Take a Bad Year. And Make It Better.

Dec 30, 2016 · 17 comments
Bill Carson (Santa Fe, NM)
Got it? Make a bad year better by having the government force companies automate more, firing low wage workers rather than paying them more than their true economic worth. So nice to have government running everything.
entity.z (earth)
I am one of those "who feel miserable and afraid". Let me add a couple more adjectives. Embittered and resentful because of a legal process that enabled a mere 304 people to override the explicitly expressed choice of more than 65 million voters, forcing Donald Trump on the nation and the world. Based on votes cast against him, he is the most unwanted president in history.

The vote was tampered with by Russian Trump supporters, and Trump probably knew it, based on his suggestion during the campaign that maybe the Russians should find Clinton's lost emails. Now I am embittered and resentful, because that flagrant violation of the process doesn't even merit a do-over in the eyes of our politicians.

I am alarmed by the fact that a documented, pathological liar is now in control of the nations biggest information apparatus, the federal government. Based on the constant stream of make-believe and fact-evasion from his campaign staff, we are about to experience four years of Orwellian doublespeak designed solely to make Trump seem great.

I am pessimistic about police brutality, gun violence, and war, considering Trump's bigotry and bombast.

I am alienated by everything that Trump is and stands for. He is emphatically not my president. I am not united with his supporters. I will do everything I can to resist his influence in my daily life.
Const (NY)
"The forces of disunity are strong, but our job is to make the country less divided than Donald Trump’s splintering campaign has left it."

To me, your publication is part of the disunity that exists in our country. You are unwilling to see the concerns of many American citizens with regard to illegal immigration. To the NYT's, they are simply immigrants or the undocumented. Sanctuary cities, like NYC and SF, are applauded by you, but they are the places where so many Americans can no longer afford to live.

What we need are moderates, but they sadly do not exist in sufficient numbers anymore.
Bill (Illinois)
I am thankful Hillary Clinton was not elected. She would have been a great president. I would vote for her a million times. It is beyond sad she is not president. However, the rage of the Republicans knows no bounds. They would torch Washington. She and everyone in the nation and the world could not withstand the unbridled anger and viciousness of the republicans. As one of only countless examples, the Russians attacked the US and the republicans were jumping up and down with glee because it destroyed Hilliary Clinton. Bring it on Putin, your our man. Unbelievable. And the FBI took it upon themselves to decided the election. Even more unbelievable.

The Republicans now have the president of their dreams. The man lovingly endorsed by the KKK, renounced by all former republican presidents, renounced by every major newspaper in the US, who viciously denigrated our current president, the list could go on and on. Donald Trump, the great Republican brand, what all Republicans love to show the world. History will not be kind to you.
The end of 2016 held much promise.... until it doubled down on the horror on Nov 9th, for many years to come and for some things, perhaps decades and generations.

For those who are ecstatic over the trump win, you are truly ensuring a shortened evolutionary time for our species. And I have news for you: truth, facts, numbers, the universal laws of physics, Mother Nature, all have a liberal bias and don't require your belief.
ondelette (San Jose)
Look at it this way: We don't need to worry about climate change anymore because we're approaching nuclear winter. And anyway, by next year this time governing a sovereign state won't be our problem. We'll either be Israel's 51st state, or we'll be the American Soviet Socialist Republic.

I'm sorry. I fail to be enlivened. More refugees found welcome in Bidibidi than in our communities. In case your readers don't know where that is, do a little mea culpa on that. You were the ones who thought Nate Silver's stats and Donald Trump's tweets were more important.
sjaco (north nevada)
Hopefully 2016 will be the end of the climate Apocalypse meme.
TheSame2You (New York)
The majority of Americans were tyrannized by Russia, ignorance, and Trump in 2016. We will be terrorized by them in 2017 if we don't fight back and indict Trump as a traitor.
Gary (Oslo)
You left out the disappearance of the average American’s ability to recognize a con man and snake oil salesman when they see one.
Sally (Greenwich Village, Ny.)
2017 is going to be a whole lot better. We are done with the silliness and ignorance of the Obama administration, the country is going to concentrate on what is good for the economy, hence working America, our relationships with foreign countries will not only improve, they are going to improve for the interests of America and finally we have people in the White House who know how to read numbers. Lastly, please, please, please get me off of Obamacare!
Jan (NJ)
Putting life in proper perspective (unlike liberals and the NY Times and its editors) I find 9/11 and 2001 much more of a bad year than 2016. People need to become "realistic" and unselfish become optimistic and trust in America. If anyone does not like it, they are free to leave immediately. Many will be glad to take your place.
LPG (Michigan)
We can only make 2017 better by staying vigilant and calling out the destructive and hateful policies of the incoming administration. We need to yell the truth louder than the lies of Fox News. We must inform all those Americans that can be adversely affected by the radical republican agenda that their vote in 2 years matters. We are at a moral cross roads. We must fight and stand up to the challenge. That will be the only way to bring light to 2017.
Robert (St Louis)
What we won't be missing from 2016 - A petulant, thin-skinned President who started as a community organizer (whatever that is) and ended as Putin's plaything. Good riddance.
Amused Reader (SC)
It is time for hope. We don't have a President who will continue the failed policies of the last 8 years.

We have a President who believes the country is better when legal citizens work and their wages rise because we don't have to compete for jobs with millions of persons here illegally.

We have an opportunity to crate an environment where small businesses can be start and thrive.

We have an opportunity to become an ally again to our international friends, not placate our enemies and display our weakness.

We have a opportunity to become energy independent.

We have an opportunity to begin governing again by the means established in the Constitution, not by pen and phone.

We have an opportunity to give our children and grandchildren an economy where they can achieve more than we did.

We have an opportunity to end education stagnation and provide opportunity for underserved children.

We have an opportunity to revive freedom of speech on campuses and schools where open, honest discussions of difficult, uncomfortable ideas con help expand young, growing minds.

We have an opportunity to revive due process on college campuses.

What we have is an opportunity to revive the ideals that made the USA the greatest country on earth and the place everyone wanted to live and emulate. We are not the failed economies, the restrictive religious nation-states, or the semi-socialists of the world.

We are Americans and, yes, now we have hope!
Richard Luettgen (New Jersey)
When considerig 2016 one thing I congure as well to see the breezier side is the Cubs. But, then, that doesn’t work for the Cleveland Indians and their fans, does it?

And yet another statement that we elected a president “unfit for the job“ doesn’t help, masquerading as a mere comment on what “many“ believe; nor does yet more focus on the 3.9% of all our workers who make just or less than the federal minimum wage (U.S. Bureau of Labor). While straightened circumstances always should be a general concern, one of the reasons why Trump was elected was the defensible perception that the natural constituency of Democrats is 3.9% of our people, and that the other 96.1% can go hang.

There remain millions of Americans whose eyebrows still go up at use of the euphemism “undocumented immigrants“ – you need a translator at all times to render this to the English “illegal aliens“, to obtain awakening comprehension. It’s been a year of ponderous political correctness and of tectonic popular reaction against it.

The “forces of disunity“ from the editors‘ perspective remain srtong because their priorities run counter to those of the editors and they‘re winning. Yet they see themselves as quite unified, enough to have elected undivided Republican federal government, and an overwhelming Republican presence at state and local levels.

When considering 2016, focus on the resolve shown by Americans to fix our broken politics. It wasn’t such a bad year, not compared to the past six.
joen. (new york)
Fine points, instead of extended campaigning in Michigan and Wisconsin, Hillary chose big money dinners with George C. and Hollywood. Trump leads the forces of disunity and Hillary was what, loser of 60 million voters? She was the the person to unify the country after scoring $250, 000 wall street speech's then showing disdain for the public in refusing to release transcripts. Hillary inspired millions but lost the female vote to the forces of disunity? This editorial is foolish.
Richard Luettgen (New Jersey)

Actually, Republicans have been "running Congress" for only the past two years. 'Fraid you guys have to take the blame for the rest.

And the next four years are on Trump, not on Obama. Do I look like a Democrat, who spends half his time blaming his predecessor for his inability to get things done, and the other half on the links?