In Your Head

Jan 05, 2017 · 72 comments
Haileigh (Pennsylvania )
I feel like this image has a deep meaning to it. It is saying that we are normally more negative then we are positive. We see the worst of the situation instead of the best thing. I feel like it is saying that we are pessimists instead of optimists. The image show a bigger part of the mind negative and cloudy instead of more or an equal amount of the sunny side of the head.
Logan (Shippensburg PA)
Seeing this image, I immediately connect with it. It is showing how the negative thoughts really overpower your positive thoughts. That's why all the happy stuff is pushed to the back of the person’s head. As soon as you start thinking negative your life will be negative. It’s important as humans that we try not to do this. You can’t let negative thoughts control you no matter how hard it is to push back against them.
Tyler McMichael (Shippensburg, PA)
This image is a representation on how our brain is mentally focused. I think the image shows you what our brain chooses to focus on in life. Where the in the picture the main thing on their mind is all the sadness that happened but in the back of their mind is all the good things he should be focusing on instead. This relates to my life because I choose to live in a life of negativity when I could be focusing on all the good things that happen to me everyday. I think the article is about how people focus on negativity instead of positivity and should focus more on the light side of things instead of the dark side.
Masura (Pa)
I think this photo is saying that our brains are mostly filled with bad things. The sunny photo is smaller and in the back of the head. That could be saying that we are forgetting happiness it in the back of our head like we know its there but we forget. The dark and rainy part is larger and is in the front. It could represent all the sadness, anxiety, and worries we have.
Emily (PA)
I think that this cartoon is illustrating someone who suffers from depression. Their head is full of thoughts but a lot of them are negative. There are some good thoughts that are trying to overcome the negative ones but can't because they are outnumbered. I have personally struggled with something similar in the past and this picture illustrates perfectly how it feels. I think the article is going to be about someone dealing with depression.
Janelle (Pennsylvania)
I believe the image is saying that the darkness or depression in the mind is overshadowing the light in your life. It could also mean that all that is thought of is bad and all the good thoughts are covered by the bad. It relates to my life because I often see a lot of people that only have bad thoughts and they don’t let anything good into their life. I, personally, will have moments of this kind of thinking. It’s easier to have darker thoughts. It takes a lot more control to think happily than to think badly. Its often how this world is also. A lot of the stuff people read online is about everything that is going wrong, when in actuality, a lot of the things in this world are happening for the better. I would think this article may be about trying to keep good mental health. It also has the possibility of being some type of anti-depressant.
Greta (Shippensburg)
I think this picture is representing someone who if feeling like they have more bad days than good. Rainy days are associated with sadness and depression, while sunny days are associated with happiness and hope. The person’s head is filled with more than ¾ rainy days. This relates to me because sometimes I feel this way. Sometimes it feels like things just stack up and I go periods without really having a good day. But, with my friends, family, and animals to cheer me up, everything always ends up ok.
Lillian (Shippensburg)
Everyone has different perspectives on things. There can be many different ways to take this picture. I see it in two ways, one no one knows what's going on in your head except you. You might smile on the outside but have a storm going on in the inside. You are the only one that knows all that's going on in your head whether its bad or good, people only see what you let them. I also see it as with every bad thing that happens there's always a little bit of good in it. For example if your grandfather passed away then you would feel upset and sad that he's gone, but the good thing is that he isn't suffering anymore. Another good example would be if you failed a math test, yes it would be bad but now you know what your doing wrong and how to fix it. No matter what there has to be a brighter side to things. Others might see it way different than i do and that's okay we all have our own opinions.
Danielle (whs)
the image suggests that some people prefer the rain other than the dark, or sadness over happiness, because when they expect the worse of a situation and it becomes good, it is more meaningful to them. Or how some people need the rain, as it is calming. The sounds of water hitting windows, the feel of rain hitting your skin, the dark and gloomy water filled clouds overhead can bring back some fond memories. Some might associate rain with sadness or heartbreak, but others enjoy the still calmness of the lovely pitter patter.
Blake Barnes (Winnetonka HS KCMO)
This image is saying that even though you might have sad and depressing thoughts there is always room for happy thoughts. There will always be a time in your life when you are feeling down. From my personal experience when I am depressed I either do something that takes stress away like sports or I just think of all the happy times that I have been through in my life. Sometimes the sad and depressed times over take or overweigh the happy things so you can't really think about the happy things. Sometimes the past really hurts you so you can't really think about the present. There will always be hard and sad times in your life. You just have to stop and think to yourself " It doesn't storm forever" it will always end , and so will all the sad moments. You only have one life , and only you can decide how to life it.
Parker (Winnetonka HS, MO)
I think that the picture shown is trying to create a visual representation of the modern human mindset. Today, we're always so stressed and focused on our perfection and work, so we push our own health and happiness to the back of our mind and we allow our minds to overflow with thoughts of unhappiness and insecurity. Especially with the work and education system today, many students and employees always seem to be on edge about getting their work done on time, doing beyond their very best, and struggling to keep up with their mentality.
Ladonya (Winnetonka High School,KCMO)
I think the image is saying that we are so focused on trying to get through rough and sad times that we put aside our own happiness. I definitely can relate because i put aside my happiness so i can make my parents and teachers happy and proud of me.In my opinion, i think the article was about how we all somehow hide our happines/sunshine within cloudy days.
JayRay (Garfield Heights)
The image is saying that although our mind might be clouded with sadness and despair, we should always find a ptch of happiness. This relates to me because as a young man in school life is stressful and filled with all kinds of sadness and the stormy days feel as though they do not stop but I will always find my happy place.My shelter during the storm will always be close. I believe the article was about how to keep positive when everything is going wrong in life.
Marisol Ceja (Period 4 - 38)
I think that this image is saying is that not everything in this life is cool and fun. I think that the rain since is the bigger than the one with the sun because the authors feels like that. Not only the author but also a lot of other people. Most people think that they are in this life only to suffer and most of them describe their life by a picture, facial expressions and many more. I also think that the beautiful passage in the left is there because the author wants to demonstrate that not everything is lost in this life that there is always hope and that everything that is bad in your life that little happiness makes you to forget about your problems at least for a while. This relates to my life in the way that when I feel lost or something terrible is going through my life there is always that something or someone that can help me to feel better.
Jose Rojas (Period 4)
I think as humans we always think about how bad something can go and also think the worst but if they were just to look up and see how wounderful the world really is insted of thinking that sonthing could go wrong on any second thats how pepole trapp them selfs in a world of deperision their rwally only on way that could be not apsrt of life for insteance look at a national park you see how much life is flurishing.
Jose Rojas (Period 4)
In my opion the inage is saying that most pepole think of negative thoughts and don't look up and see the world for it is and not what they think they just leave all the good an joyful thoughts in the past and all the negative thoughts in the fresh part of the mind and thats not healthy
Fatima C.H. Period 3 #7 (Anaheim)
The image that is illustrated demonstrates how many people have more negative thoughts in their head than positive ones. In my own experience, now that I realize it, I do tend to have more negative thoughts than positive thoughts. I worry too much about school and things that I shouldn’t be worrying about. The article well explains how one can help themselves to stop having negative thoughts. It also helps us know who tends to have more negative thoughts and this way it helps us know when or how to help those people.
Angel F. Period 3-29 (Anaheim High School)
I think that this image is saying this person or people (if plural) have been through many negative things in their life. It may also mean that the person is depressed because they have been through something terrible like losing a relative or a relationship ended for them. It relates to my life because I recently been through a break up myself and for a couple days, I didn't want to do anything, not even get out of my bed. The article would be about depression is this the image that illustrated it because it mostly only has sadness in it. But always after a storm comes a rainbow so keep your head up.
Jennifer Ochoa P.4 (Anaheim)
I believe this image is trying to give the message that most people may have more negativity or depressing thoughts than having thoughts full of excitement and positivity. Everyone sometimes just have too much on their plate and begin to feel overwhelmed. As we entered the new year you just reflect on what you did wrong in the previous year and you stress about committing the same awful mistakes. But at the same time you have the fear of what new mistakes you'll make.
Karina Navarro Period. 6 (33)
When I first saw this picture most people have problems in their life's that they can't get rid of. The problems happen all the time that you forget how living the happy is. Most people think of all the negativity that is happening with them. We forget what having fun or living happy means.
Tien L Period 5-18 (Anaheim, CA)
This picture and the related article is really meaningful to myself. First thing on the right side of this picture is a leafless tree standing under raining with a dark sky is accounting for over two-third of the brain. And the little left side is a good tree under the shiny sun in a good weather. In my personal, the tree is symbolized for a human, who need to train with every negative experience and then it can grow and develop before the difficult challenges in life. Following this article, constant negativity can also get in the way of happiness, add to our stress and worry level and ultimately damage our health. However, we can be built to overlearn from negative experiences, but under learn from positive ones. When we face with troubles, or hard work, but we are on our way to taming our negative thoughts. So the good way that we can do is acceptance, and then this is a practice that helps reduce stress and reactivity. Finally, we know negative experience is not totally bad but from that we can improve and build a good new one.
Omar Ocegueda (Period 4)
I think that this image is trying to make a statement about where people today are at in terms of their state of mind; I have read numerous articles citing that a big portion of the population is always sad or depressed. This image summarizes the thinking process of these individuals. They spend so much thinking about the negative aspects of life that the happy parts of life are overshadowed and consumed by the eternal darkness that is depression. This theme relates to me because I have battled a serious problem with post-traumatic depression that threatened to consume me at the start of my sophomore. The image reflects on my thinking process for most of those dark days (I am doing a lot better now!). Given this image, I can predict that this article will discuss the effects of depression and how most of it is related to how we manage what we think about
Janalynn Santacruz 3-36 (anaheim)
I personally think that this image is saying that we people tend to have more focus on the bad things that are happening around our surroundings rather than the positive things. We let it take control of us and we don't do much to control it on our own. When we should be the ones who are in control. We leave the good happy thoughts at the back of our minds and don't think of it very much. Since we don't do this often it can lead to depression and that is not good. We need to focus on the positive things that are occurring rather than putting ourselves down.
Mario Lara: period 2 (Anaheim)
The image shows how over time we have rewired our brains to focus on the negative instead of seeing the positive in life. The message this image is trying to teach us yes we do focus on the negative but we can change our views from negative to positive. This image relates to me because I have friends that when a situation happens they only see the negative, I try to convince them that there is always something positive to look at. I think the article would be about a study made on people and how we can help the see the positive in live instead of seeing the negative.
Enrique F P.6-15 (Anaheim, CA)
Out of all the other perspectives, the way I see it is the mind of many that has to do with the happiness and sadness, or depression. It is the two most common moods that humans have. The sadness or depressing picture seems to be bigger for a reason. People go through it daily no matter what person you are. It is what challenges us to every event of our lives. Happiness and sadness are both temporary and will only last for a couple of moments. The bright side seems to be smaller which may symbol to be lasting less in our lives. This article would have been all about depression and sadness and the way people seem to experience being happy less.
Andrea C Per. 6- 10 (Anaheim)
When I saw this photo I thought it was trying to portray depression and how this person has negative thoughts most of the time. The more I thought about this photo I saw a different side of it and how people dwell much more on the negative then thinking of the positive out comes. Depression is serious well at least I think so, it really isn't something that comes and goes, it is something that stays with a person. Sometimes people focus on the bad most of the time and they are told "just be happy" or "think happy thoughts" if it were easy as all those things then they wouldn't be sad. Dwelling on the negative has no good outcome whatsoever because it stops you from doing anything because then you learn to live around the negative thoughts.
Skyler Booker (Anaheim, CA)
PERIOD 6: I believe that this picture is trying to illustrate someone who has negative thoughts clouding up their mind and they are so negative that they are repressing the happy thoughts. All their happiness is being pushed to the back of their mind not to be seen for some time while negative thoughts and sadness take hold.
Alexis Nava (P6-29)
I believe this message is saying that people's minds are more consisted with dark, sad, or depressing thought rather than positive ones. The best way that this image relates to me is that I often think about the negative side in things like if I think about having fun it mostly comes to thinking that I wouldn't have time to finish work for school. If this image illustrated the article I believe that it had to do with people becoming less optimistic.
Eduardo M P.5 desk 21 (California)
To me the image is trying to say tat people mainly focus on things that make them feel down and this all leads to health problems. And that people spend little time on the happy things in life. Too many people let their past consume them and it overwhelms them. This relates to me because i have a friend that let her past consume her and it affected me negatively. I worried about her and i did not focus on the happy moments in my life but instead i noticed the little things that took a toll on me eventually. The article may be about how people focus on the bad things in life and not the happy moments. or that they dock their happy moments and let the sad ones take over them
Victoria,A P5-2 (Anaheim)
This image is clearly saying that many people focus on the depressing times more than the happy ones. Many people don't let themselves be happy because they just think about the bad things that have happened to them. This does really relate to me because i almost always put the negative as the thing i always think about but i'm really good at pretend that i'm happy because i don't like when people ask what wrong.
Jonathan F. Per.5 Desk 13 (Anaheim)
My personal opinion on this image is that some people focus to much on negative thoughts rather then focusing on the good ones and pushing the back ones as far as possible. Many people don't let themselves be happy inside they put themselves to overthink on negative thoughts that haunts them throughout the day. Something else that I think this picture might represents is that sometimes we might feel like crap and eventually everything gets better. We sometimes like to think of negative things and that makes us depressed. This image can relate in my life because there are times where I might feel depressed when I'm home alone or not doing anything, but when I go to the gym, the bright side of the picture comes out in my head because I'm at the gym where I push all the negativity far away as possible.
Airam M Period 5-19 (here)
In my opinion, the image is conveying the topic of depression. The idea that the melancholy image is taking up more space in the mind than the happy, sunshine one gives off that kind of aura. I know and have seen a lot of people battling with depression. For most of them, its a very hard thing to understand and cure. At times I scare myself, thinking i have it, but then realize it was just a false alarm, since those who have it suffer much worse. I think the article will speak of depression and how it is becoming a norm in society, rather then being an illness.
Alexander H (p5-15)
This image is saying that our lives consist more of depressing and sad times rather then happy and joyful moments. This images seems extremely relevant to today because it seems that times are a lot harder and more depressing for everyone. I personally think this images relates to everyone even if they say otherwise because that means they either are lying to themselves to seem happy or they just don't want the world to know. Everyone has their dark times, but I hope that in the future these odds will be reversed in this image.
Ashley A. Period:4-3 (Anaheim)
I think what this image is trying to say is that we can have a good day and someone can just walk up to us and say something and ruin everything! Us humans tend to think about it more than we're supposed to and from there we think about things that happened a while ago and so on. This relates to my life because when I'm at school I'm happy just by talking to my friends and what not. As soon as I get home all of that "happiness" just goes away. I think this article is going to talk about someone who thinks about all of the negative things in their life and if they're having a somewhat good day they'll think about all of the good things about life.
Melissa Aguirre p4-1 (Anaheim)
I personally think that this image is saying that there are people who have lots of negative thoughts but we shouldn't let them get in our way. As you can see in the picture most of the thoughts are negative and only a little half is positive. This can relate to me because I use to have a lot of negative thoughts but I no longer do. I mean, yeah, I have some negative thoughts from time to time but it's not an everyday thing.
Maria Gonzalez P.4 (California)
This image is clearly saying that m any people focus on the depressing times more than the happy ones. Many people don't let themselves be happy because they haunt themselves with the bad. This doesn't really relate to me because i push the negative as far behind my mind because i hate being sad. So with that being said, i prefer to be happy. I think that this article would be about depressed people.
Yesenia Lopez Period 3-22 (Anaheim)
I have a better understanding of how this situation works in the imagine it shows the mind of someones head how works. For instance us like humans we have a stronger connection with depression or negative thoughts. Of course we have a short amount of positive thoughts and ideas. It shows how often we deal with sad situation in life and we are less likely to be happy as we age. This article is really helpful and it actually shows us the importance of how the mind actually works.
Luis R. Period 3-30 (Anahiem)
I think this image is trying to say how much amount of happiness and sadness does the person have. The image to the left shows a sunny day with a tree and the grass is green. This image is obviously describing a happy thought or feeling. The image to the right is more wider and shows a rainy day with dark clouds and a dead tree with the ground all muddy. The image clearly shows a description where a person is having a sad day or a horrible day. These images relates to me in way where i can picture my own image of the joy i have and the opposite of that. The article can be describing the image as how happy a person or how sad and depress he feels.
Jesus R per.3 - 35 (Anaheim)
In my opinion I think this image says a lot. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and it is depending on how you look at it. This image could shows so much from my point of view and from your point of view. I think from my point of view this image shows so much hate and negativity thoughts going through his head, and little bit of happiness going through his head.
Diego T. (period3-38)
I feel that this image is making a very strong and true message. As shown in the picture there seems to be a bright good day and dark night. The raining dark night seems to represent bad times and dark thoughts. The sunny day represents good moments and joyful thoughts. What I feel this illustration is saying is that a lot of people seem to focus on the negatives in there lives much more than the good things that are going on.
Angel M. (p.3)
People tend to think negatively before they think of something positive. When something doesn't go their way, people always like to think of negative things. For example, lets say you go to the gym everyday and for whatever reason you couldn't make it. The first thing you're going to think about is that you're going to gain fat or lose your gains. Instead of thinking that you're going to go harder the next day, you think of the worst that can happen. We need to think more positively if we really want to be happy.
Leslie L. Period 3-21 (Period 3-21)
Our mind is one of the most fascinating parts in our body that indicates how we feel and think upon any situation. just like in the article i think that this image represents how us humans stay focused on all the bad and push away all the good times in back of our heads which would be ignoring all the good times and to that leading to let all the good times disappear and causes people to forget about the great times since people are always worried and focus on all the bad times also like think that this picture represents how negativity has an influence on our lives. We can be having plenty of options but someone we let the negative things in our lives take over our thinking or we can let that little bit of happiness give us hope that things will all turn out okay. Eventually the sun will come out again and shine bright but there will also be dark times but it's a humans job to look right pass by the rain and look straight into the rose.
Bella Pirami (E219)
From my understanding, this image shows the portion of a human head. In about 80% of the brain it shows a rain storm and a dead tree and depressing, thick, dark clouds. In about 20% of the brain it shows a sunny day with a beautiful living tree. This image is realistic, because in life its easy to get sad and think about the depressing things, its also very easy to come across these sad rainstorms. Most people end up focusing on the sad things in life rather than trying to focus on the happy and exciting things in life. I think that the article talked about how most of the brain is always focusing on the sad and depressing things rather than the happy things, and this will lead many of people to be sad most of the time and it can lead to serious depression.
PA (Albany NY)
I think the person is thinking about Climate Change, That person is thinking "October through June", it will be cloudy and Raining. July through September it will be Sunny and Green.
Whitney (Oregon)
I see the possibility of a few different things taking place . The first being, the power of thought, you think, therefore you are. If you feed negativity, it will overcome you. Negative thoughts, equals negative impact on one's life. On the contrary, if you feed positivity, positive thoughts, equal positive outcomes in one' s life. Which tree will you choose to feed and watch grow in your life??? Because, it all starts within each of us, within our thoughts. The good news, we have control over these thoughts and our emotions. I choose to feed possibilities of positivity in my head and my daily life.

My second interpretation of the picture, leans toward the tree of life, or good vs. evil. A spiritual warfare going on within each of us every moment of everyday. We are our own demise, perhaps. If this were a picture of my mind, there would be fluffy , pink clouds, rolling green grass hills for miles, Japanese cherry tree blossoms in bloom, and unicorns likely;).

Reality is what we choose to make it.
Chris Carney (Santa Barbara, CA)
This is an image which quite obviously states a belief that people (or certain persons') thoughts are 75% depressed and 25% happy. From that, I deduce that the article is about depression. From my own perspective, I do believe that depressed thoughts (which include anger, etc.) outnumber happy ones when I'm alone (but not by so large a number) but conversely, when I'm with people, and especially in talking to them, the ratio is the opposite, even though I'm a slight introvert. I enjoy being alone, too, but if I'm alone too long my thoughts grow darker.
Makayla (E219)
I believe that this image is saying that as humans we tend to focus on the negative and push the positive away. Darkness, sadness, has a tendency to take over. It's easier to slip and fall than it is to stay standing on our own two feet. The image relates to my life because I have depression and this is how I would portray how I feel all the time. I think the article is about negativity or depression.
tyrek gammage (south jordan,ut room E219)
I think this image is portraying a boy thinking about two things at one time. This relates to me because I often try to do two things at one time. I think this article is about people who love to multitask.
Juanpablo Grateron (E219)
I think this image is telling me that no matter what all of dark thoughts come out to be, there will a bright side to it. The main thought in this guys head is dark/negative and the back is all sunshine which to mean it means hes gotta come down to realizing that there is a bright side to everything. There will always be a positive outcome. The way this relates to my own life is ill get down on my self and later to realize that everything happens for a reason so everything will eventually come together. You just gotta stay positive in life.
lauren heaps (E219)
I think this picture represents the human mind well. Any situation we come across which is incorporated into our everyday life, has both positive and negative sides to it. I believe, from personal experience, is that we tend to focus on the negative or things that could go wrong and what we could do to possibly prevent it. The li’l bit of sunshine IS there of course, it’s just not the dominant thought(s) that is running through your head. It’s just our decision whether or not we chose to focus on the negative or not.
Baylie Saunders (E219)
I think this image is saying that even in the dark times of your thoughts, there will be a bright side if you think deeper into it. There is sunshine in the back of his head which I think means he just needs to get down to the bottom of things and realize the positives. This relates to my own life because even through my tough times, things have a way of working themselves out in the end. I think the article was about dealing with negative thoughts or depression.
tyrek gammage (south jordan,ut room E219)
I agree with what you said, and I think your reply is better than mine. I think that even in dark thoughts, there is a brighter side.
Makayla (E219)
I agree with your comment. I see how, at first glance, you would think that you would need to dig further to find the positives in life. I think that in our lives there is going to be a time where we are going to need to dig to find the positives.
Juanpablo Grateron (E219)
Yeah i agree with Baylie i feel like we have the same train of thought going on. I thought that the person was thinking negatively but he just had to think positively to change his thoughts.
Jared Anderton (E219)
This image means to me that we think way to negative. The sunny side should be bigger in our lives because the article states that we are too negative and it can be bad for our health. This relates to my own life because I often think of the storms in my life or of a situation when there is a sunny side to it as well. If this was the image that illustrated it I would say that the article would be about us thinking about the worse things to happen to us more than the better things.
Leah T (e219)
I do agree that most of the time we tend to dwell of the negative things in life than the positive things, but that doesn't mean that that's all we do. Some, maybe even most people are actually doing better than they think they are. But because we tend to think negatively about ourselves, we don't realize that. But if you were to look at yourself from another person's perspective, you'll see that there was sunshine there all along, just waiting for you to look for it.
Bella Pirami (E219)
I agree with this a 100%. I know that we do dwell on the negative things but we also focus on the positive things. Sometimes we think to negatively about ourselves that we don't realize how we come off as how other people see us. The happiness and excitement will always be there, we just have to find a way to find it.
Grayson (E219)
To me, I think this image is saying that even through the darkest of times there is always a happy place, even if it is deep beneath the surface. People also pretend to be happy so their real emotions don’t show, like in this picture it appears that the person is mostly sad but still has a spot to try to be happy. I can apply this picture to my current life. I like helping people more than I care to help myself and I hide all my problems and depression deep down so i can help my friends who need it. A person can always appear to be happy and be trying to be happy but you’ll never know the person until you get to know them. Everyone is sad at one point or another. Don’t let the smiles deceive you from what they could be actually feeling. We should treat everyone the way you want to be treated and nothing less. Regardless of whatever excuse we could make up.
Kailee Jardine (E219)
I think that this image is visualizing the thoughts of someone who suffers from depression or has the tendency to think about negative things more than positive. This picture relates to my life because like many others in the world, I have been through a depression and it can be difficult to see the bigger picture and have positive thoughts. I think this article is about how the brain works when you struggle with depression, or that it gives studies and information that the human brain tends to have more negative thoughts than positive thoughts.
allie (e219)
I think this image is saying that this persons brain is clouded with negative thoughts but he has positivity in his mind he just needs to block out the negativity and think positively. This relates to me because sometimes I have negative thoughts that I don't need.
Baylie Saunders (E219)
I agree with this because I thought that the person was thinking negatively but he just had to think positively to change his thoughts. Through every hard situation deep down something good can come out of it if you change your point of view.
Lauryn (E219)
I think that this picture represents how negativity has an influence on our lives. We can chose to let the negative things in our lives take over our thinking or we can let that little bit of happiness give us hope that things will all turn out okay. This applies to my life because I have seen how being negative can affect your health and well-being.
Javin (E219)
In the picture its showing that the rain and the dead tree are taking over more of the mind than the good and it is probably about how you can deal with negativity in your life making it better in the end.
Kamree Jones (E219)
I think that this image is saying that in some people’s brains, it is mostly negative, cloudy thoughts. But in the back of their brain there are good, positive thoughts, which is what keeps them going.
This relates to my life because I relate to this picture very much. I mostly think negative things about people and myself, but in the back of my head I know that I have a good life and shouldn’t take what I have for granted.
The article related to this image is probably about negative thinkers, like me. Or depression.
allie (e219)
This is an amazing response I totally agree with you. I feel the same about how I think negatively about me and people but I really do have a good life and need to be more positive.
Evan (e219)
I mostly agree with this article. But, at the beginning the article said that ALL humans are negative thinkers. Although most humans really are negative thinkers does not mean that they all are. I agree with everything else like how negative thinking can damage our overall health.
Marie (E219)
I disagree with your answer. I think that all people have at least one negative thought everyday. There is no way that someone could constantly have happy thoughts, even if they’re really happy people.
lauren heaps (E219)
I disagree as well. How many times a day do you see something you don't like, or agree with and think "Oh, well the outcome of this will probably be good and everything will work out!!!" That's not likely, but maybe YOU personally do. As a race, I feel like humans are programed to think of the negative and how we can prevent situations and continue to protect ourselves. These negative thoughts and bad situations are uncomfortable, and as humans we for sure hate uncomfortable situations.
Alejandra (Bogota)
This image means for me the predominant of negative thinking in our daily routine. Stress, worry, work, study and all those things usually make us think about the bad things instead of focus in the good moments we have.
Javin (E219)
I agree with what you think the picture means. What do you think the article is about? do you feel that this is how it really is in your life, if so then what causes it for you? is it more stress related or just more of a depression?
Lauryn (E219)
I agree with what you think about this image. The negative things that happen in our day, no matter how small can really affect how we feel and think about how our day went.
Evan (E219)
I agree with your insight on what we as humans tend to do. I feel like bad thoughts are one of the major things that hold us back in life