Russian Dirt on Clinton? ‘I Love It,’ Donald Trump Jr. Said

Jul 11, 2017 · 778 comments
Eugene Gorrin (Union, NJ)
After Donald Trump, Jr. published an email chain that shows clear evidence of collusion between Trump advisors and the Russian government, President Trump responded by applauding his transparency and calling Donald Trump Jr. a “high quality person.”

Ah yes, so honest, so noble. After months of claiming there was no contact with Russians by members of President Trump's campaign, and that this was a made up story by "fake news" and by the Democrats who are sore losers and can't accept his win, we now have the first smoking gun - from none other than Donald Trump Jr.

If Donald Trump, Jr. was such a "high quality person" - and so transparent - why didn't he disclose the emails and contact months ago?

Wouldn't a "high quality person" make these emails known at first opportunity, considering all the questions and investigations taking place about Russia?

What took him so long to do so?

Dumb, stupid and/or possible treasonous - take your pick. But not a "high quality person" by any means.
G.P. (Kingston, Ontario)
'It is not fair he can float.'
Not borrowing, stealing a line from the movie 'Good Morning, Vietnam.'
The Klu Klux Klan are suing the makers of Casper the Ghost.
I thought we left that rabbit hole but due to the Trump's apparently not.
Trump Sr., 'My son is transparent.'.
Yes, he is Sir, it only takes three tries and the NYT to expose his emails.
siren (SF bay area)
The shoe just dropped again! Exclusive video shows Trump and Goldstein hanging out in Las Vegas having dinner together along with Agalarov the Russian oligarch and business partner of Trump. CNN.
Horsefeathers (California)
Who cares where info comes from if it is true ... even ifo proving once again that Hilary was corrupt once again ... or the DNC

The real question should be ... since BTW Trump JR broke no laws ...why arent our own stalwart reporters finding all these stories on Hilary? Or the DNC? Why do we have to wait for investigative entities over seas to break an American scandal?

Where are the great American reporters?

Probably covering how big Donald Trumps hands are instead of real news?
Mick (Los Angeles)
There has never been in my life time an administration as corrupt as this one. It's like the confederacy is taking over the Republican Party. They really do this trust Hillary more than Russians. They beat up so many lies about her that they've corrupted their own minds. And they will use this corrupted mind system until it doesn't work for them. They know they are enablers of the most corrupt it administration in the history of the United States but they don't care as of yet. they are a banana republic unto themselves . This is not the America that we grew up with.
Deborah (NY)
Donald Trump Jr. has betrayed his country. Plain and simple.
EPMD (Dartmouth, MA)
Kushner clearly lied about this meeting in his vetting by the FBI and should have his security clearance revoked. Trump Jr.'s email dump is the evidence. How dumb and arrogant are they?
Marc (Montreal)
Huckabee Sanders for President. That's the best they've got right now.
Art Cronson (Manhasset, NY)
There must have been a translator at the meeting and that person should be interviewed.
Tom (Cedar Rapids, IA)
What this tells me is that the Trumps aren't very bright. Anyone - ANYONE - with a half a brain and a father running for president would have said, "Since a foreign government is involved, before I do anything I better find out if it's legal for me to do this." Visiting day at Leavenworth is the 2nd Saturday of the month.
David Howell (33541)
All I can say is thank you New York Time. For releasing the story that force Trump Jr. to come clean. Over Trump fake news and the Republican excuses over Russia.
YikeGrymon (Wilmo, DE)
The sine qua non of a SWAMP is that if you drain it, it'll always fill back up again.
Antonio Gomez (Kansas)
Notice in none of the articles, editorials or comments about Trump and Russians has anyone been able to cite any specific violation of law for 8 months or more. There is none. It should trouble every decent person, irrespective of ideology, that the nation can be driven to madness by smears, innuendo and media propaganda. If corporate America can use their media to destroy a Trump what can they do to the rest of us?

All of this is simply an attempt at a bloodless coup by the establishment using their bought and paid for media left wing organizations and "organizers and the poorly educated, hysterical, true believers and rubes of the left who do not realize that corporate America has co-opted them and owns and funds them.

Meanwhile the real corruption of the establishment, the Podestas, the Clintons and all of the rest go unreported and the chance for real change of any kind is lost.

We are an embarrassment to our ancestors and unworthy of freedom, a nation of children, serfs and chumps.
Sam (Arkansas)
Kudos to the NYT for breaking yet another story into this Trump administration. It seems the press is doing all the work here. It's time for the independent counsel to find something. I am getting weary. It's time to investigate Donald Trump without the noise. We need to be able to put this behind us as a nation, and in order for that to happen our checks and balances need to hold up, and we need to impeach
BCasero (Baltimore)
It is truly sad that they are still people defending the indefensible. What has happened to our country? I posit Fox News.
lraekim (Washington)
Donald Junior sets up a meeting and on that same exact day hours after Junior set up the meeting, Trump announces that on Monday he will give a "major speech" on Clinton's dirty laundry. Then after this meeting takes place, Trump Senior cancels his speech and he expects everyone to believe he did not know the meeting occurred?
Zatari (anywhere)
Let's consider this situation in a light that gives this "president" the benefit of the doubt.

What do we know so far, for sure? The evidence is beyond doubt that several of his most senior "advisors" - including his children and son-in-law, colluded with a foreign power to gain political advantage in our last presidential election. They themselves have provided the documentation.

And the evidence is beyond doubt that the the "president" fired James Comey because of that "Russia thing", a clear basis for an obstruction of justice charge. He himself proudly boasted the same to his Russian cronies, and there is documentation for this.

Another fact? Congress has done nothing, in the face of this evidence.

Another fact? Trump has a Supreme Court pick that will ensure a 5-4 vote for anything he does.

As an ex-pat, I say to those U.S. citizens still living in the States (at least to those of you who do not support Trump), from where I sit, your situation is horrific. Your house is burning down, and you're still checking the battery's expiration date on your smoke alarm.
SheebA (Brooklyn)
To this day, no one in this camp has said a negative thing about Russia. It speaks volumes.

Let us hope when the smoke clears, we still have a republic. He has left us so vulnerable, it is frightening. All for what?

It is all too poignant, that his shameful spiral is pivoted by his namesake, and all his talk about emails climaxes in the emails of his son.
Gigi (Alabama)
Some millions are still not able to see or it is hard them to accept what happened at our 2016 elections.
Any person who loves truly this country and puts America first should be very concerned what happened in this elections. That requires a sensitive judgment between the obsession of power and the security of the future of our nation where our children and their children will deal with the consequences.
What is our Nation going through now concerns me, and if you feel the same way (you should) write to your state representatives. Their first job is putting America first! GOP's silence is harmfull for America. This Russian-US election involvement should be investigated throughly and find the truth even it may cost Trump's presidency and GOP's power.
Howard (Los Angeles)
We now know this:

1. Highly placed Russians wanted to help Trump beat Hillary Clinton.
2. Donald Trump Jr and others in the campaign wanted this Russian help.

What you want to make of these facts is up to you. But the emails alone establish the facts. So denying them is no longer an option.
RickyT (Florida)
The fans will still deny them anyway. They live with blinders on.
Horsefeathers (California)
Your facts for item one is off. It was not a highly placed Russian. It was a lady lawyer in Russia released from prison not that many months ago.

She evidently is a scam artist ... after offering nothing on Clinton in the meeting and certainly no documents as claimed she moved on to her real objective to gain support to have a bill overturned restricting Russian adoptions. Kushner and Manifort walked seeing what was really a waste of time and Trump Jr cut things short as well.

That's what this whole thing was about.
Confusedreader (USA)
Howard what about when the Clinton Campaign met with Ukranians to get dirt on Manafort. Or when Democrats created the Dossier with Russian contacts. Is that collusion too? I'm not disagreeing with your points....I just want to know if all 3 instances are collusion.

Also when O interferred in the Israeli election....hardly got a mention in this paper.
Independent Voter (Los Angeles)
Donnie Junior is very much in his daddy's image. Reeking of narcissism, arrogance and privilege, he smirks his way through every interview and public appearance. Smug to the point of nausea, he lied his way though his soft ball "interview" with Sean Hannity, a man who knows a thing about arrogance and smugness, as well as dishonesty.

The Trump family is a total disaster for this country. Already we have lost international stature and respect and have slipped from being world leader to an embarrassing clown act. We have a lying, posturing, bullying and infantile buffoon in the White House, and his children are apparently no better. What a mess!
New World (NYC)
Melania to Donald...
"Donald, I told you 100 times not to try this president business..I never wanted any of this but your were gonna bail out this property and that property and we'd be on top we're all going crazy and you're coughing blood..
God how did we get here??
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
I don't intend to say anything pejorative about Melania. Your comment seems to imply that she is unfamiliar with the web of prevarication spun by her husband, and his collusion with Russia.

Please recall that she claimed she studied architecture in some school in the former Soviet Bloc, and at that time, who knows what has happened since, the school strenuously denied any record of her.

There are other alternative facts from her that astounded the press during the elections.

My point is that she is unlikely to have such a conversation. She is part of the deal, and is not unfamiliar with prevarication.
ak bronisas (west indies)
The unmentioned critical links links in this fatal ending of Trumpgate.......the Russian state security agent as "translator" for the state lawyer and his TAPE RECORDING.....and whistleblowers lining up in Muellers witness room......... waiting for an immunization shot !
The 1% (Covina)
Not to be sexist, but, this is how older white men who are "rich" live in this country: they get a free pass each and every time. It is part of the American caste system.

They get a free pass with the cops, they get a free pass with the courts, they get a free pass with their wives, they get a free pass with the IRS. And if a free pass ain't forthcoming, some lawyer will find a loophole --- which is also tilted in their favor. And they get a free pass with the voters, especially from those who drive pickup trucks with a Confederate flag slicker in the rear.

Brown people? No such luck.
Horsefeathers (California)
Trump Jr was not given anything of importance and ended the meeting early. It was a scam. However if there is ever something really big about Trump the source being a person commiting a felony I'm sure you would want it to be made public and published.

Do you see the hypoctasy in that position?
ed (honolulu)
I think Trump will get through this. In a way I think he enjoys the challenge. Sometimes I think he and the media are in cahoots together. It's like World Wrestling. Just a pretend fight but lots of hype--swirling lights, loud music, a lot of boasting, then nothing. The media and Trump are bound at the hip. They need each other in order to rake in the numbers. If Trump fails, the party will be over. Politics is usually so boring. In this new age we constantly look for entertainment. Forget substance. By that standard traditional politics doesn't have a prayer. Whatever your political persuasion you have to give him credit for his transformational genius. There will be no turning back.
Cmary (Chicago)
Your tone suggests you enjoy the blood sport of "Trump-as-president" as much as he, and that you're watching this as some sort of disinterested observer. It unnerves me a little to read the messages of a person, whom I assume to be an American citizen, with such an apparently detached, even oddly amused, attitude toward the current political situation in your country. You may be wealthy enough to feel inoculated against any short- or long-term consequences to America, its citizens, or to the leadership role the U.S. has traditionally played in the world since the end, certainly, of World War II. If so, lucky you. As for me, no amount of personal wealth could make me feel that what Trump is doing to this country and its standing in the world is OK, even it appears to be "entertaining." And I hope upon hope your prediction that American life will now be courser forever because of Trump will not come to pass.
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
Hitler, Stalin and even the African butcher Idi Amin, were hailed by some as a genius. They were not. Just vicious, malevolent and hate filled lunatics.

Just as in this case, destroying the office of president, and colluding with Russia to further Russian interest at the expense of America and the West is being hailed by some as genius. It is not. It is a destruction of the West championed by Russia through Trump, their pawn.

This administration is terribly ineffective. Most objective Americans are drained by the unending horror filled reality show that is Trump.

I agree that he manipulates the news media as he wishes, and changes the national dialogue with effortless ease. That is the Medias fault, not Trump's.

Unlike you, I long for us to become the greatest country in the world again, not a laughing stock. A world in which Putin is not the most powerful man in the world. I am optimistic that as Germany rebuilt after the cold war, our America will unite in strength after this unending nightmare reality show circus created by Trump and Russia.
Randall Johnson (Seattle)
@ siren

Preet Bahara was prosecuting a case on money laundering of rubles -- Russian oligarch. After Bahara was fired, the case as settled for about $6 million, a slap o.n the wrist.

Another Trump payment to Putin for services rendered -- hacks of DNC and Podesta servers, for example.
Marty Dart (California)
His defense is hilarious! "Officer I was trying to buy heroin, but the dealer only had that make me innocent right??"
True Observer (USA)
Contributions from foreign entities is illegal.

The Democrats had a lot of foreigners speak at their Convention.
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
Lol. This defense is peerless. So foreigners spoke and it means... they are the same as Trump Jr. and Trump Sr. who conspired with Russia to rig our US election and undermine our sovereignty????

Russian Rigging, altering votes and misinformation that continues to date, and will affect the 2018 election (if the UN does not intervene).

I think your remarks will make a great joke on a reality show. oh.. wait.. We are all on Trump's reality show. \o/

Never mind. Continue with the absurdities. Tweet it too if you can. It's the Russian Trump American contract. Its bedlam unleashed day in and out!
shortyg (amityville ny)
This is the kiss of death for Fredo
DK in VT (New England)
From time to time the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants.
Mark (South Philly)
Isn't a much bigger deal that we had an FBI Director that leaked confidential information to the NYT? I can't figure this paper out at all.
steve (santa cruz, ca.)
Well, here's a way think about it Mark. Trump was not Comey's client. Comey was not Trump's attorney. So, Comey had no legal or fiduciary responsibility not to disclose what he and Trump had discussed. Additionally, no classified information (that must not be divulged) was a part of their discussion either.
On the other hand, Mr. Trump saw fit to make wildly inappropriate requests to the head of the FBI as if he (Comey) was an employee of the President. Comey was working for US not Trump. Comey did the right thing in divulging what he did. Clearer now?
janvier25 (Toronto)
What confidential information was that?
You can't be referring to his personal notes, which weren't confidential.
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
Aha, this is why Alex Jones the master conspiracy theorist keeps raking in millions$$ weekly.

You do not understand a well written article with a clear nexus to Russia instituting Trump as president.

Do you believe that there are half men half fish people on Mars? I heard that on the Alex Jones show. I also heard that Comey turns into Hillary at night. I think it was in the same week that Trump was interviewed by Alex Jones.

So long as you understand Alex Jones, the exceptional reporting of the New York Times, and Comeys actions as a private citizen are side shows, right?

Now , time to search for the Mermaid men on earth?
Tom (South California)
When will the Republicans act to remove this person and the VP from office? THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING.
to make waves (Charlotte)
Outrageous mob rule of the comment sections - possibly the only real life many libs have left. This callous and petulant disregard for reality is hideous.

Yet another in the "we've got him now" lynching parties that will fade as all the other have, and all the rest to come will also fade. Good thing there's this safe place for those who shirk facing the issues we ALL face.
steve (santa cruz, ca.)
The "issues we ALL face" .... like global warming for example ? Something that your boy has described as a "Chinese hoax". Like the need to preserve the the quality of our air and water rather than disassemble the regulations that protect us? Your president may be doing great in the minds of his less than well-informed supporters but in the real world where the rest of us live, he's doing almost incalculable damage. Too bad you can't see that. Doesn't bode well for our collective future.
JackEgan (Los Angeles, CA)
Jared and Manafort's willingness to attend shows how high the expectations were that they would get some usable dirt that could be used against Hillary. They also got the emails sent to Don Jr which said the Kremlin wanted to help Trump. I think the meeting was a trial run to test the willingness to work with the Russians. They delivered soon after with the first dump of hacked emails.
MC312 (Chicago)
Pres Trump prevented Hillary from becoming President, and for that I wouldn't care if he married Ivanka off to Putin.
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
I don't think that is a good assessment. He did not prevent Hillary from becoming president per se. If he had won legitimately, it would not be an issue. Russia interfered in our election, hacked it, changed numbers and outcomes and gave us Trump.

That is the problem. The illegitimacy of the election based on the total control of Russia over our democracy is the problem.
Milliband (Medford)
How do we know that members of the Administration are lying when they talk about meeting Russians?

Their lips are moving.
Gregory Walton (Indianapolis, IN)
Could this administration be the beginning of the Oval Office to prison pipeline?
Jefflz (San Franciso)
Nixon and his henchmen looked like petty burglars in a Three Stooges routine compared Trump's case where highly skilled Russian hackers used digital age methods to corrupt the electoral process. Trump is a real estate con man and is running the country like it part of his family business. Trump started breaking the law when he took the oath of office without having divested his personal business interests that receive funding from both foreign and domestic sources in violation of the Constitution's emolument clauses. These enforceable laws are are very clear-cut but beyond Trump's comprehension. The Republican leadership knows full well how ignorant Trump is of government process and policy. Now they have no excuse for denying Trump's campaign collusion with the Russians.

No true American can continue to justify support for Trump. He can fool millions of voters in the US who can't tell a Reality TV show from reality itself, but Trump is a huge embarrassment to our country on the world stage. Our nation is a laughing stock made far worse by Trump's open adoration of Vladimir Putin especially after Putin got him elected.
George (NYC)
What is surprising is that there is enough dirt on Clinton out there without meeting with a third party. Where does one start e.g. her dismal for attempting to deny Nixon the right of counsel during the Watergate hearings, the gain she made in the commodity transaction by Tyson, her character assassination of the women Bill had sex with, the source of contributions to the Clinton Foundation, paid speeches to Wall Street elites, uranium to Iran, Benghazi, etc... Why bother with a Russian source when one can stay local!
steve (santa cruz, ca.)
Because, apparently, those things weren't enough. They had already been rehashed ad nauseum (some of these things moreover, were only "scandals" in the minds of dyed in the wool Hilary haters) and just weren't important enough to warrant keeping her out of the WH.
What Jr. was hoping to get hold of was a REAL scandal. But, it turned out not to be necessary. Good old fashioned male panic and hatred for an intelligent, successful woman was enough -- that plus a good dose of sheer stupidity.
Jim Steinberg (Fresno, CA)
The entire, slimy gang of Trump, every individual gangster, has been caught lying through his or her teeth. The rot starts at the head, The Donald himself. Filth, Inc.
Emily B. (Hoboken)
Thank you, NYTimes, for your diligent investigations and reporting.
Vernie19 (California)
After reading an article that explains what crimes that might have been committed here (collusion isn't the word that was used), I think that Donald Trump Jr. is in a tad bit more trouble than he imagines.
jas2200 (Carlsbad, CA)
How do we know that "nothing became of it"?
JackEgan (Los Angeles, CA)
We don't know what really happened at the meeting, just as we don't really know what was said when Trump met Putin. Everything said afterwards seemed like self-serving spin.
MBR (.)
'How do we know that "nothing became of it"?'

Because opposition research reports are used to PUBLICLY smear a political opponent using VERIFIABLE sources.

Sometimes opposition researchers find info that is never used by their clients, because it is not credible or it cannot be used without causing a backlash. See:

"We're with nobody : two insiders reveal the dark side of American politics" by Alan Huffman, Michael Rejebian.
Roger (Seattle)
Bordering on treason, and if not quite that, certainly criminal behavior. Time for Trump and the rest of his family to go.
New World (NYC)
In the meantime, who's at the steering wheel here, I mean like wow, the country seems to be running down the tracks with no train engineer or if you like there's no one at the helm, knock knock, is anyone there?
Answer: Chief not in seat, come back tomorrow!!
jwp-nyc (New York)
Title 18: Part I; Chapter 96, §19
It being demonstrated that the parties Donald J. Trump, Donald J. Trump, Jr., Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, named in this complaint, demonstrated a wanton and blatant disregard for conspiring together, consorting, soliciting, and gathering funds for the purpose of building a profitable enterprise based upon extortion, trading of emoluments and considerations for values in kind and other such payments, did engage in a premeditated, structured and intentionally exercised enterprise with the objective of securing the highest office in the United States for the purpose of running it as a for profit enterprise, even and including the bartering of top secret and restricted information with our nation's adversaries to advance their personal interest(s) only. Therefore, this complaint is entered with resort to the highest additional penalties obtainable both by criminal and civil recourse under the statutes knows as the RICO ACT.
geraldled (New York, NY)
“It’s fit and proper etiquette to publish electronic messaging that have benefits and drawbacks.”

Whatever matter at hand, theories is scientific studies and reasoning based on facts. A theory could also be a conjecture. Considering the later. Theories are meant to be proven, communicating ideas require formality in prose, and our system of rights was formed for all accused to prevail justly.

Theories are meant to be proven. Past experiences and backgrounds give people the ideas the observed to things the way the observer would of, could of, and may have done it. As a matter of fact, the above is basically how we form opinions.

Communicating ideas require formality. “It’s fit and proper etiquette to publish electronic messaging that have benefits and drawbacks.”

The benefits of electronic messaging should be recognized. Text something before he, or she might forget it. Bypass the drudgery of essay formality. Electronic messaging is ordinary his, or her candid personality.

The drawbacks to electronic messaging propagates a quick response, but in reality not in reality time. Electronic messaging spares no time to plan out our thoughts and revise our true meaning and desired consequences.

Electronic communication is down to earth, but it’s simply not a rich medium. Electronic communication doesn’t neither see body language and emotional responses, nor let us see the setting where the communication took place: like toasting rounds of vodka.
Joseph John Amato (New York N. Y.)
July 12, 2017

Nixon has his plumbers and Trump, Sr., has his family operators - all for the glory of the deal for the hostile take over of the White House ruler-ship. Failure to engage in on record politics in policy and or in campaigning gave the nation criminal operatives and the worst Presidency in American history for our challenge to litigate for Donald's resignation from office obtained by methods of lawlessness rampant.

jja Manhattan, N.Y.
brownpelican28 (Angleton, Texas)
The New York Times released the Pentagon Papers in 1971 which materially ended the Vietnam War and the Nixon Predidency.
Hopefully, the release of the unfortunate Jared Trump, Jr.'s emails with the Russians, will have the same result on the Trump
NYT Reader (Virginia)
One aspect is quite odd. Why would clever Russians have so obviously communicated with Mr. Donald Trump, Jr. if the main goal was to help Trump Sr. win the election and thereby put him in position later to revoke sanctions? That does not make strategic sense. Why? They are not inept.
steve (santa cruz, ca.)
"Clever" Russians? Note that "clever" is YOUR word. Why must they be clever? And, it is you who are saying "they are not inept". Doubtless there are many clever Russians in existence (history gives us many examples) -- nothing says that THIS particular bunch are among them.
As for their not being inept, I remind you that this administration is full of ineptitude. Do you suppose that we have a monopoly on that quality ?
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
Trump does not, by his own admission, use computers or read emails.
MBR (.)
"They are not inept."

Right. As another commenter suggested, the Russians appear to be implementing a "kompromat" strategy:

It's possible that it didn't work in this case, but the Russians think big, and they are very persistent, so look for more ... :-)

2017-07-13 00:12:23 UTC
Antoine (Taos, NM)
Is this REALLY the government we deserve? I sure hope not.
Chris (Asbury Park, NJ)
A political process that, suddenly, no one trusts … cries of collusion, corruption, malign influence, and fraud while rancor reigns in the West Wing and town halls across the land … meanwhile, POTUS flails and fumes about the folly of fake news even as he fashions a flurry of fresh fabrications all his own … but his twisters and tweets prove no match for storms of the magnitude that are menacing his time … the Pacific rebranded as a firing range for ICBMs … polar ice caps collapsing … basic health care on the chopping block for millions of citizens who desperately need it … his party in disarray, despite a divided opposition that seems perplexingly dumbstruck … pundits posit … a conspiracy of dunces, circular firing squads, the incapacity to govern, and mother of all brawls … this, while they watch the palace guards, themselves, scurry to save their skins after what promises to be an exhaustive investigation gathers stream… on and on it goes … titillation, distraction, degradation and cant … beauty pageants, reality shows, the perennial blather and blog … access and celebrity for sale in the White House and everywhere you turn, no end to the machinations, hubris, hyperbole, and props … More convincingly, perhaps, than any of his peers, Mr. Trump serves to remind us what horrors transpire when the ersatz and real become indistinguishable
S. V. Reis (Gyn, Brazil)
I can't believe America Justice and Politics are becoming like Brazil. Oh no!! Come on!!!
Skittles (Florida)
Ex President Lula just got 10 years in prison....... Hope we can clean up the house here too soon...
Sea Star RN (San Francisco)
I'm not a Trump supporter but I do know that the Clinton team/DNC did their share of undermining the primary and the general election with hardly a blink by the Establishment media and the DEM party loyalists.... just okay political shenanigans?

Well no, it's not okay to use the AP wire service to cause voters in SIX states to stay home on their primary election day.

"Clinton Wins the Nomination" was released by AP wire service at 4:20pm on June 6 and I was running across voters as I walked my precinct on June 7 that said it was pointless to vote based on what they heard on the evening news.

If there intention was to shave off 10-15 of voters, they were successful. HRC won by 12 pts in California.

Any comments about this dirty trick within our own country?

Less than two hours after the AP wire release, Hillary is looking pretty jubilant at Long Beach rally.

Is this an acceptable affront to our democracy?
Anna (NY)
You may not be a Trump supporter, but you sure are a Trump apologist, trying to change the topic. And where are Trump's tax returns?
Digital Penguin (New Hope, PA)
Ummm I don't think you understand how primary's work! More importantly I'm not even sure you've a firm grasp on the notion that the Democratic Party is a private entity and both candidates knew the rules going in!
Susan (Massachusetts)
Newsflash: those voters staying home would have included Clinton supporters.
Mark (South Philly)
I feel like this scandal is already done. Stock market is doing very well today. On to the next issue!
Lindsay K (Westchester County, NY)
So Mark, because the stock market didn't tank today, we should no longer pay attention to this affront to our democracy and our nation? What world are you living in?
steve (santa cruz, ca.)
Well Mark, what you "feel" about the way that the world should work and the way that it actually works are two very different things. A bit like the way that the stock market (since you mention it), which goes up or down on the basis of the parameters laid down in a computer program and/or investors "feelings", is a very different thing from the real, underlying economy.
Dan88 (Long Island NY)
When you’re parsing, you’re losing.

And when you are using phrases like “nothing burger,” “witch-hunt” and “there’s no there there,” and adjectives like “ridiculous,” you are not actually defending yourself.
A Readers (Huntsville)
This is better than the House of Cards. Frank Underwood looks pretty tame compared to the Trump family.
No one would believe this if it was fiction on Netflix.
The Buddy (Astoria, NY)
As a voter who would prefer to see the Trump agenda defeated, "I love it".
AmyElle (MSP)
I'm just hoping 45 doesn't, like, start a war to distract us from all this.
Anna (NY)
He's already fighting the war on Truth....
lynn (Texas)
I am so tired of being lied to that I could just spit. Plus they lie incrementally and regularly. They think we are stupid and their contempt for us comes through loud and clear. I truly believe there is no lie they would not consider, no untruth that they might find useful, and no prevarication that are above. Dreadful family all. May this presidency be short and over soon.
Dagfinn A. Mork (Oslo)
June 7th, 2016 in Briarcliff Trump in a speech promised that in a few days he would give a big speech on Clinton telling secrets that would shock us all. That was a few hours after his eldest son made the email exchange now publicly known - go figure!
Details (California)
In the first email:

"I can also send this info to your father via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to you first."

So - there was a Russian connection to President Tump via Rhona?
JohnF (Evanston)
Just as Michelle Obama was not elected for office but, the President still took her and the kids on trips all over the world on the taxpayer's dime and she tried she tried to act 'elected', so Trump has treated his family [down to only kids and not gradkids--yet] as elected officials at a level above even the cabinet and even experts. This is the 'royal' family like none we have seen--except maybe Bill and Hillary co-Presidency'
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
All of the First Ladies have taken on a project. All First Families take vacations.
That is different from installing your middle aged progeny around you as advisors. Advisors with no accountability or experience.

I do remember Mr. Trump saying that he would be too busy for golf but he seems to have adjusted his schedule to leave town nearly every weekend to the tune of millions to do just that. He watches a lot of cable TV that taxpayers pay him for.
He has passed "royalty" into "Let them eat Fake" territory.
Consultp (the 4 corners)
I understand people are upset about this,
but everyone needs to understand that the
GOP is going to do exactly nothing about this.

Zero, Nada, NOTHING---kd
Elizabeth Guss (NM, USA)
How many Russian contacts does it take to convince someone that something is rotten in Trumpland?

How convenient that a meeting that at first never never happened, is now fully recalled by the participants as having been about the Magnitsky Act, something none of the U.S. participants has given one whit of care about before or since. With warning that the stuff was hitting the fan, and a story was coming, it did not take long for everyone to "learn the script."

Emin might be well advised to keep a taster on hand and avoid windows and exposed areas. Nuclear tea seems to be a problem for Russian troublemakers, as does sudden unsolved murder. I feel for the guy. Speaking out should be safe, but these are tumultuous times.
Dystopia (NY)
I've been thinking of the Rosenbergs and how all this must feel to their sons. This country has executed people for passing secrets to the Russians, and we know our president did just that when he met those two Russians in the Oval Office, and now we're beginning to see hard evidence of the Trump campaign's collusion with Russia. It is indeed very sad. Will the Trumps destroy this country or will the Republicans finally find they do have a shred of patriotism after all, and save it?
Elfego (New York)
Opposition research. A lying publicist. A meeting that got cut short...

I love how the NY Times seems to think this thing proves "collusion" between Trump and the Russians. If you read carefully, it was a publicist who said it was "the Russian government" that wanted to meet Trump.

This entire thing is built on a publicist's lie. The Russian government was never actually a part of it.

So, no, psycho-Dem readers of the NY Times, this will not be enough for Republicans to jump ship.

Now, if Trump actually goes through with "replacing" Obamacare with just another government health care scam? THAT is where we draw the line!

See, it's about policy, not politics. But, I've yet to meet a Democrat who can understand that.
EPMD (Dartmouth, MA)
Anybody willing to accept the lying Trumps, as credible policy makers is a fantasist--keep dreaming! The house and senate health plans prove the Republican Party has no credibility or substance.
Randall Johnson (Seattle)
The word is "collaboration."
Senate27 (Washington, DC)
Someone had lunch with someone who ordered Russian dressing for their salad!!!!

Hey, progressives, outside of your little echo chamber, the people who vote to elect the president don't care.
Gillian (Seattle)
Really? You have no qualms about a foreign government's attempts to subvert our democratic process through the people running for high office? I'm a progressive but but if Clinton tried to do the same, bring on the investigation. We all must know there are people who wish us ill and we do need to take it seriously regardless of political affiliation.
Dan88 (Long Island NY)
Wow, not one, not two, not three, but four exclamation points to underscore your clever point Senate27.

But tell me, what do Trump's people care about?

Apparently not about improving their healthcare and making it less costly, as Trump promised to do, since he has endorsed the Senate Republican bill that would make things a whole lot worse for them.

Jobs? Where are all those "good paying manufacturing jobs" that Trump promised to "bring back" to the working class? Why aren't you up in arms about that, instead of trying to bait "progressives?"

And so on. Or should I say, And so on!!!!
Diana Keh (Silicon Valley)
Wouldn't it be hilarious if Kelly Ann Conway was the leak?
Elise (Chicago)
Republicans would rather elect a Russian proxy in Trump, destroy democracy than elect Hillary Clinton. Fox news is putting ratings over our fight for democracy. Fox news should be severely sanctioned and have oversite in the future for aiding rhe Russians to keep power, under the sick drive for ratings from their base who are often racists. How long can the GOP pick Putin over yhe USA.
Sue (Middletown)
Russia attempted to ensnare Don Jr. He fell for it. WHY does Don Sr. continue to kiss up to Putin??? Follow the money....
Mick (Los Angeles)
That's exactly what Mueller will do. He doesn't care how many people like Donald Trump or hate him.
He's just looking at the laws that Donald Trump and is this administration broke. And he will fine ample reason to take them all down.
Cmary (Chicago)
In response to those commentators who do not believe Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting rises to the level of election fraud, would it not be the case that Russian-provided "information" for the purpose of swinging the election to Trump would fit the definition of "something of value"? Today's nefarious actors need no longer expect bags of paper money as payment. The electronic age enables much more subtle wheeling and dealing amongst treasonists and their partners in crime, such as Trump & Sons, Inc.--purveyors of dishonesty and corruption to the receptive Russian marketplace. Fortunately, it appears that the bright light of the press is about to reveal their dark and dirty deeds.
R.Will. (NY, NY)
Of course it is something of value. Anybody who says otherwise is protecting these bad actors. This research: costs money to generate; can earn money from anybody willing to accept emoluments or willing to expand their "brand". A thing of value was clearly proffered, the open question is was it accepted. The mere fact of the meeting being taken is an issue unto itself.
Jack (London)
Cmon folks
these are trumps
what have you got to work with ?
Chris (Asbury Park, NJ)
A political process that, suddenly, no one trusts … cries of collusion, corruption, malign influence, and fraud while rancor reigns in the West Wing and town halls across the land … meanwhile, POTUS flails and fumes about the folly of fake news even as he fashions a flurry of fresh fabrications all his own … but his twisters and tweets prove no match for storms of the magnitude that are menacing his time … the Pacific rebranded as a firing range for ICBMs … polar ice caps collapsing … basic health care on the chopping block for millions of citizens who desperately need it … his party in disarray, despite a divided opposition that seems perplexingly dumbstruck … pundits posit … a conspiracy of dunces, circular firing squads, the incapacity to govern, and mother of all brawls … this, while they watch the palace guards, themselves, scurry to save their skins after what promises to be an exhaustive investigation gathers stream… on and on it goes … titillation, distraction, degradation and cant … beauty pageants, reality shows, shows, talk shows the perennial blather and blog … access, bling and celebrity for sale everywhere you turn, no end to the machinations, hubris, hyperbole, and props … More convincingly, perhaps, than any of his peers, Mr. Trump serves to remind us what horrors transpire when the ersatz and real become indistinguishable.
Randall Johnson (Seattle)
"Collaboration," not "collusion."
B. (USA)
The President and his team have been compromised by a hostile foreign power. "Do what we say or we will release your tax returns". You know they have to have them by now.

Congress must act immediately to prevent any further intrusion into foreign policy by Russia and other foreign nations who might have the ability to blackmail Trump.
jay reedy (providence, ri)
So let me get this straight, voters in the "heartland" who typically hate everything and everyone connected to the NYC elite and its (often) ill-gotten gains were and remain eager to have Trump as their POTUS despite the sleazy con artistry that he and those close to him have been engaged in -- first in business, no in government -- all their lives? Huh??
Randall Johnson (Seattle)

"The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to be governed at all."
-- GK Chesterton
R.Will. (NY, NY)
These folks look at Trump's short cuts (lies, lawsuits, grandstanding, megalomania) and convince themselves that similar behavior will lead to similar results. They think they are going to share the wealth, but are about to be sadly disabused. Any bills as to taxes or healthcare will front-load benefits with the time value of money but will be financially punitive at the backend when the costs become fully due. The red state folk who support Trump have traded one form of subservience for another, to that extent the Chesterton quote below says it all.
bengal9Mikalia216513 (bloomfield)
Donald Trump is a one of a kind President. Every other President keeps their own thoughts separate from how they present towards the public. Donald Trump on the other hand, destroyed that separation. He doesn`t hold his tongue. That's something I will always admire about him. That's may get him in trouble. When that happens he may even take it back. Don`t change Donald Trump.
Anna (NY)
Trump cannot change. Just get him and his family and flunkies out of the kitchen. They can't stand the heat.
R.Will. (NY, NY)
Having a 71 year old with the Id of a 5 year old thrashing around with the sort of global power that Trump can deploy is frightening. Why would you applaud someone who manifestly needs to exhibit a great deal of control acting like a child? He is making the US a laughingstock around the world. Is that what you really want?
Sarah (Chicago)
I'm beginning to think that if Canada violently took over Minnesota, congress would still do nothing until the Kochs got their tax cuts.
Paul Johnson (Helena, MT)
"President Trump wrote on Twitter early Wednesday: “My son Donald did a good job last night. He was open, transparent and innocent."

To paraphrase a line from The Unforgiven: "Innocent of what?"
James Eric (El Segundo)
This just keeps getting better and better. I'm so glad Obama is no longer in power. He was so rational and intelligent--utterly boring.
Lindsay K (Westchester County, NY)
I'll take rational, intelligent, and utterly boring any day of the week over the dangerous mess we have right now in Washington.
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
McCain was right when he said it was an act of war by Russia. Russia did not have to physically annex us as it did in Crimea, it simply rigged our elections, changed the results, battered our media and installed their own representative, Donald Trump.
Philip (US citizen living in Montreal)
Regardless of what information was exchanged between Trump Jr. and this interlocutor, the President's son is now proven to be compromised, as is Kushner (even though he may have left the room).

However, we need to STEP BACK as a nation and take stock. Let's rise above party politics and admit we have a serious problem. This most recent election is the canary in the coal mine for our democracy. We need major electoral and governmental reforms, and probably the abolition of the two-party system and reform to the constitution, in order to avoid catastrophic civil conflict in the US. The first target are the lobbyists on K Street. They need to GO!
jianwei (philadelphia)
For democracy to work, certain moral standards is required to avoid tyranny of the majority. Now the republican party has no longer any moral standard and therefore the democracy is no longer effective.
True Observer (USA)
It is malfeasance not to do opposition research in political campaigns.

It would be pretty foolish not to.

Of course, you listen to what anyone has to say.

Only after you find out what it is can you decide what to do with it.

If the Russians had found that Clinton was going to knife Sanders, it would have been perfectly proper to use that information in the campaign.

As it was, that is exactly what she was doing, and the public found out and it may have cost her the election.
Susan (Massachusetts)
Proving yet again that Berniebros have more in common with Trump supporters than real Democrats--who don't mansplain away foreign powers interfering in our elections.
Randall Johnson (Seattle)
Contributions of value, and opposition research is quite expensive, from foreign entities is illegal.

Trump Jr. should go to jail.
siren (SF bay area)
So do we now know why Tump fired U.S. Attorney Preet Bahara? Before the firing, the Russian lawyer met with Trump Jr, Manafort, Kurshner, and talks about helping the campaign and the Magnitsky Act, an act she was actively campaigning to get rid of with a film she was promoting. She was representing an oligarch and his company in a money laundering case involving $230 million in NYC, a case Preet Bahara was working on that was about to go to trial. After Trump is in the WH, he fires US Attorney of NY Preet Bahara, Then the case of the Russian company represented by the Russian lawyer who met with junior, Manofort, Kurshner, is settled for just over $5M. She had sought to weaken the Magnitsky Act during the meeting.
Any one think the POTUS didn't know about that meeting?
JerryD (HuntingtonNY)
The only problem with DJT and family led away in handcuffs is the prospect of Pastor Pence as POTUS.

Maybe the world will end in a few weeks and this can all be avoided.
Gina D (Sacramento)
Why wasn't Donald Trump, Jr. surprised by this statement in the email, "but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump."
Circumspect (Ithaca)
Hmmm. Back in June 2016, who was president when this lawyer from Russia came to the U.S.? She wasn't supposed to be allowed in-her visa had been denied.
Of course Donald Trump Jr. could have handled this differently. If you received information that could hurt a family member, be it true or false, wouldn't you want to know what it was?
expat (Finland)
The article doesn't explain how the NYT got the emails. Are there people working for Twumpie in the WH that care more about democracy than about the fate of Twumpie and the Republican party?
Joan Miller (Seattle)
Donnie Jr. shows the epitome of naivete. His family is adept at cons, lies, cheating, stealing. But they think they can just transfer their business behavior to the international political arena. They are sorely mistaken. To accept any kind of invitation or lure from the Russia govt. is the fastest route to treason. The Trumps think they can play the game, but they are being very naive. Their actions will hurt not only that family but the entire U.S. It will take decades for us to regain what we have lost in the last 6 months.
Colin (Nebraska)
I wonder at what point the Republicans in Congress decide they've had enough and just impeach the guy. It might actually be better for them in the long run. Pence seems like a much more capable leader, with whom people might actually compromise. I don't think it would be that hard either. Every Democrat is basically obligated to vote for impeachment should it be raised (194 votes), and you only need 218 votes in the House to impeach. And even though you need a two-thirds majority in Senate for conviction (67 votes), you already have 42 Democrats who are basically obligated to convict. That leaves 25 votes.

24 Republican votes in the House and 25 Republican votes in the Senate and we have ourselves a new President. Those aren't ridiculous numbers!
Smoky Tiger (Wisconsin)
There is something wrong with our education system if people like Donald Trump Jr. can be easily tricked.
Thomas Payne (Cornelius, NC)
This wasn't a crime?
Where are the tax returns?
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Trump likes visuals so he just did a photo-op with evangelical leaders laying their hands on him in prayer, Pentecostal styling in the Oval Office. Good for spray-mails to the 80% of fundamentalists and hard right religious who support him.

I doubt he showed them the compilation tape of Team Trump bearing False Witness, one of the 10 Commandments, about lying time and time again about not being associated in any way with any Russians.
Sea Star RN (San Francisco)
What of the dirty tricks played on the other side?

My own state's primary was compromised by the AP wire release on the eve of SIX states'primaries.
Not a blink on this by the NYT or other Establishment media.

"Clinton Wins the Nomination" was released at 4:20 pm on June 6th and this lonk can no longer be found on the web. But I encountered many people walking a precinct on the morning of June 7th who were not going to bother to vote based on what they had heard on the evening news.

If those behind this intended to cause many to stay home on June 7th, they were successful. HRC won the CA primary by 12 pts.

This is the closest link I found to this event:
Susan (Massachusetts)
And many of those people not voting may well have been Clinton supporters.
expat (Finland)
The article doesn't explain how the NYT got the emails. Are there people working for Twumpie in the WH that care more about democracy than almost all Republican politicians do?
Paul (Shelton, WA)
All this babbling and foaming at the mouth about 'treason', etc., is just that, babbling to destroy Trump. Please note that NOTHING was passed about Dear Hillary. Politics has always been a 'dirty business'. Please remember the little clip about Obama and Putin where Obama is telling Putin that when he is re-elected, he will have "more flexibility". Flexibility to do what? Sell out the US? Why is his telling Putin that idea not treasonous and Trump Jr. meeting with a Russian lawyer treasonous. Makes no sense unless destruction is the objective, which I believe it is.

The core problem is the so-called Liberal Left just can't stand the idea that they lost the election fair and square. They lost it because they forgot the people who are being badly injured by the rise of the oligarchy in the US, the massive gulf opening between the rich and everyone else, the stagnation of incomes for the past 20 years (thru three administrations, yet) and watching jobs flee the US and doing nothing. As in nada, zero, etc.

In all my years (I'm 80) I've never seen such a massive character assassination of top people in the US government. A character assassination that is much ado about nothing. Most especially by the liberal media. I have stopped listening to anything but the BBC news.
The Mod Professor (Brooklyn)
You think Trump and the Republicans care about the gap between the rich and poor when the aim of their policies exacerbates that gap? In your 80 years, this is what your powers of observation glean? For Christ sakes man, wake up? You and middle America have been scammed by a con artist. You might as well enroll in Trump University.
Royal Kingdom Greater Syria (Syria, U.S.)
We support President Trump and feel he and his family are doing a fine job of administering the U.S. government. It is good news that Russia and the U.S. are getting along under the Trump administration.
Hypatia (Indianapolis, IN)
And what did Pence know? Let's not leave him out of this. He looks like the innocent flower, but is the serpent under it. Apologies to W.Shakespeare.

If three were in the meeting, what was communicated to the rest of the Trump team, and what strategy was then decided upon?

Revising forms to conform to the truth about foreign contacts, foreign money, etc. does not reduce culpability. If anyone in a job lied on a job application, then went "oops" - what would happen? The Republicans are tolerating constant "oops" and backpedaling. These are educated people - in fact, educated at elite schools - so there is no excuse for an oops moment. Time for all involved to pay the consequences. Who has the power to see that consequences are imposed? FBI? Mueller?
EB (<br/>)
But HIS emails!
George Xanich (Bethel, Maine)
The issue is not president Trump but our electoral process nominating two sub-standard candidates: Clinton and Trump! Both candidates had disapproval ratings in the 50 percentile; both had low favorable and trustworthy ratings; both were flawed and disliked candidates. Regardless of what the Russians had on Hillary, it was widely known she and her foundation had stretched its lawful boundaries to borderline criminality. Between her server and acceptance of questionable foreign donations to her foundation; the approval of uranium sale to the Russians and her husband's 500,000 dollar speech in Moscow while she was secretary of state, these ethically challenged deeds have been eclipsed by the Trump investigation. We as a nation have come to accept incompetence, intransigence, gridlock and polarization. And this polarization has manifested into untrustworthy and amoral candidates resulting in a questionable election and foreign interference. But let us be mindful of what is transpiring? Regardless of who sits in the oval office, Trump or Hillary, each of their backgrounds is suspect and would warrant investigations!
Jin (Seoul)
As a foreigner i am not that familiar with the us constitution. But this should be grounds for impeachment.
MBR (.)
Jin: "As a foreigner i am not that familiar with the us constitution."

Based on many comments from Times readers, Americans aren't "that familiar with the us constitution" either.

Jin: "But this should be grounds for impeachment."

The US Constitution states the grounds for impeachment:

"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

US Constitution, Article II, Section 4:
Mick (Los Angeles)
Yes it should be. There are many grounds to impeach this guy. First of all he's totally incompetent. Second of all he's the biggest liar in the world. Thirdly he has obstructed justice.
But Mueller will find a dozen more things we can impeach him for. But it's up to the Republican Congress to get it started. And so far they have proved to be equally incompetent. And they are first rate liars themselves.
And some of them have also obstructed justice.
So they're trying to make us into a Third World country and they've done a pretty good job of it. But hopefully this great country will survive this.
Paul (Virginia)
I agree with Senator Tim Kane. Very close to treason. Jared Kushner's TS clearance must be pulled. What is he doing in the White House given his involvement with Russia?
MBR (.)
"I agree with Senator Tim Kane. Very close to treason."

Kaine's exact phrase was "potentially treason".

Kaine should NOT be talking about an investigation in which he himself is involved. Kaine is destroying the credibility of the Democrats with his speculations.

‘Not Right Now’: Republicans and the Art of Not Talking About Trump
JULY 11, 2017

2017-07-13 00:15:08 UTC
John (NYC)
As mentioned in the NY Times article;

Campaign Opposition Research Is Standard.
J. (Ohio)
But not courtesy of a foreign power, especially a hostile one. Even seasoned Republican campaign managers acknowledge this.
JH (Trumansburg NY)
It is also standard to report offers of opposition research from foreign powers to the FBI, as Al Gore did.

And no, the DNC Ukraine thing is not the same, and even if it was two wrongs do not make a right, or a party platform.
Dan88 (Long Island NY)
Yes John, but you left out the second part of the title of that article by Jonathan Martin, which underscored,

"But Not By Hostile Nations"®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
vcd (<br/>)
This whole situation is typical of the Trump doctrine...lie, and if you are caught lying, lie again.
Andy (Salt Lake City, Utah)
There's a silver lining here. The secret service agency just got a huge budget windfall. They no longer have to worry about flying the Trump family around the world. Law enforcement experts have just informed the entire family not to leave the country.
Elaine (Colorado)
Does that mean Trump's trip to France is cancelled?
Turgut Dincer (Chicago)
The members of this big and rich family occupying White House who are savvy in business did not obviously read our Constitution carefully and not aware of norms of political relations which are totally different from business relations.
ellen (nyc)
Can this election be invalidated? it must be!
Sue (Westlake oh)
At a White House briefing earlier Tuesday, Sarah Huckabee Sanders... read a statement from the president in which he called his son “a high-quality person.”

Well, that settles it!
Andrew G. Bjelland, Sr. (Salt Lake City, Utah)
An Open Letter to Republican legislators,

Your continued unwavering support for President Trump baffles me. Surely by now you are aware that President Trump is psychologically, temperamentally, morally and intellectually unfit for office.

What other recent American president has boasted that there are no laws prohibiting presidential conflicts of interest? Has been so disdainful of the judiciary, of the intelligence community, of the free press, of diplomacy and of international agreements? Has congratulated and praised dictators? Has refused to release his tax returns? Has so frequently insulted members of minorities? Has so often employed lies, misrepresentations and diversions? The list of such questions goes on and on.

President Trump's guiding principle is self-interest. He stretches legality to its limits. He disdains civic and moral propriety. With Trump as president, plutocracy is increasingly entrenched and the stench of kleptocracy is in the air. The people are divided as seldom before.

Are you, as a Republican legislator, willing to set back while this wholly unfit president, his family and associates use the Office of the Presidency to serve their own self-interests, advance their business interests and kleptocratically line their pockets with gold? Are you just as shameless as is President Trump himself?
TVCritic (California)
So this is not collusion with a foreign government, just good old fashioned mob racketeering, brought from the NY real estate market to DC.

Note that the attorney, Natalia Veselnitskaya, also defended Pyotr Katsev in a money laudering case in NY. The prosecuting office was run by Preet Bharara, until Trump suddenly dismissed him after reassuring him he could stay. Two months later the case is settled for a nominal amount. [see other Times article].

So Bharara's dismissal was a direct payoff for Russian interference in the election. You can bet that was discussed during the "adoption" meeting, along with timing of email release from Wikipedia.

Where is Eliot Ness when you need him?
Horsefeathers (California)
It appears Trump Jr was duped by a Russian lawyer who had recently wanted to push a particular bill favorable to the adoption of Russian children ... She had nothing on Clinton which Goldstein affirmed

So a complete waste of time

On the other hand the DNC met with Ukrainian officials with supposed dirt on Trump and went with the info they paid for from a British agent that later proved false

The only collusion with foreign entities was conducted by the DNC

So you really want to lock someone up?

That would be members of the DNC it appears
Hmm, a lawyer? (Anything's possible)
Just because he didn't get what he expected doesn't mean it isn't collusion. If I plan to rob a bank, go to the bank and open the vault only to find there's nothing there, I'm still guilty. Also, bringing up Hillary in this debate is completely superfluous. We're talking about what Trump and Trump Jr. did, not Hillary Clinton.
Sylvie (Cobb, GA)
The info from trump was relayed to the FBI.
If trump Jr a so stupid to be duped by a Russian he has no business in goverment
The Mod Professor (Brooklyn)
Adoptions was not the issue. The issue was sanctions? Why would they want to talk about adoptions unless as a pretext for removing sanctions? Obviously, this foreign entity wanted something in return for their info. Lastly, we will never know if the promised dirt on Clinton was given nor what was offered in exchange. Are you seriously going to take Donnie Jr.'s word on this? Or maybe that of his mob lawyer?
bsh1707 (Highland, NY)
Donald Trump, Jr is even more arrogant than his father. And he has a worse self-worth problem also.
He was harshly treated by his father when in college, hated his father for his divorce with Don Jr's mother while he was carry on a public affair with another woman while still married. Did not talk to his father for over a year.
Now he is always trying to win his father's favor/ approval when it should be the other way around.
Randall Johnson (Seattle)
Republicans say Hillary Clinton is arch evil for having e-mail sent to her private server which might have been (but wasn't) hacked by the Russians.

Republicans now see that Trump and his campaign work with Russians, rig an American presidential election. Republicans have no problem with this.
jay reedy (providence, ri)
No, because T. still feeds their anger not only over lost employment (somewhat understandable) but over pc language and support for the worst-off victims of capitalism chicanery, chaos and irrationality (i.e., any form of welfare not directed toward those they define as like themselves).
R.Will. (NY, NY)
Republicans claimed to be worried about security but were OK with Trump unilaterally (without the provider's permission) declassifying Israeli provided intelligence. In a move of staggering genius, he denied he had ever said Israel in that context -- BEFORE ANY PUBLIC ATTRIBUTION TO ISRAELI HAD BEEN MENTIONED. What a buffoon Trump is.
Benvenuto (Maryland)
We're sort of overlooking the worst bit. "...but we do prefer to get this at the end of summer..." That's the definition of collusion. It's an attempt to orchestrate a foreign intervention in an American election. It doesn't matter that Dumbo Don and the Russians were beneficiaries -- his campaign's highest officials colluded with a foreign power to throw the elections.
R.Will. (NY, NY)
Agreed: trying to jointly control the timing of the release of the information is the definition of collusion.
Only in Trump World does "nothing came of it" equal "there was NO contact".

Trump Sr. can't expect the page to turn when he and his administration and family lie 24/7.
Randall Johnson (Seattle)

Nothing came of it?

The contents of DNC and Podesta servers at go ahead from Donald Jr., Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort resulted from meeting with Russian lawyer.
Jane (San Francisco)
This story gets stranger and stranger. From adoption talk to dirt on Hillary to highly sensitive info courtesy the Russian government. It would not surprise me if Trump and his campaign team were aware of the Russian hacking and on some level actually involved when it happened. But they are masters of dodging responsibility and talking gibberish, letting others fill in the blanks. Is this more deliberate baiting of the press? Junior is fully back into the political mix and the White House is truly a reality show.
Ann Gansley (Idaho)
Are there any people left in business or government that are not corrupt?
Jill M (NYC)
Could this be a set-up by Republicans to ditch Trump while they pass bills on policies that are gutting health care and the environment of natural resources? The wording of the text about "sensitive information" all seems too obvious to be believable. Maybe the family has had enough too.
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
Evidence shmevidence! Who needs evidence when you've got baseless speculation?

"The attorney might have given him nothing, but even if it was nothing, she was probably a feeler scoping out the willingness of the Trumps to collude..."
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
@Threecents. As usual, you have more legal knowledge than all the lawyers on this site. :)
Check the statutes regarding behavior of this sort for the deignition of "intent"...

Nothing needs to have happened for a crime to have occured.. although based on the efficiency of Natalia Veselnitskaya, something Must have happened.

For example, if you go to rob a store armed with a gun, you committed a crime, whether the cash register was empty.

Jared, Trump Sr., Trump Jr. are all implicated in this Collusion with Russia. Natalia Veselnitskaya is a known ruthless Kremlin operative, and represents Putin and his band of criminal oligarchs with unrelenting efficiency.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Are you reading your own posts??

This Russian lawyer wanted to know if the Trumps would be players. And she found tout suite that she didnt have to do anything but wave a dirty hankie to get Junior's offer to collude and set up a meeting.
Leaf (San Francisco, CA)
He didn't just say "I love it" in these emails in response to the Russians' offer of incriminating info on Hilary Clinton, but said yesterday in his Fox interview about that meeting that it was "a shame" that it turned out to be a "wasted 20 minutes." Even now, he's saying that it was "a shame" he didn't get what he'd expected he'd get out of that meeting. He has no remorse for what he did, no understanding of the fact that it was corrupt and borderline treasonous.
Horsefeathers (California)
The DNC met with Urkranian officials to get first on Trump ... Do you see a problem with that too because if you do I'm not hearing it ... how about the collusion with a British informant with ties to the government ...this info proved to be false but the action taken in releasing to the times forced Paul Manifort out ...

Do you also feel pure idealistic outrage over this too?

Its becoming tiring to hear the same old drum beat about Trump but everything DNC and Hilary is quickly forgotten ... fair is fair ... are you honest? Are you fair?
Nick (U.S.)
why would he feel remorse, because he does not like Hillary? I know she is worshipped by liberals, but get over it, she is a human who made mistakes and is disliked by many.
Matthew (NJ)
It's not borderline. It's profoundly treasonous.
Matthew (NJ)
And now we know it's clear why Trump chose the appalling Pence, as a prophylactic against his impeachment. And people think he's stupid. He's not.
MBR (.)
"... Pence, as a prophylactic against his impeachment."

Pence, as Vice President, has nothing to do with "impeachment". See the US Constitution:
Matthew (NJ)
Um, yeah. You missed my point.
MBR (.)
Matthew: "You missed my point."

Inept writers blame their readers.
Ben Luk (Australia)
Trump says Don Jr. is transparent.
He is. I can see straight through him.
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
And here I'd thought Manafort was tied to Ukrainians! Now we learn it was Russians? What next – Somali pirates?

"We've learned that it was Russian-tied campaign manager Paul Manafort ...."
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
Look up the connection between Russia, its deposed leader, Paul M. the Russian agent, and Ukraine. I think that will explain the interchangeable usage of Russia and the Ukraine in reports.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
He was helping a pro-Putin candidate win in Ukraine if you actually care to know. So yeah, he is connected to Russia.
jay reedy (providence, ri)
All "customers" are created equal.
Rick M. (Colorado)
The Republican party continues to sing Kumbaya while the ship of state heads closer and closer to the waterfall. Power and party at any and all costs.
Sackville Baggins (The West)
And the Democrats remain completely, totally, and absolutely unprepared for 2018 and 2020.

The Dems' studied ignorance and inaction are deliberate. Both parties are rotten to the core.

This is why Trump won, it's why the GOP will gain even more House and Senate seats in 2018, and it's why Trump will be reelected.
jay reedy (providence, ri)
And then the Second Great Depression will have a psychological meaning as well.
Sur-Real (Somewhere)
You're missing the point. Trump stole the election. But since it's ok with you, the Dems should consider abandoning moral compass and resort to Trump & GOP tactics. Wouldn't that be funny?
Kix (Colorado)
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed in the 50s for allegedly giving sensitive information to the Russians. What Trump 2.0 did, if it isn't collusion, certainly was done with intent. Any chance this crime family is going to be prosecuted for any of this?
MBR (.)
"Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed in the 50s for allegedly giving sensitive information to the Russians."

That's a hopelessly false analogy with what Trump Jr. was attempting to do:

1. The Rosenbergs gave classified info TO the Soviets. Trump Jr. was attempting to get info FROM the Russians.
2. The Rosenbergs were convicted of ESPIONAGE. Trump Jr. has done nothing remotely resembling espionage.

BTW, it was the SOVIETS, not the "Russians".

2017-07-13 00:26:05 UTC
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
If it were really a crime to receive "dirt" on one's opponent from a foreign government, any foreign government with "dirt" to provide would simply mask the source -- put an unmarked envelope in someone's mailbox, for example -- whatever. And if it were a crime, wouldn't it also have been a crime for Clinton's campaign to have received "dirt" on Paul Manafort from the Ukrainian government, which was freely acknowledged? (Some HRC supporters have argued that that was different because the Ukrainian government wasn't "hostile" to the US.)
MBR (.)
MTC: "If it were really a crime ..."

Even the Times had trouble coming up with a possible "crime":

Donald Trump Jr. and Russia: What the Law Says
JULY 11, 2017
MichaelG (North Coast, Ore.)
Except Clinton is not currently under investigation, while Trump is.
MBR (.)
Susan: MyThreeCents is defending the rule of law in this comment, and you did nothing to rebut that defense.
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
HRC supporters are free to devote their time and attention to whatever they like. Nevertheless, the clock is ticking toward the 2018 mid-term elections, and the Democratic Party needs to get serious about anointing some new leaders -- preferably some who (unlike Pelosi, Warren, Biden, Clinton and Sanders) won't need to mix Geritol with their wine. If those new DP leaders are identified sooner rather than later, voters are more likely to take them –– and the DP -- seriously.

It's possible to multi-task, of course, but I don't see much evidence of that among HRC supporters, most of who seem obsessed with these "Russia collusion" allegations, believing (sincerely, it seems, in most cases) that their obsession inevitably will lead to actual evidence and then to Trump's impeachment or resignation.

Maybe their optimism is well-founded, but maybe not. In addition to thinking about the 2018 mid-term elections, HRC supporters should consider setting aside a bit of time to oppose what Trump and his people are actually doing -- he hasn't been letting grass grow under his feet. That way, if Plan A -- the "Russia collusion" allegations -- doesn't pan out, they'll not have entirely wasted their time. One might call that "Plan B."
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Go to the nearly 2 minute video of the entire Trump Team, one after the other, denying ANY contact EVER with Russia on every media outlet- it's on the NYT front page.

It isnt about stuff "panning out". It is about a totally corrupt administration stinking to high heavens- from the top down.
Lawrence Imboden (Union, NJ)
This has nothing to do with HRC supporters, the Democratic Party, or the mid-term elections. It has everything to do with Donald Trump, Jr. conspiring to commit treason. He brought his brother-in-law and the campaign manager with him to the meeting, making them equally guilty.
They're going to go to prison. Just give it time.
frank monaco (Brooklyn NY)
If this was Chelsea Clinton the Republican's hair would be on Fire!
Rick M. (Colorado)
Their one (and only) defense always starts with, "Yes, but Hillary...".
NeeNee (Salt Lake City, Utah)
This morning Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah was quoted in the Salt Lake Tribune: "I know Don Jr., he's a bright young man, he's a nice young man." When told that Senator Tim Kaine had uttered the "T" word, Hatch was shocked, SHOCKED: "That kind of language should never be used." Hilarious to see the always upright, uberMormon Hatch in bed with the likes of the foul-mouthed, perfidious Trumps. Hatch will get up with a bad case of the fleas and his legacy will be soiled forever.
bsh1707 (Highland, NY)
Then he can take phony/worthless vitamins and supplements that are untested and can make any claim w/o review or proof.
Hatch is a decades long promoter, proponent, and ptotector of this multi- billion $$ industry.
Jamessavik (Jackson, MS)
Don't kid yourself....
Hillary's people would have checked it out too.
They would have sent a surrogate and you know it.
Podesta planned the entire Russia-gate thing against Trump in 2015. (wikileaks anyone?)
Trump jr came clean and it didn't take years.
Hillary has never come clean with her email fiasco
Matthew (NJ)
Pathetic. Desperate. Sad. Give it up man, they're all toast.
logical (usa)
Hillary is not president...
Jane (San Francisco)
Yes, Hillary, 67th Secretary of Sate, would have checked it out... by reporting it to the FBI.
Crispien (Chicago)
The attorney might have given him nothing, but even if it was nothing, she was probably a feeler scoping out the willingness of the Trumps to collude
Patrick (NYC)
Just days after this meeting, Trump announced that he would be making a "major speech" in which he would be discussing the Clinton's and their dealings. The President knew. The President lied to the American people. The President must resign immediately.
Sarah (Chicago)
If lying to the American people were cause to resign then it should have been done the first time he opened his mouth as president. Sadly we're way past that.
e.s. (cleveland, OH)
Well Patrick, did Trump make the "major speech" and what did he discuss about Clinton's dealings?
Patrick (NYC)
@e.s. So why did he say that? But I was wondering myself whatever happened to that speech. Giving that speech on information gotten from a Russian government official as indicated in the email would have constituted a major violation of Federal Election Laws. Trump may well have ended up being indicted instead of being "elected". The WH is denying they received anything of value from that meeting. Apparently it was something about the Clinton's not paying taxes due in Russia. Just because they thought it was nonsense doesn't mean they didn't receive it nonetheless. This story isn't ending. Resigning might actually be Trump's best option.
Allison (Austin, TX)
It is time to call in the United Nations to investigate what happened in this election. Our current administration and its enablers, the Republican Congress, have too much self-interest at stake to investigate fairly or with any semblance of neutrality.
Amy Kilter (Chicago, IL)
What happened? A political novice beat a seasoned pro who had the help of the Ukrainians, the Chinese, and the Main Stream Media (as well as many Republicans who wish to protect the swamp in Washington). A real American would applaud the fresh ideas of a citizen president.
Beth Mann (Long Beach Island)
What you people won't do to protect the obviously's becoming comical. Fresh...ha. It's the same old, same old. Trump isn't your average Joe "citizen"; he's a billionaire. He and his cronies don't give one lick about you. He lied to people like you in order to secure a vote...or is that "fresh" too?
Kittiecorner (Lyndonville NY)
Fresh ideas? His ideas are as old as greed and corruption!
Robert Hall (NJ)
I feel instinctively that there ought to be some legal recourse for Mrs. Clinton and her campaign. It ought to be possible to get a court to rule the 2016 election null and void because of the Republican violations of election laws. What is the point of having election laws if the beneficiaries of criminal conduct cannot be punished?
Kittiecorner (Lyndonville NY)
Especially since she actually won by popular vote and that is still considering everybody who saw her as "Crooked Hillary" or "a flawed candidate" (who isn't?) and didn't vote! Where she made her biggest mistake was not getting down to his level and calling him some name that would stick! He did it to everybody else too and what did they do? Grin sheepishly and let him get away with it!
Christopher (Jordan)
This is a Russian master stroke. It's a Red Dawn minus the troops. Most Americans don't even accept that they have been attacked, with the battle won by Russia. Wow!
RickInHouston (Houston)
I guess I'm the only one.

I don't care Trump Jr met with the Russian lawyer. I don't see the problem.

I want to know what dirt they have on Hillary!
Why yes, Rick. It appears you are the only one who doesn't care that a foreign entity (an enemy no less) influenced our election.

This isn't about party or candidate - it's about protecting our democracy.
John (Bernardsville, NJ)
That was a smokescreen Rick, a way to cultivate the mark. Please keep up.
NW Gal (Seattle)
You really need to let it go and get a life.
Bruce Macdonald (Niantic, CT)
So Junior describes the meeting as
"a nothing ... I wouldn’t have even remembered it until you started scouring through this stuff. It was literally just a wasted 20 minutes, which was a shame."

Well, even if you think the whole incident was just an attempt at collusion, by that statement he's made it abundantly clear he had every intent to collude with the Russians.
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
Thank you. The laws are all about INTENT, INTENT, INTENT. All the evidence shows criminal intent of all those in the meeting. Was Donald Sr. in the meetings? Was that why he fired Comey?

The sheer criminality evinced in the released but incomplete emails is stunning. Trump Jr. should release ALL the emails be withheld from the string. It us evident there are missing emails from his release.
Vernie19 (California)
If a drug dealer contacted an individual and said, "I have illegal drugs that I want to give to you." The individual contacted answered, "I love it. Let's meet." The meeting takes place, but no drugs were provided, but the intent of the meeting was to get free illegal drugs, would that be a crime?
MikeySandwiches (New York, NY)
I believe so. Conspiracy to commit a crime is illegal. It requires an "overt act" besides just talking about it. Taking the meeting is the overt act.
New World (NYC)
Anytime a crooked illegal corrupt deal comes by the Trump mob, they start wagging their tails.
Noel Freedman (Stanwood, WA)
Of Emails...The moving finger writes, and having writ, moves on, nor and all your wit can cancel half a line; nor all your tears wash-away a word of it. -Omar K.
J E B (Baltimore)
This seems a lot like putting 2-3 packets of heroin on the living room table so no one will think of digging up the basement.
That's what all this going on looks like -- and why? Yes, it's A smoking gun. But there's 1000 casings in the room and only 3 are from a .357.
Interviews before the Intelligence Committee start this week, Mueller is starting interviews, as well. Knowing they lied, Trump and Company (but not seasoned politicians) are clearing the closets, now. After Trump gets a lawyer, some "medium" outright violations of law come out. It looks like it's an exhibition: "Oops, look at this, a lie or two we overlooked ... but, you know, it's nothing to see here; it's all small stuff -- right here -- all on the living room table. Basement? What basement? I didn't know the house had a basement..." REMEMBER, the sources of these leaks are from TRUMP AIDES. It's getting the police to focus on the dining room table. But Congress and Mueller must be sure to dig up the basement.
Trump had a lot of this in business dealings and subsequent court cases. They'll try to catch The Donald in a lie, "You said A...", "Yeah, but I was exaggerating then, it's a salesmanship, not a truth to be taken seriously...." Thus, when Trump says, promises, or sells something when he wasn't under oath, he's lying. The same here with his sons. Oops, lied on this form
Pharmer2 (Houston)
trump is compromised. The Russians may have something on him. His people definitely attempted to collude with the Russians but the Russians aren't the people I'm concerned about. The people that are giving out marching orders to the congress, supreme court justices and ultimately trump. The Koch's and DeVoss' and their crowd of billionaires is the real worry. trump is a pauper next to these people and he hates them for excluding him. My fear is what are THEY making him do? They control the vast majority of the GOP senate and house. If they give a thumbs down, he's impeached.
Jocelyn H (San Francisco)
PLEASE STOP.....Stop criticizing the Trump family. They have sacrificed so much to make American Great Again.
You can see real character in the faces of Trump's children and the love and respect they have for their father.
Yes, you are right, if they fired their on staff Botox injector, you would be able see more character.

In the mean time let's all get down on our knees and pray for a World Leader we can hold in high regard. POTUS/GODHELPUS
Peter Lorraine (Niskayuna NY)
The quote from Goldstone from the e-mails “This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump” is the most telling thing to me. No surprise or comments made on the notice/reminder that the Russian government was supporting Trump. This meeting - immediately after Trump locks up the nomination - shows (1) the Russian government wanted to help and (2) linked help in the meeting to the Magnitsky Act, and (3) the Trump campaign knew the Russian government supported their candidate, and (4) the Trump campaign was open to accepting help. The rest is just negotiating the price. Flynn's later conversations on sanction-relief should be viewed in this context.
Ryan Bissoon (Toronto)
The sweet irony of Trump being taken down by an email...if it actually happens. Also, it would appear the New York Times investigative team is way better than the FBI.
asdasdasd (nyc)
lol, the emails were released By Jr and not deleted. lol,
Sea Star RN (San Francisco)
So we're just appalled at purported Russian involvement in our election.

What about our own involvement in other countries elections over the centuries, overt and covert? Do these same appalled people get outraged when WE do it???
Hmm, a lawyer? (Anything's possible)
I keep seeing Trump supporters posting this and it utterly baffles me. This counter-argument does nothing to support Trump. If people's main argument was that Russia shouldn't do this it might make sense (although still being a tu quoque fallacy), but that's not the main argument. The main argument is that TRUMP, a Presidential nominee, should not have accepted or even shown interest in information received by a foreign government he knew was trying to interfere with the election. You're defending Russia, not Trump.
Janice (Southwest Virginia)
I'm unclear on something. Why is this always characterized as "collusion"? Why is the word "conspiracy" never used?

"Collusion" sounds a bit weak-kneed to describe this situation, and it apparently is weak-kneed legally as well. Conspiracy is not.
Dr_girl (Wisconsin)
I think that it is easy to forget that there are victims here in this. We have an administration that we cannot trust. We are not really sure whether our voting system/officials were compromised. Finally, HRC is a victim. Her emails aside, nobody deserves to be slandered unreasonably. I hope that they get to the very bottom of this matter. We all deserve justice and I would not wish this on any candidate or family in the public eye. Just as Melania sued for slander, the Clinton's should consider bringing more attention to this particular issue.
Michael (Ottawa)
Of course it must be obvious to the Russians (or even the Anonymous Hackers Guild) how incredibly lucrative and miscreant it would be to leak Trump's Tax Returns right? I would have to believe that would be the Mother of all hacks, imagine the notoriety that would bring. They would be the indisputable hacker champions of the world!! If the NSA can be hacked, little old IRS got no chance. It's got to have already been done...
Mary (CO)
There's something about the timing of these emails that intrigues. They came out just after Trump-Putin meeting, which many new outlets described as a win for Putin. Trump looks beholding and his son takes a rap (for his dad)? Can a better sleuth than I am see any connections?
latweek (no, thanks!)
Oh! What A Tangled Web We Weave When First We Practice To Deceive.

- W. Shakespeare
RJC (Staten Island)
I Love It!! What goes around comes around and he can cry wolf with "fake news" just so many times.
T3D (San Francisco)
From Russia - With Love.
This is just another litmus test for Trump worshippers, where no matter what their beloved Dear Leader does, it's just another test of their sworn loyalty and allegiance to the Orange Incompetent. Very much like the Republican party's pointless litmus test over the last couple presidential campaigns where their candidates competed to see who could claim to be the most conservative of the pack - as if most of America gave a rip. Let's not forget that Obama got elected twice regardless of whoever emerged with the blue ribbon for 'Most Conservative'. Meant as much to me as a Sunday School 'Award for Good Behavior'.
Garz (Mars)
Let's let the FBI investigate her and her cabal and not waste time on this Russia nonsense.
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
I am surprised you did not include a request that the FBI also investigate Bo, the Obama dog.
So these are the types of deflections and trash the pro Trumpers use to deflect from conclusive evidence that Trump colluded with, and was elected by Russia.

As I stated in my opening, Hillary, Bo the dog, the America got Talent team, The Gymnasts and everyone will get thrown at the truth by these pro Trump folks.

I hope the Democrats are watching. The elections were hacked and rigged by Russia to elect Trump. If no UN Observers and other strong steps are taken to stop the continued hacking of our elections, 2018 will be hacked, results and tallies changed, and Trump once again bolstered by Putin to do Putin's bidding.
Garz (Mars)
The elections have been rigged by the AMERICAN PEOPLE!
Garz (Mars)
Forget the dog, investigate Obama and how he sold out America and the American Way!
The Fig (Sudbury, MA)
The lies, lies and more lies. Amazing how the Trump family has no moral compass expect for their own; do what ever it takes, con as many people, only care about yourself as long as you win.
HJ Cavanaugh (Alameda, CA)
Mike Pence is already bailing. He quickly reminded us that he was not even on the ticket in early June, 2016 when DT Jr. "liked it".
Georgez (CA)
Yes Mr. Trump it is sad. It's sad that you have learned and taught your children that lieing to win is ok. It's sad that the hole in your life is so big that you need to plaster your name on buildings to feel important. It's sad that you have told all the people who voted for you that you would solve their problems instead of telling them to face reality. It is sad that the only reason you want to tear down the last 8 years of progress is because you are so insecure that you couldn't take some ribbing from Obama. Mr. Trump you are sad and should be legally removed from your position with the utmost expediency.
Tim Prendergast (Palm Springs)
Irony is like a force of will assert itself when necessary and it leaves
people stunned. The irony truck backed up to Trump Tower and the White House yesterday and dumped its load right at the front door.
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
In the current Atlantic magazine, Jeff Goldberg describes a test to determine whether you live in a totalitarian society:

"Stand on the street in front of your president's house (or the house of the prime minister, or of the Dear Leader, or of the Supreme Leader, or of the Dear Supreme Leader) and denounce your country's leadership as totalitarian, but in a reasonable tone of voice and without blocking the sidewalk. If you're not arrested, there’s a reasonable chance that the leader you're denouncing is not a totalitarian."

This reminds me of protests by Iranians in downtown Tehran in December 2009, when the usual "Death to America!" chants were mixed with "Death to the Leader!" chants. (The "Leader" is and was Ayatollah Khamenei. The NYT reported this, by the way, in a 12/27/09 article by Robert Worth.)

I remember being surprised that the protesters chanting "Death to the Leader!" made no effort to cover their faces or otherwise hide their identity. Many protesters were arrested that day, but only those who'd set police cars on fire (or attacked police -- several were blinded, as I recall) were held. I remember thinking that chants of "Death to Obama!" outside the White House would have yielded about the same result -- charges if the chanter had also set police cars on fire or attacked people; otherwise not.
joanne (Pennsylvania)
In a rather bizarre exchange on Fox News, VP Mike Pence's press secretary would not say if Pence has met with Russians, continually dodging the question with meaningless platitudes.
Finally the frustrated host asked yes or no??
Eventually, after the strain, what followed was a weak "not aware of anything I've seen"....then a platitude. Even the show's host noticed the ducking and dodging.
We've learned that it was Russian-tied campaign manager Paul Manafort who was the one who had Pence as his choice for the Trump ticket. So figure that...
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
This commenter highlights a key distinction between a Hillary supporter and a Bernie supporter:

"As a Bernie voter, I simply don't care who gives truthful info to whom."

Bernie's supporters seemed to care what those DNC/Podesta emails said, and noted that neither Clinton nor the DNC nor Podesta ever claimed that any of those emails had been altered in any way. By contrast, Hillary's supporters seemed to care only that the emails had been hacked and disclosed.
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
Your recent arrival on this site and your remarks are always the same pro Trump, blame Hillary, throw in Bernie mix.
Trump is President. He was elected through collusion with Russia.
The real issue is how far Trump will go to fulfill Putin's directives. And what exactly does he have on Trump.

These distractions you post are banal and not consequential. Trump is the issue. He is the Russian elected president.

PS: Please don't bring the Obama dog, No into your pro Trump defense. Your comments continue to reach and reach.

Best wishes Comrade.:)
Betty Boop (NYC)
So "Bernie voters," you also would have been fine, then, accepting information from the Russian/Iranian/North Korean governments, if it helped your cause? If so, you're more right about the distinction between Hillary and Bernie than you know, as the Clinton campaign would have done the right thing and reported such overtures to the FBI. Just another reason why she beat him by nearly 4 million votes....
Blank (Venice)
Russian hackers doctored the emails.
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
In response to suggestions that Clinton's campaign people would have met with a Russian lawyer who claimed to have "dirt" on Trump, some commenters have pointed out that Clinton is not the president but Trump is.

Seriously -- that's your defense?

Does that mean Clinton would have declined to take office if she'd won? Does it mean that her supporters would now be crying out for impeachment? Or would that be different?
DR (New England)
In court this is called speculation and it's not admissible.

You have way too much time on your hands.
Blank (Venice)
One wonders what Republicans would be doing if this was Chelsea Clinton and Hillary were President.
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
It means she is a private citizen, and speculating on what she could or would have done is mere deflection.

Bo, the Obama dog might have worked with Clinton in disguise too. That is an example to show how irrelevant your remarks are in this case.

Trump was elected by Russia. He colluded with them.
The question for all Americans, if you are one, should be what Trump is willing to do to obey Putin's directives.
Julio (NY)
Our country is under the control of a bunch of traitors - no way around it. And the worse traitors, not for ideology, but for money. They are cowards guarded in their temporary control of power. But their small hands will not be able to steer an honest country out of course. We will correct it.
david x (new haven ct)
Stupid or corrupt or both?
How do we keep up with the frightening connections of this family and their subordinates and their masters?

Hotel built in Azerbaijan with the Trump name and heavy involvement directly from Ivanka. This article is definitely worth a read:
The New Yorker Magazine, March 13, 2017
"Donald Trump’s Worst Deal
The President helped build a hotel in Azerbaijan that appears to be a corrupt operation engineered by oligarchs tied to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard."
Lynnette (TX)
There's so much going on in this careless republican government as to be treasonous. Insiders are holding back information about how they are grossly changing the rules and customs by which the government operates in order to serve corporate and private interests. Zinke on horseback through Washington streets reminds me of the presumption by elected or newly appointed members of staff to ride roughshod over democratic methods as government appointees ignore information requests from ethical agencies. Treason is also applicable to promoters of voter suppression, and that takes the malfeasance deeper into state governments and to other backers of electoral finagling. Along with that secrecy and subversion is the American president's dissing America. The subversive actions against constitutional oath and open government are not a pretense of inexperience. It's deliberately conducted by global kleptocrats and other mammonists.
K (Bishop)
What I find disturbing about this is people and the media seem to be accepting Donald Trump Jr.'s story nothing came from the meeting. Donald Trump Jr. has lied repeatedly about the nature of this meeting, why should we believe what he is saying now? He has no credibility and neither does the administration. So please everyone, stop accepting this narrative we're being fed.
Betty Boop (NYC)
wolf359 (Woodbury)
My Senator (Republlcan of course in this red state) was quoted this morning as saying "Talk about politics to someone else". The eyerolling continues among the GOP leadership. I'm reminded of the story about George Bernard Shaw with the punch line "we've already established what you are, we're just arguing about the price". Apocryphal perhaps but certainly illuminating. I hope the eyerolling is about to come to a screeching halt as the scenario moves beyond what the GOP might consider impeachable behavior by a GOP president and into the realm of what Robert Mueller might consider criminal conspiracy.
Joe (Ketchum Idaho)
It's pretty much just plain ordinary hypocrisy that those who scream the loudest seem unaware that they don't have enough fingers and toes to count the number of times the United States of America has not only meddled in but destroyed other country's election processes and indeed other whole entire countries, for instance North Africa's most successful non-religious Muslim country and economy which once upon a time had a 90% literacy rate and ZERO jihadis. Thanks Obama, thanks Hillary. What happened with Russia is TRIVIAL compared to what we have done so very many times. And doubtless will continue to do.
Max Deitenbeck (East Texas)
That has nothing to do with Trump being a traitor.

Randall Johnson (Seattle)
And thanks Donald Trump for backing Saudi Arabia pressuring/overthrowing US ally Qatar, because Qararis decided not to loan half a billion dollars to Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner.
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
Its not that I don't care about other countries, but I care about America more.
My country is being run by a Russian elected Putin pawn. That matters far above ALL else to me, and other TRUE American patriots too.
Mark (South Philly)
This is the best part: there is more salacious stuff about to Trump, et al, to come from the NY Times! In the end, do you know what it will amount to? Absolutely nothing. It's like that cartoon with the gun where instead of a bullet a banner comes out that reads "bang"!
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
Thanks Mark (not). To show that we all believe in your remarks, we will dedicate the next Pro Trump comments so you can continue to like and replicate them.

Good luck with your efforts to psychologically affect the commenters on this site with your unsupported absolute declarations. :)
Dennis Menzenski (New Jersey)
Agreed. When all is said and done, more is said than done. Congressmen can sit behind their committee desks looking over their glasses, attempting to look intellectual, and asking questions in a grave, serious manner. It all means nothing. No bullet, only a Bang, and a weak bang at that. It's time for torches and pitchforks.
MikeC (Chicago)
The continuing clash between Trump-dee-dumb world and reality. How many innings is this thing?
Greg (Washington)
I am not sure if there is a term for a closely defined group of pathological liars and cheats, but the Trump family would fit that definition. I would consider this flaw to be genetic if Mr. Kushner weren't included within this group. Perhaps it is a virus.
Ellienyc (New York, NY)
Maybe he hired the same branding consultant as, I think, McDonald's ("I'm loving it")?
John Virgone (Pennsylvania)
Someone needs to be "put in prison" and apparently it ain't Hillary!
sjaco (Nevada)
I'm quite sure there is someone somewhere who needs to go to prison. Not for speaking with a Russian though.
John Virgone (Pennsylvania)
Not solely for speaking with a Russian, but certainly for influencing an election and for ongoing decisions that threaten to destroy this great nation.
William Case (United States)
In an article headlined “Donald Trump Jr. and Russia: What the Law Says,” the New York Times points out that most legal experts agree that the Trump Tower meeting violated no election law.

The applicable law states: "A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election." A second passage states: “No person shall knowingly solicit, accept, or receive from a foreign national any contribution or donation prohibited by" the law. It is true that a few people argue that a leaked document would qualify as “something of value,” but this argument is not taken seriously. Foreign nationals routinely do volunteer work for U.S. political campaigns. Their work is something of value. Courts have ruled that foreign nationals can stuff envelopes, knock on doors, or otherwise volunteer on a campaign, provided they receive absolutely no pay for their work, but there work is obviously something of value. Foreigner nationals have delivered speeches at the last two Democratic national conventions. Their national televised endorsements of Democratic presidential candidates was something of value.
Valery Space (Russia)
Hackers hacked the mail server for free.
I'm already laughing.
Max Deitenbeck (East Texas)

Again, dude, none of this explains the lying and the hiding. Until you can explain that, you are just another desperate Trump apologist.
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
I don't know the law school that you attended, but there are some great assessments on this issue on the Harvard law website.
Accepting information from a hostile foreign power to alter the outcome of elections is typically a criminal act.
Harry Toll and (Boston)
What I wish I could find unbelievable is the way republican party and the right have lined up in support of Putin and Russia. Those who worship RR as the second coming have forgotten that, "the Russians had "the aggressive impulses of an evil empire" .... he lashed out at "those who would place the United States in a position of military and moral inferiority............."I urge you to beware of the temptation of pride, the temptation blithely to declare yourselves above it all and to label both sides equally at fault, to ignore the facts of history and the aggressive impulses of an evil empire, ....." [March, 1983] I'd like to think RR is rolling over in his grave.
Steel Magnolia (Atlanta, GA)
"The elder Mr. Agalarov had . . . partnered with the Trumps to build a Trump hotel in Moscow, but the deal never came to fruition."

A panelist on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 last night said the project was nipped in the bud because of Magnitsky Act sanctions--the same sanctions the "Russian government attorney" who met with Donald Jr. was so "well known" for fighting. If that is so, it adds another wrinkle to the story--the Trumps' personal financial interest in getting these sanctions lifted.

Could the NYTimes please report on this question?
Gráinne (Virginia)
Just read the emails. Yes, he also needs a lawyer!
Fred P (NJ)
The President says his son is 'innocent'. What is he 'innocent' of? Saying that he loved the idea of getting dirt on Hillary?

Seems to me that he has already plead guilty.
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
The emails state that they were going to be sent to Trump. Then there appears to be dozens of missing emails before another one rescheduling the time for the meetings appears.

Was Donald Trump Sr. copied on the missing emails? Did he attend the meetings?

I said meetings because Natalia Veselnitskaya is a ruthless Kremlin representative who gets things done for Putin. She would not have completed the entire strategy for rigging and upending our democratic system in one meeting.

Like any good lawyer, she would organize series of increasingly critical meetings that would include decision makers lime Trump Sr. to effect the decision of Russia to elect Trump.
asdasdasd (nyc)
nope, of course he would want to get info on his opponent. That is not a crime even if gotten by a foreign government. Its only illegal if there is exchange of money or kind.
John (Greenville, ME)
I thought that Donald Sr. out-Neville Chamberlained Neville Chamberlain when he came back from the G-20 all aglow about setting up a Cyber Security unit with Vladimir Putin. Now we have Donald Jr. out Benedict Arnolding Benedict Arnold all atwitter at the prospect of harming a U.S. citizen and the nation's electoral process with the aid and comfort of the Russian government.
Renee Jones (Lisbon)
Less than a year ago, Republicans whined incessantly that Obama wasn't tough enough on Putin.

These days, though, Republicans dismissively shrug and claim Russia is not our enemy, and, moreover, that we should welcome a cyber relationship with that nation.

Is the Republican base really so pliable?

Joel (Ohio)
Disgraceful lying bunch of criminal trumps! Republicans! Do you really want to keep defending this administration? Do you think this administration will support you when you need it the most, or will they throw you under the bus?
ed (honolulu)
"My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and borders." Hillary Clinton in a private speech to Brazilian bankers delivered just one month before the election.
Wouldn't you know it leaked! This is why she lost and why the Democrats will continue to lose unless they come clean with the American people and tell the truth. This nonsense about Russian collusion is just a distraction and will not save the Democrats from themselves if they continue to lie to the American people about what they really stand for.
Renee Jones (Lisbon)
"This nonsense about Russian collusion is just a distraction."


Actually, the distraction belongs to your party, desperately scrambling to blame anyone - Clinton, Obama, Bo, Sunny - anyone or anything to hide the fact that the Trump family has been caught decidedly in a web of deception and lies, woven by Putin himself.

I'd say "nice try," but it's too desperate for such a compliment. Besides, anyone who thinks this is sour grapes over a lost election really ought to get out more.

Moreover, if the tables were turned, Republicans would be screaming ten times louder than the Democrats are now.

Republicans know this to be true. Why do they pretend otherwise?
Anna (NY)
You can try and change the topic all you want, but this won't prevent the truth about the Trump campaign and the Russians to come out. And where are Trump's tax returns?
Cmary (Chicago)
While I agree Hilary Clinton did not have a strong enough economic message, I do not recall that particular quote as a dominating message toward the end of the presidential campaign. What seemed to play a greater role was the Comey message about the FBI's investigating the printing out of some emails from her assistant's home printer, and then absolving her of any wrong-doing only a few days before the final days of voting. In retrospect, any references to a hemispheric open market, should they have occurred, and the printing out of emails pale in comparison to the hellacious events we are now facing due to Trump's dishonesty, incompetence, and Russian fealities.
LSW (Pacific NW)
FYI: the "On Jun 6, 2016, at 16:38" needs to be moved BELOW the "On Jun 7, 2016, at 4:20 PM" 16:38hrs is 4:38pm. The emails seem a bit disjointed -- at least on missing email -- especially the response to Goldstone's 4:20pm question from "D" at 16:38pm. That response would not be adequate under the circumstances -- but maybe there was a phone call between them?
Gráinne (Virginia)
LSW: Remember that we're dealing with the Trumps. (Washington DC)
Is there anyone in the Trump family/business/administration that has not been compromised by the Russians?
LSW (Pacific NW)
Never mind. One email was June 6th, the other June 7th. Oops.
John Tarry (Sag Harbor)
Thank you, NYT! Keep digging! The Washington Post dug for 8 months before Watergate broke open.
Gráinne (Virginia)
John Terry: It took Woodstein a long time, but they had frequent bits & pieces that made a lot of sense to us District natives. (It really is a company town.)
Cmary (Chicago)
The Republican Congress is complicit through its silence in everything the Trumps are doing. History will look upon them with disgust, even if Trump's base remains true. The Republicans' turning a blind eye toward Trump reflects the greatest betrayal of American values and institutions since Benedict Arnold. They should recall he became disrespected even in his own time, as well as after his death.
John (Bernardsville, NJ)
Right, especially concerning the energy and expense they put into the Benghazi hearings,
Dave (va.)
It appears the entire Trump family and their staff don't understand that one lie by them means they can't be trusted. This senerio specifically means they truly believe you can change one lie for another until it's believable. This degrades all Americans as he is our Commander and Chief.
Antonio Scarlatti (Los Angeles)
Donald senior knew exactly what he was doing when he started with the "fake news" moniker. He wanted everyone to question facts when the shoe fell on his various scandals; make us doubt what is real and what is not. Happy to know Truth makes its way to the light of day through the clenched fists of mad men.
Joe The Crow (California)
Looks like organized criminals (Trumps) conducting business with the KGB!

Putin has been playing the Donald and his boys just like a fiddle!

After serving in the military during the Cold War, this fiasco looks exactly like the KGB methods the US military warned its troops to avoid!

Need to throw the Trumps in prison before the Russians take over!
Gráinne (Virginia)
Joe the Crow: I wasn't in the military but I was born in the District and have lived in the area all my life. The Cold War was part of everyday life.

Putin is a lot scarier than Kruschev because he's smart; Nikita was no dummy. I do not remember Stalin but heard him discussed unfavorably. Obviously, I've read history. I remember Checkpoint Charlie and have a small piece of the Wall.

The scene in The Right Stuff (movie) where the reporter is prevented by the USAF from telling the Russians we'd broken Mach 1 comes to mind. No, they are not our ally; we tell them squat.

We still live with very real worries about terror.

Trump is a number of years older than I am and should remember a lot more than I do.
R M Gopa1 (Hartford, CT)
Transparency? Does Mr. Trump know what the term means? Where are the tax returns, Mr. President>
Many people wanted change and voted accordingly. But is this the change they wanted?

It is not the change I want. But, I am one voice. And unfortunately, my voice and many other's voices are drowned out.

I want the Russian investigation to proceed and if people broke the law, they should be prosecuted. But I also want a healthcare system that does not harm the poor and disabled and a tax system that does not just favor the wealthy.

I want America to be a world class leader, I would also like a President and Congress that I can be proud of.

Am I asking too much?
Darthy Pacheco (Watchung NJ)
Little too late
Mick (Los Angeles)
Hard to figure out why this crime family wants to get into government? They've been doing nothing but cheating everybody they're in contact with their entire lives and getting away with it.
But trumps jealousy of Obama wanting to outdo him did him in.
He doesn't understand he could never out do Obama. Obama is real, intellectual, courteous, respectful. and loved by everybody he meets. The Donald has none of these qualities. He could've lived his life of crime in New York forever it seems. His ego did him in.
To make more money for they're ne'er do well. TT's brother is better and quieter.
Lucas Eller (Murray Hill)
In the last presidential debate Hillary Clinton was asked what she admired about Donald Trump, and she said it was the way he cared about his children. The thing is, until that time we didn't know that this child is bad, bad, bad just like his dad.
In Mr. Blow's words, Trump is an abomination, a cancer. Don Jr. seems no different. Like father, like son.
bobandholly (Manhattan)
Once a crook, always a crook.
Vox Populi (Cambridge)
The Hypocricy is jarring! A campaign that loudly proclaimed bringing jobs back to America and ranted against trade agreements outsourced dirt digging of political opponents. That ancient art is as American as apple pie! Why did they not rely on Breitbart, Dredge, Fox and a zillion others?
Erminia 3b (New Jersey)
Whom was Ms. Veselitniskaya say she represented and who paid her travel costs?
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
Your Russia to English translation did not work properly. Ask some of your well versed English speaking officials to assist you.
Your efforts to confuse the narrative with the host of intellectuals that comment on this site has failed.

But, your job has already started we know, as the 2018 elections are just around the corner.
Stuart (Boston)
I am sorry, but who circulated the saucy story on Trump in Moscow surrounding the Miss Universe pageant? How many other dupes are running around our MSM and intelligence community with Russian egg on their face?

And how does all of this information stand up in comparison to Obama's attempt to swing the UK voters against Brexit, an attempt that Brits believe did just the opposite and brought the Brexit support to the polls?

The Trump story is still chugging, because the MSM fears diminished authority over what is "news" with guys like Trump clutching a Twitter account.

If my candidate had one, we'd have legal pot in every state and no stress. Not as good as the Democrat's socialist and ex-failed Secretary of State who qualified for the Platinum Frequent Flyer status but at least we tried.
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
Lol. Such drivel.
You must be confusing this site with Fox News, RT or Info wars.

You and your cohorts forced the publication of stolen material, and created accessories after the fact of the media.

It is a different response now, and your rambling non responsive remarks are simply laughable.
Anna (NY)
Well, you'd need that legal pot to ease the pain due to the cancer that you cannot afford treatment for because you couldn't pay health insurance and the Medicaid budget for your state was already used up for the year.
Jim in Tucson (Tucson, AZ)
The Russians defending Trump's version of the story only confirms their involvement. Clearly, Moscow is worried about losing its stooge in the White House.

Unfortunately, Putin wasn't expecting Larry, Moe, or Curly.
Rishi (New York)
It is clear from recent news of Trump's son's interaction with Russians that some thing was going on. We will never know what actually went under the table.All we see is on the surface only.
Ricardonio (Brazil)
This is all wrong! Donald Trump Jr. shouldn't be in the U.S. government staff anyways! He's the son of the President, clearly a conflict of interest! If his son does something wrong will Trump fire him? Give me a break! The evidence of wrongdoing is so really fat and that's like an Elephant and it can't be hidden! We're in serious trouble. America will be a the subject of annihilation because we don't have a true leader. They must impeach this President now before is too late! So much for "America first" logo propaganda, because America will be the first to be blown from the face of Earth! We must take Trump's family away from the White house now!
ed (honolulu)
"What counts now is not what we are against, but what we are for."
Adlai Stevenson
In her campaign Hillary forgot the second part of Adlai's admonition, but concentrated on the first in trying to demonize Trump. Not only did it not work, but I think Trump capitalized on it to cement his base. This same problem persists, but now the media in its relentless attacks on Trump has taken over for Hillary. For his part Trump rightly complains that his political enemies and the media in particular are so obsessed with bringing him down that the nation's business cannot get done. He is responsible for this situation as much as anyone else if not more so, but unlike the Democrats he has at least attempted to fulfill the second part of Stevenson's advice with the compelling slogan "Make America great again," which he has tried to implement by keeping his campaign promises. What do the Democrats offer in return? What are their ideas? What are they afraid of? America wants to know because just being against Trump is not enough.
Linda (NYC)
"In her campaign Hillary forgot the second part of Adlai's admonition, but concentrated on the first in trying to demonize Trump."

Really? I thought Trump did a swell job of demonizing himself, all on his own.
Anna (NY)
Don't change the topic please. And Democrats are for affordable health care for all, consumer and environmental protections, quality public education, campaign finance reform, to mention but a few things they have a proven track record on.
Lazza May (London)
Don't you get a lovely warm feeling when you hear both the President of the United Satates and the government of Russia coming to the defence of Master Trump?

I mean it gives new meaning to the term 'international accord'.
MikeC (Chicago)
The Russians absolutely know the whole sordid story and own 45. They wrote the script. But they will never ever dump the entire thing to the press. Why would they? Much preferable to let their 45 twist in the wind day after day making a fool of himself, his administration and his family. Surely the Ivans will never grow tired of their winning.
Lanslide (Seaford NY)
It is exhausting watching the Trump Administration self-destruct due to its incompetence and corruption. At the same time, it is equally frustrating watching the DNC do nothing but point to the failure of the current regime. How about a conversation with America about what ails the U.S.. Show this country exactly how Democratic policies would affect the country, how they will be paid for, what are the positives and negatives, and who would be affected. Try a little honesty and don’t talk down to Americans. Democrats are no more loved than Republicans. Staying on the sidelines now will ensure they remain there for years to come.
Anna (NY)
Wow, you must suffer from amnesia! Have you forgotten that the Obama administration save the US economy, killed Bin Laden, implemented a much better (even if not perfect) health insurance system, brokered the Iran nuclear agreement, and enacted numerous legislation to protect consumers and the environment, all the while battling the intransigent clown car that is now ruling the USA?
Lanslide (Seaford NY)
Anna, agreed on all your points. But the Dems lost the election and a good number of offices. It was more than just a Hilary thing. Obama did great things but the party hasn't been able to effectively communicate to the American people just how it was good for them. Time to open up and stop talking "talking points".
Anna (NY)
Thanks for your response Lanslide. Sometimes I feel like I am the only one remembering what Obama achieved, but I agree - Dems should toot their own horn more, e.g., make a list of everything they accomplished, and invite regular Americans to tell the public what it meant to them for some real-life interest, and not just during the convention. They should have ready-for-use presentations on every topic that regular Americans care about, for use by candidates running for elections, from dog catcher to president...
mgaudet (Louisiana)
It is like Don Jr and associates went to rob a bank, and after they broke in they found out all the money had been moved. Conspiracy.
asdasdasd (nyc)
no no no. If you break into a bank at night, you have committed a crime. Meeting a russia woman is not the same as meeting the russians and even if he met with Putin himself, if there was no exchange of money or kind, there is no crime.
Dr_girl (Wisconsin)
I think Trump Jr. already said it before. Liberals are not even humans. So it is easy to spread fake news about someone like HRC who is not really human.

Regardless of whether this ends in charges, Trump is never going to bring us all together. He should have never hired so much family into his cabinet. He has managed to increase the divide within "his own party" as well as against liberals.

These events are very unfortunate. The GOP has gerrymandered all of the districts. Now they have sold us all out and thrown their core principles to the wind. Anything goes now.
Jamil M Chaudri (Huntington, WV)
What is the problem with America and us, the Americans. We should openly accept that we are as dirty as any nation, or individual. We like to paint OTHERS as dirty, but are as dirty (if not more) than anybody else. We are as hypocritical as anybody else (if not even more). There 5000+ comments show nothing but our habit of flinging dirt on others.
penny (Washington, DC)
Based on the business history of DT Jr, was he trying to prove to his father that he is not a failure? Was he willing to do anything to boost his father's chances being elected? Therefore, showing what a "clever" boy he is.
Byron Jones (Memphis)
Looks to me that Ms. Natalia Veselnitskaya set a trap and caught 3 big rats. Of course she had nothing on Hillary -- that was just the bait. The Russians may or not be really good at cyber warfare, but they are damn good at skullduggery.
Peter (NJ)
Is trump German for LIAR?
Maureen (Philadelphia)
Not the sharpest tool in the box to jump at failed hack music publicist's tabloid promises. Ttrump family collapsing like deck of cards. Ivanka will be next. Her goods are manufactured under horrendous working conditions.
Dan (Philadelphia)
Trump even insists his must be the greatest witch hunt of all time.

Unfortunately for the Two Donnies, this is not going to magically go away any time soon.

"We have info against Hillary. This is part of the Russian government's plan to help your dad get elected."

"Great! Let's meet!"

Sure, pres, totally innocent.
Jet Gardmer (Columbus OH)
Question: Who could possibly gather, coordinate and organize the incredible power and influence needed to turn an entire country's diverse & multi-owned main stream media against President Trump?
Answer: Donald J. Trump ...

He, his foreign trophy wife, his ego, offspring and his minions did this to themselves ..all by themselves.
asdasdasd (nyc)
The only problem with what you wrote is the liberals despised GWB from day one. They despised Reagan from day 1. Sorry but the libs despise everthing republican.
Alyce Miller (Washington, DC)
The fringe media like Fox and Breitbart, etc., which I force myself to read occasionally, and the right-wing talk show hosts I listen to in spurts (because they're unbearable and fact-less) have been exceedingly effective at tapping into white anxiety/fear (jobs, race, immigrants, Muslims, etc.) through distortions, omissions, and outright lies (birther, Pizzagate, Obama as Muslim, blacks and immigrants as criminals, etc.). For those who wonder how on earth anyone could continue to support Trump, the rants against the "liberal media" and "Soros money" have been repeated so many times, including the accusation that mainstream media (credible media) are "fake news," run by the Deep State, etc., remember that combined with utter ignorance about American history, the Constitution, global leadership, climate change, environmental issues, racial inequalities (see history), the role of immigrants from the very beginning, etc., make for a perfect stew of hatred and anger. Trump supporters have attached themselves to a rich, white, sexist, racist, con-man demagogue who, though lacking any experience or sense of gravitas about his role as president of the U.S., continues to build on his lies and promises that he will "Make American Great Again," a hollow, reactionary phrase offering false notion that if we just went back in time, before women and people of color, etc., began slowly to certain rights and status prohibited to them, everything would be " really beautiful."
Carissa V. (Scottsdale, Arizona)
Pink slime is in those "nothing burgers."

Kudos to the NYT for digging deeply into the most corrupt presidency in U.S. history.
Lazza May (London)
NYT, keep up the great work but don't forget the tax returns.
joanne (Pennsylvania)
Breaking news on timelines.
Ethics expert Richard Painter points out Trump gave a speech June 7, 2016 promising another 6 days later with damaging information on Hillary Clinton.
This was after Donald Junior had his dealings with Goldstone and Agsalarov from Russia.
The timeline shows that Trump knew about Junior's plans with Russia:

June 7th @ 5:16 pm, Donald Junior solidifies meeting with Russian attorney. Adding more proven Trump team contacts with Russia through Agalarov, Goldstone, VeseIntskaya.

Four hours later:
Same day---June 7th @ 9:13 pm, Donald Trump promises "big news on Clinton" will be coming the following week... “I think you’re going to find it very informative and very, very interesting. I wonder if the press will want to attend..."
Mike B. (East Coast)
Congressional Republicans who are not outraged by the recent revelations concerning Russia's efforts to effectuate U.S. political outcomes that are specifically favorable to DJT, Donald Trump Jr., and the Republican Party as a whole, should be ashamed to show their faces in public.

It once again serves to demonstrate that the Republican Party puts Party before country. Excuse me for saying so, but let me state the obvious -- we, the people, are confronted by a wretched group of political hacks who are preoccupied with, and solely motivated by, hanging on to the reins of power at any cost (including the incalculable cost of our country's soul).

To illustrate, they obviously care nothing about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for the rest of us, proposing instead a toxic, so-called "health care plan" that would render a death sentence to those most vulnerable amongst us. It is a perfect illustration of their lack of compassion, selfish greed, myopia, and sycophancy to their real base -- the ultra wealthy. Absolutely DISGRACEFUL!!!

It's time to purge the swamp of these toxic creatures in the next couple of election cycles. "Purge the Scourge!" should be our motto! Vote these Neanderthals out of office!
Cecelie Berry (Marriot Marquis Hotel)
Feel sorry for Ivanka too, who was raised to be The Beautiful Appendage. Even her interest in "women's issues" is an acknowledgment of her ancillary status, an appropriate area of activity for the clever wife (althoughwork life balance is terribly important and gender neutral).

She knows In the end what will happen to her. The appendage gets amputated.
joanne (Pennsylvania)
Although likely worried about hubby's legal problems, Ivanka deserves zero sympathy.
She used dad's influence to secure trademarks in China, where her clothing and shoes are cheaply made in sweatshops. Has inserted herself in meetings with global leaders for financial reasons. Is accused of stealing shoe designs from others.
No friend to women, she's all talk/no action---> People in the clothing business say her advocacy doesn't match reality--as in she offers zero no paid leave for pregnant workers in her company.
She seems content to look pretty and wear high heels. Recall that pat down dad gave her at the GOP convention. It was overly familiar.
DR (New England)
Ivanka is just as slimy as the rest of them. She doesn't deserve any sympathy.
Nuffalready (Glenville, NY)
In defense of these numb skulls, how would they know that they were skating on thin ice with this meeting request? They are completely naive and ignorant to the workings of government/international affairs to begin with (though they'd all say otherwise......"it's easy, a no brainer"). Add this ignorance to the fact that they're all shady, crooked, corrupt, greedy, and we have fire.
Lorraine (NY)
The meeting was held one floor below the office of the future president who is known to tape conversations. Why not request the tape if it exists. She also had to sign in but wouldn't provide the name of her interpreter but there must be a record that was maintained.

The lawyer Veselnitskaya was well known to the FBI so there most likely is additional information if they have been investigating her activities.

The ignorance of the team of experts hired by Trump is amazing. They were easy to manipulate and used to cause additional chaos in this country. Definitely a plan made by a skilled chess player.

Trump stated on many occasions that he would hire the very best experts but he obviously has poor judgment.
Mike B. (East Coast)
Congressional Republicans who are not outraged by the recent revelations concerning Russia's efforts to effectuate U.S. political outcomes favorable to DJT and Donald Trump Jr., (and the Republican Party) should be ashamed to show their faces in public.

It once again serves to demonstrates that the Republican Party puts Party before country. Excuse me for saying so, but let me state the obvious -- What a wretched group of political hacks who are preoccupied with, and solely motivated by, hanging on to the reins of power at any cost (including the incalculable cost of our country's soul).

To illustrate, they obviously care nothing about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for the rest of us, proposing instead a toxic "health care plan" that would render a death sentence to those most vulnerable amongst us. It is a perfect illustration of their selfish greed, myopia, and sycophancy to the ultra wealthy. Absolutely DISGRACEFUL!!!

It's time to purge the swamp of these toxic creatures in the next couple of election cycles. "Purge the Scourge!" should be our motto! Vote these Neanderthals out of office!
pkbormes (Brookline, MA)
The only good that could possibly come of this is if and when the Republlican Party collapses under the weight of the scandal.
J. (Ohio)
And Fox News website is still Clinton, Clinton and more Clinton. I guess until the Kremlin gets its own West Wing office Trump apologists and Clinton haters will turn a blind eye to the most serious internal threat to our national security ever that sadly comes from the very seat of power in the White House.
Allison (Austin, TX)
Well, they need some kind of distraction from the Trump scandals, so why not get the base frothing at the mouth over the person they love to hate -- even though she is not president of the US and has no say in what is going on under the current administration.

When they have to resort to extra-special Clinton bashing, the powers that be at Fox and Breitbart know they are in serious trouble over the man they helped elect. They are scrambling to do damage control and are grasping at any and all straws.
Clearwater (Oregon)
What do you expect from an essentially criminal, or at the very least morally bankrupt, businessman who ran a con university, discriminatory housing and "failed" scam money laundering casino but to have it's prime prodigy be woven from the same rotting fabric?

These people stink to high heaven with their pandering to ill informed yahoos and unreleased tax returns and lies lies lie.

They stink and 26% of eligible voters who voted for stinky man must have bad colds. And still do.
brink (tucson)
Reference a statute that was broken here, please.
If you think Donald Jr. is guilty of a crime, please reference the violation. You can't indict someone on optics.
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
I am an Attorney, and although it is clear to anyone who has done any research on Harvard and other legal sites, that laws were broken, the NYT is not a legal site.

If you want legal guidance, pay for it.
S A Johnson (Los Angeles, CA)
(52 U.S.C 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510) Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, disbursement by foreign nationals". This is the one that has been referenced by many many attorneys, journalist, and curious citizens. Just google "Donald Trump Jr. broke the law" and it pops up.
Yuko Fukami (Berkeley)
As it is evident from Trump Sr's tweet, the Trumps are truly high-quality people.
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
The emails released by Don Jr. have a line in which the sender states that he will also sent the email to Jr's father, Donald Trump.
It is looking certain that Trump knew about, and probably attended the meeting.

Also, there is a large broken chain and at least a dozen emails that are missing. Don Jr. says he will invite Jared and Paul to the meeting. There is no email of such invitations. No indication of times set for the meeting. And suddenly there is a response type email rescheduling the meeting time.
Where are those emails???

What does Russia have on Trump? Where are the missing emails from the Correspondence released by Don Jr.

The meeting with such a high level operative was probably held on the same floor Don is said to occupy with his Father. Where was Trump Sr.

A few days later, he, Donald Trump said at a rally that many things were going to be revealed about Hillary. In retrospect, how did he know this was going to happen, as it did shortly thereafafter.

Natalia Veselnitskaya, the ruthless Kremlin Attorney, based on her record, DOES NOT attend nothing meetings. Don Jr. is LYING.
She is also thorough in executing Putin's wishing with unrelenting vigor. She did not and could not, as Putin's representative, have only one meeting with Trump.

From all this, it is definite collusion occurred. Trump Sr. was involved in all of it.

The pivotal question is, just how much damaging information does Russia have on Trump. And how far will he go to do their bidding?
Lazza May (London)
The NYT published the entire thread yesterday and you will see from it that the initial email from Goldstone was forwarded to Kushner and Manafort.
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
Sounds like you were one of those voters who paid more attention to what the DNC/Podesta emails actually said than to the fact that they were hacked and released:

"I was a registered democrat when Hillary stole the primary from Sanders."

I always thought it was interesting that neither Hillary Clinton nor the DNC nor John Podesta ever claimed that any of the emails had been changed in any way. They just didn't like that the emails had been disclosed. Many voters -- including you, it appears -- seemed to care more about what those emails had said.
Joseph Barnett (<br/>)
Donald Trump Jr. told the country last year, after this meeting and the email saying that the Russian government was trying to help his father get elected, that it was a lie that the Russians wanted to help his father. This winter, he told us that he never had a set up meeting with the Russians or ever talked to any Russian about the campaign. Both were lies, there is no reason to believe what he has to say about the content of the meeting. There is a time line, and just after he got the first set of emails saying a person high up in the Russian Government was coming to give them dirt on Hillary, Donald Trump senior announced there was some great dirt coming out on Hillary and it should be coming out in a week. After the meeting, Donald Trump began asking about the emails, and just after that the wiki leaks emails were released. Republicans in Congress do your job and remove this group from the White House before they do more damage to the US reputation.
BWCA (Northern Border)
Who released the emails? A few options:

1. One of the addresses - Junior, Jarred, Mannafort or one of the Russians in the email chain

2. Someone that was forwarded or BCC on the email

3. The Russians who certainly organized the meeting.

4. Trump's email was hacked by someone other than the Russians
RichD (Grand Rapids, Michigan)
I doubt this will amount to anything. Basically, Don Jr. got an email from a friend of his in Russia wanting him to contact another friend whose father had heard some damaging information from a Russian attorney, who he said she said she had gotten from the Kremlin. The damaging information alleged in the email was "information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia..."

Well, obviously nothing came of it because Mrs. Clinton's dealings with Russia was never a campaign issue. Does anyone doubt that if Don Jr. had received some incriminating information against Mrs. Clinton, he would not have used it during the campaign? - and probably would have gleefully contacted the FBI with it? But neither of which happened. So, his Russian buddy and this Russian attorney obviously didn't supply any such promised "incriminating information."

And there is no "collusion" no "plot" no "conspiracy" in any of this. Of course, at some point, Mrs. Clinton might now get a subpoena to see if she knows what incriminating information about her dealings with the Russians the guy was referring to?
Kay Johnson (Colorado)

The problem of the many times Team Trump went on camera to indignantly shout that they had NO dealings with Russia remains on the plate. Even Junior made the Bald-faced Lie perp walk on Fox: "Disgusting" he proclaimed. At least he got that part right.

That isnt Nothing.
RichD (Grand Rapids, Michigan)
@Kay Johnson: How do you define "dealing with Russia?" If someone contacted a private citizen in Great Britain, which the Clinton campaign did in an effort to dig up dirt on Trump, is that dealing with Great Britain? Was Mr. Steele, who had worked for the British government at one time, "respresenting" the government of Great Britain? He even said his information was from his spy work for the British government, i.e., it was British intelligence information. And if she said she didn't "deal with Great Britain," would you call her a liar? If you did, you'd be wrong again!
Lazza May (London)
But you said there was no such incriminating information, otherwise Junior would have gleefully released it. Make up your mind.
Pierre Guerlain (France)
Trump is a liar and a dangerous politician that is sure but, as Chomsky said a few days ago, in the Times: "For liberal opinion, the political crime of the century, as it is sometimes called, is Russian interference in American elections. The effects of the crime are undetectable, unlike the massive effects of interference by corporate power and private wealth, not considered a crime but the normal workings of democracy. That’s even putting aside the record of U.S. “interference” in foreign elections, Russia included; the word “interference” in quotes because it is so laughably inadequate, as anyone with the slightest familiarity with recent history must be aware."
And it would be a good journalistic move to remind readers of the Clinton camp also requesting info from Russia in the Steele file. Of Bill Clinton getting $ 500 000 from Russia (Times April 23, 2015) and of Israel and Saudi Arabia having far more clout than Russia and more impact on elections.
If Democrats play the Russiagate card instead of reforming their party they will lose further elections. The US has unfair elections mostly for domestic reasons (electoral college, voter suppression, citizens united, oligarchy, a focus on issues of interest to the well-off...). What the US needs is more Bernie Sanders less liberal McCarthyism. Otherwise President Pence's GOP will score further successes.
Tom (California)
After yesterday’s revelations that Donald Trump Jr met with a Russian lawyer last July for dirt on Hillary Clinton after receiving an email describing the information as “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump,” Vice President Pence’s press secretary Marc Lotter went on Fox News on Wednesday to remind the nation that Pence was not yet part of the ticket at that time.

Host Bill Hemmer repeatedly pressed Lotter to say whether Pence himself has met with representatives of Russia during the campaign. And repeatedly, Lotter did not say no.

Hemmer first asked, “Did the vice president ever meet with representatives from Russia?” Lotter dodged this, noting that Pence’s focus “was on talking to the American people” about Trump and his agenda.

Hemmer tried again: “Did he ever meet with representatives from the Russian government during the campaign?” Lotter responded that question was “stuff that the special prosecutors and the counsels are all looking at,”

Finally, Hemmer asked, “Is that a ‘yes’ or ‘No?’ Did he or did he not?”

Lotter said that he was “not aware of anything that I have seen...”

Asked in January if anyone from the Trump campaign had met with Russians trying to meddle in the election, Pence told CBS: “Of course not. And I think to suggest that is to give credence to some of these bizarre rumors that have swirled around the candidacy.”

When FOX turns on a Republican administration, you KNOW it is only a matter of time... tick.. tick.. tick..
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
Well, if nothing else, I'll bet Jared Kushner is pleased that he's been replaced on the hot seat by Donald Trump Jr. Michael Flynn and Jeff Sessions probably feel much the same.

And what about Steve Bannon? I'd always thought he was Bete Noire Numero Uno, that they'd actually retired the trophy. Does Donald Jr. now have a shot at the top spot? Watch out, Steve!
springtime (Acton, ma)
What is with the "drama music." Is the fake news not creating enough drama?
Skeptical doctor (San Francisco)
Just step back from the confusing reports of denials and is it not abundantly clear that these skilled professional liars are in the midst of a World Series Olympic competition of who can lie best? A dazzling display!
Chris (Louisville)
The main point here is that Clinton was not elected and that is a good thing for the country.
MDB (Indiana)
Again, I ask: Has the partisan hatred gotten this deep that we no longer care about our democratic principles? Try to get past Clinton for a minute to see the bigger, longer-term danger of any kind of foreign interference in our elections.

I'm seeing this opinion here more and more each day -- people being just fine with selling out our country because it kept one person who they cannot stand out of office. That myopia frightens, saddens, and angers me.

No wonder we are where we are.
Lindsay K (Westchester County, NY)
So Trump selling our country out to the Russians is fine with you? I guess as long as you can say that Hillary was defeated then you'll put up with anything Trump dishes out.

How dare you hold our country so cheap as to find this acceptable?
AlexNYC (New York City)
The day after this meeting Donald Trump Sr said that incriminating information on Hillary is coming out. And the next day the emails are released.

So, the so-called President Trump did not know about this meeting because no nothing happened?
asd (CA)
But his emails!
Kevin (NJ)
Can we PLEASE get over the Russians and move on to the issues in our country.
John (Bernardsville, NJ)
Hard to do Kevin when millions of Americans find it absolutely impossible to trust POTUS Trump and his administration. Sorry.
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
The issues in our country are Russian issues. Russia cooped our will and gave us Trump.

Trump is ripping apart our Healthcare system, undermining the Western world, and running the most ineffective government in recent American history.
Matthew (NJ)
Nope. Weird, bizarre and inane you would suggest we do.
Rainstorm (Indiana)
Wow actually a brilliant move... Just go a head and incriminate yourself now... Then get a Presidential Pardon... I am sure that is the plan. Think Dad is going to let him go to jail?
Mick (Los Angeles)
The whole world loves it more.
Bye-bye The worst administration in history.
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
This is looking like a despotic, xenophobic and ineffective government, controlled by a foreign power.
This might be the worst government in the world, and in our nation's history.
libdemtex (colorado/texas)
Time to start using the right word-conspiracy. A truly terrible bunch of people are running our country.
Mike (NYC)
Clearly, the Russians already had Clinton in their back pockets and she was probably their preferred candidate.

"Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal"

With this attempt to ingratiate themselves to Jr. they were hedging their bets in case Trump got elected.

Didn't you get the memos?

It has been found by neutral analysts that the Clinton Foundation gives something like 90pct of its monies to charities.

Putin hates Clinton for among others criticizing their last election and in his view inciting people to protest on the streets and thereby question the legitimacy of his victory.

She is too smart for them and for a lot of Americans themselves and so hate her.
Lisa Fremont (East 63rd St.)
At least you'll sell more papers.
David-Kevin (Washington, DC)
The Rubik's Cube of cover-ups, deception and lies by this family and the current commander-in-chief exceed any plot lines which could have been dreamed up by LeCarre.
Patty W (Sammamish Wa)
It is blatant and it's time the republicans take action to protect our democracy ! All you have to see is Trump and Tillerson want to give away the store/America to Russia ... sanctions, compounds, bringing back the Russian agents and the clincher, wait for it ... a joint cyber security endeavor ! This is the payoff for helping get Trump elected ! Jr, Jared and Manafort were inviting Russia to basically be able to blackmail them, guilty, guilty guilty !
Cecelie Berry (Marriot Marquis Hotel)
I find myself reflecting on the sway a father holds over the making or unmaking of his son.

I feel sorry for don Jr. He tried to break away, to become his own man, rather like the president's older brother who committed suicide in the end.

What a sad thing to have a father who crushes the individuality of his children, insisting that they conform to his expectations, sublimate themselves to his voracious ego needs and risk ostracism, ejection from the family system, if they go their own way.

Don jr only did what almost any other young man with a powerful father would do. He made himself into his image, feeling perhaps that it was the only way he would ever matter.

Now that he has disappointed the pharaoh, he needn't waste time being ashamed, but should embrace the chance to be free. Become a father who doesn't make slaves of his children, but free, loving men and women.

And stop shooting innocent animals.
Lorraine (NY)
That is compassionate and most likely true. I doubt any of Trump's children will become more reflective regarding their life's path and change direction.
JTK (Florida)
Perhaps the headline should read: "MSM circling the wagons as stock market hits new highs". Once again, no meat on the bone here. Perhaps Trump haters should listen to their mentor/champion Bill Clinton: "It's the economy, stupid!"
Dougl (NV)
When the market crashes, will Trump resign or do we still have to impeach him?
Mahantia (Santa Barbara)
Hey Republicans, wake up! Your best chance to still pass your agenda (not that I agree with any of it), is to Dump Trump and replace him with Pence. Pence will be just as effective a "rubber stamp" as Trump would be, and a lot less embarrassing.

You might even have a chance to hold the House and Senate in 2018.

You better hurry, or the stench of Trump is going to rot the whole fish, pronto.
Kelly johnson (On)
Trump is incompetent, but is what trump jr did worse than this?
Trump Jr. did, however, have full reason to suspect Clinton had operated nefariously in her dealings with Russia. Bill Clinton had given a $500,000 speech in Russia. Clinton had given her approval in handing one-fifth of U.S. uranium to Russia, after which her foundation received $2.35 million from the Russian-controlled company. Suspiciously, Clinton did not disclose the transaction.

Likewise, Clinton campaign chief John Podesta sat on the board of a company that received $35 million from the Russian government alongside fellow board members Anatoly Chubais, a senior Russian official, and Ruben Vardanyan, an oligarch.
Allison (Austin, TX)
@ Kelly Johnson: and yet, as Don Jr. claims, the attorney had "nothing." So if you believe him, then it's clear that the Russians themselves had no valuable information that would stain Clinton's name. Most of the right-wing accusations are groundless, and if you would bother to read solidly researched sources, you would realize that.
Kjensen (Burley Idaho)
What I find curious about this whole affair is the silence of the principal member of this bumbling triumvirate. Manaforte's silence in my opinion speaks volumes. Manafort was no political neophyte and made his living for many years dealing with nefarious and dangerous dictators from around the world. Manafort would be a man who would go to such a meeting with both eyes wide open knowing exactly what would be discussed and what type of leverage would be employed should the Trumps accept the offer. Junior and Kushner come to the meeting with ready-made excuses of inexperience and stupidity, not so Manafort. It is my belief that human rights abuses and the Magnitsky act were discussed along with other items regarding favors the Trump Administration would extend to Russia, in exchange for Russia's assistance. Otherwise, this meeting makes no sense at all.
angus (chattanooga)
While information is being continually unearthed about the Trump/Russia connection, there is solid evidence that Jared Kushner violated the base requirements for top secret security clearance. While his lawyer calls this and other activities "omissions of error," it clearly demonstrates (at the most lenient) that Jared Kushner has a gross lack of judgement, faulty memory and/or is indifferent to the laws of our nation. Revising his application after the fact is totally unacceptable.
Jared Kushner should be stripped of top security clearance NOW.
Jonathan Elder (New Haven, CT)
As a 71-year-old Connecticut commercial real estate professional, I have long been aware of Mr. Trump's legendary real estate dealings. This story extends far beyond Hillary Clinton. I am certain more investigation will show that Mr. Trump also used the same tactics to defeat his Republican rivals for the nomination. It is highly doubtful he could have gotten the nomination without Russian help there as well.
Laura B. (Williams, OR)
Sooooo, if the Russian lawyer had actually had some good dirt on Hillary, the meeting would have lasted a LOT longer?
ploatman (<br/>)
Lordy! Lordy! If Obama only HAD "tapped" Trump Tower? No wonder The Donald was so paranoid about that possibility.
The New York Times job is done. They found the smoking gun, or emails as they are, that will finally bring down the demagogue Trump and restore the rightful order in the United [sic] States.

Now the Times can go back to being a real news paper, if it remembers how to practice real journalism. First remedial lesson - two verifiable real actual sources.

The bean counters in Iowa won't be happy, but they can always find another job at the local meat packing plant.
P Lock (albany,ny)
Sorry GLC but you seem to be missing something here. The NYT did real good investigative journalism here. The NYT did get 2 confirming sources regarding this story. Don Trump Jr. and Rob Goldstone who were directly involved in this e-mail communications and resulting meeting. In fact Don Trump Jr. admitted to their content by releasing the e-mail traffic himself. Of course he did this for damage control since he realized the NYT most probably had them and would release them and for some reason thought he was being transparent after the Trump Campaign denying any such contact with Russians over the past 6 months. Looks more like he was caught in a lie.
William Case (United States)
In an article headlined “Donald Trump Jr. and Russia: What the Law Says,” the New York Times points out that most legal experts agree that the Trump Tower meeting or email violated no election law. The New York Times articles provide no smoking gun evidence of wrongdoing. It provide new reasons not to vote for Trump, but it's a little too late for that.
Marvinsky (New York)
This is not altogether different than Netanyahu's meddling in American politics in the 2012 campaign. In this, Israel not only got a pass, but a huge billion dollar raise in our purchase (of whatever we expect to get for our gifts to that outlier).

In Netanyahu's unbelievable immersion in to the election, supporting the GOP of course, trying to embarrass Obama, there were barely raised eyebrows. If Romney had won, what wold he have owed Israel?

Yes ... sanction Russia. But also sanction Netanyahu. Do not tell me one is much different than the other. One is absolutely no more an real 'ally' than the other.
Dan (Philadelphia)
Netanyahu is a free agent who tried to press his case where he could, publicly. If it were at all the same, it would be Romney's campaign, then, that would be guilty of something.

Not at all the same as secret backdoor meetings with know Russian government agents.
Marvinsky (New York)
It's a foreign government involving itself in the American election. A foreign agent trying to influence our democracy. More 'open' because the GOP has no qualms. Just like now. Esp. no qualms because Iz, and Russia, were and are working on their behalf. Iz milked its curry with the unsuspecting American public.
Julie (Manhattan)
Are these not finally clear grounds for impeachment? Tell me somebody right now in the Justice Dept. is not preparing a very careful case -- not that it should actually be difficult.
brink (tucson)
It would be extremely difficult because he didn't break the law.
Lynchburglady (Lake Oswego, Oregon)
Impeachment...maybe. But really it should invalidate the election entirely.
Brian (Arizona)
What if Trump tower is manipulated to allow Trump himself to remotely monitor video/audio of the June 9 meeting the three admit to have attended without being physically present? Especially considering the tweet he sent out shortly afterwards? Meeting concludes, the three meet Trump to discuss the details, and the collusion steams ahead.
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
A commenter writes:

"I'm quite sure the Donald himself was at the meeting."

I suggest you contact the appropriate authorities ASAP. And, by the way, you might find it useful to tell them WHY you're "quite sure." They may need more than just your unsubstantiated suspicion, even if you're "quite sure" about it.
James (Berlin, Germany)
Now would be the time to take to the streets en masse to demand that real action be taken. A general strike would be appropriate.

I wish I were there to participate.
Steve (Florida)
I was a registered democrat when Hillary stole the primary from Sanders. I changed to NPA. If anyone colluded to win the election it was her with the DNC. They refused to acknowledge Bernie supporters in Nevada, she had delegates supporting her before the start of the primaries, she received debate questions in advance from news contributors.
The Russia thing was a big nothing burger (from Washington Post reporter) Let's move on....
George (NYC)
Bernie got the short end of the stick! Trump could have easily been defeated had the DNC properly vetted HRC's qualifications, and honestly assessed how her past transgressions would be perceived by the voting public. They still cannot put forward a message that rallies people to them.
Dan (Philadelphia)
Still whining about Hillary, while looking past collusion with a foreign government in an election, eh?

What. Ev.
Mick (Los Angeles)
Bernie was complicit in bringing down Hillary. He was exactly what the foreign agents and the Republicans needed in they're takedown of Hillary Clinton. He gave them credibility.
Bernie Sanders is complicit in all this. He was told early on that his camp was infiltrated by foreign agents and Republicans.
After he lost New York everyone told him he could not win. But instead he doubled-down. Why? Because he was hoping that they would find a smoking gun. He knew that the Republicans and foreign agents were trying to help him. He said nothing, he did nothing, he even tried to use it against Hillary. Doubled down on his anti-Democrat and Hillary rhetoric.
The reason Donald Trump is president of the United States it's mostly due to Bernie. Personally I'd like to kick him right in his pants.
JFR (Yardley)
OK - probably not treason (as we are not formally at war with the Russians), but it clearly would have been. Nonetheless these amoral twits need to be stopped and removed from the White House before they succeed at making Russia and China the new economic and military leaders of the world.
Wally Wolf (Texas)
"Treason" is defined in the Constitution as:
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States

"Giving them aid and comfort within the United States" sounds like a winner to me..
JFR (Yardley)
But what is, Constitutionally speaking, meant by "enemies"?
Allison (Austin, TX)
@JFR: I would say that any foreign nation trying to secretly influence another nation's election is probably an "enemy." To be fair, US hands are not clean in this respect, either.
Wally Wolf (Texas)
Can't Saturday Night Live find anyone to do an imitation of Pence? The crying overly sincere stance he takes when he says, "Of course not" is priceless.
HT (New York City)
What is fascinating is that, it appears that, people in the White House are releasing this stuff.

Or are they being hacked by the Russians?
If that were true - unlikely - then they are heroes.
Bob (San Francisco)
A fish rots from the head down...

Donald Jr. seems to have taken in the modelling by Sr. It's too bad other generations of young Americans are exposed to this way of life! Is this (really) the way to be 'successful'?
Darchitect (N.J.)
How much more will it take to convince Trump adorers that he was helped into office by our own enemies; by subterfuge and now by dimwitted stupidity?
Mick (Los Angeles)
And do they think that Russia has her own interest at mind?
How stupid can they be?
Rutabaga (New Jersey)
His mother must be so proud of him. What a good boy.
Dan (New Haven, Ct)
The bad Karma that's been building up from Trump's behavior is now coming back hard and strong and will ultimately devour him. That's Karma, that's justice, and that's a fact!
RLG (Norwood)
The Trumps got conned bigly!!

You live by the con, you die by the con.

And if you think you're too rich and "inside" to go to prison, ask Bernie Madoff.
Steve (San Juan, Puerto Rico)
Trump Jr., Trump Senior, and the rest: TREASON. This is Treason exhibited clearly. Working with a foreign government to undermine an election and share secrets. Into the gallows. Jail. Treason. Non patriots. Frauds. Goodnight.
Dan (NY)
This is such a joke. I love that the media is frothing at the mouth with this made up Russia story, it means they are wasting their time. It also means they are wasting what little credibility they have left. NY Times, CNN, ABCDEFG, etc are all looking more and more irrelevant to the American public. But keep it up, liberal media making itself irrelevant is EXACTLY what conservatives want.
Trump didn't do anything illegal, or anything that would get Congress to impeach him. He won't be im[eached guys, give it up!
With all the legitimately illegal things Hillary Clinton has done, that the liberal media didn't bat an eye at, stories like this about Trump's son are a JOKE, and America is laughing.
Zejee (Bronx)
You may be laughing but America is not.
Name (Here)
You recommended yourself, and you laugh alone.
Do you not get it?

Misinformation was spread only re Clinton.

With this outed behavior of the TT Family that is unraveling, we don't need to see their hacked but unpublicized emails. I assume they are far worse.
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
It's OK to be hopeful, but headlines like this one make me wonder whether HRC supporters are downright delusional:

"Rancor at White House as Russia Story Refuses to Let the Page Turn"

Certainly Trump's people would prefer that these "collusion with the Russian government" stories end. But I strongly suspect they pay far less attention to them than HRC supporters imagine they do. In the meantime, they're busy on other matters, happy at least that HRC supporters seem to be ignoring those other efforts, focusing instead on various pre-election conspiracy theories.
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
Clinton's people would have hesitated:

"Who can look me straight in the eye and tell me that the Clinton people would not have taken that meeting if told by the Russians that they had dirt on Trump?"

How long would they have hesitated? Here are the choices:

A. One nanosecond.
B. Two nanoseconds.
C. Three nanoseconds.
D. Four nanoseconds.
Carl Hultberg (New Hampshire)
But Hillary wasn't offered this assistance was she?
Ahhh, wrong. They are lawyers and have been in government long enough to know better. Not inexperienced unsavvy reality show hosts.
Allison (Austin, TX)
@Mythreecents: So what? Clinton did not win the election. Trump did. The fact that he did makes speculation as to what Clinton's campaign would or would not have done completely irrelevant. You're just trying to come up with some desperate way to justify the Trump campaign's crimes. But this whole business of "it's ok, because everyone does it," is a lame defense. Not everyone does it. When Gore's campaign was approached by a foreign power in 2000, they called the FBI.

The fact is that many people have integrity and will not participate in these kinds of shenanigans, and we demand that our elected officials also maintain at least some fundamental standards of behavior. Trump's mafia-style operational methods do not meet even the lowest standards of behavior Americans should require of their officials.

And don't drone on about how corrupt Clinton is. She is now a private citizen and is not the president of the United States. Whatever she did or did not do has no effect on what is happening now in our government. Trump is the president. And we want to know what lies he told and what crimes his people commited in order to fool guillible people into electing him, because he is certainly demonstrating his complete inadequacy as a public servant every day he remains in office.
Clare (New York)
There might have been an even more malign intent then what has transpired so far in "Junior Gate," and should remind all why this is so important:

Imagine if these emails were not unearthed, but the Russian government began blackmailing little Donnie Jnr with threats of revealing the information. The original email from Goldstone (a modern day Goldfinger?) was extremely explicit about the source of the information - "this is obviously very high level and sensitive in formation but is part of Russian and its government's support for Mr. Trump."

What better way to turn DJT jnr into a White House mole!
Bob (Milford, CT)
Pardon me, no me, no me. It's all about me.

If any of them get pardons, then maybe we need to reconsider the 2 party system.

It's not working, folks.
Coffee Bean (Java)
It has been acknowledged the previous Administration knew of Russian attempts to influence the election. Despite their overwhelming confidence in Mrs. Clinton, it begs the question just how much [of this] was known?

In Rep. Schiff's press conference last night the topic was not broached.

Given the sacrosanct integrity of the electoral process, for [future] elections should there be electronic surveillance of campaigns by an independent judiciary?
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
We need United Nations Inspectors for the 2018 elections as the Russian hacking and tampering with our election results HAS NIT stopped.
Karen L. (Illinois)
I'm quite sure the Donald himself was at the meeting. Was he in New York at the time? His office is right there and doesn't he involve himself in every little thing? Doesn't seem like he trusts his sons much to act independently. No doubt there was out and out collusion with the Russians. They should all stand trial for treason. This is probably why Putin is blackmailing him.

The demons chasing the Donald have to be worse than the ones that stalked Tricky Dick.
doug (Ok)
wow, a hint of a speculative thought by a Trump hater is considered absolute undeniable proof, while actual undeniable proof of massive DNC corruption is blown off as right wing conspiracy, delusional at best
Name (Here)
Given how much comfort he takes from his Russian friends, how happy he seems with them, and how much aid and comfort they have offered him through the years, it is very unlikely that Trump would pass up a meeting with any Russians. It is even more unbelievable that he'd pass up a meeting with a Russian hottie lawyer friend of Putin.
Jay Lagemann (Chilmark, MA)
Why should we take Juniors's word that nothing came out of this meeting? His first explanation was that the meeting was about adoption.

It is hard to believe that he would make sure that the Campaign Manager and Kuchner would be at the meeting unless something important was going to happen.
doug (Ok)
doug (Ok)
insanely delusional, I think all these anti Trump comments are generated by libs who used to do "contract" work for Pelosi and the Democrat party, thinking they had a lifetime gig at the public trough, and are now pretending to be many concerned citizens to try to sway public opinion back to their party, but real Americans want the truth, above all else and are finally seeing it by the actions of all these anti-white, anti-male, anti-straight, anti-citizen anti-God groups, which includes most of the MSM, all of Hollywood and the 1%, who are the real puppet masters of BOTH parties. This perfectly and entirely explains the non-sensical groupthink that abounds on the airways, universities, and all of politics.
President Trump was elected to fight this and he is. Judging from the unhinged hatred, I'd say he is succeeding beyond our hopes.
Thank you, Donald Trump, you are already one of the best US Presidents ever.
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Kremlin representative that he met DOES NOT do empty meetings. Soulless as she is, her legal competence and effectiveness are consistently praised by the Kremlin for a reason. Natalia Veselnitskaya delivers results.
Jim (Houghton)
The collusion thing stinks, for sure...but you heard it here first: Donald Trump is going down because of money laundering. Just wait.
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
Pardon them for what?

"The President can preemptively pardon all these folks. So why doesn't he?"

I think most Americans wouldn't want Trump to pardon anyone who's guilt of a crime. But that begs the question: What "crime" are we talking about here? Just because some NYT commenters say Trump Jr. was guilty of "treason" or various other crimes doesn't make it so. You may notice that no real-life prosecutor has actually expressed any agreement whatsoever that Trump Jr. committed a "crime" by meeting with this Russian lawyer -- even if she HAD given him some "dirt" on Hillary Clinton (which, by all accounts, she did not). Nor did any real-life prosecutor suggest that Hillary Clinton or any member of her campaign staff had committed any "crime" when they received "dirt" on Paul Manafort from the Ukrainian government.

Since time immemorial, political candidates have sought "dirt" on opponents, from any and every source. Usually a different label is used -- "opposition research," for example. And no political candidate in his or her right mind is going to release information simply because some foreign government gave it to them. They're going to try to verify it independently, and the "dirt-giver" knows that.

If it really were a "crime" to receive "dirt" on one's political opponent from a foreign government, rest assured that foreign governments would take all necessary steps to mask the source of that "dirt" -- hide it in a pumpkin, for example, or something like that.
You bring up some cogent points. The main idea of this all, to me, is that it will be interesting to see how this further untangles. Are Mr. Trump's diehard supporters (or casual ones, for that matter) going to accept that collusion occured (if it is proven), or wil they decry it all as "fake news?" If it is proven that Mr. Trump did not collude, will die-hard/casual Democrats accept that? We will see-thanks for your thought-provoking comments. I have my own opinions, but that, of course, is not at issue.
Name (Here)
Trump is a simple man. He is clearly more jovial, happy and comfortable with his Russian friends than with anyone outside his family, and even then I'm not sure his family flatters him as much as the Russians do. As a Dem, I certainly wouldn't want a traitor in the Oval Office, nor a grifter beholden to Russian money, but I don't even like how downright comfy he is with our enemies. These are not trivial enemies, hardly Boris and Natasha Keystone Cops. He should go, leave the Presidency. He is a travesty because basically he's in too deep with the wrong crowd.
jr (PSL Fl)
From The Times:

“This is the EXACT reason they viciously attack our family!” Eric Trump, the president’s second-oldest son, posted on Twitter. “They can’t stand that we are extremely close and will ALWAYS support each other.”

I think the country should honor the spirit of such tight family support by dedicating a section at ADX Florence as the Trump Wing.

Lock 'em up!
Mick (Los Angeles)
With orange jumpsuits! Perfect!
doug (Ok)
you can tell when libs steal slogans what really t's them off. " lock her up!" really sent them off the rails, because it's true, like when Alito? called O a liar, Piglosi gave us her "I am absolutely outraged and shocked that ANYONE would dare..." look, what a phony.
Allison (Austin, TX)
@ Doug: We say it with irony, because it represents your massive hypocrisy. You are totally willing to swallow every lie about a politician you do not like, but completely unwilling to open your eyes and see the incredible corruption of the man you support. This is what is wrong with partisanship.
Paul King (USA)
And while we all take in this important story, the work of the "Trump Termites" goes on.

Eating our national house secretly beyond our view.

The industry lobbyists writing and revising regulations to suit their corporate bosses - many of whom will profit DIRECTLY from the changes!

Read and learn:

Are conservatives OK with that?
Can we at least share that outrage?

And your access to fast internet content?
Well, the net neutrality rules are about to change too.
Meaning the companies that you pay for internet service can charge more for certain content.
And you'll pay more.

Anyone OK with that?

But those companies will donate to the Republicans pushing the changes. Ya know, that corrupt swamp thing.

Trump is in favor of us paying more for internet content. Democrats are opposed.

How about you, conservatives?
Wanna pay more for internet content so corporations can line the pockets of your party's politicians?

Tell me you're OK with that.
Coffee Bean (Java)
"...And while we all take in this important story, the work of the "Trump Termites" goes on...

...But those companies will donate to the Republicans pushing the changes. Ya know, that corrupt swamp thing..."

Concerned the termites might [actually] expose a handful of skeletons in the closet?

There're many, many voters who did NOT vote FOR Trump, WE voted AGAINST Hillary.
doug (Ok)
we are way past the point of doing anything to stop federal intrusion into every aspect of our lives, prices on everything will continue push things out of our budgets, first luxuries, then necessities, ( clean water), after all if the " educated" insist on taking our right to speak, how much less will a citizen be "free" to actually DO anything w/o (2500 pages? of) regulations strictly governing (effectively eliminating) that freedom?
Ahh! the ease of propaganda with Fed run "education"
Classic Cajun (Dallas &amp; New Orleans)
This is beyond belief for a President of the United States. To begin with, Russian meddling in the election has been confirmed by all intelligence agencies. Trump Sr. is massively unqualified for that office. Now, he's thoroughly discredited and will take all his time in self defense. Pence is an idiot and is already running for office. WHO is running the country? Apparently no one.
doug (Ok)
well, we'be been 8 yrs with no leadership, no problem with that?
doug (Ok)
"confirmed" is supposed to mean "proved" , but still can't say "proved"
Matthew (NJ)
Doug, you're right, but it's been 8.5 years since GWB was president. In the meantime Obama had things running smoothly. Miss him and the days of having a responsible, intelligent adult in charge.
Peter (New York)
Let's see. Where do I start? It wasn't very long ago that Democrats were crowing about the Russian dossier on Trump, which turned out to be fraudulent. Or that Obama was whispering to Medvedev that things were going to be different after his election (he was right: that comment invited the Russians into Crimea). or that Hillary was okaying a Russian majority investment in a Canadian company that had 20% of all American uranium....which investor then put money into the Clinton Slush Fund. I do not care where anyone gets the truth about dishonest, illegal or treasonous activities about Government officials. If it come s from Russians, so what? And Hillary got a ridiculous pass from Obama and Comey for blatantly illegal maintenance of a secret server. And as far as the collusion in hacking is concerned, just how did the Trumpians assist in getting Podesta's and the DNC's emails? Where's the Beef? The Russians don't need the assistance of those amateurs to hack anything. By the way, if they'd found similar emails from Trump./RNC, Democrats would be screaming Let the Light Shine In!!
Joe Blow (Kentucky)
I would like nothing better than to have incriminating information about Trump & Russian collusion, but this is weak & meaningless.I know about the Logan act about conspiring with a foreign power, but who wouldn’t have jumped to the possibility that there was incriminating information about ones competitor, which might give you leverage over the person your running against.That goes for Democrats as well as Republicans.To use this against Trump will only enforce the Trump Rank & File to support him.
Joseph M (California)
Republicans: But, but, everybody does oppo research! Oppo research, oppo research! Oppo research!!! Oppo oppo oppo!
Dan (New York)
Remember when Hillary hired a British intelligence agent to get dirt on the Trumps? And you were all fine with that? The double standard is real. I think Trump and Clinton are both terrible human beings who lie when necessary. But it's tough to take the Times seriously when it gave Hillary a pass for the exact thing it is now in outrage over about Trump
Mick (Los Angeles)
You never know what they're going to say on trump news?
patsy47 (<br/>)
Think again, Dan. It's simply not the same thing. You said it yourself - Hillary *hired* an individual to do some investigating. That individual is a former agent for Britain, and Britain, at least for the moment, is an ally of the US. She did not receive - and accept - an offer from an agent of a historically *hostile* foreign power. See the difference?
common sense advocate (CT)
Today the Trump crew is declaring Fake News far and wide.

But that's impossible because of Trump Junior's own words:

“There was some puffery to the email, perhaps to get the meeting, to make it happen,” he said. “There was probably some bait and switch about what it was really supposed to be about.”

Yes, BUT Trump Junior is confused in his defense - the "puffery" he was excited about was the illegal stuff, and when the hostile nation promised to give Junior dirt on Clinton, he rushed to meet with them - but then Russia baited and switched to talk adoption, which wasn't illegal, disappointing Junior.
Agnes (Plymouth, Michigan)
Demonstrates lack of principles.
Dr. John Burch (Mountain View, CA)
With all due respect, I would suggest we leave President Trump's children out of the mess. There is enough pressure on them already, with their father making such a fool of himself.
Constance Ruth Price (Saint Petersburg, FL)
Susan Josephs (Boulder, Colorado)
What fumigation company is going to be potent enough to rid the White House of the stink of this administration?
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
Though I've yet to see any evidence whatsoever of the alleged "collusion" between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, I do think Trump's people overstate their knowledge when asked questions about this. When Kelly Ann Conway or Reince Preibus or Jeff Sessions, for example, is asked "Was there any contact at all between any member of Trump's campaign staff and a Russian [government] agent," how can Conway or Preibus or Sessions credibly say "no?" All she or he knows (assuming she or he is telling the truth) is what he or she knows, not what every member of Trump's campaign staff might have been doing.

I recognize that "As far as I know, no" is less emphatic and useful than simply "no," but it's also more honest. That's all Conway or Preibus or Sessions (or anyone else) could honestly say, and it's what they should have said.
greg Metz (irving, tx)
we love having our insurance companies denying us coverage and our kids sick on bad air and water and the rich getting richer as our pay gets less and hours more! and now the cherry on top- working with the Russians to bring us prosperity like in the great old days of 'Dynasty'!! YEAH to the TRUMP GOING COMPUTIN!
Arthur Marroquin (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
I heard a Trump apologist on television say that Jr. is not a "high level operative" who might be excused for making a rookie mistake in agreeing to meet with the Russian lawyer. Putting aside the participation of Manafort, who surely knows better, the problem with this aw-shucks-I'm-new-here baloney is that the Russians ARE high-level operatives who know how to get their hooks into rubes like the Trumps. The hubris of Trump to think that he could run with the big dogs on the world stage has been a problem from the beginning, one might say a fundamental problem, with his late-arriving political career. Experience counts; judgment counts, as does temperament. Trump scores low on all these dimensions, and it was evident from day one. That he could successfully market these personal deficiencies as strengths says all you need to know about our current body politic.
Dan Mowbray (Columbus, Ohio)
Memo to Don Jr.
As Michael Corleone said to Carlo in The Godfather:
"Only don't tell me you're innocent. Because it insults
my intelligence and makes me very angry."
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
I THINK I get the distinction, but I'm not sure:

If the Clinton campaign communicates with the Ukrainian government to acquire "dirt" on Trump's campaign manager (Paul Manafort), that's OK because the Ukrainian government is not "hostile." But if Trump Jr. acquires "dirt" on Hillary Clinton (which, by all accounts, didn't happen, but let's assume it did), that's NOT OK.

In other words, there's nothing wrong with acquiring "dirt" on one's opponent from a foreign government, as long as the dirt-acquirer makes sure that (at the moment, at least) that foreign government is not "hostile." Not sure what happens if that foreign government ever becomes "hostile," but I guess we can safely assume that that won't happen -- or won't matter if it does.

Do I have that "distinction" correct?
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
Your analysis is flawed. But MOST IMPORTABTLY, Clinton is not president. Her inactions or actions are not consequential. Trump is president. His collusion is a foreign power to undermine our democracy is relevant.

He sounds like an agent of Putin.

Natalia Veselnitskaya DOES NOT have nothing meeting as alleged by Trump Jr.

The broken email chain indicates there are at least a dozen missing emails. Shortly after The meeting, Trump declared there would be information on Clinton, and the dump started shortly thereafter.

The pertinent question is WHAT DOES RUSSIA HAVE ON DONALD TRUMP SR. And how far is he going to deliver on their demands.
Allison (Austin, TX)
@Mythreecents: No, you have not made the correct distinction. The Ukraine ledger was discovered by an official Ukrainian body, the National Anti-Corruption office, and it was the NAC that released the ledger to the public, along with a public statement. The NY Times reported on this in August 2016. This information was out in the open for anyone to read. There are at least half-a-dozen links to articles and television broadcasts, including this one, headlined "Ukraine Releases More Details on Payments for Trump Aide":

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you weren't reading the Times in August 2016. This information was public and was not obtained via the Trump family method of conducting secret meetings that are conveniently omitted from disclosure forms.
Wally Wolf (Texas)
This should definitely wrap up the Trump/Russia collusion question and may include conspiracy, but I have a question regarding Kushner and Flynn. If I fail to disclose any contacts with foreign officials on confidential forms required to obtain a security clearance, and as soon as I get caught, I amend the list of foreign contacts, is this behavior on my part okay with the government and I can keep my security clearance with no consequences whatsoever? I believe Kushner still has his security clearance.
Libra (Maine)
As the French say, Tel père, tel fils. As is the father, so the son. Lies or misrepresentations, a tendency to walk back comments, a pathological need to win ( and/or please a father?), a "love" of tearing down another individual, and an impetuous and self-serving failure to consider long-term consequences for the nation. He may not be guilty of a crime but he is surely yet another example of the dangerous ineptitude, lack of judgment, and
total lack of credibility of his father's presidency.
Blaise Adams (Los Angeles)
An impeachment trial would tear the US apart. Is that really what liberals want?

History will not be kind to liberal extremism.

Impeachment is for high crimes and misdemeanors. Of course, people argue over the meaning of words.

But forget the US. How does an impeachment trial appear to members of the international community?

Consider the following assertions which will likely be aired in an impeachment trial.

Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, allegedly tried to influence the 2011 election to prevent Putin from becoming President.

Now we can argue that she was justified because Putin is a "bad person."

But how is this in reality different from Putin's attempt to provide evidence that would damage Clinton's prospects for election?

In any case, Putin had a clear motive for election meddling, independent of any "collusion" with Trump.

Is Trump naive? Perhaps. Does his son understand the implications of meeting with Russian emissaries? There is a fine line between what is appropriate and what is not. Liberals seem to think the line is clear. It isn't.

Moreover, bringing this up will once again call attention to the content of the emails, which were released by Julian Assange, not the Russian government.

The contents? They seem to show that Clinton unfairly influenced the Democratic nomination, throwing the election away from Sanders.

From a moral standpoint, the actions of Clinton appear even worse than what we know about Trump.

Fools rush in....
burf (boulder co)
We'd most likely be fine with a resignation after Mueller lays out the entire traitorous, incompetent affair. Disgraceful. GOP this is on you, comrades.
ThoughtfulAttorney (Somewhere Nice)
Clinton is not president. Yet you Trump apologists continue to attempt to insult our intelligence using obvious infantile deflection tactics.

Trump Jr. met with Natalia Veselnitskaya, a known, thorough and ruthless Kremlin operative.
Before the information on her achievements mysteriously vanished from the web, anhone could see her work and unequivocal connection to the most powerful man in the world, Putin.

Yet, Jr. states that it was a nothing meeting?Natalia Veselnitskaya and nothing DO NOT go together. She is a soulless but unquestionably competent lawyer.

Stop your campaign of misdirection and deflection. The NYT us not Fox News and the Alex Jones circle.

Based on circumstantial evidence, the trove of missing emails from Jr's. release, it is looking almost certain that Trump colluded with a hostile foreign power to become president.

The question now is, Just far will he go to do,as Putin dictates.
"In retrospect, I would have done things differently" Jr says. In retrospect, the Republicans and our country should have thought differently.

Come on congressmen, wake up, do the work you are elected to do, and save our country from this family of dunces.
Coffee Bean (Java)
Now calling President Pence; Mob rule is never a good thing.
will (oakland)
The most troubling part of this meeting, and subsequent events, is the apparent and undeniable quid pro quo. You, Russia, dish the dirt on Hillary and deliver the election to me, and I, Donald Trump, will have the US sanctions removed and let you have the Ukraine. So the RNC election platform was changed to favor Russia, Flynn gets on the phone with Russia the day after the election and discussed removal of sanctions, Tillerson is appointed Secretary of State and has advocated removing sanctions etc. This distinguishes happily receiving "dirty" from Russia from any "dirt digging" by any other campaign. In my view it simply is treason.
DavidDecatur (Atlanta)
There is no connection between 'truth' and morals for this administration. Truth and Lies are interchangeable in the pursuit to 'win'. The Trumps and their stooges (including 'me too' Pence) taint America by their very presence. While it is a blessing that they have exposed the hypocrisy of the right-wing evangelicals, they have tainted real Christians by their proximity. This is grimy trash soap opera performed by those who are master haters.
Darin S (NYC)
Clearly the Russian government determined that an inexperienced blowhard like Trump was better for their long term interests than an experienced Hilary Clinton whom they had dealt with during her 4 years as Sec of State. That part is obvious. But has anyone considered their colluding with the Trump team was only part of their plan. Waiting for the Trump to take office and then releasing this information, thus weakening Trump (and possibly driving him from office) while distracting the Congress with multiple investigations was the second, more sinister part of their plan.
Mick (Los Angeles)
Hillary would eat Putin alive. Trump just kisses his butt.
ARH (Memphis)
What was that old saying, goes something like the apple not falling far from the tree.
Trevor (Diaz)
More dirt will come out when Trump releases his Tax Return.
Sparky (Peru, MA)
"Dirt On Clinton" - Redundant?
aldenM (Los Angeles CA)
Day by day, the Trump Crime Family reveals itself as more and more guilty of treasonous acts and misfeasance on many fronts. And once again, enough is enough, but what is the actual breaking point? When do we definitively act to get these unqualified leaders and dishonest people OUT of power? And then, move on to the next culpable, nogoodnick GOP leader?
Trump and company are con artists and they've been out-conned by the Russians. Wow. It would be hilarious if it were not so dangerous.
Hedley Lamarr (NYC)
Who can look me straight in the eye and tell me that the Clinton people would not have taken that meeting if told by the Russians that they had dirt on Trump?

Was it appropriate to meet with an adversary of the United States? NO
Was it a crime. NO

Have a nice day.
Joann (Uxbridge ma)
Show me the evidence
W (NY)
Is it a crime to cover it up and lie on the SF-86 during security clearance? Why, yes it is.
Jill H (San Mateo)
Yes, "Hedley,", It is a crime to collude with a foreign government to influence an election. A very serious crime.
Chuck (Paris)
Trump Sr. just called Trump Jr. "transparent". In other words, he's admitting he knew about the meeting with the Russian operative all along!
ERA (New Jersey)
Up there with the whole "birther" conspiracy that Obama had to endure. So leading up to the election you have a handful of Russian hackers digging up dirt on Hillary and you have 90% of the top U.S. media outlets making it their sole purpose to dig up dirt on Trump; hardly a fair fight and still Hillary lost badly.
Mick (Los Angeles)
If losing badly means winning by more than 3 million votes.
Paul (White Plains)
Anything that helps to keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House was and is fine with me.
Christine (Ca.)
Lock him up.
MDB (Indiana)
Even if a foreign government tampers with our elections, or any attempt is made to tamper with our elections?

Has our partisan hatred really gotten this bad that our democratic process apparently means so little now?
Allison (Austin, TX)
@MDB: apparently, any lawbreaking is fine and dandy with the "law and order" crowd, as long as the laws are being broken by their side and do maximum damage to the other.

Clinton still won the popular election by nearly three million votes, so at least the entire country wasn't fooled by Trump the charlatan and con man.
CD-Ra (Chicago, IL)
When will the treasonous cabal be stopped? How many more Republicans are involved besides the president, his family, Bannon, Flynn, Sessions, Conway, Hukabee, McConnell and Ryan. There must be more since the Republican Party is strangely silent and standing behind and complicit with these criminals. They are corrupt to the core. Thank God for the Press.
Diane (Arlington Heights)
How can we believe anything this White House says after being lied to repeatedly?
Surviving (Atlanta)
I don't get it. Say, someone approaches you and says "Hey, I have some information on how I can help you commit a crime" and you say "I love it!" and scramble to set up a meeting. Then the meeting comes, that the person says "Well, not so much" and then you chat about something else. Just because the person didn't provide you the "ammunition"you wanted, doesn't mean that you're innocent of wanting to receive that information.
Markel (USA)
And, wanting to receive info is a crime? If someone tells you how to rob a bank but you don't rob the bank, have you committed a crme?
BMEL47 (Düsseldorf)
The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) prohibits any foreign national from contributing, donating or spending funds in connection with any federal, state, or local election in the United States, either directly or indirectly. It is also unlawful to help foreign nationals violate that ban or to solicit, receive or accept contributions or donations from them. Persons who knowingly and willfully engage in these activities may be subject to fines and/or imprisonment.
Crossing Overhead (In The Air)
Who cares, what a bunch of nonsense.

His son is a private citizen, he doesn't have to report whom he meets with to the federal government, it's simply not illegal.

The Democrats will do anything, including this desperate measure, to start his present from moving forward.
Jill H (San Mateo)
He was part of the campaign. That changes status from private citizen. Same with Kushner. Worse for Manafort, the campaign's actual chairman at the time.
WaveMan25 (Florida)
Hillary meets with actual Russian officials and gets millions in bribes and we are supposed to care that Trump Jr met with a Russian civilian once? Give me break, just more treason from the left.
melech18 (Cedar Rapids)
Poor Donald Trump. His own son and son-in-law set him up and hung him out to dry. Each time the President said that nobody in his campaign had any contact with the Russians, they knew it was not true. What kind of people do not have the decency to come clean with their father or father-in-law and keep him from repeating a falsehood? Is this a case of a total lack of respect on their part for him or do they hate him for some unknown reason and this was their chance to get even? Sad, so sad. Unless you believe Trump senor is a knave (he knew about the contacts) then he is a fool - a humiliating role created by his close family members.
Carmelle (Washington, DC)
No one beefs with Intel, talks about draining the swamp, or messes with Deep State and survives. Oh and I might add tries to get over on the Clinton s. The Trumps are arrogant outsiders that don't know how Washington DC works.
zDude (anton chico, nm)
This sounds like a perfect time for a James Bond spoof centered on a Trump presidency, title? "From Russia: I Love It."
Dennis D. (New York City)
When are Republicans who hold elected office going to realize the gamble they made on nominating Trump is going to bankrupt their party as Trump bankrupted his casinos? Except for entrenched solid Red States where bumpkins rule, Republicans in swing states are headed for the "Exit" signs. The anti-Trump voting bloc is growing. By next fall if Republicans do not change course they are going to lose badly. If that occurs watch the Dems to put a stop to this Trump nonsense. Congress needs to act to prevent this demagogic chief executive from doing greater harm to this nation than he has already done. Trump is a complete incompetent, but ignorance of the law won't prevent him from being prosecuted to the full extent of it.

Paul Thomas (Albany, Ny)
I came back from vacation just yesterday and purposely avoided reading the news while I was away. Now that I'm back and getting caught up, I just can't stop shaking my head in disbelief that this is actually happening in our country, and the Republican faithful don't care. If it is not for the betterment of our country, why do they vote and stick with a party that is comfortable with treason at the highest office of the land? I'm still shaking my head as I write this...
MC312 (Chicago)
Trump Jr explained himself, no doubt infuriating the NYT by releasing his emails before the NYT could selectively do it.

If Trump Jr is guilty of anything, and many commenters here are basically calling for his head on a plate, then by those standards anyone affiliated with the DNC should be strung up and hung.
Copse (Boston, MA)
The President can preemptively pardon all these folks. So why doesn't he? Wouldn't that be to his advantage? Well it would keep them out of jail. But then they could not invoke the 5th during congressional or other inquiries and the President has no power to pardon state crimes. I bet the Special Counsel has contingency plans to transfer jurisdiction to the New York State Attorney General or others. This is going to be a long long story. And a triumph for Putin who achieved his objective of forestalling a Clinton presidency and has succeeded in weakening the current President and may well have permanently weakened the institution of the Presidency.
Markel (USA)
As if Putin would want to "forestall" a Clinton presidency. We are all fools with our eyes closed.
RS (Philly)
How is this a crime, or even close to it?
Are we saying that anytime a foreigner offers dirt on a political opponent a politician is committing treason?
If that is the standard, then why isn’t there a criminal investigation into the people who hired the British ex-spy (a foreigner) to dig dirt on Trump ?
Why is there a criminal investigation into the Clinton team for colluding (yes, actually colluding) with Ukrainians (foreigners) to get opposition research on Trump?
A crime is a crime (treason, we’re told) and no less of a crime just because Hillary lost.
Rikathedog (Madison)
What if Russia is the source of the leaked emails to the Times? Trump could then be a victim of blackmail by Russia with more to come if he doesn't cooperate with Kremlin.
Alix Hoquet (NY)
How long until we're debating the limits of the presidential pardon ?
MDB (Indiana)
If all this -- all of it -- proves true, no pardon. For anyone.
JTinNYC (New York, NY)
If Donald J. Trump had sealed the deal with the American people by publishing his tax returns and getting rid of his international business interests when he was elected - as every modern president before him has done - he might find he had a little more benefit of the doubt within the press and public regarding these Russia stories. As it is we are still left with nagging doubts: who is he working for, himself or his country? Taking up the presidency is like a marriage, and there are steps and rituals to make it stick. As it is, the drip drip stories fit into a waiting narrative wherein the president is simply pursuing an opportunistic path with himself and his family at the center - not the American people. (Sad!)
Rick (Louisville)
The Trump white house continues to operate the same way the Trump organization did; disorganized, undisciplined and ultimately, leaderless. It speaks volumes that they hire personal lawyers who are experienced in representing Mafia families. It's like a reflex to them based on past practice.
Carole G (NYC)
The only thing about this meeting that seemed to have bothered lite Donald is that he felt the Russian did not have anything very useful. Whether or not this is truthful it is an odd justification for the meeting.
itsmildeyes (Philadelphia)
To the do-or-die supporters of Mr. Trump and his family, I respectfully think you're missing the point. When you bring up the U.S./Russia uranium issue - this activity was part of stated government policy with which Sec. Clinton was tasked. While you can certainly disagree with the policy (obviously you do), it's up-front and on the record.

Mr. Trump, Jr.'s 'negotiations' with the Russian lawyer, ostensibly about adoption, were on the down-low, which exposed him and all in attendance to potential blackmail.

Whether we like it or not, politics is a blood sport. An experienced professional politician would have realized how a meeting with Russian representatives based on subterfuge would render him/her compromised. Mr. Trump, Jr. may be in a position to plead naïveté; not so for others in attendance.

This is why Sec. Clinton's lifetime of preparation for and desire to serve as president were of importance to us as citizens. As regards Mr. Sanders: he was not a Democrat, yet sought that party's nomination; he espoused universal healthcare (a worthy goal), however as we have seen with the passage of the ACA, he would have been decimated at the polls as a result of the relentless right-wing propaganda machine.
HH (Skokie, IL)
There are many comments that could be made regarding this matter but I will offer two. First, in many of the photos and videos that show Donald Trump, Jr., and Jared Kushner as well, they both have an arrogant smirk on their faces that seems to indicate they got away with something, that they are untouchable. We may see less of this smirk now from Donald, Jr. Second, with all the chaos swirling around the White House now I hope and pray that someone sane and rational is in charge who is watching out for America's interests. America's enemies and adversaries are certainly watching what is going on in our country and will seek to exploit any weakness or inaction to their advantage.
lle (<br/>)
Wow, so much deception, lies, and claims of no meetings, no one knew anything, everything was innocent, until we learn that full email chains were forwarded to these same people identifying "The Russian" government as the source. How can any American think this is O.K.? And then deflect by saying, Clinton would have done the same thing, as if that would somehow make this O.K. Despite our decades of Cold War history with Russia, we are on opposite sides of an intense and ongoing military battle in Syria, which is not just about ISIS but also influence in a region that many believe is on the brink of broader war. Now we are nitpicking the word "treason." When you have the facts you argue the facts, when you begin arguing semantics, it is because your guilt is a matter of degree. Let's remember the famous discussions about the meaning of the word "sex" during the Clinton days. The only statement I believe is the one from Eric Trump that this family will ALWAYS support one another (code for say anything, do anything). Let's hope there are still some people left in government who are as committed to our democracy.
G.E. Morris (Bi-Hudson)
The GOP elected appear no longer to be American citizens but just political mercenaries. Power, greed, and party fueled by people with a very dark vision.
LHG (New York)
At the highest of outrage levels, it is a bit absurd to suggest that election meddling is a province of Russia's alone. The U.S.A. meddles in others elections all the time, openly and covertly. The focus on this administration's efforts to undermine Hillary Clinton during the campaign with Russia as an enabler is the least of our problems. These bozos are trying to ram through the most shameful legislation, appoint misinformed swamp dwellers, treat the highest office in the land as their personal bank account....need we go on? The press is focused on Russia, fine. They need the ad dollars and eyeballs sell. We the people should be laser focused on thwarting this administration's attempts to undo all progress, as so many are doing at the local grassroots level. Congressman need to feel the heat for saddling up to these imbeciles who will do irreparable harm to our democracy, if they haven't already.
JP (Portland)
Possibly DT Jr is panicking? Trying to get some defense out in the media, where the Trumps seem to head off stories--or used to? Except at this point, he's in Woodward-and-Bernstein territory, playing with the pros, not Fox & Friends.
Scott Hardy (Temecula, CA)
The Trump model is so steeped in dishonesty, manipulation, smoke and mirrors that Jr.'s non-experience with "right and principled" drove him to incriminate himself by affirming his participation with emails; then, arrogantly denying the chain meaning.

His arrogance is well honed, though.
Barb Campbell (Asheville, NC)
So we now have proof in writing, provided by Trump Junior himself, that there was collusion between Moscow and the highest levels of the Trump campaign.

It will be entertaining to see how the Republican party and Fox News spin this.

If Kushner's security clearance isn't withdrawn immediately the Republicans will be accused of complicity with this treasonous tribe.
malibu frank (Calif.)
So what was this damaging information on Clinton, and where is it? Or was the whole affair merely a bait and switch con job intended to lure The Donald Jr. and his pals to a meeting intended to compromise their integrity, such as it is, or perhaps provide a basis for blackmail?
Aubrey (NY)
still not the smoking gun that everybody thinks it is. given that hillary was always fingering trump's supposed ties to russia, why wouldn't it be interesting to receive similar information about the other side. still doesn't prove it was a) material information or b) used for effect.
LaughingBuddah (USa)
“I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on here!” (The croupier hands him his money.) “…Your winnings, sir.” “Oh, thank you very much!”
Andy Fisher (Portland OR)
Can't we just rehire Obama?
Anne Sherrod (British Columbia)
It is inconceivable that Trump Jr did not immediately inform his father and Kushner of that the Russians wanted to help their campaign. I too wish the best to Mr. Mueller in his critical investigation, but think the hotter the case gets, the more it's going to spring leaks, and I look forward to the NYT connecting more dots for us. There's this one that needs to be connected:

".Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, was looking for a direct line to President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia — a search that in mid-December found him in a room with a Russian banker whose financial institution was deeply intertwined with Russian intelligence, and remains under sanction by the United States." — NYT May 29 2017

Then, are we to believe that the meetings Attorney General Sessions had with Russian connections were an accident — meetings that he failed to disclose when he applied for security clearance and during his Senate confirmation hearings? It's the big picture that's staggering me. At a cursory glance it looks to me like some of these meetings with Russians may have occurred after Trump Jr was informed that the Russians wanted to help the campaign. My wish list for the NYT: a timeline of all the Trump campaign disclosed (belatedly) meetings with Russians. Thanks for all you are doing.
Steven F (New York)
Only the free press and the courts stand between these trump grifters and the dissolution of our democracy.
me (NYC)
And the Clinton campaign fought a clean and ethical fight? Please, Both sides fought dirty. They were trolling for any and all dirt on Trump - and Sanders - and waited for the moment to drop bombshells regularly.
One does have to wish that Clinton was as forthcoming with her emails as Donald Trump Jr. instead of wasting everyones time while weaving convoluted stories. And only after being backed into a corner.
bleurose (dairyland)
Quit trying to deflect. When that is all you have, you should start to think that probably the facts are not on your side.
Centrist (Omaha NE)
Thank you New York Times. This situation will now reveal who in our public life are the patriots and who are the hacks. It is time to see who will not be silent and instead will follow their oath to support and defend the Constitution. That includes you: Don Bacon, Ben Sasse and Deb Fischer.
Casey Jonesed (Charlotte, NC)
These emails are smoking guns.
Junior, Kushner, Manafort conspired with Russia.
This is the proof.
Subpoena all of them now and let's get to the bottom of this
and when Trump himself find out cause you know he did.
Will (Detroit)
I feel like all these tweets are going to come back to haunt him. They provide an excellent cross reference once more information like this comes to light. Things that seemed weird or harmless in a tweet could suddenly become proof of knowledge or intent of some wrong-doing. Maybe not, but man would that be great.
Jeffrey (California)
I wonder if campaign laws are communicated to candidates and their staff in any official way. The tendency may be to say that the Trump campaign was an outsider campaign and that he should be forgiven for not knowing the laws or standards. Of course, no one else in our society is able to use ignorance of a law as a reason to break one. But more than that, it reflects the hubris of someone running for the highest public office in our country with little or no knowledge of the issues he will have to face. And, someone who sees facts and expertise as mostly irrelevant to his opinion.

An administration that puts more weight on the opinions of a Fox News commentator than on research or people who have done a rigorous study of the facts and evidence of a topic should not be forgiven for knowing nothing all along. (And neither should the Republican Party, who acts in many of the same ways.)

And, of course, the people who voted for such a person bear some responsibility too. We immediately saw the policy results of such an administration, and the great harm it can cause at home, abroad, and for future generations.
MBR (.)
"I wonder if campaign laws are communicated to candidates and their staff in any official way."

Campaigns can hire lawyers who specialize in election law. And anyone can file a complaint with the Federal Election Commission.

This article quotes election-law lawyers:

Donald Trump Jr. and Russia: What the Law Says
JULY 11, 2017

To file a complaint with the FEC, Google "Complaints process".
MsPea (Seattle)
The absolute worst part of this is that the Trump campaign had knowledge that the Russians were interfering in an American presidential election and they did nothing about it. In fact, they encouraged it. I don't know if that is a crime, but it taints our entire election system, something we Americans have always prided ourselves on as being fair and honest. Maybe I'm naive, but I grew up believing that our presidents were freely elected, and it's heartbreaking to know that is no longer true. And, to know that a candidate for president actually allowed foreign interference in a US election is crushing. The Trump campaign had a moral obligation to tell the FBI about their contacts with the Russians, and they abdicated that obligation, lied about it and now refuse to accept responsibility for it. Our whole electoral system has been compromised and may never recover. We will never know for certain which of our future presidents has been elected fairly, or installed by a foreign government. It's a crushing blow to those of us who believed that our system of democracy was an example for the world.
NotAmused (USA)
Back in my younger days, when country actually did matter more than party to most people, Don Jr. would already be in custody, along with Kushner and Manafort. Today's politicians only play to the choir that is willing to let them run amok and sell of our country piece by piece.

The simple truth here: Don Jr. was willing to commit treason to help his father and actually went to a meeting in which treason was to be the sole purpose. The intent was treason and just because he failed to gain any useful information does not negate the attempt.

Here is the question everyone should be asking: Should we just let this one slide so that later down the Trump clan does actually succeed in their mission and destroy that which is left of our Democracy?
Paul Gouin (Spain)
Call this by its name : TREASON.
And called Trump by the name he has earned : TRUMP THE TRAITOR.

Trump for his own selfish gain has promoted the national interests of Russia at the expense of the national interests of the USA even before he became president. The reason why is now clear..

This is the smoking gun. Donald Trump Jr's emails are the equivalent of Watergate tapes.
Joe (Ketchum Idaho)
Despite the hopefulness blended with Trump abhorrence, and the wishful thinking reactive cries of "treason," this is another nothing burger.
bleurose (dairyland)
Your stance is a nothing burger. No wonder the rest of the citizenry is amazed at the willful ignorance of the Trump supporters.
will (Philadelphia)
Its a little more than that. It shows there was intent at least on Donald trump jr's part and that they didn't know getting help from a foreign government in this manner isn't allowed.
Richard (USA)
"This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump "
Harold R Berk (Ambler, PA)
Did the Russian lawyer provide Don, Jr. with any documents as was promised in the emails? Important to find out.
Irene (Brooklyn)
Before June 9th, Donald Trump never mentions Hillary's "33,000" missing emails. Mentions it for the first time hours after Kushner, Manafort and Jr. meet to discuss Russian government's support for Trump's campaign, and then near daily afterwards.
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
Comments like this one make me chuckle:

"Glasnost to you all comrades."

All my life, Republicans have accused Democrats of being in bed with the Russians. Now it seems to be just the opposite. (The quoted comment came from a Clinton supporter.)

Four decades ago, I traveled (low-budget) around the world, and ended up with four observations. I'll spare you three of them, but the fourth was that most of the world is baffled by the American obsession with Russia (then the Soviet Union). Most of the world then considered Russia (and probably still considers Russia) a second-rate country not worth spending a lot of time worrying about. (Even back then, China seemed to be much higher on most lists.) Some foreigners even laughed out loud at the excessive attention paid to Russia by most Americans. They felt it was not only inexplicable and self-demeaning, but downright amusing, that the US was so obsessed with that country.

Yet we were then, and still are, obsessed with Russia, or at least with the Russian government. Now, it seems, it's Democrats, not Republicans, who are most strongly opposed to Russia. As many Americans will remember, that's a 180-degree turnabout from past decades. The key fact remains, though, that Americans are obsessed with Russia -- not which party leads the charge on that obsession at the moment.
will (Philadelphia)
Theres better reason for it in the last decade than before. Russia has been meddling in the affairs of state in many countries in a unfriendly manner.
bob (Santa Barbara)
I wonder if she, too, is considered a Russian agent and is under ongoing surveillance
LeftTheRight (Chicago, IL)
OK, by a show of hands; is there anyone involved in the Trump campaign that is NOT in the pocket of the Kremlin?
Ronald Tee Johnson (Beech Mountain, NC)
Iceberg the size of Delaware breaks apart just as the hugely successful New York Times broke a Trump.
Matt Carey (chicago)
The essential question is, did Trump himself know about this at any time? It seems more than likely that he did know of the meeting--the timeline doesn't look good for him. Don Jr gets the first Goldstone email on June 3rd. Trump Sr. on June 7 promises a speech on "all the things going on with the Clintons." The actual meeting takes place on the 9th, and that afternoon Trump tweets about the location of Hilary's emails. When he gets the nomination in July, the language in the Republican platform changed so that it is more "Russian friendly." (From the Washington Post on July 18: "The Trump campaign worked behind the scenes last week to make sure the new Republican platform won’t call for giving weapons to Ukraine to fight Russian and rebel forces, contradicting the view of almost all Republican foreign policy leaders in Washington."). I thought these revelations would make me happy, but I just feel discouraged. There may be relief if he is removed from office (or, more likely, if he resigns then is pardoned by Pence) but this is nothing to celebrate.
William Case (United States)
Why would it matter if Donald Trump Sr. knew about the meeting? The meeting wasn't illegal. It violated no election laws.
Matt Carey (chicago)
Perhaps you'll mince the words, but federal election law prohibits a person to solicit or accept anything of value from a foreign national for the purpose of influencing a federal election. It sure sounds like an illegal meeting to me. If Trump himself was aware of the meeting and did not bring it to the attention of the FBI, that would make him complicit in the crime.
MHW (Chicago, IL)
What has been apparent to all with eyes to see and ears to hear is now confirmed. The trump campaign sought to collude with Russia to influence the election. I trust Mueller and his team are hard at work and indictments will eventually be issued. The larger problem is that those who have been poisoned by Fox Newz cheer the Russians, laugh at the lawlessness of trump and his team, and hate their fellow Americans who are appalled by the ongoing revelations. They so hate the Democrats that they celebrate the possible loss of health care for millions, along with the destruction of the planet. It boggles the mind.
SKM (geneseo)
I would like to hear a little more about Fusion GPS. I sense it will be the hub of the matter. There is an interesting photo of Natalya right behind President Obama's Russian ambassador at a Congressional hearing floating around today I sense you will be extremely disinterested in.
I fail to see how this relates to the issue at hand. Please elucidate.
SKM (geneseo)
I suspect you will in due time.
Psst (overhere)
trumps followers, the real Americans, the true patriots see nothing wrong with the trump campaign teaming up with a foreign power to influence the election. Hypocrites all.
Crossing Overhead (In The Air)
Let's see some actual evidence, I'd be against it if any of you could come up with something solid, you simply can't.

This is our circumstance and conjecture, another reason why none of it is standing up in a court of law or moving forward with impeachment proceedings as you like
MDB (Indiana)
And just think -- it wasn't all that long ago that these patriots considered Russia (in its former configuration as the Soviet Union) International Enemy #1. Couldn't trust 'em, they were going to blow us all up, they had designs on the rest of the world... Now, Putin is a fine guy, nothing to see here, and anyone who dares criticize Trump by questioning the election is considered the threat. (Not to mention all those sinister liberals out there. The horror!)

Makes me wonder how "patriot" is defined in this day of alternative facts, dishonest media, and endless witchhunts. But I will give Trump and the GOP this, though. I think they have managed to finally and thoroughly split this country down the middle ideologically. And I can't help but think that Putin sees a U.S. at war with itself as a very good thing.

Crazy times, I tells ya, crazy times.
Gwe (Ny)
Um. How about the fact that shortly around this time Donald Trump Sr promised a major speech on Hillary's crimes.

Um Hello?
Donald Trump, our President, has never been concerned with "impropriety" or "unethical conduct" or "the appearance of impropriety." He does try to avoid illegality. He has never been in jail. He would like to continue as President and not go to jail. I am sure that he would not like his son to go to jail. Therefore, the only important question is: was this conduct illegal? This issue is in the hands of Mr. Mueller. Even Trump supporters know that Trump is a rascal, a liar, a flimflam man. They like him anyway.
BobMeinetz (Los Angeles)
If it's what news reports say, it looks like impeachment and prison time. I love it, especially later in the summer.
VJBortolot (Guilford CT)
You know those old time jokey guns that had a flag saying 'Bang' when the trigger was pulled? Well this one smokes and the flag says, 'You're fired!'
LC (Los Angeles)
Interpreting reality can be a tricky thing under any circumstance but with the prevailing political situation these are increasingly not differences of opinion subject to discussion and debate. What's at stake are visions of an alternate universe in which truth is not tethered in objectivity.

Truth instead is what the leader and his/her minions declare it to be. And that is subject to 180 degree change from one day to the next. Shameless and outrageous lying allied with undisguised racism and xenophobia are openly tolerated by at least one third of the electorate. Trump's base continues to hold in the face of otherwise disastrous revelations. The alternate reality world of Fox News provides this government with solace and safe haven in the face of reversals.

The parallels to Nazi Germany are startling. Adolf Hitler did not take power in a coup. He was elected in 1933. After forming a government the Nazi Party used its control of the state apparatus to suppress opponents and vanquish free elections. The Third Reich and its stormtroopers successfully strangled the Weimar Republic.

You can debate whether or not the Trump administration has the present support in the military to violently suppress a free media and other sources of competing world views. However, if not now, how far down the road will this erosion of democratic rights pave the way for someone, if not Trump, to become the American Hitler? Anybody who cannot hear the drumbeat of civil war is deaf to the moment.
KLS (My)
Mike Pence has been protected during all this... I am not looking forward to MP in charge and Gorsuch on the bench. Handmaid's Tale here we come... Plus the new head of the CDC who says pregnancy is not a disease, why should we prevent it ...
wnb (Yuma, AZ)
Pence is a member of this administration and was a beneficiary of this treasonous behavior. Can he assume the office or will Ryan be the successor?
DC (Ct)
How many of these officials Hillary,Petraeus, and Trump get caught with emails snagging them, in this day and age to get caught with emails you must be a fool.
Don't put it in writing-does everyone not know this?
Jane (<br/>)
The thing that kills me reading these e-mails is that there is not one where Don Jr. says, "Whoa - the Russian GOVERNMENT is supporting my Dad's election??!!! What is up with that???!!!!" So had he already known about this for some time, or is so truly clueless that he didn't even realize how beyond strange and compromising such support would be?
MDB (Indiana)
His son releases his e-mails that provide basic evidence of this meeting, and Trump is still screaming "witchhunt".


Psst...Don....this stuff came from YOUR SIDE. Or did Junior make this all up?
Kerry (Florida)
Anyone who thinks Donald Trump did not know about the meeting completely under-estimates the whims of a control freak. That Trump kid doesn't take a bathroom break without daddy knowing about it.
Kimbo (NJ)
Eager does not equal a crime.
Is there evidence of a crime being committed?
Matthew (NJ)
Yes. Really clearly. Embarrassingly clearly for Jr.
Jim Steinberg (Fresno, CA)
Kellyanne will straighten this whole mess out!
dw659 (Chicago)
Someone needs to start asking the REALLY important question, which is "When did Donald Trump find out about the details of this meeting?". If he knew BEFORE his conversations with James Comey and others in which he asked to have the Russia investigation stopped, it will become CLEAR evidence that he was trying to obstruct justice.
Richard Schumacher (The Benighted States of America)
This episode is yet another reminder that if something matters in politics it needs to be a matter of law. Custom, past practice, and common decency are no guarantees of ethical behavior.
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
Not sure you get it:

"The Trump administration has already voted to eliminate the only federal agency in charge of ensuring that our voting machines cannot be hacked."

The "mechanics" of voting have long been overseen by local or state officials, not the federal government. Contrary to what you may believe, those officials care about doing their job right. If you're nevertheless persuaded that they need help from the federal government, we still have plenty of federal departments with the authority and capability to (1) pass on to local or state election officials whatever they learn; and (2) thwart or resist foreign-government efforts to tamper with voting machines, ballots or other election-day "mechanics" items. We really don't need a separate federal agency to handle that.
VJBortolot (Guilford CT)
The trump family's moral compass must be viewed as one used for geological magnetic surveys. In addition to pointing to magnetic north, it has a vertical direction called 'dip'. Their compass points straight down.
Paul King (USA)
To my conservative fellow Americans:

You're missing the point.
This is not politics as usual.
This violates U.S. law.

Getting "dirt" on another candidate FROM A FOREIGN SOURCE is illegal. See the difference?

Read and be fair minded please.
From another Times article this morning:

"A federal law, Section 30121 of Title 52, makes it a crime for any foreigner to contribute or donate money or some “other thing of value” in connection with an American election, or for anyone to solicit a foreigner to do so. Legal experts struggled to identify any precedent for prosecutions under that statute, (probably because it's not been done by any previous campaign - mine) but that phrase is common in other federal criminal statutes covering such crimes as bribery and threats, said Richard L. Hasen, an election-law professor at the University of California, Irvine. Courts have held, in other contexts, that a “thing of value” can be something intangible, like information."

Russia providing information to a willing Trump Jr. is a crime under U.S. law.

George (NYC)
Q. What of value was received. A. Nothing! Get the point! The DNC paid an Ex British Spy Christopher Steele for a dossier on Trump. Who in the Clinton camp was prosecuted for it? Funds were paid ( consideration of value) the dossier received. The newest oxymoron " honest journalism".
Scott (USA)
"The Emperor's New Clothes" Any one remembers tale by
famous Danish author Hans Christian Andersen?

Am I asking too much? if I wants to see at least one Republican cries out?
PogoWasRight (florida)
America, won't it be interesting to find out what Special Counsel Mueller discovers? And asks? And concludes?
Joe in SF (<br/>)
Things are closing in, it is just a matter of time. In this case, the political system can act faster than the criminal system if Republican leadership finally decides to act. They may soon have to. If it becomes clear that the president himself is compromised through Russian blackmail (very possible), putting our national security at risk, Americans regardless of party will have to remove him and the threat.
Wally Wolf (Texas)
Thank God there are still people who are stupid enough to write self-incriminating emails. In this case, it benefited the country immensely. I have no doubt that the Trump Administration is doomed and the people who just stood by while it was damaging our country, our citizens and our reputation will pay a heavy price. Just for example: Senator Orrin Hatch said attention to the emails was “overblown” and called Donald Trump Jr. a “very nice young man.” It's just a matter of time now, and don’t forget we owe a debt of gratitude to the New York Times for their unyielding determination to keep this country and its citizens safe.
I hope everyone is paying attention to the likelihood Trump made his fortune via policies Clinton likely would have supported. That is how clean she is. Willfully blindly clean.
So many "Hillary Clinton would have done/supported it too" conjectures in these threads. Mrs. Clinton is not president, so those points only aim to distract from the factual story being presented. Sounds so much like my 6th grade students' logic.
Const (NY)
1. Breathless front page story in the NYT's about Trump and Russia.
2. Thousands of comments about how corrupt Trump is and he needs to be impeached.
3. Nothing happens and the story fades.
4. Wait a week or so and return to top.

This is going to be the sad cycle until election day 2020.
Bruce (Pippin)
Bread and butter, Russia and Trump, butter and bread, Trump and Russia, what else do you need to know? Russia is a sworn enemy of the United Sates of America with a thousand multi headed nuclear ICBM missiles pointed at us? The Republican party had better decide which country they support and are sworn to protect, enough is enough.
LeftTheRight (Chicago, IL)
Somebody better tell the democrats...
common sense (florida)
Maybe they just talked about golf and grand children???
Who is in charge of the Pence transition team and will he have his own VP, I wonder?
Lauren Rombach (Littleton, Colorado)
This entire scandal is going to be bigger than Watergate. I don't understand how Donald Jr. Is not in jail already because even though he didn't receive anything of monetary value he accepted the invitation to receive something he thought was valuable in a political campaign from a lawyer tied to the Kremlin. What more do you need? Isn't this treason?
MiguelM (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
Maybe slime but no crime. Good Lord, this obsession with Russia is amazing. Politics with forever be in a constant state of paralysis.
Matt Carey (chicago)
You're in luck: it's both slime AND crime! In fact it is against the law for a person to accept something of value from a foreign national in order to influence a federal election. Where is your interest in this story, let alone outrage about it?
rab (Upstate NY)
All you Trump fans are in total denial.
If this Russian meeting and Russian meddling are just a "nothing burger" then why in your world do Trump, Junior, and the rest of the thugs running the WH have a record of continually lying and obfuscating about it. That was of course until it was learned that the NYT was about to release the email chain . . . and suddenly Junior become Mr. Transparency. If all this is so above board, why, why, why LIE?
Jim in Tucson (Tucson, AZ)
And in the middle of it all Trump says his son might have been "the victim."

No Donald, the victim was our electoral system.
Jill H (San Mateo)
Republican's standing idly by is a bigger story to me. We all knew Trump was a liar, unprepared for the job, and totally unfit. We don't need more examples. We need Republican's to act, and remove this menace from office.
Lynn Lawson (Waynesboro, Virginia)
What is unbelievable is that Don Jr. was naive enough to agree to the meeting in the first place. It probably was a "bait and switch" or some type of set up. It is hard to imagine anyone being this stupid unless the Trumps really are so chummy with Russian leaders (including members of the Russian "mafia" through various financial entanglements) that the meeting appeared to be routine.
If something helps 45, it is fake. If it hurt 45, it is real.
M. Imberti (stoughton, ma)
Avalarov family, Trump family, Kushner family = real estate empires. And billions of $$ needed to finance them. Clean money, dirty money - it's all good, and eventually it becomes your master. See the connection here?
CBRussell (Shelter Island,NY)
Well now Mitch McConnell.....where are your true stripes.....are they
red, white and blue ?....or are they just black and yellow;.....and the rest of
your Congressional colleagues.....are you red, white and blue....or just copy
cats of those who are being challenged as USA first or maybe you are just
what Vladimir Putin has judged you to be....a failed GOP...with a failing
GOP President..
Where do you stand....Mitch McConnell with Country our USA or with
the Russian President...who has really been calling you out...and I think
Vladimir has got your number....and that you are willing to be traitors to us all.
James (New York)
I love going back and forth between the NY Times and WSJ each morning on issues like this one and I'm constantly (and amusingly) reminded: we do not see the world as it is. We see the world as we are.

Events are neutral. We apply meaning to these events that becomes "truth." If you don't get my truth, you're dumb or evil.

Don Jr. admitted he met with the Russians. Neutral event. Was he an amateur? Evil? Just digging up dirt?

From my POV he's Fredo, an amateur, he lied. He comes from a culture of do whatever it takes and truthful hyperbole, a toxic nexus of values that has infected our Republic, a virus that could kill it.

Russian meddling and Don Jr's value system has made our democracy sick and we all need to take action to heal it and then take steps to prevent it from ever infecting us again.
Jay (qca)
Dirt on Clinton? I Love It too!! Is that Illegal to say? Why WOULDN'T he love dirt on her. Do you think for one moment the Clinton campaign would hate info on Donald? Get real. One sided set of standards as usual.
Northern Wilf (Canada)
Not the point. The campaign claimed "no contact with Russians". The lies are what are important.
DebinOregon (Oregon)
Calm down, Jay, we get your hatred. The operative word here is RUSSIA. Russia wanted a high stakes meeting with the son of an American presidential candidate. The Russian government. Not AccessHollywood. Get it? Try to get it.

If you must insert Ms. Clinton, try imagining Chelsea Clinton saying she had never never met an Iranian person in her life, then it's found that she was invited to a meeting with the Iranian ambassador to get some dirt that would help her mom become president of the United States. Now stay with me.....
But the Iranians are our enemy! Jay sez it's OK, cuz hating on each other is DELICIOUS enough to wallow in while our adversaries infiltrate.
Duly noted, Jay.
Richard (USA)
The initial email stated "This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump."

So the Trumps were willing to accept support from the Russian government. Not just sad, but dangerous to our system of government. if Clinton had done this you'd be yelling "Lock her up."
johnw (pa)
So now can the 2.5 million incarcerated in the uSA pick the evidence used, the questions asked and the question they answer?
Hmmmmm .... (Ottawa)
Why are we taking Junior's account at face value? Technically, incriminating information on Clinton may very well not have been passed, and the adoption issue may have been discussed. But in light of email correspondence, and events which occurred shortly after the meeting (e.g. Dem party leaks, rewrite of GOP platform on Russia), we need to consider that meeting was mainly for Russian government emissary to offer help in form of incriminating emails, disinformation campaign, etc, in return for dropping economic sanctions if Trump reached office. When it comes to the Trumps, the lies, while frequently blatant, also exist in the deception of what they don't say.
Mark (Cheyenne, WY)
Mr Kuschner's clearance forms have been 'amended' to now include this meeting. How is this actually possible!?!
Ron (Virginia)
I don't remember any "dirt" released about Clinton or about what she did behind closed doors during the campaign. I do recall the salacious lie about Trump in the Moscow Ritz hotel. This was suppose to have been filmed by russian agents. I wonder who financed that story. There were also the stories released about his relations with his daughter. His wife was called a prostitute by a reporter from a major news agency. If Trump Jr heard anything, there is not one hint that he released anything. There is reason to believe there was talk during the meeting about the Magnitsky Act and adoption. Of course we had given Putin plenty of ammunition for the ban with the stories current at the time of the abuse of adopted Russian Children. One child was put on a plane with a one way ticket to Moscow and no arrangements for when he got there. Another was taken away by authorities the minute he arrived in the states because of his treatment as observed by the flight crew. Still it is the Magnitsky Act that was Putin's real reason for the ban. Collude means to "come to a secret understanding for a harmful purpose; conspire." There was nothing secrete or even an understanding that came out of the meeting, Trump Jr should have been more cautious but according to the L.A.Times, they certainly didn't know she was an "agent. We need to move on.
DebinOregon (Oregon)
Tax returns. That's what we need. Why don't you 'move on' to Moscow?
Quincy Mass (PA)
And the trump admin thanks you for your last thought.
Bernard Freydberg (Slippery Rock, PA)
Hillary Clinton spent her State Department career standing up to the Russians. That's why Putin was so strongly against her. She may not have been an ideal candidate, but she surely passed this crucial test. From our president on down to congress and to the voters who continue to support them, you have more to answer for than you can bear.
enzibzianna (PA)
Big picture, people. Russians helped Trump, but expected relief of economic sanctions. Said relief has not been delivered. The Kochs et alia helped Trump, but expect ACA repeal so they can get their huge tax cuts. Trump is not advocating enough for them.
This leak came either because the red mob is losing patience, or because the american oligarchs are losing patience. I cannot wait to see who throws the last straw on the camel's back.
American Citzen (USA)
I just became a subscriber today because of the great reporting I see at the NYT. This is the first time subscribed to a News Paper in 30 years!
S Aoyama (Amherst, MA)
I'm so burnt out on reading the daily saga of a certain family whose family name does not start with K. So, Junior excitedly went after dirt from/with the bad guys, Dear Daughter got to be President for a Moment in Germany last week, and meanwhile who let the Healthcare out? There is no possible way we'll ever know the truth because who could keep up with the many versions, lapses of memory, backtracking, he said/we said etc. Most of us Americans were brought up with the belief that America was Number 1 in the world. I don't mind that we aren't now if indeed we ever really were. But I do mind that the world is watching and Trump's battle cry may have well have been "Make America Pitiful, Again." Because that is what we're becoming in the eyes of the world. Pitiful.
Nelson (California)
Instead of contacting the FBI for intervention in our presidential election Jr. decided to take advantage of the offer thus colluding with a foreign power. The real threat here is two-fold, what damaging information the Russians have on the 45th that allows them to be so blatant in their meddling and they could use in the future (Trump continues to defend Russia, why?); in this regard, will the GOP in congress and senate have the decency, patriotism, and courage to stop this political hemorrhage that is so damaging to our democratic system?
Dr. Svetistephen (New York City)
ANY candidate, certainly Hillary Clinton, would have no scruples about obtaining opposition research on her rival from ANY source. Does this rise to the level of "collusion?" I think not. There is no "conspiracy." Trump's seconds had a meeting to find out what the information was. They apparently found it was useless. End of story.
Jackson (New York)
How do you know it's the end of the story? Each day more information about questionable contacts between Trump surrogates and Russia comes up. Let the investigations continue without interference. If you're right that no one did anything wrong, they'll all be exonerated. But if collusion did occur, the guilty should be severely punished for colluding with a hostile power to hijack our Democracy. A very serious crime indeed!
William Case (United States)
The New York Times has buried an article (“Donald Trump Jr. and Russia: What the Law Says”) in its back pages that explains the true significance of the Trump Tower meeting. The article explains that the meeting and email exchange violated no election law. It is not against the law to solicit or accept incriminating evidence about a political rival from a foreigner or foreign government. The article explains that collusion—which lawyers refer to as “conspiracy—is only illegal if two or more people conspire to commit a crime. Since the participants in the Trump Tower did not conspire to commit a crime, the meeting and associated email exchange provide no evidence of illegal collusion or conspiracy. A legal expert did tell the Times that the emails and meeting would help establish an intent to work with Russia on influencing the election if evidence of illegal collusion or conspiracy ever emerges. In short, the Trump Tower meeting is significant only if something truly significant emerges.
Max Deitenbeck (East Texas)
Not buried, this is not print news. Perhaps the meeting itself was not illegal, but there seems to be a bit of debate about that. What is illegal is committing perjury. See, Jr. here has a security clearance, which would have required that he divulge meetings like this. This is also evidence that the Trumps are hiding much bigger things.
Blue Northwest (Portland, Oregon)
Wrong. Three Trump campaign representatives met with a "Russian government lawyer" to obtain dirt on HC. That info had value to the campaign or Trump Jr, Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner would not have collectively been there. That's conspiracy, plain and simple.
MBR (.)
WC: "The article explains that collusion—which lawyers refer to as “conspiracy ..."

Yet the Times keeps using the word "collusion" as though it were meaningful. AFAICT, the Times is using "collusion", because politically-motivated sources use it. The Times's careless adoption of terminology from sources would be worthy of a complaint to the Public Editor, if there were one.
Meadows (NYNY)
How about this: Republicans knew from the outset that a Trump presidency would fail somehow, in someway and the sinister plan all along has been to make Pence president. Just that no one knew it would unfold quite like this.
Hope (Saratoga Springs)
I agree. Perhaps cia entrapped trump Jr. Many are Republicans may have desired a pence presidency, as well as establishment Republicans.
Garth (Vestal, NY)
Donald has vociferously and repeatedly denied contact with the Russians, denouncing any such suggestions as fake news. Thank goodness for him that he was never under oath. Right now he certainly could use some alternative facts because he's on the wrong side of the truth.

Nearly everything Trump says is either a sales pitch, an exaggeration, or a lie. Does anyone with half a brain give credence to anything he says?
James (Ohio)
Who knew nothing burgers could be so juicy?
DebinOregon (Oregon)
Unlike Benghazi, amirite?

For James and those like him, it goes like this: Where there's (thick billowing Russian) smoke, there's a nothing burger! If it's Trump.

But you really zinged us with your witticism. Now about Putin....?
Casey Burns (Out west sitting on a subduction zone)
Yet the Republicans in Congress sit on their hands. Where is the outrage? The do-nothings inaction on this scandal will be remembered in November 2018 when many of them hopefully get voted out of office, despite Russia's attempt to interfere. Perhaps many of them are also "owned" by the Russians.
Evandro (Rio de Janeiro)
What a morose situation, how Trump staff could be so remiss. Republicans need to show some action to the people in order to avoid showing the racket that they are.
Tacitus (Maryland)
Very sad. Trapped in a situation of his own making. See a pattern here?
Susan (Maine)
Corruption, thy name is Trump. The rot begins at the top. Presently, we have Kushner sitting in on security briefings and all other government meetings who could be tried for felony by falsely filling out his security papers. We have Pres. Trump and entire family profiting by our tax dollars, wasting our tax dollars and shilling every weekend for his products. Meeting in China? Trademarks to Ivanka, golden visas to Kushner family. Meeting with Putin? Russian Trump Hotel is back on board. Kushner meets with Chinese, Russian bankers and also in Qatar--to save his disastrous real estate deal in Manhattan. The Saudis and Trump go after Qatar? Payback for turning down Kushner? Nevermind our military base with "ordinary American soldiers" put at risk.

Congress--exactly what will it take for you to protect us as mandated? When Putin opens the WH door with his own keys?
Betsy (Cincinnati, OH)
Would Trumps son, son-in-law, and head of his campaign go to a meeting like this without Trump himself knowing about it? Doubtful! Who would be making the final decision about who was to attend a meeting that would potentially be giving 'dirt' on Hillary?? Follow the bouncing ball......
Javaforce (California)
I think Putin probably instigated the master action of trapping Donald Jr. If it was anyone but a Trump child the "Donald" would definitely throw them under the bus.

Putin probably wakes up each day with a big belly laugh. He's snookered Trump and there is nothing Trump can do.
Mark (Columbia, Maryland)
If Mike Pence has the guts, integrity, and smarts that I think he does he is writing his letter of resignation right now. I think by doing so he will save himself and therefore the entire GOP.
Richard Schumacher (The Benighted States of America)
Of course he won't. He wants the presidency, and Trump's downfall is his only path to it.
Then we get rookie young Ryan to possibly replace Trump when TT is impeached for obstruction of justice or conspiracy - to rob us of our democracy - with a hostile nation.

That may actually be the less of two evils (Pence v Ryan).
Ginger Walters (Chesapeake, VA)
Apparently there's nothing Trump or his family can do that will disturb the Republicans enough to act. This is all so sickening. The Trump cabal lies like they breath. It just comes naturally. When is enough enough? I keep hearing this investigation could take several years. Meanwhile, our country is being placed increasingly at risk by this chicanery. We're losing our respect as a world leader, now looking far more like a corrupt banana republic. Am I feeling proud of my country right now? Of course not. And worse, I am deeply frightened. It's not ISIS we should be worrying about. It's the Republican Party. It's the alt right, including their media. That's how we got to this unfortunate place.
springtime (Acton, ma)
What is the big deal. It was a case of bait and switch. Any red-blooded politician would have done the same.
You can't be serious!?

It is our democracy, our security, our lives and that of our children and more that are at stake here.
Martha (New York)
What irony if these emails bring Trump down! SAD!
Susan Wehr LIVINGSTON (Denver, CO)
Next questions: 1) where is Rupert Murdoch in this, and 2) was there election chicanery in Britain and the Brexit vote?
Wally Wolf (Texas)
I know Robert Mueller is on to Trump and Associates and he has to be thorough and it takes time, but every day this man is in office is a day that puts our country in grave danger and open for ridicule.
gb (New York)
Wos is thinking the meeting was bugged by the Russians?
Mike (Brooklyn)
I thought Trump's tweet on his son was heartfelt and very difficult for him as a caring father to come to the conclusion that his son is transparent.
Bethed Keifer (Oviedo, FL)
The Trump mantra. Plead ignorance and lie. And this clone has top security clearance?
Yggdrasil (Norway)
What idiocy.

There is no "Russian collusion". Never was. Never will be. Trump won the election, get over it. No campaign ever would have turned down an apparent opportunity to get "the goods" on an opponent. No campaign, ever.

The progressive left was already morally exhausted, with nothing left but energy for hysterics.

Surely the progressive left will eventually become exhausted from sheer hatred and hysterics, as small children do, and go to sleep.

Surely. Please God, soon.
escobar (St Louis. MO)
1. Just what "dirt: on Hillary did the Russian lawyer offer or give Trump Jr. ?
2. When and how was it used in the campaign?

As to his glee ("I love it")--what campaign (D) or (R) would not have "loved" the prospect of getting dirt on their opponent? That's our politics, and that is who we are. The same kind of "glee" appears in corporate corridors when a rival for the vice presidency stumbles or falls, in academe when the rival for a tenured position is panned by reviewers or fails to get his work published and loses the chance for promotion. Our society is set up to create what we--hypocritically--condemn in Trump Jr., but practice ourselves.
W (NY)
As far as is currently know, Trump Jr received no dirt and thus nothing percolated into the campaign.

However, this cannot be dismissed as being the same as normal opposition research. This is NOT normal. There are laws preventing foreign nationals from contributing any “thing of value” to an electoral campaign. Similarly it would be a crime for a campaign to solicit or accept from foreign nationals. Some would argue whether opposition research qualifies as something of value, but in my opinion common sense says it does.

Furthermore, there is crime in the cover-up. The Trump campaign and Trump Jr himself have repeatedly lied when questioned about meetings with Russia. Kushner and Manafort appear to be party to this meeting and nothing was disclosed in their SF-86. This is an offense that is potentially punishable by imprisonment.
Steve (Ohio)
But...his emails....
doug mac donald (ottawa canada)
I don't know what is more pathetic the amoral Trump administration or his supporters saying nothing they have done is wrong.
Zeldie Stuart (Nyc)
Corruption reigns at this White House. The entire Trump family live on lies, corruption, cheating and stealing. It's the Trump mafia. America has to investigate till they are all bought to trail and jailed. We must uphold justice.
Chico (New Hampshire)
What is disgraceful is that even today Donald Trump has the nerve to still call this investigation witch hunt, proof they are not living in the world of reality.

What has now happened is that Donald Trump and his Whitehouse has lost all credibility and benefit of the doubt, nothing they say about this investigation or the involvement with the Russian's can be believed.

Trump has the sleaziest and most Un-American Whitehouse and Donald J. Trump is sleaziest and most dishonest President in the history of this country.
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
Many commenters predict Trump will resign or be impeached, soon. I used to think such commenters really didn't believe that, but now I think most of them do.

Nevertheless, guess what? Trump is no closer to resigning or being impeached than he was months ago. Time to face reality: Trump won the election. Time to face another reality: Trump will not be impeached, nor resign. Time to face yet another reality: Trump will never release his tax returns.

While his opponents continue to tilt at windmills, Trump is dismantling the administrative state. Have you noticed? Like it or not, he's doing that. If you don't like it, maybe your time will be better spent trying to oppose his efforts, rather than breaking your arm by patting yourself on the back.
Chico (New Hampshire)
There is no doubt now, that there was a concerted effort by Donald Trump and the Trump Campaign to collude with the Russians, lied about there contacts with the Russians, have never been forthright and have been trying to conceal every contact with the Russians and there definitely seems to be an awareness and coordination by Donald Trump himself when you look at key speeches during the campaign and behind the scenes goings on with his people and the Russians.

Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Roger Stone......just the tip of the iceberg and disgraceful and sleazy American's .
wildwest (Philadelphia)
What worries more than this Donald Jr. fiasco is the next election. It is obvious that the GOP have no problem colluding with a foreign power to influence our elections in their favor. The Trump administration has already voted to eliminate the only federal agency in charge of ensuring that our voting machines cannot be hacked. Ah well who cares about these silly Americans and their stolen elections? Let them eat borscht. Glasnost to you all comrades.
Chico (New Hampshire)
Donald Trump continues to maintain this a witch hunt, and his son being totally transparent, nothing there to see.

This statement by Trump shows you how much of a bubble he is living in, there is nothing transparent when you release....maybe all of the emails, after months and days of lying, by trying to get ahead of the release of the same emails by a major newspaper.

Donald Trump is a sleazy liar and is disgracing the Whitehouse every day he sits in that oval office.
Niall Firinne (London)
Is Donald Sr going to let Donald Jr fall on his sword to save Sr? Is Jr as dumb as he seems. He walked straight into a trap he should have known better to have even remotely got involved in. Even if it was legit and their was some "juicy" dirt on Clinton, he should have immediately called the FBI. If he had any style or class he would have refused to have use any such gossip if it had fallen into his lap. As to the Trump election campaign itself, if you believe Donald Sr he had no idea that all these Russian loose cannons were going off all around him, he was not in control of his own family, much less his own campaign. Or maybe, The Donald just brings out the worst in people!
Lisa (Canada)
Remember when Donald Trump went around screaming "birtherism" because he didn't know a person born in Hawaii was a US citizen?
And because he was trying to delegitimize Obama as president?
Now, King Ubu Trump is crying about how people are trying to "delegitimize" his presidency.
Oh karma, how I love thee.
Wherever Hugo (There, UR)
I pored over the United States Code....the compendum of all those laws that rule the land...
I still cant find where its a punishable crime to dig up dirt on a politiican.
In appearantly isnt a crime to "talk to russians."
Paul (Portland)
Serious question: What would it take for you to acknowledge that these people are unfit for office?
kdknyc (New York City)
I doubt you went over every law, just the ones you think will absolve your idol. It's the coordination with a foreign power to influence an election that's a crime, not the digging up of dirt.
Wherever Hugo (There, UR)
OK, kdnyc....then howzabout you quote me a law that Trump has broken?
NO, dont give me "possibly" or "might have" or "if under the right circumstances" yadda yadda.
Basicly, you have NO grounds to suspect Trump of anything....and even so....are you so NAIVE that you dont think other politicians (Hillary) were doing exactly the same thing???
C'mon now;.
MrKnow (USA)
Why are people/media so concerned with the digging up of dirt on HRC? No laws were broken. Do people think HRC didn't do the same thing? Are the Trumps perfect, heck no. Can someone show me a politician (at any level) that is clean?...How about the media cover what the dirt was on HRC and how her email server and the lack of security should have landed her in prison. Any other government employee who would have done the same thing would have been put in the slammer. Our county has selective prosecution.
Geeze, I dunno, why would a Republican house and senate investigate a Republican president over his failed rival? How odd that they would seek to ruin their own party!
Sharon (Miami Beach)
Let's not forget that the Russians had information on HRC in the first place. Why did the DNC run such a compromised candidate?
PogoWasRight (florida)
You seem to be a disappointed Republican. Just wait until ALL the dirty wash is hung out for all to see..........
George (NYC)
Absolutely, I cannot wait for a full accounting of the contributors to the Clinton Foundation and how these funds were spent!
Paul King (USA)
Instead of making snap statements, I'd advise everyone with a brain (that's everyone) to read some of the excellent analysis of this story and the legal ramifications for Trump Jr, and others in the campaign, including Trump himself.

This stuff is about the law of the United States, our country, plain and simple.

Try this about how serious this just got:

And, I think one thing being overlooked is this damaging statement from Jr. which reveals a willingness to have further coordination with the Russian source.
Further planning - which would be conspiracy with a foreign nation - which is illegal.

Donald Jr.:
"Seems we have some time and if it's what you say I love it especially later in the summer."

In other words, let's make a plan for later in the campaign season.

That's planning and coordination of something illegal.
Working with a foreign nation to influence a campaign.

And, we'll probably find out before long that the Trumps knew about the cyber crime against the Clinton campaign (stealing emails) which the Russian government sanctioned.

That knowledge, and the failure to report that crime, is what will bring them all down.
Steve (Minnesota)
Another side show. And all the while the corporate and special interests behind Trump are busy dismantling environmental protection laws, worker safety regulations, consumer protection, voting and civil rights laws, health care and government programs on every level. This is their opportunity to shovel more wealth and power to the already wealthy and powerful and they're not going to miss the opportunity. For them, Trump is perfect. He and his family draw all the attention while they commit larceny on an unprecedented scale largely unnoticed.
Steven (Chestnut Ridge)
Two things: it may be obvious, though it may not be, how Russia benefits from propping up Trump while undermining Clinton. Is it merely that Clinton would be a tougher adversary to Putin--or is there more in it for them? Can we please start getting clear on that?

Second: What does the Constitution say about addressing a fraudulent election?
joanne (Pennsylvania)
In part it's frightening, in part delicious.
Ironically, emails + a free press could bring down this house of cards.
And let's not forget the president was willing to give Russia access to our own cyber-security a few days ago.
What was shot by Mr. Trump on 5th Avenue, ironically, is any notion of administrative competence or integrity.
Complicating matters, Kushner + Manafort are under investigation for their business dealings + the campaign for its ties to Russia.
In emails celebrated by Trump Jr. is an offer from Russia to collude. And Team Trump welcoming collusion to damage their opponent's campaign, sow doubts among voters--and trample our democratic process. Onward came Russian disinformation/propaganda + automatic internet trolls with fake accounts. And yes, it affected the election. At least some voters believed the false stories. And election systems in 39 states were infiltrated.
Larry G. (Connecticut)
Why believe that nothing of value was shared? Or that other topics weren't discussed? Pattern of lies discredits assertions that meeting provided little of value.
I hope everyone is paying attention to the fact Trump made his money via channels Clinton likely would have supported. That is how clean she is unfortunately.
Matthew (NJ)
No one even knows what this means. Just a lame, desperate attempt to divert onto Clinton? Sad.
travelady nyc (<br/>)
Does any one seriously believe that Donald senior did not know that his son, son-in-law, and campaign manager were meeting in his building through his Russian business partner's contact?
Carol (Homestead, FL)
The entire Trump family has no clue what the problem is. They have no inkling that they, as Americans, are supposed to defend country above all else, including family. We have a first family that is unconnected to our country, that has no love for our country except as much as the USA can produce dollars for their businesses.
That the Trump family (but mainly their handlers, because this family seems clueless, especially POTUS) managed to dupe so many Americans into thinking that they would improve conditions here is a frightening testimony to the power of media - and to our uninhibited swallowing of everything that appears on a printed or digital page. Our founding fathers emphasized REASON above all else, and that, we are now sorely lacking as a people.
Charlie (NJ)
I don't admire the leadership of either party right now but, to me, this is a so what story. Someone calls you and says they have dirt on your opponent and we're surprised Trump Jr. talk the call? Would we have been surprised and would this be front page if Hillary's camp had taken a similar call? This is the proverbial tempest in a teapot.
It is illegal even to SEEK political aid from a foreign power. I don't expect you to understand, Ivan.
kdknyc (New York City)
But he went to the meeting, which is the crime here!
Charlie (NJ)
The legal opinions on whether this meets the definition of political aid differ on this point dAVID. Not unexpectedly you and others read only what you want to see. And nice try with the Ivan reference about someone you know nothing about. Who lacks understanding and doesn't respect discourse?
judah (<br/>)
Not sure if my last comment went through but shouldn't the investigative reporters confirm that the Trump Jr meeting with the Russian lawyer was really only twenty minutes long?

If they find out that the Russian lawyer was at Trump Tower for way longer than 20 minutes.......what was she doing the rest of the time?
JN (Atlanta)
The hype in these postings is astounding. If Hillary Clinton's campaign had been contacted with information that would incriminate Donald Trump in his dealings with Russia, Mrs. Clinton would not have stopped salivating until somebody met with the contact. Polls show voters place these type stories far down on their list of interest. It is clear the Times does little more than pander to its unique cadre of readers.
Anna (NY)
It's irrelevant what Hillary Clinton's campaign MIGHT have done. It's about what the Trumps and their campaign HAVE DONE.
Wrong. All the press except FAKE NEWS is pushing on this issue. Only FAKE AND FRIENDS are lying about this.
JN (Atlanta)
Wrong. All the fake news is pressing down on the issue.
Lorindigo (Chicago)
Mitch McConnell (R), Paul Ryan (R)...the 'R' stands for "Russia," so Trump and his team have no need to fear impeachment.
rb (Houston, TX)
Too bad that on Election Day the electorate didn't have the opportunity to decide which email scandal they were willing to tolerate.
Ize (NJ)
Pre-nomination, Jr. a campaign staff member, takes a meeting with people who say they have some dirt on an opponent. (No news here.) This terrible 'collusion, conspiracy, criminal act, treason' is so sensitive, they forward complete email chains to several people and the guy who initiates the meeting posts it publicly "Rob Goldstone’s Facebook page shows he checked in to Trump Tower on June 9, 2016, “preparing for meeting.” complete with map.
There were, and still are, many unanswered questions about Ms. Clinton and her foundations involvement in uranium sales to Russia. Why is anyone surprised it was of interest to her opponents?
George (NYC)
This article reads like a bad episode of Rocky and Bullwinkle! We have Boris and Natasha but the big question is who is Bullwinkle? This in the end will amount to nothing, just like the meeting. Typical dirty politics e.g debate questions leaked in advance to HRC camp, the DNC sandbagging Bernie, etc.... it's been a field day for the left leaning media, who see collusion and espionage under every bed. It would be refreshing if the news was actual reported instead of these never ending attacks on the adminstration. The newest oxymoron is honest journalism!
Marie (BK)
Astounding to me that after 5 months of this incompetent, unsuccessful, amateurish, bullying, embarrassing and possibly illegitimate administration, people are comparing collaborating with a hostile foreign power with leaked debate questions. Just. Astounding.
George (NYC)
Marie what is astonishing is the focus the media has placed on this nonsense instead of what has or has not been achieved by the new adminstration. Dirty politics has existed for decades, and will never stop.
Neither party ran a clean campaign. The never ending trashing of Trump by the left leaning media is tiresome. Sooner or later the Times will fall victim to the same missteps as CNN.
Steve Gordon (NYC)
Each morning I wake up with hope and then I realize that Donald Trump is President.
Greatest Hits (New York City)
I console myself with the reminder of Nixon's environmental protection accomplishments.
Maria (San Francisco,CA)
As big as this news are, nothing is going to change unless we the people, manage to elect a Democratic House majority. Then, we can talk impeachment. Don't wait for Republicans to put country before party, ain't going to happen.
Scott K (Atlanta)
Hello Democrats and NYT. So what is the charge here, "Failed attempt to listen to dirt on Clinton?" The arrogance of trying to ram through a smoke and mirrors type of indictment of President Trump, because of a neophyte son having a non-meeting meeting is going to play miserably among a HUGE portion of the voting public who are silently standing by, ready to slam the next no-relevant-issues-to-discuss Democrat who attempts to buy the next election in a district he/she does not live in. Keep it up NYT, can't wait until the next election.
jsanders71 (NC)
We must protect the integrity of the election process by creating voter ID laws etc., but interference in our election processes by foreign entities is A-OK.

Thanks for setting us straight on that, comrade.
W.A. Spitzer (Faywood)
"So what is the charge here, "Failed attempt to listen to dirt on Clinton?" ".....So first they deny that Russia tried to influence the election, even though we now know they knew this was false. Then they conveniently forget meetings they had with Russian operatives. They deny their was collusion but Flynn was fired when it was discovered he was discussing lifting sanctions with the Russian ambassador. Trump junior discloses the e-mails the day before NYT was going to publish them, and so you believe everything he has said is true???? You don't think he might be less than honest about what he now says was actually discussed at the meeting? How would anybody know what was really discussed, but we know for sure junior was eager to have help from the Russians.
Marie (BK)
A HUGE portion of the voting public voted for the other person. That same voting public listened to 8 years of birtherism, tan suit, arugula, saluting-with-Starbucks-cup and many other ridiculous criticisms.

The NYT will keep up their terrific revelations until this unfit, unqualified, amateurish crime family is out of the White House. We can't wait until the next election either.
Outside the Box (America)
It is yet more proof that Trump and his family and friends are stupid (on so many levels) and they are dishonest.

But if the prosecutor cannot show that the offer actually came from the Russian government, then probably he cannot prove that Trump committed a crime.
Carol S (NJ)
When will Republicans in Congress be willing to acknowledge the existence of "useful fools" in and around the oval office? Which comes first -- political expediency or the security of the Republic?
Jose (São Paulo)
See your honor we really did not commit any crime, let me explain, we had the guns the masks the scape car, but when we got into the bank there was no money so we did not rob anything. We are innocent...
LeftTheRight (Chicago, IL)
thank you, great analogy.
hank (floridA)
Making a mountain out of molehill is a short term gain but when the dust settles Trump will look like a victim of the establishment press which plays into his hands in the states that he won.
MJS (Savannah area, GA)
Despite the desire of the NYT's editors and the democrats there is no collusion here and any talk about treason is reckless. Anyone can meet with foreign officials or informal representatives, it happens all the time in NYC and DC. This is not the hoped for smoking gun (there is none). If one really wants to talk about collusion then let's investigate Hillary's give away of 50% or the USA's uranium to the Russians and reopen the FBI probe into her homebrew server.
Paul (Greensboro, NC)
Pence needs to do the honorable thing and resign also since he defended Trump and also covered up the Truth many times. Watch the video embedded in the story.
Marie (Boston)
How many of my fellow readers work for a company that they feel is ethical and promotes ethical business practices? I'd like to see a poll on that.

When Trump's supporters said that they wanted a business person in Washington to "shake things up" did they mean they wanted a sleazy con man with no ethical center where win at all costs is the primary goal or were they just rationalizing Trump who they wanted no matter what?

What I've seen of the Trump family and empire isn't the kind of business that I've worked in. How about you? The type of ethics that I've seen from the Trump family would get you at last reprimanded in either of the last two companies I worked for, the one I currently work for, as well as the business partners I've dealt with. I'd like to know where the type of ethics the Trump display are acceptable in American business and how prevalent it is. Did people want this type of ethics because they believe it to be the norm and representative of American values or did naively believe that Trump & Co were basically good guys, maybe just a little rough around the edges?

And finally I watched the Apprentice. I watched Don Jr nod in agreement with his father. I am pretty sure if the contestants had done what Don did here they would have been fired. There was more ethics in that TV show "boardroom" than I've seen in the realty show campaign and Presidency.
jdd (New York, NY)
Is it any accident that this latest attempt at undermining the President appears just days after his groundbreaking summit with President Putin, which Prof. Stephen F. Cohen called "the emergence of President Trump as s statesmen?" I think not. To The Times, it now appears, the cause of peace in the world is something to be averted at all costs.
johnny (poughkeepsie)
Trump Junior. So what. The dems would have 'loved it" too under similar circumstances.
Six Minutes Remaining (Out There)
Oh yes -- 'so what,' right? As if the Republicans would not have been calling for bloody impeachment should Chelsea Clinton have been caught doing the same thing.

This is the Administration that lies to your face, Johnny. Trump Jr. changed his story a few times regarding this whole affair, so how do you know what happened at that meeting? Do you trust these people? They think we are idiots. So what, right?
Marie (Boston)
Projecting a lie is lying johnny.
W.A. Spitzer (Faywood)
I think that the democrats would have broken the law if they had had the chance, so that makes it ok that the Republicans broke the law. What a great moral argument.
P Palmer (Arlington)
Hey, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.........since you won't IMPEACH this fraud, know that to many, many Americans that the "R" behind your name is now synonymous with RUSSIA.
Michael (Sweden)
It makes sense that he would see this woman and hear her out. I suspect that big-money business interests, likely connected to Yukos Oil and Mikhail Khodorkovsky, are plotting to overthrow the Putin regime in favour of Western style liberal democracy, with the ultimate target of re-privatising the Russian oil fields. They would obviously favour a hawkish foreign interventionist like Mrs Clinton over an isolationist like Mr Trump as president. Mrs Clinton was infamous for her pay-to-play arrangements, so the idea that she might have taken money in exchange for escalated sanctions against Russia is hardly far-fetched. Voters would have had the right to know.

What is more worrying at this point is that whoever is is a position to control these things seems heel-bent on pushing ahead with an aggressive stance against the Putin regime despite the outcome of the US presidential election. That someone is playing a very dangerous game. While they may be hoping for a smooth transition away from authoritarianism in Russia, there is nothing to say the outcome won't be a Syrian one.

Both sides seem to prepare for Sweden as a potential battleground in an open. armed conflict. American paratroopers have secured an invitation to practise on the island of Gotland. An unidentified underwater object was recently sighted in the port of Gävle, possibly conducting a survey, most likely Russian if that were the case.

Detente, please! Not the best day, I know...
Clearwater (Oregon)
Detente, right now? I understand that eventually when there is no longer a murderous dictator in charge of Russia, detente will be the right tack.
But this man is a murderous dictator and the Trumps just eat him up and want their own version of his power, here!

My father parachuted into France on a June day in 1944 to destroy a dictatorship.
Clark Landrum (Near the swamp.)
By now, it should be obvious even to Trump that the American presidency is more that a family affair. His children and son-in-law are babes in the woods when it comes to serving in a government capacity. It is especially difficult to see where Trump Jr. can serve as an effective surrogate going forward.
Avatar (NYS)
Hahahaha, to quote Donnie jr., " I love it. "
Seriously it's time for republicans to admit they've made a terrible mistake with these clowns, find their moral compass even though probably non-existent, and impeach... and Lock him up!
All of them.
Mr. Gadsden (US)
I enjoy the fact that liberals think that emails about documents that "incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia" will be the nail in the coffin to prove that Trump somehow colluded with Russia.
So let's say everyone just throws their hands up and says, "ok, Democrats, you win. Based upon this 'new evidence,' Russia elected Trump." That would infer that the candidate Democrats wanted to win apparently committed 'documented' crimes in collusion with Russia. How else do you interpret "documents would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia..."? Unless of course, this "meeting" and these "documents" are just puffing. No. That couldn't be. No Russian has ever lied to an American - especially one as politically naïve as Trump Jr.
The alternative, of course, which Democrats must believe in order for this evidence to be credible, is that they are true. Congratulations Democrats you won an argument that... uh... means YOUR candidate colluded with Russia in some illegal way. Laugh out loud.
Here's some unequivocal truth for you: Hillary lost the election because people saw what a liar, a fraud, and corrupt politician she was, how empty her promises were, and how few her accomplishments were as a lifelong politician. Democrats worry about emails and discussions that have any tie to Russia or a Russian person as evidence of why she lost and how Trumps election was illegitimate. In doing so you miss the most critical point: Americans elected Trump. Period.
Six Minutes Remaining (Out There)
You do realize that ALL of our intelligence services agree that the Russians hacked the election -- something that the President continually refuses to muddle? In what way has he held the Russians accountable for an attack on our democracy? Trump hasn't, and every time, all the talk goes to Russia, Russia, Russia, with him and his lackeys.

Wake up. This has nothing to do with mooning over Clinton. This has to do with an incompetent, lying President and Administration who laughs in YOUR face when you swallow his lies. Every time.
Sam (New York)
With all due respect to you Mr. Gadsen, it seems that you have missed the point. The issue here is not that Hillary Clinton was a saint, or that anyone is holding out hope that she may still be given the Presidency. No, not at all (although I drastically disagree with your characterization of her person and career as a policy maker). The issue, actually, is that you're completely right, Americans did elect Donald Trump, and now we must suffer the consequences.

How can we trust a man who willingly, without a moment of hesitation, sought out aid from a foreign and at times hostile nation, with values antithetical to the United States? Do Hillary Clinton's misdeeds negate this fact when Donald Trump is the one in power? Can we as a people let stand a mountain of unethical behavior because the losing candidate was also unethical, or do we accept the decisions our nation has made, and strive to do better -- to hold our most powerful leaders to the highest moral, tactical, and personal standards possible among the human race? I say yes, and I hope you do as well. We are faced with a series global crises -- terrorism, war, climate change -- and this is no time for the petty distractions of ideologues.
Clearwater (Oregon)
I remember 3 million more Americans voted for Hillary. And the Russians criminally interfered with that American election even at state levels.
Nadir (New York)
How many more Russian connections will be revealed? At what point do republicans admit that they can no longer defend Trump? The silence from republicans and their unwillingness to take action is absurd and disgusting.
John McEwen (Ontario Canada)
The view from up here. The meeting with D. Jr. happened in June, 2016 and Trump Sr. started asking Russia to hack Clinton's emails in July of the same year. Tell me he didn't know of the meeting. The game's afoot methinks.
Eskibas (Missoula Mt)
If only there was a film crew in the White House covering all this from the beginning, Potus could've had an actual worldwide smash hit reality show, the highest rated ever, the best of the best, tremendous. They're all going to get pardoned anyway, so if it wasn't taped he missed his shot. Too bad. It would've been fascinating.
Ken Nyt (Chicago)
To the New York Times investigative reporters and editors: Nice work, analogous to Woodward and Bernstein. Plan where you want to display those Pulitzers.

To Trump: If you have any sense of patriotism or public decency you'll resign before the end of July.
David (Palmer Township, Pa.)
Isn't there a federal law which states that political parties cannot seek assistance from foreign governments or people in their campaigns?
manineasterneurope (Eastern Europe)
Some commenters on another paper are saying that for a US citizen to assist a foreign power to influence a US election is not illegal.
I seem to remember that I saw in the NYT and other Amercian periodicals that it is illegal. Could somebody clarify?
Matt Carey (chicago)
From today's Chicago Tribune: "federal law makes it a crime for any person to 'solicit, accept or receive' a contribution or 'anything of value' from a foreign person for a US political campaign or 'for the purpose of influencing an election for federal office.' This includes 'express or implied promise' to give something of value. Under the law, persons knowingly and willfully engaging in these activities may be subject to fines or imprisonment."
Michael S (Wappingers Falls, NY)
Another anti-Trump scandal in search of a legal theory in which to find culpability. This one is going nowhere as is most if not all of the Russian investigations. So long as the liberals fail to offer what the public needs; so long as they prefer to make themselves ridiculous by setting their hair on fire over every unsustainable accusation against Trump they will continue to lose.
Joe From Boston (Massachusetts)
Michael S

Keep whistling past the graveyard. Watergate took over two years to play out.

Donnie Jr has just provided hard evidence that Jared Kushner lied on his SF-86.

When they "pull on the loose thread and the sweater starts to fall apart", it will be interesting to see who starts rolling over on whom. This reality TV program is just getting interesting. You have to wonder how many Trump people will be told "You're FIRED." Stay tuned.
Michael S (Wappingers Falls, NY)
So what do you have, Treason? NO that is only at time of war. We always have the Federal Campaign finance laws which forbids soliciting campaign contributions from foreigners Whether opposition research is a thing of value is dubious The statute has never been applied to an exchange of information.

Federal law prohibits hacking under the computer fraud and abuse act of 1986 it’s conceivable that he may at some point be vulnerable to accusations of a conspiracy involving hacking except their was no hacking and the whole thing was a scam.

It is a federal crime to conspire with anyone, including a foreign government, to ‘deprive another of the intangible right of honest services, That would include fixing a fraudulent election. Does getting dirt on an opponent constitute fixing a fraudulent election? If so every campaign is in trouble.

Add to the difficulty of finding a crime to charge the fact that the DOJ is in REpublican hands and you begin to see what a waste of time this all is.

Just another example of an uninformed press pandering to a bunch of ignorant hysterical liberals. Small wonder the Democratic Party brand is still poison.
Scott S (Brooklyn)
Who knew we could elect an American president so profoundly inspired by Max Bialystock?
SM (Australia)
Trump says this is all part of a sad witch hunt. Sad because he thinks witches don't exist or because he thinks they're being unfairly maligned?
Wayne (Brooklyn)
So we are supposed to believe nothing came out of this meeting and it was just a rouse to talk about adoptions and sanctions. Right after the meeting came Wikileaks emails that the intelligence community says were stolen by the Russian government from the DNC. Most likely the lawyer wanted to tell Don Jr. in person that the Russian government will be releasing embarrassing emails on Hillary, John Podesta and other DNC officials. And also the fact that Don Jr. told Sean Hannity last night that he never told his father about the meeting because there was nothing gleaned so why bother is suspect. Trump is a control freak so hard to imagine anyone would be doing anything without him knowing. Especially when then campaign manager, Paul Manifort, a seasoned inveterate on Russian issues was present at the meeting. Who are they trying to delude?
James Lochrie (Canada)
"Yes, it would be very good if the Russian Government took that action to help", was likely the most common statement used by Trump Jnr., Kushner and Manafort in the 20-30 minute meeting with the Russian lawyer.
Martin Veintraub (East Windsor, NJ)
President Pence will be terrible no doubt. Yet I expect there to be dancing and singing at his swearing-in. Like thousands of Muslims dancing on the rooftops of Jersey City. B/c terrible as he will be, it will still be a tremendous relief for the country and the world.
Carl Hultberg (New Hampshire)
Instructions for GOP troll-bots:

- mention Hillary and uranium (often)
- stress Trump family dignity/loyalty

- payouts from Russia still pending

keep up the good work!
Benvenuto (Maryland)
The _real_ story (behind this story) is about Donald's private investment in Moscow: Don Jr. + Ivanka, finalizing plans to open a Trump Tower in the shadow of the Kremlin, which those pesky Obama sanctions caused to collapse, because pesky Nato and the EU said that East Ukraine and Crimea were actually Ukrainian. Baaad. Saaaad. Hurts My Credit Line, so break up Nato and the European Union, said Donald. The point is that the infamous meeting on Fifth Avenue was not just about "dirt" against Hillary, it was about dirt in exchange for benefits for a foreign adversary, in exchange for Donald receiving benefits from Putin's European aggression. Watch what happens when the formal investigations start to examine that.
susan (NYc)
Israel IS NOT a hostile nation. Russia is.
Matthew (NJ)
It is if you are a Palestinian
knewman (Stillwater MN)
Lies, and the lying liars who tell them. How much more of this are the American people willing to take?
Marie (Boston)
Read the comments knewman. Assuming most are from Americans, and it isn't one troll with many accounts, there is no shortage of American people saying: nothing happened, no big deal, the Dem swould have done the same, what does it matter, let's move on to something important; all indicating a very strong willingness to take a lot more. And there aren't even any dead bodies on 5th Avenue yet, so as far as the American people go, we have a long, long way to go in what they will happily take from the Trump syndicate.
Expat47 (Geneva)
And yet Hillary did not hesitate a second and used the information offered by President Poroshenko of Ukraine when he so "graciously" offered it. I am referring to the "dirt" on Paul Manafort. And you keep talking about help from a foreign government being illegal. Wake up...