What Is Your Reaction to the Results of the 2016 Election?

Nov 09, 2016 · 361 comments
Michael Thomas (Chicago)
I feel that Donald Trump is not the best person to represent America but there is nothing we can do about that. But if you did not vote at all you can not really say that it is Americas fault. I say this because if you were to vote for Hillary Clinton it would be better than not voting at all, because if you do not vote you are almost voting for the other side. But we must show Donald Trump respect because he is now the President of the United States.
Artus.M (Paris)
I think that two scenarios can be taken into account since Donald's trump election. First case scenario, Trump's politic is as bad as some predicted it or even worse. If this happens, waves of hatred will start spreading throughout the whole country and there is nothing better than hate towards a common ennemy to unify a population. The French population has never been as united as during the Revolution or during both world wars.
However, this is not what I wish for the USA, which leads me to the second possible scenario. Trump isn't as bad as most medias want us to believe and actually manages to take good measures for his country. In this case, protestations will slowly abate and everyone will hopefully realize that things could've been wosrt. Before being a politician, trump is a real showman, most of his outbursts during his campaign were probably cleverly prepared to teach a targeted audience. Now that he got what he wanted, he might start falling in line and listen to the population.
However, what ever happens during the following months, this election has taught me one thing: people around the world and especially in developed countries are starting to be fed up with traditional politics in general, they want something new, revolutionary and strong. The world is on the verge of change. A new world order could rise up that my generation will have to face, we will certainly live through hard times at some point but we will face them and come out even stronger.
Brandon Hayward (CT)
I was quite shocked when I was watching the results live. I would be one of the “skeptics who watched with alarm as Mr. Trump’s unvarnished overtures to disillusioned voters took hold,”(The New York Times). I didn’t expect Trump to get as many votes as he did. It took a bit to settle in, and then I started to get angry. I honestly thought that our country was past putting bigots and sexists in high positions of power, let alone our president. I am somewhat ashamed to be living in the U.S. at the moment, as many other countries find this hilarious and I feel much sympathy for immigrants and their families who are terrified by the results of this election. Despite all this, I will give Donald Trump a chance as our president because it is not only the right thing to do, but he is also taking back some of his more extreme statements.
Brianna Siem (The Harbor School)
This election has provoked many passionate reactions from Americans and non-Americans around the world. My reaction was dormant at first, not believing the results each time I checked my phone periodically throughout the night. Once it finally sunk in, I had a moment of weakness tearing up and contemplating our lack of a future. I first thought "what is the point of even attending school with everyone either depressed or gloating about their victory". Yet, my second thought of standing tall for those who can't, pushed me to get out of my home and put my feelings aside for the greater good. The funny Facebook memes on the election and my parent's hopeful words made the day a little less dreadful, almost enough to make me feel a tad guilty. Though, in the end, we as Americans have three options: to acquiesce in the new days, flee to escape conflict, or stay and fight. Me? I choose to fight for our freedom, our morals, our basic human rights, our immigrants, our future, our country.
Pauline Paris (Paris XVI)
While a part of the population still believe in the legitimacy of the democrat power, others have been disappointed by the disconnection between politicians and Americans. It doesn’t necessarily involve rejection of minorities, that Trump evoked to lead his campaign : most Americans see that tear as strictly political. But what links them all is the will to make their country healthier ; Americans can be united, but only if Trump successes answering the Nation’s expectations, and respecting his promise to consider the middle class’ interests.
This election was eyes opening for a lot of people who didn’t consider Americans’ despair the way it actually is. When the media kept spreading Obama’s cool image and influence, a great part of the population wasn’t so satisfied about his mandate. As a result, the Americans, distraught, showed a will to take a real political shift, which they proved firstly by electing Trump as the head of the US.
They showed once more their boldness, and their conviction that experience isn’t the one thing that makes someone a good leader.
This way, this election is the proof that even the most powerful country in the world knows political rejection and doubts its leaders. When numerous other countries know the same struggles, it definitely questions the world’s balance and the efficiency of our current system.
Thomas.F PCSI (Paris)
As far as I'm concerned, I find Election 2016 to be quite contradictory to what one might believe. It was said that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, but because the American election is following a different process than the one I am used to know in my home country, the results appear to be different than expected. The American people are voting for electors, who belong to the Electoral College, and it's up to them to choose the next President.
All I can say is that the elections in America do not follow the people’s wish and as a result demonstrate injustice as well as the inequality of rights. America may look like a glorifying country where everyone is free to make the most of their lives, but the truth is that it still shows a lack of fairness in the system in a less visible way.
Emmanuel F PCSI (Paris)
This election taught me that the American voting system was very different from ours. For example, Mrs. Clinton got even more votes than Mr. Trump and despite that Mr. Trump is still elected. Moreover, this election taught me that it isn't possible to overlook middle class life conditions: indeed, they expressed their dissatisfaction and their will of change though this vote. There is a "silent majority" who is not covered nor interviewed by the media and they took their revenge through this vote. This majority was despaired and so voted for what seems to be the borderline candidate. Furthermore, states like Florida, where a majority of Cuban Hispanic people lives, voted for Mr. Trump whereas he had insulted them in his own campaign. Even though, Florida is a swing state, this result surprised me a lot. We could compare this election with Brexit, Universities cities voted massively for Clinton (who was the remain) while the rest voted for Trump (who was the leave choice in the pole of the UK vote for Brexit).
Henri PCSI (Paris)
The election of Donald Trump, for me, shows that lots of american are fed up with the classic politicians that are elected in all the world. They want somebody who's really gonna, at least, try to do something, whereas others politicians seems only committed during campaign, and after are only a sort of decoration.
I wasn't surprised about the result of this election because this fed up feeling is growing up in all the world, and I think the principal reason is the economic crisis.
But I think that Trump will not change the world like a lot of people are saying, first of all because I think that all what he was doing during his campaign was mostly provocation to differenciate himself from the others politicians. A lot of american, like citizen of all the world, are also fed up with the "politically correct", concept against which he is totally set.
Right after his election, his speech have changed, and that maybe shows that all of that was only a role to be elected.
MarieD.PCSI (france)
The American election taught me that the electoral system is different than the French one, that M. Trump was not elected by all of the American people. The majority of people who voted for Trump were workers and people who were voting against Obama and Clinton, to punish them, not to vote for Trump. And that the people who voted for Clinton were voting for democracy. But Trump was elected.
Despite the fact that the polls and the medias showed Clinton winning the elections, the weight of populism and a massive presence on TV and social network permit to M. Trump to win some votes that was disappointed by Clinton and her lies.
The result on the American election made me think about what could happen on French elections next year and that we, as young people, need to be concern by the election, that will impact on our future.
Pierre G. PCSI (Paris)
The 2016 American elections taught me that a huge part of the American population wants someone new as their president, someone that represents less the establishment. In fact, Donald Trump may appear internationally as a racist and a misogynist, but, for this huge part of the population, he seems to embody change and success. This election also made me realize the drastic social ideas a lot of Americans have, particularly concerning immigration, healthcare or firearms.
It showed me the specific aspects of the voting system in America, and the importance of electors or swing states, thanks to which Donald Trump won. They appeared to me as weaknesses, since I think the logical democratic way to elect someone is through a popular vote.
This all makes me wonder if Mr. Trump will act as promised in his campaign, and how his presidency will impact the US and the rest of the world.
Blandine.D (Paris)
What has election 2016 taught you about America?
It seems that during the 2016 election, a large part of the voters did not choose a candidate to vote for but a candidate to vote against: On the one hand, both Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump had ideas radically different about burning issues such as immigration, gun ownership, global warming... On the other hand, there is a global disinterest for politic by the population, shown by the high rates of people who chose to refrain from voting. The population who got involved is the one seeking for change, and no one was embodying it more than Donald Trump: he offered a radical change of politic regarding the social and economic situation of the US. However, his main advantage before Hilary Clinton was his image of a successful business man, not corrupted by the world of politicians.
ArthurPCSI (Paris)
This surprising election, against all polls, taught me that Unites States is maybe not anymore the real first power in the world. After that, I ask myself how this so powerfull and infuentilal country will change. Indeed, Trump has no experience as a politician (but he's nevertheless a billionaire buisenessman), it seems to be very conservative and has a populist speech with radical idees.
It also taught me that american people change their mentalities and want a new America, against immigration and want again the United States' unilateralism. That the total opposite of Obama's ideologies.
Mostly this election divided amercian population and for now the biggest challenge, a very hard challenge, is to united popuation.
Charles - PCSI (Paris, France)
The American election told me 2 major things.
First the fact that the American dream still exists. When you see Donald Trump, the first idea that comes out of your mind is not that he has the stature of a president. He is not political correctness, have no government experience …
Nevertheless, the man has strong beliefs and fought for his thought. When you look at his resume you are impressed: he is very successful, so why can’t he be a good president? After all, he was elected democratically, backed by influential persons…
Second, that our world is subvert by the media. Mrs Clinton had more that 90% of the media on her side, was given winner by every polls… It was an excellent slap to every source of information. I’m not saying that the Election of Mr Trump is positive or not, but it reveals that we are influenced all the time.
Ait Elmenceur Ilyès PCSI (Paris)
This 2016 election shows us the limit of the American democracy. Indeed Hillary won the popular votes. But Trump did won the most of the swing states that confirm his victory. I think this Trump victory wasn’t a surprise and shows us that presidents can come out of the establishment.
The Trump election is a victory of an outsider without any political formation against the whole establishment which was a surprise, but clearly state that a man presenting himself with extreme measure won the election by the rule.
I think American people choose Trump as the default option. Hillary was facing to many controversy, how could a person that is prosecuted by the FBI could be elected president? Her bad health also constitute an issue regarding the election. But still, harassed by the media, Trump manage to use to benefit any scandal that he was facing and created a strong link between his character and his public.
This election also taught us the impact that could have election in economy. Trump victory spreaded a lot of doubt among shareholder and cause a fall of the Mexican’s currency
At the end we might wonder what action Trump will truly ensure and what impact will it have on the whole world, especially in the financial world.
Paul.DS PCSI (Paris)
The 2016 US presidential election has made it obvious that any person, with or without, a political background can become a candidate for presidency as long as he/she can raise funds to finance the campaign. It has also illustrated that the US population is completely divided and that there is currently a huge nationalistic trend, which represents a majority of the population with the Republican Trump winning the election.

Furthermore, this nationalistic movement illustrates the current trend in the world as in the US. People are fed-up with the way things are and want to protect themselves and the US economy. Trump managed to voice this and make people adhere to his ideas.

Personally, this really scares me because it is very similar to the uprising of the nationalistic movement in the mid twentieth century in Europe. And the result was a second world war. I do not wish for a third world war.
Bel inconnu (Paris)
I totally agree with you bg
Paul L .PCSI (Paris)
What has election 2016 taught you about america ?

The first thing that the U.S presidential's election taught me is that in America you never what is going to happen in politic. During the weeks before the elections many scandals about Trump came out and all the pools gave Hillary Clinton winner without a doubt. Even after the FBI investigation concerning the emails she would have sent; she was still the favorite. So, the election of Trump was a surprise for a lot of people. In France, I don’t think the something like this could happen.
For example, if we compare Donald Trump and Dominique Strauss-Khan they were both accused of sexual assault, but one ended up president and the other is now out of the political scene.

The second thing I learnt regarding this election is that in America elections are listed for scene. From my young European’s eyes the debates and the campaign appeared as a reality show with a lot of happenings.
OlivierD (Paris)
RodolphePCSI (Paris)
On the one hand, I learned that even United States is the more powerful country in the world , they are overwhelmed by societal and especially social problem. Indeed, American are fed up with illegal immigration (69 percent of Americans want to restrict immigration rates), joblessness, the increase of the public debt…. With this we can understand the success of Trump.
On the other hand, I was shocked by the poorness of the debate between the two candidates. They shooted the breeze instead of discussing their ideas. In fact, I wonder if American has voted for Trump for his ideas, or only because he is extravagant and fun.
Laurene PCSI (Paris)
This election showed the weakness of American democracy because Hillary Clinton was given for winner but she lost with a short majority of popular votes. This shows the importance and influence of the Electors in this system.
Moreover, this election is the result of a complicated social and economic context. It was certainly a surprise for most of the American but it’s a coincidence. Americans were fed up with establishement, they wanted someone who embodies change and success. I think people didn’t necessarily vote for Trump but rather against Clinton who wasn’t appreciated. Mr Trump has a lot of ideas and he wants to focus his politics on the US which is reassuring for americans. However, his ideas are provocative, he is sexist and racist and he excluded a part of the population of the American citizenship. This election may help this country to strengthen its economic power but this will be done to the detriment of a large number of freedoms acquired through the centuries.
Emmab PCSI (Paris)
What has election 2016 taught you about America? Why? What question
has it raised for you?

Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States. His election appeared as a surprise, even for many Republicans. His victory show how much America is changing, that’s why Donald Trump’s victory surprised many citizens.
Indeed, we should remember that Donald Trump had already created the surprise by standing out during the primary of his party despite much polls. He also managed to attract new voters that were underestimated in many soundings. In fact, 15% of the voters of this presidential election had never voted before. He also seduced a part of the middle and labor class electors. Therefore, these voters allowed him to take away determining states.
In addition, almost all television channels rather took a dislike to Donald Trump. Especially since he won the Republican primaries. Previously, he was kind of over represented on the medias, there were many articles about him that looked like free advertising because his personality and his exaggerated style doped their audience and contrasted with the conformity of the other candidates.

To conclude, the United States appears as a country which changes permanently, just as the social and economic context. This election also questions the power of the media and their role in politics because all the polls appointed Hillary Clinton as the 45th President of the United States.
GaspardL PCSI (Paris)
The 2016 election in America first taught me about the way the democratic voting system works with electors and States, but especially how it was possible to be elected with fewer votes than your opponent: for instance, Donald Trump has been elected with 74 more electors than Hilary Clinton, who had almost 1.6 million more electors.
Secondly, this election also taught me that everything is still possible in the United States of America, and that polls should not always be considered as a reflection of reality. Although Hilary Clinton, who has been in the political system for years, was given winner of this election by the surveys; a man who had nothing to do with politics, the real-estate billionaire Donald Trump won despite the common belief. But his victory may also be linked to a darker vision of the United States, since his program was based on radical ideas about minorities and immigrants, and was still supported by more than 60 million people.
Gautier.P PCSI promo 2016 (France,Paris,75008)
The 2016 American elections showed me that American people wanted renewal as they elected a man who doesn’t incarnate the classic figure of a president. Indeed, Donald Trump is more a businessman then a politician and I think it is partly the reason of his elections. American people probably think that a man like him has the skills required to grow the economy.
This election also made me realize that a lot of American have drastic ideas concerning certain matters such as emigration as they elected a man who is against it.
It also showed me that a lot american people doesn’t seem to be concerned about politic as more than 40% of the population didn't even vote. However this could be explain by the fact that both candidate were not liked for different reasons making the choice difficult for voters.
This makes we wonder if a man with such an atypical profile who has no real experience in the world of politics and devoided of political culture can really lead one of the most powerfull country in the world. Can a man who is used to creating polemics be a good leader? It is a thing to be a businessman but another to be a president.
Stéphanie A. PCSI (Paris)
When Trump won the US election, I immediately thought about the feelings of American’s people. They are really in need to a radical change to elect a man who has been the most criticized in this election. They want a man who has the temperament of a leader who knows what power is and how to work with it. They desire someone who has the sense of business in order to the States to become again the world’s largest economic power. They need someone who will take radical decisions and defensive measures against terrorism to protect them.
They should see in the election of Trump as a wake-up call because Clinton’s politic represents the continuity of Obama’s legacy.
But above everything, the election of Trump reminds us that nothing can ever be taken for granted.
Adélaïde PCSI (Paris)
The past election in America made me realize that there is still a large and overwhelming amount of people are still racist, sexist, and homophobic and that's what the election disclosed.
Everyone thought Hillary Clinton would win by a landslide. The result made me realize a lot of things. Not only is racism still very prevalent in this country, but we still have a long way to go in terms of women's rights and female empowerment and other social issues. Hillary Clinton, for example, could not have been more qualified as a candidate. She has dedicated her ENTIRE life to helping the middle class. She has worked in politics for probably over 50 years.
On the other hand, Donald Trump has been a corrupt businessman for his entire life. He has no political experience. But just because he is a white MAN, people voted for him over a qualified WOMAN candidate. Donald Trump ran the worst campaign you could possibly run... and he STILL won.
For me, I would cast my vote based on social issues in this country. I would vote for minorities, women's rights, gay rights, environmental protection etc. Obviously, this is no longer a priority for a lot of people.
Minorities and people of color who live in "Red States" are bullied and victimized in school and in their communities every day because of their religious beliefs or colors... which is TERRIBLE! and it will only get worse with Donald Trump as the US president.
Jean B. PCSI (Paris)
What this election taught me is, first of all, the way the american voting system works, because I didn't know that you could be elected with fewer votes than your rival. It also permitted me to realise that, even if Donald Trump had really polemic ideas, and Hilary Clinton was given winner (sometimes even winning with more than 300 votes in the electoral college), he still managed to win. I think that this is because of all the problems around Clinton, how she was careless about her emails, and was given the questions before the debate with Bernie Sanders. Moreover, I think that a lot of Amercians didn't vote, because it was a choice they didn't want to make; they didn't want to choose beetween two persons that didn't follow their ideas. Maybe this result is also due to a want of change, maybe Americans don't want to see the same faces again and again, and trust Trump because he can manage a company, so why not a country?
Guillaume M. PCSI (Paris)
First of all, I have learned how the American democratic voting system works, its specificities. For me the strangest thing is not that each state has votes for an electoral college who then votes for the president, but the fact that in many States the number of electors is not easily related to the population who voted for a candidate. For example, Trump won with a small advance in Florida and so he won the state's 55 Electors, as if all of Florida had voted for him. This is why in the end Trump was elected president but Clinton had more votes than Trump.
Furthermore, America wants to change things. America is fed up with the recycling of politicians and trusts than Trump, the typical American with a pioneer spirit, to change their country.
I was really surprised that the presidential campaign was more like a TV show than an official presentation of the each candidates program. America is really different from Europe. They do not have the same way of life as the Europeans. For example, we can’t judge America on a point like their gun laws.
Although we have much in common, and so the differences are not always visible, we do not have the same culture and that’s why a major part of European thought that’s Clinton would win the election.
Hugues L. PCSI (paris)
America is a country where the system of bipartisanship is a real issue. Indeed, the ideology of the Republican and of the democrats are very different, that’s why the mood of the Americans after the election is either very positive or very negative. Moreover I learnt that even though the party got the majority of votes, it may not be the one elected. Therefore a question came up to me, does the election system need to be rethink? So that the president is no longer elected by an indirect suffrage but directly by the population. Furthermore, the election taught me that sometimes people only want to hear the truth, they are done listening to statements that are not political correctness. Into the bargain, I realized that Americans feel concerned by all the issues the candidates were part of, that’s why the case of Clinton concerning the mails became a real handicap for her.
marine.lb ec1b (Paris)
The last thing that I expected was that Trump could win this US Election. However, the results are tight between the two candidates. These are truly oposed and different. It shows that a gap exists between the Americans who voted for Trump and those who voted for Clinton. Thereby, the government will have to keep in mind the half of the Americans who voted for Hillary. The day after the results, their reactions were numerous. Many of them demonstrated in the streets holding signs on which we could notice the following slogan: "Not my president". Thus, it will be hard for so many Americans to accept their new president and to relate to his governement. It is difficult to imagine a real cohesion between the Americans after this. What Trump could do at least is to be less adamant and provocative, as he promessed to be "the president of all the Americans".
Election 2016 confirmed a rise of the populism that is also noticeable in other countries, in Britain for example with Brexit. It has raised many questions for me. For instance I wonder why more than a half of the Americans voted for a man who is racist, who doesn’t respect women, who does’t really have any political experience and wants to build a wall between Mexico and the US payed by the Mexicans themselves. Furthermore why did some women vote for him? This is insane knowing that he has called them pigs and that he keeps demeaning them. Actually, is he going to keep all the promises which he evoked during his campaign?
AmandaKPCSI (Paris)
The election results surprised me. Personnaly, I thought that Clinton seemed to be the favorite because Trump had raised too many controversy. I was concious that a significant part of Americans supported him but I assumed it wouldn't be enough to be elected considering his program. Although all Trump scandals, he was elected. Being a good speaker close to his supporters stay the best way to be elected. Now, we can wonder if he will apply all the promises he made during his campaign considering it means expulsing many people from the nation because of their religion. For me, the reason Clinton lost was the mail scandal. She lost America's trust. Moreover, America may not be ready to have a woman at the head of America.
Jayvon DIllard (Chicago)
What Election 2016 has taught me about America is that almost more than 40% of the population didn't even vote, so it seems to me that less than half of the country don't really care whether or not Hillary or Trump won. If most or even half of that 40% have voted, it could have made an extremely large difference in numbers. It has also taught me that some people don't think that equality is valuable to them. For example, about 50% of women have voted for Trump even though he has said negative things about all women from different backgrounds and not just one group of race and yet they still vote for him.
Larenzo.H (Chicago)
I was surprised when Trump got elected for president, I started to realist people are taking advantage of the freedom and different type of vales they have like to vote and participate in other activities. it was said that more than 45% of the country didn't even show up to vote. That could have made a difference and changed a lot of things!! A Trump victory might mean that your freedom of speech, press, and religion could be taken away from you. I don't know why people would want that to happen to this country when the U.S was accomplishing so much. This country was gonna be great, it was so close but now yet so far.
Sohaib ahmed (chicago)
When Trump won the the 2016 election, I was very shocked, and surprised because the media and the polls were saying that Hillary Clinton had better chances of winning the election. I always thought that whoever had more votes wins the election, but this election taught me allot of new things. For example, like how does the voting system works (electoral college and popular votes) like the president doesn’t always gets elected by the popular votes. It depends on the electoral college votes.
Judit L (Chicago IL)
When I had first found out that Donald trump had won the election I was surprised and mad at the same time because it´s not fair that someone who judges Muslims, and Latinos has the opportunity to be president. Even though I am worried nobody can do anything about this because some people did choose him as a president. I just hope that he doesn’t do anything bad.
Luis Tinoco (Chicago)
I felt scared and surprised that he was elected and I was surprised by this. I can't believe our society chose this person to be our president. He Discriminated me and our people from the united states. Me as a Mexican american I am scared whats going to happen in the next 4 years or maybe 8! But now I have to accept that he is our new president of the United States.
Michelle Enriquez (Chicago)
I felt surprised when i learned the results because i didn’t think Donald trump was gonna win the Election and now here I am waiting to see what is going to happen now that Donald trump is president for 2016 and for the next 3 or 4 years i don’t feel that worried because knowing that he has to go through all those houses and that they have to agree with him or the changes he wants to make for us the people that live in Chicago. It is also not fair for people who have worked so hard to have a better life and all of the sudden Donald trump wants to kick those poor people that have been struggling hard out here but,i hope Donald trump re-thinks what he is saying or trying to do. Donald trump i hope you understand what i am trying to say please give us another chances not everyone is bad some people are nice and kind we can show you that all people around the world are wonderful people by giving us another chance. He wants to send all immigrants back that scares many families around the world give yourself to re-think what you are trying to do .
Jose Lopez (Chicago)
When I heard that Donald trump had won the 2016 Presidential election I was amazed. I was in shock that people in the United States actually voted for him after he had said some negative comments during his campaign on groups like Mexicans, Muslims and Women. I was scared for a while when I heard he had won the election. I was scared about what he said about deporting millions of undocumented immigrants, and I’m afraid it could affect me and my family. But I hope that he gives the groups he talked about a chance to live in the USA.
Amber Schubert (Chicago)
When I learned the results of the election I was just surprised and a little worried, because during the election Trump and Clinton made themselves sound bad. Some of the things that were said by both of them felt like insults. But now I see things differently and regardless we have to deal with whose president and how the next couple of years are going to look.
marlie reyes (chicago)
The victory of trump means to me that some things in the us are gonna change for the community it’s gonna be a big impact on the economy and for america there is gonna be many thing happening that can affect factories and jobs. I care about what is going to happen to our community our countries the whole america as one because i don’t know if people realize but they need immigrants in this state they are the ones that holds the u.s.a we work in factories,farmers,and the 60% of the employees are immigrants .
This election taught me about america that people need to value what other people think they need to value that we are all equal ,it has taught me that america still has racism without them noticing but this has opened people’s eyes for what america really believes in.
Elaine B. (Chicago)
When i heard that Donald Trump won i felt worried and scared because most of my family is Mexican and some of my family are immigrants and it had me wondering, what will happen with my family that are not legal? Will they be deported? What will happen? I was scared and still am because this is my family the people who have been closest to me all my life. The ones who i love and the people i care about. What's going to happen? I am scared but not only for my family but also for the other family's that are going through the same thing and that are as worried as me. I am scared for all immigrants. What will happen?
Tony M (Chicago)
I honestly didn't think a lot about it. It just shows who people really are and what they think of society. Now it's like i feel some type of way, are the people that voted for Donald Trump racist? Do they agree about what he says. I'm black which is colored and he said some offensive things about us that i didn't know of until he won. I was more surprised than anything, it was all a joke at first but now everybody is sad and upset.

Now about my perspective on our country. I don't think we are together anymore its more like "Trump supporters vs. Non Trump supporters. Yea it's your opinion but did you think about other people and how it benefits them? At the end of the day it's nothing we can do he's president we have to accept it. But remember your opinions do count.
Martin Martinez (Chicago)
I'm am surprised that Trump got elected as president and feel that he’s not going to do much or even keep his promises like he wanted to. The election taught me that many people vote for a person who talk's about certain races. Also I learned that the president isn't perfect and other people might fell different about him winning the election.
Jimmy Farez (chicago)
What Election 2016 has taught me about America is that almost have of the country doesn't that equality isn't valuable. I say that because about 40% of the population didn't even vote. That 40%, or even half of that 40% could have made an extremely large difference in who could have been elected for President. Another reason I say that is because about 50% of women voted for Trump even though he said negative things about women from many different backgrounds not just a certain group or race, and yet they still vote for him. Overall I think America really didn't care about the election whether or not Hillary won or Trump.
Amy M. Sykes (Chicago)
This election showed me a lot of what America really is. This showed me that it didn't matter how convincing you try to be when you truly have America's best interest, as long as you are a male candidate you were automatically capable of becoming president since most of America was not ready for a female to run the country. This also showed me that yes nobody is perfect but since Donald Trump won this election this also showed me that it doesn't matter how disrespectful you can be to people you will still get elected because that’s showing that you are just “Speaking your mind” and it’s ok to disrespect a person's identity even though you never got to know them and you never experienced the struggles of not being dirty rich and being discriminated just because you are a “different race”.
I understand when people say that “we need a hero” because people are afraid of what the next 4 years have for us with Trump in office.To be honest we don't need just “a hero”, we are the hero for this country.We need to speak up and show that we are more than the single stories that people put out about people’s identity, we have a voice and we have to show others that we have the power to unite everyone and make people realize that we are not giving up on this country and that it can be fixed as long as we can work together.
Salomon Rodriguez (Chicago)
What the Election of 2016 has taught me is that the country is not always going to be perfect, there is going to be times that there is bad things out there. It also taught me that there is still people out there that are racist. There’s was also people that voted that just didn’t know who to vote for, they just followed what people voted more for.
Ryu (Chicago)
I was shock when Donald Trump won because it shows how people don't like other races. i was also shocked because i really thought that Hillary was going to win.
Jonathan Tello (Chicago)
I was feeling nervous and sad about Donald Trump defeating Hillary Clinton in the 2016 elections, One thing i learned is to never judge another communityof people
Michael Thomas (Chicago)
Trumps winning of the election surprised and scared many people of the United States of America. Many people are joking about being deported but this is a very serious topic. People move here to start a new life because it is looked at as the promise land. That you can move here and live the " American Dream". Trump is a man that is bias against other races. He says that Mexican Americans are drug dealers and rapist. That is not all true because there are White people that do the same things but worst. I will keep a open mind about Donald Trump if he does the same for me.
Vanessa D. (Chicago)
When i found out about the results i didn't care that much because first of all he can't just start deporting illegal immigrants. He needs to get an approval so he can do that, he can't just randomly start deporting out of nowhere. This may affect others like my family, but this does not need to affect us. His words can't affect us because we are stronger and capable.
Eleonore PCSI (Paris)
Election 2016 shows us that the american press is not longer the fourth estate, it is not powerfull as it seems. Indeed , most of the newspapers were pro-clinton and only four had support Trump. Pratically all the surveys were giving Clinton winner. We can decude that medias didn t influence people that much. Moreover, we can notice that (the president is not elected directly by the citizens and )the super tuesday is also use to make referendum in some states. The polling system is very diferent from other western countries. From example in France, voters just have  to put a paper in an envelope and not coching boxies about the president they want and also, sometimes, about a referendum specific to the place where they live.
Mathieu R. PCSI (France)
The election of Mr Trump was a surprise for lots of people. But in fact, when we think about it, it was very predictable. Indeed, both candidate wasn’t popular but Trump had one advantage on Clinton, he was not a politician. American people didn’t know him as it. On the opposite, they knew very well (maybe too) Hilary Clinton, they knew that she was maybe the most skilled candidates but in a country where the integrity of politicians is crowned, her case of emails was a big problem for her.

Moreover, this election taught us that America was a profoundly divided nation. And this election of Mr. Trump was an expression of this broken society. A division between the deep America living in rural America who considered that they are abandoned by traditional politicians and voted Trump, and the rich America of people who lived in big cities on the coast and voted Clinton. We saw this phenomenon even after election when thousands of people manifested in big cities to reject their new president elected. And moreover, we see it with different organization in California which militate in the aim that California becomes independent from United State.

So I think that this election taught us that America was profoundly divided and the big challenge for Mr. Trump will be to unified his country.
Tangela Applewhite (Chicago IL)
My reaction when Trump won, was confused, mad and defeated. I was confused because what about this man’s personality or politics pushed people to vote for him? I was mad because knowing the things he said and knowing the things he did, he was still considered the best president for America. I felt defeated because there was nothing I could do about it. Trump's victory taught me that America cares more about politics than respect.
kerrissa lucas (chicago)
I was upset knowing Donald Trump going to be our president for the next four maybe eight years. It was kinda scary because he going to send immigrants and Muslims and Mexicans back and it kinda hurt when you know someone that’s getting send back.
A. Fossorier-pcsi (Paris 8)
Trump’s election may be the proof that Americans wanted their new president to be different by his projects. Recent austerity policy lead by Obama let the economy in an appalling situation. Trump “is just going to create jobs” as he said during a meeting two weeks ago; nevertheless, he added that this goal will not be fulfilled without a growth of the number of pipeline and oil imports. That means he does not believe in the sustainable development and he is ready to sacrifice our planet’s future for “make America great again” for a limited time. Concerning his ideas about various communities spread across the US, we might think the worst is yet to come if Trump carries on the way he announced in October. To conclude it’s clear that Trump represents a new weapon for America, however it has to learn to cut back his power to avoid the worst.
Luis M. (Chicago)
What i felt when Donald Trump won i was shocked because i thought that Clinton was gonna win. I think Trumps win will affect a lot of people, families and people that don’t have any papers. I just hope that he do something, but not something stupid and ruin America.
Cornell H (Chicago)
My thoughts on Donald Trump being president is not the best,not horrible thoughts,but thoughts on what is going to happen to the economy, what do people have to say to there kids how do they till there kids that the president is building walls.
Kymonie.B (Chicago)
How i feel about the results is that it's really unfair and upsetting because the only reason they picked him because the words that comes out his mouth like when he said “I Will Make America Better Again”. And to me that's all lies and I can't trust what he say to me and everyone else. And Yes i was very surprised and angry about the results. And how i feel about america in 2016, I feel that they betrayed us as a people of america who voted for him, Why because Obama was warning us that you shouldn’t vote for Trump and Trump not gon make america great again.
Jimmy Farez (chicago)
It bad how America have hate on Donald Trump but yet he still won the election. I think so many are not wise or educated to see how this is going on. So many people voted for trump because they wanted to see him as the 45th president and it bad.
Jesus (Chicago)
When I learned the results I was surprised because I was certain Hilary was gonna win cause she was in the lead but people were influenced by Trump.What a Trump victory means to me is that he may seperate families and community's because hes gonna try to deport all immigrants.
Eriberto Mariano (Chicago IL)
I was surprised when I saw the news in the morning telling me that Donald Trump won. I believe that Donald Trump shouldn't be president. A reason for this is would other presidents take him serious and would the country still be allies with other countries? If we gave him a chance would he do good or bad.
Patrick Starks (nicolas senn highschool)
The sad but true win of Donald trump has left many people in agony,and great fear but i am willing to give him a chance if he gives me and everybody ese in the United States Of America a chance.
janarie (chicago)
yes i think the country will come together and if we all work as a community maybe donald trump will hear our voice and might re think some things about the immigrant people and change his mindset about certain people.

The election tells me that the election was very serious and you have to vote because if you dont it can effect the world later in life like now look at the position the united states is in with this hole donald trump winning the election
Diego Vasquez (Chicago)
When Donald Trump won, I felt a little scared because having trump winning it might affect my friends and family. I was surprised because i had a strong feeling that Hillary was going to win. I don't think America will come together as one united people because after the election everyone from mostly every city were protesting about not having Donald Trump as president.
Dewayne (chicago)
-When i heard about the election there wasn't any emotion coming from me i really didnt care to be honest
-This election taught me that some people don't care about what will really happen to the u.s and some rights that we have could be taken away
Olivier B. PCSI (Paris)
The surprising victory of Donald Trump in the American elections tells us that American voters are not easily influenced by the media, the majority of whom are against the elected candidate. Indeed, these media were trying to discredit the Republican candidate to the American electorate.
Moreover, in spite of all the defects of Donald Trump, a good part of the people voting for him decided to make this choice there because they have a desire for changes, and to elect someone who is independent. He is independent because of his money which will allow him to not be bribed by certain lobbies that hinder the proper functioning of the American government and also that hinder the actions taken by the latter.
Therefore, it may be asked whether this will for change will be transmitted to other democracies in the world.
Angel F. Period 3-29 (Anaheim High School)
Hillary did win by popular vote but popular vote doesn't matter when voting. Electoral College is really what it comes down to when picking the new president of the United States. The whole U.S. government is corrupted and also are the Electoral Colleges. They do not go by what will help the U.S. out in the long run. They only go by people who actually say stupid things like "we're gonna build a wall and get of all Muslims." Just please open up your mind for moment and think about how it'll effect relationships with other countries.

I woke up Wednesday morning and turned on the tv and put on KTLA 5 news. they were saying that Trump won the presidency and to be honest, I was not even surprised. People still live like in the old days with racism. The only reason why Donald Trump won presidency too. There's too much segregation it's not even funny. If the U.S. actually came together as one without racism, this place would be a whole better and it would "Make America Great Again" but is that gonna happen? hmm I don't think so.
LouiseT PCSI (Paris)
The election of Donald Trump has shown that the Americans are worried about their economic future. The country is facing the longest recession which leads to the decline of the American Dream. The status of “super power” of America has quickly evolved: since 2000, the country is facing a questioning about his power, whether it is economically or politically. With his slogan “Trump makes America great again”, Mr Trump has been responsive of the expectations of the people who want to reconquer his leadership. As Mr Trump is a millionaire, he is on the top of his own financial empire, he knows how to make money. Furthermore, the Americans are afraid about the change and the evolution of their country. So when the candidate said that he wanted to build a wall between Mexico or to drastically limit immigration, they decided to vote for him to protect themselves and to preserve their country.
T.R FK ec1B (paris)
The hate campaign led by Donald Trump, based on lies, calumnies and racial discrimination fractured America. Now that sexist, homophobic and racist speech has been freed, I don’t see how it is possible for the new president to reunite Americans, because he is the one who provoked this division. I can only hope Trump voters will open their eyes and see they’ve been fooled; I hope they will realize that Mexican don’t steal their jobs, that being Muslim doesn’t make you a terrorist, that a woman isn’t an object and that electing an megalomaniac billionaire won’t make their life better. I have hope, but I am also scared when I read articles relating how hateful acts are expending on the great country that was the United States of America.
Sadly, Election 2016 showed me that a part of American society forgot the past, and I cannot fathom their choice. I thought racism was only belonging to the sixties and not to the present.
But when I see that students all over the country are protesting and fighting against this xenophobic wave, I remember that a huge part of America is tolerant and opened minded, which makes me optimistic.
As a European citizen, I am desolate to see that politics are, in these times of trouble, led by shady passions instead of reason, and not only in America. Populists as Le Pen, Hofer or Farage are playing with people’s fears just to serve their interests, and I can only hope we won’t forget our past to chose wisely our future leaders.
Maria Benkirane (Paris)
— “Now it’s time for America to bind the wounds of division,” Mr. Trump told his supporters early Wednesday morning. “It is time for us to come together as one united people. It’s time.”

Trump’s declaration might sound funny for some as much as it can leave a bitter taste of irony in the mouth of Clinton’s backers. How paradoxal, it may seem, for him to call for unity when he spoke the language of hate and division as a candidate. But then again, he was just a candidate. Now, I don’t excuse Trump for all the xenophobia, racism, sexism, etc. he made us witness before he was elected. However, one has to bear in mind he was a candidate trying to get votes. His demagogical, populist speech made him America’s president-elect. The issue that we should address is : Why ? Why do hate speeches get so much credit ? It is not about Trump’s winning, it is about the people who elected him. Normal people trying to improve their life by all means, even if that means stifling others.
So how can we heal the wounds of division, how can we come together despite our differences, our fears, our hate for each other ? To be honest, I don’t know if this is even possible, all I am willing to say is that unity comes with and effort of tolerance and understanding — and it goes both ways.
ChloéEPCSI (France)
What has Election 2016 taught you about America? Why? What questions has it raised for you?

The election of Donald Trump as the new president of the United States of America is a surprise for lots of people, because he is a well-heeled man whom persuaded his citizens to racial hatred and has no government experience. However his election shows that the Americans are going through a bad time and they think that Donald Trump could be their solution, whereas Obama and Hilary don’t embody the progress. Americans want to get their greatness back. Trump embodies the American dream and success and it shows that Americans are very focused on this aspect of their country and for them it’s really important to prove to the entire world that they are back on the international stage as a powerful country. That election taught us that lots of Americans are not concerned about political life, because there were 45% of abstentions. Trump’s election is the result of the working-class voters angst. Will President Trump keep the promises he made during his campaign? How can this election impact all the international community?
clementine.sec1b (France)
US elections underlined the gulf which exists between the different states of the country. Thus, Mr Trump project is quite coherent. But, do his personality and his ideas fit with this proposal?
« Make America great again » is his motto. He wants to unite the whole USA again. Furthermore, he permits states to raise their voice voting for him. Nevertheless, he sidelines the immigrants and by the way, their defenders who are American. By proposing defiant ideas and such controversial measures, he won’t manage to unite the whole inhabitants of the country. He has to take into account all of the Americans’ ideals.

Before the US presidential, it was obviously impossible that Mr Trump would win the election. Nevertheless, he did. And it was with sorrow and disillusion that I discovered his victory. Even if he didn’t apply all of his measures, Americans voted for him, voted for those racist, sexist, xenophobic measures. How can we deny the fact that the USA appeared as the contrary of its essentials? Building a wall between two countries? killing the family of a terrorist as a deterrent aim? Forbidding the entry of some people in the US territory because of their origin? Is that the real turn that takes the country of Liberty?
Oscar.S PCSI (Paris)
To my mind, the election of the United Stated President reveals to Western countries the fact that there is a big part of the population that is abandon and voiceless. Beside I was shocked by the theatrical side and the violence of the US elections, such election does not exist in France. That and the result of the election point that most american people doesn't have a real political implication. By that I mean that they seems to only choose a candidate that now how to do the "show", that speaks simply and directly to the people, that seems successful in life but that doesn't have any political experience. Maybe this success can also be explained by the fact that the American voter were tired of having the same families ( the Bushes and the Clintons) ruling the country for decades. The big question for is wether these populist behaviors (following Brexit) will extend to other countries( including France).
Tancrede D (Paris)
It makes no doubts that 2016 election's results surprised a lot of people from all other the world. Mr Trump has been elected 45th president of the United States against all expectation. Indeed Hilary Clinton was heading the surveys, hence the sweep of the public surprise to assist to Trump's success.

These elections showed me the importance of the media's influence in the US, which built the character of Donald Trump : the campaigns had became a kind of game to show to the public for the medias. Moreover it learnt me how desperate Americans have to be and how divided the American people is today. It finally revealed me the desire of forgotten Americans to be recognized by the US government.

I'm now wondering how far will Trump respect his promises and how will anti Trump Americans deal with this new situation. For me, it raised the following question : can any good speaker become president today ?
Iman.D.Ec1b (France)
After Donald Trump has been elected many protests took place on the streets, it highlights a lack of unity which I don't think will heal under Trump's mandate.
Every president has divided the population, but Trump does it in a whole other level: we are not only talking about one rupture between the two ordinary categories: democrats and republicans, but about many ruptures between many groups: men and women, supremacists and minorities...
People should accept and respect him as a president, as he legitimately is, but they don't have to accept his ideas and respect him as a person.
Trump's election made me realize something else: people are ready to vote for Trump in a desperate hope that their economical situation will improve. Just to live a little better, just to earn more money, they are ready to vote for an individual that will influence in a negative way the life of many people, especially minorities. I'm talking about mexicans, muslims, the LGBT community... Trump's election is without a doubt the result of the most self-seeking behaviour. It doesn't really matter if he succeeds in making "America great again", because if he does it will be done on a basis of sexism, racism, hatred.
I may be overreacting and dramatic, but those are the words of a person saddened by the results. I'm mad because this election may have an echo in Europe where nationalist parties can be elected.
I'm not saying all americans are the same, Hillary Clinton did win the popular vote after all.
Jose Martinez (Chicago)
Trump's victory affects some of the communities i belong in because of some the things that were "promised" would happen after the elections. If those promises are positive or negative depends on people's opinions, but the fact that the threats were made in the force place makes some people think that the world is going to collapse on them. I think that if people who care for certain groups showed their support, there shouldn't be any worry for what could happen
soline.mEC1b (France)
Such a result warns us about the globalization limits. By voting for Mr. Trump, the people of the most powerful country, hope for more nationalism and isolationism. It’s a surprising decision since the USA embody the success of the economic liberalism and multiculturalism. What is next for globalization after such an alarm?
Otherwise, if so many Americans have backed Mr. Trump, it’s because they wish for a big change, (especially about debt, immigration and security) and this candidate allow them to believe in it. But how the president will manage to honor all his promises?
Poutine and Mr. Trump seem to get on with each other, so negotiations and agreements between these two countries will likely intensify. This could be threatening for Europe which has, until today, a significant influence on a global scale, on the side of the United States. How Europe will react to preserve its privileged position?
soline.mEC1b (France)
This result risks intensifying the racial, cultural and power conflicts in America. Mr. Trump must bring people back together to settle a united nation. He must reassure the public about how he wants to pursue his politics. First, it could be thanks to his speech with warming words to come to people. This could work only if skeptic people give him a chance and let him try to take up his challenge and we must trust on him before protesting even if we don’t back him! “We must accept this result and look to the future and make stronger our America we seek” as H. Clinton declared on her speech on the D-Day, opposition won’t help to build anything. It was the same panic with Reagan but by the hand he was elected twice…
Diana. C Period 3--6 (Anaheim)
When I learned about the results of the election I felt really surprised, because I was not expecting Donald Trump to win. I personally believed that Hillary Clinton was going to win. The reason why I was shocked about Donald Trump’s win is because many people actually voted for a candidate that was a ¨a real estate developer-turned-reality television star with no government experience¨ (Flegenheimer, Barbaro). This just made me feel anger as well, because I believe that Donald Trump is not fit for presidency since he has so government experience at all.
I was also angry that Trump won because of the comments that he had made about ethnic groups and women. For instance he said some offensive things about Mexicans such as Mexican immigrants being, ¨rapists and criminals” (Flegenheimer, Barbaro). I do not think that this country will unite as one because of the fact that many people have a difficult time accepting differences among people. This includes an individual's skin color or what their gender preferring are when dating or marrying someone. In addition it includes the discrimination that people have against others. In conclusion I think that there are going to be a lot of issues within society with people not accepting others for who they are.
Axelle Cassé (FK) (Paris)
When the surprise of Trump winning the elections outcome, the world was astonished. After months riding an explosive and populist campaign, Trump claimed the ultimate political prize, and is now trying to reunite the American people.
This surprise taught me many things about America and its disillusion on the world’s current political and social situation, after having fought for their rights for so many centuries. If Trump has been elected, it is that it was a will of the American people, and it is astonishing regarding America’s history ; it seems that mentalities have changed. We are already seeing the demonizing of the « other » with him and it expresses concern about earnest progress that has been made in number of social domains, that could be reverse. So it raises much questions about the way Americans think now ; they chose a man that seemed not to be tolerant in a country nicknamed a « melting-pot ».
Moreover, if Trump might be a brilliant businessman, is has never been a politician, and it is also interesting to see how much the vision on politics has changed in America. Trump seduced more than Clinton because he is the self-made man that everyone wants to be. With him, people are searching a radical solution to a massive problem that can’t be solve entirely : inequalities.
The American people is now changing his mind regarding its vision of politics. It is a new wave that is coming ; we should analyse it before it comes to us -if it didn’t already come.
Paul W PCSI (Paris)
Thanks to this election, I understood that American people don't really care about having, as a president, a business man instead of a real politician, with a real experience of the political area. Besides, they are ready to vote for someone who has very bad ideas, such as racism, sexism, ... I think that he won thanks to Clinton's problems, for instance her emails and her health. To me, it raises a big question: will he do what he said during his campaign, for exemple will he really organize the illegal immigrants' deportation ? I believe that he can't, first because because there are lots of immigrants now, and secondly because the economy will go down.
AlbertineCPCSI (Paris)
We knew that the Americans did not trust Hillary Clinton. Although she had significant political experience, she was said to be unreliable, as the scandal of e-mails resting even more these arguments. However, Donald Trump seemed hardly appreciated either. Have we already seen a mobilization " Go to vote " so strong as the one who aimed at the stop of the ascent of the billionaire?

His victory is understandable me. Although declared defeated by the polls, while marking a strong opposition to the previous governments he convinced the citizens. Americans told me that they were going to vote for Clinton, not because they want Clinton as president, but because it would be the less bad than Trump. The conviction is very low. Too low to go to motivate others to vote for her. Whereas exactly the partisans of Trump, while the world seems to be against them, were capable of spending whole days trying to convince other citizens, by distributing pamphlets. The principle of "campaign" worked.

My big surprise does not come from the victory in reality: how black people or women, because they are many to have done it, were able to vote for him, after all the racist and sexist words that he carried against them?

The American election translates in fact for me of a will of change, marked by always present 'American dream'. Even if I was amazed at the result, all that it means to me is that the Americans have drastic manners to obtain a change. Maybe the future will agree with them.
Théo Grimonprez PCSI (France)
It's been almost two weeks since Donald Trump was elected. At first, i couldn't understand how americans, raised in a world working for tolerance and equality, could have voted for a sexist, racist, homophobic man, who seemed to come out of nowhere. But they did, and even tho Clinton had the majority, Trump was elected. What is done is done, there's no need for protestations and useless fights, today more than ever, americans need to stay united, and rather than criticizing before any decision, wait for Trump to show what he's capable of. Like anybody, he needs a chance to prove his worth. This election has proved me right, americans vote AGAINST more than they vote FOR, and rather than making an effort to go to a polling place, they would better cross the fingers and hope for the best of the two to be elected. Now, they can say that, whatever decisions Mr Trump takes, he wasn't their president. Anyway, America needs unity, so dear americans, stay strong, and judge your president for what he does and not for what he promises to do.
Agathe.B PCSI (Paris)
When I learned that Trump was elected I was, like a lot of people I suppose, really shocked. I knew that after the Brexit such scenario would be possible, but still ! It was hard to believe it at first. However, after a short reflexion it's not that surprising at all. Knowing Hillary Clinton had big weaknesses and was a bit controversial (especially because of the email gate or her speeches about Wall Street ...) it was hard to believe that there would be a 0% chance for Trump to be elected against her. But now that America made its choice, we will see what will be the aftermaths of this (disappointing) election. And above all, people will have to be objective regarding the presidency of Mr.Trump by keeping in mind that we're not assessing the person but the actions.
brice.p.ec1b (Paris)
Donald J. Trump won the election thanks to the vote of white Americans because they are anxious to not be longer the majority of the population due to Latin-American immigration notably. Thus, Mr. Trump took a hard line towards immigration, saying for instance that Mexican immigrants were rapists and criminals, as well as he will banish Muslims entering in the United States. Therefore, it has created a rift within the country, between Americans, that will scar the country. Moreover, besides generate tensions between the ethnic communities, his attitude toward women added this division. That’s why, soon after his election, several thousands of people take to the streets to demonstrate against his election despite the call to unity of Hillary Clinton. It seems to me that it would be hard to “heal the wounds of division” because he inflamed public opinion, fanned the flames of ethnic hatred or at least stirred up anger against Muslims, aliens, ethnic minorities, and maybe the most important, against the political establishment. I am personally pessimistic for the American future but I have not lost hope. Donald Trump had to shock, to show his presence and to polarize the debate in order to be elected. Now he is and he can change!
X Sisombat (Paris)
Donald Trump did what so many couldn't have fathomed, he won the 2016 presidential election.
At the beginning, I was very surprised. Indeed, his campaign was riddled with xenophobic language, allegations of sexual assault, insults against a Gold Star family, shocking tapes and racist rhetoric. How could such a man win the presidential election? However, during his campaign, Trump also managed to tap into a sense of anger and disenfranchisement felt by some working-class Americans. He came across as relatable to a certain faction of the public. The people has seen the novelty in Mr Trump, they wanted something different. That’s why his victory was predictable.
This election leads us to an inevitable conclusion, some of the us people live in another world disconnected from reality. It is interesting that a candidate can lead the polls for one party because he wants to build a wall or evict people from the country. If a man with no political experience and no projected plan for improving the country can still garner such mass support, then obviously, some inhabitants of the United States have a lot less to worry about than people in other countries. Moreover, considering the fact that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, we can say that the election system is not efficient.
To conclude, the election of Mr Trump was devastating news. And it is interesting to see how the wold will react.
AdrienB.ec1b (Paris)
I believe it will be tough for the USA to live as a united country during Mr. Trump’s mandate. I mean, the people are already divided, some anti-Trump demonstrations have taken place in New York, Chicago, Toronto and even Paris. All the more since Mrs. Clinton has won the popular vote and Hillary’s supporters include a lot of anti-Trump people. Thus, uniting America will be Trump’s first assignment as many Americans still can’t assume that he has been chosen. I guess this explains why Trump has announced that he could be able to work with Obama or Hillary’s teams whereas he has denigrated them all the campaign long.
I think this election has taught us many things. First of all, it has pointed out the strong come back of populism. Mr. Trump’s campaign was based on an anti-establishment speech, against the elites and the media. This phenomenon doesn’t only occur in America : we can observe the rise of extremism or anti-establishment in Occident in countries such France with Front National, Italy with 5 Stelle or Spain with Podemos. Thus, we can understand that the people are sick of regular broken promises from the politicians and then they turn towards ideas that affect them directly. Therefore, US election has taught us that politicians must tackle the issues differently and take a new look at themselves if they want to avoid extremism’s rise to power.
yiqing.w.ec1B (France)
1) To bind the wounds of division? To come together as one united people? How to do ? By banning Muslims from entering the United States? By behaving in an unforgivable way toward women? Or by not respecting Latino, African American groups? How do those people who have been defamed by the new American President, act like nothing’s happened? Before the election, more than 7 in 10 Muslims had said they would vote for Hillary Clinton because Trump by spreading islamophobic sentiments scared them. And their fear and distress become even more obvious since Trump was elected president.
To come together as one united people is certainly possible, on condition that we, ordinary citizens, support and help those people who fear threatened. As for Donald Trump, he need to take responsibilities of a president and with the government leaders, they should provide equal treatment of citizens.
NicolasSPCSI (Fenelon ste Marie)
For me, this election shows the complex electoral system of the USA. Indeed, we can see on social network or by demonstration that a lot of people are against Trump's election and yet he was elected. First people votes for elector in each states, then the part who wins the majority wins all the electors. Furthermore, there is many swings state, state who change from Republicans to Democrats and vice versa. So the president can be elected with less votes than its opponent. That's why the election caught me, how a the president of the biggest country in the world can be elected with less votes from the population than the other candidate.
Capucine R. PCSI (Paris)
Mr. Trump’s election echoes the American citizen’s general despondency. Apparently, people were disappointed and bored with the establishment. A majority voted for someone that embodied a major change, someone who did not experience politics before. The Republican candidate choose to play on controversy during his campaign to draw attention. The more he exposed shocking ideas, the more polls increased in his favor. This outrageous campaign lead by this unusual candidate also revealed that people agreed with his drastic solutions on the immigration topic or with his thoughts about the female gender. In addition, the polls’ inaccuracy divulge that many people did not tell the truth about their vote. Many knew they will vote for Mr. Trump but did not want to admit it and look like a racist person. I wonder now if the American citizen will find these future four years great and will support and be proud of their President for better or for worst.
Hadrien B.PCSI (Paris)
President elect Donald Trump seems totally unfit for the office. Indeed, he proposed banning Muslims for entering the county, bragged about committing sexual assault and declared Global Warming was a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese in order to slow the US economy. He disregards women and minorities such as the LBGT community. His victory is a triumph for misogyny, racism and xenophobia. His election is worrying not only for American citizens, but also for the entire planet.
People vote for the candidate that represents them the best, whose ideas they share the most. Tump’s victory made me realize racism remains an issue in the US. Indeed, after his election, multiple incidents of racist vandalism were reported. Shocking graffities such as “make America white again” or “ #GoBackToAfrica” were seen. Thus, Trump endorsed the support of white supremacists quite quickly.
I also asked myself why Hillary Clinton, who seemed more qualified, wasn’t elected. As a French student, I was disappointed with the results of the election because of the negative point of view Tump seems to have for my country. His pro-gun statements after the Paris attacks were offensive.
The fact that his election is unbearable for many Americans gone protesting in the street is interesting, but Americans need to accept that’s the way democracy works. Nevertheless, his election raises the question of the efficiency of the American democratic system, more people having voted for democratic Hillary Clinton.
Guess ... - PCSI (Paris, France)
The American election told me 2 major things.
First the fact that the American dream still exists. When you see Donald Trump, the first idea that comes out of your mind is not that he has the stature of a president. He is not political correctness, have no government experience …
Nevertheless, the man has strong beliefs and fought for his thought. When you look at his resume you are impressed: he is very successful, so why can’t he be a good president? After all, he was elected democratically, backed by influential persons…
Second, that our world is subvert by the media. Mrs Clinton had more that 90% of the media on her side, was given winner by every polls… It was an excellent slap to every source of information. I’m not saying that the Election of Mr Trump is positive or not, but it reveals that we are influenced all the time.
Andrea Martinez Period: 5 Desk: #20 (Anaheim, CA)
In my opinion about the election, is that Donald Trump should not be President of the United States because who know’s what type of laws he has planned to get rid of the mexicans and the people that do not have papers (undocumented). There’s going to be a huge amount of people who do not have papers leaving the U.S because Donald Trump said that he was going to deport them. “The triumph for Mr. Trump, 70, a real estate developer-turned-reality television star,” Donald Trump does not have government experience. Hillary Clinton should’ve been the President because she worked for the President Obama for 8 years so she knows and has more government experience.

In fact, Donald Trump might not really want the job, but he is too proud now to walk away. Trump is only a businessman that only takes care of business and not presidential stuff. Also Trump has been lying about him liking Latinas and some actually did believed him and they ended up of voting for him instead of Hillary Clinton. I wish Killary won the elections because she has more experience than Trump on being President and probably Donald Trump would make bad laws and most of the people that are undocumented, are scared of what’s going to happen to them. Mostly everybody is going to leave the U.S because they do not have papers and try to leave the U.S and go back to their hometown.
victoire.dec1b (Paris)
When I look at the election results on my phone, I was firstly in chock. Indeed, I didn’t expected for a second that Trump would win whereas my classmates were convinced on the contrary. It was unthinkable for me because the US polls and newspapers had always been for Clinton.
After, I felt seriously disappointed because I trusted in Americans and I thought that they weren’t as racist and chauvinist as Trump was. But I was wrong. Immediately, a question raised in my mind: Why Americans wanted to come back to their past? I mean it’s like they have forgotten all the men who died fighting the apartheid and all the woman who claimed for equal rights and considerations. All of that will only bring a division between the US people that we already see with the amount of demonstrations that are raising in the big cities.
Out of ethic points, Trump was against the main value of America which is liberty. Indeed, he wanted to build a wall between US and Mexico to avoid immigration and wanted to reject Muslims who would come on his territory. Afterwards, his politics was based on protectionism, regarding his slogan “America First” and his reject of NAFTA (the trade relationship between US, Mexico and Canada) and TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership: trade relationship between US and Asia Pacific region). As a consequence, not only working class Americans would suffer because of the increase of prices but also the entire world if US companies would relocate their factories in US.
sixtine (PCSI)
The Election 2016 in America was a very stunning turn with the victory of Donald Trump. The polls presented by the media were indeed absolutly false. This fact shows that American media don't represente the mind of the population.
Moreover the defeat of Hillary Clinton informs about the real state of the population: they're not still ready for a multiculturalism society even if the election of Obama (the first African American president of the USA) shows the contrary. Besides they want changes because they face to a social and economic crises and Trump seems, according to the American, answers to this problems.
The USA is the "the guard of the world". However this election revealed a weakness which is the division between Democrates, who fight for liberalism, and Republicans, more traditional. Trump ideas are indeed based on a repudiation of establishment (anti-immigration, reply of America in the globalization).
Cha. J EC1B (Paris)
From my point of view, these elections rocked the boat in the American population. There were clearly two teams. However, now people have to accept the result. I mean, this is democracy, everyone can't be satisfied but I truly think that the American population will come together as one united people. The wound of divisions has been important, people have been divided but they're going to accept Trump election. Moreover, the American government leaders should work all together, take steps and show their support to Trump. Trump has focus projects and he has his own ideas and opinions nevertheless the population is more powerful than a man. Decisions can't be taken without the population agreement. Government has to reassure Americans. One must bear in mind that government's first goal is to satisfy and conserve the well-being of the population. America's power and union will be maintained if government, population and President make no more than one.
mariebg.ec1b (franvce)
I was quite surprised when I heard about Trump’s victory. In fact, even though we were all aware of this risk, Trump becoming the 45th president of one of the most powerful nation seemed almost unthinkable. This election taught me that just like a lot of countries these days, the American people is tired of the current political system and of its officials. Electing Clinton would have meant keeping the same scheme. Americans seem desperate to renew with the American Dream -which have been continuously fading throughout the years- embodied by Trump. His election showed us that nowadays Americans are looking for a leader and a showman more than a politician. In the end, America appears to be stuck with unilateralism…

I’m not so much worried about the Economy but more about the widening division among the people. Trump’s election is truly a social regression in a country that abolished racial segregation more than 5 decades ago and elected a liberal and black president twice in a row. The racial, cultural and power conflicts are to be feared.
I also feel concerned about his position towards gun carrying. America’s capacity to learn of its mistakes is questionable when we think of what happened in Columbine and is still happening every day.
I truly hope that his election will alarm and prevent other countries from bowing to populism.
clemence.hec1b (Paris)
After the unexpected results of the presidential election, anger and joy were simultaneously felt within America but also in the whole world. The "trump is is not my president" protests will eventually allay or come to an end. However, even if Trump is now easing on his conservative perhaps radical resolutions, minorities will probably still feel left behind or worse. Indeed, trying to gather people shortly after creating such a social split among genders, religions, or ethnicities will be a difficult task. I believe that now it depends on whether Trump will be a model in his economic and social actions or not. But in any of the cases, the true answer for America not to fall apart will be solidarity.
This election taught me that not only in America but also worldwide economy and protectionism takes nowadays precedence over humanity or tolerance. People are so worried about their country's condition that it is starting to overshadow the common good and to divide people so much that we may have passed a point of no return. I truly thought that Hillary Clinton would have been elected which explain my reaction after the election: I was confused. Would this decision impact my country in a political but also economic way? Does it epitomise the world current dissatisfaction? Is this the beginning of a whole new change or worse instability on earth? I can't answer my own questions because of the short time I had to process everything but I'm scared that everything will get worse.
Lea.wec1b (Paris)
This election taught me that americans (In any case those who voted for Trump) want a real change. I think people have not necessarily voted for his racial and sexist ideas etc but for the business man who has never done politics and who really want to bring economic solutions for his country.I believe that Americans want a president who hasn't already being connected to the political institution like Clinton. And also they see in Trump an achievement of life and they want this achievement for America. Furthermore, maybe this election is revealing of a dissatisfaction of a democratic presidency embodied by Obama and which would have been able to be pursued with Mrs Clinton. Therefore now, will Trump really do what he said ? How America will be with its new president and his news ideas ? Will he be able to put his ideas into practice by agreeing with the parliament and the Congress ? We will see...
pierre dN PCSI (Paris)
Like anybody, I didn’t expect a such result of the American election. My first reaction to this result is the surprise. Surprised first by the fact that, even if in America the polls said Trump far away, even if this man was uncredited by lot of accusations, even if this man has a lot of hard ideas and convictions, even if his words can be chocking, this man is now the most important man in the world.
But I only know about him what the media ant me to know, only his trips and his extrem chocking ideas, and all the information told about him are biased by the American media. But I consider that I don’t have enough experience and knowledges to make a right opinion. We could judge him as candidate, but we can’t judge him as president, and that is what he is now. That’s why I disagree with the demonstration in the States, right after the results the people was in the street to protest, against… a president who has already done anything. I think the right behavior to have is to stay on one’s guard waiting for what he will really do, and what he will be as President of the United States of America.
Vanessa Ureno P.6 -37 (Anaheim)
As I watched the 2016 presidential election, I never expected for Donald Trump to win the presidency. It was calculated that it would be a close race, but ultimately Hillary would win. So, the results on election day were, I’m sure, shocking news to a number of people. I am definitely surprised by the immense amount of people that support trump and everything he values. This election has taught me a lot about our nation, but I have definitely not lost hope. I strongly believe that our nation will recover and our younger generations will be more openminded than the mast ones.

Although Trump has won, I am still in denial. I don’t believe a president that regard certain people in such low of a manner should have control over a whole country. My only hope now is that Trump’s racist and sexist comments were all part of a campaigning strategy and that he will not truly lead our country with such a shallow mindset. Whichever the case, I have faith in the United States of America and no matter what happens next, we will recover.
Edward A. Per. 6--3 (Anaheim, CA)
I honestly don't care about politics because I don't really understand how they work, so I don't have a reaction to Donald Trump winning. However, I think that many people overthink it because Donald Trump said many negative things to immigrants and women. I would have preferred Hillary Clinton to have won because many people liked her and she wasn't negative like Trump, but the Americans wanted change. I feel that the victory of Trump may cause many people to go insane, like some have already, because they don't like the way he talks about other people. My parents were scared because they feel as if they are going to get deported by Trump.
I do feel that our country will come together as one and overcome this situation because that's just how we are, independent and strong leaders. Donald Trump can heal the wounds of many Americans if he does something important to society. All we can do is watch Trump lead this country and support our government with needs. The 2016 election taught many of us that America will change over and over again, it's always different.
Jesus R per.3 - 35 (Anaheim)
The day when I heard that Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States I was shocked. Most people had faith that Hillary Clinton was going to win. Most people were shocked as well by the results of the voters. Many were in shocked when they saw which states voted more for Donald Trump.
I don't feel like the country would come together as one untied people after this divisive election because most people were angry and disappointed when they found out who our next president was going to be. All over the country people would start Trump riots, and anti-trump protesters would be seen just reacting to this news.
Alma P. Per.3-#28 (Anaheim)
This election has made history after the results and the two final runners running for president. We all thought Hillary Clinton had the presidential in her hands due to the fact that it looked like she had the majority votes to win, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. On November 8 on a Tuesday night, Donald Trump was announced as the 45th president of the United States. Trump's supporters were very joyful with the results as Hillary's supporters were devastated.
As I woke up with my brother's voice telling me Trump had got a call from Hillary to congratulate him, I was very shocked and could not believe it. I felt angry at the world and at the people who didn't vote. His victory meant to me at that moment fear for myself and my family, but also the people were like us because we are immigrants. With his victory, I believe that this election was corrupted due to the fact that people think that women do not have the same power as men do to do the same job. I do not believe that we as a nation can unite because there will be racism no matter what. I have learned that people need to vote no matter what in order to let our voice be heard even if we do not accept the runners for president.
Luis Medel P.6-26 (Anaheim, Ca)
When I heard Donald Trump won it got me very mad. I didn't expect him to win because I would see online all about voting for Hillary, but once I saw that Trump one I was surprised. Everyone was really upset to the states that voted for Trump. And they should be because they voted for someone who has no experience in government. In comparison with Hillary, she did have experience with government, but yet the people didn't vote for her.
I saw in the news how everyone was so upset that he won. Some people were even crying. There has also been protesting all over the United States and it's scary. Everyone has gone crazy. This 2016 election really opened everyone's eyes. That everyone should start making a change and that of course that we live in a world where people are so racist.
Vladimir T Per.4-35 (Anaheim)
A Donald Trump presidency, that sounds like something that went wrong. When i first heard of his win, i had no reaction. In the article, “Donald Trump Is Elected President in Stunning Repudiation of the Establishment,” written by Matt Flegenheimer and Michael Barbaro, they say “The surprise outcome, defying late polls that showed Hillary Clinton with a modest but persistent edge, threatened convulsions throughout the country and the world, where skeptics had watched with alarm as Mr. Trump’s unvarnished overtures to disillusioned voters took hold.” Not only was I, but a lot of people were dumbfounded with the result of the election. We never expected him to win, Hillary Clinton will be the winner, a thought a majority of people had. However, that soon turned out to be a false hope. It’s scary thinking about how his presidency can affect us all. Everyone will certainly be affected. I was angry and annoyed, how could anyone actually vote for a man who literally divided this country. We are better than hate, we should not let this man divide us a people. I do find it terrible that this man is our new president elect, but this is our reality, and we have to live with it for the next four years.
This election is very clear people are still full of hate. Not only was racism a huge part of this election, but also women’s suffrage. We are still a prejudice country, and it’s something we need to work on before we can progress as a superpower.
Daphne D. (Raleigh)
The morning after election day, my mother awakened me with the sentences, "'Morning, sunshine. Welcome to the Donald Trump presidency." I remember covering my face and rolling over. I was immediately filled with dread, which was replaced with fear and anxiety as I pondered the future of the country where I will soon have to learn to fend for myself as an adult. I wasn't "surprised," per se, as I had prepared myself for either outcome the day before.
The matters of the impending presidency that concern me most are summarized as follows: a man with no political experience and a track record of sexism, racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and sexual assault has been placed in executive control of what has been titled "the world's only superpower" (Time, 2015), meaning that Donald Trump was voluntarily provided with the power to do almost anything his corrupted heart desires.
The logic of my statement pertaining to Trump's amount of power may seem sweeping and fallible, but one must consider that Congress (both the House and the Senate) is majorly Republican-controlled. This domination of the party representing the president, if Trump holds to the values of the party, could lead to Democrats having next to no say in extremely significant matters. Decisions on many pressing issues (such as LGBT+ rights, immigration laws, and the elimination of hatred and discrimination) will be one-sided and improperly represented, leading to a lack of positive progress in our nation.
Diana. C Period 3--6 (Anaheim)
When I learned about the results of the election I felt really surprised, because I was not expecting Donald Trump to win. I personally believed that Hillary Clinton was going to win. The reason why I was shocked about Donald Trump’s win is because many people actually voted for a candidate that was a ¨a real estate developer-turned-reality television star with no government experience¨ (Schulten). This just made me feel anger as well, because I believe that Donald Trump is not fit for presidency since he has so government experience at all.
I was also angry that Trump won because of the comments that he had made about ethnic groups and women. For instance he said some offensive things about Mexicans such as Mexican immigrants being, ¨rapists and criminals” (Schulten). I do not think that this country will unite as one because of the fact that many people have a difficult time accepting differences among people. This includes an individual's skin color or what their gender preferring are when dating or marrying someone. In addition it includes the discrimination that people have against others. In conclusion I think that there are going to be a lot of issues within society with people not accepting others for who they are.
Cindy R. Per.5 Desk 14 (Anaheim)
On Monday night when I was watching the presidential election I wasn't actually surprised that Donald Trump won as the 45th president of the United States because to me it was kind of obvious that he was going to win through that votes he had. I am a little concerned because of everything he has said about different ethnicities and the fact that he feels very powerful. Yes things are going to change but I hope that they aren't bad because of Donald Trump all his ideas he made about reporting people and wanting to make ¨America Great Again¨. He believes that hes going to be a great president and he's a ¨real estate developer-turned-reality television star with no government experience and businessman".
But at the end, there's nothing we can do about it we have to stick with it and fight for our own rights and for everyone else not just specific Americans. I'm willing to give Donald Trump an opportunity as the 45th president and see how he works with us and what he's going to do. I was hoping that Hillary Clinton became our president although people say she's a liar but I believed that she would of done better then him.
Maria C. per.6-11 (anaheim)
I was so happy watching t.v. seeing that Clinton was in the lead winning trump. The next day I woke up to the new by brother that trump had won and was going to be president starting fresh on 2017 I was so disappointed. I was really disappointed when I was that it was actually true because i didn't believe when my brother told me.

Hillary Clinton was going to do something good for those immigrants out there. We were all scared of what Trump was gonna do, but know that he ks president and the speeches he has done are now different he is now saying positive stuff about the Mexicans. He has been changing his speeches day a day. My dad thinks that Trump is going to do something for Mexicans than Hillary Clinton.
Vanessa Ureno P.6 -37 (Anaheim)
My parents don't spy on me or check my text messages and social media accounts. If they did, I would be offended in a way because by checking my phone, they are telling me that they don´t trust me. about what I'm doing on their internet. My parents usually trust me to behave whether online or in person. Many people, like my parents, trust their kids to be responsible with their internet use, but there are also many parents that regulate their online accounts and read their kids text messages. I know of many parents who take their kids phones at night to read their text messages and check their social media accounts. However, I don't believe that is the approach a parent should take to make sure their kids are being safe and responsible online.

Trust needs to be established between a parent and their kid, or the parent might receive backlash from their child later on. I believe that a parent should trust their kid and keep that trust unless it is broken. Without trusting your child and never giving them the opportunity to prove themselves responsible then they will feel trapped and eventually want to leave the house. At least in my experience, parents who are too strict with their kid later have problems with them when the child tries to leave their home. Regardless of the situation, a parent should give their kid a chance to prove themselves trustworthy without spying on them.
Enrique F P.6-15 (Anaheim, CA)
The reactions on the results of the win of Donald Trump is very divided on different people on the nation. Many are upset and others are just glad because America is going to be "great" again. My reaction was mixed on that Hillary not wining the election and Donald trump wining the election. I felt upset either way about the results of not just the election, but also on everyone else that just make the situation worse. Many protest have occurred because of the results. Donald trump win won't really effect the community, other than that, what I've hear.
Gabriela Ortiz Per. 4 #24 (anaheim)
In agreement to Matt Flegenheimer and Michael Barbaro, I think many Americans voters felt that the promise of the United States had slipped their grasp when Donald J. Trump won the election. When I saw the results, I felt more disappointed than angry. I wasn’t surprised because in the back of my head I knew it was very probable that he would win. The fact that Trump won changes everything. Republicans will take over all three legislative branches, which means major changes in the next few years.
I think that we will remain divided due to great controversial issues that will up rise. I don’t think that Trump will do anything to try to unite everyone. I believe we can just support and respect one another’s opinions to try to maintain unity. The Election 2016 has taught me that America does not make very smart decisions most of the time and that they will regret this outcome of the election. I have various questions about Trump’s decision as well as most citizens do.
Natan Rincon (Period 4 D-37)
Personally I have no problem with Donald Trump winning the presidency election. During the race for presidency I was neutral. I do not like Hillary Clinton's stance on abortion and I do not like Donald Trumps stance on migration. As he defined the polls because everyone predicted Hillary to win I was a bit surprised yet not to surprised.
The reality is that when I personally was looking at the electoral college I really was not sure who was going to win. All the swing states were up for grabs from both candidates, during the whole race they were both 49 and 49 with the swing states. This election could have gone both ways.
David A. Period 3-2 (Anaheim)
Once I found out that Donald Trump won the election I was really shocked. It was really surprising that he won the battleground states. The battleground states Trump won were Iowa, Ohio, Florida, and much more. The main reason I thought he was going to lose was that there was powerful rejection of the establishment forces that were assembled against him. It's astonishing that Mrs. Hillary Clinton didn't win because there were late polls that showed she could've caught up against Trump. In my honest opinion its really shocking how man that is a real estate developer turned reality television star with no government experience won the election against someone who actually has experience.
Masoud K. Period 3 #19 (California)
I am quite surprised because Donald Trump was behind by a large amount and he came back hitting hard and won the election. Some may be happy others not so much… But he's our soon to be president and we must acknowledge that and respect it. A chance must be given to him, all presidents have done something either good or bad simple.
Everyone has a weakness and power or even something to get them through. Donald trump has had experience before with leadership of his business and as a child he grew up with discipline. Just like the article said “The surprise outcome, defying the polls that showed Hillary Clinton with a modest but persistent edge.” He pulled it off and it was a success.
Fatima C.H. Period 3 #7 (Anaheim)
After the long hours of waiting and watching the news, I became disappointed after Donald Trump’s victory. Knowing that he would become our 45th president caught me by surprise. I didn’t see his victory coming. In my personal opinion, I didn’t believe he was qualified for presidency. His rude and racist comments made me dislike him and not want him as a president. I believed that Hillary Clinton was gonna win since she had the most popular votes, however she ended up losing by a great amount.
The reason for which I was most amazed about Trump’s victory was because of the fact that “Mr. Trump, 70, a real estate developer-turned-reality television star with no government experience” (Schulten). Someone who has no government experience shouldn’t be qualified to become president. His racist and rude comments “that Mexican immigrants were rapists and criminals,” (Schulten) also made me not like him for president or even candidate. Also, Trump’s win surprised me because the popular vote was Democratic and favored Hillary Clinton. “Industrial towns… for decades offered their votes to Democratic presidential candidates” (Schulten). However, besides the popular vote Donald Trump won. There is nothing we can do now, but all I hope for is for Donald Trump to do his best and not do something that will damage the country.
James Kara p. 3 (Anaheim)
Donald has won and it has to accepted he is going to be the president of the United states. All we can do is wish for the best i don’t question his abilities one bit and truly appreciate all the honesty and all the eyes he has opened with what he had to say during debates and throughout his campaign. The only thing that holds me skeptical about Donald Trump is that he has failed 6 times when it comes to businesses and i don’t really think that this seems to pleasant when said about the man that is going to be the president of the United States.
I think That Trump may bring some very important and possibly successful tactics to the white house come time for him to be sworn in. I think that also his reasoning behind not outsourcing jobs anymore seems quite interesting and could affect the economy significantly when it comes to financial matter but at least we will no longer have to be worry about unemployment in the U.S.
Emma A. period 3 seat 39 (anaheim)
Now, Hillary did win the popular vote, but because of the corrupted electoral college, Trump won. Before this election I already understood how America was still racist, not as much as it’s prior years, but still racist nonetheless. This election exposed the U.S government's corruption, and how racism is still alive and well today.
When I woke on wednesday morning to my sister shaking me awake exclaiming “ Trump won!”, I can say that I was not at all surprised. Now, I may have not been the least bit surprised, but believe me, I was angry, I was angry and scared. Firstly, I was angry, because i had expected more from my fellow Americans, i thought America had gone farther. Secondly, I was scared for my uncles who are undocumented, not illegal, because I don't believe anyone is illegal; we are all born on earth.
Jorge D P2 (Anaheim,Ca)
November 8 2016 was like dooms day to me. When I found out Donald Trump won president , I started thinking to my self " how could we let a man with no experience in government into the White House?". The thing that scares me the most is how he is in charge of the nuclear codes ,and said he'd solve problems by bombing the hell out of a nation. Not only that but how he has no experience in government and his first government job is president. How can we trust a man that has been bankrupt four times.
At the same time though you have to support the man. Its something new to look forward too. This man can either raise our economy or bring it to the ground ,and its a difficult challenge for someone that has never had any government experience. If he is horrible , all the people that voted for him are probably going to regret it. If not hes gonna make all the people that didn't vote for him regret not voting for him and agreeing with his philosophies.
Vanessa J P.2-14 (Anaheim)
When I heard about the 2016 presidential elections I was very shocked to see how many people would vote for Donald Trump. I was not angry, I was just in pure shock. Although Trump has won, I don't believe that he has the capacity to do everything that he said he was going to do once he wins the presidency. There is no way that he can actually deport millions of people which is why in a recent interview of his, he was saying that he will only depart 1 million people. I think that he was just acting very ¨hardcore¨ and saying a bunch of things that people wanted to hear until he got to his presidency. During his interviews lately, he seems like a different man than he was months before. And it's sad to see how angry people got when he said he would only deport 1 million, when he said he will not press charges on Hilary, etc.
Have we ever really been united as one? We have not. And I believe that we will never be able to be united as one. We all have our different perspectives and views on things and a lot of things cause conflicts so therefore, being united as one can not happen. I do believe that this election was rigged, however. People wanted Trump to win all along. Even people who worked at the poll stations say it was rigged because the machines were not working very well, if someone voted for Clinton, the machine would say they voted for Trump and vise versa. Some people just dont want a female to become president.
Alfredo Pantoja P.2 #27 (Anaheim)
When Trump won I was surprised that he won the major states and beat Clinton. However , it doesn't matter who is president and i don't care who is president. What really matters is the changes that will happen in your state because that will change your future and also the decisions of the congress and senate. Trump will be a president with "no government experience" (Shulten 2016) that will probably affect us, but we will see next year. Trumps decisions have to go through Congress and Senate approval if they don't pass it will not affect us.
This is why i care about the decisions my state does and the government decisions. The President has only a limited amount of power and the one that has more power is us the people. We have to choose wisely with what we want in the future and what we don't want. Our state will be the one who will affect us and not the government because of our decisions. So this years presidential debate was just a normal presidential debate like any other that's what i think of this years presidential debate.
Albert L. (Anaheim California)
I honestly didn't expect Trump on winning the election on that day. It shows how many people wanted to vote for him just on trying to get rid of others. I didn't really think he should've won because of the way he is, he doesn't really care about the people except himself. The way he would be with people with problems like mental disorders or the way he would open his mouth when he would be talking in front of everyone. As much as many other people didn't want him as President, we can't do anything about it.
Trump already won and its on him on making the choices, that is if he does the right choices. It is pretty sad knowing we are gonna have a President with no experience with what he was voted for. He literally has everything at his fingertips and hopefully he doesn't end up being a type of person that just cares about money and power. Either way, we are gonna have to live with the next President that we will be having. We don't know yet what Trump will do, but hopefully he knows what he is doing even tho its hard to believe that he will "Make America Great Again".
P.O p2 (Anaheim)
After the election everyone was out of place riots and protests started. I for one actually believe Donald Trump shouldn't be president he has no political experience. I thought Hillary was gonna win but it turns out she didn´t all of the latin communities were sad and upset. How could someone racist and sexist be our president? The only people that voted for trump were probably white folks and drug addicts.
¨The triumph for Mr. Trump, 70, a real estate developer-turned-reality television star with no government experience¨ people were upset because of this. Itś like saying you could be a doctor without a doctorate. Im personally scared because i dont want Trump making stupid decisions that will lead to wars, he could be the start of WW3 just but something dumb he says.We just gotta hope Mr. Trump knows what he's doing and see if he truly can "Make America Great Again."
Carlos L P 2-16 (Anaheim CA)
Honestly I was not angry at all. I felt that both Hillary and Trump were two big jokes to vote for. I was kinda surprised Trump won though but i feel like he was the "better" choice. Trump winning doesn't bother me because although he said he will do ¨some things¨ i know he won't do them. Many people are affected by him winning because they are scared of what he said, but then again he won't do them. Trump said he'll take away the “Obama care” and make more jobs, i think that’s a good idea because now people will have to work for their money not just sit at home and be getting money for free. I think the country will come together as one but at the same time i don’t think it will because people who support trump think that what trump is saying ain’t racist at all. So meaning different races will be against each other. Trump can maybe stop saying those mean things about people that isn’t true. We the people can maybe show each other by our actions that we aren’t what trump says we are. This election has taught me that even the ones who don’t know anything about the government or politics can become president of the united states as we have seen with Donald Trump.
Donald Trump doesn't have any government experience which makes people worried because he won't know how to handle anything. He also doesn't know anything about military so what if we go to war? We're all gonna die because of his lack of skill. Trump is just a businessman and knowing that makes people worried.
Kevin H. Period 3 #16 (anahiem CA)
When I found out that trump had won the election I was really surprised because I never though he would be our next president, so this brought a new meaning to anything is possible to me when he won. I wasn't angry I was just worried what he will do when he take the office and all the racist talk about the Mexicans and building a wall didn't help me not to be worried.
Even thought I am worried at the end nobody can do anything to change this because the people did choose him to be the president. So in the end it sucks that he will be president because he is not the right person to be president in my opinion but I just hope he doesn't do anything that could mess up the united states.
Brianna Young (Chicago)
I feel like the county will not come together as one united people after this divisive election because its thousands of people how really have a lot of hatred towards Donald Trump all because what he does and what he says and I don't really blame them for that. Trumps victory for me , my family , and America will be very very tough because Trump is a really sneaky person, you'll never know what would happen next. Trump winning could mean immigrants moving back to where they came from and I don't want that. We shall see where he takes us.
Steven R P2-33 (Anaheim)
I'm not that surprised that Trump won the election. I feel like so many people made fun of him for running, but I feel like he was only motivated to win. Yes he choose topics that are very controversial, but he chose the topic of immigration knowing it would anger many all around. I feel like he did This knowing he would get lots of attention and it would help him win the election. I was really routing for Clinton because I believe she could have made many amazing changes and i really believe she would have been a great president. It just saddens me the amount of hate that came in the days after the election.
“The triumph for Mr. Trump, 70, a real estate developer-turned-reality television star with no government experience, was a powerful rejection of the establishment forces that had assembled against him, from the world of business to government, and the consensus they had forged on everything from trade to immigration.” I think it's pretty dumb of people to have voted for him he doesn't even have government experience he's a reality tv star. But people are so ignorant and will vote for someone only because they support only one thing they care about I felt like they didn't even do their research on what he was for And against they just voted him for either taxes or immigration. I also learned that as a nation we need to unite and stop the fighting and wars going on in the world.
Alexis Per. 2 Desk # 18 (Anaheim)
When i heard that Donald Trump had won the election i was shocked because most people believed that Hillary Clinton was going to win the election and me myself thought that too
Donald John Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States on Tuesday in a stunning culmination of an explosive, populist and polarizing campaign that took relentless aim at the institutions and long-held ideals of American democracy. Most people were surprised to here that Donald trump is going to be our next president and now many immigrants are scared what will happen and if he is going to keep his word and build a wall and try to kick as many immigrants out From the united states to their home country
Guadalupe.M (Anaheim)
They have chosen a man with ¨no government experience¨ as the article stated.The election to me was very important because the future president is gonna be my president for my young adulthood and that is very important for people my age. When i heard trump won i was disappointed because a man who mistreated woman shouldn't be president also he doesn't know anything when it comes to politics. Why do we want show businessman to run the united states that isn’t wise at all. Many people think he’s good president but reality he isn’t he’s really rude towards people and he's very racists woman it comes to African american and Mexican yes he’s doesn't like us but he wants to be good president then he show us that he can by being respectful like a normal human being. Many people where worry whats gonna happen to me they should't be but they are because our future is in his hand.
Alexander H (p5-15)
I wasn't that surprised that Trump won because the Democrats chose the worst possible candidate to represent them. I mean you know that you chose the wrong person if they lost to Trump of all people. Towards the end of the election Hillary was actually hated more than Trump which is why Trump got an extra push towards the end. I hated both candidates and if I had to choose one I really wouldn't know who to choose. If the Democrats chose Bernie Sanders as their candidate then he would have destroyed Trump, but they were too scared because he talked about socialism. Socialism isn't a bad thing I mean socialism actually has helped America tremendously in the fast and even know. Highways/Roads, Libraries, Police, Fire Department, Postal Service, Student Loans and Grants, Bridges, etc. All these things are because of socialism, but although socialism is good too much of it could be bad. Bernie didn't want to make everything socialist he just wanted things that would improve society. The worst part of all of this is that it has been proven that the Democrats rigged the election so that Hillary would be their candidate, but how did that turn out for them. I am scared for the future of this country and I plan to have kids, but I'm starting to wonder if it's fair to my future kids to raise them in such a mess of a world that it is turning out to be.
Jul Anne Reynoso (Chicago)
I'm actually surprised, angry, and worried at the same time especially when you’re an immigrant in the country because we all thought Hillary Clinton will win the election and not Donald Trump. Trump's win has me out of words because they voted a person that is racist and very sexist to a women so it got me all worried about all the equalities, LGBTQ, immigrants, etc.
Tommy Ngo (Chicago)
I wasn't surprised but at the same time I was. I say this because I had a high feeling Trump was going to win because when he was doing tours around the states a lot of people seem to like him he was like a popular star when he was around giving his speech. Clinton on the other hand I feel like was going to win but in the end I knew she wasn't going to.
What the Election of 2016 taught me was that us as a nation have to come together and pick what is right and who is going to lead this country well. We need to think twice about our options and candidates. We also do have to give him a chance.. Yes their are lots who don't like him but we do have to give him a chance and in with the 4 years he have if he doesn't do well we will have another option.
Jonathan A. Per.6-1 (Anaheim, C.A.)
Who wasn't surprised when Donald trump was announced the 45 president of the United States. Everyone was in disbelief. Not only in the U.S. but in the entire planet. Everyone thought Hillary Clinton was going to win the race, but we underestimated Mr. Trump. We should never judge a book by its cover, and this was a big book.
I feel that this election has caused this country to split. We have divided ourselves into the majority vs. the minority. Many people were unhappy when Obama was elected president for the main reason being that he was black. Now we are seeing those same people rejoice when Donald Trump, the discriminating, prejudice based, newly elected president win the race. This just goes to show that there are still many racist and supremacist in this country. I believe in an Anarchistic society where everyone helps each other without the stealing of our hard earned money from tax collectors.
Robert C. P.5-35 (CA)
After the election, was over and we found out that Mr. Trump won the presidential election. I was a bit surprised that he had one but other than that I really didn't care because there is nothing we could do about it. He's gonna be our the next president of the United States and we can't do anything about that. Its gonna affect all of us in a way that we don't know yet. I mean America chose a man with "no government experience" ( Schulten 2016) to be the next president of the United States, like that says a lot about America.
Yeah it's kinda frustrating that they chose that kind of man. Especially a man that has no respect towards anyone, honestly. Like come on this guy is a real estate developer-turned-reality television star. America chose Mr. Trump as president and we can't do anything about. We just gotta hope Mr. Trump knows what he's doing and see if he truly can "Make America Great Again."
Vanessa, C P.4-7 (Anaheim)
After the election and hearing that Trump won, I was disappointed. It said a whole lot about America. They have chosen a man with ¨no government experience¨ as the article stated. He is a disgusting man with no respect to women and even wishes he could dare his daughter. It is bad enough women get whistled at out on the streets by men, or maybe in a messed up relationship with a horrible guy, but for the president of the United States to disrespect women publicly is gross.
It was and still is very sad news for lots and lots of people to know he is now our president. It is also terrifying to see what he will do to us and turn us into especially with him wanting to get rid of immigrants. He strongly believes we do not belong here yet there are Mexicans, African Americans, ect. that are working and getting paid well, but mean while out on the streets are white men and women asking for money on the side of the road.
Valeria H Period3-17 (Anaheim)
I had a feeling Donald Trump would win as President of The United States. I also think he won't last 4 years in the office, he'll probably end up doing something that automatically will get him out. Yeah he does have some good ideas for America like bringing jobs back to America. Also building the wall between the border of the United States and Mexico won't happen. The U.S. doesn't have the money to build that wall, they owe China so much money, and I also think Donald Trump won't build the wall with the money out of his pocket. If he couldn't pay his workers and people he's worked with he won't pay the wall.
Dayana B per.4-4 (Anaheim)
On Tuesday morning when I heard the news that Donald Trump won the presidential elections, to be honest, it was no surprise. I am a little concerned because of everything he has said about different ethnicities and the fact that he feels very powerful. Nonetheless, I learned that popular vote is not the key to winning the elections. " late polls that showed Hillary Clinton with a modest but persistent edge, threatened convulsions throughout the country and the world,.." There's also a lot of things Trump has said vulgarly and it's upsetting to see that there are millions of people supporting him in the way he plans to "Make America Great Again" Not just that but the fact that he is " a real estate developer-turned-reality television star with no government experience and businessman" becomes our 45th president of the united states.

At the end of the day the President has been elected and there's nothing we can do, but stay united and fight for what is right for everyone and not only specific Americans. I hope that he is not as unwelcoming as media has made him look. I am willing to give to give Trump an opportunity as the 45th president of the United States even though I don't like him or agree with everything he has said, but there's something in me that tells me that he could make some changes that will benefit everyone. Maybe he is not as tough as he thinks he's, we'll see with the progress of time.
Bryan P. p:4 D:25 (Anaheim, CA)
I mean this whole election was won by donald trump. I was angry when i found out that our new president was going to be someone who had no political background of holding office. Things are gonna definitely gonna change when his time comes for our community and especially where i live in California. I just hope that he can help us in our economy and grow not to send immigrants away or "Make America WHITE again". This whole election has showed me that our country is pretty much racist towards any race except whites.

Everybody was surprised that Donald Trump had beaten Hillary Clinton in the polls winning pretty much all of the central and southern states of America. We just need to cope with what happened in the election and hope for the best for this country. This country must come together and unite so that things may seem a lot more better so that we all wont hate each other. As the campaign went on, Donald Trump eventually showed us that he is capable of doing many things for our country.
Daniel M. 4th 13 (Anaheim High School)
This election is many things, but the main thing it is is a debacle of a presidential election. I am not happy about Mr.Trump being our new president, he has no reason to be in office. Mr.Trump has no government experience or military experience. The republicans have the house and the senate and now with Trump as president, republicans will rule America. Im not that scared for me and my community because I live in California and California is the most liberal and powerful state in America. My belief is life for me will be changed in a bad way by some actions Mr.Trump will eventually do but it wont ruin my life and I hope my opinion stays that way.
Many of Trumps propositions do scare me such as how he wants to get rid of the Iran deal and if that is gone a war with Iran is only a matter of time. Which means the United States would be fighting three wars the war with Isis, the Taliban and now Iran which is bigger than both Iraq and Afghanistan combined, moreover I can see some good come from trumps presidency such as how he has a good relationship with Vladimir Putin which would help out the situation on the bitter relationship the U.S has with Russia. I believe everyone deserves a chance, Im going to give trump a chance to prove he can do some good. Am I skeptical? yes, but ill just have to see and wait.
Melissa Aguirre p4-1 (Anaheim)
Honestly I didn't really care if he won or not. When he won the election, everyone who he criticize were really scared but I don't think they should. We got to be realistic with the things he said like for example when he said that he is going to deport immigrants. the whole country is filled with immigrants I don't think he can deport everyone or else the economy will fall. I honestly don't think that the country will come together. There has been protest, that have been going and people being violent with Trump supports.
Rufino T per.2 desk: 36 (anahiem)
My reaction to the 2016 election was terrible because i didn't want trump to win because the things he said did get my attention and he didnt interest me that much. The reasons i didnt want trump to win was because he has hate towards immigrant that don't do anything to this country but make it better Because they are hard working people. My reaction to him wasn't good and i dont him as president.
Bryan Silva (Chicago)
How I felt when I learned the results is, I felt shocked that the people would actually pick a man like Donald Trump to be our next president. I was very surprised that Donald Trump actually won the presidency. I also felt nervous because Donald Trump winning meant bad stuff can happen to my family and not only my family but other races too but if we can give him a chance then he should give us a chance also.
Adrian Aguilar (Anaheim)
This years 2016 election caught us by surprise the man that everyone thought was joking was being for real about running for president. I was shocked, when I heard the election result. I didn’t expect for trump to be the 45th president of the United States This is going to be a big problem a lot of people are going too have to face this because theirs nothing we can do now he was elected president. I still find i dumb how he has no political education but yet he's the president.Yes, I understand he has business background, but how do you expect someone to run our country who has no politics in their background. This election had me on the edge. The results we're very frustrating, I thought he wouldn't have won, I thought America was smarter. With her winning the popular vote I thought she was going to win.
George E P3-#10 (Anaheim)
When i was watching the election, i was scared and shocked. I was shocked that Trump was winning and Hillary was losing. I honestly didn't think Trump could've won. I dislike the fact that he did. He's very racist and doesn't believe in many things. I think this is an embarrassment for America.

It's hard to believe on how many people actually wanted him to win. This election had the world in shock. I heard many latin people were crying when Trump won. They all have family members who have done bad stuff in the past but are working hard to change. Now that Trump's president they're all going to get deported. The saying of building a wall gets me really upset because that's just messed up.
Diego T. (period3-38)
Many people are surprised with how the election turned out. I personally wanted the other candidate to win, but knew what the outcome will be.My reaction to the results of this election wasn't really anything we all have to face it he won and it's not going to change.We need to hope for the best and all come together to try and make the best out of it. A lot of people don't feel that way protests have erupted and America isn't pleased.

Hillary seemed to have had this win secured. She has been all about helping this country all her life. Unlike Trump who is just a business man "no government experience". With ideas of his own opinion of what needs to change to make America great as he says.
Leslie L. Period 3-21 (Period 3-21)
I am shocked with the results of the 2016 election. According to the article Hilary Clinton defied the late polls with a modest but persistence edge that considerateness throughout the country. Donald Trump, 70 a real estate developer turned reality television star with no government experience has one the new election. The results were unbelievable it was a decisive demonstration of power by a over looked working class. The united states has slipped their grasp amount decades of globalization and multiculturalism. I didn’t expect for trump to be the 45th president of the United States. However not only me that was shocked, but also unfortunately a lot of people didn’t like it.
However on the other side if Hilary ended up becoming president we would've gone to war with Russia because Putin does not like Hilary because Putin doesn't agree with what Hilary is saying to should do for the united states. Since Trump became president the united states wants to have a peace treaty along with the eastern countries along with Russia, but we are hoping he doesn't mess things up with north Korea, or China because if he does then we will have to go to war with them and have a nuclear war since their weapons are more advance.
Fatima C.H. Period 3 #7 (Anaheim)
After the long hours of waiting and watching the news, I became disappointed after Donald Trump’s victory. Knowing that he would become our 45th president caught me by surprise. I didn’t see his victory coming. In my personal opinion, I didn’t believe he was qualified for presidency. His rude and racist comments made me dislike him and not want him as a president. I believed that Hillary Clinton was gonna win since she had the most popular votes, however she ended up losing by a great amount. There is nothing we can do now, but all I hope for is for Donald Trump to do his best and not do something that will damage the country.
Kameron Martinez (Chicago)
This years election of 2016, has taught me a lot of things about america. I learned that the popular vote doesn't always ensure that you become president. And I also learned that presidents are not perfect. I used to think that they were all perfect and then I heard all these things about Donald Trump, and to be honest it scares me.
CM Kristin (Carbondale)
This is going to be hard for the American people to get used to and come to terms with. People have to unite about this new presidency because we cannot change the decision. I think he will create a lot of opportunities and new policies that will create a new America. I think Hillary could have done the same but she unfortunately lost. I think we have to be openminded as a country in order to avoid conflict that may divide us as a country which will only cause major issues.
CM Fabian (Colorado)
Donald Trump defied the odds. Many seasoned pollsters and political analyst predicted a landslide victory for Hillary Clinton and that simply wasn't so. When Pennsylvania, a state that has "gone blue" for the past six elections, was announced to have had a Trump majority the fate of the election had been decided. I felt crushed. The fact that a significant portion of the country had given in to Trump's hateful rhetoric made me feel sick to my stomach. The country that had once stood for hope and change now stands for hate and ignorance. Clinton's establishment politician status coupled with her lack of authenticity gave way for an enormous amount of the Democratic supporters to leave her side. Americas national character is going to experience a massive change under President Trump as his radical outburst will begin to tarnish the fragile relations we hold with some countries and brand America as an intolerant, authoritarian society. However, I wish nothing more but for the success of President Trump. I hope he proves me and this country wrong I hope he shows that he is capable of making this country even greater than it already is. As George H.W. Bush wrote to Clinton when they exchanged power " your success is now our county's success," this statement couldn't be truer today. I hope the future of this country is as promising as Donald Trump's skin is orange.
CM Vanessa (Carbondale)
When I learned the results, I was nervous. I couldn't stop wondering how far Trump could get towards implementing his proposed policies. The outcome for me, was very unexpected. I had just assumed that the majority would pick the candidate with the most experience.
A trump victory for me, meant a victory for scare tactics and ignorance. It also meant a feeling of anxiousness for the future because I'm Mexican, and I wondered whether Trump, as president, would be more conscientious with what he said about minorities. For my community, his victory meant fear for families who are undocumented, and for America I think it meant disquiet. For many reasons, one being his novice political knowledge, and another other being his temperament.
I don't think the country will come together after this election. Something Trump can do though, to help heal the divide, is acting professional. It'll help the people see him as more a leader. He should also become well informed on any and all government and politics, to build up his credibility. A way government leaders can help heal the wounds of division is helping Trump figure out his way around things in the beginning, and encourage the people to give him a chance. As for the people, what they can do is keep an open mind.
The 2016 Election has taught me that the majority of Americans don't understand the complexity of political issues and aren't well informed enough, to grasp the implications of proposals made by candidates.
CM (Kajsa Semaj)
I woke up and looked on snapchat and saw the filter of "Donald Trump Won." I did not know how to feel. I did not care, it was not going to affect how I wake up every morning or ate my breakfast! My friends and family are still here. In my opinion he was putting on a show to become president, but then when he won, he realized how much work it is. He is the president of the united state, and there is not much we can do about it. I disagree with some people who commented because everything thing that he does takes time and money. I don't think that he is going to do half of the things that he promised americans that he would do, so I don't think that he is going to be a threat to the United states where as many people think that it is such a huge crisis that they are considering moving to canada. Sure he is not the ideal president at ll but id like to look on the bright side and hope that he does succeed at making america. great again.
CM-Maggie (Carbondale)
I have sitting with my brother refreshing the page over and over, hoping Hillary won another state. Hillary wasn´t the best choice either, but she was are only hope left. Donald Trump is such a heartless person, he wants to build a wall and send all the undocumented back. He´s going to separate a lot of families, America won´t be the same anymore.
CM- Lindsy (colorado)
When I learned the result of this year's presidential election, I was shocked. I couldn't wrap the idea that he would be the person to lead and represent our country for the next four years around my head. I don't understand how a man that suppresses minority groups as well as women, and doesn't support diversity, is fit to run our country, which is what makes this election very disappointing for me. It is worrisome thinking about the future. He can undo so many things that have been worked very hard for. Even though I don't believe he should be our next leader, I have no other choice but to accept the fact that he will be in our future for the next presidential term. What I hope for our of his presidential term, is that he improves our economy like he says he can.
CM- Reece (CO)
My initial reaction to trump being elected was disappointment. A year ago when trump announced he was running everyone thought it was a joke and that he would never actually be the president of the US. But he is..and that's scary because I think his views on women especially are so twisted and wrong. He is no experienced at all and this might be a bumpy next 4 years.

I agree with Lily because her mom is the manager of planned parent hood and like what I just said, Trumps views on women and abortion and everything like that could possibly affect her job and women everywhere and that's just scary.
CM LB (Carbondale)
I founded it very surprising that Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential election. I don't really understand how he won because he used very offensive and racist language in his campaign and discriminated many different people especially minorities. I didn't believe that he would win but I think it is a good thing that he did because he will bring change to the country. We need to get back to being tough on other nations and immigration. Many people people are doubting his abilities but the election is over and I think that we should give him a chance to help our country. We just need to unite as a country and move forward together.
CM kh (Cdale)
I was very surprised that Trump became president. I thought for sure Hillary would win based on all the polls from before the election and the amount of negative articles on Trump. A Trump presidency is great for america! More jobs will now be available for Americans now that border patrol will be increased. America will focus more on itself instead of global issues which I think is a great idea. I feel that the people will come together now that Trump is president, Trump is a strong leader and will rally the people to become one and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. The election has taught me that many people were unhappy with the past government and were ready for a change. I like that trump is ready to help everyone even though in his campaign he spoke out against Latinos he has already made plans to help them out.

I disagree with Kenia. She is incorrect, trump can not deport who ever he pleases this is not actually possible. Kenia does not understand the power of the President and trump doesn't actually have that much power. Trump is in fact a great fit for Presidency he is a great leader
CM- Trevor Stroud (Carbondale CO)
I was very surprised by the results of the election. I looked at all the polls over the course of the election and Hillary was leading in almost all of them so I was certain she would win. When I woke up and saw that Trump won, I was perplexed. All my friends and family thought Hillary would win by a long shot and to see trump win devastated them. I didn’t know what to think and I was scared because his policies to me didn’t seem to help anyone up the upper class and all the bad things that he said about immigration and racism. I also know many latinos that are scared because of what Trump said about sending some of them home. I don’t know what is going to happen next year now, it might be interesting but could also be devastating to see what he changes he makes and how he does it.
I agree with Anjum 4D because Trump is scaring a lot of people and the uncertainty of what he is going to do is fueling this fear. His decisions might change history and this might be a very big issue. I also was disappointed with the results and i’m scared as well.
CM-Andy (barbondale)
When I found out that donald trump won I was very surprised because how could we let a person that doesn't know anything about politics win? It’s very disappointing knowing he won when he was disrespecting women, muslims, and latinos. I have hope that he will bring good to our country but, I have fear that he will fail as a president and start a WW3.
CM- Justin (Colorado)
Before the election I thought that Trump would lose by a landslide because the media and everything else made it seem that way. While I was watching the votes come in and Trump kept winning the electoral votes I knew he would win. I think that Trump will be a good leader for our country because of his economic policies and overall conservative beliefs that have long been buried. Trump might of said some crazy stuff in his pre-election speeches but overall he won't be able to deport whole races or ban a whole other one. The checks and balance system will make it so that Trumps good ideas go through and his bad ones won't. Overall Trump is the better choice out of the candidates and he will make America great again!

Response: One person said that Trump was very unqualified for the job of president but I disagree. This view of politicians being "qualified" is basically the view of a crooked politician that makes money by sharing and pursuing there beliefs even if it takes lying and being sly. I think Trump being different and being a business man will be good cause he says what is true.
CM-Ralph (Colorado)
I was very surprised when it became clear that Trump was going to be the next president. This was mainly because it was an upset that defied what we know about politics. He may have not been my first choice for the White House but I have accepted that he is what america wants. However, my worries about Trump mainly revolve around foreign policy. Some examples are his threats about abandoning NATO and his uncomfortably close relationship with Russia. I also think that he will be a bad image for our country due to his past and all of the scandals that are bound to be uncovered. Despite all of this everyone must come together and accept the election results. Nothing can stop him from taking office but we can make a difference by standing up for whats right and making sure we stick to the principles of our country without falling to the low level of a president elect that disgraces women, Muslims, and minorities. I truly hope he does a good job, as we all should for the sake of moving our nation in the right country

In response to CM Irving:
I agree with Irving in the sense that we had the two most untrustworthy candidates ever. It is unfortunate that the american people chose these two to be the nominees of the two major parties. Like he said, they act like children when they are in debates and talking about each other.
CM-manuel (carbondale)
I felt mad that trump won the election because i had a lot of friends and family that didn't want trump to win because hes trying to deport people who are working hard and not getting in trouble with the law or nothing i feel like does people should get the chance to be here and be someone in life.
CM-Eric (Barbondale, Bolorado)
Out of all reasonable thought, and clear judgement I always speculated that Hilary Clinton would've won a larger portion of the electoral colleges, which would've ended up with Clinton being victorious by a landslide. But as I woke up the following morning from the elections I couldn't believe my eyes upon what happened. Donald Trump won the elections by a large amount and that he won the majority of the electoral colleges of a large handful of states. As the day went on I slowly thought about the possible actions that elect president will act upon. As much as I dislike the idea heavily- as I wanted Bernie Sanders to win- there's not much that can be done. But I can still express my opinion freely as well as target closed-minded individuals who share a different opinion.

I can agree with Juan with his idea that the nation will not be united, as people share different opinions and can't peacefully conclude towards the final result. Similar events that occurred during Barrack Obama's presidency will reoccur with Trump being president, mainly from the races he targeted during his campaign. As much as I dislike the idea of what happened during Obama's presidency, and of the possible events that have occur and can occur in the near future, I cannot imagine how people can retain such dedication towards disliking the presidents. Hopefully he does make the country or gets impeached before making any horrendous decisions.
CM-leslye (colorado)
I was pretty surprised waking up to Tump winning, I don't like that he won because I think he is not fit for President and I can't believe how people have faith in him and support someone like him but I'm going to have except that his the president of the United Stats.

I agree with Irving because how he was saying that both Tump and Hillary are childish and were both not good for the job.
CM Delia (Colorado)
This election had me on the edge. The results we're very frustrating, I thought he wouldn't have won, I thought America was smarter. With her winning the popular vote I thought she was going to win. The saddest part is its not just affecting adults but kids are also reacting when they are too young to be crying and worrying about themselves and/or their parents being deported.

I do not agree with those who are think Trump is going to give us a change. I believe he is going to drag America down. Yes, I understand he has business background, but how do you expect someone to run our country who has no politics in their background.
Esther 4D (YC Clip)
. When I heard about the result of election it was a shock for me I was surprise that Trump win the election because everyone thought that Hilary would be the one who is going to win the election. So many people didn’t expect that he is the one who become the president of the united states of America because we don’t think that he is qualified for a so important job .But me especially I think that both of them were terrible choices to be the next president of this country . Unfortunately it’s too late and now everyone is scared about what is going to happen..
CM/Eric (Barbondale)
November 9th 2016 history was made. I woke up that morning to find out that Donald J Trump was the president elect. To be honest It doesn't really affect me until he is going to pass a law that will affect us later in life. Trump will make taxes lower for the higher class family witch is a good thing because our family wont be spending much on taxes.
noran 4D (yc clip)
I was shocked, when I heard the election result. I didn’t expect for trump to be the 45th president of the United States. However not only me that was shocked, but also unfortunately a lot of people didn’t like it. They didn’t want him to be the president. In my opinion he is not the right one for us. We can see out future from now this country will never move forward as long as he is the president, because this nation will never get united together after this divisive election. This was my first election in the United States and I have learned a lot from it. I use to don’t know anything about elections because I wasn’t a politics person. Therefore after I saw everyone is interested I started to read about it and I have learned lots of thing about the United States elections.
CM-manuel (carbondale)
I agree with Noran 4D because he said a lot of people didn't want trump to win but i also liked that he said hes not the right one thats true he is not the right president because hes not honestly he talks really bad about women and hes racist.
CM Irving (carbondale)
I am ashamed of this election I felt like it was taken as a joke and being the president of this country is no joking matter it is something your should take with a serious mind set. Donald Trump might of won but I felt like he was not prepared for being the president he acted like a child and same goes for Hillary. At times they both did show the were capable but we need someone who is always focus and not teasing their opponents and arguing like they are in middle school. Trump is a racist and disrespectful person someone who can say something like what he said about women should not be the president of this country. Hillary sharing classified information through email is also not a person I want to be in office. I hope in the next election we have a good choice between who runs this country.
CM Pouch (Carbondale)
On the day of November the 9th 2016 I woke up and turned my tv on, then realized that Donald Trump won the election. I don't think his presidency will ever affect me, but honestly I don't really care I feel that whatever happens, happens and there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it so I find it pointless to even waste my time thinking about an opinion. #PouchForPrez
CM (Camilla)
“I was shocked and disappointed when I first saw the results of the election. Looking at the polls, I would have thought that Hillary would have one. However I think she lost the race when the FBI reopened her case. I do not in any way like Donald Trump, but what's done is done, and no one can change the results. America needs to stop protesting. They are unecassary because nothing is going to change. I think having Donald Trump as the next president will potentially be a good thing for our country. He could bring about change, which would be good, since things have been the same for such a long time, and would continue to stay the same if Hillary was elected.”

I agree with CM Hannah because she’s saying that Trump being elected for president, is something that shocked a lot of us and it is not something she wanted. But, since he is our new president, there is nothing we can do about it, except from making the best out of it and hope that he actually can make a change or as he says, “make america great again”. This comment made me think about how America can respond to our new president. We should not protest, because the election will not change, but we can try to be positive. In the other hand, I don’t think he will make America great again, but I am willing to give him a chance and hope he will.
CM-sophie (carbondale)
i am agree with you donald trupm is not good for america but wats happen is happen and we can change it anymore. we only can hope the best for america and that trump is not ruin it ! i am little bit disagrees that "Trump as the next president will potentially be a good thing for our country. " but we must to compensate with that decision that the majority voted for trump
CM- lily (Barbondale)
When Trump was elected as president i was surprised. I don't like that he was elected because he doesn't support what my mom does for work. My mom is the manger of plan parenthood in Glenwood and this could effect her job and at home.

I agree with Edwin 4D because yes we can't judge people before we really know him and i wanted Hillary to win.
CM- Kenia (Carbondale, CO)
After seeing the end results of this election I was shocked and perturbed. I had noticed that racism took over the people's hearts. People were so glad to have seen him won the elections that they forgot about all the kid's born here that have Hispanic families. It's sad for people to be glad to destroy hard working families that are here to make a better living. I do agree on the idea of deporting criminals but why deport the rest whose interests are in providing their families a better opportunity. As a Hispanic, I feel worried with the ideas Trump has proposed because it will affect me and my family. It's a struggle all Hispanic families are dealing with not knowing what will happen next. The wall is an idea that it is really disrespectful because it seems that he doesn't want anything to do with the people from other places. Hopefully, him being president will bring some good in his heart and he will understand that in the US there are some hard working people that are immigrants. Maybe his cold heart will become warm and he will understand, but that's what I hope.


I personally do not agree with CM-Lyndsay because her comment seems heartless. She is surrounded by Hispanics in her schools and she has the audacity to say she wants the wall and to send "illegals" out because they are "criminals". Lyndsay comment made me think that she is a heartlest person because of her say on the wall and kicking out the "illegals".
CM-Ruben (barbondale)
I was surprised that trump had won the election i had just woken up and looked up who had won,I was pretty disappointed especially because my teachers and peers all believed that he wouldn't win.America just gave one of the most power full jobs to Donald,who can now undo what our government has been able to do.
I agree with Aldo because he does deserve the chance to go into office and how he says that America will go through some tough times if trump supporters can't live with non trump supporters.Aldo's comment me think about how trump will influence peoples attitude to others because i have seen how people have been disrespectful to others since trump was elected.
When I saw the result this morning I felt sad, because I support Hillary Clinton, but sometimes you need to give a person the opportunity to demonstrate to the world that they are capable to govern the country. The candidates you’ve never known who can make this country a good or worst place. Now Donald Trump have the chance to make good action and change the immigrant maid about the immigration because he is talking so much about the immigration, but his wife is an immigrant too I don’t know why he is like this with immigrant, now the only thing to do is wait for the new president and look at how he will govern this country.
Marie 4D (ycclip)

I wasn’t really surprised when I heard Trump won the election 2016. I didn’t believe in any of them. In my opinion, I think none of them was not a good choice for America precisely, and the other people. My hopefulness was after I listen to Donald Trump’s speech how he is going to work together with American people therefore my optimistic helps me to trust him a little.
Anyela 4D (YC-CLIP)
Even though I was really disappointed this morning when I found out about the results of the 2016 election, the news didn’t surprise me at all. Considering that every year many students drop out of school and they are attracted by the idea of making money very easy for their abject education, they end up following and supporting people like Donald Trump. People might say that we should not worry and then, we will see what it is going to happen, but I’m concerned. I’m upset not only for me and my family, but also for the people who had struggled through the years to come here to achieve their goals like “the dreamers.” At this moment, I doubt about our security as a nation, if few years ago it was insecure to walk alone on the streets and nowadays it is too danger even during the day, now with this big arrogant loser of Donald Trump as a president motivating with rage all those racist haters, who were hiding until yesterday, to treat us with discrimination and by us I mean Hispanics, Muslims, Women, African-Americans and all the people who has been offended by his racist comments, now it is going to be dreadful. I think that for many years we have been naive about underestimating the high levels of ignorance not only in this country, but also in the world.
Edwin 4D (YC CLIP)
In my personal opinion I feel very sad, because I wanted Hilary wins because she does not have the same thinking as Donald Trump but, you cannot judge people by the way they are talking in front of a public. In addition, he talks bad in many different perspectives that let the people thinking bad about him. Moreover, I do not judge him because we do not know him very well.
Elisha 4D (YC CLIP)
My reaction after the election was unexplainable. I was surprised and at the same time sad too, because I felt Mrs. Clinton had the upper hand over Mr. Trump. The polls also showed that she had been leading before the election and I thought she would have won it easily. In addition, she could have been the first woman to become the president of the United States which could have been a big opportunity for women, girls and minorities to be confident and to stand up for who they are in societies. Now I really hope things will not be hell for I and family. This will keep me depressed for some time, but I will not give up on my dreams of going to college and becoming a doctor. However, I feel this could be an obstacle for me, but I will definitely overcome it and become stronger.
lourdes 4d (YC CLIP)
I was surprise when a saw the news that Mr. Trump won the election, I didn’t think he would win the presidential of the United States of America, because his campaign was based in sexism, discrimination and racism. As immigrant, I concern about immigration because many families could be separated and the children will be the most affected. It is hard to say how we can come together after this historical campaign because the feelings of many people have been hurt. I think the way Mr. Trump spoke after he won the election was better and he have to continue like that, also he has a lot of work to do with the governments and activists. In addition he has to hear what the people are trying to say. This campaign taught me that America wants change, they are tired of the same thing and they put their expectations on the candidate that is promising different things with the loan “America will be better again “.
Rodrigo Camargo (Colorado)
CM I Agree with you because Donald Trump has had a pretty vulgar campaign. Although he's said a lot of very rude things, the public remains oblivious to how horrible the man is. Donald has made fun of women and people with disabilities and no one really seemed to turn their backs on him for these unnecessary things.
Amethyst Arrio (Maine)
"The results amounted to a repudiation, not only of Mrs. Clinton, but of President Obama, whose legacy is suddenly imperiled." I don't like Trump. I'm just going to say it, because it's true. However, if I could vote, I would've voted for him. Why? Because I don't like Clinton even more. Like many other U.S. citizens, I was faced with a choice. Clinton, or Trump. An evil, manipulating woman or a crude, disrespectful buisinessman. I am aware that we are usually faced with not very good options for president, but this year has been the worst. I would've voted for Trump because I disliked Hillary even more. We're there some things I agreed on that Trump said? Yes. I also agreed with some things Hillary said as well. But I disagreed with Hillary more. Now that Trump is president, I can honestly say I don't know HOW to react. I'm glad Hillary didn't win, but I wouldn't exactly say I'm happy Trump won. He could ruin the country! He could turn out to be a good president and maybe improve the economy! He could turn the Oval Office gold! He could do ANYTHING, and I think that's what scares America's citizens the most. I'm a little scared, like most people, but mostly I'm just confused and unsure. How did we end up with such terrible options in the first place? With the elections so far that I've seen in this 21st century, we've had to pick between the lesser of two evils. America deserves to have a good, no, GREAT president. America deserves better.
Lucas carrier (Maine)
I'm not very pleased with who the two candidates were but the person I wanted to win did come out on top. I wasn't surprised at all that Donald Trump won.mi had a good feeling about it for awhile. At one point"Clinton had a commanding, but persistan lead" but he still ended up with a win
Finnegan (Maine)
I am really excited about Trump getting elected. Whether you agree with his ideas or not, he rose to the occasion and won when everyone said he couldn't."The surprise outcome" as this article put it. And as for what happens next, I suppose we will have to wait and see how he preforms as our nation's new leader. However, whatever he does next we will push through as long as we all work together as Americans, regardless of your ethnicity.
An angry student (Texas)
I would like to respond to this article but I can't because I'd have to pay to read it...
Katherine Schulten (NYC)
Hi angry student,

That's not true. All links from our writing prompts to Times articles are free. I hope you'll reconsider.
mercedes 4D (YC CLIP)
“OH MY GOD! The Election Day I stay watching TV until 12 am. I couldn’t wait for the final results because I was so tired. The next day when I watched the news I was very surprised .Donald Trump won the presidency. It wasn’t my expectation because I didn’t like his speeches .However nothing that we can do. But I hope that it was the best decision to elect Trump as president and he can do the best for this country.
Badrun 4D (YC Clip)
Everyone was waiting for Election Day. When it finally came, some people accepted the result and some of them did not. For me I was pretty surprised to hear the result of the Election. I was almost sure that Hillary Clinton would be our next president because in New York the majority of people voted for Hillary. Unfortunately when I saw the map of the Election, I felt that I was in an illusion. Most of the other states actually like Donald Trump so they voted for him. It’s not easy to judge the whole Country when you stay in one state.
Fanny 4D (YC CLIP)
When I saw the news that Donald Trump won the election I was surprise because he said many bad things about the Immigration and racism. I thought that Hillary Clinton was going to be elected. Now we don’t know what will happen with this country in the future. I hope that Donald in his presidency could change the life of the person that doesn’t have documents, therefore they could work and live without afraid of being deported and they have the same rights like us because the fact if a person makes a mistake doing bad things does not mean that the all people are equal.
Binta 4D (York college clip)
I never really thought that Donald Trump would be a president of anything except for his realty television show, but I was wrong because today he is the president of the United States. I’m completely horrified by Trump decisions and the people who voted for him. I have great fear for this country because Donald Trump is a man who does not like or care about anybody but for himself. Moreover he is man that wants war for this country, uses hatred to divide the American people. On the other I also blame the media American, because at the beginning they were only attacking Hillary instead of exposing Trump lies and all of his illegal activities in America.
I my opinion America will not be the same for next four years; Even though American believe in unity and equality it would be difficult for the American people to come together, because our president is a rich man who does not believe in equality, who thinks women are just stupid people who doesn’t know anything and doesn’t need to know anything, he is also an anti-religious person.
Partha 4d (YC CLIP)
“Donald John Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States”. I was so surprised when I saw that trump won and became the president of United States. I was speechless because I always heard people to talk bad things about Donald Trump. Now I am watching a big percentage people supported him. Trump’s victory is the beginning of wreck of United States. Trump’s victory has made people hate their country which is the worst. This election taught me to never trust that what you I am watching. Now the only thing we can do just watch what is going to happen next.
Anjum 4D (YC - CLIP)
I was really surprised and disappointed when I heard about the election results. Everyone thought that Hillary was going to win. Trump’s victory might be an issue for everyone. Everyone is worried because we do not know what changes he would make to this country and how it would affect us. His presidency can be a big problem for us.
roberto 4D (YC CLIP)
I was shocked when they said that Donald Trump won the election and at the same time I was so angry and sad because Mrs. Clinton worked so hard for where she was. I think she was the best candidate for this job. She has a lot of knowledge and experience in politics. I don’t know what will be waiting for us, I guess we will have to wait and see what is going to happen. I don’t think this country will become together because right now it is split in two, but there’s still hope.
Jendy 4D (YC CLIP)
I was surprised about this election because last night I didn’t understand how democrat’s states voted for republicans. Mr. Trump does not have any experience in politics and he never explains well when he was in the debates. Even though Mrs. Clinton is an expert in politics and she was very explicit when she explained her plans. But who knows maybe Mr. Trump keeps your promises and makes The US a better country than what it is right now.
When I heard the election result, my first reaction was sad but I wasn’t surprised by the news because the media played an important role in this elections. When Donald trump had talked in his campaign he has made me feel nervous for the actions that he wants to take in this country. A lot of people believed in what he said. I feel that the people in this country are divided, and there is an uncertainty for the actions that he wants to take. I have faith that he can change his bad believes about other people
maria fernanda 4D (YC clip)
My reaction when I saw that trump won was disappointed and surprised because I wanted Hillary to win the election for president because she wanted to be the support for all the immigrants and equal rights for women, However she doesn't know how to explain to people what she really want to say or what she really want to do for us, therefore many people don't trust her and voted for Donald trump to be the president of united states of America and now he is the president and we have to support him to make it the better way for us.
Nikauly 4D (YC CLIP)
What is my reaction to this election? I even don’t know what to say about this, I woke up in the morning hopping to see the first president women in the television, but everything went wrong and didn’t become what I was expected for since Trump won the election. So there is nothing to say about it, everyone already choose who they wanted to be president of the U.S.A, although I still think that nobody will learn their lesson until they seen with their own eyes. But if I have to say something I would say that I’m really disappointed to have him as a president.
Aura 4D (YC)
What will happen with America’s future? I am just thinking about it. Definitely I cannot believe what is happening. Donald Trump is not capable to lead one of the strongest countries in the world as the United States is. I feel disappoint, because I was almost sure that Mrs. Clinton could win the election 2016. Being honest I have no idea how it happened. At the same time I feel angry because we could decide who was able to represent the nation honestly, Is Donald Trump this person? This question scary me because a person that express to women like animals or awards is not capable to be a leader in any nation. Was Mrs. Clinton a person capable of being the next president of the United States? I just may say that we had the candidate to select the best option for getting a better nation and we lost it.
afra 4d (YC Clip)
On Tuesday the Republican Donald Trump was elected as the #45th President of the United States of America with his Election that world were stunned when he isn’t even qualify to be president for many reasons. my reaction to this Election ?not only me but thousands people of people were so sad so frustrated , that some cried because some of the voters on favor of Mrs. Hillary Clinton Election weren’t convinced if Mr. Trump deserved to be President . I am wondering what all the immigrants going to do. People who are without documents are very afraid and with so much fear to go out. He didn’t even know about government he only knows being a business man .It could be a fraud that should be investigated. Mr. Trump called the nation to be together for once and all.
Ibelka 4D (YC CLIP)
When I heard the news I was very surprised. I couldn’t imagine Trump was going to win because all the things he had spoken about women and Latin Americans. At first he hadn’t had as many possibilities to win as Clinton had.
I feel sad for all those children who cry and feel frightened because they think Trump is going to deport their family. Also, for those illegal people who came here for a better future, some of them have been living here for many years and now can be deported too.
I think most people voted for Trump because they wanted back those jobs that they used to have. I just hope that he does a great job as a president.
Nayana 4D (YC CLIP)
I am speechless and so surprise with the election results. Incredibly he won the election. Donald J. Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States on Tuesday in a stunning, wide margin. He is a 70 year old billionaire who is a real estate developer and reality television star with no political experience, but he defeated Hillary Clinton in a stunning victory. The American people never trusted Hillary Clinton because she used a private email server while she was Secretary of State. She had failed to build trust with the American people. Donald Trump became the Republican nominee by defeating sixteen political experienced senators. He had the power, the courage and the drive to get what he wants and now giving the GOP control of the White House and Congress, so I hope he will be good president.
CM - Paige (Carbondale, Colorado)
Learning the results of the election I was utterly disappointed that someone of that nature was selected to represent and run our country. No Race, ethnicity, or person should be considered illegal or unfit for a particular area of land. People should not be discriminated against based off of their sexual orientation or racial background and I strongly disagree with many of Trumps claims. Regardless, wishing failure among our president is dumb, whether we like him or not we need to hope for success, improvement, and prosperity for our country.
CM Andrew (Colorado)
I like that Trump won because I think that he is a good man to run this country and will turn everything around and will make this country and will lower taxes for my family and that will help us not spent as much money in taxes. And he will loosen up all the gun laws and that is nice because my family loves guns.
CM-Leslia (Colorado)
This was honestly the most surprising information we could have received as citizens of the United States of America. He's at a position of very low knowledge when it comes to politics, so why allow someone who doesn't completely understand our government. At the same time we can not blame him for putting out his beliefs and people agreeing with them. I'm very nervous to see he results of his presidential term. He made very disturbing comments that make me actually fear my future. Although both presidential candidates were threats to the United States. It will greatly affect me if Trump pushes forward with his policy's. But this might actually be very good, it can bring people together and create policy change or stop it. It'll give people certain powers regardless of race.
CM Hex (Bolorado)
When I woke up November 9, and found out Donald Trump won the presidential election It took a while for me to finish reading like 6 articles that all said the same thing. I didn't really care honestly, because I thought either way we would've been screwed. Then I realized the house and the senate were both favored republican, I honestly just felt kind of scared for the future because he has a lot of possibilities that can be either stupid or more stupid. I just hope he does a hell of a job as the president because he's the captain now.
CM/Eric (Barbondale)
from one christian to another, I believe that you are 400% correct because our future could change once we leave High School. #harambeforever
CM Pouch (Carbondale)
Hi cm Hex I just got done reading your article, you did a very great job! I agree with your opinion and everything you had to say. Your opinion one hunnit.. #foreverumbrella#DonaldTrumpGotChanelOnHisWaist
MC- Ron (Carbondale)
I didn't like the election because Trump won. I think Hillary would have one but I think also that a lot of racism in the U.S. This is why I was mad that Trump won because I probably wont be living with my mom and sister. I don´t like Trump that much.
CM Cal (Carbondale, CO)
In the end, it was truly shocking and even though I couldn't do anything about it, it struck me as just......worrisome. And not specifically to me in present day, but I am sure in the near future, I am not going to be able to even travel with a confidence were I can be accepted as an American. He seems like merely a child in his debates, and he has proven no official solution to his claims. And I could rant on and on on what is stereo typically spoken of on media, but in the end, I have no control over the situation so I would rather just sit back and watch the world burn. Because what else can I do? Nothing. And I will not judge others for their opinions on Donald J. Trump, no I will not. But I WILL give my opinion if they ask. I don't HATE him because I don't know him that well and know minimal about him. But what IS seen on TV and in the media and in my own AP government class, is in fact very worrisome in how this may spell certain doom for many citizens in America, and probably even the world for that matter.
Cm-Felina (Carbondale, co)
When I first turned on the news, I didn't know I was in for a rude awakening. I was in total shock that Trump had won the election of becoming the President of the United States. I was in a state of shock because our country chose a hater as the President.
Rohnan (Carbondale)
When I realized that Trump had won I was surprised because all of the information leading up to the final voting day had said that Hillary would win. A Trump victory does not really affect me. It just means that some of my friends might be heading back to Mexico.
CM-Marco (carbondale)
Waking up to Donald Trump being president was weird to me. I have no idea how he is planning to run this country with such low knowledge of politics. Things could go bad if he decides to make really poorly decisions. I last I try to just move on and let time show what he will do.
CM (Jasper)
Trump is our new president and not saying i like him but i hope you makes america great again.
CM Chelsey (Carbondale)
I was surprised that while Hillary had won the popular vote, she had lost the electoral vote. It was shocking to see how the polls had predicted and then what actually occurred. This had been upsetting for a number of reasons. Many of us had heard of a similar situation occurring in the 2000 election between Bush and Gore, however experiencing it is far more saddening. To know that our country voted, but our voices were washed out by a different vote. This is election had been filled with a lot of controversy and division and that's fine, but to know that our president will be Trump- a man who thinks very poorly and radically of minorities and different races- is utterly frustrating. Although, the reason behind my sentiments is not a democrat vs republican ordeal, rather just that we let a man who is so narcissistic, racist, and ignorant get this far. Yet this is what appears to be our future so maybe the best we can do is give him an open mind, as Hillary said. We also have to trust in that fact that the other branches of government will balance him out.
CM Juan (Carbondale)
I was beyond surprised when I turned on the television to notice the clear advantage Donald Trump had over Hillary Clinton. I was astounded and just overall shocked.
Trump winning the election,I think, won't have too much of a difference America. As we've seen already, Trump has already started to back out on his proposals that essentially won over most of America. But there will be some clear changes in the next four years.
I feel that the country will not be fully united after the election because many people still can't believe that Donald Trump is the new president of the United States which is essentially the most important responsibility in the world. I think that no matter Trump will do throughout his presidency, he won't be able to win over Hillary supporters. The government can essentially try to appeal more to minorities since that's the specific group where Hillary attained the most votes from. But for us, all we can do is live our lives normally just like we did when Obama was still on office. Again, I think that a Trump presidency won't do much to completely change the lives of everyone. As for some people, they think that Trump being president means complete chaos in the country which isn't true.
The election has taught me that a candidate doesn't have to have a filter whatsoever to be elected. No matter how childish you act you can still win over half the countries support. So essentially both Trump and Clinton were a disappointing result as final candidates.
CM Liam (Carbondale, CO)
I was not surprised that Trump won the presidential election, even though I hoped for someone else to win I always thought that Trump would eventually become our president-elect. I'm not surprised by the outcome, but I don't understand how so many people agree with his ideas more than a qualified, sane person's (Clinton). I wish that I could understand their thought process so I could make sense of this whole election, but right now I can't.
As of now I'm just hoping that he doesn't do anything too insane to our countries policies and leaders. He has mentioned de-funding the EPA, which I believe will be a terrible move, it will set our country behind in renewable energy, make us look bad to other powerful nations, and will hurt many people who work in renewable/clean energy fields and rely on help from the EPA. Maybe Trump's presidency will be a wake up call to American's and get people to see and address real issues that plague our country.
I feel dissapointed in our country. Hillary won the popular vote, but millions of people voted for Trump and that shows that there is something systemically wrong with our country for so many people to agree with a racist, sexist, narcissistic celebrity. I hope the best for him as our president, solely because I don't want the progress that the U.S. has made to fall apart, but he makes it really hard to do so with all of his negativity and hate.
CM Kiké (Barbondale)
Realizing that Donald Trump is going to be the future president of the United States is not a pleasant state of mind to be in. Staying up Tuesday night and slowly watching the projections favor Trump was anxiety and stress inducing. Thinking about living in Trump's future projected America as a minority is going to prove to be difficult, and we will be faced with much adversity. It's disappointing knowing that our nation chose to elect someone that will take our nation multiple steps back, instead of us being progressive towards equality. I have hope however, that the next four years will go smoothly and lead up to a better fit candidate. Although Donald Trump is not my preferred candidate, I have no other choice than to wish him the best, as he is in fact in charge of all our futures to some degree. We must unite and stop Trump from doing anything will take our country back, but we must not wish upon him evil doings, as he is in charge of our country.
CM Iliana (colorado)
I was very surprised when trump won, the polls leading up to the election all had declared Hillary as having a greater following. As someone who comes from an immigrant family I am not in support of Donald Trump as he has made comments bashing on minorities. He has had no previous experience with politics and makes me feel like he is unqualified for the job. I think that the protests are the only way that some people can get their voices heard, Trump has heard the news about the large amounts of people marching against him and has since backpedaled on the promises he made and removed some completely. The marches allow people to protest racism, protest xenophobia, protest homophobia, protest inequality, protest hate, protest hate, protest hate, and not become a part of it. I also empathize with illegal immigrants, the are not all drug dealing rapists as trump has mentioned, they are people in search for a better and safe life. If anyone lived in fear for their life due to the area they were in, the logical thing to do is to leave that area. I think people who have never experienced that first hand and all of a sudden hear that all illegal immigrants are bad they are going to lean towards that because they don't know anything that contradicts that idea. Even Trump has hired illegal immigrants to build his towers. Hillary won the popular vote, which means that a majority of people voted for her, but the electoral college system gave trump the win.
CM Aidan (Carbondale, CO)
When I woke up November 9, I checked the news and Donald Trump had won the presidency. It took me a couple of hours to fully comprehend what it meant for the US and the world. A Trump presidency could mean a reversal of same-sex marriage legalization, deportations of millions, and the repeal of the ACA. We've already seen an uptick in hate crimes over the past week. Thousands of refugees could be blocked from entering the US, and undocumented immigrants and their children face a man who wants them out for good. I was not happy at all. I think there is hope, however. Trump has said he will keep in place certain pieces of the ACA. Perhaps he can extend his compromises to immigration, refugees, marriage rights, and religious freedom. I know that the president has checks on his power, which is a good thing, and can stop him from doing something drastic.
Additionally, I believe that the protests are a good thing, and are needed to show our leaders that we do not condone the things that our president-elect has said or intends to do. However, the protests undermine their purpose when they turn into riots.
I believe that we are now stuck with this man, and he will be sworn into office as the 45th president. We are past the point where the results can be contested. But we need to remember that the government is "by the people," and we still have a voice, with which we can demand that our country hold to its values and remain a force for good in the world.
CM-Zoe (Colorado)
I'm going to be completely honest, I am not in any way pleased with the election results. I am trying to stay positive and give him a chance, but after the things he has said it is hard to even try.
I am afraid that some of the progress we have made in terms of equality and women's rights is going to be lost. I don't want to see that happen, but that is one of the many changes that is predicted to be made under the Trump administration. There are other things he plans to change as well that scare me. Though his threats of deportation will not directly affect me, but I know people whose lives it has the potential to turn upside down.
I do believe that protests are a right given to us by the first amendment and I am proud of the people who are brave enough to voice their opinion. It is okay to disagree with the government and okay to speak out against it when it does something that you feel strongly against. It is one of the blessings of being American.
I do believe the American people will come together in the shadow of this election. I hope we will all find a way to work together and keep making progress though the next four years. I don't know what will happen but I know we will make the best of it.
CM Aldo (Colorado)
My family wasn't necessarily disappointed with the election, but more saddened. In office is a man that is making many people in America live in fear, specifically minorities. We live in fear not because of his threats to deport us all, but instead because we fear the image that he presents in the White House will all of a sudden make it "acceptable" for many people to demoralize, publicly shame, and make hateful comments towards minorities. He has the power to change this attitude in the America by simply presenting a more respectful image towards, Hispanics, Muslims, women, the disabled etc... and I'm curious to see what he will do with that power.
The fact that he is in office cannot change, and we should still give him that chance he deserves to lead. I'm not really worried about the things he will and will not do. I just hope that him being in office won't spark a more segregated America, and all the progress we've made will be lost over the next 4 years. It would be sad to live in a place where "Trump supporters" and "Non-Trump supporters" cannot live with each other. For that reason, I hope he does good things for America while in office so America isn't broken.
CM Klo (Carbondale, CO)
I was extraordinarily anxious for the results of this election and when I heard that Trump had won, I was overwhelmed with a huge wave of shock and disappointment. I was upset to find out that Hillary had won the popular vote, but Trump was still elected for the presidency due to the electoral college. I realize that we must someday learn to accept this man as the leader of our country, but I still am finding difficulty believing that we as a country allowed a man who is sexist, racist, bigoted, narcissistic, and ignorant to become the president. For many minorities in the US, the outcome of this election is completely and utterly terrifying. I realized being angry and having an fixed mindset on his presidency is not the right answer, however - even if I disagree with a lot of what he stands for.
I am not surprised by the riots and protests, but I don't believe they are going to change anything. Sadly, Donald J. Trump is our 45th president and we need to learn to come to terms with that. We do not, however, need to become submissive with our views. We cannot become silent and we must continue to work towards equality and acceptance for all. I do not, by any means, agree with Trump, but I believe that fighting against him isn't as important as fighting against inequality and other issues that currently face our country.
CM Andrew (Carbondale)
I was not surprised to see Donald Trump had won, but more just disappointed. I suspect he won because of traditional republican voter topics like gun control and abortion, and that's fine, but I wish the republicans were able to come up with a better nominee. I don't think his opponent Hillary Clinton was much better, and a lot of people would agree. Most likely Trump was able to win because of democratic "closet voters" who didn't like Hillary, and secretly voted for trump.
I am ashamed however about the racism Trump's victory has bough upon our country. I don't think it was necessarily anything trump said, but the attitude his supporters believe they are allowed to have is disgusting.
This election really shows how divided our nation still is, and how corrupt the system really is. It makes me loose nearly all faith in democracy.
CM LB (Carbondale)
I completely agree with Andrew. We have never seen a campaign like his, it says a lot about our nation. When I talk to my grandparents in Europe they see Trump and they think that all Americans are like him. It is not a good thing for others to think of us as racists and hateful people. No one in the world will respect us anymore and it is our fault that we didn't elect the more experienced and respectable candidate.
CM Lorenzo (Carbondale)
Despite the fact that Donald Trump was elected as the 45th president of the US, I believe Hillary Clinton was much more qualified and experienced to command the most precious office in our country. What began as a fluke for many, is now a nightmare come true at the hands of the Electoral College results. Early in his campaign, Trump not only reeled in supporters through sexist, racist remarks, he based his platform on the phrase "Make America Great Again." Make it great? If this means ridding the country of certain demographics, of institutionalizing racism, of abusing power, the Mr. Trump has but a very different perspective on what great means. Or maybe not. I mean, more than 50 million Americans actually voted for Donald Trump, the emblem of disrespect towards minorities, veterans, and women. I am still very shocked that a man of such short temperament who who has shed light onto a path of racism not experienced by minorities since the the Jim Crow era, has become the 45th president of the United States of America. Although I do not understand his motives and his supporters' reasoning to believe dehumanizing certain groups is okay, I do believe that we must stand together and hope for the best. Although he is not the president many of us would have wanted, he is the president of our nation, and for the good of future, we must wish him success.
CM Reed (Carbondale)
I was originally surprised that trump won the 2016 election. all the statistics were showing that Hillary would win. Even nations like Saudi Arabia thought she would win. It was obviously a shock to the world to see trump become the present elect.
I am concerned for what he will do with his new powers. He has the potential to be one of the most influential presidents ever having support from the senet, congress and soon to be the supreme court. Domestically he is in a great position to work his agenda. Although on the international stage he is the new kid with no experience exept that he acquired during his days as a bissnes man. He has radical that call for a lot of drastic change which I don't think other countrys will support. He is threatening to not support the NATO alliance but he is also very eager to try and strengthen relations with Russia which might make NATO not necessary for his term as president.
CM Hannah (Carbondale)
I was shocked and disappointed when I first saw the results of the election. Looking at the polls, I would have thought that Hillary would have one. However I think she lost the race when the FBI reopened her case. I do not in any way like Donald Trump, but what's done is done, and no one can change the results. America needs to stop protesting. They are unecassary because nothing is going to change. I think having Donald Trump as the next president will potentially be a good thing for our country. He could bring about change, which would be good, since things have been the same for such a long time, and would continue to stay the same if Hillary was elected.
CM Kelley (Carbondale)
Being that this was my first election I was disappointed because neither candidate felt like a good fit for president. It will be interesting to see how Trump handles these next four years with both a republican house and senate. I think that he could benefit our country in terms of unemployment rate, taxes, and the national debt. However, I am nervous to see what kind of rude or harsh remarks he may make because that will not only make him look unfit for president but it has a negative connotation on our nation as a whole. I hope that Trump makes decisions that will benefit the country and keep his personal agenda separate from his presidency.
CM Lily (Carbondale)
Trump being elected for president was extremely devastating. I did not want a president who is a racist, narcissist and a feminist. I was surprised that so many people had voted for him knowing the kind of person that he is. There is nothing that can be done, I have to accept the fact that he got elected and will be our president for the next four years. My hope for the future is that he will be a good president even though I strongly dislike him. I hope he does a good job running this country. I hope he becomes less racist towards immigrants even though his wife is an immigrant. At this point I don't think that I have any fears because he can't do anything to immigrants. At the end this election was full of disappointment but we just all have to stay together and be good American citizens and just let the future play itself out.
CM-Johnny (Colorado)
I have to disagree with you stating that he can't do anything to immigrants, because he can only deport the illegal immigrants, but the ones who are already citizens, he can't do anything to them. I really appreciate that you show some sympathy for him and are just realize that we can't do anything about it and hope for the best.
CM Ashley (Carbondale)
I was shocked by this election. The fact that Hilary was under federal investigation and was representing the democratic party was wrong. The fact that Donald Trump won the election being a narcissistic racist is also wrong. This election showed that anything is possible. I am disappointed not just that Trump won, but because of the choices we were offered for our next president. However, this is how our system works. We have to accept the outcome of this election and I hope it brings people together for good. I hope people unite for something better than what happened in this election.
CM Tyler (Hell)
My initial reaction was fear. Fear not because I believe that Trump will "bring about the apocalypse" as some people have been saying. Fear because the President reflects the social climate of our country and some of the same people who elected Trump have been showing up in social media and more stories emerge of hate crimes being committed many by people proclaiming that they could do this because Trump was president now. I do not condone these acts however I also do not support the rioters who have gone out shouting in the streets rioting and burning. We all have the right to peacefully protest but the line between protesting and rioting has been crossed. I think as a country we need to step back and understand that this is not the end of the world. I am disappointed in America as a whole and I think we should in fact try to come together not in the support of one candidate or another but because we are humans and we are Americans and regardless of if you are right or left or undecided we all deserve basic human rights.
CM Solana (Carbondale, CO)
I watched the election coverage from 4:00 to 12:00 on the Tuesday Trump was elected. I looked at the polls that had come in, predicting the number of votes each candidate would get in each county of each state, adding them up, and creating my own map of the result. In my map, Clinton won. Then Iowa and Michigan and Wisconsin voted for Trump, and before the official vote was out, I knew he had won.
I cant't stand the idea of "Trump's America." I can't stand that our soon-to-be government is planning on electrocuting LGBTQ peoples to "straighten them out". I can't stand that muslim teachers are already getting letters from their students, telling them to "hang themselves with their hijab. I can't stand that Trump sees the black lives matter movement as an anarchist collective and that he wants to deport what he calls "anchor children" along with their families.
So, on the Tuesday that Trump won, my eyes were puffy and my face was red, and I was filled with helplessness, disappointment, and a little rage. I knew I couldn't change the result, and I felt like I could not be a proud citizen of a country where this was allowed to happen. I was angry that in the eyes of the rest of the world, America was associated with Trump, and I will not be associated to him in any way.
In the pledge of allegiance, I now only say, "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America," because I do not pledge allegiance to the republic. Not anymore.
Ray L. (Oregon)
I am disappointed that America would bring it down to Trump and Clinton in the first place. Despite all the racism and hatred, Trump is not fit to be the President of a country. Clinton, on the other hand, should NOT be permitted to even run for President while being federally investigated. This election has taught me that a high position in the government is key to real power.
CM Ailyn (Carbondale)
I was both shocked and disappointed when I saw the results, but then I realized that nothing can be changed. I just had to accept and move on with the fact that Trump is going to be our president.
As of right now, America has dealt with the outcome in different ways since the election results and I feel like it's going to continue happening for a while. I am in the minority category, so having Trump as the president will effect me drastically.
Honestly, I don't feel like the country as a whole will come together. The protest may end and the people may move on from it, but they might still disagree with the results. The only thing we can hope from Trump and the government is that after the next fro years there are changes done for the better. Ones that we all agree on as a nation.
The 2016 Election has taught me that in America anything can happen. Many resources demonstrated different scenarios that would result having Clinton as the next president by a lot, but that was way off. I've noticed that Clinton did win the popular vote, but not the electoral college and people have been complaining about the system. If so many people complain about the system and want to get rid of the electoral college, why hasn't something drastic been done about that. Maybe not by the government, but by the people
CM Maddy (Carbondale HS)
During this whole process of election I have been surrounded by both Trump supporters and Hillary supporters. For this particular election I did not feel that I had a strong voice nor did I feel like expressing how I felt. When I heard the results, I was shocked that it had become reality but I did have a feeling he would win throughout the process. I think this election was particularly difficult because neither candidates really stood out with outstanding opinions or morals. Realizing that Trump has become the president of The United States has me feeling sorry for our country in many ways but I am also eager to see what Trump will do and if all of his plans will fall through.
CM-Mike (Carbondale)
I'll admit, I was surprised and upset to find out that Hillary won the popular vote, but Trump had won the Electoral College, and ultimately, winning the presidency of the United States. However, I was quick to forgive him and set aside any ill-thoughts I had of him, because as of right now, Donald Trump is going to be the President of the United States, OUR president. As Hillary said, "we owe him an open mind and the chance to lead." Protesting against his presidency merely does more harm and no good, because protests or not, it doesn't change the fact that Trump will be at the wheel for the next four years. All we can do now as American citizens is root for Donald Trump, and hope that he comes out to be the president that we want him to be.
CM YM (Carbondale CO)
From the results of the election, I was surprised the country would a leader like Trump who is narcissistic, ignorant, and racist. I believe Trump has good things to offer for America compared to the things Hillary offered. However, I think the image of who our president is and what he has done in his past really matters too. Just like a person with a criminal record can't have a high-paying job, a person who is accused of being an abuser, or a person who does not stand up for "equality" or "human rights" does not deserve to be called president.
Now, the best thing we can do is stand together and hope for the best. With all the protests that are happening, things will not change and the number of votes Trump received will also not change so instead. It's important to stand for what you believe in, but it's also important to respect who actually received the majority of votes.
CM Diana (Carbondale)
I was very surprised to learn that Trump had won the Election since popular comments where said to be the other direction. Trumps victory means for America that for businesses it will be beneficial but the equality value in America won't be looked upon as much which will suffer the rights of many people in this country. I don't believe the country will come together as one united people for the reason being that the election was divisive, people either hated trump or loved him there really was no middle ground, so I feel people will have to accept what is but won't completely come to terms with it. The 2016 election has taught me about America that not everyone stands for moral values rather temporary substantial values, which raises the question of where America is headed and if we will continue to stand for what we claim to preach.
Remy Grimm (Colorado)
In what has been arguably the most intense and intriguing election of all time it has resulted with a racist, sexist, self absorbed ego maniac at the four front of our great nation. The fact that so many people see Trump as some incredible person that can change the state of our country is beyond me. He is completely incompetent and oblivious to the minorities in our society that do so much for our economy, and the fact that he openly says he want to "ride the country of Muslims" shows you what a pathetically intolerable personalty he possesses. The protests go to show that even despite the fact he had a large group of support there are many people that do not approve of his ideology and for good reason. Some of his most outrageous quotes are Our great African-American President hasn’t exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore.” “If I were running ‘The View’, I’d fire Rosie O’Donnell. I mean, I’d look at her right in that fat, ugly face of hers, I’d say ‘Rosie, you’re fired." “It’s freezing and snowing in New York – we need global warming!” How can some one this moronic be in charge of outr entire country. It is utterly ridiculous that he has one and his presidency will not have a positive impact on america or the world.
CM - Jen Platero (Carbondale, Colorado)
All throughout the election, I knew I did not want someone like Donald Trump in charge of running our country. Once the results came in I was devastated. As a Hispanic born and raised in the United States I don't agree with the idea that we should build a wall against other countries. I don't agree with certain statements Trump made in regards to Hispanics, or people of color. Not only will Trump being president of the United States of America change a number of deportation rates, but it will create devastation across the nation. As someone who has dealt with a family member being deported it is not something that people can easily cope with. Some don't realize the effects that family members have to deal with when loved ones endure deportation.
Trump's victory seems as if the people of color will no longer have an opportunity in the "land of the free." It makes me question what opportunity do younger generations have in regards to college? Are Hispanics or colored people safe in this country? Yes, Trump won't be able to build a wall during the 4 years he's serving but nothing will be done about immigration.
We are not united people. This election makes us much more segregated and separate. Not only is this beyond ignorant, but it makes me think about how much do people actually know about the effects of deportation. Trumps is not fit for presidency.
CM Carley (Carbondale Colorado)
I am not surprised that people have been protesting the election, but I do not believe it is doing any good. The outcome of this election may be upsetting and shocking, but as more protests are forming the more separated the country is becoming. Although in many locations they are practicing peaceful protests, in Oakland many people have broken windows and set fire to things. Although many people are putting their rights to use and protesting, Trump is our president and that's not going to change. I think the country should be more united and work together to create a better four years for the country. Although it hurts so many people to see this outcome, I do not believe protesting will help.
MC Jasmin (Colorado)
Throughout this election there has been plenty of mixed emotions towards both candidates. Personally, in the beginning of the election my attitude towards Trump running was nowhere near serious. Growing up I've seen him on TV and couldn't relate him to politics. I was surprised he was elected president and immediately went on social media to see everyone's reaction. Of course, there were angry people lashing out and threatening to move out of the country (which is ridiculous). I realized being angry and having an fixed mindset on his presidency was not the right answer. All the riots happening currently are sickening and a waste of time. Our 45th president is Donald Trump and that can't change. I believe Hillary Clinton said it best, we must give him a chance and be open minded. All the riots happening aren't going to "bind the wounds of division".
CM-Corey (Carbondale)
Personally, I tried not to get deeply involved with this election as I knew it would be extremely controversial. My parents voted for Trump, but many others around me preferred Hillary, and had very loud opinions of that matter. This made me afraid to say anything about my opinions or my parents thoughts because they would get shut down by the more liberal views in my community. I had no reaction to Trump's victory, as I did not have a strong opinion at all. But now that he is our leader, we need to accept the challenges the country may or may not face and we should all stand together. The outcome will not change with protesting against the president. Trump will establish relationships with other important leaders of the world, and is not running the country on his own. Personally, I think it is good to have a republican leader after all of these years because now there will be more diverse thinking, and the country is no longer steering in one direction.
CM Bella (Carbondale, CO)
I was surprised to learn that Donald Trump had won the election. Following the online polls, it seemed that Hillary would win by a landslide. But now that he is president, I think that America needs to come together and get over the fact that he was elected. Rioting and protesting will do no good but tear the citizens of America apart even farther.
CM-Megan (Colorado)
When I saw on November 9th that Trump won the election, I felt relieved. All of it was finally over, and I was glad that Trump won. I don't want a criminal to run our country, and if Trump is smart enough to become a billionare, then he is probably smart enough to be our president. It is not like he is the King of America, and will make everything horrible and unfair. He is not the only one in charge. The US Congress stands between him and bad decisions he makes, if there will be any. Give him a chance. He was fairly voted in by Americans.
CM-Lyndsay (RFHS Carbondale)
When I had heard that Donald Trump had been elected President I was shocked. I did not really have an opinion in this election, but the fact that someone like Donald Trump actually got elected blew my mind a little bit. Two people that are crooks, and people that should not be allowed to run for President ran for President and one of them won. I believe that Hillary should not have been able to run for President because of all the things she has done, but I also believe that Donald Trump should not have been able to run for President either. I do not lean one way, Republican or Democratic because I agree with the views of both Clinton and Trump. Trump's idea of building a wall, and kicking all the illegals out is something I somewhat agree on, but also something that is going to take a lot of work. Clinton's view of having abortion be a mother's choice is also something I agree on. I think we as Americans deserve to give Trump a chance to lead, give him an open mind and a chance to take over as leader of the U.S. The protests need to stop, and all the hate needs to be turned into open mindedness so we can give Trump a chance. He is now the President of the U.S and there is nothing we can do about it besides give Trump a chance.
Josey (Carbondale, Co)
I was very surprised when Donald Trump won the election. I think this may be a good thing for America. I think the real reason he won the election is that people need change and Hillary wasn't going to give up a large amount of change. I think the protest are very unnessary and wrong. People that voted against Trump are all about uniting the country, but by their protest they are doing the very opposite. The protest have created an even bigger problem and the people protesting need to be better people and give Trump a chance to unite the country.
CM Emilyna (C-Dale)
These protests honestly don't seem very shocking to me- I think we all knew it would happen once the president was elected because between the two lead candidates, most people either hated one and loved the other or vice versa. I do believe that now that he is president, we have to accept it, but these students are truly putting their rights to use. As long as the protests don't get violent, we should be fine.
R Fishell (Toronto)
It has been interesting to watch the post election protests of Mr Trump's victory. One question that I have yet to see answered is whether the majority of the protestors voted themselves. I remember hearing Rep Barney Frank talk bout protests and their impact. He stated that protests, while satisfying as an emotional outlet for citizen frustrations, accomplish nothing if the participants do not exercise their basis right and responsibility to vote.

The anger and frustration experienced by the protestors is very real but it is wasted if it leads to no change. Ultimately this last election was decided not by those who voted but by those who stayed home. Both candidates got significantly less votes than the nominees of the 2012 election. ... Food for thought.
Lily Krug (New York, NY)
When I learned the results I did not understand what had happened because I was just in so much shock that America elected a racist, sexist, anti-gay, business man to rule the country. It upsets me that we don’t know what will happen to the rights we fought for. Who knows what will happen to gay marriage and muslims. I am scared for the LGBTQ+ community, for women's rights, and for the black lives matter movement. I am scarred for anyone who isn’t a cis, straight, white, rich, christian, man. I feel bad for the children who will refer to their childhood as a time when Donald Trump was president. This should have been a positive turning point but instead it’s a negative one.
After the division that this country faced during the election, I don’t think we will come together as a whole country, but I do think this is bringing groups like black lives matter and LGBTQ+ communities closer together. People who don’t think Trump would be a good leader are protesting every minority group together, but those who support Trump and those who don’t will continue to grow divided. Those who do support Trump, will probably come together in their own way. To add on I am upset, shocked, confused, worried, and scared about the outcome of this election. But I do believe that if we stick together we will get through this. My final comment is that I hope everyone reading this stays safe while Trump is the president.
Linnet Oakstone (Washington State)
I am very upset over the election results, but not because 'my candidate' did not win. That has happened before and will probably happen in the future. What upsets me is that the candidate who did win, has presented himself in horrible ways - with beliefs and things he wants to accomplish that go directly against the values America has had since its inception. How so many people could vote for a person (forget which party) who expresses hatred and callus indifference to minorities, immigrants, and those of other faiths. His actions with women are deplorable in the modern age - and THIS is the man who is going to run the country? I'm sorry, I feel very afraid for this country..... and today, the 'terrorist' who scares me the most is the one who has been elected to become our next President. God help America.
Annemarie Alms (New York, NY)
When I learned the results, I was sad. Not just sad, but beyond sad, if that makes any sense. And I suppose that was due to the surprise of Trump. I wanted Hillary to be President from the beginning. I was for her in the primaries, which made me a bit of an outsider out of all my fellow Bernie- classmates, but I really didn’t care, because I felt that it would all be worth it. She would be President, and she would be the first woman President, and she would be great, and that was always my general thinking. I went to sleep early on Tuesday, excited for news that I had been expecting for over a year, but I woke up at 4:30 to the most horrible thing: Trump is our commander in chief. I was stunned, and couldn’t believe it, and I was crushed and sad. Not for me in particular, as a white girl in an upper- middle class family, I feel like I can survive and be ok over the next four years. But for everything, in context, Trump means four years of not caring for global warming, and that’s gonna get worse. It means four years of tax- cuts for the rich. It means four years of things that’ll undo all of Obama’s hard work of a better America.
But, Trump is our president, and that's final.
And the election is over (Thank god), so there's no good in moping.
We need to quit caring who voted for who because there's nothing we can really do now. We need to be ready to protest and ready to celebrate whatever good comes out of this, because I really do want him to be a good president.
Joy Nguyen (New York, NY)
By 3AM, it was announced that Donald Trump had won with 279 electoral votes. My first thought was, "God, he's going to be so smug on Twitter". By no means am I a Clinton supporter- but between a fraudulent in-genuine woman, and a racist bigot, I would accept Clinton, the lesser of two evils.
I was still trying to wrap my head around having a demagogue egomaniac for president when there was a moment of clarity and I knew that the American people, too individualized to be considered unified, will be divided. Anti-Trump vs. Trump supporters, violent riots (which unsurprisingly, were reported in the news this morning), public outrage, panic, then fear.
As an average person. my knowledge on politics is relatively low- but as an average person, I can also judge Trump's nature. His words are most telling of his temperament- unpredictable, cynical, and spiteful. What is coming out of the advertised campaign, is undeniably different than what is spilling out of Trump.
A reasonable Trump supporter might argue, words are not actions- Trump may say things, but that doesn't mean he would abolish same sex marriages, put "identifying labels" on "Muslims" or condone rape culture. While this is true, to the less reasonable audience, Trump’s statements also appeal to every racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, thought they ever had. The validation of their thoughts and to add to that, Trump’s election as president tells them that it’s okay to indulge in every hateful thought they had.
RJ Brown (Fairfield, CA)
Question: How did you feel when you learned the results? Were you Surprised? Excited? Angry?
Answer: I feel Surprised because everyone in the Electoral College that Donald John Trump will lose. He showed them that he can be good and he is now our president. We can’t do nothing about it.

Question: What does a Trump Victory mean, for you and your community and for America? What effects will a Trump Victory have on issues you care about?
Answer: For me and my community it’s like a party where they Celebrate a victory. I have no issues and i really don’t care because my only president is God.

Question: What has Election 2016 taught you about America? Why? What questions has raised for you?
Answer: It taught me that It’s like a democracy because it’s like, whoever you vote for, they might win, or lose.
Katie Y. (Boston)
Growing up in a democratic state, I expected a better future than what many of Trump's supporters envisioned in this election. I was disappointed by the outcome and the instability that has occurred. I am not sad nor angry about the outcome but just disappointed. I thought we were better than who we elected. I cannot believe the country that I felt so safe in for the past 18 years has now elected a sexist, xenophobic and racist man. Everything he stands for and his future policies is against what I want, from environmental protection to the state of the economy. I am willing to have an open mind about how Trump may act as president but I am not willing to give up without a fight for healthcare and women's rights. I thought that my first election that I voted in would have ended on a better note.
There is so much hate in America right now and all I am asking of everyone is empathy. Empathy is what will help both sides understand each other and hopefully come to a compromise. It will be difficult with a president-elect who is everything we have fought against for the past 50 years.
Mr. West's class (MO)
I agree with Andrew B.
Andrew B. (Wisconsin)
You know what New York Times? I'm glad Trump won. Because anyone that can type in a search engine can see YOU'RE part of the Clinton corruption, along with all the other sleazy one sided media programs that bow down to and accept bribes from Hillary. You, along with other leftist biased news organizations, sent John Podesta articles to be reviewed and EDITED BY THE CLINTON campaign so they fit in line with Clinon's narratives. So really, we weren't reading news or true articles. We were reading what the Clintons wanted everyone to hear. You lied and slandered trump because you wanted Clinton to win, and you would even cheat us, the public, to win. Look at all the pandering, paranoid teens who have their facts totally wrong down in the comments because you lie and twist reality. How are we even supposed to trust our journalists if they are on an undercover mission to write biased articles to I fluency the election outcome? I'm glad cheaters never win.
Mrs. Kieran's Student (8-9)
Joanna 119. When Donald trump won the election I was very happy. He will keep our country safe and get rid of the democratic corruption. I stayed up until 1:30 in the morning waiting eagerly to see who won. Everyone thought Hillary would win, but she didn't. The people have spoken. Everyone in mostly democratic New York thought the whole country felt they way they did but they didn't. Hillary is a criminal and she lies. She doesn't keep our countries information safe and should be in jail. Trump trump trump trump!!!
Jeanine119 (Brooklyn, ny)
I remember waking up after the election. My mom yelled "Trump's president!" I've never laughed so hard. When I found out that it wasn't a joke, I was completely devastated. How could this happen? If you really had to choose, wouldnt't the world choose Hillary? Obviously our society is messed up if Trump was elected as president.
Mrs. Kieran's Student (8-9)
My reaction to Donald Trump winning the reaction is happy. I believe that he will make a great president in the future. His plans for stopping immigrants from coming into the U.S. is smart but not so smart because they deserve a chance, a better chance at life. Another one is reconstructing the military to make it stronger and making tax cuts. My reaction was good, so was many others.
L 119 (Brooklyn)
When I heard Donald Trump won the election I was surprised because I thought Hilary would win. When Donald Trump said that he would make America great again I didn't believe him. I wanted Hilary Clinton to win because i think she would be a better role model that Trump, I trust her more and if she won she would have represented the role of the women who live in the U.S.
Mangobot 5 119 (Plarp)
I was personally not surprised. In my opinion they were both terrible choices for the next president of the United states. I'm just happy the election is over.
Mrs. Kieran's Student (8-9)
Victoria 119: As I watched Donald Trump the night of the election I was devastated because him saying "make America great again" would soon destroy the country. Kicking people out America would really destroy the nation and soon will start a war as these 4 terrible years drag along. Hillary Clinton should have became president because it would have represented women of America and give America to stay he powerful nation it is
Marion Kavallieros (Democrats Abroad, Greece)
"I am not afraid an army of lions,lead by a sheep.
I am afraid an army of sheep,lead by a lion"
Alexander the Great.
Arielle119 (Brooklyn, NY)
My reaction to the election was surprised because more people seemed they had more support for Hillary. Even for people who couldn't vote it was frustrating watching Donald Trump win. After the election, Trump's election has an impact on people and immigrants of different cultures. I think that it is also unnecessary to plan to build a wall from stopping immigrants from Mexico coming here, it is making the U.S. look more bad than it already is with him as President. Everybody is coming to the U.S. for a better lifestyle but this isn't what they hoped for and signed up for. Immigrants and people of different cultures are getting called out on due to their customs.In my opinion,the U.S. is a diverse country with people different race and culture. But, Donald Trump can't accept the fact that everyone besides his race and gender has a voice.Now that he is officially President, he will have more power and use it against not only Hillary but people that are not his race or party. Furthermore, Obama united the U.S. only for it to crumble after this unfortunate election. The votes and percentages were and still is speaking for itself.Hillary focused on women power and rights which is something that Trump didn't focus on. Now that he is President, he will change what he thinks is best for him and his reputation.
Sophia Awesomeness (No Where)
I think that the election was a big surprise to everyone. When they started counting the votes and the electoral college started voting, Trump was winning. I thought that everything would even out with Hillary Clinton. I was wrong though and now we have a president that is racist, sexist, and is offensive to women. Did I say that he was racist?
I think that if more younger people voted, then Hillary Clinton would of won, but then again, it's based on electoral votes. I'm glad that we change the President every four years, because people would start to go crazy. Also, even though that it is pretty unrealistic that Donald Trump is planning to build a wall, he has to have permission, and because America is a free country, nobody would let him do that.
Kirsten119 (NY)
When I learned the results, I was certainly surprised, but mainly apprehensive and anxious. Although both candidates are not what we had in mind, I did not expect Trump to win the election. As much as most people disagreed with Hillary Clinton, I believe most kids would agree that they would prefer her to be president, rather than Trump. It is done and over with, and it would be best if we accept Trump as our 45th president. We must have a bit of hope to get us through this presidency, and we cannot sit and complain about him. Instead, we should give Trump a chance. As time goes by, he shall prove to Americans whether he deserved this important position.
Avery B (Atlanta, Georgia)
I am honestly shocked. I still can not wrap my head around the idea of Donald Trump being our president. I am scared for our country, at the thought that we have such a hateful man that has so much power. I have so many questions buzzing in my head about how this could have happened and what it means for our country. Can our country really stand behind a man with such hateful views? Can our country really look up to a man who said he could shoot someone and not lose any of his supporters? I guess we can, but we shouldn't. For me, I know that you can't look up to someone who brags about sexually assaulting women, but I guess the rest of the country hasn't picked up on that yet.

Donald Trump is one of many people who have these hateful views. Before the election, I thought that there was no way he could win, but seeing that he has makes me scared. Knowing that their are so many people living in our country that support him makes me really terrified and uncomfortable at what we have become. It terrifies me to think that young men will now grow up in a world where a president can have sexually assaulted women, and gotten away with it. All of this makes me wonder that if he can get away with it, what's stopping other men from trying this stuff too. I would honestly like to say that Mr. Trump being the president is the scariest part to me, but I think what really scares me is that our country has rallied behind him.
K3ls3y92 (Tennessee)
I understand that there's alot of the American people that's excited about trump being elected as our president & of course there's a lot that's very upset but everyone should understand that if the shoes were on the other feet then there would be disappointment coming from the other side then so point being made everyone should accept our president , even if they wasn't on the victory side . All the protest that's going on in our streets is not going to change the president we have elected for this country so for all of you anti trumps that's protesting in the streets i honestly feel like you all are wasting your time the president is elected and that's that . It's normal for the opposite side to be upset and hurt but just like every election , you can't change it once it's done so until four more years all of you might as well set down and just accept what's here that's really all you can do . Trump will do GREAT give him a chance to prove what he has preached .
Yahaira 119 (New York)
To say that I was disappointed with the results of the 2016 Election is an understatement. To know that America has put their country into the hands of Donald Trump, a person who is not qualified to be our president, is devasting. We are talking about a man who has shamed Mexicans by calling them rapists, attacked the parents of a fallen soldier, bragged about committing sexual assault and mocked a disable reporter. There are Muslims, Latinos, African American, and much more who are genuinely terrified of having Donald Trump take the title of being president. Recently, there has been five protests and possibly more by the time this is published within the first twenty four hours. The truth is, Donald Trump is not here to make America great again. He is here to help put white people above us once again, he is here to discriminate against people of color. If he is here to only benefit the whites, then he is not here for America at all. America is the strongest country today, and we are known for diversity. Donald Trump will not take that away from us, because the fight for freedom still continues and we will not let history repeat itself.
Emily119 (Brooklyn,NY)
Throughout the presidential debates, the fight between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton seemed like a competition to see who can look better as they insult one another in a back and forth, monotonous spat rather than civil conversation. I found both candidates foolish and unworthy of governing our country. However, I preferred Clinton over Trump for more reasons that could be listed. Despite the fact that he makes reasonable points,Trump's bad reputation will drag our country's name through the dirt. I was saddened as I heard the news of Trump's victory, and found it ironic that so many people bad mouthed Trump, yet still allowed the man to build his way towards success in becoming the 45th president of the United States.Not only am I unhappy with Donald's presidency, but it's simply beyond me as to how so many people are okay with calling a man like Donald our president. With little to no government experience as well as a vile attitude toward women and people of color, there are only so many times that you can justify Trump until you just seem ignorant. Moreover, the fact that Trump's win has discouraged people, such as Muslims, from expressing their culture and religion in this so called "free country," is angering. It was no surprise to me that it would be a close tie as to who would become the next representative of America. I just find it utterly sickening that people would put their faith into a man with such morals. It scares me to see what fellow Americans stand for.
Anna Miller (Atlanta)
When I woke up on Wednesday I quickly checked my phone to see who won. I read the bold words DONALD TRUMP. Like it was almost a dream, I rolled out of bed and got ready for the day ahead of me. I knew that I wouldn't have been happy with either of the candidates, but I still couldn't settle with knowing he would be our president. I think one of his main issues will be impulsive speaking. He doesn't perform well under pressure, and that is a lot of what you have to deal with as the president. I think America will survive but what scares me the most is he doesn't understand what he's saying is not ok to say. I don't want a president who calls women fat and ugly. Think of what type of role model he will be for the young men in America.
Anthonyh119 (Somewhere on earth...jk just brooklyn ny)
Just in case my first comment was not approved I am writing this: Donald Trump is a terrible man and it disapoints me that he became our 45th President. And I know people like um..... Sal and Gavin who Support Trump 100% and I just think about their perspective on this.
But that is not the reason for me writing this, it is for school so basically I think Mr Trump's outcomes in this will devastate America. He has been saying terrible things and those who put their votes out to him are messed up in the head. I know both of those main Candidates are'nt exactly the best. Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are flawed. But Ms Clinton has way more experience with politics and she is the better choice for being the next cheif and commander of the U.S. She made mistakes just like Trump did but really America why would we have him. He would be in charge of the Nuclear codes. He talks about bombing the - out of ISIS. This is not what a responsible man would say. Ms Clinton would of done a better job as president especially when you think about how hard she tried, it is sad she did not make it. Trump says things like "make America great again" but as Obama says "America is already great" and I agree with Obama, Trump might make things worst.
Sophie Harasha (Seattle, Washington)
When I learned that businessman Donald Trump is the 45th president of the United States, I was surprised and nervous for America. Although I didn’t want Trump to win, that is the outcome and it seems that billions of people wanted him to win. To be honest, I wanted Hillary Clinton to win, since Trump had different opinions than I did. I disagreed that there should be a wall around the boarder of Mexico. If you don’t allow immigrates in the country, you lose jobs, work and business. Also, he said some very insulting things about woman. Half of the population is woman, and he disrespected them. When I read that Trump wanted to allow concealed weapons in every state, I was very scared that he was president. He complains that you could just go in the street and shoot someone. I think if he really cared about that, he wouldn’t allow weapons, concealed or not, in every 50 states. I wouldn’t be so concerned if he hadn't made large mistakes in the past. He had been accused of sexually abusing woman. He is also very racist. He insults people of different race and that, if you ask me, is bullying. A president should be a role model, and whenever Trump is on TV, I mute it, not wanting to hear the bad things he has to say. Hillary Clinton, true, isn't perfect but she certainly was better, in my opinion. But, he is the president, and most thing will go on as normal. There is nothing to do but try to have a positive attitude. Donald Trump is a businessman, and not meant to be president.
Anthonyh119 (Somewhere on earth...jk just brooklyn ny)
Trump win the election state by state I was full of pride and joy. It became apparent that after battling the crooked, criminal,lair democratic machinery that we happen to call Hillary Clinton for over 18 months and having the one sided social media bash every single thing he said and then completely ignore what Hillary was hiding for years, the middle class america has spoken and the final results ended her and her husbands and daughters lying careers. Hopefully we will never see someone as bad as her ever again. I am hoping that we become energy efficient and we will never be dependent on the mid east and have them use our money to attack us.
Luca D. (Atlanta, GA)
Unless our government is stupid, I am not in panic. Last night, as soon as the election started I turned my tv on to see what was happening. Almost all of the states were too close or too early to call so I was neither happy or sad. As the night went on I was getting more nervous and more nervous. The first state I knew to watch was Florida. I kept my eye on it the whole time and when I saw Hillary got a small lead I felt at ease. I had finished the homework I thought I had and thought it was ok for me to go to sleep. I didn't have a worry about Hillary losing because I got it stuck in my head that if Hillary had any lead in Florida, the election would be over.

The next morning I woke up to my alarm on my phone. I immediately went to see what the results were knowing that I would see Hillary as the winner. Seeing the words "TRUMP WINS" made me stop to put my phone down and think. Why was I so sure that Hillary was going to win when it was easily possible for that not to me the case? I knew that everything was going to be ok I guess. Sure Donny has done some terrible things but I know that all of the bad things he's said has been very much influenced by the people around him. When he's president I know that if he tries any more of that terrible stuff, the government won't let it happen. Trust me, I'm not happy that he was elected but there is not much stuff he can do if our country is not stupid and I know it isn't.
Patrick Leary (Atlanta, Georgia)
I did not expect Donald J. Trump to become the president of the United States of America. I do not think he is qualified to be in this very important position because he has had little to none experience in this. The one thing that I am happy about is that there is the House and the Senate that can stop him from doing crazy things. The House, Senate, and the President-Elect are all republican, though.

I think Hilary Clinton would have been a better president because she has so much more political experience than Trump. She was the First Lady, and she was the Secretary of State. As for Trump, though, he has almost no political experience. He was on reality TV shows, and having buildings named after himself made. Overall, I think that electing Donald Trump as president was a terrible decision, and Hilary Clinton would have been a much better president for this country.
Alex Forbes (Georgia)
Hearing that Trump was the winner of the 2016 election shocked me as I woke up this morning. I'm not sure what I expect from him; mostly just change. Staying an optimist is key when dealing with two candidates who I don't believe are the best fit to be President of the United States. Although I can't say I'm excited for the new President, I can say I'm excited to see where such a controversial election is heading, and if Trump can keep the promises that he made.

Honesty, I didn't think I would really care much about who won the election until I realized that I had mixed feelings about Trump's victory. I don't think Hillary would have been much of an improvement either, although I would be interested to see other people's reactions in her victory. In my opinion, Hillary is too shady and scripted to be a good president, but Trump is too conservative.
sumya (brooklyn)
From almost seven hours of tracking the news and sleeping at 3 a.m just to track the results of the election, I could say that I was extremely disappointed when I found out who the winner was. Although I overall hated both candidates as a whole, one was clearly the better option over another. There are good qualities of Trump that may bring America great success. He could make good deals, strengthen our economy and army, and maybe more. However, strengthening our economy itself won't keep our country together. Hillary Clinton had a trait where she was able to not only talk about change and improving businesses, taxes, and middle class lives, but she was also able to connect with citizens socially. She was a very big voice in education, LGBT rights, and appealed to many of the younger generations. She was not the idea of a perfect president, but she was probably the better option. Overall, I was pretty bummed because of the results but both candidates weren't good ones to begin with.
Alexandra T. (Greenville, NC)
I stayed up until 12:30 a.m., watching the projections and electoral votes roll in. I went to bed acknowledging the fact that it was likely Donald Trump who would win the election. Still, this morning, after hearing the results, I was in shock. After the news sank in, I felt a cocktail of emotions that has still not quite calmed down. Anger, disappointment, anxiety and surprise, to name a few. I am angry that I am under a year too young to have voted in this monumental election. I am disappointed in America for electing a man who has blatantly lied, disrespected women and minorities, and shown a terrifying lack of judgement. I am anxious about the future of my life as a female, the lives of my friends as immigrants and minorities, and the future of this country as a whole. I am surprised because I felt confident Secretary Clinton would win. I am surprised because the fate of our country now rests partially in the hands of a narcissistic, impulsive megalomaniac, and I believed our country had better judgement.
Election 2016 has taught me so much about America. I was already highly interested in politics (my friends always joke about how I receive daily CNN updates), but after this election, I am even more interested. This election has made me consider whether or not the electoral college is still necessary, and if the two-party system is the best choice for our country. It has also made me consider how changes in our country are made, and how important each citizen’s voice is.
purple_clover (Manila)
I'm a woman living in a third world country born out of a union of a muslim father and a catholic mother.

I've lived between the lines of two opposing religous beliefs and traditions. I've struggled to live without drawing conclusions about whether a person is right or wrong and good or bad.

If I take out the issue of religion and replace it with other issues like politics, gender, race and disability, i wondered - how should I look at those people whose beliefs, gender orientation, race and abilities are different from mine?

I learned long ago that I should just look at them as people. As human beings who are just trying to survive. The merits of their actions determines whether it is good or not.

I thought people should have that. To not be judged and just be seen as human beings. To be given a chance to live quietly without being harrassed because they seem different. A chance to have equal opportunity like everybody else.

And I hoped I would be able to see more of that even if it was not in my country. Even if it was miles away at the other side of the world.

Today, it felt like that hope died. If a country as developed and progressive as the United States voted for someone like Trump to be President then what are the possibilities of a third world in having people who are more open and inclusive?

I thought I'd be able to see something great happen in history. I hoped I would but not today. Today is just another ordinary day.
Gavin119 (Brooklyn,NY)
As I watched the one and only Donald Trump win the election state by state I was full of pride and joy. It became apparent that after battling the crooked, criminal,lair democratic machinery that we happen to call Hillary Clinton for over 18 months and having the one sided social media bash every single thing he said and then completely ignore what Hillary was hiding for years, the middle class america has spoken and the final results ended her and her husbands and daughters lying careers. Hopefully we will never see someone as bad as her ever again. I am hoping that we become energy efficient and we will never be dependent on the mid east and have them use our money to attack us. Lastly, as John F Kennedy said, " Ask not what our country can do for us but we can do for our country." and as Cartman said " BEEFCAKE!" To heal the wounds of division he can be a man of his words and as Obama said " Hope for change." Which Obama has also did nothing for unity or half the statements he promised he would do over the years that has never been done, but this is not based off Obama's broken and one way policies but Mr.Trumps election. But yeah this is how i feel about the election and I hope people agree or at least understand my point of view.
N (A)

I went to bed early, feeling sick, and anxious. I got up very late, and checked who had won at 1PM. I saw who won on Google. I laughed.
I laughed in pure disbelief. As if someone had called me and said a loved one has passed away, "Hahaha! Nice joke! That wouldn't happen at all!".

I got angry. I was upset at how can people be so stupid? What do they see in him, that I cannot see? What if I am the blind one who cannot see what is so promising of him? I thought of Matthew 7:5 - "You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." Maybe there was a log in my eye. But I would have taken it out many months ago! No, that verse was what led me to go to bed early last night.

I grabbed a cigarette and ran to the backyard. Anger became grief, in the form of intense hysterics. I yelled as tears gushed from my eyes, "HOW CAN YOU VOTE FOR HIM??? WHAT DO YOU SEE THAT I DON'T?? WHY? HOW?" I yelled from the top of my lungs. I didn't care who heard me. I have a voice, and I wanted you to hear my voice. My father, whom I thought had left for a doctors appointment came to me to ask what was wrong- I admit, it was a little silly to cry because the person I didn't want to win, had won. In that moment, I felt like a rapist who steals jobs, and I don't matter because "all" my ancestors are dead. I am Mexican and Native American. I feel like a fearful Jew in Nazi Germany.
Layney McCord (Georgia)
From saying it's okay to grab us by our personal areas to calling us pigs, President Trump is unfit to be in charge of this country. As a 13 year old woman, I have taken offense to many of the crude remarks Trump has said about people who have the same anatomy as me. The advancement in technology has allowed me to witness many hurtful comments aimed towards people like me made by the president. For the longest time, women have been scared to be alone in public in fear of physical, sexual, emotional, and verbal harassment, and the president has made it worse.

I would never have expected that my president, someone I look up to and strive to be like, would take part in sexist acts made to offend over half the population. I scares me that the most powerful man in the country thinks he can treat women however he wants. He's spreading the message that women are objects made for the pleasure and enjoyment of men. If the most powerful man in our country thinks it's okay to not see women as his equal, the rest of the country will believe that too. It doesn't matter if you plan to do great things for this country. If you treat anybody poorly based on their race, religion, class, or gender, then you don't deserve the honor of being this great nation's president.
NSC (Pennsylvania)
Despite Mr. Trump's jarring victory of the White House, I still believe Secretary Clinton was a much more qualified presidential candidate and more experienced candidate than Mr. Trump. Although many thought her ideas may have seemed too uppity, or her personality was not likable enough; these are, in my opinion, some of the many excuses that are covering up many Americans unwillingness to vote for a woman. Some blamed her politician's demeanor, saying she was "too out of touch" but that is exactly how I would describe a man like Mr. Trump. Donald Trump, is a perfect example of a self-serving person who is extremely "out of touch" and conceited; a man that is on the top of his own priority list at all times. Whenever this man is asked what he thinks about something, he, without a second thought, says the first thing that comes into his mind, even if that thought is condescending, racist, disparaging, or just downright rude. On Monday night I eased my conscience thinking nobody would vote for a man like this but to my astonishment I was mistaken. Apparently he has a lot of qualities that appeal to the American voter. You may think I'm being unreasonable if he was your candidate, but you probably do not care because he's now president of the United States of America.
Kendall Andonian (Seattle, WA)
I personally am happy that Donald J. Trump won the presidency, HKillary Clinton is a fake liar that just wants power. Sure, Donald Trump won't be our best President, but anything is better than Hillary! President Trump will help stop illegal immigration, which I 100% agree with. Trump also wants Congress to have terms, which we need. Congress members spend their lives in D.C., and don't really do anything but try to stay in office more. Our government needs our Congress members to go in, do what they said they'd do, any get out! I believe Trump will help Make America Great Again!
Isabella MItchell (Big Picture School)
Wow was my first reaction. I was so surprised the day before they were certain it was Hillary, but I was watching the election and my dad told me Donald Trump was going to win. It was 90% to 10%. SO I was like how could the guess change in less than 24 hours. SOI sat and watched the election till midnight and realized why he was winning. He was winning for several reasons. One is he took all the small towns and Hillary took the big towns. (There is more small towns than big towns in a state.) The second reason is he took Florida and Ohio. He took most the battle ground states, so he got a lot of electoral votes. The final reason is he offered lots of change and that is what most people want. Then there is some reasons Hillary did not when and one main one was she was a liar, so I was torn when I found out that Donald Trump won. I was angry because he is against girls, and he is racist. Then I was thinking this could be good because he might change some things that are good. I heard he was going to try to get rid of star tests and core focus. I think that would be a really good thing. However, my fellow peers think it is the end of the world. That is slightly true. It is the end of the world as we know it but it could become a better world. This was my first election I watched and it was election for the books.
Isaac Wallack (Atlanta Georgia)
The outcome of this election has frightened me, and I have no reason to be frightened. I am a white, upper class, educated, young man. I am scared for my friends who are not as lucky as me, and I am scared for American. Not because I believe Donald Trump will destroy the world but because of how Americans act. We Americans are privileged, we have been living in privilege for so long that we think it has become a right, right along with the right to do what we want. These are not true, as an American citizen I have the rights to an education but I don't have to listen. As Americans we have the right to see the debates, see the reasons behind the candidate’s action. But as Americans we don't need to listen.

I watched the election. I went to bed confident in Hilary and in the American people. Unfortunately the candidate I wanted to be elected did not. I don't believe that Donald trump will destroy America. Yet again I have to trust the American people. I have to trust that the congress will not be foolish and act on political parties and will act on reason and facts. We all do as Americans and as a people.
Christian Smith (Atlanta,Georgia)
As a young adult I may not understand a lot about politics but what I can and do understand is the poor decisions we make as a country. Donald Trump is not a politician and that may be one of the reasons why he was voted to be president. I think as a nation we should vote for someone who has experience. My parents voted for Hillary because she is more politically experienced and they just like her more in general but, as the election went on they were getting more and more stressed because they knew Donald Trump may win. My mom went to bed early knowing that Trump may win the election.

I woke up this morning to hear that Donald Trump will be our next President. I was very furious and very frightened to find out this information. In my head I just pictured America going boom because of stupid decisions he may make. Now that I think about it he can't do all the terrible things he says he will do, like building a wall. I do wish Hillary won but I would like to see what America does after a while when they notice Donald Trump may have not been the best choice for president. I want people to think deeply about their decision and how their decision affected there country. The people of America want what is best for their country so they will see what is best for their country in the long run. What is best for this country isn't Donald Trump.
Hailey Newman (Big Picture Middle School)
My fist response to the election was "when is this going to be over!" I was so tired of everyone talking about and judging each other because they had different opinions about who should be president. I had an opinion about to but it didn't mean I wanted to share it, but after the election happened it got worse because most people wanted Hillary Clinton to win (including me), but trump won so everyone was arguing the election, for example someone in my math class was a trump supporter and he started talking about how it was right for trump to win and then a Hillary supporter heard and started arguing and I was in the middle of it so I tried to stop it by saying "it doesn't matter the election is over!", it was too crazy for me. After that I found out that EVERYONE was talking about the election and I hated it.
WakeUpCall (KCMO)
I'm glad he has won! But voting for the next President was the first step. Thank God this is over and the best person who America deemed fit for President has won. All of the U.S must come together. No matter the race or religion! We must help eachother and stand together.
Lets stop the violence and start helping one another. We are strong and won't give in to the bs thats been a cancer to all races of life the last couple of years. I will stand next to my neighbor no matter their views. We will make America Great Again.
Chris Trowhill (Atlanta Georgia)
When Trump won the 45th Election it was very surprising for me, Winning Florida really helped Trump, as did North Carolina. It was a very competitive race to see which candidate would be president because some democrats and republicans voted for their opposite party. Some think Hillary would be a better president, because she won the popular vote, but this election was much different from much others in away that surprised most people. The republicans took the House, Senate, and President. Having a very red country, people talked about moving to different places around the world. I am excited yet worried to see what will happen in the future of Trump's four years as president.
Zara Awan (Bellevue, WA)
I feel very insecure that Donald Trump is the 45th president of America. But this is the truth, so I have to overcome it. A president is supposed to be fair, not a bully, and is supposed to care for and support the best for our country. From all the things I know about Trump, he does not apply to any of these. That's why he doesn't deserve to have this right. Trump is a liar, and he is a very big hypocrite. Since Trump is now a president, I am eager and also frightened at the same time to see what he does next. Even though he is in charge of our country, he will never be able to gain my trust.
Ashwika Gampa (Bellevue Big PIcture)
We all can agree this was a close election, and we can also agree that both candidate's opinions were interesting.
In my opinion I liked Bernie Sanders more than both Hillary Clinton Secretary of state, and billionaire Donald Trump.
If I had to pick one I would choose Hillary Clinton because Donald Trump is a racist, sexist, and crazy business man. Hillary Clinton admits her mistakes like the emails and Trump never admits anything. For example woman have made speeches to tell the public about Trump calling the names and he doesn't accept it. HE just gets away with is by saying it was rigged. I don't know what people find amazing in Trump. When I woke up on Wednesday I learned that this guy with no experience of working in the government won against a candidate who has been secretary of state and had made amazing plans/deals with other countries. I don't think this maniac deserves to receive this role and doesn't deserve to serve this amazing country.
TrumpIsMyPresident (KCMO)
Trump is the peoples pick. Trump is my President.She sold America out and glad We the People picked the candidate who has America first and not the one who wanted to make us weak while her pockets got fatter.
Bhargav Guttikonda (Bellevue, Washington)
Donald Trump only says stuff that his team wants to listen to. He keeps saying racist stuff and denies that he is racist. Why would he be president? I am super mad at this because I was hoping for Hillary to win. I was so confident that Hillary would win, but Trump ruined everything. Like Alex said, people just got mad at the election and then voted for Trump, but other than that, they wouldn't vote at all.
Saksham Bhandari (Bellevue Washington)
When King 5 news said at 3:00 in the morning, " Donald John Trump is the 45th president of the united states of America." my heart pounded as fast as it could. I yelled out #Make America Great Again. Then in the morning I went to school, and I went to Hillary fans and said Donald j Trump will take immigrants out. That’s what America needs.#WeNeedAwall
Samhita Korukonda (Bellevue, WA)
Statistics show that Hillary Clinton former First Lady would win. Democrats were happy and knew Donald Trump would never win. On election night Donald Trump proved them wrong. Everyone was very surprised.
Donald Trump a very sexist, racist, rude and shallow man who was going to get rid of immigrants, the people who formed America along with Americans. How did America turn to this man? This insecure man was going to take office for 4 years. The laws that Donald Trump would make do citizens really want this to happen to their very own nation? Every Income has an outcome the income of voting for trump will be a very bad outcome. Donald Trump will not keep his promises!
Isaiah foster (WASHINGTON)
when i saw that Donald J Trump was elected president of the United States i was really happy because when it came down to Trump and Clinton, i was supporting Trump because I feel like Hillary has made some really poor choices in her life and Trump really seems like he is going to do a great job as the 45 president.
Saksham Bhandari (Bellevue Washington)
Trump please don't break my trust
Olivia M. (WA)
Of course being from Seattle, a democratic state the majority of my friends and people at school were very confused and cross as to why such a inexperienced person now has power over the country for the next four years. in my opinion it is honestly triggering to think that such a sexist and untrustworthy person could have gotten this far in this election, let alone become president. of course i say this in a opinionated way a do not mean to offend any trump supporters.
saksham (bellevue)
I agree Hillary got more votes
Emily Gleeson (Washington State)
Okay, let's start with this. Last night I had softball practice until 7:30pm. I got home around 8:00pm. When I walked into my house I could hear my rambunctious brother hopping around the place. (He gets very anxious when football games or election are happening) As I glanced at the TV I realized why he was on a rampage. I could see the election polls on Hillary and Trump, but I didn't understand why Trump had more electoral/ popular votes than Hillary, the person who was once an American lawyer, a first lady, a US senator, and a secretary of state. Trump is just a racist, sexist, self-absorbed, inexperienced man who has only been a businessman. And may I add, not much political experience. The news reporters were constantly talking about how confused they were too because lots of white suburban woman were voting Trump after Trump was so racist to women. He also wants to build walls between us and other countries. What has happened, happened, but all us democrats can hope for are worse republican candidates in 4 years and a better democratic candidate too.
Sophie Harasha (Seattle, Washington)
I agree! Trump isn't the republican you want! If you wanted a republican, should've voted for someone else, not a racist, sexist, inexperienced billionaire businessman!
Essence Day (Columbia, SC)
When i woke up to find out Trump was president i was devastated at first but now it doesn't really matter to me. To me its like Hitler all over again in a way. In desperate times, people will believe anything and America must have been pretty desperate if they think that Trump will make them all rich. This generation feels like their entitled to everything and their not. We are all blessed with what we have because God gave them to us. In the end, its not about who is white or black but who is good and bad. We as Americans should be uniting together to defeat the enemy and bring eachother up. We out here killing and disrespecting eachother and how does that make us look to other countries. We are a laughingstock. Isis doesn't even need to bother with us we already killing ourselves. It just confuses me how disrespectful and hateful Donald Trump has been to not just different races but women too and yet they continue to root for him. In the end, God is and always will be president. It won't matter to God if your white,black, hispanic, etc those who are good and follow his command will be rewarded a hundredfold more than materialistic things such as money here on Earth.
Katie Anderson (WA)
Trump shouldn't have become President! I woke up this morning (since the election went too long) to find out the racist, sexist, and non-supporter of gay rights was elected as our president which is terrible because everyone should be treated EQUAL. He has insanely crazy ideas that should not become reality. And the things he has done in his past should NOT have happened and are too inappropriate for any good president. This is a huge outrage that made me think of "How did our country get to this?". After thinking about it, I realised that sometimes the country needs to be shaken up and apparently it needs to be shaken up today.
benjamin (WA, bellvue)
When I found out that trump was president, I flipped out. Later on I realized that it won't as bad as people say, but I was still confused. Trumps a racist, trumps a sexist. How did he win against Hillary, someone who's helpful, nice, and has great plans for this country.

This is going to be really bad for my area. This is a highly diverse area, and trump wants to deport all people who were not born in America. I hope that he fails in this attempt, so that I can keep 75% of my friends.
Avery Kidwell (Bellevue, Washington)
It was one of those times where you couldn't believe that it was real, like moving or losing someone you love. The shock hit me like an arrow, all this time I convinced myself that Hillary would definitely win and there was no doubt about it. But, of course Donald Trump had to win because of the confusing rules of voting. My family was always talking about moving to Canada before that racist man would build a wall between the fabulous Canada that was controlled by a person with some sense in their head. The morning I found out wasn't too shocking surprisingly because by the time I went to bed he only needed 6 more votes. Now all the Americans that disagree with Donald Trump's ideas will have to wait 4 whole years.
saksham (bellevue)
I wish obama could still president
Isaiah Foster (Washington)
When I saw on King 5 news that Donald J Trump won the election, I shouted YES!!! I was really happy and could not wait until he starts moving the country of America to be Great again. Trump really is the president America needs.
Ben (WA)
When I woke up at 7 am, I had been watching the election the night before. When I herded he won I did not know if I should be happy or angry. I hate Hillary but I don’t know if I should like trump. But in the end I think they both [word removed]. But what I want to say is I think Obama should get a 3 term.
Chetan Sidhu (Bellevue, Washington)
I was really, really upset that trump won, and I wished for Hillary Clinton to win. I was so upset about Americas future because Donald trump is a racist person, and he could not be worthy of president. I never thought he could be our president, because he never held government.
Saksham Bhandari (Bellevue Washington)
When King 5 news said at 3:00 in the morning, " Donald John Trump is the 45th president of the united states of America." my heart pounded as fast as it could. I yelled out #Make America Great Again. Then in the morning I went to school, and I went to Hillary fans and said Donald j Trump will take immigrants out. That’s what America needs.
Cody werner (Bellevue, Washington)
why did you go to Hillary fans and say he will take immigrants out
Emily Gleeson (Washington State)
Why get rid of immigrants, more job loss!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rose (Shahabi)
Donald J. Trump. The one guy I would never want to be president. I didn't like Hillary either, but I thought Trump was worse. I had no idea he would win so many states! And I felt that it was so unfair that he won by so little votes. But then I saw his victory speech. Done and said 3:00 AM in the morning. It made me think. Maybe Donald Trump is a good guy. All this time we democrats thought he was the bad guy and he would "Make America worse than it was" . I changed my mind. Maybe he is a good guy after all…
Cody Werner (Bellevue, Washington)
when I heard that Donald Trump won me and my mom started crying also its crazy because he wont let other people in when other countries are letting us in like canada said we are welcome but Trump won't let them in
Bilgin Ersoy (Manchester, UK)
I know what happened yesterday and in the past year. I really know:
Most Americans mistook the presidential race for a World Wrestling Federations (WWE Universe) show and voted for the most outrageous persona on the show (why do they watch that thing...? that's beyond me). Trump got that and that's why he adopted such a clownish persona. Actually, he's quite a nice person and everything will be okay. Except, now Trump has no idea what he's gonna do once in office. Probably he just won't show up for work and disappear.
Corentin Ogier (Bellevue, Wa)
I was so surprised and angry. This could affect my country because he hates my country( France.) He also is a sexist, racist, and a dumb person who does not want to give money to charity.
Kalimah Ball (Baltimore, Maryland)
Going to sleep last night. I went to sleep comfortably thinking Hillary Clinton was in the lead. Thinking she had a chance of winning thinking my future wont be totally horrible. Waking up this morning seeing that
Donald Trump won this election hurt me to the skin and bones. Hurt me to the core. I knew i had to hope in my future. I knew everything I was hoping to reach for in my dreams was ripped apart. I sat on my bed thinking is this a dream? IS this reality ? Did they really let this man win? This man campaign was based off hate. A racist, sexist, sac-religious, homophobic businessman won. Is this a joke? Where is american brain?
Alex Iliescu (Bellevue Washington)
Donald Trump is someone who only says things that the public wants to hear. he says really racist and sexist things because he is a sexist and racist person. how could he become president? People are mad at the fact that they can only have a say in the country's decision once in 4 years. they are mad so they just vote for the candidate that will make the system worse for other people (Donald Trump) but the y are just making the system worse for themselves.
Hannah Searles (Atlanta, Georgia)
As I woke up Tuesday morning and was rushed to the polls by my parents before school, my expectations of the election turnout were hopeful. In my mind, Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, First Lady for two terms, Harvard Alum, and much more, was the obvious candidate. I thought there was no way Donald Trump, a racist, sexist, sac-religious, homophobic businessman, and billionaire, would win. Now, as I sit here, 12 hours after Trump was elected president, I wonder how this could have happened. I am sure that everyone is well aware of all of the absurd actions he has committed. So what is the appeal for Trump?
Why did so many Americans (including Latino people, African-American people, and women, three of the many groups that Trump has insulted) vote for Trump? My first guess is that many votes for Trump were not votes for Trump, but votes against Hillary. I assume that many people did not actually support Trump, but hated Hillary, so they voted for Trump, under the impression that it was another vote that wasn't going to Hillary. My second guess is that people actually like some of Trump’s ideas. A lot of people like the way he is very spontaneous and the way he claims he's going to “fix America”. From there, however, I cannot come up with any more ideas as to how Trump was elected. Quite honestly, I am scared for the future of our country, which is why I believe we have to take action.
Stephen Demny (O-Town)
It was lit.
#Harambelivesinourhearts (Texas)
This election is finally over. And the man who had everything stacked against him prevailed in the end and proved that it's not over until it's over. Donald Trump did everything he had to do to get his way in this election. He fought hard trying to convince the people why he is the right choice for America. Even when Hillary kept throwing shade he just kept moving forward. #MAKEAMERICAGREATAGAIN
Sophia Huynh (Atlanta, Georgia)
Last night, I calmly went to sleep thinking about the historical news of the first woman president, only to be woken up with dismay. At first, I did not believe the results and constantly checked the election outcome on my computer, reloading it over and over again. Let me say this: I respect the American vote, but I cannot accept Donald Trump's election as president . I am a thirteen year old, Asian American girl, trying to see how Trump's actions would be fit for us children to follow in his footsteps.
As people of the United States of America, we have chosen Donald J. Trump to represent us worldwide. We as human beings have elected a controversial hypocrite that has mocked African Americans, Latinos, people with disabilities, women, and people in general to become our next president. Our strong urge of change was placed upon him and not only did it cloud the American's visions and dreams, but also people's sense of justice. America, if you want to change, without even looking to see what you've changed, do you even care about the consequences that there will be?
Jacob Sencer (Atlanta Georgia)
Donald Trump should not be president. I went to bed last night thinking that Hillary Clinton would win easily, and that a lying, racist, homophobe called Donald Trump wouldn't. There has been so much lately about Trump denying all of the statements by women who have come out saying he has harassed them. He says that the women who have spoken out are all from the Clinton campaign trying to sabotage him. I think the one of the main reasons why Hillary Clinton lost, aside from her being a woman, is because of the email situation. Whenever they were debating and the moderator brought up the sexual harassment cases, Trump would automatically switch topics and shoot right at the emails.

Unlike Trump, Hillary Clinton owned her mistakes about using a private email. Donald Trump denies all things about harassing women. There is proof that Trump did this, and he still denies all of it. Donald Trump is a liar, sexual harasser, terrible person, and definitely not someone who should be president.
Katherine Shue (Atlanta, GA)
I try to imagine what it is like for those who our new president has offended: the individuals that practiced a religion he didn't like, the individuals of all races except white, the individuals that were disabled, the individuals that were just reporters doing their jobs, the individual women that were minding their own business. They had faith in us to make the right decision. They had faith that we would choose the right president, and stick up for them, but we didn't and that is a disgrace. They are stuck in a hole they can't get out of just because we chose his words over theirs. I can't really imagine what it's like, and neither can you, but at least we can try.
Caroline pickel (Atlanta Georgia)
Honestly speaking, I can say that I went to bed last night without a doubt in my mind that Hillary would win this election. Waking up this morning to my dad telling me that Donald Trump was the new president of the United States, I thought he was joking. I am definitely not a fan of Donald Trump, and I am not a major fan of Hillary Clinton, but I can say that I would be much more comfortable knowing that Hillary Clinton would be the new president of the United States.

I do not know what to expect for the next four years, there could be a disaster, or Donald Trump could pull himself together and get something done. Some people said they think Trump was just bluffing and trying to get attention for his campaign. Then once he won, he would he actually be serious. Others disagree and think that with Donald Trump in the White House America will not be the same. I think both of these ideas are possible, but I know that if Donald Trump wants to be a good president he has a lot of work to do.
anna claire shuman (Atlanta Ga)
No matter who you support, everyone can agree that this election has been an emotional rollercoaster. When I was up at one in the morning, watching the difference in electoral votes grow, I thought to myself, “This is it. We’re screwed.” I watched at 9:30, when Georgia’s “Too Close to Call” status disappeared, replaced by a giant silhouette of Donald Trump. When Florida’s 49%-48% slowly turned became the official answer, signaling a win for Trump. Our country was in shock, the hidden Trump vote prevailing in the end.

In a country that is finally starting to slowly make changes, the result of the vote last night was like taking seven steps back. Yes, in our rural parts of our country, there are many conservative, white, uneducated citizens who don’t usually vote, but they finally found a nice, racist, sexist, conservative, rich, white, male candidate that was perfect for them. Think about it. Who is going to take America seriously with Trump at the wheel? Yes, we all make jokes about it now, but come January, when the Obamas move out and Donald Trump is sworn in, we aren’t going to be laughing. We’re going to be scared.
Paul Surboi (Boise,Idaho)
It was a very close election and was down to the ten of thousands in many states. But there is still going to be hate for both candidates. There is one victor and one victor only. The only way we will make progress in this country is to accept who Mr. Trump is and try and work with him through suggestions we can give. Now there are teens out there who have strong opinions on the candidates. I respect the opinions and thoughts. But the news have clouded thoughts of many individuals of many states and senators have been in power since the 1970s. I believe that we can only change this through a man that has not been shaped by the government. Unlike Trump, Hillary Clinton has had many years to shape a secure position in the Political System. Debt has been a huge topic on many fronts. Mr. Trump being a business man knows how to make money even with a small loan of a million dollars. He understands problems that have been stabbing our country in the side for many years. Drugs, sex traffickers,illegal immigrants, rising crime, gun control, these are all problems that I feel that Donald J. Trump can solve during his four years as president. I beleive that we can create a better country if we focus on the goal to make a rich and powerful country. I beleive to Make America Great Again!
Since I can remember, I have always showed my love hugging my closest friends and family. It is a way of showing my love and respect for them. When I met someone for the first time I greet with affirm handshake. When I give my friendship to anyone I don’t make any difference between friends, parents, siblings or uncles because my respect and feelings are the same for all. The I the most hate it’s kissing people on the check on the first time because I don’t know if they like it or they are not accustomed, like me.
Andrew B. (Wisconsin)
As the results came in, the better it got. Things looked so well for Trump and it felt so good to see the Media's absurd predictions get destroyed. Before the election, it was annoying to hear everyone pander on about how "racist", "sexist", or "xenophobic" he supposedly was. Now it doesn't matter what they say because he's president now, and I sit back and watch them kick and scream. You reap what you sow, for being ill informed and buying into to what biased media and social media tells you. It makes me have hope in America once again because we almost elected someone who should be in prison, just read the Wiki Leaks emails. (BTW, if you haven't read the wiki leaks it's because you're being ignorant on purpose and refusing to see the bad Hillary has done.) By electing Trump, we narrowly avoided the decline of America and Western civilization. By electing Trump we proved that Americans aren't pawns of Elitests. The future looks brighter on the Trump train.
Earl (Canada)
My heart rejoices to know that he won. I'm a Colombo-Canadian.. that is Colombian Canadian. And I have American citizenship too! I voted for Donald in the Primaries and was so happy when I saw that he won them. But I had an inner dreadful feeling that Hillary was going to win! WHen I found out that Donald trump won. My heart rejoices! He's going to do something great for AMerica if God wills!
Alexander Evert (Provo, Utah)
I never really thought it would come to this. Honestly, I’m kind of horrified. I fear for our country. Donald Trump is a man with so much hate around him; hate directed towards him and what he stands for, and hatred that he has for many of the types of people who have just as much right to this country as he does.
The United States of America was built upon ideals. Those ideals were forged in the fire of injustice and inequality that faced the world in those days. America was dreamed up as a country where people could be free to express themselves, and free to be who they are. America has long been considered a refuge and a symbol for people from around the world who share those ideals.

I imagine a country like it was meant to be. I imagine a place that could sustain those beautiful ideals that it was built upon. America as it currently is, a place where Donald Trump was elected president, does not support those ideals. But this is not the end of America. Those ideals still continue to thrive. America can continue to dream relentlessly and continue to strive for a world that has long been sought after. Regardless of who won this election, we are still America. We are still a symbol of freedom and we will continue to be so. So, as Americans, we need to continue onward and look forward to the future. I will never stop dreaming relentlessly and neither should you.
Jennifer (charlottesville)
I think everyone is hating this election. Every dream is crushed and now we have to face the consequences for those who did not vote. We can only hope this "new president" does not become our nightmare to us and to the new generation.
Tasnia 3D (YC CLIP)
In the United States it is the first election that I see. I was really surprised when I learned the results of the election of 2016. I never imagine that will happen and I think this result is unexpected for all immigrants. In debate I notice Hillary Clinton never insulted anyone, but on the other hand, Donald Trump insulted women overall all immigrant. He doesn’t care anyone and in debate he talked whatever he wanted. Even he did not know when the election of 2016 is. There is nothing to say just see what is going to happen for all immigrants.
Bangaly 3D (YC CLIP)
This morning when I hear Donald Trump won the election of the United states I was very surprised, because my dream was to see Hilary Clinton become the president of the united states. Because this lady has a lot of experience about government, but Donald Trump I’m not sure if he has experience about how to manage the government of the United States only he know about business. That why I’m very excited to see Trump how he going to manage this country. I’m also angry because he doesn’t like immigrant people.
johana 3D (YC CLIP)
I was very surprise, because before the elections day, I shared my opinions with many people and I found that many people did not feel comfortable in case that Trump won. However, the news said that a lot of republicans preferred his ideas specially Native Americans that live in the south of America. And also, I agree that was a hidden vote by American immigrants who supported Trump, his ideas and proposals. Those results, made me feel confused because he got into the immigrants community threatened them with expel them unjustly from this country, not matter what those people had been doing to live in this country through hard working and hard situations, suffering loneliness and in some cases humiliations. That is going to be immigrant’s families in the U.S.A, if he pretends separated undocumented people and send them to their countries. He does not realize that this is their country now. Where they live in constantly struggle and faced different situations. Also, he is talking about united. He could restrict more people to enter to this country but do not discriminate and talk about union, if he thinks separate families. I taught in this election that America wants to recover the strong economic, wants a big changed, and the republicans named they feel with their vote. Now, I am expecting good changes, I do not want to see violence, desperate families, or see immigrants come back to their countries.
Angela Wood (State College, PA)
I'm shocked. My roommate and I watched the CNN live stream from 11-3am. We cried ourselves to sleep. We did not want this. We did not vote for this. As a woman, my rights will be taken. Trump will tell me what I can and cannot do with my body. He will not ensure fair wages. My voice has been taken. My roommate, a non-white American, is fearing for her life. As a female minority, she is so scared of this nation, of our administration. We are more divvied than ever. Trump is attacking areas where we have made progress. The LGBTQ Community is not safe, the African American community is not safe, no one is safe. He wants to build a wall, divide us. Trump is the very elite he's said to be eliminating. We can come together, but our nation is split between equality, and a nazi mindset. Was America ever great? Because a great nation would not have let this happen.
WakeUpCall (KCMO)
People blind like you is what was wrong with the USA. He cares less about what sex you are, who you love or the color of your skin. He aint going to take your rights. Stop watching the mainstream media and do some research. Hillary was the one who opposed same sex marriage but flipped on it to get votes. She has called blacks super predators but funded blacks lives matter. She has killed and sold America out! Its time we stand for eachother instead of being divided like they wanted us to. Its time we help our neighbors when in need. We must love one another. We all want the same in life
Kherachi 3D (YC CLIP)
When the election is over and I hear that the new president of the United States is Donald John Trump, I feel sad and angry. Trump is a business man, he knows nothing about politics, and he cares just about the rich people. Also I think that American people are not ready for a women president. Even though Hillary Clinton has a good president program and a long experience in politic but Trump win this election 2016.
I am surprised. As a Muslim, I am also very concern; we don’t know what rules he will try to impose. However, when he said I am president for all American that give me a relief of pain. We need to wait and see what will happen next.
Andres 3D (YC CLIP)
I was very surprise for the result from last night, I didn’t believe that that kind of person could convince so many people in this country and make theme voted for him, but it is what it is, a hard reality to accept and live with it. During all his camping I saw a lot of racism and non-sense speeches; also I couldn’t see any clear propose for solution for the problems of this country. He was repeating all the time everything is going to be great and fabulous and great again. I hope that he fulfills all what he promise, and don’t turn his back to the ones that give him the elections, I hope that all the craziness that he show during this campaign don’t affect his performance as a president, I hope he does a good job, for the sake of this country and the world.
ana 3D (YC CLIP)
In my opinion about the election, 2016 about Donald trump to be president elect is very difficult for me and a lot people in the country, because he is a person that does not have control and your word, and he shows a lot discriminations about many people of different countries like Mexicans people. I felt very surprised when I listened that Donald trump won, because, I did not want him for president, even thought United States is a country with democracy to free decisions to vote.
IsraeID 3D (YC CLIP)
Election, 2016, United States is a country free of opinions, I am Latin for my free opinion is not to support Donald Trumps by the treatment that makes to the Latinos people, although I am legal in this country but I support totally to all the people who look for a better future for his Family and life, but now that Donald Trumps is president we have to follow his laws like or do not like, God Bless America.
Nicaury 3D (YC CLIP)
I felt worried, because the future of this country is in the hands of man who had bad concept of all immigrants living in this country. I hope people find a good decision by voting for Donald trump. Like me many people feel worried because they think that, many family could be separate to be deport in the future.
AnaVirginia 3D (YC CLIP)
Like every competition there will always be a winner and a defeated. That was what happened yesterday. As Latina Immigrants I feel really sad for many Immigrants how could be appreciated crying and with hope loss, because Mr. Trump won even though I don’t liked Mrs. Clinton. I think was a hard decision to choose, because I did not like either candidate for president. I don’t like Mr. Trump because he does not know how to express himself and due to lack of self-control makes many mistakes. I don’t liked Mrs. Clinton because I do not feel like she's a sincere person and the FBI is investigating her, so I don’t feel confident about her. I’m expecting what will happen with us and praying for God Bless America and protect many honest and worker hard people that is undocumented.
Eric 3D (YC CLIP)
being realistic Donald Trump achieve empathy of the middle of the nation and getting the victory and we have to accept that and wait to know all his government program and see what he can do with the economy and other things because we know other subjects as his aspirations with the immigration policy. let's see what he can do...
Rosario 3D (YC CLIP)
When I learned the results of 2016 Election, I felt angry and sad because many people choose to Donald Tromp as president of the United States regardless his racial position. To me the Tromp victory mean more struggles to my Latin community because Donald’s proposals harm to ours immigrant’s communities. This victory will come more racial problem and pessimism to millions of immigrants that want to resolve their immigration status in this country. In this election I discovered that millions of people in this country are racist. Also this victory reflects that the United States is a country with many racial people. But we as society must to continue working to benefits to our communities.
afra 4d (YC Clip)
Daniel Trump become the 45th president of the United States with surprised. A lot of people have said Hillary Clinton would be the president based on her experience in politic as a senator and, as a secretary to the government. President Obama supported her by giving her good recommendation and also campaign for her. The result of this election surprise the masses with the Daniel Trump winning the election a real estate developer-turned-reality television star with no government experience, was a powerful rejection from the establishment forces that have assembled against him, from the world of trade to immigration.
Gleydis 3D (YC CLIP)
To be honest I don’t even know who I feel about the results because I don’t even care about politics. They always say they’re going to do something and they never do. I’ve been hearing a lot thing that Donald Trump said and if he will do what he said it’s over for immigrant’s people, also I can see that we still living in a country that the racism never end.
YohanaNataly 3D (YC CLIP)
Independently that was the decision for the people of the United States of America the most important in this time is the future of the country, I hope that this political period be very fruitful for the country.
Salina 3D (YC CLIP)
Donald John Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States on Tuesday was shocking and surprise for me even though he tell bad about immigration, Latinos and women people still vote him and won the election. Hope in future he will do good and respect everyone Anyways everything happen for reason and we should be glad what we have . I wish him all the best
Wilgen 3D (YC CLIP)
I didn’t surprise for the results of this election because I really don’t like these two candidates. I felt sad for all people who want Hillary Clinton like the new president of the United States. In my own expectation of Donald John Trump are big dissections. Many people in this country feel fear for this situation because Donald John Trump said that he will do a lot of changes in this country. These changes can be bad for many people or good for others. Maybe, this is just a wrong expectation or just an exaggeration. Maybe, everything is going to be fine, but we must try to do our best effort for this country.
Cristhian 3D (YC CLIP)
United States choose a one president who does not have a good behavior when he express about another person that is not American citizen anyway we have a new president who is going to change our country and this change is going to be a bad change. When I saw the new and saw that Mr. Trump won I felt very anxious because all of us are immigrants or have immigrant’s families what is going to happen with them now, how is going to be the change that he mention, now we have a lot of question without any answer. I think that he want to come together as one united people but causing suffering to thousands of undocumented families because he want to separate the families, but why he want to do this. I cannot think how is going to be America in a few years later because United States is the capital of the world. This Election is going to come with a lot of controversy with each person that live in the United States and different points of view.
ogechi yusuf (11212 lemoil ave)
when learned the result that donald trump won the election i was angry and surprise. i think trump will be a good leader and support this country. happy for Donald trump.
Susan B. (Dallas)
As Americans we have LOST when this man won the election. He is a mysonigist, he makes fun of people who are handicapped, he is filled with hate towards Latinos, etc. I don't believe he won without help from Russia. Putin you have your puppet now.
Mr. N. (CT)
I did not expect this outcome, and can only imagine what the future of America will be now that Trump is the next President of the USA.