Silence on Abortion Equals Death

Jan 24, 2017 · 263 comments
Michjas (Phoenix)
You would think that both sides of the abortion debate would want to reduce the number of abortions and you would think that that would be all about birth control. But Planned Parenthood tells us that half of all pregnancies in the US are unplanned and most unplanned pregnancies are due to birth control failure. In the US, birth control is readily available for both sexes. Yet that doesn't seem to much help. We can argue about abortions or agree upon improved use of birth control. We have decided that one already. We'd rather argue.
ChesBay (Maryland)
10's of thousands, even millions, will die as long a trump is around. Let's find a way to get rid of him.
Terry Malouf (Boulder, CO)
This gag order is beyond heartless. In addition to other comments made, do not underestimate the GOP's hidden intent to keep women everywhere--the US included--economically subjugated. What better way to promote imperial patriarchy than to impoverish millions of women with unwanted pregnancies? Diminished education and job prospects are among the most apparent consequences of this inhuman edict. But I guess that's exactly what they want.
kathleen (new york)
I wonder if there's any way to quantify the effect and mobilize women ( and others) who are concerned to make up the difference ( or at least some of it).

A lot of folks were energized by the women's March Saturday and are looking for action they can take.

I understand some on the right criticized the march as a bunch of comfortable women who, if they really cared about women should be helping poor women around the world who have fewer rights than they do.

Seems like a good way to answer those critics, keep women and their allies engaged and show the administration we are willing to put money behind our protest signs.

What do you think?
Smithereens (New York, NY)
This is all a farce.

Trump isn't banning funds because he wants to save babies; he's banning funds because he wants to save himself. He did this, aided by other men in his administration, to punish women marching against him and challenging his supremacy.
Randall Johnson (Seattle)
Women will die, because of the global gag rule.

Women will die, because of cancer screenings missed due cutting funding for Planned Parenthood.

American conservatives are pleased at the prospect of killing women
Terrance (Michigan)
The unfortunate circumstances of some women, should not become the excuse for millions of other women to kill their babies. Abortion is not birth control.
Patricia Moran (London)
It certainly seems like this move is a spiteful response to the Women's Marches around the world on Saturday.
Ami (Portland Oregon)
What right do we have to deny other countries access to provide their citizens safe abortions and birth control. We are not God. These are services that are legal in our own country and around the world. The Republicans need to get off their moral high horse.
Bill Benton (SF CA)
Trump is only interested in money. He regards issues like abortion as ways to distract voters from the fact that he is picking our pockets.

To fight him we must attack what is important to him, and that is money. Progressives and liberals must put the war against inheritance and opposition to low taxes for capital gains first and foremost. The conservatives are winning because they have done this, and distracted us with wedge issues (i.e., less important distractions).

To see what we should do go to YouTube watch Comedy Party Platform (2 min 9 sec). Good luck America. Thanks.
Zatari (Anywhere)
This is just one more of Trump's assaults on women. And unfortunately, I doubt it will be the last.
Steve the Tuna (NJ)
The more poor, desperate, hungry, unloved, displaced, neglected and diseased people there are in the world, the more the military industrial complex makes from selling weapons to control and suppress them. Death is a huge industry and our warmakers are great at exporting it worldwide.

To these psychopathic murderers, every fetal life has 'value' until it is born, then it is free to be exploited for its labor, a source of revenue, cannon fodder for our war machines and a ready market to drive demand. Family planning and sustainability population growth do NOT fit the revenue and profit goals of the Rex Tillersons Phebe Novakovics and Marillyn Hewsons of the world. We are less than 20 years away from becoming the 'batteries' that power the economic engines of these elite parasites, who are predominately far-right reactionaries who are threatened by billions coming together to air grievances and seek reform.
Hawkeye (Midwest)
I donated all my Christmas money to my local planned parenthood. I also had my yearly exam done there even though I have good insurance. I thanked EVERY staff member there for all the incredible work they do. It was incredibly clean and the staff was extremely professional and kind. I saw women and men from every race. Please dear readers, help in any way you can. We are going to have to rely on one another and our children, especially young girls, deserve it.
Dave Phillips (Tucson AZ)
The Trumpites care not a whit about life or death of women; they only care about unborn fetuses. Once they are born, you will see not a penny spent by this US administration on the support and welfare of these children. They seem not to understand the connection between inaccessibility of contraception and abortion; they seem to think that women will stop having sex if they have no contraceptives.
Katie (Denver, CO)
We are likely going to be reading a steady stream of news about important programs that have been defunded by the current administration. I would find it useful if such articles could information about reputable, well run organizations that I and other like minded people can support financially and help keep this work funded.
Mike 71 (Chicago Area)
This "gag order" clearly violates the physician-patient relationship, not to mention the First Amendment. Since when can government limit what information a physician can impart to his patient, or the ability to refer the patient elsewhere when unable to provide the requested service? Will the "morals police" hire sinister toads like James O'Keefe, who tried to entrap Planned Parenthood into selling him fetal tissue, to approach physicians for abortion referrals and then have them arrested, or their licenses revoked?

What are the implications for priest-pennitent and attorney-client confidentiality? Will "Big Brother" insist on overhearing Confession, or an attorney advising a client with a legal problem? Many Americans once believed that this type of intrusion only happened in "police states," such as the late "German Democratic Republic," or Nikolae Ceausescue's Romania, where the "Stasi" and "Securitate" once performed such functions. But as one American literary figure wrote in a prescient novel in 1935, "It Can Happen Here!"
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
If we are talking real world numbers, you must remove the first two words of the article's headline. 50 million non-persons would recommend that decision.

The post-Vietnam period in American history will be dissected by future academics for why mankind became so flippant about the wholesale extermination of humans with no criminal record. Worse yet, the movement begun a century ago to foist sbortion-on-demand on our culture came from the most racist elements in the progressive movement.

The entirely of that promotion was the elimination of black children from places where elite whites walked or traveled. I am occasionally speechless that the most strident elite-wanna-bes are all riding this wagon.

What a way to climb the social ladder and proclaim your personal solidarity with collectivism. ''Sorry, little Johnny & Jane. Not you. Not now.''
WMK (New York City)
Defunding Planned Parenthood International and any other overseas organizations that support abortion procedures is wonderful news. Pro-life groups have been working really hard and finally we are seeing positive results. The taking of innocent life should never be accepted and we must continue to speak out again these horrors. Finally someone in the White House is listening and sees that this devastation must stop. This is so encouraging and we will not stop. We want to save babies from being slaughtered.
WMK (New York City)
Finally someone is looking out for the babies in the womb. It is about time. Let's stop the tragic death of innocent human life. They deserve to live.
reader123 (NJ)
Today the House passed H.R. 7 which is an anti-abortion law that will greatly hurt poor women in this country. It imposes tax penalties on small businesses that provides abortion. It blocks abortion coverage for low-income women as well as women in the military. The GOP in pushing their religious agenda on the world as well as our own country is Christian Sharia Law. It makes no sense and it is cruel. Just look at what happened in Texas when the Republicans there attacked women's health centers. Mortality rates went up, teen pregnancy went up and more. I find this to be no different than radical Islam. And to top it off was the photo of eight men at the signing ceremony for this cruel Gag bill. Eight men, signing away the rights of women with not one woman in the room. Is this 2016 or 1816?
Sasha (Texas)
The Republicans don't care. That's it in a nutshell. The unborn are FAR more important than the living.
ebmem (Memphis, TN)
The pro-abortion argument is that the clinics providing abortion services and counselling have to close because of Trump's executive order, which denies women of all contraceptive services as well as other medical services.

A thoughtful person would suggest another alternative, that the clinics, instead, stop offering abortion services and counselling if that is what it takes to keep clinics open. People who care about the health of women would reason, logically, that half a loaf is better than none.

When I read the comments, I'm sure that there will be many objecting to the Republican white man imposing his will, that it's obviously misogynistic, that the religious right is imposing their religion.

Any NGO operator of a clinic funded by the American taxpayer who closes the clinic rather than stop providing abortions is putting its religion that considers abortion a sacrament ahead of the interests of women's health. It is unbelievable that anyone who cares about women could be so blindly misogynistic, or so determined to impose their religion on women.
rational person (america)
I marched in the 70s to stop the war. I marched in the 80s in support of the ERA. I marched in the 90s in support of choice and against Job's education program. I've protested attempts to gut environmental laws.

I keep hoping that somehow those in power will come to understand their policies are indecent, counterproductive and a danger to our planet. However, we must never stop. We must remain engaged. And we must start to run for office, any office (I'd start with school boards) so that we can shape policy and make sure that the all white male tableau in that photo stays were it the past.

I write this as I watch PBS's excellent documentary on Rachel Carson. I wonder how many of our children know who she is.....
Martha Swank (DC)
It is hypocrisy to claim that you support this "silence on abortion" because you don't want your taxes spent on such things. And then
support funding over a million dollars on magic of religion. You are forcing me to fund your belief in magic. Godyolah Blessyoso--poof.

Will you please support ending tax dollars being spent on the government magic men. Approximately $650,000 is spent on 1) Chaplain of the Senate, and 2) Chaplain of the House of Representatives. This pays for the grand magic man prayer, a staff, a suite of rooms for an office, travel budget, and etc.. Millions of taxpayers are forced to pay for your belief in a deity--God, Allah, etc. Set our tax dollars free from your belief in a magical invisible being.
AnnaJoy (18705)
This has Mike Pence's fingerprints all over it.
rosa (ca)
Jesse Helms died an unrepentant racist.
To his ghost I say ( seen on a protest sign?):

"If you cut off my reproductive rights
Then you shouldn't mind when I cut off your's too."
pablo (Phoenix, AZ)
We never learn. That which we prohibit we drive underground with dangerous and fatal results. Sex, race and religion. The hat trick that the United States cannot seem to conquer.
rosa (ca)

"Make America First By Making Women Last!"
Terrance (Michigan)
How about not putting babies last? Abortion is a human rights issue, not a women's rights issue today. We know based on science and ultrasound technology when life begins, at conception. Now you can truly choose.. to support killing babies or not. I am so thankful we have a president who supports and chooses life.
Bleu Bayou (Beautiful Downtown Brooklyn)
The GOP has torn down the wall separating church and state.

1) “The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans believe people are fundamentally bad, while Democrats see people as fundamentally good.” from "Why Rural America Voted for Trump" [New York Times]

2) "In deep-red white America, the white Christian God is king." from "The Dark Rigidity of Fundamentalist Rural America" [AlterNet]
rational person (america)
Republicans....the successors of our Puritan forefathers
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
Protip: Experienced readers never back up an argument with the product on sale at WMD, InfoWares, or Alternet. =Jus' sayin'

The right would suggest that your progressivism has BECOME a state religion recommended by liberalism as served by the liberal-friendly media outlets.
This new Cool religion has its own Catechisms like the global warming belief system and the human-zygotes-aren't-people Catechism.

This religion's seminaries are the majority of universities where no conservative may ever be heard and political correctness is forced on all.
With the federal government smiling in the background.
Nat (Princeton, NJ)
Many health clinics would rather stop providing all family planning services, rather than merely stop providing abortion counseling. Why? Presumably because they chose to allow more to women suffer rather than choosing to compromise on the (moral) belief that abortion counseling is an essential part of providing for women's health. If you think that's an okay choice, then you shouldn't blame those who are pro-life for making the analogous choice: they would rather allow more women to suffer than compromise on the (moral) belief that promoting abortion is wrong. Both sides are stubbornly sticking to their moral principles in a way that results in more women suffering. Maybe that's okay, or maybe not, but it's not a good argument against the pro-life position.
Lois (NYC)
First amendment... ???
ebmem (Memphis, TN)
Pro-abortion fanatics would rather see women die than operate a clinic that cannot kill the unborn.

When the Hyde amendment was passed, it was a compromise between the pro-abortion and the anti-abortion factions. Abortion was legal but the pro-abortionists agreed not to make the taxpayers fund them.

No matter which side of the debate you are on, it does seem like the pro-abortion position that it is better for women's health to offer them nothing is irrational.
toom (Germany)
Read the article. The Trump/GOP ban is for all family planning.
Cowboy Marine (Colorado Trails)
The U.S. really is becoming a "backward" nation and oligarchy at the same time, seemingly held captive by right-wing ideologues and fake Christians even though the majority of Americans want to move forward into this new century like the rest of the modern world...based on knowledge, reality, and decency.
Martha Swank (DC)
It is the woman who will choose what happens concerning her body. No other person, law or God can change that. This is a power of women, not men. To be shared at the discretion of each individual woman. Conservative religious believers can make it more difficult for women to find the medical help they need and want. This lack of care may cause women to suffer, and die. It will not affect the wealthy.

The rich will always have access to whatever medical care they need or want. The conservative religious actions that stand in the way of women’s liberty, and their access to medical care does not affect the wealthy. It affects the women that have more limited financial resources. As usual, the most financially needy women will be the ones who suffer, and die the most from these religion based attacks on women’s liberty. There is no freedom of religion without the freedom to have no religious belief, and the freedom not to follow religion's laws. Today we do not have that freedom in the United States.
Thomas (Nyon)
He doesn't care. It's all about him and his ego.
Beatrice ('Sconset)
But, Serra Sippel, you are being logical.
Mr. Trump is not logical.
So, sadly, even tho' I agree with you, you're not gonna' to be heard
Michael (Never Never land)
The compassion of the religious right.
ebmem (Memphis, TN)
The compassion of the vicious left. The would deny all medical services to women if they cannot have abortion on the menu.
Maureen (Upstate, NY)
Don't understand all the comments about PP and the government funding abortions. What's wrong with the government funding abortion since it's STILL legal in this country? I don't like lots of things the government does with my money but why does one powerful group get to impose it's ideology based on "closely held religious beliefs?" Why do they get a "carve out?"
The right has turned the second amendment into the last book of the Bible. It's time for us to enshrine, and OBSERVE THE FIRST AMENDMENT!! I don't believe in your religion. It is without Mercy. If you don't believe in abortion then don't have one. Oh, wait I forgot - the loudest opponents of abortion are people who can't have them MEN!
ebmem (Memphis, TN)
Plastic surgery is legal, does that mean the taxpayer is obligated to fund it? Fishing, dirt bike riding, skiing, making sculptures, knitting, smoking, drinking.

There are lots of things in the country that are STILL legal but that we do not expect the taxpayer to fund.

It is legal for federal funds to be used for abortions that are the result of rape, incest or threaten the life of the mother. All others are elective. States like NY are willing to use state taxpayer funds to subsidize them. Other states have laws similar to the federal law that prohibit use of state taxpayer funds.

If you want to have an elective abortion, go ahead and have one. Why would you expect someone else to pay for it?

There are many people who object to abortions for reasons other than religion, ethical and moral reasons. The fact that they are joined by people who object for religious reasons does not in any universe make the premise that the taxpayer is not paying for an elective procedure a church-state issue.
camllan (New England)
My thoughts are these. If you are going to ban abortions, or even talk about abortions, then you need to make birth control readily available and affordable.

If someone can't afford birth control, how can she afford a baby? Are the men agreeing to these punitive laws and regulations prepared to spend the money to support these babies? No, they are not. In the US, they are planning to reduce funding to programs like welfare, SNAP and WIC.

The gap in logic here is of huge proportions.
ebmem (Memphis, TN)
You skipped over a point. No one is banning abortions. The executive order is prohibiting paying for them or subsidizing them with American taxpayer dollars.

If the taxpayer makes a gift to an NGO and says you can use this money for AIDS medication but you cannot use it for TB medication, it might not make sense to you, but a rational NGO would take the money. If the taxpayer made a gift and said this money is for AIDS medications and if you use it for buying alcohol for recreational purposes, we will ban you from future gifts, it would probably make sense.

The gap in logic for anyone who would assert that it is better to provide no medical services to women if abortion is not on the menu is of epic proportions.
Ed (Old Field, NY)
Give them sufficient guidance.
GregA (Woodstock, IL)
Trump threw the Christian right a bone to show how he means business and to give them hope that he'll do the same here. The harm he's done this time will not be to registered U.S. voters so it's a net gain for him. Christian right wingers have no qualm about the death and disease this will cause. In their minds, it's God's punishment for their sins and they deserve what they get. Their philosophy differs little than that of ISIS. The main difference lies in the methods.
Shawn (Philadelphia)
Abortion aside, why on earth is it the US taxpayers' responsibility to fund these programs in other countries?
Galbraith, Phyliss (Wichita, Ks)
We all live on the same planet. There is a finite amount of air, water, arable land etc. Population(s) increase exponentially. Unless someone has a secret plan to find and colonize a suitable planet immediately, we are all
Doomed - yes- to lives filled with more pollution, shortages, competition for natural resources, civil unrest and the inevitable military conflicts. The greatest difference between humans and other animals is the voluntary, effective use of contraception. We are outbreeding the livability of THIS planet.
rxft (ny)
It's not. The US does not have to give any aid, it does so to have presence and influence in those countries. In the last decade, China's contributed hundreds of millions of dollars to Africa. As a result they have been looked upon favorably when contracts have been awarded. Altruistic acts that don't involve a quid pro quo are about as common as the dodo in this day and age.
Erin A. (Tampa Bay Area)
It tends to be in our best interest. For example, working to prevent or stop the outbreak of communicable diseases also protects Americans in America (think Zika, Ebola, etc.).

Providing aid on the ground can make life bearable and livable in places where residents might otherwise be forced to flee. Massive refugee populations are a threat to stability worldwide - we've seen that play out for the last few years with devastating effect.

Aiding in the stability, health, and security outside of our borders can have a significant impact on security within our borders. Sometimes our government chooses to do these things for fairly selfish reasons, or at least self-interested.

There is also the humanitarian aspect of this, which is vital. Private charities, NGOs, and so on make up a very significant portion of this aid, and are important partners. But having the stamp of authority from a government organization can have a major impact on this work.
Jena (North Carolina)
This is exactly why millions of women around the world marched on Saturday to stop this insanity. Women want politicians to stop using women's healthcare as a political football Mr. Trump.
JS (Cambridge)
NEWS FLASH: Republicans are PRO-ABORTION. How do I know this? Because every single way you can reduce abortion --sex education, birth control, programs that protect women against abuse, rape prevention, widespread access to informative medical care, programs that encourage the completion of high school, you name it -- all of these programs are anathema to Republicans.

Another NEWS FLASH -- It is really only Democrats who try every day to reduce the incidence of abortion. These are the programs we fight for and whose funding is denied repeatedly by the GOP.

So anyone who tells you that Republicans are anti-abortion and Democrats (and of course the Women's March participants) are pro-abortion have it 100% backwards. Backwards -- that's where the GOP and Trump are taking us.
atb (Chicago)
These people and their infantile, vulgar, mentally unstable president are offensive. I really am ashamed to be associated with America with a group like this running it. God help us all.
Southern Boy (The Volunteer State)
The money of hard working Americans does not need to go overseas to pay for abortions. If the liberals want to support this activity, then they should pay for it themselves. Thank you.
Galbraith, Phyliss (Wichita, Ks)
Even in Tennessee, you are affected by pollution, water shortages, etc.
You can run but can't hide far enough.
Andrew Zuckerman (Port Washington, NY)
And if our southern brothers and sisters can't run their States without taking more taxpayer money from the federal government than they put in, let them go under.
Rasheed (Oakland, CA)
If everyone here is so concerned that the US spend it's money supporting abortion, why don't they donate their own money to these third-world abortion providers?

As for these organizations that say they'd rather shut down than stop promoting abortion, let 'em. That's their choice, they don't have to accept the money.
rational person (america)
Why is it that the Party that champions small, limited government continues to intrude in our wombs?

Remember ladies, Viagra was covered by health insurance before the Pill was....
Rachelr917 (NYC)
The message here, I think, is this: If you are a woman, you should not have sex unless you are having your husband's child. Female sexuality is still seen as a threat. We have yet to be liberated.
Maroosh de (Stanford ca)
yep! and I have friends criticizing my walk last sat because "we're already equal."
I just want to move to Mars.
Lee K (New York NY)
"If President Trump really respected women the way he claims, he would support their health rather than endangering it." HAHAHAHA Isn't that the biggest global joke? He does NOT respect women and we women all know that. A few million of us just marched about that a couple of days ago.
Now his global gag rule is, simply, going to kill people. Sounds like war.
Shall we march again this Saturday?
Brendan (New Jersey)
They claim to be pro-life, but what kind of lives they are for is anyone's guess.
Roberta K (Chicago)
These actions against women's health issues, including abortion services, are viewed through the lens of some religious groups. Not all. Over 56 faith-based groups wrote the Senate in 2015 supporting Planned Parenthood. It worked. Acting on the basis of a particular religious group is unconstitutional according to the Non-establishment clause in the First Amendment. You cannot ram the religious beliefs of one group down the throats of others. This attack is the clarion call to send your contributions to the Legal Defense teams of those groups you know that will seek legal recourse to protect the rights this Administration and Congress will seek to eliminate: civil liberties, women's rights/health, environmental stewardship. Our next generation demands we rise to the occasion and fight.
Randy L. (Brussels, Belgium)
Feel free to send a personal check to support this endeavour. Our tax dollars are needed at home.
Liberty hound (Washington)
Actually, abortion equals death. Silence about that central fact is disingenuous.
pealass (toronto)
He doesn't care.
He doesn't care about women.
He doesn't care about the environment.
Doesn't care, apparently, if he leaves America bankrupt and trillions of dollars in debt. (See what that does to your social security rust belt voters).
All he cares about is creating some sort of legacy based on bullying corporations and loathing anything - people or goods - that smack of "foreign".
Frank (Johnstown, NY)
People will die. Never fails to amaze me how men here have the audacity to tell women (and men) in countries and circumstances they know nothing about how they have live.
Rob (NYC)
Thank you President Trump. Millions of innocent unborn children will now have a chance to live.
Martha Swank (DC)
Like Donald you do not tell the truth. These children will most likely die before birth likely killing the mother too, because of their mothers inability to feed herself. If they are born, they will soon suffer and die from starvation, malnutrition, disease, or physical abuse in countries that are so overpopulated you will never understand. You will never understand the pain, the suffering, the agony this will cause living people these poor countries.

Religious belief in a God, Allah, etc. which are based on the ignorance, fear and desperation of primitive peoples from thousands of years past makes good people do bad things. And bad people -Donald- use it as an excuse to do bad things.
Red Lion (Europe)

Not your uterus, Rob, not your business.
Galbraith, Phyliss (Wichita, Ks)
I've noticed that the great majority of the " pro-life" commenters are, of course, male. How many times have you been pregnant? Have you nearly died from complications of being pregnant? How did that delivery go? Smooth and easy or excruciatingly painful? NO ONE is discussing American taxpayers actually paying for ANY abortion. That has been illegal for a long time. Education and contraception greatly reduce even the need for abortion. It's that simple.
Howard (Boston)
At first I thought you meant death for the innocent unborn children that are ripped from their mother's wombs. But then again this is the New York Times so that would be like seeing an Elephant dance and juggle.

Hmmm. Nary a word about the March for Life- funny how you guys are all over the protest on Sunday... but nothing that I can see about the numerous marchers protesting against the abortionists and their cruel industry.
Red Lion (Europe)
How many times have you, personally, been forced by a government, acting on other people's religious views, been forced to carry a pregnancy you did not want to term and there force you, personally, to give birth to a child for which you cannot care?

Thought so.

Not your uterus, Howard, not your business.
Erin A. (Tampa Bay Area)
1. It was Saturday, not Sunday.
2. Given that March for Life events happen annually, and the Women's March happened once, it's not hard to make the distinction. Saturday's march was a unique and new event that had millions across the country and around the world marching. It wasn't an annual event that's been held for years and focused around a single issue.
Casual Observer (Los Angeles CA)
Trump does not consider the consequences of his decisions beyond achieving his initial objectives. His objective here is to satisfy the demands of the right wing religionist elements of his base constituency for who Pence is their spokesman closest to Trump. They consider sex out of marriage a sin which things like death by incompetent abortionist and sexually transmitted diseases are God's way of punishing sinners, and information which avoids those outcomes enables more sinful behaviors. They do not want their government encouraging this kind of sin. Do not try to evaluate Trump as a person who cares much about all the consequences of what he does after he gets what he wants.
Catherine F (NC)
I don't understand the logic of anti-abortion people. If abortion is murder, as they claim, why is there an exception for rape and incest? Does a pregnancy as the result of rape or incest negate their belief that life that begins at conception? Are they not condoning the murder of an "innocent life" when an abortion is performed under these circumstances?

Plus, if abortion is murder because life begins at conception, are all anti-abortion people burying or cremating their miscarried mass of cells or fetuses that would never have survived outside the uterus and including a religious ceremony as they would for a person who has died? I would really like to know if this is happening.
Mor (California)
In third-world countries abortion should be offered not just as an option but as THE option. Most women in these countries cannot afford hormonal contraception. Their partners won't consent to condoms. The only way to lift these countries out of poverty and ignorance is to make women into human beings, capable of self-determination, rather than animals at the mercy of their reproductive physiology. Abortion is necessary until the country develops enough to offer less invasive means of contraception. China's one-child policy, no maligned in the West, was necessary and has contributed to the country's economic growth and liberation of its women. Before it was instituted, China suffered from terrible famines in which children starved to death by millions. Is this more humane than abortion?
Iver Thompson (Pasadena, Ca)
So does this mean there's a monitor in every doctor's office in the world listening for the word abortion to be spoken? It's written as if there must be, otherwise how else would it be known where to pull the funding from. I mean, is this ban even technically possible to enforce?
Ann Carman (<br/>)
I value life, but no one should take away a woman's right to control her own body. Removing financial assistance to health clinics abroad is setting many women up for tragedy or death from botched, back-alley abortions. We must remember what happened to American women before we won the right to choose whether to bear children or not. In many cases, the mother is emotionally or health-wise unable to bear and care for a baby. Please, let's give all women our support and trust so that the children who are born are loved and can be fed and nurtured as they deserve.
larsd4 (Minneapolis)
Maybe reduce taxes, allowing each person to spend that money if they see fit on charities that either support or reject abortion. Not sure why our government needs to be doing any of this.
surfer66 (New York)
It is awful to cut this funding. Abortion should not be a political issue. The right to choose is very important- chose is the key word- legal abortions are optional- The decision is between the woman, her doctor and perhaps family members- some decisions are based on medical necessity as well.
Affordable, available and legal abortions, family planning and birth control are rights which should be respected not behavior that should be criminalized, moralized about, and then defunded by Trump. Disgusting and certainly not enlightened leadership. So now what- back to the back alley, illegal procedures, putting women's lives in danger and as the previous comment from Stanley regarding the situation in Haiti where mother's starved their new born babies to free themselves and spare the child- so sad. Dr. Price sat in the Congress and told Senator Bernie Sanders that we are a compassionate country-"NO it not" said Bernie-proof is the bottom line for everyone- POTUS defunded a humanitarian cause.
Rebecca Rabinowitz (.)
No surprise - Paul Ryan and his band of sexist, misogynist, patriarchal white male friends have officially launched their all out assault and war upon women, both here and abroad. This has nothing whatsoever to do with "pro life" policies and everything to do with putting women - most of all the poor - under the boot heels of these hypocritical and venal men. Their policies would deny SNAP support, Medicaid, quality schools, and more for those "precious unborn" the moment they arrive in the world, and they have put every possible obstacle and shaming, invasive and unaffordable road blocks in front of women who face unintended, or life threatening pregnancies, since most of their grand plans do not provide for exceptions to wholesale bans on abortion. They resent and despise women's sexuality, and seek to ensure that women will be forever under their control, subservient, 2nd class citizens. Legislating the practice of medicine? Great - let's go! Interfering with corporate "sanctity," which they profess to revere? Fantastic - let's go! This is not "pro life" - this is pro forced birth, irrespective of the circumstances. Invest in decent schools? Nope - gotta have more tax cuts for the plutocrats! Affordable housing? Nah - only for the privileged! Boy, though - we Love those "unborn" right up until the moment they are born, at which point Ryan and his band of right wing thugs won't lift a finger. This is rank hatred of and punishment of women. 1/24, 2:58 PM
Joe Rockbottom (califonria)
The republicans are so short sighted about this issue. Many more people will die from having botched abortions. This is on their hands. At the same time the Republicans fight against contraceptives and family planning, thereby ensuring the desire in the people affected for more abortions. Why is that such a hard concept for them to understand. Like the Catholic church it seems they just don't care about actual people and are compelled to force their ideology on people without regard for the health and well being of real people.
Severna1 (Florida)
The separation of church and state is completely ignored when these GOP paternalistic religionists insert themselves into a woman's reproductive choices.

These men have no moral authority to tell anyone anything, much less force more suffering on the poorest populations - women and children.

Shameful, shameful, shameful.
David (Morris County, NJ)
Looking beyond abortion, this rule directly contradicts Mr. Trump's position on illegal immigration. Excess population growth is a major driving force for illegal immigration and logic would suggest that encouraging contraception and family planning can potentially reduce illegal immigration. But clearly logic does not prevail with this administration.
gratis (Colorado)
A woman desperate to not have child will have an abortion, legal or not, clean clinic or not.
This only hurts poor women. No one else. No one benefits.
Joe Rockbottom (califonria)
The talk during the campaign was that Trump was "non-ideological" because he really did not say much since he spent most of his time insulting everyone.

Now we see that he is an ultra right wing fanatical extremist. Whatever label, he is proving to be at the most extreme fringe of humanity. Indeed, he has yet to prove he has any humanity at all. I believe he is a true psychopath with no empathy for anyone. How else to explain a ban that extends to ALL health issues? Not just family planning, but infectious disease, water quality, basic sanitation. It is despicable. The US has now officially seceded from the civilized world and will become a pariah. By the time Trump gets done, the world will be ignoring the US and looking to Europe and China for guidance a assistance. Trump is dragging us back into the dark ages. This is what his supporters have wrought on our once great and respected country. Shameful.
Jacqueline (Colorado)
Why are we reaponsible for paying for these peoples needs? I think the United States just promotes corruption and irresponsible leaders by constantly funding activities that their own leaders should be funding.

Dont get me wrong, I think abortions are great. I think there should be more abortions and pregnancy prevention in order to prevent our world from overflowing and to give women a chance to be something besides a machine to make children.

However, are we responsible for paying for some Gambian woman to get access to an abortion? I would think that Gambia would be responsible for something like that.

Im tired of America being the World Police. I dont believe we are exceptional, or that we should feed and fund the world while their own leaders get fat off corruption. If there is one thing I like about Trump, its America First. If Gambia wants to give their women abortions, then they can pay for it, or private American do-gooders can pay for it. Id donate to an Abortions for All private group. but my taxes should pay for American needs.
g (Edison, Nj)
To all my uber-liberal friends out there:

If you want to contribute to abortions in other countries or other forms of family planning, no one is stopping you from sending out checks or money orders. Go ahead.
But please do not disparage those of us who would prefer to spend our contributions on other forms of charity, like food or clothing for poor people in the U.S.
We who do not want to send dollars for abortions overseas are not heartless.
We just have different priorities.
And we think we are entitled to that.
Roberta K (Chicago)
Your priorities are most likely based on your religious beliefs that belong in your household or your place of worship, but not in the lives of others who do not share your "priorities." Those religions that ban birth control to foster the size of their flocks are complicit in the need for abortions which are actually in decline due to access to contraception. To halt funds overseas to groups that help women of all ages control when and where they conceive is unconscionable.
Mariann Regan (Fairfield, CT)
Yes, people will die to support other people's beliefs. Again. The deaths will usually occur far away and will be invisible to people in this country. How can anyone believe that supporting this ban constitutes a moral action? It will kill both women and their babies.
Casual Observer (Los Angeles CA)
Without the right wing religionists who demand no support for abortion nor anything which might make indulgence in sexual behaviors they consider immoral, Trump cannot hold together his base constituency, so this ban on dispensing information about abortions is key to his political strategy. Don't over think Trump's choices, he is not devoting as much thought and reflection to any issue beyond achieving his first objectives with respect to them.
Barbara (Portland)
Trump will build a wall to keep out immigrants, yet by taking away a program which helps women in other countries plan their families, usually resulting in less children, he is supporting increased populations of poverty around the world. You would think if he really doesn't want immigrants coming to the USA, he would encourage advising about birth control and abortion. Only when other countries are stronger will there be less immigration. Not only is this inhumane, but in thinking of America first, Trump is terribly short sighted.
steven rosenberg (07043)
And Trump did this just days after the largest women's protest march in history.
Socrates (Verona NJ)
As any bona fide bully and sociopath would.
Nina (Palo alto)
Trump has no respect for women.
There is an irony to the observation that Mr. Trump calls for fewer rules and regulations on business, the holy grail of his party and world view, but takes only one day to sign off on a rule that supports the epitome of regulation, as in how woman choose to reproduce.
And this type of petty law making, which forbids funding to any organization that simply councils or provides abortion-related services is cruel. This will bind up other services and put poor woman at risk. It is unneeded. It is just pandering.
To put this in a greater context, this is why three times as many people marched against the administration than came to the inauguration. This is the same one-sided, partisan flame throwing that we have seen from the right for years. But now, one party controls all of congress, with the supreme court around the corner.
In layman's terms, this sort of edict is called "picking a fight". And we will be seeing the same with voting rights, gov't ethics, healthcare and others. Do not fall for the optics of compromise, because that is just another lie.
For the progressives to be heard, we cannot be reduced to screaming about the nonsense (the size of an inauguration fight), because we won't notice the real issues, and they will slide by. This awful signing is a "first shot" in a real fight. We are all being tested, and there will be bigger battles. We will have to speak for one unified progressive agenda, without being split into men, women, rich, and poor.
Stephanie (Ontario)
Donald Trump's reinstatement of this global gag rule is a loud and clear "up yours" to the women who dare to defy him!

This action is cavalier, thoughtless and rooted in desire of men to exert their power over women. Sad.
Larry (NY)
I thought many of the marching women wanted to control their own bodies and their own reproductive health? Well, it's all yours. Leave me and my tax dollars out of it.
F Hern (Seattle)
"It has been illegal to fund abortions as a method of family planning with U.S. money since 1973."

Did you miss that part?
Larry (NY)
Of course I read it. The problem is, too many people want it both ways. I completely support women being in control of their bodies and their reproductive health. I want nothing to do with any aspect of it, including financing for any part of it.
MC (Vancouver)
Does anyone besides me think think that DJT doesn't care that much about abortion, and this is just a convenient means for him to withdraw funding that goes to foreign countries - this way of "putting America first"? He's withdrawing infectious disease funding too.
Why, again, is the United States morally obligated to pay for people in foreign countries to receive abortions or to discuss abortion?

Margaret Sanger, the founder and first president of Planned Parenthood and eugenicist, would surely be sad to know that her march to "assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit." is being slowed by evil Republicans.
Jean (Nebraska)
The Women's March was obviouly about this issue, among others. Republicans can approach this at their own risk. Women are organizing locally to fight this kind of misogynistic control over their bodies. The march was global. Just saying.
John Brown (Idaho)

You seem to be "Just Saying" that murdering a child in the womb
is a matter of a women controlling her body.
But the Babe in the Womb is not your body.
Red Lion (Europe)
A fertilised egg is not a baby.

A foetus is not a baby.

Someone else's uterus is not your business.
Jean (Nebraska)
It was about the larger issue of reproductive healt. Much broader than abortion and includes access to contraception, It is not a babe in the wound. Do some medical research to understand what medical procedures are involved.
When a 10 year old is impregnated by her father and carrying a child to full term threatens ger life, which life do you save? This was an actual case in southern MO.
You are free to govern your body so keep you judgements away from mine.
Const (NY)
Instead of going through this ping pong funding/defunding every time the party holding office changes, how about just pulling out the abortion piece once and for all? Let some other country or wealthy benefactor pay for it.

The pro-life and pro-choice groups both have valid arguments and neither side should be dismissed or vilified.
Cee (NYC)
Facts, schmacts, what does actual data or history matter when it differs from what you feel or believe?
KatieBear (TellicoVillage,TN)
While awake at night Saturday, he was looking for ways to punish globally all the women in the world. His revenge was swift today. God help us
TMK (New York, NY)
When are these geniuses going to find out? Have all the abortions you want but leave taxpayer money out of it. That is the policy. Ditto for free contraceptives. As for collateral damage/unintended consequences, that's something that should be addressed. But not by pulling policy that clearly and upfront limits scope to abortion only. Silence is definitely appropriate for suggestions in that direction, the stiffer, the better. Find another way, find another scapegoat, find private donors ("hello Clinton foundation? 100,000 condoms please, airdrop in Africa. Thank you").
Joe Rockbottom (califonria)
You are clearly confused. US taxpayer money was not and never has been used for abortions anywhere. That is a totally separate funding mechanism. The funding Trump is banning is for all other health issues, from child care to nursing care, to infectious disease to sanitation. It is a wholesale ban from helping other counties deal with these issues. It sentences millions to disease and death. All because a clinic may fund abortions from other funds. It is despicable.
TMK (New York, NY)
It's right there in the opening line. Confused? Re-read?
Stanley (Miami)
I was in Haiti after the earthquake. Eight months later. Abortion is illegal in Haiti. So this is what the Haitian women did. They starved their babies. Granted they weren't getting much food either. But they would let their babies starve then bring them to Sean Penn's clinic at the last moment. The nurses who volunteered from Vermont were shocked and horrified. This was way out of any kind of acceptable norm for these nurses. They couldn't take it. So what is better? Give out condoms, allow abortions or watch babies die. Because these are usually the only options available.
Joe Rockbottom (califonria)
For Republicans gthe answer is simple: Let the women die in botched abortions, and let the babies die from malnourishment. The ONLY factor they consider is: no contraception and no abortions. Everything else is ok with them.
Terrance (Michigan)
Because some woman have committed horrific acts of murder of their own living babies, does not mean that all women should be supported, to kill their babies through abortion.
Bradley (DC)
How is this Pro-life? Please conservatives, explain to me how this helps women and children? I'm waiting ...
atb (Chicago)
You'll be waiting a long time. These people are intent on only one thing: Controlling women and their bodies. There is nothing more to this to understand. They are not "pro-life" (I am sure Trump has paid for a few abortions in his time), they are simply anti-woman.
Former Hoosier (Illinois)
Bradley said "How is this Pro-life? Please conservatives, explain to me how this helps women and children? I'm waiting ..."

Many so called "pro-life" advocates are anything but. A catholic nun said it best- they aren't "pro-life", they are pro-birth and don't really care what comes next!

In 2004 Sister Chittister said: "I do not believe that just because you're opposed to abortion, that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. And why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is."
zoswizard (Tampa, FL)
A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic. When one dies, it is a tragedy. When a million die, it is a statistic. -- Joseph Stalin

We're going to be adding to statistics after this decision.
Socrates (Verona NJ)
Aborting the planet and climate with unregulated pollution, population, patriarchy, pillage, plunder and phallic power.

Gonads Over Pudendums 2017
Lesley (Florida)
A wise woman once said that if men could get pregnant abortion would never be an issue! It is 2017 not 1717! We need to step back into this century, move forward and STOP TELLING WOMEN WHAT THEY CANNOT DO WITH THEIR BODIES!
Nobody is telling these foreign women what they can or cannot do with their bodies.
JT (Norway)
If men could get pregnant, abortion would result in a criminal sentence 63% longer than a woman gets.
atb (Chicago)
Weak men are always afraid of strong women. FACT!
shineybraids (Paradise)
The unintended consequences of reducing aid to poor countries are beyond the grasp of this administration. Monroe doctrine notwithstanding this gives other nations like China new opportunities in Latin American countries and Africa. Aid is good will and a promise of cooperation on other issues.

We are already threatening a trade war with Mexico. Winter produce can go to China. Canning and bottling plants make it easy to ship food and provide jobs. The world is not going to stop connecting because the United States withdraws and bullies.
L'historien (CA)
Ivanka talk to your dad. You should understand the damages this will inflict on women globally.
Jill C. (Durham, NC)
That these same men (and it is always men) also are taking aim at contraception, child health programs, SNAP, and other programs, means that the so-called "pro-life" cause they profess to champion has little to do with life at all, but rather about punishing women who have sex. Ironically, most of these men have had multiple affairs.
Mom (US)
a next topic to visit our senators about in their offices this next week-- with a copy of this article as a handout.
If you do not permit informed conversation-- the conversation will continue-- but the conversation will simply be uninformed and desperate. I was in health care in the two years before Row v Wade and saw women in our emergency room each and every shift who were there as a result of illegal or self-induced abortion. Infection, hemorrhage, permanent mutilation, suicide, permanent inferfility, death-- that is what a gag order produces. By the way, the president is old enough to know about this first hand.
Kate De Braose (Roswell, NM)
What I remember most vividly is the children treated to save their lives because they were impregnated before they were even 7 years of age.
These meddling men may not know what horrors they wish upon their fellow citizens when they try to appear so "righteous."
weary traveller (USA)
I sincerely wished the seemingly outpouring support for women's right was echoed all through the USA during the election time. Unfortunately it was not so.
So now Donald Trump getting elected does show USA in general wants women's rights curtailed.
I believe in USA" democracy" rules and so we keep quite like we did on election day and take all that comes and pray to God its all good.
rosa (ca)
The "Helms Amendment" was named for Jesse Helms, a life-long, unrepentant racist. It favors the rights of ISIS rapists to impregnate their slaves and the United States will do everything to support those men: rape, incest and war crimes are superior to any status of any female, worldwide.

Vice-President Pence is against abortion under all circumstances: rape, incest or the life of the woman or girl involved.
Trump has sworn to "Lock 'em up" for an abortion.

The "Hyde Amendment" is named after Henry Hyde, an adulterer who happily adulterated for 4 years who was caught out when he went to impeach Bill Clinton, just like Newtie. The Hyde rule only prohibits poor women and girls from receiving funds for an abortion. Rich women? No Partriarch of the Universe would ever dream of restricting any woman of wealth!

In our last campaign both Clinton and Sanders were set to eliminate both the Helms rule that impacts foreign countries and the Hyde rule that impacts poor women in the United States.

Instead, we have Trump and Pence and their cry is loud: "Lock her up! Lock her up!"

There are no more useless men on the face of this planet than those two.

No Helms! No Hyde! This is not what the citizens of this country want!!!!
atb (Chicago)
Trump is too old and too mentally unsound to be president. We need to demand a psych evaluation.
Southern Boy (The Volunteer State)
In retrospect I support Helms. Thank you.
rosa (ca)
Boy: Helms died an unrepentant racist. Still like him?
hk (Hastings on Hudson, NY)
We have to remind people over and over again that the U.S. government does not pay for abortions and it has not done so in 40 years.( I think many people are under the impression that Planned Parenthood gets taxpayer money to perform abortions.) Here in the U.S., clinics can perform abortions and still get government aid as long as abortion-related services are separate from the rest of the clinic's budget.

This ban goes even farther. Even if clinics in poor countries do abortion counseling with non-U.S. funding and separate it from other services, the entire clinic is punished and aid is withheld. I have seen this in a clinic I visit 30 years ago in Ivory Coast. Just before I arrived the staff had fought to save the life of a woman who had tried to perform an abortion on herself. They were all still traumatized.

Why do Republican presidents insist on different standards for clinics in poor countries than for clinics here? Because they can.
Chris (Devereaux)
This rebuttal has been heard time and time again and the argument doesn't hold water at all.

You claim the US government doesn't fund abortions at Planned Parenthood because they must keep the cash separate. Really? Cash is fungible. Once you have the balance in your account, you know you have money to spend on other things which leaves available cash to spend on abortion.

Look at it differently. The bank were bailed out to the tune of tens of billions of dollars and they continued paying dividends to shareholders and bonuses to executives. Their argument was they didn't spend the bailout money on dividends and bonuses. But we didn't buy that argument then, and I don't buy now for Planned Parenthood.

LeS (Washington)
Because they are Evil under the guise of being "christian" and "pro-life", which is really "pro-death."
Frank (Johnstown, NY)
Why do Republicans, or anyone, think they can impose THEIR religious beliefs on other people. I understand religious objections to abortion and I respect those beliefs and would never expect them to have an abortion. I would also never urge or, God forbid, force them to have an abortion. Why do they the 'right' to force their beliefs on other women. Choice is a vital part of being a human being, choice is important.

Also tired of hearing from these religious folks, that they should not be 'forced' to pay for abortions through their taxes. Well, I have strong objections (religious even, to capital punishment yet MY taxes help fund this abhorrent activity. I am also personally against war and an enormous potion of my tax dollars goes to fund war.
hkl (kc-mo)
Abortion is a tragic and difficult reality that will not go away. To diminish family planning programs, to disable organizations from distributing contraceptives and to try and slash access to safe, legal abortions and quality medical care is obviously harmful to everyone. Unsafe abortions will occur more frequently, STD's, including HIV AIDS will occur more frequently, and people, born and unborn alike, will die with more frequency. And that is much more tragic and debilitating than providing quality healthcare for women, family planning, and safe, legal abortions.
steve (sc)
The most ironic part of this is that by signing this Trump and his minions are actually increasing the number of abortions that occur. It just makes no sense. It would seem to me if you want to reduce abortion you would educate people of ways to prevent pregnancy and to engage in family planning. So I see it as not just cruel, but really rather ignorant. Is this the best we can do, to make a political statement as opposed to working to solve a significant problem in the world.
rational person (america)
Which is why the drumbeat to defund Planned Parenthood makes absolutely no sense. But when did that Party make sense when it came to reproductive issues.....
Janet Miller (Green Bay)
It is not about abortions: it is about punishing women, all women, who need them. What a great way to destroy a woman's hopes and dreams!
Joe Rockbottom (califonria)
Don't ask right winger to understand what they do. They have an ideology based in fantasy and are compelled to uphold their ideology at all costs not matter what rational arguments are made to disprove it. They put no thought into it. it is simply something the do without thought or reason. That is why no one should ever vote for a right winger.
Sara G. (New York, NY)
One can write all one wants about adverse health risks because of the global gag rule, but Republicans don't care. They don't care about the health of their fellow Americans so they sure don't care about those in others countries.

They care only for power, control, moolah in their pockets, and serving the wealthy and their businesses.
Marie (Boston)
No information on abortion.
No health care.
No education.

The plan is working Snidely.


JGrondelski (PERTH AMBOY, NJ)
President Trump's decision does not equal death. Funding abortionists to kill unborn children--the only capital punishment endorsed by many states--equals death. Happily, that will stop temporarily and, as soon as Congress FINALLY enacts HR 7 to codify this ban statutorily, permanently.
Kate De Braose (Roswell, NM)
There are no children that are properly classified "unborn."
Anything not yet born is just a possible birth.
Remember, "if wishes were horses, everyone would ride?"
Pete (Houston)
The problem with your argument is that while you believe, deeply I assume, that all zygotic and post-zygotic life forms with human DNA are people ("unborn children"), many, myself included, do not agree. I do not consider cells to be humans nor their death to be human death; I believe that humanity is acquired during the gestational period, with a fetus becoming a full human being (whose death is a human death) at birth. From zygote onward, I consider the life to be worth something, and the loss to be worth something; however, because of the sad reality that in many cases life of fetus is detrimental to life of mother, I have to consider that zygotic/fetal life as having a price that may, in some cases, be too high.

You don't have to agree with that - many don't. It's a position I've shaped through years of thinking and considering, and I respect that it would be incredibly difficult - perhaps impossible - for some people to reach a point where they consider any post-conception life to be anything less than a full human being.

But everybody agrees that every mother out there is a full human being. Their deaths are unquestionably fully human deaths. Their lives are unquestionably worth any price. So for me, when it's between mother and unborn fetus or zygote, I will side with the mother every time.
rosa (ca)
The only endorsement given by ALL STATES is a birth certificate and no one gets one of those until they are out of the womb and BREATHING.
End of story.
I'm not standing between any woman and her doctor on what she wants and the doctor okays.
If you want to play "Doctor" or "God" do so on your own time.
Leave forced breeding out of it.
Madeline Conant (Midwest)
I am speaking to conservatives: Honest to God, is this what you intend? Are you really this spiteful, that you will cause all this heartache, pain and even death, just to make a point? US money is ALREADY prohibited from being spent on abortions. You are happy to de-fund all these programs just to shut them up from SPEAKING about abortions? That is cold; harsh and cold.
Joe Rockbottom (califonria)
Yes, they do not care. What this means is that the US will now be ignored for aid and will lose it's standing as a source of medical aid. Countries will now look to Europe and China or others for medial advice and aid. The US will be relegated to a backwater of world opinion.
Robert Cohen (Atlanta-Athens GA area)
The amazing women marching all over the world says to me that their deep concerns/issues/phenomena are today more realized as massively political than ever.

DJT's expected anti-abortion presidency of course should have been so "realized" prior to November 8th.

"Women issues" apparently now shall have stronger political impacts as the GOP--and seemingly everybody else--have realized.

I don't luv chaos, yet that's the price of all kinds of popular causes
or "populism." cutting both ways.

Pope Francis was chosen because the Cardinals are concerned about numbers of people leaving their traditional anti-abortion church.

Whether we shall eventually have reform or the DJT and traditional church rightest reactions continue regression/backwardness.

The female Texan (Senator Wendy Davis) who lost the governor election within the past couple of years was disheartening.

The R.C.C.
bklynteech (daffney)
From the man who wanted his second wife to abort her pregnancy, this is blatant pandering to his religious right base, which is not Pro Life, but only Pro Birth. Very Anti-Woman and with little to no regard for the welfare of children after they are born. Until they can be recruited for the armed forces. George Carlin called their shots decades ago. There will be blood on the hands of this occupant of the Oval Office and all who support him.
fastfurious (the new world)
Marla Maples was Donald Trump's mistress at the time she became pregnant and he didn't want the pregnancy. Trump married her after their baby was born.
fastfurious (the new world)
The millions of women who marched in the streets against Donald Trump all over the world on Saturday - this is why!!!!

Donald Trump is very quickly going to become the most hated person in America and very likely the most hated person in the world. Trump's concerned with 'popularity,' 'ratings,' 'crowd numbers' and all that business. Let's see how he likes being reviled throughout the entire civilized world. Incredibly, the anger at him right now is in its infancy. It's going to get much much worse.
Sam I Am (Windsor, CT)
Trump promised to do everything with only the interests of the American worker in mind.

How does regulating the speech of health care providers in foreign lands have anything to do with the interests of the American worker?

It doesn't. It's just a might makes right dictat and bone thrown to busy-body social warriors on the extreme right. It's an effort to force health care providers to choose between compromising their duty to their patients, and walking away from their patients entirely.

And let's get real here: any guesses as to how many abortions Trump has paid for over the years?
Maureen (Upstate, NY)
This decision is absolutely staggering in it's INTENDED consequences. This is what happens when "deeply held religious beliefs" supersede common sense. You don't need multiple studies to predict the outcome of this deplorable ruling - HUMAN BEINGS will suffer and die in the name of a God who (if he even exists) is weeping at what we are doing to each other.
Whatever happened to the FIRST amendment? Do we live in a theocracy, with "Christian Sharia Law?"
Women will NOT be dragged back to the Middle Ages!

There is a massive movement to defund Planned Parenthood. On 2/11 there will be demonstrations outside PP clinics. A friend of mine has pledged to donate $1 to PP for every PRO-ABORTION protester that shows up at our local clinic. I am far from wealthy but I will do the same. How about you? How much will you pledge?
LP (Chicago)
Thanks for sharing this information about the demonstrations!
Mor (California)
My husband and I contributed 500 dollars to Planned Parenthood the same day we saw a couple of wild-eyed female protesters praying at the entrance to the clinic in our neighborhood. We will do it again. Fortunately for our finances, we live in a liberal city in a blue state.
rational person (america)
I ready donate and will continue to do so. However, I will certainly increase my donation amounts.

Planned Parenthood is more than is about providing necessary health screenings to women. So with the appeal of ACA and defunding PP, we can expect to see increases in breast and cervical cancers...and poor women already suffer higher rates than those of us the other side likes to label "elite". No stupid, we're fighting for YOUR health....
Joey (Saint Louis)
The irony is nauseating! Journalists claiming that blocking abortions leads to deaths.......Anyone interested in blocking abortion services considers the act itself murder, you wont be pulling on prolifers heart string by stating pointing out that blocking murder services may lead to murder services that are more unsafe....
The Buddy (Astoria, NY)
There you have it. The scorched earth policy by any means necessary. The pro life contingent becomes the very thing they claim to loathe.
Kate De Braose (Roswell, NM)
I do not believe that abortion activists are against murder.
It seems that the only ingredients they are anxious to help are the ones contained within some other woman's or child-body.
LP (Chicago)
What they're pointing out is that these measures are actually leading to more deaths than you (think you) are preventing.
Chris (Devereaux)
It has become rather pathetic, even for the NY Times, to equate US tax spending policy to enabling death abroad.

President Trump has determined that US taxpayers will no longer be funding abortion education for foreign nationals. Perhaps the Times can provide a better opinion piece on why my income tax dollars should be funneled abroad to help foreign citizens get access to abortion services when their own governments don't do so themselves?

This is not a humanitarian crisis---we're neither starving them nor bombing them to death. Liberals really need to get their priorities straight.
Worc0670 (DC)
Presumably then you would also like to withhold all foreign aid. Most other developed countries have pledged 0.7% GDP to help the poorest countries in the world develop. The USA spends 0.1%. Family planning helps poor countries develop their economies because women are then freer to work and contribute to the economy instead of being constantly pregnant and have more mouths to feed.
Crossfinn (NJ)
This really won't save any money, you know--it just forbids health professionals to discuss all the options available. It's government deciding what doctors may and may not say to their patients--government interfering with the individual. As a conservative, do you really believe that's a good idea?
Eileen (New Orleans)
If "your" income tax dollars can't help desperate women who need abortions..."my" tax income money certainly should not be funding your religious schools here in the U.S.!
SKM (geneseo)
The irony of the headline seems to escape the author.
David (Short Hills, NJ)
Park your ideology for a minute, read the article and do a few clicks of research.
Pat (Somewhere)
"A growing body of research over the past few decades shows that family planning services contribute to healthier lives and stronger economies."

Sure, but who cares about research when there's some easy red meat to be thrown.
just Robert (Colorado)
Trump says he is a radical bent on upsetting the order of things, an idndependent, but with this reinstatement of withholding funds from world wide agencies that assist women he shows he is only a half baked Republican.

Everything is interconnected with the nature of families and health at the root of it. Large families and subsequent impoverishment contributes to our refugee situation and thus our political instability. People need the ability to plan their lives and contraception and health care allows them to do it. Without these things the result is chaos.

But perhaps this is the true aim of Republicans , to sew chaos and create wars which helps the war business. Like I said everything is interconnected and Republican policies contribute to the carnage and chaos of the world.
Katherine (Michigan)
Death. Death for women and for children and, yes, for men too -- malaria and Ebola and the rest are not gender-based ills. All in the name of a version of ideological purity which insists on imposing its own blinkered worldview on everyone else.

People, this is Pence at work. While Trump razzle-dazzles us, the ideologues are on the march.
Kate De Braose (Roswell, NM)
Mr. Pence is the magician perhaps who keeps an audience's eyes on the Ball, while others perform the tricks they are actually featuring?
Colleen (Toronto)
What's most galling is the photo of Trump signing this. Behind him are 7 smug white men smiling. If I'm elected President, I look forward to signing into law rules around a man's reproductive organs and hope to have a similar group of women from many cultures behind me, all wearing the same self-satisfied, smug grins.
shineybraids (Paradise)
Forget ethics and health issues when looking at this move. This is right out of the America First power play manual. Trump and his cronies want to dictate how the world is run. There is no thought about how action will affect folks in any of these countries. There is just the need to rule.

The blow back on this one is that there are other countries, China for one, who can step in to provide aid. Monroe doctrine or not this gives China leverage to increase their presence in Latin America and Africa. Aid is one small step.
Terrance (Michigan)
Not wanting to pay for others to kill their children, is NOT dictating anything about how the world is run. It IS taking a stand for human rights, since babies have deserved these rights, and do deserve these rights, just as any person outside the womb.
Brigitte (MA)
Reading the NYT is mind-boggling. The Times blames the 3-day-old administration for the massive and growing budget deficit in one article, while encouraging it to continue to send 1/2 million condoms to Lesotho in another. That is really the best way to spend American taxpayers' money?
Kate De Braose (Roswell, NM)
You could actually find the answer to that if you cared enough.
Margaret Langer (Progreso, Mexico)
What can we do if we are concerned about this withdrawal of US aid? Is there a way to put pressure on the administration? Or, can people fund the agency directly?
I'm staying in Mexico temporarily but my permanent address is St. Paul, MN
Michele (Denver)
Planned Parenthood or NOW might refer you to a likely international charity to fill the funding gap. Meanwhile, as many of us have begun doing, make a master list of all your elected reps local and national, then contact them relentlessly, and you can follow various causes on sites like and
Kate De Braose (Roswell, NM)
trueblue (KY)
these are not geniuses these are purposefully arrogant mean spirited leaders ready to force their populations into forced parenthood. All nations, all peoples - rise up - resist. Tell your leaders you are going to decide when if and by whom you will have and raise children. It is your life and your choice by God - as intended. God gave us free will and choice so that we would live our lives not be forced into servitude. Any one who wants to be forced to have children - then do not protest. For those of us with wiser abilities we will make the world the best place - by insuring every child, every birth every individual is a wanted child. That is heaven folks.
Yggdrasil (Norway)
Arrogant and mean-spirited?

You are saying that if the unborn are not "wanted", they should be murdered.

Apparently, in your world view, murdering them is doing them a favor - so they don't experience childhood "unwanted" ...

I'm appalled.
Richard Luettgen (New Jersey)
When will those on the other side wise up?

I'm far closer to the progressive view on this issue, but I'm a pragmatist, not a man of profound religious conviction -- or of ANY religious convictions, for that matter. But they believe that human beings make unforced moral choices that gain them access to either heaven or hell, that to abort is to murder and that to even abet a murder with their tax dollars gets a wink from Satan. You can rail forever at this manifestly evident reality, but these days I’m a lot more interested in results.

Planned Parenthood services can be saved with the willingness to TRULY divorce non-abortion-related services from abortion, then demonstrate that abortion for the indigent is COMPLETELY funded by private donations -- PP claims such a divorce but it’s a sham, as extensive cross-subsidization of personnel, facilities and general funding occurs. People know this … and there’s Satan, winking.

Progressive insistence that abortion and abortion-counseling are normal parts of providing women reproductive health services is an argument by the professional liberati who don’t really CARE that women will die of back-alley abortions in greater numbers in an America more dominated by conservative religious convictions; or that they’ll suffer from lack of non-controversial reproductive health services.

Fill one hand with outraged ideological conviction and the other with dead mothers … and see which hand fills up first.

Get a clue. Please.
Michele (Denver)
I strongly disagree. Most women are very concerned about the vulnerability of their friends, daughters and sisters to unsafe abortions, should they return. Why else do you think they show up in large numbers of marches and demonstrations whenever Roe v. Wade is challenged ?
Ioni6693 (SC)
Perhaps this is a conversation for women. Since the opposite sex has very little responsibility in the whole 9-month pregnancy episode, it would be mostly appropriate to refrain from commenting. Otherwise it sounds utterly hypocritical.
Marie (Boston)
It's a funny thing about those "moral choices" though. They invent and enforce ones that aren't spelled out in the Bible on others, but flaunt and ignore the ones that are spelled out for their own gain or convenience.
Mike (New City)
One of the posters wrote"when are these geniuses(namely Republican administrations) going to figure it out. I think it's quite naive to suggest that this administration has not figured out that this "Gag Rule" will not cause mor deaths, disease and more deaths. Everyone knows that it will. It is criminal to do this to people! This policy is nothing more than attempt to appeal to and satisfy the fanatic right wing fundamentalist Christian base of the Republican Party in order to maintain their support.They don't care about the poor people whose lives will be destroyed by this policy.I would hope and expect that the foundations funded by the super rich and others would step up and save these family planning clinics and save lives.
Ted (Manilus, New York)
Why can't the UN fund these programs using other countries donations? Why can't those countries fund their own health services? The programs are up and running and as you note they do not cost much. The US debt (round numbers) doubled under President O'Bama (10 to 20 Trillion in eight years) and now is higher than our GDP (18 trillion) for the first time since WWII. No economic miracle under Obama, just borrowing. The US cannot continue to support the ret of the World, especially when the third world takes every opportunity they can to chastise the US. 70 years of supporting welfare abroad is enough. Time for the rest of the World, including Europe, to carry their own weight.
ebmem (Memphis, TN)
The United States pays 27% of the UN budget. That's not counting the extra billion Obama contributed to the global warming fund.
Sam I Am (Windsor, CT)
When the US federal gov't issues debt in the currency that it can mint, it is only doing so to create money that the economy needs, while retaining the option of later destroying that money by paying back the debt.

You'll know when it's a problem when inflation kicks in. Until then, federal debt scare-mongering just demonstrates that you're uninformed about basic macroeconomics.

Over the years, experience shows us that our economy needs more dollars, not less.
Michael Hogan (Toronto)
This is what happens when policy is dictated by fundamentalist religion rather than reason. People, especially woman, lose their lives or suffer unnecessarily.
Karen (NYC)
Given all the other things which were the focus of his speeches and tweets during his first week, such as the number of attendees at his swearing in, I have to think that this gag rule was not on his mind. Who, I wonder, put it on his desk under his pen? He has endangered so many women around the world, and has no idea about what their lives are like, and how essential controlling fertility is for their health.
Michele (Denver)
Good catch. This illustrates perhaps the most serious danger of this administration, a figurehead dancing to Ryan and McConnell's tunes and surrounded by extremists determined to continue violating Church and State, the Constitution and Bill of Rights. There's a reason they'd like to cram it all down our collective throat in the first 100 days.
fastfurious (the new world)
Wrong. This is the same Donald Trump who in a tv interview with Chris Matthews during the campaign stated "there has to be some punishment" for women who have abortions. Trump knows exactly what this is and what the consequences will be. He doesn't care.
Crossfinn (NJ)
And we already know the degree of his concern about abortions--he said that if you let the states decide, women can simply travel to another state. Where are the women raped by Boko Haram supposed to travel--New York?
Ron Wilson (The Good Part of Illinois)
I guess that Ms. Sippel and the headline writer don't understand the irony and tragedy that 100% of abortions result in death.
Rosa's comment makes important points including that the new Trump restrictions translate into favoring the rights of war criminals to rape and "impregnate their slaves and the United States will do everything to support those men: rape, incest and war crimes are superior to any status of any female, worldwide."
Jack (Boston)
If you want an abortion, you should be able to get it without government approval. However, the taxpayer should not have to pay for it, since the procedure is then so available that it becomes a perverted form of birth control.
Cari (Fresno)
No one uses abortion as birth control. Abortions, even very early on in a pregnancy, are extremely painful and not something any woman wants to voluntarily sign up for unless she absolutely needs it. I say this as someone who knows multiple people who have gone through abortions and suffered greatly during it. It's not a lackadaisical decision akin to taking a birth control pill.
Kate De Braose (Roswell, NM)
I disagree. There are no women's gynecology procedures that would be done for any other reason than because they were necessary.
Veterinarians have more compassion than some of our Holier-than-thou citizens, it seems!
Anne (Portland Oregon)
And ALL the network news shows last evening stated in some way that US $ were used for abortion procedures which is a total lie!
Call your elected representatives and object to this executive order today!
Support Planned Parenthood today!
3 days of DJT is already too many!
DMS (San Diego)
Let's tell it like it is. Trump's war on women has begun. His victimization of the poorest and most vulnerable women, those who depend on women's health clinics for their most basic health needs, vindicates all those signs we saw on Saturday.
Matrs (Balto)
The compassionate thing to do is fund contraceptive education globally and educate about abortion extensively - this gag mentality is obscene.
Pillai (St.Louis, MO)
Well, we know he doesn't respect women. It is very obvious. So I do not expect anything but that from him. Very unfortunate that this man now leads the United States.
James Ricciardi (Panamá, Panamá)
Good business managers like our new president don't need facts to manage, they need "alternative facts" to manage (double entendre intended).
KM (Fargo, Nd)
The final paragraph answers the question. No surprises here. As Trump said, "they let you do anything to them if you are a celebrity."
Kate De Braose (Roswell, NM)
Mr. Trump doesn't ask for permission, evidently, so how would he be sure that women are giving permission for his gropes?
Of course, he would always blame someone else for his assaults!
Kathleen Kay (New Mexico)
Family planning; i.e. birth control prevents abortion. Too bad these dim witted white guys don't understand. Population increases are also the reason for wars (competition for resources), pollution and human-caused global warming (more fossil fuels burned). This is beyond sad and predictable. Those white guys like to control women, and some women go right along without thinking about the big issues and consequences. Shame on them.
child of babe (st pete, fl)
What purpose does this really serve? There isn't a single upside that I can think of. How do they position this and how do people accept it as a positive move?
Are they deliberately trying to do reduce the world population by making them sick so these oligarchs can dominate? Kind of silly when you think about it-- if everyone is gone, who will be left to dominate or do all the work? Or are they deliberately trying to increase the potential slave market? These are scary times.
nursemom1 (bethlehem Pa.)
This is heartbreaking to health providers who deal with maternal and child health and care. Bur I'm not surprised.... Donald Trump has little or no concern with women and/or children by his own words and more importantly his disgusting behavior. Women and children will die as a result of this, just when the stats were showing a remarkable improvement in child and maternal health in developing and other countries... For EVERY woman who voted for this man or did not vote, the fate of these women is on your conscience. I hope you are happy with this..
It is pro-life to protect women's health.
It is pro-life to support the family planning which reduces the need for abortion.
It is not pro-life to pull American funding, as Trump is doing.
Honor Senior (Cumberland, Md.)
We vote to deside how we wish things to be in America. Should we interfere in other Countries without a plebiscite from them as to their wishes? I think not!
Spend our monies domestically, creating jobs.
Crossfinn (NJ)
The "other countries" don't object to abortion counseling--it's U.S. religious conservatives who object! And you can spout "America first" all you want--diseases do not respect that slogan, and insist on crossing into the U.S. through sexual transmission.
Martin (New York)
The Republican leadership could not care less about the number of abortions. They only care about the political & monetary support they get from their base for moralizing about people who need abortions & dreaming up ways to make their lives more difficult. They are afraid to look at the issue in the face because it would be inconvenient for them to see the suffering they cause.
Jim McAdams (Boston)
What an act of ignorance and malfeasance. Giving women control of their reproductive lives is one of the only proven "anti-poverty"programs out there. Limited childbearing increases women's education levels, economic opportunities, and overall health. This is another step back into the cave of ignorance. Underlying this decision is a perverse belief that women are the property of the husband or clan.
Richard (Miami)
This is an opportunity for individuals around the world to support Planned Parenthood.
Allison (Sausalito, Calif)
Shame on republicans for ignoring the truth explained--yet again--here.
Andrea G (New York, NY)
I am fiercely pro-choice but I am not upset about this decision. Several sources have reported that the US contributes around $600 million each year to these clinics. We have cities in the US that don't have clean drinking water. There are better uses of tax payer money. The US already gives tens of millions of dollars to WHO programs that provide condoms and prevent and treat HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.
Dee (Brooklyn)
I seriously doubt that the taxpayer money that will be saved in this program, will ultimately be used to provide clean drinking water in the US, or any other benefits to anyone.
Galbraith, Phyliss (Wichita, Ks)
Women are not farm animals, meant or forced to breed incessantly. There is no more surefire way to remain in poverty than have too many children. Contraception is a basic human right, gag orders be damned. Are women supposed to forgo sex entirely, to prevent even the possibility of pregnancy? How many of those marriages would last? Are unwed women banned from sex entirely for life? I guess so. The absolute greatest peril to our planet is overpopulation AND it increases exponentially. Women's health and rights are global survival.
Kate De Braose (Roswell, NM)
Crossfinn (NJ)
How many men know that NO contraceptive method is 100% effective? I'd love to see a poll. It's easy to just tell women to use contraception and they won't get pregnant, but the facts don't bear that out.
Denny (Burlington)
For those like me, who see abortion as the taking of a real human life, immature as it may be, the outcome of every abortion is a death. The only time I can reconcile a justification for it, are those rare situations in which a woman's life is threatened by a continuation of a pregnancy. Seeing abortion treated as a birth control measure is a travesty.
C's Daughter (NYC)
For those like you, a man, who will never have to endure an unwanted pregnancy, it is easy to say that women should be forced to bear children against their will.

What a moral hero you are, sacrificing other people's lives and bodies so that you can feel warm and fuzzy when you say you are "saving babies."
Martin (New York)
Denny: I respect your opinion, but in the real world the decision is rarely as black & white as politicians paint it. There are a thousand gradations between a dangerous pregnancy and one that is relatively safe. And a thousand considerations that go into whether or not one even has a right to risk one's life (often including those who are dependent on you). The danger of a pregnancy, as well as the viability of a fetus or child with defects can, in our country, be linked to economic ability. An on & on. People who "use abortion as birth control" rarely exist outside Republican fantasies. And the plain fact is that there are circumstances when almost any woman would feel she had to make the choice to terminate. The question is: who decides? The one who knows the most about the situation, or a politician living a thousand miles away?
Mor (California)
You may see abortion as murder but this is just your personal belief. It is unsupported by ethics (fetuses cannot be considered human agents), law or tradition. It is your religious taboo, which is irrelevant to me or to millions of women who are atheists, Confucianiststs, Hindus, or Muslims (Islam, like Judaism, does not regard a fetus as a human being). I do see abortion as a birth control measure, albeit painful and unpleasant for the woman. Why is your point of view more important than mine?
daddy mom (boston, ma)
In the Trump adminstration facts, research and human rights are casualties. In the end that means human lives are casualties too--speak up, share, have courage for those that do not have a voice!!
FSO ret. (Florida)
When certain religious groups can use the police, courts, and prisons to enforce their religious views, like on abortion, to citizens of different religions that is not democracy. Where are we headed?
Darby (WV)
And so it begins...trump throws some red meat to his voters in the form of suppressing the rights of others. The pro-life bunch who cherish the unborn but don't seem to give a rat's tush about folks how are in need of decent health care. Then, to make matters even more surreal, to see the photo of all of those men surrounding trump as he was signing it...what a dangerous farce. And they wondered why we marched; they had better get used to it.
Sally (Greenwich Village, Ny.)
Why is it the business of the USA to do family planning in countries other than the USA? We have enough issues to take care of here. Plus at this point we really have to concentrate national security.
A (on this crazy planet)
Maybe if everyone who is disappointed with this reckless decision floods Ivanka's inbox, we might have a chance at starting to educate.
Claire Appelmans (Santa Cruz, CA)
The most fundamental human right of all is the sovereignty over one's own body. The GOPs repeated disavowal of this right makes them a foe of human rights.
George S (New York, NY)
We're not the world's policeman nor are we the world's clinician. Again, why are we responsible for dealing with the internal issues of other nations?
Galbraith, Phyliss (Wichita, Ks)
Again, do you have your own personal planet and are completely not effected by others? Population increases exponentially and we are ALL involved, like it or not.
JerseyMom (Princeton NJ)
Reminds me of the old National Lampoon cover "Buy this magazine or we'll shoot this dog."

The US is not responsible for funding family planning programs in other countries period, much less family planning programs where part of the "planning" involves abortion. Therefore the US is not responsible for "unsafe" abortions that women may choose to have because the US failed to assist them in obtaining "safe" (for them, not the fetus) abortions.

The argument that clinics that provide contraceptive or other services will be shut down because they instruct women where to go for abortions is a red herring. Women know where to go for abortions -- they same way they know where to go to find US-funded clinics! They do not need US-funded clinics to direct them.

Far more likely than shutting down is that US-funded clinics will actually comply with US requirements, therefore they will not, in fact, shut down, and women wanting abortions will obtain them through facilities not paid for with US taxpayer money. Which is as it should be considering that about half of US taxpayers oppose abortion except in restricted circumstances (that are actually provided for in this regulation, although the author seems to think that "rape, incest, or the life of the mother" require extensive guidance to grasp).
Crossfinn (NJ)
It is NOT as easy as you think to decide what "rape, incest, or the life of the mother" actually means. What percentage of threat to the woman's life is acceptable? 10%? 20%? 50%? In the 1980s there was a well-known case in which a woman with multiple sclerosis had a surrogate bear her child, and the surrogate then decided she wanted to keep the child. In the ensuing legal battle, the biological mother was excoriated for not wanting to bear the child herself due to the threat it posed to her. Many people felt THEY knew the threat to her life was not great enough to justify using a surrogate.
Nancy (Vancouver)
According to the Pew Research Center, 41% of Americans think abortion should be illegal. 49% say it is morally wrong. There is a difference between these concepts. It would appear that 8% of Americans are not against others doing what they consider to morally wrong in this case. They are unwilling to impose their moral beliefs on others.

As to what you consider to be America's obligation, as the richest and most powerful country in the world to the mass of humanity that has almost nothing, that is another topic.

Do you ever wonder what the most threatening thing to *everyone* is? I think it is overpopulation by human beings which is leading to the extinction of thousands of other species and catastrophic climate change. You may think otherwise, but providing family planning information and supplies is a good way, I think, to help avert this disaster.
JerseyMom (Princeton NJ)
There is indeed a difference between finding abortion "morally wrong" and saying it should be "illegal." Note that in the present case no one is making it illegal for a woman to get an abortion. They are withdrawing American tax dollars from organizations that facilitate abortions because they think it is morally wrong.

One of the things I find very interesting about the left these days is its dual embrace of abortion *and* open borders. There was a time when the left was all about reducing overpopulation. Not so much now. When I was born there were 200 million people in the US and now there are 320 million. Seventy million of that increase is from immigration. Yet the left refuses to set *any* numerical limit on immigration. Indeed, we are told to "build bridges, not walls." Perhaps when we hit the 1 billion mark we'll start having forced abortions as in China during the 1 child policy.
Cyssf (<br/>)
Someone very pungently pointed out that we will most likely never see a photo of a roomful of women passing laws governing men's bodies. This gag rule will result in many more maternal, fetal and infant deaths as women have too many children at too young an age. It's been shown that educating women and providing contraception results in healthier, wealthier families; and gag rules like this do the opposite. Abortion will always be sought, the only question is will it be done safely or will it be done dangerously.
SKM (geneseo)
Pungently? Sounds more poignant to me.
Deborah Citron (Texas)
I sure hope you feel better SKM! You've provided such a valuable service to us all. Let's assume we all understand the real point of Cyssf and get to work seeing what we can do to really make a difference to families everywhere.
SKM (geneseo)
Sorry, I didn't think my comment would get published. Slinking away.
James (Santa Clara, CA)
This article seems to assume that refusing to fund health clinics and organizations that offer or advise abortions will inevitably lead to their closure and the loss of the other valuable services that they provide. However, these organizations could simply stop the portion of their operations that relate to abortions and therefore continue to receive federal funding to carry out their other services. The global gag rule signed by President Trump would only increase overall abortion rates if such organizations stubbornly refused to adjust their practices in order to continue receiving aid and offering the other valuable services they provide.
C Wolfe (Bloomington IN)
Abortion is a valuable service. Women need abortions for a wide range of reasons. It's a medical decision they need to make in consultation with medical professionals who aren't under a gag order to suppress information.
Luke (Indiana)
Thank you for not engaging in extremely contrast in policy changes that many others here cling to. The U.S. (like you imply) does not have to completely defund women's health worldwide or nationwide, but we also do not have to (and morally should not) fund abortive services to keep other very helpful, morally sound women's health services. Why do we have to "throw the baby out with the bathwater" (pun unintentional)?
rxft (ny)
It is ALREADY illegal for these organizations to use U.S. funds to provide abortions; and has been since 1973 as per the Helms Amendment. None of the organizations receiving funding from the U.S. have used that funding for abortions since 1973. What this gag rule does is cut funding for an entire organization even if they mention that the woman can get an abortion ELSEWHERE.
Dana (Santa Monica)
The image of seven angry white men nodding approvingly as Trump signed this outrageous bill was disgusting and heartless. How anyone can support such a cruel and vindictive piece of legislation is beyond me. But the noticeable absence of any women in that room tells it all. As someone who used to work in this sphere in the developing world - I can only say that it is beyond cruel to think of the woman who walks for days to get to her nearest women's clinic with the hope of finding truthful, reliable information and assistance to be told to go home and practice the "rhythm method" along with exclusive breast feeding (yes - some catholic funded charities promote this "birth control") and no access to the care she needs. As the world's population speeds toward a breaking point - forcing women to breed like rabbits - against their will - by denying contraception and abortion access - is a violation of their human rights. We should all stand up for that.
Cowboy Marine (Colorado Trails)
I have heard that more than 70% of all Viagra prescribed in the world is to white American men. Even if that's not true, why should taxpayers pay for it? If the taxpayers won't fund birth control for women, why pay for artificial aphrodisiacs for men? Doesn't make sense. Unwanted pregnancies might go down quite a bit if men had to pay the cash out-of-pocket retail price for Viagra. It does make sense though to have condoms paid for by taxpayers.
Galbraith, Phyliss (Wichita, Ks)
Because women don't have the right to control their own bodies, but men have the right to erections. Taxpayer or insurer paid erections.
Kate De Braose (Roswell, NM)
How about enforcing total abstinence for Impregnators?
That would probably solve the problem of uninvited pregnancy permanently, especially if penalties were applied immediately.
Galbraith, Phyliss (Wichita, Ks)
Best thing I've read ALL day.
Susan H (SC)
To a Republican, there is no such thing as rape in marriage, so women are not ALLOWED to say no.
Socrates (Verona NJ)
Forced silence.

Forced pregnancies.

Forced poverty.

Forced ignorance.

Forced desperation.

Forced theology.

Republican female 'freedom' strikes again.

Donald Trump and his Grand Old Patriarchs are trashing women and the planet for a brighter tomorrow.

Donate to International Planned Parenthood Federation

Fight the Gag Order Party and their political Peeping Tom perverts who can't keep their heads out of the world's bedroom windows.
Nick (MA)
Donation made. Thank you.
EarthCitizen (Albuquerque, NM)
Thanks for posting. There is also the Center for Reproductive Rights:
Working Mama (New York City)
When are these geniuses going to figure it out? Reducing access to family planning services and sex education INCREASES abortions, because unintended pregnancies increase.
Kate De Braose (Roswell, NM)
Even children can figure out the answers for adults, whom we all are sure know exactly what the "Uppity" classes actually want for what some are pleased to call "the lower classes."
Stan B (Santa Monica, CA)
They understand this.....they just don't care. It's up to us to get rid of the people who make these laws possible. We cannot trust them.