President Trump’s War on Women Begins

Jan 26, 2017 · 607 comments
Iver Thompson (Pasadena, Ca)
Aren't you asking "should we" a little late? All the news has been lately that you already have. Not that you really care what our answer might be anyway.
avoice4US (Sacramento)
Reader: have you ever watched a tragedy unfold – like the one’s described here – drawn your own logical conclusions, mapped out a possible solution, then listened to other people draw completely different conclusions/solutions? Why are solutions so difficult, so slippery? Maybe we don't fully understand the problem.

The kinds of problems Kristof describes in this piece have been occurring for as long as humans have walked the earth. By all means, work for a solution, but don’t blame a foreign government/observer/NGO for not solving them. Do you see a measure of emotional manipulation on the part of the writer here?
Vespasia (Indianapolis)
It's very simple. Since no one, including journalists, can read minds, when our non-President Trump tells lies, they are lies. Period. So call them that! Whether he really believes them or not is irrelevant. This is an ignorant, arrogant, egotistical lout who, like many pro-lifers, misunderstands certain basic truths, one of which is that you cannot stop abortion. Rigid laws victimize women, certainly, and the notion that laws stop abortion is patently false. Abortion has been with us since humans lived in caves. Very early on, people figured out that if you open the cervix with some sharp object and introduce air into the uterus, the uterus will empty itself. Guess what, plus ça change. If abortion is not legal, safe and accessible, women will abort themselves with coat hangers, ice picks, sharpened tree twigs, ingest evil herbs and poisons, or they will consult backstreet butchers and witch doctors. Desperate behaviors cannot be legislated away. Also, experience worldwide has shown that with better sex education, better contraception and better healthcare, abortion rates drop. If pro-lifers want fewer abortions to take place, they should support contraception and the best healthcare possible. If only our non-elected President had better critical thinking skills. But who knows, perhaps someday pigs will fly.
LizC (Idaho)
Thank you for a well in formed and necessary piece on the ramifications of the Global Gag order. This is nothing short of targeted killing of poor women; it disempowers them where they are most vulnerable. Shame on donald. Shame on US.
judy vaz (Cape Cod, MA)
I would like to encourage my fellow marchers to consider doing what I did.

It cost us money to get to DC or Boston or LA even if that was only the cost of a metro ticket, taxi ride or in my case bus fare from MA to DC.

On Sunday night I decided to put my money where my mouth and feet were. Unfortunately in this country money talks...the Supreme Court said so...and Bernie Sanders showed up the power of small donations so I added up how much money I spent to get to and participate in the march. Bus far, metro card, incidentals like food. For me the cost was $336.

On Monday I contributed half of that money ($168) to Planned Parenthood Global (timely given what DJT did) and half ($168) to the ACLU because I marched for healthcare for the under served and against voter suppression.

I encourage everyone who marched anywhere in the US and globally to do the same. Even if you only spent $3 on a hot dog and could see yourself donating $3 a month to your cause when you multiply that by 3 million+ that is some money that would make a change and get noticed.

So what do you think?...spread the word...put your money where your cause is, no matter how small and if you can match your costs for the march within the year (or sooner) all the better.

I am only one person, but as we saw on Saturday, it only takes one person with an idea and a way to get the word out to make a difference. There is nothing I would like better than for us to prove the nay sayers wrong.
Anne (New York)
Well, Mr. Kristof, I suspect you know this by now but just in case you do not: the White House comment line number you give is not in operation. I called the switchboard and was told it was closed "until further notice."
John Heenehan (Madison NJ)
The definition of a lie should be held to the same standard as that set for libel in the famous Supreme Court case Sullivan vs. NYT. Justice Brennan included as part of that standard "reckless disregard of whether or not” a statement is false.

The president clearly has a reckless disregard for the truth, with kneejerk comments seemingly daily to protect his confabulated vision of his inflated greatness.

To take this a step further regarding Nicholas Kristof’s broader point here, the president also has reckless disregard for the harm – even needless deaths – his policies may cause.

Those policies are, in a word, “cruel.”
Craig (San Diego,CA)
To the writer:
Since when did my tax dollars funding abortions or contraceptives for women abroad become a war on women? Who do you think you are to tell me that I should pay for some woman I've never met, never will meet, and is not an American citizen to get an abortion. Tell the Chinese to pay for. Are they committing a war on women if they don't? Tell the other nations of the EU to pay for it. Are they committing a war on women by not or not contributing enough?
Your article was asinine because your logic is flawed, or should I say you have a serious issue with alternative logic.
Ann (Dallas)
He is either pretending to be as crazy as an iconic crazy character from a 1950's movie or he IS as crazy as an iconic crazy character from a 1950's movie.

Captain Queeg: “Ahh, but the strawberries that's... that's where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with... geometric logic...” The Cain Mutiny (1954).

You know, we haven't even survived the first week yet. I knew this would be bad, but I think I need blood pressure medication, sedatives, something to survive this.
Dr Mary F Lopez (Boston)
I tried to call the White House using the number provided in your column but the comments line has been closed. Apparently, there is no other option but to use email. This is yet another sign that this incoming administration has no wish to listen to the people it supposedly represents.
Susan Cushman (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
The White House comment line is "currently closed." I guess we are all under a gag order.
DR (New England)
Kristof should have spoken to Gail Collins before writing this. She knows what many of us do, this action is being led by Pence. I'd be willing to bet that half the time, Trump has no idea what he's signing and that's just what Republicans were hoping for when they helped him into office.
Retired Faculty Member (Philadelphia, PA)
Why must we decide if Mr. Trump is a "liar or a crackpot?" These are not mutually-exclusive characteristics. He is both a liar and a crackpot. I agree that he may believe SOME of his absurd falsehoods. His decades of business dealings, however, point to the conclusion that he's a master manipulator...such manipulation requires more than a little bit of cunning and conning...

Like you, Mr. Kristof, I am saddened by this particular executive order. Perhaps there is indeed cunning and not a religious undercurrent to his motivation behind the order. That is, to wipe out more women around the globe since he is obviously very threatened by women... if he weren't so threatened his cabinet would have several women...and women of color as well. People who would challenge him - all leaders need to be challenged intellectually, that is.
frazerbear (New York City)
Mr. Kristof I am afraid that you are in great need of alternate facts. Non-abortion deaths rate with climate science on the administration and Republican scales of truth. The multi-generational dumbing down of America is how they get away with it. Sad.
Maureen (New York)
This is just appalling. Are there any actual intelligent people in this new administration? You are playing with people's lives here. How do you even sleep at night? If you were actually a caring person and took your time to visit less privileged cities around the world, you wouldn't think the way you do Mr. Trump. This is shameful and embarrassing for the US. Why don't you spend a month traveling in Africa with Doctor's without borders??
Lili (New Orleans)
I just called the White House to relay my outrage. "The White House comment line is currently closed." That about says it.
Nicky (NJ)
Why is America suddenly the baby sitter for the rest of the world?

As POTUS, Trump is putting America first. It's as simple as that.

As concerned global citizens, there is nothing stopping you from personally donating to African women.

But you wont. Cause it's way easier to bash Trump and call it a day then actually do something.
CKey (Washington, DC)
Do the math! The alternative facts are clear. And presciently implied in President Trump’s first tweet about the Women’s March: “Watched protests yesterday but was under the impression that we just had an election! Why didn't these people vote?” Obviously they did. Illegally!? 3.2 million people marched. Trump lost the popular vote by close to 3 million votes. Let’s round it up to 3.2 million. Coincidence or a fearful symmetry? Yes.

March. Call. Yes! “…you must go on, I can't go on, I'll go on.” Samuel Beckett, "The Unnamable"
Mareln (MA)
A resounding YES to the first question.
Thoughtful (North Florida)
As Rande notes, the accurate terms are Pro- or Anti-Choice. Because those who are Anti-Choice aren't just against abortion, they also believe they have the right to tell other people how to live, what they can or cannot do. They are "evangelicals" in that logistical, as opposed to religious, sense. They do not believe in Live and Let Live. They are not satisfied living their own lives and making their own decisions; they want to force others to live according to their rules. Completely un-American.
Cynthia Palmer (Florida)
Thank you, Mr Kristof, for all your excellent work to keep us informed about Trump and company's impact on women's well-being, here and around the world. You and your colleagues at the NYT are a big part of my lifeline to reality in these strange and troubling times. I am with you 100%. I'm sure that it takes a lot of courage, determination and probably a very thick skin for you to do your job in reporting on the rapid, frightening dismantling of much that protects our citizens, especially women. I think Trump is mentally unfit for office and I don't understand why we're not hearing more about his mental health.
Keep up your insightful reporting and help stay the course. I will continue to support and count on the NYT and writers like you to make sense of this new world we live in.
Lisa powell (<br/>)
Thank you to the media for watching this administration closely.
Lee O'Donovan (Tenn by way of NH)
Amazing, the order did not say abortions are illegal all over the world because we say so, it said we will not pay for them using US Taxpayers funds. I do not believe that I have the right to tell anyone what they can do in their own life, I do believe that if you take money from me, tax, and us it against my beliefs, IE an abortion, that I too have the right to say no to that use of my money. You do not have the right to make me party to what my beliefs is a moral wrong, just as I do not have the right to force my beliefs on you. If you believe that having an abortion is moral, have one if you chose, just do not ask me to pay for it in any way.
Semper Fi
Dale Farber Brill (Roslyn Heights)
Thank you for keeping us well informed
About the most vulnerable people in the world.
We need the " fourth estate " more
Than ever. We appreciate That you
Keep us so informed.
Cassandra (Arlington, VA)
Calling the WH anymore is useless. Trump changed that on Day One. There is only a pre-recorded message. Now you can only comment online or by Facebook. Just another way to insulate himself from the harm he is doing.
Raul Campos (San Francisco)
Mr. Kristof, It is ironic that you started your column by asking the question. "should we journalists use the word 'lie' to describe President Trump's most manifest falsehoods?", then you proceeded to willfully miss-characterize Trump's executive order, which was targeted at reducing abortion overseas, as a war on women and women's health. That was not his intent and you know it. You lied because you knew the truth of what Trump intended and you deliberately misrepresented his action to further raise the anxiety level of his detractors. Given the fact that the vast majority of the abortions performed overseas is for no other reason than because the unborn child is a girl, Trump's action, rather than being against women's right, is instead, in full support of one of the most fundamental of rights that a women has, the right to live. Further, this unconscionable fact is in it self, separate form the principle issues of whether abortion is morally permissible or that of a women's right to choose, reason enough to justify this ban. Also, the issue of women's health and contraception is fundamentally separate form the issue of abortion. Your headline is misleading, your opening paragraph is an ad hominem attack on Trump instead of a reasoned counterargument on the true subject of his action - abortion, and the rest of your column is a labored rationalization that has no other purpose than to incite anger rather than honest debate. This is not a journalism, this is propaganda.
Robin Gross (Maryland)
Just tried White House phone number you mentioned. The comment phone line is closed (@10AM??) -- you can only send email or post something on their FB page. No interest in hearing from the public for sure! Not a surprise!
Margot Roseman (Santa Barbara Ca)
I called the White House this morning at 7:00 am PST:
the recorded phone message stated, "the comment line is now closed".
There truly is a global gag order in place that affects all of us.
Joan (New York)
Thank you for explaining the implications and providing an action we can all take.
StanC (Texas)
"That debate has roiled the news world. The Times this week used the word “lie” in a front-page headline, and I agreed with that decision, but there’s a counterargument that lying requires an intention to deceive — and that Trump may actually believe his absurd falsehoods."

I'll focus here only on this aspect or Mr. Kristof's very interesting Op/ed. For some of us this "debate" was settled long ago (e.g. birtherism). Either the conspicuous and multiple untruths uttered by Trump are a product of knowing the truth and choosing falsehood, or they demonstrate an incapacity to tell truth from fiction (a condition for experts to explain). Neither are Good Things.

In any case I'm reminded of the most recent justification of Trump's lying behavior, that offered by Spicer regarding the 3-5 million illegal vote allegation. The initial allegedly factual statement by Trump was based on a complete void of supporting evidence, and therefore is a lie, pure and simple. A fact is not evidenceless. That aside, the Spicer reset is not that Trump is mistaken, or that he was speculating, guessing, exaggerating, or hypothesizing. The Spicer Defense is that Trump believed it his factless assertion , so his untruth is not a lie and presumably justified. So, now it seems, facts are beliefs, and beliefs are facts. Hello, 1984. I'm sorry that women (and the rest of us) must endure this sort of thing.

And the press agonizes over the word "lie"?
Frank (Queens, NY)
The White House comments line has been closed! A sad twist on Trump's pledge to bring Washington back to the people.
Jackie (Missouri)
Make no mistake. The actions taken by Trump, the Senate and the House are payback for the Women's March. That's the way it is with abusers. If you slap them, they will beat you to a pulp in retaliation. Now, you can either not slap them and take a hunkering-down position, or you can protest loudly and wait for them to do something worse to you, or in the case of voted-in officials, you can take their names, publicize their anti-women positions time and time again, and if you can't get them impeached, not ever, ever allow them a position of authority again.
AvidReader (San Diego)
The photograph tells it all: A bunch of patriarchal white men in suits; making rules that adversely effect the lives of women around the world. Nick, thanks for the phone numbers. I called Congress, got right through to a "live person" and conveyed my opinion...on the other hand, white house not taking any calls!
stg (oakland)
As the sign at the Women's March, on Saturday, stated, "I Wish My Uterus Fired Bullets, So the Government Wouldn't Regulate It!"
Tj Dellaport (Golden, CO)
Yes he signed it in front of smiling white men.
Carol (<br/>)
I called my Congressman, David Trott (R) MI. Funny that the White House Comment line was not open.
Maxine E. (Visalia, CA)
Those of us who march applaud the NYT's decision to call a lie a lie. We are inspired by a strong voice from the Fourth Estate. Resist! Fight back!
Anne Russell (Wrightsville Beach NC)
Folks, it's time to Just Say No to Donald Trump. He is a lunatic. Let him pontificate and tweet and issue directives to his heart's content, while we ignore him and go about sane behavior. There are more of us than there are of him. There are more of us than members of gutless Congress. If he says build a wall, just say no and hand him the shovel and tell him to build it himself (he's never in his life done a full day's physical work, and the shape he's in now he couldn't build a sandcastle, much less a wall). Do what you know is meet and right and in your power to do, and do it.
Susan Sien (Austin, Texas)
If an interviewer asks supporters of pro-life if a person who is pregnant and exposed to Zivka virus. What would they do? Keep the baby or have an abortion?
Teg Laer (USA)
The war on women in general and on keeping abortion safe, legal, and rare, specifically, began a long time ago. Those who think that this is some kind of new Trumpian thing have not seen or have ignored what has been going on right in front of their noses for decades.

The Roe v Wade hating radical right allied with the Republican party way back in the eighties to begin asssulting women's rights, including the right to abortion. Trump's election is the culmination of that effort, not the beginning. Thanks in part to a weak Democratic Party that stopped even being willing to utteròk the "a" word, the right has managed to drastically limit access to abortion clinics and has worked to place restrictions on the ability and freedom of women to obtain reproductive health care both here and abroad for years.

Will we now, finally, wake up and fight for women's rights, when it is more obvious than ever that they are under asssult both here and abroad?

The answer had better be yes.
Maggie Norris (California)
Nick, I am disappointed that you legitimize anti-abortion rhetoric with the meaningless expression "pro-llife." The anti-abortion fanatics are not and never have been interested in the health and well-being of children and their mothers. Their only real interest is in controlling the sexuality of women. I'm sure you know that.
Jay Strickler (Kentucky)
Do stop making excuses for this guy. And yes call a lie a lie. Judge Trump by what he does. One heinous thing after another. Telling me that he really did not know what he was doing or mean it is that old familiar tune...boys will be boys. Enough already.
Stan (US)
Freedom isn't "free". In Trump's America, it's an alternative fact.
Dan S. (Michigan)
Mr. Kristof, thank you, so much, for your article. I 100% agree with your analysis and was glad to receive it. On a side-note, the number you encouraged readers to use (the White House comment line at 202.456.1111, has been shut down).

As of this morning, callers using it will receive nothing more than a recorded message informing them that the "White House comment line is currently closed."

I surely hope this is not an omen of further distancing of the current administration from reality - that is, unwillingness to listen to the majority of US citizens who are not, at all, in agreement with his policies and recent actions.

We need to stay especially vigilant!
Richard (NM)
This is a crime and the key perpetrators are Trump and Pence.

Shame upon you, both.
julieyoung (sb/ack)
Trump just loves the photo op. It's Pence and Bannon who are rewarded, they're getting their dirty work done for them. This group of suits and their smugness are gag worthy.
Ginny White (Madison, Wisconsin)
I called the White House Comments Line (202-456-1111) yesterday and got a recorded message that "The Comment Line is currently closed." It urged callers to send an electronic message via or Facebook Messenger. I started a petition on the White House petitions site "We the People" about restoring access to the Comments Line: I know others who signed it yesterday, but the total number of signers (1) has not changed. Apparently, the Trump White House is not supporting this form of communication either.
Linda Alexander (Mendham, NJ)
Looking for best language to use when making these calls please? Something short and to the point - help? Thanks.
john w dooley (lancaster, pa)
On Jan 25, 2016, Lancaster, PA television adds included one in support of Tom Price for a cabinet position, telling people to call Senator Casey in his support. The add buy suggest weakness in Mr. Price's prospects.
James Ricciardi (Panamá, Panamá)
Mr. Trump how can you bar people from TALKING about health care? This nation was built on freedom of speech and freedom of belief and freedom of religion, not the punishment of any of the decisions which result from these freedoms. This is an act more befitting the "Islam[ists] who hate us.]" as conjured up in your mind. What will it take to break your trance?
Robert (St Louis)
I don't agree with Trump's executive order, but conflating the order with a lie is not only a stretch, it is pretty stupid. If Trump really does lie, Kristof's voice will be like the little boy crying wolf.
Mamie (New York)
We must NEVER stop calling him a liar when he lies. If we don't do that, many of us may forget that he's lying. And isn't that what happened in Germany in the 1930s? He may also be a crackpot, of course. They are not mutually exclusive terms.
Michele Cser (Fort Davis, TX)
I am a Physician Assistant working in rural west Texas. I know that whatever we providers at private health clinics do, we cannot take up all the slack from all the women and girls who need Healthcare. They can't get it at ER's which are already overworked even with the ACA. AND what will happen when even more people do not have coverage thanks to greater lack of Insurance or access to preventative health care? I'll just keep on working, but what can one provider in a small clinic do in the face of such need -- which will only become greater. So much for helping the little guy!
KarlosTJ (Bostonia)
Kristoff claims that ceasing the flow of American taxpayer cash into the hands of foreign clinics to aid foreign women by providing abortions is a "War on Women".

In truth, the delivery of millions of dollars of American taxpayer cash into the hands of foreign clinics for any reason is a "War on the Middle Class". Kristoff believes that this is good - honest, rational, hard-working Americans know that Kristoff is deranged.

Kristoff believes that sacrificing the earnings of millions of Americans to help foreigners is a great thing. Honest, rational, hard-working Americans know Kristoff is a liar and a delusional lunatic for his belief that forcibly stealing what someone earns is good.

Either you think it's good to rob Americans of their hard-earned wealth, or you don't. Either you believe like Kristoff that "you didn't earn that", or you think that Kristoff and the person who gave us that quote are liars and thieves who should be denounced, and whose policies should be destroyed.

Which side are you on?
LH (Cincinnati)
"Should we journalists use the word “lie” to describe President Trump’s most manifest falsehoods?"

Of course you should! Every day, until this regime ends.
Maryw (Virginia)
In a room full of white men he signs an order to hurt and damage women worldwide.
Susan Van Metre (Brooklyn)
I love you, man, but could you and your fellow male columnists stop lecturing us on what is important and implying that we Marchers aren't serious or engaged.
Thomas (Singapore)
" ... Should we journalists use the word “lie” to describe President Trump’s most manifest falsehoods? ..."

If it is a lie, call it a lie.
People have a right to know and they can stand the truth.

It is not about intention to lie, it is about the question if a fact is a fact or not.
The media has been using a number of deceptive wordings in the past, all media that is, not just FOX and Breitbart.
Maybe this presidency is a chance to straighten things out and finally get the truth to the people.
No more deceptions, no more exclusions - because people cannot stand it - and no more political correctness, just he plain truth.

After all, this is what news are.
All else is an opinion and that is another matter all together.
KM (Philadelphia)
The photograph tells all. White male millionaires telling women of the world that women should have no choice. Such a shortshighted "in your face" reply to millions of us marching around the world last Saturday.
If anything U.S. interests are in women gaining control of their bodies and having access to education. I will call the White House and my CongressMEN! Thank you Doug Mills.
Susielawrence (Kentucky)
I wonder why you (Kristof) said mostly men, I have looked at the picture a number of times and there is not a single woman in the picture -
GGH (Michigan)
I just called--of course the White House comment line is closed.
John (St. Louis)
He's not outlawing abortion, just saying taxpayers shouldn't be paying. 2nd amendment is a right, should taxpayers be buying my guns and ammo?

Get your hands out of my pocket. pretty simple.
Roberta (Winter)
And the jack boot of patriarchy is once again on the trachea of women, with transparent attempts to control any autonomy that women seek. Limiting healthcare counseling is going to cause deaths to women and children, but this is acceptable to Republicans because these are the same people whose social policies will harm the most. All done in the name of someone's god, with a small G, because if there is an omnipotent one why doesn't It prevent this egregious and inhumane bullying.
pneaman (New York City)
Regarding "untruths" stated Donald Trump and his obfuscators, in terms of thoughtful understanding, there is a much more dangerous possibility than lies: they are delusions--cases where the statement represents either magical wish-fulfillment or unconscious suppression of truth that is very painful emotionally--running against deeply held beliefs. (The physical mechanism of such suppression in the brain was demonstrated by Drew Westen and colleagues of the Emory University Psychology laboratory in 2006*). Such wish-fulfillment propositions are likely particularly dangerous as prompts for action because, in addition to logical thought suppression, the brain provides an emotional "reward" for coming to an illogical conclusion that Westen, et al write is as strong as an addict getting a fix. [*Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 18:11, pp. 1947–1958]
DLB (Portland, OR)
Yes, the unpresident is a pathological liar, and a psychopath (delusional disorder), but put the blame for the "war on women" where it belongs: the Republican agenda. This is nothing new.
Noreen (Massachusetts)
No doubt the Catholic Church and "kind" Pope Francis,along with many other religious cults,are dancing with joy at the Global Gag. They depend on the poor,uneducated to procreate so that their numbers increase. Certainly,modern,educated women know how to prevent most pregnancies. They have a choice,so far. But third world women have no choice. Their bodies do not belong to them. I can't believe that we live in the 21st century.
Paul Wortman (East Setauket, NY)
Please don't sugarcoat mental illness with "crackpot." America has elected a man with narcissiststic disorder as President. The endless need for grandiosity, self-importance, greed, lack of empathy and harsh criticism for those like "the dishonest media" who will not bow down to him are hallmarks of this illness. We all knew Donald Trump was a misogynist, so his anti-women's edicts that feed the traditional conservative Republican base, while cruel, are not surprising from a self-confessed sexual abuser.
TabbyCat (Great Lakes)
Re: Nick's last paragraph: Keep on marching. We can't let up against this regime. I'm not on social media, but I hope those who are are beginning to put out calls for the next march. One possibility would be a Tax Day march to demand that Trump release his tax returns. April 15. Let's show him, and them, that it's not just the media that cares about this corruption.
Stan (US)
If you are a pro-life Republican, call your representatives and inform them that contraception decreases abortion, expensive life-threatening pregnancies, and the consequences of rape and incest.
H Alcaro (New Jersey)
Republicans have had a War on Women here and abroad since 1980. The Groper in Chief is an outstanding reminder that women-hating is part of Republican thought, feeling and policy.
Huey Helene Alcaro
Paul buckmaster (prinevilel or.97754)
it seems to me that king Donald is issuing proclamations instead of executive orders.
Longstrith (Saint Paul)
The White House comment line is closed. I just called to protest this misogynist hateful order. One week in and they are only taking emails. Maybe, I have not tried that yet.
Judith S. Mitchell (Hillsborough, California)
My outrage about the signing of the Global Gag order is now compounded by my anger and exasperation that the White House has apparently closed its telephone comment line. I just called the White House telephone number (202-456-1111) and received the recorded message: "The comment line is currently closed." The recording then states that one can send a comment online at or via Facebook messenger. I sent a comment protesting the Global Gag order. To submit a comment online, one must provide one's name, address, email address and telephone number. It appears that Trump is trying to gag citizens, making it more difficult to petition the government for a redress of grievances. A free press is the on the front line of working to preserve this country's democracy.
Tom (Cadillac, MI)
I talked to a 47 year old woman yesterday who was let go from her factory job of the past 10 years. I asked if the factory was selling less of their product. She said the real reason was that her supervisor hated women. Also in the same conversation, she proudly said she had voted for Trump. Why such a disconnect? What is the reason this woman would vote against her own interests? And this woman is not a pro-life voter.
Alex Himmelberg (Keene, NH)
The signing photo tells the entire story. A bunch of (mainly) old white guys deciding what is good for women and, as usual, getting it wrong. By the way I am an old white guy myself
Chlinita (Chicago)
Why must women get permission from the government to deal with issues surrounding their bodies? Are we somehow not capable of making decisions that affect us? Whether we choose to marry or have children should be our choice and our choice alone. Mr. Kristof is right!
irdac (Britain)
I wonder if things would change if those who oppose abortion were made fully responsible for the care and support throughout their lives of all children born of women who sought an abortion.
MLF (Easton PA)
Just got back from Tanzania and know now about the devastating effects of uncontrolled population growth in this beautiful but impoverished country.
garlic11 (MN)
The White House is not taking phone calls. Please ask your reps to tell the wh to take phone calls.
Larry K (<br/>)
I agree with your colleague Gail Collins' perspective that this new "war on women" is Mike Pence's work (and in the larger sense) that of the Evangelical Christian right. Because of that, I'm not sure than any attempt to convince Trump with reasoned argument can succeed. All Pence has to do to manipulate him is to make him think that all of his supporters will love him for his stand on the curtailing of reproductive rights.
dbrandt (Michigan)
Majority of Clinton Supporters Want Significant Restrictions on Abortion, Poll Finds

More numbers from the poll: 68 percent of Americans oppose taxpayer funding of abortion; the findings includes 51 percent of those who consider themselves pro-choice. 61 percent overall support laws that would ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, except to save the life of the mother.Jan 19, 2016
Ron Mitchell (Dubin, CA)
The previous GOP "wars on women" were more attacks on the people women love and care for. The elderly, the ill, the children. Now the GOP is taking the war right to the women themselves. Elections have consequences and now we have to deal with them.
Derek Bradshaw (84015)
Trump needs to be removed from office. Unfortunately Trump has no shame, and regardless of public opinion will never resign. It is the only reason he never dropped out. Shame on the republican party that never disavowed when he has committed so many acts misogyny and racism. He is one worst kind of deplorable, the kind that does not realize he is deplorable.
uofcenglish (wilmette)
We have too too many people. The population of the planet has doubled in my lifetime. It needs to stop. The next generation hasn't a prayer with these policies. Forget about human rights. We are returning to being feudal slaves. The age of the citizen id ending.
Linda J. Moore (Tulsa, OK)
I'm pretty sure the misogynist sitting in the White House is untroubled that women and children will suffer as a result of reinstating the Mexico City policy.
J Reaves (NC)
That counter-argument about what is a lie deals with the intent of the speaker. NPR says there is no intent to commit a falsehood so there is no lie when trump does it. But that is not true.

We have pathological liars. Whatever is going on in the mind of such a person, there is likely no intent to deceive - she simply cannot prevent herself from doing it. Yet they are lies.

It does not matter if Trump has convinced himself that anything he thinks is true - they are still lies. It does not matter if the conscious Trump truly believes they are the truth, the subconscious mind of Trump has twisted reality to be what Trump needs to hear.

Whether the untruths that come from Trumps mouth are from the conscious Trump or from the twisted mind beneath does not matter - they are still lies.
NKB (Albany, NY)
In the Jill Stein recount effort, Trump's legal position was that there was no fraud in the election. He is now saying that there was fraud in the election. Either he was lying then, or he is lying now. That is to say, he is a liar.
C.C. Kegel,Ph.D. (Planet Earth)
Although cruelty to women is certainly an issue, population control in sub-Saharan Africa is also at stake. And it is this exploding population that pressures emigration and causes wars for scarce resources. You cannot control migration without population control.
AC (Brookline, MA)
Thank you for the information and the suggestion. The number you've provided for the White House says the comments line is closed and redirects you to the website:
Ethel Guttenberg (Cincinnait)
It isn't just the President and his lies and delusions that is dangerous. It is the "smiling" men who stand behind him and encourage. These Republicans who now have power will set the world back a hundred years.
Is this really what Trump voters wanted? If so, they deserve what they get, but not the rest of us.
Anniec3 (Chicago)
This is nihilism in its nastiest form. These guys really don't care about anything and anybody but their own. No ethics, no morals, no compassion or any warmth or depth. It is automatons from now on. Why should they care about people in the truly human sense of these words?
The global "gag rule" has been around for decades and every time a Republican president was in the White House they signed it and a Democratic president would get rid of it. Guys, just stop the idiotic yoyoing. These kinds of issues and the other "below the belt" issues should not be politicized, full stop. Keep in mind that for at least the next four years the US is the biggest joke on the planet.
Mike Kelly (Manhattan nyc)
Women should demand that Viagra
not be covered by insurance. Then
they can stand around the signee and
child of babe (st pete, fl)
Good luck with calling the White House. The phone lines are not open.Tried writing an e-mail. No way to do that either.The issues page is filled with propaganda with no way to comment. This is what democracy has become in the first week of the Trump administration. Be afraid,be very afraid.
Michael (Dallas)
Loved the picture of all the white guys, with Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump’s husband, standing prominently among them. If Trump really thinks this executive action is good for women’s health, Ivanka — who literally trades on her feminist image — and her husband should have set him straight. It’s time to call out Jared and Ivanka, arguably the deluded president’s closest link to reality, for their flaming hypocrisy.
jsfedit (Chicago)
The White House phone line is no longer taking messages but is telling callers to go to Facebook and IM a message to them. Or to go to White House. Gov and send an email - which staffers have already acknowledged they ignore. An input free zone is being instated around the new information. Terrifying!
Susan J Peeples (Corpus Christi TX)
White House not taking calls -- comment line currently closed. Why am I not surprised?
arrower (Arvada, Co)
It probably shouldn't be, but it's amazing and frightening to me that it has taken less than a week for things to go wildly, crazily out of control in this country. Once again I ask, where are the Democrats, where are the moderate Republicans? If they are afraid for their jobs, they won't have any once the work of the "president' and his minions is done. And what difference does it make whether the "president" is a liar, delusional or plain crazy? The damage is being done nonetheless. And where are our allies around the world, aren't they just a little alarmed by what is going on? And shame on every one of those white males standing behind the "president" while he shows off his handiwork, which appears intentionally designed to put the health and lives of women around the world at risk. The sheer malevolence of this administration is astounding. Not to mention what it portends.
Raul (Texas)
And we are giving other countries contreception becauseeeeeee?
Cindy (del Valle)
A lie is a lie no matter if you have a personality disorder or not. Please continue to call it what it is. Trying to excuse a lie because the person believes it (no matter why they do) is an injustice to Americans and a danger to our democracy. He is a pathological narcissist, and nothing is going to change him. We have to understand this and continue to stand up to his insanity and protect our democracy and freedoms.
Elizabeth Rumball (Thunder Bay, Ontario)
I have been "horrified" by the changes taking place as result of Trump's new policies! I feel the need to do something so I have arranged for a monthly donation to Marie Stopes International.

Like many Canadians, I felt very inspired by the turn out for the Women's March on January 21. Many of us marched on this side of the border too!
Lou Panico (Linden NJ)
Donald Trump does not care, Mike Pence does not care unless of course you are a fetus, Paul Ryan does not care, and the Republican party does not care how many women may die. They only care about acquiring power and keeping it and if there are casualties along the way so be it. This is Trump America now and we are getting what he promised and what we voted for.
Suzanne B (Half Moon Bay)
A powerful essay, Mr. Kristof. My reaction is shock and tears; I would hope that others--women *and* men--react the same way. Trump and his cohorts are visiting...(dare I say it)...evil... on the human race. I don't recall ever having to use that word in normal discourse, but only while discussing or studying tyrants, dictators and massacres of the past. What have we as a nation come to be?
Joseph Huben (Upstate NY)
"Pope Francis indicates little concern over condom use in fight against Aids" Catholics must consider their self righteous condemnation of AIDS sufferers and Zika sufferers from the context of the Pope and reason and not be swept up by a demagogue who persecuted Obama because he is Black or exploited the fear of immigrants and refugees or will deny healthcare to millions of Americans and people of the world. Is Trump kind, generous, thoughtful? Does Trump serve the poor, the sick, the weak? How will the world be improved by Trump?
Robert Roth (NYC)
"With this new order, Trump will inadvertently cause more of these horrific scenes." Since he gets off on the idea of torturing people it might not be all that inadvertent.
K. McKinley (PA)
At your suggestion, I called the White House. The comment line is "now closed". We are invited to send our comments electronically. I doubt that they will be read.
CJW1168 (LouisianA)
Liar or crackpot? Must we choose? He appears to be a deadly combination of both.
Rob Berger (Minneapolis, MN)
If the standard for calling something a lie is that you have to know the internal motivations of the speaker, how could anyone ever be convicted of perjury?
Jillian Abbott (NYC)
All the commentators on women's issues are men. Why is that? I guess the New York Times believes that women don't need a voice because men can speak for them. Sad.
Gillian Edgelow (Union City, CA)
As of 8am the white house comments line is closed. Isn't that interesting.
Charlene (Patt)
How jarring it is to see a picture of a man who brags about grabbing women's genitals signing this order. I am speechless as the tears flow.
Margot LeRoy (Seattle Washington)
I am really tired of fat white men standing around a desk and telling women what they should do with their bodies.....In the interest of equality and looking at the crowd in our President's office, I want each and every man who needs medical "enhancement" to engage in sexual activity to have to go before a panel of WOMEN to justify why they need this prescription. Cannot wait to hear Pence or Trump's explanations and most of the somewhat gender challenged GOP in Congress........Fair is fair and equal is equal..Cmon' boys, fess up.......
Susan Halper (NYUC)
I just called the White House number you gave but it is "closed" and they refer us to online contact-fyi.

I read you all the time and applaud your ideas and efforts. Will keep doing what i can too. thank you. Susan Halper NYC
Michelle Young (Binghamton)
As I wrote on your public page a few minutes ago:

Nicholas, you asked if it should be called a lie if he really believes it or is deluded into believing it. I would counter and suggest that his excuse for these *lies* isn't whether he is deluded at all. I'm sure he believes it, just as any abuser (domestic violence) believes he is above the law. Kellyanne Conway used the right term that certainly can be a "new" synonym for "lie" - "alternative facts."

Does it really matter what word he's uttering--whether it's a lie or an "alternative fact?" With apologies to Mr. Shakespeare for bringing him into the current political foray, "What's in a name? that which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet..." and a lie by any other name would still stink as much regardless of whatever we call that too.

You said the bottom line (double entendre intended):

"Please, please, keep on marching, keep on calling.'"
Bartusiak M (Chicago)
President Trump is a puppet for VP Pence plans.
Mr Pence's history of attempts to end women's reproductive rights are well documented.
Wake up America.
james binder (cincinnati)
I love your passion for helping marginalized people. You have a heart. Clearly,
Trump does not exhibit any empathy and I doubt observing the catastrophies you describe in Chad and elsewhere would change that.

We will remain helpless if we focus on changing Trump. We need to channel our energy in productive ways. By educating your readers through your columns, you are doing just that.

I have a recommendation.Educate the public about the lies Trump and Republicans repeat daily regarding health care policies. For example, strong empirical evidence supports the belief that a "Medicare for All "would save well over 40,000 lives each year and be cost efficient, not lead to the undoing of Medicare as Republicans falsely claim.
judydyer (Merida, Mexico)
If Trump and his sycophants, and all the males who claim that abortion is murder really wanted to save these potential lives...why don't they fund research to find a way to remove the fetus from the pregnant woman and have it implanted in themselves? ...and that includes all the potential African lives.
DC (Oregon)
White House comment line closed.
Jerry Cunningham (San Francisco)
Can we pause for a moment and reflect on the implications of this line: "We must decide whether our 45th president is a liar or a crackpot." That's frightening. But I would go further. Set aside for a moment that our 45th president -- a Republican! -- is a sexual predator. Now the media is finally confronting the obvious, something they should have focused on 6 months ago, donald trump is a liar or delusional or both.
Kris (Connecticut)
It should not surprise any of us that Trump slapped women with his abuse of power. It's what he's always done. That it was done immediately following the largest women's march on record against him and his administration's policies shows a vicious, vindictive and sexist spite - "You say your crowd was bigger, I'm going to punish you with an executive order that hurts women around the globe".

What Trump, and other men need to learn, is that any attempt to silence and punish us will make us rise and roar even more.
CRW (Auburn, AL)
I just tried to call the White House number listed in Mr. Kristoff's column. A recorded voice told me the line is closed. Some instructions were given for email contacts. The closing of the phone line seems to me to be just one more slap in the face to Americans who want their voices of protest to be heard.
Carol Wilson (Bloomington, IN)
Thank you, Nicholas. Rationally I knew it was terrible, but you brought the full consequences to me emotionally. But I still possess a degree of empathy, a quality that seems strangely lacking in Republicans. As for Trump, he couldn't spell empathy.
Annie P (Washington, DC)
The White House comments line is closed. Am I the only one who seems to see this affront/immediate policy move in our new president. It's like a middle school bully - you said something bad about me so now I'm going to hurt you.

Look at the examples, among others.
Women march all over the world for women's rights and the next week Trump takes away international funding for women's health care.

Meryl Streep calls out Trump on the way he behaved towards a reporter with a disability and he trumpets the end of federal support of the arts.

Reporters tell the truth about about Trump and they end up in jail for doing their jobs and banned from the White House press corps.

Was it not apparent during the election that Donald Trump is a deeply disturbed man with narcissistic personality disorder who flies into rages and does terrible things.

Keep writing Mr. Kristoff -
anne (il)
Mr. Kristof:
Did you complain to this extent when Reagan and Bush instituted the same rules? This is simply standard Republican policy, instituted each time a Republican takes office and overturned when a Democrat is in power.

This is not "Trump's War on Women", it's the Republicans' War on Women. Why pretend that Trump is doing anything outside the Republican norm here, or that he is somehow more extreme on this issue?
Rachel Silverman (Boston, MA)
FYI - White House comment line is closed (and has been for days). How else can we reach them?
Alexandra (New Haven, CT)
When I just called the White House number, I was greeted by an upbeat male voice that told me, "Thank you for calling the White House comments line. The comment line is currently closed, but your comment is important to the President." I was further urged to send in my comment online or via Facebook Messenger (an app which the new administration has apparently not yet set up).

It seems that the phone line was shut down at the end of Obama's presidency and has not yet been set up again. What does it mean that a week into the presidency, the Trump White House is not yet willing to listen to the voices of its citizens?
Kat Perkins (San Jose CA)
I hope all the people opposing abortion are opening their homes to the hard to adopt, "imperfect" babies born to poor women.
Republicans demand women have the baby, then chastise her for being poor, dumb, irresponsible.
When anti-abortion daughters have an unplanned pregnancies, things are handled quietly, with resources.
Nancy (Shreveport, LA)
The White House comment line at 202-456-1111 "is currently closed". No surprise.
just Robert (Colorado)
This gag order is truly terrifying, but its implementation is beyond that. Will ever conversation between doctors and health porviders be listened to? Will the rule apply to every organization just because someone thinks they had that conversation? The power this gives to anyone in authority to perform witch hunts at the expense of women's lives is monstrous .
Deb (Marshfield Hills, MA)
Apparently the White House has cut off access to its comment line, making it obvious that the new administration does not care to hear from or even respect those of us who don't agree with his authoritarian style, retrograde priorities, or assault on our freedom of speech. The Constitution set up a democracy, not an autocracy or dictatorship.

Anyone who marched on January 21 knows that we're fighting not only for women's rights but for protecting our fundamental liberties. As one sign said, 1958 is calling: Don't Answer. We will not stop speaking or fighting or marching. This is a turning point moment in American democracy, and once off the sofa, these million of men and women, of all generations, will NOT stop. Donald, this is a movement, so stop worrying about yourself and your narcissistic ego and start doing your job, representing ALL Americans. You're a petty demagogue, and we won't let you destroy our freedoms.
LouiseH (Toronto, ON)
That photo of all white men, smiling ghoulishly over Trump's shoulder as he shows off his executive order, is horrific. He may as well be signing death warrants on the poorest women around the world, the effect is the same. Too horrible for words. Americans need to rise up against this and toss these monsters out of government in 2018!
53% of white women voted for this guy. A huge majority of white men voted for him too. White people...
Dianne (San Francisco)
Look at that photo. A group of white men who think they are going to put women back in what they perceive to be their place. They have no idea of the storm about to descend on them. Now excuse me while I make some phone calls.
Shoshanna (Southern USA)
Why should the US be paying for the bills of people in other countries? let Cameroon pay for its own abortions, we ran out of free stuff for the world
Lpaine (DC)
I was a teenager when Roe v Wade became law. I remember a friend's parent telling her to not be afraid to tell them if she became pregnant. They were afraid, rightly so, of thier daughter dying from an illegal abortion.
John (Cleveland, Ohio)
Call a lie a lie. It's a mistake to give him the benefit of the doubt. If he's too obtuse to know the difference, it's up to us to point it out.
Big Ten Grad (Ann Arbor)
How about a "lying crackpot"? Any doctors out there who can tell us what Viagra does to the brains of superannuated, self-styled playboys and assorted other old men with younger trophy wives?
mikeoshea (New York City)
Disclaimer: I have been a NYS licensed teacher of Chinese since the very early 1970s.

A young man walked into a room where I was helping his mother improve her English. He was very angry with our new president.

"He's a 'do-tsigh-juh' (dictator) and a 'shwaw-hwahng-juh' (liar). He abuses women and dislikes immigrants, so he's also a 'sying-beyeh-chee-shur-juh' (sexist) and a 'joong-dzoo-chee-shur-juh' (racist)".

I told him that I agreed with what he said, but didn't know what we could do. He immediately referenced President Nixon:

"The government should 'tahn-huh-tah' (impeach) him." He or him is pronounced "tah".

There is hope for our young people!

Note: My phonetic renderings are NOT Pin-Yin. I do use Pin-Yin when I teach Chinese, but I also use my own system, if necessary. Pin-Yin is very important because you can use Pin-Yin to type Chinese characters on your home computer.
Judith (NYC)
Men like this dispose of wives, force their girlfriends to have abortions when THEY get them pregnant, then force other women to have illegal abortions or force them to have unwanted children which these men then decide they don't have the money to care for...if you want all of these women to bear these children--are you picking up the tab for childcare? Medical? Dental? Rent? Clothes? Food? I can not believe it is 2017 and this mongrel is trying to set us back again. And what's with the silent but so called educated daughters?? Why dot stand up for your gender? These are the Borgias, the Romanovs the sickest of the sick.
Ker (Upstate ny)
Good luck contacting the White House. I just called and got a recording saying " this is the comments line" and then " the comments line is currently closed."

NYT, please do a story about this! What have they done to the White House switchboard? There always used to be live people answering the phone. Now there's a recording telling you the line is closed.

Not only are they gagging federal agencies, they're trying to block Americans from contacting the White House.
Francine Fein (Ann Arbor)
My dad was an MD, a general practitioner in a small town in the 1940s-1970s. He didn't perform abortions but was a strong believer that abortions should be legal and safe. He often said "I'm the one who has to clean up the mess after a woman gets a botched abortion." He was a registered republican until the republicans went crazy with their "pro life" agenda ( I call it "pro birth" since these same people's policy's are not pro life after the child is born.) My dad left the Republican Party.
Suzy G (Altadena)
FYI the White House comments line is closed. We are invited to send them a message through their website or facebook page.
Nancy (undefined)
Mr. Kristof: The argument that these kinds of actions actually have the consequence of increasing abortions does not matter to fundamentalists. You have to understand the mindset here: they are concerned with their own souls and the "purity" of their position - in other words, as long as THEIR tax dollars are in no way contributing to "abortion," including discussion of it as an option, their hands are clean, and they can get into heaven. That's what matters to them. You have to keep reminding yourself that this world does not matter much to them - only the next.
Judith (NYC)
Donald Trump's idea of a woman: tall, beautiful, doesn't talk back, diets a lot, lots of plastic surgery and botox, likes men with money first and foremost, spends time and energy on makeup, beauty and wardrobe, (Caitlyn Jenner is perfect for him!) performs for him, stands at his side or behind him, says very little, expresses no opinions, an ornament. What message does that send to young women? Forget school? Spend time at the makeup counter and gym?????
Lpotter (Huntsville, Alabama)
For a man who thinks the WH phones are ‘beautiful,” why is the WH comments line closed?
Brad Donaldson (Utah)
At Kristof's urging, I dialed the comment line at the White House, 456-1111, and discovered it was "now closed". I then called Orrin Hatch's Cedar City office and found the voice mail full. Never have I felt so unrepresented in government; a better description might be ignored.
John Spek (Atlanta)
The left keeps saying we should not meddle in other nations business, and now they are upset because a step was taken to end the meddling. The program was initially set up as part of a racist population control advocates idea, and now that it is ending, you want it to continue? Are you kidding me?
All the fake news hype is misplaced - IF you do not donate your own money to health care in other nations, then you should not be saying a word about this. May I remind you this is FAKE NEWS hype up about a program that the U S does not condone INSIDE the U S, and that was originally created out of racist population control.
jenny (<br/>)
Great article. Just one small correction . . . the white house comment line mentioned here is closed. They don't actually want to listen to us. The canned message says to leave feedback at
Anne (Albemarle County, Va)
Just called the White House to protest and they have closed the line down as of noon on Thursday. A democracy is where all points of view are heard. Trump is refusing to listen.
Nick, why do you keep claiming to be a journalist? You are not a journalist, you are an agent provocateur writing biased op-ed pieces for a biased newspaper. You are the print version of a SNL writer. As such, many people find you entertaining.

There is nothing wrong with spreading propaganda, and I support your First Amendment right to do so. But, don't claim to be a journalist.

That would be a lie.
mmhdolores (arizona)
The White House comment line "is currently closed." Maybe we should all print out this column send send it to him. I did call both senators and left messages, as usual. I called this executive action "a sin."
Dr Judy L Smith (Simpsonville, SC)
Pence has made his career on the backs of women's rights. Since Trump no longer has Obama as his foil he has gone after women, Mexico, NATO, truth, our earth and the media. Our country has been deemed a, "flawed Democracy" by The Economist. Women are the majority; we must unite and get rid of the minority of white men who make their careers off of women's rights, a healthy earth, and human rights. We do not have to denigrate everything we hold dear for jobs. We can create a healthy economy while continuing to be a country to admire.

"Women's rights are human rights" and "Men of quality support equality". This flawed Democracy is not supporting human rights and is being led by men without quality. UNITE!
Jack Nargundkar (Germantown, MD)
A picture is worth a thousand words – and, the one accompanying Mr. Kristof’s column says it all – a gaggle of rich, privileged white males in their ivory tower (the White House) deciding the fate of “the most voiceless, powerless people in the world.”

How can they sleep at night when a stroke of Trump’s pen will result in “6.5 million unintentional pregnancies, 2.2 million abortions and 21,700 women dying in pregnancy or childbirth”? This is more than a war on women; it’s a war on decency.
CD-R (Chicago, IL)
Shame on Pence for speaking at an anti-abortion rally!! Shame Shame Shame on anyone who opposes a woman's rights. There is NO law that will prevent a woman from having an abortion. NEVER. All that will happen is that abortion will go underground again, harming and killing women. In most civilized countries ( is this one?) women have this right. I come from a Catholic background. Abortion though is NOT within government rule. It is personal. We will MARCH and march and march against those who would govern our bodies. Get out of lives and our bodies!!!
Grimpy (DesMoines IN)
Being responsible for one's own body, also means responsible behaviour from both partners BEFORE a possible conception!
Mary (PA)
It's clearly a war on women. You can see what kind of man Trump is in his own personal relationships, let alone in his "grab p***y" tape. I feel pity for Melania; it was so smart of her to use her son's schooling in order to excuse herself from being by Trump's side.

I know of three rationales for being anti-choice - 1. ignorance; 2. religious views in a country where religious views are not to be imposed on all; and 3. hatred of women, especially by men with fragile egos, who know that if there were equality, they would be outshone by the merit of others. I believe Trump falls in the 3rd category. He is a bully and a crackpot, and we need to turn out in record numbers in 2018 to take his tools away from him.
Susan Lammers (Seattle)
We need to tell the GOP and TRUMP our personal stories so they begin to understand the far reaching implications of the retro patriarchal policies they are reviving or enacting. They have no idea how much THEY are going to suffer by taking away women's rights.

Thanks for providing the phone numbers. I called the White House immediately during business hours and it was shut down for comments from citizens. They suggested going to Facebook instead. Another exampleof the White House going dark and becoming a bunker instead of a beacon of light.
Dennis D. (New York City)
I just see where the NYTimes is reporting Mexico's president has cancelled his visit with the Demagogue. Good.

Now how about it, PM May? Will you still be coming here, to bow and curtsy to Trump? Will you play his court jester? Or will you Brexit on outta here, and be a no-show who won't have anything to do with this odious creep?

What say you, Theresa? Please, don't get all wobbly on US. Show us some British backbone and spunk.

What would old Winnie do? He'd show up, all right. Then he'd pick up that bust of his and take it back to merry old England until we Americans got rid of of Trump, the stupidest US president ever.


Montana (New York)
I just tried calling the Comment line at the White House. It is closed!
Pippa norris (02138)
WH comments line down? Call Trump D.C. Hotel and leave a message for him. 202-695-1100 & 866-660-9426.
Bystander (Upstate)
"We must decide whether our 45th president is a liar or a crackpot."

The evidence suggests that he is both.

A liar caught in a lie has the sense to drop it and move on. A crackpot can't let it go and instead of distancing himself from the lie, begins to embellish it. Hence the jump from 3 million fraudulent votes to 5 million. Hence the upsizing of his inauguration crowd count.

Less than a week after taking office, Trump is spinning out of earth orbit. The only question now is, who will pull him off the field and put him somewhere where he can't harm himself or others?
Chibusa (Lusaka)
The photo accompanying the piece shows 9 rich, white males with self-satisfied smiles on their faces after taking reproductive health care away from millions of poor women. Shame on them!
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Yes, you should call a lie a lie.
Yes, you should call Trump the Imposter a liar.

When the POTUS uses his position to TRY to undermine the public trust and to work against the will of the people, his days are numbered. Trump is on thin ice.
axienjii (UK)
Clearly, marching and getting gradually involved in politics is going to be neither effective nor fast enough. It's time for women to storm the White House.
Mdailey (Omaha)
I am not seeing reference to the fact that rape of women and children is a war tactic. An ongoing a current tool of war and oppression. How does one raise a good citizen, let alone feed and shelter a child, in that sort of insanity?
Virginia (Cape Cod, MA)
Americanized Sharia Law, ironically enough.

GOP is so full of ironies, isn't it? The've spent decades calling liberals and Democrats "Communists" and Marxists, yet it is they who gave the US a president who admires Vladimir Putin's type of leadership; Polls show it is Republicans showing a new appreciation for Putin. Remember their argument to go to war in Iraq included an accusation that those opposed (Democrats and liberals, again) "loved Saddam" and his brutality? Yet it is Trump and his party who now love Putin and his brutality and want a US President to possess it, including reintroducing torture. It's the GOP and its base which has been hollering with fear about Sharia Law taking over the US, yet here they are, a bunch of men, legislating control of women's bodies and telling them they can no longer make their own reproductive decisions; Republicans do not agree with equal pay for women, etc.
It is Republicans and conservatives allegedly the big believers in Jesus Christ and fraught with Christian values, yet they want to torture other human beings, deny help to desperate refugees, and have 20 million Americans lose their newly acquired health care, perhaps while many are in the process of getting much needed and long awaited care, overnight. And of course the biggest example of contraChristian values: they elected a tyrannical sociopath who has defrauded people throughout his life to be our president.
Trina (Colorado)
I just called the number Kristoff gives for the White House and it apparently has been hijacked by an outfit called Club Love. An automated message redirects to another number 712-432-2111 and asks that people make note of this new VIP #. It then hangs up. In Trump's America, citizens can't even contact their public servants and federal employees are gagged from putting out news.
Bunnit (Roswell, GA)
Yes please keep calling what comes out of DJT's mouth lies!!

OR... Start a movement to have the man examined by an objective panel of physicians to evaluate his mental, physical, and emotional health!! If they deem him to be mentally sound (hard to believe) then the NYT and other respected media must go ahead exposing his verbal drivel for what it is.

He's either lying or deranged. Either way he is not equipped to lead anything, certainly not the USA.

Katrina Lyon (Bellingham, WA)
I just called the White House, and not surprisingly the comments line is 'closed'. They suggest emailing your comment, via: or through FB Messenger. I also think a postcard mailed (heaps of them) could be effective. Physical evidence might be harder to ignore than an email inbox. The message states, "Your comment is important to the President," another WH statement that rings false. All the same, we can't remain silent while women and children suffer. It's also in our OWN best interest to provide birth control and stop the spread of disease (Zika, HIV, etc). Heifer International states the dynamic best.

Let's not foster policies that create more motherless children, more poverty and more sickness with this antiquated law. Find your humanity. Find your voice.
Maureen (Boston)
And so many women voted for this. Shame on them - I don't care what your personal beliefs on abortion are - see the photo of five men standing in the Oval Office ensuring that women are put on notice that they are going to put them in their place. Talk about a picture being worth a thousand words. Shame on every woman who voted for our daughters and granddaughters to be treated like this.
Brookhawk (Maryland)
You must never bother Mr. Trump with facts he does not want to believe or studies that prove what he does not want to see proven. All that matters to him is what he believes, even if so many things are pure fantasies. Sadly, many of his followers are the same way. The questions is, who do we stop a people like that from ruining so many lives. In particular, how do we stop the one who sits in the White House? We fight him. Fight him. Every chance we get to put the true facts (not the alternative facts) forward to the people of our country, we should do it. We should fight him. Fight him. Fight him.
H. R. Miller (NY and NC)
I called the White House phone number and the lines are not taking calls. Callers are directed to the website and/or Facebook.
Linda (Kennebunk)
He probably signed the order on Monday so Nikki Haley, who got confirmed as UN Ambassador on Tuesday, wouldn't be in the room. Don't want any women present when you're undermining women's rights, even though the woman in question is pro-life. From the awesome display we saw on Saturday from women all over the world, I would say Haley will have a lot of explaining to do at the UN on why the US is moving backward.
Marie (Boston)
From what I've observed the men behind decisions like this one don't trust women. They don't believe women are capable of making rational decisions for themselves - especially where the decision may affect them. These men make the decisions in their homes and that is the way it is. If you can't trust women. If you don't believe in their abilities to make choices than you would naturally want to make the decisions for them. And sadly, some women feel the same.
[email protected] (Mamaroneck, NY)
I hope IVANKA is listening to all this. Otherwise her interest in childcare for working women was just calculated propaganda to suggest that someone in the White House will care about women. Evidently not.
Judith Voet (Rose Valley PA)
I just tried to call the Whitehouse comment line and they are not taking comments!! You have to submit your comments online at, scroll down to the fine print and find "contact the Whitehouse".
George (Burns)
My view on "choice" in the US is not relevant here. I'm an abortion isolationist. No American tax dollars to support foreign contraception. And don't be naive. White liberals (and I am white) have always been big on population-control of non whites. Population-Control/Liberalism, hand in hand.
Virginia (Cape Cod, MA)
I don't think Trump's signing that order right after the Women's March is a coincidence. Trump is a very vengeful and vindictive man who can't let any perceived insult to his ego go unanswered.

I think he signed that order as payback to the women who marched around the world, which does make him what we all feared, a megalomaniacal tyrant.
mdalrymple4 (iowa)
Trump doesnt think, that is the problem. He cares only about himself and his adoring crowds. Wonder how many of them will actually figure out what he is doing to wreck our country. Calling congress wont do anything for me, both of my senators are republicans.
Tony Monahon (Wilmington, De.)
The White House comments line is "currently closed"
Susan (nyc)
For everyone who cares about women's health in the developing world and wants to do something to counteract Trump's abomination, please note that the Dutch are promising to fund everything Trump is defunding;
I urge everyone to donate what they can. Marching is a start, acting on behalf of the powerless is critical.
PHood (Maine)
This has Mike Pence's fingerprints all over it.
Aubrey (San Francisco)
Women's health nurses everywhere: PLEASE do utilize the phone numbers given below for our representatives. I left informational and pleading messages for Kamala Harris and Dianne Fienstien, women who can support our cause in the face of the awful cabal of Old White Men in the photo included with this article. Shame on you, for destroying families everywhere, Delusional Old White Men who arrogantly wield power. Shame on the women who married or bore you.
Fran (NYC)
Just an FYI - the White House comments telephone line has been closed as of my last attempt - 1/26 at 12:32 pm. They suggest sending an email.
Susan (Washington, DC)
Just FYI, the White House comments phone line is closed. You can only contact POTUS, VPOTUS, FLOTUS via email on the site. So I reached out to Melania--woman to woman, mother to mother--asking her to protect women from the fatal unintended consequences of the global gag rule and anti-PP regulations. I don't think I'll have much success but without Congressional representation, I have to make the case FOR women wherever I can.
Beatrice ('Sconset)
Mr. Kristof,
It has been said that "the Pen is mightier than the Sword".
So, Mr. Kristof, Please keep on writing !
If we consult the website:
we find lots of synonyms for lies & lying.
Lets use them all !
Sdh (Here)
The restrictions on women's reproductive rights are about abortion just as much as rape is about sex, by which I mean, not all all. Rather, it's all about control and power over women by men with a deep-seated hatred and fear of the opposite sex.
Lucy (Bloomington, IN)
The White House telephone is not accepting messages "at this time." A deluge perhaps?
Jefflz (San Franciso)
Trump owes his election and his soul to the Christian ultra-right.

Before the election, a Christian prelate stood before his congregation with a plastic bag on the podium claiming it was the body of a fetus from an abortion. He told his flock that if they didn't vote for Trump/Pence they would be committing a sin in the eyes of God.

Trump made a deal with the devil. Women around the world will pay the price.
allen (san diego)
I don't think that there is any doubt that tump is both a liar and a crackpot. there is no question that he is a serial liar, but there are some of his lies that he may actually believe.
Bruce (Maine)
"We must decide whether our 45th president is a liar or a crackpot." - why decide, he can be both!
Marie (Boston)
It's simple. These men don't trust women to make their own decisions.
PSS (<br/>)
I hope Ivanka Trump, supposedly her father's advocate for women, gave her husband a lecture and timeout when he got home from that signing. She has lost all credibility now. As for lies needing to be intended, Trump has advisors to make sure what he says is accurate. If he tells or repeats untruths inspite of their advising, that is intentional and qualifies in any definition as lying. If they have lied to him, well, that is still lying whoever says it.
Robert McKee (Nantucket, MA.)
An aside...This column has a picture of Trump holding the order he signed for the camera. I have seen pictures and video clips of Presidents signing things but I've never seen a President holding up his signature for the world to
admire. This egomaniac has to be stopped before too many people get hurt or killed.
hm1342 (NC)
"I wish Trump could see them: a mother of three in Cameroon dying after her birth attendant sat on her stomach to hasten delivery; a woman in Niger collapsing from a common complication called eclampsia; a 15-year-old girl in Chad whose family dealt with her labor complications by taking her to a healer who diagnosed sorcery and burned her arm as she lay in a coma."

How much taxpayer money should go overseas to prevent such atrocities? Do you think that U.S. taxpayers should be financially liable for the medical practices of other nations? Better still, how much of your own money are you willing to contribute?
Ronko (Tucson, AZ)
"We must decide whether our 45th president is a liar or a crackpot."

He is both, and a narcissist
Ronald J Kantor (Charlotte, NC)
I called the White House "comments line" and received a recorded message telling me it was "closed" and that instead I should go and make an on line comment at the White House website or on their Facebook page.
I'm sorry to say but the old conventions no longer apply.
What are we do do except keep marching?
Mrs. Shapiro (Los Angeles, CA)
Abortion is not a method of family planning, contraception is. However, when the latter fails, the other should be available and safe. Politicians love to dictate their morals to other cultures, even though they often never set foot in those countries or walk a mile in their citizens' sandals. It is easy to sign a death sentence to women a continent away, especially when they are poor and non-white. Let's just call this abhorrent order what it is - white male privilege.
Black Cat (California)
We pay more in taxes than Trump has. Why is our money being used to increase the wealth of those few who have taken power instead of being used to protect women's healthcare? How can you be "pro-life" if your decisions will result in the deaths of so many people? Come talk to me when every single child in this world is safe and women don't have to fear. pregnancy.

I just tried calling the White House but the comments line was down.
Gus Hallin (Durango)
Catholics have to rise up on this one. You can't be hard-liners on both contraception and abortion. Pick one. Hint: Europeans have it right.
Bob Hillier (Hilo, Hawaii)
I wonder if the new president has had instances in his life in which he has paid for the abortions of women whose pregnancy he has caused. I don't have any evidence that this may be the case, but if his actions match his vulgar language, it seems possible.
hr (CA)
Kristof's moral and rational argument will not convince the hypocristans who have been led astray by their churches. Secular rationalists are the moral ones now, and they will fight anti-abortion people who show more compassion to arms dealers and cell clusters than to living women and girls.
joy078 (Newport Beach, CA)
...and spell LIE in caps! In every article, every headline, every comment!

Thank you for championing women's issues.. as my mother used to say, "Our brothers will set us free" meaning enlightened men are so important in supporting women's issues around the world. Women and children are willing to do the work but we need our brothers, husbands, and leaders.

How can the current administration ignore the women's global uprising and waste time twittering about 'crowd envy' The emperor wears no clothes but as long as he has fawning sycophants, he will never see himself; or perhaps his bluster is because he does see himself.

Policy set by potus45 'advisors' shame... PR Oval Office signings should be avoided by the press..,
will (oakland)
When every person who opposes abortion adopts a child which is not related to him/her and supports that child until he/she is grown, when every person who opposes abortion takes in a desperate woman who has been thrown out of her family for being pregnant and supports that woman until her child is grown, when every person who opposes abortion supports paid leave for working women who are pregnant, and when every person who opposes abortion also opposes firing women who are pregnant, then they can tell me they claim the moral high ground on abortion. Until then, they are two-faced hypocrites who should keep their beliefs to themselves. And by the way, how many of those sanctimonious men who voted to deny normal healthcare to women have had their wives/daughters/sister use contraception and/or had an abortion? How about it Ivanka, Melania, Ivana and other trumpettes? Why don't you share your private lives with us, apparently Republicans and your dad think we're entitled to know and rule your very private actions.
Mitch I. (Columbus, Ohio)
Mr, Kristoff - Congratulations, it looks like you swamped the White House comments line!

" .. . . currently closed . . . Thank you for calling. We look forward to hearing from you soon."

Well, it was 12:50 p.m. Maybe I called during the lunch hour . . .
Christina Koomen (Roanoke, VA)
"I wish Trump Could see them" -- wouldn't do a bit of good. Unless we're talking about villages full of suffering supermodels, he wouldn't give a rat's patootie.
EC (<br/>)
Perhaps I am wrong but I really have the impression that Donald Trump would not truly care about the personal suffering you are recounting. It is heart breaking to hear of these women and to imagine their suffering - I think 99.9% of people would be moved by this - even if it did not effect change in their policy decisions - they would care. I think our president is in the 0.1% of people who would be indifferent to it and that is terrifying. I hope that I am mistaken but currently I have no faith in his basic humanity.
michelle (Rome)
Who is going to enforce Trump's insane agenda ? Are the Police, the Military the courts, who is going to be asked to do it ? The US Military is multi racial and has many women as does the Police, will they be ok with a war on women and throwing out immigrants, policing endless protests etc Is there even enough police to undertake the agenda Trump is promising and what are the chances of mutiny in the ranks ? America is not Germany of the 1930's, it is incredibly diverse and it's strength has always been it's diversity.
Ian MacFarlane (Philadelphia PA)
if anyone lokks at the photograph accompanying this article they will see nine men completely out of touch with any realitybeyond their own experience.

Our President is a man who considers reading to be a spectator sport and, given their head in the sand attitudes, I must conclude these same men follow his lead.

Women in Africa or the Middle East are of no real concern to him or them and it must be apparent that no woman anywhere on the planet is, beyond very loud and chest thumping lip service, actually respected.

The women married to these men certainly have feelings which can be suppressed, but there are billions of women beyond them who know and understand men are insufferably self centered and destructive.

As men we might do well to study the history of the last century and look any woman in the eye and tell her it was all for the protection of family values
JPM (Hays, KS)
Unfortunately Nick, these data are merely facts, and Republicans have shown themselves more than capable of ignoring facts. They now synthesize alternative facts, custom-made to fit their ideologies. And their supporters are little more than a herd of sheep, uninterested in hearing anything that contradicts their predetermined world view. There appears to be no way to reach these people with sane arguments.
Randolph Mom (New Jersey)
Today's unplanned pregnancies are tomorrow migrants and unemployed unskilled isis fighters

Pro life is pro education pro healthcare pro family planning and pro day care. If the majority of your efforts don't support the current population you are not pro life
forrestfromtrees (NY)
The complete and total lack of respect for women exhibited by Trump and the GOP is breathtaking. Without the benefit of a uterus or the responsibility and experience of birthing and raising an infant, these men presume to dictate biological destiny. Dante needs a new circle of hell reserved for these men.
Robert FL (Palmetto, FL.)
The anti-choice stance employed by the rightwing in America is simply a tool for obfuscation and division.
They took the religious fervor and weaponized it for political gain only.
They could care less about the fate of the women subjected to this, and nothing for the children- once they are born.
That is why it is so obviously cruel.
But keep a wary eye on what else they are up to while we fight this particular fire.
Elizabeth Bennett (Arizona)
Actually liars who believe their own lies are diagnosed as pathological liars, and that phenomenon is often associated with narcissism--so there is every reason to label Trump both a crackpot and a liar.

Since it is doubtful that our President has the attention span to read Mr. Kristof's excellent column describing the agony of women in undeveloped countries who will be deprived of healthcare, perhaps we should all tweet his words to Trump.

I'm increasingly disgusted with the Bernie supporters who wouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton--they might have made the difference in the election results. Their stubborn stance will wreak havoc around the world, not only for women, but for the young soldiers in Iraq and Syria, for the Mexican workers and their children born in the US--for all of humanity, in fact.
Julie Grey (AZ)
Pro-choice and planned Parenthood are extremely important to families who want to limit the size of their family and important to single women who really don't want children. Without the availability of contraceptives and abortion because of an "accident" the welfare rolls will increase at the expensive of the taxpayer. Why do men think they have the right to control a woman's body.
Thanks to this new administration we will be taking a giant step backwards.
Strongbow2009 (Reality)
Women's rights do no include to the "right" to U.S. tax money for third-world countries. Let those countries pay for the needs of their population. Most of those countries are looted by their high living dictators and most aid never reaches the intended target. Funny that lefties don't believe in capital punishment but killing the unborn is not a problem. They believe in woman's rights but Clinton and her ilk don't mind taking money from countries where women are treated worse than cattle and funding them with our tax dollars! Make foreign aid contributions contingent on those countries changing their ways.
Leslie (New York, NY)
We must take “life” out of “pro-life.” Pro-life isn’t about life, because the policies always lead to more deaths. Of course they’re women’s lives, usually poor non-white women’s lives… which makes them matter even less.

On the other hand, maybe they do matter.

Maybe the death of so many poor non-white women is exactly what these policies are enacted to achieve. These policies are “pro-power,” plain and simple. They’re about easy power. Without any military expenditures, our president and his cronies can exert power against a group, a class and a race of people who can’t fight back.

Take a victory lap now, President Trump, because I hope your victory will soon die the miserable death it deserves.
Antonia (Greenwich)
Dear Mr. Kristof,

The image of dying women may be seared in your memory, but it is not in mine, not in the memory of most Americans, because we have not seen it.

A picture speaks a thousand words and many more people watch television than read a newspaper. These images, these personal stories have to reach a broad audience to have an impact. It is distasteful to me that images of other people's suffering may be used to make a political argument, but I do not see an alternative.

To protect the rights of women in America and to help advance the rights of women elsewhere, we have to show - literally show - in pictures, sounds and written words the suffering caused where those rights are lacking.
Sunatra (Israel)
Women today are attacked by two hostile ideologies: Radical Islam and the Old White Male Guard, not to mention, of course, your average rapist, abuser and disparager, goes without saying. Those maintain the climate of fear and pressure that drive the ideologies and vice versa. The ideologies feed and justify their private behaviors. Note, this is the most important war on this planet. Note, this is perhaps the only real war on the planet. Note, when we finally win, this planet will be transformed unrecognizably. That is what the cowards do not want to see.
acrosebud (Upstate NY)
Most adults understand that providing contraception reduces the number of abortions. With R's it's a moral issue - they don't want women having sex outside of marriage or ANY women receiving free contraception aid because if they can't afford it - should use "natural planning" which is what God intended them to do! I worked as an RN in a teen pregnancy clinic during the G.W. Bush years, under his "Abstinence Only" grant, where after delivery these young women were expected to abstain from intercourse, unless they were married. Enough said.
Kat IL (Chicago)
It doesn't matter whether Trump believes what he says. He has only one goal, and that is to win. He has no compassion, no humanity, no understanding that there is anyone that matters besides himself. He is a classic narcissist. Let's stop talking about him and talk only about the damaging policies he and his right-wing sycophants are implementing. We need to spend every ounce of our energy fighting those policies, not arguing about whether "lie" is the correct word to use when describing his nonexistent relationship with the truth. And BTW, we may have a new world leader. The Netherlands has announced plans to start a global fund for women's health. The best way a nation can give the finger to Trump and his administration is by contributing.
Diane Segal (New York)
You say Trump, I say Pence. When it comes to women's issues Pence is the real driver of these misogynistic missions. Trump is likely motivated by anger and resentment over the overwhelming success of the Women's March, especially when compared to the lackluster turnout for the inauguration, but this order was in the works long before the march.
Jean (Tacoma)
"Thousands of impoverished, vulnerable women will die".
But at least he's saving unborn, innocent babies, right? Well...
As long as embryos have rights, women have fewer. It is in part a zero-sum game. When seen through that lens, I would like to hear people like Mike Pence explain why he wants women and not embryos to lose that game. Is it because he thinks that all abortions are performed on "immoral" young woman who just can't keep their legs closed and therefore need to suffer the natural consequence? If life is so sacred, then why not universal, single payer health care for all children, at least? I really don't understand the Pence (and others) point of view and I genuinely want to. I'd listen hard to an explanation that was offered with sincerity and answered my questions. Why do embryos matter more than anyone else, even children already born?
Linda (Virginia)
Every Republican Administration since Ronald Reagan has instituted the Mexico City Policy. It will remain in place for the next four years, even if activism changes the balance in Congress. Please donate to Planned Parenthood and other organizations to keep reproductive healthcare available.
Phyllis Mazik (Stamford, CT)
The same people that are against funding women's clinics are the ones that are anti-immigrant, dislike refugees and people not like them. Where do they think people come from? They are born. Because of wars, global warming, and population growth, the world will experience a great increase in people seeking refuge. A better approach is to preserve peace, a sustainable environment and population where people live. Quality of life.
Tom (DC)
Big difference between supporting a woman's right to choose and forcing the taxpayer to fund the procedure. The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, believed in sterilizing the poor and minorities to prevent their procreating and diluting the gene pool. I can understand why some have a problem with the US government helping to fulfill this mission. See:
Pregnancy follows after a man is involved. Why does not Mr. Kristof call on men on use condoms (very cheap) or, for the ardent male feminists, undergo vasectomy (99% effective and lasts permanently)? Not all women are moved by male hyperventilating over abortion without taking some manly responsbility.
Ukrainiancestry (Detroit)
Do I have the freedom of choice not to have to pay for it because I have freedom to practice my religion? Why can I be a conscientious objector? The east coast elites scream about separation of church and state in these types of situations but have no problem campaigning in Baptist Churchs. As long as they bow to the "high minds" first before their religious beliefs. But they are free to do that also.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Will you expect the rest of us to pay for your bogus wall?
LeftCoastBoomer (Silicon Valley)
A new reason for this just occured to me. It's their "precious seed" that men are trying to "save". In unplanned pregnancies there may be initial pride in being "man enough" but very many of these fathers-to-be aren't prepared to support a child until the age of 18 years old. It then all falls on the mother.

Planned pregnancies are the best course, for all concerned.
John Brews (Reno, NV)
The analysis presented to show Trump's actions will cause deaths, not saving of lives, seems valid. However, I doubt Trump is the motivating factor here, because he has indicated little interest in the topic previously. My guess is that Trump is just going along with the religious right, as he did in accepting Pence as running mate. Trump is just agreeing to go along in exchange for some quid pro quo to allow him free reign elsewhere, for example, with his cabinet choices.
John F (NH NH)
It is intellectually dishonest to extrapolate from a refusal to pay for abortions to a general 'war on women'. Where is the responsibility of these service organizations to separate out abortion counseling and abortion services from other, vital women's health issues in order to retain federal funding? The refusal of PP to split out abortion services will cost it federal funding, and the reason will be political and ideological, not the putting of women's health first, by either party.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Abortion came to an all time low in the Obama administration.

What we are seeing is the cynical fundraising that is at the root of the GOP stance towards reproductive choices.

They actually do better when women are in danger, children have fewer resources and healthcare, and they can twist the public's perception. It is a short-term and immoral stance that women will answer at every turn of this illegitimate presidency.
Ann (Dallas)
The charade of passing laws and promoting policies that increase rather than decrease abortion under the excuse of allegedly being "pro life" is nothing new.

The same people who claim that abortion is murder are the ones who want the laughably ridiculous "just say no" curriculum as a substitute for real sex ed in schools, and who oppose birth control availability. If any of them truly believed Roe v. Wade is responsible for a "holocaust," then they would be handing out birth control at high schools. They are doing the opposite.

These policies have nothing to do with preventing abortion. This has always been about men controlling women's bodies and people forcing others to live by their religious beliefs. That's always what this has been about.
CJ (New York)
"crackpot" is not a legitimate term for Psychologists or Psychiatrists.
Long past time to look at the legitimate medical terms as well as their meanings
as it relates to trump behavior. We certainly have sufficient anecdotal
information to at least inform the people of the United States as to some
behavior possibilities and possible effects considering the pressure of
office. What are the parameters of behavior with personalities with this behavior
disorder? What are the examples of violence for example?. This just might be an important discussion considering the fact that he has the means to initiate a nuclear war.......
S.D.Keith (Birmigham, AL)
Why should the us government support nongovernmental organizations that don't share its values? If the left really cared that these women get their abortions, private donations would be sufficient to pay for them.
Marie (Boston)
When, S.D., was the last time Federal Government money was used for an abortion? I am really, not made up, or believed, or conjectured, but actually used for an abortion. Based on your comment I think you're going to have to look a bit further back in time than you believe.
Jsbliv (San Diego)
The Christian republican witch doctors, led by the Vice President, believe only they know what is best for women everywhere. However, every woman who voted for this disaster deserves part of the blame also, because hate and distain for women is not only limited to men, and the women who support the new administration's efforts are just as misogynistic as the men in the photo from the Oval Office when this bill was signed. How is it that zealot missionaries to these third world countries only see "god's work" when women die from the policies our devout Christian policy makers force on them? Stupid comes in many forms, but religious zealots top the list, no matter what branch of the religion fairytale you choose to believe in.
Galbraith, Phyliss (Wichita, Ks)
No reproductive rights for any women, most especially the poor. But,
Insurer or taxpayer funded erections. Erections are a basic human right.
Thanks, Pence.
Richard Fleming (California)
The religious right's effort to prevent abortions and demonize women who have them makes no sense theologically. The Bible's only comment about when life begins is in Genesis 2:7. Life begins with the first breath. The Bible does not say life begins at conception.

Actually, many if not most evangelical Christian leaders supported women's right to abortion until the late 1970's. Christianity has been around for two millennia, but it is only in the past three and a half decades that some extremely conservative Christian leaders opted to ignore the Bible's actual words. They oppose birth control, abortion, and family planning as a way to try to keep women in their place. Their quest against abortion is based on their alternative fact that life begins at conception. I humbly suggest they read the Book of Genesis and return to the facts they previously embraced up till the 1970's.
DC (western mass)
Look up lie. You will also see "stretching the truth" in the definition. I didn't see much support for including intent. Let's call a spade a spade.

If he is so disturbed as to believe his lies?

We need his physician to order neuropsych testing to determine competence.
Legally, competence includes an ability to understand and evaluate data presented. A number of medical and/or psychiatric conditions could be at play. Disinhibition, say via frontal lobe damage from more than one possible cause, is just one concern I might suggest at this time.
Richard Green (San Francisco)
"So in 2017 we reach a mortifying moment for a great democracy: We must decide whether our 45th president is a liar or a crackpot."

Neither of these alternatives is mutually exclusive of the other.

This re-introduction and extension of the "Global gag rule" has the hand of VPOTUS Pence all over it. It is Pence, not Trump, who has been a rabid anti-woman activist for many years now. Moreover, his credibility with the GOP Congress, particularly the House where he was once a member, that makes Pence the power behind the throne. He is more dangerous than Bannon.

The theme song for the reality show Trump Administration may as well be "Onward, Christian Soldiers." They sure are "marching off to war."
Bill Fennelly (New Jersey)
I still do not believe that, in his heart, Trump is pro-life. I truly believe that he has taken that position for political expediency and to play to his conservative base both in the populace and in Congress, where I also believe many elected officials are pro=life simply to garner votes. He was pro-choice for most of his life as he was a Democrat at one time. We will see how this plays out
Joshua Hayes (Seattle)
I dunno, Nick. Since when have facts made a difference in policy decisions? Reproductive choice debates have never been about abortion rates, or women's health, really, it's been one side bent on punishing women for having sex. It's been about one half of humanity (men) making sure the other half knows they are subordinate, and that we men will make damn sure they stay that way, or die. You act like the deaths of women in childbirth is some unintended consequence: it is exactly the intent.
Message on calling the White House number was that the White House comment line is currently closed and that comments should be submitted on-line. Given the behavior of this president and his staff to date, my immediate reaction was not to send an email for fear of being tagged and entered in a database of undesirables. If my reaction is at all representative of others' state of mind, our nation is in serious trouble and in need of great courage from private citizens such as myself to bring the ship of state through this storm.
G (Maryland)
This is an excellent article, and one that saddens me deeply. I'm a practicing Christian and a fierce defender of a woman's right to choose. I see no incompatibility in my personal philosophy. We all know that women in the developing world don't want to impoverish themselves and their children further, by having another child. It's immoral to deny these women counseling on contraception and access to safe abortion, if they choose the latter. I didn't despise Trump until he did this. Now I can't stand him.
cgtwet (los angeles)
I've been thinking about the anti-abortion argument. They say they are morally against killing the life of an unborn fetus. These are also the same people who are against the government intrusion into our lives. But they are not against the government intruding into the lives of women when it comes to who has control over their bodies. This is what I suggest: Anti-abortionists need to get consistent with their message. If you want government to intrude into the private reproductive lives of women by forcing women to have babies against their will, then you must not stop there. You need to continue wanting government to intrude by having government pay for the full cost of raising that baby to age 18. Be consistent. Either we want government intruding or we don't.
Mickey (New York, NY)
Ultimately it's about control. It's about the sociopathy of the billionaire complex who need to control banking, energy, schools, borders, the media, and womens' bodies. They will not stop until they dominate and subjugate every aspect of our lives because they are a frightening combination of sick and powerful. In our Orwellian reality war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength. The populists have been duped into believing that rolling over for these entitled psychopaths will bring them some kind of deliverance or at least vindication. It will deliver a boot on their throat, especially girls and women.
John Flemming (Cabos, Mexico)
My wife and I live in rural Pennsylvania - Trump country.
The Catholic church we attended has a very active "pro-life" group. They and the Bishop preached only one issue in the election. My wife and I saw it differently and could not conceive of having that issue trump the insanity we perceived in this flawed candidate.
We stopped attending. We will use some of the money we sent to the church to support women's health in poor countries around the world.
Not sure if and when we will attend that church where there are many friends and good people. It's painful to see spiritual and political ideas collide but sometimes you have to make tough choices.
JGrondelski (PERTH AMBOY, NJ)
Maria Stolpes is as much about "cancer screening" as Planned Parenthood is about prenatal care: nada. Both are enterprises that make money almost exclusively off abortion, but find it useful to trot out other procedures when the dirty little secret of their abortion focus becomes too prominent. American taxpayers should not be forced to subsidize abortions here or abroad, nor should we be subverting pro-life protections in other lands. This is no war against women. It is a blow at the lucrative profits of abortionists who make their blood money off of death and want to globalize that enterprise.
Medea (San Francisco)
No one becomes pregnant for the express purpose of seeking an abortion. It's a painful, haunting decision. To place millions of poor women in the position of having to forgo sexual relations with their mates, or to try to fight off unwelcome advances for fear of pregnancy, all because Trump (read: Pence and the religious zealots he represents) have decided to end funding is nothing short of diabolical.
By the way, I phoned the White House to comment. The phone line is closed.
Davitt M. Armstrong (Durango C O)
I am pro-life and anti-abortion. Therefore, I shall continue calls for increased funding for education, access to birth control, reproductive counselling, and support of Planned Parenthood. Furthermore, unless I am specifically asked by a friend or loved-one about my opinions pertaining to abortion, I will continue to mind my own gawddamned business, and to offer whatever support as may be requested, should any woman that I know find herself in a position to be making these extremely difficult choices. These decisions are no more my business than they are the business of that motley collection of ogly, ignorant old men.
Nat (Princeton, NJ)
That's a reasonable position. But the thing about politics is that we Americans are deeply divided about what's a private matter (each person's own business) and what's not. Is abortion a private matter, or should it be illegal in some or most circumstances? (The majority of Americans, men and women, believe it should be illegal in some circumstances; most people don't think it's entirely a private matter.) Is the decision to chose to whom you want to sell cakes a private matter, to be left to each cake seller, or is it something that should be regulated? The question of how and where to draw the line between the public and the private is itself a public matter. It's the sort of thing that we as a people need to decide together, unless we want to give up our commitment to democracy and shared governance.
Mark Thomason (Clawson, Mich)
I knew a woman who had eight abortions, last I'd heard, probably more since.

She was a prostitute. She had no idea who the fathers were.

She was also mentally ill, and had trouble caring for herself.

Her as single mother would have been cruel, probably murderous.

Likely the kids would eventually have been taken away and dumped into a foster family nightmare for life, after the nightmare of life with her had already damaged them. The foster system means well, but it does NOT work.

There are so many problems with that, on so many levels, long before we get to abortion -- her untreated mental illness, her drug dependence, her life of prostitution as her survival choice, the utter disaster of life for children born into that.

In the face of such things, pro-life is a fantasy that completely refuses to see reality.
Mary Coyle (Saint Louis, MO)
I cannot understand how anyone can call themselves "Pro-Life" while supporting the systematic deaths of so many. Women in many countries, including the US, will have unwanted pregnancies, whether they occur because of rape, deference and control (rape) in a marriage, date rape, etc. Men in these instances bear zero responsibility or accountability. It is a human right for women to have access to contraception, at a minimum, and access to safe abortions and women's' healthcare as an inherent right. Increasing deathly self-abortions is not Pro-Life. Women dying and suffering unnecessarily due to lack of basic healthcare is not Pro-Life. Our narcissistic, psychopathic new President is ill-informed, and pandering to his Base only. I agree that in order to keep the GOP united in their agenda, they must keep those abortions coming. They need them for a united opposition to an issue. If they were to end in entirety, the GOP falls.
Robert Samuelson (Chevy Chase, MD)
I greatly enjoy Nick Kristof's columns and appreciate his considerable passion for humanity. This column unfortunately does not reflect well on him. In lieu of this column's histrionics and inflammatory anecdotes, I recommend you read the Kaiser Family Foundation's description of the Mexico City Policy, which is very straightforward and devoid of emotive language (see link below). It's very simple, actually: NGOs can continue to provide all the contraception and services that they do currently, they just need to stop promoting abortion as one of the options for pregnant women. NGOs that chose not to accept U.S. taxpayer funding are free to continue to discuss abortion options. Blaming the future deaths of African mothers on President Trump is beyond the pale and discredits Kristof. U.S. taxpayers have zero obligation to provide funding to foreign NGOs in the first place, and it's wonderfully generous that we make millions in funding available to them. As of this week, they simply need to stop discussing abortion. If you want to blame someone for the deaths of pregnant women in Africa, perhaps look forward to their own country's government and community, not the United States. We are not responsible for addressing all the suffering in the world, and we are not required to solve everyone else's health issues. I'm so glad we're able to help to the extent that we do.
Grimpy (DesMoines IN)
Good that there are people that make a very sensible nuance: in the Netherlands f.i. (to many Americans such a liberal country) one doesn't speak of birth CONTROL, one speaks of anti-conception, because it there, right before the "act" were responsabilities start. (Young) People are very much aware how to prevent pregnancy, anti-conception is accessible to everyone, and we have among the lowest abortion rates in the world! Abortion is always possible within the first 3 months of pregnancy, at a later period of time, there have to be medical, psychological or other severe reasons (as in the case of rape). And we did't have discussions like in the US. So we have the right of abortion, AND the rights of the unborn child well protected.
mapleaforever (Windsor, ON)
" Blaming the future deaths of African mothers on President Trump is beyond the pale and discredits Kristof. U.S. taxpayers have zero obligation to provide funding to foreign NGOs in the first place, and it's wonderfully generous that we make millions in funding available to them."

Nice. Keep putting strings on foreign "aid", based upon your beliefs. How magnanimous. "Hey, you! Yeah, you -- hungry guy. Here's $50, but you have to spend it only on bibles, and a bus token to a Salvation Army soup kitchen."
joanB (seattle)
How about reducing the funding we send to Israel too?
A reader (NEW YORK)
Yesterday I spoke with a friend about the repeal of Obamacare and she said she had a female friend who is on Obamacare, who recently went to have a prescription filled which had been covered before. She was told that her insurance company would not cover it. It seems the recent Executive order to delay if possible applying the rules of Obamacare has already kicked in for some like her, who can least afford it.

By not funding overseas clinics who do abortion counseling (not necessarily abortions), family planning and women's health in general, Trump is hurting countless poor women and studies have shown that lack of available family planning options actually increases abortions and undoubtedly unwanted babies. Does Trump want the number of desperate refuges to increase?.

Many women use Planned Parenthood as their primary healthcare location and place for early cancer screenings. By defunding that organization he is potentially hurting many US women.

Deleting Obamacare with no clear replacement with the repeated myth that it is a "disaster" will result in many problems and expense for millions of people and is already causing anxiety, suffering and expense as in the case of the woman mentioned above, already affected with a denied prescription.
DM (Hawai'i)
I'm wondering how many of the people who think Trump's order is a good thing have ever lived among people outside of their comfortable US cities (or towns).

I have. I did anthropological fieldwork in the Southwestern Pacific among people with no access to birth control. It was not rare for women (and men) to come to me asking where they could get it. It wasn't possible. The Catholic church controlled the schools and hospitals. The colonial adminstration bowed to the wishes of the church and although in theory a woman could get help from them, in practice it was impossible.

I never saw women die in childbirth or because of attempted abortions, but I saw something just as dangerous to their society: the consequences of uncontrolled population growth in a circumscribed area. I have seen this personally (I've been connected with these people for more than 40 years, seeing their population more than double, but their land area and resources remaining the same). Trump's order won't affect them, because there are no organizations offering reproductive health services in their area. But it will affect similar populations.

Trump's order may appear to be directed at abortion -- he and his followers may think so -- but it's going to remove fertility control options for these populations, and only a person truly (perhaps willfully) ignorant of the consequences for women, and men, and children, and local environments can applaud it. It's about so much more than abortion.
ahf (Brooklyn, NY)
It's only going to get worse! Join Planned Parenthood, join the ACLU, call your representatives. Trump and Pence don't care that they are actually living in the 21st century. The worst insult to all women is the 53% of women who voted for these horrendous policies and the sadistic, woman hating idiots who are implementing them. We're good for a pussy grab but not birth control. American women need serious self esteem counseling.
Irish Rose (Florida)
I cringed when Sean Spicer called President Trump "pro-life". He is the farthest from pro-life as one can get. He may be supporting some anti-abortion position, but he does not appear to care a wit about humanity. Pro-life is caring for living wages so mothers can house, feed, and clothe their children. It is about ensuring those children receive quality education, daycare, health care. It is about humane working conditions, respect for workers, fair housing, end-of-life care, elimination of capital punishment, respecting cultural differences, opportunities for immigrants, avoidance of unjust war,caring for the environment, plus many, many more critical issues that effect the sustainability of this planet and the life on it. Pro-life is clearly NOT Trump's strong suit...he is just using a position to satisfy a political agenda.
Susan Patterson (San Diego, Ca.)
I just read Kristol's article and decided to do what he suggested; call The White House. Guess what?.......The line is no longer in service!
njglea (Seattle)
Thanks for trying, Ms. Patterson. Cowards and bullies trying to hide. Find out where they live and get home numbers. Make their lives as miserable as they are trying to make OURS.

This will not stand in MY America. Not now. Not ever.
uwteacher (colorado)
Donate. Everyone can afford to give SOMETHING. Forego that latte once a week. Brown bag it on alternate Fridays. Do SOMETHING.

It's not enough to call and write and make comments here. There were 100's of thousands marching last week. If everyone gave 1 lousy buck a week or even once a month...
njglea (Seattle)
Yes, uwteacher, but also TAKE ACTION. Physical action. WE must not allow them to destroy things then pay for them ourselves. It's counter productive. Donate but DEMAND the organizations collaborate, plan physical actions and tell their supporters how to participate. That is the ONLY way. Money will not fix this.
mapleaforever (Windsor, ON)
" Money will not fix this."

Money ALONE will not fix this.
Irene (Kew Gardens)
Just tried to call the White House comment line - it is CLOSED!!!
Diana Holdsworth (Massachusetts)
You urge all marchers to call the White House, 202-456-1111, to protest the "global gag rule."

The White House comments line has just been CLOSED.

You have to send them a message via Messenger, etc. Good luck.
Wcdessert Girl (Queens, NY)
Women, it's time we stop waiting for our government to do right by us, and do right by ourselves. I say for every dollar the government takes away from Marie Stopes and Planned Parenthood we band together and make up the difference. I know it's hard. Many women are struggling to feed their own families, and pay for their own healthcare and contraception in our country. But we can try. And let's get our daughters involved. Bake sales for birth control! Potlucks for prenatal care! If ever there was a time for solidarity this is it. There are more women in this country than men and it's time we showed the strength of our numbers and our resolve to control our bodies and our destiny.

I am not rich, and my roof has several leaks that are going to cost I don't even want to think of how much. I've got student loans, health insurance premiums, and a kid with feet that seem to grow by the day, but I'm making a donation to Planned Parenthood and Marie Stopes today. Not just for myself, but for all women. Below are the links to donate. And to any men who support our cause, donate on behalf of the women in your life. Below are links to donate.;12833.donatio...
mapleaforever (Windsor, ON)
"I am not rich, and my roof has several leaks that are going to cost I don't even want to think of how much. I've got student loans, health insurance premiums, and a kid with feet that seem to grow by the day, but I'm making a donation to Planned Parenthood and Marie Stopes today."

Bless you, and may you live to be 1,000.
Lois Field (Edmonton, Alberta)
Please do keep informing us. But what is with the patronizing tone of your penultimate paragraph? Symbols--including pussy hats--convey a direct meaning. In this case it is that "the lives of women and girls" matter.
njglea (Seattle)
You mean the Top 1% Global Financial Elite Robber Baron/ Radical Religion Boys Party's war on women continues, don't you, Mr. Kristof?

There is only one way to stop the attacks on Women's Right To Choose What They Do With Their Own Bodies and Lives - enshrine the right in OUR United States of America Constitution.

Women have only ONE protected "right" in America - the "right" to vote - because it is enshrined in the Constitution. According to Wikipedia, "The Nineteenth Amendment (Amendment XIX) to the United States Constitution prohibits any United States citizen from being denied the right to vote on the basis of sex. It was ratified on August 18, 1920. Until the 1910s, most states did not give women the right to vote."

NOW is the time for Women and the men who love them to DEMAND an amendment to OUR Constitution that says, "No law shall be passed in the United States of America that discriminate based on gender." That is the only way to stop these ridiculous attacks on Women's Inalienable Rights to decide what they do with their own bodies and lives.

Women's organizations need to collaborate and make a single push for passage of the ERA NOW to capitalize on this historic moment in OUR history of America.
njglea (Seattle)
By the way, supposed "pro-life" women. You have nothing to fear when the ERA Amendment passes. You do not have to use contraception, family planning or have an abortion if you don't want. You can even pay for them yourselves.

It's YOUR choice.
Barbarra (Los Angeles)
This is the Republican agenda - Trump gets photo- ops in the Oval Office and increased business revenue all with Congressional approval. The Republicans turn ack the clock on civil liberties and women's rights. Congresswoman Cheney (Dick's daughter) approves of torture. Congress approves using taxpayer money to build and police "The Wall". The Dark side now runs the country.
Adirondax (Southern Ontario)
As a prisoner in his own hall full of mirrors where facts and lies merge into a single self-aggrandizing set of self promoting assertions, this president will willfully march towards his own destruction. Regrettably, he will cause significant harm to others along the way.

It is up to the citizens of both this country and others to limit the damage as much as is humanly possible.

As an intended consequence, this president will awaken the American democracy in ways he could never have imagined.

It will be his undoing.
rac (NY)
Yes, but I despair because women voted for Trump solely for the purpose of denying abortion rights to other women. How can we have any hope when there are women out there who wish for this pain, suffering and death to other women because they arrogantly wish to impose their church and religious views on other innocent women who do not share their religion. This is fanaticism and until it is confronted for what it is it doesn't matter whether Trump is a liar, psychopath, or mentally ill. It is women who are harming women more than anyone else by supporting Republican men's war on women. I have no hope until religion is confronted as the dangerous weapon that it is.
WMK (New York City)
I have always been pro life but I recently met by grand niece who is six months old. She is absolutely adorable and just one look at this precious baby and it is very easy to be pro life. She smiles, she giggles, she waves her arms and is so much fun to be around. If she had been aborted (which my niece would never in a million years have allowed to happen) my family would have been deprived of this bundle of joy. This has definitely reaffirmed my pro-life stance and has made me more positive then ever about the movement.
Slipping Glimpser (Seattle)
That's a charming account of your grand niece. I suspect that you are reasonable compared to the militant, religious nuts of the pro-life movement.

But life is, as conservatives are fond of saying, messy and difficult. I've no problem with a pro life stance until it takes the arrogant attitude that it must be the same for all in all situations.

Do not try and force your beliefs on the rest of us through the instruments of law, shame, antagonizing, threatening, bombing, murdering our doctors and their aides, protesting in such pious, self-righteous ways.

Don't Tread On Us.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Abortions came to an all time low under Obama. Trump promises to return to the days of higher abortions. Own your cynical choice.
CJ (New York)
No one would deny you your right to never consider an abortion for yourself.
repeat....for yourself
I deny your assumed right that your religion should control my life.
I fully suspect that you would not want to contribute any substantial part of your taxes
to provide "bundle of joy" status to those children whose mothers across the world
who are poor, raped, or facing death and who might simply be unable to support them.
and leave them abandoned in every possible way......and subject to who
knows what....but we do happen to know what........and now in a stroke of pure
brilliance trump (read pence) would also deny prevention....Blocking money for
contraception and organizations that provide that help to women on the most basic levels.
I must tell you I can't find anything about your sense of morality that is actually moral.
Check with the Pope......he is able to agree with your "philosophy" but
has the decency to understand the suffering and the plight of others

......your eyes seem unable to see further
than the one "bundle of joy"born of a mother who had the ability to make a choice.
....a choice that she had.... which has the legitimacy of your approval.... that is your
definition of what's right?
I must say...that's pure vanity
Chris Parel (McLean, VA)
And so the ugliness begins. But is the media equipped to address policies and practice with such toxic consequences? Two suggestions. First, it's time to put aside editorial squeamishness and call out the administration's polices, Trump and his enablers for the murderous consequences of what they are about and especially of vulnerable populations. Second, in addition to 'Pinochios' the press should be handing out 'Skeletons' to measure the morbidity and death likely to follow from their pronouncements and actions.
A. Davey (Portland)
This is a compelling and persuasive column, but someone needs to do some investigating on the American genesis of Trump's order to defund women's health programs overseas.

Which newly emboldened pressure groups in the US were involved in making this one of the President's priorities in Week One of his term?

Where is their money coming? Which of their operatives are being given positions in the administration? What other favors are they going to ask in return for their support of this pathological liar who now occupies the Oval Office?
Karen (Minneapolis)
I find it incomprehensible that intelligent people are still puzzling over the motivations of this president for anything that he does. Nicholas Kristof, do you seriously believe that Trump cares about "pro-life?" (Do you remember his history with that question? Do you really think he had change of heart?) Do you think that his actions with regard to providing access to contraception and services other than abortion to these poor women have anything to do with a sincere conviction about policy? While I'm sure he has given it no thought, Trump's mind would not be altered by meeting any or all of the women affected by his order and learning their tragic stories. When will we learn that nothing he does is about anything other than about satisfying his insatiable need for approval and applause, and failing that, simply for the spotlight, no matter how ugly and repulsive it may reveal his decisions and actions to be? There will be no appealing to the man on the basis of anything other than how it affects HOW people perceive him and, most of all, THAT they perceive him to be the center of the universe, whether they view him as wonderful or terrifying. (My sense is that he would love it if it were both.)

We are still responding to Trump by thinking we continue to live under a government that makes sense. I truly wonder how long it is going to take before we abandon that delusion and start seriously figuring out how to keep going despite the absurdity of our situation.
RSM (Virginia)
Fantastic article, Mr. Kristoff. It is so important to put a specific human face to this issue because so much propaganda regarding abortion involves the idea that women seeking abortions are promiscuous women too lazy to take "responsibility" for their children, who hate babies and motherhood, etc. People who perform abortions don't care about human life. I heard that propaganda for so many years growing up Catholic. Nothing could be further from the truth. As a big supporter of MSF (Doctors without Borders), I see many of their publications full of stories of midwives and OBs taking great personal risk to deliver and take care of babies and their mothers in the most dangerous and remote places in the world. These are people who established facilities to take care of women giving birth who had Ebola, an extremely dangerous endeavor. They show real courage and love of all life.
Researching Mama (USA)
The gag rule only takes away the ability of PP to discuss abortion. PP is the one choosing to not give ANY services if they can do abortions.
Attention anti-choice zealots: if you consider reinstatement and expansion of the Global Gag Rule to be a victory, pay attention to actual facts. This maneuver will cause MORE abortions and MORE maternal deaths worldwide. More unsafe abortions, which means more deaths of mothers and children. Existing children will be orphaned, left to starve and be exploited. Children who are raped will be forced to bear their rapists' children, in bodies far too young to handle it, resulting in more trauma and death. Women will be forced to birth babies profoundly damaged by lack of prenatal care and diseases like Zika, in places with no help or services to care for them. This suffering and death is what you call "pro life"?

Abortion is medical care and must be safe and legal. Abortion is prevented by easy access to contraception, fact-based sex education, and social policies supporting access to health care, child care, and women's economic participation. Since the Trump administration is targeting all those things as well, just admit this isn't about protecting women or babies - it's about power, hate, and control. "Pro life" - it would be a joke if it wasn't so desperately sad.
Researching Mama (USA)
Abortion is not medical care. You act like it's better for a child to be put to death up front than have a chance to live. You dispose the disabled so greatly that you believe they should die. PP chooses whether or not to provide birth control if they can't discuss or provide abortions. Maybe your argument should be with them.
MBTN (London)
The photo of the all white men surrounding the president requires no caption. For all of the Republicans that contend that the war on women is manufactured, please explain why government funding of abortion and even birth control is anathema to these men, yet Republican Congressman voted decisively to subsidise Viagara for erectile disfunction through Medicare B.
Michael Hutton (Maryland)
I believe that law was rejected in June 2005. Did you see it passed elsewhere?
JGrondelski (PERTH AMBOY, NJ)
Let's get over this "war on women" trope. Pro-abortionists have for too long arrogated to themselves the false claim that they speak for all women (how do you explain Trump winning various female demographics?) The sponsor and floor manager of HR 7 in the House of Representatives--cutting off Planned Parenthood's snout in the public money trough--was a woman. There are women supporting a Human Life Amendment. There will be plenty of women at tomorrow's March for Life (a fact the New York Times will almost certainly ignore). The first woman to be a potential Democratic VP, Lindy Boggs, was sidelined because she was pro-life, her enormous other achievements notwithstanding (and certainly no less important than Gerry Ferraro). What people are beginning to see (though, apparently, not Nicholas Kristof) is that not all women are at war with their children.
Dennis D. (New York City)
Trump loves grabbing women by, whatever, as he would say.
And women know exactly where to place a well-timed kick.

Women know what to do with a chauvinist like Trump. This hideously coiffed idiot is a dinosaur long thought extinct many moons ago.
Not quite. There are still some roaming the earth, and still enough White Racist Americans out there to at least give him an Electorally-rigged victory.

Not in 2018. Dems and Never Trumpers will not sit back and stay home next year. And if Trump and Pence are still in office come 2020 they will be getting a swift boot to the groin.

It is up to the Dems in Congress to do what Republicans tried to do with President Obama. Make Trump a one-term lame duck. Deny, obstruct, stall, do whatever it takes until we can return a legitimate president to the White House. Let's place an asterisk next to #45. Never our president.

Gignere (New York)
Unfortunately 53% of white women voted for DT so evidently a majority of white women don't know what to do with a chauvinist other than meekly going into the kitchen and cooking for him.
JABarry (Maryland)
Unpresidential Trump is a liar AND mentally ill. He is delusional but his lies ARE intentional. Most of his lies are petty and self-serving; lies to feed his ego, lies to create an illusion for his bumper-sticker thinking supporters. But as Mr. Kristof points out, his lies have serious consequences. Trump will cause suffering and death.

Trump and the GOP are lying to the American people. They are not alone in their lies; Trump's supporters are lying to themselves. Trump supporters are not so deluded that they don't know right from wrong, but they are willing to suspend reality to perpetuate the illusion which Trump and the GOP have sold them.

Calling upon Trump to recognize the consequences of his lies is an exercise in futility. He does not care about the consequences, does not care who is harmed or how many. He only cares about getting his face on Time Magazine and hearing his name on the evening news. He is mentally ill.

I continue to call my representatives but I believe we need another "March" on Washington. We need to bring Washington to a standstill. Instead of people simply marching in the streets we need a million people to drive their cars into Washington and park them in the streets. We need these people to block the entrances to the Metro, the train station, bus terminals and airport access roads. We need 'A Day Washington Stood Still.'

Republicans have shut down government, threatened to destroy our credit. Let's give them a taste of their own medicine.
Charles Danielson (Wayne, Maine)
The gag order is bad policy. It doesn't work. The only way it could work is by keeping women ignorant and more resource deprived. At a base level this is an anti education, paternalistic, ineffective policy. A more angry description is that this is really about controlling sex. The linkage between bragging about grabbing women on a bus and worsened women's health is clearer.
I thank Mr Kristof for personalizing the real world of poor pregnancy outcomes. I would like to hear from recipients or frontline providers about the day to day impact on preventive services and women's options or decisions.
Researching Mama (USA)
It only prevents the discussion of abortion with American public funds. Planned Parenthood is the one who chooses not to give any birth control if they can't talk abortions.
Galbraith, Phyliss (Wichita, Ks)
Thank you , sir. There is no more surefire way to remain in poverty and misery than to have too many children. NO one is calling for taxpayer funding abortions, that is a bald face lie, a rallying cry for extremists.
This stunt has Pence written all over it, let's just call him and his ilk what they are, the American Taliban. Trump is just the front man. Once again, we all live on the same planet, the single greatest threat is overpopulation. Why is that so difficult to process? Women are not farm animals, meant
Or forced to breed incessantly. Education and contraception is an easy and relatively cheap option. Women's rights are global survival.
Franklin Tew (Chapel Hill)
As a resident physician in the emergency department years ago, I saw women who were rendered sterile or who died from poorly performed abortions. This firsthand experience convinced me that women chose what is best for themselves. Pro Choice for each woman is prudent and proper.
Researching Mama (USA)
Abortion has been legal for almost 50 years. Your viewing of women from illegal abortions had nothing to do with them being legal or discussed. We aren't outlawing abortion in other countries - simply removing US funding of them. And PP is the one choosing to stop providing birth control if they can't talk abortion.
Julie (Henahan)
To those who criticize US programs that support family planning, education, disease control and eradication, food security, clean water, etc. overseas--these efforts will be cheaper in the long run than dealing with the consequences of ignoring the problems now. It is not only the humane thing to do, but may also be our (the planet's) salvation in the future.
Jack (Boston)
Women should have access to abortion without government approval. Since government pays for much of the health care around the world, it has a say in how that care is delivered. So if we take the government out of the health business, patients and doctors could more easily make their own decisions about health care delivery, including abortion.
sanderling5 (MD)
Mr. Kristof, eve. If Donald Trump could witness some of the heart-rending incidents you describe, I sincerely doubt that it would matter to him. Trump adopted a "pro-life" position to win votes. The anti-choice community cares more for theoretical children than it does for real, living human beings. That is abundantly clear from its adamant opposition to medically accurate sexuality education, to accepting that contraception , and full access to contraception are ways to help women plan their families, and have children in safety. No, the anti-choice community would rather inpose their own blinkered and limited views. In the mean time, women will suffer and die.
Researching Mama (USA)
That bill does not restrict anything but the US paying for speaking of or performing abortion. Planned Parenthood is the one who says they refuse to provide ANY services if they can't "talk" abortion!
Colenso (Cairns)
'There were lots of protests about the Dakota Access Pipeline, and there will be more, but to me the greatest injustice toward Native Americans is the inequity in education and health care on reservations.' ~ Nicholas Kristof

Nicholas, respectfully I must disagree, and at the same time lament your apparent lack of historical perspective on such matters.

The greatest injustice to Native Americans is the wholesale theft of their lands, leading to their wholesale 'relocation', accompanied by the wholesale, deliberate breaking of treaties that America's First Peoples solemnly and entered into with the white men who had invaded their countries and destroyed their nations, pathetically trusting their conquerors finally to do a semblance of the decent thing and keep their word.

Of course, the white men didn't keep their word. It was all talk, bluster, and empty promises. This remind you of anyone?

With due respect to your good intentions here, Native Americans don't need bleeding heart liberals (like you and me and the rest of our ilk) from our patrician pedestals to hand out public services to the First Peoples like schools, sickness care, and all the rest, as if it were candy rewarding school children.

Native Americans need justice. Justice for America's First Peoples needs to start with the Federal US Government, every US state and Washington DC, and every local government honouring the broken treaties.

Read and learn from your own history!
Mike BoMa (Virginia)
No need to be conflicted: he's a crackpot liar who strikes out at any target he believes is weak and will produce adulation and fleeting acceptance. Sadly, he believes women's' rights is such a target. The recent historic march may not have caused him to stop or blunt his attack. Indeed, as we now know is his practice, he's doubling down. Women and everyone who oppose this religiously-inspired diminution of their rights now need to channel their obvious power into political campaigns at all levels with particular focus on 2018, current legal actions, and an ongoing sharp and savvy media presence. Trump intends to do so much so fast that it'll be more difficult if not practically impossible to dismantle it all.
George Ovitt (Albuquerque)
A handful of bitter ironies--I hope the good Republicans (I know you're out there) reading this will forgive me, but your GOP makes it difficult to think otherwise:

Republicans love "freedom" more than our government, more than civil life, more than actual people--except when it comes to a woman's freedom to manage her own body in the most intimate matters.

Republicans believe in "limited government"--except when it comes to government telling women what to do in their family lives.

Republicans love fetuses. Living people, not so much.

Republicans love God--oh they really, really love God--except when it comes to their God's teachings on mercy, forgiveness, and love. Then these Pharisees are quick to hurl the first stone.

Republicans pretend to recoil at Islam's "treatment of women," but the truth is they see women in precisely the same way as their enemies--as lesser creatures to be defended from their own sexuality and denied human dignity and autonomy.

Secure in their knowledge that they will never themselves have to make a difficult moral choice--do Republicans think having an abortion is of no consequence to a woman?--the gray Republican men grinning around Mr. Trump as he signs his odious order can afford to be smug. But any moral being understands that there's no virtue in doing what is easy.

How about a law mandating castration for those found guilty of sexual assault? No? I thought not.
Andre van As (Florida)
Look at the picture accompanying Kristof,s excellent article.

Trump surrounded by his sycophants

Fat Cat Bannon smirking in there background and relishing in the realization that his stated intent to use Trump as a vehicle to reshape American political culture is being realized.

Sanctimonious Pense viewing the documents and actions with satisfied reverence.

The women's movement has the potential of wielding it's tremendous power to create a "Women's Spring" through the use of social media, demonstrations and marches such as we had last weekend. More importantly men have to be seen to join and be heard in this effort to confront the irrational behavior that threatens to cloud clear thinking, and effect the progressive life style that makes this a great country to live in
Sandi Shaw (Thomasville GA)
The White House Comment line is closed! I guess they don't want to hear from women. O surprise!
Beth (Oregon)
Mr Kristof, please provide a list of religious organizations who continue their work on the ground providing health care for women in countries where federal funding will be cut so we can support them at grassroots levels.
It will be the job of the true church to continue laboring to love women with the love of Jesus, provide training to midwives in communities to prevent eclampsia and postpartum hemmorhage, as they have always done, without government assistance. The church in the USA needs to wake up and see this president for who he is, and not give up fighting for the least of these around the globe and in our country.
Mary Kirk (Pawleys Island, SC)
Many of the women and men who marched last weekend in Pussyhats have been foot soldiers in this War on Women (which I don't view as hyberbole) for decades. They don't need to be reminded to "please, keep on marching."

Sadly, this most recent battle isn't just about Trump. For many years, the Republican Party has favored these policies and actively worked to pass legislation at the state, federal and global levels that restrict women's health care (not just reproductive care choices).

I study these things, and I have never understood why the same political party that so abhors abortion also actively denies women access to affordable birth control, and even general health care. Can anyone answer that question for me?

However, what IS new about this iteration of the perpetual War on Women is to have the Executive Order signed by a "P-grabbing," thrice married, perpetrator of multiple sexual assaults. It's OK for him to grab whatever he wants, but women still pay the price for being "grabbed."
Carol Wilson (Bloomington, IN)
If you ever come to understanding, please let us all know. My thought is that the modern Republican party subscribes to the "keep 'em barefoot and pregnant" school of Neanderthal thought. But I must say I was heartened by the large number of men marching last weekend.
Steve Parliament (Puerto Morelos, Mexico)
Your argument that cutting off family planning and contraceptive funding will have the result of increasing abortions is exactly correct. Why does the so-called "pro-life" movement persist? I attribute it to a sinister and unspoken motive in the GOP agenda. The one clear policy that keeps the GOP in power even among low-income families who need government services is the honest opposition of many people to abortions. Therefore, to keep the GOP united it is absolutely imperative to keep the need for abortions coming. Planned Parenthood is a threat to the one issue that unites the GOP, and they can never let family planning deny them that very effective issue. The pro-life movement will never support quality contraception and family planning. That would destroy them. Now they want to increase the need for abortions worldwide. Ugh.
WMK (New York City)
The March for Life in which I will be attending tomorrow now has a reason to celebrate. We finally have friends who are paying attention to us and it is so encouraging. Our efforts have paid off.

Republicans are the party that have been against abortion and see the dignity of every human life. We have seen eight years of the most liberal policies being passed and it so refreshing to finally have someone on our side.

Being pro life is pro woman and is very empowering. Saving the innocent live in the womb is paramount to us and is something we have been promoting since Roe v. Wade was passed in 1973. We will not give up this very important cause and it is nice to know we are being given support from our Republican friends. This gives us cause for celebration as we carry on with our pro-life message.
Steve (Philadelphia)
Both pro-life and pro-choice claim to take the moral high ground so it would seem like there is an opportunity to unite somehow and avoid wearysome scrapping with each other. How about the gist of this article, that restricting access to contraception results in more deaths? Is that troubling, or do we discount it as being true but that it adds unwanted complexity to the issue? Shoud we forge on with a more-death policy?
DM (Kansas)
How do you figure?? Did you not read the article? I can understand being pro-life, I get it, you have religious beliefs that says a baby is a gift from "God" or something like that. But how do you explain "God" allowing a father to rape his daughter, even religious fathers, which then results in the child becoming pregnant and said child having to endure a lifetime of torture every time they look at the child born of rape. If "God" is truly all knowing and omnipotent then he knew that was going to happen, not only did he know it was going to happen he knew about it millions, billions, and trillions of years ago. It's nice to see that you support torture. I don't get how you can sit there without a guilty conscious and support taking away a persons right to choose. For those who are against abortion they should have the right to choose not to get an abortion just as those who are not against it should get to choose. Oh, and before you get all high and mighty and say its the victims fault they got raped or got pregnant, many women and girls are not actually given that choice. Many women/girls are forced to have sex, especially those who are religious. Men and husbands often to not give the women/girls in their lives the option to not have sex.
Jean Louis (Kingston, NY)
How nice you're feeling "refreshed" by having someone on your side. Now read the column and explain how this gag rule saves a life.
E. Ted (Portland)
I appreciate this column. Thank you. The main problem I see with this approach is that Kristof feels the need, as all journalists apparently do, to dance around the act of fixing responsibility for these abhorrent actions where it belongs. As the author only implied, Trump is merely carrying out Republican Party policy that it has advocated for decades. He is not out of step with Congress; he is fulfilling his promises made to a Republican party that nominated him. One serious problem, among a few, that we are discovering about our Constitution is that there is no practical solution for the election of a psychopath to the highest office. The only way to remove him is impeachment, and that can only be done by the House of Representatives which is now organized and controlled by the Republican Party. Since terms are for two years, there is no remedy for the failure of our polity to elect a competent president other than resort to that institution. Those members are unlikely to do anything unless and until their political futures are threatened. Sure, march, call, scream, yell and cry but the only remedy for what is a political failure is political action.
Belinda (Cairns Australia)
In a word, VOTE. Every chance you get to vote, do it
Steve Renovo (Central PA)
The problem is that Mr. Trump is ill informed and easily swayed.
Nothing the news media nor millions of protesters can do say or do will ever have an effect.
The only thing that will work with this man is the removal of the charlatans that surround him and replacing them with advisors with more liberal/progressive views.
That will never happen.
The ill educated who elected him do not believe the media - The statistics tell it all - ~25% of Americans are college educated and ~1/4 to ~1/3 of Americans trust the media. The link seems to be education and that is a different story.
Tempiku (New York)
If the global gag rule is upsetting to you, please donate to the International Women's Health Coalition:

IWHC advances the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and young people, particularly adolescent girls, in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. IWHC furthers this agenda by supporting and strengthening leaders and organizations working at the community, national, regional, and global levels, and by advocating for international and U.S. policies, programs, and funding.

IWHC builds bridges between local realities and international policy by connecting women and young people in the Global South to key decision-makers. In doing so, IWHC brings local voices to global debates and in turn, makes global processes and policies more understandable and actionable at the local level.
joanne (Pennsylvania)
Trump signed the order surrounded by 7 other men. The photograph remains a symbol of a patriarchal government clamping down on women's rights.
Following a global protest march by millions of women and girls, a highly unpopular wealthy man known to demean women as mere objects destroys the lives of the poorest women in the world so he can please his evangelical base.
What he has done is construct a cruel barrier of access to women’s health services. Women are treated as children whose doctors cannot advise them.
Pro-Choice NARAL notes "Trump’s reinstatement of the global gag rule officially turns his anti-woman, anti-choice rhetoric into policy."

And the Republican Party's response to the Women's March is that the first bill out of the gate that the House of Representatives passed under Donald Trump is a sweeping anti-abortion bill.
With a goal of rolling back the progress women have achieved since access to legal abortions was ruled to be the law of this land.
So much for gender equality and the right to determine one's own reproductive future.
Let's not forget Mr. 1950's Trump also said if a woman is sexually harassed at work, she should get another job.
joanB (seattle)
8 men making this (momentous) decision. Surprised that "motormouth" Conway isn't in the frame.
h leznoff (markham)
in addition to working to counter this latest assault from trump, consider keeping an eye on alternative (international) funding mechanisms like this one:

"The Netherlands is launching a global fund to help women access abortion services to compensate for U.S. President Donald Trump's ban on U.S. federal funding for foreign groups providing abortions or abortion support for family planning abroad.

The Dutch government has held preliminary discussions on the initiative with other European Union members who have responded positively, a foreign ministry spokesman said on Wednesday.

Governments outside the EU, companies and social institutions will also be approached to participate....,
MRO (Virginia)
The self-deceived "pro-life" commenters here illustrate the problem. People who call themselves "pro-life" never seem to stop and ask themselves whether the policies they advocate are actually pro-life.

They're not. So-called "pro-life" policies do not reduce abortion rates but drive them underground and in many cases increase abortions by degrading access to decent healthcare and contraception.

Even worse, thoughtless "pro-life" policies cripple healthcare providers' ability to provide adequate prenatal care, increasing mortality rates - more dead women, more dead babies, and in many cases more motherless children.

The countries with the lowest abortion rates and lowest infant and maternal mortality rates do not follow the egregiously misnamed "pro-life" model. They follow the Planned Parenthood model.

Pride and willful ignorance are a deadly combination.
Grant (Boston)
Mr. Kristoff has uttered an interesting statement that has Darwin turning in his grave, the absolute danger of procreating, the worst decision and greatest risk to health a woman can imagine. Conception as a danger is now the mantra, libido satisfaction good and birth bad. Leave nature out of the question and continue to utilize human engineering to solve all problems except when also toxifying the physical environment.

This progressive hallmark, emanating from the founder Margaret Sanger’s playbook, fuses a toxicity of the mind with foreign aid designed to reduce population growth in poor nations and neighborhoods as they are deemed inferior and merely add to the weight of the world. Perhaps this march for eradication, disguised as health needs to come to a halt for review.
David E (Boston, Ma)
Darwin was first and foremost a scientist and faced the wrath of the moralists and religious zealots of his time. His understanding of science has informed our understanding of the mechanisms of biology to the point where we have extended life, reduced death rates, and increased childhood survival. These have all adequately served the dominance and survival of our species. Each family, by the adoption of informed practices, can make decisions for what works in their lives and in their community. But natural selection has also caused the extinction of almost all dominant species along the way, and ours is probably not immune to that fate. Let's hope our evolved human intelligence can help us prolong what is probably our inevitable demise as a species.
Tempiku (New York)
I will call the White House and Congress, but calling simply to "protest" feels weak. For those who are opposed to this policy, where does our real power lie? Must we wait around to vote, swimming upstream against the influence of foreign powers and propaganda peddlers--only to see our representatives institute policies that keep us living in poverty (majority of minimum wage earners are women) and having our reproductive freedoms limited by men? Women are taxpayers yet the majority of taxes go to male-centric institutions like the military-prison-surveillance complex, infrastructure projects (when we are lucky), endless wars, etc. How can women funnel their resources into areas that are more supportive of women's equal humanity? I am tired of our weak complicity in our own oppression. We need more radicalism.
Sylvia B. Vogel (Ridge, NY)
Progress of the current women's movement is sorely needed. Having said that, the movement should embrace ALL women - including those who are against abortion. Waving placards insisting that the government keep its hands off women's bodies will not do anything to permanently keep the power structure at bay. Who takes charge of the entire issue of reproductive rights depends on the willingness of women - of differing views - to reason together with the goal of getting public policy to reflect their consensus as to what should be the law of the land. This will be no easy task as it will pit differing views about what is as desirable against what is actually possible in terms of legislation. Women need to stop fighting each other so that they can take ownership of this issue and be the ones to represent it politically. Who has as much right as women in this matter? As to an argument that men should have as much to say - how often do men come forward to take full responsibility for an unwanted pregnancy? Make no mistake about this: resistance to a women's movement goes beyond the issues it addresses - it is resistance to women gaining real political power. Never has there been a more crucial time for women to seize the day.
M. L. Chadwick (Portland, Maine)
Perhaps pro-choice and anti-choice women could rally around our common desire to reduce the number of abortions.

Efforts to do this include making contraception free or very inexpensive and easy to obtain; mandating comprehensive and accurate sex education in public schools; increasing the minimum wage so every pregnant woman will know she can support a child; passing the ERA; passing a generous single-payer national health insurance program; mandating a 6-month paid maternity leave from all jobs (federally funded)...
mapleaforever (Windsor, ON)
"Who takes charge of the entire issue of reproductive rights depends on the willingness of women - of differing views - to reason together with the goal of getting public policy to reflect their consensus as to what should be the law of the land."

So, let me get this straight -- the laws of the land usually reflect the will of the people? Hmmm, I didn't know that. I thought the laws that are usually enacted are based upon who has paid the most in campaign donations.

Silly me.
Rast Abmob (Off the grid)
80% of ALL people, men and women, support the right to safe and legal abortion. This number is virtually unchanged since 1974.

How many anti-choice women do you think actually exist?
Nat (Princeton, NJ)
The policy prohibits groups receiving federal funding from "actively promot[ing] abortion as a method of family planning" (Restoration of the Mexico City Policy). Groups providing health care to women in other countries have a choice: stop promoting abortion as a method of family planning, or stop receiving federal funding. Lots of women are harmed when pro-choice groups providing health care to women choose to stop receiving federal funding instead of choosing to stop promoting abortion. Why aren't the pro-choice groups to blame for the bad consequences which result from this choice? It seems to me that the consequentialist argument cuts both ways: neither side is willing to compromise its moral principles in order to do the thing which would result in less harm to women.
M. L. Chadwick (Portland, Maine)
Providing information about abortion, supporting a woman's legal right to have an abortion, and providing an abortion if she asks for one are not "promoting" abortion. They're enhancing a woman's right to make her decision.
Nat (Princeton, NJ)
Pro-choice groups are committed to "enhancing a woman's right to make her decision". That's a moral commitment. Whether or not it's a correct moral commitment isn't relevant to the point I was making. My point is that pro-choice groups won't compromise their moral commitment even if it means more women will suffer because they don't have access to other forms of family planning and health services. So, either pro-choice and pro-life groups are both to blame for the consequences related to contraception and other forms of health care not prohibited under the Mexico City Policy, or they both aren't.
It seems to me one side refuses to acknowledge that abortion is medical care and is between a woman and her doctor, and that organizations offering the full spectrum of health care options are the ones that actually care about women, families, and health.
Republican religious zealots in charge of our state and national governments don't care about evidence. They don't care about "life," or women, or even preventing abortions. If they did, they would adopt policies proven to reduce abortion rates AND improve the health and lives of women and families - basically, Democratic policy prescriptions, from comprehensive sex education in schools, to funding Planned Parenthood, to mandating contraception coverage by insurance companies, to foreign aid that promotes and supports family planning, to pre-natal care and education. No, what these Republican religious zealots (sorry I keep repeating the term, but we must be honest about who and what these people are) are interested in is controlling women's sexuality. No matter what the cost. Full stop.
Phil T. (New England)
I don't believe these Republicans care about sexuality or even religion. They care about getting re-elected and gaining their fat pensions. And if they can trick actual religious people into believing they are doing "God's Work", then the money will keep rolling in. Religion has nothing to do with the way they vote. It's all about money.
Vesuviano (Los Angeles, CA)
The stories contained in this column are horrible, and Mr. Kristof has done a great service by putting names and faces to the victims. But the policy is not just President Trump's, it is, and has been, that of the American Republican Party, which to me seems to have become a collection of crackpots, liars, or lying crackpots.

This column should be read by every low-information, "look for the good", evangelical Christian, too-lazy-to-read person in American who voted for President Trump. They need to be confronted with the evil that they do. I doubt that it would make a difference, though. The only time I've heard a Trump voter mention Africa was to say that then-President Obama should "go back" to it.

I'll be on the phone to all three of my elected representatives today.

Keep writing, Mr. Kristof.
Richard A. Petro (Connecticut)
Dear Mr. Kristof,
Easy enough, Trump is BOTH a "liar and crackpot".
His "decisions", other than the wall and destroying health coverage, are merely what Mr. Pence tells him he should say or sign into law.
For the "international stuff", Mr. Putin is only a phone call away.
wilson junior (foz do iguaçu)
I am Brazilian, but I believe that the President of any Country, in the case the US, has to worry about his fellow citizens. Health is an internal case, place and duty of the President of each Nation. Trump is sure to cut off money to other countries and redirect that money to the health of Americans in need. Trump is very correct. That's what he's going to do, and he'll have money left over from all these actions. Trump will make the American economy strong again. To the despair of thieves of public money around the world.
M. L. Chadwick (Portland, Maine)
Dear wilson junior: Trump is also determined to make contraception much harder for impoverished American women to obtain, by defunding Planned Parenthood, which will lead to an increase in the number of abortions in the US as well as in the rest of world.
William (Zurich)
Spoken by a citizen of one of the most unequal countries of the world. A country where some have drivers and safe guards and others die in emergency rooms before there problems can be addressed. A country that by economic numbers should look like Australia but instead many areas look like Mexico.
Brazil is headed for its own guilded age, and Americans can expect their poor to track north to the American border.
Jsbliv (San Diego)
No, you are confused as to the nature of these beasts. They will put money where their supporters will profit and seek to destroy and cripple anyone who does not agree with their "message". It's already started with the press and women, and soon states like California and Sanctuary Cities will feel the wrath of the little men in charge because they dare to stand up to them.
Mary Ann Starkes (West Haven,CT)
We are focusing on Mr. Trump, but there are a whole group of men and women behind him that are supporting and encouraging him toward this path of destruction. We need to be concerned and take action more broadly that just focusing on Trump. I hope that the Democrats currently in congress do what is necessary to address the decisions that are being made! However, we all need to do our part and continue to keep up the pressure and express our resistance to the direction that this administration is going.
David (Brooklyn)
Where is the Congress? Where are our representatives? Is this bully going to turn us all into wimps? What has happened to the idea of public health? What affects the one, affects the many. Have women lost the right to determine whether or not they will reproduce? What's next, the legalization of forced reproduction in the name of America First?
Christy (Blaine, WA)
What is Congress doing while Trump issues his diktaats? Is this going to be rule by executive order or are our lawmakers going to show some spine and rein in this egomaniac?
AE (France)
Why are you worrying? He has said on countless occasions that he is 'smart', his uncle was a 'smart' researcher at MIT, you know -- 'genetics'. I would love to be the proverbial fly on the wall during his brainstorming sessions with Bannon et Co.....
Mike Wilson (Danbury, CT)
We need a simple chart shown everywhere that shows estimated death and destruction resulting from Trump policies and laws. Tacked on many posts around the country and the world. We need universal accountability for Trump.
AE (France)
He would probably be flattered with the attention. Didn't Oscar Wilde say that one should start worrying only if they stopped talking about you?
Monty Reichert (Hillsborough, NC)
I teach a class on engineering design for global health with a focus on Uganda. During class I was asked my opinion on what the Trump administration will mean for the funding of things like meeting the Millennium Development Goals and what could be done about it. After holding my tongue for a count of 5 I recommended that you pay attention to what Trump actually does and not so much what he says. And if you don't like what he does then speak up, vote, call your state representative, organize locally etc. After class I had a conversation with two students who are actually from Uganda and one said "Do not under estimate this man. He is full of surprises." Reflecting this comment off of Kristof's article suggests that we should not just avoid underestimating Trump. We should also not be duped by deceptive tactics like the wall, voter fraud, and the size of his ... um ... inauguration audience. These are intended to get his detractors worked up over outrageous notions A and B so they might not devote more attention to substantive items C and D. Crackpot? Maybe. Knows how to tweak people? Youbetcha.
George (Burns)
No one explains why American tax dollars have to support abortions anywhere but in our country, if at all. Look past this great writer's use of horrific imagery. Why are whites so concerned about population control measures in Africa? Oh ...
Margaret Diehl (NYC)
Why do you think poor women want abortions? So they can go back to their wonderful careers or contribute to the destruction of their race? They want their living children to have food to eat and be able to go to school. Perhaps they would like enough to eat themselves. Smaller families and women having the means to control reproduction lead to increased income and social progress. Too many children lead to famine, war and despair. One could argue this is not our problem--that is, one could argue that if we weren't continually exploiting Africa's natural resources and destroying their livelihood with climate change.
sanderling5 (MD)
I sm concerned about reproductive mattwrs around the world, sir, because giving women and their partners access to information that allows them to make informed choices about whether, and when, they have children may mean the difference between children being born to a healthy mother and father who can provide for them, who have a reasonable chanceto survive and thrive
Patricia Craddock (Florida)
not relevant to the present argument, since no tax dollars fund abortions anywhere. This cuts off money for other health needs.
Scottilla (Brooklyn)
"there’s a counterargument that lying requires an intention to deceive"
This assertion does not seem to apply to Republicans, who, for 7 years, have called president Obama a liar because some doctors changed their insurance affiliations. If we are to call Donald Trump a liar, shouldn't we use his own definition? That would only make sense.
manfred marcus (Bolivia)
Trump's irrational and impulsive actions, no doubt implanted in his immature and gullible brain by religious fanatics, are doing great harm to a population at risk, all so unnecessarily cruel, even despicable, as the consequences of his executive orders are so devastating to life and health. Have we lost our marbles, allowing this unscrupulous and irresponsible cadre of 'old white men' to dictate ruin for so many women? Aside from the republican party's cowardice and hypocrisy in urging demagogue Trump to take anti-democratic measures, aren't we complicit in our silence? Marches with irate folks demanding justice may yet materialize, but for now too tentative and timid to discourage despicable Trump from assaulting reason, and stopping his lying stance.
Harold (Winter Park, FL)
In Pence's mind along with his Christian tribes pro-life faux dogma, their God has a 'plan'. When viewed in the context of the real effect their policies have on us, this plan includes crimes like the murder of innocents. The Netherlands is right to step up to the task of softening this blow to helpless women every where. Except for the US. The "war on women' here is real. Living in a US Red State is a dangerous place to be for women.

A group of middle aged white men stand around Trump while he gleefully signs his edicts. What kind of judgement day will they face? Pro-life is a misnomer for them, something like Death Panel would be more appropriate.
buffnick (New Jersey)
In the minds of pro-lifers, life begins at conception and ends at birth. Once a baby is born, they could care less about the welfare of the mother and child.
Steven (Marfa, TX)
Trump and Pence are now officially murderers of the poor, the helpless; of women and children.

They should be recognized and treated as such.

This fact precedes the next important one, which is that they are both traitors, with a long line of traitors trailing behind them in the Congress.

The United States of America no longer has a government.
AE (France)
The vandals at the White House underestimate the momentum of the snowballing opposition against the Great Leader. As the recent flap with the CIA indicates, the government's intelligence and military wings are not necessarily unanimously behind Trump....beware.
DR (New England)
Don't forget Paul Ryan.
sanderling5 (MD)
Pence, Trump, Paul Ryan, et al have blood on their hands, and as in "Macbeth ", no amount of scrubbing will ever make them clean.
Jennifer (NJ)
Every man in that picture, maybe even the one seated, is educated enough to know the gag rule will lead to more deaths, and that is okay with them since it has never been about preserving life.

What's he going to gag next, stories of women who were killed or maimed by illegal abortion, or raped by unscrupulous illegal providers? They hate it if rank and file abortion voters learned the facts.
charity reporter (Boston)
Mr. Kristof is right to point out that the 3.2 million women who marched had no effect at all on President Trump's decision, but he fails to ask the obvious question: Where were these women before the election? How many of them attended Hillary rallies, worked on her campaign?... Did any of them think about the energizing value of a huge march to show support for Hillary and opposition to Trump? Indeed, did all of these 3.2 million actually vote? I have seen a range of reports, but according to one (The Boston Globe (11/10/2016), Hillary would have won the election if she had received (spread across the three key states), 54,000 add'l votes. In other words: we liberals, Democrats, women, men, bear a lot (all?) of the responsibility for the result of the election that now we find so disturbing--and will for the next four years.
Duncan Lennox (Canada)
Hillary should have been out campaigning for Bernie to get the African American vote for him. HRC "won" the rigged Debbie Wasserman Shultz primary. That was the Dems downfall.
L. Albert (Boston, MA)
Yes to all of your questions. Now, we have to stay involved. Also, there are women who voted for Trump who do not agree with all of his policies, and we invite you to help keep women great!
charles doody (portland or)
I voted for Hillary and so did a lot of the people marching so quit parroting the Trump line that infers that none of the marchers voted.

Hillary won the popular vote by nearly 3M votes. And Trump's lie about massive voter fraud is Yuge.
Carol (Santa Fe, NM)
"Pro-life" is a disingenuous term for a disingenuous stance, which makes it a perfect match for our disingenuous president. The "pro-life"ers don't care about women, and they don't care about children after they're born. Trump's death warrant for third-world women is perfectly in line with the puritanical "pro-life" worldview because it punishes women for having sex.
Wendy Morganthau (NE)
Right on. Pro-lifers also punish women for being raped, as well as the victims of incest.
barbara chapman (25443)
i wonder how many abortions trump has paid for over the years?
Andrea (MA)
A bunch of men, at least one of whom we know is a molester, stand proudly to limit women's control over their own bodies. DEPLORABLE.
Rebecca (PA)
Liar OR a crackpot? Pence and Putin's puppet has demonstrated that he is both.
beth reese (nyc)
the first days of the new administration remind me of a line from the Bob Newhart show: "I knew it was gonna be bad, but I didn't think it would be this bad this early." Make those calls!
Mark (Rocky River, OH)
Some advice. Turn your head to the west from the ivory tower you work in. You know, towards Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Start worrying about the waitress and the home health aide who can't make ends meet, rather that the poor souls in Africa and beyond. It is the only way to win elections. Then you can proceed to save the world.
dawn (Stockton, NJ)
Plz take note: It is exactly those poor souls in the heartland who will feel the burn of Trump's policies the most, once they lose their health insurance, no longer have access to birth control or other affordable health services and government programs they've long enjoyed - and whose taxes will surely go up to pay for follies like Trump's wall.
MNimmigrant (St. Paul)
To compare the poverty in the US with the poverty in the world is disingenuous. It costs so little to save these women's lives. I have been a waitress, a single mother, and live in "fly over country" and my woes are nothing compared to the woes of these women and the tragedy of being born in one of these poor countries. The greed in this country absolutely shakes me.
Ben (Harrisburg, PA)
Oh, please. I’m so tired of this argument. Only one party has fought for a higher minimum wage, access to healthcare, school lunch programs, coverage of childcare expenses, improved housing for the poor, better treatment for veterans, Social Security, freedom for all individuals, a consumer watchdog, a clean environment, etc., etc., etc. Are they perfect? Far from it. Do they often aggravate me? Yes. But there is nothing in what the Republicans are offering that will help the poor and the working class in Ohio, Wisconsin, or my state, Pennsylvania. Nothing. I’m surrounded by Trump voters who think he’s going to make their lot in life better. Looking outward and trying to convince those who are closed, blinded by the lies of Rush and Hannity and Bill, who follow religious figures focused on prosperity but not the poor, is a near impossible task. And before you say the same about me, I’ve changed my tune on quite a few things because I listen to them, my stance on guns being one example. Many of us ARE looking outward. But they don’t back.
TD (New York)
Go for it, call them 'lies'. Watch the video of Kellyanne Conway on Meet the Press and, just as she's about to unleash 'alternate facts' on the national consciousness, takes a deep breath and closes her eyes in preparation for justifying those whoppers. If you've ever dealt with a self-serving liar, you've seen the body language - and she's got it in spades. (I find the hair flip after tops it off.) Honesty and truth don't have a snowflake's chance in Hell with this administration - so assume you won't get any.

She goes all in at 2:02 -
hen3ry (New York)
It's one thing to be anti-abortion for oneself. It's quite different when one forces that on others. This country claims to respect individuals rights to decide their own fate. As a woman I am tired of hearing that my reproductive capacity means that my rights to have an abortion if I want one are everyone's business but mine. I'm tired of reading that the fetus, which depends upon the uterus of the woman to shelter and nourish it, has more rights than the woman. I'm also tired of hearing that all women are frivolous creatures who want abortions for no reason other than destroying an unborn child.

We lambast women and families who have more children than they can support no matter how well those families have planned. We refuse to provide adequate assistance to families in general and families with children who are handicapped. We're willing to let our citizens live in poverty, go hungry, go without needed medical care, wind up in prison, or work for inadequate wages and live in poor housing. Then we castigate a woman if she's pregnant and doesn't want to have the child because she can't support it. Nine months later we call her irresponsible for having the child.

Forcing women to have children they do not want, cannot support, or that are handicapped is a crime. It's a crime not to allow abortions no matter what the reason. It's a crime to force women to have unwanted children. It's a crime against the women and the children. I know. I was the child.
Socrates (Verona NJ)
What's more American than a gag order ?

What's more irresponsible in a world of 7.4 billion people overpopulating our finite planet than a lack of sex education and a lack of access to contraception ?

Watch the world population explode on the attached link if you want a taste of of right-wing, religious ignorance, environmental overload, degradation and climate destruction.

Abortion is a personal female choice which no man in history has ever had to make.

But abortion of the climate and planet Earth is the official unspoken policy of America's Republican Party, whether they admit it or not.

Supporting overpopulation is a climate killer.

Supporting fossil fuels is a climate killer.

Supporting male supremacy is a human rights killer.

Supporting Republican Christian Shariah Law is bad for the planet, the climate, the future and very bad for women.

You cannot be 'Pro-Life' when you are actively raping and killing Mother Earth and your grandchildren's futures.

Fight the unAmerican Gag Rule and global Christian Shariah Law and Donald Trump's Princes of Destruction.

Donate to the International Planned Parenthood Federation

Give the Earth and women a chance.
hen3ry (New York)
I agree with everything you wrote Socrates. One thing I'd like to add however: while abortion is a personal choice no man has ever had to make it is a choice men have been asked to support and that men often do support. They support it if continuing the pregnancy can mean the death of the woman. They may support it if having another child means that they will be unable to provide for the family. And they may support it if the child will be handicapped and unable to have a decent life or will die shortly after birth due to problems that are incompatible with an independent life.

There are many nuances to what I'm suggesting here. However, if we respect individual rights and women we ought to be allowing women to decide what to do. My feeling is this: if you were to tell me that you wanted to have a child that was the result of rape for whatever reason I would support you. If you decided that you couldn't support a child, emotionally or financially and desired an abortion, I would support you. It's your body, not mine and I have no business telling you how to live your life.
George (Burns)
Why do american tax dollars have to support population control in other nations? Pro-Abortion is more ideological than Anti-abortion. You preach a gospel of global abortion. Do it without American tax dollars then.
Ethel Guttenberg (Cincinnait)
Socrates Very, very will said.
C Wolfe (Bloomington IN)
I vote for crackpot. And that's the scarier alternative.

Most women who have control of their reproductive health choose to have smaller families. Smaller families generally means a higher standard of living, fewer mouths to feed, and also more opportunities for women to flourish economically and otherwise.

And although I'm not a population hysteric, I do think we need to keep the birth rate at and ideally below replacement rate. On the right wing, more people means bigger markets and cheaper labor, hence more profit for the 1%, and that's all they care about.

They're so simpleminded that they think only in terms of forcing women to bear children and killing people to resolve conflict. Birth and death with suffering in between. That's the right-wing vision.
George (Burns)
In other words you're a socialist who believes in population control measures. Can you say People's Republic of China?
Phil Carson (Denver)
What's worse, and seems apparent in these decisions -- the gag rule, rolling back energy efficiency, a wall, repealing the ACA -- is that they are driven by pure spite. Spite against Pres. Obama, spite against Americans, spite against anyone who disagrees with a top-down control approach that doesn't want to know about facts. It's ideology flying in the face of the world's complex realities.

As we now know, rule by slogan and impulse is the (cough) President's predilection, which plays perfectly into the hands of the so-called Republicans, who are silent on the President's mental and emotional state because they see opportunity.

The Republican tide came in with Trump and should go out with him.
John Morosoe (USA)
I'm in favor of population control myself. We have way too many on the planet as it is. I'm also in favor of getting better testing for certain diseases and conditions such as Down Syndrome and Autism. With better testing we alert parents of their unborn having these issue and possibility of getting less of them brought into the world as whole.
Lindsay (Florida)
I continue to be baffled about not allowing birth control in health plans.

Don't men enjoy the benefits?

Why don't men fess up and openly state birth control benefits men?

Until we start calling birth control what it really is, a way for couples to use modern methods to plan their lives, btw, without the influence of "conservative male " leaders, in Congress and the WH--who probably all use birth control in their relationships -- and have access to some of the best health coverage in the country--for life! and likely many have a family member, even a partner or daughter who's had an abortion, or the other woman with whom they have had an affair and they begged them to get an abortion.

I just don't get it. Any person who applies critical thinking recognizes it's a bogus argument to call birth control a woman's issue. Stop it.

In the meantime, Viagra is covered. What a joke.
Ellen (<br/>)
Because none of this is about abortion itself.

It is all about controlling women.

If any of them cared so much that every sperm be allowed to impregnate, they'd be more careful where they dropped them.

This is about imposing limits on females that males would never accept for themselves.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
It is a wedge to force religion into the law. People want respect for what they think God thinks.
jr (elsewhere)
The reason why conservative male leaders oppose birth control is simple. It's the party line position. And for many (most?), it's merely their public position. More likely than not, many (most?) of them utilize it privately. Not to mention that they'd probably send their teenage daughter for an abortion in a heartbeat if she were to accidentally get pregnant. It's just part and parcel of the sickening hypocrisy that characterizes the Republican party in our time. Look no further than our toady of a Vice President, the devout Christian, who, if he had a shred of honesty or integrity, wouldn't get near Donald Trump, the lying, thieving, adulterer, with a ten foot pole.
BC (Rensselaer, NY)
The choice of liar or crackpot still does not adequately describe America's 45th President. The word that fits is sociopath. Only Trump exists in his world and no restraints exist. You can look it up.
AE (France)
Really? Actually, I am disappointed because I thought that controlled fusion would already be on the market so soon after the inauguration. And what about that Southern Wall America needs so badly, surely a priceless tourist attraction whose erection shouldn't be delayed....

Face it. Trump is conditioned by the time-distorting effects of new technologies which he apparently believes defy the laws of physics and bureaucratic inertia.
Bill Hall (Wayne, NJ)
Trump is someone who has never had to face consequences in his life. (Every time a business of his failed, he was bailed out by bankruptcy courts.) His lack of experience with consequences is a critical problem with his decision-making process. (And "process" might be overstating what goes into his decisions.)
George (PA)
Coming soon, a total ban on contraceptives here in Amerika. I'm missing President Obama already!
David Henry (Concord)
This is impossible, and illegal. Hysteria is not helpful.
Marion Paquin (Savannah, GA)
Mr. Kristof, if someone earnestly believes a lie it doesn't make it any less a lie.
Resistance NC (Resistance, NC)
Nick, take heart, and use this to keep your priceless work going:;autoplay=1
Victoria Donaldson (Florida)
Ivanka Trump says she wants to work on Women's issues. Maybe she should start working on them at the dinner table, along with Melania whose working on bullying issues.
Melda Page (Augusta, ME)
Yes, and where are those two? They seem to have disappeared from the news. Have they been threatened by Trump? Are they just plain hypocrites?

Meanwhile, I am a 76-year-old woman. At this point, all I can do is offer help. I live in Maine, I am in the phone book. I can provide tranportation to wherever a woman needs to go as well as financial assistance.

To the evil nutjobs out there, don't bother threatening me. I'm too old for death to scare me, and too evil, according to my neighbors, because I am an atheist. And there will be no tears when someone kills Trump--he is pure evil.
Ethel Guttenberg (Cincinnait)
Maybe Ivanka should along with her father bring their businesses back to the US to show that they are sincere about jobs for Americans.
Paul Lief (Stratford, CT)
Be fair folks. This isn't an ideological decision, he's just trying to save our tax dollars. He's not worried about his tax dollars for as far as we know he doesn't pay any taxes. Lives traded for money, another great busines deal by the Triumphant.
He has to get the money to pay for the wall from somewhere . . .
WMK (New York City)
If organizations like Planned Parenthood and others get out of the abortion business and refrain from suggesting abortions the funds will be provided. What is wrong in asking that abortions not occur or the subject not be discussed? This is very empowering for women and at the same time innocent babies' lives are being saved.
Ellen (<br/>)
Because in many of these countries, very young girls are raped, both as war bounty and superstition, and because they are complexly powerless.

Last year, a girl of 9, pregnant by her step father, was denied an abortion. Consider that, and the consequence to her life because she was unfortunate enough to have a rapist as a step father.,8599,1883598,00.html

If you google "9 year old raped and denied abortion", unfortunately you come up with multiple cases in multiple countries. THINK ABOUT THAT!!!

THESE ARE CHILDREN!! Their childhood derailed by a rapist and still their lives don't matter?
HT (Ohio)
What's wrong with asking that the subject not even be discussed?!

15 years ago, I was pregnant for the first time. Unfortunately, my water broke at 16 weeks (PPROM), and I was one of the 10% of women with PPROM who didn't immediately miscarry. I developed an infection and was hospitalized. My MD said -very clearly- that my life was not in danger, and that my choices were to either have an abortion or wait to miscarry, which would happen sometime in the next two weeks. If I chose to wait, I was at significant risk of a secondary infection that would leave me sterile, and a small risk for sepsis, which can kill quite rapidly.

This 'gag order' doesn't simply prevent doctors from discussing elective abortion - they prevent doctors from discussing it in situations like the one I faced.

By your logic, by Trumps and Pence's logic, by the logic of every single pro-life person who says that abortion should only be legal in the case of rape, incest, or the life of the mother - I should have had no choice but to wait to miscarry, and hope that no further complications should occur.

I went on to have three very healthy children - "innocent lives" that might not be here at all if people like you, who aren't even aware of this kind of risk, had been able to force me to carry that first pregnancy until I miscarried.
Sally M (South Carolina)
When and if that happens, are you going to personally help take care of those unwanted babies? Or is their life just sacred until the moment of birth?
Eliza Brewster (N.E. Pa.)
Of all the awful, mean spirited and vengeful things Trump is doing and plans to do this is by far the worst. One hears over and over the raping of nine year old children in parts of Africa and the spread of STD's but the thought of a nine year forced to deliver a child makes me sick to my stomach.
We, the land of the "free", smugly lecture the rest of the world about liberty, justice, and equality. But we have no problem taking that freedom away.
Hypocrisy is not what makes America exceptional.
Cindy (Austin, TX)
This election woke me up. I am not going to stop marching, calling and working on elections locally and nationally.
Thomas Renner (New York City)
The very sad thing here is trump probable has no idea what he is doing to anyone. These topics are far to complex to interest him, he probable would not get half way through this before he gave up. He is being used as a stooge by other people and I believe pence is the one when it comes to women's rights.
middle aged white woman (nyc)
He doesn't know because he doesn't care. Even worse. I do think he knows that others are using him and is completely fine with it so long as they know that without his face they don't get what they want. So... when he wants approval of Russian / Crimean deals (Trump Black Sea anyone?) they will support his profiteering.
Nadim Salomon (NY)
The tragedy is the man does not even know what he is signing. The spectacle of these men standing behind him is atrocious. What a collection of hateful people!
Jane (Nh)
Evil people, imposing their views on half the world's population.
reader123 (NJ)
Thank you Mr. Kristof, you are right, women will be dying from these Executive Orders and to call it "pro-life" is an insult. I also applaud you for taking a pro-action stand and publishing phone numbers to call but last I checked the Trump Administration shut down the White House phone number. Much like how Speaker Ryan made it impossible to reach his office by phone and how Rep Chris Smith of New Jersey, possibly the leader of this pro-birth movement for the last twenty years in D.C., hasn't held a town hall meeting in probably 10 years. Yesterday people in Texas said online that Senator Ted Cruz's office in Houston was locked and people in Austin had to wait outside. This trend of not be accessible to constituents is very disturbing. Maybe this can be another piece one day.
Melda Page (Augusta, ME)
Those brave men must be scared to death. I certainly hope they are.
garlic11 (MN)
Yes, Ryan is unreachable and has been for weeks. No White House phone. And now antidiplomacy by twitter.

Stay active people, complain to every rep and sen about this inaccessibility.
anonymous (NYC)
Agreed! Poor people from other countries should have more abortions. It's our constitutional responsibility to ensure this. The founders of this country would roll over in their graves if they knew some Americans dont support the black minorities of Africa's right and responsibility to abort pregnancies. The hospitals are just too unsanitary and behind the times to deliver babies.
George (Burns)
This article does not explain why American tax dollars have to support foreign population control. This is Pro-Abortion rhetoric.
Veronica (New Jersey)
While I agree that we need to continue with this funding, you just sound ridiculous and are losing your audience. It is not our "Constitutional responsibility" to ensure that people from other countries have more abortions! When you say things like that you simply cause people to shut you out with your ignorance. We may have a moral responsibility but it is not our constitutional responsibility. Go back to your history books and do a little reading before you open your mouth. We want to be taken seriously!
It "will cut off access to contraception to vast numbers of women, particularly in Africa. It will also curb access to cancer screenings and maybe even undermine vaccination campaigns and efforts against H.I.V. and the Zika virus. The upshot: Thousands of impoverished, vulnerable women will die."
Jimmy (Greenville, North Carolina)
The women are fighting a losing battle. The War on Women has been in progress for thousands of years and the women are falling further and further behind.

It is a mans' world. Accept that fact and live in peace forever.
steven rosenberg (07043)
Calling President Trump a liar would at least acknowledge that he understands the issue and is simply trying to deceive. But not being able to distinguish fact from fiction is far worse. From what I've seen over the last year and a half, I have come to the conclusion that we are a rudderless ship.
elysphius (California)
I must disagree with the notion that President Trump, that was cringe worthy typing out, would change his views on the order he just signed were he to see its effects firsthand. First, he doesn't even know what he signed. Second, these women are not Eastern European, blond, "10's;" thus they don't exist in his mind anyway. You could put him next to the woman on the cot and he'd think you were trying to convince him to provide more cots for the village. He would just make the plight of these people more acute by ordering a press crew over to film him personally handing over a crate of cots to the village.
Marybeth Z (Brooklyn)
The women marched and as quickly were ignored. I noticed, too, that "the gag order" was one of President Trump's first executive orders and fully understood its implications.
Try calling those numbers--the Congressional switchboard now shuts down, puts you on hold or voicemails are full. The new ploy to ignore the American public. (They aren't hiring any new Federal employees). Representatives only take emails from their own constituents.
Maybe you can get through to the WH as a journalist (but I'm betting not for long). And I doubt anyone is listening to this 1%.
Susan (NM)
All of your Congressmen and Senators have local office telephone numbers. Call those if you are not gettiing through at the Washington switchboard.
KAN (Newton, MA)
Trump acts in the interest of Trump. Anyone who suffers as a result, whether a contractor stiffed in one of his serial bankruptcies or pregnant teenager bleeding to death after a botched abortion, is a loser by Trump's definition, and therefore of no interest to Trump.
Michjas (Phoenix)
According to the Guttmacher Institute, 97% of abortions that are performed in Africa are unsafe. In most of these countries, abortion is illegal. The only country that fares better is South Africa, where the laws are more liberal. The largest NGO in Africa is Planned Parenthood. PP's budget for America is 10 times that for the rest of the world. There are relatively few unsafe abortions in the US. Almost all occur in Africa and South America. The money spent by all NGO's in Africa and South America doesn't make a serious dent in women's health care problems. The United States doesn't send much foreign aid in these countries for women's health care or for anything else. Mexico City Policy or not, no one much gives a damn about African women. Pro-choice and pro-life are both pretty much pro-themselves.
Suzanne (undefined)
Thank you for sharing facts rather than outrage. This provides an important context to the issue.
Sem (Chicago)
What did this executive order came right after women's March? Knowing Trump, it appears like a punishment to women. Bullying really. Poor African women paid the price for Women's expression of their opinion at other places.

On another note: carrying gun is a constitutional right, even thought guns kills grown people and leave children as orphans. Abortion cannot be constitutional right because it kills a fetus. It is amazing that such an arguments survives in the 21st century.
Medusa (Cleveland, OH)
Actually, abortion IS a constitutional right as determined by the Roe v. Wade decision. It is included under the right to due process (14th amendment).
Rohit (New York)
Here is the law in France:

Abortion in France is legal on demand up to 12 weeks after conception (14 weeks after the last menstrual period),[1][2] since the Veil Law in 1975. Abortions at later stages of pregnancy are allowed if two physicians certify that the abortion will be done to prevent grave permanent injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman; a risk to the life of the pregnant woman; or that the child will suffer from a particularly severe illness recognized as incurable.

Germany, Italy and India have similar laws.

The French law pays respect to a woman does not want to have a baby but also pays respect to the life of a developed fetus, which has a beating heart.

What is fascinating is that no one in the US seems to be proposing something like this law which recognizes that there are indeed two parties in the dispute and both need to be respected.
The laws in the US vary by state, but most "prohibit abortions, generally except when necessary to protect the woman’s life or health, after a specified point in pregnancy, most often fetal viability." Are you suggesting the specified point should simply be moved back to 14 weeks? Those opposed to abortion aren't interested in compromise. They want to outlaw all abortions.
Gerard (PA)
Roe vs Wade does make such distinctions in what is known as the trimester framework. There is already what you are asking. The number of weeks differs between countries but that represents a different balance, not a different view.
Leigh (Boston)
Have you read the text of Roe v Wade? The decision says abortion is legal up to 20 weeks and restricts it after that. So the law does do that, but Republicans like Mike Pence show no desire to respect women whatsoever, and that is the problem.
ilma2045 (Sydney)
I've got some nice fat elastic bands - one each for all those suits standing around Trump as he signs that gag order. How long will they stay smiling then.
But hey guys - it's only fair that I get to have some say on how to control the non-fem half of the world. After all, one gag deserves another.
Jackie (Boston)
After another cogent article like this, heartbreaking and infuriating, I once again am demoralized "what can I do - how can this onslaught be stopped"... "omg this is really happening". The phone numbers at the end were so welcome.
Suggesting an action along with an analysis of what our slide to 1984 means - such as numbers to call, names addresses to write to, emails, upcoming events and rallies, donation or volunteer opportunities - is very useful. Thank you, I will use them. Hard to know how else to handle the revolting photo of the wrong person at the desk signing an abomination surrounded by smirking men, violating the finest impulses of US aid around the world of which we should be proud.
John R (Florida)
January 20th 2017:
A day that will live in Infamy.
It gets worse with each passing day as we roll back to the early 20th century
What have we wrought?
AE (France)
The most catastrophic event in modern American history since Pearl Harbor.
charlesbalpha (Atlanta)
Trump is simply reinstating the policy taken by Reagan and Bush. Why aren't their actions denounced as "the most catastrophic event in modern American history since Pearl Harbor" ? Why are Democrats acting as if they never heard of such a thing?
Paul (Greensboro, NC)
The TRUTH is --- I know 7 people in my family who voted FOR PENCE ---that's right -- PENCE --- not Trump, solely because of the abortion issue.

These 7 people want a Supreme Court Justice to be appointed to overturn Roe v. Wade. They are single-issue voters. They ignore the larger implications.

I am pro-choice -- and all these 7 people know that.

They still love me. The larger problem is:

Our president is a pathological liar.
Our president is a pathological liar.
Our president is a pathological liar.
Our president is a pathological liar.
again, and again, and again . . .

This is not a lie.
MIMA (heartsny)
Not a lie, not even an alternative fact!
Stan (US)
Tell them that they will limit access to contraception too, which always results in more abortions, and more death for women. Is that ok for them?
William Murdick (Tallahassee, FL)
"6.5 million unintentional pregnancies, 2.2 million abortions and 21,700 women dying in pregnancy or childbirth" over what period of time? Every year?

I'm not anti-Catholic, but the Pope needs to have these facts shoved in his face, not very politely, so that he cannot avoid facing the effects of his church's crackpot theology on the issue of contraception.
Ken Levy (Baton Rouge, Louisiana)
This all reminds me of Todd Akin’s claim that a victim of “legitimate rape” can’t really get pregnant. Pure obnoxious ignorance.

But all of these deadly executive actions go well beyond ignorant to just plain cruel. I also smell in them a whiff of contempt, if not disgust.

None of this is surprising when it comes to Donald. He is, after all, a proud, self-proclaimed groper, voyeur, and body-shamer.

But a good Christian man like Mike?? I hardly think Jesus would approve.
TitaniumPrincess (Sarasota Fl)
Thank you for your continued diligence in highlighting the global impacts of the Popular Vote Loser's actions. If only there were someone with your knowledge and analytical skills advising instead of an echo chamber of ignorance. #RESIST
MIMA (heartsny)
Ivanka Trump seems to have influence on her father.

Where has she been? Can't she stand up for poor women around the world?

Not giving funding for healthcare because the word abortion might be seen or heard? What gives Trump the idea that women cannot make their own choices regarding reproductive rights based on their own reasoning and intelligence?

We make up our own minds. Just because we might go to a center where we can get cancer screenings and contraceptives does not mean we are going to get an abortion there. The word "abortion" before us does not mean we would choose to have an abortion, ever.

We are smarter than that. But Donald Trump would never see women as very smart.

And when he chooses one of his very few women for his cabinet, Betsy DeVos, perhaps that even reinforces that he really doesn't care about women's intelligence or lack thereof, either.

I do give Ivanka credit for being smart. So it would be nice if she stepped in and had a little conversation with Pops about women's health. Women's health does not equate with abortion.

Go visit women on an oncology unit. They need treatment. They need early diagnosis. They need preventative treatment. They need funding for centers so they can live. This has nothing to do with abortion.
Jim Oppel (France)
A call to the White House resulted in a message saying that the Comments Line has been closed.

Perhaps citizen input is no longer wanted.
AE (France)
This is usually the harbinger of the Beginning of the End. Soon national network TV will be playing elegiac martial music to accompany the static screens of network identification cards when the regime in place really starts losing support from the majority of Americans, including those who were foolish enough to vote Trump. Buyers' remorse is human, don't feel ashamed.
Elizabeth Nix (Baltimore)
I've called the White House number in this column several times this morning and have gotten the message that the White House comment line is closed, even after 9:00 am. A google search shows it has been closed for three days.
W. Freen (New York City)
People who believe their own absurd falsehoods aren't crackpots, they're delusional megalomaniacs. Trump has only been able to function in the world for so long because his money insulates him from challenges to his very weak grasp on reality.

We can only hope that one ethical Republican will demand that Trump undergo a full psychiatric evaluation under threat of impeachment.
AE (France)
Indeed. There is something radically wrong with any manager or leader who promises to produce all sorts of flawless reforms or improvements so quickly. The most recent meme has been 'alternative truths', but let us simply use the older expression of 'magical thinking' to describe the Trump regime's modus operandi. Nancy Reagan had her astrology : it will be fascinating to see what gris-gris and other amulets influence Trump's cabal after the dust settles.
Carrie (MA)
Ethical Republican (as relates to those elected to DC), appears to be an oxymoron. Perhaps they exist. But much like Sasquatch, very little credible evidence exists to say for certain.
Scatman (Pompano Beach)
I don't understand how religious right wingers have such power. The evidence indicates that the flock is diminished, yet they continue to guide American policy.
Randé (Portland, OR)
Whenever we speak of the war on Women's Reproductive rights and Women's Health matters, media (everyone) must use the correct terminology for the two factions. It is not Pro Life, Anti-Abortion, and Pro Abortion. It is simply: Choice v. No Choice, or Pro Choice v. Anti Choice. Period. As described in this op-ed, this war is not exclusively focused on pregnancy termination, never has been. The terminology matters to get that point across. Akin to alt-facts v. LIES.
Ciela22 (Philadelphia)
I agree. Words do matter. Perhaps we should add that those who want to defund Planned Parenthood are in favor of "unplanned parenthood". Who would be in favor of that???
nancamille (Long Beach, CA)
Thank you so much for pointing out the importance of semantics and verbiage in this discussion. Just as an example you cannot call yourself "pro-life" if you support the death penalty. But you see many many conservatives doing just that. For years now the right has gotten away with calling themselves "pro-life", well I'm pro-life AND pro-choice!
jen (East Lansing, MI)
Yes! I simply cannot agree more with this comment. The lesson I learned from this election is that labels matter a lot! When Trump's army said "crooked Hillary" we should have retorted to "Rapist Trump" or "Cruel Trump" and used it throughout. The far right is the master of labels. "Intelligent Design" to debunk science, "Pro Life" to refer to denial of fundamental choices' "Patriot Act" to refer to elimination of constitutional rights of citizens. Remember the use of "Flip Flop" for Kerry? Well, intelligent people update their priors when they get new information (Using the term "Bayes Theorem" will be lost on that set). We should have retorted to "Obstinate Bush" or "Close minded Bush". Please let us use the term Choice-No Choice henceforth!
Redsoxshel (North Carolina)
Once again women have to look at a photo of their government taking action to control their bodies and their lives and see only men. Men who will never have to face the prospect of an unwanted pregnancy or dying in childbirth. Can you imagine a similar picture filled only with women enforcing a deadly law regarding men's health?
AE (France)
So intrinsically injust. I just try to stick to the belief that things have to get worse before they get better. Perhaps America has to experience this train-wreck in order to reform itself. That said, dangerous adventures can carry mortal conséquences : ISIS in the Middle East is an example of where an anti-imperialist rebellion can lead.
joanB (seattle)
I can't imagine it, but I'd like to see it (enough women in control/power to make a positive difference in all our lives) soon!
George (Burns)
But this concerns people in Africa mostly, not the US. Why is that our responsibility? This article is just pro abortion rhetoric. American taxpayers should not be responsible for people in the third world who refuse family planning. It's not our issue.
Nora (Mineola, NY)
Why is it that only women's bodies can be legislated? How dare anyone of those smug men in suits do this. It is outrageous and callous. Welcome to Trump world where women have no voice or value.
Lawrence (Washington D.C.)
Funds from female health programs are being applied to starting another war.
Population growth out stripping available resources and driving global warming is a fine stew. I want their resources, and they won't share.
Jerusalem anybody?
What do you mean there is no plan in place for limiting population growth?
Jackie (Missouri)
Indeed. Combine that with the recent news that in 2018, young women will have to register for the draft. Okay, put that aside for a minute.

We can see the writing on the wall. Trump already thinks that what is good for him is good for America. Soon, if this hasn't happened already, his disease will progress to the point where he won't be able to tell the difference between him and America. In his pathetic little narcissistic mind, he "will be" America.

So it's a lead-pipe cinch that some head of state somewhere will say something disparaging about him, which he will take personally, as he takes everything personally, and demand that we go to war with said country, especially if that country is smaller and weaker than we are. (I think his true goal is world domination.) And since he is the Queen Bee and the Senate and House are his mean-girl crew, (or, more accurately, he's the King Bee and the Senate and the House are his mean-boy crew) they'll go along with it.

We, the American People, still remember the last ill-conceived war. Our service people came back to the States in boxes or with parts of their bodies and minds missing. We didn't accomplish anything good in that venture, so we're not going to be all gung-ho to go to war again. Which means that there will be a draft in order to flesh out the numbers, and young men and now young women will be unwillingly drafted into service to "King and Country" as cannon fodder for another futile, ego-driven war.
Henry geller (Martha's vineyard ma)
Where are the women in the picture????
Speen (Fairfield CT)
What about a Tax Revolt. The 65 miilion plus Americans who stood against Trump with their vote, The millions that stood up across the country . How about we withhold our Federal taxes this year. Donate them to the agencies that the
callous Republicans and their greedy puppet are decimating . This knd of effort would shake a few trees .. IRS would be pretty busy chasing down 65 million Tax protesters . If Trump is going to formulate a government we don't want. That the world seems to be losing a lot of sleep over. Why not stand up? Why not choose how our money is spent? I for one do not want a wall much less a crazy man's which hunt over non existent voter fraud.. Which it seems Republicans are willing to fund from one side of their mouth but from the other and to the press,
readily admit seems a quandary. Which is wierd as they have used Voter Fraud to stifle voter access for years.. But Ryan seems ok with wasting what could add up to millions. So you organizers buses, no hotels ..none of that is needed hit em where it hurts ..NO MONEY.
Karen L. (Illinois)
Most of the states also have Republican administrations and have worked very very hard at dismantling support for women's issues (looking at you Texas and Kansas) and family issues, the environment, and the ability to vote. If we fail to send in our state taxes, it will close the door there as well but the state will have an easier time making your life miserable for failure to file/pay.

More protests such as the Women's Marches are the only answer, especially since government phone lines (including, quite possibly your rep in Congress) are being shut down.

Mobilizing to bring out the vote in 2018 for all levels of the ballot must begin to happen now. I would like to see all employers give their employees a day off (with pay) to go vote. That business would get my business.
Jan (NJ)
Have the women use the pill or the morning after pill. It is called self responsibility. Africa needs to take care of themselves. The U.S. cannot support the world; get real. The abortion issue will probably revert back to the states. A much bigger deal is being made out of this than necessary. Birth control options are available that were not available decades ago; they should be utilized.
Penelope (NY)
As the article states in multiple paragraphs, this policy, in the past, has also curbed access to contraceptives. I agree that women should have access and should use it, but this executive order takes away the option to prevent the unwanted pregnancy.
Victoria Donaldson (Florida)
The ability to read in English is required to follow directions. Often that's not possible in poverty.
Liberal (Ohio)
Please go back and re-read the article. With the global gag order, organizations who focus on birth control get cut. Did you miss the part where with W's limited order, thousands of birth control devices were never shipped? Even in this country--shut down planned parenthood and poor and rural women's access to ANY women's healthcare disappears for many. That includes access to birth control.
Sarasota Blues (Sarasota, FL)
The Republican goal of a putting in place a president with enough working digits to hold a pen and sign whatever is put in front of him has been achieved.
FritzTOF (ny)
Invite the First Lady to become the SPOKESPERSON for a GLOBAL Women's Rights Organization. Include her and the walls come tumbling down...Tick, Tock...
Lilla Victoria (Grosse Pointe, Michigan)
In the 1960s, my aunt, who already had six children, was desperate when she found herself pregnant again. Without any way out other than illegal abortion, she sought out a back-alley practitioner. Home and hemorrhaging, she took to her bed. Her husband and children were at work and school. They came home to a blood soaked bed and a dead wife and mother. Evidently, my aunt was too afraid to call for help or go to a hospital. Six children, here in the United States of America, were without a mother because of ou laws–and, when grown, their 15 children had no grandmother.
Ellen (<br/>)
My grandmother told me a similar story about her good friend.
She left behind 5 children and a grieving husband and father.
A heartbreaking story unlikely to influence the antiabortion zealots. The worst among them would say she got what she deserved for murdering her baby. Those who would ban all abortions and even condemn the use of birth control would simply say it's the woman's lot in life and God's will that she bear children and that she should willingly make whatever sacrifices that requires. We have elected officials who believe this. It's likely our VP is one of them.
Lisa Wesel (Maine)
It is possible that if your aunt had called for help, she would have been arrested. That is what Trump proposed in his campaign: That women who end a pregnancy should be prosecuted. Death by childbirth, death by unsafe and illegal abortion, or rotting in jail: Those are the "choices" these white men in tailored suits have given American women (read: Poor American women -- there will always be solutions for those who can buy them).
Jan (NJ)
As Mr. Kristol continues his immature verbal assault on President Trump we all disrespect him and his divisiveness. Until the U.S. gets voter id (which the socialistic democrats refuse to allow), I believe there is voter fraud. One does not have to verify they are who they say they are. Get real, Nicholas Kristol; your party lost over 1,200 seats. We do not agree with you.
AE (France)
Why are you and your Great Leader so insecure about the legitimacy of the election? To the world's collective chagrin, he is officially in power. I hope that a possible recount disqualifies his victory. That would be the best outcome for all of us!
julia (g)
Oh, I think we have seen plenty of voter Id, without Voter ID. In our current President, it's all Id, all the time. I keep waiting to see whether he's capable of the kind of impulse control we expect in adult human beings. So far, no sightings.
Since 1% of the US population took to the streets last weekend to protest Trump policies, and the preponderance of American voters voted for someone other than Trump, it's clear that many people disagree with him. Does Jan think dissent should be forbidden ?
I believe that Jan's comment was written by a monkey at a keyboard. I don't have to verify that this is real to believe it: I'll just follow the rules of evidence I find in Jan's comment.
Aftervirtue (Plano, Tx)
Wait til the socialist democrats earmark that trillion dollars to repair the nation's infrastructure, then you're really gonna be mad. Oh wait,............ that's a neo "New Deal" socialist republican initiative. How mad are you now?
Rohit (New York)
" In a slap at all who marched, Trump this week signed an order that will cut off access to contraception to vast numbers of women, particularly in Africa."

I thought it was access to abortion which is in question, not access to contraception.

Just mentioning that a lie is a lie whether it comes from a conservative or a liberal.
Anne-Marie Hislop (Chicago)
@Rohit in NY - A more careful reading about what Trump signed would have made your statement unnecessary. The order cuts off aid to any organization which even MENTIONS abortion. Such agencies often also provide contraception, maternal care during pregnancy, delivery care and general health care for many poor women, including those who might be infected with Zika or HIV. So, the liberal (Mr. Kristof) did not "lie," rather the conservative did not read carefully.
Nadim Salomon (NY)
The world access is being used a lot these days. Perhaps we could add safe and affordable. Access to healthcare does not mean you can actually gets it.
Al Warner (Erie, PA)
Unclear - what "lie" is here? The order reinstates the rule that cuts off funding to family planning agencies that, among other things, even discuss abortion. If they do, they are cut off - which means that the women they serve will be harmed. Especially in poor countries, such funding is important in providing contraceptives, testing, and care. W/o funding ,they close. So, the order - based on a position toward abortion - has a much broader and more dangerous outcome. No lie - just a longer but logical truth.
'a mother of three in Cameroon dying after her birth attendant sat on her stomach to hasten delivery; a woman in Niger collapsing from a common complication called eclampsia; a 15-year-old girl in Chad whose family dealt with her labor complications by taking her to a healer who diagnosed sorcery and burned her arm as she lay in a coma.'
Awful but why is it our responsibility to rescue these people from their medieval beliefs often perpetrated by women on other women?
I thought judging, criticizing and trying to change these practices was 'racist' and 'xenophobic' or is that only used when politically convenient?
So long as we are always wrong and keep paying right Nick?
EagleFee LLC (Brunswick, Maine)
It's our responsibility because we are a rich, medically advanced country. Science is not racist or xenophobic. As to your final question, I think a more searching inquiry might be: why, in one of the richest countries in the world, do slightly less than 50% of the population spend such an inordinate amount of their time worrying about their money going to help those less fortunate?
Gerard (PA)
The question was not whether we should help, the question was whether the government should be dictating how since their intervention makes worse what they seek to avoid.
Desden (Canada)
@CNNNNC You may want to read the editorial again. There was no judgement, criticizing or attempts to change practices, simply making birth control available to people in these places has served to avoid or least limit the type of trauma Mr Kristof mentioned. Your true colours are shining through when you state "these people from their medieval beliefs often perpetrated by women on other women"
But march on, they may come for you next.
Carola Murray-Seegert (Oberursel Germany)
Thank you for this excellent column, Nicholas Kristof. Your inclusion of the personal vignettes makes the damage caused by this 'gag order' even more clear. Trump rarely does more than skim the written word, but perhaps Ivanka will be moved to read your column to him.
Robert Guenveur (Brooklyn)
Trump, and the White Guys in Suits don't care. Get used to it. "They" are mostly poor, black, or something else that make them sub-human. Maybe even women.
Get used to it. Its not like they don't know, they do know. They just don't care. Face it.
There is an evil loose in the world today more than in the last 60 years. They've cleaned up their rhetoric some but its them again.
You start with the most defenseless, and then move on. Step by step, until the university professors are in their sights. Its happened before, its happening again.
"You can't trust the media!" he Trumpets. So we trust you? Really?
Even the NYT is caught up with it, insisting that he has a reasonable plan. If so, where is the reason?
You at the Times are in an awkward position, having to somehow put a face on the faceless. Good luck with that.
But fact check his butt off, its the least you can do.
Doris (Chicago)
The folks on the left ahve been talking about the Republcians war on women since 2010, but we have not been taken seriously until now. Republican controlled states have been doing this all along.
Scottilla (Brooklyn)
"Republican controlled states have been doing this all along."
Women are 50% of the population. Don't they have any responsibility for themselves?
Smithereens (New York, NY)
Until the men supporting this gag order pay a price for doing so, they will keep pulling stunts like this.

What moves are available to we the people to exact that upon them?

It's time they felt the consequences of their idiocy.
poslug (cambridge, ma)
The GOP, maniacal christians and the right wing worship others' suffering and at core need to hurt women. An age old pattern, it needs to be fought and defeated. This is not just overseas either. The GOP gloat when they "crush the defeated", the GOP transition motto. They have no interest in governing the whole nation.
Jesse The Conservative (Orleans, Vermont)
I find it ironic--that Liberals believe this country has no business being policeman of the world---but somehow we're to be health clinic to the world? And if we decide to let nations take care of their own citizens--Trump is anti-woman?

It is not the obligation of U.S. taxpayers to provide abortions, abortion counseling, Zika vaccines, aids treatments and a host of other services to the world's poor. We are 20 trillion in debt--largely due to Barack Obama--who doubled our national debt. Is it the stance of Mr. Kristof that we can't cut anything?
Aftervirtue (Plano, Tx)
We're in debt pal because it costs money to pull the car out of the ditch everytime your party drives it in and then walks away. Otherwise, the cost of those foreign aid initiatives are a drop in the proverbial bucket compared to the loot the music man is going to waste on that ridiculous boondoggle on the Mexican border.
Marie (Boston)
RE: "Liberals believe this country has no business being policeman of the world"

Hey Jesse, I know the conservative talking points change so quickly it's hard to keep up, but it is Trump and the Republicans who are now saying the US should no longer be policemen of the world. Do try to keep up so your retorts fall into line.

Oh - and BTW following your logic that U.S. shouldn't provide any healthcare or health related services to the world. That would certainly cut a lot. Or was that only certain other services?

Those who can only think in terms of dollars and cents have no concept of the value that it can buy.
Jan K (Boston)
Let's for the moment put aside the inhumanity of your statements, as it's clear you aren't moved by that. Let's instead look at the damage your position will do to the U.S. The damage (I'd call it butchery) Trump is influcting on women results also in damage to the fabric of a society -- women, men, and children alike. Creating instability will only benefit regimes hostile to us. And we will face the consequences down the (very short) road. Am I speaking your language?
coach_les (Cary nc)
While I would like to blame Vic President Pence for much of this, I cannot ignore the fact that almost every Republican, religious or not, voted for this administration. Forget the fact that the President was married three times and committed adultery on multiple occasions. The current Christian right only has two commandments, "thou shalt not be gay and thou shalt not have an abortion". Everything else in their eyes is easily forgivable. Throughout his campaign, Mr. Trump made numerous slights against women collectively and individuals and for the most part, his party and his followers found ways to excuse his behavior. However, those of us who oppose this must not get fixated on the abortion issue. It is important, but we need to expose the hypocrisy of a movement that waves its bibles at us when the have torn out many of the pages in their efforts to seize power.
TAR (Houston, Texas)
You also have to add, "Thou shalt not be a liberal or have spiritual values different from mine." Crush those groups, too.
Mor (California)
If this does not shame the 'pro-life' crowd, what will? Oh yes, I know the answer. Nothing. The 'pro-life' are a religious cult, without a shred of mercy, compassion or common sense, as eager for more female corpses as the medieval witch-hunters. Please no longer tell me that 'pro-life' women have something in common with me. They don't.
FW Armstrong (Seattle WA)
Ignorance by choice is the very definition of stupidity.

Fake ignorance is better described as fraud.
Mimi (Baltimore, MD)
Yet Trump and the right wing Christians claim to be crusading again believers in Sharia law around the world? These right wing conservatives condemn the treatment of women in Muslim countries while the Mexico policy kills women. Trump's election has ushered in the Christian war on women begun in the Republican National Convention in Houston in 1992. Finally, a White House and a Congress, and soon a Supreme Court, turning their dreams of total control over women into reality. Who are the American women who couldn't see that voting for Trump would lead to this? If they don't have respect for themselves, what about their daughters? What about other women in the world? I know the Trump men lack humanity but I wonder about the women.
Brian (Philadelphia)
May I take this opportunity to bemoan the fact that my niece — herself the mother of two daughters — voted for Trump and raves about him incessantly on Facebook.

It just breaks my heart.
jdrider (virginia)
Mimi and others: Please do not vilify all Christians as believers in the Republican party's backward-looking views on "choice." There are plenty of us out there who are Christian who believe in a woman's right to choose and who believe it is our duty as human beings to honor and compassionately assist all people with living safe and decent lives.
Thoughtful (North Florida)
Excellent point in drawing the perfect parallel between the Christian Right belief in its moral superiority and hence ability to force women to live under their rules, and Sharia law in Islam forcing women to live under their rules. Same anti-woman, anti-feminist, misogynistic views and actions. A War on Women everywhere. Not just hypocrites, but dangerous hypocrites.

I say Freedom for all Americans to life by their own moral choices and rules and respect all others' right to do the same. Live and Let Live.
Cathy (Hopewell junction NY)
One meme I have been seeing is that American women should refraining from marching to kvetch about women's rights because women in other countries have it worse. (It is sort of a twist on that old parental argument "You want to have something real to cry about? I'll give you something to cry about!) We are expected to accept any problems with equality because we are no longer totally subjugated.

But the flip side of this argument is that if we really buy the spurious argument, then the right should be lining up to help women abroad. We aren't so big on that idea either.

We criticize other nation's and other religions for their total subjugation of women, then legislate against women's rights based on our own religious tenets. We don't like *their* theocratic ideas, we only like our won.

So we will keep marching, and keep calling, and keep reading idiotic memes that tell us that real people don't march on Washington, they march off to work. But expect the people who don't agree with the idea we don't legislate morality to continue to see the movement as a group of shrill whiners who don't know how good they have it, and should be home doing the laundry while simultaneously working to support their families, by taking personal responsibility for their choices, in a small government way, except of course when it comes to reproductive rights.
Jean (Tacoma)
That kind of "spurious argument" is really a red herring. The rights that women in other countries enjoy or don't enjoy is completely irrelevant to the question of whether women "should" march here in the US. Of course, a consideration of the rights of women globally is not irrelevant to women's actual progress, but it is a distraction from the question whether we should march for our rights here. Thus - a red herring. It often smells like fish in the halls of politics.
George (Burns)
Why do our tax dollars have to support foreign recklessness? Are not some of these societies sexually repressive? So why are these people getting knocked up left and right? Whatever their moral situation, our tax money should not support. Why does the left preach a gospel of global abortion?
I never fail to be impressed by Cathy of Hopewell, NY's comments. As someone who used to live near that lovely-named, rural area is what in a Trump area of western NY, I sincerely "Hope-well" that the NYT considers giving this wise, thoughtful, eloquent woman a regular voice as a guest columnist.
Ellen Valle (Finland)
A look at the accompanying photograph is enlightening: five middle-aged (and white) men standing around an old one sitting at his desk. And presumably more men outside the frame. Were there any women at all involved in this decision?
Friendly Fire (US)
You moved to Washington. You have an office in the White House. You have the sense to know this is wrong. Where are you? Find your voice NOW or just keep wearing pink.
lotusflower0 (Chicago)
@Friendly Fire - She's not yet in Washington, they're house-hunting. And no, she doesn't have an office in the White House, why would she, she has not been given a job by her father. And remember, Trump said in interview a few years ago that putting a wife to work is "a dangerous thing".
Bridget Johnson (Baltimore)
Is it just my paranoia when I think that this global gag order is Trump's petulant reaction to the Women's March?
Charles (NY State)
It's in keeping with Donald's other delusions that he thinks that not talking about abortion, which has been known to human society for thousands of years, will somehow make it go away.
Scott K (Atlanta)
I voted for Trump. I strongly disagree with his positions on abortion and contraception. I believe, on these topics and some others, he is simply ignorant. I strongly disagree that this is a "war on women" and to say this is typical NYT media sensationalism. Trump needs to be educated quickly. I will do my part as a citizen to speak my mind about my anti-Trump position on abortion and contraception.
Duffy (Rockville, MD)
Imagine, a President of the United States that needs to be educated abut an issue. One of his own voters calls him ignorant on the topic of reproductive policy. What else is he ignorant about? If he does no study or reflection on this issue why should believe that he will suddenly become reasonable and less ignorant about others? t

The environment, climate change, judicial reform, immigration and even the cost of his precious wall. He has proven himself ignorant about all of that. Even crowd sizes. He is a purveyor of fake news and fabrications. Worse, he doesn't care. He is not pro life, he is pro Trump and anything that he thinks benefits him.
Tom (<br/>)
Trump is ineducable. Education requires a brain.
beth reese (nyc)
What did you expect other than this with your Trump vote? Elections have consequences, especially for 51% of the population and their fathers and husbands and partners. Reproductive rights are human rights.
JFR (Yardley)
"A liar or a crackpot"? Does it really matter? If it were you or I, maybe not. But this man-child is the leader of the free world (at least until he destroys it). His actions effect others quite concretely and they really won't care about what he "truly" believes (i.e., according to Conway, what's in his heart). I do not believe that the media should try to divine the difference either - do the research, report the facts, and provide context and analysis. It's the only way to defeat such wilful ignorance or deceit (you pick).
Anne (Washington)
Lysistrata. May be the only thing left.
IL (Canada)
Lysistrata + a women strike on the Iceland model
Mountain Dragonfly (Candler NC)
Kristof missed the 3rd choice -"liar or crackpot" - OR BOTH! The last 4days have certainly been surreal. The sickness of this presidency, spreading like a plague, has been around for a long time. This is just a microcosm of the putrid policies that the GOP, enhanced by its adopted Tea Party, have espoused for years and slipped surreptitiously into the fabric of our government. Perhaps there is a silver lining in the fact that DJT is so far off-the-wall that he has awakened the beast side of democracy. I can only hope that the resistance demonstrations prevalent this week is the unfurling of a massive surge of patriotic energy that can stave off disaster until the 2018 mid-terms. Already DJTs loose lips that don't seem to be connected to any brain cells have spawned a video circulating in Iraq with his declarations that we should have taken Iraqi oil, and that maybe will still have another chance to plunder their resources. That does not exactly keep our troops, who, side-by-side with the Iraqi military just cleared East Mosul of ISIS forces very safe. Like any out of control toddler, we must take his phone away, remove sharp objects like pens, and lock him in his room until he starts to behave and keeps him mouth shut. One other possible good news story is that a bill is being reintroduced in Congress to keep first strike nuclear decision out of the hands of the president. Maybe there are still some members of the GOP to give bipartisan support.
Tournachonadar (Illiana)
We need to worry about people who live in the United States and not continue to meddle ineffectually overseas. We are in a crisis ourselves. One that may be attributed as much to a doctrinaire fascist all-or-nothing version of political correctness as it may pertain to a right-wing irrationalist president.
on-line reader (Canada)
Credit where credit is due.

This sounds more like Trump is enacting some standard Republican policies. So the headline is rather misleading.

But I suppose it attracts more attention than, 'Republican Party's War on Women Begins'.
esp (Illinois)
Don't you get it: those are the people Trump (and others) would like to see dead. They would no longer be a burden on the wealthy (non taxpayers) like himself.
Oh, and it "really" wasn't 3.2 million people that marched according to Trump speak. ("And why didn't they vote?" Remember).
And reduced contraceptive use in Africa not only increased abortion rates, it also dramatically increased the rate of HIV. But then again, are Africans real humans? I mean, they are not white, American, angry white men (and women).
Pat (New York)
Liar and a crackpot. What a terrible mess! But, follow the women's march movement. They are crafting 10 things you can do to push back in the first 100 days of this miserable presidency. I have three to add to the initial 10: take the house back in 2018; impeach him in 2019; and sweep all three branches in 2020.
CAS (Cleveland Heights)
To me, it feels like Trump is a driver recklessly out of control having taken keys to office less than a week ago. We're headed for a crash. Lives of women and girls around the world will suffer and so will lives of his supporters here at home.
sjs (bridgeport, ct)
I truly believe that trump would do anything to get a moment of approval from those standing around him. Wreak the health of millions of women so that a room full of men think he is a great guy? Sure. Sounds like a good idea to him.
Is another action to give to Planned Parenthood International?
Michjas (Phoenix)
The Mexico City Policy provides that organizations that offer abortions or abortion counseling lose their funding from the US government. The policy is designed to reduce abortions, but family planning organizations say the effect is the opposite because the policy indirectly reduces contraceptive availability. Numerous studies suggest that it is next to impossible to determine the worldwide effects of the policy. First, there is the fact that contraception and abortion are illegal in most of the countries where American money goes. The interplay between the law and family planning groups is not well understood. Moreover, regardless of the availability of contraception, about 50% of pregnancies are unwanted everywhere around the world. Contraception, contrary to popular belief, makes little difference in preventing pregnancy. Planned Parenthood tells us that unwanted pregnancies are almost all caused by non-use of contraception. mistakes in their use or contraception failure.

Because unwanted pregnancies are pretty much a constant, the number of abortions depends on what accidentally pregnant women decide to do. In the end, some have safe abortions, some have unsafe abortions and some give birth. Pro-life advocates want to increase the number who give birth. Pro-choice advocates focus on the availability of safe abortion. People who care about women just want to put an end to unsafe abortions. That's what American policy should be all about.
EagleFee LLC (Brunswick, Maine)
"Contraception, contrary to popular belief, makes little difference in preventing pregnancy." How about a link (to a credible source) to support this statement. It's become everyones' job to avoid spreading misinformation.
HT (Ohio)
"Contraception, contrary to popular belief, makes little difference in preventing pregnancy. "

This is nonsense. Fertility awareness methods have a 25% failure rate - for every 100 couples using this method, 25 will be pregnant within a year. In contrast, implants have a 0.05% annual failure rate.
Eh? (London)
"Contraception... makes little difference in preventing pregnancy"? Pretty sure the leaflet inside the box of condoms/pills and the hundreds of millions of couples who have never had an unwanted pregnancy will disagree with you there!
leeserannie (Woodstock)
Nicholas, you, as always on this subject, are so right. Thank you for your important work informing the public with evidence-based, humanitarian logic.

It's not surprising that Trump's gatekeepers are ignoring you, since it wouldn't be in their best interests for him to see the true consequences of the "global gag rule." It would make him gag. Then he might tweet something that Pence and the other religious zealots pulling his strings wouldn't like.

Have you tried slipping videos of these suffering women and children to Ivanka and Melania?
Jackie (Missouri)
I doubt that it would do any good. Ivanka and Melania have too much to lose if they open their eyes and ears and speak up. You can bet that Melania has felt the back of her husband's hand many times. Just look at that dead look in her eyes. And Ivanka has been around long enough to know the high price of defiance, and has been sheltered enough to not have to care about any group but her own. You think they don't know which side their bread is buttered on, and for them, that it always lands on the carpet butter-side-up?
Pigenfrafyn (Boston)
No wonder Mike Pence always displays that smug little smile in photo-ops. He's clearly pulling the strings.
Yuxuan Chew (Australia)
Just made a donation to International Planned Parenthood Federation using PayPal (which is owned by Peter Thiel).

The irony.

Regardless support IPPF
Liz (Italy)
Great idea. I will too. If 3.2 million people who marched all gave $10 to $ 100 dollars we could make a dent in the destruction
AE (France)
This leap backward is sadly not limited to the United States. It is perhaps not coincidental that the Russian Federation is passing a law under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church decriminalizing domestic violence as a means of 'protecting' the family unit and to ensure less state 'interference' in what Moscow interprets as events springing within the private sphere. America, wake up! the forces of reaction are back to crush the historically oppressed ALL OVER THE WORLD! I congratulate Mr Kristof for his no-holds barred revellations about the potential horrors Trump's anti-family planning policies will inflict upon women.
Daset (Eastham, MA)
Rather than calling them lies and evoking a visceral response, how about something eponymous and closer in meaning? 'Trumped up' gives extra meaning to the expression.
david (ny)
I agree with Mr. Kristof's and Ms. Collins' criticism of Trump's policies about women's health.

I may be wrong but I think about the same percentage of males and females oppose abortion.
53% of all white women voted for Trump
51% of white college women voted for Clinton
62% of all white non college women voted for Trump
lotusflower0 (Chicago)
@David - You "think" you are right? Really? There must be poll research out there you can look for. And what do estimates of polls about voting have to do with abortion? I know men who voted for Trump, but have a pro-choice view.
SMB (Savannah)
Next time the right goes into paroxysms of panic and hysteria over an epidemic like Ebola, it needs to look at actions like these. The anti-abortion zealots domestically and internationally do not care about public health, the lives of the many women and girls that will be lost, or the resulting broken families, diseases, poverty, hardship and famine.

That circle of suited white men with Trump in the middle smugly seeking to control the uterus of every woman and girl might be a portrait in different clothes of any tiny patriarchal cult--religious or political-- leaders abusing women. Chastity belts, mutilation, forced pregnancies and marriages, honor killings, and women as property are all an ancient nightmare come back in Trump's bizarre worldview. His treatment of women and girls was literally criminal in the past.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
In what way did Obama, or any prior administration, prevent people and cultures and nations thousands of miles away, from using chastity belts (??? really?) or female genital mutilation, or forcing pregnancy or marriage, or preventing honor killings? These things have gone for hundreds or thousands of years in some countries. There is no way for an American President to prevent such things! nor could Trump have suddenly brought these imaginary "savings" to an end in FIVE DAYS!
Ann (new york)
I could not put it better. I am a mother of daughters and granddaughters and met many women my age who had illegal abortions by Doctors who risk their license when it was illegal in till the 1970s. I was so glad when planned parenthood gave out free birth control pills to those who could not afford to buy them. I also know that the wealthy send their wives and mistresses to another country for legal abortions or knew doctors who would perform the abortion. This is indeed the war on women's recently acquired freedom over their bodies. If men would have to give birth to children there would be free abortions, free birth control, and vasectomies would be a norm all over the world.
Timothy Bal (Central Jersey)
The Times' war on Trump began a long time ago.
esp (Illinois)
Timothy: Did the Time's war on Trump begin a long time ago? They certainly provided him with a lot of free press when he was running in the primary, the general elections and now today.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
And it won't apparently end for four years more. They refuse to accept the election results! as they once damned Trump for even suggesting. They (and HIllary) said that to "question the results of the election is UNAMERICAN!" -- even treasonous.

Now THEY question it, because they didn't get their Golden Goddess, The Anointed One. it is now sinking in that -- hey, yes! elections have consequences! and when you lose, those consequences are all the fun things you wanted anyhow.

For gods sake, the man hasn't even been in office for ONE FULL WEEK yet.
George Pequignot (St Petersburg, FL)
I'm hoping they win. Keep it up Times.
Don Shipp, (Homestead Florida)
Trump's war on women is buttressed by Vice-President Mike Pence, whose voting record as a Congressman was the personification of the word misogyny and its anti-family implications. He voted against parental and maternity leave, increasing the minimum wage, financial aid for workers displaced by Globalization, stem cell research, funding PPH, the ACA with its provisions for women's health screening, expanding CHIP, and the Mathew Sheppard Hate Crimes Act. He voted in favor of cutting Medicare, cutting educational spending, and approving AIDS funding only if it contained requirements for the totally discredited and ludicrous Gay conversion therapy.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
While espousing disbelieve in evolution, Pence promotes devolution.

These snakebitten wackos are serious social poison.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
Someone having a different opinion than YOU, Don Shipp, is not evidence of misogyny. Mr. Pence -- like tens of millions of Americans -- simply has a different set of beliefs and world views, it does not mean he "hates women" or tried to actively harm them.

You are not the sole proprietor of "truth" nor is it that obvious that all of your proposed laws or policies would make life better for all women.

If this nation were not divided on these issues, we would not have had a contentious election season.

BTW: it was your big hero OBAMA who called to have the age for BOTH Medicare AND Social Security raised to 70. Look it up. He is on videotape saying this in a speech.
Rohit (New York)
"He voted against parental and maternity leave, "

Maybe so, but Trump himself has come out strongly in favor of paid maternity leave.

Why keep emphasizing the negative?

"In September President Donald Trump announced during his election campaign that he would guarantee six weeks of paid maternity leave for working mothers — the first time a Republican presidential candidate has made such a promise."

And from Politico, Jan 11,

"House GOP staff and Donald Trump transition officials will talk Thursday about the president-elect’s campaign pledge to lower child-care costs and guarantee women six weeks of paid maternity leave — policies endorsed by his eldest daughter Ivanka but which could meet steadfast GOP resistance."

Look, the election is OVER, as Joe Biden said. Now is the time to work together for our future.

Trump is in FAVOR of paid maternity leave. He may not succeed given the Republican resistance, but you still have to give him credit, IF you are fair, for trying.
DenisPombriant (Boston)
Hold on. If a lie is an intent to deceive, don't be squeamish about using it on Trump. He's been given all of the information about the vote collected from the 50 states and the territories showing there was no vote fraud. Thus his decision to pursue an investigation represents willful ignorance and a belief that a grand conspiracy, not even detected by 17 security agencies of the federal government, occurred and from there you can impute intent to deceive. Instead count this as exhibit one (there will be more) that the man is mentally unstable and incapable of being president.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
What difference could individual voter fraud make under a system that automatically discards a majority of the votes cast?
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
Actually no investigations of any kind have been carried out -- pro or con. Jill Stein and HIllary accused Trump of voter improprieties in Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, PA, etc. because he won in states that were supposedly "safe" for Democrats -- nothing came of it. There is paranoia on both sides of this issue.

In 2000, the disputed recounts for Gore -- stopped by SCOTUS -- were carried our privately (and in a non-binding fashion) by the news media, and it took several months -- until summer 2001, I think -- before there were definitive results.
beth reese (nyc)
The "voter fraud" investigation is there to distract us from the ever more serious evidence of the Hair Duce campaign colluding with Russia before the election and to get more voter suppression here by the enactment of more Voter ID laws, especially in swing states. Let's keep our eyes on the prize.
MarianneT (Wisconsin)
So, the White House comments line (202-456-1111) is "currently closed". Is this a response by the administration to shut us down? ?
AE (France)
This is just the beginning. I can see a time soon when access to Washington DC will be limited to residents and Trumpistas. Trump will not be able to concentrate on making America 'great' again with all of that commotion in the streets of the capital.
Bleu Bayou (Beautiful Downtown Brooklyn)
Since Trump has shut down the comments line, try calling one of his hotels:
Trump International Hotel & Tower
1 Central Park West, New York, NY 10023
(212) 299-1000
Elle (Buffalo)
Over 65 million Americans rejected Donald Trump on Election Day. Together, we can use our voices to remind congress they work for all of us.

Each week "The 65" issues a Weekly Call to Action and makes it easy to find the phone numbers of your representatives - so you can contact them on any number of issues.
The 65 -
Don Kaiser (Australia)
I hope it is becoming clear that the U.S. has a madman for a "president". Forget his small hands, it is his small attention span and small brain that we must all fear. I know that it will a truly egregious act to trigger a response from the U.S. institutions of state. Have no fear, one (or, more likely, more) is coming. Keep pointing our the lies and reaction will result. Save us from him, though I suspect that for many interests, Pence will be no better.
AE (France)
I shall never attach the title 'President' to Donald Trump's name. His election represents nothing but an extravagant folly for a plutocrat accustomed to always having it all, his way.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
The US has a Congress and Senate of hapless fools.
Ann (new york)
And the third person who would follow to the throne, is also scary.
Randall Johnson (Seattle)
Trump will be torturing women and immigrants.
AE (France)
The only way to make America 'great' again -- hurt the weak and defenceless, feel more powerful and even omnipotent. America has lots of experience in this domain : the maintenance of slavery for nearly a century after American independence, as well as the 'conquest' of the West facilitated through genocide and land theft.
Liberal (Ohio)
He has already tortured 3 women (2 are immigrants)--even if they walked into his snake pit, eyes wide open. No wonder Melania stays in NYC. If I was her, I'd find a Great school for Barron in CA and move to the west coast--further away from her (and our) mango menace.
Susan (Paris)
The Netherlands government announced yesterday that they were launching a global fund for abortions and to help women's reproductive health, in order to counter the Trump cuts, and EU members have responded positively. The Dutch Foreign ministry spokesman said-

"Where decisions are taken that are bad for women in developing countries, we should help those women," he said. "It's not about politics, it's about those women."

In America however, it's all about politics. Sickening!!
Steve Bolger (New York City)
Yes, the US right wing is nothing but a collection of bratty juvenile delinquents testing the limits of credulity of a badly educated public.
Richard (Honolulu)
Thank you for this important information, Susan. And hooray for the Dutch! How many other nations are going to have to step up to save the world from Trump?
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
That's wonderful! think of all the money we will have saved right there! The Netherlands is a very, very wealthy (if small) nation -- it's about time they walked the walk, and paid their share!
silver bullet (Warrenton VA)
The accompanying photo aptly describes the direction of this administration for the next four years. The newly anointed monarch signing an edict to his kingdom in front of his court jesters and policy advisors. When President Obama signed executive orders he was assailed by accusations of executive overreach and violating the Constitution. The new president makes a media circus of showing off his power and authority.

This president knows nothing about policy or government administration. He doesn't read books and he has no interest in learning anything about his responsibilities or the foreign countries with whom he'll have to interact as Chief Executive. He will probably allow others to make policy proposals and do the homework necessary to advance his initiatives.

Yes, it does matter if this president is a liar or a crackpot but if he has his enablers and apologists to effectively run the White House and the country, he may be content to merely be large and in charge and whistle while they work.
AE (France)
His supporters in Podunk fail to understand that he will delegate ALL of the boring details to his sycophants. He is like a wealthy customer for a yacht who knows nothing at all about shipbuilding, simply dictates the 'broad strokes' to those supposedly in the know. I cannot see this presidency ending well.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
So then explain it to me: why was it absolutely OK and wonderful President Obama to do THE EXACT SAME THINGS -- issue and sign executive orders -- but when President Trump does it, it is monstrous and evil and an overreach?

You lost. This is a consequence of losing. President Obama said that when he was riding high and never imagining his legacy crushed and gone in a few years! That hubris. Stuff happens.

Why is it "a media circus of power & authority" when Trump does it? But you LOVED it when Obama did it! didn't you? Admit it!
totyson (Sheboygan, WI)
Really? Your defending argument is, "I know you are, but what am I?" Pee Wee Herman would be proud of your impeccable logic.
Carolita (Charleston)
Sorry, but the health status of other, failed countries do not interest us. If these failed states cannot provide for their citizens, that is not our concern. We saved Europe from itself, twice. Let those "global leaders" in mainland China globetrot their brand. Perhaps you might just give a care about this country's problems - we'll even accept your listing of them. When they are all remedied, we may indulge your save the world obsessions. As to legalized infanticide, well you can sign on to that abomination if you wish.
mrkee (Seattle area, WA state)
Look at the numbers in the article. Abortions INCREASE when contraception is cut off. Plus, far more women die in childbirth and from complications of pregnancy. Cutting off funding kills women and babies, and orphans children. Cutting off healthcare here in the U.S. does the same. These are heavy damages to answer for. Heal your own heart so that you can help rather than rage.
Laurence (<br/>)
"do not interest us" - thank you very much for speaking on behalf of others who might care.

"perhaps you might just give a care about this country's problems" - false equivalency, you can address many problems at once. governments and people do this everyday.

"legalized infanticide" - a bunch of cells about the size of a peanut is not a baby. plus we're talking about contraceptives too here, so your argument is not worth much.
SMB (Savannah)
Smugness is not attractive. Maternal deaths in Texas went up exponentially after its Planned Parenthood closing, and no doubt cancer rates will also. In other states that did this HIV spread, dramatically harming public health in general. It is one thing to solve problems and help people and another thing to create the problems and deliberately harm people. The women's march showed what a true grassroots effort is. Americans reject forcing other people's cruel and heartless religious views on others. This has been considered torture by human rights organizations. Some so-called Christians are in for a big surprise on judgment day when they find out torture, cruelty, and indifference to the suffering of others isn't considered good.
Jane (Naples-fl)
It's Pence, Trump's handler and puppet master. Yes, it all makes sense now, Pence. He's the one making this happen. Let's face it, the puppet doesn't have a brain.
swj (new york city)
Yes, and it's not just Pence but the Republicans in Congress who are frighteningly behind this megalomaniac. And now they're trying to block access to scientific data from various agencies. By dumbing down the public and masking insidious intentions, this nightmare of an administration is making this country a dangerous place to be for the world.
AE (France)
Michael Pence is America's answer to Iran's Ahmadinjenad : a secular religious obscurantist who is deluded in having a divine religious mission to enforce 'God's' rule on the body politic.
MD (Michigan)
"In fairness, Trump probably thought he was doing a good thing; that’s a measure of his delusion."
No...he did it to hit back at women. They demonstrated against him and he immediately landed his counterpunch. That's how this is going to work for the next four years - beat people into submission.
Had those millions of women marched in adulation of Trump, we would not have seen this "Mexico City" policy - yet. Pence saw an opening and pounced.
kaila (hawaii)
This is horrific. Trump and company think they are standing up for their supposed righteous morals? And literally killing women by their actions. This is beyond the pale.

My husband and I participated in the Women's March and we will continue being active ... this just pushes us to do more.
John (Thailand)
Stop funding abortuaries!
wc (md)
John in Thailand:
What business is it of anyone else if someone chooses to abort?
It may not be your choice. It may not be my choice or it may have to be someday, yet no one has the right to tell someone else what they can do with THEIR OWN BODY.

What is it that makes some people so mean and uncaring and why are they the ones steering the ship of state ?
Robert Samuelson (Chevy Chase, MD)
Millions of Americans believe there a few acts more cruel and uncaring than the abortion of an unborn child. I appreciate that you don't subscribe to that point of view. I encourage you to consider that you may be way off-base in ascribing with certainty the motives that are driving the millions of Americans who have a problem with abortion. I can assure you that for most, it is the exact opposite of being mean and uncaring. You do not have the right to do with your own body if it harms another person. Thus, the fundamental question that remains -- at what point does an unborn child become a person with rights? In other words, when does life begin?
Meredith (NYC)
DT will be also be responsible for more deaths in the US if ACA is repealed. The rw Gop will be proud of what they think is their moral superiority on abortion/birth control funding, and American Freedom from big govt intruding in health care. But it’s really about freedom for more h/c profits, even than ACA allows.
The US has a unique alliance of religious fundamentalism and profit motive. Religion and the power of the state, in a nation with explicit separation in the constitution.
KGB (Saratoga, NY)
It's femicide.
bill b (new york)
The blatant lies and tweets are designed to distract from what
he is up to. Real women are going to die and Trump and the GOP could care
less. If they are dead, they can't vote.
Rw (canada)
He lies and he believes his lies and the more you oppose him the more deeply he believes them: he can never let go, and he demands that his people and the rest of us support him in his lies and delusions. He is not a well man.
As for policy, they will all be the same: bigly idea, no thought given to consequences. He has never had to deal with consequences. If he sets up a scam university, no thought to the people he scammed, just how good do I look in the promos and how much cash can I squeeze out of them. If he decides he doesn't want to pay a small contractor, he saved himself some money, and no thought to how that contractor is supposed to survive without being paid. All of the grand announcements he's made and will continue to make do not come with details of the issues, pros and cons, etc. If he read this op-ed, learned that there is more to the funding than just abortions, he'd probably be shocked because there isn't anybody advising him that wants him to have that information and he doesn't have the intellectual capacity or capability to even consider that women's health involves many things other than abortion. He will never change. He is not "like a really smart person". Get rid of him as quickly as possible, please.
AE (France)
Karl Marx stated that the expansion of capitalism is always accompanied by a decline in morality. Donald Trump is an extreme textbook case of Marxist analysis.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
Trump did not "stiff" contractors; he declared bankruptcy and as is absolutely normal in a bankruptcy, his creditors received a percentage of their bills, from the remaining assets of the company.
Ann (new york)
I very much fear you are right. I hope we can get these people out soon, at least in two years we vote in more sane Democrats to get into a majority to stop this maniac. Unfortunately his vice president is just as bad if not worse and so is the third man in line. I will now increase my funding to PLanned Parenthood and NARAL. We the United States women, need these agencies to survive and help those in most need.
soxared, 04-07-13 (Crete, Illinois)
"Trump expanded this “global gag rule” — as critics call it, because it bars groups from mentioning abortion."

Let's see; silence prevents pregnancies. Oh my. Now I've got it. Thanks, Nick.
Randall Johnson (Seattle)
The Global Gag rule prevents mention of contraceptives. Yes, silence causes pregnancies.
Robert Samuelson (Chevy Chase, MD)
It explicitly does *not* prevent the mention or dissemination of contraceptives. Certain foreign NGOs simply prefer to continue to promote abortion as an option in lieu of taking U.S. taxpayer funding. That's their choice. Get the facts here, not Kristof's misleading ones:
Stuart (New York, NY)
The people who oppose abortion are not concerned about women's lives or the unborn. They suffer from a sick need to tell other people how to live their lives. That takes precedence over their concern that Trump's executive order will cause more abortions. That same so-called pro-life group most often credits their high moral character and religion for their point of view, but by voting for Trump they proved how little they care for morals as long as they get the chance to blame someone else for their problems.
njglea (Seattle)
Yes, Stuart, that is why NOW is the time for Women and the men who love them to DEMAND an amendment to OUR Constitution that says, "No law shall be passed in the United States of America that discriminates based on gender." Constitutional law is the only "settled" law in America. The 19th Amendment enshrines women's right to vote and cannot be undone with out a constitutional change. That is the only way to stop these ridiculous attacks on Women's Inalienable Rights to decide what they do with their own bodies and lives.

Women's organizations need to collaborate and make a single push for passage of the ERA NOW to capitalize on this historic moment in OUR history of America.
Pundit (Paris)
"The people who oppose abortion are not concerned about women's lives or the unborn. They suffer from a sick need to tell other people how to live their lives."

If we demonize the opposition, we will only create more Donald Trumps. The vast majority of anti-abortion people are decent humans beings who believe they would be contributing to murder if they helped finance abortions through their tax dollars. They are wrong, but they are not evil or sick.
Robert Samuelson (Chevy Chase, MD)
Stuart, sorry, your comment is way, way off base. How can you possibly claim to understand the motivations for some/many/most/all of those opposed to abortion? Based on your rhetoric, I surmise you do not associate with anyone whose views on abortion are different than your own. Your comment is full of uninformed judgment and very little understanding. I hope you strive to do better.
Carson Drew (River Heights)
Trump's ignorance is being exploited by Republicans with a misogynistic agenda. This won't be the last time.

Thanks for the phone numbers. I plan to keep them handy and use them often.
Dana (Santa Monica)
Why would you ever say Trump thought he was doing g a good thing? For whom? All the white guys standing next to him? The vicious, vindictive supporters of the anti-choice movement who demand tax payer dollars aren't used for international family planning and then begrudge any US tax money being used for aid in the developing world. Or for the woman in a remote village in Congo who walks for days to the nearesr clinic to get reproductive services since she knows she cannot survive another pregnancy only to be told to go home and breastfeed exclusively to avoid pregnancy. I don't care what these people convince themselves is righteous - the reality is they are inhumane monsters inflicting their deranged sense of morality on women who are seeking help for circumstances that nobody in trumps cabinet would allow their own daughters to endure.