Fascinating Animals

Jan 04, 2017 · 49 comments
Claire B (Arizona)
Chameleons are the animals that fascinates me the most. The reason I think that is because many species of chameleons have the ability to change color. They can change color to blend into their environment, so they can hide from predators that might be lurking close. Also their eyes are so cool, they stick out of their face to help them see/hunt better, which is really amazing! Their long tongues are another way that hunting is made easy for them because it helps them get their food fast. They are also impressive climbers because they have claw-like hands that help them hold on to what they are climbing. Chameleons are the animals that fascinates me the most!
B. Egger (AZ)
The horse fascinates me the most. I am interested in horses because my sister in law owns a million horses. She actually only owns nine horses but that is a lot to own. She created her own business and she can teach anyone from a six year old child to an adult to ride a horse. I take a few lessons once in a while, and the horse just amazes me every time I go over to my sister in law's house. I love that they are giant and powerful but they can be so sweet and loving. My sister in law tells me awesome facts about horses once in while. Like horses only sleep for four hours each night, horses have the largest eyeball for a land mammal, and horses can walk within the first hour of being born. Because of these amazing fun facts and they are a gentile giant, the horse fascinates me the most.
Vanessa, C P.4-7 (Anaheim)
The animal that fascinates me the most would be a monkey. I know that since they can be owned they can be not only your pet, but a friend too. They need to be fed,changed,and played with just like kids. I find it most interesting how they can make great comfort just like any other pet.
Jaden Ramirez Per.4 (Anaheim CA)
Prayers go out to Pan Pan.
The most fascinating animal to me would honestly be the parrot. This animal is also my dream pet. I have always wanted a parrot all my life, but I never got one. I love how you can train them to speak, not official words and sentences, but phrases and some big words. Parrots have always caught my attention I love the color of their feathers and how majestic they look flying through the sky chirping in the air. One day I would like about a dozen parrots to live with me.
Luis R. Period 3-30 (Anahiem)
The animal that fascinates me the most is the rhino. When I was younger I went to the San Diego Zoo and I was fascinate with rhinos. They looked so big in person and I was interested in their horn. Many people might think that rhinos are scary and dangerous but they are actually calm if person tries to disturb them then that's when the rhino starts to feel threaten and they defend themselves. I cannot believe there are people that hunt down these rhinos just for their horn. These rhinos are becoming extinct and in the future people will not know what were rhinos. In my opinion rhinos are the most fascinating animal.
Alfredo Pantoja P.2 #27 (Anaheim)
The animal that fascinates me the most is the wolf. The wolf has interested me since i was a kid. They are fascinating species that survive in packs and have their own system of leadership. The wolf should be strong to hunt and survive the cold winter if it wants to stay in the pack and shouldn’t have any disabilities either if they do they leave him behind or kill the wolf immediately. Some type of wolf's go alone instead of being in a pack and they are called lone wolfs. This is why i am fascinated by these animals they are a really respective species to be studied and to protect.
jennifer S per.6 #36 (anahiem)
The animal that fascinates me is the elephant for the simple fact of how big they are but also how intelligent. Elephant are known to live up to 70 years which is a long life span for a wild animal. It also fascinates me that they stay in hers almost all of their life, many animals are known to abandon their young at a very early point in their life where they are forced to survive on their own. Elephants are very family-oriented mammals which is important because they all depend on each other for protection. I have always wondered why elephants are a symbol of wisdom and strength but it is obvious that these creatures can hold that and much more.
Lisseth Zaragoza Per.5 - 40 (Anaheim)
The animal that I am definitely fascinated with has got to be the sloth. Most people may not think much of them due to their slowness and laziness but there is more than meets the eyes when it some to sloths. They have one of the most adorable smiles especially the juniors and don't want to hurt anything. Of course like any other animal when they are provoked they will get dangerous especially with those long claws that they have.
Cindy R. Per.5 Desk 14 (Anaheim)
The animal that fascinates me the most is a horse because there just simply amazing in the fact that they can carry so much weight on there back without even struggling. Another reason is how on some parts they have long hair and some parts they don't for example there tail has a lot of hair and it's very long. It's also fascinating how horses can dance they must have had a very hard time to learn how to dance but as I can see there very smart as well .
Mariam M. Period 4-15 (Anaheim)
Every animal is interesting, but if were to pick one animal that fascinates me the most is a tiger. Whenever I would go to the zoo, the tigers exhibit would be more appealing to me. They are fascinating because they live alone and they are the biggest species in the cat family. Recent research shows that they are becoming extinct because of the poachers that are poaching them for their fur.
Karina Navarro Period. 6 (33)
The animal that fascinates me are the owls. The owls have been my favorite for a long time. My interest in owls is the way they look. They all have a different texture in their feathers. The snowy owls are the best. A lot of people think owls are ugly or creepy but I think they are cute. The snowy owl have their feathers so soft. You want to keep petting it. What I like about the owls is that it looks like they all have different face expressions.
Enrique Molina P.6-27 (Anaheim)
I personally like all animals. There really isn't an animal that I like the most other than a dog. Dogs are considered, "man's best friend." Half of the time (with my dog) that is true. Before I had to get rid of my dog, we would always play and be together. Sometimes when it sees that I was being threatened, she would growl at the person who was with me. If only all dogs were like my dog. If I was asked what animal is my favorite, like right now, I would definitely answer with a dog.
Juan Arcos per 6 (Anaheim)
The animal that fascinates me the most currently is the rabbit because i have currently been seeing videos about 2 rabbits fighting and it just stun in my head. I have never really seen two rabbits fight and it's pretty funny to see them fighting. They actually charge at each other, but once one of them takes a full charge the other jumps to evade the tackle. the keep going like that and chasing each other. I haven't really noticed how how strategically they fight.
Joanna Pulido Per. 6 (35)
Although there are many animals that fascinate me there are also many I don't like. All animals have different abilities that help them in there everyday life and I think that's pretty cool. However, the animal that fascinates me the most would have to be a dog. Dogs are seen in our everyday lives but it amazes me how these little animals are always there for you. They're also very helpful to humans and they help serve important purposes. Dogs have great personalities and great feelings, though they can behave in bad ways if that's how they're taught. Something I've always loved about dogs is that there lovable and loyal but also something I've always wondered is why dogs are treated so badly if they only ever want to make you happy. Dogs really are a mans best friend.
Alex Fernandez Period 6 (Anaheim)
Personally, my choice of animal is Dogs. I chose them because Dogs are very smart animals that can be trained to listen to their trainers/owners. On the other hand, dogs can be a playful pet to keep at home and can also guard your house from any unknown trespassers.
Karla G. P.6 desk 16 (Anaheim)
All animals are different and unique in their own ways, but the animal that I see and own myself are dogs. It amazes me how intelligent and loving these animals are. Everyday you see videos or read about dogs online, and its amazing to know that these animals are the way they are. They say that dogs are a mans befriend and I think that is so true, dogs are loyal and will never ever try to hurt us, all they need is love just everyone else. You can see many cases where you see a dog helping or being there for its owner and it is just so great how an animal feels and thinks and reacts the same way . Dogs are just the best and they should never be mistreated ever because all they want and need is love.
Wendy, O p5-27 (Anaheim)
Personally, the animal that fascinates me the most is a bird. It is a bird because they seem to catch by attention every time they fly over me when im walking. There are many types of birds that can fly but many that cannot. They have other tricks, like a hawk. They can be flying miles above the ground and still seem to catch animals all the way from the ground. Their eyes are so amazing and sharp. I see bird on the daily but there are different types of birds in the zoo that have to be captured because they are too big or because they have special requirements as to why they cant be in nature.
sebastian cevada period 6 desk 12 (anaheim)
My animal of preference is a sloth, i think these creatures are really cool and funny. I like the face expressions they make and how lazy they can be. What i also like is how interesting they actually are, these creatures sleep all day and only wake up to eat and only go to the bathroom once a week.
Kevin H. Period 3 #16 (anahiem CA)
There are two animals that I like and the first one is spiders any kind really but the one I like the most is the tarantula which a big hairy spiders that can shoot and their hairs at you as a way to defend themselfs. The other one is snakes and my favorite one is the king cobra because of its wing like skin that pops out when it tries to fight and also I like really like snakes and want one as a pet.
Edward A. Per. 5 (Anaheim, CA)
The animal that fascinates me the most is a giraffe because it is one of the tallest, if not the tallest, animals in the world. I always wonder how long can their necks go up to and how they were discovered. Another animal that fascinates me as well is the rhino. The rhino is going extinct but I always wondered how it was discovered and how it got its horn. That is basically the only reason why the rhino fascinates me.
Joshua Perez Period 5-39 (Anaheim)
The animal that fascinates me the most is the dolphin. It causes a lot of interest to me because of its adored knowledge that scientists and others research about. The dolphin is fascinating how it communicates to each other and how it swims in packs. In addition, the dolphin is a mammal which lives in the sea which is very odd because of its fish like appearance. In conclusion, the dolphin is a very odd animal that fascinates many people especially me.
Kayla F. Period 4-11 (Anaheim)
I honestly don't like animals that much, but I think whales are fascinating. Even though i'm scared of animals, I think underwater animals are unique compared to outside animals. Each animals is known for their own characteristics, but whales are the biggest and most incredible animal on the earth. Whales are not meant to hurt but instead to love, they way any animal would like to be loved equally. Any animal deserves to live and explore the world the way humans do.
Maria Gonzalez P.4 (California)
I believe all animals are equally fascinating. Every animal has something about them that makes them unique and known. I mean they are all different so each animal has different qualities that make them interesting. Although there are many that are interests me there actually is one that interest me the most. It's a cat. Not only because it's my favorite animal, but because they're so smart and know exactly what they are doing. I believe that they are one of the smartest animals we have on planet earth. It's almost as if they're a human in a cat's body and can't talk, just meow.
Melissa Aguirre p4-1 (Anaheim)
The animal that fascinates me the most has to be the blue whale. I first fell in love with them when I went to Sea World, but it upset me to know that they are not out in the ocean but instead captured. The blue whale is known to be the biggest animal that has ever lived on earth.There are many types of whales, there's the Orca, Hump back, sperm whale, beluga whale, etc
Angel F. Period 3-29 (Anaheim High School)
The animal that fascinates me the most is the panda. The panda is so fluffy and very slow but eats a huge portion of food. I think I like this animal because it reminds me of me. I don't move much, I love taking naps, and last but not least, I love eating food. The fact that a panda can sleep almost all day interests me because you'd think they would be eating all day instead of sleeping all to keep that body weight.
Bani G. Per. 3 #14 (Anaheim)
The animal that fascinates me the most has got to be a cheetah. Something about cheetahs that I like so much. Maybe it's because they are the fastest land animal in the world. I have never seen them in a zoo but I wish to see them soon.
Leslie L. Period 3-21 (Period 3-21)
In my opinion i think that wolf is the most fascinating creature because, Wolves are the largest members of the Canidae family, which includes domestic dogs, coyotes, dingoes, African hunting dogs, many types of foxes, and several kinds of jackals. Wolf pups are usually born between March and May. A wolf pup’s eyes are blue at birth. Their eyes turn yellow by the time they are eight months old. also Wolves run on their toes, which helps them to stop and turn quickly and to prevent their paw pads from wearing down.
Wolves have about 200 million scent cells. And humans have only about 5 million. Wolves can smell other animals more than one mile. I think that zoos should really start taking care of their animals since a lot of them are already going instinct. Zoos should start looking out for them and nurture what they have before they lose it all.
Abby Mendoza (Per.3 #25)
Although I think all animals can be fascinating in their own distinctive ways my favorite animal has to be a koala. I have always liked koalas since I was small and even though people have a lot of negative things to say about them like, "they have a big nose." Koalas need 18-20 hours of sleep each day because they have to digest their foods and by sleeping it helps them save their energy. Some koalas can be seen at zoos and online as well. Something that interests me about them is that depending on where their location is at they have thicker fur which is for them to be protected from the winter weather. Koalas that live in southern Australia have thicker fur for the cold weather and are a bit bigger than those koalas who live in the north.
Yesennia Navarro (California)
In my opinion I find dogs fascinating due to their ability of being trained and listening. Most people think that pets are just for keeping you company but other people say that they help you a lot. Dogs can be trained to their capacity and can help people who are in need, such as people who are blind, in that case they'll need a guide dog. Once they are taught/trained on what they are supposed to do they remember and will keep doing it until it may become a habit. You can trust them, and they'll always be by your side whenever and wherever.
Karla P. Period 2-25 (California)
In my own opinion, i believe every single animal is fascinating and although that sounds cheesy, it is true. Every single animal has done some type of amazement in the world. Dogs are amazing for all that they’ve done since ancient years. Dogs have been human's best friends and have helped those who are blind, depressed, in need, and in deaf. Of course they have done far more than that but those are simply some points that stand out from helping us. Monkeys themselves have been amazing through the years. They are almost exactly like humans, they are able to grab things the way we are, seem to be able to do most of the things we are able to do. As well as Ants, although they are quite small, they've been able to carry items and food far larger than their own size. Which is an amazement to me. Or even mosquito's who are able to carry so many disease that can affect us, although it isn't a good type of amazement and not something that we should exactly be proud of, it is still an amazement on how they are able to carry so many diseases on them.
natalie (gill)
PERIOD 2 - Fascinating Animals by Erin McCain
According to the essay it concludes how a panda named pan pan has dies in China at the age of 31 which is equivalent to 100 in human years, most in the wild live up to their 20's but ones living captive zoos live much longer. He was still surviving with cancer, His health was also failing for the 3 days left he had. He was a comfortable living panda and was successful for mating with the female pandas as they become fertile for two to three days of each year. As they had him in for breeding they also realized he had a strong shape form. In September, International Union for Conversational of Nature they had removed pandas from the endangered list to being "vulnerable"
lauryn.nobles (fl)
hippos is my favorite animal because i have a stuffed hippo sense was 1
Amanada.cook (wes)
the animal that fascinates me is a zeba.
ryleigh hiers (fl)
the panda is so cute.
Alejandra (Bogota)
The animal that fascinates me the most is a green anaconda. They are from South America and are the heaviest snake in the world but not the largest, also they can eat humans alive (children) but we are not part of their diet (fortunately) and they live a lot of years, around 10 to 30 years. In my opinion Anacondas are amazing animals and i really love them.
Kaytlyn (W.E.S)
the animal that fascinates me the most is the hyena.They're just so cool and cute!I also like how they scare predators away with that high pitched scream which really sounds like they're laughing they're heads off! LOL! XD.
elizabeth allnutt (florida)
i like pandas and cheetahs and dolphins and turtles
ryleigh hiers (fl)
i think giraffes are cool because they have really long necks and have a cool print also they are tall like me
Kaytlyn (W.E.S)
The animal that fascinates me the most are hyenas because they are really cool and cute!(sometimes). Oh yea and i also really like how they laugh because it could probably scare away pretadors. But its really funny! LOL XD!
Donald Emrick (Florida)
my favorite animal would be tiger because they are an extremely special species
Kairi Marshall (Florida)
My favorite animal is a kitten because the are fuzzy,funny,and absolutely...ADORABLE!!!!!!
reagan hancock (williston)
my favrite animal is a morgan horse.the breed was found in the late 1700s. named after justin morgan because he found morgan hourses . orgain:north america. vairty of colors:bay chestnut pinto. porpose of use: racing riding and as calvey horses
trace (willliston)
my fave is a spider they live every where except Antarctica.
cannon (florida)
my favorite animal is a shark there are over 440 different sharks species
angelica giannisis (wes)
I like the morgan horse because they are pretty cool.They were breeded in the 1700's.Also they were named after Justin morgan.Morgan horses come in varity colors.
Aubrey legler (williston elementary)
giant pandas like pan pan WHO DIED!:(
Aubrey S. (FL)
The animal that fascinates me the most is the otter because I love them and I think that they are adorable!Otters are carnivores (meat eaters),they also are found in EVERY continent EXCEPT Australia and Antarctica!Lastly,there are 10 species of otters!
Donald Emrick (Florida)
Jaden Cash (Arkansas)
The animal that fascinates me the most is a Bengal tiger. They're my favorite animal. They are one of the only big cats that will get in water. They also have beautiful fur coats. I've never been up close to a tiger, but they are very adorable, lovable creatures.