White House Backs Down on Keeping Ethics Waivers Secret

May 26, 2017 · 172 comments
Rw (canada)
JANUARY 3, 2017.....and it seems like decades ago:

"The day after House Republicans voted to eliminate an independent ethics body, members returned to work on Tuesday to find their offices inundated with angry missives from constituents amid a national uproar."
Tell me this wasn't a planned coup!
FH (Boston)
Keep up the pressure and maybe a very small percentage of what this corrupt does will approach normal. What a take-away. Every morning I tell myself "What goes around comes around." I just hope it comes around fast enough to save the Republic.
Assay (New York)
Do not forget the timing and do not ever forget that Trump never gives into anything without purpose.

This accommodation could be thought of as a small ploy that shows Trump team playing nice. It scores some browny points in the minds of Trump supporters and wavering republicans as Russia scandal gets even hotter with Jared's supposed direct involvement.
Pam Gillespie (Norwalk CT)
In as much as I would like to believe Mr. Shaub, whose Office of Government Ethics has been rather ineffective dealing with this administration and their seemingly habitual ethics violations, I'll believe it when I see it. To be honest, I'm not even sure I trust that any waivers they do produce haven't been created the night before and dated some time after 20 January 2017. They're just that 'ethical.'
stuartp7 (hanover, nh)
Pay attention, Trump voters. You're being thrown under the bus - again. More to come. "Drain the Swamp". No, add fertilizer.
AliceO (Bronx)
When the fish stinks it comes from the head.
Carol D (<br/>)
Mr Shaub, thank you! We all know Trump and the Republicans on the hill wanted to close down your department. When are all of us going to realize we have a traitor in the White House. This Administration is sucking America dry. The unethical behavior from Trump Jared Paul Ryan McConnell on down to the rest of them is truly despicable
Philip (Oakland CA)
Unethical, treasonous, ill-informed, dishonest, disrespectful, self-serving ...... the list of adjectives describing the behavioral atrocities of this administration appears endless. How much longer must we suffer the man at the helm?
clapol (Dallas, TX)
How condescendingly kind of them to grant us this 'favor.' What an ethically and morally bankrupt bunch.
Nasty Man aka Gregory (Boulder Creek, Calif.)
Typical Republican double-talk:"OMB has never sought to impede OGE… "

How could a well oiled (greased palm) relationship be impeded, if it was secret to begin with?
Mar (Atlanta)
The NYTimes reports that Obama routinely made such waivers available. But they seem to have forgotten that he initially did not. Also, did we forget that Obama promised to hire NO lobbyists to work in his administration during his campaign?

And the article on Kushner - according to the state department, 'back door communications' (called secret channel by the NYTimes and perhaps the leaker) are created and used all the time, but all administrations going back decades. This is not unusual, at all.

So, is the NYTimes becoming a fake news outlet whose agenda to eliminate the president of the united states outweighs any and all ethics. Does the ends justify the means? I now understand why this administration doesn't want the media in his face.

But leaks from the administration, left over from Obama and likely directed by Obama, is tantamount to treason. Time to investigate Obama.
susan (NYc)
Deflection.....Obama is no longer president...
Greg Pitts (Boston)
Just how far backwards are you willing to bend here to scoff off the response of this administration, versus Trump's campaign pledges? And, by the way, these leaks appear to be coming from this administration itself.
BuffCrone (AZ)
Thanks are due to the hard-working lawyers at the Committee for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington for holding this administration's feet to the ethics fire. https://www.citizensforethics.org
Robert Cadawaller, Jr. (Portland, Me.)
Sanctifying corruption with national security? How perfectly Putin!
ChesBay (Maryland)
It's just another broken promise. So, what? The trump family is profiting WHILE they are "in office."
Tom (Calif)
"This already appears to be the case with Michael Catanzaro, who until early this year worked as a lobbyist for a coal-burning electric utility and an oil and gas company, among other clients. He is now the top White House policy official overseeing the rollback of the same environmental protection rules he had lobbied against."

What unethical crazed rationale could be used to grant a waiver to this career environmental criminal?

Trump: "Our air an water aren't polluted enough, we need to boost environmental poisons, and we need Catanzaro to get us on track to accelerate this immoral catastrophe... I hereby grant a waiver!"
Charles (New York)
As a teacher (and then a parent) the first thing I learned was the importance of picking battles. Even children quickly learn to ignore authority figures who keep making empty threats and then folding like cheap cameras.

The clowns in this administration aren't smart enough to realize they keep undermining their own credibility with silly bluffs, bluster, and pronouncements that turn out to do little more than make them look like the playground bullies they are.
Jake (NY)
Without a doubt, the worst, the most corrupt, the most dishonest, and treasonous administration ever in our history as a nation. It starts at the top and ends at the bottom. All these folks...Flynn, Kushner, Sessions, etc., didn't just wake up one morning and decide to have conversations with the Russians, meet secretly with them, or engage them to facilitate whatever their agenda is which I believe is to enrich themselves beyond their wildest dreams. They are all acting on behalf of Trump as the evidence mounts and with his appointments of his SOS Tillerson, a friend of Russia, his son-in-law, an unexperienced yoyo handling foreign affairs, Russia, Flynn, a paid agent of Russia, and Sessions who conveniently forgot about his Russian meetings. Not to mention the cast of characters out of a Hollywood production, Manafort, Stone, and that other clown Page. All doing the bidding for Trump. Disgraceful, all of them should be criminally charged and sent to Gitmo. For you folks that voted for Trump, which flag are you waving now, the American Flag or the Russian Flag? Trump certainly waves the Russian flag more.
Iver Thompson (Pasadena, Ca)
I'm tired of reading everyday about another normal bureaucratic being put up on a pedestal by the Liberal Media for just doing their job whenever it helps their cause in overthrowing Trump, it reminds me of when I was young and watching Star For A Day on TV. As one who has been doing it for years strictly for good of the children that I serve and have never gotten on the show, can you send me an application so I can throw it away? I'd like to think Mr. Shaub and the judges who keep blocking Trump's orders would have done the same for anybody and that the instant star power you're all giving them wouldn't have affected their decisions one bit, but I have doubts about everything I now read and hear because I don't trust where anything is coming from anymore and the motives behind it.
Jerry Fitzsimmons (Jersey)
The NYT and the WP are doing a great job on trying to keep power checked.Thank God and keep going.
Rich K (Illinois)
Why are so many commenters upset that Trump agreed to release this information? Are they worried that Trump's action will provide no scandals to complain about?
Jonas (NYC)
Thank YOU Mr. Schaub!
Andy (<br/>)
I agree. 12 waivers is a surprisingly small number. You wonder if some officials are still holding back or if everything is now disorganized.

Sort of like: Are we supposed to provide the waiver or not? I already sent the report jockey home for the holiday weekend. You couldn't have said something earlier in the week?

Alternatively: Wait. You mean we need a waiver? That's not what you said before. Hold on. I'll start writing one.

Again, another awkward attempt at reversal courtesy of the Trump administration. You have to love Mulvaney's wording though. "Acting as required by law." That sends a pretty clear message.

We would totally impede and prevent others from performing their assigned duties. Unfortunately for us, those actions appear to be illegal. Our bad. Don't worry. We'll try again soon once we hire some outside counsel.

Mick Mulvaney.
Madeline Conant (Midwest)
One more in a continuous stream of lessons for Trump on why government service is not as simple and easy as he thought. The President has to contend with many constraints, pressures and competing interests.

Maybe that's why Trump looks so exhausted, feeble and out of shape.
Aurora (Philadelphia)
Almost daily, Trump dazzles us with his acumen for leadership. Is it any wonder why he was sued so often as a businessman? There was a point where I thought that he actually uttered truth every now and then. What a fool I was. Good lord, to Trump truth is an abstract concept. Honor and dignity are for suckers. And leadership is akin to bluster. Mike Pence is a cure for insomnia, but at least with him as President, we'd all be able to sleep.
citizen vox (<br/>)
So there's actually an ethics waiver for lobbyists appointed to government agencies working to regulate the very enterprises the lobbyists worked on? But having the waiver makes this OK? Huh?

So everyone from Jared Kushner to Jeff Session, Pruitt and down a long list of Trump favorites are OK to head foreign affairs/Russian connections, "justice" and the EPA can be ethical if they only have waivers? That might also make Trump legit as President even though he was as candidate and is as Pres working directly against our most hallowed American values.

Well, I'm glad to know it can all be made alright.
Jamil M Chaudri (Huntington, WV)
Some persons are born with deformed or absence of certain specific genes. These are genetic abnormalities. It id not the fault of the person that the genetic structure miss-functions. Trump is missing the "truth" gene. It is not his fault; it is a birth defect. He is not immoral; he is just amoral. Since he has no moral compass, he should not be held accountable for moral infringements.
blackmamba (IL)
The White House is the real estate that belongs exclusively and entirely to American people.

Donald Trump is the greedy lying cowardly temporary elected hired help of the American people who trying to our White House for his personal, family and corporate financial advantage. The Trump pestilence rests in the Mar-a-Lago and Trump Tower whitre houses.

'Mar-a-Lago backs down in keeping with it's exclusive continuing ethics violation waivers secret' is more accurate.
blackmamba (IL)
errata 2nd paragraph ' ...American people who IS trying to USE our White House....."
Nasty Man aka Gregory (Boulder Creek, Calif.)
Great. After it's done, now it is said. Trying to undo The appointment of all his "buddies" is going to be another laborious problem of hearings and examinations – public outrage, Etc. what I want to know is how can I get one of those newfangled coal-fired iPhones I've been hearing about!
arm19 (cali/ny)
Like they are doing us a favor... Next you ll hear Spicer claim that they are all for the ethics committee. What a disgrace this administration is.
Jim S. (Cleveland)
Trump has switched from "Drain the Swamp" to "What Swamp?".
Juvenal451 (CA)
How much more fumble-footed can the Trump Administration be? Do they think we all are as credulous as his base?
david x (new haven ct)
"Former senior officials with the Office of Government Ethics said that in the 39-year history of the agency... they could not remember an instance in which the White House had similarly tried to block, or even to discourage, an effort to collect ethics compliance data."

There it is: always something new to be ashamed of.
gregg rosenblatt (ft lauderdale fl)
There is such a blatant pattern here. The Administration loudly declaims its intent to uphold the highest ethical standards, and then blatantly ignores them until caught. It happened with Flynn, it happened here, it's happening with his property in DC, though having claimed they're unable to keep their promise to donate profits to the Treasury, it remains to be seen whether they'll actually be forced to any accountability. The hypocrisy is mind-boggling, and i don't know whether this country's institutions and conventions of fair play can take up to 7 1/2 more years of this battering.
ST (Home)
Perhaps the banks of the swamp is breached and endangering the swamp creatures ?

Or the diversity of species in the swamp threatening the life in the swamp ? Sharks eating the small ones ?

Something wrong in the swamp echo system ? Perhaps too many in the swamp depleting the oxygen in the swamp ?
Vickie (Ohio)
Doing the right thing on behalf of all of the American people was never on this Administrations agenda, when they went into the White House. I hope Trumps supporters, those Americans, who are outside of the millionaire or billionaires club now see that they elected someone who does not truly have their interest in mind, that this Administration came in with an agenda that was developed to insure that while they are in leadership that they will partner with anyone including Russia if it will expand their wealth. We are in a battle for the integrity of this country. What is astounding is that we are battling with our own citizens, who seem to have no regard for what has made this country great. Compassion for it's citizens, who have less, true partnership with our allies who have stood with our country through battles where their own citizens lost their lives to uphold democratic values that have sustained all of our countries. We must be vigilant that we will not stand for it. I am very pleased that righteous public servants are not backing down, nor is our free press!!
Prof. Jai Prakash Sharma (Jaipur, India)
Ever since President Trump has assumed office, and displayed an extra ordinary zeal for power abuse only strong public pressure and robust institutional checks have forced him to back down on the policy missteps. Without such countervailing force there was nothing that could prevent him from his regular executive excesses. The delayed disclosure of the waver list for the lobbyists to the Government Office of Ethics is also a piece with the prevailing climate of secrecy and opaque functioning.
Andrea Landry (Lynn, MA)
I want to thank Mr. Schaub for being one of those quiet American heroes who is doing his job.

Of course, they are just throwing us all a bone as obfuscation, greed, abuse of power and corruption are still the non-virtues being practiced in our WH daily. They are not changing tactics, and moving toward transparency, just working around a minor blip on their radar.
Jerry Fitzsimmons (Jersey)
Your sentiment is appreciated and your analysis unfortunately is true.
Peter Zenger (N.Y.C.)
Why does such a thing as a "waiver" even exist? "Make a law, break a law" is not an acceptable form of government.

Trump will disclose the waivers, and then absolutely nothing will happen.

By the time the Trump/Kushner regime leaves the White House, they will be the richest men in the world, because our dysfunctional system has no way to stop their crime wave.

We should all be appalled by the "two for the price of one" deal in the White House - the Presidency is not supposed to be a "Cosa Nostra".
David Meli (Clarence)
It would not be hard to imagine that Kremlin West did not feel the need to waste time with such rules and regulations being that they just simply slowed down the deconstruction of the federal bureaucracy. they have shown nothing but contempt for the rule of law, separation of power, and just about anything to do withe open and transparent governing.
So don't be surprised if the next scandal will about these waivers. Either they will not have been completed or they will lie about them. Some place in Kremlin West they are busy writing these things today and figuring on ways to backdate them to look like compliance.
Either way another example of the orange baboons exceptional business management skill on display. Another example of breaking a campaign pledge, he ain't draining he is stocking the swamp. And finally another opportunity for the blindly loyal followers to place idol worship before the constitution and patriotism to their country.
StanC (Texas)
"The White House unexpectedly backed down Friday in a confrontation with the government’s top ethics officer, announcing it will publicly disclose waivers that have been quietly handed out since January to let certain former lobbyists work in the administration."

A debate over an ethical issue?? Waivers handed out "quietly" are waivers that the administration hopes will not draw attention, or, better still, not be noticed at all. Trump's history, enveloped as it is by an apparent ethical void, suggests that the forthcoming disclosure is likely to be "cherry-picked" and, hence, incomplete.

If so, waivers not freely disclosed would merit special scrutiny. Looks like still another job pending for a free press.
Tom (Calif)
Top Secret Ethics Waivers? This whole "national security" excuse has gone way too far... "Ethics waiver" when abused, is another term for "one-time permissible corruption"... To inhibit rampant corruption, any and all waivers of this nature - absent a court ruling, must fall clearly in the PUBLIC domain...

Drain the Swamp? Spare me... Trump's Swamp has runneth over... Again!
Jerry Fitzsimmons (Jersey)
My thoughts exactly the swamp gets bigger andTrump is the denizen of the deep.
Jim in Tucson (Tucson, AZ)
When the most blatant flaunter of White House ethics policy is the President himself, it's pretty difficult to hold the rest of the administration to any ethical standard.

Show us your taxes, Donald.
Phillip (Manhattan)
Let's see if we got this right. Our president can't add, can't spell, can't read, can't speak, can't concentrate, can't keep his hands to himself. As a country we went from one of the most articulate, humane, and humorous presidents in our history, to a self-centered, uncaring, humorless man who is committed only to his self image, tv ratings. and "winning". Let us all hail this President as our Commander-in-Con. And, oh yeah, our president can’t shake hands. (He’s uptight to the point where he has to win every handshake to prove he’s better, much, much, very much, just fantastically and incredibly much better than you.)
Trump needs to act like a tough guy, cause when you grow up in NYC, that is often the measure of the man. In his case, it's a cover for ignorance. This is a man who has never gotten out of a chauffeur driven limo in a bad neighborhood. Trust me. The ones who strut the most, are the ones most likely to whimper when slapped. He’s a bully, and the only way to deal with a bully is hit them head on without hesitation.
As testament to Trump's “unbelievable” vanity, he will never button his suit jacket because, a) his belly is too big and it would emphasize that fact, and, b) he needs to display the incredibly stupid length of his tie both to hide his girth, and perhaps a subconscious foil to the, err, mmm, advancing diminution of his manhood.)
jwp-nyc (new york)
Clearly, Trump is entering the phase of throwing sand bags out of his balloon to gain altitude and clear the tree line of impending impeachment. He will sacrifice everyone around him save for Ivanka until, isolated, all the rot traces to him.
merc (east amherst, ny)
Mulvaney makes it up as he goes along. Every time there's an issue with Management and Budget, Mulvaney just exaggerates or lies or both. He thinks nothing of hosing down 'swampy' behavior then spinning a line or two as an explanation, "....contrary to your assertions, O.M.B. has never sought to impede O.G.E. nor to prevent others....". You see, lies become truisms when you live in the 'swamp".
Adam Stoler (Bronx NY)
bullies need to be stood up to. this small minded nitwit has been a spoiled 7 year old bully since he was well , 7.

more people need to be standing up to him . POTUS commands respect when POTUS. respects his constituents

that is a concept beyond his ability to comprehend

forget the GOP they're in permanent decline with no moral compass whatsoever .
kmm (nyc)
Hip Hip Hooray! Many thanks to Walter M Shaub, Jr and his team at the Office of Government Ethics for insisting that the waivers for ethical conduct be submitted to his office from members of the Trump Administration. You will have plenty to work with in "draining the swamp."
wrenhunter (Boston)
This is welcome news. I'm guessing that, oh 90% of his appointees will need ethics waivers. As others have noted, he brought his own swamp with him.

The odd thing is that Trump voters seem to think that business people are more trustworthy than politicians. Have they honestly never met a rich person, or even read a biography of one? The idea that someone is "so rich they don't care about money anymore" is just beyond laughable. That's how you get rich: all you think and care about is making more money for yourself. Then you focus on not paying taxes on it. And finally, you do anything to get it to your rich kids tax-free.

GOP voters seem to believe in the old 1950s myth of the benevolent community businessman. Just trying to make an honest profit while helping the workers and families of this great town. And yet they reject the same nostalgic myths for politicians and journalists. For the left, the reverse is true.
Jan Heimlich (Austin, Texas)
We, as Americans, made a huge mistake in allowing this man to lead us. But now, we have a much better idea of what he's capable of and can decisively say that we deserve better.
Rich K (Illinois)
All Americans did not make the mistake. Rather the liberal elite on both coasts failed to realize that spending twice as much to promote Hillary as was spent on Trump does not guarantee success against someone who knows how to use the election rules to win.
delmar sutton (selbyville, de)
So much for "draining the swamp." It will be interesting to see if Mr. Shaub's term is extended, or if Trump will appoint an unqualified person for the job.
paula (new york)
Don't forget, Mr. Shaub's office was the first thing this Republican congress moved against, and if it weren't for the phone calls of millions of us, they would have shut it down. This isn't merely White House corruption, the intent of the entire Republican party is to work against long standing norms and work hand in glove with their corporate backers.
JerryE (Fremont)
GOP PR instead of draining the swamp just rename it Lake Paradise.
Christy (Blaine, WA)
One small capitulation from the White House cannot dispel the whiff of treason hanging over this neptistic president and his family.
SneekyPete (Florida)
It will be interesting to see who doesn't have waivers and their back-channel corporate connections.
Livin the Dream (Cincinnati)
Trump went into office convinced that none of the rules applied to him. He is slowly-but-surely finding out that the rules do apply to him. Clearly, he doesn't like it and will never admit he is wrong. He (and his underlings, like Mulvaney) will continue to test the rules and then say they didn't break rules or that they will make changes "next week" when they are caught. Why would anyone in the U.S. or around the world put any trust in someone who is so consistently at odds with the facts, well-established norms, and any respect for the welfare of others?
Janet W (Havertown PA)
So many beautifully illustrated books for children on not keeping secrets. I should know as I purchased one for my three year old great grand daughter at the time she wanted to keep secrets. Keeping secrets seemed to thrill and entice her sense of power. After a few readings she gave up secrets thus developing her ethical level. I am sure one could be found that can be read to POTUS and he can follow along through the illustrations.
Maybe there is a book on how to raise a President? Oh yeah, it's called the constitution.
Richard Green (San Francisco)
With this inept and deceptive administration the question is are they releasing a few of these waivers or are they creating them for release? I doubt that the gang that can't talk straight even knew that such waivers were needed in the world of whatever or whomever Donald wants Donald gets.
Dan (Sandy, UT)
There are "real" waivers, and "alternative" waivers. It will be a crap shoot to see what we are spoon fed is real or alternative, or more smoke and mirrors intended to baffle us from, as you put it, the gang that can't talk straight.
MIMA (heartsny)
The Trump White House. No government experience. Business people known for corruption who have simply handed their businesses to other family members in name only, sort of. Senior advisor 36 year old millionaire who owns a New York newspaper in addition to having his hands in many business deals, married to the president's daughter, and speaking to Russians which he conveniently forgets, alongside an ex National Security general who pleads the 5th.

And we're talking about climate change and the Trump take on it with lobbyists?

Who could believe anything? No one could even write a fiction book or movie this convoluted.
It never should have been an issue. They will play this up to make the White House look like they invented transparency.
David (Sacramento)
Imagine if Clinton had won and done the exact same actions.
Joan Bee (Seattle)
Reply to David, Sacramento
"...Imagine if Clinton had won and done the exact same actions."

Contrary to Repubs prevailing myth, Clinton has a conscience, knows how the government operates, Knows and respects the Constituion etc, etc.
Just always have to insert Clinton in the discourse, when what we're actually dealing with day after day is a two-bit shill (referred to above is head of the Casa Nostra).
kglen (Philadelphia)
The only reason they suddenly agreed to this on Friday was to duck and cover and distract from the Jared Kushner news.
Why, why, why are we permitting Trump to live like Louis XIV? L'etat, c'est moi! He'd say this, instead of Drain the Swamp, except he doesn't read history, he may not even know who Louis is, and he wouldn't be able to translate.
The presidency and the executive branch need to be overhauled before anyone else inhabits it.
Frank (Fontani)
Mr Shaub's term runs out in the next year. After that I'm sure they'll have to find someone who just rubber stamps their choices... leading to more leaks by true patriots.
Shayladane (Canton, NY)
"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark." ~Shakespeare

Time to clean things up; the citizens are getting restless...
Linda (Kew Gardens)
The White House does NOT belong to Trump!! It's the people's house!!! It belongs to the USA. Yet he treats it like a KGB agency with a giant T over it!!
Catherine F (NC)
Will they really release all of the waivers or will they release a few minor ones just to appease everyone and then stop? After all the lies, obfuscations, secret backdoor channels, firings to shut down investigations, and 180 degree turns on policy from this administration, I cannot believe anything they say. And it's only been 4 months!
Mark Shyres (Laguna Beach, CA)
It's difficult to undo the destruction of the previous 8 years.
Julie M (Texas)
Good one!

Can't argue with that logic!
MissyR (Westport, CT)
Thank goodness for this small favor, WH! Interesting to note that the last two administrations sent over the disclosures to the OGE without being asked. It's pure arrogance on this administration's part to think they are above the rules and can dodge transparency. Trump and co. don't understand they work FOR and on behalf of the American people.

Their luck will run out.
June (Charleston)
Well done Mr. Shaub! You are exactly the person we need to remain in government. And the same to Mr. Eisen who was publicly shaming this corrupt administration on their policies.
dlewis (bonita)
It is disturbing that a change of heart to now comply with an ethical standard is in itself suspicious.
JLP (Dallas)
Welcome to the Gulag
RJ (Palm Springs, CA)
[A spokesperson added that] "...the White House itself had about a dozen waivers that would be made public within the next week." Will those be coming along with the President's promised tax returns and/or his "proof" that his predecessor ordered the FBI to spy on him?
uglybagofmostlywater (Woodbury)
Nice to have this "clarification", as the WH spokesperson put it. Unfortunately the administration's henchpersons, following in the footsteps of the Fuhrer, have lied and obfuscated to the point that we wouldn't believe a WH voice if it said the sun rises in the East.
Terri Smith (USA)
Why would this WH even bother with waivers? They don't care if people have conflicts from previous lobbying, in fact they probably consider that a qualification. The people who really need them would have been hired on the spot without any. So don't expect much from these waivers.
susan (NYc)
This administration is starting to make Nixon and his men seem like a bunch of boy scouts. Every day it's something new.
CF (Massachusetts)
I see. Future revisions to Webster's Dictionary will include adding "clarification" as a synonym for the word "reversal."

It's a little weird what the White House thinks will make us happy. For instance, they think we'll be surprised at the "relatively small numbers" of the waivers. No, that's not it. We don't care about the number, we are concerned that you don't understand that the citizens of this country want transparency. We fight the old back-room buddy-boy you scratch my back I'll scratch yours influence in government. We really hate that. You might want to consult Webster's on the meaning of the term 'above board.'

The first thing Republicans did after the inauguration was try to abolish an ethics office. I don't remember whether it was Mr. Schaub's or some other ethics office, but it certainly seems like you guys need a lot of ethics people watching over you. Why is that?

And another question, where are we on making the White House visitor's list public again? Has that happened yet?
Robert Sherman (Gaithersburg)
This is not just Trump. When the Gingrich Republican gang took over Congress, the first thing they did was abolish the Office of Technology Assessment which had provided Congress with excellent independent analyses of scientific issues.

Science means look where the evidence leads. In the most profound sense of the term, the Republican party is all-out anti science. It seeks to destroy America's scientific leadership.
carlson74 (Massachyussetts)
An open government is a must in a Republican and Democracy.
TM (Accra, Ghana)
First, obfuscate & delay. Then, deny and deflect blame. Same pattern, different day.
John Brews ✅__[•¥•]__✅ (Reno, NV)
Yeah, they've agreed to turn over "about a dozen waivers" but it is "impossible to know" how many were issued.

Maybe it's impossible to know them all, but the Times could scrounge up a few of the missing ones, eh? And maybe squeeze a bit more candor out of the administration and a bit more diligence from the ethics committee?
Zed (NYC)
Thank God we still have Washington Post! As NYT is increasingly becoming a 'living style' newspaper, WP is winning the competition of reporting Trump's Russia connection hands down.
SFRDaniel (Ireland)
Routine stuff! Back on track! Clarification! The Ministry of Truth.
Maggy Carter (Canada)
And now that's settled away, maybe they'll agree to pass over a copy of the White House visitor log.

That might be helpful.....unless of course all the real juicy meetings took place under Kushner's Cone of Silence.
Labete (Sardinia)
I elected this president to do what he thinks is right. I didn't elect a bunch of losers like the writers and readers of the NY Times to circumvent him at every turn. Look at Manchester, Orlando, Paris, San Bernardino...when will you silly bureaucrats realize that the problem is not taking a stand against radical Islam in order to protect and advance OUR way of life? It is not about Russia and silly rules of procedure, minority and foreigners' rights; we are at war with a very clever enemy. Everything else and everybody need to take a back seat to the war effort. The Trump administration understands this; its detractors don't.
Frau Greta (Somewhere in New Jersey)
What really worries me is who they are going to replace him with when his time is up. What scum will they pull out of the swamp this time to fill a position? Or will they just get rid of the office entirely? Remember, one of the very first things they did on day one was to get rid of the oversight committee.
Francine Bernard (West Palm Beach)
Too bad the Electoral College didn't do its job of denying this office to an unfit "winner."
r mackinnon (concord ma)
It has only been approx. 150 days.:

- NO to releasing tax returns (only POTUS to ever say no to that)
- NO to releasing ethics information (until he just said yes)
- NO to facts, (ex: 'alternative' crowd size; Obama's fake wiretaps,etc.)
- NO to the law (recall string of unconstitutional Exec. Orders)
- NO to the middle class (proposed HUGE tax cuts for the rich)
- NO to healthy planet (changing climate effects national security and public health)

McConnell and Ryan - what is in ANY of this for ANY the American people ?
Yu don't work for HIM - you work for US !
Start pushing back. DO YOUR JOB
Dan (Sandy, UT)
Working for us? In recent times that, working for us, is lower in the list of priorities:
Me First;
Party Second;
Sponsors/Big Contributors Third;
People, if we get around to it.
boo (me)
McConnell and Ryan like the direction of the Trump administration's policies. They are doing their job insofar as they see their job as dismantling the government's ability to impose regulations. Don't be fooled into thinking they--and any of the GOP bystanders--are somehow better intentioned than Trump.
northlander (michigan)
Ethics? We don't need no stinking ethics,
JLP (Dallas)
You too could have 110 billion in WMDs tossed your way by this megalomaniac who sells to the highest bidder ... ethics? Ha! The Potomac branch of the KGB is open for business and lining their pockets with as much filthy loot as they can carry while we twiddle our thumbs with one lame investigation after another. You are being conned on a scale that makes Madoff look like a three card Monty street hustler. The address of one of the Kushner buildings appearing in a news story is 666 ... HELLO! The only wall being erected is the one shielding this self-serving pack of bottom feeders from prosecution while they pillage and plunder in broad daylight. What will it take to end this obvious fiduciary rape? How many more sociopathic congressmen can body slam their way to seats of power in what is becoming the increasingly laughable "Shining City on The Hill"? Ask Betsy DeVos's brother, Erik Prince, he knows where most of the skeletons are buried and has benefited as many of DJT's henchmen by the billions for merely keeping his mouth shut as he brokers one malignancy after another under the guise of the aptly named "government services and security company" Blackwater USA recently rebranded as Academi. The monumental perversions being enacted by these fine and righteous christians (small c intended) are epic and legion in their scope. Make America WAKE Again: vote these felons back into the mire they crawled from.
Joe B. (Center City)
Hey Trumpistas, seems that your boy Prez Chaos and his posse of privileged misfit grifters and malcontents are syphoning the slimiest DC parasites from the swamp into the gubmint. Can you hear it? There it is. Their favorite sound. Cha Ching. I fear for that boy Jared though. He don't xactly look prepared for prison. Maybe he get country club prison like daddy.
jnc (georgia)
So far Trump's administration is itself an ethics waiver. Is there anything he does that doesn't overlap with something else that has the potential to benefit him in some way?
Marcus Taylor (California)
Remember Republican President Ronald Reagan and the Iran/Contra/Guns-for-Hostages/Oliver North/Cocaine fiasco? Maybe you remember Reagan's Savings & Loan fiasco? By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations. In terms of number of officials involved, the record of the Reagan administration was the worst ever ...... Starting to get the picture about "Saint Ronnie", the man every GOPer wants to be like? NOW "TRIPLE" THAT NUMBER AND START COUNTING ...
Julie M (Texas)
Including Justice Neil Gorsich's mom as head of the EPA, and several of her immediate subordinates.
DC (Ct)
Draining the swamp,can't wait to see the names on this list.
julia (g)
Thank God for the energy and determination of people who work in the government, many of whom have provided a critical defense of the actual works of the republic. These are people who believe in the rule of law, in the reality of restraint.
The Trump clan abroad make it clear they think of themselves as the royal family (check out Ivanka's absurd little fascinator in Jerusalem for sartorial signalling, and silliness). And his handlers have been able to keep the mad king under control--letting the Saudis dazzle him with gold, Bibi control him with flattery, and letting him loose to bully our allies. And his trip ends by marking his cowardice and incompetence, yet again. Other G7 leaders will have press conferences, facing questions. DT will give a speech on a military base, facing only forced applause.
Like another New York hotelier, they believe that laws are for the little people. While DT has been sword dancing and shoving his way around the the middle East and Europe, his own own little people, the malevolent leprechauns Mulvaney and Sessions have been carrying out his war on the people at home.
Let's hope that the press and the people can withstand the siege.
SMB (Savannah)
They should also have to post a list of all their Cabinet members and other staff who have had legal issues such as corruption charges in the past or were under investigation for them. From Georgia, two politicians in this category are Sonny Perdue, former governor and presently Sec. of Agriculture, and Tom Price, former congressman and current Sec. of Health and Human Services. The latter was under active investigation by Preet Bharara (fired by Trump) for his stock dealings from which he benefited, and Perdue twice had rulings that he had violated state ethics laws. Then there is Perry, former Texas governor and now Sec. of Energy and on Trump's National Security Council, who broke state ethics laws in Florida by failing to register as a lobbyist, and who defunded a DA Ethics Unit when he was under active investigation for steering state moneys to a crony. And so forth (not counting those charged with spousal abuse and other violations or Trump's own fraud at Trump U for which he had to pay millions).

There are nepotism laws which Trump violated and had to get waivers for. The conflicts of interest are myriad for Trump on down since he never released his tax returns, never divested his business interests, and set up revocable, not blind trusts.

The Trump administration refused to have the normal ethics training for staff, Cabinet and appointees. Too bad: they need it desperately.
Martin (Apopka)
It is clear from the people placed in cabinet positions that Trump had once again lied to the American people about "draining the swamp"--quite the opposite. In fact, starting with the placement of family members in government positions and his refusal to disclose his taxes and foreign financial entanglements--it is clear that this is the most corrupt president in our history. Worse than Nixon.
Walker (New York)
OK, a small victory in the face of a corrupt presidency and administration. But waivers are just the tip of the iceberg. We may never know the depth and scope of Trump's dirty deals.
Patrick Borunda (Washington)
This White House has put the American system of government out to bid. There is nothing whatsoever that Donnie Drumph lays his eyes upon that cannot be monetized in some way. Everything is for sale and, if you're willing to pay to play, you can play to your heart's content.
I think Donnie and Jared should be called before congress in orange jump suits...but who am I? Just an ordinary tax-paying, military veteran, Ivy League master's degree, successful independent businessman, public interest volunteer at local, state, regional and national levels for over fifty years American citizen.
I feel kind of sad that The Imperial Donald and his followers don't think people like me have something to offer and that they must turn to special interest prostitutes for informed advice.
This nightmare cannot end too soon for me.
Justice Holmes (Charleston)
There should be NO FOREIGN LOBBYISTS PERMITTED! It's an appalling situation that American citizens are being threatened with jail and some with violence for trying to present their grievances to their representatives but foreign lobbyists can wine and dine them and push their interests which often are antithetical to the interests of the American people!

End lobbying! It's just legalized bribery.
Victor (Santa Monica)
Walter Shaub deserves a lot of credit for sticking to his guns. Let's hope other government professionals will take courage from his example, and insist that this ethically challenged administration follow the law.
fastfurious (the new world)
It's one thing for these greedy unprincipled people to use a revolving door to cycle from govt. to lobbying back to govt. back to lobbying. At least don't let them sneak around while doing it.
AKJ (Pennsylvania)
I hope this promise is not like the one where he promised to donate all foreign receipts from his hotels or to donate his salary. With Trump and his minions, lies come easily.
CF (Massachusetts)
I believe he did donate his first quarter salary to the National Park Service. I don't know about his hotel receipts.

It's an unusual day when I'm thankful for something Trump does. Usually I'm thankful for something that he tries to do but can't. Although I'm happy about the check, I'm unhappy that his administration told our local commission that advises the Cape Cod National Seashore to suspend meetings. We have no clue what this means, but it fits the pattern of "whatever you were doing before I became president is either unnecessary or wrong."
Kingfish52 (Rocky Mountains)
News Flash Donald: You ran for PUBLIC office!

This eliminated any right to keeping secret your taxes, your business dealings, your alliances, both foreign (especially!) and domestic. You asked for the public trust, so why all the secrecy and stonewalling? If you want to keep your life private, there's a simple solution: resign.
vincent189 (stormville ny)
The whole family is tainted with a coat of Greed. Everyone in that family, with the President in the lead, seem to be selling something. American's are and should be embarassed with that den of thieves that are plundering America's good standing in the world nations.
The Republican leadership stands mute with only a few stout hearts speaking up like MdCain, we need much much more from them!
tuttavia (connecticut)
fair's fair...

this frequent critic of the times for its advocacy posture (and its just plain irresponsible personal attacks on trump)...has only high praise for its recent summary of the waiver issue, a clear, specific look that gave we the people what were supposed to get from our press...and, so, fueled the objections, (no doubt hundreds if not thousands), to the comment sections of all media and directly to our electeds, that put some pressure on the white house to fess up and fix up.

that's how it oughta be.
alan (long beach)
I guess Don and co hope this will help give them some leniency in sentencing for jail time.. lock em up fast as can be
PogoWasRight (florida)
Mr. Mueller should examine this list very carefully. And then do it again.............
Marc (VT)
Keep up the pressure!
cherrylog754 (Atlanta, GA)
"called the new position a clarification and not a reversal"
-White House spokesperson

“contrary to your assertions, O.M.B. has never sought to impede O.G.E. "
-Mulvaney, head of MOB

We're discussing ethics here and the administration can't even own up to the fact that they were just flat wrong in their denial to release the waivers to OBE.

The question that begs to be asked though is. Why are they now willing to release the waivers?  Hmmm.......
Karen (Maine)
Trump is treating the nation as he once bragged on tape that he treated women and could get anything he wanted.
Cheryl (Yorktown)
Kudos to Mr Shaub for his dogged persistence. This seems like such a no brainer in a democratic government . . . that the people should be able to see the ties and outside obligations of those doing the work of government.

The problem: conflicts of interest are not or do not seem unusual - to my mind. There may be more extreme conflicts here, but Trump supporters are not going to be shocked by most revelations.
Christine McM (Massachusetts)
Only the trump ministration would have the chutzpah to defy a request from the government ethics office. It feels and sounds like all of a sudden the fifth grader who refused to do his homework decided it might be the better cause to actually do it.

Forget about the waivers themselves, although they are obviously very important for transparency sake. But I'm getting awfully tired of watching this president try to undermine the institutions of what Steve Bannon calls the deep state.

Donald Trump was elected to help the struggling middle-class regain its footing through investments and job opportunities. He was not elected to surround himself with people like Steve Bannon and others who are encouraging him to defy just about every government institution in the so-called "deep state."

The deep state exist for a reason: to ensure a cadre of bureaucrats ready to serve every administration with a historical sense of duty. These bureaucrats insure The government is running smoothly and ethically.

Circumventing ethics rules is just one of the many flagrant violations of public trust this president loves to display.

Yes Donald: you really do have to obey the hall monitors.

MIMA (heartsny)
No. He was elected to sorrounded himself with people like Steve Bannon.
That is exactly why people voted for him.
Bob Jack (Winnemucca, Nv.)
i'll believe it when I see it. They're just trying to deflect from their Russian treason.
Marvant Duhon (Bloomington, Indiana)
Bob Jack is right. Trump usually does not follow through on his promises, including ones like this one. Remember that he has dozens of times promised to release his income tax returns, starting in 2011 when he offered to release them if Obama released his birth certificate. Obama did, Trump didn't.
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
I assume then that the vast majority of Trump appointees have had "ethics waivers" drawn up so that they can work at their jobs. Thus, by normal standards, they would be prevented from having those jobs due to ethical conflicts.

So ethics is to be tossed aside by the Trump regime, but will his supporters wake up to him filling the swamp with rats? Nope, they'll keep on in their stubborn ignorance, so this news will change nothing. The only way for his supporters to change their minds is when they start really hurting, so I hope they do soon. I'd say West Virginia is the place to watch, for when Trump supporters lose health coverage, lose jobs, lose treatment for opioid addiction, and finally lose their support for Trump.
Monomoy's Ghost (Palo Alto, California)
They won't. trump will tell them to blame Obama, or Hillary, or "the liberals" and they'll do it. Who needs them, anyway? The game plan for 2018 will be getting with Americans who didn't vote or register to vote this last election cycle. That's where the turnaround will come, not from the 26% of citizens who voted for trump.
Medman (worcester,ma)
Bravo Ethics group- the nation owe you a big one. In this era of self serving climate, your courage and patriotism for for our great nation stands out - you are our true heroes. The regime under the con man is the most incompetent cabinet in US history. Instead of draining the swamp, the con man filled the swamp mostly with a corrupt machine.
kagni (Urbana, IL)
and now the question is if they will reveal ALL of the waivers.
Frederick (Manhattan)
My eyes no longer pop with every new revelation about this presidency. Trump has already taught me the meaning of 'psychological projection' by denying truths about himself while often falsely attributing them to others. Well, so much for draining the swamp. But what I am learning to appreciate are all of these ethics rules and procedures that the libertarian part of myself was once skeptical about needing to the degree that they were put into place. Donald Trump and his presidency have convinced me of the need for stringent checks and balances in government like nothing else has.
Quandry (LI,NY)
Mulvaney had no business interfering with Shaub and Ethics in this matter. He should stick to his budget matters, which he shall have enough trouble defending as many of are so inappropriate in their severity are DOA.
Majortrout (Montreal)
There's going to be so many investigations into Mr. Trump's "goings on", that he'll have no time to govern.
1333 days till Trump's term is over. This seems like an eternity and he's only been president for 126 days.
usa999 (Portland, OR)
Mr. Shaub and his colleagues at the Office of Government Ethics deserve a huge vote of thanks from the American people. The country needs them as a bulwark, however frail, against the massive abuse of ethical behavior characterizing this administration. As a Republican I never thought I would be writing in support of a public official who challenges a Republican president, but then I never thought the party I supported for decades would fall under the control of a gang of brigands and scoundrels. Worse, Congressional Republicans shirk their duties and oath of office to uphold and defend the Constitution, leaving us exposed to the manipulations of the marauders so willing to engage in self-dealing and personal promotion. Donald Trump said he would drain the swamp but instead turns it into a toxic dump. The White House has become the most dangerous Superfund site in the country. We can only hope there are legions of public employees loyal to the basic tenets of democracy whose commitment to the Constitution will lead them to help us ferret out corruption and abuse of power not only in the executive branch but with their smug and self-aggrandizing confederates in Congress.

All hail Walter M. Shaub, Jr!
d4hmbrown (Oakland, CA)
Mr. Shaub is to be commended for taking his role/function seriously. I am a Democrat & am delighted to find common ground with a Republican. Those who govern must do so following the rules/regulations & protocol established w/good reason. To not do so shows contempt for convention, order, & precedent.
I am an immigrant from former banana republic. I never thought I would see the day the president & leaders in Congress are unwilling to protect & defend the Constitution. Republicans in Congress did not speaks up when POTUS attacks the judiciary, demonizes the press, or fraternizes with regimes that seek to undermine democratic processes here & abroad.

I can only hope that there are more Republicans like you who place the rule of law above political ideology translated into a policy agenda. We do need to make America great again by bringing back statesmanship & valuing respectful dialogue in our government's legislative chambers by any means necessary. When we hear that Trump's base believes that members of the administration should pledge loyalty to POTUS, the republic is in peril.
hen3ry (New York)
"Lindsay Walters, a White House spokeswoman, called the new position a clarification and not a reversal of its earlier stand, adding that the White House itself had about a dozen waivers that would be made public within the next week."

Yup, and I'm buying that bridge in Brooklyn that I've been told is up for sale.
daniel r potter (san jose california)
great job ethics people and those darn silly rules. my headline POTUS POUTS
Mark (Northern California)
Good. At least the white house lawyers live in reality.
Will (NYC)
Wait till we see what Jared Kushner was up to with his little "analytical team" down in San Antonio TX during the campaign. Russian propaganda. Fake "news" releases. Who knows what.

This was a Russian rigged election and Donald Trump is in full Putin payback mode by undermining historic and successful western alliances.

Frau Greta (Somewhere in New Jersey)
I don't know why more has not been written about this. It's a clear and solid connection to collusion and it's an avenue that must be pursued. If Kushner was able to influence voters in the three states that Trump should not have won, by the use of targeted algorithms, with Russian help, there's nothing else to call it but treason. C'mon, NYTimes! Get on this story and beat the pants off Wapo!
Vanessa Hall (Millersburg, MO)
Uh huh. Just like administration officials listed *all* their contacts with foreign officials.
OldEngineer (Florida)
Obama did this, too in"the most transparent administration ever".
CAS (Hartford)
Read the article. Unlike dt's band of merry men, the Obama administration did not hide the names of people who received waivers.
kd (Ellsworth, Maine)
"Former senior officials with the Office of Government Ethics said that in the 39 year history of the agency, which was created in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal, they could not remember an instance in which the White House had similarly tried to block, or even discourage, an effort to collect ethics compliance data."

I guess you didn't read the complete article.
Jack Toner (Oakland, CA)
That's telling 'em, OldEngineer! What, I'm not so sure...Granted waivers? Made the waivers public, without having to be pressured by the ethics guy? No matter, you punched back, even if incoherently.
Llewis (N Cal)
Can we stop calling it the Trump administration and call it what it really is....New Tammany Hall.
Felice gelman (Tarrytown)
Dear swamp,
Don't worry. Drainage operation indefinitely postponed.
b fagan (Chicago)
"“The White House is going to post these waivers,” Ms. Walters said Friday evening."

Can we expand that to see if they can provide a list of all appointees who had been lobbyists in the past year, and whether a waiver was or was not issued for each?
Angela Mogin (San Mateo)
Since the Minority President is fond of appointing ex-lobbyists and others who have worked to oppose regulations on everything from climate change to public schools; it stands to reason that many of his appointees would need waivers. It also seems obvious that the candidate who promised to "{drain the swamp," would not be anxious to show just how many swamp rats he has appointed. The information should be interesting even if his loyalists will begin a chorus of "a president can make whatever appointments he wishes. No need for oversight here.
historyRepeated (Massachusetts)
At this stage, I am no longer surprised by the hypocrisy of the Trump Administration and come to anticipate it. They come in blustering about draining the swamp and banning lobbyists, then start whining like pre-schoolers when asked to comply with basic, expected information. Please remind me who the special snowflakes are?
Dawn (Portland, Ore.)
This administration gave itself a "waiver on ethics" the day it took office. And now we're pretending it's a secret?
Ann (California)
"Former senior officials with the Office of Government Ethics said that in the 39-year history of the agency, which was created in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal, they could NOT remember an instance in which the White House had similarly tried to block, or even to discourage, an effort to collect ethics compliance data." What does Mr. Trump and his staff have to hide?
M. Stillwell (Nebraska)
But the WH lies. I have no faith that they will be forthcoming.
Mark (PA)
Did they say WHEN this information would be released?
EricR (Tucson)
Next time the cubs win the series.
Vox (NYC)
"White House Agrees to Disclose Activity of Former Lobbyists"?

We'll all believe this promise when we actually SEE it!

Unlike the promises to disclose personal finances, disclose tax returns, divest from blatant conflicts of interest, etc,etc,etc...
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
Misdirection, nothing to see here. Let's see what they actually DO.
Corbin Doty (Minneapolis)
Former lobbyists? Exactly what they are paid to do. A wavier is just paper, money is made from cloth.
Katy (NYC)
What does the nation do when Mr. Shaub's last year in position of up? How can we ensure that Trump Administration doesn't destroy this agency as they are doing all the others? There will be nobody to keep Trump Admin in check, as Republicans in Congress are so power thirsty they don't care what Trump does so long as they're in driver's seat with him thereby neglecting their role as Oversight. Too many Republicans in Congress are so unaware of their own responsibilities that they think they work for Trump - when they're supposed to work for We The People.
JLP (Dallas)
Jared Kushner will, no doubt, assume the position when Mr. Shaub's term expires ... if Me. Shaun makes it to the end of his term without Big Daddy firing him, ethically, of course.
ZDude (Anton Chico, NM)
Thank you Mr. Shaub keep fighting for transparency. Trump apparently lied about "Draining The Swamp."
William (McCoy)
He is swamping the drain.
Nancy M (Atlanta)
Our democracy depends on Mr. Shaub and others like him, who work doggedly and with the highest intentions to hold the powerful accountable. We the people can resist with great fervor but our ability to make anyone do anything is very limited. We are collectively grateful for this tiny success in a sea of lies, double dealing and apparent corruption. Cheers to Mr. Shaub!
Ron (NJ)
That's more like it.
roger (boston)
C'mon, man -- I'll believe it when I see it. The Trump Administration lies on impulse and says whatever it thinks will distract from misdeeds.
Ron (NJ)
It is lying even as it claims it will comply:

“...contrary to your assertions, O.M.B. has never sought to impede O.G.E. nor to prevent others, including agencies, from acting as required by law,”

How you can tell if they are lying is that their lips are moving or their fingers are texting.
Pat (Midlothian VA)
I agree. I immediately wondered if this about-face is supposed to be the distraction from the Kushner stories.
kmm (nyc)
Even the most simple requests for compliance with pro-forma ethical disclosures seems to challenge Trump and those he is placing in positions of authority. So much for draining the swamp. Who knew Trump brought his own swamp with him when he entered the White House.
Hopefully Trump and his swamp will be history sooner rather than later through impeachment. His performance throughout his travels in the Middle East and Europe were cringe-worthy at best. We will make America great again as soon as he leaves office.
Tom (Calif)
"Who knew Trump brought his own swamp with him when he entered the White House"

Millions of us who voted against him... We The Majority knew...
Hulu do realize the swamp Trump was sent to drain is the Deep State, right? By that measure, he is making good progress.
VB (San Diego, CA)
Who knew the so-called president brought his own swamp with him when he entered the White House?

Every single person who paid attention to the swamp dwellers he was selecting for his "Cabinet."