Where’s Ivanka When We Need Her?

May 05, 2017 · 612 comments
Springsjulie (NC)
Wow. It's the real "Handmaid's Tale". Scary and infuriating.
joanne (Pennsylvania)
As a self-promoter, she's written widely panned books.
In her first, she credited among her positive influences Fox News founder Roger Ailes, accused of sexual harassment by over 20 women.
Interesting how she's patted herself on the back as to quickly getting back to work once having children, while not crediting the multiple nannies and assistants.
Apple fell close to tree. She thinks she's superwoman.

This article is worthwhile:

gregg rosenblatt (ft lauderdale fl)
The apple is a worse hypocrite by far than the tree. He makes no apologies for his stances, whereas she tries to depict herself as an advocate for female empowerment, but remains silent on the significant issues. We are truly at the mercy of the robber barons, and my only hope is that their behavior is so transparently outrageous over the next four years that the people will finally realize how badly they've been scammed, rise up, and boot the whole party from power. Towards that end, I actually hope this health care bill passes. With apologies for all the individuals who are screwed by it, the end would truly justify the means.
Linda (Denver, CO)
She learned from the Master -- her dad. Both are good at saying what you want to hear. Shallow words; shallow people. When I watch her being interviewed, she seems disingenuous. She knows she's being recorded, so she tries for the academy award for best actress.
Susan (USA)
Ivanka won't stand up to her father's leering public comments about her or his embarrassing "hands on" greeting on the Republican Convention stage. If she lacks integrity to resist Dad's incursion of her personal space, she likewise lacks substance to protect anyone else.
Steve Fankuchen (Oakland, CA)
If someone mugs you, steals a hundred bucks but leaves you two bucks for a bus ride home, they are not doing you a favor, and you do not thank them. They are the perp and you are the victim. Perhaps one cannot reasonably expect Ivanka Trump to denounce her father, but before one should take her at all seriously as a force for good, she should at least resign from his administration.

Lately there have been quite a few pieces in the news if not quite lauding Ivanka, at least positing good in association with her. To me it seems more a case of her and her father playing Good Cop, Bad Cop with the American public. And we know how that works. In a way it is bit like Marine Le Pen allegedly axing her father from their semi-fascist party in a pretend-serious act as a way to clean up her and the party's image.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
You may not like him, but Bill Clinton did feel your pain. Trump doesn't have the capacity to put himself into your shoes to see from where you see.
Shirley Tomkievicz (Portland Oregon)
Did Ivanka ever send a sick child to school because mom would lose her job if she missed another day of work? Did she ever see child care eat up 2/3 of her income? Has she ever calculated the cost of her household servants? Does she indeed pay them minimum wage and social security and benefits, or is it all under-the-counter? Truly, truly O Ivanka, it is better to be a billionaire's daughter and then marry money and then have your dad get elected president. That is very very empowering! See-realization the good old fashioned way.
ACT-MA (Boston)
The Trump children have learned how to survive in a dysfunctional family with an abusive parent. They have modeled themselves to meet his approval and know better than to question or challenge him.

Just as many hoped that President Trump would not be the same as candidate Trump, many see a calm and cogent Trump daughter and expect her to have any influence. Yet the evidence is clear that is not the case. For instance, how did her and her husband's "moderating influence" allow Breitbart Bannon to ascend to the White House. Surely, their Judaism would have caused them to sound the alarm to their father.

The Trumps are grifters, nothing more, nothing less.
Leigh (Qc)
Someone who always looks like she's posing is a poseur. What else is there to say except, what a waste?
Scott (Syracuse)
Ivanka is part of the con.
You are what you do, not what you say. The next time she actually does something that does not enrich her, her family, and her brand, it will be the first time.
Christopher Babick (Chester NJ)
Ivanka was featured in the years-old documentary, 'Born Rich'. The camera showed the dramatic view of the New York landscape from her Trump Tower bedroom. She was seen with her born-rich peers partying at a Hampton's night club. It was telling. Her reality had very little, if any, similarity to the average American. God bless her that she was so fortunate to have been born into a wealthy family. However, her world view, training, and experience does little to qualify her to be an adviser to the most powerful man in the world, let alone give advice to average Americans.
Naomi (New England)
Anyone who thinks contraception doesn't work should talk to my 93-year-old mother, who planned five children (one of whom miscarried at four months) pretty much down to the day, using a diaphragm and basal thermometer.

It annoyed her that her obstetrician still used the standard last-missed-period formula for due dates, even though she could tell him precisely when she conceived.

Obviously, contraception does not work perfectly for everyone -- but it can be very, very effective tool when women are given the knowledge and tools to use it, especially newer and more reliable methods than those available to my mom, who remains a staunch supporter of Planned Parenthood and NARAL.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom, even though you consider it a "Hallmark holiday" marketing scheme not worthy of observance! You and Dad taught us that without real control over their fertility, women have no real control over their futures.
susan (NYc)
My mother worked back in the 1960's because she wanted to. My father never complained about my mother wanting a career. I don't need someone like Ivanka Trump to tell me about working mothers. My mother was my role model. Ivanka is a product of a wealthy family. She knows nothing abut middle class people (as my family was). This book is just another cash grab from a greedy family. I wouldn't read it if it was available for free.
jamie baldwin (Redding, Conn.)
Nailed it once again. Thank you, Gail Collins.
Corte33 (Sunnyvale, CA)
Ivanka is a beautiful, talented woman. That in itself will earn the scorn of most females. Her writing a book on empowerment is akin to MD's writing books on dieting. Ivanka wants to get her name out there. She needs to show she's not a clueless nitwit like her father. Ivanka's editor will make the book sell; it's better than reading a book by Hillary Clinton, the ultimate loser.
KJ (Tennessee)
I'm sorry you didn't like Clinton's book.

I didn't read it either.
Medman (worcester,ma)
Ivanka is the daughter of the worst con man pathological liar in the world. Same gene pool and no surprise there. Con man trained her well how to manipulate and deceive people to expand her business empire. Greed drives her. Of course, she uses her gender and use few statements here and there to show that she is progressive. Trump has the worst unqualified cabinet in the US history. The candidates are chosen not based on talents, but whether the candidate will serve as a poodle. Con man won the election by fake news, trolls, KGB help, division and fear mongering. He appoints the most unqualified people to continue the division while our great nation is put at a great danger. The "progressive" Ivanka does not say anything because the dad and daughter believe that fear and division is the best way to hold on to power. What a shame and disgrace for the people who won't take off their blindfold and see how the Trump empire is destroying the basic foundation of our great Country.
Fuzzman (Inner Planetary Ring)
Another case of the Trumps thumbing their collective noses at you. They continue to profit from their personal business empire and use their "elected" position to move their products. Just because she's "volunteering" doesn't entitle her to free publicity - First daughter my butt.
Chris Parel (Northern Virginia)
The only paradigm that promises any comfort is to expect nothing good of the Trumps. That way we can appreciate any crumbs of hope. Trump, Ivanka, Jared, many cabinet members and agency heads broadly share incompetence, ignorance, and bias as their distinguishing characteristics. They are enabled by a mean spirited Republican Party that celebrates the sacrifice of the well-being of the old, poor and ill so they can greedily reap the benefits of lower taxes. Given Trump's penchant for choosing horrible people for his closest advisers someone who is less horrible and who could even grow a conscience --let's count the crumbs and hope for better...
CJ (New York)
Well, if contraception becomes much harder to afford for so many women,
they might want to consider the "Lysistrata Solution"......from a
comedy by Aristophanes about a group of women who go on a sex strike.....
which has the side benefit of giving them more time in the kitchen...
Problem solved.
Hoping Aristophanes will forgive the quality of the "cliff notes"
Paw (Hardnuff)
Seems Ivanka has an alibi for failing to fight her father's kooky appointments: She wasn't elected to power & therefore has none.

Those of us who imagined Ivanka would ever be an impediment to Trump's bizarre ideological anti-science, anti-biology, anti-fact act, allowed themseleves to be mislead by false hopes.

While Trump's daughter & son-in-law may be registered Democrats, we also remember that it was Ivanka who led the guy down the golden escalator to rant about Mexicans & snark at respectful 'political correctness' toward anyone.

This is an odd father-daughter relationship, one that I'd want to know nothing about were it not for the massively destructive power invested in an unstable, odd president who does not negotiate anything in good faith.

Ivanka is obviously an extremely fair-weather friend to any feminist issues. She is a willful enabler of a very shifty, disrespectful guy, who has already declared his entitlement to his daughter's body & mind, when he proclaimed that he would be 'dating her if she wasn't his daughter'.

If anything, Ivanka Trump is a symbol to girls & daughters to NOT indulge fathers with dominance & control issues regarding their daughter's sexuality & obedience, to fight these men early & often.

Daughters of controlling, sexually domineering men must distance themselves & protect their independence lest they fall under the thumb of that strange, domineering, sexually-sticky thing so many fathers seem to do to their daughters.
Carole A. Dunn (Ocean Springs, Miss.)
I don't know who all these crazy women are who disapprove of birth control. All I have is anecdotal evidence from my own conversations with local women, but it does tell you something. As you can see, I live in South Mississippi, bastion of fundamentalism. I have talked with a number of women from Pentacostals to Southern Baptists, and they are all on board with birth control. In fact, many have said that they think it is irresponsible to have more than two children.

Women should not be slaves to biology and deserve to protect their own physical and mental well-being and that of their children. The whole world also is in need of slowing down population growth. The words in the bible, "go forth and multiply" was written in a time when the world needed population. That has no logical meaning today.
AdrianB (Mississippi)
Ivanka is as superficial as her father, manipulative as her father,this is just a financial game for them both,why would you expect anything else from her.?
vickie (Columbus/San Francisco)
Ivanka is a prettier, smarter, more savvy version of her adoring father. Haven't seen much to dissuade me from her past business practices.
There is more birth control out there than the pill or an IUD. Let's look at it from the other side, men who can't impregnate or women unable to get pregnant without expensive intervention. That is "nature's" birth control. Let's eliminate E.D. medication. What about hormones and IVF? And no harvesting of eggs or sperm banks either. And only you can carry your child, no surrogates. Shall we all insert ourselves into someone's decisions?
AE (California)
Just stop. Ivanka is her father's daughter. She and Kushner will greatly benefit from Trump' s attempts to use his presidential position to enrich himself and his friends. Average Americans will have to look to each other to get ourselves out of this mess. Stop projecting hopes onto this mirage of competency. She says and does nothing, albeit more prettily.
AG (Calgary, Canada)
Donald gropes while America burns.
Dhr9 (Charlotte, NC)
Why would anyone think that Ivanka would ever be anything but oblivious to the needs of ordinary women?
Granny (<br/>)
Ivanka is a Stepford child who supports her father and her family without question. No more, no less. To expect her to understand the needs of women who have to juggle family, work, health, finances, etc. is simply unrealistic. It is interesting, however, to note that the current health care bill does provide coverage for Viagra and other similar medications for men. Perhaps the women of this country should follow the path of Lysistrata in the play by Aristophanes, and withhold sex until men start treating them as equals...period...in every area of life! Just a thought!!
Terri Smith (USA)
Just wondering why everyone expects a woman to keep Trump in line, a pampered daughter no less. We ALL should have voted for Hillary Clinton. She is the only one who could have kept Trump and the GOP in line.
Esteban (Philadelphia)
I First,and foremost, Ivanka is the poster girlfor nepotism. Ivanka like her father is a self-promoter, who appears to be solely interested in increasing sales for her various products. I believe part of her self-promotion is selling an image of herself as a moderating voice in the Trump family. However, in practice, there is no evidence of her being a moderating voice or influence.

Trump's policies are ,as he promised during his campaign, egregiously sexist,xenophobic and racist. Consequently, Ivanka's spin that she is moderate has not been borne out.
Fallopia Tuba (New York City)
This sounds like the "damned if you do, damned if you don't" method of contraception; it's a great way of controlling women.

So when do we get to impeach the Donald? Can't be too soon for me.
Stephen Beech (Santa Monica)
Where's Ivanka???? Maybe getting that massage she so missed during the tragedy of the last election?
Charlie B (USA)
At the plantations of the Old South there was always the lady of the manor, who would visit the slave quarters passing out food or tending to the sick. Perhaps she told herself she was mitigating evil, but she was fully part of a monstrous system.

Ivanka reminds me of those women. Let us not bow down to her in the hope that she'll put in a good word with her evil and ignorant father. She is him with a pretty face and some ability to speak English.
JD (Arizona)
Ivanka makes Sheryl Sandberg look like Germaine Greer.
Cowboy (Wichita)
"Women Who Work who have a net worth with husband of $740 million, maid, cook, and nanny who need vapid advice about managing massages" by Ivanka Trump and unnamed ghostwriter
Alanna (Vancouver)
Ivamka is her father in a dress. Quite shocking that the American people are paying for the White House to become a family business - and for the enrichment of the Trumps to take precedence over fair democratic elections, the health of the American people, public education, and respect for the constitution. If the Trumps hire a bunch of idiots to run everything else, they likely believe it makes them look smart. The Trumps are a tacky modern version of the Borgias, with Ivanka playing the part of Lucrecia - who once sat beside her father while he ruled the Church as Pope. Maybe the American experience with the Trumps will lead to a Reformation as well - we can only hope something positive will come out of this family's greed, phoniness, and ignorance.
T (Ca)
News flash:

She's only in this to sell product

She doesn't care about you, me, or anyone else beyond the Trump family balance sheet.

She's not a feminist any more than her father is.
Robert (Seattle)
Ivanka is for women. On TV. Where Mr. Trump is president. In real life she is a Republican propaganda tool in The Handmaid's Tale.
rkh (binghamton, ny)
I worked in child welfare for 47 years. I know what life will be like for all of those children who will be born if birth control becomes inaccessible, most people don't really see what happens but it will be very cruel and ugly and expensive.
pjc (Cleveland)
I am shocked -- shocked -- that Ivanka Trump's understanding of feminism is limited to the sort of empowerment self-help drivel that she shares with other corporate feminists such as Sheryl Sandberg.

I know, the 12th commandment of feminism is, though shalt not speak ill of other feminists.... wait a sec... should that really be an thing?
Violette Weisfeld. (Yardley pa.)
Ivanka is the last person we should need. Every pic a photo op. Out of touch, elitist, nepotism at its worst. When does this Trump regime end? Where are our Adams, Lincolns and Franklins to stand up? #resist
Andy (Salt Lake City, UT)
The phrase "witlessly derivative" triggered some weird geek reflex in my brain. Are you familiar with limit theory? In mathematics, the term is used to describe the extreme outcome of any input as it approaches infinity. A limit is certainly an abstraction and not indicative of reality. However, the exercise is extremely useful in mathematical analysis. Let's apply the theory to the anti-contraceptive argument. Shall we?

If a fertilized egg is as much a human being as a living breathing adult human being then the living cellular components that produce such an egg also share the same capacity for life. Taken to the extreme, the limit as it were, this would mean every single menstrual cycle constitutes an act of murder. Not to gross you out but you can imagine the corresponding argument on the masculine side.

For women, this means contraception is actually saving life as birth control can prevent menstruation.

Funny how logic works, right? There's no reasoning with stupid though.
Auntie Hosebag (Juneau, AK)
Sounds like a perfect prescription for producing cannon fodder.
Constance Warner (Silver Spring, MD)
I wonder if Trump realizes just how bad these appointments make him look. I guess it helps if you’re a shameless narcissist with no real concern for anyone outside his immediate family—if he even thinks of them as anything but extensions of himself. But I wonder how Trump thinks he can get by with making so many enemies; in this case, the enemies are women who don’t want to get pregnant—and their spouses. That’s a pretty big group. Sooner or later, Trump is going to make one enemy too many, and then all his skills as a demagogue can’t save him.
Don’t be surprised at all those deplorable appointments, though. A guy like Trump who boasts about grabbing women by their genitalia probably doesn’t care that he also ruins their lives.
To paraphrase the old Lily Tomlin line on Laugh-In: “I don’t care. I don’t have to. I’m the President of the United States.”
Linda Easterlin (New Orleans)
Can we officially call an end to the myth that ivanka will be a moderating influence on trump? If she stood by while he put these two wacko women in big women's health policy jobs, there's no hope.
Celene (Florida)
Ivanka, fake, always has been, always will be. Who on this earth who comes from billionaire/billionaires status actually really knows what real people are about and for? She is not like "us." She doesn't "Know us," she doesn't sing our same tunes, she doesn't enter our homes, she doesn't like our friends, she doesn't know our suffering, our children, their pains. Her daughter sings Chinese songs for goodness sakes. And I am all about opportunity.......if only I could afford it. She is not ,"US!!!!!'
Kate De Braose (Roswell, NM)
It seems to me that the reason for the vote for Our Current occupant of the White House is that Mr. Trump has been accepted by lower class males as their own personal representative to end the laws and regulations they hate.
I'm thinking they hope that if a scoundrel is in charge, their societal passes are also secured?
FritzTOF (ny)
It's time for a boycott!
Nora_01 (New England)
Okay, I get it. "Freedom" is only for upper, upper, upper class white men.

The rest of us are serfs.
sandyb (Bham, WA)
Dear Gail,
When are you going to stop looking to women who don't care about women to do anything about helping women? We don't need Ivanka or women who think like her. We need women like Hillary and so many of us who are willing and courageous. We need the women we have been looking for and it is you and it is me.
Karen (Phoenix, AZ)
Ivanka is her father's heir. That is all that needs to be said.
V (Los Angeles)
How did we get to this point in America where we have our very own Eva Perón?

When Juan was elected president of Argentina, Eva unofficially took over the Ministries of Health and Labor.

Sadly, for us, Eva was an actual champion of the poor and of women, even pushing for the right of women to vote.

Amazing what a phony grifter Ivanka is compared to Eva.
Maria Fitzgerald (Minneapolis)
The only answer I can think of for the lack of contraceptives is the chastity belt, this time around engineered in such a way that no man can break into it. How long would men last without free and unfettered access to women? Anyone remember Aristophanes and Lysistrata?
FanofMarieKarenPhil (California)
The plutocratic coup d'etat of our government leaves us hoping that one of the kindlier plutocrats will take sympathy with our lowly needs to control our fertility but alas the female plutocrat seems to be no different than her ilk. What a surprise!
Joel Heller (MA)
Democrats need to communicate with the Trumps. Otherwise, all they'll know is what their conservative TV shows tell them.
Sofedup (San Francisco, CA)
And where is the outrage? How long can this country continue with this catastrophe that is the trump take-over? Yelling at no-show repuglicans at town hall meetings isn't working. Oh for a few - very few, it might give them pause but they go back to DC and the orange-wizard and his band of thugs i.e. McConnell, Ryan, etc., go to work on them and they put us right back on the track to the 1900s!
Michael Kubara (Cochrane Alberta)
All men are created equal--at what?

American misogyny starts there--men are certainly not created equal to women--they don't ovulate periodically, gestate, breast feed. For men reproduction is easy come easy go--billions of sperm per ejaculation compared to one ovum per messy cycle.

Jefferson famously advised his daughter to be an obedient wife while he famously impregnated a slave--one that we know of. Did he mean it to be gender specific?

Did the Creator really think HE (obviously) created men and women equal regarding reproduction? Is the GOP just following along--believing like Ivanka--that all mothers have automatic nanny's and support staff. Or do they believe the stork theory?

But that wouldn't be Biblical. Misogyny starts there with two punishments for Eve sins--one is labor pain; the worst is wanting husbands who lord it over them. Is the Biblical GOP just lording it over woman--Trumplike--as the Bible says? GOP women too?

Are they also Storkists? Is Ivanka? Is that why she was hissed and booed in Germany for saying no one cares more about women than her father. Germans are not storkists evidently.

The nagging worry remains--All humans are created equal--at what?

That's even forgetting about 1% vs 99%
Susan (USA)
Ivanka tweeted a photo with coauthor Sarah Warren on December 20 announcing the two of them completing the manuscript. Yet now Ivanka takes sole author credit. The book contains the same mawkish-style prose as the Women Who Work website, which is written by Warren. It seems a young teen's fantasy of what the "glamorous" life of a career girl would be.
MaxDuPont (NYC)
An empty-headed dimwit, brought into the white House for the sole purpose of soothing her man-child dad when he goes off his meds. You expect her to give advice on policy? Hah!
Stan Continople (Brooklyn)
Did you ever hear of "crime families"? There's a good reason to induct children into the family business as early as possible, whether it be shoemaking, or drugs and prostitution. They are immersed in that milieu from the very beginning, and many, with all the attendant perks, go quite willingly. The advantage is blind loyalty, disguised however it may be. These days, you don't actually need to have killed man, all you need is a degree from Wharton or the Harvard Business School to be a made man or woman.
J-John (Brooklyn, NY)
Trump women bowl and golf in high heels and designer garb. They are never seen unless elaborately coiffed. They are throwbacks to the golden age of Barbie Doll plasticity and bound feet. Why oh why oh why would women stand by and allow these the standards of hood ornamentation be imposed upon the category of women of power?

Where are the Golda Meirs and Indira Ghandis when needed so?
Out of Stater (Colorado)
Those women are Democrats and have names like Clinton, Warren, Klobuchar, DeGette,
Carol Wilson (Bloomington, IN)
Women have just gotten too uppity for Republicans to deal with and as you say, the Donald just doesn't care. I think these crazed appointments he made are in exchange for something he wanted from that insane Freedom Caucus. Namely, a legislative victory so he could throw a big party. Ivanka might as well be a Kardashian; she's an empty dress with blonde hair.
Anne (<br/>)
What will it take for Ivanka to step beyond the privileged sops of her book and the cute Facebook videos of her dancing with her children? Maybe a thorough reading of King Lear. If she cannot assert herself to robustly defend all the reproductive freedoms that she coincidentally enjoys, than maybe evidence of how ill-used a flattered father can be, how tragic his end. Does Ivanka see how others make her father a cat’s paw? Does she love her father enough to stop it? Or will she watch her father act the fool, witness the banishment of women, the poor, the immigrants, and keep a trivial watch as our nation is plundered and exploited? Imagine a Cordelia that fights instead of demurs.
Out of Stater (Colorado)
Brava! A magnificent response.
Do you actually imagine that La Principessa Ivanka has ever read "King Lear?" Or that her father the howling madman ("full of sound and fury, signifying nothing") even knows who Shakespeare was?
dgm (Princeton, NJ)
Cordelia?! She's as Goneril as they come.
Gerard (PA)
Trump has both great power and none at all. He is a random agent of potential destruction - but the crafted carnage is by those who have wrenched the delegation from him. Women and their reproduction are the obsession of the Vice-President (enjoy the irony) and those who promoted him to that post. Trump in this is just the front man, the jester, the fool; you waste column inches on an impotent target.
San Francisco Voter (California)
Ivanka is not just complicit. She's an ennabler for a man who otherwise would probably have dropped out of the presidential race after Pussygate. Instead, Ivanka got a reprieve from observing the Sabbath so she and Jared could defend Trump against his own words with Billy Bush on how celebrities can abuse women without being challenged. Ivanka gently chastised her father on TV and said it was wrong to say that, and that was not what he is actually like. Because she is so pretty and appealing - and always so well made up and accessorized - she softens Trump words and image. Ivanka Trump has been playing the Good Cop to her father's Bad Cop who distracts the audience while he picks their pockets - since she was a small child. She knows the role very well and married a man who supports her in her role. The media should stop honoring this dreadful woman by calling her what she is a privileged woman who sells out lower and middle class women to rich men, and a media wh..e who will do literally anything to promote her own businesses and her family's businesses. Why are so many column inches and broadcasts wasted on these scoundrels?
Dev (Fremont, CA)
We don't need Ivanka. We need Tiffany - the only family member with the brains to avoid the circus and check out of the family.

What does she think?
professor (nc)
Stop looking for Ivanka to do anything other than advance her business. She doesn't care about anything unrelated to her family and business. SNL got it right - she is complicit in his war against women.
DK (Boston)
Where is Ivanka when we need her? Nowhere. Read her books. Watch what she does. She's all about herself.
R. T. Keeney (Austin TX)
We need Ivanka? News to me.
Ken Calvey (Huntington Beach, Ca.)
Where did the idea that this mannequin is any different from her father originate?
FatherVirgilio (New York)
Is there anybody in the normal world who would read this book?


I know she has 5 million facebook followers.
But those people don't read.

Or can afford books for that matter.

Or have space for them in their trailers.
Guns and trash take most of it.
laolaohu (oregon)
Please, Gail, don't bring hockey into this.
morGan (NYC)
Gail, what's make you think for one second she is any different from her grifter father? She and her hubby have almost a billion in the bank, yet they have no problem going to Aspen to ski with secret service protection on our dime!
If she has one ounce of decency she would write a check to the treasury dept for the cost of her secret service details.
Edna (Boston)
Truth be told, the Trumps do not care about other people. They lack empathy, compassion, judgment, understanding.They dissemble, they are cruel, greedy, and ignorant. I am sorry to sound insulting, but the Trumps are killers, perpetrating a slow genocide again at the American people, their land, their ideals. Kill the sick, the poor, the old, and make them subject to dread, both financial and existential. Punish women for having sex, and their babies too, by limiting access to maternity care. Cut funds for special needs too. Surely the name Trump will live in infamy, because this president is causing immeasurable harm, and it will cost some their lives, some their souls. For shame.
wryawry (The Foothills Of the Hinterlands)
How do I loathe their sanctimonious ignorance? Utterly.
Shef (rhode island)
"Its just that he doesn't care" - of all the offensively frightening opinions offered in this piece, that is the scariest of all.....we have a cold, conniving & witless prez that doesn't care. Gail Collins has gotten to the heart of the matter right there. She has heart, he doesn't. Neither does Ivanka.
alvnjms (nc)
Expanding her business through her new international contacts: see trademarks, China.
Cassini (Between the Rings)
as Donald Trump and Chinese president Xi Jinping dined on Dover sole and New York strip steak earlier this month, thousands of miles away in China a government office quietly approved trademarks that could benefit the US president’s family.

On the day the president’s daughter Ivanka Trump met the Chinese leader, China granted preliminary approval for three new trademarks for her namesake brand, covering jewellery, bags and spa service, according to official documents.

Her company, Ivanka Trump Marks LLC, has been granted four additional trademarks since her father’s inauguration and has 32 pending, according to the Associated Press, which first reported the new approvals.

Donald Trump’s White House has created a minefield of ethics concerns, according to critics, and the president and his top officials represent one of the wealthiest cabinets in history, with business empires spanning the globe. Ivanka Trump was appointed assistant to the president last month, after previously saying she would not join her father’s administration.
vrogers (Indy)
Don't kid yourself. These picks have Mike Pence written all over them.
arp (east lansing, mi)
"When we need her?". My old fraternity brothers had a retort for something disagreeable: " Needs 'zat! ". That has been my response to just about anything that comes out of the mouth (or off the ghost-written page) of Ms. Trump. Why do some people still have trouble recognizing a huckster?
Armando (Abu Dhabi)
The right wing agenda being orchestrated by VP Pence
sdw (Cleveland)
The acorn doesn’t fall very far from the tree. Ivanka Kushner is as phony and self-promoting as her father. Her ghostwriter’s new book is just one more product to sell and one more try at deflecting the boos and catcalls which now greet her whenever she appears in public.

Donald Trump has no moral compass. He is consistent in only one thing. As Gail Collins writes today, “It’s just that he doesn’t care . . .”
Robert (Out West)
I expect Ivanka Trump to show some backbone and step up for women approximately eleven minutes after her dad finishes that transformational learning process we hear so very much about.
Julia Lichtblau (Brooklyn, NY)
Both the Times and the Washington Post have similar pleas to Ivanka to do the right thing today. Why are these great newspapers wasting space (and these distinguished columnists wasting their readers' time) with this? Ivanka is like all the children and wives of authoritarian rulers--physically attractive, apparently normal, but no more interested in the people's welfare than Imelda Marcos with her shoes or the Saudi princes and princesses who party on the Mediterranean, or Bashar Assad's elegant wife or Fidel Castro's wife and children, who each had their private cows when Cubans were living on rations. The list goes on and on... Keep hammering her and Jared on nepotism, Ms Collins, but please don't waste your talents appealing to Ivanka's conscience. She has none.
Michael Green (Las Vegas, Nevada)
But don't worry, because tomorrow Nick Kristof will have another problem about those super special just plain folks in his hometown of Yamhill, Oregon, who voted for Trump but don't have a bigoted, misogynistic bone in their entire bodies.

To be equally serious, there is not one Republican in public office in Washington, D.C., who should be in a position higher than janitor. At least, I WOULD say that, but that insults janitors.
Cassini (Between the Rings)

but gosh, she looks so sincere and everything ...
PB (Northern Utah)
Where is Ivanka when we need her?

Newsflash: we don't need her, and it is simply silly that to think that Ivanka has anything of substance to say about women in general and most especially women in the workplace.

Want to know about women, hard work, and success? Read Elizabeth Warren's autobiography "A Fighting Chance."
Marvin W. (Raleigh, NC)
Hopefully in 2020 every woman in this country will realize Trump is a disaster.
They should have realized that when Trump said the way you treat a woman is
to "grab them by the _____". This guy was elected by the Russians and he should be impeached! Wake up America!
F. McB (New York, NY)
Marvin W., The Russians and Comey, yes, helped elect Trump but, unfortunately, so did many Americans, Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party. This election represented the confluence of the horrific recession; the deep and growing divide between the very rich and the rest of us; the Democratic Party's negligence toward working-class people hit very hard by the recession, automation, globalization, the banks and with no place to go; the Republican Party's trickle down sting and a mentally deranged, skillful conman with is lovely daughter, Ivanka, his very well endowed, real estate Prince. Jared. and the hyper-nationalist, Steve Bannon. The horror of this period in America is that it allowed its democratic principles to be destroyed by greed, many civically uneducated whites and misguided political parties. There are similar lessons in history illustrating the downfall of 'exceptional' countries. 'Who needs Ivanka?" And the answer is -- Donald, Jared, her children, her investors and, occasionally, some foolish columnists.
Janet Newton (WI, USA)
Ivanka is busy punting that football into the end zone again, just as Reince said that Trump did after the House passed Trumpcare let's-kill-Americans-bill and passed it on to the Senate for consideration.
joanne (Pennsylvania)
We've noticed Ivanka is skilled at saying nothing, which most of us call obfuscating. Her words are devoid of any meaningful substance or gravitas.
At the White House Thursday, Ivanka stood and clapped her hands-- as her father virtually took health care away from millions.
The bill they celebrated together targets women in a most cruel manner.

Her dad's built a cabinet of mostly all men. Yet she likes to throw around words such as "women's empowerment." She's appropriated themes from progressive women that are meaningless to her actual fairy tale life.
Her webpage continually features quotes that apply in no way to the life she lives.
Similar to her father, she lacks core beliefs. And her life has shielded her from the reality of what most women face.
MadManMark (Wisconsin)
Please, let's let go of this fantasy that she & her husband are some closet liberals/feminists/whatever who will counteract her father's thoughtless and reactionary tendencies. They have had ample opportunity to demonstrate this, and to this point have failed to. Even if they do have such beliefs, if they *neither* "talk the talk" nor "walk the walk," at some point we have to call them "virtual beliefs," in that there is so little conviction behind them that they might as well not exist in the first place.
Mebster (USA)
When he was mayor, I once asked our billionaire Republican governor why we had no sidewalks around our high school. He simply refused to believe that any high school student walked to school, despite the muddy footpaths that lead from the school in all directions. Same thing. The Trumps are so removed from anyone who would have trouble affording contraception that they can't relate.
Cassini (Between the Rings)

Where’s Ivanka When We Need Her?

you mean the same ivanka who has NO experience in govt at all, and was given a top security clearance based on nothing, and is now an 'unpaid' advisor to daddy pres and is reviewing all his exec orders ?

why, shes busy selling shoes and fashion accessories all made in china from her office in the wh

The first daughter of the President, Ivanka Trump got a won provisional approval for three trademarks in China on the same day that she had dinner with China’s President, Xi Jinping at Trump’s private Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

According to the Associated Press, through the Boston Globe, revealed, “Ivanka Trump’s company won provisional approval from the Chinese government for three new trademarks, giving it monopoly rights to sell Ivanka brand jewelry, bags and spa services in the world’s second-largest economy.”

Richard Painter, who served as chief White House ethics lawyer under former President George W. Bush, tells the AP that Ivanka should stop seeking valuable overseas trademarks at the same time that she’s an unpaid official at the Trump White House.

“Put the business on hold and stop trying to get trademarks while you’re in government,” he said.
Florida voter (Florida)
People who are pro-life falsely equivocate making abortion illegal with ending abortion.

There always have been and always will be abortions. Illegality only makes the procedure unsafe, leading to dead women, in addition to their dead babies.

I am Catholic and have relatives who are physicians. It is unfortunate that Yoest and Manning subscribe to the inaccurate science promoted by the clergy of my church and other faiths.There is no scientific basis for their beliefs; rather it is contortions of spin to justify their positions and to reaffirm their power, particularly their power over women.

The reality is that when contraception is used, abortion rates drop. It is also a reality that abortion is an agonizing choice for most women, one that is not made lightly or ever made joyfully.

If pro-life people really wanted to help, they would make each congregation a safe haven for women in all ways. I continue to work to effect this change.
TheRev (Philadelphia)
I wonder where Ivanka was a few days ago when her father's administration announced that Michelle Obama's initiative Let Girls Learn would "cease operation immediately." "Aspects" of the program will continue, but employees were informed that the program was ending and to stop using the organization's official name.

There is a quote I read years ago that I think applies here: "What you are stands over you and speaks so loudly, I can't hear what you are saying to the contrary."
coale johnson (5000 horseshoe meadow road)
yes, now poor women will have the babies for the wealthy just like the movie the hand maid's tale. in the movie the reason for this was radio active pollution made many women sterile so this will be about choice. back in the 90s my girlfriend worked for a female vice president of a bank that had her cesarian birth scheduled to avoid conflicts with her business schedule. she had domestic staff to care for the baby including a wet nurse. it is a very short step to eliminating the messy and disruptive step of an actual pregnancy.
Fintan (Orange County, CA)
I suspect it's been said, but Ivanka is probably meditating, getting a massage or maybe shopping. It's just *so* tiring trying to do all this political stuff while trying to think up more ways to make money with one's own brand! I mean, like you have to learn stuff and think about others sometimes. Exhausting.
Sri (Boston)
Out making money.
It is ludicrous to think that anyone in the Trump family has any principles beyond self-promotion and self-enrichment.
Djanga (Dallas, Tx)
The apple didn't fall far from the tree. Ivanka, America can't wait to see how this all plays out.

Literally, we can't wait.
PJ (Colorado)
I think I'll pass on this and wait for Michelle Obama's book. Talk about striking while the iron is hot. I hope the ghost writer got a good percentage (but I doubt it).
Leo (Left coast)
If you are expecting women to speak up on behalf of women, I offer you Phylllis schlafly, a Great Woman, per current prez. Womankinds's worst enemy has always been other women. Waving Vagina plushies in the street might be fun for a moment, but the morning after you are still stuck.

These days, taking to the streets accomplishes nothing. If you want birth control and safe/legal abortion, you'd better take to the House and the Senate.
DickeyFuller (DC)
We made great progress in the 70s.

Then came Ronnie Rayguns and Phyllis Schlafly and women's progress was driven back decades.

To young women in 2017 -- remember that we already fought this battle 40 years ago. Yet we were not vigilant and here we are again.

Never stop fighting for equal opportunity and equal pay.

BTW we made progress in the workplace wearing a jacket. No matter how desperate you are to advance your career, no skin in the office. It weakens the credibility of all women.
Mike B. (East Coast)
It doesn't appear that Ivanka is the firebrand or independent type, nor prone to taking up feminist causes in the classical sense. She seems more of a private person who is more engaged in her personal and business life. Although I'm sure that she does have the attention of her father when she feels the need to share her opinion on a particular topic.

When you consider who Trump has chosen to surround himself with as part of his inner circle -- his daughter and son-in-law...as well as all of his billionaire friends, one would think that he secretly would have preferred to have been crowned "King" and that a jeweled crown of some notoriety be appropriately placed upon his head (if it would fit).

His autocratic style, and his constant praise of dictators from around the world, is shocking for a U.S. president. Then there's his blatant disregard of rules forbidding "nepotism". Mustn't these rules be followed by all of our presidents?

Does he think he can do whatever he wants and that conflicts of interest (using his office to further enrich himself) don't apply to him? And when will we see his tax returns? Will his supposed "audit" ever be completed? (We all know he's hiding something from us, don't we.)

There is so much chaos and intrigue to his administration. In over six decades, I've never seen anything quite like it. He seems to feel that he is somehow immune from having to follow the same rules that all of his predecessors have willingly complied with.
Meg8 (LA)
Let's be clear. There is zero evidence that Ivanka has any influence on softening her father's policies on anything. It's a lovely branding exercise to paint herself in this way. But it's not reality. All part of this grifter family's giant ripoff of America.
Kathryn Aguilar (Texas)
Gail, thanks for highlighting these horrific policies targeting women & children (after birth, of course). We are entering a "Handmaiden's Tale" era.
Jim Richardson (Philadelphia, PA)
This is interesting backdrop for Trump's executive order, signed Friday, encouraging more politics from the pulpits. His evangelical supporters have gained the opportunity to play a greater role in electioneering while maintaining their tax exempt status. If these ultra-right, anti-women policies are not really part of Trump's political DNA, he's sure doing a good job of pretending - and upending decades of progress in health and choice options for women in the process. Shameless.
Occupy Government (Oakland)
Apparently we need Ivanka to play Drusilla to her father's Caligula. Imperial dynastic rulers really can't rely on anyone outside the family. Even those in the family are subject to scrutiny.

Self-inflicted wounds are the play of the day fir the Trumps as for America.
Disgusted in Upstate (NY)
We're to believe that this woman who has spent her adult life creating her brand, pursuing the almighty $billions$ and nurturing her extreme vanity has suddenly become a selfless public servant? No! That she's so interested in national policy, community service and action? "I just want to learn" she said, in so vapid and insincere a tone, it would be laughable were it not so creepy. No, Ivanka is there to protect (and promote) her brand because her father is incompetent and unbelievably unpredictable. God help us.
Patsy (Arizona)
And I'm sure there is no plan to help mothers feed their unwanted babies. I believe they want women barefoot and pregnant, therefore controllable by men.
Granny kate (Ky)
Women became truly free once they gained control of their fertility. Women in rich or influential families always had this option - Money and/or. power can buy almost anything.
Nestor Repetski (Toronto Canada)
The most revealing comment ABOUT Ivanka Trump came FROM Ivanka Trump when she described in an interview last year her principal concern upon learning of her parents' impending divorce when she was a child: "Will I still be Ivanka Trump?" Like her father, name recognition was, and is, everything, even when your world is disintegrating. To suggest such a person has the depth, empathy or intellectual or spiritual awareness to be in any way useful to anyone but herself is absurd.
Blackbird (California)
If he's not qualified why would anyone expect her to be qualified? Given what I've watched the President do so far, maybe iI would be an easy conclusion.
Al in VT (Shelburne VT)
Low income women ( or men or anyone on a 'low income' rung) have no, absolutely no value, to the Trump administration and family in particular. They don't vote in high percentages, they don't buy Trump gear or stay in Trump hotels, they represent complicated issues that the Trump team does not understand nor have any curiosity or empathy to drive them to. As the Trump administration is obviously so light on historical context for much of anything, and lacking in the curiosity an empathy noted above, I have no hope for a fairer treatment going forward. Ivanka is just like her dad.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
I hope Trump reimbursed his household staff for the money they had to pony up to buy lemonade from this incipient ice princess, when no other customers were available at the country estate.
Roger Paine (Boulder, CO)
My wife and I both see Mike Pence's fingerprints in all of those crazy appointments.
coale johnson (5000 horseshoe meadow road)
without a doubt.... more evidence of the "great one" (sorry jackie) delegating stuff he does not care about..... which seems to be just about everything except his own businesses.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
Pence is a Christian, a Republican, and an American, in that order, in his own words.
Funny, yesterday in a comment from Timothy Egan article, I jokingly asked Ivanka to try harder.
Actually, it was a plea for sanity from Ivanka; there is no hope for reprieve from the most corrupt Presidency of my life time; makes Nixon seem like a good President; then, Nixon also had a problem paying his taxes.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
Nobody inspires my contempt quite like people who exempt themselves from the demands they make of others.
KJ (Tennessee)
"Where’s Ivanka When We Need Her?"

Off getting her massage, having her nails done, getting her hair dyed and blown out, trying on new stilettos, counting her money .....
Nora_01 (New England)
And texting the nanny to see if the little darlings are having a good day. Next, she will have to text the cook to see what is for dinner. It is such a demanding life. She even chipped her nail polish this morning!
Steve Bolger (New York City)
It's a good thing Leona Helsmsley didn't live to be dwarfed by Ivanka Trump. She would have exploded from jealousy.
Donna (NYC)
An insulting suggestion as a rep of women - someone who never had to worry about paying rent and bills, who has no idea about the every day struggles of 99% of women who were not born with a silver spoon. The worst and therefore perfect example of nepotism, she, like her daddy, husband, brothers and all their greedy cronies, is branding the White House with greed....and laughing all the way to the bank.
PGJack (Pacific Grove, CA)
I just wish the folks who felt strongly or were affected by this issue would vote. But apparently registering and getting off the couch is just too much effort. Much easier to wait till you lose your rights or benefits and then howl in complaint. There is and election coming in 2018. Will the midterm turn out be it's usual miserably low liberal numbers? Hope not.
Nora_01 (New England)
Have you any idea how difficult it is to vote when you work two jobs and have no transportation or child care? How about some constructive ideas. Volunteer to drive people who are elderly, disabled, or without transportation to the polls. Deliver mail-in ballots to the housebound. Think of other ways to help.

As Donald has discovered, it is easy to be critical but much harder to do better.
Doug MATTINGLY (Los Angeles)
Some of these folks who you're implying are lazy work multiple jobs, may have no child care or reliable transportation. Due to Republican voter suppression efforts they may also find it impossible to vote. And voting is on a Tuesday during the work day.

I have means and a certain amount of flexibility in my schedule and a reliable vehicle, and voting is still inconvenient.

The powers that be have zero interest in making it easy.
coale johnson (5000 horseshoe meadow road)
i am in complete agreement.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
I have reached to point of feeling nauseated, each and every time, that I see a photo of ANY of this " Family". Seriously.
Austin Kerr (Port ludlow)
The evidence and commentary I have seen suggest that Trump does not know anything about any important public policy. He clearly does not know what is in the healthcare bill he so loudly celebrated. There is no reason to think that he knows anything about the policy positions of the people he is appointing in the healthcare field. The only answer I can imagine it is the extreme right probably led by Pence that is having these unthinking horrible people put in positions of power and authority. But then this newspaper has an opinion expressed by a physician this morning who clearly has no understanding of the concept of insurance.
Nora_01 (New England)
Pence owes his political soul to the Kochs. 'Nuff said. They provide him lists of people they want in specific posts; he puts it under Trump's nose; Trump signs it.

See how easy it is to run a country?
Steve Bolger (New York City)
Trump really is too stupid to comprehend how stupid he is.
Austin Kerr (Port ludlow)
More likely religious extremists of which Pence is one.
James Mc Carten (Oregon)
Our modern day Marie Antoinette -- clueless
Edgar (New Mexico)
Who do you trust if you are Donald Trump or Ivanka Trump? Sure they have all those people around them that they use for power and money. But the basic fact is who can they really trust? Poor little rich girl. Everything comes with a price. Better to have women dislike you than all the pretense of how wonderful you are....aka what do I want in return.
Nora_01 (New England)
Are these women married? How many children have these women birthed? If it is fewer than one a year, I suspect they are: sterile, husband is sterile, abstain from sex, or are on birth control.

Before the advent of reliable birth control, most married women gave birth annually or close to it. My grandfather was one of seventeen children and that was not remarkable. A few decades ago, one Catholic neighbor gave birth to twenty children; another had nineteen.

America, get ready for a population surge. How the families, let alone the country, will afford this I have no idea. These are recent figures:

According to a recent report from the USDA, "Expenditures on Children by Families," the average cost of raising a child today is over $245,000 — and that number doesn't include college tuition or inflation. Costs incurred after age 18 aren't tallied, including higher education.May 28, 2015

Multiply that by only a dozen children each, and we can see that the burden will fall heavily on us all as we are taxed for their public education alone.

Really, what are these people thinking? Do they think at all?
Harold R Berk (Ambler, PA)
Ivanka's ideas and beliefs are generally unknown. Rumored to be more progressive than her father, but that does not say much. Her book is a hodge podge of tritisms. She has built a business on linking to Daddy's branding model, i.e. using your name to make money. So why should we look to her for help dealing with the Liar in Chief?
I am not a defender of IT but I think that the Pope and the Catholic Church does much more damage towards women than she'll ever do.
Yes, the average woman may have a harder time relating to IT but perhaps that's not her, (or her publisher's), target audience with this book. How many of us can afford to purchase it at the 30 dollar cover price? When we need to buy milk and cereal and gas first. The readers wanted for this book have second summer homes on beach fronts and spend their days at spin classes and luncheons. I'm sure this will be a huge success in China where IT is worshiped.
Peggy (Hartsdale, NY)
I'm pretty sure we're giving Ivanka too much credit. Is she presidential material?
Ivan Light (Inverness CA)
Whoa! John Quincy Adams wasn't so bad. When jingoists called for reckless wars abroad, he replied, "The United States does not venture abroad in search of dragons to slay." It's a great quote that bears repeating today!
Nina George (Austin, TX)
I know where Ivanka is: at the massage therapist for some much needed self-care.
SK Writer (Shawnee KS)
I think about Margaret Atwood's book, The Handmaid's Tale, often. I read her book some time ago and her chilling description of how women's rights were slowly eroded over a period of time was frightening. The fact that it is happening now is terrifying.

Now the Catholic Church has come out against the Girl Scouts. A group of old white men are attacking what they perceive as future sins. They believe that teaching little girls how to be productive citizens, maybe own a successful business and to effectively live in the real "secular" world, somehow prepares them to get an abortion. What kind of warped thinking is going on with these supposedly religious and pious (I use the terms loosely.) men? The word Taliban comes to mind.

When I look at the new administration I see a majority of old white men and very few women of any substance. Betsy DeVos is the worst example. A misguided and vapid woman who can do great harm to our educational system and set women's and for that matter, everyone's rights back another 150 years.

These are distressing times!
Kevin (Red Bank N.J.)
I have 5 grand daughters. The youngest is 1 the oldest is 7. I wonder how their father and mother will explain to them that they do not have the same rights as women today had. That is up until today when the radical evangelical right and an uncaring President and congress took their rights away.
John M. Yoksh (Albany, New York 12203)
Mr. Concave and Ms. Convex, a couple of empty salt and pepper shakers, decorative, expensive but useless. America's media promoted fascination with the vapid photogenic goes on and on. WMK of NYC comments that Planned Parenthood performs 330,000 abortions/year. That works out to 0.01% of our population. Heck of a thing to have all these dogma induced energies keep their shorts in a knot about. The need to be self righteous and vindictive apparently knows no bounds. Imagine if 'vanka, Yoest and Manning actually volunteered inside a PPH clinic, or in a food pantry for a WEEK! Maintaining an aura of smug cognitive dissonance in the presence of gentle compassionate reality would be the subject of a more interesting book.
Nora_01 (New England)
These are smokescreens designed to enrage many of us while our Bill of Rights is quietly shredded in the backroom.

Yes, women's reproductive rights are important. As a women, I was spared annual pregnancies by effective birth control methods. My health was not broken in the process of endless baby production, as was the health of countless women throughout history.

Consider, also, that are the USA lead the developed world in infant and maternal mortality. More pregnancies will equal more deaths, even without back alley abortions.

While our energies are expended fighting this, our right to protest peacefully is being eroded on the side. A woman had the audacity to laugh during Sessions confirmation hearing, and she has been convicted of a crime. Three seconds of laughter that disrupted nothing are costing her a two thousand dollar fine and up to a year in prison. Around the country, laws are being passed to criminalize protest.

Why is the Second Amendment the only one that counts?
Ceilidth (Boulder, CO)
Trump already has five children by three different women. Just imagine how many more women would have had his children if contraception didn't work or he refused to use it.
Doremus Jessup (On the move)
He only claims he fathered five. With his talent for lying, I'm going to assume there are probably more Trump fathered children out there. Any abortions? Probably. The gene-pool took some serious hits from the Donald.
Joseph Thomas (Reston, VA)
I cannot understand why any woman would support our president even his own daughter. His views of women seems like something out of the dark ages.

In his view they are to be used for his benefit and discarded when no longer wanted. Anything that would make the lives easier or give them some freedom is to be prohibited. They can even be physically abused if you are a celebrity.

And yet, a majority of the white women who voted in the election, voted for our president. Can anyone explain that disconnect? Why would women prefer this unfit and unstable man over a totally competent woman? I cannot understand it.
Donna (California)

"Where is Ivanka"? Perhaps she is out dancing to her theme song: "Material Girl". Or holding seminars to promote her book telling: Telling working women we should take up "Brain-Boosting hobbies like Chess and Calligraphy" and taking us to task over useless activities like buying groceries and paying our bills. She might be coordinating her Free publicity with Tax-payer funded " Voice of America". Really. Like "Waldo" who knows where she is?
Sheila (3103)
The Stepford daughter is not going to go against Daddy. C'mon, the whole idea of her saying or doing ANYTHING to oppose her father is preposterous. Stop looking for the Con's daughter, raised to be the female version of him, to do anything that cuts her off from Daddy.
Cassini (Between the Rings)


perfect image !
Caroline S (New York)
Somehow the news media have come up with this notion that Ivanka is a good, caring person who will be an ameliorating influence on her father, who is altruistic, and is trying really hard to be the best unpaid senior adviser there ever was.
What I see is a family of grifters, a potential dictatorship where the families rob the government coffers and buy $100,000,000 condos in the Time Warner Center.
It amazes me how John Q Public still want to believe that people "are really good at heart".
RJB (Carolina)
You write "Nobody thinks these appointees reflect Trump’s own personal convictions...."
You give him too much credit.
He doesn't have any personal convictions other than he is the "greatest ever" at any thing he cares to be involved with AND making money for trump and family.
After many months of listening to him examples of his "convictions" are everywhere.
John Grillo (Edgewater,MD)
Where was she when the blood-thirsty mob at her old man's infamous campaign rallies were led in their misogynistic, intimidating, angry chants to "lock her up". Not a public word of objection or disagreement, to my knowledge, by this now self-promoting advocate for women. The motivation for her conduct, or lack thereof, is all too obvious. She's fooling no one, just as Daddy is not either. This monetizing "family act"(including the machinations of the family business- trustee brothers) is old, deeply corrupt, and in desperate need of popular cancelation. Repeal and replace America!
Richard (NM)
A government filled up with inepts and malevolents.
Elizabeth Meadowlark (Pittsburgh, PA)
Ivanka Trump is not now and will not become her father's conscience. She is there to compensate for (and conceal) his cognitive deficiencies. Her job is to understand what is said in meetings or written in briefs, to remember what he said last week, to explain issues in simple terms. This is why he needs her in the White House.
Carol (Madison, WI)
Keep in mind that many voters who don't like much about Trump voted for him specifically because he has stated intentions to support these initiatives. They will vote against their own interests to ensure abortion, contraceptives, etc are illegal. They wil, probably not go so far as to abolish condoms, because hey, that protects the guy.
Cassini (Between the Rings)

Where’s Ivanka When We Need Her?

oh, i get it

you think shes any better than her dad ?

oh, isnt that cute of you
Charles (Clifton, NJ)
Very fine writing again, Gail, and in regards to the hat trick, I'll just say that there are a lot of hockey pucks in the Trump administration.

Right Wingers want to keep government off people's backs, but they love restricting women's rights. A *real* conservative would leave reproductive decisions only up to the woman and those with whom she seeks council.

Well, one could be a truly extreme Right Winger who not only would view a fetus as a responsible human being, but also that twinkle in a couple's eyes after a night out on the town. Thus, we should protect people's right to date. There should be a tax break for dating. Indeed, it should be made mandatory.

But I suppose the Senate would upend any of those proposals. When the Republican AHCA goes to the Senate, we'll probably end up with ACA. It supports women's reproductive rights.
Tabula Rasa (Monterey Bay)
In 2016, The New Yorker published an account of life with Donnie and the divorce decree with Ivanna. In that article they portrayed a vindictive and mercurial Mr. Trump. It described physical and mental abuse towards her that their 3 children observed first hand. It must have traumatized them to the extent a Stockholm Syndrome condition was the end result? It could explain their slavish devotion to "Dad" and the fact their is little contact with "Mom". This behavior towards woman detailed in numerous episodes, escapades over the years. Will American's be the captives in the next 3 years of Lima Syndrome #45? A kindler and gentler President?
Peter (Colorado)
If you were counting on this vapid, spolied, entitled rich girl to save the country from her narcissistic authoritarian father you were sadly delusional. She hass no influence over him nor does she care in the slightest about the damage he is doing to the country. All she cares about is how much money his time in office is going to make her.
L (Lewis)
This is the one instance in history when I think a good book burning is in order. Take Ivanka's new book and her dad's old best seller and douse them in perfume. Then light them on fire.
George Deitz (California)
Why does anybody think that Trump listens to anybody, let alone, a mere woman, even if that woman is his daughter?

It's clear from past performances and her convention speech that Ivanka doesn't know Trump very well; she spoke of someone who sounded sane, modest, reasonable, and would listen to advice, especially from her. That's obviously not the Trump we have come to know and loathe.

So, to expect anybody, especially a woman, even if his own spawn, to have measurable influence on Trump is naive. If anybody has Trump's ear, it's a guy, of course, Ivanka's husband, and even that's doubtful.

Ivanka doesn't really figure in Trump's universe. She's not going to gaffe every time she speaks as Conway does. She's a nice prop for Trump, and she can boost her own line of shoddy goods to her very own suckers.

No, Trump listens only to the voices in his head, a cacophony of nattering like a battered sound track from Alvin and the chipmunks. Trump's voices are like the voices in other psychopaths' heads telling them to do things, sometimes not so good things. Trump's voices let him know things are going to happen before they do. They tell him information that nobody else on earth has.

Least of all Ivanka.
shayladane (Canton NY)
Another shameful and harmful appointment to punish American women and families. This is so bad I can't even imagine being of child-bearing age and poor. Just have child after child? Disgraceful president.
JW (Palo Alto, CA)
When the birth control pill first came on the market, yes there were a few problems similar to those some women experience in early pregnancy. As the pill was refined these unwanted side effects became less and less a problem.
I started talking the pill in the early 60s when some refinements had been done, more followed. It was the only method of birth control that a woman could control and that was not tied to intercourse. Therefore a woman's partner had no control over whether or not she took it; its use was strictly her choice.
Effectiveness when used as directed was over 90%. Not many drugs are that effective.
The abortion rate dropped as prescriptions became more available and more women used it. One of the best studies was done at Kaiser health because they had a much larger database of users. I think I read this study in the 70s. It was also late enough after introduction of the pill for many early problems to here been solved.
The company for which I worked covered it under the health insurance policy. I do not know how much it cost on the open market, but with insurance coverage the copay was well affordable.
Birth control insurance coverage must be maintained. Thai is definitely a time for the government to say NO! To the religious right!
C Pierson (Los Angeles)
In the long run, it may be Trumps plan to create a thriving business for private prisons in which he's invested. Unwanted children make ideal adult inmates.
Mr. Reeee (NYC)
Ivan was raised to be pretty in a monied bubble.
To expect anything of substance from her is a fantasy… and folly!
dan (ny)
Yeah, I really never could see why anyone would have expected anything different from the vapid dingbat daughter. I referred to her as "Imelda" a few times, but gave that up in deference to Marcos who, to give the devil her due, was evil and crafty. Likewise with the Nixon comparisons vis the father -- while Nixon may have been a bad guy, he was a serious and self-made bad guy, which puts him in a much higher class, imo.

She was cringingly, palpably out of her class at the thing in Germany, sitting amongst those legitimately formidable women. As an awful caricature of American "success", she was the perfect analog to her father's denigration of the oval office. Then afterward she carped about the "intonation" (??) of her critics.

The whole charade is one big barometer of how brutally stupid this country has become. Uneducated, insular, inbred, hypocritically religious and past its prime, the republic digests itself. And speaking of cannibalism, it will be morbidly interesting to watch when they turn on him. Which they will.
Bob Burns (Oregon's Willamette valley)
All roads lead to "Trump, Inc."

Every one of the Trumps, from the accidental president to his offspring have only one thing in mind, which is to monetize their every action. Ivanka's little tome is no exception.

The public stands by, watching the Trumps now get their previously denied licenses and permits to do business around the globe. Ivanka Trump could probably get a book of knock-knock jokes published by Harper Collins (Murdoch owned) if she wished.
The Wanderer (Los Gatos, CA)
Oh silly liberals. Trying to pin your hopes on Ivanka. Try actualy listening to want she has to say instead of gazing at her pretty face. Her speech is completely and utterly devoid of content, just like her fathers. The only difference is she uses complete sentences.
B. Rothman (NYC)
Ivanka is a phony, just like her Dad. Her book several times talks explicitly about how important it is to "appear" to be something even when you are not. This is a family hooked on self aggrandizement and doing good first and foremost for the Trump brand.

Americans in the hinterland are either duped or as in it for the money as the Trumps. We are watching the demise of democracy as we watch DT cozy up to "dictators by election": Putin, Erdogan,Al Sisi, Duterte. If you get used to this you will find that DT easily slides into behavior just like theirs. First question to ask in all things Donald is, "How can he make money, connections or benefit from this?" Anything else is self delusion.
Chris (Berlin)
I am still waiting to see how she has influenced her father to empower women or protect women's rights.
Could it be that she has no real influence or desire to empower any women besides herself?
She is using her meaningless platitudes about “empowering women” to distract from the fact that she is simply enriching herself.
This whole Ivanka situation is absurd. An unelected advisor to her father she flaunts this illegal nepotism as "empowerment".
And desperate pseudo-liberals are pinning their hopes on Daddy's girl?
She is her father's daughter.
And Daddy is a pathological liar, narcissist and sociopath.
Steve Hunter (Seattle)
The whole trump clan is a con, ivanka is no different.
Marcus Brant (Canada)
The great danger is to normalise Ivanka's nebulous presence within the administration which in itself cannot be normalised; her role is far from normal. Ivanka's influence is not a reflection of the democratic will of the people, neither is it a stabilising benignity. Her only link to the common fold is that she is a female of the species. She has been described, like her husband, as a democrat. That may be so in some respects when she votes in non-Putinised elections. But here, now, her mantra, as First Daughter, is self aggrandisement emanating from a delicious opportunity. In some ways, being an accidental political family has placed the Trump clan at a disadvantage in terms of making money. However, when life gives one lemons, lemonade pragmatically ensues, and this is what Ivanka is busy making.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
The head of the Federalist Society where our next batch of federal judges will come from fathered two out of the five with spina bifeda, an incomplete closing of the spinal tube that is crippling, painful, extremely demanding to repair surgically, and usually leads to early death. One of these children is already dead. This condition is visible by sonogram months before the conclusion of gestation.

I call this man a monster, And now he will replicate himself across the federal judiciary.
arrower (Arvada, Colorado)
There are empty suits and there are empty (preferably insanely expensive) dresses. Ivanka Trump is one of the latter. Look at her face: do you see any sign of intelligence or emotion there? She is window dressing for a sexist president. She is the candy that a sex abuser offers a child. She is totally out of touch with the way average people live, and no wonder. As for the female appointments T. has made for the H.H.S., it shouldn't be a surprise that they are just as toxic, ignorant and rigid, and apt to use their positions to destroy rather than build as the males he has appointed. There is simply no hope for compassion, empathy, honesty or intelligence from this lot, and the sooner the Ignoramus in Chief is impeached, the better for the nation and the world.
Pat Choate (Tucson)
I hope that voters for the Presidential candidates of the Green and Libertarian Parties realize that the most anti-environmental and anti-personal liberty Administration in living memory now is in control of the Federal government as Gail Collin's article illustrates. Too bad those votes were wasted making a statement that was ignored

Perhaps this reality will inform their vote in the 2020 elections.
Ken (<br/>)
Up next: Ivanka’s fall burqa line. Metaphorically speaking. Soft power, right?
SLeslie (New Jersey)
Many of Trump's appointments were cynical, or at best, his personal path of least resistance in pandering to his base. Remember, he did not think that governing was hard or that difficult issues were complicated. Talk about living in a gilded cage.

Let's hope that our resistance to Trump and to those like him is long lasting and effective and that young adults who grew up in the Obama world may have learned a lesson this time. Sad that it is a lesson that needs to be reintroduced as a bitter pill every few election cycle.
Disgusted (USA)
The Federal child support program (Title IV-D) is under DHHS. With the evisceration of women's health care and other rights and the assault against children and other defenseless creatures, I wonder when these (mostly) white billionaire men will take the ax to that program?
The right got their shorts in a knot when Michelle Obama tried to change childrens' diets so they would be less likely keel over from a heart attack at age thirteen. Ivanka, already rich beyond the dreams of most people, hawks her wares because she's just not rich enough yet. And Melania, Old Snow-blind, is still hiding out in NYC, doing nothing but plotting her escape. Nobody on the right criticizes either for their uselessness.
LeoK (San Dimas, CA)
Ivanka's only real role in the current disaster of an administration is as window dressing and eye candy for photo ops, perfectly reflecting the conservative view of "a woman's place." And she willingly participates, as NO ONE is allowed to disagree or push back on "daddy."

A morass of nepotism and incompetence!
doug hill (norman, oklahoma)
Naturally it will be the least advantaged of our population who will suffer the most because of the appointment of these Bible thumpers.
Gaucho54 (California)
I find it quite insulting that:

Ivank'a "so called" book list's her as the author, while we can be quite sure that it was ghost written.

That staged photos are released to the public showing how this busy businesswoman has time to teache her children about Jewish holidays. (think of the Purim photo).

That the government is actually paying for her world travels where she promotes her business.

That Ivanka continually talks about empowering women while her father is doing all he can to dis-empower all women.

That the Trump base see's Ivanka as the modern 2017 woman.

The hypocracy never ends.
phyllis beal (san antonio)
The pictures of her and her father say it all. From the time she was a young girl to the present, the pictures indicate submissiveness on her part. She is a rubber stamp.
carllowe (Huntsville, AL)
As far as I. Trump's book is concerned, it's too bad Michelle Obama hadn't written an advice book. Then Ivanka's tome could've been better -- just by copying parts of the Obama book the way another Trump family member copied her speech.
Brian Hill (Tulsa, OK)
You have to wonder what Ivanka might be like if she were not her father's daughter. She seems to have a good heart, but the flow of blood to it is partially blocked by Dad's wide-reaching malignancies. If she wanted to be more effective for her causes, she should abandon her pretentious White House adviser role and get out into the trenches for the rights of women and children.
Terry Malouf (Boulder, CO)
Anyone who thinks for even a nanosecond that this isn't outright economic warfare against women in general, and lower-income women in particular (let's just call them "female Others") is being disingenuous. What better way to keep those Others in their place? Wealthy women (and the men who impregnate them) will always have access to contraception and abortions.

As for denying the data, just look to Colorado, which has had an ongoing program to provide low-cost or free long-term contraception to teenage women. The result? 40% fewer pregnancies and 42% fewer abortions:


We're all anxiously awaiting Tom Price's, Charmaine Yoest's, and Emily Manning's data showing how this isn't a win-win for all.
Bruce (Pippin)
Ivanka is an enigma, no one really know what she is or what she thinks. She is a product her father, produced for public consumption just like a Kardashisian, famous for being famous. She has never proved herself to be able to do anything other that put her name on objects, just like her father, and sell the object as a special piece of luxury making the buyer part of her special world. Just like Paul Ryan, and her husband Jared they present themselves as being the smartest people in the word while being dumber that the door knob.
Her book is another blatant exploration of her position, she didn't write it and probably didn't read it. Her name is on the cover, that's all that matters. Her position in the White house is the same thing, all that matters is her name is on the door but the door knob is the most purposeful thing in the room.
bresson (NYC)
Like her father, Ivanka is nothing more than a relentless self-promoter. She's only in the game to promote herself and herself as a brand. She cares about women's issues less than the cotton count on her sheets. It just so happens that women's issues are a convenient reflex point for Ivanka to promote herself.
Richard A. Petro (Connecticut)
Dear Ms. Collins,
I have read for two weeks now how Ivanka has her father's 'ear' and is really a swell person save the fact that;
a. She comes from a family of wealth and privilege
b. In interviews has virtually no opinions and answers questions in a vague, 'things will be swell, trust me' sort of tone
c. Seems to be promoting either clothing, her book, her father or other schemes to increase her bankroll
d. But, heck, is so much 'prettier' than her father she appears, almost, to deserve a 'pass' except that she does have an office in the White House.
Her main goal seems to be the same as 'Twitler's, any publicity is good as long as you spell my name right; it worked for securing the presidency now, didn't it?
But, sadly (Crocodile tears here, please), her book doesn't appear in the top five of the NYT' 'best seller' list.
So, perhaps, the better 'influence' of our leader might be the almost vanished First Lady who is so much in the background that I've forgotten her name other than Mrs. Trump. Is she in New York? Mar-A-Largo? Kansas City?
Anywhere but the 'White House' it seems.
But Trump campaigned on putting the 'family values' clock in the 'Wayback Machine' as he tried to bring the country back to the 18th century or so where women knew their place and men ran things right into the ground.
With the list of nincompoops you have highlighted in your column as 'appointees', well, we're on our wayyyyyy.....!
Terri (Northern 'Burbs of Chicago)
Gail, you have very succinctly summarized the state of women's health care under the Trump administration. It's plain frightening and something to be truly concerned about, particularly for women of child bearing age. It's obviously a fantasy that Ivanka is a major influence on her father, particularly where women's issues are concerned. I just have to shake my head and wonder about the women who actually voted for this bloviator in the 2016 election. No doubt many of them could be directly impacted by Trump's selection of appointees, not to mention how he aims to gut access to family planning. It's become a sad state of affairs for women in this country, and obviously Trump does not care one bit. One has to wonder what shoe will drop next.
Kevin (Red Bank N.J.)
The women who voted for Trump were not really voting for him. They were voting to end abortion. Trump won with them now he gives them what they want. These Evangelical Christians basically want and end to sex outside marriage. Roe v Wade will soon fall as the Roberts court is back to a five four conservative edge. This country will never recover from these people and Trump.
mgaudet (Louisiana)
"Some don’t believe even married couples should use artificial methods like pills or condoms."
Oh, there you go, talking about Catholics again.
It's not just Catholics. Some evangelical groups hold this view as well. Think about the "patriarchal Christians" represented by that family with 19 kids on TV. Also, of course, the Mennonites. Certain Orthodox Jewish sects. Not sure about the Mormons, but their families certainly tend to be large.
barb tennant (seattle)
Snore, one can get birth control at the neighborhood grocery or drug store
why should others pay for your sex life?
Jeoffrey (Arlington, MA)
If it's so cheap, why are you worrying about the trivial cost that it'll add? (And given that paying for birth control actually saves a ton of money, I would like to know why I should pay for the inevitable results -- unwanted, often unhealthy, uncared for children -- of an irresponsible policy that doesn't offer people birth control, just so as to advance the desires of our predator-in-chief and his enablers?)
Molly (Oakland CA)
Because the only contraception available at a drugstore is for men and only 1/4 of men feel it's their responsibility to even think about contraception. And in the case of an unwanted pregnancy the one who really "pays" is the child.
Drugstore over the counter methods have a far higher failure rate than methods obtained through a doctor. The most reliable and most popular method of all is sterilization. Hard to pick that up at the drugstore.

By the way, unintended pregnancies lead to vastly greater costs than birth control. Hardly a snore.
William P. Flynn (Mohegan Lake, NY)
When Tom Price says women have no trouble affording contraception on their own one can only think he's alluding to women buying their own condoms.
But he's a doctor; can he really be that dumb?
Kevin (Red Bank N.J.)
No, he is a rich Republican who does not care about you.
OMG (New England)
"But he is a doctor and can he really be that dumb?"

Ya know Ben Carson?
elle (New York)
Just listen to him speak! More incoherent by the day..
Did he ever study basic English, or basic American History? Sure, but perhaps he has always been in a fog. Money is the great protector of greed, ignorance, mental deficiency, corruption, and utter nastiness, et al..

Trump is shockingly confused : about his base, healthcare, the conservatives, the powers and separation of the branches, moderate republicans, all democrats, the alt-right, Fox News, health ins, and his own mind...

But women? NO CONFUSION THERE. The one area of Clarity. Women have been and remain his prime targets for control, for throwing under the bus.... or to the wolves. Women are nothing to Trump. Accept this.
I believe these women-related orders gave him great pleasure.

The Trump daughter has daddy's hubris: Why else accept a role in the White House with no skill or experience?
Netwit (Petaluma, CA)
I disagree with Gail's theory that Trump is making these hideous appointments because "he doesn’t care, and figures he can concede to the ultraright on women’s reproductive issues in return for stuff he really wants."

No, it's even worse. As a narcissist, all he really wants is complete control over his relationship with us, his subjects. The appointments are intended to punish liberals for voting against him, and for speaking out and marching. I suspect we're driving him crazy.

Let's keep up the good work.
Wezilsnout (Indian Lake NY)
Whether we like it or not (and whether we like them or not) Ivanka may indeed have out-sized influence with her father. Both directly as his daughter and also as the wife of Jared who enjoys tremendous trust and responsibility in the administration. Trump is sufficiently narcissistic to enjoy the idea of his daughter being an icon (of sorts). Most fathers would be coming to their daughter's defense but Trump values her more as the icon. The more we belittle her, the less influence she will have.
Mercun in Canada (Alberta)
Poor Ivanka....she's struggling with her 'work/life' balance right now. (Who knew that being priveledged, white, rich girl would be easier than actually working??)
HG (Bowie, MD)
Either Ivanka has absolutely no influence on her father, or she has the same anti-women beliefs as he does.
Laura Phillips (New York)
I doubt that Ivanka has ever had a conversation with any woman who actually had to support herself.
Steve Fankuchen (Oakland, CA)
Lately there have been quite a few pieces in the news if not quite lauding Ivanka Trump, at least positing good in association with her. To me it seems more a case of her and her father playing Good Cop, Bad Cop with the American public. And we know how that works. In a way it i sa bit like Marine Le Pen allegedly axing her father from their semi-fascist party in a pretend-serious act as a way to clean up her and the party's image.

If someone mugs you, steals a hundred bucks but leaves you two bucks for a bus ride home, they are not doing you a favor, and you do not thank them. They are the perp and you are the victim. Perhaps one cannot reasonably expect Ivanka to denounce her father, but before one should take her at all seriously as a force for good, she should at least resign from his administration.
alvnjms (nc)
Remember, this is the party that wants to shrink the government until it's small enough to fit in your bedroom, where it can monitor what type of sex you have with whom. Let's be honest, this fixation with the sex lives and choices is perverted, but now they simultaneously want to force women to remain pregnant against their will while removing any support for their mandated pregnancy from Obamacare. No wonder no one can bring themselves to even posit Ryancare or Trumpcare.
Eduardo B (Los Angeles)
Religious conservatives should have no standing when it comes to women's health care. Civil rights override any religious dogma.

Ivanka Trump can't speak for women because she has lived in a distorted privileged world since birth and has never experienced what reality is for 90+ percent of women. Her book is just another example of how little she knows.

Men who are not doctors, on the basis of gender alone, should stop pretending they know anything about women's reproductive health. They are obtuse to a fault on the topic.

Eclectic Pragmatism — http://eclectic-pragmatist.tumblr.com/
Eclectic Pragmatist — https://medium.com/eclectic-pragmatism
William Eakins (Asheville, NC)
John Quincy Adams was a principled lawyer most remarkable representing slaves seeking freedom in the Amistad case.
Richard Gordon (Toronto)
"Meanwhile, the president picked a new official to disseminate the administration’s thoughts about public health, and it’s a woman who believes that abortions cause breast cancer."

What is extraordinary is that America had ample warning that Trump was a fool before electing him as President. The big question is will America survive this President who is so totally incapable and inept.
BoRegard (NYC)
I gave up on Ivanka as a tempering agent after her last, most recent interview. Clearly she doesn't get-it. Clearly she wants her cake, to eat it, and also to have a share of others. She like many who were raised in wealth and got a great education are intelligent, but not all are smart and savvy. Look at the Kennedy kids. Stark contrasts to the Trumps, or the Hilton girls. Like two different species.

Trump clearly has no interests in the details of legislation, nor the details of how these horrific appointments will hurt so many Americans. He wants wins! W's! Things to be applauded, to have absurd victory rallies in the Rose garden over. He has his precious list of Wins, but no lists of the details of the larger impacts of those wins. As its always been. He puts up a new building, or golf course - all on the list of Bigly Wins! No details of the impacts on the labor, the locals, the environment, etc. None!

He's savvy enough to know the Evangelical, Xtian Fundamentalist vote is still important to him. Because they actually get out and vote! And the GOP knows this very well. They can actually bank on those votes.

But the Dems, the left, the progressives have no such vote-bank! For some crazy reason you cant get Evangelical/Fundy Xtians to come out and vote for justice, and equality.

For some reason the unborn, or even not yet conceived, are to be protected, but once born they are a product of SIN, and therefore the mother and child are to be treated as vermin.
Plantagenet Pallisser (London)
Most progressives and centrists still think that the Trumps can be swayed by facts: they can't. Most progressives and centrists still think that Ivanka at least isn't fully complicit in her father's loony policies: she is. Most progressives think that rising up in the streets will knock the Trumps from power: it won't. (Trump will call out the Army and seize more power.) Bottom line: the Trumps really really really don't care what you think, however many times a day you vent your hate about them on Facebook or Twitter.
Michael Singer (NYC)
When one political party has as its goal the destruction of social cohesion, the severing of trust between the people and their government, no fool is too foolish to hire. Ivanka and the other phantom spokespersons are merely that. They say what needs to be said at a given moment to silence the press, give energy to religious fundamentalists, and disrupt the thinking of the rest of the country, so that successive resistance and counter-measure become more difficult. A brilliantly handled group of traitors.
Carl Ian Schwartz (Paterson, New Jersey)
Two takes on this article. First, the GOP's plans for low-income Americans are sinister at best. Limiting access to contraception and abortion services and demonizing fact-based sex education means more unwanted births. What does the GOP want to do: turn these babies, whose "right to life" ends at birth, into the equivalent of Soylent Green?
Second, the more I read about Ivanka, the more she seems a female impersonator rather than a modern woman.
GWBear (Florida)
Why would anyone look to Ivanka? She is no feminist and no champion for women.

Her only interests begin and end with all things Trump. Daddy taught her well...

You know the President has to go when the nation looks to his unfit, cold, vain, self-absorbed, heartless daughter as a means to channel even a trace of decency and sanity towards the President. Even the GOTP looks to her now! What does this say about the rationality of the man in the Oval Office, the one with the Nuclear Launch Codes and the gigantic military? See? Everyone knows! The President is unfit!

How has it come to this? We the US People - and the World - deserve so much better!
D Price (Wayne, NJ)
That the unelected Ivanka might temper her father's worst pandering-to-the-far-right instincts is a ludicrous expectation. We know very little about Ivanka except that she's her father's daughter, which makes her both a brand and a Trump -- i.e., a consummate opportunist.

As a brand, of course she'll allow the release of platitudinous, ghost-written books in her name. Does she know or believe what's in those books? Perhaps no more than her non-reading father knows what was in the books bearing his name. And as a Trump, well, anything for approval and personal profit. Her pro-woman facade seems to be merely a salable image, backed by inaction. Wanting better from her is a mistake -- she's given no evidence (only the Trumpish illusion of evidence) that she has better to give.

Finally, the president should not NEED a tempering influence; he should BE the tempering influence. Alas, this so-called POTUS is not -- to the detriment of us all.
Kat (Illinois)
We "need" Ivanka...out of the Oval Office. Why are there assumptions that she somehow is a contrast to the ineptitude and shallowness that is her father? There is no evidence for that other than she doesn't display it on Twitter for all to see. Please do not make her presence in the Oval Office somehow legitimate when it is not.
Beth Cioffoletti (Palm Beach Gardens FL)
When I see Ivanka visiting a day care center for single mothers who work for minimum wage, I will read her book. When she sits on a panel with those same mothers and answers their question for how to care for their sick children while they work, I will listen to her.
Bill Mosby (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Nobody should have any illusions about what would happen were Ivanka to abandon acolyte mode. If she actually opposed her Father openly and effectively, he would drop her like a hot potato. No. With that family it's all marketing all the time.
Robert Coane (US Refugee CANADA)
• The reproductive rights war is always promoted publicly as a battle against abortion. But many religious conservatives hate birth control in general. Some just want to stop sex outside of marriage. Some don’t believe even married couples should use artificial methods like pills or condoms.

“Sexual intercourse was to be looked on as a slightly disgusting minor operation, like having an enema." ~ GEORGE ORWELL

• Some believe that all fertilized eggs are humans and that many forms of contraception, from IUDs to morning-after pills, cause the equivalent of murder. It’s a theological principle that most Americans don’t accept.

"There was a time when religion ruled the world. It is known as the Dark Ages." ~ RUTH HURMENCE GREENE

• Charmaine Yoest described intrauterine devices to Emily Bazelon in a Times interview as having “life-ending properties.”
• Manning, who, like Yoest, has argued that abortions cause breast cancer, is going to be in charge of all federal family planning programs. She’s the one who once claimed in a radio interview that “contraception doesn’t work.”

“The quest for German domination was premised on the denial of science.” ~ TIMOTHY SNYDER

• It’s just that he doesn’t care,

“History shows there’s no reasonable alternative to the power of human curiosity in a democracy, especially when a president dares to claim exclusive ownership of reality.”
Birdwoman (Florida)
Ivanka is a fraud. She claims to be a champion of working women but she does not support them unless they are wealthy like her. She does not seem to understand that most women work because they have to, not because they feel like it. She has no understanding that they can't afford daycare unless it is made affordable through government subsidization. Few employers will provide daycare unless they are large companies. Can she not comprehend that a minimum wage increase is necessary for poor women and the average woman can't wait for tax deductions while shelling out the money for the services they need? And where is her voice when it comes to healthcare for women and their children? The trump plan cuts Medicaid funding that working women and their children rely on and offers insurance plans that don't have to cover prenatal care and can charge people with existing conditions more. She should stop masquerading as something she is not, that is, the average working woman who was not born rich. She has never felt what it is like to balance work and childcare out of necessity. Develop empathy, Ivanka, or shut up!
katalina (austin)
This matter of women's bodies or the issue of tissue, has been around for too long. When the GOP picks an argument, they keep it forever, no matter the illogic or unscientific facts. The abortion and breast cancer link was brought up in the Texas Senate apprx. five sessions ago and knocked down by doctors until the Lt. Guv. at the time, Bill Ratliff, a sensible man, asked that the bill be reworded. Birth control, said Joe Biden, is not my faith's belief, but others should be able to do what they want or need to do for themselves. LIke religion, in our country thanks to the antidisestablishmentarian clause, these choices of which god or not, which choice for family planning, and other decisions made should be in this matter the woman's. Period. Solely. Ivanka and her book and her statements reflect a woman who is not really concerned as Margaret Sanger was with the poor women who were terribly overburdened w/having too many children. Are we progressing in the right way, or are we going backwards? Into the dark we go. Some suffer more than others. This is not right, morally or any way. Of course, when children are not wanted or cannot be cared for properly, schools and others pick up the detritus that represent unwanted children for most states, like Texas, do not offer a plentitude of services for the poor--mothers, children and so forth.
clarice (California)
As Gail says, it's likely these appointments do not reflect Trump's or Ivanka's opinions --- it's just that the two of them abdicate any real responsbility for running the country. They just want to do the hi-profile stuff (oh, and make money for their brands).

I have to say that these kinds of appointments are, for me, the one cautionary note about wishing for a Trump impeachment (though I do so hope we see it soon). These appointments have the fingerprints of Pence, someone who can/does sweat the details and who knows that a Trump impeachment is only way he'd ever become President. Never having to expose his theocratic, anti-woman, God-works-through-me, political orientation is the only way he'll ever be President ----- and a Trump impeachment gives him that. No wonder he's been biting his tongue in public and acceding to Trump's lies since he was selected.
Jean (Nebraska)
The right is not apposed to birth control or sex abstinence. Witness the lives of their leaders-Trump. They are interested in controlling women's bodies. Best way to keep them dependent and subservant. antiabortion is the ultimate misogyny. Let's not pretend otherwise. it is not religion; it is not killing babies. They are free to believe and practice as they wish.
scm (Ipswich, MA)
With women now expected to have sex only to procreate, does that mean that Viagra (et al) will no longer be covered by insurance for men over 40/45, divorced, or single? And surely, as women have been subjugated to Atwood's Handmaid status, are men going to be fully responsible for the maternal care and birthing costs for their "planned" baby, no longer covered by insurance?
Al Patrick (Princeton, NJ)
" Nobody thinks these appointees reflect Trump’s own personal convictions,...."
Convictions ?
Personal convictions ?
I'm going to puke !
P Gould (Apex, NC)
"She's not witless"? Got evidence? Or should we just assume she values what we value?
John (Long Island NY)
She adds to the Trump Administration what Assad's western wife adds to the Syrian leadership, a pretty blank slate to add your views to.
The Poet McTeagle (California)
As automation and robotics take over more and more jobs, cheap human labor is less and less necessary. All those poor people merely take up space, spread disease, and demand unreasonable things, like food and medical care. I suppose there is some sort of fun in sending desperate groups of them against each other to fight to the death, since sociopaths must enjoy that sort of thing, but other than that pleasure, the Oligarchical position on contraception and abortion will change, surely.

Warren Buffett said it perfectly. The class war is over. The rich people won.
Marty (Washington DC)
What do you expect from someone who does know what the word 'complicit' means. She's a chip off the told block. A grifter in her own right.
Joel (Michigan)
Ivanka's just making the most of her increased media exposure. It's only about the brand.
James Ricciardi (Panamá, Panamá)
After all those horrible consequences of Trump's appointments you suggested in the penultimate paragraph, you forgot that if the child is born healthy, there will be no healthcare for the child, very little food, probably no pre-K and no child care and a very poor school. This is the true cycle of poverty and it is created and maintained by the very wealthy right wing in this country.
Leslie Abelson (Chicago)
Ruth Marcus and Gail Collins have both written about Ivanka and both have unrealistic expectations of the grifter's daughter. I think we can all agree that the apple usually does not fall far from the tree. However, it seems that a collective sense of overwhelming hopelessness has intelligent people flailing about for a solution. It's not going to be Ivanka, now or ever.
Hrao (NY)
The US women have no better rights than the Saudi women
Roy Smith (Houston)
The only benefit to readers your column provides is the expose' on the Trump HHS appointees. Everything you wrote about Ivanka is pointless. She has no meaningful purpose except to spout off about how her father "cares about women" and advises him, which he totally ignores. She is worthless to the American people. A nothing. She should be ignored and not worth the ink The NY Times buys to print her name.
WendyLuke (Minnesota)
The true agenda in this effort to control women's bodies is the white male's desire to create more white babies to counter the ever-growing population of people of color in the U.S. I've thought this for years, and they finally have control of the levers of government to make it happen. Disgusting.
LRF (Kentucky)
Ivanka's book was obviously intended for limited distribution in such countries as Sweden and Finland. Distribution in the U.S. has to be an error on the publishers part since the book doesn't jibe with the 'new reality' of this country in any way shape or form.
FH (Boston)
Not likely to change until women are a majority in the House and Senate. Come back in 200 years...if we are still here.
Jefflz (San Franciso)
Like father like daughter.
David Henry (Concord)
She's trying on perfume for the rubes to indulge.

Yous asked; I answered.
Randy (Santa Fe)
She's just the American princess version of Guinara Karimova, daughter of former Uzbekistan president Islam Karimov: Corrupt, vicious and evil, while enjoying celebrity and posing as a philanthropist and human rights activist.

Will Ivanka meet the same fate?
Ivanka is a Daddy's girl who thinks she's a professional because Daddy has hired her to work for him. The Trump's are marketers. Ivanka has been "employed" to make the brand more friendly to millennials and woman, something that the Trump sons cannot do because they are (1) too dumb and (2) too weird.

The real issue is Trump, and the sole -- only -- solution is to get rid of him. Yes, if his mental illness ends in a spectacular decompensation episode, we can remove him from office. More realistic is to defeat the Republicans in 2018, electing a Democratic Senate and House that can diminish Trump's influence. Meanwhile, the Democrats need to find a viable candidate for 2020 (no, fellow and sister progressives, not Warren -- she is no Bernie -- no blue collar appeal -- and will lose.)

The gerrymandering of congressional districts has already been challenged in court; that needs to continue. Also, electing Democratic state representatives will hinder Republicans from gerrymandering shenanigans after the 2020 census; those state contests do count.

It's a long term strategy, but one that can work. As for Ivanka; living your life out as Donald Trump's daughter, trying to please daddy (when doe the plastic surgery start, Ivanka -- or has it already?) is a fate worse than poor book sales. She's not her problem; he is.
Kathy (Chapel Hill NC)
We know the horrors of Trump and family and possibly the American people will figure out ways to protect themselves against the worst of this crowd of kleptocratic know-nothings.

Pence will be worse -- far more evil and hostile to women , the poor, minorities, the LBGT community, and predictably more in favor of war, which he and his ilk will never fight in.

Perhaps we will be better off with the Devil (and family) we know--but we had best work VERY VERY hard to rid Congress in 2018 of the hate-filled right-wingers who support all the anti-democratic tendencies of the Trump-Pence crowd
Diego (NYC)
Ivanka is an obvious nitwit.
Peter Toumanoff (New Hampshire)
Trump is in thrall to the Pence branch of Republicanism, because if he doesn't keep them happy, they have enough to impeach him.
Jonathan Saltzman (Provo, Utah)
Say, whatever happened to her birth mother, anyway? The silence from the first two wives is particularly troubling.
Cassini (Between the Rings)

they get big checks to keep ttheir mouths shut
Jahnay (New York)
Ivanka doesn't care either. She's just an office showpiece for her dad, just as
her stepmom, Melania, just has to look good in public.
Robert Guenveur (Brooklyn)
We need a Constitutional amendment banning all contraception and abortion. That will do it. I don't know what, exactly, but it's a great way to show them. Not really sure who they are.
We could make child bearing a crime, and let women free only if they follow the rules. Don't know exactly whose rules. Perhaps a group of evangelists appointed by the vice president could suggest some. Or perhaps Ivanka.
You get the picture. Get women out of the loop. They, in their greed, are causing the problem. If they didn't seduce men we wouldn't have a problem.
It's getting to the point that women are allowed to interfere in man's greatest perogative,waging war. What do they know? You either have balls or you don't. They don't. They don't deserve an opinion.
I repeat: A Constitutional Amendment.
Make America Neanderthal Again.
wryawry (The Foothills Of the Hinterlands)
I'm totally with you, right up to the Neanderthal thing -- a little too Europeanish.
Cheryl (Yorktown)
Oh, great, yet more appointees with uninformed opinions and a big holy chip on their shoulder, so that should Congress miss any way to make life harder for women, they will find it and re-regulate freedom of choice away.
Carol lee (Minnesota)
That anybody would think that Ivanka would be the moderate influence in this group is hysterical. This is a person that probably spends more on her appearance than most people earn in any given year. She has photographers follow her around catching "candid" shots all day long. She is the old man's branding operation. However, her mother hadn't aged well, probably from bring associated with these losers, and it could catch up with daughter too. One would hope that Ivanka will be recognized by most as ridiculous and irrelevant, and then we will just pay for her to take up space.
A. Davey (Portland)
Ivanka is as much of a narcissist and a grifter as her old man.

Does anyone remember the French queen was so enamored of the thought of dressing up as a shepherdess that she had a quaint hut built on the grounds of the palace so that she and her ladies in waiting could pretend to be living a pastoral idyll?

Her name was Marie Antoinette, and it is said she "would stroll around her perfect world in simple shepherdess garb with her children, part of an idealized Nature . . ."

Well, Ivanka is living the twenty first century version of Marie Antoinette's delusion, caught up in the fantasy that she's some sort of trailblazing feminist executive. The truth is she's just playing with the money and privilege she inherited from her daddy.

Now, with Lyin' Donnie in the Oval Office, Ivanka has taken her narcissism to a new high, swanning around with world leaders as if she had actually accomplished something and acting for all the world as if she were in the middle of the best gap year ever.

It's time for Ivanka to join her book on the remainder pile.
Ninbus (New York City)
Marie Antoinette also, famously, had diamonds encrusted on the soles of her shoes.

Has anyone checked Ivanka's footware for this?

NOT my president
Sally (Portland, Oregon)
The only women that support Trump are NOT intelligent, thoughtful, admirable, honest, humble, compassionate, caring, or unselfish. Ivanka fits right in.
sapere aude (Maryland)
To answer your question in the title Gail, Ivanka is hawking her wares.
Michelle (US)
Anyone holding out any hope that this administration can be salvaged from within is going to be sorely disappointed.
TuesdaysChild (Bloomington, IL)
This administration is truly bizarre. Where's the do-nothing First Lady?
Samantha (Chicago)
Oh please - she's "complicit."
Ms. Pea (Seattle)
Oh, c'mon, it's unfair to expect Ivanka to put a stop to dad's anti-woman agenda. After all, none of it affects her in any way. She and Jared can still carry on with whatever family planning works for them, and she will always have access to the very best medical care available. So, from her privileged standpoint, what's the big deal? Besides, Ivanka has said in interviews that she fully supports her father, so that sort of tells you all you need to know. Her book of "empowerment" is nothing more than an attempt to cash in on dad's position. I'd expect nothing less from a Trump. Watch for more such attempts from more Trumps as time goes on. As a family, they all know how to grab a buck when they have the chance.
Deborah Goodwin (VT)
Ivanka, like the rest of her awful family, cares nothing about anyone else. They are insular, privileged, and remarkably clueless. She speaks calmly, gets regular manicures, and can walk in heels but she has no idea how real women who work deal with their lives. Her brittle, manufactured beauty and carefully moderated speech may make her seem reasonable compared to Daddy Trump, but she only has one thing in mind, to promote her own family and brand. She could care less if millions of women can't afford health care. It must just mean that we haven't "architected" our lives properly.
Every day brings new horrors. I want my country back! Impeach Trump!
ChesBay (Maryland)
Who says we need her? She's a delusional liar, just like the old man.
Anne (Portland Oregon)
Ivanka is evil incarnate. She is just like her father; soulless, selfish, greedy, and cunning.
Watch out! America.
Padfoot (Portland, OR)
"It’s just that he doesn’t care"

Well Gail, neither does Ivanka. Not really. If she did you wouldn't have written this column.
Dave T. (Cascadia)
Charmaine Yoest doesn't think too kindly of us LGBT folks, either:

Sick to my stomach (NY)
Ivanka and Jared: beautiful robots in the service of evil.
F. McB (New York, NY)
This OP-ED is useful in that it lists the noir picks Trump has made for high posts dealing with Health and Human Services, public health, family planning, etc. It's big problem is that Collin's make's daddy's girl, Ivanka, the centerpiece of the article. That's just was Ivanka loves, being the centerpiece, but who needs her? This object, the piece de resistance of the Trump family, is as bonded to money as daddy dearest is. She and her husband coached Donald during the campaign, feeding his lust for winning and theirs for the power, the prestige and the MONEY. She, Jared and Donald are the wicked witches that have spiritually, socially and economically cursed our country.
LT (Chicago,IL)
Trump has no peer when it comes to weaponizing ignorance.

Yoest, Manning, and Price are yet another cluster bomb of stupidity in Trump's War on Competence.

IUDs kill. Contraception doesn’t work. Abortions cause breast cancer.


Trump's latest recruits may not exhibit the sheer lack of brainpower of the MOAB, Betsy "Mother Of All Buffoons" DeVos, but there is serious purposeful ignorance here.

And Ivanka? She is not witless. But she sure seems comfortable collaborating with those who are
jazz one (wisconsin)
She's useless. Have zero expectations of her.
She shouldn't be the Assistant to POTUS, or whatever cockamamie title they've dreamt up for her.
She shouldn't be sitting in policy meetings, or be part of panels, next to world leaders.
She's still working for the Trump Brand, and that disqualifies her for anything but her ... that soulless pursuit.
To pretend she cares to do more, unless it is to inherit / steal /waltz into a Presidency in 8 years is to be somewhere between naive and delusional.
The less I see or hear or her or the equally useless Jared, the better.
Just a complete train wreck. Thank you Mr. Putin!
esthermiriam (DC)
Not funny -- and brilliantly done.
Susan (Paris)
"Charmaine Yoest described intrauterine devices to Emily Bazelon in a Times interview as having "life-ending properties."

Dear Ms. Yoest, it's worse than that. Your boss and his entire administration have "life (as we know it)-ending properties" which they seem determined to apply to every aspect of our lives. Lots scarier than contraception believe me!
Leigh (Boston)
Thank you, Gail. I am still enraged that 54% of white straight women voted for Trump. You don't see half of the GLBT community, for example, or the African American community voting for their own destructive overlord. So what's up with women? Do Republican women really want to be treated like this? If so, why inflict it on the rest of us?
wryawry (The Foothills Of the Hinterlands)
54% of white straight women who could be bothered to vote! The so-called election was a travesty of ignorant indifference. We have met the enemy. He is us.
olivia james (Boston)
But it's women who will hold other women back. Isn't that empowering?
Ann (Morristown, NJ)
I wonder if the religious organizations that don't want to pay for birth control prescriptions, pay for Viagra and Cialis.?
Chaparral Lover (California)
Why do all of you in the press keep fawning over Ivanka Trump? I don't get it. She's strange and gross. And for you to actually say, "Where's Ivanka when 'we' need her?" Wow. That's horrifying.
Alme (williamsburg)
I think she was being sarcastic. And this was hardly fawning.
Westchester (NY)
There is a Stepford Wife quality to Ivanka. Jared seems equally vacuous. And these two are our big hope? God help us.
Ian_M (Syracuse)
Of course all of this stems from the fact that our elected leadership doesn't reflect its citizens political beliefs. Our House is more conservative by about 30 representatives and Trump lost the popular vote. If our Whitehouse and Congress actually reflected the people of our country then Hilary would be president and she'd be pursuing family leave, improvements to the ACA, and affordable birth control and Congress would go along with at least some of it. The idiotic "health care" bill that just passed the House would be dead as a door nail.
bob west (florida)
While I disdain the 'family values party; the progressives are toodling in the wind also. Every six months either Christine Amanpour, or HRC or Ms Brzeinski host women empowerment gatherings to promote the 51% majority, but I don't see Rosie the riveter or the checkout ladies at Walmart there, because they are too busy trying to fill out their 40 hours/
Nedra Schneebly (Rocky Mountains)
The Trumps are no-class grifters. That includes Ivanka.
Carol Abramovitz (KW, Fla)
Sadly, a very large number of women voted against their best interest the ultimate chutzpah is that these laws effect their daughters and granddaughter as well.
Religions love to punish all women but in doing so they truly harm the children born to a young, unsupported mother and an uncaring society. Exhibit one, the AHCA certainly will not cover pregnancy, delivery and general family health. Remember the Republican mantra, if you lack the money to pay for healthcare, too bad.
Greg (Minneapolis)
Not to worry. Trump, Pence, Price et al are solid God-fearing, devout Christian men, they know the right thing to do. And they'll do it. IN fact, they'll each take a dozen poor babies and see to it that they have safe housing, clean water, safe and abundant food, the best education, all the career choices imaginable - and - will set the standard for all their Christo-fascist (I mean, Evangelical) friends to follow suit. And then there's Kushner! An (cough, cough) Orthodox Jew! If he's anything like the wonderful Orthodox Jews in my life, I KNOW those millions of extra babies will be in good hands! Because all of them are "pro-life," are they not?
Wondering... (Central MA)
When Ivanka can solely support her family on less then - let's say 70K a year, then let's hear what she has to say.

Oh and without access to health insurance too.
joanne (Pennsylvania)
News flash: Ivanka Trump said *nothing* when that bill passed with policies hurting women. Her voice was silent.
Anyone ridiculing the Women's March wake up and smell the coffee.
Here's one of many issues affecting women:
Men in congress cut women's voices out of debate then passed a bill that rapes committed against women could make them ineligible for health insurance. That would be decided by the state in which they reside.

Ivanka's dad celebrated the bill. He was on Cloud Nine.
Bottom line is women will be forced to weigh reporting sexual assaults against loss of of health care-- or higher rates.
By the way, men in the Senate have also excluded women from being part of the health care bill. Fully outrageous once again.
Ivanka doesn't care. That is bogus wishful thinking. She is complicit.
Women's magazines are taking up the issue:

Jerome (Lake Hill, NY)
We should go back to the start of the rich and Republican attempts to outlaw
abortion and try to determine why this has become so extreme.

The real reason, given many years ago, is that rich entrepreneurs decided that a high birth rate could insure an oversupply of cheap labor, so why not make sure they would have it?

They began to organize anti-abortion groups and to spread the so-called horrors and barbarism of abortion. Like the more recently debunked idea that cutting taxes on the rich will spread unlimited prosperity to the entire country, the anti-abortion idea spread and became a primary objective of conservative Republican (and other) groups.

All in the name of furnishing a cheap labor source for wealthy manufacturers.!
ulysses (washington)
Ivanka Trump's book may be "witlessly derivative," but certainly no more so than Hillary's many doorstops. In any event, Ivanka offered a brilliant solution to the Plnned Parenthood issue: break it into two organizations. One supposedly tiny one that offers abortions. And the gigantic one that offers other health care advice/services to women.

On a related subject, don't you think that Ivanka would trounce Chelsea, if the two were to run against each other for President, in some distant, sorrowful time?
Rea Tarr (Malone, NY)
No. Ivanka wouldn't "trounce" any woman who had a brain in her skull. What makes you think so, ulysses? Her looks? Her fashion sense? Her business acumen?
TM (Boston, MA)
Yes, Ivanka is insipid and complicit and is not aware of her limitations. She has an inflated sense of herself and demands that we listen to her bromides.

And she is Chelsea's Clinton's close friend.

Chelsea has been putting herself out there quite often with so-called "feisty" tweets, books and vacuous comments that she apparently thinks are profound. See the recent Vanity Fair article.

Think about it, just in case the Democrats are getting any ideas about candidates for 2020. We can't afford to lose again.
chibi-wan (rochester,ny)
Face it the two women in his life that he talks two are just pretty and they are both not very smart . my cat is smarter the Melania and Ivanka is just a rich girl and does not really care for anything other than being rich and pretty what a disgrace she is miss feminist what a joke.
sue (Hillsdale,nj)
actually, melania speaks 5 languages. much smarter than my cat, and she proves it by staying away from him. h is in thrall to tac cutters for the rich including himself. what a country who could elect a vile ignoramus and his choir boy woman hater. I'm sick over it, but I have medicare and wish, like Bernie, everyone did.
DS (croton-on-hudson, ny)
To the headline, "Where's Ivanka When We Need Her," all I can say is, we don't need her. She is nothing to this country but a privileged family member under her father's thumb and married to an extremely rich and privileged boyish now-family member. They are nothing to us--can we please leave them out of this mess?
A2francelle (Michigan)
To follow the reader's comment that single men should not have to pay for maternity coverage to its logical extreme, that exclusion should apply only to single men who are sterilized so that they cannot impregnate women whose access to contraception, abortion, and prenatal care is being gutted.
Because a million died (Chicago)
Ivanka Trump is NOT complicit with the vicious policymakers.

She is one of the vicious policymakers.
Marc (Montreal)
We haven't heard a word from Jared Kushner, who has so many responsibilities in the WH. But like many others, I did hear Ivanka in an interview she recently did in Berlin. She is unqualified for taking on issues of public policy, as she is simply incapable of making a coherent argument about anything. How she got through those prestigious schools is beyond me.

Someone who is in her position should have the facts -- from the Bureau Labor Statistics -- at her fingertips and have a clear idea of the policy arguments that are being debated on both sides of the table. Compare Melinda Gates (also very wealthy), championing on global health issues, with Ivanka and the difference becomes evident.
Coopmindy (Upstate NY)
My understanding is that Jared can't talk.
Lon Newman (Park Falls, WI)
the damage being done to public health as focused family planning programs are being dismantled and destroyed is long term and world wide. Population stabilization, global climate change, women's ability to participate in education and the workforce, children's health, crime and poverty rates, sexually transmitted infections and epidemics -- all depend upon accessible, affordable, confidential reproductive health care. Family planning programs have provided that access to all in Wisconsin and across the country for generations. After we learn the predictable consequences of denying access to reproductive health care to young and low income men and women, it will take more than a generation to rebuild these programs and we will never undo the damage to the generations caught in this pit of ignorance these ideologues have dug.
Shalby (Walford IA)
Here's how women can keep their right to contraception and abortion: Make the fathers assume all childcare responsibilities. I'm sick of seeing smug, middle-aged white men decide what I can and cannot do with my uterus after they have irresponsibly deposited their sperm into it.
Bob (My President Tweets)
Smug, fat, middle aged white men were so angry that a black guy did a terrific job as president that now we all have to suffer through one term and one term only of their angry pathetic white "men" tantrums.
Because that is what draft dodger trump really is, a tantrum by white losers who hate the successful black President.
And who pays when fat white losers have tantrums?
The women who else.
Rightist "men" are cowards who prey on women but American women are not to be triffled with.
Ellen Campbell (Montclair, NJ)
I agree with Gail in that trump does not care a hoot about women's healthcare and these are easy give aways to the far right. We are just the "surplus population."
justamoment (Bloomfield Hills, Michigan)
If only Ivanka Trump worked at something that had some/any societal value.

If only she really cared about women ---those, for example, who work in the third-world sweatshops that produce her eponymous 'fashion' lines.

If only she did not appear to be so driven by money and celebrity status that, in spite of having (with her husband) a reported worth of $740 million, she devoted her time to her one-year-old, three-year-old and five-year-old rather than to her appalling father.

If only she anything of value to communicate to women who work --- anything at all.
Bob Bunsen (Portland, OR)
Ivanka Trump is Kim Kardashian with a touch more class.
ACJ (Chicago)
I understand this is not a funny matter at all, but, what must be a dinner or cabinet meeting, or a department meeting be like with all these fruit loops sitting around discussing policies and procedures ---is there a staffer sitting in the room with the courage to scream and the top of his or her lungs--people this is 2017, not 1845. How could we be in a century, now driven, whether we like it or not, by technologies in almost every human activity you can think of led by individuals who don't believe in science? If there is any good news to the continual employment of these basketful of know nothings, is the reality that technology stops for no one---it will march on with or without us, open to the highest bidder ---which now appears to be China.
Amelie (Northern California)
Ivanka is as phony as her father, and every bit as corrupt. All these stories about how Ivanka's going to be a good influence on him -- utter nonsense. She doesn't care about women, or policy, or the country. She cares about using the White House as a platform to rake in the dough.
Cynthia K. Witter (Denver)
Do you think the attack on contraception and abortion is part of a focused plan by the right to birth a generation of poor people? I mean clearly we can no longer depend on them coming across the border from Mexico. And who else will keep the gardens and bathrooms at the many Trump properties tidy?
Rea Tarr (Malone, NY)
Good thought, Cynthia. Yes, that could be the plan. Replace Mexico's poor, hard workers with our own, American-grown poor.

Next step might be construction of training camps around the country for when the kids turn six or seven. That way, the moms and dads can fit new ones into their shacks and cardboard boxes.
PHM (Cambridge, MA)
As Collins notes, Trump is supporting the extremist religious right to support his power to do other things. This seems like a similar bad deal as the Saudi's have done with their support of their extreme religious so that they can control their kingdom with little criticism. It is scary and the general population loses. Will it come back to haunt him?
Nick Adams (Laurel, Ms)
When it comes to ignorance and stupidity there is no sexual discrimination in the Republican party
just Robert (Colorado)
It would be easy to consign the Trump presidency to just an expression of the absurdity of life, but there is real suffering here that could be prevented with just a little wisdom or thoughtfulness. So the result is tragedy on a massive scale made more tragic by the fact we are watching it happen in a slow motion train wreck. As human beings all we can do is try to avert it by any means possible, but will it work. I do not know.
Joe Sabin (Florida)
I swear we are living in a 21st century version of the dark ages.

All three critical facets are in strife: political, economic, and social. Our economic standards for a vast number of people in America has moved backwards toward the gilded age, if not beyond in some measures. The great recession pushed many families near destitution, but were saved for the social safety nets. However, now our GOP "leaders" are pressing to destroy the safety nets. AHCA is but one strand in that net.

Pay scales are horrific for most and worse for women. But still, there is a huge segment of the male population that may permanently be unemployed. Outsourced, replaced by automation, or left behind by advancing technologies.

We have the worst "leadership" for this inflection point in our country, and having more unwanted pregnancies, more single mothers, and less social safety net is a recipe for a disaster.
jb (on the Rhine)
Ivanka is her father's comfort animal. she is loyal and there to soothe in times of stress. she gets positive remarks from casual observers because of her docility.
ann nicholson (colorado)
We can't give up, I mean it has to be full warp speed ahead -To quote FBI director Jim Comey, Ivanka Trump makes me "slightly nauseous"-
scott wilson (santa fe, new mexico)
Without Daddy's money, Daddy's Special Princess Ivanka would be lucky to be working the cosmetics counter at Nordstrom. Just as without his daddy's money and connections and influence, Donald would probably be selling flood-damaged used cars in Jersey somewhere. I am sure Ivanka cares deeply about all the women in assorted foreign countries toiling away to make the family's tacky tchotchkes. Ivanka is just another Trump Family Grifter using the White house for personal gain.
paul (st. louis)
John Oliver has a great piece on how we shouldn't put faith in Ivanka and Jared. They are inconsequential, despite what they try to portray.
Leigh (LaLa Land)
I guess when Trump's done, Ivanka and Jared can afford to move anywhere in the world to find some clean air. But their kids will never escape the legacy of having the ultimate bad grandpa.
Susanne (NYC)
Women of the USA unite! Refuse to have relationships with any man who supports these GOP ideas unless he's committed to take on full responsibility for the outcome.
just Robert (Colorado)
Sounds like a Greek play I saw once upon a time.
A classier version if a Kardashian.

Self enrichment without substance.
JJR (Royal Oak MI)
We should not assume Ivanka has any power to influence her father, however good her intentions might be. Shall we not waste ink or bytes on her anymore?
Stephen Grossman (Fairhaven)
> Dad’s going to war against women.

Agreed, women as mindless, economically determined, Marxist abstractions from an economic class organized for political war, not women as individuals w/independent minds. You "forgot" your blood-drenched context, an easy error when virtually all Americans are incapable of thinking in principles because of our Progressive/Pragmatist schools.
Glen (Texas)
Jia Tolentino, writing in "The New Yorker" magazine, performed the service that Gail frequently sacrifices herself for so we don't have to: reviewed Ms. Ivanka's latest literary self-help missal. If Ms. Trump's (Kushner's?) political chops are as advanced as her English and writing skills (“All women benefit immeasurably by architecting their lives” is an example of Ivanka's efforts), she's not adding a whole lot of intellectual heft to Trump's administration.

I have to say that, from the male perspective, when Ivanka and Trump are seen together, it is very easy to take your eyes off Donald. I'm beginning to believe that is her primary benefit to him. To the detriment of the rest of us.
kw, nurse (rochester ny)
Once again, the actions of DT make me want to cry. As has been pointed out now and then, he does his "negotiations" beginning with absurd demands. But these absurdities are picked up by his followers as just-dandy ideas and away we go with more attempts to backtrack any progress toward equal justice.
G. Powell (Sarasota, Fl.)
I love how the Left keeps pretending that a woman terminating a baby in her womb is "healthcare". I love how this article ignores that a majority of American's, including women do not support abortion. And I love the media that keeps lying and slanting their news coverage to the extreme left pretends that they have a higher approval rating than the President when in fact it is abysmally low due to articles like this filled with Leftist drivel and never presenting both sides fairly, on the far left view, as this does. Other than that, no problem.
MKKW (Baltimore)
Let those women who don't believe in choice not make a choice. But please allow others who do want it to have it available.

The irony is that Republicans keep harping on how their healthcare plan gives people more choice, not less. It seems that the Reps want to choose what choice is.
Carol la native (Northern ca)
If you don't believe in abortion do not have one. As for others each can choose for themselves.
Really simple.
The Vulgar Duck (Minnesota)
Cricket Gail. Cricket, not Hockey. The hat trick Is a cricketing term, subsequently adopted by many other sports. Cricket is a long game requiring long term strategy, sublety and patience. Sometimes not all that exciting to watch from the sidelines, but consistently focused and engaged on the pitch. A shame that cricket was not a sport available to Trump during his time at school!
Kilroy (Jersey City NJ)
It ought never have come to such a sorry pass that Americans are in the ludicrous position of hoping that a president's daughter can mitigate his nightmarish excesses.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
Princess Ivanka, the pretty face of the pandering Trump . PEROID.
Sean (New Orleans)
Republicans go strangely silent about Ivanka. Maybe it's just their natural mistrust of women, at odds with their need to sycophanticly support the brand.
If they're secretly concerned that she's going to go rogue on them they needn't worry. Nothing she's said, done or married suggests she's any threat to their status quo.
nothere (ny)
Great, as usual, Gail, and that last paragraph sums it up perfectly.
Ruth (Seattle)
Ivanka's so-called moderating influence is a ruse peddled by the spin doctors of the administration. She is no more in touch than any other scion of wealth and privilege. I hate to say it, but she's been getting a pass from the media because she is a young, well spoken and beautiful woman. But it does seem like the shine has worn off, and not a moment too soon.
Kekule (Urbana, Illinois)
What do you expect Gail?

The Trump family sets a new standard for "facile". Here's one from her brother Eric: "There's no better patriot in the world than Sean Hannity."

in the world.
Tom Beeler (Wolfeboro NH)
Let's not forget that the president himself is fond of Locker Room Talk, where Real Men put women in their place and joke about sex. The Oval Office is now an off-the-record Locker Room.

One of the unspoken rules of the Locker Room is that one never talks about men as being responsible for female problems like pregnancy. It's always the woman's fault because (wink wink) boys will be boys. In that the Christian Locker Room Boys agree with those Islamic Locker Room Boys: women have to hide their bodies in shapeless garments lest we lose all control and rape them on the spot.

However, the thing that really has me puzzled is why 51 percent of us put up with this crude behavior. Do all Republican women have the Stockholm syndrome?
AK (Seattle)
Or she is as much of a loathsome narcissist as her father. It amazes me how she gets a pass -is it her looks? Gender?
TWade (Canada)
Like father, like daughter...
MIMA (heartsny)
We saw the picture of Nixon's men (whoops, Trump's men) partying in the White House Rose Garden after threatening so send millions to their graves.

Can't we just picture the male groupies lining up all the Stepford Wife ladies to take care of the rest of the women out here. They'll show us dames, right, whose world this is and how it should be run!

I'm old on the one hand but I feel like I'm living a life in my early twenties again when I went to an OB/GYN to get a Rx for oral contraceptives and he asked me "if I was having a good time." Oh yeah, I wasn't married yet. So that would put me in that wild fun premarital sex category. The OB/GYN physicians, male ones, could judge, verbalize, and send you on your way, humiliated, because you wanted a college education before having children. Those nasty woman days.

Oh, that's right. We're in the nasty woman days again, aren't we Donald?
Ivanka's not going to fix that.
Don Shipp, (Homestead Florida)
Apparently the Trumps share a genetic trait which precludes them from understanding how ignorant of their own ignorance they are. Many thought Ivanka could offer a nepotic counterweight to the manifest Trumpian ignorance and bombast. However, apparently unfulfilled by simply exploiting her father's position for financial gain, Ms.Trump has decided to author an insipidly vacuous book, where she quotes famous people or authors that she or her ghost writer never read in their entirety. She also had the hubris to include aphorisms, reeking of privileged banality, that she authored. My favorite theatre of the absurd moment is when Ivanka quotes Friedrich Nietzsche !!, which is an exponential LOL moment. After all Nietzsche's lack of personal grooming habits would have alienated Ivanka.
Sharon (San Diego)
Ivanka Trump's paid job is Executive Vice President of Development & Acquisitions at the Trump Organization. She didn't accept her unpaid eye candy job at the White House to stand up for women. She's using the post to make deals in foreign countries, friendly or not, to build her dad's brand and line her own pockets. She gets to use her last name and her daddy, the president, to open doors to those deals. What country, friendly or not, would say no to the daughter of an unhinged world leader with the world's largest army at his disposal? And on the side she sells gaudy jewelry and clothing produced in overseas sweat shops. I'm baffled why Washington, D.C., news and editorial writers give her public service motives that she doesn't have. Her very job title is an in-your-face admission that she's in it to grow her dad's business in violation of every ethics rule on the books.
Rich K (Illinois)
Single men should not be required to pay for maternity insurance. Or maybe Gail wants those who don't drive cars to pay for car insurance.
Rebecca (Seattle)
Since statistically they are on the hook and biological fathers tend to bail-- how about posting a bond every time that intimate relations occur? (Insuring support and healthcare until a child was 18) That would be a free market solution to a real world problem, yes?
Sarah D (Montague MA)
Because single men never impregnate anyone, right?
Samantha (Los Angeles)
What an extraordinarily selfish attitude. Where on earth do you think those single men came from? And who is going to help those single men when they get old and have no one else to support them?

Single men do not live in some sort of "self-supporting" vacuum. They financially depend on everyone else's children.
NMY (New Jersey)
I don't know why people seem to think that Ivanka (or Jared) in the White House will go far to appease liberals. I'm a liberal and disgusted by their presence in the White House. The president is already the most ill prepared, ignorant, incapable chief executive I've ever seen. This could be ameliorated if he had surrounded himself by top advisors who really knew how things worked AND were concerned with doing their best for the country. Instead, he surrounds himself with know nothings, sycophants and family members. Just because Ivanka and Jared had Democratic leanings doesn't mean they are truly liberals. They would like liberal values but when push comes to shove (i.e. when we are talking about their bottom lines) they are happy to jettison any liberal values that true liberals hold dear out the window. If Ivanka was brought in to soften her father, offer him a guiding hand, push him toward helping women, I'll have to say, she is the worst failure at it I've ever seen. What does she know of the struggles of the average American woman when she's never been one? Let's not kid ourselves. She's there to either (a) promote Ivanka the brand or (b) get groomed to be President Ivanka one day, or both. But as far as helping regular Americans goes, don't hold your breath.

And...most true liberals are horrified to see her there. She's a LINO, and nothing else.
Jim LoMonaco (CT)
The notion that Ivanka and Jared were brought in to encourage Trump to act as his better self is another set of "alternative facts" pushed by the Trumpistas.

Neither has known anything but extreme privilege in life and has no conception of the sort of lives 99% of Americans live. Yes, she's there to improve the fortunes of Trump, Inc. any collateral benefit will be purely by chance.
TheRanch (NY)
Gail, well written piece. The simple answer - and the simple ones are often the best - to the question posed by this article's title is that Ivanka Trump will inherently always be complicit in her father's actions, policies, statements and personnel choices to fill appointed positions. To expect anything different will meet with disappointment.

Mr. Trump is not the thoughtful father type to listen and consider what his children, and, by association, in-laws have to say. Ms. Trump's role in her father's close circle of advisors is little more than a stage prop or decoration to be used to create an image as would have been used on the set of The Apprentice. For Ms. Trump, her role is likely an opportunist one to enhance her business interests - the conflict of interest sitting front and center.

Keep up the good work Ms. Collins.
Susan (Clifton Park, NY)
"Women Who Work"written by Ivanka Trump is the ultimate definition of an oxymoron. What chutzpah!
dbl06 (Blanchard, OK)
My two grandmothers had 22 babies between them. I often wonder when they were 18 years old if that was the life they had dreamed of for themselves?
Edgar (New Mexico)
Gail, the truly tragic issue in this whole matter is that women for Trump, Ivanka especially included, know how hard the lives of women are, and yet they work to make them struggle even more. How Christian is that? As for Mr. Pence, "whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but a companion of fools will suffer harm." Proverbs 13:20
Fred jacobs (Bayside ny)
You could write a book (OED-sized) for all the promises not so much broken as lies. But his people love him. Keep it up, people! & see the fake news from today's failing NY Times: 95% of budget of Drug Control agency to be cut: dozens of staffers, millions in programs...but we're gonna git dat wall! Yeah! USA!
Bonongo (Ukiah, CA)
Considering Trump's near obsession with Andrew Jackson, I think you're overlooking something about that John Quincy Adams quotation being in Ivanka's book, Gail. Adams, after all, became President in 1824, in the last election thrown into the House of Representatives. Jackson won the most electoral votes, but not enough for a majority. Adams then convinced Henry Clay to back him in the House, denying Jackson the Presidency. So perhaps by quoting the man who defeated her father's hero, Ivanka is sending a (very) subtle message about her own position.
r (NYC)
lol! omg... i think you may be reaching a tad bit too far about that "subtle" message. i mean, one would REALLY have to know their hostory in order for the "message" you seem to feel is being sent to be understood. you really get the feeling that this president, much less anyone in his family, has that kind of firm grip/knowledge of history?
Fred White (Baltimore)
The irony is that women did this to themselves, as did black voters, by supporting the most despised candidate in Democratic Party history, Hillary, instead of the much more progressive--for women as well as everything else--candidate, Bernie. Exit polls offered us incontrovertible evidence that Sanders would have swept the Rust Belt and won the White House. Then we'd have the best progressive president for women, blacks, and the economy in history.
Maureen (Boston)
You are correct, but it was WHITE women who helped this joke get to the White House.
I hope every woman who voted for Trump sees the picture of all those men celebrating the fact that being a woman is now a pre-existing condition.
Ann (Boston)
Wasn't there a video posted of Ivanka dancing with her son when the vote was cast? Wasnt she posting photos of her two ski trips and trip to Hawaii that cost the tax payers millions of dollars when families were torn apart and travelers stranded at airports for days? Ivanka is more concerned with branding and portraying a saccharin sweet persona to the media. She posted photos of her children playing with Chinese building blocks before Xi JInping's visit trying to set the stage by using her children as props. She is just as manipulative and power hungry as her father and I don't buy the dribble she voices about learning on the job. Ivanka is not going to save anything. I would place a higher bet on Melania to make waves when she finally gets to Washington, that is if she can step out of the shadows of the bully in front of her and Ivanka who has usurped her role.
Bob (My President Tweets)
I think, deep down, rightists just hate women?
Rightists denigrate and marginalize women in the exact same way that fundementalist Islam does.

I'm waiting for ivanakas next denim burka clothing line to be hawked by kellyanne on fox kids.
Contraception "ends life" and abortion causes breast cancer? These people are making up their own facts in order to insert their religion into my government! Now that's what I call "Creationism!"

Trump (Pastor Pence?) is putting women into important public positions whose religious convictions - and scientific stupidity - will inform public policy.
This kind of ignorance could set women's economic progress back decades.

Ivanka, so far, is no help to anyone but herself and her own self enrichment.
Peter (Cambridge, MA)
"[Charmaine] Yoest, who’s going to be assistant secretary for public affairs, also refuses to consider whether increased access to contraception will actually help reduce abortion rates. It would, she told PBS, 'be, frankly, carrying water for the other side to allow them to redefine the issue in that way.'"

Is there a clearer statement that these people don't have the slightest interest in actually preventing abortions? It's all about *looking* like you're opposed to abortion. Anyone genuinely interested in preventing abortions would take a good hard look at what actually decreases the abortion rate, and would promote that no matter how it looks. For instance, funding Planned Parenthood. But Yoest's goal is not to decrease abortions, it's to win a political battle. Complete hypocrisy.
sophia (bangor, maine)
Everybody needs to be watching The Handmaid's Tale, get ourselves ready for the theocratic takeover. That's the problem with impeaching - or somehow getting rid of Trump - because then we'd have Pence who would create a Christian States of America in a heartbeat.

We've got to get rid of them both at the same time - and demand a new election. Trump is a Putin Puppet, no matter his accusations thrown at Hillary (about HER being a Putin Puppet, which was really very funny). He's an illegitimate president and he needs to go.

America needs to vote all of these whack jobs out of the government they profess to hate. Women need support since they are the ones going to work AND raising the kids AND cleaning the house AND going grocery shopping AND doing laundry. But, no. We don't get help. We get hindrances from people who want to own us.

Better step up women and all the men who truly love us and don't just objectify us. We don't have much time to fight this before we are all owned by the religious right.
marnie (houston)
how humiliating for her to have a dad that is wrecking the country. she must fight depression alot.
Laura Phillips (New York)
Ivanka has no clue about the lives of women who aren't wealthy. Women of her economic means will always have access to contraceptives and abortion and I suppose that's all that matters to her.
Paula (East Lansing, MI)
Gail-thanks for pointing out that the same people who think women don't need insurance coverage for contraception or pregnancy want to be sure that every time a man has sex, it might well result in pregnancy. No contraceptive support, no abortions, just pregnant and alone in the kitchen, wondering what is a good diet for a child you didn't plan and don't know how to provide for. A recipe for a wonderful life for that child. Maybe the plan is to make poor women into breeders for richer folks who want to adopt. Adoption is always the alternative the right cites for abortion--as if pregnancy and delivery are so simple. Hah.

Abortion will be a reality so long as Right to Life and Republicans (same group, really) target only women and not men for solutions. It would be simple to impose a DNA test on every newborn child which could be used to match with the father, who could then be required to pay to support the child until it is 18--with both financial and personal love and affection. Why should the mother be the only one to have all that love and care? Because deep down, men like Trump only want the sex--they never intended to procreate. And they support all the other guys who believe and act the same way. We need a new "just say no" movement in this country. It won't solve all the issues, but it would bring the reality of pregnancy and the consequences home to men on an individual level at a point where they are likely to get it.
Nancy Parker (Englewood, FL)
Although I understand that this is an issue well and truly and directly affects women, their careers, their independence, their autonomy, their privacy, their bodies, their very substance as human beings I strongly believe that we do ourselves a disservice as long as we continue to discuss it a solely woman's issue - and provide no provisions for responsibility for men.

There are men who step up and take responsibility for the fetus that their partner chooses to carry rather than abort.

That said - there are many, many more who do not.

In cases where the "father" can be identified - boyfriend, date, acquaintance, athlete, neighbors husband, lover, co-worker, boss, teacher, coach, pastor, etc. (fathers and rapist would be different) the "father" should be forced under penalty of law:

- to contribute half of all costs of prenatal care, and attend all prenatal doctor's visits.

- to contribute half of the cost of the mother's nutrition and shelter to assure a well baby, fetal support.

- to attend classes showing him fetal development and what the mother is experiencing - physically and otherwise - at every stage of pregnancy.

- of course, to attend the delivery, and pay half the costs of delivery and postnatal care.

No one can force a man to grow a life inside his own body, and bear all the physical, mental, emotional, financial, lifestyle and vocational burdens for having the same night of sex.

But it's a start to bring men into the conversation.
Paul Wittreich (Franklin, Pa.)
Any form of anti-conception will produce for the hard right of the GOP a version of PROHIBITION and we will be stuck with it for ten years.

They then can go into pharmacies and destroy all condoms like in the 1920s when they took casks of beer and whiskey, pouring them down the drain.

Wake up America, don't let it happen.
Sajwert (NH)
For all those people who don't approve of birth control, I would like to ask 'how many children do you have' and if it is only one or two, then we can assume that they no longer do what must be done to procreate. That certainly is the ultimate in birth control.
Ron Epstein (NYC)
Don't need her.
Christine (Dallas TX)
Where do people get the idea that Ivanka has any control over her father? He's been an misogynist pig his entire public life. I think that Ivanka and her husband do play a crucial role: they're the only people he can safely reveal his profound ignorance and confusion. They're his code breakers, not his keepers.
Marsha (New York City)
Ivanka shouldn't be discussed any more (no logical person thinks she has a mind of her own, much less a thinking brain). The real culprit here is the weak loser democrats, along with the press, who should be speaking to his insane, inane appointments at every opportunity. Your brilliant truths show the lack of responsible journalism and insight into our madman, lunatic, pathological liar president when we, with all due respect, learn these mind-boggling facts from the great Gail Collins.
A. Stanton (Dallas, TX)
If Melania, Ivanka or Jared were patriotic enough to tell the American people a small portion of what they know, all of the chaos we are currently experiencing would be over in a few days.
xprintman (Denver, CO)
Ivanka had to be the most despised girl in her high school class. She was tall, well spoken, beautiful, had great teeth, skin that was/is flawless, is smart as a whip, dated the class hunk, and is oh so rich. Now she wants to be taken seriously. Seriously? NEVER!!!
Stephen Grossman (Fairhaven)
Ayn Rand said this is the Age Of Envy, the hatred of the good for being the good.
Bob Laughlin (Denver)
Well spoken? Like when she told the women in Europe what a great believer in women's empowerment her daddy is?
Christine Wopat (<br/>)
I would like to hear NOTHING more about Ivanka Trump or Jared Kushner. They are working in the WH in very important roles ONLY because they are the daughter and son in law of the man who is now president. The couple bring no skills, experience, nothing at all expect a family connection as the reason they now work at the White House. They are uninteresting spoiled people, please stop writing about them.
TuesdaysChild (Bloomington, IL)
Perhaps it is better to keep an eye on them. Better to be informed than in the dark.
Toby Weitzman (NJ)
I'm not sure why, but from day one there was something about Ivanka Trump I didn't trust. She hasn't (yet) done anything horrifying like her father yet I couldn't put my finger on my uneasiness with her.
That is, until I watched a few episodes of "The Handmaid's Tale" and was introduced to Serena Joy, the Commander's wife.
Aha! There she was. The epitome of spectacular class and wealth, perfect (expressionless) features and unending power to change and control lives she has no experience with. At least in the episodes however, we see the other side of Serena. I don't think we'll ever see the other side of Ivanka, but you better believe it's there.
Thank you Gail.
James DeVries (Pontoise, France)
Reagan's puppeteers' "tripartite alliance", invented to propel him through the 1980 election and into the presidency ran concurrently with the individually-addressed "personal message from Ronny" direct mass-mail pandering business and then-nascent PAC's*. Ron provided indispensable brash, overly-theatrical, fourth wall-winking, "Hollywood" acting.

The Alliance were: 1) the neoconservative military interventionist crowd, who thought it a shame the moribund Cold War seemed dying and so sought to revive it for fun and profit (Contras, El Salvador, Grenada, call to jihad in Afghanistan, "practice" test-bench Iran-Iraq war, etc.; 2) the magical-prosperity, St. M. Friedman-worshiping, neo-liberal economics crowd, who still brandish more magical formulas and wands than Harry Potter would know what to do with; and, 3) the born-Again, please-let-me-impose-my-moralising-will-on-your-behaviour-through-repressive-legislation-and-punishment (including "rights-stripping"**)!

The neocons and neoliberals have both struck out at bat! Now, at last, maybe the longsuffering born-again Puritans can be called in as pinch-hitters?

These baseball games go on forever. ...Even the shutouts!

*Citizens United and Super PAC's would have to wait, but not for long.

**Rights stripping is like vein-stripping, which people who have suffered from varicose surface veins, or an "incontinent" vein, may have encountered. "You have painfully obvious varicose rights? You need rights-stripping!"
Nick (Charlottesville, VA)
Times being what they are, Gail Collins' columns are no longer so funny. Not so important in the scheme of things, but it makes me a bit sad.
Paul (Washington, DC)
I started to write a long diatribe. Then realized they don't read. So why write? For that matter why would she write a book since she probably can't put a paragraph of substance down? The answers, cause I can and she didn't, she hired someone to do it. SAD!
bill b (new york)
Oh Please. Ivanka is there for the grift, to use her position in the
White house to line her pockets.
She gives vapid a bad name.
There is not a shred of evidence she has any influence over
policy at all.
Maybe she'll sell designer coat hagners that women can
use in back alleys. Of course the hangers will be made in
leeserannie (Woodstock)
Why does Ivanka's father not want women* to have access to contraceptives and abortions?

A. To keep us where we belong, at home burping babies and cooking dinner, instead of sharing power with the men who are entitled to run the world.

B. To make the laws of men conform with the law of nature that women are merely vessels made for grabbing and making babies.

C. To increase the population of unwanted children in low to middle income families who will volunteer their bodies to the military-industrial complex (because people with money will always have access to contraception and abortion).

D. To get back at the entire female gender because his wife sleeps in New York; and, Hillary got 3 million more votes than him; and, Meryl Streep; and, the pink hats.

*Other than Ivanka herself and any grabbed woman he might have accidentally knocked up
Stephen Grossman (Fairhaven)
>Why does Ivanka's father not want women* to have access to contraceptives and abortions?

Why dont you want drug addicts to have access to your home and money?
Sheila (3103)
I agree with you 100% I think she is an affront to feminism, an abomination to women's rights, and deserves to go away, period.
Stephen Grossman (Fairhaven)
> women's rights

For Leftists, groups, not individuals, have rights. Thus 200 million murders of rightless individuals in the Leftist 20th century.
Paul (Trantor)
We cannot normalize Ivanka Trump.
She is the spawn of evil incarnate.
Her disappearance from the national scene can't come quickly enough.
Deborah (Ithaca, NY)
Another reviewer said that reading Ivanka's book was like eating perfumed cotton balls.

She's a performer. Fairly deft, certainly practiced. Blonde. She'd fit right in at Fox News. What sincerely interests her, to what is she committed? Recall that old showtune: "money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money." From Cabaret, a cheery musical about Nazis.

Yesterday, my husband was passing in and out of the house, to and from the outdoor grill, while I was on the couch, cursing under my breath while checking news of the AHCA and Republican jubilation and discovering that the Senate committee to discuss women's health insurance and healthcare was made up of thirteen men. Yeost? Yes, yet another proudly ignorant, merciless, and combative Trump appointee.

Husband comes back to the kitchen. Wife yells from the couch, "How could any woman vote for Trump? How could any woman vote for a REPUBLICAN?"

Husband answers, "That's what the election proved. There aren't Women with a capital W."

And he's right.
Stephen Grossman (Fairhaven)
> From Cabaret, a cheery musical about Nazis.

Thats merely the background. It was about modernist nihilism replaced by mystical nihilism.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
Take away the money and the celebrity aura, and the Trumps are just another crass family of utter jerks.
Sev Iyama (Mojave, California)
Ivanka reminds me of a Stepford wive. She also acts like she is a pioneer for "women who work." Guess what Ivanka? Women have been working for a very long time. You are not a pioneer for women's rights, but you are pretending to be a feminist, to pursue your real agenda, just like your father is doing.
Leave Capitalism Alone (Long Island NY)
For people like the Trumps, they are cutting edge within the echo chambers they inhabit. It affects both parties. Wasn't it Bill Clinton who while trying to look like an ordinary Joe was surprised by the barcode scanner at the store?
Blue Moon (Where Nenes Fly)
How about a NYT betting pool on when this whole national nightmare finally comes to a head? Trump family casino-style. Winner-take-all. Just the way they play it.
WRIGHT, Steven (UK)
Ivanka is nothing more than a festering pimple on the bum of society and unfortunately, Big Daddy has given her a role that far exceeds her abilities. I won't even begin to discuss the wavering abilities of Big Daddy.
John (Cleveland)
Ivanka may or may not be smart, but we really will never know because as a child of Donald a Trump, she has been co-opted by family money and the requisite loyalty. Unlike her brothers, who routinely open their mouths to let the stupidity flow forth, she seems to lack her father's (and their) overt ego, which may lead people to think she is smart. I don't expect her to be a moderating influence: money with blood is just too thick to overcome.
Defiant9 (Columbia, SC)
Why does Trump rail against a centralist society by appointing people who often have ideas about women's health that went out with 13th century metal chastity belts having pad locks? I believe it is to dehumanize, demoralize, and humiliate women considered in Trumps mind as second class citizens.

It does no good to have Ivanka to champion women's causes when she and the other members of Trumps family won't acknowledge his mental state nor do anything about it. This often happens in dysfunctional families. In this case money and power are also defining motives not to act. Women are stronger than the barriers being thrown up to block their progress.

There could be another reason for these continual frontal attacks on women. One more sinister than the public would consider. It could be part of the planned take over of our country. Sounds paranoid. Not when you examine everything that has occurred to date in a move to weaken organizations and institutions, the rule of law, and the voice of the people, especially women and the media. Very common actions in a move to establish authoritarian rule.

There is still hope we will survive this period in our history. After all a person who follows the thoughts of Andrew Jackson will some day come up against the voices of Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt. And others screaming out from the grave, 'come on Donald, give me a break'.

That day of reckoning will come.
Katherine Cagle (Winston-Salem, NC)
Trump reminds me of a man I know who is all for the rights of his own daughters and their ability to soar to the top, but not so much the daughters of other people.
MNW (Connecticut)
To note Defiant9's remark:
"..... planned take over of our country."

Trump is a Dictator-in-Waiting.
This is why he makes cozy with so many of them.
"Birds of a feather flock together."
Susan Fainstein (Branford CT)
At the same time as you are criticizing Trump's callousness toward women, the Times is publishing an op-ed indicating that maternity benefits should never be required in government-sponsored health insurance. The author equates childbirth to seasonal allergies, both evidently creating a moral hazard.
Gráinne (Virginia)
Why would anyone think "we" need or want Ivanka? She speaks better than her father, but so do many 12-year-olds. There's no reason for her or Jared to be in the White House in any capacity.

She has no interest in working women. She plays at working when it suits her. No missed hair appointments, manicures, ski trips, or time annoying her DC neighbors. I bet she's never worked through lunch & dinner -- common in the rest of DC.

She needs to leave DC. I don't care where she goes, just that she goes.
David Freiman (New York, NY)
Why do we look to Ivanka to be her father's conscience as if she were Jiminy Cricket?

Why don't we expect and demand a conscience from our elected leaders?
Todd (Boise, Idaho)
The entire family is nothing but a bunch of sociopaths. Believing that Ivanka or Jared or anyone else in the family is going to change the trajectory of this administration is delusional and is not based on a shred of actual evidence thus far. Ivanka is a privileged working woman who started out with every advantage. She has NO record of supporting the average working woman in any meaningful way, let alone working to change legislation or law which would actually improve the life of women (and families). So please NYT's stop writing columns and articles about how Ivanka is or can be a moderating voice in the administration unless and until there is something concrete to support that position. So far there is not.
Boo (East Lansing Michigan)
The only thing worse than having Trump as president would be seeing Pence in the Oval Office. Pence believes women are vessels, ordained by his version of God, to carry "good" men's sperm. Yuck.
Kam Dog (New York)
Ivanka 'wrote' a book so that money could be funneled to her through the book.
Present (Texas)
Yep - the Trump administration HAS made me re-think the concept of "personhood" as I struggle to remind myself that each of these head-spinning appointees is a human being.
Stephen Grossman (Fairhaven)
Leftists love humanity but hate individuals.
Jonathan (Black Belt, AL)
"It’s just that he doesn’t care..." Has it taken you this long to figure that one out? He has never cared. He doesn't are. He will never care. In this he is consistent.
Marybeth Z (Brooklyn)
The best thing Ivanka could do for women would take the proceeds from the book sales and start an IMPEACH TRUMP campaign.

It would take some work, but she'd finally be doing something without Daddy's help.
Or maybe fund Planned Parenthood.
marybeth zeman (brooklyn ny)
Or maybe some sex education courses for his new appointees
Citizen (Anywhere U. S.)
Apologies to Ivanka, but whatever she has to say about the lives of women outside her rarified strata is completely irrelevant.

Republicans seem to want to make women reproductive slaves. Removing affordable access to contraception and reproductive healthcare will result in a return to employers refusing to hire or promote women and paying them far less because of the likelihood of unplanned pregnancies. Policies like these seem to be aimed at reducing sex outside of marriage, but what about sex within marriage? Married women get pregnant, too, and the results from unplanned pregnancies for them and their families can be just as catastrophic.

Add to this ever reducing support for schools and the fact that high-quality, affordable child care is an oxymoron, plus more expensive health insurance (which even if you have it does not guarantee actual access to care).

These things are just not part of Ivanka's reality.
Socrates (Verona NJ)
"The best pregnancy is a forced pregnancy" - The TrumPence Doctrine

Under a

TRUMP 2017
edc (Somerville)
I can't believe how incredulous and ashamed my friends, family and I feel about this gang running the country. If events continue on this trajectory, we are headed toward an edge condition that our country hasn't seen since the Civil War.

I'm sure Trump is unaware of the mounting anger he is inciting; he might be thinking he's just getting back at all the folks who have made fun of him (and plenty of us have). Vengeance is no way to run a country. A good model to emulate is his predecessor and family--they chose a positive path, achieved more for the country, and I expect will be treated well in history.
Hondo (NJ)
These are Mike Pence picks. Trump doesn't know and doesn't care.
memosyne (Maine)
This mess about contraception/family planning/abortion has produced one good thing: we are all talking about it.
We're going to undergo horrible horrible adjustments. But these horrors will stimulate change. I am sorry for the sufferers.
Terri McLemore (St. Petersburg, Fl.)
When I listen to colleagues, family members, and friends heap glowing praise on both Melania and Ivanka Trump-"How wonderful to have an elegant First Lady back in the White House!" I simply want to cry for their daughters and any other young female in their sphere of influence! The not so subtle dog whistle tells you all that you need to know in regards to what drove them to vote for Trump.
If these women were truly invested in the progress of women in our society they would have held Michelle Obama in the highest regard. She epitomizes the virtues of hard work, climbing the ladder without a hand up from dad, and certainly grace and intelligence anyone should admire. Instead, they dropped us back into a world of Donna Reed and June Cleaver, where women cooked dinner in pearls and heels while defining themselves by using the name of their husband in their signature. I feel like I have time traveled back to when we had to pay for my first child's birth on a monthly payment plan to the hospital because my husband wasn't on my insurance, so labor and delivery weren't covered!

The message being sent is sad and regressive. Marry up, marry well, and always strive for "elegance"!
Doug Terry (Maryland, USA)
It appears that people moving into the Trump administration have some doubt as to how women become pregnant. Excuse me, I thought that was a settled issue.

Charmaine Yoest told PBS she doesn't want prochoice women and politicians "to redefine the issue in that way” as having access to birth control methods. How do you "redefine" biology? Or, at base, is that really the problem with the far right in America: are they opposed to biological functions unless they occur in their preferred manner?

The world changed and they didn't. Sex before marriage, always much more common place than most people would admit, came out of the closet...or is that the backseat of the car? The coin flipped. Now, if a couple did not have sex before taking vows, people would ask, "What's wrong with you?" A period of "getting acquainted", sometimes years long, is the expected norm. This, in turn, leads to pregnancies where the partners have not yet committed to marriage and family. Do the anti-abortion forces actually think they can reverse these trends short of imposing strict religion based laws?

Birth control is the best known method to prevent abortions. Restricting its availability or making it too costly is a way to put pressure on the whole abortion issue by increasing the number of aborted pregnancies. The far right is playing a political game with the potential human lives they presume to protect.
APR3 (Wall NJ)
Gail, these appointments are clearly the work of Pence, and as such should come as no surprise.
The malevolence of the anti-contraception, anti-abortion, anti-reproductive rights zealots is extraordinary. They claim to be compassionate, but the consequences of their policy positions - a rise in unintended pregnancies and births along with decreasing or eliminating support for mothers and children - is contemptible. And cruel. And inhumane. As a “cafeteria Catholic” I completely support reproductive rights, including safe access to abortion, because: a.) I’m a man and I therefore have no business imposing my views on women as I cannot experience their physiology; b.) I believe that a Christian is compassionate and forgiving, not derisive and scornful; c.) as a physician I accept science and I understand the essentials of reproductive biology. A zygote (the cell that results from the union of a sperm and ova) is not a human being. That it can become one is astonishing, but the idea that it should be treated by law as a person is the same, to me at least, as claiming the world is flat.
Newt Baker (Colorado)
"A zygote is not a human being." Does making this statement make it true? "Zygote" certainly doesn't sound very human. But attaching a non-human sounding word does not change the essence of the thing, anymore than attaching the word, "thoughtful" to mister T would change the reality.

What could a human egg be if not human? How can a human egg not "be?" It has "being" and it is human.

An acorn is not an oak tree. And yet, over time, where there was an acorn there is now an oak tree. The tree was clearly in the acorn, just as the universe was in a tiny, cosmic zygote before the Big Bang.

Seeds are holy potentialities. To treat them otherwise is to capituatet to those modern custodians of truth who have decided nothing is sacred. To these, the wonder of our universe is reduced to mere head scratching.

And the staggering wonder of a new human being in its earliest form is merely an "it," just like the rest of the universe.

Population control is one of the most crucial challenges for humanity. But contempt for humans in there earliest manifestation is not the answer.
APR3 (Wall NJ)
I have no contempt for humans in their earliest manifestation, which is an interesting choice of words. To manifest something is to embody an abstract idea. You apparently believe that a zygote - that is the technical, scientifically correct term for the single-cell organism that results from the union of 2 gametes - is "human." I.e. it has a soul. I have no way to refute that belief. I think, however, that a soul is linked to the ability to have consciousness, to have an awareness of identity, to communicate and interact with one's environment. These things can develop in utero - I can't profess to know when - but I'm pretty sure a functioning central nervous system (including a brain) is a requirement. Something that is absent in a single-cell organism.
I know that elective abortion is anathema to many, but spontaneous abortion happens at least 25% of the time a zygote is created. By accident or by design. It's part of nature.
I wonder what happens to those souls?
And I fervently wish that the same "pro-life" zealots would advocate just as fiercely for children who come into the world without the resources to be raised in safe and nurturing environments. That to me is the essence of being "pro-life."
Paul R. Damiano, Ph.D. (Greensboro)
Ivanka wanted to write a book for highly privileged woman who just want exercise and stay fit so that they can be socially acceptable hood ornaments. She titled it "Woman Who Work Out" but the publisher thought it would expose her as a shallow fraud. Unfortunately for her, different title, same result.
Meade Arble (NC)
As a footnote, about 21,000 people a day starve to death, most of them children. African women and others driven by religious zeal average six children per woman. And famine looms for the subcontinent this summer.
Walker (New York)
If you put a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will immediately jump out save itself. But if you put a frog into a pot of water and gently turn up the heat, it will relax in the warm bath, become weak and die as boiling temperatures are reached.

In so many areas of our lives, we are being gently cooked by Trump and his class of one-percenters. What we thought we knew about truth, justice, civil rights, due process, and fairness and equity is being eroded day by day.

We lack the energy to resist, the will to fight the daily insults and assaults on our values and principles, on our minds and our lives. We will all be boiled to death, and it will be too late to do anything about it. The America we knew is gone.
BoRegard (NYC)
That my friend has been going on for a long time now. The American pursuit of leisure activities, vapid entertainment, and super-sized plates of cheap food, and now the ever-present distraction of the hand-held device. Have all sucked the energy out Americans - and its al been done for profits. And the American people bought in. When things were reasonably good for most of us, good enough anyway, we didn't question anything that was entertainment driven, and/or marketed to "improve our lives" and our chances at success. (these devices are marketed as must-have tools for social and business success)

Add that there is a large population of Americans who are resolute in their rejections of higher education, the sciences, and "other types of people", etc...and the recipe for complacency, anger and a Trump was made.

One thing to remember about Trump supporters is that they elected a Messiah. A magic man with the Cure-all. The guy who would hand them back all that they once had, and believe was stolen from them. There is zero personal responsibility taken among a great number of Trump zealots. They are totally victims in their minds, and are in no way complicit in their downfall. And Trump, et al, played that card.

Even if Trump was toppled,this same groups would find another promise maker, another Messiah.
gordy (CA)
This whole family id a fraud.
Connor william (Austria)
There is no irony gene in the Trump mafia familia, nor wit. Ivanka is in the White House, like all of them, to promote Trump Brand, rake in money, rule the world (she's empowered and is ever learning and ever growing). The book is aimed at the nearly 700 million Chinese women who think she's the hottest thing since Nike and KFC graced the Middle Kingdom. At last, a pink fluffy girl brand that will lead them to the top of the heap, and is government endorsed!
edg (nyc)
no one ever needs ivanka. a dreadful, clueless creature with a long neck.
Patricia (CT)
And the March continues to create a vast underclass to populate the "new slavery". Poor. Willing to work for next to nothing because there are too many people and too few jobs. Reproducing like bitches in a puppy mill. Dying way to young because there will be no health care for them. Welcome to the Republican dream of the perfect Social Darwinist society.
Pat (New York)
Ivanka is as delusional as fake forty five. She actually believes she made something of herself; she is nothing more than the daughter of a wealthy, con artist.
roark (Leyden ma)
Gail, here is the singular problem. Ivanka is an intellectual lightweight who learned most of her lessons in life from daddy. I imagine that she is tolerated by the White House staff because she's daddy's girl. Without her father's name and fame, she has little or nothing to offer except her looks.
Matt (Williamsburg, VA)
Ewwww! Excuse me, Gail (may I call you "Gail"?), you linked to Trump's Twitter feed! Ewww! Now I have to disinfect my computer! Except for that minor oversight, this is a great column. Thank you!
TMK (New York, NY)
If you believe government should NOT fund contraceptives, you can skip most of this column. If you believe, however, that they should be air-dropped to the masses for free, contact Mrs. Clinton @ The Resistance.

As for IUDs and linkage to cancer, yes it exists, Google it. They also cause a host of other problems. Take it from me, IUD ain't no way to Nirvana. Nah nah nah nah. Hey hey hey.
John M (Oakland Ca)
Google searches will also return lots of other fake news. Just because it's on the web doesn't make it true.
Kem Phillips (Vermont)
Thank you for your insights. One other thing: in exactly what medical journals is this "information" reported?
BoRegard (NYC)
So does bacon. But I bet you don't want that made hard to access and uber expensive!

People, women, have the right to make these decisions for themselves. Period.

My health insurance has several services I do not partake of, but others do, why should I be paying for it? Haven't had a car accident in over a decade, and that one was a simple parking lot bump...but I'm in the same pool of folks who drive like jerks.

So support making health insurance like any other forms, buy what you need, etc, - and make it as affordable as other insurances. And not debt inducing. And not linked to an employer or state run risk-pool.

Or make it universal, where all services are available and no one can complain that they are being forced to pay for contraceptives,etc...
coolidge8d (farmington)
"Other than that, no problem."
The question that bothers me is why 53% of the white women who bothered to vote in November voted for Trump. I don't get it. It would be interesting to have an analysis of the Hilary/Trump divide as well as the Hilary/Sanders divide done state by state etc. I can understand, even honor, religious conviction as a driver for PART of this split, but not 53/47. I have come to expect maybe 40/60. But 53/47? What's up with that? It has been suggested that many women just hate Hilary. That seems a childish reason. Kind of middle school. Can the potential for income tax reduction be a factor?
I would like to have a definitive answer on this issue. Anyone else?
Doug Mac (Seattle)
If this is true: "he’s working toward a world where low-income women won’t be able to afford contraceptives. And aren’t allowed to have an abortion if they get pregnant." Does he know about the theory of negative selection? Simply stated: the least desirable population group has more babies than they can support and the general population has to pay for the lifetime costs. At the same time, the most productive (educated) population group has fewer babies, causing an imbalance in favor of the least desirable.
Louise (Colorado)
Least desirable population group? Good grief, find your humanity, Doug!
manfred marcus (Bolivia)
Ms Collins, I was having a good day...until I read your column. That Ivanka, privileged and feeling entitled in life and fortune, has nothing to say to 'real women', those in the trenches, is clear. She is a hypocrite, as are those women in power witless when considering the misfortunes of other women. That we still live in a 'macho' society, there is no doubt; otherwise, why would we men try to impose our narrow-minded (petty and stupid, that is) rules on the needs, and stress relief of women, especially those hard press to come up with the money to pay for their care? Insofar abortions are concerned, we all hope they will become rare, and yet legal and safe for women. It seems as though we men forget, especially brutish misogynous Trump, that we men are the one's 'responsible' to get a woman pregnant to begin with. So, why blame it on her if we were the cause? Are we that stupid, and willfully so? Trump's demagoguery, with these new appointments of dimwitted women in power, is in full display, and his misrule of government crystal clear. He obviously has no idea what he is doing, his vengeful cruelty not withstanding. Now, what are we going to do about it?
Fred jacobs (Bayside ny)
She's more than a hypocrite- she's a grafter and along with her husband and brothers, a crook.
But they're gonna bring peace to the middle east- the son-in-law, the real estate lawyer, & the bankruptcy lawyer.
Excessive Moderation (Little Silver, NJ)
Ivanka might learn something more about uselessness if she emulated the Kardashians.
Rena Wiseman. [email protected] (Lexington, Ky)
At least the Kardashians don't pretend to be anything other than publicity hungry "celebrities." Ivanka is a fraud.
Excessive Moderation (Little Silver, NJ)
True enough.
Geoffrey Thornton (Washington DC)
Under Trumpcare Rape, pregnancy, c-sections, special needs and ptsd are all pre-existing conditions.

Ivanka doesn't stand for women's rights anymore than Melania campaigns against cyber bullying.
i's the boy (Canada)
Ivanka will head a new department, the one tasked with taking care of all the unwanted children coming your way.
JDL (Malvern PA)
I will say she at least benefitted from her Penn education. Unlike her father she can put words into coherent sentences. You may not like the vapid message which of course is a hand down from Dad. A family born on third base with a patriarch steeped in self aggrandizement, what you were expecting Ivanka to be different?
Michael Steinberg (Westchester, NY)
It's the blond leading the blind.

But remember: Voting is a Pre-existing Condition.
late4dinner (santa cruz ca)
Gail, you act as if women are people.
Bos (Boston)
If Ivanka wants to make her mark independent of the male chauvinists in her life, now is the time for her to influence her father to see the plight of the women in this and other countries.

Fearless girl may be uplifting mythology but reality stacks up against the females. This is not just confined in reproduction but also child rearing and work, or life in general. I could be wrong but it is more likely to have a runaway father than a mother.

"Lean in" may be great for the educated; but to survive at the bottom, one is thankful not to get flattened by the sheer weight.

And her father's policies are yanking the worn safety net from everyone, and a lot of them are women. People can't survive reading her book if they can't put food on the table or get necessary healthcare or unwanted pregnancy.

Now is the now for Ivanka to show she is not just a pretty face
Oscar (Brookline)
One word. Deplorable.
WMK (New York City)
Ivanka Trump is a young woman who truly loves her father and he loves her. I think it is lovely that they have such a warm and close relationship. President Trump trusts his daughter and vice versa. I am sure he often asks her advice on important matters and he listens. For those of us who were close to our fathers (I was always close to my father) we understand and appreciate this dynamic.

Ivanka Trump is one of her father's most important allies and is always near. She is bright, articulate and can be trusted. She has her father's and the country's best interest at heart. I must admit I admire her and the way she carries herself. She is mature and is very level headed. She is what Preaident Trump needs and she is always ready to lend a helping hand and ear. This is so nice and refreshing to see in today's uncertain world. She is definitely an asset to President Teump.
DebinOregon (Oregon)
Well, that is so warm and loving! But we never got to talk to or hear from Ivanka before the election, so she and Jared could be doing anything, right? They are, at the very least, enriching themselves from their position, and we as Americans deserve, you know, representation. You would be just fine, I suppose, if Chelsea Clinton was in the exact same position. If not, why not?
sophia (bangor, maine)
@WMK: Yes, they seem to love each other. A little too much in my book. There are way tooooo many pictures of Ivanka and her father that look more like couples - from the time she was a little girl to now. He puts his hands where he should not. It's sickening to look at those photos.
Pat Boice (Idaho Falls, ID)
If there are any decent, country before power, Republicans left in this Congress, they should drop their Republican label and switch parties - NOW! This GOP Congress, this White House crew, Trump and his kids - all of them are sickening and a disgrace to this country! The spectacle of the high-fiving, thumbs up, white men led by Trump, celebrating their health "care" debacle vote perfectly showcases the depths they have sunk to! I've expressed my thoughts to my Representative, Mike Simpson, here in deep red Idaho!
jchowerton (austin, tx)
I know I've said it at least a thousand times already but here goes again: to all you idiots who voted for Trump or all you really stupid people who didn't vote for Clinton because you were upset that Bernie wasn't treated fairly by Dems - thanks for giving us what will be shown to be the most repressive administration in U.S. history.
Demosthenes (Chicago)
Ivanka is the pretty smiling face of the vile misogynist and corrupt Trump regime. She will help no one on any issue, and is only concerned with family enrichment. It's a fool's errand to pretend to the contrary.
John Edwards (Dracut, MA)
If you view Trump as attempting to inflict as much damage as possible to the effectiveness of language, the influence of character, and the rational exercise of government on the US in the shortest period of time, he is a remarkable success.
Charleston Yank (Charleston SC)
Ivanka has no power to derail or promote anything. Maybe she doesn't want to. Trump doesn't care.

This rightward push is all Pence. He is a fanatic that wants to push the most conservative rightwing ideas on all of us.
Deborah (Ithaca, NY)
This is a reasonable argument, but just a few weeks ago everybody was saying that Steve Bannon was the puppet master controlling, advising, and writing speeches for Trump. Now you never hear much about Bannon.

It's possible that Donald Trump himself can sniff out public opinion and strategies for winning popularity more sharply than we're ready to admit. That he's savvy and in control, though immaculately unprincipled.

And that is frightening.
Duane McPherson (Groveland, NY)
Thank you, Gail. Every one of your columns is a breath of fresh air.
bvocal (va)
Sorry, but we do not, and never will need Ivanka, same applies to every single person associated with Trump, Pence and the entire GOP, they are all anti human being monsters.
Thoughtful Woman (Oregon)
Sorry, I'm too busy empowering myself to read the book.

Can anybody tell me, is there a quote in there somewhere from "women who work" in sweatshops in China making the Not Made In America Ivanka line of stuff?

Or did Confucius just say "Hang in there, girl?"
Scott Manni (Concord NC)
"Birds of a feather flock together." "The apple often doesn't fall very far from the tree." Based on these, "principles," I'm just not expecting much from the Trump family or Administration.
Concerned MD (Pennsylvania)
Add to your list, Gail. VP Pence and Betsy DeVos believe that you can "pray the gay away" and that the earth was created 6000 years ago and in 6 days! Price believes so much nonsense about reproductive processes and medical care delivery one has to wonder if he slept through medical school, perhaps awakening briefly when they got to the part about bones and joint? My real and sincere question is where does Trump find so many of these people in the twenty first century?
Jean Cleary (NH)
The Republican party is where he finds them. Scary, isn't it, that there are so many of them?
purpledot (Boston, MA)
I cannot wait until these two women begin touting their views, frustrated with the bureaucracy of their departments, while spending hours reviewing the end of contraception and abortion with America's insurance companies and lobbyists. Maternity insurance coverage has just ended across this nation. I have a strong feeling that Blue Cross and Blue Shield may not be inclined to listen. Both women also advocate for the American justice system to rescind laws of violence and rape against women. Trump's Republican dream hopes to control every American fetus in order that pregnant women live a life of silent servitude. These two Christian soldiers of the uterus and sperm are uniquely united in their own perverse, extreme subjugation to white, male power. Sadism is a natural outcome of these beliefs; particularly towards other people's women and their daughters. Their own immaculate conception has finally arrived to shame, berate, and humiliate women for their crimes of being female.
commenter (RI)
I guess Trump figures that it's best to keep 'em pregnant. Get into less trouble that way.
sherm (lee ny)
Poor Bannon, he took the fall for much of Trumps boorish presidency. Somehow his replacements, Ivanka and Jared, are not tainted by the continuity of dismal performance and cruelty subsequent to his downfall.
Michael O'Sullivan (Madbury, NH)
Pro-lifers somehow see the fetus as sacred and needs to be protected from the women within whose body they reside. They deny prenatal care to the fetus whenever they can by reducing funding to clinics that provide such care. After the child is born, he/she is on her own. Often well-baby care funds are reduced or completely denied. HUD housing should not be "too comfortable" for these children and nutritious school lunches are a waste. Where birth contol assistance is denied , abortions increase. What is wrong with this picture it is not just a "war against women," it is a war against all of us.
Richard Scharf (Michigan)
I think it's now well established that if Ivanka or Jared have any influence on 45, they are nothing like the public image that the media painted for us over the last year.

These are second generation, born-wealthy Americans who are unfamiliar with the lives average Americans lead. If they were inclined to care, they wouldn't know what to care about. They exist to soak up wealth generated by their families, and will continue to do so for the duration of their lives. No one should expect more.

Columns aimed at shaming a Trump can never succeed. That trait was bred out of the family line before Ivanka was born.
White women helped put Trump over the top as they voted against Hillary.

They should remember that every time when they try to get affordable contraception and health insurance.
KJ (Tennessee)
THEORY ONE: Ivanka Trump is a Stepford daughter. She appears to be intelligent, but uses her brains to keep her idol, the father who had little time for or interest in any of his children when they were growing up, happy. Even with her perfect, expensive teeth she keeps her mouth shut unless she's ready to release exactly the right measured words. She has carefully crafted her face to her father's ideal, removing any trace of her mother in the process, and grooms herself and dresses to his perfection.

THEORY TWO: Ivanka Trump is exactly like her father. Vain, selfish, smug, ambitious, willing to say or do anything to increase her wealth or make her fans swoon. The only difference is that she has remarkable self control and poise, and uses them.

I'm going with Theory Two.
Maureen (Boston)
I cannot believe that so many women vote for men who hate them - really, really hate them.
coolidge8d (farmington)
...Be sure you include in your accounting the 53% of women who even bothered to vote also voted for a man hates them- really, realy hates them. WUWT?
DickeyFuller (DC)
It's not that they hate them per se.

But even today, men who are 25 - 60 and who grew up in a country where women ostensibly had equal opportunity, still act and believe as if women are the cleaners, the caregivers, the arm candy, the 2nd class citizens.

We made some progress in the 70s but went backward during the Reagan-Bush 41. 1 step forward, 2 steps.

Every generation has to refight the same battles. Nothing comes for free.
tony b (sarasota)
Ivanka is a fashion accessory , arm candy to make the disgrace of a president appear more palatable. She has no influence, hasn't got the foggiest notion of what average women and families struggle with. She's just a better looking Donald.
Thoughtful (Austin Texas)
She was watching the French election. When asked about the health care bill she said, Let them eat vitamins!
Aurace Rengifo (Miami Beach)
Ivanka is probably a good person, adoring daughter, detached from reality and thinks that her dad's disrespect for women, xenophobia, bullying and, not reading books is part of normal.

Maybe she is being genuine because she does not relate to the woman who needs help with health issues, has no staff to take care of her baby when she gives birth and does not have a Trump budget.

The women talk is just good PR for business.
kd (Ellsworth, Maine)
As a previous poster has noted, I smell the stench of Mike Pence in these appointments. Donald Trump has no core beliefs. He was a big time "swinger" in his bachelor days & has been a flagrant adulterer during his 3 marriages. He wouldn't have any idea who Charmaine Yoest or Teresa Manning are. These are appointments come straight from Mike Pence's conservative Christian playbook. Welcome to the 1950's.

Women should never forget that it wasn't until 1965 that the US Supreme Court, in Griswold vs. Connecticut, ruled that women were legally allowed to purchase birth control. Before that decision, it was illegal for even MARRIED women in Connecticut to do that!
Let's not forget the extramarital affair that ended his first marriage, and produced an out of wedlock child. Real classy, and super Christian behavior.
Marathonwoman (Surry, Maine)
Yay, KD! Fellow Downeaster here. Yes, can't believe Griswold vs. CT happened in my lifetime - along with Katherine Switzer being assaulted by a crazy old coot while running the Boston Marathon. This administration would have us return to those days. Never forget!
Mogwai (CT)
America deserves Trump. The whole package: billionaire jet-setters opening up coal mines!

Perfect Ivanka is dazzling in flyover, a place she wouldn't dare to visit except possibly Chruchill Downs on the first Saturday in May. The Kentucky coal miners worship two things: conspiracy theories and beautiful people. The Left tries to sway that poor judgment. It never works because the Left does not accept their ignorance.

Why aren't there Lefty flamethrowers? I will tell you why: all snuffed out. The Left piles onto the fake rage from the Right and voila - policing the Left...while the Right runs wild. Pathetic.
Seloegal (New York, NY)
Let me disabuse anyone who thinks otherwise: Ivanka and her brothers are chips off the old block. It's all about marketing their brand so they can amass more money. And, boy, when Trump won the presidency, the cha ching reverberated all over Trump Tower.
Greg (Chicago, Il)
Gail, you will have a chance to vote for Ivanka in 2024... unless of course you are not a feminist after all.
FlSunshine (Florida)
She may have the title, Senior Advisor to the President. but to me, she will remain Ivanka, Daddy's Darling Princess of Pumps and Purses!
Aravinda (Baltimore)
What I would like to ask about this book's title is, "as opposed to?"
Who in Ms. Trump's reckoning, are the women who "don't" work?
One may not be paid or have a title but one may be working many hours every day.
One may be the president of the US and not be.
blackmamba (IL)
The smartest feminist move that Princess Ivanka ever made was her selection of the foreign born and bred ethnic Slavic Czech communist atheist model Ivana and the natural born inherited New York real estate empire baron Donald Trump as her parents.

Ivanka's second clever choice was to be born a tall thin fair-skinned blonde blue white woman.

Ivanka decision to marry the scion son of a convicted felon father who inherited an empire like hers was genius times three.

The fourth and final choice was Ivanka' wise pick of a 2nd foreign born and bred ethnic Slavic Slovenian communist atheist 3rd lady and latest wife of Donald like Melania to be 'first lady'.

Melania is the 1st foreign born first lady since John Quincy Adams' wife. But Melania does not speak English with an American accent and is not known for being as intellectually gifted as Hillary, Laura or Michelle.

Princess Ivanka is the First Lady of the Mar-a-Lago white house that matters most.
Laura Phillips (New York)
This is besides the point but Ivanka has her mother's brown eyes and I suspect she owes her blonde hair to her hairdresser.
blackmamba (IL)
@Laura Phillips


Too many white people look too much alike to me.

And I am part white European, part black African, part brown Native, part yellow Asian and part Neanderthal which makes me all and only black African in America.
Nancy Lederman (New York City, NY)
Witless is too kind an adjective for the Ivanka industry brand. Vacuous, shallow, selfish, greedy, spoiled, self-indulgent, hypocritical, phony as a two-dollar bill that won't pay for anything she's hawking anyway.
Speen (Fairfield CT)
Regardless of Trump trying to game the system (It's the only way he knows how to negotiate or govern) once again he picks on the poor. the underclass as I am sure he sees it. Won't get any real push back from them eh Donald. You are a despot. May the living ghost of all those you step on haunt your dreams.
To those who pander to this swill of garbage as the will of the people, thinking you are bettering yourselves. May that delusion haunt every step you take as every woman you pass in the street is "that woman" you so blindly try to hobble. That woman is your daughter, your wife, your dead aunt Betty who always seemed to have little more spirit in her step.
The is no pride to be had stepping on the rights of some and stealing them for yourself.
Almighty Dollar (Michigan)
A family of grifters and phonies.
CD-Ra (Chicago, IL)
Ivanka Trump's real role in the WH has nothing to do with women's rights. That is a coverup. She negotiated her move-in to protect her father and try to tone down his erratic behavior with her apparently soothing presence. She has failed miserably and ought to vacate her illegitimate office.
charles almon (brooklyn)
Ivanka is worse than her brothers - she's a fraud. THEY don't pretend to be any different than their father. Let her move to and peddle her schmattas in China where they think she's a goddess, I read.
Che Beauchard (Lower East Side)
One cannot blame Ms. Trump for her choice of father--after all, we do not choose our parents. But she did choose her husband, and a Google search of Jared Kushner and slumlord yields lots of hits. He's well known, and not in a good way, in the Lower East Side of New York. She chose him.
Mono (Bogota, Colombia)
A snarky article full of snippets, sound bytes, and overreaching generalities, simply adding to the poisonous and (I believe) unrecoverable atmosphere of our dysfunctional government. Shame on you Gail Collins... though of course today there is no shame.
Harold (Winter Park, FL)
Trump has given Ivanka and Jared a prominence they could never achieve on their own. They are now burnishing their resume's with empty substance. The public is fickle and will forget them once the King is dethroned.

He, Trump, on the other hand, is the terrorist, a mad man, and we are all suffering from something similar to the 'Stockholm Syndrome': "a condition that causes hostages to develop a psychological alliance with their captors as a survival strategy during captivity."

He is our president who has captured the
El Jamon (New York)
We all must remember that Ivanka has one purpose and one purpose only. She is in the white house because the family knows Donald is insane and incompetent. She cannot fudge her loyalty to him, because it will be Ivanka who tells him to step down. She is the daughter who will take the car keys away from Dad and tell him he cannot drive anymore, that there is a neurological problem and for the good of everyone on the planet, he must resign and get medical attention. That is why she is there. Period.
Ramin (NYC)
Some of you people are as delusional as Hillary, who needs to lie down on a couch somewhere. Trump won almost 2,700 counties in the election. Hillary won a little over 400. I think Trump knows where his bread gets buttered, and it's not in Ivanka's kitchen.
PRRH (Tucson, AZ)
That's a false assessment. Those 2,700 counties, don't have that many people living in them. Trump won the electoral college with 70,000 votes garnered from three states. Three million more people voted for his opponent. 45's approval ratings are in the dumps, and a majority of Americans don't like him. His bread is actually buttered by the sycophants in Congress trying to exact policies out of his admin, before he's removed. Pretending that this guy has any kind of mandate is plain silly.
Bimberg (Guatemala)
The difference, of course, is that Trump won counties that are mostly empty and Clinton won mostly those with people in them. That's why she had a higher popular vote. Roughly 53% of people despise Trump as compared to some 42% who love him. I think most people prefer margarine to butter in this case.
Boneisha (Atlanta GA)
The Electoral College is bad enough, where it matters a lot how many states you win (and which). Imagine if presidents were elected by how many counties they win (and which).

That would be some campaign. Winning Toombs County GA (Vidalia) could offset losing Kings County NY (Brooklyn). And who cares if you don't do well in Cook County IL (Chicago) when you can carry Petroleum County MT.
LCF (Alabama)
WMK of New York City: You write of being happy to finally have a president who takes a pro-life stand. You speak of protesting in front of Planned Parenthood facilities. A question? Are you equally willing to devote your time to care for children who are abandoned because parents could not afford to care for them? Are you equally willing to become a foster parent for such children? You, WMK, may consider yourself compassionate because you care for the unborn. Do you care just as much once they are born?
Laura (CT)
Ivanka is just like her father, just nicer to look at and more articulate. Her only real interest is her brand and further enriching herself. So despite what Kelly Anne says - DON'T buy Ivanka's book, or her shoes, dresses, jewelry, whatever. As for her father's latest appointments, Mike Pence must be over the moon.
liberalnlovinit (United States)
"Ivanka’s a major power in the administration, and she ought to be mobilizing support for things like easy access to contraceptives."

She won't. The simple reason - Daddy knows best.
jlcsarasota (Sarasota FL)
Ivanka and the trump wives seem like characters out of The Stepford Wives. Don't count on ivanka.
Like they used to say about Bush, Ivanka was born on third base and thinks she hit a triple. I love it when people born on third base write books about....getting to third base.
kmw (Washington, DC)
I've always been bemused by the concept espoused by Republicans (mostly men) that women should have no access to contraception, be prohibited from access to legal abortions, receive no prenatal care or financial assistance with birth, and be given absolutely no support in raising the presumably unwanted child. If the government is going to oppose all efforts to curb out-of-wedlock or unplanned pregnancies, the resulting child should receive 21 years of financial support. Sort of like "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime".
Gráinne (Virginia)
The men, obviously, will still get Viagra. Perhaps conservative men should re-read (sorry, I got carried away) read Lysistrata. They're far from the first men to get too big for their britches.
Bimberg (Guatemala)
You forgot the the bit about using an aspirin between the knees as a contraceptive:
dropping the aspirin when getting on your knees for Roger Ailes:
In any case rape is God's will:
while often rape isn't legitimate:
and rape victims should make the most of it:
It's hard to understand why women think Republicans are at war with them, really.
CD-Ra (Chicago, IL)
Ivanka is in the Whie House as her father's caregiver. Like his father Trump is on the road to dementia. Ivanka tries to shield him from behaving badly and acting out, Thus revealing his illness. She has done a poor job at this. But then she has no legitimate right to be in WH in the first place. Her job? There is a coverup--a ruse.
Edward Calabrese (Palm Beach Fl.)
We can all debate this until eternity but the sad fact remains that there are Americans out there who elected this cretin, knowing full well what he stands for, and in turn gained his parasitic family members as a bonus.
When these unwanted children are abandon or starved let those voters hang their heads in collective shame.
pixilated (New York, NY)
I'm more and more convinced that the religious right is completely obsessed with abortion and contraception issues because they know deep down that they fail on almost every other religious "mandate" according to the advice in the Gospels, from ignoring the blessedness of the poor, to humility, charity, forgiveness and most importantly loving thy neighbor. In other words, it's my view that they see "life" issues and by life I am referring solely to the womb aka control over women as their only true path to the heaven they imagine and imagine they deserve.

If this was a view that only affected their own behavior, it wouldn't be an issue. Instead it has become a "mission" that errs heavily on the side of judgmental, punitive and highly intrusive behavior that if anything alienates the very people they supposedly want to influence. Of course, it is ironic that a man who has spent his life airing his dirty linen in public is blithely for purely selfish reasons embracing these holier than thou peeping Toms. That his daughter has branded herself as the keeper of the feminist flame is not just ironic but sad for the women of the country. Personally I look back fondly at all of the other presidential daughters who from that perspective shine by comparison.
SMB (Savannah)
"You think she’d put in a word." The word I'd like her to put in with her so-called "moderating voice" is to get her father instantly in to see top specialists for a complete physical and mental exam and intervene as necessary. Determine if it is early onset dementia or some other condition causing his mental instability.

Is it time to take away the car keys? Yes, yes, yes! Take away his nuclear codes while you're at it.
MNW (Connecticut)
In agreement with SMB.

Why don't we ALL consider the possibility that Trump suffers from Alzheimer's Disease (AD) as an explanation for the following:

His difficulty with the truth and inability to remember his lies.
He demonstrates severe memory problems and a great deal of confused thinking.
He will say one thing and then contradict himself thereafter.

We have witnessed his obvious memory problems, his inability to focus on the matter at hand, tendency to wander off topic, confusion regarding facts and figures, and desire to avoid answering questions in Q&A forums.
Another attribute of AD can be irascible behavior and poor anger management.

All factors noted should be enough to remove him from office - before he does any more damage and/or creates any more severe problems for us ALL.
Phyllis Kahan, Ph.D. (New York, NY)
And a world where there is no paid maternity leave, no childcare benefit, no pre-K and no way to give these babies a good or equal start in life.
Jonathan (Black Belt, AL)
You seem concerned that so many offices, particularly those involved with women's health care, are headed by officials not competent for the position. Why does that surprise you, since the nation itself is headed by an official not competent for the position?
That book by Ivanka? A ghost-written marketing device, very similar in spirit to the Trump presidency as a whole.
JessiePearl (Tennessee)
Is this the "Let them eat cake" part?
BeachBum (NY, NY)
To borrow from the late Don Rickles, the use of "hat trick" is fitting since the occupant of the White House is a hockey puck.
batpa (Camp Hill PA)
Ivanka Trump is infuriating. She is touted as a mitigating force with her father. Rubbish!! There is not a scintilla of evidence that she has positively influenced him, on any human rights issue. Her media coverage always brings to mind "Let them eat cake". We, women must band together to thwart the assault coming from the Trump administration and our congress. Please work in your neighborhood to protect the rights of people, who are not white and rich.
Beatrice (New Mexico)
The thing is, the women in this country don't need Ivanka Trump. We never did. Ivanka's 'homespun' brand of gentle action is a total ruse. Cue the smoke machine and hall of mirrors. If she can lull women into thinking that her father is not the true monster that he is because he has a soft spot for his own daughter, she can distract women from the actual chaos being created hourly from behind the Resolute desk. Women who did not like Hillary blithely voted for Trump, but the women who are still supporting Trump today are just like Ivanka, complicit and careless. We don't need Ivanka and her borrowed cloak of authenticity. We need to channel our own anger and energy into action and votes for candidates who are willing to stand up for women and DO the hard work. Not just write about it.
AnnaJoy (18705)
Daddy's Princess Ivanka Trump Kushner vs Sharia Mike Pence-no contest.
Murphy4 (Chicago)
The Trump woman, including Ivanka, are Stepford wives...vapid with no substance whatsoever. Just another reason, particularly as woman, to say God help us. Trump with the help of the Republican Party will ensure we become like a third world country (just rich and poor with no middle) and putting women's rights back at least 100 years.
gusii (Columbus OH)
Ivanka Kushner is the pretty blonde Fox News anchor with the spotlight on her legs to make the misogyny, racism, homophobia, kleptocracy and just plain selfish ignorance palatable.
Joe Reader (Madison, WI)
I think you meant "Where's Hilary when we need her?" Sadly, we get what we vote for.
CEG (Stonington, CT)
Thank you, Gail. This must have been as hard to write as it is to contemplate.
Barbara (citizen of the world)
So, as I wrote here over a year ago, Trump and the Conservatives hate women.

No surprise here. And when the Dems regain the presidency and hopefully the house and senate let's hope we can repair their mess. Cuz this is a cycle. Rinse and repeat.
PG (Detroit)
These discussions are becoming mind numbing. The Trump administration in the greater part and the Trump family as a group have no moral compass. Their activities are based solely upon their own self interest. Period. Ivanka's marriage to Kushner was conceived and consummated in real-estate heaven. If Ivanka was truly a believer in orthodox Judiasm as her conversion is meant to convey she would, likely, have no spoken or acted opinion on her position as a woman because she would not be entitled one. Except, maybe, behind closed doors. Her book is a sham. She has no, none, practical knowledge of what it is like to be a typical woman in America and the book makes that painfully obvious. The only purpose for the book was advancement of her brand and therefore increasing her wealth.

None of them give a hoot. So lets stop pretending that there is or might be something there. Please men and women of the press call a spade a spade and a Trump a trump.
Barbara (citizen of the world)
Don't worry PG, the sales on this tin missive of hers will tank.
Perhaps the Chinese version will be profitable?
common sense advocate (CT)
Two thoughts:

The list of names of male GOP members of Congress and in the White House who have had had partners who had abortions should be made public

Gail missed one step that the GOP wants axed that complete this brutal cycle of poverty creation - removal of sex education in schools.
Bimberg (Guatemala)
One Republican in Arizona is trying to get the names of women who have had abortions:
Meanwhile, of women who had abortions in 2014 some 13% were evangelicals, 24% were Catholic, 17% were mainline Protestant, and 8% identified with some other religion. (Evidently "do as I say" is more important than "do as I do".)
Charles Kaufmann (Portland. ME)
Time to take a pause and wonder why all members of Congress, appointee, adviser to the president and the president, himself, before serving, are not required by law to take a course in harassment and discrimination—the kind of course that would teach awareness of sexual abuse, of bullying, of hurtful language, of derisive tone and behavior—such as is required by many businesses and institutions of higher learning. Especially President Trump, who, to look at one aspect, has broken the rules against use of abusive language so many times he ought to be barred from office until he undergoes fundamental retraining. And passes the course. Ultimately, this sort of bullying behavior is counterproductive to the workplace—here, Congress; here, the nation. The end result of such a course: respectful cooperation: decent humanity: a government to be proud of and not ashamed of.
Bimberg (Guatemala)
They learned about harassment through "locker room talk" so they don't need any classes on how to do it.
Charles Kaufmann (Portland. ME)
Nothing to joke about. Training in how to treat people with respect should be required by law for all of our elected officials, and for candidates for elected office.
Francis Quinn (Port Washington. NY)
Whenever I read about Trump's right wing extremist appointees I remember the reports from last year that John Kasich was offered the nomination for vice-president with the promise that he could run domestic policy. He refused this for whatever reason but it appears from all of these extremists who Trump would never have heard of but Pence definitely would tha Pence got the same deal. Kasich would not have been great but not like this
Sharon Weber (Coopersburg, PA)
And one of your fellow op-ed columnists at the Times believes maternity care is one of those frivolous expenses causing problems for poor, 20 year old construction workers.
NS (Massachusetts)
Last October, as I was sitting in my doctors waiting room, 2 older white men were discussing Trump. One said he wasn't crazy about Donald but he'd vote for the daughter for sure. ("She's hot!") The other agreed. Since the election, and her installation in the White House,I have concluded that Donald is grooming Ivanka to be the first woman president. He wants a dynasty and she is the perfect choice. Smarter than her dopey brothers, attractive to a lot of white men and also to women who aspire to be like her. Far fetched? I don't think so. She won't do anything to offend evangelicals, et al. If we don't get the Trump Family out of power,we may be stuck with them for a very long time.
david sabbagh (Berkley, MI)
That was my thought just a day or two ago. I'm glad you published your comment.
Sheila (3103)
That is a truly scary thought.
DickeyFuller (DC)

Trump watched the Clinton and Bush children gain world-wide fame, and get access to the top opportunities.

He said to himself, "why not me and my kids?"

He then went lower and dirtier than any politician ever has in America.

That's how we got here.
Bigsister (New York)
Ivanka's only talent is spinning her own golden web of self-interest.
Ann O. Dyne (Unglaciated Indiana)
Let us not forget that it is "God" (not sure which one) who causes the vast majority of embryonic deaths, via 'spontaneous abortion'. These Guardians-of-the-Zygote need to address their concerns to this prime cause, and leave everyday women to their own choices.
Eli (Boston, MA)
...and all that for tax cut to bereft billionaires who can not have enough, and do not seem to know that when one dies the only thing that remains is the suffering or happiness that you have created while living.
Rea Tarr (Malone, NY)
On that personhood of the zygote or fetus thing, wouldn't a pregnant women then be able to vote for herself and the person -- or persons, in cases of multiple whoosies -- inside there?

Someone out there who says that all the little unborns are really people please get back to me on that. Before the next election, OK?
Need Ivanka? Why would anyone expect her to be a mitigating force in her father's incompetent appointments and reckless policy attempts? That's like waiting for that presidential pivot that never materialized (and never will). Godot may come sooner. The boundless vapidity, cluelessness, self-absorption, piggishness and total lack of empathy are the defining attributes of this family and this administration. The people of this country shall suffer as a result.
But she sure looks pretty.
Southern transplant (South Of Mason Dixon Line)
You swallowed her brand hook, line and sinker. She is no lover of women or their rights. The only things this family loves are themselves and money.
fast marty (nyc)
and what percent of women voted for trump in 2016? exactly. so, is ivanka the problem, or electorate intelligence?
I'm rather tired of these hopeless headlines with Ivanka's name in them. I was once told a story about someone who worked for her company asking about the terms of the maternity policy. Based on Ivanka's supposed response it can be assumed that she is unapologetically out-of-touch with women's rights because she has never personally been affected by them.
Paxinmano (Rhinebeck, NY)
These people are shills for human beings. Stop writing articles about them and maybe they will go away. If anyone ever "needed" this woman they would already be lost beyond retrieval.
sfr (NY)
Not one woman has had trouble affording contaceptives in her own? An IUD right here in NYC costs $1800 through the CVS Specialty Pharmacy. IUDs are the most effective form of birth controll and CVS is one of the largest prescription plan providers nationwide. Without coverage or the protections in the ACA, who, pray, in NYC or elsewhere can afford that?
Caledonia (Harvard, MA)
As a decision-maker for a mid-sized employer, I'm evaluating high-deductible health plans ('consumer directed/elected care' - I await a future where I peruse Yet More Advertising, perhaps circulars stuffed into the newspaper, advertising sales on radiologists...), I wondered if the IRS regs on what is an allowable expense will shift so that anything contraceptive (eg, Rx, IUDs, etc) will not be an allowable HSA expense. It seems creepily believable.
Granny kate (Ky)
Women/girls from families with financial means and/or influence have always, always had access to abortion. They will continue to have access despite any changes in the law.
Aslan (Narnia)
Ivanka puts on a show but is one of the chief grifters in the White House. Any expectation she will do anything for anyone is senseless and a result of her own self-aggrandizement and marketing. She's a figment of marketing, that's all.
REF (Boston, MA)
It's apparent, reading this column, that far too many people still cling to the fantasy that Ivanka will be a moderating influence on her immoderate father. As Dad himself might say: Sad!
B Sharp (Cincinnati)
Ivanka is only for herself, she gracefully crated a myth about herself !
She is still her father`s favorite child, where is Tiffany in this equation or Melania ?
One needs to watch John Oliver`s latest uncut last segment where he shows nothing but truth portrait of Jared and Ivanka.
Mark (Atlanta)
In defense of Ivanka and all the Trumps, they are victims of family Stockholm syndrome.
Policarpa Salavarrieta (Bogotá, Colombia)
We've seen this before throughout the developing world: The president/ dictator's daughter, all high and mighty about women's issues while she and her father gobble up as many business opportunities as possible. Keep the little people happy (well happy but without access to health care and reproductive choices) while you line your own pockets.

What is more difficult to understand is that we are speaking about the United States of America. Princess Ivanka fits in well in your average banana republic kleptocracy, but is a frightful embarrassment for a developed democracy. O how the mightiest of States has fallen!
pealass (toronto)
Daddy's girl.
Who, he confessed, he'd love to woo.
No wonder in her White House role.
She can't say "boo".
Johannes von Galt (Galt's Glitch, USA)
“[so-called President Trump] is working toward a world where low-income women won’t be able to afford contraceptives. And aren’t allowed to have an abortion if they get pregnant. Where there’s no Planned Parenthood to go to for help, or insurance to cover prenatal care or delivery”

You left out:
And from these ostensibly “pro-life” [sic and sick] paragons, no support for mother or child after birth: no help with healthcare, housing, food, childcare for the working mother, or public education.
(As Barney Frank helpfully pointed out, to a Publican, life begins at conception, but ends at birth.)
But prisons, for when that single-parent, impoverished kid gets older?
Oh, not to worry -- those they’ll have lots of.
All run by profitable (very) private corporations, paid for by your taxes and mine – but not unionized, and paying poorly.
(Jobs for Trumps' Chumps, doncha know, for when those last coal mines finally shut down.)
et.al (great neck new york)
Ivanka represents a typical child of a wealthy baby boomer. There are plenty of them working as CEO's, VP's, actresses, running "fashion" houses, and Tech firms with Mummy and Daddy money. The media gushes. The cost? Their advantage creates great social ignorance. Tutors for algebra, soccer, SAT's, plastic surgeons and personal trainers dull Ivanka and Jared. When you have enough money, who needs democracy? Everything can be bought. College admission? Smoothed over with a big cash donation. Air pollution? Move. Ivanka-ites will never need to shop at BJ's for formula and toilet paper, working a full time job, a part time job while the neighbor baby sits. She has Nannies. She could challenge her personal social ignorance, but this takes insight and humility, blessings which challenge the wealthy. She has examples that challenge her myopia. She could hold babies with HIV in an African slum and walk along roads where land mines kill children. She could try feeding and caring for her own children without any help using only Food Stamps. She could go on a real job interview. Then she would understand this administration. Until she is willing to do this, she will never reach across that great, big, ugly wall of ignorance which separates her from from true social understanding and compassion.
Thomas Molano (Wolfeboro, NH)
Grifters gonna grift.
When women really work, they negotiate their salaries, vacation and sick time. They have bosses that they must appease. And, they must go through annual reviews of their work. Women who work put together resumes, go on interviews, do paid and unpaid internships to make contacts. They deal with commutes, driving, taking trains, planes and buses. They learn to manage rejection as well as successes. They shop for the appropriate working clothes while checking the price tags. In what way has Ivanka ever really worked? She has played work just like little girls play house. She hasn't had to do the hard work or make the hard choices that women need to make in order to have a working life. We need to stop calling her a working women, she is not a working women. She only plays one on TV and at the White House. She does not represent me. And, you can not expect her to help us or represent us as women. She doesn't know how. She can't. She has never had to help before, not even help herself find a job.
Violet Zen (Overland Park, Ks)
And her children wear $585 sunglasses. She can spot a bargain.
Shawn's Mom (NJ)
This is in reply to SB. I agree that Ivanka just "plays" a working woman. Seems like her father "plays" a president as well. He never bothers to read what he's signing, cannot even tell you what is in that healthcare bill. But he'll stand there and give a speech taking credit for the greatest healthcare bill ever, just like on tv (except the actors speak more coherently.)
NMY (New Jersey)
Beautiful. You said exactly what I wanted to say but better than I could.
Minna (Taos, NM)
OMG. When I think it can't get worse... it does.
I detest these people, the whole Trump clan. They're a plague on our country, our democracy, our lives. A pox on them all. Including Ivanka, a phony, ugly opportunist.
mjbarr (Murfreesboro,Tennessee)
She is a fraud, just like her father.
Why are you wasting our time with her?
JBC (Indianapolis)
1. No one forced you to read the column. If any writing about Ivanka is a waste in your eyes, skip the column.

2. Columns like this that expose Ivanka's continued hypocrisy are not a waste of time as they they amplify awareness of her fraud.
S. Mitchell (Michigan)
Welcome to the Dark Ages. Filling our government with pathetic right wing evolutionists who only seem to believe in the old Nazi mantra ,church, kitchen, children.
Trump progeny are only following what he espouses. Ivanka has no credibility about "real life".
The administration continues to send us backward into a morass that only deepens with time.
Ann K (Pennsylvania)
We have a morally, ethically, and intellectually bankrupt administration. What do you expect from this "advisor" to the president? Ivanka is not likely to advance womans rights- it is just not on the radar screen.
US in the Netherlands (Netherlands)
Thank you for writing this and curating all the dangerous, offensive elements of recent policies with regard to women's health. I hope it is widely shared and that more and more people are mobilized to protest these terrible moves.
mas53 (State College, PA)
Did anyone else think of Margaret Atwood by the end of this essay?
arsenome (New York)
Absolutely and can't wait for Hulu''s next episode never mind rereading the book. Faster way to reach the general public an masse.
cfluder (Manchester, MI)
Yup---I've been reading a lot of Atwood lately, and suddenly, chillingly, her dystopian scenarios don't seen so far-fetched.

Resist, resist, resist!
Robert (Seattle)
Yes, I too thought of Atwood by the end of this essay. This was my comment, posted yesterday:

Ivanka is for women. On TV. Where Mr. Trump is president. In real life she is a Republican propaganda tool in "The Handmaid's Tale."
Deborah (Montclair, NJ)
If you think Ivanka is "not witless" you haven't been listening to her. Her Gayle King interview and her behavior show that she has inherited all the intellectual limitations, moral blindness, and avarice of her dad. The only difference is that she works out every day.
Nick Adams (Laurel, Ms)
Is there a cave or a pit somewhere in the country where The Groper is finding these people ? How many Sarah Palins and Michelle Bachmans are out there ?
Stupidity and ignorance are apparently equally divided among conservative women and men
Gail asks "where is Ivanka when we need her?" No one needs her, I wish I'd never heard her name
Ed (Oklahoma City)
Playing nurse to a malignant narcissist is all the modern woman has time for. It's obvious the wife refused the role.
Linda (<br/>)
Ivanka is a child of privilege who was taught to take advantage of everyone else. The only connection she has to her clothing and jewelry line is that her name is on the product of other designers and men (and maybe a few women) with business degrees tell her where to buy the cheapest and sell at the highest.. This is not news and most every celebrity with the latest line at Macy's or Target does this, too. However, Ivanka has been given positions in the Trump administration far beyond her talents, abilities, understanding, and compassion (yes- the defining characteristic of the administration appointees) unless, of course, the issues concern saline versus silicone, Manolo versus Jimmy, and the best nose surgeons in Manhattan. These are truly questions of importance to the women of America.
Jeff (Westchester)
Ivanka said she would be a moderating voice on issues that were important to her. That is a tacit acknowledgement that her father and those others around him are extremists, and it is extremely condescending. The US government is slow and bureaucratic for a reason. The founders had no intention of building a society where the spoils went to the victors who could pick and choose their booty. Rather the government is supposed to be deliberative, and protect the rights of all, not simply when it is interesting to a particular person, but all the time. We see all sorts of rights and our constitution itself being eroded under this republican regime and unfortunately there is more to come. We have entered a very dark period in the history of this country, our inept, self-serving and soul-sucking leadership is the cause and it is unclear that we will survive it.
Marjorie (New Jersey)
The ultra right has a happy idiot in office and is using him to poison our society. Read George Willis WaPo column from last week - Trump can't talk because of cognitive dissonance. He has no flow of thoughts, no reasoning, he is all id.

See also the New Yorker's article last week about how easy it would be to impeach him.

We women need to actively resist, but we also need to gently take on our fellow females who support him, and ask them what they want for their daughters.
margaret (atlanta)
I have long ago stopped paying attention to that vapid and vulgar Trump family.
My attention is focused on those old white men with wattles, the Republicans in
the House and Senate who think they have a life appointment to pillage our
country. I am focused on defeating every single one in the coming elections. That will send the message that we are not taxpayers simply to support the 1%.
Filiz (Northport NY)
Hear, hear! People need to stop assuming Ivanka is really doing *anything* to bring sanity and moderation to her daddy's policies. She's gotta walk the walk and the rest us need to keep strong and work to mitigate the possible damage of his atrocious policies and especially those which seem to be disproportionately targeting (low-income, rural) women the most! Geez! Ivanka, we are not stupid!
dobes (toronto)
Does Ms. Collins have any proof for her statement that Ivanka's "not witless"? I'd like to see it if she does.
furnmtz (Colorado)
Any modern working woman with half a brain wouldn't waste what precious little free time she had reading Ivanka's "book." It's an infomercial promoting herself. It's fake news.
The Jeffersonian (Planet Vulcan)
This all about the Anti-Obama vendetta that began with the Birthing accusations.
Anything Obama supported (including Michelle) Trump will destroy. A new political mafia has taken control of our government.
Lynn (New York)
Each fertilized egg is a potential human life. So Is each unfertilized egg, if only it were fertilized.

In fact, each sperm is a free-living form of human life, which, while lacking the creative X chromosome, carries a full set of human genes and even can swim.
So why are we allowing the callous spewing of trillions upon trillions of sperm out of the warm, nurturing environment of their fathers to their inevitable deaths? Do we need sheet inspectors?

What we really need is for Ivanka to use the attention on her to put together a book targeted to Republican men that manages to inspire them to valuie and nurture the billions of human lives that have been born and live among us, which include women, and therefore to I nspire them to insist upon investing in universal health care, public education, opportunity, welcoming the stranger, public health, peacemaking, protection from the violence of guns, rescuing refugees?
APR3 (Wall NJ)
I'm sorry, Lynn, but you're seriously mistaken. A sperm cell does not carry a full set of human genes. Like an ova, it carries only 1/2 of a full genetic set. It is not a "form of human life." The idea that preventing conception, by blocking or killing sperm, is a form of "murder" is preposterous. But an understanding of reproductive biology is irrelevant to these zealots. To them, the world is flat; the Sun orbits the Earth.
Lynn (New York)
Reply to apr3: it is a haploid set. Neurospora spends most of its life cycle haploid, humans spend most of our life cycle diploid (two copies of each gene, except that sperm are missing either X or Y).
Glen (Texas)
I must disagree, Gail. Ivanka Trump is witless. You can also toss in vacuous and, in the case of what it's like to live an average American life with bills to juggle from payday to payday and cars that break down when they sense your checking account is down to three figures (and two of those are to the right of the decimal point), clueless.

Another point. As long as we're asking for a show of hands: How many out there in Commenterville truly believe that Trump, during the period from 1970 to 2010 never ever surreptitiously covered the costs of even one abortion? I'd put good money down on the figure being in double digits (all to the left of the decimal point in this case). The hypocrisy gushing from the White House is whelming, to say the least. And not just on matters of women's health and rights.

In the matter of women's (and human) rights, Ivanka, if the amount of influence she has over him is our measuring stick, is not a whit better than her father. In the matter of appearance, she's ahead of him by a whole bunch of whits...I will concede that point. But those whits have a price tag attached to them, and if you have trouble paying for a new transmission a week before payday, you can't begin to afford an Ivanka.

Mark Twain once noted that what Christians think they will love to do in Heaven and what they actually love to do on Earth are poles apart. He concluded that Christians "only think they think." This neatly describes the Trumps.
Richard Luettgen (New Jersey)
Women likely to buy Ivanka’s book don’t worry excessively about unwanted pregnancies impeding their arcs at work. Upper-middle class female professionals in TX can fly to other states for abortions. Pity that millions of poor women in TX who work can’t.

This is a bad issue for Trump to get historically wrong. Because laws protecting a woman’s negotiated right to an abortion, primarily Roe, are being whittled away without protection from the immense law enforcement capacities a president commands, we’re heading toward a showdown that the U.S. Supreme Court sought to prevent in 1973: a religious war on our own soil, for heaven’s sake.

I wonder how large our own hills of severed skulls in the desert will be.

But Gail places too much responsibility on Ivanka for this possible outcome. Our form of governance doesn’t envision executive governance by committee. Almost all executive power is vested in one office, and it’s not “Office of the President’s Daughter”. Trump, in an excess of regard for the favors he believes are owed to a hyper-religious base that elected him is betraying a lifetime of far more moderate convictions on social issues – and thereby threatening his ability to make a difference on ALL other issues he was elected to confront and resolve.

The man needs to get to a place legislatively where he can properly claim vindication of the less damaging promises he made … so he can afford to be himself on issues that very directly impact on millions of human lives.
Jackie Shipley (Commerce Township MI)
So will the media now stop normalizing Ivanka and calling her a "moderating" force on her father? She is no such thing. Just like her father, she is in this gig for herself and her business in order to enrich the family coffers. If she truly wanted to be part of the solution, she would be in her father's ear constantly about the absolutely horrible choices he is making that affect women (health care, reproductive rights, etc.). So let's just call Ivanka what she is -- her father's daughter with the same gift of the con.
Eliza Brewster (N.E. Pa.)
Well obviously trump's policy picks and their attitude toward contraception will result in a lot of unwanted children who will likely not even be given free school lunches. They probably will be required to clean school toilets to get a meal, anything else would be coddling.
Brenda (Essex Fells, NJ)
And don't forget he eliminated all funding to the UN Population Fund which runs the only maternity clinic in the Za'atri refugee camp in Jordan, where they have delivered 7.400 babies without a single maternal death. Ivanka is now adding "addressing humanitarian crisis" to her portfolio but doubt we will see her add her voice to addressing the high rates of maternal death in conflict and fragile settings. Too busy skiing in Aspen, skiing in Whistler and having dance parties with her kids. What Federal employee takes two ski vacations in their first three months of work? Only the boss' daughter.
Rea Tarr (Malone, NY)
Work, Brenda? Ivanka works? Now we've redefined "work?"

Gotta tell my boss!
Pat (Texas)
Well, she does have a nanny, after all.
RajeevA (Phoenix)
A major reason for Donald Trump's victory was the droves of older, white women, well past their reproductive age, who voted for him. Now that Republicans are about to dynamite maternity and family planning coverage, these women will probably be among the loudest cheerleaders. The women who will be affected are your daughters or granddaughters, or your relative's or your friend's or your neighbor's. They are your own younger selves. This was probably the unkindest cut of all.
Ruth L (Johnstown, NY)
Worse yet, educated women actually voted for Trump.
mary (06239)
What is an Ivanka Trump ? The only answer I come up with is she is simply a product of her father's lineage; Like an actress in a really bad movie.
bjmoose1 (<br/>)
The HHS acronym surely no longer stands for health and human services. How about Hypocrites, Hucksters and Stupidity: the double H for the Trump nepocracy and the S for the minority that put them in power.
scientella (palo alto)
I dont assume that Ivanka is a moderating influence on her dad. She seems instead just to be dining out on our tax dollars. Completely unqualified. It is absurd nepotism. The only place for Ivanka is back in NYC attending to her fashion brand.
Pat (Texas)
And defending herself from lawsuits claiming she copies other designers....
Andrew (Australia)
You don't have to like it. It's democracy. Ugly, sure, but real.
10finetoes (Montclair NJ)
Democracy? What did the 2016 election have to do with democracy?
Let me count the ways in which it was undemocratic.
This was a right-wing coup, not a free and fair election.
If you don't see it, you're consuming the wrong media.
kcbob (Kansas City, MO)
Ivanka is, a best, an enabler of her father. At worst, she's just another Trump, looking out for the Trumps and no one else.

I choose to believe it's the latter.
V (Phoenix)
Sorry, Gail, but maybe Ivanka is a moderating influence, when she can influence her father. But she is just as corrupt as he is, and deserves the same fate as all corrupt government officials.
RelativelyJones (Zurich, Switzerland)
Ivanka's "moderating influence" is just a schtick, an angle. Look at where the real action is...hanging out for selfies at the O'Care repeal party, promoting the brand on government platforms and the peoples' dime. People don't expect a child to publicly rebuke a parent...foolish to hope for that. But that doesn't mean she has found, nor wants, a Plan B to bring moderation. She only wants to be rewarded for the fantasy of one.