Can Donald Trump Handle the Truth?

Jan 28, 2017 · 577 comments
Ichabod Aikem (Cape Cod)
He fashions himself as Big Brother and has established the Ministry of Truth(alternative facts), the Ministry of Love (hate at those who would undermine his authority) and daily history is revised to fit his narrative. Now we are at war with Eurasia. Tomorrow we'll wake to find that we're at war with Eastasia. And all we poor souls have is Victory gin to slosh it all down with and the two minute hate. Whether he's bashing Obamacare, Mexicans, Merkel, NATO, or Muslims, the hate continues to ooze out of him undermining the safety and security of our country.

But wait, there was Winston Smith who attempted to record the facts when for thought had been banished but to do so made him enemy of the state.

We not only need to begin impeachment procedures immediately, but bring in the straitjackets for his cronies including Bannon who should be banned from this country, Conway who is an enemy to free speech, and Pence who is wolf in sheeps' clothing.
BoRegard (NYC)
Clearly his obsession with the Inauguration crowd size photos shows he can't handle the truth. A simple truth. That a stronger man, with real gravitas, with real confidence founded on a real moral compass, would not much care about. Such a man would in fact crack a joke, and move on. "My supporters were at work that day, I support that. I intend to create jobs so no one, not even the protestors can have a day off to do nothing constructive."

But Trump is a grown man without much discernible humor, and those men are the scariest of all. Grown men without a sense of humor...they scare me the most. Nothing gets thru to men like that...nothing.
Michael Piscopiello (Higganum Ct)
How far down the rabbit hole will our Republican Congress allow President Trump and themselves travel. Between executive orders and near bullet proof legislation, every American institution except racism, bigotry, and ignorance is being disrupted. The greatest disruption has been to what is true, who is telling the truth, but more importantly we allowed our airwaves to be filled with factless, out-right made up propaganda against our country and anything not white or conservative. We would not have allowed foreign countries or our enemies to have unfettered access to our communications in the name of the first amendment, but we have accepted that these segments of our country have a right to express themselves. Well now, those expressions are being put into action.
frank m (raleigh, nc)
I don't think you mentioned cognitive dissonance in your judgement of Trump. His lies and other mental contortions are part of that. Here is a summary from Wikipedia.

"In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time; performs an action that is contradictory to their beliefs, ideas, or values; or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas or values.

"Dissonance reduction can be achieved in four ways. (1) Change behavior or cognition; (2) Justify behavior or cognition by changing the conflicting cognition; (3) Justify behavior or cognition by adding new cognitions; (4) Ignore or deny any information that conflicts with existing beliefs."

He does all but number (1).
Christian (Sacramento)
I struggle as I watch our democracy begin to unravel. And I wonder what it will take for it to stop, like the democrats waking up or the release of some new scandalous info that will get Trump and others impeached. But this is not going to happen and we, the people, are going to have to be the opposition as we were 240 years ago. But we the people got ourselves here. Yes, there was some gerrymandering is some states of both parties that have limited votes, but people in this country enjoy the Trump "gaslight". We accept alternative facts. We look at eduction and higher paying jobs as "elitist". We are happy to forgot the constitution in order to bar people based on religion. We legitimize open racist and fascist beliefs in the White House. We happily look the other way as hate crimes skyrocket because "there is a new sheriff in town". We only need to look in the mirror to understand why we are here now. And we will not change until we selfishly feel the real pain ourselves, in our daily lives. Not before.

In the meantime, I can only hope the press can keep an honest sense of our reality, an "opposition" to the gaslighting around us. And when the people wake up one day, suffering and poorer and without anything because they followed Trump and his team down this path, they will have one place to look and start to rebuild. And we can become a great American then.
Paul (Georgia)
As David Bowie sang, "This is not America."
Kapil (South Bend)
To see the truth needs critical thinking and to observe beyond what your eyes can see. I am sure Trump believe that the earth is flat and he can't see beyond the horizon. So does his supporters who votes for him. He is just their messiah.
J Burkett (Austin, TX)
Contact every member of Congress ~ but don't bother calling because the cowards' answering machines are no longer accepting messages.

You can fax them for free (5/day) at Find the links to Senators and Reps. I've told mine that if they don't stop this madman, last weekend's marches will seem like playtime at a grade school compared to what's coming next.
concerned citizen (East Coast)
Section 4 of the 25th Amendment provides Constitutional procedures for removal of a President who is psychologically (and thus medically) "unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office".

Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post opined on this possibility a few days ago:
Anne H (Seattle)
Trump will be shielded from the truth as long as Steve Bannon gets to be the last person to whisper in his ear before each policy pronouncement. Bannon and his hateful, long-in-the-works agenda, keeps me awake nights. Please, NYT and all journalists, write about him constantly, investigate him deeply, do NOT let up. Our survival as a constitutional democracy depends on it. Bannon is determined to blow up America's democratic foundations - especially freedom of the press - in his grab for power.
Pam P (Longmont, CO)
Dear New York Times Staff,
Please, don't ever, ever, ever stop reporting on what Trump, Conway, Spicer and his Republican enablers are trying to get away with. The best thing the free and THINKING press can do is get up his nose and stay there.
And, to those, "small government" types, pick up a history book and see who brought you the benefit programs that you survive on. Hint; the Republicans fought Social Security and Medicare bloody tooth and nail.
martha hulbert (maine)
Delusional narcissist or eyes wide open con man? Either way, a dangerous manipulator of populist fear.
Ed Schwartzreich (Waterbury, VT)
As I had long feared, it seems that it will take a civil war to oust Trump. Let us fervently hope that it is a "cold war" rather than a hot one.
Robert (Barnes)
Trump and his lieutenants are simply redefining the allowable parameters of discourse. He's already got 40 or so percent in his base and all his actions so far have been to solidify that base. He's keeping his promises and it doesn't matter if by so doing that chaos is the result. It's affecting the congress also and one good example is the slow chipping away at the soul and conscience of Republican lawmakers like Paul Ryan. The media is forced to play catch up having ceded any advantages they might have to the previous dominant paradigm. Good luck.
John M. Yoksh (Albany, New York 12203)
Trump displays many elements of what is referred to as social cognitive dysfunction. A serious conversation should be begin entailing the possibility of actual neurocognative impairment. As evidenced by(for instance) his apparent inability to concentrate long enough to read anything substantial; his many times reported short attention span; limited vocabulary; self referential reasoning; inability to accept new facts and information; inability to accept information contrary to previously establish belief; history of inappropriate physical contact; outright confabulation and irrational outright denial. For starters. He has displayed in just a few days behaviors which could have the most catastrophic repercussions. Without a full spectrum neurological assessment how can the public maintain faith and trust in this man? A creature of the media, the possible extent of his danger incalculable.
By his own actions since January 20 Trump has demonstrated the pointlessness of all those efforts of the CIA and deep state to delegitimize him by pretending that Russia worked to get him elected.

Trump is performing admirably in delegitimizing himself as well as the gang of incompetents he's surrounded himself with.
Kristen (Dallas)
The question posed by the hed implies that Trump a) has some awareness of a thing called Truth and b) might then act according to it. Of course he can't "handle the truth;" he is a charlatan who does not have any concept of it.

Of course, that now-hackneyed line was originally uttered by a film character trying to bend the system of military justice to his own ends to conceal his own nefarious role in the case. How appropriate.
James F Traynor (Punta Gorda)
The biggest danger Trump presents is that he is a distraction from the real evil
and that evil is the Republican Party and the oligarchy they represent. Get rid of Trump and you have Pence. And, as an individual, Pence is the greater danger of the two. There is also Ryan and McConnell to complete the trio, the Three Horsemen of the Apocalypse. And there is nothing to oppose them but the corrupt Democratic Party of which I am a reluctant member.
Raul Ramos y Sanchez (Midwest USA)
I wish Donald Trump was as decent as many of the people I know who support him.

They are not fools. But they have been fooled. They are not racists. But they are abetting racism. They want what is best for the nation. But they don't realize most of Trump's policies will do just the opposite.

Unfortunately, it will take a large dose of personal suffering for them to realize the dangers of Trump's irrational words and deeds. Even then, some will hold out stubbornly, too proud to rescind to their support. But inevitably the tide will turn. As is the fate of most dictators, Trump is doomed to fail -- and fail spectacularly. But a lot of people will suffer in the process.
William Park (LA)
Can't recognize the truth, nor can he handle it. Facts are kryptonite to a pathological liar.
Sarah (Arlington, VA)
"But it's going to be far harder for him to sustain his illusions'. No, Mr. Trump doesn't have 'illusions'. Seeing a Fata Morgana is an illusion.

He obviously suffers from delusions, a quite severe mental illness, and believes everything that comes to his sleep deprived is actually real.

When he feels insulted, his last tweets against his perceived enemies end at 3am and start again at 6 am.

He even boasts that he can function on just three hours of sleep per day. Any physician with a conscience would have such a person transported to a psychiatric hospital before he becomes a danger to himself and others.

Unfortunately the danger to others is already happening.
Rebecca Miller (Boston, Mass.)
He is mentally ill. He has the classic symptoms of a Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder. These often go together in one person. The invented stories, black and white thinking, grandiose beliefs, hot temper, are just a few of the many odd symptoms. Why doesn't the Times call this out? He's nuts and the illnesses are progressive.
thinkingdem (Boston, MA)
There is only one way to take this man down

1. Block all .. I repeat all appointments no matter the level

2. Codify Russian sanctions

3. Codify NSC composition/organization

4. Block SCOTUS appointment

No .. No .. No and by the way .. NO
Maureen (Philadelphia, PA)
yesterday 2 Christian Syrian families were deported from Philadelphia airport despite years of waiting for visas. their relatives in Allentown had bought a house and found obs for the new arrivals. the families were entitled to entry. trump is responsible for any harm that may come to these families in transit. they probably spent all their savings to get here. A president whose mother and aunts were economic migrants must be held accountable for denying other immigrants entry. My family immigrated here from Scotland when I was 7. Americans literally gave us the beds we slept in. What happened to that generosity? How did reality TV replace American ideals?
libdemtex (colorado/texas)
One does nor make up facts. dump lies-stand up times and speak truth to the fool.
Karim Teresa Rochelle (Nyc)
What drugs are these Republicans taking?
"Last week, Representative Lamar Smith of Texas, the chairman of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee, said it was “better to get your news directly from the president. In fact it might be the only way to get the unvarnished truth.”
Patricia McVeigh (Menlo Park, CA)
DJT is the Id unleashed with the nuclear codes in his pocket.
Steve (Middlebury)
I recently read that the mental illness suffered by our president was changed from Narcissistic Personality Disorder to MALIGNANT Narcissism. Check it out. Moi, I was perfectly content to be in the pot and I resent, I terribly resent for that matter, being thrown from the pot into the fire. And I assume that Congress, both the House and the Senate have lower approval ratings than the POTUS - better know as Prevaricator-of-the-United-States.
David (Colorado)
Trump is a psychopathic liar who has no empathy for others.
He thinks he alone is right so no compromise or need for CIA
or Generals. He has to have total control because he right so he
says anything as the end justifies the means.
He says things because he can not tell the difference between
the truth and lies. He made his money the old fashion way, stealing.
He lied on his military draft, on his taxes, to his wives, and now the
American people.
He belongs in a hospital not the White House.
Congress needs to pass a law that nuclear weapons can only be used
in they declare war.
Trump has many of the same mental problems Hitler had.
God save America.
El Jamon (New York)
We must stand. If your knees tremble, take a hand. If you have a hand to lend, help someone to their feet. But, stand.
Thomas (Nyon)
Already over a quarter of a million British citizens and residents have signed a position barring Mr. Trump from the UK.

Not because of his religion, or his nationality either.
Tracy WiIll (Westport, WIs.)
Stand up to the bully. Call him out on his actions. Use the courts to slow down his idiotic and unAmerican ideas. Speak out by writing your Congressional representative and senators. Use logic to explain why his ideas are bad and unAmerican.
Use facts to debunk his "alternative truths."
Name-calling is not enough. Calling his ideas and actions idiotic is not enough.
Be bold, be liberal -- after all, the folks that voted for him are frightened of liberal ideas as they are the daylight of reason that subdues and negates the conservative mindset. The new Conservative mindset is based on greed and fear -- confront it at every step.
Do not be afraid of being educated and liberal, but do not demean people. Use your intellect to explain, reason, and diminish their arguments with fact-based research-proven truths. Use history to explain why this retrograde approach to governance is a failure.
Do not be afraid! Get active! As James Brown famously sang, "Get up offa that thing."
David Henry (Concord)
"Denial" is the wrong word. This assumes Trump is capable of seeing a fact which he then chooses to ignore.

"Delusion" is the right word. Constructing and acting upon a fantasy world.
Marc (VT)
Unfortunately all of this does not matter, Trump has the power. The Repubs are trying to use him to create the 19th Century again, they will not stop him.

What comes after telling the press to shut up? Law suits, bans on reporters, creation of a Government Press (oh, there is Fox - pace Shepard Smith, you are an honorable man)?

Civil Disobedience is the tool of choice. Be prepared! (great neck new york)
It is pointless to complain about Trump's grasp of reality, without looking at our own collective delusions. Society allowed him to come to power. We listened to Fox News. We listened to our clergy, obsessed only with life before birth, not life after birth. We never argued with the racists we work with. We never called out ridiculous false news on Facebook. We made excuses for male illegal sexual advances. We were enablers. Now, almost too late, we must look to ourselves to be the change we seek. Change will only come through our votes, but we must protect the votes of the vulnerable, too. Pink hats may mobilize and energize, but "one person one vote' will deliver the truth. Yes, Trump is unqualified, but his unstable behavior distracts us from the reality of 2018, which is just around the corner. This will be easier said than done, young patriots must step forward today. There is voter suppression, that is the truth. Can we handle this truth?
KJ (Tennessee)
I don't think Donald really believes anything in particular, except that he is the grandest, smartest, most magnificent, irresistible human being to have ever graced Earth with his presence.

He's grateful to Pence for having faith in him, faith being Pence's specialty, so has granted him his wish. Forced Christian values with all the strappings, including sanctioned animosity toward other religions.

He's grateful to Bannon for reinforcing his mightiness, so he has granted him his wish. Hate, cultivated and accepted.

He's grateful to his family members for supporting him and staying skinny, so their wishes will be granted and their foreign-made merchandise peddled.

He loves filthy rich people, so no only do they get to cuddle up with him in high-status positions, they get to make lots and lots more money. Wishes granted.

The rest of us are inconsequential, past, present and future.
tbs (detroit)
He is a pathological liar. As Kieth Olbermann quite accurately said there is something wrong with him. As the days go by all of his illnesses will be seen. He will self-destruct! However, that does not address his followers, most of whom possess the same hate that Don has. Lets hope rationality prevails unlike 1930's Germany, Japan and Italy. The similarities are frightening.
EEE (1104)
The evidence is in..... there is something VERY wrong with dt. And given the power and prestige of the position we ALL should be VERY worried.
The crisis isn't on the horizon.... it's here.
Marcus Reidenberg (New York)
I want to thank the Times for remaining a bulwark of truth and fact despite the challenge of presidential power against fact and truth. I swore to defend the Constitution when I was in the military. Defending the Constitution now requires publication of fact and truth and not just military power. I thank the Times and its writers for doing this and hope and pray that it will continue its commitment to defending our Constitution by publishing fact and truth for a long time to come.
Aurace Rengifo (Miami Beach)
You are an optimist. Trump cannot provide clarity in policy making because the only issues "clear" to him are his perception of the "dishonest media" whenever he does not like reality. The president cannot clarify things that he is trying to hide or things he does not understand. That would be a HUGE percentage of the whole.

On the other hand, Bannon is crystal clear.
Dan (Philadelphia)
I remember reading about The Great Leader in North Korea who they claimed that the first time he played golf had 18 hole in ones. I thought it was sad that the people had to go along with such nonsense and that they could not possibly believe it.
Now I am not so sure. I think a lot of trump's supporters would go along with him if he claimed the same thing.
Cathy (Hopewell junction NY)
If you have a narcissist who cannot handle either criticism or the idea that not everyone thinks him the bestest, greatest, smartest, hugest imaginable success on the planet, guided by a Machiavellian alt-right nationalist, you're going to have trouble.

No Donald Trump cannot handle the truth and, moreover, he prides himself on being the one who exposes the conspiracy, the real truth, what's actually going on behind the curtain that Everyone Out There is conspiring to hide. So we have his Birther campaign, his belief that photos of his inauguration are wrong, that the feckless Democratic party somehow managed to coordinate massive voter fraud, that vaccines are killing people, that climate change is a Chinese plot.

It is just so easy to bend that massive ego and shallow understanding to achieve some ugly goals.
CBRussell (Shelter Island,NY)
When are the Republicans in the US Congress going to call a halt to this
obviously insane man whom they have representing them .....

They will be known by their silence....even the past Presidents will be known
by their silence.....and if they all are too silent ...perhaps they will be forced
into silence...
Is it no obvious that Donald J. Trump is a maniacal dictator....similar in
every way to Adolf wonder Putin likes him and vice versa.
Occupy Government (Oakland)
We knew all this about Donald. He was the birther in chief, full of lies, innuendo and unreal stories about probes and "you wouldn't believe what they're finding."

Everyone knew he was nuts, but the media covered him with relish, to the exclusion of all other candidates and policy proposals. In promoting their increasing ad revenues, the media promoted Donald Trump.

Now, we're in trouble and the media wrings its hands, waiting for Republicans in Congress to save us as they save themselves.

Next time a clown runs for office, expose him.
M1ke (Jasper, AR)
You've got my attention!
Sarah (Hawley, MA)
For anyone who hasn't done it yet, I recommend googling "narcissistic personality disorder". I think trying to analyze the Donald's behavior and thinking through a rational lens will prove fruitless. Try appreciating his actions as pathology, and everything will make a lot more sense.
Aurace Rengifo (Miami Beach)
Obviously, Trump cannot handle the truth because he already lives in an "alternative" universe.

Furthermore, can the GOP leadership handle the truth and Trump?

Ultimately and most relevant, can we handle the truth? Can we absorb the "alternative facts"; the isolationism, a possible trade war and maybe going back to a pre-civil rights era? It is time to realize that we have to focus on what are we going to do about it because it is a new reality impacting us and the world order, as we know it.

It is almost irrelevant that Trump cannot face reality except for reality shows.
Joan (Carol Stream, IL)
When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

I only wish American voters had figured this out BEFORE the election.
Leslie374 (St. Paul, MN)
I am deeply concerned that the current President of the United States is mentally unstable. I know several psychiatrists who observe his behavior and acknowledge that it is blatantly obvious that Donald Trump is psychologically unstable. This must be evident to the people who support and surround him. WHY are they not coming forward to help him and protect the American People? GREED, MONEY and POWER. In his first week in office, President Trump has repeatedly lied to the American People. Many members of Congress and the Senate, Twitter and FACEBOOK have supported him in this effort. WE the PEOPLE need to hold ALL of them accountable for these actions and for the destruction of the American Democracy.
jeanisobel1 (Pittsford, NY)
O tempore, o mores! Quousque tandem, Trump, abutere patientia nostra? (apologies to Cicero)
When will our Congressional leaders decide that they have had enough and institute proceedings against him and remove him from office? When will leaders of Congress cease their unbridled adulation of this madman? The way things are going, we will be prisoners in our own land and the walls he builds (with our money) will serve to keep us from "defecting".
Mr. Ryan, man up and do your job!
Truth Or Not (Washington)
The issue isn't whether Trump can handle the truth. We know he can't.
More serious is whether those who voted for him can handle the truth.
DaveD (Wisconsin)
Trump's White House is a fact-ory where new facts are manufactured. Trump knows all too well how to sell this new reality, does the media understand how to counter it? He has called it the opposition and I hope it will rise to the occasion.
squat buckler (paris)
The smallest of protest -- a cursory note to this forum. What does one do short of despair?

Thoughts provoke words and words provoke actions.
Jack Antolic (Portland OR)
It looks like We in for a new worst President ever
lfkl (los ángeles)
Handle the truth? He wouldn't recognize the truth if it slapped him in the face.
TheraP (Midwest)
How much good did Caligula do for the Roman Empire?

There's your answer!
rainbow (NYC)
If you read this paper or watch most news programs you get the truth. But, if you watch Fox or listen to Alan Jones you get trump truth.

I watched a bit of the Fox coverage of the Women's Marches only to find that the reporting reinforced trump truth, and that's a really big problem. How to get through to the folks who follow those media sources.
CBRussell (Shelter Island,NY)
Donald Trump ....cannot handle what is what he makes up
as truth.....can't you see Editors that Trump is mentally ill...with an extreme
narcissistic disorder...Please get a psychiatrist to write the next editorial..

He may have more than one psychiatric disorder....
Bottom line....we cannot have someone who needs to be in a mental hospital
running our government.....
Pay attention to your inkblot illustration....NOW..and save us from more and world-wide..
paul (blyn)
A pundit once said something I agree with...Trump will probably fail for one of three reasons.

1 Being incompetent
2-Being corrupt
3-Becoming a dictator

The US can survive one or two but three can bring USA great harm.

With the Muslim ban, Trump is heading for three
Ken (My Vernon, NH)
What is fascinating to watch is this battle in which the MSM makes up their own truths and then labels Trump a liar when he doesn't swallow the MSM narrative.

The MSM takes a picture an hour before the inauguration of Trump and puts it side by side with a picture of the peak of the crowd at Obama's inauguration.

The MSM ignores the total audience for the inaugural - which included a very heavy digital audience - which surely was the largest total audience of any past inaugural given heightened foreign interest.

MSM claims Trump is a liar.

Four or eight years of this will be tedious, but the one thing that is certain is that the MSM will continue its decline.
dan (ny)
One of the weirdest and most disturbing episodes I've seen, as concerns the "normalization" hazard, involved Chris Matthews. Joy Reid was on Hardball as a guest, making the case (if stating the obvious) that Trump is unhinged. Matthews barges in, going on about how he's "skeptical about psychobabble, especially when it come the other side", and challenges Ms. Reid to "name a liberal" who she thinks is crazy like Trump. Huh? His putative "point" was, I can only surmise, something about fairness and balance. In reality it was more about cultivating his happy-warrior-who-loves-to-mix-it-up persona. Maybe you had to be there, but it was so weird. Too many people get their news from this guy for him to be playing games. But he repeatedly chums up with Kellyann Conway (would that her name were not Irish like mine) while she lies, evades, perma-campaigns, and basically walks all over him, to the point that I'm rapidly becoming more inclined to watch CNN instead. Maybe that'll get his attention.
ChesBay (Maryland)
Once a liar, always a liar. There's no help for this 70 year old spoiled rotten adolescent. It's too late for him. But, it's not too late for us. NOT a president. Never trump.
Harry Pearle (Rochester, NY)
I wish the NY Times would consult with psychologists and other experts about Donald Trump's warped mind. Does he have a learning disability, LD?

Seriously, the nation's future depends on the mind of Trump. His behavior is not a secret to us. Why is it such a surprise that he acts the way he does? Why can't he be LABELED? Why is labeling forbidden?

Foolishness is foolishness. Why not define it CLINICALLY to your readers?
From a Bush War on TERROR, we now have a War on Trump ERROR
European American (Midwest)
"Can Donald Trump Handle the Truth?"

Nope...Not a bit...and he keeps proving it as he, with every beat of his heart, with every breath he takes, spins, lies and deceives all within sound of his voice.
J (C)
STOP FOCUSING ON TRUMP. There will always be a huckster like him. The problem is the people that voted for him. They are also voting for other people in state house, governor, and congress positions that are going along with Trump's dim-bulb blather in order to make the rich richer, and to dominate and hurt the poor, women, and minorities.

PLEASE tell the people the truth:

- they hate us
- we hate and/or fear Trump
- so they voted for Trump--to punch us in the face

There are more of us, we have more money, and our living arrangements (cities) are inherently more efficient and hardy than the suburban/rural lifestyles they choose *and that we subsidize with our taxes*.

And that final point is where we can exert power, now that we have no political ability to effect change: WE HAVE THE MONEY. We can stop the subsidies for the stuff they (the Trump voters) need: farm subsidies, road and bridge infrastructure, military spending etc etc. Yes, cuts to those things will affect us negatively, but the difference is that *we* have the money centralized infrastructure to support helping our poor and disenfranchised *locally* once we STOP SUBSIDIZING THE TRUMP VOTERS.

Please tell people what they can actually DO, vs uselessly pointing out the obvious: he is a huckster, waving a flag for us to be dazzled by, while the real criminals rob us blind.
Eva Moldovanyi (Houston)
I know you -- journalists -- are now Enemies of the State. But please, please, please do not let Mr Trump get away with prevarication and hyperbole. Hire armies to verify data. Keep going after and exposing TRUTH. Without it Democracy may not survive.
Thomas Kilbourn (06751)
RE: Trump's fraudulent claims. WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR DEMOCRACY? There are signs...closest aids are struggling? Signs? Day after day, disruption after disruption. Protect the constitution? What about the people's speaker, Paul Ryan? Why is he seen smiling and smiling and smiling? Why is he not outraged? When does he not speak for the people regarding this liar in the White House? And the majority leader of the senate? When will we all put the fragile, essential United States of America first? WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR DEMOCRACY? Oh, a hard rain is going to fall!
Bob Garcia (Miami)
I wonder how long Spicer will be willing to play Trump's court jester and fool? Is $176,000 enough for the prospect of repeatedly humiliating himself?
ALB (Maryland)
"What happens when Mr. Trump, looking through his reality-distortion goggles, claims that America is winning the war against terrorism and his defense secretary, Jim Mattis, surveys the same landscape and disagrees?"

Jim Mattis has already shown his spinelessness now that he's Secretary of State, and won't be disagreeing any time soon. As The Times itself reported just two days ago: "Six months ago, Jim Mattis stood at a lectern at the Hoover Institution, a conservative think tank at Stanford University, and sharply criticized Donald J. Trump’s campaign proposal for a ban on Muslim immigration, saying that such a move would distress American allies around the world. This kind of thing is causing us great damage right now, and it’s sending shock waves through the international system,” Mr. Mattis said." Mattis's silence now on the Muslim Ban speaks volumes.

Indeed, it doesn't look like anyone in Trump's "Administration" has the will to tell him what he needs to know. Mike Pence is Exhibit A in that regard. One of your headlines from October 6, 2016, said: "Mike Pence Disavows Donald Trump's Earlier Proposal Barring Muslims." Pence is now standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Trump on the Muslim Ban.

This whole catastrophe would be mitigated if congressional Republicans provided some checks and balances to Trump's sociopathy and his appointees' sycophantish behavior. Tragically, the Republicans care only about holding onto their legislative seats.
KenH (Indiana)
We're not going to make it four years with this guy in office.
Joni V (New Jersey)
Truth is an oxymoron for Trump. Why do you keep asking this question? You are preaching to the choir. We are living in George Orwell's 1984 This man is a sociopath as was a late brother of mine. He needs to be removed from office.
Dean (US)
This is terrifying, given that he has surrounded himself with enablers like Steve Bannon and Michael Flyyn, whose own relationships with the truth are tenuous. Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of our country.
John Q. Public (New York City)
I think it's safe to say that NY Times readers already know President Trump lies, misleads, and distorts the facts. This train has long left the station.

When is the NY Times going to single out the congressional representatives who agree with and support Mr. Trump's tactics and strategies? Especially those republicans representing marginal districts?

When is the New York Times going to demand that a POTUS who lies, misleads and distorts facts to the degree that Mr. Trump does, resign?

These are the questions that I and many of my fellow NY Times readers would like answers to.
gc (chicago)
All this frenzy, chaos and constantly photos of him signing things may be his sleight of hand so we do not pay attention to what is going on behind his back. I do not trust him or his handlers
Pat Boice (Idaho Falls, ID)
Trump has surrounded himself with sycophants who will applaud him to retain their own power. Stephen K. Bannon is a very dangerous man who, according to news reports, has written most of Trump's executive orders. I wonder what it will take to reach the level of "high crimes and misdemeanors" to bring about impeachment? I know....that would leave us with Pence....We are in deep trouble!
Glen (Texas)
On Jan. 20, 2017, the door to Wonderland opened and an entire nation, willingly or no, was sucked into the fantasy world of Donald Trump. The Queen of Hearts, the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire cat, Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee, the hookah smoking caterpillar, they are all here, wrapped up in the body of one person, coming to the fore and subsiding into the background in random fashion.

The Queen of Hearts predominates, of course, her ego is Donald Trump's and will brook no dissent from any quarter. But the Mad Hatter blathers his way to the front frequently and often, oblivious as always. And the supporting characters, the playing card guards, the Republican Senators and Representatives, dashing to and fro as Donald arbitrarily whacks the croquet ball, scrambling to get ahead and form a hoop for the ball to pass through and keep Trump's record unbroken, lest their heads be lopped from their shoulders.

Then there are Kellyanne Conway and Sean Spicer, the twins (fraternal in this version, obviously) Tweedles Dum and Dee. Their jobs are to fill in the moments when Trump must rest with mindless repetitions of what he has said, yammering on and allowing no one to interrupt them as their words are Donald's, and much too important to be questioned.

And then there is Mr. Bannon, our Cheshire cat, a plumpish, not so vaguely threatening presence. To say mischievous is to be too kind by far.

Unfortunately our Wonderland is scheduled for an unbroken 4-year run, not an early matinee.
mineraliberal (Buffalo, NY)
He's going to get impeached, and Pence will become POTUS. You don't think this was "Plan B" all along?
Marjorie Davies (Cincinnati)
"...authoritarian regimes around the world — from China to Russia to Turkey to Egypt — where leaders survive by intimidating or imprisoning journalists..." Or by KILLING them.
Jane (massachusetts)
Stop printing pictures of this man!!!! It only feeds his ego.
Mogwai (CT)
The question is: Are American kids too spoiled to care?
We will find that out very soon.

...need to run to a circular firing, I mean Democratic committee meeting
George Mandanis (San Rafael, CA)
Our President is a pathological liar:
- Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama founded ISIS
- “I’m self-funding my campaign… I don’t take.”
- On Trump University: “I’ve won most of the lawsuits.”
- “[I] lost hundreds of friends on 9/11”
- "I'm the only one on this stage that said, ‘Do not go into Iraq. Do not attack Iraq.’”
- Denied ever telling the New York Times he had called for a 45% tariff on Chinese goods.
- Claimed 81 percent of murdered white people are killed by black people. The truth? 84 percent of murdered white people are murdered by other white people.
- “Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down… where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down.”
- On Putin, a hilarious claim: “I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes”
- Megyn Kelly on August 6 in GOP debate: “You’ve called women you don’t like fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals …” Trump: “Only Rosie O’Donnell.”
- On John McCain: “He's done nothing to help the vets.”
- “I write a book called The Art of the Deal…” No, its ghostwriter is Tony Schwartz
- “Nobody respects women more than I do.”

On Sept. 9, 1998, The Starr Report presented 11 impeachable offenses by Bill Clinton who was eventually charged because of lies. Will Donald Trump be next?
Steve Bolger (New York City)
Trump cannot even speak the truth. He is the ultimate ugly American.
Dwc (Livermore, CA)
Time for Senator's Warren and Brown to announce her candidacy for president for 2020. This will offer the world and the majority of the American people hope and as "presidential candidates'" they can announce their plans for what they will their first day in office (tear down the wall, lift the ban, make torture illegal, reinstate an improved ACA...). Let the election begin!
monzeez (Philadelphia)
". . .where leaders survive by intimidating or imprisoning journalists, writers and artists, or anyone who dares to challenge the “truth” and “information” generated by the regime." This is my worst fear; that Trump imprisons or threatens to imprison journalists for seeking and reporting the truth. We got a taste of that after last week's protest.
Rick Spanier (Tucson)
Trump is one of those rare birds we come across in life who would simply rather lie than tell the truth. It's the same tired canard, "How do you know when Trump is lying...da....da...when his lips are moving."

It is past time for the enablers in his administration and his political party to summon the courage to call the man out as unfit for office. He is the most dangerous man on the planet.
Kathy Morelli (New Jersey)
A sociopath who must be removed.
Jim B (New York)
Is anyone else worried that the demonstrably false claims (lies) which consume much in the way of media coverage and pundit time, are simply misdirection for the really dangerous stuff DJT, Bannon, et al do NOT want discussed. Such things as conflicts of interest, cabinet appointees, Muslim Bans among others. While we are all discussing crowd size and imaginary voter fraud, something real is happening in the shadows.

One promise he seems to have kept is to surround himself with some very smart people, smart and dangerous. I fear for our country.
Lawrence (Washington D.C.)
This has been a diversion to allow the treasury to be robbed and the planet raped. This was a bone thrown to his base.
They knew this would get shot down. Someone had to have told him, or worse didn't and wants the train to be off the rails.
Next, he locks up to Hillary. A wacky judge and the N.Y. FBI office.
You can no longer say it is too crazy to imagine.
unification (DC area)
The simple answer to this is "no".
Bob (My President Tweets)
Why are you getting so upset mr. trump?
You had a nice little inauguration crowd and your electoral victory is nothing to be ashamed of.
You did adequately...bravo?!?!
PogoWasRight (florida)
Handle the truth?? How can such a man who CANNOT recognize the truth, Handle it? Let alone, distinguish between "actual facts" and "alternative facts"? Whatever they may be..........(I still cannot tell the difference between an actual fact and an alternative fact......can YOU? "Our" Emperor with no clothes would not be a pleasant sight upon which to rest one's eyes.........
Bob (My President Tweets)
Margo Berdeshevsky (Paris, France)
To quote a woman who knew first hand the meaning of racism, bigotry, and the madness of America: "THERE IS JUST SO MUCH HURT, DISAPPOINTMENT, AND OPPRESSION ONE CAN TAKE... THE LINE BETWEEN REASON AND MADNESS GROWS THINNER. (Rosa Parks)
Bob (My President Tweets)
If he can't handle the truth by 70, there's no chance he'll ever learn.

daniel r potter (san jose ca)
the man has a screw loose.that fact was paramount during past interviews going back 30 plus years. he is not one bit different today than in that photo with Koch and Cohn. his difference is now he is in the center position. his press statement with the english prime ministr showed him how unready he was for his TRUE FIRST back and forth with the press. he has never changed his stripes. the part where he became leader scares me the most.
HJS (Charlotte, NC)
We all read the reason he won is republicans took him seriously but not literally and that Hillary lost because democrats took him literally but not seriously.

One week in, it looks like he's doing literally what he said he would do with seriously dangerous consequences. When WW III starts I suppose we'll be shown by the Ministers of Propaganda--Conway and Spicer--the alternative fact that the world has never been safer.
AC (Quebec)
Congratulations America,

You've just elected the second coming of Benito Mussolini, manly poses for the camera included. Not to mention side-kick to a truly evil dictator.
SD (upstate)
What in the world is wrong with Sean Spicer? "(The president) believes what he believes." Is this to be the standard answer from now on?

Is insanity contagious?
Helene Boström (Sweden)
A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth. J.Goebbels
Ken H (Salt Lake City)
Keep digging for the truth. Something is really wrong with the current President. We need dynamic journalist now more than ever.
fact or friction (maryland)
NYT, how about digging into the fact that Trump's immigration ban on Muslim countries did NOT include ONLY those countries in which Trump has business interests - Saudi Arabia, Egypt and UAE. Don't get me wrong - I completely oppose Trump's ban. But this is such an egregious example of Trump's business interests driving his foreign policy. Bloomberg's tracking this: NYT, please do your part.
Katy Salter Goodell (Minneapolis)
Like others here I worry that Trump can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy. Just as bad, he doesn't care about facts. Add to the mix his ignorance and his not knowing what he doesn't know, and we see executive orders,
pronouncements, and policies that can have disastrous results. BUT he seems to love throwing out provocative sparks. The PRESS + MEDIA must NOT focus just on him or those sparks, but on close description and analysis of where the policies lead. The press and media can show us the FACTS and REALITIES. And I hope Republicans will recognize important facts and act appropriately to curb presidential actions.
Janet W. (New York, NY)
The notion that Ivanka Trump Kushner, her husband Jared and siblings Don Jr and Eric would be able to - or even want to - temper Daddy Trump's tantrums is gone now. Stevie Bannon is now leading the charge and Reinhold Priebus is nothing more than a GOP flunky who keeps the Pres's desk supplied with paper clips and the standard White House roller ball pens.
I suggest that we keep our eyes fixed on Bannon. As the years of this presidency roll by, we'll see Bannon assume more power over Trump and more control over the message which he'll ratchet up to Hitlerian pronouncements. We will become NS Amerika - National Socialist America. This is just the start of something ...DEPLORABLE.
Ali2017 (Michigan)
Yesterday Trump tweeted that The NY Times is "fake news." Way, way back about 10 weeks ago he called the New York Times a "world jewel."
The man's words have no meaning. Truth is meaningless to him.
Report on his actions and if you have to reference his words give dated quotes when he has said the opposite. His words should never be the headline because they are meaningless.
BAK (ny)
all trump real estate and manufactured items bearing the family name should be boycotted and let the businesses fail because of his negative and harmful attitudes....he and his family must fail from their own words...we the people need to purchase nothing "Trump" ..... hit him in his pocketbook, ego and pride..including this family who are guiding him....sad,sad,sad.....1984...:(
We the people need to face the fact that a malignant narcissist is POTUS.This is just day 10 folks. Impeach Trump now.
T. W. (North Of NJ)
Sean Spicer's "Newspeak" suggests a new line of investigation. Pick one or more of Trump's unforced errors thus far. Interview each member of Congress regarding said issue(s). Report the results. Make this a weekly feature, a report card on Trump. Keep it simple, consistent and accurate. Include revealing pull-out quotes from our representatives.
We need to know where our representatives stand, so that, come 2018, we can be informed citizens.
Maybe, Big Brother Donald will have to take note.
Independent DC (Washington DC)
Trump can't handle the truth. You are correct. Neither could Bush, Clinton or Obama. Remember when Clinton was caught red handed disgusting affair with a WH intern no less? He lied and lied until finally admitted his lies and even then pretended his actions were not sex.
Remember Bush and the mass weapons of destruction? Remember Obama and you can keep your Doctor? I don't even what to start with HRC. All of their supporters including the media that favor them would back their lies up.
You have to part delusional to want to be Presdident. Trump was elected mostly because of the failed policies of Obama. And Obama thought he was a great President. Go figure.
DBA (Liberty, MO)
In a word, NO!
John (New York City)

All the educated people, all the pundits and self-anointed cognoscenti in media, business and politics keep dancing around this. They keep deferring and "mansplaining" away what to me is is becoming quite obvious. The man is mentally ill. He is not competent for the role he sought and has been given.

I'll leave aside what that says about us as a People, other than to note that it's a sign of sheer desperation for change that's springing from the heart (land) of average America. The intent was pure in its need for a shake-up in a complacent elite leadership and established order. They should have seen it coming as it is needed, rather than being so.....Marie Antoinette-like in their blithe disregard.

But Trump is not the man for the job. He never was. So now we're stuck with him, his sycophants and minions. Sort'a. I don't know the precedent, if there is one, for removal of such an obviously unstable man from the Presidency, but if this continues along it's trajectory I predict he will set it.

So it goes.

American Net'Zen
sjs (bridgeport, ct)
I have to ask, why didn't these lies ("trying to convince people that his 58-story skyscraper was actually 68 stories, or claiming that his reality show, “The Apprentice,” was the “No. 1 show on television,” when it was in fact 67th") get reported during the election? Why didn't the American people hear this? I followed the news closely and this is the first time I've heard this. New York Times, why didn't you pound these home? These are understandable and familiar types of lies, the kind of nonsense a braggart spouts, the kind that every adult in American has dealt with. The kind that most adults are disgusted with. If you read comments around the internet to news like I do, you would see that most of Americans are disgusted with trump's insistence that he had the biggest crowd at his inaugural. Unlike trump, they can look at the photos and make a rational decision. The media really, really should have put the reports of these sort of lies front and center.
ACS (Princeton)
You might want to look at the implications of the changes just made to the NSC. Bannon, along with Flynn will attend ALL meetings. The joint chiefs of staff, only as needed. Given the issues that both Bannon and Flynn (not to mention Mr. Trump) have with the truth this is a worrisome development.
Kayemby (Canada)
Wasn't the American Revolution about deposing royalty?
Don Shipp, (Homestead Florida)
Was Tyler Comrie's wonderful Salvador Dali- Rorsach art work accompanying the editorial an inference that our president is perhaps a pathological narcissist?
Scott (Ada)
To NYT Editorial writers: thank you. It's long past the time to treat this "president" as if he and his administration are normal. They are dangerous and scary and a threat to everything the U.S. represents.
Beatrice ('Sconset)
Narcissus, while admiring his visage in the pool, fell into the water and drowned.
MG (Wayne,PA)
Fidel Castro, Chiang Kai-shek, Kim Il-sung, Yumjaagiin Tsedenbal, Muammar Gaddafi, Paul Biya, Omar Bongo, Enver Hoxha , Mohamed Abdelaziz, Francisco Franco, Éamon de Valera, Gnassingbé Eyadéma, Kaisôn Phomvihān, Nguema Mbasogo, José Eduardo dos Santos, Robert Mugabe, Josip Broz Tito, Joseph Stalin, Hugo Chávez, Rafael Trujillo, Ruhollah Khomeini, Saddam Hussein, Bashar al-Assad, Ho Chi Minh, Pol Pot, Kim Jong-un, Vladimir Lenin, Adolf Hitler, Ion Antonescu, Nikita Khrushchev,
Is our Congress still there? Will this list go on.
Jacques Steffens (Amsterdam)
Sometimes when one is lost for words you have to share those far more eloquent. The below takes you to an essay well worth a read for all those who too easily think all will be well:
carlson74 (Massachyussetts)
Misterbianco (PA)
"It's not propaganda's task to be intelligent; it's task is to lead to success."
Joseph Goebbels.
A. Stanton (Dallas, TX)
2017 is starting to look like the year when I finally get to find out what would happen if all the people in China jumped up and down at the same time.
Jim (Pennsylvania)
The press needs to stop immediately all use of soft terms in regards to Trump's statements and call them exactly what they are: LIES, LIES, LIES!

And when he states LIES, call him for what he is at that point: a LIAR. Never let up - never give his LIES any undeserved dignity.
Greg (Chicago, Il)
Dear NYT,
Since you were the propaganda arm for Obama's administration, now you have zero credibility with your Trump "facts". Your outrage about the powerful seem very FAKE. If Trump was a Democrat you would overlook his personal flaws and promote his "good intentions". Credibility is earned, not ordained.
Robert O. (South Carolina)
"Those people don't see that if you encourage totalitarian methods, the time may come when they will be used against you instead of for you"

George Orwell, Animal Farm.
John Radovan (Sydney, Australia)
“Well, gentlemen, lifemanship is the science of being one up on your opponents at all times. It is the art of making him feel that somewhere, somehow he has become less than you – less desirable, less worthy – less blessed.

“Well then, you ask, who are your opponents? Everybody in the world who is not you. And the purpose of your life must be to be one up with them, because, and mark this well, he who is not one up is one down”. (Alistair Sim, "School for Scoundrels")

Or Trump University, whichever you prefer.
jkh (California)
Jerry, just remember, it’s not a lie if you believe it.
--- George Costanza
J A Bickers (San Francisco)
Before we slip over the cliff into dystopia the citizenry must insist on the addition of a new Ministry of Truth in the White House. Meanwhile, to the barricades!
newsfu (Earth)
Trump's ghostwriter claims to have invented the term "truthful hyperbole". I am unable to imagine President Trump reading or writing.
Around 200000 Intellectuals in the United States are finding it difficult to accept the reality of the election of the most straightforward & decisive President in many decades.
Can the intellectuals,handle the truth.
The answer is NO.
The intellectuals talk in the following manner.
It's OK if Saudi's intervenes in Yemen,
But it's NOT OK if Russia intervenes in Aleppo.
Now please don't ask why,as the TRUTH is selective.
Can you?? Handle the truth.
Joanne Rumford (Port Huron, MI)
I don't know if President Donald Trump is challenging other countries or testing the American people? It's like families fighting amongst other families. Like the Hatfield and the McCoy feud.
D. Alia (Little Falls, NJ)
This president may do something that President Obama
Could not (although he tried).....unite the country.
I'm pleading, along w/ untold millions:

Mattis, Republican senators & congress, Democrats,
children & grandchildren of immigrants, patriots,

let's come together; stop going along w/ this unqualified, irrational man & his maddening advisors & take back our democracy .
The people are already in the streets.
This is what your gerrymandering g has gotten you.

Tacit Republicans, step up. Now is the time, NOW!
In your hearts you know this is wrong.
Your patriotism is on the line.
Anna (Germany)
He is only interested in Trump first. What is truth? He is too stupid to know what he doesn't know. Who have to know a lot to see the open spaces . Obama knew. Trump is an idiot in the hand of pious racists.
Bart (Bumblebee)
Dishonest nature! Clouds were rigged for rain!
Concerned MD (Pennsylvania)
We have a president who is willfully ignorant, morally bankrupt and immune to facts....what could possibly go wrong! I predict the sale of brown paper bags will skyrocket as the Americans who voted him into office will ultimately need to hide their faces in shame..
Patricia (MN)
Last week, Representative Lamar Smith of Texas, the chairman of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee, said it was “better to get your news directly from the president. In fact it might be the only way to get the unvarnished truth.”

We know Donald is mentally unhinged what's your excuse?

What's that saying you have to laugh to keep from crying, it's not working for me anymore.
Jack (East Coast)
If Joseph Goebbels had Twitter, we’d all be speaking German. Trump's uncontested one-way communication has become the authoritarian’s tool of choice.
RjW (Spruce Pine NC)
"that “there’s no check on his power except reality.” The nation, and the world, are about to find out if that’s right"
Wow! Can't some one declare the audit complete and just , as he said he would do, just release his taxes for him. . Or better, just leak them to the press.
Don't give em to Wikileaks. They'll just sit there.
Ira Allen (New York)
Trump says, "Israel has been treated very poorly".The Obama administration gave Israel it's biggest aid package ever, 38 billion over 10 years. Where are the influential Jewish American "voices of reason" to debunk this "poppycock"?
I am talking to you, Mort Zuckerman, Mike Bloomberg,Abe Foxman.
Greg (Chicago, Il)
NYT, the Far-Left Media, is simply allergic to Donald Trump and his "shock & awe" executive orders. The old USSR politburo would be proud about the self-censorship of common sense. Keep up the group-think.
no kidding (ipswich)
American Spring is coming...
Pete Kantor (Aboard old sailboat in Mexico)
OK, NYT, we already know trump is a looney, the vp is unwanted, his staff and most of his cabinet are worthless, Clinton's description of his supporters as "deplorables" was far too kind, and on and on. Honest NYT, we really are aware of the threat this administration poses,not only to our country, but to the rest of the civilized world. BUT WHAT ARE WE TO DO???? Surely there must be something guys like me can do besides write these little notes. We need direction, leadership.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Trump and Spicer are beginning to look like the historical bookends to Saddam Hussein and Baghdad Bob.
Cowboy (Wichita)
As his Minister of Propaganda Kellyanne Conway has said: there are alternative facts.
Lone Moose (Ca)
Is Trump a Captain Queen like Humphrey Bogart plated in The Caine Mutiny?
clovis22 (Athens, Ga)
Still going on and on about this? Is it Trump you are tying to convince or his supporters? For anybody else this is pretty weak and laughably inadequet to the disaster that we have on our hands. Instead of pointing out that Trump is not of sound mind and should not be allowed to continue unless he proves otherwise you are still arguing that the crowd size was smaller than he thinks . . . are you kidding me?
Dabbo (Cleveland)
Delusions both grandiose and paranoid undershot by a monumental narcissism;pseudologia, a compulsive rewriting of truth, supporting a delusional vision...less manipulative than it is symptomatic of the profoundly thought-disordered individual's need to attempt coherency (a failure)...let us marvel that such an individual occupies the most powerful position in the world. Fear and fellow world-sojourners.
Candace Stowell (Carson City, NV)
Thank you NY Times for your excellent editorial. Obviously, President Trump is incapable of handling the truth. My bet is that impeachment hearings will start within a year.
Mary Mac (New jersey)
Welcome to the new state of Trumpistan! Leave reason and sanity at the door and hail the new dictator!
Andrew G. Bjelland, Sr. (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Live, direct from the White House, every day of the week (drum-roll) IT'S TRUMP IRREALITY TV!

President Trump's disassociation from the truth should surprise no one. His campaign performances should have led all of us to expect his vengeful tweets, his zany pronouncements, his executive "disorders" and his unique brand of mis-governance.

The irreality of President Trump's first week in office should disturb even the most benighted among us. If Trump's misdirection, lies, and inconsistencies do not bother you, it is simply because you have bought into his visionary "alt-reality".

Donald Trump lives in a truth-free, fact-free, post-post-modern world--the world NOT of "truthiness", but rather of "falsiness". For this Plutocrat in Chief, there are no facts, only surreal interpretations--manipulative interpretations which he spins out on a reflexive spur of the moment, audience-centered basis.

None of the rules that applied to reflective politicians and citizens of an earlier age--an age in which people believed in reasoned debate with reference to publicly accessible factual evidence--apply to him.

This Id-driven narcissist dwells in a world all his own--in a megalomaniacal dream-play. In this dream-play, President Trump must--simply must--always occupy center stage.

It is his irreality, Republican congressional Trump enablers and GOP rank-and-file Trump supporters. You are welcome to it and you will be held responsible for it. As his credibility crumbles, so will yours.
W Plummer (California)
Great article. The straight-forward answer to the question posed is "NO". He cannot handle the truth unless it is a convenient truth aligned with his internal fantasy world.

Sometimes the simple answer IS the answer. This is a case of the emperor having no clothes and not enough people being willing to admit it. President Trump has ALL the traits associated with a mental condition known as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). There isn't space to list them here. Please look them up and ask yourself if his actions and words aren't consistent with every single trait.

For the following reasons I think it is hard, even for people who didn't vote him, to admit he has NPD:
-We thought it was an act he could turn off after the election - IT'S NOT and HE CAN'T
-We naturally want to sympathize with the mentally ill, but he is a very unsympathetic character
-Those who did vote for him would have to admit they were conned
-We're reluctant to admit our system is so flawed as to allow someone with such a mental disorder to be selected as president

Democrats have to shoulder some of the blame - we could have turned out in bigger numbers on Nov 8th, but we didn't.

President Trump is not going to self-correct, people with NPD just don't. Republicans have to step up - they are the source of his power and they can take it away. Time to grow a conscience and a backbone! This emperor really has no clothes and he is a DANGER to us all!!
gs (Vienna)
If Trump is unhappy about the size of his inaugural crowds, he can always organize Nuremberg rallies on Holocaust Day.
Jeff (Texas)
To quote a great American, Barney Fife, He's a nut!
Michael Boyajian (Fishkill)
Calling in the ACLU lawyers against Trump was like handing Mariano Rivera the ball to pitch out of trouble in the ninth inning.
MP22 (MI)
“You know what’s important? Millions of people agree with me when I say that.”
No. Truth is more important.
Truth rises to the top, exposing liars.
Members of Congress, the side you take, truth or lies, is also seen.
- Signed, a Christian voter.
Ben (Florida)
A well-written justification of all the time spent on crowd sizes over the past several days.
But still, you're playing Trump's game. He's a lot more comfortable talking about how big something is than anything else. That's what he likes to talk about.
Rachel Hoffman (Portland OR)
TrumpVision daily news, broadcast directly from the White House? That is the plan to spread his truth. Can't you foresee his cabinet cocooning its leader while they wreck damage deep and wide. If we let this happen, his believers will build monuments, and we can look forward to the full eight years of broadcast Truth. Seriously. Don’t permit the FCC to license such a channel.
Novaman (USA)
No. Steve Bannon won't allow it.
NS (Palo Alto, CA)
'He even has his own term for it: “truthful hyperbole,” which Mr. Trump described in his 1987 book, “The Art of the Deal,” as “an innocent form of exaggeration — and a very effective form of promotion.”'

Donald Trump did not even come up with the term; the term was allegedly coined by his ghostwriter, as a Times article itself points out ( Donald Trump is not the shrewd propaganda tactician that many editorials make him out to be (that would in fact point to some skills in critical thinking, introspection, and forethought). He is a child.
AJ (Noo Yawk)
Call "alternative facts" exactly what they are: LIES.

Don't dance around "do we call this whopper by Trump a 'lie' or do we save that label for an even bigger whopper?"

Media needs to label Trump's lies, "lies," each and every time he makes them.

You want to give us the "news?" Give us the real news, don't instead deluge us with unending recitation of "alternative facts"/AKA lies, with a footnote paragraph on why they are lies. Label lies, "lies."
AJ (Noo Yawk)
NYT new front page column idea:

On one column on your front page (or web home page), track and label:
1. Trump's biggest lie of the week
2. Trump's other lies this week
3. Number of Trump's lies since taking office

(under each lie, give a 1 line explanation of why it's a lie)
Meanqzine (El Cerrito, Ca)
How long do we have to endure this monster?
Col Andes Dufranez USA Ret (Ocala)
I bled for America in Vietnam. In one week I already beginning to engage in the RESISTANCE. NO 45 you cannot destroy my GREAT countries soul.
Michael Kubara (Cochrane Alberta)
We need a whole new lexicon.

He's even starting to look like Lewis Carroll's Humpty Dumpty--who claimed he could make his words mean anything he liked.
Young Alice knew he was pre-scrambled.

His enduring claim to fame might be the "Trump Disorder"--wait for it in the next Diagnostic Manual.
It's the inability to distinguish marketing from non-fiction.

That would sum him up. 'Trump-fact' might be the first lexical step.
Shiloh 2012 (New York, NY)
So, all of this just means that all of our lives will be at stake if/when China or North Korea or Pakistan or some other nuclear country insults him.

This is terrifying.

I hope those swing voters in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are feeling good....
Richard Deforest (Mora, Minnesota)
The Man of the Hour,
Who only Cares about Power,
Can destroy Life
With the Stroke of His Pen.
There is Nothing he'll Need
With the scope of his Greed.
No one can question
His How, Why, or When.
John (Rochester, NY)
Idiot America has managed to a mentally ill man to the White House. Where are the leaders in Congress? McConnell and Ryan are cowards for not challenging this fool. Impeach and deport!
Ronald Walczak (Tucson AZ)
"In other words, facts aren’t important; blind trust in a leader is." Otherwise known as the Fuhrerprinzip. Yes, I went there. It's time to stop pussyfooting around and recognize these people for who they are: Nazis. Donald Trump may not know or even care about the significance of Holocaust Remembrance Day, but his chief consiglieri Steve Bannon knows all about it, and it's no coincidence that Trump issued his Muslim ban on that day or that the White House statement on HRD omitted any reference to Jews - and today Hope Hicks confirmed the omission was intentional. So how do you kill a democracy? You do it fast, before anybody realizes what you're doing. You kick over every democratic institution. While we're all obsessing over Trump's dishonesty about voter fraud and crowd size, look what he just did to the National Security Council. He excluded the DNI and the Chairman of the JCS and replaced them with Steve Bannon of alt-Nazi fame, and Reince Priebus, political opportunist. And don't forget the NSC is chaired by Mike Flynn, conspiracy-theory aficionado with strong ties to the Kremlin. Not a single professional left on this vital decision-making organ. Which leads us right back to the Fuhrerprinzip.
KDyhr (Tucson)
Can Trump handle the truth? Duh. How many years of experience with him does it take to answer that question? He can handle it -- dice it, slice it, smash it, make mud pies of it, disguise it, reject it, turn it on its head -- like a 5 year old in a sand box. The GOP should be ashamed of themselves for coddling up to anything he says or does. I haven't had much respect for John McCain since he chose Palin as his VP candidate, but good for him to stand up to a tyrant who wants to legalize torture in the name of freedom. Get back to your old status of calling out the bad guys on either side of the aisle, Mr. McCain, and perhaps I will once again cross party lines and vote for you as I have so many times in the past. Now, for the rest of the GOP, where is your decency, your guts, your patriotism? We know you can handle the truth, but in this case, you are finding it more convenient not to. There's a word for that, and you all know it.
Chris (Los Angeles)
The real question is, can the FAKE NEWS handle the truth??? It would be nice if the NY Times would start printing it!!! Not everyone is disappointed with Trump.
Wolfson (Los Angeles)
".....the essence of Mr. Trump: selling himself or his plans by massaging and embellishing facts, or simply making them up and hoping everyone plays along."

For example......what is the truth where his tax returns are concerned? We will never know.....We let him get away without telling us. Whatever is in those returns, it ain't representative of what he's pretended.
Cathy (New Jersey)
Dear President Trump: For those of us alive today there can only be one "Greatest" and it is the late Muhammad Ali. He was far more compassionate, far more sensible, and far more lyrical than you could ever become!
Steve (SW Michigan)
You ever know anyone in your life who has to one-up everyone? Always has to be the winner. They are never wrong about anything, and will bite your head off if confronted. I feel sorry for these people, because they lack the ability to form bonds, close friendships, even in their own families.
I wonder if Trump has any truly close friends.
John Brews (Reno, NV)
Instead of Putin, Trump is modeled after Kim Jong-Un of N Korea.
jim emerson (Seattle)
Truth? What's that? It's whatever is in Donald Trump's head at the moment.
dilbert dogbert (Cool, CA)
If the editors really want to raise the hackles on mr trump's neck, just enclose the wordPresident like this """president""".
Bernard Vonnegut (Illium, NY)
Calm down, everyone. It's like trying to train Iago. When the he announced, from behind Kellyanne Conway's apron, that he had changed his mind about releasing his taxes, he began his perp walk down the steps of Tax Court.

When Othello inquires why the demi-devil, Iago, did what he did, Iago replies,

"Demand me nothing: what you know, you know: / From this time forth I never will speak word" (5.2.303-304).

BTW, I thought I caught the Shakespeare-hugger in a glaring misquote because shouldn't there be an article before the last word? But I checked around The Internet and it looked like the entire elite read the same edition of the play. Word.
violetsmart (New Mexico)
I am amazed at how fast top politicians and staffers of US agencies are folding.
Indivisible Chapelboro (Carrboro, NC)
This is making people everywhere furious. I have never seen such a wide swath of fury! We have put together a protest here in NC for tomorrow within only the past 3 hours and encourage others to do the same. Step up to the plate!

Emergency protest of Muslim ban, Sunday, noon, Peace & Justice Plaza, Chapel Hill Post Office, 179 East Franklin St., Chapel Hill, NC
Sponsored by Indivisible Chapelboro

And tell everyone you know: The only countries exempted from the ban are those in which Trump has business interests, of course!
FW Armstrong (Seattle WA)
Is he really president?

Are you the winner if you cheat? Slander, Russian involvement, FBI collusion, and threats of violence...and the repeated lying.

Trump and his Confederate want-to bees are illegitimate and likely traitors. Please do not refer to them as legitimate.
Wyman Elrod (Tyler, TX USA)
We are not going to get out of this without some head of state - perhaps our own - setting off a nuke! We have arrived at the precipice so try to get prepared for anything. The NYT will not tell you this either. At least not yet.
jjohannson (San Francisco)
Is this guy still Trump's doctor?

If so, can we insist on a second opinion? STAT?
ZOPK (Sunnyvale CA.)
Bannon is running the "white" house. trump is his puppet
Texan (Texas)
Trying to put a "handle" on this guy and used Wikipedia with a couple of results:

EGOMANIA - read the details for yourself but "the condition is psychologically abnormal!"

NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER - again, read the details for yourself but "it is a personality disorder!"

If this man had to make a decision between the "best interest of the country" or "protect his ego" - based on his "to date" behavior - what decision do you think he would make?
Trump as Masha Gessen said yesterday strips the meaning out of language. That alone is dangerous. He is Commodus45. He is not a moral man. He must not rule.
Ken Calvey (Huntington Beach, Ca.)
To quote the former president of Mexico, Mr. Fox, "Trump handles information like a virus."
NWTraveler (Seattle, WA)
Trump cannot win the inaugural crowd size battle no matter how many times he whines about it. But because it obviously drives him nuts please devote continuing coverage to the poor turnout. Any subject matter that rattles Trump's cage is a good thing. Here are some headlines for future articles: "Fewer babies are being named 'Donald' due to Trump's Election" or "Scotland Detains Trump When He Tries to Visit - Not Allowed Entry" or "Studies Show the Longer a Man's Tie Is the Smaller his . . . ". Well, you get the picture.
Kathleen (Austin)
Trump brings ever closer to us to nuclear war. Of course, with his "alternative facts," he'll just tell us that he has arranged fireworks to go off over every major American city .............
Richard Pokorny (Kinderhook, NY)
I'm terrified. We're heading straight toward fascism and no one seems to be doing anything to stop him. His enablers, Ryan, McDonnell, Preibus, et al won't do anything to stop him. DJT might be mad, but he's president, and who knows what's he's capable of? Read what Philip Roth has to say about this in this week's New Yorker.
Walter Miller (Decatur, GA)
When will the American public and Congress wake up to the fact that, one, Trump is insanely delusional and, two, a threat to our democracy? The time for concerted action to stop him is now, not tomorrow, next week, next month or next year but right now. Who will stop him. Don't hold your breath waiting on the morally bankrupt GOP-controlled Congress. Who can and should stop him? WE THE PEOPLE.
RFleig (Lake Villa, IL)
2.8 million is a bigly number.
patentcad (Chester, NY)
Rule of thumb: The guy who stands up on his barstool declaring that everybody else is a 'LIAR!' usually turns out to be the biggest liar in the room. Trump just amps it up to an epic/global scale, and at the end of this joke, nobody will be laughing, because the punchline may be WWIII.
Dr. Bob Solomon (Edmonton, Canada)
The GOP crowd - in the Congress and in evangelical churches, rust-belt bars, and small town enclaves - has a great opportunity for what Camus called "creating themselves". If they ignore or, worse by far, support Trump's fake facts and undeserved claims, they fail. If they stand up and say "No, in thunder", they win. They get a new-you.
And if they slink away, having done neither, they have missed a great opportunity to show, to discover, to "create" who they are. Hemingway said "morality is what you feel good after." GOP, we are waiting to ss you do something that makes you feel a better person afterward. And, though you may not know it, so are you.
Dominic (Ill)
What we have is a clueless little boy that thinks only of himself and his glory in the white house using it for attention and ego building. He could care less about the job he has been entrusted nor does he really care about the nation as a whole. He ONLY cares about himself and his image and will do and say whatever it takes to build his image to HIS liking. We need a mature adult that know what and how to handle the job.
Mike (San Diego)
Trump will be gone within two years through impeachment,resignation,ill health or other means, However,then we will have his VP to contend with who,while not mentally impaired like Trump,is also a disaster.
Jenifer Wolf (New York)
Trump has a personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder with some histrionic personality disorder and a bit of antisocial personality disorder. Google it people at the NY Times. That way you can avoid repeating the same op ed ad nauseum for the next four years. It's become boring already.
CK (Rye)
Editorial Board need to take two big fat fingers and pinch itself really hard, and realize Trump is politicking. He's good at it, but not so good I can't recognize it and I don't think on politics for a living. What was Trump supposed to say, "Gee yeah, I barely won and the lousy crowd demonstrates that ..."? It makes sense he'd wish to see photos, and the NYT can't name a politician who doesn't see what he wants to see. That a NYT editorial board won't drop the crowd subject is what is weird, not that politicians play politics.

Trump's interview with Muir was brilliant. A politician can do no greater service to his voters than to bring them up as a defense of his views, however much an invention, by that standard he was perfect. For instance he threw a bone to his voters by saying he believes torture works, then made meaningless the view in the same breath by stating he would never do a thing that breaks the law. This is very good politics, very clever. It's shocking the NYT doesn't have the maturity to admit just how smart Trump is at this game. Maybe this memorable quote will jog their holier than thou memory as to how the game is played by the best: "I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made!" - FDR.

For the record I contributed to Sanders and voted Clinton.
Samme Chittum (90065)
Which is the real DJT? Is it the mentally ill DJT--the one who is so unstable, self deluding and addicted to his own self-aggrandizing narratives that he cannot process objective evidence--such as photographs and facts--that threaten his manufactured version of events? Or is the real DJT a cynical, master manipulator (DJT the con man and promoter) who sees the art of exaggerating and lying as interchangeable--mere tools at his disposal to win, i.e, destroy his enemies and enhance his power, influence and wealth. Recently, we have seen both DJTs on display and acting in consort! His latest round of lies that can be quickly disproved by visual evidence and easily verified facts seem to suggest he is mentally unstable. Yet he is also immensely cunning and coercive--he personally called the head of the National Park Service to demand he magically produce photos that proved DJT's inauguration crowd was larger than Barack Obama's. It's also clear he intends to do his utmost to undermine and discredit the news media, and stifle dissent. What sort of man needs to surround himself with people who tag along to applaud his every statement? He is without a doubt not simply the most bizarre individual to be elected president, but also the most dangerous.
Alfie (Washington)
We should stop asking if Trump can do something dignifying or normal . He is a sick narcissistic clown that is ruining the country... period!
A. Stanton (Dallas, TX)
I get tired of repeating what’s obvious, but as long as we are thinking about transporting dangerous people out of this country, why isn’t Homeland Security booking seats for Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway on the next flight out-of-here?
Larry Yates (New York)
Thank you, New York Times, for a cogent editorial. As long as our press is free to examine and criticize our leaders, we have a healthy democracy.
Rinwood (New York)
Trump's first week was filled with petty distortions and gross lies. He sent Spicer out to lie to the press, and when the reporters didn't believe it the reporters were told to shut up. It's tragic that Trump found enough voters who were willing to believe his lies, but if that's what he wanted he should thank his lucky stars. Instead, he accuses legitimate voters -- who knew better than to vote for him -- of fraud. Trump's biggest sucker is himself.
Web (Alaska)
In short, Trump is a liar and a fascist and a threat to the Republic. I agree. Some of his friends, like Steve Bannon and Lamar Smith and James B. Comey, are also a threat to the country. Ben Franklin said the United States is "a Republic, if you can keep it." All Americans who support our highest national values must work to ensure that the Republic survives this assault by demagogues. Shame on Ryan and McConnell for enabling the overgrown child in the White House.
Patrician (New York)
Donald: you need an alternative to Spicer to spin your lies. Go ahead. Create one more job. At least he won't wear alternative suits. The qualifications should read just one bullet point: "should not troubled by reality or morality."

Till such time, you've got a real jewel and talent in Kellyann Conway. I fully expect her next defense of your lies to outdo her previous one of "alternative facts". She could go 'alternative spin' the next time around. Something like: "is it a lie if everyone knows you're lying?"

That should keep the media busy for a week...

How's your 'alternative media' project coming along? Have your flunkies settled into their role of propaganda arm in the taxpayer funded Voice of Trump, I mean Voice of America? Now that the puppet Congress has eliminated the board of directors that served as a governance, control, and integrity check on VOA you can appoint your own CEO and broadcast your own alternative facts and alternative news.

Perhaps, that's what Bannon meant when he asked the media to shut up. He's got an alternative ready to broadcast alternative news that supports the alternative narrative Trump has been peddling to the folks living in an alternative reality...
Queen Bee (NYC)
The archaic construct of the Electoral College has placed a madman in the White House.

Daphne (East Coast)
Didn't see any crowd count or aerial shot of the anti-abortion march.
J (New York, N.Y.)
There is a check on his power. It's called the Judicial Branch.
Harry (Los Angeles)
Big Brother is telling you and not listening to you.

#DishonestDonald doesn't just tell fibs and lies on a daily basis, he makes decisions based on those fibs and lies. So far, all he has done is to prove that he is incapable of successfully negotiating with Mexico. What next?

The stakes will be much greater soon enough as our enemies test our new president. Lives may be at stake. I can imagine a scenario in which the Republican congress impeaches DJT, but not very soon.
Greeley Miklashek, MD (Spring Green, WI)
I have yet to see the perhaps anachronistic term "the fourth estate" used in any analysis of the distortions of reality presented to the general public by Trump, Conway, Bannon, Spicer, and company. Is the fourth estate not the mandatory counterweight to any government, if it is to called a "democracy". The press is the final critically important antithesis of otherwise potentially totalitarian "news-speak" propagated by a totalitarian government and its allies in the corporate and financial sectors. Without a critical free press, we will not have a democracy. For Mr. Bannon to openly attempt to exercise the power of the office of the Presidency in order to silence the fourth estate is a blatant move toward the demise of any pretense of a democratic nation and move toward the establishment of a totalitarian dictatorship. Thank you NYT for your continued integrity and service to our ever tenuous democracy. You deserve a Nobel Peace Prize, but, then, this battle may have just begun. Know that you are not alone!
Otto (Rust Belt)
School yard bully. Fool, pathological liar.
llj (NV)
Please keep up the great work in exposing the lies and manipulations of DT and his cabinet. You keep us - the sane public - feeling that the there will eventually sanity returned to the US. DT said The NYT is a lousy paper. Whoo-H00! Here's to "lousy". Thanks.
Jack Nargundkar (Germantown, MD)
It is very hard for me to make this apples-to-oranges comparison between Steve Jobs and Donald Trump. But they both seem to be believers in the concept of the reality distortion field (RDF). The RDF was said to be, per Wikipedia’s take, “… Steve Jobs’ ability to convince himself and others to believe almost anything with a mix of charm, charisma, bravado, hyperbole, marketing, appeasement and persistence.”

It is one thing to try and enforce RDF in the technological realm, but quite an alarming concept to accept in the political domain, as Trump is trying to do. As history has proven with “authoritarian regimes around the world,” RDF starts out small and then overwhelms the populace. And so it might become with Trump, as the NY Times Editorial Board suggests, “A closed disinformation loop may not seem like a big deal when the dispute is over crowd size, but the stakes will soon be far higher.”

In a vibrant democracy, such as ours, when the president’s strategic advisor tells the New York Times that “the ‘elite media’ is ‘the opposition party’ and should ‘keep its mouth shut’” all of us should be very concerned. Such thinking, in and of itself, is in violation of the First Amendment. Trump might be comfortable with “fake news,” “faux news” and Fox News but they collectively tell only one side of the story. The elite media is a check on his RDF.
Independent Voter (Los Angeles)
New York Times! Please realize how desperately we need you to tell the truth
about the unhinged lunatic raging through the White House! A coward, a liar, a thief and a degenerate, this maniac is spiraling more and more out of control every day and it is up to the Press to give Americans the truth.

Congress, utterly lacking in courage, morality or even real patriotism, has allowed this infantile buffoon to rain chaos everywhere he goes, and without the media and the People we will soon find this country so damaged we will never be able to repair it.
Michael S (Wappingers Falls, NY)
The left and its running dogs in the press have learned nothing. It is Trump's strategy to divert his enemies with outrageous exaggerations to divert attention from his policies. Trump's base eats up his ridiculous claims and the liberal press spreads them around. We don't need a newspaper to endlessly engage in ha'penny psychoanalysis we need to find out whats going on with Obamacare, trade deals and infrastructure projects.
bes (VA)
You are dead wrong, Michael S. We desperately need newspapers to engage in stories about Trump from whatever angle they choose from psychopathy to policy. That is the only hope of stopping his insanity.
BoRegard (NYC)
Uh...what policies? EO's are not policy. Congress needs to make policy, and have the Prez sign stuff...these EO's are only mucking things up for the GOP. The EO's tie them to things they are not necessarily able or willing to be tied to.
Susan (Paris)
Trump's only truth is "The World According to Trump." His "alternate facts" are the product of a serious mental disorder. He should be strait-jacketed before he destroys us.
JLC (Tucson)
Columns and comments here can be refreshing, which I one reason I recently subscribed to the NYT from afar. The recent TV interview done on ABC included a scolding by Trump: all media needs to be more like FOX because they alone get it right. Corporate for-profit media has to look deeply into its soul and define what they do as a purpose in our society. Media (and I mean all of you in print, television, radio, online) are either the truth, or you are the betrayers of truth looking at the bottom line. FOX should NOT continue to define us all, swinging elections, threatening (even yelling at) people with integrity while remaining so incredibly, so shamelessly guilty of partisan politics. It won't be easy or pleasant or necessarily profitable, but please keep the pursuit of truth in your reporting, opinion pieces and editorials.
WishFixer (Las Vegas, NV)
He is a prime example of what all wealthy parents hope their children become.
If that's not true, wouldn't they speak out.
Eileen Martines (Cranford, NJ)
The idea that he repels the truth is only one of his many repellent characteristics. He gives new meaning to the term "Teflon Don."
Jay Orchard (Miami Beach)
Now you're asking if Donald Trump can handle the truth? Wasn't it obvious during the Presidential campaign that he couldn't? He got elected because millions of voters didn't care about the truth and instead cared only about what they naively believed Donald Trump would do for them. That hasn't changed. I've heard intelligent people say they don't care if Donald Trump has a mental illness or a personality disorder because the Dow has hit the 20,000 mark. Donald Trump's election is a symptom of the utter selfishness which has its grips on too many of our citizens. Unless and until that changes, Mr. Trump won't be the last of his kind to sit in the Oval Office.
Doug Brockman (springfield, mo)
The size of the crowd is meaningless. Its not a mobocracy. Nor a democracy. Its a democratic republic. Thats why you run for the electoral college.
Rich Crank (Lawrence, KS)
I've, multiple times, heard or read David Brooks referring to potus-45 (I've refused to say his name for several months) as - psychologically, I presume - "a 5-year-old." Other people have passed far harsher judgments. Either way, our system has failed the American people if it allowed either a Mussolini wannabe or a kindergartner to lead the nation. I want to know now how that can be fixed so it never happened again. And hopefully the country will survive and recover once he's out of office.
Steve C. (Hunt Valley, MD)
It is doubtful that DT would pass a psychological profile evaluation of IQ, maturity and sanity. Of course those results and the test would be totally rigged. We have begun the reign in the madness of King Trump 1. Voters need to begin to protect our nation against mad King Trump 2. Don't think it couldn't happen. Vigilance, actions, focus, taking time to engage with all elected leaders is the only response to get a different result. 1 day of demonstrating is of some value, but 365 days will start making a difference.
Mike P (Ithaca NY)
Trump is incapable of understanding the truth. He has lived in a bubble (Trump Tower, Mar a Lago) surrounded by sycophants for decades. He has no real friends. He has no idea how real people live or the challenges they face. He is uneducated on every serious issue he has to deal with as president. He lies like the rest of us breathe.

Now he wants to put the United States in a bubble, in the process threatening our national security, eliminating our constitutional rights, alienating our allies, and damaging our economy. The man is seriously mentally ill and is a clear and present danger to the nation and the world. He must be removed before he does something that cannot be repaired.
Steve Ross (Steamboat springs, CO)
Now this essay is sound journalism.

Can a 7 year old with dyslexia struggle through schools with lots of financial backing from his Dad, but with relatively little medical help of the co-morbidities of having a learning disability?

Mr. Trump's inability to speak the truth and his fascination with conspiracies are on the surface, but Narcissism goes to his core.
drspock (New York)
Trump isn't the first ideologically driven president. I always said that President Reagan never let facts get in the way of his conclusions. The difference of course is that Trumps ideology is a patchwork of personal proclivities, and many seem to be made up as he goes.

Despite this idiosyncrasy, those in his government are all right wing ideologues from the GOP. We would be badly mistaken to think that curbing Trump will change this.

These people believe in a militarized police, a militarized state and that American prestige is based on power and our willingness to use it. Ambassador Haley's first statements to the UN were to echo Dick Chenney, 'you're either with us or against us,' and we will take names.

While Trump is undoubtably the leader of this motley crew, there are many in the GOP that relish his authoritarian streak. Paul Ryan is right there on his let's dismantle the welfare state and make America great. Let's pump up our sagging capitalist economy by raiding every repository of public spending. Who cares about improving service, we're making money and lots of it.

Is this really what Trump voters support? They suffer from dilapidated water systems and crumbling roads and the same job losses. They celebrate their veterans but their leaders spend freely on war but become misers and defect hawks when the troops come home.

Trump won't tell the truth or honor it. But the media has to. My guess is that many Trump voters don't really know they made a devils deal
M. McCoy (Charlotte, NC)
What is wrong with the GOP? Trump is acting like a dictator and and the GOP will be calling him "The Dear Leader"
Barteke (Amsterdam)
Dear Americans, you are still bewildered and confused and wonder what to think of the man you elected and the time we live in. It is not difficult. It is not new. It is not post modern. It is plain, old fashioned fascism. No, he is no Hitler or Mussolini. He is Donald Trump. Wake up and unite against him before your democratic institutions are destroyed with the help of the spineless bystanders in Congress and the last independent judge is forced into retirement. Oh, I know you think you are different and it won't happen in the USA. Well, the Germans and Italians thought they were special too. Wake up, please.
Susan Hayes (Monroe Twp, NJ)
I challenge the media to find a way to keep us informed while not feeding Trump's insatiable need for attention. I opened the Top Stories section of the NYT earlier this week and my impression was that every headline had the word "Trump" in it. Find a way to starve the beast while keeping the rest of us fed. You have creative minds. If you can't do it, what hope do we have?
bigmacha (NYC)
To the Editors:

Simply stated the answer to this dangerous, alt-reality that we have entered - 25th Amendment.

Just keep repeating that over and over and over. Maybe someone will actually hear you.
Ron Goodman (Menands, NY)
The GOP will have to be far more embarrassed by Trump than they have been to consider going there. As long as they think he will implement at least some of their favored policies and fear his supporters in the primaries, they will swallow whatever humiliation he dishes out.
Eddie Lew (New York City)
IMO, Donald Trump is the result of America’s major flaw: willful anti-intellectualism by a too large segment of its population, a lack of interest in history, a provinciality, a religious zealotry resulting in a narrow mind and a distorted sense of how our government and the world works; Trump is the manifestation of this flaw.

We tolerated him for a whole year and a half bid for the presidency, knowing full well that he is a failed businessman, a man that survives by loans, lawsuits, conning and conniving his own workers and lawsuits to keep his house of cards from not collapsing - and his ego inlated. His sordid past shenanigans were not exactly a secret, way before he announced his candidacy.

The con man sold us a bridge, and we bought it. Do not blame the Electoral College, we knew this shyster yet we gave him the key to our house and our checkbook.

This is an American tragedy, perpetrated on itself by a willful ignorance of its self-satisfied, provincial mindset, a people who are happy to sleep the sleep of denial because knowing what is really happening beyond their back-yard is too demanding for their incurious brain to process. There is too much knowledge involved.

Fortunately, there is a resistance by many with the capacity for critical thinking, mired in this crucible of anti-intellectualism; however, Trump flourishes, flattering his base's ignorance. He did not become president by chance, the pustule he blossomed into is the result of a disease America has.
JW Mathews (Sarasota, FL)
Trump is what millions of us feared. We turned a ship full of Jews away only to face death, put Nisei in camps, Joe McCarthy ruined lives by his lies. Now we have a dictator wannabe, tutored by McCarthy's hatchet man Roy Cohn, making a mockery of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The GOP is guilty of complacency in all of this and can only redeem itself by impeaching, trying and removing this cancer on our society from office.
Tom W (IL)
The Republicans might be just giving him enough rope to hang himself so they can get in the man they really want, Pence.
Glen Macdonald (Westfield)
Trump creates his won alternative truth. That is what self-absorbed and delusional people do.

Real facts and science are irrelevant to him, especially when they obstruct his pathway to greater power and riches for himself.
Vernone (Hinterlands)
He's a sociopath, which is more common in our world today and highly rewarded. Psychiatrists advise when you come in contact with these people to get away from them. Unfortunately, this one had been elected to the highest office on Earth. Trouble
David (Rochester, NY)
In court its called perjury and can get you fined or put in jail. Is the burden of truth greater in a courtroom than as leader of 300 million people, also considered the "leader of the free world?" In the people we can perhaps trust to keep this man in check, since he wont do it for us.
Norm Spier (Northampton, MA)
Since I've been watching what Federal-stage Republicans have been saying regarding health insurance since sometime before the first Obama campaign, I guess I don't see that Trump crosses that new of a line.

The Republican portrayal prior to ObamaCare was that the current system was really great, and it was impossible to make it any better, with some prominent, respected Republicans indicating that this was "straight talk".

This, despite the fact that, for a huge proportion of the people without secure lifetime-guaranteed health insurance either from a government employer or a high-end private employer, health coverage and paying for health-care was perilous. You might become uninsurable due to a pre-existing condition, you might be ineligible for the high-risk pool, the high-risk pool might be closed or $20,000 a year more than you could pay.

If acutely sick, you could go to the ER, where the EMTALA law says they have to stabilize you, and then you get stuck with the bills until bankrupt. If you have signs of a heart attack or stroke, you have to second guess going to the ER, as it might bankrupt you, or be a pre-existing condition keeping you from insurance in the future.

This all "straight talk", despite success in MA with RomneyCare, and with universal coverage in the rest of the developed world, and subsequent reasonable improvement with ObamaCare.

The new Trump "alternate facts" may have crossed a line, "three not equals four", but I find that really a quibble.
indy.texto (Lille Northern France)
The Romans, experts in rhetorics, had an aphorism just tailored for D Trump " Nemo auditur suam propriam turpitudinem allegans " Those alleging of their own turpitude will not be listened to "
Ralph (Philadelphia)
As Keith Olbermann said, Trump's war is not with the media but with reality. He is clearly mentally sick. The sooner his fellow Republicans can muster up the courage to either get him to resign or to impeach him, the better.
marilyn (louisville)
Trail of Tears. Jackson's legacy. And Trump's legacy too if he is allowed to continue. Who is he to turn us inside out, to reverse even our spoken values even though our actions themselves have sometimes put us to shame? Stop him. Stop him. Stop the KKK. Stop meanness, small-mindedness, hatefulness.
We whites do not need Trump to bully everyone else so we can achieve more, have more. Stop the KKK. Stop Trump. No Trail of Tears here ever again.
Thomas Renner (New York City)
By now it is clear to anyone who listens that trump is a lair that believes his own story. If he has a mental disorder or is just a con man is up to history and doctors to decide. What I am appalled at is the way the GOP in Congress have fallen behind him in lock step. Is having power and getting their agenda passed into law enough to give up their place in human society?
barry (boston, ma)
Given that Putin has been doing away with this enemies and people who know too much, I hope someone is investigating if Wayne Barrett murdered?
jck (nj)
"A closed disinformation loop" also occurs when the news media is strongly partisan such as "The Times".
Those partisan beliefs strongly undermine the "independent journalism" that Americans need.
gregory (Dutchess County)
Facts are not partisan. They describe reality. Reality is not partisan, it is the way things are. Obama was not a Kenyan, Cruz's father did not participate in the assassination of JFK, there were no cheering crowds in New Jersey on 9/11, etc. When the Times and other newspapers (the discussion of what goes on in cable news is for another day) do investigative reporting it benefits the country. In my opinion the Fourth Estate is the most likely defender of our way of life right now.
Steve (Portland, OR)
As I repeatedly find myself saying, where are we going, and why are we in this handbasket?
N.M. DeLuca (Chapel Hill, N.C.)
We are in this handbasket because less than half of the eligible voters in the USA chose not to vote. Of those who voted 46% voted for Trump. We got what we chose. Elections do indeed have consequences. Hopefully, we will not repeat this mistake.
Brian Davey (Huntington NY)
Are any Trump voters having second and third thoughts yet or is it still great?

I would love to hear from any such commentators.
AR (Chicago)
The entity most responsible for Trump and the chaos he has ushered in is Fox News. Fox News is enabling Trump's self-delusion. Fox News is brainwashing millions of Americans. More than Comey or Putin, Fox News is responsible for Trump's presidency.

It is important for friends and family members of Fox News viewers to challenge their loved ones. Ask them, with kindness, to change the channel. Ask them again if they refuse. Keep asking and explain why you are asking. Plant seeds of doubt. Force them to question their choice to watch this network. Force them to defend the habit.
Muffy (Cape Cod)
I have to add that Morning Joe had the clown on each morning for months for a call in lasting 15-30 minutes. I blame Joe and his girlfriend Mica for doing a big part in getting this Buffon elected.
Dick Windecker (New Jersey)
The emperor has no clothes. It is time we all started laughing.
Rev. John Karrer (Sharonville, Ohio.)
Dick: The situation is far too serious to be able to laugh at who is POTUS. Who would have thought that the USA would, one day, have its very own Nero?
Alex (San Francisco)
Everyone who didn't want Trump to be president but failed to vote for Hillary are 100% at fault for this entire mess. Don't bash Trump, bash yourselves.
JimJ (Victoria, BC Canada)
It's hard to believe that a person who appears to be such a buffoon has actually managed to get himself to where he is today. Which begs the question: Is this man crazy like a fox or just plain crazy? Either option is very scary. But if he's actually calculated all of this, then it's downright terrifying.
p_promet (New Hope MN)
“...there’s no check on [Donald Trump's] power except reality...” [op cit, Wayne Barrett]
So what if Trump, the Master Purveyor of "Reality":
1. Continues to imagine his own reality, say, along the lines of, "Mein Kampf"?
2. Then employs, "truthful hyperbole" to transform, "alternative facts" into "Bonafide Truth," to be fed to the public, using, "the Apprentice" formula?
Not possible? That's how he became President--
And that's also what Adolf Hitler did, to become the Fuhrer.
...And we know what happened next...
So what to do?
1. For me? Pray a lot. I have no power to impeach, none to persuade, and no influence in Washington. I will however, complain in writing to my Congressman. May millions of others follow my example.
2. For those in America with real power? I suggest they begin as they usually do, in the run up to an election: Start making plans, to remove President Trump from Office. Think of it as orchestrating a Campaign; only, "in reverse." It can be done, legally and within the auspices of the Federal Constitution. We the People, are depending on it.
3. And as for the mainstream media? Keep up the good work. Now more than ever, you are the true heroes of Democracy.
Trump, like Hitler before him, poses an existential threat:
1. He cannot tell the truth.
2. He will not do the right thing.
3. If allowed to remain in Office, he will drive the entire Nation to wrack and ruin.
...Begin to act now, before it's too late...
A.G. Alias (St Louis, MO)
Donald Trump can't handle the truth - he has been a survivor. He was about to go under & faced personal bankruptcy yrs. ago. But his creditors thought it was better for them to keep him alive than let him drown. And his persistent hubris & erratic habits turned him into a joke!

It's ludicrous to compare him with Hitler, who invaded Russia because of his easy wins earlier, but that move was disastrous. Still when FDR died, he convinced himself that it was a sign that he would prevail, somehow. He didn't & committed suicide.

Similarly, Trump's tactics easily won him the nomination. He didn't adapt for the general, but barely won by under 80,000 votes together in 3 states, but Hillary Clinton had closer to 3 million more votes. He couldn't stomach that & made an insane claim that over 3 million people voted illegally against him, then repeated that unabashedly; he does the same about the crowd size.

The result would be that his extreme reluctance to accept reality could get him into trouble repeatedly. There's a fair chance that he will be impeached. He won't resign. And he COULD then become the first president to be impeached & OUSTED! President Nixon resigned before he was removed.

On the other hand, if his advisers manage to convince him to be more reasonable & he chooses to improve ACA & cut only corporate taxes a bit; then embark on the stimulus, but forget the wall, he could then become one of the greatest US presidents in history - he's strong & charismatic!
Jimmy (Greenville, North Carolina)
Political truth is not the same as other types of truth. Political truth is a moving target than comes and goes.

Political truth is complicated but not as complicated as truth is to marriage.
Hanan (New York City)
Trump has decades of fine tuning his psychological defense mechanisms so that he is never the Fred, Jr. (his brother) who took to swill and had a short life. Fred was berated by his perfectionist father Fred Trump. Donald observed what his older brother experienced and determined he would be the "good" son. Whatever his Dad did was good. Had to be for Donald to maintain a good relationship with Dad. Keep blacks out of the apartments: good; promote deals with spurious tactics: good; suck up all the air in the room whether anyone else could breathe or not: good. Did Donald do anything to help his brother Fred or did he think of him as a loser? Guess.

Trump survived his Dad, but has not overcome seriously damaging developmental issues that he's internalized with gross negativity. He can't see that his behavior is abnormal. Everything he does is good. He has always had sycophants in his midst to confirm he is "great." Trump's had his agenda and they've had theirs e.g. Conway/Bannon. When they've stopped assuring him like former wives have, he is done with you.

Trump is consumed with feeling good about himself; his insecurities are very high. He is emotionally unstable. Has been for decades. No, Trump cannot handle the truth. Whatever he thinks/feels is the truth. He is never wrong. Ivanka & few if any others outside his family support system try to help him manage his demons.

Those who are scared of him are not wrong to be. The POTUS must lead with authority. He is acting.
David Ohman (Denver)
It is important to remember who the Boy-King's real mentor was in his formative years of the 1970s: it was Roy Cohn, the chief advisor to Sen. Jos. McCarthy. Together they ruined people and the careers of anyone they suspected of being in sympathy with communists. Trump is a direct reflection of Cohn's training.

Little wonder the country is heading into so much trouble so quickly.
Christy (Blaine, WA)
Please all you in the media, do not be intimidated by this egomaniacal moron. Only the truth can set us free, and it will eventually be Trump's undoing.
Robert Prowler (Statesville,NC)
The underlying problem is that Trump is a petulant 7 year old in a 70 year old body
Djanga (Dallas, Tx)
Donald Trump has no idea of "the truth." As far as he's concerned, whatever he says, goes. He's barreling toward impeachment and removal from office, which can't come soon enough for America.
Diane L. (Los Angeles, CA)
The willingness to obfuscate numbers and facts to appear the best, biggest and most successful is frightening in anyone in power, If one cannot trust him in what he says, how can we really know what he does?
Dave Cushman (SC)
Some of us elected an insane megalomaniac to be president of our country, and seem, in their incredible ignorance, to be ok with it.
I've bee bemused, because I'm not easily frightened, and somewhat insulated, but none of us are safe.
Some just think so, cowering behind their massive wealth, but they are evil fools.
sherry (Virginia)
Not in my entire life have I seen a candidate so perfectly suited to his supporters who have their own "hostile relationship with the truth." A neighbor who likes to talk politics and I like to avoid accosted me recently to defend Trump. He has no idea how to stick to the topic and throws out all sorts of alternative facts They're too bizarre to remember except for one: he claimed only 1,600 Jews died at the hands of Nazi Germany. We have a nation on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Steve Blacher (Boston)
In my life time I can not remember a darker time in America since the Vietnam war. In only 10 days our Facist President and his White House has turned our world upside down and has covered our skies with dark clouds. He lives in a bubble bathed in lies and unreality. In these 10 days he has already done great harm to our already great country and the world . His executive order banning an entire religion will only make the world a more dangerous place for Americans abroad and at home. I have written to many Republican politicians to speak up and counter this Facist White House. When will we hear from them? Do we have to wait for the press to be silenced, or martial law instated before they speak up and be counted? Do what's right to save our Country's integrity!
OC (Wash DC)
The cowards in Congress who are riding this abomination of a leader into forcing their profiteering and privatization agenda on the citizens of this country are doing it knowingly irregardless of the consequences which are very likely to be catastrophic. They are venturing beyond contempt into high treason. It is vitally important that this regime is held accountable to the fullest extent of the law, or they will destroy the very rule of law and the democracy whose existence is dependent on.
Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. You may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you're not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve. Others may not enjoy being around you, and you may find your relationships unfulfilling.

--Mayo Clinic web site
Michael Kennedy (Portland, Oregon)
His time in the White House has already been far too long. Impeach this sad excuse for a leader of the free world, and rid the executive branch of his ilk.
Susan (Maine)
Congress perform your mandated duty of Exec oversight! Trump is manifestly unfit for the job.
David (Lloyd)
Let's remember the 1930s when a man convinced millions of Germans of a world wide Jewish conspiracy- banning orders and deportations were a key plank in that.
Hank (Bekeley, CA)
The American people have elected an idiot to the presidency. We have no one to blame but ourselves!
Jim Gold (Maryland)
One of the things that gets me is that Trump's press secretary stated, "This was the largest audience to witness an inauguration--period--BOTH in person and around the globe" and two days later he denied claiming that the Trump in person inaugural audience was the largest ever.

Welcome to 1984!
Bruce (Minnesota)
While the public and the Trump Team could see TV coverage of the chaos at the airports yesterday, Trump responded that everything is going well...another lie (or is he really that distanced from reality?) Thanks to the ACLU for its prompt action in fighting this idiocy. While the stay is not sufficient, it demonstrated that the Trump Machine can be challenged successfully.

Now it is essential that the media stay with this story. If and when the government ever provides the names of the detainees, tell the American people who they are in detail. They are Iraqi interpreters who risked their lives for our soldiers, parents visiting their son in college in the US, families fleeing the wrath of a Syrian dictator (and ironically being detained by our own), and there are so many more who never were allowed on a plane to the US...the wife of an interpreter included

We must see their stories - for their own value and also because we can predict that the Trump machine will issue their propaganda claiming that the ACLU has "emboldened terrorists." Steve Bannon is crafting an alt-right narrative that will reach out to Trump loyalists who urgently want to believe that the Glorious Ruler can do no wrong.

And KellyAnne? Her alternative facts are going to be very dangerous!

The news media - and people willing to be involved each week - seems the only way to combat this nasty little man...and the GOP leaders who cannot seem to find their moral compass.
Muffy (Cape Cod)
when I heard Conway was working for him, I knew it was bad news. Of course ad Bannon into the mix and we are headed for a disaster UNLESS the Rs wise up before it happens. I would not go to the bank on that knowing how dumb they are.
klm (atlanta)
I would like to thank the non-voters, the Bernie Bros and Bernie himself, and those who thought it would be a fine joke to elect Trump. I'd like to thank all the voters who hate Hillary because they buy right-wing attacks.
Saint Bernie stayed in the race far after he had a chance of winning, and the GOP had opposition research on him that would have brought him down even if he won the primary. But no, people wrote him in, or voted third party, or didn't vote at all, and now we have an idiot in office and no way to get rid of him.
r (NYC)
you seem very sure about the "opposition research" that would have brought down Sen. Sanders... you still don't appear to grasp just how flawed HTC was...of her very own doing! not only did she lose the very same game she played against Sen. Sanders (working the delegates in the primaries v. electoral college in the general) but she lost it to someone so very plainly unhinged... don't blame those of us who felt Sen
Sanders actually cared about this country, who were essentially told that the fix was in for HRC..."now shut up and vote for HRC"...sorry, doesn't work that way.
Concerned Citizen (Houston, TX)
Can Donald Trump Handle the Truth?
I believe Keith Olbermann has a video that explains Trumps psychology, as described in the piece, allows congress to remove him from office (separate from impeachment). If true, then congress should get on with doing their constitutional duty.
Basia (Chicago)
Why is he spending our tax dollars trying to get an accounting of the crowd that matches his sick, ego-driven perception of his popularity?
Jorge D. Fraga (New York, NY)
Lies and chaos are the base of Trump's Presidency but he is not the problem. The problem is the leaders of the Republican Party and the enablers, including religious groups, who allowed him to be where is he now. By looking only to their narrow ideological interests, they have put the Republc in grave peril.
Jerri Whale (Denver, CO)
Ronald Reagan's statement: "Tear down that wall" was very prophetic in that it refers to the wall in Donald Trump's mind not being able to differentiate between proven fact and reality!

European American (Midwest)
The Constitution of The United States of America, Amendment 25, Section 4.

Should be required reading for all...just so it doesn't come as a great big huge surprise when a "palace coup" begins to take shape.
Paul (Virginia)
The three branches of the US government have become one and it is Trump branch. Good bye, check and balance and democracy and the Constitution.
vulcanalex (Tennessee)
What truth? That the total audience world wide through all methods was larger than ever? That the reporting of the physical crowd with a comparison to a previous president was biased? That most of the coverage by this paper is highly biased? What truth?
SMB (Savannah)
The actual truth where it is easily proven that Trump's inauguration crowd was much, much smaller than that of President Obama and that of the Women's March. If you do not believe the many photographs, then look at the Metro numbers.

Delusions and propaganda are not truth. Kind of sick to keep citing false news anyway.
Rick (ABQ)
The truth you can see with your own eyes.
rpasea (Hong Kong)
It's time for an investigative journalist to find a smoking gun to lead to Trump's downfall and impeachment. We need to find Deep Throat 2.
dramaman (new york)
Dis-information, fake news, carping comments rattle within our zeitgeist. There is a Ghost of Christmas Past & Ghost of Christmas Future about all this.
Reality TV reality seems to be a hologram or mirage. Opinions come & go like chem trails or vapors. Perhaps theater artists can convert the alternative news & disturbing revelations into some Weimar-esque cabaret. The country s consciousness is undergoing a sea change. An accelerated state of being has ensued with villains as hyper obvious as Milton s Paradise Lost.
blindbot (Australia)
When a significant section of your population believe in the literal truth of the bible you have a cohort ready made to accept the lies of a demagogue like Trump. When so many of your leaders cannot except the simple truths of evolution or climate change why would you expect them to question Trump's lies? When so many of your leaders have blundered into unnecessary and destructive wars based on nothing but the fantasies of their yes men, why should people doubt Trump? America, redemption from this catastrophic failure is a long, long way away.
BoJonJovi (Pueblo, CO)
This is the first time my government truly frightens me. Trump is just one aspect of my fright. An untethered republican party with Mitch McConnell, at the helm, is another aspect of my angst and every bit as frightening if not more so. An untethered GOP pretty much means an untethered corporate America where anything goes in the name of money and power, which is frightening as well. A trifecta of fear, a triad of evil. We have our own resident evil and it is loose.
J. Barrett (North Providence, RI)
I'm an American citizen. And a woman. I don't know any refugees. I have no school age children. I have never had an abortion and won't at my age. Yet Trump's policies on these issues anger me. And frighten me. The US is a community - a huge community. And it is being assaulted. Assaulted by people who seem to believe that intelligence is determined by race, that women are inherently incapable of making their own decisions, that education is better left in the hands of people who believe there is a profit to be squeezed out of every enterprise, including the education of our children, and they are so paranoid that they believe an entire country can be understood based on the actions of a single citizen, and that all foreigners present an existential threat.

I feel like I'm in a remake of Alice in Wonderland - only it's a very dark and scary remake. And I would like it to stop.
Karen L. (Illinois)
I grew up loving Superman comic books. So I'm quite sure we've been thrown into the world of Bizarro.
Tom Murray (Dublin)
Surely if the "elite media" is the opposition, then the last thing anyone should want it to do is "keep its mouth shut". Or has Mr Bannon just revealed by his desire to silence all opposition, just the kind of one-party democracy he truly desires? What a twisted attitude; one which is barely acceptable in a news web-site pundit but is completely egregious in a senior White House aide.
Duke Oerl (CA)
An open and honest press- whether in print or online- is absolutely essential in this dangerous time of the demagogue we now live in.
Sharon Gossett (Phoenix)
I'm not so sure that Trump even knows what he signed--he certainly didn't write any of the executive orders. If you get the chance, watch the facial expressions of the toadies--Bannon, Kuchner, Flynn--they can barely conceal their glee. Let the implosion begin.
Ramur (Oz)
This has gone beyond bad manners and rude selfishness. It has made waste of the image of America that we want the world to see. We will be ostracized and spat upon for this in any civilized country.
This man's bigotry, chauvinism, and cruelty does not make America great, it makes it small and mean and antithetical to all that our country's founders intended.
Heysus (Mt. Vernon)
Where are the political leaders with spines? Hello, is anyone out there. It seems that they have all gone underground. Who is going to stop this morass before we are all dead.
seattle expat (Seattle, WA)
Politicians with "spines" may not last very long, unless they can first
educate the people in their gerrymandered districts. Can't undo years
of misinformation in the short time before the next election.
Dwc (Livermore, CA)
Time for the next presidential campaign to begin. Senator Warren and Brown should announce their candidacy tomorrow and begin publically laying out their plans to undo all that is being done. This will give folks hope and allow organizations to do surveys about alternative visions of America.
DR (upstate NY)
Aeschylus pegged this maniac well over 2,000 years ago. The classic image of hubris is the Persian ruler Xerxes flogging the waves of the Hellespont when it broke the bridge his engineers had constructed. Not hard to imagine Trump having a temper tantrum as waves of Mexicans go under, around, and over his wall.
Counter Measures (Old Borough Park, NY)
Are we going to get a continual stream of Editorials about our new President, that I would think most educated and thoughtful Americans would agree with?! Short of grounds for impeachment, which the cowardly and majority Republicans in Congress probably won't agree with, we will have Donald Trump as our President for the next four years! We certainly have a significant dilemma here!!!
Belinda (Cairns Australia)
The first time ever I subscribed to "failing" NYT was last year. As an Australian, I found NYT's willingness to call Trump and his cronies out absolutely vital. As one who preferred Sanders over Clinton, the lack of press devoted to his movement was disappointing. No matter, just over 60 million Americans decided a "reality" TV "star" with nil domestic or foreign policy experience would "Make America First/Great" not matter what the other 640 Billion of us think. And what a choice. Yet again the President seems more concerned with "tweeting" the NYT is "fake news", while people sit in limbo. Truly that alone speaks volumes. Ryan and the rest of the lapdog Republicans need plenty of shaming as well.
garlic11 (MN)
Please would he go away if we gave him a really big mirror and some English lessons? No moral code, just money worship, no understanding of complexity and nuance, no heart for humanity, no connection to nature.

Look at around minute 8:00 in the nyt video of his press conference with May. Hah, the face, can he handle the truth? Obviously not.
Nancy (Vancouver)
What in idiotic question this headline asks. The answer is No. A more complete answer would be that dt* does not know what that word means, other than his needy, emotional truth.

Hasn't he demonstrated that for the last 2 years?

It is past time to move on from reporting his obsession about crowd sizes NYT's. That is so last week. A lot has happened in the meantime.

How about an editorial binge about breaches of the constitution? How about an editorial binge about the wreckage of democracy when a sitting president allows to be said in his name that the press is the enemy, bans people of a certain origin and religion from entering the country (illegally) , appoints people to high office who are... oh what the heck, this is useless.

Move on, get in *front* of him, don't be the tail that is wagged by the dog who thinks he is the alpha.
Robert Salzberg (Sarasota, Fl and Belfast, ME)
Trump is lying to himself but since he appears to believe his lies, he's delusional. A delusional President is far too dangerous to remain in office.
ronaldk204 (Maryland)
Fired up and ready to go! The crooked media is still treating me like a foul odor. So unfair. And now, the ACLU must have found another Mexican judge to block my best executive order. Once my boy Sessions is confirmed, he will know what to do. Such a good man. Maybe put Bannon on the Supreme Court. Need to issue more toothless executive orders. Some will stick if the crooked Republicans in congress don't block them. Great to talk to Putin yesterday. Wish I could have given him a big bear hug. Together we will make the world great again. Time to fire up Kellyanne so she can get ready to take on the hapless Democrats on the dishonest talk shows today. Wish my head would stop spinning and the voices would stop.
Bill (Virginia)
Being president is not the same as marketing apartments. Falsehoods are not innocent.

He is not fit for the office.
George (Spring Lake, NJ)
What is terrifying is that Trump's narcissism causes him to be delusional, rejecting facts that undermine his insatiable ego. Time to begin cataloging these instances to prove under the 25th Amendment that Trump is unfit to serve as President.
T H Beyer (Toronto)
Trump's dangerous psyche snickers at what power
he holds; how a stroke of his pen can cause
global disruption; how he has boxed in the
GOP; how a mighty military is at his whim.

Lies are Trump's tool of choice to serve his
bullying ego.

Anything in the Constitution to right the
wrongness of all of this? Someone, please
find a way to impeach before it's too late.
Deborah (Ithaca, NY)
Donald Trump is scary and sad ... not woefully sad (he doesn't know how to mourn) but "sad" meaning pathetic. He seems to be constructed of rubber and glass, an odd action figure, fragile yet resilient, temporarily selling like hot cakes.

I agree with the portrait of our new, self-deceived president sketched by this editorial.

But, you know, reporters have suggested that Steve Bannon is the man composing many of these merciless, sudden executive orders and recommending cabinet nominees, most of whom have each established a personal history that directly conflicts with the agencies they've been recruited
to lead. Trump isn't the sort of man to have done the research (remember, he doesn't read) to select this vengeful and destructive team of assistants. Bannon could.

I wish the New York Times would investigate Steve Bannon and publish a full, in-depth analysis of his history and his politics. What's sorts of stories did Breitbart publish while he was editor? What statements has he made that clarify his motives ... and his enemies' list? What has he himself written or said about America, its traditions, its future?

Enquiring minds want to know.
Jim (Chicago)
At what point do people begin to suspect mental illness?
Paul (Ohio)
Mr. Trump has clearly lived his life this way. As a private citizen who cared (unless of course you lent him money), but as the President his unfactual rants have both impact and, as we are seeing with the ridiculous immigration ban, real meaning to people. Because of who controls what in the Congress and Senate, it is up to Republican leaders to speak up and take stands (multiple!) against his cavalier approach to the truth. Unfortunately, their silence speaks volumes about their own characters. Who would have ever guessed that Dick Cheyney would be their symbol of courage?
Wall Street Crime (Capitalism's Fetid Slums)
Thanks to our capitalist mindset and the cynical pursuit of profit by our corporate owned media, America has become a self-hating, fearful nation thriving on greed and ignorance.

The media happily legitimized Trump as a goofy, likeable "seen on TV" infomercial huckster saving America from impending doom with life saving kitchen gadgets. Well done!

America took the bait. Desperate for a cure, we purchased a giant bottle of Trump brand snake oil and gulped it down, thinking it would magically improve our lives without requiring any change in our thinking or behavior. We slurped up every last drop, ignoring evidence that the shyster's potions would just make us sicker.

This is entirely the plan, of course. Because once America sips from the well of Trump's toxic extremism, Trump will be right there ready to sell you another, even more toxic mix of ignorance, greed and hatred. Cause clearly the first version wasn't strong enough.

The media enabled and created Trump. They legitimatized, pandered, manipulated and refused to challenge him forcefully until after it is too late. The poison is will scar us for a generation.

Brushing off national anger at the ruling elite's ware against the middle class, NYT and the elite media relentlessly promoted a disliked establishment candidate, even though Democrats had a popular national candidate, Bernie Sanders, who showed every indication of being able to easily beat Trump.

Upside? The media will profit by reporting the chaos.
june conway beeby (Kingston On)
Trump is probably the most dangerous leader in the world today. He is the leader in the fictional book 1984, which was disturbing enough to read as fiction. Now society is about to personally experience that frightening world.
Mike BoMa (Virginia)
Trump, the long con artist, emboldened by his inauguration qua coronation, has become a short con artist. Encouraged if not prodded by his inner circle the pace of Trump's destabilizing actions has accelerated. His rationale for his ill-considered actions is that he sees the U.S. in a crisis that only he can successfully address. (Of course, he's being used by extreme right Republicans to advance their own long-sought agenda.) His ill-informed and singular fixation on Islamic extremism blinds him to the realization that he, and his key advisers, are themselves the immediate threat to our republic and to world stability. Trump's reliance on creating chaos that advanced his business interests, to a point, does not work as presidential policy. This cannot continue. His remaining cabinet and supreme court nominees should be blocked. He will not change and so he must go.
Scott Moss (Campbell's Bay Quebec)
"Two legs good four legs bad" Welcome to Orwellian America.
The vanity and pompousness of this President is reminiscent of the classic George Orwell "Animal Farm", although it dealt with Communism, not supposedly free America. As a teenager I was amused, but not now.
A porcine majority browbeats meek sheep into walking around on two legs, behaving like humans. Let us hope the end is similar to the book's, with common sense prevailing, (though it is a bit too late in the book).
Noreen (Massachusetts)
I agree and hope that more people read Animal Farm,which I believe spells it out much better than 1984. Of course,being an allegory,many might dismiss it as a children's book. I didn't really understand when I read it back in the 50s but I have re-read it over the years and quote from it often. If I was still teaching,it would be #1 on my students required reading list!
JLErwin3 (Hingham, MA)
Trump's pathologic state is so deep that he prefers to tell or believe a lie even when it is to his advantage to cling to the truth.
BLM (Niagara Falls)
“There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide”

John Adams, 1814.

Apparently the American democracy was no exception. And we have nobody to blame but ourselves.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
The Electoral College is the most twisted up simulation of democracy deceiving voters anywhere on this planet.
Splunge (East Jabip)
America is not a democracy, it is an elective republic. John Adams had something to do with that. And it is why Trump is in office right now...
Allan B (Rhode Island)
This week I saw photo after photo of Trump, drunk on power, signing one crazy executive order after another, or regaling his smiling enablers ( even Pelosi and Schumer!) no doubt with heroic stories of his gigantic win.

All the photos were missing was the little notebooks of his adoring followers to catch his every word.

I am saddened beyond belief.
Kay (Connecticut)
We have three branches of government, that they may check and balance each other. This deluded narcissist runs one of them. The legislative branch is controlled by the GOP--nominally Trump's party, as if he has any loyalty to anything. Perhaps they will realize soon enough that he is their monster and they need to control him, or try (and good luck with that). At least they can block some of his actions.

That leaves the judicial branch, which he hasn't eviscerated yet but will try to over the next four years. It stood up today by staying his executive order banning legal entry by people from seven predominantly Muslim countries. May it continue to stand up where congress lacks the courage to do so.

No doubt Trump does not remember civics from the eighth grade, so he will have to be reminded that he is not all-powerful, and that the other branches of government can check him. He will insist otherwise. For some reason, those who are in thrall to him (or just think they owe him something politically--I'm looking at YOU, GOP) are willing to believe anything he says. They need to grow some backbone and serve their function to check the power of a madman. If they don't, the voters will remember.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
The Republicans banked 100 vacant judicial seats to fill with religious fanatics. Watch them do it.
M. (Seattle)
Adults are finally in charge. Liberal tears won't stop it.
Jude Ryan (Florida)
Abusive and deranged adults are not people who ought to be "in charge." Your satisfaction with he status quo is the abused child defending its abusive parents out of fear of greater harm. Sad.
Robin (Cambridge)
What about Trump seems mature and adult-like to you? Genuinely curious.
SMB (Savannah)
Did you actually read the editorial? Trump is delusional and is spouting lies. The crowd for his inauguration was clearly much smaller than that of President Obama. Why does denying an obvious fact make Trump an "adult". Republicans have elected a lunatic bigot who is a fascist.
H J L (Wisconsin)
Narcissistic Personality Disorder cannot tolerate what is known as "narcissistic injury." This will not change, so expect frequent meltdowns to protect image. Personality Disorders in general cause chaos in the lives of others, and now we have one dangerously going nuts in the White House. Be The Resistance. If your Congress people don't speak up then call them, as I did and make it known that yes indeed I will vote you out.
Patrioptics (New York NY)
I have to say these recitations of the pathologies of Donald Trump are starting to get a little repetitious and tiresome. As the first 7 days has shown, the man is unfit for the job, has no grasp of reality, never has and never will. So yes, "oops, we made a big mistake." Got it. Don't need hear more "can you believe he said THAT.". The question is, what can we do now?

I propose a modest plan. We've had 5 million people in the streets, let's organize ourselves to focus on ONE THING for the next 2 years. This is the only practical way we're going to get rid of this guy (short of 25th Amendment removal), and it involves the following steps:
(1) target 25+ Republican House seats and pour all our energies into local activism to flip them in 2018. Remember the Tea Party flipped 50 seats to the Reps in 2010! With far fewer activists than we have today. blueprints how to do it.
(2) Flip 3+ Senate seats using the same tactics.
(3) Impeach him in the House (pick from a menu of possible articles of impeachment).
(4) Convict and remove him in the Senate. Goodbye Trump.
(5) Block President Pence on everything he tries to do. Wait 2 years.
(6) Ride a post-Watergate-like wave of regret and anger to put a decent, patriotic American in the White House in 2020, backed up by super-majorities in both Chambers. Goodbye Republican Quislings.
(7) Begin cleaning up the mess, getting on with the people's work, and rebuilding the integrity of our once great country.
Cold Liberal (Minnesota)
I wish the DNC would interview you for the job.
Chris (Arizona)
I am not a psychiatrist, but living in a fantasy world is a symptom of his NPD. My mother suffered from NPD, and she too lived in a fantasy world of being superior to everyone else, could do everything better than anyone else and the truth was whatever she wanted it to be. She was also a liar and got very angry when anyone challenged her beliefs that were often delusional.

Sound familiar?
Sal (SCPa)
There is one explanation for DJT's behavior: NPD. It should be the topic of all discussions about his behavior, yet it is not. I'm disappointed that the NYTimes has failed to tackle this topic head-on and educate its readers, the ones who are not familiar with the disorder on a personal or professional level.
BillQ (Charleston, SC)
It's a shame that the media steadfastly sidesteps stating the obvious: Donald John Trump has a narcissistic personality disorder and is a pathologic liar. Sooner or later, the people and the Congress will recognize his illness, and Congress will institute proceedings to rid our nation of our budding tyrant... if he doesn't push the nuclear button first.
Steve (Wayne, PA)
While a President that won't admit the truth is concerning, it is the 'Millions of people agree with me when I say that" that is of more concern. How did we get to a fact-free country?
Rachel Rose (Los Angeles)
I agree completely with the other posters: Trump is a deranged individual that needs to be impeached by his own party.
Nevertheless, we are forgetting one important and very worrisome thing: he has the support of millions of our fellow citizens...and we are all citizens -- the educated and the uneducated. Trump supporters and progressives.
What do we do now that we know that a good 40% of the country supports this buffoon? Should the entire west and east coast leave the US and form their own countries?? We are really at an ideological war with our fellow citizens. Yikes!
Shar (Atlanta)
How long will it take, how bad will it get, before Paul Ryan, Mike Pence and Mitch McConnell finally are forced to put country before party and impeach this unfit, unelected, mentally ill man?

Republican corporate donors prize their privileged perqs over any social policy, as witnessed by the income chasm they delight in. How much damage to individuals, how many blows to American global influence, how deep the constitutional undermining will the wholly-misnamed Grand Old Party stand for before they wrench their claws out of donor pockets and defend the country?
Steve Bolger (New York City)
Those three stooges are not going to be any improvement on Trump.
WorldPeace (California)
Look up "Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder" on the Mayo Clinic website.
You have trouble handling anything that may be perceived as criticism. You may have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation. To feel better, you may react with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make yourself appear superior. Or you may feel depressed and moody because you fall short of perfection.
DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder include these features:
Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
Exaggerating your achievements and talents
Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
Requiring constant admiration
Having a sense of entitlement
Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
Taking advantage of others to get what you want
Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
Being envious of others and believing others envy you
Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
Narcissistic personality disorder crosses the border of healthy confidence into thinking so highly of yourself that you put yourself on a pedestal and value yourself more than you value others.
Cliff (Philadelphia, Pa.)
The truth is what Donald thinks it is. And his version of the truth, as distorted by his and Steve Bannon's mental illness is troubling. These two mentally ill men stand a very real chance of destroying our nation unless the Republican majority in Congress stand up to them. Everyone else in the nation is just along for the ride right now. Everyone else in the nation are like children in the back seat of a car being driven by their angry, drunk and mentally ill father. Helpless.
Scott (Hallowell, Maine)
Donald does not purposefully lie, he just has not connection with reality, no connection or understanding of the truth. He is a gold plated vacuous shell with a mental illness. And now he is our President.
David Ohman (Denver)
Recently, Stephen Bannon, the alt-right control knob attached to Trump's brain, told the major media to shut their mouths and, if they really want the "truth," they should just come to the president directly. Of course, that's like going to Fox Noise instead of

So the media has fired back, in this case it is the NYTimes editorial board going on offense. The president and his closely-held operatives have thrown the gauntlet on the floor. Now we must see if other major dailies share that gauntlet with each other to fire volley after endless volley of truth to the American People. As this editorial notes, Trump has an allergy to the truth and will simply continue firing blanks to defend himself.

The media will not get into a food fight with Trump. But the media will, from this day forward, retaliate with intense investigative reporting. Simultaneously, the battles will rage in the courts with lawsuits filed by an endless stream of groups armed with legions of Constitutional lawyers to tie up the president and his minions for months or years.

What we will see as the days, weeks and months roll on, will be a change in the national mood resulting in something just short of a palace coup. Trump will be driven from office because the American People will have had enough of him in short order. Only Trump's fans will weep for him.

This should be a teachable moment for Veep Mike Pence, too.
Bob (Nebraska)
Your post indicates one thing, "Hope", thank you, I was needing it.
Tabula Rasa (Monterey Bay)
Is there a point where the realty of being President trumps the tv personalty? Will there be a Cabinet intervention moment at Camp David? What could a trigger point be that invokes the Nixon Schlesinger moment when the JCS is told to have State or Defense be the nuclear gatekeepers for the Presidents unilateral action? The atomic clock has moved closer and time's a-wastin for cooler heads to preveal.
Richard Kirk (Rockford, Illinois)
Whether the unfounded, untruthful, unsound, unreasoned, unreal statements President Trump and his administration make come from deliberation or delusion, they are the same either way and should be called what they are: Propaganda.
Alden (Kansas)
We might as well go tell a tree what we think about the trumpet. It's all been said before. Other than giving us all a chance to vent it accomplishes nothing. We can vent to a tree in our backyard and have the same impact on society. If the courts can stop the trumpet, we need to support the courts. If the congress can stop the trumpet, we must support the congress. We have to find a way to stop this crazy man and his racist agenda.
Alan (Sarasota)
By reading the comments to this article is seems everyone agrees about the mental state of our president. Some comments call for using the 25th ammendment to remove the president. Some comments say that the republican leadership will get tired of him and do the right thing, I disagree. The majority party now has what they have been dreaming for, complete control of two and soon to be three branches of government. It is up to the people of this country to use the ballot box in 2018 and take away the legislative branch. Sitting home on election day is just a dangerous as electing a mad man president.
pbrown68 (Plymouth, Mass)
Trump's fabricated world is a function of his sociopathic personality. He lies in a very focused manner to get what he wants while creating his own reality. He has been able to do this his entire life. Now, unfortunately and sadly, he is subjecting the U.S. and the world to his sociopathic tweeting ways. I applaud the federal judges for pushing back.
Amys (Philadelphia)
We all know this. I think the people who voted for him knew he didn't tell the truth or have much grasp of facts or interest in morality. They were looking for a leader of alternative facts--an alternative leader.

So now what? How do we go forward? How do we convince the true believers that they believe in a false god? I'm embarrassed and ashamed by our president, but millions are proud of his shenanigans. Where is the opposition? We don't have a tradition of a strong oppostion that can speak clearly with one voice. We need a firm and engaging alternative to the alternative to show that there is a better way.
Adirondax (Southern Ontario)
Trump is the final manifestation of the frail, hollow, income inequality pillaging era that began with Reagan.

The snake oil salesman has ascended the throne. And brought with him a group of nasty boy sycophants. Their intent is to challenge the very tenets of the Republic. Even destroy it if necessary.

As the political pendulum swung to it's most rightward point, chaos was bound to reign. It had to get folks off their duffs and out into the streets.

The good news for the country is that the Donald knows no other way. So he will continue prodding the citizenry in exactly the same manner.

It's what the country needed to begin real change. As Obama told the nation several times, "change starts from the bottom, not the top."

Now, if the Gods are with us, that work has begun.
holly bower (NYC)
We now have a psychopath as president. If in doubt, check below
characteristics and demand Congress dump this mentally sick man
before his damage to the World is irreparable.
A lack of shame
Constant lying, manipulation, or attempts at isolation
Ability to remain calm, even in extreme circumstances
Charm, intelligence, huge ego, and immaturity
Uncalled for violent behavior
Micro expressions of anger
Easily offended
Narcissistic tendencies
Use of intense contact to manipulate
D. DeMarco (Baltimore, MD)
Will Republicans continue to be blind, deaf and dumb about Trump?
Their willful ignorance is going to destroy our country.
I'd like to remind every single elected Republican - you swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Supporting a madman doesn't do that.
Do your job. The man is unfit.
gv (Lander, WY)
The main question to me is what makes a large number of people prefer the 'alternative truth' of Trump tweets. Words are re-interpreted. Everything is re-defined to make those tweets and the cowardly support given them fit their blind rage. All the makings of a fascist party.
manfred marcus (Bolivia)
What a sad state of affairs for the united States, having to live with Trump's constant lies and insults...and becoming the laughingstock of the world. A huge danger as well, as a sick narcissist becomes the fraudster-in-chief. We tend to confine psychiatric cases to schizophrenia, paranoia and depression, among others, forgetting the inherent danger of a deranged individual unable to see the truth staring at him. He invents facts as he goes, and is now trying to use his hapless enablers to toe his line. His ignorance makes him highly arrogant, 'unable' or 'unwilling' to learn from others. The sad title of "Ugly American" suits him to a tee. Too bad there are the Bannon's, Flynn's and Conway's perpetuating the falsehoods of an irresponsible, fatuous and unscrupulous 'boss'. Is this a crude copy of what the 'mafia' used to be? And trying to muzzle the press, and discriminate at will, abuse the power of the presidency to satisfy his ego? Is this democracy of ours being held captive by pirate Trump?
catgirl54 (Annapolis)
The Trump presidency will be a stain on this country's history. Right out of the gate, he has been more interested in photo-ops showing him wielding his mighty flair rather than making considered, thoughtful policy decisions. This latest move -- the Muslim ban, couched in prettier language -- is just disastrous. On my Facebook page, his ardent voter base write that they think everything he does is perfect, and the mainstream media is the demon. There is no arguing with these people, as, like their dear leader, they don't let facts get in their way.
DiTaL (South of San Francisco)
Some questions for the Republucan members of the Senate and the House:

Do the Republican members of Congress not realize that they are going down a path that will lead to dire consequences not only for this country but for the entire world? Do they not realize that chaos has already ensued as the result of them continuing to prop up a mentally incompetent and psychologically unstable person as president? Do they not recognize the empirical fact that significantly more people marched in D.C. and across the country in protest AGAINST the president the day after the inauguration than gathered to witness the swearing in, navigating all the empty white spaces on the National Mall on the day of the inauguration? And what about those that gathered all over the world in support of Americans who are shocked and appalled that the travesty continues?

Do the Republucans in Congress not realize that Americans will continue to collectively rise up in even greater numbers as time goes by and that something awful, something catastrophic is in the wind?

How can they continue to be so blind to their own folly, born of hubris, and to the disaster that looms for the country in the not too distant future?
Steve Bolger (New York City)
They want to get their imaginary God to manifest itself, and they won't quit until it does.
john Metz Clark (Boston)
Does it occur to the medical society, that we have a president that is mentally unstable. If his actions so far are not cause for impeachment, we will look back on this time and think, my God why did we not do something.
Donald Trump's fantasy world is becoming many peoples reality world. Let us please think of the hardships physically and emotionally that he is causing. I asked the American medical Society to please step in and say something.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
Belief that nature has a human personality reveals a person who is still a child. Psychology tiptoes around this basic fact.
Barbara Brundage (Westchester)
I've had the unfortunate experience of dealing with this kind of behavior from an older sibling, a parent and another significant relationship in my life.
The pattern is disturbingly and frighteningly familiar.
You cannot reason with a narcissist - they just deny and double down, shutting out any alternate views regardless of the facts, and resent you for pointing out the truth.
Seeing this pattern of behavior in the the current president, who is being aided and encouraged by people in his inner circle with their own cynical, toxic and dangerous agendas is terrifying.
Chuck in the Adirondacks (<br/>)
Is Trump headed toward a total meltdown if one or more of the various aspects of reality that he denies catches up with him in a way that he can't deal with? Then what? He seems to be working himself into a frenzy now, so early in his presidency, and there are no brakes on him. This seems unsustainable. It's also scary. There could be huge suffering as a result of what seems to be developing.
Mogwai (CT)

But do you think any of the true drivers of policy, the Far-Right, care? They probably love the distractions.

I personally love the way the Liberal media chases the distractions like the little kittens they are. I think the Liberal media put Trump into power with that. I really do.
Sanctuary Citizen (California)
NYT editorial gives me hope with this scathing assessment of Trump because following the empowering Women's march, I wrote the White House, wrote Trump directly.
As a long time letter writer to the Presidents, with several to Obama, Clinton, Bush, Reagan in past years, I have always felt free to air my authentic, truthful opinions as an involved, conscious citizen.
However this time its different. I am highly attuned to Trump's nasty tendencies for revenge, and gas lighting.
After my scathing letter, I am filled with anxiety, which borders on a sort of paranoia, that something this little citizen said will get under this thick skin and Comey and Pompeo will "handle this"..
It's enormous and frightening, the web of fear this creepy administration is spinning. We need each other to keep our eyes peeled, to speak truth, always and often. We need art, literature, humor, books and more art to guide us through this dangerous swamp, to make sense of it among good, truthful people.
This is clearly a job for Dr. Seuss.
its hard times in Whoville folks, hard times in Whoville...
Joanne R (Wisconsin)
Sounds like you are at least as old as I, so you don't have much to lose. Whatever else you were planning to do with the rest of your life, don't succumb to paranoia. Live loud and wear a pink hat every day. Resist. Become an expert user of the monkey wrench. Make it hard for them. They think this will be easy. It's up to us to show them this is not Germany in the 1930s or even Iran in the 70s when the mullahs took it over. We have a deep democratic tradition to lean on, unlike any other in the history of nations.
Reed Erskine (Bearsville, NY)
Nixon, G.W. Bush, and now this? If we thought the Republicans had produced some of the worst presidents in American History, shame on us for lacking imagination. If America survives this Republican president, we could even begin to imagine a future Republican chief exec worse yet than our current tyrant-in-training. How long can America (and the world) survive the unbridled ignorance and arrogance of Republican Rule?
Joanne R (Wisconsin)
The Republican brand has been bought and paid for by global corporate criminals who have no interest whatsoever in our Constitution, human rights, or any of the other pesky details that made us, in our own minds at least, a beacon of liberty around the world. That's over now. Those who clung to that branding will be the first and biggest losers now that the brand is going to be 'repositioned.' I imagine the internet controls will soon be in place, as will certain restraints on free speech for the sake of national security.
Nancy (Corinth, Kentucky)
The GOP cynically allowed him to run and to be elected, thinking he would be content with the limelight while they pushed their Big Money agenda behind the scenes.
But even the limelight is not bright enough! (Crowd size) He has to make sure nothing happens behind the scenes. They could have "repealed" the ACA to take effect on a date TBA, but he had to grab attention, making promises that were nowhere within their power to supply. Now they're stymied.
When his stance on immigration was criticised during the campaign, Republicans were careful to distinguish "legal vs illegal." So he slaps out an EO whose first, highly visible, effect is to bar legal admittees, holders of valid visas, green cards and even some citizens.
Can't wait to see how McConnell is going to smooth this one over.
Then it turns out (via tariff) that WE are going to pay for the wall.
I find optimism in the possibility that his main achievement as President will be to demonstrate, as the opposition has never been able to do, the hypocrisy and cynicism of the Republican Party.
Jackie (Missouri)
So the way it works in Congress is, if the Clintons or the Obamas or any Democrat does it, it's wrong and worthy of imprisonment, but if Trump or Bush or any Republican does it, it's okay and perfectly legal. Got it.
KM (Fargo, Nd)
Trump and Bannon are stoking terror. They want to see blood on our streets. These men desire war. We need to impeach Trump, hold the republicans responsible, and stop this descent into hell.
phoebe (NYC)
perfect description of a man who skirts with the unreality and fantasy of psychosis.
seth borg (rochester)
Trump may be Falstaff in this reality show, but the author of these executive actions knows what he is doing. Bannon, in one week, has undermined the very bedrock of this nation. His stated purpose is chaos and anarchy. Two individuals, along with a cowardly Republican leadership, have brought a 240 year democracy to its knees.
We, all of us, must stand together and stop this fascistic and tragic turn of events, for ourselves, for our children and grandchildren, and for those seeking the same sanctuary that our parents and grandparents were offered. The beacon known as The United States of America, is dimming quickly. We must, with all means possible, rekindle it's flame...
Ralph (Philadelphia)
The problem superseding all others, regarding Mr. Trump, is the fact that he is mentally sick. A secondary issue is the cynicism and political calculations of McConnell and Ryan. They obviously need to get behind a movement among fellow Republicans to effect Trump's resignation or, failing a resignation, bring about his impeachment. They will do so only when they figure their own political positions are in jeopardy.
Nemo Leiceps (Between Alpha &amp; Omega)
It's a shame that the "meat" of this article is at the bottom. We're tired of hearing about the size of crowds even if trump isn't but that tired bored effect is what trump wants and needs, as the bottom of this article well presents. It is the first step to soften, discipline and manipulate even those who do read and pay attention into a compliancy and unlikely to react or act when coming waves of even more blatant self-dealing, even criminal lies are distributed at "alternative truth" straight from the horse's mouth.

We've already shown trump and the gop can go further by not raising the Russian investigation combined with the other vote manipulations to the level of Watergate investigation. We've allowed a shameful dodging of both trump's finances and the practices and finances of an absurdly wealth backing cabinet all flying in the face of campaign promises to lead for the working people of this country.

Big Brother is here and we've done nothing.
Texas voter (Arlington)
Trump is a dangerous fool, being propped up by fools surrounding him. All his Executive Actions so far are not only illegal, but has sowed wild chaos. America's reputation is in tatters. Hundreds of legal permanent residents are in detention or stranded at airports all over the world. World leaders are beginning to taunt and humiliate him openly - Nieto of Mexico, May of UK. How can we make this ignominy end before it is too late?
Jon (Skokie, IL)
Republicans who value our democracy over partisan interest must step forward now to tell the truth when Trump lies or institutes policies that large majorities of Americans oppose. Are there enough to stop this train wreck or will We the People have to replace them in 2018 and beyond?
Ranse (IL)
To the Trump believers:
I am a scientist; truth and objective reality are very important to me. I accept as fact what I can see with my eyes and verify with experiments and knowledge. These issues about crowd size and voter fraud aren't about liberal versus conservative viewpoints; it is about reality versus fantasy. The fact that a President and his followers cannot tell the difference due to their fanatical ideology is a serious problem for our country.
There is no such thing as "liberal reality" or "conservative reality" in this world; gravity is real regardless of your politics. To blindly follow a demagogue and never question him is the mark of a religious fanatic. For example, if you want to follow him off a cliff because he told you that there is no such thing as gravity, then go ahead. The problem here is that your "savior" is forcing all of us, believers and nonbelievers, to follow him because he is also the leader of the country we, all of us together, live in.
I believe in gravity -- if I drop a rock, it will fall. I have seen it with my own eyes. That is objective reality and not a political viewpoint. The reliable media are trying to tell everyone that there is such a thing as gravity because it is an objective fact. If enough of you will stop believing in "alternative fact" and quit following a delusional messiah, we can keep everyone from falling off that cliff. The choice is yours: work with us to make America better, or follow a madman to our mutual oblivion.
Moses (The Silver Valley)
For Trump, it is an alternative truth. he really doesn't care about the truth being the pathological liar that he has so ably demonstrated.
Bertoray (Oregon)
As I mentioned elsewhere, this Trump fella evokes Yeats' Second Coming, wherein the center cannot hold. This rough beast may just unloose a blood red tide.
opinionsareus0 (California)
Why has no prior living POTUS vociferously opposed this lunatic? I'm puzzled and disappointed with the gaping silence from Obama, BushII, Carter, and others who have run for high office or retired from high office.

Normally, when one or the other party comes to power,the opposing party dislikes some of the changes, but this is *different*. Trump is *fundamentally* challenging many of the *basic* rights that are embedded in our Constitution, as well as norms of international decency and predictability that have been established over a few dozen decades.

Why the silence? The press should not have to do this on its own. Silence in the face of what Trump represents is not acceptable. We need past POTUS from both sides of the aisle to come out and call Trump for the pathological liar and dangerous person that he is.
CBRussell (Shelter Island,NY)
Why the silence about Trump being mentally ill....this is what needs to be
said by the American Medical Association...NOW...!!!!
Judy Boykin (Moncure, NC)
Valid fear of retribution.
Pen M. Hutchinson (Baton Rouge, LA)
We have elected a narcissist who is obsessed with shaping reality to fit his grandiose notions of himself. And lo, beware the fury that will erupt when he gets frustrated with his perceived lack of progress.

We desperately need someone with a grappling hook to pull this clown off the stage.
Donna (California)
This Sunday Review should have been pulled in light of the newest Immigration ban and world-wide chaos. The Editorial posed a rhetorical question about future events- well, the future is upon us.
MarshallB (Seattle WA)
He is an extreme narcissist and a pathological liar who revels in bullying and thinking he is the center of the Universe. His toadies can't keep up with his aberrations, and he has a very outsized view of what his powers are in office. He either will succumb to something like a stroke or massive heart attack or will be impeached and convicted or soundly voted out of a second term. Too many who voted for him will lose from his and his billionaire cabinet's policies.
John Radovan (Sydney, Australia)
Presumably at least some Congressional Republicans share these concerns. Does their apparent obsequiousness to Trump mean they are just giving him enough rope to hang himself?

Or are they simply just unprincipled, gutless wonders?
James (NYC)
He will be gone soon. GOP and Democrats, together, are already working on the plan for his removal - legally. That's straight from the top of the food chain in Congress. My German buddy, a lawn mower repairman, was in line at Home Depot in Virginia, and overheard two Hispanic golfers talking about it.
Realist (Suburban NJ)
If someone does like me and does not want me then I won't visit then or seek refugee in their home. There are other 200 odd countries that I can visit or apply for refugee status. I don't understand the Uproar. I also expect a lot of Muslims not going back to visit their countries and maybe not getting radicalized. America is a leader, time to act like one, not like a common grunt.
bill t (Va)
The liberal media has to be dumb and blind if they don't see how they are trashing President Trump at every opportunity. Our press is so dominated by liberals, that in their bigoted view, liberalism is the only truth and any challenge to it's dictums is unacceptable, and anyone doing this has to be destroyed.
Joanne R (Wisconsin)
Our founding fathers were "liberals." Our greatest presidents were all "liberals." Go back to your Fox News show, bill t. You can't handle the truth.
Vic (Hell's Kitchen)
In his 70 years on the planet, Trump has never done one thing for anybody except himself. It seems to the presidency will just be the latest vehicle for his delusional and self-serving ways.
Doug Mc (Chesapeake, VA)
It seems we are in an alternate reality show which could be titled the Wheel of Distortion. Instead of riches or a new car or a new home, we have spots for "narcissist personality disorder", "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" and "bipolar disorder" among other gems. Each day, Mr. Trump spins again and we shudder to see what comes up next. One week down, 207 to go.
David (California)
Alternative fact: The president, wearing a suit tailored from the finest fabric, was greeted by the largest inauguration crowd in history.

Fact: The president has no clothes.
Grey (James Island, SC)
He will continue to sustain his illusions as long as a gutless Congress sits idly by and allows him to wreak havoc on American principles and the Constitution, and his loyal, willfully ignorant supporters, who agree with all his decisions which confirm their fears, wear their brown shirts and cheer him for "making America Great"
johnw (pa)
Trump and the republican blitz of lies undermines our constitution and rule of law. The real news are the facts buried under the lies for the last eight years. The media needs to continue to confront this effort to legitimize mob rule.
Joanne R (Wisconsin)
The media needs to BEGIN to confront the blizzard of lies they've been party to for the past 30 years or more, including the NYT and all the rest. And this is not mob rule. That's part of the big lie. Ask yourself who paid to elect the Republican majorities in traditionally moderate or even liberal states? Who owns the media? Who paid to put Trump in office? Hint: it was not Trump himself.
DebraM (New Jersey)
"Rather than admitting he had no evidence, Mr. Trump said: “You know what’s important? Millions of people agree with me when I say that.” In other words, facts aren’t important; blind trust in a leader is."

That is actually the most disturbing part of this editorial. If millions did not accept what he says at face value despite either no evidence of his statements of evidence to the contrary, he would not be such a danger.
J (Walled Lake)
I hope every single Trump supporter is haunted by their vote, and I hope every 'conscience' voter who couldn't stomach Hillary's email problems made contact with their minds and has attained some form of clarity.

And while I get chaos theory and how the instability might generate more 'interesting possibilities,' Brian Eno's hopefulness (not mentioned here, btw) in light of the Brexit and Trump era reflects a privileged bubble, insulated by wealth enough to protect him and his from the ensuing grim realities. Oblique Strategies might work well in the studio but not so well with an unaware player holding nuclear codes.
RLW (Chicago)
Mr Trump is petty and insecure. No doubt about it. He displays his childish insecurity every time he is in the public eye. How can such a flawed humanoid with no humanity and no real personal accomplishments have become POTUS? What is in the water in those states that pushed him into the Oval Office? Could Trump be the result of fracking contamination of the drinking water?
Betsy S (Upstate NY)
I'm not surprised that Donald Trump thought the crowd at his inauguration was awesome. It must have been amazing to look out from the perspective of the podium and think, "They're here because I won."
What makes less sense is the people who share the desire to believe that crowd was of historic proportions. There are a lot of factors that make the Trump election less than legitimate. The size of the crowd at the inauguration is not one of them.
KStew (Twin Cities Metro)
Truth alludes anyone who claims to hold it. This is an axiom that goes back thousands of years rooted in many different philosophical persuasions. And it's now year 2017. And even now, we still don't get it.

As long as we remain human---and that's one truth NONE of us can argue with---truth will be a pathetically illusory endeavor due to the human penchant for satisfying its own ego over anything else.

Bringing it closer to home, we find our own truths in the way we posture. Political posturing at ANY COST, with its increasing intensity over the last few decades, has morphed into the kind of extremism that allows "alternate facts."

We've now built a bridge to our demise. And here we are. No other form of international terrorism can come close to the terror we've just brought on ourselves. Checks and balances, the guiding light of what we've always "believed" (a pathetic word) superior in this experiment we call America, is now effectively decimated. And the underlying reason is that we've also decimated our pursuit of truth.
Joanne R (Wisconsin)
This part:
We've now built a bridge to our demise. And here we are. No other form of international terrorism can come close to the terror we've just brought on ourselves. Checks and balances, the guiding light of what we've always "believed" (a pathetic word) superior in this experiment we call America, is now effectively decimated. And the underlying reason is that we've also decimated our pursuit of truth.
Jude Ryan (Florida)
Are we finished laughing now? The dossier of high crimes and misdemeanors is already growing. The only question is who will have the courage and patriotism to act when necessary to end this farce. The world is watching... and holding its collective breath.
Elizabeth (Roslyn, New York)
But will Trump hear the truth? Mr. Bannon seems pretty intent upon trying to make sure the truth is never told. That may not work in New York City or LA but it sure could work in the Oval Office. Bannon is clearly in charge and probably shouting 'Shut Up' to all who dare to approach our leader. And with Kelly Ann and her alternative facts, Trump could be being fed nothing but feel good words.
Scary does not begin to describe it.
Misterbianco (PA)
Under our new Orwellian regime, the truth is whatever the Trump administration says it is. That's why he surrounded himself with people like Bannon.
Jason Thomas (NYC)
FEAR is the only real plank left in the GOP platform. And delivering that message - what passes for "leadership" - has become some ugly combination of high school popularity vote and beauty contest. At some point, journalists need to get off this silly kind of Freudian analysis, which has no effect on either Trump or his base, and focus on the darker motivations behind it.
C.L.S. (MA)
The Republicans have wanted power at any cost. Did they get more than they bargained for? The answer is obvious. Will they fix the problem they've created? Again the answer is pretty clear = No (see first sentence of this comment). Not looking good at all.
Alison (Houston)
And how did we get here? I believe Secretary Clinton misspoke when she referred to Trump supporters as a basketful of deplorables; a more accurate term might have been a basketful of gullibles.
Uzi Nogueira (Florianopolis, SC)
NYT: Can Donald Trump handle the truth?

The unforgettable line of Jack Nicholson in the movie A Few Good Men comes to mind.

The fight of truth versus lies will sooner than later come to a climax. That will happen when Trump's actions are translated into policy and implemented as law. It will create winners and losers. The existing social fracture will become wider.

In the truth versus lies question, impossible to guess who wins the hearts and minds of the American people. Donald Trump or the news media?.
Hard to fathom the state of the nation at the end of 2017.
Jason R Leaf (Phoenix, AZ)
The 'Emperor's New Clothes' parable is presciently apropos with regard to this administration. The president is clearly dangerously unhinged when it comes to his perception of reality, and his minions are also his enablers.

Our only hope is that Mike Pence has a copy of Section 4 of the 25th Amendment stapled to every article of clothing he owns, including his jammies, and is ready and willing to exercise his authority under this Constitutional safeguard in the very near future.
Arvind K Jain (Montreal)
Media has an added responsibility now. Identify members of Trump administration who go along with his "alternative facts" and those who deny or challenge them. These members must understand that their record will follow them when they wish to further their political ambitions after they leave Trump administration. These members must understand that they are being followed. Nothing can be done about Trump now, but there must be a heavy cost for those who fail to oppose him - as is their duty to the public.
Hydra (Boulder, CO)
As a nation we enthusiastically embraced a flood of fake news which led to a fake election and a fake president. While we are plagued with a growing recognition that we have elected an idiot as president we must accept the fact that the greater problem is not with the man but with the country that eagerly elected him. If we chose this man then clearly we could never have been as great as we thought we were. The roots of this delusion lie within us and our history. "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our "stars", but in ourselves, that we are underlings."
J Reaves (NC)
Not only do we have a President with a child-mind, Trump is a child any responsible parent would be taking to weekly psychological counseling sessions.
Anne (Massachusetts)
It wouldn't help. Treatment doesn't work. But there is no grown up, near or around him, at least not one ready to call this what it is and begin procedures to declare him unfit to serve.
Paul Raffeld (Austin Texas)
I agree. What is worse; he is a child with Joseph McCarthy behavior. The danger cannot be over exaggerated.
displacedyankee (Virginia)
I thought it would take a month to reveal Trumps lack of fitness for office. After just one week, it is clear he needs to be impeached immediately. He had a chance to display grace in the face of facts he doesn't like and good judgement. Instead, we saw a barrage of showy executive orders, many of which will fail in court, insults to our Mexican neighbors, religious bigotry, censorship and more assaults on the moral integrity of this nation. He needs to go ASAP before he does something irreversibly stupid.
bkw (USA)
A delusional president is even more concerning than one who can't handle truth. This excerpt from a chilling letter written by several psychiatrists prior to Trump's inauguration (which went unheeded) addresses concerns that he's unable to distinguish between reality and fantasy--delusional.

"We are writing to express our grave concern regarding the mental stability of our President-Elect. Professional standards do not permit us to venture a diagnosis for a public figure whom we have not evaluated personally. Nevertheless, his widely reported symptoms of mental instability — including grandiosity, impulsivity, hypersensitivity to slights or criticism, and an apparent inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality — lead us to question his fitness for the immense responsibilities of the office. We strongly recommend that, in preparation for assuming these responsibilities, he receive a full medical and neuropsychiatric evaluation by an impartial team of investigators."

The 25th amendment addresses a president who is unable to fulfill their duties. Does that include a bull in the global china closet making reckless decisions with no concern regarding consequences as if they don't exist and as a result turning norms and lives upside down? At least it's something to hold onto during this incredibly scary shameful Orwellian time.
David Warren (Phoenix)
There needs to be a strategic, comprehensive, intense, constant, impactful, persuasive and coordinated effort directed toward each and every member of Congress who has the power to do something about this madman. Congress needs to show him the door out and we the American people need to motivate them to do the right thing.
Anne (Massachusetts)
The man who's occupying Our White House is publicly devolving and the advantage goes to the #resistance. His inability to carry out the duties of the office are on full display. Those who don't see it may be the ones in denial. As a clinical psychologist I offer the following, and suggest NY Times writers read the attached article. It's possible for a person to see a million people, when facts prove otherwise; in which case, the problem is far more serious than denial. Delusional thinking, both self-grandeur and paranoia, are consistent with features of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. For more information see the letter, dated 11/29/16 from 3 psychiatry professors (1 Harvard and 2 UCal) imploring President Obama to order a complete neuro-psychiatric evaluation of the president elect.
TheraP (Midwest)
As another Clinical Psychologist, I TOTALLY agree. He is DELUSIONAL. He is DANGEROUS!

He must be removed from office. Whether as mentally ill or criminally negligent and dangerous, or BOTH.

Impeachment ASAP!
Kevin Conrey (Mobile, AL)
President Trump's inability to recognize, or rejection of, things as they are scares me. First, keeping the consent of the governed is tube foundation of democracy. If we can't trust what the president says, how can he lead us?

More importantly to me, how can President Trump make sound decisions if he can't or won't see things as they are? The president is already showing a strong bias for action over deliberation. I'm scared of the damage he can do if his actions aren't based on facts.

Already we've seen Germany and China step into the leadership void the president has created. And our relationship with Mexico can hardly get worse. If America is to lead, both our friends and rivals have to be able to count on us to act responsibly. If our decisions are based on nothing more than wishful thinking, we will lose our ability to influence others
Robin Marie (Rochester)
An inability to accurately perceive what is real is a sure sign of mental illness. When people operate with a skewed perception of reality they are unable to take an alternative perspective no matter what factual evidence is presented or rational argument provided. This is a very sad and terrifying situation. We can only hope that the checks and balances of our government - as well as the voice of the people - overcome his destructive, paranoid and delusional actions.
Stan Sutton (Westchester County, NY)
We can't wait for Donald Trump to confront reality. Every lie is an injustice. Those who would sacrifice the truth would sacrifice America. Reality needs to confront Donald Trump.
Elliot Silberberg (Steamboat Springs, Colorado)
Trump is so busy making and making up news the rest of us hardly have time to reflect on the consequences of his actions. I think he does this intentionally and has his pen ready for the next clamorous bill to sign as a way of distracting attention from the chaos he’s already caused. For him, it’s a “Don’t look back. They may be gaining on you” strategy and in an age of tweets and the daily need for new titillation it works, up to a point. Closing the distance on his hype has to be relentless even if for the just-mentioned reasons it’s exhausting. Everyone who believes in a sane world has to scream, “Liar! Liar!” until this charlatan’s pants explode in fire.
vel (pennsylvania)
Mr. Trump and his coterie show the same "allergy" to facts as the Hitler regime did in the last part of the war. And what did that lead to?

It seems that the GOP has its fall guy in Trump. They can enact policies that should be anathema to supposed good Christians, turning away the immigrant and the poor, and then they can impeach the idiot making them. They will point to him as such an awful man, but they will not rescind the policies. They think they can have their cake and eat it too.
Philip uk (Uk)
If Trump is really like many of these comments describe and behind the hyperbole i think he largely is - then it begs a question because this makes him highly susceptible to manipulation - and i look for a dark force behind the throne - and from what little ive gathered from over here Bannon certainly seems to fit the bill - why are stories about Trumps behaviours always and only about Trump - what about his influences?
partlycloudy (methingham county)
Those of us who have dealt with crazy psychopaths recognized trump as hilter or big brother in 1984 novel.
We were right. Except he is worse than those 2 combined.
Eliza Brewster (N.E. Pa.)
"Governing" by twitter and the stroke of a pen without thought, or common sense or not bothering with any thought of consequences is so mindless, so ruthless that it can only lead to total chaos.
Wally Burger (Chicago)
Sometimes it's hard for me to tell if Trump is a brilliant marketer or a deeply disturbed man whose ego is terribly damaged. Maybe it's a blessing to live in an alternate reality where "facts" are made up out of thin air to feed one's ego and to eliminate cognitive dissonance. Unfortunately for most of us he has surrounded himself by people who are afraid to tell the emperor the truth about his "new clothes". And his supporters could care less.
sdw (Cleveland)
The late Wayne Barrett’s assessment of Donald Trump was capsulized in the quote “there’s no check on his power except reality.” From what we have observed in slightly more than a week of the Trump presidency, the observation in that quote needs to be modified to “there’s no check on his power, not even reality.”

The New York Times and a growing number of other print sources of real news are doing a good job. The broadcast journalists are finally catching on and catching up. We need to make things very, very uncomfortable for the meek congressional Republicans who have been among President Trump’s most important enablers.

We are dealing with a leader with no interest other than being adulated.
Lake Woebegoner (MN)
"Truth? What is truth?" Truer words were never spoke than those of Pontius Pilate who wouldn't have known it if that crown of thorns he had affixed to the head of that raidcal Jew reached out and bit him in the proboscis.

Seems like a lot of folks have their undergarments in a twisted bunch these days with "alternative facts." The fact is that, save the rising of the sun and a few other hard-core scientific observations, alternative facts DO exist. They are borne forward by the major and minor clauses of our own unique syllogisms.

If you believe that all liberals are arrogant dunderheads, or all conservatives are dumb true-believers, then you will get a conclusion like you've been getting.

It's not logic at work here, folks. It's feelings, inclinations, habits, genetic "gifts" from some forebear that make us who we are today. Thanks to our social-media likes and the newspapers we choose to read and talking heads we favor, our own alternative facts are christened and confirmed.

For us to "handle the truth" should tell us that the truth we seek is somewhere between our own version and the ones with whom we disagree. So is productive politics. Unless, of course, you're a condemned carpenter who found a way to rise from the dead. That's the Truth.
Sluggo (Clinton, WA)
There's a factual difference between 150,000 and 1,500,000. Those aren't "alternative facts".
SMB (Savannah)
Sorry, this is twisted logic. Facts, history and truth do exist, and all the "alternative facts" in the world will not change them. The world is not flat. The sun does not circle the earth. Dinosaurs did not roam the earth 6000 years ago, accompanied by Cro-Magnons and Old Testament figures.

You do not play games with the truth, or if you do, it risks living in a delusional world like Trump's. His is one of propaganda and lies. Time reveals truth.
SMB (Savannah)
My advice to the editors: Use pictures. Trump doesn't read, and he and his followers exist in an alternative reality with alternative facts fed to them by Fox and by fake news sites. The preposterous and bizarre lie that Hillary Clinton was running a child sex ring through a Washington pizza restaurant was actually believed by almost half of Trump voters. They would equally believe in an invasion of green Martians.

What was effective was the actual comparison photos of the small size of Trump's inauguration vs. the much larger crowds at President Obama's inauguration and at the Women's March. Pictorial evidence works for these people. Keep writing your thoughtful and intelligent analyses of the news in context and with factual information for the rest of us.

But for the Trump ilk, use pictures. Show the blue crescent badges and the pink triangles and the yellow Stars of David that the Nazis made their discriminated minorities wear to single them out for deportation, persecution, and executions. Let all of Trump's Neo-Nazis who really want a country of blue-eyed blondes with Aryan backgrounds see that by throwing out and keeping out brown people and those of other religions such as Islam, they are acting like Nazis.

Pictures are worth a thousand words, especially for functionally or morally illiterate people who cannot or will not read.
ACJ (Chicago)
I feel this analysis is too optimistic. Trump's followers always have been and will continue to be adverse to what experts say (translation-facts), are drawn to all manner of conspiracy theories, and, are, to varying degrees racists. Now, this may be only 35% or so of our voting population, but they will be solid Trump supporters no matter economic, political, or international catastrophes he creates---they will always believe that he was a victim and they are also victims of a system favoring minorities, foreigners, and elites of all stripes. Our hope lies in independents, real Republicans, and of course Democrats to oppose what is beginning to look like the beginnings of a fascist White House. I know, some would say, come on fascist, isn't that little extreme---we will see in the coming days/months how Trump responds to judges, newspapers, governmental authorities, who will push back on these executive orders---get ready for some standing on the balcony rants combined with the force of troops or firings that will have all the markings of totalitarianism.
Carter (Florida)
How Trump will work things:
Unemployment isn't 4.7%, it's really 25%
Unemployment drops to 4.6%
I've reduced unemployment 20 percentage points, more than any President in history
N.B. (<br/>)
George Bush, whatever else he was or not, was sincere.
If he went to war, it was more out of his unwillingness to trust Saddam Hussein. And he did make a huge effort to find WMDs, to the last sand grain, it seemed.

He also took responsibility to what he did. Not a long after he left, there was a cover on the economist as to why one will miss him. As misguided as it might have been, the enterprise of neocons to bringing democracy to the middle east was not sinister.

Probably we need these neocons, here, now! -- the conservatives seems to have veered a long way off the course. And seeing them line up behind Donald like so many ducklings, is dispiriting.
SMB (Savannah)
No, George W. Bush was apparently a sincere and well meaning man, but during his first week in office he issued the global gag rule on abortion, resulting in the deaths of more than 10,000 women. His refusal to listen to his national security experts led to 9/11 and the subsequent wars. Cheney and his henchmen profited enormously through Halliburton and other firms. They were not motivated by patriotism but rather by greed and power. Torture can never be justified: it has been against the law in the U.S. and internationally for good reasons. Trump is a lunatic and fascist bigot, and fits within a few different pathologies.
GSS (Bluffton, SC)
It certainly is obvious that cowardice is not unique to either party. The Republicans could rely on racism to block President Obama and to maintain their support an local, state and national levels. They still do, hence their blind support of Trump's lies.

What is worse are the Democrats, who after rolling over for the past 8 years, are willing to do the same thing; " thank you for doing that, do it again. We will ignore your lies, bigotry and to hell with the laws and Constitution".

Senator Schumer certainly has demonstrated all the backbone of a jellyfish, but he is just the front man for the cowards. Maybe sometime in the future a leader will emerge and stand up to the bullys and call it what it is. However in the interim the country will suffer, but they all will have protected their jobs.
nat (U.S.A.)
Donald Trump handles truth or facts in his own way - by creating alternative facts that he likes in lieu of real facts that he does not like (such as his crowd size). His mix of real facts to alternate facts is about 60 - 40 %. The real danger is when he hallucinates and sees enemies among innocents or friends among our real adversaries. The clock is ticking.
Karl U (Philadelphia)
So much for even the theory of American exceptionalism. We are now no difference than any of the world's many dictatorships and strong-man autocracies where people in power outwardly affirm what they know are a pack of lies––just because the Great Leader says so.
DbB (Sacramento, CA)
President Trump insults the intelligence of Americans by assuming that, because he doesn't care about facts, neither do we. Trump may have fooled enough voters to get elected, but that doesn't mean they have been brainwashed. If he continues to make claims that are demonstrably false while obsessing about his popularity, his low approval ratings will only sink further. At some point, Republican leaders in Congress will follow the lead of Lindsey Graham and John McCain and stand up to an egotistical tyrant who believes his opinions are all that matter.
Peter Stone (Tennessee)
It's high time to recognize that a mentally unstable and erratic President like this one is a much greater threat to the US than any two-bit terrorist trying to sneak into the country. Congress and the courts need to remind him that he's not a ruler. He's a public servant who works for us and most of us are not at all happy with his job performance.
PugetSound CoffeeHound (Puget Sound)
He cannot handle the truth. Our citizens know that he can't. Even those who voted for him know that he cannot tell the truth. He is surrounded and protected by a powerful team of relatives and nationalists who totally count on his ability to tell lies for them. The next step in this madness is to admit we are in a civil war in this country. Civil war is here played out theatrically in social and main stream media and acted out by the very deconstruction of our government. The resistance needs to crank everything up a notch this coming week and then another and another.
duke, mg (nyc)
Not since George III, whose life was marked with increasingly severe insanity, has America been under the thumb of a chief executive who behaves so erratically and speaks as if he lives in his own anti-fact ‘imaginary reality’. The remedy then was the American revolution. What are the plans for dealing with the problem now?

Will our Congress act with loyalty to the Constitution, and show at least some of the courage of our founders, by removing this dangerously deranged man from office as soon as possible? Or will they leave his mad fingers on the nuclear trigger and bear responsibility for all the catastrophes that ensue?

gc (AZ)
The editorial rings true except for one unknown. It's possible President Trump has at least a reasonable grasp of facts but is simply running an ongoing con game as us seeks ever more totalitarian power.
Bill Kortum (<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>)
If Trump had half a person show up for his inauguration the description of his inauguration crowd as "unimaginably vast" would be accurate. I intend to spend most of Monday on the phone telling our representatives that I've enjoyed as much of this as a I intend to tolerate. I'll miss President Obama. The garbage that's now at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is in sore need of collection.
C.C. (Manhattan)
Only since the inauguration has it become completely clear that Mr. Trump is not just alarmingly narcissistic and dishonest--he is actually deranged and unable to discern reality. I used to think it was a choice, but I know longer think so.
I say this as a citizen and also as a psychologist with 35 years experience. The 25th amendment needs to be invoked before it is too late.
klm (atlanta)
Gee doc, I knew he was crazy before he won.
Richard (Ottawa)
The clash of belief and reality. Which one wins? How much do you let your personal belief system trump (with a small t) reality? I have no idea how strong President Trump's religious belief system is, but his personal belief in near-deification is very strong. Belief is what is pushed by religions to construct a system that defies reality. In Donald Trump we see what can happen with a strong belief system.
Tom (Sonoma, CA)
No. No, he can't. He evidently has narcissistic personality disorder and isn't able to discern fact from fiction when it impinges on his sense of self. Yes, this is incredibly frightening and yes, it is incredibly dangerous, since he has the power to make life or death decisions that affect every human being on the planet. He needs to be relieved of his duties. Trump won't do it himself – in his condition, he has no idea how sick he is. It's up to the Republicans, who have enabled this, to fix it.
American in Europe (Germany)
"If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin."
Samuel Adams
Robert (Australia)
Donald Trump is a failure even as an Authoritarian leader. No subtleties, no coherent strategy, and foolish ability to make enemies when there is no advantage.
Whilst he is not quite as extreme as North Korea's Dear Leader, his chararture is more like Coloel Gaddafi.
Perhaps the Hollywood prompts department could give Mr Trump a colourful Soldiers uniform.
Eventually when Mr Trump has caused enough damage, his party will dessert him, and he will become a laughing stock.
He may well become the first President to be laughed out of the White House. Laughter may well end up being the best medicine for America.
NYCtoMalibu (Malibu, California)
We cannot normalize this person. He possesses an extreme and extremely dangerous personality disorder whereby truth and lies are indistinguishable from each other, and solipsism doesn't allow for a shred of empathy or compassion. He can, for example, look at a video of himself mocking a disabled journalist and claim he never did it. He can look at a photo of a sparsely populated national mall and claim the turnout broke records.
The question this article poses appears to be rhetorical. But if an answer must be given, then it's a resounding no. This person can't handle the truth because he doesn't have the capacity to recognize it.
James (Brooklyn)
Trump is clearly unhinged, and in way over his head. The lies, the deception, the attacks on our Constitution all portend terrible things in the near future.

If Ryan and McConnell don't quickly distance themselves from lunatic Trump we may suffer irreparable damage.

The first step in removing Trump is making Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell realize their political careers are over if they continue to cover for the madman. So until that happens, I consider them traitors to the United States of America.
Interested Reader (Orlando)
You are again "speaking to the choir". We all get that DT lives, and governs, in an alternative reality of his own choosing. And he is being allowed to do that by a Republican Congress who will get much of what they want because most of the governing will be done by others (Pence, Ryan) as long as they let Mr Trump have his media moments for the masses.

Please stop covering, and encouraging, these media moments. Please just explain each executive order for what it does, both for and against the people of the US, without such attention to alternative facts and tweets. His constituents don't get it or don't care, and he thrives on the publicity. Shut him down where it hurts...
artibabe (Varese, Italy)
There are two types of expression by Donald Trump. 1) The twitter which are immediate feelings of either what he thinks is Great About Himself, or unfiltered reactions to what he feels has insulted him and his ego. 2) His speeches which are micro-targeted to his perceived audience by Stephen Bannon, whose relationship with Cambridge Analytica and its data-mining algorithms has allowed DT to win in PA WIS and MI as he presented different speeches according to what Bannon advised him, thereby winning the electoral-collage vote (but not the popular vote). Donald Trump will say what he is told will be best received by a particular audience. But he has no creed or innate all-driving philosophy about world-view, humanity or what-is-right other than Make Trump Great.
ly1228 (Bear Lake, Michigan)
All these points are well taken. What happens after the next major terrorist attack? To secure the country against further threat, what "emergency powers" will the Congress and courts allow Trump to assume? In other words, what happens once the Reichstag burns and the people are frightened?
rich g (Sunny South Florida)
I had a dream we were living in Germany ~30-33 prior to Hitler becoming chancellor. The few times I closely listened to a DT political rally prior to the elections It was my dream..........
"But the greater hazard to his presidency, and the country, is the other dynamic in his hostile relationship with the truth: his refusal to take contrary facts in"

This description not only describes the delusional, egomaniacal Mr. Trump, it is a description of the entire Republican Party leadership.

The difference is I suspect Trump is certifiably crazy--as in truly out of touch with reality, fabricates his own alternative reality and believes it, does serious harm to others, and habitually creates instability and chaos wherever he goes.

However, Republican leaders--such as Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Dick Cheney, and lots of Republican Party apparatchiks--are very much in contact with reality and knowingly connive and lie in order to do the bidding of wealthy individuals and big corporations, no matter how much damage is done to society, the little people, democracy, and the planet.

Does it really matter that we can probably label Donald Trump as crazy--very much the subject of this week's news analysis? Try focusing on the manipulations, corruption, irresponsible behavior, and damage the supposedly non-crazy Republican Party and Fox News are doing to this country.
reader (CT)
No, Donald Trump can't handle the truth. How many times do we need to ask this question? The answer will always be the same. The larger question here is, can the media handle the truth and stop pretending that Trump is not a man with a serious personality disorder? He's not an autocrat or strongman or media mogul in waiting. He's a man with a severe personality disorder that leaves him open to manipulation -- and Steve Bannon is manipulating him. It's not Trump having the nuclear codes that is frightening. It's Bannon having them that is dangerous.
Frau Greta (Somewhere in New Jersey)
I hold on, every day, to the fact that a mere 30% of the population made him president. The rest either voted for Hillary or didn't vote at all. How is that sustainable over the long term?
Rob B (East Coast)
Those who live by social media shall die by social media. Trump is in a death match with traditional media. There will be only one winner. In four years, he, they and the American people will be exhausted by the trauma and drama. From the smoking wreckage a decent, thoughtful, pragmatic successor will emerge - we hope and pray. Next stop, the mid-term elections where Trump will lose his lock on Congress. Then what? Two of the most brutal, paralytic, deafening years in American governing history. Then of course, two years later the American people will tell Trump, "You're fired!" To which Trump will tweet, "You can't fire me. I quit. The American people are all losers." By then, of course, America will be so crushed with guilt about its stupidity and buyer's remorse that "Anyone but Trump" will be the rallying cry of both political parties. Who knows, pethaps an Obama who is competent in governing and foreign policy will emerge. One can fantasize, no?
Sharyl (Oregon)

It has been reported in various media that Bannon had long been looking for a puppet candidate to ascend to the Presidency. He first had his eyes on Sarah Palin, who reportedly refused.

Bannon then landed on trump. I'm a mental health professional and am convinced that trump has a character disorder/personality disorder. I fear Bannon is running the show - cunningly manipulating the disturbed man that was elected President. And Bannon's agenda is frightening. I don't have enough room to elaborate - but there have been many articles written about it.

The use of "America First" in the inaugural address - a nazi sympathizer statement. Tweeted about immediately afterward by David Duke (see his twitter). The leaving out any reference to Jews or anti semitism in the WH statement on Holocaust Memorial Day - confirmed by WH spokesperson Hope Hicks that it was done intentionally. Every other past President has spoken of anti semitism. This is Bannon's work.

Most frightening - reported earlier by Wash Post - Bannon is now a member of the National Security Council principals. But the Director of National Intelligence and Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff are not to attend the meetings unless "issues pertain to them". They've never been excluded before.

Bannon is the unelected shadow President and equally as dangerous as trump. There is no sane, qualified, experienced person exerting power in the WH.

Impeach now - they all must go.
Dr Snickers (Florida)
I've long believed that Bannon is trump's Cheney. And now that Bannon has been moved into the National Security Council, it's no longer my belief. It's my fear and disgust.
JW Mathews (Sarasota, FL)
Looks like Cheney and Rumsfeld all over again. We lost over 4,000 American lives due to that duo. How many will we lose now?
James (Brooklyn)
I could not agree with you more. Bannon is clearly running the Presidency!

The Joint Chiefs of Staff are no longer invited to attend security meetings? Is this all really happening???

If Ryan and McConnell don't lead the charge to remove Trump then they themselves must be removed! This is probably the scariest thing to ever happen to the United States of America.
Joel M Goldberg (Lake Worth Florida.)
In light of President Trumps inability to distinguish between "actual facts" as opposed to fantasy "alternative facts," his mental competence to carry out his duties as President has been called into question during his very first week in office.
The 25th Amendment, Section 4, of the Constitution provides a procedure for the Vice President, the heads of executive departments, and Congress to relieve the President of his duties while he is incapacitated. A President not being able to distinguish fantasy from reality is a grave danger to our national welfare.
Unfortunately, it appears that It won't be long before this constitutional provision, which does not require an "impeachable offense," should be seriously considered and the public will be demanding that it be invoked.
AE (France)
The persistent bad faith of the Trump entourage may unfortunately lead to a violent ouster of Trump. See Ceaucescu 1989, for example.
scott haskell (lenox ma)
I have never felt such a need for a strong investigative media, (even including the Nixon years). We simply must have the press intensely investigating and reporting on the actions and machinations of this president. Of course the media should double down on ensuring that its reporting is accurate and fair. An honest, non-partisan media may be all that keeps the US of A from slipping into an authoritarian Putin style government. Resist!
William (Minnesota)
Trump spews out relatively few words compared to his loyal cadre of explainers, justifiers and promoters who flock to TV talk shows and so-called news programs. The fact that they are granted more than equal time compared to opponents of the Trump follies augments their influence on public opinion. Also, Trump started his campaign by rapid firing whatever came to his tremendous mind, but during the last months of the campaign he accepted the discipline of reading scripted speeches and sticking to repetitious talking points. Much of what he now states publicly has been fed to him by his incredibly brilliant writers and strategists. Even those infamous tweets show signs of having had a little help from his friends. In other words, this fabulously strong leader is probably being used as a mouthpiece for the Republican establishment. But that doesn't seem to bother him as long as he looks good on camera.
J Reaves (NC)
Except I would not say he is a mouthpiece for the GOP establishment as much as he is a mouthpiece for the ultra-right white nationalists that make up his staff.
Ami (Portland Oregon)
Our founders put faith in checks and balances. The electoral college was supposed to protect us from an unfit leader. Congress and the Senate were supposed to push back against tyranny. The supreme court was supposed to ensure that we remain a nation of laws.

So far it's not looking too good. Trump is used to being large and in charge. He runs his business like a dictatorship and will do the same thing with the presidency.

Senegal had to send in their army when Gambia's president refused to step down. Will Canada do the same for us.
Lee H (Australia)
Trumps ideas are quite loony and it is only week one as has been pointed out but already he is causing the world to react. Canada's PM taking it right back at him, France's President firing back at him and there will be more you'd think in the coming months and (sadly) years.
Already traditional allies like my country are looking at stronger ties with that emergent superpower China and seemingly decades and decades of shared blood and toil on the battlefield are being rendered slightly pointless if the liberties and shared ideals of those past conflicts are just trampled on by this nutjob.
I never thought I'd see the day I call an American President that, it's disrespectful to the Office but not to the incumbent of that Office in this case.

And no one in America seemingly can stop him.
France will be asking for it's statue back at this rate
Jose (Europe)
The true is rarely the opinion of the majority. Neighed is the opinion of just one person or few of them. What Trump can handle is to broadcast his point of view. Nothing to do with the true. It is just his point of view. That the Arab countries where he has towers and are Muslims are so different from the other is just his point of view.

What I really think about these last few days -- with the totally unnecessary twitter to the Mexican president, with the extravagant as protocol statements with Britain’s PM May, and with the urge to stop people that are flying with valid documents, provoking unnecessary noisy effect is that Trump does not look for the true. He is looking for publicity and for show. In other words -- for propaganda.

All his electoral campaign was based on this. And the correct answer is just to give a very, very short small letter notice at some random page from 20 to 40. If nobody knows, his opinion does not exists.
Beth! (Colorado)
I completely agree that his bizarre assertions about crowd size and his refusal to let it go are serious and dangerous symptoms of a much, much larger problem. His experience has been so limited -- business, business, business, tv business -- and his understanding of human motivation is so shallow -- greed, greed, profit, greed, profit -- that he (at his age) cannot fathom any reality beyond the deep ruts his brain has formed in the last 50 years. That is why so much of what he does and says seems so antiquated, so yesterday, so 30 years ago.
Ed Mannix (Helena MT)
Ten days into the Trump presidency and I have seen nothing that reflects the ideals of the U.S. Every action by Trump makes my despondency grow.
Lisa F. Dzis (Port St. Lucie FL)
Reality may very well be a check on Trump's power, but I do not believe it is the only check on it. I remember a recent interview with Mel Brooks in which he stated that the only way to vanquish Hitler was with ridicule. Not, mind you, with easy good humor, but with the epitome of contempt- scathing, utterly honest, and well- deserved ridicule. The fact that Trump has no sense of humor and totally lacks the ability to laugh at himself makes the Brooks Method of Overthrowing Tyrants all the easier. Not that I wish to see this Emperor without clothes, but I sincerely want him to feel naked and impotent.
Murray Bolesta (Green Valley AZ)
When there are such colossal problems facing this country and the world, what an enormous waste of America's time this is: struggling not only against Trump's regressive ideology, but with his alternate reality and how it influences his supporters.

For every five steps forward taken by the US, we take four steps back. The Trump debacle is at least four.
Lee Harrison (Albany)
The truth is simple; Mr. Trump is mentally ill. The sad fact of the matter is that a lot of people are mentally ill to varying degrees; they get through life until they don't ... often their lives are endless crises and chaos.

Wealth insulates and empowers people -- being wealthy lets mental illness construct their own cocoons. Mr. Trump lived that way for years.

The presidency has no cocoon; everything you do is under the microscope, everything you say is fact-checked.

The Donald is coming unglued. He's headed for narcissistic meltdown, as every bit of his delusional cray-cray gets challenged.

The question is only when and how Congress decides he must be removed -- how much damage he will do to America before that happens. (NYC)
Maybe there is a side to this horrific state of affairs that is positive?
Perhaps it gives us the opportunity to reestablish the fundamental importance of transparency and truth? Perhaps this will deepen the national conversation? Perhaps this is a catalyst for waking us as a nation to a new world of interdependency. The end of the second week and people are responding as never before. Perhaps this is the beginning of a deeper and widespread understanding of the real meaning of democracy?
CED (Colorado)
The trajectory of Trump's rise (enabled by expanding lies) and fall (enabled by expanding truth) will likely be similar to past dictator wannabes, with the higher the rise the harder the fall. It will be difficult to quantify the magnitude of damage done without a parallel universe for comparison, but the damage will undoubtedly be substantial.
Ghost Dansing (New York)
The guy is a product of domestic and international disinformation and information warfare. He is at center a "birther", and fond of conspiracy theories. He is a Nihilist embracing absolute relativity of opinion with the only organizing principle for his thoughts being self-referential and aggrandizing; the magnitude of repetitive parroting being the only measure of value.
Rob (Massachusetts)
I think the better question is: Can the American public handle the truth? Will the low information voters who elected Trump wake up and see what is going on, or is their hatred for progressives so deep that they will continue to let themselves be conned by this psychopath and swallow his alternate facts? From what I've read so far about the positive reaction to Trump in areas he flipped from Obama, the prospects aren't looking good.
MrC (DC Metro)
It's the same people who believe we faked the moon landing and that bigfoot is real. Of course they will continue to buy his alternate truth.
Paul S (Long Island)
You are correct and it will get worse when Mr. Trump is unable to keep the"promises" he made to those who believed him. Many of the maladies affecting the heartland cannot be fixed with slogans and blaming others. Sooner or later many of those who voted for him will realize they have been played. The $64 question is how long it takes and what their reaction will be.
Robert Cummings (Baltimore, Md)
Trump is using fear to severely undermine America's confidence, moral standing, values, and future. Where there is friendship and cooperation, he is sowing mistrust and division. Soon, our economy will be in the tank, and our international alliances will be in ruins. Congressional leaders who do not stand up to Trump will be harshly judged by history. All of us must be awake and making our voices heard if America as we know it is to survive.
Andrew Sweet (Mexico City)
The current debacle that we call our 'president' and his administration remind me of an Ayn Rand quote which goes something like - We can avoid reality, but we cannot avoid the consequences of reality. May the power of numbers, truth seekers and the thoughtful American public (not to mention the courts) continue to hold up a mirror to this man and his policies. Our futures lie in the joining of our hands across the divide of our opinions, coming together as one American community, and claiming proudly and factually that this 'emporer' has no clothes !
Joe Sixpack (California)
The lack of institutional checks on Trump's executive power is definitely cause for concern. I suppose it's possible that more thoughtful conservatives such as Chief Justice John Roberts or Senator Jeff Flake may realize it's up to them to rein in Trump's bottomless follies, although the apparent willingness of the GOP at large to embrace authoritarianism doesn't give us much hope.

Meanwhile, if anyone wants to see this brand of radicalism in its mature, most metasticized form, take a look at Kansas: it's not working that well. Although true believers fantasize about gaining absolute power, the rest of us realize how such unconstrained power is a real, direct threat to any nation's health.

Let's hope we all make it out of this decade in one piece...
Carter Nicholas (Charlottesville)
The President can exploit the honorable exit of the 25th Amendment, but there is no such latitude to extend to his conniving henchmen, either enabling as in the case of Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus, or channeling, as in the case of Bannon and shadow figures of the alt right. To offer reality as the touchstone for their betrayals of our national interest is as necessary, in establishing their extreme malfeasance, as it is in excusing our ailing Chief Executive from a position where they thrust him.
William Dufort (Montreal)
"...the reason he lost the popular vote by nearly three million votes. Rather than admitting he had no evidence, Mr. Trump said: “You know what’s important? Millions of people agree with me when I say that.” In other words, facts aren’t important; blind trust in a leader is."

He can probably continue to trick the people who voted for him for some time yet. But the elected Republicans who now keep silent are perfectly aware of what's going on. Crowd size or standing ovations are of no consequences. The're happy with some of his decisions, but when the chips are down and the consequences are dangerous, I would expect them to do the right thing and act according to the facts, not the alternative facts he revels.

The problem with that is, if they wait too long to make a stand, his base might feel betrayed and turn on them. And that might be very ugly.
joyce (new brunswick, canada)
There is a lot of talk about bias where facts are concerned. But if you take a 2+2 fact, how is it a bias to see the result as 4? Can we say that 2 +2 = 8 in this case? Should we really be cautious about asserting that we are correct? Perhaps 2 +2= 6 in some cases. Some people think 2+2=10. There is supposed to be a middle ground here, they argue.. Perhaps 2+2=8. These must be alternative “facts”, but if you say them enough they somehow become real facts to many people.
Trump sounds disturbed to me. He is in his own world which has nothing to do with facts and more to do with his own immediate perceptions, which are distorted.
Donna (California)
Enough about this Psychotic's dispute with himself about crowd numbers: This man has caused world-wide disruption with the stroke of a crayon. Every sector of a global society of which America has been part of is under duress. To believe "this" is what 60 Plus million people had in mind on November 8, 2016 is terrifying. This isn't what they had in mind because their actions had no mindfulness: If we think we are hated now, I can only imaging what is in store down the proverbial road.

I am so saddened by this; grieving actually. Grieving with the knowledge that not a single member of Congress is willing to step in to save this nation. The gutlessness of the GOP and the silence of Democrats begs the question; Is the fleeting power of the moment worth the potential damage for decades to come?
Ken Levy (Baton Rouge, Louisiana)
One almost gets the sense that Donald once read a social-psychology textbook, learned all about how to exploit people's cognitive biases (confirmation, anchoring, authority, ingroup, self-serving, etc.), and then perfected his techniques (including the Big Lie) over the last 2 (or 30) years.

But then – Donald doesn’t read books. Good thing too. Right now, figuratively speaking, he’s making only pipe bombs. Armed with real knowledge, he might actually make nuclear weapons.

Most amazing about all this is (a) how desperately Donald wants instant and universal adulation (b) without working for it. Rather than trying to earn people’s respect (if not love) the old-fashioned way, he would rather just take the most obvious shortcuts. Just imagine how much better off we would all be if he put as much work into his new job as he does into lying, bullying, and demonizing.
S. C. (Midwesr)
The important thing about Trump is no longer that he is a liar. The issue is that he is delusional.

It is clear at this point that Trump is in constant denial of reality, and he cannot accept that reality differs from his fantasies. He surrounds himself by people who are either too fearful to tell him the truth, or are themselves deluded.

We need to call this out. We also need a serious discussion of what the country should do about this: a president disconnected from reality, whose decisions already reflect this.
Jackie (Missouri)
Seems to me that the Brits put Mad King George III away for a while. Certainly we have laws on the books that would allow us to put Mad King Donald away. And if not, then maybe the next thing that Congress should do is propose a law to allow this.
Bluesq (New Jersey)
In one week, Donald Trump has immeasurably, and perhaps irreparably, coarsened and sullied everything that this country has stood for.
At some point, I will find some way to resist this desecration. But for now, I can only cast blame on those who so richly deserve it: On the Messrs Ryan, McConnell, Cruz, Rubio, etc., who either knuckled under or believed that they could somehow control this monster; on Mr. Ailes, who, when the history of this era is written, will prove to be one of the truly worst actors; and finally on the noble and distinguished Bush family, which knew full well that Hillary Clinton did not molest children in the basement of a pizza shop that doesn't have a basement, but couldn't summon the fortitude to do anything more than meekly abstain.
This is an unmitigated disaster, and the party that enabled it should be hanging its head in shame.
Pete (Midwest)
I am personally offended when people refer to Donald Trump as being mentally ill. I have a dear son who has suffered from mental illness (bipolar 1). My son is very intelligent, reading 2-3 very significant books per week. He is also honest, kind and has a wonderful sense of humor.

Please stop denigrating those dealing with mental illness by comparing them to Donald Trump, who is a very selfish, pathological liar without any empathy for others.
Jackie (Missouri)
Not all people who have a diagnosis of mental illness are like your son, who sounds like a fine person. But your son is bipolar. Trump is not. Your son is also not the President of the United States, with the power to exact all kinds of damage on a very broad and lasting scale. Trump is. Your son may be a very decent, intelligent, curious, empathetic human being who just happens to be bipolar, a condition that he can admit to and which can be helped by medication. Trump is not a decent, intelligent, curious or empathetic human being who has a mental illness that can be managed to some degree by medication, since most narcissists cannot admit that they have a problem. And your son would probably make a better and potentially less damaging President than Trump.
Chris (NY)
The emperor wears no clothes and it seems unlikely that anyone in his kleptocracy will have the temerity (or the morality) to challenge him. The sad and shameful result of his truth allergy and pathological peddling of "alternative facts" will be an irrevocable erosion of trust, at home and abroad, as he defiles the founding principles of our nation with each executive order, all in the guise of putting "America First."

Never have I been more ashamed to be an American. He may be the president but he surely doesn't speak for me.
Marty L (Manhattan Ks)
Here in Kansas we know what it is like for the last 6 years to have someone in charge who can't face the truth. We have governor brownbeck. If as the state sinks farther and farther into financial trouble he refuses to acknowledge that and continues his policies. In fact his motto is the sun is shining in Kansas. We can't pay for additional state police local education support for state colleges or the state health care program. In short the state government is a mess and still he is in his own reality
Barbara Striden (Brattleboro, VT)
Now that Trump is making decisions that have real-life consequences, people are getting a first hand experience of the crazed, impulsive, incompetent business style that has sent him into bankruptcy court repeatedly.

Describing a politician with whom you disagree as having a mental disorder is to be avoided; besides being an ultimate form of ad hominem attack, pathologizing political views that diverge from ours closes us off from learning potential useful information and perspectives. But I have to make an exception when it comes to Trump, because his behavior makes it very obvious that he's unwell.
Alan R Brock (Richmond VA)
"Already, there are signs that Mr. Trump's closest aides are struggling to cling to some self-respect by edging away from the president's fantasies."

The craven, dishonest Republicans in power who calculated that a mentally unbalanced Republican in the oval office was preferable to a mentally sound president from the opposing party are complicit in placing America and the world in grave danger. These intellectually dishonest Republicans, along with Mr. Trump's lackeys who peddle "alternative facts", have earned the revulsion and disrespect that should now be directed at them.
la résistance (nowhere)
trump is not in "denial". In suggesting that he is in "denial" is to whitewash what is going on.
trump is under the influence of steve bannon and other's like him who intend to inflict their own brand of politics, social and financial, upon the rest of us.
bannon is dangerous. ryan is dangerous. cruz is dangerous. The republican leadership in congress are all dangerous.
Get a clue and understand that trump exists as a tool of the right wing. If he stops being their puppet he will be impeached. But as long as he does what he is told to do, he will remain in the White House.
That is why voters must turn out in the mid terms to defeat these right wing fanatics in congress who refuse to compromise and allow every American to have a voice in congress.
Ed M (Richmond, RI)
He might be able to handle the truth if he had any idea of what truth is or should be. His alternate world s governed by alternate facts; unfortunately others pay the consequences. Congressional leaders, with the exception of a few like John McCain, have gone through the looking glass and deny the real world and the consequences to it of this bizarre flurry of tweets from a twit. We are not just an audience, we are the citizens whose lives are being played with. The oath that Trump took mean nothing to him, but the oaths others in Congress took should mean something to them.
Marie (Boston)
I and many other commenters have said for some time that Trump will simply make up facts or a truth to suit his purposes. It is gratifying that the editorial board is willing say that Trump will "simply making them up" in reference to facts. This editorial has effectively captured the feelings of millions who recognize Trump's victory but who also see the dangers to our democracy of a man in office so disconnected from reality. Where his thoughts and decisions have a direct affect on the reality that we live and he does not.
Ulrich Hoppe (Germany)
It is obvious that he can't handle the truth. Otherwise he would have revealed his tax record. That would make it easier for the world to figure out which countries are black-listed as well. These are presumably countries he is not invested in. Furthermore, it would show that his balances are simply fiddled.
Additionally, he is only interested in that part of truth that fits him. For example, to be granted a loss carry-forward of nearly a billion, first you must have burned a billion. That is not my understanding of success. He is working for free. And, as many know, what costs nothing is worth nothing.
John Stroughair (London)
All true, but what to do about it?

The US constitution is lacking any meaningful mechanism to remove an obvious sociopath from office.
It is not his policies that make him truly dangerous, it is his lack of mental stability.
Is our only viable strategy one of using the courts to resist for the next four years in the hope that the electorate finally comes to its senses?
Do we have to rely on the Republicans to impeach him when they finally have a reason that they can sell to their misguided supporters.
Meanwhile people are dying, now it is refugees from war zones denied entry, women in the third world denied health care soon it will be his own supporters without healthcare.
What will it take to end this national nightmare?
Dave in NC (North Carolina)
Let's put President Trump in a news box. Like the sidebar in a news story or the daily light feature on TV news, the media editors and producers should create a special section for the colorful but non-consequential. After a week of arguing about crowd size, my hunger for real news is unsatisfied. I want to know the things of consequence that the president and his supporters, especially in Congress, do. That's where the real game is. These disputes are only color commentary. I'd like to watch the game.
Nan Socolow (West Palm Beach, FL)
Social media is the scourge and horror of our times. Intimidation by Tweets and FaceBook and the mainstream media, as well, is how our insane President Trump came to power and holds the reins in his chubby fists and treats all of us to his three-minute attention span and his mad ideas - such as the one he sprang on 7 Middle Eastern countries by executive order on Friday, that they are forbidden to enter the United States, even if they have just landed at JFK with visas in hand? Authoritarian regimes, China, Russia, Turkey, Egypt, all are brothers to Trump's authoritarian regime in America, which is just aborning as he has only been in office for ten days. Trump has done so much damage in just the past 10 days, we wonder how many more rabbits he will pull out of his "Make America Great Again" red cap in the coming weeks. How do we impeach a demented President quick as a wink?
Kathleen DuFresne (Schenectady NY)
President Clinton was impeached for telling a lie.

President Trump, acting in his official capacity as president, has repeatedly lied.

Surely there must be some judicial or legislative mechanism that can redress this misconduct that is so damaging to the office of The President and to the integrity of our democracy?

Dear God help us if the ordinary people have to rise up in revolt to save the country.
David Ohman (Denver)
Dear Kathleen,

President Clinton was assaulted by the loyal opposition (the Republicans in the House and Senate) eager to embarrass and be rid of him. They had propelled him into compromises that, for the most part, have negatively impacted the American People ever since.

Now, the Republicans in the House and Senate need him, at least for now. Trump does their lying for them. Their desires have been signed by Trump in the form of Executive Orders that are vulnerable to legal challenges.

Eventually, those majority Republicans will find his usefulness at an end. Pence will have had his on-the-job training to take over. Thus, impeachment will be likely but not yet.
N B (Texas)
Things will have to get really bad for Trump's heavily armed voting bloc to have Trump removed from office because he is crazy and unfit to serve or we have violence that the GOP might not stop for purely political reasons.
J. (Ohio)
He has malignant narcissism which is unpleasant in an individual, but dangerous in a president. Sadly, the GOP does not seem to care, so long as they get what they want from him, which will go down in history as the most shameful episode in our history and which may be our undoing.

A vigilant press supported by us all, speaking truth to power on a daily basis, and starting work now to get out the vote in the midterms are all critical acts.

I also have stopped being politely silent in the face of acquaintances who dispense propaganda because they live only in a FOX news world and do not know the truth. One old friend tried to compare Bill Clinton's work to halt illegal immigration with what Trump/Bannon did yesterday; I quickly and publicly pointed out the vast difference between illegal immigration and denying people with legal green card status and visas their right to entry. He learned something - that he was the victim of fake news from his preferred news sources.
satchmo (virginia)
"A vigilant press supported by us all, speaking truth to power on a daily basis."

For the sake of all of us, I think it's time for the "media" to band together to fight this ridiculous president. They should put ratings aside for now, and double-down on their efforts to present the truth. And ask follow-up questions, especially when their answers are misleading or downright lies. This is necessary if the free press is to remain free.

That may mean that they do not report every inane tweet from the Donald as if it's news. The man is playing the press and they are giving into his tactics. And all that does is make the press look bad, which, of course, is the Donald's objective.
Mike McNew (San Diego, CA)
As a peace officer for over 27 years I frequently came into contact with offenders who were quite narcissistic. Many of them, like Trump, were sociopaths who were con artists or sex offenders. Psychiatrists agree they are almost impossible to treat as they cannot face the truth--they cannot admit fault or take responsibility for their wrongdoing. Trump would fit right in with the worst of these criminals.

I don't think that most Americans really understand just how sick this man really is. He will not change, he will not rise to the responsibilities of the office, and he and his sycophants---many of whom share his profoundly disturbed mental illnesses---are doing incalculable harm to our citizens and our country.
TheraP (Midwest)
What's going on? Could a delusional individual be sitting in the White House?

That question bears serious consideration. We have a man who resists evidence of reality and has enough power to compel sycophants to lie and dissemble on his behalf. And if a person is delusional and significant others do not confront the delusions, but instead reinforce them, well... There's nothing standing in the way of mental illness continuing and getting worse.

Evidence is gathering. We have evidence of mania and megalomania. Also paranoia. This is consistent with delusional thinking. A fragile narcissistic ego structure. An environment which coddles his every wish.

History tells us that a psychotic individual can wreck a great deal of havoc when placed in position of power.

He needs to be removed from office. Whether due to mental illness or criminal negligence or both, the man is unfit and a grave danger to our Republic.
William Harrell (Jacksonville Fl 32257)
It is not Donald who should ever worry as he is forever safe from this lapdog of profit-seeking first press that has put us here. Mr. Krugman predicted long before the election that Trump would win as a result of the beatings the Press/Cable continued to inflict on Mrs. Clinton ) with the sin of weighted reporting as to what was important----Mr. Clinton's server not Trump's policies----would absolutely result in his election, and it was too late to stop it. Nobody but a few of us believed him and his analysis---I bet more do now.The business interests/profits the cheap roundtable discussion of The Donald's Tweats and crazy rants is much more profitable than doing the hard reporting of developing contacts and a story.(Mother Earth excepted). They are wittingly because of profits over all other concerns or unwittingly simply because they are lightweights, Trump's toys.
Shawn (Austin, TX)
We must condemn Trump's lies regarding voter fraud in harsh terms because they are extensions of the Republican lies that have been used to justify voting restrictions that disproportionately impede Democratic voters. You can expect Trump and the Republicans to somehow leverage Trump's lies regarding voter fraud to enact further voting restrictions.

He has been given numerous opportunities to provide even the most modest
justification. Instead of millions of examples of voter fraud, what if he just
produced, say, 10? Such examples should be trivial, given the vastly greater magnitude of the problem that he is describing. He should not need to initiate a major investigation to produce so few examples if the problem really is so wide-spread. Surely his White House staff could do that work. It is fair to charge him with "pants-on-fire" if he is unwilling to deliver even such minimal evidence.
Louisa Barkalow (Albuquerque)
Our country has never been comfortable or well informed about mental illness.
We now have a president who is clearly mentally ill. It would be in all of our interest if the press would seek out information from the psychiatric community about how they would diagnose the difficult behavior exhibited by Trump. My guess would be narcissistic personality disorder, which according to the DSM-5 is very difficult to treat because someone with the disorder is unlikely to seek help because their self image cannot tolerate the idea that they are having problems. Trump's response will no doubt be denial. Our country would be fit if we could learn how best to defuse some of the dangerous behavior associated with his mental illness. We need to stop alluding to the various symptoms like grandiosity and get a diagnosis from the best minds in the mental health community before it's too late.
The illustration accompanying the editorial epitomizes the Trump presidency and the Trump social experiment to a `T'.

President Trump is a walking Rorschach test: A fixed blob on the political landscape--that is symmetric in the sense of providing an extensive list of incompatible and contradictory statements, some of which could appeal to the left, and some to the right, and is free enough in its unintelligible free form run-ons and non sequiturs to be open to interpretation--that reveals the personality and emotional traits of all that he encounters.

His own personality traits and characteristics have been consistent and on full display right in front of everyone, and yet we are offered continued analysis of Mr. Trump's character and psychology as we ponder what his next move will be and remain bemused by the battles he elects to take on.

And through it all, Mr. Trump remains true to character, never waffling or deviating from the course of actions that his previous 70 years worth would predict.

There is nothing left to learn about Mr. Trump. Instead, he has turned the mirror on our society and democracy and we are all individually reflecting back who we are as individuals and how our society is comprised as a whole.
Embee (Moorestown)
“People do what they do...because… they do it.” That was an answer students got in many a freshman course in psychology. A circular answer to a circular question. Essays and analysis about the psychodynamics of Donald Trump have been out there for a while. Behind every question is a declarative sentence – and vice versa. The consequences of this newly installed Trump’s utterances, inflections, Twitters, video, signatures on documents, etc. as president are dire. What his motives are, what outcomes he may want – we do not know. But barely eight days in office, Trump has caused real, measurable damage to our country and our allies. It cannot be undone. What do we do as citizens? We will do as citizens whatever it takes - just as we as a nation did to remove Richard Nixon from power.
Vesuviano (Los Angeles, CA)
To paraphrase Trump before the election, he can only handle the truth if he wins.

Many of those who supported him will turn on him when the Republican Congress can't or won't deliver on some of his more publicly stated promises. Those who saw him as a joke before the election now see him as a mortal danger.

And then there are people like me. I supported Sanders in the primaries, and in the general election I left the box for President unfilled. I was able to do this because I live in California, which will fall into the sea before it goes red.

Since the election, I'm making monthly contributions to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Planned Parenthood, and a couple of other liberal organizations. I'm calling or emailing, or sending snail-mail letters to my Congresswoman and both my Senators on a daily basis. I can't get through by phone to my Senators because apparently the entire state of California is doing the same thing.

It is my belief that this current situation will be a defining moment for our country. A buffoon was put into office by people who in many cases read and were manipulated by fake news. They seem genuinely shocked to see that most of the country hates their champion.

Donald Trump will face on truth he can't handle. He'll be swept out of office in a landslide in 2020, if indeed his presidency lasts that long.
Richard Williams MD (Davis, Ca)
It is entirely clear that Trump is a pathological and compulsive liar, and equally clear that he fulfills every criterion for being a sociopath. If his press secretary and others in his administration are correct however, he is also something else: delusional. If as they assure us he actually does believe transparently untrue things about the inaugural crowd, illegal votes for Hillary, and several other issues, that remains as the alternative explanation.

The American people and the world cannot be expected to sort out continuous lies from psychotic delusions. Neither is remotely compatible with being President. It is a mistake to consider all this theater or bizarre strategy. People who are thinking clearly simply do not talk like this. Trump is plainly mentally impaired to the point of being unfit for office. A solution exists: the 25th Amendment. It needs to be applied sooner rather than later.
ruttaro (Denver, CO)
Caligula, the Roman Emperor who went off the rails after a bout with a fever, is as good a historical comparison we have to Trump. Trump's first week gives us all reason to be concerned, not for his term (it may be shorter than even his most fervent detractors wish), but for the US and the world. That's because what Trump is doing, as he fires off one executive order after another, believes only what jives with his own reality, rejecting science, facts, truth, is that he is undermining our institutions and the faith that is the foundation upon which they rest. As he does to us, he is doing the same to our allies and friends, many who are those same refugees he has swiped into limbo with a stoke of his pen. No one knows how much damage he will do but we need to ponder this very vital truth: institutions are hard to build, very strong in guiding behavior, yet very delicate as they rest upon reciprocity and trust, and hence easy to destroy. Once destroyed, the effort to rebuild is doubly hard. For those who wanted a businessman to run the country like a business, you have your wish and all of us are about to pay the price. Trump is our Caligula. The only question is what 'fever' is behind Trump's madness?
Robert Karma (Atlanta, GA)
I thought we would never see another emotionally and mentally unstable person in the White House on the dysfunction level of Richard Nixon. Tricky Dick was paranoid, had a fragile ego, craved praise while not being able to handle criticism and believed those who disagreed with him were his enemies. His Watergate scandal and other criminal acts brought our country to the point of Constitutional crisis. Nixon was forced to resign in disgrace and only avoided prison by being granted a pardon by President Ford. Well I turned out to be wrong as Donald Trump is making Nixon look like a stroll through the park on a sunny afternoon. Trump has all of the faults of Nixon magnified to the extreme with none of the positive qualities present. Trump has already acted in defiance of our Constitution, precedent and human decency to pursue his radical agenda of making America great for Trump, his family and his enablers around the world. The plethora of ethical and criminal acts by Trump and his administration demands vigilance by the American people, our court system and by Congress. Impeachment is not a matter of if, but a matter of when. Also, how much damage will our country suffer before Congress finds the moral fiber to stand up to Trump and his minions?
ANGEL XIX (Extraterrestrial)
President Trump sits atop an apex of what appears to be a failing alt-reich conspiracy. A white-ring, Judeo-Christian, increasingly obvious plan by a few neo-nut geniuses who haven't a clue how to run this planet - they are lost within their own truth cloud. Seriously, Trump appears to have been ego-washed by some megalomaniacs. MICE - Money Ideology Compromise and Ego - they are all present. The good old Soviet spy pry(s).
1. Nationalism. The United States could survive without immigrants, trade, and NATO, but to do so requires unification of the American public. Trump had that rare opportunity but his Trumpets blew it. They told the press to shut up and walked out.
2. Oil. Most people now 'get' Climate Change. A clever president would give Putin the Middle East et oil. Help him corner and then strangle that dinosaur era while turning the US (and Russia) electric green and space gold. Value added petro products - lubricants, plastics, recreational fuels, pharmaceuticals, fertilizers - made by that one company are all still desired. Trump's team is still 'T-Rex'?
3. Overpopulation. Dictator Duerte knows that overpopulation kills. His Philippines' growing poverty and drug crime rate is directly related to overpopulation so he wants to distribute birth controll- the Pope says no. Trump could have linked that religious message to woman's empowerment and responsible immigration States globally. Trump crusaders? Wrong way wacos - again.
It's Them or Pence Mr. President.
Christopher Harendza (Lansdale PA)
By saying “the media should keep it’s mouth shut,” Steve Bannon, senior advisor to President Trump, demonstrates he does not believe in the First Amendment of the Constitution.

It seems his advice to the President is to spew misinformation and falsehoods. Propaganda such as the claim that there were over 3 million illegal votes in the election, that the inauguration was the most attended of all time are indeed “alternate facts.”

I wager a paycheck that if there is an investigation on the so called voter fraud, it will indeed be fabricated to show it happened. Repeating false information doesn’t make it true and suppressing freedom of the press reveals a complete lack of integrity. Joseph Goebbels must be Bannon’s idol.

The truth does not matter anymore.
sherm (lee ny)
The problem is Trump is who he is. All the pejoratives I've seen so far seem to be accurate. I think his executive order banning entries from certain countries, and implemented with no advance warning, clearly shows a capacity for cruelty accompanied by the absence of remorse.

Trump cannot be trained or conditioned to be someone he is not. He did not select his flaws, they are as much a part of him as his stomach and his ears. The flaws have worked to his benefit in the deal, deal, deal real estate business, but they make him grossly unsuitable to be President. Maybe those closest to him can convince to quit so he can spend more time with his family and business.
neil (Georgia)
If you are disturbed by the actions of President Trump, try living in a suburban county 30 miles north of Atlanta. Most of the people I know say "things are fine, give him a chance." (meaning the President). They would not be concerned with his ban of Muslims because they don't know anyone of that faith. The people where I live, and elsewhere in the country, who think that everything is just fine aren't aware that an insurrection has begun. A federal judge has halted the deportation of Muslims who had arrived here with appropriate visas. There will be many more confrontations in the courtrooms as Democrats and others seek to block implementation of Trump's campaign against democracy. The more than 3 million people who marched the day after the President's inauguration weren't doing so in support of his policies. Confrontation between the administration and the major cities in this country is likely when orders to deport "illegal" immigrants start to be implemented. A long time ago, a great president said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." This nation is a divided house. That president was a Republican, unlike the charlatan in the White House."
SMB (Savannah)
I feel your pain living in Savannah. However, the Civil Rights movement had and has many heroes in Georgia with Congressman John Lewis as one of them. Very few bumper stickers and yard signs where I live sported Trump's name during the campaign even though most voted for him (in contrast to the many for Romney earlier). The support may not be that deep.
By de-valuing truth, Trump de-values the United States. As a commissioned military officer, I swore an oath to defend the Constitution. Unlike German officers under Hitler, I did not take an oath of loyalty to the leader. Trump is not my feurher. I am saddened that our system made a person with apparently little integrity our national leader. I hope our legislatures and courts will limit his potential to do damage, but have little confidence they will do so. I don't think the regions that supported him realize that they will suffer the most from global warming. I don't think they know that robotics caused the loss of manufacturing employment. Our electorate doesn't seem to value knowledge. I am 80 years old, but I fear for my children and grandchildren, Trump only cares about himself.
Nicholas (Transylvania)
That Trump is president is fact. A horrible fact considering that he has risen on a pyramid of lies involving tens of millions of Americans; wherein lies the grotesque; Lies Rule America Now!
A rule by lies is not just a deranged action produced by a deranged individual who broke into a castle with a band of vicious bullies and usurped the king. Are we forgetting that America is a democracy that provides leadership based on merit? and therefore capacities to manage the country's needs and that of the world by stating the facts, by constructing enduring economic and social structures to benefit its citizens, as well of all citizens of the world whose human rights must be respected and protected?
The unspeakable morass that befell on America by the tsunamis of lies produced by the far right wing of the Republican Party under Trump's spell is extremely dangerous. We are facing the rise of unspeakable hatred against reason and human concern, and we sense that something tears America apart, something that can disintegrate in violence and dictatorship. What will precede it will be crass political actions that will not be opposed through organised Resistance, preceded by lethargy, by ignorance, by carelessness.
We, who know that whole armies of ill-informed and misdirected Americans are mindlessly supporting the Rule of Lies under Trump... We must rise! We must fight for Liberty!, We must fight for human rights, at home and abroad. Then we shall consider ourselves decent humans!
opinionsareus0 (California)
Aside from Trump's pathological instability (a given), we have millions of Americans who have been willful in their angry denial of facts - up to and including their pre-Trump opinions and norms re: human decency and morals.

This is the most concerning part of the Trump phenomenon. Trump is not Hitler, but he has surrounded himself with people who are actively creating a set of pre-fascist conditions that will predispose the USA to a fascist rule should we encounter a serious terrorist attack on our soil, or be challenged in any serious way by a foreign power.

Mean-spirited and vicious attacks by Trump against the press/media; Muslims and Latinos; peaceful protestors; public servants; the intelligence community; intellectuals and academia; women who wish to control their own body; public education; science (climate change); immigrants; "liberals"; public and private health officials (Planned Parenthood, etc.); nations that we partner with (xenophobia); and so on. All of this is heartily supported by 10's of millions of Trump supporters; they cheer him on. It's like a mad frenzy that seeks to literally break our nation in two and destroy a cohesive culture.

God help us all of there is a serious crisis, because we are being set up for true fascism. We're not there yet, but the preparations are being made. Fascists don't call themselves fascists; they believe that they are the ultimate arbiters of law. Prepare yourselves, and at the same time, resist!
Simon (Melbourne)
Mr Trump's communication strategy is straight out of the playbook of Josef Gobbles -- the big lie. Tell it and keep telling it until the audience either believes it or is bored. The challenge for us, and especially the media, is to stay focussed and not get distracted by the succession of announcements that may, or may not, ever amount to anything. Mr Trump's strategy with his mooted inquiry into 3-5 million fraudulent (sic) votes in the recent election is to deflect attention from the Russian government's involvement (possibly with Trump aides) in tarnishing Hilary Clinton's campaign. The Times, and other reputable media outlets, needs to stay focussed on getting the bottom of Putin's involvement. That's where the fraud lies.
morton (madrid)
Gobbles is interesting, but his name was Goebbels!
Wiley Cousins (Finland)
I agree, Simon. This Muslim ban might furnish Trump with his reichstag fire moment he needs -by way of terror attack - which he will use as an excuse to grab more power.
AJ North (The West)
Waiting in the wings for his titular boss to self-destruct is the is the man perhaps most responsible for the outcome of this past "election" — Mike Pence.

When Pence moves into the Oval Office (likely before the year is out), then we Real Americans can bid farewell to what the Founders created: a secular, democratic and constitutional republic, in particular to what the preamble to the Constitution referred to as "a more perfect union."

Instead (assuming the Union even survives), the United States will become one large "Just Us Township" — from sea to warming (and rising) sea.
Scotteroo (Bemidji, MN)
Well, I say the constitution only allows us to evict one president at a time, so we've got to start somewhere.
Amor Fati (New York)
Trump's psychology and character are obviously important. But what may be more historically significant is how his supporters square his decisions. I'm seeing, from Bannon, for instance, something akin to Maoism, where any destructiveness is good because these people want to blow government up. There seems to be a sense among his supporters throughout the country, of course born of a long anti-government trend at least since Reagan, that nothing short of dismantling all government institutions will save us. But there is an alternative means to this goal. It's called a constitutional convention. And I believe all sides would we willing to consider that.
Scotteroo (Bemidji, MN)
A constitutional convention would be too risky at a time when Republicans hold such sway across the states by way of their heinous gerrymandering.
Termon (NYC)
The substance of what Trump has done so far tells us he has no grasp of the web of interrelationships in the real world. How awful it is that a statement from the Iranian authorities should contain a justified warning that Trump's ban on so many Muslims is a gift to terrorist recruiters.

We've had a strict vetting process in place for refugees, but once Trump tells the lie, he must keep repeating in. Biggest crowds, longest standing ovation, floods of terrorists from Syria. And since the problem, gifted to us by Obama, is so acute, we must act immediately and ban people without notice, ban people already in the air. To top it off, just as peremptorily, he fires the State Dept. people needed to promulgate any ban in a civilized way. It has already emerged, in Trump- and Fox-speak, that the vast protests, whether by women and friends or by immigrants and friends, are organized out of sanctuary cities, aka liberal cities. What a uniter! Unless we unite quickly and excise the gangrene, it will kill the whole body.
ctt (Copenhagen, Denmark)
There is already sufficient evidence of severe, persistent cognitional bias and disconnect from objective reality for U.S. citizens to begin considering - and insisting on - steps along the lines indicated by Amendment 25, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution. Even those very supportive of the positive values Trump has emphasized may find it increasingly difficult to avoid the need for this step.

"Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President."
Anne (Massachusetts)
Working on it. If you haven't read the letter from 3 psychiatry professors asking for a complete neuro-psychiatric evaluation, please read my comment, you'll find the link there.
Len Charlap (Princeton, NJ)
While Trump may have taken denial and lying to a new level, conservatives have been flogging myths for years. Here are 10 among many:

1. Significantly (say, no deficits for more than 3 years and reducing the debt by more than 10%) paying down the federal debt has usually been good for the economy.

2. The single payer health care systems of other developed countries produce no better results at not much lower costs.

3. The very high top tax rates after WWII combined with high real (ratio of taxes actually paid to GDP) corporate taxes stifled economic growth.

4. The devastation of WWII caused the output of Europe to stay low for many (>10) years.

5. A small ratio of federal debt to GDP has always insured prosperity.

6. Inequality such as we have today (Gini about 0.50) has usually encouraged entrepreneurship thus helping the economy.

7. Our ratio of our corporate taxes actually paid to GDP is among the highest of all developed countries.

8. Since WWI, the cause of severe inflation in developed countries has usually been the printing of money.

9. As a percentage of GDP, today's federal debt service is the highest in many years.

10. Inequality such as we have today is an aberration; the history of capitalism has shown that periods like 1946 - 1973 with low inequality are the norm.
Stephen Kurtz (Windsor, ON)
A liar believing his own lies will muzzle free expression. Is that likely to happen in America? We'll gets the results when the POTUS decides to ban certain members of the media from the White House and those members seek redress from the courts. If the case reaches the Supreme Court that court may (not necessarily will) decide the limits of presidential power because a Republican Congress is more than likely to be afraid to do so.
walterhett (Charleston, SC)
Trump, this scion of white privilege, is the dumbest, most flawed person to win a national election by flaunting his inadequacies and shortcomings: his blemishes ooze out in every word and act. Now he writes dictums for America, already the courts have reminded him the constitution requires due process, but he's never been one for the details.

He seeks to normalize his crimes; he is informed by imaginary friends. Is this what America wants?

Many answer yes! They value privilege over principle. They do not want their impulses checked. They embrace myth and lies, their belief unshakable. They prefer the chains of the past over progress, and define freedom as the power to force submission (be it groping women or signing executive orders). They voted for the power "to hit back." Who cares if in the long run, the country fails, so long as they get their day!
Simply smart (New York, NY)
No! Most, the majority of us who voted for Hillary Clinton, don't support Trump and what he is offering up: a new model of democracy. The streets are beginning to fill with activists across the US to denounce Donald Trump as President of the United States. Democracy will not die at the hands of the so-called president, Donald J. Trump, who has disgraced the office. Sad to admit, but given who holds that office today, that position has now met its match. It's a new world order that chills one to their core.
sjs (bridgeport, ct)
Hey, don't blame white people for trump. He is in his only little group of crazy
Steve Bolger (New York City)
Trump is the candidate of bitter jealous fools who want God to punish the whole planet.
joyce (new brunswick, canada)
Trumps personal world is a heightened and intense one and it may be so intense that everything else pales in comparison. He is all there is for him. Everything else rapidly fades away.
RK (Long Island, NY)
Who knows the truth about Donald Trump than New Yorkers?

They knew that Trump has a tenuous relationship with the truth and rejected him overwhelmingly.

1.5 million more people in New York City, Trump's hometown, voted for Hillary Clinton than Trump. She got around 80% of the vote while he got around 19%.

It's important because more than anyone in the country, his hometown people are used to his "truthful hyperbole" and relentless self promotion and rejected him soundly.

Only 10% of the voters of Manhattan, Trump's home county, voted for him.

During the campaign, The New Yorker ran a series of articles titled "Trump and the Truth"

It is not late to read them.
tgmonty (Maryland)
Everyone registered to vote and living in NYC must be illegal and not the forgotten ones of Real America.
Lure D. Lou (Boston)
The Austrian right wing parties use the techniques of Neuro Linguistic Programming ( it) to undermine the credibility of traditional sources of information. If you 'reframe' reality and say false things over and over again...guess what, it works. I used to think Trump and his people were just stupid, but now I believe there is something much more insidious afoot here. We have had a coup d'etat promoted not by ideas but by crass psychological manipulation. Half this country is going to be needing deprogramming...remember EST?
neon (Connecticut)
Sorry but the man is a pathological liar. When he lies, he should be called a liar. Period.
Chuck (RI)
It's only a matter of time before Trump and his cronies shut down all truth.
burfordianprophet (Pennsylvania)
Demonizing journalists and anyone else who attempts to raise questions about the dear leader's statements or policies has been a hallmark of fascists throughout history. Unfortunately, we had an electorate this season who would have no clue about that since they have spent their time consuming reality TV and other pop culture and little else. But we all had fair warning about the kind of leader Trump would be. He has not changed the least bit since he entered the public eye decades ago. We are getting the same man we watched for months on the campaign trail. Why would anyone expect him to be different now?

The other tough point is that apparently, many of Trump's supporters are just fine with his approach. We can debate policy, but this is way beyond policy or ideology. It's a matter of allowing a liar and bully and cheater to run the executive branch; there's not much debate that Trump is all 3 of those. The debate is going to be, are enough of us OK with that to allow him to continue?
David Techau (Tasmania)
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less."

Lewis Carroll
Alice through the Looking Glass
Nannie Turner (Cincinnati)
The answer to this problem is quite simple.since Trump's main objective is attention,Stop with all the stories and ignore him completely.This will drive him completely over the edge.There are hundreds of other stories to write about without using the word"TRUMP".
A. Stanton (Dallas, TX)
Refugees Detained at U.S. Airports, Prompting Legal Challenges to Trump’s Immigration Order -- NY Times

We know his modus operandi, which is to sow chaos and confusion everywhere; so we must proceed to give him more than he can handle.

The only effective way of dealing with him will be by the exercise of something close to total-across-the-board opposition to all of his executive actions and legislative proposals except for the ones that are reasonable, of which we can expect there will be few.

Many individual battles with him may be lost in the process, but swamping him in legal actions, media exposes, boycotts of his business supporters, government and private sector opposition at the local level and protest marches will be our best hope of slowing him down and ultimately getting rid of him.

Our situation is truly growing more desperate by the day. Who could have imagined it would happen so soon?
Bottles (Southbury, CT 06488)
Sad to say but Donald J. Trump is the founder of fake news. For five years he perpetuated the lie that President Obama was not born in America and he had the evidence to prove it.

The supreme irony is that when this carnival barker ascended to the Presidency, Ringling Bros. went out of business.
CF (Massachusetts)
When you have clowns 24/7/365, you no longer need the circus to come to town. It's always in town. Problem now: we can't get away from it.
Sue (Rhinebeck)
Thank you for the only laugh I will probably have today!
Edward Baker (Seattle)
Trump stated repeatedly for six years that President Obama was not born in the United States, that he, Trump, had dispatched investigators to Honolulu "and you won´t believe what they´ve found." Of course we wouldn´t because they found nothing, nor could they because there never were any investigators dispatched to Honolulu. So, if there were no investigators how did he know? And ever more to the point, when he finally laid the racist hoax to rest--it had done its job as a publicity stunt and a wedge issue--and stated that President Obama was born in America, how did he know?
Diana (Charlotte)
What do you expect from someone with a severe personality disorder? Duh ! He's not going to change; he's not capable. The media should probably use what's called a paradoxical intervention. Publish stories about how great and wonderful he is because he's pushed for single-payer healthcare, and other things on the liberal agenda it'll be a bald face lie, but it might have an interesting effect. If nothing else it'll make his head spin around a few times
FilmMD (New York)
Why didn't he just go ahead and Photoshop his crowd pictures like mad?
Elizabeth (Northville, NY)
The media needs to DO ITS JOB! Stop EVER treating him like he is being reasonable. Call him out when it's clear he has no idea what he is talking about (the press conference with Theresa May was a case in point. Why didn't someone in the media make it clear to the world that the guy doesn't know what THE MINSK TREATY IS!!!) Come on Fourth Estate, get it together!
Dave H (NY)
Agree. The truth always comes out and is aways stronger than lies.
Trump and his lies will eventually crumble in failure.
William (Indiana)
Exactly! The media needs to follow up when Trump's ignorance is obvious and ask the pointed questions to have his ignorance shown clearly to the world.
sjs (bridgeport, ct)
Ahem, sister. Media, you don't have techniques for dealing with this? GET SOME! Starting putting the pressure on. If you are denied access because you are report the truth, so what? Do your job!
Andrew G. Bjelland, Sr. (Salt Lake City, Utah)
President Trump's lies and other modes of misdirection threaten our nation's well-being, but another off-putting aspect of the Trump's comportment is his abysmal "use" of the English language.

The run-on sentences, the sentence fragments, the endless repetitions of trite "pronouncements", the low-level vocabulary, the non-sequiturs, the lack of all semblance of logic--these are emblematic of a stunted and fragmented personality, and of a jejune, limited and totally out of focus world-view.

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." Ludwig Wittgenstein.

As Wittgenstein notes, language, self and world are intimately related.

Indeed, I suspect what Donald Trump "articulates" scarcely merits the term "world-view". More likely his experience seldom amounts to anything other than the unreflective actings-out of a wholly dysfunctional, insecure and narcissistic personality.

Trump's typical behavior seems to be largely reflex and Id driven. His responses to the slightest provocation are immediate, uncensored, often vengeful and contrary to his own and the GOP's interests.

He scarcely acknowledges that there is a world out there, inhabited by other people, concerning which he should form a coherent vision, or over and against which he should reflect on the quality of his own character and comportment.

Can the US and the world survive what will certainly be a solipsistic, narcissistic Trump Presidency?
tgmonty (Maryland)
There seems to be a growing concensus among neuroscientists that a deterioration of the limbic system is consistent with behaviors exhibited by the president. It also appears to be age related, exacerbated by low physical fitness and poor dietary habits.
sjs (bridgeport, ct)
Totally agree with you. It is very hard to have an intelligent discussion with someone who doesn't see to be able to express a thought in a complete sentence and/or changes his opinion somewhere in the middle.
Beatrice ('Sconset)
Andrew G. Bjelland, Sr. - Salt Lake City
You ask, " Can the U.S. & the world survive a Trump presidency ? "
I respond, "No, we can't" ........ No, podemos !
Let's stop watching "the bull in the china shop" wreak things for all of us.
Therefore let's get out of the doldrums & act !
I have called my elected Senators & Representatives from Massachusetts to request that they initiate impeachment proceedings.
Trump is also surrounded by "yes-men." His circle rush to defend Trump's delusions and lies, rather than lead him to the truth.
Kellyanne Conway has been his professional apologist, asking him to be absolved for his words and policies, asking us to instead look into his heart, as if he were not responsible for his conduct.
Mike Pence, the supposed adult of the pair, indulges Trump's nonsense. Mike Pence even went along with Trump's lies about fraudulent voting, saying that Trump was "entitled to his own opinions," as if opinions based on no facts counted as facts.
Newt Gingrich went along with Trump's lies about crime, saying that perceptions counted as much as statistics.
"Alternative facts" are now part of our vernacular, and they will be reiterated from Trump and his mouthpieces.
Cathy Barasch (Plainsboro)
He is not MY president !
Rick Gage (mt dora)
Customer: "Excuse me miss." Shopkeeper: "What do you mean, miss?" Customer: "I'm sorry, I have a cold." So begins Monty Python's famous "Dead Parrot" sketch. I've been reminded of this sketch everyday in the last 18 months. The customer has come back to the pet shop to return a dead parrot he, initially, was told was "just resting after an extended squawk." It's not until he gets home and sees that the bird has "been nailed to the perch" that he realizes he has been conned. The humor comes from the shopkeeper"s insistence that there is nothing wrong with the bird in question and keeps bringing the conversation back to the birds "beautiful plumage" as if that were the most important part of the purchase. As John Cleese, brilliantly, becomes more unhinged trying to get the shopkeeper to admit his con, his focus turns to how to word his complaint so that Micheal Palin will be forced to admit that the parrot on his counter is indeed dead. My worry is that people will normalize this President's constant lying and, eventually, give up fighting due to exhaustion. My hope is that people will come to their senses before inertia makes this pathological behavior commonplace. When people ask me if I've gotten over the election yet, I always respond that "I know a dead parrot when I see one".
Les Keen (London England)
I could be wrong but I think the Lord Buddha is supposed to have said " There are three things that can never be hidden, the sun the moon and the truth "
Lets wait and see.