Trump’s Gold Lining

Feb 11, 2017 · 541 comments
Ray Jenkins (Baltimore)

President Trump signed an executive order today abolishing the 13 cabinet agencies.

"These incompetent, inefficient swampholes are gone," the president said. "They are replaced by four departments which will take care of all the problems of the world. Right now. Right now."

The departments are:

The Ministry of Plenty. Its purpose is to end, immediately, the horrible epidemic of obesity. No longer will people gorge themselves. All food will be rationed.

The Ministry of Peace. Its function will be to wage perpetual war against radical Islamic terrorism until there is not a single Muslim left on the face of the earth.

The Ministry of Truth. Its guiding principles will be WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.

The Ministry of Love: Its purpose will be to unite all Americans in unquestioned love of Big Brother.
Joshua Schwartz (Ramat-Gan)
"He has breathed new zest into a wide range of things: ... Hannah Arendt

With all due respect to the late political philosopher, I am not sure that the paramour of Nazi philosopher Martin Heidegger, who reconciled with him after the war, deserves the "new zest".

One should remember that Hitler was made possible through the failings of Weimar. His rise was not inevitable, but was the result of particular factors of the time, many the result of Weimar. Thus, one might argue that the totalitarian (Hitler) comparison with Mr. Trump and the dangers in such could exist only because of the conditions of the previous Obama administration. I do not claim that this is correct, just that the logic of the former is based on the logic of the latter. One cannot pick and chose when it comes to instilling new zest.

Let the late Ms. Arendt rest in peace.
Donald Holly (Minnesota)
Don't be fooled by the media and public outpourings of opposition to the current administration. The underbelly of selfish and stupid is still there, in force and numbers. They have less need of visibility and nothing to protest as they control almost all the levers of power in the federal and state governments. Minnesota is a blue state federally and in statewide elections but now the GOP controls both houses in our legislature. It's the power of the gerrymander.
Listen to the man on National Public Radio warn the world that the women in Montana own guns and would use them to resist Sharia law. Yikes. I live in a country where a moron's voice is heard on the radio.
These people are everywhere and they show up to vote their ignorance. They don't need to demonstrate right now.
I would like to take heart but really, just how much hope is there, really?
S. Burn (Dutchess County, NY)
Although I loath everything this man does, I strongly doubt that the overwhelming majority of red state voters agree or care. The lies are ignored (or, worse, believed). The voting districts and voting laws are rigged so that the Republicans will continue in power - albeit without a shred of decency or moral courage. We will continue to be both a laughing stock and a danger to our founding principles.
Mountain Deb (NC)
I had almost given up on Maureen Dowd. This article is brilliant.
kevin mahoney (needham ma)
I hate to admit it, but I thought you were dead - but I still secretly scanned your columns for signs of life, just to be sure. Thank you for showing us once again your best quality as a columnist: your insight.

As I was walking with my wife and daughter at the march in Boston, I realized, much more than the act of protesting, that we were actually expressing – in pubic – our collective sense of decently, our love for ourselves and for our fellow citizens, and that these public expressions were made possible in this great inclusive country we have and hope for.. I was not bitter in the least, but ebullient and hopeful in a way I had never known before. How lucky I was to be there, in that moment!
flydoc (Lincoln, NE)
So how does your family feel now? And how do you feel about helping to trash Hillary at every possible opportunity? How come you haven't written as much about Trump's unsecured phone tweeting during national security briefings as you did about Hillary's stupid server? You helped tear her down with all the nothingburgers and ignored the real scandals of Trump foundation, his taxes, Bannon, you name it. I hope you have regrets, bigly.
Susan (New York)
Welcome back, Maureen. Your skewer for trump was absent during the campaign and is now pulsing with blood!!!! It's about time.
Pat (Dallas)
Here's the thing: Flynn didn't play footies with Russia. He collaborated and lied about it. Nothing short of being fired is absolutely necessary. Treason might be an apt description.

This disgusting and dark nefariousness following Russian hacking and election sabotage in collusion against Hillary. Yet, it seems necessary to remind the press and the congressional opposition leaders that this is not back page news and while a nice column, where is the relentless pursuit of the truth and exposure of this corruption?

This is what is galvanizing the opposition and it is not now, nor should it ever be an afterthought.
Buckeyetotheend (Columbus, Ohio)
He grabbed and hugged the Japanese prime minister because "when you're a celebrity you can do anything." Japan's PM just needs to watch that Trump does not try to grab him by the sushi.
Beth (Florida)
Lots of blustering noise and cynicism from the media and those who are demonstrating...empty rhetoric will get you nowhere
Gordeaux (New Jersey)
Nice job, Maureen, of writing an article about American politics that lacks an attack on the Clintons. They would not have made such an easy and entertaining target as this occupant of the White House. Oh, but you would have tried, you certainly would have tried.
Jibsey (Ct)
I remember a short time ago when you Maureen thought all of this was so amusing. Rethinking?
observer (PA)
Why do we Democrats continue to mock the man who accomplished what Republicans thought impossible just a few years ago-overcome the secular impact of an increasingly diverse country by bringing in so many new voters into their tent.Given this accomplishment Congress will do little to provide a check on the circus at the WH and his supporters are consistent in saying that the criticisms shared by Maureen are of no interest to them.Yes ,his antics are making more people engage in the discourse which is a good thing and could be harnessed by effective political leadership.But where is that leadership?Just as it wasn't Clinton,It's not old timers like Shumer or Pelosi, nor is it zealots like Warren or dreamers like Sanders.It will take new blood to provide such leadership and sadly, there is little evidence that there is much energy behind what should be the top priority.
Mark (Atlanta)
Another benefit of Trump is that the next Democratic presidential candidate's campaign theme song will be The Who's "We won't be fooled again".
EASabo (NYC)
Republicans aren't deaf. They've gone from gleeful to panicky as their constituents are storming the gates, pushing back against their people-hating agendas. They only win by cheating, and this time they have gone too far. The people will pay for this travesty, but the republicans won't be able to hide their complicity in it. They're toast. As for Trump, at a recent protest a huge crowd morphed the rally cry "Four more years!" into an exuberant (and hopeful) "Four more weeks! Four more weeks!"
Bill P. (Naperville, IL)
So Maureen, do you miss Barry yet, even though he never sent you notes?

Liberal social outrage is all well and good, but until Democrats start making jobs for Americans their primary objective, the people that put the republicans in charge of the White House, Senate, Congress and 33 Governors seats will continue to hold every office. We should not lose sight of the environment, personal rights and our health, but we will be shouting into the wind until Democrates have control again. Trump voters don't give a rip about any of the liberal social agenda and they are impervious to education. They understand being able to pay their bills. Time for Democrats to understand that again as well.
Toni Egger (Hanover NH)
Glad to see you're great again too Maureen. The Clinton hating period was not your best. Welcome back.
Alierias (Airville PA)
Please continue to turn your poison quik-quill upon 45, the Republican Junta that is turning our once dignified nation into a banana republic.
Thank you
JKL (Virginia)
Re: "Trump's Gold Lining", I think The Donald reveals more than a passing resemblance to the film villain, "Goldfinger". In the end Goldfinger's fate was unfortunate, but along the way there was a scene that depicted today's defeated Democrat lying spread-eagle on a table about to be emasculated by a laser beam. In answer to James' query about where we go from here, Goldfinger says, why "I expect you to die, Mr. Bond!". I think this is an apt analogy to help understand the present moment - what does Mr. Trump expect of the American progressive? Why, "I expect you to die, Dem!".
Mogwai (CT)

The 'Left' in it's bubble 'thinks' so. But the rednecks in flyover could care less.

It is as it was in the fall - the 'Left' gets it's panties in a bunch over cracker-craziness and the crackers vote the Left off the island...

Seriously do you really think america has it in her to care? In my view it is the mediocrity of america that will be her downfall. In your urban hideout you are sheltered from it but think about flyover - where a 'good meal' is chic-fil-a.

Lowered Expectations...
Jon Harrison (Poultney, VT)
This isn't as sharp as usual. I dunno -- do I detect an undercurrent of, "My God, this is really happening" in the almost plaintive odes to the resistance?
Ron MacGregor (Austin, Texas)
The Democrats are in disarray, out of power, and moving further from the American voter. With Chuck and Nancy leading the way and socialist Bernie yammering on the sidelines, Trump will win hands down. Great column, Maureen, keep it up.
robert (florida)
Hey Mo, it's so funny how you are now on board the Dump Trump Train when you spent months propping him up and flattering his insanity while ripping Hillary apart at the feminist seams. Hypocrisy thy name is Mo and Joe Scar.
Nora01 (New England)
I cannot imagine anything more culturally insensitive than the so-called president grabbing any Japanese leader and hugging him. They value dignity, tradition, and emotional restraint. Hasn't anyone been able to tell the self-proclaimed Great One that grabbing foreign dignitaries is not in the diplomatic protocol for greetings?
Andrew G. Bjelland, Sr. (Salt Lake City, Utah)
"[President Trump] has breathed new zest into a wide range of things: feminism, liberalism, . .George Orwell . . . ."

True, Ms. Dowd: Sales of Orwell's "1984" have spiked. That novel, however, may now be passé. As Michael Idov--a Russian-born American journalist who has spent years in Moscow--recently commented:

". . . [T]he residents of a hybrid regime such as Russia's--that is, an autocratic one that retains the facade of democracy--know that the Orwellian notion [of autocratic rule] is needlessly romantic. Russian life . . .[is] marked less by fear than by . . . the all-pervasive cynicism that no institution is to be trusted, because no institution is bigger than the avarice of the person in charge." ["Russia: Life After Trust," New York Magazine (January 23-February 5, 2017), p. 22.]

Will an all pervasive cynicism become a feature of American life as well? Surely the Office of the President cannot be an institution bigger than the avarice of Mr. Trump and his family.

Mr. Trump is Mr. Putin's ardent admirer and is purportedly the beneficiary of large loans from Russian banks. To what extent has the U.S. become just another autocratic regime with a facade of democracy? The Republican politicians and conservative jurists have already assured that the U.S. is a plutocracy with a democratic facade. It is not much of a stretch from that political status to autocracy.

Ms. Dowd, I hope you will consider authoring: "America: Life After Trust in Trump's Post-Truth Age."
Perry Pfeffer (Montgomery County, PA)
After reading this, my level of anxiety and dread is somewhat attenuated. Thank you so much for the welcome reprieve from yet another anxiety-riddled Sunday. I think I can forgo my dose of Xanax this morning, at least temporarily
S. Mitchell (Michigan)
It does not matter if this is ever published. However, as one of the frogs stuck in the heating water, I can still protest before the pot boils completely and we are cooked for good.
Fact: the Leader of the free world is a narcissistic paranoid with unresolved issues from his childhood.
Fact: the gutless Republican "lawmakers" are selling their souls for naught. A new low has been found which will engulf them along with the rest.
Question; When are the unpaid taxes and business issues going to be addresses and (ha ha) resolved?

Nothing new here. Just another voice among the senior citizens 82
Concerned (New York)
Meanwhile, the latest Rasmussen tracking tracking poll has The Donald at 52% approval rating of likely voters against 48% who disapprove. Sound familiar?? New York Times, East Coast elite, California, SNL and genitalhat wearers take note!
Hal Kuhns (Los Gatos)
I feel like I've just had a full, rich, & satisfying meal of delicious, nutritious words.
Thank you.
Carl Zeitz (Union City NJ)
Aha, Maureen is getting the message, the one from the doctors' oath: First do no harm because until the column for years now she's been doing nothing but harm. She helped him there, now she needs to help us all get him out of there.
Jason Shapiro (Santa Fe , NM)
You forgot that Trump is inadvertently making science great again. Not only has his clownish and uninformed blathering against human induced climate change reinvigorated a moribund scientific community, but he has ABSOLUTELY proven the existence of Isaac Newton’s Third Law of Motion. Remember high school physics – “For every action, there is an equal and opposite re-action.” Trump seems obsessed with proving that almost every day as his almost surreal statements and actions have provoked exactly what Newton said they would.
Phil Levitt (West Palm Beach, FL)
Nice op-ed by Mo. But there is a sleeping mastodon in the room representing what has been left out of Trump's actions while he wastes time on his racist and xenophobic madness.. What is undone is often more important than what is done. Have you noticed that Trump has done to increase the number and pay level of blue collar jobs? The state legislatures are doing everything they can according to the Times this morning, right to work laws, state pension reductions, to counter what our alleged president promised during the campaign. After all, they are true conservatives. They're throwing in abortion restrictions too. Now that's not going to improve the lot of workers either when there are additional. unplanned for. mouths to feed.
Maggie2 (Maine)
That Trump has always been an insecure narcissist with no moral core and the attention span of a gnat is an understatement. That he, along with his sociopathic pal, Steve Bannon, are two of the world's reckless and feckless old white males whose plan to "make America great again" is looking more and more like making America lose its mind is clear. However, despite Dowd's clever column, there remains a sub-text which is rather telling. She still appears to find the small fingered vulgarian entertaining which says far more about the woman writing this column than the pathetic little boy in an adult's body who has won the hearts and minds of millions of our deluded fellow citizens who continue to buy into the biggest scam in the history of the republic.
Andrew Touma (Houston)
Instead of having art shows and putting on a production of Julius Caesar maybe left-minded individuals should spend their time reading up on the economy, stagnating middle class incomes, deepening wealth inequality, failing public schools, money in politics and growing prisons filled with black and brown folks.

Then, they should demand politicians who are willing to sincerely tackle these issues, or better yet, become these politicians themselves.

Just a thought.

Forget the abstractions of Shakespeare and the MoMA for a while. Pick up some Joseph Stieglitz or Thomas Picketty and join the world of non-fiction.
Robert (South Carolina)
Republicans probably find this president a wonderful smoke screen to hide behind as they do the bidding of their rich benefactors.
tom (boston)
As Tolkein pointed out, "All is not gold that glitters." Trump's lining isn't really gold; it's solid brass.
Jan Frank (Bloomfield Township, MI)
He even reinvigorated you, Maureen! Thanks for the smile this morning.
Conservative talk show hosts like Limbaugh Hannity Ingraham Coulter Levin and Crowley have been vilifying anyone who hasn't signed on to their radical reactionary agenda This has been a daily rant for more than a decade sponsored primarily by Fox News and its shamed CEO Roger Ailes When Trump supporters are confronted with his reckless MO his myriad conflicts of business interests His serial tweeting and his reliance on falsehoods they dismiss it as fake news They have been fed such garbage for so long they can't distinguish between what is real and what is not The best way, however to deal with Ridding the nation of Trumpian logic is to allow Trump to do everything he promised Repeal Obama care enact a tax cut on the wealthy Build a border wall estimated to cost 20 billion and spend an additional 20 billion on infrastructure thereby blowing a gigantic hole in the budget When Republicans in the house understand that Trump won't sign their Medicare voucher bill and when Obama care recipients show up in droves to protest the loss of preventative tests It will be Republicans who conduct the hearings on Trumps violation of the emoluments clause and it will be House Republicans that vote articles of impeachment in order to get Pence not Trump Only then will independents understand how they got played in the general election and come 2018 they will vote for gridlock by electing a democratic senate
Barbyr (Northern Illinois)
I hate to say it, but Maureen has a point. He did wake us up in a way I've never seen in my lifetime. Trouble is, it's almost become normal now. The body politic cannot maintain the grueling 4-minute mile pace for very long before burning out.

Plus our newspapers (NY Times and Wash. Post in particular) are suddenly and sullenly beginning to bury stories that two days ago were fodder for impeachment theorizing, e.g., the Michael Flynn conspiring with the Russian ambassador before, during, and after the election. Where did that story go? Nowhere. It's gone from the headlines. It disappeared as if by magic.

You can't tell me our fourth estate is not complicit in normalizing the Trump regime when they suddenly and inexplicably stop reporting a particular story en masse. Whose toes got stepped on and how did they foment this abrupt about-face?
John LeBaron (MA)
"Deaf" is the kindest word possible for today's Republican Congress. Supine, craven, malevolent, obtuse, vindictive, oppressive, meretricious, hypocritical, treacherous and just plain mean come sooner to my mind.

Deaf? In my sweetest dreams, maybe.
slimjim (Austin)
So, who is left that actually supports him, rather than simply hoping for the random good fortune that he will speak last with someone they agree with before he makes his arbitrary and self-contradctory "decision"? Who has he not offended, embarrassed, undermined or frightened the bejezus out of? Who actually thinks he he has a vision? Even those who have tied their momentary fortune to him surely know it's a crap shoot, and probably a very short one, too. It is a bear-baiting on an ice floe. How long will it melt before he huffily summons his golden helicopter to take him back to Mara Lago, where nobody cares how incredibly vapid his "thoughts" and revolting his behavior, as long he keeps "creating" their job? Anyone who voted for him who has the brains God gave chicken or any sense of civic responsibility must be, or at least should be, deeply ashamed.
MKKW (Baltimore)
Ms Dowd, you didn't even have to spell it out, the passion and energy, interest and focus that you described growing like a fire in the breasts of American patriots was evident in your own prose this morning.

Your recent flat and cynical columns were a pure example of what has been the general mood of the country. Now, you are inspired and so are we.

The journalists and populace at large were all tired of the useless bickering and nitpicking that seemed to consume the country, a country that had everything, even the greatest President babysitter the people could have. Now it is serious and the adults have finally come home.
SLBvt (Vt.)
"That which does not kill us, makes us stronger." (Nietzsche).
I hope this is the case -- we have been afflicted by this poisonous congress and administration for too long.
pixilated (New York, NY)
What's really scary is that Trump already looks like a kid who's just been told there will be no outdoor recess, bored out of his little mind. Considering what he's already done with half witted engagement in spurts, one can only imagine what he will get up once it really sinks in he can't just get on his own jet to bully some property owners in some gorgeous, pristine landscape he wants to develop outside the vast piece of land he imagines he's already got, the cumbersome, checked and balanced, USA.
Paul Proteus (Columbus)
Even the laws of physics have been altered by the Republican President. It seems now for every action there can be a greater than equal reaction.
Cloud 9 (Pawling, NY)
Okay, so I may be rationalizing. But, this horrific development - Trump becoming President - may be just what we need to shake us out of our complacency. The progressive victories achieved over the past several decades are not guaranteed. Hey, "freedom is not free". I love the way millions who didn't vote or have never been active politically have gotten off our fannies. We will survive this abomination and we will be better for it.
Scott Wilson (St. Louis)
Ms. Dowd deserves no patience and no platform. By prosecuting her long-standing vendetta against Clinton prior to November, she helped to ensure Trump's election. Decency dictates that she now sit down and - I'm sorry - shut up.
HCM (New Hope, PA)
It is really hard to be amused at such a tragic and dangerous situation. What I find the most disheartening is that all these riled up folks did not get this motivated before the election. The damage is done and it will take a generation to fix the mess Donald and his spineless GOP pals are making. Let's see if any of this outrage makes an impact on 2018 elections ..... I suspect the GOP has done a good enough job gerrymandering and scaring voters away from the polls that not much will change.
kg (new jersey)
I am exhausted by Trumpism....truly. But exhausted doesn't mean I'm resting and allowing this whirling dervish to spin our country out of control. His strategy of throwing tweet bombs on important, and equally absurd, issues to excite, enrage and distract is getting terribly stale. The danger is what's next? He will always be trying to stay one step ahead of the electorate, the media, and the world at large to continue the drama, and craft the next cliffhanger episode. That's what a marketer does, but not a well meaning, thoughtful, unifying president. We must resist the temptation of the swinging charm of this deceitful hypnotist (no offense to this profession), and focus instead on supporting/joining the opposition party with a relentless drumbeat of simple positive messages. Ignore Trump's pettiness and his reality show will be cancelled.
Ms. Dowd, you have no standing to write about Trump. Your family voted for him. You assisted with your attacks on Mrs. Clinton. It's impossible to take you seriously!
M D'venport (Richmond)
What a treat it must have been for the distinguished Mrs. Abe
to be hosted for lunch by the current Mrs. Trump. who just yesterday
settled one lawsuit and started another regarding her
blackmamba (IL)
We the American people must get used to our President looking mostly like not so golden yellow falling rain next to every foreign leader. Outside of his red state socioeconomic dependent 46% minority voting base Trump is a crass embarrassment.

Melania Trump aka Third Lady aka Last Wife aka Slavic communist atheist model has golden hair like Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Donald John Trump. Golden Girl Trophy Wife Melania and Golden Boy Donald the Entertainer are planning to meet Golden Bear Vladimir the Russian Czar wannabe in her native Slovenia. Slovenia was once part of the Warsaw Bloc Soviet Yugoslavia.

What America calls soccer the rest of the world calls football. Robert Kraft plus Donald Trump represent the fake crass golden American circus. Shinzo Abe looks out of place.

Later this week Trump will not wear nor show well next to Canada's Trudeau. But Trump will be down in his golden thug element next to Israel's Netanyahu.

Golden arches mark one fast food empire and a crown another. King Trump is following the path of King Midas.
phil (11935)
1984 , Julius Caesar ... You forgot Alfred Jarry s " Ubu Roi "
Mark H (New Rochelle, NY)
To everyone reading this column Ms Dowd's list of Trump's absurdities and shortcomings ring true. I would suggest, however, that we all spend some time watching Fox News and reading Breibart. Over there he is keeping his promises unlike a typical politician and ensuring our superpower status and that we are no longer being taken advantage of by displaying dominance to friend and foe.
rwomalley (Colorado)
The only silver lining I can see is that President* Trump has diverted Ms. Dowds obsessive and pathological hatred of all things Clinton. Your weekly harrassment of Secretary Clinton and her family helped put this man in office. Happy?
Donzi Boy (florida)
Gee Maureen, I thought you were a little more shrewd. Trump is winning. Every aspect of his tactics and strategy are playing out in his favor. He has immunized himself from blame for a terrorist attack by being thwarted by the judiciary for his over broad refugee halt. He could have accomplished a review without the drama. He will build the "wall" for less than his enemies are claiming. He will bring America's enemies and friends into line with a political performance that will exhaust everyone. He is locking in his vote and building new alliances at home. With a little help from Obama he could win the popular vote next time too.
Here's a prediction. He is going to accomplish all of his goals in one term and retire to his business while handing the country over to Mike Pence. Now there's a scary thought.
GRW (Melbourne, Australia)
Great work Maureen. Thank you for your wit and this heartening information.
youcantfoolmothernatuire (NH)
Gee, maybe you shouldn't have trashed Secretary Clinton every chance you had.
Elizabeth (Washington, D.C.)
This is a rare time that Ms. Dowd has kept to a reasonable level the strained and cringe-worthy wordplay. Instead, we are given a sorely needed breath of fresh air. Yes, the president is daft. Right now, we need people to keep saying it. Clearly. And then again. Thank you.
Nick Adams (Laurel, Ms)
All this wealth of material from the Groper in Chief and his minions to the comics, satirists. columnists and reporters is exhausting to the public. I'm saturated with this spectacle of ignorance to the point that I seek refuge from the news. It's like a steady diet of car crashes, tornadoes, landslides and nothing uplifting or good will ever happen again.
We need to take a breath, count to ten and fight back like our lives depended on it, because it does.
So many of us are distraught, dispirited, and truly shocked by the crazed President Trump--like I have never seen before, even during the witch-hunting McCarthy era of fear-mongering and false accusations.

We really should not be surprised at the intentional destruction of our democratic government, now headed by a huckster and willfully ignorant carnival barker

The Wrecking-Ball Destro GOP has been trying to dismantle government and democracy for decades. fter using its political battering rams (i.e., gerrymandering, Citizens United, tea party, voter ID, right-wing media) to chip thousands of cracks in the structure of our democratic government, the egomaniacal wild-child Trump stormed in, engaged his dragon-breath mouth, and created brush fires everywhere. Once in office, Trump and his blasting crew of hardliner appointees have managed to upended, smash, and destroy much of what was left of our democratic structure as fast as they could.

Everyone's head is spinning 24/7, and the Trumpster won't even leave us alone at night, as he tweets and twitters his government policies and insults in 140 characters or less at 3 a.m.

But while beleaguered Americans and the mainstream and progressive media have been wringing their hands and truly depressed over the authoritarian turn of political events, Maureen's column today was one of the few I have read that manages to put the ridiculous situation into perspective with a wry eye and ito be upbeat rather than defeated. Thanks
Dan Green (Palm Beach)
One thing for sure is Trump has re-energized the media who is in jeopardy of how and why they go to market. For now this outlet, the Washington Post, and CNN have retained their base. If Trump was a bore like Jimmy Carter, or a recluse Like Nixon, Google and Facebook may have worked harder to come up with a model to run the NYT and Washington Post along with CNN out of business or at least take the bulk of their subscribers.
Tom (Upstate NY)
We who think and weigh and then decide took too much for granted. Obama fooled us by winning. In the meantime, the forces of ignorance guided by dark money provided by selfish plutocrats was capturing state houses and cementing power for an army of angry and resentful ditto heads who thought they were thinking while their lives became one extended tantrum prodded and inflamed by phony news and predatory media. Give the bad guys credit. They were smart and knew how to undermine "one person, one vote" to the point that a candidate could win the popular vote and lose the election because the bad guys understood the system better than those of us who found out too late that we failed to really pay attention to what people like Scott Walker were up to. We were smug. No more.

So here we are. Under an unexpected great uniter in Trump, we hope to find the the passion and purpose we needed to have all along while the rug was being pulled from underneath us. We have to grab the Dems by the lapel and say "do something!". But the reality is we need to do it ourselves. The Dems under Clinton and Schumer have also played the political money game. Before we win elections again, we need to reclaim our democracy. That means fighting for fair districts, publicly funded elections and independent media. We are the people. We no longer need to be pandered to. We demand to be heard. Give us your resume but if your idea of leading is by not listening you are in for a rude awakening.
Dan (Sandy, UT)
"Troller in Chief". No, given his customary temper tantrums on Twitter when things don't go his way, he becomes the toddler in chief.
mayelum (Paris, France)
It takes what it takes to get Americans pro-active
Peezy (The Great Northwest)
What is Maureen Dowd complaining about? Her top priority wasn't American democracy, it was her personal quest to take down Hillary Clinton.

She and The Times got what they wanted, and neither can ever wash off their stain of complicity in installing a dictatorship in America.
Bruce (Cherry Hill, NJ)
Maureen Dowd - You just reminded everyone why you are a feature columnist at NYT. This opinion piece was beautiful. It was beat poetry right down to the final turn of phrase. (snap snap snap snap snap snap)
Allan Rydberg (Wakefield, RI)
I can not disagree more. Impeach this clown now. Look up the 25th amendment to the constitution and replace him. He is not sane The people of this country deserve better.
Clearwater (Oregon)
I agree with and am encouraged by everything you've written here, Maureen but this man and S. Bannon can do a lot of damage on our way back to democracy. So much so that it may not be much of a democracy when they're done.

And each Republican controlled state and their national counterparts seem so willing to use this man as their not-so-Trojan Horse to further their counter-American ideals agenda.

There are now generations of the willfully faux informed to either re-educate or write off. I know that sounds harsh but we have a republic to save and we chose long ago not to hold the Rush's, the Lars's, the Bill O's, the Ann's and Sean's accountable and now the hybrid mutation of them all is so toxic that we can see the civil split is like the Grand Canyon on steroids.

These people; the voters and their lying-liar pipers aren't going away anytime soon.
Lake Woebegoner (MN)
When you step into the West Wing swinging, Mo, the fight is over. You float like a vulture and sting like the copperhead you truly are.

The Congress is next and the carnage unimagineable.
Nicole (New Jersey)
After hacking away at Obama, I mean Barry, for 8 years, I'm glad to see that you're back on track.
catgirl54 (Annapolis)
This is all undoubtedly true, but oh, how I long for the boring days of past politics! I'm one of those people -- and I'll bet I'm not alone -- who prefer their politics to be in the background, not front-and-center. Waking up every day with a sense of impending doom, glued to MSNBC like a crazy Bolshevik, is not really the way I want to live my life. The Donnie Show has got to go. Soon!
Rick Beck (DeKalb Il)
Repub's have been practicing what I refer to as fantasy politics for a very long time now. The idea that a recognized liar can officially be elected as the leader of the free world has seemingly redefined reality. Reality apparently is no longer necessarily real. In the world of Alice in wonderland politics fact is whatever one needs it to be at the moment. I personally am starting to understand how Alice must have felt upon going down that rabbit hole. "Trump in Wonderland" sounds like the making of a pretty creepy 4 years.
Beatrice ('Sconset)
Oh Maureen, Thank you !
It's refreshing (as in sanity enhancing), to hear your "voice" again.
Lee (Chicago)
I hope the gold lining will be transformed into actions and bring this country back to its former self--where truth, compassion, decency, tolerance, respect for others, ethics, . . . everything Trump has subverted matter again.
Bruce Pailler (Westerville,Ohio)
What will happen when Trump tells his followers to drink the coil aide?
JDL (Malvern PA)
Great Job Mo. Let's hope you up your game for the next four years. Trump gives you the gift that keeps on giving. Please move from using a ball peen hammer to a pile driver over the coming months. It's never going to get any better with El Hefe in the Oval Office
Nat Ehrlich (Ann Arbor)
It's only a matter of time until the President appoints his prize horse as national security advisor...oh wait
AnAmerican (FL)
This is exactly what frightens me most:

"Institutions designed to check a president’s power and expose his scandals — from the courts to the comics to the press — are all at Defcon 5 except for the Republican Congress, which seems to be deaf."

The Republican Congress is deaf, dumb, and blind. I don't get why they seem to believe American voters are also.
Jesse The Conservative (Orleans, Vermont)
Quite a few "Trumpisms" have entered the American lexicon as of late, ("Build the Wall", "Lock Her Up", "Drain the Swamp", etc) but reading this article by Ms. Dowd, brings to mind only one--"What a nasty woman".

If Trump single-handedly discovered the cure for cancer, the next day, Liberals would come here to write misty-eyed remembrances in favor of the disease. Never in my life, have I seen such "pack-of-jackel" like behavior from one political persuasion. This is hatred on an epic scale--and it's poisoning the nation.

Thanks, Maureen. Thanks, a lot.
Uzi Nogueira (Florianopolis, SC)
Last November, a small minority of Americans voted for regime change. Two questions.

First, can a fail by party system be 'fixed' by a disruptor president and his coterie of billionaires?

Second, if the answer to the first question is no. Can the real problems besetting society be solved by one strong president?

Is Donald Trump compatible with American democracy, particularly the separation of powers? after all, America today is de facto one political party system.
I couldn't agree more. As always a pleasure to read, really so glad you are here Maureen!
Jeff (Warsaboro, Vermont)
WELL SAID! Perhaps your best column ever! Thanks for a brilliant, brutally honest summary of the consequences of Trump's megalomania & incompetence.
Pvbeachbum (Fla)
With all the ugly articles, handwringing, protests, marches, remember one thing, we the Republicans, and thanks to Harry Reid and the Reid nuclear option,we, the deplorables, get our man on the Supreme Court. Or judging by the age of some of our Supremes, more than one man or woman during these next 4 years. The more the vocal majority disrupt our country, by participating in protest after protest, week after week about whatever, The more the silent minority Will rise to the occasion, and once again become the voting majority in 2018 in 2020.
George Landers (New Jersey)
and Trump has made your columns better again, Maureen.
Allen82 (Mississippi)
This column would be relevant were it not for the fact that we will need to endure four (4) more years of incompetence and, by the time the christian conservatives and other radicals are done, fully 40 states will be gerrymandered into political oblivion. President Obama is heading up an effort, hopefully a movement, to return the election process back to one man/woman – one vote, but that will take time and in the interim the republicans in power in the various states will advance the Big Lie that there is continuing voter fraud in order to suppress the votes of regular people who are not like manded. These are no laughing matters.
esp (Illinois)
Maureen: You really think that the demonstrations, that SNL, and that all the other things you have mentioned are really going to matter? He has always had very low ratings (and they are getting lower) but the people that voted for him and even some of the people that didn't think he is genuine and will assist them with their needs.
He's not going anywhere soon.
And if the Democrats can't find a better way than "demonstrating" they will lose the election in four more years.
Lucille Hollander (Texas)
Indeed, the gold lining almost matches the presidential hair do. But despite increased attention to current situations, remember how pickpockets work. They bump into you in a crowd, and while attention is focussed on the event, they and/or their cronies empty your pockets.
bb5152 (Birmingham)
Ms Dowd should open every column by expressing profound remorse and begging forgiveness for hersignificant role in creating the toxic political discourse that brought us to this nightmare. A, "gee, isn't it cute everyone's so riled up" column doesn't rise to the level of pathetic.
Tony E (St Petersburg FL)
The Republican congress has been piling up "Dung" for years. Now they get to eat it!!!
JABarry (Maryland)
"Listen up, haters."

How dare you!!!

You cannot label sane people who demand a sane government as haters of the insane. Trump is insane. Just another word for someone who hears things, believes alternative-facts, cannot control his anger.

We do not hate Trump or the Republicans in Congress. We hate what they are doing to America. The GOP is not any better than a street gang that terrorizes America. Their so-called president should be in a mental institution, not the White House.
Jerry Frey (Columbus)
America is great, our country needs to get better.
Cheri (Tacoma)
If this is Ms. Dowd's mea culpa for her non-stop attacks on the Clintons it is simply not good enough. She was one of the most perseverative opponents of Hillary Clinton and now she complains the country is being poorly run. This is like a charter member of a conspiracy complaining that the conspiracy succeeded. She and James Comey and all the rest of the gang that did all they could to let Putin-lite win the presidential election could do us all a favor and join some religious order that has a vow of silence.
Greg Latiak (Canada)
I suppose it would be rude to wonder what Trump, Inc. will be billing the taxpayers for this use of the Trump properties?
jan Jansen (Czechia)
Hannah Arendt and George Orwell mainly criticized the Left for its support of communist tyrannies. Especially Arendt received a lot of backslash for her stand.
They would have sooner taken a middle ground in this debate and probably would point out that the current identity politic, cries for safe spaces, violent protests to shut down debates and the general brigoteering and malignant virtue signaling is utterly wrong and even part of the very cause of the Trump movement.
paulina (idaho)
I just finished reading Nancy Isenberg 's "White Trash: the 400 year untold history of class in America, " and she clearly traces How We Got Here. To the Orange One, WE are all the low class, and his ABC (All Billionaire Cabinet) are the wealthy, white, male elites...just like the South before the War Between the States. Should I send him the book?
Marc (Vermont)
He even, as others note, helped Ms. Dowd get her mo-jo back!
Carmen Torres (Palm Beach, FL)
You get an A on this article, Maureen. You've covered every thought we've had since this person announced his candidacy until now and thoughts we have been unable to articulate. Thank you.
Eric (baltimore)
So true, but most of this applies to the left-leaning half of America. That won;t change the resolve of Congress. We need to do a better job of reaching out across the center.
mjbarr (Murfreesboro,Tennessee)
The US is now the most blatantly corrupt government in the entire world.
Aren't we lucky?
Alexis Powers (Arizona)
Thank you! You are an amazing writer.
I wonder what your brother has to say about this.

I feel better after reading your column today. Perhaps my phone calls aren't being totally ignored by Mr. McCain and Mr. Flake.
Jan (NJ)
Maureen Dowd: It will be a very L-O-N-G four years for you. I hope you enjoy them all with Donald Trump as our president.
Alan (Dallas, TX)
At last! A Maureen Dowd column without a snide remark about Hillary Clinton.
Belle (Seattle)
I hope Trump will resign before he is impeached and then America will truly be great again (unless Mike Pence and his wife push their ultra-religious right-wing agenda). Americans will understand that Trump misses his life in Manhattan. If he stays in office, the entire Trump family is in for a never-ending drubbing. I don't know one person who likes or respects any of them.
Jeff Atkinson (Gainesville, GA)
"Every time our . . . president tweets about the 'failing' New York Times, our digital subscription jumps . . . ."

The mutualism between Trump and the wannabe upscale press has been obvious for almost two years now. He gets exposure, they get customers looking for reality show entertainment. The pushing & shoving between Trump and the Times, WaPo, CNN, etc is essentially professional wrestling for the middle class.
Lisa Davis (Naples Florida)
I'm happy for Lena...I myself have put on THE TRUMP TEN!
Mars & Minerva (New Jersey)
What is the point of this? Proof that Maureen Down sits at home and watches cable news and can fill up an extremely valuable piece of journalistic real estate with observations she culls from political bloggers?
Marjorie (New Jersey)
Right, all this democratic participation against tyranny is so much fun! Would that it wasn't required, if that chick you despise had won the electoral college. Accept some responsibility and we can go on.
Bardo (UK)
Wee he did say he was going to give the people their power back, and he is. Is he just being the Devil's Advocate? He is a drama queen, he likes being centre stage, in the spotlight. I have met many like him in my life here in limbo. one can either get on with one's life as best as one can or spend it fighting, two steps forwards, four steps backwards, a dance ...... where no one goes anywhere ...
Emerson (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Politics as a circus and Washington as the contemporary Rome. Shakespeare Julius Cesar and SNL on the same culture basket. Never America was so America. Is it to celebrate? Maybe, for a selected few invited to this party. Irony does not add perspective on a post truth era. On the contrary, can make it worse.
Bertrand Plastique (LA)
Trump could probably not wait to turn the discussion away from golf and football (and frivolous lawsuits) toward the big fun of Fukushima.
phil morse (cambridge, ma)
One thing can be said for the DT's over Obama. They're more entertaining.
Le Donaldin - all that's missing is horse-drawn carriages and Lully.
Helen Ianni Morgan (Ann Arbor)
"With great assurity".

This is not a word. Why did nobody - except Mo and me - notice or care?

If you don't know the words, how can you tell if you're hearing the truth?
David Lockmiller (San Francisco)
How much longer before the audit of Donald Trump's tax returns is going to be completed?

The IRS must have only one little old lady working part-time on this important project.
Charles (Long Island)
"The IRS must have only one little old lady working part-time on this important project"...

If Republicans get their way, she and the rest of the IRS will be gone. We'll have those little postcards, they keep talking about, to fill out.
Anonymously (CT)
I miss boring, competent Obama.
Jack (New Mexico)
Trump seems to be missing some of his gold, the digging kind.
Jennifer Stewart (NY)
Let's not get too smug. Benjamin Franklin's words "if you can keep it", referring to how much everyday participation in politics it takes to sustain democracy are finally resonating.

But too late to save the smear on America's name that will last forever, too late to save those who have already been persecuted and abused because of Trump. Too late to save the legacy of one of America's wisest presidents ever.

Too late to save the world from the inevitable rise of a Russian dictator. Too late to save us all from the injection of energy this president gave to the far right in Europe. Too late to save the US - and in fact the world - economy from inevitable economic chaos? Too late to save the planet? We'd better hope not.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama said how quickly it can be taken away from us. Her words, and the expression on her face with stay with me forever. More than anything else, if we want to salvage the values every society needs to function, and for this never to happen again, we need to face the truth of what we tolerate before we're prompted to act.
Sambam (California)
Yes, if there's one positive thing about the result of this election, it is that the American public finally seems to be paying attention. I hope the passion can be maintained, and people gain some critical thinking skills before the next election.

Perhaps then they will begin to see through the massive con the Republicans have pulled on them in getting them to vote against their own self interests. Perhaps they will begin to see just who benefits from the anti-regulatory, anti-union, tax cutting, climate destroying, safety-net slashing policies being promoted by Big Oil and the Koch Brothers, and brought to you by the Republican Party at the state and federal level.

It's hard to be optimistic though, since the majority of the American public continues to be uninformed and apathetic about their role in this democracy.
Partha Neogy (California)
Listen up, political commentators. If you missed the imminent disaster as it was about to happen, you don't get to sound presciently sarcastic after the disaster has actually happened.
Anthony (Sunnyside, Queens)
It seems we have a bipolar & confused "left." The majority of progressives; meaning Sander's supporters wanted to shift the corrupted wealth scheme & profoundly reshape our society. However the MSM allowed Trump excessive air & print time since ratings & advertising profits were jetting skyward while having faith Hillary would win since the DNC rigged out primary chances for Sanders. The double dealing caused an implosion & stark revelations regarding the MSMedia's political subjectivity vs its ethical responsibility of objectivity.

Now censorship controls amping up on all social media platforms & the trashing of alternative news sources has been relentless. The real 1984 technocracy has started long ago & those who run it and play by its rules are nervous since it is a world they are designing and benefit from. We are all seeing the final end game of a democratic republic. Alluding to Rome & Cesar is appropriate since both represented an oligarchic society which proficiently devoured its democracy over a short period of time.

People should step away from MSM and seriously think deeply about what they want, what they know, & how it is they came to want & believe in. Division, censorship, confusion, & bias seems to keep on coming. In the end we're all in trouble.
Eben Spinoza (SF)
It's not fascism. It's Daffy Duckism.

Trump is political chaff. He'll be discarded, along with the repeal of the ACA, voucherization of Social Security/Medicare.

The only thing the Republicans really want is:
Killing of the Estate Tax
Reduction of Income Taxes
Reduction of Capital Gains Tax
Reduction of Corporate Taxes
Repatriation of corporate overseas profits for distribution to shareholders (not investment in R&D)
Installation of compliant judiciary to support the above.

That's it. The real agency is some Randian fantasy of the Makers and their heirs owning everything. Mine, mine, mine, all mine!
JG Bergstrom (Florida)
Shall we step aside for the "Furies" bent on some feverish destruction? Euripides and his "Furies" left much by way of nuance for Sophocles and his lack of "Furies". Are we truly defending "Lady Liberty" or have we become an Angry Horde without a Constitution?

Not long ago I mused that a Column from Ms Dowd regarding our evolving "Living" Constitution would be interesting. Cacophony is noise without form.

Thanks Ms Dowd for .........?
John Hasen (Hilton Head, SC)
"Ye gods, it doth amaze me
A man of such a feeble temper
Should so get the start of the majestic world
And bear the palm alone."

Julius Caesar, Act I, Scene 2
Eric (Milwaukee)
The last time we received such a thorough civics lesson, the last time we were so riveted to the characters of the White House, the last time the nation was transfixed on the lies emanating from the White House? Oh, that was in 1973 with the Watergate hearings. That didn't end well for the president of the time. My guess is it won't end well for this one either. Sad!
Susan (Florida)
Ah yes, those heady days of Watergate, VietNam, Nixon, and Agnew. I guess we can't really compare Pence to Agnew though. But there was so much material there, as now. I just wish National Lampoon was still around.
EJL (Milwaukee)
Not so fast, Ms. Dowd. Sure, there's been an uptick in activism and donations to the ACLU (including from me) but all of the activism and donations in the world won't change the horrifying fact that Donald J. Trump is actually our President and the Republicans control both houses of Congress at a time when they will likely be able to reshape the Supreme Court for a long time to come.

From the title of this piece I had thought you were going to write about how Trump is lining his OWN pockets with gold through his willful failure to conform to even minimal ethical standards. His no-lose, brand-enhancing gamble to run for president has, and apparently will continue to, pay off handsomely.
Dana Moorehead (Santa Monica)
Maureen, it is amazing! Marches, meetings, Planned Parenthood rallys, Immigrant rights, Obamacare, Indivisible,, joining my local Santa Monica Democrats Club, protesting at Sen. Feinstein's office. Endless, endless energy, burning brightly and fueled with hatred of President Dum Dum. Thank you Dum Dum, for waking us all up and showing us that we need to show up to make our amazing democracy work. No way is this a passing phase. Whether it takes four years, or eight, big changes are coming.
Anna Shane (Berkeley)
You nailed it Ms Dowd. Do you suppose his final revenge will take the form of Pence?
cherry (nj)
Ms. Dowd,
At some point, please give us an update on how your family feels about their president Trump. Also, do they like Putin? Are they boycotting Nordstom? Do they admire Bannon? Flynn (and son)? Do they still detest Hillary?
L'historien (CA)
Excellent column!! Absolutely your very best!!! A BIG thank you!!!!
seanmac (New York, NY)
I am totally with Ms. Dowd. Take me as an example.

The more Lying Trump lies, the more angry I become. And he lies all the time.

The more Lying Trump discredits Press, the more my passion against him ignites.

I just cannot accept Trump's ongoing assault to our sense of right/wrong true/false, to the dignity of the Press and his willful and un-presidential words/deeds.
GMR (Atlanta)
Instead of a superman in the WH to save us we got stuck with an empty superhero suit who is planting a giant piece of toxic kryptonite to poison us in every government agency possible. Where is wonder woman when we need her?
Bub (Boston)
Wonder Woman was banished by the Deplorables.
Jsbliv (San Diego)
Maureen, you were so soft on this man during the campaign, but now that you've realized he really is the jaba of the White House, you're finally campaigning against him. Too little too late?
Bub (Boston)
Absolutely. Instead of being obsessed with the trumped up issue of e-mails, you should have focused on the real issues of corruption, incompetency and unsuitable temperament. SAD!
Barbara (Nashville)
The whole world is against Trump. He hasn't done one single NICE thing for any group (including rural America).
It's as if he is incapable of empathy or sympathy - unless it is Ivanka!

By being in the streets, at the airports, and at town halls, honorable Americans are showing the world exactly what DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE!
Keith (Phoenix)
Institutions designed to check a president’s power and expose his scandals — from the courts to the comics to the press — are all at Defcon 5 except for the Republican Congress, which seems to be deaf.

Yes, and therein lies the problem. Can 2018 come too soon?
bobbo (arlington, ma)
Your best column in...well, ever. Maybe we can thank Trump for that too. After years of snark about Obama and Hillary, thank you for rising to the occasion.
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
Gold lining? Pure pyrite.
Alierias (Airville PA)
Cheap gold paint, the lead kind, that chips and poisons...
October (New York)
I'm still digesting last week's column Maureen when you suggested Mrs. Trump might actually be a role model and then we found out she's suing the Daily Mail and the Maryland Blogger because by calling her an "escort" they ruined her chances to make millions of dollars during this "extraordinary" time (with her husband the Republican nominee and now President). Everything is up for sale with this group -- I wondering if they're saving lightbulbs (if they can figure out how to turn the lights on that is) and curtains to sell as souvenirs down the road. What a reprehensible bunch - not that any of this should be a surprise -- it was crystal clear just who they are -- his continues lies and vitriol, those awful children -- particularly Ivanka -- working Mom - what an insult to real working Mom's in America and last but not least Mrs. Trump couldn't even write her own speech and had the hubris to steal it from Michelle Obama. And let's not forget the Flynn news this week -- this group takes lying to new and unbelievable heights. As the President would say, it's all Bigly Sad!
Marcus Santora (NYS)
A robust, ebullient, rancorous summation the denizens of the rabbit hole of wide-eyed inhabitants would scratch out if only they were able to catch enough breath to do so. Or blessed by the facilities Ms. Dowd enjoys as a gifted writer. A gait that has seemed wobbly is vital in these paragraphs. The tremulous, pernicious malady, newly inaugurated, could possibly be forgiven for the distemper he’s induced if as a result we realize the thermostat in our frog pond has malfunctioned. But I think not. We do not need to have our decency, and altruism, challenged by a purveyor of garrulous obscenities.
MB (Chicago)
The Public Theater announced it would open Shakespeare in the Park in May with “Julius Caesar,” about a populist seeking absolute power. The play, the theater said, has “never felt more contemporary.”
This sort of double talk is both stupid and dangerous. Some crazy person out there might take them seriously and decide to play Brutus (or they might take the matter in their own hands, like Booth did --- if Trump is stupid enough to attend one of their shows).
This is probably the result they hope for, while maintaining plausible deniability. However, the allusion is rather thinly veiled; not a lot of effort was put into the plausible deniability part.
Dave in NC (North Carolina)
I'm so delighted that Maureen Dowd is so happy that Donald Trump has brought forth the progressive agenda. It's just that from the cheap seats out here in the rest of the country things don't look so good.

We are about to lose the progress achieved by a century of pain, suffering, and blood. Our water will be laced with toxins because the EPA gets its regulatory teeth pulled. Our public schools will lack books that are based on science and demonstrable facts. Our rights as workers will be trampled. Our health care will gain more holes and barriers to entry. Our workers' taxes will increase and those of the leisure classes will effectively disappear. Our right to vote will be denied. And we will get stiffed with the bill for That Wall.

Yes, we are woke. Yes, we are in the streets. We will fight for our rights because we have to, not out of a sense of delight. There is no delight in where I sit on one of the cheap seats.
MSQ (Payrac, France)
Hi, y'all in North Carolina. I'm one of you, too. Swing left, sweet chariot, and see how far you can go!
Andrew (NYC)
Maureen, it's wonderful that you now write about the craziness of Trump, but it's a little late no?

You beat hard on Hillary and flirted with endorsing Trump.

Maybe it works out for your column either way but for the rest of us not so much.
Lois Stober (Adamstown, PA)
As much as I hate to say this, Hillary and the Democrats didn't do us any favors and helped get Trump get elected. I was and am a Bernie fan. I agree that we are all now much more on the alert and I have been more active with calling my elected officials. I will march, email, make phone calls - whatever it takes to fight for what I believe is right. I am quite interested in this so called left Tea Party and am not sure they should get on the Democratic band wagon. Maybe a new party, maybe the Green Party, but either way, I am ready!
Richard D. (Irvington, NY)
Send Trump pretzels. Maybe he'll enjoy them, like Bush
willis (Arlington)
Would some person come forward and note that Trump is a tiny, one second disappointment. He would totally disassemble. Where can one get a copy of the caricatures of Trump in the buff?
bstar (Baltimore, MD)
You're finally on message, Maureen. I wasn't sure that you were ever going to be able to give up your obsession with the Clintons. I will just point out that Trump's delusions continue, bigly. Prime Minister Abe did not seem to be into the "grab and hug" from Trump. His response was a priceless eye roll, now starring on YouTube. I highly recommend it. It sums up the Trump era, thus far. Abe seemed to be saying, "Oh yeah - this guy is crazy!"
WMK (New York City)
The election of Donald Trump has been a goldmine for Republicans and conservatives in general. We finally have a friend in the White House who supports us and even promotes our cause. Just this weekend there were many pro-life rallies across the country with television coverage that never occurred before President Trump was elected. The pro abortion folks always had coverage but never pro life groups. That has energized the pro life movement and gives us reason to celebrate. I mailed a donation to some pro life groups that have made a positive difference.

Mr. Trump has also been instrumental in fighting to secure our borders and protect us from those entering only to harm us. He has had a few setbacks but he will persevere and be successful. He has been working diligently to keep jobs in the US and looking out for the average worker. He has promoted religious tolerance for Christians which was not always evident under the last administration. All these changes have been so welcome and had a positive effect for America and Americans. He is doing what he promised us during his campaign and he is actually getting things done.
Jason Shapiro (Santa Fe , NM)
It's gotten so confusing that I cannot tell if this comment is sarcasm or serious. I'm hoping from the former but guessing it is the latter.
craftsmen (Brunswick Maine)
Yes he's getting things done in a totalatarian way.
Linda (Kennebunk)
You seem to be living in Trump's alt universe.
Elizabeth (Boulder, Colorado USA)
I was going to comment that the Groper-in-Chief seems to be a "vortex of entropy" (to quote Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory"), but now I'm seriously concerned about the fact that he completely ignored journalists' questions today about his response to North Korea's nuclear missile testing. Silence from this usually garrulous guy is...very scary. Two adolescent boys playing with nuclear weapons? This isn't a backyard snowball fight, kids!
Sara (Oakland Ca)
Finally- a Dowd full pivot to sanity.
One quibble: Trump's shake & yank (Gorsuch & Abe) is an appalling true over reach- trying to look 'in charge' but looking clumsy & an embarrassment around the world.
Eyes are rolling as this rubber-chicken grade B business dinner style shmoozer looks bush league on the big stage.Assuring us he 'understands more than anyone' sounds silly.
Can a guy who stoked rallies be so tone deaf as POTUS ? Yup.
dc (Devon, PA)
All great points. With a deadbeat congress and a baby in the Whitehouse, it looks like he judicial branch is going to do some single parenting for the next four years. Through all this, the constitution seems to be a line in the sand that even Trump can't cross.
hr (CA)
Hope those chickenhawk GOP cowards will get an earful that'll pop out some of the crusty wax they've shoved in there. Must be hard to have to listen to the will of the people, the majority of whom voted for Hillary Clinton. As truth bombs fall all around them, they are starting to look as pathetically buffoonish and craven as Sleazy D, and, with their feathers ruffled by their constituents asking them to pass sensible legislation on every front, perhaps they'll stop squawking now that their lies have come home to roost
A. Stanton (Dallas, TX)
I’m still trying to get a fix on the complicated lingo employed by our new President.

Why is he always assuring people that he’s gonna accomplish something 100 percent?

I’ve been looking into this matter lately with the assistance of expert linguists and mathematicians who work in a large university near me, and to us it seems like his numbers are way off.

For example, on the matter of the wall, we give him a 5 percent, which is mainly because we were trying to be polite.

Same thing with releasing his taxes, separating himself from his businesses, putting Hillary into jail, suing the ladies who falsely accused him of groping them, appealing his Executive Order to the Supreme Court, moving our embassy to Jerusalem, repealing Obamacare and plenty of others.

He’s always saying 100 percent, when he really means to be saying 5 percent.

I wish Kellyanne Conway would fix this, because it’s getting to be something of a problem.
SF Patte (Atlanta, GA)
This made me smile and felt oddly like a productive group therapy session. It is a good reminder to focus on what is incorrigibly true, and built with hurricane-grade foundations. Bullies get trapped by their own mirage of power.
Paul Cohen (Hartford CT)

This Sunday night, at 8 p.m. ET (7 CT/6 MT/5 PT), join MoveOn and allies for Ready to Resist: Emergency Call #3 to hear from the mayor of Minneapolis Betsy Hodges and United We Dream's Cristina Jimenez about how cities and towns can be the frontlines of resistance to Trump, share strategies for the week ahead, and prepare for "Resistance Recess," when we will directly address members of Congress who will be back home from D.C.

we’ll look at how through a trio of strategies—focusing on cities, Congress, and corporations—we can weave together a successful movement that resists and wins. We'll discuss opportunities to take peaceful and strategic action this week to make a difference and grow this movement.

Click here to RSVP, and you’ll receive a phone call at the number you provide at the start of the call Sunday evening. It will also be lived streamed on their website.
Anthony (Wisconsin)
No silver linings here. Trump's election is the greatest threat to our Country that I've seen in my 60 years. We do not need glib commentary or shallow analysis from pundits like Maureen Dowd - we need to resist Trump and the vacuous GOP with all we've got, win back the House and Senate in 2018, and throw Trump to the curb, disgraced and disowned in 2020.
Jeoffrey (Arlington, MA)
Wow -- nice to see you on the right side of history this weekend.
MVH1 (Decatur, Alabama)
Meanwhile Jason Chaffetz devolves into a giggling bowl of quivering jelly only interested in further investigation of Hillary's email accounts while Flynn and Conway commit breaches of long-established rules of decorum and ethics and treason, along with Trump who refuses to divest himself of his business interests and penchant for childish, petulant tweets in the wee hours with Chaffetz backing Trump's delusion that he can't have conflicts because he's, well, president. It does seem Trump has finally been able to do the beginnings of a good thing. People are awake now and they see he's nothing more than an idiotic wrecking ball dressed as an orange clown with deformed lips making deformed pronouncements of pique, anger and danger every time he gets a chance.
merc (east amherst, ny)
Chaffetz also voted to defund overseas embassies all the while accusing Hillary Clinton for inane reasons. He bragged about not funding those embassies and can be heard doing so during a CNN interview with Soledad O'Brien on Oct. 10, 2012:"Yes, I Absolutely Voted to Defund Overseas Embassies." How about him owning up to this disastrous act that resulted in the death of our Embassy Chief and staff.
Jo (Florida)
When can he get impeached to get our America back from Russia
F. Ahmed (NYC)
Trump's election was indeed a wake up call to the complacent half of America that just complains but never votes citing crazy conspiracy theories.
RS (Alabama)
Dowd actually penned a column without one snarky reference to anyone bearing the surname "Clinton." Perhaps another way our president is making America great again.
LaylaS (Chicago, IL)
That was a mistake. I'm sure she meant to say somewhere how boring and predictable a Clinton presidency would be, and isn't Trump just more entertaining? All Clinton would have done is smash the glass ceiling; fixed the ACA; protected the environment; made sure we and our pets aren't poisoned by corporate ineptitude and greed; kept church and state separate; pushed for immigration reform instead of walls and detaining people; promoted tolerance and inclusion instead of bitter divisiveness; would be respected by other world leaders so that we could be proud of our leader instead of ashamed; and appointed people to cabinet posts who actually knew something and cared about the missions of their departments. But where's the fun in that?

Dowd worked tirelessly for years to insure that no Clinton would ever again improve the economy or work for the common good. Your snide comment, RS, is hardly appreciated! You should be applauding her success, mission accomplished!
Carol (SF bay area, California)
I am encouraged by the many people who are actively resisting the brazen attempts by President Trump and Republican leaders, who seem dedicated to dismantling numerous norms, laws, and protections which have been very important in stabilizing and nourishing the humanity and fairness of our country.

However, millions of Donald Trump's supporters seem to be happy as clams when they observe all of the chaos which President Trump has created in just the last few weeks. They think, "Hey, he's just changing things he promised to change during his presidential campaign," unaware of the potential dangers to their own well being.

Certainly, very soon, Trump and congressional Republicans will begin stripping power from "The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau." Many banks, credit report agencies, student loan companies, and other financial businesses are extremely angry at the C.F.P.B, because when consumers receive protection from financial wrongdoing, this cuts into the business profits of the wrongdoer. Horrors!

- See article - "The Watchdog Protecting Consumers May Be Too Effective" - - Feb. 10, 2017 - by Gretchen Morgenson

I wish there was some way to shout from rooftops across the nation to awaken more awareness about how beneficial the work of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is, including for all of the gullible people who can be easily mislead into condemning this bureau and its feisty, knowledgeable spokesperson, Elizabeth Warren.
Gary Behun (Marion, Ohio)
Good luck trying to even discuss the harm Trump is and will create for his True Believers among the forgotten bunch who voted for him. Read the relatively few positive comments in this section from his supporters. You have to wonder in what world are they living? It's certainly not reality. Their lack of ability to see how Trump and the Republican gangsters are destroying the foundations of protections and democratic freedoms in America is astonishing and very frightening.
DavidDecatur (Atlanta)
Thank you for the breath of hope!
Gerard (PA)
Silver lining? Is that the lining of his pocket with coin?
Or is it the shiny words, like deregulation which is protection-removal in the unvarnished version.
Jack Nargundkar (Germantown, MD)
Ms. Dowd concludes, “Institutions designed to check a president’s power and expose his scandals — from the courts to the comics to the press — are all at Defcon 5 except for the Republican Congress, which seems to be deaf.”

Give the yellow-livered Republican leadership time for the winds to shift and watch them desert the S.S. Titanic Trump? They hedged their bets throughout the campaign season and slowly started boarding the Trump ship after the Republican National Convention. In fact, they kept their distance from Trump even during the crazy run up to Election Day, especially after that dastardly October surprise, the Access Hollywood tape dropped like a bombshell.

There are now news reports of part validation, by our Intel agencies, of the infamous 35-page Russian dossier on Trump compiled by a former British spy. Then there are serious new allegations against Mike Flynn, Trump’s national security advisor that he lied about his pre-inaugural conservations with the Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak. Flynn had previously denied that he had discussed then President Obama’s new sanctions on Russia with Kislyak, but our Intel agencies that were monitoring the call have deemed otherwise?

It appears the mother lode might hit the fan sooner than we expected, at which time, the Republican rats will suddenly regain their hearing and flee the S.S. Titanic Trump before it goes down.
Jo (Florida)
I hope the Republican Party will loose the next election because they are letting him get away with a lot of unlawful decisions
Nora01 (New England)
The Republicans may do as you suggest, but it will only lead to Pence who is their man through and through. His team jersey has the Koch logo on it. He literally would not be where he is were it not for their backing.
Pip (Pennsylvania)
Possibly, the GOP leadership is lily-livere in that they do not want the things Trump is doing, but they are too weak to move against him. Or, also possible, they really do want the things that he is doing and enjoy having him as a frontman to cover for them while they do it.

They have been sitting for a decade or so watching demographics as their base diminishes as a percentage of the whole. In the crucial window of time they now have the power and may use it (and Trump) to remove the safeguards on our democracy by disenfranchising enough of the people who would vote against them.
mary lou spencer (ann arbor, michigan)
Speaking of making America great again reminded me of the radio coverage of Trump's joint press conference with Shinzo Abe yesterday. I heard a female voice (apparently the translator) struggling to say "and America can become a great nation." I thought: "Yes, we can!"
Global Villager (India)
I lived in Canada in the seventies and watched America from the sidelines. I was impressed by how it handled the Arab oil embargo, the resulting shortages and rising prices of gasoline – with imagination and determination. No one resisted lower speed limits, smaller cars or other “regulations” (a bad word since Reagan). But that “enemy” was external and was eventually vanquished because of America’s unity. Now, the enemy is “the 1%“ from within who knows how to take advantage of America’s goodness and sow disunity by powerful propaganda and other tools the soviets or Arabs could never match. It has kept winning through air-traffic controllers strikes in the eighties and all bubbles in financial markets since. While the rich had to drive slower in the eighties like everyone else, they don’t share the misery now caused by automation and rising China. They are small in numbers, but huge and clever in exercising power. Resistance to them will need unity, imagination and determination – just like the old times.
Peter (Kailua, Hawaii)
Perfect. But that ought to be DefCon 1 vice 5. 5 is normal peacetime. We won't be seeing that again in a while. DefCon 1 is enemy at the gates.
And they seem to be, and they are us. Oh my. We weren't designed for this....
Lin D. (Boston, MA)
Breathing "new zest" into all the things you named would be infinitely better if it was not done in fear and by necessity. You write as if you are a casual outsider, largely (or totally) unaffected by anything this man has done. It seems that you feel your role is to report to us what most already know. Do you honestly think it's news (or new to us) what trump tweets after Baldwin is on SNL? Or how the stock market reacts? And I hate to break it to you but you are no Maggie Habermann. Even citing what she writes isn't going to make that happen either. Have you ever considered another profession or news outlet? Think you'd be happier-know I would.
Kim Murphy (Upper Arlington, OH)
Then stop reading her column. You're welcome.
bobby white (Thruth Or Consequences NM)
Something else trump has accomplished: after not paying all that much attention to her over the years, I now find that I love Maureen Dowd…sorry about your family getting the election all wrong..we're here for you.
Brian kenney (Cold spring ny)
Look-we've had years of drifting, expensive, politically hyper---corrective government, for the elected, by the elected and paid to the elected. Weren't these supposed to be part-time jobs? And isn't the system allowed to get fed up with the status "usual" and bring in an outsider? Could it really get worse? Well it could but when you're stuck in land wars in Asia, fighting a myth and its fanatics, and you let it go on with all the consequences, you fail the course. I say, he's a New Yorker after all. He's not getting rid of anything s relax. Is he scaring a lot of people and countries ? Yes. But that's a good thing. Guess what? We're not paying, schepping for or apologizing anymore. Now what have you got to say?
WMK (New York City)
The liberal progressives are very angry and this anger is being manifested in a variety of ways. What some call reviving the cause others call outrage. The women's march in Washington featured speakers like Madonna and Ashley Judd who were so furious at the election that they uttered expletives during their remarks. Madonna even went so far as to say she thought about blowing up the White House. That doesn't sound like a happy person.

Some might say that protests are a way to get people fired up but when they become violent they lose their meaning and can turn people away from the cause. Liberals have always marched but now they are so upset that they have a march for the march. There have been college protests and walkouts by the dozen and it doesn't seem to end. President Trump is really getting under skin and he will never do anything in which they approve. Their candidate, Hillary Clinton, lost and they are still reeling. It will be a long four years for them and they will be awfully busy with their constant signs of displeasure and hatred. Don't they have better things to do?
Rita (Chicago)
it is not about Clinton loosing. it is about what so called president does next. Just look at his first 3 weeks in the office. Is he trying to heal, unite the nation? is he trying to reassure he will work for all of us? I honestly doubt it. Look at his billionaires club cabinet and compromised counsels. Look at his constant immature tweeting (family business affaires and "dishonest media" are the examples). Doesn't he have better things to do? Facts speak for themselves. You can reject the facts. Meantime we peacefully resist.
Peter (Cambridge, MA)
Not enough space to respond sentence by sentence to your post, so I'll limit myself to the first one and the last one.
• "Liberal progressives"?? As opposed to conservative progressives?
• "Don't they have better things to do?" No, there is nothing better to do than stand up for certain basic ideas: the courts should be independent and not bullied by the executive branch, women and minorities have the same rights as men and white people, the president should not profit from his political power, and, most importantly, there are no "alternative facts," just facts and lies.
Joanne Klein (Clinton Corners, NY)
Well said. At a Planned Parenthood support rally in Poughkeepsie today I sang "We Shall Overcome" to the anti-abortion protesters. The younger people near me did not sing and I asked them if they knew the song. They did not - I was shocked, it has always been a protest anthem. Yes the wonderful thing coming out of this tumultuous presidency is the rise of activism. It will teach a new generation about speaking their minds and hearts, as Americans have always done. We will resist, persist and prevail.
CMD (Germany)
Joanne, most of the old songs of protest we sang years ago are unknown to young people today. When I asked my pupils to look for sixties and seventies protest songs, they were astonished that they even existed. Blowin' in The Wind was a great song, too, actually all of the songs sung during protests.

Let's hope that activism will not be nipped in the bud by agents collecting the names of people attending protests and then reporting them to their employers with the goal of having them fired. Just a couple of days ago, I myself was apprehensive when I shared a file critical of the new government with a close friend. I never expected to feel anything like that as a citizen of a democratic nation.
Jeannette lovetri (New York)
Maureen, you helped get this dangerous man elected. Your unrelenting nasty barbs directed at Hillary for years certainly didn't help. You said you thought Trump was a nice guy, that you knew him. You threw wood on the fire.

As a columnist, you are in a position to write in a way that influences how people think. You are supposed to be informed and knowledgeable. Mostly, you did little to help the one person who would have avoided this disaster, and as far as I am concerned, for that you should be ashamed. Even if you didn't like Hillary, even if you actually hated her, not putting all your journalistic clout behind a candidate who was not crazy would seem to have been an obvious patriotic choice. Maybe you didn't want to make your brother angry?

Maybe some people have become awakened but the Koch's have millions to spend against the $3.00 per request the Democrats like to ask for from "the little people". If you want to make up for past lack of clarity, I suggest you put as much money and effort into the various resistance groups as possible. I also suggest you write Hillary a sincere note of apology.
Mary Ann (Western Washington)
From her satirist's point of view. it sounds like Maureen is glad Trump won the election.
I don't believe that, even with the mess Trump and his cohorts are making, Maureen is sorry that Clinton didn't win.
DR (New York, NY)
Dear Ms. Dowd: Say what you will, your nasty, snarky columns on Hilary Clinton helped Trump and the Republicans win. You are guilty, guilty, guilty.
kglen (Philadelphia)
While I agree with your opinion and many of those voiced above, I think that most readers saw Maureen Dowd's sick, snarky Hillary obsession for exactly what it was, and I think this greatly reduced her credibility. I actually quit reading her all together for quite awhile-- I have precious little time to read the meaningful editorials in the paper, so I didn't want to waste it on hateful personal opinion.
Steven Carter (Irvine, CA)
I think the FBI Director and Vladimir Putin had a much greater role to play in Hillary's defeat. Hilary's failure to connect with voters may have been a contributing factor.
Richard Deforest (Mora, Minnesota)
In our present President we have normalized abnormality. Here is an
"Elected" Non-Servant who, as the Embodiment of Greed, has presumed
to assume his rightful place as the CEO of the United States of America.
Since he has to also, as part of yet undiagnosed personality disorder, be
The ubiquitous Center of Attention ((COA), we can hope that...some day...
we the People may see something else accomplished in the Land,
Besides the chronic Centering of his Presence. Yes, I boringly repeat that
I hope that his beautiful First Family can appreciate the Absence of his
I was laughing so hard at how true this all is, I could hardly breathe. Talk about a breathless presidency. Acme dynamite indeed! One of the best lines: "Ordinarily staid Senate hearings for cabinet choices are now destination TV."
NWtraveler (Seattle, WA)
You are the fly on the wall Friday night at Trump's dinner for six - Japanese mixing with American football. Here is Donald the insufferable bore who won't shut up. He dominates the evening, his jokes are crass, his remarks dim witted, and his tie is so weirdly tied that you cannot keep your eyes off of it. Shinzo Abe keeps a pained smile on his face for the entire evening. Melania nervously flips her hair off her face resembling a facial tic. The dessert is cheesecake. Mr. Abe is lactose intolerant.
M D'venport (Richmond)
The real thoughs of Mrs. Abe would be worth knowing; how bizarre
would it be to be hosted for lunch with the current Mrs. Trump?

Or perhaps in Japan they didn't get the photos of Melania that
graced the NYP some weeks ago. But don't count on that.
Jonathan Baker (NYC)
Intellectual Awakening? At what cost?

The trivialization of our politics and entire civilization as it spirals downward into a cesspool of greed, brutality, and banality. Trump, of himself, is the 'bread and Roman circus' amusement that distracts us inside the media Colosseum

Trump, a name that every day seems to ring like Nero, chose the aptly narcissistic "My Way" as his inaugural theme song. Perhaps we should replace our national anthem with Frank Sinatra's other lugubrious song...

"Down and down I go,
Round and round I go,
Like a leaf that's caught in the tide
I should stay away but what can I do...
That old black magic has me in its spell
That old black magic that I weave so well."
Harry (Olympia, WA)
What a great column. Admit it people, we all love a great horror movie.
Richard (Texas)
This so-called president, like the Tin Man, the Lion and the Scarecrow, has arrived at the Emerald City looking for a heart, courage and a brain. The Wizard of Oz characters, unlike the dolt Trump, found what they were looking for. Trump has come up lacking and always well. He was a failure, is a failure, and will always be a failure. This rube needs to go as soon as possible, and he needs to take all is obnoxious minions with him.
A Johnston: GirlsSpeak Out (Santa Rosa, California)
The Democrats still have to act they're a strong opposition party, and the delay is frustrating. Why not walk out when Trump refers to Elizabeth Warren as "Pocahontas"? Can't your legs support your backbone? As Trump piles up breaches of ethics, logic, protocol and tradition without replacing or upgrading anyone but himself, and he destroys lives and our natural resources, the Dems can't seem to see over the top. It's game-playing when the game has left the building years ago. Hello, he was not elected with a mandate, vicious and narrow-minded pols carry his water, and we're all going to drown until someone in power even if they're "in the minority," hears us in the street, in town halls, and wherever we gather. Dems, breathe life into your party-- silence lies, petty, demeaning strategies and greed.
John O' (California)
Holey-Moley, is this a moment to cherish or what? Not a smidge of snarky Barry jibes or death by a thousand cuts for HRC. Donald J Trump full on in the headlights of Mo's scathing laser sharp observations. Maureen, now that the Sun King has been reincarnated shall we expect to see you reveal that the Emperor's new clothes are offshored. Perhaps with your relations with Trump stretching back decades you could put a word in the old boy's ear that the best way to build that wall is to outsource it to Mexico and let the Mexicans do it and at far more competitive rates, the taxpayers will save a bundle in addition to employing thousands of workers that don't have to worry about "papers please". I wait with bated breath your next revelatory missive. Best regards, JO
kglen (Philadelphia)
I would add that perhaps Trump is making you great again too Maureen Dowd! This is by far your best column in years.
edmele (MN)
You finally don't have Obama to 'damn with faint praise' or slam Hillary Clinton's latest supposed blunder
Go for it on Trump! Your razor must be ready to really take him on. This column is a good start.
Ben (Florida)
You cite Lena Dunham's svelte figure as a golden lining to Trump's presidency,
Well, I've lost weight too. I can't eat and I can't sleep. I am stressed every hour of every day and I drink too much to counteract that. My blood pressure is through the roof and I suffer from malnutrition.
Wasting away from an aversion to one's surroundings is not a positive outcome.
Richard Deforest (Mora, Minnesota)
Ben.....Sometimes the sanest reaction to an insane Insanity. Peace.
LeBronc (Pennsylvania)
Nice piece of writing until the last sentence.
DEFCON 5 is normal readiness and the lowest ranking.
This president is not normal.
Tosia (New York)
I expect that some Republicans in Congress may eventually find their spines and conscience when Donald Trump becomes an inevitable liability. Without them, not much will be changed by protests right now although I am certainly advocating that they must continue.
But, in the meantime, conservatives advance their radical agenda paying little heed to the protests or declaring, as Jason Chaiffetz has in following the Trumpian playbook that protesters at his town meeting were paid agitators. And when he loses his next election, as he must if the protests are to amount to anything but expressed rage, he will undoubtedly claim voter fraud. Welcome to the new order!
Huma Nboi (Kent, WA)
That remark about "the paranoia of the in-over-his-head megalomaniac holed up alone in the residence" made me think of "The Caine Mutiny." It also made me wonder if we could find it within our collective selves to give him a face-saving way out, would he resign and go back to his life. I can't believe that Trump is so mentally ill that he doesn't see what a terrible mistake he made accepting this job.
David (New York)
You left yourself out of the many things the Donald has made great again, Ms. Dowd. I loved reading you during the GWB years and now am reminded you will be my weekly reading for the next four. Gold lining of the dark cloud, indeed.
Longestaffe (Pickering)
Let’s also consider the threat which Candidate Trump posed. What will keep his outrageous formula for success from becoming the new standard?

Voters need to get demagoguery out of their systems. Trump may see to that himself by wrecking lives and flaunting his Louis XVI lifestyle, but he may not. It was the lack of an encouraging alternative that made some people take a flyer on a demagogue last year. Democrats must prepare a program and some candidates that will bring people’s main needs back into focus. Last time, they relied too much on identity politics and demographics.

When the defeated Hillary Clinton spoke, she urged women and girls to pursue their dreams and to shatter "that highest and hardest glass ceiling" which has historically kept women from becoming president. Yes, but that's irrelevant to the subject of her defeat. The attempt to sell her candidacy to women as the Making of the First Woman President was an insult to their intelligence. They were expected to keep their eyes on this political Nativity star and raptly follow it as a bloc. Instead, many looked at Clinton herself and saw a relentlessly self-seeking go-getter. On election day, exit polls showed that 42% of women and a majority of white women with college degrees preferred Donald Trump. One wishes they had swallowed Hillary Clinton in spite of everything, but they must have found her too big a pill.

But I rant. If you'd like to read more, please see below.
spiffypaws (<br/>)
Hey, you bashed Hillary so much you are partly responsible for this debacle
Illuminate (Shaker Heights)
Of the many questions that arise in the nascent weeks of the Trump presidency, one is whether the Democratic Party has the perspicacity to understand why they lost the election (electorally speaking). Complaining about the Russians has and will get no where. They lost because of their candidate. They lost in part because the working class white male, the longtime bulwark of the party, over the years has been alienated by the party. It was very telling and has not portended well for 2020 that the House Democrats re-elected Nancy Pelosi as their party leader rather Tim Ryan - a representative who appears articulate, intelligent, and understands the working class white male voter. The Democratic Party would do better if this group of voters believes the Democrats understand and represent them. The 1992 statement by Carville "The economy, stupid" has been replaced by "The working class, stupid".
Hmmmm (USA)
Um, before we give more oxygen to that old line about pandering to white working class (male) voters, let us not forget that Trump is only in the White House because of 70,000 people in 3 states. How about focusing on getting out the vote better in Milwaukee, Detroit and Philadelphia?

It's revolting how this administration and its Republican lackeys in Congress cling to this fantasy that they have a mandate...

The white working class will soon see how they've been betrayed and were complicit in their own demise. Never before have so many people voted against their own self interests.
JayDee (Louisville)
And yet we all know the Republican party has done, and will do, nothing for the working class white male except reinforce their fears of the "other". Sad to think that if Hillary had been a white male candidate we probably wouldn't be here right now with Trump in the White House. Yes she had baggage, but she was highly qualified. No one has more baggage than Trump.
D David Altman (Cincinnati, Ohio)
America has only taken a first but important step toward civic sanity ... there is now wide spread recognition of the scope of the Trump/Bannon peril and their danger to civil society... but organizing must begin in the cities, and suburban and rural enclaves, around the environment, health care, and fundamental values of right and wrong. This is too important to be left to the losing party, but Democrats should certainly be welcome to listen and follow.
Trent (Johnson)
Just to be clear, shouldn't the final paragraph signify that our institutions are at Defcon 1 (instead of 5, which is least severe)? I would alternately settle for 2 or 3, in the name of pacing ourselves.
RosiesDad (Valley Forge)
The Onion just reported that Paul Ryan's conscience is stepping down as a policy advisor. I'm not sure if this was really satire.

Yes, we are on our toes but with a thin skinned, vindictive narcissist in the Oval Office and a feckless Republican majority controlling Congress, what choice do we have?

Yes, Republicans are finding that it will actually be pretty difficult to repeal the ACA (they were never going to replace it in any meaningful way) but they will step up efforts to destroy the environment, strip voters of their rights, shift more of the nation's wealth to the already fabulously wealthy, whittle away at women's reproductive rights and dismantle the social safety net.

The Democrats might be in a great position to make inroads in 2018 if they can figure out what they want to be as a party. Voters said, loudly enough, that centrist neoliberalism lacks appeal but we'll see if the party is willing to embrace the progressivism of Bernie Sanders, Liz Warren and the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

I'd be happier if Jon Stewart was around to give marching orders. I have more confidence in him than almost anyone in the Democratic Party.
Janet W. (New York, NY)
A solid column, Maureen Dowd. Thanks.
J. Cornelio (Washington, Conn.)
Sorry, Maureen, but something tells me that if the best a "riled-up art scene" can conjure up is The Modern replacing Cezanne with Iraqi art and The Public doing a clever little re-boot of Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar," then it's time to replace those who lead what are supposed to be institutions which challenge, provoke and even dismay with others who actually understand we are in a fight-for-our-souls, if not our lives.

It's time to stop playing by the old, genteel, oh-so-ivory-tower rules of the Manhattan East-Side set in our culture and "art" (just what does that word mean anyway?). Instead, we should start slapping people around to get them to understand just what a diseased, dark side humanity has at its core (see Jung and before him, Schopenhauer).

Or, of course, we can continue to be so comfortably oblivious as to what makes-us-tick that MILLIONS of us continue to support what has got to be one of the sorriest excuses for a human being -- not to mention a dangerous demagogue --in his efforts to wreak perversions, nastiness and chaos in the highest office in the land.

OK, so let's see -- comfortable old shibboleths which lead us no where other than to Nancy Pelosi, The Modern and The Public (and Maureen Dowd columns) or uncomfortable (really uncomfortable) and, as yet, unexplored new truths? Or, actually, not "new" truths but truths which we have yet to honestly and fearlessly confront
OSS Architect (California)
The fate of the world hangs in the hands of..... Rupert Murdoch.

My Trumpian relatives get all their news from FOX. Until FOX News admits, maybe, just possibly, there could be some tiny, tiny, problems, they will march off the cliff behind Trump. As long as Trump has his FOX following, the GOP House and Senate will cravenly dress up as fools, in Drag, whatever it takes, to stay suckling the breast milk of the .1%.
Charles (Cincinnati)
That will never happen. Fox's clever manipulation of reality finds a welcome home in the neural pathways of those whose one world view is massaged daily, and the neural filters discard all else. Fox knows this and its ratings suggest that its viewers want the prescribed steady diet, not truth.
JCL (Phildelphia)
One morning this past week I awakened from my slumber with a clear thought -Trump will not be satisfied until he takes us to war. My reasoning is that he is a hungry narcissist who craves attention and adoration. He loves the generals and demonizes minorities. His alliance with Russia. of what we know, is to partner with them to rid us of ISIS. In his first week he gives the OK for a failed strike in Yemen. He keeps telling us we're at risk. His ego, his narcissism, his hunger for fame and adoration, his dark world view, his need to be seen as the strong man will drive him to go to war. War time presidents tend to have the support of the country - He wants the glory of a war time president. He has the psyche to make that happen. I hope I'm wrong
Jay S (Bloomington, IN)
Yes, from state attorneys general, to civil rights lawyers, to career bureaucrats, to mayors of cities and towns, we are finding many people to lead this fight, people who secretly (perhaps unbeknownst to them) have the word "hero" written in their hearts and minds, and who may never have had the chance to find that word, realize what it means, and take courageous action.
Ronald Epstein (NYC)
Maureen Dowd is as biting and funny as ever but the situation we are in is much too serious for business as usual. We should not focus too much on what Trump says or does, he'll change his mind by the next day anyway.
The real problem is not his policies but the man himself and the only solution is to get him out of office as soon as possible.
Impeachment is not the only tool we have at our disposal: two of the last eight presidents cut their terms short because of imminent impeachment (Nixon) or enormous public pressure (Johnson).
While more and more people are making their opinion about this president known, there should be enough courageous, conscientious individuals who can dig up material about Donald Trump that will make it impossible for him to stay in office.
Surely there are some federal employees,IRS workers,politicians, business associates, ex lovers, intelligence officers, school mates,journalists and probably everyone who has ever met the guy who can contribute information about the horror show known as the 45th president of the USA. Some of those may have not disclosed damaging material previously because they wanted to give him a chance or because they didn't like the alternative.
Well, now we know. Let's make sure he doesn't make it through the first hundred days, there's not a minute to waste.
John S. (Cleveland)
Maureen Dowd is as biting and funny as ever, you say?

Nope. Not so much, really.

Ever since old Mo allowed herself a years-long snarkfest and anti-Clinton stink bomb and, worse, tried to sell it as the columnists' version of facts, her act seems a little worn, a little tired, and pretty deceptive.

A lot like Trump, actually. Same old stuff shouted louder and louder doesn't really seem new anymore.

We need to be unendingly alert to Trump fatigue, already setting in in some quarters. It's probably even part of the plan.

Dowd fatigue? Not such a big deal. In fact, I'm kind of ready for a break.
Tony (NYC)
Let's face it, President Trump is the greatest showman since Florenz Ziegfed. All his world is his stage. Young people at the office talk politics now. Friends text really funny gifs of everything from Bannon's mom's basement to Kelly in Gucci. CCN is actually somewhat interesting. Huffington Post-so petty. NYTimes is more ambitious Late night TV and political cartoons are seriously funny.
Stock Market up. Tacky suits and ties are in again Melania is as scarce as Ivana, Rubio,Christie and Giuliani. Madonna, Republican and Democratic politicians alike are revealed as self serving and silly. White men are the new black. Best of all Maureen Dowd's columns are really a good read again.
Darchitect (N.J.)
Meanwhile, a full time psychiatrist is needed at the White House... The men who handle the brief case with the secret codes which control the lives on this planet are tested psychologically very carefully...The president is not. That scares the ...out of me.
Mike Vincenzo (New Orleans)
I agree with your argument. But it would have been nice if you had come to this party a bit sooner, and spent less time throwing hand grenades at Mrs. Clinton over the past decade.
Thomas Masters (Bangkok)
Thank you for highlighting the insanity of our current Administration and the actions of our misguided Executive. As an immigrant and former senior executive with the US Department of Homeland Security (Ret.) Mr. Trump's executive orders and strategic missteps on the world stage are more than disconcerting. Heaven help us if a catastrophic terrorist event befalls our great nation and this Administration is tasked with directing the efforts of our dedicated and hard-working civil servants and first responders.
JA (Vermont)
This is a good summary of what other people are saying about Trump, but you seem still to find him entertaining.

Someday I hope you have the courage to choose a side.
Ami (Portland Oregon)
Let's face it, late night and SNL is keeping us sane. A good laugh is a welcome relief from the roller coaster that has been the first few weeks of the Trump presidency.

Trump may well be the best gift to democracy just not the way he intended. We've been living in survival mode thanks to 9/11 and the 2008 recession. For too long we've taken our rights for granted and we haven't been paying attention.

Citizens are engaged again. We're questioning our values and we're showing up. We're calling our politicians and telling them what we want versus trusting that they are doing what they should be. If we don't agree with what they are proposing we are willing to call them on it in a variety of ways.

I'm optimistic that in the next few years people who care about this country and want to make a difference are going to start running for office. This next four years are going to test us but they're not going to break us. Love of country and the American dream is alive and well.
Robert O. (South Carolina)
We have all heard the old saw that what does not kill us makes us stronger. In regards to our nation and our national identity, I have not felt that to be the case. The presidency of Richard Nixon did irreparable harm to this nation, as did the presidencies of Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. While it may give some people solace to say we endured that, I must say that my goals are something more than just surviving. Winter is coming and I am not sure any of us are dressed warmly enough.
Glen (Texas)
Maureen, for next week's column would you tackle the question of whether Trump styles (if that's the word for the results of his labors) his own hair (if that's an accurate description of what lies atop his scalp). President Obama's coif was wash and wear; Trump's is a bit more complicated than blow and go. I say that with great assurity.

That's another thing Trump is great at: Neologisms. And alternative spelling.
Michael (<br/>)
Ms Dowd was not an unmitigated Clintonbot.

So now she's blamed for Trump.

I, like Fred Reed, figured it was a contest between Lucretia Borgia and Ronald MacDonald, and Ronald won. Ronald is, as expected, proving to be a scary clown, but it is not clear that Lucretia would have been any better.
EFM (Brooklyn, NY)
Your so called "Lucretia Borgia" helped save people's lives through her efforts in healthcare and her charity. Your "Ronald McDonald" hurt people who did business with him and used his so called charity to benefit himself.

False equivalencies is what put us in this mess. They need to stop.
JTS (Ocean Springs MS)
You are wrong. She almost certainly would have been much, much better. Not because she's slightly left of center and our CIC is, well, bunking with the alt-righties for now. It's because she's far more competent with the meat and potatoes of governing -- an overlooked and undervalued skill in the eyes of our moronic electorate.
David Rideout (Ocean Springs,ms)
'Calexit' then 'Ixet'
GeorgeG (Houston, TX)
When there was a short notice about a break in at the Watergate I just knew Nixon was somehow involved. Before there was any speculation in the press.

After three weeks of this clown show I just know that somehow Putin was in contact with the Trump campaign and helped guide his election beyond the obvious help everyone in the world but our clueless President acknowledges.

We may have a President Pence in our future before 2020.
Andrew (NYC)
The impeachment of Nixon was only possible due to there being divided government

An even greater consequence of this election the Trump is having single party rule across all branches of government

With the electoral map and subtle restrictions on voting (eg long lines through underfunding certain polling places) and non so subtle restrictions (eg hard to get IDs) the Republicans are setting themselves up for single party rule forever.

Trump is here to stay, two terms if he wants.
Carol (Midwest USA)
"Administration officials told The Times that the White House even got Judge Thomas Hardiman, the runner-up to Neil Gorsuch, to play along and help make the final rose ceremony suspenseful by feinting a drive toward Washington."

If true, and who knows if it is, coming out from "administration officials", this is what our government has come to. The government that makes policy that decides the fate of Americans and beyond.
Doug (Maryland)
The G.O.P. President is scarier than any psychedelic
flash back one could ever recall.
Tom (San Francisco)
The other gold lining, not mentioned in this otherwise humorous essay, is the boon for snarky columnists in big-city newspapers. Of course, anyone could have seen that coming, even the columnist herself. And it's better this way, high treason and all, than having to read again about how awful Hillary Clinton is. The irony is that Hillary Clinton could never be a fraction of how awful Donald Trump is.
Sue (Boston)
Yup, Trump gives Dowd much better material than Clinton ever would have. I'm sure the columnist is quite excited about that. I still don't understand the appeal of this snarky column to NYT readers. On a brighter note, I really doubt Dowd's relentless (and increasingly odd) trashing of Hillary Clinton had any impact on the election because (I hope) readers of the NYT are more interested in substance.
Tony (Seattle)
It is always the right time to oppose the actions, policies and ideology of this demagogue. Looking back in regret or ahead in panic is not helpful.
CP (New Canaan,CT)
I wish you had also given us an update on what your sister "Peggy" thinks of Trump's presidency thus far... may be next time.
Elaine O'Brien (Kodiak, Alaska)
Best. Column. Ever.
Thank you and keep 'em coming.
Harry Pearle (Rochester, NY)
Yes, Maureen, when the electricity fails and we are in the DARK, we suddenly appreciate the power we had. Now, we are beginning to appreciate what it is like to live in darkness, in countries with corrupt, undemocratic governments.

I suggest that we turn to Machiavelli for insights: 5Min video

From a Bush War on TERROR, we now need a War on Trump ERROR.
Scott (Florida)
I wasn't sure how I felt when I read that Trump had died last night, alone in his bed, just as Antonin Scalia had perished. The media said it was a massive heart attack that took him as he slept.

While I was not by any means gleeful -- it would be wrong to be gleeful about such news -- I felt a sense of relief ... until I realized that this meant that Mike Pence was going to be our new CIC. But then, amazingly, the breaking news was everywhere that Pence had been killed in an early morning mishap in his bathroom shower. How could it be?

And then it occurred to me that Lyin' Ryan would be the President! And so I was beyond flummoxed when I saw Mitch McConnell standing in front of a bank of microphones, his mug on all the TVs at the gym, announcing that Paul Ryan had left the country in the middle of the night, without leaving a forwarding address. I just didn't know WHAT to think.

But, all in all, it was a pretty good day.
Cherri (Eureka)
Best Dowd column I've read in years. Thank you.
William Jordan (Houston TX)
I was surprised that the seven subject countries were sending such numbers to the US.
In this vein, the US needs to get in line with countries such as Australia, which accepts immigrants (as opposed to refugees, a different standard) on the basis of their ability to contribute some talent for the benefit of the country and those who are represented by such government.
Perhaps not the potential harshness of this policy, but it's hard to contest the suggestion the US receives the "best" of México and so forth. How does this policy (as well as one about native-born is the basis for citizenship; or the silly one favoring Cubans, simply to spite a hapless Caribbean state) help the US and its citizens--it doe not yet it certainly does the right-wing growers and coastal psuedo-"elites."
Joe T (NJ)
Congress is not simply deaf, they are definitely blind to the chicanery of Flynn and Bannon. They are speechlessly docile when it comes to the largest group of incompetent or ethically challenged cabinet picks. And they are singularly focused, like idiot savants, in overturning 80 years of progress- which had actually made America Great!
A (Bangkok)
It took all 8 years of W to deliver O.

It took 2 years of O to deliver the Tea Party.

It took 6 years of the Tea Part to deliver the D.

And it will take 4 painful years of DT to deliver...... (fill in the blank)

That is the REAL gold lining.
Termon (NYC)
A: well intentioned. But historically inaccurate. Slavery and Jim Crow, compounded by the GOP's Southern Strategy of the late 1960s. And whisper, how did any of those you name produce Marine Le Pen or the Brexit?
Jesse The Conservative (Orleans, Vermont)
It will take 4 years of DT--to beget another 4 years of DT--followed by 8 years of Pence--completing the greatest renaissance in American history.
Byron Chapin (Chattanooga)
Well, back on your game - at least from this Liberal's viewpoint.
Shellbrav (Buckeye Az)
Maybe, just maybe if you hadn't bashed Hillary Clinton every chance you could for years we wouldn't have to be dealing with this nightmare.
Stephen Pentak (Stephentown NY)
One of Ms. Dowd's best efforts in some time. And the reader responses that imagine successfully challenging and wearing down Trump through invigorated opposition is hopeful... BUT, beware of the man behind the orange carnival barker. Bannon may well set the trap that finds us in his much anticipated WW III.
Termon (NYC)
Right on, Remember W! When Trump faces 2020, we'll be at war, and we know that the people rally around a war leader.
Mark (Middletown, CT)
But of course, in MoDo's world, a Hillary Clinton presidency would have been far worse.
fairlington (Virginia)
Sorry Maureen but your column contains a glaring error. Mitch McConnell DID GET AWAY with shushing Elizabeth Warren on the Senate floor as she read Coretta Scott King's letter criticizing Jeff Sessions. McConnell gloated because he tried to humiliate a Senator Warren, a patriotic and great American. For all intents and purposes, he got away with it too.

How about the newest gossip rumor that just a few days ago in a private meeting between the president and 10 U.S. senators - 6 Democrats and 4 Republicans - the president uttered an outright lie and not one of the six Democratic senators called him out on it. Again, the president plain lied and leading U.S. senators let him do it unchallenged.
tom (boyd)
I am ashamed of the Democrats who didn't speak up when DT lied in their faces. They are worried about their being re-elected I guess. That's all the Congress people worry about isn't it.
Carl Yaffe (Rockville, Maryland)
As wildly improbable as it seems, we may have a lot to thank Trump for when he is finally gone. We just have to hang onto our hats and our sanity till then, and be ready to pick up all the pieces when it finally happens.
Tim Touchstone (Bryan, Texas)
...beware the sleeping dragon the buffoons are awakening...
rlk (NY)
The short and sweet bottom line:

Trump is rapidly overtaking Nixon as the worst President in memory.

And America will suffer long and hard for this error in our judgement.
Lee Harrison (Albany)
I think GWB was worse for our country than Nixon. Nixon didn't start Viet Nam, and he did (eventually) get us out. GWB (and Cheney and Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld) used manufactured false intelligence to get us into Iraq. Nixon's assaults on civil liberties were less than GWB's, Nixon didn't crater the economy. True, GWB didn't have a Watergate.

And Trump makes GWB look like a genius and the model of sanity in comparison.
Mike BoMa (Virginia)
Yes, the Trump backlash is producing at least short-term united opposition. The real test will be if the opposition extends beyond Trump to his GOP congressional toadies and enablers, if the near-term Trump/GOP agenda can be stymied or blunted at least in part, and if Democrats realize some measure of success in the 2018 midterm elections. Your use of dynastic language, Donald the First, is apt since he'd very much like to have his family remain a political juggernaut in future years. This and his massive ego are two reasons why he'll do everything he can to diminish and disrupt his opposition. Watch him closely.
Most of Obamas Presidency I was on my toes watching the republicans do nothing to help Obama and the subsequently the nation. But I slowed my reading of the Times and WAPO and a few other papers through his years in office, partly because of columnists like Maureen, someone I'd loved for so long during the bush years. She turned on Obama with her constant need to stay bitingly witty, because that what she does best; but most the time she aimed at small issues and ended up just snide and petty. And boring. I would say Barack didn't give her many big issues to draw on but is that an excuse. It's good to have Maureen back fighting Trump with her list of cohorts, because they're all concentrating on the huge issues this new president is assaulting. Issues that that define our country. I just wish she'd have kept an eye out for trump and had Obamas back his last years. Wouldn't have hurt.
RBR (Santa Cruz, Cal)
Indeed, the President has that particular way to awake mixed emotions, that feeling of uncomfortable embarrassment, Watching him, one can't help to cringe, feeling sick with excitement like having a four year old on his/her first recital. Like watching in disgust a horror movie that has trapped our attention. Like binge watching an idiotic show on Netflix, we can't helped it. We are witnessing the most dreadful show of our lives, and this time the end is unpredictable and disappointing as a movie by Night Shyamalan.
wally (maryland)
Sorry, Maureen. Your examples don't add up to a garishly gold or even a plain silver lining to this dark cloud of a Presidency. As a former military commander of mine used to counsel, try as you might, rationalizations cannot "polish a turd" to golden luster. With Trump as President, we are all at unusual risk. It may be wonderful to imagine neighbors will come together in a bucket brigade when a public hospital is aflame but we don't applaud the arsonist who burns the community down for improving civic engagement.
John Radovan (Sydney, Australia)
A masterful, concise argument that the Constitution and the citizens of the Republic are fighting fit to take on the Trump challenge.

The Founding Fathers would be proud.
Beverley (Seal Beach)
Maureen, has you brother admitted he made a mistake voting for Trump?
El Jamon (New York)
Donald Trump has made me a better man. I mean that.
I'm not lying. In fact, I don't want to lie. He's made it gross.
I don't want to objectify women. I seek out misogyny in my daily way of living and kick it to the curb. Thank you, Donald Trump.
I try to be a decent man. I rededicate myself to my wife, every single day. I look for ways to honor her because I don't want to be like him.
I am compelled to search myself for those aspects of my character that may be similar to his. When am I a narcissist? When do I feel entitled? How may I be a racist? How do I solve these flaws? I feel embarrassed when I boast. I do random acts of kindness in response to Trump's random acts of malice. While he blathers incoherently, I strive for eloquence. I'm getting my Ben Franklin on.
I turn off the television and read. I avoid social media and talk to folks.
The other day, I fed every parking meter down a street and kept on walking. At a toll plaza, I paid for the next four cars behind my own, then accelerated off before anyone knew it was me.
Think about a great Calder mobile. You flick one pedal, send it spinning. Come back later and the entire arrangement has transformed. This is how I want to be in my community. As Trump seeks to divide, I contrive projects that will bring families and disparate groups together. I'm marrying random acts of kindness with experiential education to make a lasting difference, to counter the selfishness of this damaged fellow. Thank you, Big D.
Beatrice ('Sconset)
El Jamon - NY
Well, if the "consequences" of he who shall not be named, are random acts of kindness, maybe it's a plus.
sbk (pa)
Perfectly stated and I am sharing...thank you...of course, giving you credit...
Rita (Chicago)
Well said.
When they go low, we go high.
Dcet30 (Baltimore, MD)
Just wanted to ask Ms. Dowd how does it feel not to have President Obama around to ridicule for being too smart.
She certainly will not have that problem with this guy.
John Quinn (Virginia Beach, VA)
I doubt that many Republican voters watch Saturday Night Live, belong to the American Civil Liberties Union, contribute to Planned Parenthood or visit the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

It is understandable the many of the opinion writers for the NY Times believe that people who do not live in New York or California agree with the NY Times editorial board and writers about the paper's preference for open borders, illegal aliens, refugee resettlement, and the mindless opposition to cabinet appointees. However that is not the case. Donald Trump will be the President for the next 47 months whether angst overwhelms the liberal media or not. It should be very entertaining.
esp (Illinois)
John Quinn: Got that wrong: Trump is heading to run a dictatorship. Problem is his age. But by the time he is no longer there will be someone else to enter the realm of dictatorship.
Dr Jonathan Smith (CA)
Stop it. Please just stop it.

The time has long passed for attempts to put a not-so-clever bright side on what is obvious to everyone that's not a rabid Trump supporter: We are running out of time to save all we hold dear, including our very lives.

We are one trumped-up terrorist attack, false flag or not, fatal or not, ISiS sponsored or not, from martial law and the complete takeover of this country by the Cabinet of Fascists and their complicit voters, Congress, and especially the is so glib columnists like Dowd.

"Look at the bright side", "Surely Congress will come to their senses", "Maybe he'll change", "Look for the 'Gold Lining'(really?)"won't save you or any of us from the coming conflagration.

My only consolation is that the pundits who enabled him, the Politicians who watched bit saw and did nothing, and the voters who support him will be just as dead as the country we love and those that did their best to try to stop this while there was still time.

Ms Dowd, thy name is Nero. Fiddle on, we'll see you in Hades.
Ichabod Aikem (Cape Cod)
You should have put your last line first, droll Maureen. As much as your details are entertaining, the point is that the Republicans are stone cold deaf to the fever pitch of outcry surrounding them. Instead, they assist their Groper-in-Chief daily to assault our fundamental democratic values. There is only fool's gold lining, Maureen, and surely you know iron pyrite when you see it. "O pardon me, o lady liberty, that I am meek and gentle with these butchers!"
charles (washington dc)
In a weird way it reminds me of Watergate. As was then, every day another revalation. Now, every day another affront to our democarcy, whether it's belitting an institution or a religion or using the highest office in the land to pitch a fashion line. And as then the masses started to pay attention, with of course the exception of the Republican Congress, and the phones started ringing off the wall. The only difference between now and then,though,was that President was in his 2nd term. This one just past his 2nd week.
Kevin (Philadelphia)
So for Lena Dunham to lose weight, SNL to get higher ratings, and NYT to get more subscribers, all we had to give up was our national dignity, intelligence, security and economic future? What a deal!
caljn (los angeles)
Why is Robert Kraft in that picture? Is everything about crass American entertainment?
Dr. K (Virginia)
And whose back is that in the pictures? I haven't seen an angle where the sixth guest is identifiable and none of the reports I've read reveal it either.
Waste, Fraud &amp; Debuts (Tulsa)
I wonder how much Mar a Lago charges the government for these functions.
Christopher Cilley (San Diego)
"We're all on our toes now." Maureen, your toes were busy playing your own version of footsie with Trump before the election and helped visit this horror upon us. *Now* you're with us? Please!

"Americans have a refreshed vigor for debating what’s at stake for the environment, education, civil rights and health insurance..." You have such a powerful space in which to address these issues and you have squandered it with all your Clinton bashing and columns from your brother who no doubt still loves Trump.
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Ks)
Dear Maureen,

Glad you find the Donald so entertaining. Maybe you could start reporting on serious subjects, like deleted e-mails, baskets of deplorables, etc.. Things of utmost importance to national security and the future of our nation.
Regards, Hillary
bmck (Montreal)
When I voiced dismay at Trump's election victory, a very wise woman I know remarked: "Don't worry, because out of this, strong new Democratic leaders will emerge."

Very wise and prophetic, indeed!
Paul (Washington, DC)
An therein lies the real problem the Republican Congress. (most states for that matter) What do they really think will happen if they throw people back to health care by emergency room visit? Or medical savings account math, people who don't make enough to save won't be able to fund a medical savings account.(Price's idea, might be the dumbest guy ever to graduate from med school) How will we ever open enough charter schools to educate the million plus students. You can't scale up a Bogus Ski Patrol Charter much beyond the 100 students they don't have but catch a check for. The only good thing, this bunch just might run the country into the ground way ahead of schedule. Then we can rewind.
Rose (NY)
So I was at the gym tonight and this older lady struck up a conversation with me. Lots of talk about being kind of scared these days, what with 45 unhinged most of the time. Then she tells me, "My husband says that God has sent this man to us to unify the human race against a common enemy" Crazy, but the thought had crossed my mind too.
Vicki Taylor (Canada)
I would like your last sentence better if had been "God has sent this man to unify the human race against a common enemy called crazy". Crossed my mind too.
EFM (Brooklyn, NY)
And evil leaders were sent to unify the world against them... to the tune of countless lives destroyed.

Are you sure you have the right messenger?
Richard (Madison)
Sure it's kind of invigorating, but if it ever gets to the point where Trump or the Republicans feel it threatens their grip on power, the tanks will roll. In the meantime they're busy outlawing unions and disenfranchising anyone likely to vote against them.
Bob Woolcock (<br/>)
Love ya Maureen - but what's the point anymore. He's a psychotic, narcissist...again, what's the point - people never switch teams, parties, cable news stations. Never. But the whole "traditional" system is outdated anyway. Prayer breakfasts? Really? Barry was the first and only president to even mention the rights of "non-believers". Having said that I'm willing to live with and need to live with "believers". But Trump? TRUMP? John Dean is right - DJT's reign will end in a calamity. But the Rush and FOX fans will somehow believe this accomplished something. They're wrong and it won't.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
You nailed it - our Congress is stone deaf.

Our Sen Cory Gardner put on his message tape to the "citizens of the great state of Colorado" that it is after hours (and has been for weeks now even during work hours ) i.e., he is hiding out - and no longer taking messages. He is going to have a "Town Hall" by telephone to "registered guests".

He seems a lot braver in the TV version with his little gavel and gloating about getting rid of people's healthcare with no substitutes. Come on Cory- pretty sure the NRA wants an Open Carry venue- your favorite for everyone else! Just Kidding. No really- you bring the tar, we'll bring the feathers.
Lars (Jupiter Island, FL)

We have gotten a clue. We've a clue that GOP gerrymandering makes it possible for the GOP to control the House when they lose the popular vote. We've gotten a clue that the decades long propaganda of Fox, Limbaugh et al generated and has maintained an irrational world view amongst tens of millions of American voters - even when it was at odds with those so called inconveniences, otherwise known as "factual" data and objective analysis.

We've gotten a clue that the GOP has no intention, zero, none, zip, of good governance intended to foster the common good. Rather, what shall feather the GOP nest the thickest and fastest shall be the policy.

We've gotten a clue that slogans, jingoisms, dog whistles, foreigner bashing, lies, obfuscations, "it was only a joke", distortions, misdirection and such shall substitute for policy.

Yeah. We got a clue. Don't worry about rising hate on the Democratic side.

All of America is living the dream now. The Dream brought about by decades of carefully nurtured GOP hate.
Agent 99 (SC)
President Trump: The Alt-Messiah.
Bernardo Izaguirre MD (San Juan,Puerto Rico)
Trump stupidity is making the Country smarter . If we survive we will be a better Country . He may actually in the end make America great again .
Emily P (Sacramento, CA)
You're more than a bit late to the party, Maureen. Who can forget your regular columns during election year equating Hillary Clinton's minor-league "scandals" with Trump's obvious unsuitability for the presidency? With your unceasing narrative of false equivalence between the two, you bear as much responsibility as anyone for the mess in which we now find ourselves.
Frank Lee (Saginaw, MI)
The final sentence of Dowd's column is the most important.
Tom Storm (Australia)
If offered as a movie script - the Trump Carnival's ascension to the highest office in the land would be rejected as 'far-fetched'. 'Not-believable'. 'No precedent to draw on'. 'Requires extraordinary unattainable suspension of disbelief'. 'No happy ending'. Who'd watch it?
KJ (Tennessee)
I have to admit that even though I've despised Donald pretty much forever, I found him oddly fascinating. For a while.

But now I'm starting to feel like PM Shinzo Abe, trying to extricate myself from his clutches while still following world affairs. It's just too much. Too much glitter, too much frantic activity, too much hysterical nonsense, too much destruction, and way too many crazy, self-serving, greedy, incompetent people.

It's pretty bad when you start tuning in to SNL for an update on your country's political goings-on. But it's gotten to the point where mockery and satire makes more sense than the real thing.

I wish this would all just go away.
SJR (Raleigh, NC)
Yup, Ms. Dowd, the quip about Trump jumping to the podium to replace the beleaguered Spicer mid-sentence is spot on. I was watching the other day, and the man could hardly read from the teleprompter, and I'm thinking okay this is a bizarro world anyway so why don't they move Spiceman to SNL and hire Melissa McCarthy. I hear they are looking for a new "guy" right now anyway!!
Tim Garibaldi (Orlando)
A bit late to be "woke," don't you think?
Michael (New York City)
Maureen, please don't tell me to stay calm. After all, it is you who was instrumental in getting the Embarrassment-in-Chief elected. What is truly head spinning is that you expect me to still listen to you. No thanks. You lost all credibility.
BR (New York)
I have never been more confused about a President in my life. In a few short weeks, I am dizzy by this Olympic Gold Medal Gymnast. He somersaults to Florida and somersaults back to Washington. He tumbles onto Twitter and vaults into Executive Orders. I hold my breath expectantly waiting for him to fall off the balance beam.
Mike A. (Fairfax, va)
And somehow he takes it in stride...even appears energized. How is it that he has not either quit, changed school districts, or settled for a life in juvie by now? Maybe he's a little less "thin skinned bully" and a little more "last man standing".
Nora01 (New England)
And every time he goes to Mar a Largo or Fifth Avenue, we get the bill and his properties get the free advertising.
David (Portland, OR)
Who is the intended audience for this column? What difference might this article make? Is there a fresh idea or phrase here? Strikes me as stale and ineffectual, whatever its merits.
JB (San Francisco)
Defcon 5 is the lowest level, unless you are using an alternative Defcon scale.
Iver Thompson (Pasadena, Ca)
Regardless of how fast the car, it won't go anywhere without the motor running. All it takes is the right key to start it.
Andrew Smallwood (Cordova, Alaska)
Way to go Maureen!
When a man as foolish as Trump gets to occupy the White House we should embrace the once in a millennium event.
There will be fresh follies and farces almost every day. There will be bumbling and stumbling and puffery and buffoonery. We will grow sated with absurdity, stuffed with grotesqueries, replete with idiocies. We will, as I already almost have, run out of adjectives to describe the lunacies of this bombastic old grifter and his obsequious coterie of incompetent courtiers
When almost every citizen of the land knows more about the Presidential job than the one who actually has it, we can all be pundits for a day and preen in our own political wisdom and maturity. Delicious!
And if the old fool actually does kill us all... well we should have got a few good laughs along the way!
Jimmy Burgoff (Pelham, MA)
This latest essay By Ms Dowd was so well written. I don't remember ever reading something that made me laugh and cry simultaneously, and for the exact same reason!
Not mentioned are the obvious racist overtones and philosophical underpinnings easily and overtly attributed to Jeff Sessions, Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the majority of the Republican Congress within both houses. I learned many years ago a simple axiom, "If it walks like a duck, and acts like a duck, IT'S A DUCK". I am truly saddened and astonished that this apparent fact has reared its' ugly head. Haven't we learned both as a country and individually that to oppress others keeps the oppressor equally oppressed as well?
All fundamentalism seems nuts to me. Yet to be willing to blow yourself and others up IS particularly egregious. It's a complicated world. I always thought that the truly Christian thing to do is to bombard all problems with more Love, not hate. The light will always drive out the darkness. Look towards the light!
I'm sure many would agree that optimism for surviving this debacle changes from day to day. While I wanted to see some hope in your column, today is one of those bad days. It is incomprehensible that this excessively cruel megalomaniac is rounding up illegal aliens who have been in this country for MANY years, often coming as children, and pose no risk to public safety. Meanwhile he and his family flaunt their wealth and greed and privilege and unethical behavior.
jwgibbs (Cleveland, Ohio)
Basically what your saying Maureen is that Donald Trump still isn't acting presidential. Not gonna happen! I'm still waiting for some semblance of a mature adult to appear. But that's probably not gonna happen either.
William Ray (Willits, California)
OK, could be worse. Or could be bumble before crumble.
JWL (Vail, Co)
At last, a Dowd article with which I can agree. The only upside to the Trumpian reign is the engagement of Americans ready to fight to protect their civil rights, the Constitution, the earth, its people, all people. The threat from within has never been greater, and Americans have taken to the barricades. I would caution Mssrs. Trump, Bannon, and Ryan to remember the fate of Marie Antoinette.
Nightwatch (Le Sueur MN)
Our regular monthly DFL county meeting this week was the best attended in recent times. Regular ranks were swollen by insurgents. Non affiliated grass roots cells are popping up all over Trump country out here. Change in the USA always comes from below. Looks like it's coming.
C. Parker (Iowa)
Nice to see you writing with more verve and less snark. Keep it up!
Glenn Appell (Richmond Ca)
Best Column in a long time Maureen! I particularly enjoyed the ending. This is not only Trump but the "Republican Administration" that seems to be on the same playing field with Don the Con, Steve "Darth" Bannon, Kelly Anne Conjob, Scary Spicer and the rest of the team. They may have more players and their gonna do a lot of damage but in the long run their gonna lose big time!!!
Larry Heimendinger (WA)
Trump has made Maureen Great Again. Welcome back, if only Trump had a dog and a SUV.
Andrew G. Bjelland, Sr. (Salt Lake City, Utah)
"[President Trump] has breathed new zest into a wide range of things: feminism, liberalism, student activism, newspapers, cable news, protesters, bartenders, . . . town halls, George Orwell . . . ."

Ms. Dowd: Sales of Orwell's "1984" have spiked, but that novel may now be passé. As Michael Idov--a Russian-born, American journalist who has spent years in Moscow--recently commented:

". . . [T]he residents of a hybrid regime such as Russia's--that is, an autocratic one that retains the facade of democracy--know that the Orwellian notion [of autocratic rule] is needlessly romantic. Russian life . . .[is] marked less by fear than by . . . the all-pervasive cynicism that no institution is to be trusted, because no institution is bigger than the avarice of the person in charge." ["Russia: Life After Trust," New York Magazine (January 23-February 5, 2017), p. 22.]

Now that "our" SupercallousnarcissisticavariciousPOTUS is enthroned, is a Russianesque "all-pervasive cynicism" inevitable in the USA?

Can the presidency possibly be bigger than Trump's and the Trump family's avarice?

To what extent has the U.S. become one more autocratic regime with a facade of democracy? Republican politicians and conservative jurists have already assured that the U.S. has become a plutocracy with a democratic facade. It is not much of a stretch from that political situation to autocracy.

Would you, Maureen, please author "America: Life After Trust in Trump's Post-Truth Age"?
Denise (NC)
Okay. That's nice but Trump's Gold Lining is still rather horrific. It doesn't even rate a 10k anymore. His mind is now like burnished goo, filled with lonely and paranoid confusion. He's all matter with no mind.
Intelligent people (such as myself) continue to work and live and pray for each and every free and liberal day that we have left. That is before Dictator Trump
stops every last freedom that we have here in America by making them illegal.
That's not too "far fetched" either with these "Monsters in Charge". They mean business and by having liberal thinking, freedom loving people continuing to be able to speak, it's not in their best interest.
I hope that I am wrong Maureen. I hope that I am wrong. We'll have to protest and fight like never before. It might end up just being too difficult to keep having to fight this kind of EVIL.
Many people like myself have been fighting this conservative sickness since
the 1960's when we were just kids. How much longer can we go on?
Lois Wood (MA)
So amusing Maureen especially since you helped him get elected. So glad you can so blithely make light of all the chaos and destruction that your pal trump is wreaking on our country and the world from the comfort of your protected perch at the NYTimes.
Ellen (Manhattan)
Illegal immigrants who have contibuted a lot to our society and other people are in agonizing pain. Not to worry, we will have Maureen to give us the gold/ silver lining to it all.
Jeff (Evanston, IL)
Thank you, Ms. Dowd. But can you please come up with just the right adjective to put before Donald Trump's name? He's so good at that sort of thing. Little Marco. Crooked Hillary. Lyin' Ted. You're extremely good with words. Please supply us with that catchy adjective, one we can repeat again and again. This is important. I'm serious.
Mina (Detroit)
OTOH.....It's not too often that one of the most economically challenged cities in the U.S. literally "loves" a "legitimate" billionaire when so many of its residents have struggled for their entire lives...BUT
Here in Detroit, we cry today at the passing of Mike Ilitch....Mr. I....a son of Macedonian immigrants who grew up in humble beginnings, served 4 years in the U.S. Marines, was scouted and spent 4 years in baseball's minor league, sidelined by a knee injury, married and started a little local pizza restaurant...
He and his lovely wife thru sheer hard work together and business smarts would turn that into the international success of Little Caesar's.....he went on to own 2 major league sports teams.
Mr. I was not just a successful businessman....he was a philanthropist...he put millions of his own $$$ back into Detroit....when others, both residents and businesses fled a failing city, he moved his by now very, very successful company HQ back into the city. He used his business connections to woo other businesses back to the city w/millions in investments....literally creating many jobs....
Space here won't allow, but I could go on and on....
He was an American success story, a business leader, a visionary, a person who used his success to lift his community up .....he put a lot of his $$$ where his mouth was....
Why have none of us heard any of this goodwill about our self-proclaimed billionaire President??!?....SAD....A word that has meaning in Detroit today.
dr (stockton, n.j.)
We got lazy. We had this coming to us when we took the progressive angels of our nation for granted. Trump is exactly what we needed, Maureen, and your article is spot on. It's going to be a painful four years, of the sort where we wince in pain and shake our heads in continued disbelief. But we got our wake up call, so let's cause the carnival-barker-in-chief the sleepless nights he deserves.
aroundaside (los angeles, ca)
You had me till Lena Dunham...
Rusty C (New Orleans)
I remember as I was growing up that my father always said that the President was the ultimate American hero. That ended with Nixon. I remember when the President was always an older man. That ended with Clinton and Obama. I remember when the President was always a savvy, erudite intellectual. That ended with Trump. He is as unlearned, unlettered, and unschooled as his base. No wonder they are wild about him. He speaks to them because he is one of them.
shineybraids (Paradise)
I have to defend Iulius Caesar against any comparison to Trump. Julius served in the military with distinction unlike Trump who was 4-F. Caesar actually welcomed immigrants to Rome. Some were slaves but they could eventually become Roman citizens. Caesar had a public works program. He drained the Pontine marsh....which was a public health move since it was a mosquito breeding ground. Public works included temples, roads and waterways that enriched Rome. Trump's investment is an over priced Wall that will leave little funding for the infra structure in America. Caesar was a writer who left behind some great non fiction. Trump is a Tweeter twit who can barely produce a short paragraph.

Okay, so Caesar did aspire to Emperor and god Unlike Trump Caesar might have deserved that position. Trump dos not have the skill to be president. If he is a god it is Astynax who was the deity of the manure pile. (The Romans had gods for everything). VENI, VIDI, FUGI !
Jay (Cora)
Hooray for the president, the best national Unifier we have had in a long time! It reminds me of the old saying about why grandchildren and grandparents get along so well - they share a common enemy...

Stop being so glum. Trump's outrageous antics are making America finally get off its passive bum and get involved. Since the enemy of my enemy is my friend, I for one am delighted to discover my new buddies!
loveman0 (SF)
As far as "getting away with", Sessions was confirmed. Is Ms Dowd not aware of this, or what it portends? Which part of Hannah Arendt is she referring to? Has she ever read Hannah Arendt?

For the record, it's worth noting how far our Democracy has strayed from John Rawls and a sense of "fairness". He noted that with majority rule, the rights of minorities were often ignored, and i would add, more so lately with Supreme Court decisions that have ignored, or reinterpreted, the plain language in the Bill of Rights. How much so? In the U.S. it is now the rights of the majority that are being trampled in the U.S.Senate--those representing the protests of Ms Devos and others represent 34 million more people--and worldwide the rights of the rich and poor, but mostly the poor, are being trampled with respect to the devastating flooding and displacement of persons from the effects of global warming/climate change. All of this from the failure of the U.S., an Oil Oligarchy (and China,a Coal Oligarchy) to take the lead now, while there is still a chance to head this off, and switch the power and transportation to renewable energy. The warming that has already taken place will lead to additional warming--CO2 ppm at present is not coming down. The goal should be zero emissions. This is now possible with solar at S. latitudes, and easy where there is hydro back-up.
NWJ (Soap Lake, Wash.)
Dowd is probably the only Times columnist I very rarely read because of her snarky negativity about politicians of both parties. She hammered Clinton and dismissed Sanders.

But, she, with this column, is making some sense. Good for you Maureen. If you keep this up, I may start reading your columns again.

Trump may be good for your career.
bob west (florida)
I wonder if trump has read the NYT article slamming his neck tie prowess?
BigGuy (Forest Hills)
This column had NO gratuitous slur of the Clintons, President Obama, or congressional Democrats.

May that miracle continue.
B Sharp (<br/>)
Not to mention Nordstrom's stock prices has gone up and to add more insults Tjmax and now even Kmart has removed Ivanka's label. Women shoppers are savvy, they won't fall for bully Trump for poor merchandise.

I understand Trump watches all 24/7 television channels and ends his day with hours of FOX. So it is a matter of time high pitched Sean will be replaced after a girl dared to play him.

And it is only three weeks into Trump Presidency.
Is his arch enemy Rosie will play Bannon ?
elle (New York)
Nixon got to hide everything a lot longer, so there is hope for a quick downfall of the sociopath and friends in the White House.
W in the Middle (New York State)
"...The brief reign of Donald the First...

Though you later qualify with "so far" - "brief reign" is incorrect...

Perhaps "reign-to-date" - or was that the Grey Lady's Freudian slip again showing...

As far as...

"...Every time our daft new president tweets about the “failing” New York Times, our digital subscriptions and stock price jump...

So - you all give him oodles of free publicity (and glamourous photo coverage of his better half) - and sell more tickets to your wrestling event...

If so - all you now need is for Linda McMahon to invest alongside Carlos Slim...

As far as...

"...Americans have a refreshed vigor for debating what’s at stake insurance...

i.e. - stick to something you know...

Like sarcasm...

Mark Solomon (Roswell Ga)
25th amendment don't fail me now!
Springtime (MA)
Journalists finally have something to talk about, besides identity politics. What a relief! Obama was afraid of conflict that nothing got resolved, it just got swept under the carpet. Now, Trump is stirring everything up... all at once and folks are thinking (and fighting) again. So bring it on NYT, you have the right stuff and we appreciate you.
Dadof2 (New Jersey)
No, I don't give Trump credit for anything. It's like giving cancer credit for causing development of viable treatments.
You don't give the burglar credit for causing you to put in an alarm system.
You don't give the bad credit for forcing the good to act.

Maureen, you did your part to put this guy in the White House, soft-pedaling his faults while trashing Hillary's, again and again. At least own it, for once.
Diana (Centennial)
Thank you Maureen, I am glad to see the Maureen I remember back in action. You made me laugh and think. You are correct. Donald Trump has made America great again much to his consternation. He has re-invigorated progressives and liberals and decent human beings to organize and show up and stand up. We are getting off our duffs. My daughter marched in Denver today in support of Planned Parenthood. I will be joining my fellow scientists either at the planned march for science or a supporting event. That is akin to successfully herding cats. Democrats have taken a leaf from the Tea Party and voicing their opinions and outrage at Town Hall meetings, much to the horror of the politicians. We are not backing down.
The DNC may not have found a spine yet, but the rest of we who are progressives and liberals have. Elizabeth Warren is our firebrand leader, with Bernie Sanders providing back up.
Thank you for pointing out there is a silver lining to this bigly dark cloud overhanging the country. These past three weeks have seemed like months. Now onward to 2018 and the midterms. We need to stay focused and support those Democratic candidates with vigor who have the best chance of beating a Republican incumbent. We need to stay fired up and we should never give up. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. didn't, the suffragettes didn't, and the feminists didn't. We can and we will overcome, no matter the odds nor how long it takes.
Beatrice ('Sconset)
Diana - Centenial
Well, we all know why we haven't heard as much from Maureen for the last eight years.
I still miss the previous "occupant" of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.
Let's get busy referring exploration of impeachment proceedings to the House Judiciary Committee.
And, in the meantime, bring it on, Maureen !
Betsy Groth (old lyme ct)
the sad fact is hat mcConnell DID get away with shushing EW. EW and BS are practically alone. It must be hard and lonely trying to fill a leadership vaccuum so large
Steve (New York)
Maureen, the so-called Trump presidency was the gold you hoped for despite any protestations you claim to have now. It's best that you just turn off your laptop and slink away.
Cynical (Knoxville, TN)
To paraphrase Bill Maher, one wonders if anyone can call Secretary Clinton the 'lesser of two evils' anymore. It wasn't that many more came out to vote DT in. It was that many, wallowing in their own insecurities, didn't come out to vote for HRC. Like with second-hand cigarette smoke, their (the non-voters) blunders are the source of misery for the entire nation.
Dennis D. (New York City)
America has picked a real weiner here. Trump the chump is going to be played by every foreign leader he comes into contact with. They have already figured out this simpleton. He makes George W. appear a genius. SAD.

David shulman (Santa Fe)
Way too early to talk about gold linings. The test will come this Fall in the VA and NJ elections.
BMEL47 (Düsseldorf)
To paraphrase Friedrich Nietzsche:

Is Trump a human being at all? Is he not rather a disease?
He contaminates everything he touches - he has made all of us sick.
Kathy Lollock (Santa Rosa, CA)
Well said, Ms Dowd. I would go one step further to add what felt like rusted metal on Non-Election Day has become instead an awakening of platinum-lined enthusiasm for all that means so much for a progressive, just, and equal 21st Century democracy. But this renaissance needs to continue. There is no room or time for either complacency or discouragement. Ironically, a nemesis, for me anyway, handed us what needs to be our new rallying cry: Nevertheless, she (he) persisted. And that is the key. A microphone taken away has been replaced by a megaphone. Let's use it.
The InquisitorI (New York)
Please tell me again why this man-baby is president.
urbi et orbi (NYC)
The millennials are tuning in now, are they? Those who failed to exercise their vote on Nov 8th have much to answer for.
michael (Brooklyn, NY)
Wow!!!! with all these benefits losing should be done more often.
Problem is, you can make jokes and be critical all you want, but having the power to change America for the worse (or make it Great Again) is the far better option.
Given what you have helped create, are you still as down on Hillary? or have you blocked out those details from your memory?
[email protected] (Great Neck, NY)
Defcon 5 is the lowest state of readiness. You mean Defcon 1 (maximum readiness...nuclear war imminent)
zenaida S.Z. (santa barbara)
Maureen you forgot to mention CALEXIT. I'm voting for it and can't hardly wait!
Babel (new Jersey)
Trump has woken up the apathetic wing of the Democrat Party, not a small accomplishment. He has shaken people out of their slumber to the realization that there is a true democracy busting autocrat in the White House ready to bring down the foundations of their beliefs. Congressional Republicans who meekly acquiesce may in two years find Mr. Trump as an anchor around their necks. This is all based on the premise that Democrats will find great candidates and stick to a message that resonates with blue collar workers. Trump has staffed his domestic Cabinet with far right people who undoubtably either don't have a clue about the institutions they are now leading or will be looking for opportunities to enrich themselves and their kindred spirits. Plenty of fireworks and revelations there. Two years from now when blue collar workers find themselves at their dinner tables poorer off then they were before, it will be Republicans they will reek their revenge on. Fingers crossed.
SMB (Savannah)
So after years of vicious attacks on Pres. Ovma and Sec. Clinton and initial fawning over Trump, Dowd finally had a genuine target. But no infantilizing like the years of referring to Pres. Obama as 'Barry' and comparing him negatively to LBJ. Years of venom Against highly qualified, knowledgeable and prepared leaders who did real good were constantly disparaged. I don't think Dowd gets any credit now for seeing what we all know, that the negativity was really GOP propaganda setting the stage for a lunatic bigot like Trump who works to destroy, whether it is minorities, women, immigrants, Muslims, those dependent on Obamacare and Planned Parenthood.

Where were you when it counted? When this demagogue could have been stopped? Too little, too late now when millions of people are being harmed.
HN (Philadelphia)
"except for the Republican Congress, which seems to be deaf"

It isn't just the Republic Congress that was deaf. The Democratic congress and elite must have been deaf so as not to understand what vast swaths of the country were complaining about.

They should have realized that any country who could make "stars" out of anyone appearing on reality television would be capable to falling under the influence of someone like Trump.
justamoment (Bloomfield Hills, Michigan)
Don't you feel just a hint of shame, Mo, for what you strove so hard to achieve?

Too late now for buyer's remorse. And, as with Trump, you have a very serious problem with credibility.
Isn't this really about Robert Kraft asking Trump to get his Super Bowl ring back from Putin?
BB Kuett (Avignon)
Maureen, you are missing the breaking fake news (photo): President Trump is cutting a deal between Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and Robert Kraft, C.E.O. of the New England Patriots, for the Patriots to open the season this fall in Tokyo. Video at 11.
Njlatelifemom (Njregion)
As if. You have pushed for this misbegotten man child to be elected, like it is a joke--you could just never see your way clear---Maybe on behalf of your siblings who swill down trump champagne, rot gut that it must be. Happy?? You don't get to dance on the sarcastic high notes -- I do not think you are funny and hope that you will come to appreciate that this man is pure danger. You are too old to be cute. Wake up. Your case of arrested development rivals his.
GaryB (SiValley)
Trump now pre-blames the judiciary branch for the next terror attack ... which maybe he's ordering up via Putin->Assad->Hezbullah. We have to make sure that any terror attack's blame is put squarely on incompetent Trump.
D Price (Wayne NJ)
Let's face it... the upside will never equal the downside.
Miss Ley (New York)
Let's hear it. It's time to take a break from doing research on an antique rifle made in Australia. Either way, the title sounds promising and it is going to require a valiant effort on Maureen's part to turn anything about this government into gold.

But first, I might point out that we are not a Nation of haters. Some of us are feeling concerned and uneasy. My understanding is that Trump is our new Manager but he seems to be dragging his heels. There is a sense that he is behaving like a shrewish housewife, while his companion adviser is out doing some heavy duty work.

With apologies to Ms. Dowd, I skimmed down to the month of May with Julius Caesar. The latter is not a salad, as a Trump supporter thought recently, and it takes an ounce of diplomacy to gently point this out. He had to drop out of school early to look after his family.

Trump is not well. We do not have a true president, or a viable government. The People are starting to leave this drama now because they have to work, and they are growing bored with Trump. Questions are being asked. Will there be a Government Overthrow in the Spring by America? Are We preparing for another Global Recession? Will there be another presidential election? Are we seeing the end of the Two-Party System?

Earlier, I was calling on Mr. Obama. I keep thinking that he has just taken a leave of absence. Anyone associated with this Government may well be tarnished one day and it is a depressing thought.
Loomy (Australia)
Let's also not forget that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan, and his wife Akie Abe on their recent official visit, were NOT charged for their accommodation as the White House proudly informed American media during a briefing.

It's hard not to be excited about that!
barbarra (Los Angeles)
Thanks Maureen - I'm sure Hillary looks like a winner - too bad. I am astonished that anyone thinks the resort is elegant or classy! Remember the White House galas - here's a dining room for paying club members and the President is entertaining a head of state! He needs his decorator to look at some old South clubs - elegant private dining rooms - great food - not some cafeteria decor! It is a step up from his favorite McDonalds (probably thinks it's named for him)!
Karen (Seattle)
Maureen... if you haven't noticed, the man is nuts. Write about it.
michaelmoyeberl (biloxi,ms)
Ok, Ms Dowd......good first steps, good for our democracy. Glad you highlighted what is happening.
The questions now become......
1- Who will emerge as the leading voices. I am imagining a relative unknown. And will Obama return to guide this person and lead the party.
2 - Will the disparate groups be able to unite ?
3 - To paraphrase Lincoln.....will they have the resolve to succeed ? Set backs are sure to come; the current cards are stacked in their favor. Perhaps when they try to overturn Roe vs Wade.....that will get progressives temperature raised for good.
4 - One last thought...I expect the unexpected. Which of the lawsuits against Trump will force him to resign ? Be funny if it turns out to be FBI catching him getting payments under the table from Russia.

leo l. castillo (new mexico and los angeles)
I have turned off the TV four months ago, no longer peruse the Post, get all my news from Real Clear Politics, The Hill, Politico. No need to read another man's opinions which are probably no better than my own. It is a new world; the dead should remain in the cemetery. Thanks again for present your personal views again, but to tell you the truth, no longer are your slants better than my own. That is why the old grey lady doesn't matter anymore and with your talent Maureen ask Murdoch for a new position, possibly the Wall Street Journal.
Jed (Sherman Oaks, CA)
You meant "DEFCON 1" -- the highest level of alert.
ainabella1 (Hawaii)
I am waiting for the release of his taxes before I pay mine. I can not support this administration and its syncophants.
Might go visit my local jail with some cookies and covered dishes over the next couple of months to see if I can make some friends before I am a resident.
Jean du Canada (Sidney, BC, Canada)
Watching Donald, it's easy to find
Total chaos inside of his mind.
So, he blusters and blows
In his Emperor's new clothes
Forging red ties with Putin that bind.
Teri Bridget (Oklahoma City)
Maybe America needed a jolt to remind us of all the things we take for granted. Freedom, tolerance, facts and human kindness and empathy. Not to mention affordable healthcare, Medicare and Social Security. Hopefully we will survive and be a stronger nation as a result.
Djw (montpelier,VT)
Yo Mo - Missing Barry yet?
LT (Chicago,IL)
One of the many great things about a well functioning Democracy is that its citizens can safely ignore politics most of the time and focus on living their life

I'm heartened that the resistance to Trump is growing but to state that " the affronted and angered are rising up to take him on." does not show "that America is great again"

It shows that America is broken and that we, the people, need to fix it. It's unfortunate but only fair as we broke it by electing this delusional buffoon in the first place.
Michael Thompkins (Seattle)
Finally a solid no- fluff column from Ms. Dowd.
Keep writing stuff like this and I will start again to read you.
rl (Kew Gardens NY)
This is your best column in a long time. Thank you.
Jonathan (Chicago)
Good article but "Defcon 5" is like "3rd degree murder" - the lower the number the more important. Democratsbare at Defcon 1.
Charlotte Amalie (Oklahoma)
Here's a fun new practice I have because of Donald Trump's presidency --

I now carry 4 x 6 index cards in my car. When I see a bumper sticker such as "Friends Don't Let Friends Vote Republican" or "He's Not My President," I leave a note of encouragement and support under the wiper. Something like, "Don't give up hope. Things will get better. There are a lot of us out here." (There really are, increasingly so it seems, even here in Oklahoma.)

And doing this is fun. It makes me feel like I'm in an underground movement. But I must admit to looking around to make sure no one catches me in the act. Like the guy with the 6-foot Confederate flag mounted on the roof of his pickup or the lady with the "First Rule Of Gun Safety: Stay Away From My Second Amendment" t-shirt. You know, the folks Donald Trump has devoted his life to helping and didn't just use to get votes.
Abe (Lincoln)
When is the inn-keeper, our so-called president, going to show us his tax return?
He must have told us he'll show it at least 100 times, right? I can't believe he's risking to be called a liar. Sad, sad, very, very sad! Oh well, when is a liar to be
hb (czech republic)
Ms. Dowd, that was great. And I'm glad you live and work in a country, unlike Putin's Russia, where thugs from the state won't be coming to beat or kill you. Don, if you're reading, it IS different in America. There's no SNL on national TV over there to make hilarious, shirtless fun of you and your patron, Vlad. And Mr. Putin, the United States and Western civilization are far from perfect. But they are also light years better than the police state/mafia hybrid with the bad economy you've cobbled together. Why don't you fix your own mess and leave the rest of the world alone. And Trump, see you in court.
Eric Caine (Modesto, CA)
Keep in mind the Democrats who aren't bought themselves are even more enfeebled than they were under Obama. Does anyone have faith in more than one or two Republicans having enough honor or integrity to oppose the installation of an authoritarian regime? He knows as soon as he can go to war and label any opposition treason he's run the table, and so does Bannon.
Bigcrouton (Seattle)
He's also provided job security for Constitutional lawyers and kept The Swamp from turning into a mud hole. Does it get any better!
johnlaw (Florida)
Maureen writes:"Trump has made facts great again. By distorting reality so relentlessly, he has put everyone on alert for alternative facts."

I took a course in Soviet politics in the late 70s. One day, the professor, started to explain how the Russians read in between the lines in Pravda and other publications to discern the truth from the propaganda disseminated by the state. They scrutinized images and line-ups to figure out who is and is not in power or favor.

So, nearly forty years later, it is the turn of the American people to have an administration that has as its model this Russian system. We are left to scrutinize for clues from an administration where lies and deceit are a part of its modus operandi.

I don't think Trump has made facts great again as much as he made fact-checking and reading tea leaves our new national pastime.
Jerry Longyear (Danbury CT)
Maureen, you don't think your hate of all things Clinton contributed to this debacle, do you? Sigh.

Ok, you are right stop dwelling on the past. Instead let's look forward and agree to be happy with the renaissance of all those bastions of liberalism and freedom you mentioned. I just hope it's enough to make the pendulum swing hard back in 2 and 4 years.
HighPlainsScribe (Cheyenne WY)
Absolutely. I have felt for some time that trump could be the best thing to happen to American politics in decades, although hardly in the way he has in mind. Many good people became complacent thinking that some check or balance would keep trump out of the White House. Once he got in, off went the alarms, and it is amazing to look at the mainstream'normalcy' of the protesters on the streets and at the town halls. They are not radicals and the only real threat they present is at the ballot box in the midterms. Trump had negative coattails in the election, losing seats for the party he absconded, nearly unheard of in a winning first election for a Presidential candidate. The midterms could be a bloodbath, gerrymandering or not. The caveats here? Much long term damage could be done in the courts, and, if trump gets impeached, the overtly mild-mannered Pence could prove to be the ultimate conservative nightmare.
Margaret (Seekonk, Massachusetts)
You are so right about all of it. What a circus. And I, for one, was thinking of cancelling my subscription to the times to save a few bucks, but no more. You've got me for the foreseeable future! I can't think of a better way to spend my money than helping support the press! Keep up the good work!
lstanton (Durham NC)
Mo is Back! She's gotten past the indigestion of her family's Thanksgiving dinner and is once again dishing it out in her provocative style. Go girl!

I too love seeing the activism, especially on college campuses, which has been dormant too long.
james griffin (vancouver)
The achilles heel in the Trump 'presidency' is Trump.
dale (michigan)
How true on his waking up the citizen. On many levels DT will end his retired days disappointed. Arnold will go on to prove he is the better, Emmy winning Apprentice host. SNL will consistently exceed global viewership of DTs inauguration almost every week for the president's term. After he ends up firing his staff monthly and no one is interested in suffering his abuse, the congress will have to draw straws to backfill his staff till the next president takes office in 1400 days. That is providing he doesn't have a nervous breakdown before that or gets caught double dealing TRUMP inc.
CD (Cary NC)
Here is some alternative math.
44 > 45.
Heck, even 43 > 45.
CarissaV (Scottsdale, Arizona)
The "O" in GOP stands for "OBSTRUCTIONIST." Mitch McConnell shamed himself and his legacy when he obstructed Merrick Garland's nomination to SCOTUS and recently shut up Elizabeth Warren. Ms. Dowd, I hope you continue holding his feet to the fire...!
Lee Harrison (Albany)
Trump went to the Roy Cohn school of revenge and failed to understand a very important thing -- Machiavelli's injunction "never do a man a little injury."

Roy's clients included Mafia figures Tony Salerno, Carmine Galante, and John Gotti. Cross them, they might kill you.

Before he was President the Donald would call you names, maybe file some gratuitous suit. This left a lot of people who hate his guts -- and are alive. Most of these people are in New York City or nearby -- trust me, Trump has been the most reviled guy in NYC for more than a decade. He's right down there with bedbugs.

The reason Republicans love Trump is they don't know him. Give it just a little time, being on the short end of Trump's lies and swindles and not paying what's owed -- and they'll catch on.

You read Trump's rant about "my friends can't borrow money?" Did you pay attention to that one? Guess who his "friends" are? The scamsters like Donald, that nobody will loan money to, in the US. After his bankruptcies, nobody wants to loan him a nickel.

So Trump goes overseas ... he goes to work deals with the Russian oligopoly. Trump is really a coward and after all those bankruptcies really nothing but a lot of mouth. Going to play with real tough people wasn't smart.

The Russians know how to kill people. They also know how to extract what they can, how to use a man they own. The best explanation for a lot of Trump's behavior is that somebody owns him.

We need to find out who.
Robert D. Noyes (Oregon)
Yes, many may tune in to the Trump show. He does draw a crowd. He is entertaining in a scary sort of way. But after a while folks will realize that tuning in to the Trump circus is always disappointing. Then what?
Mike (California)
I am 72 years old and my only involvement in politics is voting at election time. Now I am looking for the nearest town hall meeting. Thanks, Maureen. Go get him.
Paul Wortman (East Setauket, NY)
Remember Maureen, “All that is [Trump's] gold does not glitter,...From the ashes [of fake news and real swindles] a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows [of bigotry and fear] shall spring; Renewed shall be blade [of truth and the rule of law] that was broken,The crownless [people] again shall be king [of their nation].” It's a story as old as that of the Biblical Exodus where Pharaoh Donald the First of the Trump Dynasty is defeated not by "haters," but by those who believe that "in God We Trust" we can find that higher power that's our Constitutional commandments of freedom and tolerance and save our democracy from Tyrant Trump. And for that "amazing grace" I say, Amen.
Thomas Renner (NYC)
You are right on. People are sick of Washington and just ignored it. Now with Trump it's so bad and he is so nuts it's turning into fun to fight it. I really can not waite to see his and his team fall on their face.
gary schreiber (elgin, il)
I think that should be Defcon 1.
D (Madison,WI)
Trump is the 21st-century wannabe Führer.
This time people refuse to be fooled, and that's what makes America great.
Robert Stewart (Chantilly, VA)
Dowd: "...Republican Congress, which seems to be deaf."

They, the Republicans in Congress, are not deaf, Maureen. They have had their backbones removed.
Jazz (My Head)
Two predictions:

1. The Trump presidency will be the most contentious, controversial, litigated, polarizing presidency since "Tricky Dick" Nixon.

2. Trump will be the first US president to leave office morbidly obese.

But Melania the sphinx trophy first lady is definitely very stylish.
a href= (Hanover , NH)
The irony of Maureen Dowd is that she and Trump have much in common. Her non stop and relentless trashing of and lying about Hillary Clinton, constantly questioning her legitamacy to be president, was pretty much what Trump tried to do to Obama, once elected. Many more people showed up to vote for Hillary than Trump and to try and pass off his election for which she bears some responsibility, as some huge silver linning playbook for democrats is incredibly and blatantly self serving and condescending
rajn (Ma)
And what about your brothers and sis who are his fans and voted to install him? Are they exhilarated and in drunken joy by how some of the families are breaking up by his last executive order? Just curious how the wind blows in the other quarter?
Harry B (Michigan)
How's the family Ms Dowd, giddy with hope?
Uplift Humanity (USA)
Times are unprecedented.
Trump rips the Constitution.
Freedoms at risk.
Common sense: missing.
What is he doing?
Attacking everyone.
Lawrence Sinoway (Harrisburg Pa)
Since he won, I am obsessed by his attacks and his total disregard for truth. For some time we as a nation have had a great political divide in the "facts" we focus upon as we digest news and create our opinions. However, this is different and for me a source of great concern. We cannot disregard truth and we must speak up and defend reality. Personally, I wish I were less consumed by all this, but I cannot turn away. I feel obligated to learn all I can and to voice the truth wherever and whenever I can. My guess is that there are millions worldwide who share my angst. I entirely agree w Maureen Dowd's column-there are many on their toes and they are unlikely to be satisfied by standing flat-footed and in place.
morGan (NYC)
Hey Drumpf,
As of today, you are officially in Maureen's doghouse . Like Slick Willie, The Decider, and Barry, and Hillary before. Now it's your turn.
She already has few new labels for you:
Short-Fingered Vulgarian
Troller in Chief
Julie (Idaho)
Welcome back Maureen. We need you here. I hope your book sales went well but it's time to come home. Misery loves company especially when it comes from your perspective!!!
Got2havasay (Oakland, CA)
The Democrats have to be more dramatic about the drama that goes on about them every day. They must point out every Republican move that favors the rich at the expense of hard working men and women For example, (and I avoid using e.g. because a majority of working class people can't identify with e.g.) Trump and Republicans are trying to destroy the Consumer Protection Bureau which was created by Democrats to prevent Big Banks and Insurance Companies from doing the things that caused the big Depression making working people lose there jobs and there homes. They should let working people know that it was the Republicans that blocked the Democrats Jobs Bill which would have helped working people by the Republicans refusing to even bring it up for a vote in the last Congress. There is also the Republicans talked about Tax reform that gives huge breaks to the wealthy and a pittance to the working people, and the Republicans talk about ending the Inheritance Tax from which only the top 1% would benefit. So much more! The Democrats in Congress and Senate have to get a spine and tell it like it is.
Edna (Boston)
The King of Mar-a-Lucre has indeed focused our attention. I myself am particularly concentrating on attempts to undermine standards at the FDA.

It's good there are a lot of us in opposition to the president-of-very-little-brain (so many apologies to A.A. Milne, and Winnie the Pooh), because we need to divvy up the tasks.

Truly, this man has invaded out psyches by scaring us silly every day. That's a power no president should have.
Pay Attention (Dungeness)
Trump has even made Maureen raise her game. Now that is really something.
Ian MacFarlane (Philadelphia PA)
The President is and should be recognized as the fall guy for whatever is to follow. If it is good his coterie will bask in relected glory and if not they will all point to the boss.

The real villains are seated in Congressional chairs, walking unscathed and in their hearts thankful the Fifth Avenue tie-ups take some heat off them.

With the understudies we know are waiting in the wings I only trust he holds on until defeated in our next Presidential election.
R Nathan (NY)
I don't believe that neither NYT nor Liberals protested when we were "Droning" middle east and south asia targets quietly but relentlessly. A lot of innocent folks were killed from the "Droning" activity post Bush fiasco. Most including this esteemed newspaper did not relentlessly protest the death of innocent folks from 2003 through 2016. Give this President a chance to prove that he is no good! We liberals are going blow our chance again to regain the majority in Congress and potentially 2020 White House bid.
Pat (Long Island)
You think it's bad now? Just wait until all the (illegal) farm workers & labor gets deported. Tomatoes will be $5,a head of lettuce will be $10 and there will be no one to clean my house or mow my lawn. Then people will really have their panties in a knot!!
Robert Undisclosed (Greece)
Another hot air, zero substance, hit piece on Trump by the NY Times. You would think as foolish as Trump has made the NY Times look, the light bulb would finally come on. It's hilarious, and entertaining, watching the lie-beral meltdown.
dm (northeast)
Ms. Dowd still can't just come out and plainly address the various ways that this man -- to whom she gave the kid gloves treatment during the campaign -- is destroying the nation. Even as she goes a bit further this week than in her other frivolous posts, she still has to hide any real commentary in a column that goes no further than straight news reports in stating that people are angry. Oh, and in trying to capture the level of such anger, she needs to get her references right -- a lot of people are at DefCon 1, not the peacetime level of DefCon 5.
Coco Pazzo (<br/>)
Hard to believe that it has only been three weeks of president #45 (that's not a hashtag). And as much as I love the print media, the tweets and falsehoods, statements and revisions, etc., have been coming for fast and furiously that it is impossible for the print media to keep up. Heck, even the president was fooled when he though an early edition of the New York Times (printed about 6:30 Thursday night) was Fake News because it seemingly ignored a phone call to China he made that same night, but after that edition was published. The Times updated their story at 9:30 that same night, but Trump's tweet was already en route to his 24 million followers.
Now if we can only wean him of Fox & Friends, and put down his "smart-ass" phone.
Joan (California)
With the theatah's love of updating classics, will they be presenting "Julius Caesar" with costuming by Ivanka and the setting in Trump Tower, Mar a Lago, 1600 and the Cspitol?
Cowboy (Wichita)
Our so-called president trump's press briefings with alternative facts from his so-called press secretary now outdraw daytime soap operas?
Wow! trump's back in the game of TV melodrama and angst.
Tom (Massachusetts)
Dowd got it wrong again. The haters are the people in the White House. They hate science, Mexicans, Muslims, the Constitution, laws to protect consumers, laws to protect voters, women, journalists, free enterprise, laws to protect investors, free trade, Democrats, decent healthcare for all, anyone who disagrees with them. But most of all, they hate the truth. We aren't the haters. We're the resistance.
EC Speke (Denver)
Our present President is what a society gets when it values money above everything else.

It's quite an ugly spectacle isn't it?

How much damage will be caused to America and Americans is yet to be seen, but we'll deserve it because it's what we value most?

Kaz (Grand Rapids, MI)
Reading Maureen's column is reaffirming what I've started to feel lately. As dispiriting as Trump and his alt-right and billionaire cronies have been, the response by most Americans has been very encouraging. It shows how much our citizens love and care for our country. And that you can't take democracy for granted.
Two things though. The energy will be tough to maintain to the next election let alone 2020. And those leading the opposition to Trump will need to give a vision of what they're for. Trump won on fear but the winning formula has to be hope.
Sera Stephen (The Village)
Yes, but none of it means anything if, as many analysts fear, they pull a 'Reichstag", and he exercises his prerogative to impose Marshall law. Clown, yes, Incompetent, yes. Powerless? No.
beth reese (nyc)
Many of us have been "on our toes" since 45 announced his run almost two years ago. Too many Americans didn't take him seriously because they thought that "It Can't Happen Here". But here we are. I am heartened to see so many people reading Orwell, Sinclair Lewis and Philip Roth. A saving grace among the general horror is that the Nobel Committee might see the sales of "The Plot Against America" and finally award Roth the Prize for Literature that he should have gotten years ago. That might be the only good thing to come out of this disaster.
David (Michigan, USA)
My impression is that a few of the sane republicans in congress are beginning to consider that there are worse things than being the subject of a nasty comment by the first twitt. It will be interesting to see when the coalition of NO begins to fall apart.
sjs (bridgeport, ct)
I think the song says "you don't know what you got till its gone" but this time people are moving faster so they don't lose it. I have never know so many people, myself included, who are so focused on the news (not since the late 1960's anyway). Another thing I have notices is that people in discussions are starting to cite their sources as they speak. I don't ever remember hearing that outside of college. Perhaps it is a reaction to fake news and alt-facts.
TJBWHS (Massachusetts)
Funny about how the First Amendment (Thanks James Madison and Thomas Jefferson) and an independent judiciary (Thanks, John Adams) can rein in an incipient tyrant.

Speaking of tyrants, we should all hope the type of bi-partisanship demonstrated on the Senate Watergate Committee (Sam Ervin and Howard Baker) emerges in our coming constitutional crisis.
Nora01 (New England)
Don't hold your breath on that last line. During the Watergate hearings the GOP had men of good character who compromised with Democrats and cared about the country many of them had literally fought for. They are all gone.

There were few lobbyists in the 1970s; the NRA represented deer hunters; the Chamber of Commerce represented small and medium sized local businesses; the health insurance industry was non-profit as were hospitals; our educational system produced more college graduates than any country on earth; the Fairness Doctrine required balanced coverage of political campaigns; banks served the public interest and not just themselves; corporations paid taxes; and they all didn't control Congress.

What has taken the place of the GOP of that day is a gang of thieves and sociopaths bought and paid for by corporate America and their allies. Trump is just their most malignant face so far. Expect more and worse to come from that quarter.
susan dollenmaier (tunbridge, vermont)
Thank you for this. Two weeks before the election, I said to my sister..."I almost hope Trump wins" She was critical. I said "Better that than 8 more years of a sleeping pill. This country needs to wake up" And wake up we did. Personally, I am appalled and hopefully excited at the same time. The Emperor Has No Clothes. The festering boil of patriarchy and greed has popped all over our digital screens.
Betsy Groth (old lyme ct)
Well stated. I will get a little more hopeful when something actually happens- KAC faces ethics charges, Flynn has his security clearance revoked, Bannon gets kicked out of NSC briefings...
Fred Reade (NYC)
Although I despise Trump, he may inspire the political uprising this country desperately needs. 3 main issues need to be addressed: 1. Money in politics and elections - out. 2. Gerrymandering replaced by rational districting done by independent commissions or computer algorithms. 3. Voting rights and access need to be expanded.
merc (east amherst, ny)
The unintended scattershot-benefits from puppet Trump's inaugural first couple of weeks has definitely breathed some air back into the balloon of optimism we Progressives dangled from after election day. Make no mistake about it. But Trump's Gold Lining for Trump, Inc. is still there and will continue to be as long as he's allowed to run roughshod over us. We cannot let up demanding he pay his fair share of taxes, and we'll never know what he's avoiding until he releases his returns. Now! Not after his audit, but Now! We need to keep up the demand that he act responsibly and show us his tax returns, Now! And isn't it time puppet Trump who berates our business CEO's to build plants in our United States to belly up to the bar and do the same with his line of goods and those of the rest of his family. Puppet Trump needs to have his wares made here in our country and should build the factories to do this like he's been demanding of others for some time now. Puppet trump must be held to account for his avoidance on these issues. Now!!!!
SmootZero (Cape May Court House NJ)
First time in a long time I've pretty much agreed with you ms. Dowd.
What an interesting take on this crazy madhouse! It helps to try and stand back and look at the big picture and find some humor. Thanks
Larry Weiss (Denver)
I agree wholeheartedly with this column. America is, as the song goes, "home of the best and the worst". Trump has awakened both and now the best will stand forth in a way I haven't seen since the sixties. My children often ask what it was like in the sixties. Well, look out the window, it was like this. My advice is to participate in the big march that will take place on April 29th.

We should ask Michelle Obama to lead the Washington marchers in singing "We shall Overcome" because there is authentic continuity from that time to this. The same struggle. We are part of something historic and we are about to see something we have not seen in a long time.
a href= (Hanover , NH)
And you Ms Dowd what role will you play in that production of Caesar next summer.? .hmmm.... Mark Antony?
RFD01701 (Boston, MA)
Your last paragraph says it all:

Institutions designed to check a president’s power and expose his scandals — from the courts to the comics to the press — are all at Defcon 5 except for the Republican Congress, which seems to be deaf.
Gordon (Michigan)
I read this somewhere, and it bears repeating...

"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
Stan Continople (Brooklyn)
SNL will save us just like Picasso's "Guernica" prevented World War II. Get rid of Pelosi and the other pickled corporate relics and come up with some honest - in the Sanders fashion -candidates in every race, everywhere, longshot or not. Make sure they can articulate succinct, attractive policy proposals to everyone, not just those in the coastal reverbatoria.
Andrea W. (Philadelphia, PA)
Ms. Dowd's column rings true with me, as i share her skepticism about all of this new found activism. I've been active politically since 1983, everything from NOW to LBGTQ activism, and while glad it's happening, more power too everyone, another commenter to this column had it right, the time to resist was three months ago. Was it because the press kept saying Hillary was a shoe-in, like me and so many others had thought, disbelief about Trump in general, or X factors like a certain FBI director. Whatever the case, there should've been this kind of protest months ago, no matter what the polls said, and who knows what would've happened then. But now he's here, and whatever protest there is has to get even more so. Otherwise, no more ACA, no more Immigrants, no more America, period. I am in the end idealistic, but also know that that to all of a sudden protest, like they didn't before, also makes me wonder what'll happen once Trump is gone. The new yuppies? I hope not.
Handanhal Ravinder (Hillsborough NJ)
Good work Maureen! Glad you've lost your your customary sniffiness. This will go down as one your best... Both insight and humor. Couldn't ask for more.
AK (Camogli Italia)
Magnificent Mo! Our new Royal Family, a blessing in disguise, or perhaps??????
Nan Socolow (West Palm Beach, FL)
Divine and delightful, Ms. Dowd, to see Herr Trumpsicle of Orange shake kindly Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's hand for 19 seconds, till Abe pulled away and rolled his eyes to his upper right - indicating a genteel kind of Japanese discomfort with our 45th President. Mr and Mrs. Abe were gifted with this free weekend at Palm Beach and Mrs. Abe was taken on a tour of Morikami Gardens - Japanese and beautiful in Delray Beach - hostessed by our First Lady, the Gorgeous Geisha, Melania Trump. The Republican Congress won'tknow what hit them in another couple of weeks of Trump's grotesquely Tweeting administration with his alternative factoids and bizarre strategic advisers, Steve Bannon - to the Press" Shut Up!" - and Kellyanne Conway, truly off the rails, urging us all to run out and buy Ivanka Trump duds at Nordstrom's. Ms. Dowd, are you sure Trump's "Gold Lining" isn't just Trumpelstiltskin's trick of turning chaff into gilt?
Alan Louis (Houston)
The elites and oligarchs are having one temper tantrum after another. Great. Trump is getting his cabinet appointees, will have a competent add to the Supreme Court and will enact his legislation. Thousands of jobs are being added and defense contractor including Boeing and Lockheed Martin are reducing costs on major programs. I eagerly await seven more years of Trump and hope the children of the left have developed dangerously high blood pressure and ulcers by year eight. Yeah, Trump.
anita615 (new york ny)
Sadly to say in the meantime the dreamers are being rounded up and deported. Horrible what happened to the young girl ready for college and given a punishment of deportation for a petty felony, There are so many boys and girls so frightened that they will be rounded up. But I am sure that Secretary Price' undocumented will be spared Probably offered citizenship.
Glad you are back and look forward to your in depth columns each week.
anita615 (new york ny)
We ll all be out there tomorrow in Battery Park!!!!!!
Phyliss Dalmatian (Wichita, Ks)
Donald the first??? No, Donald the GREAT. The failing NYT can't even get that right. He is the bestest man to ever presidenting, don't ya know.
Why Todd, I mean, my husband couldn't do it half as good. Just you wait, the belly aching and moanin will about to stop, when the merikan patrots get an understandin of his secret planning. Shame on you libruls.

Someplace in Alaska, don't ya know.
Henry David (Concord)
The French Resistance model is apt: disparate factions uniting to fight a common enemy.

There is a severe backlash forming, and the arrogant GOP will be surprised when it devours the enablers in 2018.
Kirk (Tucson)
'Short-Fingered Vulgarian'? That's bridge-burning talk.
sophia (bangor, maine)
Trump is an illegitimate president The Russians and the FBI gave him the election. He has proven himself to be a pathological liar and has a severe case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. There is no cure for NPD. The Republicans' lust for Absolute Power and a president with digits to sign the bills they place in front of him without him knowing what he is signing (the EO about putting Bannon on the NSC has proven that) is their dream come true. As soon as he is no longer useful to them or becomes too dangerous, they'll get rid of him for Pres. Pence who will then begin the drive for the Christian Taliban to become our national religion.

We are three weeks in. He has shown us who he is. The Republicans have shown us who they are. If we do not remove them from power in 2018/2020, we will know we are lost. Yes, the Republicans have gerrymandered and vote suppressed their way into the majority. They will flood the Federal Judiciary with the people they've been grooming (after obfuscating President Obama from making many federal court picks - but what's new, huh?) and if they remain in power, America will be lost.

They want to take us back to when white men ruled over all. We must not let that happen. America is on the edge of becoming so regressive we will not recognize it as a free, democratic nation any more.

We must fight this ignorant, mentally ill man We must RESIST.
Slim1921 (Charlotte, NC)
Based on your past few columns, Ms Dowd, it seems you're not all that happy with 45's running of the country.

But at least you don't have to complain about Hillary's emails anymore.

Thanks for getting the Dump elected.
Tom (Boston)
Please read today's WSJ editorial about the farm belt. It basically says that they are getting killed by the new president. Alas, and they VOTED for him.
evric (atlanta)
Gee, thanks MoDo, running away from your creation, no more invites to hear missives from the Orange one.
Paul A Myers (Corona del Mar CA)
The president is putting on a good show, but not much is getting done. A show is not leadership. No legislation, or even detailed thoughts on legislation, are being sent to Congress.

The Republican Congress is an empty house where none of the denizens does any homework. There is no legislation ready to go. The big legislative committees are simply lobbyists' playpens.
mef (nj)
"has breathed new zest into a wide range of things: feminism, liberalism, student activism, newspapers, cable news, protesters, bartenders, shrinks, Twitter, the A.C.L.U., “S.N.L.,” town halls, George Orwell, Margaret Atwood, Hannah Arendt, Stephen Colbert, Nordstrom, the Federalist Papers, separation of powers, division of church and state, athletes and coaches taking political stands and Frederick Douglass"

All the best stuff, that Hillary largely neglected.
ST1138 (Texas)
Yes! You've nailed it! The first cousin of the asteroid that formed the Chicxulub Crater even caused a great writer to create a masterpiece of an editorial.

Inadvertently you've also given him his new moniker; Donald "The Inverse of The Unknown Variable" Trump! Now we can explain his cabinet choices. They are a collection of imaginary numbers like: Steve "The Square Root of Minus Two" Bannon and Betsy "Divide by Zero" DeVos!

Going forward, it will be a little tough for you to beat this one. Congratulations! But in the meantime I hope you celebrate by purchasing something very nice at Nordstrom.
Tom Sullivan (Encinitas, CA)
"Every time our daft new president tweets about the “failing” New York Times, our digital subscriptions and stock price jump, driven by readers eager for help negotiating the disorienting Trumpeana Oceana Upside Down dimension rife with gaslighting, trolling, leaking, lying and conflicts."

This, in my view, is the most important thing to take away from Ms. Dowd's very entertaining piece. Despite the Trump Administration's fallacious and unprincipled attacks on the fourth estate, Americans recognize the vital role a free press plays in a democracy. Cockroaches and aspirational fascist are light-adverse. Now, more than ever, we need light.
jkenny (Vero Beach)
With the passing of Prof.Irwin Corey,"The World's Foremost Authority", that mantel passes to Pres. Trump.The difference is that the former played the fool and the latter is the real deal.
Ellen French (San Francisco)
Yes, I never thought the most exhilarating part of of the 2016 election would come after losing.

My favorite humanities professor in college used to remind us, 'A people get the god they deserve.' Well, i suspect it applies a little here as well, as American's got the president they deserved....our media addicted culture can't look away and finally, now we REALLY can't! Keeping an eye on the Donald is a full time job. Thank god the millennials are wide awake now as they're skill for pulling us thru this will really be called to task.

Last call, Baby Boomers, we've really stirred it up now.
Susan (Paris)
"Lena Dunham credited the 'soul crushing pain and devastation and hopelessness' of Trump with helping her get a svelte new figure."

"The Trump Diet"? Five minutes before eating, concentrate hard on what Trump is doing to America - guaranteed to kill your appetite, but (warning) may also drive you to drink.
Don Shipp, (Homestead Florida)
Applying Maureen's initial logic about Donald Trump, we should hope for a category five hurricane or an F5 tornado because it would stimulate the construction industry and reduce unemployment. Any "gold lining" associated with Donald Trump is fools gold.
Erik (JPC Capital)
Add Maureen Dowd to the list of people who have found their zest again! Nothing like the new megalomaniac ego and craven Republican Party to renew life, fresh spices and laugh-out-loud humor back into your columns.
An Observer (Portland, Oregon)
Hermann Goering, the right hand man of Hitler, explained in a 1946 interview how Hitler came to power and how it can happen in a democracy. Trump, a la Hitler, screams that we are threatened with attack by Muslims and our courts, and others, are exposing the country to danger!

Göring: "Why, of course, the people don't want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.

Gilbert: There is one difference. In a democracy, the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.

Göring: Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.
In an interview with Gilbert in Göring's jail cell during the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials (18 April 1946)
old goat (US)
Well, now that Ringling Bros. is closing up shop, the country needs a new and different circus to watch. And boy, do we now have one.
Ladbyron (Santa Fe, NM)
I disagree with David Axelrod's caution that we should pace ourselves. If we were opposing a rational, reflective president, we could set our dosage of protest at a low and steady level. But we are stuck instead with an insensitive, uncurious, and darkly impulsive president, whose attention can only be caught with a full-bore, damn-the-torpedoes resistance.
Heath Quinn (Woodstock NY)
True. Nothing so valuable to the arc of a story (and don't our lives constitute a composite story?) as a good villain.
Lynda (Gulfport, FL)
The real treat for Prime Minister Abe would have been a dinner with top Japanese golfer, Hideki Matsuyama rather than one more old man like Kraft who is just an owner. Guess Trump couldn't get his "friend" Brady. Trump never gets the "A" list.
With Trump, we are no longer simply watching reality TV. We are watching reality TV without scripts. When the cameras followed Trump into the White House, there were no ear-feeds, prompts, or lines to follow.
The outrageousness has gotten stale already. An amateur has been unmasked. Trump is no leader, and he is poor at playing one on TV.
James Ricciardi (Panamá, Panamà)
In my view, there are two things that have happened in the past few days which have put the president back on his heels. First the ruling of the ninth circuit court of appeals, which even his most devoted sycophants in the White House told him he could not defy. Second, China's leader who exposed him as a terrible negotiator and a terrible liar. China was not fooled for a minute about his bluster regarding their stealing US jobs and manipulating their currency, nor about his possible rejection of the lonstanding "one China" policy. The president either forgot, ignored or did not know how much US Treasury debt China holds. They could flood the market with it at any time. That gives them huge influence over our economic future, and the president's personal economic future, as well. The Chinese leader must have given him quite a wake-up call on their phone conversation.

I consider the world lucky that after three weeks, the president has not yet tried to push the nuclear button.
Patricia Tennesen (South Carolina)
Ms Dowd, you could be right. Perhaps Americans will learn something from this madman. I'm not sure this is possible. Our leaders hoped to establish a nation populated with well educated citizens. We failed on the education part, leading to the election of a man who came to power as the result of "National Enquirer" type readers, not "NYT" readers. We are now in a "Duck Dynasty" world. We will try to keep the monster in his swamp, if he gets out, America will never be great again. We are back to a testosterone infused nation stoking the fires of hatred and bigotry. As Kevin stated in his comment, we should have screamed rape three months ago.
soxared, 04-07-13 (Crete, Illinois)
Ms. Dowd, all I can say after enduring your column is "missing Obama yet?"
MaryEllen (New York)
The wake-up call known as Donald Trump has pulled the blinders of complacency from millions of eyes. We now see, in clear relief,
what defines America and what is worth fighting for. We see the danger of a president who disrespects the Constitution, and insists his actions are "unreviewable" by the judiciary. We see how easy it is for a demagogue and wannabe-dictator to slash away at American values when only half the populace votes. We see the dark menace of fake information, Trump's especially, spreading at lighting speed to millions in seconds. We see that real threats to the press, to women, minorities, to our basic and deeply cherished rights, by our president, require serious and unrelenting resistance.

Trump & Co. could not have created a more clear vision of what it means to be American than by showing us who they are and what they stand for. Let's be frank: we have installed a maniac in the WH, who creates chaos and turmoil every single day. They are greedy, money-grubbing people who are absolutely using the presidency as a cash cow. Melania is the latest example. That every decent American would not be viscerally disgusted by the first lady planning to use her position to make millions off of her "brand", which is so ridiculous in itself, is mind-boggling. These people are literally the lowest of the low.

It is still shocking that a man of such staggering ignorance, dishonesty, greed, and power-lust, could be our president. But fight back we will, every day.
MB (New Orleans)
Thank you, Maureen. No one can say it any better. Every day my husband and I wake up wondering what the "outrage du jour" will be.
A. Stanton (Dallas, TX)
A dead ender in many matters, I have always been troubled by a nagging feeling that Japan was never punished enough for helping Hitler start World War II. But now -- between Hiroshima, Nagasaki and having to play golf with Donald Trump -- I’ve finally decided to call it quits with them and let things go.
Ernie (Illinois)
I prefer the moniker, Donald The Great, it is befitting one of His audalitory stature. Indeed all through the Land of Oz there are signs of incipient greatness. Nasty Ladies newest rave, pussycats hats, are on sale at Nordstrom's and are available free at the next public Rally. Assertive children gleefully playing king of the hill, knocking down the lesser weaker loser runts . Spanking is allowed. Facts, illusionary or otherwise are hotly debated on social media, while the so called lame dishonest news media question the validity of what once was considered observable facts. Pochantis I hear is the face of the loyal loser opposition. Once friendly allied countries are actually enemies mooching our wealth solely because of our dumb former leaders gave away the farm. The Evil Empire now stands as virtuous a symbol of strength to which we can aspire to join in a Great Winners Alliance. Yes indeed all around this great land of Oz so many stupid gender ethnic cultural neutral empathetic barriers have fallen while smart inherently truthful bigger is better, more guns for all ladies making babies, manly men role models have rightously re-emerged. My head is still spinning going on 3 weeks now just thinking about what's next. On second thought I prefect the moniker Donald the So-Called Great President....God save the Queen.
A. Stanton (Dallas, TX)
"I ask you what food does Caesar eat that has made him grow so great? Our era should be ashamed! Rome has lost the ability to raise noble men! When was there ever an age, since the beginning of time, that didn’t feature more than one famous man? Until now, no one could say that only one man mattered in all of vast Rome. Now, though, in all of Rome, there’s room for only one man. You and I have heard our fathers talk of another Brutus—your ancestor—who would’ve let the devil himself reign in his Roman Republic before he let a king rule."

“Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world
Like a Colossus, and we petty men
Walk under his huge legs and peep about
To find ourselves dishonorable graves.”

"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings."

---- Cassius in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar

Ir may be important to note that not a single one of all the Caesar signs that the people of ancient Rome placed on their front lawns has survived.
Trump loves superlatives, and he has earned some.
As the least-qualified person ever to reach the White House, Trump has generated unprecedented protests at home and abroad, assembled a Cabinet inept like none before, alienated allies in less time than anyone, and raised previously unseen levels of scrutiny for his unmatched capacity for corruption.
ed connor (camp springs, md)
Defcon 5 is the lowest risk level for military preparedness.
Defcon 1 means nuclear war is imminent. It has never been reached.
Defon 2 has been declared twice: during the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) and on the eve of the First Gulf War (1991).
And Saturday Night Live IS a bore, except for Baldwin (occasionally), Kate McKinnon and the black guy who plays Steve Harvey. He is the only reliable comedian on the show.
Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post (often described as a moderate conservative)said it best today that the pendulum that has favored republicans for so long will shift next year in the 2018 mid-terms.

When democrats take control of the House and Senate, it will take about 8 seconds to launch impeachment hearings and a trial. In just three weeks there is enough to justify high crimes and misdemeanors and abuse of power against Trump.

But Parker tempers her assessment by saying, "If he doesn't destroy us first" or "declare martial law."
Debra (Formerly From Nyc)
The #resistance is real. I feel plugged in, charged, for the first time in maybe forever.

In my teenage years, I wanted to march in civil rights, feminist and anti-Vietnam war protests but they were all done by the time I was that age. It was the mid 70s and discos and Yankee games were where the crowds and excitement were.

But I would take back the marching to have President Obama or President Biden in office. Things felt so good and progressive with Obama. I loved him but like a long marriage, I took him for granted. It's great to see the former President energized, too, kiteskating or whatever he was doing out there on vacation with Richard Branson.

In the meantime, we're stuck with Trump. I am already so tired of Donald. During the campaign, I watched those early rallies and noticed his charisma. It's what got me to watch the Apprentice all of those years until he became a Birther. But I am just tired of watching him now. Enough. It's the same old thing. The resistance is a lot more fun. I was at the DC Women's March and am going to another one tomorrow. I laughed watching Arnold's comeback to Trump about the Apprentice. I spend hours on Twitter watching people's reactions to Trump or Conway, Bannon and Spicer. THIS is who is in charge?

This is madness and it's only been 3 weeks. I'm not going to lose my (gay) marriage because of someone like Steve Bannon.

But I see Modo is calling 45 "short-fingered." I guess the romance is over.
Joseph Wilkes (Arequipa Peru)
I see the United States in Republican hands, the White House, both houses of congress and soon, the Supreme Count, with the support of most police officers, military members, state and local government officials . Welcome to the new America. I think I'll stay in Peru, it feels safer to be here.
Ghost Dansing (New York)
Oh my lord, Maureen. Bienvenue à la résistance.
bill b (new york)
The problem with sarcasm is it does not show up in print

Emperor Tiny Hands has mad a hash of things. His Secretary of
Education is an ignoramus. His NSA may be a Russian agent.
His counselor acted like she was on QVC. His press sec
lies like a rug. He gave Asia to China And folded like a cheap
suit on the ONe China policy

he has no idea what he is doing
Termon (NYC)
Well said, Maureen. I add my simple voice. I am a Democrat. I am not filled with fear. I am not filled with hatred, I do not discriminate on the basis of gender, color, ethnicity, nationality or religion. I voted with the majority in 2016. I oppose the bigots, war-mongers, and billionaires that make up the Trump crew. I oppose the gerrymandering and the demagoguery that gives the GOP control in Middle America. I am part of America's majority.
Barbara Denny (Orinda CA)
Thanks for pointing out the gold lining. Hope all will stay inspired till the midterm elections.
Vicki Taylor (Canada)
During the campaign I read someone's remark on a thread under a Democrat's ranting article and it gave me a chill. They said, "The Republicans are organized and we get ourselves registered to vote properly and get to the polls on time and don't need any help to do that so I know we are going to win." To have any hope of winning seats in the two years time, Democrats have a lot of work to do and the Republicans are still many steps ahead. Changing pictures the Museum of Modern Art is a very sophisticated response but very tedious, methodical and dedicated work is needed. Looking for the jokes might actually release the energy needed to run this marathon. I don't think you are helping Maureen.
Bottles (Southbury, CT 06488)
If Trump keeps calling Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas, would it be appropriate to refer to him as Chief Crazy Horse? Any other suggestions?
Vicki Taylor (Canada)
General Custer
seeing with open eyes (north east)
Please, let's not insult another native American.
joanne (Pennsylvania)
Why, Maureen, did you not say this before the election?
You were on Bill Maher's program and had that opportunity.
Now you're describing him as a totally shameless grifter.
And yes he is.
And you're recounting all the alarms we progressives claimed as troublesome and dangerous *before* he was elected.
All of which have exhausted us to our wits end in his short presidency.
You always portrayed him as cute.
You should have got on our bandwagon when Billy Bush and The Donald exited the Access Hollywood van.
stu freeman (brooklyn)
I absolutely agree that two weeks of this toxic nonsense should be more than enough to convince anyone with a brain and a conscience that this nation is headed for catastrophe. On the other hand, I'm not sure that the rush of resistance that Maureen is citing here has taken on such pandemic proportions. It took an actual election (albeit one that was open to manipulation by Trump's business partners in Moscow) to convince a great many of us that an authentic lunatic could, indeed, become President of these United States. As we take note of and commend those who've lately taken to the streets are we so sure that they represent a segment of the population yuuuge enough to rest our hopes upon? Personally, I've given up on whole swaths of this country that are larger than all of western Europe put together. Soon enough we'll need to know what's going on in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and just one or two others states. If our kitty-grabber-in-chief is to get the heave-ho we'll have to rely on just a few hundred thousand of our fellow Americans to make that happen. If the Rust Belt continues to corrode I'm guessing, hoping and praying that those folks will know who to blame.
Linda (Oklahoma)
Ms. Dowd says the Republican Congress seems to be deaf. They're getting an earful at their town hall meetings. Even if they're sneaking out the back doors and running away, as they've been filmed doing, eventually they'll have to hear.
Carl Ian Schwartz (Paterson, New Jersey)
Hopefully the GOP Congress members will also hear condemnation from their constituents for collaboration in Trump's treason.
Ano (WA)
They hear some now, but they don't take accession. It must be incredibly hats t right act after one sells their soul and ethics for $.
Mary Ann Donahue (NYS)
Add "It Can't Happen Here" by Sinclair Lewis to Dowd's list. It has joined 1984 on the Amazon and Indie Bestsellers lists.
Thinking, thinking... (Minneapolis)
Great -- and scary -- book for our times. It is creepy, how closely it parallels our current mess. My library has it, but it has been on the "reserved" list for a long time. I bought it for my children for Christmas...
maureen dowd (washington dc)
i should have had that; i'm reading it now
thanks for reminding
paula (new york)
That photo tells a story. While a table full of people are apparently looking and smiling in the direction of one man who is obviously talking, Trump, looking angry as always, appears to be speaking at the same moment. Note: nobody seems to care.
bobby white (Thruth Or Consequences NM)
I saw him on the news a while ago, barking out some pronouncement or another and, in complete honesty, the thought that went through my head was "If I saw that expression on my dog's face, I would be terrified she had contracted rabies…creeeepy….
MVH1 (Decatur, Alabama)
Maybe no one at the table cares what Trump is blathering on ignorantly about but they have frozen faces purposely put to hide the horror of the faces behind the faces.
C. Morris (Idaho)
Something odd about that pic. That doesn't look like Trump. Wrong hair and the partial profile look wrong.
MitchP (NY, NY)
Maureen - Thank you for the Acme Dynamite reference.

Buuuuuut I hope a safe doesn't fall on my head.
ArtSpring (New Hampshire)
Or, more likely, an anvil!
Bos (Boston)
The POTUS has certainly made ACLU great again. I used to be a card carrying member but its obsessiveness on "principle" has turned me off. So I have not contributed to the organization for decades, until the Muslim Ban. It may not be much but I sent it a token donation anyway. And I am pretty sure it will be busy for the next four years, so it can count on my meager support.

Hindsight 20/20, I wish people had foresight enough not to have done all the rearguard action though. I mean, it is great that people want to read 1984 but had we recognized "alternative facts" are Newspeak and alt-right is absolutely wrong before Nov 8, America would not have been in the deep pickle. But we are not just talking about high minded Julius Caesar a la Shakespeare. America has seen this picture before. They thought former VP Gore too boring and blamed him for President Clinton's personal indiscretion, so they chose the Junior Bush. The rest is history. And history is repeating itself again, even while it has taken President Obama 8 years to fix that mistake.

To be clear, President Bush is not a bad person - maybe another gold lining! - but fighting two wars with a credit card and tax cut to those who don't need it has been difficult to fix. Throwing in drunk Democrats (2009 - 2010) and an obstructionist Republicans (2008 - 2016), only the Federal Reserve - a target of the Tea Party and Donald Trump alike - has been doing something. Sadly, there won't be a Fed to the rescue next time
Joe (Raleigh, NC)
Bos said, "...but had we recognized "alternative facts" are Newspeak and alt-right is absolutely wrong before Nov 8, America would not have been in the deep pickle...."

Trump was lucky: He ran against the Worst Candidate Ever. Ms. Clinton was almost as lucky, but not quite.
Bos (Boston)
@Joe, that is the prevailing wisdom but is it true?

By last count, Mrs Clinton got 2.8M more votes than the POTUS. However, the rule is about the electoral college. It is not so much about the candidates but their supporting cast. On one side, you have Putin, Assange, the Mercers and some thought Comey too. On the other side, the Sanders bros can't stand the Blue Dogs and some Mrs Clinton's supporters can't stand the Sanders bros. In other words, DNC was engaging in a civil war even before it has its spoil. To digress a bit, this is more a norm than an exception. Internal strife is worse than external threat. NAACP booted out the Jews who had their share of losses in the Civil Right movement and the KMT would rather fight Communists than Japanese in WWII China. Those are the facts. DNC is simply repeating history
Just a thought (New York)
Me too. I stopped giving to ACLU more than 20 years ago over "obsessiveness with 'principles;"

I just rejoined last week
Christine McM (Massachusetts)
Not so funny but certainly true.

But Maureen, you left one point out: don't you think so many people are zeroing in on this Presidency in all the ways you describe in order to watch its final act in order to be able to say you were there when it happened?

I see several distinct possibilities:

A) The conspiracist in me says, there will be proof of collusion between Trump's campaign and his mentor, Putin--putting Trump in jail within in six months to a year.

B) The realist in me says, Trump will soon lose interest in the job and quit, now that he's found it's hard work, and that it's far easier to sling mud from the outside than duck it from the inside.

C) My medical intuition says nobody can live the lifestyle Trump lives without getting really sick or even dropping dead one day

D) The fantasist in me says, maybe everybody around Trump and throughout the major bureaucracies of Washington will simply quit or leak so much that our ship of state sinks.
mtrav16 (AP)
C & D
John Lammers (Illinois)
I like this comment. It lays out alternative possibilities for the near future. One possibility that was not mentioned, is that the president is 70 years old, and the combination of craziness and pressure might just do him in. And then, there is Pense.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
The clairvoyant in me sees a vast crowd- bigger than the Women's March- shouting Lock Him Up! Lock Him Up! And he and Steve Bannon and Julia Hahn and Stephen Miller are transported back to whatever Dungeons and Dragons- The Apocalypse- game they escaped from and the key thrown away. Hell, take Putin with them.
Mike Roddy (Alameda, California)
Yes, Maureen, we are all on high alert now, but the problem is finding effective ways to oppose Trump and those who really run our government, the oil companies and banksters. Making a lot of noise on The Times and late night TV is a good start, but won't change anything, since Congress is now controlled by corporate employees- better known as the Republican Party. Fox ratings are good, too, and the countryside is still filled with radios blaring out the unhinged thoughts of Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones.

It's time to hit them where we can hurt them, in their wallets. That means comprehensive global boycotts of bad actors such as Koch Industries' Georgia Pacific products- full of toxic chemicals and clearcut lumber- Monsanto wildlife devastating plant "treatments" like Roundup, all advertisers on Fox News, and all of our fast food chains, which feature industrially produced meat and chemically enhanced flavorings. Then, of course, there is the cherry on top: Trump hotels, golf courses, and clothing lines.

This idea is not original, and hasn't been executed because our big environmental organizations tune me out when I make these proposals. Sorry about that, they have polluters on their Boards. 350 has shown the right instincts here, but this takes a major ground game, including international allies. Europeans don't buy Koch fluffy toilet paper from clearcuts in the Canadian boreal, but it's still a target rich field.

Want to help? [email protected]
Mark Thomason (Clawson, Mich)
"That means comprehensive global boycotts of bad actors"

We should have been doing that a very long time ago.
anixon (New London Ct)
Mike Roddy is correct. If I purchase a Koch brother product by accident my husband swiftly gets in the car and returns it to the store. We need to start to boycott all of these companies and hold national boycott days. When I'm teaching my first graders about MLK and the power of the bus boycott they are amazed to hear about this important part of history. Let's all get on the bandwagon like these brave people did to change history.
elle (New York)
SO RIGHT, SO RIGHT. Money is the only language that trump and his greedy family, and extended family understand.
ExPeterC (Bear Territory)
Dorky hats, paranoia, secession, guns and states's rights are back- in blue states. The Marin County Militia is coming!
Kevin (MT)
As stated by the Huffington Post "A Republican lawmaker in Montana has submitted legislation that would create a volunteer “armed paramilitary group“ appointed to help regulate the state". House Bill 278. It's called a "Home Guard". The state will pay for any damage they do. Nice.
gemli (Boston)
I’ve never been quite so focused on politics. I’m starting to put names with faces in Congress. I look up garbled half-facts in Google to get them straight. The ersatz so-called pseudo-president has renewed my faith in America, which was severely tested when he won. I’m starting to feel a glimmer of hope that this ignoramus will light himself on figurative fire and lose the confidence of the voters who were undiscerning enough to think he was a good idea.

It will be a long time before I trust the voters again, but I’m thinking that the 2018 mid-terms are going to be as fun as the lines are long. I imagine the words of Coretta Scott King ringing in the ears of disenfranchised rural black voters as they get their damned digital photo IDs and their birth certificates and make their way to the polls, to the chagrin of Jeff Sessions and the angry quivering jowls of Mitch McConnell.

They may complain, but I can also imagine Elizabeth Warren telling them to shut up, as they’re swarmed by pussyhatted throngs with pitchforks and torches ablaze.

There is only one way to defuse this ticking time bomb of an administration, and that’s with ridicule. I’m going to hoot and holler as I watch Saturday Night Live tonight, and I’m going to look forward to the president’s tweets tomorrow, as he lowers himself further by hurling insults at the cast.

All in all, I’ve enjoyed the new administration. And I’ll enjoy it even more when it’s gone.
Gordon (Michigan)
He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, ..
He has obstructed the Administration of Justice by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers.
He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone for the tenure of their offices.
Gordon (Michigan)
With the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence... shall we defuse the ticking time bomb. With lawsuits, with court challenges, with demonstrations in the streets. In their town halls.
Hypatia (California)
I wish I were as optimistic. The Trumpers I know are starting to look disappointed and angry, and lots of them have guns.
Karen Garcia (New Paltz, NY)
Trump has indeed made millions of "Sleepers Wake!" in his own unique, Bach-wards, Antichrist sort of way.

I hope the protests last, and that Trump's recent canoodlings with the border patrol, the sheriffs' association, the military brass, and the Intelligence (sic) Community aren't signs of of the suppression to come. If a squelching of dissent is what he has in mind, the "norms" are certainly in place for him -- the Homeland Security fusion centers, the Patriot Act, the FISA Court, etc. He's already supplementing those wonderful executive powers bequeathed to him with his own undemocratic brand of capitalistic crack - while the bored, compliant Congress critters are stoned into a stupor when they're not frantically buck-raking.

As far as the boost in TV ratings is concerned, Trump has had the opposite effect on me. He was literally making me feel so sick, I finally called my cable company to cut the cord. The agent in charge of retention asked me why. Not able to restrain myself to the two words "Donald Trump" I launched into a tirade and meandered insanely into a critique of the news media. In other words, I behaved like Trump. Long story short, I made such a deal -- got my bill reduced by a third, kept cable and even got an Internet upgrade. I was so amazingly successful.

I still don't watch commercial TV much. If I want to know what Trump is up to, I watch Saturday Night Live and C-Span -- besides faithfully checking in with the Times multiple times per day.
jb (CA)
Oh, thank you for the laugh. I lost it at not being able to restrain yourself to "Donald Trump" and stop. I used to be a fairly sane person until this election.Last week, I carried on a 15 minute rant about DT to the plumber.
Nancy Dagle (Lewisburg PA)
Wachet auf, people.
MVH1 (Decatur, Alabama)
And we should all remind ourselves as Trump has our undivided attention with his unhinged antics, Congress is busier than beavers behind the scenes taking away every protection put in place for the public at large, voters not Republican nor rich and anything that sucks up one dollar compassionately spent. If there's anything left in a year, public lands included, it will be a miracle.
Richard Luettgen (New Jersey)
I wasn’t concerned that the Tea Party would destroy us because a lot of what they were saying resonated with a still solidly center-right America. So, our American core wouldn’t be damaged when Tea Party excess no longer was needed to counter over-the-top liberal arrogance: many would spring back nearer the center while remaining to the right of the dividing line. But I’m VERY concerned by this growing … hatred isn’t too strong a word … on the left, unsupported by electoral power to advance their convictions or really even defend them in the face of what appears to be a tsunami of national Republican sentiment.

Time Magazine’s (very) timely question “Do the Democrats Matter?” clearly is the query of the moment. For people who no longer matter a whole lot, they’re certainly unbecomingly loud and strident, unlike the bulk of Trump supporters, who are getting on with their lives, waiting to see what we see and hoping that it’s immensely better than the nothing we saw for the past eight years.

Good to know that feminism, education, civil rights and Maureen’s whole litany of issues are getting aired – not that I’d noticed that they were dying at ANY time in the past forty years. But this reflexive hatred of anything Trump and anything Republican is just going to get the no-longer-matter people simply … ignored.

And that would be a shame. Governance that is TOO right-brain-focused is not good for us. But you folks need to reach into your souls and discover a clue.
NA (New York)
When people were streaming into town hall meetings to scream insults at Democrats, because the president had pushed for universal health care coverage, Republicans like you had no problem at all with the growing ... hatred isn't too strong a word ... on the right. When their preferred candidates ultimately shut down the government and pushed the US to the brink of default, they were, according to the GOP faithful, merely applying a necessary brake to "liberal excess." When they refused for 10 months even to consider President Obama's nominee to the Supreme Court, they were well within their rights under their duty to offer advice and consent.

Now, when a clearly incompetent Republican president signs badly written executive orders he hasn't read; or back tracks on virtually every aspect of foreign policy he railed against as a candidate; or appoints billionaires, racists, and ideologues to important positions within the White House and cabinet; or whose surrogates openly flout legal and ethical guidelines; you get on a high horse and tell us to "reach into our souls."

Please. Reach into yours. And examine your conscience.
Richard Luettgen (New Jersey)

Here are the differences: Republicans weren't marching into town hall meetings to scream insults at Democrats that I remember, Obama was given QUITE a honeymoon (certainly by me, in this forum), despite making it clear that his priorities, rather than solid, middle class jobs that offered good benefits, were health care transformation, regulation, the environment and receding from a world that over eight years became destabilized by it; and you NEVER had the kind of dominance that Republicans have at ALL levels of our governance.

Give Trump three MONTHS instead of three weeks, FAR less time than I gave Obama, and if Trump still hasn't modified his BEHAVIOR I'll start attacking him as I did Obama after two years -- but not if his ACTIONS move us toward a less excessively regulated, taxed and politically correct America.
gemli (Boston)
@Richard Luettgen,
It sounds like your life would have been better had liberals kept their mouths shut, like Elizabeth Warren was recently commanded to do by humble conservatives.

As it is, arrogant liberals fought for workers' rights against the modest robber barons who worked people to death. We wouldn't have to worry about Warren and her gender today if smug liberal feminists had shut up and done the laundry instead of marching for the vote.

John Lewis might have learned his lesson after his skull got bashed in, and that uppity Rosa Parks should have just changed seats. Look at the trouble they've caused.

And take a gander at all the old people we've got to put up with, sucking the country dry with Social Security and Medicare. Poor people got the New Deal, but billionaires got the Raw Deal. And don't get me started on Welfare and the moocher state.

With all the meddlesome safety regulations demanded by liberals, we're faced with overpopulation. Clearly, liberals have meddled their way into oblivion. It's high time we tried living in a world without them.

Of course we might not have clean air and pure water if meddlesome liberal tree huggers aren't there to fight for the environment, but since you seem to enjoy sucking in what comes out of Donald Trump, maybe it wouldn't affect you.
njglea (Seattle)
Oh come now, Ms. Dowd. You know perfectly well that The Con Don is simply a blowhard talking mouth to create a smokescreen for what is going on in his name America.

Immigrants being rounded up who have been reporting to Immigration Services for ten years - following the rules - so The Con Don and his Top 1% Global Elite Robber Baron/Radical Religious Good Old Boys Party can feed their supplicants red meat.

Gutting of every regulation, in every category they can find, that is supposed to protect average Americans from their insatiable greed, pushing through the most unqualified anti-American cabinet in memory, state-by-state trying to take away even more women's and minority rights - including voting rights. Spewing more LIES-hate-anger-fear-war talk to try to keep the red meaters vicious, trying to put even more anti-democracy judges in place, trying to gut the public education system and EPA.

All this while WE hard-working taxpayers pay the bills to have him sit and meet in his garish tower and golf at his garish resort. He's a plain old lying crook.

You know it. Stop talking about your precious Con Don and focus. You might learn something.
R. Law (Texas)
Mo, the press and the country at large should be preparing to exalt the un-sung heroes of the Federal bureaucracy, like the head of the Office of Government Ethics or the now-fired acting Attorney General, who will follow the time-tested words of Nancy Reagan and ' Just Say No ' to DJT's edicts, decrees and excesses that they know to be tearing at the nation's fabric.
Kevin Rothstein (Somewhere East of the GWB)
Where was everyone in the months leading up to the election?

Isn't it a bit late now to be talking about resisting Trump?

All of his horrible cabinet picks will be appointed and I have little doubt that Gorsuch will win confirmation even if McConnell has to go "nuclear". Then I hear rumors of Justice Kennedy retiring, and Trump will doubtless appoint someone who will make Kennedy appear as liberal as the late William O. Douglass.

The time to resist was 3 months ago, folks.
njglea (Seattle)
Now is the perfect time. Mr. Rothstein. Now is the time to change the trajectory of time from HIS story of destruction, death, war, rape, pillage, plunder to one of OUR story of inclusiveness and democracy, social and economic justice for all.

There was an article about Steve Bannon today that is very enlightening. He believes Armageddon is here and that HIStory will revert and there will be a religious war between China, Islam and Christianity. That's the same old HIStory. He leaves America out of the equation.

Planned or not by Robber Barons, The United States of America is a land of immigrants of all races and nationalities. Every single person came here for a better, more equal chance at life. Every single person agreed to live under Separation of Church and State. The America that most of us believe in IS a beacon of hope and enlightenment that shows we CAN live together, learn together and help teach the rest of the world how to do it.

If, that is, we can get rid of the current crop of Top 1% Global Financial Elite Robber Baron/ Radical Religion Good Old Boys Party. WE can and we must.
Kevin Rothstein (Somewhere East of the GWB)
Well said. I wish I can share your optimism.
Debra (Formerly From Nyc)
Gotta keep resisting and persisting.