Trump’s Budget Cuts Deeply Into Medicaid and Anti-Poverty Efforts

May 22, 2017 · 703 comments
John (Stowe, PA)
Take medicine from the sick, shelter from the elderly, and food from starving children and use the money to buy Melania more diamonds and Jared some new slums to profit from.

No wonder the Pope looks like he is standing next to a manure pile when that man is in the room
Jan (NJ)
Medicaid will be taken care of within the universal health plan. As people are selling food stamps on ebay and they have increased 40% under Obama that will have to be looked at. The middle class Medicare scam of transferring wealth, one's house, etc. within a certain number of years and eliminating middle class people from paying their fair share of nursing home costs is also going to be looked at. The taxpayers pay nothing is for free.
Cheekos (South Florida)
One in five Senior Citizens need Medicaid to pay for their Medicare. So, as Trumpie cuts Medicaid by $800 billion, some Seniors will exit Medicare. Certainly, that will be the younger and healthier ones since the older and sicker won't chance it. Cat food, anyone?

That means that the Risk-Pools, the statistical; calculation by which insurance companies project how many people will incur which ailments, this will be skewed to the riskier-older and sicker--seniors on Medicare as well as any demographic group in the overall health care plan.

And Trump has stopped HHS from advertising the Affordable Heath Care. There had also been some foot-dragging on renewing the ACA subsidies. That just means that, as Trump and Speaker Ryan have caused more uncertainty, the health insurers--who c cannot operate in a rational environment--have sti=opped offering the plans.
Lenny Kelly (East Meadow)
While the reverse Robin Hood approach will be argued as reliably leading to growth, there is a way to hold Robin's feet to the fire. Their goal is heads we win (less taxes on the rich with 3% growth) and tails we win (less taxes on the rich with low growth). A partial fix would be to create a guarantee: if they get their taxes lowered and 3% doesn't materialize, their taxes rise back up retroactively to help repay the money for their scam. How could they disagree?
Eric (NYC)
The U.S electoral college has installed a president with no ability to create a national budget anchored in the reality of governing responsibly. This is why the majority of Americans can no longer allow ourselves to remain asleep at the wheel. The current Republicans congress only worships being in power for the sole purpose of enriching the wealthy, corporate interest who pay them off. They openly abdicate their responsibility to exercise their powers to write legislation & enact laws for the benefit of the people & the common good of our country-(it beyond embarrassing, as I am a registered Republican). I never thought I'd come to a point where I'd be rooting for the Democrats to regain power in order to bring some rational sense of stability to these nut job policies that are being proposed by Trump & enabled by his Republican friends. 2018 & 2020 can't arrive fast enough.
jason (earth)
Mr. Trump proposes saving $40 billion over a decade by barring undocumented immigrants from collecting the Child Tax Credit and adding additional measures to ensure they cannot collect the Earned Income Tax Credit.- well done, sir. well done. Illegal Immigration: the only crime in America where activists protest to ensure you get to keep what you stole.
Tom (NJ)
Shame on the Republicans!....They think we are idiots....Even the name of the budget sounds like something President Snow from the Hunger Games would have concocted!

Robin Hood in reverse...And people were afraid of "Obama" death squads...?
Dairy Farmers Daughter (WA State)
Keep in mind the budget reductions in Medicaid are on top of those proposed in the health care bill. The cuts in the health care bill are in order to provide a massive tax cut to the ultra wealthy. For people that are supposedly ultra Christian, I just don't get it. How can Mike "Christian, Conservative, Republican in that order" Pence support such a bill? It is even more disgusting when they refuse to hold the DOD to the same standard as every other federal Department - they cannot pass an audit, and they tried to hid the report detailing the 125 BILLION they could save immediately by instituting administrative efficiencies. Instead, the poor, disabled and elderly as asked to just suck it up. I have been very lucky in life - I have never had to take advantage of any social safety net programs. However, we are all just one accident or similar catastrophe away from needing help from our fellow citizens. When did we become such a mean spirited lot...
Driven (USA)
Donate your money to the cause, but leave others alone
Angela Polizzi (Texas)
Hen he never was a "good businessman " if it wasn' t for that inane celebrity apprentice that people wasted their viewing we would be free of this idiot.
Who doesn' t know people that could not survive without government assistance?
He and his family are heartless greedy vultures that have no compassion for those who never had there advantages
God help this country
BourneintheUSA (USA)
This country is to addicted to to enslavement programs that don't benefit those that it is supposed to. They either completely fail to show any advantageous results, per research like Medicaid that has been proven via meta data research to be the equivalent to NO healthcare at all. But the left / democrats manipulate the public in order to gain votes into believing that they are "helping the poor." When the FACTS are they aren't helping the poor at all! They are only helping themselves to wealth via winning elections. I'm really tired of getting ripped off. I'm done with having to pay taxes for NOTHING and programs that don't work or benefit others. If people CHOOSE to be morbidly obese and incur the co-morbidities that go with it -- I DO NOT want to pick up the tab. Besides Medicaid isn't saving them. They are still morbidly obese. There is NO accountability -- just steal from the tax payers. The answer is NO! STOP IT! STOP LYING and saying that the GOP doesn't care about the POOR! Libs don't care about the poor, they offer them programs that have ZERO beneficial outcomes. If they cared, other than to manipulate for votes, they would offer programs that work -- but that isn't their goal. The Dems goal is NO accountability and to foster and develop dependence on the government.
Carl Yaffe (Rockville, Maryland)
How exactly are programs to feed and educate poor kids "enslavement programs"? The U.S. poverty rate declined substantially during the Clinton years, rose during the Bush I and Bush II years, and dropped again between 2010 and 2015, the last year for which statistics seem to be available; your "facts" seem to be somewhat questionable.

There's plenty to be faulted in some Democratic programs, but this budget is in no way a solution.
MidtownATL (Atlanta)
So you are saying the only reason people would ever need healthcare is because the are morbidly obese?
Helena Handbasket (Wisconsin)
I'm not offended or outraged if I pick up the tab for a morbidly obese person to obtain a benefit.

I save my outrage for the morbidly greedy and under-regulated multi-billionaire defense contractors who belly-up to the public trough. And with Trump's proposed budget, the dinner bell has just been rung for them to do so.
AE Hawthorne (Toronto, Canada)
Why doesn't anyone ask Pres. Trump about his/congress' budget and how it does not fit in with his campaign promises?
MidtownATL (Atlanta)
i thought one of the tenets of the "Art of the Deal" was to take extreme starting positions in a negotiation. That way, you can claim anything you end up with as a victory.

Why didn't Trump's budget proposal go all the way?
- Eliminate the EPA.
- Eliminate the Dept. of Education.
- Eliminate SNAP.
- Eliminate SSDI and SSI.
- Fund the entire "wall" in one year ($70B).
- etc.

This is what Republicans want, right? Why not go for the whole enchilada?
I triple dog dare you.
Eugene Phillips (Kentucky)
I can't figure out if Trump is insane or just very stupid. When he tweets that his inaugriation crowd was the biggest in history, or Obama bugged his phone conversations, or a giant, multi-billion dollar wall will eliminate crime, I think crazy. When he speaks about Andrew Jackson preventing the Civil War, or believes that Frederick Douglass is alive, or tells the Israeli welcoming delegation that he "just came from the Millde East," I thnk, stupid. One thing for sure: he is not going to last.
My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
EKB (Mexico)
The defense industry is the welfare king. Can you imagine what a hideous legacy we will have: more and more weapons to kill more and more people while the corporations making the weapons reap huge profits. And the victims of the wars our weapons create also include those who suffer with too little to lead a decent life because the money is going to the rich in tax cuts and the defense industry.
Scott C (Northbay)
The economic actions give us a quick course in Royalty 101. And it fits in with the Bannon strategy of making American institutions come crashing down. Destabilize family income, create chaos and desperation, push civil unrest, consolidate power to a few ultra-rich, white people (like those Goldman-Sachs appointees) and return to white privilege. The Trump economic plan of disaster hopes to achieve the consolidation of wealth to the few. Just like the royal few of Europe in centuries past. The Alt Right doesn't want free enterprise because it doesn't want to compete. I thought we Americans valued hard work and fair competition. White supremacists can't handle competing with people from other ethnic or racial groups, the open-hearted, traditional Republicans, liberals or women. (I'd say that's the MAJORITY of U.S.) Trump is on board because he is the ultimate elitist - he wants to be King. Donald Jr. is quoted saying his daddy taught the kiddies about the importance of blood line. Donald Sr. wants to be surrounded by gold leaf interiors. If that doesn't make you think he wants to be King, then try to find money that Trump Towers invests in the Rust Belt and compare the $$$$$ he puts overseas. Trump doesn't care about the "little" people. He's more Alt Right than Republican, and he'll drain the US economy into Trump Towers faster than we'll wake up.
Bursiek (Boulder, Co)
If this passes the rich get their tax cut regardless of success or failure of trickle-down economics which underlies the rational for the cuts. In short, their benefit is assured while the poor and disabled take all the risk.
Duncan Lennox (Canada)
“This budget is dead before arrival, so he might as well be out of town,” said David A. Stockman, a former budget director under President Ronald Reagan.

Amazingly Stockman later said that his Trickle Down Economics was a failure & do not work in the real world. That the GOP-Trump are proposing another budget based on 2 prior attempts to revive the economy is also amazing. Thirty yrs of experience shows that Trickle Down is actually a Trickle UP plan & that the top 2% get the benefits while the 98% get the shaft. An $800 billion reduction in healthcare so as to give the 2% a tax cut is just evil.
John Smith (NY)
What is wrong with returning money to taxpayers from bloated Government programs which foster dependency on handouts? Considering that almost 50% of American taxpayers don't pay a single dime in income taxes why not try to reduce the burden on the remaining taxpayers?
Plus, if cuts in Medicaid and Food Stamps reduces the incentive of Single Moms from churning out babies by the bushel, what's wrong with that? And if benefits are eliminated for able-bodied Adults if they don't find work shouldn't we rejoice that it forces people to become self-sufficient?
In other words, the days of gaming the system is over. i.e. the elderly living in rent regulated apartments on the UES who transfer their assets to their kids in order to qualify for Medicaid to obtain 24 X 7 home care rather than paying for long-term care.
Polymath (San Francisco)
Your wrong on so many levels. Where were you when Republicans transferred billions of dollars to banks, insurance companies, and car companies. You guys are quite happy saving banks and letting the little guy starve to death. I find it surreal.
K D (Pa)
Yes Donna you certainly are selfish. Do you know how this will hurt this country and it's poorest people. Many of these people work at low paying jobs( have you ever been in Walmart at the holidays and seen the donation boxes to give totheir employees. The money that they receive also goes right into the economy not into some offshore account like the tax cuts that the wealthy will get. There is no trickle down economy only trickle up.
CMS (Tennessee)
Oh, for heaven's sake, we are talking about elderly people who need assistance paying for nursing home care, children who live in poverty and who are hungry, and adults who work but who still need public assistance because their jobs still don't pay enough.

I can't believe the complaints here, especially from those who typically wax poetically, ad nauseum, about the sanctity of life. Isn't it just like Republicans to demand everyone be born but refuse to pay for the resultant effects.

Not everyone who can't pay for themselves is a lazy bum. In fact, most aren't.

This is a rich man's budget, and EVERYONE knows it.
TJ2000 (Nona)
"Not everyone who can't pay for themselves is a lazy bum. In fact, most aren't." -- That might be true in your STATE but it certainly isn't the case in mine. And that is EXACTLY why safety nets need to be a STATE issue not a federal one.
Patrick (Long Island N.Y.)
Great adjoining article by Cohen and Schwartz. If the "HOOD ROBIN" Don Trump reads that and still pushes for tax cuts for the wealthy........he's crazy.
Janus (Rhode Island)
Until the government seriously goes after the fraud and waste in the welfare system there is no hope of actually helping people go from welfare to work. It seems every time President Trump suggests ways to create jobs and "teach people to fish" instead of giving them fish the "elite" progressives are up in arms.
Education is the answer to a better life....more money should be spent on educating kids now in the welfare system.. Of course, there are people that go through bad times in their life...yes, give them a hand up....but, there are people that choose to be on welfare. They will not be seeking education and jobs to pull them out of poverty.
Colleen30 (WI)
(1 of 3)
This budget would LITERALLY kill me. Not only will (if approved at my SSDI hearing in mid-July) I be severely affected monetarily (as my payments will be very small to begin with), but I also already rely on the FoodShare program to feed myself. And I was forced to, at 24 years old, (now 30!) move back in with my father after having lived on my own and supporting myself since 18. So now I worry that even if I'm approved for SSDI I won't be able to afford to move back out.

And the cherry on top- the aspect that WILL kill me? The "slashing" of Medicaid. (Yes, with SSDI comes access to Medicare, but only after two years of SSDI eligibility).
Snow30 (WI)
After the ACA went into effect, I was able to get Medicaid, and not a moment too soon. Now, with trump's 2018 budget proposal, with the "slashing" of Medicaid (w/e that means) but if it means I'll lose my healthcare, or if they start limiting it, I will die. I cannot afford to pay for my necessary appointments, tests, procedures, or even just ONE of the 15 prescriptions I take daily.

Just like every attempt to push through "trumpcare," this has added a whole new weight on my shoulders. (Obviously causing unbearable stress) which only exacerbates one of my physical conditions (in which I'm in pain, seriously, 24/7) and stress causes the pain to skyrockiet.
manning1100 (scrwthepoorandsick)
woo-hoo - a tax cut!
no-fly zone (virginia)
What Donald Trump, the Tea Party and those who vote for them do not realize is that this budget is for a country, not a corporation, and cannot simply cut loose those that the government feels are not pulling their weight. The government's core responsibility is protecting the welfare and safety of ALL of its citizens. If it elects to walk away from that responsibility it has no reason to exist - other than, of course, to line the pockets of the president, his family and his cronies.
TJ2000 (Nona)
"The government's core responsibility is protecting the welfare and safety of ALL of its citizens" ----

Excuse me; Where in the U.S. Constitution is that listed? Last I read it; IT DIDN'T. In fact it purposely left that to the State, County, City or OTHER BESIDES federal. Mexico has it their constitution though - wanna be Mexico?

Government exists to create laws for a peaceful society; The federal government is in charge of "National" items like State-to-State debates, or foreign affairs - coin "National" money ( see; Enumerated Powers ).

I think a lot of the left REALLY needs to take a few minutes and actually READ the U.S. Constitution for themselves and stop using the old excuse - what for it's an OUT-DATED document. How appalling; Its what made America great to begin with - and was created by the determination millions of peoples blood. Oh well, right, its outdated - who cares. Forget about it. Utterly appalling.
Annette (Maryland)
There is an old nursery rhyme that goes:

"If wishes were horses, beggars would ride,
If turnips were watches, I would wear one by my side,
And if "Ifs" and "ands" were pots and pans, there would be no work for tinkers."

We don't repair pots and pans anymore, and tinkers are an obsolete occupation, but Mr. Mulvaney can wish for growth but it won't happen as long as there are beggars at intersections, sleeping on sidewalks, who don't even have turnips to eat.

On the other hand, when the poor get some support and their lives are more predictable than they are now, they can save a small amount and make small purchases at the dollar store or grocery store, and these dollars go into the economy, stimulating growth.

Growth won't come by magic.
Andy W (Chicago, Il)
When the rich receive massive tax cuts, they typically invest the windfall wherever it will get the most return. Then can be China, India, Japan or anywhere else in the world. The wealthier the individual, the more likely one global investment fund or another gets nearly all of that extra cash. When the poor receive benefits, they are usually spent here and now on food, medicine, transportation and education. That's economics 101, something the buffoonish Trump Administration and the GOP in general has purposely forgotten. Calling republicans "the party of the rich" is no stereotype, it's a well documented fact that never improves with age.
TJ2000 (Nona)
I think you're forgetting that Trump isn't a big fan of free international trade.
Mdouble (New York)
I think you are forgetting that everything he sells is manufactured in other countries.
Chantel (<br/>)
Red states that take more from the public trough than what they put in standing on this "budget" to smugly lecture the rest of us about how too many people are on the public dole.

In a word, laughable.
TJ2000 (Nona)
Making safety nets a STATE issue; makes your argument void. That's the way the founding fathers intended it to be. The "Union" of States has no business meddling in safety nets.
Chico (New Hampshire)
I don't think the wealthiest 2% deserve a tax cut at all, and I think it's time they were raised back to the levels prior to the first time Reagan cut them, it's way over due that they pay their fair share, that is a hell of lot more Patriotic than wearing some flag pin on their lapel.

The Republican's have done their very best to obliterate the Middle Class in this country.

I am also sick of the pundits saying that Trump is a Democrat, or Gary Cohen. Steve Minchin, Gary Cohn, or Jared Kushner's are Democrats; none of those money grubbers are even close to being Democrats, not when they support this kind of budget or Trump-care....disgraceful and disgusting.
It's a Pity (Iowa)
Trump is leading the charge to destroy the Republican brand. Trump's voters need to get hit with legislative 2X4s to understand what Republicans have in store for them. This budget is a 2X4. The slightly-less cruel versions we'll see from Ryan and McConnell will be a couple more 2X4s. Destroying Obamacare is another 2X4. Eventually, the low-information crowd will look up and say, "Huh? Why am I feeling so much worse, even though Trump is President?" There's no other way to reach this crowd. Do not impeach Trump. He's doing more good work for us libs, in terms of the 2018 mid-terms, than we seem to manage on our own. Let Trump be Trump. Let Ryan and McConnell lay down their cards. Bring the pain, Republicans. Lay down the friendly fire on your own troops.
David (California)
This isn't a serious budget, it's a political manifesto aimed at Trump's base of support. The Constitution gives Congress primary authority for budget matters, and it routinely ignores the president's proposals. Neither the Congress nor the President has fashioned a real budget in quite some time. Instead we have continuing resolutions, government shutdowns and voodoo economics.
JMM (Dallas)
Goodie for you Trumpites! When you parents or grandparents come to live with you because Medicaid will not pay for their nursing home, I hope it gives you great please and joy. And if your spouse should become disabled and unable to work and you have to live on one measley income for the duration of your marriage -- I hope you feel triumphant! You will be getting just what you voted for.
TJ2000 (Nona)
Sounds good to me. Some of us take pride in being self-sustaining and wouldn't willingly become beggars and leaches just because life get a little tough. When all we have is gone - all we ask for is a homeless shelter and I think the budget will allow that.
Driven (USA)
What is wrong with taking care of ones parents or grandparents? I would gladly take care of my parents when the time comes. They took care of me so it is my turn to take care of them.
Sally (Portland, Oregon)
How can a budget for the next fiscal year be based upon tax reform and repeal/replace ACA that hasn't been passed yet and when passed would be phased in?? Isn't that like filling out a loan application assuming you will have a new job with a big raise before you even send out a resume! Is that the way they do it in the Trump alternate universe?
vulcanalex (Tennessee)
When you grow the economy people have jobs, they can support their own children, so there would be much less need for these dependency programs. Now if you think getting welfare of various types is better than working well perhaps the NYT article on truck driving is for you.
susan (NYc)
I have a 92 year old relative. You think she can drive a truck??? Get real!!!!
CMS (Tennessee)
Our state is entirely dependent on others, Vulcanalex.

Your argument is as weak as it is inaccurate.
TJ2000 (Nona)
Yes; many 92-year old people can drive a truck - and those who take pride in being productive DO. As a matter of fact; you can't get them to stop. That is the "real" world I live in - one in which many would rather be dead than be stuck on the couch watching TV all day while while begging for someone else to cater to their needs.
RetiredGuy (Georgia)
The rich, those in both houses of congress and the rich people in America that they serve have the Trump budget they have wanted for years.

And most of them call themselves "christian, with a small "c". I don't carry a bible around with me, but I have learned what Jesus has said on many topics that are pertinent to today. This one comes to mind with the news of the Trump, republican budget proposal today:

"Jesus said: "it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to gain eternal life (Matthew 19:24; Mark 10:25; Luke 18:25)." The rich "christians" of our country have plenty to worry about. The Grand $ Trillions of dollars more that Trump and the republicans want to give to the rich will make it even more problematic that the rich will see the Pearly Gates.
Hmmmm (Somewhere)
All I can think of when I see the GPO office picture associated with this article is: What a waste of trees.
Shillingfarmer (Arizona)
A ridiculous budget that further exposes his instincts. Trump is a dangerous man; says whatever it takes to be elected, does whatever his greedy instincts demand.
Trump campaigning...."There will be no reductions in Medicare, SS, nor Medicaid". Another lie!
prez (dc)
When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich.
Dan Broe (East Hampton NY)
We've tried everything else besides serfdom. Let's just go for it and give stupidity a chance.
Patrick (Long Island N.Y.)
Don Trump is...........

The HOOD ROBIN...........

From the least fortunate to give to the filthy rich who will export their tax cut windfall profits outside the country in the form of "Global Investments" or secret accounts, thus denying the American economy all that wealth. The result will be a real drag on economic growth because the only ones that believe the "Trickle Down" fantasy are politicians. The reality is "Trickle-OUT economics" that really has occurred and will continue.

I can see why he went bankrupt, even owning Casinos that normally always win.
Patrick (Long Island N.Y.)
Trump is leading the "Hoods Robin" stealing from the poor to give to the rich.
EdgeNinja (Queens, New York)
Hearing Trump supporters in this comments section echoing literally every lie that Republicans have ever told about welfare recipients is frankly, disgusting. And these people have the audacity to label themselves "pro-life" while cheering the destruction of the livelihood of America's poorest, sickest and most vulnerable residents. Talk about shameful behavior.
C.L.S. (MA)
Wow, already 1,001 comments as I write mine. That number has a certain ring to it. I kind of doubt there will the 1,001 nights for DJT in the White House, but we'll have to see. Meanwhile, my main comment is that I concur fully with Vicente Fox -- we shouldn't pay for the (blank) wall. A crazy idea from the start.
Randy Smith (Naperville)
Don't you just love this lie about social security being a driver of the nation's debt? Social security comes out of the pockets of regular people, with the expectation that they'll get it back later. It is not some handout. The only handouts here are these draconian laws being made by the rich, to steal monies from the middle class and others. Social security has never been part of the budget. Trillions are owed by the federal government who raided it during th Bush administration for the war, and of course, they don't want to pay it back, so they've spent years spreading this lie, that it's part of the budget. What a joke. When will people wake up?!
vulcanalex (Tennessee)
Well Gee of course a portion of Social Security is a hand out, and a large portion of Medicare and especially the Disability benefits which include both. Nobody raided it either, there are special bonds that cover that.
Li'l Lil (Houston)
How about Congress putting their retirement money in social security with us;they won't be looking to cut it or give it to Wall Street then
Wherever Hugo (There, UR)
You are arguing a point that hasnt been valid for over 10 years....
If you check with the Office of Budget Management's discover that Social Services is now a bigger chunk of the Budget than DEFENSE!!
donut (fairfax, va)
Yes please, may I have the combo meal- guns+butter+wall. What? No butter left. How come? It was cut from the budget. Oh, but you have Trump Baloney and a lot of it. No thanks. I'll take my guns+wall plain.
claudia (new york)
I would like to know how many compassionate liberal, including Clinton or Obama voters in Westchester County, Connecticut , Hollywood or Silicon Valley would DO the following
1) vote in favor of affordable housing (and "projects") in their own neighborhood
2) live for few months in areas where predominantly medicaid and welfare recipients live
3) allow methadone clinics to be located in their neighborhood
4) volunteer in an inner city Emergency Room
I am not and will never be a republican, but the hypocrisy of the liberal elite is shocking
Vince (Bethesda)
done all those, except I'm a volunteer lawyer for the poor.
Brad (Oregon)
Hey Bernie's babies,
Still think there's no difference between trump and Clinton?
Hope you're happy.
Randall Johnson (Seattle)
Trumps cuts to healthcare/poverty programs, are equivalent, morally, to Leninist/Stalinist pogroms against peasants and Jews.
MikeC (Chicago)
45 lacks the ability to even put together a single, cohesive sentence. Why should anyone be surprised that any task beyond even that is utter nonsense. Every single time.
APS (Olympia WA)
It is really depressing that they can put this out with a straight face. It's a clear valuation of only people who do nothing useful (like the 1st family). It's a good thing the boomers waited until pretty much their entire parental generation died off before rolling this out.
Mike NYC (NYC)
I know everyone's raving about tax cuts for the wealthy being made in lieu of providing services for people in need. Horrible, truly, but how about cleaning up the military and making it more efficient?
Dan Broe (East Hampton NY)
Are you thinking there are too many military bands?
vulcanalex (Tennessee)
The president has promised to do that and the same with all federal agencies. Running government like a business is what it is called.
Bet you could cut 10% off of the Pentagon's budget and have virtually no effect! Let's try!
Grove (California)
The 1% will never have enough, but they have enough that they don't care about the country anymore.
These people count on uninvolved citizens, otherwise they would not be able to destroy the country in broad daylight for their personal gain.
Junctionite (Seattle)
Donald Trump's "America First" is really "Me First" if I am doing well I shouldn't be asked to even consider the collective good. If it doesn't benefit me directly, I shouldn't be asked to fund it. I am not wealthy, but I recognize that I have much more than most. Ask some to go without basic medical care or food so I can get a small tax break? No thanks, I'm a better person than that.
vulcanalex (Tennessee)
Well Gee almost everyone in our country has more than most on a global scale, you want to share with everyone and make everyone poor?
Max Deitenbeck (East Texas)

That is a straw man argument.
Scott Cole (Ashland, OR)
In a different time and age tax cuts may have helped inject money into local towns, cities, and factories, lifting the boat for everyone. But in the age of globalization, the wealthy have no special allegiance to the US or their own locales. Their money goes wherever the returns are, and that could be anywhere. That's why we HAVE to tax them.
freeasabird (Texas)
Excellent point.
JoAnn (Reston)
Contrary to right-wing mythology, most people who use government assistance are not lazy, nor unwilling to work. Indeed, most of these folks consist of the working poor, often working two or more jobs, enduring labor conditions and pay that would be unfathomable to the out of touch multimillionaires, billionaires, and the trust fund babies who will benefit the most from this perverse budget. But what can you expect from a man who stumbled over the basic economic concept of "priming the pump"--certainly not competence.
JW (Colorado)
Sounds like a budget to be applauded by 'alternative christians' but maybe not so much by real Christians. Hopefully it is DOA, although it appears it's very much like Trump: lacking on substance and of no benefit to anyone but wealthy friends and family.
AU (Pennsylvania)
"We’re not going to measure our success by how much money we spend, but by how many people we actually help,” Mr. Mulvaney said. Trump doesn't pay taxes and he's a smart businessman, but the poor, sick, and elderly are all moochers for using Meals on Wheels or subsidies for student loans?! One day I hope these men feel the full weight of their "generosity" bestowed upon them in the same "charitable" manner they have bestowed upon the people they swore to defend.
RetiredGuy (Georgia)
In any tax cut proposal, why is it that the rich are always provided for first? Just because they are rich? The rich people in America are a minority. The vast majority of Americans, the Average Americans, are the Poor and the Middle Class who earn under $65,000.00 a year.

The tax cut proposals by Donald Trump and those by Paul Ryan and the budget proposal to slash and gut the American government, our government, favor only the rich in America. The Average Americans, the Poor and the Middle Class will be worse off with any tax cut bill and budget bill that Trump has just proposed.

If we want to expand the Economy, we need more dollars in the pockets of the majority of Americans who spend the money, not just the rich minority.

The republican proposal to expand the Standard Deduction, but then take away Personal and Dependent Exemptions and almost all of the Itemized Deductions is not a tax cut. It is a recipe for a tax increase.
Patrick (Long Island N.Y.)
Those on Federal Disability paid into the system for many years of working and it seems wrong that the government can tell them they are not disabled if they are to deny them a return on their tax payments.

What are the purveyors of this budget if they victimize the least fortunate?
David Gottfried (New York City)
I hate Trump, but I also tire of progressive journals, which write long articles, and impress us with a panoply of facts, but are often skimpy on CLARITY.

Whenever the Times proffers an article concerning dollar sums, it tries to impress us with lots of numbers, but in its haste to quote as many numbers as possible, the paper doesn't realize that SOME OF ITS ASSERTIONS CONFLICT WITH ONE ANOTHER.

In one part of the article, the Times said that social security and medicare would NOT be cut. (Apparently, Trump would reserve the ax for programs that help the poor).

However, a couple of paragraphs later the Times said that disability payments would be cut by 72 billion (The article of course did not say if this was per year or what other time span was applicable).


Although I am on the left, I find most of my fellow liberals OBLIVIOUS to the concrete details of policy.

Please try to be concise and clear. I know I have a lot of gall for making suggestions to the great gray lady of publishing.
Melissa M. (<br/>)
Must poverty be a comfortable position in life? Shouldn't the goal of any government program is to have as few people as possible needing it? Does anyone remember the benefits of work? And lets remind ourselves, it's not a "cut", it is a reduction in the rate of growth. The people who elected Trump are the one's paying for all of this excess. They elected him to stop it. It's about time.
Don Clark (Baltimore, MD)
Let me guess, you have a comfortable position in life, and want for nothing. All the comforts of a bourgeois existence, right? Did it ever occur to you that the poor do work? As a matter of fact, if you look at what is going on in America right now, you'll see that many of our poor work two or three jobs to make ends meet. Social safety nets exist to compensate when capitalism fails us, which is often.
TJ2000 (Nona)
The only reason the poor is working two or three jobs is so they can pay for other peoples WELFARE......... on top of trying to keep their heads above water. That should be common sense to anyone who has a JOB.
Joseph Barnett (Sacramento)
An alternative to cutting programs is to increase salaries and wages so fewer are eligible. If we did this instead of just giving the rich more, we all would be better off.
TJ2000 (Nona)
Mandatory increased wages?? Like human labor isn't expensive enough already. Sounds like a good plan to put those scrapping by right into the unemployment lines.
RB (Los Angeles)
Mick Mulvaney, Mr. Trump’s budget director says Trump is keeping his promises. He promised a "wall", which I think is a waste of money, but Trump promised that Mexico would pay for it. However, his budget calls for cuts to important programs to pay for it. That is a broken promised.

Trump said he was concern about the middle class, I have yet to see evidence to that. Great health care for all, yet Trump's plans would leave so many of us with limited, or no coverage, and increased premiums. More broken promises.

What I see and hear is a President, who is using the government for his own personal gain. I believe that his "budget" and many of his other proposals will lead us into a another recession and a country that is more divided based on income and net worth that it was in 2016.

President Trump campaigned on "Make America Great Again". What he and his followers forgot is that America IS GREAT!
Michael (North Carolina)
"Truthfully I say to you, whatever you do for the least you do also to me. For when I was hungry, you did not feed me, when I was thirsty, you gave me no drink, when I was homeless, you did not take me in, and when I was naked, you did not clothe me." - Jesus Christ, Matthew 25:40.

"And He shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore." Isaiah 2:4

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." - US Pledge of Allegiance

Just words? So it would appear.
Randall Johnson (Seattle)
Jesus Christ - an early liberal.
TJ2000 (Nona)
lol... Using the shaming other method to commit the sin I see??
Taxes are a [[forced]] method of TAKING from others earned wealth.
They are NOT - a willingness to help those in need.

Psalm 62:10
Do not trust in oppression And do not vainly hope in robbery; If riches increase, do not set your heart upon them.

Exodus 20:15
"You shall not steal.

Ephesians 4:28
He who steals must steal no longer; but rather he must labor, performing with his own hands what is good, so that he will have something to share with one who has need.

John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.
BB (Missoula)
You state that the two largest contributors to the debt are Social Security and Medicare. Fair enough. But in the interest of balanced reporting the third major driver needs to be stated in this context, that is the revenue side. Taxes are far too low, and loopholes far too big, on those who benefit the most from the fruits of this land. The Trump budget proposal will make this imbalance even worse.
TJ2000 (Nona)
Not if Trump succeeds at eliminating tax deductions - that is the big business "loophole" and the GOP is working on it; hopefully the left will get on-board or at least shut-up when they get exactly what they asked for.
sjaco (north nevada)
Do you "progressives" ever experience embarrassment for expecting others to pay more taxes?
susan (NYc)
So you're okay with corporate welfare. General Electric pays NO TAXES.
Gary James Minter (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Congress is totally responsible for the federal budget, the President can only offer suggestions and veto items. We should convert ALL welfare programs--including food stamps, public housing, and Supplemental Security Income (SSI), which is NOT the same as Social Security but is a welfare program given to those who have not paid into "the system"-- to a simple, guaranteed annual income for ALL U.S. citizens, using the Earned Income Tax Credit to pay people who register for jobs and accept jobs offered to them. By eliminating the current red tape, bureaucracy and paperwork of our massive welfare system, we could save tax $ and give MORE to needy U.S. citizens. I also suggest replacing the current personal income tax with a federal real estate and luxury tax so people who can afford to pay taxes shoulder the tax burden, instead of working-class poor people.
Bursiek (Boulder, Co)
The only time Trump can cut a deal is when he, the bully, has a weak adversary. In this case the adversary is the disabled, the poor, the unfortunate.

I don't get it. Why do we as a nation allow this cruel treatment to happen to our fellow citizens? If the answer is so-called "trickle down" economics--that is giving large tax breaks to the rich (who themselves in large numbers inherited their wealth)--we are dealing with a lie.
Randall Johnson (Seattle)
Trump and the GOP are waging terrorism on working class and poor America.

We must be terrified at dyingfrom treatable disease/condition for lack of healthcare insurance/Medicare.
Sari (NY)
The military brass has said it does not more money. The USA has a larger military infrastructure than the next 25 countries in our wake. The military does not need to take bread, eggs and milk or healthcare, for that matter, from our elderly, our children, our veterans. The cynicism displayed by this "administration" is wrenching.
Patrick (Long Island N.Y.)
The tax cuts just mean that more riches will leave the country instead of staying in our economy. Think about it.
Patrick (Long Island N.Y.)
If Don Trump is not a Russian spy, he would most definitely make the biggest possible as he continues to sabotage America. Many people will die if this budget passes near what it is.
Old Doc (CO)
If the "rich" get tax cuts similar to the rest of us, is that a bigger tax cut for them? Perhaps they will pay less in taxes but then half of the population pays no income taxes at all. How can you give them a tax cut? More misleading hype by the liberal media and democrats. Bet Nancy Pelosi would like a tax cut.
Chantel (<br/>)
No. Don't just toss out the same tired mean-spirited ideology with no support.

Where is the credible, verifiable evidence that the information in the article is "misleading hype"?

Why make a charge, and use it as a worldview, without empirical support for it?

What's the use?
Chicago (Chicago)
that 47% you are referring to includes every child, every elderly person and anyone who does not need to work because they have money from somewhere else.
This canard is a hold over from the last election.
Randall Johnson (Seattle)
"We can have democracy in this country or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can`t have both."
--Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis
Dan Raemer (Brookline, MA)
I can see Kelly Anne being interviewed in front of the Trump hotel across the street from the White House spinning the video of Jared and Ivanka shaking down the panhandlers along Pennsylvania Avenue. You go girl!!
Typical GOP attack on the less fortunate in our nation.There is an obsessive amount of dollars for guns and much less for butter.
Patricia (Connecticut)
So Two of our staunch republican friends just told us after hearing this (they are both older and limited income) and all the other things Trump has been doing that they regret voting for him and wished they had voted for Hillary!!

Well we are not surprised but all the Trump voters: you own this.

NYT: keep reporting on things like this and we'll see a wave of blue in November 2018!!
Stourley Kracklite (White Plains, NY)
It's too late for regretting what was perfectly foreseeable.
MHW (Chicago, IL)
A large portion of GOP voters claim they are Christians. Stop it. You can be a Christian or you be in favor of this budget and GOP priorities in general. Pick one. I am beyond disgusted by the Clairol Christians who thump their Bible while standing on the necks of the needy and vulnerable. Enough already. You can be inhumane, but stop being dishonest about it. Deplorable budget. Deplorable party.
Marlin (Los Angeles)
100% true. Jesus did everything he could to help the poor and the outcasts, and was not a fan of the rich. This plan accomplishes the opposite.
Randall Johnson (Seattle)
A large portion of Republicans demonstrate contempt for the teachings of Jesus; e.g. Matthew 25:40 -- take care of the least among us.
Rational citizen (Brooklyn)
A long term , slow moving, coup of a thousand cuts, coordinated via the cover of the takeover of the GOP by the most malign forces has obviously accelerated under the reign of the Trump team

Republican Party officials all march in lock step to the cut taxes mantra. While this clearly benefits the Koch Brothers et al, the wonder is the little people that cheer while the party minions remove their hearts and spleens.

The explanation for the old white people endorsing Trump had been clear while Obama was President was clearly racism

Now there remains no cogent explanation for the average GOP voter to support pollution, benefits being slashed, Putin taking over Govt, but still they support Trump????

How is one to make sense of it all?
Stourley Kracklite (White Plains, NY)
There is nothing that binds us together will have to be your explanation.
Tom (New York)
Unless Democrats can explain this CLEARLY and EFFECTIVELY to those affected, this too shall pass. And then it will be too late.
Nancy Hutchinson (St. Louis, MO)
It is being said that this budget is dead on arrival and lip service to their base. I as a taxpayer am outraged by the way republicans waste our tax dollars. The printouts of this dead on arrival budget cost a pretty penny. Get out and vote in 2018 and get rid of these so-called public servants who make our tax dollars their personal piggy bank.
JohnW (New York)
A fantasy budget where economic growth has to generate over 2 trillion dollars to balance it. Just the sort of budget you would expect from a president who saw millions viewing his inauguration and millions of illegal voters who kept him from winning the popular vote.
Janet B NoWI (Wisconsin)
"We can all be part of the 1%" (Romney?)

While this budget is being discussed, the Trump family continues globe trotting. At some point, it will be reported that Trump industries will receive more business and privileges in the recently visited countries. I'm waiting for TRUMP in big gold letters to show up on the White House. The marketing and financial growth of the President
ch (Indiana)
Financial analysts have been quoted as attributing the stock market rise after the election to Donald Trump's promised tax cuts for corporations and wealthy individuals and infrastructure rebuilding. That means that the investor class thinks it is just great that we ordinary citizens will pay the taxes to fund the infrastructure that will help the corporations do business, while corporations will bow out from paying. Those who will benefit from government projects do not want to help pay for them. How disgustingly selfish.
notfooled (US)
Looks like Ryan's dream "magic math" budget that Trump has signed off on. Now we see the payoff for Ryan's silence through all the unsavory, destabilizing, and possibly criminal actions of Trump and his administration.
Chris Miilu (Chico, CA)
Ryan was raised on his father's disability benefits; then Ryan went to school paid for by Federal grant money. It is difficult to watch or listen to this mediocre man who can barely frame a decent speech. Neither can Trump; however, he is at least entertaining in a negative way. Then we have Mitch McConnell the friend of mine owners, and enemy of those who retired with black lung disease. Lindsey Graham has his work cut out, if he wants to stay in the Whig Party.
Tad Richard (North Carolina)
"Mr. Trump proposes saving $40 billion over a decade by barring undocumented immigrants from collecting the child and dependent care tax credit."

I don't understand. We've been told over and over by the President that undocumented immigrants are a drain on the country because they pay no income taxes. But the only way to save $40 billion on eliminating tax credit is if those undocumented immigrants are paying more than $40 billion in taxes.

Which is it, President Trump?
Ted (California)
This budget should be the final proof that Trump's supporters were the victims of the biggest con job in American history. Trump campaigned as a populist alternative to the "movement conservatism" offered by the likes of Jeb!, Rubio, and Cruz. He promised to bring back jobs and replace Obamacare with a "beautiful" plan for truly affordable health care. He promised to be the "voice" of the many people who have been left further and further behind by the economic system and ignored by the political system.

Now that (a minority of) voters fell for Trump's flim-flam, he is delivering the standard Republican agenda. For his cabinet he appointed wealthy ideologues qualified only by their antipathy to the departments and agencies they lead. He gave his full support to the sham (and shameful) "health care" bill narrowly passed by House Republicans, which takes health care away from at least 24 million of the least wealthy (including Trump supporters) to fund a big tax cut for the wealthiest.

And now he offers the sort of budget Republicans have been proposing since Reagan, demolishing programs that benefit the non-wealthy to fund a military buildup and enormous tax cuts for the wealthy. It even includes typical Republican "fuzzy math" and "voodoo economics" in assuming tax cuts for the wealthy will create impossible growth.

The candidate who promised to be the people's "voice" speaks only for the billionaires and corporations the Party of the Rich exclusively serves.
Lona (Iowa)
Trump voters will find some way to blame the pain of the Trump budget and trumpcare on the Democrats, Hillary, or President Obama. count on it. Trump is already blaming whatever he can on the Democrats. Even though he has a republican-controlled congress.
Californian (California)
Poverty is defined (fraction of median GDP) such that even if the income of the lower 1/4th of the population doubles (along with that of everyone else), they will still be considered 'poor'.
Piri Halasz (New York NY)
Re cutting back the federal funds for food stamps. I suppose the idea is to starve US citizens into accepting even the lousiest and worst-paying jobs. That is the way that Trump proposes to solve the country's labor shortages, rather than admit that there are plenty of so-far undocumented immigrants who have known only starvation in their native countries and are therefore willing to accept such jobs.
TJ2000 (Nona)
" I suppose the idea is to starve US citizens into accepting even the lousiest and worst-paying jobs" -- Someone gets it.... Beggars can't be choosers.

Now if only he'd abolish the Department of Labor so it wouldn't be "illegal" for people to work for what they can on a free market - you're right; there would be no labor shortage. Everyone would have a job and UN-documented workers he's already working on.
Piri Halasz (New York NY)
The question arises: should citizens of the the richest nation in the world be forced to work at starvation level jobs when people making twenty times as much as they do are too stingy to pay the small amount more in taxes that it would take to keep these poor people from at the very least malnutrition? Bear in mind that at present in order to qualify for food stamps, people have to show that they are earning less than something like $17,000, if they are single, and maybe $30,000 if they are trying to feed a family of four? Maybe some of these people who so righteously are telling us that Donald Trump should be allowed to do just what he wants to do with these people should try living and feeding a family on $30,000 of four.
TJ2000 (Nona)
"The question arises: should citizens of the the richest nation in the world be forced to work at starvation level jobs when people making twenty times as much as they do are too stingy to pay the small amount more in taxes"

Yes. Its called respecting other peoples property rights and ownership as well as being responsibility for ones own self. Addressing the REAL issue with inequality would be government regulation cut backs that keep the less wealthy from being allowed to compete for the top 1% wealth. The only true monopoly force in this country is the government - because there is only one.
Jefflz (San Franciso)
We are now engaged in a great civil war. It is a struggle for the survival of our nation. It is a battle between Trumpists and those who care sincerely about the future of our country. Trumpists cannot distinguish the Apprentice Reality TV show from truly governing our country. After 120 days of gross incompetence as so-called president, they can no longer claim Trump is going to fight for the little guy and bring them jobs. The budget is a document of the rich, by the rich and for the rich. Poor working class Trumpists live in a closed-in fantasy world where Trump will always be a decent man no matter how many people he shoots on 5th Ave.

There are three kinds of voters that chose Trump: racists and bigots, the uninformed and low information voters, and the Evangelists for whom defeating Roe v. Wade overcomes every other Christian value. That millions of American's could be conned into believing that Trump and the powerful manipulators behind him would look after their welfare is also testament to the strength of the entrenched Fox/Breibart propaganda machine, which is the voice of the super-wealthy right wing extremists that have taken over our country. The United States is now just like those so-called Banana Republics that have undergone a right wing coup. It is a paradise for the Kochs and the Mercers and their kind and an economic disaster for everyone else.
Jim in Tucson (Tucson, AZ)
No, Mr. Mulvaney, you're not measuring success by the number of people you help, you're measuring it by the cuts you make. And no, this isn't first budget written through the eyes of those who pay the taxes; it's written for those who don't want to pay their fair share.

This has become the trademark of the Trump administration: Lies seasoned with hyperbole.
Dave (Lafayette, CO)
Trump DURING his presidential campaign:

- I will provide affordable health care for everyone - much better and much less expensive than what we have now. No one will be left behind.

- I will work tirelessly for the "forgotten Americans" - the people who have lost jobs, lost homes, lost hope. I will see that their lives are valued and improved.

- "I love the poorly-educated."

Trump AFTER four months in office:

- AHCA passes House with provisions to eliminate the health insurance of 24 million Americans. First Trump budget cuts $800 billion over ten years from Medicaid.

- Trump budget savages virtually all the "forgotten Americans", drastically cutting payments for everything from Food Stamps to Meals on Wheels to SSI disability benefits. The more "forgotten" an American is, the more savagely Trump's budget will grind him or her further into poverty and hopelessness,.

- Yes, Trump loves the "poorly-educated" - because just as they never figured out that their newly-won health insurance was actually "Obamacare" - when it's ripped away from them by Trump (along with their Food Stamps, college loans, Medicaid benefits, etc.) - they'll be told that "It's all Obama's fault".

And they'll believe it.
susan (NYc)
The Trump sycophants apparently have no problem with corporate welfare. Go figure.
G. Stumpp (Edison, NJ)
No problem with bailouts of companies whose senior executives who take huge risks with investors' money either. Kindly note, not one of them goes to jail.
rip (Pittsburgh)
This budget proposal, and the people who wrote it as well as those who support it, are morally obscene. This is not who we are as a people. I dare members of Congress to support this piece of trash. Go ahead, make my day!
G. Stumpp (Edison, NJ)
I wrote my Senators and stated that I would vote for Dems down the line for all future elections if they voted for this bill. My wife has said the same.
People have to stand up to these morons.
TJ2000 (Nona)
Its morally obscene to NOT allow the 10-square blocks of Washington D.C. control 30% of every U.S. citizens wealth against their will and the will of their State, County, and City government? Safety nets belong at a local level where need, compassion, and flat-robbery can all be seen and represented better.
AIR (Brooklyn)
Trump so loves the poor that he wants to create more of them.
David 4015 Days (CT)
We knew it was all a lie and wondered how all these MAGA people really swallowed the "better future / bring back my lost job pill with their GOP Juice cocktails. Did they really think the Richest care about them? So very sad people who are struggling to keep their jobs, homes and health insurance think they can align themselves with the financial interests of the $1M+ club. Mrs. Clinton and the DEM would never have done this to those so close to the edge of financial instability.
Marc Brier (Rome)
Doesn't deserve an official government cover on it.
Helena Handbasket (Wisconsin)
Bring back the military draft. And the first pool of draftees should consist of the 1% or their children. No exceptions, no deferments.

There. How do you like your military budget now?

Wake-up, people. Of course they're cutting poverty programs and increasing the military appropriations. Cannon-fodder is required and it sure ain't gonna be the children of the CEO of Lockheed Martin.

And spare me the twaddle about how the military is "volunteer". How much is it free will when you have to look to the military for three hots and a cot after these programs are cut?
ultimateliberal (New Orleans)
How about the military only accepting the independently wealthy, so that the salaries can be cut in favor of expenditures on more sophisticated weaponry?
stan continople (brooklyn)
Cannon fodder is right! During the Civil War, hundreds of thousands of poor Southern whites died so that a handful of rich white ghouls could retain the institution of slavery. Moral considerations aside, it was an institution that depressed their own wages making their suicidal fervor even more inexplicable. Somehow that same mentality has persisted in the South and elsewhere, so that young men and women are recruited to fight and die for such exalted American principles as the right of General Electric to pay no taxes and the right to deprive their families of decent wages, education and health care. It must be the heat.
Spucky (New Hampshire)
A cruel and despicable budget from a cruel and despicable Administration. No surprises, except perhaps no mass executions of the old, disabled and needy.
ultimateliberal (New Orleans)
We hope and pray it will not come to anything as egregious as "letting us all die of exposure and/or starvation".....

But, then, this is the Trumpet/Pawn regime.........

Oh, God!
Joe (Nyc)
This tax plan is nothing more than a huge tax cut for trump and his rich cronies. It leaves everyone else in the dust.
Dougl (NV)
This is the Reagan playbook, revisited for the second time. Giant tax-cuts-for-the-rich, unnecessary increase in defense spending, ballooning deficits, and gutting the poor and middle class. No great surprise here. The billionaire savior of the working class turns out to be just another shill for the rich.
R (New York)
Veterans and seniors who supported Trump, low to no income individuals living in traditionally Republican states, how about dem apples? Actually, with these cuts you won't be able to afford apples. At least you have healthcare....

oh wait...
Zatari (anywhere)
And once again, after reviewing this administration’s proposed budget, many commenters here express disbelief that anyone supporting Trump could still do so. They rightly note that Trump supporters will be disproportionately harmed by these budget cuts, and thus are at a loss to understand why these voters continue to support a con man.

It’s really pretty simple. Trump voters know they’ll suffer disproportionately under this budget, and under Republican health care cuts. They know Trump will never build the wall. They know he won’t bring back jobs. What readers here need to understand is, they just don’t care. These issues aren’t why they voted for Trump.

Trump voters want to take women back to the era of back alley abortions. They want the return of life before Brown v Board of Education. They want women and minorities to leave the professions, so that white males can once again control corporate America and our highest levels of government. They want the LGBTQ community back in the closet. They want to be able to target their brown-skinned neighbors with impunity, understanding the wink they’ve received from this Attorney General.

And now that they think they can have all these things, they don’t care if they literally starve. Trump voters are perfectly happy to live in a banana republic, as long as their leader tells them they’re more “American” than those they hate with an insane fervor. Like I said, it’s really that simple.
AnnaS (Philadelphia)
You have just explained suicide bombers.
Chris Miilu (Chico, CA)
I think it was LBJ who pointed out that if you tell a man he is better than some other man, he won't notice you picking his pocket. It was true then, and still is.
BellaM (Columbia, SC)
One more time our disenfranchised pay the tragic. Then we must remember that Trump can never understand a life without privilege. Invoke the 25th Amendment, please.
Wizarat (Moorestown, NJ)
"Trump’s Budget Cuts Deeply Into Medicaid and Anti-Poverty Efforts"

Republicans got elected on it - they may have provided 'Fake News' to convince the gullible and it worked; if you do not agree just remember to support intellectually honest progressive candidates such as Bernie in 2018 and onwards.

Take back the houses of Congress then get rid of 2 extremely ill-conceived regulations, one Gerrymandering of Congressional districts by changing them to align with ZIP+4. This provides you very close approximation of residents in any given District. The other is funding of our electioneering process. It must be done by the federal government.

Foreign powers are getting more interested in effecting our elections, one sure way is with money and that is self-evident with AIPAC, Haim Saban, and Sheldon Adelson's influence. The same is evident by consolidation of media empires in the hand of a few.

Work for the Progressive agenda and come out in droves to vote for the change in 2018, till then #resist Trump and the Republicans; they are BAD for the country.
nytechy (ny)
All for the common man making over a million a year!
Fintan (Orange County, CA)
Both sides of the aisle should flatly reject Trump's budget and tell him to bring back a serious and principled proposal. Trump thinks that this works like a deal to buy a condo building in the Bronx -- set the negotiating floor so low that even a bad deal will look good by comparison.

In the end, all of this is a question about what kind of country we want to live in. Congress can do The People's business by articulating a positive vision and telling our president to work toward THAT agenda. Send Trump (and Ryan) packing until they deliver on a budget that serves all citizens!
The motto "Taxpayers First" is outrageous. I am a retired middle-class taxpayer who had always worked and never received government assistance until Medicare and Social Security began a few years ago. I want my tax dollars to go to renewable energy research, to planned parenthood, to infrastructure improvements, to public education, and to safety net programs (as long as they have an effective anti-fraud component).

As a taxpayer, I DO NOT WANT to pay for a bloated military budget, corporate "shareholders only" welfare, a boondoggle wall, security for trump's unethical, gold-digger family, or a vanity project for Ivanka, who clearly has had no beneficial influence on women's issues.
Dick M (Kyle TX)
Just a thought about Trump I-Don't Care since it is an integral part of the president's master plan to make America great again with the proposed budget. What makes anyone think that the young healthy citizens who didn't choose to have health care before Obamacare forced them to provide it or pay a fine will now not revert to "I'm not sick why should I pay even lower healthcare premiums if I don't need healthcare?". It seems that the only premium changes to expect from Trump I-Don't Care will be universally higher premiums for all citizens actually paying health care premiums since the young, healthy will skip healthcare regardless of their lower premiums (if those materialize). Since ER care is always available and actual payment of ER charges is usually a "who blinks first" contest between the young healthy and the service providers.

Also less Medicaid benefits will mean more ER visits, less charges covered for services, higher charges for hospital (and doctor) care to make up the difference, more costs passed on to premium payers by health insurance companies through higher deductibles and co-payments. All this reduction of Medicaid passes the cost of medical care from the government to citizens and passes on the immediate savings on to the 1%.
BBB (Australia)
The Trump Budget claws back the cost of
government safety net programs that companies use to subsidize employee compensation through massive surcharges on corporate tax returns that more than offset the proposed lower corporate rate.

The TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) has been redesigned to pour hugh sums of
money into finally cleaning up the massive
plastic garbage dump that is swirling around in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of California.

This is in the alternative budget.
will (oakland)
For those who think that children, the sick and the poor are just moochers who the rest of can't afford to support, the reality is that there is plenty of money for programs and lifelines for these needy. It can be found in the pockets of the wealthy, no surprise. What do wealthy individuals do with their extra money from more tax cuts for them? Just look at Trump - they spend it on staying in expensive hotels, at exclusive golf courses, on golden toilets and on limos and private airplanes. They spend it overseas, while they stiff the people who work for them in the U.S. The only jobs they create are for immigrants who watch their children, mow their lawns and care for their elderly. The 1% are literally swimming in money, it needs to be spread around. Cutting their taxes while denying Americans needed help will only make things worse.
gbzar1 (Washington DC)
The less noticed evisceration of funding for State Department and foreign assistance (the latter, less than .7% of the budget)-- diplomacy and development-- leaves the military and the president as the arbiters of statecraft and foreign policy expertise. Without "soft power," we are left with Big Stick as the go-to option-- truly a frightening thought.
Patricia (Atlanta)
The man is not humane. Nor is anyone who would approve of such a thing- and I would BENEFIT from tax cuts! I am calling my senators daily as well as my congressman and I hope everyone will do the same.
Janet B (Northern WI)
What can you not afford now that most tax cuts would cover? Most people grousing about their taxes and applauding these cuts are pretty comfortable. They have everything they need and most of the things they want. What will you do with your share of the food stamp dollars that will feed any tax cut?
pnp (USA)
How much money could we have saved if the budget was only available online?
If government politicians or employees want hard copy then they can pay to have it printed on their own time with their own money!
MJS (Atlanta)
I was just at the Beauty shop trying to educate some Trump supporters that a cut in Food Stamps directly affects farmers the most. I pointed out that food stamps are still administered out of the department of Agricultural, as they were originally set up to support the farmers. I said every dollar you cut them you cut money going to the farmers and rural America.

Now I said there could be some reforms to make sure that only American grown food and not processed foods are purchased. I pointed out that when I worked in a grocery store in NY state in the late 70's soda and candy were not food stamp eligible. But in the land of Coke Cola in Georgia, you can purchase all the bottles of Coke Cola off the shelves with your food stamps.

I would advocate for food stamps to be used at local farmers markets. Not to be allowed on processed food and not to be allowed imported food. For example it would not be that hard to not allow that fish raised off South America In so called farms or in Asia. Or to not allow South American Produce vs Us produce by just coding labels.

The bigger problem is the gas stations and liquor stores with we accept food stamps and WIC. Let's work on getting Aldi's in every neighborhood in America. If you don't know what Aldi's is it is a small footprint that sells fresh produce and vegetables, chicken, pork, hamburger, fish, then store brand of about everything else with deals. They are significantly less than any other store.
Janet B (Northern WI)
Processed and junk food are cheap; healthy foods more expensive. If you have $50 a week to feed a family of four or more, you stretch it to cover whatever can fill the most bellies for the longest period of time
Brent (Danbury, Connecticut)
Actually, Trump is expanding the welfare state. He's just shifting the benefits to the corporate chieftains and defense contractors. If millions of poor people suffer as a result, well, as Jesus said, "The poor will always be with you -- you're the ones who voted for this duplicitous con artist."
KR (Atlanta)
This reverse Robin Hood budget really reinforces one of the worst stereotypes about Republicans and I really hope it goes nowhere in Congress. The sad thing is, many of the people who would benefit from this plan have gotten rich working for companies where the lowest paid workers make so little that they qualify for welfare and who would suffer the most under this plan.
ebmem (Memphis, TN)
When Democrats slashed $800 billion from Medicare, liberals, including the AARP, thought it was a great idea. Where are the liberals now? The $800 billion was taken away from care for retirees and given to big medicine cronies.
BCasero (Baltimore)
A lie repeated is still a lie.

"While the health care law reduces the amount of future spending growth in Medicare, the law doesn't actually cut Medicare. Savings come from reducing money that goes to private insurers who provide Medicare Advantage programs, among other things. The money wasn’t "robbed." We rated the statement Mostly False."
Dougl (NV)
Nothing was cut from Medicare. The $700B come from saving in subsidies to private insurers sell Medicare Advantage plans. These "non" cuts were savings project from 2012-2020. It's 2017. Nice try with the big lie.
George Ennis (Toronto Canada)
Remind me in which alternate reality this happened?
Cheekos (South Florida)
When you ONLY have three or four billion dollars more than god, you just never know when those extra Trump Bucks might come in handy, yo pick-up a restaurant or a bar tab. That's the only reason the GOP is looking to sneak this one through0-without many debate. The GOP in thr Congress certainly must grease the palms of those who will "contribute" to their Campaign Funds.
Tournachonadar (Illiana)
"Then I'm going to drive around in a big purple Cadillac and laugh at all the poor people!" John Waters had Francine Fishpaw's repulsive mother spout this line in his movie "Polyester" and the budget news brings it to mind...
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
Please, Trump voters: let me know, when you start winning.
Southern Boy (The Volunteer State)
We are, we are winning now. Thank you.
TJ2000 (Nona)
We're WINNING - The production-blocking bureaucrats, the wealth-stealing taxes, the illegal-skippers on their country are all loosing ground and now we can start being more productive, keep a little wealth, and worry about local issues not brought in by illegal foreigners.

Making America great again; one step at a time.....
Don (New york)
your on those opiates that the flyover country boys seem to be enjoying a lot of this days.
this or any other budget doesn't really matter; CW states that no president's budget survives congress. but what they do is reflect the values of the president. and we all know that trump's values live in the toilet, from which the tweets flow out every day.
ultimateliberal (New Orleans)
I am thoroughly disgusted that any human being could craft a budget that so destroys the essence of "Love your neighbor as you love yourself," "Do unto others what you would have them do unto you," and "Together we stand, divided we fall." That last adage can also be interpreted as "the widening income gap is tearing this country apart." And what happened in France, 1793..........?

Those who do not know history are condemned to repeat it.

How can anyone with a sense of decency not work toward distributing others' wealth for the benefit of those who have less?
Let this be a lesson to anyone who didn't vote in the Midterms or the General Election or rather vote against their own interests specifically voters in the red states. The Republicans aren't "for the people", they are for "themselves and their rich donors." Anyone beneath them (less than human beings in their eyes) like -- low-income households, immigrants, the poor, women, children, the educated, veterans, elderly and especially the sick -- they don't care about these people at all. The fact that their are joyfully cutting programs for the poor and the sick just like that shows their true colors.

We are all human beings and yet, Trump and his Republican pals decides the best for America in their delusional fantasies is by gutting so many programs people depend on like Medicaid, Food Stamps, Children Hospitalization, Financial Aid and Higher Education, Planned Parenthood, and the most important of all, getting rid of Obamacare which will kill off millions of Americans.

The GOP is the party of the corrupt, purely driven by greed, religion, and oppression. Elections has its consequences and the consequences in here. The rich gets richer while anyone beneath them, the middle and the very poor are left to suffer die. I hope you people who voted for Trump (or rather not vote at all) are proud of yourselves. You handed the whole branches of government to the Republicans and now they are reaping it the best they can, making the rich richer and the poor even poorer.
ebmem (Memphis, TN)
When a Democrat votes for his own interest, he is voting for his own interest: what he can personally gain from the government. The movie industry and NASCAR vote for special tax breaks, the solar and wind industries vote for higher consumer electricity rates with which the elite will line their pockets. The poor vote for higher welfare benefits. The poor get pennies, GE and Buffett get billions.

When conservatives vote, they vote for what is in the best interests of the country. Which involves reducing corporate welfare as well as welfare for the able bodied. No poor elderly or sick are going to be injured by Republican policy.
Re: "What is the best interests of the country..."

You mean unnecessary huge tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires of the top 3% and unnecessary spending on the military when the United States is already known to spend the most out of the entire world, more than Russia and North Korea. Need I remind you Mexico isn't paying for the wall as Trump promised, WE ARE since he is using these budgets cuts to specifically spend on something else no one wants. The U.S. is already

"No poor elderly or sick are going to be injured by Republican policy."

I have to disagree with your argument. Did you read the article? It states that Medicaid and many anti-poverty programs will hit many people and the poor and the sick are the most affected since billions of dollars are being taken out which will undoubtedly leave many with no health insurance since the government has no money to spend on them. This budget cut is comparable to TrumpCare which will make as many as 24 million people lose their health insurance.

You are living in a bubble my friend.
Hawkeye (Cincinnati)
Income inequality is fixed by the tax code.....there was not a lot of inequity in the 1950s when the maximum rate was 70%

I guess kids just became greedy and would rather push fellow citizens to the ground than live in an equitable society.

Fraud and freeloading was brought up earlier, ok that is going on, and members of both parties are fully involved, and doing nothing to fix it....but

Oh well what do I know.....
ultimateliberal (New Orleans)
And Eisenhower was drafted into the Republican Party---then the excise taxes on luxury goods fattened the national revenue, along with the 70% tax rate on those who could easily afford to contribute to the common good.....

America enjoyed prosperity with those high tax rates.....'nuf sed!
Glenn (Florida)
Giving a tax break to billionaire individuals, and corporations, while kicking the elderly out of nursing care, and depriving the disabled is despicable behavior on the part of Republicans. There is no other way to describe it.

The wealthy have become entitled and selfish. Perhaps they should find out what a real job is.
The Barkster (Michigan)
There has long been a conspiracy among the wealthiest people to rid the world of the poorest among us by suffocating them through lack of medical care and allowing policies which guarantee their demise. This is the future of America.
Kingfish52 (Rocky Mountains)
Since their inception, the Republicans have been only and ever the party of WEALTH care. They have fought ceaselessly to undo the New Deal, never tiring in that mission. They are now on the verge of instituting a new Robber Baron Era, where there are only two classes: Haves and Have Nots. This budget simply doesn't bother to try and hide this objective, because the Republicans don't have to since they have a monopoly on power, and they will not yield it easily. Go back and read what it took to pry the greedy fingers of the Rockefellers, Goulds, Mellons, et. al. from their choke hold on our democracy. Blood had to be shed, deprivations suffered, much like in war, to overcome the near-total power of the few. I hope that it doesn't have to come to that now, but history has a way of repeating lessons for those who refuse to learn them the first time.
ebmem (Memphis, TN)
Soros, Buffett, Gates, Musk, et al have paid zero percent of their wealth in income taxes during their lives, and use their wealth, now embedded in Foundations they control, to lobby the government to spend actual taxes paid by working people to advance their wealth building agenda. Admit more immigrants to suppress wages for taxpayers. Give billions in subsidies to the 1% in order increase consumer energy costs. Charge middle class customers of ICE autos so that Musk can sell EVs to the elite. Charge electricity consumers the cost of installing EV charging infrastructure so the purchasers of $100,000 vehicles do not have to contribute.

Wake up and smell the coffee. The establishment members of both parties are now advancing the interests of the rich, each party having a few cronies they favor.
Renee Jones (Lisbon)
This budget says outright the fantasies a great many Republican voters actually believe: that making the consequences of misfortune and poor decisions more dire and catastrophic will teach prudence and better behavior.

The corollary of this absurd ideological faith is that humans are rational, fully-informed actors, and that failure to avoid misfortune and failure to make successful decisions must be entirely knowing and willful, thus morally culpable and thoroughly deserving of any suffering meted out by circumstance or society.

It is an ugly fantasy that ultimately sees vindication and righteousness in the suffering of others.
Daphne (East Coast)
A shift from relying on government provided benefits to earning a living through work would be better for all. The worker and the taxpayer both benefit. Salaries have to rise though. Lower taxes on business income could be linked to a higher minimum wage as a bipartisan deal. Why should the tax payer pick up the tab? Unfortunately, wages would have to double or more in some cases to even come close to covering what is provided through the earned income credit, child care, health insurance/care subsidies, housing and food subsidies etc., and that is very unlikely.
Stan Sutton (Westchester County, NY)
Higher wages would help a lot of people, but you fail to distinguish between those who are able to work and those who cannot or should not have to (e.g., young, old, sick, students, many willing and able people in times of economic downturn). What are your thoughts about that?
Kagetora (New York)
A democracy's prosperity lies in the opportunities given to its people. There can be no opportunities without quality of education and access to affordable medical care.

At its core, this so called "budget" clearly illustrates the divide that exists between the right wing's (meaning the GOP's) version of America and the rest of us. It strips away support for Medicaid, teacher training, student loans, food for the poor, all to pay for border protection that is not needed, tax cuts for the rich, and military expansion that is totally unnecessary.

We have twice as many combat aircraft as China. We have 10 aircraft carrier battle groups with another one on the way. No other country has more than 2 aircraft carriers. Our navy has more firepower than the next 10 countries navies combined. Why this urgent need for a massive military buildup, especially at the expense of our most vulnerable, the young, sick and poor?

If we don't educate our children and give them suitable opportunities, the United States will decline on every level. Yet the GOP has managed to convince voters that tax cuts for the wealthy are a good thing for the general population.

The world is laughing at us as Trump leads us into decline. I sure hope we wake up.
Russell Scott Day (Carrboro, NC)
I highly recommend that people become aware of the difference between Finances & Economics that this talk of the absolute need to see austerity budgets so we can have more fighter jets, bombs, & solders is without justification at all.
We do have many states that do have to function with limits, the inelastic money supply, however it is not at all the case when it comes to how money is created.
When Congress votes the Bill, the Treasury creates the money to pay for it. This is the truth of the matter. If we want to have a robust infrastructure, or educate all our citizens, or otherwise provide healthcare we just have to vote for the bill that authorizes those expenditures & the Treasury will make the money from its status, sovereign wealth, reserve status.
Money spent in the US for its citizens is the best test of the expenditures.
I was stuck as far as the inelastic nature of State finances, but discovered the Bank of North Dakota, which solves this problem of an inelastic money supply. Read WEB of DEBT, Ellen Brown "If China Can fund its Infrastructure using Its Credit, so can we." Read "Killing the Host" by Michael Hudson. Look to David Cay Johnston for a Tax Code. Stop believing in the Gold Standard. Simply stop believing in Financial Terrorism.
Yolanda Perez (Boston MA)
So are corporations going to be paying their fair share of taxes? Will "tax-exempt" colleges/universities that charge sky high tuition fees finally pay taxes to the communities they are located in?
Being poor is not a character flaw. Being wealthy and turning your back on neighbors and your community is.
ebmem (Memphis, TN)
The Democrat theory is that the federal government should magically pay for everything. Harvard and the other "charitable" universities should not have to chip in for local police, fire, education, infrastructure, because it is far more important that they use their funds to pay the likes of Elizabeth Warren and her husband $350,000 each per year to teach a total of 90 hours of classes per year. Any additional academic responsibilities would cut into their consulting fees.

It would also limit how much time academics could spend lobbying the state and federal governments to extract additional taxpayer funds to provide a free college education while ensuring the academics don't have to actually work for their elite pay.
BCG (Rockville, MD)
This article only further convinces me of the following:

The Trump administration is mathematically, ethically, morally, logistically and, it appears, *even* legally unsustainable.

I cannot ever remember such a dark time in my life as an American citizen.
Southern Boy (The Volunteer State)
Socalled social net programs will be cut, but cutting them, the receipients will seek work, which in turn will create jobs, and result in economic growth. A win win for everyone.
George Ennis (Toronto Canada)
I agree there is nothing like getting 75 year old coal miners back to work in the mines at minimum wages and long hours.
Sommer Janis (New York)
And that includes states like Tennessee that take more from the federal till than what they contribute.

Tennessee is going to get to work and raise its own revenue so the states that keep Tennessee afloat because it refuses to stay afloat on its own can keep more of their own money.

Janet B (Northern WI)
Because there are so many good-paying jobs out there, offered by magnanimous guys like Trump who always pays his debts
Jim Steinberg (Fresno, California)
If you support selfish, callous, indifferent greed, then you welcome President Trump and his "Maim the poor" program.
david (<br/>)
The sum of Trump's cut to Medicaid plus SNAP is
about 1T over 10 years.
Not taxing all dividends and capital gains as ordinary income plus not taxing unrealized capital gains at death costs about 2 T over ten years.
ebmem (Memphis, TN)
When the estate tax was eliminated, for a single year under the Bush tax cuts, unrealized capital gains became taxable at death, but not until liquidated. If heirs wanted to keep operating the family farm or business, there was no estate tax due, but when they sold, they had to pay the full freight if taxes on the gains.

The very wealthy did not like the elimination of the estate tax, because they had gamed themselves out of it and fewer than 1% were ever going to pay a dime.

The elimination of the gross up of unrealized capital gains is why the elite would prefer an estate tax.
John (Boston)
Rich people save $3T over 10 years, simple math.
h (f)
It is incredible to me, with all the damage Trump and his cabal are plotting, that the FBI didn't have the good sense to warn us that this team is CORRUPT, corrupted, and corrupting, IN ADVANCE OF THE ELECTION!! What made them hold back on that information??? What if they were investigating Trump for murder? Would they have TOLD us?? Good god what a mess Trump and his factotums are creating, in our country.
ebmem (Memphis, TN)
A problem the FBI had was that they had hard evidence against Hillary, and not even soft evidence against Trump.
h (f)
There is no 'evidence' of anything against Hilary - she has not been and will NOT be charged with ANYTHING!! And incorrectly filed e-mails, compared to collusion with Russia - give me a break!!
Chris Miilu (Chico, CA)
Clinton showed her tax returns; she paid her taxes. Trump has never shown his tax returns; he has carried a casino loss on his returns for 13 years, as revealed by one of his former accountants. Trump used foreign workers on the Tower, then paid them less than their contracts. He told them to sue him for unpaid wages; they had no standing in our court system. He is now hiring Romanians to work at his Florida estate; what will he pay them, or will he just threaten to deport them if they complain. He bankrupted his father's real estate business; he lives on undocumented loans from Russian oligarchs. He is not a "businessman"; he is a grifter from a rich family.
jw (somewhere)
And into the abyss we all go. Well at least 99% of us.
northlander (michigan)
Only the prosperous deserve redemption.
sm (new york)
Don't want to quote someone one about basket of deplorables , but it was right on and right in our faces ! Truly , a charitable heart has no place in some people, encouraged by the fact that some of our citizens are wide awake and just as appalled by the greed , heartless bitter attitudes , expressed and intended towards the less fortunate of our fellow citizens.
1truenorth (Bronxville, NY 10708)
The gravy train is over, folks. Stop turning this into class warfare, Dems.
Christopher (San Francisco)
Providing "tax cuts" to the wealthy and corporations at the expense of the poor IS class warfare.
Rennie (St. Paul)
Too bad the gravy train has its whistle stop at the military depot--or rather, the war and military supply complex--where the gravy runneth over in the Trump plan. The gravy train, as you call it, is a fiction, a plan, a proposal. It is only a proposed battle plan for class warfare. You know, take from the poor, give to the rich. Makes for dry reading as a popular fictional text, don't you think?
Bob (Chicago, IL)
“There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”

― Warren Buffett
Maggie (CA)
This budget is from an alternate universe, right.
Sherry Jones (Arizona)
Why would this budget be DOA? It reflects classic Republican priorities -- beefing up the military (and likely going to war), cuts to foodstamps and Pell grants, and tax breaks for the rich. This is what George W. Bush did -- cut taxes for the rich and spent trillions on the Iraq war. With the House, Senate and Presidency in Republican control, why isn't this their dream come true? And which country are we invading next?
Vince (Bethesda)
because it is not targeted on Black people. The vast number of people who will be hurt are Trump supporters.
Edna (Boston)
The great challenge for this nation at this time is income inequality. This barbaric budget stands to make the gap between rich and poor even larger, and it's measures will diminish mobility further. Denying food security and medical care to citizens old, young, disabled and addicted will cause lasting problems we can't even imagine. Especially concerning are the developmental consequences of nutritional deficiency in children. Poverty, crime, civil unrest, will all be boosted by this budget. Who are we, and how did we come to be so selfish and so cruel. Years from now, people will wonder how we could be so stupid and soulless.
ebmem (Memphis, TN)
Progressive policies increase income inequality.
William O. Beeman (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Once again the American electorate has been cheated into voting against their own interests. The GOP and the Trump administration have created another reverse-Robin Hood budget that steals from the poor to give to the rich.

I am astonished that the die-hard Trump supporters are so dense that they don't see this. When will it finally dawn on them that their lives under Trump are getting worse, not better?
Howard Jarvis (San Francisco)
Millions of Americans have been voting against their economic interests for years. Why should 2016 have been any different? I am not at all astonished.
Wally Wolf (Texas)
I think this may be one of the realities that they didn't think through.
T3D (San Francisco)
The worst part of life under Trump and the Republican notion of "fiscal restraint" hasn't happened yet. It takes years for the true scope and consequences of any major decision from the White House to be seen by the average low-IQ American voter.
catfriend (Seattle, WA)
How does cutting food and medical assistance to the poor and assistance for the disabled, plus these other cuts to the vulnerable, make America great again?
It takes us back many decades. Our present leaders cannot claim we are
a compassionate nation.
I still believe that, in general, our people are but Trump and his gang are an insult to the nation!
Mark (Antioch, California)
This budget is heartless. As a retired pastor, I look for a budget that promotes the righteousness of God, is on the side of the poor, the disenfranchised and the alien in the land. Our government feeds the hungry, helps the disabled, provides medical care for the poor and countless other needs. I hope it dies in the Senate. I will do what I can to stop it.
Lenny (Pittsfield, MA)
Hopefully this tax-cuts-for-the-rich-plan will educate all of us Americans about how the rich who for time immemorial have practiced predatory capitalism continually underpay the people who work for them, lay the people who work for them off for the sake of these kinds of rich peoples' own profits, , and, as well, amass so much personal profits, that the rest of the people, workers and potential workers become or remain unemployed, and become or remain poverty stricken; all this greed leading to unnecessary and obscene amounts of money and wealth for capitalists who are predatory. (Not all capitalists are predators).
And, further more: In the spirit of the words of Yaweh:
"Donald Trump, Thou Shalt Release To The American People Your Back Tax Returns ! And Shalt Thy Children and In-laws !"
Donald Trump is a predatory capitalist , as are some of the members of his administration, as are some of Trump's major backers, as are some of the members of the Senate and The House.
Marvinsky (New York)
Tax cuts? They do not assist, in the slightest, those people with little or not income. Tax cuts? That's all we hear about from Republicans. You have to be pretty stupid to think tax cuts that only benefit people with larger incomes are going to lead to better lives for the other 75% of us.
Hope the voters are better informed next time. The Republicans pretty well spelled out what they were going to do. Lack of compassion is their standard.
Coffee Bean (Java)
I’ve spent my entire adulthood learning the hardships of relying on the federal gov’t for assistance of type or another after acquiring a permanent disability at 19. Be it through nonprofits working as a State or Federal volunteer through the AmeriCorps *State or AmeriCorps*VISTA programs in addition to college education grant of roughly $5,000 or through a Schedule A appointment under Federal Statute that offer qualified people with disabilities a hiring preference (like a Veteran) for state and federal jobs, budgetary cutbacks in meaningful programs such as these will be harmful.

Yet, as an advocate for all people with disabilities and having worked in nearly every area that serves the community-at-large from school to housing to employment to retirement benefits; the homeless, those who need financial assistance, and all aspects of social services, it is amazing how much “gaming the system” goes on from the vendors claiming to provide it AND those needing the assistance.

Waste; Fraud; and abuse – get a stranglehold on that through some modified version of these proposed cuts over the next decade and the impact felt will be de minimis.
Peter Czipott (San Diego)
Waste and fraud certainly occur, but as Reagan's Grace Commission, set up to identify cost savings through efficiencies and elimination of waste and fraud, showed, there is a point where the costs of fighting waste exceed the savings. I'm not suggesting the system is at that point already, but I doubt the savings through efficiency would come close to mitigating the harm done by the cuts.

Let's also not forget that the budget is predicated on totally unrealistic growth projections which are themselves predicated on empirically contradicted expectations of growth stimulus via tax cuts. Thus, the stated goal of debt reduction is simply illusory -- or an entertainer's illusion, to distract from the real purpose(s) of the budget proposal.
susan (NYc)
Do you complain about the waste and fraud perpetuated by the military industrial complex too?
Pat M (Brewster, NY)
While not denying that waste and fraud occur in these programs that assist the least of us, my advise to you is to stop looking at the bottom rungs of the ladder and cast your sight to the top to see who is really robbing you blind.
Deborah (Montclair, NJ)
You have to wonder what kind of America the GOP wants to live in. Do they like driving past homeless people and opioid addicts as they make their way to work in a limo? Do they hate clean air and water? Do they like everyone but them living on the margins? Do they really think more guns, no butter? Do they enjoy watching our schools in decline, our roads and bridges deteriorate, and our health care costs skyrocketing. Are they indifferent to workplace safety, and the concept of one-man, one vote? Are they so insistent on their "rights" that they shirk their responsibilities.

This budget is laughable, violating basic norms of accounting practices and rational economics. You cannot count revenue raised from the expected growth from tax cuts without first counting revenue lost by those tax cuts.
TJ2000 (Nona)
Talk about a contradiction in terms!!!
"Do they like driving past homeless people and opioid addicts as they make their WAY TO WORK" --
"Do they enjoy watching our schools in decline, our roads and bridges deteriorate, and our health care costs skyrocketing.Are they so insistent on their "rights" that they shirk their responsibilities.

What the heck; You must believe the homeless and opioid addicts make school, roads and bridges and keep healthcare costs low... You must be joking in trying to make such a point.
Jenifer Wolf (New York)
The super rich don't drive by homeless people; they fly their private jets over them & don't see them. They also don't need government entitlements of any kind, just tax breaks, which will be available when government services are abolished. The only way out of this mess is 'extreme financial vetting' of the people we elect for congress in the future.
Rennie (St. Paul)
Problem with your reasoning: Keeping costs low does nothing about keeping schools, roads and bridges up--and running. That's the joke. If you don't see deteriorating infrastructure in this country (and infrastructure is mostly government funded), then supporting the GOP and their cost savings plan (read: don't spend on infrastructure). I can keep costs way low: Get rid of government altogether, throw in the GOP first. You and GOP won't have to pay a dime for government services at all. Now that would be heaven for a GOP fan.
D, KC (Kansas City)
Kansas. Look at Kansas for a preview of what Trump offers.

Governor Sam Brownback and the legislature slashed taxes and the social safety net to fund big tax cuts for Koch businesses. The spin was that the tax reductions would permit employers to expand.

The results have been disastrous. Employment did not grow as promised. Budget deficits have soared. Brownback has blamed everybody and everything in sight - except his own discredited economic experimentation.

Nobody noticed that business expansion is based on perceptions of increased demand - not just increases in cash on hand. Brownback and his cronies squelched any hope of that in Kansas by increasing sales taxes and shifting more of the burden to those less able to pay - and by refusing Medicaid expansion. Other states have prospered. We have lagged seriously and now have a huge budget hole and our once-proud public school system is badly underfunded.
Kat (NY)
I agree. But what has happened politically in Kansas? Didn't Brownback get reelected? Didn't Kansas vote for Trump? Are the people feeling the pain too apathetic (or too tired) to vote?
Sherry Jones (Arizona)
In Kansas, a Republican won the special election by 7 percent, down from Trump's 27 percent point win just a couple of months ago. If the "Kansas shift" of GOP's 20 point loss happened nationally, Democrats would have a "stranglehold" on the House. This is my happy map:
Michael Grattan (Key West)
I would like to hear the Evangelical Christians defend this budget. They seem to be so pleased with Trump so far. I want to hear them say with a straight face and glad heart that this is a Christian budget. This is nothing more than more money to kill people and less money for the values we supposedly stand for.
TJ2000 (Nona)
Defense served; Christianity isn't about STEALING from others - Its about WILLFULLY giving. NO ONE is stopping the WILLFULLY giving - but we are going to limit STEALING from others who don't want to willfully give.
Vince (Bethesda)
What nonsense. Christians have ALWAYS used government to advance their agenda. NB homophobia and abortion. When did they get religion and decide compliance should be voluntary?
J. Faye Harding (Mt. Vernon, NY)
What you just said makes absolutely NO SENSE.
Marc (Chappaqua,N,Y.)
As the president travels to all the religious holy lands on our planet; Senator Corey Booker said it best (and is apropos about the DJT budget:

"Don't speak to me about your religion;
first show it to me in how you treat other people.
Don't tell me how much you love your God;
show me in how much you love all God's children.
Don't preach to me your passion for your faith;
teach me through your compassion for your neighbors.
In the end, I'm not as interested in what you have to tell or sell as I am in how you choose to live and give. "
Saba (Montgomery NY)
Big tax cuts for whom?
Jorge (San Diego)
It's unfortunate that so many have the attitude toward poverty that they do toward obesity, addiction, mental health, and lack of health insurance, "it's their own fault." That is, unless it happens to them or someone they care about.
It's also unfortunate the Republican party gives voice to this lack of compassion, and it now permeates both houses of Congress, and the White House.
TJ2000 (Nona)
Take it to your STATE legislation - Federal safety nets violate the U.S. Constitution.
Abby (Key West, FL)
Which articles and sections are violated, TJ?
RJ O'Guillory (Calfornia Mountains)
I worked a full career with US DoD. I am vested in Social Security. At the age of 49 I was told I've been epileptic...enduring "unobserved seizures" throughout my life. My epilepsy brings on seizures from lighting, flashing lights, computer screens or images, hyper-ventilation...and the PTSD from my experience as a Federally Protected Whistle Blower. I can have a dozen grande-Mal seizures in a day. Once I have one, I have no idea what I am doing, and am capable of non-conscience acts...of which I have no memory when the event is over. After giving up driving, I drove a car off a 200 foot cliff at 70 mph. They put me in the hospital to study my brain. The told us not to worry as I would be monitored. They induced a grande-Mal seizure and I had enough time to take all the EEG headgear, the EKG...and the Oxygen monitor off ...and no one noticed. They found me in a 5th floor room, standing on the window ledge, trying to take out the screen and step out. What should I do? Social Security is about..."security"...the second most fundamental need of humans. Should I drive again,and place others at risk? I could take the bus, if I could recall the place I want to go. If you were my potential employer... would you let me greet customers at your bank...knowing full well that I may strip naked while defecating on the carpet? Would you accept the liability? I paid for my disability. Now pay up. I don't see why I should kill or humiliate myself...because the government has no ethics.
Lois (Seattle)
Many people who are here illegally take advantage of our system or qualify because they have US children who qualify for services, including Section 8 housing. Perhaps we will see the results of increased deportation. Approximately $3 billion in fraud has been found in Child Tax Credit for ITIN# filers.
silverwheel (Long Beach, NY)
A drop in the bucket compared to the fraud of the large corporations and 45
Abby (Key West, FL)
Found by whom, and by which method?

Where is the credible data?
Lois (Seattle)
Dominic (Astoria, NY)
The Trump supporters in this comment section are like sheep cheering for a wolf.

Wake up. If this budget passes, the harsh cuts and austerity are guaranteed to impact you and your loved ones. Stop buying into the lie that anyone and everyone who uses a public program is some kind of "lazy moocher".

This isn't good "business" this is cruelty and greed, plain and simple.
TJ2000 (Nona)
Go steal your own neighbors cash when you find yourself in a fix -- Not people in a whole OTHER STATE that you'll never have to face. Safety Nets were always suppose to be a STATE matter - The federal has no U.S. Constitutional ground to provide safety nets.
susan (NYc)
Fine....then next year when the IRS comes looking for my tax return I'll just show them your comment.
JWL (Vail, Co)
One hopes you never need a helping hand...karma is real you know.
Bruce (Denver CO)
This isn't a budget plan; it is a Plan Of Genocide Of America's Poor. Does the GOP right-wingers have no shame? Have those of them who pretend to be Christians realize they are lying to themselves? We need to Dump Trump to Make America Great Again as it was pre 1-20-17.
AV (<br/>)
The majority of the people who receive the benefits of the money provided for the social programs that are going cut severely by Trump with his budget are people who voted for him. Many of the to this day forgive him no matter what he does.
Let's see how forgiving they'll be when they see how badly they're going to be screwed. And not only are they going to be hurt badly by these cuts, just to rub salt into the wound Trump is going to take the money that would have helped them and give it to himself and other billionaires and millionaires in the form of tax breaks.
rosa (ca)
To the Poorest of the Poor in this Richest of All Nations:

Time to get your pitchfork out of hock.
Petey Tonei (Ma)
The most democratic thing the poorest of the poor can do is vote the richest congresspeople out.
r mackinnon (concord ma)
On a per capita basis, white people take more government subsidies than people of color. (SSI, WIC, SNAP, Medicaid, etc. etc) .
Yet, poor whites voted overwhelmingly for DT.
Who will they blame when the public assistance they rely on dries up ?
TJ2000 (Nona)
They'll blame themselves.. And not because they voted to support a president who doesn't TAKE stuff from their neighbors by legal force - because most likely decision they have made have put them into the position of feeding off of others.
Jake (NY)
You folks in the Rust Belt and Red States should not be complaining about what is coming. You were told he was a con man interested only in himself, his family, and his rich friends. Everything he proposes, has a tax cut or bonus for the rich. This is who he is and has always been. You folks in those states, you miner folks, you folks waiting for jobs to come back will die waiting because this guy did what he does best...he lied to you to your face and you believed his lies. He saw you folks as...weak of mind, weak of education, and uninformed and he took advantage of it. To him it taking candy from a baby. This is on you, the signs were all there of his scams and lies.
Mick (Los Angeles)
Let them eat cake. Deplorable's like cake don't they?
jerry lee (rochester)
Reality check make manditory to receive government assitance drug testing every 30 days ,end of problem . Make manditory in order for government to purchase anything must be made in usa end of employment problem solved
Mike2010 (Massachusetts)
With a proposed massive increase of ten percent to the defense budget Trump and Mulvaney confirm that the only welfare they are interested in providing is to defense contractors. Defense contracting, it's good work if you can get it. It is, in a sense, a sort of welfare for a select segment of the middle class, the hungry and disabled be damned. But Trump and his supporters did not become suh selfish and cruel advocates for "bombs, not food" by accident. They have been programmed with a daily dose of vilification of the poor for years, by Fox "News," the right wing radio and television news as entertainment industry, and right wing "think tanks." Season with plenty of mindless flag waving and-- here we are.
Peter Czipott (San Diego)
It is no surprise at all that the budget ordered by a man lacking human empathy should be so skewed against the needy and in favor of his own, the wealthy. Thank goodness for the sausage factory of Congress: what will be extruded at the end will surely differ greatly from the White House's input. Whether it will be better or not, remains to be seen...
joanne (Pennsylvania)
Since Donald Trump looks for his name in the New York Times, please change your headline to more specifically address what is happening--- in case he doesn't realize it. Staffers report he's exhausted from his trip (already!)

P.S. Hillary Clinton never complained about her travel of 956,733 miles, while visiting 112 countries as U.S. Secretary of State.

Let's have this headline, which he needs to see:
"Despite Trump promising no cuts to Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid, GOP budget drastically cuts these very programs"
ultimateliberal (New Orleans)
He's exhausted because he has to work while "touring to show off his incredible might and power."

And he probably thought he was going on a vacation where heads of state would play golf with him.

Watch him resign when it is announced that he will next "tour" China, India, South Korea, Indonesia, Philippines....on Labor Day Weekend. LOL!
Mark (Somewhere USA)
I do not call them "REPUBLICONS" for nothing! We have tried "voodoo economics" for 40 years since St. Ronald and now we have a $20 trillion dollar national debt which "Don the Con" will take to at least $30 trillion. Meanwhile, I have 6th graders asking me if their parents/grandparents will lose their healthcare and die!
Carol (NYC)
I want to see Trump's taxes!! He owes it to us! We want to see where his allegiances lie. That may explain a lot. We already know he wants to kick the pants of the poor (he hates losers) and wants to line the pockets of the wealthy (those who can wriggle out of paying taxes).
Debbie (New York)
Mick Mulvaney makes David Stockman look like Mother Teresa. This whole cabal makes me physically ill, which is unfortunate because they want to take away my health insurance.
H Clark (Long Island)
Trump's plan to systematically rid society of its 'undesirables' (namely the poor, very young, elderly, infirm, meek and underperforming) and shift budgetary allocations to the military while rewarding the elite with tax breaks is clearly evident in this budget. He's starting to make the designers of the Third Reich seem downright compassionate.
jwp-nyc (new york)
It's as if Trump wanted to go out of his way to stomp his boot into the face of the poor slobs who helped elect him, muttering, "Sucker!" under his breath as he saw them fall of the cliff. It's a sadist's budget from a man who always punches down.
short end (<br/>)
You dear readers do understand when you are being deliberately misled, dont you?
#1....Trump does not dictate a budget.
#2....the Budget is NOT the Senates perview, except to approve or modify.
#3....a Budget isnt even required.
Boiled down to its essence.....our Government, which WE, the people, created......has only one power, limited to the House of create bills of revenue for various purposes.
That whole concept got blurred beyond recognition with the dawn of the New Deal Era and giant Federal Bureaucracies. Bureaucracies that use Corporate/socialist five year planning and accounting principals to forecast how much money they need to micromanage various complex enterprises......
The Senate has usurped powers that are NOT authorized to it.
And the Press Corps has coached you, the reader, to blame the President.
NO one has bothered to hold the House accountable for any of this..............
NYer (NYC)
"Deal Era and giant Federal Bureaucracies ... Corporate/socialist five year planning and accounting principals"

The old (long-discredited) "New Deal Socialist Dictatorship" red herring? Stinking from age now...

And "planning and accounting principals" are BAD? Yeah, let's just wing a multi-$trillion budget, a la Trump! And if it all goes bust, like he inevitably did, just declare bankruptcy and leave the "suckers" (aka "taxpayers") holding the bag, right?
Neil &amp; Julie (Brooklyn)
I think this budget is great. Let the red states bleed!
Slavin (RVA)
Trump got what he wanted from his supporters. Now they're as useful to him as roadkill with their addictions, and social service needs and whinewhinewhine about no jobs.
JNan (Arlington, VA)
I wonder what kind of budget advice Jared Kushner provided. Turns out he's a a slumlord:
stan continople (brooklyn)
How low we have sunk when Mitch McConnell is the "good cop".
4real (USA)
its long overdue to overhaul the very long list of recipients and programs that is costing our govt a lot. if you have not queed in grocery line next to ppl whisking out these stamps to pay for thier grocery - all dolled up, with designer bags and fancy gadgets, then you wont appreciate this change. its has become so easy to acquire these subsidies. spend the money to better this country, create jobs and motivate ppl to go work.
Susan Weiss (Rockville, MD)
Let's call this so-called budget what it is: a cruel body blow to the needy and a gift for those at the top who don't need any more help, including the first family.
Keely (NJ)
Somewhere FDR and LBJ are howling in fury. Whatever is even left of the Great Society is being destroyed under these heartless elites: and make no mistake, the likes of Mulvaney and Trump ARE the elites, not the Americans that live on the costs who contribute the most in federal revenue, unlike those Midwesterners who sit on their behinds complaining about Mexicans and the Wall. They deserve this budget.
Mark Smith (Dallas)
Are we really surprised at how cruel and draconian this budget is? Are we really going to feign shock at how callous the GOP and this President are treating the Never-Hads and Have-Nots so the Have-Alots can be Have-Mores?

Muddlerminnow (Chicago)
Vulgar, inhumane, despicable, greedy, selfish: the words this budget brings to mind just make my head spin
Bruce (Eugene)
Vile politicians , That care not at all about the people in their constituancey. What a mockery of progress these guys are, devoted to nothing but the aggregation of money and power for their own benefit.
gourd (Florida)
Controlling our borders and destroying ISIS won't mean much if your own citizens are can't get healthcare or committing more crime just to put food on the table.

And, just in case you missed it, here is Mike Mulvaney's Op Ed in the Miami Herald, highlighting how this budget will put taxpayers first.
short end (<br/>)
As welfare benefits(lumped together, food, housing, medical, unemployment, disability) average out to almost 40,000 a year......thats more than full time at minimum wage! I'd say its about time for some sanity. Cut welfare benefits.
As corporate welfare is ALSO at insane levels.....I'd say a similar cut in corporate welfare is in order also. Eliminate various agriculture subsidies(sugar and corn come to mind at the top of the list).
Eliminate "offshore banking" loophole, as "offshore banking" is a meaningless charade in the modern age of instant, electronic, global banking.......TAX it.
follow the money..........Political Contributions. dont try and eliminate them....the Supreme Court has already ruled.....its wide open.........and now its OK to TAX it. So Tax it already. Oh I forgot....Thats how incumbent politicians hold power and free political contributions........sorry.....sacred cow.
D (Illinois)
Hey, all you 'forgotten people' that Trump promised he would not forget!! Trump remembered you! He remembered that if he took away all the stuff he promised you could keep, he could give tax breaks to people like himself! Promise kept - you are no longer forgotten by the man in the White House. I'll bet he'll remember you guys for a long time, laughing at what fools you all were.
But you guys go on and keep supporting him. I'm sure Fox News will explain this to you in such a way that you will be convinced you won in this budget deal.
Southern Boy (The Volunteer State)
A pro-growth budget. I support it and everyone else should to! America, its time to get on board. Get with the movement to bigger and better things. Stop accepting mediocrity. The hest is yet to come.
Dee (Los Angeles, CA)
Will Trump feel any of this 'tightening of the belt'? No. The man has never known what it's like to worry excessively about getting sick because you can't afford to go to a doctor. He has never had to be concerned about putting food on the table. He has no clue what it's like to be desperate because any day might bring homelessness if you lose your job. He is heartless and stupid. I wish he would come to my neighborhood one day and meet the people who he will be hurting. Maybe (only maybe) he might have a change of heart.
Lois (Seattle)
I think you have just described the majority of our Congress as well!!!
Southern Boy (The Volunteer State)
One thing unappreciated about this budget is its incetive to work, earn money, and keep more fot yourself. Sounds like a win win to me.
Emsig Beobachter (Washington DC)
Unless you get sick and lose your job.
Driven (USA)
Well then you can adopt a sick person who has lost their job and support them.
susan (NYc)
I have a relative who is 92 years old. What job do you think she should do? Do you think at all???
frank monaco (Brooklyn NY)
Ok So the Administration proposes a budget that cuts meals on wheels, student loans, cuts to disability benefits, cuts to medicaid, tax cuts to the top percent. How does this help the man and woman who carry a lunch bag and punch in to work? They pull this off and Trump will become the Greatest Huckster since P.T. Barnum.
patricia (CO)
Tromp on the most vulnerable to provide tax cuts for the rich and more guns for the military. Again. Sigh.
J.G (Netherlands)
Neo-liberalism 2.0 in its worst form. There is no middleclass in the USA there won't be a middle class in future. Only super rich and poor.
Diane (Arlington Heights, IL)
I hope Trump supporters, as they support cuts in assistance to the poor, recall these words--Whatever you did unto one of the least, you did unto me.
Emsig Beobachter (Washington DC)
Worse yet: they'll have to pay Mom and Dad's nursing home costs out of their own pocket.
ck (cgo)
The cuts would hit me for sure. Scary. NO COMPASSION.
Al M (Norfolk)
Trump's budget is an idiot's dream but much of it will not get through Congress. The assertion that Social Security’s retirement program and Medicare, the two largest drivers of the nation’s debt is an astounding mis-statement which reflects Ms Davis's perspective. Social Security is not part of the budget and is self-funding. It could even be more self-funding by raising the deduction cap on the wealthiest. Medicare too is a successful program that needs to be extended to all on an income-based sliding scale. These programs are not give-aways. We pay for them. Any politician who supports undermining or cutting Social Security or Medicare is finished -- and most know it. The venality and harmful direction of this administration should create a might progressive reaction at the polls if the Democrats don't continue to alienate voters.
Lois (Seattle)
Social Security is no longer, "...self-funding" not since Bill Clinton raided it to leave a "balanced budget". Something he even boasted about w/o explaining. Now we know....
susan (NYc)
That was Reagan. Nice try.
Suzanne (Brooklyn, NY)
Mulvaney just lied (11:40 AM) by saying the budget wouldn't take anything away from anyone who needs it. Shameful.
Kathy K (Bedford, MA)
So because my sister has contracted Multiple Sclerosis at 61 and my mother Alzheimer's at 88, the richest country in the world is abandoning them as "moochers"? Hope all you Trump voters have the $30,000 year in income that it will cost for healthcare once we are all thrown on the open market.
NYer (NYC)
The SAME old Republican greed and cruelty to the "little people," repackaged in a new wrapping of arrogance, disgusting personal traits, sickening corruption and double-dealing, and collusion with hostile foreign powers?

Definitely NOT a product upgrade!
Eternal Vigilance (Northwest)
Trump (President Bait-N-Switch) promised the poor and working class a rose garden but, as his budget reveals, they are getting just the thorns.
US Debt Forum (United States of America)
“I honestly was surprised that we could balance the budget without changing those programs, but we managed to do that.”

Surprised? Really? How could you be?

Cut from the poor, give more to the rich and the most expensive military in the history of the world then back into an unrealistic growing GDP number to produce unrealistic growing annual tax revenues. "Voila" - it balances! Who would have thought! Well, only a fool!

Some certainties with President's Trump's proposed budget is tax revenue will be reduced and the rich (including himself, family, advisers, cabinet) will receive a greater benefit than everyone else. His growth projections to offset the reduction in taxes have been determined by experts to be unrealistic.

Should Mr. Trump be wrong, taxes will likely not be raised since 208 in Congress and 45 in the Senate, all Republicans, signed a Pledge not to damage the "Republican brand" by raising taxes. These Republicans placed their self-interest and that of their party above the interest of our country. They offer no safety net for our country.

These 253 Republicans must rescind their Pledge, and Elected Politicians must stop mismanaging our country for their self-interest, that of their party and special interest contributors.

Elected Politicians must be held responsible for the $20 Trillion in national debt and the $100 Trillion in future, unfunded liabilities that US taxpayers are forced to service and pay.
KiKi (Miami, FL)
As the Trump's banana-republic crew spews ridiculous themes like their laughable compassion-for-taxpayers budget making, they would do well to remember that much of the wealth (held by the .5 or 1% category of mega-rich) is built on the desires, actions and backs of the rest of us. Those of us who shop in their stores, buy their products and/or support their revenue streams.

The Trump group of hyper-capitalists on steroids will only learn if those of us who care about an equitable, healthy and educated overall society - a sustainable country at all levels - take from the "moral Monday" playbook and boycott their policies via the bank (our SPENDING) by participating in a ZERO spending one day per week and absolutely refusing to spend any of our American $'s on products/services that bolster and/or support this type of insane policy and budget methodologies and proposals and their leaders.

Trump and his cronies only see life in $ - nothing else will hit them or push them to honestly confront the large problems facing our country, which all require professional insight, expert-driven pubic policy drafting, introduction and follow-throughedness.
blackmamba (IL)
Donald John Trump's budget cuts only impact those Americans who did not have the meritorious wisdom and qualifying foresight to gain their fortune and fame the old-fashioned white male way by inheritance.
Sister Meg Funk (Beech Grove Indiana)
These cuts in provisions for the poor and vulnerable seem to be justified by the prosperity Gospel. Can our creator God reward the rich with a tax break and punish those who are least, last, lost and late? Clearly the actual life of Jesus as reported in the four Gospels show 22 distinct healing pericopes: the sick, lame, possessed, foreigner, slave, bereft, unclean, forgotten, widow, diseased, handicapped, dying, dead, relative, paralyzed, contaminated, traveler, stranger, and nobility who were also at risk. We will be judged personally and collectively by how we love one another.
JZ (New York, NY)
The article combines Medicare, whose finances suffer from the problems of healthcare generally, with Social Security, which does not add to the deficit at all, to conclude the they are "the two largest drivers of the nation’s debt." In 2014, Social Security had a cost of $850.3 B and income, including interest, of $877.4, accumulating assets of $27.1. Data from the latest available SS Trustees Report 2016, Table V1.C6, Operations of the Combined OASI and DI Trust Funds.
Apparently she counts the bonds due SS because its surpluses were borrowed for other government spending and tax cuts as part of the debt that should be managed by sacrificing workers whose taxes generated the surpluses.
Aurora (Philadelphia)
It's practically insane that Republicans are still pushing tax cuts for the rich, but doing so while claiming an economic boom will pay for said cuts is downright demonic. Here's what will really happen if this budget, or anything akin to it, is approved. The rich will get much richer. The economy will not grow. The National Debt will grow by trillions of dollars. America gets scammed again.
Vernon (Bristol City)
Budget bearer, OMB boss, Mick Mulvaney's claim of ''peoples' eyes'' seems to suggest flat out falsehoods, as his proposals appear to widen the gulf between the haves and have nots. Laffer''s curve does not look like a slam dunk case of lower taxes and higher employments. It can be a myth and is a ripe target for debunking.

Not surprisingly, former OMB chief, David Stockman is quite loquacious in despising the current budget battle. Prevarication has become the standard operating procedure for many politicians, and they seem to revel in it. Mexican wall is a whole another bag of worms.

Entitlement programs seem to be the target practices for the conservative congressmen, and Trump's trillion dollar infrastructure endeavor will come under the anvil too. Rest of the GOP is waiting in the wings to shoot it between its eyes, point blank. Terrific!
Vernon (Bristol City)
Some economists might say, ''there is not a scintilla of evidence that this budget will deliver the right quality and quantity of goods to the right kinds of people'', while conservative economists might shoot it down with ''tax cuts could create jobs, in a Laffer-esque way''. Laffer''s curve might also run the risk of being laughed at by some members of the NABE - National Association of Business Economists''. To the factually challenged, all these might seem quite baroque and labyrinthine. although unanimity among many eminent economists might be a black swan.

Whatever said and done, it appears the erstwhile OMB chief, David Stockman is deriding the current one - Mick Mulvaney. Politicians seem to have the uncanny and innate ability to lie thru their teeth, quite a number of times, regardless of party affiliation. And the border wall is another boldfaced lie by Trump, and obviously, ''Mexico ain't paying for the wall''. The voters evidently were not too concerned about the veracity or lack thereof, of his statement. On the contrary, some of Trump's campaign pronouncements, now, seem like a child's' prattles, while others might resemble egregiously elegiac.

Next in succession. The trillion dollar infrastructure endeavor. Good luck with that bunch of hooey. As an outlier, Trump came back as a transparent liar. His and the GOP lies will gradually be kenspeckle in the days to come. It is writ large that his shambolic ideas do come across as balderdash.
trudds (sierra madre, CA)
Here's a post from my sister after I talked about how a child without health care is evil "As a working American family our children have always had healthcare. The last couple years is where it now is almost impossible for the working family to afford healthcare - because we have to pay for everyone else. Get a job!"
So there's my enemy, willful ignorance of the fact people with jobs can't get health care. Anger enough at a broken health care system that people are ready to punish a child who is in no way responsible for it. Too bad she can't figure out it's way cheaper to help your fellow human being now than wait until they show up in an ER with a price tag 5 times bigger.
Where do you go now?
Vernon (Bristol City)
Some economists might say, ''there is not a scintilla of evidence that this budget will deliver the right quality and quantity of goods to the right kinds of people'', while conservative economists might shoot it down with ''tax cuts could create jobs, in a Laffer-esque way''. Laffer''s curve might also run the risk of being laughed at by some members of the NABE - National Association of Business Economists''. To the factually challenged, all these might seem quite baroque.

Whatever said and done, it appears the erstwhile OMB chief, David Stockman is deriding the current one - Mick Mulvaney. Politicians seem to have the uncanny and innate ability to lie thru their teeth, quite a number of times, regardless of party affiliation. And the border wall is another boldfaced lie by Trump, and obviously, ''Mexico ain't paying for the wall''. The voters evidently were not too concerned about the veracity of his statement.

Next in succession. The trillion dollar infrastructure endeavor. Good luck with that bunch of hooey. As an outlier, Trump came back as a transparent liar. His and the GOP lies will gradually be kenspeckle in the days to come.
Brud1 (La Mirada, CA)
The writer states: "the proposal makes no changes to Social Security’s retirement program or Medicare, the two largest drivers of the nation’s debt."

How can Social Security drive the nation's debt when it is entirely funded by the SS Trust Fund?
flotsamfred (Huntsville)
Gee, Just what they said about Reagan Budget. Which led to 20 years of jobs.
Georgez (CA)
America should wake up and realize all this bombastic presidential behavior is a smoke screen to cover the real damage being done to our country by the republicans backed by the 1%.
What is sad, is the news agency's are playing right into Trumps hand.
The current administration is creating fire works and knows their time is limited, so they are creating "drama" to mask the real adgenda. Come
Come on media! report the real damage the republicans are doing.
Guy Walker (New York City)
Mulvaney just needs a straw boater and a bamboo cane with some traveling music.
Mulvaney's nervous playing with his glasses makes me wonder why he doesn't just get a pair of bifocals. Doesn't he know Benjamin Franklin invented them so you don't have to wave your arms around and distract everyone with putting them on and taking them off?
His words upon Kelly Anne Conway and his departure were: We're going to have 3 percent growth because Donald Trump is president.
If 3 percent growth means bulldozing these United States and bombing or arming the rest of the world for war at a time when we should be helping to end starvation and harnessing renewable energy, I'd rather Mulvaney takes his soap-box on the road and saws his assistant in half.
Elizabeth (Cincinnati)
The Trump Budget is the best advertising for what the governing Republican Party stands for. It should help unite the Democrats, and force Republicans in both the House and Senate to assess whether the proposed spending increase and cuts are what their constituents voted them into office for.
Barbara (Conway, SC)
The poor and other economically challenged adults who will be hit hard by this budget are not "entitled and selfish." In general, they are children, disabled adults and the elderly.

As a social worker in a southern county for many years, I met only one or two people who seemed to be gaming the system. The majority were either not able to work or couldn't find work or were full time caretakers for ill family members. Some lived close to 20 miles from places to work and had no transportation of their own.

The people who helped Mr. Trump gain the presidency are very likely to vote out the Republicans in Congress if they try to pass such a harmful budget. And they should!
pdxgrl (portland, or)
I just don't understand why they hate people so much. He (and others in his circle) have had every single advantage in life. How can they not have such immense gratitude that they would do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what this budget proposes to do; make life worse for so many who need a compassionate hand. It's just so cruel.
Make it happen (Venus)

But Where in the Social Contract does this Budget GUARANTEE that those receiving HUGE tax cuts will CREATE Great Paying Jobs to SATISFY the AGREEMENT of GDP Growth of 4-6% for 10 CONSECUTIVE years!
Circumspect (Ithaca)
How can anyone create a budget if nobody will give a little. I get it that there might be some that struggle with cuts that need to be made but if nobody gives wiggle room, an effort to be fiscally responsible remains impossible. The notion that republicans are all wealthy in just goofy. At our home, we have cars that are over 10 years old, have never gone on a family vacation, have a child with large medical bills both mom and dad working full time. We live within our means, that is what a budget is. We are on a path to be completely debt free within the next 8 years and then we can splurge but for now we keep plugging away. Eating out is a huge treat for us and dates are few and far between. We have so much to be thankful for. Jobs, home, family, love, and freedom. Social Security and medicare are not changed in the proposal. The path from the past is not working, we need a new direction. Optimism is contagious and the opposite is true as well. What will you choose.....
Jane (NYC)
"The wildly optimistic projections balance Mr. Trump’s budget, at least on paper, even though the proposal makes no changes to Social Security’s retirement program or Medicare, the two largest drivers of the nation’s debt."

Specifically, how is Social Security one of the biggest drivers of the nation 's debt? The Trust fund is projected to be exhausted in 2034.
S.H. (Pennsylvania)
As far as those responsible for the Trump budget being proposed are concerned, those without a voice are the ones who must suffer in order to balance a budget. Heaven forbid that we should touch the 98% of our country's wealth controlled by 2% of our taxable population. According to the mentality presently in control of our economy, it is essential that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer to meet the economic needs of our country. However, the truth of the matter is that we can only solve our economic problems by dealing with corporate and personal greed. The same selfish profiteering which led to great depressions in the past and is doing so again!
dormand (Seattle)
It is apparent that should this proposed federal budget be implemented, it would devastate the rural economy of the United States.

Already, over eighty rural hospitals in states that did not take Medicaid expansion funds have closed their doors.

I have not seen statistics on the closures of rural nursing homes, but as Medicaid is the financial cornerstone of nursing homes, the curtailment of Medicaid will no doubt wipe out a vast number of these essential healthcare facilities.

Among the most vital infrastructure elements to sustain the rural lifestyle, hospitals, nursing homes as well as physicians each must be available, or the communities will dry up and become ghost towns.

Rural communities have long been challenged in recruiting physicians to serve their areas. As a result, the vast majority of physicians that do respond to headhunters recruiting for vital medical vacancies are foreign educated.

Further complicating this problem is the fact that over 4,000 foreign educated physicians are facing extreme visa barriers that are blocking their access to the essential residency programs in the US. As physicians currently serving rural communities retire or demise, those foreign trained physicians are the most viable replacements.

It is essential that this proposed Administration budget be modified to preclude extinction of the rural communities in America.
HA (Seattle)
I think this might be the first step in making America more family friendly. America has too much emphasis on individual freedom that ultimately doesn't benefit the society. Making everyone vote when they have no interest in the welfare of other is just one cause of that social isolation. When kids become adults, we're expected to get out of the parents' house and be self sufficient. But we live in interdepent society so no one is really self sufficient. When income inequality spreads to average people with the decline middle class, we would have to depend on our families and friends and help one another without charging them for our services. Too many people think they need to have so many physical things in order to be happy. But really, America is too spread out to have good social services and infrastructure at an affordable rate. If people have less money to spend, they may lower their expectations and live humbly. I don't want everyone in America trying to live like millionaires and avoid property taxes. But we all know we like other people to pay more so we can pay less. I grew up poor but I can understand why rich elites don't want to pay too much because no one really wants to pay so much for other people we never meet.
Guy Walker (New York City)
In the next few months starvation from famine will overtake 300,000 people in northern Africa. You and I and our fellow citizens have more than enough, we waste more than enough food to feed and keep healthy the projected thousands of people who will die of starvation there. Friendly to families?
Selling weaponry of 130 billion dollars to Saudi Arabia that will kill more people, destroying families in the Middle East will leave more blood on your and our hands. Friendly to families?
By burning cheap fuel and letting nitrogen into the water table while we turn our backs on The Clear Air Act republicans created under the Nixon administration will add to cancer rates across the country, destroying families with disease and poison instead of seeking alternative energy resources and proper diet instead of cancer. Family friendly? You are on the wrong track as Donald Trump leads the nation to a more murderous demise in your name and ours.
Jay (Florida)
No changes in Social Security and Medicare are unconscionable because in fact leaving these programs untouched is the same as letting them whither on the vine. That is the ultimate Republican, conservative goal. Destroy Social Security and destroy Medicare. They've already been relatively successful in beginning to dismantle Medicaid. Republicans claim that there are not enough working contributors to these programs. They assert, wrongly, that too few workers make support of a growing retirement population is the cause of SS and Medicare problems. What they fail to admit is the big lie about everyone paying into the programs equally. For the wealthy the tax burden ends at about $117,00. For everyone else who earn less than that, the burden applies to 100% of their income. Those earning above the limit especially those earning greater than $150,000 they get a free ride.
Republicans promote that cutting the social safety net is in the interests of all citizens. The reality is that cutting that social safety net out from under the elderly, the handicapped, ill and the young children and widows and widowers who are survivors of the death of a spouse, those are the ones who will lose the most.
Republicans lack honesty and also are in desperate need of conscience.
Renee (Pennsylvania)
This budget isn't going anywhere. The Heritage Foundation, and their fans, will be thrilled with negotiating half of these cuts into action. This budget breakdown being explained to Trump supporters, who have no clue how much they benefit from these programs, is worth the initial shock at its cruelty. Trump supporters were worried about Trumpcare...wait until see their personal losses when these cuts are factored in. They failed to realize that as you point a finger at others, three are always pointing back at you.
Matt (RI)
Why is Social Security always lumped together with Medicare and Medicaid as an "entitlement" and a primary driver of national debt? Social Security is funded by working people, is solvent at least for now, and only requires a long overdue increase in the income cap in order to remain so.
jon (Astoria)
It's good to see that this administration wants to increase military spending by 10 percent. Remember, military protection is afforded to all who live in the United States, whether working, documented or not, which proves this administration does believe in at least one universal basic human right. Let's hope this momentum of increased spending on one universal basic human right can soon be extended to include others, such as healthcare, education and food.
George (Houston)
I view this as the Federal government doing what the Federal government was designed to do: support the nation, and let the states handle individual issues.

It may be just shifting around of the total dollars, but it is closer to what the Founders envisioned.
Ed Watters (California)
"...even though the proposal makes no changes to Social Security’s retirement program or Medicare, the two largest drivers of the nation’s debt.

The Times should know better: Social Security does not increase the debt.
PWR (Malverne)
Government does need to take a hard look at spending on social programs, including Medicare and Social Security because deficit financing can't go on forever without courting economic disaster. Before cutting benefits, first address fraud and waste in those programs; every Presidential candidate promises that but none follow through. Increase funding for enforcement and reduce legal barriers to doing it so that benefits more reliably flow to people legitimately in need.
Then raise taxes on the rich, especially the very rich. If ther's going to be pain, it has to be shared.
Steve (New York)
The Republicans no doubt are aware that if they cut Social Security or Medicare they can kiss goodbye to the electoral votes of Florida and Arizona.
jules (california)
Donna Mears' comment, which triggered over 40 replies, exemplifies the classic Trump supporter.

"I feel he is spot on right."

Trump supporters are all emotion and no analysis. Examining is just too hard. It is a waste of breath trying to explain the disaster that is Trump. If they "feel" it's right, it must be right.
tom from jersey (jersey: the land of sea breezes, graft and no self serve gas)
The GOP with the help of Trump's pen is transitioning from the War on Poverty to a full blown War on the Poor. It's not make America Great Again. It's Make America 17th Century France! (replete with our very own Sun King in his gilded palace)
Len J (Newtown, PA)
I think we can call this the "Callous Conservative" Manifesto. Assuming a 3% growth rate in the GDP at current employment rates below 5% is an absurd assumption. The upward pressure on wages and production costs will warrant interest rate increases to control inflationary drivers and therefore a damper on GDP. The brutal cuts in benefits to the disabled, working poor and middle class are a call to action for the 99.5 percenters who will be the victims of this real life Monopoly game. It's all one can expect from a POTUS whose most important Special Interest is himself. So Sad...
MidtownATL (Atlanta)
An open letter to Mr. Mulvaney:

Republicans claim that there are people on the welfare state programs who refuse to work, or are committing fraud. Why don't you produce the numbers to demonstrate how many people are doing gaming the system? And while you are at it, why not show us how many people who are employed full-time are also on government assistance, because wages are stagnant and full-time work is not sufficient to cover the cost of living.

Show me the numbers, Mick.
tylertoo (Gaithersburg Md.)
A budget built on the backs of the middle class, the working poor, the disabled and career federal civil servants who the Trump administration views as the enemy of his real base, corporate and financial titans and lobbyists.
This so called budget is corporate welfare at its worst...big defense contractor and beltway consultant increases and payoffs to environmental polluters etc.

Republicans know that they will likely lose the House as well as the senate in 2018 and therefore want to get this monstrosity passed in some form before they leave office and become lobbyists, conservative think tank executives and Fox news contributors in 2019.
Pete (Berkeley, CA)
Reminds me of the last-minute ram-through of Obamacare!
Dennis Walsh (Laguna Beach)
This budget lays bare the soul of Trump. Starve the poor, benefit the rich, over invest in the military, abandon investment in foreign aid, rely solely of the "free market" for healthcare. It is an aberration and leading Republicans are calling it that. How can a rural person of humble means have voted for this robber baron?
ted (Anywhere)
If the deep state care so much about "they" from the left and "deep tax cut" from the right, what is left for our future in posterity?
Billv (RI)
So, basically, a self-described billionaire who brags about not paying taxes wants to cut taxes for the wealthy while gutting programs for the poor and middle class? Frankly, I'm beginning to think impeachment might be too good for Traitor Trump and his Putin-loving cronies. Maybe we can send them all to Gitmo and throw away the key.
BoycottBlather (CA)
It makes no sense cutting aid to the people who genuinely need it to stop the fraud by the people who don't (if that's what Republicans really want to do). Cut the bureaucratic waste from the existing budget and hire more case-workers for better control of who actually gets benefits. And has the cost been factored in of the future carnage done by even more disenfranchised people, including from religious terrorists?
Loomy (Australia)
Walls, Bombs and in killing others even more.

Whilst making the poor and disadvantaged even more poor and further disadvantaged.

Which one of the most unequal countries in the World.

That is also the Richest country in the World...but the most Selfish to it's own, and those most in need.
Slann (CA)
This budget has no clothes.
Mar (Atlanta)
I'm not a fan of a 'wall' - dumb way to secure the borders. But then, the NYTimes wants open borders as there are billions that are not safe, happy, or otherwise satisfied with the country they live in or the income they make.

Medicaid was supposed to be a safety net for the very poor and disabled. It has been expanded over time to the point where the original intent (and costs) are almost unrecognizable. To cut Medicaid is a necessity - fraud and waste is rampant. And this fact is well known at HHS, but very little is ever reported on this issue. When money goes to those not truly in need, those in need are the most hurt!
Robert Haberman (Old Mystic Ct)
It seems like the 'death panel' is in the white house.
Tom (Calif)
BEFORE any Republican Tax Giveaway Scheme is passed by this corporate-owned corrupt gerrymandered congress, the MAJORITY of the American people who voted AGAINST Trump and this abhorrent congress are entitled to see the effect it will have on the Draft Dodger in Chief's personal finances.
Pete (Berkeley, CA)
"Trumps Budget Cuts Deeply," NYT? You mean it slows the rate of growth in spending, don't you? Only the left views decelerating growth in spending as a budget cut.
susan (NYc)
I'm stunned by Trump sycophants supporting this budget. I'm beginning to believe they are sociopaths lacking in empathy and compassion. I wonder how many of them call themselves "Christian."
Celia Sgroi (Oswego, NY)
I just hope that the first casualties of the Trump budget are his supporters. They deserve it.
bobrt1 (Chicago)
Trump will go down in history as the greatest reverse Robin Hood ever. Robbing the poor and giving to the rich. If this budget is enacted, people will be dying because of it - not that Donald "Scrooge" cares about decreasing the surplus population.
malabar (florida)
As expected the emperor has no clothes. His supporters can now see that the liar-in-chief never meant any of the promises he made to those foolish enough to vote for him. All of the superlatives and populist talk were just meaningless lies from a man with no moral compass who only cares about preserving one kind of welfare: welfare for the rich who will take endlessly from society but begrudge anything they are asked to give back, as we see in the case of the tax evader- in- chief who probably hasn't paid taxes in years. There will always be plenty of welfare for the grifter first family who are fattening themselves constantly at the public trough. Trump and his flunkies like the greasy truth-averse Mulvaney seek to apportion funds on the basis of efficacy. What corrupt Republican "think tank" produces their data? Show us your proof how food stamps don't work but government pork for the president's cronies does work, as do carried interest tax mega-loopholes for the filthy rich.
Kathy Lollock (Santa Rosa, CA)
What is troubling about this is the very supporters who brought Trump into office will be hurt the most. They are the out of work or struggling midwesterners and coal country citizens. Many have chronic illnesses or will fall victim to acute diseases at some time or another, as we all do. It is not their faults. It is the reality of life. Their children, the innocents, will be deprived of good health care and decent educations. The jobs which Trump promised will not be realized. Rather the rich will be come wealthier. And as we witnessed before under Reagan, "trickle down" does not work for the middle class or the poor. Quite the contrary. The water travels upstream and not so miraculously. It finds its way with the help of the McConnel's and Ryan's, both as unconscionable in their actions as Trump. I hope that people - no matter what party - see the direction that this administration is going, swallow their pride for voting Trump into office, and start speaking up soon....which is not soon enough.
jay (ri)
Ya know I go to the local 7/11 almost every morning. I never run into Bill Gates or Warren Buffet or any of the Walton clan or any other billionaire.
However I do run into a great many Americans filling up their gas tanks for work or to get to work, just to keep their families fed. And some illegal immigrants also but tell me how does a market based economy work best by the government taking money from the middle class and giving it to the rich or by middle class keeping their earnings and the rich actually having to earn it.
Just asking.
Moira (Ohio)
If this adversely affects Trump voters, I'm all for it. Let them suffer. I feel horrible for the people that didn't vote for the dolt but will have to deal with the outcome of this greedy, heartless and inane budget.
KJ (Portland)
Immoral politicians!

How can they sleep at night knowing what they are doing to old people and young people. These are the deserving poor! Deserving of help---not more poverty!!

I pay lots of taxes and this is the opposite of the budget I want. Fire them all!
Jesse Silver (Los Angeles)
I'm surprised that commentators here fails to see the genius here. This is what Trump's supporters, and millions of conservative Americans want. This is what they believe in, and they should get it.
The increased military budget will provide jobs for millions of unskilled and not terribly bright American youth and provide them with nice uniforms, food and lodging.
Cutting benefits to seniors will hasten their arrival at the pearly gates where they can join their loved ones, and who could argue with that?
Which would you rather see, some tottering geezer pushing a walker or row after row of well nourished, nattily dressed youth marching around parade grounds? As an added bonus, we can put the army to work, building the wall, where they will get healthy exercise.
Leaving the social security trust fund alone, for now, will allow our leadership on both sides of the aisle to continue to comfortably steal from it. They should have some kind of thanks for all the good that they obviously do.
Cuts in education spending, especially for the poor, is the right thing to do. Getting an education is a dangerous thing. Education is bad. Education makes people think, and as conservatives well know, only the wealthy should be granted that privilege. Poor people, those with less than $100,000,000 in assets, shouldn't be trusted with thinking. They don't have the genes. If they did have the genes, they wouldn't be poor. So no help with getting an education or with thinking. Genius!
Nathaniel Brown (Edmonds, Wa)
Why care for the poor? They only stand in the way of the 1% getting still richer and more powerful. Christian-Judaic (and Islamic) traditions of helping the poor, feeding the hungry, etc - all old-fashioned. Sad.
William Rodham (Hope)
Too funny! All the liberals crying crocodile tears!
Obamacare exchanges have all gone bankrupt
Middle class pays for obama freeloaders thru their premiums!
ER use went up under Obamacare not down as promised
Over a third of all counties across the country only have one or no insurer
Aetna just dumped Virginia
Obamacare was sold on lies and is collapsing
Please trump do nothing! Let liberals keep Obamacare! Let the country see the true disaster of Obamacare as it crashes and burns
Wade (Bloomington, IN)
You must be the Tin man my friend. Yes from the Wizard of Oz. There but for the grace of God go I. By the way this idea affordable health care in the United States got its start from Teddy Roosevelt not President Obama.
Wade (Bloomington, IN)
Instead of Robin hood we have trump hood. Steal form the poor and give to the rich. So this is what make America great again looks like. Do not retreat just impeach.
Johanna Clearfield (Brooklyn)
NO. REFUSE AND RESIST. @refusefascism. Billions invested in catastrophic bombs or as Trump called it "jobs, jobs, jobs" - billions invested in building machines that make bloody, destroy, make toxic, pollute, ravage the earth, suffocate and cause the most unimaginable suffering to humans and animals alike - billions for that and cutting money to care for our own? I am sorry but my blood is boiling over. I learned in Poli Sci 101 that when a government ceases to represent the well being and needs of the people, those people have the right of redress. Right of redress = overthrow. This administration is poised to destroy all that has been worthwhile. The few environmental and social/political bests are being worsted. The "social contract" = when human beings give up their inherent natural rights and turn them over to the govt that govt must provide the basics. Or else. billions for - as Bob Dylan sang back in the day, the "masters of war. Those who never done nothing but build to destroy. you play with my world like its my little toy. you put a gun in my hand, then you turn and you run, and you turn and run faster when the fast bullets fly. Let me ask you one question, is your money that good? will it buy you forgiveness, do you think that it should?" Refuse. Resist. @johannaclear
Muezzin (Arizona)
“We’re not going to measure our success by how much money we spend, but by how many people we actually help,” Mr. Mulvaney said.

Mulvaney is a Tea Partier who has just instructed federal agencies to stop publishing lobbyist data. His concern for helping ordinary people is touching.
Greg Hodges (Truro, N.S./ Canada)
Drain the swamp? Donald Trump and his Wall Street/ 1%`s ARE the swamp! In what sane universe are the poorest of the poor tasked to pay off a debt caused by spending Billions on war machines and things like Trump`s insane wall; the rich pay virtually nothing thanks to their tax cheating loop holes created by the rich/ for the rich; but if you are struggling just keep body and soul together; you have to bear the burden of the greed of others. What an insane/ upside down world we live in. The idea of Jesus message that the " Poor shall inherit the Earth;"...Not with this garbage!
Honor Senior (Cumberland, Md.)
No money for the slackers and cheaters, the lazy and worthless, it is time for them to get off their respective duffs and perform some worthwhile task to support themselves!
Janet B (Northern WI)
Stereotypically, you assume massive fraud when, actually, the highest percentage of support goes to children, seniors, and the disabled. Perhaps you would like to see poor-and workhouses re-established; get those five-year-olds back into those factories. Get more people out on the street selling pencils and apples. Anecdotal evidence of fraud describes food stamp recipients driving up in cadillacs and purchasing T-bone steaks, so we punish the poor. It isn't a poor person conducting fraud, it's rich people
stu freeman (brooklyn)
I guess this is The Donald's opening bid for a deal that would effectively kill off the poor. Even if he ends up getting only half of what he proposes he would pretty much double the already outrageous income disparity that exists between those of inherited wealth and the poor suckers who actually pay their taxes.
Petey Tonei (Ma)
You read my mind..
Paul (White Plains)
The social welfare state is quickly overwhelming the ability of American taxpayers to fund it. Somebody need to cut spending. Obviously that will not be the Democrat party. So it is left to Republicans to do the dirty work and to bear the brunt of the name calling by bleeding heart liberals who are always ready, willing and able to spend money that does not come out of their pocket. Good on Trump. He is doing just what the people elected him to do, which is to stop the runaway social welfare gravy train on its tracks. My advice to everyone who feeds off the current gravy train is to get a job and pay your own way for a change.
TS-B (Ohio)
I would love to see you look in the eye an unemployed veteran suffering from PTSD and/or other disability and say that.
Or how about a retired, elderly individual who needs Medicaid to pay for their medicines?
r mackinnon (concord ma)
I agree - cut spending.
Start with the defense budget.
We have enough bombs for goddsake.
Then look at the tax code and stop pandering to the top. (when is enough enough ? Is it ever enough ?)
Ratchet back the obscene corporate welfare buried in the tax code (those CEO welfare kings are getting a free ride on my dime ! They are "feeding off the gravy train"! Those multi-million dollar CEO bonuses they "earn" are coming out of my pocket They should "pay [their] own way for a change" !)
Invest those very, very, very substantial savings in education and health care, and into innovative technologies (translate- real jobs) to spare our fragile planet from even more degradation and destruction.
Slann (CA)
Cut military spending, Paul. That's all it would take. This is the budget proposal of a fascist dictator, not an American. Ironic, as the person in the WH is actually a draft dodger, and never served his country in any capacity.
R. E. (Cold Spring, NY)
Perhaps these so-called economic advisors read Jonathan Swift's satirical "Modest Proposal....." ( and took it seriously, while making a few revisions so it would be more palatable (pun intended) to wealthy Americans. Despite Raul Labrador's assertion 'Nobody dies because they don't have access to health care,' cuts to Medicaid, as well as Food Stamps, Disability benefits, etc. would reduce poverty in the US, but it would probably take longer than POTUS 45's fantasy of two full terms in office. Congress would need to ban religious institutions and nonprofit organizations from providing relief to those in need for policy to be really effective. In the long-term deregulation of environmental protections and climate change denial will help, but a major natural disaster would be more effective. It took over a century after the publication of Swift's essay for the potato famine to ensure complete success of Britain's policies of devastation and oppression in Ireland. A literal slash and burn War on Poverty is a more efficient alternative, as demonstrated by the English in Scotland after the Battle of Culloden.
Aardvark (Houston)
"At the same time, it found troubling signs that some military families were in need. For example, nearly one in four children at DOD schools are eligible for free meals, a program that's based on income. Also, about 23,000 active-duty service members rely on SNAP benefits, formerly known as food stamps, according to the 2013 Census Bureau."
Kosher Dill (<br/>)
Well, in this regard: Numerous studies have shown that military members get married at a younger age, have kids at a younger age and have more children than their civilian counterparts.

The quadrennial DoD labor survey has repeatedly shown that military members earn more for similar jobs than civilians with similar education (or lack thereof) levels. They are NOT poorly paid and have many benefits that civilians do not enjoy.

So, voluntary lifestyle choices are in large part responsible for the dependence of "military families" on public assistance programs. We would not approve of a 23-year-old fry flipper taking on sole support of a spouse and three kids -- why is it OK for a junior enlisted person with a GED to do so? Answer: It's not, and just because the person in question wears an armed forces uniform doesn't make it so.

Rather than handouts, we should be educating these people to restrain themselves and defer marriage and childrearing till they are more established in their careers, financially stable and have emergency savings, just as we say to civilians.
Paul (Palatka FL)
Not a suprise. It's not just Trump, it's the GOP in general who are reverse Robin Hoods, taking from the mouths of poor children to feed the rich.

The top 1% who own Congress want it that way of course. Their personal wealth and power is more imporant than the overall health of our nation. To them anyone not rich is inferior.

It is beyond my comprehension why so many people continue to vote to destroy the middle class by keeping the same 'bought and paid for" politicians in power. It is time to enforce our own term limits and vote them ALL out of office, then do it again until they learn to fear us voters more than they love the handouts from the top. Those people in power now are not patriouts they are paid stooges for the 1%.

Here is an interesting article you should read.
Paul (Palatka FL)
For many of us seniors in Medicare, cuts in Medicaid could cost us hundreds of dollars a month of spendable income. Medicaid often helps people with lower incomes pay the Part D premium and drug costs. Slashes could wipe out a couple hundred a month from millions of retired people's small incomes in order to make rich people even richer.

No one in DC on the right seems to care about people unless you have a six-figure income.
Virginia Bjorgum (sacramento CA)
The proposals are absolutely disgusting. There is not an ounce of empathy in the right wing or the president. As a 77year old who was raised by republicans, put myself through college to become the first inmy family to be a democrat I am appalled by Trump and his followers. Our country is in more danger than they ever have been in my lifetime. This is exactly what we should expect from this administration - what can we do to obstruct them??
Paul Cohen (Hartford CT)
Et tu, Brute? could be heard from the sullen, dejected faces of Trump's political base.
Transient (San Diego)
They would not know the reference.
Kosher Dill (<br/>)
Nah, they'll be fed some notion of why it's Obama's fault their 2017 forward dole is being cut.
CMS (Tennessee)
What I find incredible in the comments are those that applaud this move as getting able-bodied people off the public dole, but whose writers are from states like mine that continue to grab more from the federal till than what they contribute.

How can anyone with a shred of sanity chomp noisily at the public trough while lecturing others about the evils of chomping noisily at the public trough?

On that note, this budget, like the Republican health care bill, is about delivering stacks of money to the billionaire class, earned off the backs of the middle class and working poor, who then have to suffer the indignity of being lectured to by the billionaire class about the virtues of living within one's means and getting off the public dole. Nothing like a subsidized CEO pretending he or she does it alone.

Unfortunately, many in the non-wealthy sector have fallen for the right wing noise machine, which encourages those on the middle rung of the ladder to crunch the fingers of those at the bottom rung on behalf of the billionaire class.

The only thing this budget accomplishes is to offer even further proof that business types, especially those who are subsidized and who "earn" their wealth through undeserved tax cuts and through bankruptcy, shouldn't be within a thousand miles of public service. They're just that stupid.
brian kearney (chicago, il)
A nurse caring for my 92 year old father said Trump will hurt all Americans not just ones that voted him into office.
Michelle Shabowski (Miami, FL)
In other words, the wealthy don't have nearly enough, and the poor have way too much.

Got it.
ag (Beacon, NY)
Trump's idea of the War on Poverty: Stick it to the poor.
Gail Dolson (Novato CA)
I am not surprised! Donald Trump is a bully, and is out of touch with what is badly wanted and needed to make this world one where everyone can get a fair chance. What is really sad is that we have made great progress in eliminating poverty both in the US and abroad as well as helping Americans to be healthier and have a fair chance at moving up in the world. But he is a narcissistic rich stupid guy who feels it is his right to hate and bully woman, minorities, and Muslims. And I am sorry that some folks who supported him will now be hurt by his actions . Past time to kick both Trump and Pence out!
Grove (California)
Unending tax cuts for the rich will be the end of America.
Just say no.
sapere aude (Maryland)
If by "entitlements" you mean as citizens of the richest country in the world we are entitled to some minimum decency, then I will accept the term. Otherwise let's be done with it. It's either programs people have paid for or a safety net.

As for the 3% economic growth I also hope all of us get a pony.
Stephen Colantti (Erie, PA)
"Entitlements", such as Social Security and Medicare, mean that we pay all our working lives through payroll taxes and we are now, therefore, "entitled" to receive the benefits.
Marlene (Montclair)
I have no doubt we will see a unicorn in every driveway.
sapere aude (Maryland)
We agree. But "entitlement" has also the meaning of the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment. Unfortunately that's how it's used by Republicans.
Tess (Illinois)
Is it too much to hope that SSDI cuts and reform will be the turning point? The sitting president's base includes many, many white middle-aged males some on disability. and some on "disability."
Bajamama (Baja, Mexico)
My goodness. Isn't it wonderful! The rich will get welfare!
John Wayland (Michigan)
Borrowing with no way to pay it back or printing phony money is not borrowing IT IS THEFT!
LESykora (Lake Carroll, IL)
Yes, corporations and rich are great at punching holes in the tax code, hiding money over seas to their benefit and to the detriment of the rest of us. I agree it is THEFT.
Scott (Down South)
Another reader yesterday described the current so-called President as "Corporate America's rodeo clown." He darts around the ring, like an imbecile, attracting everyone's attention, while the leaders of the Republican Party hold each of us up by our ankles, shaking every last coin from our pockets.
The Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United, which removed all limits on what a corporation or wealthy individual can contribute to get their flunkies elected to Congress, was the annihilation of the last fence that stood between the wolves and the sheep.
I am 61 and have paid into Social Security since the age of 15. If anyone in Washington D.C. takes any action to steal my SS benefits from me, which I have EARNED, in order to make the rich even richer, I am not sure what I will do about it. But I suspect that the folks in Washington do not want to find out, and neither do I.

It is a very apt description, with the orange, bizarre hair, red nose, super-long red tie, and baggy clothes included.
JohnW (New York)
You voted for him. I had no other expectation other than that he would line the pockets of himself and the wealthy and widen the already huge gap between the rich and the working class and poor. He's a demagogue pure and simple, he's already claiming he's created a million jobs in his short period in office, President Pinocchio's nose grows longer every day.
LoJo (New Hampshire)
This is the Republican agenda on steroids. How much do the rich need? When is it enough? Like an animal that will gorge itself until its stomach bursts. And where, oh where are the Democrats and Progressives? What is their alternative plan and vision? So sad to waste an opportunity to engage America...but I have to wonder are they really much different from their Republican counterparts?
Jet Gardmer (Columbus OH)
No Surprise, Trump and his ego has forsaken nearly everyone who helped to get him elected, from Christie/Koch to the lower & middle class fools who believed his promises. The 2018 mid-term elections are no time to be complacent - a Congress that can put a dog collar on this self-righteous self-important hypocrite is what's badly needed before he and the power-mad GOP ruin it for everyone for years to come.
MauiYankee (Maui)
Mulvaney continued:
Kids on food stamps.....
....I call them "losers", lazy losers.
People, working people on MedicAid....
lazy losers.
People working to prevent pollution, or protect the environment....
evil losers.
The beat goes on.
Daniel Kinske (West Hollywood)
Hilarious hypocrite Trump is--he won't show us his tax-returns with money pumped in from foreign adversaries, yet no one cares--they just support him knocking granny off of Meals-On-Wheels. Trump could easily stand to lose a few meals himself--would keep our country safer, since dinner (he is always eating) is where he likes to spill our secrets.
libdemtex (colorado/texas)
What a horrible bunch of people in this administration. Now we will see if the publicans in congress care at all for people.
John David James (Calgary)
Apparently 1.7 Trillion dollars in cash in the hands of just the Fortune 500 companies in the US is not sufficient for them to fund real economic growth. They need more cash. What of all the other private companies and individuals holding trillions in cash? Investing in America, or do they lack the financial wherewithal as well, absent more tax relief? Where is Trump money going and does he and his cabinet need more of it? Ask yourselves where Donnie's children have been these last six months as they play with his alleged billions. In America? Absolutely not. They're in China, Malaysia, Europe, Singapore, Saudi Arabia looking for places to invest there. This tax cut is the continuing rape of America by real people who have no need but have true greed.
tommy (san francisco)
this is a travesty,i didn't vote trump...and i never would. that said i, for the first time, feel for trump supporters...the conald is really putting it to them. on the positive side, this will be good for the liberal agenda in '18 and '20.
Robert (Santa Rosa CA)
The people who voted for Trump cut their own throats.
Vickie Hodge (Wisconsin)
This budget is no more than another shock & awe tactic designed to unbalance us and overwhelm more of us. Anyone who can do basic math can figure out that this is just another fantasy from Unicornland. Now we need to watch what they do ever more closely. They (congressional republicans & 45) are certainly up to something that they want to go unnoticed.

They didn't touch retirement & medicare because that would awaken the sleeping giant: people who earned these benefits! Instead they target the poor because we poor are notoriously unorganized politically. We spend most of our time just trying to make ends meet and always coming up short. Republican leaders have been inoculating Americans with falsehoods about the poor. The poor are poor because they lack any personal responsibility for their condition. They make poor choices and have deep character flaws. All of which are fixable, according to them, if they would just sober up, stop selling their food stamps and get a job!
It's pretty effective to pit the 98% against one another and it's called horizontal hostility. We're all trying to climb the income ladder. But, the 2% set the rules, which the 98% can NEVER rise to the 2%'s income level. Fighting among ourselves for crumbs keeps the 2% in control. We need to reject this narrative. The 2008 crash showed us that none of us are safe from financial ruin! It can all be gone in an instant. So, why do the 98% keep buying into this? We can't see the forest for the trees!
Nelson (California)
Since Trump ALWAYS gets a % of any deal, i.e. rents his property to the government for his meetings, and pockets the money, the question is how much of those tax cuts will go to his pockets now?
Too bad that those of lesser brains voted for this phony but they will pay for it.
paul (bklyn ny)
While any gov't dept. can be told to do some belt tightening, the demagogue Trump fails in two major ways.

1-Drastic cuts are never a good idea. They usually cut to the bone and cause great harm.
2-Our spending on our military is greater than the next 8-10 countries combined. To increase it by billions is de facto criminal. It probably can be cut the most with an improvement in our security.
Socrates (Verona NJ)
If you love hurting the poor, the old and the sick, you will love this anti-Christ budget.

If you love war and walls, you will love this medieval budget.

If you want to see millions of poor Americans prematurely drop dead, you will love this Grand One Percent budget.

If you love Fake Math, you will love the fraudulent math this budget is built on.

If you love hurting people and can't stand the common good, you will love this misanthropic budget.

If you've got a cruel, sadistic, mean streak, you will love this budget.

If you have a shred of human decency, you will lend your voice at rejecting this Death Panel budget and Death Panel President and help replace it with some American humanity.
Shayladane (Canton, NY)
You can reach your Senators and Representatives through their web sites. Unfortunately, except for Speaker Ryan and Majority Leader McConnell, they only take messages from their own districts.

But do contact every one you can.
Christine McM (Massachusetts)
This isn't a budget. It's class warfare, plain and simple. For people not born with a golden spoon in their mouths, this budget--if enacted, a real long shot--would likely increase their risk for premature death.

Moreover, this budget stands as a moral indictment of the entire GOP agenda. Billions for programs that kill or wall off our nation, nothing for people who slip between the cracks of an increasingly unequal society.

During the campaign, Donald Trump spent a lot of time screaming that our system was "rigged". It sure is: rigged for the rich and powerful, rigged against the poor.

You know, many are poor due to decades of GOP policies that led companies to the greedy exploitation of tax laws favoring offshoring, restructuring, and mergers, all of which led to massive layoffs over time.

Poor people encounter struggles that often don't allow them to get a leg up. This budget will be another one--with a big GOP jack boot pushing them off the ladder of opportunity for good.

It's hard to find a job when you can't afford to eat.
Ray (North Carolina)
And yet people keep voting for them.... AND some of these people voted for Trump (or didn't vote at all)......Go figure..... They deserve what they get.
Bruce Rozenblit (Kansas City, MO)
We are now in crazyland. Obviously logic, reason and compassion do not exist in crazyland. Maybe it's time to try and out crazy the crazies.

Since the Republican voters reject real news as fake news and their new messiah-in-chief is on a holy mission and can do no wrong, the only way to get them to wake up is to fight crazy with crazy.

The Democratic caucus should come out in favor of this bill as strategy to finally expose the Trump administration for what it is. Talk it up. Support in debate. Align with the freedom caucus. Go on Fox News and champion it. Then watch the Republicans turn en masse against it. Play a game of chicken with them. Make them blink. That's about the only way to get the red state voters to realize they have been had. After all, telling them the truth is just so much fake news. So give them what they want and see how they like it.

This strategy would force moderate Republicans to work with the Democrats on something much more reasonable. Instead of working with Republicans in a bipartisan manner for the good of the people, work with them in a bipartisan manner to crush the people in support of Trump. That's how you get things done in crazyland.
Socrates (Verona NJ)
If you love hurting the poor, the old and the sick, you will love this anti-Christ budget.

If you love war and walls, you will love this medieval budget.

If you want to see millions of poor Americans prematurely drop dead, you will love this Grand One Percent budget.

If you love Fake Math, you will love the fraudulent math this budget is built on.

If you love hurting people and can't stand the common good, you will love this misanthropic budget.

If you've got a cruel, sadistic, mean streak, you will love this budget.

If you have a shred of human decency, you will lend your voice at rejecting this Death Panel budget and Death Panel President and help replace it with some American humanity.
Matthew Carnicelli (<br/>)
"... the package contains deep cuts in entitlement programs that would hit hardest many of the economically strained voters who propelled the president into office. "

I invite President Trump and House and Senate Republicans to run on this budget.

Make my day.
Susan (Kentucky)
unfortunately the reality of the budget will not be fully experienced by his voters until some time after election day 2020.
Eduardo B (Los Angeles)
Given the functional inability of Trump to grasp that governance is about the greater good, he willingly abandons those with the least in exchange for making the wealthy even richer. His supporters are going to eventually realize that "America first" doesn't include them. The absurd economic projections are simply made up to justify what can't be justified, but when has reality ever been a concern for Trump. Congressional Republicans who want to keep their seats had better choose their constituents over their pathetic president sooner rather than later.

Eclectic Pragmatism —
Eclectic Pragmatist —
Kirk Tofte (Des Moines, IA)
Trump represents the haves and the have yachts. Democrats should be championing those that have some and the have nots. The latter make up 90% of the population.
The top one percent (even those few that are "job creators") never have and never will make America great. The next nine percent aspire (mostly) to become part of the one percent.
Why doesn't/can't Democrats speak for the remaining ninety percent? Because it neglects that message.
The GOP stands fro limited government through tax cuts for the rich. The Democrats stand for everything else--and I do mean everything else. Bill Clinton talked about "opportunity, responsibility and community." Democrats need to come up with a similar theme and strictly limit their appeal to no more than three main ideas. In 2016, a terrible message beat no message at all--a problem more inherited by Hillary than one she created.
Shayladane (Canton, NY)
Very good comment, Kirk. I suggest that all of us sent messages by phone, letter, or email to our local and national Democratic Committees to further your suggestion. I further think that we should let all our senators know that this so-called budget is not even remotely acceptable, nor is gutting health care for millions of poor, working poor, and elderly citizens.

Speak up and let them know what we think!
Jordan Davies (Huntington Vermont)
Nothing in this budget is fair and moral and right. Take everything away that you possibly can including food stamps, Medicaid, and give massive tax cuts to the rich.
david x (new haven ct)
“This is, I think, the first time in a long time that an administration has written a budget through the eyes of the people who are actually paying the taxes,” said Mick Mulvaney, Mr. Trump’s budget director.

Which means that it isn't, as far as we know, written through Trump's eyes.
John Joseph Laffiteau MS in Econ (APS08)
Ms Davis and Readers: The following simple models may be helpful in understanding spending priorities by using a brace of business analogies. Entitlements or mandatory spending include: Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment insurance and food stamps. These spending items can be considered as similar to contributions made to "defined benefit retirement contribution plans." Congress generally specifies who is eligible and the types and levels of benefits due. Spending levels are not specified. Whereas, with discretionary spending, spending levels are set each year for these programs. Examples of such programs include: defense, homeland security, education, environmental protection, plus many others. Much like contributions to a "defined contribution retirement plan," there is a much smaller unknown or undefined contingent liability with discretionary spending amounts.

Without congressional action to change such costs, entitlements could also be viewed as "fixed" (or constant costs), year-over-year. And, counterposed to these fixed, budgeted costs would be discretionary, or more "variable" annual costs. Managerial control of variable costs is a "hands-on," short-run focus; whereas granular control of fixed costs is a longer-run concern.
[JJL 05/23/2017 12:12p.m. Greenville NC]
justin (dallas)
Ironically, “This is, I think, the first time in a long time that an administration has written a budget through the eyes of the people who are actually paying the taxes,” yet Trump has not paid taxes for years!!
Rebecca Allen (New York)
Justin - my apologies. I missed the quotations. Will read more carefully from now on before commenting. Unfortunately, I see no way to delete my original comment.
K. Sorensen (Freeport, ME)
"... even though the proposal makes no changes to Social Security’s retirement program or Medicare, the two largest drivers of the nation’s debt.'

Social Security (FICA) is funded through a revenue stream separate from the Federal Income Tax. That stream is the "payroll tax" paid by workers.

The New York Times should either recognize that Social Security is separately funded and therefore has no impact on the debt or it should stop saying that Social Security will run out of money by the year 2034, or whatever year. Cannot have it both ways.
JT (Saint Paul)
Ms Davis says that Social Security and Medicare are the two largest drivers of the nation's debt. This is false. At the end of the year 2015 the Social Security trust fund had a balance of nearly 3 trillion dollars ($2,813,000,000,000) and the surplus is growing. The surpluses are borrowed by the US Treasury. It is true that projections show that the surplus will disappear many years from now, if adjustments are not made to benefits, taxes or investments. But Social Security and Medicare are not driving the nations debt. They are fully paid for by our dedicated payroll taxes taxes and they generate surpluses.
aviron (San Diego)
In last Sunday's NYT, Nicholas Kristof wrote a moving column about the serious effects Trump's proposed budget cuts would have on women's health. In particular, he noted that there would be an increase in cervical cancer mortality. Cervical cancer is treatable if diagnosed early enough; fatal if not. Kristof notes that Planned Parenthood performs approximately 270,000 cervical cancer screenings annually, Trump's proposed budget would eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood because they also provide abortion services. The defunding is strictly a political decision to placate the religious right and has nothing to do with economics. Everyone knows that women of means have always been able to get an abortion regardless of its legal status in the US. They simply got on a plane to someplace where it was legal and they'll always have that option in the future. Many abortion opponents proudly proclaim that the US is a "Christain Nation", blatantly dismissing the faiths of millions of Americans. But what true follower of Christ would condemn thousands of women to needless suffering and death?
Randy Harris (Calgary, AB)
I hope wealthy Americans enjoy the tax reduction that comes on the backs of the poorest segments of American society. A society is remembered for how it treats its citizens particularly the less advantaged.
Billy Bob (Greensboro, NC)
Do you really think they care ?? My guess NO
guanna (BOSTON)
The New Foundation of American Greatness. Built on the backs of the poor, the old, the ill and children. Built on fictions at the expense of Fact. Built by Conservative Christians without Christ.

If Trump was a reaction to Obama Conservative should stop and think: what will the reaction to Trumpism be.

Buildings built on a foundation of sand, sink.
LivingWithInterest (Sacramento)
The theory that if you 'squeeze the poor hard enough, they will go out and find a job in desperation' is just more rhetoric to hide wanting to pay for services.

I have always believed that there exponentially far more people who legitimately need assistance and are legitimately receiving assistance then there are people gaming the system.

Remember: the joke is that if you put what they want to hear in the title, you can ignore it from then on, and the masses will never know.
John Q Doe (Upnorth, Minnesota)
If any sane, rational person thinks that Medicare and Social Security are not on the GOP's hit list of programs to cut....well I have the Brooklyn Bridge for sale for only $1.00. Trump, Mitch, Paul and the rest of the GOP at the federal, state and local level have, as a top priority, to cut, eliminate, do away with (call it you like) all social programs that benefit the common good of the average American citizen which have been in place starting with FDR in the 1930's through 2016 with President Obama. As other have written today, do not be side tracked by all of the Trump and GOP talking circus going on in Washington and around the country. The Russians, firing the head of the FBI, the North Koreans, terrorist and extremist hiding behind every bush, blah, blah, blah..... all the while Mitch and Paul, behind closed doors, are intent on turning America back to the dark ages.
Tom (Calif)
The real "entitlement" programs are trillions in unnecessary military spending, trillions in tax breaks for billionaires that will create no jobs, and deregulation of the fossil fuel Mass Pollution industry and the Wall Street Grand Theft industry.....

Case closed.
Richard (Madison)
Herewith a modest proposal. Require any Republican who votes for the Medicaid cuts to surrender his/her taxpayer-provided health insurance. Then they can go on the open market and try to find an insurer who will cover someone with a pre-existing condition likely to result in humongous hospital bills--heartlessness.
Shayladane (Canton, NY)
“This is, I think, the first time in a long time that an administration has written a budget through the eyes of the people who are actually paying the taxes,” said Mick Mulvaney, Mr. Trump’s budget director.

This is just as insensitive a statement as Mr. Romney's 47%. So all the rich people in the country support this budget? I hope not. It leaves the poor with few choices. There will be more unwanted, unloved babies, and homelessness will grow for lack of the social safety net. Even billionaires can't possibly want that in this country.

I know the final budget will not be as draconian, and I believe that the very rich generally support helping the poor, but this budget's incomprehensible elimination or gutting of so many good programs is another example of this administration's heartless approach to governing.

I wish being heartless and crass were an impeachable offense...
bragg (los angeles, ca)
That's right, deny funding for abortions so poor women are forced to have children they can't care for. Then deny them health care for themselves and the children. Then deny them food stamps to feed the unhealthy children. Then deny housing assistance for the sickly, hungry children. But make sure that the already rich have more riches to indulge their needs. That's how Trump will make America great again.
Occupy Government (Oakland)
Republicans have two major problems: the first is Donald Trump. When 75% of republican voters support the president, Republicans in Congress will have to hold their nose while they walk a fine line between enabling Russian meddling and White House intervention in criminal and intelligence investigations and their oath of office.

The second is their vision of government. Americans believe in public schools, basic health coverage, Meals on Wheels, environmental protection and entitlement programs -- those things to which people are entitled after a life of hard work: Medicare and Social Security. Republicans believe none of this and their budget shows it.

If Democrats can't take control of Congress with this mess, they might as well fold.
Jeremy (arizona)
Agreed, just the supposed majority of Americans who believe in the things you mention don't vote. This is the biggest threat to our future.
The GOP health terrorists need to be stopped. There is no doubt those who are vulnerable to losing their coverage or will go bankrupt to save their lives live in terror. Al Qaeda and ISIS certainly pose a terroristic threat but the actual risk and probability of it personally affecting any American is extremely small. On the other hand, what the Republicans propose will actually inflict life and death harm to millions of citizens they are supposed to protect.

Why give a scoop of health care to the poor when the rich can take away all of the scoops for themselves?
Elise (Northern California)
How many outlets of mainstream media will be highlighting the part of Trump's budget where American taxpayers pay for his wall?

The whole thing is a propaganda tool to appeal to his base. No one in the conservative "Freedom Caucus" will vote for any of this nonsense that does not address reducing the debt and, in fact, adds to it.

No congressional representative with an active elderly population will be able to support any of this. Ditto all the other "special interest groups." Military contractors only support Republicans any way, so there is no political gain from this.

More Trump fifth grade, look-at-me nonsense. As written, his budget won't get far.
kali (Scotch Plains, NJ)
Why call this budget "conservative" ? The budget is clearly "reactionary", as well as cruel and inhuman for all of us that need safety net.
Baba Ganoush (Colorado)
The federal government has made many unsustainable lifestyles now sustainable at the expense of taxpayers. I see this firsthand as I volunteer a day a week at a shelter. Many people who should be living productive lives have decided to come here to my state, smoke dope and take handouts for food and shelter. We are not doing these people any favor by helping them maintain this lifestyle. Well no doubt there are some truly needy people there are many who are just gaming the system because they are lazy or just generally corrupt. Sorry, these ones don't deserve any support of any kind.
Steve Singer (Chicago)
What's coming will be a horrible atrocity, but not the first or even worst; just one more in a long succession of many. And the longer Trump remains in office the more horrible it will get because he divides to conquer, floats on an ocean of grief and feeds chaos and strife.

But he's still right about one thing: Trump could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and it wouldn't matter because Trump's True Believers and his other alt-right minions will soldier on regardless, undisturbed by that fact or any others. Leering, jeering, chanting "build the wall!", and "Make America Great Again!", blaming "liberals" and "the media" for his incompetence and unsuitability for high office, they would jump off the edge of the Grand Canyon thinking they can fly.

The rest of us will shrug and pretend not to care.
Max (Earth)
Look, folks, these guys aren't working for the people. They're the ELITE, working for themselves. If you can't see that by now, God help you. How does the rich elite stay rich? By taking money from programs that help the poor and giving to big business, special interest, etc., who turn around and donate to Repubs campaigns. One big racket. FYI - Privatize means steal.
vickie (Columbus/San Francisco)
Wave your wand President Trump. The unemployed, employed. The sick, cured. The hungry, fed. The people you don't want here, gone.
No mental illness, no seniors deciding whether to eat or fill a prescription, every child anxious to learn, encouraged by involved parents not struggling to make ends meet. No opiate problem. Utopia for all. How nice it must be to live so far from reality. Have you ever sat down for even an hour, perhaps for a meal at the home of a family struggling with quiet dignity to make ends meet with a full-time job paying minimum wage or even double minimum wage? How easy, no plan, no thought, just wave your wand.
Frank Perkins (Portland, Maine)
Let me see if i can get this straight. We will take the money presently being used to give an 80 year citizen who is living in poverty a decent lunch and give it to someone who has so much money they will likely not even notice the additional money. Why .......... this will surely contribute to making America great again.
Stan Sutton (Westchester County, NY)
It's noteworthy that Mick Mulvaney, Mr. Trump’s budget director, is willing to measure success by the number of people helped but not the number of people harmed. And telling that some of the people most harmed are Mr. Trump's most vocal supporters. The most massive deficit in this budget may not be financial but a lack of compassion and common human decency.
bl (rochester)
This is, unfortunately, the budget of someone who
has entered bankruptcy several times due to wild
and rash business decisions filled with pie in the sky
numbers all designed to convince funders how wonderful it will all
be in the end. Ha Ha Ha...the joke was on them, as
it surely will be with all of us if wiser and more prudent heads
do not prevail.

The question is, however, a fundamental one. How is it
that this philosophy of life, as encoded in a business practice untethered
to reality and any sense of fiscal prudence, has managed
to convince at least 40+% of the voting population that such
risky gambling with lives, health, and essential institutions that are needed
to maintain a civilized, humane, and educated society is completely
justified and the only way to conduct the nation's affairs.

What type of deep cognitive pathology has led to this utter collapse
in sound judgment and belief in a prudent management of those
parts of the society that attend to the citizenry's health and education. It is this basic question that we all need to concentrate upon.

None of what
has been proposed will do us much of any good, as a sober reflection
with available information is capable of convincing. So, what
deep dysfunction in our media and how we choose to interact and constructively learn from each other has created this bizarre and sorry state?
Jeffrey (Michigan)
I despise what our country is turning into.
Nancy Levit (Colorado)
So Trump who is highly disrespectful of those he sees as below him wants to cut HELP for many Americans In exchange for building an Ineffective Wall!

What kind of a President of the United States of America promotes damaging Americans Health rather than promoting a Healthy nation. What kind of a President is he when he wants Rob Peter to Feed Paul, while leaving fellow Americans Hungry! And IF Congress approves this Then they Prove that they are Anti American And Worthless in their positions considering that they are elected into these positions and elected to REPRESENT WE THE PEOPLE, ALL THE PEOPLE AND OUR COUNTRY!
Yolanda Perez (Boston MA)
Today there is a JFK celebration. What I learned in school about JFK - policies that supported education, the arts, science/space, foreign aid, and promoted public service. How far we have come, a clueless idiot in office who doesn't read, a cruel congress more concerned about power and money than the American people. This administration and GOP claim to be American and Christian but their actions and values are cruel and selfish.
In the Trumpian dispensation, Robin Hood's the villain, the Sheriff of Nottingham, the hero.
Fernando Caminero (Puerto Rico)
The article misquotes Mick Mulvaney by stating he said “This is, I think, the first time in a long time that an administration has written a budget through the eyes of the people who are actually paying the taxes,” when what he really said was: “This is, I think, the first time in a long time that an administration has written a budget through the eyes of the 1% who are actually paying the taxes.”
Dianne Jackson (Richmond, VA)
How in the wide world could this abomination be called "America first"? When Trump utters that phrase, he seems to mean Americans last- at least 99% of them.
Sage (California)
A heartless, catastrophic budget from an unqualified, unhinged, amoral thug. Trump makes Ebenezer Scrooge blush. The budget must be DOA!
SJM (Florida)
It didn't take long to join the former confederate states in hating the poor and powerless. Just write them out of your mindless, soulless world and they will disappear, only to reappear at the emergency ward or on the street begging. This budget should be considered cruel and unusual punishment.
Ann (Los Angeles)
Who cares about a bunch of "losers" anyway?
gf (ny)
The budget is draconian and mean spirited. Its a slap at our most vulnerable citizens, people who need medical care and other services. Meanwhile, the wealthy are doing just fine. The military is doing just fine. AND we don't need the wall!!
tennvol30736 (GA)
Appearing regularly on local TV are law firms advertising to help you get Social Security Disability. Is there something wrong with this picture? Remember years ago, a slim attractive female at a dance club who was dancing a lot and wanted me to dance. I danced with her once and found she was on Social Security Disability.

No doubt, there is a need for disability but the rules should be strict and should go through and administrative arbitration process rather than trial. But then again, how can we expect something efficient like that when our nation is ruled by lawyer/politicians.
walkman (LA county)
These right wingers are playing with fire. They want to pull as much money as they can out of the system to line their own pockets, even if it causes mass hunger, homelessness and sickness. What they don't realize is that people with nothing to lose riot and kill. Fox News propaganda is no match for hunger pangs, for the pain of disease untreated, for the sight of family, friends and neighbors dying. Once the subsistence threshold is breached, the chemistry changes and explosion will occur without warning. This instability was the reason these social programs were put into place originally, to prevent an uprising, chaos and the collapse of law and order. The Koch brother types now in the driver's seat don't know this history and so are about to repeat it. War ahead.
Jenifer Wolf (New York)
If Americans voted their economic interests, Bernie Sanders would have won the Democratic primary, not greed head neocon Clinton. Unfortunately, voters seem to be voting along 'feel good' identity politics lines, which pitted one greed head against another.
Jenifer Wolf (New York)
People with nothing to lose don't usually riot on kill. The most extensive & horrific poverty I've ever seen was in India in 1990. And I felt much safer there than I did in New York in the '60s & '70s or in Chicago at any time although we haven't had widespread starvation here. Sure economics is important. But so is culture. So Marx wasn't all wrong. But he oversimplified.
John Smith (NY)
It's about time that Medicaid money is used for the disabled and not for the Single able-bodied Mom who continues to crank out babies by the bushel ion order to maximize their "Safety Net" handouts. How can one morally support subsidizing able-bodied males with Welfare and Medicaid with tax dollars when these tax dollars are usually coming from middle-class families often working two to three jobs to stay afloat. If anything, you will find that for most of these able-bodied "Safety Net" individuals they already work off the books. It's now time to bring them into the "real" world and force them to be productive instead of being just a drain on public resources.
Matt (RI)
I feel for you Mr. Smith. Apparently, Daddy never had that man to man talk with you wherein he explains that Mommy usually needs a male accomplice in order to crank out babies.
You've thrown around a lot of cliches without any real statistics - try to learn a bit more about reality - You obviously, and understandably resent paying taxes. We all do, when we feel they are being misused.
John57 (Texas)
It took a long time to find a sensible post! People like me who work and pay taxes are sick and tired of the entitlement way of life that was promoted for the past 8 years. For the truly sick, elderly, or some who may need some temporary help, we should always provide help. But as the poster above said, its time to remove getting everything you want for doing nothing as a way of life.
Kim (Philly)
Who's surprised by this?
Jenifer Wolf (New York)
Apparently, we have millions of people, especially people in the media, who are able to muster the same high level of outrage, day after day, week after week, month after month.....until the 2018 election. That will bring a Democratic majority into congress. The outraged will settle down. Trump will be impeached. And then they'll realize.....THAT PENSE IS PRESIDENT. And they'll work up their outrage all over again. & so forth.......
barb tennant (seattle)
IF we don't destroy ISIS and control our borders, pretty much nothing else matters........................................
Grove (California)
If we don't stop unending tax cuts for the rich, there will be no America to protect.
richard schumacher (The Benighted States of America)
ISIS in no way threatens the existence of the West, except by scaring us into destroying our institutions. There's a few thousand of them and a billion of us. As for borders, we need all of the smart energetic motivated people we can get to work here, no matter where they were born.
Cristoforo (Philadelphia, PA)
Who exactly is ISIS? One of the long standing tenets of American foreign policy in the Mid-East has been the old Arab saying "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and it's caused us nothing but heartache (not to mention the creation of Al Qaeda).

I challenge anyone to figure out who is/is not our ally in Syria. Or read about the battle for Mosul where neighbors who once got along peacefully are now ready to kill each other based on the Sunni/Shiite divide.

Trump's first visit abroad was to Saudi Arabia, one of the most oppressive regimes in the Middle East if not the world. Is there a deeper level of irony/hypocrisy than Rex Tillerson bemoaning human rights violations in Iran while visiting Saudi Arabia (home to the radical Islamic Wahhabi strain and 15 of the 19 terrorists from 9/11).

The GOP has done a very good job at creating "bogeyman" as subterfuge to justify invasions, launching of missiles, the taking of rights, etc. and unfortunately too many Americans buy the program.
Cristoforo (Philadelphia, PA)
Elect a President who's a "billionaire", then fill your cabinet with a few (legit) billionaires and a plethora of millionaires and this is what you'll get. Donald Trump has never had to work for anything in his life after inheriting (only) $3m and residential real estate from his Daddy, so what would he know about the struggle that exists today in so much of our society? My empathy is with the people who voted for him who will be (if passed) impacted negatively by his budget. Remember, that populism isn't so much about finding solutions.
It promises something different, and possibly more appealing: punishment. That's what the Trump voters voted for and that's what this budget will do.
DB (Central Coast, CA)
A loved one is 49 years old, mentally ill, homeless living in a tent. Social services try to help, but all are band-aids, temporary and easily ripped off. She ends up jailed for misdemeanors, but that never results in a longer term, mandatory treatment program that might actually change her life. Meanwhile, her health deteriorates and she spends weeks each year in hospitals, being treated for failing organs and other diseases one acquires when homeless. She remains functional on the surface, but unable to work or persevere through classes or training. She costs taxpayers over $100k per year in medical costs, while the solutions that might help her turn her life around - housing in exchange for participation in a mandatory, long term treatment program are "too expensive." All these cuts in services need to evaluated not just in terms of immediate cost savings, but rather with a cool calculation of long term costs - both financial and societal.
Jenifer Wolf (New York)
If she is a 'loved one', why not take her into your home, so that even if she is incapable of 'getting her life together' (i.e. finding & maintaining employment) she can at least avoid the horrors of homelessness & perhaps you can exert enough supervision to ensure that she takes the meds that help keep her mental illness under control.
Stacy (Manhattan)
Jenifer - there are all kinds of reasons someone might not be able or willing to bring a mentally ill relative (or friend) into their home. The most likely is that the relative won't agree to it. Other possible reasons could be: roommates (or a spouse) who don't want a mentally ill and frequently incarcerated person in their home; a living space that is too small to accommodate the relative; the presence of small children in the home; and/or a realistic assessment that the writer doesn't have the skills or wherewithal to deal effectively with a person who may be irrational, unkempt, and constantly attracting the police.
Pamela (NYC)
“This is, I think, the first time in a long time that an administration has written a budget through the eyes of the people who are actually paying the taxes,” said Mick Mulvaney, Mr. Trump’s budget director.

ALEC, which no doubt wrote the budget, attempting to pass itself off as "the eyes of the people" the way Trump is attempting to pass himself off as a "populist" while crushing the most vulnerable groups of people with the least amount of power in this country and lifting up the millionaire and billionaire class even further, at everyone else's expense, is just sickening. Despite all the years of evidence that shows how morally bankrupt and destructive to the well-being of our citizens their ideas are, they have managed to convince enough voters that corporate interests (and corporate disinterest in social responsibility) are synonymous with average-Joe interests, with devastating results already (disappeared middle class, anyone?). And more to follow.

I think the time is right for all who oppose this budget to Occupy D.C..

We should not take this disgusting, crippling blow to our humanity lying down or let it gain traction in Congress. And beyond protests, we had better put every effort into voting out this Congress in 2018 or we are done for as a nation.
Deborah (Bellvue, Colorado)
The rich get richer while the poor get poorer, so of course we need to build up the military and police state to protect the rich from the poor. And we, in the shrinking middle, pay the taxes on our productive labor to support the needs of the advantaged, ostentatious rich who make money with money that is already taxed at a lower rate than money made from labor.
C. Whiting (Madison, WI)
Where do massive tax cuts for the rich fit in what you describe as an "austere vision"?
If we need austerity anywhere, it is among the plutocrats at the top.
NtoS (USA)
I'm waiting to see if Paul Ryan, who growing up benefitting from government "entitlements", is in favor of this bill.
Llewis (N Cal)
Medicare and Medicaid are tied together for low income seniors. The yearly deductibles and copays left over from what Medicare allows are picked up by Medicaid. So, yes, Medicare for seniors is indirectly affected. Expecting indigent seniors to opt for an expensive supplemental insurance is ludicrous.

This budget also notes that some Ag subsidies would be cut to farmers making over 500,000 dollars a year. This will not go over well with the Republican base. My Congressman has received over 5 million dollars in subsidies since the 1995. The man is a virtual rubber stamp for anything Trump does. It will be interesting to see how this goes over in the corn belt.
Glassyeyed (Indiana)
What would Jesus fund?

Probably not the military/industrial complex at the expense of the poor, the peacemakers, the meek, and the rest of the "least" of us.

I don't understand how people who support this administration can call themselves Christians? Have they never studied the teachings of Jesus?
There is something to be said for having a budget that takes into consideration the taxpayer. This looks like the taxpayers are going to be paying for more war and death and less education and health.

Based on the Republican priorities, I'm glad I will be paying less in taxes.
Susan (<br/>)
“We are no longer going to measure compassion by the number of programs or the number of people on those programs, but the number of people we help get off of those programs,” Mulvaney said today. Well I for one am not seeing any additional monies for training for the new jobs to educate our current unemployed with the new skills they need to get jobs in this economy. And cutting medicaid? Isn't this what many of rely upon to keep our aging population in nursing homes when personal money runs out? Are we going to throw our elderly out on the streets?
Eroom (Indianapolis)
According to Mulvaney, throwing people in the streets would constitute "Compassion" as long as they no longer get help from the government.
Candace Carlson (Minneapolis)
A large percentage of seniors have Medicaid and Food Stamps. Many are unable to pay for Medicare Part B of the Drug coverage and need help to survive. Many of our seniors are the poorest of the poor. Any cuts in government assistance will gravely affect a large percentage of seniors. Sharing the limited resources with dignity and charity for others is hard enough. The constant pitting of the needy against one another is a tactic that has been successful by the greedy or people who are afraid to loose something they need. People , Legislators. Jurists, Public Servants, you would not cause a neighbor starve would you?
Eroom (Indianapolis)
Watching Mulvaney present this budget is disturbing. He describes Trump's involvement in its creation as a series of "yes/no" answers when presented with the options and the OMB drawing something up based on their interpretation of his speeches and statements. It would appear that the President has passively allowed the most far-right and extreme of his clique to put together a document that reaches new heights of callousness and cruelty!
Hari Seldon (New York, NY)
It is bitterly ironic that this so-called "Christian" nation has discarded the teachings of the Master: "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me!"

Instead of emulating the Good Samaritan and healing the sick and wounded, our predatory and stealthy "Elders" of our highest deliberative body have taken the remaining clothes off the very back of the wounded traveller and sold them in the market-place in order to gild the toe-nails of King Herod.

Fie upon them! They think their opulence is a zero-sum game. Our master taught us that charity is the highest virtue of all, and increases general wellfare of the whole nation together!
RLW (Chicago)
Do we need any more proof that Trump is more interested in real estate deals (building his wall) than in the lives of real people who may be really hurting? Did we really elect this unintelligent self-serving and self-centered uncompassionate creature as the leader of our country? Is this what America has become?
kathleen cairns (san luis obispo)
This is not surprising. Forty-five doesn't care about anyone but himself and, possibly, his family and close friends--if he has any.

The worst thing about this is the haphazard, willy-nilly way he's gone about every single issue confronting him: Mideast peace, a snap; build a wall, just do it. Ditto for the bizarre Muslim travel ban.

One can argue that some programs--Social Security disability, for example, need looking at. It can be too easy to obtain, and there are few checks and balances to determine whether the applicant needs it in perpetuity (had neighbor who was not disabled and, wink, wink managed to obtain benefits, to supplement his pensions. BTW, I am a liberal Democrat and this made me angry.

But, 45, doesn't want to do things incrementally. He just wants to wave his hand and have things happen. Scary.
JWL (Vail, Co)
The exploitation by Donald Trump of less informed voters, will result in their economic destruction. A member of the house said yesterday that these people will learn "The dignity of work". The arrogance of that statement is both naive and mean. For families who can't afford childcare, for women left alone with children who need care, for all those seniors who have no one but the government safety net, this is a death sentence.
This plan, these words and actions coming from the right, who claim ownership of Christianity, is an affront to all who value humanity. This budget must be exposed for what it is: a thinning of the herd, and enrichment of the one percent.
Suzanne (Brooklyn, NY)
It's amazing the damage the Siberian candidate is doing so quickly to our country. It's obvious, watching the Brennan hearings, that the Republican House is in complete denial about the fact that their candidate is a Russian pawn. How long will it take for them to wake up, or is their hatred of Hillary so deep, they will never wake up?
Mmm (Nyc)
Hillary won voters with incomes less than $50k.

Trump won voters with incomes more than $50k.

The narrative that poor disillusioned voters propelled Trump into office is at best too simplistic and at worst specious.
Alan Chaprack (The Fabulous Upper West Side)
You voted for 45? You'll be losing your berth in the "safety net?" Sorry....I don't feel your pain.
quixoptimist (Colorado)
The standard GOP plan, take from the poor and the middle in order to give to the rich.
Corporate welfare is the only welfare Republicans care about.
Corporate socialism is the only social program approved by the GOP.
God is Love (New York, NY)
Mr Trump finally realizes he can't get Mexico to pay for his wall. So he is sending the bill to the poor, the sick, the hungry, the disabled, our seniors, our education system, our hospitals, the deficit, our children's future, and to us all. (Well, not if you are in the top 1%.) And with some real warped delusion, actually titling it all..."A New Foundation for American Greatness".

I have begun to count the days to the 2018 Mid-Term and 2020 Presidential Elections. This delusional President and his morally corrupt party must go.
R C (New York)
Who are these awful Trumps and why are Ivanka and Jared in the Middle East accompanying him on his trip?
Sean Wafer (Liverpool)
If the reports are true, that Meals on Wheels and other food assistance programs for the elderly are to be slashed - that is one of the most reprehensible and disgusting policies ever advanced in the modern western world. Utterly shameful - and shameless. Saving pennies on the dollar to make senior citizens starve.... Trump really has plumbed the depths on this one.
Tony (Vienna, VA)
Ah, the "beggar thy neighbor" principles of true GOP dogma brought home to its own citizens. How dare we take care of those less fortunate than ourselves. We would never be in that situation because we are so virtuous, patriotic and wise not like all those other losers. Fire them all.
john f. (cincinnati)
This is not merely a Trump budget but a statement on "Republican" values for the whole country to see. Maybe this will the beginning of a wake-up call.
hen3ry (New York)
In America, as usual, greed is Trumping over common sense about health care, medical needs, an improved social safety net, and other items that would help 99% of the country's population.

Apparently the GOP and Trump prefer to have citizens who are priced out of decent anything in order to fund their favorite causes: welfare for the very rich, big corporations, the fossil fuel industry, and their gold plated health coverage.

Hubert Humphrey said it best: It was once said that the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped.

Present day America fails every part of his statement in that its current treatment of these populations is amoral and inhumane. We should be afraid because at some point we all will be old, require medical care, will need assistance, and may be needy.
walkman (LA county)
These right wingers are playing with fire. They want to pull as much money out of the system to line their own pockets, even if it causes mass hunger, homelessness and sickness. What they don't realize is that people with nothing to lose riot and kill. Fox News propaganda is no match for hunger pangs, for the pain of disease untreated, for the sight of family, friends and neighbors dying. Once the subsistence threshold is breached, the chemistry changes and explosion will occur without warning. This instability was the reason these social programs were put into place originally, to prevent an uprising, chaos and the collapse of law and order. The Koch brother types now in the driver's seat don't know this history and so are about to repeat it. War ahead.
KC Yankee (Ct)
Not all of the oligarchs are unaware of history and the dangers of this approach; they are counting on the propaganda organs to keep the poor ignorant of where they should be directing their anger. This is where pitting one ethnic group against another comes in.
walkman (LA county)
Correct. The purpose of right wing media like Fox and Rush is to pacify the population so the New Deal can be eliminated with minimum disruption. Forwards to the 1890's!
Kathleen (Anywhere)
In the eyes of this taxpayer, whose household pays quite a lot in taxes, the government was already not doing enough to help the poor, so this budget is not an improvement. It will only increase the need to stock food banks and other last resorts for those with insufficient resources even for a subsistence lifestyle.

It is not the responsibility of our government/other taxpayers to subsidize those wishing to have what are obviously individual income/expenses (e.g., personal vehicles, gasoline, meals, etc.) taxed at corporate rates by running a small "business". These subsidies cut sharply into the income of others such as those earning the second income in a two-income household, and, as such, are grossly unfair.

Eliminating or sharply cutting student loan subsidies for those working in government or at nonprofits is a zero-sum game, since compensation will now have to be adjusted upward to entice educated people to work in those sectors.

The biggest consumer of our resources just now is the healthcare sector. Until we address healthcare costs, the main drivers of which are excessive compensation/drug pricing/medical equipment pricing (regardless of who is being treated) unique to this country, we will continue to struggle with funding other critical needs. The first step should be producing more physicians or opening our doors to physicians trained abroad.
Pajaritomt (New Mexico)
If I were a Republican, I would be too ashamed to present this budget which is clearly a giant gift to the rich. If I were a billionaire I would campaign against this budget. What do the rich need with more money? Why not take care of the poor? And the Republicans claim to be Christians? If the Christians really are Christian they will beg their representatives to vote against it.
AdanniaT (NJ)
Ok, let's rob the poor to fill the pockets of the rich. So, Glad he's draining that swamp for his voters. Good radiance to bad rubbish.
Romy (New York, NY)
Cavorting with king/princes in S.A. and buddy with Paul Ryan...what do you expect?
John F Reing (Florida)
Amen. There really is a stairway to heaven. But none of the Trumps have found it. And it's not looking promising!
Dee (Los Angeles, CA)
He loved getting that large gold medal from the Saudis. Maybe he should sell it so he can cover Meals on Wheels for seniors.
MidtownATL (Atlanta)
Deconstruction of the administrative state.

I'll give the Trump administration this much. At least they are transparent about it.
Aaron (Seattle)
Why do Trump and Mick Mulvaney hate Americans so much?
Sage (California)
Add: Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and the entire 'Freedom' (Tea-Taliban-GOP) Congress. They are a libertarian nightmare!
Nuschler (hopefully on a sailboat)
With the Manchester Bombing, Trump has completely forgotten that he is president of the USA not a “Law and Order” extremist. He will use the bombing to deflect from his Russian and top coded security “leak” to two Russian spies in the Oval Office. “I get GREAT intel--every day--the greatest intel” Trump said to the Russians in a meeting set up by Putin!

Now he is telling the Saudis to get tough on Islamic extremists--I’m sorry but where did “Radical Islamic terrorism” go? The phrase that “weak Obama couldn’t use.” “Losers??”

Is Trump even aware of Wahhabism which has been Saudi Arabia’s dominant faith? It is an austere form of Islam that insists on a literal interpretation of the Koran. 15 of the 19 terrorists in 9/11 had Saudi passports!

Now Lil Jared has completed a $400 billion weapons deal with the Saudis?

Ole man Trump kept calling Jeb “Low energy” and kept commenting that Hillary got tired easily. On the SECOND day of his 9 day trip he is so exhausted Ivanka fills in for him? She is NOT a foreign policy expert---in fact Trump took NO foreign policy experts or even allowed himself to be briefed!

Aides were told when trying to brief Trump to keep it under two minutes and say his name a lot to keep him interested.Even at the Holocaust Museum he cut it short to 15 minutes and showed him just staring at the ceiling or floor!

For the rest of the trip it will be “We gotta get these losers--take them ‘out of earth’??”

He and the Prince and Princess are DISGUSTING!
PWR (Malverne)
Isn't the article about the budget proposal? What does it have to do with Trump's performance in his middle eastern trip?
Petey Tonei (Ma)
Tell Paul Krugman please. He is the one who repeated incessantly, in successive columns, that incrementalism was the ONLY viable and doable solution to building on what Obama's economic team had accomplished in 8 years. Paul is the one who asserted that we have to adopt centrism, and slowly build on what our country had achieved, so slowly -- till all our hair turned grey. Thanks Paul. Millions of youth, their parents, grandparents visualized a kind of America, which like Sweden or Netherlands (NOT Venezuela) would be able to achieve a progressive and egalitarian future for each and every one, leaving no one behind. But Paul did not think so and the people rejected Paul's candidate.
logical (usa)
so the voters rejected Mr. Krugman? I wasnt aware he was running for office...
Petey Tonei (Ma)
Voters rejected Paul's candidate (no Paul wasn't officially running, he was vicariously channeling his candidate)
Silence Dogood (Texas)
This is cruelest, most anti-human budget I can ever recall being rolled out from a sitting President.

I will be looking very carefully at those Republican members of Congress to see which ones want to endorse it. They best be careful as they make their political beds. It is one thing to publicly support the President from their party, but this is "the bridge too far."
Kosher Dill (Midwest)
I just have this mental vision of Trump jabbering at the back of a wooden carny wagon, selling worthless cure-all elixers to the gullible fools clustered around him, kind of like the charlatan in The Wizard of Oz.

In fact the tune to "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves" ought to be his family's theme song; they hustle the crowd any way they can for their selfish gain.

Hope all the Trump/Pence voters soon to lose their food stamps, Medicaid and other assistance enjoy their new privation. it wouldn't be happening if Hillary had been elected.

As a proud lifelong Democratic voter who is not on public assistance, I guess I'll just sit back and enjoy my tax break. Thanks, gullibles.
Gadabout (Texas)
No sympathies from me for anyone who voted for Trump and is now getting the short end of the stick. Any one with a brain and paying attention should have been able to discern that the only thing Trump cares about is himself and his family and keeping their immense wealth. He cared and cares nothing about any one else, least of all, poor and working folks. He considers those who are not multi-millionaires losers. Those are the majority of his so-called base. And anyone paying attention during the election should have been able to tell that he is a liar, a con-artist as Mr. Bloomberg said. He said whatever he thought would please his voters. So, let his voters get what they deserve. You wanted him? Well, you got him.
Ephraim (Baltimore)
I agree. While I've fought for liberal causes my entire life, I've think I've had it. I've actually suggested to my senators that the coastal states - east and west - set up their own health care and social programs and fund them in part by subtracting the subsidies provided to Trumpland states from Federal Taxes
Kerry Knoll (British Columbia)
This is possibly the most unChristian budget in American history. Where are the religious leaders when we need them?
James (Long Island)
What's Christian about encouraging generations of fatherless families completely dependent on social assistance generation after generation?
PWR (Malverne)
This isn't about promoting religious principles. Church and state are supposed to be separate here.
Southern Boy (The Volunteer State)
Seems to be a sensible budget to me. What's the problem?
John F Reing (Florida)
Yo Southern Boy: What's the problem? The problem is you haven't lived long enough to face real hardship. Just wait sonny. Your day is coming and you'll see what the problem with these social humanitarian cuts really are.
Don Clark (Baltimore, MD)
it's sensible if you hate other Americans that don't already have deep pockets.
MidtownATL (Atlanta)
Where is the deficit reduction?
Where is the fiscal responsibility?

Why increase the Pentagon budget 10% when we are not at war?
The Old Netminder (chicago)
Especially in an electronic age, why do we go through the ridiculous charade to print and bind the budget?
NtoS (USA)
Maybe Mr. Trump can cease spending money on weekly golfing trips and especially to his own golfing resorts where he profits from them. Since we know that he has not paid federal taxes in the past, maybe he could add a provision that would disallow people as rich as he is from using loopholes to avoid paying taxes and thereby making the rest of us make up the difference. Someone needs to tell him and his cohorts the government is not a monarchy, but is supposed to work for the people of this country.
A government that has since Roosevelt promoted deeper and deeper reliance on said government and has become so much of a dog chasing its own tail ... eventually comes to a state of shifted ghost responsibility and functional waste . A 20 trillion debt is more than a proof positive. There are other ways to provide the helps needed within the population . Government has demonstrated it clearly is not the best element to do that . The addiction in mind and way to live via government needs to see its end.
MidtownATL (Atlanta)
It's one thing to propose reductions to the welfare state.

But you are disingenuous in claiming to care about the national debt. The cuts in this budget are offset by tax cuts for the rich and unneeded increases for the Pentagon.

Where are the honest Republicans who speak for fiscal responsibility and deficit reduction?

This budget is about nothing but tax cuts for billionaires and corporate welfare for the military-industrial complex.
Ephraim (Baltimore)
Could you enumerate just one or two of those ways of helping the poor without involving the government? I suspect that even the GOP would like to know about them.
Ninbus (New York City)
It will be interesting (and terrifying) to hear Evangelical Christians justify this murderous budget.

How do actual 'Christians' (that's you, Mike) think Jesus would view a budget that - frankly - will result in death to many?

NOT my president
Ingrid (Gilroy California)
Just one more piece of evidence that Trump's vision of the US resembles Haiti more closely than any first world country. Thanks Papa Doc Trump. Bring on the Tonton Macoute.
Sanctuary Citizen (California)
Mulvaney's budget is a classist shillelagh that will decimate support for the working poor, while cutting deeply into the taxes of the super rich.
This foolish strategy serves to further stratify our society, and tear at the delicate fabric of the country.
This budget is doomed for failure and the only way to make America great again is get these madmen out of the White House before a class war festers and erupts into chaos.
richard schumacher (The Benighted States of America)
I for one welcome our feudal overlords. Serf's up!
Fred (NJ)
The bombing in Manchester was really horrible, but Trump will kill far more with his budget cuts. Since they mostly affect people who don't stay in his hotels, play his golf courses or buy Ivanka's jewelry, I assume he really doesn't care.
Clyde (Solebury, Pa)
Wait till those less wealthy Americans who voted him in are first hit with the loss of Medicaid, programs for the poor and disability assistance and you will hear howls reverberating across the country. They were led by the Pied Piper of Hamelin, whistling and dancing toward a promised land that morphs over a cliff to a horrific wasteland. Welcome to Trumpland!
Andrew (Albany, NY)
“This is, I think, the first time in a long time that an administration has written a budget through the eyes of the people who are actually paying the taxes,” said Mick Mulvaney, Mr. Trump’s budget director.

Unless I woke up in the version of America where the "people who are actually paying the taxes" are defense contractors in the top 1/10th of a percent, then I think Mick Mulvaney may be a dirty little liar.
Michael N. Alexander (Lexington, Mass.)
I understand (, I believe) that the Trump Administration also proposes to reduce Civil Service pensions, including pensions paid to people who have already retired.

To the Administration, evidently, a deal is a deal only for as long as they feel like complying with its terms.
Irene K (PA)
I have to laugh at all the people who are asking for Social Security and Medicare to be cut. They are calling them "entitlements". They ARE NOT entitlements. We seniors have paid all our adult lives into this program and were promised (as the program was written) that there would be raises every year, because the money was NOT to be touched outside Social Security, and the interest would make the program self sustaining. WELL, President Johnson saw the huge amount of money sitting in the program and decided to put his hand into the pot and steal from it to pay for other programs. Since then, the Politicians have had no problem following suit and depleting the fund until it now becomes harder to follow the rules of raises every year and using the money strictly for Social Security. The Politicians now allow people who do NOT pay into the system to receive payments and so they call it an "Entitlement". NO IT"S NOT!!! It's the people's money who have been paying into it for all these years. If the government were to pay back what they stole from the program, my great, great grandchildren would still be able to collect Social Security when they came of age! STOP treating seniors like they are second class citizens. We are probably the only country that does not respect the elderly. Shame on our government and the Politicians who don't care!!!!.
Aimee A. (Montana)
Irene, Bob from Lexington , KY thinks you should pay for your own stuff. So, when your family can no longer care for you and you have to go into a nursing home that is $7K a month and you deplete your savings and the home calls and says "you have to come and get your mom because you can't pay the bill" and there is no Medicaid to help your family just let Bob know. I'm sure he'll find it in his heart to help out.
Baba Ganoush (Colorado)
Social Security Disability is not the same as the social security you get in old age. Cutting old age social security generally means raising the retirement age for people now in their infancy, You'll be long dead before anything affects you, so don't worry your greedy little heart, you'll get every cent you are entitled to and maybe you can even figure out how to "take it with you". Many people on SSD are not legit. When you see lawyers running commercials offering to get your disability claim approved by the government you know this is big business. Undoubtedly many are legitimately disabled but at the same time there are probably many who are not, just scammers. Check the rate of SSD payouts since the recession, it skyrocketed. It's an early retirement plan for some people.
James (Long Island)
With respect to the Social Security/Medicare heist, I can't help thinking about Joe Pesci in Casino "...yeah.. I think I want my money back".
Hmmmm. Could have SWORN I heard him say he was going to go to DC and make sure that the "forgotten people" benefit from his policies. Cutting the very funding lines for the things that HELP those forgotten people become more prosperous and successful (and able to contribute to the US economy) is instead painting a big target on those people. That target says, "We don't really care about you, but the military is gonna get some shiny new planes and us rich people will get richer. You? You're on your own."
The Iconoclast (Oregon)
Speak truth to stupid? This will turn out to be the statement's greatest test.

Not being stupid myself I see that this continuation of Republican orthodoxy will not only have the same result it has historically had, but even worse.

So we have stupid, cruel, and self defeating, a win, win, win, by the Republican yardstick.

Not only are the Republicans incapable of getting anything right, they don't want to, their overwhelming character trait is combativeness in service of political power. They are sick, sick, sick!

Make America Great Again, they are out of their minds as they do everything 180 degrees opposite informed intelligent choice.

Want to work to keep America great? Get politically active now!

Trump is just something stinky stuck to your shoe. The dangerous people are the 1% who think the population owes it's good fortune to them and the Republican psychos who insanely pursue nonsense goals like a border collie does a stick. Only Republicans are less intelligent as a practical matter and have disturbed personalities that maintain their no information voting sheep hood in tact.
Tom Cuddy (Texas)
whatever you do to the least of thy brethren, thou doest unto Me' I seem to remember this being said by the founder of the religion most Trump voters ascribe to. My New Testament does not have Jesus of Nazareth using the word 'undeserving' before the word 'poor'.
trautman (Orton, Ontario)
I enjoy reading the comments about people using food stamps and then getting into expensive cars - gee some of the nutty Trump supporters so do you really think they will see this budget for what it really is a cash grab for the rich. Hillary was right they are the deplorables. I was a social worker for the City of New York years ago and got fed up listening to the Trump types that were on social assistance (namely white men) complain about people on welfare. When I starting telling them the money you get is out of a program called Veterans Social Assistance what do you think you are on. They argued that no, their program was different. This is the type that elected the Russian agent into the White House. They love to quote Reagan
but he was another one. He passed legislation that gutted many social programs, but if you wrote him a letter about benefits being cut he would send you a small check it never dawned on him that his cuts were doing the damage that people were writing to him about. We have another rube in the White House and his crowd won't notice anything until their kids tries to get a college loan or their benefits are cut after all they are different and should not be affected. Hey, as long as there is enough money for us to buy guns that is all that matters. I may sound nasty, but you know the rubes that voted for this evil dumbo are going to get what is coming to them. Lets see his taxes, but I am sure that won't happen. Jim Trautman
shack (Upstate NY)
Maybe someone in Trump's organization should show him pictures of poor kids in the United States. He saw a pic of a kid in Syria and it motivated him to shoot missiles at them. Show him pictures and use small words and short sentences. So very proud of this imbecile president.
John (Stowe, PA)
The Republican party LITERALLY wants to take shelter from the old and infirm, food from the plates of starving children, and education from a generation so people like Melania and Ivanka can have MORE excessive lifestyles.

Not sure how much more excess is possible, but they apparently need more.

Maybe they want their fleets of jets gold plated to match their commodes.
Paul Presnail (Minneapolis)
Go ahead Republicans. Pass this monstrosity. I triple dog dare you. Then go buy hip waders for the bloodbath in 2018.
styleman (San Jose, CA)
Trump supporters - fooled ya!
MarquinhoGaucho (New Jersey)
Theodore Roosevelt said it best "I need to protect the rich from themselves"> Because their greed knows no bounds and they continue to push the 98% of the country around, yet they will act surprised when we have a repeat of France 1789 /Russia 1917 and they find themselves at the wrong end of the guillotine.
Jeffery (Maui, Hawaii)
Lucky for us that not one GOP lackey has their ear to the ground. If they did, they would hear the train coming around the bend much sooner than they think. Is that the phone?
PayingAttention (Corpus Christi)
It looks like to me that we need to put our votes where our mouths out all of these cut-throat Republicans so we can get some elected officials in there that are working for us. Do they not understand that we pay taxes to help our fellow man, woman and child? We pay to have these safety nets so we may all thrive in this country. Why do the rich need more help? In what way are they and their children suffering. What have they done without? Republicans, please explain this. Voters, get out there!
Nick Metrowsky (Longmont CO)
First, New York Times, Medicare and Social Security (retirement) sre self funded programs by taxes. If Congress did not rob from the tax revenue, fro these programs, there would be less of a deficit. Both easily fixed, by getting rid of salary caps on FICA, (Social Security) and controlling health care costs (Medicare).

The est of this budget is radioactive to anyone, in Congress, who is willing to pass it, cut taxes on the wealthy, and nail middle class and poor Americans. Passing this beget ill be done at their own peril.

This is the most selfish budget that a president has put forth in living memory. Between proposed tax cuts, the new GOP health care bill, and this budget, it is very cruel to million of Americans.

Even more cruel is telling people, who are on disability, to go back to work. Or worse yet, telling people who have exhausted their savings, because of poor health, in a nursing home, that they will not longer have Medicaid. In effect; die.

Even worse, they are telling people you have a choice eat or starve; by limiting food stamps.

on the other end, the wealthy, corporations, the military will end up with great gains, at the expense of middle class and the poor.

Again, if Congress passes this, they do so at their own peril. As fro Trump, he signs something like this into law, he's gone in 2020. Though, chances are very good, he may not make it to October, let alone 2020. Neither, will much of his administration.
W (Houston, TX)
No problem for Trump--dead people don't vote. Well, at least they're not supposed to.
Joseph Barnett (Sacramento)
“We’re not going to measure our success by how much money we spend, but by how many people we actually help,” By people, I assume he means humans with an income over a quarter of a million.
This is a terrible approach to solving the complex problems our society faces. Why does anyone think we can starve a person out of poverty but wealthy people must be made wealthier for them to perform? Cutting health programs may not seem like a problem for many middle class families, unless their children are sitting next to the child who is sick because their family can't afford a doctor. Over half of the seniors in long term health care rely on medicaid, not just Medicare.

Be assured once they have gotten rid of this safety net they will go after the big ones, Social Security and Medicare. Protect your health, get your vaccines, an annual physical, eat right, get exercise and please don't vote Republican.
Gayle Owens (Austin, TX)
By the way, if your newborn lives, due to cuts in medical care for you and the baby, you can stay home and take care of her for 6 weeks while you are loosing weight because health and nutrition programs have been cut.
Stan (md.)
Welcome to America the great where we take the food out of the mouths of the less fortunate. As to Trump's comment about making America great again, I kept asking myself when did we stop being great? Now I know.
Stacy (Manhattan)
For a half century the Republican party has clearly, consistently, and loudly promoted a policy of cutting taxes, shrinking or eliminating the safety net, radically reducing regulations on businesses and the environment, and pumping up the military. This has been no stealth agenda. In response, the poor have largely not voted and whole swathes of the working class in much of the country have solidly supported Republicans.

There are many reasons for this, including racism and gerrymandering on the Republican side, and poor communication and lack of conviction on the Democratic.

But at the end of the day, the people who will be most negatively affected by this budget - the poor, the rural elderly, and the struggling working class - have either welcomed it or have refused to engage with it. Maybe this sounds harsh. It is harsh. But people are about to discover if what they have supported, and brought on the country, is what they really want.

Personally, I am getting to that point of exhaustion where I don't feel I can read yet another article where hard-pressed people in a cafe somewhere in Kentucky or Iowa or West Virginia or Alabama or North Carolina or Ohio complain about the difficulties of their lives while proclaiming that Trump is their man. Virtually all of these places have Republican senators, Republican congressmen, and Republican local officials. Now they have Trump too.
EAP (Bozeman, MT)
How sad and ironic for the Republic, as Donald Trump and his chosen heirs cavort on the world stage with the Saudi Royal family.
Nancy Levit (Colorado)
Keep in mind that few hold most of the funds in the S.A. while many others in the Middle East are very poor. Yet their leaders do not care as long as they continue to build Outstanding Hotels, Cater to the wealthy and Walk over all in need. DO WE WANT OUR COUNTRY THE 'LAND OF THE FREE" To be one of such division caused by 1 man or do we want to be United as One Nation, the same one that was built from nothing but that has sustained pretty well without the Likes of trump or his cohorts!
Perry Neeam (NYC)
Too bad Trump had heel spurs and couldn't fight in Vietnam . He would've saved the country and the republicans a lot of money because he would've won that war in a few months all by himself instead of it dragging on like it did . The Vietnamese are lucky he came down with heel spurs too !
Bryan (Washington)
No matter what a politician says in regards to priorities, you simply have to look at the budget they propose or vote on. Budgets tell us more about a person's priority and a political party's beliefs than any manifesto can ever do.

If the current Republican ideology is reflected in this budget (voted on and enacted) they will no longer be able to hide behind their thinly articulated support of 'average Americans'. If Americans support this budget, it will clearly establish our nation's values as to how we treat our fellow citizens.

This should be a non-starter, based solely on the principles of protecting our citizens from those who would harm of us, from within or outside out country. This budget will do real harm to our fellow citizens.
hoffmanje (Wyomissing, PA)
Absolutely, show me where a man puts his money and time and I show you where he puts his values.
vulcanalex (Tennessee)
This budget delivers once again on those things that the president promised, so why be surprised about them. And of course as Hillary supporters you don't like them and never will. After all in your alternative reality she won and is just being kept from her destiny by corrupt contacts with the Russian government. So alternative reality that is.
decib (world)
I am confused how this is a "tax payer first" budget. I don't see anything in what is described that involves me paying any less in taxes. It just looks like a re-appropriation of the taxes that I have been directly paying into "entitlement programs" for other purposes. Yup, they are entitlement programs, its my money, I am entitled to it, and if the government isn't going to use it for the purpose it was intended for I want it back.
Gino (Hot Springs, AR)
this is "Tax Payer First" budget because GOP and President say so. It is like a TV show says Mama got a big fish, but the tv show is playing Mama did not have a big fish but caught married with a rich man. They are playing word games so that people will be confused to believe what they are selling. It is like a commercial saying this big money quick package was originally $3000, now you can get it for $39.99 in 4 payments. Bunch of crooks I would say.
Eric (Carlsbad,CA)
When does such actions become attempted murder? Talk about Death Panels! Trump wants to institute them, and have them run by the wealthiest sociopaths in the nation.
slopie (Brooklyn, NY)
If he gave up one weekend at Maralago he could fund Meals on Wheels for a few months. Where is the outrage? 70% of Trump's voters are on food stamps. Where is their outrage? Cuts to the poor and disabled on Medicaid. Where is the outrage?
Kay Kay (NYC)
Well, if budget will pass as is, can I say that people who voted for Trump deserve all these cuts? You've got what you voted for. But what about others? Everyone will suffer in one way or another, for many years to come.
Surprisingly, these budget would make rich people richer, and poor man very poor. Or not surprising at all, having THAT man in the White House?
Linda (Virginia)
Steal from the poor and give to the rich. No surprises here. For the working class who voted him in: It's a good thing that he says he's going to create more jobs because you need another one.
Petey Tonei (Ma)
Any Robin Hoods around? Will supply masks..
Bob Horner (Lexington, KY)
Oh noooooo.... Heaven forbid people pay for their own stuff!
David (Portland)
Bob, I suppose you are either wealthy and like the idea of more handouts for you, or you are not well versed as far as what they mean by 'entitlement programs', and you deserve what you get.
Spencer (St. Louis)
Tell that to Trump, who is living high with trips to florida and ski vacations for his kids on the American dime.
Robert Leudesdorf (Melbourne, Florida)
People should pay for their own stuff but can't if the services are not affordable. In what way does Trump's budget make anything affordable for those with poor or no financial resources? Taking from these people and further enriching the already wealthy is criminal.
StuartinBerkeley (Berkeley, CA)
"“This is, I think, the first time in a long time that an administration has written a budget through the eyes of the people who are actually paying the taxes.".

He must think we need glasses.
Frank W Smith (Boston MA)
At one time I felt a duty to help the working poor, the disadvantaged, the people who struggled to make ends meet.

At this point, I take delight in their incredible ability to shoot themselves in the foot.
Yakker (California)
I guess I'll have to tell my 94 year old mother-in-law that she needs to get a job now that she's exhausted her extensive savings paying for skilled nursing care. Since she's blind, incontinent, and can't walk it may affect her ability to attend interviews however. My wife and I are too old to lift her anymore so she requires more care than we can give her.

The Medicaid that has been picking up the remainder of her bill that isn't paid by her SS and her widow's pension of her decorated WWII veteran/Fire Chief husband is likely going to disappear with the 800 billion dollar cut of Medicaid.

Hopefully that factory job will come through for her because my wife and I may not be able to pay her bills after our SS and Medicare is slashed, if Paul Ryan gets his way.

Oh well, at least we're doing our part to Make America Great Again by providing a massive tax break for the ultra rich.
susan (NYc)
I am sick to death of hearing Social Security called an entitlement program. I worked and paid SS taxes. IT'S MY MONEY!!!!!! That said we don't need to throw more money at the Pentagon again. Did any of these Republicans ever read Eisenhower's speech warning about the military industrial complex? The military is the biggest welfare program in the government. I would rather my taxes pay for programs that help the poor than to pay for another war. Trump said he wanted to help the middle class....another lie in a long list of lies this man has told. What I want to know is why no one in the middle class or the poor who vote for Republicans can give a rational intelligent answer as to why they continue to vote against their own interests.
Robert (Out West)
SSI is EXACTLY an entitlement progam, which rests on people paying in and investments that give you FAR MORE in benefits than you ever paid in.

Good for SSI, but I myself am sick and tired of people oretending that it isn't what it is.
janet2662 (nj)
Wonder how his supporters are going to justify this to themselves. Wonder if the "he's looking out for us" will ring true to them.
Wonder how they will spin the consequences of the budget cuts to blame democrats.
Wonder how they will justify the tax cuts and what amounts to be a cash give-a-way to the wealthiest Americans in light of cuts to education, healthcare and programs for children and the poor.
Wonder what they think this budget says about the USA and our values.
Seattlite58 (Seattle)
This president is completely reprehensible and his budget is shameful in it's totally heartless disregard for humanity. It is also the biggest con perpetrated on the voting public. When I read Mr. Mulvaney's statement “We’re not going to measure our success by how much money we spend, but by how many people we actually help,” I was thoroughly aghast. HELPED??? The insanity of that remark is strikingly Orwellian and the epitome of doublespeak.

In my city, one of the most beautiful in the country, we are experiencing high growth rates. Jobs are plentiful, business is thriving, people are spending...but the growth of homelessness is also increasing by leaps and bounds. There are tent cities in affluent neighborhoods, there are encampments under bridges, the lines at the food banks wrap around the block. The services that are slated for the chopping block are not entitlements, they are necessary humanitarian aid for basic survival.

The disparity between the poor, elderly and disabled and those more fortunate is growing and will keep growing if this budget is passed. The fact that there is such total disregard for the less fortunate is disgusting. The distance from barely making ends meet to the ranks of the homeless is closer than you think.

Cut those programs and the people that are barely surviving now will join the multitude of the hopeless on the street corners holding signs that say "Will Work for Food. God Bless"
bharmonbriggs (new hampshire)
"I want to stand up for right " and your idea of right is to take health care from 20 million people so that 6 million already very rich people get a tax cut? Your idea of right requires a cold heart and no soul.
Janet B (Northern WI)
Stripping away support for the most vulnerable--clearly the actions of a bully--leaves a good-sized segment of the population in desperate circumstances. Desperate people do desperate things. Expect the crime rate to grow.
Chip (White Bear Lake, MN)
Trump goes on a fancy tour orchestrated to impress the American public with the respect betowed upon him by foreign leaders, timed to distract from the nonsense budget he releases back home. The Saudis are the only hacks he could get for this cycnical charade, and the Israelis, they can hardly afford to turn him down after being left in the cold for the last few years.

This trickery and the budget show he has no empathy or respect for his base. He thinks they are stupid enough to fall for this.
Nancy (Upstate NY)
The Republicans really aren't capable of thinking ahead, are they? Blue states will take up the slack for those who are shut out of healthcare, housing, food stamps, etc. The red state poor? They will die. The Republicans will actually kill off their base, their most reliable voters: poor, poorly educated white voters.
MidtownATL (Atlanta)
"Blue states will take up the slack for those who are shut out of healthcare, housing, food stamps, etc. The red state poor? They will die."

Well, the Republicans are the party of social Darwinism.
richard schumacher (The Benighted States of America)
"the plan hits hard at many of the people who voted for him" That'll fix 'em! But seriously, no, it won't, because many of them believe deep down that they, and everyone else, are Bad People and deserve to suffer.
Smith (Jackson, MS)
What a selfish Republican Party and president we have in place - filling their pockets while hurting the poor. And then they claim to follow Christ's teachings. Give me a break!
DWS (Dallas, TX)
"Through the eyes of the people actually paying the taxes", I hope Mulvaney is current on his screen writer guild dues because humor that good should be paid for.
vova (new jersey)
very good. you get what you deserve. now the punishment time.
Drew (<br/>)
Contemptible, pathetic, and embarrassing. Taking from the least fortunate to give more to the most fortunate. Either the Republic must die or the GOP, there isn't room for both.
SH (Virginia)
One of the more baffling issues is how do Trump supporters not realize that they are the ones who are going to lose under his administration? Do his supporters, many of whom are lower income, not realize that they are the ones who benefit from the social programs in place right now? The NY Times has featured several articles on Trump supporters and their reactions to his proposed cuts/ideas, etc. and they never quite seem to put two and two together that when they say there should not be entitlement programs that they are the ones who are actually using those programs. How is there such a huge disconnect by the people who use these programs and not realizing that they are the ones who are using them?

There is only so much we can do as a society for people, particularly people who cannot see things for what they are. His supporters will be the ones who are most harmed by his policies but it seems that they are unaware of this so what can the rest of us do?
walkman (LA county)
How is there such a huge disconnect by the people who use these programs and not realizing that they are the ones who are using them?

The purpose of right wing news such as Fox News and Rush is to create and maintain this disconnect so these programs can be eliminated with minimal disruption.
Loomy (Australia)

You and others ...all the others that can and should...get together and unite in common cause to vote in people who know what's right, will do what's right and help make things right.

And make it happen.
T3D (San Francisco)
The GOP has brainwashed its hoi palloi into believing that education is for suckers. "We tell you the truth. Pay no attention to the little man behind the curtain. We are great and powerful and no one else can be believed."
ch0212 (virginia)
And of course this budget spares Medicare. Currently seniors are receiving in benefits three times the amount they contribute. Further, Medicare is a disproportionate amount of the budget, so cutting it would amount to some actual money. Why will the government--and the press--never address this?
Sven Svensson (Reykjavik)
This is a wonderful blueprint for American growth and prosperity. And it marks more promises fulfilled.
bob (<br/>)
The House of Representatives writes the budget. The closer we get to November 2018 and house members hear from voters, you will see changes.
When you read that this nation is behind the rest of the civilized world in education, in universal health care, in offering basic decency to the least fortunate of its citizens, this is why. The people making the path have no concept of "less fortunate." They got theirs, and everybody who didn't must have been just lazy. They hear only the voices of their peers, who want a little more pocket money. We see every day the incredibly stupid things they do with it.
Susan H (SC)
Like spend 100 million dollars for a really ugly painting!
Ralph (Philadelphia)
"Greed" is the major value, if that's the word for it, for today's GOP. To greed, I guess you can add "cruelty." "Cut taxes on the top 1% and cut benefits for everyone else" is the Ryan/McConnell way. It doesn't matter to these two peerless leaders if the president is in cahoots with the Kremlin, as long as they have their enabler in the White House who will not veto their corrupt plans.
vulcanalex (Tennessee)
Yes of course we are behind those basically socalist countries, we are ahead in opportunities for the competent.
Tony P (Boston, MA)
The budget cut that is especially telling of the administration's true objectives was the cut to college loans for low income individuals. Not only does the administration look to kick those already down, the Trump budget is actively trying to limit who may attain the American dream.
PoliticalGenius (Houston, Texas)
Trump's daddy paid for the "education" he never achieved.
Trump has had everything handed to him by his daddy, his bankers, his investors, his three wives, his enablers and his admiring voters.
So clueless!
Upstate Dave (Albany, NY)
I do hope that the legions of homeless and terminally ill that these cuts will create, decide to camp out outside of Trump's residences and resorts until all of these jobs that Trump will supposedly create magically appear to lift them out of poverty.
brupic (nara/greensville)
it'll be interesting to see how trump's followers--the 'folks' most affected by these cuts--will feel after their boy's policies hit them hard.

or if they'll think it has something to do with benghazi and kenya.
J.O'Kelly (North Carolina)
These are not entitlement programs, they are means-tested programs. To receive benefits, individuals must meet income and other eligibility criteria. NYT reporters: do your homework.
kathleen cairns (san luis obispo)
Theoretically, they might be means tested. But theory doesn't always turn into practice.
Iver Thompson (Pasadena, Ca)
They used to call all these programs for the poor safety nets. I call them the backdrops that hide all the ugly machinery that the rich producers and directors don't want us to see that makes the pretty show spectacle possible. It's impressive, for sure, but it's all designed to make illusions look real. I wonder if reality really is as bad as we think? Maybe it's time we tried to find out.
Carey (Brooklyn NY)
OK Democrats, Liberals, President Obama, and Hillary it’s past time for blaming conservatives, the alt-right and the Koch brothers for the mess the country finds itself in. It was us that did it! We ignored the needs and complaints of the middle class. We ignored the crumbling condition of our failing cities. It’s time to turn our attention away from divisive rhetoric and move to inclusive action.
Starting with the premise that the health of our middle class is a priority - any Federal action or legislation must include a middle-class impact statement akin to the environmental impact statement required for construction projects. Are our middle-class citizens deserving of less careful consideration than a new factory, or pipeline?
Will stricter immigration enforcement help or hinder our middle-class citizens? Will changes in the tax code benefit the middle class, or not? What is the impact of interest rates on the economic health of our middle class? How do our energy and environmental policies impact the middle class? Etc., etc. etc.… These are not political issues they directly affect the health and future of our Republic.
“We the people…” is the original people’s impact statement.
Our middle class is a special interest group that has been ignored, and we are paying the penalty.
Julie (Half Moon Bay, CA)
Why help the truly needy when billionaires need tax cuts?
Vicki (Boca Raton, Fl)
Regarding the Trump proposed budget, the writer says, in part: "it calls for an increase in military spending of 10 percent..." but "no changes to Social Security's retirement program or Medicare, the TWO LARGEST DRIVERS OF THE NATION'S DEBT" (my emphasis). This is not exactly correct. For the most part, Social Security pays for itself and the easiest fix going forward is to simply raise the income cap for payment into this system. Also, very good arguments can - and have - been made that US debt has been "driven" by tax cuts for the wealthy and/or by our bloated spending on defense. There are some 17 "intelligence" agencies now? I would think there is a lot of redundancy there, as well as rather obvious over spending. I am most surprised that this slant would appear in the Times.
Abigail (Michigan)
I would recommend doing a small bit of research. Entitlement spending (spending where the amount spent is determined not by an appropriation, but by multiplying x benefits by y recipients, the guidelines for the magnitude of x and y laid out in the law creating/amending the given program) makes up the majority of our budget, and also of our debt.
Firstly, Social Security is no longer really "paying for itself" because we have many more recipients aging into benefits than we do young employees paying in.
Secondly, the US does not borrow money to cover specific programs, it borrows money broadly to cover gaps in the federal budget. Although tax cuts for the wealthy are certainly reducing revenue and requiring funding to come from elsewhere, in terms of programs with increasing costs, Social Security and Medicare are increasing costs at the greatest rate. This is not "slanted", or good or bad, it is simply the result of the American population aging. This is why they are the greatest "drivers" of the debt, because their costs are increasing at the most rapid pace.
Tar Heel Happy (North Carolina)
Living in Mark Meadows area, the poverty, the lack of almost everything boggles my mind that folks continue to vote for him. Well, elections do have consequences, Obama said often. Perhaps the many churches in this district may rise up and help those that are soon to be rolled over and on.
Obit for Joseph Heller in The New Yorker written by Kurt Vonnegut:

True story, Word of Honor:
Joseph Heller, an important and funny writer now dead, he and I were at a
party given by a billionaire on Shelter Island.

I said, “Joe, how does it make you feel to know that our host only yesterday
may have made more money than your novel ‘Catch-22’ has earned in its entire history?”
And Joe said, “I’ve got something he can never have.”
And I said, “What on earth could that be, Joe?”
And Joe said, “The knowledge that I’ve got enough.”
Not bad! Rest in peace!”

–Kurt Vonnegut

The New Yorker, May 16th, 2005
Laura (Hoboken)
Socially compassionate voters can breathe a cautious sigh of relief. With an effective Republican president and Republican majorities in both houses, we could legitimately fear dramatic changes, perhaps on par with Obama's health care initiatives. But economic fantasies and attacks on his own base are not likely to go anywhere.

I hope.
Steve (Long Island)
The days of the free Obama phones are over. Elections have consequences.
Glennmr (Planet Earth)
Fake news...the program was started by Reagan and expanded when cell phone became more widespread.
AC (Quebec)
Someone has to pay for all those tax cuts for the rich. The poor will do. Besides, they don't vote (and someone is making sure it remains this way).
Eleanore Whitaker (NJ)
How else can the Republican Party get their campaign donations if not by bulking up the wealthiest of the wealthy who dump billions into their campaigns?

One of the things President Obama was working on before the Russian hacking into the election became his major distraction was to stop the flow of our tax dollar into campaigns for candidates WE do not want to elect.

This is done very simply by corporations owned by billionaires who keep a line item in their fiscal budgets earmarking money for GOP campaigns. That forces employees and customers to contribute toward that line item used to keep Republicans in the majority and by assocation, in control of the government.

Let's be honest here. The Republicans got away with 2 rigged elections in 2000 and 2004 using only the SC, hanging chads and Bush's brother, Jeb's State of Florida to decide the winner of those elections.

But, the Republicans knew they couldn't revisit those same strategies because voters had grown too suspicious. What better way to win a rigged election than by using "offshore" assistance and allowing a candidate with big time ties to "foreign business" like Trump to run from the RNC?

The Republicans are either not to computer savvy or they simply knew come high tide or tornado winds, they HAD to win the 2016 election. So, you bet they all knew the election was hacked by the Russians.

Trump winning by "any means necessary" gets the Republicans their repeal and replace of everything "Obama."
kathleen cairns (san luis obispo)
And look where it got Jeb! He's not president. Nor is he even in politics anymore. His family reputation lies in tatters. He does, however, have a multi-million-dollar condo in Coral Gables, and the wherewithal to ponder buying a baseball team.
Andrew (New York, NY)
Where did this resentment of the middle and working class come from on the part of the GOP? Mulvaney's statement “This is, I think, the first time in a long time that an administration has written a budget through the eyes of the people who are actually paying the taxes” is indicative of the hubris, arrogance, and gall that is driving the GOP and this administration.

For years, the GOP has believed that if they can re-create 1984 the economic year (not the Book, but...), with it's 7% growth and low unemployment, that all of the nation's ills will be solved. However, anyone with a pulse who has lived the past 9 years should know that that level of growth is not attainable in today's economy. This reliance on an economic outlier is only one of many intellectually dishonest analyses the GOP has been using for some time. And Trump could care less...he just wants a deal.
D Price (Wayne, NJ)
"A New Foundation for American Greatness," huh? The so-called POTUS and I define "great" differently. Hey, Donald, it's more than a word on a hat.
sc (seattle)
Many nursing home patients are recipients of medicaid. I hate to think our priorities are a gratuitous wall and more guns while apparently being willing to dump the elderly and disabled out ...on the street.

Sarah Palin was right about death squads, just the wrong president and the wrong party.
PogoWasRight (florida)
I do not believe that it should be called "Trump's Budget". He does not have the mental capacity to do these is the GOP and the Republicans. Trump just watches and salivates, knowing how it will benefit his family and his cohorts in our new Banana Republic.
Mike (Little falls, NY)
Call me callous, but I really can't find too much pity for the working poor and lower-middle class in the heartland, rust belt and upper Midwest that voted for this guy. This was entirely predictable. When are these people going to realize that Republicans hate them?
JohnV (<br/>)
Trump Steals Meals on Wheels.
Nice work on that budget.
bb (berkeley)
This budget shows that Trump and his cronies care little about human beings and only about making more money for the rich. This budgets consequences will put a strain on local and states budgets. Who is going to take care of the disabled, the poor and those without food? No Republican should be elected during the next cycle. Trump and his administration are causing a breakdown in this country and are disregarding any rules of law. He should be removed from office.
TS-B (Ohio)
The bill is a heartless and short-sighted plan designed by heartless and greedy people who lack all compassion and common sense.
Phil M (New Jersey)
I pray that all the Trump supporters will suffer for their brainless and heartless vote, but it is unfair and obscene that all the people, a majority, who did not vote for this despicable human being will suffer as well. Only the rich will prosper. How can we stop this man-child from the evil policies which he is bestowing on us?
moosemaps (Vermont)
Why of course, makes complete sense, who needs to help a neighbour in need when you can build a huge foolish wall and give money to rich men instead?
Mark Guzewski (Ottawa, Ontario)
"It calls for an increase in military spending of 10 percent"
This is really insane. It will only enrich the arms manufacturers and do nothing for American security. The US already spends more on defense than the rest of the world.

Hey, maybe that money could be used to finance a bit of health care for the poor instead? Naw... just let the undeserving layabouts die.
Jeremy (arizona)
Apparently, America First and Making America Great are synonymous with double downing on a police state to protect a trickle down system and the wealthy. I guess one needs so much military and police for a system proven not to work and a sham.
milkweed (Philly)
Can you say "class warfare"? How terribly sad to help the rich and cut the programs to the poor and disabled. Shameful!
Chico (New Hampshire)
This budget all proposed by a man that lives in a home decorated with all gold fixtures and looks like he is residing in the Palace of Versailles, what does that tell you?

I think Steve Bannon should educate Donald Trump on the history behind the French Revolution.
Edyee (Maine)
"This budget is dead on arrival...There’s not a snowball’s chance that most of this deep deficit reduction will even be considered in a serious way.”

Why is this budget being proposed if not to show the full, despicable intent of Ryan and the Republican ideologists to harm the poorest in the name of the richest among us? I'm sick of excuses like, 'Aw, it's DOA anyways- don't worry." When will these sleazy ideologists posing as public servants be taken at their word? They ARE trying to pass this budget or else they wouldn't have put it in writing.
The Republicans rule. What if it DOES pass as written?
Gayatri (Boston)
I've worked extensively with the group of people that are recipients of Medicaid, General Assistance, SSI, SNAP, you name it. Sure, I can name a few who were gaming the system, and I'll admit that it made me furious to know where my tax dollars were being spent, but the majority of them were unable to work because they were either too crippled (physically or mentally), too feeble, too frail, too old, or because they had nobody else to rely on. I can no longer find an adjective that fits Trump. The very people who voted for him will be had by him, AGAIN.
Beth Broun (Woodstock, New York)
Wait. Help me. I have Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. I did not choose this disease. Its brutal!. I'm disabled. I live on SSDI. If they take that away how do I live?
eve (san francisco)
Can you possibly give millions to some right wing politician? If not, you don't count in what is left of this country.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
Culling the herd. Trump voters: its YOU this hurts, most. Are you winning, now?????
JW (Colorado)
Trump's poorer supporters won't even realize he's hurt them. They'll come up with some Faux News propaganda, wave some flags, point some fingers, and these fools will vote back in the same people who kill their family members and make their lives miserable.

The deep and undeniable depth of ignorance displayed by these people is beyond comprehension. The Republican agenda of "dumming down Merica" and keeping 'those' voters from the polls is working well. Too bad the rest of us have to go down with these fools. It seems that Democracy is Dead in the USA. Now we have everything going to the highest bidder, with the best paid liars, to lead us deeper into slavery (wages no one can live on) and decay.

I'm encouraging my grandchildren to look to other, more sane and successful countries for their futures. It's hard to believe the USA will survive as any kind of shining light for anything but tyrants and greed. The system has been 'fixed' until it is now totally dysfunctional, and what does function is destructive to anything but the members of the oligarchy that rule us, and their idiot front man and his family.
Pat (Long Island)

How is all that "winning" and " MAGA !" treating ya?
Joe (Nyc)
Trump and Paul Ryan obviously think that the poor don't lead hard or desperate enough lives. Likewise, they think that the rich don't have enough money to spend on themselves. For those who voted for Trump (I'm looking at you, West Virginia) this is what you deserve.
MsPea (Seattle)
Just another useless and pathetic non-starter for Trump. His method of leadership is to push for something so outrageous that he knows it will go nowhere, but he can still claim that he's done something and list it as one of his "accomplishments." Then, he'll blame others when it stalls. Exactly what he did on healthcare.
William Rodham (Hope)
Yeah no...
Liberals seriously can't do math.
The 12,000 pages of tax code are carve outs for the 1%
The trump plan will end these carve outs deductions and dodges
Both NYT and Wapo reporters ignore this fact and simply calculate the proposed lower percentage and then run around like their hair is on fire.
So according to liberals math the 1% are getting both the 12,000 pages of tax dodges Plus the lower rate which is a lie, better know as fake news
Mark Mammarella (Berkeley)
Trump Whitehouse breeding Extremism. This budget is an act of violence.
Mark (Cheyenne, WY)
You got what you asked for, voters. Now enjoy the spoils.
C. Taylor (Petaluma, CA)
Why is the GOP shocked? It's exactly the kind of budget they always talk about implementing. Typical cut and spend that in no way balances the budget. Hurts poor women and children while attempting to leave their older base alone. Supply side fairy dust.
Law Feminist (Manhattan)
Republicans have mastered this strategy of getting people to view those who need the safety net as the villain rather than those who are actively taking it away:

Step 1: Cut medical services and food subsidies to poor.
Step 2: Rail against immigrants and brown people, strongly implying, or now even outright claiming (falsely), it is their fault Medicaid and SNAP benefits have been reduced.
Step 3: Enact tax cuts to the wealthy, telling constituents it will give them enough income not to need the services for "those" people.
Step 4: Use the money for increased CEO pay and shareholder dividends. Repeat steps 1-3.
J.Kelly (Pennsylvania)
Although I know that this declaration of war on the poor will probably not make it past those representatives who haven't sold their souls to their highest donors, it is still shocking to think that it was even seriously proposed or defended. This is what happens when you give people who live in golden towers the power to decide thumbs up or down over the lives of those for whom they care nothing. America is not a corporation. The President is not a CEO. We, the people, aren't just workers feeding the machines. You can't simply destroy the lives of the men, women, and children of the United States because they cut into shareholders profits.
sm (new york)
Didn't the Supreme court decide that corporations were people? Albeit, soulless interested in the bottom line, that was the death knell to any compassion to our fellow humans. So much for being a shining example to the rest of the world. It is shameful to have come to this and more so that some of our fellow citizens have bought into the idea. Propaganda for good or bad always influences the unthinking.
Jerry (Boston)
This is all out war folks, make no mistake. It isn't in the middle east or north korea, its here right in front of our eyes. One plus of the Trump administration is that government doesn't even bother to sugarcoat things like the Democrats try to do, they put it front and center.

Only one question left to be answered.. what do the people do? If history is any guide, not a whole lot :/
John D Buhrmann (Lincoln NE)
I really do see method where others see madness. The last president didn't have a budget that got through congress and we managed to endure that. This guy didn't get elected by doing things the "standard" way and this just points to that. I for one am glad he is living up to his political promises, no matter how grandeur they may have been. At least this guy backs up what he says on the campaign trial with action in the while house. Now if we could just get him to promise economic prosperity for all that would really be something.
M (Seattle)
Anti-poverty efforts don't work. You might as well take a match to the money. It just keeps people poor and reliant on the government.
Adam (Catskill Mountains)
How many of those who voted for Trump are going to be adversely affected by his 'new' policies? How many regret their vote? I really do wonder. I feel that this was a bait and switch as during the campaign, he'd said he wouldn't touch Medicare/Medicaid. He lied. Again. And that infrastructure budget? I have a feeling that he wishes for some of the same benefits that Halliburton/KBR enjoyed with no-bid contracts for Iraq. Trump's GOING to eventually make money on these infrastructure policies. Trump's GOING to make the lives of vulnerable Americans more difficult for the sake of favoring those who he will rely on for his success when he leaves office. He's padding his coffers.
MikeInMi (SE Michigan)
Yet another election campaign promise dashed on the shores of conservative ideology. And just how many of his supporters who will be affected by this particular bit of predictable maliciousness will, just as they did when he signed on to rip away their medical coverage, simply sigh and whisper, "Well, he knows what he's doing. I suppose it's all for the best"?
Mia Manning (Long Island)
A social "safety net" is not supposed to become one's primary income. Our social welfare system has approached complete socialism by actually encouraging individuals not to work. Entitlements go for drugs, tobacco and booze rather than for food and living essentials. Woman get pregnant so they don't have to work. As soon as a person gets a job they are cut off. Hey I have an idea, let's actually reward them for their efforts. Oh and if I have to be drug tested to work, we should drug test those who seek entitlements! And then there are those who aren’t even American citizens, here illegally that are receiving these benefits! The welfare system encourages dependence instead of lifting people out of poverty and creates behavioral poverty. Here is a statement in regards to the new proposal you won’t read in the NYTimes:
"We are no longer going to measure compassion by the number of people on those programs. We're going to measure compassion by how many people we can get off those programs," said Mulvaney, who added that there would be a work requirement for some Americans to continue receiving food stamps.
"If you're on food stamps and you're able-bodied, then we need you to go to work,"
John (Stowe, PA)
That already is how the system works. Welfare Reform Act of 1996 put lifetime limits on benefits, and the vast majority who use those kinds of service do so for short periods of time.

Elise (Northern California)
You claim that everyone on assistance is sitting around all day doing nothing. You claim they buy "drugs, tobacco and booze" instead of looking for work. Really? How many real people on assistance of any kind do you know?

What work would you like them to get? What about those who live in economically depressed areas that don't even have a WalMart? What JOBS do you want them to apply for? There aren't any. Corporations have shipped all the jobs overseas, thanks to Republican policies to make more money for shareholders.

"Women get pregnant so they don't have to work." Then why do Republicans want to deny them birth control or abortion access? The "welfare queens driving their Cadillacs" mentality is straight out of the 1970s Reagan Republican propaganda playbook. This, however, is the 21st Century.
Our son, now 32, has Down Syndrome. He lives in a group home with three other adults and all four require 24 hour supervision. Jon works 21 hours each week washing dishes and helping with food prep at a local restaurant. Virtually all of his earnings and public support goes to the agency that provides for his care.

Jon earns today. But this may not be the case in the future as he ages. Adults with Down Syndrome are susceptible to health issues that are not behavior based but tied to his diagnosis.

We only hope that in the dialogue taking place that the people who generalize issues understand that the issue of healthcare for the disabled is not a general issue. It is a specific issue affecting people who want to work but may be limited in the amount of time they can work, if they can work at all, due to a mental or physical disability.

Spare us the broad brush strokes (MM - "Woman get pregnant so they don't have to work.") and address the reality that there are people out there who need support.

Oh, and by the way, we are doing all we can to help our son with love and support.
Christine McM (Massachusetts)
I'm trying to reprise a post I sent an hour ago, that wasn't published--something seems off with the comments system today.

"This is simply not a budget. It's a highly partisan document that outlines a draconian and cruel view of GOP lawmakers, including Trump, who have no concept of what it means to be poor in America.

As Michael Steele-a Republican no less--says, nobody wakes up saying, "I'm going to be poor today." Most people leaning on poverty programs have been crushed by decades of GOP-inspired corporate policies---offshoring, downsizing, mergers and acquisition, use of contract workers--that led to many people losing their jobs through no fault of their own.

Older workers have been particularly hard it: those in their fifties, those who can't find new jobs, people forced to apply for food stamps. It's no coincidence that the huge increase sin SNAP programs coincided with the great Recession of late 2008-2011.

Other categories include the disabled (no, not every disabled person is cheating!), the elderly poor, and young people who can't find work.

There is a punitive quality to this budget that goes beyond cruel--it's counterproductive unless you belong to a party that would just love to have these people disappear. It would be nice if lawmakers conducted some hands-on research on just who these poor people are--maybe if they visited soup kitchens, talked to clergymen, and attended a job-search meeting, they'd finally discover the other side of America."
Biglefty (Alabama)
Major cuts for health, children, elderly and breaks for billionaires. Yep....sounds about right.
Haef (NYS)
"'This is, I think, the first time in a long time that an administration has written a budget through the eyes of the people who are actually paying the taxes,' said Mick Mulvaney, Mr. Trump’s budget director."

Nah. I'm pretty sure budgets designed by one percenters to benefit one percenters has been done before.
lulu roche (ct.)
As the president enjoys cake and gifts of gold as he travels the world with an entourage of family and staff, there are real people who have not much to eat or are terminally ill with nowhere to turn. The Managed Democracy proposed by Rand loving Ryan and the Mercer family as well as the Kochs, Bannon, Jared, etc. will benefit the extremely wealthy who are in need of nothing. Mr. Trump rubs a glowing globe and curtsies in an attempt to show some understanding of world affairs while the leaders in other countries balk or giggle. He is the uninformed frontman to a horrific regime of the rich getting richer. I so wish his supporters would wake up and see that they are pawns. Saudis gave Ivanka 100 million for a 'fund' after her daddy gave them 110 billion yet the red hat wearers are impressed. Their futures have been stolen and I find myself grieving for the great experiment that was Democracy.
Susan H (SC)
If you want to see "pay to play" just look at the money and privileges being lavished on the Trump and Kushner families by foreign investors and governments!
Chantel (<br/>)
In other words, Leave No Billionaire Behind.
Petey Tonei (Ma)
Don't forget their families and friends rewards...
nadinebonner (Philadelphia, PA)
No matter who the president is, there is always a big gap between the proposal and the budget that passes. So this is just the first round, and who knows how it will really fall out? As far as these cuts hurting Trump's voting base, I think it is abundantly clear that those voters think he walks on water. Everything he does is just dandy, and these types of articles are just "politics." No one is feeling buyer's remorse. So even if they go down, no one can rely on them to abandon him next time around.
usok (Houston)
We cannot have both the cake and toppings at the same time. With Social Security and Medicare are untouchable, we either have to reduce the increase of military spending to 5% or less or cut down the social warfare expenses. Let the elected officials really work for their salary and benefits by starting negotiation across the isles.
Scott Cole (Ashland, OR)
...or actually tax the wealthy.
REDISTRIBUTION: ooooh.....bad word!
Todd (New York)
Meanwhile, in a different reality - local arts programs, senior centers and community health clinics would all be fully funded, and the Air Force would have to hold bake sales.
DRS (Toronto)
Mr. Trump needs to see Ken Loach's latest film I, Daniel Blake, about the impact of heartless government on struggling, sick, unemployed and poor people. It's a powerfully persuasive statement on how the lives of the suffering many are made worse by the uncaring few like Theresa May and Donald Trump.
Jim (Long Island)
Social security is a one of the" largest drivers of the nation's debt"? What is going on at the Times. This is the second time this week I have seen this stated in an article here. First of all I would think that the reporters would understand the difference between the debt and the deficit. I

Social Security is an insurance program that is still taking in more money than it is spending. Why are you ignoring the income from these programs? How can you in any way say it is driving the debt (you mean deficit)?

What is driving the debt is the continued cutting of government income in the form of tax cuts. We have been running a deficit since the 80's and yet the Republicans have instituted massive tax cuts 3 times with no results in increased economic activity.
anon (fairfax)
Faced with about $200,000 in law school debt, four years ago I began working in the public sector both to do public service and to take advantage of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, which would forgive the balance of my federal loans after 10 years of making income-based payments. I have reoriented by life around this program, taking a substantial pay hit doing a job I wouldn't otherwise do in the hope of eventually unburdening myself from this second mortgage. During these four years, my payments have not covered the interest (over 7%, or more than $14,000 per year), so my loan principal has increased.

I have relied on PSLF as a life line. I live in a high cost area--because that's where the jobs are--and live in a tiny condo with my wife and son because I am effectively paying two mortgages.

I don't know what I'd do if PSLF went away. I'd look for another job in another place and start over. I imagine other public servants would do the same. And my faith in government would diminish. Maybe that's Trump's point, for government is the enemy.
A Guy (East Village)
“This is, I think, the first time in a long time that an administration has written a budget through the eyes of the people who are actually paying the taxes,” said Mick Mulvaney, Mr. Trump’s budget director.

This is, I think, the exact opposite of how taxes should work in a civilized, democratic society. We're not supposed to be an oligarchy.

This administration is an absolute disaster.
Slann (CA)
The repubs must unite to eliminate tax cuts for the rich. If not, they are in deep trouble. There's NO EXCUSE for giving away tax dollars. History has shown there is NO "trickle down" effect, as corporations do NOT invest if their consumer base doesn't supply demand. They park the money offshore, and/or do stock buybacks. There is NO economic boost. Worse, as consumers have to shoulder an even more unfair tax burden themselves, coupled with this administration's tone-deaf assault on the minimum wage and health insurance, they will not be spending what little cash they have.
The obvious result is a RECESSION. The obsession with NOT TAXING transnational corporations (e.g., GE) puts the brakes on the economic engine.
It is unconscionable to not RAISE taxes on the super-rich, who do NOT pay their fair share for this country's "overhead". And we do NOT need to spend anything more on defense (we currently outspend the next 7 countries in the world COMBINED), and, instead, we need to cut defense spending, and eliminate the wasteful programs that absorb cash (such as the Pentagon's "slush fund" created by overcharging America for fuel).
The War Machine budget creates social inequality, needless, paranoid wall building, and ignores pressing infrastructure needs. Needs which should be addressed by taxes, NOT by "privatization" for TOLL ROADS, TOLL BRIDGES, etc., to further bleed consumers, while enriching corporations.
This budget does NOT "promote the general welfare".
gdhrbr (brookline)
How is it that of all the smart people in this country, including in the military, we continue to look to weaponry as the way to "protect" ourselves and our allies, when it's quite clear that the malevolent use of technology can cause broader damage and wreak more havoc over entire countries--at very little cost to the perpetrators--than even a nuclear bomb could do? that is not to diminish the horrific effects of the worst bombs, but when a US election can be determined by an onslaught of lies and misinformation presented as news without even having to mess with voting machines, imagine what will happen when enemies--be they Russia, Korea, or Syria, et al.--can control computer systems from the Pentagon to airports to hospitals to transit systems to air and water sensors to police and fire departments to banks and so on….How can we not be changing our focus and $$$ from big guns and bombs to securing our own tech systems and networks and figuring out how to destroy the technical capabilities of our enemies, should that become necessary? I'm sure there is a lot of work occurring with high tech systems, but at what point will technology start decreasing the money necessary to build and maintain conventional killing machines?
Red Scooter (NY NY)
Well at least we'll get that all important wall - we'll need it to keep all the "poor and huddled masses" from escaping our country so they can keep working at low wages and paying high taxes so that the rich can have more golf courses.
Buttons Cornell (Toronto)
Hundreds of years ago, people, in the ancient world observed the movements of stars in the sky for years on end, keeping charts so that they could understand the universe.

However, the observations and charts indicated that the earth went around the sun in an oval shape and they knew – the knew! – that this must be wrong. Their reasoning was that God had made the world and the universe, and that it was perfect and that everything had to be in a perfect circle because a circle is perfect and God is perfect so the observations and charts had to be wrong.

To correct this, they created ever more complicated additional calculations to add to their actual observations so their charts and observations conformed to their beliefs. Because there was no way the world moved in the way they saw it move, and they had to convince themselves it moved in the way they believed.

Republicans are exactly the same. Their guy is perfect, their party is perfect and that everything bad happens because it is God’s will and the Democrats and their godless ilk fault.

Until such time that hundreds of millions of average Americans voters wake up and witness the reality in front of them - and stop making excuses – the USA will remain a one party nation.
Earl W. (New Bern NC)
If only the federal government had taken the large surpluses that Social Security was running to pay down the national debt, financing retirement for the baby boomers would not have been a problem. It is too often forgotten that the baby boomers paid much higher tax rates on a much larger tax base for a longer period of time than all previous generations. It's not our fault that W. and Obama wasted the surpluses, so don't balance future federal budgets on our backs (we already gave at the office).