Jared Kushner’s Other Real Estate Empire in Baltimore

May 23, 2017 · 632 comments
KJP (San Luis Obispo, Ca.)
There will be judgment for this slimy person and it will be sooner rather than later. The issue with the so-called back channel with the Russians is the tip of the iceberg in my view. Just because he looks innocent is a facade he promotes I am sure.
Oma (Lauf, Germany)
Jared Kushner, senior advisor to U.S. President, seeking 'special personal' ties to Putin, presently one of the largest slum landlords in the country. Taking advantage of the poor uneducated (which will be the norm when Trump & DeVoe mix their witches brew). The clean cut nice guy who learned his trade from his criminally talented ex-con father - very loyal to his father-in-law - what does this sound like to you?? A TV mafia story - reality in the White House.
Angelica (<br/>)
Typical Kushner/Trump family behavior. In fairness typical to NYC slumlords, abusing poor tenants. Not so lucky with tenants, who can sue, as Speyer family have learned. The article shows real face of Trumps and Kushners "caring" for poor, empty populism.
Andrew G. Bjelland, Sr. (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Kushner's a merry buccaneer! (Buccaneer!)

Scant hint of conscience 'tween his ears! ('Tween his ears!)
Loot, bequeathed or seized,
He does increase with ease,
So huzzahs for our canny buccaneer! (Buccaneer!)
WCB (Springfield, MA)
Perhaps as a Harvard grad he'll fork over a bunch of these people's extracted cash and get a building named after him at the business school.
Andrew G. Bjelland, Sr. (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Crony capitalists, such The Donald and his extended clan, lack compassion and decency. Yet they are also devoid of malicious intent. Indeed, most everything they do is devoid of all human and humane intent. They are mere pawns ever responsive to the pressures of market forces.

Consequently, there is virtually no such thing as white-collar crime, since white-collar people are generally devoid of criminal intent. They obediently follow the orders that their Fuhrer--the market--dictates. Where's the criminality in that?

"I was just following orders." What line of defense could possibly be more compelling?

For such people all interactions are transactional. Are they not to be pitied rather than despised?
OliveTwist (NYC)
To the question: "Who knew?" Millions of us knew. New Yorkers knew for years and years that Kushners are slumlords, that Trump is a con man rat fink liar. Why wasn't all this exposed clearly and loudly when it counted?
ss (NY and Europe)
What a creep. Literally robbing the poor to line his smarmy pockets.
Swarna (New Orleans)
Thank you New York Times. Great investigating journalism done to expose the sleazy Kushners. I really appreciate the effort of the writers.
Swarna (New Orleans)
Sickening. Jared Kushner leaching off of the poor and the downtrodden. Instead of being called a slumlord, he is portrayed as some great millionaire who owns best buildings in New York. Sickening.
Randy (Washington State)
Hello local law schools. Here's a good project!!
Karen (New Jersey)
This excuse about it being a "fiduciary obligation to it's ownership partners" to collect as much revenue as it could is highly flawed and a lame excuse. At what point does it matter how you collect these supposed debts and the misery these aggressive tactics create. Why isn't there any consideration of circumstance. Why is it wrong to want your your customers or clients or tenants to have decent living conditions. I don't understand why you wouldn't want your tenants to be happy or satisfied. People who don't actually care about anyone but themselves should not be landlords and certainly should not be government.
Mary (Northwest)
To me this is really a failure of our business and rental laws, absentee landlords, and a culture of indifference. How do you fix that? I'm no fan of Kushner but he is in business. Somehow or other we make it possible for him to do these things.
Larry L (Dallas, TX)
The whole Kushner operation sounds like a Mob operation. Basically, they shake people down. They instill fear even if makes no financial sense because they need others to see it to keep them in line.

Two "great" families are now in charge of the country's law enforcement. How grand?
Andrew G. Bjelland, Sr. (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Sooner or later Trump-clan related "issues" will wend their way beyond the court of public opinion and on to the Supreme Court.

Surely Justice Kennedy, the swing vote, will have the ability to know this unhinged chief executive and his dysfunctional family for what they are.

Many persons--Trump's ghostwriter, numerous mental health care professionals, liberal and conservative columnists, and persons such as myself who have had years of experience dealing with narcissists within our own families--view Trump as extremely self-centered, erratic, impulsive, unreflective and otherwise flawed. He is "incredible" in every sense of that word--as is his clan.

Mr. Trump is not morally, intellectually or psychologically fit to serve as president. The thought of such an amoral and disturbed individual using his office to demean the judiciary and our allies; to enrich himself, his clan and his associates; to proclaim himself a champion of religious freedom while attempting to parcel out preferences on religious bases; to declassify high level classified information at will and pass it on to the whomever he pleases; to fire chief investigative officers on an impulse; to saber rattle with nuclear weapons--all this and more should fill every American citizen with dread.

Our ship of state has become the U.S.S. AmeriCaine with President Queeg at the helm.

What good is the Twenty-Fifth Amendment if nobody is willing to employ it under these catastrophic circumstances?
Shosh (South)
If you don't pay your rent, you could get evicted and sued? Shocking
Candace Carlson (Minneapolis)
Hope the ACLU or Legal Aid will take these cases. The hypocrisy is just stunning. Can't use your leave if you don't have a home. The evil that people do will follow them to the grave. Getting caught and punished is the only thing that stops them.
Amy Griffin (Massachusetts)
The failure to make most repairs described in this article is illegal. Perhaps this slumlord company will reconsider its "industry standards" if tenants begin sending their rent to escrow accounts.

themodprofessor (<br/>)
I hope he goes to jail.
Dr. Sally Russell (Miami, FL)
This article demonstrates the callous, fake humanitarian and true non-values of the Kushner family. When will the people who supported the Trump clan come to realize that they have been duped in the worst possible manner? It is all about the money in the Trump and Kushner tribes and the people most needy have been scammed. The value system of our great country is being eroded day by day and each of us has to fight for our civilization to survive. The black mold of these houses are symbolic of the putrid stink enveloping our government.
workerbee (Florida)
It's shocking to learn that many of these low-income tenants voted for Trump and apparently identify as Republicans. He fooled them all and now they're going to suffer the consequences for at least four more years as the Republicans continue to destroy the social safety net. However, I'm not surprised that some of the tenants choose not to vote at all since they feel alienated from the political system and don't understand the difference between Democrats and Republicans.
Lisa J (Denver)
Deplorable. What kind of businessman knowingly profits off "legal" methods of harassing the poorest members of society? Not one I would ever vote for, for anything except possibly somehow having to eat his own medicine. (rule-breaking, extreme consequences.) My heart goes out to all the people his company is terrorizing.
Joejoe (Nyny)
Has the author looked at all the apartment building 's that Kushner owns in the Brooklyn and queens ny all financed by New York Community Bank. The numbers are huge.
Snowbird (Maryland)
Balzac maintained that behind every great fortune there is a great crime. But ripping off our fellow Americans who are struggling for a better life apparently isn't a crime anymore - it has become a business model for at least one wealthy landlord.

Is there no one in the Trump inner circle with any compassion or sense of decency?
Chris (Wpalmbeach)
Thank you NYT for investigation of our Slumlord Senior Advisor to POTUS.
Now please turn your sights on Kushner and China- that's where selling the US down the drain for family profit is happening.
holly. (New Jersey)
This article makes afraid to ever rent.
vincent189 (stormville ny)
We hear so much about Mr. Kushner strict Jewish religion and that is fine. I am not Jewish but I am sure if Mr. Kushner Rabbi would read this article he would scold Mr. Kushner for lack of empathy of persons of no wealth.
And this goes for Republicans who are always using their faith as a shield but when the chips are down Jesus would have a word or two for them also.
Shame on you Mr. Kushner you are an embarrassment to your religion.
Mick Anglo (NYC)
As a business model, wouldn't he make more money by taking care of his property and his tenants.

In Judaism, true faith is what one does during the entire week. Not just on holy days.

I pray he becomes more like George Bailey than like Mr Potter.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Charging someone $600 for new carpeting when sewage and maggots coming up from the old carpet made them move?

The Kushners need to be sentenced to live in the buildings funding their soiree lifestyle. This is just immoral.
MidtownATL (Atlanta)
Many of Mr. Trump's supporters claimed that it would be beneficial to have a businessman in the White House.

I was self-employed for most of my life. My view of business is that you strive to create mutually beneficial transactions with your customers. You make money. Your customer is happy, and will buy from you again. And your reputation is enhanced, bringing you more customers.

Mr. Kushner, and Mr. Trump, represent a darker, alternative mode of doing business. Customers are just revenue streams to be fleeced, by any means possible. Sue them, screw them, it doesn't matter. There will always be another sucker walking in the door. They are not normal businessmen; they are just rent seekers.

Mitt Romney was a businessman. I happened to not have voted for him. But I have no reason to believe that he was engaged in the types of underhanded practices used by Mr. Trump and Mr. Kushner. Jimmy Carter was (and is) also a successful businessman.
Mary T (Winchester VA)
Oh really? Ask the thousands of workers who lost their jobs in Romney's agressive takeovers. Another "very religious" guy who wouldn't let empathy stand in the way of increasing the bottom line.
Edmund (New York, NY)
This article made me sick. These people walk around like they are so good and so caring about others, so reverent in their observance of their Orthodox Jewry, when underhandedly they are just as greedy and corrupt as the man sitting in the White House. I've fought cynicism about government my whole life, but now I give into it wholeheartedly, because now I believe there is no one looking out for the little guys, the downtrodden, the poor, the minorities. There are only sharks and snakes and spiders, and you better get out of their way so they can get what's theirs. And more and more of it, because nothing will ever be enough for them.
human being (USA)
The only people now looking out for the public are the real civil servants--who work for Social Security, the State Department, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Administration for Community Living etc.--not the political overlords the administration has put in place.
B. Woods (Poinciana,FL.)
I am Jewish. This slumlord purports to be a religious Jew....not my definition of a good person.
ak bronisas (west indies)
How to make America great Again..........Trump.put Jared "slumlord"Kushner......,confidant of Russian KGB bankers and oligarch and mafia money launderers......... in charge of the White House .....Office of American Innovation "a SWAT team of "strategic consultants"(on how to maximize greed) which the White House states......."will have sweeping authority to overhaul Federal Bureaucracy"............Kushner stated "America should be run like a great American company.......our hope is that we can achieve successes and efficiencies(like those of Kushners Westminster Co., slum specialists , in this article).........FOR OUR CUSTOMERS ,WHO ARE CITIZENS !!!.............Don the Con et al and family are considering America as a commodity to be traded ,bought and sold..................this is an insidious threat to American Democracy.........if the citizens and institutions dont wake up ,theyll soon be living in a Trumpean -Orwellian corporate state dream!
BL (Austin TX)
And such a nice religious boy...
FKVRL (Canada)
What a distressing situation for Kamaiia Warren who is working hard to provide for her family. Is it too late for her to show the court the document she obtained showing she gave the appropriate notice before moving out? Everything in court is about having proof. Include it, even before they ask for it.
Unfortunately, fair treatment takes a lot of more work and energy than seems even possible.
human being (USA)
She apparently brought it to her last court hearing--to no avail.
Adolphus (Milwaukee)
No sympathy for Jared Kushner from this Milwaukee landlord. I have never pursued the tenants I have evicted over the years for the tens of thousands of dollars in unpaid rent and court costs. And why not? I could turn these claims over to a collection lawyer (like Kushner seems to have done) and maybe net some bucks from those few who are collectible. But for the most part tenants are evicted because they CAN'T pay the rent, not because they are trying to cheat their landlord. The unpaid rent is a cost of doing business (paid by my remaining low-income tenants, unfortunately, whose rent is higher than it otherwise would be) and I don't need to make life even harder for the tenant who lost their job, got evicted by me, found a new job and is now struggling to pay the rent to their new landlord.

It's regrettable that this story gives the impression that being a slumlord is profitable - Kushner, with his billions in family money backing him and aggressive tactics, might be "successful" in renting to the poor but most slumlords go broke. Matthew Desmond's book EVICTED totally missed this aspect of the low-income housing market which you'll learn if you read the top-rated review of Desmond's book by Milwaukee Joe on the Amazon website.
Retired Faculty Member (Philadelphia, PA)
Hmm....isn't there a problem here with Kushner's company receiving money through Section 8 housing??? Seems like a glaring conflict of interest for a "top advisor" to the president.

ALSO, doesn't Baltimore have an office of housing where these tenants can report conditions that truly make some of the rental properties un-inhabitable? I know here in Philadelphia, tenants have the right to escrow their rent money when a property has a constantly leaking roof, black mold, sewage coming up from the drain, etc. A tenant could just call the Department of Licenses and Inspection to report the problem; an inspector would come out to document the issue and then a citation issued to repair the problem which is causing the apartment or house to be not fit for habitation!

Maybe some of these tenants should be given rooms at the White House for a few weeks/months while their bum of landlord hires more contractors to make the needed repairs on his properties! This is a truly shameful situation. These tenants need to get together and file a class-action lawsuit against JK2 Westminster LLC.
human being (USA)
The apartments profiled here are in Baltimore County. I am not sure what the county itself has in place. Even back in the day when I was renting there (thankfully not from him), the apartment complex landlord played fast and loose. I gave notice early on a lease from which I could be released (per the terms of the lease) if the landlord found another tenant to replace me. The resident manager stated in writing she had. So I moved to a new place-my own rowhome. Lo and behold the landlord came after me for the rent and security deposit. I went to small claims court with the proof I had. The landlord never showed up so the judge found in my favor. I suppose the landlord was trying to scare me in order to have me pay the few months left on the lease and forfeit my security deposit. (Along with collecting rent from the new tenant) I guess I was very lucky. But at least I had retained my written record. I feel very sorry for these folks.
Cathy (Hopewell Junction)
You can make money by creating wealth and value or extracting it.

Kushner is extracting it. And as with most extraction industries our laws favor privatizing profit and socializing costs. We have moved from make the lions share of our wealth from what we have extracted form the ground and manufactured with it, to what we can extract from people. Pay-day loans, fines and fees, slum-lording, reducing customer service in monopolized industries - think United - all of it is based on a model of extracting maximum wealth from minimum service. Vulnerable populations contain the richest veins to pursue.

This is our economic model. This is what we elected. Get educated, or get over it, I guess.
amrcitizen16 (AZ)
Slumlords are everywhere what is horrible is that Kushner is at the WH in a position to destroy our country not just renter's lives. These real estate predators have no morals and no empathy. Kushner is such a person. This article should have been out when King Trump elevated this slumlord to lead negotiations with Russia and China. Are we not tired of elites getting away with violating every law in the books? Slumlords pick the area with the "right" judges, in this way they can get away with vague renter's rules. Just another fleecing of America using our laws to benefit their immoral acts. But without certain elected officials in cities and states willing to look the other way slumlords would not be able to fill their money chests. The whole system needs reforming and protection from these predators.

As for Kushner, a good old fashion lawsuit revealing in detail all his property's actions against the poor would destabilize King Trump enough to make him decide on a criminal move and allow Kushner to be kicked out of our WH and stand in court defending himself. It is time.
Nancy Pemberton (Santa Rosa CA)
Let us not forget the judges who are complicit with Kushner's lawyers in these cases. Rather than finding ways to assist those who cannot afford attorneys, they simply rubber-stamp the pleadings of the landlord, similar to what the courts did for banks during the foreclosure crisis.
Ken Bresin (Caldwell ID)
35 years as an attorney for low-income tenants. Far be it from me to side with a landlord. But the article fails to mention whether Ms. Warren had an unexpired lease at the time she gave her 60-day notice of intent to vacate. The manager dutifully noted that she gave "timely" advance notice. But that is only one of many requirements for a section 8 recipient to relocate. (I presume she received a "moving packet" from the local housing authority else she would have lost her voucher.) If she had an unexpired lease at the time of her move, that contract almost surely contained either a buy-out provision of a requirement that the tenant pay the entire remaining rent through the end of the time...unless she found another suitable tenant to replace her.

I do not pretend to like what landlords do to tenants. But it is important that great newspapers disclose all the facts before reaching an editorial conclusion.
Lavinia Hughes (Falmouth, MA)
Tenants should call their local bar association to see if anyone can help them pro bono (free). Many lawyers feel a social obligation to help others and take on a free case occasionally. Or there may be a legal clinic offering free services. Or their local courthouse may have a lawyer of the day, who provides free advice. Keep good records of everything, including a diary.
Jared, Donald, Jared's dad. Do we see a pattern here? Incredibly rich guys exploiting defenseless poor guys with the gracious "help" of the rich guys' lawyers. We may never learn who talked to whom when or about what, but the character of those listed above are right out there plain as day for all to see!
Ethel Guttenberg (Cincinnait)
Jared Kushner proclaims himself as an Orthodox Jew. He is not.
Just attending a Synagogue and not eating pork is not enough.
The Jewish religion I know teaches about honesty and charity.
It teaches caring about others and treating people fairly.
Kushner's behavior is disgusting.
Andrea Landry (Lynn, MA)
Now I know why Trump cut legal aid for the poor from his budget.
blackmamba (IL)
Who knew that the son of a convicted felon father from whom he inherited his real estate empire like Jared Kushner was also a slum landlord?

Prince Jared Kushner wisely married Princess Ivanka Trump of the inherited wealth House of Trump real estate empire. The two are attempting to convert the prime public real estate at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington in the District of Columbia into their personal, family and business profitable outpost by malice aforethought.
DL (Monroe, ct)
It gets easier and easier to understand why Trump and his family are so anti-regulation. It's a means to legitimize corruption. A no-regulation society is a cruel, lawless, each-man-out-for-himself society.
Larry L (Dallas, TX)
These people are libertarians. What you see when you lift the tarp.
James Thompson (Houston, Texas)
Kushner is a slumlord. He is an ugly sore on the Trump Administration.
He would b removed from his advisory position with Trump.
Heidi Rechteger (Oregon)
The entire Trump Administration is an ugly sore on the American Body Politic.
gary brandwein (NYC/ fomerly of Sheffield GB)
A great piece of investigative reporting. Brilliant and thorough.
vincent189 (stormville ny)
Great Investigating reporting. I should say Prize Winning reporting.
And that's why I read the NY Times since I was getting it in High School and I am 86 years old.
Eric Hoover (Pontiac, MI)
Jared Kushner is a total disgrace; then again, so is his father-in-law!
Bethed (Oviedo, FL)
Business as usual for the slum landlord Kushner. A logical addition to the Trump family for the little princess and her court. Backed by million dollar lawyers his greed and lack of humanity makes me pray for our country. But, this is a person Trump has chosen for one of his top advisors along with other misfits. This alone tells you where this Trump Administration is focused. Abusing and lying to Americans is not an auspicious start.
Ricardo de la O (Montevideo)
Call it what it is: He's a slum lord.
Chicago Guy (Chicago, Il)
A slumlord is a perfect ethical match for this Administration. And the 63,000,000 who voted for a known racist.
ak bronisas (west indies)
Perhaps those millions of voters ,who voted for Trump,(who can read............with comprehension)can be provided with a copy of this brilliant expose in the tradition of Upton Sinclair........to help them understand ,that they were conned.
More than 10 million American families lost their homes in the financial crash.not including those who lost their small business,retirement funds,life savings investments and student loan guarantees ..............this vast number of financially ruined Americans...........have now been paying rent,for almost a decade, to the same predatory financiers like the Kushners...........that created their financial ruin in the first place.............This ,tip of the iceberg peek, at a nationwide scourge of "organized rent predators"..............surely calls for more expansive investigation and exposure of the same high quality as provided here by Politico and the NYT.............an important step to reform!
Alyson (CT)
Excellent investigative journalism. Thank you, NYT and Pro Publica.
And did anyone else interpret the maggots coming out of that tenant's carpet as a metaphor for our current administration? I'm just saying....
Paul Keller (Flemington,NJ)
FIL and SIL both use legal harassment of hard working people to line their pockets and avoid paying people was is due. Shameful!!! But the silver lining might be sadly that many of their victims will hopefully think twice about voting for the same idiot a second time!
leslie (anywhere)
Shocked!!! .....Jared Kushner is a slum lord.....Shocked!!!
Lesley Neufeld (New York)
Shame, shame, shame on you, Jared
fastfurious (the new world)
Jared and Ivanka met Pope Frances today after meeting with Netanyahu, various rabbis and the Saudi Royal family earlier in the week. They are swanning around the world with Trump.

I wish some Baltimore reporter would dig deeper enough into JK Enterprises to find a crime Jared Kushner could be charged with so we - and more importantly all the tenants JK was victimized - could have the pleasure of him seeing him arrested and marched out of the White House in handcuffs.

Ivanka would show up in court to support him, heavily made up and dressed to the nines, dabbing at her eyes while making sure the press gets a shot of her dress. All Ivanka cares about is $$$$$ and making sure the photos of her voguing around the world are flattering.

Maybe Jared could occupy the same cell where his father was locked up for 2 years.....
Pat (New York)
Remember kushy kushner's dad is a felon...
SB (Ireland)
What repulsive practices. A Rackrenter in the White House.

Thank you, Republicans.
MSP (Downingtown, PA)
Where can I chip in extra for free subscriptions to the New York Times for all the uninformed people who gave the country this parasitic Republican government?
gloria (ma)
These tenants should get together with a class action lawyer for the mold and rodent problems.
You Can't Teach Heart. (California)
Not bad for a spoiled brat whose daddy paid off Harvard to get his son admitted.
Shosh (South)
Jared went to NYU, not Harvard. The article makes that pretty clear
John K. (Danbury, CT)
Federica Fellini (undefined)
Finally the NYT is doing its job! Dig dig the dirt of this family, I am sure this is the tip of the iceberg... not to mentiong Mr. Trump..
Robert Mac (NJ)
What a hit piece. This wasn't a response to a tenant outcry, it was the NYT searching out a story that would cater to it's wailing moraly indignant clientele. They found the Kushner properties, they knocked on doors, they got what they wanted to hear.

To all the comments wondering why the judges consistently ruled in favor of the landlord, perhaps it's b/c the judge has both sides of the story, and this reporter only has the side he wants to hear.

Go to any housing complex in country, interview the tenants and you will have ample fodder to defame the investors/landlords. Leaky toilets, cracks in the ceiling, demands for contractually agreed upon late payments etc. There's also this belief that rich people are jerks and morally corrupt if they hold not-rich people to the contractual agreements, but for some reason, it only applies to landlords. Verizon will shut your phone service down in a heartbeat. Don't pay your bill, you won't have electricity or water.

But now we have proof Kushner is evil confirming our victim narrative and notions of a fascist administration.

This is such repugnant reporting
M (NY)
It is terrifying that most of the commenters here haven't even considered the fact they only have heard one side of the story. They immediately jump to the conclusion this man is an evil slumlord.
Linda R. (Texas)
Your defense of the slumlord Kushner is indefensible. It is the tenant's responsibility to pay the rent. It is the landlord's responsibility to provide safe housing, which includes making repairs when necessary. You are probably one who sides with the water company in Flint, Michigan which charges people for their undrinkable, dangerous, lead-filled water.
Laura Long (Irvine, CA)
Appalling! Kushner's slumlord tactics are Dickensian! And he can't hide behind the management team for these policies against the poor. The fish rots from the head! There's a special place in hell for the likes of the Trump clan!
MGunn (Long Island, NY)
No shame.
patsason (CT)
Kushner and Trump, very fitting; birds of a feather flock together.

We had better get them out of the Whitehouse into the outhouse, quickly.
Mark Conway (Naples, Florida)
Ivanka should go to Jared's slums and show these women how to dress for success and start their own fabulous businesses!
jogo2001 (ny)
Its amazing how greedy Kushner is. A real vampire.
Stuart (Boston)
Interesting that we needed to know that Kushner's attorney, Jeffrey Tapper, has a paunch.

Seems to be a real fascination on appearances and body types in the NYTimes.
LDK (Vancouver)
"Do not oppress the widow, the orphan, the stranger, and the poor." It seems I have read that in some holy Jewish book or other. Is it Exodus? Leviticus? Deuteronomy? Jeremiah? Isaiah? Zechariah? Malachi? All of the above?
Michael Paine (Marysville, CA)
What this amounts to is that JK is a budding slumlord.
qed (Manila)
Budding? Full blown.
Daisy Love (Los Angeles)
We Jews have just finished reading Leviticus wherein it clearly states that we are to lend our poorer neighbors a hand, help them, give them shelter and care. God orders us to Love Our Neighbor As Ourselves (Lev 19:18). How in the world can Kushner call himself a Jew, much less an Orthodox Jew? He is a sad disgrace.
Ratza Fratza (Home)
Ivanka should be proud that her husband is such a desperate creep. Have any of them ever done an honest days work in their lives?
Jim Lewis (Boston)
Homo homini lupus. Wolves have always preyed on the weak. No Trump will ever be found who can be described as a humanitarian.
KJ (Tennessee)
I hope Pope Francis reads this before the infestation of Trumps arrives.
fastfurious (the new world)
I threw up in my mouth while reading this. Several times.

Raw sewage, maggots, roaches, broken refrigerators, broken stoves, broken heaters, mold, rotten boards, soaked carpets, stench, holes in the wall.....

This is disgusting beyond belief.

I recommend this year's Pulitzer Prize winning book "Evicted:
Poverty and Profit in the American City" by Matthew Desmond for an inside look at how slumlords like Jared Kushner make big profits tormenting, hounding and scamming some of the poorest people in America by renting out slum apartments and pulling stunts like falling false legal claims on tenants who can't afford lawyers to help them in court, don't understand what they're being charged with - or who are dying of cancer in a hospice while one of Kushner's employees hounds her for a couple of thousand dollars she doesn't have on her deathbed.

Don't be surprised. This is how slumlords do business. And don't be surprised Jared Kushner's doing this. Jared's not from a 'nice' family. "Nice" people don't act like this - although plenty of very wealthy people do. The Kushners are liars, scammers, bums, felons & jerks - just like Donald Trump who made much of his fortune by lying, cheating, scamming & defrauding people who couldn't afford to fight him in court.

I imagine that Pope Francis - a good human being who values justice and human dignity - met with Trump and Jared Kushner today in the Vatican - and found he threw up a little in his mouth too.
Granny Lou (Miami Beach, Florida)
The NYT and Alec Mac Gillis should get a Pulitzer Prize for investigative journalism !!
Then, Arabella Kushner can talk about the Pulitzer Prize at "show & tell' .
If the shoe fits, wear it !
John (Stowe, PA)
No wonder he fits in so well with the crime syndicate! Just like Fred Trump he is using low income government subsidized housing to make a fortune, and just like Fred he is cheating his tenants.

Have to guess AG Sessions will have his agents busy busting poor minority kids for having a joint than bothering to investigate the favorite son in law's cheating people.
human being (USA)
Yes, isn't it an irony he is making money from a program run by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, now headed by the "astute"Ben Carson. These complexes were built using a federal financing program. The government subsidizes the tenants' rent fro section 8 participants. So the Kushner's feed at the trough of the government they despise.
Jon Alexander (Boston)
File this under, "I am totally not surprised"...

jona (CA)
New meaning for Slum Dog Millionaire.
Roberta (Virginia)
No wonder Jared and Donald get along so well. Birds of a (despicable) feather...
James Riley (Pearl River, NY)
Perhaps all of this is part of the reason why Kelly Ann Conway is alleged to have stated that she "needed a shower" after working with the Triump family on their election effort last year?
Pen vs Sword (Los Angeles)
Count on JK2 to get blood from a stone, even a gravestone.


One can hope that some of those mentioned in this excellent article will now begin to understand the power of their vote and use it accordingly.

Haritini Kanthou (New York)
Another story that's a year too late.
human being (USA)
Yes, the MSM (including venues like CNN) were so fascinated by Trump, the character, that they gave him free publicity and are complicit in his election. Too little, too late when they finally paid attention to his real dealings. But, the free press is also the best weapon we have now to uncover and decipher the ill doings of Trump et al.
srwdm (Boston)
It is really time for the whole kit and caboodle to be GONE—

From the White House, from foreign affairs, from U.S. affairs, from our hair.
ReV (New York)
As we can see from this article this type of real estate business requires very special investors in order to make money, investors such as the Kushners. People that are ruthless and callous and do not care about anybody but themselves. They are repugnant and disgusting. All done in the name of acceptable business standards. And the perfect cover for all this is certainly the fervent and devoted practice of religion. They have no concept of ethics.
But there is a lesson learned here: vote, but educate yourself before you vote.
Fatso (New York City)
The New York Times is often looking for ways to criticize and condemn the Trump administration and Pres. Trump's family. So Jared Kushner's company had a legal dispute with some person on Section 8 housing who moved out before the lease expired. Is this really news?

And the judge ruled in favor of Kushner! We, the reader, do not know all the details and do not know the law, yet the paper and the people who write comments here are quick to condemn. Ms. Warren lost for a reason. Get over it.

Kushner and other landlords are running a business, not a charity.
Karen L. (Illinois)
Did you not read the details of the dispute? The judge was wrong wrong wrong. You can run a business and still be profitable and compassionate; if not compassionate, at least somewhat understanding and attempt to work with people.

We have been landlords (albeit not on the same scale as Kushner/Trump) for over 40 years all over metropolitan Chicago, including having Section 8 tenants and we have never once gone to court and yes, some of our tenants have had problems paying their rents from time to time. But our properties are maintained, and we've always found a way to work with people when they have hard times. There but for the grace of God...
lisa (Washington dc)
Shameful but not surprising. Please keep up this kind of journalism. Only wish we had seen more stories like this BEFORE the election.
Ian MacFarlane (Philadelphia PA)
All is well in America.
You are in good hands.
Sleep well.
violetsmart (Austin, TX)
The judges must be part of the racket.
M (NY)
Or perhaps you've only heard one side of the story? Could this article perhaps be biased?
soo tired of him (WV)
I could hardly read this..it upset me so much. Greedy pigs, the whole bunch.
They should have to live this kind of life...with their children, and see what pain is.

I really detest all of them.
M (NY)
Doubt his family would have more children than they can afford, which is this woman's main problem. The Kurshnars also probably understand what a lease is and wouldn't try and skip out early without paying what is owed.
library (Italy)
Great. Our government is run by two slumlords.
RobD (CN, NJ)
I felt I had to take a shower after reading this article.
john tay (Vienna, Austria)
what a masterpiece of investigative reporting. unfortunately these practices have happened and will happen all over the world. the sad and despicable part is the fact that jared kushner and his family is also engaging in this. It's the 'walking over bodies' to get rich and at the same time the 'recusing from all this' in the face of the public what makes it so damning. And yes one more thing: Hiding behind a religion and posing for the cameras with father in law at the western wall in jerusalem, that's what makes it even more sick to watch. Sometimes, it isn't only the absolute things that people do wrong, it is the example they set for others who see them and find out about them doing wrong. What example will we have when so obvious two families (Trumps and Kushners) show the world, that this is how it's done for all to see! We are losing faith in politics and politicians and we are doing that very fast because of people like them. But our losing faith can not keep up with their speed of striking new deals to make them even richer. The problem is: People who deal in this inhumane way, can only get away with it, as long as the majority does not. So, they can only work on the presumption that all others are morons and out there to exploit. If ALL would be doing this I bet they would have a hard time continuing their dealings. But that is exactly what they are doing, enriching themselves while the going is good.
Ben Luk (Australia)
No wonder Trump thinks his son in law is such a whiz... he's just another greedy slum landlord ripping of the poor.
Nicole K (Boston, MA)
The pictures accompanying this article are ridiculous. What I see in the pictures are well-maintained, litter-free properties, somewhat disguised by the black and white (bleak) motif, and tenants in unflattering poses. Some of the examples within the article are just awful. But do we really need these silly pictures to set the tone?
What me worry (nyc)
Who were thepoliticins Kushner senior bribed? Where are the East Village properties JK bought? I believe but am not sure there was an article about how (badly) he treated those tenants -- altho in NYC it might be harder to mistreat tenant than in the rest of the very corrupt (legally) USA. What exactly is a WIPS card? (and how does it work that one pays one's rent at Walmart.) Can I be un PC and mention religion? Why is a 40 storey higher building than the current 666 being permitted. (Ans. De Blasio who should be voted OUT pronto.) Why don't we have better and in the case of presidential candidates younger people running for office?( Why wasn't the original Lollipop building saved from destruction by Mike Bloomberg's friend? )
Corruption abounds... and I believe that we are finally really hearing about it -- while we would not have under a Clinton regime? Why doesn't Yellen raise the interest rate? The current economic situation sadly has much to do with Bill Clinton as well as Ronald Reagan policies. (Who freed Wall Street?) How does one get rid of legal corruption and preying on the poor? This reminds me of the NYTimes article about debt collectors!! Off with all their heads, as Marie Antoinette would say! or should it be a pox on all their houses! Terrible.
stone (Brooklyn)
This is fake news told by a columnist who is very bias and has no facts to document the accusation that are made.
I believe he only interviewed people who had negative stories to tell.
I don't see any evidence he tried to get anyone who had anything positive to say.
He then reports what he was told as if they are facts.
They might be or they might not be.
If they are not documented they should not be presented this way.
PLATERO (Grand Rapids Michigan)
Those on the business end of laissez faire capitalism experience hell. The ideologies of greed always end in pain for the least fortunate. But, as Ben Carson says, poverty is merely a state of mind. I think Jared might benefit from reading the book of Micah (especially chapter 6, verse 8).
Elli Beel (Brooklyn)
A disgrace for humanity.
alex (Paris France)
4i wonder if the judge is getting kickbacks from Jared Kushner's real estate company? Just sayin.
Vincent (Vt.)
Not surprising at all. Jared is unemotional as anyone I've seen. His smile is self glorification. Is he by any chance working out a deal to purchase the White House. Watch out Donald, he'll have you evacuated.
In despair (Seattle)
Such vile, predatory, petty, heartless, and cruel business practices are probably to be expected from the Kushners. All we really knew of Jared Kushner so far is that he is aiding and abetting the most vile, predatory, petty, heartless, and cruel chief executive this country has ever had.
John (Summit)
I love whenever someone is painted out to be "the Boy Wonder." The Apple didn't fall far from the tree, now did it? May the hand of God strike down these grifter with disease and plague. Parasites all of them.
downtown (Manhattan)
From the Real Deal:
Jared Kushner has kept 90% of his real estate holdings: report Value of WH adviser's retained property interest is between $132M and $407M
May 22, 2017 03:10PM
White House senior adviser Jared Kushner TRData LogoTINY to date has kept 90 percent of his national real estate assets, according to an analysis of his ethics disclosures.

Although Kushner reportedly divested from marquee properties like 666 Fifth Avenue and the upcoming tower at Jersey City’s One Journal Square, he’s so far elected to keep the overwhelming majority of interest in a real estate empire that stretches from Manhattan to Missouri, the Washington Post reported.

But little more is discernible from the ethics disclosures, which mostly list difficult to trace shell companies. The Washington Post identified 124 residential properties Kushner has kept, with the value of his retained interest ranging between $132 million and $407 million.

Ethics experts question whether any of these assets will create conflicts of interests in Kushner’s domestic and foreign policy dealings at a time that he is following along the side President Donald Trump on a foreign tour that includes visits to Saudi Arabia, Israel, Belgium and Italy.[And there is more...]
Bob (Seattle)
Please reprint this article once a month for the next 6 months. The content bears repetition. Great insights into a greedy family that preys on our least protected fellow Americans.
Andrew (Durham NC)
This article is a big yellow notice hanging publicly on Kushner's doorknob. And one truly well-deserved.
jazz one (Wisconsin)
A. Read "Evicted"
B. This explains so much ... why Trump allowed JK to marry his princess, Ivanka.
And why Ivanka fell for JK. So much like Dad; so much in common.
Al (Los Angeles)
One way or another, we're all his tenants.
MSL (REston VA)
It appears Ivana married a duplicate of her father. It is disgusting.
Sam (Gilroy, CA)
Perhaps some of you figured Kushner for a Peace Corp volunteer?
margarita (Washington DC)
What about a documentary Mr Moore?
Paul (Virginia)
Bravo, NYT. Journalism at its best.
Ed (Silicon Valley)
Jared Kushner. Slumlord.
Margaret (Raleigh, NC)
How much money does one family need?
Paul (Silver Spring)
My hat is off to the reporting and editing team behind this story. It is a shame that these poor tenants lack legal representation. The Baltimore legal community should do more to provide pro bono services in such cases. It is worth noting here that Trump's budget would decimate funding for Legal Aid.
Suzanne Cordier (Portland, Oregon)
An inquiry into the judges in these cases might be in order given the suspiciously disproportionate number of judgments in favor of Kushner's companies.
Georgist (New York CIty)
This is horrible, absolutely horrible.

I do not understand why Democrats on a whole who supposedly represent people do not have a hold of this, have attorneys who represent these citizens, pro-bono against this bullying tactic.

The judges must be corrupt, they are the ones who are to blame for each of the horrible stories, the judges could rule in favor of the defendants and the real estate company would not be in business.

Repairs alone should stop this disgusting behavior. People with children, those getting Section 8 vouchers here in NY are mostly Jewish and in no way would the courts allow this to happen to that segment of population. Why can't everyone be treated with the same dignity as the Jewish Population of Section 8 Vouchers all over the country?

Sad to say, Jared Kushner is the focus of this article, but I hear there are some prominent Democrat slum lords as well.

There is a God out there, I believe, if not the Universe is watching. Something needs to happen to shake up this sick market.
Terri Ballard (Montebuono Italy)
What is really disturbing about this is that JK's wife has taken on the role of champion for working women. At least a certain class of working women - certainly not those whose efforts to have gainful employment and to avoid welfare are thwarted by her husband and his partners in these dirty and shameful acts against low-income renters.
Stuart (Boston)
These articles illuminate many things.

Yes, they detail much about Jared Kushner.

But this is more: an analysis of how litigious our society has become. A description of how people and companies will keep racking up dollars in an almost game-like fashion. It is also interesting to see all the people who fall into the orbit of that process: the lawyers, the process servers, the collection teams, not to mention the property supers and host of other people clinging to the business. As heartless as it can become.

Business is not charity. And even charity, it you define that as a tithe or the willingness to share 10% of your income, is not really charity. We take care of our own needs and perhaps our family's.

Human beings can be cruel and selfish. I think less about Kushner and more about the culture in which he grows and develops. This man of Jewish heritage who is more like Zacchaeus, the despicable tax collector whom Christ called down from the tree and then forgave, than he is like the man whom we ridicule each day as a fiction.

Things have changed little since ancient times.
Pragmatic Independent (New York, NY)
So behind that baby-faced smile is evil? Hmmm. That must be what attracted Ivanka to him.
Sandman (Fema district V)
Wow, the comments here are almost insane. Does anyone have critical thinking skills here? Hidden in paragraph 9 lies on sentence; Democratic donor. Speaking of Jared's criminal father. Little reference is made of Jared's political leanings outside of Trump's son in law. I wonder why?

And please dive in to the aspects of property management. Kushner hires the most profitable companies to manage his properties, as most do. I hate the little bleeper but I don't blame him for that. To associate him and therefore Trump with throwing out Tennant's is silly.

What this article is in my opinion is a demonstration of the ignorance of America. By giving an emotional reaction without understanding the underlying implications one simply plays into the author's hand. This is a story without a story, intended simply to induce an emotional reaction.

There is one great principal to be gained from this article. Keep your paperwork, show up to court, and don't trust property management companies. This has nothing to do with Trump, no matter what the author wants you to believe.
capitalista (San Francisco, CA)
Are these judges being paid off by Kushner?
Paulis Waber (washington, dc)
I am so revolted by this. By the lack of simple human decency. He has the polished veneer but beneath lies a dead heart.
RBR (Santa Cruz, Cal)
Isn't America great? The Slum Landlord benefiting from HUD vouchers. This administration is the most abhorrent in US history. Although many of us simply watching from the sidelines the destruction of the country.
Louise Madison (Wisconsin)
The level of greed appears remarkable. He is no more than a Slumlord with degrees, rich wife, and powerful father in law. Disgusting. Thx for the article.
Jason R. (California)
Disgusting. The entire family has no shame. More proof that money can't make you a real man.
Navya Kumar (Mumbai, India)
America has elected such a darling bunch of humanitarians - all in one family... Guess the worst hit are the ones who were looking at the new regime as their savior?
Bigsister (New York)
Going for the gold. To heck with the Golden Rule.
Ann (Boston)
Jared Kushner should be added to the top of the slumlord watch list. His father is an ex-con so it isn't surprising.
Barbara Einzig (Baltimore, Maryland)
Kudos to the reporter, The Times, and Pro Publica for getting this story out. Has the GoFundMe campaign been started?

Great journalism...please keep helping get the black mold out in the sunlight!
Nuschler (hopefully on a sailboat)
Orson Welles and Joseph Cotton starred in the movie “The Third Man.” It’s a movie about the search for greed, power, and money.

Harry Lime (Welles)takes Martins (Joseph Cotton) for a ride on the gigantic Vienna Ferris wheel and explains his view of history. The people below look just like ants--and they count for no more than ants.

It’s a pop version of Matthew 4:8: the devil showing off all the opportunities in the world from a great height.

Jared and Ivanka made a big splash in the media over getting a rabbinical pass for being able to fly in Air Force One over the Sabbath.

These two slimy weasels are so far from any religion...their God is power and money...just as Harry Lime viewed people as ants. From the top of the Vienna Ferris wheel Orson Welles says, “Would it really make ANY difference if one of those ants just stopped moving?”

Harry Lime? Meed Jared Kushner!
Ratza Fratza (Home)
The imbecile Trump is planning to sell the peoples' assets; they don't belong to him to sell and representation shouldn't include selling our assets. Has anyone drawn the comparison to the demise of the former Soviet Union and the selling of their peoples' assets at pennies on the dollar to what the Trump administration has in mind to do with our assets? Hurry up with the impeachment proceedings before he totally ruins America and gives it away to American oligarchs turning it into his and his friends personal garage sale.
PaulineE (Guam)
Nice work, MacGillis, New York Times & Pro Publica! Keep at it!
CLaire LIssance (Albuquerque)
The Trump Dynasty is a nefarious magnet that only attracts the worst.
Haley (Oregon)
This article is just one of the many reasons I am happy to pay for my Times subscription. Keep up the good work.
NY Grrl (NYC)
Well well, the mystery behind the smug, stoic Kushy begins to unravel. Is this how we make America great again?
Robin (Chicago)
Despicable. No wonder I. was attracted to him.
Todge (seattle)
" When bad things happen to good people" - Harold Kushner

"When bad people happen to good people" - Jared Kushner
toom (Germany)
The GOP/Jared mantra is "don't get poor, sick or rent from me".
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
So which one married UP, Jared or Ivanka?? A conundrum for our time. Bigly.
sophia (nyc)
Court appearances, expenses and charges really detract from women who work.
Brandy Danu (Madison, WI)
Opportunists of the first degree! Very Dirty Money, and taking advantage of the most vulnerable. Maybe these bloodsuckers will be reincarnated as something appropriate, but as what I'm not sure. Don't want to give pigs or snakes a bad name...
Carol Mello (California)
Suprise! Surprise! Trump's son in law of his favorite child is another shady real estate owner/developer.

Not an impeachable offense for the President. But it does make Jared a less than ideal person to have on our government payrole, advising the President.

maryanneso (Santa Monica, CA)
Bought my son a health insurance policy. My agent recommended a new company called Oscar. After the purchase I read in NY Magazine that Jared Kushner owns Oscar. Waiting for the next scandal!
Ryan Kerney (Gettysburg PA)
This is terrific journalism. I think we all gave Kushner the benefit of the doubt as he is billed as this alter-ego of Steve Bannon's. Sadly slum lords are just as bad as white nationalist conspiracy theorists (and in Trump we have both). Please keep up the excellent work.
Elizabeth (NYC)
It comes as no surprise that Kushner would literally cruise the distressed rust belt, squeeze what he could from people in distress and build somewhat flimsily constructed housing in order to take advantage of the poverty that plagues that area. No better than a bottom feeding, heartless, slum lord. What difference does it make where he was educated, he is an opportunistic greedy person without a conscience, not unlike his father-in-law. It sickens me that this can go on. It's also a little scary that he is the president's top adviser. Has anyone noticed that we have not heard a word out of his mouth? It's about time to take a look at this guy, and no one but the press can do it because he's the "baby Jesus". He is as or maybe worse the 99% of the cabinet appointees. What a frightening time to be living.
Dan (New York, NY)
Remember J.K.'s father-in-law in his inaugural address: 'America first, America first'.

Yes, America first should be ashamed of herself every single day having chosen the worst candidate of all times and his heavy, unlawful baggage of family ties bringing to 1600 Penn Ave.

American citizens need to be ashamed of seeing broken system in our society in the face of faceless Trump and his soulless son-in-law treating poor and needy, vulturing their flesh and bones.

And they have such greed and hubris for hijacking religious emotions to bring their soulless presence by praying at Jerusalem Western Wall in Israel (the first by a sitting US president, by the way!).

Instead of choosing Sanders, a humble human being, a rare politician for the people, the process brought two greedy power hungry characters, and the worst got elected.

I certainly hope Sanders-Warren duo (or at least one of them) got elected in the next election and can start healing the broken system in our society.
Carol D (<br/>)
Jared Kushner should be ashamed of himself. In my book He's nothing short of a slumlord. The fact that he met with a Russian Bank which is on the sanctions list bothers me greatly. I believe he might be the one close to Trump that they are investigating. Wouldn't surprise me a bit
Neil (New York City)
He is a slumlord & he's far from ashamed of himself. The entire family are white collar criminals and will hopefully be serving jail sentences. It would also be appropriate for Bannon, Trump, & Kushner to receive severe physical beatings, you know the kind that Trumps insists are not torture (wink)
Fred Reade (NYC)
I would suggest legal reform is in order, protecting the tenants. Confirmation of having fulfilled obligations should be documented upon leaving the residence and so tenants like Warren, could not be pursued. Other simple legal reforms could protect tenants from the parasitic landlords like Kushner.

Finally, sure Kushner and Trump are the lowest of the low, but that was obvious all along and 63 millions voters chose him. We live in a country with a pathology at its core when so many can choose someone who is obviously toxic, evil, inept and the biggest liar ever in American political history.
PogoWasRight (florida)
Such conduct and lack of concern for others is about what I would expect, considering his background. Although I once lived in Baltimore and love the city, the whole county needs a different system from the crooked one now in place. But Baltimore's long background of political skulduggery and ineptness does not give me any hope for improvement. Especially while the Trump family is involved.........
DCM (Nevada)
These apartments advertise. Read tenant apartment reviews. They are loaded with bugs, rats and mold.
OC (Wash DC)
This along with other systemic forms of preying on people's basic needs is why
communist revolutions succeed.
Alice Fogarty (Edison NJ)
My sister live in that horrible Cove Village for few years. They never fixed anything in apartment. Washers always broken. The management was awful. They probably threw out her release.
Charles MArtin (Nashville, TN USA)
Nice, Kushner. Living the Greed American Dream.
downtown (Manhattan)
Looking forward to the Times investigative piece on Kushner's East Village apartment buildings. He emptied out buildings with the aggressive tactics that speculators are using all over the EV and is just a notch above those on the 10 worst landlord list like Icon and Toledano. Without nonprofit housing protection groups like the Cooper Square Committee, GOLES, and City Council member Rosie MĂ©ndez, who have worked with tentants of Kushner buildings, we would of all been ejected from our homes by his kind of uber-capitalist a long time ago. Kushner is speculator, he not a developer or landlord, a poster boy for uber-capitalism.
Number Twenty Five (Portland Maine)
The game of Monopoly is much easier to play when you start out with all the $500s, $100s, $50s, $20s, $10s and $5s before the first roll of the dice.
Anony (Not in NY)
The apple doesn't fall far from the (ex-convict) tree.
Eben Spinoza (SF)
This is just an easy to understand example of the power of concentrated wealth that defines the rules.

You might as well criticize the family that owns The New York Times for its maintenace of its multigenerational wealth.
They do the similar things, but in more obscure ways.

Ugly, isn't it to see what it takes to keep the system going?

An article about fortunes built on the collection of medical debt would largely look the same.

The key thing is to wield the power of aggregated wealth over atomized powerless individuals who can't defend themselves,

Once you get that, you can understand the Koch Bros and the Clintons. Palo Altans and West Siders. Houston Socialites and Noam Chomsky. You and me.

Look into your own portfolios. You're the same. I'm the same.

We chew up the weak and justify it, unless happenstance forces us to look at the way things really work.
Melissa (Santa Cruz, CA)
Wouldn't it be great if Kushner spent as much on maintainence of property as he does on legal matters? More shameful acts repeated daily!
Do the right thing Jarrod!
cat (maine)
First of all, this is Pulitzer worthy journalism. Secondly, the perpetrators of this human misery, the Kushner-Trump clan, should be in prison for the sheer human misery they so brutally visit on these poor people trying to simply survive in Kushner's dog-eat-dog world. The utter shamelessly of Kushner and his business cohorts is shocking. Lock them up. Throw away the key.

"One of the common failings among honorable people is a failure to appreciate how thoroughly dishonorable some other people can be, and how dangerous it is to trust them."

Thomas Sowell
Bob (Seattle)
Some members of our democracy just can't get enough wealth and stoop so low to take from the poor.
fastfurious (the new world)
NYT - thanks for publishing this today, the same day Jared and Ivanka had an audience with Pope Francis - who's a great man concerned with peace, human dignity & fighting poverty.

I watched in disgust as that bum Jared shook hands with the Pontiff. This article revealing exactly what a bum Jared is is just what I needed.

Thanks again. Great job.
bob (brooklyn)
Outstanding work from Pro Publica for the Times. Echoing some comments, what's stunning is that Kushner and his minions have done all of this within the bounds of the law. What's even more stunning is what he and other slumlords are doing here in NYC, much of it highly illegal, to drive out tenants from rent regulated apartments. If we can't "lock em up" for Baltimore, let's do it here.
Maureen Hawkins (Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada)
For the next election, the Democrats should simply create a flyer telling Kushner's tenants who their landlord really is, put one in every mailbox in each complex, & offer them rides to the polls.
Kareena (Florida)
They could have worked out a payment plan for her
David (Chapel Hill)
Always hold on to your paperwork - foolish not to. Little sympathy.

And you think Kushner has direct oversight over a small-time issue like this? The guy likely has thousands of properties, and he's the president's son-in-law; I'll bet you he hasn't even heard of this issue till now.

Not saying this wasn't wrong, but you need to hold onto your paperwork - always.
zula (new york)
No surprise whatsoever. “It was a lot of construction and a lot of evictions,”
Cold little man with no conscience. The rich get richer.
eric (<br/>)
well well the invisible Jared Kushner is becoming a bit more visible.
BethesdaMom (Bethesda)
Shame on Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump for living off the backs of poor people. How greedy can they be!! How much more wealth do they want? Disgraceful! They are trashing everything good about this country.
Mrs.Kramer (California)
Disgusting. This is standard practice for large, U.S. multi-tenant landlords when people withhold rent or break leases of unsafe housing. It's retaliation in large part so others do not complain or sue for being made ill from contaminates in moldy buildings. The landlord aggression is a key element of a systemic US insurer fraud scam -- that's also used by the federal gov't and their military housing contractors to avoid liability for causation of illness and death. It's a multi-billion dollar scam that began in 2002 and is covered up by criminal means in the courts. I have documents to prove that it is criminal -- and that the USDOJ will not act to make it stop.
Ed (Silicon Valley)
If this is how the Kushners treat renters, imagine how they'll treat Chinese investors once each gives them the $500,000 they're peddling for for their failed 666 Fifth Avenue purchase. Get ready to get countersued when you try to sue the Kushners to get your money back. It's what they do. Dad Kushner went to jail for illegal business practices. The apple-tree correlation absolutely holds true here. Chinese buyers beware.
Rita Walters (Baltimore, MD)
There are a little less than 500 comments, there should be 5,000...perhaps 500,000; a collective sign of the moral outrage of the public and our frustration with JK's unmitigated gall to prey on the poor and disenfranchised.
Fred (NJ)
This is what happens when folks do not organize and vote. JK is a parasite who is feeding off ills of poor folks. Their aren't legal protections for tenants against abuses. This is a classic situation where wealthy land owners are taking advantage working class folks. Nasty, nasty stuff.
Sterling (Brooklyn)
I wonder if Ivanka will go to help "empower" the poor and working class women her husband's company are dragging through the court system over and over again. Wait who I am kidding. She'll probably go buy herself a pretty bauble or dress with the her share of the money the Kushners grind out of these women.

I wondered if there was a family more vulgar, greedy and tacky than the Trumps. I guess it is the Kushners. No surprise Ivanka and Jaren got together. They are both truly despicable people.

Kudos to the Times for publishing this piece. It's a nice change from the deification of Ivanka and Jared from the trash (NY Post, WSJ, and Fox) that passes as right wing media these days.
Nancy L (San Francisco)
How can Jared Kushner sleep at night? I hope this article gets even broader visibility and that Kushner is fully exposed for the heartless, slum lord he is. Appalling and criminal. Excellent reporting Alec MacGillis.
Carol GILLETTE (White Plains, My)
These tenant's plights would make a solid reality TV show, comparing how their daily lives parallel their slum lords'. Makes my heart heavy....
n aragon (phoenix)
great reporting. thanks.
Suzanne Cordier (Portland, Oregon)
If the Kushners are not the very models of modern major slumlords, I'll eat my copy of Bleak House.
Joel Pickford (Fresno, CA)
This is first rate investigative reporting. Very satisfying. This is why I subscribe to the Times.
Jack (Middletown, Connecticut)
Jared and Ivanka spend the first week of July every year at their apartment in High Seas Court, so they walk the walk.
audrey hung (Ottawa)
I have just finished the book All the President's Men, and learned some innuendo skills by some reporters. Could it be that the report is insinuating something bigger than just a real estate empire.
Note: the Washington Post reported last Friday that FBI has identified "a senior white house adviser" as "a person of interest" in Russia probing.
Franci (Baltimore)
Great reporting. Any way to get a list of his properties?
LovesGermanShepherds (NJ)
Not surprising that Jared is a part of an evil business that takes advantage of poor people. How is it right to charge fees on top of fees, when the tenant's apartment is mouse infested, black mold covered, sewage seeping & full of holes, also with the ceiling collapsing?

What these folks need to do is initiate a class action lawsuit against the landlord, while putting their rent in escrow. Is there nothing they can do to force the landlord to fix these apartments, while suspending their rent payments?

Guess not, now that HUD is controlled by a Trump appointee!

Keep 'em coming NYtimes, your reporting is making a difference.
Jersey girl (New Jersey, NJ)
I am not surprised that left leaning Democrat Jared Kushner is a slumlord. This Trump-Kushner grifter alliance will continue to flourish cause generally no one is looking out for the poor. I guess we now know why neurosurgeon Ben Carson was selected as Secretary of HUD. Carson, who believes poverty is a state of mind doesn't care either. The two Trump voters in the article still pledge allegiance to con man Donnie while being perplexed about owing late fees to like son in law, like father in law...this is just the Kushner Trump way. Sad!
MaryS (Pennsylvania)
I hope Kushner is held accountable for all his shady dealings especially the ones with the Russians.
Stephen (Woodbridge, CT)
Jared Kushner has now been unmasked as the Chief Kleptocrat in the Trump Kleptocracy. He will probably become the richest Oligarch in the Trump Oligarchy if it continues for any period of time ( God willing it will not). None of this should surprise anyone. Compliments to the journalists who unearthed the history of Mr. Kushner's despicable business practices. For people who thought a business man should run the country, this is what you got- a totally unethical slumlord as chief advisor to a totally incompetent president.
Marie L. (Atlanta, Georgia)
Here, thanks to excellent reporting, we see yet another stinking, putrid level of the greedy, soulless, un-American corporate swamp infested and perpetuated by the Trump minions.

Jared learned his fancy business and law lessons well. There are fortunes to be made by squeezing dry those who didn't inherit daddy's millions or marry millionaire Daddy's girl. There are cost savings aplenty when you discourage renters from demanding fair treatment and decent housing, for fear that you might take them to court over a late rent payment or refuse to let them move from unprepared units. Why do judges allow such abuse of vulnerable citizens who've fallen on hard times? You tell me.

Alas, some inhabitants of these decaying apartments were too stressed, tired, or despairing to research exactly how the Trump crowd made their gazillions. Sadly, many of them bought Trump's bombastic, unrealistic promises to make everything better. If nothing else, this article demonstrates the need for large-scale voter registration and outreach drives in working class and low-income areas. Never again should voters be so unaware that they vote against their best interests, or so apathetic that they merely write off government as useless, thus failing to vote at all.
nkda2000 (Fort Worth, TX)
Trump and Kushner are birds of a feather.

They both exploit those below them and act with the utmost arrogance and attitude that the world owes them everything.

The difference, Kushner viciously knows exactly what he is doing. On the other hand, Trump grew up into a man child bully having never been told no in his life.
anne lorenzetti (nyv)
The second and third generations of the Kushner family are truly evil at the core. I look forward to the time we are freed from reading about their questionably activities that could be a humiliation to the dynasty founder.
td (NYC)
He couldn't get away with that in NYC. The tenant is always right, even if they don't pay.
Jean (Los Angeles)
Do you really think a man who treats his tenants this way is going to temper the extremist policies coming out of the White House? Trump and his Senior Advisor, JK, are all about "charity" to the rich, in the form of tax cuts while cutting programs that support the less well off. Don't forget the Kushner-Trumps hired a publicist to spin their nepotistic involvement in the Trump administration.
Bob (Boston, MA)
I'll bite my tongue about JK. Who and what he is was obvious before this article, but clearly the man and his sire are neither admirable nor worthy of any government office.

But the bigger problem is that of the tenant laws. What is described in this article happens over and over again across the country and the world, dating back for millennia. Landlords hold all of the power. The law is on their side. Judges are friendly to them. They know all of the details and processes, and when that's not enough, all of the tricks.

Everything favors the landlord over the little guy, and landlords tend to be evil enough to use it to milk every penny they can out of the poor people held under their sway.

The MID (mortgage interest deduction) is adding to the problem. Research it.
We are creating a new "landed gentry" class by rewarding those who can afford to buy homes, and taking money as rent from the poor who can't. This is only going to continue to widen the wealth-gap.
Elizabethnyc (NYC)
Great coverage. There is so much more to this guy. I don't doubt that he "owns" the majority of the judges resulting in unfair rulings. He's dirty and there is so much more so keep going please. I can't imagine what he is doing in DC, but trust me it's crooked.
Soroor (USA)
I am appalled by the judges involved. I am assuming they are elected and get campaign cash from the like of JK2 Westminster, etc.?
This sheds light on why it is that Mr. Trump feels so close to Mr. Kushner. They are one soul in two bodies.
M (NY)
Or maybe the judges have heard both sides of the story and you've only heard one? Ever consider that?!
Victor Delclos (Baldwin, MD)
It strikes me the most, if not all of the victims of this inhumane business are employed. That, according to the repulsive budget director who wrote and righteously defends the draconian budget put forth by the administration this week, is the measure of worth in this country. If this is what employment offers in a great America, then God help those who cannot work. It is the American Nightmare and we should all feel the shame.
Bob Busch (Tampa)
I think there is another, even more telling story. Look into the judges and the "Company."
Lolostar (<br/>)
This article shows the true character of Jared Kushner: an inherently greedy man, with no concern whatsoever for the lives of others. My hope is that, like his tenants, he will come to understand human suffering, which one can only do through empathy or experience. A good long time spent in a prison would facilitate his understanding of this.
Kristine (Illinois)
Yes Kushner makes money by exploiting the poor but what he really needs is a tax break. Trump family values.
Davis Bliss (Lynn, MA)
All the members of the Trump family are making me sick to my stomach. They are all filthy fich, and in many cases have made at least some of their money by preying on the poor and disadvantaged. (note the revelation that Jared Kushner, in addition to his real estate projects tailored toward the wealthy and upwardly mobile, is also basically a slum landlord.) Most conspicuously, we have a President who wants to cut taxes for the rich, increase military spending and finance his ridiculous border wall by cutting services for the poor and disabled: Medicaid; SNAP; SSDI; school lunch programs; housing subsidies and programs that help prevent homelessness; after school programs; special education and job training...and that's just to name a few. Many of his proposed cuts are completely counterintuitive. How do you expect some of the people who are receiving help through SNAP and other programs to get a job, or return to work because their skills are no longer viable, if you don't provide job training and other support services to help them re-enter the workforce?
Roxanne Hart (Los Angeles)
Shameful that the tenant had to pay to replace carpet ruined by the landlord's neglect of the plumbing. If only these people had someone to represent them against what clearly must be maintenance violations.
This is a "Dickensian" nightmare and Jared is "Scrooge."
Donna (California)
Reading this piece; I just want to scream. This piece should be sent directly to Jared's White House Address. Every news station should highlight this gross injustice. How about the big three news corporations requesting an interview of Mr. Kushner? And at the same time- I have mixed feelings about the woe-is-me mindset of the victim. Too many missteps: No evidence, then evidence but failing to attach it to the court petition. Then falling back on "Poor pitiful me, I don't know anything...". Do what everyone else does. Get on your computer or go to a local library; pound the pavement, get on the telephone and scream for help. It doesn't appear she did anything except running-in-place. Yes, this is an outrageous situation by the JK Greed Factory but victims must be proactive too. I am angry at both.
vandalfan (north idaho)
Is this so different than Uber cheating their employees? It's the Golden Rule, s/he who has the gold makes all the rules.
CMB2 (Washington, DC)
What a serendipitous perfection of Kushner's business model!
With the Trump Administration (including Kushner) colluding to weaken the most vulnerable by removing essential safety nets for individuals and families, they ensure the "steady flow of income" that Jared prizes over all -- squeezing profit out of people's misfortune and slumlords' corrupt practices. Shame on you! And the attorneys who do your bidding.

I hope advocates get involved, to monitor and advise residents.
We should also investigate whether these judges are acting out of inattention to the facts, bias, or Other.
La résistance (PUNTA GORDA FL)
This is what disturbs us snowflakes! We see what Trump and his extended family do, before he was president and what they continue to do after. They simply are predators who prey upon those who are weaker.

As much as some who would have schadenfreude over Trump supporters being victims of the Trump and Kushner business practices and legislature actions we have to fight for them as well.

The Donald has always threatened people into submission with heavy handed legal actions and now with the Kushners we see the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.
Gayle Hamilton (Minnesota)
Difficult times for these tenants. As a Landlord of a small furnished apartment, I see both sides. Rent needs to be paid before cell phones, manicures, tattoos and cigarettes. Not all landlords are inhumane. And if you have hundreds of people owing thousands, it mounts up for even a large corporation. Just pay your rent and pay attention to the details when you do.....we are all accountable for clean, legal transactions, this is not brain surgery.....
RjW (Spruce Pine NC)
Many Wall Streeters have gone into low income housing as many of their traditional ways of making money have dried up in the low interest rates environment.
Groups of investors even snatch up foreclosures by the dozens and " rent to sell" on tricky terms.
Bless their hearts!
Jeremy (Austin)
These are the "rent seeking" (literally in this case) Elites that we need to get rid of.

The west coast "elites" (hate that word), well, they build things, we want to keep them around, they build more value.
Muffy McGuffin (Vancouver, WA)
This is so sad it just breaks my heart. What are these gangsters doing in the WH? What has happened to this country? Every day it just gets worse. Thank you Alec MacGillis and everyone at the "failing" NYT for your top notch investigative reporting. We need a free and independent press now more than ever before in the history of this country.
Closet Dem (Lynchburg VA)
As Jared offers to

"...recuse himself from any policy decisions about Section 8 funding, as many of his tenants rely on it for their rent.",

I would like to see how much government subsidy money his interests receive. And, his father-in-law's appointee to run HUD has very little experience to determine whether Section 8 legislation is slanted to maintain the government cash cow into which Jared's interests dip. And wasn't there some news recently that debt collectors could get judgements even if the debtor is not even present in court?

Are there enough local housing inspectors to keep up with the demand for annual inspections of these thousands and thousands of Section 8 rentals that concentrated in such small areas? Is there a pattern of repairs being made just prior to an inspection? How much of a drain is there on the local economy for providing oversight and ready made tenants for these rentals. I imagine the public relations marketing budget for Jared's interests are quite low:

"For rent, 2bm,1b suburban apartment. Minimal mold, rodents, maggots, heat, air conditioning, hot water, and holes in walls. Available immediately. Section 8 voucher preferred, but you'll still have to pay out of pocket and out your wazoo."

I must close and take my blood pressure medicine.
Steve C. (Hunt Valley, MD)
It's pathetic that "blue" Maryland has not had any uproar about this! Where are the local Democratic leaders that keep winning elections in this state? Why are they so silent and complacent?
BillFNYC (New York)
I always thought there was something strange about Jared and Ivanka, always so meticulously clothed and coifed. I guess they shellac the outside to hide the corrosion on the inside.
Stephen (Los Angeles)
I don't know Kushner nor do I like him. However
This is a hit piece to upset the masses.
I own Investment properties and it is difficult. Mold really is mildew, we can't possibly know what's in every room of every apartment. Nor by law are we allowed to enter any unit. Everyone should pay on time just like car payment/credit cards if not they charge 30% but that's okay?
C'mon people if you owned a rental property you'd want to be paid also!
Joel (Florida)
Maybe people should start taking care of themselves, like save money by not wasting it. It's easy to earn money in America, plenty of opportunities. It's a shame that 43% of Americans can't come up with $400 cash. Corporations are defined as strictly money makers, beholden only to stockholders. These stories are pathetic, both Kushner and the tenants. LEARN HOW TO INCREASE YOUR INCOME.
m (LA)
this story is a good representation of what our just-us legal system is really about: he who has the most $ wins.
MidtownATL (Atlanta)
Kushner's litigious business model reminds me of the debt collection industry.

The goal is to get a default judgment in small claims court, because the defendant did not show up. It is a numbers game. The majority of defendants never show up. After that victory, they can garnish wages.

In Atlanta where I live, there is a notorious and unscrupuolous debt collection law firm, Frederick J. Hanna. I had some business in civil court several years ago. At the magistrate's desk, I saw a ream of paper sitting there, all new cases freshly submitted by Hanna that week. Then I saw a notice on the bulletin board from Hanna's office, reminding the court staff of his new office address. It was as if the court was his back office, working for him. The summons are often served by sewer service (look it up), so defendants don't even know there is a case pending against them.

Yes, many of these people (but not all) actually owe some money, and possibly even the amount the lawsuit claims. But the debt collectors (and Mr. Kushner's collection attorneys) are counting on people not showing up. They rarely have the legal proof, but don't need it. They are counting on a high percentage of default judgments, and and then wage garnishment. It's a high volume game. Disgusting.
Sue (Pacific Northwest)
This is an illuminating article that will change heart and minds. Listen up people: Trump, like his mini-me son-in-law, is not your friend. Their way of doing business and their way of treating people is despicable.
Peter Engel (Brooklyn, NY)
God bless ProPublica. There's so much here. First of all, Jared Kushner is no mensch or "voice of reason." He is just more soft-spoken than his father-in-law.

If Jared truly is the Trump campaign official who knew what Flynn was up to, I can tell you that he isn't cut out for hanging tough. When they lean, he'll squeal like a stuck pig.

I just cannot fathom the level of sheer greed, pettiness, and deliberate hurting of other people it takes to make these people feel "successful." It's a sickness.
batpa (Camp Hill PA)
What a disgrace. It's clear why Jared Kushner is a favorite of Donald Trump. They are both greedy, selfish, dishonest, despicable men. It's mind boggling that anyone could consider them advocates for the poor or middle class. They are 21st Century "robber barons".
mmf (Rochester, NY)
Everything made worse in recognizing--and how could anybody ignore it--that this is the same Jared who now has some title in OUR government! Do we pay him for whatever he does? And what DOES he do, besides wearing his clothing well, looking serious, and meeting the Pope and others to have his photo taken? What does his role in OUR government have to do with the quality of life for anybody in the nation or the world, except for himself? I imagine he constantly regrets he hasn't figured a way (so far) to charge ALL OF US fines and late fees, while turning off our hot water and lights.
CMB2 (Washington, DC)
What a serendipitous perfection of their business model!
With the Trump Administration (including Kushner) colluding to weaken the most vulnerable by removing essential safety nets for individuals and families, they ensure the "steady flow of income" that Jared prizes over all -- squeezing profit out of people's misfortune and these slumlords' corrupt practices. Shame on you! And the attorneys who do your bidding.

I hope advocates get involved, to monitor and advise residents.
We should also investigate whether these judges are acting out of inattention to the facts, bias, or other.
patricia (CNY)
I am so sick and tired of this entire horrible family. Any rational thought has almost completely disappeared for me and I find myself sinking to bare emotion of wanting them banished. This country cannot take another 3+ years of these people.
Maggie (Hudson Valley)
Jared Kushner - Another vampire squid relentlessly shoving it's blood funnel in to anything that smells like money. (Thank you Matt Taibbi for the description that always paints a perfect picture of greed.)
Trobador (Amesbury, MA)
The back story on this, worthy of another lengthy piece from your excellent journalists, is the court system itself. Years ago, in another state (Massachusetts) I ended watching the housing court shaft an innocent tenant into whose apartment rain was falling. In that instance, I observed at one point the judge shmoozing with the representative of the landlord. The court found against the tenant, and for the landlord. A shande, as my granmother would have said.

So then, how did at least some housing courts end up in the pockets of at least some slumlords? It's a major scandal, IMO, in the American justice system.

Thanks, NYT, for running this important piece.
mark (<br/>)
Lots of Jersey tenants at Kushner owned apartment complexes had similar complaints about maintenance issues,etc. Many complexes were sold but some are still owned via Westminster. Too bad it took this long for a joint Times-ProPublica investigation as I lived in one till 2007 when I moved and then learned it was sold. Both Kushners are filthy rich and have little shame.
Black Cat (California)
Excellent article! Thank you! Until my mother retired, she worked as a lawyer for Legal Aide protecting tenants such as these from slumlords like Jared Kushner. Protect Legal Aide!
AliceWren (NYC)
An extraordinary article. Slum landlord best describes the conduct outlined here. I have to wonder if there is anything Jared Kushner will not do for money. He seems more like Trump than the sons do.

I am also stunned at how inadequate the judges were. For every example described in this article, these judges had to have seen dozens from the same lawyers for the same real estate entities. At some point, they had to have realized that these people were living in buildings that were not being repaired. The pattern of neglect, of ignoring tenants, must have been obvious to anyone paying even minimal attention.

Is it any wonder that many, many poor people in this country feel that the legal system is useless to them. Or worse, a weapon used against them.
MP (New York City)
The fact that someone who has so much wealth is expending so much effort and expense to chase down relatively small sums from the working class and indigent, it's not just about money. It is a sadistic greed for power, a concept of "winning" which involves grinding others into the dust. It's about character.
Steve (SW Michigan)
Anyone who has been in court watching cases like these know that the Law prevails. Having documents, paper trails, proof, etc. is crucial here. Judges may be empathetic to defendants, but they generally follow the law.
This is where the Kushners of the world have advantage - they know the law prevails, and for a certain percentage of their lawsuits, they are depending on the defendant not being prepared. For him, it is just business, and there are no personal hardship stories behind them. In that respect, no different than his dad in law.
Marcia Lazaro (Ukiah, Calilfornia)
As the owner of a NorCal property management company and residential rentals, for a change, I think I'm actually glad to be doing business in CA, where landlord-tenant laws are tightly codified and enforced and can be onerous. While JK2 Westminster/Kushner Companies emphasizes maximizing profits for partners, they lack the big picture of what makes residential investment properties profitable. You don't need 20,000 units to know that vacancies are losers - lost rents are lost forever - most residential income property owners want longterm tenants. Fix the unit, keep a tenant. Tenant leaves, fix the unit, find a tenant. We also hold tenants to the terms of their lease and the best way to stop bad behavior is through the tenant's wallet. But who wants to end up in court over $500 or $2000 or even $5000 with a tenant that has little chance of repaying the judgement? I'd love to see the individual complex P&L's that show collection income surpassing legal expenses. Kushner Companies would see a greater return on their investment if they took the money spent on lawyers and put it into maintaining their residential rentals and giving tenants a desire to live there. This type of landlord behavior is what gives all of us a bad name when the majority of rental property owners can be considered fair housing advocates. I'm going to assume that this type of rental ownership.management is not taught at NYU or Harvard.
Megan (Philadelphia)
Thank you for publishing this article.
I think it gives us all a better idea of the nature of the presidential family. Like most renters, I've had these sorts of experiences with slumlord LLCs, and find them to be the most despicable and ruthless class of people.
Now, the country is being governed by this lot. Make no mistake, their current 'fiduciary duty' is to the wealthiest in America-- as evidenced by their proposed budgets. The rest of us are their patsies. If we want healthcare, clean air, infrastructure, education, or any semblance of justice in this country, we will have to fight for it. Trump, Kushner, and the GOP's elected officials and judges might stack the laws and courts against us, but let's learn from this article: if we back down, they WILL rip us apart.
Sally (NYC)
Kushner and his real estate company also used those dirty tricks here in NYC. My friend lived in a building that was bought by them, and would not accept rent payments by money order, would send checks back if someone did not write the company's entire name on the check (for example forgetting the "LLC" at the end, and then charging over $100 in late fees if the rent was more than 3 days late.
Ugly practices that should be illegal.
Dan (Atlanta)
The tactics used by JK2 are greedy and unethical. It also speaks of the legal system and what happens when you have a large well financed corporation taking advantage of low income renters. While the actions here are despicable I doubt that Kushner himself has any sense that his firm is employing these tactics or that they are not maintaining properties properly. The sorts of decisions are made much further down the food chain. Maybe this piece will alert Kushner to the lax ethics involved in his firm.
Leonard H (Winchester)
Jared Kushner = Slumlord. He takes advantage of the imbalance of power. His company apparently knows its legal rights and apparently drafts leases in its own favor, leaving tenants with little recourse when the landlord Jared Kushner fails to live up to his obligations to repair. Not employing a sufficient staff is not an excuse to leave repairs for an extended period of time. Hire more staff, Jared Kushner. Kushner's father went to jail, so what do you expect? His only qualifications for his government work is loyalty to his father-in-law. What a low person, taking advantage of poor people and attempting to intimidate them when they publicize his bad acts. Trump feels no shame for his bad acts, and those are the people that marry into his family-shameless.
flo (lso angeles)
Mr. Alec MacGillis, an awesome Dickensian report.

Ms. Kamilia Warren could teach Mr. Jared Kushner a few things on life. My heart goes out to her, and every tenant mentioned in this story. And yes, Ms. Abbie Nies' comment below, is right on; a go Fund Me campaign for Ms. Warren.
andrew (new york)
we need voters to exercise the power of the ballot to elect legislators who commit themselves to PUNISHING GREED, pure and simple.

the candidate must absolutely commit to enact laws specifically punishing predatoriness in financial or tenant-landlord transactions by EXPLICITLY TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the resources of any offending party relative to the victim: the bigger the ratio, the bigger the penalty.

Penniless Jean Valjean steals a loaf of bread to feed starving daughter: a crime, yes; punishment necessary, yes- but proportional to the crime and factoring extenuating circumstance: perhaps an hour in jail 1st offense, the sentence doubled each repeated offense. (Deterrence is necessary, but allow merciful judicial discretion).

billionaire business mogul cheats someone poor out of one dollar? Million dollar fine, paid to the victim.
Ken White (Easton, PA)
Callousness runs deep in the Trump and Kushner name. Not surprisingly, it is garnished with a large and steady helping of stupidity. Kushner purchased commercial sites in New York City that he hopes to develop someday, fully aware that they have toxic waste issues. The EPA may have been able to help--at one time. But will the agency be of equal service to Kushner after he and his alarmingly addled father-in-law get through with it? Hopefully not.
Lew Irvine (Nova Scotia)
Another example of the rich getting richer on the backs of the poor and those unable to defend themselves. Kushner and his associates employ ambulance chaser lawyers to intimidate poor people who don't keep records or have the ability to hire a lawyer to defend them in court. Judges are all to eager to move files on and so the deck is stacked against the defendants.
andrew (new york)
the judges in such cases implicitly or explicitly claim they simply must apply the law dispassionately, without preference or sympathy to the poor nor deference to the rich and powerful.

the problem then "may" (I'm not sure; they could very well be corrupt, inhumane abusers) not be with corrupt or inhumane judges so much as bad laws favoring powerful landlords and creditors and/or a defective legal culture allowing tenant rights to be trampled on.

in our (ostensibly) democratic system, the solution(s) rest/s in the legislative process, the poor using the power of the ballot to elect legislators who will enact tenant/debtor friendly laws, such as the following proposal:

"It being the general pattern or nature of contracts - the documents controlling financial transactions - no matter how they are written, to favor the financially more powerful party, especially in the litigation process wherein greater resources results in more favorable interpretation and enforcement outcomes, ANY MISFEASANCE BY THE FINANCIALLY MORE POWERFUL PARTY WILL RESULT AUTOMATICALLY IN PENALTIES = TO 10X THE VALUE OF PURELY ACCIDENTAL MISFEASANCE, 50X THE VALUE WHEN THE MISFEASANCE HAS DISCERNIBLE FINANCIAL OR STRATEGIC VALUE TO THE MISFEASOR. In cases of reckless disregard, 10% of landlord's or creditor's resources transferred to debtor or tenant."
Lenny Rothbart (NYC)
"...the large swath of her downstairs ceiling that had collapsed and the mold and mildew beneath the carpet, each resulting from a leak from her neighbor’s (illicit) washer-dryer.
Asked about such conditions, Kushner Companies said it follows industry standards for maintenance staffing and exterminator visits..."
"Industry standards for staffing" is an evasive cop-out; the question wasn't about *staffing*; it was about necessary & urgent services, for which the landlord is being paid, being performed in an acceptable & timely manner. The only standard that matters is the effectiveness, not the quantity, of staffing.
Diane Vorhis (Apple Valley MN)
Thanks to a modest inheritance, my middle-class husband and I were able to make down payments on 6 single family homes over the last 4 years, which we remodeled and then rented to middle income tenants.

We give a Welcome/Move-in gift, Christmas gifts, and respond to all issues within 24 hours, repairs done in 48 hours. Our tenants love us, an outcome we have purposely sought by our good treatment of them. We believe that if you are paying your hard earned money for rent, you deserve a nice place to live.

How very shameful that Jared Kushner's tenants are treated so inhumanely. I just can't imagine treating people this way. No wonder he's so close to Trump. Peas in a pod.
MsPea (Seattle)
I put nothing past the Trump crew. To a person, they are without morals, integrity or character. But, I give up -- nothing will stop them. They are establishing a dynasty that will last for years. The courts, the Congress, the news media, the electorate--all are unwilling or helpless to stop the onslaught. We are a mere 5 months into this. There are years and years left to go. Ivanka for president. Jared for president. God help us-Eric for president. My only consolation is that I am already 65 years old, and if I'm lucky, I won't last as long as they do.
MacGillis was on NPR yesterday discussing this article, particularly the Warren case mentioned here. While I feel Kushner's company should make Ms. Warren whole (and then some) if she does indeed have a copy of the document she needed, the incident seems to be a greater indictment of our judicial system.

If this narrative is true, I'd like to know who the judge was and why s/he decided to deny an appeal in light of the new evidence that proves Warren's case. That is the most disturbing aspect about this, much more than a greedy real estate company.

And sadly, it has to be asked these days, have MacGillis and the NYT actually seen the document Warren says she gave the court?
Alec MacGillis (Baltimore)
To answer you last question: yes, that form is now in the case file at court, where I found it and got a copy of it.
Lulu Rooney (Simsbury Ct)
I find it perplexing when Trump supporters have no idea the policies they are actually supporting. As the largest receiver of section 8 housing and SNAP benefits I would think this is something they would have considered in the voting booth.
Terry Brauer (Evanston, IL)
There is a consistency about (at least) the men of the Trump families --- unconscionable deeds and words. Their amorality, arrogance, and inclination to lie, cheat, and rationalize; their compulsions to self-promote; their ignorance of fundamental government processes and policies --- its like they have been living under rocks their entire lives with no interest in anything other than real estate and entertainment.

Jared has done extremely well for a man who relatively few have ever heard speak a word and who assiduously avoids cameras and interviews like a fugitive. Even Bernie Madoff gave interviews!

When most, if not all of the truths surface about the Trumps and Kushner clans, those who put them in power need to own it. Naivete and stupidity are no excuses for failing to research these Trump & Co. before November 8 OR maybe many voted for him anyway.

The CBO Report on the Budget is out today. Millions of Trump voters will suffer. Voting against one's own interests isn't admirable or prudent.
dfb (Los Angeles)
This is a national problem with real consequences for America's poor and middle class. Matthew Desmond's EVICTED should be required reading for all Americans. It's heartbreaking but I don't expect any policies coming from the Kushner/Trump Presidency to help our fellow citizens.

Georgette (Scottsdale)
It does not matter if we talk of the son-in-law or the father in-law, trump and Kushner are two of a kind and their gang is no different. Only now they will be fleecing not only some housing project (and enjoying profits from section 8 people) but the whole country. We are being had by the best of thieves in the country.
flo (lso angeles)
Wonderful journalism. I would suggest this piece to be enlisted for Pulitzer, denouncing unethical political family and judicial failure . Dickensian.
JJM (Oberlin, ohio)
Thank you for this wonderfully researched article. I am wondering still about Jared's grandfather who escaped the holocaust to come to this country to start a new life with hope for his family and new community. I wonder if he would approve of his descendants.
andrew (new york)
I've attempted to suggest in this forum the need for voters to require legislators (rather than rely so much on the court system, which in many or most cases are bound by landlord/creditor - favoring legislation) to enact fairer laws.

I propose the following simple one:

"In any finding of 'reckless disregard' or 'abusive' conduct by a landlord or creditor, a penalty calculated by multpilying the monetary value of any damage or injury by the ratio of the injuring party's assets to the injured party's assets shall be imposed, paid by the former to the latter."

Any qualified candidate should simply print that on fliers, and promulgate it electronically, to all voters, who should then vote her or him into office or accept the abuse they bring on themselves. That's democracy - and JUSTICE - folks.
celia (nyc)
Thank you, ALEC MacGILLIS, for such a great piece of investigative journalism on the most despicable family holding the greatest power in the richest country in the world. This is American "greatness" at its basest. How many pieces like yours will it take to bring this amoral family down, and along with it, the cackle of self-motivated politicians in office who prop them up for monetary gain?
P. Ioannou (Weehawken, NJ, USA)
Terrible. As a landlord I've never even dreamed of behaving this shamefully. Pursuing tenants in court for non-payment is one thing. But pursuing back rent from a tenant because the apartment's condition is unlivable is deplorable and subhuman. Wishing the best luck to all those suffering in these complexes.
Steve Ell (Burlington, VT)
This is a person representing the United States? An embarrassment. And with all the outstanding questions about his contacts with Russians, his omissions from federal questionnaires, and more, how can he be allowed to retain a high level security clearance? We should all be afraid. Very afraid. Or we'll be living in Ameristan.
Rod (Chicago)
At what point does an obscenely wealthy young man who was born between third base and home plate say, "hey, I've got enough. Let's leave these poor people alone. They have enough to worry about and I really don't need their money. Let it slide." I guess it doesn't ever happen among those who value money more than human decency...which seems to be most every rich guy and gal in this country. It's really pointless to ask "how do they sleep at night?" The answer always is "soundly and on gilded sheets."
McGloin (Brooklyn)
People get to be billionaires through frauds, small and large.. No one creates a billion, or 50 billion dollars, in wealth through their own productivity. It can only be done by taking the productivity of others and sticking it your own bank account, and by refusing to meet your own obligations, like maintaining apartments you own.
Kushner may be slicker than Trump, but he's still a con man.
Susan Arick (Los Angeles)
This is beyond sickening. It just keeps going from worse to worse with these people. They are the nation's bottomfeeders, predators who should not be tolerated.
Holly (Farmington, UT)
This was an excellent, intelligent, thought provoking investigative report. I really appreciated reading it. Kudos to Alec MacGillis for the time and diligence that went into this article. It struck me how this makes a companion piece to another report the Times ran about a year or so ago about Trump's father (who also built his empire with Slum Lord practices). Apparently, birds of a rotten feather really do flock together.
"How to make billions of dollars just like the Trump dynasty":
1. Take full advantage of the disadvantaged
2. Create a fear-based environment
3. Never let them escape or get ahead.
4. Ruin as many lives as possible squeezing out every. last. dollar.
5. Repeat.
andrew maltz (new york)
Landlords are entitled to collect their rent, but a truly just system must be as tough --with equal levels of deterrence-- on landlords as on tenants. The solution is to use the electoral, and then the legislative process, to enact more just laws such as:

"Any creditor or landlord who inflicts damage to a tenant or debtor through abusive conduct or reckless disregard shall be fined in the amount of that damage's value multiplied by the ratio of the injuring party's resources to the injured party's resources, the fine paid to the injured party."  

There's a term for this approach: Democracy.
WishFixer (Las Vegas, NV)
Well, on the bright side for the tenants, seeing as slum lord occupies a position in The White House, it's highly unlikely the tenants have to worry about their Section 8 subsidies being reduced. To the contrary, the downwardly mobile Section 8 renters might even anticipate an increase in Section 8.
Ah, but ain't that America.
Why doesn't The Times do a piece on countries that are better places to raise children?
With appropriate permissions, this article needs to be printed on the front page or cover of every newspaper and magazine in the UnitedStates.

In addition, the Kushner family must be made to make living conditions livable in ALL the "low income" properties they own.
alec macgillis - amazing journalism. NYT - great publication
Sbr (NYC)
Thank you! Outstanding reporting! Thanks NYT for the collaboration. About the reporting, words fail. I feel physically sick.
Emma Jane (Joshua Tree)
This horrendous story sounds like an updated version of a Tale of Two Cities
with Jared Kushner in the role of a real life Scrooge. Sadly in this version it seems to take complete financial ruin before the victims consider changing their tune. We could really a ghost of christmas past to haunt Trump right about now.
Carmine" (Michigan)
This would be scandalous under any other presidency. But in our new world, the President's supporters will see it as fake news, and Republicans-who have long prided themselves on being defenders of what is right-will look the other way. All will be business as usual. We should be proud that the NYT is still able to print such stories, though.
MsPea (Seattle)
When did Republicans ever "pride themselves on being defenders of what is right"? I'm 65, and I don't remember there ever was such a time.
Robin (Canada)
Thanks for this amazing article! NYT is best!
Stacy Williams (Flanders NJ)
Great reporting. I voted for Trump and try to look past the criticism of the family as liberal bashing but this story is unbelievable. Makes me angry.
Angela Thoburn (St. George, Ut)
Thank you for being willing to consider this as plausible. Sometimes the bashing is deserved. We would all benefit if we were willing to consider the other point of view as at least possible. And if we would have this thoughtful, thorough reporting rather than the distortions, the vitriol coming at us from all directions.
MsPea (Seattle)
Criticism of Trump comes from all sides--conservative and liberal. Instead of blindly dismissing it out of hand, why not investigate some of the claims that are made against the administration and make up your own mind? There is much there that should make you angry, like this article did.
Richard (California)
Please get to work on defending Kushner tenants. Class action lawsuit would be ideal.
Panicalep (Rome)
Why did this article not surprise me one bit? Like father like son, like father-in-law like son-in-law. The apple does not fall far from the tree, in this case trees. It is a disgrace that mr. kushner is sometimes held in more adoration than mr. trump. This article proves that they are swamp companions. It is disturbing to think that taking advantage of the less advantaged by the million- and billionaires, is still endemic in our great country. And now the proposed GOP budget will make the life of our underprivilidged Americans even harder, while at the same time providing the likes of trump, kushner, current cabinet members and other extremely rich americans wealthier.
Time for another American Revolution, this time at the polls and legal proceedings, to get rid of the lot of them and bring back America to all Americans.
bob (gainesville)
I would love to see the names of some of the judges that are willing to trample on the rights of the defendants while they toady op tot he rich and powerful. I am not part of the legal establishment, but have seen judges who tell people what their legal rights are and make sure they are not being railroaded.
Sally (NYC)
Yes, I would as well! I would really like to know the judge who allowed a tenant to be evicted when her rent was only 23 days late after a mistake was made by the company that the landlord forced her to use to process rent payment!
Timothy Schaefer (Brisbane, Australia)
This was a fascinating though depressing read. Fantastic journalism. Thanks to everyone who worked to put it together.
Dave DiRoma (Long Island)
Same story that the Kushner crew is well known for in various New York neighborhoods.
Carole Faye (Baltimore)
As a small property owner in Baltimore, I find this article more sad than shocking. I only have two properties, but try to oversee them with the philosophy that tenants will have the same needs as my own including heat, water, no mold, security, etc. If you can't provide the basics with some commitment and integrity then we should not have rental properties. Property ownership and unchecked greed are a negative mix along with these greedy lawyers like Kushner living comfortably off of the backs of others.
TVCritic (California)
These people surely are tired of all that winning.
NYC girl (NYC)
This article is a tribute to our freedom of expression. Let us jump the applause meter for the author and editors at the NYT who braid our personally hollowed out experiences as Americans with industrial/legislative crimes of imposing poverty on our most vulnerable but often the hardest working! Consider reading the NYT Truckers article AND the non-compete clauses on the working class that literally creates the new serfs.

Do we even recognize each other anymore when the ascendant, erosive identity politics are about the extremely wealthy in the US? For these slumlords, it is not really "US" that matters but their breed, literally, who will inherit their will to power, with the cash.

Those are the "identity politics" we should be focusing on. The rest? A distraction.
Sjscon (VA)
I am sickened by this reveal of Kushner's cruelty to other human beings who are just trying to make their way through life without a wealthy father.

Here it's a long heartbreaking description of this Kushner apartment nightmare for these tenants.

Both Trump and Kushner have a penchant for harming the poor. What is wrong with them psychologically? They were both given handouts of wealth and yet they treat people who have had to make their own way in life horribly and inhumane.

Kushner did not earn being at the right hand of the potus. He was given that position just like he was given wealth by his father. As far as I can see, Kushner hasn't really earned anything in his life expcept a bad reputation as a spoiled rich kid who cares little for those he rents apartments to and their children. He's a modern day Scrooge who screws people who are already having a tough time.

Does Kushner know that MOLD is dangerous and it does not belong in the living space of humans, it can make you ill?

Would Kushner want his own children to live like this?

Some of the people profiled in the propublica story (link), voted for Trump. This story needs a wide audience because Trump voters need to know how Kushner runs his businesses while he helps made decisions on Trump policies that affect them.
Dave (Mass.)
What a jerk. Too many people who never had to get a real job seem to be bending others over a barrel in order to fatten up already over stuffed bank accounts. What do they do with all the money??? There must be some other benefit to being filthy rich that I don't know about, or else why is it worth it to turn yourself, at 35 years old, into the scummy character "Ebenezer Scrooge"? Maybe lighting cigars with $100 bills is more fun than it looks?
andrew (new york)
One useful thing they do with their loot is donate to universities, think tanks, and political campaigns (thank you Citizens United/Supreme Court: this way some the money forfeited by by these poor tenants goes to help elect legislators dedicated to worsening tenants' lives); the universities then codify the rentier-friendly dogmas and doctrines (particularly "human capital" and other forms of anti-ethical materialiatic social darwinism) in their curricula, through the credentialing/indoctrination process, making assimilation and regurgitation of these dogmas the inescapable gateway to career/job opportunity in our economy.

Sweet, isn't it? Reminiscent of what in chess is called the "windmill" - the devastating tactic of putting the adversary in perpetually repeated check while you decimate his army.
Carol Mello (California)
After reading this article, appalled we have a scumbag slum lord working in the White House, I went to watch some videos on You Tube for a respite.

I watched a comedian showing clips of Trump making campaign speeches in which he led his people in 3 word chants. The comedians joke was about the 3 word chants. But I suddenly saw how his people were charmed by Trump. He did not ask them to think. He spoke to his crowds like they were elementary school children. He got them to participate at a level they could handle, 3 word chants aimed against the opposing team. A school yard leader rallying the mentally young people attending his rallies. Substance free campaign rallies. Low intelligence, undemanding rallies for the attendees. Let's have fun rallies by chanting after Trump. It is so easy. No hard work required. Trump really was aiming for the undereducated. And he won because there are so many states filled with millions (or in the case of Wyoming, less than a million) of undereducated folk who are so good a simple 3 word chants.

That is why better educated, better qualified Republican candidates were rejected and how Trump won. Apalling and...

Debbie (NJ)
"I love the poorly educated."

Now we know why
JMM (Ballston Lake, NY)
Shocker. Kushner like is slumlord. Got it.

Otherwise, is there NO end to the dirt that can be exposed about this family of grifters that the Trump supporters will shrug off or embrace? This is getting very scary. For years we had to listen to Clinton "scandals" over emails and extramarital affairs. Yet - Trump and his scumbag entourage keep proverbiallly shooting someone on 5th avenue and his numbers don't move. Over at the WaPo there is an article exposing the sham of the Carrier deal - 600 layoffs after the taxpayers in IN agreed to tax relief - crickets.

The demise of the US of A due to stubborn ignorance.
Dina (Fredericksburg,VA)
There are obviously financial incentives for Kushner and other Real Estate investment companies to acquire and keep these residential units. If the real estate management company (or its owners) can use the "debt" of its properties to be a factor in taxes it does not have to pay, is not the law, either Federal or local/State allowing a benefit? Perhaps there needs to be a reconsideration of why that benefit is allowed.
DJMCC (Portland, OR)
The tenants in these properties need a tenants union to advocate for as well as educate themselves about their landlord. I hope the publicity garnered by this article helps them do just that.
wp (Ct)
I enjoyed this piece, but mainly because it confirmed what I already think about slum landlords in general and Trump and Kushner in particular. I disagree, however, that this is "excellent" journalism, as many are claiming here. An excellent journalist would have informed the reader if Ms Warren actually had the evidence she claimed she had.

This seems a bit hard-hearted on my part, but knowing this essential information would make a difference. It would help me understand whether Warren is truly a victim or simply playing for my sympathy. By not telling the reader this essential detail about a central figure in the story, I am left doubting both the alleged victim's honesty and the author's credibility.
Jeanne (New York)
The article states, "...Warren returned to court, this time with the housing form in hand..." But I wonder why you are stuck on that one story and not the many where the landlord wrongly continued to pursue people and reneged on their agreements to make promised repairs - such as removing black mold, fixing leaks and replacing carpets filled with maggots. Or why the complexes were set up to prevent neighborliness. We read about one horrifying situation after another and you are concerned with whether one tenant actually had the piece of paper she said she had?! Although I was able to type these words, your logic leaves me speechless.
Dana Beck (Tulsa, Oklahoma)
Easy to overlook the photography that so delineates the heartbreaking stories, so thanks to the Times' photog, Philip Montgomery.
Rich K (Illinois)
We need to prevent successful people and their relatives who are successful, from getting political office. New York State and New York City can lead the nation with this initiative.
Jeanne (New York)
I understand your concern, but I'm not sure that would be the American way.

But we do need a number of laws that require much more from Presidential candidates. They need to be vetted at least as much as anyone applying for a job anywhere in the U.S.! There must be deep background checks, examination of tax returns, drug testing, and a physical and mental examination by a doctor employed by the U.S. government, perhaps at Walter Reed. And, nepotism must be banned. No more assuming that those elected to the highest office in the land -- and currently in the world -- have the moral compass, ethics, character and brain capacity to avoid making an administrative -- and possibly criminal -- shambles of the Presidency. Our lives depend upon it.
jw (somewhere)
The Donald and the Jared are successful how? oh by birth! That's nothing more than luck. And our misfortune.
C B Vere (Oxford)
Who regulates these property owners? Kushner's companies seem to have a lot of rights to persecute people but few responsibilities. That is the troubling fact in all this.
EASabo (NYC)
The area Housing Court sounds suspect to me. Collusion? It seems to me that if tenants aren't allowed free legal help, more effort must be made to help them.
G (California)
"... Kushner Companies said it follows industry standards for maintenance staffing and exterminator visits."

I'll bet it does. That's the problem.
Bruce (Tokyo)
It's not the judge's job to explain what the victim, err, defendant has to do to defend herself. The thing to do is try the free legal assistance provided by the New York City Bar and other such organizations.
Outlier (Annville, Pa.)
Your point reveals one of the reasons Kushner invested in the Baltimore area: It's not New York City, where the laws are designed to protect tenants and the Housing Court system strives to provide true due process.
David Gregory (Deep Red South)
Lots of the high Dollar apartments in Manhattan are paid for by the repression and subjugation of the working poor and we rarely get to see the mask peeled off. The shakedown of common people is bad and getting worse.

The denial of Money Orders to push renters to a payment service is part of a cottage industry determined to take every nickel at every opportunity. Even utility companies are using third party online processors o take a scrape off off every bill. In fact, our State Government does the same to pay your tags and property taxes electronically.

Note in the story that the apartments were financed by Freddie Mac- a quasi government entity funded by We The People and bailed out in the aftermath of the Bush Recession of 2007-8. If one does a little research one will see the uber wealthy know very well how to exploit corporate welfare and turn public funds into private profit. This company used Fredde Mac money to become slumlords shaking down Section 8 residents until their teeth rattle.

One question: has anyone involved with this filed a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau? It seems like a good case.
Robert (Thomas)
Powerful article about my hometown. The court system is totally stacked in favor of landlords, I can attest from having represented tenants in real estate cases. "Default judgments" against the tenants are entered when a case is called if no one answers when the roll call happens. With that judgment in hand, earned without one bit of evidence being introduced, the landlord's lawyers are off to the races to garnish wages. Many, many times, there are legitimate defenses that could have been proffered, but the tenants are not even aware that they had a court date.
There are at least two sides to every story, but you would never know it if you spend any time watching Landlord-Tenant court. Kushner reaps the rewards of poor people's inability to play the courthouse game the way people with money can.
Sefo (Mesa, AZ)
The article would be shocking, except that such nightmares are the accepted norm throughout all the states. Numerous studies mirror the horror stories outlined in the article. Here is a link referencing many studies tracking the tactics and failure of the system to provide Equal Justice Under Law to tenants. http://civilrighttocounsel.org/bibliography/sections/161. Without a lawyer by the defendant's side there cannot be equal justice. As a landlord attorney I evicted about 2000 tenants and only lost two and one where legal aid represented the tenant and other the landlord didn't show. I was good, but no one is that good. I also did my penance and worked as a legal aid attorney for 22 years (just kidding about the penance). It is clear from the article other property managers and their attorneys see the Kuchners' as out of the mainstream landlords. Their actions may technically be allowed, but are especially predatory without any humanity or compassion. When I represented landlords, I refused to represent them if they failed to work things out with the tenants or were vindictive. There is always a choice, and I'm afraid the choice made by Kuchners bode an ill wind for low and middle income Americans including lots of Trump voters.
SNelson (Wisconsin)
I live in a community with among the oldest housing stocks in the state (66% built before 1970 and 44% rental); it's not terribly unusual for a reporter to come across a slumlord or two in that environment every year. In 20 years, I've never come across anyone like this. I've come across several, and I'm mostly thankful their victim tenants are not subject of this level of greed and disdain. Thanks for shining a light on this
BobD (<br/>)
As indifferent as they were to the plight of the poor and downtrodden in 1789, the French nobility never cared or saw what was to come.
Bill H (NJ)
Maybe we need our own Bastille Day here in the USA!
Robin LA (Los Angeles,CA.)
My instinct to self preserve kicks in and I can't bring myself to read this article.
I doubt anything in the narrative will surprise me but I'm certain there's plenty to agitate me.
Alexandra Hamilton (NYC)
This kind of in depth reporting on the inhumanity of the current First Family is so much better than all of the over-the-top vitriolic op-eds that have been published since the election. Articles and interviews like these have a better chance at changing Trump supporters' minds, or at least giving them something to ponder without instantly alienating them.
human being (USA)
This is a very good point. While we need to keep our eye on the Russia probe, we cannot lose sight of the terrible policies being implemented and proposed and the past and current behavior of the Trump minions. If a person can get elected after assaulting a reporter, and the press emerge as the perceived aggressor, we have a problem. People like these do not care about appeals to the free press or respect for our allies, but they may care about their pocketbooks if they come to understand what is happening in those terms and if they begin to understand that Trump is not their champion. He and Kirshner et a. Hold the working classes in contempt.
David (New York)
Thank you to Alec MacGillis for the thorough, hard, and unglamorous work that it did to put together a piece of quality reporting. You are a guardian of the vital fourth estate.
MJT (San Diego,Ca)
When China experienced it's Cultural Revolution landlords were being beaten up in the streets. I worry all the time my landlord is going to price me out of the market.
At 75 it is not easy to pack up and find a new place to live.

Kushner owns sixty thousand apartments. there should be a cap on the amount of apartments any one company is allowed to own.
These lords of the land make the markets and push, push up the rents.
Barbara (Oregon)
Affordable housing is one of the most important issues of our time. Alec MacGillis's reporting is outstanding. How about follow-up stories on the judicial system that handles these cases, as suggested by other readers, and also on the role of Baltimore's housing agency "with more than 1,000 employees and a $300 million annual budget" according to its website. Reporting such as this is what we look for from The NYT - thanks.
CA (Tn)
Looking at this in terms of the best possible light for apartment complex owners, aggressive rent collection may be needed to keep landlords building, renting and maintaining units for profit. This is capitalism. However, to be BOTH aggressively collecting AND a slumlord unwilling to serve the customer by maintaining the property and units is antithetical to any and all free market arguments against rent controls and for streamlined detainer/eviction processes.

Also, most tenants need to be taught "if it's not in writing, it didn't happen"- document each and every maintenance request by date in writing and keep all copies. Call codes. Do not let lack of confidence in a credit score or whatever keep you from fighting back. I say this knowing how crippling it can be to be housing insecure and just hoping someone who reads this who works with these communities will pass these tips on.
Alexandra Hamilton (NYC)
I agree with the many comments that ask why the judges are so unsympathetic. Could The NY Times do an article on that? Is it just that the judges are familiar, or even chummy, with the lawyers? The lawyers being of similar background to the justices and in their courtrooms all the time while the defendants are poor unknowns?
LM (Bloomington, IN)
I agree with Alexandra about the judges, there needs to be an investigation. I think back to a situation in which we tried to take a rental car company to small claims court, we lost because we did not have a lawyer, and the rental company sent a sleaze bag in to represent them.
This is not the only story of slumlords, there needs to be laws to protect the renters. If the house leaks, you shouldn't be made to pay rent, that would include mold, broken appliances.... etc etc..
Michael (California)
This article presents two problems for quality of life in America: the courts do not do enough to mitigate the effects of resources on outcomes, and large landlords have too much control over things that people need.

The fact that some lawyers are more expensive than others is proof that the courts are unfair to those with fewer resources. Well-heeled litigants can win almost every time just by using resources to outplay their opponents.

In the housing market, the trend is towards more concentration, until there will be renters and holdouts. The economic clout that it takes to become an owner is moving steadily up the value chain.

Also, consider this: Our leaders (Trump, Kushner, et al. want and need rents to keep increasing, and they will do the things necessary to make sure that happens. More power for them equals less for everyone who does not own yet.
chris tonjes (washihngton dc)
Back rent is just like any other junk debt, and the brutally efficient collection methods (which not work without the tacit agreement by judges to be debt collectors more than fact finders) are the same for any debt. In these instances legal clinics run by local law schools could do a lot of good, would some followup from the county and city housing authorities. Sadly, the human aspect of this is completely discounted since the paramount goal is maximum profit squeezed from every part of the rent chain. I have no doubt that this portfolio of buildings is very profitable.
Michael (Bradenton, Fl.)
I had a false judgement against me when I was young and struggling, it was so disproportionate to what was in dispute it was shocking. A friends lawyer I did not even know contacted the judge because he was a big campaign donor, and the judgement was revoked. Quite a lesson for me there in the Detroit suburbs.
It is all local.
Jon (New Zealand)
It's not correct to call the abuses described in this article 'industry standard'. What about the standard that says landlords are responsible to maintain properties at a level that permits tenants to live in health and safety. Any judge that allows a landlord to argue that they provide 'industry standard' levels of maintenance staffing when their properties are condemnable, is likely corrupt. Tenants forced to live in such conditions should have it considered within their rights to move out and to organise and bring suit against their landlords for intolerable disregard.
ZAW (Houston, TX)
Two subjects that strike close to my heart: my distaste for the Trump's and my overwhelming frustration with how the multifamily industry works. A log, but great article!
I would only note that Kared Kushner, JK enterprises or whatever he calls it in your city, is only one of thousands of low and mid range apartment investors. And he's the rule in how they play the game; not the exception.
William Nenna (South Bend, IN)
To see that Kushner actually sought out the bottom of the rental market for it's "profitability" tells you all you really need to know. Exploiting low-income people "legally" has always been profitable. Guys like Kushner have lobbied for laws that work in their favor for years and they exploit those laws to get rich. It comes down to a point that you realize it isn't so much "real estate" business, as it is a "litigation" business using real estate as it's vehicle. This isn't that far removed from the "same day loan" and "you work you drive" businesses. It's all about signing one's name to a contract giving away access to what little people have to survive for a fat profit with the knowledge few if any, can defend themselves legally.
dad2rosco (south florida)
If anything we learn from this article is that our current president Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner and his father have no heart for the poor people living in their thousands of housing projects and condos spread across in major parts of the country, especially Baltimore Maryland as per this article.

Fleecing the very poor tenants by using highly paid lawyers and collection agents and also by paying rogue district court judges, our rogue president's rogue son-in-law Jared Kushner and his father proved to all of us they'll continue to make money no matter what happens to their poor tenants.

But as far as 'conflict of interest' of Trump by appointing his son-in-law into the very powerful position in the White House shows to the length to which our illegitimate president will make money for himself as well as for his extended families.

So if we really analyze all our options to even try to open the this 'Pandora's box' and very complicated mazes that Trump and his nearest family members have created for themselves, it's really mind boggling to know that there is no way we'll ever know how much much money Trump made before he became a president since he won't reveal his income-tax for the last 20 years and also how much money he's making now through his son-in-law's very ruthless and a killer's attitudes of emptying all the bank accounts of his poor tenants in Baltimore and elsewhere, while sitting in the White House.

Hope we won't have to put up with this too long.
steve (new york)
s the judges in such cases implicitly or explicitly claim they simply must apply the law dispassionately, without preference or sympathy to the poor nor deference to the rich and powerful.

the problem then "may" (I'm not sure; they could very well be corrupt, inhumane abusers) not be with corrupt or inhumane judges so much as bad laws favoring powerful landlords and creditors and/or a defective legal culture allowing tenant rights to be trampled on.

in our (ostensibly) democratic system, the/a solutions rests in the legislative process, the poor using the power of the ballot to elect legislators who will enact tenant/debtor friendly laws, such as the following proposal:

"It being the general pattern or nature of contracts - the documents controlling financial transactions - no matter how they are written, to favor the financially more powerful party, especially in the litigation process wherein greater resources results in more favorable interpretation and enforcement outcomes, ANY MISFEASANCE BY THE FINANCIALLY MORE POWERFUL PARTY WILL RESULT AUTOMATICALLY IN PENALTIES = TO 10X THE VALUE OF PURELY ACCIDENTAL MISFEASANCE, 50X THE VALUE WHEN THE MISFEASANCE HAS DISCERNIBLE FINANCIAL OR STRATEGIC VALUE TO THE MISFEASOR. In cases of reckless disregard, 10% of landlord's or creditor's resources transferred to debtor or tenant."
fg (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
This is yet another illustration of the out-of-control red in tooth and claw capitalism that is rampaging in our country and worse, that one of the perpetrators is now holding great power in our government. Where can this end except in a huge turn toward a progressive government that makes slum lords like Kushner accountable, sets a baseline for decent living conditions through laws and proper enforcement of laws in the housing industry, makes slum lords like Kushner accountable, and as Ms. Warren's case illustrates, provides decent and practical education so that she would have known how to handle her paperwork so that she would have saved the agreement to terminate her lease. All of these things are currently nonexistent or on the way out, such as good public education which is under attack by yes, those now in power.
Mountain Dragonfly (Candler NC)
This column clearly shows the level of morality and honesty of the "beautiful, shiny" people who breathe the sophisticated air of wealth built on the shady side of "business" Well, America got what it wanted. All those poor people whose lives were being marginalized by corporate greed saw the glitter of the Trump promise and somehow thought that a bit of it would be passed down to them. The sad truth is they are the very people who are and will be the most damaged by the Trump/GOP alliance, and yet they still hold onto the "outsider businessman" promise of governing. Business is to designed to make money for the business owners and investors. Public, elected service is designed to serve...a notion that, unfortunately, many of our elected officials did not read in the fine print. I could hope that the lessons learned from the almost hourly exposure of this administration's members shenanigans would be taken seriously, but in reality, ignorance has finally become the majority trait in choosing our government representatives.
Doug Terry (USA)
Note this, please: enterprise capitalism requires those in ownership positions to exploit to the maximum degree possible anyone whom they can exploit. The excuse that it is "our fiduciary responsibility" to hammer anyone who can be hammered is sickening. It is an attempt to pass the moral responsibility for their actions onto the legal structure. "The law requires us to do it."

I have even seen people in corporations quoted as saying they can't pay more for employees because of their fiduciary responsibility to shareholders. Workers don't count if the stockholders don't get rich?

Decency and courage requires that people do what is right as well as meet the needs of the corporation to get profits. Balancing various responsibilities is what leadership is all about. Abandoning the balance and claiming that one is forced to be mean and exploitive is a cop out.

I can understand a management company being stern with people on the lowest economic scale because, unless adherence to rules is required, there will be no rules. It seems, however, that the Kushner operations are deliberating making it difficult to pay rent so they can collect the fees. This kind of dirty practice has become standard. Credit card companies were doing it by continually changing the due date until a law was passed requiring them to keep it the same.

In short, theft works and American corporations are really great at it. Hitting the near poor is good business, too, because they can't fight back.
G. Harris (San Francisco, CA)
The story in the May 23 NYT about Citigroup paying over $97 million to have money laundering issues settled show how big this issue is. It must be that U.S. banks see this as a cost of doing business when you read the details of what Citigroup chose to ignore that was obvious money laundering to Mexico. In light of how much laundered money comes into U.S. real estate, it is hard to imagine that with all of Trump's bankruptcies and debt problems that he did not access this kind of money somewhere along the way. With Russians and Putin playing in this sphere maybe this explains what is going on and will eventually come out to the American people.
Gretchen (Baltimore)
The greed and inhumanity of the Kushner family are obscene. I knew some of these complexes and am sad to see how they have disintegrated, and how the residents, many with low incomes, are being used, bullied and abused. Thank you for bringing this to light!
Rex R (New York)
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created equal..."

Yes, sure. But some are more compassionate and human than others.
Jeremiah Crotser (Houston)
Let us not forget that Kushner was basically a Democrat during the time period outlined in this investigation. He was friendly with folks in the Democratic party and he donated to it regularly. This is not to suggest that the Trump administration is any less greedy, but it is to show that Democratic party is in need of serious grassroots reform if it is to have any chance of distinguishing itself meaningfully from the Republicans.
Barbara Moschner (San Antonio, TX)
Thanks for a comprehensive look at the Kushner business. I hope he reads this piece unlike his father-in-law who might not be able to tolerate its length.
He has enough distance from the real live people involved to absolve himself from any guilt, but maybe, just maybe, he will feel a twinge of regret.
Thanks for wonderful reporting and a detailed description of the real Americans who have to live in this sad situation every day.
Allen Kelson (Chicago)
Why is "it's legal" a legitimate excuse for antisocial behavior, when that legality has been created by politicians who in many cases are those who have been financed to create them? These actions aren't a reflection of democracy, but an oligarchic trump ploy that exemplifies American political behavior for more than a century.
JBF (Virginia)
Obviously a well researched and compelling article, but if this activity has been going on for so long, why wait until now to write it? Kushner and company have been doing this for years and the NYT only shines the spotlight on him when he is associated with an administration that the NYT doesn't agree with. I have no love for Trump, his cronies, or his policies, but the poor woman profiled in the article would not have had her story told if the center of the story wasn't the son-in-law of Trump. In this way she is treated as fodder in the NYT war against Trump. How many other people are being trampled by greedy business owners and are not being helped because their stories do not advance a particular agenda?
Kay Johnson (Colorado)

This is the White House advisor as of a couple of months ago.
abie normal (san marino)
Anybody who thinks most large corporations act much differently is kidding himself. Macy's announces layoffs and store closings -- Wall Street celebrates, its stock price -- is that how you say it? --goes up.

Forty years ago I saw a sign for Brooks Brothers: Quality goods at a fair profit, it said. I was kid at the time, and was struck by their use of "profit" where most companies would put "price." All companies today: Mediocre goods at the most we can get.
Voiceofamerica (United States)
First rate, superb investigative reporting by the Times. PLEASE follow this entire sickening cast of characters and help expose them, including Trump and Kushner's close ties to the Chinese, Russian and Israelis mafias.
Tim (Atlanta)
Only someone with no knowledge whatsoever of this level of the commercial real estate market would call this "superb investigative reporting".
Reporting that creditors pursue debtors who don't pay, even if they lack the ability to pay isn't news. Large companies frequently bundle small debts & sell them to debt collectors exactly in the same manner.
Landlord tenant disputes over repairs, maintenance are everyday events. Cherry picking a few truly sad stories out of thousands of tenants doesn't change that. If inability to pay were a defense to legal action, the courts could fire a lot of judges
Jeff Swint Smith (Mount Pleasant, Texas)
I greatly appreciate this New York Times investigative article.In my East Texas town of 16,000. there is a city-run public housing complex and it seems to be run better than almost any of the privately owned public housing, perhaps because the landlord, the city remains the same and is not worried about profits. Maintenance problems are quickly solved,and. grounds and buildings are all well maintained. There is a continuity of care that does not seem to occur in rental properties which are frequently bought and sold.
Chris (nowhere I can tell you)
Kushner undoubtedly the Person of interest with Russia.
Zinvev Trundas (Boulder, CO)
While a sad story is related in this article with Jared Kushner as the protagonist, The Times committed a major lapse by not adding a paragraph saying what The Times described was common practice(s) in the slumlord industry.

This article omitted that fact because it was part of The Times' ongoing campaign to throw bricks at the President.

Years ago, The Village Voice used to print a regular expose of "New York's Worst Slum Lord." Some of the candidates were so unscrupulous it would make Jared look angelic. And mind you it was all done legally.

Jared and his family may be considered greedy and avaricious acquiring 20,000 apartments so they can milk them. But it's an industry, just like any other. John D. Rockefeller was pilloried by the press for using similar tactics on a much larger scale.

What Jared has done is nothing more than being a shrewd real estate owner. If you were reviewing resumes for someone to manage your apartment complex, wouldn't you choose Jared? The real estate property rental industry is full of such cases. And all of them legal. -Zin out
cathrynliz (chicago)
I would never hire a person that takes advantage of unfortunate people. Saying it is an industry like any other excuses all the greedy bits of scum that take advantage of people who can not defend themselves in the situations they must suffer through. The normalization of cruelty begets more cruelty.
TVCritic (California)
Are they all Presidential advisors?
Louise Sullivan (Spokane, Washington)
Just because this is common business practice does not make it right.
Abby Nies (Milwaukee)
I tink a Go Fund Me campaign for Ms. Warren would be an excellent way to give J.K. a lesson in humanity.
Sarah Smith (Buffalo NY)
Absolutely! Will look for that.
OzarkOrc (Rogers, Arkansas)
We need systemic solutions to these kind of problems, "Thousands" of cases from JK2 alone in Maryland. A single "Go Fund Me campaign" for Ms. Warren merely rewards the amoral "investors' and Lawyers.

The Judge should be impeached, at a minimum he should have offered Ms. Warren a continuance to locate documentation and assistance filing paperwork for legal aid. Which of course is another systemic problems, the exclusion of the non-wealthy from the assistance of adequate counsel.

A minimal and less complex remedy would be laws restricting penalties and recovery (Including Legal!) costs to 50% of the original debt. Just make it uneconomical to pursue these cases, with a strict and well publicized statute of limitations. Sometimes you just have to eat your losses, as any small business person can tell you.

And make it a FELONY to pursue collections outside the statute of limitations.

Specifically exclude Wage theft from the limitations!
Allegra (New York City)
Hi Abby--I was thinking exactly the same thing. How can we get it done? I have written to ADL to see if they can help.
Chico (New Hampshire)
Jared sounds like he learned a few tricks from his father in-law, in some cases Jared could be characterized as a "Slum Lord", he just isn't driving around in jeans a tee shirt, and a dump truck like the one I remember from my neighborhood growing up.
Sjscon (VA)
Or a good pro bono lawyer.
True Disbeliever (Woodbridge, VA)
Jared didn't need to learn anything from his father-in-law. He probably learned everything at his own father's knee. Fortunately, his father can teach him some tricks about how to survive in big boys' camp!
What happened to our country? (West)
Jared's father is a convicted criminal. Birds of a feather ...
Anna (Iowa City)
There is a lot of horrible stuff in this article, but it's the judges that made me really mad. They have to know how these lawsuits are a form of harassment. And it is an huge waste of court resources. Allowing the rich to spend three hours in a courtroom to get $500 is simply ridiculous, especially when a judge doesn't even bother to explain to the poor person what she needs to do to defend herself.
Jim Lewis (Boston)
Judges are to blame, so are lawyers who argue the cases, but most of all, the greedy owners who initiate the proceedings and keep crappy apartments. A pox on all their houses.
Renee (Atlanta)
Many judges need fundraising dollars to run campaigns. I wonder if that has anything to do with these poorly rendered decisions? Perhaps that is part 2 to this terrific (yet sad) reporting.
Michael (California)
The court system knows that it is biased towards the wealthy, and likes it that way. It is their gravy train. This is not an accident.
Tina (Ct)
Who are the judges that keep backing these management companies? Do they have souls? What happened to Miss Warren, did she have to pay. This is a disgraced America.
patroklos (Los Angeles)
Many judges back the management companies because their lawyers present a more legally compelling argument. Some back the companies because they get kickbacks. Very few lawyers specialize in the representation of tenants, so it's quite difficult to find a good attorney, much less afford one. And of course ultimately it's a numbers game. Kushner probably wins most of his fraud lawsuits by default. It's been this way in America for decades, Tina. It's just that now, the slumlords have been elevated to the status of Gods.
ann young (florence, italy)
sounds like some of the judges are corrupt. a clarification of some of these laws needs to be pursued. ABSOLUTELY HORRIFIC.
GMooG (LA)
Not a fan of Trump or Kushner, but these criticisms of the judges re misplaced. Ms. Warren says she gave the proper notice, and had the mgr sign an acknowledgement of that. But not once, but twice, she could not produce that proof when she went to court ("She told the judge about the approval for her move, but she did not have a copy of the form the manager had signed," and "Please give me the opportunity to plead my case,” she wrote. But she did not attach a copy of the form to her motion...")

What's the judge supposed to do in that case? What if drove off in your car, and said you sold it to me? But I didn't have a receipt or cancelled check.
Do I get to keep the car?
Judy christopher (Mahopac, NY)
greedy on the backs of the poor and lower middle class. shame, shame on j kershner
hddvt (Vermont)
Hard to believe! (Joke!)
TTO314 (PA)
This article offers a glimpse into why Jared Kushner is seen but never heard. His business practices are as deplorable as his properties.
Ss (Florida)
This is exactly what happened in Russia. The country was pillaged by criminals who now wear designer clothes and live in gilded palaces.
McGloin (Brooklyn)
And the looting of Russia was facilitated by GHW Bush, and Bill Clinton, who sent "experts" from the Chicago School of Economics to give the entire economy away to a handful of connected thieves.
They could have divided shares in the thousands of state owned enterprises, including oil and gas companies evenly among all Russian citizens. Instead they sent the poverty rate above 50%, and cut life expectancy by ten years.
When the new parliament balked, Yeltsin shelled it with tanks, and Clinton praised him for it.
And yes, the big infrastructure plan will do the same thing. Privatization is looting the national wealth for billionaires.
Maureen Hawkins (Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada)
& are trying to take over the US by proxy
Kushner and his henchmen are thugs. Their victims need legal assistance. Are there lawyers in these states who willIng to volunteer through a not-for-profit or legal aid group to help these poor people? Law schools in the area - this is a worthy project for your law professors and third-year students.

What a despicable bunch of creeps and hoodlums are these Trumps. Ivanka, champion of women, has her hair highlighted and trimmed for $1,000, while her husband's victims, including single mothers, are cheated out of their meager savings - less than $1,000 - by hired stalkers. I'm sickened by this story.

Great reporting, NYT. Don't stop; we need you.
cantinad (michigan)
How about a full listing of all the managers and board members of these dreadful corporate entities and not just Kushner's. Public shaming should become a standard practice.
Alexandra Hamilton (NYC)
Maybe some of the angry liberal law students and lawyers could make their anti-Trump statements by defending victims of Trump and Kushner rather than simply marching or donating?
OzarkOrc (Rogers, Arkansas)
There just are not enough legal aid lawyers. The volume of this kind of collections activity is overwhelming.
BS (New York)
This is excellent journalism.

JK is a successful businessman. He is also soulless, indecent and unkind. And now he is in a position to affect policy change for the safety net in the US. No wonder the Trump budget takes away from the poor and gives to the Rich.

Where is a community organizer when you need one?
NYC girl (NYC)
Become an organizer. Don't look for one.
The Leveller (Northern Hemisphere)
Great reporting MacGillis! Give this guy more work. No, I don't know him, but I can smell great journalism when i see it. Can't remember the last time I read this type of investigative reporting. It so figures he's slum lord preying upon working class folks, just like Trump's family history. Two sleazy families unit.
Emanon (Mannahatta)
Kudos to MacGillis and ProPublica -- and to the NYTimes for printing this article. Pro Publica's investigative reporters are known for their in-depth reporting on issues pertinent to the public. Keep up the great work, ProPublica -- and a big thank-you to the NYTimes for your collaboration with PP!
RachelS (DC)
This sort of comment, while on point, makes me very sad. Sad because Alec MacGillis is one of the most well-known investigative reporters in the business, and has been churning out hard-hitting scoops exactly like this one for decades now. When many people say they "can't remember the last time I read this type of investigative reporting" and urge papers to give reporters like this "more work," the clear implication often seems to be that they haven't seen reporting like this because there hasn't been any. But there has been plenty, year after year after year. Many people just haven't been paying attention to it until now - and to many of these same people, the problem has been "the media." Because these news consumers didn't bother reading all the great coverage out there, they just assume it must not have existed. And therein lies the problem. That's how we got where we are now.
expat from L.A. (Los Angeles, CA)
Three words: massive rent strike.
Jackie (Missouri)
Which would be followed by massive evictions, massive legal proceedings, and massive homelessness. We used to live in a nice, aging, affordable, uptown neighborhood. Then the developers came and bought the apartments, turned them into condos, tripled or quadrupled the rent or priced them beyond most people's ability to buy the apartment they'd comfortably lived in for fifty years. Then they evicted those who could not pay, mostly elderly people on a fixed income, and divorced or single mothers, disabled people, and those with low-paying jobs. Those who were lucky managed to scrape together enough money to move out of town or to the slums. Those who were not, were homeless and lived in the park, under a bridge, or on the streets downtown. The developers, the real estate people, the new rich landlords and landladies didn't care. It wasn't their lives that were being destroyed.
Ellen (<br/>)
Yes! For this, one needs a community organizer, as suggested by BS in New York in his/her comment.
Debussy (Chicago)
Jared: Add "Slum Lord" to the diplomas on your wall! Pathetic!! But I guess one shouldn't have expected more from a Trump family member....
CMS (Tennessee)
Jared Kushner is a predator.

And that's the best he'll ever be.
Donna (Charlottesville)
Just like his father-in law. Maybe even his wife.
Tom (Irvine)
So I guess now we know why Kushner ducks the spotlight. I have seen his visage dozens of times on TV and have yet to hear his voice but I'm guessing it sounds like a weasel.
MG (Western US)
Here's a clip from the John Oliver show of Jared speaking:
Devar (nj)
Powerful, infuriating article which once again proves that whatever level of trumpian depravity we enter, we soon find there is a deeper sub terranean level of compulsive wickedness and unbridled greed which consumes this savage pack of grifters.
Jackie (Missouri)
Sadly, it's not just Trump and his kin. There are probably hundreds of thousands of predatory landlords and landladies out there preying upon those least able to defend themselves.
KJ (Tennessee)
This reads like a horror story. Absolutely sickening. Until an apartment is made livable, no rent should be due.

Instead of photos of these unfortunate tenants, how about full-color shots of every maggot, rusty toilet, rotted ceiling ..... show the world how Jared Kushner thinks other people should live.
Thoughtful (New York City)
I totally agree. NY Times: please do a follow-up article with pictures of these apartments.
Ellen (<br/>)
along with pictures of the judges and the people who chase down the residents for rent....
Georgist (New York CIty)
I think you're right. The photos of the exterior of the buildings do not tell the story. Pictures by the tenants of the maggots, leaking toilets, and disgusting descriptions are what people need to see.

Hopefully this is only the first of what will prove to be the downfall of this man.
Where are the Democrats that are well bred attorneys, the churches, the ministers, the people who these people support with their taxes?

The judges and attorneys are all dark, soul-less parasites who probably drink blood for dinner. Yuk, yuk, yuk!
rlk (New York)
The Presidency of the United States, once an honorable and important office (with a few exceptions), has devolved to no more than a laughing stock offshoot of a sleazy real estate office selling false dreams and small ideas to a fawning right wing run by the likes of Ryan and Bannon and of course, Trump himself.

And who answers this disaster?? Pelosi herself.

Good lord, what have we become? We are doomed!
Northwoods Cynic (Wisconsin)
What does Pelosi have to do with this?
Far from home (Yangon, Myanmar)
One of the many reasons I now live 6000 miles away was my sleazy New York slumlord. Too many days and nights fighting for heat, hot water and a flood-free apartment. Now the slumlords live in the White House? I'm even happier to be on the other side of the world.
Jonathan Saltzman (Provo, Utah)
Why am I not surprised? This entire family (sons, daughters, in-laws, ex-wives, whoever) is tainted.
Lynn (CA)
Who does this to people?????? Slumlords.
M (NY)
These slumlords are providing these people with a home. If it weren't profitable then someone else would need to do it. Should we all live in government housing if making money off of renting out private property is a crime according to you?

Also are you not smart enough to realize that there are two sides to this story and the article is most likely only one side? Doesn't it seem a little far fetched? You really think someone is made to pay money when they don't owe any? Do you also think most people in jail are innocent?
patroklos (Los Angeles)
The law is the law, Lynn. It's easy to rail against slumlords, but they generally are only slightly more vile than any other business people. If you don't want this "done" to people, work to change the laws in your municipality, and scrutinize the judges who hear housing cases.
NJblue (Jersey shore)
Let us not forget Ivanka's use of sweated labor to manufacture her fashion line. The Chinese garment workers she exploits are paid $1 per day. Jared and Ivanka are parasites on the poor who have no justification to pollute the White House with their presence.
Ratza Fratza (Home)
Jared wants a pony
jules (california)
Gee, what a shock.
WestSider (NYC)
I hope no one thought they became multi-billionaires in a generation by being saints. Now we have a slumlord sitting in the White House drafting US foreign policy on orders from Netanyahu.

How low has this country sunk!
toomanycrayons (today)
ISIS clearly should take to heart being called "losers" by anyone from The Trump Dimension.
James Riley (Pearl River, NY)
In the epic work on 1970's Boston, On Common Ground by J. Anthony Lukas, when black families as tenants were faced with egregious treatment by a landlord who was a religious Jew, they successfully resorted to the Rabbinical Courts. Perhaps that is the Avenue that the Baltimore tenants should pursue with regard to Jared Kushner and his properties.
Humanbeing (NY NY)
Thank you for this post. I have been wondering if there is some way to hold this so-called observant Jew to account for his actions by some sort of rabbinical Authority. Even as a non-observant Jew, I know what the rules are and he is clearly breaking them. I will research this, but if someone knows how to get something like this started, please do it. Again, thank you.
Oh my (Merrimack NH)
Excellent idea. Let NYTimes highlight the story. And descendants of Holocaust survivors no less. May shame follow them everywhere. Let their money leave them with the taste of ashes as people learn who they really are and respond accordingly.
andrew (new york)
nsounds like an intriguing story, and deeply relevant on many levels, but googling Lukas' "Common Ground" (nor the wikipedia overreview) turns up nothing referencing the tenant/landlord dispute being resolved in a Rabbinical court. are you sure it was in Lukas's book?

(Btw, "Common Ground" is the title; "On Common Ground", according to my Google search, is an unrelated drama film.)
Marsha de la O (California)
It's like Cosa Nostra in Sicily in the fifties. Poor people pay and pay and pay and get so little in return.
Sean (Ft. Lee. N.J.)
Best slumlord article I've read along with Village Voice: How Can a Religious Person Justify Being a Slumlord? by Elizabeth Dwoskin.
Steve Cohen (Briarcliff Manor, NY)
My daughters lived in two Chelsea buildings in Manhattan owned by an Orthodox Jew. They weren't bad buildings but the landlord always skimped on maintenance and delayed repairs. The one thing he was quick about was offering mezuzahs for the door frames of every room. No matter the religion, when people practice it to the Nth degree, they are often blinded to secular mores and morality. THIS is sad.
EveT (Connecticut)
How I wish this article could have been published a year ago.
Jackie (Missouri)
A year ago, it didn't occur to any of us to think about nepotism in the White House. Presidents didn't do that, at least not since Jimmy Carter and his brother Billy, and JFK and his brother Bobby. But this? This is craziness beyond the Pale.
Deb (CT)
Quite difficult to visualize Jared Kushner as a public servant after reading this.
roger (CA.)
Are there no prisons? -- and the union workhouses - are they still in operation?
irmtrautstates (easton pa)
Not too long ago you published an article about Mr kushner being in debt at the tune of one billion dollars and that he's personally liable for some three or four hundred million dollars. So where's the beef?
Pewter (Copenhagen)
What do you mean? One does not exclude the other.
Iver Thompson (Pasadena, Ca)
This could have been a pretty condemning portrayal of the entire low-end real estate catastrophe in most large metropolitan areas, but when you try and hang the whole mess around just one persons neck it shows you're only telling it for a purely partisan political purpose that has nothing to so with the unfortunate people who have to suffer as a result of it. Exploiting the sufferings of others is exactly something Jarad Kushner might had done and you could have gotten to in this piece if you hadn't exhausted it on yourself first.
Pewter (Copenhagen)
Ok, so you're saying that the republicans would be ok with this way of running a business?? You may be right there, but this is an article about the housing units Jared Kushner owns. It's full of evidence and it paints a picture of a son-in-law with unprecedented powers in the White House.
GD (London)
They are not 'hanging the whole mess of the entire low-end real estate catastrophe around just one person's neck'. They are only holding Kushner accountable for what he does himself.
And that is perfectly valid because this man has been given huge amounts of power, nationally and internationally, over our country; unelected, unscrutinised, and unchecked.
Elle Lellar (Chicago)
Unlike other slumlords, Jared Kushner has been put in charge of US domestic and foreign policy. We did not elect him and there were no hearings nor Senate confirmation of his appointment. He lied on his security clearance. An unknown was inserted into our government and we have a right to shine a light on this person. If he wants to revert back to being an anonymous depraved slumlord, he is free to resign.
Carl Fellson (Philadelphia)
Shady bully Kushner and shady bully Trump make profits while taking advantage of national intelligence and control of administrative policies. The Republican Party, the right wing propogandists, and a few wealthy families are bleeding our nation while satisfying their own sick greed.
joiede (Portland OR)
This is an impressive piece of investigative journalism which nauseated me to read. Young Kushner is an amoral chip off the family block. I watch the shenanigans of the super-rich folks at the top of this administration, who seem to have bottomless need for ever more money in their own pockets.

I have to ask: when you already have $billions, why do you need still more??? When do you say, "I've got plenty and am so grateful for my good fortune I'd like to see if I can help a few others who may need a hand."

Yeah, I'm dreaming.
Susan H (SC)
Actually they don't have net billions. They are living on borrowed money and some day it will all come due. That is why the Donald has had so many bankruptcies. But he has probably taught Jared how to manipulate the situation and come out whole while others lose! I knew a couple that lived in splendor in Seattle and Palm Springs, with matching Rolls Royces at both residences. And she was never wearing less than $100,000 in jewelry even to play golf. By the time they got to the retirement home they were broke except for Social Security. In the meantime they lived on borrowed money and travelled the world.
Thank you NYT!
We need more information, data, profiles, and history to illuminate entire Trump-GOP-FOX swamp - all of them. And we need to get that information heard by people, like my neighbors in Essex MD, who have been so deftly swindled into supporting The Trump cabal and the Republican Party at their own expense.
Keep on!
Karl Valentine (Seattle, WA)
This is capitalism's underbelly. Single out the most vulnerable and squeeze them. It's not what America is supposed to be about. All the heavy handed threats, intimidation and draconian bleeding of tenants as described in this article are so beyond the pale, I am sickened. I ask, what is the difference between what Kushner & Company are doing (de facto extortion and heavy handed muscling of clients), and what the Mafia once did?

Thanks the The New York Times for doing such great research, and publishing such an excellent in-depth article on what all Americans need to know about our political leaders. America is at risk. This is journalism at its best.
Shayladane (Canton, NY)
Doesn't section 8 housing require counseling and assistance to make a plan to catch up before eviction? Seems as though it would or should. Most of these people want a safe, decent home for themselves and their children, and they are wiling to pay the rent, but might have a short-term problem such as car repair or a medical bill or such. A little compassion also helps motivate them to pay so they don't have to move.

As to repairs, not taking care of repairs is just plain stupid and mean. Temporary workers could be hired if management is in a bind. Many welfare offices require some recipients to work; try them.

It seems that little or no effort is made to keep people in a stable home. Sad.
Frequent Flier (USA)
Jared is a multimillionaire, married to another multimillionaire. Don't tell me he couldn't fix things in a NY minute if he wanted to.
Ratza Fratza (Home)
Yea, this is how he goes about defining himself as "self made". So desperate. Just sit back and the money falls in your lap. Did he ever do an honest days work in his life?
Susan H (SC)
More important to take the family jet to ski areas for the weekend and to deck the women out in designer fashion.
rich k (Taiwan)
I think it is interesting that JK's father Charles sold the Newark properties off and began focusing on NYC properties, among other city locations. It makes sound business sense since Newark was gentrifying and the NYC purchases were depressed assets. However, JK's fingerprints are all over the 666 Park Ave. purchase, hardly depressed and which has never made a profit in all the time the family has owned it, as well on the renewed focus of purchasing rent-collecting buildings in economically distressed areas, which is a bone-head idea stay involved with if you want to be a senior adviser to the POTUS. If you have the stomach for this kind of business model, go for it. You are within you legal rights, barely, to do so and I have no problem with that. What is unacceptable to me is JK's refusal to divest himself completely from this kind of predatory business 'with his ever-expanding White House portfolio.' A life that includes hawking eb-5 visas and clawing broken-lease rent is no way to advertise your skills as a purveyor of stellar advise unless that advise is how to take care of number one, at any cost.
Eliane Escher (Zurich, Switzerland)
I expect there are layers of management and many mouthfuls of legalese between Jared Kushner and the sordid doings this article documents.

I would hope that if Mr. Kushner and his wife were to read these stories and visit the complexes involved, that they would be as horrified as the rest of us are.

But then again, real estate is the type of career that attracts people whose primary interest is money - witness their representatives in the article - so it is quite possible they wouldn't care one whit.
MCS (<br/>)
Truly disgusting to have more than one could possibly need all at the expense of fellow human beings who have nothing. I'm all for profit, for ambition, for zeal to succeed, but at what cost is the question. I've done so very well, and I've never cheated, or made a deal that would harm average people, or any people. My happiness is filled with gratitude and harming others would taint that greatly. One can only pity Trump, Kushner and every person who is infected with greed. There's no cure.
usok (Houston)
May be we should shift the proposed budget increase of military spending to domestic purposes to defend and help poor and less fortunate people.
Renate (WA)
NYT, why do you individualize every social problem?. It isn't Mr. Kushner alone who does those things. It is the system which is in favor of the landlord and not the renter. Without regulations and oversight nothing will change. It's similar to the health care problem.
Karol Cooper (Rochester, NY)
Yes, but the system is made up of individuals--desperately exploitative people who hide behind sayings like, "fiduciary duty" and "it's my job." Yes, the system has to change, but it starts when one individual (be it a Kushner or one of the faceless minions who do his dirty work) takes a stand and says, no, I will NOT step on people in order to make money.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Maybe because Mr. Kushner gets to work the system not the renter. And he gets to cash the check.
Pewter (Copenhagen)
Because we need to know what kind of real estate business Kushner is running in order for us to get a better perspective on him in his very powerful role in the White House. If a newspaper didn't run this article, we'd have to try to find this information ourselves. Frankly, that's why I have subscribed to the NYT for the past 30 year - for them to do the digging for me.
Kevin (NYC)
To lawyers at big law firms: please consider providing tenants in these situations free legal representation and, importantly, devising a way of timely communicate to tenants that pro bono help is available, so that as many cases as possible are decided on the merits. Even for tenants who owe money, pro bono representation likely would lead to more settlements and debt payment terms that the tenants can handle. Pro bono assistance would reduce the court dockets, provide judges critical information needed to decide cases, and keep the tenants from getting so crushed by the debt that they fall out of the workforce, which certainly doesn't help a landlord holding the debt. Law firms that provide pro bono legal guidance would be doing an invaluable service to their communities, and easing what must be paralyzing terror of facing a legal dispute without professional representation.
modernlove60 (east coast)
Trump's 2018 budget eliminates funding for the Legal Services Corp. which is an organization that provides the type of legal help you're describing.
Jackie (Missouri)
Plus, pro bono work is probably tax-deductible, so it's a win for the bottom line.
GMooG (LA)
Most big firms do this already, and donate tens of thousands of hours for pro-bono work
[email protected] (Washington DC)
This reads like a modern-day Dickens novel. From the highest realm of power, with a mysterious owner hiding behind an oblique name - "Westminster" even! The rich preying on the poor, the disabled and the dying (literally). The lawyers are characters, the judges irrational - like Bleak House. Such avarice is shocking! Thanks for investigating and reporting! And bringing this all to light.
Mrs Winslow (Sarasota Florida)
The US can, but does not, promote the creation of affordable housing. Instead, we promote business platforms which exploit the basic need for shelter. Let's get some policies in place that create affordable housing and encourage investment from conscionable investors.
walterhett (<br/>)
Take note of of the intimidation. It is a familiar pattern, Whether tenants told not to speak or national officials told to deny, the control and concealment of the corruption and graft that feeds their ego and greed is all the same, consistent in form and practice.
LG (New York)
Jared is a slumlord plain and simple just like his family beforehand. The fact that he and Ivanka masquerade as being religious Jews just makes their actions that much more duplicitous. These people have no shame and think it is their God given right to steal from the poor. They are the lowest of the low.
yoda (TX)
Thank you NY Times
T. Martin (NYC)
Yes, but this report would have been more useful before November 8, 2016.
Gordon (DC)
The grift that keeps on giving.
Sharon Kahn (NYC)
Being an observant Jew does not equal being a lovely person.
Being an observant Jew does not mean one heeds the words of the Torah: "Justice, justice, justice shall ye pursue."
Observant Jews are human beings.
Human beings have free will.
Human beings with their free will are free to chose to be mean, grasping, and greedy. Jared Kushner has made his choices, as is his right as a human being.
Sadly, SNL is the best political analyst: JK is complicit.
pjc (Cleveland)
The highly privileged are most adept at dodging having to feel the weight of moral responsibility. It is their signature skill. They share it with many in our prisons.
ultimateliberal (New Orleans)
And there are many other landlords like this across the country. A tenant can leave with a spotless, perfectly cleaned apartment and still be charged a $700 cleaning fee. A tenant can be evicted for trying to organize the tenants, then be hit with a judgment for the remainder of the rent for a year's lease.

A tenant can be evicted for demanding too many repairs. And people with disabilities are evicted for being disabled. The neighbors can complain about peculiar behaviors and the whole family is evicted because one has schizophrenia controlled, for the most part, by medications.

Most landlords are in the business to extract as much money as they can from those least able to pay.

In this country, if fewer than 60% of the rental units are priced at $450 or less, we have a serious problem with greed and with chronic homelessness, yes? We are a broken nation with an income divide that is truly sinful.....and it isn't the poor who committing the several deadly sins of avarice, pride, lust, envy, slander, etc. It seems that the more one has, the more ruthless the quest for more from those who have less.......

God help us all! And I have been a landlord since 1972---never took advantage of anyone, and even encouraged them to find help through charitable agencies when their safety nets couldn't help them. I am the ultimateliberal.

Affordable housing for all! Now! People, take America back---it's your country!
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Kushner is the guy Trump picks to lead his "Office of American Innovation"?

Sounds a lot more like just being a deadbeat real estate guy working the Section 8 recientps over with his judicial connections.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Section 8 recipients
Timothy Shaw (Madison, Wisconsin)
That explains a lot. Kushner demonstrates the necessary skill-set to be admired and taken in by his father-in-law.
mk (philadelphia)
More thank you for this great reporting - we need this now more than ever.

The Trump and Kushner real estate businesses and other entities - the more is uncovered, the more we know what we're dealing with.

Public servants like Hilary or anyone get analyzed and dissected minutely on their every move, as literally - it's public. Even where ridiculous - such as emails.

Trump and Kushner operate in the shadows. We don't see the tax returns. Multiple bankruptcies and lawsuits. Please keep shining a light into the nooks and crannies and under the rocks of Trump and Kushner.

Only the real journalists can develop the dossier that the public, so critically needs on these people.
Katherine Cagle (Winston-Salem, NC)
Thanks for the article! I think we need a crusading lawyer to take up these cases. Does Legal Aid exist in these communities? If so, they need to pursue the cases for these victims of Jared Kushner and his company.
ultimateliberal (New Orleans)
Unfortunately, many Legal Aid bureaus are woefully underfunded and do not take on very many (or any) civil cases. Been there, done that.
Megan Hunsdale (The Woodlands, TX)
Easy to see how the 2 families blended so well.
Tuvw Xyz (Evanston, Illinois)
The article exposes the dark and greedy side, without any compassion, of the rental real-estate market. But when this is associated with the stories of questionable involvement with Israeli-Cathaian businessmen, where a member of the President's family and an appointed administration official is a kingpin, nothing is left, but to becry the poorly guided choice of the US electorate.
okidoki51 (Long Island, NY)
"Poorly guided choice of the U.S. electorate"?
What choice?
As bad as this current political situation is, what would have been better. The Clinton carpetbag? We'd been there, done that. Ever hear of the Whitewater scandal? Vincent Foster? The Huma Abedin/Anthony Weiner connection? and the long list of High Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Trump or Clinton. What's the difference. The real culprit is a political system that distills the political process to two completely corrupted choices, where you throw up your hands, pick one and go with it.
No wonder the likes of Trump and his Universities are the mass purveyors of false education. After all, an uninformed public is their best customer.
New England Voter (Hartford CT)
The brilliant work here by Alec MacGillis is why a subscription to The New York Times is worth every penny. This is heroic professional journalism at its best. Mr. MacGillis reminds us of the obvious: where we live--whether we rent or own--is our home. A home where birthdays and holidays, first days of school, retirement, and old age take place. Of course rents and condo fees and mortgage payments are due but to grossly harass a tenant, years after the fact, who had written permission to break a lease is unconscionable. Maybe if Ivanka had thought to speak to some of the working women at her husband's poorly maintained rental properties, the lifestyle brand to empower working women that she so aspires to establish, wouldn't be such a joke.
Rich (Philadelphia)
The client, Kushner Companies, sets the tone and encourages its attorney to be a gonnif, a schnor, a pig. Its the attorney whose extreme litigation tactics, sanctioned by the client, result in the extensive over reach for money judgments against people who can least afford the rent, let alone the affect on their credit. Its poor record keeping and an attorney who takes advantage of, or simply does not give any consideration to, fellow people in life. Its all for the benefit of the attorney's client, to whom he is beholden to earn a living and keep as a client. It is another example of a conflict of interest (an attorney with one client) who will do anything to make that client happy. Ignore apartment repairs (don't spend money on that) but charge the tenants for the repairs that you don't do. Charge exorbitant late fees for rent 5 minutes late after making it harder to pay rent. Shut off utilities for a broken lease for tenants who moved out because the apartments were not repaired. Then stack attorney's fees on top of court costs. Great business model!

This is TRUMP land. This is KUSHNER. Unethical, illegitimate, and illegal business practices.
D (B)
This is the article I've been waiting for. It's typical New York real estate applied in a state where people still believe that talking a good game, celebrity, and being a developer is on the level. They're gonna learn.
Quagmire (Chicago)
I literally felt sick reading this article. And just think of how many more desperate poor folks there will be when/if Trump is able to enact his budget cuts to Medicaid and other government programs that serve the poor.

Greed is such an ugly thing...
Steve Tunley (Reston, VA)
Suing single mothers and attempting to cut the safety net for the poor in the proposed budget. We have a lot of class in the White House these days.
M (NY)
Which is worse?:

1. Predatory actions by a landlord, which we may not have the entire story around as I can't imagine it's really profitable to use attorneys on retainer to chase a few grand.


2. Having three children when you can't afford to house them without government assistance.

I'd say both are about the same.
G (CT)
I choose number 1.
Since having children is a blessing. A woman can still get pregnant while on birth control. I had two while on the pill. Both times I was on antibiotics which interfere with the effectiveness of the pill. Also, I have a niece who was raped while attending a Christian University, and her being a reborn Christian decided to have the baby.
I am pro life, but pro MY life: yet, I chose not to abort. I truly don't think there is a fair comparison in your choices.
L. Brown (Piney Creek, NC)
Jared is the person who is going to manage Middle-East Peace, deal with Mexico and NAFTA, reorganize the entire Federal Government, and whatever else The Donald delegates. What a family. What a country. I hope Ivanka reads the stories of the women presented in this article. More fodder for her next book on "Poor Women Who Work and Rent."
Pewter (Copenhagen)
Haha, yes, her book seems even more absurd now that I know this information.
nowadays (New England)
“It was a lot of construction and a lot of evictions,” he said. Legal or not, I could not imagine entering a business deal in which I would have to evict even one person, let alone hundreds, or was it thousands? Upon further thought, perhaps if I were really, really rich, I would enter this deal just to make sure there were no evictions. Alas, with this thinking I will never be rich!
ultimateliberal (New Orleans)
If I had the money, I'd get into real estate development just to prove it's OK to offer low rent apartments to our low-income citizens. So long as there is a cushion for repairs and maintenance, and a nominal salary for staff, what else is needed for the developer? Maybe a nominal profit--say $30-50K/yr? Why would anyone need more if they have their choice of apartments for his/her own family?

Isn't providing housing for others supposed to be the outcome of the investment?
Iver Thompson (Pasadena, Ca)
Trump and Kushner seem to get a lot of help from judges and lawyers who enable them to do what they do. I know it's an inconvenient truth that we created and enforce a legal system that enables crooks to wear halos.
Linda (Oklahoma)
A very good book about the eviction situation in America is Evicted by Matthew Desmond. It's enlightening and heartbreaking.
Humanbeing (NY NY)
Thank you. I have read the book and also experienced similar problems growing up with a single mother raising us. Luckily, my mother had some knowledge of how to defend us in court but we still were evicted several times. Housing is a right, just like healthcare.
Clyde (Pittsburgh)
Kushner and Trump are birds of a feather; vultures.
chris (austin<br/>,tx)
No. vultures and buzzards are honorable animals that only clean up the dead after they have died. They act more like Rabies, causing people suffering by making them do things that aren't in their best interest and slowly killing them
Kathryn (Omaha)
Vultures are wired to act, well, like vultures--it is in their DNA.

Humans have cognitive choice and sophisticated mechanisms. Kushner and Trump are loathsome, predatory human beings.

I invite humans to cease using normal animal behavior as a metaphor for human misconduct.
Iver Thompson (Pasadena, Ca)
Clyde, probably the large bird you're really thinking about is the obese American bald eagle because they're the ones with the business prowess that those two embrace that makes this country so seemingly flush with cash.. . .on paper anyway. Lots of money without a lot of ethics, that's our bird of today.
Daniel DePaolo (Hayward, CA)
The downward spiral into serfdom for much of the population continues. The gap between rich and poor continues to widen. As it turns out the only solution is the government, the very institution that Ronald Reagan infamously stated was the source of the problem. The US government is the central pillar of American values and truly the only entity that can ever be on the side of the people.

People like Jared Kushner weaseling their way into the White House is how far the country has sunk. Reagan planted the anti-government seed, and it has caused the government to weaken and fall prey to private interests. Obama's presidency brought a step in the right direction, but I fear it was not enough. The trendline is going down for the vast majority of Americans.

The government is the solution. It needs to be run from top to bottom by people who care about the well-being of ordinary citizens. Right now, it is far from that. But at some point it will need to be or the American Dream will truly vanish.
Pen vs Sword (Los Angeles)
Term limits for our Congress is a good place to start.
Jen Rob (Washington, DC)
The Kushners and Trumps exploit working people for sport just because they can. Trump frequently paid carpenters, construction firms, drywall guys and other contractors half of what he owed him. His business strategy relied on people not having the resources to sue. Kushner, too, relies on low-income people not to have the resources to fight back. As intriguing as this article is, it is not shocking. I remain perplexed, though, that people continue to pretend that Trump is their populist champion. This isn't true...and Jared is a chip off the old in-law block.
FJ (New York)
Another case of hypocricy: Trump and his ilk bemoan 'big' government, calling on the poor to pull themselves up by the bootstraps while simultaneously tapping the government at every turn.

Trump's fortune was founded on his father's ability to hustle government financing for his many housing developments; Kushner in the story cites the more than $300 million he corralled from Freddie Mac for one his 'sweet' deals. And, least we forget, Kushner's sister was recently in China peddling the government's visa program to raise money for a high-end project.

The've ridden the government to riches in myriad ways--and are the first to say government don't work.

Indeed, government works.

For the rich.
KAMcKanna (GA)
If I were a tenant the first place I'd call is the Housing Dept. Document the condition of the apartment. These slum lords are all a like. I want rent on time but service is optional - including black mold, rodents, collapsed ceiling. These are some of the health risks. True justice would be if the court sentence him to live in one of his slum apartments for 6 months.
Pewter (Copenhagen)
Many of these renters are so beaten down that they have lost the self-confidence to make any kind of proactive move to protect themselves. They are also not skilled at reading a system and and figuring out how to respond. To compound this, they are not practiced in speaking and writing over and above a very basic daily-life level. They would likely not be able to do what you suggest.
historyRepeated (Massachusetts)
Wow, to pursue a former tenant three years after they presumably left according to the terms of their lease is the height of greed and vindictiveness. Clearly, Jarod's religiosity is just a show. I wonder if the delay tactic in filing suit is purposeful? Hoping the former tenet discarded the letter and thereby having no evidence to back up their defense? Wow, just wow.
Nina (Newburg)
How about a go-fund-me for all of the people who are unfortunate enough to live in those buildings? They can all move out when their current leases expire and, if we publicize it well enough, those places will never be rented again!

I bet we can even take a tax deduction for it...just like the trump gang would!
Deborah (Montclair, NJ)
NPR recently did a story on housing court in Newark and it was equally infuriating to see the power and knowledge imbalance between the landlord and the tenants.

Would you pay rent if you had rats or mold or a broken heating system? No. But people in housing court often don't realize that they have to document document document what happens and who they complained to. And they have to bring everything to court. And don't show in to the landlord's lawyer out in the hallway.
Chris Jones (Phoenix, AZ)
The truly sad part about this is that these people voted FOR the party that continues to victimize them like crazy. The literally voted against their own best interests and do so over and over again.
Owlwriter16 (NYC)
They will most likely vote the same way tomorrow. Apparently the ugly subtexts of Trump's message still strongly resonates with his "disenfranchised supporters". Despite the threatened curtailment of services they hadn't realized they were dependent on. The biggest looser women whose bodies have been legislated out of their control. Cutting fat to grease tax breaks!
Scott Davidson (San Francisco, CA)
These people are mostly getting exactly what they voted for. Rather than running TV ads, Democrats would do much better TELLING these people who their landlord is. Maybe even get a high profile attorney to take on some of these cases. The Trump con machine runs on publicity--lets give it to them.
loveman0 (SF)
Extraordinary reporting. Vulture rent collectors.
L (CT)
Trump and the people in his administration remind me of characters right out of a Dickens novel. Despicable.
dlthorpe (Los Angeles, CA)
The facts in this story, if accurate, establish what many had surmised: Jared Kushner is not a good person. In fact, he is a slumlord who takes advantage of the misfortune of others. It is well established that before his father-in-law, the President, started cheating contractors, lenders, "students" at Trump University, American taxpayers, the government, etc., he too was a notorious slumlord. And we know that Kushner's convicted criminal father bought Jared's admission into Harvard for a mere $2.5 million (enough to forgive the unpaid rent for every tenant with a bona fide reason for not paying). Despicable is too kind a word to describe the depravity of these families. Is this morality going to become the national standard?
Bella Indy (San Francisco)
Who are the judges? Appointed? Elected? Funded?
People like Mr. Kushner show outright disdain for the working poor, castigating them as leeches that have their hands out for free stuff. Yet they always seem to find a way to make money off of them and to make their lives harder at every turn.

This is what happens when you turn housing the poor into a money making scheme.
Deb (CT)
One thing is becoming more and more apparent-- you don't need brains or strong ethics to make a lot of money in the real estate game. Especially if daddy bankrolls your first few million or so.
Barbara (New York)
I hope somewhere out there is a pro bono attorney to help some of these people level the playing field against the oh-so-smooth slumlord.
Liz (Brooklyn, NY)
So what would Ivanka, that great champion of working woman, make of this, her husband crushing the dreams of poor working women of color, of emptying their bank accounts, of taking food off the table, so the Trump family can live in luxury?
PlayOn (Iowa)
And, somehow, I remember hearing about the bad dealings of Kushner realty in Perth Amboy, NJ.
The Buddy (Astoria, NY)
Judge should have granted a recess so the tenant could retrieve the document. Lacking adroitness in the judicial system should not be a fatal blow to honest people.
AJ (Trump Towers Basement)
Our country is in good hands! Greedy hands! America is great again. Thank God.

And of these people who voted, many/most voted for Trump!

"Sad" doesn't begin to describe it. Just complete lunacy.
bes (VA)
It would seem to be impossible, but the White House crew gets more and more disgusting. Vote Democratic next year, and make them powerless.
Jane (Philly)
someone should be registering voters in these neighborhoods.
thalloran (Cincinnati)
It boggles the mind that this man willingly destroys the future of a poor, hard working person for what amounts to the price of one of his wife's dresses. A life ruined but a lovely frock worn = Lovely man.
denise (San Francisco)
I feel rage and disgust.
RAIN (Vancouver, BC)
I read this feature several hours ago and can't get it out of my head. The story reeks of deplorable and depraved individuals operating JK's nasty corporate agenda. While I intellectually understand that they are power hungry, I simply do not get why billionaires must spend their days ruining the lives of ordinary citizens.
Jackie (Missouri)
Because it's easier to catch the people in the slow lane. Because it's easier to grab the low-hanging fruit. Because it's easier to kick people when they are down. Because it's easier to win against the downtrodden than it is to try to win against someone with strength and power and resources. And ultimately, it's because the poor "deserve" to be punished for the sin of being poor. And not just once, but constantly and at every turn. Don't give them the ability to fight back. Don't let them know that they have rights. Rights belong to the affluent.
purejuice (albuquerque)
jared kushner, slum lord. season 6 of *The Wire*.
Beekie (Brooklyn)
Wait a minute, so a property owner was trying to recoup monies owed to them from people not paying their rent? Shame on Kushner?!

Everyone has a sob story but paying for your family's housing should be your top priority. & they get section 8 too! A one year lease is a one year lease. It cost time & money every time a tenant skips out, why should the owner eat that. Taking tenants to court sounds like a great deterrent to other tenants if not paying to me.
John (Oak Park)
Beekie: Read the article carefully!
CMS (Tennessee)
The first person profiled left legally, but they went after her anyway, and they won because she initially couldn't produce the paperwork to prove she left legally. When she got a copy of the paperwork from the housing authority, the judge STILL sided with the Kushners.

The article also profiled someone who DIED and others who were paying rent but had to break the lease because of mold and maggots. Others are behind in rent BUT also have repairs for damage they didn't cause.

Why doesn't the conservative mindset ever tire of being so willfully and woefully uninformed? Is the sneering and scorning of others that irresistible?
Patricia Shaffer (Maryland)
It's a two-way street. The landlord essentially broke the lease by not maintaining the building in a timely manner. This is not difficult to understand.
Reader In Wash, DC (Washington, DC)
Kind hard to feel sorry for a "single" mother of 3 who collecting monthly checks from the taxpayer and can't bother to keep her paperwork.
MJB (10019)
Judge much?
CMS (Tennessee)
"Single" in quotes?

Ah, yes, here we go.

She's Black, so that must mean three kids by three different fathers. She couldn't be a widow, or an escapee from an abusive sitation. Nope.

She's using public assistance for shelter while she goes to school as a means to better herself, just as Kushner apologists demand, and then gets kicked in the teeth by those same apologists because she didn't happen to think she might be sued for something she didn't do. No paperwork? Lock her up.

A renter has human waste coming out of her kitchen sink and Kushner apologists see nothing wrong with her being charged for carpet repairs.

And so on.

But corporatists living off the taxpayer dole via bailouts and savvy lawyers? Not a problem whatsoever. Give them tax cuts! Let them profit by suing the poor!

Republicans have lost their collective soul, if they ever even had one.
G (Los Angeles, CA)
She was able to get the paperwork from the management office.
She just didn't know how to deal with a justice system that demands you have a lawyer... which is very expensive.
suzanne murphy (southampton)
I'm glad to read the facts but why is anyone shocked.
This is the true realty business at every level.
e pluribus unum (front and center)
Detestable. Yet so typical of our entire United States, and the greed that underwrites it.
sapere aude (Maryland)
This is disgusting. That people like Kushner are part of our government, well, thank you battleground states voters. You got your wish. Government of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%. Government of the relatives, by the relatives, for the relatives.
Pirate11 (Ashburn, VA)
The condition of Jared Kushner's properties makes me think that he is a slum lord. Black mold, severe rodent infestations, leaks that cause large holes in ceilings, and aggressive collection practices? Yikes.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
You are assuming that it is all his fault (even though Kushner is almost certainly a "hands off" investor and the properties are run by property management firms).

I've had tenants who created black mold problems by their own filthy, leaving windows open, never cleaning up messes properly, leaving damp towels and things around the bathroom. I've had tenants who ATTRACTED rodents and roaches because they leave food out, spoiling -- in open containers -- pet food laying around on the floor. One tenant spilled a huge gallon can of pancake syrup -- let it sit around -- drying into a shellac that had to be chipped off! -- and it attracted every cockroach for miles around.

What can a landlord do, when a pipe is obviously leaking -- the tenant never calls you (they don't want you to see what a mess the house is, or they are smoking pot and don't want you to evict them) -- the leak ruins floors and carpets -- by the time you find it, the damage is severe.

And how about TENANTS who never pay their rent, and have every excuse in the book? I had one tenants who told me to my face, "I don't HAVE to send you the rent, or at any particular time -- YOU are obligated to find me, and collect it from me!"

Landlords can be jerks, but tenants can be too.
Jackie (Missouri)
I don't know where the law stands now, but when I was a tenant, tenants had the legal right to withhold rent until the landlord made the repairs, and the landlord could not legally retaliate by jacking up the rent within a certain amount of time. The tenant had to let the landlord know in writing that such-and-such repairs needed to be made. She also had to give that landlord a reasonable amount of time to make said repairs before the tenant was allowed to withhold rent or make the repairs herself and take the cost of repairs out of the rent. Of course, this assumed that the tenant knew her rights and that the landlord was prepared to honor his end of the deal. We did have a management company that honored this social contract, and it was wonderful. They were johnny-on-the-spot when we needed repairs done. And then we had a slumlady who disregarded these niceties and was both predatory and vengeful. We ended up buying a house just to make sure that we never fell prey to this sort of person again.
Lynn in DC (um, DC)
@Concerned Citizen - so it is the tenants' fault that you either don't know or refuse to check an applicant 's rental history before offering a lease, include your right to perform monthly inspections of the apartments in the lease and follow through, and provide the necessary notice to tenants who fail to pay rent and then proceed to eviction under legal means. I have been a landlord in Massachusetts, the most tenant-friendly state perhaps, and I was able to protect my property and evict people who thought they could live rent-free. Further, middle-class tenants can be nightmares too. Bad behavior is not restricted to the low-income class.
CLaire LIssance (Albuquerque)
The appalling ugliness of it all. The avarice of father and son-in-law go hand in hand and do not belong in the oval office. This First family, is the worst First family.
G (Los Angeles, CA)
Evil evil people. That is all I have to say about the mega rich who pray on the poor. EVIL.
marypat (Bayshore)
..and now the new tax plan includes taking benefits away from the poor/needy and giving people like Kushner a substantial reduction in their personal income tax as well as corporate income tax.

I hope those people who voted from Trump are paying attention.
Julie (Seattle)
Jared Kushner is a slumlord and a bully.
Lola (New York City)
We already know about Jared's slum landlord dealings in the East Village. Now the couple are on the Trump foreign tour. This meant traveling on the Jewish Sabbath which is not permitted by orthodox Jews, which they are. But they found a rabbi who gave them permission (sic), which is granted in cases of death or impeding death, not to be part of the photo opps and banquets. And Ivanka got $100 million from the Saudis for one of her charities. Let's face it: nothing about this couple is kosher.
Len J (Newtown, PA)
Maybe Donald can become the Executive Producer of a new reality TV show where Jared, Ivanka and the kids move into one of his vacated apartments and try to live there at least 90 days on a $2K budget without going stir crazy. They can call it "Trading Places II" or "Slummin' it wit JK and Hot I". Actually, it might be a suitable House arrest sentencing for the Logan Act violation he likely committed back in December when he partnered with General Flynn.
Laura Quickfoot (Indialantic,FL)
This is all ok. JK is going to bring peace to the Middle East.
Northpamet (Sarasota, FL)
This turns my stomach.
They are entitled to their rents, but not to pursue people who are being billed wrongly.
I thought these were religious people: actually, in Jewish law this would be called a "Hillul Hashem" -- a desecration of God's name, when "observant" people act unethically.
MBR (Boston)
Is there a way for the Democratic National Committee to sponsor a legal aid group to represent victims of JK2 Westminster?? If so, I'll gladly contribute.
B Sharp (Cincinnati)
This is a story for someone totally heartless suing someone else for such little money.i am so glad this kind of swindlers are in the front page.
Is it like father like son or like father in law ?
Why someone so rich and famous are living off others misery ?
Thomas (Galveston, Texas)
Mr. Kushner was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He has never known what's it like to live paycheck to paycheck. That explains why he lacks empathy towards his section 8 tenants.
Another example of the poor and working-poor being punished for not having financial and other resources. Looking forward to more articles from ProPublica being published by NYT. Can't help wondering about tenants being forced to pay using a "WIPS Card," which charges them a fee for every payment; does Kushner's company possibly have a stake in that payment system?
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
The article says a WIPS card costs $3.50.

But money orders cost a lot too -- $1 to $3 each. And to make a $1200 rent, you'd need 3 money orders. The author left that out.

Most of my tenants used to pay me in money orders. I hated it. I thought it was very unsafe for them, walking to the money order place with hundreds of dollars in cash.

I tried to get my tenants to go to the local bank -- a good one -- where they had (at that time) FREE CHECKING. All they had to do to start it, was deposit one paycheck. The bank even printed free checks.

Every tenant refused this. Why? they all said they had had financial problems that ended up with their money in a bank being garnished, so they never used banks. They preferred to pay the high fees for money orders.
MJB (10019)
Kushner managed to change the address of 666 Fifth Avenue, the status jewel of their crown. Which I love, absolutely love. Why would the pious, Orthodox Jew Jarrod care that Revelations suggests he might be "the beast?"
Michael Richter (Ridgefield, CT)
It is hard to believe that Jared Kushner considers himself a Jew.

The concept of justice is a prime quarterstone of the Jewish religion.
pjc (Cleveland)
History shows it is. But not everyone who calls themselves a Jew is righteous.

As with any other religious or philosophical tradition, you can lead a human being to water but you can't make them drink.
Send the article to his Rabbi!
dennis (ct)
isn't kushner a Democrat?
Duffy (St. Louis, MO)
His father was a Democrat who went to the slammer. Jared is an orthodox oligarch. .
Jess (CT)
Just wondering how many of these people voted for Trump....
Ann Herrick (Boston)
Then read the article; that's discussed.
HEP (Austin,TX)
In Trump's world there are winners and losers. If you have to rent from Trump (or his son-in-law) you are a loser. As a loser, you are lower on the social Darwin scale; you are unworthy of anything (such as a decent place to live, health care, assistance when injured, SNAP, WIC, or any other Government program) except contempt. Those higher up on the social Darwin scale are entitled to further tax cuts, less regulation, and a labor force that is subjugated. (Remember, Republicans are indoctrinated that Labor is the enemy).
The only way we can fix the fiasco that our United States is rapidly becoming is to vote the Republicans out of the House and out of the Senate. We can do this in 2018. Then we can control the agenda, we can get things back on course, and we can curtail the blatant profiteering by the President and his family. We can get this miserable excuse of a President removed from office.
To all of you people who are living in Kushner's rat hole properties and that voted for Trump; have you learned your lesson? Prove it. Flip the House. Flip the Senate.
For all of you non-voters living in the rat holes; you deserve what you got. Vote next time so you can change the world that you live in.
Alison (northern CA)
We had a horrible slumlord not far from here who got sentenced by a judge to house arrest that required he stay inside one of his own roach-, rodent-, and mold-infested apartments that he'd refused to fix up, complete with lack of hot water or a functional roof.

Jared Kushner living in such a place would be a fitting bit of karma.
Bellaboa (Los Angeles)
I'd love to see that northern California judge become president!! What miracles s/he could do with executive orders!!
Ss (Florida)
Charles Kushner, Jared's dad, was sent to prison for illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion and witness tampering. He hired a prostitute to seduce his brother in law, who was a witness against him, and sent a video of the sex act to his own sister as an act of retaliation. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Side-Eye Yai Yai (New York)
But he poses piously at the Wailing Wall.
VBGuy852 (florida)
Is America great yet?
bstar (baltimore)
It would be nice to drain the swamp, but it turns out the President himself and his crooked relatives own the swamp. How disgusting that Kushner makes billions off of the very lower-middle class people that he, Ivanka, and Donald now seek to drive all the way into the ground as they gut their medicaid, public schools, and everything else. These people are a disgusting lot. No moral center, at all. No wonder Melania swats them away.
slightlycrazy (northern california)
kushner is creepy looking. that little smile. that perfect face.
bcer (vancouver bc canada)
USA would be so much better served by a PARLIMENTARY system of gov. Your so called separation of powers is not working...never had a president who just thumbed his nose at the system before and is daring everyone to do something about it.
You would just need a non confidence vote...members being absent would make that possible....elections occuring in a very few weeks and voila..a new govt.
jr (state of shock)
Not to mention the fact that alternative party candidates would have a better chance of breaking the two-party stranglehold.
Jack McDonald (Sarasota)
No wonder the Trumps like this guy...

Like father, like son-in-law...
Kat IL (Chicago)
He's a grifter, just like Trump. He's just got a prettier veneer.
Ceilidth (Boulder, CO)
Human garbage just like his father in law. Stealing from the poor to get richer and richer. That's the Trump way and the Kushner way. Ugh.
Bill Casey (North Carolina)
Waiting 3 years to file the lawsuit is a strategy - knowing the tenant has likely thrown the proof away.

So Jared gets another nice dinner, and this struggling mother of 3 gets what will likely be 10 years worth of debt-related struggles.

I'm just surprised the lease didn't have an arbitration clause. Come on, Jared. John Roberts has made taking citizens' rights to their day in court away as easy and iron-clad as just copying and pasting a paragraph of text. Then force these folks through your "judge" pal you keep on retainer. No NYT stories. No public records. No appeals.

I've seen better sociopaths, Jared. Keep at it though, you're not too far behind.
Jared's father was a felon prosecuted by Christie. what are we talking about, the apple not falling far from the tree?
Sam (WashingtonDC)
I cannot control my tears for all the hardship that poor women went through for no-fault of hers. 'looks like Mr.Kushner know only the 4 letter word ..."MORE".
How much more Mr.Kushner ? You have an wonderful god given opportunity to serve the world with your current powerful position. Please utilize this and correct your wrongdoings so that your next generation family is not cursed.
claudia (new york)
It seems that the NYT believes that only JK is a shark.
People on Section 8 have gone through the same for many years in our own bastion of Democratic values> New York City
Maybe the writer could spare some time and interview tenants in the Bronx, or Harlem (not the new gentrified one) or Washington Heights, and see how "landlords" behave. A lot of them are big Democratic donors
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
What a petty, cruel little man. Fits right in, no wonder the Princess married him. I guess the old saying is true: you can never be too thin, or too rich. Or, too insufferably greedy.
Al Z (Philadelphia)
REACH, anybody who is a landlord will tell you its not a nice business. Pay or Quit New York Times
Scott (Maryland)
Maryland is an above ground cesspool. The judges must be complicit and on the take - these stories have been in the local Baltimore papers for years. Different names same synagogue.
CowtownShooter (Denver)
Housing subsidized by section 8 vouchers are required by HUD to pass annual housing quality standards. Why didnt the reporter interview the agencies involved with administering these programs?
Beatrice (Philadelphia)
This is reminiscent of William Carlos Williams' "The Yachts," with its slow-dawning horror of the spectacle of smooth, glossy, well made 1% yachts cutting through an ocean composed of the rest of the folks (crying to be taken up, failing, failing!) that support them, "bearing what they cannot hold."
willw (CT)
what's the difference between Jared's business model and the housing mortgage schemer's who caused the recession? What really promotes a migraine is the fact both actions are completely legal.
The Poet McTeagle (California)
"Behind every great fortune is a great crime."
Kris (CT)
More proof that the Kushners and Trumps use the poor and less fortunate to make their glitzy empire. Look closer, and the sleaze just oozes out. Now they're doing it to the entire nation. Let's hope they get taken to the cleaners financially if the level of corruption and collusion is proven.
Avatar (New York)
Jared Kushner claims to be a religious man. I know of no legitimate religion that sanctions the cruel, vindictive, base behavior that he has exhibited. Religion teaches charity, humility and. kindness. I guess Jared skipped those lessons.
Mike (TX)
Bravo MacGillis & NYT. I'm literally crying. What would we do without a free press??
Getreal (Colorado)
Can you guess why Trump approved of the wedding?
What's that they say?
The (son in law) apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

One happy family, spreading sadness and misery to others.

Trump wore his biggest lie on his hat.
Lewis Sternberg (Ottawa, Canada)
One wonders what stories the first and second Mrs. Trump might have to tell about their former husband and why neither have been offered enough money to come forward to do so.
Jackie (Missouri)
We know from public records that the first two Mrs. Trumps must have a lot of stories, but odds are, they are also bound by a non-disclosure statement in their marital settlement agreement. Therefore, any money that a tabloid, news station or publisher might offer them would be completely dwarfed by the sum that Trump would sue them for and likely get. Therefore, they must remain silent or end up eating cat food in one of Kushner's apartments, if they're lucky.
fastfurious (the new world)
Donald Trump made his ex-wives sign confidentiality agreements to get their divorce settlements. If they talked now, he could - and would - take them to court and take every penny they have. Don't blame them. Everyone who associates or works for or marries Trump has to sign a nondisclosure contract. Trump can't tolerate having people tell the truth about him. And they're all afraid of him. Trump has ruined many people just for ego gratification. He's a monster.
Tim (The Berkshires)
Those who make their fortunes preying on the misfortune of others are vile, disgusting people.
Little Jared Kushner will go through life having the best of everything and political power. As his years draw to a close, he can look back and be proud of himself for all the good he has done in this world.
What have we become, that the only thing we worship is greed and fabulous wealth?
Sad, far, far beyond sad.
edg (nyc)
kushner is evil (666) reminds me of william zanzinniger (sp) - death of hattie carol (bob Dylan) - he collected rent of properties he did not own.
Josh (Denver, CO)
The sanest person in white house is also one of the nations largest slumlords who is making bank on the back of section 8. If you can't put procedures in place to fix something as simple as drywall, you'll never fix complex things like healthcare.
Sher Stuart (Berkeley, CA)
How do you figure -- sane? As the comedian (Last week tonight) said, Jared Kushner is a blank screen, on which others can project the (your) own ideas of what he is. I gauge him on his behavior (for which see this article).
Deb (Blue Ridge Mtns.)
I knew very little about all things trump before he proceeded to run for office. He, nor his family, was of any interest to me, and all I did know was that he paraded Marla Maples around NYC, while still married to Ivana, humiliating her and treating her very cruelly during the divorce. As his children became part of his campaign, while I immediately felt intense dislike for him, they seemed nice enough, well spoken, etc.

Now - and with each passing day - my revulsion for the whole lot of them has intensified to the extent that can't stand looking at them. Jared with his Cheshire cat smile, Ivanka with her breathy fawning over "my father", the big game hunting sons killing endangered animals for fun, and poor Melania, the fashion bedecked trophy wife trotted out seemingly only for show - these people are truly loathsome (I could almost feel sorry for Melania - she seems very out of place, uncomfortable, and trump, practically ignoring her in public tends to just walk off and leave her).

It is my fervent hope, than when all of this Russian business is gotten to the bottom of the criminal charges will be so extensive (my hunch is money laundering will top the list), that they're all removed from the white house and relocated to a more austere abode. If it could be arranged that we would never have to see or hear from them again..... that would be tremendous. Believe me.
Lynn in DC (um, DC)
I don't feel sorry for Melania at all. If she had a soul and heart, she would have left a long time ago so her son would not be exposed to the toxic environment in Trump Plaza that is worse than black mold. She chose to stay and is swanning around Europe in $50,000 Dolce & Gabbana jackets. She is as bad as Trump.
SLBvt (Vt.)
Great piece---showing that there are real human victims of Kushner/Trump con-man, slimy dealings.

I'd love to see more -- what about all the contractors Trump ripped off?
Or people swindled by Trump's "university?"
Or businesses having a hard time competing with Trump's businesses due to all the free publicity etc. he now gets....
Diane E. (Saratoga Springs, NY)
Was it a 60 Minutes piece that interviewed the Palm Beach paint store owner who had to sue Donald Trump to collect the $38K owed to him but in the end this business owner voted for Trump? Unbelievable!!
Denise (Illinois)
In my mind Jared is no better than a slumlord. God save our country.
Freedonia (Wiscasset, Maine)
Why am I not surprised? Does anyone think the Trump would allow his daughter to marry anyone who wasn't heartless, greedy and merciless? Or, for that matter, would anyone so obviously adoring of her father want to?
matthee (ny)
maybe, maybe , just pay the rent?
roger (CA.)
Seems to me that some of these people were paying their rent and still had to live in a mouse infested, moldering leaking apartment without any attempt on the part of the housing management to rectify these problems. Mabe, maybe sue the slum lord?
Eva (New York)
Did you actually read the article? Many of them had and they sued them for dubious reasons. Or they made it nearly impossible to pay.
questionmark (Conway, NH)
good point, gently put. but what about the folks cited in the article that did do everything right - as right as they knew how - and are still litigated to death? (the lady with the written waiver who now has a lien on her pay, the woman who paid her rent but the company posted it to the wrong apartment house.)
SG (New England)
"America is a third-world country" the then Presidential candidate DJT proclaimed, when it was NOT! That was then. Nepotism, corruption, kleptocracy and intimidation of the under-privileged is the hallmark of a third world country and its politicians - which is the case now in this great land of ours. Sad.
Peter N. (Tokyo)
Disingenuous and unfair article. The VAST majority of tenants who are sued for non payment have not paid. LL's don't waste time and money on frivolous cases. The case you cite about the missing paperwork is unusual and actually demonstrates that the courts bent over backwards to accommodate the defendant, who didn't produce a simple doc though given 3-4 chances. What's your solution- stop the judicial process to accommodate this? The implication too is that Kushner are racists targeting black tenants. I don't know about that one but I do note they simply bought the properties already tenanted. The elephant in the room that this reporter misses ( as he's chasing low hanging fruit ) are all the Federal subsidies involved in this enterprise from Sec 8 to the financing of the purchases. How is it that these Trump/Kushner- champions of less govt -rely so heavily on public money?
Jim (California)
A clearly pathetic series of wealth using the law as a bludgeon.
Nan Patience (Long Island, NY)
Disgraceful, and good for NYT for doing the story and exposing the truth about Jared Kushner. I feel sorry for his victims. They need legal resources, perhaps a special service desk at the local Walmart or a renters union. Slum lords need to be held accountable.
Lee (Virginia)
Honore De Balzac
" Behind every great fortune lies a great crime"
Ruben Kincaid (Brooklyn, NY)
Kushner and Trump both have Greed in common, and there are no boundaries. Kushner is a slumlord who might end up in prison after all is said and done in the White House.
Elle Lellar (Chicago)
The bread and butter of the Kushner fortune, the dreary businesses of being a slumlord, is not interesting cocktail party chatter.

So wonder boy Jared went on a Manhattan buying spree, overpaid & rent/occupancy projections never materialized. Kushner got himself into $4 Billion in debt & needed multiple bailouts. If you are scratching your head at some of Trump's appointments or foreign policy moves, look no further than Jared Kushners failed Manhattan/Brooklyn deals.
1. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross–architect of Trump's $1 trillion infrastructure plan that puts cronies in control– loaned $240M to Kushner
2. Steve Roth of Vornado, who bailed out Trump and Kushner, was tapped by Kushner/Trump to manage "15-20 builders" to execute $1 trillion in infrastructure spending. Roth has no experience managing infrastructure projects. But he did bailout Kushner who paid $1.8 billion for 666 Fifth Avenue. Cash flow from rents only covered 65% of debt payments & he was on the verge of defaulting. Until Steve Roth stepped in and poured "tens of millions of dollars into project" (NYT)
3. Recently, Kushner helped kill TPP & in return received $400 million in loan forgiveness from Chinese Anbang.

So slumlord Jared Kushner, who failed at the "glamorous" NYC real estate expansion, is not only unqualified to be "Special Adviser to the President", but his predatory business practices also show his moral compass is as bankrupt as Trump's.
Ellie (oregon)
Seems Kushner thinks it's a crime to be poor and it is up to him to mete out the punishment for said crime. What sick souls these people have.
Harry (Mi)
Who would want to be a slum lord? I don't care how much money you can make, I could never treat people like this, ever.
Elsie (Seattle)
Where was this reporter when Trump was running for office? Couldn't you have investigated a bit earlier and perhaps spared the nation this entire dispicable family?
Pat (Boston, Ma.)
The nation wouldn't listen.
Nancy Rockford (Illinois)
This is just the beginning. It's going to get worse from here.
David Penn (Durham, nc)
This is no surprise. Jared and his father, a convicted felon, stood on the shoulders of his grandfather, a concentration camp survivor. Jared is a classic example of someone who woke up on third base and thought he hit a triple (and got to third base standing up). It makes one wonder how he can look himself in the mirror. Think about it....he has no experience in politics (or life experience), advises the most corrupt president in history, and then at the end of the day, has to look in the mirror and tell himself that he made a real contribution to the world. I imagine it's the same mental gymnastics that Kelley Anne Conway, Sean Spicer, Ivanka, and the first lady have to go through at the end of their days.
Liz F (San Diego)
So Jared Kushner is basically a slumlord. Why am I not surprised?
M. Porter (Los Angeles)
You know...I really dont have a problem with someone using the law to get what is actually owed to them. We are a nation of laws after all...and theya re not to be ignored.
That being said...it sounds like JK2 are being over zealous in their chasing every possible claim...and perhaps not enough care is being taken to insure they are using the law correctly. Especially since their tenants are a particularly vulnerable subset of the population.

To summarize...Dont be a bully dude. Go ahead and get what is yours...but some of your profits need to be used to make sure you are not taking extra...like a bully does.
Joy (Georgia)
The Kushners and Trumps are cut from the same cheap cloth. It's like Charles, Jared's father, could be the illegitimate son of Fred, Donald's father. Which makes Donald and Charles half-brothers, and Ivanka and Jared cousins. I'd better stop there - I'm creeping myself out! Great reporting thanks to Propublica and NYT.
Dominique (Branchville, NJ)
Like Trump like son in law. What a horror show.
Stig (New York)
So the swamp has a slumlord, what else is new.
me (AZ unfortunately)
When a mercenary landlord hires a mercenary attorney, you know the "little people" are going to suffer. The Kushners and the Trumps have one thing in common -- they don't care who they have to crush to get more money.
Gregor (BC Canada)
Surprised? Corporations in their non-personal way regularly stiff the less fortunate who are generally naive and trusting. Prez#2 and second lady care?... Doubt it.
Henry (Atlanta)
This story is more about a broken legal system that fails to provide basic legal representation and guidance for those with little economic means and understanding of the judicial process. This story could have been written about any of the judicial processes for those seeking medicare disability to criminal prosecution. The real issue is a failed governmental services and judicial process.
kat (perkins)
Both the Trump and Kushner families, born rich and powerful for several decades, have made the best of living in the US. Now in a position to do massive good, they slash the safety net knowing that the limelight is not a problem - their voters are behind them as they enrich themselves and crush the poor. Neither family is philanthropic; they are opportunists.
mk (philadelphia)
Trump and Kushner are real estate developers, each with a history of business transactions that include bankruptcies, in the case of Trump; unpaid consultants (whom I have personally spoken to), in the case of Trump; and untold failed enterprises in the cases of both Trump and Kushner.

In addition to failed real estate business enterprise, there is also shady real estate business enterprise, such as in this article. Very many real estate developers are contributing wonderfully to our cities and towns: but not Trump and Kushner.

Please keep telling these stories. It is truly frightening that they are overseas representing the US and our interests. And here at home, they are running the US government.

Truly unthinkable.

Let's see the taxes, let's keep uncovering the stories.
Nancy Cox (Baltimore MD)
As a Baltimore resident who is fortunate to own my apartment I am totally disgusted by the entire process including the housing courts. The Baltimore Sun has covered this extensively. The tenants have lost before they started. This article describes a slumlord for sure.
Devino (<br/>)
When a person signs a lease, they sign a very powerful binding contract. They get the legal right to live in an apartment for a specific period of time as if they owned it, and they get the legal obligation to pay rent throughout the lease term. After signing such a lease, it is very difficult to break it, and for that reason signing a lease should be very carefully considered. For a couple of hundred dollars, Warren could have got the legal advice necessary to make sure she was breaking her lease in a legal way, but she chose to cut corners, just as she did when she ignored a legal summons she received. She did not treat her lease with the respect it deserved, the respect she in turn expected (could the landlord have evicted her as casually as she gave up the apartment?), and she paid the price for that. Lesson learned.
Occupy Government (Oakland)
How much does it cost to hire a lawyer to go to court three or four times for $4000? Clearly, it makes more sense to work with the tenant, but the aggressive nature of the landlord's action has a chilling effect on tenants who are afraid to complain about anything. This lets the landlord off the hook for repairs and code violations, which seems to save enough to pay the lawyer.

Kushner should have sold all his interest and put the money in a blind trust. Since he did not, I'm confident the conflicts of interest will be rolled into the Russian collusion charges.

Jared, like Donald, never had to face the music for anything. Money gets them off. But this time, their brand might as well be the evil eye.