Good, Bad and Mad: Andrew Rosenthal on the News

Feb 23, 2017 · 120 comments
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
The story of the Democratic Party in the Trump era will be this stream of completely made-up scare stories designed to delay the coming Reaganesque jobs growth.

Oops - it's already started. God bless America.
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
Mr. Obama was always late responding to any attacks worldwide or here at home by Islamist terrorists. He never DID admit that the Ft. Hood shooting was a terror attack out of bias due to the killer's race, religion, or both, we have to assume.
Mr. Obama also repeated syllables or made other fluency errors when he spoke of important events, so don't tell us Mr. Trump is any different from other Presidents. Obama wasn't Porky Pig, but neither is Trump.

Any adult walking down a sidewalk KNOWS that Trump will protect Israel TEN times faster that our faculty-lounge dreamer Barack who lived so close to Minister Farrakhan.
poins (boston)
Kong:Skull Island - wow that's fast, they're already releasing movies about Trump. But seriously, what monkey is bright orange? OK, an orangutan i suppose. There's this lingering feeling, however, that people should get what they deserve in this life - I mean even Hitler lost the war and died in a hole. But Trump has managed to avoid his just deserts for quite a while so perhaps it's time to move on from the romantic notion and accept the fact that insects have survived for milleniums so Trump is likely to keep going too without paying for his sins...
Doug Broome (Vancouver)
Could not Obama sue Trump for defamation seeking $10 million in damages to be used for refugee or homeless services?
In support of the damages Obama could demand Trump's tax returns.
John Smith (Cherry Hill, NJ)
TRUMP'S Demented policies continue to plague and gravely threaten our nation. He is singularly the largest, growing threat to US Homeland Security. I find it startlingly ironic that Trump, one of whose advisors, his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is an Orthodox Jew; his daughter Ivanka Trump is converted to Judaism; his grandchildren are also Jewish. To me it's inconceivable that there could be a second's hesitation about Trump's denouncing the recent waves of anti-Jewish attacks. It is chilling to know that he is indifferent to the plight of those nearest to him (or rather people who would be closest to a father figure with a healthy brain). How far are we in the US willing to let Trump spin our nation down the drain before we call a halt by invoking the 25th Amendment. He is not capable medically of fulfilling his official duties.
paula (south of boston)
I totally agree with
all you've said here, John Smith.

The question is, how are you prove mental or medical incapacity ?
Make him take some neuro-psych testing and bring in a real physician to determine if there are any pathological conditions or brain abnormalities ?

I think it's mostly a matter of time; The madness is getting incrementally appalling. - the heinous attack on our real president Obama, the long line of unqualified sycophants, all constant
"failures", ruining our country.
We did.not ask for this chaos, we do not want him and the court jesters to destroy us.

It's a matter of time. We have to fight the ogre, ; we as a people are better and stronger.
The Observer (Mars)
Perjury, fraud, misappropriation of funds, intimidation, terroristic threats, persecution under color of office, blackmail, conspiracy with a hostile foreign power, .... What if it all were true? How could we find out?

The Republicans seem intent on covering up something, what is it?

What if it all were true, who would step up to stop it?

The article in the New Yorker about the Trump hotel in Azerbaijan brought to mind the RICO statute.
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
People who break laws go to jail and can't run businesses.
Have you ever heard of the Internal Revenue Service?
Raul Campos (San Francisco)
What if it's not true? There is not a single bit on evidence supporting any of these allegations. What would that say of how gullible and easily the left is manipulated by headlines seeking news organizations?The hypocrisy of the left is that they are truly amazed that Trump could accuse Obama of wiretapping his phone without providing any evidence and not see that this is exactly what they are doing to Trump. The symmetry of Trump's allegations suggest that he is more than willing to retaliate by stirring the muck at the bottom of the Washington swamp.
Helen (NYC)
Whatever the 45th says regarding anti-semitism is moot as long as Steve Bannon sits beside him.
A man who believes Christianity is more sacred than our democracy sits as his VP.
And somewhere in all of this Ivanka and Jared, roam the halls of the WH as the get out of jail free card, AKA token Jews. We call that a shanda (shame, disgrace, a terrible sin).
My parents survived concentration camps, I am grateful they are not around to witness this shanda. I could not bare to see them suffer again.
Matthew S (Manhattan, New York)
I may have been busy flipping between Fox and CNN to witness the diametrically opposing views of President Trump, or turning the pages of various publications that seem to be describing two different President Trumps, but I seem to have missed Mr. Rosenthal's outright condemnation of the DNC for putting Keith Ellison, who counts the Rev. Farrakhan as a mentor, in the role of Deputy Director. Shame on the DNC and shame on Mr. Rosenthal selective and careless criticism.
Raul Campos (San Francisco)
Trump, Trump, Trump...according to you, anything hateful in the world is Trump's fault and nothing that he says or does is going to change that. Can't you see how childish you sound? The most egregious example of this kind of Trump hate mongering is the way the media patronized and disrespected the widow of a Navy Seal who made the unpardonable mistake of being honored by the President of the United States! The left has become completely irrational...let me rephrase, YOU ARE NOT MAKING ANY SENSE. Get a grip and quit pressing the Trump emotion button every time you are too lazy to write something truly worth reading.
Flak Catcher (New Hampshire)
I don’t get it, America.
You shriek as Trumped calls his opponent Hillary Clinton “a crook” and promises to toss her in jail [that rated even higher on the “applause-o-shriek-0-meter” than did his calling her a crook].
And did that happen?
Now you're swooning over his speech, the most big moment coming when he tells the weeping widow of the dead special forces soldier that the Congressional applause-o-meter’s record has been broken and her husband's smiling down at her.
The dead man’s father? He refused to participate. See, he called Trump’s "go" decision reckless, forecast Trump would use his son’s death for political purposes. Now, the USSR (a rotten nation by any other name) is riffing on the anti-news-media-Trump-inspired-fueled-and-ceaselessly repeated lies that the problem isn’t the President. It’s the NYT, Washington Post, Democrats, Liberals, Mongrels, mad-dogs & Englishmen.
The latest:
"What is happening now in the West, particularly in the U.S. media,” a Maria Zakharova opined, “it's just the manifestation of some kind of media vandalism.”
Nice to know we can trust Mother Russia and Father Trump and Jeff Sessions and the scoundrels who surround them, including, apparently, The American People, to spout the predictable.
Jeff Sessions would have been called a Traitor by both Houses and parties in Congress had Trump not proved our nation to be addicted to woofin’ rather than ‘truth-tellin’.
Eisenhower, Truman, Roosevelt, Lincoln, Jefferson, Washington: rollover.
Submitted a rebuttal to a comment describing Christians as "greedy zealots,"and wrote that having known many Christian missionaries during my years as a TFA volunteer in west Africa and as a Fulbright, that was not my experience at all,Those who I knew lived as modestly as the members of their congregations were altruistic to a fault, and did not collect a paycheck.Also raised the question whether Dr.Paul Carlson, killed by Simbas in 1964, who, like many others gave his life to the African people, could be described as a "greedy Christian zealot." Rebuttals to those who would slander others in their comments should be rebuked, and more consideration given to all sides of a question should be a priority of the Editorial Board.
angel98 (nyc)
108 Bomb Threats Against 86 Jewish Community Centers and Organizations this year alone.

Who knows how many more against other groups that Trump has isolated and left more vulnerable by not speaking up for them, by encouraging violence against them through denigration, insults and false reports or by his "crumbs of condescension".
angel98 (nyc)
He couldn't have done a better job, with his far too late weak message, of saying to his fans that his words were merely politics, something the elite establishment forced him to say to stay in the game, far from discouraging his fans his "crumbs of condescension" further emboldens them. Reinforce this with his constant whining, blaming, "unfair and mean to me", positioning himself as put upon victim and the message is loud and clear it says he is still his campaign trail - that insults, prejudice, hate and all still hold for him as long - well, as long as it still gets applause and cheers that is.
angel98 (nyc)
Damn with faint support, assent with civil leer,
And without sneering, teach the rest to sneer;
Willing to wound, and yet afraid to strike,
Just condescend, and hesitate dislike.

Variation on damning with faint praise from.
"Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot" by Alexander Pope (1688–1744)
CBRussell (Shelter Island,NY)
Perhaps Editors you should ....stop....and are not winning the
media game against .....TRUMP/BANNON....players....

The game is set: ....called win by any means ; and mostly this Is Game of
Diversion....the military strategists know how to play this game in war rooms.
on war room maps....Divert the enemy from what they think is their next move.
But if you stay focused on the Goal...and the Goal for the Editors is to prove
at this time: that Trump is conflicted with Russian do not
get into the game of diversion with Bannon/Trump.

An independent investigation will bring out the truth...and that is the Goal
The Goal is sharpen your pencils and be sure these pencils have
good erasers...and why...Steve Bannon is a danger to us all ; and he is one
helluva smart stay focused on Trump being a traitor...and why
Traitors get ousted...and that is what we all never mind Obamacare
or other long worried works...but maybe say something about EPA messes
like the pipeline through our country which is going to make poltable water
Goal ONE...: the Russian Connection: and the ouster of Trump/Bannon et al.
Ian MacFarlane (Philadelphia PA)
The feigned patriotism coupled with willful ignorance is actually quite insulting to those who are proponents of deportation among other increasingly stupid, meaningless and short sighted measures which are just scraps being thrown to those who elected him.

Meanwhile he pads the budget with armaments and prisons which keeps the short necked happy and oiur soon to be majority populus under the less colorful control of his minions, while the money is passed on up the chain ... ..... sort of gangland style.

One of the problems with living up to that part of the roaring twenties image which has taken residence in our white house is the fact of peripheral damage which can only grow as our nation staggers under the top heavy transfer of wealth.

What actually surprises me is while Mr Trump appears to be an intelligent person his lack of reasoning, like that of his followers, eludes me. Societies have been around long enough to know what works and what doesn't and an imbalance of the sort his proposals carry is societally untenable.

However counting on the members of Congress to cuirb his enthusiasm will be as fruitful as my apple tree which is to say non existent.
@Termon: Object to your words, "greedy Christian zealots!"Why r Christians necessarily zealots and why r they greedy? Worked with many Christian missionaries in west Africa and they r among the kindest, most altruistic folks I ever met, live as their congregations live, and exemplify voluntarism at the highest level, since they are not paid for their work ministering to others. Was Paul CARLSON, missionary doctor killed by the Simbas in Stanleyville in 1964 a "greedy Christian zealot?"Your comment is not well thought out and badly worded, no se ofenda!
Philly (Expat)
Where was the MSM when Obama threw Israel under the bus in the UN in his waning days in office? As I remember, the MSM seemed to approve.

The MSM condemns Israel on a regular basis but not too subtly blames Trump for anti-Semitism, even though Trump has a Jewish convert daughter whom he obviously adores, and genuinely respects his advisor son-in-law.

The main threat to global Judaism is not coming from the right but rather the left and groups aligned with or supported by the left.

The MSM is losing credibility for incredulously and continually blaming Trump for anti-Semitism. You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own reality.
Dorothy (Evanston)
Anyone watching or listening last week to trump's 'reaction' to the violence against JCC's across the country could not help but shake his/her head in that trump HAD to read a statement, obviously not from his heart.

What astounds me more is the report that trump told the attorneys general in a meeting today that the 'violence (against the community centers and cemeteries) makes people look bad.' Huh? Whatever does that mean? That people who knock over headstones and call threats to schools and community centers are actually innocent? Good citizens?

Anthony Scaramucci, adviser to trump, tweeted it's actually the Dems who are behind the violence.

It's so difficult for me to wrap my head around these thoughts and this president. I can't understand that people actually like what he says. I know there is talk that ultra liberals are pushing 'middle of the roaders' away by their rhetoric but I can't understand how anyone can find his kind of talk acceptable. Have our standards become so low that we've lost our compassion? I have no answers but really despair that we're losing our humanity.
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
Your hero Barack used teleprompters EVEN when addressing children.
Midway (Midwest)
I'm not ready to concede this is an anti-Jewish country yet, just because someone unknown has kicked over some headstones... Kids? Someone loking for attention? Who knows?

But lets focus on the man killed in Kansas this week, who lost a life. Stone can be reset. And I understand the history. But I'm not ready to concede that Jewish hate crimes, are allegedly worse that what other minority groups/immigrants, legal and not, here face, so let's please not focus too much on fallen stones, and think of all the lives needing uplifting.

You and your people are in my prayers. We are still a good country here. Never forget. For every hater, that are 100 men of good will and good faith. Lets not let a few knocked over rocks divide us in fear...
Richard Luettgen (New Jersey)
Everyone has a right to be “mad” occasionally about pretty much whatever they want. This IS America, after all. But it’s a might excessive to be blaming Trump’s actions for anti-Semitism. Frankly, I’d start with Pontius Pilate. I might go back as far as Thutmose III, the likely Egyptian pharaoh during the Exodus. It’s a bit hard to argue that The Donald is in the same league as these worthies, and we’re not even talking about recent genocides such as Hitler and Eichmann.

Then, we already know that liberals are “mad” about the rejection by most Americans and certainly by Trump of this curious “open borders” aphasia. But the continued anger is understandable if pyrrhic: just think of all those Democratic votes lost to such a trivial matter as our laws.

Finally, Trump’s MANNER despite a true “agenda” of coming together to solve America’s problems collectively as Americans has alienated MANY on the right, not just John McCain. Read George Will or William Kristol, or, if you can stomach him, Bret Stephens (or, right here, Ross Douthat). But all that alienation, plus about $10, can buy you a Hillary Clinton Pez Dispenser on Amazon.
Karen Hessel (<br/>)
I prefer to read rather than take the time ti listen to a podcast, so why not publish the podcast content?
Ultraliberal (New Jersy)
I find it strange that the FBI has not rounded up the terrorists that are threatening to blow up Jewish Community Centers, & over turning Jewish Grave Stones.It usually doesn't take this long for them to uncover these deplorable degenerates.
@Ultraliberal: But we don't know the identities of those who are making the bomb threats. Hunch that you believe fringe whites re behind the intimidation, which I believe would gratify the far left. But suppose it turned out that those responsible were from Islamic countries, or from south of the border, hypotheses not to be excluded. Perhaps this is why FBI and other investigative agencies seem to be dragging their feet. In any case, they must be stopped. In France, right wing parties such as Poujade's UDCA in the 1950's and later le Pen's FN were thought to be behind anti-SEMITIC attacks, but today threats in France on the Jewish community have been proven to come from North Africans, devotees of the Caliphate. In any case,these assaults on a people and culture must be come to an end, and authors of such hate crimes must be punished.
leftoright (New Jersey)
Because Trump doesn't genuflect to what the Times perceives as hate, prejudice and evil on time, he then is the subject of its"hate", Prejudice" and "evil". You have declared war on this man, and as an enemy feels no compunction to accede to your timeline, no matter how flimsy.
dc1 (fl)
How perceptive of you lefttoright to point out what the Times perceives as hate, prejudice and evil is not valid. After all who could possibly think that vandalizing Jewish graveyards and making repeated bombthreats on Jewish community centers constitutes "hate, prejudice or evil"?
Fletcher Lokey (New Hampshire)
Oh for goodness' sake. I suppose to some the Times can appear to be on a mission against Trump, but do you read the articles? The reporting is on the things Trump says and does. Straightforward reporting on Trump, like straightforward reporting on any topic or person, has to present and analyze those things, and so the reporting simply reflects Trump the way he is. The consistency of the picture presented in the Times, the relentless consistency, is not bias, it's just that Trump is acting in ways that earn the coverage he gets.
jahbles (Sapporo,Japan)
no longer is it "make America great again," it's "let's break America . . . again."
Michael Boyajian (Fishkill)
There is definitely a rise in hate out there. I was being seated in a local restaurant when a white male came out of the bar area and gave me a look of abject hatred on Sunday I guess because I look Middle Eastern. I have been bothered for days by it.
Babel (new Jersey)
The day Trump made his first move on the political scene was to falsely and outrageously question the birthplace of our first black President. That was a dog whistle that lasted six years and it had the desired effect; it gave him the loyalty of the South. From there he traversed to our borders and Mexicans crossing over illegally. He labeled these people rapists and drug pushers and now white nationalists groups across the country started to pay attention. When he initially disingenuously indicated he did not know who David Duke was and failed to condemn him (wink wink) large parts of the white race knew they had found their man. Then his ban on Muslims drew the white Evangelicals even closer. So you had to be a fool to not realize the Jews would be next in line. In Trump World if you are not a white Christian you will eventually become a target.
Ultraliberal (New Jersy)
We are not only despised by the Alt right but within the radical liberal element.The Jews are an Island unto themselves, & a scapegoat of the deplorable in both Parties.
comosun (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Agree. And it certainly isn't a coincidence that the young French-Canadian who shot to death six Muslim men at prayers in their Quebec City mosque did so within days of Trump's inauguration. His Facebook page included "likes" for Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen, the far-right French presidential candidate.
paula (south of boston)
how does he explain his glum and awkward son-in-law ?
so , some Jews are ok but not all ?
Alces Hill (New Hampshire)
This is why I voted for Bernie Sanders.
Termon (NYC)
The turmoil that roils us now has been in the making for decades. We were too busy to see it coming. Decades ago, some were writing about alienation. Someone in the Trump camp realized that and exploited it. Now in power, Trump appoints the greedy, the Christian zealots, and the war-loving generals to wreck our civilization.

We need to consider the limits of liberal democracy, which has been expressed as representative democracy. It's breaking down all over the Western world. If the sane and well-meaning don't think it through, the mad-max Bannons will.
hopeE (Stamford, CT)
Commentators and editorialists write as if Trump has some grand plan for the US. I submit that he is a Groundhog Day type of planner. Each day starts anew for him. Whatever idea pops into his head, whoever has made the most recent suggestion or criticism, wherever his ego takes him is what he will spout. There is no overarching plan, no coherence, no competency.
Elise (Northern California)
Senator McCain can say whatever he wants but the undisputed fact is that he votes right in tow with Trump and Bannon and Pence and the entire Republican mantra of "deconstructing" the government of the United States.

For a man who served and was a prisoner of war, he - perhaps more than anyone else in congress - should appreciate the mandate to protect liberty, freedom and the American people.

Instead, just like Trump, we must largely ignore what comes out of his mouth to serve His base and look at his votes. It's the party, party, party - the people be damned.
Ultraliberal (New Jersy)
71% of American Jews voted for Clinton, I did not hear or read a word denouncing Anti Semites from any prominent Democrat Politician or Leaders of the Democratic Party like Perez or Ellison.
Ben (NY)
Bannon and Trump need to be arrested for treason and be punishing accordingly. Patriots who understand what's going on know too well we are watching the two of them methodically and deliberately destroying America on every level, piece-by-piece, hour-by-hour. Would the Founders and Framer's of the Constitution be here among us now, they would be stunned and grief-stricken that most American's are letting the purpose, principles and values they to gift us with are being allowed to destroy ourselves. Confronted by trump and bannon, they would not have hesitated to remove him, let alone, prevent him from assuming office and starting their reign of terror and destruction against Americans, and the world. If you tell a kid not to play with matches, they might try lighters. If the house burns down, they would profess innocence because you only said "no matches". America, the fuse has been lit. The longer we wait to take extraordinary measures to remove the current administration, the worse it will get, and the harder it will be to stop it and to repair the damage they are perpetrating. This is the worst and most serious attack on our democracy this country has ever faced. I hope we can stop trump and bannon very soon, because he is carefully nurturing a militant rebellion by Americans against America. The potential for civil war during the next four years are as unrealistic and unthinkable as trump becoming president and leader of the free world.
Moonlight Lady (Hilo, Hawaii)
I found it interesting that in all of the photos and videos of the surge of people in St. Louis who lined up to assist in fixing damage done in a Jewish cemetery by anti-semitic haters, the only black or brown faces I saw were on police there to keep the peace.
St. Louis has a good-size non-white population that its Jewish communities have supported, marched, and been jailed for in past struggles. Where are the people the Jewish community helped when a Jewish cemetery is vandalized?
I realize that I cannot, nor should I, expect tit for tat support. And I realize that in the Jewish religion doing a mitzvah is for one's own soul and should have no strings attached.
But it just would have been nice to have seen a few non-white faces in this exercise in community healing.
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
The elites directing black & Latino protests are so in love with Islamist terror organizations - or else, simply afraid of them - that no progressive will step out to support anything Jewish without a signed statement from Mr. Obama or Mr. Soros.
John Edelmann (Arlington, VA)
What nonsense!
@John Edelmann: Negative,,l'Osservatore has a point.When is the last time you heard or read of a progressive black or Latino group denouncing ISIS and the Caliphate, or for that matter, when is the last time a progressive womens' group did so? NOW for, example, should have,but has not come out in support of a world wide ban on the cruelest, paternalistic practice tolerated by the Koran,genital cutting.All those grandstanders for HRC never uttered a word of condemnation. Not one progressive,male or female, ever spoke on behalf of Ayaan Hisri Ali, Somalian woman who was circumsized at 8, and now campaigns against it. When she was denied chance to speak at Brandeis, which then withdrew the invitation due to pressure from CAIR, where were you and other like minded people? Unfortunately, there is an undercurrent of anti-Semitism in these groups which must be exposed and extirpated, and you should be in the forefront of such an effort.
short end (Outlander, Flyover Country)
I am not sure I follow the logic of scouring the entire nation in search of a desecrated jewish cemetary....
finally, FINALLY finding one in StLouis....and then connecting a long string of dots all the way back to President Trump's abrasive language.
But, hey, I admire the effort you put into it!! Wow.
All I see is a hidden market for gravestones that you cant push over.
Hugh Massengill (Eugene)
Nixon had his enemies list...Trump has his exclusion list. Most likely history will show that is as great an honor to be on the second as on the first.
Hugh Massengill Eugene Oregon
andy (pennsylvania)
media as "enemy of the people" from whose playbook is that phrase?
Termon (NYC)
Playbook? This is not the NFL. This is the USA on the way to being the Un-USA. Trump said so today--more and more power to the states. Balkanization of America, a giant step to civil war and take over by [fill in the blank!]
Andrew G. Bjelland, Sr. (Salt Lake City, Utah)
"[Mr. Trump] said the anti-Semitic threats and attacks were, to quote the president, a reminder of ‘the work that still must be done to root out hate and prejudice and evil.’ 'No, Mr. President,' says Mr. Rosenthal, 'they are a reminder of all the work you and your team did to encourage hate and prejudice and evil.'"


Disunited, the people now face defeat.

Disunited, the people now face defeat.

Spend, Plutocrats!

Ever shall you win.

Fund animosity,

Division and scorn.

Coin of enmity

Advances your cause.

GOP lackeys

Now plead your case.

Your dominance burgeons,

As darkening night

Bleakly foreshadows

The serfdom to come.

Disunited, the people now face defeat.

Disunited, the people now face defeat.
slimowri2 (milford, new jersey)
Donald Trump will not change. His background of real estate and TV entertainment make him look like an amateur compared to
Putin. Going forward, he needs the advice and experience of the people in his
his cabinet like James Mattis. The burden of influencing remains with
Ryan, McConnell, and McCain. If the elders of the GOP can not exert influence
at this stage, Trump will weaken the U.S., diplomatically and in the economic
arena. Bannon was not elected, and Trump has to start acting as President.
Gentile in AZ (Phoenix)
Ryan and McConnell are too immersed in their own power-playing chaos to really care what Trump does. There is still hope for McCain. They had better start looking for the trillions and trillions of dollars they will need to support Trump and family secret service, the do-nothing-wall, the 15,000 ICE and Border Patrol manpower, an expanded military (I can feel Trump itching to send them out to war somewhere either in the U.S. or the world, (We have them, might as well use them and show our Power and how good they are), etc., etc. Oh, and our dams our dangerous and our roads rough, and our public schools are being downgraded and starved of necessary resources while we give money to charters and religious schools which lack oversight, and less wealthy Americans can do without health care because it is too expensive, and we can let the elderly forget about Social Security benefits even though they paid for them. Oh, our mentally ill must be sent to live on the streets with guns to protect themselves so that they do not need mental health care which costs $$. Americans, we have to face the fact that our lawmakers are morally and ethically compromised and unable to see reality or do what they really must to save our great country and its great values. We must remain strong in our convictions and Constitution and do everything positive that we can to protect it.
Tukwila (Seattle WA)
Are they going to deport illegal Irish immigrants in Boston to Mexico?
ACJ (Chicago)
I keep saying to myself, I should be more tolerant of Trump voters who have suffered for decades without a voice in Washington. They have real grievances against a government that has ignored the loss of their jobs and loss of identity. But I can't do it. Along with these ignored grievances is an authoritarian mean streak that I just cannot stomach. I know, there are those fringe Trump voters who had problems with his obvious racism and sexism, but, were looking for change--again---I can't grant these individuals a pass either---they voted for an outright racists, who all of these fringe individuals would not allow alone with their daughter.
Nan Socolow (West Palm Beach, FL)
How Long, Andy Rosenthal, are we going to stand for "crumbs of condescension" re anti-Semitic threats and attacks from our 45th "unpresidented" president? Throwing the bum out of office will indeed "root out hate and prejudice and evil" to quote the Trump. And the President's plans for mass deportations of illegal immigrants, aliens, folks without papers, is beyond tolerating.

Remember back to the Year Dot, when toleration of plutocrats and ruling elites (the Pharaohs, the Romans, the Bourbons, the Axis, you name 'em) ran out, and they were brought down by violent and bloody revolutions by we the people of those olden days who smashed the rulers into smithereens?

The demented intolerance of Donald Trump is already beyond bearing, but not until some righteous American leaders rise to remove him from office will e pluribus unum return to the values and rights of democracy. Mass deportations of millions of people without papers are already under way by our misquided and unintelligent President - goaded into action by his horrific advisers - eminences grises - Bannon and Kushner and the rest of the militaristic choices Trump made for national security advisers. We Americans who didn't vote for Trump, didn't want him as our leader, and wish heartily for him to be impeached (Amendment 25 of the Constitution) or for a deux ex machina to remove and oust him from office, won't rest easy till Trump and his hench-people are gone with the wind.
Andrew G. Bjelland, Sr. (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Trump lies! Democracy dies!

President Trump knows more than the generals. Having gone bankrupt at least four times, he knows more than the economists, bankers and lawyers. He is a self proclaimed "very smart person." Indeed, since his entire alt-reality is generated from deep within his Id, he needs no advice or counsel from anyone. Advice from others would only mess up the chaos within which he lives and which he seeks to inflict upon us all.

The man is sick.
Davitt M. Armstrong (Durango C O)
Evidently, the most important aspect of being a citizen of the United States of America is to constantly remind others that everything is us vs: them.
Which "us" are you? Don't be one of "them"!!
Elliott Jacobson (Wilmington, DE)
Who would have guessed that Failing Donald would morph into a new iteration of Senator Joe McCarthy upon entering the White House replete with his Roy Cohn Svengali in the person of Steve Bannon? This draft dodging, ethics challenged, tweet obsessed, language limited fraction of a President has declared war on the American news media, the American Judiciary, the American Intelligence agencies, the FBI and the American people. A very confused Babbling Bannon raves on about “the Deconstruction of the Administrative State”, “Economic Nationalism”, and the glories of cultural homogeneity while ignoring American History. The founding of the United States was driven and based upon an idea, “…the idea of liberty under law as expressed in the Constitution … it has lasted because the idea for which it stands is so intimately welded with existence of the American nation that without the idea there would have been no nation. “ It is this idea that Bannon and Trump are trying to destroy and by doing so declaring war on the American people to extinguish the United States of America as we know it.
donald surr (Pennsylvania)
I am no supporter or admirer of Donald Trump. I do, however, think that it is rather unreal to accuse a person who is close to both a son-in-law and daughter who are orthodox Jewish of being anti-Semitic. As for those who are in this country illegally, in open defiance of our immigration laws, it seems odd to fault elected officials for deporting them. Is that not what that law is about and why it was passed in the first place?
Yes, we do need to give deep and serious thought to revising our immigration laws, so that qualified people can continue to enrich our workforce, as they have done always. More are needed than our current laws allow. That change in the law, however, is a job for Congress. The Administration is supposed to administer laws, not choose which to enforce and which not to enforce. That, at least, is how I was taught that our American government was supposed to work.
Elise (Northern California)
Mr. Rosenthal understands, as do the rest of us, that Jared and Ivanka are 2 Trump votes (unless the millions of illegal voters were his).

Trump's base - the alt-right, white supremacist, KKK folks - are not going to stay with Trump very long if he keeps "defending" Jews or speaking up on their behalf. It's not about Trump being an anti-Semite (look at how he is controlled and manipulated by Bibi).

Like everything else about him, Trump is the President of His Base. Nothing else. No one else.
Gaby Franze (Houston TX)
The world has many more Jewish people than a daugther and son-in-law. Donald Trump may love those particular "Jewish" people, but it does not mean that he extends this love to the rest of this population. He is clearly exploiting this issue to stroke the all right or whatever they call themselves. Throughout history, the Jew was always made responsible for the misdeeds of others.
Ultraliberal (New Jersy)
I know who you are , but who are the rest of us?
Diogenes (Naples Florida)
You attack the president, calling him a "scoundrel, narcissist, anti-Semite, sick puppy, racist, and misogynist," you "venture to say," the ultimate weasel phrase. But you ran against him in the recent election a candidate convicted out of her own mouth of lying and treason (She sold 20% of the American uranium reserve to the Russians for a 31 million dollar contribution. You even voted for her.

Enough Americans found her so vile and voted against her that she lost. (She lost; so say the rules of election written in our Constitution and followed for every election in our 240 year history. Save your ridiculous re-evaluation for someone too ill-informed to know any better) And yet you hold yourselves as such perfect judges of political perfection that you endlessly lecture the country on the right and wrong of leadership.

What gall! What chutzpah! What a load of - .
Gentile in AZ (Phoenix)
Right back at you. AND, you are repeating some alternate facts.
Elise (Northern California)
Please provide the facts - not alternative facts - that Clinton "sold 20% of the American uranium reserve to the Russians for a 31 million dollar contribution."

That's a claim only Brietbart, Yiannopoulos and Kellyanne Conway could even pretend to believe.
John F. McBride (Seattle)
Your argument is so flawed as to fail to rise to the level of being an argument:
1. Whether Trump is scoundrel, narcissist, anti-Semite, sick puppy, racist, and misogynist, is not negated by supporting someone who may also be flawed. It isn't "proof of your claim to simply choose to reject video and audio documentation of Trump's lying, assaults on women, including, allegedly, a former wife, the assessment of health care professionals that he is likely narcissistic, his confusing position toward Jews, and his repeated racist tinged statements.
2. Hillary being human, like you, me and everyone commenting is flawed; she appears to have lied on occasion, but her deceit doesn't begin to approach that of Donald Trump, yet you reject her for lying and embrace him.
3. Hillary did not and could not have assigned in any manner 20% of our uranium stocks to Russia, whom Trump embraces. That your choose to reject all evidence documenting that she didn't is your choice but not a truth.
4. Trump is president, yes, but "won" only the electoral college, and by a large number, 2.9 million votes, did not win the popular vote. That has happened just 5 times in elections, 3 times in the 19th century, never in the 20th, and twice in this century. GW lost the popular vote and won the electoral college by 5.
5. You should consider a new profile. You dishonor Diogenes by adapting his. Diogenes was a cynic. You decidedly are not.
Diogenes (Naples Florida)
Your comments about Trump deserve the response Joseph Welsh said to Senator Joe McCarthy on June 4, 1954.
Look it up.
bob (melville, ny)
you've got it backwards. it's president buffoon, his minions, an the the GOP that have no sense of decency.
Jeff Drake (Neenah, WI)
This recommends the NYT investigate the motivations for Trumps statements and actions on immigrants.

I suspect one motivation may be for the employers of illegal immigrants in order to keep their workers too afraid to report low wages and poor working conditions. Who are the employers of big groups of illegal workers? Whom did they support in the presidential election? Do they contribute big money to thier candidate? What do they want in exchange for their contribution?

Might Trumps actions be for two audiences,1) fearful, uninformed voters and 2) employers who exploit the cheap labor of illegal immigrants? Please investigate and report back.
Lesesne Hudson (Charleston, SC)
Check out the "maverick's" voting record. He speaks out of both sides of his mouth. So does Lindsay Graham. They say what their constituents want to hear, but they vote right down the party line. Real mavericks, aren't they!
CBRussell (Shelter Island,NY)
Could it be this: that The Executive Branch of the in collusion with
the enemy of democracy...
Andrew Rosenthal you should think...yes give some thought to the FACT that
the brain of Trump is a deconstructionist Steve Bannon who would deconstruct
our entire US Constitution.....just think on your own about this FACT.

and then bring in the heavyweight academic thinkers...and NOT the politicians.
because Bannon is an intellectual and very very manipulative...
and in my view he is as paranoid or more psychotic than Nixon or Trump..
He is my view the pivotal fulcrum to the demise of the western I think you should interview the best and the brightest
thinkers wide...
Take stock of Bannon....and Trump...and this evolving collapse of democracy.
The left's charge of antisemitism against President Trump really makes me question their sanity.
KB (Brewster,NY)
Trump can't condemn anti semitism too strongly because his core base includes the likes of the KKK and all the Neo Nazi groups he passively embraced during the presidential campaign. He will avoid alienating all the anti-semites and still maintain popularity with his supporters because most of them silently concur with the white nationalists. And Trump understands that.

So long as his son in law quietly acquiesces by not stirring the opposition pot in the White House, Trump will sail along by giving simple lip service to the issue.
While Trump claims to be the least anti semitic person around, his followers have somehow heard a very different message.

The citizens who oppose Trump are not overly sensitive or crazy in their judgement of him. He is a true divider of the people and the nation. Trump very well represents the republican party and all that it has come to stand for.
Roger Chalmers (Atlanta)
Trump's actions, antics and lunatic ravings actually, are enraging. Separately the Guardian reports on retired admiral William McRaven's comments on the need for the media to fight back against the administration's attack on free speech and press. With all this I agree. But if the press is critical, and necessary, for our institutions of government it also has its responsibility. We should question the role of the media in the information age. I have written repeatedly to ask that the NYT refrain from publishing and linking to images of terror, such as journalist and other civilian beheadings, and to report facts without the extraneous imagery. It is possible, even likely, that such sensationalistic reporting has played a role in stoking fear and hatred that now takes the form of our idiot President and his destructive policies.
CBRussell (Shelter Island,NY)
Donald J. Trump is mentally unfit to be President....according to Harvard
Professor Lance M. Dodes M.D. :

Through a letter to the editors Feb. 13, 2017 : This is a "duty to warn"
the nation through your Letters to the Editors Section...that President Trump
can do us harm...and the entire world harm....he is doing so...and his
condition is getting worse every day...Please Andrew Rosenthal ...write about
this danger to us all..: A daily briefing on this issue of a mentally dangerous
and unstable man who is being brainwashed by a radical deconstructionist
Steve Bannon...This journalistic avoidance of a stated Dr. Dodes
is my view cowardice...PLEASE...follow this report.
John Smith (Cherry Hill, NJ)
SILENCE Is the only thing required of good persons for Evil to triumph. Or to Trump the Good, for that matter (pun intended). Trump's caught somewhere between the madcap crossed wiring in his demented brain and his discombobulated politics (a new flavor of Slurpees available at your local 7/11--make that 9/11). In this case the only thing necessary for Evil to triumph is the Quack in the White House Ducking his duty. Donald! Get your ducks lined up in a row!
President Trump, with Jewish grandchildren and a Jewish son in law should be the last one to be criticized on the anti Semitism issue. But there r all sorts of "isms" that Mr. Rosenthal should also be opposed to: neo colonialism, paternalism, especially in Muslim countries which results in inhumane practices like genital cutting. Even commercialism. Rosenthal would serve his many readers better if he quit grousing and ventured where others fear to tread, like the elderly sociologist from Berkeley who has lived with Tea Partiers in a La.parish for five years, and where the bayou is so polluted everyone drinks bottled water. And she has been able to build bridges of empathy. Re issue of deportations, it is imperative to reach the "juste millieu,"to expel the "malfaiteurs"in our midst, those with criminal records who pose a threat, and those who have led peaceful, law abiding constructive lives, who should be allowed to stay.ICE's policy needs more nuance.But grosso modo, Trump presidency has made millions of Americans proud to be Americans once again.
libdemtex (colorado/texas)
mccain blathers and votes for the worst cabinet in history. He is a fraud.
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
What to do when your sworn political enemy does the right thing? Cry about how he said it, of course.
Barack Obama spend eight years bowing to Muslim tyrants and funding Iran's terrorists while carrying out a hate war against Israel. But poor Andrew was strictly forbidden from calling His Awesome Coolness Barack out on that scheme.
So finally we get a President who actually represents American values concerning Israel and its mob of enemies, and the Times is convulsed.

Once the Farrakhan avatar Ellison takes charge of the Democratic Party organization, even liberal Jews will wake up & smell the coffee.
faceless critic (new joisey)
@L’Osservatore: Hoo, boy. I had to hold my nose reading your post.
Steve C (Bowie, MD)
Susan, Andy, another good session and do I ever agree! The Town Hall meetings across the US are about the only venue available for the many Americans who see this President's actions for what they are. Good for them!
justice (Michigan)
Compare the violence done to stones in a St. Louis cemetery with that done to Palestinian people and their land to put down Jewish settlements over last forty plus years and let your sense of proportion guide your conclusions.
m1945 (Long Island, NY)
The first settlement on the West Bank after the Six Day War was Kfar Etzion. The land was bought by Jews in 1927. In 1929, Palestinians destroyed the settlement. In the 1930, Jews rebuilt the settlement, but again it was destroyed by Palestinians. It was rebuilt in 1943, but destroyed again in 1948. 157 Jews were murdered. 4 Jews survived. It was rebuilt by the survivors in 1967. Why was it wrong to rebuild Kfar Etzion?
Eroom (Indianapolis)
Two threads seem to run through the contemporary Republican fabric with some consistency.

First, is the real or feigned incomprehension that a significant number of Americans could actually oppose Republican policies.

Second is the shear cruelty that seems a necessary part of nearly every Republican proposal.
Jill Friedman (Hanapepe, HI)
Trump's so-called statement on the antisemitic hate crimes was pathetic. He read it, without even looking at the camera, stumbling and clearly without conviction. In fact, I think it was worse than no statement at all. We can no longer pretend that he was simply overlooking the problem while focused on other issues. His delivery of the statement made it clear.
Susan Anderson (Boston)
The stunner for me this week is Darrell Issa. It seems Colonel Applegate has put fear into him, and he's decided to stand up for justice. Weird things are happening.

How anyone - anyone - can think any words out of Trump's mouth are more honest - including a, an, and the - than a degree from Trump University has me stumped. His coopting the language of his opponents may be clever, but the lack or morality or fellow human feeling for anyone but greedsters, kleptocrats, disinformation promoters, and liars, is flat out weird.

How can anyone - anyone - look at that awful face and hear that awful voice and look at his horrible thieving record and think there's a grain of truth in him?
R. Law (Texas)
The best news of the week was John McCain signaling he's fed up with DJT.

The worst news (a la Watergate) was the reported attempted interference by the White House chief of staff with the FBI to knock down the NYTimes report on DJT campaign personnel keeping contact with Russian intelligence officials during the campaign.

It is doubly serious that the reported attempted interference with the FBI comes whilst the FBI is conducting known investigations of the DJT ' dossier ' and/or his campaign personnel, as well as reports the White House had GOP'er heads of investigation committees call up the press to knock down the same reports, whilst those committees are in the midst of exploring the same things as the FBI, and when those committees are reported by Democrats to have not yet seen enough data to know what's what.

Still more disturbing are the reported attempts by the White House to pressure other intelligence agency personnel to do what the FBI declined to do.

In this little ' disruption ' orgy, who wants to wager how many actual laws are being broken and crimes committed ?
A. Stanton (Dallas, TX)
Today’s Theatre Review: Steve Bannon Speech of 2/23/17.

There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel. ---- Vladimir Lenin

A typical Bannon performance: all bluster, bombast, false bravado, pretension and self-satisfaction. Would have been better received by the audience if delivered by a thinner man resembling a German dictator wearing a snazzy brown uniform with a matching Sam Browne belt.

This actor -- in the opinion of your humble reviewer -- appears to be very ill-suited for the stage unless it is the one leaving tomorrow at 12 noon from the White House for Whereabouts Unknown.

Friendly Tip to Potential Theatregoers: If you happen to have free tickets for his performance and are determined to attend because you have a taste for the macabre and are interested in seeing what happens when decent public policies are replaced by conspiracy theories once popular in Soviet Russia and again now, do not do so without remembering to bring along a heavy duty gas mask. His performance is a terrible stinker.
@A. Stanton: Perhaps if you had a record of achievement comparable to that of Mr. Bannon, one might take your cliched comment and tired analogy to the Third Reich seriously. Moreover, if you had been a Naval officer for seven years, which is the case with Mr. Bannon, and ran a news network, Breitbart News in his case,that would increase our respect. Why is it that I sense I am replying to a desicated academic, liberal to the core who seeks to spread fake news, post news about a Trump appointee who defends a policy of economic nationalism which will benefit all Americans. Liberal agenda is dead ,and may it rest in peace, at least for the next 4 years, and "ojala,"perhaps longer. Trump is in the catbird seat, and incarnates a welcome change from the liberal policies of the last 8 years from which average American has derived little, and in many cases has been squeezed out of the job market by the foreign man and woman.Obama's policy of open borders hurt African Americans as well as little whites. "Bon debarras" to all that! Striking number of African Americans who did not show up at the polls to vote for HRC, O's chosen successor, told us that this community was fed up with the status quo as well.
Robert Prentiss (San Francisco)
Congratulations Alalexander Harrison on your confession of love for the likes of Breitbart in SS garb churning up lies and hatred to gain power and influence. Sucking up to the likes of the bloodsuckers of the Third Reich got those German factories lots of war contracts but 50 million dead and a ravaged, starving country for the rest of us.
Lori (NYC)
Breitbart is not news. In Bannon's own words, it is a platform for the "alt-right." It is not an accomplishment and certainly nothing to boast about when one is a purveyor of lies and half-truths for white supremacists.

Beyond that, your comment is incoherent.
manfred marcus (Bolivia)
Given the outrage of 'mad Trump's actions, John McCain, once a pillar of decency and courage, has become soft and wishy-washy in what ought to be clear condemnation of our 'ugly american-in-chief', a sick puppy so hungry for adulation that he'll sink his teeth in the most vulnerable, the one's cheated by his lies into voting for him. McCain's answer must be more definitive, and request a psychiatric evaluation of a narcissist run amok...and remove his unearned power to destroy others.
Greeley (Cape Cod, MA)
Great comment, manfred marcus. Where, indeed, has The Maverick gone?
Jan (NJ)
I just read rioting and anti-Semitic attacks are up in SWEDEN and how much trouble they are having with Muslims and ILLEGALS. Perhaps everyone should read the article today in the Wall Street Journal. Islam is pushed, Christmas is very limited, artists are threatened. Everyone is intimidated about insulting Allah. It is the most interesting article I never would have read about in the NY Times.
Meredith (NYC)
American politics, more than other democratic, advanced nations, is well known to traditionally have the most influence by Christian fundamentalism.

We have 'separation betw church and state' but our legislatures open sessions with prayers and have chaplains, and prayer breakfasts.

The S. Court ok'd Christian prayers to open town meetings for public business. Religion can be imposed on a wide range of people attending, even though the purpose of these public meetings is non-religious, and completely secular.

The Court ruled that individual employers on the basis of their particular religious beliefs can deny women employees health insurance covering women's reproductive rights. Religious rights trump secular rights in the land of the Free. The woman has to put up with this, or go looking for a job where the religion of the boss won't interfere with her rights that were legalized in the 20th Century.

What does the WSJ think about that?
Eric Eitreim (Seattle)
Meanwhile we have a problem with radical white terrorists in Kansas, St. Louis cemetery and South Carolina. Your priorities are askew.
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
Great comment!
When a person or newspaper swears lifelong obedience to a Party, there will come a river of contradictions to that party's line that must always be ignored.

The big question is how many Pulitzers, etc. are being forfeited by writers here because loyalty to politicians means that half the good stories must be ignored?
D Price (Wayne NJ)
Trump seems to be insensitive not only to anti-Semitism, but also to anti-Islamism, racism, misogyny, ethnic discrimination, and as of last night, prejudice against transgender people. He's an equal opportunity bigot. When he insults one group, he might as well insult them all because in many ways they seem interchangeable -- especially when he says, with oozing insincerity, "I'm the least anti-(your demographic-group-of-choice here) person you've ever met."

I hope Senator McCain continues to call him out at every turn, not only because it's the stand-up thing to do and so many of his party-mates are disinclined to follow suit, but also because it's his rightful penance for unleashing Sarah Palin on the public eight years ago. It's always good to see someone try to stake out ground on the right side of history.
francis natali (98368)
Anti-Semitic rhetoric goes hand in hand with anti-Muslim rhetoric. Trump's bigotry towards Muslims (as well as Mexicans, women, transgenders and journalists) will fuel bigotry towards all "others" including Jews. If one speaks out against antisemitism, one must speak out against all bigotry.
shrinking food (seattle)
consider the anti-Semitism in the muslim world. Pick up some arab papers and see the effort they put forth in calling for jews to be murdered.
If you let your muslims have their way - there would be no jews anywhere.
But I understand you think the arabs who have banned jews from many countries, or those like Syria who ejected all their jews are the real victims.
Ultraliberal (New Jersy)
I agree with you that a bigot just hates , he or she doesn't categorize.Although, the venom of these bigots are directed only upon the Jews. They may be anyone including Liberals.
martyL (ny,ny)
Bravo. The NYT is as important to our democracy as the founding documents.
Ben (NY)
Um, not quiet, but B for effort.
Larry Eisenberg (New York City)
Alternatives are the Trump choice
A forked tongue projecting his voice,
Dare we call his words lies
And get Tweeting supplies
Use flatt'ry at which he'll rejoice.
Acknowledge the Man's off his rocker
At home in a room with a locker,
CBRussell (Shelter Island,NY)
This is too serious: to make fun of:

Trump is being assessed as psychiatrists who are members
of The American Psychiatric Association.
He may be lying or believing his fabrications...but he is psychotic...and a
real danger to the USA and the entire world...
Please be serious.
Meredith (NYC)
Glad to read your poetic comments again, Larry. Off his rocker is not hyperbolic. Tonight msnbc Laurence O'donnell interviewed the Harvard psychiatrist who wrote letter to NYT signed by other doctors, that Trump is mentally unstable. He says doctors have the 'duty to warn' against problem individuals who may be a danger to others (or the nation/world.)

Included was Columbia Journalism Review Lee Siegel author of interesting article, "Avoiding questions about Trump’s mental health is a betrayal of public trust."
Let's see one of the NYT columnists tackle that.
joanne (Pennsylvania)
I also meant to add that Donald Trump finally addressing violence and anti-Semitism was that he merely read something that someone gave him and that almost doesn't count.
It isn't in his heart. It's politically expedient. I would venture to say he kicked up a fuss before actually reading his prepared remarks prepared for him.
Greeley (Cape Cod, MA)
Once again, we have seen, on full display, the behavior of a narcissist. It's not necessarily that trump is anti-Semitic; he just doesn't really care the way you and I understand caring. Just listen to the flat affect of his reading of the prepared statement. As you say, joanne, it isn't in his heart.

Just as we witness trump hearing every pointed question about his policies, just as he sees every issue only within the context of himself, the only way he can relate to the questions about being or not being anti-Semitic is for him to put it into the context of his daughter's conversion to Judaism. Then and only then can he formulate a coherent, if only detached, comment.

If he had truly embraced, as a father, his daughter's very emotional decision to convert, he would have reacted with some level of genuine outrage that would ring true. The one he gave just doesn't.

Behold the Narcissist.
Ben (NY)
His response to ant-semitism is like his "firing" of Flynn. Only because he had no choice. However he didn't want to do either one of them. My father witnessed hitlers rise to power. Please stop this before it get's within 10000000 miles of that.
Ed (Old Field, NY)
Republicans officeholders should host as many town hall meetings as their schedules permit, preferably in-person; the more, the better. Let all and sundry say her or his piece. Let them be heard.
CA (key west, Fla &amp; wash twp, NJ)
In Key West, the Town Hall meeting has been cancelled. The Republicans are avoiding the citizens.
Will the President's deportation forces be sent to search-out, capture and deport people of European origin whose visas have expired and they are still here in the U.S.?
Once Hispanics(?) and Muslims(?) have been deported, what group of people will be next on the President's deportation list?
g.bronitsky (Albuquerque)
I'm sure the big population of undocumented people from Ireland in Boston will NOT be next on the list.
uofcenglish (wilmette)
It isn't just mexicans and muslims. Of course, all other over stay visa holders will be deported.
joanne (Pennsylvania)
Trump not only stumbled on the rise of anti-Semitism, he was adamant about not decrying it.
As a candidate he's re-tweeted offensive posts using a star of David.
And considerable anti-Semitic writing has been featured on Breitbart--run by Trump's chief adviser, Steve Bannon. Who now lives in the White House.

I checked this out throughout the entire campaign. I trolled Trump's twitter for a long time, and he was absolutely accepting of it.
He was dismissive two days in a row at pressers when asked about rise in abuse toward American Jews.
He ignored mentioning Jews or genocide on the remembrance of the Holocaust.
VP Pence showing up at the grave site was praised, but it reminded me of Rep. Paul Ryan showing up in Wisconsin at the soup kitchen to wash pots-- after the pots were already washed, and standing there re-washing clean pots-for merely a photo op. Even his wife didn't look happy about it. He had his kids doing the same scam as well.

And everyone might not be buying into Trump's intolerance and rage, but Republicans are in charge and don't seem to mind it one single bit.
Those politicians at the town hall meetings sneered, were callous and know their constituents will re-elect them due to redistricting.
As for Trump's deportations, look for more actions by the ACLU.
I am so offended by Trump and how he treated the orthodox Jewish reporter at his 77 minute unhinged press conference.
And I was raised a Catholic, by ancestors who were Kennedy Democrats.
Ultraliberal (New Jersy)
I haven't heard a word about Anti Semitism from either Perez or Ellison leaders of the Democratic Party.Our enemies are closer than you think.They will find these degenerates & they won't be who you think.
Andrew G. Bjelland, Sr. (Salt Lake City, Utah)
"Citing angry constituents who showed up at town hall meetings around the country and allies around the world who are 'wondering whether America has taken leave of its senses,' Mr. Rosenthal gives special recognition to Senator John McCain of Arizona, who has been an outspoken critic of Mr. Trump and his policies."

Mr. Rosenthal rightly commends Senator McCain for his criticisms of a President who is proving, day after day, to be utterly unfit for office.

Unfortunately, the GOP houses too few senators like McCain and Collins. The kleptocratic Trump administration, in concert with many anti-democratic and pro-plutocratic Republican Party legislators, will soon prove that no institution, not even the Office of the Presidency, is larger than the avarice of the Leader who heads it. It will also become evident that checks and balances are ineffective curbs on an amoral and shameless Leader.

The citizenry here, as in Russia, may lapse into an all pervasive cynicism and apathy--a cynicism and apathy born of the belief, rightly or wrongly, that the entire system is rotten to the core. If so, the facade of democracy may remain, but unchecked kleptocratic and plutocratic power will reign supreme. Widespread cynicism and apathy are the fuels that power the engines of authoritarianism and the rise of a dictatorial Leader.

It is timely and appropriate to ask: Have far too many GOP politicians and American citizens taken leave of their senses?
@ANDREWGBELLALND: When I think of Sen.McCAIN, I am reminded of the Keating banking scandal of the 1980's,as a result of which millions lost their life savings, and a caper in which Sen. McCain was deeply involved.So, before praising Sen. McCAIN, put yourself in the shoes of one of those naive investors who was bilked of his assets, a scheme in which McCAIN'S complicity was never in doubt,