I’ve Overestimated Donald Trump

Jun 29, 2017 · 542 comments
John E. Bishop (Carlisle, Massachusetts)
Republican enablers (I have ceased using the term "leaders") say things along the lines of "this just hast to stop" (Sen. Collins) and "it's undignified - it's beneath the office" (Sen. Sasse). This is too little, too late, senators. If you truly love your country more than your party,start leading us out of this disaster! Subtle statements of protest have no impact on this President, nor on the course of events (i.e. the train-wreck waiting to happen). Actions speak much louder than words, senators.
Hanna (Richmond)
If these tweets truly appeal to Trump's base, then his base is base.
woofer (Seattle)
As unpleasant as they may be, Trump's tweets are simply a smokescreen that hides the evil being done behind the scenes. At some point the portion of the media not simply devoted to sensationalism will need to start filtering this fetid sewage out and focusing on the real harm being quietly imposed by this shameless band of greedy savages and barbarians.
Molly Ciliberti (Seattle)
At the least, Congress can impeach Trump.
Carol (Southbury, CT)
I wonder if somehow this vile tweet was meant to distract from the WSJ news released later in the day regarding HRC e-mails which Trump egged Russia on to hack during the campaign and it was learned were supposed to be channeled directly to Flynn...the first evidence of possible collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia (which the FBI already aware of). ...
Joseph John Amato (New York N. Y.)
June 30, 2017

Dear Ms. Collins
My sincere appreciation for your care for making America Great again and I need all the women to try to understand that my strengths come being who I am and what I will do for Lady Liberty -so please try to overlook my chic chat and just my own stylistic ways to communicate when it is necessary to response to a very complex world -and that by the way is why the world needs my wonderful leadership at this time in the course of America's grand design for my Administration in the next two terms for sure. So please take all you ideas in your column and know that I will let everyone know what is fake and what is just a lack of the beauty of guy power for the rights that I have earned will take to any and all arenas that dare to mess with my vanity and ego joys. ( D.T. )

jja Manhattan, N.Y.
JerryD (HuntingtonNY)
Look at it this way:

You ask David Lynch to make a TV series about a President of the United States, his family, his staff, and his cabinet members.

You tell him he can do what he pleases, however bizarre, funny, horrific, disgusting - no holds barred.

I doubt that even Mr. Lynch could come up with what we have occurring in the real world in real time with the president we now have.
Sarah (California)
America is getting her just deserts. We have reached the pinnacle (nadir?) of life as an anti-intellectual nation that celebrates willful ignorance. Trump in fact was the perfect candidate for a country that has let its "exceptionalism" go to its head. The question now is whether it will be possible to right the ship. I for one am not optimistic.
Raul Campos (San Francisco)
There are two things that are extraordinary about Trump's tweets; the first is that it's exactly what a politician would ever dream of doing or what a president should never be doing. The second is that despite the negative attention he gets for each tweet, he suffers little for it. The tweets do more damage to his adversaries who react very emotionally (and for good reason) but are distracted by them from the real issues of the day; tax reform, healthcare, the economy and immigration reform. What Trump will be remember for is not his tweets but his legislative accomplishments and how he manages external threats. And despite the fact that his opposition rages against his legislative agenda, they have voiced no alternative solutions. Have you noticed that just before a critical vote Trump distracts the press and the left with a single (highly) politically incorrect tweet? Is the left so easily distracted (look, squirrel!), and is all this emotional outrage helpful?
Naomi (<br/>)
And we are surprised and offended - why? We have what we deserve. We have what we asked for. Anyone reading this who know how many Kardashians there are and what their names are, got what they deserve: a reality star buffoon of a president. Anyone reading this who would recognize the names of the Real Housewives of Atlanta (is there a show like that?) has the president they asked for. These incessant, imbecilic, childish tweets make people look up and so they achieve what they aimed to do. They give us what to talk about around the water-cooler when we're done talking about some adorable kid who sang his/her heart out last night on America's Got Talent. They are punchlines for Stephen Colbert. This is the world we allowed to be created for us. In the end, what better compliment could DJT have given to Mika Brzezniski that insulting her? It's the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval for responsible journalism.
Kite (SF)
Dear America: It's time to STOP this non-sense! The Congress will NOT impeach this insane president, so it's time for us ALL to organize and DEMAND his resignation! Yes, Pence might even be worse for public policy, but the taint of Trump will last until next election. But the stain remaining as our president simply cannot be tolerated for the next 4 years. If all who feel the same about Trump just went on strike, sitting on the White House lawn and occupying all gov't offices demanding his resignation, we COULD make it happen. This man is clearly and simply not worthy of the office, and this HAS to be made clear to him.
Jack Kay (Massachusetts)
The core of the problem is two-fold: Unlike the United Kingdom, where the head of state and the head of the government are different people, our president is both. Whatever you may feel about the intent of his policies, we need to face the sad fact that not only is our president the functional equivalent of a 10-year old schoolyard bully, as pointed out in this column, but that he also suffers from a policy depth equivalent to lake ice in August, while possessing the intellectual curiosity of a tree slug. I do not write such sarcasm lightly. I am truly depressed over his utter lack of maturity and kindness. If I add to that a legislative branch that cannot and will not work together, seeking a middle ground for the good of the country, then I might as well bury my head in the sand and watch reruns of "I Love Lucy". Has there ever been a more divisive time in our land since the Civil War? The divisions over the Vietnam War seem to pale in comparison.
James Vanecek (Pittsburgh)
What is blaringly clear to me is that trump has not one time in his life suffered the consequences of the complete effect of his totally self-centered behavior. 25 million in fraud payouts does not effect him.
The "person" in quotes because of his cruelty, crassness, destruction he perpetrates on the world simply denotes he is in a serious state of depersonalization himself.

This man is so far off life's playing field that it is just a matter of time before he suffers a great fall for himself and unfortunately in his present state of being will take this country and perhaps other countries over the precipice with him.
Meg8 (LA)
Imagine setting your moral compass as the President suggests: Take the worst behavior you see and make yours ten times worse. He is a lunatic. Further, he's asleep at the wheel regarding Russia. We are in the midst of a national disaster.
Celsus (greenport, ny)
My grandmother came from Bukovina, Dracula country. Oddly enough, she had a quality of infrequent prophesy. In other words, she did not often predict the future but when she did, her comments turned out incredibly correct. When I was 11, I desperately wanted to own a dog. My parents were not too keen on it. She whispered to me one day, “somewhere there is a little black dog waiting for you.” He was a Cocker Spaniel named Flappy.

RE: Donald Trump. Somewhere there is a straight jacket waiting for him!
Bob (Portland)
More Gail! Less Donald!
AMR (Emeryville, CA)
There is a long, long list of things the Republican party "could" do. But Ms. Collins didn't overestimate just Donald Trump, she overestimates the party. The not so secret sauce of Republican victories has one essential ingredient: absolute solidarity. The party cannot change without losing votes.
Joy Johnson (Knoxville TN)
I'm sorry, but he is a bully an emotional abuser, using threatening verbal tactics to keep everyone associated with him "in line"...I always assumed First Lady Melania is a quiet and introverted person and that is the reason she stays very quiet, expressionless, and in the background in most situations. Now I wonder if she hasn't be trained to be like that living with someone who "hits back 10 times as hard" whenever challenged...abuse doesn't have to be physical to be abuse.
Joan Bee (Seattle)
As I have posted once before, DJT's dorm mates at Penn wrote letters to Penn Gazette describing his bullying behavior during his two years there and the general dislike of the person. So it appears that this has been a life long modus operandi and not likely to be given up now. Helps to explain, doesn't make it any easier to accept.
Southern Ed (Chapel Hill, NC)
Thankfully, Trump's antics are slowing down the Republican oligarchy from destroying all that has been accomplished in the last 20 years. As it is they have done "Yuge" damage to our environment, women's rights, educational system, and our right to vote. If we can only minimize the damage of the next 1221 days, while his backers realize their jobs and healthcare have not improved.
Jesse Silver (Los Angeles)
I'm writing the following in terms that Donald Trump will be able to read and understand without drooling or moving his lips too much:
Donald, you are a bad person. Bad! Bad! Bad!
You are not a nice person.
Your mouth should be washed out with soap and you should have to stand in the corner.
Your mommy should take away your cell phone because you are a bad person and bad people should not own cell phones.
You are a bad person and a bad President.
Bad and sad.
Mitj (New Jersey)
The man won the election after the world heard him brag about fondling women. This latest story too will pass and have no effect on what really matters: beating him back politically. Presumably there were tens of millions of women who were okay with his earlier comments, and the same can be said for his gentlemanly tweets about Mika. It's just that few of them read the NY Times or care what its writers and readers believe. When Trump wins re-election in 2020 let'sgo easy on the expressions of shock and horror. Our country has changed dramatically and so many of us never saw it coming.
Lincolnx (NC)
Republicans who style themselves as the party of moral values have surrendered any semblance of morality or authority.

What we are seeing play out in real time is a complete leadership vacuum. True leadership is setting and maintaining a moral example. The presidency is held to a higher standard for a reason - it's about presenting confidence and integrity that is reflective of the best of American values. Trump's actions constantly reflect insecurity and a distinctive lack of integrity.

His tweets should be troubling to people of character for many reasons: 1) He attacked a woman on the basis of her appearance; 2) They reflect a bullying mentality that is terrible in anyone, especially the president; 3) They illustrate that Trump is focused on the wrong things - instead of the country, he's focused on himself; 4) They fly in the face of our expectations of the president - whether you voted for him or not, Obama exuded decency equal to the office, especially when attacked.

Trump's behavior is not only a reflection of poor character, it is dangerous to our country. By baring his id on Twitter, he provides a user's manual to our chief executive for our adversaries to exploit.

Trump has failed a basic test of character under the most benign of conditions. What will he do in the face of real challenge? The possibilities are unsettling. Those of you enabling and excusing Trump are on the wrong side of history and are abandoning American values.
Lee Jenkins (Sterling, VA)
I have been following presidents since 1960 and John F. Kennedy. At the time, I was non-partisan. I was also only 11 years old. My father was African-American, my mother was Russian. Both were Republicans. Abraham Lincoln had freed the slaves. So, I adopted their choice. It did not impact me when Kennedy was elected because my parents told my brother and me that John Kennedy appeared to be a caring man and there were still Republicans who would protect the legacy of Abraham Lincoln. When Lyndon Johnson ascended to the presidency after the death of Kennedy, my parents still supported him. In fact, they changed their registration to Democrat after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Those were clearly the days when partisanship was flexible. I grew up with that sentiment from my parents. Each successor to Lyndon Johnson, including Richard Nixon, garnered respect from me. They were Presidents. They appeared to represent the interest of all Americans. Ford, Reagan, HWBush, Carter, WBush, and Obama followed. Still, I maintained faith that they would adequately maintain the Country. Now, for the first time in my life, the sense of protection is precarious. The Country has elected an individual unprepared to be President. His focus is primarily on his personal reputation at all costs, requiring condemnation of all who disagree or speak ill of him. It appears to be a singular objective. It feels that governing the Country is absent.
Walt (WI)
It is time to get rid of this misfit. Impeach, impeach, impeach.
All to divert us from the investigation into his possible connections with Russia...
Robert Stewart (Chantilly, VA)
Gail, the guy heading up this Republican administration meets the Webster definition of a sociopath: "someone who behaves in a dangerous or violent way towards other people and does not feel guilty about such behavior."

How else can the health care legislation supported by this administration, which takes away life-saving health care from the neediest to give tax-breaks to the well-heeled, be explained?
Guwedo (Cali)
Who would ever have imagined lack of impulse control combined with an insatiable appetite for retaliation and revenge would would be the predominant characteristics of a President of the United States?
Andy (Scottsdale, AZ)
Against all odds, Trump has done one positive thing for this country: he has made Obama and Obamacare more popular than ever. Just as a mountain looks higher when adjacent to a valley, Obama looks like a gift from high when compared to Trump.
Bill (Huntsville, Al. 35802)
Trumpe is not smart enough, experienced enough or capable of multi-tasking.If he is not mentally ill, he is the most naive person to ever occupy his important position. He deserves more criticism,monitoring and indictments than he gets.
He is a serious problem for this country but he is only ONE person . Equally serious are the congressmen who cover, cower and support what is happening. His citizen supporters have to be held accountable as well because they continue to alibi his atrocious behavior.
Judith Clark (San Jose, CA)
Every day I am glad I am not on Facebook, don't use Twitter, or any of the other facets of (un)social media. Contact by telephone and email is a lot less divisive, and civilized.
exnav (Thousand Oaks)
I learned long ago that hiding behind nasty emails or, even worse, nasty tweets is the mark of a coward. We can add that item to all the other descriptions of this manifestly unqualified and dangerous president.
david x (new haven ct)
Nothing funny here--just sad and frightening.
Trump is a sick man. This statement isn't intended to insult him.
Like many mentally ill people, he's not likable. He's self-centered, he's paranoid, he's a bully, and his anger is always right near the surface.
Thus there's a temptation to insult him and make fun of him. But this isn't fair, and most of all it isn't effective.
Trump is a sick man who has somehow gotten to hold the highest office in the USA. Our nation isn't alone in experiencing such a thing. Kim Jong Un and Berlusconi and Dutere also look and act like vicious clowns. History, of course, provides many more names and faces.

The question is what are we in the US going to do about our predicament? After his previous blood "joke" directed at a women, is there anyone in world who doesn't understand how truly nuts Trump's recent Tweets are?

The so-called leaders of the Republican Party had better start condemning loudly, clearly and unequivocally things like these Tweets. If they dream that by kowtowing to Trump that their agenda will be helped forward, they are utterly wrong. They will fall with Trump...and maybe they should.
bill d (nj)
With everything Trump has done now,all the nasty, immature, bullying behavior, the lack of leadership (with health care, he basically let the GOP do what they wanted, declared each time it was a 'great bill', until he decided it wasn't), the fact he is about as presidential as the neighborhood bully doesn't seem to matter....and for all the GOP people claiming they aren't the party of mean, the party of stupid, representing the worst instincts of people, playing on division, the fact that 70% of Republicans still support Trump tells the whole story of what the party is and the people in it.

I live in an area that is old school republican, my parents were registered republicans despite being fairly liberal in some ways, and if someone who runs my local government ran for president on the GOP party line I would vote for them (fat chance that would happen, seems like to run on the GOP ticket you need to be either a redneck or a blathering idiot)l but the national party has become the party of racists, rednecks and haters who cheer on the ugliest, nastiest, most childish president I have seen in my 50+ years.

Someone mentioned Nixon, Nixon was a Greek tragedy, he had the seeds of potential greatness in him that was undercut by his flaws; Trump on the other hand is only flaws with no greatness whatsoever, he isn't a leader, he isn't a King, he is a petulant child elected by a bunch of delusional morons.
Bruce (New York)
Scott Farkus is our president.
Dieter Aichernig (Austria)
He is not acting like a 10 year old bully, he is acting like a braindead jerk. And that's what he is.
Sabre (Melbourne, FL)
For those of us concerned about where President Trump may be taking our country, it is worth reflecting on the thoughts of the German General Frido von Senger und Etterlin (a Rhodes scholar at Oxford before World War I and in World War II the commander of the XIV Panzer Corps responsible for defending Cassino). General von Senger believed that “Those who stray from the truth must forfeit the trust of their fellow-men.” Commenting on the Nazi Party’s assemblies, he wrote that they allowed the people to “look the Fuhrer in the eye” and hear the same vulgar speeches over and over again...The overpowering effect of the speeches will always remain a puzzle to any intelligent person although it is a well-known publicity stunt to work on the mind through reiteration, yet it remains inexplicable that the people did not tire of these unvarying phrases, in which all opponents were always insulted, all supporters praised, and nothing was contributed towards solving really urgent political problems... The systematic brutality towards those who were defenseless or held different beliefs or belonged to racial minorities was an affront to any genuine ethos.” He concluded by writing that "there remains a most puzzling question: why did part of the German people place their future in the hands of a man like Hitler? How did it come about that a man who had so little to contribute could enlist such a huge following? What was there in his personality that impressed so many people?”
Robert Kerry (Oakland)
Thanks again to the peeps who voted to put this creature at the helm of our country. A lazy idiot so spoiled that he threatens to fire every employee who challenges him and disinherit any member of his family points out his flaws. As the saying goes, he is a legend in his own mind. Perhaps that is what he has in common with his most ardent supporters. LOL.
Jack Carbone (Tallahassee, FL)
As George W. used to say, "I over underestimated" him.
Can't put lipstick on this pig.
eag (chesterfield, va)
i expect Gail's tongue was firmly in her cheek when she said she didn't think he'd keep doing this stuff as president.

or maybe she thought his phone was immediately going to be confiscated by WH staff as soon as he stepped over the threshold of the Oval Office the first time.
To the EB: Have submitted numerous comments in which I have been highly critical of those who resort to facial surgery, and to the extremely slanted coverage of Scarborough and his spouse, yet not one has been published. Surely submissions cannot have been all that bad, could they? You continue to use the Comments column as propaganda for an anti Trump crusade, and discriminate against we who oppose oppose your policies of censoring dissenting views.EB could use someone like Alexander Harrison who is unfailing fair and discerning.Anything goes, is published, no matter how vapid, presumptuous, on condition that commenter opposes the c-in-c."Il vous faut changer, s'il vous plait!"Give me a chance, and you will have a Comments column open to the free expression of ideas, provocative, and interesting, rather than a predictable echo chamber for liberal left remarks, majority of which, my hunch, are written by middle class to upper class whites who look down on others not born with the same advantages in life.You appear to cater to that crowd! Give the other side a chance; "Engagez moi!"
Rosalind Hurwitz (Chicago, IL)
Gail, he probably was in a meeting. Boring!
Bob Laughlin (Denver)
I don't know if the U.S. will be able to pull itself up from its bootstraps to get out of the swamp after this so called human being gets done being petulant in chief.
Gail, is right; Mika can take care of herself as is seen every weekday morning as she and the rest of the crew find more and more to be disgusted with regarding the so called president and continue to call him out on it. All this from a show that seem to have a conservative slant at one time. I dunno?
What is it going to take before we see the self righteous hypocrites who lead the fundamentalist cults of our Nation start to call this slime ball out for what he is. Is Christian sharia that important for them to inflict on US that they will sell their souls and bury their so called principles to abide this so called man?
Constance Schneider (Wisconsin)
Psychology textbooks will now have a photo to put next to the definition of "narcissistic psychopath".
Caroline Miles (Winston-Salem, NC)
H'm. Hadn't the current Mrs. Trump announced that cyberbullying was going to be her "issue" as FLOTUS? How's that going for you, Mrs. Donald?

As for the rest of it, could anyone have predicted that this repugnant, vapid, illiterate ignoramus could have wrought so much damage to our country and the office of the presidency in a mere five months? It's shocking and terrifying. Where in God's name might we be in another five months?
Sandi (NJ)
From through the looking glass and his golf caddy to us!
It's a good thing his parents are dead!
Sunnieskye (Woodstock, I'll.)
I'm growing weary of the swine that some of my fellow Americans decided was a good candidate. He is unqualified, lacks any class whatsoever, and the proof is in his short vulgarian fingers whipping out insults like a psychopathic toddler. Then we have the GOP, who remind me more and more of the old Communists before the dissolution of the USSR. They slavishly support their almost-elected swine, party line all the way. Party before people, party before conscience, party before country. When will they grow a collective spine, and trigger Article 25? The entire trump administration needs to go. I've never seen a bigger bungle.
Objectivist (Mass.)

He probably was in meetings while Tweeting. And right after he finished, he probably forgot all about it and went on about his business.

Unlike the thin-skinned effete snobs in the media.
DO335 (San Jose)
You're giving 10 year old bullies a bad name.
DMS (San Diego)
I'm not a religious person, but this man is looking more like the anti-Christ every day.
Michael Mills (Chapel Hill, NC)
How's that campaign against cyber bullying going, Melania?
Jim (Phoenix)
Everyone overestimates the power of a president, especially the wannabes and pundits. We never fully appreciate the great ones like Lincoln and Roosevelt and how good they were with herding cats.

"He who pretends to carry his point by force hath need of many associates; but the man who can persuade knows that he is himself sufficient for the purpose." ― Xenophon
Lance Brofman (New York)
Many actions of Donald Trump that appear to be contrary to his objectives.
If President Trump had the objective of making the investigation of Russian interference in the election go away, or at least have the investigation become less thorough and intense, firing FBI director Comey, would seem a very short-sighted and counter-productive action. As we now know, firing Comey, and then saying on national television that his reason was the Russia investigation, led to the appointment of Special Counsel Mueller, which by all accounts will make the investigation more thorough and intense. Additionally, firing Comey led to possible charges of obstruction of justice. President Trump's assertion that he will deny Comey's account under oath may have temporarily boosted his standing with his base, but could lead to perjury charges.

Some actions generate short-term gratification appearing to address a problem, but make the problem worse Bond professionals say swapping "dead cows for dead horses". Another analogy used when the trades make the problem eventually worse is that of being very cold under the covers and in bed and urgently have to go to the bathroom. Your problem is that if you get out of bed you will be even colder. Urinating in the bed will relieve your immediate problems, but make your situation worse. I cannot resist mentioning the possible relevance of that situation to President Trump's behavior on more than one level..."
Jonas (Broncks)
You know why I don't care what Trump tweets? Because he is only the product of the garbage American culture that the leftist media has promoted for the past 40 years or so. He's a reality show celebrity like Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian. I grew up listening to and enjoying rap and rock with lyrics completely laden with profanity and filth, so pardon me, but I am a bit inured. You don't like Trump? You don't understand why someone who behaves that way could be an American president? Wake up. We created him.
bea durand (us)
I wish I had Trump's mirror!
Carol (The Mountain West)
The Times is guilty of drawing the tweets out. too. Gail. Yesterday when the "news" was fresh, Jennifer Rubin declined to repeat the message in her commentary and here the Times plants it on prime newspaper real estate on the front page the day after when it's stale and beginning to reek even worse than when it was new, if not news.
vandalfan (north idaho)
He'll do anything to distract, but sorry, Trumpie, that fake Time magazine cover story is NOT going away.
beaujames (Portland, OR)
Gail, your shallowness is only matched by your slowness in grasping what has been obvious to anybody who pretends to be aware for a long, long time. Yes, better late than never, but why try to be the last to arrive?
Flak Catcher (New Hampshire)
Our nation's first, truly, undeniably, dangerously demented President. It had to happen sometime. I just wish it had been George Washington. It's hard to get mad at your Father.
dave (michigan)
if you still have that column with his (presumably) handwritten notes, you should scan it and link it to your column
Lopaka (Honolulu)
A fake president. The electoral college has put Trump in the company of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Jackson, Lincoln, Grant, Teddy Roosevelt, Wilson, FDR, Eisenhower, Reagan et al. Trump, the liar-in chief, insulter -in chief, is demeaning the office and our country and needs to be relegated back to Trump Tower.
WmC (Bokeelia, FL)
Ah, yes. Remember the good old days when Fox News used to excoriate the president for demeaning the office by his behavior? Not this president, of course, but Obama. You know, like the one time he didn't wear a jacket in the Oval Office. Or the time he saluted his helicopter pilot with a cup of coffee in his hand.
Chris (New York)
"She started it" is now the moral compas of the POTUS.

It's also the orgin of evil.
Matthew Bolles (Rhode Island)
Every day that the Republicans allow this dangerous sociopath to remain in office, they prove their disdain for the American people and their utter lack of honest patriotism. Sorry to say, that includes you , Senator McCain.
bcole (hono)
Think you just mis-underestimated him.
Lizzie (UK)
So, Melania, how is the anti-cyber-bullying initiative going?
Asking for a friend....
J.C. Hayes (San Francisco)
Is this a Rubicon for Gail Collins? A column without a funny line in it. It appears we've reached a point where Donald Trump's childish antics are no longer funny.
Freedom Fry (Paris)
O, that a man might force the end of this President's tweetness ere it come.
But it suffieth that the President will end, and then his tweet is gone.
David (San Francisco)
I've taken to using "President TT" (short for Tantrum Trump, or, if you prefer, Tramp Trump).
Otis Tarnow-Loeffler (Los Angeles)
I think the secret hope of the Republican base when electing Trump was that he was going to emulate his good friend Putin, and then we'd have a President riding shirtless on bears trampling opponents underfoot and ruling by executive fiat. Despite the pro-democratic underpinnings of the GOP, many longed for the authoritarian iron fist - regulations, political correctness, probity, circumspection, competence - be damned! The sad reality is that instead of the calculating, shrewd, and cold-blooded avatar of Putin, what we elected instead was a pale copy of North Korea's incompetent man-child, surrounding himself with toadies even more grotesque and insecure than himself.
John Townsend (Mexico)
@Richard Head
re " ... he loves to say. "I"m the President"."

... and soon voters will love to "you're fired!"
Jim Mueller (California)
Trump's voters believed he could huff and puff and all the crocodiles would be blown out of the swamp and up would rise some magical city where everyone would have a job, inlcuding the ignorant and the lazy.

Where is the brave man or woman who's going to put on hip boots, pick up a spear and drag big defense, big oil, big pharma, big banks, big insurance out of Washington D.C.?
Sequel (Boston)
Has anyone noticed that Trump -- who looked really like George III when he was elected -- has morphed into something closer to George's granddaughter Queen Victoria since his ascension?
Iced Teaparty (NY)
Excellent smack down of the evil that embodied in the Trump Republican
Raindog63 (Greenville, SC)
There are only two ways this can go over the next 2-4 years. 1) The Trump Administration implodes, and drags the rest of the GOP down with it, or 2) We are all in a hell of a lot of trouble.
The scary part is that the citizens of Trumplandia not only don't care, they actually love this stuff. It's not just Trump, it's 60 million other jackasses.
Peggy Sapphire (VT)
Trump is guilty (I.e. serial pathological lying, collusion, corruption) until proven insane.
jcop (Portland)
Don The Con and his pathetic RepubliCon cronies need to be kicked out of office ASAP. How many more pretend outrages will Americans believe before they see through the RepubliCons CONS. These men don't give a damn for anyone but themselves... not their wives, their daughters, or their mothers. They are sleazy people who need to be toppled.
Babs (Richmond, VA)
I invite Ms Huckabee Sanders to explain in detail how the president's behavior differs in ANY way from that of a 7th grade bully!
Andrew Larson (Berwyn, IL)
Hitler was racist, but that wasn't the worst aspect of his persona. Trump is certainly sexist, but for most that will take a back seat to a particularly cruel form of narcissism, borderline personality disorder, nihilism, and other mental illnesses. He is, quite simply, a rabid dog with nuclear codes.
Tracy Rupp (Brookings, Oregon)
I like that: "Prayer vigil on the White House lawn. The biggest problem in America today are the fascistic Christians. Fascists? Oh no! Oh Yes! - Killers of millions from S.E. Asia to the Middle East.
Esteban (Philadelphia)
H.L.Mencken is credited with making the classic statement, " No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public." To borrow from his thought, The Apprentice in the White House is hoping this is true. He is hoping his base shares his bitter petulant anger at women. He is hoping that Republican leaders will remain silent or fail to rebuke him in earnest. I am afraid the only comments he will listen to are from his wife Melania and spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders endorsing his violent misogyny.
Ch (Tampa)
We have to conclude that the man is mentally ill, at least part of the time. He is not as unintelligent as people say--he got elected president among other accomplishments--but he shows all the signs of early dementia. I hope the military guy with the nuclear codes can run fast...
Jsbliv (San Diego)
The real crime is that conservative women applaud his behavior. A true sign that we are failing as a culture.
pap (NY)
He seems to take great pride in being associated as a bully. He appears to feed off the criticism it brought and seemed to be more wounded at being accused of becoming "unhinged".
Maybe we should start referring to him as mentally unbalanced, taking away the power he craves from thinking he's one tough "hombre".
sfpaperbackwriter (sf)
I know I'll be alone in this opinion, but that Mika is a disgusting commentator on tv. They don't do the news. They just spew their bitter opinions. Day after day Trump just has to take it? He's not afraid of women but if a woman acts like her or Madonna, or Griffin, or Midler, or the rest of Hollywood, they don't deserve the respect that women are usually given. They are crass, crude, vulgar and an embarrassment to my gender. I can't stand looking at Mika's face, facelift or not. She smirks, rolls her eyes, and interrupts people she doesn't agree with. Someone had to give her a scolding. In fact Madonna, and Griffin and Depp would be behind bars if I was pres.

I hated the fact that Bush took insults for eight years while in office, then took them for eight years from Obama. Obama had no class insulting him and blaming him for everything wrong with his administration. "I inherited the worst economy since the great depression" he said over and over. Yet see how fast Trump has turned it around without dissing anyone? I'm glad Trump sticks up for himself because it proves he'll stick up for our country and not kick the can down the road like Obama.

Okay, bring it on libs. I'm a woman and I can take it, unlike Mika. And really why would you go on vacation after a facelift? Stay home and heal. Lacking commonsense much? Stupid question.
John Mardinly (Chandler, AZ)
Reminds me of John Belushi having a food fight in "Animal House". President Camacho in "Idiocracy" had more class. How does Melania explain this to Barron?
Kat IL (Chicago)
Meanwhile, back at the ranch - on Thursday evening Rachel Maddow had an investigative journalist on her show. He talked about an article he wrote which detailed how GOP operative Robert Smith reached out to the journalist to describe how Smith went looking for Hillary's hacked emails last summer, ON BEHALF OF MIKE FLYNN. Smith was so sure he'd be dealing with the Russians that he added to his team someone who speaks Russian. He found five groups who claimed to have the emails and determined that at least two of these groups were Russians. Rachel Maddow surmised that this is the first concrete bit of evidence we're hearing about collusion between Trump's campaign (Flynn was a top adviser at the time) and the Russians. As Rachel says, STOP LISTENING TO THE NOISE COMING OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE. It's all a huge distraction. When you see a disgusting tweet, immediately look around to see what Trump is trying to draw your attention way from.
Bruiser (NM)
In the words of Michael on "The Office," Maybe next time you will Estimate him.
Barb (Phoenix)
It is truly amazing how some people can actually rationalize this type of disgusting behavior. This is the President of the free world! Any other CEO of any company in the US would be swiftly booted for these types of continued idiotic, insulting and psychotic actions. Wake up people! There is no excuse. We don't call people names, bully others and throw tantrums and accept it as normal, healthy or productive for anyone over 2 yrs old and most certainly for a public figure who represent us all to the world. I'm a republican--this is not a partisan complaint. We must get this man out of the Oval Office...NOW!
Agent 86 (Oxford, Mississippi)
This would have been easy in junior high or high school. DJT would have shot off his mouth or his tweeter, and Joe ... a kid with a decent sense of right and wrong, would have given him a fatlip, a mouse, a busted lip, and a loose tooth or two. That woulda been one of the best things that ever happened to DJT. Unfortunately, it appears, such never happened.

There was a time when I was that Joe. I'm sorry I missed my chance to change history and save a nation.
Nurse (Texas)
It is shocking to me that anyone of maturity and street wisdom would have given this caricature any credit to begin with. The excuse, he will "pivot"---what a delusional thought. He was in the gutter, ineffective, incurious, and with the brain of a 3-year old basking in the heavy, aging body of a disgusting old man. He will never be qualified for and effectively hold public office, even as a city councilman. I will never vote Republican again because of the damage this cartoon and his administration h.as done.
edo (CT)
Don Trump, the Insult President. Kinda like Don Rickles, the Insult Comedian, but without the warmth. And then there's Triumph the Insult Dog who once said "What's going on in America ?"
Erik (Gothenburg)
Why not nominate Michelle Obama as the next democratic candidate? I'm pretty sure she would win against this sorry excuse for a human being.
TrumpThumper (Rhode Island)
Trump will soon tweet. "Keep making fun of my tweeting, liberal media and hollywood elites.. I have my finger on the nuclear trigger and someday I will have the last laugh!!"
Sarah H says . "I told you he hits back ten times as hard when attacked" GOP criticizes tweet but says "he is just learning" and " nuclear war is nothing compared to a Clinton presidency!
Yes that's how it is in the once Great and once United.. States of America!
John Barry (Western North Carolina)
Trump and Scavino are like second graders passing notes in class, poking fun of girls. ("ugh,girls!")
Freedom Fry (Paris)
Donald, go to your room, no chocolate cake tonight and no TV for one week.

And that's probably still overestimating him.
georgiadem (Atlanta)
After 16 years the AUMF proposed by Barbara Lee has passed with bipartisan support in committee....even his own party thinks he is a danger and finally want to reign in the POTUS's power to wage war. It only took 6 months of the Maniac being in office.
paddyinmexico (Spain)
At what point did Ms Collins have the eureka moment where she finally fathomed that Trump would not stop the inane and vulgar behaviour? Naivety is when you don't know because you have not encountered the behaviour. Stupidity is knowing you are naive and thinking its a positive trait. And so goes America.
Garz (Mars)
Brzezinski the dad was terrible. Now the daughter goes further in her abuse of the airwaves. So, she was called on it. So what?
Val S (SF Bay Area)
What part of "public servant" doesn't Trump understand?
George Olson (Oak Park, Ill)
The power of Trump's tweets continues unabated sucking all oxygen from any room where folks are discussing things like, well, the Senate Health Bill, Tax Reform, foreign conflicts, Russian election interference, Trump's growing record of lies (NYT), and by now you can fill in the list with your favorites. Inequality and big money in politics are two of my favorites that seem now to be distant memories as issues of importance. The tweet reaction to Mika and Joe was typical, mild by comparison, totally predictable - and yet - it has dominated "coverage". Mitch McConnell must love this. When he wants greater secrecy, when he wants to operate in the shadows, Mitch can simply call the White House and request a tweet. And the mixed metaphors abound - we are drawn to the flame.
Haven't we learned from the story of the Emperor has No Clothes?
Joanne F (Amherst MA)
You overestimated Donald Trump while at the same time disparaging Hillary Clinton throughout the campaign. It's good that you had a "come to Jesus" moment, just wish it had been before the election.
Belle (Seattle)
During Trump's 5-year 'birther' campaign to smear President Obama, how many times did Trump get called names? None. President Obama is too classy.
Laird Middleton (Colorado)
For all those who give Trump a pass on this kind of garbage for being "new to the national stage" (I'm talking to you, Paul Ryan), I would refer you to the book from some years past, "Everything I need to know I learned in kindergarten".
Have submitted at least 10 or so comments on the "chicaya" between Morning Joe hosts and c-in-c, and not one has been published.This happens often, and I do not believe that COMMENTS should be used only to promote one point of view, that of anti Trump, end game of which is to erode his presidency. Comments column lacks balance, and runs anything, no matter how scurrilous so long as it is anti Trump.Unfair to the rest of us, who have another point of view. You should not serve only as a liberal left echo chamber, and in doing so violate the rights of subscribers who feel differently."Il vous faut changer, s'il vous plait!" Evident that Trump has touched a raw nerve in his tweet against Mika Brezinski. Hunch that all women, and a number of men who have had facial surgery consider that an attack against one is an attack against all.But strikes me as odd looking a woman in her mid fifties with features of a 20 year old. Trick in life is to age gracefully.
DisillusionedDem (Northern Virginia)
Bottom line, Trump is not an engaged leader. He is a titular head, a mouthpiece for the GOP to promote their dirty little agenda. Trump has no strategy, no plan, no vision, no interest in America or the American people. He is a vulgar, not very smart, illiterate man with a myriad of personality disorders. He could care less about governing the country and cares more about playing a president on the "Trump Show". He is a waste of our money, our time and energy, and our hope. When will the Republicans grow a conscience and start impeachment or invoke Article 25? A country and it's people is a terrible thing to waste.
Dot (New York)
Is there any way to make him take an intelligence test?
Chuck (RI)
We are a nation flummoxed.
sfpaperbackwriter (sf)
Let's try to get back to our regularly scheduled programming, okay folks? All this spewing hate just continues what Joe and Mika were doing. Don't condone it by doing the same. Trump is viciously attacked daily by the press and Hollywood and even Republicans are viciously attacked by the shooting in baseball field. I'm glad he stands up for himself, unlike Bush. We voted for a person who defends himself, nips it in the bud, so to speak. Those two hosts were out of control. They should be shut down.
Daniel Smith (Leverett, MA)
How about we all just ignore him for a week and maybe he'll go away.
Jamie Ballenger (Charlottesville, VA)
He has been chastised by someone close to him concerning flirting, in front of everyone, the Irish journalist. He has to strike out at a woman. Why do intelligent,educated,accomplished women in his employ, (they can,t be called public servants), cover for him? Pax, jb
Keely (NJ)
Our American tax dollars is paying this degenerate's salary- we are literally paying Trump a hefty paycheck to sit on his lazy keister all day, stuff his face with 5-star meals and watch TV all day. The White House is no longer a place of serious business, it is now officially a RETIREMENT HOME. He should be reading reports, filling positions, something I don't know, PRESIDENTIAL. This is such an embarrassing sham I don't see how American can ever recover from it.

And the show is called Morning Joe, not Morning Mika- Joe Scarborough is 3x more harsh to Trump but Trump goes after the woman because like all bullies he can only go after those he deems inferior to him. He's a punk, period.
What is depressing is not djt himself, but the fact that there are millions and millions of people in the country who have been brainwashed by Rupert and Rush, et al, into hating liberals and minorities so blindly that they would actually bring our country to it's knees just to anger them. I always say that a Trump supporter is someone who would cut their own throat if it gave them the opportunity to bleed on a liberal.
L. Morris (Seattle)
Trump's tweets reveal the kind of man (or child) he really is. I hope he keeps tweeting so that we aren't lulled into accepting him as a legitimate leader. But it would be nice if the media kept focusing with equal time on the dangerous policies he and the GOP are forcing upon the country.
A.L. Grossi (RI)
I'm convinced we have to stop calling Trump a bully, mean girl, etc. I'm assuming that he rather enjoys being called those terms, given that his behavior is unchanged. The bully is strong and powerful, so are the mean girls. Others either want to friend them for protection, want to be as "strong" as the bully or mean girl, or cower under the power of the individual. For some, like him, that is the best place to be. His supporters love it since they themselves likely fit into the first two categories, ergo all the fun they poke at "weak" liberals or "fake" conservatives whining about the president being a bully.

His behavior, in my opinion, is more consistent with that of a hurt four-year-old child lashing out, barely able to see through his/her tears. He's a whinny, spoiled, little boy.

And he has nothing in common with those struggling to survive and make a living. Nothing.
Barbara (Conway, SC)
Trump demeans the office of the presidency with his childish tweets. At the same time, comparing him to a ten year old bully diminishes that child. Trump's egotistical and narcissistic whining when anyone says something about him he doesn't like embarrasses the entire country.

As you point out, Ms. Collins, it also takes time away from the work he is supposed to be doing, governing this country. However since a person like this has no idea how to govern rather than dictate and demand, we may be better off when he's not paying attention to his duties.
NW Gal (Seattle)
First of all, thank you Gail for keeping your own humor and sharing it with the rest of us. I can only imagine how journalists must feel facing the reality of our country's situation and what we've had to witness coming from a White House. The national angst is palpable.
You can only overestimate Trump because most of us are hard working, respectful people who care about our country. We have never witnessed this kind of incompetence on such a grand scale. Trump is not well, physically or spiritually.
His presidency is the disease that occurs when good people look the other way, make excuses and cannot look at their own shortcomings. The mean girls have become the administration. The mean age of maturity is not even high school.
People who call themselves Christians treat others as nothing. A president has nothing better to do than to vent everyday about imagined slights and news. His staff enables him by excusing derangement as just getting back at all the meanies.
In the meantime, who is governing? Who is legislating?
The inmates have taken over the asylum and now they have a king.
I ask myself everyday how did it go so terribly wrong. Do the Trump supporters have no shame, no sense of patriotism. What kind of people would tolerate and make excuses for an incompetent fool who has no clue about being presidential let alone being president.
Mimi H (Philadelphia, PA)
If only we could ignore him. If only the press room was empty. If only Twitter did not respond to anything he wrote. Sadly this egomaniac feeds off of any and all negative attention. We are enabling his "stage". If we just had the strength to ignore him, maybe he would have more time to spend on issues that matter. We are a sensationalist country and feed on this frenzy. I don't know what is sadder. The way he's running this country or that every word that comes out of his mouth or fingers is enabled.
"Je ne vous ai pas compris( I don' t get your point ,Ms. Collins)!" A middle aged woman who has achieved very little in life besides being the daughter of a famous political scientist and diplomat, wants to look young, wants to regain a second youth, is unable to accept the deterioration that comes with age, and has a face lift which is botched. She has tried the patience of her host, the President Elect, because she and her husband want to hang out a while longer at Mar A Lago. He tells them to pack their bags.Why is that sexist, an insult to women?If it had been Scarborough who bled after facial surgery, Trump, I am sure, would have acted similarly. Their presence became annoying, and it is his house. What's all the fighting about?
Historian (Aggieland, TX)
"The least [top Republicans] could do is hold a prayer vigil on the White House lawn." Sorry, Gail, perhaps you haven't hear: the Moral Majority is neither. It's not even a plurality in the presidential race.
Roy Smith (Houston)
Every one of the posters decrying Trump here: Talk is cheap. Trump and the GOP are in power because of millions of people remain ignorant of politics, refuse to get involved in politics, are proud of it, and do not vote. Are YOU active in Democratic politics? If not, why not? Do you understand, since odds are, you live in the greater NYC area, the cultural differences between red and blue areas and ways for Democrats to cross that huge divide?
CF (Massachusetts)
We went from class to crass.

Hey, we had a dignified, thoughtful, intelligent president for eight years. All good things must come to an end. It’s just a shame it had to come to such a dismal end. Oh, well. This too shall pass as all nightmares do.
RN (Hockessin DE)
A lot of comments seem to wish that coverage of Trump's tweets could be less prominent. If there is one thing that is "true" about Donald Trump, it's his Twitter handle: @realDonaldTrump. The contents of his tweets are usually not true, relevant, or even coherent. But they are "real," because they reflect who he is and what he believes. If you believe that his tweets are distractions from more important matters, consider that they are the window into his maturity (or lack of it), mood (usually belligerant), and short-sightedness. The "real" Trump is what you see in his tweets, and this should deeply concern anyone. His irratioanal behavior on Twitter defines him, and this is what also makes covering them important, especially in the context of his actions as President. Eventually, Twitter will be the rope he uses to hang himself.
Horace Dewey (NYC)
Truly a low -- very low -- point in our nation's history.

Institutions acquire legitimacy slowly, as the people who occupy them gradually build symbolic capital. Some people distinguish themselves and add more than others. Others drain the bank by treating the institution with everything from casual neglect to venal corruption.

Now, in a moment of darkness -- not unlike the moment we watch a solar corona revealed in the darkness of a total eclipse -- we can see just how quickly the glow of legitimacy can be extinguished.

What in God's name do we have to do to save and protect the barely perceptible corona of light that has not yet been extinguished by our purveyor of darkness?
Mary (Phoenix)
My mother is 81. It pains me to think of the possibility that her final time on earth will be spent with this "man" as President. If she is still with us in 2020 this debacle will hopefully end. If not it comforts me that she will be welcomed into her Heavenly home by JFK.
karen (bay area)
The photo is priceless. Trump resembles a befuddled Cowardly Lion played so masterfully by Bert Lahr. But without the humanity and depth that Bert brought to this unforgettable character.
Kristin O'Shea (Portland Or)
Trump is proving to be a bigger embarrassment then I ever believed possible. In a few short months he has managed to not only embarrass the institution of the presidency, he has managed to lower the level of public discourse to that of middle schoolers. And I have nothing against middle schoolers. What is appropriate for 13 year olds, does NOT become a "president."
rws (Clarence NY)
I recall hearing many of Trump's minions during the campaign state that Trump could act "presidential" any time he wanted. Kind of like Alex Jones who claims his rantings are just an "act." Well it has been almost half a year and we are still waiting for Trump to grow up!
rainydaygirl (Central Point, Oregon)
I understand how people want the media to focus on what is happening in Washington D.C. instead of Trump's Tweets. But here's the thing---he is the President. He is supposed to be governing. He is the face of the U.S. to the rest of the world. Our country is slowly going down the Tweet Toilet while this 'leader' creates distrust of us throughout the world. So, if we are just to ignore (trust me I would like to ignore him) Trump, then we do so at our country's peril. It would be a nice change if Congress would stop ignoring him and do something. Meanwhile, there's health care...foreign policy...infrastructure all hanging by a thread.
laura stone (<br/>)
i'm sure these tweets are infantile or at least immature, nasty and unbalanced, but I wonder what snobbism suggests to the author that because someone had been a caddy they are unfit to be a spokesperson.

I think that's exactly the kind of petty insults about class that keep the Trump followers confident that there is always at least a little something right in their actions.
Lee Jenkins (Sterling, VA)
I am truly concerned about the direction of our country. It seems that the needs of the people, in general, are being ignored. Healthcare is of paramount importance!!
S Briggs (USA)
Gail Collins writes: Quote:"However, I have to admit that it did not occur to me he’d keep doing that kind of stuff as president of the United States." Unquote.
You hear that a lot lately; people, even smart ones like Gail, who were in the apparent believe that Trump would quit this childish behavior once in office. And that surprises me. I knew from the first day I heard Trump open his mouth (many years ago) that this is a reprehensible person with absolutely NO class, a buffoon without any capacity for deeper thought or empathy; and for the length of the 2015/2016 campaign it was crystal clear to me that he would continue that behavior once voted into office. Here is a person who's pathetic character as a 10-year old spoiled brat (who NEVER had to sacrifice a single thing in his life) was ingrained when he turned 20, and it has not changed since.
How on earth could people ever have believed anything different about this horror clown?
Wally Wolf (Texas)
Now maybe the country understands why Trump's father was forced to put him in military school because of his continuing bad behavior. It didn't work.
M D'venport (Richmond)
Lets not hear much more about we are the greatest nation in the
world, the beacon of light and right, etc. With this president, and
what is explained as a third of the nation backing and apparently
applauding this wretched man, even as horrid and
heretofore inane actions, social and political, hit the news, we are nothing
to emulate nor brag about. And it gets ever more serious; the future
holds a ruinous war or position or gaffe started by this unhinged
real problem.
joanne (Pennsylvania)
What we learned this morning from interviews with Mika & Joe on their MSNBC program Morning Joe:
Trump was attempting to blackmail the two of them.
If they ended their criticism of him he would not arrange for a negative story about them in his friend's news outlet The National Enquirer. You'll recall they ran the article making allegations about Ted Cruz's father last year.

Mika & Joe said Trump's staffers were calling them endlessly to agree to this, and there were threats made as to their children.
Joe also stated that when a group of republicans were at the white house not long ago with Trump, what was scary was Trump went off on a red-faced rampage on Mika having blood coming from her ears, eyes, etc and enraged with her comments about him. Targeting her especially, with extreme anger.

One of the Republicans at the meeting contacted Joe and told him how wacky this conversation was when the group was at the white house.
This morning Joe said that white house staffers have confided Trump is unhinged, and it has worsened since the campaign last year.

HJ Cavanaugh (Alameda, CA)
Since the flawed GOP health bills were primarily, if not exclusively as with the Senate version, drafted by men only, then we can understand how removing coverage of women-only benefits was easy to do. But if I'm not mistaken I believe drugs to assist erectile disfunction will remain covered. I suggest those in need of such help should find ways to pay for it themselves.
Robert (SoCal)
Trump is an old dog, set in his ways. Unfortunately his "ways" are a total embarrassment, not just for an adult, but unfortunately (and of most relevance) for a sitting U.S. president.
Babs (Richmond, VA)
I invite Ms. Huckabee Sanders to come out and explain in detail how the president's behavior differs in ANY way from that of a 7th grade bully.
Jeff (Chicago, IL)
As a longtime news junkie (and long time NY Times reader), Trump is shortening my lifespan. How many times can one become totally exasperated with despair over yet another display of not only un-presidential behavior but really awful adult behavior? If the collective psyche of Americans is not utter despair and profound depression over Trump's disgraceful behavior denigrating the most respected leadership position in the United States and the world, then we are doomed as nation.
jalvarez (New Mexico)
And yet, if the polls are accurate, the subjects seem to be going down the precipice (remember?), following happily a guy who does not have a clue about how to play the flute. This, I find terrifying.

Josefina Alvarez
Santa Fe, New Mexico
D Bradway (Oregon)
Are Trump's appalling tweets relevant? Well, yes. Insofar as they keep confirming the character and temperament of the pathetic, infantile man whom a minority of the electorate thought would be a good idea to place in the White House.
Justin (Seattle)
I think he's done.

The Republicans have kept him this long to deliver a Supreme Court "Justice" and to kill Obamacare. They got their justice, but he can't seem to deliver on health care.

There's no question that he has obstructed justice--he did so on TV. There is little doubt that he has laundered money for oligarchs. And it seems likely that he, or at least his campaign colluded with Russia.

Beyond that, he is the most deeply unqualified president we have ever had. They have kept him around this long to have someone to blame when the AHCA goes badly. They would rather have Pence.

He'll be luck to avoid prison.
Kenell Touryan (Colorado)
Everything has been tried to bring sense to Trump. All have failed.
There is one last thing to do.
Find a 'peer, another billionaire who can look him strait in the face and tell him who he really is...narcissist, abusive, combative, unethical misogynist, with the patience of 10 yr old, a pathetic creature, totally unqualified to govern the Country...even better, do this in front of a camera that broadcasts it nationally.

In fact, has anyone dared to confront him and tell him exactly who he is? His own staff cowers before him, the GOP congressman are scared of their constituency rejecting them when election time comes...
John Smith (Cherry Hill NJ)
POTUS Spelled in Trumpese = SPOUT, POUTS, TOUTS. Take your pick. Withal the constant is that the 140 character tweet represents Trump's highest level of concentration, focus, task completion and written communication. His top achievement is being able to use all 140 characters in tweets, as so often he falls short of the mark. It's high time we woke up to realize the bottleneck in Trump's mental capabilities, a notion which brings to mind the image of a dead elephant trying to pass through the eye of a needle. Unhinged is NOT the correct term to describe his functioning. DEMENTED is. Severely.
Laura Wehrman (Brooklyn/Austin)
I have spent my time since the election trying to understand why the people who felt left behind or underserved by the past presidents felt the current president was their best choice...I try and read op-eds from conservative writers (not Breitbart!) and go down rabbit holes of articles on Buckley, stories about issues plaguing the folks not living in or near larger cities or even articles from psychology journals about cognitive dissonance...as someone who grew up in Texas but has lived in SF and NYC for the past 26 years, I have seen both very conservative and very liberal ways of living...seeing how one could misunderstand the other is a much larger argument...but this is a president who has no political ideology or strong belief system other than being right and lashing out at those who slight him...this was exactly who we knew he was and that was proven by the Access Hollywood tapes, yet he still won...refusing to shake Angela Merkel's hand in a meeting with her?...these new tweets?...on and on...this is where I get stuck because in trying to understand those who feel rejected by the "coastal elites" (hey let's all agree to stop using this reductionist term), I can't understand how vile language, vitriol and pettiness are characteristics that can just be overlooked by so many...and even revered...who is this "base"?...who are these people that so badly want to be heard that they are willing to overlook such unstable behavior and think they are getting a champion?
Leisa (<br/>)
No excuse for such boorish behavior. But I'm unclear how any thought this boorish man with boorish proclivities and impulses would somehow be transformed positively by being elected prez. If anything he has merely expanded his venue.
slwjkw (Dublin, CA)
Somebody needs to take away his tweeter, put blinders on him so he can concentrate what is necessary to properly guide this Country, and, while he has those blinders on, get someone in there to properly instruct him on how to be presidential, if that is at all possible.
Big Island (Pono, HI)
It's worse than you thought. Because at the time you wrote this I don't think the National Enquirer fiasco had been reported.
Let me get this right.
The president of the United States (who normally has more power and influence than anyone) decided it was a good use of his position to trade off more favorable news coverage from a morning show for an agreement from a sleazy tabloid CEO to kill a negative story about the hosts of said TV show.
If true this is the weirdest Trump behavior yet bar none.
MPH (New Rochelle, NY)
We could maybe ignore these dumb offensive outbursts if this Administration had done something to improve healthcare, fix our infrastructure, deal with the Nth Korea threat, contain China's expansion (rather than drive our allies into their arms).
Apparently all Mr Trump is able to manage is his Twitter account.
Brian (Toronto)
The man has gone bonkers. He is treading on tenuous territory. There is plenty of material out there alluding to the two favourite women in his life..Ivanka & Melania who have had visits with the body sculptors.
Joe Rockbottom (California)
The only good thing about Trump's tweets is that his brain is wired directly to his phone. therefore we know exactly what his real thought are. No mind reading required. Thanks Donnie! Keep it up. It is all on the record....We don't need to speculate about anything!
Victor Mark (Birmingham)
I embrace the Make America Great Again program. Replace Mr. Trump.
Peter C (Ottawa, Canada)
This man represents the United States in the eyes of the world. He shames every one of you with his disgusting behaviour. It is not just his supporters that he shames. It baffles the rest of the world as to how he has a single supporter, let alone some 40 percent of 300 million people.
Robert (Out West)
Well, you have to credit the President with one thing.

It's not easy to run comedians from Seth Myers to Gail Collins dry of jokes in a mere five months, and get so many smart and funny people just staring appalled this fast.
wlgiv (North Jersey)
Running the country must be super easy. The Donald has plenty of time to sit around watching Fox and Friends every day, tweeting up a firestorm every night and escaping almost every weekend to play golf in Florida. While the rest of the world leaders walked together at the NATO summit, Grandpa Trump rode in a golf cart. It reminds me of Green Acres: The bombastic New Yorker in a dark suit and his blond trophy wife with the heavy accent. Surrounded by denizens of rubes and loons, they live in a surreal world. Green Acres or the Trump White House - they seem too close for comfort. Sadly though - it's not a sitcom. It's a demoralizing reality that, along with a complicit Republucan party is ruining this nation.
NI (Westchester, NY)
Even in the most menial or simplest of jobs there are job requirements, skills, capabilities, training required, honesty, integrity and ....above all mental stability and a functioning, adult IQ to perform the said job description. Looks like the only and most important JOB of the Land which requires the highest levels of functioning at every angle of the JOB Description was completely overlooked. The mealy-mouthed, third-grader who currently inhabits the Oval House needs to be sent not into a dark corner but completely into oblivion. But who can and who will? It is not the family china but our Country we're talking about!
Kalidan (NY)
Maybe you overestimated Trump.

But you have also overestimated the American people. It is not that Trump acts like a 10 year old bully you speak of, but it is American voters who act like truly boring and tedious parents around their first born. Everything the child does, is applauded as it was a first for mankind.

We are treating Trump as a naughty child. He just has to read one speech written by someone else without stopping, and the whole country goes into rapturous, giddy applause and high-fives. There is no infraction he can commit, like soiling our white sofa in the living room that has lasted 200 years in our family, that we will not respond by tut tutting.

And I will go so far as to say this Madam Collins; you are a bit more culpable in all this than others. Because we have a serious problem here, and our future is at stake, yet you make mirth of a deadly serious situation.

Joseph Thomas (Reston, VA)
When are the grownups in the Congress and the Administration going to admit that our president is an unstable person who is not fit to hold the office of President. You can throw all the adjectives you want at him, the truth is that he needs to be removed from office. He is making a mockery of his office and is making our country the laughingstock of the world. Whether through impeachment or the 25th amendment or a sudden 'illness', he needs to be thrown out. After that he needs to get some professional help. It's about time he grew up.

P.S. In the future, all presidential candidates should be required to undergo psychiatric testing to prove that they are stable and sane enough to hold office. Imagine all the suffering that would have prevented in our current case.
Ricardo (Brooklyn, NY)
"The important messages here are A) the White House expert on social media thinks dragging this out is a good plan and B) the White House expert on social media used to be Trump’s golf caddy."

Yes, they are all such qualified professionals!
asdassda (NYC)
Oh look. An op/ed that bashes Trump. I am shocked.

Dignity of Obama? The guy couldnt get a job as a janitor if he werent a politician
Haitch76 The Elder (Watertown)
No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of Donald Trump. (With thanks to HL Mencken)
cuyahogacat (northfield, ohio)
Trump got the job description wrong when he signed on to run for President. He thought the Presidency contained all the perks of being King. You know, "off with their heads" and all that sort of behavior.

Too bad he never learned how to read.

Roy Cohn must be proud of his protege.
Molly Hatchet (Boston, MA)
This morning Trump tweeted his latest great idea: Repeal the ACA now and replace it at some date in the future. While this would be tantamount to jumping from a plane and looking around for a parachute later, he seems to like the sound of it. As long as his rabid supporters dance in the streets every time he makes any kind of disgusting comment, (see the comments at the bottom of Fox's article: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/06/30/joe-scarborough-mika-brzezins... ), the Republicans will do nothing of substance to help rid us of this dangerous man. I fear something truly awful will have to happen before the other half of the country overcomes their egos enough to see the truth.
Mark (Ohio)
How ironic that Melania is preaching against cyber bullying while her husband is cyber bullying. Typical Trumpism. Is anyone in that family sane?
seasiderl (Santa Barbara, CA)
When do we celebrate national Mental Health Week?
Richard Lewis
Santa Barbara
St. Paulite (St. Paul, MN)
This latest tweet by the Deplorable-in-chief only validates Hillary Clinton's remark about the "basket of deplorables" who supported him. Nothing he can do, no tweet, however nasty, offends them. How did we come to this?
Mark Smith (Dallas)
Instead of a prayer vigil, I think an exorcism is in order.

And, Gail, if you still have the column that Trump scribbled on and then sent to you, your fans would love to see it–preferably as the cover of next month's Time magazine.
Martin Veintraub (East Windsor, NJ)
Don't listen to Trump, Gail. You're adorable and probably a lot of fun to hang out with. Especially compared to Donald. And Melania. And you're not a narcissistic psychopath. That should still count for something.
PoliticalRant (Boston)
Hey Dan! What's Trumps real handicap??? The public wants to know.
Salman (Fairfax, VA)
Anyone who voted for this man, or has somehow enabled him, should feel ashamed of themselves.

You should not feel ashamed because of what he said to Ms. Brzezinski. You should feel ashamed that this is exactly who he has always been, who he was on the campaign trail, and who he promised to be all along - and you still voted for him.

Donald Trump is just one small racist, misogynist, hateful troll. The real shame of America are the millions who made him President and rally behind his hate.

And their term doesn't end in 2020.
Geoffrey Thornton (Washington DC)
I distinctly recall Trump saying, no one respects women more than me.

Trump attacked Megan Kelly
Trump attacked Mika Bryznski
Trump bragged he forces himself on women

Yet, republican women are mute. In fact Elaine Cho said, he's new to being president, so he doesn't know theses things!

We hold teens to higher standards.
Patricia Sprofera (East Elmhurst, NY)
DJT - a bully/businessman. Presidential demeanor: No, just mean.
dale (michigan)
Lewd, crude and rude. That's our boy and I mean BOY.
Skeptical M (Cleveland, OH)
The fact hat the country elected a lying, ignorant pervert who provided us all with evidence of his despicable character during the primaries and campaign begs the questions of what have we become as a nation and what has become of the GOP? We knowingly allowed in our “wisdom” to have the most important office in the world to be occupied and dishonored and tainted every day and there is only muted outcry from the GOP.
John Sieger (Milwaukee)
When The Donald attacks down, he's channeling his guru Roy Cohn. Cohn was the epitome of self-loathing. Trump is broken, deranged and too close to the levers of power. Please make it stop!
robert rostand, m.d. (high point, nc)
Our president is the most unpresentable person one could ever imagine. He knows nothing about healthcare, diplomacy and lacks any social skills. Would you have him to dinner at your house?? Not on your life. I know this may sound stupid, but I am going to close my eyes and go to sleep like old Rip. It really can't get much!! If I were younger I would emigrate.
jwp-nyc (New York)
Either impeach Trump as morally unfit, or start paying attention to the twelve other most substantive grounds for impeachment and removal of Trump.

John Dean called Watergate a growing cancer ion the presidency. In this case Trump is the cancerous tumor itself, which must be ramoved and treated, as his corruption is clearly metastatic.
Melvin Baker (Maryland)
The office of POTUS does not change who you are, it exposes who you are!

DJT continues (and continues) to reveal how weak he is. The world sees this. When will his supporters see it?
kenyalion (Jackson,wyoming)
1) Glad to see that Melania is really working hard on her cyberbullying campaign.
2) Sarah Huckabee Sanders says God is her perfect role model. Please leave the podium and go work in a church. Separation of church and state is blurring everyday. Curious as to how all these "Christians" support all of the above.

I ask my husband how all these people sleep at night??
Richard (NM)
Why would and be surprised? The primaries were full of verbal atrocities, then.

The guy is one punk.
Barbara Kunkel (Harrington, Maine)
Why is Trump always so interested in and disgusted by .bloodied women?
Arthur (NH)
"Dorian Gray" has become our president.
Donald Ambrose (Florida)
PUTIN must be licking his chops to get this imbecile in a room and start working him over. That is after giving him marching orders and lessons on how to a better dictator. PEOPLE DIE ALL THE TIME, LIKE FALLING OUT OF WINDOW OR CHOKING ON A CUP OF COFFEE, IT'S SIMPLE. NOW, let's talk about returning the Washington Dacha to our country, my friend, Donnie.
Deb (Blue Ridge Mtns.)
Republicans - if any of you have a soul to search, now is the time. It's painfully clear that the occupants of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue need to be sent packing. The whole world is watching, cringing in utter disbelief that we have allowed such low life to degrade and endanger all of us. You can bet our enemies are watching too, making plans, because there's never been a better opportunity to strike. Please, get this sick, dysfunctional bunch of grifters and lowlifes out of our house before they burn it down.

If you fail to do this, you own it and come 2018, a whole lot of us will be more than happy to show you the door as well.
david (nyc 10028)
Gail, great col this numbskull does not deserve a full column.
gmb (chicago)
To anyone that didn't grasp from the ride down the escalator 2 years ago that trump was narcissistic, immature and completely unqualified for the job of POTUS there is only one thing to say: I could have told you so. I am still shocked by people who are shocked by his behavior, including a very intelligent Times columnist.
Pinchs (Frederick, MD)
Seems as though Mr. & Mrs. Mika can "throw a punch" but they can't take one. If you're gonna go after Trump (and that's your right) you can't be surprised and fein being hurt, when he responds. Toughen up!
Barbara (Canada)
keep it up, don. Your childish behaviour might distract your base or any number of media outlets, but last I heard Special Counsel Mueller is continuing his investigation.

Please proceed, mr. president.
Steven of the Rockies (Steamboat springs, CO)
Mr Trump is a bloody liar, and goes on the Oval Office carpet like a dog.
Samme Chittum (90065)
Even a GOP prayer vigil would not include any women.
Dan (Marietta Ga.)
Trump's insane. Everybody brace yourselves for the Putin visit and Trump hands over our launch codes resulting in the East Coast going up in a series of mushroom clouds. If we can't be removed Trump from office soon then we deserve to die.
Fumanchu (Jupiter)
I read today's corresponding news article. The republican response was, in a word, LAME. All Collons was able to work up was 'undignified'. Wow, that's a strong response. Face it repubs don't care.
AG (Calgary, Canada)
Alas! This is no three year old child. My wife, a child psychologist all her life, can attest to that.

This is a mental case. A fine prez the U. S. of A has elected. Now you'll be stuck with a Trump Presidential Library with little for historians to chew on except vulgar tweets. You reap as you sow.

Calgary, Canada
B. Rothman (NYC)
One contributor here pointed out that we "chaos" here. We have seen nothing! Behind the scenes and every day Trump's Cabinet is destroying the agencies of the federal government -- you know, the little people who carry out the world or the government we elect. Yesterday there was a big story about Tillerson's destruction of the State Department partly through attrition. Ladies and gents this is happening in every department -- not just a select few.

When DT meets Putin next week you can bet your bippy that Putin will flatter our dope and put a few bugs in his ear about how he can get the government to heel. Notice Turkey anyone? Marshal law instituted for a short time is always a good start. Neuter your judiciary (already well on the way). Wars are also useful. Watch this space.
Chuck (RI)
No conscience. It's only going to get worse. Remove him from society and lock him up somewhere appropriate.
JN (California)
His tweet, JUST APPALLING! However the response/support from those around him in the White House, his spokes people, SHAME ON THEM!!! We the people of America are in big trouble being run by a bunch of third graders....................
mrs.archstanton (northwest rivers)
By all rights, the GOP wears this stuff for years.
Brez (Spring Hill, TN)
The White House is like a Potemkin village now, occupied by zombies wandering around making noises as though there was any purpose to their existence other than desolation and destruction.
lmarcotty (Manchester, MI)
To all those who ask why "the media" keep reporting the blob's Twitter habits and effusions rather than "news," or what he is doing with respect to his office: this IS all he's doing. When he does occasionally do something more substantial than tweet, it gets reported instantly and loudly - but then, he so rarely does anything else. He bloviates, swaggers, bullies, and emits oral farts, and that's pretty much it.
Psst (overhere)
We need to fulfill trumps dream. Millions of people on the National Mall, all anxious to express just how they feel about the twitter-in-cheif.
RS (Philly)
The only thing I regret about Trump's tweet is that it allows vile, vulgar and viciously anti-Trump media personalities to get on their high-horses and go into full blown victim-mode.
It is truly rich that Joe/Mika have now been cast as victims given the bile that they spew every morning.
On the water (USVI)
One question: Why is there always a request for a response from a WH spokesperson concerning POTUS tweets? It's tiresome and annoying to allow these ignorant serfs to explain their ignorant boss. The tweets stand on their own as evidence of the narcissistic parasite who currently holds the highest office in the land. That's thanks to the throngs who voted for someone who "speaks his mind." Too bad he has yet to show he actually has a functioning adult brain capable of critical thinking and sound reasoning.
tbs (detroit)
Gail you have the attention of the nation as a writer for this paper and along with that comes a DUTY to pursue that which is good. Although I generally like your columns I think you are failing your duty as is relates to that jerk in the White House by using a lighthearted tenor in writing about him. There is nothing humorous about treason or his other crimes, but your columns tend to normalize the clowns condemnable antics, and make them acceptable. Shame on you. PROSECUTE RUSSIAGATE!
Meadows (NYNY)
Let's consider that he is getting the reaction he wanted. Yes, a reaction. Ignore POTUS and focus on the failure. That is the sure way to get the message to him
and I'll leave you with this:
Stuart Smith (Utah)
What will it take? If we get a subpoena to shave his head and find the mark of the beast they will probably still support him.
Richard (Madison)
It's funny. None of the supposedly effete, non-gun owning, hybrid-driving, New York Times-reading liberal men I know and associate with would ever feel compelled to go on Twitter or any other social media and insult a woman because she had said something "mean" about them. Donald Trump is apparently so insecure about his own manliness that he can't let it go, then to top if off he has to have Sarah Huckabee Sanders defend him. Sad doesn't begin to describe it.
Mary c. Schuhl (Schwenksville, PA)
Forget feeling like our country is being run by a junior high school bully. This is more like my old parochial elementary school's " Saint Jude " group is being given a chance to prove, once again, that even though everyone is "created equal" in the eyes of the Lord, it's probably still better to let the nerdy, SMART kids run things......
Mitch W (Southern California)
Trump's recent twitter comments repeating themes of women and blood, and which strongly suggest mental illness (forget about "beneath the dignity of the presidency"), require removal from office. Let's use the 25th Amendment, because removal will never start with the spineless Republicans on Capitol Hill, all of whom play to their base in their safe districts. So, let's begin removal with the close circle of aids (cabinet) (also spineless and pandering to date) - starting with this group will give the Congress some cover. The aids should tell the president: take a mental examination now, and bring your tweets to the doctor for review, then we will review and take further appropriate action. Let's start here and now. Please, someone take this suggestion to the persons with power and courage to act.
Margot LeRoy (Seattle Washington)
Look, we have allowed ourselves to keep letting people redefine NORMAL......This behavior is dangerous, impulsive, vicious and frankly, UNSTABLE..... I am tired of watching McConnell and Ryan walk around like it's just another "episode" and part of our President's learning curve......There is NO learning curve involved in mental instability. There is danger for those subjected to it and even more danger when judgement calls affect the health and welfare of an entire nation.....
I strongly suggest that Congress start recognizing that we have a very real threat to the safety of our nation inside the White House....This man has two daughters..President Obama had two daughters..President Bush has two daughters....Did you EVER hear one of these former Presidents speak about women in such a demeaning and ABUSIVE WAY?
I am done with spin and lame excuses. This woman VOTES and if you boys continue to look away, as one smart woman put it, this "temperamentally unfit" man will become the least of your problems.....Count on it.
ez123 (Texas)
A creature of their own creation, Trump, an expert troll of epic proportions, has pumped up the ratings to many a failing news network, unread newspaper, and unwatched TV personality. I sure hope he's got deals to split the royalties and ad revenue.
Georgina (New York, NY)
Interesting that the President should target a facelift with disgust, considering the surgically and cosmetically altered faces, teeth, hairlines, and breasts of his wives, daughters, and himself. Wasn't it his painful scalp transplant that allegedly led to his angry assault on his first wife, as documented in court depositions?

Bleeding after surgery, huh? Guess it shows the importance of good health care for all.
Dick Weed (NC)
"...I wonder whether he should have been in meetings instead."

Silly Gail, what make you think he wasn't? Do you think he actually pays attention and can understand what's going on at high level meeting and not playing on his phone or little Donald?
dan (ny)
And another thing: it is incredibly ironic for them to insult Mika Brzezinski's intelligence when, meanwhile, they've got the vapid dingbat daughterwife on the payroll, advertising her utter stupidity every time she opens her mouth. I know, trumpers don't understand irony (that way madness lies), but still...
Thomas Kintner (Vestal, NY)
A truly coarse and vulgar man ...............
The Buddy (Astoria, NY)
We need a federal law that says televisions in the White House are prohibited from subscribing to cable news.
James Lane (Los Angels)
What Gail needs to realize is that she’s playing Trump’s game: he makes an outrageous statement; “respectable” people are outraged; his base loves the show. (And in the meantime, policies highly detrimental to our well-being are enacted.)
El Jamon (New York)
Donald Trump is mentally ill.
We must engage every Constitutional, lawful and peaceful means to remove him from access to nuclear weapons. As the walls close in, and the investigations come to fruition, he will lash out and respond by launching a nuclear attack on North Korea. He will wag the dog, and has been itching to do so. When his impulsivity and mental incapacity brings devastation to the Korean peninsula, Asia and the global economy, the retaliation will be a complete shut down of our power grid. Trump will respond with martial law, blame his detractors and the American experiment will be over.
Every peaceful and lawful means must be engaged to remove this incompetent fool from the Oval Office.
jdvnew (Bloomington, IN)
Trump's continued revulsion over women's blood suggests a deep-rooted problem with menstruation. His tweets sound like a sixth-grader addressing his private clique of giggly boys.
Ed (Oklahoma City)
Impeach. Convict. Return to Queens.
Ginger Walters (Chesapeake, VA)
I am 59. I have never been so sickened, angry, frustrated, or depressed about what's happening at the highest level of government, and even local. I have never been so worried about our country's future, the future of my children. We effectively have one Party rule, and a sick and twisted man-child as president. Those who continue to support DT should ask themselves is he really a role model they'd want for their children - an entitled, immature, ignorant, bullying, narcissistic jerk, who throws people under the bus. The GOP IS responsible, and only they have the power to get rid of him. Instead, they make excuses and turn a blind eye. I'm tired of hearing/reading, "if only he would...." (fill in the blank). He will never be anything other than what he is. He has been this way from as far back as I can remember. He's a con artist, period. Please, save this country before it's too late.
WildCycle (On the Road)
There are two kinds of viruses. Not sure that is the correct way to express the plural, but anyway..................
One kind of virus infects the internet.
Another kind of virus infects physical organisms.

We are being victimized by both types of virus at the same time:
President Slime. His brain is obviously not well; probably some kind of brain virus.
This causes President Slime to infect the internet with his diseased spewings of filth.

Maybe someone should find him treatment for the first ailment, and take away his toy for little boys with little hands his cell phone.

D Watson (New London, Ct)
Is there not a single Republican legislator with backbone?
Where have all the backbones gone...?
Richard Cavagnol (Howell, Michigan)
Meetings? No one wants to be near him much less meet with him unless it is to take advantage of his total lack of knowledge about the government, Constitution, health care, military, economics, diplomacy, etc...Total embarrassment and behaves like a vulgar, petulant child.
Professor (Lubbock)
If Scavino was his golf caddy, then he probably helped the Grifter cheat. They're both still at it. Our President is a well known golf cheat. Add that to the long and unflattering list of characteristics the President displays on a daily basis.
Geoffrey James (Toronto)
Those white Republican males are absolutely right that men shouldn't have to pay for maternity leave. And, by the same token, that half of the population that is immune shouldn't have to pay for prostate cancer.
Cactus Bill (Phoenix AZ)
For starters, expecting this current version of an American president to even read a national health care proposal that would directly impact a quarter of our economy is folly.
The dude is significantly less literary than Dubya Bush.
Hisself is mimicking his followers to the "T".

The McConnell agenda is wholly dedicated toward killing as many of that creeps Constituents as he possibly can, and yet they gleefully support him.

Von Ryan's agenda is to force the Libertarian mantra into US government, a task that his puppeteer masters in Wichita finance with unlimited funding.

How much worse should all this get, before true patriots rise up in strength against the nefarious actions of these traitors attempting to convert our beloved nation into the model of their hero, Vladimir?
How much worse is enough.
Susan Fr (Denver)
Everyday some new fresh hell from this gang of grifters dragging down 66% of the American people. Governance of our country is obviously no longer possible. There is no vision (beyond Brannon's dark plan) or plan to build or innovate, to make anything better - It feels like entropy has frighteningly accelerated as ants are carrying off the foundation while the greedy party of NO dithers and the unstable old nutjob in the White House tries to bully women like a disturbed 10 year old.
Papago (Pinehurst NC)
I don't think anyone here is getting it.

These kinds of tweets only help DJT's popularity, not just with the "reprehensibles." It plays to our inner sexism, yes, but also to our growing detestation of the phoniness of the celebrity press and desire to see them cut down to size.

BTW, I'm including the NYT in this - your breathless "oh my mercy me" coverage of DJT actually helped elect him, and your past transgressions, e.g. Judith Miller Fake News that got us into the Iraq War, didn't help either.
dan (ny)
Going forward, female heads of state should dispatch underlings to deal with him when necessary. Male heads of state should conspicuously excuse their spouses from having any contact with or exposure to the bloated orange disgrace. Americans should do likewise in their dealings with him. No opportunity should be missed in branding him a pariah. Bad for the country? That's for sure, but it is what it is.
Russ (Monticello, Florida)
I think Trump's becoming kinder and gentler.

When Trumpcare failed in the House, Trump fired missiles into Syria and mother-of-all-bombed Afghanistan. When Trumpcare failed in the Senate, he just sent a grossly offensive tweet about Mika Brzezinski. His base base was still pleased, as they disrespect women and journalists as much as they disrespect Muslims and Arabs, no sailors or airmen were put at risk, our military still has our ordnance in case Trumpcare fails again, and nobody died (yet)...

It may well be that if the Donald spends more time sending offensive tweets, and less using his presidential powers, lives and treasure will be saved! Look on the bright side of life, America. The glass is half empty? Hooray!
JCR (Atlanta, GA)
He has been indecent for years. He was indecent during the campaign. He has been indecent as POTUS. Pattern: the more he gets frustrated, the more indecent he becomes. He is very frustrated. He is now more indecent than ever. All this is clear. What is less clear: why so many leaders are silent.
bill mcbride (gainesville, fl)
President tweet. This is a difficult personality to understand. Angry.
Why so angry? Please, no WAR. What real hero would talk him talk him out of it?
William O. Beeman (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
If the problems only stopped with Donald Trump's infantile, vindictive character! It is also his incompetence, his lying, his likely fraud, his disregard for law. and on and on. This man is not competent as our national leader. The Republicans need him because he can sign their ridiculous legislation, so the chances of ousting him from office are next to nil. We will spend the time, at least until 2018, and possibly well beyond, trying to circumvent this thug, and shield our children from his disgusting behavior.

God may be the best role model, but we used to think the president was. Trump has damaged not only his own administration, but the presidency itself. Our history and our democracy will never recover. He is a permanent stain on our national legacy.
Harry Pearle (Rochester, NY)
Trump symbolizes the idea of instant success and gratification.

I think he is about the dream of technology to get what you want and be happy with one "click". But the reality is that it can take a great deal of time to achieve success. And for a president, it can take months and years to achieve success.

"Rome wasn't built in a day."
Wilbray Thiffault (Ottawa. Canada)
Italia survived Sylvio Berlusconi. You should be able to survive Donald Trump.
gary brandwein (NYC/ fomerly of Sheffield GB)
How do we teach our children? How do our children play together? If the nasty one liner gets the attention of the world what happens to the individual voice of decency, morality and bravery. so we are all fools Mr. Trump . Tell that to our soldiers in Afghanistan , Iraq. Only fool does something for nothing and the world is a stage for slander and falsehood. There can only be winners and losers. Are you prepared to sacrifice our country for your odiousness?
Human Being (Bronx, NY)
The Republicans will keep supporting him as he echoes the misoginistc values shared by them and the Wall Street backers who so historically and obviously devalue women.
With all due respect, Ms. Collins, you are really out to lunch on this one. First, why would one want to have a face lift to begin with? It's dishonest, as if the person who has had his or her face lifted, turkey wattles removed, nose straightened is saying to me "This is my real face. This is who I am," whereas everyone knows it is not! Everyone on t.v. has had a"facial readjustment," tis true,but does that make it right? Second, if that is what occurred, Joe and Mika begged The Donald to be able stay a few extra days at his Florida estate, and c-in-c turned them down, then they should keep it to themselves, but not attack him to attempt to overthrow a democratically elected president. World is built on artifice,and we are so used to pretending we r someone who we are not!Trump is right, and if my support for him can be generalized, he has gained, not lost in terms of the esteem his followers have for him. How can you, second person plural, be irate about someone who exposes the artificiality of the Scarborough couple?"Entre parentheses."Joe , in his late fifties must use hair dye, since he has not a gray hair on his head. By the way, when Trump was the toast of NY some years ago, journos considered a return call from him manna in heaven, a godsend! If you were there then, you know.Lighten up and "Be true to thyself, as the night follows the day, thou cans't be false to any man(or woman)!"I am who I am, warts and all! Good luck with your writing.
Maillot (Jericho)
Such unbecoming presidental behavior. Ironically Melania Trump has made the overture that her mission will be to combat cyberbullying. Why not start with the problems at home before trying to fix the vast world of the internet? She's married to a cyberbully committed to tearing people down with personal attacks on their looks and intelligence. If you can't fix the problems at home Melania, please refrain from preaching to the masses about this subject.
Ziva Gruber (New York City)
we have a demented president who is a disgrace to our country.
John Q Doe (Upnorth, Minnesota)
At 9am should he have been in a meeting? Heck no! If he was in a meeting he might have made a decision to bomb some country, sign another Executive Order to remove President Obama's picture from all governmental buildings, harm the environment and the list goes on and on. Better him Tweeting away with his short fingers. As the old saying goes, "Sticks and Stones may break my bones but word will never hurt me." With his short stubby fingers does he actually do his own tweets or does he just spew out his venom and some other White House minion do the typing for him? Ya gotta wonder.
Paul N M (Michigan)
Didn't "Morning Joe" end around 9am? Didn't the tweets state that he doesn't watch anymore? In his own strange way, the president is actually pretty consistent at letting us know the truth: it's the exact opposite of what he says. #StillBetterThanPence
Silence Dogood (Texas)
His parents went to dinner and a movie, and the babysitter fell asleep.
This is what you get folks.

Thanks God he isn't President. I can only imagine what might happen if that circumstance ever came true.
Carl Fellson (Philadelphia)
A handful of misguided people in 3 states have seriously damaged our country, and its getting worse.
Mark Crozier (Free world)
Gail Collins, you're a treasure and I think your face is beautiful.
jljarvis (Burlington, VT)
Trump is a Psychopath, pure and simple.

Google it, and look for the list of behaviors identified by psychiatrists.
There is an amazing coincidence with his behaviors, before and after the campaign.

One can only hope we're at a point where he alone has fixed it... causing a commonality of objective among the warring factions in Congress, united in the effort to oust him.
FlSunshine (Florida)
A phrase from the past applies here: male, chauvinistic, pig.
alexander hamilton (new york)
Dear Gail: anyone who listens to Trump for content has overestimated him. In olden days, wise men would cut open snails and study their innards for signs of things to come. I used to think that was hilariously absurd.

Now, it seems a darn sight more likely to yield valuable information than studying a tweet from our Brain Dead-In-Chief. And a lot less offensive (well, except for the poor snail).
mdieri (Boston)
Caddy Dan doesn't worry me, it's the 6,000 "hearts" on his tweet! Who are these people?
Hugh Gordon McIsaac (Santa Cruz, California)
This man is not suited to be President of the United States!!!
Cliff (Philadelphia, Pa.)
This unhinged soul can unilaterally launch nuclear weapons. I hope someone took the batteries out of his nuclear football.
blackmamba (IL)
Donnie Trump and his House of Trump clan need to bring their 'tough fighting' ways to the almighty streets of the South Side of Chicago to find out 'What the H.. is going on?

No bullying bloviating buffoon who punches down on women would be tolerated. Trump can be played like a punk female dog's lady parts. I have some 10-12 year old boys in my family who know how to really 'hurt' your feelings. You feel me?

Contrary to Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Melania Trump Donnie Trump is no 'fighter.'No member of the House of Trump has ever been bravely, honorable and patriotic enough to volunteer to wear the military uniform of any armed force.
d walker (new york)
nah. what they really should be doing is tweeting about how hard it is to get legislators to agree to kick ppl of Medicaid so they can throw money to their wealthy donors for more bribes to get regulations loosened so China can send more fentanyl and carfentanyl to the US and Russia can make AK47s in Florida to kill off the poor, disenfranchised, and uneducated so the oligarchs can go play golf with their caddies and enjoy more shirtless horseback riding. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3421625/Classic-Russian-assault-...
Mr. Gadsden (US)
The answer to "who are the only people who care about Trump's tweets?": the media.
Gail proclaims, "Every time one of these tweeting disasters occurs, it reminds us that the United States president has no more discernible self-control than a 10-year-old bully who works out his failure to pass third grade by tormenting the little kids on the playground."
I say, every time one of these tweets occur, it reminds us that the United States media has no more discernible self-control than a 10-year-old child who throws a tantrum, and tells their friends, and anyone who will listen, how awful their parents are.
And while Gail says, "I believe that I speak for almost all Americans when I wonder whether he should have been in meetings instead." I believe that I speak for almost all Americans when I wonder whether Gail should have been researching and writing about actual news instead.
Do as I say, not as I do.
I'm laughing at you, not with you.
PS - I would like to point out that your inference that all bullies are male is sexist. You say "...a 10-year-old bully who works out HIS failure to pass third grade by tormenting the little kids on the playground." By using the word 'his' you imply all bullies are male? I would appreciate more sensitivity on the subject of assigning a gender to the term 'bully,' no matter who you are comparing.
Welcome to the eggshells liberals laid before us with their "triggers", "safe spaces", "gender fluidity" and "political correctness." Thanks!
JPM (San Juan)
All experienced parents have, at some point, decided to just ignore their spoiled child's attention getting tantrums. We have all then realized that if we ignore them they realize that their tactics are just not relevant to the important things in our day.

Dear NY Times, Could we try ignoring everything TRUMP? Could we just publish articles important or relevant to real news? Even lipless Mitch McConnell has avoided him in the Senate's proposed destruction of health care.

Please make it a point to NOT print his name or reference him by name in the news. Creative writing is possible within the realm of truthfulness. Challenge yourselves. The NYT is the best newspaper in the land. I'm sure you can do this. Take up the challenge. And then pass it on to CNN & the others.

Let's make America Great again. In spite of _____.
SLF (Massachusetts)
The Republican's icon, Ronald Reagan, is shedding tears. His America, A Shining City upon a Hill, has become a Trumpian trash heap. Trump did not, does not, and will never have the temperament to be President. Mr. Trump, resign for the good of the country.
Dick M (Kyle TX)
First House bill to replace ACA then Senate's one-up on theirs trying to out so House now new explosion of rancor by chief executive of the country on two individuals. New campaign motto for 2020 should " Make America Normal Again".
Emily (Southwest)
Scavino is a public employee who was NOT elected. Surely there is a way that someone we pay who calls any woman dumb as a rock and any public figure jealous, can be fired? No one hit Scavino, except possibly when he was dropped on his head as a (literal) infant.
Teresa Lathrop (Long Beach)
I'll say it again - Melania Trump has said one of her goals as First Lady is to campaign against cyber bullying. Here is the perfect slogan for her campaign -
Think first, don't Trump!
Bruce (Virginia)
Please do not give caddies a bad name. I was a caddie during my HS years and enjoyed my time on the lynx very much. I also earned money I used when I went college. University of Illinois class of 84. My guess is Ztrump's former caddie was a buffoon before, during and after his caddie days.
Dave (Yucca Valley, California)
Trump is mentally ill. One need only look at his face.
Richard Pels (New York)
To @DanScavino: Read your "#DumbAsARockMika and lover #JealousJoe" tweet. You're what, 14 and not very smart? Need a hug? Like sinking ships?
stefanie (santa fe nm)
Well, Gail, maybe you should have realized that the Liar in Chief was going to continue to act as he had done throughout his life. You can blame yourself for all your mean-spirited remarks about Clinton that added to this idiot's "victory". So please stop trying to sell your column with your new found outrage
Hu McCulloch (New York City)
twit, n. One who communicates by tweets.

As in, "What has that twit posted now??!!"
Eric Fisher (Shelton, CT)
Wouldn't "underestimated" be better, as it seems the lowness to which he will sink is unfathomable?
Peter P. Bernard (Detroit)
This is all rather baffling. Are you being facetious when you write the person in charge of White House social media, Dan Scavino Jr., carried the golf bag for Trump?
Can he have any real power coming from such a lowly position?

Who does have the power to circumscribe Trump’s tweeter?
Susan Fitzwater (Ambler, PA)
"In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin." So we're told in Proverbs.

"I said I would keep my mouth with a bridle." So it says in Psalms.

"Hunc frenis, hunc tu compesce catena." Your temper, says Horace--rule it with bit and bridle.

Didn't Mr. Trump read ANY of these guys?

Our President's masterly style seeps inexorably into the prose of his
underlings. Short declarative sentence (like the warning shot fired over a ship's bow)--followed by an uncomplimentary adjective--rounded off by an exclamation point. Just for good measure.

The litany of opprobrious epithets--that bothers me. I dread the day when young children of today turn wistful, innocent eyes upon some doting father or mother. "Mama? . . .Papa? . . who on earth is Mrs. Crooked Hilary Clinton? . . . ..Mama? . . . .Papa? . . . have you ever heard of Mr. Lyin' Ted Cruz? . . . . ."

Dumb as a Rock, eh? Jealous Joe, eh? . . . .Oh you children! You children!

Remember the dignity of the Presidency. The Presidency of the United States of America. Remember--for God's sake, remember!--the eminent men who served in that office. Washington. LIncoln.

You sound like a parcel of spiteful morons. Grow up!
susan (NYc)
Like Graydon Carter (the editor of Vanity Fair)......"before he was president he was a local joke."
This joke is not funny anymore.
Pete (OBX, NC)
"There are none so blind as those who will not see."
beezee (milwaukee)
I just don't get the bleeding comment. Is it true? If so, what does it have to do anything?
Virginia (Cape Cod, MA)
Oh, I remember Trump from high school! The 14-year-old mean girl.

Good grief. Our president is a 14-year-old mean girl.
Rea Tarr (Malone, NY)
Would it be possible for Ms. Brzezinski and Mr. Scarborough to go after little Mr. Scavino for libel? Is writing on (in?) social media not considered publishing?

Or does no one care anymore about anything?
William Wintheiser (Minnesota)
What can you say that has not already been said. He is mentally ill yes. He may be in the beginning stages of early onset Alzheimer's perhaps. But let's face it. He has given new life to comedy and to the press. The man makes great/horrible copy. He is defiantly on track for a stroke. If you caint take the heat, better get out of the kitchen. Rage on mr trump
Robert (Suntree, Florida)
What does anyone expect from this president? His behavior is beyond inappropriate and his core supporters squeal with delight as they view the tweets as attacks on the main stream media elites. The elites they claim want to tell them how to behave and are offended by it. Some are afraid of empowered and intelligent women and some are sick of the bill of goods the Republican establishment sold them for decades. It never occurs to them that some of their situations were created by the very people they continue to vote for who enabled this unbalanced president to be in the Oval Office. I applaud the NYT, the WAPO, CNN, MSNBC and any other news outlet that continues to report on Trumps despicable tweets and the absence of any real progress in the country's matters that are sidetracked by the mental patient misbehaving. Trumps supporters either don't understand or don't care that the Republican Party is fractured and as a result, nothing gets accomplished in spite of their controlling all three braches of government. As the horrific healthcare plan demonstrates they have no idea how harmful that bill will be if it's written into law. When they feel the impact their attitude will change. We just have to hope they don't nominate Charles Manson for their next anti-establishment hero when Trump is elected out of office or resigns in disgrace. It's no mystery to me as to why Trump supporters are seen as ignorant and angry. Did their mom's not hug them enough as children?
Daniel (New York City)
Isn't Melania Trump looking to start a campaign against cyberbullying ? Maybe she can use her husband, the President, as a test case as to how to stop this vile behavior. The sad fact that this Presidency is a complete farce in which our nation has and will suffer greatly from a narcissistic deranged man. Melania, your help is needed urgently. Please cure your husband.
Thomas Bennett (Shaker Heights, Ohio)
Maybe he was in a meeting...
Dave (Rockville, MD)
Donald Trump is weak. The only people in the world who don't seem to see that are the people who voted for him. Certainly our enemies see this clearly. Someone so thin-skinned and greedy is easily manipulated. Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei understand this. if he is given a compliment and a few bucks are thrown at his children he will do anything irrespective of the impact it has on the country. We keep him in the White House at our peril.
JerseyTomato (West of the Hudson)
Oh, Gail! Didn't you understand long ago that it's impossible to underestimate Donald Trump?
Petey tonei (Ma)
Gail, Trump's supporters love the fact that he is so uninhibited, and has no filter, so supposedly he says it like he sees it. Which is a big change from politicians who mask their true feelings in favor if political corrected-ness. What Trump doesn't realize is although his white supporters want to get rid of PC talk, the millennials have been raised to be acutely aware of racism, sexism, and any lack of PC. Slowly bur surely Trump is gonna turn off millions of youth voters and they will vote against his party, in disgust.
Erich (VT)
Trump is the perfect mirror for the modern Republican party. He is them.
Jean Cleary (NH)
Why would anyone think that Trump would change once he was elected.
You can't teach that old dog Trump any new tricks.
He surrounds himself with people who are as vulgar as he is. There is not one person in his entourage who acts any differently. When you have your press secretary defend this behavior you are a failure as a human being.
I believe this is the most amoral administration that we have ever had.
Sean (Westlake, OH)
It is incredible that this narcissist's behavior is reinforced by his press secretary. I have never had much respect for Mike Huckabee as he is a phony right winger that fuses religion into politics. His daughter is a joke compared to past administration's press secretaries. I hope that some day in the future that the United States has a leader and an administration that makes us forget these horrible days.
Ruben Diaz (Ashburn, VA)
Why are journalists still covering this jerk of a President we have? Nothing that he says can be trusted, so any coverage is pointless. Yes, I know that if nobody covers it then all the information from the WH would be from Fox News, but perhaps it would be better to assess the damage they are doing by watching Congress and whatever happens at the other executive branches more closely. I think a lot of us would be happier not knowing that Trump and his family exist at all.
Jonathan (Black Belt, AL)
You, Gail, are a member of a group particularly despised by Trump. By his actions and his words he has shown his hatred and contempt time and again. I hope, Gail, you were not trusting enough to believe that his becoming president would make hi change. You, Gail, are a woman.
KenP (Pittsburgh PA)
Since Trump barely acts like he's 10, Trump's 11-year old son Barron should become a "special assistant" to the president in order to teach him maturity. Clearly, Melania's cyber "anti-bullying" efforts are a total flop.
Republicans should forget about “Repeal and Replace”. Congress has more pressing issues—adopting a resolution of censure against Trump, who has definitely earned one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censure_in_the_United_States
pmbrig (Massachusetts)
The idea that anyone would be "lost, confused, & saddened" if Trump didn't return their phone calls almost as ridiculous as the idea that this ignorant bully is the President.
Allen82 (Mississippi)
An entire generation of kids are being taught that sewer tactics and sewer talk is acceptable. After al,l who is to be accountable for such insults and conduct if it is acceptable conduct for the President. Jerry Springer on the World stage.
Riccardo (Montreal)
Small hands, small mind.
Edward Calabrese (Palm Beach Fl.)
Here we are once more discussing the cruel, idiotic insults that #45 is so fond of transmitting. This latest one managed to push the Healthcare fiasco off the front pages. Clearly this madman has methodology.
Have we not learned by now that these outrageous Tweets, usually aimed at a female, are just another distraction from some upcoming disaster or deflect attention to his latest failure.All of the tricks he relied upon during his TV and Real Estate phases are still being implemented. He has no respect for the Presidential Office, using it as an implement of revenge.
His tabloid lifestyle is beyond despicable when he is now allegedly a World leader.
It is time to invoke the 25th Amendment without further ado.
jwp-nyc (New York)
Gail, is this is what you want to pay attention to? Understandable, as similarly themed article has racked up. 5,000 + comments 'voting' this the news vox populi wants to follow, which is the moronic drivel contemptuously served up to distract you by Tweeter Traitor is Chief.

Well, you know what? Either impeach Trump for poor character, which we have every right to do for 'non-presidential' behavior, or 'can it' as his Twitter Mob would have it.

Personally, I'd rather impeach and indict much of his administration for treasonous acts, conspiracy to suborn obstruction of an FBI investigation, obstruction of same, obstruction of justice, and gross violations of the Emoluments clause, ongoing as this is written.

At this point, America, the failure to act is on us.
Sheldon Bunin (Jackson Neights, NY)
This disgusting, disgrace to the presidency, this lout, this sexist bully, this know nothing fool, who is stealing the treasury blind, and who thinks that he is above the law, is horrifying the country and the world. America is being written off. They know a fool when they see one.

It is now clear that the president is at his inner core a greedy, vindictive, 10 year old schoolyard bully who is used to getting away with contemptible behavior because he is rich and usually buys his way out of trouble with the law. He is was born rich and he made his fortune by cheating others and breaking his word,

This man/child is destroying America and our reputation. He has become a cancer which must excised before it is terminal and we need a bipartisan solution. The GOP would still keep the presidency if Trump resigns so the first thing would be a resolution by both parties to demand that the president resign forthwith.

If he refuses, a select committee of both houses should subpoena Trump’s tax returns for the past 5 years. He will defy the subpoena and Congress should direct that the IRS produce them for examination. Before that happens Trump will resign on the promise of immunity from prosecution. No impeachment necessary. Don’t like my solution? Okay, but by hook or by crook we must get this disgrace out of office ASAP.
Sue (Blue State Of Mind)
Drop the mic, Mr. Bunin.....no one has ever said it better. This man is grotesquely unfit for office and any further delay by Congress in removing him is doing this country a terrible disservice. The Republican leadership is squarely on the wrong side of history and will not be forgotten. Since they have Pence up their sleeve, much as I hate that, what in the world are they waiting for?
FWArmstrong (Seattle)
And he likely has committed treason.

As Commander and Chief he has abrogated his command; and given aid and comfort to our enemy.

He needs to be Court Marshaled Show us the tax returns.
Maureen Hartnett (Chicago)
Donald Trump is the worst example of a man human. And Mika whatever her name is is beautiful and doesn't need a facelift.
Hjalmer (Nebraska)
In connection with this and many other episodes, I hear Donald referred to as a "pig". I raised hogs for thirty years and bought hogs for a meat packer for another eleven years. I know pigs! Equating Donald with a pig defames the pig. Pigs have many more redeeming qualities AND they taste good too.
michael livingston (cheltenham pa)
Be careful, Gail, he'll start tweeting about you . . .
Pvbeachbum (Fl)
Although I do not condone trump's unfortunate Mica tweet, I have to say she snd Joe were real turnoffs with their constant bashing of Trump, day in and day out, so I tuned out and listen to classical music instead.
Confusedreader (USA)
Gail has any of the other Obama leakers leaked the smoking gun on collusion yet? Or the proof that Putin personally forced the DNC and Hillary not to campaign in Wisconsin? Can you write a column about how former O staffers leaked critical details of an Israeli intelligence operation to NYT and Wapo? In fact members of the Intel community are so angry they actualy publically named 2 of the leakers from O's staff.

I'd love it if you could do a column about this when you get a chance. Maybe ask O when his vacation finally ends. I wish I could afford that long of a trip....
Richard Kew (Williamson County, Tennessee)
Small boys almost invariably have dirty minds, and vulgarity is for a while their stock-in trade. Small boys tend to grow up, and apart from occasional lapses, grow out of adolescent dirtiness, cruelty, and lavatory humor. The tragedy is that some small boys fail to mature so are unable to shake this off. The bigger tragedy is that one of these small boys has for reasons that are beyond many of us been elected President of the United States. It would be helpful if someone took away his electronic toys because he is obviously not adult enough to handle them.
KJ (Tennessee)
The "bleeding badly from a face-lift" comment wasn't about Mika Brzezinski.

It was about Donald Trump. Or rather, Kathy Griffin's tasteless picture of Trump's decapitated head. This is how his mind works. Every jab at the Great Donald Trump, even in humor, is taken with the seriousness of a nuclear attack on America. The man has a mental sickness that makes him incapable of thinking beyond himself. He see's that bleeding fake head everywhere.

Trump is using his power of office to destroy every positive change Obama made because he poked fun at him during the WHCD. He hates the press unless their fawning over him, which requires more and more artifice with each passing day. He’s sick. Sick and dangerous. His disease is spreading throughout our country.
Charlies36 (Upstate NY)
What I find amazing is that anybody thought Trump's behavior would change once he was elected president. What's that old saying?.... a leopard cannot change its spots.
Trump has embarrassed our nation and diminished, if not destroyed our world standing. The Republicans need to stop using his incredibly bad behavior as a cover to rape the country and start censoring him. Impeachment would be a good idea.
Dave (24248)
The most important point here is...the White House Director of Social Media, was carried Trump's golf clubs. He takes unqualified buddies and puts them into office. He has no respect for the White House. God Save Us.
Mountain Dragonfly (Candler NC)
There are not enough words to disclaim Trump as our president, nor to describe the deplorable behavior he exhibits. The most generous I can come up with is that he is suffering from dementia, and in that case, what is Congress waiting for? Dottering Ronald Regan with star-gazing Nancy at his side was questionable enough....do we have to wait til Donny hits a red button instead of the "send" one?
John Townsend (Mexico)
We need to stop entertaining intellectual curiosity items about this guy and hold him to account for doing everything from obstructing investigations to enriching himself by refusing to divest interests. His henchmen keep trying to normalize the abnormality of his behavior. Nothing about his time in office has been normal and nothing about him has changed. He is grossly incompetent and proves it daily. He is using the office to enrich himself and his spawn, and proves it daily.
gc (chicago)
Sobering column this time but needed to be written without the delightful humor that is always tucked in when you write. Thank you
D. Maxwell (West Coast)
To keep the fact that Comrade Trump is meeting with Putin next week Comrade Trump throws another smoke screen and everyone runs down the rabbit hole. Don't look know but we just got suckered again when will we learn when Comrade Trump feels the heat the Russian thing he throws up a smoke screen.
Jay Singh (Vancouver CANADA)
Watching the action from up north, it's sad to see that Republicans could have used their majority to genuinely make America even greater than it already is.

Like it or not, Obama saved the US economy from absolute collapse. American entrepreneurship and resilience helped the country rebound. And now, Republicans could have fueled the nation's most ambitious economic acceleration in history.

But no. Too many distractions. Too little common sense.
Phyl (Washington State)
What if the media, and readers like me, ignored Trump's tweets? They aren't really news and by reporting and commenting on them, aren't we doing just what he wants - attention? Would they go away if he didn't get any publicity as a result?
A2CJS (Norfolk, VA)
Since there are no longer any press briefings histrionic tweets have become the primary means that the White House uses to communicate to the world. While they many be unintelligible outbursts, they are still statements by the President. I wish they could be ignored, but they cannot.
vulcanalex (Tennessee)
Our country will be just fine, just as the planet will be just fine. The point was that these people who now have no problem calling the president mentally ill over a difference of opinion, once pandered a lot in wanting to party with him when still recovering from surgery. Now if it is true I would not have used bleeding, but if it is true it is evidence that they are corrupt. Now I wish the White House really went to war with the press. Throw them out of covering the entire administration until they learn to be polite, ask decent questions, and behave.
dpen (Boston)
I'll go you one better. I think the Pressident should just ban all hostile media, create a state run TV station (oh wait, that's Fox), and declare that only Presidential tweets are true and must be retweeted on pain of prosecution.
Redsoxfan (Boston)
ever heard of the first amendment? Ever read by American history ?
sophie'smom (Portland, OR)
You are part of the problem!
hawk (New England)
Mika is a freak.

Imagine calling President Obama a lying mental case on national television. Every single day, while playing footsies under the table with Joe.

Pathetic. Trump is right, not worth watching anymore.

And worst, nobody defending the President in the media. Nobody in these columns stopping to think, hey that's wrong.

The MSM wants to dehumanize the man. You can read it here everyday. Guilty!

A few years back, Bill Maher called Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman stupid c-words on national TV. He kept his job, and the NYT barely flinched.

Now she is suing this paper for what? A false story. Good! Maybe she'll wind up owning the place. And, the first thing she will do is fire Collins!
Sequel (Boston)
You hate Mika. Many agree with you.

Please explain why this allows you to excuse Trump's longstanding -- and worsening -- non-presidential behavior that suggests he is unfit for office.
Michael Mills (Chapel Hill, NC)
It is simply untrue that Obama is a lying mental case. Which part is not true about Trump? Are you saying it's inaccurate to say that he is a liar? Geeze, you've got to be a sheep with a taste for Kool Aid to take this President seriously.
HSM (New Jersey)
And on and on it goes. Journalists are still talking about the "pivot" to come, but it won't be coming from the President. That is as clear as day. It's the country as a whole that needs to pivot, now, away from this bizarre dance marathon we are staging for the world. It won't matter who the last person standing is, the world will have moved on without us, wondering how a mass psychosis could have brought the United States of America, that once great country, to its end so quickly.
Lilies of the valley (virginia)
Trump's Reality Show on the Trump Titanic stars the Trump Dynasty, its mentally incompetent minions and the criminal GOP Mafia.

The Titanic will sink in the swamp of his own making.

The Question is "How soon?".
DenisPombriant (Boston)
The saddest and most dangerous thing about this incident and all others involving Trump's preference for 140 character communications is that our president can condense all of this thoughts into that limited space.
Jay G. (Brooklyn)
Frankly, I'm impressed that he comes up with that many.
George (Concord, NH)
Why can't he just shut up?!
Scott (Orlando, FL)
With each Tweetastrophe, "Boring Jeb" looks more and more Churchillian. Just imagine what June 3, 2017 would have been like with ANYONE other than this pathetic, deeply disturbed, destructive fool in the White House. Trump voters were conned by a con-what a surprise!-and we all suffer the consequences.
Lilies of the valley (virginia)
It is painful to admit you were lied to.

It is impossible to admit you were conned.

Come into the sunshine and out of the swamp. You too can be heroic patriots and stop the destruction of our Democracy.
LarryB (<br/>)
Gail, when you wrote, "The United States president has no more discernible self-control than a 10-year-old bully who works out his failure to pass third grade by tormenting the little kids on the playground." at first I was worried that you might suffer his wrath. But then I remembered Donald doesn't read anything.
Bill Friend (Queens, NY)
At 6am this morning, on the MORNING JOE show, panel member Donny Deutsch twice called Trump, with much anger and emotion, "a disgusting pig!" That really says it all. He also said he knew he was going low,and against the admonition of First Lady Michelle Obama, to go high "when they go low". But he just had it with our POTUS constantly going beyond the pale, and this was apparently the last straw. Not even Nixon was insulted this way on a national tv program. Trump keeps moving the goal posts on what it means to be truly despicable.
MegaDucks (America)
Let's make an analogy. About 400 years ago Isaac Newton was a brilliant mathematician who formulated the theories and mathematics to solve mysteries of the Universe. His work allowed humankind to advance by leaps and bounds. His contribution to modern life is and will remain incalculably stellar.

Yet he was a totally obnoxious twit. Devious, petty, vitriolic. Beyond that and despite his genius he prone to believe in the most unscientific of things. Indeed he wasted his genius for most of his life submerging himself in the most foolish of undertakings.

We'd be fools to not have tolerated Isaac Newton. We'd also be fools to cast aside his body of real scientific work because he otherwise did not comport with norms of grace and reason. Mighty stands the man - and rightly he deserves his revered place in History.

I guess I can say the same for Richard Wagner. I could go on. But the point is sometimes geniuses are really hard to stomach - but stomach them we must because the World needs them.

DJT is no genius - he is a totally obnoxious twit. His net contribution to humankind when accurately measured will be incalculably negative. What I say is obvious! Shame on us for stomaching him!
Concerned MD (Pennsylvania)
Trump is leading the race to the bottom for American morality, civility and her respectful place and authority in the world, His "base"'does not represent the majority of Americans. This latest "tweet" is not an isolated incident but rather a lifelong pattern of a 71 year old cruel, narcissistic, thin skinned, sociopathic and inarticulate child. He must not be allowed to continue to occupy the highest office in our land. Hobble his majority in 2018 and vote him out in 2020. This is how democracy works!
The East Wind (Raleigh, NC)
You forgot Borderline. Everyone os fantastic or evil, no in between.
sfpaperbackwriter (sf)
He's not narcissistic. Has none of the traits. A NPD family hates them, has no empathy for others, ruins peoples lives around him, and is jealous of others. Trump is loved by his family and siblings. Trump has an ego. Period. Now go back to med school and retake your psych class. And the rest of your diagnosis was off too. I love it when the libs call him a child. When's the last time a child build a highrise building or a golf course under budget? Grow up libs. Wake up and smell the coffee. Trump won and there's a new sheriff in town. This includes you NYTimes.
herbie212 (New York, NY)
perhaps you women who wants equality, should stop being women of the 50's welcome to 2017 there is no such thing a sexist in trumps response, morning joe and crew have been hammering trump for 6 months, he hit back. Take it like a man or women. Its time we had a president that fights back against the MEDAI BULLIES.
magicisnotreal (earth)
Well herbie212 you might want to get checked out as you seem disconnected from reality as does the president.
No one is hammering him or his people. The Press is simply pointing out what they say and do and asking questions about it.
If that feels like being attacked I think then the Trump admin might not realize they oppose their own words, deeds and policies.
allconfused (detroit)
This is a Times pick? whichever intern is supposed to be monitoring the emails--get off of Tinder and concentrate on your work please.
NW Gal (Seattle)
I don't get your pathetic response, not to mention grammatically incorrect.
did you give Mr. Obama the same latitude when he was hammered daily and called unspeakable names?
He handled it with dignity.
Trump handles it like an aggrieved and pathetic child.
The media is doing its job. Trump is not.
Dorothy Teer (Durham NC)
What is more depressing is that really just few Republicans in the congress have expressed their disgust----
John S (USA)
To Steve: Huge dichotomy here:
Through Obama's 2 terms, the Dems lost over 1000 elective offices. While highly popular, Clinton, with Obama's help ran on an extension of the Obama legacy. And lost. Large numbers of Obama voters switched and voted for Trump.
There is something happening that we just don't know
joe (nj)
All is forgiven. All that matters is he is getting things done, checking off promises kept. Kate's Law, No Sanctuary... two just yesterday.
magicisnotreal (earth)
Other than destroying our government and giving our money away to rich people and stuffing his own pockets what exactly has he "got done"?
Your citations are sad and phony and most importantly will not have any effect on the prevention of the crimes they are named for. For instance Kate would not be dead if an FBI agent had not left his weapon unsecured in his vehicle to be stolen by some folks who dumped it where the man who randomly fired it and killed Kate found it. Sure if he weren't here he could not have done that but someone would surely have found that gun and it is very likely it would have been used in a crime or murder of someone else. The aspect that would be preventative there is securing weapons and not leaving them in vehicles at all. The No Sanctuary law isn't going to stop folks from giving it.
Jaybird (Delco, PA)
He is a reflection of the people who voted for him. Sorry if I've offended anybody.......
wlgiv (North Jersey)
The basket of deplorables, perhaps?
mayelum (Paris, France)
Don't hold your breath, Gail!
Aunt Nancy Loves Reefer (Hillsborough, NJ)
Our President is a vile and ignorant oaf.

I blame the Republican Party for foisting this lout upon the nation.
In only 6 months he has cemented his legacy as the worst person ever to be elected to our country's highest office, an office he disgraces every minute of every day.
magicisnotreal (earth)
He is the face of the GOP because he is the GOP.
It isn't Trump who has no clothes on, its the GOP they just don't know it yet. I suspect they will shoo the little boy who does away ignoring what he says.
Robbie (Las Vegas)
Donald Trump, despite all his ostensible worldly accomplishments and possessions, is a sad and vacuous human being, His gold-plated and miserable existence of a life is his own payback.
Peace100 (North Carolina)
Maybe he is developing some progressive cognitive decay, in the frontotemporal lobes ?
Independent DC (Washington DC)
Trump should do what ever other President has done in the past. Hire a media "hit man" or "hit woman" to assault them via social media everyday. The last three administrations would attack daily with teams of haters on their payroll spewing the President's remarks using "the unnamed source" method. Frankly, I don't know which is worse!
The media acts like a like a dog chasing a bone. They will chase that darn bone anytime and anywhere. Last night two important pieces of legislation that passed yesterday were not discussed but hey spent all night talking about some second rate cable TV show host.
Are you reporting the news or simply the tabloid headlines? I think we all know that answer.
Wolfran (SC)
No one has asked whether or not Mika was bleeding from a facelift. If she was, then it is hardly an insult but a statement of fact. If it is a statement of fact, then it is hard to understand how it is an attack on women. What about "Crazy Joe?" No one seems upset about that comment - does that mean it is perfectly okay to make disparaging remarks about a white male?
Michael Mills (Chapel Hill, NC)
Wolfran you've gotta pick your battles in life. Yours is fighting for beleaguered... white men...why? We don't need your help buddy, our whole society is built for us, how can you be so blind to our privilege?
Frank Travaline (South Jersey)
What's next, will he body slam a reporter? He's got more in common with Kim Un and Vlad in terms of dealing with critics. He needs therapy. If this goes on for the next 7.5 years I will too.
Lilies of the valley (virginia)
The Pharmacy companies who market anti-depressants must be really pleased that so many people have started them since Trump became not-my-president.
Dario Bernardini (Lancaster, PA)
Gail, I always enjoy reading your column, but I have to question why you thought Trump would suddenly stop being a classless, disgusting pig when becoming president. That's who he has been his entire life. He was nearly 60 when he made the infamous Access Hollywood comments.

The saddest part of all this is that tens of millions of Americans applaud his behavior and think it's okay.
Jacki (Ct.)
Someone here has apologized to the world for trumpy!
Lets clump all our current despotic leaders in a bunch first because America and Yalta after WW2 caused the middle eastern conflicts. The region has percolated as has the Koreas for too many years.
Bush started the war on terror with no end in site. Propogated by all congress .
Continued carelessly by Obama and now this !!! Plutocratic despot not leading our country ...... strangling us instead with his immaturity and misogyny.
As a retired nurse ..... i must say he must have been terribly abused as a little child by either a family member or hired caregiver .... to hate women this much!!!
Force him to apologize and seek daily therapy. Then impeach him quickly and deem the entire election process the fraud it has become for "We The People"
To the world..... yes ... sorry carry on without us for awhile. We are no longer the greatest anything.
tedc (dlaas)
"You can do anything if you are superstar including ..." and I am a superstar and good counter punchers- from DJT
BoRegard (NYC)
A prayer vigil...is only going to conjure exactly what they prayed for all along..a minion of Beezlebub to come to their aid. They got one...it occupies the Oval office.

Vulgarity is the pocket cashmof Trump supporters...
russ (St. Paul)
Why is Gail Collins writing about this while Senate committee is trying to stop the investigation into Russian meddling in the election?

Trump throws out a shiny object and Collins goes for out like she's never seen this act before.

Please, please grow up and keep your on the important stuff, OK? You work for the New York Times, for pete's sake!
European American (Midwest)
"...that making maternity health coverage more expensive is not a problem because guys don’t get pregnant."

Which seems odd from a bunch of old, white, male chauvinist who believe the little woman belongs in the home supported by a man...who may not get pregnant but who will, according to the Republican plan, have to foot the bill for the more expensive maternity health coverage...

Oh, Right, they can pay the additional costs with the enormous tax cut they will not be seeing any of...not being part of the anointed 1%...
Hugh Centerville (Wappingers Falls, NY)
He probably was in a meeting and was tweeting because they were talking about something boring, like, say, national security.
OldProf (Bluegrass,Kentucky)
Donald Trump's Twitter outburst are due to his narcissistic personality disorder, for which he is in desperate need of psychotherapy and medication. Unfortunately, narcissism is a mental illness that causes at least as much suffering in bystanders as in the patient. It would be Trump's greatest contribution as a President if he would recognize his dysfunction and seek treatment.
George (NYC)
The liberal left media has used him as a punching bag from day 1.
When he punches back, they cry foul. Buck up snowflake! Don't make the comment if you can't take the counter punch. Perhaps after the Times has finished reducing its staff there will be a space for you to have a safety zone where you can bemoan your loss of the White House and both houses!
NMS (San Diego)
Recounting events of the day using his exact words and deeds are what the media has been doing. In regard to the right's use of the word snowflakes for progressives that's supposed to be pejorative? I rather like it. Snowflakes are beautiful and unique. And in the right volume they can bury you.
BrianO (Europe)
And meanwhile, in the rest of the civilised world, respect for the USA is plummeting to zero. Never in history has America been the object of so much distain, revulsion and derision. Do Republicans not know that? Or do they simply not care?
Lilies of the valley (virginia)
Don't forget pity.
Chris (UK)
I knew it was a bad day when people stopped being able to smack others around the chops with a glove.
Dr. Karen J. Krahl, D. C. (San Luis Obispo, CA)
Reprehensible tomfoolery!
Will (NYC)
This is all a distraction. An outrageous and juvenile distraction for sure. But a distraction from:

a) A direct involvement from Putin in our elections to destabilize the western alliance,

b) Huge financial conflicts of interest involving Trump and close associates in government, and

c) The blatant daily sale of the U.S. Presidency by the two adult Trump sons.

Keep your eye on the ball. A comprehensive criminal enterprise is functioning in the White House.
Dart (Florida)
Six-year-old bully, a long way from 10.
Tom Yates (Silver Spring, MD)
You begin to wonder, aren't there any adults in the White House?
Sally (NYC)
Why are you (or anybody) shocked that he would keep up his appalling behavior once he entered the White House? Why would you think that a 70-year-old man who has behaved in this disgraceful manner his whole life would suddenly change?
Robert Stern (Montauk, NY)
Donald Trump is a beta male's version of an alpha male.
Ae3 (Key West, FL)
Why does Congress, Senate, media, and middle America go easy on 45? If Hillary, Bernie, Kasich or Cruz were president, they would be crucified if they made similar moronic and crude remarks. The fact 45's business dealings seem, at best, shady and at worst, ilegal for a sitting president is enough not to re-elect him. May we end this nightmare soon, please?
JFT1948 (Albany, NY)
Trump never got beyond the sixth grade playground; what a disgrace.
Lily Quinones (Binghamton, NY)
Why are we still discussing the musings of a mentally unstable con man? He deserves no publicity or coverage of his idle bully rantings. The though that this disgraceful vile man is president is enough of a nightmare.
Barb Davis (NoVA)
Can't even begin to count up the numerous teacher hours, dollars, and implementation spent on anti-bullying in the classroom. And then to have to endure the POTUS' lackeys rationalizing his behavior? Somebody needs to lose recess.
Johannes van der Sluijs (You're not from hearrr, are you boy?)
Trump must have learned about Mika Brzezinski's current private tragedy and in cold, calculating and professional troll psychopathy seen an opportunity to strike someone already wounded.

Christine Matthews, a Republican, said the president’s use of Twitter to target a prominent woman was particularly striking, noting that he had used only one derogatory word — “psycho” — to describe the show’s other co-host, Joe Scarborough, and the remainder ( ) to hit (Mika with) damaging stereotypes of women.

“He included dumb, crazy, old, unattractive and desperate.”

Trump is clearly projecting his fear of how he very well knows he is seen himself, and rightly so, as Trump is visibly dumb, crazy, psycho, old, unattractive and increasingly desperate.

As a result, he fights (Mika's lovely, impressive) fire with pathetic.

(Except for the old part), in Trump his (younger) voters must have recognized themselves or the men around them that they've grown accustomed to, confusing the recognition of custom with sympathy or love.

To fight Trump we must not fight fire, but the smoldering, gray ashes of dumb, crazy, psycho, old and unattractive despair that have descended upon the vast heartlands of America

Let's fight it with some passionate fire of smart, sound, young, irresistibly attractive hope for taking the country, earth and humanity back, coupled with the flame of knowledge about our own fiery strength, that turns hope into strong belief into firmly knowing that we shall overcome.
Eugene Windchy. (Alexandria, Va.)
"I have to confess I’ve overestimated Donald Trump."

Bob Lakeman (Alexandria, VA)
America elected Eric Cartman, the fourth grade bully from SouthPark, to be President.
Hallinen (Flint)
I hate to change the subject here but Kris Kobach has sent a letter to your Secretary of State looking to make voter rolls public. I just wrote to Michigan's SOS, and just had to send some comments and a few interesting files to the email address in the letter Kobach sent to Connecticut's SOS.

La Bella (Missouri)
Oh, America, how low have you fallen...
Walter (Cincinnati, Ohio)
It's becoming more and more evident that DT has some serious emotional issues...
Jack (Florida)
When a deadly cancer strikes a body, it has to be excised. When the same deadly cancer strikes the body politic of a country, it, too, has to be excised. Donald Trump, our benighted president is a deadly cancer, one that has in less than six months, has metastasized with the kind of malevolence the likes of which this country has never seen or experienced. He has destroyed this great country in every aspect imaginable, and further destruction must be stopped less we cease to exist. If you don't think one degenerate bum could bring about such decline, then you don't know Trump. Why must we accustom ourselves this pathetic excuse of a person, much less the president of the United States? Where are the marches? The torches? The pitchforks?
And while I at it, the tumbrel?
Kate Kline May (Berkeley Ca)
Now we have some real consequences for the predator in chief. If his congress and media give him a pass then we drop to the trump level
of public shaming of a public woman in the public eye. Ruthless acts and hateful words are the Trump Brand. It's way past time to shut him down. Hit hard with serious coverage!
PogoWasRight (florida)
It is easy to see where all the "critters" ended up when he drained the swamp.............a place called, unfortunately, the United States Congress.
KitKath (St. Louis)
My blood pressure rises when I remember that this swamp slop's fate rests in the hands of his "base." There is no tweet too obscene, no behavior too grotesque, and no violation of the constitution finally over-the-line until the faithful finally give up on Dear Leader.

Only then will America's Finest in the House and Senate suddenly remember their commitment to honor the constitution and to serve the public, and just maybe they'll realize that ramming a few sadistic bills through in order to satisfy their even more sadistic agenda just isn't worth jeopardizing our democracy.

Spineless, soulless snakes. What will it take, then, for the base to finally turn? This question should haunt every thinking person in this country daily.
white tea drinker (marin county)
Vitriol for the press and coziness towards Putin- how can this possibly be coming from the White House?
I'm really surprised at those who would rather that the press ignore the tweets- they are an immediate reflection of the feral nincompoop pouring them forth and their pathology and sheer volume shall, I hope, expedite his removal from office.
Novoad (USA)
May he who is yelled at every day what Joe and Mika yell at Trump and never says anything back throw the first stone...
Kathleen (Honolulu)
Fire him. Impeach him. Whatever procedures, laws or policies we have to get rid of us this imposter in the white house, need to be fully implemented and pursued. Our country's reputation and our self image as a country are teetering. For those in a position to take action now is the time. If we do not, we may find ourselves in a situation where we can no longer say or do as we please. Our dignity and freedom are at stake.
jmg (montpellier.France)
As an US friend, I'm deeply saddened seeing such disgraceful comments your president sent.
Jim (Colorado)
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
Niels Krarup Jessen (40 KMs from Copenhagen, Denmark)
Americans! Stop the Likes and Comments! ACT FOR GODS SAKE! I am a european citizen and your country is no longer GODS OWN COUNTRY or THE GREATEST NATION ON EARTH.

Get it?

Have some great years with TrumpyGumpy - who looks and sounds like a wyning Miss Piggy. At least to me and my friends.
VC (University Place, WA)
Many of us are ACTING. Here in WA State, we became the 18th state to call for a 28th Constitutional Amendment to overturn the Citizens United Supreme Court decision. The 28th amendment will establish once and for all that constitutional rights belong only to people; money is not free speech and political contributions need to be made public and allowed to be regulated. 20 more states are needed. We will not give up. And then we will work on eliminating the Electoral College.
Ann D (Toronto)
Donald Trump......."Despicable T".
Ivanka.....we're waiting to hear from you.
Melanie....Do you actually understand the meaning of cyber-bullying, your "platform"?
Paul (France)
How's Melania's anti-cyber bullying campaign coming? Perhaps she could start with her husband.
Mary Ann Donahue (NYS)
Bull's-eye, Paul.
DW (Highland Park, IL)
The anti-cyber bullying campaign has hit a boulder in the road. Medlania has lost her credibility supporting her bullying-husband.
Matt (Atlanta)
Gotta love the obligatory condemnations coming from all of the Republicans (or at least those with a wife or daughter or mom) - so easy to tweet out your disapproval on this one - their little protestations are just as hollow as the pro forma "my thoughts and prayers are with the victims" they mumble out whenever there's a mass shooting. Stop the drivel and do something about it!
robreg (li, ny)
The soon morons stop apologizing for this kind of behavior, and start taking this menace seriously, the sooner we'll have impeachment proceedings started
additionally, we need to tie all complicit members of Congress to him, and cease trying to appease them.
This presidency has me in agony. Each day a new low is reached. It is sickening beyond belief that this disgrace of a man leads the country I love.
Linda (Philadelphia)
Can't wait to see what choice words Trump will tweet about Angela Merkel next week.
rollinsmp (calif)
will no one rid us of this fool???
Every day he proves to the world that he is nothing more than a self centered, ADD inflicted, psychologically stunted egomaniac who, if not for the fact that his daddy was rich, would NEVER have gotten where he did.
Trump is our mad king George III.

This country needs to move past the surrealistic nightmare that is the Trump presidency , as quickly as possible.
S (Hong Kong)
The important messages here are A) the White House expert on social media thinks dragging this out is a good plan and B) the White House expert on social media used to be Trump’s golf caddy.

I thought B) was surely not true. But it is!
M (Seattle)
A little tweet and the liberal snowflakes melt. So funny.
LM (Manhattan)
THAT is your take? Seriously?
OSS Architect (Palo Alto,, CA)
Mika's father was Zbigniew Brzezinski, a professor at Harvard and Columbia, and later Head of National Seurity under President Carter. I'm sure his daugter inherited a bit of of his intellectual talent.

I suspect, growing up, Mika had way more eposure to the basics of government than Mr Trump in his entire life.
Pat (Hunterdon County, NJ)
You did I did not.
John Brews ✅❗️__ [•¥•] __ ❗️✅ (Reno, NV)
"the United States president has no more discernible self-control than a 10-year-old bully who works out his failure to pass third grade by tormenting the little kids on the playground."

Yes, he lacks self-control, which is to say he can 't restrain himself when his feelings are aroused.

But the bigger problem is that his emotions become aroused over absolute trivia. How can he be so troubled over a few gnats? He has the World to occupy him.

The problem is he is a basket case.
Last Moderate Standing (Nashville)
Sad. Pathetic. Little man.
NML (White Plains, NY)
There are no words adequate to express the depth, breadth and intensity of revulsion inspired by the entire puerile incident and the commentary blooming in its wake.
Elin Minkoff (Florida)
What if more time passes, and things get even worse than they are now? And all of us in these comments (and all over the country, and the world) have been begging for SOMETHING to be done, to stop these people--trump and the GOP--from what they are doing to this country and to 99% of its' citizens...And: So, what if The United States of America descends into the kind of country that German was during WW2? What will we say then when look back and know that NO ONE heeded the call to put an end to what was going on NOW? Even if the election WERE legitimate, do we allow INSANITY? Yes, there is Mueller and his staff, but that is one thing, and it is going to take some time. But we have a government that is not working in our best interests, and that is an understatement. They are threatening to pass very harmful, and even fatal legislation upon us, and since THEY are in TOTAL CONTROL...we can do nothing--or very little; what we do here, and a bit more. What if they become more authoritarian and cruel? How do we stop them? When Europe was overwhelmed with the Nazis in WW2, they had among others, The United States to help them. You think that Russia is going to help us?; they are part of the reason we are in this mess! trump's modus operandi is to alienate and fight with people...No one will help us; and I fear that many will cheer at our downfall; at the downfall of a country that was stupid enough to hand the presidency to a mentally disturbed authoritarian.
michael (sarasota)
Trump will step off into the deep end. Give him a little time.
Dale Luciano (Ashland, Oregon)
Trump's tweets popularize a peculiar kind of pornography and inject his rabid thinking into American culture . They somehow remind me of Colonel Kurtz's ravings in "Apocalypse Now".
Lynn Kiaer (Upstate)
She was bleeding badly and he didn't call her an ambulance?
Christopher (Jordan)
Is this what the office of the President has come to?
Jim Manis (Pennsylvania)
As long as the market is up, traditional Republicans won't care about Trump's behavior, and the folks on the other side of the mountain ranges either love him for it or are oblivious to his behavior.
sam (flyoverland)
it appears there are 666 commenters before me. coincedence or bad omen?
Cody McCall (Tacoma)
Not long ago, some libertarian wag named Grover Norquist, imbued with an endless sense of self-importance, declared that the next GOP president need only possess a pulse to be able to grip a pen to sign the documents that were placed in front of him. Behold, Grover's prediction has come to pass.
Empress of Cave Creek (Cave Creek, Ariz.)
George W Bush must be relieved he can pass the trophy for Worst POTUS Possible. And so soon.
Seriously, if I had young children still at home today I would leave the U.S. This isn't a place to raise children any longer.
BigGuy (Forest Hills)
This is so unkind to our President who risks his life for our country every day.
Some day, and may that day never come, he may break the glass when he kisses himself in the mirror.
William Haboush (Champaign Illinois)
The person occupying the presidency is obsessed with female blood. He just can't go very long without expressing his phobia of contamination by female blood. He puts one in mind of assorted Asian and South Pacific societies where menstruating females were confined to tree houses for a week lest their blood would contaminate the earth. He would be able to have profitable exchanges with such believers.
Aniz (Houston)
A vile, vulgar, know nothing man. That he is the president of the United States and seemingly nothing can or will be done about it says more about the sorry state of our politics, our culture, and frighteningly, about our future.
Rebecca (Sydney)
Agree wholeheartedly with Gail Collins' comments. However, it is necessary to stress that if Trump's latest tweets are, as usual, indefensible, it is for many more reasons than the utter sexism and disdain for women they reveal. His lack of control, his inability to accept the absolutely justified criticism he gets (the TIME cover was indisputably a fake, the list of lies issued by the NYT is accurate), his incessant attacks against the press, his lack of focus on the job he was elected and is paid to do, all are apparent in those tweets. If Trump declared that he'd be the president for all Americans in his American Carnage speech on Inauguration Day, that was certainly a lie - one more of this pathetic president and WH.
pepys (nyc)
'Back in the day, he sent me a copy of a column he objected to, with some notes suggesting I was a “dog and a liar” with “the face of a pig.” '

Paul Newman, according to the New York Times (obit. sept 27, 2008) ". . . expressed pride at being on President Richard M. Nixon’s enemies list."
Oh, to be on this president's insult list!

Gail, I hope you, like Paul, framed it.
The most damaging result of this vicious tweet storm is the loss of prestige our country will suffer as our president visits overseas leaders including Merkel. Our adversaries and allies will be able to outwit Trump on every level from posting his photo on the side of building to sitting around a table singing the praises of our dear leader. Putin a KGB trained pro will own him if he doesn't already, Our country is the loser with this inept president representing us with his 22% approval rating overseas.
lorna l (BCS Mex)
Gail, I've been reading and laughing with you for years. I love your sharp mind, your face, and whatever falls out... I'm with you. Not the vulgarian we have as 'potus', not even worthy of capitals.
Michael Joseph (Rome)
Curious: What do folks who feel The New York Times should return to a polite, "all the news that's fit to print" policy imagine that will accomplish?

The Times, its commenters and journalists of a like mind seem to be immersed in an all-out confrontation with the forces of darkness -- highly-financed forces; given the results of the last election and the ensuing political events, what rules should we observe in this fight? Is preserving civility more important than preserving civilization?

It would be fabulous if one could prevail over Trumpism simply by ignoring it -- if one could practice a kind of Zen and make scorched-earth greed and stupidity disappear from the path by a sheer act of will. But that will not happen, and it is no doubt fatal to suppose otherwise.

At the risk of desensitizing readers (and your complaints reassure me that that is not happening), journalists must reveal the full horror of the Twitterer-in-Chief's imperfections. They must be shouted from the mountaintops for ignoring his acts of personal terror implies tolerance, and signals accommodation.

To paraphrase our First Lady, if Trump hits someone, we must hit him 10 times harder and ten times again. We must declare with absolute conviction that hatefulness is unacceptable, and hateful acts will have consequences. Assaults issuing from the Office of the President will not stand.
The Real Mr. Magoo (Virginia)
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

— H. L. Mencken, Baltimore Evening Sun, 1920.

It took 96 years, but Mr. Mencken's prediction has come true. Sad!
R. Phillips (Atlanta)
It is absurd that a man should rule others, who cannot rule himself. (Absurdum est ut alios regat, qui seipsum regere nescit.)
-Latin Proverb
Mary McKim (Newfoundland, Canada)
Classy post. We need classy.
Deb Paley (NY, NY)
Karma's not a happy camper right now.
Bill Lance (Ridgefield, CT)
I am abandoning any effort to write a constructive comment:

trump disgusts me - he is human garbage.
Richard Mays (Queens NY)
I understand, brother. Stay strong and don't weary.
LizB (NY)
I have to give Donald Trump one compliment: he completed his 'race to the bottom' in record time....he is sitting at his desk waiting for a cookie.
Barry (Boston)
How could he have even gotten more then 1 vote in this country. The society that voted for him needs to rethink themselves! If they are the "moral minority," then what do it mean to be moral? How could these so called Christians, who supposedly believe in the notion of "turning ones cheek!" sell their soul to this devil? How could the religious man as #2 go on with this charade? The religions of this land, that decries birth control and abortion, yet have misogynists and pedophiles in their leadership, must by now have realized they made a mistake in electing this buffoon. We are lost if they have not realized this by now!
pjc (Cleveland)
"They let me get away with it" should be Trump's epitaph.
elliot (Hudson Valley, NY)
He needs to listen to women.
J. Cornelio (Washington, Conn.)
This willingness---nay, almost visceral pleasure--- of our culture to descend into never-ending stories which wallow in the depths of human depravity and degradation is not going to end well.
G W (New York)
"There are limits to intelligence but none to stupidity."
A. Einstein
CBRussell (Shelter Island,NY)
Trump is mentally ill ; has a severe psychiatric disorder which is getting worse.
and is a danger to us all: this is the opinion of

This is the opinion of Harvard University Professor of Psychiatry Lance M. Dodes M.D.
and 33 top psychiatrists who are
members of The American Psychiatric Association....See Letter to the
New York Times Editorial Dept. dated February 13, 2017.
Read this Letter....which was written as a WARNING.....and the recommendation that Trump be dismissed from office because he is mentally
unstable and his condition will worsen...and be extremely dangerous for
our nation...even the world.
Please Gail Collins; Please Editors re print this Letter...because condemning
a mentally ill person for actions he cannot control is futile...just imagine
going into a psychiatric ward...in a mental hospital and trying as a layperson
to control the erratic behavior of someone Tweeting and becoming more and
more agitated....this is where Donald J. Trump is ...in the Oval Office of
the United States....He is mentally ill...and YOU The Editors of The New York
Times....need to address what Dr. Dodes and his colleagues have told you.
The Congress has a right to dismiss a US President for being mentally or
physically incapable of continuing to hold office: Amendment 25; Section 4
of the United States Constitution provides for the remov
al of an incapacitated President by the US Congress and the Vice President.. Please re print this letter !!!
Emily Noon (New York City)
Yay, Gail! Well said. Our president is a crybaby.
CBRussell (Shelter Island,NY)
Imagine being in a psychiatric ward ; where one of the patients is marching
around Tweeting vulgar pronouncements...well that is what you see in
Donald J. Trump...except Trump is in the Oval Office...and actually does
belong in a mental ward...or in treatment for an worsening psychiatric disorder.
This according to Harvard Professor of Psychiatry Lance M. Dodes M.D.
and 33 of this colleagues who are members of The American Psychiatric
Association...see Letter To the NYTimes Editors from Dr. Dodes Feb 13, 2017.

Gail Collins....after you read this Letter and then discuss it Andrew Rosenthal..
then write a new Op Ed...and tell your readers what you found out.
Mixilplix (Santa Monica)
Trump's base: she deserved it.

On Anything; their own daughters: she deserved it.
Monica (WDC)
Senate bill drafted by 13 men; 13 white men.
John Grillo (Edgewater,MD)
My late father, born in 1915, had an expression that would certainly fit the disgraceful present occupant of the White House: "If he didn't have money, people would throw rocks at him".
Catherine Barroll (Canada)
The only comfort I can derive from this is Trump's ongoing obsession with destroying Obama and tainting his memory. With every tweet from those stubby little fingers, this bloated petulant old man makes Obama's maturity, wit and sterling character shine brighter. Trump only highlights what a depraved, contemptible failure he himself is as a man, a president, a husband, a father. I might hazard that it's a tactic to deliberately degrade himself--- because on some level he knows that any serious attempt to come up to Obama's standard would be a failure. He's the punk setting off the stink bomb at the valedictorians speech.
alan (los angeles, ca)
Most people who voted against Trump knew exactly what he is and what they would get. As a writer, Gail is appallingly ignorant, but partisanship gets in the way of clear thinking.
Richard Head (Mill Valley Ca)
He knows exactly what he's doing. Every day he does an outrageous tweet and his supporters love it! it and thats all he cares for. He again controls the medias and has full coverage. Its an entertainment show like he did on TV for years. And the bottom line? after 2 years of him doing this he knows nothing will be done and as he loves to say. "I"m the President".
vulcanalex (Tennessee)
And while he is Tweeting his team is doing their jobs.
Backbutton (CT)
You've got a point. Affairs of the state don't seem to matter to Donnie, only his tweets and undoing Obama's endeavors. Oh, and making comments about women. He is play acting, and enjoying himself--he knows he is incompetent and he is getting away with it. Like the bully he is, he is saying to the American public, so what are you gonna do about it, chump.
skysoldier (New jersey)
Dick, good point.
Wiley Cousins (Finland)
So the unanswered question - So far Trump has limited his outbursts to his smaller toys. What happens when he looks around his sandbox and finds the bigger toys? When will that happen? My guess is that it will be once Mueller finds the hidden door with the Russian money behind it.
I expect a major war by then. It will be Trump's greatest diversion, and millions will die.
Mary McKim (Newfoundland, Canada)
That is so stark.... and it's what we are all ultimately afraid of.
The Wanderer (Los Gatos, CA)
So when someone legitimately criticizes the President of rhe Electoral College's behavior and policy, according to his family and White House staffers, you don't defend the policies explaining why they are worthy, you just say he is properly defending himself from a "crazy person bleeding from a facelift". We do indeed have a ten year old bully in charge, but he has surrounded himself with other ten year old bullies.
ecco (los angeles)
"...I have to admit that it did not occur to me he’d keep doing that kind of stuff as president of the United States."

ms collins, the record shows that it did not occur to you that he actually would become president of the united states...a serious professional failing, a cluelessness that gave him a path to election.

trump hasn't changed since the election and the
horror the media musters (expressed in some first- rate mewling) when he strikes back proves that they (it?) hasn't either.

the concern here, from a disappointed progressive, is that you and yours are still UNDERestimating donald trump and that he will ride your rants, and increasing mistrust of media therefrom, to reelection in '20.
Emcee (North Carolina)
I am just wondering how family members of Donald Trump are reacting to his behavior. Trump has grown up children, who are parents themselves. Do they not watch TV, or read the daily newspapers? Do the children of our POTUS, not have a question for the father? How about Trump's wife, the first lady? Does she not discuss or question the husband? How about daughter Ivanka Trump?
What is also disturbing is Trump is a grandfather. What does he teach his children? His leadership begins at home.
We have children and grand children at home. We teach our children to respect and love each other. We believe, everything starts at home, before they flow into the schools and work places.
This is not the first time that we see Trump going off with his tantrum. It is clear, he has no respect for women. He looks at women as belonging to a lower class. It is a real shame that we have to see our POTUS, behaving in this manner.
Daniel (New Orleans)
Republicans love to compare government to the private sector: "If I did this or that at my job, I would have been fired...". "If I ran a business like such and such politician runs the state/city/country I would long have been gone...".
Another example of the great hypocrisy of the GOP now defending or lightly condemning and brushing this unacceptable behavior aside.

If I said something like what Trump said at work, I would have been fired.
David Clark (US)
I blame Trump's parents. Something about "as the twig is bent" comes to mind.
How about we all chip in and buy him a joke book. Nothing complicated because there could be, you know, reading may be involved. Perhaps sending jokes as tweets would somehow fill the need.
georgeyo (Citrus Heights, CA)
A tweet takes seconds, so there is no interruption in meeting participation.
steve (santa cruz, ca.)
True, but the obsessive preoccupation with the subject(s) of his tweets consumes much more of his time.
Notice that he never tweets about anything of national or international importance, it's always just his personal peeves or cock-of-the-walk strutting. He is doing permanent damage to the dignity of the office.
And, it's remarkable that his base seems unable to see that.
Agnes (Plymouth, Michigan)
I'm actually more concerned that Trump raised $10 million for his re-election on Wednesday at a fundraising event.

The GOP doesn't want to pay for health insurance, but they'll happily fork over $35,000 a piece to re-elect this insane person?
Red Aries (USA)
Honestly, what can you possibly say to support this type of continuous boorish behavior in children or the President of the United States. The individual has absolutely no redeeming qualities, none that offset this pattern of abuse.

Truly an embarrassment to the the United States of America, and all those patriots who gave their all for our collective American ideals. Sad.
Joel (Brooklyn, NY)
In addition to the daily indignities upon the highest office in the land, we have to confront the staunch defenders of the indefensible, like Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her ilk. It's an assault on many fronts.
beth (<br/>)
I find it unbelievable that Gail didn't see that Trump would continue in his boorish, inappropriate ways once he got into office since leopards don't change their spots and hey, wasn't she the one that seemed to be warning us that Romney strapping his dog to the top of the car was a dangerous precedent for his becoming President? Again, there is no one to blame but those who voted for him and those who keep defending him with lame excuses--instead of showing him the door. You knew he was a vulgar boor after the incident in October about groping women that was blasted across every media outlet and if you voted for him, you deserved to be called a "disreputable"--or worse. If you are defending him now with: "He's new at the job," "He's being picked on and he fights back," and on and on, you deserve to be voted outta office quick, as you will be, trust me, you are toast. Get packing. And if I'm wrong about this, we are all in the soup. The world is watching America dissolve into a pile of nothing and they are taking note.
norman ravitch (savannah, ga)
Trump needs to be removed from office for mental incapacity. How can a man so crazed and immature be allowed to control our nuclear weaponry? Time to bring in the relevant constitutional amendment.
Mike Boma (Virginia)
Gail, your professed naivete is endearing. Many of us weren't expecting anything more than the genuine Trump he displayed during his campaign and, oh, for many years before that.
Joel (Brooklyn, NY)
And yet, if members of the GOP merely continue to epress mild, actionless disapproval in the face of these outrages, the assaults – not only to women but to the country and humanity) will go on. To me, Donald Trump is no longer the biggest problem. It's the Faustian enablers of today's GOP that pose the biggest threat.
VC (University Place, WA)
Interesting, we have not heard “mewling noises” (or any noise at all) from Ivanka lately. Seems like it’s impossible for even a loyal daughter to defend her daddy’s behavior.
MissyR (Westport, CT)
I waver between thinking that this is a staged distraction from the GOP reveal of their revised health care bill before the July 4th recess, or are they the ravings of a truly unhinged individual?

Either way, this is unfitting behavior for our nation's highest office.

Are there any adults over there to rein in this man's odd and despotic behavior?
Allen (NY)
If the Billy Bush video didn't convince people that Trump was laughably far from being presidential material, it's hard to believe this latest firestorm will have any impact. Truly SAD!
Mogwai (CT)
I think trumpsters are fine with it. Have you not seen the rally interviews where supporters defend the October Surprise? It is tiring commenting on such awfulness, but I was more worked up during Dubya than now.

This is spectacle. Democracy deconstructed.
Matt (Saratoga Springs)
So many aspect of this are disturbing but let's just take two of them.

First, forgot about being presidential, no one would invite this creep to a neighborhood cookout. His ongoing attacks on women indicate a genuine personality disorder and a lack of self worth. As a digression, I'm looking forward to hear from the Reverend Falwell on how this squares with his Christian views now.

Second, as Gail Collins states, doesn't he have work to do at 9 AM? Is there really a slice of America that believes this is how the President should spend his day? To my friends who pulled the lever for Trump, this is not about the Clintons or Nancy Pelosi. Please don't continue to buy the lie you must choose one of the other. Judge him by his behavior.
April Kane (38.010314, -78.452312)
Its it's probably better that 45 ruminates on petty issues like slights to him rather than trying to think about major issues facing our country. He has shown that he's incapable of intelligent understanding of situations.
Matt (Saratoga Springs)
Free advice to my friends still supporting this man. it's time to head for the lifeboats. Hidden among Trump's flaws, he has an uncanny ability to manipulate people to his advantage, .most of you do not. You reputation will be tarnished and your judgement called into question going forward unless you disown this man.
Trump may be the clown you advertise him to be, but he has been mostly harmless and the call and response with the media puts on a good diversionary show.

Everything stays exactly the same, the government runs exactly the same, the wealthy and elite remain wealthy and elite, war against the demonized continues at home and abroad and the people in their bliss as ignorant as ever.

Where is this aspirational freedom America is supposedly based on? Well that died a long time ago, for many Americans it died along with Gus Grissom.
Anne (San Diego)
office of the president and the media; however they have different roles! The president is supposed to be a leader above partisanship; the media are supposed to report on the office, good or bad. When the leader is bad, the media criticize: this is as it should be. However, this unhinged poor excuse for a human (trump) seems to think he is in a bar, late Saturday night, drunk, and picking fights with whomever. Terrifying.
mapleaforever (Brent Crater)
Read this earlier, and my frustration level soared.

Went to YouTube and watched President Obama's two disembowelings of Trump at the Washington Correspondents' Dinners (2011 and 2017) -- felt much, much better.
Betsi Mead (Fort Collins)
At what point do we say enough is enough? The present POTUS is clearly unstable,lacking the most basic understanding of government and the Constitution. With a Republican Congress,he has yet to be able to pass a healthcare bill. Trump spends most weekends golfing on the tax payers dime. Tweeting totally inappropriate tweets, lies pathologically, and is clearly suffering from an impressive personality disorder that makes him a danger to our country and the world. I am disgusted by the Republicans that put up with this behavior because they believe they need to push their agenda no matter what. Please Republican Congressman, do what is right for the country!
Robert Skeoch (St.Catharines, Ontario)
I cannot believe that anyone is shocked or disappointed by Mr.Trump's comments or actions. I saw that he was ignorant of most topics, lied with great easy and has the maturity of a 10 year old. He showed you who he was for 14 months before the election, as yet you still elected him as your president. Good luck with that!
DavidDecatur (Atlanta)
And where is Mike Pence during all this? Licking Trump's shoes. Neither Trump nor Pence is fit for the office of President. The saddest part of this is that many Republicans sit back and chuckle. The entire party and all the people who let this continue are enemies of America.
Civres (Kingston NJ)
If the Times and other media would just stop reporting these Tweets, we could all get on with our lives. Maybe Trump would keep Tweeting, maybe not. But at least he wouldn't have an audience outside his Twitter "followers," who are probably beyond help. Nothing good comes from any of this. No minds are changed. It's just an easy way for lazy journalists and broadcasters to fill their daily quotas of blather and smoke.
Duane McPherson (Groveland, NY)
A long time ago, I learned a method to deal with irritating people. It works this way: when someone is annoying you, act as if they have a brain tumor that's making them behave that way.

Of course, I don't always adhere to this advice, but it helps when I do.

Donald Trump is, hands down, the most irritating person ever to hold a high office. He makes Ted Cruz look like a perfect gentleman by comparison.

But maybe Trump has a brain tumor that's making him behave this way. I feel sorry for his wife and kids.
David Appell (Salem, OR)
Imagine how this small man looks to the leaders of the other countries in the world. Imagine how they are chortling and shaking their heads in private. Imagine how they see him as no better than a clown, a very small man who acts like a boy.

Imagine what we are losing every day.
RK (On the Potomac)
Yesterday, when this all started with Donald Trump's tweet - I had the same reaction that I have for months now. "This has to be a joke" I thought, because no normal grown human-being, especially the President of the United States, would write or say something so disgusting. But of course, once again I realized it was true. Again. Another horror for all American's to absorb.

Just a few weeks ago congressmen were shot, hospitalized and there was much noise about a 'change' and people working together, even from the President. Yet, here we are again. Please GOP - I BEG you to do something. Putting the country through this, just for conservative Supreme court picks, or tax cuts, IS NOT WORTH IT! 25th him. NOW! I beg you. For our kids, for the country.
Jan (NJ)
Don't worry about President Trump; he can take care of himself. He is a worker (unlike the empty suit we had in the White House for the past years). Thrilled Obama is out; what a mess he left. Enjoy President Trump he is just getting started.
Sarah O'Leary (Dallas, Texas)
Trump's reprehensible behavior, his illicit ties to Russia and China, the insults he tosses at our allies with complete disregard of outcome says as much about the GOP led Congress as it does about him.

Ryan, Mitch and the rest, please either listen in church or stop going. You're insulting the good Lord above and the rest of us with your hypocrisy. You need to get Trump out of office, not simply tweet when he obliterates a line no one should step over, time and time again.

After he takes the next impulsive action to attempt to protect his fragile ego could lead us down a path, as a nation, we can't recover from.
KAC (Providence, RI)
What I hate about all this is my suspicion that it's all intentional interference to distract everyone from things like the refugee ban. There's no question that people will suffer and die because of this new travel ban--so he plays the misogynist fool to get us all riled up and distracted. Then we're too tired (and sound like stuck up overly intellectual whiners) when we come back to refugees.
Lorry Kennedy (<br/>)
In six months, this 'man' has destroyed our country's standing in the world. However, I don't understand why people are surprised.
Donna Tabor (Ohio)
Ms. Collins, when someone repeatedly shows you who they are, you should take that at face value. To expect this vulgar man to suddenly change and rise to the dignity of the office he currently occupies was an enormously optimistic, maybe even whimsical, fancy.
Kathy (Virginia)
Trump is this country's Exhibit A cyberbully.

The Office of the President of the United States of America, the Commander in Chief was once believed to be held by the "most powerful person in the world."

The most "powerful" person in the world is conducting his own cyber war on citizens of his country. He uses tax payer money to do this.

It is sad that our Congress will not take action to stop this war against our own citizenry--not Paul Ryan, not Mitch McConnell. They are too busy with their own attacks on the citizenry--stealing away health care from those desperate to have it.

But someone has stepped up to address cyberbullying, and that is the Commander in Chief's wife--Melania Trump. She bravely put words on this, named it a problem so destructive that it was her number one concern. Ironically, it is she who has said she is willing to take it on. It is a cruel irony.

She can't do it alone. It is time to address cyberbullying as one of the most effective weapons being used to tear America apart. The most powerful person in the world deploys this weapon each day...and only his wife has clearly said his weapon of choice needs to cease.
Jon Lamkin (Houston, Texas)
Not Surprised. T is superficial and always will be. Now if he would just stop watching TV and someone having the courage to tie his tiny hands behind him and break his iPhone.
sjs (bridgeport, ct)
I keep asking "how can this get any worst?" And then it does.
John Townsend (Mexico)
What a spectacle at just how fast the so-called “successful businessman” in the oval office is proving unfit for the job, and how spineless and feckless a group of cowards McConnell, Ryan and the rest of the GOP are in coming to terms with this reality. It’s a shameful national embarrassment now on full display for all the world to see.
Greg (Minneapolis)
All the huffing and puffing by GOP politicians (including women) is hysterical. Meaningless. If they were truly concerned, they'd say to DJT: "we won't help you pass an eye test, let alone any legislation, unless and until you a) apologize and b) STOP with the tweets and borish behavior!" He is the voice of the Republicant party. They know it. We know it. Only they can stop him (if they really disagreed with him).
Cynthia Collins (New Hampshire)
He probably was in a meeting. Just not paying attention.
Sheldon Bunin (Jackson Neights, NY)
My wife of 58 years and I, were raised by our parents as we raised our children to be honorable people who cared about how other people and had respect for our institutions. This disgrace to the presidency, this bully, this know nothing fool, who is enriching himself at govt expense and acts like he is above the law, is horrifying the country and the world.

It has become clear that president Trump, at his inner core, is a greedy, vindictive, 10 year old schoolyard bully, who is used to getting away with contemptible behavior, because he is rich and usually can buy his way out of trouble with the law. He is was born rich and he made his fortune by cheating others and breaking his promises.

This man/child is destroying America and its reputation. He has become a cancer which must excised before it becomes terminal. America needs a bipartisan solution which us possible because the GOP would still keep the presidency if Trump resigns or is impeached. The first thing would be a resolution by both parties demanding that the president resign forthwith.

If he refuses, a select committee of both houses should subpoena Trump’s tax returns for the past 5 years. He will defy the subpoena and Congress should direct that the IRS produce them for examination. Befor that happens Trump will resign on the promise of immunity from prosecution. No impeachment necessary. Don’t like my solution? Okay, but by hook or by crook we must get this disgrace out of office ASAP.
We can rant and rave and gnash our teeth, but the fact is there is a huge number of American voters - 65 million or so - who love that he is sticking it to those liberal snowflakes. In fact the more offended we are, the more satisfied they are. And it's not just a bunch of toothless deplorables in pickups with a gun rack. It's also college-educated professionals, government employees (go figure), factory workers, service employees and the unemployed. It's urbanites, suburbanites and rural voters. Trump is the symptom of a larger trend going on unseen, or denied, by liberals. Until we recognize that underlying anger and possibly how we unwittingly stoke it, and learn to respect it, nothing will change. For the better, at least.
Joe Rockbottom (California)
All I can say is that they will get their just desserts when he cuts all their medical care and they end up living in cardboard boxes in their old age after spending all their money on said medical care. His tweets will comfort them, I'm sure.
K. (Ann Arbor MI)
Understand that anger, yes..but give into that worldview, no. I proudly stand for liberal values, and will continue to speak out when I disagree with what the president says.
Maureen (CT)
The sexist comments are sickening, but it needs to be pointed out that using "low IQ" as a slur is also deeply offensive.
ACB (Stamford CT)
You cannot compare this behavior to a toddler or a high schooler. It is the behavior of a tortured and sick mind. It has no place in the Presidency of the United States of America. And I use the full name of this country the United States of America a country of diversity, wealth, inequities, brilliant and simple minds. The ship of State has gone aground. As Carl Bernstein said today this Presidency is malignant, non- functioning. The man is unable and seemingly unwilling to govern. Lazy, backward looking, vicious, turning all the work of previous presidents to ash. He is a liar, a cheat, a thug. He refuses to recognize Russia as a hostile force, putting ALL of the people in the United States of America in jeopardy. Republicans in the House and Senate do your job and impeach this man.......UNFIT
Al Nino (Hyde Park NY)
"[M]embers of labor unions, and unorganized unskilled workers, will sooner or later realize that their government is not even trying to prevent wages from sinking or to prevent jobs from being exported. Around the same time, they will realize that suburban white-collar workers—themselves desperately afraid of being downsized—are not going to let themselves be taxed to provide social benefits for anyone else.

At that point, something will crack. The nonsuburban electorate will decide that the system has failed and start looking around for a strongman to vote for—someone willing to assure them that, once he is elected, the smug bureaucrats, tricky lawyers, overpaid bond salesmen, and postmodernist professors will no longer be calling the shots.One thing that is very likely to happen is that the gains made in the past forty years by black and brown Americans, and by homosexuals, will be wiped out. Jocular contempt for women will come back into fashion. The words [slur for an African-American that begins with "n"] and [slur for a Jewish person that begins with "k"] will once again be heard in the workplace. All the sadism which the academic Left has tried to make unacceptable to its students will come flooding back. All the resentment which badly educated Americans feel about having their manners dictated to them by college graduates will find an outlet." Richard Rorty
JWL (Vail, Co)
What we see from Donald Trump is all he has to give. Yes, he should be in a psychiatric hospital, but for reasons beyond my ken, he's in the Oval Office. Surely we have a legal way to remove a president who is so thoroughly unfit for the office.
mgaudet (Louisiana)
For the NYT, can you put up an article listing all of the insulting comments that Trump has made as a candidate and president, similar to the page on his lies?
Tom Carney (Manhattan Beach California)
The the bully who flunked the third grade is an apt metaphor for Trump, only now, the playground is the planet and this psychopath has the power to kill millions. Trump Care is a blitzkrieg that will,literally kill millions of people with the no medical care weapon.
This will be a mild event if he starts using his "war" powers. There must be some legal, humane way to save this guy from himself.
Obama: "When they go low, we go high."

Trump: When they go low, we go lower. Ten times lower.
jts911t (Alexandria VA)
Gail..., sorry, you didn't see this coming..., he's been an over indulged little 8 year boy his entire 71 years of life. He suffers from Hubris Syndrome, a disorder of the passion of power.....
Richard Mclaughlin (Altoona PA)
And still not a word about Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Get to the real problem.
Barbyr (Northern Illinois)
"I wonder whether he should have been in meetings instead."
Silly girl, he was in a meeting. Didn't you know that meetings progress above and around the president, in spite of the president, who loses interest and starts fooling with his phone under the table like a kid at Thanksgiving dinner?
as (New York)
Thanks Hillary. Your hubris and selfish pursuit of power is the direct cause of this disaster. Trump is your hand chosen Peter Pan candidate. There was a democratic candidate who would have won.
Margie Moore (San Francisco)
Donald Trump is incapable of ever being mentally normal - that's been clear from the beginning. Why do some commentators keep admonishing him to shape up like he's just naive or misbehaving? DT is insane, people. He should be pitied and obviously also removed from power.
foogoo (laguna nigel, ca)
Enough with prayer vigils that go nowhere. Why not a public, over the knee slapping of Trump's rump by the bevy of those women who have been the object of his irrational psyche?
And, by the way, is he still in possession of the nuclear codes?
bill d (nj)
And herein the lie that has been told about Trump supporters, that they aren't bad people, that they aren't by any large part racists, sexists, angry white people but rather are people looking for solutions to their economic and other issues. People excusing Trump nation said "oh, they don't like what Trump is saying about women, Mexicans, etc, but they see that as just campaign rhetoric". Once elected, we keep hearing "oh, Trump supporters are hopeful he will change things, go against politicians of both parties, they realize Trump is childish and petulant, but are hoping he will grow into the office.." So here we are, 5 months later, and he is still showing the same immature, ugly person we saw on the campaign trail, constantly throwing out ugly (and generally false) statements, tweeting up a storm, while his administration is a mess....and they still are firmly behind him. A decent person can overlook flaws in a candidate, or dismiss what they say as 'campaign rhetoric", but to keep supporting someone in office who spews nothing but childish, angry, mean things the way Trump does means they themselves are not decent people. For all their supposed morality and piety, for all their claims of being good, decent people in bad straits, what this says is they are not overlooking what Trump is saying, but reveling in it, pure and simple, which means they are mean, ugly people deep down.
Michael Steinberg (Westchester, NY)
The trouble with Trump in the Oval Office is there's no corner we can send him to.
Better that he's not in meetings. He should spend that time in therapy.
Anne (Jersey City)
Why is Trump so obsessed with women who "bleed"? Does he represent the men in his base?
Vijay Bhargava (Chicago)
Our depression and anger aside there is wisdom in thinking about “Soil that is dirty grows the countless things. Water that is clear has no fish. Thus as a mature person you properly include and retain a measure of grime. You can’t just go along enjoying your own private purity and restraint. (From Ts’ai Ken T’an; Robert Aitken trans.)” So I just hope that the presence of this morally bankrupt leader will finally implore us as a country to look inward and redouble efforts to create a decent world of compassion and respect.

Today, though, the prospects are indeed bleak!
Jill Harrelson (Kansas City)
Is there anyone who would encourage their children to behave in this manner?

The abomination currently inhabiting the White House is a toddler with the car keys: a big expensive American car he has no clue how to drive, where he's going, can't read the speedometer, and doesn't know how to avoid a serious accident probably involving death. Time out!!!
RichardCGross (Santa Fe, NM)
The man is mentally deranged, has no business being president of the United States and should be impeached -- period, full stop.
David Plymyer (Maryland)
One day I will look back with amusement at the fact that we elected the most disgusting boor in the country to be our president. Right now, all I can manage are feelings of anger and despair.
PB (Northern Utah)
How can anyone get this sick man's attention? Trump is so encased in himself, no one else matters. He is the worst of the worst frat-boy jerks, and this soulless, ignorant, mean man is our president--well, the electoral college's president anyway.

Not only is Trump's behavior absolutely shameful, it so preoccupies the media (easy to cover) that all the work that needs to be done isn't.


1. I rationalize that with the Republicans in charge, maybe that is a good thing. Horrible bills to destroy this country are not flying through congress and over to Oval Office for name-signing photo ops.

2. If Trump leaves office, then we get President Pence--a highly ruthless, GOP careerist wrapped in christian clothing. Imagine what legislation Pence, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell could ram through congress that would literally and figuratively kill this country, the planet, and more Americans.

3. And on a positive note, sometimes things have to get worse before they get better. From the Russian connection to walking out of the Paris Accords, to he firing of Comey, and the nasty GOP health care bill--all punctuated by Trump's emotionally disturbed, ugly self-serving tweets--more Americans are saying "Oh God, this is horrible and it is enough!"

We were so complacent before Trump that we didn't know what we had, until now when we don't have it.
long memory (Woodbury, MN)
He can walk, upright, under a closed door.
Kathryn (Ronkonkoma NY)
I am 72 years old and I am totally ashamed of the behavior of our president. He must stop the 3rd grade antics! I believe he cannot, it is who he is.
Jenifer Wolf (New York)
Trump goes over the top as usual.
Richard Mays (Queens NY)
Ok, consider this; what if Trump gave a tweet storm party and nobody came? After all, his tweets are not the official record of the U.S. government. His comments are irrelevant, contradictory, erroneous, offensive, or stupid. His statements are often disavowed or denied within a news cycle and apparently clarify or presage nothing. Just a guy "lettin' off a little steam." It's like reading a train schedule that you know is wrong and eventually realizing you shouldn't pay attention to it (mercifully). The real leader of the free world, Barack Obama, has modeled the proper response to Trump tweet-mania: ignore him. Gradually, Congress is coming to ignore him. The intelligence services are ignoring him. The titillation is not worth the misdirection. America has business to transact while Ivory Tower Thumbelina fritters away our democracy. Trump has a right to say whatever he wants under the 1st amendment. We have a right to withdraw attention from a one-trick-pony-crackpot. This news organization's motto is "all the news that's fit to print." Maybe anything from Trump that is not an OFFICIAL government statement should be relegated to: "America's Favorite Bloopers." No cogent policy statements ever come out of his 4am de compensations. Trump nation can revel in the tweets while the rest of us serious people focus on the battle to stabilize our future in the throes of a fascist, gerrymandered takeover. Just because he tweets doesn't mean we have to indulge him. Please don't.
Erica (Pittsburgh)
I cannot fathom how people around me are accepting this. For those of you who are complaining about the negative media coverage about our "President", your lives are probably not of those being negatively affected by this immature, senseless, and uncompassionate shell of a man. Take a step outside of your immediate line of vision and truly question how it might feel to be on the side of those who are being attacked by this administration. I am sure you'll run back and jump on your high horse again.

Trump makes my heart, head, and stomach hurt. I feel sorry for you if you are incapable of understanding why.
V (Los Angeles)
Late yesterday news broke in The Wall Street Journal that a GOP operative, Peter Smith, tried to get Clinton emails from hackers, a man who claimed to have ties to Michael Flynn.

The Journal said, according to sources, that federal investigators probing Russian interference in the election have looked at intelligence reports showing Russian hackers talked about how to get the deleted Clinton emails and hand them over to Flynn though a third party.

Today, all everyone is talking about is Trump's tweets about a news host.

This is typical chaos, by design, by Donald Trump.

Focus on what he's trying to actually do with the Russian investigation, Trumpcare, and his corruption.

He's trying to distract all of us with his boorish behavior.

Don't fall for it.
Pvbeachbum (Fl)
He was referring to the 33,000 emails Clinton paid her honchos to destroy.
Emma Jaye (NY)
With his vicious tweet, Trump has successfully diverted the media attention away from the health care bill.
vulcanalex (Tennessee)
And other things, great point on how easy they can be diverted from their jobs. Only really incompetent people could be so easily diverted.
Maria Rodriguez (Texas)
Really? Everyone is surprised that DT is toxic? The best thing for a real journalist can do is keep quiet and keep investigating the money trail. Let DT be as vulgar as he is capable of being and concentrate on news worthy of our eyes and ears. DT is the worse that America can be; but he is not the majority of Americans.
Julia (Indiana)
From various reports, he really enjoys all of the fluster over his tweets. It's attention and a way to direct the conversation away from other topics. I think he believes that even bad press is good press.

Of course, this is sad and even frightening. Perhaps more frightening is the fact that a large group of people in this country aren't bothered at all about his language and behavior. And his staff, as well as his wife and family, enable him by saying it's all justified.

He's not going to change. And they are not going to change.

However, I can change by using his behavior (and that of others like him) as a "worst example" and embarking on a campaign of self improvement.
rocketship (new york city)
I voted for Trump. I liked his style and believe he can change certain things in the USA. Forget about what he wrote about Mika. Its inconsequential in the big scheme of things. My concern is that he has the time to do this. Concentrate Mr. President on the USA, not little nonsense like this.
Max from Mass (<br/>)
I appreciate your voting for Trump because of your sense that "he can change certain things in the USA." And, I wholly agree that he should "concentrate" on being president. But, sadly, I fear that so many good citizens like you, in your eagerness for bettering your life, were taken in by a man who'd maintained the wealth he'd inherited by becoming ever more skilled with making false or made for TV promises. Seeing all the money the courts are ordering him to pay to people who'd banked their life’s hopes on him at his bankrupt Trump University or the small contractors who he'd run out of business by his not paying their legitimate bills, you are far from the first to be deceived.

Promises like "I'll give you low cost health insurance that covers everything" are easy to make. But no one who knows anything about the complexities of health care and health insurance would make such a promise. Guarantees of that sort are made only by people who have no expectation of doing the work to make any part of the promises come to life. And they never expect to be caught because they’ve always gotten away in the past by just having more money than the people they cheated. But, when that kind of person actually has to deliver and he has no plan and no back up bankruptcy laws to cover for him, just failed promises, he has little he can concentrate on except covering his deceptions. Sending malicious tweets to cover his deceptions may be the only way out that he sees for himself.
vulcanalex (Tennessee)
Since he does not sleep much and declines to micro manage he has plenty of time to do his job. He also has a great cabinet to do their jobs. The job of president is not so difficult as say an micro manager Obama made it. Briefing books are for others, not the president.
ambrose55 (Chicago)
It's not inconsequential. Very little of what the president says publicly is inconsequential, particularly not when the man sitting in the highest office in the land, holding one of, if not the most powerful position in the world, regularly says offensive, illogical, insane, vulgar and ridiculous things because he is too petty minded to let things go and to place anyone but himself first. He has the time to do this because the only part of being President that he is interested in is the power that goes along with it and the ability to keep his name in the news 24/7, regardless of why or at what cost to those around him or to the country. These kinds of comments are a pattern with him and have been for years, so the only surprising thing is how surprised people are by his vulgar ignorance. Oh, he is most definitely changing things but not for the better.
Stacy Mann (San Diego)
According to one attorney on Twitter made an excellent point. Trump is actually abusing the rule and terms of service of the social media. Anyone else threatening or committing a criminal act ( witness intimidation) via Twitter would be thrown off. Why is he treated differently?
Johnchas (Michigan)
Because the backlash against Twitter from the conservative trolls who thrive on his & by extension their own acts of abusive behavior would be dramatic to say the least. Besides social media like Twitter exists to enable people like Trump and monetize the results. Why would Twitter kill the goose that daily lays golden eggs or provoke a reaction that would cost them financially. Trump knows that the rules don't apply to him, after all he has never in his life been held accountable for anything he's done. Why should that change now?
hopeforourfuture (Kansas)
Quite simply put, trump is certified mentally ill. He has a diagnosis. The idea that we (physicians and mental health professionals) should not say that he has/is a malignant narcissistic personality disorder, is ridiculous. It is impossible for him to grow in the office--to be presidential. He is a clear and terrible danger to our country and to the world. And, he has surrounded himself with people with similar traits. What do we do about it? Can we wait for the next election? Will American voters relent and vote rationally to clean out the whole mess in Washington? There is always hope.
It's perfectly OK to continuously umbrage the President.
This is the divine right of the Press & the Columnist.
Whether there is basis or not the Press can vilify the President.
It's sort of new normal.
Gail Collins has to be commended for her rare prescient in "overestimating D. J. Trump".
Her overestimation has been duly validated,D J. Trump sits on the Swivel Chair inside Oval Office,deciding the fate of mankind.
To those unfortunate who underestimated D. J. Trump,i have to send you a note of good advise,Contact the visionary,Gail Collins.Now.
Jonathan Simon (Palo Alto, CA)
As a "sensitive" man, a "snowflake" in fact, I have been warning for years about a coming deep cultural backlash against the changes and gains associated with feminism.

Equality is a beautiful thing, at least in the abstract, and the idea that one gender (or race, or nation) should be dominant over another is repulsive--a primitive state that simply must give way (eventually) to something fairer and better.

Unfortunately this concept of inexorable "progress" butts up against something deeply ingrained in the human psyche: a fierce, though often latent, resistance to losing ground, giving up prerogatives, moving "backward." As female identity has been redefined over the last half-century, so has the male. And at least from the male standpoint, "equality" has brought a great loss of prerogative and a great blurring of identity.

Equality is neither an easy nor simple adjustment. We assume it is necessary and "inevitable" but we should not be surprised at the pushback. Many men (and women too), particularly the less educated, seem to be uncomfortable with the more complex and equal beings they are now expected to be--and angry about that discomfort. If you doubt this, think about how the US would take regression to the global mean, sudden "equality" with, say, Peru.

Trump is an ugly human being who seems to strafe and belittle women out of some lonely canyon of his soul. And yet his rancor resonates with many men (and women) who didn't sign on for all this progress.
Observer (Connecticut)
The state of the presidency of the United States is depressing. There is no point in exchanging taunts with a bully, and the bully will always be right, in his opinion. No one else matters except like minded bullies.

It is frustrating, and demands comment, however Trump and his enablers treat these deeply disturbing episodes as if someone passed wind in church. . . . just pretend it never happened and move on.

A real concern is, how much damage can this gang of pretenders in the White House do before they are stopped and/or replaced. Reasoning with them would seem reasonable to reasonable people. They will never see themselves as anything other than what they believe themselves to be. The iconic hair style alone screams 'I think this looks cool, so it must be'. Who else would go out in public looking like that?

Perhaps Secretary Clinton was correct in identifying Trump supporters as deplorable. There is a real sense of anarchy in the streets. People with very dark views now feel enabled to openly taunt and flaunt their preferences for white supremacy and religious conformity. There is a 'wild west' tinge in the air, where people seem to have lost the skills of civility and openly exhibit bad behavior with a sense of empowerment. If the president can act badly, why can't everyone else?
NP (New Braunfels, TX)
Economist has a great article why Trump one. We live in two Americas and it is pretty obvious when 40% think he is doing a great job. I change my TV and Radio channel whenever he speaks so that my daughter does not hear him speak. This is SAD.
JimBob (Colorado)
Actually, I'm a lot less concerned about his infantile, unstable personality (that train left the station a long time ago) than the fact that he still has 40-some per cent support from his base, and they do not seem to be wavering. I was one of those that hoped his support would gradually erode as his followers became disillusioned, however they appear to be becoming more intransigent. More galvanized. How many times do we need to hear "Well, Mika called him a name so she started it and he is totally justified"? before we start getting concerned? How do the "Christians" who support him reconcile his behavior with Jesus' teachings about "turning the other cheek"? Please tell me that this will stop some day.
Vijay (Pennsylvania)
Donald Trump's tweets and behavior are not shocking, but the fact that this behavior hasn't derailed him is startlingly revealing. It just underscores that schoolyard bullies are silently still heroes to many parents in our own communities, especially when themselves being sidelined by kids who were historically pegged as nerds and wimps.