Trump Remembers the Ladies

Mar 30, 2017 · 566 comments
pjc (Cleveland)
He spoke as if he was speaking to a roomful of 3rd graders, or kindergartners. You really have to hear it to believe it. It was not subtle.
Jefflz (San Franciso)
More than 80% of Evangelists and 60% of white Christians voted for Trump because their desire to legislate a woman's right to chose how to manage her own body outweighs all true Christian values.
Lincat (San Diego, CA)
Why would a woman vote for Trump? Trump supporters share the traits of ignorance, stupidity and/or gullibility regardless of gender. Maybe a lot more communities should be testing their water for lead.
[email protected] (Los Angeles)
so, in women's political news out of dc today, Ivanka T K is now a government employee when it comes to security clearances, devices, access, and office space...

... but she's off the hook on revealing any conventional personal info because she is unpaid.

what do you call an employee you don't pay?

I say she's a slave and I say that's illegal, even if it does represent the favorite employee relationship of the GOP.
Brian (Australia)
You mean that wasn't Alec Baldwin???
David Stucky (Eugene, OR)
Love your stuff, Gail Collins. Thanks for keeping the pen sharp and the humor on point.

This president deserves your very best.
tomasi (Indiana)
"Biting wit - the ability to deftly and gracefully deflate the inflated, and to make others laugh through their tears and fears in the process. See, e.g., any Gail Collins' article."

In this one "White House decision-making resemble[s] a meeting of the Freemasons." ;"The theme for the White House women’s celebrations appears to be Failure to Appreciate Irony. On the one hand, multiple panels on women in business and families. Meanwhile, over on the nonsymbolic side, a passionate push for a bill that would have sent women’s health care costs through the roof." And so on.

Thank you, Gail.
Gunslinger (Baltimore)
Trump is indifferent to women, he cares for one thing only - how he is adored and admired by everyone for everything. If you don't blow smoke up his tail, he's not interested in you! So, other than his ego, there's not much room for others. Although, he does possess the inbred white male entitlement that comes from being given your wealth and not having to earn it. With that comes the tenancy to use everyone (including women) as a means to an end; and he would promote leprosy if it would make him more money. No class, no decency and value to making America great!
Marvant Duhon (Bloomington, Indiana)
"Presidential relatives who don't mess in politics are off bounds" is generous and gracious. But it's not in the American tradition. Washington society actively shunned the wife of Andrew Jackson because of her adulterous relations with him. Nor does it apply to Melanie Trump. She DOES mess in politics. Remember the speech she (or perhaps her ghost writer, though she claims she wrote the speech all by herself) plagiarized? To try to fool people about Trump WAS messing in politics.
Lee (Chicago)
To all if those women who said they would not vote for HRC "just because she was a woman" you have no reason to whine now that we are seeing T's priorities. And I have to ask what T had that gave you a better reason to vote for him ? . . his 30 year happy marriage? . . . his ability to deliver soaring rhetoric that would bring us all together? .. . the six (?) bankruptcies which were clear indications of just what he would do with the Government's finances (we wait and tremble to see). I proudly voted for Hillary because she was a woman. Because I knew that NO man would deal better with wombs issues than a woman. Given what the men have been doing for the last 240+ years how could voting for any woman just because of her sex be a greater risk that Trump! Just think how much better how would have been sleeping in the past 2 months.
Robert D. Noyes (Oregon)
Thank you, Ms. Collins.
Michael (Dutton, Michigan)
"It was, Spicer claimed, a longstanding presidential obsession — Trump had “made women’s empowerment a priority throughout the campaign.”"

I wonder if it would be possible to get a copy of Mr. Trump's or Mr. Spicer's dictionary. Surely there must a difference in defining the word 'empowerment.' Unless, of course, the 'that-was-the-campaign-this-is-the-presidency' mindset has taken over.

Oh, wait...
I'm-for-tolerance (us)
I think he meant endowment
Justine (RI)
Now that Sean Spicer won't likely be acting as the White House Easter Bunny, as he has in the past, maybe they can get a woman to do it. Who says the Easter Bunny has to be male. Maybe Trump will consider her part of his female cabinet, or better yet, part of the staff.
Marco Antonio Ríos Pita Giurfa (New Jersey)
I think that expecting a fair and decent assessment of women from Trump is curiously naive. The tenant of the White House has shown over the years what is and what is served by people of the opposite sex. As the saying goes: "Old horse does not change the trot", I fear that with time and efficiency means lis will show that the main victims of his bizarre behavior are his wife Melania and her daughter Ivanka. They must know and suffer it, but they remain silent. The erratic leader knows how to keep them silent, playing and feeding their dreams and their frustrations. I doubt very much that my opinion is published by this newspaper. Or for speculating on what millions speculate, or for being this product product of the Traslade, or perhaps for including me in its commented black list of subscribed readers impertinent. Greetings and thanks for this as well written, as focused and lucid article as David Brooks.
LAJ (Pittsford NY)
The ICD10, the list of standard diagnoses used in health care today, is so comprehensive that it includes things like "V97.33XD: Sucked into jet engine, subsequent encounter". Can we add "Irony, unintentional, recurrent"?
Lowell (NYC)
Trump only remembers the ladies in one of two ways. First, the "10"s photogenic enough to command his preschool puerile span of attention. Second, most likely relevant to this article, in the same way that white men did a century ago when agreeing to female suffrage: As token collaborators in an America-first, xenophobic and repressive pro-patriarchal agenda that ultimately does not serve the interests of all women, though it may, of course, advance the standing and power of a few select Ladies over all others. Kellyanne, Betsy, Ivanka, Omerosa, Jeanine, etc.: We're not fooled, and we're on to your game.
William R (Seattle)
Welcome back, Gail! We need your voice out there yanking the rug out from under all the posturing, posing, flip-flopping representatives of the people. Snark on!
You have to wonder whether Melania isn't overjoyed and shocked at the good fortune of her husband taking a job that caused him to move out of the house. When Donald came home for the first time and announced to Melania that he was applying for a job that would require him to move to Washington, it must have been just a pipe dream to Melania that he would actually get it.
Ida Hateforutono (Long Island)
Ivanka Trump = Eva Duarte
[email protected] (Los Angeles)
did you mean Evita Peron?
Ann Coombs (Vancouver, B.C.)
Nothing short of a disgrace!
If you vote for Jabba the Hutt, all you can expect is an uncomfortable iron bikini and zero respect. How any woman could vote for him is beyond me.
trueblue (KY)
My thoughts - Don the Con Fraudster Trumpeter is a condescending boorish pig of a person - and a treasonous traitor - and has got to go (to hell would be nice) soon!
John Heenehan (Madison NJ)
When it comes to grabbing women for cabinet and other high level positions, it seems Trump is hands off.
Bruce Northwood (Salem, Oregon)
The only interest Trump has in women is getting away with grabbing their genitals.
Petra (Chicago)
Once again, the Left's hypocrisy is overwhelming.

The Left's leader was a corrupt woman whose husband is a confirmed woman abuser. Talk about grabbing private parts. When Hillary lost the Left blamed "misogyny".

Just because screams of "racism" defended Obama from virtually any criticism, screams of "sexism" weren't enough to put Hillary over the top.

Look at the Left's treatment of Kellyanne Conway, Melania, Ivanka, Palin, and any other conservative woman. They're fair game for any and all forms of vitriol. But to criticize any woman on the Left is immediately viewed as sexist.

The plastic vagina costume crowd didn't make much headway other than confirming that if you want to be taken seriously, wearing vagina costumes and carrying filthy signs don't get you very far.

This election demonstrated that just because a candidate has a pair of breasts, that candidate cannot take for granted the woman vote and have Ms. Albright tell them that there is a "special place in hell" for women who don't support other women.

Women demand to be treated equally. When a woman on the Left loses, it's always "sexism!". That isn't a defense, it's a boo-hoo idiotic retort that just makes women look helpless, blameless, and stupid. Buck up.
Chris (New York, NY)
I voted for Hillary because she was the better candidate--and that becomes more obvious every day. And should we not criticize Ivanka, Kellyanne, etc. if we disagree with them because they are women?
lechrist (Southern California)
Trump and his team are dinosaurs who cannot go extinct quickly enough.

There's truly no hope for males who think they are superior to women and for those women who also think males are superior to them.
Martha (Northfield, MA)
Mr. Trump, your interest in women's history and empowerment is about as sincere and genuine as your interest in ensuring a safe environment for our children by protecting our nation's air and water.
WMK (New York City)
To use a word that has been spoken by President Trump Hillary Clinton would have been a disaster as president of the US. She was dishonest and only thought of herself first. Mr. Trump has been working practically non stop to make America great again. He has been working to increaae employment opportunities for Americans and stopping illegal immigrants from entering our country. He has established a well-qualified cabinet and they are working to improve the quality of life for all Americans.
TDW (Chicago, IL)
55% of white women voted for Don Dons. That's all that needs to be said about white American women. For those "gals" that don't do math 55% is a majority.
patsy47 (bronx)
"That's all that needs to be said about American women." Really? What a revelation! Thank you soooooo much for clueing us in!
Richard (Texas)
The caption for the picture should read. "Look, this is my beautiful, beautiful face, and I have absolutely no brain in my head, but I'm the President and you aren't."
RL (Fullerton, CA)
I suspect to Team Trump "women's empowerment" means breast implants.
AG (Calgary, Canada)
We in Canada have spent hours trying to figure out what flashes of wisdom, what halo of a Saviour, what Avatar vast swaths of the US population saw in this total mockery of a human being with a thinking mind. This soulless being who lives in a moral vacuum, propped up by the Faustian Steve Bannon, fawned over by the likes of Betsy Davos, Conway - all paradigms of feminism.

To think that the US Presidency has morphed into the fiefdom of a lying, cheating charlatan. What a pity.
patsy47 (bronx)
So have we.
Tomdo (Minneapolis)
Women have come a long way in the republican view of their importance in just over the past four years. They've added a whole dimension... from just plain "binders" (full of women) to a whole "cabinet" full of women. Can't wait to see what will the next old repubican white man do next for women
Steve (New York)
To those 53% of white woman that voted for the so-called President, hope you enjoy all that the Grifter-in-chief does for you and your daughters. Especially to those young woman attending Ohio colleges that believe a woman should never hold the office of president.
S.D.Keith (Birmigham, AL)
What has Trump officially done, as President of these United States that is so detrimental to women? I suspect it's just the fact of his gender that inspires so much hatred.

I just don't get this visceral hatred of men. Reminds me of when I was a young child with only a single mom and an older sister in my world. I knew something wasn't quite right...they both seemed to hate the fact of my existence. It was only later, when I saw them interacting with men that I realized. It wasn't me, it was my gender. I used to think it an affliction unique to my family. Now I know better.
Niroshi (New York)
Seriously? In JUST his official capacity, he has made a shockingly low number of female cabinet appointments, rolled back abortion funding, wants to cut Planned Parenthood, cancel Roe vs. Wade, instituted a dress code for female staffers... the list is endless. Not to mention the fact that his very presence in our lives is an affront to every intelligent woman who's worked hard to get a job and lost it to a narcissistic, ego-driven, white man. (And btw, it is also an affront to all the intelligent, hard-working men out there who were not born with a silver spoon in their mouths.)
Lesothoman (NYC)
Donald Jr collects trophies from his big-game hunts. His father (a big-game-ist in his own right) collects trophy wives. They are there for display only, an extension of his monstrous ego, masking his massive insecurity. Real women do not matter. Only He matters in his stunted universe. Nothing more to be said.
joanne (Pennsylvania)
I had to laugh when someone from the Trump administration notified long-term journalist Andrea Mitchell that it wasn't true that Trump only met with just men from Congress to address women's health issues.

Even though the picture had 25 or more men sitting with Donald Trump around a table, and not a woman was in sight.
Andrea Mitchell was told that (way in the back somewhere?) there sat staffer Kellyanne Conway. (Sitting with her feet up, in a roomful of people?)

As a person who worked with victims of sexual abuse, it is heartbreaking that our current president has been so cavalier in terms of his opinions, statements and approaches towards women.
He treated Hillary Clinton in a most terrible manner. Including inciting angry rallies to call for her incarceration. A most distressing example for men as to their regard for and treatment of a female. Perhaps some recall he even stalked Hillary Clinton during one of the debates.
And the reserved, distant, rarely seen Melania Trump cannot fix this negative impression.
We have not forgotten Access Hollywood Van.
WMK (New York City)
It is all about quality and not quantity. The four female cabinet members chosen by President Trump are very competent and are highly qualified to serve our nation. They have accomplished much and will continue to assist President Trump in improving the country for all.
Jethro Pen (New Jersey)
Sight should not be lost of Barbara Res, Esq. who is an example of a certain two-sidedness to the Trump coin insofar as women are concerned. He apparently worked directly with her over decades and delegated a good deal of high level responsibility to her, a credentialed and experienced person in the construction industry. Nevertheless, in her book about her career, released during the campaign and about which she was interviewed a number of times on national TV, she both credits him for how he treated her and at least some other women in the organization, while at the very same time describing him as flatly unqualified temperamentally to be president based on her observation of him over those years.
aem (Oregon)
I think my daughter should have a White House office. After all, she has a PhD in history, speaks five languages, including fluent German and Russian, and has earned not one but two Fulbright scholarships. She has lived abroad in two different countries. She is way more qualified than Ivanka Trump......but oh I forgot - Ivanka is the President's favorite babysitter. How powerful the hand that rocks his cradle!
NW Gal (Seattle)
Oh Gail, I'm glad I was able to laugh by the time I got to the end of this piece which is quite good but includes the appalling facts of Trump's treatment of women. How clueless is a man who gives a shout out to Susan B. Anthony when you know before someone googled famous women's rights advocates he only knew her from the coin.
It is also appalling that this charade garners any attention especially now when clobbering Planned Parenthood seems to be the game of the week again. I am forever mystified why they are a target when they do so much good.
I am happy for Ivanka that she is the female trotted out the most to prove how much Trump cares about women. At least Melania gets to remain safe and silent most of the time in her tower and doesn't need to grow out her hair to escape.
Norma (Albuquerque, NM)
He had to have a few token women in his cabinet. Fortunately, both he and they are too old for him to try to molest them like he did the young contestants in his former beauty contests. Fortunately, Ivanka will be around to make sure he doesn't try.
Jon (Northern Virginia)
A 36 percent approval rating means that more than a third of the American electorate, many of them women, thinks this is what a good presidency looks like.
AMM (New York)
There should not be a 'Women's History Month' - there should not be a 'Black History Month' - if people were equals, there would be no need to have fake 'celebrations' to make up for the lack of their actual power.
gordy (CA)
Donald J. Trump's opinion of women has been stated in many ways.
Trump is a completely disgusting example of a man.
Richard Watt (New Rochelle, NY)
A lot of these comments give Neanderthals a bad name.
Jenifer (Issaquah)
What were we expecting? That the grabber of women was somehow going to become a nice person? I don't know why he bothers with these events. His entire campaign and presidency has been about giving women the finger. HIS CONSTITUENTS LIKE IT!
Richard (Texas)
I can't understand how any self respecting woman would even want to be in the same room with this reprobate. He does not respect women. He does not like women. He is a predictor and a groper. I'm afraid I'd have to bathe after being anywhere near him. And this poor excuse of a man is the President of the United States. Truly disgusting.
njglea (Seattle)
Mike Pence remembered the "ladies" today as well. He and an ailing republican Senator cast the final two votes needed to leave Planned Parenthood financing up to States.

What an evil man. What a corrupt, evil group of mafia-style Robber Baron men have taken over OUR governments.

They are working fast to undo every social good since Teddy Roosevelt and FDR. Are WE going to allow them to continue? The Senate won't stop them until their 40+ year evil attacks on civil/human rights and democracy in America come to fruition. They're like rabid dogs.
patsy47 (bronx)
That's an insult to the mafia. They're better organized.
MNW (Connecticut)
As usual Trump continues to play it both ways.
Once again he wants to have his cake and eat it too.
Once again the Con Man finds his group of the moment to exploit and to bamboozle.
Once again he is into "grabbing" - this time for the attention of the sucker group.
Once again his hypocrisy is on full display.
Once again he "oils his way across the floor" to dance with the ladies.
Let us hope that once again he falls flat on whatever floor he happens to be standing upon as he spouts his usual self-centered drivel.

Once again he deserves only our disdain for the true phony he is and always will be.
Dump Trump.
Ed (Dallas, TX)
None of this matters as long as women continue to empower male chauvinists in the White House and Capitol Hill with their votes. What tangible results did the women's march in Washington produce? Unless the 2018 midterm elections show the results, then it was just another Washington.parade.
Dan W. (Newton, MA)
I am certainly no fan of Donald Trump and see little good in his Presidency. However, I would suggest to Ms. Collins that people who live in the NYT glass house should be extremely cautious about throwing stones. Of the 16 people on the editorial board, judging from their photographs, only one is African American and he is male. That adds up to 6% of the editorial board. African Americans are 13% of the national population and 23% of the population of NYC.
Sarah (Arlington, VA)
Dan, did you read this article at all?
It has nothing to do with the racial profile of the NYT editorial board, but all to do with the fact that women are a tiny majority in the administration of 45, despite the fact that we are the majority in this country.
Virginia Kallianes (NY, NY)
Obviously you missed the fact that this is satire. And it exposes the hypocrisy of Trump and his administration pretending to 'celebrate' women, while pushing policies that will harm the majority of women.
Paul (New Jersey)
Did his women's month agenda include firing of his female Deputy Chief of Staff or was he just winging it?
Very funny as usual, but I've moved on from women's issues to worry full time about the environment and war on science. This pathetic excuse for a president and his joke of a family is getting too much to bear.
Neil Robinson (Norman, OK)
Among the many reasons to dislike Mr. Trump is the fact that my daughter will inevitably have less opportunity in her life because of a charlatan; and that ignores the grabbing women by the private parts issue. I want to believe most men would take offense if a wife or daughter were grabbed by Mr. Trump, or anyone else. But we men voted for him in droves, so maybe we collectively really don't much care what happens to women?
Sue Mee (Hartford)
Hillary proves the point that being a woman does not qualify anyone to become president. I applaud President Trump for his wise choices regarding cabinet picks and his lack of necessity to virtue signal in order to put America First.
Rea Tarr (Malone, NY)
This is the first time, I believe, that anyone has managed to write a 40-word comment in The Times without one of them making a bit of sense.

Good job, Ms. Mee.
Emmy (SLC, UT)
"A Handmaid's Tale" is a cautionary story, not a How To book.
MTF Tobin (Manhattanville)
Gail, the Cabinet could get more women! A couple of Cabinet Secretary seats are vacant. Rex Tillerson and J. B. Sessions may not stay for very long. And Rick Perry may realize he humiliated himself by taking a job he wanted to eliminate.

Thank you for calling to mind Hillary Clinton, the first woman in the nation's history to get more than a tiny fraction of the national vote. She did, indeed, spend a year warning us what would happen if Donald Trump became President.

But as we 'remember the Ladies', no one should overlook the powerful impact of other women; most of their names are little-known (besides Susan Sarandon and Jane Sanders). These women devoted more than a year to convincing people there would be dire consequences if we made Hillary Clinton President. They quite pointedly did NOT spend a year warning us what would happen if Donald Trump became President.

The Trump Administration would not exist without their scorched-earth tactics. They used their votes, and their non-votes, to help end Hillary Clinton's electoral career. But at least a major precedent was set: A woman who gives 3 paid speeches will not get support from the far Left unless she releases transcripts of the speeches.

Remember those Ladies.
FashionistaMomDC (Washington, DC)
Gail, you missed my favorite 45 event for Women's History Month: He sent Ivanka and Betsy DeVos to talk to DC students at the National Air and Space Museum about careers in STEM. Right after he eliminated the NASA Office of Education.
Madam DeFarge (Boston)
We need to convince millennial women to vote!
We need to convince them that their power to vote is the single most crucial and effective way to ensure their future and the future of their female relatives and peers.
We need to convince them to fight for what really matters for their future. We need to make them fight for themselves and not appease the powerful men they see around them now. Vote for your rights now, and in the future. Or we will all go down together.
Independent (the South)
It is trickier than you think.

In this part of the country, women college students voted but they voted for Trump.
Madam DeFarge (Boston)
Why did those women college students vote against their own interests? I think that is a crucial question that must be explored in order to move forward.
What parts of themselves motivated their votes? Loyalty to their parents' political views? Cultural traditions? An aversion to confrontation? Appeasement of the men in their lives? Ignorance of the real issues that affect them? Simple peer pressure?
It's just confounding to me when voters vote, but against their own interests.
Virginia Kallianes (NY, NY)
Yes. All that you mention!
Barbara (California)
I came of age in the 1950s. Now as I approach my 8th decade I see we have come full circle. I have two daughters and a granddaughter, all highly intelligent and talented women. I shudder to think what is in store for them with these crazy old white men in charge. But, the ultimate betrayal is the stupid women who trot along with them. Shame on them.
TDW (Chicago, IL)
Crazy old men aren't the problem. Your daughters' and granddaughter's unconstrained sense of entitlement is the problem. This generation of women refuses to stand up and fight for anything. Nothing but a bunch of Ivanka wannabes. My grandmother, daughter of Swedish immigrants, who marched for women's suffrage is probably turning in her grave at the thought of these self described "liberated" women whinging about their self inflicted predicament.
mgaudet (Louisiana)
Trump's relies on women as merely eye-candy.
Frank (Durham)
I look forward to the compilation of the 20 volume publication of Trump's lies, exaggerations and fabrications when he stops being president The man is incorrigible and hopeless. He barely wins and he claims a landslide. He has minimum women representation in his cabinet and he brags that his cabinet is "full of women". He claims he has the best cabinet in history and he has put together a sorry bunch of incompetents. He makes accusations and then puts the blame on others. How could we have got to this situation?
Bystander (Upstate)
“'My cabinet is full of really incredible women leaders,' the president said, looking at the quartet."

Perhaps no one ever gave him any binders.
Marylee (MA)
The hypocrisy is beyond sanity.
JanerMP (Texas)
Of course I know who Susan B. Anthony is. Unlike Mr. Trump, I read and I study history.
Fledgister (Atlanta)
We should applaud Trump for his earnest desire to take this country into the third millenium.... BCE.
Linda (Oklahoma)
Trump wouldn't shake hands for the photo op with Angela Merkel, who is now the leader of the free world since Trump abdicated the US's job of being a bright and shining light. That tells you something about Trump's respect for women, that he wouldn't shake hands for a photograph of Merkel.
But he did shake hands with Abe of Japan when asked for a photo. He shook hands for 19 seconds. With Merkel--0.
Speaking of women, I heard Trump say of his wife that 'she was an accomplished woman'...(duh) Accomplished? What? She's one of the non-college educated, like most of his supporters, who modeled, many times in the nude. Guess her greatest accomplishment and fame that she's the 'accomplished' 3rd wife of Trump. She's no Susan B. Anthony and no role model for my daughters.
Kim (NYC)
Leave Melania out of it because she's non-political? Is that a joke? Mrs. Trump was an avid birther (look it up) and has done her part in promoting her husband's bigoted, anti-American agenda.
Lona (Iowa)
Melania Trump is nothing but high-priced arm candy. Useless as First Lady except as a shill for the lies.
Lee harrison (Kew Gardens)
Mrs. Trump has retired from public life. It is a wise decision on her part and we should do our part and have the decency to respect it.
Tom (Show Low, AZ)
If the GOP wants to reduce the costs for maternity care, no problem, put a limit on the number of children a couple might have to one, like China. If they have more, make them pay.
Old One (Tempe, AZ)
Hey Gail...let's get serious...history doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes...Gulnara Karimova as a role model for honoring women in state affairs....(less, of course, the apparently sad conclusion of Gulnara's career as First Daughter)
Sherr29 (New Jersey)
The fact that he's elevated his know nothing daughter to a position in which she sits in a meeting with Angela Merkel in an attempt to pretend that Ivanka is Merkel's equal is a slap in the face to all women of accomplishment who have worked long and hard attaining advanced degrees and worked in government.

I wish Merkel would just state --"Sorry, I am not discussing anything with this neophyte who is a beneficiary of nepotism while I am a woman of actual accomplishment and the head of a major country."
Mars & Minerva (New Jersey)
Unfortunately, after sitting down with Trump himself, the bar is so low that even his Daughter/Wife passes it.
rebecca1048 (Iowa)
Ivanka needs to be at home with her children instead of employing another woman and paying her pennies in comparison. There will be plenty of time for Ivanka to play diplomat, as soon as the children she brought into world are raised.
Mark Schlemmer (Portland, Ore.)
I love, love, love your writing. The iron fist in the velvet glove approach. Just one urgent request: take care to clarify that women deserve and are fighting for the health care right to "choose" and most are "pro-choice." Men that love women are also "pro-choice" not "pro-abortion." This battle over terms is very important and has been used by those who want to control women's health care options "for their own good" as a bludgeon to beat them into submission. Spread the word there are the NYT please. As for the claim that some are "pro-life" and others are not . . . . deeply, disturbingly wrong. Especially when you look at their politics.
FNL (Philadelphia)
Try not to throw the term "choice" around. Women finally have choice. It has been a long time coming but we - most of us - have a choice to refuse sex, to use birth control, to hold fathers accountable, to be single mothers or to put our children up for adoption without shame. Ending a life is more than a choice, it is a desperate decision with irreversible consequences and it is not the practice of a civilized society. When women and men take advantage of the responsible choices that should be available to them, the barbaric practice of abortion will no longer be necessary.
DR (New England)
FNL - I'm glad you support the use of birth control.
Rea Tarr (Malone, NY)
A clump of cells in the womb is not a live animal. I -- and a large number of friends and relatives over the course of many years -- have had abortions without a moment's feeling of desperation or worry about non-existent consequences.

Abortions will always be with us; always be necessary. And should always be our business. Poke your nose somewhere else, friend.
vandalfan (north idaho)
"Have you ever heard of Susan B. Anthony?"
"Who knew Lincoln was a Republican?"
"Who knew health care could be so complicated?"

That is what the Republicans think is appropriately informed leadership.
Independent (the South)
I always like it when Republicans claim they are the party of Lincoln.

For a hundred years after the Civil War the Confederate states voted for Democrats because they hated Lincoln so much.

It was only after Johnson ended segregation that the voters of Strom Thurmond and George Wallace began shifting to the Republican Party.

In Lincoln's time, the Republican Party was the progressive party. That ended around the time of Teddy Roosevelt.

If Lincoln were alive today, he would not be a Republican.
Doug Broome (Vancouver)
Susan B Anthony is an amazing lady leader, believe me.
Bruce (Panama City)
A selective misogynist, at times, during his campaign days, his metamorphosis into a caring person for the fairer sex, may not come as a surprise. Nonetheless, it seems extremely challenging for a news analyst and a passive spectator, to christen him as a capable administrator, given his capricious and, sometimes, contumelious inclinations. Some of his lady cabinet picks, among other things, generate adverse comments from seasoned political commentators, who wield certain influence in the minds of many passive spectators, who may or may not have all the facts laid out in front of them, to adjudge Trump as they observe him.

One has to wish Trump well, so America can succeed, but both his actions and deeds, somehow, keep creating bottlenecks, to forging ahead. For instance, a lot of time is consumed by his bickerings with the media, throwing temper tantrums like a toddler, and carping about non-existent wire taps, and illegal voter fraud in 2016 elections, despite his convincing electoral victory.

Furthermore, his injudicious use of certain language, and his inappropriate characterizing the healthcare plan as ''very easy'', are creating roadblocks for his progression into a sagacious POTUS. One only hopes he reforms and refines someday, and sees his way to saying wise things and making tough decisions, especially in front of women.
Arthur (NY)
At some point soon, highlighting the dishonesty and hypocrisy of the administration will become nothing more than preaching to the converted, hand that job down to the interns for basic maintenance. How about a column (or four) highlighting the profiles of women running for congressional seats in 2018, it's not too early to let people know they're out there or even start a draft campaign. Stopping this administration's harm to women's rights (and everything else) isn't going to come through critique, however well written, it's going to come through power, which will be up for grabs again in 20 months.
jan (seattle)
it is not the irony, it is the hypocrisy.
Len (Pennsylvania)
As always, Ms. Collins is right on the money.

The only thing Donald Trump wants to celebrate concerning women are their measurements (but they gotta be tens! according to our president.) So Spicer, the Minister of Propaganda, says that The Donald "made women's empowerment a priority throughout the campaign." Huh?

Holy Hypocrite, Batman!

What continues to be astonishing is the number of women who not only voted for this man but who still support him.
Jack (Boston, MA)
Gail - You wrote that none of the women in Trump's cabinet have superpower positions. While true I think we need to mention that Linda McMahon, co-owner of The World Wrestling Federation (or something similar to it), comes from a "superpower" organization. The fact that she bought her way onto the cabinet is an issue for another day.

With respect to Elaine Chao, the fact that her hubby is the handsomne Sen. Mitch McConnell, a fine southern gentleman, is not a bad qualification either.

Best regards,
/s/ Jack
Kim (NYC)
Good point. Three of those four women bought their way in, or had their husbands do it for them. What a joke this administration is. It mocks everything I loved about being American.
Dan Broe (East Hampton NY)
Mr Trumps Cabinet is almost exactly like that of Mr. Reagan. Only that was 36 years ago. In fairness, Reagan's first cabinet had only one woman. So there has been progress.
Dennis D. (New York City)
Trump, what a joke, a cruel sadistic joke. What was worse is to note that 53% of White Women voted for this chauvinistic jerk. How could they? How could anyone in fact vote for someone who has so insulted, verbally and physically abused women and claim the reasons they did was to bring back jobs? Who in their right mind is going to believe that? It has no credibility. President Obama brought back jobs, cleaned up George's W.'s mess, and never had to stoop to insulting people along the way to get it done.

I can come to no other conclusion than thinking White Women as well as White Men used voting for Trump as an excuse for their hate of our first Black President, and as affront to an equally uppity woman who wanted to succeed him. I know there will be shouts of outrage to the negative but for the life of me I cannot see one redeeming quality in Trump, and someone who does must have an ulterior motive for saying so. Making America great, again, just ain't gonna fly with this old curmudgeon.

Rea Tarr (Malone, NY)
I am presuming that the great majority of women who voted for Trump are married to men -- or partners, daughters, mothers, etc., of men -- who voted for him.

If you're voluntarily hanging out with a nincompoop who voted for Trump, then you've got to be pretty much of a nincompoop, too. No?
Erik (Gothenburg)
Well a big blame should be laid on all the white woman voting for this guy. How can they look themselves in the mirror? I know even more men voted for Trump - but my sex is obviously filled with really, really stupid people if history is a judge. Hillary Clinton, for all her flaws, would be at least a 500 times better president than the calamity sitting in the White House now.
Nate (London)
My guess is they spend quite a bit of time in front of the mirror. Life goals for Trumpettes: be hot so your husband will put another baby in you.
Steve Hunter (Seattle)
For trump women are akin to one of his gold plated faucets, baubles, not people.
rjon (Mahomet Illinois)
Melanie Trump is not and should not be fair game. Yes, leave her alone. But give her credit for not wanting to be involved in her ignoramus husband's desecrating politics and, frankly, for putting up with him--period. In ages past, some would have said "she's a saint."
JoshG (<br/>)
Melania Trump should be left alone just as Michelle Obama should not have been accused of being a man. His wife is hardly a saint; she appears utterly bored to death and isn't adult enough to even try to go along for what are extremely rare appearances considering her title. She is a very immature woman. Personally, I don't understand Trump's psyche needing his daughter and her husband around 24/7. It suggests to me that he lacks the emotional stamina for the job and needs "care". If this is the case, he is the wrong man for the job. And I also don't think that his daughter has any business being an unpaid government employee given how small and artificial her world is. She had exactly one hard, realistic interview during the whole campaign and stormed out. And Trump doesn't release his tax returns because he is not nearly as rich as he claims. That is the real reason, imho.
Jenifer (Issaquah)
The woman married Don Trump for his money. She has shown she is perfectly willing to debase herself on his behalf anytime he wants (see radio interview where she talks about how often she has intercourse with the man). She voted for him.

She is totally fair game and I'd love to tell her to her face.
rjon (Mahomet Illinois)
I said "in ages past." Otherwise, we thoroughly agree with each other, except that I don't see "suggestions" that he's not the right man for the job, I see clear evidence that he can't do the job. The problem is that we need better mechanisms for keeping such goons from getting the job, or, if they get it, better mechanisms for getting them out of the job, while respecting the balance of powers. We especially need to rethink the electoral college, as well as what happens when we have a dysfunctional Congress, also resulting in an imbalance of powers.
John Brews____ [*¥*] (Reno, NV)
"My cabinet is full of incredible women leaders". Well, 4 of 24 is "full" like his inaugural crowd filled Washington. As for "incredible", at least in Betsy's case he meant uncredible.
Jim B (California)
One point - Betsy DeVos has impeccable credentials to Trump. She's rich. How else could she be rich if she wasn't incredibly capable and competent? After all, she's rich just like Trump is rich, and both got their money the same way... through their incredible capablility and competence. And I mean "incredible" in the most literal way possible.
Rune (Norway)
“Have you heard of Susan B. Anthony?” is the sort of thing a man says when someone on his staff has just told him about the existence of Susan B. Anthony.
L (Lewis)
Trump tells women what they want to a drunk guy with a pick up line in a bar. Trump is just spouting this stuff to get his gal supporters to keep backing him.
Jim (Placitas)
Trump showing up at the Women's Empowerment Panel is like Wayne LaPierre showing up at a Sandy Hook memorial service. The difference being that Trump is so clueless he actually believes he is empowering women, whereas LaPierre would at least offer that arming teachers would have prevented such a tragedy.

As for Ivanka, she deserves whatever Ms Collins throws at her, but she can at least claim that she's helping out dear old, doddering Dad. What's Chao's, Haley's, McMahon's and DeVos's excuse? Why would any woman agree to serve in the cabinet of an avowed misogynist, a man whose grand plan targets women with the precision of a laser-guided public policy missile?

I get the importance of more women in positions of authority, but it's hard to wrap my head around being in a position of authority in support of the administration of a man with Trump's values.
Mark Guzewski (Ottawa, Ontario)
Trump blathering on about women's rights and empowerment? I just can't bear this anymore :-(
I need a trump-cation.
Mitch Gitman (Seattle)
I was looking forward to Trump saying something like “Susan B. Anthony is an example of somebody who's done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more, I notice."
D Price (Wayne NJ)
I don't know why any woman lowers herself by appearing in his presence.
jrj (NYC)
Perhaps he could "write" his next really really great book in honor of women: THE ART OF THE FEEL.
Claire (Voyant)
I think you mean the art of the grab.
Marilynn Bachorik (Munising, MI)
What's with Melania announcing that women's empowerment is her new project? Has she already fixed cyber bullying?
mjbarr (Murfreesboro,Tennessee)
How those women can sit on the same stage as him is amazing to me.
All he thinks about them is that they are a piece of meat.
Paul (Phoenix, AZ)
Ivanka's child care tax credit would extend to persons earning, get this, up to $500,000 per year!

Leave no millionaire behind!
scout (Canada)
"Failure to Appreciate Irony?"
On whose part?
Behind 45's speech all I can hear are the chuckles of those timeless supporters of women's right and irresistible ladies' men - Bannon and Miller.
Madam DeFarge (Boston)
Progressive women need to build a movement--one central movement speaking with one voice--dedicated to the permanent empowerment of women in business and American society.
We don't need little tweets and websites easy to set up and easy to abandon that fritter away energy and intent.
We need a powerful single movement that results in leverage.
We need to find out why some women voted for Trump and the Republicans against their own fundamental interests and the interests of their female offspring.
DR (New England)
They voted for Trump for the same reason that stupid men voted for Trump, either because they are bigots or because they desperately need someone to look down on and Republicans always offer an "other" for people to blame for all their problems.
Nate Levin (metro NYC)
I'm hoping we are in the beginning stages of a great period of mass activism of American women. But if I'm right, and the movement truly arises, it will undoubtedly have many voices and be riven by disputes and differences, as were the great women's movements of the past. Unity only comes from weakness and smallness. By all means, though, let it be as unified as possible.
Bets (<br/>)
I wish that Gail's deliciously ironic humor and the rage and desperation most (I hope) of the rest of us feel were the answer. Unfortunately, even calling attention to his appalling behavior is not going to accomplish anything. I too "came of age in the (very early) 50's". My father (!) brought up his daughters "to think, observe, discuss, debate, analyze". My sons are bringing up amazing, talented, intelligent, thinking women, and I too worry about the world they are entering.
Please read Madam DeFarge. Another thing we were taught - don't whine; do something about it.
jbk (boston)
Impeach the narcissistic sociopathic lying amoral imbecile. It's the only rational solution. He is, after all, an unregistered Russian agent.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Ks)
As much as I truly LOATHE the Donald, I refuse to bash Melania. There's a old saying: If you marry for money, you EARN it. Everyday.
Just imagine life with him. And marriage, and all the details.
Gross. Seriously.
Robert (Out West)
The thing is, these people really do think that a few shiny baubles, and the natives will go away content.

The sad part is, they may have a point. Trump's supporters will say "See? Look how nice he is with the ladies, you feminazis." The Berniacs, the Stein voters, the my way or nothing "leftists," will demand that we drop the girl stuff and talk about important things, like how Hillary cheated Bernie or "voted for Iraq."

And the news cycle will brush these outrages away, to clear the screen for the next outrage.
MNW (Connecticut)
As usual Trump continues to play it both ways.
Once again he wants to have his cake and eat it too.
Once again the Con Man finds his group of the moment to exploit and to bamboozle.
Once again he is into "grabbing" - this time for the attention of the sucker group.
Once again his hypocrisy is on full display.
Once again he "oils his way across the floor" to dance with the ladies.
Let us hope that once again he falls flat on whatever floor he happens to be standing upon as he spouts his usual self-centered drivel.

Once again he deserves only our disdain for the true phony he is and always will be.
Dump Trump.
Bob Laughlin (Denver)
I feel sorry for Melania and her son, she seems like a prisoner in a gilded tower. I can't blame her for not wanting to be around the so called man.
The rest of the klan I have no use for, the most empty hearted soulless group of humans I've seen since the last republican president.
Jody T (Tinton Falls, NJ)
Bob, I had that same twinge of sympathy once for Melania until it dawned on me & smacked me in the face.......she chose DT & sold her soul to the devil. I've not one bit of sympathy for her. Her gilded tower? I'm sure she's quite content there as well as with her multi-billion dollar lifestyle. I certainly don't think of her as a woman of higher thinking. What has she done? Plagiarize Michelle Obama? Sue because she missed her once in a lifetime opportunity for making millions of dollars in business opportunity? I really don't see her as a victim her to DT but more of a willing partner.
Kim (NYC)
Please. Save your pity for her husband's victims, of which there are many. This poor Melania bit gets to me. Melania is every bit the politician her husband is. I'll never forget her birther campaign against the Obamas. It was mean, hurtful and cruel, and hurt the Obamas who were stellar public servants. Especially cruel when you consider her own immigration history. I'm still waiting for that press conference announcing how everything was so up and up and therefore non-European ones could be thrown out.
Richard (Texas)
If this woman doesn't want to be around him, she leaves him. She won't do that because she's ever bit as useless and grafting as he is. They are both losers.
amp (NC)
Catherine I agree with you..."just not funny anymore". Trump is just a creep of the first order, the one superlative I will allow him. Recently I watched a re-run of the old "Barney Miller" series about the 12th precinct that covers the village. Two of the detectives brought in a crazy man who was trying to hold-up a grocery store to fund his presidential campaign. "Do you know how much an ad on TV costs these days, how hard it is to raise money?". Pure crazy guy shouting. One of the detectives, Sgt. Harris, noted lots of crazy people run for president and he listed some possibilities, one was the guy with the prematurely orange hair. Now who could he be referring to? New Yorkers had Trump's number 4 decades ago and it is tragic that too many in the rest of the country have yet to get what a crazy, scary dude, Trump is. Yes Catherine the thought of Trump makes me sick to my stomach too.
Gail, good luck at keeping it funny for 4 years, but I know you'll give it your best shot and I'll keep reading.
Jcaz (Arizona)
Spicer saying "women's empowerment was a campaign promise" made me laugh especially after his treatment of April Ryan this week. I'm guessing that if she had been a 6ft white guy, Sean wouldn't have been so nasty. Despicable cowards.
D Price (Wayne NJ)
Maybe they're still chafing that she didn't offer to set up a meeting between Trump and the Congressional Black Caucus.
Steve (SW Michigan)
Let's give a shout out to the bible on Womens Month:

"Unto the woman he (God) said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee."

Just so, in the eyes of our church going brethren, we know where women stand, especially the part about "ruling over thee."
DR (New England)
Yep. My sister is married to a bible thumping Republican. I've never recovered from hearing her explain why her husband is in charge of everything in their lives, including telling her she couldn't finish college.
October (New York)
"My cabinet is full of really incredible women leaders,” the president said, looking at the quartet."
Mr. Trump has a lot of issues with numbers and crowd size and hand size -- his idea and comments about the number of women in the cabinet fit perfectly with his delusion about the size of the crowd during his inauguration. The man is a pathological liar. He is now bringing his privileged daughter into the cabinet -- a 35 year old woman who has never really had to work a day in her life. She has nothing in common with most women in this country or men for that matter. Her father is a disgrace and has set women back (no matter how many jobs he gives her) in this country by about a hundred years - maybe more.
Sal (New Orleans)
@Gail Collins
Remember when we used to be able to laugh?
arp (Ann Arbor, MI)
It's all very frustrating to have such an intellectually impaired president. It is very difficult to be optimistic. Fortunately, I'm old enough to be gone soon.
Good luck, you joung'uns.
gsalehi2 (Mt Pleasant,SC)
The fact that 62 milion voted for Trump and Most of White women for him, tells a sad story about the absence of thinking on the part of voters. Therefore every article about Trump must start with his Charlatanism and being a Con Artist for all his life! So the people get into right frame of mind when they are reading! Like you appoint Don Corleone to presidency!
mrmerrill (Portland, OR)
Clever. It would have been nice if Ms Collins had actually inserted something meaningful in lieu of "tongue-in-cheek" delivered with a sidelong glance and a sigh.
Slann (CA)
" Presidential relatives who don’t mess in politics are off bounds."
Says who? It appears EVERYONE in the so-called president's family is "messing" with politics. What on earth qualifies his daughter to be included in meetings with foreign heads of state? Does anyone really believe she will NOT be a conduit of information to the so-called president's sons and their business "associates"? What's clear is the very real, palpable sense of pretense. It would appear these "newsy" moves are more per-meditated distractions, pulling attention form the russia issue, but, within that, there's a tendency to look beyond the moves themselves, which is dangerous.
The Kushners seem to be acquiring quite a bit of power within the WH. We don't know them. I don't trust them.
As for Melania, "I'm hearing" she may be on the way out. Putin may have made a selection for Number Four.
Jackie (of Missouri)
I'm surprised he showed up for Women's Empowerment and is shrugging off throwing the first pitch for the Nationals. On the other hand, since his actions have been so retrograde regarding women, maybe he is doing women's empowerment a lot of good. No woman I know wants to go back to slaving away in the kitchen, and barefoot and pregnant with her fifteenth child.
Slann (CA)
No surprise he didn't want to face a crowd he didn't "engineer" to be full of his toadies. "But those aren't boos, they were saying "yuge"."
Susan H (SC)
He probably never learned how to throw a ball! Doesn't want to be embarrassed.
J. Colby (Warwick, RI)
The man who would have presided over defunding Planned Parenthood and would have eliminated maternity care from the list of required services in his health care plan, had it passed, asks attendees at the White House Woman's Empowerment meeting if they have heard of Susan B. Anthony. Stunning? Doesn't she date Fredrick Douglas?
Robert Allen (California)
What a joke. You forgot to mention the Freudian slips in old talk show interviews with the Donald and Ivanka. How can anyone sit watching Fox news and gush over this lout. I am not one to call people names and be mean in general but this guy is an idiot.
Pondweed (Detroit)
Persist. Resist. Those are the words Susan B. Anthony would be chanting today with the rest of us.
Charles Kaufmann (Portland. ME)
Our National Embarrassment naming Susan B. Anthony without demanding to "lock her up," belittling her looks or remarking that she must be bleeding somewhere is most certainly a sign that the Man With the Incurious Mind is transforming himself into Our Great Leader. Gosh! Coming next: The Ivanka Trump line of Abigail Adams pumps and Sarah Moore Grimké eye shadow.
Marlene Autio (Canada)
45 is supposed to hire 500 people. Instead he hands 12 job positions to Jared. Really? 40 aged men discussing women's health. Where on earth was Nancy? This government is a joke. 45 won't even throw the first baseball of the season. He would probably be booed. This government is so disorganized. Even though Hilary made mistakes, don't they all, but I surely think she would have been much better than this. That's just my thought.
democritic (Boston, MA)
According to Mr. Spicer, " Trump had “made women’s empowerment a priority throughout the campaign.”

Mr. Spicer, I believe you mean "Trump had “made women’s degradation a priority throughout the campaign.”

Somehow it worked, and 30% of Americans *want* to be in an abusive relationship.
what me worry (nyc)
Only one conclusion from all of this. Ivanka Trump Kushner will run for president in the future!! (With Chelsea Clinton Mezvinsky as her V-P.
Miss Anne Thrope (Utah)
Ms. Collins - Please!! Use the term, "a woman's right to choose", not "abortion rights"! We cannot control the narrative until we stop allowing the Regressives to define the terms!
Dr. C (<br/>)
Or simply Reproductive Rights!
JBLin (WA)
Seriously - "pro-abortion" and "abortion rights" are propaganda terms started by the right in the 1980's. We need to stop the use of these terms and only use the one that matters: pro choice!
Trump "Cares" for Women (Michigan)
"This is one of the reasons that pictures of White House decision-making resemble a meeting of the Freemasons." Pure gold!

But aren't you being a little tough on the so-called president, Gail? Trump DOES care for women. Unfortunately, what he cares about was pretty clearly revealed in the Access Hollywood tape.
Lawrence (Washington D.C.)
Lets hope that the old adage "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" holds true in the coming elections.
Maureen (NYC)
The man is hateful, ignorant and totally incompetent. His daughter has been hired to babysit him. They need her to manage his ego and worst impulses, which is basically a 24/7 job as there is zero evidence he has any kind or intelligent impulses. There are many experienced and qualified people he could have hired as an advisor. He didn't do that. Ivanka is completely lacking in relevant experience. She is only there to handle her deranged father. To me it seems like an admission by his administration that he is incompetent and unfit for office. If a 70 year old man can't do his job without his unqualified daughter at his side there is a problem. None of this is normal and it shouldn't be forgotten.
Elizabeth (Roslyn, New York)
Since Inauguration Day we have witnessed what I hope to be the last stand of the old white male in America. Trump and his old fogies have spent their entire lives using America for personal enrichment and power. As each year passes, the chances of being able to continue the rape and pillage of America grows dimmer.
The masses want greater equality, good paying jobs, health for themselves and their families. They know that population demographics are not on their side.
Just as in a rape case, it is no longer acceptable to blame the victim and get away with it.
Trump is sooo the Ugly American. Trump and his cabal of Bannon, Sessions, McConnell, Nunes et al have us looking on in horror as they openly flaunt laws, destruct justice and accumulate more money.
Not only women but all Americans need to be empowered to take back our country, our freedoms, our equality and justice for ALL.
kathleen cairns (san luis obispo)
Alice Paul would do more than picket. She'd organize the marches, wear the pink hats and even go to prison for her cause!
Will (NYC)
Donald Trump's favorite lady of them all: Jill Stein!
ASW (Emory VA)
Thank you Gail. During the campaign I noticed that Trump never once mentioned his mother. His childhood centered exclusively on what his father taught him and gave him. Also, in all the articles about his children, they never once mentioned their mothers. Did any of them have mothers? Or were they all cloned from Papa Trump?
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Spontaneous combustion
Independent Thinker (CT)
Our stunted so-called "President" with his limited fifth-grade vocabulary and endless buffoonery has rendered me nearly speechless - thus, every day I find myself resorting to the same three words: What an idiot.
Julie Hazelwood (England)
Reading this article brings up in me a massive feeling of rage mixed with
hysterical laughter.
Who in the world does this old man think he is?
rosa (ca)
Everyone forgets that it was this country, the USA, that wrote the Constitution for Japan after WW2.... and, that that Constitution made females utterly and absolutely EQUAL under the Law.

We did that.
We did that over 70 years ago.

Now we have elected an admitted sexual abuser and molester who's goal is to dismantle the "administrative state" so that he and his merry band of looters can get fabulously richer by looting everything we have worked so hard for.

Or, maybe Trump and Pence and Ryan and Mitch and all the Little Looters are simply what we deserve. We've learned nothing in all these decades, including how to spot a snake-oil huckster who despises women.

That's how it is with abusers: Up the Abuse.
Planned Parenthood will go.
Roe will go.
Maternal care will go.
Pediatric care will go.

We are now a "Banana Republic".
The men AND women of this country have chosen that.
Our Great Allies are Saudi Arabia and Russia.

About a month ago the Duma in Russia voted to get RID of laws that make "spousal abuse" a crime.
Those laws interfered with a Man's Right to be the Head of the Household.
Those laws interfered with his "authority".

That's what will come after PP and Roe are gone.

"Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it."

I know that after WW2 that it was the United States that made the Japanese women utterly equal under law...
.... and that this country will NEVER allow women to be equal in this land.

The Great Dismantling has begun.
mary (Phoenix)
A woman is seen by Trump much as one sees a beach ball. Beautiful and bouncy. That's it.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Ks)
Ivanka is the " spokesmodel " for Big Daddy. She's adding her perfect smile, golden locks and well spoken voice to his " administration ". She's also wheeling and dealing, ensuring a never stream of cash, for all the Trumplings. In her official advisory capacity, of course. Politics, and the office, are secondary. This " presidency" is a huge money making operation, for the entire family. The PERFECT con. All we're all the marks.
MIMA (heartsny)
Thank you Gail, for picking up on the Melania award to women whose countries have been named as part of Donald's ban!

If that doesn't take the cake. Strutting honor, but saying we don't accept people from your country.

Truth is, these two have no idea what "history" is composed of. Just another day to show up and maybe Donald can get a laugh or two.........over women.
Bruce (Panama City)
Once christened as a selective misogynist, Trump is seen extolling his women cabinet members. How fascinating! As a contumelious character, he seems to revel also in receiving standing ovations, and accolades, as tokens of his thunderous speeches(?). And then comes the AHCA. Out, go the preventive health services coverage in his plan.

His daughter Ivanka gets a nod for an unpaid WH job, as an alleged champion of women's cause, and Jared Kushner is spearheading a senior advice. What could ever go wrong, Mr. POTUS? Jokes apart, many political analysts are increasingly becoming cynical about his governing abilities, exemplified by less than stellar selections for his cabinet post, barring a few exceptions.

His occasional loquacity in closed gatherings may not always wash. Nevertheless, he makes unprecedented statements, very frequently, about wire taps, and popular votes, as if he was given the short end of a stick. His querulous queries about non-existent surveillance must go away at all costs.

Finally his Russian roulette has to stop. Somebody ought to put some sense into his head, and that ain't gonna be Mike Pence.
Slann (CA)
Sense? That would be a wasted effort. Perhaps something else.
Carrie Goode (Gilbert, AZ)
Gail, I used to be able to laugh when reading your columns. I used to be able howl when watching the Daily Show. I can't laugh anymore. It's all too depressing and downright frightening. It's like watching a plane crash in slow motion as our country, and everything I always thought it stood for, goes down the drain.
Snowflake (NC)
In honor of Women's History Month, let us not forget the courage of Summer Zervos. A former contestant from The Apprentice, she sued Trump in New York on Jan. 17. In October, she accused Trump of kissing and groping her in a Beverly Hills hotel room in 2007. Trump's attorneys are trying to use the same supremacy clause that President Clinton tried to use (Clinton's case went to the Supreme Court and they denied him). Would that more women would have the courage to come forward.
Brad (NYC)
Gail, I do think Melania is fair game. Young children are off limits (Barron didn't choose his abomination of a father) but Melania did.

And is there any doubt she is the worst First Lady in American history? A shallow, dull, narcissistic woman like her husband who has threatened to sue those who diminish her ability to cash in on her new status. A woman who is happy to spend tens of millions of taxpayer money so she doesn't have to live in the same house as her repulsive husband while maternity care is taken away from the women who clean it for her.

She should google Marie Antoinette. Or have one of her assistants do it for her.
Wezilsnout (Indian Lake NY)
Come on, Gail. Give Trump a break. It's been reported that he plans to name Mrs. Frederick Douglass to his cabinet. But only in order to get Mr. Frederick Douglass' endorsement in 2020.
larochelle2 (New York, NY)
SNL was spot on with their faux Invanka perfume commercial, "Complicit." She spouts her patronizing female empowerment nonsense while her father and his noxious minions are attempting to turn the clock back 50 years...or more. It's particularly nauseating; for this administration that's saying a lot.
Big Daddy (Phoenix)
How disgusting. This creep who admittedly committed sexual assault on tape stands before a group of women and utters such things.
T. Geiselman (NJ)
The true celebration of women can be seen in the those protesting and reaching out for change. That contingent seems to be the largest one in the current anti-Trump movement. Last night I was at a public hearing by our local utility company that plans to construct high tension electric wires/towers in backyards for a 10 mile stretch. Who were the ones with petitions and pamphlets - the housewives and mothers. Who else? Women know when they're being cheated and they aren't complacent. That is truly something to celebrate.
Marcia (Texas)
Yes, Gail.
My own take is that ... we women have been wielding power for centuries, quietly, with dignity, no matter what Those Who Officially Hold the Title say or do. This president is one of many who do not, will not, ever understand us and how we have managed to move humanity forward these years. We teach our daughters. They know. We are the engine of change, do doubt about that.
And we will endure.
Mark Schlemmer (Portland, Ore.)
That is an interesting theory. However look at your State of Texas and the utter buffoons who control it from top to bottom. You can comfort yourself that "We are the engine of change, do doubt . . . " but what are you doing, and teaching your children, about achieving power to make actual lives better? Is Greg Abbott really who you want at the top?
Marcia (Texas)
Mark from Oregon: No, of course not. In spite of this Republican control in macho Tejas, women are working slowly and surely, every day. Including my daughters. They walk their talk. Don't assume everyone here feels this way. Change is coming on the public front, it always does ... but my comment was about how we women will always, always achieve our goals. And, with dignity, together.
Madam DeFarge (Boston)
If you teach your daughter to keep her opinions to herself, you are working against her interests as a citizen of the United States.
Silence is not dignified. It is giving up. It is acquiescence.
Dignity is showing courage and standing up for yourself because nobody else is going to do it for you.
They don't understand us because we've have been far too quiet. Tell your daughter to stand up and make it clear to the powerful that she too is part of humanity and should be heard.
C. Morris (Idaho)
"The theme for the White House women’s celebrations appears to be Failure to Appreciate Irony. "

Old adage: 'Fascists know no irony."
WMK (New York City)
Susan B. Anthony would have been a pro-life advocate if she was living today. She believed in the equality of women but she would never have approved of Planned Parenthood performing abortions. She certainly would have been appalled at this barbaric practice.
jb (ok)
Please cite your source.
And you know this because?
PrairieFlax (Grand Island, Nebraska)
Do you have any proof of that?
Edgar (New Mexico)
History will not treat Trump well. Women's History will be brutal with him.
coale johnson (5000 horseshoe meadow road)
may i say one tiny thing about hillary? i hope she stays out of the limelight.... anything she says or does will allow them to change the subject to how bad she is/was. has anybody else noticed that the repubs seem lost without a real national villain? if she comes back this will change. most of us do not fall for such stupidity but trump's base and a lot of other people that voted for him do.
please hillary stay out of the way for all of our sakes.
Marilynn Bachorik (Munising, MI)
I agree that they do seem lost without Clinton to abuse, so they keep going back to President Obama.
Regarding Hillary--personally I feel like she's already "given at the office." I'd like to see her enjoy a fulfilling and happy retirement, only making speeches to groups she supports. Love the woman and wish her happiness.
Occupy Government (Oakland)
Russian and Republican propaganda have done a job on Hillary. And this contributes to it.
ACJ (Chicago)
What I so miss about President Obama he is a genuine class act---you might have issues with his policies, but when he came into the room, you felt you were in the presence of the President of the United States. Trump, will always be Trump when he enters the room, a scam artist. Deep down, Trump knows this---the more he tries to act like a President, the more unpresidential he appears.
Marilynn (Las Cruces,NM)
Just as "Sicey's" daily presser has become a spin-off show of DT's media network, the women of the Trump Network put on occasional Special Presentations. They are playing roles that require complicity, fealty and sticking to the script. If you don't, banishment with shame. When you "make a deal" w/ DT it's always win/lose. His chattels are vested.
Amelie (Northern California)
The only thing Trump cares about, ever, is Trump. There are no issues. There is only Trump. The Cabinet secretaries are hired help. Melania is under contract. He cares about Ivanka only because he sees her as an extension of himself. His world exists only of Trump.
MIMA (heartsny)
Maybe Donald should have a word with his stooge Sean Spicer about another hard working woman, April Ryan. Or maybe Spicer is just taking Trump's lead.

An American press secretary demanding a female journalist to stop shaking her head during a press conference will go down in my American Woman History book. I was watching the press conference in real time. I felt abused myself in my living room as Spicer spat his words out to April Ryan. She sat there, I am sure, shocked. But I wish she had gotten up and walked out. Some women say she "went high" when he went low, but no woman need ever be publicly abused and sit there and take it, ever.

Seems like Spicer has caught on to the Trump way of treating women. Shut them up, while trying to use humor to cover classlessness.
Andy (Salt Lake City, UT)
Don't we have an anti-nepotism law? I believe it states:

"A public official may not appoint, employ, promote, advance, or advocate for appointment, employment, promotion, or advancement, in or to a civilian position in the agency in which he is serving or over which he exercises jurisdiction or control any individual who is a relative of the public official."

What are his family even doing? Well, what are they doing aside from making real estate deals with China, meeting with Russian officials, and promoting fashion brands? They are receiving a federal pay check, right? Therefore, I have to believe their job description and salary are public information. FOIA anyone?
Sarah D. (Monague, MA)
They're establishing a monarchy, so they don't need to bother with all that piffle.
Marilynn Bachorik (Munising, MI)
Word of law means nothing to Trump and his ilk.
S. Claudette Harper (Irvine CA)
I believe you are incorrect, Andy. D Trump's daughter and son-in-law do not receive federal paychecks. However, the family is costing US taxpayers a bundle in secret service protection, as they fly all over our planet doing business deals while their dad runs away from DC every weekend to one of his resorts.
Chas Cowing (New York, NY)
Unfair to Masons! Granted, no women, but at least we have diversity!
Bigsister (New York)
The consummate ladies' man - at least in his own small mind.
Anuska (Columbia, MD)
I don´t know why I am laughing, dear Gail. I cry whenever I think of that con man, three time adulterer saying he admires and respects women. And I cry about those women without dignity or self respect that voted for him.
Alice M (Texas)
The so-called President is a constant reminder to those of us who know little girls who have been sexually abused as children, who watched their abusers get a hand slap because they were minors (15), and now must watch while this disgraceful man-child makes this type of behavior "OK". The little girls who will grow into young women and who may begin to think that maybe they were at fault, not the abuser.

This administration will have repercussions far beyond our health care and our salaries - it will reach into our daily interactions with boys and men at personal and professional levels. Those who decry the implementation of Sharia Law are secretly hoping the parts of the law dealing with women and "their place" are successful. Shame on him, and shame on us if we allow this abomination to succeed. Keep writing Gail, we need your voice.
FNL (Philadelphia)
A woman ran for president on a major party ticket in 2016. That woman did not win because she ran a narrogant, negative, flawed campaign that failed to persuade hearts and minds in the states where she needed them. This despite the fact that she was " the smartest, most experienced person to ever run for president". Is this a commentary on all women? On all democrats? Not in the 21st century. We are not living in the time of Elizabeth Cady Stanton or Abigail Adams even if Ms Collins would like to think that we are. It would appear that Ms. Collins doesn't count Ms Haley or Ms DeVos as women because they are not liberal. Thanks to the work of the feminist movement Americans are ready to judge people (for better or for worse) on the content of their character and their accomplishments without any bias for gender or political party. I suggest that Ms Collins catch up.
SK (Minneapolis area)
Since Trump brought up Susan B. Anthony and Abigail Adams it's fair game for Collins bring them into the discussion.
Rose (NY)
Why does it always seem when 45 talks about women, there's a mocking tone in his voice? Like it's all a big joke. Hardy har har, We just love the ladies!
SK (Minneapolis area)
Exactly. His actions, behavior and rhetoric say it all: women are inferior beings to be used and exploited by men. You only need look at his comments about his daughter to Howard Stern. Saying it was okay for Stern to call Ivanka "a piece of ass?" A father who respects his daughter would punch this idiots lights out, so to speak. But not Trump, he sees his daughter as a trophy and therefore an extension of himself. The man is the definition of a mysogonist.
Leonardo (USA)
How a supposedly smart and modern woman like Ivanka could enable her father as President is beyond me. But then, she likes to hang out with some questionable Ukrainians.
Marilynn Bachorik (Munising, MI)
Quintessential daddy's girl.
Frank Correnti (Pittsburgh PA)
Yes, Gail, Susan B. Anthony's profile graces the $1.00 coin that was so close to the size of the Quarter ($.25) coin that buses and streetcars that still had fare boxes would ony recognize the face of Susan B. Anthony if she was looking at the driver rather than away.

I always loved that coin. Thanks for including her in your entertaining report. I could not but laugh :)
proffexpert (Los Angeles)
Trump spouts platitudes at the Women's Empowerment Panel, and then works with Ryan to defund Planned Parenthood. Simultaneously, he disparages Obamacare, trying to scare insurers out of the market, thus depriving single parent families of affordable healthcare on two fronts. A more evil person has never been President of our country.
SHS (Atlanta, GA)
Trump and the rest of his mostly male Republican retinue, who apparently would follow him lock-step over a cliff, never noticing or caring that Trump has a safety net and they don't, must not love -- or even like -- their spouses and children and other female friends and family members. Everything Trump, his Cabinet, and the Republican Congress Critters are doing is designed to hurt female spouses now -- to keep them in "their place" -- and to hurt children now and later.

How do Trump, his cabinet and Republican Congress Critters hate and work to inflict as much damage as possible on more than half the population of our country? Let me count [just a few of] the ways:
1. Trying to de-fund Planned Parenthood which provides so many primary care health services to women of all ages and socio-economic backgrounds.
2. Trying to eliminate the National Free and Reduced Price School Meals Program
WalterZ (Ames, IA)
Yesterday on C-SPAN I watched the First Lady give out awards for women of courage. They were from all over the world and their stories were heartbreaking and inspiring. I haven't seen mention of this anywhere in the MSM.
Fred (Up North)
John Grillo (Edgewater,MD)
"Empower Women"... while destroying Mother Earth! Trumpian hypocrisy has broken through the stratosphere, well on the way to the Black Hole. "Alternative Facts" indeed.
Easy Goer (Louisiana)
You are so correct; especially the last paragraph of your article. In fact, I would bet in a heartbeat Susan B. Anthony would not only be picketing (Trump). As a true activist, she would do all within her power (short of violence) for this cause in the US.

Today, one needs to look no further than Sharia Law, and even Hebrew Orthodox religions (for example) and how women of these faiths are treated.

It was a much harder world for women then, and she is (possibly) the single most important woman in the last 2 centuries to raise awareness and knowledge of the masses to all the suffering and humiliation endured by women.

Let us not forget the bulk of her tireless work was done well over 100-150 years ago (she died in 1906).
So "Ivanka has been pushing Congress for a big child care tax deduction... giving most of the benefit to families that need it the least." Would we expect anything different from a Trump?
susan (manhattan)
Donald Trump loves women so much he wants to defund Planned Parenthood.
Kim (NH)
The Ladies are one up on people of color with him, Lack of Black History month at the WH was appalling; ending in his embarrassing impromptu speech wherein he mentioned heck of a job, he's doing this Frederick Douglass - we should def put him on our Cabinet... at least he knew that Susan B was dead ....
MJ2G (Canada)
Just another day at the funny farm.
Sheldon Bunin (Jackson Heights, NY)
During the capaign women fell into 2 catagories, Dogs and pigs and “10's” If a woman was not at least a “9" she was in the former group. Now there are 2 different categories. Multi-millionaires and billionaires and conservative women who serve as window dressing for an administration which is in reality as family business and a mon and pop shop where mon and the daughters are all 10s.
Ann (Dallas)
"We are leaving the first lady alone."

I agree. Let everyone contrast the way that liberals are treating her (some feminists have rightly applauded her for refusing to do an unpaid job) versus the way she would have been treated by conservatives were she the wife of a Democratic President.

We are nicer, more compassionate, and more decent than they are.
Tom S. (NY)
Conservatives' treatment of First Lady Michele Obama earned them no plaudits. Or, do you not read or follow any of the sewage the right wing propagandists put out?
arrower (Arvada, Co)
The treatment of Michelle Obama was a disgrace. Don't you read facebook? Racist, misogynistic, vile. As bad if not worse than that for her husband. I won't soon, if ever, forgive republicans for that.
SCZ (Indpls)
Loved the way Trump kissed and hugged every single woman on the podium. Yes, it was just a social kiss and hug, but under those professional circumstances, it was patronizing. Trump isn't presidential or professional.
rebecca1048 (Iowa)
Hillary should be caring for her grandchildren like many of the other grandmothers in rural areas where employee family care centers do not exist. She would soon figure out she has been selling an unfunded bunch of baloney.
Annie Dooley (Georgia)
I gave up on electing women to office or demanding they be appointed when God created Republican women. I'd sooner have a progressive male in any office than one those creatures.
Godfrey (Nairobi, Kenya)
Why couldn't Romney just offer Trump his binder full of women? It may have been so much easier to fill the room. After all, didn't Romney say that his binder was also full of amazing women?
Rod (Oregon)
His never-ending parade of hypocrisy is amazing really. How can someone consistently be such a hypocrite so completely?
Robert Bott (Calgary)
There was an interesting photo this week of Trump signing the order trashing climate regulations--all white males around him, no women or people of color. Was March also Planet History Month (as in "Hey Earth, you're history!")? Where was Ivanka when we needed her?
Tom Hayden (Minnea)
DT's unabashed inconsistencies, contradictions, flip-flops and ironies must make Romney jealous: at least Mitt was sensitive, even prickley about his own lane changes. Still I blame Romney for pushing that envelope sooo far...that DT could take root.
sonnet73 (bronx, NY)
Irony, struck absolutely dead almost immediately by this administration, is now being stomped on.
Jack Nargundkar (Germantown, MD)
“This was a guy, you’ll remember, who used to praise Planned Parenthood for its work promoting women’s health.”

Isn’t it sad how freewheeling, wild oats-sowing males, who are all for abortion and Planned Parenthood in their “personal Vietnam” days turn into these ultra conservatives as they grow older and less wiser? For Trump becoming less wise is scary, especially now that he is president. But at least he won’t “able to grab women by their private parts” in the Oval Office as Bill Clinton’s impeachment pretty much ruled that out for future presidents.
Wendy17 (NJ)
It is infuriating to see this misogynistic excuse for a man laud women. But worse is seeing the women who flank him in support. I think sexism is so deeply ingrained in people that even women often diminish its significance. I often wonder how different our world would be if women, deep in their core, truly valued themselves and other women on par with men. In such a world I'm quite sure we'd have a different President.
Diana (Centennial)
It is painful to see Hillary Clinton speak with such clarity and intelligence and think of what might have been, and what is. Trump respects women just about as much as I respect him, which is not at all.
To have a misogynist such as Trump pay lip service homage to women is an affront. It actually turns my stomach. Trump and his Party are doing everything they can to take away hard won women's rights, from control over our bodies to equal pay.
I despair for my granddaughters coming of age with Trump as our President. Everything that women worked so hard for, for so very long to attain, is on the table to be taken away, and the sad thing is that women helped to bring us to this point. Those women should be embarrassed and ashamed.
ch (Indiana)
Ivanka would be a better president than her father. I watched a few seasons of The Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice and her comments as her father's assistant were really insightful. She has to live in her father's shadow, but she is really smart and capable in her own right.
Nedra Schneebly (Rocky Mountains)
@ch: Trump didn't raise Ivanka. All the credit goes to Wife Number One, who The Donald dumped.
FunkyIrishman (This is what you voted for people (at least a minority of you))
The young and dynamic leader of Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau answered, when asked why his cabinet included 50% women ;

'' Because it is 2017 ''
reader (Maryland)
Other than Obama I don't recall any other cabinets both (D) and (R) in recent history that had more than 3-4 women. Why single out Trump? this is a wider problem.
Jackie (of Missouri)
Here's why. Obama had at least eight women in positions of power. Bush II had six. Clinton had six. And these were positions of power that were given to women, not because the women were pretty, or tokens, or window-dressing, or gave tons of money to the GOP, or because they could be counted on to undermine the smooth running of their departments, but because they were smart and capable. We are talking about power-positions such as Secretaries of State, Attorney Generals, Secretaries of the Interior, Secretaries of Commerce, Secretaries of Agriculture, Secretaries of Labor, Secretaries of Health and Human Services, Secretaries of Housing and Urban Development, Secretaries of Transportation, Secretaries of Energy, Secretaries of Education, and Secretaries of Homeland Security. The only positions that women haven't held are as the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of Veteran's Affairs, and it's only a matter of time before we do. But it won't happen under the Trump Administration.
jrj (NYC)
He then set off on a quick march through women’s history, with shout-outs to Susan B. Anthony (“Have you heard of Susan B. Anthony?”), Harriet Tubman and “the legendary Abigail Adams.”

I watched in amusement as Trump's eyes darted to the teleprompter during the above quote. His eyes betrayed a lack of comprehension as he spoke. He once again speaks about history as would a 1950's dull child in grade school trying to learn some names for an upcoming test, after which he can then forget it totally.

The hypocritical ignorance of this man always astounds me.
IndyAnna (Carmel, iN)
Trump's greatest skill is the ability to say one thing while doing the exact opposite. It's cognitive dissonance to be "pro-life" and yet want to take away maternity benefits. To want to take away women's control over their bodies while claiming he “made women’s empowerment a priority throughout the campaign.”

And how can these women allow themselves to be trotted out like a Barbie doll collection as proof of his administration's commitment to women? They are just enablers.
njglea (Seattle)
Imagine. The wife of the groper-in-chief talking about women's rights. Gag me with a spoon.
Anders (Spain)
Well, Trump recently forgot all about a very important lady - Mother Nature.
Don Shipp, (Homestead Florida)
It would have been much more "Tweetable" "and in some ways ideologically appropriate, had Donald Trump "shouted out" to Victoria Woodhull, the first woman to run for president. She was an advocate of "free love", and shared an apparent affinity with Donald Trump for someone he "noticed". Woodhull chose Frederick Douglass as her vice-presidential running mate. She would certainly have agreed with Trump's assessment, "Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who's done an amazing job and is someone who is getting recognized more and more, I notice".
Elizabeth Bennett (Arizona)
The "Women's Empowerment Panel" was a non-event if I ever heard of one. Trump's sick need for publicity in everything he does should perhaps be treated by denying him a write-up. While the attempt to treat the occasion was a brave attempt at irony, this man defies efforts to make his missteps funny.
Kris (<br/>)
It appears that things have not changed very much since John Adams' day.
Julia (Indiana)
I think it's all just horrible right now. The only thing worse than the videotape and his personal remarks about women (including rating them physically) is the fact that he claims to honor and respect them. Or yet again perhaps it's knowing that so many people voted for him.

Perhaps the silver lining will be that younger women and men will take notice of his archaic mentality (and the age, appearance, mindset, and abilities of his cabinet) and advocate for equal rights for ALL, including healthcare and equal pay. There were many young faces, including men and women, in the women's march. Let's not forget that men as well as women are hurt by all of this.

Maybe all of this horror will end with hope and change.
betty sher (Pittsboro, N.C.)
When one pays the sums of money for Child Care, that the Trump son/daughter pay for THEIR child care, it is quite apparent WHY Ivanka would push for this TAX relief, and WHY DT will push it through.
carllowe (Huntsville, AL)
President Trump has a pretty obvious relationship to the cause of women's rights, health and safety: Roadblock.
pkbormes (Brookline, MA)
I've nothing to say except "when will this nightmare be over"?
poslug (cambridge, ma)
Putting women of lesser qualifications, experience and education in positions of power is a way of putting down women. See it all the time in the corporate world.
LaylaS (Chicago, IL)
Clare (NY)
It certainly explains Carly Fiorina.
MEM (Quincy MA)
The only ladies Trump remembers are those he groped, although it is doubtful he could remember all of them.
Wanda (Kentucky)
I have no issue with Melania, except for this: both she and her husband should show some personal responsibility and if she doesn't want to live in that nice free house the taxpayers provide, the taxpayers shouldn't be footing the bill for her choices about where she and Baron live.
Ramesh G (California)
Enough voters were swerving to avoid Hillary Clinton, not because of but despite her being a woman, to drive America into the ditch of Donald Trump
terri (USA)
I suppose its fitting that the most Powerful woman in Trump's misogynist administration, Ivanka, works for no pay.
LaylaS (Chicago, IL)
Not anymore. Now she's going to be paid as a civil servant, at our expense, and I'm sure at a pay grade far higher than she's worth.
terri (USA)
Layla: She is taking no pay in her position as "assistant advisor" to the President.
Dan (Delaware, OH)
Trump should host a panel discussion featuring Susan B Anthony and Frederick Douglas.
Lynda (Gulfport, FL)
I wonder where the "empowered" women of Congress were at the Trump event? Guess those few Republican female officeholders just have too many photo ops and press conferences where they are trotted out as tokens to gamely smile at the men in power to make it to one more event at the White House.
rawebb (Little Rock, AR)
This is all too easy. The basic fact to remember is that we elected him.
fouroaks (<br/>)
In our defense, Putin and Comey helped.
Yeah. You're right. That he was a candidate is hardly less damning than that he was elected.
He is history's judgment on the American character.
Nedra Schneebly (Rocky Mountains)
@rawebb: No, "we" didn't.
Sky (CO)
You want Melania to be off-limits, and I would agree that she has chosen to absent herself from the current politics, except that she is costing us so much just to stay away from the Donald, that I have to question. I believe we all sense something unhappy there, and she may be suffering from abuse (verbal, emotional, and otherwise) just living with the guy. But if that's the case, let's get it out in the open and help her in a less costly way. What we spend on keeping her in New York could fund the NEA. There are perfectly good schools in DC for Barron. Supporting her in this way just underscores her role as trophy wife. We can do better by her, for her, and for ourselves.
marian (Philadelphia)
I saw the televised speech yesterday where DT gave a shout out to some important female historical figures like Abagail Adams and Harriet Tubman- which are safely in the annals of history and do not represent any controversy unless you want to advocate for slavery- so his choices were pretty safe.
Of course, he failed to mention any noteworthy women in recent history like Eleanor Roosevelt. But I think the most glaring of all was failure to mention the first woman to run for POTUS and who in fact beat him in the popular election.... I can't imagine why he didn't want to go there.
Gaby Franze (Houston TX)
As long as the woman of his family are covered, I do not think this man cares. Hopefully, his female voters will figure this one out, but I wonder. Some of my female coworkers and and also some now former friends are absolutely smitten with this flim flam man - and they all have at least one college degree.
CLW (Portland)
Selective listening plus all the Trump chickens have not yet come home to roost in the form of worse air quality, potential trade war, rise in hate crimes, etc.
CF (Massachusetts)
I thought Adams answered: "don't worry your pretty little head about these things."

The "I cannot but laugh" quote was later, while yukking it up with his fellow members of the Continental Congress over a few ales.
Dr. K (Philadelphia)
Amen, say Lucy Stone and Matilda Gage, who along with Stanton and Anthrony did more for this country than the Trumps (all of them) ever will.
Fred (Up North)
If Donald only takes $1 in salary and Ivanka is taking $0 in salary I'd say that both are getting paid what they are worth.
I'm-for-tolerance (us)
So instead of women getting 80 cents on the dollar relative to men she's getting zip?
Rea Tarr (Malone, NY)
But when I think Trump's wife, I think of that old expression, "You're known by the company you keep." And she is still more or less keeping company with the big fat liar, right?

If I hang out with nincompoops, I'd expect to be considered a nincompoop. If I join a club of any sort -- poetry reading, quilting, ice fishing -- I'd expect to be considered a lover of whatever-it-is.

So, the woman currently married to the guy bent on mucking up our nation is fair game to me. Until she's discarded or walks away, she's part and parcel of the whole kit and caboodle.
Todd (Boise, Idaho)
I'm surprised the Women's Empowerment Council even invited or allowed him to speak. It's the height of hypocrisy to allow him to even have a voice on this issue given the outright hostile record he has had and continues to have. We need to stop giving him a stage to pretend he cares about anything or anyone except what directly benefits him.
Nick Adams (Laurel, Ms)
I'm sure Donald yearns for the good old days when he could tell Billy Bush what he really thinks of women.
aviron (San Diego)
I think Trump was disappointed that Women's History Month didn't include a White House reunion of all the Playboy playmates. That's certainly a history he can appreciate. Maybe next year.
Clare (NY)
Just the younger ones, though. Wouldn't want to offend his aesthetic sense by inviting a women over 35.
Jackie (of Missouri)
Or the Miss Americas, but only those women who still rate a 10.
Keely (NJ)
Sorry Gail, but Melania stopped being off limits the moment she first helped push her deplorable husband's "birther" lie. This woman has about as much credibility as a Kardashian.
Blackforest (Germany)
Ask at Trump's next press conference who Susan B. Anthony is, and I bet he'll draw a blank.
Slann (CA)
"She's been doing great work."
I'm-for-tolerance (us)
Wasn't her picture on a coin? Trump will remember MONEY
Jackie (of Missouri)
No, he will say that he's been hearing some very great things from some very knowledgeable people about the fantastic work that she is doing.
Mike BoMa (Virginia)
Trump thinks about women as opportunistic connections, money, and chattel; nothing more. He has an absolutely medieval sense of himself and his world; a sense that he and his GOP enablers are doing their best to foist upon us all.
Here's some names for Trump: Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Elizabeth Blackwell (1st woman doctor), Jikohnsaseh (the revered Seneca Native American "mother of nations") right up to Abby Wambach, soccer superstar and Ursula Burns, long-time African-American president of Xerox. All powerful, confident women breaking barriers in the heartland, non-coastal elite area of Rochester, NY. Do not think for a minute that women need you to empower them. We've been doing it for centuries--and now we're really motivated again.
Ann (Bellingham WA)
I cannot but not cry.
Ed (Washington, DC)
Excellent article Gail. Trump's decisions to not appoint a significant number of women to high office in his administration is shameful, to say the least. Appointing a much larger number of women to cabinet and senior level administration offices in all agencies should be a top priority of the Trump administration. As a goal, Trump should seek to appoint an equally proportioned, equal number of men and women to these positions. A large number of these appointments are yet to be filled and Trump should move to make good on his recent statements.
Jonathan (Black Belt, AL)
Golly gee! If only women would accept their second-class status as being subservient to men and get on with their lives then maybe they could become great mothers again and raise great sons like Faux-President Frump! I’ve been thinking how simpler life would have been if that Rosa Parks had only stayed in her seat on the back of that bus and offered thanks to God that at least she had a seat. If all those rebels back in the 1770s had just behaved themselves and respected their king, how grateful we would be to be under the umbrella of the Great Queen Elizabeth II! And that Lincoln! If only he hadn’t abolished slavery I’d be able to sit on my veranda relaxing and not worrying where my next mint julip would come from! And just think how that would have erased any unemployment problem!
Richard (Texas)
Donald Trump made it perfectly clear during the campaign what he thought about women. His pompous statements and blowhard antics aren't going to change many minds. The Donald showed the world his true colors. Nice try Mr. Trump, but you're still a jerk.
Tom (California)
In other news, Trump announces plan to nominate Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony to lead his "New Women's Project."

"Fred and Susan are terrific people, and I am going to meet with them later this week to discuss the details of the project," Trump explained.
Vesuviano (Los Angeles, CA)
There appear to be two kinds of people in this country: those who are educated and intelligent enough to know just what a monumental danger and embarrassment Mr. Trump is, and those that voted for him.

Since the GOP regularly targets likely Democratic voters with Voter Identification laws, I suggest that the Democrats start targeting likely Republican voters with the idea of suppressing their votes. I have the perfect mechanism - a test that combines both critical thinking and awareness of real news.
Joseph C Bickford (North Carolina)
Women for Trump should be the shortest list ever made!
Robert L (Western NC)
Ms. Collins, you insult the Freemasons! Please redact or retract your comment.
Tommy Hobbes (Ohio)
Freemasons believe in the dignity of all humans, women as well as men .
common sense advocate (CT)
Well done, Ms. Collins!

Most surprising was that Trump didn't pull another Frederick Douglass - and say that Anthony and Adams are still alive and he's going to try and "grab" them later to get together.


Left out, but would have been a good add to this column: it was so unusual that Sean Spicer was respectful to a female reporter yesterday in the daily press briefing - it made the news!! It tickled my brain, in a "that's weird, why did he change his stripes?" kind of way. But now it's all clear because I read Gail's column - it was part of the women's holiday!!
Paul R. Damiano, Ph.D. (Greensboro)
Trump also told the women he was absolutely against women's suffrage because he thinks women have suffered long enough...
Susan (Paris)
We have a President whose past is littered with women he has groped and demeaned, insulted and underpaid, and categorized according to their physical attributes or lack thereof and he shows no sign of rethinking his modus operandi. By vowing to defund Planned Parenthood and genuflecting to the fundamentalist Christian Right, he is sending a clear signal that he prefers ordinary women to remain powerless ( i.e. barefoot and pregnant) or for the more beauteous among us, like Ivanka or Melania, strutting around in six inch stilettos giving advice on how to improve the lives of working women.
rebecca1048 (Iowa)
Fighting for voting rights and abandoning the children are two different things. My heart goes out to the children of today and yesterday --- shuttled from early morning care to school, and then on to after school care at the age of six. If you are not going to stay home and care for the children you create, don't have kids.
Blonde Guy (Santa Cruz, CA)
So you, at least, support women's reproductive rights.
Nicole (New Jersey)
Am I the only one who thinks Ivanka is being groomed as a presidential candidate in the future?
Ann (Dallas)
Nicole, ugh. Isn't all of this horrible enough?

If that's true, I have one word and one item of punctuation: Jeb!
He was toast because of his brother. I can't imagine Ivanka would get a pass.
Billsen (Atlanta, GA)
Of course he had to pay lip service to "the ladies", because Rex Tillerson was busy dropping human rights requirements in Bahrain in order to facilitate weapons sales.

It's the same feint and dodge we've see before.
63% of white men and 53% of white women, voted for Donald Trump, a pathological liar, racist, misogynist, willfully ignorant imbecile, for president. Trump, as stupid as he is, really, other than not revealing his tax returns, didn't hide who and what he is. These people voted for him, after the revelations of the Access Hollywood tapes, his disgustingly hateful campaign, and his obvious ignorance and lies. Donald Trump didn't magically appear in the White House.
B Sharp (Cincinnati)
We are going to leave Melania Trump be, although haven`t forgotten her interview with Joy Behar not that long ago. She barely moved from how own Country and became Citizen later to question sitting President Obama of his birth right ?
Now let`s dwell on Ivanka the reality show star and the nepotism factor, getting all clearance and will receive all classified information. Was sitting next to Dr. Angela Merkel . Ivanka was there on her birth right and the Chancellor was the elected official from Germany.
Then Spicer insulted well known female WH correspondent April Ryan, day before Bill O'Reilly made racial insults against Maxine Waters CA representative since 1993.
Gail Women’s History Month it is , see where I am going with this ?
Thoughtful Woman (Oregon)
I'm waiting for Trump to discover that women didn't used to have the vote, something that nobody knew until a staff member whispered it in his ear.

You argue that Melania should be left alone because she doesn't mess in politics. She messes in politics when she allows herself to be tokenized at an event honoring women who have taken on a patriarchal, anti-democratic system at the risk of their lives. I urge all women to listen to her speech and weep.

It was written by some speechwriter. It was full of clichés. It was made up of long words well above the actual English-speaking capacity of the woman who read it slowly, awkwardly, haltingly and with many flubs, turning her head mechanically from one teleprompter screen to the other. It was one of the most insincere things I've ever heard on the world stage.

Don't jump on me about being critical of conservative women. I'm being critical of an administration that brings on a faux first lady when it needs one and then hides her away in Trump Tower at taxpayers expense. I'm being critical of a woman who made her living taking her clothes off for smutty photo spreads assuming to stand on a podium and extol the virtues of women who risked imprisonment, torture or worse in order to advance their values.

When Melania parades in beautiful clothes down Pennsylvania Avenue, it's hands off. When she passes herself off as a spokesperson for women's empowerment, hear me roar!
rebecca1048 (Iowa)
Fighting for voting rights is one thing. Abandoning the children for what appears to be a quest for nails, gym memberships, and granite countertops, and destroying the male is an abomination.
Ms. Collins: Life is a moving reality. Mankind is constantly evolving Don't u think the The Donald, title conferred upon him by NY media,has the capacity to grow in the Presidency, that he is not more aware of his responsibilities as our c-in-c than he was over a year ago, when he started his campaign? "He is doing the best he can!Those on the left r convinced they own womens' issues, that they have a monopoly on compassion for persons of color. Pres. will prove that these r his issues as well. Opposition to Planned Parenthood should not be conflated with being anti woman. One can be against trimester abortions, a cruel, inhumane practice, as uncivilized as fgm, a subject that no American feminist would touch with a 10 foot pole for fear of being called out by CAIR, yet be committed to equal rights for women. U cite Trevor Noah, but fail to note his past remarks that crossed the line into anti Semitism, especially with regard to Helen Suzman,fellow South African and Jewish of a previous generation,but whose "engagement" to the end of apartheid and human rights was life long. Noah is not a nice person, and you should have done more careful research.."Existence before essence," is DT's credo, and he knows he will be defined by his acts on behalf of the American people, so, have a heart, Ms. Collins, cut The Donald some slack. He will make a believer of u.Finally, support the crusade of Ayaan Hsiri Ali, victim at age 8, and who now crusades for a world wide ban on fgm.
Diana (South Dakota)
So you want me not to judge him on his behavior and actions - but JUST BELIEVE that someday he is going to get it. So far - that's not working for me - I would give anything for him to "get it"but the world cannot stop moving and wait for him to jump on the merry go round. AND - change is hard for people - especially when they have been one way their whole life. He used his constituents to a self-aggrandizing end - and he is now letting them down. I admire your faith in him but it also saddens me.
the doctor (allentown, pa)
Waiting for Trump to "grow" is like "Waiting for Godot".
Wanda (Kentucky)
He is making a believer of me, all right: the belief that I was right about him all along: no help for the miners, killing health care jobs, corruption, and ego. I don't know who this Buddhist is you've made up.
Nan Socolow (West Palm Beach, FL)
"My cabinet is full of really incredible women leaders" boasted Donald Trump at the special Women's Empowerment Panel. Yeah, four women in his Cabinet! Somewhat siimilar to Mitt Romney's "binders full of women" in his 2004 Presidential Campaign. Glad to see Hillary Clinton speaking truth to California businesswomen - back on the hustings after losing her Presidency to Donald Trump. Melania Trump spoke heartwarmingly at the State Department's International Women of Courage award winners ceremony. She would indisputably make a better president than her hubby. Not to mention that Liar's Ball, Sean Spicer's press gang conferences - he's such a slithery silverfish about lies! Saying that Trump's "longstanding obsession with women's empowerment was a priority" during the campaign. Surely - and don't call him Shirley - he wasn't talking about the women's private-parts grabbing discussed ad infinitum during the campaign. Pink Kitty hats abound at anti-trump protests. Our famously ignorant 45th President had the chutzpah to ask if we the people had ever heard of Susan B. Anthony? Harriet Tubman? Abigail Adams? Well, Tubmans to donuts, dear Gail, Ivanka, now a paid rep of her daddy wont make any dent at all in the irony of the misogynistic President's legislative activities re womens' issues. We, the women and men who didn't vote for Trump, are waiting for his sub-par administration to fall. Already we hear the sound of the tumbrils rolling to Mar-a-Lago in the distance.
Observer (NC)
We need to amend the second paragraph of this otherwise excellent column to read:

"Yes! All two!"

That's because the U.N. and SBA do not have Cabinet rank.

Not that exaggerations by Donald Trump have ever been a surprise ...
Demosthenes (Chicago)
Trump's "admiration" for ladies only extends to his marriage of 3 of them, his multiple affairs, and Ivanka.
Karen L. (Illinois)
I feel for Tiffany. Daddy clearly plays favorites.
S. Mitchell (Michigan)
I am sure that I am not the only one who has thought this: Will Melania soon be appointed to a White House position? Maybe this is the only ay T can persuade her to come to Washington!!!
hfdru (Tucson, AZ)
Actually in trump world Melania is past her expiration date, about 12 years average for such a handsome man. Now the donald has his pick from some younger female aids to prey upon. Think how "great" a white house wedding will be for the donald and his pretty new 30 year old wife. It will be the greatest wedding in history. Move over Lady Di.
scott k. (secaucus, nj)
"Nobody has more respect for women than I do" "Nobody" "Nobody has more respect"
NS (Massachusetts)
I had a good laugh yesterday watching the press conference with all the women applauding vigorously everything 45 said. I suppose Republican women like him,they voted for him. I guess they have never had the need for Planned Parenthood and love the way he talks about women. Oh,and Melania's TelePrompTer speech! Could someone take the time to show her how to read from one,please?
jhbev (Western NC)
Emma Goldman and Margaret Sanger must be rolling over in their graves.
W.A. Spitzer (Faywood)
If only all the women in the rust belt would go back to baking cookies, there would be more jobs for all those unemployed white males, and Trump could declare victory in fulfilling his campaign promise of creating jobs and making America great again. Oh, and make my chocolate chip.
Lisa (Michigan)
Exactly and don't forget the minorities -- they need to stop taking all of the white males' jobs.
what me worry (nyc)
Women often are in jobs that were traditionally female and also require some advanced education.. namely teachers, nurses, maids. Stop the nonsense that women were not in the workforce -- they always have been.. Even in the middle ages or perhaps esp. in the middle ages the notion was that women would teach their tiny children to read.. Latin school for boys mostly started later. Many of the unemployed men in the rust belt are under educated and often don't do a decent job when they are hired. Men always know betters, n'est-ce pas?

But this was a joke!!
"But she’s dropped all pretense of trying to get her father to support reproductive rights."

Ironic isn't it: The Trumpster--who certainly over-exercised his "reproductive rights" as a man--wants to end Roe v. Wade and the right to privacy between a woman and her physician, contraception insurance coverage for women, Planned Parenthood for the reproductive health of women.

Plus, former Democrat Trump now stands tall with those conservatives (male and female) that reject equal pay for equal work, pubic pre-K, support for the children of poor women after the children are born, family leave, and so it goes...

Yes, Donald Trump, the man who bragged to audiences that despite having fathered 5 children with 3 different wives, he never changed a diaper.

Is it just me, or do I detect that Trump and his not-so-subtle frat-boy male hires, such as Spicer, play to the guy audience by putting women professionals down with wink-wink statements reinforcing second-class status for uppity women and intended to strengthen male-bonding?

And this is the party that calls itself the family values party??? Ironic!
Claudia (Oregon)
I couldn't agree more with what you've written.

As for your last line about "family values," haven't heard them use that much in the past few years. I think the "Don't Tread on me" members have taken over. Perhaps those congressmen would like to donate their health care benefits to those in need since they don't want to fund benefits for anyone else—male or female.
LunarDay (Melbourne, FL)
Thanks for giving us some humor in this abysmal time.
Daniel (Naples, Fl)
Dear Gail,
What would have happened to John Adams had he been found to have made the remarks Trump has made about women? An endless challenge to a series of duels. When you do not respect others then of course you do believe they should have equal rights. At least our founding fathers had respect. Clearly, Trump does not.
CCMartin (Litchfield CT)
Irony---I hope!
coolidge8d (farmington)
...and 53% of white Female-Americans voted for Trump. Is there an explanation for this?
Darby (WV)
Watching Sean Spicer's very public shaming of April Ryan the other day is just another example of how this administration views women. Trump can stand there performing for the cameras like some kind of old-time Vegas showman and he can push Ivanka and Melania out on stage when he thinks they will do him some good. But it is still a vaudeville routine...and not a good one. He is being booed off the stage by millions of men and women.

The only "longstanding presidential obsession" Trump had, and continues to have, is to make money off the backs of the middle class, the applause of his "base" and to flout his entitlement in our faces. There is no obsession with empowering anyone but himself.
Connor william (Austria)
Ivanka Trump is particularly pathetic....It sometimes seems like there is a weird conspiracy to try to find something acceptable about the entire Trump clan that attests to a logical reason why they have so much power over our lives. She is not that crumb of respectability so fervently chased. Please do, by all means, keep including her in the tally of the Trump clan rap sheet!
Bill (Madison, Ct)
No worry, Ivanka is going to voluntarily follow ethics rules They thought of a Trump voluntarily following ethics rules has to be a cruel joke. I don't think the word is in their vocabulary
Barbara (Canada)
When newly elected Canadian PM, Justin Trudeau, was asked by a reporter why his cabinet was evenly spilt between women and men, he replied "It's 2015."
michael saint grey (connecticut)
when susan b anthony voted, she was asked why she flagrantly broke the law; she replied, "it's 1872."
knockatee (NYC)
I usually agree with you Gail but not when you write " Welcome back, Hillary." I voted for Hillary and was hoping she would be President but she lost and has nobody to blame but herself and the Democratic party. They ran a terrible campaign. All they did was react to what Trump said and it worked - for him. I'm done with Hillary, Bill and Chelsea and most of the Democrats. I'm looking for new leaders with new ideas.
CKent (Florida)
Have you forgotten Bernie Sanders so soon?
Mary Jo Wood (Ithaca, NY)
Can't be repeated often enough: Hilary won the popular vote.
Linda Foster (Evanston)
And someone with real progressive ideas!
Michael Steinberg (Westchester, NY)
What? No mention of Ivanka? The creator of theTake-Your-Father-To-Work Administration.
See paragraphs 14 -19.
Michael Steinberg (Westchester, NY)
45* never mentioned her
Alan Bernhard (California)
Trump humor is always welcome, but a this point it seems that every column by every journalist everywhere should have one subject and ne subject only..."Why is Donald Trump Allowed To Continue Being President Of The United States?"
Jon Joseph (WI)
It's like heroin. You need to keep upping the dose to get the same high.

So it goes with Trump stories. Your question is the only one that matters but the dose needs to be so large we'll all OD.
Jean (NJ)
If no one has more respect for women than Trump, we're in big trouble.
DoreeA (Maine)
Of course, he also told a Jewish reporter that no one was less anti-Semitic than he was.
Jan (NJ)
People could care less about hearing from big mouth Hillary Clinton. She is history and cannot handle it.
Edgar (New Mexico)
I would rather hear from an intelligent woman than a man who had to pay people when he announced he was running for president. Hillary will be kindly noted in history. The Donald will be known as a destroyer of the planet, racist bans, liar in chief and less historically educated president.....among other things.
TonyB (NJ)
A fraud and a con man. I hope all of the women and men in america who voted for him get exactly what they deserve.
Leonardo (USA)
Unfortunately, the rest of us will suffer the same fate.
Spencer (St. Louis)
Unfortunately, those of us who do not deserve it get sucked in as well.
diane (Murrieta CA)
Unfortunately, the rest of us will be caught in the cross-fire.
Doug Terry (Maryland, USA)
Please fill in the blanks: "Nobody knew how incredibly complicated ___________________ could be. Nobody knew." This is an all purpose comment on any subject for future use.

In this case, I write in "women's rights and full participation in our society". Nobody knew.

We have a president who is discovering the world as he goes along and we get to watch the discoveries unfold. Sort of like an episode of Sesame Street. "Today, our letter is "I", as in ignorance." Does Big Bird know more? Guess it doesn't matter 'cause he's being cancelled anyway. Who needs knowledge when you've got self inflated grandiosity and absolute self confidence based on absolute self confidence?
joe kostas (san diego, ca)
Yes. Donald is a clown.
Composure and coherence are not his strong points.
As Angela Merkel recently discovered, he has the attention span of a 2-year old.
I still get nauseous whenever he opens his mouth or I see him sitting in the oval office.
Would you leave your daughter or wife alone in a room with him?
Dazed, Not Confused (Boxford, MA)
If you believe that Trump's support for women is sincere, you should know it was reported that Bannon delivered the keynote at the Freedom of the Press Awards, Miller marched in a Black Lives Matter protest, Pruitt was presented the Climate Change Leader Award, Pence was voted the man of the year by the LBGTQ Bar Association, Price was honored by Planned Parenthood and DeVos received the educator of the year award from the Public Education Association. They have your back...all groups, genders and races. We are bigly and hugely lucky.
Trillian (New York City)
Good grief, what a dolt. "Have you heard of Susan B. Anthony?" Really? As with Frederick Douglass, someone told him about SBA right before he went to the podium and Trump, unable to understand that others know things he doesn't - such as my dog - immediately thinks that no one else has ever heard of her.

And, uh oh! Isn't that a teleprompter in the photo? He need a teleprompter to make a few remarks about the importance of women? Well, yes, I suppose he does. One can't speak extemporaneously about a subject one knows nothing about.
Norma (Albuquerque, NM)
His handler bannon will make sure there is a teleprompter at all times. How else can he stay on bannon's script?
RG (Montclair, NJ)
Time for another protest march.
Slata (Katonah, New York)
A man's choice of spouse tells you all you need to know about which qualities that man does and does not value in women.
Sharon (Minneapolis)
Oh, so well said.
Karen L. (Illinois)
Trump is providing fodder for psychologists' and psychiatrists' studies for decades. Was he picking spouses in search of a woman like his mother? Was (Is) his behavior following in the footsteps of his father? Did birth order determine his destiny?

As an aside, has anyone looked at how such a blatantly ignorant man, who can neither speak coherently or grammatically correct and shows such little interest in learning anything, achieved a college degree? We know how W fared at Yale, as a legacy admission. I'm just curious.
Mark (Ohio)
Great, now I know what "full' is: ~17%.
W.A. Spitzer (Faywood)
Oh come on, give him a break. He is only on his third trophy wife.
Eliza Brewster (N.E. Pa.)
Trump puts his name on buildings [for big bucks] and people actually think he built the thing. He didn't, not at all.
Trump sits smirking along side a group of women and people actually think he cares about them. He doesn't, not in the least.
whome (NYC)
It was obscene seeing that group of captive women with forced smiles on their faces listening to the smiling 'grabber' lecturing them about female empowerment.
Beaver Dam Road (NY)
Not long after Trump married his current wife, shock jock Howard Stern asked him on air if he would stay with her if she ended up in a wheelchair after a car accident. Trump paused, then he asked: "Do her breasts come out of it OK?"
V (Los Angeles)
My Mother was a doctor and always told my sister and I when we were young, "Don't worry, it will be different when you grow up and enter the workforce and the world." She always wanted us to have careers, but the things she experienced as sometimes the only female doctor in a hospital (and this was on the east coast), were pretty awful.

Well, it wasn't entirely as my sister and I both faced discrimination in pay and attitude mind you nowhere near what our Mother experienced in the 50's and 60's, but it was definitely going in the right direction.

Well, she passed away before Trump became president, thank god.

She would have been disgusted how he is taking us backward, not only with issues about the planet's health, but especially about life and death issues about a woman's health. She would have been disgusted by the lack of qualified women in Trump's administration, and she wouldn't have counted Ivanka or DeVos as being qualified for much of anything, but as unqualified tokens.

She was a former Republican, who voted her conscience, and voted for Obama.

Where are the Republicans like my Mother, the ones with a moral conscience?
Sciencewins (Mooreland, IN)
To V; Make that "...and always told my sister and me...".
what me worry (nyc)
Don't worry so... if life teaches you anything it's that things can change... for the worst (war) for the better (medicine) and there's always something to complain about. The NYTimes writers could simply plagiarize Erasmus when they have to do a column -- remove the classical references-- that way we would not realize they had plagiarized... and the underlying sentiments are the same... (This is 16th century -- it was all there esp disrespect for women -- Erasmus is Trumpian there! ;-D
Next election is less than two years away... but the gerrymandering is a problema.
TFreePress (New York)
You had me until the part about "feisty" Clinton. I've seen her speak and I always get a strong vibe that she'd rather be couch-surfing. And OK, I'm sure she'd also rather be president, but she had her chance and she blew it. Let's move on.
Mary Ann Donahue (NYS)
Re: "...but she had her chance and she blew it."

No, the people who voted for the trumpet blew it!
Zap (NYC)
Nobody is moving on.
rebecca1048 (Iowa)
When the Savior is running around in a $30K jacket, asking her constituency through aides, if they would like to meet her, (true story in Iowa), I think she blew it. It was so obvious to myself, I wonder, was it on purpose?
Mary Scott (NY)
Yesterday, we got a double whammy of his boundless hypocrisy. He has spent his life degrading women and his willingness to sign into law a health care bill that would have treated women like second-class citizens undercut his flowery rhetoric. He also formed a committee to end the opioid crisis even though his failed replacement of the ACA had also stripped out all services and funding for addiction treatment. The only thing we can depend on this fake president to do is to lie and deceive.
Kris (<br/>)
The opioid committee is just a payback to Chris Christie who will be out of a job soon (sooner if the electorate of NJ had their way).
Petey tonei (Ma)
Trump has conveniently forgotten his own mother. "Less than ninety years ago, Mary Anne Trump née Macleod arrived in New York from the desolate Scottish Isle of Lewis, with just $50 to her name, to pursue work as a 'domestic'."
Paul R. Damiano, Ph.D. (Greensboro)
If women wanted to make a real statement about the Trump administration, any woman invited to The Woman's Empowerment Panel should have declined the invitation. What better way for women to show their power?

Of course the gathering would indeed still look like March Madness with the only "Final Four" women left who support Trump being present. In the "Mere Window Dressing" regional semi-finals, I'll take McMahon easily over Verma and in the "Utterly Incompetent" regional, I'll take DeVos in a nail biter over Haley. Then in the finals, I like McMahon over DeVos in a best-two-out-of-three falls.
Betty (MAss)
If no one had come, he would have paid some female supporters to fill the seats.
Joseph Huben (Upstate NY)
It's time for columnists to discuss this president in real terms. He is a liar, a racist, a xenophobe, a religious bigot, a bankrupt swindler, and he is a criminal sexual predator who has a perverse attitude toward his own daughter. This man must not be respected as it legitimizes him. He is under investigation and yet he remains in office and some politicians think Democrats should cooperate with him. Republicans think Trump should be able to appoint Gorsuch, while Trump is under suspicion for his administration's relationship with Russia and corruption of the election. Gorsuch should recuse himself from the office as his patron is under investigation. Gorsuch can't comment on this and that. Such scruples would force an honest man to shun a corrupt President. Gorsuch would be the historical appointee of the sexual molester in chief if he passes muster. Every woman, every man who loves his mother, sisters, wife, daughters, nieces, grandaughters, and has female friends must stand up in opposition to Gorsuch and everything Trump until he is cleared of the ongoing investigations, sexual assault suits, and release all of his tax records.
what me worry (nyc)
Ivanka Trump speaks fluent English... .and is super familiar with social etiquette. Trump prob should have stayed married to Ivanna.. who else thinks this?? altho many many are jealous of Melania... gorgeous and rich...
Carolyn (MI)
Having had time to ponder the many whys of the election, I've come to believe that religion plays a dominant role in whether a woman can, or will, lead a country. In countries where the predominant religion accepts and encourages women to take an active part and lead the church, women have been leaders of their country. In countries where the predominant religion does not allow women to have a leadership role, or are run by tyrants and despots, women remain in the secondary or submissive roles they've been trained to take and, therefore, vote.
You cannot be more wrong, religion has nothing to do with electing women to power! Here are all the countries that have elected women as their leaders, none of them with a religion that accepts or encourages women's role as leaders: in Latin America-Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Nicaragua; in Asia- Bangladesh, Burma, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Thailand; Israel in the Middle-East, and in Africa- Liberia; and Ireland and Germany in Europe. U.K. is probably the only country which elected women leaders where its religious leaders more or less welcomes female leadership among their rank.
Lisa (NY)
In which countries are women the religious leaders?

Sorry, but I can't think of a single religion that has been a good friend to women. Mostly religions provide men with the mythologies they need to justify dominating women.
Also, India.
sdw (Cleveland)
Donald Trump has been known throughout his career for three things: telling lies, shady business deals and treating women badly.

President Donald Trump has shown during Women’s History Month that he can bat 2 out of 3, having left most of the business deals to his sons – at significant taxpayer expense.

The presidency offers Donald Trump the chance to act out a lie with something bordering on pageantry. Proudly parading his 1-out-of-6 female cabinet was a good example.

Is it possible that Donald Trump thinks that Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass are an item?
Carla (Brooklyn)
What a farce. The. Sexual predator in chief,
poised to destroy planned parenthood and women's
healthcare, with his gang of sexist good old
white boys making jokes about paying for
If there is a lower form of human life than Donald
trump I don't know what it is.
Norma (Albuquerque, NM)
Opponents to Planned Parenthood don't understand Planned Parenthood. It provides many health services beyond family planning. When I needed to get a hepititus shot for travel overseas, my doctor sent me to PP, the only entity that provided it.
Moshe ben Asher (Encino, CA)
Trump's treatment of Planned Parenthood reminds me: Pharaoh (probably Ramses II) was building like mad and putting his name on everything he built because he wanted to be immortal (and he was, but for the wrong reasons). Unknown to him, within the "pharaonic complex" the lowly midwives were effectively waging their own campaign, not in the sense that they could overcome Pharaoh's power, but insofar as their behavior was undeniably righteous and ultimately would prevail.
Barbarra (Los Angeles)
Trump the womanizer. He can name only two women - what about modern women? The scientists, astronauts, journalists (Gwen Ifill), and the poets (Maya Angelou). I remember that Trump refused to shake Chancellor Merkel's hand and interrupted her at their press conference. I remember his comments about Carly Fiorina, Mrs. Cruz, Hillary Clinton, and Mrs. Bush. I remember that NBC refused to publish his infamous bus recordings. I know he is being sued for sexual harassment. Trump's comments were condescending as he continues to demean his wife who is second fiddle to his daughter. A man? No a mouse - he roars (or Tweets).
John G (Torrance, CA)
Trump's immediate family members play important roles in the White House not because they are highly qualified but because he has a condition that makes him fearful of less familiar individuals. This phenomenon is a manifestation of his underlying condition, early dementia. Ivanka is not chosen because she is a successful woman, but as someone he can trust. Just think of demented people you have known who are only comfortable with immediate family members as caregivers. As a physician, I am completely serious when I say President Trump has early dementia. Observers get confused by Bannon's demagoguery and Trump's lifelong narcissism and mendacity. Personality and character flaws do not protect one from dementia. If he has dementia, he deserves our compassion, but needs to be removed from power.
J. (Ohio)
I agree. His speech patterns and something in his eyes/gaze remind everyone in our family of my mother-in-law when she was in the early stages of Alzheimer's. Locate and watch older clips of him - he is a very different person now in speech and vitality, and it's not normal aging.
Cheryl (Yorktown)
My experience with dementia has been fairly extensive in the last few years, and I've followed research. Trump appears to be in the early stages, and can get away with it because he has always had power over others, and has always used others to carry out his orders.

There is also a kind of irritable confusion which settles on those close to someone who is beginning to present the signs of Alzheimer's or other dementia.

After you meet with them you sometimes think they are deliberately "fooling" you - especially if they were capable of manipulation in the past; but somewhere along the line your suspicions take a turn, as you realize that they "make up" details because they can't remember correctly. They do become paranoid and angry at times- suspicious of strangers. You cannot get them to listen to reason - and they cannot absorb new information. To keep the peace, you don't correct their perceptions of reality, realizing that it doesn't help. Over time the real problem emerges.

The man repeats himself endlessly, relying on trite, simple phrases; and engages in rants in the early am when no one else is present to exert the internal executive control. Bits that slip out about his private meetings suggest that others come to talk, but he just makes agreeable noncommittal small talk which they misinterpret as agreement.

He will only become more difficult and less able to function in a complex environment - and we are at risk.
Marie (Rising Sun, IN)
I'm starting to believe the same thing. His reaction to first the photographer and then Angela Merkel asking if he wanted to shake hands is an example. I don't think he sat there with a blank look on his face because he wanted to insult Germany. I think he was just completely not there for a moment. A man that can't concentrate and focus during an important with a world leader shouldn't being leading our country.
Sarah O'Leary (Dallas, Texas)
4 women out of 24 cabinet positions, and nary a one in a position of super power other than the one whose 110% (DeVos math) unqualified family money bought her seat? Yeah, Donald, that sounds chock-ful of women to me!

Actually it sounds strikingly similar to the board rooms of Wall Street and throughout corporate America. How incredibly insulting his exaggerated and condescending statements are to women everywhere.

Lord, how I wish I had met that man in my prime, and he had grabbed me inappropriately. In the most lady like of fashions, I would have flattened him like a pancake.
Betty (MAss)
I agree with another article in the Times yesterday that the lack of women in positions of power in this administration is intentional. It sends the message that things are going back the way they were, just as he promised. Photos of all white men sitting around looking important is just the image they want to project. Making America great again like it was in the 50's. Don't expect any more women to rise or be included over the next 3. 8 years.
klaxon (CT)
Fear not. You still can! Go to Mar-e-Lago and hang around the dining room. Order two overcooked steaks and place a bottle of ketchup prominently on the table. Then wait.
B Dickerson (Denver, CO)
Sarah, but for his Secret Service escort I believe you could still flatten him like a pancake, so don't sell yourself short about being past your prime. Actually, it's folks just like you that give me my greatest hope for the future of this country.
Robert Dickerson
jz (CA)
I'm sure Trump has watched enough Fox News to learn from his pal Ailes that if you want women to participate in discussions about current events and critical issues the most important thing is that they wear short, tight dresses that creep up their thighs when seated, that their heels are at least four inches, and that they look like models for an expensive escort service. Add to that that they should outnumber a lone male participant four to one so he mostly salivates and is ignored by male observers. That’s the proper formula to have women heard as they give their opinions and discuss serious international and domestic policies and party politics.
Max Deitenbeck (East Texas)
A couple of weeks ago I saw what I assumed were a mother and daughter at the grocery store. The daughter, early teens, was wearing a Trump shirt. Some people just shouldn't be parents.
what me worry (nyc)
or children!!??
Xavi (Mendoza, Argentina)
This is exactly the kind of disregard for the real America that made Trump's win possible in the first place? And they shouldn't have kids but you should?
Max Deitenbeck (East Texas)
"the real America"?

What is that, exactly?

Xavi, if you think it is okay for a mother to encourage or allow her female child to express support for this monster who sexually assaults women and brags about it, well, I don't know what to say except that you have some pretty despicable values.
David Henry (Concord)
Gender doesn't determine character. Reagan and Thatcher, for example, were equals in every way: both sought to harm as many people as people, excluding the upper classes.

If Trump had all women in his cabinet, the results for America would be the same: disaster.
Keely (NJ)
If by "disaster" you mean saving this country from going off a cliff than sure.
Beaver Dam Road (NY)
Who is arguing that gender determines character?
Caroline (M.)
Of course gender determines character! Gender touches everything you learn, say or do from the time you're born. As a man, with all the privileges and inherent power attached to that, I wouldn't think you'd understand that.
Joseph Thomas (Reston, VA)
Our president has shown very little respect for women throughout his life. For him to appear at the Women's Empowerment Panel is the height of hypocrisy.

And it's not just his past behavior that makes him a hypocrite. His health care bill would have cut access to health care for millions of women throughout the country. The women at that meeting should have walked out on this poor excuse of a man.

When will the grown-ups in government realize that our president is an ignorant, narcissist, bullying liar who is mentally unstable? When will they acknowledge that he is unfit to be president and begin the process to legally remove him from office? What kind of tragedy must happen before they take action?
Karla Cole (St. Paul, MN)
You assume that are grownups in government. I'm not so sure.
mdalrymple4 (iowa)
Male chauvinists have no respect for women so why would we expect Trump to act any differently than how he has treated women his whole life. They are arm candy, something to show off, something to feel up or watch as they change clothes.
marian (Philadelphia)
I agree- just ask Melania- the latest trophy wife.
mabraun (NYC)
How many Americans know where the word and concept of "chauvin-ism" came from?
Donald Trump may be a boor,(literally-his family may have come from parts of Europe where the Boers or "boors" came from)
but a Chauvinist is , if the word is used correctly, a lot more like a nationalist who feels his country , nation, language or place of origin, are so superior and their culture especially superior, that all others might as well crawl off and expire.
If the Mrs Trump who was the mom of Donald, was despised in a chauvinistic manner, there might not have been a Donald. Chauvinists see their preferred culture , politics or nation-state, as irreplaceable and obviously superior to any other. If regular men and women felt that way about one another, humans would either die out as a species or have to be "made" by starting them in "test tubes".
A male chauvin-ist would also be a hater and one who despised all women. I doubt Donald's father ever felt or treated his wife,(DJT's mom,), as harshly as all that,
NMY (New Jersey)
Women and their issues have never been more than an afterthought for Trump. Just like minorities and their issues.

Trump celebrating Women's History Month is a farce. One by one, he is dismantling all the hard won protections women have gotten under previous administrations. Celebrate that.
Richard (Wynnewood PA)
Very unfair! President Trump has changed his mind about Planned Parenthood and abortion because his plans now include aborting environmental controls, promoting "sensible" pollution. As the Trumpet's plan will doubtless result in more fatalities of infants and children, we need women to keep pumping out replacements or we'll face a declining population. Remember immigration is also being slashed so we need more output from our treasured "breeders."
MVH1 (Decatur, Alabama)
All Trump's efforts on the climate issue, women's issues, health issues, they have a very bad prognosis for the future. Our population should show signs of shrinkage in the coming years.
Xavi (Mendoza, Argentina)
Did you just say "pumping up replacements"?
KJ (Tennessee)
If Trump really wanted to celebrate amazing women, he could have sung the praises of one of the White House's most shining examples. Smart. Educated. Confident. Established her career through ambition and hard work. Supportive of her family and country without undermining herself as a human being. A beautiful soul. Yes, I'm talking about Michelle Obama.
trueblue (KY)
Even better - HRC Madam President and winner of the NPV! Donald Trump is not my President ever.
Catherine (Lyon, France)
This topic is just not funny any more.

#45 has made me sick to my stomach ever since he started campaigning. He displayed his desire to trot out bubble-headed women with so-called "feminine" looks but limited brainpower.

When push comes to shove, then out comes Ivanka, Ms. Super-Daughter and Daddy's little genius.

I was aghast to learn the percentage number of women who voted for this man and continue to gag when the "Women for Trump" signs are waved in front of the TV cameras. By the way, ladies, the campaign is over.

Teach your daughters to think, observe, discuss, debate, analyze and save them from this return to the 1950s!
OHmygoodness (Georgia)

I concur. My daughter is an intelligent, beautiful 21 year old Black Female in her junior year in college. I sent her to a private school where she was the only Black or minority in her grade level. From first grade on, her birthday parties were always interesting because some of the girls from young ages stated they would marry rich men. It was if it was embedded in them from infancy to find a rich man. With that said, I'm wondering if wealth blinded White Women from seeing character. Your post is interesting because I was always taught by the women in my life not to depend on a man and if I wanted to get married, marry someone that had a love for God, a good heart, respect for his parents and a hard worker. Marrying just for money was not discussed nor did it matter. I am blessed to have a hard working husband who loves God and makes a good salary as an educator, but I also am a hard worker as well.

Bottom line, it is possible that the money blinded these women to the truth and I agree we must teach our daughters, but specifically that character trumps money any day.
what me worry (nyc)
For women who had had nothing for 20 years from the depression thru WWII, the fifties (and there were plenty of women who worked during the 50s including the creator of Barbie) the 50s might well have come as a breather.. except for the Cold War and the fear of Nuclear bombardment. I wanted to be an MD and would have done that had I not gone to an impossibly difficult SEven Sisters school where while not educating well (and as a 70 year old auditor in the course I can see that pedagologically many professors are pretty bad.. for heavens sake make use of powerpoint so that your students can follow your lectures and get the main facts which they can't hear because you are speaking too softly)..

I am really tired of this meaningless comparison.
Cowboy Marine (Colorado Trails)
tom (pittsburgh)
Today's "resistance" is powered by women, so though he is ignorant of their past , he will feel their power.
Although Mr. Trump will get his SCTUS nominee, it won't be easy. Mr. McConnell will need to scuttle the filibuster to do so. Women will be letting their Senators know that Mr. Gorsuch is not women's friend.
Richard Luettgen (New Jersey)
The letter of Abigail Adams that I remember is the one to her son, John Quincy, as he began his congressional career in the House. In it she advised him to shave no less frequently than once every three days. This was a woman given to very good advice and, actually, my favorite first lady. Besides, Laura Linney played her in that docudrama TV series years ago and I have a thing for her.

I think they were talking about eliminating pregnancy benefits for men in ObamaCare. In that abominably dense bill that was so unreadable and so long that nobody bothered reading it (prompting Nancy Pelosi to famously decry “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it"), you’d think they might have avoided that screamer.

Ivanka clearly is so active because daddums wants her to be America’s first woman president, stealing a march on Dems. Who’d’a’ thunk-it? A REPUBLICAN (kinda-sorta) woman gets in before a DEMOCRAT! But, as JFK famously said of his brother, Bobby, when asked why he was nominated to be Attorney General: “We thought he should have some experience before he goes into private practice”.

I thought Trump’s official duties, and those of his family, in support of Women’s History Month were admirable. But I guess that old Spanish expression “palo si boga y palo si no boga” (basically, you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t) is still valid.
Lorem Ipsum (DFW, TX)
You could have placed that Pelosi quote in context. But it wouldn't have been nearly as funny. Priorities, people.
MikeLT (Wilton Manors, FL)
Here's the context of Pelosi's "we have to pass the bill..." quote:
Aunt Nancy Loves Reefer (Hillsborough, NJ)
His entire life has been spent in degrading women in his inimitable loutish fashion but this resets everything Richard?
Barbara (<br/>)
Here is Trump's trifecta plan for empowering women's reproductive rights:
1. Defund planned parenthood making it harder for low income women to get contraceptives and mammograms.
2. Repeal Roe v. Wade making abortions illegal.
3. Let Insurance companies charge substantially more to cover prenatal, maternity or neonatal care.
Of course if you are in a billionaire family, you'll be fine.
Irony? No. hypocrisy.
Women's history month needs to include a boycott sex week and a Birds and the Bees week. How do the GOP men think the human race gets here? I wonder if Teapartiers' mothers got prenatal care because many seem have brain damage.
Purple State (Ontario via Massachusetts)
Just like Frederick Douglass, Susan B. Anthony is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more, I notice . . .
Cheryl (Yorktown)
Yes, and maybe Trump should invite them to the White House soon . . .
Babel (new Jersey)
Trump made quite clear in his Access Hollywood tape what he really thinks women are good for. And then he followed through by how many women he appointed to his Cabinet. Sometimes I feel like I am trapped in an alternate reality when I hear these totally symbolic bursts of nonsense rhetoric from him. But the real farce is not in the falseness of his statements, it is in the percentage of white women who voted for him.
joancl (New York, NY)
The only excuse for the women who voted for him is that the men in their lives behave and think like Trump...and they believe that this is the way men are. Very sad.
Joseph Thomas (Reston, VA)
Babel, don't get sucked into our president's alternate reality. He doesn't respect women - never has, never will.

Women are underrepresented in his cabinet and in his administration in general. His knowledge of women's history is negligible.

His true feelings about women were recorded on a bus years ago. Try to ignore what he says and focus on what he does. Hang in there.
dea (indianapolis)
emphasis white women
dEs joHnson (Forest Hills, NY)
Good article Gail. The Trumps are creepy, steeped in grift. And welcome back, Hillary, indeed. But did your first noted appearance have to be at a gathering of business women? That's part of why you lost the election.
Gabbyboy (Colorado)
Couldn't help but remark that you seem to have overlooked the fact that Hillary is not running for anything, but, it's worth pointing out that she did win the election by a lot. Also if you ever get an invitation to a business woman's meeting you are free to decline.
Sarah (Arlington, VA)
Oh yeah, the empowerer of women, who said is daughter is so hot that he would definitely 'date' her if he were not her daddy-dearest.
Stella (MN)
Please, not this early in the morning.
Jim Springer (Fort Worth Texas)
Is Trump trying out for the follow-up to SNL's Ladies Man? I mean, it would be a yuge movie!
R (Kansas)
The only right for women that Trump supports is the right for them to get groped by him.
esp (Illinois)
One, I am surprises Ivanka wasn't sitting on her father's lap during that White House meeting and
Two. she is probably the one that would benefit from the 'big child are tax". She could use it to pay her nannies.
klm (atlanta)
"No one has more respect for women than I do!"
And I can fly without an airplane.
Nedra Schneebly (Rocky Mountains)
@klm: He's also "a very smart person."
John (<br/>)
We are about to be treated to "The Great Negotiator" in action since Brexit has begun, and we will need all new trading policies with the U.K.

Since their prime minister is a lady with some political experience, we will be relying on the inimitable charm and negotiating experience of our president to assure a fair deal for all.

I believe I'll stock up on Twinings and Cadburys. They're about to become rare.
guynoir (Ankara)
He treats objects like women, man..
A. Stanton (Dallas, TX)
President Trump: three times married; an adulterer; a serial philanderer; accused on multiple occasions of laying hands on women without their permission; a man noted for hanging around beauty contests throughout his entire adult life; a man with easy access to vacant hotel rooms; a President whose moral rap sheet dates back to the time that bone spurs were discovered in his feet.

What odds are Las Vegas betting parlors placing on the likelihood of women emerging during his Presidency who will claim that he is the father of their children and/or procured abortions for them?

We wanted a man who would keep us amused, amazed and entertained by his coarseness, his brazen lies and his hunger for power. We got him.
Petey tonei (Ma)
Only in America, any "Christian" with all these above listed vices, can become President!
David Henry (Concord)
Many women voted for Trump. They disgraced themselves so who cares if Trump continues to disgrace them?
jb (ok)
More men did. And that's disgraceful, too. That said, you might save your sneers for actual people's individual acts rather than using the election as a chance to root for the disgracing of half the humans in the land, including your mom. Trump is, you know, not just one to disgrace women who vote for him. He's an equal opportunity disgracer and disgrace.
JDL (Malvern PA)
Gail you are too kind but we must pay tribute to Trump for turning the White House into a family business.

Elevating his daughter as the first women to achieve the position of being the assistant President, oh sorry that's known as the Vice President?

How fitting that he made the job an unpaid position , what a tribute to the hard working women in America striving for equal pay. So the message is, ladies if you want a position of power and importance you should be willing to work for nothing. What a guy that Donald J. Trump.
John T. Chance (Wagram, NC)
And it is not just his family that President Hair-do is supporting. He also made sure there were two-income families for his trail buddies. He named Mitch McConnell's wife to be secretary of Labor, that's one. And he gives another paying job to Kellyanne Conway's husband as head of the civil affairs department of the Justice Department (!), a day job of surpassing influence that the Times says is "in charge of a crucial office charged with defending Mr. Trump’s contentious travel ban and lawsuits alleging that his business activities violate the Constitution." Next up: a job offer to Tiffany Trump from Mitch McConnell to insure even-handed selection of Supreme Court justices.
what me worry (nyc)
Unpaid internships used as a foot in the door are all over the place.. maybe you did't know.. and PS how did Hillary launch her political career?!!
Norma (Albuquerque, NM)
True, but I don't think it has ever been done for a president's family member. What foot in the door does Ivanka aim for? Is she thinking of a job in the Federal Government after her father is impeached?
cherrylog754 (Atlanta, GA)
My wife doesn't comment on these columns these days. Too much anger floating around in that brilliant mind of hers.

So asked for her input to this column and it was rather brief. In her words. "Trump is Repulsive"!
Lee harrison (Kew Gardens)
Your wife is very refined. All the women I know say much shorter and cruder adjectives about Mr. Trump.

I was raised by my grandparents, both born in 1896. Both were old-fashioned conservatives and Republicans ... from back in the day when it was the party of the educated and not the party of racism. My grandmother was exceedingly decent in her language, but when vexed she would say "Nobody is completely worthless, they can always serve as a bad example!"

I cannot imagine either of them voting for Mr. Trump.
Elizabeth W. (Croton, NY)
mary lou spencer (ann arbor, michigan)
It is refreshing to see Elizabeth Cady Stanton's name after all this time. What a visionary!
Socrates (Verona NJ)
NYT writer Jill Filipovic said it brilliantly the other day in "The All-Male Photo Op Isn’t a Gaffe. It’s a Strategy."

One of Trump's first official acts was an act of global misogyny when he signed the global “gag rule,” which pulls US funding from organizations abroad that so much as mention the word “abortion” (even organizations that don’t provide abortions)...with a photo of a half-dozen drooling and flaccid white men fawning over the Forced-Pregnancy-Champion-In-Chief.

"Mr. Trump ran a campaign of aggrieved masculinity...(and) promised he would make America great again, a slogan that included the implicit pledge to return white men to their place of historic supremacy. And that is precisely what (his all-white-male executive order group) photos show. The same kind of men who have been in charge of the United States since its founding, so very proud of themselves for trying to ax the rights that make it possible for women to chart their own futures — and to compete with men."

"President Trump’s cabinet is the most white and male in 35 years.".....and most destructive cabinet in eons.

"The great America Trump promises has white men at the top, and that’s the image they’re projecting, figuratively and literally. It’s not an error, it’s the game plan."

Trump and his all-white-male GOP are making the medieval droit du seigneur great again.

"Sit down and shut up, ladies !"
Nora01 (New England)
Your last line, wasn't that in essence what McConnell said to Warren? Ah, such a gentleman and from the south, too.
S. Mitchell (Michigan)
Reading your comments is one of the pluses of my digital subscription.
Kevin Rothstein (Somewhere East of the GWB)
Does Susan B. Anthony know Frederick Douglass?
DWS (Georgia)
I've been hearing good things about both of them.
jb (ok)
Actually, the suffragettes had been abolitionists for a long time, and after the Civil War granted black men the vote, the women asked Douglass to help them, women of all races still denied the right, to gain it. He replied, "This is the black man's hour." It would be another 55 years before the Amendment granting women the right to vote (without Douglass' help, alas).
wobbly (Rochester, NY)
They did know each other quite well and they are buried in the same cemetery here in Rochester, New York.
thebigmancat (New York, NY)
Strange. I know Ms. Collins is very funny, but I can't laugh. He is beyond humor.
Betty D Selva (Naples Fl)
Women for this guy are just objects, perhaps sexual toys .
He has respect for nobody, not even for himself !
Gerard (PA)
But I love women!
Christine McM (Massachusetts)
OMG, Gail, you've outdone yourself! I don't know where to start. I was driving around yesterday and switched on Sirius only to hear the Donald proclaim a big welcome to the "women in his cabinet".

I almost drove off the road, after quickly switching the station and playing that type of mind game--where you count on your fingers to job your memory. I got one, two three and then stalled. I couldn't remember Betsy DeVos.... likely because you know, I went to public school.

Irony isn't the right word, Gail, to describe those occasions when Trump wants to celebrate something he's totally not doing. The word I'm thinking of can't be printed, so I'll settle for "brass". I find it scary that the Trump administration takes itself so seriously and then sends Spicer out for his daily does of lies, defending the indefensible, and totally claiming ignorance on things easily found on tape.

Shall we mention how Spicer particularly likes to beat up women reporters? It's called, taking a page out of the Mitch McConnell playbook--oops, forgot, his wife was one of Trump's first cabinet picks for a powerless position.

I think we already know Donald Trump's attitude towards women, which predates his presidency. So, to expect anything that can't be held up to ridicule is as silly as expecting Trump to be serious about creating a good healthcare plan, with al la carte benefits and extensive coverage for hangnails.

Hey, Ivanka--go help Tom Price be your dad's conscience.
S. Mitchell (Michigan)
William Dusenberry (Paris, France)
The the demagogue Trump knows, as well as does the GOP leadership, that as long as conservative women, continue to accept the role in life, demanded by the Christian god in their Bible, that they will never support, in sufficient numbers, female candidates for national office; most conspicuously, in states where overt racism is still the norm.

Females, who support candidates, who are opposed to the use of birth control, are, as Marx might have suggested, incapable of developing a class consciousness, which might be able to show them, that as long as they continue to be the primary supporters, of the misogynistic Christian religion, their political roles will continue to subordinate to men.
Rea Tarr (Malone, NY)
All religions have been invented by men. No woman wrote a word of any of the rules.

If a woman has a high functioning brain, she will know that what we deserve -- across-the-board equality with every man on earth -- depends on the total obliteration of religions.

But since this is not going to happen, we could at least try to spend a bit more on good schools and more reasonable curricula.
Carol Wilson (Bloomington, IN)
Was he "joking" about Susan B. Anthony, or did someone hand him Cliff Notes on his way into the room?
Valerie (Manhattan)
I'm certain he had never even heard of her until he was told what to say for that speech. It's like a 7-year-old giving a really bad book report on a famous person.
Nora01 (New England)
The deal with referencing Anthony instead of other feminist is that there is a right wing "women's" group of anti-abortionists that call themselves by her name. Anthony only had about a dozen children because she had no choice and that is the choice the reactionary rights wants all women, everywhere, to have - none.
wobbly (Rochester, NY)
Susan B. never married and never had children. You're thinking of Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
RK (Long Island, NY)
When Trump signed an executive order that impacted the reproductive choices of people around the world, mainly women, none of the women that Trump trotted out yesterday were in the room.

Trump was surrounded by crazy conservative Mike Pence, crazy nationalist Stephen Bannon, just plain crazy Stephen Miller, crazily ineffective Chief of Staff Reince Preibus and a bunch of other men.

Yeah, Trump is for the ladies alright.
AnnaJoy (18705)
Let's not forget Tom Price who is in charge of gutting the ACA,
scout (Canada)
For the ladies? Oh yes, we all saw how comfortable he was with Angela Merkel!
V (Phoenix)
Trump is just plain clueless when it comes to women's issues, minority issues, foreign policy issues, family issues, budget issues, energy issues, military issues...the list is endless.
Positively 4th Street (NYC)
And, do not forgot real estate development issues (casinos, Riverside South, etc.). Totally clueless.
LS (Maine)
Really, it's not just women. Trump is a constant Potemkin village of showing the things he will destroy. Of accusing others of having the qualities he exhibits himself.

Big display on Women's History Month for the cameras and then back to the business of denying women decent health care coverage. Because, you know, being a woman is really just one big "short-term disability", as pregnancy is sometimes described in company policies.
Grace Smith (Boston)
Please Gail, no more days off for at least the next four years. We can't get through this without your wit and wisdom. Please.
Impedimentus (Nuuk,Greenland)
There is nothing good to say about the malignancy that occupies the White House. Trump is such an evil creature that I know of no writer or comedian that can accurately portray him, expect perhaps Gary Larson and his Far Side, but Larson is retired. This is how sick the man is. Misogyny is a mental illness that should require the patient to be institutionalized. Trump has so many mental issues that I doubt a sports stadium full of psychiatrists could fix him. Writers should focus on his crimes against humanity, his attempts to destroy our children's future. Trump's misogyny, as disgusting as it is, by comparison, is one of his lesser evils.
Sky (CO)
I have to disagree. Misogyny is at the root of other evils, including denying global warming and climate change. When we dismiss women and make women secondary, we are dismissing our own wisdom, our own life-giving, life-sustaining capacities. Having to dismiss a group of people is about fear and insecurity. We begin by oppressing half of humanity, and all other oppression then becomes justifiable. Meanwhile, men's sense of secure self isn't supported, because oppressing others is never the way to build self esteem, and therefore oppression becomes something that has to be repeated over and over, everywhere. Hatred of women by men and by women is foundational to hatred of minorities of all kinds, hatred of nature that can't be controlled, and it all stems from unexamined hatred of self.
Impedimentus (Nuuk,Greenland)
While I agree with much of what you say I do not believe that misogyny is the root of all evils, perhaps evil does not always have "roots". Sometimes it just exists. My comment was never intended to characterize misogyny as a lesser evil. However, there are many women who deny climate change, who seem not to care about the future of the planet or the well being of their own children. Sadly, prolicide has been committed by both sexes, as have many other evils.
Douglas McNeill (Chesapeake, VA)
I will believe in Ivanka when her father signs a bill equalizing pay between men and women doing the same jobs. Until then, she is the lipstick on the pig.
Barbara Winslow (Brooklyn, New York)
great phrase. Ivanka the lipstick on a pig
dEs joHnson (Forest Hills, NY)
No. She's a piglet.
Angel (Georgia)
The the only thing in this article that doesn't make me want to cry is the return of Hillary Clinton. She can do a lot of good for all of us. We need her now more than ever. It is a bonus that she can get under Trumps thin skin like no other.
Two Cents (Chicago IL)
I'll draw lots of fire for this but here goes: 'No more CLINTONS, Hillary or Bill!'
Move on people.
We nominated quite possibly the only candidate so 'unlikeable', who cares whether for good or bad reasons, who could and did lose to the world's biggest loser. ( I say 'we' nominated, but I means the 'Super Delegates' nominated.)
No. More. Clintons. Ever. Again.
Naomi (New England)
Any candidate would have been that "unlikeable" after Trump, the GOP, the FBI and Putin got finished with him/her. And if you think the Republicans, striving for a clean sweep, would have held back their swiftboats for a different candidate, you are living in a dream world. These people just MAKE STUFF UP -- ask war hero John Kerry. And now Putin is churning out propaganda too. They would have made mincemeat out of Sanders or Biden. Clinton at least won the popular vote by a bigger margin than some seated Presidents!
And once more, "Welcome back, Hillary". Keep fighting...Resist, Insist, Persist, Exist.
Cathy (Hopewell Junction NY)
I think if I had a female hero today to summon up from history lessons of yore, it would be Carrie Nation. It's a transference thing - I'd like to channel her energy. Imagine a Carrie Nation at the "Let's Kill Women's Health Care" photo-op.

Hear me roar.

Trump is a marvel at tossing out names - does he remember Susan B. Anthony and Harriet Tubman because their names have both been associated with currency?

Women's History Month is like Black History Month. It gives people cover to host a few events, remember a few names, and pretend to care about the subject. At work, back in my corporate slave incarnation, when there was absolutely no way that an exec could get an impossible task completed, he'd hold Saturday Meetings. It was the way to communicate that we are so committed, working so hard, doing everything possible, we even scheduled meetings on the weekend. So failure was outside of our control. For heaven's sake we had Saturday Meetings!

Women's History month is a Saturday Meeting - a showpiece to pretend we are working on understanding the crucial role of women in our society. It just makes me miss Carrie Nation. She wasn't into symbolic action.
Stella (MN)
Shouldn't they have waited until April to announce Ivanka's unpaid job in the White House?

Not sure why Melania is off limits. It's offensive, hypocritical and laughable to see her claiming to support sexual assault victims when she did a TV interview to specifically prevent other sexual assault victims from coming forward by dismissing them as revenge-seekers. That's disgusting in ANY book.
Olenska (New England)
Absolutely. Republicans in general, Trump supporters, vicious right-wingers of all stripes and their enablers never let Michelle Obama off the hook for anything - even wearing sleeveless dresses.

For instance, we taxpayers are footing the bill for Melania's choosing to ensconce herself in Trump Tower instead of moving to Washington, ostensibly because changing schools would be disruptive for her son -- although the Obama, Bush, Clinton, Carter, Ford, Nixon, and Johnson children (to name just a few) were apparently able and willing to make that transition in mid-school year. (Are there no schools in D.C. suitable for the young Trump scion?) This multi-million-dollar expenditure is certainly a political issue; why should she be exempt from comment and criticism?
Nedra Schneebly (Rocky Mountains)
@Stella: Having a woman work without pay in the White House is an American tradition. Melania won't do it, so Ivanka has become the de facto First Lady.
DamnYankee (everywhere)
The ghost of Abigail Adams is probably in need of meds at this point in American politics.

To read between the lines, the rise of Ivanka means that Kellyanne will probably be gone in 6 months; as with his marriages, Trump knows he needs a woman willing to do the heavy lifting but will replace her for a shinier, younger model to keep the female conservative vote.

Trump Remembers the Ladies? Trump would try and break any lady he met.
delmar sutton (selbyville, de)
He should be thanking women, especially white women. They are the reason he was elected.

The predator in chief was very condescending in his speech to women. Do people not see right through the president?
P.E.S. (Newton, Mass)
How much better it would have been to celebrate Women's History Month with a woman president. Unfortunately her establishment political tactics didn't play with the Main Street women and men in flyover country. The tweeter-in-chief didn't win the election, Hillary lost it. Now we're all suffering the consequences - too many to list. So instead of "Welcome back, Hillary", I would say "Go away and stay away". That is, until she can apologize to the people (unlikely for any Clinton) and tell the Democrats what she did wrong so that they can avoid those mistakes next time around.
Barbara (<br/>)
I am sorry Hillary lost and I am sure she is dissecting the defeat. We can lament her shortcomings but no one is responsible for Trump except himself and his supporters. I still can't get my mind around why anyone would trust him or vote for him. Why don't you run next time P.E.S., and you can either win or explain why you didn't?
Nora01 (New England)
I am with you all the way, but don't hold your breath. She "knows" she lost because of Russia and Comey. It could not possibly have had anything to do with her campaign. Hillary and the rest of the Third Way (Republican lite) tribe are wiggling their way back in to power at the DNC. They want to weakened and destroy the Democratic party so it looks like the GOP. They can be on the ropes together just waiting for another party to take them out the way the original Republican party finished off the Whigs. Interestingly, the Southern Whigs responded to the death of their party by becoming -what else? - The Know Nothing party.

How history repeats itself.
P.E.S. (Newton, Mass)
It may be very hard but we absolutely have to understand how and why the guy won, otherwise it could happen again. And we can't depend on his self-destruction; that didn't work last time, did it?

Thanks for your encouragement to run, Barbara, but I can't: although a citizen for more than sixty years, I'm not native-born, and will be over eighty by that time. So I'll have to dispense my wisdom here instead.
Mars &amp; Minerva (New Jersey)
Doesn't Trump have some kind of Female Dress Code for the White House? It appears to be six inch heels and being stuffed into a skirt like a sausage. It's amazing that he didn't force Nikki Haley to die her hair ash blond before appointing her ambassador to the United Nations!

I think it's clear that Trump is an appalling Neanderthal when it comes to women and their concerns. Possibly he isn't the first American President to treat women as little more than pets that vote. He is just the first to do it proudly, publically and with an intent to institutionalize it.
Janet Camp (Mikwaukee)
Let’s not insult Neanderthals--who were actually intelligent people who survived the harshest conditions for millennia and whose DNA resides in a lot of us today. I know it’s a handy shorthand for “caveman”, but maybe we could just describe him without the use of extinct species or helpless animals?
Mars &amp; Minerva (New Jersey)
Point taken.
Len (Pennsylvania)
You are insulting Neanderthals.
Richard Deforest (Mora, Minnesota)
In the process of Normalizing Abnormality, we continue 24/7 to give to our CEO his COA (Center Of Attention). I read this morning here, in NYT, that Trump told our "Leaders" that he "didn't know politics could be so much fun". As one of his very average elderly "Subjects", I resent being a simple daily Observer as He gayly occupies his role as the "Entertainer". Meanwhile, I continue to cynically hope that his beautiful First Family can
Thoroughly enjoy the Presence of His Absence!
Peter (CT)
Why no mention of the beauty pageants? At least give Trump credit for his appreciation of women as collectible objects.
DebraM (New Jersey)
Thank you for my laugh of the day.
pkbormes (Brookline, MA)
Collectible AND discardable.
OHmygoodness (Georgia)
Ms. Collins,

Yes. While I concur with your column, there's a bigger and more subtle issue with the messaging of this entire WH. Based on my non lying eyes, I see a theme that my grandmother consistently saw in her younger days, "Whites Only", but in this administration, "White Males Only". The majority of pictures posted on Twitter are with the president and White Men. The picture with the cabinet in the Oval Office with him is painful to see because Niki Haley and Ben Carson are behind him while the transportation secretary is in the ranks with the men. (Hmm, DT a Chinese Agent) Even Ivanka's women's gathering have minimal to no minority presence and the only pictures of a balance of minority children is when she posts a picture of her and students. While probably a poorly timed shot, the picture of Jared and Ivanka at Boeing in Charleston, SC reveals a look of disgust as the Black employee is speaking about something.

Not only are Beyoncé's "Single Ladies" and Kenny Rogers and Lionel Richie's "Lady" hard to find within the WH, diversity is clearly missing in all aspects of this administration, unless you count the black man serving in the background at Mar whatever in Florida.

While I'm confident that Ambassador Haley will do a wonderful job, Trump's placement of Dr. Carson in housing was slick messy because like horror movies, blacks are usually the first to go. The disdain for diverse thought and diversity is obvious. His anger towards Snoop and Meryl..Hello?
Paul (Washington, DC)
That is interesting. I walked by a meeting of sorts here at work yesterday. it was like a city council meeting in SC in the 50's. All white men.(and there were at least 12 at the table)
chickenlover (Massachusetts)
Who knows women better than Donald Trump. He has hosted the beauty pageant for numerous years when he's grabbed the opportunity to sneak into the locker rooms to take a peek. He has toured in a bus and told, on record, about how strongly women are attracted to him and his desire to snag them and their kittens. he even knows how baby girls, including his daughter, grow up to become women who are well endowed. He knows Susan B. Anthony only too well having run his fingers on the coins bearing her visage and wonders if we all have had any acquaintance with her.
Isn't it, therefore, fitting that he speak at such an august event?
CFXK (Alexandria, VA)
I am very proud now that the White House has been hosting events all throughout March where people can learn about Abigail Adams, so many other things, Susan B. Anthony is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more, I notice. Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, and millions more women who made America what it is today. Big impact.
Paul (Washington, DC)
Nice sarcastic play.
Stan Continople (Brooklyn)
If Ivanka and Jared shared a little more substance, a little more experience in the public sphere, and a little less waxy artificiality, they'd be Barbie and Ken.
Miss Ley (New York)
Never mind if the daughter is into affordable knitwear and trends for the Rich, and that the Democratic Party was called earlier this week the 'Abortion' one by a Mr. Groome.

This American is in no doubt that Trump has a soft-spot for the ladies and an interest in their having an appropriate wardrobe for the tarnished White House. The man is clumsy at best, and Ms. Collins has given some Americans a good laugh about his making women's empowerment a priority throughout the campaign. Weak, of course, farcical, and he did not tweet 'I'll tell you this again between the sheets'.

There seems to be some confusion between Abortion and Planned Parenthood. Why? The happiest person I know is a nun with a medical practice in Ireland for women's care. Well, I won't go on about it here, but I wish I had known about it long ago.

Kudos to Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao who had a previous commitment. To Ivanka Trump, there are lots of children in need of help. They are dirt poor for the most part with little hope. The parents are on welfare or ill. It is happening here not far from the towers of Manhattan.
Have a heart and take a tour of New York State in the rural area in the Spring.

My father was known as 'Wolf' for a reason but he recognized powerful women. Go for it, Ms. Trump, you might be able to make a difference and when this citizen wins the Lotto, I will purchase one of your sweaters. This is a promise.
PaulB (Cincinnati, Ohio)
Thanks, Gail, for entering into the political lexicon the term Failure to Appreciate Irony, or FAI. This concept will one day be studied by wannabe MBAs and campaign spinmeisters, alongside "fake news," "Make Coal Great Again (MCGA), and my personal favorite, "What Healthcare Plan, (WHP).
Ben (Pittsburgh)
The emperor still has no clothes. Why? Why do we tolerate this fraud?
David Henry (Concord)
You could ask this question of every GOP candidate since Reagan.
Larry Eisenberg (New York City)
Is this one of your hoary jokes
Or just an incredible hoax?
It's Donald the Grabber
Now sanctified blabber
Who really reveres women folks.
Tardiflorus (Huntington, ny)
Yes "lock her up" and"such a nasty woman" and of course "crooked Hillary Clinton " the man is a menace, and not like Dennis. More like Berlusconi crossed with Mussulini, but with a pile of nuclear weapons
Rw (canada)
These trumps have made so much so ugly, so grotesque, so perverse. They make a mockery of everything. Truth, trust, ethics crushed in their wake, leaving uncertainty, incompetence and chaos. Their photo-op masks are made of wax: keep the heat focused and they will eventually wilt.
(On the weekend, my 4yr old granddaughter is waiting for Mom to butter her toast. Momma, she says, I need two things, I really need them. Yes, Mom asks? "I need a baby hedgehog and I really need somebody to make trump go away cause he's too mean." For those who remember Art Linkletter's "Kids Say the Darndest Things")
SFRDaniel (Ireland)
Make the world safe for baby hedgehogs. Yes!
Elizabeth W. (Croton, NY)
I sincerely hope she gets both her wishes. :-)
James Tynes (Hattiesburg, Ms)
The women in Trump's cabinet are careful to keep their legs crossed when sitting near him and standing at more than an arm's length away. Elizabeth Chao had the right idea. Don't show up and risk the embarrassment of being within arm's reach of a man who is 'obsessed' with being grabby around women.
Marcia (Cape Cod)
Yeah but Elaine Chao (secretary of transportation) is married to Mitch McConnell - not too sure about her taste in men - any men . . - and not at all sure about the potential for nepotism there.
DR (New England)
Elizabeth Chao is married to a man almost as odious as Trump. She doesn't appear to have any good ideas about men.
Scott Kilhefner (Cape Coral, Florida)
He doesn't respect women. "Grab her by the ...."
No self-respecting woman would have accepted his invite to this event.
Ladies, you must respect yourself first.
gemli (Boston)
Well, President Vinny Boom Batz is all about the ladies. Today he’s trying to grab their attention, which is a step up from what he was grabbing a while back. At least he’s giving them a shout-out, which is not easy for a man who speaks in short, trite, ungrammatical sentences—just like his tweets, when you think about it. This is a man who misspells words when he talks, so give him an E for effort.

He’s all about lifting up women. He sure lifted up Betsy DeVos. He put her in a position of power over the lives of millions of schoolchildren, even though she didn’t know a blessed thing about schools, or running them, or what they did exactly. Now that’s empowerment.

Women got special attention during the recent Congressional debacle. Not only were some going to lose Obamacare, they were also going to lose Planned Parenthood, if he had his way. Who pays that much attention to women these days? Just ask Kellyanne Conway. If you can find her! It’s like Where’s Waldo with that chick.

He says he saw Susan B. Anthony the other day. She was standing right there with Frederick Douglas, unless he was very much mistaken. Yeah, it was at the inauguration. But the crowds were so thick it was hard to tell. But there she was, wearing a pink hat and holding up her hand in a gesture that could only mean, “You’re Number One.”
Robert in Brasil (Brasil)
Bigly said!
Ann O. Dyne (Unglaciated Indiana)
Trump nominated DeVos. Let us not forget the Senate ciphers, including Democrats! (I'm looking at you, Sen. Donnelly), who voted to confirm her depredations.
SFRDaniel (Ireland)
holding up her hand in a gesture that could only mean, “You’re Number One."

You do know he's myopic. It's all just one big blur, so it can be anything you want it to be.
nzierler (New Hartford)
The psychoanalyst Adler, who first postulated the concept of an inferiority complex, would have used Trump as his poster boy. His degradation of women is matched only by his degradation of anyone who not only has the audacity to disagree with him but refuses to be his boot licker. That's the textbook definition of the inferiority complex. Thomas Edsall's column today points out that Trump is ignorant of his own ignorance. But the one thing he is aware of is that he is inferior to those around him.
RoughAcres (NYC)
Wonder how many people could name five things about Susan B. Anthony?

Being on a dollar coin doesn't count.

Paul (Washington, DC)
Let me try, did not use google.
1. She was one of the two major leaders of the suffragette movement.
2. She organized the women
a big march on Washington DC. I think 1919 for voting rights.
3. She remained un married so as to work for her cause.
4. Her face was on a dollar coin, produced in 4 years 79, 80,81 and 99. It was made to retire the dollar bill, since a coin last for decades, a bill a few years. Would have saved the country billions by now, but as usual, the American public was too stupid to buy in to a good deal.
5. Rode a white horse in the above mentioned march and she was dressed in white.
Maybe we don't know a whole bunch about people like Anthony because we spend too much time fawning over the attributes of the Slavers and Enablers Club of 1789.
Your turn.
SW (Massachusetts)
1. Spoke out as a fierce abolitionist at the age of 17. Continued to be politically active until her death 71 years later.
2. Was an organizer for temperance.
3. Along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, was arguably the most important voice for the rights of women.
4. Was arrested for voting in 1872.
5. The Cathedral of St. John the Divine in NYC has a statue of her as one of history's most important spiritual voices, along with Martin Luther King, Jr. and Ghandi.
6. Celebrated her 80th birthday at the White House with William McKinley.
Kelli Clement (Minneapolis)
Good recall. One correction: It was Inez Mulholland, dressed in white who rode the white horse in the suffrage movement marches. If you ever have a opportunity, I recommend a visit to the Sewall Belmont House and Museum on Capitol Hill in Washington DC, which is the home of the National Women's Party. Great exhibits, history, photos, etc. Oh, and lots on SBA.
Dana (Santa Monica)
As the mother of daughters, my heart hurts that this man is our president. That my girls bear witness to another incompetent white man getting the job a more competent, qualified woman earned. It aches that half of white women are so self hating that they voted for this ignorant, misogynistic pig. i hate that shallow women of no substance are on our tv (until I turn it off) ferociously trying to legitimize this fool. It saddens me that I am repeatedly telling my children to never aspire to be trump - that our president does not possess the values or decency that I try so hard to instill in them. Most of all, i privately weep that I am raising smart, ambitious daughters in a society that still holds young women like them in such high contempt.
Maureen (Boston)
Beautifully said. One step up, two steps back.
sharon (worcester county, ma)
Dana- as a mother of four beautiful adult daughters, (plus one terrific son), and grandmother to 4 grand daughters and 4 grandsons I couldn't agree with your sentiment more. No-one but a woman can ever know what it is like to walk a mile in our shoes. Thank you for such an eloquent, heartfelt response.
Lee harrison (Kew Gardens)
Can you or anyone explain why the majority of women voted for Trump? Really? I find this utterly incomprehensible and depressing.
george (coastline)
I've got nothing against women. I married three of them and I voted for one in November But identity politics is why that idiot Trump is in the White
House. All those women in the rust belt who identified with their out of work husbands and bible thumping preachers gave us the mess we have now. When Democrats stick to bread and butter issues and quit talking about who is using whose bathroom we may someday be able to take this country back from the banks and other corporations
RjW (Chicago)
A fair point that needs to be aired. What issues are we truly willing to lose for? Russia,Hungary, Poland, and others have made great hay out of postmodern western decadence.
sdavidc9 (Cornwall)
When Democrats stick to bread and butter issues, women and gays and environmentalists and minorities and unions and protestors and overt sexuality will be kept in their place. Statesmen (like Fulbright) used to sometimes be elected from the South because they did not oppose segregation and helped blacks only under the table.

When Democrats stick to bread and butter issues, Bill Maher will once again be censored, George Carlin's seven words will be excised rather than bleeped, and good guys will once again be easily identifiable by their white hats.
sarahb (Madison, WI)
Let's talk about gerrymandering, voter suppression, purging the registration rolls, Wikileaks and James Comey's perfidy. Then, and only then, we can move on to the deficiency of the Democrats' message.
slimowri2 (milford, new jersey)
What about the "locker room talk" with Billy Bush? Well, Trump will
never complain, explain, or apologize. He is 70, and a veteran of the
real estate wars, taught by Roy Cohn, What we see and hear with
Trump will remain.
Norma (Albuquerque, NM)
What about the accounts of women who filed suits against him for sexual abuse?
Susan Anderson (Boston)
can we just say he is execrable?

Women, men, humans, he degrades himself first, and then his object. He is a shameless simulacrum, hardly human.
Midway (Midwest)
I don't like the namecalling, and think we all grew out of that in 2nd grade, boys and girls, but this seems like a good place to ask:

Why is Gail one of only two women, both white, who write columns for the NYT?

Can't Gail urge her employer to hire qualified, trained, women who perhaps represent true working women on the political spectrum?

Instead of Gail being the mouthpiece for American women, why not hire some non-Jewish non-white non-men to add their opinions to the mix. You might better understand, for example, why more and more women believe Life Begins at Conception, and that American society is right to limit women as the sole decision-makers in who gets to live and die, based on pre-natal testing?

Society should take a stand and insist that modern medicine has no place in killing off disabled children, just because the mother does not want to carry such a child to term... If we stop making it legal, there will be less and less children prematurely killed because a test somewhere shows they might be disabled. Women should not get to decide to kill for this reason, not in a civilized society...
beth reese (nyc)
Are you ready to help that woman raise that disabled child after it is born? And yes, a woman should be the sole arbiter in this case-unless you want to live in "A Handmais's Tale" dystopia.
Leslie (Virginia)
Midway in the Midwest: While I kept reading your screed, I knew where you were going when you wanted "non-Jewish" opinion writers. Of course, both Collins and Dowd are that. And you wonder why the educated coastal folks hold you in such low esteem.
Here's a newsflash: women have always decided how many children they can care for. When abortion wasn't legal, many died trying...even your sainted Midwestern ones.
James Landi (Salisbury, Maryland)
Say what you will about grotesque ironies, the single most horrible one is that Trump received any votes from females in the November election. "What were they thinking?" hardly touches the surface of grotesque ironies when this self proclaimed misogynist and serial sex offender pulled of the most extraordinary scam in America's political history.
AM (New Hampshire)
James Landi,

I recommended your post but, c'mon, man. Us guys ought to be just as outraged as the women about a groper-in-chief and an ogler of undressed teenage girls.

Oh, and both genders should have outrage a-plenty about a shameless serial liar and con man. About a narcissistic ignoramus. About a violator of international law and science-denier. So, I ask you, sir, to remember the gents!
Saddha (Barre)
Its shocking that any women at all voted for this guy. He is like every bad guy they have ever had to deal with . . . and they still picked him.

However, its even more shocking that white men OVERWHELMINGLY voted for him. What's with that? Did they see something to like? And what would that be?
silver bullet (Warrenton VA)
Ms. Collins, your column is full of irony. Women's History Month is almost over but where is the president's celebrated Kellyanne Conway? She hasn't been seen or heard since she promoted the 45th's daughter's clothes and cosmetics line back in January. Like a crocodile, she submerged into the deeper recesses of the White House mangrove swamp, with no prey in sight.

Conway's been missing so long now that maybe she should be put on the endangered species list. We know that the president isn't interested in environmental protection for polar bears, or grizzly bears, to hear Education Secretary Betsy DeVos tell it. Conway, like the unlamented Katrina Pierson,
may be a victim of her president's aversion to clean air and climate change that he deems a hoax. That being the case, the reptilian Conway may feel that her usefulness has come to an end and that, yes, she's history during Women's History Month.
bob west (florida)
She can always fall back on her husbands salary now that he has landed a trump job
Midway (Midwest)
When is Working Class month, and don't you people understand that the President is too busy working to save the Middle Class than to be on the stump for this cute animal of the month or that.

Isn't saving endangered wildlife something that the retirees, children and non-working people should be concerned with, while the rest of us work to save the American economy? Priorities, people. Shamus on the truck was really not a national priority, even though I bet some of you are seeing Mitt Romney as a true Republican moderate now...

You get what you vote for, gals.
Think next time about who represents your interests, and what your votes can do to usher in True Change, as represented by Donald Trump in Washington today. (Obama promised, but he had no experience to deliver. Trump's a month or two in, and he's effectively dismantling Obama's economic set-asides -- Good!)
Smithereens (Bolton Landing, NY)
Thank God there are men around to mansplain' how we gals need to vote our interests. Thanks, Midway!