declarer. Take your pick. This is his thinking and it has nothing to do with people's wellbeing.
MC312 (Chicago)
The Democrats own Obamacare lock, stock and barrel. And its failure.
Ben S (maryland)
How about this. The executive in charge has been doing everything he can to cause confusion and concern about a program duly enacted by Congress, upheld by Supreme Court. If it fails you think trump has nothing to do with it?
He is choosing to cause people to not sign up by fear of it failing by neglect.

If he is "so 'smart" why not use his executive ability to follow the law and let Congress work it out. WHY? Because he is a con man!
georgia g (CT)
you are wrong. do your homework.
In the meantime, Trump is planning where to play golf (on taxpayers' expenses) this coming weekend, thinking..."screw you all, LOL".
James (Kentucky)
Now Trump will sabotage Obamacare because he doesn't give a damn about Americans or their hard-earned dollars!
sashakl (NYC)
You are wrong Donald Trump. If you sabotage the A.C.A. of course you own it. If you destabilize the health insurance marketplace driving up costs, effectively closing down health care for millions of actual people, there will be consequences. People will suffer. Some may die. Of course it will be on you and on Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Mike Pence, the GOP Congress members with a few notable exception. Shelley More Capito “did not come to Washington to hurt people” and apparently neither did Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and Rob Portman. You, Mr. Trump, said ‘Let Obamacare Fail.’ People won’t forget this.
Charles (Clifton, NJ)
Republicans have abjectly failed with their bill, or, rather, concoction of patches that led to their bill.

Republican congress succumbed to the pressure of Trump, driven by irrational, mass-hypnotized Trump followers of whom they are afraid. It's what demagogues do.

We have to shed this irrational, Fox News market-driven behavior that its followers see as episodes of "The Apprentice" and move back to sensible government. Government motivated by irrational anger fuels despotism.

From the beginning of the Trump primary candidacy we knew that he wasn't presidential material. His poorly educated followers simply believed that someone with no experience would "make America great again", an irrational phrase that implied that America was not great. Trump's mass-hypnotic approach drove the feeble minded into their suspension of disbelief that caused unconditional acceptance of Trump's duplicitous rants, including those on healthcare.

The Republican party has to acquire responsible leadership that educates its Trump people to adopt constructive behavior. This failed Republican, so-called healthcare bill is evidence of a failed Republican Party, a party that controls the U.S. government. This implies that our government is failing.

Trump has made America far worse. He has no ability to understand healthcare. His followers love him for that. The Republican party needs to wrestle control back from Trump.
TLF (Portland, OR)
It's time to see access to medical care in the same way we view public education. It is not an entitlement, it's a necessity for modern economies. We need our populace educated; and then we need to keep them healthy and able to contribute. We have medicare for the elderly and medicaid for the disabled.
We need to extend medicare to the 55 plus group. This will help the insurance markets and keep folks healthy, working and contributing. . It's a failure of policy that we don't have wages high enough for working people to pay premiums. It's not an entitlement.
Iver Thompson (Pasadena, Ca)
That's true, but now that healthcare is a political football the game is on. Perhaps with less of an emphasis on sports along with education not everything would have to be reduced to boys fighting over a ball.
Steve (SW Mich)
The people have spoken. They have emerged in angry mob-like fashion at the offices of our reps to voice their support for the ACA. Mr. Trump said in his inauguration speech that he'd "give the government back to the people". This one seems like a very good example.
Peggy Cleary (Fairview Park, Ohio)
Mr. Trump declared that his plan was now to “let Obamacare fail." Failure is one area in which he has proven experience