Trump on Their Side, Conservatives See Hope in Lengthy Abortion Fight

Jan 26, 2017 · 600 comments
Sara J. (State College, PA)
I wish the anti-abortion movement poured all its resources into providing women with viable alternatives to abortion rather than wasting a lot of it on litigation against abortion laws and access. If they are against abortion, they need to make pregnancy and childcare easier for women and, frankly, I don't think they do a very good job in this.
Maureen (New York)
Most of the people marching at this demonstration also support the "smaller" government concept that was and continues to be a centerpiece of most right wing Republicans. Do these people realize that they are literally giving the government and its agents the right to literally requisition their bodies -- allegedly for the benefit of a developing fetus? Are they aware of the fact that if they drank or used illegal drugs they could face criminal prosecution?
S F A (Florida)
Would you anti-choice people be willing to adopt and raise a child of another race?
rimantas (Baltimore)
Is Planned Parenthood the only organization which provides health services to women other than abortion? Of course not. Why not stop giving them tax money, and direct the same to organizations who treat women but don't do abortions? Why is PP so holy to the liberals? Are they so much for abortions, is abortion so important in their lives that they must stand behind PP no matter what? Why do they like abortion so much? Or is it the dem party, who receives handsome contributions for its reeelction efforts and is home for the left?

Some resort to the old rhetoric of prochoice. Everyone is prochoice how to live their lives, and once they made their choice, on their own, they take responsibility for the consequences. But this idea is opposed by big government. After all, how can you control the people if you give them choice?
Denny (Burlington)
A long time ago now, President Reagan stated the reality that even among those who support the right to abortion, there is outstanding doubt as to the point in time at which a child in the womb is classed as a human being. Given that doubt, we should always choose life. Who can argue?
Jan Hetterly (Fairfield, CT)
Come on folks ! The Supreme Court has already ruled on this matter;
the law is the law!
Antoine (New Mexico)
I consider myself a dyed in the wool lefty, but there's no way around it: abortion is murder. You can spin it anyway you want, but there's no denying it's a taking of human life. Like may things in life, it's easy to justify expediency over morality, but that doesn't make it right.
Joanne Klein (Clinton Corners, NY)
The sad fact is that if abortion is restricted, women will simply go underground and have them performed. This is the way it has always been. If there are deaths from coat hangers for those that cannot afford them at all, then I suppose those deaths mean nothing to the anti-abortionists. Picking and choosing life, hey.
WMK (New York City)
Pro abortion folks have so many arguments proposing abortion. They say it is my body and I can do whatever I wish with it, I am not ready to have a baby because it will interfere with my career, Ii do not have the financial means to have a child now, etc.

These are all selfish and self absorbed reasons. They do not realize that their decision is not only affecting them but an innocent baby. They are taking the life of a defenseless human life who has absolutely no say in the matter. And yes an unborn child is a baby and has a right to be born. The argument that a fetus is just a clump of cells is absolutely ridiculous and untrue.
SGB (Seattle)
It's NOT pro-life; it's pro-baby. What about that life after, when it needs food, education, shelter. We're cutting all funds that aid those in need. This is not pro life. It's anti-abortion. Don't dress it up as something honorable and holy.
Fred (NJ)
Right to life indeed! I look forward to Pence and Conway demanding repeal of the Second Amendment!
Annie Dooley (Georgia)
Roe v Wade was a good compromise between women's rights and the state's interest in the life of the fetus. Anti-choice people simply do not recognize that women have any rights. That is the problem and until they do, this issue will never go away.
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
Science fans will discover hereabouts that the dedicated Left is hilariously ignorant on the subject of mammalian reproduction and the stages of human fetal development. It would be just funny if human lives weren't at stake.

But future progressives don't habituate science buildings while receiving their ideological training at our universities, so non-scientists indoctrinate them while depending of hearsay in the areas of reproduction as well as climatology.
Monte Ladner (Falmouth, Massachusetts)
As a medical student many years ago I assisted in the delivery of a baby to a twelve-year old girl who'd been raped by her uncle.

Many pregnant women who desperately want to have a child encounter catastrophic complications, like eclampsia or placental abruption, and face death if the pregnancy is not terminated immediately.

Prenatal diagnostic testing can identify physical or genetic abnormalities that will present unsurvivable conditions for the unborn child.

What arrogance you must have to think that you know better than the actual people facing these difficult decisions about what to do.

And, no doubt, you're the sort of person who wants government to stay out of our personal lives - right?
concerned (nj)
my concerns are many, I am neither a conservative or a liberal. But I believe this issue is a very personal one between a man, a woman and her doctor, and not up to the government and for conservatives to want the government to get involved in this issue but nothing else, well maybe school prayer, is so hypocritical.
MIMA (heartsny)
Simple. How about raising the minimum wage so women have a little monetary backing to raise kids? Maybe that would be a nicey nice thing for Mike Pence and Miss Kelleyanne to push Trump to write an executive order for!
Ray (Texas)
How about not having kids, unless you have the means to provide for them?
Tom (Coombs)
I'm for choice. I hope those against it are prepared to house and counsel those who are denied their choice. i hope they are then prepared to adopt these children.
NKB (Albany, NY)
To prevent abortions due to unplanned pregnancies, how about we mandate use of spermicidal condoms for all men when having sex? To make sure of compliance, we can mandate that the men pay steep fines and assume sole responsibility (financial and otherwise) for raising any unplanned child. For planned pregnancies, we can mandate a signed and notarized document from both parties. Seems reasonable?
JimBob (Los Angeles)
I wish the Times (and others) would stop using the wrong labels. By calling one group "abortion foes" and "anti-abortion" the assumption is made that whoever disagrees with them is "pro-abortion" or "abortion-friendly." Nothing could be further from the truth. NOBODY is "pro-abortion." In fact, if all these "anti-abortion" people were actually "anti-abortion" they would increase funding to Planned Parenthood, not seek to eliminate it. There is so much hypocrisy on the "anti-abortion" side ("All lives are precious until they're out of the womb, then they're on their own!") it really doesn't help the conversation to give them the only label that sound virtuous.
gregg collins (Evanston IL)
If the goal of these "right to life" people is truly to maximize human life, by forcing women to give birth to children they don't want, it seems to me a logical extension of that would be to impose factory farming on the women of the world. Put women in cages, packed as tightly as possible, and force them to breed as often as possible for as long as possible. Voila! Lots more life! Sure, it would be cruel to both the mothers and their children, but... "Life!"
Spencer Lewen (New York)
Sexual reproduction has a single biological purpose: reproduction. No one who engages in it is under any impressions otherwise. They know the consequences and choose to engage in it anyways, because society has placed social utility on the act of reproduction. We as a society could easily choose to remove that social utility. You cannot escape the consequences of your actions, and no one should have the power to decide life and death.
Jason (Staten Island)
A big part of our Federal Gov't decides life and death each day. Drone strikes,amount of funding for UNICEF, deciding on Federal Death Penalties,amount of $ spent on funding antibiotic research,ect....
Why can't we escape the consequences of our actions? Plan B, abortions, contraceptives?
Dennis di Lorenzo (NYC)
The choice for the next Supreme court appointment does not belong to Donald Trump. It belongs to President Obama, duly elected by the people in 2008 and 2012 and entrusted to nominate Supreme Court justices during his term in office. This is not the Scalia pick as it is now often being referred by Republicans and some members of the media. It is the Obama pick. It was stolen from President Obama and from the many tens of millions of Americans who elected him. It was stolen from the United States of America and from our democracy by Senate Republicans. This abhorrent act was and remains a clear dereliction of duty and must not be allowed to stand. As a loyal American, I call upon President Obama, Michelle Obama, Vice-President Joe Biden and Jill Biden, Secretary Hillary Clinton and President Bill Clinton, President Jimmy Carter and Rosalyn Carter, President H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush, President George W. Bush and Laura Bush, and our entire Democratic leadership and elected officials to demand that the Senate Judiciary Committee grant Merrick Garland, President Obama's nominee a full and complete hearing. I further call upon all of my fellow patriotic Americans to protest and engage in peaceful civil disobedience against any attempt by the U.S. Senate to consider any Trump nominee to the court only and until after President Obama's nominee is seated on the court. Senate Republicans should not be allowed to come to work when they haven't done their job.
DSS (Ottawa)
We in America pride ourselves by saying we are the land of the free. Freedom does not mean imposing your morality or religious beliefs on others. It also does not mean making laws to limit others peoples freedom. As long as you are personally not affected, people should be free to practice their religion or beliefs as they see fit. Personal choices are personal choices and should not be controlled by government.
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
But the Obama administration SUED religious institutions to force the progressive view of abortion-on-demand on them. Or was that perfectly alright with you? This is part of why 81% of evangelicals voted for President Trump.

We will have to have a Constitutional Amendment protecting religious people from having to violate their beliefs for the sake of pernicious political correctness.
Spencer Lewen (New York)
If you adhere to Natural Rights Theory, it is a logical impossibility to be in favor of abortion. The Right to Life is guaranteed by the UN Declaration on Human Rights. It's the first right guaranteed, at the top of the list. No one with any understanding of biology can claim that a zygote is part of the woman's body, as the cells are a genetically unique organism and required genetic material from 2 adults to form, in addition to behaving in a completely different manner from other cells in the mother's body. If you wish to safeguard Human Rights, and adhere to Natural Rights Theory, abortion is indefensible.
David. (Philadelphia)
These same forced-birth zealots want guns in every household, for prisoners to be tortured and for capital punishment in every state. That's today's state of American Ultra-Christianity, with The Wrong Reverend Pence firing up the forced-birth marchers in the streets, while gutting our government agencies in the shadows.
DSS (Ottawa)
This is more than a case of being opposed to abortion. It is more about imposing a system of morality on people who believe differently. It is about government controlling what goes on in your bedroom, controlling who you have a right to love and marry, controlling who gets health insurance and who doesn't, controlling who goes to which washroom, and controlling a women's right to her own body. You can be for or against all of these things including abortion, but you should not be for preventing other people from doing what they choose to do because it is against your morality, and better still forcing them to do what you want them to do. What Trump and the right wing want to do is not only wrong and a step backwards, it is in-American. People have a right to their beliefs, but not to impose their beliefs on others.
Daniel (Santa fe)
I agree completely and wholeheartedly and concur with your aforementioned statement completely. Plus, it makes no sense to me how people can ascribe to these beliefs that there should not be contraceptives. What are they thinking logically? If they too are in their twenties, then they naturally know that no one our age wants kids or is in a responsible financial place to fully support a child; ergo, it blows my mind how these people want to turn back the hands of time by limiting anyones ability to have access to contraception.
C Jay (California)
First they will outlaw abortion. Then they'll come after the most effective (hormonal) birth control. Many if not most pro life groups oppose hormonal birth control (pill, IUD, plan B, etc).

If women cannot effectively prevent pregnancy throughout their peak earning years they may have a hard time finding well paying permanent jobs/careers and equal pay. Businesses will look at the risks/costs vs benefits.

Women will then be back in the 1950's.
Kay (VA)
May we please see pictures of the march crowd? We need photo evidence of the size of this crowd before who-know-who says this group was larger than the women's march.
REPNAH (Huntsville AL)
Kay, I'm a pro-life, conservative republican male who reluctantly voted for Trump in the general election (did not vote for him in the primary) and as such I will concede (regardless of what the POTUS may say) that the march last week probably drew more attendees than today's March for Life. But let's remember this was the 1st Women's March... and it was the 44th Annual March for Life. Do you really believe the groups represented last week will still be drawing the numbers that came to the Mall in DC today... in the year 2060??? If you total the numbers that have come each year for the 44 Annual Marches for Life... you can easily make the case that no other cause has drawn more people to march and protest in Washington... than the Pro-life cause.
KosherDill (In a pickle)
As a pro-life, conservative Republican male, sir, can you please tell us about all the disadvantaged children you have adopted and continue to foster in your home? We know that due to your immense concern for the "innocent children" you must have generously filled your home to near-overflowing with the cast-off, abused, neglected, disabled, sick offspring of women who found themselves pregnant but unable to raise a human being.

We all would really love to hear about all of your adoptive and foster children. Please, do tell.
Ray (Texas)
Actually, there are thousands of people who would love to adopt kids in the USA, but are forced to go to foreign countries.
no_fascism (DC)
Last Saturday millions marched for women's rights. Today a few dozen marched against women's rights.

The American public has spoken; Women deserve to be treated as sentient beings who can make their own decisions.
Dr. Mo (Orange County, CA)
Has anyone read what the book 'Freakanomics' has to say about abortion?!
TFreePress (New York)
When my Mom, a Catholic, was told before Roe v. Wade that her ninth pregnancy would kill her if she tried to go to term (as she had with the other eight), she was not allowed to have a legal abortion. She was directed by her doctor to a place she could go for help but even so she ended up in the hospital for more than a month to recover from a severe infection. When I found out 20 years later that I was pregnant with an ectopic pregnancy, the Catholic hospital where I was diagnosed informed me that they did not do abortions, so I would need to go elsewhere, which I did - by ambulance. Those who think a woman's health will be considered an exception if abortion is made illegal, should think again.
Jeff (Evanston, IL)
The real question is not about abortion. It's whether or not the religious beliefs of a minority of American citizens should be forced on the entire U. S. population by the rule of law. It is right and good for fundamentalists to demonstrate, put ads in the media, mail out brochures, set up websites, hold tent meetings. But it is against the principles of our democracy when they make their beliefs the law of our land. When life begins is indeed a matter of religious belief, just as much as what happens when a person dies. Furthermore, in the long run narrow-minded sin laws won't work. Prohibition is a very good example of how they go wrong.
rimantas (Baltimore)
True, the most important question is not about abortion. It's whether the liberal/progressive agenda, so promoted by Obama and advocated by the left wing press, will continue to be forced on those who have religious beliefs and wish to practice them freely in the public square. And others as well, who don't share those views but resent being controlled by the powerfful government.

Because control of our daily lives what the last administration was all about. You see, dear liberals, you can't keep vilifying and attacking a huge segment of the population without that segment pushing back. Yes, I understand your amazement - how dare anyone think that the left agenda could be be wrong!!! Well, to many the left IS wrong; this march represents part of those "many" who agree.
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
There are more Christians than non-Christians in the U.S.
Don B (Massachusetts)
This is the one issue I don't agree with the Paul's on. Treating a single cell as a human being isn't practical or sensible. Not only would that wipe out most birth control methods but it would also outlaw most fertility treatments.

Once we embraced "free love" and ran up the divorce rate to 50% the game was over because women now have to establish a career to support themselves and the kids. That means delaying marriage and childbearing until they are in their 30's and have declining fertility and a rising probability of serious birth defects. The good news is it reduces population growth. The bad news is a high risk of producing a child that will spend decades dying and never be self supporting. I have noticed that even devout Catholics are freaked out by that prospect.

The Republicans can get Rowe overturned and send the issue back to the state level but any attempt to deal with it is going to be a nightmare. Remember 2/3 of college students are now female and few of them will accept classifying a cell as a "person".
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
Biological reality is that the fertilized ovum becomes a new, unique individual. There is no identifiable point at which this individual becomes alive.
We have conception and then birth. Progressive love to think they are so smart, but on biology they are instructed to remain ignorant. Or else.
Annie Dooley (Georgia)
I'm sure it feels good to take the "pro-life" moral high ground and ignore the realities of many women's lives.
Jay Arthur (NYC)
Please stop using the term "anti-abortion" to define this group. Everyone is "anti-abortion" in the sense of wanting to avoid ever to have one. This group is "anti-choice," period.
LuckyDog (NY)
The lies and hatred used to try to destroy what is truly a medical decision are truly bizarre and unfounded. The campaign to pretend that a fetus has more importance than the person it is embedded in is ignorance and arrogance personified. Facts are facts - hard as it is for those worshipping themselves as the only representatives of "god" on earth. Hate to break it to the brainwashed, but we all carry divine sparks, and we all have free will. Pretending that your opinion is more important than another's is preposterous. As women will tell you - and women's voice are all that matter here - pregnancy and delivery must be choices, due to the severe impact they both have on quality of life. Frankly, there is no torture worse than having to endure pregnancy and delivery with no choice in the matter. With most presidents, torture is a topic that matters - unfortunately, this one refuses to even define it, passing that off to a delegate. So - we must work to include unwanted pregnancy and delivery as a form of torture, so that it is clear that without choice, human rights are grossly violated, and women's lives are at risk. We will not go back to women dying of backroom abortions - we will never go back. Medical decisions are not public property.
Patrick Stevens (Mn)
Before abortions became legal with the Supreme Court's decision in Roe vs Wade, the only women who could get them were rich white women, who paid to get an "exploratory D&C" which ended their pregnancy. These were performed regularly in every hospital in America, just under the radar of illegality. No one spoke of the operations. The physicians who did them knew the truth of their actions, but money, and the good sense to know that an unwanted pregnancy is a bad way to begin life for both the mother and child.
At the same time, poor women went to illegal abortionists who used a variety of unsafe, unsanitary, and brutal methods to end their pregnancies. Many died, and many were maimed.
I hate to hear our nation leaping back into the 19th century. It is a shame when religion enter into politics. Poor women will suffer the consequence if Roe is overturned. Wealthy women will continue to get abortions as they need them. The country will have bowed to Christianity as if it were our state religion.
Kristin (Spring, TX)
I stand with my sisters at the pro life march for equality. I support your fight for equal rights and stand shoulder to shoulder with you. You should know that many pro-choice advocates are also "pro-life." They are only pro-choice in consideration of the complexities of women's lives and the various circumstances that may present themselves too complicated to fit within a narrow rule of law defining when an abortion would be permissible.
Additionally, I wish you would have marched with us on Saturday with banners that stated your desire for equal rights and civil liberties and against Trump and not try to march with banners against planned parenthood. Obviously, many muslims are pro-life but still we marched for their civil liberties. I do not support any desire to defund Planned Parenthood because Planned Parenthood provides more services than your regular doctor even does: For example, Planned Parenthood also looks for signs of domestic violence and offers help to women who exhibit the signs. A regular gynecologist is not taking the time to do that.
Gwe (Ny)
Make no mistake..., the prolifera are winning the propaganda wars. I have a surprising number of liberal female friend who are now prolife. The rights emphasis on late term abortions have obscured the other issues that would resonate with them: early term, cases of illness, and the implications on IVF and the such.

I predicted Trump would win. I now predict Row v Wade will be overturned in the next decade.
Allison (Austin, TX)
The churches that sponsor these overtly political actions should be stripped of their tax-exempt status and made to report their doings, just like any other political organization. They are engaging in egregious political activity in a blatant attempt to establish a theocracy in the United States, with themselves wielding supreme power. Only ISIS outstrips them in their zeal to oppress women and non-religious men.
Chaco (Grand Junction, Colorado)
I remember a time when well-off women never had abortions. They had "therapeutic D and C's". Less well-off women were often limited to illegal, unregulated procedures which were hazardous and which injured and killed many women.

I truly believe that if every woman who had had a "D and C" or an abortion were to stand up and be counted, Vice President Pence and the GOP Congress would have to stand down.
Yam (Los Angeles)
To Christians abortion is a spiritual issue, not a political issue. As Christians we believe according to Scripture that God's will for conception is birth, and science proves that the embryo and fetus are living. Therefore, it becomes a government issue because one of the primary roles of government is to regulate morality, and abortion is a moral issue because lives are being lost. For the church to stand up for defenseless human beings is not a political action, it is a moral action. Separation of church and state ensures that government will not infringe in the church's right to stand up for what they believe is God's will. That politicians want to support them for political purposes is wrong, but if for moral reasons it is justifiable just like Obama stood up for Standing Rock.
KosherDill (In a pickle)
Absolutely, Allison.

Lawmakers need to take a stand. These cults can't have it both ways -- non-profit and shirking their property, income and FICA taxes on one hand but aggressively political on the other. It's either/or and they have made their choice. Let them pay taxes like any other organization and citizen does.
Andy W (Chicago, Il)
Loaded terms like misogynist, racist, opportunist, liar, traitor and demagogue are usually far too strong and emotionally jarring to publicly use when discussing any modern US President. Should they occasionally slip from the tongue in a heated situation, apologies typically follow once emotions have cooled. As with everything else in today's politics, Mr. Trump's ethics-free focus on self-promotion has also broken down that barrier.
My2Cents (NYC)
What I don’t understand is the same passion, amount of energy and display of furor with homelessness, hunger and poverty from these groups of people.
Anon (Boulder CO)
"Pro life" is a misnomer and should be denounced as such by society.

"Pro lifers" are "for" the life in the very short term of an embryo which may become a fetus and then a baby. But they are against the life of that baby who, if it survives a horrible childhood as an unwanted child, becomes a poor, disenfranchised drain on public funds.
They are also against the life of the unwilling mother, whose health and happiness are apparently irrelevant, and whose subsequent draining of public coffers as a (usually) single mother hurts every American's life.

If the life of a fetus/baby in the very short run is worth more that all of the above, how exactly are "pro lifers" pro life?
Clem (Shelby)
There is a good chance that these people will get what they want. We will then see women arrested, tried, convicted and jailed for performing their own abortions - whether with pills smuggled from Mexico or at home in the bathtub with a bent wire. At this point, some anti-abortion voters will momentarily get cold feet - but it won't last. They will get used to the idea soon enough.

The bigger sticking point for the young women marching today might be realizing what happens to women suffering a miscarriage in a country that outlaws abortion - yes, even if they are good, godly, modest, married Christian girls with a wanted pregnancy. Spoiler alert: It's very bad.
Karin (Michigan)
I am opposed to abortion except under some rare circumstances, but I don't believe it is my right or the government's right to dictate that to women.
The important thing is to provide access to what people need, not to make political statements.
Being pro-lfe can't end with birth. Abortion was prevalent and a problem long before Roe v Wade. The fact that abortions in 2016 were at their lowest since 1974 shows that there is something else going on. It appears that the success of ACA in providing health care access to millions who lacked it before has had wide ranging effects, including reducing abortions. Lower income people are better able to provide for the needs of the chlldren they have. And Planned Parenthood provides far more than abortion.
I am encouraged to see a lot of pussycat hats at the pro-life march. They symbolize so much more than trying to determine other peoples' lives.
Yam (Los Angeles)
Abortion is a moral issue and to politicize it is wrong. However, it is the primary responsibility of government to regulate moral issues such as rape, theft, murder, etc, and since abortion is the termination of a living human it should also be regulated also. To say otherwise is hypocritical.
Michael Hoffman (Pacific Northwest)
There are more female babies than males babies. The real "war on women" is the fact that the majority of the babies aborted are girls.

Please don’t talk to me about human rights if you support the abortion of unborn humans.

The dehumanization of the pre-born has led to the dehumanization of other vulnerable humans.

These are politically incorrect truths.
bounce33 (West Coast)
The best way to prevent abortions is for men to always use condoms when they have sex.
R_M (Los Angeles, CA)
Without Abortion Rights, every other women's rights is meaningless. Denying women that right not only allows others to control a woman's life and body, it also denies scientific discovery and medical knowledge.

If God can come forth and justify the birth of every child, I would agree with these people.

Until that happens...Please don't push us to become dumber.
Niles (Connecticut)
The only difference between murder and abortion is on what side of a membrane an unborn child resides. We have become so decadent that we afford more protection to whales, lizards, insects and critters than we do our own unborn children. Guaranteed, that if an aborted whale fetus became a delicacy in some part of the world, PETA and Greenpeace would be outraged, the latter risking their lives by putting their boats between whale abortionists and pregnant whales.
LuckyDog (NY)
That's a lie. Lies are not "alternative facts"- they are false statements. A fetus is viable at week 28 - that means it can breathe on its own if delivered. There is no abortion that late. Stop making stuff up to pretend you know something, stick to facts. And if you talk to women who have an anencephalic fetus, one with no brain - why condemn them to delivery in an OB unit? Not every fetus will be born live - that's a fact. Medical genetics and prebirth screening for defects not compatible with life matter - go learn some facts.
HT (Ohio)
The only difference between where an "unborn child resides" is a membrane ?!

I am consistently amazed by the ability of pro-life men to air-brush away pregnancy, labor, and delivery, and to deny the reality that a fetus isn't simply being carted around, like a kitten in a carrier, but is inside a woman's body, attached to a major organ, drawing sustenance from her bloodstream, and effecting her physiology in countless ways.
CAMeyer (Montclair NJ)
Although there are certainly many people who genuinely believe in the sanctity of fetal, and I respect that, on the national level the "pro-life" movement is driven not by respect for life, but for a desire to restore and enforce traditional codes of sexual morality whereby undesired pregnancy serves to punish women for willingly engaging in no procreative sex or failing in their role as men's sexual gatekeepers. This is evidenced by social conservatives' lack of support for contraception and for measures to promote child health and well-being, as well as their lack of interest in measures that would impose some accountability on men. Restricting reproductive freedom also serves the interests of business conservatives, as workers who have to support children are less likely to take the risks involved in leaving jobs, joining unions, etc.
ker (Cascadia)
Pro-lifers act as if abortion is recent, 20th century development. Far from it - women have known how to terminate pregnancies for a very long time. What will change is access to safe abortions. Unless, of course, you're of a socio-economic class that can afford to go elsewhere.
TFreePress (New York)
Thugs have used women's wombs to consolidate and gain power from the time of the Romans, to Boko Haram and beyond. Forcing a woman to carry a pregnancy to term is a time-honored method to oppress women and their causes. Trump and his anti-choice Republican friends should at least have the courage to recognize their place in history.
Robert (New Hampshire)
Is it time for a tampon shower on the White House and Congress? Pence backed down as Gov. of Indiana, when women swamped his offices with the little white snowflakes to protest Pence's taking out women's healthcare rights.
Juvenal451 (USA)
Is Trump "on the side" of Pro-lifers, or is he just pandering to them, like he did to the racists and HRC-haters?
Deirdre Diamint (Randolph, NJ)
When family planning, universal access to daycare and expanded services for the disabled get the same billing as blocking abortion at March to Life rallies then I will think of them as legitimate

Until then they are utter frauds
Mondray (Suffern, NY)
The PROLIFE movement has taken on the mantle of Protector-in -Chief of Life in America. It will be interesting to see how they will protect us when Tom Price and Mick Mulvaney start to demolish the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. When the poor and middle-class begin to drop dead in the streets will they continue to talk about debt and tax cuts or will they conduct themselves like true Christians and restore the benefits that millions depend upon. I doubt it because the Ant-Christs led by the Emperor and Pence
conduct the Carnival of Evil where crowd size, dubious claims about vote fraud, walls false superlatives, revenge, anything to burnish the ego of the Emperor & inane tweeting rule the day. And Planned Parenthood is trampled upon.
Hk (06419)
As long as Planned Parenthood performs or advises or refers women for abortions, the question of funding for Planned Parenthood will always be an issue. If this is truly the issue, and I am in no way really knowledgeable about PP, why then like any business, can't PP spin off their "abortion clinic" into something completely independent and separate? Abortion/Roe will be dismantled under this new administration, but while I am Pro-Life, I understand the need for other essential health services that PP may offer.
Zane (NY)
Planned Parenthood provides essential wholistic services on womens' health issues. Denying abortion or discussion of abortion is ridiculous. No one is forcing anyone to have an abortion, and if it against your belief, don't do it.
Banning abortion does not end abortion. Throughout history women have found ways to terminate unwanted pregnancies and this will not end. Indeed, there's a brief summary of the techniques that women have used to end pregnancy in the February 2017 issue of Harpers. It reminds me of how desperate women can be when they have no access to a safe abortion.
angel98 (nyc)
"Opponents of Abortion See Long-Held Goals in Reach"

Goals that deny women the right to be their own 'master'.
Goals that punish women
Goals that dictate to women how they must lead their lives
Goals based on the radical religious beliefs of one group

Goals that seek to make women chattel - Again.
E (NJ)
The alternative is slaughter for personal inconvenience. Really think for a moment about what you are supporting and espousing. That's not an "anti woman" statement as you have been told and lied to about for decades by the feminist movement. It is actually pro humanity, decency and existence. The message has been warped by the pundits for their own anti-family, anti-children, anti-marriage and anti-religion ends.
angel98 (nyc)
E NJ: Thank you.
I am a thinking human being, perfectly capable of making my own decisions and forming my own opinion. I prefer to make up my mind based on tolerance, compassion, understanding, respect, dignity for all humankind and not be dictated to by the limited parameters of group-think, ideology, religion and culture.

I will always choose freedom of choice for all, over the dictates of those who wish to impose their beliefs and worldview on others.
Carol Brown (Halfmoon Bay BC Canada)
Making abortion illegal will not stop abortions. It will push them underground, into back alleys and kill women. Are the "pro-life" people really willing to see more lives lost?
Tom (San Francisco)
"Pro-life feminist" is an oxymoron. If you are against abortion, then you are against women's autonomy. If you are against women's autonomy, then are you not a feminist.
Claudia (San Antonio)
Old crusty White men trying to legislate womens' sexuality is just plain CREEPY. Pence's obsession with the issue of abortion is quite pervy, and frankly it makes me uncomfortable that the veep has a significant role in today's anti choice, ant sex march.
Southern Boy (The Volunteer State)
I used to be a strong supporter of abortion rights, but I am not any longer. I believe abortion is used a form of birth control by many people. It should be used only in the most extreme cases. I believe a couple should take responsibility when it comes to procreation. Even couples who mate out of wedlock, including one-night stands, and millennial hook-ups should plan ahead. Family planning should be a priority. Planned Parenthood should be facilitating the family planning process instead of promoting and performing abortions and selling fetal parts for experimentation. Thank you.
white tea drinker (marin county)
As unappetizing as the idea of abortion as birth control is, do you want people who haphazardly find themselves pregnant raising children? If not, who is to care for them? There is no shortage of children in need of adoption already and foster homes are often a nightmare.
NKB (Albany, NY)
You do not seem to be well-informed and to believe things that are not true. Planned Parenthood provides family planning services and contraception. They do not sell fetal parts for experimentation. They also provide abortions for those in need, in addition to other services such as breast cancer screening. If they are gone, there will be more need for abortions, and some will be self-performed in ghastly ways.
Lissa (NC)
Southern Boy- have you ever been pregnant?
Frustrated Elite and Stupid (Atlanta)
My true hope is all the so-called 'pro-lifer's get their way. Planned Parenthood is nothing. I want all these pro-lifers, the Evangelicals, and the Catholic Bishops for McConnell, Trump, and Ryan to outlaw all abortions after 12 weeks even in the case of rape, incest, or the health of the mother. This should be a 50 state-wide law. Then I want Jeff Sessions as AG to take early term abortion to SCOTUS claiming it is murder. If Mr. Sessions and Mr. Trump is successful I would be heartened to then turn to other issues that are supposed to Christian values about children and innocent life:
1. Making vigilantes of ourselves with the wholesale availability to carry weapons of murder.
2. Elimination of the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
3. Mass incarceration of young men for what is tantamount to a misdemeanor for possession of small amounts of drugs, esp. weed.
4. The fundamental right of every child to feel safe, eat nutritiously, and learn to be curious about his or her surroundings.
5. The fundamental right of every child to be able to see a physician or dentist for healthy growth and development.
6. Access to affordable daycare and pre-school.
7. The right to education and a means to be self-sustaining.

You see if we can get the pro-life/right-wing nuts off the abortion issue--we can than then challenge them to what they should also be asking for justifiably under the rubrics of the New Testament. Jesus' love, mercy, compassion, and empathy for ALL our neighbors.
Ranjani Srinivasan (Massachusetts)
Why are men trying to decide what a woman can do with her body? Why are men saying stuff like" I am opposed to abortion", when they never would be in a circumstance to experience one?
AMM (New York)
Don't call them 'pro-life' - the proper term is anti-choice.
Janet DiLorenzo (N.Y. N.Y.)
Decisions for abortion must remain a private decision between one's family and doctor. Safe and legal must remain. Christians do not chose to have the government pay for poor women to have an abortion? What about those people who also support medicare through taxes and choose to continue to help those less fortunate? Their argument makes no sense to me. All people do not support every government program or action but leaves it to the public servants to make those decisions. That is why we have a Federal government.
Faith (Califon, NJ)
If you are "prolife" you must believe in keeping these babies alive after they are born. I am waiting for this crowd to form an "adoption force" to take care of these babies they are so anxious to save. Who among you will be the first to volunteer to adopt?
M. (G.)
An adoption force yes. But don't forget about services and support for low income single parents and families to help support these babies. And education too.
KosherDill (In a pickle)
As I said below, I want a DNA database and a law requiring every American male to give a sample when registering for selective service. That way they can be tracked down and child support obligations enforced, no exceptions.
DA (Los Angeles)
All males (or anyone for that matter) who oppose abortion rights should be denied medical intervention when they seek it. Because, well, if you really believe in God that much, then apply the rule to yourselves, not just pregnant women. If God didn't want you to suffer or live with a difficult or painful situation, he wouldn't have put you in that situation to begin with, so live with it because it's God's will. If you're going to put pregnant women in that situation, then put yourselves there too or you're not truly religious and are just using religion as an excuse to control women.
Zatari (Anywhere)
Those of us who are pro-choice are always preached to by the alt-right, that we should show "respect" to the forced-birth believers. These are the same people who believe that a woman who has been raped and impregnated should be forced to continue that pregnancy. These are the same people who believe that a young girl who has been the victim of incest should be forced to continue that pregnancy. These views are sickening and hideous, and they have no place in decent society. The people who hold these views deserve no such respect. Anyone who believes as they do deserves nothing but revulsion and contempt.
Lawrence Imboden (Union, NJ)
Republicans should form a group, "Hypocrites United" because all they care about is the fetus and nothing else. As soon as the mother gives birth and the fetus becomes a child the republicans COULD NOT CARE LESS about the health and well being of the child, the mother, the family.
Is this what they call "Family Values?"
Melquaides (Athens, GA)
From the article:

“And it took a billionaire man from Manhattan who had spent most of his life being pro-choice to deliver the most impassioned defense of life that many have ever heard.”

Is this a reference to his utterly farcical comment about 'ripping the baby out just before birth'? If so, I revise all my thoughts and rants about fake-news; it is clearly just a symptom of a much scarier reality: many people simple believe that they can choose to believe things regardless of how unmistakably false they are
Jon Smith (Washington State)
This argument that pro-lifers are not pro-birth is just deflection. There is an assumption that the pro-lifers are not talking about health care for infants and therefore do not support it--this is nonsense. The CDCs latest year is 2013 and lists 700,000 aborted babies--disgraceful.
DR (New England)
How is it nonsense? The people that claim to be pro-life are voting for politicians who will eagerly deny people life saving medical care.
Diego (Orlando)
I attended the Women's March in Washington D.C. on the 21st and everyone behaved beautifully. The event was permitted and there were no arrests reported. If the Republicans overstep their reach and push through regulations that do not represent the will of the majority, I fear that future marches on Washington and in other cities, may not be as peaceful. We may find protesters willing to stop traffic, clog streets and shut down city functions and also willing to be arrested in huge numbers--something akin to the protests against the Vietnam War. It seems like we are getting closer.
Boo (East Lansing Michigan)
I might listen to Pence or any other male zealot who had become pregnant, gone through 9 months of pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Might. Until that happens, there is no reason for their tirades and intrusions into a woman's most personal of decisions. Funny how Republicans always insist we need limited government until the issue of women's reproductive freedom comes up. Then they are all for taking women's rights away.
AMM (New York)
The sheer heartlessness and cruelty of the 'pro-life' crowd is breathtaking. PP supplies badly needed medical services for women, far more than just abortion, which is a tiny fraction of what they do. Why are these people allowed to do this? What woman in her right mind voted for these old white men so that they get to control her body. What is wrong with women? If you don't believe in abortion, then please do not have one. The rest of us is imminently capable of making our own decisions. It's just frightening what's going on out there.
Keith P. (Brittany, France)
The problem with these anti-abortion people is that they peg pro-choice people as "pro-abortion," instead of "pro-choice." That is, I don't think many "pro-choice" people are FOR abortions - they just simply think it's not the government's place to tell a woman what she can do with her body. Having an abortion is often one of the most traumatic and difficult choices a woman has to make in her life - it's rarely, if ever, taken lightly.

Obviously the most ironic part about this fight is that republicans, those who are apparently against any government intervention in private citizens' lives, have no problem telling women what they can and cannot do with their bodies. When it comes to abortion though, their ideology magically disappears.
João (lx)
So, religious extremism inputted to other’s is bad and should be kept out. But ours is good!? The thing with having a president with the moral compass of a car salesman (effectively none) in front of the world’s most influent power is you embark in a roller coaster where no one seems to have a clue about the destination and all are doomed to hit a wall. Apart basic déjà vu eugenics where an external enemy must be demonized to rally the internal hosts and purity of the race insured by walling the “colored” and forcing the pure to reproduce. Trump’s America is bluntly racist and fascist as is brexiter’s and incoming enthusiasm with Le Pen. Once Hitler won on the polls as well, remember? He too was perceived as a charismatic leader needed to save the fatherland. Just before proving to be a lunnie and taking a few tenths of millions lives with him. Now, when the two major flagships of demo liberal values are the first to succumb to cheap populism, what are we supposed to do? Run for the hills? Indeed, “the night is coming”.
KosherDill (In a pickle)
And another thing: "Right to 'Life'" is a religious movement founded and driven by the Catholic Church and certainly with plenty of aid from evangelicals, and touted from their pulpits.

That's political speech and it's about time they stopped getting away with it. We need Democratic lawmakers to have the courage NOW to introduce bills eliminating non-profit status for religious institutions.

If they want to sway society's laws then they can darn well start paying their fair freight as members of society. Property taxes, income taxes, FICA taxes for their employees -- the full freight.

The notion that these selfish cults are trying to rob us of our rights and doing so on our dime to boot is beyond galling.
Joe Ryan (Bloomington, Indiana)
What I don't get is how Planned Parenthood can be de-funded. As best I understand it, U.S. programs reimburse qualified providers of specified services to qualified recipients. How does the U.S. Government suddenly say "except for qualified provider X, because we don't like them"?

What's next: "Here's a public road for you all to use, except Joe, because we don't like him"?

Isn't there a rule of law issue in here somewhere?
Monckton (San Francisco)
Making abortion a crime is one more step in shaping the US in the image of a primitive third world nation. A civilized future, where religious beliefs are private and public policy aims at the common good, is ever more distant. By the end of Trump`s presidency, if such an end ever comes, the US will have more in common with the Islamic countries Trump and the GOP so badly despise, than with any of the advanced Western democracies.
Denny (Burlington)
I am no big fan of Donald Trump,k but he did proffer one simple solution to the issue of Planned Parenthood funding during his campaign. Why can't they simply stop providing abortions? Apparently, it is only 3% of what they do, so it would be no substantial disruption to their functions. And, it would save so much of the political fighting and recriminations going on. All kinds of legal troubles avoided. It seems in the end this will be the logical outcome, as Mr. Trump said he have PP stop the abortions.
gmt (Tampa)
Okay, if these people are pro-life, how about pro-life for all? Abolish the death penalty. If taking life is a crime against God, as this is a religious argument, how can they then be the screaming mee mees in favor of frying the life out of anyone, no matter the crime? If they believe in the sanctity of life, it can't just be for one and not the other. This is one of the fundamental flaws and these folks can't reconcile it. That Trump was ardent pro-choice then flipped when it is politically convenient, who can give any of them credibility? Also, Planned Parenthood does a lot more for women's health than deal with birth control and abortion. These folks blow themselves out of the water every time, but you bet you are right, these crazies have never been closer to theri goal. Sadly it will not stop women from terminating unwanted pregnancies.
kilika (chicago)
The best saying was from Bill Clinton: "Make abortion rare, safe and legal." We do not more women performing their own terminations and risking the life of the mother. Have 'we' learned nothing from the past? Back alley abortions should never return to the present or future.
Mike (NYC)
I think that Roe v. Wade with its three trimester pretty much got it right.

If you are against abortion don't have one. Just don't tell other people what to do with their own bodies.

Now what's the logical argument against Planned Parenthood?
AKJ (Pennsylvania)
The Christian right has revealed themselves in this election to be a bunch of hypocrites and bigots. Who cares what they feel about abortion. We live in a secular society. You don't support abortion, then don't have one. Leave me to make my own decision. This is a matter of economic self-determination.
bkw (USA)
Prohibition doesn't work. Regardless what's being prohibited. It simply goes underground causing all sorts of toxic unintended consequences. Prohibition of alcohol, for example, led to organized crime. And regarding prohibiting legal abortion and access to contraception will once again lead to unsafe abortions and more unplanned for children who too often suffer from neglect and maltreatment. Thus, it's hard to understand why education and birth control and easy to access contraception which help stem the tide of unwanted pregnancies and reduce the need for abortion in the first place is being virtually ignored.
Thinks (MA)
Amazing how a simple but fundamental principle has been allowed to dominate the field of politics where it does not belong. Religion and personal views on morality have no place and no relevance to the laws of a State.

There should not even be a discussion at all on whether control over anyone's body could be litigated.

The only discussion could be whether any money should be spent on planning and on abortion. But that discussion should also be short-lived and easy to conclude as it concerns healthcare itself, as well as prevention of the whole question in the first place.
Kendal Paul (New York)
The Nazis stopped 6,000,000 from living. Abortion since Roe V Wade has stopped 60,000,000.

Life within you is not your life.
walter Bally (vermont)
According to the Nazis, it was "just tissue". From whom are we hearing that argument now?
Tessa (New York)
Life within you or without you - you may not be forced to donate your body for another. The right to abortion rests on the same right to bodily autonomy that we extend to all adults, including corpses. We do not have a national registry for organ donation, including for those organs which may come from living donors, like kidneys or bone marrow. We do not say - your kidney is a match for a child who otherwise will die without it, and therefore the state mandates that you must donate that kidney. We extend this right even to the dead - the state may not require you do donate your organs after you pass away against your wishes, even if failing to do so will end the life of another. A womb is an organ just like a kidney or a lung. We do not mandate forced organ donation to support the lives of others.
Marie (Boston)
According to the conservatives were are in imminent danger of being attacked by radical Islamic terrorists. While they certainly kill with bombs and guns they also use abduction and rape as a weapon.

So the question. An American women is raped by a radical Islamic terrorist. Will Trump and Pence and those chanting force her to bear the resulting child? And for the David Dukes what if a black man rapes a white woman?

Extreme? Maybe, but it shouldn't be if you believe we are all in danger of attack as Trump says. Regardless, the zealots with their desire for absolutes wish to leave no room for any consideration other than forcing a women to bear children regardless of circumstances and consequences and abandon her after removing her choices.
BBBear (Green Bay)
These people are not pro-life, they are only PRO-birth. Once born, regardless of the baby's lot in life, "pro-lifers" do not support government programs to aid those in need.
Carol (California)
So this election was really all about abortion?
Deirdre Diamint (Randolph, NJ)
Yes it really really was. I hope all of those women that marched Jan 21 now know that their vote and their autonomy are linked.
smd (San Francisco, CA)
Pregnancy carries more risk of morbidity and mortality than a legal medical abortion, and outcomes are actually worsening in this country (mostly because of increasing BMI):

Pregnancies that end in abortion are much more likely to be high-risk for both the woman and the fetus, either as a result of maternal age, high-risk behavior during early pregnancy, genetic abnormalities, or general maternal health (diabetic, immune compromised, etc.). Watch those statistics climb when everyone has to carry the fetus to term.
And don't forget that we do not perform well on measures of pre- and post-partum care compared to other industrialized countries. Famously, our infant mortality rate has been a source of national embarrassment, lagging behind all OECD countries:

We don't like to think that a "natural" thing would be dangerous, but anyone who has spent time on a maternity ward is keenly aware of just how suddenly and unexpectedly things can go wrong. Anyone who has followed female patients understands that women pay for pregnancy with their bodies the rest of their lives - chronic pain from scarring, organ prolapse, sexual dysfunction, incontinence, lasting metabolic dysfunction, and depression to name only the most common. This is WITHOUT any discussion of the social and economic hardships of giving birth and raising a child.
Amy24 (New Haven, CT)
Let women make their OWN decisions on whether or not to proceed with a pregnancy. The choice isn't between having abortion available or not; it's between having legal, SAFE abortions or women (i.e., primarily poor women) dying or suffering irreparable health consequences from illegal, UNSAFE abortions. To the pro-lifers: if you don't believe in abortion, then don't have one if you're confronted by an unwanted pregnancy.
nyer (NY)
The federal govt should get out of the way of dictating moral issues. Let the States and the people of those States decide democratically whether they want to have abortion.
bill (NYC)
How about letting people decide for themselves?
Luke (DFW)
The high level of hypocrisy in the Pro-Life movement is astonishing. Forcing women to have unwanted kids is just wrong. I’m sure some will be loved and cared for, but I’m also sure the majority will be unwanted and neglected. In the book, Freakonomics, they tied the lower rate of crime in our country to the passage of Roe v. Wade and the availability of safe abortions which eliminated many of the “at-risk” youth.
If this is a “Pro-Life” movement, I would expect them to push for:
A universal healthcare program to care for these kids that are born.
Gun regulation so our children are not being shot in schools and the streets.
Education to ensure that the poorer children have an equal chance of achieving their full potential in life.
Environmental protection to protect these kids from disease caused by pollution.
More diplomacy and less military action. We basically use the lower income members of our society to fight wars enacted by the upper class. They return from war and the VA is unprepared to treat them mentally and physically. In the worst cases, they kill themselves and others. Maybe that is the real reason behind the repeal of Roe v Wade.. to generate a larger supply of future soldiers.
Kayla (Washington, D.C.)
The idea that we, as human beings, are slaves to our passions, is a sad one. Having self-control is what keeps us employed, gets us through my degrees. It keeps otherwise level-headed people from throwing a punch out of a burst of anger and helps all of us to drag ourselves out of bed every Monday despite how badly we want to sleep in.
“Those are easy; abstinence isn’t!”
No, it’s not easy. But when I look at the other options—the possibility of pregnancy (something I’m not ready for), the many responsibilities that come with having sex, I find this to be the easier route, difficult as it may be sometimes.
The argument that “it’s MY body!” doesn’t ring with those who believe that an embryo is a separate being from its mother, one with its own unique DNA and rapidly multiplying cells. When NASA found evidence of single-celled organisms on Mars the headlines screamed that signs of life had been discovered. Those marching today are standing for those who believe that the tiny, new human formed inside a woman’s body deserves respect, dignity, and life.
Oh, and I’m in agreement about the need for better social structure to support these kids once they’re born. I may fall Republican on this issue but I do believe a society that doesn’t care for its most marginalized—immigrants, inner-city poor, the unborn; many others—is one that decency compels us to change.
Kally (Kettering)
An embryo is not a separate being from the woman carrying it. Sorry, but that's a scientific fact, not a belief.
DR (New England)
Well aren't you special. By all means, abstain from anything you want but you don't get to decide for the rest of us.
Patrick (Long Island N.Y.)
Just like their are Muslim extremists, so too, there are Christian extremists. Where were they in the fight against wars that kill, or guns that kill? They were voting for it.

Conservatives are every bit the radicals some Muslims are. They are also extremists which desire to rule others lives by force and force of law against the wishes of others. They are totalitarian control freaks who wish to live in an older time of simplicity because their simple minds can't handle change and the complexities of the present and future.

I don't believe in controlling others. I believe in free will and freedom as long as others are not harmed. I believe in Educating, not legislating.

I don't like abortion and I have a few ideas about how to minimize them; first is that if you incur the heartbreak of abortion, it will remain on your conscience for the rest of your life. Second, adoption is a good alternative. If you can't have a baby for maturity or financial reasons, bear the child and allow it to be adopted. Then there is always a chance that after years of success in life, maturity, or that racking of your conscience, you can once again have a relationship with your child in later years. And third, my best argument, is that having a child will provide companionship in the world because you know, husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends, other friends and neighbors come and go throughout life but a child will care for you in later years when needed. Think of the future.
Michjas (Phoenix)
The last time Congress threatened to defund PP, I donated money. Since then, I have found that the organization and I do not see eye to eye. Despite the fact that PP is mostly about women's health care, almost all their solicitations for further donations have been about abortion, And while I am a 100% supporter of abortion, I do not support PP's practice of using the abortion dispute to raise funds for its other core activities. I am also not crazy about PP's spending millions on abortion advocacy. At PP, abortion is the tail that wags the dog. Many will say they need PP to protect abortion. But abortion is legal and has 5 supporters on the Supreme Court, which Trump can't change. Most anti-abortion activism is at the state level. And I believe that the best tack for protecting abortion rights is for local providers to go about their business without making a fuss. Maybe I am wrong. I know many disagree. But it's my money and I now choose to donate it to a local clinic that offers free abortion services to the poor. I'd rather fund abortions than fight about them.
JNC (Texas)
I have undergone two pregnancy terminations in the past year - both were DESPERATELY WANTED and PLANNED pregnancies. The decision to terminate each was completely heartbreaking, but I'm incredibly relieved that I had that decision to make.

My husband and I had been planning a family for a while, and were thrilled when we found out we were pregnant for the first time. Unfortunately, we received the devastating news (after weeks of waiting in anguish for testing results) that the fetus had a severe genetic anomaly, one that would cause him or her to suffer every single day of their natural life, and end their life prematurely, most likely before age 10. Despite our strongly wanting a child, we made what we felt was the ethical decision and terminated the pregnancy. Months later, we were thrilled when we became pregnant again, only to find out that the second pregnancy also suffered from the same genetic condition. Though I cried for days, we again did what we felt was the ethical thing to do. To us, the choice was clear: bring a child into the world only to have them experience severe pain and suffering for the entirety of their natural-born life, or do what we felt was ethically right to prevent this.

I write this to illustrate that there are myriad reasons people choose abortion. No matter the reason, that choice should remain theirs and theirs alone, without the government dictating the outcome of their pregnancy, and the impact on their lives.
Ramona . (New York, NY)
I woke up the day after election day and physically felt afraid for my body.

The Trump team is galvanizing the base around a populist issue while he speaks to Putin on the phone, increases military spending, builds a wall, plans to inevitably jail undocumented migrants (probably in private prisons that he could potentially have investments in--who knows) and inevitably starts planning another war in the Middle East.

Having something living in your body that you would not like inside of you is a very distinct feeling; a feeling you would not know until you've experienced it. Because men will never be able to relate to this distinct physical feeling they absolutely have no right in making decisions about it.
Marla Burke (Kentfield, Ca.)
One in four children in our country goes to sleep hungry and the christian right wants to control my body, my behavior and my faith in my fellows first. My soul is in active rebellion. The right to life and the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness need not be mutually exclusive. Men of the cloth will argue otherwise while claiming piety-first and the children continue to go hungry night after night.
Kristin (Spring, TX)
Honestly, this is why so many conservatives voted for them anyway. The pastors were saying to vote for him.
Matt (CO)
Make America great again by reducing woman's rights under the facade that its 'Pro-Life' no its not. Its anti poor, anti minority, anti life!
Facts - Abortions in the US and world wide are on the decline and they would fall even more if the government funded more woman's health centers! Provide real and safe sex ed classes and counselling and educate young girls on how to practice safe sex. What you think is obvious is not to a young girl with no role model living in poverty!
All this does is increase the dangers of illegal abortions - that will sky rocket! and more unwanted pregnancy's
I know you want to hide behind the Bible on this one - but unless you're following the Bible to the letter every single day, you can't use it for this argument!
jeff (nv)
Abortions didn't start occurring because of Roe, women just stopped dying from them!
.LarryGr (Mt. Laurel NJ)
Guess you never heard of Kermit Gosnell.
jeff (nv)
Your point? Butchers like him were common pre-Roe.
He was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Really? It is 2017 and this is still an issue? When will religious groups understand that god has nothing to do with our laws? Separation of church and state appears to be only convenient when churches want to avoid paying taxes. I have an idea, if these pro-lifers want their law to govern the bodies of women and abortion, I suggest we remove all tax exemption from every single religious group. I bet this conversation will go silence right away. I've had it with paying taxes only to hear these people try to shove their dogma onto others. This country was founded on religious freedom, I suggest everyone goes back and begins to apply it. Abortions are a medical procedure that should be decided by the woman in question, maybe her doctor when needed, but not you, not me, not a priest or religious leader, and certainly not by the government. I always want to see any supreme justice speak in favor of abortion laws only so that I can laugh about the decrepitude of the American education system.
Sev Iyama (Mojave, California)
How dare creepy and sinister Pence stand at a podium, and try to shove his own personal religious beliefs down the throats of women across the nation? I think he believes that he is going to overthrow Trump. For now he is biding his time.
Elle Rob (Connecticut)
Interesting that there's more men in the second photo than women. How many of these protesters are willing to foster children in state care? We have 600,000 children available. How many are willing to ensure our social services are funded and functioning well? Red states have the worst records for abusing and abandoning children. They want to slash healthcare for American children, ensure their educations are directed by an Evangelist billionaire who wants charter schools and vouchers and plans to decimate public schools, and cut off food stamps. Hypocrites all!
Catherine Drew (Westchester)
I lived in the Midwest for two years. The only access to "birth control" I saw was an aisle of condoms at the Pharmacy. It was either that or going to your ob-gyn who could PRESCRIBE contraceptives (after you provide your insurance card of course) Therefore women without health insurance would have to convince their partners to buckle up or play roulette with their cycles. It's not as if conservatives want to help care for the babies of unwanted pregnancies. The anti abortion, anti planned parenthood is just another way to "punish" women and keep them in their place. Please don't pretend that it is about anything else. Denying women affordable access to PLAN Their Parenthoods is going to increase the number of women having to make such a tragic personal choice. OH, and it's also none of your business.
Christian (St Barts, FWI)
Let's be truthful: the GOP wants to run against a woman's right to chose an abortion forever because it drives their evangelical base. To the extent that organizations like PP and widespread access to contraception drive down the numbers of abortion, Republicans lose motivated anti-choice voters. The worst thing for the GOP would be to have Roe overturned. Apart from an inevitable backlash from millions of horrified women, mothers, parents and sane Americans, the GOP would lose its greatest recruiting weapon: the "murder of the innocent unborn."
The Buddy (Astoria, NY)
Just when you think the movement received a devastating blow with Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt, Donald Trump comes along to drastically alter the landscape. Choice opponents are as energized as ever, especially at a time when Democrats are befuddled and in retreat. VP Pence will speak before the crowd, giving the march a rare propaganda coup direct from the Executive Branch.

Dark clouds ahead. Are we in the end game?
Bob (My President Tweets)
I read this online this week but forget the author so I cannot give credit but it is genius.

"Only in America can you be pro-death penalty, pro-assault rifles, pro-drone strikes and pro-premeptive wars and still call yourself pro-life".
Judy Smith (Washington)
This conservative woman says abortion opponents need to TAKE IT OUTSIDE. Stop cluttering and derailing other critically important work by foolishly hammering away at this losing issue. Abortion is sad, and the need and desire for it ought to be prevented as much as possible. But it's the law of the land for good reasons, and should remain so. If you oppose abortion, there's a wealth of effective steps you can take outside of the Constitutional level: Volunteer and contribute funds to comprehensive sex education and family planning services. Get involved some way to help make adoption a smoother process -- for starters, ease back on regulations that allow the birth parent(s) to interfere long after the adoptive parents have bonded with the child. Stop mollycoddling unwed parenthood and single parenthood and especially stop celebrating it (yes, this would be so NOT PC, I get it). Raise your daughters to know that when it comes to men, it's the female that has the most to lose and they should pick and chose very carefully. (At the least, clue them in that single young males are lousy, selfish lovers anyway.) Raise your sons to know that a real man takes care to not sire a child unless and until he is married and able to support a family. Require females who apply for public support to identify deadbeat fathers, then attach their income, prize winnings, real estate for a lifetime if needed. Finally, teach young kids about these outcomes as part of sex ed classes!
Laura Phillips (New York)
Alas, abortion opponents are equally opposed to sex education and contraceptives. Making adoption a smoother process sounds like a good idea, and even better if the pro life people adopted some children themselves. Don't see any movement among them to do that, though.
Tom J (Berwyn, IL)
If they get Roe V Wade overturned as well as gay marriage, there will be no need for them to go to church anymore because those issues have been the basis of their religion for at least 30 years.
Laura Phillips (New York)
Here's what Jesus had to say about abortion and homosexuality................that's right, nothing. He did, however, talk about caring for the poor and sick, something most "christians" are totally comfortable ignoring.
WiltonTraveler (Wilton Manors, FL)
No woman has an abortion on a whim. It's a hard and heart-rending moral decision. But for various reasons (medical or otherwise), termination of a pregnancy comes as the only reasonable choice.

And choice is the key word: men don't bear the physical burden of a pregnancy. Women should have that right under certain defined conditions, as a mater of moral, ethical, and—yes—religious freedom. Religious conservatives should not force their beliefs on other people. And so I must conclude in the current context that a woman's right to chose under certain defined conditions is fundamentally grounded in the Constitution's guarantee of religious freedom.
fme (il)
You don't need planned Parenthood... Until you do
LA Driver (Los Angeles)
I support every woman's right to make her own personal decision - what I don't support is the anti-abortion stance that their way is the only option. If you want to counsel your friends, relatives, neighbors on options - I am all for it. Why are they denying the pro choice supporters the same position?
JT (Norway)
In the US, most men support a womans right to choose. In fact, depending the survery, more men support a womans right than women.

Yet, we always here nonsense such as:
If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament
The patriarchy is sexist.
Men oppress women in this way

Essentially, feminists have co-opted the pro-choice community and turned it against men. And men, tiring of this vilification, have walked away.

So, now, ladies, it is in your court. Feminists made men the enemy and now, while are not the enemy, we are less and less your allies. For being an ally means tolerating misandry.

So this is on you now. You lead this battle. And when you do, remember: it is women who are opposed to the rights of women. Not men.
DR (New England)
Did someone hurt your little feelings? How did you fail to notice that almost all of the right wing politicians who are enacting these laws are men?

All of the men in my life are feminists, President Obama and Joe Biden are feminists as are all male Democrats. Time to get a clue and stop whining.
WMK (New York City)
The enthusiasm of this year's Washington March for Life is wonderful. The crowds, the speakers and the entire event has been fabulous. I am about to send a donation to my pro-life group so they can continue this very important cause. I want them to continue this successful movement and save innocent babies' lives. It is very important to us who cherish life.
EarthCitizen (Albuquerque, NM)
So you believe that women's bodies and personal lives are YOUR business? I ask this of those who are "pro-life" all of the time--why do you not donate to Planned Parenthood so that unwanted pregnancies can be prevented? Have you set up foster care in your home to raise unwanted children (as well as pay for their mothers' health and education pre- and post-pregnancy)?

If not you are just a hollow, nattering hypocrite--mind your own business and volunteer in your community actually SOLVING problems instead of CREATING them.
MPJ (Tucson, AZ)
I respect your opinion, but please read Glenn Strachan's comment.
After rescuing those innocent lives, how do you cherish their lives, which is so important to you?
EdgeNinja (Queens)
I might have more sympathy with "pro-lifers" if they weren't such shameless hypocrites.

These people claim to love life and protecting children. How many children have they themselves adopted? How many of these people support insurance companies covering birth control? How many of them support contraception at all? How many of them support mandatory sex ed in the classroom? How many of them support any conceivable measure to prevent unwanted pregnancies to begin with?

And with regards to preserving life AFTER it's born: Why are "pro-lifers" so adamantly against any form of child welfare? Why do they support cutting public education? Why are they against any and all common-sense gun control? Why are they for the death penalty, and unprovoked wars, and torture?

If you're a "pro-lifer" and you can't answer any of these questions, just admit your only desire is to control women.
Jake P. (Sisters, Oregon)
I think everyone agrees that human beings have certain inalienable rights. The issue is when they become human beings. Most would agree unfertilized eggs are not human beings. And, most would agree that a delivered baby, free of an umbilical cord and breathing on its own is a human being. The Pro-Life/Pro-Choice argument is based on when life begins between these two points of existence. But, there is no scientific definition of when that would be. So, it becomes a matter of definition. The Pro-Life people argue that it begins at fertility or soon after based primarily on religious beliefs. The Pro-Choice people argue that it occurs after delivery based on perceived rights of the mother. But, again, it's really just a matter of definition. And as such, there is no valid argument for or against either position. Neither position is "right" or "correct". They simply have their own definitions. Given this anomaly, I see no reason for the government to get involved at all. Their definition is of no more validity than either the Pro-Life or Pro-Choice definitions. So, let both sides use their own definitions and accept the fact that there is no compromise position.
BJS (San Francisco, CA)
I can understand being against abortion although I am not, but that makes family planning and universal availability of contraceptives that much more important. To bring a child into the world that is not wanted or can't be supported to me is a bigger crime. The irony is that it's the poor, here and world wide, who don't have the resources needed to prevent unwanted pregnancies and yet the very people who fight family planning abhor doing anything to make improve the lives of these children and parents. Talk about myopia!!
Ryan (New York)
You feel it is a bigger crime to bring an unwanted child into the world than it is to kill the unwanted child? This statement explains to me why the the two sides can never meet.
I’d like to ask those people who say pro-“life.” With your personal belief of pro-“life,” you crucially limit the choices of those people who are in their lifelong decisions on their responsible capacity, then how are you going to take care of them? As you have no problem living in a happy life where males decide female choices and values, you are well off enough to take care of those lives you think you are rescuing and give educations, equal chances, sufficient healthcare, love and respect? Or do you ignore them?
Let Trump and Pence set an example by using their wealth to adopt unwanted children and crack babies. Lead by example, gentlemen. Just this once, show us that you are of presidential caliber.
adrianne (Massachusetts)
They cannot stop abortion. They can only stop safe abortion.
Denny (Burlington)
For the fetus, there is no such thing as a "safe" abortion.
ZOPK (Sunnyvale CA.)
It's not abortion, but who controls women that is the issue. Always has been.
A.Sousa (San Francisco)
U.S. Out of My Uterus!
As an educator and an environmentalist working years in the low income and child abuse sector of education, I find it so hard to comprehend the need for men to be so heavily invested in women reproductive rights. My only answer...another way to control women. This world is so overpopulated. So many children are the victims of adults selfishness. When I was fresh out of college my first witness to child abuse was discovering a toddler with third degree scars over her entire lower body from being placed in a scalding bath, you start to think. How can a woman choosing to abort their unborn fetus be more horrific than this? For all women, their right to choose is a private personal decision and has no place in the White House. I might add, though well written, the New York Times chose a male reporter to address this.
sjaco (north nevada)
Keep my money out of your uterus and we agree.
DR (New England)
sjaco - You seem to be OK paying money for right wing politicians to meddle in women's lives.
LB (Canada)
When I was in my 20s, self-employed, and unable to get insurance, a Planned Parenthood center caught a cancerous condition early--twice. For the girls holding up the sign saying they don't need Planned Parenthood, and for the men standing behind them, I have nothing but contempt.
Stef (Everett, WA)
I call these people pro-birthers.
As soon as there are no more unwanted children without stable homes and livable family lives they can talk to us about being pro-life.
As an unwanted child myself I speak from a very painful experience that I wish on no-one.
Ravenna (NY)
Pro-Birthers....or better yet....Anti Choice.
sjaco (north nevada)
Just don't want to pay for your choice.
Ken (Detroit)
Again, on the subject of choice, another interesting dilemma. In this country, it is a federal crime to destroy eggs of the American Bald Eagle. Why? Because they hatch and become Bald Eagles. Why is ok to kill fetuses in the uterus of their mother? When they are bornis it then that they become human person? The birth canal is NOT life giving. So if the choice is a utilitarian one to keep or abort a fetus, it should be ok to kill the baby once it has been born and infanticide should be legal.
TS-B (Ohio)
Bald Eagles became nearly extinct because people killed so many of them.
HT (Ohio)
Do you understand that a uterus isn't some sort of shoebox that a woman carries around? Pregnancy, childbirth and labor aren't some trivial inconvenience, like some high school exercise where you haul around a bag of flour and pretend it's a baby; they are major life events that can have a significant impact upon a woman's health. Women have a right to bodily autonomy. One person does not have a right to other people's blood, bone marrow, or organs, no matter how desperately it's needed -- and we retain that right, even if the donor card has been signed and the operation scheduled. That's why viability (not when "life" begins) is the critical issue in abortion rights - because after viability, the fetus no longer needs to be attached to a woman's uterus.
Michael Stavsen (Ditmas Park, Brooklyn)
While the average American understands the question of whether to overturn Roe v. Wade as a question of being pro life of pro choice, that is whether abortion is wrong and is something the government should outlaw or whether its a private matter that should be left to the woman, this is not at all the issue as far as the supreme court and its justices are concerned.
The question as far as the court is concerned is whether having an abortion is a right guaranteed by the constitution, and not whether it should be legal or not. Just because one is pro choice does not mean that they must see a right to abortion in the constitution.
And so the issue before the court over whether to keep upholding Roe is one of how to interpret the constitution. It is a question over 1. whether to construe the constitution as an evolving document, something justices such as Scalia did not believe in, and 2. even if it an evolving document there is absolutely nothing in the constitution which remotely indicates a right to have an abortion.
So just because abortion should be something that is a private matter for the woman to decide does not in any way make it a right that the constitution grants. So the question over whether abortion should be legal or not and whether it is something that is a right granted by the constitution are two separate issues that have nothing do to with each other.
jkj (Pennsylvania RESIST all Republican'ts)
Go back to the shadows from where you came! This IS exactly why the original colonists left their home countries. God doesn't exist and never has and never will. Come into the 21st century already and leave your fantasies back in the first century. If Jesus would have existed, he would have left you to the lions. If you don't like it here, and your actions state as much, get out now and don't let the door hit you in the rear end on the way out. Go join ISIS and the Taliban where you would right at home with your backward inhuman views! Take your small minds and bigotry and go home and don't vote ever again as you and yours aren't smart enough.

Should've voted for President Hillary Clinton and the Democrats instead.
Denny (Burlington)
Maybe you need to refresh your high school history. The largest swath of the original colonists came seeking freedom to practice their Christianity. In the book "Democracy in America", Alexis de Tocqueville wrote glowingly of the vibrancy of the various Christian denominations he observed in his travels. Her went on to say that religion should be considered the first of America’s political institutions and that it was necessary for Americans to maintain Christianity, at all cost.
WMK (New York City)
It is heartwarming to see the tremendous crowds at the Washington March for Life and to see the large number of young educated people in attendance. They see the importance of life and are the pro lifers of tomorrow. There are many excellent speakers and I am so proud to be a part of this very important movement. We feel life is the most important issue of our time and will continue to speak out against abortion. This evil must stop.
AMM (New York)
WMK, whoever you are, this 'evil' will never stop. Before this 'evil' was legal, and thus safer, it was illegal, and unsafe. But the statistics haven't changed: one in three women will have an abortion in her lifetime. Legal when available, illegal when not. Therefore you are merely making sure that this 'evil' will once again be illegal.
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
Therein lies the dilemma:

"I am unquestionably pro-choice. Women deserve access to safe abortions. However, I am 100% behind pulling tax-payer funding of Planned Parenthood."

I agree on both points, and I think many Americans do. There are two distinct questions here:

1. Should a woman be free to choose an abortion?

2. Should someone opposed to abortion be required to help pay for someone else to have one?

My answers (and yours) are "Yes" and "No." Most people who favor abortion mistakenly think there's only one question here -- Question 1 -- and that, if the answer to Question 1 is "Yes," it follows that someone opposed to abortion must help to pay for someone else to have one. That does NOT follow.
Anne (Minnesota)
My tax money goes to all kinds of things I disagree with; this is no different.
XX (New York)
So are you also against public hospitals? Public hospitals provide abortions (just like Planned Parenthood), and they receive tax payer money. Let's take this one step further: are you aware that those living in extreme poverty regularly go to the ERs of public hospitals, for a wide array of medical needs? Should these public hospitals be abolished and the Hippocratic Oath been diminished in the "civilized" nation of America, because some don't agree personally with all medical practices that partially federally funded institutions provide?

Perhaps the real dilemma of the pro-life, anti-abortion/anti-Planned Parenthood doublethink: not being aware of how various levels of socioeconomic spheres interact and access medical care, let alone not knowing how their own hospitals are funded.
No. I disagree. I pay taxes and just the same the government goes to war against my approval. Based on your logic, I shouldn't be forced to pay for said war if i do not approve of it. Yet, the laws of this nation state that citizens should pay taxes in order for the government to operate. Guess what, war making is done by the government. If this is the arguments that pro-life people should fund medical conditions related to abortions, i hardly doubt it stands any ground of questioning. So we go back to premise #1, should a woman have control over her body? Yes. End of argument. Religion has no room in government and those that claim otherwise, should not govern.
Paul (Washington, DC)
Everyone has a right to an opinion but that does not mean we can or should impose our beliefs on others. That's tyranny.
Denny (Burlington)
Yet, so many "pro-choice" folks think its fine to fund abortions from the pockets of the taxpayer or the insurer, which means those opposed to abortion are forced participants in its provision. Now, THAT is tyranny.
WI Transplant (Madison, WI)
Follow to my previous comment
And don’t get me going on the topic of “pro birth” because that is really what most of these people are. “Keep em having sex, getting pregnant and poor. We ain’t givin’ em nothing, not even choice. We’ll decide morality for everyone and leave an exemption for ourselves. “
Is this not the Trump motto? (ie Tax returns, “only I can fix it”, how many more do I need to mention?)
What was made legal, will now be lobbied to be made illegal. Think about that…..What will be next on the list of what is currently legal and will be lobbied to be made illegal? He wants torture. We’ve already got detainment with no just cause or notification and without trial (thanks gw). No Transparency, No access via media, No Ethics board….? Will these be next? THINK AMERICA!!!!
Matt (CO)
Tell me how making Abortions illegal and reducing access to contraception will work? I seriously want to know your reasoning!
walter Bally (vermont)
You uterus, your choice. my tax dollars, my choice.
Anne (Minnesota)
And getting rid of sex education, too. It is a package deal that punishes women for being sexual.
DR (New England)
walter Bally - Wrong. That only works if those of us who truly value life get to withhold our tax dollars from senseless wars.
njglea (Seattle)
Now the radical supposed “christian” lawmakers are trying to make the Hyde Amendment, which has to be reauthorized every year, permanent. Another attempt to pass a permanent law to help control women and keep the human war fodder, provided by poor women in America, coming.

According to Wikipedia, “In U.S. politics, the Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortion except to save the life of the woman, or if the pregnancy arises from incest or rape.[1][2] Legislation including the Hyde Amendment generally only restricts the use of funds allocated for the Department of Health and Human Services and primarily affects Medicaid.[1][2] The original Hyde Amendment was passed on September 30, 1976 by the House of Representatives. It was named for its chief sponsor, Republican Congressman Henry Hyde of Illinois. The measure was the first major legislative success by the United States pro-life movement, especially the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment..."

Hypocritical men trying to control women – that’s all this is about. NO MORE! WE must all pay attention and put their feet to the fire to prevent this. This is war – OUR kind. Phone calls and in-person protests at their D.C. offices, home state offices and homes. They want to interfere in OUR lives – we’ll show them how it feels. We outnumber them by 99%
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
Let's assume the religious people who you despise want to sponsor Bible classes close to public schools for kids to walk to after the buses run.
On top of that, they want to pay for it with YOUR tax money. Does the funding part make it much worse?

Half the country does NOT want their tax money funding the abortion industry. That is the whole idea of the Hyde amendment.
njglea (Seattle)
Here’s the kicker, found under Henry Hyde on Wikipedia, “Hyde was named a Papal Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great by Pope Benedict XVI in 2006 in recognition of his longtime support for political issues important to the Roman Catholic Church.”

What a good little boy. What a good little payoff. Do you think he'll get to heaven now?
Marie (Boston)
Trust, a lack of. I believe it all comes down to lack of faith and trust in women. A a large number men and women feel that women can't be trusted to make the right decisions and choices for themselves. So they want to impose their choice on others regardless for a lack of trust and without a care for the consequences.
Ravenna (NY)
Actually, I believe the opposite. Men hate and fear women because they're smart and strong-minded. The only power men have over women is to be able to beat them to death if they don't say "yes sir". So men muscle their way into government where they can "put women in their place" by restricting their choice of what to do with their own bodies and their own families. Religion is at the forefront of this brutality toward women.
KosherDill (In a pickle)
A lawmaker in recent years introduced a bill requiring precautionary rectal ultrasounds be performed on every man requesting an ED drug prescription. She did it tongue-in-cheek but I truly believe it's time that bill and many more like it are introduced.

Also DNA testing of every single male American at the time they register for selective service. No exceptions. A huge database can be created and should a woman produce the child of a deadbeat, it would take a quick search to identify the sperm donor and sign him up for 19 years of child support, garnished from every paycheck.

We also need to start incarcerating child support deadbeats, preferably in glass pens in public places, harrassing them with picket signs and the like at their workplaces and otherwise making men pay the price for careless reproduction. Until it causes THEM some real, ongoing, substantive and institutionalized pain, they will continue to produce unwanted pregnancies with no repurcussions and they will continue to either support draconian laws targeting women's freedom or stand passively by while others do.

Enough is enough. We have to start fighting this on their tems. Now.
Jean (Nebraska)
Religious groups sending their minions does not a protest make. The problem with the anti-abortion group, aside from the extremest religious bend, is their lack of understanding abortion. When they call it "killing babies", it is ignorant. Their way increases abortion. These women are pawns of the patriarchal religions.
WMK (New York City)
I am pro life, pro women and proud to be part of this very important cause. We are gaining ground and have strength in numbers. We see the importance of life in the womb and have truth on our side. Abortion is murder and over 58 million innocent lives have been lost to this barbaric act. I am not alone in my assessment and we will march on. We must save the most important of lives among us -- babies. It is our duty and right. The fact that so many young people are in attendance show how important life is. Our message has been getting out and the thousands upon thousands of those at this march speaks volumes.
DR (New England)
Big whoop, none of you are helping anyone or saving anyone. The politicians you support are responsible for gun deaths, people killed in wars, accidents, environmental catastrophes, death from a lack of health care, proper nutrition etc.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
60% of the US public supports access to legal and safe abortion as one of the options available to women. It is at an all time low.

The numbers on this debate have not moved in 40 years. You are just going to have to deal with not living in a theocratic state ruled by the religious hard liners.
TS-B (Ohio)
Based on your comment, it is clear you most definitely do not have truth on your side. Hyperbole and irrational thinking, yes, but not truth.
DecliningSociety (Baltimore)
A viable - and totally innocent - life deserves the protections of the state. Im always amazed by people who don't bat an eye at crushing and cleaning a viable fetus out of the womb, and then moan and wail when a rapist murder gets a lethal injection.
DR (New England)
I'm always amazed by people who claim to care about unborn children while they pander to the NRA and turn a blind eye to children in places like Michigan drinking poisoned water.
KosherDill (In a pickle)
You are welcome to all the "viable" six-week-old embryos you care to nurture.
Maureen (New York)
Why do you use the term "innocent" life? Are you attempting to make your argument more credible? How many times have you given blood? Do you feel that blood donations should become blood collections and made mandatory because "innocent" life is at stake? How about kidneys? Should the state be empowered to requisition one of your kidneys to save "innocent" life? Do you realize that hospitals cannot harvest the organs of people who have died without either a written directive or the explicit consent of the next of kin -- regardless of th desperate need for these organs?
Misterbianco (PA)
The problem rests with whom they have to jump in bed to achieve those goals. Only a fool would believe Trump and the GOP really care about pro life issues beyond winning Christian votes. Remember, these same people are also now reconsidering torcher and expansion of our nuclear arsenal.
RB (West Palm Beach)
With a Vice President who is an antiabortion zealot and an entire political party bent on overturning Roe v Wade they have the ammunition to wage a war against women. Republicans are against government intervention in people's lives and they hate regulations yet they interface in the private lives of women.

I don't see any Christians marching in Washington DC protesting mass murders with assault rifles. Why aren't there any outcries against the disproportionate executions of minorities on death row? These are moral issues which are swept under the rug as they do not garner votes during elections.
Robert Gendler (Avon, ct)
Perhaps if the biological father's were held legally responsible financially and otherwise for the upbringing of their offspring...only then could we have a fair conversation about abortion. The utter arrogance of men to impose these laws on women when in most cases its the male who has abandoned both the woman and the child.
Termon (NYC)
The central tenet of the anti-choice sect is not their love of life, but their right to impose their views on others. If love of life motivates them, their course is simple: don't have an abortion. But their medieval religion persists and demands that others agree and do as they believe. Big Q: how would they enforce a complete ban on abortion? Pregnancy patrols? Abortion patrols in back-alleys? Or are they simply satisfied to have unenforceable law on the books? Feel-good laws, and damn the consequences?
Donna (California)
As someone already said; This is not a Pro-life movement- it is solidly and singularly a Pro-Birth Movement. The same mindset that seeks to save an as-yet born life-simultaneously demonizing that life (and family) post-utero. Anti family planning; anti safe birth control methods; what is the agenda? More teen pregnancies, inability for couples to plan their families- what? A huge per cent of Pro life supporters are not Catholics so why not advocate "the Pill" or Injections; utero devices that is, non-abortive procedures?
MyThreeCents (San Francisco)
Much is unpredictable. For example, when George W. Bush replaced Bill Clinton 16 years ago, would you even have dreamed that, today:

1. Apple Computer would be worth far more than Microsoft.


2. Bill and Hillary Clinton would still be married, but Al and Tipper Gore would not.

Nevertheless, the future of abortion rights under Trump is predictable:

A. He'll appoint one or two Supreme Court Justices who are "litmus-test" anti-abortionists.

B. When anti-abortionists determine the time is right, a new Roe v. Wade case will arrive at the Supreme Court.

C. The Supreme Court will reverse Roe v. Wade.

D. Contrary to what's often written, the reversal will not mean that abortion is illegal – only that the US Constitution doesn't prohibit a state from outlawing abortion. In other words, it will be up to each state to decide.

E. Some states (e.g. TX, OK) will outlaw abortion. Other states (e.g. NY, CA) will declare it an inalienable right.

F. Pregnant women who want an abortion but live in a "no abortions" state will need to travel to an "abortions OK" state to have an abortion.

G. Some pregnant women will be too poor to afford to travel. Wealthy donors will fund non-profits devoted to covering the travel/medical expenses of such women, but some women won't end up getting their abortion.

H. Some states will pass laws that aim to punish state residents who travel to another state for an abortion, but the US Supreme Court will declare those laws un-Constitutional.
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
Are all 16 forms of contraception just going to disappear overnight?
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Pence's closing of PP caused an AIDS epidemic in Indiana. White, rural Indiana.

These are the hard line religious jihadis who are of the mind of Constantine: Kill them All, and God will sort them out. I am sure Pence felt "bad" for those whose lives evaporated on his watch.

Small comfort to the heroin addicts of Indiana where even the smallest of efforts by Pence finally stopped the public emergency by allowing a needle exchange program. The Bible verses about Pharisees and swallowing camels while straining gnats were written for hypocrites like Pence.
Claire (San Francisco)
There is no hope, conservatives. Give it up and focus your energy on helping those who are alive and suffering in the world, the same way Jesus would have.
Josh (Atlanta)
I have never, and I mean never, heard one anti-abortion advocate offer to adopt an unwanted child. Instead of rallies why not have sign-ups of those willing to take an unwanted child no matter the race. Offer to cover the mother’s expenses, cost of delivery and then of course you would need to raise the child in a two parent stable home with the same advantages you would provide you own children – completely at your expense of course.

With this offer on the table I think many, if not most, of those that find themselves pregnant with no choice would be glad to accept.
Mr. Adams (Florida)
I grew up around the kind of people who believed wholeheartedly that abortion was murder, and I can understand that point of view entirely. They were always the people who were devoted to their religious beliefs, attended things like Sunday school and weekday Sabbath. But, I've also lived most of my life among people who hold no particular religious views, or don't adhere strictly to them. And among those people, abortion is considered a routine health procedure to improve quality of life or to save a life.

The lesson is that opposition to abortion is inextricably tied to religion. Ones views on the matter almost always parallel religious belief. For that reason alone, I oppose any and all legislation that restricts or impedes access to abortion services. Religion has no place in government and is a personal choice. We live in America, the land of Freedom. We don't trample the right of others to their own personal beliefs - no matter how much we might disagree.
To the young women in the photos holding up signs saying they don't need Planned Parenthood. Maybe you don't. Privilege is when you think something is not a problem because it doesn't affect you personally.
carol psky (Malvern, PA)
I'm looking at all those young catholic girls protesting and thinking of the day when they will regret supporting the right to a safe and legal abortion.

It is all up to God until it is you that is pregnant.
KosherDill (In a pickle)
The only woman friend whose ever asked me to drive her to get an abortion is a "staunch" Catholic. She never told her fiance -- another "devout" Catholic -- about the pregnancy and married him a year or so later in a white gown and elaborate religious ritual. Pious as all get-out.

None so hypocritical as the "religious" faced with personal inconvenience.
TBerry (Bronxville, NY)
Pulling funding for Planned Parenthood abortion services is a sensitive topic. If I am a pious Jew or Christian, I will be against this process. Why not plow money into sex education and make contraceptives available to help the ignorant throngs of sport sex participants. People who have no control over their sexual appetites should be helped as we would help dull, trapped animals writhing to get free of a bear trap. Let's be mindful that women should have the ultimate control of their bodies but should they choose to play sexual roulette then they should know that not all of us want to pay for their negligent ways.
DR (New England)
Ugh. No control over sexual appetites? Seriously? Do you really know so little about human nature, relationships and reproduction? Apparently not since you don't seem aware of the fact that it takes a man to get a woman pregnant.
Katie (Seattle)
62% of married women use contraceptives. It is part of regular health care for women. I hear a number of jarring depictions of women as sexually depraved and a claims that if they don't want babies they ought to "keep their knees together". This is medieval. This is part of why so many women marched last Saturday. This is evidence of sexism.
David Henry (Concord)
Even if the GOP gets its "Scalia" replacement on the court, it still may very well support Roe V. Wade.

Even Roberts might uphold; he might not want to be seen as as a political tool of the radical right.
John Figliozzi (Halfmoon, NY)
There is only one bottom line that matters here. Who is going to control a woman's body? The woman herself? Or some other agent outside of and apart from that woman? That is the central moral question. As long as women do not control their own bodies in the same way men do, they will always be second class citizens. Imagine the hue and cry if, ostensibly to end abortions, the state decided that all men needed permission before they could have sexual intercourse. That policy would be no less arbitrary or intrusive than the one favored by anti-abortion activists. It simply moves the "ball" if you will, to an earlier point in the process. Think abortion is wrong, then don't have one. There is no consensus in this country either way. Mind your own damn business then.
Barbarika (Wisconsin)
Women do control their body regarding pregnancy. Rape is a crime in all 50 states.
DR (New England)
Barbarika - Please tell me you aren't stupid enough to believe that making rape a crime means that it doesn't ever happen.
murraythek (Haddam CT)
Many of Trumps issues remind me of Ali's "rope a dope" strategy, make your opponent needlessly waste energy while plotting another veiled agenda. There's a lot of serious stuff that needs doing, this abortion thing has been a favorite distraction for too long. We need, among other things of import, to find out what's up with Putin.
Don't be a chump for Trump.
mjbarr (Murfreesboro,Tennessee)
When will these people figure out that an individual should be able to decide what is best for themselves?

Oh, I forgot, the Republicans want women to be servile and submit to the whims of men.
Donna (California)
"Amazed at how Trump flipped the script"? Who says he won't do it again?
David Rosen (Oakland, CA)
Forgive me but this polarized issue is more than a little tiresome.

Obviously no one celebrates abortions. Sometimes alternatives are practical and they should certainly be made available. But it's equally obvious that sometimes better alternatives are simply not practical or desirable and since this is America we cherish the freedom for people to make choices for themselves even if some choices are repugnant to some people.

This question of whether termination of a pregnancy constitutes murder is simply not something that we are in a position to resolve. Is a ball of cells a person with a soul? Perhaps. Perhaps not.

It's long past time to stop all of the noise on both sides of this issue. Let's simply make sure that all alternatives (abstinence, birth control, adoption, abortion, keeping the child) are available and that young people in particular are educated on this. But obviously it is not for the state to make the decision between these alternatives.

Time to move on to other pressing issues!
New Yorker (New York, NY)
Over 100,000 American children of all races and ethnic backgrounds are currently eligible for adoption. How many of these predominantly white women "Pro-Lifers" have adopted children?
michael sorensen (liverpool)
We need to protect the unborn child. Legislation is the only way.
Bystander (Upstate)
No, unless you are pregnant you don't need to do anything but mind your own business.
Casual Observer (Los Angeles CA)
The religious right has a big problem with our form of government because it is based upon the principle that the authority of governments is granted by the governed, not by anything else, and they believe that without God directing the government it is a Godless entity that will eventually bring down God's wrath. They preserve the heritage of the Medieval world when life was first of all a trial of the soul in preparation for Judgment Day.

Self identified pro-life advocates think that they have right on their side because they oppose people terminating pregnancies and so enable nature to take it's course regardless of the consequences because it's up to God not to people what happens to them and to other people. If the family cannot support more children and will have to deprive the others of their most basic needs or the mother will die if attempting to carry to term or there are too many fetuses for any to survive, all these real nasty consequences are not to be avoided unless God intervenes. It contradicts modern thinking which contends that people can and should intervene to minimize the bad and to maximize the good. The ruling Roe v Wade was based upon the notion that people should make decisions about abortions according to how it affects them and how they decide, not the government.
WMK (New York City)
Finally pro-life folks are getting the respect and coverage they deserve. I was shocked to see the TV channel, C-Span, covering the Washington March for Life. This is a first. Even the New York Times has been covering this important cause. Wonders never cease.

Pro life is pro women and the most important civil rights issue of our time. Too many innocent lives have been aborted (58 million) and is outrageous. This evil must stop and we must protect the most vulnerable among us.

Finally we have an administration that is listening to pro lifers and standing up for life. It is heartening to see politicians who see this as an important issue and respect life. It is so refreshing to see and hear politicians stand up for life.

There are thousands upon thousands of people young and old at this very important March. There are many more young people here and it is a testament to the importance of life and babies. They are speaking out and getting involved in this very important movement and getting involved. They are our pro lifers of today, tomorrow and the future. It is so gratifying and makes me proud to be part of this very important movement. It gives us courage and strength in numbers. We will continue.
DR (New England)
Yep, people too young or too old to get pregnant. People with absolutely no concern for women or children.
Jerrie Butler (Florida)
As an old woman who marched in the 60s and 70s..the right to an abortion was hard fought. And to those of my age and experience..what is aborted are not babies..but fetuses. Those are the promises of a future life and while some are viable..others are not. The hot button issue is making it impossible for those whose fetuses are not viable. I had a sister who in the 50s carried a dead child for a full nine months. She knew when the quickening stopped that the child was gone. But there was nothing anyone could do for her at that time. Now that would not be so. While you are sure you are correct in a blanket approach to the are not right.
Matt (CO)
Why is it important? If its a March for life, do you not understand by making abortions illegal more babies and now woman will die?

I'm guessing you also think free contraception is a waste of tax payer money?
Leah (East Bay SF, CA)
I once was in the position where I thought I might need an abortion (my period was very late). I called my local PP office in Brooklyn and they told me it would cost about $200. It was not a subsidized service.

Those pro-life marchers must not know that for many years (decades?) women have been paying for their own abortions, the government doesn't fund it.

I wonder what those pro-life marchers will do when they have symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection....and they're out of work and have no health insurance...and their municipality is too small to have a public health STI screening program. If they get rid of planned parenthood how will they get screened and treated for common infections like chlamydia and trich? And PAP smears to detect HPV-related dysplasia (pre-cancerous cells on the cervix)?

I guess the pro-life marchers also believe that pro-life-ers don't contract those diseases, hence they'll never need those services.
Shaun M (Dana Point, CA)
If life is so important to pro-lifers why aren't their rallies to protect the lives of refugees? If it helps, just think of these men, women and children grown up fetuses. Also, Planned Parenthood provides much more than abortion services to women across this country, including providing contraceptives to reduce the very need to have an abortion in the first place. So to them men in the pro-life camp if we do away with Planned Parenthood, pull and pray (though prayer is important) is not always effective and let's face it, pre-marital sex isn't going away anytime soon.
Dady (Wyoming)
To your original question it is because an unborn child is defenseless. Not so complicated
Steve (NYC)
Young children molested by Catholic priests and covered up by other priests other priests are also defenseless. They get to molest 100% tax free!!
MG (Miami)
To you, the key word is "defenseless"
To me, they key word is "unborn"
Not so complicated.
Rachel (NJ/NY)
Maternal deaths in Texas doubled in the last 2 years after they reduced the number of clinics to help women with birth control and pregnancy. Texas now ranks down with some of the worlds poorer nations in terms of maternal deaths.

Pro-life indeed.
ASR (Columbia, MD)
I believe that the ultimate goal of anti-choice politicians is to ban all methods of contraception. They are obsessed with sex that does not aim at procreation. If they could, they would place an FBI agent in every bedroom. They want to get big government off of our backs and into women's bodies. And they say that government is too intrusive. Hypocrites.
JMWB (Montana)
I think the anti choice politicians hate sex and think it is dirty. They just can't stand the idea that a woman might enjoy sex and want to punish those women by enforcing pregnancy. That is the only justification I can see when the far right tries to shut down Planned Parenthood and other women's clinics that provide gynecology services and contraceptives. Note to those far right extremists: if you don't like sex, don't have any.
Andrea G (New York, NY)
I am unquestionably pro-choice. Women deserve access to safe abortions. However, I am 100% behind pulling tax-payer funding of Planned Parenthood.
DR (New England)
Why? Do you really want to spend more tax-payer money on feeding and educating unwanted children?
Catherine Drew (Westchester)
If you pull funding from planned parenthood you'd better double down on providing safe abortions because the rate of unwanted pregnancies will go up. Why would anyone be pro-choice, but not want to provide health education, cancer screenings and affordable contraceptives to women and men? An ounce of prevention...
Karen (California)
Why? Do you think there is no need for cancer screenings, sex education, birth control accessibility, and maternal well checks for the poor? Are you against ANY taxpayer funding for things like this, happy to let poor women die, or just through PP?
Fromjersey (New Jersey)
Ultimately this is about controlling women. And not letting her control her body, her destiny. Women can claim a moral reasoning for opposing abortions, and that is understandable, but then personally abdicate ever having the procedure (if ever needed). But to reduce this too righteousness about life is a veiled curtain. What about the unwanted children that will be born, and can not be adequately cared or provided for? What of the increase of STD's because clinics are being shutdown? What about men, who take absolute zero responsibility for their participation in the pregnancy!? No, this is about keeping women in their place, and intuiting that her only value is to have children. And with full scale overpopulation happening, and the earth's resources being dramatically abused and reduced, well having unwanted children should be seen as the height of social irresponsibility, but that is another conversation, that sadly will not happen now, as we march backwards in time in this country.
Hk (06419)
Not even close to the truth in what you preach.
Le Crochet (East Jabip)
Not to be a downer to the more religious Lifers but if your "faith" stipulates that you deny empirical evidence proving your religious beliefs are based on what science has incontrovertibly shown to be folly, you demonstrate you have a penchant for denying facts--for example it shows the probable ease with which you are likely to dismiss the invaluable and necessary services of Planned Parenthood contrary to the fact that the NON-PROFIT health service is an indispensable outlet for our people across this country. The church was removed from the halls of power for such a villainous policy approach.

You do not have a right to enforce your "faith" driven agenda on those of us driven more by tragic exigency. This is a brutal world. Family planning including birth control and STD education has become an indispensable way for dealing with and even *preventing the continuation of* some of the tragedy.

I can say, as an unplanned-birth adoptee, considering what has happened to me over the 50 years of my life, that it had been better I had never been born; I am not trying to be ridiculous! Statistically, the lack of abortion as a viable option as well as education services and access to other forms of birth control preventing the horrible choice ever needing to become necessary is the only answer.
Andrew (NC)
The absurdity of the GOP crusade against abortion lies in the party's stalwart advocacy against contraceptives. Many abortions wouldn't be necessary if more citizens in red-leaning states had simpler access to birth control, unmarred by the religiously-tinted shame which often accompanies its purchase.
CLSW2000 (Dedham MA)
The rich will always change their minds when it is their daughters with unwanted pregnancies. And they will always have a way. I am just wondering if Trump had a vasectomy. His constant bragging about womanizing must have left quite a few kids running around with orange hair. Unless of course he made sure they did not come to term. The problem is, that once men have either used or made a ton of money off of abortion (the abortion doctors who become activists) they find it advantageous to have a change of mind. Or at least politically advantageous.
DennisG (Cape Cod)
I am pro choice, but anti Roe.
I have been accused by pro lifers of being a baby killer.
I have been accused by pro choice people of wanting to go back to the stone age - or further.
Very, very few people want to let democracy and federalism function as it was designed to, by letting States experiment with finding the best approach.
Seemingly EVERYONE wants the federal courts to decide it THEIR WAY.
It is depressing.
Thomas (Oakland)
Social conservatives? Nope. Social liberal here. Yes to same sex marriage. Yes to equal pay. Yes to an expanded understanding of gender. But No - a big, clear, unequivocal, resounding NO - to abortion, for purely secular reasons.
Bystander (Upstate)
Well, then! you better not have one, right?
Karen (California)
Well, then, I'd like to see you leading the clarion call for free birth control, quality sex education for every person, and a social safety net of maternal health care, free day care for working mothers, a living minimum wage, clean air and water for every child, expanded SNAP benefits, thins like that.

Until then, you may congratulate yourself for forcing women to bring unwanted or medically unviable children into the world and then turning your back on them.
Thomas (Oakland)
My disapproval of abortion cannot be resolved satisfactorily at the scale of individual behavior. If I were to say to you that your belief that murder was wrong could be satisfied by your individual abstinence from it, would you be content with that suggestion?
NDanger (Napa Valley, CA)
Your tax dollars at work!! Guess it's time to write another check to Planned Parenthood...
KosherDill (In a pickle)
Also the Lilith Fund!
Leakgate hawk (CT)
If you are opposed to abortions, don't have one.
Anne Smith (NY)
I don't know. That's kind of like saying, "If you are opposed to murder, don't do one, but don't shove your religion down my throat."
Kathy Lollock (Santa Rosa, CA)
I say this both as a retired RN and a pragmatic Catholic. As a Catholic, I say that we have no right to judge another's actions. Taking care of our own souls does not mean interfering or dictating to any individual's life choices or decisions. And biologically speaking, we do not know, nor will we ever know, exactly when a human spirit is infused. There is an unknown Catholic precept that if an issue is vague, and that includes scientifically, it is morally acceptable to follow one's conscience as to promote health and welfare.

As an RN, I say that we have to allow means for better and more affordable access to birth control. And I say this not only because it serves as a means for avoidance of abortions, but also because a surgical procedure puts more stress on a woman's body than the pill, IUD's, etc.

Finally, if our rights to both accessible birth control or abortions are taken away from us, what makes people think that there won't be a resurgence of dangerous back-door abortions as there were before Roe vs Wade? Abortion is as old as time. Keep it legal and stop judging us who believe as I do.
DR (New England)
I couldn't help but notice that the people in the photo who are opposed to abortion seem to be men who can't ever get pregnant or women who are either not yet old enough to get pregnant or too old to get pregnant.
Helena Handbasket (Wisconsin)
The dogs bark but the caravan passes on.

The "bark" and bite will fall on poor women.

The caravan, however, comfortably contains the daughters of the wealthy and connected, say, the Trump, Pence and Obama daughters who will have access to safe, private abortions no matter what laws and regulations are rammed through by these self-described "pro-lifers."
Rj W (Yonkers)
Why aren't there aerial pictures of this protest? Can we see how many protesters there are? Has the Parks Department been stifled by numbers-obsessed Trump who won't let them take or distribute aerial pictures after his spat with them about his aerial Inauguration pictures showing a small crowd than Obama? Let's see the pictures! I mean, I know these anti-abortion fanatics can get a lot of people to assemble - but can they get 500,000 or more to assemble in DC? And then millions more across the US? And then across the world?
Maureen (New York)
Looking at the photo heading this article -- "we don't need Planned Parenthood" [until they do] Who these grade A hypocrites think they are fooling? Many of the marchers this day not only use contraceptives - they have either had abortions themselves or they paid for their kids' abortions. I attended Catholic schools and am well aware of the entrenched denial of these people.
ainabella1 (Hawaii)
I remember the whispers in my school and the small community that I grew up in when a couple of girls ended their pregnancies in the bathroom of the school.
I remember horseback riding for days with one of my parents friends in the hopes that it would induce a miscarriage.
I remember the whispers around the girls that disappeared from our public high school as they were taken to other towns to finish their pregnancies in shame, never to return.
Oh to be GREAT again!
Catherine Drew (Westchester)
And the boys who created those unplanned pregnancies were allowed to continue school, graduate and carry on with their lives unburdened.
Thom McCann (New York)

There was a time when Americans believed in decency and self-control.

It seems the fulfilling of one's lusts—man or woman—is the leading factor of as they say "Just do it."

No concern of the consequences of wanton sex or hook-ups and no concern of one's value as a human being.

It is a sad state of affairs for those who have been taken in by the propaganda of owning one's body.
DR (New England)
Thom McCann - Hogwash. Men have always gotten women pregnant and back in the day women either had abortions that sometimes killed them or they were sent away by their families to keep it secret.

This kind of ignorance is truly appalling.
Phil (Austin, TX)
Did the New York Times ever bother to correct their grossly incorrect estimate of the number of people who were at last year's March For Life? They claimed "Hundreds" attended, yet it was pretty clear at least tens of thousands were in attendance.
If the New York Times is going to make a big fuss over President Trump's inaccurate estimate of the numbers at his inauguration, then they should lead by example in their own reporting.
DR (New England)
Pretty clear? Where is the data to back up this assertion?
Phil (Austin, TX)
Google "march for life 2016 hundreds life site new york times"
The article that comes up will point you to a video containing a good idea of how many went...and it wasn't "hundreds".
Anon (Corrales, NM)
Roe is based on a right to privacy. I guess part of the right wing plan is to deny that right to all. Scary.
trblmkr (NYC)
"Anti-abortion", "abortion foes." The correct term is anti-choice. Most pro-choice advocates are "anti-abortion" too! "Safe, legal, and rare" is exactly right.

The woman has the right to choose because the fetus (NOT baby) is inside her. It isn't a "person" because it could not survive without her (or sophisticated devices). That's why it should be the woman's choice and really nobody else's business. This should be settled law by now!
Yam (Los Angeles)
So by your logic, any life that is incapable of surviving without the help of a human (or machine) is not valued the same. This is a moral issue and needs to be protected by law because a late term fetus can survive outside the womb, and 23% of babies born at just 23 weeks are capable of surviving with doctors help.
Anne Smith (NY)
And by your argument, it should be OK for a mother to kill her child up to, I don't know, 3 yars old? I mean, the child can't survive without the parent - or someone else - doing everything necessary - feeding, clothing, etc - to keep the child alive. After 3 the kid might have a chance on their own - not much of one but some.
trblmkr (NYC)
All existing laws have a biological cut-off and you know it. I'm obviously talking prenatal here but you're in a rush to demonize me and skew the debate.
Blue Ridge (Blue Ridge Mountains)
Remember in early December, the headlines about Ivanka making Global Warming her "signature issue," meeting with Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio? Now Trump tells us she is going to focus on Child Care. We haven't heard much from Ivanka since then. That tells us all we need to know.

Anti-Pro-Choice Folks: How ya gonna keep us down on the farm now that we've seen Paree?
Howard64 (New Jersey)
This just a Don the Con and Christians using children for Religious Extremism (like ISIS does). Organizations like Planned Parenthood cannot use federal government money for abortions.
Honor Senior (Cumberland, Md.)
This is a hopeless cause, America will not allow some fanatical evangelicals to dictate what they must believe and how specifically they must act. Consider how you radicals would feel, should the rest of us decide there were too many evangelicals in America and you must remain celebate, with any mistakes required to be aborted immediatly. Same shoe, different foot. This is America, where no autocratic tyrants are allowed.
JellyBean (Nashville)
If they are really pro-life instead of simply pro-birth, where's the support for healthcare for pregnant women and infants? Where's the support for reforming the foster care system? Where's the support for WIC and early childhood education? Where's the outcry over refugee children dying at sea? My own feelings on abortion are complicated too but let's be clear: this demonstration isn't pro-life, it's anti-choice.
John (Sacramento)
You keep repeating that lie, but you ignore that almost all non-familial adoptions in the US are into Christian families.
AMerrickanGirl (CT)
It's not anti-choice, it's forced birth.
JAF (Chicago, IL)
Much of the support you're asking about comes through the church and other faith-based organizations. Many pro-lifers want to see less government and tax-payer funded support for several reasons: (1) the government doesn't handle money well, (2) the government doesn't do a quality job in general, (3) government services take money away that could and should be used to fund private organizations and supports that are best provided through and by churches, temples, etc.
E (Santa Fe, NM)
These people say they're pro-life. Well, I'm pro-life too . . . I'm pro women's lives. And I believe that a woman has the right to save herself from an unwanted pregnancy. These people say they're saving lives, but in abortion, we're talking about fetuses, not babies. There's no baby involved. But there is a living, breathing, sentient woman involved who's facing a lot of suffering. Where's their concern for her? And where's their concern for democracy? They want one set of religious beliefs turned into law, as does our religious-extremist vice president, who thinks he's speaking for god. What he and these "pro-life" people want is a theocracy, the type of government promoted by the Taliban.
Mary (Brooklyn)
Sad thing is, the same "pro-lifer" concern for that fetus disappears the moment the baby is born.
Michelle (Washington, DC)
How is there not a baby involved? Yes, the woman is living and breathing, no doubt. But the fetus has a heartbeat, and a blood stream, etc. If it could speak, it would probably say something like - Hey, pick on somebody your own size.
h_sage (Brighton MA)
And where's their concern for what happens to the unwanted babies?
Phil M (New Jersey)
If you don't believe in abortion, then don't get one.
Phil (Austin, TX)
If you don't believe in grand theft auto, then don't participate in grand theft auto.
David Henry (Concord)
With the right wing, the only issue is imposing their view on others. Abortion is just a symptom of the authoritarian disease.
ronsense (NJ)
Austin Phil: The difference is that Grand Theft Auto is a crime (as well as video game) and abortion is not.

If you say abortion is murder then it is ALWAYS murder if the intent is there. If life begins at conception then the fetus is a human, like a baby, and in-utero mistreatment must be a crime as well. Pregnant women who smoke, drink alcohol, do anything that would affect the "baby" in any way must be arrested. To avoid mistreatment of in-utero humans newly pregnant women MUST register with the government in order to protect potential abuse of in-utero human.

This may sound far-fetched, but it's a natural outgrowth of your thinking. Treating in-utero humans as anything less would be making a CHOICE at saying that fetuses a less than birthed babies.
Brad Burns (Roanoke, TX)
No one can stop abortion through legislation, it can only be made less safe or a crime. Paying close attention to ways that government can reduce abortion can help, as they already have. Abortion rates have dropped in the US and worldwide. But adopting bumper sticker plans from the past that increased abortion won't work any better now than before. No one is pro-abortion. We must stop making the conversation a fight. There's no one fighting for more abortions. The argument is the role of government in the decision. The positive role of government we can all agree on are ways to reduce abortions to the lowest rate possible. Government can increase education & family planning, make adoptions easier, and for those who choose, to make it safer. Safer doesn't mean easier - but limiting access doesn't make abortion go away, especially when it is linked to access to family planning, that is when abortions go up. Can we please focus on the outcomes and not the slogans? Abortion can't be stopped but it can be reduced in ways that don't reduce the respect we have for each other.
h_sage (Brighton MA)
You are so right that we all really want the same thing, abortion at the lowest rate possible. Reframing the conversation could go a long way to helping achieve that outcome.
Steve (NYC)
Pro-life? Remember what movie won the Oscar for best picture last year? It was a movie called Spotlight...The true story about a bunch "pro-life" priests molesting children and how other "pro-life" priests covered it up. The pro-life movement is hypocrisy at its finest!
Bob (Ca)
a few hundred years from now this whole issue and debate
will be made obsolete
by the newly formed convergent android/humanoid/engineered race
Lew Fournier (Kitchener, Ont.)
All these anti-abortion types want a collection of cells to be treated as babies; but they tend to be the same people who show no mercy for actual babies, such as those of Syrian refugees, and cheer every execution in the US.
Aleutian Low (Somewhere in the middle)
If anything should come up in Congress related to abortion, the response from the Democrats should be simple; tie the funding of programs to support children outside of the womb to these measures. If the GOP wants to claim moral high-ground banning abortion, let them eat the whole enchilada not just the parts that suit their amoral political agenda (no offense to our friends in Mexico).
H. A. Ajmal (Tallahassee)
RP Smith (Marshfield, MA)
Republicans won't push to ban abortions. They need to dupe the pro lifers for their vote again in 4 years with the same empty promise.
Mary (Brooklyn)
Abortion is only a fraction of the important work that Planned Parenthood does for women's health, yet it's treated as though that's ALL it does. PLANNING parenthood is the first step toward PREVENTING abortions. Birth control is not just about loose morals and free sex, it's about planning one's famly, preventing pregnancy for a variety of reasons-high risk health, living in a tzika prone area, genetic reasons to not have children, high risk teenagers etc. Planned parenthood also screens for STDS, cancer, and other anomalies related to reproductive function. This is where women, particularly those with limited insurance or means go to take care of themselves. And sometimes, we hope rarely, an abortion is necessary for a multitude of reasons that are really no ones business besides that of the woman.
Nell Eakin (Santa Barbara)
Pro choice folks are going against their own bible when they JUDGE others. It is Big Oil's interest they vote for in a block. GlobalOilParty folks are Pro Death, and more $$$ for them. Spun manipulated right to lifers are killing all the babies that may ever be born for all eternity, when they vote for the Big Lie, that is the republican party, as they are now only about OIL and unrest for arm$ sale$ party. Good intentions failed. Drop the GOP.
John MD (NJ)
All the same despicable and cynical phrases: "Pro-Life" or "Arbeit Macht Frei." These people are deluded just like the Trump acolytes, thinking they can control this spoiled child who spouts nonsense. Trump is an unpredictable mass of contradictions, ever changing his small, chaotic mind. Pense is the worst of them. He sold his soul long ago.
txyankee (Texas)
Stop calling these people "pro-life"! That is their label, but it is a lie.

They are anti-choice. The majority of them are pro-death penalty so given that point alone, "pro-life" is completely inaccurate/
AMerrickanGirl (CT)
Anti-choice isn't strong enough. I call it "forced birth".
Angelo Stevens (New Brunswick, NJ)
But "pro-choice" is also your label. I can say you're anti-life as much as you can say I'm anti-choice.
4sure (earth)
Witnessing all the ad hominem attacks and simplistic sloganeering in these comments, I have to say, it makes perfect sense that Trump was originally pro-choice.
David Henry (Concord)
The local reps will rue the day abortion choice returns to the states. They will have the face the people they are harming.
carol psky (Malvern, PA)
And pay for the welfare of the children whose families couldn't afford to have another child.
The hypocrisy is that the very people who condemn the women for having abortions, are the very same group that will sneer at those same women for having too many children while they are on welfare and refuse to support them.
What would Jesus do?
Frank (Johnstown, NY)
No woman is forced to have an abortion if you have a moral or religious belief against abortion, I respect that what I DON'T RESPECT is you thinking your moral or religious beliefs trump mine. They don't! Keppyour grubby hand off my body. A fetus is not a baby and the term 'unborn' is nothing more than people (men) trying to control women's bodies. Defunding Planned Parenthood will HURT real women. You should all be ashamed of yourselves!
wuchmee (NYC)
Not a week in, and Trump is only strengthening and hardening the Resistance Movement on a daily basis, with his moronic responses during the ABC interview, Spicer's lapdog answers, Conway's incompetence and Bannon's big blowhard mouth.

On a positive note, the countdown clock to Trump's 2020 defeat is ticking. Democrats take note: plan and strategize beginning NOW.
me (AZ unfortunately)
VP Mike Pence voluntarily appearing with and speaking to the anti-abortion protesters seems quite inappropriate. Didn't he swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States during his oath of office? Where does that put his support of the Supreme Court decision on Roe v Wade?
Barbarika (Wisconsin)
There is no explicit right to abortion in constitution, a set of activist judges in poorly written opinion do not override constitution.
dbb (usa)
Where was a single republican legislator during the women's March? Guess we know which side they are on.
ronsense (NJ)
I dont support Pence or Trump but every repub president since reagan has appeared, or recorded a message, for this rally. And it doesn't violate the Constitution in the least. Anyone, president included, can support causes they support as long as they dont ACT against the law.
J1209 (Rochester NY)
I love the sign the young girl is holding, "we don't need Planned Parenthood." Here's a thought, if you don't need it, don't use it. Just don't prevent me or your neighbor or anyone else who might need it, from using it. Same with abortion. If you don't believe in it, don't have one. Leave me out of your personal decisions and I will leave you out of mine. Deal?
Kathleen (Bogotá)
And if your personal decision affects the life of an innocent person? If you want to beat your wife or kill six million Jews or rape little children -- then what? What if it's your "personal decision"? The pro abortion movement has convinced its adherents that the unborn cannot be heard or seen therefore they are not people. It's not the first time in the history of the world that the defenseless have been dehumanized so it is easier to kill them.
Barbarika (Wisconsin)
What will you say of your neighbor seeks the right to kill a guy from third world for his kidney. Society has the right to set the moral standards and criminal acts irrespective personal opinion.
Scott (Albany, NY)
Just hope each and everyone of these people will sign up adapt newborns as a result of their actions. Also, if they do manage to get Planned Parenthood shut down, provide hospice relief for the thousands of breast and cervical cancer patients that will need help. Contrary to what they believe there are less clinics available to those who use PP, and when Republicans are done gutting Medicaid, even fewer.
John (Sacramento)
Look at the data. Most non-familial adoptions in the US are to evangelical Christians, and catholics are second only due to a smaller population.
CL (Santa Monica)
You care about only unborn but don't care about already born?
Phil (Austin, TX)
How do you know those people don't? And how do you know who they voted for?
Kay Johnson (Colorado)

because maternal deaths have DOUBLED in Texas after defunding PP. Did you do something about that? What?
Phil (Austin, TX)
I don't live in Texas anymore. Also, I'm all for abortion if the pregnancy poses a significant danger to the life of the mother, like with ectopic pregnancies.
J.R. (New Jersey)
The biggest problem with "pro-life" is that their most ardent supporters don't even allow for birth control or sex-ed. It's back to the stone age for America.
Matt (CO)
Totally agree!
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
Wow, were you misinformed. Most people who express pro-life sympathies are all for contraception and feel the family setting is the place for sex education. These Americans generally agree with contraceptives being available at school nurses' offices.

No, your biggest problem with pro-life people is they disagree with your political side, which is not doing so well. As millennials age, they, too will be moving toward the pro-life side. But there's always room for you.

But how do people spend much time around small children and not resent the abortion industry?
vgviolinist (tx)
I wish these people would know that outlawing abortion does not prevent it. Women in countries with abortion still get abortions at the same rate, the only difference is that the mother is more likely to die as well as a result of seeking an unsafe and illegal abortion.
The prolife movement is not about saving lives, it is about keeping women in the domestic sphere and out of the public sphere or making it illegal for them to choose the life that they want.
Brandon Cobb (New York, NY)
A female coworker asked me about my views on abortion and I didn't hesitate to tell her: I'm neither a woman nor a doctor, therefore my views on women's reproductive health don't matter.

Why can't the old white men in the GOP understand this?
Stephen P Wigginton (Bradento, FL)
Maybe if Viagra and Cialis got the same treatment as birth control and sex education get in many circles we'd have fewer abortions to worry about...
And please, no misnomers. This movement is not anti-abortion, it is anti-choice. Any political leaders who wanted to reduce abortion could do so by increasing access to contraception and to comprehensive sex ed. But people like Pence, who is a featured speaker today, take the opposite tact. They are looking to impose their wills on women’s bodies.
Scott Fordin (New Hampshire)
The areas in which (for putatively religious reasons) "abstinence-only" education is prevalent have the highest out-of-wedlock birth rates. Family planning and contraception save lives and lower abortion rates. If you are anti-abortion, then you should be doing all you can to keep Planned Parenthood alive, rather than trying to kill it.
Lex (New York)
Who listens to what religious fanatics believe?
Bystander (Upstate)
Republican lawmakers.
Phil (Austin, TX)
Believing that a fetus is a growing human being (and thus, it's wrong to kill it) isn't solely a religious belief.
Kathleen (Bogotá)
Try googling atheists against abortion or secularists against abortion, even gays against abortion. It would be nice and tidy to make us all out to be the same but we aren't. What pro life people have in common is a belief in the sanctity of life. The life of the mother, the life of her unborn children, the life of the accused murderer, the life of the defenseless and voiceless.
Matt (CO)
Tell me again how banning Abortions will make America great again?
You're endangering the health of woman mostly minority and poor. You're failing to address the real issue of poor to non-existent sex ed in schools and you're acting like banning abortions will just stop people having them!??
Abortions are on the decline with more education and resources out there - if you want to cut that by making it harder for woman and men to access safe and affordable health care then you're being stupid - Oh and if you want to make the argument that tax payers shouldn't pay for sex ed and/ or contraception GUESS WHAT it's a way cheaper option than welfare for the life of the child!!!
Just tell me - why is it better to stop free contraception and sex ed counseling and ban abortions than to increase the money and resources into helping woman learn about how to PREVENT unwanted pregnancy?
Robert (Barnes)
Roe v Wade was partially passed because old white men got tired of seeing their daughters die in botched abortion procedures or if they survived unable to conceive or give birth to grandchildren because their insides had been carved out in those same procedures. Now we want to go back to that...........hmmm.
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
Do you really think NY, Illinois and Calif. would ban abortions if the issue became a state-by-state decision again?
C Wolfe (Bloomington IN)
The calls for Planned Parenthood to somehow "separate out" their abortion services are ludicrous. Abortion is legal. It's one of many options for dealing with an unwanted pregnancy. It should be part of a complete package of reproductive services.

I don't know how Republicans can look at themselves in the mirror and know that they're causing so much suffering. I've been heartbroken to read in the Times comments section and in articles the personal stories of women who very much wanted a child and chose abortion because of a severe and hopeless anomaly in fetal development. And what a hideous, dystopian sentence to carry out on a woman's body, to condemn her to carry a dead or dying fetus—not to mention the escalated costs of going through birth under those circumstances rather than an abortion, and the increased dangers to her own health.

It's barbaric. Women don't have abortions willy-nilly for fun.

Incidentally, as a post-menopausal woman, I went to Planned Parenthood for a gynecological checkup a few years ago when I didn't have insurance. They made me feel cared for and valued at a very low time in my life. The environment was strongly pro-woman.
Kathleen (Bogotá)
Just not pro unborn woman.
Anna (NY)
People who support politicians that will eliminate health care for millions of Americans have no right whatsoever to call themselves or think of themselves as "pro-life." They are the exact opposite.
Gluscabi (Dartmouth, MA)
The bible is very clear on when life begins.

In Genesis 2, the first human is first made and shaped by his creator. Nothing is missing because only one thing needs to be added -- the breath of life, which comes directly from YHWH (the Lord God) into Adam's nostrils and only then does Adam become a living being.

Life as portrayed in Genesis begins when the spirit of God enters the body, allowing the human to breathe unassisted.

The issue of life beginning at the time of conception needs to be removed from the debate. There is not only no biblical support for that position, there is also biblical evidence to the contrary.
DR (New England)
What the bible says is irrelevant, the U.S. is not a theocracy.
Jeffrey Ellis (Los Angeles)
Let's leave the bible out of this. Those who rely on the bible -- or the Koran or Torah -- as a source for factual information, are living in a world of delusion. I am religious and believe in God, but I am certain that God gave us the intelligence to learn from science and logic, not fairy tales written by a few people grasping for explanations without much informationi to go on.
Jay (Brooklyn)
The Bible is a lovely fantasy. You'd do as well to reference The Lord of The Rings.
When Roe v Wade was passed, there was no plan B. What we need more than ever is now is for woman to have another method to abort a pregnancy via a vaginal suppository in the privacy of their own home instead of using a coat hanger.

I hope those who have the science knowledge are able to develop one so that the need for freestanding abortion clinics is lessened. Women who need medical follow up will no longer be at risk of bleeding to death from perforation of their uterus which is what we will go back to if the pro lifers get their way.
Matty (Boston, MA)
Long held goals for what? Creating more people they will then turn their backs on?
KosherDill (In a pickle)
All those men in the background of the front-page photo -- I wonder how many of them ALWAYS use condoms or have had vasectomies. I wonder how many of them are pro-sex-out-of-wedlock and how many of them are behind on child support. Some enterprising journalist needs to start investigating the hypocrisy among that movement.
Maureen (New York)
You should also wonder how many of them paid for abortions -- the truth in this instance is astounding.
GKG (Oregon)
NYT please stop calling this movement "anti-abortion" or "pro life." That is what their leadership wants, and they are in reality neither of these things. Let us call this movement for what it is: anti-choice.
Jude (West)
"Forced birth" not prolife.
Frank (Johnstown, NY)
Exactly. Like all propagandists, they are expert at naming.

I'm pro-choice. Period. I want to give every woman the RIGHT to chose what is best fir herself and her family.
Edward Boyson (Nashville)
Choosing to end the child's life is not a choice ; it is a summary execution of an innocent human being.
Bystander (Upstate)
"We don't need Planned Parenthood"

Not right now, honey. Let's get back to you in a few years, when you have a serious boyfriend, and the ACA is repealed so your parents' insurance doesn't cover you anymore.
Laura Phillips (New York)
most of these girls will change their tune, Catholic or not, once they become sexually active.
SaveTheArctic (New England Countryside)
There is evidence that right-wing religious politicians have attempted to overtake this government for years, and that they have almost succeeded. As soon as Trump fails and is removed from office (mental breakdown?) Pence will be installed as the Christian POTUS. Frightening!

All Americans need to pay close attention as our rights are taken away. Democrats MUST block anti-choice Supreme Court nominees.
JN (Atlanta)
I can be sympathetic with both views. For most of my life I have been pro choice; as I grow older I question my earlier views, primarily because I question the assumption that a woman owns the life of another. In my opinion life clearly begins at conception and ends at death. The questions of abortion as well as euthanasia are difficult ones. I would leave the ultimate decision to the states so New York Times readers could do what the heck they want and stop criticizing everybody else.
djt (northern california)
Why the states? You just made a great argument for leaving it to the individual, and not the states. Why would the state know what an individual wants?
Barbarika (Wisconsin)
If you as an individual want your neighbors kidney to survive, the role of state will be to stop you. The unborn have no way of communicating, that doesn't women the right to terminate them as a bunch of cells.
Connie Martin (Warrington Pa)
Many years ago, I had a positive pregnancy test at a time when neither my husband or I were in any way able to be being parents. And yes, we were using birth control. I turned to Planned Parenthood after my own doctor was very nasty and dismissive. And they were wonderful- kind, understanding, non-judgmental, supportive. It turned out the test was in error but I continued to use them for my health care for quite some time. We began donating money to them then and have continued to this day. One thing that bothers me about the "pro-lifers" stance is their total rejection of ANY family planning: no birth control, no abortion, abstinence only- and the sheer spite underlying their "pro-life" stance. I have unfortunately had to listen to many pro-lifers say "They should just keep their legs together and if they can't, they deserve what they get" as if it is "pro-life" for a child's existence to serve as a punishment to the mother for her supposed failings. How is that "love of all life" and how does that fit in with their supposed devout Christianity? Because based on what I learned in 12 years of Catholic schools, love, forgiveness, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" and "judge not lest ye be judged" were what Jesus taught.
Kathleen (Bogotá)
I would like to see your statistic supporting pro-lifers who are opposed to contraceptives and family planning. ALL of the women I know who are pro-life used contraceptives and planned our families.

Of course there is forgiveness for the sin of abortion but that's not the issue. The issue is the sanctity of life and the value we place on the voiceless and defenseless unborn.
blackmamba (IL)
Donald Trump and Mike Pence are both prime examples of the potentially positive humane empathetic pro-female mental, emotional and physical medical health care benefits of birth control and abortion.
fastfurious (the new world)
Women don't want to hear what bullying old white men Mike Pence, Jeff Sessions & Donald Trump demand we do or don't do with our bodies & our lives. These stupid old patriarchs think we must behave, that they'll decide our futures for us & their insistence we must obey them don't concern us except as evidence of the age old hatred & persecution of women's sexuality, freedom & privacy - that have existed since the beginning of time.

We've seen this movie before - 44 years ago.

We will fight you.

Nobody cares about your church! Go pray -- but leave us alone!!! We aren't interested in your superstitions, misogyny & hatred of women's sexuality.

Roe v. Wade has been settled law since 1973. If these jerks declare war on women & try to rip away our reproductive rights, civil war will come to America. Women - & forward thinking men opposed to forced pregnancy - will not stand for this.

The blow back if Roe is overturned will make the long years of massive demonstrations - & national rage - during the Vietnam War look like nothing.

This is not just about abortion. Things have changed. Women will no longer accept men deciding the most basic freedoms in women's lives. If the right thinks overturning Roe will be passively accepted - they're deluding themselves. It will never happen!!!

Hands off our bodies, you senile old goats!

If you do this, you tear this country apart. Women will fight you. For the rest of our lives, with our dying breath.

You've been warned.
WI Transplant (Madison, WI)
I wish I could recommend this X Infinity.
Julie R (Washington/Michigan)
"With Trump on their side, conservatives see hope." Yes, first they stole a Supreme Court pic and now they march for the sanctity of life under a president they elected whose has no respect for life. A man whose by his own admission is a sexual predator whose respect for women can be reduced to the size of her bra. A man who calls women pigs and bimbos. A man who brags about grabbing women's genitals and calls his victims liars. Yes folks, this is the moral rabbit hole the anti-abortionists want you to believe is sanctioned by God.
ted (Anywhere)
60 votes are needed for supreme court justice. Democrats- sit tight and enjoying the fight between DJT and his party and just say "no" to denying any Trumpkins's nominee and leave the position open.
Invictus (Los Angeles)
The Trump Administration and GOP Vision for the Future:

1. Limit or completely block a woman's ability to find birth control via Planned Parenthood.
2. Force a woman to give birth to an unwanted child.
3. Birth the child, leave the hospital and not be able to pay the bill because she couldn't purchase health insurance due to a pre-existing condition and her husband (this woman has one) is out of work.
4. Educate the child in a Betsy DeVos Official Charter School for Amerika where said child will learn how to "advance God's Kingdom," (Google it).
5. Breathe the dirty air brought to you by Rex Tillerson and the Exxon Mobil State Department. Clean drinking water is now a thing of the past too.
6. With said education in hand the now grown child will only be able to find work at Carl's Junior under Puzder's robotic management team.
7. With no prospects in hand, a steady diet of bad food, since nutrition labeling was done away with, this person will do what? Die in the streets? Is that what the GOP wants? Who is going to buy all the useless products their Corporate Fathers want us to buy?
Medusa (Cleveland, OH)
If republicans succeed in criminalizing abortion they will lose congress. THAT was the subtext of the Women's March.
Abby (Tucson)
Doesn't Trump understand the voter most likely to vote this line is an immigrant? It takes a long time to understand that one's body is their own when they flee a despot's hands.
Anne (Ottawa)
Deny access to sex education, birth control, abortion and support for poor families.

The US is indeed an exceptional place.
Contented Canuck (Montreal)
But you can own an AK 47. That right is protected. Exceptional indeed.
linda5 (New England)
Where are the overhead photos ? So we can see the exact size of this crowd
Nikki Desjardins (San Diego, CA)
In the late 1980s, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Iran's supreme leader, issued fatwas making birth control widely available and acceptable to conservative Muslims. Under the new decrees, contraceptives could be obtained free at government clinics, including thousands of new rural health centers. Health workers promoted contraception as a way to leave more time between births and help reduce maternal and child mortality. Couples intending to marry were required to receive counseling in family planning. At the same time, educational opportunities were opening up for girls.
mj (ny)
I was once entering a Planned Parenthood through a throng of protesters yelling "Save the unborn babies!". Little did they know I was getting a PAP smear.
The fact that PP clinics mostly provide health care and family planning doesn't matter to these people. To them women don't deserve to rightfully take care of their own bodies. Despicable.
The Buddy (Astoria, NY)
With the recent "global gag order", the pro life movement literally becomes the very thing it claims to abhor. No amount of rhetoric can disguise that fact.
Donald Ambrose (Florida)
Yes , a new century, like the 14th . The ignorant masses screaming at those who would prefer science and knowledge over superstition and myths. Sort of like Trump winning the popular vote, not being a crook, foul mouthed , or a total boor. While we are at it, how about bring back the divine rite of Kings and the infallibility of Pope ( or Trumps ). SAD.
Boo (East Lansing Michigan)
The same zealots who want to control the life of a woman who needs an abortion are strangely silent and/or opposed to any regulations that would prevent people from using guns to kill others or commit suicide. Hypocrisy, much?
CLSW2000 (Dedham MA)
The psychology of these women is quite simple. By making the big focus of their spiritual lives around the abortion issue, they relieve themselves of any moral responsibility for the poor and needy after they are born. They can feel all pure and superior for having saved a baby. Support of life from conception to birth. The political philosophy of this movement is entirely based on "life" before birth. After? Every person for themselves. Live in poverty, starve, drugs, no future. Doesn't matter to these crusaders. This is how the Republican party appeals to the unexamined lives of these hypocrites.
DB (Los Angeles)
Well said.
Alex (NY, NY)
Geez, talk about arrogance. You have the whole world figured out.
Marge (NYC)
. . . and also how the republicans keep the underclass in the underclass. They are shameless.
Lee Harrison (Albany)
I object to "pro-life" and the whole "life begins" nonsense. Even if you are a vegan you eat life. You excrete life. Life lives and dies endlessly, we are born and we die, "from ashes to ashes, from dust to dust."

The question of when does a fetus acquire rights, what are those rights and who exercises the rights of the fetus are "reasonable questions" in our society, but be honest -- this is not about "life" or "right to life."
Patrician (New York)
"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help." Ronald Reagan.

Republicans by ideology are inconsistent in wanting small government when it comes to economics, but extremely intrusive government (funeral for aborted fetuses?) when it comes to social issues.

Basically they are a special interests driven group of individuals in search of an ideology and principles.

We see them for all they are now. Everything. Including phony patriotism that evaporates into thin air when a Democrat is president.
Bob (My President Tweets)
Single women tied to a child they cannot afford to raise are the perfect Wal-Mart employee.
This is why the confederates hate Roe v Wade.
It empowered women to take control of their lives and bodies.
Confederate "men" prefer their women stupid, pregnant an silent...just like Muslim fundementalists.
Medusa (Cleveland, OH)
If people were serious about reducing abortion they would look to what works - namely realistic sex education and no barriers to birth control. The anti-abortion crowd doesn't stop at abortion. They are against birth control, sex (except in narrow circumstances) and women choosing when to conceive.
Jessica (Melbourne)
I am both a mother of a gorgeous, bright 5 year old, and i am a woman who has had an abortion.

I am grateful i live in a country where this is legal, where general practitioners are mostly non-judgmental and extremely helpful, where i can easily access safe abortion. Where i counselling is available to make such a (life altering) decision.

To the people think my having had abortion affects them in some way or another, guess what? It doesnt'. Because you would never know as its none of your business.

My body, my health, my choice.

And when conservatives put the life of a 9 week old foetus ahead of the life and wellbeing of a grown woman their contempt for women is exposed.
Blue Ridge (Blue Ridge Mountains)
Thank-you, Jessica. You touched my heart.
RC (New York, NY)
Oh my. Here we go again. I don't care if you're a man a woman or combination of both or young or old or brainwashed or free thinker or alien. MY BODY, MY CHOICE. Period. ( Pun totally intended ). Oh and you young ladies out there -- I don't know what you're parents or priests or pastors are telling you, but hear this and process it: unplanned pregnancies or unwanted babies are what keep you POOR and STRUGGLING for the rest of your lives, both you and your babies. And please condsider this, as in so many other instances the loudest opponents are the ones that have availed themselves or their girlfriends or daughters or wives of reproductive planning services but would now like to deny them to you. WAKE UP.
RC (New York, NY)
Oh, and one more thing, you girls who don't need Planned Parenthood? lucky you because you're health care comes from your parents that can afford it or have jobs that provide it. Well, it's not really about or for you, is it, so why are you marching against it, why do you care??????
Nathan (Santa Monica, CA)
Ah, yes. These privileged young women in high school don't "need" PP so why should anyone else have it? The real world will be a massive shock.
NKB (Albany, NY)
Can the Supreme Court justices please take their vitamins and exercise well in the next 4 years? The country will be very grateful.
Bob (My President Tweets)
If you are against a woman's right to choose and have NOT adopted a precious unwanted child then you are the worst type of hypocrite...just like mr. trump and mr. pence.
Bonnie Weinstein (San Francisco)
Where are the long-shots of this march to compare with last Saturday's march? What is the crowed estimate? Why are there no stats for this march?
Matty (Boston, MA)
because it is a fraction of a fraction of the size of the smallest of last week's marches.
JMWB (Montana)
I get being anti-abortion. I understand that many people feel that abortion is murder. What I don't understand is why the right wing is SO against contraceptives and sex education! What better way to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies to begin with? Why does the right wing want to make it so difficult for women to find inexpensive, convenient, and caring gynecology care including long term contraceptives? What is the problem with educating men and women/boys and girls about sex? Sex happens - just like eating and breathing.

As a taxpayer I would prefer to subsidize contraceptives than to have to subsidize 18 years worth of welfare and food stamps because a woman wasn't able to find gynecology care and contraceptives. Its all about the economy, stupid.
DR (New England)
I couldn't agree more and this issue that was one of the things that drove me out of the Republican party. No one who is against contraception, sex education etc. can ever claim to value life, born or unborn.
Irene REILLY (Canada)
America is the last bastion where every social issue is turned into a political issue. Social issues have a tremendous cost when lobby groups throw grenades into the discussion. No matter the decision that any of make about social issues like abortion there is a person who is struggling with balancing their life, religious beliefs, and the immediate affect on them.
The US of A where individual freedoms were at the heart of its revolution, and quoted by both sides of any debate, to an outsider appears to be about the right of the collective over the individual.

Or are freedoms only valuable if they support your beliefs? If true, then your are not advocating for freedom.
Cornflower Rhys (Washington, DC)
Robbing women of their right to choose what to do with their own bodies on the basis of religious beliefs they do not share is not American.
Stella (MN)
An inordinate amount of men at the "Pro-Life" Marc,h with an unhealthy desire to control women's healthcare and bodies. Gross.

Pence just doesn't care at all of the many horror stories that come from those unwanted children who languish in the foster care system. Crime statistics show that the likelihood of sexual assault goes up in adoptive, and especially foster care situations. It's an ugly fact. Pence wants that to increase.

Republican politicians are not moved by sexual assault, especially "our" president who has bragged about being a serial predator, and threatens to sue those who accuse him. Similar to Trump and Bannon's goal to silence the media.

These guys are up to no good…because they operate from the bottom of the barrel.
Howie Lisnoff (Massachusetts)
Trump's attitudes toward women, and Pence's governing record of hostility toward reproductive rights, make the executive branch the most dangerous enemy of women's healthcare in decades.
Gotta wonder how many of these things Trump paid for in his time. This is how he atones.
Francesca (<br/>)
What makes you think he'd cough up the dough?
CityBumpkin (Earth)
One more step toward making America a third world country.
David (Mnpls)
Howe come so many republicans are pro life only before birth. If the baby is born into difficult situations like poverty or medical issues they oppose any kind social assistance.
Pamela Gotzmer (Glenville, NY)
As if President Trump has earned the privilege to even weigh in on this topic. He should be the last person on this earth to have a say.
Robert (Seattle)
Before Roe v. Wade, many thousands of women died every year in America because they had no choice but to go to illegal abortion providers. The prevailing societal paradigm and prescription was abstinence and marriage. It didn't work. Since then, societal mores have changed a great deal. Abstinence and marriage are far less likely than they ever have been. How in the world could abstinence and marriage ever work now? The facts and reality are once again at odds with the president and his supporters.
Mary RN (Detroit, MI)
I haven’t seen any Republican proposals to fund orphanages, particularly ones specializing in caring for children with special needs. Neither have I seen any proposals to boost funding for care of handicapped adults.
Cynical Jack (Washington DC)
Mary, your argument is endlessly repeated by people who favor reproductive rights. Yet it has zero traction with pro-lifers. You ought to wonder why. There is a reason, which you obviously do not understand. If you don't understand their position, you have no hope of changing their minds or affecting people who are undecided on the issue. I suggest you ask a pro-life friend to explain the apparent contradiction.
Alice's Restaurant (PB San Diego)
Therefore, abortion ought to be a "right"?
LC (Port Ewen)
It was my mother, the GREATEST mother ever by the way, who told me "children are not accidents". THANK YOU PLANNED PARENTHOOD for giving me the information and contraception to enjoy my sex life (oh my!), without the concern of unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease.

If it is abortions you are looking to stop, I recommend supporting Planned Parenthood as I believe this is their goal, through education and contraception, as well.
Denny (Burlington)
Then, if what you say is true about their lofty ambitions, why doesn't PP get out of the abortion business? The fact is they are the biggest abortion provider in the country.
C Kimble (Phoenix)
I struggle to understand how I'm expected to pay for a wall that I don't agree with but that funding Planned Parenthood is somehow so intolerable for those in the Pro-Life movement.
Choice, to me, means the freedom to choose to have an abortion or not.
Why do these women and lawmakers feel that their morality is more important than mine?
KosherDill (In a pickle)
We with brain cells to rub together also had to sacrifice our time and wages to pay TRILLIONS of dollars for two Republican-driven, immoral, pointless and destabilizing wars of aggression. But that's OK with repugnant types as long as they don't have pay for anyone's IUD.
Galfrido (PA)
I would respect these marchers more if they really were "pro-life." But most of them seem to be one issue voters and the Republican Party takes them for granted and then passes legislation that does not support life at all, at least not my definition of life. Where is their concern for the life of the planet and all the creatures on it? And for the lives of children born into poverty or simply deprived of a decent education because of where they live? And for the sick and the well, who all deserve health care? And for the LGBTQ community and minorities, who demand basic human rights from a country that is supposed to guarantee them? And for sexual assault survivors? How could these marchers help elect a man, who will hold the highest office in the land and stand as an example to our children, a man who assaulted women? How can they claim any commitment to human life? These marchers apparently believe they have Jesus on their side, but I don't recognize Jesus in their values.
Kathleen (Earth)
Totally get why that appears to be the case but the majority are actually Pro Life, from conception to natural death, which means: caring for the poor, immigrants, elderly, universal health care (the US bishops advocated for Obama Care), fighting against the death penalty, caring for the dying--the full life spectrum. Unfortunately, there is no party that represents all of that. I wish we could, as a society, come together to march for Life and ALL that it entails. Sounds socialistic, I guess, but there are so many underserved in this great and very rich country. In terms of who voted for Trump, I wouldn't assume that "these marchers"--way to general of a statement--helped vote him in. Many, yes, did because of the one issue point, I'll admit, but many would have marched in the women's march and all that that represented, had they felt welcome.
chrismosca (Atlanta, GA)
These people are not "anti-abortion" ... they are anti-choice and, ultimately, anti-female sexuality. They preach abstinence to young women, but shrug that "boys will be boys." They don't care about supporting the child or making the father responsible for supporting the child once born. Why won't you call this what it is?
Larry M (Minnesota)
I am sick and tired of these people - especially the men, who (as a man) I find to be particularly offensive voices in this debate, simply because the stakes are virtually nonexistent for them. How dare they presume to impose their ersatz morality and will on others for what is ultimately a most private and personal decision.

Don't accept abortion? Fine. Then don't have one. That's YOUR choice.
g.bronitsky (Albuquerque)
I always tell the vociferous anti-choice people I meet that I absolutely agree with them and I've decided I will never have an abortion. I'm a man--their brains freeze (but I'm on the pill just to be safe!)
Matt (RI)
This article fails to address the simple fact that most of the services provided by Planned Parenthood are geared toward education and contraception, the two best ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies, and thereby prevent abortions!!
Shana (New Orleans)
Pro-birth is not pro-life.
Access to healthcare, which Planned Parenthood provides, is pro-life.
Limitting access to firearms is pro-life.
Stopping police brutality is pro-life.
Ensuring families have a means to a house and food is pro-life.
Education is pro-life.

Everything else is self-righteous hypocrisy.
Roger Wilson Corman Jr. (Nyack, NY)
Nope, that list is pro-communist.
Being against child murder is pro-life.
drw (sw fl)
Great comment, thank you!!
Annie Dooley (Georgia)
Let's re-litigate a woman's right to vote, shall we? Or maybe a pregnant woman's right to keep her job, or a married woman's right to sue for divorce and get custody of children or bring criminal charges against a wife-beater. By all means, young Christian women, fight for the "rights" of fertilized eggs while you give up all women's rights to equal treatment under our laws. Since the Equal Rights Amendment failed, thanks to older women just like you, our Constitution does not say anything about women's rights specifically. It talks about "men" and "citizens", so if the good "Christian" men in Congress and state legislatures wanted to declare that women are not "citizens" protected by the Constitution and approved a couple of Supreme Court justices who agreed, you young women could be considered the property of fathers and husbands once again. You think if you win this high moral and religious fight to grant legal personhood to a fertilized egg that that will be the end of it. Think again. Especially if you use birth control pills or IUDs or want to limit the size of your family after birthing two, three or four children by getting your tubes tied. You might find that contraceptives and tubal ligations are now banned because it is your God-given function to "be fruitful and multiply" and your husband is now your "head," making all life decisions for you by God's decree. Read a little women's history. Or read about the Taliban.
Becky (SF, CA)
If they don't believe in abortions then don't have one. You never know what women are individually encountering in their lives whether rape/incest or genetic defects. This is a personal decision. Get out of our bodies. In some future when there is over population and/or some form of racial discrimination will this group instead tell women they must have an abortion? Don't give them this level of control over our bodies.
Khray Arai Teenai (Little Water Buffalo, Thailand)
Is God going to take care and pay for the needs of all the unwanted children who are born?
Bernadette Bolognini (Glendale AZ)
I believe in life, that means taking care of women and children, ensuring that they have a quality life, health insurance, shelter, food etc. It is more than just having a baby, it's pre natal care, good schools, Health Insurance. I find Mike Pence, KellyAnne Conwy are such hypocrites.
"Mr. Trump went even further himself, disregarding Ms. Conway’s advice by talking about late-term abortion in the most graphic of terms, a move that endeared him to the movement’s supporters. Today, conservatives see his line “rip the baby out of the womb of the mother just prior to the birth” as a turning point in his campaign."
That line was also a complete lie. Trump managed to fan the flames against abortion rights by upsetting people over a falsehood.
Kona030 (HNL)
That is the conservative way - stick your heads in other people's bedrooms and tell them how to live.....I will never understand why a conservative in Florida cares if a woman in New Hampshire gets an abortion...It is simply none of their business....
Susan (Paris)
Seeing young women students at the anti-abortion march holding signs saying "We don't need Planned Parenthood" is so selfish and lacking in understanding and compassion for the plight of many poor women in our society, that I can hardly find words to express my dismay. Where do these clearly entitled young students suggest that poor women go for breast cancer screening, Pap smears, advice on contraception and other services? Why do the women and men at this march continue to want to impose their religious convictions on the rest of us? Enough!
chrisinauburn (auburn, alabama)
What an appalling amount of ignorance shown by some of the signs regarding what PP does. In fact, my wife needed birth control pills from PP to regulate her cycle so she could get pregnant, twice. I'll bet no opponents ever want to discuss these other benefits of the pill.
if you were the leader of a country, no matter what party, you should at least be cognizant of the fact that if women were given access to free birth control whenever they needed it (access to safe abortions would be a plus), you could probably eradicate poverty in a couple generations. it would pay for itself many times over.
magicisnotreal (earth)
They are firmly cognizant of the facts and just as firmly dissociative of those they do not agree with. This was pointed out from the start when birth control was invented and just as firmly opposed by the make sex shameful crowd.
Fact is these folks don't want to stop abortions so much as force unwanted pregnancies to completion. The point is to make sex shameful and scare people about having sex. That fear is mainly about having to raise a child out of wedlock or when one is not prepared to and the shame heaped upon single women who get pregnant.
So that being the case birth control would take the shame out of sex by allowing it to be the private thing it is, stop unwanted pregnancy, and by that take away the negative shaming power they have.
They don;t give a dam about zygotes of feotus's its the power and control over women's lives that they want.
Bill W (Detroit)
I think we share the same sentiments regarding access to abortion, but as a pharmacist I can tell you that free birth control has been available through Medicaid to low income women for the entire 35 years I've been working. That issue is an entirely separate dynamic.
Laura Phillips (New York)
Agreed, but I don't think its the cost of contraceptives that bothers them, its women having control over their own lives that does.
Joe (NYC)
Separation of church and state is a wonderful thing. Turning back the clock is not.
DfD (New Hampshire)
Are these people aware that de-funding Planned Parenthood is far more likely to result in a significant increase in the number of abortions than a decrease?

Are they also aware that it will result in a lower level of Health Care hence more suffering and death for adult human beings?
Barb (The Universe)
I wish today that is can once and for all be called pro-choice and anti-choice. Yo can be pro-choice and "anti" abortion for yourself. It's about not telling someone else (a woman or girl) what she can do with her body. Plus, what happened to separation of church and state?
Ehed (MN)
If the GOP was serious about abortion it would submit an amendment to the constitution to reverse Roe v. Wade since it now that it controls Congress and the White House. But it won't because then the issue would fade away. The GOP doesn't care about "life" only about using the issue to stoke its base.

While an important issue, appointing a regressive to the Supreme Court seat will only restore the balance that existed with Scalia.
bkw (USA)
In addition to a #MarchForLife it would make sense if this large powerful group addressed the core issue and decided to also #MarchForBirthControl and #MarchForTheProtectionOfUnwantedAbusedChildren. It's fair to say that being "pro life" so to speak is the natural state of mind for most sane people. However, many of us are also anti innocent lives forced to be brought into the world who are too often neglected and abused and helpless and forgotten--until they act out their maltreatment as teens or young adults.
Mary (PA)
I wish this country would commit to separation of church and state. Religious conservatives should not get to choose for others. This country was founded for reason's of religious freedom, not you are welcome if you believe what we deem right and righteous.

And how many of those who would take away a woman's right to choose are for the death penalty? Hypocrites.
Richard Barry (Washington D.C.)
I wholeheartedly agree with this. I don't think it says anywhere in the Constitution that the function of government is to shove the religious beliefs of a minority (or even a majority) down the throats of all. If that is what the Republicans are after, perhaps they should just decamp to Iran.

We don't need a Christian Caliphate, thanks.
SKM (geneseo)
Mary: many, if not most, of the so-called "pro-life generations" are secular humanists. They have much in common with PETA (except they tend to be more genteel). Linking anti-abortion views to religion will no longer work.
UC Graduate (Los Angeles)
Trump's political overtures to the pro-life crowd is a cynical, calculated move. The grabber-in-chief has no respect for women, let alone their right to make a decision about abortion. The pro-life movement consists of basket of deplorables led by religious fanatics, women who blindly follow male leadership in the name of "tradition," and cynical activists who seek to use pro-life rallying cry as a cover for their conservative causes. Abortion is a personal decision to be made by women. Men have no standing in this decision, politicians have no standing, and by God, clergy have no standing. You want to reduce the number of abortion? We already have solutions for that: sexual education and birth control.
pealass (toronto)
So in a week when Russia decides that there is something akin to soft domestic abuse, we have American womena nd girls marching against Planned Paretnhood. Same difference. Both are an assault against women's right. No wonder the new US government and Russia will get along.
Richard (Ma)
In a world with too many people already for the planet's environment to safely support, why would anyone force a woman to bring an unwanted child into the world? I am a strong supporter of abortion on demand a strong supporter of readily available birth control and a regular donor to Planned Parenthood.

Frankly the fact that the religious right supports the anti abortion movement only reinforces my support of women's right to choose whether or not to bring a child into the world. Nothing good comes from superstition and the idea that human primates have souls is just such superstition. What this planet's environment needs is fewer Homo sapiens. What poor women need is fewer mouth to feed and fewer children to attempt to raise and educate.

Far better for everyone to limit their own fecundity to numbers that are less than replacement so we can gradually lower the human population.
RefLib (Georgia)
Pro-lifers are really pro-unborn who happen to fall in the right category. They don't give a fig for the mother's health, the health of small children or the health of children and women who are immigrants or have fled war zones.

The attacks on Planned Parenthood hurt only the poor women and men who need their services. So I guess these Pro-Unborn are also anti-poor as well.
If Trump, Pence and others are so worried about the life of every child, why did the Newtown elementary school massacre do nothing to change their gunlust?
Paulie (Boston)
Because republicans are pro-life only from conception to birth. Once the kid's out, they couldn't care less.
Matt T (Delaware)
Those are separate issues and you know you're being inflammatory by bringing up such a terrible tragedy. Using your logic (that unborn babies are children akin to those slain in Newtown), then pro-choicers also support the murder of living children.
Mark Nemes (St. Louis, MO)
I am a conservative but lean more moderate-to-left on this issue. What I cannot understand is why Planned Parenthood won't just cancel their abortion service and open up a new separate wing that specializes in this service. Abortions are not funded by the government (or so they claim). It suppresses the opposition of Planned Parenthood while retaining federal reimbursements.

Republicans do not hate women, they understand the macro effects this service offers. But, Planned Parenthood is giving themselves a black eye over one service.
Bill Scurry (New York, NY)
Explain to me how the bruising tactics of the Republicans do not connote misogyny.
C Kimble (Phoenix)
So Republicans understand and yet they continue to move forward with their policies?
Great, so we can add willful ignorance and disregard to the list.
linda5 (New England)
"t I cannot understand is why Planned Parenthood won't just cancel their abortion service and open up a new separate wing that specializes in this service. "
1.Giving in to extortion is never a good choice.
2. abortion is part of women's health services.
LanceC (Washington, DC)
When my son attended a Catholic boy's school in Washington, DC, I was astonished to find that the school took buses of students to this march. A friend with a child in a Catholic K-8 school in suburban Maryland told me that her son was one of the few who stayed behind on the day of the march. He was an 8 year old. My son, a 12 year old, was not given permission to go, but I told him if he had, his sign would read, "We hate women."
Lee Harrison (Albany)
"Those who sup with the devil should have a very long spoon."

Nothing about Trump will work out well for the Evangelicals and the Anti-Abortion movement. Trump taints everything he touches; those who associate with him become Christies or Giulianis ... and discarded.

Having a groper, fraudster and general all-around bad-boy as your leader will only result in dragging you toward his misdeeds, wrapping you in them, and having your cause sink under them.

Pause for a moment and ask yourself: what would Jesus say of Trump? In the bible do you ever read of any miracle done by or through an unworthy man?
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
What would Jesus say about cellphones? or the internet? or airplanes? or antibiotics?

What gives you the right to know what JESUS -- a first century RABBI -- would think of anything, from 2000 years ago?

BTW: I am not and never have been a Christian.

I do think that a FIRST CENTURY JEWISH RABBI would be deeply opposed to both abortion and gay marriage, which would have been seen as very serious abominations and violations of the Torah and Jewish law.
Steve Flynn (Los Angeles)
If all lives matter why do conservatives so strongly support the death penalty--the ultimate hypocrisy
Matt T (Delaware)
There's nothing hypocritical at all about being both pro life and pro death penalty. Pro life means supporting everyone's fundamental right to exist, like you and me. The death penalty is reserved for those who have, as rational adults, made the decision to commit murder. They are two completely separate issues if you are intellectually honest about it.
Mark Nemes (St. Louis, MO)
Due process.

Most republicans and democrats have different opinions on when life starts. Further right republicans believe life starts at conception and it is a life separate from the mother and therefore has rights of their own.
Slipping Glimpser (Seattle)
Sorry I can't cite the source, but about two years ago I read an article by a doctor who provides abortions. He said that every day he came to work, among the protestors was a woman up on a ladder with a megaphone, screaming her lungs out against abortion.

One day, he came into his office, and there she was, needing his services.

The next day, there she was back on the ladder, screaming her lungs out.

Of course all these people aren't hypocrites. But what they all want is to FORCE YOU to live how they see fit.

It must be resisted by any means necessary.
Josh Levinson (New Haven, CT)
I recently read a story about how a father had to watch his child die because his child had an irreversible genetic defect that would definitely kill her. He had to watch this child die in his hands rather than mercifully end it earlier with a late-term abortion. Conservatives imagine a world in which things like this don't exist, and people get abortions for fun. It's simply not the case.

Even if they did somehow manage to ban abortion, which is not going to happen, people will still get abortions.

Does prohibition end the use of drugs?
Bel (NY)
So the father who brought the child into the world and then watched it die is the person that pretends it doesn't exist?

Not you, who would end the child's life in the womb...

I'm flabbergasted that this is an NYT pick.
Stef (Everett, WA)
Prohibition only gave us gang warfare the way abortion bans only gave us back alley coat hanger abortions that kill desperate women.
JWL (Vail, Co)
This is not about abortion, this is a battle for the civil rights of women. Mike Pence said he didn't understand what kind of men ALLOWED their wives to attend the protests. Do you need permission to attend a rally? Is your husband your father? Are you a child?
This fight is about control, it's about equal rights. Choice means what it says...having the right to make your own choice. Respect the other persons views, they may not be yours, but above all, respect their right to make that choice.
Kristy King (Phoenix Az)
We have to fact check everything, or find ourselves in collusion with the rabid growth of right-wing false news, or fall into the same trap ourselves. Pence did not say that, according to this site:

I'm fervently pro-choice and believe we all have to fight back as accurately as possible.
Adrienne (Chatham NY)
Can you please stop using the word "funded/funding"? There is no budget line in the Federal government for Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is reimbursed for services through Medicaid (just like any relevant provider) and services are mostly for preventative care. I think a lot of people do not seem to understand this.
C Kimble (Phoenix)
I would welcome a return to Journalism at the Times and the ability of their reporters to gather, understand and communicate accurate facts through language.
P Palmer (America)

That's what this is about.

Forcing YOU to live the way they want you to.

How wonderfully American.

You can't do what you want....only what THEY want.
Paulie (Boston)
It should be plain for everyone to see that unless we fervently resist it, we will descend to living under a republican fascist regime. That's not hyperbole.
Karen (Vermont)
This is what America is all about. We are allowed to vote, march for rights for all and express our opinions. You have your day, we have ours. If these pro rights ladies had been at the women's March last Saturday, they would have seen we marched for everyone. Immigration, climate, healthcare, minimum wage, sexism, vote suppression, etc.. I saw a comment from a pro life, that this isn't the sixties, so if this isn't the sixties and we are a progressive nation, then why can't planned parenthood continue to help those who are in need of screenings, birth control, advice, information- get your heads around that abstinence doesn't work, hormones rule, so let's fund birth control for all, then we don't have abortions. Stop being ignorant about nature.. we are on this earth to procreate. I do not like abortion as much as you but I don't like ignorance either and there's a lot of it.. btw, look at data, abortions are way down..and they will keep going down if you allow people to educate..
jerry lee (rochester)
Reality check dont beleive everything you read . Abortion is cruel an inhuman for those who can justify it are reason we have zero value in life of living.Our children know what we are doing to there brothers an sisters. We are nation of deplorables who can justify anything including murder . Dity little secrets the people dont want to hear truth . What do you think there doing to aborted babies when its over? You actually think not being used for experitments body parts for sale?Dont be stupid
Yogini (California)
What about caring for the children that are already here?
Karen (Vermont)
Jerry, I fully expected push back. Did you read that I don't like abortions either. What I want is birth control for all women so they don't have to make a life or death decision. It starts with the males sperm. It takes two to make a a life. Men need to use birth control as well, i.e., a condom. Fund birth control for all. Then we don't have abortions. EDUCATE.... Karen
PogoWasRight (florida)
If someone other than Trump were in charge of this effort, It might stand a chance - a very slim one.. Puling strings to get things done and being beholden to someone else is not a part of Trump's makeup. Just you wait, "enry 'iggins". The Third Reich was quite successful at the beginning, then look what happened. This is just a new version.....
In honor of today's march, misleading called the March for Life (more accurately called the Anti-Choice March), I made a donation to Planned Parenthood. One of the hallmarks of a free society is control over one's own person.
Tracy (Nashville)
I assume the irony of relatively wealthy people holding up 'We don't need Planned Parenthood' signs is lost on them.
Denny (Burlington)
Not sure how you know this, about their financial state. Do you have some kind of superpower to see inside pocketbooks?
Anon (Maryland)
What's wrong with a 20 week ban? Plenty. According to the statistics I've read, only about 1 percent of abortions take place after that stage. Many of these (if not most) are because doctors have just discovered at the anatomy scan (around 20 weeks usually) major fetal defects. It would be a travesty to force parents to carry the pregnancy to term in those circumstances. Parents have the right to decide how much suffering they're willing to put their family through.
huss (ny)
This was precisely our situation 23 years with a first pregnancy when multiple fetal anomalies were discovered at the first ultrasound (20 weeks). And to think these deplorables would have forced my wife to carry that terribly damaged fetus to term. Thank the law for the abortion that was available then. And last week my now 18 year old daughter proudly marched in DC for women's rights against the neo-Nazis who are now in power. People should read up on National Socialist maternity policies.
jules (california)
Schedule your calendar for 20 years from the date abortion is outlawed. Poverty, homeless families, and crime will explode.

The best thing a nation can do for its economy -- and the burden of social welfare costs -- is to make abortion free, on demand, and widely available.

Whining about the unborn is a specious argument and bald-faced hypocrisy.
LS (Maine)
Women's rights are always the first to be attacked. So easy, because we really only exist in relation to men and children, don't we?
CityBumpkin (Earth)
I don't know. I think that is a good question for the women who voted for Trump, who did better than expected among women voters and garnered a majority of white women.
“I’ve been working on pro-life messaging for two decades in this town,” she said. “And it took a billionaire man from Manhattan who had spent most of his life being pro-choice to deliver the most impassioned defense of life that many have ever heard.”
Reality check: Donald Trump did not deliver an impassioned defense of life. He spread more lies and sensationalism, which is what he does as a successful conman.
Pro-Life is just another means no choice, plain and simple.
Pro-Choice, on the other hand, means just that: can choose not to have an abortion.
Yes! In fact, in the quote above from Trump at one of the debates, he suggested that "ripping the baby from the womb in the 9th month" constituted an abortion. Just so everyone knows, that is not an abortion... that is a BIRTH.
V (Los Angeles)
If you are against abortion, don't have one.

But, if you are a woman, why shouldn't you be the one who decides whether or not to have a child? For whatever reason -- rape, incest, economics, birth defect, zika virus -- who do you think you men are, Mike Pence, Donald Trump, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, to tell me what I can and cannot do with my body?

By the way, the Department of Defense paid $84 million for erectile dysfunction pills in 2014:

And yet, Trump, Pence, Ryan, McConnell want to defund Planned Parenthood and not pay for birth control. Reproductive rights are women's rights, are human rights.

Hypocrisy much, Republicans?
Tom W (IL)
As usual they don't want government interference unless it supports their believes.
The Buddy (Astoria, NY)
It's easy for me to say because I live in NY State, an environment with relatively robust reproductive freedom.
But in the event of new legal roadblocks to abortion, I would like to see clinics flagrantly stay open in a mass demonstration of civil disobedience. Imagine seeing the Feds called in to harass poor women seeking their last resort.

I would also be prudent for as many blue states as possible to adopt a new amendment to their state constitutions. "The decision of whether to become a parent being necessary to the economic security of a free people, a woman's right to end her pregnancy shall not be infringed."
Aaron (Orange County, CA)
Why are men involved in this debate? That's something I'll never understand..
Because conservative men ( and the women who love them) believe in a patriarchal society. They just can't help themselves. That is why they would never want a woman for president: it was bad enough having that uppity black guy for 8 years, not a woman as well!
SM (New York, NY)
If you don't want to use Planned Parenthood then don't use it. Nobody is forcing you to. Let those of us who would like to use their services (not just abortion) use them.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
You are 100% free to use Planned Parenthood for any legal procedure -- so long as you pay 100% of the cost yourself, or get a charity to cover it for you.

But the taxpayer? no, we will not pay for it anymore.
Rea Tarr (Malone, NY)
If you no longer have to pay for Planned Parenthood services, you'll be paying the increased costs of caring for the poor women who will be using the services of emergency rooms, SSI, food stamps for their added mouths to feed, public education (and special ed teachers), and many other programs and services that you cannot even begin to count.
Zelmira (Boston)
The hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me. Birthers all. These same people want to diminish the government's role in our lives, except when it comes to managing our bodies. It's actually rather pervy, generating out of some sick pre-occupation with sex-as-sin and a desire to control women. They are often the same people who support gun control and the death penalty, while decrying govt. services intended to provide support to single mothers and families that are burdened by these forced births. It's all about control, punishment, and moral one-upmanship.
Our bodies = our choice, not yours!
Stephen P Wigginton (Bradento, FL)
" diminish the govt's role in our lives, except when it comes to managing [someone else's] body.

I can fully abide a nun or priest who also condemns war, nukes, capital punishment, etc...
Mr. SeaMonkey (Indiana)
Shut down Planned Parenthood (which provides medical care), cripple organizations abroad that also provide medical care (just in case there is an abortion), and take health insurance away from 20,000,000 people by repealing Obamacare. I am having a hard time understanding why this agenda is so popular.
Margaret Gauthier (London, ON Canada)
It appeals to the worst in human nature. That's why it's so popular.
Becky (SF, CA)
We need the money for the wall!
Blue state (Here)
I think Trump won by the electoral college, and many Republicans who held their noses to vote for him. If he cedes this issue to Pence, he will be blindsided by the further drop in his popularity. He is unlikely to win reelection anyway, but this would certainly seal the deal.
SarahB (Cambridge, MA)
A lot of things have changed since 1972 and I don't see much on the antiabortion platform as to IVF, surrogate motherhood, and other ways families are dealing with infertility. I think the simple notion that abortion is murder is an irrational stance and threatens the lives of women and children. If you are truly pro-life then work to prevent abortion through access to reproductive health care and access to birth control to prevent unintended pregnancy and provide extensive support to women who choose life by working for universal access to healthcare, paid family leave, high quality early childhood education, ending domestic and sexual violence. This movement is not about life but about controlling women.
Hazel Sharpe (Hoboken NJ)
Or we could make reversible vasectomies completely free for all males between 16-60. That could go a long way toward solving the problem. How 'bout it guys?
RG (upstate NY)
that is a great idea. Unfortunately, very few doctors are good enough to guarantee 100 percent reversible vasectomies. Also, it only takes one male to impregnate 100 women.
Lee Harrison (Albany)
Hazel -- men would welcome a better male contraception option, believe me. Vasectomies have a surprising range of unpleasant consequences, and are often not reversible. The fact that it is reasonably common among men makes it clear that those men really don't want to have children.
DR (New England)
Lee Harrison - What unpleasant consequences? I know about a dozen men who have had vasectomies and they're all just fine.

At some point in their lives, shouldn't men be done having children?
Sarah (Bethesda)
of course those adorable girls don't need planned parenthood! their parents will take them to private doctors - in another county if necessary - to get an abortion.
Phil (Austin, TX)
Backup your claims with data and evidence, please.
Laura Phillips (New York)
Yep, criminalizing abortion only hurts poor women, those with a few $$$ will always obtain a safe one.
Phil (Austin, TX)
Well, then poor women shouldn't risk having sex if they cannot provide the financial means to raise a child. Simple as that. They should wait until after they are financially more stable before having sex if they don't want to risk pregnancy. People need to take responsibility for their actions and that DOESN'T mean killing the unborn child and making them pay for their mistakes.
Matt (CO)
I will say the lack of coverage on this march from places like Yahoo does nothing for their credibility!
It's also sad that the supporters of Pro Life think banning abortions and de-funding PP will actually help. The reality is by removing access to free health services for woman unwanted pregnancy will go up - that's just a inconvenient FACT. The other part is undocumented abortions will go up and so while stats will show little to no abortions the amount of woman turning to a coat hanger or back ally doctor will sky rocket.
They may not agree with sex before marriage or protected sex at all - but its legal and its a fact of life with horny young teens. So either help prevent unwanted pregnancy's or accept you're endangering woman and 'unborn babies'
M. Gorun (Libertyville)
What I cannot understand is why those who hate abortion don't work for better and cheaper birth control for all women. When women come to places like Planned Parenthood for birth control, they won't need an abortion. Instead of telling the world what you are against, work for something positive.
Bsheresq (Yonkers, NY)
That they don't support contraception tells you everything you need to know about the purported "pro-life" movement, which is of course, nothing of the kind. They are only interested in controlling women's sexuality in order to force their religious so called morality down everyone else's throat. You can't be "pro-life" if you are pro-gun, pro-war and pro-death penalty. You're also not for life when you are anti-healthcare, anti-refugee and anti-immigrant. They are giant hypocrites.
M Pollak (Anaheim)
Those who oppose abortion do not care about women, and they never have. They are pro-birth only. Once the child is born, they do not want to provide support for that same child they lobbied so hard to see brought into the world. 1 in 5 children in the U.S. live in food insecure homes. Those in the pro-birth movement are only interested in punishing women, as seen clearly with recent proposed legislation in Texas. This administration tends to do significant damage to a woman's right to choose, they do not believe women are smart enough to make their own decisions, so women who want to have a say in their futures are going to have to come out enforce in 2018 and elect representatives who believe women have the right to determine their own futures.
Rui (Brookline, MA)
The conservative cause isn't interested in providing birth control or contraception. They're against anything perceived to encourage unwed teens to engage in sexual activity. Providing IUDs and counseling certainly falls into that category. Abortion, in their eyes, is just a get-out-of-jail-free-card for morally-depraved people who can't wait till marriage for sex. Nevermind that decades of science and sociological research disproves the wisdom of abstinence-only education. Nevermind that people (even the supposedly devout ones) engage in as much sexual activity out of wedlock as the rest of America. They think that if we bury our heads in the sand and pretend sex isn't happening, then we can all live virtuous Christian lives.
Tracy (New York)
To sign up for NY times your advertisement says:
Truth. It needs your support.

Today is the March For Life in Washington D.C.

whether you believe it should be called that or not, doesn't matter. That is the name of the March. Not Antiabortion March.
March for whose and what life- blond-haired, blue-eyed white babies only?
Michael (Boston)
It is a description. Everyone supports life. Not all people support closing Planned Parenthood.
KosherDill (In a pickle)
It's actually the ANTI-Choice March, and the Anti-Emancipation of Women March. It's the "we worship the zygote but not the human being" March.

People forced to gestate a fertilized egg and eventually produce out of their body a human being they don't want and can't care for don't have much of a Life, trust me. Neither does the human being produced under such adverse conditions.
Bob (Ca)
US should promoting contraception/abortion
and be more concerned about high birth rate
among african and mideastern countries
al (medford)
Love how Republican Men tell women what to do. They would rather keep women in a dark room. Trump wants to keep Americans in a dark room.
Phil (Austin, TX)
Have you ever heard of the group called Feminists For Life? They are primarily made up of women voters who voted for those Republican Men.
DR (New England)
Phil - Any woman who votes for Republicans can't call herself a feminist.

Give it up already. You really look foolish.
Phil (Austin, TX)
DR - I know a lot of women voted for Trump. Do none of those women care about the cause of feminism? Must all feminists be for abortion and all pro-abortion folks be pro feminism?

Have you not hear about the group Feminists For Life? Look them up.
Glenn Strachan (Washington, DC)
I have been working in family planning since 1976 and know that access to education and family planning programs reduces the need for abortions. We have seen a steady decline in the overall number of abortions, but as individual states place impediments to women receiving family planning services, we see an absolute uptick in the number of abortions.

Another fact is that contraception has a theoretical and user rate of failure. All contraception has a failure rate, including even hysterectomy. All women need access to the ultimate choice of abortion if that is what they feel is appropriate for them.

We must support community health clinics, Planned Parenthood where 97% of their budget is geared towards Family planning and education. When I first started in this field, I used to do the "contraceptive rap" for each day's new contraception patients. You would not believe how much misinformation there was in each group. This is what we need to concentrate on - Education.

Women who choose not to have an abortion have every right to believe that, but it does not help women overall to have the US Government extend ever increasing restrictions on a woman's right to choice.

Finally, my Master's Thesis discussed this issue in relation to full economic participation for women in the labor force. Without an ability to have access to all contraceptive choices, women will always be paid less because companies will invest in men, instead of women.
UB (Pennsylvania)
Unfortunately, the anti-abortion movement includes many people with no capacity or intent to evaluate facts and outcomes and critically appraise them. They act on a single belief or conviction (real or just as a cover to hide a different power agenda).
Mallika K (NJ)
Can you share your thesis? I would like to understand this issue in more detail.
Arthur Grupp (NH)
PP helped my ex and i with child birth and care! So i thank you muchly for your work and efforts!
Welcome Canada (Canada)
For that reason only, no new Supreme.
zula (new york)
Pence is likely the biggest and most malicious ideologue in the bunch.
Adam (Connecticut)
chilling photo of fresh faced girls just saying no to women's health care and Planned Parenthood. Be careful what you wish for girls...
Ravenna (NY)
One good reason not to let the voting age fall below 18.
Randall S (Portland, OR)
Hi! I'm a man. More specifically, I'm a man who never wanted to father children. Lucky for me, I never had to, because Planned Parenthood helped me get a vasectomy. It's been almost 15 years, and I'm very glad that I did.

Thank you, Planned Parenthood, for providing the services I needed. I'm sorry that hateful anti-American forces are conspiring to strip both men and women of necessary medical care under the laughable premise of "pro-life." I'm sorry for all the women, children and men who will suffer and die because of conservative greed and spite. But, I'll do my best to help, since you helped me when I really needed it.

Again, thank you Planned Parenthood.
njglea (Seattle)
The supposed "right to life" movement was started by catholic church bishops after Roe v Wade threatened their millenia old campaign to make women "lesser beings" controlled by man-made laws. I read an article about this march yesterday and most of the "marchers" are college age students and little girls from catholic and other supposed "christian" schools. This whole "pro-life" thing is a scam by radical religionists to try to control what women do with their own bodies and lives.

4,876,000 women and men around the world marched against their archaic ideas the day after the installation of The Con Don in OUR White House. The message is clear - WE will no longer put up with man-made laws that try to control women's bodies and lives.

The ONLY way to do that is to finally pass the Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution that forbids ANY law in the United States that discriminates based on gender. That is the only way to have "settled" law to protect over one-half the population of America. NOW is the time.

Supposed "pro-lifers" don't have to worry. They don't have to use contraception, family planning or have an abortion. They can even pay for them if they do use them. It's their choice.

Time to end this charade - NOW!
njglea (Seattle)
Correction: The updated "official" registered and counted marchers this morning is 4,956,422.

I still think that number is low because so many did not register and it does not include tens of millions who are extremely thankful that we marched for them as well. Good Job People!
Ravenna (NY)
The Catholic Church made women "lesser beings" by forcing them to be enslaved by their own bodies. The goal: to enable Catholicism to rule the world by sheer numbers. The more Catholics, the richer the Church,the more cannon fodder and more desperate low-wage workers. This is how it works. I'm sure God would be thrilled if His beautiful world were not being ruined by the effects of overpopulation.
EJS (Jersey Shore)
I would be surprised if this gets published, however as a lifelong pragmatic Catholic I feel deeply for those who have experienced an unplanned pregnancy. To do otherwise would be absolutely contrary to the teachings of Jesus. In fact, to judge the opposition would also be sinful.
Having said that Roe vs. Wade has unleashed a literal annihilation on the potential lives of millions of unborn. In fact, there are no winners save for those who benefit economically and politically.
Many women who have gone through the physical and psychic torment of abortion are among the greatest victims. There has got to be a better way. This issue, fundamental to all human rights, has divided this country for far too long. It has become a Civil Cold War. with millions of those living, and unborn, as casualties.
"There has got to be a better way".

There is, it's called birth control before the fact. And access to that birth control is crucial, so defunding Planned Parenthood and other women's health centers is not the way to go if you want to decrease abortions.
Martin (Hillsborough, NC)
EJS, more people with your compassion are needed. I understand you're opposed to abortion, but those of us on the other side also have a desire for expanded access to birth control, expanded social services, etc. The frustrating thing about the fight against choice is that most on the other side are doing nothing to eliminate the need for abortion.

As a society, the best thing we could do is work both sides. Leave the choice up to the woman on what is best for her, but try to make sure no woman gets to the point where they HAVE to make that choice.
NineMuses (Provincetown, MA)
Face it, the abortion issue has been exploited for years by Republicans and Conservatives for political gain. Religious people have been whipped up into a frenzy by the message that abortion is "murder" and that women suffer "physical and psychic torment" if they have an abortion. This is all a ploy to get you to vote against Democrats, who represent your true economic interests. (Yes, I've had an abortion. No, it was not painful. Yes, I'm thankful that I did not have to bring a child into the world whom I would not have been able to nurture or raise. No, I do not feel guilty for ending the life of an embryo. Embryos do not have a "right to life.")
Mike (Little Falls, NY)
Fellow Democrats, don't forget what the Bernie Bros told us: Hillary and Trump are the same!

A big thank you to all the Sanders supporters out there for this absolute delight of a new administration.
JMM. (Ballston Lake, NY)
Hear hear.
Le Crochet (East Jabip)
This is a false and cynical revisionist nonsense and conveniently ignores the deceit and horrid brutality and indeed moral fraud perpetrated by her campaign team. Data and polling suggests that Mrs Clinton won by a proportionally sufficient number to conclusively prove that Sanders supporters voted en mass for her.
rxft (ny)
Thanks for saying what I've seething about since the election.
T. Monk (San Francisco)
I guess they want us to go back to wire hangers.
Mike (Montreal, Canada)
Reducing abortion is an admirable objective on its face. Unfortunately, most of those obsessed with abortion aren't obsessed with the value of a human life after birth or the health of the mother and her other children, which can be adversely affected by the birth of a baby in some circumstances. I support the right of a woman to make her own choice. As a man, I cannot image what it's like to have to choose between my health or life and the birth of a baby, the economic security of my family and the birth of a baby, an education that could lift me out of poverty and the brith of a baby... so why are men involved in deciding if abortion should be legal?
D or C (Dallas)
It is too bad that these groups don't go after dead beat dads with this kind of fervor.
Barbara (D.C.)
Nothing has changed my attitudes about abortion more than advancements in science that demonstrate the consciousness of a developing fetus. Attempting to remove my rights galvanizes me against anti-choice, even as an adoptee who wouldn't be here if abortion had been legal 50 years ago. Defunding Planned Parenthood is about the stupidest thing any anti-choice advocate can support - it will only increase unwanted pregnancies (as well as increase the spread of STDs and threaten women's and families health in general). No one can eliminate abortion - it can only be driven underground. And in an age where overpopulation is the greatest threat to the survival of our species, believing that an unwanted child should be forced into the world is pure foolishness. Also as an adoptee, I find it immensely offensive for people to flippantly see adoption as a great solution to an unwanted pregnancy.
AJ (California)
Funny how I never see anti-choice proponents marching to end men's rights to bodily autonomy. Not even for the babies and children.

Why aren't they marching to make it a crime for men to not regularly donate blood and get on every organ donor registry that exists?
Deirdre Diamint (Randolph, NJ)
If you don't want one, don't have one.
What one woman chooses is none of anyone else's business.

The republicans want to build a wall and block out those people
Those people are people and they are alive...but pro life ends at birth and certainly doesn't include those people. That is why this whole movement is an utter fraud.

Today's unplanned pregnancies are tomorrows desperate migrants.
If you want fewer abortions that you should be all in for family planning and providing all women (including NGOs) with access to long term family planning.

When I meet a woman republican I think she is self absorbed, ill informed, or simply not paying attention...every time.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
If you don't approve of murder...just don't kill anyone. We don't need anti-murder laws.

If you don't like being robbed...just don't rob anyone. I am sure that will stop all thieving and crimes.

Deirdre: laws in the US won't affect migrants from OTHER COUNTRIES. Most other countries have much stricter abortion laws than the US does!

And don't assume that "every Republican" opposes abortion -- or that "every Democrat" embraces it.
P Kim (NY)
Pro lifers....sure only when it comes to politicizing their religious views and imposing them onto everyone from their perceived moral high point.
How about being real pro life and be in favor of proper affordable healthcare and access to life saving drugs, properly funded and protected parental leave for new parents, ensuring a living wage so their all hallowed family life and values are not diluted in the endless hours that low wage employees have to work just to put food on the table or even a roof on their heads, the protection of refugees (surprisingly enough they're also people!) , mental health and logical gun control (thou shall not kill does not apply for anyone shot by criminals/mad people? )
Of course not, this is all about ramming their own religious opinions on the majority of citizens.
Separation of religion and state, ever heard of it? It is the same their "radical islamists" are doing... making policy out of unmoderated and intolerant religious views.
The description for this march is the: March of hypocrites.
Anne Smith (NY)
Progressives - imposing their religious/political views on all of us from their perceived moral high point. You do not want to bake a customized wedding cake for a gay marriage - we put you out of business. And I insist that all of you lowly Americans learn to live with and love all the migrants we can find, I state from my protected Scarsdale neighborhood (Nicholas Kristoff).
Arthur Grupp (NH)
i see signs saying "Don't Need Planned Parenthood" but the point being missed is that PP has saved the lives of so many women in need of medical attention, operations, and medicine that they could not afford or attain without insurance. i have heard many of these stories in my 65 years on this planet and with our healthcare programs in jeopardy Planned Parenthood will be sorely missed by families of lesser means.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
Shoulda, woulda, coulda.

Did you think about what you might lose, when you alienated and offended tens of millions of American voters by taking away OUR rights to traditional marriage?

NO, you just thought "elections have consequences!" and "isn't it great that SCOTUS can just impose their will on all 50 states, even though 2/3rds voted to keep traditional marriage"?

So now it is payback time, and you are very very sorry - - but it's too late.
jeff (nv)
Does your 3x married, having children with (at least) 3 different women president offend your "traditional marriage" values?
How about serial marry-er Newt G.? How did you feel about the traditional family guy Obama?
Stephanie (California)
As has been mentioned before, traditional marriage is alive and well in all 50 states. And, as I pointed out previously, depending how traditional you are, if you go back to the Bible, it is clear that traditional marriage was between one man and one or more women. If we adopted the definition of marriage as it appears in The Bible, would you feel your one man/one woman marriage had been denigrated when others could have one man/multiple women marriages?
Judith Lister (Austin, TX)
Can't wait to see their crowd size- the one that has not been doctored by Photoshop!
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
Roe v. Wade will be overturned, probably in about 2 years.

It is payback for Obergefell and WIndsor.

I told you this was coming; I was mocked and ignored and ridiculed in these forums. But it turned out I was correct, and Trump is President, and Roe is GOING DOWN.

Let's see how YOU like having YOUR most cherished rights crushed and destroyed this time!!!!
Hadley T. (Maine)
What rights of yours have been overturned? I mean no disrespect, and would like to know. You still have guns, you can still worship the way you choose, you can still marry, or not, the person you choose. So, what, exactly, have you lost?
paul (bk ny)
It's not payback because they'd be trying to overturn Roe regardless of Obergefell. That's just a false equivalency.

And no one is making anyone get an abortion or marry someone of the same sex.

And anyone who thinks that abortions will stop because they are illegal is deluded. There will be abortions - the difference is that women will also die. So congrats on that.
Sarah (Bethesda)
OMG were you forced into a same-sex marriage? That is awful! Or are you just complaining that other people have now been given the same rights as you? That's what I thought. The way it works in this county is that you make your life decisions based on your beliefs, and I make my life decisions based on my beliefs. That's why it's called America.
jeff (nv)
Those young girls in the photo holding the "we don't need Planned Parenthood" signs, are about to reach the age where they might.
independent thinker (ny)
Yes, with access to education, support and the range of medical services that PP provides. They also may need protections from people who feel entitled to sexually assault based upon personal privilege.
Phil (Austin, TX)
Why, because they might need to get an abortion?
Matt (CO)
No they won't. They look well fed, clean and white. They're probably well educated and in no need of free health care. I'm also guessing they're smart enough that if they're sexually active they'll make their BF use protection or they'll live in denial and hope nothing happens to them.
Point is - they are not the people who go to PP
Ycmichel (NY, NY)
That Donald Trump is now the poster boy for the anti -abortion crowd is a joke. This is a guy who made a sport of sleeping around for years: I'd bet my next 5 paychecks that Trump has personaly been a party to MULTIPLE abortions....
Sean (New Orleans)
And at 70, it's likely not his issue anymore.
Stella (MN)
Absolutely, and goes to show the many hypocrisies of the "Pro-Life" group. As usual, it's another name of a conservative group which should be a punch line.
ainabella1 (Hawaii)
I won't accept that bet, further, for the country's sake there maybe should have been one or two more.
doug hill (norman, oklahoma)
The fact that abortion opponents ignore is that banning abortion in the USA would not end abortion. The answer is simple, if you are against abortion, don't make an appointment for one and leave those that do alone.
Phil (Austin, TX)
The fact that grand theft auto opponents ignore is that banning grand theft auto in the USA would not end grand theft auto. The answer is simple, if you are against grand theft auto, don't steal a car and leave those to do alone.
Rea Tarr (Malone, NY)
I will do my damndest to help fund an underground railroad to safe abortions (within the States and out), just as many of us used back when it was illegal.

This time, though, will be easier to do with social media. So ha, ha, Pence.
NKB (Albany, NY)
@Phil in Austin

So if a woman gets raped, can she take a pill to prevent pregnancy the next day? Or should she be forced to carry the resulting baby to term? What if the pregnancy endangers her health? What if the baby has a genetic defect and is certain to pass away soon after birth? In your opinion, is there any circumstance where the act of abortion is not murder?
worldchild (washington DC)
There are signs that say "Don't need Planned Parenthood"...white privilege at it's finest! Until these girls are of the age where they can have sex...then it's a whole another story. I know, because I've been their.
me (here)
as a 53 year old father of three adult daughters all i have to say to the anti folks is keep to yourself and keep away from my girls. your rights to your beliefs end at your fingertips and your lips.
tulipsinyard (canada)
So innocent children are worth fighting for and protecting as long as they are in an American womb, but innocent children in America are not, because of the womb they were born from.

Please don't call this 'pro-life'. Please call this what is is: 'pro-birth'.
Phil (Austin, TX)
Who says they even believe this? All we know is that they are against abortion. You're speculating.
Becky (SF, CA)
Well stated.
northern neighbor (North Georgia)
These people who march for life represent those who also do more to help the poor, homeless and fatherless than any other group. They are not hypocrites, they are actually pro-life and pro-compassion to those in need, including those in need internationally.
Most of these people are also pro-birth control. Perhaps it would be a good idea to separate the moral arguments of pro-life from the lower tax and smaller, limited federal government position (don't tax me to pay for abortions and birth control).
Jay Lincoln (NYC)
After having kids (one being premature), I now get why people oppose abortion, and I'm not even religious.

What's wrong with banning abortions after 25 weeks? Baby is pretty developed by then and the mother has had plenty of time to make a decision.
John Whitmore (Seattle)
This admin isn't interested in nuances or compromises. They want to ban period. Those with money will fly to Canada. Those without will be in some back alley.
John S. (Cleveland)
So, Jay, I have kids, too. Light of my life. Reason for being. Keeps me young (and tired).

But I also know if I had been forced to have children before I was ready, my life would have been over. Of course, like you, I am a man. So, no prob.

The reasons women get pregnant are myriad. But in every case (short of medical miracle territory) there is a man involved. How about if we make men legally responsible for the children they sire? I mean really, financially, you're-going-to-jail if-you-don't-pay-up responsible. For life. Might solve the problem, right there.

Bottom line, though, is that you indicate you are no foe of abortion up to the 25th week. I'll take it. How about if you share that opinion a little more widely. Like with your local, slavering "we get to tell everybody else on the planet how to live" group?

Nathan (Santa Monica, CA)
That is already the case, though. Over 90% of abortions happen before 13 weeks, and of the roughly 1% that occur after the 20 week mark virtually ever single one is for threat to the life of the mother or serious complications with the fetus. The point is that these protections are largely already in place so imposing restrictions will do things like we have seen in other countries where the Federal Government is forcing a woman to carry to term a fetus that is found to be brain dead at 25 weeks for another 3.5 months. Imagine that. Carrying a dead child around inside of you for months?

The notion that woman "change their mind" about having the baby at 7 or 8 months and have it aborted is nonsense.
If Trump, Pence and others want to protect life, they can do so by expanding medical care, opposing the death penalty, opposing warfare and protecting our environment.
And if they want to reduce abortion, they can support the family planning which reduces the need for abortion. But they have taken the opposite, futile, destructive approach.
Marla Burke (Kentfield, Ca.)
The prison industrial complex is real. We do imprison more people than any other country, too. These two facts are not debatable. Congress (mostly white men) spends billions funding this giant waste of human capital. Fund schools - not prisons. Fund family planning and stop trying to turn women into mere breeding machines.
David. (Philadelphia)
Somehow, this last election turned into a coup. That's why the demonstrations against Trump, Pence, Bannon and their entire sewer of ignorance, lies and fantasies of a dictatorship are continuing in the streets. And in the courts.
Last weekend, Kellyanne Conway criticized the hundreds of thousands of people at home and abroad demonstrating for their rights and their values, as choosing "diatribe, not dialogue." Ms. Conway is supposed to be a featured speaker at today's anti-choice demonstrations, and that is certainly picking diatribe, not dialogue.
Neither she nor Trump nor anyone else has the right to tell me or any other woman what to do with our body!
Phil (Austin, TX)
Sure, but when you get pregnant, a new body is growing inside yours. So it's not just your body.
DR (New England)
Phil - This is obviously something you will never have to deal with. If you feel that strongly about that "new body" you should get behind things that prevent unwanted pregnancies, things like sex education, affordable health care and contraception etc., things that Republicans oppose.
Rea Tarr (Malone, NY)
Compare the zygote with a clump of cancer cells, Phil.

And think of this: The body growing inside my body makes me -- during those few months -- a double-bodied woman. It is just my body. But layered; or undercoated; or multi-organed, or something.

And I alone am in charge of it all.
Peter Silverman (Portland, OR)
I'm opposed to abortion but support the many other services that Planned Parenthood provides. There must be some reason PP can't have separate divisions with separate funding so we could back one without backing the other.
Kinnan O'Connell (Larchmont, New York)
They do. Federal money can' be used to pay for abortion. The "funding" the right wingers are trying to withhold is Medicaid money. That means poor women will not be able to get ANY services or care from PP. It is cruel, as PP is the most reasonably priced provider and high end doctors will not accept Medicaid because the reimbursement is too low.
SGG (Miami, FL)
They already are! Many Planned Parenthood clinics don't offer abortion AT ALL. Call your local Planned Parenthood facility and ask them yourself if you're so concerned about this issue...and then hope and pray a woman OR girl in your immediate or extended family never gets raped or never develops a life-threatening medical issue from her pregnancy (ever heard of an ectopic pregnancy?) or doesn't find out the fetus is already dead in her womb....good luck with that.
Moe (Denver)
No federal funding is used for abortions by Planned Parenthood. Only the other health care services are government funded. And no matter what prolife people say, there are not sufficient alternative healthcare services available to women, especially low income or rural populations.