Trump Thinks This Is Pro-Life?

Apr 22, 2017 · 582 comments
Jefflz (San Franciso)
Pro-life is a totally fraudulent description of a fundamentalist movement that seeks to use our government to impose their specific religious beliefs on everyone. It is immoral to force others to adhere to religious tents to the point where countless human lives are lost. For example, Planned Parenthood primarily supports women's health services including breast cancer screening and they save thousands and thousands of lives in the process..

Religious fundamentalists were told it would be a sin not to support Donald Trump because of his anti-Roe v. Wade stance. And they did despite his flagrant immorality, despite the promised efforts to cut off medical care and food from sick and starving people. More than 80% of Evangelists voted for Trump, an ignorant vulgar man and a danger to our nation and the planet. This is not what the bible teaches.
Clark Landrum (Near the swamp.)
The Republicans oppose government spending for healthcare for Americans, let alone Haitians. Hopefully, one day enough voters will wise up to correct the situation. We are certainly not there yet.
Allen Rebchook (Utah)
We hear a great deal about the wonders of European social welfare systems. I take it from reading this column that these benefits aren't extended to the descendants of their former slaves.
Alison Carlson (San Francisco)
So exactly true, Nick Kristof. Insane, illogical, counterproductive and morally unethical zealotry it is.
Tiresias (Arizona)
You don't understand! Trump knows all this but needs to hang on to his supporters who do not.
John D. (Ottawa, Canada)
The article should probably mention that several other countries, including Canada, are pledging to increase their support for this agency in order to fill a substantial portion of the funding gap caused by the withdrawal of US funding.

It makes good sense for Canada to do this in conjunction with other like-minded countries such as Sweden and Denmark. Rather than putting a lot more money into defence, where we can have little impact, it is better to invest more in the UN and in helping less-fortunate countries.
sanderling1 (Md)
Thank you for listening to these women and their healthcare providers.
Educating women, girls and their partners and providing health care saves live.
Unfortunately the zealots to whom Mr. Trump listens are primarily interested in imposing their views on others and do not care about the tragic real life consequences that result from their allegedly pro-life position.
Brad G (NYC)
Self-righteousness that leads to misery and death is the most un-Christ like thing you can do... it is the opposite of 'love thy neighbor as I have loved you'. Stop calling yourself Christians. You give practicing Christians (those who show actual compassion and love to others) a bad name. Even Pope Francis said, 'who am I to judge?' So how is it that those who call themselves religious and 'pro life' can take such a corrupted version of Christianity and turn it into the practice of killing people and devastating families? I'm sure they can justify it somehow but Jesus sure wouldn't.
Linda Easterlin (New Orleans)
Think of Melania and ivanka and the multi thousand dollar clothing they wear routinely. Think of ivanka believing she is a woman's champion by sanctimoniously advocating a child care tax credit.

The hypocrisy of republicans and other "prolife" types needs to be shouted from the rooftops until they feel their shame. Fistulas and prolapses in women occurring relatively close to the u.s.? Do the anti abortion people understand the horror of life for many women? I don't think they do because they are so immersed in their own piousness, comfortable they are fighting "for life."

I heard the Dutch and other Europeans are stepping to provide the women's healthcare cut by trump because of "pro life" concerns. Are they in Haiti yet and how can others help?
common sense advocate (CT)
You laid out a thoughtful array of data to prove your case, but Trump's response has just been the bully's from the schoolyard:

"oh yeah, ask me if I care!"

Try dumbing out down a bit more to make some headway - shorter words, shorter sentences and fewer big numbers. It's been said Trump operates at a 3rd grade level of grammar and vocabulary. Maybe try the timeout chair or some candy.
Will (New Haven)
There is another solution: the UN Population Fund can stop doing abortions. Then US funds can be restored. That's a pro-life solution.
Lsterne2 (el paso tx)
The so-called "Conservative" mantra is that Government should stay out of our lives. Except, of course.....
Emma (Oregon)
"So if you’re against abortion, you should support the U.N. Population Fund, not try to destroy it."

Unfortunately, they will never understand this simple concept, or if they do, just remain willfully ignorant to the facts.

If only there was a law that said no MALE can make laws regarding the health, safety and welfare of women and their bodies, they do not appear to have OUR best interests at heart, quite the opposite.
Kevin P. (Denver, CO)
Maybe we could send Mr. Trump some pictures.
Sunita (Princeton)
Thank you for highlighting the problem. True it is a devastation but let's also think of solutions that overcome this. Please provide a platform of problem solving ideas you sed inyour travels. Lets act ...NOW!
uofcenglish (wilmette)
I care. You care. Many of us, probably a majority, care about women's healthcare. We care about people, the planet, and our children and humanity's future. The president and the Republicans, supported by righteous and callous business people and the religious right, do not care. No amount of editorializing is going to change that. People have given in to their most vile greed and selfishness covered by sanctimony. The awfulness was here all along. We have fought for decades to keep it at bay. I fear we have lost the battle. I fear we are sliding once again into a world where the basic humanitarian values are challenged. But where will there be a light for the future? How will it be revived after evil once again rises? Read and write while we can do so here. The powers have shifted away from the citizens here, ironically thanks to "Citizens United," and so many other errosions of democratic supports. This is a world wide crisis for humanity, and I fear it is just starting.
CD-R (Chicago, IL)
Any anti-abortion law will go the way of 1920s prohibition because it will prove impossible to enforce and is stupid and impractical. Stupid, impractical, unreasonable and even childishly embarrassing in a world where the majority of countries accept abortion and can only scoff at America's asinine attitude in this regard. Shame on the religious right: a pig-headed minority who would foist their ignorance on the rest of us. But they will pass on and the law gone.
AliceInBoulderland (CO)
It's not a pro-life stance to cut off funding for women's health as this piece so well describes. It needs to be reframed as pro-suffering.
Mary Vetter (Porter Corners NY)
It is horrifying to realize how much this administration hates women. This piece has left me speechless.
Michael C. Sinclair, MD (from PA, currently working and living in Rwanda)
Mr. Kristof, Don't you realize Trump et al just don't care? Don't you get it? THEY JUST DON'T CARE.
CD-R (Chicago, IL)
Christ never spoke out against abortion. The Bible never mentions it either. There has always been abortion and there always will be. The Republicans can pass their law but the majority of Americans will never support it. Abortion will continue. It is an age old custom and will not be denied. Any law against it is simply useless. It will be ignored and finally repealed because of its stupidity.
erayman (California)
How long can we allow Pro-Death Republicans and the Trumpdeathcare minority to infect the world with misery and death? It's time for the wives and daughters of these male Republican miscreants to set these men on the right course. The change in thinking starts at home. Do it now!
narda (ca)
we are no longer a beacon to the world. the best and brightest will find other places to go more welcoming. we will be stuck with lots of money polluted waters and no friends!
Jill C. (Durham, NC)
Uh....shall we made note of the pigmentation of the women in Haiti? The ugly truth of the so-called pro-life movement is that it is overwhelmingly white, and it is less about human life than it is about keeping a white majority. The side effect of this ugly truth is that these same people care not one whit about dark-skinned people in other countries, or even in our own. As for women's health and women's lives? We don't even count as anything other than vessels. We aren't even regarded by this movement (which I prefer to call "fetophile") as human beings.

I quote Oklahoma state legislator Justin Humphrey, who recently said: "“I understand that they feel like that is their body. I feel like it is a separate — what I call them is, is you’re a ‘host.’ "
JC13 (New York)
This should be used as a template on how the democrats could re-define "pro-life"and call out those on the right that claim to be pro-life
Steve (New York)
I'm sure that if these programs were providing male reproductive care including ED medications, funding would be tripled.
gf (ny)
Apparently these legislators and DJT are making far reaching decisions on issues they know nothing about, and feeling smug in the process. This makes my blood boil. Perhaps they need to see some graphic videos about the women whose lives they have so callously affected.
Too bad they seem stuck on women having sex (bad) and women"s health (unimportant) so they just won't fund anything, in the guise of being "pro-life".
Meanwhile I guess all we can do is vote them out of office and keep active politically. And yes, by all means send some money to the Fistula Foundation or another agency which is doing wonderful work.
William Dusenberry (Paris, France)
That the GOP only wants to force the marginally-incomed, and the poor, to give birth ---

While at the same time doing nothing to prevent those with the economic means, to obtain abortions on demand (even late-term)

Is deplorable.

Wealthy GOP females -- can raise their unwanted kids to be productive GOP voters

The poor, and marginally-incomed -- if their kids become self-sufficient as adults -- there's usually an extraordinary story involved.

GOP "family values" -- forcing the poor to have kids they can't possibly raise to adult-sufficiency (usually).
David F (NYC)
Your most basic premise is off. Trump doesn't think, at least not of consequences.
Bruce Egert (Hackensack NJ)
Besides this column being 100% correct, it also highlights how immorally dumb we, as a nation are. I fear,most of all, for our continued success.
Kristine (Illinois)
The fact that the men in Congress are so obsessed with the female reproductive system is creepy. If women in Congress were similarly obsessed with male reproductive organs, they would be criminally prosecuted.
Robert D. Croog (Chevy Chase, MD)
The mission of Planned Parenthood has always been not only to have every child a wanted child, but to safeguard women from the ravages of draconian reproductive laws imposed mainly by sanctimonious, mendacious men incapable of becoming pregnant. The goal has always been to encourage the use of contraception and to make abortion as rare as possible. Those who smear women's health organizations as callously favoring abortion are dead wrong. It has never been seen as a substitute for contraception. But by fighting the use of contraceptives, religious zealots guarantee that there will be millions of abortions, whether legal or not.
ch (Indiana)
Unfortunately, the Washington zealots don't care. They operate on "alternative facts," otherwise known as self-serving fantasies.
AnnaJoy (18705)
This goes back to the curse God placed on Eve for feeding Adam the apple. Eve must conceive and bear children in pain. Radical Christian men in power believe they must carry out this curse, not only in this country, but throughout the world. They are not only against abortion, but are also against any form of contraception and any education to prevent pregnancy. This is also why these misogynists insist that pregnancy and the resulting child is the responsibility of the woman alone. Unless, of course, they can use the father's rights to prevent a termination. Abortion is a moral choice belonging to the woman. Get religion out of government!
will (oakland)
The unfortunate reality of Trump's action is that in many instances both the mother and the child will die. How is this pro life?

As to the anti-abortion movement, when each of those congressmen adopt several unwanted children and commit to raising those children in their own family, then they can claim to be pro-life. Until then they are just pro-birth, but without making any provisions for the child after it is born. Just hypocrisy and misogyny.
Jonathan (Lincoln)
It's almost as though the GOP have a hard time comprehending what it's like to be anything other than white, male and entitled.
HapinOregon (Southwest corner of Oregon)
There is NO "pro-life" movement, only an anti-abortion one.
Sunita (Princeton)
Aka: pro death who fights pro abortion.
wingate (san francisco)
Assuming that the reporting is accurate, certainly funding should be supplied BUT not through the UN ( the degree of graft and corruption in that organization is well documented ) Trump has it appears has sympathy for gas being used on kids so assuming such ,maybe it is not far fetched to create awareness of needed medical care.
Linda Petersen (Portland, OR)
I think it should eventually become clear to most that this administration is pro-death in many many ways. Their attitude towards healthcare is one example, their refusal to pass laws concerning gun control (the main security threat to Americans by far), their disregard for women's health, their disinterest in government help to give the children born into poverty a fair chance in life, the focus on channeling more money to the elite while killing government programs to help the poor (those pesky poor people, it's THEIR fault they can't make it..let them die), the attempt to kill the EPA and allow pollutants to destroy our water and air and eventually goes on and on. Never have we seen such a pro-death, cold-hearted government. This government allows a minority of poorly informed voters dictate the future of our planet and descendants while consistently taunting the majority who did not vote for them, with zero attempt to unify the nation. A sure recipe for disaster. A daily dose of horror. Maybe a class-action lawsuit should be considered for causing pain and suffering to so many millions of us!
NitaSkita (Texas)
Beautifully written, and so easy to connect all the dots, even for these bloviating men in Washington. The question is, will they connect the dots, or will they close their eyes to them?

Blue states will continue to fund Planned Parenthood. Red states will not. The country will become a petri dish. We will be able to see how the policies of the right compare to the policies of the left as they apply to women's health. Sadly, women will die. Hopefully not too many before these misogynists wake up and change their thinking. Hopefully, not too many.
Seabiscute (MA)
The Republicans may be quite aware of the cruelty of actions such as these, but they don't care in the least, just as they don't care about human beings in any other context. "Pro-life" actions such as these are merely pandering to their biased and ignorant voters whose major issue is abortion. As long as the GOP appears to be working to suppress abortion, those voters will be with them. The GOP will use gun rights and other issues in this same way.

It's all just a cynical ploy to stay in power, so that they can continue to do the bidding of their masters, the 1%. Those are the people with stock-tickers for hearts.
Southern Boy (The Volunteer State)
The treatment of medical conditions is good; abortion, however is bad and evil. Trump will stop evil, but maintain what is good. Why? Because he is a good man.
Of course you are entitled to this opinion. Like religious beliefs, the notion that trump is a good person is faith-based. Sadly there is no evidence that he is a good person, and certainly not a decent enough person to have so much power over people's lives.
BP (Portland)
Did you read the opinion piece? All funds cut from the UN fund are used to help women and young girls safely deliver healthy babies; not for abortions. How can you possibly find evil in that mission? Being American allows one to speak and act righteously regarding catastrophes that can never befall them. Further, if you are male you are completely spared the disastrous health effects of having a child when you yourself are a child. Please, show some compassion to those born into a life of hardship and despair.
Doremus Jessup (On the move)
Donald Trump is evil personified. An extreme hater and a bigot. A monumentally ignorant and stupid man totally unqualified to hold the office of president.
lane (Riverbank,Ca)
It is unfortunate Nicholas Kristof did not visit and mention the new SDA Hospital in Haiti. He might have learned world class medical care (including women's care) is not synonymous with abortion and given Christian bashing commentators here reasons for a moment's pause and reflection
Linda Easterlin (New Orleans)
i would never bash your Christianity. Kristof and commenters are looking at the horrors of policies that push ideology over the immense needs of suffering people in developing countries. I looked up this hospital. Its site mentioned dress codes and the importance of not indulging in public displays of affection. How
M. Samuel Thompson Jr. (Lone Tree, CO)
I wonder how the women who vote for Trump feel now?
Mimi (New York)
I, as a white woman, feel very happy that Trump is doing something to stop all of these abortions, and do not regret my vote for him AT ALL.
Dwight M. (Toronto, Canada)
One line: the Handmaids Tale!
toomanycrayons (today)
"...but the real shame belongs to sanctimonious zealots in Washington who don’t have a clue what they’re doing."

Even within their own religious dogma, not allowing women to choose to burn in an eternal lake of fire for their actions undermines the essential game show format of "God's Plan."

Can it be too much of a coincidence that a Game Show huckster/political incompetent like Trump actually represents the Christian/Anti-Choice's best hope and least understandable decision?

"Sanctimonious zealots" who don’t have a clue what they’re doing, indeed.
JWL (Vail, Co)
The narrow stupidity of the right is becoming a cancer on women the world over. How can these men, and they are men, rain down such cruelty on people because of gender. The men of the right are making every move to insure more women will die, more babies will be born, then tossed on the garbage heap of this country. They are after PP with a vengeance, negating the health care provided to both men and women in need. Who are these men who decide who lives and who dies? They are Trump and his administration...impeach before it's too late.
Donald Green (MA)
I agree that the majority of the Administration (and Congress as well) are male, and seem to be oblivious to the affect their policies will have. However, a large proportion of women in this country are also complicit. They voted for Trump.
AE (California)
The cruelty of many GOP policies is sometimes inconceivable until you consider the cold fact they they often lead through ignorance. Ignorance about world events, ignorance about science and biology, even United States history. What do you do with a political party in power that has little interest in educating themselves about the true impact their ignorantly wrought policies will have home and abroad? To them it's checking a box. One can almost imagine them retreating to their men's only study to light cigars and pat themselves on the back.
samantha (nyc)
Nothing I've posted drew as many ugly trolls as when I posted a similar piece about importance of Planned Parenthood, how many MORE abortions, usually illegal are done in places where birth control is obstructed and abortion is illegal. In U.S. the only places 2nd term is on rise is in places with forced 'waiting periods'. Pro-lifers care more about the 'unborn' than the living. And WHY is our government interfering? Where is 'Freedom of Religion', Republicans use to limit LGBT rights, for those who aren't Conservative 'Christians'?
dolly patterson (Redwood City, CA)
Why isn't Ivanka getting involved in international women's health?

Donald wants to stop immigrants coming to the USA? One way to do that is prevent unwanted babies being born in the first place.
The Last of the Krell (Altair IV)

ivanka is far too busy w her shoes and fashion accessories sales

if theres any time left over after that, shell have her Secretary make out a check
Paul (Phoenix, AZ)
Time to touch the"third rail" of women's health care: Repeal of the Hyde Amendment.

Then, negotiate back from that starting position.
Donald McDonald (The Heartland)
The question is: Why is the U.S. government, which is legally required to be secular, allowed to set "religious" tests on its distribution of funds? Why don't family planning organizations challenge the government's stance to cut some funding -- on grounds it is implementing and promoting a religious doctrine, thus espousing one religion over others. Our government was hijacked by Trumpist fanatics.

The U.S. government must be challenged in its promotion of this religious viewpoint. Why has this not occurred?
FWF (Arlington, TX)
Politicians and citizens, who claims to act (or vote) on moral grounds in support of "Pro-life" policy, need to read only a few documents to gain perspective; yet they refuse to do so. I suggest Joseph Cardinal Bernardin's Gannon Lecture: "A Consistent Ethic of Life: An American-Catholic Dialogue." He says, "I do not underestimate the intrinsic intellectual difficulties of this exercise nor the delicacy of the question - ecclesially, ecumenically and politically. But I believe the Catholic moral tradition has something valuable to say in the face of the multiple threats to the sacredness of life today," and goes on to argue that the "pro-life position of the Church must be developed in terms of a comprehensive and consistent ethic of life . . ."

How has the right held onto such anti-Christian stances, such as denying aid and support of the poor and sick? How have our politicians been rewarded for avoiding facts, like the real impacts of cutting funding to planned parenthood? And how do voters not see the utter lack of a comprehensive and consistent application of morals by politicians. Too many of the politicians who claim to act on moral grounds are prime examples for hypocrisy and selfishness. When will it end?
Kjensen (Burley, Idaho)
This is precisely why I no longer have any tolerance for moral lectures from Republicans and the religious right.
easchell (Portland, Oregon)
The health care for women goes far beyond the health of any particular woman. Because of our biology, our socialization and nature, and, yes, our (sexist) proscribed role in most societies, women are the backbone of families. We birth and care for our children. We care for our homes and our neighborhoods and each other's children. We see to the education of our children. We care for our partners and our parents. This is not to say that men are not stepping up in many cultures, but one sick / incapacitated woman impacts the whole community.
Want to stop terrorism? Fund health care and education for women and girls!
zula (new york)
For this greedy, white male, nationalist, short-sighted administration, women are wholly dispensable.
MFW (Tampa, FL)
It is clever to conflate "family planning" and abortion because doing so allows you to maintain support for an abomination: legalized killing. Yet family planning can be easily separated from the practice of ending life, which is what Mr. Trump's policies are designed to do. And what better than half of adult women and men in the U.S. support him doing.
Seriously (NYC)
War: legalized killing. Capital punishment: legalized killing. Policy induced starvation, sickness, and death through poverty: legalized killing.
Women build and produce every human being on this planet. Men do not and cannot.

Control of women: control of birth: control of life: justification for male deification and power: the reason for male restrictions on women's control of their bodies.

If creation is "divine" how do you justify a male deity which is the justification for male power. Make the male the creator, make Adam give birth to Eve, make males control birth, then males create the justification for a male deified creator who them justifies males' right to control the creation of a human being ... Which makes male the creator ...
sherri (Long Island)
<<Yet family planning can be easily separated from the practice of ending life, which is what Mr. Trump's policies are designed to do.>>

This is essentially a fake argument. This story is about the plan to defund services providing urgently needed medical treatment for women who will not otherwise be helped. Such care is already separate from abortion.
Robert M Frank (Gainesville, FL)
Legalized Killing? Approximately 70% of fertilized eggs, a human life to those who claim that life begins at conception, are not viable and spontaneously abort. This begs the questions: Why does your sick, twisted, sex-obsessed sky-god murder so many unborn children. And why do so many Christian fascists worship this sky-god? But then again, y'all voted for Trump, so I may have the answer to the second question at least.
CD-R (Chicago, IL)
There is no way to admire president trump or to respect him and his cabal. Not in any way. Him and his seem to think the USA is the whole world and of course that is ignorant thinking in 2017. Whether they like it or not we all live on one Earth and we must ALL take care of it. Cutting the EPA is a good example of Republican stupidity.
We must All breathe oxygen to live and unless we watch out we will run out and soon. Doubting Science is pure suicide! The facts have spoken for themselves and short-sighted politicos, untrained in medicine or science, are not the right people to decide our health much less the quality of the air we or our children now must breathe. They simply do not have the expertise and they ought to know better. If their kids and grandkids are to have a future life on this plant they better shapeup. Time is wasting and rapidly. Breathing is living and clean air is a must!
Lenny (Pittsfield, MA)
D, Trump's attitudes come across more as evil, cruel, predatory, selfish, and narrow-minded rather than good, kind, caring, altruistic and broad-minded attitudes.
Paula (East Lansing, MI)
One wonders how many abortions "President" Trump himself paid for back in his Viet Nam days when, having successfully avoided serving his country, he says averting sexually transmitted diseases was his own form of "combat". The word hypocrite isn't big enough to cover this bunch of sanctimonious guys we somehow put in charge of the US.
Bruce Olson (Houston)
Trump: the ultimate Male WASP CHINO (CHristian In Name Only.)

This is not what I call making America great. He is at his best making America fearfully worse in record time.

He is delivering exactly what he promised. Constant lies, factless generalities, indignity, disrespect, accusations of all who question him, no humor, no class, no plan and only one real agenda: promotion of self.

This poor excuse of a human being is not the kind of president our founders had in mind when they defined what those in our government are there to do: namely to work to make our govt. better, more perfect in fact, not for Trump and his bottom line, but for us, We the People, to enable us, women included, to the rights of life, liberty and our pursuit of happiness.

Right now, the same applies to the leadership in our Congress.
Donald Green (MA)
Trump is not a WASP. His background is German and Scottish. While the Angles and Saxons were from Germany, not all Germans are Angle or Saxon. The Scots are Celts.
Keith Ferlin (Canada)
It always comes back to control. Most religions are about control, most are ruled by men, so controlling women is of the utmost importance. The most powerful way to control women in their minds is controlling the reproductive process.
Jeff Brown (Canada)
Vasectomies would seem to be a great idea.
The Last of the Krell (Altair IV)

vasectomies are the only men have to take control of their lives
frank monaco (Brooklyn NY)
Funny how people who wear their religion beliefs on their sleve are all in favor of this. People are either ignorant or just don't care that many Women's Health organizations do much for woman's health, than just just abortions. People get so rightious they make me made.
adrianne (Massachusetts)
Republicans are about as Pro-Life as they are Pro-Health. Not at all.
The Last of the Krell (Altair IV)

well, to be fair, theyre quite pro their own lives and their own health

everyone else, well, not really
Duane Coyle (Wichita, Kansas)
Trump has no political convictions about birth control or abortion one way or the other, any more than most of the politicians who vote for allowing carrying pistols in public without need of any training are actually ardent Second Amendment disciples--although the vast majority of men are strongly in favor of the woman they are having sex with using an effective contraceptive. Voting against public money being spent for birth control or abortion, here or abroad, is a no-cost way for conservative politicians to cater to the anti-abortion advocates who form the spine of voting conservatives. In many places, a Republican can't win a primary without the anti-abortion voters, pro-gun voters, and anti-voters. It checks off a box in the "voters guide" handed out by conservatives before a primary or general election.
fastfurious (the new world)
Some tragedy or crisis will befall our country at some point in Trump's tenure. Trump will need to ask the people of this country to rally around him and support his attempts to deal with the crisis, support him as Commander In Chief.

My bet is the women of America will remember all of this pain, humiliation, suffering and death inflicted on women and girls and say

WJ Lynam (Centerville, MA)
Trump has stated, "if it doesn't affect me, why should I care?" And, that's rather much the rule of thumb for most conservatives. And, they don't care. Abortion is a works-every-time, political dog-whistle for them that fires up their base, so they use it. But, once children are here, they make it obvious that they do not care one whit. They don't fund education or health care and it bothers them not that children live in homeless shelters.

And, certainly if they cannot bother to care for women and children in this country, they certainly could care less about women and children in other countries.

Conservatives take care of themselves, corporations and the wealthy...greed. And they get in office by playing to the hate and fear and ignorance of their base.

They could care less about others and the world in which we all live.
Marc LaPine (Cottage Grove, OR)
This is just more of the "pro-life" moral hypocrisy touted predominantly by the GOP (mostly men), who are also pro-capital punishment. Their support comes in part from the religious right, which is neither. It is extremely sad these people have the depth of a puddle on the sidewalk. Keep the vigilance and we shall apply a form of capitol punishment come November 2018 when we sweep these ignorant, close-minded amoral fanatics from office
Trump and his male aides ARE the "death panel" that Palin - ironically a woman - coined the phrase for. This group prefers increasing numbers of helpless lives in misery, for a taller pyramid of people they can exploit and profit from. Accelerating the overpopulation on this singular planet, all for ever increasing unadulterated limitless wealth - the UN Population Fund only slows this growth.

Trump and his all-male mullahs want to take us back in time - like the Iranians and Saudis - to when reason and humanity did not exist and people are pawns (bridge-gate anyone?). As the AG of California called it this morning: A "medieval wall" (or is it mid-evil wall?) complete with the Rio Grande moat to our southern border; banning science in favor of the Big Book of fiction (Art of the Deal Bible?); women are subservient or "Complementarian" - as I recently learned at: - taking us back even further into the dark, dark ages.

Too bad we can't force POTUS to sign his decrees in front of these Haitian women, so he can see the faces of the human-beings he is cruelly harming FOR NO REASON AT ALL, instead of the sanitized locations like the WH and re-election rallies. In his perverted view of women, he may actually learn what a "fistula" is.

What's next, Mr. President? Deprive UNICEF of funds because they distribute life saving vaccines to children around the world? Islamic radicals don't approve of vaccines either.
Michael W. (Salem, OR)
Why don't you ask your Trump-voting friends in Yamhill how much they care about these women?
Fred (NJ)
Why would Trump care? None of these women are going to become members of Mar-A-Lago or buy any of Ivanka's Chinese merchandise.
NFC (Cambridge MA)
Great column. But I am not sure the "if the Trump administration wants to prevent abortions, they should..." is just a rhetorical device, or actual naivete. Preventing abortions through sensible, woman-focused healthcare and contraception is not only not the point, it is the OPPOSITE of the point. What Trump and his crew of privileged white men want is to deny women, especially poor women, any control over their sexual and reproductive health, and by extension over their lives.
Chris Parel (7813 Lewinsville Rd, McLean, VA)
Pro-Life is an oxymoron. It has always been an oxymoron. The desire to promote population growth despite common sense and personal desires to control births has been a pillar of church & state geopolitics since humanity banded together to defend themselves and spread their power through conquest. It is a worn-out, antiquated moral vestige of olden times. The size of armies, the number of pension contributors supporting growing defined benefit pension systems, growing prison populations made up predominately of the poor to fill for-profit prisons...we should know better. Climate change, water wars and quality of life degradation are the only possible outcomes of Trump-think and his supporters' antiquated and misplaced pseudo moral imperatives. 'Pro-choice or die' is closer to the truth.
Barbara (California)
Those on the far right hope they are setting up an effective smoke screen with their "pro-life" stance. But it is clear their real concern is keeping women in a subservient position. The cheapest and most efficient way to do this is to deny women birth control and medical care.
R. Littlejohn (Texas)
Pro-life is women are forced to give birth even if it kills them and the fetus has little or no chance to survive. It all begins with preventing reliable contraceptives, based on hatred and contempt for women. Many times Republican politicians let the cat out of the bag, listen to what they have to say about women.
Tony Mendoza (Tucson Arizona)
Abortion is largely (not completely) a function of poverty and injustice. People (normally) don't kill their children unless they feel they have no other choice. When you treat people with injustice and force them into poverty you are abetting abortions as much as if you took medical training and became an abortion doctor.

This is the hard fact that Evangelicals need to face. There is no righteous party when it comes to abortion. Everyone is a sinner, Democrat and Republican.
August Ludgate (Chicago)
So far, Mr. Trump's daughter and son-in-laws most well-known intervention has been on behalf of LGBT individuals affected by one of President Obama's executive orders that Mr. Trump had threatened to rescind—probably to make good on his promises to the religious right (one of the many despicable coalition groups to which he had sold what, if anything, had remained of his soul in his pursuit of the presidency). I believe the executive order affected federal employees. Maybe federal contractors, too?

I don't think Ms. Trump and Mr. Kushner have campaigned so hard to stop any of the other draconian social policies Mr. Trump has been restoring. The administration is so leaky I have to believe the press would've caught wind if it.

While, as a gay man, I appreciate their commitment to our rights on this particular issue (even though Mr. Trump's judicial nominees, cabinet appointees, Republican endorsements, etc. are much more consequential), I don't understand why they—especially Ms. Trump—haven't intervened as aggressively on women's rights, an area I have to believe is just as if not more important to Ms. Trump.

It's mystifying and upsetting, to say the least, when you consider the other side's gains in the renewed war on women's rights.
DornDiego (San Diego)
This column is capable of revealing two important realities: One is that Haitians are still dying from having been colonized; the other, that Donald Trump and his cabal don't know the consequences of their own cruelty. Each time someone finds another piece of aimless destruction caused by American politicians we should say -- Thank You -- and maybe this time the point will be made clearly enough that even the most thoughtless can see what their hatred has done.
jesse (Pennsylvania)
These old men don't know anything about women's health care . All they latch onto is "abortion". All the rest of it is just "lady stuff" to them. they don't want to hear about it.
Anne (Westchester)
Google Haiti and see all the articles and reports written about this place over the last 30 years, including those written by this paper. That's where the true anti-life story exists. And conservatives are NOT opposed to contraception. Review what happened to the money given to someone's foundation and all their intervention in Haiti. Most deaths are a result of corruption, not lack of access to birth control.
Terry McDanel (St Paul, MN)
Anne wrote: "Most deaths are a result of corruption, not lack of access to birth control."

Though I am not certain it is this simple, I agree that corruption in poor nations is a world-wide problem that many of us are working on. However that does not abjure our responsibility to do our very best to help our brothers and sisters in the wisest way in those poor nations, Anne.
WMark (Chicago)
Why doesn't the NY Times publish on its front page in bold print that Trump has cut off funds to the UN Population Fund.

What Trump has done is a crib against humanity.
Tom Norris (Florida)
Donald Trump and his cronies have absolutely no idea what goes on in the world. They lack compassion. And yet, he and many around him profess to be Christians. Love is a central tenet of Christianity.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth."

1 Corinthians 13:4-8, NIV
Occupy Government (Oakland)
Donald likes being nasty to those who didn't vote for him. That is his greatest flaw: a lack of empathy and compassion. Otherwise, how could he...?
Phil M (New Jersey)
Quick, show him pictures of the suffering and dying women. Pictures motivated him to bomb Syria. But bombing is easy, healthcare is complicated.
Johnjam101 (Reading, PA)
Millions of women voted for Trump.
The First Lady and the first daughters need to slap that man to his senses. Good luck with that.
I miss the thoughtfulness of our previous president.
We screwed up as a nation. We need to work at informing our friends, family and neighbors. Not an easy task but a few votes here and there can make a world of difference.
Thank you Nicolas for your work. I hope it reaches into the hearts of some who were blinded by fear.
I will share your thoughts.
Seriously (NYC)
Agreed re previous president, but bear in mind that Obama and his wife, though symbols of "equality" chose not to be Barack Obama and Michelle Robinson, but to be Mr. And Mrs. Barack Obama. Erasing her erases his claim to be for equality and reduces him to symbolizing a darker shade of pale. Women's erasure is fundamental - everything else he stood for and did was lessened because it became a call to raise up minorities to enjoy white (unearned) privileges - but retained the hierarchy of male (unearned) dominance and erasure of women.
Runaway (The desert)
Keep on reporting on issues like this, it is what you do best.
Bruce (Pippin)
The premise of your article is wrong, Trump doesn't think!
Terry Malouf (Boulder, CO)
This op-ed piece is an interesting juxtaposition to another article from 4/21, "At a 'Unity' Stop in Nebraska, Democrats Find Anything But." That article frames the abortion/women's health issue as one of "economic populism vs. cultural conservatism." Nothing could be further from the truth! If Democrats and, in particular, the DNC want to unify the party on this issue, then how you frame the issue is all-important: women's health care, including abortion access and choice, are fundamentally important to economic justice and populism for a wide swath of the electorate in the US and world wide.

Do you think it's just a coincidence that the people most affected by our so-called president's moves (Global Gag Order and, now, allowing individual states to defund Planned Parenthood) affect primarily underserved minorities and lower-income women (and men!)? I don't; this is just another example of economic repression of those "others" that the GOP relentlessly sidelines and disenfranchises. The wealthy will always have access to abortions and other services, while those "others" are kept in their place. Hard to imagine how a lower-income woman with children to care for and, possibly, ongoing health issues gets a decent education or finds steady employment, after all.

Women's health care and access is THE MOST IMPORTANT economic-populism issue for the majority female electorate. This transcends the "cultural" meme that the GOP has exploited for decades.
Magoo (Washington)
Yes. And I can't get the prior article out of my head. It was a betrayal to women and girls everywhere. Progressive ideas must BY DEFINITION be feminist and anti racist Yes, we can collaborate on other issues as a matter orvrealpolitik, but don't throw women girls and POC under the bus to do it. For shame.
Robert McKee (Nantucket, MA.)
Legislators who pass laws that encourage conditions like the ones described in this piece should be required to witness the results of their law making. Any man who decides that an intestine hanging out of a vagina is fine should be put away somewhere.
Mkrajci (New york)
Pense is behind this with his far right wing thining on women.
Mark (Seattle)
This article begs the question, “Does Donald Trump believe the anti-abortion rhetoric around this issue or is he just cynically playing to his base?” The first alternative is believable because Trump has done little, if anything, to counter the idea that he is indeed this ignorant and uncaring. The second alternative supports the belief that he is capable of cynically supporting any narrative that bolsters his political fortunes. Both are awful to comtemplate in any person who is our president and unfortunately Donald Trump’s terrible genius compels one to believe that both are true.
Dwight Bobson (Washington, DC)
So the other natural outcome of the Trump and other state GOP-controlled legislatures is going to be to stop Medicare from paying for Viagra and any other male erection medicines. It is obviously time to prosecute all of the males who father any babies unless married and committed to support, house, feed and educate the child until age 24. Any and all rapes by males will surely now be punished by castration and life imprisonment. Of course this is only if the GOP really believes in justice for all. Otherwise it is the sham that it appears to be. ... I'm waiting ...
Steve Bolger (New York City)
It won't be long before your genome is encoded on your birth certificate.
Ultraliberal (New Jersy)
The abolishment of Roe Vs Wade will not stop abortion for those that can afford to go abroad for abortions, that leaves the poor who are the greatest beneficiaries of legalized abortion to either go to unlicensed abortionists ,or use the old wire hanger method which will certainly end in a panful death.
Rocko World (Earth)
I agree, making the lack of voter participation among the poor all the more infuriating.
Steve Hunter (Seattle)
The larger problem is that trump doesn't "think".
arrower (Arvada, Co)
Don't forget that Trump is a sociopath, devoid of empathy and compassion, self-centered and without the capacity to admit his faults or to apologize. This does not excuse him, but it helps to explain his unfitness to be POTUS. The republicans in congress, on the other hand, are devoid of ethics, living in a world where nothing matters but their own self-interest. These people are not unaware of the damage they are causing to the health of the women of the world, including their own countrywomen. As long as they can call themselves pro-life, pro-family Christians, and believe it their own lies, they just don't care.
Marvin W. (Raleigh, NC)
Trump"s attacks on women are truly shameful. He should be forced to fly to
Haiti and watch some of these women in pain. One can only hope that women
and millions of others do not make the same mistake of voting for him again.
It is painful to think of the next four years. His policies will hurt a great many
of those who voted for him. And to think he was elected by a war criminal from
merrytrare (minnesota)
Women are sexual ornaments to trump. If they aren't pretty and able to continue being pretty, they are worthless to him. He has no heart or ability to feel empathy. As a woman, I can only say that he is a horrible human being.
SMB (Savannah)
Trump and the Republicans are attacking women's healthcare on every front, often with rationale that it is about abortion. It almost never is. The Globsl Gag Rule ignored the fact that no US money went to abortions. The excellent statistics prove that yet again. No tax monies that go to Planned Parenthood are used for abortions but instead are for basic reproductive healthcare, contraceptives, cancer and STD screenings. Texas maternal deaths jumped well into third world territory when so many women's health clinics were closed. The GOP just attempted to exclude maternal and infant healthcare from their replacement ACA plan with several GOP politicians mocking mammograms and pregnancy medical treatment.

Trump and the GOP hate women whether it is Trump killing the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, supporting sexual predators like O'Reilly and Trump, or denying poor women healthcare. I wish there was a law that any politician born from a woman would defer to women and medical practitioners on issues of women's health. Any GOP politicians who had another form of genesis and crawled out of primordial slime can legislate for their primitive species that lack evolutionary brains or beings.
Paul Shindler (New Hampshire)
Hopefully, with the Trump/Ryan crowd, we have reached the bottom of the barrel in terms of public officials callous behavior and attitudes. It's hard to imagine it being any worse. After 4 years of these people destroying as much of the safety net as possible, people will wake up and get motivated to vote.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
People need to get motivated to fix the gross unfairness of the many ways our votes are rendered moot.
Etienne (Los Angeles)
Hypocrisy and misogyny and anti-science thinking is what we have come to expect from religious fundamentalists, regardless of the sect. It must be very comforting to know that your view is the correct one for all of humanity and to be able to shove it down our throats because you happen to be in a position of power. If you want that for your families and loved ones, fine. Just leave the rest of us alone. It's none of your business.
Montreal Moe (WestPark, Quebec)
My wife and I have lived for most of the last 25 years in Chicago and in Quebec and today's op-ed brings home a lot of our reality. We read and discussed this op-ed before we went to sleep and it did keep us up.
My wife is an American and we talk a great deal about what is happening in her country.
I had never heard of anyone before with the name Fleurimon (also spelled Fleurimont). Fleurimont is a suburb of Sherbrooke Quebec and the home of our local teaching and research hospital which is called the Fleurimont Hospital. The staff at Fleurimont look like the world. Many of the doctors and nurses are from families that until the late 20th century were in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, the Middle East and Latin America and many are our own Quebecois. They speak French and Creole, Arabic, Spanish, English, Chinese, or French and a host of other languages. Other than speaking French this quite accomplished world class teaching hospital 90 minutes from Dixville Notch NH. looks no different from any big city teaching hospital in the US.
There is however one major difference the University of Sherbrooke selects it Doctors to be on the basis of merit and. If you are Haitian, Syrian or even a Quebecer you will join a cohort of 75% female students who will study medicine and become doctors. The state will pay for your education regardless of your ability to pay and will select the best of the best. This is not America in 2017.
Nightwood (MI)
So sad to read this, but to me at least, there are places in the world that's doing this and i can hope it spreads.
Nancy Parker (Englewood, FL)
Conservative men don't think they should have to pay insurance premiums for prenatal and birth care because they don't need it, although their mothers did, but they feel they have a right to make laws about women's birth rights - to force full term pregnancy on them, to determine their rights to contraception, to disdain their sexual lives while giving a wink and a nod to their fellow men who are needed for the pregnancy to occur. Women can have sex together or by themselves - no pregnancy, guys.

Stop legislating women's bodies and we'll pay for our own pregnancy insurance costs - the result of a man and a woman - with voluntary payment by the adult men who acknowledge their responsibility to the fetus as well as to the child after it's born, when society makes it unlawful to not provide child support.

Ironic huh? People so concerned about the fetus that a man can refuse to pay support to it?
Longestaffe (Pickering)
Some conservative Republican policies do harm for the sake of financial gain.

Some of Donald Trump's policies risk violence for the sake of stirring up shameful feelings which he can exploit.

But this repels me even more, because it causes great suffering for the sake of nothing more than a fixed idea and an empty phrase.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
Trump's rabble-rousings are a national disgrace.
C. Morris (Idaho)
"Trump thinks this is pro-life?"
Well, but it's 'truthy. That's all that matters.
We live in the age of truthiness.
IntheFray (Sarasota, Florida)
In 1966 when I was 15 my mother who was a catholic in revolt against the myopic principles of the church regarding sex and women and birth control, that she spoke to me and my other male friends who were on the high school football team with me. She spoke to us frankly and candidly about sex --unlike the priests and the church -- about sex and contraception, telling us if we were not going to be abstinent it was our moral obligation to talk to our girlfriends about birth control and contraception. My mother was ahead of her time, she embraced the sexual revolution and the emergence of the counter culture in the late sixties. She said, if need be, if our girlfriends could not talk to their parents about the taboo topic of pre-marital sex, that we should support them by going to planned parenthood with them to obtain contraceptives
The idea that this is still being litigated in 2017 is beyond appalling.The right wing regressive extremism that has has hijacked the republican party since at least the eighties and the brain washing against birth control, family planning and women's health is punitive and sadistic regardless of the religious robes they seek to cloak this hostility to sex and family planning.
William R. Schlecht (Kansas City)
"The latest is that Trump just cut every penny the U.S. provides the United Nations Population Fund." ...
The irony: Trump conditions this country's support of NATO on other countries' "paying up" while he directs our country to not pay into the United Nations Population Fund.

Add a couple of cryptics: Trump's Population Fund position should be viewed as both "pro-death" (as noted) and "anti-'lesser' nations." His NATO position should be viewed as "pro-Russian" and "anti-Allies."
John Vasi (Santa Barbara)
When many readers say they will be sending this truthful and well-written piece to their Congressional Representative, you wonder: will this be news to that Representative? Could there be adults who managed to get elected to national office who are so ignorant about women's reproductive health that they cannot differentiate among abortion, contraception, family planning, and women's health? Or is the easy explanation that it's just another political decision: what matters most is not the outcome of the vote itself, but whether it helps the incumbent stay in office.
Brook Trout Whisperer (Central Vermont)
What the male population conveniently seems to forget is that women don't just spontaneously become pregnant. Where are the "men" who impregnate women with no thought to birth control, the health of their female partner, and the resulting child? They are free to walk away and live their lives without a second thought. They are seen as blameless and often unmentioned in articles such as these. If men insist on creating these harmful policies that impact women across the globe, the very least they can do is hold the men who are equally responsible for unwanted pregnancies as accountable as they hold women
Lyn (St Geo, Ut)
Republicans won't stop abortions, they will stop safe abortions.
Lona (Iowa)
The pro birth Republicans don't really care about anything except fetuses. After the fetus is a born child, Republicans are happy to cut off the essential social services.
Allison (Austin, TX)
Having recently been lambasted by right-wing loonies who compared me to Mengele for supporting pro-choice views, it seems to me that there are some people in this country who are so far out on a limb in terms of their hatred and contempt for women (and some of these people are women themselves, obviously full of self-hatred) that their ability to think in a reasoned manner has been severely impaired -- if they ever possessed this ability in the first place.

The emotional reactionaries on the far right are helping to keep the rest of the country off balance, lurching around like a drunk trying to get home on his own two feet after a bender.

It is time to put a stop to this and start providing better mental health services to a large portion of the population that is so blindly enraged over the mere thought of a woman having a choice in the matter of abortion that they are no longer able to think clearly about anything else, including their relationships to their neighbors and fellow citizens.
Eugene Patrick Devany (Massapequa Park, NY)
The U.S. needs to provide health care to those in the U.S. before it takes responsibility for the Haitian population - even if it means that the Clinton Foundation will have to do more in Haiti.
S Frank (San Francisco)
Thank you for this amazing story. Deepest hopes that it will have an impact on the narrow-minded people calling themselves leaders.
sooze (nyc)
Trump is a barbarian. He is a dictator. He has to go. why don't people see this?
Phillip Ruland (Newport Beach, CA.)
Mr Kristof's credibility took a serious hit when he wrote a column blaming centuries of African famine on Donald Trump. President Trump had been in office for all of about 10 minutes. Now, we're to understand that Trump and his henchmen are to blame for Haitian women health issues, specifically unwanted pregnancies and abortions. I guess I had forgotten that abortion is always the answer. Will this nonsense ever end? Since when is America responsible for financing abortions for the world's poor? How about building infrastructure, developing clean water sources and teaching healthy ways? That's spending for the poor I will absolutely support.
Lu (Chicago)
This article does not blame trump for these problems nor does it say that abortion is the only answer. It states that there are existing problems that are treated/prevented by funding trump just revoked. That includes funding to prevent abortions. Accurate reading comprehension is sometimes hampered by angry partisanship. infrastructure and clean water are another excellent usage of funds.
Penelope Otton (Dallas, TX)
Before you comment on women's health issues, it's a good idea to find out more about them. This is from the NIH: "Most anal fistulas develop after an anal abscess. They can occur if the abscess doesn't heal properly after the pus has drained away. It's estimated that between one in every two to four people with an anal abscess will develop a fistula. Less common causes of anal fistulas [include these]:
Crohn's disease – a long-term condition in which the digestive system becomes inflamed
diverticulitis – infection of the small pouches that can stick out of the side of the large intestine (colon)
hidradenitis suppurativa – a long-term skin condition that causes abscesses and scarring
infection with tuberculosis (TB) or HIV
a complication of surgery near the anus"

The NIH lists the main options for treatment as these. No mention of abortion:
"Anal fistulas usually require surgery as they rarely heal if left untreated.
The main options include:
a fistulotomy – a procedure that involves cutting open the whole length of the fistula so it heals into a flat scar
seton procedures – where a piece of surgical thread called a seton is placed in the fistula and left there for several weeks to help it heal before a further procedure is carried out to treat it
other techniques – including filling the fistula with special glue, blocking it with a special plug, or covering it with a flap of tissue."

If you're all for none-treatment, it's lucky you're male.
Eric (Ohio)
And in teaching healthy ways we include the financing of the means--birth control.
Reader (Brooklyn, NY)
This administration in a word - despicable. The level of greediness and contempt for humankind and the environment is unparalleled.
Tj Dellaport (Golden, CO)
The war on women continues. These billionaire white men don't get it. These are not Christian values, this time s hate.
Joyce Vann (Northampton, MA)
Ivanka Trump should have to have her next child in one of these third world clinics. What's sauce for the goose......
Ron (New Haven)
Trump and his right wing administration is not only failing the country they a re doing their best to fail the rest of the world with their unenlightened and stupid policies. The level of hypocrisy within this administration looks to reach new highs.
MsPea (Seattle)
It's not just "blundering men in the Trump administration" who support these policies. Plenty of women, inside and outside the administration, do too. These women are either ignorant or simply devoid of all empathy for other women who live in the countries you describe. They see the whole world through their privileged first-world eyes, and they refuse to see that abortion is sometimes not the worst choice for many women living in third-world conditions. Denying funds for healthcare of all kinds because of a narrow-minded political view is heartless and cruel. Trump is a willfully cruel ignoramus who panders to the anti-abortion crowd, which in turn chooses to disregard the damage they do in favor of their warped reverence for the fetus.
This is an opinion piece. (<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>)
The Christian right is more interested in exercising political power than in embracing core Christian values. For Trump, catering to this group is just an easy way to throw meat to the base while his "legislative agenda" founders in the strait of populism on the rocks of oligarchy.
GrayGardens (CT)
This idea of "pro-life" only being apropos of anti-abortion is immoral. When the US military mistakenly kills 139 civilians (a euphemism for "women and children") in Iraq, how can that be "pro-life". When we deny essential medical care in struggling countries like Haiti, how is that "pro-life." When the first decision Gorsuch makes is to execute a man, how is that "pro-life"?

The one exception I would take to this heartbreaking article is in the last paragraph. There are no "moral" leaders in the Trump administration. Evangelicals elected the least "moral" man ever to run for the office, and that despicable, immoral, sexual predator has selected men of his ilk to surround him.
Dorothy Lurie (Oakland, CA)
Guess you didn't get the memo, Mr. Kristoff. Women are still seen as men's property for the GOP. And all those evangelicals believe women should submit to their husbands. For a clearer view of things, might want to watch The Handmaid's Tale on TV this week.
kathleen (00)
Defunding medical clinics that serve poor people is cruel and stupid and will do nothing to increase respect for life. Neither will legislation making abortion illegal, either in the US or abroad. Intelligence and compassion - who looks for those in the Trump era?
NI (Westchester, NY)
Trump is definitely not pro-life. He is a Death Squad for Women in America and the rest of the World. Should'nt he be tried at the Hague for the genocide of Women? OK! That maybe an exaggeration.......or not!!
lzolatrov (Mass)
Please Mr. Kristof, the term is anti-abortion, not pro-life. By using their term, you validate their medieval ideas about women and their bodies.
Seriously (NYC)
Totally agree with an edit: anti- abortion rights. No one wants an abortion, but wants the right to have one if they have an unwanted pregnancy. The right is the key, as anti-abortion's opposite would be pro-abortion which is not the stance, it's a women's right to make decisions for her own body.
joanne (Pennsylvania)
But President Trump isn't deeply interested in health or hunger crises throughout the world and consequences of such inaction.
He isn't a deep thinker who considers repercussions.

Globally, 1 in 9 people don't have enough to eat. More than a billion live on less than $1.25 a day. Yet 1% of the world's population controls more wealth than the other 99% of the world.

We learned from Trump's fake charity foundation that he isn't into charity. That tax return that Maddow presented revealed he wouldn't even check the boxes to donate a couple bucks.

This is a guy whose administration removed from official websites the issues pages on military family support, health care, civil rights, LGBT rights, and climate change minutes following him being official sworn in as president.

To this day he serves his own pecuniary interests, as he takes leisure travel, costing the nation multiple millions. As his family gains lucrative global financial deals day by day, benefiting from his presidency.
Dra (USA)
Fyi, trump and his toadies DON'T care. And all the trumpoholics don't care either.
Shawn (Florida)
What a great article. It is truly hard to believe that the United States could see these types of women's issues. Pro life is a true joke. The only choice you have as a women is to have no health care, no reproductive health services and a huge number of unwanted children. It's hard enough when your wanted in this life terrible when your not!
Eileen (NYC)
I think you're on to something labeling these policies "pro-death." Our President and his fellow Republicans are, unfortunately, very successful at branding and labeling. Perhaps it's time for Democrats to adopt this strategy.
"Thus is pro-life?" Of course not - and, of course, Trump and his minions don't care.

We will never win over the right wing anti-women's rights set, religious right, or the politicians who pander to these extremists while serving the interests of the oligarchy. The women's march in January, science march yesterday, and majority vote for Hillary Clinton show that most Americans are reasonable, sane, responsible people. The others are not listening, will not listen and are not our constituency.

There is resistance to the claim that there are "two Americas." Yet there are two American. Our hope for the future lies in organizing for 2018 and 2020, when the new census will be taken and district lines redrawn. Only by building a political majority that actually is represented in state legislatures and Congress can we hope to avoid the horrors in Haiti and elsewhere. Forget about the Trumpsters – they are lost, in more ways than one. Forget the religious right – it is insensitive to decency. Forget the Republicans – they are whores for wealthy interests.

Organize now to protect Social Security, Medicare and the ACA, all of which are on the line or will be in the next few months. Take back your state legislature, Congress and the White House – we are the majority – persist!
MKKW (Baltimore)
And all so Trump can do the opposite of Obama's actions and call it policy. When decisions are made that way, facts or even information are an unnecessary waste of time.
brendah (whidbey island)
It is an unbelievable president that has surrounded himself with money and only looks to find more. Morals no more. He has and will cause more grief and hardship because he is so uneducated and self-serving.
How anyone can support this man-child is beyond me. He leaves a foul trail of corruption wherever he walks on this earth.
Manuel Soto (Columbus, Ohio)
The "Family Values" gang & their puppet legislators have been troweling out their sludge for over 50 years. With control of the Executive, Legislative & Judicial branches of our Government, the Republican "Right to Life" gang is prepared to force their religious beliefs upon ALL Americans.

It's about time these people are exposed as the charlatans they are. This is not about women's health, as they purport. Rather, it is about the Evangelicals & Catholic Church coercing their religion on the rest of the Nation.
mjbarr (Murfreesboro,Tennessee)
Unfortunately, the country is being run by a selfish and vain fraud who only truly cares for his own well being and the well being of a small circle of others.
Edd Doerr (Silver Spring, MD)
Excellent column. Trump's cutting funding for the UN Population Fund and his promise to get abortion outlawed are criminally stupid. Not only do these actions threaten women's health, rights of conscience and religious liberty, but they also threaten the future of our planet, seriously endangered by human caused climate change linked to human overpopulation. And to think that it was a Republican president, Gerald Ford, who signed the 1975 National Security Study Memorandum 200 report that recommended universal access to contraception and legal abortion. Americans of all persuasions need to work unceasingly to get Trump's cfiminally insane population policies reversed. -- Edd Doerr
Virginia (Cape Cod, MA)
This article is a good time to remind people that the anti-choice Tom DeLay assured those businessmen in the Marianas Islands that Republicans in the US Congress would not pass Pres. Clinton's bill outlawing forced abortions there so that they could continue forcing women to have abortions and get right back to work.

Proving, once again, that it's not about abortion, or respecting women's right to make their own choices regarding their bodies and reproductive lives, but rather about money. Forced abortion is okay, when business profits and businessmen needs are on the line. But a woman doesn't want another child, or a child, or a deformed or sick child...sorry, ladies.

Why don't we skip the abortion thing and just go right to women making it law for men to have vasectomies by age 13, and then they can reverse them when they want to start a family. Let's see how many take to women controlling and making laws about male reproduction.
Henry English (New York, NY)
The plight of these women in Haiti is shocking and distressing. One can extrapolate to other parts of the world where similar conditions reign. Equally so is Trumps's halting of funds to organizations dedicated to alleviating and preventing such avoidable afflictions.

Your article is a poignant example of the dichotomy between conservative principle - in this instance the sanctity of the life of the unborn - and human reality - the unconscionable suffering due to lack of education, unintended pregnancies and unavailable medical care and preventative personal care for want of funding.

What your article doesn't do and needed to do was name the names of the "blundering men in the Trump administration (posturing) as moral leaders", who are imposing this travesty on the rest of humanity. These people need to be outed and publicly shamed.
EB (Earth)
For a while now I have been writing that anyone who votes republican is either
a) rich and selfish (I've got mine - to heck with the rest of you)
b) uneducated and/or uninformed
c) stupid
d) mentally ill
I'll now add another option:
e) evil
ExPatMX (Ajijic, Jalisco Mexico)
Thank you. This is absolutely correct and needs to be said then said again.
Jhc (Wynnewood, pa)
Day after day, week after week, here and around the world, old, white Republican men continue to wage war on women. Men have rights, children have rights, even babies unborn have rights, but women--their mothers, do not. It's time to vote these guys out of office; they are way past their "use by" date.
Rea Tarr (Malone, NY)
That the leaders in Trump's administration don't have a clue what they're doing is short of the truth, perhaps. The whole truth is more likely to be that they simply don't care. Haitians, the riffraff citizens of other "foreign" countries, the poor and uneducated in the United States are all of no importance.

Has any one of the men or women in charge in Washington ever been anywhere and seen what life is like below their horizon?

They're not sanctimonious zealots, they're inhuman.
Steve (SW Michigan)
Trump spent a few minutes with insurance executives prior to the Republican health care debacle, and said he had no idea health care and insurance was so complicated.

Trump spent a few minutes talking with the leader of China, then admitted that the North Korea problem was not as simple as he thought.

Mr. Kristoff, can you get a few minutes with Trump to give him your thoughts? Meet in Haiti at one of their clinics.
salvador444 (tx)
When the Ebola epidemic was in full swing we sent Military Medical team members to Liberia. we did a world of good,and was a major factor in treating Liberians and helping to contain Ebola.
This made me very proud of those folks that were assigned and probably requested to go there, and my country. That's when the US is at it's best.
Not America First all the time.
John (Cleveland)
Could we please now shelve the myth of Ivanka as some kind of honest mediator between the White House and the world? As someone with special concern for women and families?

She's the pretend white witch/good cop in a nest of posionous old men, and she has failed every time it mattered.

The story does make for really good marketing, though.
Maggie (California)
Trump does not "think" as he has no capacity to organize his thoughts. This is why there is no area of his administration with a mission or a focal point. Lacking that ability he reacts like a pinball machine, bouncing from one point to another with no purpose.
Joseph Huben (Upstate NY)
Trump and Republicans and all thoose who claim to be pro life are liars. They are all pro-fetus anti-women, anti-babies, anti-children, anti-sex education.
Stop calling them pro-life. They are hypocrites.
Gaucho54 (California)
Being a powerful and wealthy country brings social responsibilities...or does it?
Where is this rule written?
History proves otherwise. Power and wealth begets more power and wealth and human suffering is unimportant, just a side effect.

Thus why are we continually surprised and outraged at the Trump administration? I fear that the concept of democracy has disappeared several decades ago. God help us all.
Robert Laughlin (Denver)
Sanctimonious zealots; that is a clear and concise definition of the republican party.
They have cut off funding, or severely shrinking it, for diplomacy, for aid like this, for everything that the U.S. does that does not involve dropping bombs.
What are we going to do? Sit behind secure borders quaking in fear at every mention of "terrorist"? Will our only face to the rest of the world, especially the developing world, be the face of our military? Will we win the hearts and minds of these folks by killing their children and bombing their infrastructure?
Meanwhile, China is helping them build, or rebuild, that infrastructure in Africa and South America.
How is this going to lessen China's influence? Or build ours?
FritzTOF (ny)
At what point does this pass from an ethical or moral dilemma into the realm of negligent homicide? I suggest we have Trump's "conference committee" sit and watch film of all this -- while being broadcast on national TV -- so we can watch how they react!
One of a long list of cuts that help people in order to build a wall glorifying intolerance and hatred. Immoral in my book, but trump's evangelist supporters must know something I don't.
spider (northport maine)
The planet could probably support 10 billions of us, as long as we're not all here all at the same time. Planned Parenthood and the UNPF should appeal the trickle-down crowd, dontcha think?
luluchill (Winston-Salem, NC)
It is truly unfortunate that we cannot have rational discussions regarding reproduction and women's health. I don't know many people who think abortion is a proper form of birth control, but because the pro-life movement has chosen to lump contraception in with every argument we end up with policies like the one mentioned in this column. I can't help but think this is the handiwork of Mike Pence.
Ron Epstein (NYC)
Trump thinks?
Michael Kubara (Cochrane Alberta)
The Dark Ages Church followed Aquinas--prohibiting birth control as "unnatural"--i.e. abnormal sex--a perversion. Only sex for reproduction--to create a new life--re-creational sex--was normal. Recreational sex--sexplay--erotic love--orgasmic sex--was lust--a deadly sin.

He claimed to know this was a divine law--a "revelation"--just happening to accord with Pope Gregory's "Seven Deadly Sins". The Church bought it as marketing tool--propaganda--to propagate the ranks of the faithful.

Now THOSE are the real perversions. Sex, not for fun--because it feels good--but only as a means to babies is a perversion. Babies only to propagate the numbers of believers is a perversion.

Nor is it pro-life of the baby--created not to be loved and nurtured--but as a papal offering--a Church or government asset (think Jason Bourne). That is another perversion.

Yet another is "pro-life" disregarding quality of life--as if mere quantity matters. "Pro-quality of life" values the lives of parents--and their life plans and circumstances--so they may properly nurture themselves and the baby whose quality of life also matters.

"Pro-quantity of life" is contemptuous of quality--mothers are just incubators, babies are just assets. Yes--often that is really Pro Misery, and Pro Death.
Neither Church nor Trump are averse to killing.

The Church sells this as righteous. Trump sells it because it buys votes--and sells his brand--what else does he care about? More perversions.
Glen (Texas)
The blindest of all are those who refuse to see. This is Trump in a nutshell, and not just in regards to women's health, but in every aspect of life and the welfare of humanity at large. That he is able to surround himself with so many who share his "view" or, at the very least, do not raise objection, is discouraging in the extreme. The condition, Nick, is rampant among those of a certain political persuasion. From the state of global climate change to consequences of nuclear war, Trump is absolutely sightless.
Christy (Blaine, WA)
It never ceases to amaze me that a party which favors "small government" or no government at all continues to intrude into people's bedrooms, dictate sexual mores and tells women what they can and cannot do with their bodies. While this party claims to be "pro-life," it keeps trying to take away our health care and eliminate whatever U.S. aid contributed to health care around the world. In my opinion, that makes it "pro-death." This irony is probably lost on Trump, who is just a patsy for the really evil old white men of the GOP, but it will make our nation an international pariah.
Defiant9 (Columbia, SC)
One more example of the stunted thinking that goes into Trump policies.
If he can't immediately destroy the earth by stopping funding to sciences related to climate changes such as cutting funding for satellites to monitor the earths atmosphere he will affect the health of women worldwide by defunding health delivery organizations providing women health services.
That has a more immediate effect on destroying one of his problems, women.

And the excuses he uses are just as shallow. No need for special resources to monitor the atmosphere because there is not a climate change problem.
No need to provide assistance to women's health problems because he claims to be pro life and the services provide abortion procedures when in fact that is not what their about. And you certainly know what he thinks of women given his history. Look what happened when meeting with a strong woman, Mrs. Merkel. His body language I'm afraid of her. He even refused to shake her hand in friendship. The woman should of hauled off and given him a shiner.

And look at the people he chose to carry out his hit list. The "Gang of Gestapo Terrorist" all in the name of good government. This is a dark time for America, and the people and places around the world, and the earth itself. It is only appropriate that everyone rise up to the task of stopping the "Horsemen of the Apocalypse" from trampling over us.

I stayed quite during Vietnam, lost friends, saw injustice. No more.
Not This time!
Philip Sedlak (Antony, Hauts-de-Seine, France)
Nicholas, thanks for this column. More professionals, espcially doctors dealing with these issues, whould speak out, with courage. as you do. It's nice to know that you are on the pro-life side. Most of us are,
blackmamba (IL)
Presidential Apprentice Donald John Trump thinks that serial adultery and serial marriage is pro-life. And Trump's wives and daughters and supporters are all "complicit".
Carole G (NYC)
If only this could be covered by FOX news, maybe 45 would be moved.
Mark MacLeod (Brighton, Canada)
The question is not, Where is the bottom?, but, Is there a bottom? to your current government. We didn't seem to have one here, not too long ago. Painful to read indeed.
Southern transplant (South Of Mason Dixon Line)
The Republican Party wants to install a "Christian Taliban" government here in the U.S. reducing women to third class beings once again. They want to take away our ability to control our own bodies, the ability to make a decent wage, control over what we say and wear. They want to "protect" us. Who will protect us from the GOP?
N. Smith (New York City)
Is there any reason to think Donald Trump cares about these issues if they don't translate into an immediate profit for him?
Especially if it involves people who aren't even American...and who are Black.
There. I've said it.
This is a president who woulndn't be able to identify Haiti on a map -- let alone know of the ineludible poverty and the misery to be found there.
This president finds little or no efficacy in having an international organization like the United Nations, which is why cutting off U.S. funding to it makes perfect sense.
His obsession with women's reproductive rights is based on some archaic religious concept, that has nothing to do with being Chrisitan, and even less to do with Christianity.
It is purely political, and male-power driven, with the cost in human lives that is inestimable, and results that are devestating.
The United States has entered a new age of genocide.
Adirondax (Southern Ontario)
Unfortunately, while Bill O' Reilly is no longer on Fox, his attitudes and misogyny live on in the Oval.

We are all the worser for it.
Catherine F (NC)
Whenever I ranted about the latest misogynistic item I was reading in the paper, my sons would deadpan, "Women are things mom, get over it." They were being sarcastic but how right they were.
Kris (Aaron)
The leaders in America today who distribute and withhold government funds don't care about the “international goodwill” of the general population in countries they assist with trade deals and military sales. They're in hot pursuit of the goodwill of strongman leaders, those individuals who control and the all-powerful military and secret police who enforce laws beneficial to our leaders' economic interests. Whether health care – including birth control and even abortions – are available or not is of very little interest to them, because the health of the general population doesn't directly benefit them.
To America's leaders, the only thing that matters is what the people who subsidize their election campaigns (with big donations) want. Our country has been focused on short-term profits at the expense of long-term gains for decades. It's capitalism, but taken to a disturbing me-first-and-right-NOW extreme, with little regard for the future of the planet or its people.
Low-income women suffering from fistulas from difficult births and dying from illegal abortions, children dying from malnutrition and diarrhea due to contaminated water, famines, plagues... these deadly killers mean little or nothing to many of today's elected officials. Their priorities are power, wealth, and more of it. This is what we elect, and this is what the rest of the world has to live and die with.
The Pro Choice and Pro Life debate hasn't been about abortion for over a decade now. It's about health care. Foreign aid that is provided for health care should help provide it.

The Republican party as it's constructed today along with the President don't support health care for people living in the US or around the globe. It's time for Republicans like Ryan, Mcconnell and President Trump stop hiding behind the abortion issue and make the argument that government isn't in the business of providing funding for health care.

If you look at the Presidents budget it's a decidedly pro-death budget. Health care and other "entitlements" paid for by taxes are to be cut in favor of more ordinance also paid for by taxes that will be dropped on living people.
Nora 01 (New England)
Kristof, you are a marvel of a man. Your humanity and respect for all people is a bright example in an age of war-mongering, misogyny, and hate speech. I look forward to reading your opinions.

As for Trump and his band of mercenary men, well, as my mother used to say, "if couples took turns and men had the first baby and women the second, there would never be a third." If men got fistulas, birth control would be a sacred right protected by the supremes.
Dadof2 (New Jersey)
Haitians struggle to get to Bahamas because there's a better life there, even living in shanty towns like Da Mudd & Pigeon Pease in Marsh Harbour, where sanitation is a giant open cess-pool, & fire can be devastating. Still, poor as the Bahamas is, it's a paradise for Haitians. Many are illegals, just like the US, & if they don't have papers, or their papers have not been, or cannot be renewed, they get deported. Most, like the US, work hard, usually for low wages, keep their heads down, but, like here, get blamed for far more crime than they actually commit. The rash of boat thefts that has swept the Bahamas has, when intercepted, turned out to be mostly Bahamians.

"Pro-Life" is anything but.
Because you can't be "Pro-Life" & anti-prenatal care.
You can't be "Pro-Life" & allow babies to suffer & die the second they exit the womb.
You can't be "Pro-Life" & against the BEST anti-abortion measure: effective birth control.
You can't be "Pro-Life" if you outlaw treatment of conditions that GUARANTEE both the mother & baby die (like tubal pregnancy).
You can't be "Pro-Life" if the mother's life doesn't mean a d*** to you.
You can't be "Pro-Life" & deny science that says life doesn't actually begin at conception, because no more than 25% of fertilized eggs NATURALLY attach to the uterine wall & the rest are eliminated by nature.
You can't be "Pro-Life" & treat non-white kids adopted overseas as "foreign"
You can't be "Pro-Life" if you don't adopt.
I'm Pro-Choice & we adopted!
SXM (Danbury)
Gotta be able to use abortion to get the votes.

Thank you for this article. If this began happening to women in the US, we'd never hear the end of it. But since it's happening in a third world country to people of a different skin color, Republicans are fine with letting it happen to prove their anti abortion ideology.
Robert Guenveur (Brooklyn)
It is apparent that Trump et. al. see women as only as arm candy, nothing else. The "First Lady" is the "first Escort". One wonders how debased he has to go before the right determines that even he is too low.
Do the women who support this trash have any feeling for his victims? Do you really not care? Are you human? Do you realize that they are coming for you too?
Are you really a bunch of cattle, to be bred to what "the man" decides?
Repeat after me: "Moo".
Michigan Girl (Detroit)
The men of the Republican Party recognize that, as women have gained control over when and where (if at all) to have children, woman are slowly gaining control over the World. Young woman in the US are out-performing men on every measure -- academic performance, college completion, employment, work performance. In 50 years, women will dominate most companies and most political offices. Thus, they've focused on hoping to force women back to the days of being barefoot and pregnant. Cats out of the bag already, fellas. This is the beginning of the Matriarchy and the World will be better off for it. We've already seen 1000 plus years of the destruction caused by the rule of men. Time to step aside and let the more competent and responsible gender take over.
Debra (From Central New York)
"Politicians in Washington don’t have a clue about the hideous things that happen when women are marginalized and health care is unavailable."

I believe Mr. Kristof, perhaps himself being a good person, gives too much credit to the far-right ideologues who simply don't care what happens to women, especially if what happens to women is connected in any way with women's bodies. And of course, to such men, women's bodies were designed by a male deity to be convenient to men.

If a tyrant gasses women and children, some politicians express outrage. I women, particularly unmarried women, and their children suffer hunger, poverty and poor health, the politicians call for new families for the children and stigmatize the mothers.
sophia (bangor, maine)
These old, white men who hold so many women's lives in their hands. My question is: why do they hate women so very much? Why don't they help instead of hurt them? They all had mothers. Most probably have sisters and wives. But yet, all they want to do is hurt women. Power over women. Control over women. That's all they care about. We have to vote them out in 2018. It is imperative.
Crossing Overhead (In The Air)
We cannot continue to support the civil programs of other countries.

We are practically bankrupt and heading into a very costly war with NK.

Why is it always the US who's liable for these situations?
Republicans want to go back to the good old days. They want women at home, not in the work force. Control the bodies of women and their options and the Republicans will get what the have wanted for decades. I shutter for the future of my granddaughter.
N. Smith (New York City)
It was once called "Kinder, Küche, Kirche."
(Transl. Children, Kitchen, Church)
R Nelson (GAP)
I'm sorry, Nick, but I struggle to believe that those zealots in Washington "don't have a clue what they're doing." It is obvious from his words and deeds that the Current Occupant finds women "disgusting," that he must demean them to make himself feel more "manly." Pence, who calls his wife "Mother" and who won't have a business lunch with a woman, clearly has psychological issues; why is he so afraid of women as sexual beings? Other Republicans eagerly validate the crude views of the aggressive voters who feel emasculated by their failures in life and won't have no wumun tellin' *them* what ta do. To deny women health care at home and abroad is a means of controlling them, of keeping them from excelling and presenting a threat to the egos of brittle men who have to believe that they're better than *some*body--that at least they aren't a wumun!--while insurance pays for the little blue pill. The zealots may not have a clue as to the reasons for their subconscious fears, but they almost certainly know what their decisions will do to women.
Research has shown a link between lust for money and lack of empathy, and the halls of Congress are full of mostly white men who arrive fairly wealthy and then become obscenely wealthy. They've been slavering for those tax cuts for themselves and their cronies and see the cuts as twofers--freeing themselves of any financial obligation to the proles and keeping women the world over in their place.
David Gifford (Rehoboth beach, DE 19971)
Thanks! This article keeps it real. Many anti-abortionist are indeed pro-death. Their so called Christianity stops at the womb. After birth, they care less about any individual life, now you're on your own they say. Jesus exhorted to his followers to help the poor, asking all to be treated with dignity. The story of Mary Magdalene is case in point. How we treat people after they are born is also in fact God's work.
Jim S. (Cleveland)
Is this situation uniquely Trump's? Would things have been much different under a President Cruz or Jindal or Huckabee? Or is this simply a normal Republican fetish over fetuses?
Dan Conrad (Grosse Pointe Shores, MI)
Since January, I've started each morning as our alarm clock goes off asking, "What horrors brings the day?" And then I open up the Times and I see. Those who held their noses and voted Trump because he would appointment a SCOTUS judge who would overturn Roe should read this. With an open mind.
Jonathan (Black Belt, AL)
Pro-Death. I like that. I think you can safely use it not only relating to matters involving women's health (or the lack thereof) but to almost everything else that is coming out of the Trump Administration.
Pamela (Ottawa, Ontario)
If I had a magic wand, I would turn Trump and his GOP into a poor woman without decent health care - or more pointedly a poor woman of colour without decent health care - for a year and see what tune they were singing then; if they didn't see the light, I'd make the change permanent. Their abject failure to imagine themselves in the shoes of others is stunning.
Foreverthird (Boston)
The Republican "culture of life" begins and ends with the fetus. Children, adults and non-human species need not apply.
Emile (New York)
I shouldn't have read this column, for I knew what it would say ahead of time, and I'm my wits end trying to figure out how to push back effectively. Yes, I'll work hard in the 2018 election to defeat Republicans, but with gerrymandering and Republicans all over the landscape who simply do not budge on their Republicanness, I don't see how we'll take back the House. I do my calling to representatives, Speaker Ryan and the White House, but I doubt it helps much. As to calling or writing Ryan and the White House, what a joke. I'm now on an email list for each of them that treats me as if I'm a Trump supporter.

I knew Trump was dangerous months before he was elected, but I had no idea he'd be this dangerous. In my darkest moments, I think the Republic is finished.
dEs joHnson (Forest Hills, NY)
Excellent article, NK. Thank you, horror story though it is. Trump is a monster. His supporters are the Doctors Frankenstein of our time and place. The term Pro-Life is a propaganda title and has no relationship to the ethos of the gun-loving, hang-em-high hearts of these Neolithic enablers.
Marc (Vermont)
I believe that you start with a false premise (or an oxymoron, take your pick); "Trump Thinks".
If you are passionate about providing these services to women around the world, donate!!! Why are are waiting for the government to do it for you??
Edd Doerr (Silver Spring, MD)
It takes individual efforts AND serious government aid.
CD-R (Chicago, IL)
Am ashamed of our president. He is feeding into a minority block in order to remain popular. He is neglecting the world because he doesn't care about humanity. He has stupidly cut the EPA at a time when the very air we need to breathe is in jeopardy. He is in short not just killing us but his own kin!
Wendy Kulick (Kiawah Island, SC)
Trump, much of the GOP, and "pro-lifers" are in fact pro-BIRTH, not pro-LIFE. Once a baby is born, they do nothing to support either the baby or his/her mother to ensure a healthy and fulfilling life. They are hypocrites of the first order.
Seldoc (Rhode Island)
Certainly, the politicians who vote for these odious policies bear some of the blame, but the bulk of it must be put squarely on the voters, men and women, who put them in office and keep them there.
Steve (Sparks)
Well, send in some checks. Me, I'll gladly keep my money.
Joni Carley (Media, PA)
"Sanctimonious zealots," yes. Pro life, no. Who are we as a nation that we handed over rule to these mysoginistic hate and death mangers? It comes down to gerrymandering - their ideas can't win elections but the districting games are the basis of damage done to women.
No argument against the platform of what passes for "pro life" can be as powerful, or as compelling, as Decree 770 and its ensuing calamities.
reader123 (NJ)
This effects poor women in the United States as well with the relentless attack on Planned Parenthood and shutting down family planning centers and access to a safe abortion. Again more family planning centers equates to less abortions but facts do not stop the religious right and the phony opportunists like Trump from legislating hurtful laws. This is one of the many reasons why people marched for science yesterday. Whether it's women's healthcare, gun violence or climate change; evidence based facts and rational thought should prevail.
Paul R. Damiano, Ph.D. (Greensboro)
The first two words of this article's title ("Trump Thinks") is all the oxymoron one needs to understand the rest of it.
PaulB (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Who in the Trump team is the leading advocate for such dastardly policies against women? None other than Mike Pence, a Catholic turned avenging evangelical. Like prelates and zealots throughout history, Pastor Pence believes that women deserve to be punished for being women.

He is one scary dude who lurks in the shadows of a completely inept and disorganized Administration, doing the work of court executioner.
ihatejoemcCarthy (south florida)
Nick, if Trump and his coterie of men,who sit together and decide measures to take on the health of women all around the world, could think like women they could easily figure out that what they're doing is not something that goes anywhere near the pro-life.

But totally pro-death policies.

Especially for the women in most of the impoverished countries like Haiti.

With at least one female member in that board, these stupid men could gain some knowledge about the women's reproductive cycles.

And also about fistula, a prolapse or cancer of the ovaries that most of the women in our country and mostly abroad suffer from.

With Lancet medical journal's calling Trump's directives to cut off funding for the United Nations Population Fund,"misogyny" as pointed by you in your article here, it is becoming abundantly clear that Trump is a woman hater first.

Next he's a racist who likes to touch and take advantage of only White women (excuse my stating this fact), Trump has no desire or inclination to save a woman's life in Haiti or any of those impoverished countries in Africa or Asia.

Trump, who announced right after the election that "I want to be the president of all the Americans", is as farce as all his pronouncements that he made on his campaign trails and beyond.
That's why we always have to remember that as long as this racist,misogynist,sexist,homophobic, islamophobic and totally deplorable half-human, half-animal remains the president of this country,we're in big trouble.
Rosemary Galette (Atlanta, GA)
Thank you for this important article. Ignorance on the part of our politicians is a risk factor for women's death and disability.
Alan R Brock (Richmond VA)
"War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength."

Death is life.
Virginia (Cape Cod, MA)
Trump: Unless they're 10s, why should I care?
Carolyn (MI)
In 1967 Robert Kennedy traveled to rural Mississippi and saw first hand the terrible sights and smells of poverty and hunger. He vowed to find a way to end what he had seen. trump and his moralistic all male review should be made to visit the hospitals and clinics in Haiti to see first hand the suffering from reproductive complications. Make them visit a hut and breath in deeply the stench of urine and feces and infection. Or show the man a photo or video since that is what seems to be what "moves" him. Better yet, send his daughter to Haiti since she seems to be the one who reaches him.

These high minded, moralistic, self-proclaimed Christian's will supposedly one day stand in judgement before their God whose values and teachings they think they so smugly represent. I despise these people more and more every day.
Robert Roth (NYC)
When President Trump and his (male) aides sit at a conference table deciding to cut off money to women’s health programs abroad, they call it a “pro-life” move.

I hate to be picky, but how is cutting off money to prevent access to abortion in itself "pro life." You talk about all the other horrible consequences of their attitude but leave that one alone. Is this an example of trying to find common ground with decent people opposed to reproductive freedom. Do you think that common ground involves remaining silent on a core issue of reproductive (and every other type) of freedom. If so why not say so and own the consequences. If I am wrong about you doing that, I genuinely apologize.
rs (california)
Access to abortion is a woman's right and rejecting women's ability to get a (safe and legal) abortion is not "pro-life." It is "anti-woman." To call those crusading against "decent people" is wildly inaccurate. They don't care about children (or babies) - and their concern for zygotes, embryos and fetuses is simply part of a campaign to control women. Note if you will that most of them are not pro-birth control (which of course lessens the need for abortions), and are virulently against spending public funds to help mothers and babies once those babies are born.
Kam Dog (New York)
I do think is is more racial and economic rather than gender based. Does anyone think the trumpanistas care a whit about Haitian men? If Ivanka or Melania decided she needs to get an abortion, you can be sure that she will get a safe, clean medical procedure from a qualified doctor.

I bet that all of the Republicans voting to knock down abortion rights in their states know that when it comes to a woman in HIS life, it is a matter of writing a check for a couple of thousand dollars, putting her on an airplane to someplace where she can get a safe abortion, and keeping his righteousness indignation reserved for the poorer women in his state.
rs (california)
Yes. I read about a quote from a doctor who provided abortions as part of his practice. He said that for right wing women, there were three types of abortions that were acceptable, "In cases of rape, incest and mine."
How much longer do we have to wait to impeach Trump and get rid of him and his henchmen?
Richard (NYC)
This is the influence of our Vice President who believes he is a religious individual but is clueless about life.
Virginia (Cape Cod, MA)
It's not about being anti-choice or anti-abortion. It's about controlling women and having power over them. What better way than to deny them control of their own reproductive systems and even health care! Force women to take unwanted pregnancies to term, and you control them, because low-income women with babies to feed and clothe and house are vulnerable and therefore controllable. Trump said Bill O'Reilly did nothing wrong. I don't think he was saying O'Reilly didn't harass those women. I think Trump knows O'Reilly did (any doubt they guffawed about it together when hanging out?) but really doesn't think there's anything wrong with treating women like that. But Trump and O'Reilly know one thing: To do that and get away with it, you have to have some kind of power over the women. These are men who believe women are on earth to serve their sexual egos (and a wife or two to give them offspring, cook, and do their laundry) and that is all. Making abortion illegal and healthcare difficult to access is a way of controlling women. And beware the woman who has the power to take those egos down a notch! This isn't about abortion or health care. This is about misogyny, and it is revenge for every woman who ever spurned him.
mdalrymple4 (iowa)
Trump doesnt understand or care. What the republican party is doing to women everywhere this year (and previous years) is a crime and I still cannot believe there are so many women out there that continue to vote for this hateful party.
Bridget Johnson (Baltimore)
I think it's time for our woman in the White House, Ivanka, to take a trip with Mr. Kristof. f she can influence her father by simply being outraged by images from Syria, imagine what good could come out of an actual visit to Haiti?
Jere from PA (Central PA)
Atrocious. Shame that more people don't see the harm being done by this administration. Republicans (and all americans) should have the "real" facts thrown at the their face every day, hour and minute. This should be part of the resistance movement.
sdw (Cleveland)
The problem with the men in the Trump administration is not that they have no idea what they are doing regarding their opposition to the U.N. Population Fund and Haiti.

The problem is that their zeal in reaping the right-wing political points of attacking two favorite targets – the United Nations and abortion – is so all-consuming that they could care less about the facts.

Add to this the visible fact that Haitian victims are women and black, and the smug white guys who Donald Trump loves are hitting a grand slam – a four-bagger into the bleachers filled with hateful conservative voters.
Ninbus (New York City)
After reading this piece and considering the many moves (thus far) of the Trump presidency, one word - and one word only - comes to mind:


NOT my president
Harold (Winter Park, FL)
Hypocrisy rules! Giving religion its due means that we have a devil, Satan in direct opposition to Christ. The religious right (Satan) helped propel Trump and his team into office. Satan wins and continues to have their support. Trump and his team and supporters are gluttons for control so that evil maintains its hold.

Outside of the 'absolute war on women' Rep. Warren Davidson [R-Ohio], notice his ample girth, also compares health insurance to a cell phone. "Tell your son to get a better job if he wants health care" he tells a woman wanting medicaid to continue helping her son. Not misogyny, simply stupid and shortsighted as the GOP governs.

The short term effect of the policies of these overweight, white politicians will affect all of us now and well into the future. Photographs of these corrupt politicians with their gleeful smiles as Trump signs away our future is hard to unsee.

Ryan and McConnell in particular will meet the devil when they pass.
detetal (Vancouver BC)
A woman does not get pregnant alone, but her impregnator is not subject to any of these restrictions. Trump and Pence's election made me fear the sexual reenslavement of women, and my fear is becoming a reality for the world's women. Hard to believe that this fight for a woman's ability to control the use of her own body continues in 2017.
MDCooks8 (West of the Hudson)
Hey Nick,

So what has all the money the Clinton Foundation raised for Haiti done for their people and most important for "Women's Health issues" for this nation?
Debbie R (<br/>)
It is time to stop using the completely misleading term pro-life to describe a movement that is merely pro-birth. And Trump doesn't think. Nuff said.
Annie (Pittsburgh)
Perhaps all those people who voted for Trump because they believed that they couldn't vote for Hillary because she supports Roe v. Wade are relieved that Trump was elected and could make life better for pregnant women everywhere. Ya think?
Spucky50 (New Hampshire)
Trump "thinks." As soon as I read the headline, I knew I didn't need to go any further.
r (undefined)
Hey we need that money to drop $15 million dollar bombs on caves in Afghanistan and 49 million on runways in Syria. By the way Mr Kristof didn't you say the Syria "message" was a good idea.

This writing is when you are at your best. Waking up the U.S. and the world to the disasters right here in our hemisphere.

Orange, NJ
Sean (Greenwich, Connecticut)
You object to Trump's policies? But Nicholas, you have been telling us relentlessly that conservatives are being discriminated against. That conservatives are fine people.

So if that's so, why are you so upset about conservative policies? Why don't you just look at those "mpoverished women suffer ghastly injuries and excruciating deaths", the result of conservative "pro-death" policies, and just move on?

Taking issue with conservatives is really, after all, just discrimination. That's what you've been telling us, Nicholas.
STL (Midwest)
I suggest you reread his columns on Trump voters, because that was definitely not the message I got from reading them.
Chris Pope (Holden, Mass)
What say you, Ivanka? Are you working quietly, behind the scenes to convince your father to reverse this cruel decision or are you too busy pursuing trademarks and promoting your brand to be bothered?
terry brady (new jersey)
Nothing about Trump is good or right. He is evil and could care less about anything except money and power. He will have the US in a war as soon as he's broken all the China in the White House and killed the roses in the garden.
Marc Seligman (Land O Lakes, FL)
I urge the NYT to stop referring to the anti-choice people as being pro-life. It's time to throw off the shackles of polite discourse and use the correct words. The Madison Avenue inspired "pro-life" designation is merely a smokescreen. Women and children are dying because of the so-called pro-lifers. Do not provide cover for the shameful beliefs and acts of that crowd. Let this be the last time that your paper ever refers to them as pro-life. Put that designation into the dustbin of offensive words. We no longer want to hear it.
EB (Earth)
Well said, Marc.
Richard Mclaughlin (Altoona PA)
By 'pro life' Trump, of course, means 'pro his way of life".
Douglas McNeill (Chesapeake, VA)
There are only two possibilities for the actions of the Trump gang regarding the gag rule and cutting funds for the UNPF. They are either clueless and the inept victims of the Law of Unintended Consequences or they intend to harm these women in a Dickensian revival of the desire "to reduce the surplus population" of women who by geographical accident are not Americans.

Perhaps Jared should be sent for a day to the third world clinics showing him what advanced cervical and breast cancers and fistulas look (and smell) like.

We owe a great debt to the Haitians. Their uprising in 1803 drove Napoleon to sell his asset to the US to fund an army to oppose the slave revolt in Haiti. We got the Louisiana purchase, about 1/3rd of the country on the cheap. And this is how we repay them?

Ineptitude or cruelty. Choose, Mr. Trump.
Charles (NY State)
It's not just the UN Population Fund.

How many tens of thousands of children will Trump starve by cutting off our foreign food aid?

How many thousands of children will Trump doom to illness and death by stealing their health insurance?

How many thousands of children will Trump poison and kill by gutting the EPA?

How many children will Trump send back to their deaths by refusing them admittance as refugees?

Trump seems to want to be remembered in history as a mass murderer, just one more low key than Hitler, Mao, and Stalin.

But his children will do just fine.
Bob (My President Tweets)
You lost me at "trump thinks."
Eric (Ohio)
Thank you for calling this disconnect to our national attention, Nick. But no big surprise. Trump's a hypocrite, and he exaggerates and propagates falsehoods on a regular basis, without ever a smidgen of self-reflection or critical awareness on info that he gets from Fox, Brietbart, etc. (the NYT, well, he can read them critically just fine). The wonder is that so many Americans support Trump--from the very wealthy and famous (e.g. Johnny Bench, idiot savant and "Hall of Famer for sure") to the food-stamp dependent (who may now lose that helping hand). If you support a liar and a hypocrite of Trump's magnitude just because you gotta be havin' some "change", you deserve what you get. The rest of us don't.
Ray Barrett (Pelham Manor, NY)
We really need to change the nomenclature on this subject and stop referring to people as "Pro-life" when in fact they are merely "Pro-birth." Now, that is "political correctness" at its worst.
Iced Teaparty (NY)
Trump plus Christian Right equals destruction of women.
Guitar Man (New York, NY)
Republicans: "You MUST have that baby!"

Poverty-Stricken Mother: "And once I do give birth to my child?"

Republicans: "Sorry; can't help ya'. You're on your own."

Cruel. Nauseating. Disgusting. Purely evil.
Rw (canada)
I had a cry, a long, hard one. Then I had a scream, a loud one. Now I'm looking to see if I can donate to "3.14"...the group dedicated to encouraging scientists to run for office. First idiot that needs replacing is Lamar Smith (Texas) who's love of trump/party led him to say on the floor of the House: "better to get your news directly from the President" The democrat, Joseph Kosper, is preparing to give it a go.
manfred marcus (Bolivia)
Sad state of affairs for women, desperate for help, cut off by male ignoramuses who have no idea what's at issue. It's not that anybody with an ounce of interest couldn't get the data...and help; this seems willful cruelty. And our hypocrite-in-chief could care less, as he is so busy in self-adoration. This stinks, right?
George S. (Michigan)
Trump and his crowd have no compassion and no shame. That's it in a nutshell.
Peter Aretin (Boulder, CO)
"Deplorable" doesn't really describe the present administration. "Reprehensible" is more apt.
EB (Earth)
How about disgraceful? Disgusting? Evil? Moronic? Obscene? Unconscionable? Reprehensible is far too mild a word for this gang of vile crooks.
Howard (Croton on Hudson)
Not only cutting funding for women's health but he's also cutting funding for the UN. That way he get's to toss two chunks of red meet to his base.
Cheekos (South Florida)
Women in many impoverished nations--especially the very poor and uneducated--are subject to rape, incest, sex-trafficking, domestic violence honor killings. When I see the horrific so-clled "Drug assassinations" in the Philippines, again, its always the poor. The wealthy are never subjugated to such violence, since they have political clout!

Nick's book, co-authored with his wife, Sheryl WuDann, "Half the Sky", is an excellent book about this subject. We know that adequate Women's Health Care is denied to poor women in America, while women who have private insurance can get any of the services denied the poor, and so can her daughters.
Doremus Jessup (On the move)
"Yet a group of blundering men in the Trump administration posture as moral leaders, and the result is that women in places like Haiti will suffer.............".

It's reasonable to assume that these "men" have wives and daughters? Why are these women in Haiti and other countries any different and less important than these American wives and daughters?

The total inhumanity and collective ignorance and stupidity of these Trump minions is mind numbing and so very tragic, and yes, unnecessary.

How can this government treat fellow human beings with such contempt and with total disregard for any decency and compassion?

We are continually telling the rest of the world that we are the greatest and richest country in the history of the world. What hypocrisy. What hubris. What sanctimonious drivel.
Cathy (PA)
Trump doesn't care about real people, all he cares about are posing for his photo ops. If that means killing women and babies or sentencing them to needless suffering to the gleeful squealing of the so-called "pro-life" crowd that's what he'll do.
Michaelene Pendleton (Utah)
They're not pro-life, just pro-fetus. I'll bet I'm not the only commenter who thinks this.
EB (Earth)
I appreciate your point but disagree with one thing. It's not even about the fetus. It's about keeping women in their subservient role purely as baby machines.
Hawkeye (Midwest)
Republicans are no different than ISIS or the taliban.
Bigfathen (The Cape)
This is not something billionaires concern themselves about, Mr. Kristof.
STL (Midwest)
Except for Bill and Melinda Gates, who have spent a loy of their money to promote and improve women's health around the world. I'll give credit where credit is due.
Doodle (Fort Myers)
What can I say, Trump and his Republican counter parts are foolish beyond words. They are self righteous and pass judgment with neither understanding nor compassion. And scarily, this represents a typical "Christian" position.
susan (clifton park ny)
A very well written, informative and succinct article. Unfortunately it will go over the heads of the very people in the current government that have the power to make this world a better place. Concepts like these are well above their pay grade.
Virginia (Cape Cod, MA)
Btw, can we please stop using the phrase "Pro-life"? Being pro-choice is not to be anti-life. Pro-choice includes the decision to not abort a pregnancy. The divide is not between pro-life and pro-choice. It's between pro-choice and anti-choice.

Can we please start using the phrase "anti-choice" from hereon. Conservatives and Republicans have long used language to manipulate the political landscape. It's time moderates, liberals ,and Democrats push back. Those people are no more 'pro-life' than am I. What they are is anti-choice.

Call it what it is: Anti-choice (and in many cases, anti-woman/misogyny).
EB (Earth)
Yes! I never agreed to this phrasing ('pro-life" to mean trying to stop other people have abortions"), and I have no idea how or why the journalism world agreed to it either. "Pro-life" is such a loaded word, full of opinion and belief. Whereas "anti-choice" is very literal and represents the position perfectly. NYT: Please stop referring to it as the "pro-life" movement. It's about abortion being a choice, or not. Period.
Pvbeachbum (Fla)
We give more foreign aid than any other country in the world. All financial aid should have a certain percentage of that money allotted to all healthcare snd make them accountable for every cent. the gates foundation, the mcarthur foundation, bush health initiative and far more American philanthropic U.S. organizations donate billions for healthcare to third world countries. What do they do with that money? It's time to hold these countries accountable for every cent contributed for healthcare. The U.S. taxpayer can't do it alone, nor should they.
Crossing Overhead (In The Air)

Haiti is a corrupt boondoggle of a disaster.

Not one more penny until we see where all these billions have gone with, seemingly, without any progress at all.
MKKW (Baltimore)
Question how effectively the money is spent and improve delivery. But this article was about taking funding away because of shallow and 1st world view of women's health. The US (as do all western countries) had until Trump came along a strong sense of moral obligation because of a belief that good health and education would make the world a better, more democratic place. Such a world is to our advantage and benefit.

Already with Trump only in office 95 days, the US feels less safe and the world more bellicose. That is what a transactional reality looks like.
MK Peckham (INDIANA)
Nick, you have championed these issues for many years.
Thank you so much for continuing to press these issues that transcend gender. I fear that reasonable, fact-based counters to conservative dogma have never been so unheard and unaddressed.
Wally Burger (Chicago)
Nick Kristoff started this highly informative, though very sad opinion piece, by saying: "When President Trump and his (male) aides sit at a conference table deciding to cut off money to women’s health programs abroad, they call it a “pro-life” move." First, thank you, Nick, for bringing this important issue to light. It needs to be published around the world. Second, one must acknowledge the brilliance in the way Republicans (often lead by Paul Ryan though by no means limited to Ryan) use words so carefully to suggest one thing while actually doing the opposite. Kristoff has it right: cutting such funding isn't 'pro-life; it's clearly 'pro-death.'
gary (belfast, maine)
It's possible that a maximum of two Team Trump members would be affected by this column, and we can guess which two. Unfortunately, there's just so much family can do to promote wise moral choices and good behavior. There has to be an upside that appeals to amoral decision makers, and there may not be a way to associate fistulas, prolapses and cancers with the particular kind of enhanced status that those other Team Trump members crave.
Jack Sonville (Florida)
Mr. Kristof rightly points out the perverse use of the term "pro-life." I hate the terms "pro-life" and "pro-choice" because they are both nothing more than meaningless sloganeering.

Many pro-lifers don't really care about life after the birth occurs. That's when their "personal responsibility" and "get government out of our lives" philosophies kick in and, as a result, they don't want to support the mother or the child in any way. They love the mother until she has the baby and then they send her back to the slum she came from and pretend she and the child don't exist. There is nothing remotely "pro-life" about this.

"Pro-Choice" is a term that works fine for 21-year old white college students who find themselves with an unwanted pregnancy and have the money (or their parents do) to have an abortion. They want the ability to make a life choice and have the money to do so. For the women like those Mr. Kristof describes, or many poor women in our country, the ability to decide whether to have an unplanned child is not a choice--it is the only chance they have not to doom themselves and their child to continuing a generational cycle of poverty. It impacts their ability to get an education, to work and to find love and a meaningful relationship.

The media needs to stop using these bogus terms and come up with others that are more accurate descriptions.
Kathy (Chapel Hill NC)
Pro-life really connotes support of the short, brutish life Hardy described. The proponents have no regard for these women and babies once that baby is out of the womb, and they are completely comfortable with ignoring the hardships, ill health, poor educations, and shortened life spans that many such children and their families will endure.

They simply don't care -- except for themselves and, more recently, for getting bailed out of their own, often self-imposed, miseries by the rest of us. Hypocrisy indeed.
Ludwig (New York)
Nicholas, it would be far better if you were to talk to your "pro-choice" friends and ask them to separate abortion from contraception and women's health issues.

Lots of people (like me) are in favor of contraception and I doubt that anyone is against women's health. But by tying the two issues together you mortgage a lot of support you could get.

Instead of doing something constructive you turn to Trump bashing which is of course popular here at the New York Times. But it is not the route to a solution.
Olivia (Santa Monica)
Thank you again Mr. Kristoff,

Two things came to me after reading your article.

The first is, if the Trump administration is Pro Life then shouldn't it provide adequate health care, education and paid leave to support that life?

It also seems to easy to assume that a woman who chooses to end her pregnancy does so lightly. If you value life, do you not value the life of the mother?

Not pro-life at all.
James DeVries (Pontoise, France)
Excellent exposition, very well written. But will it percolate through, somehow, to the great, clueless, mind-changer?
Ken Fenster (New York, NY)
And the saddest part of it all is even if Paul Ryan and Trump read this article--they don't care.

The systematic agenda is to take things away from the world and average Americans. The sooner we understand that the faster we might demand that all of these folks be removed from office.
Anamyn Turowski (Chatham NY)
This is heartbreaking. How and what do we do to get that funding back in place?
Eric Cosh (Phoenix, Arizona)
What an eye opening article. I consider myself a pretty aware person on medical facts as I'm sure most Americans do, but I've never heard of this. Thank you for this article and maybe because of it, more people, hopefully more Republicans and Trump supporters who blindly go about their daily lives will see and understand that there is a lot more about what women face everyday in 3rd world countries.
Jane Roberts (Redlands, CA)
You could take a tax-deductible stand at Friends of UNFPA.
Mrs. Pogo (My Own Private Idaho)
Maybe this is the condition in which all of these right-wing men want to see women: ostracized, humiliated and sitting in their huts. They hate the idea of equality, and burdening women with unwanted pregnancies and children is one of way keeping them from competing in the workforce. It sounds impossibly sinister, but their opposition to birth control and access to abortion -- and even this new and incredibly sick idea that maternity care shouldn't be guaranteed under health insurance because men shouldn't have to pay for it -- all seem to point in that direction.
MegaDucks (America)
I will repeat - about 90% of our induced abortions occur before 13 weeks gestation. Mostly a flushing of embryonic material; even at 13 weeks such material hardly has entered the fetal stage. Medically speaking these are not babies. Even esteemed philosophers of antiquity e.g. Aquinas correctly deduced the notion of delayed humanization. The only "sin" committed here is correcting most probably a bad mistake and getting on with life! The only "vice" here is a woman controlling here own body and destiny - rights it took millennium to gain and that shouldn't be cavalierly discarded.

Abortion rates and birthing and post-birthing deaths have declined in large part to more effective programs like you pointed out. The only "sin" here is the World is a gentler place for many women and families. The only "vice" here is when we stop assuming the Pharisee-like role of a god-judge and act like a the ideal-Jesus did suffering is mitigated.

I repeat: Trump is pandering to his base at the expense of the liberty and opportunity of disadvantaged women. No freedom loving American should tolerate this affront.
dt (los angeles)
Thank you for all your sane and humanistic reporting, Mr. Kristof. It's a tough row to hoe in this day and age, and the intelligence and compassion you exhibit in your work revives my faith in humanity daily.
glennst01 (Edison, NJ)
The term “pro-abortion” is a misnomer as is “pro-life.” I have never met or heard of anyone who is truly pro-abortion nor have I met anyone who is truly pro-life. Pro-abortion is an ideological term used to denigrate the concept of a woman’s right to choose.
The choice is between a fetus and a woman – the woman is a full human being and a fetus merely the potential to become a human being. This is the stance that Pro-Choice embraces.
Pro-life believers are not truly pro-life. Most of them are political and social conservatives and, oftentimes, war hawks. These people would feel absolutely no compunction sending that baby to die in a useless war 18 years later. Most of them favor capital punishment as well. So no. They are not, most emphatically, not pro-life.
Vero Santes (Miami)
Dear Mr Kristoff ,Kindly give readers a list of organizations that help women in Haiti so we can send funds. You are the best journalist around and I admire you so much! Keep it up.
glennst01 (Edison, NJ)
The term “pro-abortion” is a misnomer as is “pro-life.” I have never met or heard of anyone who is truly pro-abortion nor have I met anyone who is truly pro-life.
Pro-abortion is an ideological term used to denigrate the concept of a woman’s right to choose. The choice is between a fetus and a woman – the woman is a full human being and a fetus merely the potential to become a human being. This is the stance that Pro-Choice embraces.
Pro-life believers are not truly pro-life. Most of them are political and social conservatives and, oftentimes, war hawks. These people would feel absolutely no compunction sending that baby to die in a useless war 18 years later. Most of them favor capital punishment as well. So no. They are not, most emphatically, not pro-life.
Jacqueline Tellalian (New York City)
I learn a lot when I read comments accompanying NYT articles. As a NYC resident of 42 years, I'm more sickened than most that Trump has somehow landed in the Oval Office because we New Yorkers have known he's a shady conman for decades.

It's great to read the outrage against this hateful administration, but I wonder how many readers backed Bernie Sanders in the primary and
then didn't bother to vote when it was down to Trump and Clinton as a sign of protest or worse, gave Trump your vote because you disliked/distrusted Clinton.

Complaining about his misogyny and backwards thinking isn't going to help now because ultimately Trump's president thanks to voters who didn't bother to go to the polls to prevent this mess. And Trump-voting women especially should be ashamed of themselves. You've thrown the entire country under the bus and have aided and abetted in allowing the most anti-woman bunch of men to determine not just our health and well-being, but that of our environment as well.

I fear for whatever is coming, but at least I know that I did what I could to avert this disaster. I only wish millions more of my fellow Americans had been as thoughtful.
MIMA (heartsny)
Why is it I cannot even imagine Donald Trump setting a foot on Haiti, let alone sending money there?

The man has no grasp. He seems like the kind of person that would not even recognize Haiti as a place that has real people, let alone even begin to understand its needs.

When the White House isn't even fit enough for someone to spend their time, understanding suffering would be asking way too much.

Humanitarian efforts will never give Donald Trump pause, unless he could muscle a bomb or two, and call it humanitarian.
rac (NY)
There is a parallel article in the NY Times today about the democratic party's supposed dilemma concerning whether and how much to make abortion rights a main platform policy. I wish the author of that article could read this article and think again about proposing that it is one or the other. Any democrat or independent who does not support abortion rights is empowering and endorsing exactly this same policy of Trump and his fellow misogynist woman haters who wish to see women die, not just in their own country but around the world.

Democrats -- wake up - if you are thinking our party must embrace anti-abortion fanatics then you have lost your soul to the woman haters, and let them win. The Catholic church has used its power to cause women's suffering all of the world and it has disrupted our American politics by thrusting its male view of the universe in which women must suffer for the acts of men and must be the bargaining chip when it comes to political power. We are not chips to be used. Our bodies are our own to control. Sadly, too many women have been brainwashed by the Catholic church into voting against not only their own interests but against women's interests worldwide.
Vernone (Hinterlands)
Pray for these women who have very little chance
that our once proud country has now decided to use as collateral damage in their extreme self-righteous views.

I'm embarrassed for our country. I hope the Pope will weigh in on this.
Susan (Maine)
Unfortunately, the American concept of pro-life concerns the 9 month period a fetus resides in her mother's uterus.
True pro-life concerns would be eager to provide prenatal care, child care...and would not be seeking to ROB Medicaid which aids 1/2 US births, 1/4 US children and almost 2/3 nursing home care. Trumpcare the health plan crafted by the GOP (you know, the misnamed pro-life party) wishes to rob this fund to provide tax cuts for the wealthy.
We have allowed abortion battles to take the headlines while ignoring the myriad other health battles that are just as much the agenda of anyone truly " pro-life". Lack of birth control leads to MORE abortions, more mistreated children, more poverty and broken families.
gratianus (Moraga, CA)
Send Trump pictures of women dying, maybe he'll change his mind or at least launch missiles on the anti-care "pro-life" groups.
Suzanne B (Half Moon Bay)
@Gratianus: Send those photos to Ivanka...might be more effective in changing his "mind."
John R (NYC)
When did we become so venal.... So preachy to others as to how to live, and withhold healthcare from the needy. It isn't even cutting women's health services across borders, it is also cutting services to our families.

When does throwing the mean spirited political football stop.? When do social services get a raise rather than defense ?
dEs joHnson (Forest Hills, NY)
When? When the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth!
Trinket (PA)
This column should be front and center on the NYT front page !
Earthling (A Small Blue Planet, Milky Way Galaxy)
Anyone who does not by this point get how utterly misogynistic, hateful, ugly, backward, death-dealing, militaristic and evil T-Rump and his administration of patriarchs, militarists and plutocrats are is short some neuronal connections. And yet, things can get much much worse.

T-Rump may wish to condemn the poor women of Haiti to early and horrifying deaths, but we do not have to allow it.

There are some excellent nonprofits providing health care in Haiti, among them Partners in Health ( The books of Dr. Paul Farmer are an excellent source for those who want to learn more about medical conditions in Haiti and other poor countries.

Instead of giving money to the T-Rump government and the building of more nukes and weapons of death, we can give money to groups like Partners in Health and the UN Population Fund and keep the good work going.
Avatar (New York)
The ultimate irony is that Trump and these hypocritical bible thumpers who would ban abortions are the same clowns who would shutter Planned Parenthood and thereby deny access to birth control.
jp (MI)
"And this is pro-life?"

Sorry Kristof. You need to talk to those in charge in Haiti and China. Your infinite empathy enables the continuation of their bad behavior. And it's not Trump's fault.
Moira (Ohio)
Trump signed the bill cutting off funding to these programs, so YES it IS Trump's fault. THINK.
J Margolis (Brookline, MA)
The evils and errors of those in power in China, Haiti and other benighted lands do not excuse the failure of this nation to take easily available steps to mitigate the evils visited upon women in those nations and others with similar conditions. Using the bad behavior of others as an excuse not to act, or to act poorly, is nothing but rationalization.
tom (boyd)
What "bad behavior?" Are men who have vasectomies and then use Viagra guilty of "bad behavior?" Are their partners guilty too? They are engaging in sex with no chance of procreation. I don't understand the double standard.
I'm a father of 3.
Avatar (New York)
If Trump and all the holier-than-thou "right to lifers" want to talk the talk then they need to walk the walk. They should adopt the children of poor or sick mothers ( and rape victims ) who can't, for whatever reason, raise their children. But no, these bible thumpers are content to tell women what they can and cannot do with their own bodies. They are secure in their "knowledge" that they alone know the will of God and the rest of us must abide by their dictates. Smug hypocrites.
Donna (California)
Instead of asking WWJD, Christians better hope they're not asked by Jesus," HDYV (How Did You Vote)."
Gerard (PA)
The President thinks he has rights to women's bodies - and that they do not. Morality has left the building.
northlander (michigan)
What did all those Trump women want?
Charlie B (USA)
The central tenet of this column - that Trump's men don't know what they're doing - is wrong. Trump himself, of course, knows little about anything, but the toadies and manipulators in his snake pit of a White House know and couldn't care less about some brown skinned poor women on some "island in the Pacific" or Caribbean.

The stench you describe of these poor suffering women isn't unique: there's a similar odor coming out of Trump, Ryan, McConnell, and all their henchmen. It's the smell of a rotting soul.
deBlacksmith (Brasstown, NC)
I would like to use a lot of four letter words to descripe Trump. That will not work on the NYT so here is a quote that fits him -- "They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance." Terry Pratchett
EFM (Brooklyn, NY)
I don't believe it is ignorance. Even the ignorant have minds and can reason. They can feel empathy for the suffering of others. There is no real empathy in Trump. What people read as empathy from him is only show. Why else would it be so erratic otherwise, and so often non existent?
Jane Roberts (Redlands, CA)
Well, you could actually help by supporting 34 Million Friends of the UN Population Fund which has raised over $4.3 million since 2002 when President Bush did the same pro-death defunding."Jane Roberts and Her 34 Million Friends" is Chapter 8 in Nick and Sheryl's worldwide best seller HALF THE SKY. Good people, it's time to take a stand.
kayakherb (STATEN ISLAND)
Just another opportunity for me to voice my extreme disgust for this horrible creature in the white house. He is heartless, and so wrapped up in himself that other peoples suffering means nothing to him. There is no political hay to be made here as with the children in Syria, so why bother. HIs attitude here is, so what.
At a time when I thought it would be impossible to despise this loathsome creature any more than I did, the story came out of him inviting the loathsome Ted Nugent into the white house. How can the president of the United States disgrace his office so greatly as to associate with such a vile creature ? I didn't think it would be possible for me to harbor more hate for this President, but I was wrong. The old expression comes to mind. Birds of a feather flock together.
Why would anyone think that a horrible disguting person could be anything more than a horrible disgusting president?
Frank Bannister (Dublin, Ireland)
This is a win-win-win strategy. You feel morally superior, you save money and you don't have to do ANYTHING (except, maybe, avert your gaze)
Alan Burnham (Newport, ME)
“Of all the evils for which man has made himself responsible, none is so degrading, so shocking or so brutal as his abuse of the better half of humanity; the female sex.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Gabbyboy (Colorado)
Meanwhile back on our shores the right wing SC allowed Hobby Lobby an exception to ACA rules that required they pay for contraception, based on conjured up religious grounds. This for a company that sells almost exclusively items made in China; oh the filth of hypocrisy runs so deep. Money trumps "religion" every time, and women are the ones that die. I can hear fthe privileged white billionaires in the WH & halls of Congress...It's just a woman, and a brown woman at that.
Pat B. (Blue Bell, Pa.)
I would bet a year's salary that Trump has paid for at least one abortion in his lifetime. For that matter, the same could be said of half of our Congressmen I suspect.
Meg (Troy, Ohio)
Nothing about Trump or the GOP is pro-life. Americans who don't understand that keep voting for these cruel women-haters. And most of these folks call themselves Christian. Indeed...
Rickyme52 (Al)
Trump and his minions constitute an administration of pure evil. Human and civil rights appear nowhere on their radar. They could care less about providing aid to women from under developed countries!! Shame! shame!
Maloyo (New York)
Pro-life people don't care about the living. They never have and never will.
chickenlover (Massachusetts)
Trump thinks? Now that would be asking for too much. Right??
Chris (Vancouver)
The only "life" that matters to these miscreants is unborn babies in America. Once they are born, forget it, if they don't have the cash to take care of themselves.
niall (new york)
Lets not just blame the men, how about those "educated" female voters who backed Trump over Clinton knowing full well the consequences for the poor and indigent. Take a bow, Trump ladies
Jan (NJ)
Let other nations pay for their healthcare; U.S. taxpayers cannot (and should not) be subsidizing the world.
DebinOregon (Oregon)
Well, Jan, America won't even pay for America's healthcare, let alone the world, notice?

We can do more than one thing at a time. We can elect moral people, and we can lead abroad. You make America weak.
Vesuviano (Los Angeles, CA)
Trump and his wrecking crew are indulging in that well-known game called "Republican Opposites".

If they call it "pro life", it will kill people.

If they call it "clean" air or water, said air or water will be polluted.

If they promote "choice" or "access", people won't be able to afford it, as in, I believe all Americans should have access to health care". Exception: there is no "choice" where contraception or abortion are concerned.

If they babble about peace, we're getting ready to bomb someone.

If they talk about "protecting the unborn", they also mean ignoring the born.
JFA (Pennsylvania)
"Sew the wind, reap the whirlwind."

For every radical POTUS, their will be a radical response.
Nixon gave us Carter.
Carter gave us Reagan and Bush.
Reagan and Bush gave us Clinton.
Clinton gave is Bush II.
Bush II and the war gave us Obama.
And finally, the most extreme left winger
In presidential history gave us the most extreme
right winger in history, Trump.

In "Games People Play" the author stated
that the only way to stop a game is to stop.
Unfortunately, when we stopped under Obama,
None of our adversaries throughout the world stopped with us. Somehow we the people have to stop or at least wind down the brinkmanship both sides are playing in what could become our final war game.
EFM (Brooklyn, NY)
Obama was not an extreme left wing president. He was center most of the time.
As for Trump, who changes his "mind" when stirred by a breeze, he is not for anything but himself. You could call it the political party of one.
Paul (Atlanta)
I shared this on Facebook. I know my sister and her family voted for the Trumpsky regime, but I'm not judging them; I just want them to know what is happening in this world. I fear that those trapped in religious cults have no idea what harm results from their piety.
Ellie (Boston)
The Republican motto? The means justify the ends. Does the plan to take away reproductive and women's health care worldwide hurt women and lead to many more abortions? Why would it matter to these old white men with their rigid ideologies. Gynecolological care sounds vaguely dirty to them, and anyway those women should all be practicing abstinence. If they get a disease or die in childbirth, these guys think, they probably deserved it. Black and white thinking, rigidity and bold cruelty--it's now the proud Republican brand.
Al (NC)
This administration is abominable - the idea that they think their actions are pro life is revolting. If there is a god who doles out punishments, Evangelical monsters and those who cater to them will be near the top of the list.
Daniel M Roy (League city TX)
Ah yes, all these evangelicals who voted in North Korean numbers for Trump are happy to see "Life on the march". In what direction? If it is like the armada we sent to this godless communist... (no, not the Chinese, the other guy) it is permissible to wonder what God would think of that. Are we now officially a Christianic republic? Did I misread the constitution? In the wars on women, on the poor, on science, on public education, on the environment, etc. there is no need for nuclear weapons, trump hubris is much better that that.
WMK (New York City)
In 2015, the UN Population Fund received over $975 million from various government agencies around the world (BBC reporting). They will probably see at least that much money and possibly more for 2017. We can use the $32.5 million saved for women and babies in the US who are in desperate need. Charity begins at home.
Annie P (Washington, DC)
Except that it will never be used here and that is a genuine fact. So enjoy your tax break while women here and around the world have their healthcare - the bare minimum by the way - taken from them because of a man you voted for.
Lisa White (Wilmington, Delaware)
Except that we won't. We will put it towards a wall or a new weapon, or maybe just a golf outing for 45's family. That money will never be spent on helping the poor, even our own poor. GOP voters might care, but their party doesn't and it's time the voters stated doing something about that!
Moira (Ohio)
Thing is WMK (or KMW), it won't be spent on women and babies in the US. It'll go to anything BUT women and babies. Remember, those republicans that you stand by and vote for time after time are absolutely hateful towards women and children and poor ones are at the top of their list when it comes to cutting funding. "Charity begins at home", thanks for the laugh.
Robert Roth (NYC)
"Yet a group of blundering men in the Trump administration posture as moral leaders"

Are they blundering or ruthlessly efficient in terms of the misery they get off on inflicting?
B. Ligon (Greeley, Colorado)
This a heartbreaking article about suffering of women in one underdeveloped country. This is happening to many women in many poor and developing countries. Trump's decision to cut funding to clinics in poor countries, that provide care to women Has a devastating effect on them. People who think these clinics, including planned parenthood are about abortion, are stupid and ignorant.
DebinOregon (Oregon)
It's also happening in a 'poor and underdeveloped' country known as Texas. And S Carolina. And Alabama. Here, not just someplace where 'hordes' live.
Nora 01 (New England)
Indeed, where or where is Ivanka who is supposed to humanize daddy? She must be visiting her doctor for birth control refill.
streck4 (Fonda, NY)
And think of what Trump & Co policies mean for women in the US, especially if women's healthcare is state by state negotiable under proposed replacement for the ACA.
Tomas (Spain)
It's not just Trump and his cohort, but those who think that "pro-life" means:

- increase capital punishment
- make sure that polluters are not stopped from poisoning the environment
- make guns more easily available on American streets
- increase the budget of the Defense Department
- make sure to increase carbon dioxide so that the seas will rise
- support exports of US-made weapons
- cut back on foreign aid
- oppose family planning
- fix the health care system because billionaires do not have enough money and poor people have too much medical care
Susan (Paris)
Not content with trying to restrict women's reproductive rights and put up barriers for improving women's access to healthcare in general in our own country, Trump and his GOP cohorts seek to export their particular form of pseudo religious misery to the farthest corners of the globe. If we ever were viewed as enlightened force for good in the developing world we surely will not be for at least the next four years.
David Anderson (North Carolina)
“fistulas, prolapses and agonizing deaths in childbirth or from cervical cancer."

As Donald Trump moves forward on dismantling the health initiatives here and abroad begun by the Obama Administration, we need to step back and ask ourselves; is this man “evil” ?

But first some definition: What is an act of evil? It is an act by one human being that brings harm to another human being or to other human beings. It makes no difference whether the act is intentional or unintentional. We humans, at least those of us not overcome by psychosis, have the capacity to foresee the outcomes of our actions. Even our courts are explicitly clear on this.

If 20 million Americans die because of lack pf medical care, as well as millions abroad, does that identify him as a man of evil?

I say it does.
Pat B. (Blue Bell, Pa.)
I commented on a similar issue in the WaPo recently... making the point that we should be providing free birth control and reproductive education nationwide. There is virtually no downside: Fewer unwanted pregnancies = fewer abortions and fewer children being raised by children. Big positive impact on the cycle of poverty. Big positive impact on an already over-populated planet. More than one man took it upon himself to remind me that 'keeping your legs closed' is free birth control. To him and his ilk I say: Let us spend federal enforcement dollars hunting down every sperm-donor father and then hand these children over to them to be raised. And, since condoms are the safest, least-invasive form of birth control, perhaps we should fine every male who has sex without one. These cretins make my blood boil. The disdain they show for women comes right back at 'em. I guess it's all part of this breed of man who feels he can't compete with women today- better to keep 'em barefoot and pregnant; or punish them for the 'Eves' that they seem to think we all are.
Edgar Numrich (Portland, OR)
Like it or not, religions ~ all of them ~ are the roots of all evil born by practice of them in public.
That alone is sufficient to demand enforcement of the separation of church and state as set forth in our Constitution. When "evangelicals" or any other sect influence our government decisions (as in the example here, to name just one), the law of our Constitution is being trashed.
Accordingly, it is time to at least brand "evangelicals" as anarchists and treat them accordingly under our secular laws.
Colenso (Cairns)
It's surely a statement of the obvious to say that humans are hierarchical. At the top, are rich white men. Next come rich white women. At the bottom are poor black girls and women living in the slums of third world countries.

In the USA, Land of the Free and the Brave, the legacy of slavery (upon which the USA is built, along with the genocide and wholesale dispossession of Native Americans) is that being poor and black go hand in hand. Haiti, of course, is populated almost entirely by the impoverished descendants of African slaves.

In 2017, relative to almost all the 7.4 billion humans who occupy this planet, rich, physically attractive, white women in the USA, and in other western countries, have it pretty good. Assume a cost of ten US dollars per visit by a girl or woman to a Haitian health clinic. Then a comely, rich, white American woman can win financial compensation from Fox, that while still not quite as much as O'Reilly gets on his ignominious departure, and less than half what Aisles got, nevertheless would pay for roughly one million Haitian girls and women to visit a health clinic at least twice.
minh z (manhattan)
Nick Kristof criticizes Trump for cutting UN funding but neglects to talk about alternatives.

Why is the US the only source for this type of funding to be able to continue this type of work? Why put all the responsibility on the US taxpayers to provide health services when we already have an overburdened and expensive system inadequate for our own citizens?

Nick - why don't you go to the Clinton Global Initiative to ask for funds? You know, that organization that sold access to Haiti's gold to Clinton's rich and powerful friends that aren't plowing that investment back into Haiti or its population's needs?

Nick Kristof, like all bleeding hear liberals, can't see why he is becoming irrelevant. Stop asking US citizens and taxpayers to foot the bill, and fix the problems of people that we have little control over. DO NOT think that we, the American people have any responsibility to take in or help any person from any other country without a policy, and according to the laws, that benefit OUR citizens and country. We will try to help, but are not obligated. And Americans have a history of being very generous with our time and money.

Stop the whining. It's getting old. And partisan. Ask Soros and the Clintons and the hedge fund managers that support your suggested policies rather than the overtaxed and overburdened American citizen taxpayer.

Volunteering and donating to help is fine. Forcing the public to pay is wrong.
NW Gal (Seattle)
This is the hypocrisy of those who claim they are pro life. Their care and concern for life only stops in utero and procreation to that end.
Once life is here they no longer care.
I have thought long and hard on this and can only think it has to do with getting into heaven despite their other transgressions. Call it fast tracking your way past the pearly gates.
There is no concern or empathy for life. There is no love for the child when born and no concern for the perils a mother may face along the way.
No other place in the world has such utter indifference to life born and what happens after that. The only thing that matters to these guys is stopping women from having an reproductive freedom and then blaming the child for being born into less than ideal circumstances.
We really need to grow up, especially the white males on the right who are condescending and clueless and utterly phony with their holier than thou right to life bull.
Mark Schlemmer (Portland, Ore.)
Men, such as these, who sit in comfortable chairs and make decisions that increase suffering of other men, women and children will come to painful ends.
I would personally like to speed them along to this end. Our nation is spinning badly out of control at the hands of Trump and his cronies. He is a gross, irritating, stupid man. The crowd that applauds actions like this will suffer his same fate. Karma never forgets an address.
Ichabod Aikem (Cape Cod)
Shame on Trump, the misogynist in chief who feels he has license to sexually assault women and who has sexually objectified his own daughter. Yet, he cuts off funds that will protect women's health here and across the world. His actions are not only ignorant but anti-life.

The suffering that these women endure from prolapsed uteruses to feasting cancerous ulcers can't be helped by launching 54 missiles or dropping a MOAB but by having decency and compassion. The tax dollars he burnt up in weaponry could have been used to save women's lives. Shame on you, Donald Trump because you perpetrate human suffering.
Miriam Helbok (Bronx, NY)
Cutting off funding for the U.N. Population Fund is vile, criminal, and totally against the basic tenets of all religions. Is it not possible for Congress to allocate the minuscule amount that the U.S. used to contribute?--an amount that the cost to the government of Trump's trips to Mar-a-Lago and his family's trips here, there, and everywhere will soon exceed. There are 1,000 people in the world whose net worth is more than $2 billion, and many thousands whose net worth is hundreds of millions of dollars. Do none of those people want to save the lives of people like those in Haiti? Do none of them want to donate a tiny fraction of their wealth to reduce suffering among their fellow human beings?
Miss Ley (New York)
No, with few exceptions, they do not care.
Justice Holmes (Charleston)
The men who run our government view women as less than human. They see women as threats that must be punished and humiliated simply because they are women. These men are warped. I see nothing that gives me any comfort that their views will change. Unfortunately the women in their party seem as focused as the men on punishing women. Is it religious fervor or simply the rush of being able to put other humans down. It is hard to understand.

In large part I blame religious leaders who have for centuries relegated women to a position of submission and shame. I had hope we had progress beyond those dark days but it appears I was wrong.
Mimi (New York)
Stop saying that the United Nations Population Fund is totally pro life because they prevented 3.7 million abortions if in the very same article it clearly says that they prevented 35 million unintended pregnancies, aka provided 35 million abortions. Even more if you include the 11 million unsafe abortions that they prevented and replaced with safe abortions.
Aaron (Orange County, CA)
Hold on a minute- After the 7.0 earthquake- American donations and U.N. financing raised over $13 billion for relief projects and social reconstruction. Since then much of that money has been squandered, mismanaged or held up in long term payouts- to be squandered and mismanaged at a later date. This is one place which doesn't deserve another taxpayer time. Take it up with Bill and Hillary and see what they say- they created this mess in the first place.
Alan Winter (Kansas)
Interesting article, but it probably fails to grapple with the underlying question, namely, whether a fetus is a human being who deserves not to be killed. If this answer is no, then pulling funding for the UNPF can easily be cast as stupid, oppressive, etc. But if that answer is yes, then pulling funding for an entity with ties to abortion is the only thing to do. Only in that way can NGOs be pressured to provide the very necessary fistula and prolapse care without simultaneously counseling or procuring abortions.

One might argue that a fetus is not a human being, but that seems weird given its uniquely human DNA and organs in various stages of development. Or one might argue that it is a human being but does deserve to be killed in certain circumstances. But that is grossly unsatisfying and casts one in some odd historical company.
EFM (Brooklyn, NY)
This article maintains that women are human and they deserve to live.
Everything else is irrelevant.
Diane L. (Los Angeles, CA)
Pro-life? If this group of hypocrites were Pro-life, they would prevent unwanted pregnancies and abortions by providing free accessible birth control. Furthermore, they would do everything in their power to help children once they are brought into the world, by making sure they have quality health care, preschool programs and a decent education.
Emma (Vermont)
Excuse me, but there are nearly 200 member states enjoying their diplomatic privileges in fun city. Since all we hear about is how small these amounts are, it shouldn't be too much to ask that these countries' diplomats live a bit less high on the hog and donate more - or perhaps, even shelf their hypocrisies for a day. We are sick of footing the bills while their governments party on. Indict the correct parties and quit the moralizing; your act is tiresome.
Sudarshan (Canada)
There is politics everywhere. When we talk about money pouring into poor countries, we bring sad images of woman suffering, hungry kids, refugees and many stories behind them. But I believe may be only five percent of money and service reach the actual victims. Large amount of it sinks into the corruption in those countries, good salary of UN officials, may be into the pocket of contractors who manages loan for them etc
Otherwise there is UN, there are funds and a billions of dollar investment. Where does all money go?
Because there is always that problems, never ending.
I can not tell the plan of president but I see it makes no difference even if the funding is cut.
Actually flood of money that goes in the name of environment protection, research ( business for many), war in different front etc can make America great again.
Bill U. (New York)
In this country, too, not a single Congressional Republican voted for Obamacare which barred denials of insurance applications for pre-existing conditions such as pregnancy. Prior to that, pregnant girls faced financial ruin unless they got "a very Republican abortion." Predictably, the abortion rate under Obama dropped by 25%, to its lowest rate since 1973, the year Roe was decided. Trump wants to let states strip the requirement that health policies cover childbirth. Guess which states will do just that? The "pro-life" ones, of course.
John (Philadelphia)
Among the any duplicities and moral vacuums that the republicans constantly demonstrate, the one I think is most harmful to people is their seeming love affair with Social Darwinism. It's really quite odd that so many of their ilk pose as Bible-believin' Christians, anti- anything that doesn't fit with their interpretation of the creation story and all the appurtenances that go with it. All in the name of anti-Darwinism and anything that smacks of evolutionary theory.

Yet, they are very happy- gleeful, even- to cut funding to anyone or any organization that offers to help people in a tangible way, all because of some misguided, uneducated, hateful assumption that if abortion or even birth control is any way possibly connected. Because of this let-the-chips-fall-where-they-may approach to social policy, republicans and their fellow travelers are nothing short of Darwinistic.

Does anyone else see the contradiction here? Certainly not the republicans and others who agree with cutting such funding and medical assistance to those who truly need it.
Doug Terry (Maryland, USA)
The evangelical right has made abortion into the only issue they care about. If they stop half a million abortions and ten million living, walking humans are killed in war, no problem. Yes, I am being harsh, but recent reading along with life encounters leads me to believe I am not being harsh enough to searching for a way to state the truth.

People who are anti-abortionists at the core of their being often favor the death penalty and, likewise, call for military action whenever the option arises. There is a big problem with this glaring inconsistency. Now as throughout history, moralists get lost in their effort to impose purity on the world.
Dr. Bob Solomon (Edmonton, Canada)
The health-plight of poor or male-dominated women in the US and abroad is fixable through educational and medical assistance, and Americans can help pay through the UN, Planned Parenthood, and federally-mandates for - or pay later as lives are shattered, families broken, and societies ruined. The GOP has a large support from groups whose leadership thinks religious mythology gives me control over women's bodies, the lives of poor people, and male ownership of the gates to paradise. And money to make women equal in power.
Pro-Life=Anti-Equal Healthful Living for millions.
The money wins although every poll backs women's control over their own fates. We keep electing ogres, Ryan, Gingrich, McConnell, and Prevaricator-in-Chief T.Rump. The result is not Heavenly. It's cruelty to half of humanity. Millions of women lose freedom and control over the bodies and path to full, fruitful citizenship dangerous or impossible in Somalia or Smallville, while men in Scandinavia, the EU, Canada, and the UK move toward sharing wealth and health. It's a terrible waste and a theocracy's death-throes, this New Slavery. Resist like mad, insist we help our sisters, mothers, and daughters.
Melissa C. (South Carolina)
I am always struck that those proclaiming to be pro-life think that life has nothing to do with anything except that which goes on within the womb. The health of the mother seems secondary in their consideration of reproductive health services, and unwanted children born because of lack of abortion services are neglected. Our politicians who so adamantly argue that life starts in the womb fail to realize that life continues outside of it. Defunding the U.N. Population Fund is an effort to marginalize women and the rights that we have to make decisions concerning our own healthcare. It is taking away not only our rights but the education necessary to make sound decisions that are more "pro-life" than those touted by Donald Trump's testosterone-laden administration.
fastfurious (the new world)
This makes me deeply ashamed of my country.

Trump hates women, who are basically inferior beings to be dismissed as a joke - when he isn't groping them. To good old Christian boy Mike Pence, women are evil temptresses to be avoided regardless of how this avoidance impairs the ability of women to let Mike Pence know their concerns. Not that Mike Pence cares.

The famous photograph of Mike Pence presiding over a meeting of several dozen old white men to discuss defunding women's health care was like a scene from the blackest satire or a Margaret Atwood horror dystopia. But make no mistake, we do not exist to Trump and Pence as beings with agency. For them, women exist simply to be acted upon - passive beings available for groping, intercourse & childbearing who must otherwise be kept in line by removing agency over our bodies. Our bodies exist for Trump and Pence only as objects for their pleasure or for shaming because we are sexual beings. They accord us no humanity. Thus, our illness, suffering and death is of no importance. People do not grieve much over the suffering and death of dumb animals which is all women are to Trump and Pence.

Welcome to your place in Trumpworld, broodmares.
Rebecca Rabinowitz (.)
A slight correction, Nick: "Politicians in Washington do not care at all about the hideous things that happen when women are marginalized and health care is unavailable." Those conditions, while not precisely the same, also exist in every state in this nation. The GOTP is not "pro life," and never has been, as they also extol the virtues of the death penalty (see Gorsuch, Neil). What they are is pro forced birth, full stop. If they were truly "pro life," they would ensure that all children born receive comprehensive health care, adequate food, a strong public education, top quality child care for the majority of young children whose parents must work, and so on. They have never cared about women - they do care about subjugating women and our sexuality to white male patriarchs and misogynists, and they particularly loathe poor women, both here and abroad. Let us not mince words here, please. 4/22, 7:57 PM
Gen-X English Major (Marietta, GA)
The so-called "pro-life" movement is a death cult that revels in pain, cruelty and suffering. In their twisted "theology"--and I use that term loosely--only a fetus has value and rights; the rest of us, and this planet we inhabit, are expendable.

Children suffer and die from abuse and neglect? It's G-d's judgment because they're tainted by Original Sin. Children are born evil; you have to teach them to be good by beating the devil out of them.

So our planet is getting warmer and the weather getting weirder due to deforestation, pollution and overpopulation? A foretaste of the Hell we so richly deserve the moment we fall from grace and exit the womb. Only the Elect are entitled to clean air and water (paid for with a generous donation to a CPAC). The rest of us "sinful snowflakes" are lucky we're allowed to breathe smoggy air and drink tainted water tax-free.

Women are targeted for sexual harassment, living in constant fear of being raped, assaulted or murdered in cold blood? A just punishment from a righteous G-d because Eve led Adam astray and got us all kicked out of the Garden of Eden. (FYI, at least Eve thought about it before eating the fruit; Adam just chowed down.) Women are baby-making machines. Anything beyond that, like running for President, is a violation of Natural Law, Divine Order, and an abomination in the eyes of G-d and (Republican) men.

A pox on all these sanctimonious sickos who use religion to justify their inhumanity to their fellow man--and woman!
Ian MacFarlane (Philadelphia PA)
Unless Mr Trump is a fool, he will recognize the poverty inherent in the choices which have been suggested or recommended and forwarded to him. It is also difficult to consider his immediate family will allow destructive policies to muddy the financial stream they clearly see as the biggest personal benefit of his tenure.

It is difficult to consider he is both blind and deaf to the criticism his actions have unleashed. In addition while many of the present members of Congress smugly play at being leaders of the American public, he must see their actual mission is much more involved with personal enrichment. He must also know they have no real use for him and while that may be of no consequence at this apparent time of personal flush it appears beyond himself and family he will not permit wholesale looting.

If he does not heed the world's demands he will sour not just relations, but the flow of money which accompanies them. He doesn't have to help more than a small percentage of the world's seven billion people to turn what can be seen as shortsighted neglect both here and abroad.

While I do not have deep respect for him he is not an obdurately stupid man. He knows the Presidency carries a sword and the last thing he may want is to be remembered is as a man who wielded a dull blade.

If he doesn't come to recognize himself he and perhaps more importantly his family will be remembered throughout the world as no more than the epitome of tasteless wealthy trash.
Alison (Colebrook, CT)
I worked in an obstetrical unit in a poor city hospital in the 1970s before abortion was legal and when getting birth control was more difficult for unmarried women. Even though birth control was legal for unmarried women in 1965 as a result of Griswold v. Connecticut, in practice some doctors were reluctant or even outright refused to prescribe it. Women were even more afraid to ask for it for fear of being labeled “a slut.” I remember young women being admitted to the hospital for botched “self-induced abortions” using everything from poisons to self-administered Drano and then there were the “back street butchers,” who provided the unregulated black market service. If Trump and his ilk have their way, we will return to the 1960s and 1970s way of treating women.

You describe third world countries that rely on organizations that provide vital general health services as well as reproductive health. The Republican administration has indicated that they have no regard for women’s health services in poor countries or for that matter in poor communities in the United States.
Paul (Shelton, WA)
Well, there is a single solution to this so-called dilemma. We have to separate all the services that women need for their health, contraception, pregnancy counseling, etc. and abortion. As long as the women's health agencies continue to do abortions, they will be pilloried by a significant segment of the population. Separate that out into an entirely different organization and most of the resistance will melt away. Abortion should be part of the medical system, not a social services agency fostering better lives for women. Women who want an abortion would know to go there, not to the agencies promoting better lives.

I used to strongly support Planned Parenthood but when they started doing abortions they lost me. Not for direct religious reasons, but for logical reasons. That is, you cannot know whether or not a genius mind is being killed by an abortion. Genius is precious. We have too few in the world. So, for me, we should work on dealing with unwanted pregnancies another way. There are many couples or singles who would like a child but can't have, or have not access to having, one. We could solve that problem and eliminate abortion entirely.

So, there is a way forward but having government funded social services agencies involved with abortions is the kiss of death.
ML (Queens)
It is a very sad thing that a loving couple who would crave children can't conceive, but someone else does conceive who cannot have a child now, for whatever reason. But that is life--we don't mind people "earning" a billion dollars, while others can barely pay the rent even working full-time. We have opportunities all though society to nurture "genius" wherever it may be, even in rural Appalachia or the South Bronx, but our right-wing nation does not care if children there are hungry or ill or go to a poorly funded school. We don't care if their parents lose their jobs, or earn very little. That's their problem, isn't it? Trumpland will worry about them only if they contemplate abortion.
NYC Voter (NYC)
Why do women need birth control and abortions? Only to remain infertile repositories of male sexual pleasure.

Women only get pregnant when men deposit viable sperm in their vaginas.

Reversible vasectomies would eliminate unwanted pregnancies. Before graduation from high school, teenage boys would have a reversible vasectomy. When they marry, and their wife testifies that the couple is prepared to raise a child, the vasectomy is reversed.

Until then, no pregnancies, no birth control and no abortions.

(Unless a married man commits adultery.)

Surely the masculine minds that have invented birth control pills, IUDs, diaphragms and the morning after pill could devise a simple surgical procedure.

Think of all the savings from not buying birth control pills and devices, not to mention medical expenses for abortions. I know; I was married, with two children and unemployed when I had my abortion.

Now, listen up you 15-18 year old gentlemen: step up and get ready for your operation or no driver's license for you.
tom (pittsburgh)
It is not just Trump, it is almost the entire Republican Party. They use abortion as a tool to power. They have had control of the SCUTUS for years but did not overturn Roe. They have the entire government and they will not do it. It is their key to power.
Their recent appointment Gorsuch, supposedly pro life just was the deciding vote to execute a man in Arkansas! How pro life is that.
This article makes me sick, as the single issue voters do also, not by their pro life stance but by their ignorance of the facts. I hope this article opens some of their eyes.
sdavidc9 (<br/>)
The group of blunderers in the Trump administration are ultimately supported by religious leaders and followers who want to use the fear of pregnancy and lack of information about contraception to fight premarital sex. Politicians who presumably know better (but often do not) pander to these people because their votes can be bought by moral posturing.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
They do need to learn that no legislature in the US has the constitutional authority to enact laws respecting articles of faith.
Susan Anderson (Boston)
Trump's Republican Party has a range of variety of cruelty that has to be seen to be believed.

Death Panels ...

Tom Lehrer;

For if the bomb that drops on you
Gets your friends and neighbors too,
There'll be nobody left behind to grieve.

And we will all go together when we go.
What a comforting fact that is to know.
Universal bereavement,
An inspiring achievement,

All suffused with an incandescent glow.
No one will have the endurance
To collect on his insurance,
Lloyd's of london will be loaded when they go.

Oh we will all fry together when we fry.
We'll be french fried potatoes by and by.
There will be no more misery
When the world is our rotisserie,
Yes, we will all fry together when we fry.

And we will all bake together when we bake.
There'll be nobody present at the wake.
With complete participation
In that grand incineration,
Nearly three billion hunks of well-done steak.

Oh we will all char together when we char.
And let there be no moaning of the bar.
Just sing out a te deum
When you see that I.c.b.m.,
And the party will be "come as you are."

There'll be no need to stand and wait your turn.
When it's time for the fallout
And saint peter calls us all out,
We'll just drop our agendas and adjourn.

And we will all go together when we go.
Ev'ry hottenhot and ev'ry eskimo.
When the air becomes uranious,
And we will all go simultaneous.
Yes we all will go together when we go.
Susan Anderson (Boston)
that was off topic a bit, but all the cruelties blend together, and bombing is how they get "approval". Sick ...
Miss Ley (New York)
True, I wish I had not read what Ms. Anderson had to say for it is the icing on a rancid cake. Let us hope that France does not make a mistake in the presidential elections this Sunday as we watch civilization slip away. The U.N. Population Fund is doomed on Dim Trump's watch. His daughter with the expensive sweaters might put in an oar but that is too much to hope for.

If you know, or have an acquaintance from any of these devastated countries, you can give the person something to show that you care. It is not enough but it is a beginning and a sign of solidarity. Inaction in the face of such adversity makes the significance of our existence dwindle and shrink the essence of our soul.
CRL (The World)
Good one Susan. Tom Lehrer was great...and while we're at it, let's not forget Randy Newman's 'Political Science':

No one likes us-I don't know why
We may not be perfect, but heaven knows we try
But all around, even our old friends put us down
Let's drop the big one and see what happens

We give them money-but are they grateful?
No, they're spiteful and they're hateful
They don't respect us-so let's surprise them
We'll drop the big one and pulverize them

Asia's crowded and Europe's too old
Africa is far too hot
And Canada's too cold
And South America stole our name
Let's drop the big one
There'll be no one left to blame us

We'll save Australia
Don't wanna hurt no kangaroo
We'll build an All American amusement park there
They got surfin', too

Boom goes London and boom Paree
More room for you and more room for me
And every city the whole world round
Will just be another American town
Oh, how peaceful it will be
We'll set everybody free
You'll wear a Japanese kimono
And there'll be Italian shoes for me

They all hate us anyhow
So let's drop the big one now
Let's drop the big one now
Michael Leiman (New York City)
Disturbing. Thank you, Nich, for this real life look at the ramifications of cutting off funds for women's health.
Pigenfrafyn (Boston)
"Politicians in Washington don’t have a clue about the hideous things that happen when women are marginalized and health care is unavailable. "
Sadly I think they know but don't care. They certainly know that making abortion illegal won't end the practice.
Don Tyler (San Francisco)
Great piece. We can't fix everything, but gods in heaven let's try to do as little harm as possible.
Bidwell Drake (Conroe, TX)
I am horrified at the cruelty of 45's government!
What can we, as individuals, do to help the UNPF?
Send donations? Google for the address?
Thank you for exposing this homicidal act!
Karen (Illinois)
Women are what men want - an opportunity for sex. Perhaps we should stop providing for their gratification. No birth control coverage, no sex. Reduced prenatal, wellness, and gynecological healthcare coverage, no sex. Higher insurance premiums because of gender, no sex. No female counterpart to Viagra and Cialis, no sex. No REASONABLE paid family leave, no sex. It's consequences, Mr. President; they give new meaning to "pay to play."
elle (New York)
For God's sake, and America's, what is there left to say? The president has no conscience, no set of values, no comprehension of the world. Accept this or miss the threats as they come one by one.

Trump would not even know what this article is talking about!
Shakespeare knew him well - he knew every human and inhuman quality hidden in a man or woman's body. He knew the creepy, body-feeding Trump.
Read Othello.
Trump is Iago, Iago, Iago. Evil. Evil. Evil.

I write this over and over to this newspaper. The NYT never thinks it warrants a "pick." Too bad, because it sums up everything, keeps it quite simple. The NYT is not ready to give up on Trump, I guess. Editors still looking for something in Trump that does not portend disaster, or inhumanity.
NYT: better just spit it out! Trump is Iago in the flesh
Joseph (Montreal)
Through the north hemisphere the U S is the MAIN leader in a Coup because their interests are always menacing.
Why most of complaints from upper U S classes didn't get rid of Trump's circle too in a coup?

It's easier to do it in Africa, South America or Latin America.
Shame on you Tartuffe Yankees: just Writing instead of Acrting.
CAHH (Alachua, Florida)
There are no men on earth deserving to make health decisions, maintenance, obstetric, reproductive, short-term, long-term, religious?, about women. Having never experienced the hardship of carrying, birthing, and nursing a child, they are out of their league, element and expertise. Fully covered for all the Viagra and erectile support they can consume, they are 100% the origination of the abortion problem. If women are not to be allowed basic reproductive health services, you big decision makers need to lead by example with an oath and practice of celebacey. Now.
Robin Smith (Albany, NY)
The all white, "christian" men who behind closed doors, reversed this funding, care nothing for people of color, which we already knew. They have done the same for white, "christian"American women & women of all colors. There is obviously no depth they will not go to to remain in power.
socanne (Tucson)
Perhaps those of us who can afford to could make a donation to the United Nations Population Fund. Here is their online donation form:
Ellen French (San Francisco)
Trump and his merry band of sexist enablers are functioning at such a short sighted level. Women's health is an essential building block to stronger communities and more productive societies. We have our work cut out for us. Such narrow-mindedness is reprehensible.
John LeBaron (MA)
I am satisfied to have read Mr. Kristof's term "pro death" in reference to the policies of President Trump and the Party he heads. For that is what it is, masquerading around hypocritically under the false banner of "pro life."

The President himself seems to equate killing people with manly toughness. Witness the "mother of all bombs" dropped as a lethal metaphor for angry tweeting IN ALL CAPS!!!! Witness his wayward "armada" of death that today, if we believe anything the President says, at last steams toward the Korean Peninsula.

At home, "pro life" means foreclosed critical care for feminine health, resulting in more death, and abortion too, than respect for women's constitutional right to determine their own reproductive futures could ever cause.

Oh yes, then there's the death penalty, gun insanity, immigration terrorism and racist policing. If this is "pro life," give me death any day. It's far less deadly.
TheRev (Philadelphia)
Pro life=cutting off funds for women's health care while appointing a Supreme Court justice whose first act is to cast the deciding vote to have a man executed after 20 years on death row because the sell-by dates for the lethal drug cocktail was about to expire.
Sky (CO)
"Blundering" is far too nice a word for these monsters who pose as authoritative men. They are hardly men, I think we can all agree. They are stunted people who grew into adult bodies without the capacity for any kind of empathy, sympathy, pity--in short, heart. They are women-hating to the core and have never considered that as a problem. Likely, none of them ever will. They are too stupid to understand anything as complex as caring for others, a function we see in babies who are just crawling and in pets, such as dogs and cats. There is no pro-life, here. Only pro-dollars. Cut support to all those not wealthy and white. Let's be real: a sizable percentage of our population relishes the opportunity to harm women. Let's look at that. They are completely pleased with what Trump&Co is doing.
TM (Accra, Ghana)
Overall, DT's policies reflect the Old Conservative White Guy notion that if you help people they'll simply grow dependent and never learn to help themselves. So, they feel, you issue tough love. Hurts for a while, but then people become self sufficient, and won't need your help any more. See, it's actually good for them!! It's pretty clear this is at the bottom of the anti-abortion insanity that they use to justify the current cruelty: if you stop allowing abortions, people will begin to act more responsibly, and then they'll have a wonderful life. Voila! Short term pain - long term gain.

That this flies in the face of all observable facts is entirely lost on DT and his crowd - as are the facts behind climate change, diplomacy, etc. Does anyone think DT was concerned about "collateral damage" when he ordered his missile strike while enjoying a piece of his "beautiful" chocolate cake?

DT's world view is limited to what sells. If people continue buying what he's selling, in his mind he's doing great. Sure, a few people get hurt. Gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette, right?

Like I keep saying, it's not DT that is the problem - it's the millions of Americans so desperate for a savior that they handed someone like him the keys to the kingdom.
Deb (Blue Ridge Mtns.)
These republican men have made it blatantly clear that they don't give a rat's behind about the rights or reproductive issues of American women - especially if they happen to not be wealthy and/or white - and hide behind their fake morality, coddling the pro-life zealots to get their votes. What makes you think they would have one iota of concern for poor brown women and starving babies in third world countries? That's about as likely as a buzzard grieving for the critter that became his meal.
Dana (Santa Monica)
The first thing that needs to happen is for the mainstream media to make us editorial decision to stop using the marketing term "pro-life." It is facially inaccurate as to the position of those that use this term. They are pro-gestation. That is it. What they truly are is pro-death - statistically speaking they support the death penalty (look at their pro-death justice Gorsuch - couldn't execute those precious grown babies in Arkansas fast enough this week), they support wars where bombs kill thousands of civilians - among them no doubt pregnant women and precious babies and they vote to defund every program that is pro-life for real, live human beings. Nomenclature matters. Start accurately calling these people what they are. I have reclaimed this term - I am pro-life - I support affordable childcare, universal healthcare, high quality public education, free lunches for those who need it, no death penalty and I also support abortion on demand for any woman who needs or wants it. Because I am pro-life.
DGard51 (Iowa)
Perhaps prayers for these victims of the Donald and Company would be better received if accompanied by sacrifices. I don't mean a dove or an ox at a temple but time, voices, shoe leather, and money, to assure these people lose and never regain the power they so egregiously abuse.
Carolyn Freeman (Montpelier, VT)
Excellent. Very well said, as usual. Now would you please email a copy of this op ed to Ivanka??
Jack Wilson (Hanover NH)
Excellent suggestion. Even further perhaps Mr. Kristof should invite Ivanka Trump to visit Haiti with him, it is not much further from Washington than Mar a Lago. As one who has traveled to that small beleaguered country many times I can attest to the powerful experience of witnessing the grace and dignity of so many Haitian people in the face of poverty and challenges that are unimaginable to most Americans. Thank you Mr. Kristof for continuing to train a bright light on the plight of those who, because of their place of birth or the color of their skin or their gender, are in need of compassion, help and empowerment.
Is that possible? She may be skiing.
Janet (New York)
The Republican Party must NEVER be referred to as the Pro - life party. They are pro life for 9 months of a person's life. Conception to birth. After that the Republicans could care less if you live or die. They are now in the process of trying to take health care away from millions. Common sense gun way. Health services for women through planned parenthood...forget it. Clean water, clean air... not on their watch. Heaven help the next Republican who tells me it is the Pro- life party.
Carole Nicholson (Stafford VA)
More appropriate to call them pro-fetus or pro- birth or even pro-prebaby. There is a lot of overlap of pro death penalty ( they will claim they deserve it and are not innocent like a fetus even though we know some on death row have been exonerated by new evidence and could have easily been killed) and pro- war. I wonder how many American bombs were dropped on pregnant women? Too bad, collateral damage in the ongoing war machine. So any kids in foster care too, why are there not massive numbers of adoptions by the "pro-life: crowd. They don't care if they go hungry, go with our medical care, are physically or sexually abused in foster care or by their natural parents. There is really something wrong with these people.
Terri Smith (USA)
Trump and the republican majority is the sickest thing that has happened to our Country in decades. Please make the suffering people end and get these people who have no heart or conscience out of power. If there is a God it is hard to see how he/she lets this happen.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
The fiction that nature has a personality is one of the most glaring dishonesties propagated by this misgoverned nation.
Brad (NYC)
Trump is certainly not the first President to have had affairs in his past. But he is the first President to be a straight up misogynist.
Richard Deforest (Mora, Minnesota)
As always...continuing ...President" Donald Trump does not know enough to Care...or care enough to Know.
Iconoclast1956 (Columbus, OH)
Trump is little different in his approach than many in today's GOP. (The Columbus Dispatch reported this week that a state rep compared Planned Parenthood to Nazis on her Facebook page.)
Barbara (<br/>)
This article is touching and persuasive. Too bad none of the self-satisfied men making the decision to cut off U.N. funds will ever read it, especially Trump. He's busy watching cable news, probably Fox. Willful ignorance and pre-determined ideology is what we will be dealing with for the foreseeable future.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
Thank you for writing this. The primary and underlying concern of these forced Birthers is NOT " life ". It's all about controlling and shaming women. They use and abuse the " holy fetus " as a weapon. Craven politicians fear their wrath, and debase us all to gain their support, and votes. " Barefoot, pregnant and chained to the stove". NOT, just a cliche, but the Dream of many good old boys, at least until they grow tired of ANY responsibility and disappear to snag a younger version. The compliant females are fed a steady diet of obedience thru their church and local custom. Trump is no more opposed to abortion than my dog. But being an excellent Con man, he's telling the Marks exactly what they want to hear. Why not, it will never effect him or his Family.
This, is the prime reason why Dems, and especially Women need to VOTE, in each and every election. Not just for women and girls in this country, but around the planet. Please, do your part.
Ann (Denver)
Its only been 4 weeks since the House Republicans fought to remove maternity care and newborn infant care from the 10 essential health insurance benefits in US health insurance policies. You can't tug at their heart strings because they are heartless.
arp (east lansing, mi)
The title of this piece is a non-starter. "Trump Thinks..." As he himself says, he feels. I would be surprised if he ever felt anyting about the Haitian poor or what the UN does when it comes to health and family planning. How does this work for his own family's bottom line? Or looking tough. As for thinking about stuff...
Realist (suburban NJ)
American take on debt while acting as the worlds policeman. Accepts refugees, sends massive aid to Israel and Pakistan, pays for UN, provides security blanket for all NATO member states, and all we get back is scorn form enemies and friends alike for not doing enough. Let's roll back our involvement around the world, there are lot of rich countries in Asia that can pitch in.
Anna (New York)
Yes, America is a country built by refugees and immigrants, and slave labor, that too. And America would not provide that aid if it didn't get something in return. And which rich countries in Asia are you talking about anyway? The article by the way, was about the Trump administration ending essential medical aid to women in developing countries, not about supporting security to NATO members and refugees.
beth green (boston,ma)
You mean "pitch in" the way so many of the middle eastern countries are doing their part by taking in Syrian refugees...not?

The world has always looked up to the USA for moral leadership. This is not the time to abandon that role just because are politicians are craven and heartless creatures.
Donna (California)
According to the UNFPA Website: " More than 2 million women in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, the Arab region, and Latin America and the Caribbean are estimated to be living with fistula, and some 50,000 to 100,000 new cases develop annually"

Fistulas are common with prolonged labor and typically develop and diagnosed within six weeks after delivery (a time when most Western women have their six week postpartum checkup). Untreated, the results are devastating. I cannot fathom the callousness of a group of White Men (and the women associated with them) holding steadfast to an unsupported belief that every attempt to aid women's reproductive health is a clarion call for abortions.

When will the hatred, ignorance and WAR on women cease?
Adrian (Guelph)
You are a blessing for writing this article Nicholas
Thank you

Dr Adrian Sohn
Alexander Bain (Los Angeles)
Trump doesn't care whether his actions are pro-life. He cares whether he can put out press releases that SAY he's pro-life. Whether his actions actually save lives is irrelevant to him. If young women in Haiti die as a result, it's no skin off his nose.
Carla (Brooklyn)
Nothing about trump is pro life.
The worst of it is he signs off on these bills
without even knowing or caring what the impact
will be on real humans. He has no heart
and nothing but ice water in his veins,
He is a disgrace to the office he occupies.
dhfx (austin, tx)
It has nothing to do with pro-life. It's the biological need for the male to assert his masculinity through paternity, which must be assured by keeping the female sequestered from other males, even symbolically by limiting the independence and initiative of women across the board.
Dean Fox (California)
Based on their positions on Planned Parenthood, Meals-on-Wheels, food stamps, quality public education, higher minimum wage, etc., I'm wondering how it came to be that these people have zero empathy or conscience? Were they simply born without that gene, or were they beaten and mistreated as children? Either way, we should be more selective. Spending $4.5 billion each on our eleventh and twelfth aircraft carriers won't make anyone's life better . . . except for the shareholders of the companies that will build them.
Cathy (PA)
Well building those things does support factory workers at the plants that make them. It's the only form of government handout to the lower classes that Republicans support and enough of a boon that pro-worker types like Sanders support them as long as they can get those sweet government contracts for their state.

Personally I think it would be more cost efficient to give them wellfare checks, but it would be less dignified, they wouldn't be able to lie to themselves by thinking they're doing a valuable job.
Dean Fox (California)
You believe that these highly skilled workers would be unemployed and needing welfare if they weren't building these aircraft carriers loaded with the most advanced aircraft, propulsion and electronics? I highly doubt that.
Bridget McCurry (Asheville, NC)
He thinks? With what? He's busy destroying everything I hold dear, and our party isn't doing jack about it. We should be plowing fields of voters non stop, making sure everyone is aware of what we, who are painfully staying connected, are seeing. Many aren't aware. That's what phone banking can do.
William R (Seattle)
A hard insight into this poorest of nations at our doorstep. The colossal ignorance and indifference of Trump and his sycophants are terrifying, yes. And everything that can be done to hold him/them accountable for their decisions and hopefully to remove Trump from office soon should be done -- pressure on local and federal representatives, letters to the press, demonstrations, legal steps. But meanwhile, the facts are that Trump will continue to reprioritize taxpayer money, and there are immediate steps that ordinary people can do.
First and foremost, it seems to me, is we must all reach deeper into our own pockets and give generously and regularly to the hard-pressed organizations that are trying to offer aid to women and children, political prisoners, persecuted gays and lesbians, endangered species and habitats -- all the symbols and realities of this dystopian world. I, like so many others, suffer donor fatigue from my limited resources, but we must work in concert to amplify and leverage the voices of those in need across social media and raise awareness of the power of giving money where money is needed and put to good use. If millions of people could give $5 a week to a vetted, responsible NGO that is doing the work of American compassion, generosity and science to improve the lot of the most unfortunate in the world, that would go a long way. Take it away from Starbucks (no offense) or Amazon, simplify your own life, be grateful for what you have, and give.
Henry (Ash)
Thank you for writing this, Mr. Kristof.
Let's call our congress reps to make sure they read it.
And perhaps, just perhaps enough of them will show compassion and will stand up to those whose only moral compass is a man who boasted about asaulting women.
MatthewDC (Washington, DC)
I am not going to rant against the anti-choice people because I share some of their concerns and views.

Nonetheless, using their own rationale, that human life is sacred and begins at conception and ends at natural death, it is improper to call someone who is primarily concerned only with the life of a child for his/her first 9 months "pro-life." The proper term would "pro-birth" or "pro-gestation".

I think it is an important to keep hammering this point because careless language is letting "pro-birth" people claim for themselves more than they rightly can. I think it's commendable to be "pro-birth", but not so commendable if it's not followed up by being "pro-infancy", "pro-childhood", "pro-adolescence", "pro-adult" and "pro-senior citizen."

"Life" is divided into many phases and to claim the "pro-life" mantle, you need to be in favor of doing what is moral and ethical during all of those phases of life, not just one, however important it is.
Barbara (<br/>)
don't forget pro-maternity health.
Liz McDougall (Calgary, Canada)
Thanks for this honest appraisal of the devastating outcomes of cutting international health funding for women. Women's rights are human rights but this current government come from an entitled, privileged place that is short-sighted and self centred. This way of thinking will also play itself out in your health care debate putting the health of women in the US at risk.
Rusty Inman (Columbia SC)
What has happened to us? And how did it happen so fast?

Once considered an enlightened nation and a nation that lit the way for other nations, it is as if the light within and without has been extinguished and we have slipped back into some kind of primeval darkness that is characterized by a celebration of ignorance, non-thinking tribalism and unabashed cruelty.

Indeed, It is as if, over a period of only a few months, Pandora's Box has been opened and our darkest angels are howling as they dance around the flames engulfing and leaving in ashes that which was best about America.

I am ashamed of my own country and its present leadership. I am sad as to what my own country is becoming under its present leadership. I am afraid of the legacy its present leadership will leave for my child's children and their children to come.

These thoughts/feelings have not just risen to consciousness today. But Nick Kristof's column crystallized them for me and enabled me to speak them out loud for the first time. And, having done so, an anger such as I'm not sure I have ever experienced has arisen and, with it, a burning commitment to once again, as an old man, take to the streets as I did when I was a young man, demanding that America fulfill the grandest visions its grandest men and women have had for it.
Lsterne2 (el paso tx)
In the 1800s we had a "Know Nothing" political party. It's been resurrected, but now goes under another name.
Sally (Portland, Oregon)
I just do not understand why it is Legal for conservatives to take away funding from programs, domestic or foreign, that provide medical care to women because that program may have some connection to abortion counseling or services. Abortion is LEGAL in the US. How can legislation discriminate against a legal practice. It doesn't seem any different than refusing funding for social programs that assist minorities. How can something be legal and prohibited at the same time?
Sal Fladabosco (Silicon Valley)
The answer is obvious. We elected a cretin.
bergy-elkins (Florida)
Sally; Legal for the time being, But IF people continue to fail to register and VOTE this current group in Congress will do away with as many of the hard earned rights won over the recent years that allow women to have control over their body and Congress out of the their bed rooms. So register when allowed in your state and vote in the upcoming 2018 opportunity for Your Rights.
Keith Ferlin (Canada)
There is nothing like entrenched religious dogma to poison the minds of the people to inflict untold suffering and pain on others. Especially when it is determined that they deserve their suffering because of their moral failings.
aGuyWithaThought (here)
I doubt Trump know as much about the U.N. Population Fund as someone who had never heard of it before but took the time to read this column. He's simply appealing to two different parts of the sick GOP platform with one stroke. He's gaining points with those GOP who don't want to the U.S. involved in helping the rest of the world as well as those who like pretend they are "pro-life". The numbers don't matter. Reality does not matter. All they care about is selling message whether it actually accomplishes what they claim or not.
G. Nowell (SUNY Albany)
They are not *merely* posturing as moral leaders (as in the last sentence). They are posturing as military leaders, posturing as scientific leaders, posturing as diplomats, posturing as concerned about ordinary Americans, and posturing even as sanctimonious zealots, because they're not even committed to their zealotry.
Miss Ley (New York)
Trump goes to Haiti? Not now, not ever. Perhaps you remember when he managed a quickie to Louisiana with Pence for an emergency political relief photo.

Time is our most precious commodity now. If America wants to help save Women's Rights here at home and on a global basis, it is going to have to do so, without a President or the U.S. Government. How? By using high technology to spread the word to our young and have volunteers of medical experts and nurses, teachers form an international agency. A new one called 'Pro-Life'.

Let us leave Trump out of this because everything he does turns out badly. The word 'Morality' is being abused. If you hear a long sigh, it is because I remember the International Year of the Child in 1979. The shame of it all is that we are living in a sham. Not all Americans are feeling complacent and satisfied, but uneasy and trampled upon by a sterile governance in the White House Tower.

Mr. Kristof, you have a strong and steadfast readership. There is reason to believe that it is growing. Keep us on our toes. Keep reminding us that some women are fighting for the right to live safely. Some of us will respond to your call for action.
Caroline Fraiser (Georgia)
Not getting your claim that Democrats don't support "the children". They do indeed, through programs like the UN Population fund, & many other health & education programs. Most don't support the claim that a fetus has rights that supersede the rights of the mother to make her own healthcare choices. This is not the same as "refusing to support the children".
Doc in Chicago (Chicago, IL)
More international goodwill is squandered by withholding funds from organizations that provide healthcare to the impoverished abroad than can ever be gained through trade deals or military sales. Trust is precious and cannot be rebuilt in the course of a single Presidential administration. However, trust can be lost almost instantly, with the stroke a pen eliminating a tiny percentage of our budget that would go to save lives of helpless people around the world.
B. Rothman (NYC)
Dear Doc, did anyone ever lose by betting against the intelligence and self promotion of a right wing politician?
Boneisha (Atlanta GA)
From what I've seen in my own home state, it is impossible to shame Republicans. Our two U.S. senators, Johnny Isakson and David Perdue, do not care about people at all. They are concerned only with the big moneyed interests such as developers and agribusiness.

And most of them don't really care about abortions either. What they do care about is the VOTES of people who care about abortions. And I'm pretty sure most of them don't care about LGBT rights or same-sex marriage. What they do care about are the VOTES of people who care about LGBT rights or same-sex marriage. Whatever it takes to stay in office and keep making your own folks, as well as yourself, richer.

I wish they could be shamed, but I think they just have to be defeated at the polls. That day is coming, though, The arc of history, and all that.
TwoSocks (SC)
Very well put, Boneisha. I've called both Georgia Senators and my Republican Congressman, and e-mailed the Senators. Absolutely no response, not even the insincere kind. No town halls held by my Congressman. Real democracy on display, isn't it? They get into office, and just vote the Republican line. They consider their positions as lifetime appointments. They have this mindset that it's "winner takes all". They are so corrupt. They are the best Senators and Representatives that money can buy.
Cathy (PA)
That's not surprising, ultimately in a system like ours the politicians are avatars of the people that elect them. If the people are kind and just they will elect politicians who have the people's best interest at heart. If the people are cowardly or cruel they'll elect politicians who promise to hurt those they want to hurt.
Leslie374 (St. Paul, MN)
An Alice Walker quote that I have posted in my studio office comes to mind...
"I consider the fact that thousands of children die each day from starvation and a lack of medicine a crisis for humanity and a problem we must collectively attempt to solve." If Trump and his cronies don't care or understand that doesn't let the rest of us off the hook. We must be caring, observant, vigilant and fight tirelessly to improve life for human beings living everywhere on this planet. That is what it means to me to be "Pro Life".
Madeline Conant (Midwest)
I wonder whether President Trump, Vice-President Pence and the many legislators who cut reproductive health care services for poor women ever pause to regret the harm their actions cause to women. They would say they do it to prevent abortion, but the irony is that providing contraceptive services prevents abortions, and the aftermath of these horrible fistulas and other injuries leaves little children without mothers to care for them. Cruel treatment to young, poor women who have no choice or voice in the matter.
pjc (Cleveland)
Trump is our due for so enjoying fantasies like The Sopranos. The Trump Doctrine is very simple and very brutish. "If it does not benefit me or people who are friends of mine, I do not care."

This is beyond the myopia of the Bush years. It is outright blindness to the complexity of how life works.

But yet we live in a democracy, and so blame needs to be laid there. We live in an era of artless Medicis, and we have only ourselves to blame.
Barbara (<br/>)
pjc: I did not vote for Trump so please don't blame me.
Carter Nicholas (Charlottesville)
The essay anticipates and assimilates every single phrase of seconding its argument. The rôle of the reader now is to carry this consciousness within one, implacably to renounce, oppose, defeat and undo the harm this government inflicts, urgently and utterly, with remedies first for its victims.
Jean (Pacific Northwest)
I think a lot of people on the right have a wacky narrative going on about who has abortions. Listening to some of the them talk, it seems as though they think it's mostly young women with loose morals who can't, but should, keep their legs closed. So they need a consequence for their irresponsible behavior and thus should be forced to have the baby. Contraception will just encourage more immoral behavior. Of course, I disagree with this view on every level. But if I were to follow the logic of it to its natural conclusion, I would ask: why do these folks on the right never seem to be interested in equally life-changing consequences for the men who can't seem keep their own pants zipped? And can't seem to stick around afterward?
Jeff Brown (Canada)
Vasectomies sound like an EXCELLENT idea.
Jenny (Atlanta)
And why don't these folks on the right never seem as interested in the welfare of those children they want to force women to have, after those children are born? They become members of the "lazy poor." Yes, I agree with you that it seems to be about punishing "loose women." There is no limit to the willful blindness, religious-based misogyny and pure meanness of many on the right.
Sandi Campbell (NC)
Jean, The answer is, because this is not about being pro-life; this is about controlling women through our unique ability to get pregnant. Men have always known that if they can control our ability to NOT reproduce, whether on demand or accidentally, they can control our lives. Whether/when we work for wages, whether we finish/go to school, etc.
"Keep 'em barefoot and pregnant", they used to call it............
RSM (Virginia)
Well written and said, as usual. The thing that makes me sad is that that Catholic right will never concede your points (I grew up in this world). They don't agree with birth control of any kind. They don't agree with sex that isn't "open" to the idea of children. There are ideas about sexuality that are so intractable that I don't think they will ever be overcome. Pope Francis in the encyclical on family said something like pregnancy is not a disease to be prevented...Still, we can hope someone will listen. From your lips to God's ears.
Nora 01 (New England)
Pregnancy in some cases is indeed a disease to be prevented. My mother was told by her doctor that another pregnancy could kill her. When I was born, the doctor asked my father which one he wanted saved. He got both of us, but to his credit, he chose her.
Sal Fladabosco (Silicon Valley)
Yes, the church needs as many children to be soldiers for Christ in his fight against Satan as possible. This is why birth control is wrong. Forget about suffering here on earth. Forget doing what is right in the here and now and for people who actually exist. It's to fulfill some interpretation of the end of days. I'm just kidding - it's about money and power. The more Catholics the more power and money they have.
Lsterne2 (el paso tx)
No religion (or organization or employer or government) has the right to tell any of us "how" we must think.
Donna (California)
I continue to wonder how non Evangelical Christians justified voting for a man; so wholly devoid of any resemblance of Christianity. Were the (also) carried away with Fear of Democrats taking away their right to worship; their guns; their any-and-everything? The stereotypical "low-information-poor-blue-collar-left-behind" did not comprise the majority of the 62 Million Trump Voters.
I truly wish that myth would die quickly.
I want to know how all the rest- justified the misanthrope we knew about before the election and the monstrosity we now live with.
Montreal Moe (WestPark, Quebec)
It is 2017 and here in Quebec 75% of our doctors aged 25-29 are female and 66% of our doctors aged 30-35 are female. We share a very long border with Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and New York.
Your America is 50 years in our past and many of us remember when Quebec was more 18th century France than 20th century America. Many of your movers and shakers come here in the summer so they can walk around the golf course without suffering heatstroke. They know how different their boardrooms would look if they had to compete. We have a thing about any kind of discrimination here and 75% of our new doctors being females means 75% of those selected were women and they composed 75% of the top applicants.
This is about being white, male, and entitled that is all. How the rest of the population sort themselves out is part of the commentary.
Ami (Portland Oregon)
Thank you for keeping us informed on the consequences of Trump's budget policies. I'm ashamed of my country right now. Our ability to inflict harm on those who are unable to defend themselves is truly appalling. What right do we have to prevent another country from receiving much needed healthcare because of our assumption that they will use those funds for abortions.

The Christian right needs to stop inflicting their values on those who don't share them. If you don't want an abortion don't have one. But don't deny medical care to those in need because of your warped values. Newsflash, this is a secular nation not a religious theocracy.
David Anderson (Chelsea NYC)
Much as I admire all you do Mr. K.. as a liberal and as a writer myself, I find your religiosity really difficult to take in this article's context. You frequently defend religion - when pretty much ALL of the problems you outline here (including the Trump presidency and republican politics generally) are the direct result of religion's influence! The "cult of life" and the vatican are directly responsible for a huge amount of suffering - particularly with women - you describe. On Science Day of all ironies!
Barbara (<br/>)
I am not Catholic but I have seen many committed Catholics, mostly women, who tirelessly help in the U.S. and all over the world. I admire their dedication. They are usually not judgmental. I had a nun tell me that abortion is a personal decision. It is important not to stereotype all religious people. Their faith informs their actions which are kind and loving. Long before there was Catholicism, women were dying in childbirth, had no contraceptives and were probably sometimes seeking to abort. This is not a new problem.
r (undefined)
Anderson ** this article really has nothing to do with religion.
Abigail Maxwell (Northamptonshire)
Nicholas Kristof keeps repeating that "Politicians in Washington don't have a clue". How does he know? Does he imagine that they cannot read, or hear? Does he imagine no-one tells them? They know. Probably some of the voters do not know, but the politicians know, and a lot of the preachers know too.

How could anyone be aware of the suffering, and not wish to end it? How can anyone be aware of the suffering, and take action to exacerbate it? I don't know, I don't have a window into men's souls, but people do.
Barbara (<br/>)
A lot of politicians choose not to know what they want to deny. Trump just recently found out that Lincoln was a Republican and that Frederick Douglas is deceased and not alive today "doing great things." Trump doesn't read anything he signs. He is not a reader. Too much work. Also, all those Senators and Representatives who deny that climate change is real and mostly man-made are also uninformed. Whether they are ignoring the science or too dumb to get it is irrelevant. Yes, some know and don't care and some don't know and probably wouldn't care if they did. The outcome is the same.
George K. (Pittsburgh)
Sometimes I'm forced to wonder if these horrible applications of ideology aren't just simply created and designed to keep helpless masses of humanity in their helpless places. It's certainly a perversion when the policies are sold under the slogan of "pro-life."
James Lee (Arlington, Texas)
Once again, a NYT columnist has to pretend that Trump and his minions use language in the same way normal people do. Thus, if they proclaim their pro-life credentials, Mr. Kristof attempts to prove to them that their policies destroy rather than preserve life. Then, we all wait breathlessly while that powerful message penetrates Trump's orange canopy, and... voila!, he restores funding for women's healthcare providers.

Or not, because Trump has never displayed any real interest in children or the health of women. But he knows his base cares desperately about abortion, and so he targets any provider who includes that service, regardless of anything else it might do that could actually reduce the number of abortions. He indulges in pro-life rhetoric as a means of attracting support, but the ideas conveyed by the concept of a reverence for life mean nothing to him.

Words, like policies, serve the useful purpose of helping Trump build a political coalition. The notion that they might reveal a genuine commitment to the welfare of the American people would strike Trump as odd. Mr. Kristof knows this quite well, but he has to pretend otherwise, in an effort to influence public opinion. In the pages of the NYT, however, he is preaching to the choir.
Barbara (<br/>)
I agree. It is doubtful that Trump ever reads the NY Times. Maybe someone in his circle of chaos could read the article to him. I am still waiting, likely in vain, to hear that someone has read the Constitution to him.
Hank (West Caldwell, New Jersey)
The pro-life pseudo religious piety disguises the crowd in Washington's drive for individual political power, ego, monetary gain and catering to a misinformed and self-righteous shallow form of the Christian faith in this country. The real bottom line is human suffering about which these demagogues prefer to make believe is irrelevant to why they are in public service. Let some of these people in elected power go and live in Haiti and suffer the way these people suffer. Or, for that matter, let them go anywhere in America or around the world and suffer the way the poor, oppressed, and those without basic human amenities and protections live. Maybe they would have a moment of truth. Are they capable of receiving such a moment of truth?
Barbara (<br/>)
they should go for more than 40 days and 40 nights. They should have to eat what the poor people eat and sleep where the sleep for a year. I wish we could make that a prerequisite for becoming an elected official.
Pragmatist (Austin, TX)
You've hit the nail on the head. The ultimate hypocrisy of the Evangelical Right and their willing co-conspirators is that whatever you think of abortion, every other policy promulgated in their name is anti-women's health and anti-Christian. How can a Christian condone ignorance that leads to unwanted children. Isn't that just being an accomplice? In their haste to push women back to the 50s (the 1850s), the Evangelicals Right is treating women as chattel to be dealt with as their fathers or husbands decide.

Planned Parenthood is the leading provider of women's health services in many areas of the US from birth control to testing for ovarian & breast cancer, but these faux Christians driving the agenda will let thousands die to placate their urge to have abortion rights removed, which is the driving force. The irony is that they are the ones most responsible for the need for abortions.

We know effective ways to reduce abortion: 1.) teach women about sex using practical and reasonable methods like the rest of the world - which incidentally has a far lower number of unwanted babies per capita; 2.) make birth control free or cheap and easily available - if a girl is old enough to need birth control she should be able to get it without her parent's consent; 3.) teach men about birth control and the consequences of unwanted pregnancies through a mandatory, robust, sex education curriculum - those who opt out are generally the ones not getting the talk at home.
Paul Kunz (Missouri)
I am almost always sad when I read Kristof's articles because they torture my inner soul with the inhumane ways people treat each other or respond to the needs of others. Even sadder is knowing that those who support the cuts of such programs won't read these articles because they don't read the NY Times or they live in a Fox News world where fear of others rules.
Amanda (<br/>)
I think it is a mistake to attribute cutting funds for women's health to "blundering" or "cluelessness" by bitter old white men. I think the Lancet is right to attribute these actions instead to misogyny. I come to this conclusion reluctantly and in grief; I have long believed American men in general try to do their best, and I am simultaneously angry and heartbroken to decide, on the evidence, that I have been wrong. I have no idea what to do about this.
jdh (ny)
And now the cruelty begins in earnest... We are in for dark times and our sould as a nation is being poisoned by a group of hypocritical money hungry sadists with no throttle on their actions. I for one refuse to accept that our nation will accept this and will fight until the day we can vote and change the direction we have been taken. We cannot allow our way of life and who we are be turned into what they are trying to make us. This cruelty is unnecessary.
Kentucky Female Doc (KY)
Why should we export healthcare to other countries? That's their government's business. Policies like that stretch our already meager services too thinly and cause other countries to depend on us. We aren't the World Police and we aren't the World Doctors.
Barbara (<br/>)
Dear Kentucky, You sound like a really cold hearted doctor. So glad you aren't my doctor. Of course Trump and you think the money should go elsewhere. I say cut Cut Trump's travel budget and use that money for women's health clinics at home and also through the U.N. Trump can entertain his guests, like Kid Rock and what's-his-name, in the WH. I understand that the White House has lots of rooms for meetings, a full time kitchen crew and other staff, plus a war room and heating and air conditioning. We pay for this all the time and yet Trump spends $3 million per weekend to go to Florida. Taxpayers should not have to pay Trump's every-weekend travel.
Mark Schlemmer (Portland, Ore.)
Well, Doc, some of us understand that American government policies and many American corporations have stolen and schemed to take the wealth of the world
and enrich themselves/us. Some of us would like to repay these debts, some just want to do right generally. Most doctors I have known in my long life fall into the later group. You appear to be an exception.
Zejee (Bronx)
Yeah let those poor women and babies die. Because we're Christian.
David Anderson (Chelsea NYC)
Excellent article. What an outrage!
Let's not forget Mr. K., that your friends at the Catholic Church are not only complicit, but active in repressing women's rights and health care, sex ed,etc. For the Vatican, a condom is worse than uncontrolled births, STDs/HIV etc.

It is from religion that many of these ills come. That's all "faith based".
Its Science Day, after all.
Rev Wayne (Dorf PA)
VP Mike Pence has said he follows the "Billy Graham rule." Therefore, he will not have lunch alone with a woman other than his wife. Laura Turner replied: "What the Billy Graham rule does is reduce women to sexual temptations, objects, things to be avoided." Whether we talk about Fox or the GOP's grievous shut down of critical health care funding, too many men have a derogatory - object, things - view of women. The failure to encourage and provide health care for women in America and abroad expresses a negative, heartless manipulation and control of females. Viewing women as an object or thing used to fulfill sexual needs is harmful both to women and men.
Pro-life is reverence for others all life-long. To refuse care for any human is wrong. The long history of treating women as second or third class demeans half our population. Pence ought not have lunch with "other women" because of the shame and guilt of so much self-righteous, harmful treatment.
Jeff Brown (Canada)
Pro-life is compassion for all living things.
There are too many humans on this planet.
They are destroying it.
As for Mr.Pence ......well, some call him "Sharia Mike". That's very à propos.
Rozy (Knoxville, Tennessee)
Barney Frank said, "Conservatives believe that life begins at conception and ends at birth." And that perfectly sums up current Republican policy regarding women and children.
Unclebugs (Far West Texas)
Considering the general trend of behavior by Republicans towards women and healthcare, this is pro-life for them. Their definition of pro-life is about survival of the wealthiest. The less healthcare available for the masses, the more likely there will be fewer of "them" that survive. The more Republicans can prevent family planning, the more of "them" we can keep in the poverty cycle. The more poverty babies we can make, the more Republican plutocrats can exploit to work at slave wages. It all makes sense to me. Of course, this approach it totally anti-Christian. Oh, the irony. Or maybe the Evangelicals are just about power. What a surprise, not!
Linda (Oklahoma)
Every time Trump flies to Mar-a-Lago to golf it costs the taxpayers 3.5 million dollars. If he skipped ten trips to Florida, that would cover what he's taking away from the United Nations Population fund. Why are Trump's weekly trips to his golf course more important than the lives of women and children?

Maybe Trump answered the question. A couple of months ago he said he wanted to surround himself with only people who have made a fortune. That means he doesn't want anything to do with most of the people of the world. And that means you and me.
Ann (California)
And why are the members of Mar-a-Lago and those who socialize and golf there sanctioning Trump's behavior? Their participation is just that--and surely a sign of criminal entitlement and sense of being "better" than other Americans to want to curry favor with Trump.
Mimi (New York)
Because Obama never played golf.
Zejee (Bronx)
Trump has already played more golf than Obama did during his term. Remember when the Republicans complained about that? Now they are silent.
J. (Ohio)
This is on of the best pieces I have ever read on the cruel, misogynistic policies thrust on the US and the rest of the world by the so-called Christian men in Congress. Thank you for writing it. Now if only those in power would actually read it and learn the truth about the human cost of their extremis. They have far more in common with the Taliban than they do the Founders or mainstream America.
EMS (Boynton Beach, FL)
They could read this, but I don't think it would change their ideologies or their hatred towards women one bit. As you said: They are cruel and misogynistic. Do they feel this way about their own wives, daughters, sisters, and mothers? Probably not, but I would put nothing past this type of man. Besides which, they are mostly extremely wealthy, and their women can get the care that they need. It seems to me that to the GOP, all other women, and, in fact, everyone else, who is not in their socio-economic bracket can just drop dead. I really have never seen anything so repulsive or nightmarish as this clan of sadists.
RjW (Chicago)
Good point. So, how did we get here. This brave new united state of Talibanism?
Jeff Brown (Canada)
They do indeed.
Mark Thomason (Clawson, Mich)
When the French military set out to colonize, one thing they did to win compliance was to bring medical clinics.

When the Chinese communists were building up their position for the civil war, one of their key actions was to bring medicine to ordinary people.

For all Castro's faults, he brought medical care to all. That was a striking contrast to the American-backed Batista, who just let them die.

Right wing colonialists and left wing revolutionaries all knew that medical care was decency, and would be deeply appreciated.

When we look for those governments that did not provide for this, we find the American-backed ones, and of course America itself. It is shameful.

We tell ourselves we are better than this. We must demand that.
jp (MI)
That's a lot of rationalization going on there. It appears that the Democratic Party remains the party of abortion.
Iced Teaparty (NY)
Some of us aided and abetted the victory of Donald Trump, whereby the threat of harm to American women is being generated.

I didn't.
Carl Ian Schwartz (Paterson, New Jersey)
We're not. It reminds me of the scene in "North Star," a pro-Soviet World War II drama, where the Germans bleed Russian youths (literally) for to take care of Wehrmacht soldiers.
Who knew we were going to copy our Axis enemy and lose World War II some 72 years later?
Anne-Marie Hislop (San Francisco)
No, it is not pro-life, but the cabal of Washington white males do not really care about poor women. They care about their image, about the cheers they will receive when they tell the crowds or the folks back home about all the "babies we saved." Oh, and when those babies are born, they will not care that they don't have food to eat or a school in which to learn or even potable water.
Tanaka (SE PA)
They do not save BABIES. They prevent the abortion of not babies but zygotes and fetuses.

They destroy the lives of and even kill BABIES by all the means you mention and by destroying their mothers and their families.
M.I. Estner (Wayland MA)
Perfectly stated. Everything Trump and his Republican cabal do has as its primary motive elective politics and securing their base. They have only one overriding care, which is retaining power. They do not care about substantive outcomes.
Richard (New York, NY)
Or medical care.
Charles (Clifton, NJ)
Very sensitive writing, Nick. It shows that before a self-righteous political party starts implementing its crass policies in the name of God it should understand the world. Their policies should address the *suffering* in the world, not the party's desire to inflict a self-centered morality on the world.

Trump's cabinet alone is ridiculously wealthy, yet none can issue a compassionate statement. And this is the party of the Right Wing Christian.

Being the leader (well, okay, maybe Trump is not strictly a leader) of the most powerful nation in the world should compel one to do better; indeed, aim for the best.

Haiti is a nation in our hemisphere that we could greatly aid; such actions would be a feather in Trump's "Make America Great Again" hat. But his churlish Christian followers will have none of it. Trump's cut to UNPF funding is to satisfy the bitterness of his Christian followers.

Right Wing Christians are under the control of the Antichrist to support a man who tweets insults at people and fails to use his power as a witness to Jesus Christ. But Trump has a mighty following in Jerry Falwell, Jr. and Franklin Graham, and all of *their* followers. They see Trump as the center of a moral America.

We can do better than this. We can help these Haitian women.
Ann (California)
Note too that there's been prejudice against Haiti promoted under U.S. immigration laws -- for decades.
stu freeman (brooklyn)
Anyone remember when our Boss Baby was strongly in favor of reproductive rights for women (including those he deemed worthy of groping)? Evidently neither does he.
Tanaka (SE PA)
Yes, we Eastern Coastal Elites all remember this clearly, just as we remember Trumps multi bankruptcies and Christies robbing the NJ taxpayers to give Trump a YUGE unwarranted tax break.

Or as his good friend Sarah Palin would say: You Betcha!
Larry Eisenberg (Medford, Ma.)
Trump's Midas touch turns good to ill,
And bankruptcies follow him still,
Moral not financial
Clearly circumstantial
Of Trump we've had more than our fill.

This vile pelvic grabber,
Business deal backstabber
Is wrecking lives in every land,
His pro-Life pretension
Is a mere extension
Of evangelical demand.
Kathryn (Omaha)
Socrates (Verona NJ)
American 'Christianity' knows no end to its Republican cruelty.

The crueler, the more sadistic, the more hypocritical, the more thoughtless, the better...all in the name of an imaginary 'God' who clearly doesn't give a damn.

The withholding of US funds for the United Nation Population Fund, $32 million, is about what Trump's tomahawk missile attack on Syria cost.

No expenses spared for Trump's political publicity stunts, but damn those poor women of the world to a living hell on earth...praise the right-wing Lord !

President George W Bush also defunded the UNFPA from 2002 to 2008, arguing that its presence in China constituted participation in the country’s "one child" family planning policy...meanwhile, he was happy to spend $2 trillion in Iraq killing a hundred thousand or so.

The UNFPA said the lost Bush funding would have prevented two million unwanted pregnancies and the deaths of 77,000 children.

Bush pulled the funding despite a report from a state department fact-finding team that concluded after a trip to China that it found "no evidence that UNFPA has supported or participated in the management of a program of coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization in China".

More evidence that not only do facts not matter to Republicans, but compassion also doesn't matter, nor does global overpopulation, female rights, basic human decency, or climate collapse.

If you're looking for a party without a conscience or a clue, the Republican Party is looking for you.
Ann (California)
Don't forget the biggest bomb (ever) drop on Afghanistan and the revenge slaughter just reported.
Tanaka (SE PA)
Their hypocrisy is so overwhelming that maybe we need a new term. Look at the new law in I believe Kansas prohibiting the removal of a KNOWN dead fetus and requiring the woman to carry it to term because such removal would be considered an abortion even though they can not even make their lying argument about saving a baby's life in such a case.
fastfurious (the new world)
George W. Bush was, until Trump, our worst president.

But since leaving office, George and Laura Bush have used the George W. Bush Foundation to raise money to fund clinics for women's health in 5 African countries. In cooperation with the PINK RIBBON RED RIBBON program, the Bushes raise money to fund healthcare for African women and they frequently visit women's clinics in Botswana, Namibia and African countries so they can see first hand how clinics are working to eradicate women's cancers. With help and fundraising from the Bushes, since 2010 these clinics have screened over 320,000 women for cervical cancer and 119,000 girls have received the HPV vaccine. The Bushes spend a great deal of their time also working for HIV education, since contracting HIV is a leading contributor to cancer death in women in Africa. Their foundation has trained over 1,000 healthcare workers in Africa and George and Laura have said they hope this is a beginning of a goal of eradicating cervical cancer in Africa within 30 years.

I despised Bush during his presidency. But George and Laura Bush are proving now they're committed to improving womens health in Africa. I hope more people will learn about and support these efforts.
Mountain Dragonfly (Candler NC)
As usual, Kristof has always hit the nail on the head. One of the reasons I always have a visceral reaction when someone states that they are "pro-life" is that what they REALLY mean is that they are anti-abortion - and by extension, anti-choice. They have a negative as their base belief. Similarly, Pro-Choice is a positive base, but does not actually proclaim itself to be pro-abortion. Words matter.....and if her could realize that, perhaps through real communication, we could understand that abortion is not the political issue (nor should it be since that is an individual moral or health issue that has no business in the law -- and also is based on religiously defined moral belief, so thereby does not recognize the Constitutional right to freedom of religion -- which IS a law). A The political issue is whether we should have a choice or not. The GOP is now trying to elevate their version of a health care law by touting the "freedom of choice" in choosing your insurer and doctors as a benefit. At the same time, they believe that freedom of choice in women's health is a negative. Someone needs to tell them you can't have it both ways.

Final takeaway? As the Donald is wont to say, "Who knew" it could be so complicated!
Lenore Rapalski (Liverpool NY)
That's always been the problem Dragonfly-- pro choice doesn't mean pro abortion. When we started our organization in the North country of NYS, we called it Free Choice which clearly meant a woman and her doctor could make a decision. Unfortunately, it didn't stick because pro this and pro that seemed to have a certain parallel resonance . Free got in the way. Awkward...
Tanaka (SE PA)
Anti-abortion is exactly correct. Their newest abomination is a law requiring a woman to carry an undeniably dead fetus to term, because removing it, however necessary for her health or even life, would be considered an "abortion."

Pro-life NEVER had anything to do with helping babies == only oppressing women.
Dan (Delaware, OH)
I will be sending copies of this piece to our Republican family values, pro-life member of Congress, Pat Tiberi, and to our Republican family values, pro-life Senator, Rob Portman. I call them virtually every day to encourage them to believe the truth: If you care about life, then you want to assure women that their health is primary. Supporting federal funding of Planned Parenthood is essential. I encourage readers to call or write their elected officials on a virtual daily basis, especially if they are served by a Republican with even a speck of perspective.

Elected officials like Portman show occasional strains of independent thought: those are the kinds of Republicans that the nation is counting on for matters relating to women's issues and many other areas of concern, too many to list.
Earthling (A Small Blue Planet, Milky Way Galaxy)
Good for you. We should all do the same and deluge the GOP haters of womankind.
L. Amenope (<br/>)
We need to realize that Trump is planning to cut funding for just about anything that does not serve to increase his power or wealth. He has no feelings at all for any but the rich and/or powerful. The little people exist only to serve him. The people in Haiti are even "littler" than most to him because they are black, poor, and far away.

For example, he supports the veterans because he knows the way veterans are treated reflects upon the armed services. He needs people to be willing to enlist. However, the rest of us can die in the streets for all he cares.

All his reversals and broken promises are for his own and his family's personal enrichment. The same will hold true for tax reform, health care, and even building that wall.

Trump may be a relatively uninformed and inexperienced politician, but there's no way he's as dumb as he pretends to be. Yes, there is an occasional miscalculation, but most of what he does is highly calculated and very purposeful. It's not by accident that he has surrounded himself with men of this ilk.
Neal (Arizona)
Not sure how to break this to you, but P.Grabber has done, and will do, absolutely nothing for "the veterans". Like most republicans, he loves the uniform and holds the person wearing it in contempt.
C Wolfe (Bloomington IN)
Well said. Except that I do think Trump is dumb. Having an instinct for self-preservation and an exceptional talent for self-promotion doesn't make you smart. Sometimes highly intelligent people don't succeed on a grand material scale because they would have to violate their core ethics to do so. They're able to calculate or imagine the effects of their so-called successes (really acts of domination) on others and won't bring themselves to "go there." Less intelligent people who do have marketable capabilities often lack this kind of moral intelligence. The scale may be small, like workplace backbiting, or great, on the scale of Emperor Trumpus and his court, as NK points out here. But Trump isn't intelligent, calculating or purposeful. His motives are simple. His thoughts are simple. He's just a malignant organism doing what it does reactively.
tuttavia (<br/>)
you say that "politicians in washington don't have a clue about the hideous things that happen when women are marginalized..." this reader adds: or about anything else, (you could look it up).

women who are denied care for reproductive conditions would have no trouble getting a broken arm or a broken tooth one would say that the arm or the tooth are anything but they are, but reproductive conditions are all tossed into the same basket, if you will, "abortion" (a label that, like "socialism" sends closed-minds to the exits), in turn is linked to to a conflation of church and state that has taken charge of women's bodies as if they were members of a sect, subject to moral codes that trump medical realities.

complete reproductive care should be available to all women to be used as medical need requires or to be passed over as belief prescribes..specific procedures, if backed by science, might be prohibited by law but they must be debated and legislated not imposed by one moral posture or another,

no matter how long into the night the debate on the beginning of life vs abortion rages, there are serious medical conditions related to reproduction that should be attended with the professional diligence required by the oath of hippocrates.
Tanaka (SE PA)
Women will have plenty of problems getting a broken arm fixed as these clinics being unfunded may be the only venues providing ANY healthcare whatsoever.
Florida voter (Florida)
Well said. This is unconscionable policy and will lead to world-wide misery.

And ironically, the men making these decisions can't seem to get any perspective that is not their own, priding themselves on a compassion that is, in truth, sadism. They think that abortion is the only procedure involved with women's health, and that abortions are always gratuitous - the lack of information amazes me, as does their lack of mercy.

This past month, I have been writing to and calling my representatives asking them to fund Planned Parenthood and the other national and international organizations that promote health.

I am a Catholic and believe that women know their own needs in good conscience and that access to any needed healthcare is the merciful alternative.
wfisher1 (Iowa)
What amazes me is their are woman who don't know or understand what contraception is. I can't fathom the poverty and lifestyle where you've never gone to school or seen a doctor or nurse in 16 years of life.

I don't really believe in heaven and hell, but if they do exist, won't those self righteous men be surprised when they find themselves judged and condemned to hell for these things they do.
Robert Laughlin (Denver)
They do seem to believe in a myth that says "liberal women must conceive an unwanted child so that they can go get an abortion". They seem to believe that democrats and progressives want abortions 24/7.
It is not surprising that these so called people don't know what is going on in Haiti or China. They have no idea what is going on here in the U.S.
Mary Wivell (Atlanta, Ga)
Amen to wisdom and compassion like yours Florida voter.
ZAW (Houston, TX)
Among those who call themselves "pro life," staggeringly few actually are. Most of them are merely pro birth, and the men who surround Donald Trump when he makes these decisions fall into that camp. As long as nobody gets an abortion, these guys frankly don't care what happens next. At home or abroad.
Nora 01 (New England)
I would like to know how many abortions Trump has paid for in his life as a "stud muffin".
Max (Willimantic, CT)
Touché. First, one needs cannon fodder to fight wars. Second, Satan’s slaves foster war and misery every which way. They happily camouflage viciousness — how they love camouflage — to promote cannon fodder. Focusing unreasonably on birth and war over the morality of birth control.
peter (atlanta)
Next week Sean Spicer will tick off the cutting of funding to the UN Population Fund as one of Trump's accomplishments in his first 100 days.

But it is not just Trump. It may be more productive to go after Ivanka and Jared, or the Republican congressional majorities. POTUS has no shame. Making Ivanka and Jared wear this accomplishment might spur some rethinking. They at least show a pretense of human dignity.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
Pretense is correct. BUT, it is only because of what it may do to their bottom line. Profit over all. Forever and forever, Amen.
Liberal hypocrites (Los Angeles)
There are several issues in our world today that question our stance on "life". The term "pro-life" has become synonymous with abortion. However, it really speaks to how we as a society value and respect life. Is Isis "pro-life"? What about the tyrant Assad in Syria? Is he "pro-life"? No sadly they are not. And yet, under our previous administration, we have allowed both Isis and Assad to prosper and spread. It seems that we choose our battles when it concerns preserving life. Are we to assume from this article that the world is not providing funding to poorer nations? Is the United States the only generous nation? Don't mislead the readers. It is interesting that the article covers black women in Haiti. Are we to assume that the United States is taking an interest in reducing the black population in other countries? Sounds more political then humanitarian.
stu freeman (brooklyn)
The term pro-life has become synonymous with...abortion? Even assuming you mean "pro-choice" your assertion is absolutely ridiculous. No one on either side wants to kill anyone. Those of us who defend women's reproductive rights believe that the choice belongs to the pregnant women and to her alone. No one, least of all the government, should have the power to make such a call based on the prevailing religious/moral values of those who are in power at any given moment.
Donegal (out West)
Mr. Freeman,
Excellent comment. Thank you for continuing to speak out.
Dan (California)
"We have allowed both Isis and Assad to prosper and spread."

That can be seen as pro-AMERICAN life. We lost enough soldiers and marines in Iraq and Afghanistan already. Do you propose losing even more in Syria? And you call that pro-life?
Karen Genest (Mount Vernon, WA)
Neither Democrats nor Republicans are pro-life. Both parties' advocacies boil down to money, which in politics is always the constant. Democrats refuse to support the children, and Republicans refuse to support the mothers. In general, I think Americans resent supporting the poor, with a special animosity reserved for pregnant women who are/become single mothers.

Trump's decision to cut off aid to these health and education programs for so many poor communities around the world is not a pro-life decision. It's a business decision based on an inability to see or care about our neighbors' suffering. Moreover, he wants to turn the funds into building up arms so America can be the mightiest killer in the world. So much for pro-life.
Skip Moreland (Baldwinsville, N.Y.)
Democrats refuse to help the children? Are you way off base. It is the republicans killing off any support for the children and the democrats fighting to help them.
You are certainly right, republicans hate the poor, resent anything the democrats do for them. To republicans the poor are undeserving moochers.
The democrats are the real pro-life people.
Annie (Pittsburgh)
Huh? In what way do Democrats "refuse to support the children"?
Dan (California)
It's so frustrating to hear information like this. We hear it and so badly want to do something to right this wrong, but we don't know what to do. It's a real feeling of helplessness.
Jim Uttley (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)
THANK YOU SO MUCH, MR. KRISTOF for visiting Haiti and writing this article on the women's health crisis that's made far worse because of cuts by the Trump administration. Having grown up in Haiti, I know the reality "on the ground" of what women (and most all Haitian patients) have to face.
My wife worked in an outpatient clinic outside of Les Cayes and our three children were delivered by C-section at a mission hospital up in the mountains. While we were fortunate to receive the best medical care in Haiti, we also saw what many patients have to face (a number were our friends).
It further saddened me to learn that the U.S. is planning to return 50,000 Haitians who were allowed to come to this country following Haiti's devastating earthquake in 2010. The administration's reason given for sending them back is that "Haiti has recovered sufficiently so that they are able to return to a peaceful situation back home".

What would President Trump and his wealthy cabinet know about living in Haiti where people are still trying to eek out an existence following not only the earthquake but also last year's devastating Hurricane Matthew? Do they not realize that people are living in caves and the average Haitian fights to make a living on less than $3.00 a day? Of course, they wouldn't know that. Most have no concept of what living in poverty is like.
Ann (California)
And eating dirt to survive.
Nightwood (MI)
And by doing that, producing a host of worms to devour their bodies.
Susan Dickler (New York. NY)
Thank you, Nicholas Cristoff, for steadfastly supporting contraception, reproductive health and abortion in your columns. If only the male legislators could read! I have worked in the field my entire life and have never been so appalled at the cruelty of our current administration toward women in need of medical care.
So thank you again!
Lisa (Texas)
Thank you for this excellent article. Please send it to every member of Congress and our President. Of course, the ones who need this knowledge won't read it, but it never hurts to try!
Joe Beckmann (Somerville MA)
For the life of me - literally - I don't understand why Planned Parenthood doesn't spin off a separate company that specializes in abortions, and call it "Trump Treatment," encouraging the President to promote it so successfully with his diatribes that it would never need public funding again.
It is an old canard that UNFPA promotes abortion or uses American money for such. But don't let facts get in the way of cheap political points.
It is mostly male politicians who find expediency in depriving women, and women in distant places, of the healthcare they receive from this global service. Their remove makes it that much easier to dissociate from the consequences.
And no, deprivation of basic medical care and of family planning, is not "pro-life." Nor are men unaffected by preventing STDs, unwanted pregnancies, or by devastating ailments afflicting the women in their lives.
Those of us who do care about protecting the health and lives of people abroad need to put pressure on our representatives here to fund these critical services, raise public awareness of the truth, and make any feasible individual donations. Everyone deserves access to healthcare and dignified treatment.
Nancy (Corinth, Kentucky)
Two points to remember:
1. Wealthy men's wives, mistresses & daughters have always had and always will have access to affordable, safe, discreet abortions, regardless of whether abortion was, is or will be legal.
2. Conservative economists warn that declining birthrates are a threat to global growth. Of course, they also say we need growth to support growing populations. Can't be both, can it?
What else would explain opposition to both abortion AND birth control? The pro-life religious leadership needs to see that they're being played for the sake of a far wider corporate agenda: the need to assure succeeding generations of low-wage workers, cheap-goods consumers and debt serfs.
SouthJerseyGirl (NJ)
What the "pro-life" religious leaders want is a continuous stream of new bodies to fill the pews and financially support them and their organizations. If their followers practice even birth control, let alone abortion, the number of potential new bodies, and more importantly dollars, are reduced.
Nancy (Corinth, Kentucky)
True, but support for the religious agenda is driven by the same need for "bodies" - docile workers & consumers - to fill whatever factories remain, plus the prisons, the for-profit schools, the low-rank military & the malls. Corporate America couldn't care less about "life" - if they did, health care, clean air & water and a safe assured food supply would be more of a focus for them.
JFA (Pennsylvania)
Everything you say is true.
However, why are we paying for the UN and the world when all we receive is scorn. We must keep communication with other nations and their governments alive or we will face WWIII.
We are the policeman of the earth. If we retreat the same countries plus some new ones will guarantee our demise as well as destruction of our planet.
However, just like certain of my friends say, all they want is our money even though they hate us.
Kim (NYC)
Our giving is not entirely altruistic. We get a lot more back in foreign aid than we give.
JeffL (Hawaii)
Who hates us? The whole world? All the countries we help? I think you have a terribly skewed view. There are many places where US aid is greatly appreciated. I've worked in 12-15 countries on development projects. In only a couple instances out of dozens have our efforts not been appreciated and the recipients grateful to the people of the US. This includes places where the populations are predominantly Muslim.
Zejee (Bronx)
"They" hate "us"? Or do they hate US policies? The US is already on the demise, at least the people of the US are on the demise. The rich are doing better than ever.
Global Charm (On the western coast)
The Founders thought that the Electoral College was an effective prophylactic. But sometimes it doesn't work correctly, and Impeachment is the only safe recourse.
EKB (Mexico)
The problem with impeaching Trump is that Pence is even more hostile to women's health concerns than is Trump.
JFA (Pennsylvania)
Be careful what you wish for.
If he is impeached, we prochoice supporters
Will feel like we just jumped from the frying pan into the fire.
gailweis (new jersey)
Painful to read. And women in the United States will suffer too, now that Trump signed a bill to let states withholding federal funds from Planned Parenthood. In Iowa, "the Republican-controlled Legislature has approved a budget bill that would give up millions in federal Medicaid money to remove funding for Planned Parenthood." This is only the beginning. Thousands of women will no longer have access to preventive health care, birth control, pregnancy tests and other women's health services. This is not pro-life. It is anti-women.
Brian (Canada)
As the article says this is "pro death".
R. Littlejohn (Texas)
Yes, it is against women in general. And it is rooted in religious institutions, the teachings in Churches and Mosques.
Donald McDonald (The Heartland)
It should be obvious by now..... Donald Trump is anti-woman.

If this 3rd wife was permitted to speak freely, she would say it loudly.
gemli (Boston)
Conservatives are pro-birth, not pro-life. They talk about the sanctity of life, yet they preach against birth control and sex education. Once ignorance and poverty have taken their toll, women and their unwanted children are economically abandoned.

Conservatives have tried repeatedly to undermine women’s reproductive rights and to destroy affordable health care in this country, so sacrificing Haitian women on an altar of false piety seems like something they’d do. They can’t win the argument on its merits, so cutting off funding for people in need is their way of enforcing their spiritual imperatives.

There’s plenty of ignorance to go around in the current administration, but scientific ignorance has to be near the top of the list. Scientists are marching to avoid losing funding for crucial educational and research activities that would benefit children, aimed at curing disease and understanding developmental difficulties. Many conservatives, on the other hand, think the earth is 6,000 years old, march against Planned Parenthood and say that women can’t get pregnant from a “legitimate” rape.

The human cost of such ignorance and neglect is staggering. Fortunately, town hall meetings are becoming wake-up calls for conservatives who have been out of touch with their constituents, and who have spent too much time in the conservative echo chamber. It’s time that women’s rights, both local and global, get the attention they deserve.
tom carney (manhattan Beach)
Conservatives are pro-birth, not pro-life....until the baby is born, then they could not possible care LESS.
mancuroc (Rochester)
".....but the real shame belongs to sanctimonious zealots in Washington who don’t have a clue what they’re doing."

No, they are worse than that. They know exactly what they are doing, and they do it anyway.
Todd (Boston)
tom carney (manhattan Beach)
Yes,they know exactly what they are dong, and they do it with a conscious agenda in mind. It is not just heartless ignorance, it is a very well planed agenda to destroy freedom and to return the globe, not just the U.S. to the past when the Quality/0.1% ruled and the serfs bowed and scraped.
Richard Luettgen (New Jersey)
This is one of the numerous unappetizing characteristics of Trump’s persona. He may hold very opposed personal convictions, but he has debts to pay to a base and to a religiously conservative congressional coterie that must be paid if he means to co-opt their support on other things he considers important. The unappetizing part is that the action has consequences to real human beings, yet those consequences clearly are regarded as acceptable given the totality of the stakes involved.

A true incandescence would FIND a way to co-opt the support while denying actions that personally he may not support. Obama failed again and again at achieving what he sought, thereby proving himself to be no incandescence; but emerges whole as a man. When widespread human consequences were threatened, he never hesitated to take the high road and decide based on his honest convictions.

In the end, it’s no small thing to be elected president of the United States twice, and our first African American in that office – regardless of whether or not you get all that you want. But what really counts are the choices we make, and the kinds of human beings we’ve made of ourselves when we take that last dirt nap.
stu freeman (brooklyn)
And just wait until he gets to make one more appointment to that "originalist" Supreme Court you dream about. Insofar as women's reproductive rights are concerned (heck, let's make that "insofar as women's health issues are concerned") the U.S. will have more in common with Haiti than anyone would have deemed possible only six months ago.
mancuroc (Rochester)
Richard, you rightly pay tribute to President Obama's integrity, even though he didn't satisfy your political check-list. We all (including you, I believe) knew before the election that trump had an integrity problem, from his history with people he dealt with - clients & customers, partners, tenants, business contacts - and from his crude behavior on the campaign trail. Yet enough voters gave him a pass, believing, perhaps, that once in office he would transform himself and treat his fellow humans better en masse than in the smaller circles he was accustomed to.

What I wonder is this: it's already evident that trump has no more integrity as president than he did in private life, and that this is reflected in public policy; at what point will you and his other supporters find yourselves unable to make any more excuses?
Janet (Irving, TX)
"A true incandescence would FIND a way to co-opt the support while denying actions that personally he may not support."

A brilliant man would have been able to find a way around Republican obstructionism? Are you kidding me? You excuse that obstructionism by saying that a better Obama should have been able to beat it?

The Republican stance was not to support ANYTHING that Obama supported. You can drag a horse to water, but you can't make that animal drink.

The only thing that Obama could have done better is to recognize from the start that bipartisanship with the Republicans was a useless endeavor.