My Own Private Easter Egg-Gate

Apr 15, 2017 · 107 comments
Sometimes, journalists need to take a deep breath, self-reflect and self-check. As loathsome, repulsive and repugnant as I find the ENTIRE Trump family and sycophants, the Easter Egg roll is not something to get one's drawers all in a twist about. Trump has unleashed the vile, under-educated (for the most part) hate-filled underbelly of the not-so-United States of America. Trump has disgraced us/US at every turn, last week telling the Italian Prime Minister that he, Trump, is a friend of Pavarotti. WTH? And, then, later this week Ted Nugent (yes, THAT Ted Nugent) and Sarah Palin were at the White House for a photo-op with Trump. It seems that my degrees of shame for our country increase exponentially every week; or, by every tweet. How sad is this!
mark (canada)
Please forward all the trash you received to the White house as we all will do from now on. further more, we have to be impressed that this administration could organize anything at all at the tax payers expense!...In closing, funny we didn't hear about "Hugh's" playboy bunnies and what role they played that remember, anything you!
Larry (Michigan)
Were all of the children and attendees white? If so, I want my tax money back that was spent for this event.
Laura (Traverse City, MI)
Honestly, I'm the antithesis of a Trump fan, but the Easter Egg Roll scandal is too ridiculous to satisfy even the guilty pleasure of pettily enjoying every example of Trump's failure as a leader and human being. Who knew this event was such a big deal? Certainly not the proudly non-establishment Trump family or me...

Since we're discussing this, why is the Easter Egg Roll such a big event in the White House schedule anyway? Separation of church and state/freedom of religion, but the White House's biggest event celebrates a prominent Christian holiday? And, before all the "Christian nation" arguments begin, what Christians are honestly happy with an Easter event that revolves around a giant bunny and Easter eggs?

This is such a weird story that I find myself defending Melania and Trump's lackeys by asking, "Who cares?!?!" Can we please focus on the more important matters now?
Linda Oliver (Nashville, TN)
The Easter egg Roll, like the First 100 Days, are arbitrary constructs which ostensibly measure the new Administrations's organizational skills and acumen. I am glad they pulled it off for the sake of the children, it is nice that there is SOMETHING which does not have to have a partisan slant to it. Kids roll and hunt Easter eggs. Even atheists can do the egg thing with their kids with no reference to theological doctrine. Nobody cares. It is FUN. Heaven knows we need a break from partisan carping. So the reporter failed to initially note that the Obamas had gold eggs, too, and the Trumps also had pastel ones. The Nation still stands.
Rick (Vermont)
So is that Chris Christie in the rabbit suit?
Larry (Michigan)
Pictures of Trump's Easter Egg Roll really did remind me of Easter Egg Rolls of the past in one major way. With 21,000 children and adults in attendance, where are the children of color? The parents of color? were they in other pictures that were not shown in the New York Times? This type of occasion at the White House is usually colorful with children of all races playing games and chasing Easter eggs. Please include their pictures in your report.
Trish Bennett (Richmond, VA)
Isn't it tiring to be outraged all the time? I address that to both sides, as I watch people literally making themselves sick over politics, so anxious to prove that they're right and everyone else is wrong. Nothing will ever get done as long as everyone is screaming at each other over things that don't matter, like Easter egg rolls and people being idiots on Twitter.
Theodora30 (Charlotte, NC)
While I am not outraged by the Easter Egg Roll issues I am outraged that we have risked our democracy by electing an ignorant, plutocratic narcissist to be our President. My father and many, many other risked their lives and many others have given their lives so that we can live in a democracy. If we are not outraged that so many of our fellow citizens are willing to throw that away, than there is not much that is worth our outrage. I do agree, however, that shouting at each other is not effective but if we shrug off things like this because conflict is unpleasant we do not deserve our freedom:

Democracy is worth the stress of outrage. What I fear is that it will diminish over time as people get exhausted.
Jim Brams (Atlanta, GA)
Ignore all the ignorant deplorables who still support the Frump regime and his merry band of criminals. Provoking their ire is a badge to be proud of.
winchestereast (usa)
Sorry you had to waste time defending a retweet of the Golden Egg Rolls at the shrunken Trump post-Easter event. The big news was that Tiffany was allowed to come. Now, go chase down the first divorce papers and depositions, find out if there are pictures of Ivana with chunks of hair pulled out, pour over the cash in-flow from Putin Pals, and tell us if Wilbur Ross washed money to help bail out Trump. Leave the Trump Trivia to an intern. Please.
martskers (memphis, tn)
I can't help but notice the discrepancy: White House Easter Egg roll---pull out all the stops to attend and glorify; White House Passover Seder---what White House Passover Seder? Yet another graphic example of this buffoon's (not to mention his minions') attitude towards anything Jewish (except, of course, his so-called Jewish daughter).
Tom MSP (Minneapolis)
The White House Easter Egg Roll is an event that I really don't care about, mostly since it's only celebrating and honoring Christian religion. But it is interesting that we have a First Lady who is removed from her traditional "role". And while interesting, it doesn't really upset me either. We were going to have a change whether Hillary or Trump won. The office of the First Lady, like the Easter Egg Roll is quaint and not really necessary.

My suspicion is that the President and First Lady are much more secular than religious and that's part of the reason they appeared lukewarm to continue on this tradition. Who knows? They might even be atheists or agnostic. Now that would be the real story, and one that no politician is brave enough to tackle or admit.
Dave (<br/>)
The Easter egg roll, Easter eggs and the Easter Bunny have nothing to do with "celebrating and honoring the Christian religion".
Rachel (Homer)
HI Julie Davis,

NOT ANOTHER NEGATIVE COMMENT: Just wanted to let you know that my father, Thomas Johnston Homer (1898-1980), took part in a White House Easter Egg Roll when he was a child and was living with his family for awhile in Washington. I was puzzled by what it might be. He seemed to remember it fondly.

Keep up the good work.
seaheather (Chatham, MA)
When Trump promised to change the DC establishment few realized that meant overturning the Constitution of the United States and downsizing the bunny roll by 21K attendees. Not sure which change is the biggest betrayal of public trust...
Garry (NorCal)
Creepy bunny in the White House. Probably has small paws
Mary Ann (New York City)
Creepy orange marshmallow bunny with teeny paws in the White House.
vandalfan (north idaho)
No way! Everyone saw that there were hundreds and hundreds of thousands on the White House lawn! Just like his inauguration, it was massive, bigly, and beautiful. Only fake news press is suggesting that this wasn't ten times more huge than any other possible Whit House Egg Roll in the last three hundred years of our nation! No, in all of history!

(I hear he may be hiring, and want to practice. Where do I put the allcaps?)
Will (NYC)
If we could just get RID of Twitter.

It's just people rushing to make pointless statements to each other and then rushing to make pointless responses to the pointless statements. Then rushing to make pointless comments about pointless statements and pointless responses. And most of all the pointless statements and pointless responses and pointless comments are based on pointless subjects (such as the color of Easter eggs). And most everything said is not only pointless, but wrong and pointless apologies are required.

All pointless.
HG (Provo)
So sorry for the discouraging messages for an honest mistake. Thank you for your integrity in admitting it was an honest mistake. Keep up the good work!
Christopher Lupke (Pullman, WA)
Relax, Julie. Over the weekend, I joked on Facebook that Trump was sending Dennis Rodman to North Korea on shuttle diplomacy. Everyone believed me. You can't be absurd anymore, because the absurd is real.
J L. S. (Alexandria Virginia)
You gotta be yolkin'! You Eggin' us on here? If this article is all it's cracked up to be, it is an egg-cellent example of a hatch act violation!
LH (Cincinnati)
Thanks for the first laugh of the day!
Robert Cadigan (Norwich, VT)
Next year, the premium Easter Egg will be camouflage, three times the size of the regular egg and will be nicknamed "Mother of all Bantams."
Sara G. (New York, NY)
The traitorous Liar-in-Chief compulsively lies, his administration is a plutocrat's dream, and he possibly colluded with Russia yet his supporters are apoplectic about a mistake about a golden egg? They're being fleeced by the Orange Liar and his cronies, yet they're still supporting him?

Their inherent lack of reasoning ability and critical thinking still amazes me. It shouldn't but it does.
Bob (My President Tweets)
Must be all that winning that has draft dodger trump's poorly educated (trump's words, not mine) base so riled up.
Tom (Hong Kong)
Cracking the big stories.
Brian (Washington, DC)
Hard hitting jour...oh wait, never mind.

How about sticking to Russia, the efforts to make the administration less transparent, or the violations regarding emoluments?!
PrairieFlax (Grand Island, Nebraska)
She said she did that. Read much, Brian?
PK (Seattle)
The trumpers expect a reporter to personally appologize to the so-called president for accidently speaking in error, then quickly correcting the error, when then private citizen 45 made numorous slandorous statements about then (twice legitimately elected) President Obama, and 45 NEVER appologized! The hypocrisy is never ending.
Catherine Maxwell (Florida)
So true! The hypocrisy re: Barack Obama is ASTOUNDING about SO many things. (Michelle Obama's bare arms vs. Melania's nude photos, etc.).
YogaGal (Westfield, NJ)
Really? 21,000 people still like the guy? Or is it the promise of getting a golden egg?
Ichabod Aikem (Cape Cod)
Why doesn't Trump request Putin's assistance in stealing Faberge Easter eggs to cover up his lack of numbers? He did so in the election with impunity after all. Why not call for an election like Erdogan's to give him rights of a dictator since he's dropped two bombs without congressional approval? Does he think that they're Easter eggs to roll over other countries? Sad that he and Melanie can spend tax payers' money to go to Mar a Lago each weekend but can't organize an Easter egg role for the kiddies. Julie, it's not your private Easter Egggate but his Putingate that's the real golden egg which needs to be hatched. What we need is Adam Schiff to be our Jack in the Russian beanstalk to steal the golden goose and the self-playing harp so we can find the truth about Putin's interference in the election and then cut down this treasonous beanstalk of so called government.
A. Stanton (Dallas, TX)
What do you call 21,000 people who show up for an Easter Egg Roll?

Unemployed job-seekers.
A. Stanton (Dallas, TX)
What do you call a man who measures his job sucess by the number of people who show up at his Easter Egg Roll at the White House?

An unemployed President.
Ann (Windermere)
Are you trying to be a serious journalist? Your priorities are way off.
MIMA (heartsny)
Julie - it's ok! Carry on, and enjoy your day.

Who cares about the gold eggs anyhow? We can all be assured if President Obama had 100 - The Donald will have 1,000!

And that's not any kind of news anyhow. :)
Passion for Peaches (Left Coast)
Maybe you, like Trump, should take a hiatus from tweeting? The service is crack for the attention seeker, and unfortunately that temptation causes even otherwise sensible people to override their interior self-censor. As a reporter, you should not post or re-post anything you could not publish with confidence. The entire point of an Easter egg hunt (or roll) is to locate the golden egg. A quick Google would have told you that, if such things were not part of your childhood experience. Stop and think whether you want your name attached to a retweet, before hitting that send button. Good grief, even when I post an anonymous comment here on the NYT I click over to look up anything I'm not sure of.
debussy (<br/>)
Too bad we can't get the Usurper in Chief to take that to heart....
Ann (San Francisco)
Actually I grew up with annual Easter Egg hunts and the golden egg thingy is new to me.
Nmp (St. Louis, MO)
Save the lectures to an excellent reporter who doesn't need them.
Chris (Florida)
Here's the point: Too eager to go negative. Way too eager.
Robin (Manhattan)
No, HERE'S the point: so much has ACTUALLY gone wrong, so early, so often, and on soooo many levels with this administration, it's become EXPECTED. So sue us.

And once he's apologized to Obama for getting the wiretap allegations wrong, the inaugural crowd numbers wrong, or to the nation for getting everything flippin' thing else wrong.. THEN his mindless maniacal minions can think about asking for an apology from that reporter.
vandalfan (north idaho)
Penguin (NYC)
If this year's golden egg was an original Faberge egg, we'd have yet another reason to suspect collusion between the White House and Russia.
Nmp (St. Louis, MO)
You been asleep for the last eight years buddy? Negative much then??
pak (The other side of the Columbia)
21000? And how many attended the WH serdar? We know that no one in the trump family did. Think no one In the trump family will attend the egg roll?
MIMA (heartsny)
We'll be flying them all up on Air Force 1 from Mar-a-Lago to get there just in time. All their staff, too. Our taxpayer money just keeps rolling in for the Trumps' whims.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
It is entirely possible the Kushner family had a discrete, private Seder in their family home in New York City.

The vicious, snarky left is all bent out of shape over the Trump/Kushner family preferring their own homes to the Washington DC area, but frankly -- I'd do the same thing. The White House is institutional. And Donald Trump himself is not Jewish -- there is no reason for him to attend a Seder to "prove" anything. I'm Jewish, but I don't insist my non-Jewish relatives attend my Seder dinner nor are my feelings hurt that they are not present -- anymore than THEY insist I attend Easter Mass.
PK (Seattle)
so, concerned citizen, you would also expect the taxpayers (that means people who DO PAY TAXES!) to fly you and yours all over so that you could also stay in your own home, not the fine home that was plenty fine for all of the other modern presidents? Rich!
Debra (Texas)
I think that the unwritten story is: who is writing the predictably vitriolic tweets & posts from the Trump brigade?
There's a uniformity to them that is unusual...they're hyperbolic, threatening, and overly intense in number & length of response. It's not just to you...this happens to just about anyone who dares to criticize Trump. It seems coordinated and predictable. THAT story needs to be investigated.
M. L. Chadwick (Portland, Maine)
Most of those pro-Trump tweets--"hyperbolic, threatening, and overly intense in number & length of response"--are surely coming from bots.
Tom (N/A)
No, the "unwritten story" is the fact that this writer chose to jump all over Trump for something that he hadn't done wrong. He had apparently done the exact same thing that Obama had done. Maybe a little stepping back and taking a deep breath would benefit both sides.
Elias (<br/>)
Li'l Lil (Houston)
Not surprising trump supporters attacked you on twitter,it's the trump effect,whine,demand apology,call for resignation;demand firing;When did trump or any of his mindless minions apologize in anyway,"screwed up,mis-spoke" are the words of liars;trump effect also seen on United Airlines when UA played to trump's campaign tune "rough em up,through em out".Trump team can't put together a traditional EasterEgg Roll;if the egg mfr. has to remind the person supposed to be in charge,you know things are bad;like his inauguration,it will be the least attended EasterEggRoll by Spicer will be out there lying again "This was the best attended EasterEggRoll,EVER.PERIOD."Talking like a dictator because he works for one.But if we let their lies stay,then the trump supporters will say,ya see, we were right;they all went down the rabbit hole&doesn't look like they can find their way out;best for us to move on without them&their alt facts,their spicer,their Conways.
Ann (San Francisco)
Yes, his supporters are such delicate snowflakes! :/
Doremus Jessup (On the move)
I hope it rains.
jimmyblueyes (<br/>)
It's especially outrageous that after eliminating all funds to PBS, 45's administration actually had the chutzpah to ask the Muppets to appear at the Easter Egg roll.
Agnes Cleary (NY)
Maybe that's his way of creating jobs. You know, keep those lazy multi-colored lay-abouts busy so they don't end up on the dole, addicted to opiates and using food stamps to buy lobster. Make America Great again!
katy (vermont)
how about NOT stooping to trump's level? this entire thing was a waste of space. come ON NY Times.
Olenska (New England)
I hope they send Oscar the Grouch.
gzuckier (ct)
I for one think it's interesting, relevant, and newsworthy that the patented Trump shoddiness, tackiness, and overinflated breathless shameless knowingly false hype extends to every facet of his doings, no matter how insignificant the gains he gets from being so pathetic.
Patricia (NY)
The only ones who are getting rolled are Trump's supporters.
raquelle (new york city)
You read a tweet. You retweeted with a comment. "Moments later" you noticed a corrective tweet. You then researched. Finally you tweeted a correction.

Perhaps install a mandatory 'research before tweet' policy? Do we really need to supply ammunition to the other side?
Rob M (NYC)
" install a mandatory 'research before tweet' policy"

Perhaps if the tweeter-in-chief installed that policy, it would serve as a role model for others.
Ryan (Miami)
Research before tweeting, something the president should consider.
Catherine Maxwell (Florida)
Gimme a break! Your perfection must be a heavy burden....
Lisa Fremont (East 63rd St.)
Snarking on Twitter? And you have the chutzpah to complain?
Go roll yourself an egg.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
The Easter Bunny will end up in a huuuuge stockpot. Seriously.
Passion for Peaches (Left Coast)
I like the allusion to Fatal Attraction, whether intended or not. I'm picturing Hillary Clinton at the stove.
debussy (<br/>)
The election is over.... or didn't you get that memo? Now, we must deal with the fallout from it.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Kansas)
Intended. Bigly. Thanks!!!
alterego (santa rosa, CA)
Funny that when you make a misstatement (which you readily admitted to and corrected), Trump supporters get outraged, accuse you of "fake news" and call for your firing, but when he outright lies, which is frequently, it doesn't bother them at all.
Julie Zuckman (New England)
Double standard. Had the Obamas jetted to their for-profit private resort nearly every weekend at huge public expense, there would have been mass outrage. Had Michelle Obama chosen to stay in Chicago so their girls could finish their school year, the comments and innuendoes would have been constant and ugly. Had Obama left as many appointments unfilled, he would have been accused of laziness and worse. I could go on.
The Golden rule indeed -- the one with all the gold make the rules.
debussy (<br/>)
"Double standard" is being gracious... racism is more like it! (Shhhh, don't tell Trump supporters that... they get upset!)
Dwight Bobson (Washington, DC)
Such is the violent ignorance of the mob.
Jensetta (New York)
The 'story' about Easter eggs is not 'fake news;it's not news at all.
Annie (Pittsburgh)
To you, it's not. But to the children and their families who were looking forward to taking part in this 138-year-old tradition, perhaps it is.
debussy (<br/>)
Annie, it's not "news" and it's not a priority. It's a "soft" lifestyle article, just like coverage of the the parade queen and her court's gowns. They don't merit front-page column inches next to hard news about events like the NATO crisis, ISIS bombings, French elections, health care overhaul, Russia-Putin scandals, tax returns, etc.
Judine OShea (Chicago)
The Easter egg roll is a time for the president to engage with children and families, military families in particular are often invited. The president's actions or lack of them is news. So yes, disregarding an event seen as important by thousands of people is news. Since he disregards so much else of importance (tax transparency, climate change, invidual freedom,) I can see how this might pale in comparison.
Rose (St. Louis)
Oh, this will be the biggest Easter egg roll in White House history. Believe me. Best planned, best children, best bunny, best games, most expensive. Believe me. The White House planners have even engaged Jesus for the event. It will be huge. Believe me. The president is going to read "Twas the Night Before Christmas" to the children without a teleprompter.
Joyce Buchanan (Ann Arbor MI)
And the event will happen after the holiday. A belated roll.
omedb261 (west hartford, ct)
I really have to stop reading stories about Trump & his minions, it's become an obsession with me. Who am I fooling? I can't stop. The Trump administration is an ongoing horror that's going to end badly, very badly.
drtv (Oregon)
"The Trump administration is an ongoing horror that's going to end badly, very badly."

Let us fervently hope that when it does, it does not take the rest of us with it.
Julie Zuckman (New England)
Oh don't worry about him and his. They've got their nuclear war bunkers all stocked and ready. Good luck with that. Ever read the SF novel, "Grass" by Sherri S Tepper (one of the greatest SF novels of all times, BTW) ? The gentry who flee earth's horrors get what they deserve.
Stella (Canada)
We might be okay, but I wouldn't put money on the Korean Peninsula.
gerard.c.tromp (Pennsylvania)
It is time for reporters to do, what else, reporting. That means verify stuff before repeating. Let other individuals be first, and often, wrong.
Julie's critics have a valid point: much damage is done by misinformation (in this case innuendo by leaving important information out). The vitriol is not justified, but the critique is. It is well nigh impossible to undo the harm from misinformation by issuing an ineffective "retraction" or "correction." It is therefore incumbent on reporters to ensure they possess all the facts before reporting.
SS (New York City)
Seriously: they're Easter eggs. Let's hope the damage can be contained before the rumors start WW III.
LA (Tennessee)
The fact that people are considering 'tweets' as news now is horrifying. He didn't publish a story for god's sake.
David G (New York)
I'd make a comment, but my gosh, now I'm too terrified to do so. A lot of angry Trumpsters is not my cup of tea.
Wilbray Thiffault (Ottawa. Canada)
Is the Easter Bunny obliged to release his tax return?
Dylan111 (New Haven)
As an affiliate of the Christian Church the Easter Bunny does not have to pay taxes.
Judine OShea (Chicago)
Even the Easter Bunny knows what's appropriate to hide (eggs) and what's not (1040s).
H Schiffman (New York City)
The response you received on your Easter Egg Roll by angry Trump supporters gives credibility to the issue of just how many angry, unhinged people are out there. Allow me to add, more than likely they vote.

If I were not an atheist I would say heaven help us. Instead, I just shake my head.
Karen (Texas)
It's always interesting to read the back stories. My distaste for public comments on any topic is growing - as I publicly comment on an article I've just read.
Elias (<br/>)
I love the back stories. Almost as good as the 'finished product'. i always have been into the 'how's' and why's of things. A confection, if you will.
Technic Ally (Toronto)
“If you can pull off an Easter Egg Roll,” she said, “you can do anything.” - from your Wednesday article.

I am sure Melania is delighted to be in the position of pulling off Donald's Easter egg roll.
Doremus Jessup (On the move)
Melania Trump is as big a loser as her husband. She just happens to be slightly better looking.
RKD (Park Slope, NY)
The current president evidently does a lot of magical thinking (although 'thinking might be the wrong word) & probably just expects that the Easter Bunny will take care of it.
debussy (<br/>)
And I always thought it was the Tooth Fairy! ;-)
Karen (Philadelphia)
Maybe your investigative reporter colleagues could be looking into how many of the "supporters" who assaulted you on Twitter were Russian-paid bots. My guess is a lot.
hkguy (bronx)
I've been chiding my friends for harping on Easter Egg-gate as way too close to the kind of nitpicky way Obama's critics kept focusing on tiny shrubs instead of the mighty tress or the whole forest. As this article makes clear, the alt-righters continue their petty sniping even though their candidate is in office. I can only hope my friends on left-center-left will stop imitating them.
njglea (Seattle)
Thanks for pointing out, Ms. Hirschfeld Davis just exactly how "alternate" The Con Don's little cabal is.

Happy Sunday. When I was growing up, and until a few years ago, I would have said Happy Easter. It was a joyous time to celebrate spring and I had a choice whether to attend a religious service or not.

The greatness of America is Separation of Church and State. That one thing has allowed us to be a melting pot of the world population because it has allowed us to accept each other and our different beliefs and form a relatively peaceful society.

Then came Nixon and Reagan and the rise of the radical christian right and the organized male backlash against women's rights by the financial elite, fueled by the propaganda that "christianity and men were under attack.

Now we have this ridiculous mouthpiece for the Financial Elite/Radial Religious Right and another corrupt man on OUR United States Supreme Court who will try to destroy Separation of Church and State in America starting next week. Their ultimate goal is to destroy Women's Right to Choose What They Do With Their Own Bodies and Lives by overturning Roe v Wade.

So Happy Sunday. I will not celebrate any supposed christian holiday as long as they try to destroy MY America. I will FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT the destruction of the very grassroots of OUR America.

This must not stand in America. Not now. Not ever.
John Edelmann (Arlington, VA)
Well said.
Li'l Lil (Houston)
You are correct in all you state; Gorscuch&DeVos are the most bizarre specimens of near humanity yet; DeVos&her brother, Evil Eric Prince, advises trump from the shadows&the Seychelles, believe, ready for this.separation of church&state went too far!Are they insane or dumb;the founding fathers knew false profits like the radical christian right would promote theocracy for THEIR BRAND OF RELIGION&suppress everyone else;Gorsuch is a scrambler like Scalia,both claimed to be orginalists,they are word spinners to arrive at conclusions they already reached before getting facts;remember Scalia arbitrarily stopped FL counting votes&handed the election to Bush over Gore (2000),when asked later why he did it,the best Scalia could say was "that's a long time ago" DUH;he then ruled for the corrupt "CitizensUnited"calling corporations persons&allowing them to donate millions to political campaigns without disclosing who&how much;Scalia a hypocrite to make this ruling,as a Catholic, a person has to have a soul,a corporation is an "entity" that has to be incorporated under the laws of a state,usually Delaware;so Scalia lied on his religion&lied on the definition of the law to buddy up with the 1%;Gorsuch ruled for a corporation over a truck driver stuck in frigid temps&left his truck to save his life;Gorsuch also ruled against spec.ed for a disabled child&said school only to do minimum;his decision was overturned by the Supreme Court;why did all GOP vote for him?Big corporate money.
M. McCarthy (S F Bay Area)
Cheer up nyglea, Easter eggs, Easter bunnies, hot cross buns are all prre Christian just like Christmas trees and bringing holly and mistletoe indoors.

The Romans coopted our northerrn European ancestors pagan beliefs to sweeten the pill as they ere forced to convert to Christianity.

In a way the pagans won. Their symbols ar what come to mind when most people think of Easter and Christmas.