CNN Story About Source of Trump Wrestling Video Draws Backlash

Jul 05, 2017 · 417 comments
TR88 (PA)
CNN and most of the media has totally abandoned and failed in their their primary responsibility - to fairly provide information. They are not fair and the country is not informed.

It's all spin spin spin mixed with Downplaying any truth they don't like.

In retrospect, everything Sharyl Akkisson said when she left CBS was true, but instead of the media examining the criticism a respected journalist had to say, she was first banished to Fox News where she could first be vilified and then ignored.
Ben (Indiana)
I cannot stress enough the degree to which respectable news networks (even mostly-respectable news networks like CNN) hold themselves accountable for the factual-integrity of their work.

Compare that to the litany of lies, misstatements, falsehoods, and overall tasteless comments that President Trump states on a near-daily basis, and I cannot understand why CNN is being picked on.

The biggest irony is that the pro-Trump camp is focusing the spotlight on CNN as if THEY should be the ones saying "this is not normal". It's the Trump/Clinton debates all over again: find a small collection of weaknesses, and apply pressure by focusing on those weaknesses until it's all people are talking about.

Meanwhile, Trump makes so many mistakes and exhibits so many weaknesses, that we're literally at a decision-paralysis about what to focus on most.

And thus, the spotlight stays on CNN. Terrible.
Scott (Detroit, Michigan. USA)
The Trumpian right has spent the day defending a man who repeatedly called for the murder of Muslims and black people.

When Americans condemn killings of unarmed black men by police, many of these same people will search for any deed in that man's history to tell us he's not worth defending. Perhaps he had a troubled childhood or racked up multiple moving violations.

It is appalling to see the behavior that many will excuse -- whether from a Redditor or the president of the Untied States -- when it furthers their own agenda.
Will (Atlanta)
The idea that CNN reporting might be inappropriate after POTUS tweets pic of him beating CNN is preposterous. They reported story of their conversation with creator of pic and condition of annonimity. They didn't show CNN logo beating president's kid but sickos who elected #notmypresident can never just shut-up
Panthiest (U.S.)
The bottom line is that Trump published this on his Twitter account.

Let's not lose sight of what matters most.
Scott (USA)
Why is it every news story about leaks in government is always is from an unnamed, anonymous official, yet one person posts a crummy quality video meme from ancient footage of WWE and now for some reason the media wants to rat out people? Your government sources are somehow more important than actual people? Or is it something else? The Times has published piece after piece about how Trump can't take the pressure. Well its time the press looks in the mirror.
Joker (Gotham)
This is what happens when people can't think from first principles. First principles: You are a journalist, a reporter. You are not a moral arbitrer, or any number of other implied things shown by the later statements of CNN and it's journalist.

This journalist had at least two options both equally valid, and ironclad defensible:
1. The redditor had engaged in newsworthy behavior, the journalist had done their work and found him, the redditor can therefore be identified, and let his statements speak for themselves. The man apologized for whatever perceived wrongdoings may have been in his previous statements, and let that be that, any person who would have taken action against him could also look at those apologies. "Protecting his safety" is hogwash, especially when you reserve the right to unprotect his safety in future.

2. The journalist could have granted the redditor anonymity FOR THIS STORY, as a source "they requested anonymity due to fear of retribution" is a daily refrain in this newspaper for example. And in that case that would be that, you cannot then attach behavioral conditions to that grant. There of course could be future unknown events, (refer to #1) for which you could then reveal the identity, with each newsworthy event treated on its merit.

Of course, those "CNNBlackmail" etc are opportunists, trying to divert attention from the real story (Trump and his associations). But the reporter fell into it by not thinking clearly.
Bob Bo (USA)
“CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.”
That line seems pretty straight forward. They want to police this guy's actions and squash his freedom of speech.

"This line is being misinterpreted. It was intended only to mean we made no agreement w/the man about his identity."
Kaczynski is back tracking on his own statement. In essence, he is calling his own story FAKE.
I don't see where this guy's meme is any more offensive than a bloody severed head of the President or a play that acts out his assassination.
And if CNN found other offensive speech unrelated to the video, they obviously went digging on this guy and isn't that them seeking revenge for what is really just a silly internet meme? Should journalists be trying to gas light private citizens for expression?
Free speech should not play favorites or be the exclusive right of any 'team'
Andy (NY)
Trump has once again deflected attention from the fact that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA retweeted a juvenile, offensive message, which delegitimizes a news organization that he does not like. It's not about who originally altered and posted the video; its about why we continue to stand by while this emotionally sick and decisive person, illegitimately elected, is allowed to lead our country.
Eleanor (Augusta, Maine)
If a poster hasn't got the guts to post under his/her real name no one should pay attention to the coward. It is the height of hypocrisy to put others in harm's way while hiding behind a cutsey (or crude) moniker.
Joe Chavez Ptak (Chicago, Illinois)
CNN can dish it out...but they sure can't take it when it explodes back in their face.
Candor (SFO)
Lets see if I have this straight, Trump didn't create the video he only was a recipient of it like thousands of others on social media. He only passed it on through his Twitter posting, is my assumption correct? If so that begs the question, why was it portrayed in the media,up until now, as a video that he or his aides created when in fact that wasn't the case at all.When it comes to politics I am an equal opportunity offender and I have no party affiliations I am only looking to put this whole issue into some perspective before I jump to any conclusions one way or the other.
Roy (NYC)
There is no expectation of privacy when you post in a public forum like Reddit. For once I agree (partially) with the far right that CNN did the wrong thing. They should have just reported this citizen's name instead of police his future actions. Let the bullies see the light of day, maybe we can disinfect some of this vitriol from the world.
Joe B. (Center City)
Who knew this crazy new concept of "unmasking" would reveal so much treason and so many nazi trolls. CNN, the insistent purveyor of the immoral equivalencies which resulted in trump, has role confusion. The identity of the nazi troll is newsworthy. Love the exposed coward groveling and apologizing and bleaching his reddit hate speech. Amused that the alt-right trolls that doxed and threatened journalists are now complaining about the revelation of the identity of one of their own? Hypocrites. Fear much that your identities will soon be published. Finally, it is now beyond purview that sub-grifter-in-chief con don Jr. is even more of an imbecile than the naked emperor himself.
Joseph Poole (NJ)
The problem is that, in today's climate, the Left brands even a vote for Trump as a hate crime, and there are partisan or pusillanimous employers, who would fire or ostracize someone if they were outed as a Trump voter. The Left and Democratic party can't win at the ballot box, so they are resorting to intimidation as a means of gaining political power. But I guess this is the world you want.
concerned (MA)
We aren't taking about a regular Trump voter here. This person has a history of anti semitism and other hateful behavior. Why does he get respect when he doesn't respect others?
Joseph Poole (NJ)
Concerned: Are you aware that it is actually a crime to threaten to disseminate information that could subject another party to "hatred, ridicule, etc." as means of intimidating them into desisting from from legal behavior (and hate speech is legal behavior in this country). [GA § 16-8-16 Theft by extortion.]
Tim Holmes (Sacramento)
We'd all be better off if social media did away with the ability of people to post anonymously. It's a coward's way out and only allows people to say things they wouldn't ordinarily say. Like this loser who was afraid of being outed. It's like Klan members wearing sheets over their faces.
jammerbirdi (beverly hills)
I disagree. We live in a climate in which unpopular political opinions can lead to personal destruction, specifically, loss of job and future prospects.

Back during the campaign, a tech exec gave $1M to the Trump campaign. He was immediately set upon by other power players in his community. They sought his removal from boards, etc.

If this is what a powerful tech mogul faced simply for giving money to Trump's campaign, what are the realities facing regular people out there who might believe, for instance, that illegal immigration is a problem and that we need Trump's wall, or that no, a person shouldn't, by law, get to choose which public restroom he or she uses, or that a Christian baker shouldn't be forced to make a cake for a gay wedding. And on and on.

Voicing these kinds of opinions under your own name online can result in a person being targeted and has, I'm sure, in cases where less than well-educated people were voicing what we on the other side might consider intolerant opinions, led to people actually losing their jobs.

In a dog eat dog capitalist country where inequality is at or near all-time highs, job loss is how you really hurt people. It's why so many want this Reddit user's identity now.

We used to hear it said, "I may not agree with what you say, but I would defend your right to say it." Not anymore. The problem is Americans really want to voice their dreadful opinions without fear of losing jobs, friends, etc. Online anonymity gives them that.
Capemom (Cape Cod)
How upsetting for young Master Trump to see this video of his father engaging in a violent act. It might make him think his father is a thug. Shame on CNN for publishing it. Oh, wait a minute...
Lisa Kraus (Dallas)
More breaking news for CNN.
BBB (Us)
Trump has become the Left's Great White Whale--its Moby Dick. These latter day Captain Ahabs cannot accept that Trump won the election. Their obsession to destroy him will likely result in their own destruction. Happy hunting!
Andy Hain (Carmel, CA)
LOL - You're stuck with him, too, "BBB." This is just so rich:)))
Carol lee (Minnesota)
Gone are the good old days when you wrote a letter to the editor and signed your real name. Now there's a whole group of people out there who want to troll the world and keep their anonymity, without having the brains to figure out how. What some of these comments tell me is that there are a lot of people spending too much time on the net and hoping that they are not found out.
luMahalo (Daytona Beach)
CNN doing what Muslims do to their critics and blasphemers.

Wasn't it nice of CNN to say they won’t, but still reserve the right. Blackmailing a kid. Way to go, America's Pravda!
VS (Boise)
Wasted 5min of my life reading this which I am not going to get back; doesn't deserve to be on the front page.
G Gloots (California)
Should have just released the fool's name, CNN. Now you're the bigger fool.
Crossing Overheads (In The Air)

Fake news!
C. Whiting (Madison, WI)
The idea that this is somehow about CNN blackmailing someone truly is fake news.
The ugliest of the right want to pull everyone into the gutter they built and supply, plain and simple, because if they can manage to drag us all down to that level, they win. Investigative reporters have every right to unmask the creator of racist antisemite stuff he put out in public. They chose not to.
That's blackmail?
tom wilson (boston)
I thought it was funny. Pretty good moves for a 70÷ yr old guy.
As far as the stupid things people blog about, well they're stupid and should be ignored.
Sometimes people say and write hateful things just to rile other readers. Best to ignore & let them shine in the dust bin of anonymity.
Regular Reader (Miami)
This amounts to so much liberal hand-wringing.

Let me know when Fox News and Breitbart pour money into the source of the DNC hacking.

If people post things on the internet, its public. If their name becomes public with it, so be it. Maybe that will curb our most base troll instincts, however slightly.
against rhetoric (iowa)
the guy's name, address, and all contact and identity info should be published!
From Banksy to Daft Punk, Satoshi Nakamoto to deadmau5, creatives are increasingly following in the footsteps of columnist Joe Klein (the initially anonymous author of Primary Colors), B Traven (the author of The Treasure of the Sierra Madre), jazz trumpeter Dupree Bolton and, dare I say it, even WWF wrestlers in hiding their identities behind aliases, masks, and avatars.

One cannot help but wonder what society stands to lose if individuals can be threatened with exposure unless certain conditions are or, as in the case at hand, remain satisfied.
S Laster (Kansas)
He should be identified. People are what they do. If he posted racist, anti-Semitic memes, he is a racist and an anti-Semite, no matter how much he doth protest. I want to know who this guy is so I can protect myself if he's anywhere near me.
Lynn in DC (um, DC)
CNN's behavior here is actually worse than Trump's behavior. Why did the video creator apologize to CNN? How was CNN the wronged party? The "we reserve the right..." language is all kinds of wrong. Out the guy or not but don't threaten him if he doesn't "behave." CNN must think it is the FBI now.
Ben Smith (Costa Mesa, CA)
While I don't like Trump and I don't agree with all these crazy meme people, what CNN did was pretty much the definition of blackmail. If you do this thing we don't like, we will hurt you. It's Orwellian to look at it any other way. I'm shocked that CNN published this. I've heard that people who embezzle money start looking at the money they steal as their own, like they earned it or something, and no longer feel the pangs of their conscience. I think CNN is going through some kind of similar crisis here. They have this outsized feeling of journalistic righteousness that can bear no offense. They are doing offenders a favor by bringing them to repentance.
Chris Washburn (North Carolina)
Of course it is drawing backlash, they are in essence blackmailing this guy into silence. He has appoligized because of intimidation by CNN, a news orginization that finds nothing wrong with Trump being portrayed as Julius Caesar. A news orginization that that broadcast a fantasy of Donald Trump being assassinated in an attempt to incite the large radical left population to murder Donald Trump. A news orginization that provided Hillary Clinton with the debate questions prior to debates with Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. A news orginization that has produced one false story after another in an attempt to insite the murder of Donald Trump and Republicans. This news orginization and other news organizations that have joined with it in perpetuating these false stories are to blame for this violence along with Hillary Clinton and the DNC that ran a division of tge Democratic party they paid to commit acts of violence against opponents and insite violence and riots. Busing in hundreds of paid aggitators to insite this violence. We also see this conspiracy to insite violence goes to the highest levels of the Democratic party as the head of this criminal group visited the White House and met with Obama over 300 times. We saw it when they openly supported a group and made them advisor on racial affairs.
Ed M (Richmond, RI)
The man expressed remorse and took down offending posts. I think that he would be subjected to painful repercussions should he be the public figure he is afraid to become. No good can come of it. Once CNN learned it was not a Trump plot it should have been treated with amusement or distain, but not given added life.
jiminy cricket (Right here.)
This is the perfect example of the Rorscach society we all now live in. Not only will you see what you want to see, but you will interpret those seeing differently as lying and claim to know more than is possible for any individual to know.

Got trust?
[email protected] (Cape Town, South Africa)
Once again it seems as if all media networks are running to the defence of CNN, it seems that there is a definite click. We got your back attitude, even when facts reveal that CNN has gone out of bounds.
They have become the bully, and their target involves a fifteen-year-old, or a middle aged man, maybe a woman, nobody actually knows except that whoever put the "Work of Art" out into the "MEME" ethos expressing his reflected understanding and feelings of the war that rages on between the President of the USA and numerous media houses who are reported to be faking news sourced from imaginary sources and then continue hacking out 'nothing burgers' to the public at large.
It seems that this is a type of 'Nothing Burger" story as well, a piece of irrelevant news, questionably fake, because it is hard to understand that media houses would continue to push this story.
The public should continue to question the actions of media houses with maximum criticism. It has become very strange that CNN professes to keep this private person's identity, why, do the story then? Hmmmm...i it because it could serve as another attack on the White House?
SO CNN and cronies can continue to smeer anybody that they want but nobody is allowed to smeer their corporation?
Maybe some digital artist out there can provide a 'MEME" showing CNN scooping out the brains of the public and delighting in eating it because it seems that is what these guys want to be able to do.
Albert (Maryland)
wonder who if anyone will apologize when the next real journalist is body slammed. Maybe we should be happy Trump didn't repost a tweet of him shooting someone on 5th Ave? Not the same as shooting himself in the foot!
Scott Stambaugh (North Carolina)
Why did CNN investigate the identity of the video's maker to begin with? How thin skinned and creepy is that? If they didn't intend to extort an apology from him, or intimidate him in some other way, why on earth would they have bothered to find him? Sorry, but all the conjecture about whether CNN did or didn't threaten the guy misses the point: CNN set its investigative apparatus after someone for the sole reason that he parodied them. Creepy.
Laurel Mcguire (Boise ID)
The guy crowed to the world about his part in a news story (his comment about waking up and seeing the "maga emperor " had retweeted him.
Brad Blumenstock (St. Louis)
Like it or not, this was a news story. Establishing who created this meme is part of the story. While the statement by CNN is clumsily worded, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with their decision to out this person if they choose. If the individual in question wants to step forward to dispute CNN's account, he is free to. However, I wouldn't hold your breath because, like most trolls, he likely posts anonymously because of his fundamental cowardice.
ERS (San Jacinto, CA)
The only thing fake here is the right-wing outrage. CNN can publish whatever they discover in the way of true facts such as this man's identity. And they can also chose not to publish all such facts or details. That's what is called freedom of the press. It's their call, not yours.
Robert (Texas)
That people are more upset with CNN than they are with the actual racist shows how depraved and hypocritical many on the far-right are.
Patrick mccord (Spokane)
But wait! What about free speech? "NO!", says CNN, the joke fake news experts.
Laurel Mcguire (Boise ID)
Nobody's limiting anybody's free speech. You are also free to face consequences or judgment. Comes with the freedom.....
Brad Blumenstock (St. Louis)
This story has absolutely nothing to do with "free speech." The cowardly troll in question remains free to say, or post, whatever he wishes.
RespectBoundaries (CA)
The name of the "Them" who created the video is not the news.

The media's decision not to identify that Them to "Us" is not the news.

The news is Our ravenous, slavering, flaming demands to know Their name; and how We present Our demands as warning shots across the Constitution's bow; and why We seek to wage willfully mindless war against Them, and against the media who protect Them from Us.

The media is finally learning that, in this era of dangerous domestic hostilities — so well exemplified and so well inflamed by "Our" current Administration — it is "Our" beastliness, not "Their" protection from Us, that is the news.
Joseph Poole (NJ)
Welcome to the real Big Brother. CNN is making it clear: If you post something on the internet that CNN considers offensive, it will dox you and make you vulnerable to public attack, job loss, ridicule, or whatever consequences the "antifa" left seeks to impose.
Nyalman (New York)
While Trump is an idiot and embarrassment he has put CNN on tilt. A watched a bit of CNN and they really have gotten in the mud with Trump and appear almost as childish and petty as him.
Phil Dunkle (Orlando, Fl)
Much ado about Nothing. A poorly done stupid meme retweeted becomes fodder for Ted Cruz and a FOX News headline story, only to disappear into thin air in the blink of an eye. Makes one forget the stupid Mika tweet.
tomjoad (New York)
So I see the Trump Trolls™ and Right Wing Whiners™ are out here commenting in force. What a hoot! Even the alleged rapist Assange has weighed in. Now there's an endorsement for you!

Bullies like Trump and the Reddit creeps can't take being hit back. They always whine "victim" when someone they have been bullying fights back. What I find sad is that anyone believes their lies and nonsense.
Izzy (NY)
Pretty good chance that hashtag is being fueled by bots, not real users, dont ya think???
jim johnson (new york new york)
This man's entire body of work indicates he has some pretty base leanings. For a "middle-aged man" who is obviously a rabid Republican, it must have been pretty embarrassing, no, humiliating to be caught out under his real name, and put on the spot by CNN. His "handle" which I won't write here, did include the middle name "ardzhale" - in it's full out correct spelling. Amazing that a president of the United States would stoop to using material not worthy of a 5th grader in his ridiculous "Tweets."
jan1215 (Racine, WI)
I wouldn't be surprised if Andrew Kaczynski is out of his job at CNN within the next month. Notice that CNN isn't vigorously defending his actions here and he has a long history of hit pieces going back to the Justine Sacco incident when he worked at Buzzfeed. This furore, like the retracted story that led to three journalists "resigning" - is hardly helpful to the pending AT&T merger. What exactly motivated him to go investigate a private citizen?
Laurel Mcguire (Boise ID)
Ummmmm......the fact that the private citizen crowed gleefully about how he was part of the story, that the "emperor" had retweeted his video?
Brad Blumenstock (St. Louis)
The media "investigates" private citizens all the time when they are part of a news story. What's your point?
ATF (Gulfport Fl.)
The wrestling video itself was perfectly acceptable political satire. There would be no need to apologize, and any threat of retaliation by CNN would be boorish and wrong. Unfortunately, the Reddit poster apparently also created anti-Semitic and other offensive materials, for which an apology was called for, and given. Even so, it was not the proper function of CNN to police the situation by implied threats of future retaliation.
Anthony (NYC)
As with many trolls who thrive off of the excitement of the post. However once they are exposed, they want to hide in the shadows. It shouldn't matter what his name is, the question should be what is wrong with a society that thinks shooting people is ok, road rage is acceptable behavior. Carrying guns into hospitals. Its all about rage and what is entertainment,
GOP works on a health care plan in secret that destroys peoples lives and then they hide in the shadows, the internet only has provided a new hiding arena for them.
Harry Callahan X (Jerusalem)
Trolls thrive on the stupidity of people & news organization's phony outcry of their memes while blowing things way out of preposition. CNN should have just ignored the meme but instead tried to gain sympathy from the public by making themselves a martyr of POTUS Trump's push back. It backfired on CNN & hopefully they will stop with all their phony outrage & non-stop attacks of the President
Brad Blumenstock (St. Louis)
@Harry Callahan X

Trolls aren't the only ones who "thrive on the stupidity of "people." Our President does, also.
Jim Allen (Atlanta)
Speaking of anonymity, WHEN are we going to see Mr. Trump's taxes?
Rod Dubitsky (London)
CNN should have clear policies of when to disclose identities and they should be able to show that the rationale for non-disclosure met their guidelines. Even if he wasn't directly threatened, using a behavior based disclosure criteria is open to question and the publication itself could be deemed a threat. Agree that was likely just poor wording. But more care needs to be taken around conditions for disclosing identity.
Shane (US)
“CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.”

CNN got a promise to not offend them again and then held the "right to publish the identity" if things change. aka (if he does this again). CNN already acknowledged that publishing his name was dangerous for the Reddit poster's safety, so this statement "“CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.” is nothing more than blackmail.

This guy may have a pretty strong legal case. Intimidating a private citizen by a large corporation could also have legal ramifications. CNN needs to apologize. Anyone with a 6th grade reading comprehension understands what CNN was trying to do. Denying it only makes them look more like the fake news organization they are. Going to look me up now?
jiminy cricket (Right here.)
Maybe anyone with a sixth grade reading comprehension reads it that way, but then 6th graders also tend to see what they want to see and not accept an adult's explanation.
I'm-for-tolerance (us)
I would expect that CNN has a pretty strong legal case for threatening violence against the media. If you want to talk about intimidation "president" trumps "large corporation".

"Anyone with a 6th grade reading comprehension" understands what they are doing when they post messages of hate and inciting violence. Ditto for knowing your identity is not protected when you choose to publish on twitter - if this user was hacked the case would be against twitter. If he was not then it was his own stupidity in regards to posted content.
Dex (San Francisco)
CNN did not solicit an agreement not to defend. What they basically said was: "You are a private citizen and you're not out to start trouble. We reserve the right to publish your identity if you become newsworthy again." That's fair. it was not extortion, it just wasn't a persistent promise not to publish if you he puts himself back out there in the spotlight. It was an effort to remain transparent, but fair to the guy's right to privacy. Only if you want to see blackmail WILL you see blackmail in his statement.
B.B. (Los Angeles)
Either you believe journalists should systematically start 'outing' offensive, bigoted trolls or not - but it shouldn't be based on whether someone in a basement happens to be randomly retweeted by the President of the United States. This is simply not a normal place to draw the line.
I'm-for-tolerance (us)
i find the reader reactions extreme and bizarre. Someone posts what is a violent .gif, trump retweets it, and it takes off. stuff like this is an inspiration for people like the guy who went to the pizza place looking for sex trafficing and let off a gun, and the shooting of gifford.

looks to me like cnn got worried about potential violence against reporters, and rightfully so. apparently it was pretty easy to identify who this individual, which i can believe since one of the largest internet sites released my personal information unintentionally a few years ago (bad website security).

given what can happen to people on the internet when commentators pile on them, the guy finds himself in the middle of a story with the same sort of potential, does NOT wish to be pilloried in this manner, and settles with cnn, apparently amicably.

but how does trump's bad behavior end up with cnn being excoriated? trump has incited violence, does bully, does go after and criticize individuals in ways that wouldn't be tolerated in a classroom. so how does he get a free pass?
this makes no sense to me.
Harry Callahan X (Jerusalem)
This is the typical over exaggerating response that these meme/internet communities can't stand about MSM & democrats. Remarks like this is why a that young group of open-minded classical liberals helped get Trump elected.
David (MO)
I guess I just don't get it. Why would a massive "news" organization chase down some guy for creating a meme in the first place? Was it because he used their logo?
jiminy cricket (Right here.)
It was because of the content of the video and the way the president of the United States was using the video to encourage a denigration of CNN.
I'm-for-tolerance (us)
it incited violence against cnn - unfortunately for this guy the POTUS retweeted it to millions of his followers, as part of his attack on the integrity and freedom of the media.

if you've ever been targeted by a poison pen letter, an anonymous complaint against you (think dcfs or village hall), had a rock thrown through your window you would understand. a rock amplified to literally millions of people is pure intimidation and very frightening
Harry Callahan X (Jerusalem)
No becuz CNN were trying to be martyrs to the public & it backfired badly. This is why these young internet meme communities side with Trump over MSM & democrats
jb (colorado)
The issue is, was, and will continue to be D. Trump's bizarre behaviour. As usual, they try to blow smoke and create diversions about how others act.
The truth is that the whole episode is god awful and an embarrassment to the
few adults left in the room.
When did not identifying a source become a crime?? The person did something less that grown-up or even rational and who can blame him--it is surely a him--for trying to hide under a bush? His identify will not change the ugliness of the original video or Trump's freakish editing--is no one paying attention to what he does in his copious free time?
Trump is the story and will continue to be so as long as we allow it.
tomjoad (New York)
These Trump "resentment" voters will whine about anything. They are bet ignored or even better, laughed at.
Cheekos (South Florida)
Although CNN should be more accurate in confirming its sources, once Trump Tweeted it, HE provided perhaps an unintended confirmation. Thus, Trump DID become the new source!
Jeca (phx, az)
interesting in that the creator of the video is terrified that people may find out his name and who he really is. He's obviously a coward and would never have done the video had his real name been used.
SSS (Berkeley, CA)
A whole lot of hoo-ha here over nothing. Mostly because the Right must snatch at anything, no matter how absurd or ironic (attacking CNN for reserving the right to "out" someone they shielded? are you kidding?) to cudgel the anti-Trump Left with- and CNN, truth-tellers that they are (now), have fallen into the Right's disfavor.
The tenor of most of these comments show that this absurd story attracted the CNN-haters like flies . .
To them I say, "So what?"
SA (Canada)
Americans have elected an anti-American president. There does not seem to be one cherished American value that he has not and will not trample on. He prefers incitement to free speech, dictators to democratic leaders, vindictiveness to compassion, greed to generosity, vulgarity to respectful speech, threats to diplomacy, lies to truth, rich and powerful people to poor and powerless people, muscle to brains, ignorance to knowledge, mafia-style arm-twisting to respect for the rule of law. America has elected a self-righteous thug.
rexl (phoenix, az.)
Entire shows for hours and hours are taken up with this baloney about Trump. Then the talking heads wonder why people are so involved with this story, because it is all they play. It is all they talk about, Trump, Trump, Trump. Who cares, quit with the opinions, give us facts, give us stories, who cares what a thirty year old kid "thinks" about any situation? Particularly a young person who has no experience doing anything of substance. And by the way, Zucker is a jerk.
jiminy cricket (Right here.)
Is Zucker a jerk for giving Donald J. Trump the opportunity for his starring role in The Apprentice?
Jim from Maine (Maine)
When someone told me this morning that CNN had actually done an investigation into who created the wrestling gif, I (of course) assumed they were joking and were simply trying to start my day off with a laugh.
The lamestream media has now gone beyond
common sense advocate (CT)
I viewed the video differently than most. Trump had already called for violence against the media, women, random protestors long before the CNN video. I saw the video as political cartoon meant to open our eyes again to how shocking Trump's behavior is against the media and free press - and we can't afford to become inured to it.

Of course now reading that the video creator had posted lots of other offensive things means I've gone completely panglossian in my dotage. Arrggh.
Harry (NE)
This a win-win for everyone. Trump, CNN. Kaczynski, Reddit...everyone is a winner. Except American people, who are tired of this winning.
gopher1 (minnesota)
CNN is a business and part of a large corporation with accountability for financial success. It appears to be in their best interest to have this troll just scared enough that he won't be a problem for them in the future. Cops do this to snitches all the time. Does anyone think Roger Ailes would have thought twice about holding something over the guy's head.
Mike (Buffalo, NY)
Criticized by who, the people who support the cries of 'fake news'? Like those people matter.
Paula (seattle)
Trolls are vulnerable to being outed. It is time to crowd source a troll outing effort. All trolls should be put on notice that they are being hunted and will be outed.
pedalezine (Tampa Florida)
CNN use to be my GOTO channel for news. Sometimes my TV would just stay on CNN all day. I would glance at other news channels but always click back to CNN. I started noticing a bunch of new faces on CNN that really did not click with me and one day I noticed Lou Dobbs was gone so I just turned the channel and the only time I went back to CNN was by mistake or to watch Nancy Grace. I moved in late 2016 and did not have a TV or cable for several months. I finally got a TV and cable and found out the only show I really wanted to watch Nancy Grace was cancelled and she is no longer on CNN. I tried my best to get into the CNN grove but I can't stand the Anchors or any of the commentators on the channel and then with all this stupid stuff CNN is reporting on its almost like a TMZ type tabloid I feel like I can not trust or feel confident on anything I see or hear on CNN. The worse part is its almost like the people in charge at CNN are doing this on purpose to turn the channel into some kind of tabloid joke channel because they continue to follow up on these stories that have nothing to do with real News and then the whole FAKE News CNN comes into my head and its all over for me. The worse part about it is everytime I go ahead and check into it turns out it was FAKE NEWS or News that has no bit of importance to serious professional people who take life serious. It has become a 24 hour daytime talk show jerry springer spin off .
concerned (MA)
I guess when the time comes the hateful Trump supporter wants to hide his identity. If he is proud of who he is, let him come out and say it. I believe his apology is fake and only because he got caught.
Fake name (Fake location)
"If a Jew is so proud of being a Jew, let them tell everyone" you ever consider that maybe no one wants their life ruined because a bunch of whiney campus kids get triggered?
Scara (Los Angeles)
In their zeal to revenge their bruised, network ego, CNN is acting as badly as Trump. Their sensitivity led them to pursue a put-down far past it's expiration date. Now, the deeper they dig and the more they publicize it, the worse they look. When are the press and the president going to turn their attention to topics that truly affect the public? Isn't that the mandate we gave them?
Sam Knoody (Cross River NY)
CNN identified a person who has been spreading anti-semetic, racist and violence-encouraging posts on the internet and it decides that the most moral thing to do is to not publicly identify the person out of a concern that he would be subject to [justified] public opprobrium? Are you kidding me? It is precisely the fear of public opprobrium that helps keep so much anti-social behavior in check. Would CNN have kept Bernie Madoff's name secret if he also promised not to do it again and expressed a fear about the impact on his life if his identity was revealed? How about a sex offender? Would CNN keep that secret too? Is this guy a schoolteacher? A policeman? A member of his town council? An airline pilot? A doctor? Who is he? Shouldn't his colleagues--and family, friends and neighbors-- know about his behavior? How will CNN monitor his behavior for the rest of his life? CNN should reveal the identity of this person immediately, if nothing else as a way to discourage others from engaging in similar anti-social, violence-inducing behavior. I am a member of one of the groups he disparaged on the internet. My family is less safe because of what he did. I want his name revealed. I want him held publicly accountable. That is the least punishment he should expect. I very disappointed in CNN's bewildering decision.
Dave L (Detroit)
CNN sort of painted themselves into a corner and I don't think many people see it. CNN can't release the name now. They have already said they feel that his safety would be in jeopardy if they did. They admitted they would knowingly be doing harm to this individual if they did. Their spokesperson essentially sank any chance the name would ever be released by not thinking about what he was saying. The individual would simply just sue CNN at that point and would still come out on top.
Brad Blumenstock (St. Louis)
I agree with you on the CNN painting itself into a corner angle, but on what basis would he sue them? He freely acknowledged being the person behind the account when asked. He "outed" himself. The network did him a favor by not publishing that fact.
Ava (California)
Sounds like from a lot of these posts that many right wingers got their current circular to attack CNN. Instead of focusing on how incredible it is that the president of the United States sent out such a demeaning video to the office of the presidency, they attack CNN.
Chgo1945 (Condor1945)
It is a riot watching the Left still fixated and horrified by last week's refusal by Trump to utter the demanded mea culpa. How dare he?
Carl Walter (Portland, Oregon 97124)
It seems like this story contains little that's news worthy. Whether the video was meant as an incitement to violence against the press, I think it's grotesque nature makes it ineffective. I ask myself what would have been the impact if the story hadn't been published? Very little, I believe. But I think the story does distract from the real issues of the day, like the Trump=Russia investigations, health care reform, North Korea or the other issues Trump has created for himself.
Chgo1945 (Condor1945)
And Trump continues on his own agenda. I think he has ruined the media's reputation for honesty and has been working what he believes is best for the country. Two productive goals. If he keeps it up there might well be a housing recession in Washington DC as the politicians leave for productive work in the countryside! the Super Lefty Mao had similar programs.
Carl Walter (Portland, Oregon 97124)
Trump's own reputation for honesty is nonexistent, except among his most ardent (blind?) supporters. Your right, he has been working on two other goals, but not the ones you've cited: 1) Discredit the main stream media and create his own "alternate reality" for voters to believe in. 2) Grab as much power as he can and use that power for the enrichment of Trump and his family.
Scott (Houston)
If they did not intend to share the information, why go after his personal information in the first place? Announcing they had found him and then announcing they were keeping it all a big secret is not really going down well with anyone on either side.
Jim Allen (Atlanta)
It is called "Facts" as opposed to Breitbart and Reich-wing "Alternative Facts."
Anotherdeveloper123 (Tysons Va)
so in the 8 months since Trump was elected, how many articles/stories have been about the budget, deficit or debt? how many stories have been about historically low interest rates and ever increasing federal government?

The mainstream media has turned into entertainers. There is little credibility. WAPO is owned by Bezos the biggest Silicon Valley barron robber among the group of billionaires. CNN is filled with good lucking women to get ratings. The nytimes is the only one I trust anymore

Things are getting worse and worse and the media focuses on "gotcha" stories. They need to do in depth stories not chasing for stupid questions.
tomjoad (New York)
"The mainstream media has turned into entertainers. "

No, actually it hasn't. That is just the view of the ignorant and/or cynical right wing trolls, whining about "fake news" and "MSM" while they lap up the nonsense which Fox "News" serves up.

Carol Mello (California)
I have seen articles about all three. What newspaper and other news sites are you reading that you missed these stories?

What I would like to know, and I know my request is unusual, is every EO that Trump has signed (the entire wording of the EOs); every bill from Congress he has signed (again, I want the full wording); every regulation he has removed from each agency; how many federal employees have retired or been fired or layed off; how many federal employees before Trump and how many federal employees after Trump. I want to know how many 'by appointment' positions are still empty; unlike President Obama who could not get his appointees to even have Senate hearings with an obstructionist Senate, Trump has a Senate that will rubber stamp his appointees but many positions for US attorneys are sitting vacant, at least, I have read so. How many? Where are they? The Department of State is understaffed and Rex Tillerson is annoyed that his lists of appointees have been rejected by WH staff. How many other Departments have the same problem?

I want to know Trump ever uses his power of President to help any of the Americans who have been negatively impacted by storm flooding and tornados that have occurred since he became president. Why is there no coverage of statements of compassion and federal gov assistance for these victims of disasters? Is he tweeting and those tweets not covered, or is the absence of coverage an absence of compassion from the president?

What's up?
Elfego (New York)
I saw the CNN article on their Web site earlier today and, I have to say, I was quite taken aback by the obvious threat. If the author of that article didn't perceive what he'd written as threatening, then he's either an idiot or a liar. The threat is explicit and right there for all to see.

The fact that CNN will excuse this without any negative consequences for the "reporter" in question is ethically problematic. The writer of the threat did so with no thought to the journalistic integrity of his news organization. That's unacceptable, no matter how you look at it.

But, the fact that CNN would publish something that's not even ambiguous, but is clearly a threat meant to quash the voice of someone with whom they disagree? That's obviously the biggest problem of all. After all, where does CNN go to get its credibility back, once it's stained by something like this?
jon (ohio)
so after using anonymous sources for months and months to attack the president, progressives now see a problem with...anonymous sources.

Mr Chang Shih An (Taiwan)
CNN loves the right to privacy and wants to stop Trumps commission on voting due to privacy concerns, but it willing to out somebody because they did a skit using a CNN logo. I think I will do a skit using CNN's logo. Let them come after me as I post using my real identity.
Tim Holmes (Sacramento)
The anonymous reddit user is not a "source."
Five Oaks (SoCal)
Let's review:

1. A member of Reddit who regularly posts racist and anti-semitic comments and material posts a doctored video depicting the President attacking CNN.
2. The president (insipidly) tweets the video.
3. CNN finds out who this original poster is, asks if he wants to comment.
4. Poster privately apologizes, begs for CNN not to out him, and begins deleting questionable posts.
5. CNN agrees (astonishingly) not to release his name because he apologized.

And the Right criticizes CNN for saying it could release his name in the future? CNN's journalistic responsibility, quite frankly, was to out the guy from the get-go. By keeping mum, CNN is being overly generous. Proof that the Right will smack you in the face when offer your hand.
R Ami (NY)
Just imagine if Fox News had gone after every blogger, twitterer who made fun of them and used their logo in some sarcastic way , like fighting obama or something, and then threatening them to expose their private identity to the right wingers likd rush limabugh etc?
Jim Allen (Atlanta)
Don't you mean Faux News? Or is it False News?
By the way, where ARE the Weapons of Mass Destruction that Faux assured us were in Iraq in 2003?
ck (chicago)
CNN has completely lost it's collective mind!!! CNN does not dictate what others in society may or may not say publicly. Nor are they authorized to "decide" if speech that offends them has been atoned for sufficiently. Not to mention the first amendment.

Who cares what this guy's name is? CNN's behavior is bizarre and they have become increasingly out of control trying to keep their "feud" with Trump ratcheted up for ratings.

CNN has been dining off Trump ever since he announced his candidacy. The whole thing is totally sick and, personally, I think they are partly responsible for Trump's election with all the free coverage of his rallies, etc.

They are worse than Fox News Nation because at least Fox was openly founded by people with the sole purpose of pushing a right-wing agenda. CNN's only agenda is getting ratings by using Trump. Their anchor (the giggly one) had the giggles on more than one occasion on air when talking about all he had to do was say "Trump" and ratings went through the roof.

This is not about left or right and we all need to remember that in this age of biased media. Do not support biased media just because it favors your point of view! In fact demand neutrality from your media sources. s for CNN, wow, they are just totally lost and need to stop calling themselves "news'. It makes "news" look bad.
Deirdre Diamint (New Jersey)
CNN should have outed the Reddit user. A private citizen who spreads hate and lies under an alias does not deserve anonymity

Sunlight is the best disinfectant

You can be sure that Fox News would give quarter
Robert (Mississippi)
It is almost like Trump and CNN are taking turns seeing who can make the bigger fool out of themselves. I didn't think it was possible, but CNN seems to be in the lead now.
Mr Chang Shih An (Taiwan)
CNN has been in the lead since Wolf Blitzer was still announcing that Clinton could still win the election even after Clinton had conceded.
CNN would not post the news of stated Trump had won because it was called by Fox News first. CNN's election coverage was abysmal in that CNN which claims to have the best sources was 2 hours behind others in calling election state winds for Trump, always claiming that there was a possibility the results would not stand. The Crying News Network.
Matt Johnson (Omaha)
This article misses the big issue: the proliferation of internet hatred behind the mask of anonymity.
Anonymous posts are the 21st century's version of the white sheet. And they often find their source in the same ugly hatred that hid behind them.
I have no sympathy for someone who posts hatred on the internet, but hides behind a screen name, refusing to own up to their opinions.
Cato (<br/>)
The fact that CNN chased this guy down to begin with just shows that their skin is every bit as thin as Trump's. Sad!
Psst (overhere)
Copyright infringement.
tomjoad (New York)
No. Fighting back against bullies – like our Bully-in-Chief or this sniveling Redit user – is always important. That right wing trolls and Trump stooges are whining about this now proves just how righteous CNN is.
Archcastic (St. Louis, MO)
Who cares who created it? The so-called President put it out there.

This baby-man. He is such an embarrassment.
Mr Chang Shih An (Taiwan)
It was already out there. Trump did not put it out there. IT just did not get the same number of hits until Trump put it out there.
Martin Brooks (NYC)
Trump re-tweeted it. That's putting it out there. The fact that it was already out there is completely irrelevant. The issue is that the President of the United States saw fit to re-tweet this inane and stupid post, originally posted by someone who also posted racist and anti-semitic statements, thereby once again confirming the he has the maturity of an immature junior high school boy and that he has absolutely no idea of how to be the President of a major country. He is a complete embarrassment.

The incredible part is that he still has a 40% approval rating which means he has at least a 75% approval rating among Republicans. Hillary was right. His supporters are deplorable.
Conservative Democrat (WV)
The interviews with the so-called "journalism ethics experts" are prime examples of why the public has lost faith in the media. It was clearly unethical to threaten to "dox" the guy unless he changed his behavior. That is not CNN's job. Yet, these experts gave giant CNN a pass. Professions that don't police themselves lose the public's trust.
wally s. (06877)
It's rather amusing to read how this story has been twisted and contorted from both sides
It begins with a meant to be funny meme. The left twists it into Trump's call for violence against the media ( give me a break),and now the CNN story meant to insinuate that the reddit author was a bigot that Trump identifies with has seen their own tactics used against them. Blackmail. Haha.
Yeah CNN definitely is concerned over this individual. They're really scared of him continuing to make comments so they've gotten some anonymous guy ( one of millions) to stop or else.
Does anyone think any more? Or just into gotcha stuff.
tomjoad (New York)
" The left twists it into Trump's call for violence against the media "

Oh? And yet the right wing Trump whiners gushed buckets over the Kathy Griffin nonsense. But hey, double standards and hypocrisy are the right wing's stock in trade.
Details (California)
Online racists are disgusting people, trying to hurt others online, anonymously so they can't be called to account for their actions.

That said - exposing this guy means he'd be the sole outlet for the overall frustration with all online racists - paying for more than what he himself did. I can understand the anonymity, and to be honest, I rather hope the condition is that his identity is secret only if his apology and claims of remorse prove true.
Gmason (LeftCoast)
Intimidation, coercion, and even organized violence are now main stream tools of the left.
Fox (Bodega Bay)
Taking a page, a chapter from the Right.
Brad Blumenstock (St. Louis)
Sorry. Things don't magically become true simply because you wish them to be.
Jonny (Dough)
a short fake pro-wrestling clip. Regarding where it resides on the list of important topics falls at number 138,492.
CNN is very thin skinned and easily offended. CNN once reported on the news of the day, however today they have become a tabloid news outlet and have themselves said horrible things about our president, far worse than this silly video.
al (medford)
CNN has the power and resources to report real news. Breaking news headline is getting worn out like an old tire. Reporting on Trumps antics is old. Not interested in Trump pointing out CNN as fake news on camera. Its boring, He's boring. Get sharp and report news that matters, not Jerry Springer. Trump is taking you down on stupidity.
Eddie Brown (NYC)
I can already hear the phones ringing with lawyers offering their service to this person in preparation to sue the living beegeezuz out of CNN. Wait for it.
Brad Blumenstock (St. Louis)
What would be the basis of this hypothetical lawsuit?
gringo in Rio (RJ. Brasil)
I've become a tad concerned about CNN's frothing at the mouth, glazed eyed style of reporting anything Trump.
Minutiae media, endless discussion with roundtables of bland talking heads in cheap suits. Its starts at dawn and doesn't cease until late in the evening. Guys like Fareed Zakaria, who should know better constantly appears wide-eyed and totally freaked out...and who would have thought that a mental midget could unravel and totally phase some previously sharp minds, Carl Bernstein I'm looking at you!
Mario (Brooklyn)
Reddit is a forum that allows you to post anonymously on any topic you want. Right now we're talking about someone that posted racist material but suppose in the future it's someone in the gay forum who isn't out to their family. The Muslim posting to the atheist forum. The government worker talking about corruption. All fair game now to reveal their identities? CNN was plainly ready to expose this person.. they didn't need to explicitly 'threaten' him because this person immediately knew the threat, feared the exposure and offered to recant.

What CNN did was wrong, doubly do because the article blatantly suggest that had the user shown no remorse they were immediately prepared to reveal him, and they continue to hold that over him should he do it again. What were they thinking?
Andrew Kahr (<br/>)
The early stories condemning "Trump's tweet" chose not to mention that is was not a "tweet," it was a "retweet." Go to Twitter @realDonaldTrump and you can see that it is.

Either "the Newsroom" failed to read what had been posted by the Presidential Account and just copied what other papers said, or it was unable to distinguish a retweet, which is elementary. Or else, it's even conceivable that this was done with the conscious intent of making Trump look worse.

I'll clarify. When someone tweets, he can express a personal view for which he's responsible. When he retweets, he's expressing "Here's something that might interest you," "Here's what someone else thinks," or even "Isn't this terrible?" I'm not endorsing everything I retweet, sometimes it's "Look at how stupid this is."

Here's another media wind machine, the nth attempt to ignite a firestorm." Shoddy journalism.

And those who get such a kick out of informing us that "a high official not allowed to be quoted said" something or other--people such as you--should be ashamed of yourselves for making an issue of the use of unidentified sources.

Anyone can try to be "anonymous." Not all will succeed. After all, that's what we've got the intelligence agencies for!
Carl Walter (Portland, Oregon 97124)
Whether or not it's a retweet is beside the point. It's not hard to figure out that Trump tweeted (or retweeted) the video because he liked it and agreed with it, especially since his tweets can be taken as policy. And as the story says, there are lots of reasons why sources remain anonymous. In some cases, it's the only way news worthy information can be obtained. Nothing wrong with that, as long as the story is factual and the news outlet stands behind it.
Patrick (Long Island N.Y.)
Our nation is becoming dumbed down and violent. Trump is Their perfect leader.

CNN was right to be the man in this story.

So, who will take down the Fake News Network, a little fox joke.

That Trump tweeted that video is par with his course of infantile ignorance.
Jill Lethlean (Australia)
Publishing the name of the guy who made the original meme would have just been revenge, and would have destroyed the guy's life. By all accounts, he is not a nice person, but all he did was post a stupid meme on a fringe Reddit site - like thousands of others. If you "doxie" this guy, then there should be a concerted effort to expose the identities of everyone on that site.

I think the real problem is the anonymity that the internet provides. I'd like to see that rolled back, so that more people are held responsible for their words/memes.
dakotagirl (North Dakota)
CNN needs to chill. Mention the story, then move on. We can make our own assumptions and jump to our own conclusions about Trump's motives. (There are none except "I like me on TV")
Nikki Schuler (Rhode Island)
Wow, I am dismayed by many of the posts and the ease with which many are dismissing and minimizing the event. What will it take for those who are spouting ignorance to stop? I am not looking for an echo chamber, but I expect thoughtful and evidence based exchanges.
R Ami (NY)
The event is not being minimized. The fact that a multi-millionaire news conglomerate is going after a private individual with threats over a silly video for the "crime" of replacing a face with a logo, is not only worth the noise, but plain terrifying. Just think of all the mockery been made of Fox News, and other major corporations, not news related (like Disney, Coca-Cola, McDonald's,etc), anonymous or not, explicit or not.

I think was stupid of Trump retweeting the thing, maybe he made it as sign of comradeship to his supporters, maybe with darker intentions, in any case as president he shouldn't be in the business of retweering stuff; but that's insignificant compared to the seriousness of the threat. I thought the liberal press, acting as thought police, by denouncing private citizens like that Mozilla CEO or boycotting businesses like ChickAFila for not aligning with the liberal dogma, was bad enough. Now going after completely anonymous posters, really takes the whole thing to a new level of fear.
Peter R (Melbourne)
Please, stop it with the victimhood nonsense. CNN did not 'threaten' this guy, they were kind enough to let him remain anonymous. He himself seems pleased enough with CNN's decision. I doubt Fox News et al would have offered any kind of quarter to anybody criticising them.
Carol (New York)
All of this disturbing material is just an attempt for Mr. Trump to distract the press and the public from the investigation that Mr. Mueller is doing. He is getting more and more childish every day. I think he is desperate to do anything to somehow get the Russia issue dropped, and that is not going to happen, thank goodness.
Dan Myers (SF)
Where is Twitter in all of this? Why aren't they, as Facebook is now starting, being held accountable as a platform for misinformation and threats against journalists? Moreover, why isn't Donald Trump Jr, along with his namesake, suspended each time they write threatening or incendiary language?
S B (Ventura)
Nothing more than a weak attempt by some trump supporters to refocus the attention away from the president posting this very inappropriate video.

Naming the Reddit user could cause him a lot of problems, so I can see why they wouldn't want to do that - Seems like CNN was trying to be nice, even though that person was not.
Craig Blackburn (Los Angeles)
Have we forgot what Deepthroat did for the Washington Post, America and Nixon. Revealing the source could have put an stop to the Watergate investigation.
On a different but equally important subject. I have long felt that releasing the names of terrorists gives them instant fame and 'Martyr" status. if they were referred to only as terrosrist, murderers and placed in unmarked graves this epidemic may not stop but it would certainly slow down.
I would really like to know how other readers feel. I can take a beating.
Chris Devereaux (Los Angeles, CA)
Your analogy is wrong. Deepthroat volunteered evidence of crimes committed and he was a willing player as a source of information to the free press.

This Reddit user is not a "source" and did not volunteer contact with CNN. CNN began an investigation for the sole reason to out him. And then, when given the chance, CNN didn't out him based on some promise that the man will no longer engage in similar conduct.

CNN would have a better footing if 1) it didn't investigate the person's identity in the first place, or 2) it outed the individual after finding out the name without conditions.

In this case, CNN should have either put up or shut up. It did neither and it can expect consequences for its stupidity because it shows them in precisely the same light that Trump describes. CNN has anointed itself the arbiter of free speech: stop saying things we don't agree with because we'll find out who you are and keep your name in a database until such time we decide to release it.

It would be better if CNN outs every Reddit user regardless of content posted. At least then, CNN could not be accused of bias.
Mickey (Princeton, NJ)
The media and the president are both having an orgy with low class mud slinging and a Kardashian recipe for celebrity. The President is a desperate narcissist. A low class showman.
The media on the other hand, doesn't really care about the news, THEY WANT TO BE THE NEWS. They want to be celebrities. They are all mentioning each other and the president is mentioning individuals in the media by name who then gloat in the limelight and how much the ratings went up. Look at all the silly sex scandal nonsense that came out of FOX news. Those reporters are now more popular than ever. They have their own show etc. The reporters that just do journalism should take note and create a scandal or say something about Trump so that he tweets about you the next day. The media now are not journalists, they are all thriving on BEING in the tabloid news, themselves becoming guest on talk shows.
So now the Right and the Left media and Trump are like a three ring circus that you all are watching. Like the Kardashians.
And laughing all the way to the bank.
Andre (Boise, Idaho)
Well said. NPR is pretty good still.
Nikki Schuler (Rhode Island)
Your post illustrates the problem very well. Lumping media together and feeling superior to people who are adhering to professional ethics and standards allows ignorance to spread like wildfire.
Andrew Kahr (Cebu)
The job of journalists is to provide entertainment. "That's what sells papers."

The job of politicians is to provide entertainment. What else have they done for you lately? Have they made you safer, or wealthier, or healthier?

That's why the Kennedys were idolized, the entertainment value--there was nothing else. The Bushes, Hillary and Obama are among the most boring people now alive,

Stop complaining. This is Show Biz.
AZYankee (AZ)
CNN is a business. Businesses protect their interests and will warn or take action against those who they believe are attempting to damage its image through libel, slander, and misrepresentation. To me, this video is satire but few businesses are known for their sense of humor.
Andrew Gallagher (Costa Mesa, California)
I support how CNN handled this matter. Both Trump and his right-wing supporters have put a target on CNN and CNN has every right to use whatever means to protect themselves and their reputation. It is also a known fact that the offender who created that anti-CNN meme is a bigot who has posted racist and anti-Semitic messages on Reddit. If the offender has agreed not to post anymore offensive posts and not to target CNN with attacks, then CNN has every right to reach some sort of agreement with him to get this guy to shut up. Using freedom of speech to spread hate and threats of violence is indecent.
Michael Bol (Seattle, WA)
I thought their job was to report the news, not criticize a source and warn him to do or not do something. What's next, they are going to cover up the name of a DUII driver in a crash report, telling him/her, better not do that again, or else
Judyw (cumberland, MD)
What I don't understand is why in such a large corporation like CNN, that no one apparently "vetted" this post before CNN put it out. If they had any lawyer look at it, I am sure the last line would have been removed. Perhaps CNN needs to make sure that whatever they post gets "vetted" first so the network can avoid stepping on themselves.
Yoandel (<br/>)
CNN is doing the right thing. Let's everybody keep the focus on the insult, and that is for Trump to tweet such things in the first place.
Dan (Texas)
CNN is not doing the right thing. Why did they find it necessary to track down this person in the first place? It is only because the referenced CNN in a less than flattering light. But, to then go on and threaten to out the person in order to prevent more of this in the future is not right.
Joe Smally (NYC)
No, it is not. Transparency is the "right" thing, not secracy and moral relativism. Release the name of the racist. Why protect a racist who has posted evil comments for years and promoted violence. Why?
My solution on how to deal with CNN is simple; I've blocked them.

I subscribe to every channel Verizon FIOS has. Out of the thousands of channels, CNN has the distinction of being the only one blocked.

When they decide to actually start REPORTING the news rather than attempting to MAKE the news, maybe I'd be a CNN viewer, but since that network and it's agenda is so lopsided, they truly are fake.

And anyone that reads that exert thinking what CNN stated is not a threat, is highly stuck on stupid.
I like reporters with brass-knuckles, and I fully support CNN.
Anne (Tampa)
Lots of people create dumb memes and short videos filled with misspelled words and obviously fake quotes. The real story is that Trump or his staff saw fit to spread this video directly from the President on Twitter. He says it's modern – use of Twitter IS modern, and that isn't the story either. And now the phony spreading of the idea that the original creator was a "15-year-old kid" – planting more false information. It's what you say, not how you say it, Mr. President. Such lack of honor is truly sad.
Dan (Texas)
And how do you know the age of this person? You are automatically taking the word of CNN... who has had a bad track record lately on reporting facts?

I am not assuming that the person is 15, or middle-aged. But, you seem to be doing just that.
BeReal (Colorado)
The amount of hysterical ink/dedicated screen devoted to a stupid video is completely ridiculous. The media has completely gone off the deep end regarding this guy. CNN accepts the apology and decides who can or can't be ruined by being outed? When did it become CNN's job to become an enforcer and how much did the Reddit user pay for protection?
FreeNYT now (Freetown, America)
Lets just say at some time in the future a Democrat is President and someone posts something unflattering about the President. Is CNN going to root out the poster and threaten to out them? CNN (and NYT) is all about using confidential sources for the stories as long as they are anti-Trump. But will try to intimidate you in the future if you say anything bad about a President they support? Our once-esteemed "free" press is acting more and more like a propaganda machine for one party every day. Shame on CNN.
shaunm (Florida)
How much do you think the MSM is paying to have these ratings boosters created? They are so dishonest, it wouldn't put it past them to fabricate anything to garner attention. CNN is about as sleazy an organization as it gets. No surprise.
Michael (Boston)
You give up your right to privacy when you do stuff in public. If you don't want to be publicly shamed, don't do anything worthy of shame. The internet would be a much more pleasant place if we all remembered that.
Joe Smally (NYC)
Exactly. So CNN should "out" this racist and violence promoter.
jeff (nv)
Please everyone, just stop! So many of you act like CNN has committed a crime against humanity when this is something that should have been over and forgotten with days ago.
pearlsmom (Las Cruces, NM)
"Would journalists agree not to identify a thief because he or she promised never to steal again?"

There is no equivalency here. The statement refers to a crime. The video was simply in very poor taste.
Joe Smally (NYC)
Well, I thought that promoting racism and violence was a kind of crime, if not an enforceable crime, why then a moral crime. The evil troll should be outed for his evil ways. In a democracy, we need to see the faces of evil.
NotAmused (USA)
Has everyone in this country lost their minds, and any sense of reasoning as well? What the Reddit user did could very easily be considered Trademark infringement, as well as any number of legal quandaries involving copyright and trademark infringements, hate speech and attempting to incite violence.

CNN did the guy a favor by not outing him, as they had every right to do.
Sri (USA)
Have you ever wondered why the word "conservative" is added to describe a radio host or a journalist working for a specific newspaper/media while no such word "liberal" is added to any other media outlet? It sounds odd to me, if not to many liberals in this forum. That is because the conservatives are correct: MSM is pro-liberal and it has been throughout.
If the MSM is actually "mainstream", it is only so because this is a majority liberal country.

The MSM follows the money, and those of us with the money are left of center.
Banjokatt (Chicago, IL)
Your mindset and attitude is typical of the Faux News true believer. I hadn't watched MSNBC on a regular basis until the most recent round of Trump's volleys at the news channel. Now I watch it all the time.

And CNN? I've always thought its views were rather pedestrian but I was shocked by that notorious video and have added it back to my television news rotation, along with my regular viewings of CBS and NBC news (I have a DVR).

When I see Faux News on a tv set in a doctor's office or at a small business company, I always ask that the channel be changed. I am the caregiver to my elderly parents and they know that I will not enter the house if Fox is on.

It may not be much, but I'd like to think I'm hurting Fox one channel at a time.
rmryan (DC)
I was watching an episode of Veep Season 4 last night, which had a clip of John King, a real CNN anchor, explaining fictitious election results for a fictitious Vice President and her fictitious Republican rival. Herein lies the credibility issue that the Alt-right has seized upon to label CNN as fake news. Far too often, CNN has gladly leased its name and its anchors' reputations to further the goals of the entertainment industry.
In no universe do I support the attacks upon CNN that members of this administration propagate; however, in retrospect, CNN does carry some of the burden in the onslaught of the persistent efforts to delegitimize their work. Perhaps one good thing that comes from the circus in Washington is that news organizations will stop hoisting their banners in service of entertainment and focus on the actual news. Journalists should not be actors.
Leo L (Canada)
Really? You think that's why CNN is being delegitimized, not because the President yelling "fake news" every time facts come out from CNN that embarrass him?
Mebster (USA)
This is an effort by the Trump PR machine to redirect the story. The story is about presidential conduct which is bizarre, threatening and embarrassing to the nation.
Emily (Westchester NY)
Really. You mean the video was a threat to Journalists everywhere? Trump will continue to mock and make fun of these news organizations until they can either laugh with him or start reporting news.
abc (san francisco, co)
Why is this even news? So what if this person made a satirical video showing the President 'beating-up' a personification of a news outlet? This is freedom of speech. The President hasn't done anything except exercise his right of free speech to attack the press but has done nothing to shut down CNN's constitutional right of freedom of the press. I don't understand why CNN would waste it's resources finding this person - a hacker or someone else eventually would. Aren't there more important things to worry about than this or the President's tweets?
Sri (USA)
Actually the problem is President not being given the same rights as a citizen or a news org is given while he can be subjected to all kinds of criticism both legitimate and unfounded including death threats like head severing etc. in the name of freedom of speech. Why?
AC (Minneapolis)
No, sri, that's not the problem at all. The president is held to a higher standard, which is a good thing. International diplomacy, our reputation, his ability to get things accomplished, all matter. He doesn't get to just spout off on Twitter like a drunk uncle at Thanksgiving. I mean, if "free speech" is your concern, I suppose of course he does, but good grief is that what you want? Is that your standard for success? (I don't think you understand what free speech means, either.)
doyle lonnigan (five points)
Is it important because it shows that CNN DOES know how to find facts when they exist? Because that would explain why they can't find Jack Squat about links between Russia and Trump.
John Briggs (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
It is unusual to shield the identity of the person whose conduct led to a story: Shield the driver who killed a pedestrian? Shield the banker who emptied the vault? Shield the rescuer of the drowning person?
CNN, never a journalistic model, seems mired in a corporate fog. What's special here? The person they grant anonymity created a series of political videos; he or she is a political activist. That's public behavior in a public cause, no intrinsic cause for shame, but not deserving of special treatment.
One gets tired, anyway, of these frequent after the fact apologies, often by thugs.
Here, according to CNN, the sad creator has seen the light: "Yes, I made racist and anti-semitic post. It was terrible of me. I'll never think those thoughts again. Sorry..."
datripp (Connecticut)
And if he does...they're ready to nuke his life. If they were honest, rather than thugs, they'd have posted his info, not used it to intimidate.
Joe Smally (NYC)
I agree with you; therefore, he should be "outed"-named
Marty Gasman (MA, USA)
I think it's CNN's responsibility to release the person's name, after all they are a news gathering operation. I think it's my job to decide whether to accept this person's apology.
Eddie Brown (NYC)
Nobody owes you or anybody else an apology. And not this person who did absolutely nothing illegal or wrong.
Marc (Golden,Co)
I like how this story refers to the Trump response as misinformation! Ha - two things should be crystal clear at this point to anyone with an IQ over 60. 1) Trump lies and 2) if you quote Trump its an oxymoron and/or redundant to also say it is misinformation or a lie. At this point it goes without saying.
against rhetoric (iowa)
apologies are overrated. one may choose to forgive if the perp shows a verifiable pattern of different behavior, not before.
Raindog63 (Greenville, SC)
The primary issue here is that the Right, encouraged by the Trump Regime, is seeking to make an example of CNN with the ultimate goal being to crush free speech/dissent by the free media. This is a tactic right out of any authoritarian's playbook. Bring down CNN, and the other media will be less likely to criticize Trump and his cronies. Unless the rest of the independent media stands shoulder-to-shoulder with CNN at this time, they will find that in the near future, they will be the next targets on the list.
Emily (Westchester NY)
Yeah but...Trump will release more trouncing of media news outlet logos. Then what will the news outlets do? These videos must stop. And that's coming from a left leaning libertarian.
Wine Country Dude (Napa Valley)
That's strange. I could have sworn that everyone's desire in Blue Town, including CNN, is to destroy the Trump Adminstration. You really don't have the upper position, morally, you know?
master of the obvious (Brooklyn)
Credibility is something hard-won, and quickly lost.

CNN makes a mistake by trying to both pretend to be the victim of non-existent 'threats again the press', while themselves bullying private citizens into making public confessions.

They don't realize that, while this guy might be a jerk-troll, threatening to doxx people on the internet is vile behavior which offends everyone.
Hallinen (Flint)
To attack CNN, or attack a guy who sounds sorry for being a jerk is to distract the distractible from the sad, tragic truth. The man in the White House should not be there, and by the time republicans start acting on this obvious truth, it may be too late. I sure hope some generals have a plan to get those bomb codes from that moron before he does something horrible. It felt like yesterday was more of a day of mourning for the USA than a celebration of an anniversary.
Ping (Dallas)
LOL! Now you know how I felt the past 8 years!
yippy ky-yay (NA)
A lot of news organizations, not all, but a lot, are in the business of destroying peoples lives to make money. Some people do things that ruin their lives on their own, but this guy posted a meme and CNN made it a point to root him out and let him know that they can release his information at anytime. The press is not the champion of freedom anymore. They do not hold the government and its officials accountable any longer. Most only investigate what they are told to investigate, not what should be investigated.
Stephen Diamond (<br/>)
Tying journalist practice to the future conduct of the source is surely unethical. No wonder Americans hate the arrogant corporate press almost as much as they hate Trump.
Cato (<br/>)
Actually, on nation-wide polls, the press scores lower than POTUS every time.
Emily (Westchester NY)
Not according to the latest poll data.
Hernan (Washington D.C.)
The video was a parody, which can just as easily be interpreted as making fun of Trump. CNN should have ignored it, or at most, mentioned it as a distasteful thing in a short segment about attitudes on journalism and moved on. Chasing down the identity of the poster and threatening him is ridiculous.
Andrew Kahr (Cebu)
This reminds me of the unforgettable occasion when you fired your Executive Editor. Then, you went on writing about that as pseudo "news" for weeks. "He pounded the wall with his fist." In an amusing coincidence, I finally wrote asking you to stop--and you did. Then your ex went to Harvard and you wrote about that, too. But she was never news. But, write about Carlos anytime, I lap it up, it's not journalism.

You journalists want the public to be interested in yourselves, the journalists, the media--for your own selfish reasons. So, you write about "journalistic issues" about 10 times as much as can be justified by the public interest.

People get identified on the Internet snd then boycotted, fired or whatever. Is that a reason to reveal identity or not? Why should I care?
ibcountn (Coos Bay, OR)
PE (Seattle)
CNN is getting pulled into the muck by Trump. He wants the story to be about them, not about him. No one cares about who posted the video. We care about the fact that the POTUS thought this Twitter post was appropriate for world consumption. The middle aged man is not the story; Trump degrading and soiling our reputation should be. When the story becomes about CNN, or this guy that posted this, Trump wins.
Juliet O (Seattle)
To be clear I have little sympathy for the troll who created the video and admitted to posting racist and anti-Semitic posts, probably for years. On the other hand, when I read the CNN article - before reading any critique of it - I definitely paused and scratched my head at the line about reserving the right to out the guy if his behavior wasn't in line with that CNN wants. It definitely sounds like a threat.

In this ridiculously partisan atmosphere, where journalists are getting their teeth kicked in, I am hugely supportive of the press. But CNN has acted questionably too many times. I think I'm done with them.
Joe Smally (NYC)
CNN makes no sense here. Why protect a man who has spewed racist bile for years? What is CNN hiding? Do your job, be good journalist and post his name. He deserves the attention. I have lost respect for CNN over this whole affair; something is rotten in Denmark. Who is CNN protecting?
Mark (LA)
When you use you power as a news agency (although fake as they are) to intimidate people you are corrupt.
Ban CNN (Counterfeit News Network)!!!
Brad Blumenstock (St. Louis)
What about when our President uses the power of his office to intimidate people, does that bother you?
Richard (Manhattan)
Unmentioned in this story is that Wikileaks also tweeted criticism of CNN, and in that tweet they referred to the individual concerned as an "amateur satirist" - this is a person who (as Wikileaks well knows) posted photos using a Star of David to identify Jewish CNN employees, among other hate-filled tripe. Yet for Wikileaks: "amateur satirist."

The people still attempting to cling to the idea that Wikileaks is a legitimate organization should be ashamed of themselves.
itainteasy (usa)
Thank God for Wikileaks and Julian Assange
Monty (Dallas, TX)
Thank you, NYT. I was worried that the newspaper of record would not step up to explain away CNN's behavior as "unfortunate phrasing." I am glad to see my concern was completely unfounded, and that CNN's reputation has been properly vindicated. LOL - PATHETIC!
N. Archer (Seattle)
I appreciate the need journalists feel to defend anonymous sources, especially since anonymity is so easily recast by the right as "fake news." But for those of us who still believe in free press, journalistic ethics, and papers of record, this is a non-issue.

What concerns me here is the appearance (or actuality) of CNN threatening to dox a Reddit user. If this is indeed the case, it is unethical and repugnant. If CNN's statement really is just "awkward wording," they have some serious damage control to do. Either way, it shows a complete lack of awareness of Internet culture on CNN's part. And I, for one, would rather have Anonymous working against ISIS and Scientology than digitally carpet-bombing CNN.
Mauloa (U.S.)
Mr. Kaczynski might want to start lawyering up alongside CNN. The network is already being looked at by the public and some member of Congress as applying extortion, blackmail at the cartoonist. A big issue the "real news" is currently discussing is the seriousness of "unmasking" without purpose or permission. Hopefully, this same seriousness will be applied to CNN and Mr. Kaczynski for they did the same.
B. (USA)
CNN may not always tell the truth, but I'll take their word over Trump's word every day of the week. No contest.
Joseph Poole (NJ)
So you are taking CNN's word that they are using their media power to intimidate a private citizen into obeying CNN's standard of conduct. If that gives you comfort you have far bigger problems than Donald Trump.
Biff Tannen (The Multiverse)
The last time a bunch of tyrannical leftists got upset over a cartoon was, what, Charlie Hebdo?
Alan (Tsukuba, Japan)
CNN is probably protecting a white male, just like Facebook.
Janice Nelson (Park City, UT)
Boy, I sure miss Walter Cronkite. And, most certainly, I miss Tim Russert. I trusted his opinion. And of course there was the old Daily Show---Jon Stewart where are you now?? (I know, producing Colbert)

So I basically do not know who to trust as a news source on TV. Never CNN. I stopped watching. All they do is yell at each other. I have never watched Fox News. And the Nightly News is ok, but not great. So I guess I will just stick with the NY Times and the WaPo. I also like NPR on the radio.
Matt (Algonquin)
NYT had to make a retraction today because they cited a tweet about North Korea, that was unfavorable to the president (big surprise, huh?). Problem being that it was from a popular parody website.. so you oughta keep looking.

Myself, i don't watch any news and just read as much from both the left and right perspective as possible to gain a better idea of what is actually the truth. Walter Kronkite gave news from a liberal did the comedians, Jon Stewart and Colbert. Get out of the bubble.
Janice Nelson (Park City, UT)
That is ok they were liberals. At least they spoke the truth. Not sure, but think Tim Russert stayed neutral and talked actual facts. I liked that.
By the way, I do not live in a bubble. That was horribly rude. I read news from all over the world. But for American sources, those are hard to find.
GMooG (LA)

With all due respect, you take offense when Matt says you live in a bubble, but in your post you said that you "have never watched Fox News." I am not saying you need to agree with it, or even watch it regularly. But admitting that you have never even watched it seems to me to be the very definition of living in a bubble. How would you describe someone who told you that they had never read the NYT or WaPo?
Andrew (<br/>)
CNN should be condemned for this behavior no matter your political stance. For progressives defending CNN -- imagine if Fox News threatened to expose you for posting a critique of them anonymously on the internet? How would you feel about it? Horrified, and justifiably so. This is a dangerous line that the public should resist allowing media companies to cross, for the shoe will be on the other foot one day, guaranteed.
Richard Schultz (Boston, MA)
What I don't like about CNN's story is how it appeared to smear Reddit as a den of right-wing nationalists and Trump supporters, when in fact on Reddit you're more likely to find left-wingers, progressives, and the occasional anarchist. There's a good reason that Bernie Sanders has been called "The Reddit Candidate".
anna (mcallister)
reddit is full of both sides
Brad Blumenstock (St. Louis)
Reddit is part of the problem. Encouraging anonymous trolling serves no social purpose.
Ann (New York)
You know, I am just going to have to run over to Fox News and see how many of their news articles are sourced.

But perhaps they all are, because they just listen to whatever this administration of the minority of Americans says and parrot it.

I saw this CNN video around the internet long before Trump tweeted it. I hardly think CNN's revealing that the video came from Reddit, confirming the source, and then deciding to protecting him is a crime - they showed him more courtesy than he showed them. Real news flash - it's normal for authentic journalists to protect their sources, as we saw when the Bush and Obama administrations tried to throw journalists into jail for printing critical information from anonymous whistleblowers.

A fair complaint against CNN is not the fact that they covered the video, but that they spent more time on this losing President's tweets than their coverage of the current Gerrymandered Congress's desire to make it even harder to get health care coverage, or their desire to take away tax dollars from cities and states who exercise our Constitutional right to not have local police do a federal job. And the health care bill even betrays the promises of this unpopular, losing President!
Patrick H. (Laguna Beach, Calif.)
You completely missed the point of this NYT column: This is about a “news” organization threatening a private citizen, generally. Threatening a private citizen in Re. posting on social media anything that said “news” organization may find objectionable, specifically.

That is outrageous.

BTW: CNN is also not covering all the success stories from the POTUS, or how Obamacare will implode on its own, etc. As the undercover video disclosed, directly from their upper echelon, CNN will be sticking with "fake" news purely for ratings. CNN is no longer a "news" source, and that's their now-public Business Plan.
Dave In Arizona (Arizona)
I wonder if this . . .ah . . . 'private citizen' even exists.
Mainer1776 (Penobscot, Maine)
Hugh Hewitt.... the "poorly phrased line" is pretty easy to understand. Why would editors at CNN allow it to be printed?
russdiehl (NYC)
OK we found the CNN-Wrestling twitter Kid. Now can we get the Russian Collusion solved,.. and the Loretta Obstruction deal figured... and is Lizzie Warren really an Indian,....and when is Hillery going to be Indicted for Espionage?
Seems like we are on a roll....
Eric (Milwaukee)
Everyone is missing the real story here. The technology has yet to catch up with the ethics and laws of our country.

Where is the accountability on the anonymous internet? Do our freedoms allow us to yell "fire" on a crowded internet and get away with it because we are hidden behind a fake name? Is the President allowed to tweet fake news (that the Reddit guy was 15) and get away with it because he didn't know it was fake? Do Internet forums have any responsibility for the hatred spewed from some of their contributors under the protection of the first amendment? Even if one of those forums leads to dangerous results, like the fake story about child trafficking out of the basement of a pizzeria?

The fact that the Reddit contributor removed his account only after discovering he was in the middle of a big story, all to hide from the world his hate-filled comments, and admitted that he wasn't that mean person behind that account name, and that he was just having fun, tells you all you need to know about the state of internet discourse today.
David Ryan (Ireland)
Very well said. During the last Irish Presidential election one independent candidate seemed to be well ahead in the opinion polls until an alleged revelation about him posted on Twitter came up in the final debate. The Twitter post came from an account claiming to be linked to the political party Sinn Fein and alleged the candidate had been involved in passing on brown envelopes full of cash to other businessman. He lost the election of course and it later transpired the Twitter account had no official connection to Sinn Fein. There was a debate afterwards about using social media posts during these debates without carrying out due diligence.
Biff Tannen (The Multiverse)
No, the real story here is a private news organization that doubles as a propaganda arm of the DNC (see Donna Brazille, the Veritas videos, etc), that is strongarming a private citizen with threat of releasing his information to the entire country, when there have been numerous incidents of violence and attempted murder by the unhinged left.,
JDS (Denver)
"The fact that the Reddit contributor removed his account only after discovering he was in the middle of a big story, all to hide from the world his hate-filled comments, and admitted that he wasn't that mean person behind that account name, and that he was just having fun, tells you all you need to know about the state of internet discourse today."

Like so much else, Comedy Central's South Park has already spent a whole season on this one. The poster is Randy Marsh, he's not really the jerk he acts like on the internet, and he did it because he thought it was funny. When confronted with his identify, he moves heaven and earth to avoid anyone he knows in real life from finding out that he's the internet troll that everyone hates.
M (New York)
I am curious to know the usual agreements that are made with sources who ask to be kept anonymous. Does a news organization normally just agree to keep them anonymous in perpetuity? I am fervently anti-Trump and I could not believe that he tweeted that crazy video, but this CNN agreement with the Reddit user does not sit well with me either, so I'm wondering what the norm is for guarantees of anonymity.
TR88 (PA)
If you were hoping for change a few years ago and got establishment milquetoast, who could have imagined just a few short months ago that Trump would retweet a pro wrestling meme and Wolf and Anderson would be sitting lawyered up in the "spin room" trying desperately to defend their damaged reputation?

You have to hand it to Trump, he's a winner. When he says something you can pretty much take it to the bank that it's going to happen.
Brad Blumenstock (St. Louis)
Do you mean like when he said that North Korea would never test an ICBM on his watch?
Susan (Tucson)
Since journalists cannot be forced to reveal their sources if these sources are "leakers", why can't the same ethic be applied to a private citizen who coughs up his stupid Reddit video?
papagil (america)
Freedom of the press is NOT freedom to lie, freedom to suppress or freedom to spread sedition....time for "news" outlets to remember this. On a side note, CNN needs to have it's license suspended and reorganized under a new owner. Zucker needs to be FIRED immediately.
Raindog63 (Greenville, SC)
Your words are music to Putin's ears. The first step in authoritarianism is the government gets to decide when the press has gone "too far," which, by definition to the regime in power, is any story that they don't approve of.
rella (VA)
What license? You aware that cable TV is largely exempt from FCC regulation, aren't you?
Marty Gasman (MA, USA)
It actually is freedom to lie or tell the truth as you see it. You sir or madam, are a nullity.
And to post one more resounding comment, like many liberals that I have recently disassociated with, CNN also does not speak to me and as someone who regards themselves as a former liberal (sorry to my gay friends), I refuse to associate with the marxism we see playing out present day. Trump might be a buffoon, but the the people that associate with him, their media included (yes it's true) has displayed far more poise that anything I've seen from the people I previously associated with. And they're not handling being called out and watching many like myself leave the ranks. Keep talking liberals. Keep doing dumb stuff and you'll keep dropping us like flies. It's already happening across the country (NY and CA not withstanding).
Richard (Manhattan)
I hope you're not expecting people to believe you.
Peter Schaeffer (Morgantown, WV)
Where in the world do you see Marxism? It does not even exist in supposedly communist China anymore. Is this a case of paranoia?
Brad Blumenstock (St. Louis)
With all due respect, I doubt you have any clue about what "marxism" means.
Doc Rogers (AZ)
How many readers believe a word written by CNN?! Their diatribe borders on elementary school grade rap!
Brad Blumenstock (St. Louis)
How many people believe a word spoken by our morally and ethically bankrupt President?
Dr. M (Nola)
"We won't reveal your identify, which we uncovered against your will, if you promise not to badmouth us."

This is how the Stasi used to work. I hope this person lawyers up.
Brad Blumenstock (St. Louis)
"uncovered against your will"

That's hilarious given that, in reality, they called him up and asked him, and he said yes.
Michael G. (California)
CNN - the Cartoon News Network. Overpaid talking heads. Cut the cable and let this idiotic form of personality journalism die a very quick death.
Sixofone (The Village)
Kaczynski could have simply said that they were granting the guy anonymity (pseudonymity, to be precise) for the story, and left it at that. There was no need to make the statement he did.

There was also, sadly, no need to out this creep. There are thousands more where he came from, and the very slim chance of being outed by a reporter wouldn't deter the great majority,
Steve P. (Budd Lake, NJ)
Wrestling is fake, and CNN is fake news. I see a pattern here.
Rico (NYC)
Would it be ok if someone pasted an image of CNN Chief Jeff Zucker's head over Washington's on a dollar bill over the motto "In CNN we trust?" No? Then how about W.C. Field's with the motto "There's a sucker born every minute?"
Tom (Ask CNN)
So exaclty how was this newsworthy? Someone made a video meme that mocked CNN. Where was the pressing journalistic demand to know the identity of this person? What form of public good was served by finding out who this person was? Let's not even talk about whether or not the person's name should be released; how is this news?

CNN went looking to threaten this guy's future under cover of journalism. There is no story whatsoever advanced by finding out who made the meme.
L (CT)
"Ted Cruz, the Republican senator, said CNN’s story was “troubling” and suggested it could be seen as extortion."

What's troubling Senator Cruz, is that you and other Republicans think it's OK for the president of the United States to put a sleazy video out which may incite violence against the press.
Robin LA (Los Angeles,CA.)
Rather than the left maligning the right, many of these comments seem appropriately critical of CNN's tactics. Filtered by Reader Pick's, well reasoned coherent voices are receiving up votes. Could this story represent a "post-polictal party" turning point where readers set aside political affiliations in favor of critical politics?
lee eng (california)
Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz took to Twitter to cite Georgia state law’s prohibition against “theft by extortion.”

“Troubling. I assume CNN's lawyers are examining GA § 16-8-16 Theft by extortion. If CNN constructively obtained the gif-maker's's a GA crime if they threatened to ‘Disseminate any information tending to subject any person to hatred, contempt, or ridicule....’” he wrote, citing a portion of the statute.

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange also claimed on Twitter that CNN may have violated various state and federal laws related to “coercion” and the First Amendment.
rella (VA)
Accurate reports on sporting events (e.g., that a goalkeeper let three easy chances get past her) potentially expose the subjects of the reporting to contempt or ridicule. Is that against the law in Georgia, too?
TR88 (PA)
Does this rise to the level of a Constutional Crisis? If not, I'm not interested. I decided that 5 Constitutional Crises' ago, about a week or 2 before Trump was sworn in.
Matthew C. Johnson (Iowa)
It's not like they're demanding the Social Security numbers and personal information of voters in all 50 states. Which media outlet was doing that?...Oh that's right, it wasn't a media outlet it was the White House! I guess to some invasion of privacy is okay as long as it's EVERYBODY'S privacy.
Ariel Metcalf (Tryon NC)
I just love all these people who believe it's all right for me to do anything I want to you but not for you to do the same back to me. Weaselly snowflake conservatives.
kariato (NC)
So if a person is racist and anti-semitic, then we need his privacy protected? No, who is going to protect the people he targeted. We live in a country with free speech but there is a cost to that speech.
sb (Madison)
I'm really unsure what is going on at CNN these days. They've let our baffoon of a president derail them. It's going to take decades to regain broad journalistic respect following this mess.
The way it is (NC)
It's all about filling airtime and grabbing eyeballs for CNN, MSNBC, Fox, etc. Cynical but true. This "story" probably filled hours of air time and a parade of paid "analysts, experts and pundits" to the delight showman Jeff Zucker. I understand it's the business of journalism, emphasis on business. So Don Lemon, Rachel Maddow, Hannity and the rest have to outdo each other for the most outrageous, melodramatic performance each night. Not so much public affairs as corporate profits. It'll all be replaced in a day or 2 by some other outrage that distracts from the serious issues of say, nuclear war, climate change and poverty. Don't be confused over the contrived liberal versus conservative wrestling matches. Ad revenue isn't red, white or blue. It's green. Or is that gold?
Michael Collins (Oakland)
Trump and his fan base are always desperate to change the story before Trump changes it back again.

The video was an attack on journalism. The only reason it was a story was because Trump retweeted it--providing an official endorsement for attacking journalism.

CNN should have just published the guys name, instead of offering a quid-pro-quo. Then there would be no complaints. Instead, they stuck their neck out by making a decent arrangement with the guy. Of course, Trump's fan base would jump on any chance to portray them in a bad light.

Nothing changes the fact that Trump retweeted it--thereby endorsing the concept.
PlayOn (Iowa)
The 45th tweeted the video; end of story.
David Howell (33541)
I have seen the Video and heard the excuses that Trump is a fighter. But a Fighter does not stoop to such a low level acting out in such a matter. What we see here is Trump type Ego that has been bruise acting out in so many of the same ways in what we seen in his Campaign. That people was making excuse for Trump over the wrong behavior in the first place. Trump has run-out of excuses.
Keith Crosby (Riverside, California)
CNN is not in the censorship extortion business? It's rather Orwellian for the thought police to devote resources to track down this Reddit user. Do they do the same and out terrorists?

Now, having said all this I appreciate their desire to protect their 'logo.' But whatever happened "fair and balanced." Oops! Wrong network. CNN and its Russian investigation have no commitment to being fair and balanced.
zorns (Moraga, CA)
CNN fears his safety. That leaves the Left, once again, most prone to act violently.
Raindog63 (Greenville, SC)
The president re-tweets an image of himself violently attacking CNN, and it's the Left that has a violence problem? What would the Right say if Obama had done the same with Fox News? They would be calling for his impeachment about now.
WC Argus (Springfield, MO)
Are you serious? Wow, that violent attack on the CNN logo (the CNN logo!) created in a satirical meme, that is some actual threat. To construct that narrative out of what actually exists is the epitome of self-delusion.
zorns (Moraga, CA)
Both sides always cite hypotheticals with surety. But it's possible the Right would react if Pres. Obama did that with Fox News. Hypotheticals aside, what we do have is evidence of the violent Left, including physical and property violence protesting Conservative speakers, murdered police in Dallas, a liberal professor at liberal Evergreen College fearing his safety and a now-dead gunman shooting Republican Congressmen. There's that.
Lorem Ipsum (DFW, TX)
When the attacks get absurd, you know you're getting closer. Because it means they're getting desperate.

Stay the course, CNN.
Dan (Boston)
CNN could have phrased their article better. That being said, if you are uncomfortable with a news network reporting your name next to something you wrote on a public forum, you should not have written it on a public forum. As long as Mr. Kaczynski correctly represented his conversation with the user, there is no issue.

Also, the user in question was not 15 years old. That was a lie that originated on 4chan, and was easily be verified as such in the Reddit user's comment history. (The fact that Donald Trump Jr. draws his news from such sources is concerning.)
Biff Tannen (The Multiverse)
Congratulations Dan! NYT really likes the way you make apologies for the Fake News organizations!
ian (mission viejo, ca)
With all due respect, how do you know whether the user was 15 years old or not?
Harry Callahan X (Jerusalem)
The problem is where exposing people can lead to. You wouldn't like it if President Trump saw a reddit posting making fun of him & expose that person to the public opening them up to get millions of hate, threats or possibly lose their job, etc
Bryan Beaty (Dallas, TX)
Although I believe in privacy, I do not see how anyone that posts on the Internet can have an expectation of privacy. For example, If I put a bumper sticker on my car that is offensive and drive on a public street, I should expect someone to figure out who I am. If I were to walk around the street with an offensive sign someone could post my picture online which could lead to my identification. In short, if you are in public, you should not have an expectation of privacy.

The Internet is not private nor was it ever intended to be private. If you post online, even anonymously, your identity could be exposed. This is especially true as you post more and more content. You will eventually leave a trail that makes you easy to find.

Don't post it if you don't want people to know you posted it.
lee eng (california)
Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz took to Twitter to cite Georgia state law’s prohibition against “theft by extortion.”

“Troubling. I assume CNN's lawyers are examining GA § 16-8-16 Theft by extortion. If CNN constructively obtained the gif-maker's's a GA crime if they threatened to ‘Disseminate any information tending to subject any person to hatred, contempt, or ridicule....’” he wrote, citing a portion of the statute.

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange also claimed on Twitter that CNN may have violated various state and federal laws related to “coercion” and the First Amendment.
Bob (Tacoma Wa)
So your reasoning justifies CNN acting like they are the only ones with the Constitutional rights of free speech because they are the media? Your liberal logic justifies CNN acting like the commie mfers in China and N Korea? Not in my USA lefty!!
SXM (Danbury)
Wow - even doing the right thing triggers Trump supporters.
TR88 (PA)
They're way off the deep end. They're threatening to move to Canada, forming militant anti-"fascist" resistance groups, shooting Congressmen, wearing pussee hats and displaying hate has no home yard signs.
rella (VA)
If you object to people saying that hate has no home, or you saying that hate has a home? If so, who is supplying that home?
rella (VA)
CNN did what Trump should have done before using the video; namely, try to learn something about the source. Haven't Trump and his associates gotten into trouble before by uncritically passing along material from alt-right and other dubious sources?
TR88 (PA)
Yes. Trump plays by the media's rules and they hate him for it.
One of the most interesting aspects of this is the moral and ethical difference between reporting something and repeating it.
TR88 (PA)
This is classic. CNN, "the most trusted name in news".

Instead of providing facts, it withholds the name so now in the Court of public opinion, anything goes. It doesn't have to be true or false, they have left the field open to whatever anyone wants to say. When there is no honest arbitrator to count on there is no truth that can be relied on. "Trusted", if you will
Mr Chang Shih An (Taiwan)
Why isn't CNN wanting to our their so called news sources for their very anti Trump fake news stories? Their privacy is more important than some dullard who did a skit using WWE and CNN.

CNN = Childish News Network.
Biff Tannen (The Multiverse)
'In a statement, Matt Dornic, a spokesman for the network, said that “CNN decided not to publish the name of the Reddit user out of concern for his safety,”'

Well then they just admitted that they threatened this kid. They stated the reason for not releasing his information was to protect his safety, but that concern, according to their article, is predicated on him never doing memes again.

This, the Lincoln quote, the Veritas videos; you had a pretty good run CNN, but I think you're done.
JohnD (Atlanta)
CNN is pure garbage. I would love to meet one of those fools. The wouldn't like it.
Brad Blumenstock (St. Louis)

Thanks for providing such a perfect example of the violence our President has been trying to incite against the media.
Hedonikos (Washington)
I am not a member of the Twitter brigade. I prefer to get my news in depth and would certainly like it better if we had a POTUS who could have the brains to speak in more than 140 characters at a time. We see a lot of news and information on a daily basis. It seems like this POTUS wants to point fingers at any media that takes issue with him. Not a smart move. I think it is a lack of intelligence to suggest that Americans can or cannot decide on their own what is fact or fiction. I read everything. When I question things I research further. When people disagree with others opinion they provide sources which immediately is painted as "Media bias" or fake news if it goes against the opinion of the other person. If CNN wants to not publish the guys name because the person is contrite, who am I to say it isn't an admirable gesture. Considering the mentality of today's Trump supporter, I think it was more than that. Had CNN released this person's identity, his life would most certainly be in jeopardy. The current crop of Trump supporters are incapable in my opinion of understanding and more inclined to take vengeance on as their comrade. Considering the outright cries of hatred they embolden, they most certainly would do harm to someone who would paint their king in a bad light. Not that he needs any help with that.
Kevin Hui (Dallas)
The harm you are referring would not come from the conservative or Trump supporters, but from the left radical movement and other liberals. what does this say about their tolerance for peaceful actions, free thought and speech?
Bkerr (PA)
"If CNN wants to not publish the guys name because the person is contrite, who am I to say it isn't an admirable gesture. "
Maybe because the actual person is a 15 year old kid who did this.
Also, a federal law has been broken by black mailing a person.
CNN just committed a crime violating § 135.60 of the New York criminal code "coercion"
Siobhan (New York, NY)
"CNN wrote in the article that it was not publishing the user’s name “because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior..."

"It continued: “CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.”

How could this possibly be misinterpreted? CNN said they weren't publishing his info because he apologized, took down his offensive posts, and said he wouldn't do it again. But that they might publish his identity "should any of that change."

CNN has put itself in a position of what? Law enforcement? Free-speech filter? They recognized the potential harm of publishing the info, and are holding it over this guy's head.

I haven't seen the video. It sounds silly.
lee eng (california)
Possible crime. They are extorting him forcing him into silence. CNN believes the 1st amendment belongs to CNN. So they muscled a little blogger extorted and threatened him.
Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz took to Twitter to cite Georgia state law’s prohibition against “theft by extortion.”

“Troubling. I assume CNN's lawyers are examining GA § 16-8-16 Theft by extortion. If CNN constructively obtained the gif-maker's's a GA crime if they threatened to ‘Disseminate any information tending to subject any person to hatred, contempt, or ridicule....’” he wrote, citing a portion of the statute.

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange also claimed on Twitter that CNN may have violated various state and federal laws related to “coercion” and the First Amendment.
Name (Here)
Would you rather CNN just publish the cretin's name, which is news, and let the consequences happen?
M D'venport (Richmond)
Let's see: CNN found the guy who put together the foul thing
Trump (our wise, respectable, classy, dignified world leader) tweeted.
And decided not to reveal the guy's name. Only that he was middle aged.

And now CNN is criticized for that? Accused of blackmail or potential
blackmal? And not a word about the foul piece of film Trump tweeted
as, one supposes, proof of his intent or something?

And CNN is criticized? What passes as reasonable now?
Biff Tannen (The Multiverse)
They found a Redditor in a day, but haven't found a Russia connection in six months.
Bruce Gregory (O'side, California)
Have you seen the video? It is dumb! For CNN to have reacted this way is amazing. Have you read the apology (confession) from the person that created this dumb video? Read it! It reads as though it was penned by CNN's bureau chief in Pyongyang. There is something evil in the way CNN handled this. If you don't see it, it's because you like brown shirts.
lee eng (california)
So now Breitbart and Fox news can sight unseen look through all your blogs and any statement you ever made and say shut up or we will come after you. Will publish your name. The law only works one way for the liberals but the law is created for all.
Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz took to Twitter to cite Georgia state law’s prohibition against “theft by extortion.”

“Troubling. I assume CNN's lawyers are examining GA § 16-8-16 Theft by extortion. If CNN constructively obtained the gif-maker's's a GA crime if they threatened to ‘Disseminate any information tending to subject any person to hatred, contempt, or ridicule....’” he wrote, citing a portion of the statute.

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange also claimed on Twitter that CNN may have violated various state and federal laws related to “coercion” and the First Amendment.
Paul Klenk (NYC)
A ton of good background information on this story can be found by searching the trending hashtag mentioned in the NYT story, #CNNBlackmail. I encourage readers to piece together the full story in detail. Kudos to Jack Posobiec for clear, timely and responsible reporting on Twitter.

Julian Assange even weighed in, citing three laws he believes were broken by CNN, including NYS laws against coercion.

Some staff at CNN (not all) are out of control and hurting the network. CNN execs need to put a rein on all the ridiculous anti-Trump "reporting" and nonsense on the airwaves. The airwaves are a public trust, and CNN is increasingly stepping over the boundaries set for all broadcasters. They easily could have their FCC licenses revoked, which would cause a you-know-what storm from both sides, but would likely give CNN pause before it continues to let on-air personalities and writers gum up their reporting with juvenile, barely-shrouded threats and nonsense.
faryl (San Diego, CA)
Julian Assange isn't an attorney.

Of course he weighed in. Assange's political allegiances aren't any secret.

Whether CNN acted unethically or illegally may be up for debate, but Assange's opinion is just another opinion and certainly holds no weight when it comes to objective, informed opinions.
rella (VA)
Isn't cable TV largely exempt from FCC regulation?
Paul Klenk (NYC)
I'd love to know when he's weighed in on a matter like this and been wrong.

And for all you or I know, he could be providing information from his own attorneys.

Non-attorneys also know how to read, including laws.
Before these comments get roaring along, let's make a couple things abundantly clear:

1. The media again manipulated us on Sunday when Trump initially posted the video giving us all the impression that it was created by Trump or someone in his camp. It was a simple retweet.

2. CNN ethically and from what it appears, legally (although they'll never be pursued) broke several laws. This is another defining moment in history. Anyone who thinks anything other than this not being ok, is not well. We can discuss the lesser infractions by either party another day.

I am not a fan of Trump and I was perplexed when the video was posted on Sunday. I did think this is surreal, but it's now clear whats happening. He's starting to grow on me and that should sent a shudder down the backs of the few remaining hold out liberals, the New York Times and beyond. It's been said over and over again, the Democrats and more so, the media is falling into his trap and digging an irredeemable hole for themselves. Just think of the turmoil with his first 6 months, but with his shenanigans, for better or worse, he continues to rip the bandaids off the scabs of our fractured society and fraudulent government and it's media spokespersons.

Based on the hundreds or thousand comments I've read today on various platforms, the more corruption that is exposed on Trump's time has people liking him more. CNN in their hate filled crusade are making people love Trump more. Like Hillary, they will lose too.
Written by Jonathan Turley who is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University. Really good perspective. The people that actually know what they're talking about think what CNN did is wrong. It's all of them pretty much.
AtrusHB (D'ni)
That's the problem with moral crusades: the more fanatically loyal you are to "the cause", the more willing you are to compromise your own morals to advance that cause, and the better your enemies will look in comparison.
Doc Rogers (AZ)
I'm beginning to wonder just how co
zb (bc)
This is a lot of something about nothing. Trump is blowing up American democracy;destroying freedom of the press; traitorous dealings with Russia; trying to take healthcare away from millions of people - including children; lying incessantly about everything; and using the Whitehouse to advance his own financial interests and this is what you write about that CNN decided not to reveal a persons name so as not to potentially ruin his life?

You are way off on this one not to mention giving aid and comfort to the rightwing nut jobs and distracting attention from the real evilness of this President.
Biff Tannen (The Multiverse)
America is, and always has been a representative republic, not a democracy.
Andrew (California)

YOU are the problem, because you ignorantly regurgitate a viewpoint you clearly have been told, but do not understand.

How is Trump "blowing-up American democracy"? Has he changed one voting rule? Has he tried to overturn any elections, or take-away anyone's voting rights?

How is he destroying freedom of the press? Obama actually used FISA warrants to retroactively "tap" the phone and e-communications of 20 reporters at the AP, and went after a FoxNews reporter (Rosen) in such an underhanded manner that they actual had to have Holder sign the (clearly perjured) FISA warrant, himself, because nobody else would. The Rosen case included naming the reporter as a co-conspirator, and, in order to try to hide what they were doing, also claimed that Rosen was a "flight risk", so that he would not have to be notified that he was being monitored. Trump is stupid, and a liar, but he hasn't done one thing to "silence" or otherwise go after a reporter, legally.

What "traitorous dealings with Russia" has he made. As even Van Jones said (when he didn't realize he was being taped), that story is a "nothing burger". BTW, your statement is potentially libelous; hope Trump doesn't sue you.

In six weeks, CNN has had to fire FIVE people over three separate incidents, and has been caught on tape on at least three incidents proclaiming that there's nothing to the Russia story, but they pursue it for ratings and political purposes. You couldn't attack them, enough!
Johnny (Louisville)
It is abundantly clear that CNN has no idea how to handle a phenomena like Donald J, Trump. Nothing they have done has succeeded in this entirely new climate where the traditional mainstream media is constantly on the defensive. CNN has not known anything like it.

This story only highlights CNN's disorientation and bafflement. To create major news by actually tracking down the maker of a satirical gif and then say that they have the right to change their minds about his anonymity pending his future behavior is appalling on so many levels. Not the least of it is that it plays directly into the hands of the Trump supporters.

CNN of all organizations should know about the "Striesand Effect", which according to Wikipedia: " the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely..."

I would not be surprised if the internet is soon swamped by thousands of memes and gifs dramatizing the takedown of a CNN-logo covered man by DJT. And rightfully so. CNN deserves it.

I urge every single reader who cares about the first amendment and the freedom of expression to head over to Reddit and see of someone has put up a website with automatic scripts to create similar gifs. Do your part to celebrate your freedom of expression. It is the only right answer to an outlet like CNN lacking a sense of humor about itself.
lkent (boston)
" including Donald Trump Jr., referred to the Reddit user as a 15-year-old"

He admires juvenile nastiness.

What else is new. Obviously he didn't claim that the user was a child to excuse anything, because to him it's all lovely. Just sticking up for the kid? -- who, if real, is way more mature than he, with his toddler mentality.

If it were a playground and this kid apologized for something he himself thought was funny, he'd get some other kid to beat up the "sissy" and/or cyberstalk the "sissy".

P.S. if anyone has a four hundred pound bed, it's him.
Dennis (Colorado)
What are you even talking about?
Biff Tannen (The Multiverse)
He probably learned that from the Trayvon pictures the media was putting out.
Andrew (California)
You seem to spend FAR too much time worrying about DT Jr.'s thoughts, his bed, and "juvenile nastiness".

BTW, VERY "progressive" of you, taking one phrase from the article, out of context, and then turning it into a character attack on a member of the Trump family.

As a final note, your attack, in general, shows a laziness of thought, and calls into question your intellect.
Vince Angeloni (Des Moines, IA)
the video wasn't that big of a deal, but if I was a CNN reporter and saw his posting with the star of David next to reporter's pictures… I think they ought to have a right to 'out him" if they want. Maybe some of these racist/bigoted posts would disappear if they did...
Billy Bob (Las Vegas)
CNN quotes "Sources" all the time ... who are these Sources and how many are there? Unethical and fake-news = CNN! That's why I stopped watching them.
Aleister (Florida)
Here is the entire problem: “CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.” Maybe I am wrong, but I doubt that the reporter drafted this. This language appears to have come from a senior editor or from legal. It suggests there is a bargained-for quid pro quo -- if the Reddit user misbehaves or engages in other behavior that CNN deems to be disparaging of CNN, the consequence of unmasking might occur. Very, very unorthodox. Also unorthodox is CNN running a story on this when it could have kept the entire matter under wraps, but instead plays the role of morality police in questioning someone's political choices.

Bravo to the NYT for not disregarding this bizarre story.
Biff Tannen (The Multiverse)
They know now, after those messy layoffs, that they have a choice: report the news, or go down like CNN. Sure, CNN is making money because everyone likes to watch the circus, but they aren't taking seriously as a news organization anymore.

Washington Post will, hopefully, follow the same fate. Although, I don't think they are taken seriously outside of DC as it is.
Lorem Ipsum (DFW, TX)
You say "unorthodox" like it's a bad thing. Your Trump wouldn't.
KellyNYC (NYC)
Let's flip the situation. If Pres. Hillary Clinton had tweeted that (sub. Fox for CNN), would Fox allow the Reddit guy to go unnamed? I think we all know the answer.

In any event, this is all a diversion from the despicable behavior of the current POTUS.
Biff Tannen (The Multiverse)
Fox wouldn't have wasted the resources to go after some kid making memes. Also, leftist supporters generally aren't creative or skilled enough for this.
John (Northampton, PA)
Nice strawman argument. Do you win all of the arguments you have with yourself, or just most of them?
Andrew (California)
What an ignorant post! If you want an equivalence, let's take your own example, and make it an apple, instead of an orange.

If HRC had RE-tweeted something stupid, Fox spent two days attacking her over it, and then found the "Reddit guy", and instead of outing them, issued a statement indicating that they had found the person, bullied them into taking down all their posts and promise never to do it again, and reserved the right to out him, and ruin his life (their words, not mine), at any time in the future, what would the headline story be here on the NYT, or WaPo, or any of the various left-leaning news outlets? All we'd be talking about is nasty right-wing Fox threatening some poor private individual with ruining his life is he didn't toe their "radical right-wing" line.

CNN blatantly threatened this "middle aged man". There's no two ways about.

Everyone seems to forget that Jeff Zucker was fired by NBC not long after he'd been hired to take over NBC News, because he is incompetent, a bad manager, and doesn't have a journalistic bone in his body. It's clear, nothing has changed, and he's really only interested in harming Trump, and riding the Trump phenomena for all the ratings it is worth.
E Roach (Los Angeles)
This guy (as well as Trump) needs to know: don't pick s fight with anyone who buys ink by the barrel!
JQuincy (TX)
Let's publish the addresses of the leftist media anchors, reporters and execs. and see how they feel.
Maureen (Boston)
Donald Trump has spewed years and years of lies.
Lorem Ipsum (DFW, TX)
I see what you did with that handle, Roscoe. What grade are you?
Grunk (Earth)
If BuzzFeed is correct, it appears CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski outed the wrong guy
rella (VA)
In ordinary parlance, to out someone is to identify that person by name, which is precisely what has not happened in this case, at least not yet.
This is the type of thing that puts people out of business. Like no joke type of stuff. On my list of 10 things that probably should never happen, the media wielding their power to threaten and out a private citizen is well, actually it's 1-10 of you don't do this. Ever. Can't believe there are actually people defending it "to teach this guy a lesson" yet liberals are the first to give a rapist, or low life drug dealer or any of their other urban hood rats what, 10, 20, 30 free passes or $5k bond? Yet, they want to out this guy and ruin his and his family's life over a 3 second funny video meme? Seems reasonable, right?

I'd say credibility lost, but CNN used up all their credibility capital during the election.
wbjunk (florida)
that was a funny video, I can't believe all the outrage and ruckus the news media is pushing. Why don't they get upset when it goes the other way... yeah we know why, it is because they are partisan partisan partisan... just look who they used to work for. They r bsnews
HW (California)
Not quite. CNN is being criticized for threatening to reveal his identity if he does it again.
Andrew (California)
So it's perfectly OK for the media to act in an unprofessional and clearly biased manner, as long as they are attacking someone that YOU think deserves it?

Maybe, just maybe, if CNN, et al, just did their jobs, and told us what people said or did, without OBVIOUSLY trying to force us to draw particular conclusions about said information, people MIGHT trust them, and Trump would not have been elected?
Eyeballs (Toledo)
It certainly was a poor piece of phrasing; CNN actually bent over backward to grant the guy anonymity despite the fact that the guy is a major jerk who uses anonymity to spread generalized hate and bigotry. But the guy didn't ask Trump to tweet his video and be dragged into the national spotlight, and CNN was generous in giving him the benefit of the doubt. It's quite laughable to see all the Internet trolls who spend their days hurting people's reputations online (behind a veil of anonymity) try to suggest that CNN is blackmailing this guy by in fact granting him anonymity and a chance to salvage his reputation. Do they think he really wants his name disclosed? It just shows that no good deed goes unpunished.
rella (VA)
Indeed! If he wanted his name disclosed, he could have accomplished that himself, without CNN's help.
Liz (nyc)
@Eyeballs . I was trying to ascertain what the common denominator is about the bizarre comments posted here and then came to your post: the trolls have invaded this comments section. There's no other word for it. I also wonder if the POTUS/WH has hired their own trollers. The Russians are here, too.
sm (new york)
Oh please , this is what the Brits call a tempest in a tea pot! Nothing but finger pointing , you said it first , no you did , honestly there are far more serious things to discuss , get it CNN felt the video was uncalled for and a tacky attack , and that the guy who doctored the video felt it was his freedom of speech too but this is what we have devolved to , with of course comments from the peanut gallery. It is beneath all of us , shame!
William Case (United States)
At least we know the tweeter is not a Trump associate or an associate of a Trump associate or someone who once borrowed money from the same bank that once made a loan to Jared Kushner.
Jacob handelsman (Houston)
Pity the poor Liberal media. Trump now has them well-trained to dance to his tune.Case in point, the CNN video. Take one old clip showing Donald body-slamming Vince McMahon to the floor, superimpose the CNN logo where Vince's head should be and what do you instant classic that anyone with a sense of humor found more than a little funny. Who didn't? The usual suspects in the Liberal MSM who immediately began pulling their hair out and wailing that Trump was now endangering these paragons of dishonest reportage by encouraging violence. A reaction even funnier and more bizarre than the video itself. Way to go, Donald. You play and they dance.
Lorem Ipsum (DFW, TX)
He trolls them and you laugh. And that was enough to make you vote for him. So why are you such a sore winner?
sm (new york)
Jacob , It was not funny but tacky and crass , kinda fits some mentalities and again , more peanuts tossed from the gallery , who cares ????
Templewind (California)
How is the video author not at least partially "doxxed" since CNN outed his screen name?
faryl (San Diego, CA)
Screen names aren't doxxing. The term doxxing refers to sharing personal information such as their legal name.

By your definition, any time the media shares a person's viral tweet or Reddit post, they are being doxxed.

That's like saying the media doxxed Guccifer 2.0 by writing about his claims of being responsible for the DNC hacks. Or if someone wrote about responses to this article and quoted "Templewind" from California as asking a question about doxxing. Doxxing would require someone sharing your legal name and/or other personal details you didn't already share publicly.

The guy posted a video on Reddit. Reddits terms of use don't guarantee any privacy for user posts. That's why people the option to create whatever screen name they want (and can create burner accounts if they don't want a post tied to the rest of their post/comment history).
RM (Virginia)
it would have been smarter for CNN to ignore it; there will waaay more memes both pro- and anti- Trump for the next 3.5 years. That being said, CNN is giving itself shades of Joe McCarthy and Estes Kevfauer (and moody emo teenagers) by threatening to expose some dude on reddit over something they did not like. and isn't the media supposed to be neutral? Why did they do this in the first place?

Right now they remind me of all the stuff the Right was trying to do with Cindy Sheehan when she was The Figure of the anti-Iraq war movement.
Robert Undisclosed (Greece)
So this man posts a harmless satirical video online, and the Concocted News Network (CNN) chases this guy down because he poked fun at them. If that isn't sick, I don't know what is.

CNN can attack Trump, and his family on a daily basis, but if Trump responds ? They call him a bully. CNN can dish it out, but they sure can't take it.

CNN published two fake stories last week they had to retract. CNN's pathological lying is a matter of record. Now they threaten this guy with public exposure using extortion because they are upset that anyone would poke fun at them. What a trash organization CNN is.
Lorem Ipsum (DFW, TX)
Responds, yes, but not in kind. Trump goes low, and then lower still.

Defend that. Or just call me a nasty name. Your choice!
puffymannequin (California)
Good to know we have CNN as an arbiter of taste. Gosh knows they've really earned it from all the high-standard reporting they've produced over the years. What a despicable organization.
Bob (San Francisco)
Why should a change in circumstance be considered "blackmail"? Is CNN supposed to out him regardless? What nonsense! This Lopez person seems not to have learned something his parents probably taught him long ago ... stop doing something bad and we all move on, otherwise there will be consequences ... or does he believe that every responsible parent is a blackmailer?
Seth (Seattle)
Problem is, CNN is not our parent nor did we authorize them to be. Also, squelching voices that you deem are 'bad' through coercion or threats is the very definition of fascism, regardless of your motivation.

They should not have taken it upon themselves to be the internet thought police. I don't want government bodies, corporations, churches, or any other authoritative body thinking they have the obligation to be the thought police. Protect individual liberty, regardless of whether you think the sentiment is 'bad' or 'good'.
Judyw (cumberland, MD)
Once again CNN steps in a cow patty of its own making. Its hard to have much sympathy for CNN's actions and potential threats to the user. They can claim they did not threaten him, but when you read what they posted it sure seems like a threat to me.

CNN should have said nothing and moved on. When they decided to go after the user who made the original GIF, they got themselves into a much worse situation, publicity wise. then they were in before.
Mickey Kronley (Phoenix, AZ)
CNN is a joke.
The guy who made the video is the subject of the story. He needs to be named (think,"who what where when why")as he is integral to the story.
Once you start protecting people's identities because they are "private citizens" where do u stop?
Answer: you don't.
I understand protecting some IDs-- a rape victim is a clear example.
But the guy who made a video that Trump retweeted? No way.
David (Mnpls)
If CNN and The NY Times would stop coming down to Trump's level he will implode. The man loves this type of attention because it feeds his ego and distracts from his incompetence. Focus attention on Syria, North Korea, healthcare, etc. and Trump will eventually do something even most of his supporters won't be able to explain away. He is a petulant child that cannot stand to be ignored. Patience Grasshopper.
What part don't you understand? The liberal media can't focus on real life events. They can't focus on facts. They can't focus on the economy, Syria, etc. That would require them to be serious and would require it's readers and viewers to equally be serious, dare I say mature and we all knows what happens when people become informed and mature? They have their own ability to think and make decisions. It's primarily while most people graduate from liberal to conservative over their lifetimes. Eventually you grow out of the zombie stage; post college. Many don't and stay liberal and well...TBC
Brad Blumenstock (St. Louis)

What do you think the President's excuse is for not being able to "focus on real life events?"
Jay Lincoln (NYC)
Liberal journalists take themselves too seriously. It was a hilarious internet meme of the Donald taking out the Fake News Network, WWE-style. Inciting violence? Gimme a break. Everyone knows WWE is fake fighting.

So this guy makes fun of CNN, and CNN responds by threatening to expose him? CNN is ridiculous. CNN is just digging its own hole deeper and deeper by denying blackmail.

I mean, the words speak for themselves: CNN is not doxing the prankster "because... he has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse..., and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior." But "CNN RESERVES THE RIGHT TO PUBLISH HIS IDENTITY SHOULD ANY OF THAT CHANGE."

This is why America hates the liberal media. They act like god and constantly make unsolicited moral judgments. It's also why Clinton lost - "half of Trump's supporters [are in] the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic -- you name it."
HT (New York City)
It's also why Clinton lost - "half of Trump's supporters [are in] the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic -- you name it."

Yes that is exactly correct. And people who use violence and the threat of violence to promote their agenda.
Uofcenglish (Wilmette)
Excuse me, America does not hate the liberal media. Maybe some ignorant person who thinks twitter is a news source hates the liberal media, but don't overblow your position here. You are such a pawn. This was not an acceptable thing for the president to tweet. Don't even get me started about this disgusting and vile President. But, uh, no the media is NOT the problem. Ignorant people who want to be manipulated are the problem. Maybe you should ready the Chomsky interview and actually learn something about the world and the media from an expert who has studied it his whole life with true brilliance. All this is a side show-- the truth is we are being manipulated into loosing our freedoms. Read it. Learn something.
AB (Maryland)
We liberals are just horrible. I miss the harmless, civil days when President Obama was shown burned in effigy or with nooses around his neck. Those were the days.
John (St. Louis)
CNN is going down in flames. They can't help but to trip over themselves...
Tom Piper (Atlanta)
People should read the HansAssSolo poster's apology. He goes on to say he trolls for fun and says the bad things he's said because he's addicted to the online bullying but he's NOT that person in real life. In real life he loves everybody and one of his best friends is gay, another is Jewish and another is Muslim.

He's an example of the sick people using the so called privacy of the internet to lie, to denigrate and bully others because it's "fun". Many of them may be your neighbor and appear "normal" in daily life. Some may be as bad as their comments and posts.

In any event people who do these kinds of things on social networks SHOULD be outed and ridiculed at every opportunity.
libertyville (chicago)
CNN has become the cyber bully of the Internet. Don't dare criticize, ridicule or even speak without reverence of the once mighty network. Their lawyers and goons will come after you.
KellyNYC (NYC)
It seems that you haven't said anything in your post that applies to this particular situation. Can you point to any actual evidence?
Sequel (Boston)
Don't say anything nasty about Donald Trump, or the National Enquirer will come after you. That means you, Joe and Mika.

It is ironic that the day after July 4th, we get a glimpse into how a tyrant can convince average people that he is the defender of their liberties against evil government regulation, when in fact the tyrant is a rich businessman whose wealth is being threatened by the government the tyrant wants to shut down.
Belasco (Reichenbach Falls)
CNN seems to be way too sensitive about the whole thing. Using a global network's resources to hunt down a guy who slapped together a sloppy satirical meme that targeted their network and then parading their capture around the airwaves like a bagged big game animal speaks to some serious insecurity issues. Boasting that not only did they catch him but they made him "apologise" makes them look even more ridiculous. By doing so CNN lowered themselves and played into the hands of those who see everything in the media as an us versus them zero sum game. From the beginning the whole thing went under the category "best ignored". Given the current turbulence regaridng the role of media in this society there should be a least a few adults in the room.
Name (Here)
Feh. Not that CNN needed much resources. One person could do this sort of Google stalk for free in a day.
james (Philippines)
Why should anyone be surprised? CNN believes that they are the means by which we ought to think and regard things. Remember when Chris Cuomo asserted it was illegal for us to read the wikileaked Clinton emails ourselves? Wasn't a CNN editor recently caught on tape calling all of us stupid? CNN is supposedly merging with another company later this year. I hope the antitrust division at DOJ and the SEC disallow it.
Warren (Kingsport, TN)
I think the bigger issue with this CNN article was the implication that this Reddit user was to blame for this situation, either in whole or in part. Let's be honest, we all know that there is an infinite volume of trash content on the internet and on specifically Reddit. That's not news. This video is only newsworthy because the President chose to endorse and share it. Let's leave the blame squarely where it belongs.
TK (Windermere, Fla.)
Absent a good reason, such as the Reddit poster being a minor or mentally disabled, CNN owed him no duty of anonymity. That said, the bit about CNN reserving the right to change its mind depending on his future behavior was awkward and unnecessary. It puts CNN in the position of being a quasi-parole officer, which is not where a legitimate media outlet should be.
Aleister (Florida)
All agreed -- but since when was CNN a "legitimate media outlet"?
Mercury S (San Francisco)
They didn't use a global network's resources. Someone went through his posts, and found enough identifying information to find him on Facebook.
MJAlton (Atlanta, GA)
CNN can make up lies about our president, call him a traitor and say basically anything they want about the president without any evidence whatsoever, but when somebody says something about them? They extort that person from free speech.

Typical liberal network - free speech is only for the elites.
KellyNYC (NYC)
What have they "made up"? Specifics please.
Dr. M (Nola)
"What have they made up?"

- Recent retracted story about Trump associated Anthony Scaramucci "colluding" with Russians
- on air claim that James Comey stated that Donald Trump was under investigation by the FBI (he wasn't)
- endless nightly panels of anti-Trump "experts" asserting that Trump colluded with the Russians

The list goes on and on.
Ben Martinez (New Bedford, Massachusetts)
If the list goes on and on, "Dr. M", why does your list have only one and a half. By the time you get to what might be number two, you're trading in o-inion. Right wing opinion.
Richard Smith (Cleveland, ohio)
The demise of liberal media is at hand, CNN will be gone in weeks, what other liberal propaganda fake news agency will be next? Beautiful to watch Trump destroy the liberal media every day.
steven (los angeles)
The Russian puppet is destroying America and its institutions, as is his duty.
Why does CNN even care?
Dennis D (New Jersey)
CNN' protects its sources who have made numerous proven bogus claims about President Trump. But looks like they made a threat here
Phil Wells (USA)
All I see here is the NYT trying to mask its protection of CNN "The network has been a frequent target of attacks from the right as it covers the Trump administration." I'm sure you meant with all the journalistic integrity you reportedly have to say "The network has been a frequent fabricator of fake news as it covers the Trump administration." as we have seen time and time again
Alex (New Orleans)
Republicans are a total joke. CNN protected the safety and identify of a man WHO ATTACKED THEM, and Republicans twist logic to try to find fault with CNN.

It's amazing what that party has become, and how far down they are willing to drag America.
Rico (NYC)
Attacked? Hardly. The guy posted an old video clip with a CNN logo plastered on it. Would you have felt better if the guy had pasted Trump's head over Kathy Griffins and pasted the CNN logo where Trump's severed bloody head had been? And CNN is no innocent party in their war of words with Trump. This exchange is but the most recent tawdry skirmish in a long-running war in which neither party occupies any moral high ground.
Montreal Moe (West Park Quebec)
If there is any doubt that the Russian hacking wasn't successful this should end it.
The only question remaining is when America's standing in the world falls below that of North Korea.
Keyser (Chicago)
Why shouldn't internet trolls be held accountable? All too often we see bullies and braggarts spewing insults and then running off to another comment section or another account name to spew some more. At least when Trump hurls the insults we know where it came from so he should not be surprised at return fire.

Besides.. some people may want to reward the video maker.. it could happen.
AtrusHB (D'ni)
"Why shouldn't internet trolls be held accountable?"
Because the word "troll" has been diluted to the point that it's only ever used as a synonym for "person I don't like".
Darren Douglas (Canada)
Trump - Says "mean things".
CNN - Incites Liberals to Riot and kill people at a Republican baseball practice.
Dana (Santa monica)
Whether the Reddit user is 15 or 50 is irrelevant (though I believe the actual news reporter on this and not Donald Trump JR) - either age is old enough to know right from wrong. The CNN WWF video is the most mild of content. It's the racist and anti-semitic posts that are particularly chilling and frightening to members of those groups. It's easy to be a cyber menace when you are anonymous. When you lose that anonymity and are suddenly held accountable for your actions and deeds it becomes a little more uncomfortable to preach hatred - if you are at all a person of conscience.
B (The desert)
They should've named him. A liberal would get no such consideration. But, as usual, right wingers pay no consequences. Why is that?
Chris (Camb. Ma)
I guess the question is what CNN is doing with vitriolic anonymous online critics of Trump on reddit whose tweets get retweeted. If they are sleuthing and outing them, or threatening to do so, then this case is fair.
I can't find a source for how many CNN has threatened to out on the other side.
Andy (Toronto)
What bothers me about the CNN story is the fact that, despite the headline "How CNN found the Reddit user behind the Trump wrestling GIF", the story itself never actually tells us *how* CNN actually found a person behind a Reddit account. Which is telling in itself.

Truth is, it is not that easy to de-anonymize a person, particularly that quick. True, fine print in user agreements always stipulates that the user information can be used by the company, but, firstly, I don't believe that Reddit collects that much personal information (unlike NYTimes, which has my name and address), and, secondly, there's a big legal difference between an admin sending an email with user's logs - and CNN obtaining legal rights to using these IP logs. Finally, it's not like every single average Joe can easily get an email from Reddit regarding the post he didn't like.

I think that CNN may have broken quite a few ethical and possibly even legal rules while getting to the Reddit user's real name, and I think that if the alleged Reddit poster ever goes to court claiming that CNN defamed him, and he really is not the Reddit poster in question (even if he really is), CNN may be in quite a bit of trouble.
Name (Here)
These days it is pathetically easy to find out a lot of information on a person, especially one addicted to social media, with an hour or two of Google stalking, for free. If you are willing to pay certain services on the web, even faster.
Howard64 (New Jersey)
@Andy it is not difficult to identify a poster. And noone has been defamed by the artical. Exposed is what is potentially to be done. and exposure should be done. Trump is the one creating fake news and other lies without end.
Berend (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
I don't think that it's necessarily very difficult to uncover someone identity - but it depends on how prolific they are and how good they cover their tracks. Many people are just not that smart - look at all those people who get fired because they got found out by their boss when they called in sick and then posted pictures of them on a party on Facebook.

I got the impression this case was something like that. Even the original CNN piece basically said that they went through the Reddit posts of the HanXXSolo guy, and managed to match it to a Facebook account of his real identity.

Someone who is prolific on the Internet using more than one identity, tends to always mix up subjects, keywords, phrases, connections between these identities. I think that was how they figured it out.
Matt C (Boston, MA)
So a middle aged man who has an extensive history of posting offensive content to social media and is exposed for the bigot he is, and now CNN is on trial?

In reality, CNN was able to identify the reddit user fairly quickly and when they contacted him about it, he apologized and asked not to be outed publicly. CNN showed restraint and integrity here, because their fight is not with a miserable internet troll, it's with the person in the Oval Office who encourages and incites his supporters with outrageous statements.

Gotta love the irony in conservatives calling out liberals as snowflakes when a person so committed to the right-wing agenda will immediately acquiesce when confronted with the possibility of losing their anonymity.

One has to wonder how committed a person is to their beliefs if they are unwilling to publicly defend them.
Billy Bob (Las Vegas)
I didn't read anyway in NYT article this guy is right-wing. Where did you get this information, from "Sources", or CNN?
Judyw (cumberland, MD)
Your perception changes when a large corporation like CNN threatens you. I know people and CNN are saying they didn't threaten the guy, but when you read CNN's post, it sure sounds like a threat.
Matt C (Boston, MA)
What are they threatening him with though? The only action they could take would be to put a name and face to the username. Anyone who is sufficiently motivated can do that nowadays, indeed there is already an organized effort underway in the reddit community to do exactly that.

Billy Bob, I got it straight from the source. The guy's reddit account was full of typical right-wing tropes. He attempted to delete the incriminating content but it was all captured by other users before he could erase it.
Rico (NYC)
"The network has been a frequent target of attacks from the right as it covers the Trump administration." Fair enough. The right HAS been critical of CNN's coverage of Trump.

What isn't fair, or balanced, is to neglect to mention that the Trump administration has been a frequent target of attacks from CNN personalities.

Question for NYT: Was this oversight unintended or merely another example of the blatant biases that infect the legacy media?
Seonbin song (Blacksburg, VA)
Is it not the media's job to criticize the current administration? Conservative media like Fox News sure did it when Obama was president.
Keyser (Chicago)
Reporting that the crowd attending Trump's inauguration was not "the biggest ever" was not an attack.. it was a correction. Then Trump started his war with the media.
Matt C (Boston, MA)
How come when Fox News anchors rebuke Trump's actions it goes unnoticed by the right, but when any other media outlet offers the same analysis, it's an attack?

Perhaps the oversight you identified is nothing more than your own bias obscuring an objective reality.
Thehousedog (Seattle)
the Reddit user published something on the internet which is a modern-day equivalent of the town square - something the founders might recall. if this user attempted to be anonymous, there are plenty of tools that can make that possible, but he didn't. does this make him fair game by those who wish to identify him? the question of "is it right" to identify him bears investigation - is the media the "responsible" entity that should be unmasking people exercising their first amendment rights, no matter what we may think of them, or do we truly have freedom of speech at all times and in all places?
james (Philippines)
SCOTUS says in all times and places and frankly, the whole thing is not worth defending or paying taxes for if this is no longer the case. Jefferson would agree with me, as he should.
Keyser (Chicago)
Your first amendment rights do not include entering a town square wearing a mask.
Tom Piper (Atlanta)
Free speech allows you to say whatever you like but it is not a shield from consequences of that speech.

I can't make false statements about you without facing the consequences of slander or libel.

The public also has the right to ridicule or ostracize someone for their speech.
Lynn in DC (um, DC)
Interesting that the reporting, as initially written, said nothing about the video being a retweet by Trump, we were led to believe by the media that Trump created the video and posted it to Twitter. This subsequent story about the source of the video feeds into Trump's claims of fake news at CNN.
james (Philippines)
Exactly. Everyone thought Trump himself was the artist for days.
HJR (Wilmington Nc)
Please read this direct cut from article, really only a Trump supporter could invent that they thought it was created by him.

"A version of Mr. Trump’s video appeared last week on a Trump-dedicated page on the message board site Reddit, a popular meeting ground for some of the president’s most fervent supporters. The CNN logo is superimposed on what appears to be the head of Vince McMahon, a wrestling magnate and a friend of Mr. Trump, who in his prepresidential years often appeared as a guest on wrestling shows."
Keyser (Chicago)
I never got that impression from the news media. They have always reported it as a re-tweet.