Some Donald Trump Voters Warn of Revolution if Hillary Clinton Wins

Oct 28, 2016 · 642 comments
J Berman (Oak Park IL)

Today's Times front page article is some of the most irresponsible journalism I have seen in a long time. The Times reporters and editors have sunk to new lows to portray a narrative they want to convey. "Interviews with more than 50 ( 49 1) Trump supporters at campaign events in six states..." ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Where is the empirical support that justifies the headline? To make broad assumptions based on 50 interviews is completely irresponsible reporting. How did Ashley Parker and Nick Corasaniti select the 50... pick the knuckle-draggers with the craziest eyes?

If one assumes that the majority of Trump supporters do not read the Times, than the purpose of this article is to scare Clinton voters to the polls. There is more than enough factual support to incentivize anti-Trump supporters to get out the vote but this anecdotal scare tactic nonsense is reprehensible.
Kevin Pierson (California)
With all evidence of a rigged election piling up, if HRC attempts to claim victory then expect her inauguration to be swamped with protestors intent on blocking an illegitimate transfer of power. Like Sheriff Clarke has said, it is pitchforks and torches time.
reedroid1 (Asheville NC)
Donald Trump loves the uneducated, and his supporters show us why. Even a former schoolteacher (god have pity on his students) seems unable to make any connection between his adoration of the orange-haired flimflam man and the fact that Mrs. Clinton is going to win, and win big.
Lee Harrison (Albany)
When Obama won his first time there was a deranged woman in Utah who intentionally ran over her husband in a parking lot ... somehow it was his fault that Obama won the election -- even though Obama certainly didn't win Utah.

I'm afraid there's going to be more of this kind of thing, after a HRC victory.

And there's a chance that HRC might even win Utah ... think about that!
Katherine Cagle (Winston-Salem, NC)
Revolution, really? I expect my candidate to win, but if she doesn't I will accept the results, much as I woild hate to do that. Have people really gone that far off the reservation? There has never been a politician who has done my bidding. All I expect is that they keep the country on an even course. Which is pretty hard to do these days. Also, the President, though powerful, doesn't have absolute power. If our President and Congress worked together I'm sure they could come up with some ideas both sides could support. It would help if each bill they considered had to stick to the subject and not include everything but the kitchen sink.
Aloísio Watzl (Sao Paulo Brazil)
I'm Brazilian and a fan of the Clintons. I Think it is absolutely unbelievable that a Country with such a long and historical tradition of democracy can think, even remotely, of a violent conflagration as a result of the election. A Nation whose citizens must be inteligent (or otherwise it would not be the Nation that we all know) can not consider taking guns against its fellow citizens. Democracy is this. Some win and some lose. It is the nature of the game. God protect Amertica from these fake Democrats.
James New Zealand (New Zealand)
Christians singing blood shed if Trump don't win. Wow what have yous come to? Isis! I don't hear any Clinton supporters saying they would do the sorts of things Republicans & their sorts would do if Trump wins which I doubt he will.
America you look so stupid now and Isis is loving it.
Are you sure there are no TERRORIST among your Trump Supporters. Sounds like there is.
America is starting to fall.
nom de guerre (Kirkwood, MO)
You consider this journalism, NYT? All I read was about a handful of people speculating what "others" may do if Hillary wins.

Stop the flame-fanning, it's beneath the NYT.
John P. Keenan (Newport, VT)
Since time began all the apocalyptic scenarios have vanished into the aether and this one will be no different from those Thessalonians who had to come back home and resume their day jobs. No doubt they were disappointed that Jesus did not come on schedule, but they had to get on with living. It would be crucial that the House and Senate Republicans stand up for our common democracy, since they can put a stop to the rage and nonsense.
amrcitizen16 (AZ)
Typical to say violence will occur after someone loses if the losers depend on such a victory to enrich their lives. Delusional people are only focused on one good thing happening to them, but it also depends on their mental state, their access to weapons, the losers "friends" go along with them and whether they are willing to risk jail or death. Not many fit this mold. But for those who do, get ready to meet Americans at the polls who know that the right to vote can never be taken even if we have to count every ballot.
Mitch Ruch (Pa.)
..another revolutionary war !?! Hope we lose this time...we'll need a visa to visit Mississippi..
Earle Martin (Bay Area)
To fully understand Donald Trump, please google the name of his past attorney/mentor, Roy Cohn. After reading some materials regarding his involvement in the 1950s purge, you will fully understand where Donald gets his chutzpah. Content of your "Roy Cohn" search could be unsettling or highly disturbing.
ZorBa0 (SoCal)
Perhaps a voice of reason is warranted at his point.

First, although confirmation bias on my part, an excellent Op-Ed piece appeared in the LA Times yesteraday titled Take heart voters: No matter who gets elected, the president can’t destroy the republic [link:] As noted therein "Hamilton gave sage counsel to consumers of politics to discount the claims of those who 'hope to evince the justness of their opinions, and to increase the number of their converts by the loudness of their declamations and the bitterness of their invectives.' ” As Op-Ed notes "Hamilton cautioned that heated attacks regularly accompany appeals to extremes; they are seldom entreaties to reason but base appeals to emotion."

So take a deep breath,distinguish the emotional from the rational [i.e. facts vs. assertions], and resist the temptation to cross over into "the Dark Side." There are enough forces pushing US towards anarchy with various pleas and emotional pulls for this or that group. Stop and think before allowing ourselves to descend truly to "3rd World" status.

Regardless of how imperfect it may be the system we have is, without reservation, the best of any I have seen in my 40+ years of working around the world. Respect your beliefs/convictions and even more so respect you countryman's right to believe the contrary.To do otherwise invites anarchy, which many would surely love.
John Adin (Paris)
Now Mr. Trump wants to turn the country into a civil war if he does not win...very worrisome...he really belongs to reality shows and not to real life. It is also sad that many of the great American people follow him without thinking.
Kathleen (Winter Haven, Florida)
The Trump signs came down immediately in the affluent areas in this town after the grabbing women comment went viral. They'll still vote for him but don't want to publicly embarrass themselves.
JRB (California)
The root of all of this hatred, this talk of violent revolution is a massive redistribution of wealth that has occurred in this country since 1980. The Trump supporters have been radicalized and brain washed by the drum beat of Fox News, and anti American propaganda espoused by the Republican Party. The Trump people actually think that the US government is their nemesis. All the while they are being robbed blind by mega rich plutocrats who through their financial scams, schemes, and frauds have gained control of most of the country's wealth and both political parties. We've gotten to the point that there is a regular guy out there with 30 guns contemplating violent revolution because he thinks the government is going to confiscate them. This is a self fulfilling prophesy. Its absurd. Its madness. Its all happening while the rich get richer.
Albert Yokum (Long Island, NY)
Wouldin't it be great if all those who will be revolutionized by a Trump loss would take their anger out on the do-nothing local, state, and national Republicans who are actually resPONsible for the conditions from which they suffer?
When will citizens realize they are voting the very people back into office that have cleared the way for a demagogue like Trump to rise and fall, AND, make someone like Hillary Clinton a better-choice candidate because she's qualified to hold the president's office without turning the reins of power over to a pack of loonies? The answer is citizen pariticipation starting at the lower levels of government.
dave blan (LA)
OOOH! mighty tough talk!
Regular Guy (Fortunate to be born and living in the USA)
I'm just a guy trying to get by in 2016. To me, this type of reporting is irresponsible and only helps to spread a very dangerous message. There are basically two types of extreme reactions that can occur from people who read articles like these: Some will begin to fear future national security of our country, while others will feel encouraged and emboldened to take up this unthinkable idea. Is this level of reporting fear-mongering or civil war-mongering? Do we really want to go there, while we see non-democratic countries around the world at war, everyday, right now, and that no good, only the worst, can come from it? Shouldn't those war-torn examples make us appreciate how fortunate we are to live here and not there? This is the United States of America; for 240 years our country has survived through all of its history's ups and downs, and there have been some very horrible times. Regardless of who your candidate is, are we really at a point where we can seriously consider that this election is threatening to destroy the very foundation of the constitutional democracy which was fought hard get, keep, and to maintain? Wake up, this is real life, not a game or a tv show!
Alex Miles (Dijon, France)
These violent comments by Trump show how un-American and undemocratic his supporters are. We need to build calm and confidence together....
Greg (MA)
SDS promised a revolution if McGovern didn't win. The Black Panthers promised a revolution if the needs of African-Americans were not met.

What is new here?
George Kamburoff (California)
If they do not get to "win" the game, they want to destroy the sport. Do we want our leaders to posses that kind of character?

It can be the end of what democracy we have left since the rich got control over us again.
weary traveller (USA)
I blame Putin to fan these weird ideas to perpetrate violence in our peaceful democratic setup in USA.
tom (chicago)
I miss the old America too... the America where the subnormals had enough grasp of social cues to keep their mouths shut. Who knew there were this many functional illiterates in America waiting on a messiah? "income, lack of income, small business, large businesses" Ha!
LECurti (East Jabip)
WOW over 4,000 comments!

Hey, I'm driving down to Texas from NY leaving the day before election day, putting me in Trump Country ground-zero for the "revolution"! I don't have a tank!

Gee I'd hafta swing into some swing States (to catch a little action) if there was any merit to this which there ain't. I voted early--not for Trump sorry buddy!!--but heck I better put a Trump sticker on my wheels just in case!
Magnus Maximus (Lincoln, NE)
The election of 1824 was an election where the loser could actually claim the election was stolen from him. Andrew Jackson (Old Hickory) got more popular and electoral votes than the other candidates (there were 4 candidates for president). But Old Hickory did not have a majority in the Electoral College. When this happens the election is decided in the House of Representatives. Henry Clay threw his support to John Quincy Adams and Adams became president.

Old Hickory was right to think the election was stolen from him; however, he did not foment a revolution. He simply waited until 1828 when he won by a landslide.

Old Hickory did say on his deathbed, however, that his greatest regret in life was that he didn't shoot Henry Clay.
Sang Ze (Cape Cod)
No problem here. Trump has obviously won.
HJ Cavanaugh (Alameda, CA)
I understand the angst. I still have the emotional scars from early Nov. shocks of Nixon just getting by Humphrey, Reagan surprising Carter, Bush's SCOTUS declaration even though he had 500k less votes than Gore. The pain wears off after awhile and in each of the above examples I was proven right in the long run.
ccmikeyb (Dennis, MA)
I just cancelled my subscription to the NYT so I don't know why I am reading this. A few firebrands may act up if Trump is not elected. The rest of us will wait to see if the reforms he called for are enacted. If not, the next four years will be difficult with many of us knowing that Washington is totally corrupt. Many of us have lost faith in the process of Law with scandles in the FBI, Attorney General and many State offices. What to do? Vote them out and insist on term limits for a start. We also fear rigging of the elections via electronic trickery. A call for countable paper ballots should be made.
EDC (Colorado)
Hillary is going to win this election fair and square. Those that don't like it -- tough. Deal with it. If some of Trump's supporters go forward with their threats of violence then we have the police departments, the military and state militias to deal with those rioters in the same fashion we see the police and military deal with the rioters in Ferguson and other cities.
Natasha (Vancouver)
Revolution over an election result? Are we talking about a country that touts democracy? Donald Trump is destroying America and what it stands for without even becoming President.
Steve Stempel (New York, NY)
If you see something, say something.
Ron (Chicago)
This this is more of NYT sensationalism than anything. Yes there are knuckleheads on the extremes. We had the same talk when Bush 43 was elected many democrats saying he was illegitimate and stole the election and wanted him out by any means. Both parties have their crazies. For the liberals who read this stuff I wouldn't worry the majority of the Trump supporters are good law abiding citizens who are hurting from the neglect of both parties. Nothing here to see, please move along.
Felix Leone (US)
The only reason I don't have a sign for Hillary out in my yard is because I fear violence from the people with Trump signs in theirs.
Sophia. (NY NY)
Brian Lehrer had Bobby Seale and Stephen Shames (Black Panther Party) on his show yesterday, and they discussed how when the Black Panthers wanted gun rights, legislators (and the public) were almost universally against them. Fascinating what we consider "reform" and "revolution"--apparently only some of the population can exercise their constitutional rights, while they think nothing of depriving others of the same.
marriea (Chicago, IL)
The laws of an election is not like crowning a king.
The laws of an election is who wins the majority of votes, is declared the winner..
Whereas Trump's name was/is obviously popular among many conservatives, that is not the case in the general election.
Many people thought of Sarah Palin as the next best thing since apple pie.
But the entire nation did not think so.
Trump has his people thinking that all votes belong to him.
Not so.
My vote belongs to me and who I choose to use it for, is for me to decide, not Trump and not his supporters.
Note to his supporters, although you like Trump,and believe in him, there are many more who do not.
By what margin will be decided on Nov 8.
Pat (Placencio)
Sure, I think there will be a few fights break out after Donald loses and that's just at his house. LoL. Around the country, I believe the deplorables will take to the streets and cause havoc in their own neighborhoods (stupid) but that will only cause them more strife, not the USA as a whole. I hope these people wake up and realize that in order to cause a revolution TODAY it would take a lot more than what they have, which, right now is just a bunch of hot-air and empty-threats. I also believe that there will be that one insane person that will try and do harm. Trump followers everywhere be warned: Please be aware that your name is most-likely being placed on a "watch list" when you make a threatening public comment ("She's gonna be taken out") or jesture ("exhibit an effigy of the candidate with a noose around her neck"). You have to be stupid if you think the Secret Service is not doing this. Grow-up and move on to more important things like finding a job and taking care of your family. I'm 64 without a college degree and have NEVER had a problem finding a job so I don't believe the "whiners" and "complainers" about not being able to do so. HRC will be our next and best President. Period.
E. Mainland (California)
"Traitors" are those who preach sedition and rebellion because they disagree with results of a fair election.
Saoirse (Leesburg, Virginia)
Folks talking revolution simply don't have a clue. Obama will have the full power of his Office until Hillary is sworn in, when she will be in charge.

Neither will tolerate a half-baked revolution. Any attempts will not be tolerated. The POTUS is Commander-in-Chief of all branches of the US military. The number of federal police officers in and around DC is high, but probably classified. I can name a lot of the federal police forces, but not all of them. They are armed and well trained.

The citizens of DC will be, if anything, less tolerant of civil unrest than politicians. We in Virginia will not be subjected to tourists fomenting civil unrest. The citizens of Maryland will react the same way.

No one is going to storm the White House, the Capitol, or anything else. You can't see where the serious security is, but it's there. It's present at every intelligence office. All security will play hardball.

Non-locals may as well wear neon signs. You're really easy to spot.

Trump and his followers need to grow up and behave themselves.
E C (New York City)
I feel for the people who have lost jobs in this globalized economy. We also have to stop lying to them that coal and manufacturing jobs will be coming back. The world has changed, and we have to adapt. Perhaps more educational opportunities or job training in other fields are needed. How about giving them jobs in renewal energy, a growing sector?

Trump's telling them that everything will return to the way it was will make matters worse.
E C (New York City)
So, Trump and the GOP lie to their base that Hillary is coming to get your guns and gun owners get angry that she's coming to get their guns.

Fault lies in one place
Corey Mondello (Boston, MA)
I say let them raise their weapons, another civil war may needed to remind the stupid in the USA, who won the last one.
Marty (MO)
Trump voters have to be the stupidest people on earth.
Jenny (Waynesboro, PA)
Even more than the threats of violence and/or outright insurrection that are being bruited about by Trump's rank and file supporters, I am dismayed by the cowardly and misguided stance being taken by some of those currently in power who ought to know better. The fact that John McCain has flatly stated that he, personally, will refuse to do his constitutional duty to confirm Supreme Court Justice nominees named by a President Hillary Clinton is shameful and a clear indication that it is time for him to retire. I would have been content with a President McCain 8 years ago (his VP pick notwithstanding), but there is no doubt in my mind this year that a vote for any Republican is tantamount to a vote for the end of our Constitutional democracy, especially since the only part of the Constitution that the GOP wants to uphold is the one that allows the streets to be running with blood.
MichaelStein (California)
These people could not organize a camping trip.
The “Revolution” will consist of drinking a six pack of beer, watching the Hunting Channel and talking about why the South lost the Civil War.
a blinkin (chicago)
Today's Trump faithful were yesterday's GW Bush faithful, apparent incongruence in policy and philosophy notwithstanding. Sure enough, their comments are inconsistent, contradictory and vapid.

Here's an idea, folks: Let the grow ups run the country and, the meantime, read a book for the first time. We'll all get on fine.
Margaret Cotrofeld (Austin, Texas)
IF the election is stolen from Trump, it will be stolen by the American people as they place their ballots one by one.

Get ready for it. We voted in President Obama: on purpose: twice. Because we DO believe in what's right and that there is such a thing as an honorable man.

Hillary Clinton is the most qualified person we've had for this job in my life time and I'm pushing 60. No. She's not perfect. Yes. I was depressed when her husband was voted in. I am a bonafide democrat who used to be a republican. I could use the term born-again democrat, and I don't mean that in the sacriligeous way you think. In the ways that the term applies to spirituality, it applies to my political views.

Trump has been spouting nothing but violence. Those who pursue those interests with violence will, sadly, find it. A vote for Trump is like a vote for the Hitler of this era. We MUST be better than this.

But the election will be stolen: I sincerely pray: by the American people.
Chris Wyser-Pratte (Ossining, NY)
Ah, well...the Confederates didn't like the new President's views on slavery, fired on Fort Sumter, fought a bloody Civil War and got occupied by the Union Army for twenty years. Orville Faubus blocked integration in Little Rock, Arkansas and found his National Guard federalized and under the command of the 101st Airborne to protect black students entering the schools. George Wallace gave his stirring "Segregation today, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever" speech, today it's the turn of the Yahoos. The end will be the same.
anonymous (Florida)
Oh, you bet your buttons we will revolt. "IF" she wins, it will only prove that the majority of the people have no problem electing a corrupt,crooked criminal to run this country. The majority have no problem with a socialistic government. I'll sit back and watch this country go down the toilet and laugh. This woman is
evil and nasty to say the least. How stupid can these voters be??
Jeanne (New York City)
Gee, this is easy. If they riot, we will " lock them up!! "
Teresa (New York)
Funny, I thought "Thou shalt not kill" was one of the Ten Commandments. You know, the principles which guide Christians and Jews. Didn't realize that those principles can be selectively applied. Learn something new everyday.
mysticheadlice (Keene, KY)
Considering the candidate has the knowledge of a twelve year old, the vocabulary of a nine year old and the temperament of a five year old, we shouldn't be surprised that his followers are going to accept defeat like a 3 year old.
CRB (Northeast)
I love as being run and raised in this country but thanks to whatvthebdamn republicans have done to this country, started turning into a "Christian" gun toting FASCIST state by Doing everything possible to DESTROYball of women's righs and being the kind of "pro life Christians" who want homicidal maniacs to have guns and murder people who are already here in this world, I really have reason to fear TRUMP seizing power especially because in important critical states Hillary is in sheerbdangevof losing namely FLORIDA and OHIO!

I wish I could Leave this poisoned country and NEVER have to come back again but because of circumstances I am FORCED against n will to remain here in a country that is just as horrible as TRUMP hmself
AhBrightWings (Cleveland)
We could do worse than asking that our Congress set the standard by pledging, no matter the outcome, to compromise and work together.

Quite frankly, and I say this with complete sincerity, there are congressional members, including and especially Mitch McConnell, who should be brought up on charges of treason. What else are threats to block anything and everything a sitting president proposes (and in their cases on racist grounds [let's start having the courage to accurately label our crises, please] than treason? In fact, it is a classic case.

Those Trump supporters actively wishing harm on their fellow citizens also need to be held to account. Should anyone actually be injured, Trump himself must be arrested for inciting violence and aiding and abetting. No more free rides for those who threaten violence and death. This man has never paid a price for his many transgressions, some of them criminal. Stealing from a charity is no light matter.

Threatening an opponent with assassination, as he has now done multiple times, is an egregious breach of ethics, morality, decorum, and it should be a crime.

This country must prove that we are better than this
GB (Laguna Beach)
Lets face it, Trump is not the kind of person we want leading the USA. He's a liar, cheater, and never worked a day of his life. He blows more crud from his mouth than most car salesmen.
Neither is Clinton, who has many skeletons in her closet.

H (NC)
Why do these people not observe and listen when it comes to their guns? Obama wanted background checks, not to take away their guns. He didn't take them away. Hillary says she wants background checks and that she doesn't want to take away their guns. It's like there is a shut off valve whenever guns are mentioned.

What the Republic Party has wrought by trying to expand their base over the years has resulted in people openly threatening revolution and harming Hillary. Although these violent one issue people may be a minority, the Republican Party's "party before country" actions are negatively affecting the rest of us.
E. Mainland (California)
Has the GOP become the party of sedition and treason? How far the party of Lincoln has fallen.
Vickie Hodge (Wisconsin)
This craziness has to stop! We all know who caused this mess: the GOP. They allowed a supremely unqualified and unhinged candidate to rise to become their nominee. The media didn't help things. They ALL underestimated Trump. I cannot believe that he was given that much free press. Starting with his "they're rapists" speech, most Americans pegged him for what he is. That should have ended it. The GOP whines and hand-wrings about Trump today. But, he embodies and gives voice to their underlying, decades long messaging. There should be no surprise that Trump or some other equally unqualified person would come along and not be afraid to interpret their veiled covert messages.

Now, what to do about it? Given the GOP's lack of good decision-making, the federal court should cite them for breaking the consent decree. Second, all people who file to run for president should be required to undergo a mental health examination for extreme conditions that would render them in capable of fulfilling the duties of that office. I"m not talking about depression, anxiety, bi-polar & other conditions for which the person is being treated You'd be surprised how many people have successful lives & live with such conditions. I"m talking the conditions that render people unfit. Lastly, we need volunteers to escort intimidated voters past the nut jobs at their polling places. Federal law enforcement needs to be ready to respond in such districts. We can't sit by and allow this to happen!
Vasan (Denver CO)
Hey come on folks , people like Sean Hsnnity and RogerAiles-managed Fox News are subverting American democracy. It has come to this sad stage that instead of figuring out how to win elections by broadening the GOP tent, the Hannity followers elect dumb leaders like Trump. And when he obviously loses an election, they talk of violence. That is not how democracy works. They need to learn that instead of having 35% of the voters who are totally committed to Trump , they need to recruit more supporters , rather than just be super charged about their loyalty to Trump. 35% does not win elections. The mistake was made 6 to 8 months ago. When they elected a political novice with a bad temperamrnt to be their standard bearer. Don't blame democracy if you elected a dumb leader. This election should have been a landslide win for GOP, only to be squandered by a bad choice made by the GOP primary electorate. Lest you forget, your message about your economic plight as well as trade issues are real and the nation gets it, and Hillary WILL NOT lose sight of that in the Oval office. You have a very strong message but chose a flawed candidate to deliver it. There is no need for a revolution. There is a simpler and less expensive method. The next time around just choose a sensible candidate.
Bruno Parfait (France)
When around 30 % of the population of first world countries have obviously lost in big money making globalization, nobody can genuinely expect the triumph of civility in the long run.
L.E. (Central Texas)
(sarcasm mode on)

So, Trump loses and people take up arms. Just who are they going to shoot at? Go to Washington, D.C. and try to get into the White House? Shoot up Congress? Will they march on their state capitol? Or are they supposed to turn on their neighbors because their neighbors voted to Hillary? Well, guess the neighbors are a lot closer anyway.

Remember, Trump supporters, there are already a bunch of people armed and ready to protect their rights as they see them. Will the anti-government ultra-preppers and existing quasi-militia groups want to join forces with these newcomers to start this revolution? Or will they just decide it’s time for some live target practice?

(sarcasm mode off)
Gregg Ward (San Diego)
One of the scariest factors in all of this hate speech is that so many Trump supporters call themselves Christians! Really, calling Clinton the b-word (and even worse) and calling for her to be hanged and calling for violent revolution? These are Christian values? Seriously?
Kevin Rupnik (NYC)
TREASON: "The crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government".
Philip Bode (Wyoming)
I Hope that these fine and upstanding "Mericans" realize that the members of or armed forces are sworn to "protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America" and it's not a stretch to believe that a tank would trump a semi-auto assault rifle if they choose that path.
sleepyhead (Detroit)
There was one trump sign on my friend's block, the only one for many blocks. It was inside the window, but has been gone for a couple of weeks. Out state there are quite a few, but there are maybe 6000 residents per town vs. 25,000 or 50,000 down here in the burbs. That's how math works.
brleed (nj)
"Clinton supporters promise years of continuing operations of the Clinton Global Initiate if Hillary wins". The 4 big words from Article I will then come into play "treason, corruption, high crimes and misdemeanors". For those not tuned into the Watergate remake, the second movie of the same theme is always a lot worse. Republicans control the gavel in the House Committee.
FThomas (Paris, France)
To Paul Swick.
The Devil says: “As a Christian, I want reformation. But sometimes reformation comes through bloodshed.”
Change your God. Be honest.
Replace: In God We trust
by: In Guns I Trust.
Jesus tells you: Put your sword back into its place; for all those who take up the sword shall perish by the sword (Matthew 26:52).
partlycloudy (methingham county)
Bring it on, bigots! Some of us radicals from the 60s grew up in gun toting households, not redneck but guns nevertheless, and we are ready.
Ed White (Florida)
Sedition laws were meant to stop this attempted over throw of a legal election .
The justice dept must stand up to this threat , and the police in this country must prove to citizens that they are willing to do there jobs .
Bob in NM (Los Alamos NM)
Nutcases with guns have changed the course of history before, at least twice in this country. Perhaps it would be good for President Clinton to lay low, until the crazies have calmed down, and focus on the policy work she's so good at. Here's hoping it's a cold winter.
Stephanie (Boston)
I see that many readers feel that the NY Times is being sensationalistic and should not have published this article. I too have been worrying about the possibility of violence post-election. I have been trying to learn more about who is actually supporting Trump--or specifically, who are his most rapid followers. Viewing Trump supporters' accounts on Twitter and Facebook reveals many horrific and violent images against Hillary, Muslims, Blacks, Jews, and others, while pro-Nazi, pro-Klan and pro-guns. Violence and threats are the undercurrents. It's easy to view these accounts--many of which have no privacy settings, by just following an offensively pro-Trump Facebook or Twitter comment to the user's page. The images and words on many of these user's pages are frankly terrifying, and some of these people have thousands of followers on Twitter. This exercise has given me a direct, close-up view of part of America that I wouldn't otherwise have imagined. If 50 million people vote Trump (based on current polls), some percentage of those, which might add up to a significant number, are likely to see things the same way as those supporters interviewed in the Times. In one way, it seems better and perhaps safer not to bring this to light. But I agree with those who say the NY Times had a responsibility to discuss this. I hope and pray that my fears of violence are without merit.
steven (lowville)
Think about this, Trump is saying that the vote is rigged. Democrats, Republicans, those in charge of voting outlets have stated this is an impossibility. Further point all the talk about accepting the results for the good of the country We have a close election somehow Putin's gang, or some other nefarious group are able to put the fix in for a narrow Trump victory. Makes it difficult to impossible to challenge. Just think about it, crazy rant from Trump or well thought out plan?
Keith (USA)
Why kind of fool claims hardship while holding twenty guns? Seriously, if he was a poor black man complaining of limited opportunity while watching his big screen TV, he'd be roundly ridiculed.
rixax (Toronto)
Do these people live in the United States of America? The overwhelming (and I should have capitalized that word) majority of citizens of this great country will decide the next president. It's not like the minds of this voting majority are brainwashed or controlled by space aliens. We all have looked hard at the candidates principles and personalities. Trump may be good for what the industry calls "reality tv" but is he really good for Washington DC?
Ant (NYC)
Given the nature of violent anti-trump protest. We can expect the same violence if Trump happened to win. But the polarized public will only see one side and not the other.
Satish Kalra (New York)
I don't have a vote and hold no brief for either candidate. America has been a shining beacon of Democracy and civility to hundreds of nations.....a Gold standard over the years. This election right through the primaries and later with vicious attacks on candidates, messages of hate and ill concealed threats has brought more disrepute to the country than the Americans even realise. Have you ever thought 7 billion people are watching? Whether there is another Civil War or not the damage already done is incalculable. Whoever wins on 8th November America has already lost.
Ann (California)
Meanwhile the Oregon occupiers -- armed and threatening government workers, destroying federal property, costing taxpayers millions -- get acquitted! Certainly that sends a dangerous message to people already drinking the Trump (and cabal) Kool-aid.
Ed (Dallas, TX)
The decision in the Bundy case is incredibly incendiary and sends a message that violent rebellion carries no consequences. It tells crazies like some of the folks in this article that it's perfectly legal to take to the streets with their guns and take over government buildings. I fear greatly for the future of our republic.
rnv31 (san francisco)
Hillary will become the President for ALL AMERICANS. I repeat ALL.
Hillary will represent us well in Washington, DC and around the world.
doug (Ok)
I have questions these commentators may be asking themselves if Donald wins;
Will you just go away?
Will you accept the results?
Will you give President Trump respect?
Like you did when W "stole" the 2000 election from Algore?
And the topper.. suppose, for argument sake, the election process is rigged (hello, Bernie supporters),
What exactly do you think is left to do about it, if your vote is not counted, your country's leaders are totally corrupt and selling off the future of your family for personal enrichment. Lost jobs, lost homes lost futures.
Boy, if you want to start a civil war, this is just how to do it. Then call those who are willing to fight back (cause now they got nothin to lose) "terrorists".
This must be what all those smart leaders in DC want, or they aren't so smart, either way, DC needs fumigating or its off to war we go!
RH (Ann Arbor)
Clearly, many that speak of rioting after the election if Trump loses do not understand that their AR-15 and other associated personal weapons are small in comparison to what the government (local, county, state, & federal) have at their disposal. This is crazy talk that will end badly (think Waco).
shayladane (Canton NY)
I think Sec. Clinton needs to once again state her position on guns. Mr. Trump is riling up his most fanatical followers by convincing them that HRC will take their guns. This is not true; she merely wants background checks to filter out more of those who have histories of violence, ties to terrorism, or mental illness.

I am in favor of some gun control, but I believe that those who hunt or participate in target practice should have access. Perhaps the NRA could open target ranges where aficionados can practice with and store their assault weapons so they are not so easily available. Those are the weapons I fear.
Nancy Levit (Colorado)
Wow, A Threat from within our fellow Americans; not ISIS, not Al Qaeda, but from our own Americans.
And to think that they really believe that Violence is an appropriate reaction if what they want/ or who they want does not win this election.
Do these same people who are making these Threats fail to understand that Violence will only hurt others and their own; while potentially deafen any action on their wants!
Yes Americans must be heard, but Violence is not how you get heard as it only hurts and destroys while nothing positive ever gets accomplished!
Jeff (Washington)
I would like for the Times to go out and see if they can find 50 Clinton supporters who would contemplate violence or insurrection if she loses the election. I'll wager that those 50 would be difficult to find in a nationwide hunt.

Some insist on their Constitutional right to bear arms, saying their guns are needed for defense. But real action that would grow from this sort of rebellious talk relies not on defense but on offense. The hypocrisy is thick.
michael roloff (Seattle)
My guess is that these frustrated threateners are blowhards like their hero Donald Trump - whom they so obviously have failed to examine despite a world of evidence that he is a fraud who is merely exploiting them and will let them down.
troy (CA)
Well, us NRA members are prepares to protect anyone who threatens the life and liberty of innocent people, democrat or republican or otherwise.
Justin (Manchester, NH)
NRA members are prepared to protect anyone that threatens peoples lives & liberty?

I would think they would be more inclined to protect those that are threatened....
citizen for peace (missouri)
does that include preventing or stopping an assasination of a duly elected president (either one)?
Eric (Bosron)
This is the Clinton campaign and their connection with the media that is fomenting this. It has now become widely know that Clinton's people have actively supporting violence at Trump ralleis... "Bird dogging." The perpetrators have been exposed and the money flows have been uncovered. They have been paying off homeless people to disrupt and "create a sense of anarchy." The DNC has been funneling money to Scott Foval who was forced to resign his post. They should be prosecuted. Wake up to how corrupt the Clinton machine is.
Deborah M. (Tennessee)
Check out your buddy Troy's comment above if you don't think that's what he is "ready" for.
L (TN)
Revolution or insurrection? Let's call an illegal, violent attempt to overthrow an elected leader what it is. A coup, a term most often applied to a third world nation.
Pat (NJ)
18 USC § 2384

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
T3 (NY)
It is hard to imagine a more irresponsible piece of "journalism" under present circumstances. I can only conclude that the partisan zeal of the NY Times editorial staff has crushed any remaining sense of professional pride and social obligation in the newsroom. In your unending efforts to portray Trump as evil and dangerous (a puzzling effort since your readership is already there), you've now provided explosive fuel to the fire raging around Trump's charge that the mainstream media is "rigged". Do you really think the comments you cite from scattered Trump supporters, speculating on what other people might do, are an ominous sign of an impending revolution? Do you really think it is necessary to "report" this "story" to influence/scare independent voters? I'm not voting for Trump. but I've been pretty disgusted with how the "news" has been reported over the past several months.
Shawn (Pennsylvania)
You've been following the Bundy case, haven't you? The absurd fears of the right ("They'll take my guns! The national guard will circle the Whitehouse and prevent the peaceful transition to G. W. Bush!") prove ridiculous, time and again.

Compare those fears to the Left's fear of corporate-sponsored warfare and disgruntled NRA members taking matters into their own hands and tell me, exactly, who is peddling hyperbole.
cyclopsina (seattle)
Do these people not want democracy? Do they not care about the principles that this country is founded on? This is one election. You don't like the person elected, work to elect someone else next time. You don't advocate rebellion. At least you don't and call yourself a patriot.
georgez (California)
Anybody who works in the social media industry know how easily it can be manipulated to your favor. This is true in all media. It is called propaganda. Anybody in today world knows media is not there to inform, it is there solely to get you to watch it/read it/stay tuned for the next development. It is a disgrace.
So what do we do as a nation? Allow this to tear us apart and leave a vacuum in our nation to allow the equilivant if ISIS to fill the void righ on our own homeland? Or, do we start acting like adults and demand congress to SOLVE THE PROBLEMS we face today. I seems the party of Lincoln has forgot one of his most famous quotes, "A house divided can not stand!"
AG (new york)
Have these people not noticed that, after eight years, President Obama has yet to come knocking on their doors to take their guns?
Mark (Charlotte, NC)
These people need to grow up. I prefer adult behavior that works toward solutions. Enough childish whining.
Steve Shackley (Albuquerque, NM)
“I’d probably go into a depression, because life is hard enough for us right now,” Ms. Olson, 69, said. “And if Hillary gets in, it’s going to be a whole lot worse — income, lack of income, small business, large businesses.” That is partly correct, but since the Republican Party, which I assume is her party, refuses to budge on infrastructural plans, and are only interested in making the rich, richer (see Paul Ryan's/Trump's budget plan) the blame is on her party. She can blame Hillary and the Democrats all she wants, but it's her party that is responsible. We cannot make these people actually look at facts. If they want to take to the streets, peaceful protest is protected by the Constitution. Violent protest is not, but they have shown that the are not interested in the U.S. Constitution.
Mindie (Ohio)
Wow. Dramatic much? These people sound just as crazy as Trump himself.
If Hillary wins, she will have to repeat what she has said all along, that she is for all of the people. Trump will have to be mature and responsible enough to calm his supporters. If he doesn't, I think he might get hmself into legal trouble for inciting violence.
Windhill (USA)
Now that the Bundy clan has been acquitted, we might just be in for an spate of heavily armed citizen "patriots" doing their thing.........I am what most people would call a pacifist, but I have been mulling over plans of turning my small country estate into a fortress complete with anti aircraft guns on the roof, an machine gun pill boxes here and there.......
Garz (Mars)
Hey, is the Times trying to scare people into voting for Hillary? That's not a revolution, that's REVOLTING.
Shenonymous (15063)
Violence over voter choice is unAmerican and violators, and threateners need to be indicted for inciting violence. Each individual who has threatened violence if Hillary wins the election needs to be named and summarily watched to see if and when violence occurs if they are caught on video tape and arrested!
oneperson (world)
" Some Donald Trump voters"... now that's what one would call a group worthy of a national headline...
ted baker (miami, florida)
It might have been of significant social and cultural value if the NYT presented to each interviewee a simple questionnaire with some simple questions:
1. What is your highest level of education?
2. What was/is the last job in which you were employed?
3. How many children fo you have?

My upbringing was in a "blue collar" family of limited means, but our parents constantly emphasized education, and my siblings and I earned graduate degrees and fortunately lived the "American Dream". For most folks in this country - and particularly white folks - opportunity is there for the taking. One need merely be motivated and focused to achieve and be "succesful": the history books of America are chocked full of the names of folks of all races, colors, genders, sexual orientation, and creeds who have done so. So is it not ironic that Trump supporters - almost uniformly - feel "entitled", or "cheated", or "shafted" by American Democracy? Yet, when folks of minority groups in our society make such claims, they are frequently characterized as "lazy": "not wanting to work"; "entitled to benefits": and so forth.
rocco sanford (austin, tx)
Have you asked Clintonians what they are going to do (everyone in America has guns) if they win and the Trumpets get violets?
Margo (Atlanta)
Time will tell how the NYT came to take the stance of rabidly supporting one candidate. No doubt there will a book or two analysing the decisions and process used.
I am suspicious, and I'm sure there are many others who would like to know.
Meh (east coast)
Easy, because one of the candidates is completely, totally, bigly unqualified in every sense of the word by every criteria necessary and imaginable to be POTUS, that's why.
Frankie (The South)
Let's see, what happened during the previous Clinton administration?

We had the best economy in decades. There were decent jobs, unemployment was low; we had record-breaking stock market levels, homeownership levels were high. We even had a balanced budget.

It was hardly the apocalypse and it won't be this time either.
Zak44 (Philadelphia)
Remember how, in 2000, embittered Democrats threatened armed insurrection when they came out on the wrong end of a presidential election—one that was hinged on fewer than 600 votes cast and counted in a state governed by the Republican candidate's brother? One that was finally decided by a Supreme Court that voted strictly on party lines?

No? Neither do I.
Charlotte (Florence MA)
Hillary is not coming to take anyone's guns. I wish people would not build up that completely unnecessary worry, but psychologically you do,
have to think about where that need for negative psychodrama is coming from. Something is obviously missing from those lives. Let's have compassion for our Trump supporters. It takes a whole country to succeed!
Harris J Frank (St Louis Mo)
Of course there will be frustration within the ranks of any defeated candidate, but when the NYT or any other media gives credence to this with articles such as this, it only provides legitimacy in the eyes of many of the frustrated
Chris (Louisville)
I could actually see this happening. After 8 years of Obama, many of us are sick and tired of the same old stuff. No matter how this election goes it will rip the country apart.
iberoguy01 (Chicago)
And you are supported by your "leader". Live by sword, die by the sword. Look back at the Civil War......what do you think will happens if you spoiled brats get up in arms? Do you think the rest of us will just take it lying down? If you think that, you are a fool. But some of us have evolved and use our vote to determine our future, not our toddler intellect.
Peace100 (North Carolina)
I Ms. Clinton wins, she should establish a team headed by Vice President Biden to reach out to disaffected Americans and find ways to draw them back into the discussion in a way that shows benefit to them
Fritz Bayerlein (USA)
They will get over it. Or else. The gun nuts have NO IDEA of what it's like to take with the Feds. There are plenty of prison cells or grave spaces should they press the issue. Waco & Ruby RIdge is 0.5% of the power of the Feds. Want to express your bitterness violently? Great! Bring it on.
Decades ago, one presidential candidate (RFK) averted a riot by telling his audience that love conquers hate. Sadly, our current GOP candidate fuels the flames of discord by spouting hatred and vitriol, thus raising the specter of violence.
History thus teaches us that our leaders do have the power to influence their followers for good or ill . I sincerely hope that in defeat, Trump will urge those who supported him to peacefully accept the will of the majority. Ironically, that one gracious act would earn him some modicum of respect from all of us.
At this point, I am so sick and tired of the ignorant minority yearning to oppress this country with their bigotry, their second amendment only view of The Constitution, and their warped interpretation of Christianity, I say Bring It. Bring your racist revolution, and We The People will mobilize the National Guard against your waste of humanity, We The People will back that with out militarized police forces, and We The People will make you understand the fear and terror that you have made African Americans feel for four centuries and what you have made every other immigrant population feel for simply looking to participate in the promise of America, not your bigoted America, but the Actual America, since then.
Shawn (Pennsylvania)
Yes, but I generally think they got the Christianity thing right.
jm (ithaca ny)
What kind of neurosis does it take, what degree of paranoia or powerlessness, to feel you want or need to own "north of 30 guns"?
Saoirse (Leesburg, Virginia)
JM: Some people collect stamps. Some collect stamps. If you don't like guns, don't buy one. To those of us who have lived our lives around guns, gun safety is as basic as breathing.

While movies show hotdogs firing one gun in each hand, most folks only fire one gun at a time.
E. Mainland (California)
Gun deaths ? 30,000 Americans die each year.We have more than 300 million guns. And we call ourselves civilized?
The daily Lemma (Central jersey)
No, MOST folks don't fire guns at all.
elissaf (Bflo NY)
"I live in a small town and we all vote the same way. And so I cannot imagine that there are millions of people who live elsewhere who might not think exactly how I think."

I guess I'm having trouble with that, myself.
paul mathieu (sun city center, fla.)
It is discouraging to hear so much punditry allege that Trumps 40+% success is due to the fact that he talks directly to the "People's Concerns". But when we watch those "People" they don't seem to deserve so much concern; they look well-fed and prosperous. One thing that seems to unite them is a certain level of hatred: of the government, of those different from us, of help to the disadvantaged, of regulations that limit the ability to make money. And those united People are mostly from one group of Americans: white ones, especially males and especially reasonably well-off. They want someone that would remove their shackles of political-correctness or of restrictions to the right to fire a gun or to discriminate. No wonder that some of them dream of a violent revolution if they can't get the nation to approve of their candidate
George Ovitt (Albuquerque)
Well, about 3000 other people already wrote this remark, but I am increasingly wondering what the managing editors at the Times are thinking. Isn't it enough that you belittle Trump and his supporters on the front page every single day, now this incitement to riot? Fifty people make a story? Come sit in my living room or that of my neighbors and you'll hear something quite different. Isn't this like Journalism 101? Not to generalize from a small sample and thereby create rather than report news? This is way more in the style of the NY Post than what I would think is the style of the Times. How much are you doing to stoke the flames and how little to put out the fire?
Pam (Loftus)
There's no fairness in this skewed article. Needs an objective look at Clinton supporters' "scary" reaction s if Trump wins. The 'hungry mean' people cited are likely voting for the Clinton Ticket if one is considering the riots over #BlackLivesMatter so will they be the ones to take up arms after the election results? It seems Clinton supporters would be more extremely upset if Trump wins. That scenario's shook and awe will create far more frightening reactions.
John of Dayton (Ohio)
Nobody is talking about 'if Trump wins' because Trump is not going to win.

No need to imagine a scenario that will never be.
Gary Behun (Marion, Ohio)
I live in Ohio near Columbus right smack in the middle of the Ohio heartland for crazies for Donald Trump. I don't dare put a vote for Hillary sign in my front yard for fear of what the Trump supporters might do to my house.
nessa (NYC)
Your article is inflammatory and designed to reinforce Hilary's message that anyone who opposes her is deplorable and irredeemable. On the contrary, if her opposition loses they will organize into a powerful, peaceful movement using all legal means to destroy her "reign". Her "stronger together" ain't ever gonna happen!!
sherparick (locust grove)
Well, the last time the Confederate Party took up arms because they did not like the outcome of an election, it did not work out to well for them. Admittedly, if the electorate was the same as was 100 years ago, 1916, and just white men, then I guess Trump would get elected. But, thank God, it is not. By the way, I wish the reporter would ask all these people if:

1. Do they receive social security checks or expect to start getting it in the next 4 years.

2. Do they receive any other payments from the Federal Government such as Military Pensions, Civil Service pensions, VA benefits, disability, or farm subsidies.

3. What do they think will happen to their payments if they destroy the Government whose full faith and credit insures the issuance of these checks.

Finally, old men and women do not fight or make revolutions. These poor folks have been played for marks and suckers by the Right-Wing Entertainment Industrial Complex for 25 years, but it all just sound and fury and send us the checks.
John C (Massachussets)
I guess Hillary will have to become the law and order President...
Ed (Oklahoma City)
Most of them are white, racist draft dodgers. I doubt many of them have the energy to march farther than to the refrigerator.
Notmike (Saint Louis)
I have never seen the amount of ignorance in my life, than what I have seen this election cycle. The media has been played by Trump from the beginning. He is a name brand who ran for President. Story after story of him. His followers yes followers ate up every sordid detail and empty promise. Now he is going to get even richer from his talk show he planned from the very beginning. He is not going away. I mentioned to someone at work I am attending college, and he wanted to know if school taught me to be liberal. No, it taught me critical thinking skills.

We live in a great nation people. I am free to write my opinions without threat of imprisonment. I have a standard of living, even though I am poor, to write on a computer. I am free to worship anything, anytime, anywhere. I am free! But with that freedom comes responsibility. To be an informed voting citizen.
I hope that after this election is over that we can simply just have a dialogue a consensus of what really matters in this country. We can pull together without a 9/11 get our nation together again.
Truly admire your view :especially "... but with that freedom comes responsibility".

If only the media who allowed Trump a free ride at the beginning, and those who only think of securing their senate /congress seat at the expense of the greater good of the country by adhering to this circus that is Trump, thought about that responsibility....
Rob (Netherlands)
Let all of those 2nd amandment, conspiacy believing, Old Testament followers (being a real Christian is following the New Testament, ie the words of Christ) move to Texas and just give Texas back to Mexico.
That way the wall will be a human wall and they can sort their problems out themselves.
My apologies to the sane inhabitants of Texas (both republican and democrat), you should of course be compensated and welcomed back into the US.
Jonathan (Bloomington)
Can anyone explain the meaning of the sign in the top photograph? Does it mean Venezuelan Republicans for Trump? The array of the three colors and the stars seems to make reference to the Venezuelan flag as much as a USA flag with Trump's hair on top of it. Paradoxically, the narcissistic behavior of Donald Trump is the closest thing to Hugo Chavez I have ever seen. And look at tge distrastrous situation Chavez brought to Venezuela. The call for revolutionnis also a Chavez trademark. this is tge mark of utter sekfishness. Trump wants to givern only one type of person, not everyone in the US. How can the great USA come to this? Lack if education and critical thinking.
citizen for peace (missouri)
I hope someone is keeping a list of these people who are making "terroristic threats" against the people of this country. Mr. Trump has repeatedly said that terrorists are being allowed into this country. But he has not admitted that he is the "Hell fire & Brimstone preacher of homegrown domestic terrorism." Why do these people feel they will have to kill innocents to support their leader. This is a scary situation coming on the heels of Halloween.
HJS (Charlotte, NC)
So this is what it felt like just before the Civil War.
Emagic (Ct)
Really, after the way the main stream media including this one, treat him. They loved him at the primary and now they fear him. The media is Reaking What They Sow! The media sold everyone Obama and look what this country has become. Really, a revolution is an understatement.
David (Palmer Township, Pa.)
Those poor deluded Trump supporters. If he wins they will not get their industrial jobs back. Those jobs are gone forever. It's cheaper to produce those items in other countries because the wages are much lower. Will these people work for $1 and hour? Also many of these jobs are gone because of automation. If Congress decides to do something after Clinton ascends the office then we might have jobs. The jobs will be rebuilding the infrastructure of the nation!
Walden (Lyon France)
And Hillary was criticized for calling half of Trump's supporters as "deplorables"! That term is mild for the anti-government anti-American, anti-constitutional radical militia involved in Trump's campaign, including his top campaign managers. Yet again, press, you are doing the country no favors by publishing these points of loathsome view without putting it in any kind of qualified perspective.
Sean (New Orleans)
Warn whom of revolution? Themselves? If they're incapable of doing the work necessary to discern fact from fiction via the anti-Clinton smear-a-thon, why worry they'd be capable of any revolution beyond their local rotisserie? Revolution takes actual work and sacrifice beyond the complaining. Ask those shmoes who were just aquitted in Oregon.
SGEE (Houston, TX)
How pathetic is today's new day that you feel you must lie to make a story. Even your caption says that the interviewed wouldn't do anything himself but feared others would. Media like you is why no proper American can just read the news anymore. Everything has to be vetted, because so little of it is truth.
Khaleesi (The Great Grass Sea)
Rumsfeld would call them "pockets of dead-enders." With our militarized police, I don't think the national guard will be necessary.
Jeffrey (Long Island)
This is the silver lining--you have an electorate that is motivated over the choices we are making in this country. Part of that though is accepting the system within which the process works. There should be a revolution after the election, the people who are angry about the system need to remain focused and get involved and diligently work to make the changes that might make this a better system. However, the tone of the article suggests that violence against the winner and/or others is the post-election solution and that is quite scary. To suggest that the election is rigged is looking to blame someone else for your failure. Instead take a moment to look inside yourself and understand your anger and use that energy to work toward change--that's the real revolution and that's what makes our country great.
knewman (Stillwater MN)
I wonder what Jesus would say about Mr. Swick's willingness to use His name to support killing his fellow citizens? Let us hope that Ms. Sanger's approach of praying for the next president, is what the people of this country chose to do, no matter who is elected.
bnc (Lowell, Ma)
Up to this time, Donald Trump's belligerance has been private. If this is any indication of how he has treated his workers and his contractors, we have a dangerous man threatening to do the same once he gets elected. This tyrant, Donald Trump, must not be elected.
America is much bigger than one election, one president. It its the presidency, the symbol of the presidency that Americans will die for. This talk of revolution is complete and utter nonsense, we will rally around and support our new president. God Bless America.
Robert (Boston)
To avoid a continuing completely dysfunctional political system, President Hilary Clinton will have to be respectful of the fears and desires of the forty percent of the country who voted for Trump. The question is which of the Republican platform policies is she willing to support in an effort to reach those Americans who will otherwise feel disenfranchised.
Nick (Ohio)
Thanks you, NYT, for publishing this report. We all need to know what could occur. We need to be informed. There are a lot of crazy people out there who would do something horrible in a vain attempt to get their way. We need to be vigilant and support our democracy and the rule of law. Without either, our country is nothing but another despotic regime which is ruled by the gun.

What is the purpose of democracy if we cannot abide by the results of an election? If cheating is done, then the accusers need to provide concrete proof and not evidence that's been doctored to support the claim. Use the courts if you feel cheated. Then, abide by the ruling. Next time, learn more about the electoral process, the candidates, and study their ideas and claims and put a sane person in the position of your candidate.
Yars (MA)
In my neck of the woods, far more Hillary supporters express anxiety about a Trump-victory apocalypse than Trump supporters do about a prospective Hillary win. The Times might want to research that angle. You know - "fair and balanced..."
Amy Haible (Harpswell, Maine)
This is what happens when a group used to power begins to lose it. White men and the women who support their agenda, cannot imagine a world they do not dominate. It goes "against God" - their idea of it anyway. Change is inevitable. Violent change is not.
Michael Egnatz (Chicago)
Bible Christians

The world has changed


The Management of a "Just God"

Blessed be the Pure of heart

Jesse Reid (New York City)
In the event of a Clinton win. I think one of her first moves would be to reach out to the Trump supporters. She needs to meet and listen to what are their issues. It should be done with a bipartisan representative. So that the Trump supporters know that the GOP was there and should not obstruct her efforts to bring change and help to them.

It is
Jenny B (New York)
There is a sadness in reading this article. Knowing that we are almost done with the most malicious campaign in history that has denigrated hard working citizens of this nation- would give one a shred of hope that we can heal from this. And yet, Trump supporters are already armed with threats without letting the rest of the nation speak, should they not get their way. We might never be a country of hope and dreams if Mr. Trump cannot lose with grace. The most unpatriotic piece of this election to date....
Dwight Bobson (Washington, DC)
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter, and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln, 16th President (1809-1865)
Thank you, GOP. You accomplished something without lifting a finger to govern.
Kevin (Tokyo)
America's, "love it or leave it" generation should up and leave. There's lots of room in Russia and they would feel very comfortable there - after they learn Russian. But they have the attitude down pat already.
Robo (NYC)
I place the blame for most of the division squarely at the feet of the right-wing media, which long ago abandoned responsible free speech in favor of compromise=capitulation, us-v-them nonesense in order to stir people up then sell them books.
wist45 (New York)
This is just sensationalist reporting, writing scary headlines in a pathetic attempt to increase readership. This reporter found a few crazed Trump supporters who issued some threats. Well, this same reporter could have also found some Clinton or Sanders supporters who also issued threats. None of this qualifies as news.

If violence does occur, the NY Times will bear a heavy responsibility for instigating it.
Binnie (Columbus, OH)
No one dares to say it, least of all our leaders, but increasingly there are vast numbers of human beings all over the world for whom society will have no utility, because they have no needed skill or knowledge to sell. There are regularly articles in the newspaper about some industrial or commercial task that is to be replaced by a mechanical or electronic device. This is presented in the tone of the way of a bright future, generating greater returns for shareholders. Immigrant physicians drive taxi cabs? Here come self-driving cars.
Jerrioko (New York)
Imagine if it were black people making these statements?
T. Goodridge (Maine)
If Hillary wins, the Trump supporters will know how many of us felt when George W was elected! What a bunch of potentially sore losers. Advice to them would be to nominate a decent candidate and go for the win next time!
European American (Midwest)
If the last 7+ years have taught's that 99.99% of the disastrous futures gadflies always promise will come to pass if they don't get their way amount to no more than...hyperbole. And so it is here...with a Clinton victory, the majority of America will be just starting to breath again if not outright celebrating.
RDA in Armonk (NY)
This is disturbing news, but a surprise? Republicans are proof that you can tell the same outrageous lie over and over again but if you do so with a straight face, a large percentage of Americans will buy into it. Lincoln was right: You can fool some of the people all the time.
Rick (ABQ)
White people are afraid they will have to share, and behave. Poor things.
European American (Midwest)
Make that uneducated "blue-collar" white people (ie, Trump's deplorables), we "white collar" white people, mostly anyway, have learned to share and effectively, successfully, compete with the competition, whoever they are...
SPA (Philadelphia)
Both Trump and Clinton need to pay attention: Trump to stop playing games and face the serious threat he has churned up and Clinton to take seriously the depth of resentment against Wall Street one percenters like her. Do either of them really care about "we the people, for the people."
Sage (Santa Cruz)
We had a revolution against an elected president already: The Civil War.
The people who started the war, in order to protect slavery, lost. We don't need to fight another war again, and won't have to because Trump supporters do not have 1/10th the brains and organization of the leaders of the Confederacy in 1861.
MarkAntney (Here)
Revolution?? You mean like Prince's backup band? RIP

If all it takes is Zero Self-Awareness, unhinged Narcissism, and a (Lack of) Reality TV Show Personality to rise to the top of the GOP Ticket,..

How come Flava Flav, Paris Hilton, (any of) the Housewives of _____, Bobby Brown, or NJ Shore Folks not run or selected as Trump's VP?

Until you get them on board, your threats are hollow.
W (Houston, TX)
I thought Trump was the "law and order" candidate.
The Average American (NC)
And you believe them? Are you also going to have an article on Democrats that will be leaving the country when Trump wins?
European American (Midwest)
"...when Trump wins..." Good joke this universe.

Why yes, Virginia, daddy really is going to vote for an admitted sex-offender to be president of the United States.
on-line reader (Canada)
> if Mr. Trump lost to Hillary Clinton, which he worried would happen through a stolen election, it could lead to “another Revolutionary War.”

People should check out their history, like what happened in 1860 after South Carolina decided it wasn't going to accept the result of that Presidential Election.

At the moment it looks like the Republicans will retain control of the House of Representatives, so likely nothing will continue to get done under President Hillary Clinton, much the same as it would under President Donald Trump.

At some point the adults need to get together and start working on the real problems. But God knows when that will happen.
Jimi (Cincinnati)
I am very thankful that it seems HRC is in a position to win the election. #1 I worry that all this talk as if the election is over, that early voting points to HRC & "she won" is very premature - a bit foolish.... although I hope she does win. #2 How do you think many HRC supporters would feel if the press was reporting & it looked like Trump was going to be the next president. I know I would be freaking out.... please, enough acting as if the election is over ... let's get out & vote - and pray for the healing of our country & all that is good.
David. (Philadelphia)
Can't have a revolution without a leader. And after he loses the election, Donald Trump may well turn his back on his supporters. Then they may finally realize that this was all a game for Trump, and that he didn't mean (or fully understand) any of it.
European American (Midwest)
Donnie, turning his back on an adoring, fawning, cheering crowd shouting his name, feeding his narcissism, inflating his ego and bucking up his innumerable insecurities (which will be smoking and stroking big time after losing to a Girl)..."Not in my lifetime Jesse."
Darrin Luksik (Columbia, SC)
If Mr. Trump does not outright denounce the notion of violent protests, in the event he does not win the election, then the man is less then unpatriotic. That would make him a villain of historic scale; an enemy of the State.
alansky (Marin County, CA)
The stupidity and extreme thinking of many Trump supporters is stunning and terrifying. Some may claim that extremists are the exception among Trump supporters; but the fact is that Trump himself is a blatant extremist. So what does that make his many supporters—moderates? I don't think so!
mayelum (Paris, France)
Sounds so Third World! These are the same sentiments I heard during Nigeria's last election: " if Buhari doesn't win, the nation would go up in flames because that means the election is rigged, stolen by the Southerners."
Is America going forward or moving backward?
Unfortunately, it's this kind of publicity that allows the positive feedback and coalition building. Black it out.
Gina D (Sacramento)
These people have to be taken seriously. They're angry, they've not been represented by either party, they're marginalized. They work in call centers for minimum wage and have no hope for advancement. There is no chance for upward mobility. When a billionaire reality television star promises them that he's going to make America great again what they hear is, "I"m going to make you great an I'm going to punish the people who did this to you." He's a joke now but if things don't improve for these people in the next four years, they're are going to be many more of them voting in the next election.
morfuss5 (New York, NY)
If they can't win the White House with ideas, is their next impulse to try to capture it with right-to-bear-arms guns blazing? We're all in their sewer now.
Paul (New Zealand)
What is it with the USA? You have the most amazing people on Earth combined with the most despicable. A bizarre mix of the most educated, gifted, well-spoken, kind and confident people I've ever met, combined with a thankfully-far lesser number of the most world-ignorant, gullible, and exploitative self-righteous people as well. Disappointingly, I've noticed over decades the great majority of the latter folks identify themselves as "republicans."
As fellow members of this planet some of you guys really need to pick up your game. Stop wasting the world's valuable resources as though you are entitled to them, stop denying climate change, and if you don't have it - get a marketable education, just as you were told to do decades ago before those "jobs went overseas." And if you're still a Trump supporter after all his dozens of blatant lies, look in the mirror and hang your head in shame.
margaret (atlanta)
Hogwash with the sensationalist journalism! You are trying to incite a riot
when none exists. Yes, the deplorables will still act deplorable and live in
denial, but the good people will continue to try to find solutions for the
problems our country faces, and our young people will rise to the moment
and help one another in our great nation, Our future lies in the benevolence
and brilliance of our young people and in their determination to help our planet and our people.
jfoley (Chicago, IL)
Revolution? Like Trump himself, it seems these fringe followers spout grand words ("Revolution"!!) and have no real idea what to do next. May they support their revolution through the ballot box and local politics to build a coalition with many of us who seek real and orderly change. Let's end this Trumped-up "war" that serves only the Donald, as usual. May he be a footnote in politics come November 9th...
Iteach (Maryland)
Maybe this is one reason why early voting numbers are way above 2012 levels in Maryland. Individuals may not want to deal with the potential disruptions on election day.
Dave (Washington DC)
Sounds like a case of people of like minds believing what they see in their own environs. If you look for people who support Trump and attend his rallies you might be inclined to think he could win.
Barbara Moschner (San Antonio, TX)
I am hopeful that Hillary will work to improve these voters' lives after she is elected. If Congress cooperates, a good jobs package with re-training opportunities may offer help to these communities.
If they open their eyes to these possibilities, life might get better. I fear, though, that they will hold onto their bitterness as this is the reason for many early deaths of the white male population.
KayJohnson (Colorado)
So so far all we know for sure from this type of article is that some guy named Jared in Wisconsin who is 25 and working the phones (where? For free? for Trump?) is given real estate on the NYT front page to Say Stuff He'll Regret. If he made a real threat report him- if not, that kind of blabbery probably just halved Jared's life time earnings unless Trump is busy setting up a "revolutionary" call center in his bat tower with "amazing" upward mobility and benefits for his election time acolytes- and of course supposing he doesn't outsource the fan club to foreign interests. And after he takes that post-election vacation he won't be taking Jared on.
SitaKat (USA)
Trump supporters are going to find themselves in a 27/7 news loop that runs -- as they all do -- for about a week. Then another event will push them aside. Gone. And, totally forgotten.

Of course some of them will march with guns and some of the guns will be fired. At that point they officially become "terrorists." No flying. Tapped phone lines. Not a fun life.

Eventually they will find "real" death and "real" prison aren't as much fun as bragging about a revolution. They will sink like the Tea Party did years ago. Where are those who were at Waco today?

Odd thought: after Hillary is in office -- they might find-out all those scary things they said about her might well come to pass -- to them. Maybe she'll "bleach" the "tub of undesirables."

And, Trump -- many more visits with the IRS.

PS: The only revolution that coming is to socialism.
doug (Ok)
So, you support "rebels" in Arab countries, but not your own
JPbluzharp (Ridgefield Park, NJ)
So much for worrying about ISIS. These are the real terrorists in our midst.
doug (Ok)
That is the real propaganda setting the table for revolution, declaring other citizens "terrorists" while allowing real non-citizen terrorists better access to government policy
notJoeMcCarthy (south florida)
Ashley and Nick nice article and excellent reporting.

Actually the way Trump started his campaign in June of last year calling, "Mexico is sending.... et al", it was quite obvious that he's a trouble maker. And nothing else.

Even now he's creating a mass hysteria among the disenchanted, uneducated White folks who genuinely think that they lost this country.

But instead of changing their line of thinking and looking for a solution, these blowhards are paying more attention to the biggest blowhard of our time, called Trump, who has no real desire to run this country but to fan the flame among the people who wrongly thought they're enfranchised.

But in actual reality, they could do like we the Democrats did it by including everyone in our fold, leaving no Americans or undocumented workers behind.
So, in comparison to Trump and his 30 or 40 million of racist supporters, we've a party whose anointed candidate Hillary, is leading in all the national polls and is about to close the deal well before the election day on Nov.8th ( yes, it's true that all the major networks and the newspapers are going to declare her winner in this election well before Nov. 6th by tallying the exit polls. Mark my word.)

And this victory for Hillary and all the down ballot democrats will be achieved only by not doing what Trump is doing.

Dumb Trump is just trying to eliminate every non-Whites from his campaign and his party by just following the same failed pattern of winning with only White votes.
doug (Ok)
Oh, no! Not a "trouble-maker! Not in our gov!
Everyone must comply, and cheerfully!
Tony Thomas Sweet (Eldersburg, MD)
I was going to take the time to discuss this proposed revolution, but it basically boiled down to this, to the future revolutionaries: Please. Grow up!
Martin (Apopka)
This is called "sedition" and is a violation of federal law. I hope the authorities are keeping an eye on these people.
Virginia H (NJ)
I trust that real threats reported to appopriate authorities will be addressed by those authorities.

This report is irresponsible - it is a call to arms for the unstable among us. One imagines clicks are important here but a democracy cannot be effective if the media manipulates the emotion of readers.

If the Times knows something specific, report it but stop the dangerous generalizations!
doug (Ok)
I think the word unstable will be accurately used to describe a huge portion of our fellow citizenns, no matter which side wins. Too huge to ignore, it's gonna be a problem, no matter what. After the election is when the real fight begins, this time
doug (Ok)
Gotta ask yourself, when did our great nation come to the point of being endangered by speech?
OldMaid (Chicago)
Well, if it should happen. let's hope the owners and editors of this newspaper are placed on trial for crimes against the middle classes. They certainly ought to be given that the brought the New York Times down to the level of yellow journalism. Seriously, I had an interesting conversation with a man I've known for years. Highly educated and successful - albeit one of those white guys this newspaper professes to despise (self-hatred is always troubling). He mentioned the media's bias against the Trump, a man he despises, and I mentioned how I generally stopped reading this newspaper because of it's increasing distortion and blending of fact and opinion. He confessed to having subscribed to this newspaper for fifty years, since being a youth a in stultifying suburban Chicago, and he claimed he has never seen the quality of this newspaper so low. He also indicated he was voting for Trump just to teach the Establishment a lesson. So, Trump supporters, there you go! I was shocked. He was always such a lefty pink communist (well, socialist). There is a glimmer of hope. I am going to do the same. I do agree that I think Trump himself thinks he's going to lose, but I don't want to give the satisfaction to an equally undeserving candidate and, more importantly, inflate even further the egos of pseudo-intellectuals. I was surprised by the conversation and wondered how widespread this attitude might be. We both thought the election rigged.
Jo (Fort Collins)
I do not think there will be organized violence after the election. That takes planning, meetings, leaders etc. I don't believe these people who beat their chests have the smarts to actually create a revolution. Maybe skirmishes here and there but an organized upraising, no. Their biggest gripe seems to be the 2nd amendment. They need their guns to feel tough and in control. Sad. The pen is mightier than the sword and I doubt these people can actually put a pen to paper. cannot wait for Trump and his groupies to be out of our lives.
doug (Ok)
Maybe your educated self might consider the root cause of Trump and "groupies?", otherwise known as people who have a different view of freedom than you, because, after the election, they remain. Unless of course you have some "ultimate solution" for those who are unwilling to be ruled over.
Mark Crozier (Free world)
Whew, some real loonies out there. I always shake my head at some of the 2nd amendment guys with their 'they will pry my guns from my cold, dead hands' world view. Will these people just relax, for crying out loud? Nobody is going to take your guns away.

Even the massacre of 24 children at Sandy Hook couldn't get galvanise congress to pass new gun laws. If that didn't do it, what will? Obama has been in power for 8 years and the gun industry is in the healthiest condition ever.

Every time a democratic president gets elected, sales go through the roof and the big gun manufacturers' shares skyrocket. This is a known fact. It really is time to get over it. Ask yourself this. Do you own your guns or do they own - and define - you?
David (Monticello)
I don't understand how a jury could acquit Ammon Bundy et al after their armed takeover of federal property. This concerns me because this is the same kind of thinking being presented in this article, and now people who do think this way have seen that it is possible to act on these ideas and get away with it. I hope very much that these sentiments are just an expression of extreme frustration, and if and when Trump loses, God willing, that Trump will come to his senses, just as Bernie did after he lost, and urge his supporters to follow the rule of law and to accept the will of the people. In a sane world, that is what would happen. We will see whether we are living in a sane world or not. To me, it seems that this jury verdict is an indication that, unfortunately, we may not be.
@Gay Squire: Dorset , Vermont is one of the wealthiest places in the country, where homes sell for millions of dollars. Thus,u cannot expect to have compassion for those who are less well off than yourself, who r in fact poor, dispossessed, facing a future of dire uncertainty.Those who r among the most self righteous about Trump's supporters most often come from soigne environments, have never set foot in a housing project, and have little sympathy for those born with fewer advantages than themselves. But there is a flaccidity, a flabbiness in their comments, since they seldom if ever challenge Trump on the issues.They love to look down on others Editors, not known for their broadmindedness,many of them 1 percenters themselves, should require all commenters to give their real names, rather than hide behind cutesy monikers.
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
I looked at the Google satellite shot of Dorset, Vermont. You appear to never have come within miles of this sleepy rural wide-place-in-the-road.
The homes are pretty humble except the 3 or 4 actually on a subdued-looking golf course, where a handful are large but still pretty plain-looking.

Vermont tried for two years to develop a single-payer health plan, by the way. They could NOT make one work.
Andrew V (Atlanta)
This article is fear mongering at it's worst. There is no evidence to show what percentage of people even have these ideas. It's baseless.
d4hmbrown (Oakland, CA)
It may be time to take extreme measures to bring Trumpites to their senses. If I had $5 million, I would arrange the disappearance of prominent Trumpites in red state communities with fewer than 150k residents. Three per community would be sent to Burundi, Haiti, Angola, & refugee camps in Kenya, Thailand, & Jordan. They would live there on their own for two weeks. Each would be given the equivalent of two weeks of the nation's per capita income. Those sent to refugee camps would be given the sum of Burundi & Angola's per capita income. So participants would not loose income, their employers would be compensated for replacement workers & participants families would receive $5,000 to cover expenses while the family member was away. I am sure they would be convinced that America was & still is great.
David Friedman (Berkeley)
"Interviews with more than 50 Trump supporters at campaign events in six states over the past week...."

This article is not news reporting; it's news manufacturing. It is not even decent commentary; it's just pure spin.

The Times has disgraced itself as a newspaper in this election campaign by shamelessly using its "air space" to run a huge number of pro-Hillary and anti-Donald articles, week after week, month after month, even when it is nothng more than manufacturing front page "stories."

This particular article, by its own admission, is based on interviews with "more than 50 Trump supporters in six states." That's about 8 people per state. Even that miniscule sample, if you read the article, did not say that they planned violence or "revolution" but that they were worried about other people.

It is precisely this kind of "reporting" that alienates large numbers of people and facilitates the rise of a demagogue like Donald Trump.
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
A biased media vaporizes the truth and meaning in real stories that need to be read when it decides to manage one party's entire election campaign in its own output.
Andrew (RI)
Really NY Times? The grey lady dropping to tabloid stories? I have seen this story on the net a few times already and I am sure the NY Post covered it. Trying to live up to the old play on your line "all the news that fits we print?" So these few really dopey Trump supporters, who probably live in the hills or the desert, in bunkers, with enough freeze dried food and ammo waiting for the end of days as they believe the apocalypse is nigh, should be taken seriously? I will tell you what will happen on November 9th...NOTHING! No matter who wins, nothing will happen. One side will be happy, the other one upset. Nothing will happen in the streets. People have jobs to go to, families to support and lives to live. The masses will go back to seeing the latest Marvel/Harry Potter Universe/Star Wars movies that are coming out, watching sports, getting ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas and seeing what those god awful Kardashians are doing....The Republic will go on as it has for 240 years, everyone complaining about the state of the country, how our politicians stink and we all hope they get voted out.
doug (Ok)
But what about the increasing number of those who no longer have jobs to go to, and as a result broken families they are no longer able to support, and not much of a future to live for? What will all those people do? I think, probably what all human history says they will,
doug (Ok)
Just as in Noah's day, people will be going about their lives as if they will continue as always
John (Sacramento, CA)
Trump the coward, has created a scenario where, if the unacceptable happens and Trump loses, it couldn't be because he wasn't good enough; it would have to be because he was cheated. Trump is so afraid of failing, this is probably compounded by the fact that he would be losing to a woman, that he has comforted himself by creating a force of surrogate assassins, assassins who will right the injustice of Trump's rejection and inability to ascend to the exalted position he feels he deserves.
It is also very disconcerting that Trump is beginning to talk about himself in the third person. He is so anxious to get the idea that the Presidency should just be given to him, he creates an alternate voice, a voice that he hopes will permeate our subconscious and subvert our will for his benefit. Trump is engaging in childlike magical thinking.
Amy Ellington (Brooklyn)
This looks like more DNC dirty tricks.
KayJohnson (Colorado)
Trump is a sociopath doing what sociopaths do. Voters should weed out any candidates who do not uphold our Constitution and the rule of law.

Media should report facts and stop asking random 25yo call center guys if they plan to have a hissy fit on Election Day with no way to "consider the source"- is he even registered to vote? A citizen? Who knows.
Charlie (Sydney, Australia)
with to acquittal of Bundy and friends on Thursday, the law now appears to side with a heavily armed takeover of government. Best of luck avoiding anarchy America. Regards, an Australian.
Cathy (Blacksburg, Virginia)
Working on political campaigns the joke always was "yard signs don't vote", when someone would come in to volunteer and be worried that the opposition had 3 new yard signs out in front yards. Don't worry about yard signs, most of the strongest democratic supporters don't risk putting yard signs in their yards, especially this election cycle as nasty and divisive it has been. We have an agreement with certain people, no political talk allowed unless it's something funny or it's about Chris Christie everyone I know is enjoying his fall.

But my goodness these people calling for revolution if or when, depending on how you read the polls, I'm scared to say WHEN so I'm sticking with IF. Back to my point...If Hillary wins, I really hope, and I'm sure this will be too much to ask of Mr. Trump, that if it's not incredibly close he will pull up his big boy pants and concede the election and urge his fans to accept the outcome also. I know that goes against everything he's done in his life so far, but wouldn't it be nice if for once he did the right thing? And the biggest question is whether the press will be able to tear themselves away from him.
lucretius (chevy chase, md)
At some point, some of these people will legally be guilty of treason.

Then what?

Arresting them would be inflammatory, and create martyrs for their "cause".

sleepyhead (Detroit)
Well, last year I judged the tide was going to turn to Trump - too many years of Pres Obama's grace and civility riled them past all reasoning. Thirty years of climate-denying, woman-blaming, minority-envying, fact-chewing and religious hypocrisy has created this environment. It was just like watching someone paint themselves in a corner - no thought of leaving a little civility, grace, reason on display.

So now we have millions of angry, armed people with no way to "turn them off". Anyone who doesn't ramp up the volume doesn't get their attention. This is way beyond dog-whistle; this is creating a blast furnace of hate, well-armed, and with no "off" switch.
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
False grace and civility from an angry man wearing nice suits who has spent his way through thirty trillion dollars comes up BEHIND actual economic results. EVERY other President since WWII has managed at least one year with a 3% growth rate in GDP but Obama has only grown government Power over citizens.

You've been begged to hate President Warren G. Harding but he did multiples of Obama's results, even in a single year.
As of today, Russia, Iran, and China are exulting and our allies are silent. Even Pres. Jimmy Carter admitted that NOTHING has been improved by Hillary Inc. and Barack.
the international scene is on fire and America is more divided than in a century. It IS time to drain the swamp.
EB (Seattle)
Trump seems to have accepted that he will lose the election. The next step is for him to stop the talk about rigged elections and bring his supporters back from the brink. When Clinton takes the oath on Jan. 20, she needs to make it clear that she is president of all Americans, including Trump's deplorables. We've already had eight years of divided politics. The challenge, and opportunity, for Clinton is to govern in a way that makes Trump's disaffected supporters feel that they are part of a greater whole.
Bruno Parfait (France)
By putting an end to all ill effects of globalization?
a1b03300 (Toronto ON)
Isn`t there a law against inciting
a riot?
Trump`s refusal to accept the
result surely falls into this
Robert (Dallas)
Sorry I am one of those who hates what this nation has become and support anything that makes our nation a legal and lawful one, one that follows the constitution as law as written for the government to follow
Richard (Arsita, Italy)
Which "well regulated militia" do you belong to. The Constitution has been changed numerous times through amendments because times change. We no longer have slavery, women can vote. People can vote directly for senators, etc.
Robert (Dallas)
See, you are one that proves my point, the only way to change the constitution is through an amendment, any interpretation of the constitution is illegal.

Let's take a simple one, the right to face your accuser, this actually means no victim no crime, it also makes 70% of the laws on the books illegal.

The war on drugs the war on crime, where did the constitution give the government permission do declare war on its own people Better yet is this not the reason given for invading so many nations.

The American people are stupid, our college freshmen read at a 7th-grade level, your beliefs do not surprise me your indoctrination in this criminal governments beliefs system was expensive. But that does not mean I accept then.

Me I do not need a militia, I have a ringside seat and will watch this nation implode and I really do not care, I do not care how many people even die when it does, I am also not one of those who believes human life is special, I find that funny coming from the American people when their government is the world's leading killer.
Alessandro (New York)
Yeah, America has gone mad.
Chinh Dao (Houston, Texas)
What Revolution? Only those who were born yesterday could believe that Trump the Psychopath could bring about a change or a so-called revolution. He's a self-confessed sexual predator--i.e., presumption of guilt--and his legal residence should have been a jail cell. Congratulations to the lawyers who would like to do bono jobs in helping Trump's victims during the first hundred days after Trump's defeat on November 8, 2016.
Eduardo B (Los Angeles)
A vote for Trump is apparently also a vote for anarchy. There's no difference between a terrorist and those who support Trump and talk about violence and revolution. Immigrants aren't the voters here most certainly are. Any participant in a riot or violence to protest Trump not winning or demanding the elected president be removed needs to be prison. Our democratic republic only exists when the rules of law are respected. It's that simple.

Eclectic Pragmatist —
Eclectic Pragmatist —
JTFloore (Texas)
trump's rhetoric has gotten so many of his supporters lathered up that there is reason for concern if and when he loses. much of the focus is on ms. clinton's alleged desire to confiscate guns from everybody who owns them and suspend the second amendment. of course, she has advocated no such thing, not even hinted at it, but the radical rightists -- and the NRA -- continue to make those claims. it is a disservice to the country that trump is pointedly using his populist appeal to get people riled up over false claims.
Carl Meilicke (Vancouver, b.c.)
These folks are not deplorable.
They are pitiful.
Jen (Naples)
The comments here are some of the most eloquent I've read. Several months ago I laughed and rolled my eyes at Trump's supporters, just as I have at the followers of certain radio shows and FOX news. They struck me as lacking the critical thinking needed to understand that they were merely pawns in a bigger battle for power and dollars. However, since the plight of the "working class" has become a focus of attention during this election I realize that I hadn't really learned or tried to understand what has happened to their lives over the past 40 years. Their world has been turned upside down and their problems have been so ignored by politicians that a shameless, lying imposter has been able to earn their fervent support by simply showing them respect and voicing their concerns. My personal reckoning in this election is realizing the role I've played in making some I've encountered feel marginalized. Every time I've looked down upon their grammar, laughed at their unsophisticated tastes and interests, or been critical of their undereducated, myopic view of the world, I have done these fellow citizens a great disservice. I hope to be more respectful of these Americans in the future and support those leaders who work to better their /our future, not those who incite, tear apart or make false promises. Trump has brought out our worst so let's try to remember and focus on our best.
Alan MacDonald (Wells, Maine)
Don't get over-sympathic, Jen --- Trump is preaching a violent and fascist Revolution, whereas Bernie was trying to fire a loud, public, but non-violent "Shout heard round the world" to ignite a Second American progressive "Political Revolution against Empire" (he just forgot to focus it on the 'object' of this Disguised Global Capitalist Empire that has now 'captured', controls, and nearly fully "Occupies" our former country).
someone (somewhere)
America is now in the trap of fragmentation. i think Trump's voters are looking for a war
Anne Chellas (Los Angeles)
I think this is an irresponsible headline. Violence against whomever is elected is terrorism, not revolution.
Mitzi (Oregon)
Alert...far right group acquitted of armed taking over wildlife refuge in OR...these people are the types that follow Trump...The far right is dangerous and armed to the teeth...When Trump loses...(hope so) they may do desperate things...the white supremacists, the KKK, the militias...
George (NC)
The writer appears to have gone to mental health facilities to get quotes. This is really lousy journalism.

NYT -- this is well below your standards.
Pushkin (Canada)
In view of the threat of chaos by Trump and his supporters and the possibility of continuing political disturbances and stalemates for years, it may be a good time for persons with good educations, great skill sets and concern for their future in USA to consider immigration to Canada. Canada could use skilled persons to help with the coming 4th industrial revolution. Mr Cruz has threatened to boycott all federal and supreme court judges appointees if Clinton is elected-causing a failed judiciary for the next 4 years- which may, in fact, lead to a failed state. I hope Canada would consider requests from persons seeking to immigrate favourably.
jodee (not the USA)
Good grief are these people that blind they can't see they are attacking their own democracy, they are being unbelievably disrespectful to the people who have fought for and died for American democracy?
Anyone willing to force a democratically elected president from office "by any means necessary" should immediately put on a government domestic terrorist watch list. They're a danger to democracy and a danger to other citizens. The uneducated masses, they're a scary bunch.
globalnomad (Cranky Corner, Louisiana)
Hello Trumpettes. Trying to overthrow your president, unless she's a foreign intelligence mole, is treason. Do you need to go back to sixth grade civics class?
lydia maria child (los angeles)
I'm just hoping Trump supporters will ban together and secede. That would rid the USA of the centuries old burden of having to deal with people who are loyal to Confederate ideals. They could call themselves the New Confederacy of America. We would face a problem with New Confederates trying to escape to the USA, but airlifting them to safe places in the USA would have to be implemented.
We'd probably have to build a wall.
Angel From Heaven (Heaven)
A vote for Trump is a vote for World War 3 A vote for Hillary is a vote for peace
Any (Nyc)
Except for her consistent votes for war and aggression including, now, with Russia. Blind.
Gord (Chapel Hill, NC)
It wouldn't be the first time that a bunch of right wing bigots, unwilling to accept the outcome of a presidential election, took up arms against the country. How did that work out?
L (New York)
Considering how the ruling just went in the Bundy case, I imagine that as long as they're white they'll be just fine.
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
In the 1770's and 1780's it worked out quite well, thank you.
Air Marshal of Bloviana (Over the Fruited Plain)
We will only need to celebrate because Clinton isn't going to win the election. Back, NOW, to the regularly scheduled NYT Trump bashing.
GoinStrong (Wisconsin)
I am amazed at the numbers of people on the Right and Ultra Right who keep blathering on about Secretary Clinton's intent to confiscate guns.

Do these people not have functional brains? Do they not avail themselves of the position of Secretary Clinton? Do they REALLY believe - as has been posted on multiple sites - a President Clinton would activate the U.S. military, going house to house to confiscate guns?

This same irrational nonsense was spouted from 2009 - 2016 about President Obama. How many people who - by law - have the right to own firearms had their weapons "confiscated."

Secretary Clinton has been quite explicit about her position on guns and gun owners. Principally, she is in favor of tight gun controls - in the form of universal background checks. How and why ANYONE with capability of rational thought would resist universal background checks is beyond me.

I firmly believe there are a great many Trump followers who are planning violence - and will execute their planning - should Secretary Clinton prevail in the General Election.

It is my fervent hope EVERY governor of each state is meeting, on an emergency basis, with their top advisors - law enforcement officials - and the Generals of their States' National Guard units, to have in-place an aggressive plan to control the criminal element who would whine via their firearms because a fair election did not appoint their candidate to the White House!
LEM (Michigan)
The problem is not that she specifically wants to confiscate guns. It's that she doesn't recognize that Heller is now settled law and wants to appoint justices that will overturn it and Citizens United--and further, that she thinks our rights enumerated in the Constitution can be whittled away at the government's whim. Why is it that conservative candidates for judicial appointments can be judged on whether they accept Roe as settled law, but the Left clearly thinks Heller and Citizens United are still up for review?
JMM (Dallas)
The Bundys threatened to kill federal agents while they pointed their guns at the agents. All seven of the Bundy gang were acquitted today because they were just protesting. Occupy Wall Streeters were arrested across the country for their quiet unarmed protests. And unarmed black men are shot by the police at traffic stops. Just saying ...
EHJ (Florida)
I hear what you are saying and agree that something ain't quite right here. These folks could unleash greater forces of bitterness than they could imagine.
David Taylor (norcal)
I'm going to enjoy watching popgun owners learn that their toys are not going to help them overthrow the government.

Rot in jail!
These people are angry and sad ... Do they think Trump will fix the problem? ... White, conservative, male, 'christian' America has been the dominant group and everyone in that group, consciously or not, enjoyed this informal sense of superiority ... It began changing over the last 3 or decades and many in that group accepted and welcomed the expansion of power to other groups, while some did not ... The election of Obama was a sudden 'spike' in that downward graph - the tea party, republican obstruction and blatant disrespect for Obama were all manifestations of this loss of superiority .. Sometime in the 70's or 80's America became complacent and 'middle aged' ... the tremendous wealth built up since ww2 was finally squandered and we did not replace it with anything other than militarism ... Big oil and big pharma owned our legislators, both sides of the aisle ... The response to the idea of 'alternate' energy is an example ... We could have embraced it, created he technology and led the world ... instead we have clung to oil until we are dragged kicking and screaming away .. The argument that we cannot 'subsidize' alternate energy rings hollow if we recognize how big oil has been 'subsidized' since the late 1800's by all means up to and including war ... But it's not too late unless we give up - REAL infrastructure development can create the new technology, employ people HERE and inspire young people to learn the new technology ... It is purely a matter of will
jnc (georgia)
Trump has trouble staying focused on any topic for more than a few minutes at best. While his intelligence is overrated, he is more focused and educated than the majority of his followers. Trump doesn't have a ground game so I doubt his followers could put one together either. Nevertheless, I think there is a good chance there will be violence on a small scale at many locations around the country should Trump lose. Perhaps if four or more people are killed in the aftermath of Trump's defeat, the Republicans scattering like roaches when the lights are turned on will hang a Benghazi noose around Trump's neck. Trump has certainly failed to answer the call from millions to tone down his rhetoric so that places like voting locations will be safe from bullying and intimidation.
Hawkeye (Midwest)
These "patriots" are the most convincing reason why we need stricter gun laws.

Signed, A nasty woman.
EHJ (Florida)
Or perhaps we nasty women need to go out and buy a ton of guns. I personally do not want any, but I would consider it if these people make good on their threats.
JKH (Metropolis)
There is a solution for the purported prototypical Trump supporter profiled in the article - vote November 28th.
flyoverland resident (kcmo)
why will so many be mad and why do they talk in apocalyptic terms re this disgusting election? here let me write the headline for you for Wed 11/9;

2nd Most Hated Candidate in Modern History Wins In Landslide; Most Hated Candidate Claims Vote Was Rigged.

loser vows to appeal to short-handed supreme court

.........or maybe that will be the Onions headline.
nytreader888 (Los Angeles)
Mr. Swick says he is a Christian, yet he is ready to kill. Isn't there a contradiction?
Sabine (Tennessee)
It wouldn't be the first time "Christianity" has been used as an excuse to commit egregious acts.
John Smith (Cherry Hill NJ)
TRUMP VOTERS Be sure to tweet, text and send emails as often as you can about planning your revolution if Hillary is elected. Along with that, remember to give Trump what he asked for in Panama City FL and vote for him on 11/28. Just know that since the NSA will consider your plans to begin a civil war, you're going to be monitored and the groups planning the attacks will be infiltrated. In any hot spots, I'm sure that local officials will impose a curfew as well as a safety zone for those going to the polling places. From the carrying on, you'd think that people were going to go to Planned Parenthood rather than to go to vote. So post everything you like as many places as you can think of.
GWB (San Antonio)
To any reader who takes this story seriously . . . grow up. Please.

"SOME" Trump warn of revolution? Look back at the sixties. More than a few threatened insurrection against the "establishment." Didn't happen then. Won't happen now. As a nation we're just too strong.

That said, this is the sorriest and most embarrassing Presidential election in modern times. No matter which major party clown wins, we lose.
herb (Ashland OR)
Have i got it right? Clinton suporters will move to Canada if Trump wins. Or support those who do.

Trump supporters will pick up their weapons and take to the streets. Or support those who do.
Ant (Nyc)
Then how do you explain the violent anti trump rallies across the country? This 'peaceful' rhetoric defies reality.
Nancy (Vancouver)
Revolutions take thought, planning and a coherent agenda. Getting your gun out and blasting away is not a revolution, that is a riot, or worst come to worst, civil insurrection with a poorly defined goal.

Perhaps these folks are confusing this with another of your revered moments of history (for some), the civil war.

Is that really what DT's supporters want? If so, they are not articulating it very well. They may think they have defined the enemy, they may think they have described their grievances, but they have not defined a realistic or even idealistic goal when it all ends. All the aggrieved see is a fast talking savior who speaks in incomplete phrases and three or four word slogans. His supporters then buy the (made off shore) dreck sold at the rallies.

Civil wars are fought on far greater grounds than this, and for better defined purposes. Usually for a principle. Maybe not a good one, but at least there was an articulated definition.

Please turn out to vote, and make sure your neighbour can too. The polls change minute by minute, and nothing is assured. The rest of the world is waiting with fear.

Best wishes.
Eugene (Oregon)
Not to add to the drama backing this article but how long will it take the New York Times to perceive and acknowledge the vast number of Republicans having large inventories of guns and ammunition? How many assault rifles have been sold? I'm not suggesting and armed insurrection is in the offing but this article seems to reflect the writers lack of familiarity with the general attitudes of many Republicans. Here in Blue Oregon, in peaceful Eugene we have many gun shops, pawn shops specializing in guns, and a Cabbalas that offers several assault rifle makes starting at about seven hundred dollars. For a couple hundred more you get a laser sight. They do a brisk business. Connect this with the yahoos we see supporting Trump like rhetoric and one can see problems on the horizon. The day after Obama was first elected the local Bi-MART drug and general products store was entirely out of ammunition!

There are many directions this conversation can go but the bottom line takeaway is that all our politicians need to acknowledge and respond to all our people.
Annie Dooley (Georgia)
Clearly many people are worried that the incendiary rhetoric of Donald Trump will light a fire in some of his passionate supporters. That fear should be addressed by Republican leaders well before the election results. They should stand together before the nation and swear that they will tolerate no violence and that any who resort to violence will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. They should state their conviction that the election will be conducted in accordance with the law and their commitment to investigate any apparent irregularities to ensure that the results are legitimate. If they are patriotic Americans, they will do this.
Evan Egal (NYC)
Time to free up some jail cells...
Hawkeye (Midwest)
So the winner of the election should be the candidate with the most yard signs? That sums it up folks. We live among some real idiots.

Proud to be a nasty woman.
Mindie (Ohio)
Yep. The election is decided by yard signs. You didn't know that?? (Joking)
Donald Deem (ohio)
It appears to me some are forgetting that Obama is and still will be POTUS/ COMMANDER IN CHIEF after the election. If any of these radicals did start acting against America, there are several laws they would be violating. It is the job of the President/Commander in Chief to suppress any illegal revolts. So the military under the direction of the COMMANDER IN CHIEF would do their job. Period.
Skeletonman (Pine Tree State)
Unfortunately, the right wing terrorists have been emboldened by that ghastly jury verdict in Oregon.
Bruce Wheeler (Tucson, AZ)
Why is the Times through Parker and Corasaniti searching for ridiculously fantastic quotes from people who obviously lack a basic level of sanity? Shame on the Times! Searching for and printing all the extreme babble from this or any other extreme thought process is not reflective of the vast majority of Americans. This further throws us into discord.
Jack (Florida)
Donald Trump No Longer Believes in the United States!

General Trump will declare himself the next President by going to war! He will split the country in two. 8% on his side and 92% on the Clinton side. His supporters will all move to his mansion in Florida, where he will build the Trump wall and have his supporters pay for it.

General Trump will cancel the American Constitution replacing it with “The Art of the Deal”. All his supporters will have to kneel down and kiss his feet.

He will call his country, the “Trump Republic”! His supporters will build him a castle as be fitting of a king and there will be no taxes. He will rent the land he owns for their total income.
Ben (Westchester)
Please. There are a bunch of Democratic voters who lived through eight years of George W. Bush. That included two wars, each of which were the longest and most expensive in US history, neither of which he finished, two crises of energy deregulation, the worst attack on American soil in the nation's history, the ignorance after Katrina that almost led to the loss of one of America's great cities, and the housing collapse and the near total destruction of the global economy. Many, many American deaths, vast defecits, soldiers coming home in shambles, international troubles we are still paying for.

Maybe you don't like Hillary. Sorry about that. But you ran someone against her who was thoroughly unqualified for office. So get over yourselves and find a job, get back to work. Do you really think Hillary can cause as much damage as W did?
EHJ (Florida)
Right. There were several candidates who had a credible shot against Hillary and they were rejected. Hence the panic at the RNC.
LEM (Michigan)
Far more. Not once when she's been asked about nominations to the Supreme Court has she mentioned upholding the Constitution. She and her minions will make Obama's executive overreaches look like Amateur Hour.
Patrick Borunda (Washington)
Can we expect the sedition of the Trump supporters to be put down with violence if they perpetuate violence? Deploy SWAT officers? Nationalize the Guard?
If they threaten violence? Prophylactic response? You the peaceful North Dakota Access Pipeline protestors engaged in prayer have been "neutralized" with preemptive violence by North Dakota authorities?
Or are we going to see the authorities roll over for another armed insurrection like the travesty of the Bundy Trial in Oregon?
You point a gun threatening to pull the trigger at a federal officer or an innocent citizen exercising their First Amendment Rights, you should be shot on the spot...even if you are a white-male-entitled loser supporting Trump.
Or are they really going to go on being exempt?
ManhattanWilliam (New York, NY)
Let me give a word of advice (that the GOP voters will no doubt not understand but at least I can say I made the effort): IF there is a revolution in this country after this shockingly degrading presidential election thanks to the Republican minions who nominated a candidate that dramatically diminished the prestige of the presidency AND the United States, it will be lead by THE RATIONAL voters who repudiate everything that the GOP and their vermin candidate stand for so THEY had better watch out and start crawling back under the rock where they've been hiding these many long years.
vincent farace (california)
Why some people want to change when now this country is the top, the richest, the strongest and the GREATEST country in this planet? no other country come even close, democracy is the best, the only way to change is to go down for the worse there is no other way, we don't need leaders with dictator mentality they only destroy. Sorry for my English is not my first or second language i am from Europe not from England but a very proud American citizen with children and grand children born in this beautiful country.
Chilawyer (Chicago)
The ice cold water of the greatest loss in American presidential election history, coupled with his impending defeat in the Trump University case, will collapse the monumental ego of this colossal poseur. Once the Donald has melted like the Wicked Warlock of the West, his flying monkeys will pose no threat.
SSticklin (WA)
I like the way George Washington handled mutiny and insurrection: Meet them with superior force and hang a couple of the ringleaders.
My God, these people scare me as much as nut-job Trump! I cannot believe these people think Trump will fix their problems. He's a phony, liar and crooked. He calls Hillary crooked, that is the pot calling the kettle black. Christie, Giuliani, warty Newt and the rest of the Trumpettes, they are mean spirited crazies and they are spreading their cancer. Democrats didn't go nuts when Gore lost to Bush. This entire thing is a living nightmare.
Castanea Sativa (USA)
Once HC is elected, what will the GOP leaders say about DT? Among others:
Ryan: "Donald who?". McConnell: "Trump??? Sorry, can't recall" etc.
(More comments drowned by a prolonged huge roar ("phews" of relief).
wingate (san francisco)
Revolution strong language but with Hillary as President not beyond reality.
Her inabilities, her corruption, and Billy back in the White House all create prefect opportunity for some real confrontations hopefully not violent but she will feel a different kind of " burn " and that is a good thing.
Ronn (Seattle)
Trump is a looser. A big time looser. Bigly.

Get over it.
Jaime (California)
Young people and those older Americans who are harboring these 'revolutionary' thoughts would do well to spend some time in a library or online studying the American Civil War or the civil wars that have torn apart other nations. Words are easy, the blood and devastation that follows are intolerable. A better solution would be to continue with an education, learning how the US government and political system work and then entering community as a contributor rather than a 'rebel.' Our fathers and their fathers and grand fathers fought and sacrificed for us so that we could enjoy the great nation they built. Now isn't the time to tear it all up and throw it away through ignorance and violence.
Avocats (WA)
The average Trump supporter I've seen in the media could not organize a BBQ much less a revolution.
Byron (Hollins)
GOP and Fox news are reaping what they sowed. They created this "fearful, christian, gun-toting taliban" to promote their greedy agenda and now its turned and torn them apart like a vicious pitbull. They need to take ownership to this violent legion of the uninformed that they've lied to for so long.
@BYRON:Am a TRUMP supporter, never owned a gun, never hunted, but do have a Ph,D., entries in card catalogue,and am a former Fulbright. So how do I fit into your generalization about Trump's supporters?And there r many like me. Talk about greed.HRC has earned 150 million since 2001 and her husband 109 million. Question put to HARRY HELMSLEY.billionaire real estate develepor could also be formulated for the Clintons:"How much is enough?".They're a greedy bunch, and their very presence is pernicious to our democratic system of government.But I am a Christian.
Wintermute (DC)
What are they going to do when not of this ridiculous stuff never happens? What about the cretins in TX who were SURE that President Blackenstein (as Bill Maher refers sardonically to Obama) was going to invade their state during Jade Helm, what did they think when it didn't happen? Can anything every break these people out of their bubble of delusion?
PK (California)
Ignorant cowards threatening righteous violence? Yawn.
jazz one (wisconsin)
I would add to my previous comment (horrified Wisconsinite, embarrassed and disturbed by this reckless talk) that no one, ever 'has come for your guns.' That was the same ridiculous cry 8+ years ago ... and gee, doesn't everyone still have their guns and have added more?
I don't suddenly, magically see HRC penetrating the NRA lobby either. Even for the most basic and common sense restrictions that MOST AMERICANS favor.
And I repeat ... this is just getting nuts.
Meow Mix (New Jersey)
I expect this "Revolution" to consist primarily of:

1. Buying lots more guns and ammo
2. Ranting on Facebook and Twitter
3. Watching Fox News
Joker (Gotham)
The headline is irresponsible, and put prominently on the front page at that, for a very big paper like the NYT. Reading the actual story, it is weak to make such a case, they got a few angry Trump supporters to say, sure, I will have a revolution, but even amongst Trump supporters interviewed only a minority counted themselves as fully in that camp, often saying others might, but not me, or I will do it when she comes for the guns ... or the chickens. And then the obligatory hopeful outlook at the end that flatly contradicted the headline made it all the more cookie cutter.
Jhnevn (Houston)
Agreed. Those people sound more resigned to defeat than anything else.
Jim (McCormick)
I agree with the comments here that anyone who threatens violence against the government should be arrested. This is unacceptable behavior that must be acted upon. Let's act now by first arresting the BLM protesters who have incited violence against the police officers who represent our government. Ay, there's the rub. You can't pick and choose your outrage to violence against our government based on your party affiliation. ANY violence against the people who represent our government should be dealt with swiftly and decisively regardless of whether or not you like the person representing your government. Doing otherwise causes the talk of violence that the Times is reporting on. Our inaction to the violence caused by some supporters of BLM has helped lead to the talk of violence we are now discussing. Truly the chickens have come home to roost.
EHJ (Florida)
BLM has never threatened violence against law enforcement. They are simply trying to draw attention to a problem, i.e. people of color getting killed by police for no good reason. There are no other western democracies that would tolerate such a high rate of civilians being killed by law enforcement. Our stats are off the charts. Our police kill more people in a month than are killed in decades in some countries. There is something awry in our current approach to law enforcement and protests and awareness campaigns are a perfectly legitimate response. Unlike killing people because your favored candidate did not win an election.
Armando Stiletto (Dallas)
It's likely Podesta's goons infiltrating causing trouble posing as Trump supporters

Even if it's not, the NYT continues to clutch its pearls and faint while making up "news"
skalramd (KRST)
Asinine article and asinine editorial decisions - first your likes gave Trump a platform and then looked shocked that got him the nomination. Now you give random whack jobs, a minority, a similar voice and will pretend you had nothing to do with the random violence that will inevitably result.
tony barone (new jersey)
The right wong swung so far right it fell off the side. it's now in sedition territory. And mostly armed to the teeth.
fran soyer (ny)
They are bluffing. Save some radical extremist domestic terrorist Tim McVeigh type looking for any excuse to hurt people, nobody is going to start a violent insurrection.

The GOP is not going to let their own people replace ISIS as the most dangerous terrorist group in the country. No way.
MaxiMin (USA)
This is not "revolution" it is simply disregarding the democratic process. It is irresponsible for the New York Time to call it "revolution" as it is fanning the flames for people who neither understand nor care about the democratic process. The New York Time should call this what it is: a threat to a coup. The opposite of democracy.
EHJ (Florida)
Agreed. Insurrection. Treason. Traitors. Fascists. More appropriate designations than rebels and revolutionaries.
SMC (Canada)
Hopefully people will be disappointed but nothing more. Come together as a nation after the election. But I can't help but wonder if there are Trump (or Clinton) supporters who will take to the streets with their "muskets" and "open carry?" And will be these white demonstrators be called "rioters" and "looters" when they start problems or will they be called "protesters." Will be interesting to see how they are treated.

As bad as you think you might have it, a loss in the election is a first world problem. Billions of people around the world would love to change places with you, as aggrieved as you might feel after the election. Keep being Reagan's "shining city on a hill" and show the globe the US is still a beacon of hope for humanity. Peace everyone.
Alicia (GA)
“You go through any neighborhood and see how many Trump signs there are and how many Hillary signs there are, and I guarantee you it’s not even going to be close,” said Bill Stelling, 44, of Jacksonville, Fla. “The only way they’ve done it is by rigging the election.” -- You can't make this stuff up.

How can one person go through one neighborhood and assume Trump will win an election? Or go by crowd sizes, even? There are 300 plus million people in 'Murica and they all are not going to agree with Trumpsters. As for believing some Trump supporters will turn to violence, I think many will. Look at the rallies. One Trump supporter told me that Clinton agitated the violence there. Even if that were true (and it may not be seeing as one so called Clinton agitator is affiliated with Breitbart) No one forced Trump to talk about punching people. No one egged an old man on to punch a counter protestor in the face. If they are so easily agitated by a t-shirt or an opposing view point they have serious mental problems to begin with. These folks are unhinged and I can only hope people do what they can to protect The First Female President once she gets into the Oval Office.
jules (california)
And Obama's 2008 comment is more apt than ever.

"They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
Nefarious77 (OH)
The epic battle of 'Stupid vs Evil' is about to commencement!
Dave (SE Asia)
As an outsider (non-American), I've never seen America so divided, a presidential debate that resembles a reality TV show more than a debate on national issues; a middle east policy that failed so bad, a president that upset so many others to the point that he is being treated with contempt, America economically weak...and to top it off, you now you have choose between a madman and a crook to be your next president. God help us.
To Dave in SE Asia

If you get your ideas about life in the US from the media, I caution you that the NYT and CNN, Fox News give a skewed view of life here. When you visit another culture, do you stay on the train and then feel you have experienced Prague? Paris? Provence?
Nanne (Michigan)
The only difference between some of the citizens threatening reprisal if their candidate loses and those elected Republicans threatening the same is that the elected officials will actually do lasting harm to our country. Nothing changes. Zero insight gleaned from their obstructionist experiment the past 8 years. They apparently still do not understand that the refusal to govern in even a mildly cooperative spirit for the good of the country has played a large role in the frustration of everyday Americans that has in part led us to this thing called Trump.
William (Georgia)
I do not believe a widespread revolution will take place if Clinton is elected.
First, the citizens of this country are, by nature, tolerant and law biding and are willing to give leaders, friends, family a chance of success until it is self evident a change needs to be made.
Second, the standing of the United States among nations would suffer greatly, creating untold openings for our opponents and enemies to fill, thereby causing many dangers worldwide. Citizens know that.
Third, if revolt does happen, it would be on a relative minor scale, and the president and governors control the military, which, I believe, would obey their commanders.
Last, but not necessarily last, revolt would be a disaster for Trump and his vast investment empire. Therefore, I believe he would strongly discourage any violent action by his followers. His bombast about a rigged election would disappear in an instant.
George (San Jose, CA)
I was originally planning on voting for Bernie with a write-in protest vote; but given the situation of possible post-election violence should it be a close margin, I've decided against that idea and voting straight-up for Hillary instead.
Mark (Northern Virginia)
If the "god" that these Trump supporters keep invoking were crazy enough to be on their side, the entire universe would be so out of kilter that matter as we know it probably could not exist at all, much less in the form of a Trump supporter.
Patrick (Long Island N.Y.)
I suspect Don Trump is contemplating a military coup which is more serious than a revolt by disgruntled voters. He has boasted about the backing of a hundred top brass and has as his support, two former federal prosecutors, Christie and Giuliani, who have undoubtedly kept in touch with the political wing of the Pentagon, the F.B.I. who incidentally has taken no action against Trump who has clearly violated major law by threatening Clinton's life by insinuating that a loose cannon might go after her, or for instigating potential riots and revolts should he lose the election.

I think the possibility of a revolt is real, but a coup is also a distinct possibility after hearing much of what Trump and his close advisers have said.
Larry Figdill (Charlottesville)
And the recent acquittal of Amon Bundy and his gang for the armed takeover of federal property will provide a president for armed takeover of other locations. Apparently, until they actually use their guns and commit violence, they are not doing anything illegal. Why not an armed takeover of a college campus? A Smithsonian museum? The Lincoln memorial? The white house? Congress?
old hippy (the new world)
every person i meet eveyday i would vote for over these two.i dont hear anything about what thay will do for the country. Only how thay should both not be president. Also where did the red vs blue come from and the vs. We need goals and less vs.
LMJr (Sparta, NJ)
Trump's policies are laid out on his website. Go read them.
Angel From Heaven (Heaven)
If Trump is elected President say Goodbye to programs like Social Security and Hillary Gets elected say Goodbye to gun ownership rights us Americans can't win for losing can we
EHJ (Florida)
Nobody could get rid of social security. Now that would cause a revolution. And nobody can take away guns per se. Limits on gun ownership, such as background checks, restraints against felons owning guns, banning certain military grade weapons from private ownership do not threaten gun ownership in the slightest. The legitimate uses for guns, self protection, hunting and sport will never be impacted by any gun control legislation.
Lawb (Philly)
If they get violent, arrest them.
Carol (California)
Dear Trump Supporters,

The reason you see no Hillary Clinton bumper stickers and no Hillary Clinton lawn signs is because we are afraid of vandalism or worse by Trump supporters. We are not announcing our choice in our neighborhoods and cities. The only people who are placing signs are Trump supporters who are not afraid of wussy Clinton supporters. Oh, Jill Stein supporters openly support her but they have nothing to be afraid of from Trump supporters. He is ignoring her and her supporters.

This is true in California. If you went by presidential signs on houses and lawns in California, then he is going to win the state in a landslide never seen before in this state.

I recently went on vacation to Kaui, Hawaii and the only bumper stickers and signs were for Trump. There were not very many of them. The lush wet side of Kaui is prosperous. There were no presidential signs there. The dry side of Kaui is poorer. There were some Trump signs there, but not a lot, just some.

This does not mean much because California and Hawaii poll blue and usually vote blue despite the only signs being Trump signs.
EHJ (Florida)
I noticed this too in South Florida, a reliably Democratic stronghold.
Mike (Texas)
I don't believe a word most of these supporters say. As a liberal in South Texas, I've had many odd interactions with folks on the far right since the election of President Obama. For example, they promised "death panels" when the Affordable Care Act was being written into law. Where's my death panels? I was promised death panels!
Will Hillary take their guns? No, but I wish she would take some of them. I just learned today that two freshmen at my former high school were arrested for bringing guns to school. Ironically, that was Robert E. Lee H.S.
Andrew (Chicago, IL)
This article may be irresponsible, as some have noted. But the problem playing out in this election more clearly than in any previous is the breathtaking lack of knowledge of how civil society and our representative democracy works (albeit, somewhat awkwardly at times), as it seeks to balance meeting the needs of different constituencies. It is striking and sad that support for Mr. Trump could translate into a position that if he loses there should be a revolution. That would disregard the votes of what appears a convincing majority of Americans that Ms Clinton is the right person for the job--at least, the right choice between these two. Surely both are flawed; but what if Trump wins? I would be shocked--even mortified. I would look to support efforts to stymie his selfish agenda and mute his toneless braggadocio, not to mention make sure he keeps his hands to himself. But revolution? It is not sufficient to simply be a living and breathing American adult to have the right to vote. It is sufficient only if part of being an American means understanding our law, supporting civic institutions, upholding the principles of a civil society, and acting with civility in loss as in victory. Civlc, civil, civility: words conjured from the same idea that we must agree to work together to make an imperfect world better, not run to dogma and diatribe. Not even in our worse moments ought one talk of overthrowing our imperfect but perfectible system. Adopt that, and America doesn't exist.
Frankie (The South)
And it is obvious that those who believe it is possible to "rig" an election at the polls don't know anything about the checks in the system.

Contrary to what those people assume, political parties do NOT run the polling places. They do NOT keep track of voter registration and they do NOT stage their own official recounts.

That is your governmental election authority.
Nicholas Kokoris (Chicago Area)
The democratic process of this country would be protected if we were to safeguard the means by which we allow candidates to gain political prominence.
We must change our current televised debate process into a dissertational defense or courtroom-like proceeding, in which candidates are asked questions by a panel of experts, each with Ph.D level of knowledge in the most important issues. As in a courtroom, or in a dissertation presentation, the panel of experts will retain the right to interrupt any candidate who presents a false or misleading statement.
Also, the panel, like a judge, could delve into the candidates' knowledge of the issues with probing questions just as a Supreme Ct. Justice probes the assertions of litigants. The panel of experts would also be positioned to absorb the enmity of any childish candidate(s) instead of allowing the opponent to bear the brunt.
No more eye-rolling, grimaces (think Gore in 2000), idiotic lies (DT) or smiley faces (H) to disrupt the concentration of the American Public, who may watch the "court proceeding " or "dissertation defense" instead of a soap opera, and do so in real time. This process will help ferret out the idiots- even a close-mouthed, savvy version of DT, once the Trumpists tweak their next Frankenstein
for 2020, and you bet they will, having learned from their ability to touch the right nerves of this desperate electorate.
King David (Fairfax VA)
The only certain revolt, and the only certain proof that the election is rigged, would be if Clinton loses.
Rose (Brooklyn, NY)
I wish that sane people could reach out to these people who fear a Clinton presidency, and tell them, that it's Trump who will destroy their lives, and ask them why they feel this way and what EXACTLY do they think she will do to them. Who are they listening to? It really puzzles me that a woman who wants so much to do the right thing for all those who are hurting, by putting the rich and powerful in their place and make them pay their share of taxes, to salvage SS and Medicare, to improve on the Affordable Care ACt and move us toward Medicare for all, to help students get an affordable or free college tuition, to do something about climate change and effectively deal with ISIS without engaging America into another war which will only send more of our armed forces to die, which is what ISIS is waiting for. I wish I could assure the ones who do not intend to be violent not to worry, and those who have so much hatred in their hearts that they are threatening violence, I would tell them have fun in prison which is where you will wind up if you attempt to intimidate voters, or use those second amendment weapons on anybody, and if you take a shot at Clinton you will not see the light of day again, whether you succeed or not. Though it is ironic t Hinkley made parole recently, or did I read or hear that wrong??
My concern is for all those whose constitutional rights to vote for the candidate of their choice is going to be threatened.
Susanne (NY)
I think you are adding to this with these questions to people. If they lose and they go into this revolution disruption, they will be arrested. I assume that would be a federal crime.And if Trump started playing these games where he didn 't concede, I heard David Boes discuss this and he said that if Trump did not concede its only a formality. He will eventually have to get over his temper tantrum. And then the likes of him will disappear after a few more sputterings...
peter (texas)
I find it surprising how many people saying this is the worst they have ever seen, using words like revolution and polarized. Most making these comments are of a certain age such as I and would have lived through the 60's and 70's. If you are going to point to a time when the nation and world seemed on the edge and about to fall off into the chaos, that would seem to be it. Three assassinations in one decade. Race Riots. Wars fought to a stalemate. What greater symbol of the time and the divide but the Berlin Wall so many died trying to cross. Something here doesn't add up in the world view of those commenting at Trump rallies. Bad things have happened, but these are not the worst of times. Hardly.
Cynthia (Seattle)
Did the Republicans cut all funding for social studies? These people never seem to have heard of the non-violent transfer of power that is a hallmark of American democracy.
Dennis D. (New York City)
Am I reading this correctly? One old timer Trump supporter says that he's not going to revolt if Trump loses but he knows some people who say they'll riot if Hillary wins.

Really? And what does this guy think of his Trump buddies saying they are ready to riot? Can he fathom that maybe the guy he's about to vote for is the candidate of his fellow nut jobs?

Most of these Trump supporters are all bark but no bite. They talk the talk but when it comes to doing anything productive with their lives instead getting all worked up over a Manhattan billionaire who doesn't give a rat's be-hind about them. Trump thinks many of his supporters are a bunch of losers. The thing is they haven't figured that out yet. They soon will, in less than two weeks when again Trump takes these chumps to the cleaners.

Ernest (Cincinnati Ohio)
I don't think anything will happen but if it does then they will be resisted by people like me who have been there before when we were younger. They will be met not with guns but with peaceful protests, marches, and non-violent sit ins. We ended a war with the wisdom of Ghandi and King so I think we can handle a bunch of hothead and misled Trump supporters.
Neil (Los Angeles)
Any person of any party, who breaks the law involving acting out during the campaign, during voting or after the election should be subject to the consequences of the applicable laws.
This great country will move forward to good things as the most respected, diverse wonderful country ever. Challenging times, fears and emotions will not separate us from our common history and our common bond as citizens.
JEB (Austin, TX)
The Confederacy was defeated once, and it can easily be defeated again. But it would be far better to avoid doing this with bloodshed once more.
Jim (Kalispell, MT)
This is depressing. Particularly given the other news of the acquittal of the Oregon white militia members. Apparently it is okay to be a deplorable person in the USA.
Consultp (the 4 corners)
I have a friend that just came back from Ireland.
He showed me photos of people wearing hats that look like
Mr tRumps, but they say " Make America Smart Again"

Think about how our neighbors look at and think about us-----gs
Margo (Atlanta)
And the US company HQs offshored in Ireland that would face tax consequences : thus removing the incentive the Irish government provided as a kind of tax haven... you don't think that's a driving force for anti-Trump complaints in Ireland? Do you read much?
G (Iowa)
Donald Trump leading a new American revolutionary war? About as scary as Bozo the Clown leading insurgents into the Patriots sidelines after deflate-gate. Whatever Donald Trump touches turns to manure. Don't worry he will stink up the place.
Serdana Foundale (Stamford)
People, be careful what you wish for. People who have never experienced war are the ones clamoring for it. The USA is a children and future focused society in that we strive to leave to our children a better country than we found it. Those of you looking to foment trouble and going about talking about starting a violent revolution, we are watching you and waiting for you. We will identify you, arrest you, try you in the courts, convict you, and either jail you for life or execute you.
Ryan (Houston, Texas)
It's insane that this even has to be thought of, but I would hope that should she win, and she probably will, Mrs. Clinton has already heard reassuring words from top U.S. military officers that she has their full support including the enlisted men under their command, should anyone try anything seditious. What has this country come to?
Carl Hultberg (New Hampshire)
Fox News.
Erik Flatpick (Ohio)
Too many people too upset over too many lies, because they insist on denying what they have seen and heard when their idol says otherwise. The ones who brag about what they're gonna do with their guns are scary. Remember Timothy McVeigh ...
Robert (Mass)
Trump's deplorables are just as narcissistically aggressive like Trump himself and Trump has been manipulating their victim complexes and inciting violence. The poor Trumpies picked a bad candidate that is completely unqualified for and unfit for office. Too's your choice deplorables; let's all put our big boy and big girl pants on and realize that in a Democratic Republic such as the USA, there is a winner and a loser.

Trump blew his election. In typical narcissistic fashion, Trump self destructed. There is no one to blame but Trump and his supporters that brought him there. Grow up babies.

Hillary Clinton will overwhelmingly win this election in a landslide and the vast majority of this country has already rejected Trump and what he represents. Hillary will have a mandate and will win by double digits. If the deplorable minority want to bring it on and try to deny We The People our electoral choice with violence, they better be prepared. If they want a revolution, they should all move to Texas or Alaska. Enough is enough already; we are sick and tired of the boarish narcissist Trump, his incitements to violence and division, and the empty illegal threats or the deplorables.
BH (Houston)
Please don't send any more crazies to Texas. We are fighting hard to become a Pink State, with Purple in sight. I stood in line 35 minutes to early vote and am happy to report not one one scuffle or bad word; in fact, when a man collapsed in line, everyone responded without questioning who he was voting for. When a volunteer asked all of us in line to vote a straight Dem ticket to save the planet (with which I silently agreed), no one attacked--they just asked to pet her dog. I thought I had accidentally driven to Austin instead of my rather red suburban Houston polling place. There IS hope.
W. Liam Allan-Dalgleish (Princeton)
PhxJack (Phoenix, AZ)
I think that maybe I should go out and buy more ammo.
Sara (<br/>)
I think this definition of Sedition pretty much covers this:

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; July 24, 1956, ch. 678, § 1, 70 Stat. 623; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)
Robert Briggs (Tulsa, OK)
I liked what what Connie said, or at least how she started it out. She said something along the lines of, "It just goes to show that some of the Trump fans needs a good old education..." I was hoping she was going to say the truth, as Trumpeteers slept through U.S. History 101 and what they did not learn, they just make it up. No, I was hoping she was going to say what they needed was a good old whoopin'. If they try to remove the President of the United States by force (and do not forget they have that right under the 2nd Amendment) I will just sit back in my easy chair and watch the slaughter of the deplorables at the hands of my government's military might (still the strongest in the world). I am confident they are not that COURAGEOUS OR STUPID, despite their lack of education and their claim that President Obama has weakened the military might of the greatest country in the world. I will be sure to store up on my popcorn and coke.
Jim B (California)
It appears that, based on recent events, should I decide to sling a shotgun over my shoulder, strap on a pistol, and show up at a nearby federal office after Trump loses, I can't be convicted of any wrongdoing for expressing my concerns over the over-reach of the federal government. Why then wouldn't I conclude that "a Second Amendment response" to my candidate losing the election is appropriate? That Trump's supporters feel that taking up arms against the government is an appropriate response to their candidate losing an election is only an extension of the same paranoia and xenophobia that has been carefully stoked by the candidate in his remarks about 'rigged elections, rigged polls, rigged media'. Reporting Trump's own words, showing videos of his own actions, and reporting the poll numbers constitutes a justification in these minions for taking matters into their own hands, abandoning the rule of law and the Constitution. The irony is they would claim to be patriots, claim to be defending the Constitution, and claim to be "exercising their rights" under the very same Constitution they are attacking... That Trump's supporters suggest they may adopt the tactics of the Bundys invasion and takeover of federal property is a true indication of the danger to our democracy that Trump represents.
Citixen (NYC)
Trump will lose this election because it IS's rigged the same way it ever was: that the person with the most votes wins. That the person with most EV's wins the Electoral College.

The lesson the Trumpeters and the Republicans need to (re)learn is that the force of your convictions does not win elections; that the intensity of one's emotion does not win elections; and finally, that the number of yard signs in your neighborhood/community/district does not win elections.

A history lesson: between Reagan and Clinton, the Democrats also had to absorb 3 consecutive national elections until 1992. Did Democrats burn down the government? No. We endured, retooled, and came back with a message that appealed to more voters. When GWB lost the popular vote, but won by judicial fiat; did the Democrats burn down government? No. We endured 2 wars, 2 terms, and the 'Swiftboating' of a decorated Vietnam vet in 2004, with not a peep about 'rigged elections' and stolen votes.

To deny a Clinton win that was 'fair and square' by any accounting OTHER than Trump's words is to do a disservice to yourselves and the nation. You will have chosen the path of a demagogue who cares not a whit about you or the country; only about what the books will write about him. And you, if you choose to follow, will be the pitiful cohort of a tv celebrity and a dude who couldn't make money running a casino. Sad.
MJB (New Orleans)
Please print something positive about our right to vote. We have suffered enough abuse from the press. The voter turnout needs to be robust in this important election.

I’m voting for Hillary Clinton. I surmise I will have to wear a full HAZMAT with gas mask, and now you are telling me I need body armor as well?

More “news” meant to startle and frighten us. Pit us against each other. Another opportunity to stereotype and call each other “nut-jobs” and “sheeple”. It's easy to blame the candidates, but why can't the press print something more inspiring about our constitutional right to vote?

We will have great difficulty making progress in our country if the press continues to take the bait of Donald Trump's campaign of hate and abuse. Step up to the plate and rise above the traps Donald Trump has set for the media.
Angel From Heaven (Heaven)
I am an Angel that is currently living in heaven and I can see the future of a Trump Presidential and here is what will happen if you vote for Mr. Trump There will be No More Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Public Schools for your kids to go to I can see everything that has happen in the past 2000 years and yes Trump has Grope Women and touch them about 100 of them in his lifetime and stole money he has not paid his income taxes in 30 years so let me ask you American is this the man you want for President and to run a country that has not paid income taxes in more than 3 decades and wants to cut out Social Security for the retired and disabled people that has paid in Social Security taxes like the Baby Boomers for example and he's also wanting to wipe out Medicare and Medicaid for everybody remember what Mitt said 4 years we shouldn't have to pay for food, housing and other government programs for the needy people that is what Trump says behind closed downs so ya make the choice American do ya want somebody in there that lies and cheats every Amercian as if were a game ya better vote for Hillary Clinton November 8th or ya can kiss all the government programs goodbye as for the second Amendment rights to bear arms Hillary is not going to take our Gun Rights away which I talking to the people in the swing states now if ya care about getting a Social Security Check every month and depend on it better vote for Hillary she will increase it Trump will cut it out
JEB (Austin, TX)
Well, here in Texas, which despite Hilary's improvement in the polls, will probably still go to Trump, there are no Trump signs whatsoever. Trump has no ground game, no campaign, simply--as has been said--a pseudo rock star tour. Trump is an embarrassment to us all. Anyone who thinks that “The only way they’ve done it is by rigging the election” is completely out of touch with reality.
jstevend (Mission Viejo, CA)
This is a very important article as far as knowing how people feel, but it doesn't have sufficient depth to help understand why people feel the way they do. It's clear that both Trump and Hillary are vilified from both sides of the political spectrum. And, overall the country is divided about 50/50 politically: federal, state, and local. Republican political workers are more dedicated than Democrats it seems as evidenced by elections such as 2010. If the Democrats sweep in November, which is possible, it's still unlikely that they will not take the House of Representatives. And, it's likely only to be a short two years control of the Senate if 2018 repeats 2010, which certainly appears possible.

The country is certainly very bitterly divided. Trump is a magnet for the outpouring of the rancor that got him where he is. Political gridlock year after year can not be good for the country and we may well feel the effects of it soon. The country is due for another recession soon. It's been 8 years and millions of Americans never recovered from the Great Recession.

So, the federal government really needs to be effective about this. If it cannot be, that weakens the country in fundamental ways if government cannot help the people when help is desperately needed.

As the U.S. government is owned by the people, the phrase "of the people, by the people, for the people" rings hollow. It means that the people of the U.S., this country, cannot help itself. The country cannot be itself.
Brian (Los Angeles)
Pence runs off he runway at La Guardia; Trump runs off the flat, only 3,000-year-old Earth runway.
james (bay ridge)
If Mr Trump gets elected, will he hold his hand on the bible and swear to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States?
Or will have to think about that and get back to us later.
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
Your hero Barack took the oath of office and them began eight years of not only ignoring the Constitution but belittling and denying the laws of the land. Trump is the solution to the arrogance problem in the White House.
Molly Ciliberti (Seattle)
If Donald Trump loved this country, he would tell his minions to honor the election results and work to really make America better through cooperation.
AZPurdue (Phoenix)
If Trump loses, all he has to do is send a modest donation to the Clinton Foundation. Then things will start to happen.
Dean (US)
Um, in response to the comment about yard signs: I have already voted for HRC and have supported her candidacy for quite some time. I don't have a Hillary sign in my yard because I think enough of DJT's supporters are angry nuts that I don't want to expose my children to risk of attack or my home to risk of vandalism. Don't count your yard signs before they hatch.
jules (california)
That is exactly why I would never post a Clinton sign in my yard. I think a Trump crazy would simply shoot out a window or do something equally stupid.
glo (nyc)
on a road trip this month to KY from NYC, often visiting residential areas, we saw very few lawn signs ...almost all for Trump. Fewer than 10 bumper stickers. I agree that polarization makes public displays risky ...most often by creating polemic discussions with friends and family. We used to talk...try to persuade..and then agree to disagree. Now we surround ourselves with those just like us and severely judge those with other views. Bring a shovel...the signs are buried but real. I'M WITH HER.
Willie (Cambridge, MA)
Another "Revolutionary War"? You mean, the Brits are going to invade us!?!? Perhaps you meant to say another "Civil War" since that was the one that occurred between our previously divided nation. #typicaltrumpsupporter
David G (Westport, CT)
Neither, really. It would be the War Between the Brainwashed and the Mindful. Evolutionary War?
Jim (PA)
Trump supporters are half right; There is a silent majority in America. But it is opposed to them and their candidate. They have confused their own loud obnoxiousness with having an imaginary majority.
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
The explosion in primary voting this time around for the GOP, versus the drop in voting for the Dem primaries, combines with current campaign crowds shoeing the same difference to convince those outside D.C. that they have a real silent majority awaiting. This may all be so much vapor, of course.
Pattrick Smellie (New Zealand)
what does this even mean? : “I hope to God I never have to fire a round, but I won’t hesitate to. As a Christian, I want reformation. But sometimes reformation comes through bloodshed.
George (PA)
Simple. It means that this moron is not a Christian. I don't ever remember hearing any Gospel reading where Jesus exhorted people to armed violence.
Jonathan (Bloomington)
It means the person is not a Christian.
Laurel (<br/>)
Of course the election is rigged. It's called the Electoral College. Read how it works. It is pure manipulation of the people's vote.
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
The E.C. was put there to protect the rights of the smaller states. Remember, the states formed this federal monster that you are called upon to show due reverence to.
Yars (MA)
Ignorant nonsense. The electoral college is one of the two bedrock embodiments of federalism in our constitution - the other is the U.S. Senate.

The people do not elect the president. The STATES elect the president of the United States.

Please read the constitution. It will be two hours well-spent.
Jakob (Washington DC)
And yet not a word from the leadership of the house and senate condemning this type of commentary. The cowards remain silent and we shall remember.
pwjaffe (Bangkok, Thailand)
Trump will lose, electoral college or not.
TerryDarc (Southern Oregon)
Traitors to America. That is what the Republican Party under Donald J. Trump has become. Cast doubt upon the country-wide election, impossible to rig, and inflamed his idiot followers into saying things like they'll take up arms.

Trump? Just quit. Stop. You are a total rolling disaster to a country you do not understand and apparently hate in your guts. Get out of the race. Now.
Rsb (W Orange Mj)
Do you want to visualize "President Trump" in office? Do not go far, look at President Duterte of the Phillipines and his antics and irrational behavior. You will get preview of Trump, the President
AZPurdue (Phoenix)
Conversely, if Hillary wins, we are subjected to 4-8 years of Clinton sleeze.
Spot on.!!!
LOZ (Australia)
If America, the champion of democracy and the land of the free, cannot hold a free and fair election - for no lesser a role than the leader of the free world - what business does it have going to the four corners of the world, lecturing others and trying to sell its brand of democracy?
Khaleesi (The Great Grass Sea)
The election will be free and fair. That said, if Donald Trump is elected, I don't think you will be seeing much of America in the four corners of the world doing much of anything.
Infinite Observer (USA)
Oh please! People are going to go about their business as usual.
jersey jean (New Jersey)
Infinite, don't be so sure. If you follow the posts on YouTube it's very scary. So many very angry trump supporters filled with hatred and the constant use of profanity and terrible name- calling of Mrs. Clinton. What they call her is beyond deplorable. Therefore, if he loses, there's a good chance there will be violence.
Jeanne (New York)
Donald Trump's message has been more about expelling and banning certain groups of people of color from the U.S., building a wall, insulting women and punishing them for having abortions, expanding the use of nuclear weapons, denigrating the idea of climate change, bombing our enemies without thought to what that might mean to innocent civilians or in triggering another war, arming citizens to be vigilantes, threatening Hillary Clinton with jail should he become President and encouraging violence against her should she become President, appointing justices to The Supreme Court who will overturn Roe v. Wade and marriage equality, and railing against our first black President instead of talking about how his supporters and other Americans can better their lives economically with increased job opportunities, universal healthcare, affordable education, and so on.

This leads me to believe that Trump's ardent supporters are more concerned about the increasing populations of people of color, the rising tide of women in positions of authority in government and business, government programs that help people from the cradle to old age, certain groups of people who emigrate to the U.S., and the fear of that the government will take away their guns.

If so, the problem seems not to be economic concerns as much as its basis is in bigotry and paranoia.
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
Donald's supporters are against ILLEGAL immigration only. Reading comprehension.
JQuincy (Texas)
I'm a gun owner, born, raised, and currently living in the Great State of Texas, and I'll definitely, HAPPILY march on the capitals as well if defend them from right wing morons who can't accept the results of a democratic election. Long live The Union. Long live democracy. I'd happily give my life to preserve both.

I don't fear a government of the people, by the people, for the people. I fear those who fear that government.
Andy Hain (Carmel, CA)
These are the mean faces some pose with in order to get their way over who's next in line. Aka: bluster.
Pherd (Oregon)
Oh dear God, how clueless are these people. They drive around their community and think that the local political slant is representative of an entire nation. They think that the posts they see on social media are a full spectrum of the nation not realizing they only see people they friend or people they follow. You are losing the election, not because it is rigged, but because you have horrified the independent moderate voters who actually usually decide an election. Most of us in the middle are disgusted by Trump and turned off by the blatantly political witch-hunt of the whole Benghazi, e-mail blather. Hold past administrations to the standards and investigations you want to hold Clinton and you would find that Bush and Reagan fair worse. Not to mention at how Reagan would be rolling in his grave to see how Russia is trying to manipulate this election.
To Pherd Oregon

It is a shame a considerable fraction, albeit a minority, of US electorate does not have the ability to be objective like you. Thank you for your insight. Especially about the circus called Benghazi investigation.

The only way to avert a possible "revolution" by these bigots who are conned by their candidate is for HRC to have a landslide victory!!

Please all rational people of the USA, please vote. Vote HRC "big league" and stop this nightmare getting worse.
Neil (Los Angeles)
Hillary, it's time to step up and embrace everyone including frustrated Trump supporters. Don't ignore them. Hear them.
To be aloof d condescending would be as decisive and hurtful to us as Trump is.
To be a great President which you likely will, must reflect that you know the country
and the people, all the people. come first.
Gosh she has been saying it, that she reaches to ALL Americans from the beginning. "Aloof.."?
Even today I watched the full speech by HRC and Mrs Obama at NC. She was not talking to" her base", like Trump does. She gave an uplifting speech, talked about a government of inclusiveness.

It is just that no matter how she tries to explain her policies and positions on matters of National interest, the die hard Trumpions, so blinded by hate of her and all the wild lies that has been kept alive by right wing media and the Republican party itself for so long simply refuse to even give her the time of the day! What more do you want HRC to do to reach these people, beg???
Mary O (Boston, MA)
Neil, I've heard much more conciliatory and inclusive comments from Clinton all along, and a lot of outreach to moderates and Republicans who are willing to listen to reason. The only positive remarks about America as a whole from Trump came while he was shilling his new hotel yesterday. Otherwise he's been forecasting nonstop apocalyptic doom.
Robert (New York City)
Why Donald Trump hasn't been arrested for inciting violence or forcing himself sexually on women is beyond my understanding.
Elise (NYC)
To Robert in NYC:
To answer your question as to why Yrump has not been arrested for inviting to riot, The reason is the First Amendment to the Constitution,Robert. The law requires the person's speech crosses the line and the bar is very high. Very high. For a reason. Our Founding Fathers felt very strongly about freedom of speech. Before our Constitution, no country on Earth protected free speech.

Although Trump's comments, some feel he is implying revolution should happen if he does not win, are startling and offensive to many, they do not meet the standard of "inciting to riot." I might be offended by what DJT says, but I will defend his right to Free Speech.

And, so should you!! You want our country to be like Cuba or the former USSR? If Trump were arrested, it would be the first step down the path of undermining the First Amendment.

Remember: Those who do not learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past (paraphrasing...)
Nancy (Sebastopol)
Neither of these candidates represents the best of America. But for anyone to seriously think that Trump gives a rap about the problems of the 99% is preposterous. All he cares about is intergalactic 'coverage' of HIM and lowering the tax rate for himself and his business. I feel very sorry for the desperate deluded people who think their lives will be any better with a Trump in the white house. Hillary is no prize but she's not as bad a joke as Trump. She pays taxes, donates to charity, prepares for her job, and doesn't grope anyone. Let's all get together, elect her, and lean hard on her to create a legacy for herself and the country that she can be proud of.
Douglas (Nd)
The last president To stand up to the very rich to take control away from the new York money was Andrew Jackson and formed the Federal reserve Bank people need to remember history
Mike Baker (Montreal)
There is no such thing as dabbling in sedition. Whether promoting sedition or planning to commit sedition, these people need to have a sit-down with someone who will lay out the legal consequences in no uncertain terms.

These are some seriously stupid people and though a good many of them IMO appear to be classic passive-agressives, there are always the outliers who will interpret the violent overtones to mean killing fellow citizens. So if I was running the FBI, I'd have its investigators review the Tim McVeigh file prior to the sit-downs.

To me, the Trump supporters quoted in this article have crossed a line. I don't think they comprehend that they've said something that no citizen has the right to say in public, living in the fantasy world that they inhabit. So maybe the FBI can do all Americans a favour and let these nuts know what comes next.

And before any of these kooks can do his worst, maybe the FBI could let Trump know that his big dumb mouth puts himself at risk of being brought up on charges of inciting and/or promoting sedition.
Andrew (Toronto)
Agreed. I hope the FBI is paying them a visit at the very least. What they are calling for is clearly treason against the United States Government. The punishment for that can be anything from 5 years in jail to execution. They should be reminded of the consequences of their actions and words. So should Trump because as you said incitement of treason is not treated differently under US law.
David G (Westport, CT)
Exactly. Trump IS yelling "FIRE" in a crowded theatre. Free speech is not unlimited, and his repeated and violations puts the current administration in a real bind. To take appropriate action would obviously be perceived as the "rigging" Trump fantasizes. Maybe he's begging for that.
Joseph E Marsh Jr (Rydultowy, Poland)
Not only are these people unable to mount a winning campaign, they can't induce their candidate to string together two coherent sentences. Start a "revolution"? That would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic.
Sleater (New York)
Oh well. If they're white and they do, including occupying federal facilities and commandeering federal equipment, the Bundys just proved they'll get off with a slap on the wrist, if even that.
Jesse Reid (New York City)
I tend to think the next incident involving an armed militia is going to be a short standoff. The police after this devastating Bundy blow are not taking prisoners. They're bring body bags.
Mark (Portland)
America is doomed if those people interviewed for this article are representative of the electorate at large. I mean, could they be any more stupid? Is it just me?
Mary O (Boston, MA)
It's not just you. A majority of Americans are sane, and horrified at the nasty turn of this election. But we're quietly waiting out the last two weeks and will vote for sanity, if we haven't already early-voted.

I have already been tapering my election exposure because I've had enough, but I will not forgive or forget what we've been put through. Ivanka Trump shoes, in the trash, and I'm not setting foot in Marshalls, Lord&Taylor, Nordstrom et al while they carry any Trump-branded anything. Maybe all these Trump insurrectionists will pick up the slack and spend their money to enrich this family further, but from me, not a penny. If NBC gives him another show, I'll stop watching NBC. I am so done with this horror show and am waiting for an eventual return to calm and boring. I'm not a shouter by nature, but I will definitely vote with my pocketbook.
PBailey (Maine)
I must admit as appalling as Trumps supporters revolting may seem, I too feel very anxious and helpless if TRUMP wins. A desperate sense of despair. I can understand their sense of desperation, regardless of the misinformation, mis-truths or propaganda used to manipulate the reality. Right or Wrong, they believe it's real, regardless of the truth or the consequences to us all.
Tdot for HRC (Toronto)
I've always been as far left of centre politically as strategic voting allows, but during our Harper years (our Canadian hard-right bully-boy), many of my neighbours had signs up supporting him. I'm a woman. I don't want fights with my neighbours. But I registered it when one of the bully-boy-supporting guys next door took paid employment retraining when he was laid off. A Liberal initiative. He wouldn't have had that from Stephen "Bootstraps" Harper.

So this last election when we elected Liberal Justin Trudeau by a whopping majority, there were still few Liberal lawn signs. But I noticed not so many Harper ones.

The point is we Liberals don't tend to be gun-totin', conspiracy-theory "deplorables"--and we know we don't want one of you with the Trump signs on the lawn banging on our doors at midnight, harassing our kids, poisoning our dog. Just as you scream "Lock her up" at your rallies and wear T-shirts calling HRC the "c" word, we know you don't want civil political discourse. So we'll keep our lawns empty --thank you very much--and we'll astonish you with our numbers on Voting Day. The true Silent Majority.
You have said it brilliantly.
Jesse Reid (New York City)
We are two lesbians (there is one gay couple, five Hispanic families, no black, yet) a total of 120 homes. It is our second home. The other being in NYC. We live in a beautiful bucolic private community over looking the Hudson River in Rockland county. The southern portion of the Hudson Valley. Fifty years ago, it was a small hamlet made up of New York City school teachers and 'commies.'

Today it is compromised half law-enforcement (mostly republicans) and half democrats. When it was Bush v Gore. The laws signs were half and half. Obama v Clinton half and half. Clinton v Trump nothing.

I strike it up to this: 1) we don't want to upset each other; 2) some who are Trump supports don't want to be 'Confirmed' racists; and 3) those not voting for Trump don't want anyone to know.

We may disagree politically, but day in and day out we live together. Helping each other with things around the house that need fixing. Supporting each other in hard times. Gathering at the lake house to celebrate the holidays and milestones in our life. We've found a way to live together. I've often thought we were more like Mayberry RFD.

We represent a microcosm of a portion of America that works well. I've often wondered, why there aren't more places like this?
Accounting Librarian (Southeastern US)
Every last threat-maker should be arrested for inciting violence.
Thomas (Tustin, CA)
Hillary in the White House will be the Revolution. The next one must be to get rid of Republicans in Congress and the Senate. Since the mid-70's, Republicans have snookered all.
Amen! Vote, vote, vote for Democratic Party from HRC all the way down the ballot!!!
Fleurdelis (Midwest Mainly)
Trump supporters take heart, our country has been through worse than this election and our nation will stand. Trump doesn't care about this country or you. And the 2nd amendment is safe. Research what it takes to overturn it and you realize no President has that power.
W.A. Spitzer (Faywood)
Well they didn't say Trump attracted less well educated voters without having a reason.
Avi Maria (Earth)
Much ado about nothing.

In 2008, many Southern Whites said they would move to Canada if Obama won the Presidency, they are still here.

Obama is now a twice elected President and still no Revolution.

When Trump loses, he and his supporters, will simply go back to watching Fox News.

Revolutions take a lot of work and brains but remember…we are taking about Trump supporters.
JMG (Stillwater)
As if Canada would have them.
Meh (east coast)
Meh, get over yourselves. I hated Reagan and Bush, the son. Could not stand neither the sight nor sound of them.

I spent 16 years changing the channel. That was my revolution.

You can't always get what you want. I've been waiting 63 years for a fair, equal, non- discriminatory society. Still waiting. I've never owed a gun and have no plans to do so. Never rioted.

Suck it up. Be happy men in leather boots sent by your government won't come knocking on your door in the dead of night. Be happy you don't get a leader for life.

These idiots don't know that's just where they're taking us.
Morris Bentley (42420)
I am ready wherever they take us.
Martine H (London UK)
Unlikely! Thanks for your article, but hopefully unlikely. Please don't stir it up!
Jaime (California)
Exactly, this article is irresponsible. Unless a real revolution is taking place, even talking about it is extreme foolishness. A better article would have been one that contrasted the many things we share in common with our political opponents.
World_Peace_2017 (US Expat in SE Asia)
We Have A Potential Real Problem That DEMANDS To Be Addressed:

Mr. Trump set off a potential firestorm when he said that he might not respect the vote of the people, if he lost.

Mrs. Clinton contributed to that potential, as she had to, when she called out the stark reality of such a statement.

Now, let us, the rational US people, walk back this bad scenario; this is 21st Century US and not some lost in time dooms day scenario. Mrs. Clinton has a job of Presidenting Up NOW, as her opponent has no sense of civility or duty to the country & rule of law. The first order of day is for Mrs. Clinton, at the earliest possible time, to address the people of the US & state, as a true statesperson, #1. that she will abide by the election results, no matter what those results are, as they are the will of the people, AND #2. That, if the people so choose her to be their leader, "She WILL Respect the Desires & Needs of all people in our Democratic country, without regard to their political affiliation or other items, that rule of law will prevail under her presidency."

Now, I am nowhere near smart enough to tell these talented people how to run the country but I do know that the best riots are those that do NOT occur. Getting out ahead of a (potential) disaster, preparing for the worst, is the best way. Let us not have anymore Hurricane Katrina because of bad planning. The seeds of hate have been long planted, the harvest could be upon us if we do not nip it quickly & compassionately.
Morris Bentley (42420)
The seeds of hate have been long planted, the harvest could be upon us if we do not nip it quickly & compassionately. This is all obama's problem with lying every day while in office.
Donald Seekins (Waipahu HI)
If the people who fought the American Revolution were like the dysfunctional people who support Donald Trump, I would have supported King George; in fact, I would have taken up arms and joined the Redcoats.
marta (alberta)
donald in hawaii: and quite a few moved to canada! but it'd be lots harder to do that today.
Socrates (Downtown Verona, NJ)
Trump Derangement Syndrome: SAD !
Alix Hoquet (NY)
This article merely prints the scariest expressions of fear and never gets to the humanity behind it.

That seems irresponsible.
Carl Hultberg (New Hampshire)
Trump is what happens when Right Wing people start smoking marijuana. Goofy, whacky... yes, but still mean spirited. Alas it doesn't seem to cure that.
Rae (New Jersey)
David. (Philadelphia)
Trump isn't like marijuana. He's more like crystal meth.
Meh (east coast)
We don't oust sitting presidents through revolution.

Is this the banana republic?

And as far as an acquittal of the Bundy crowd, let me imagine the New Black Panthers or the BLM taking up an armed camp on public owned property and threatening government employees. Their jail sentences would have been so long, fifth generations in their families would have to serve.

Um, yeah, okay.
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
Christianity cancelled the old system of imprisoning children for parents' mistakes. Aren't you glad?
Today, in any large city, the Panthers/BLM racists would walk over to banks of microphones and the Bundy people would get life in the big house.
Then the Panthers, etc. would sue the city and win.
Jack Kelly (North Bend, Oregon)
Better tell the guy from Florida that the yard sign contest in his neighborhood may not be reflective of the nation as a whole. I ran for office once and though we felt good about our chances, we lost by a few hundred votes. People would come up to me and say, "Jeez, I don't know what happened! Everyone I talked to was voting for you." The point is the people who are not talking to you are not voting for you and even some of the people who say they will vote for you might not. By design (if you insult everyone around you, you tend to be socially isolated ), the Trump camp is isolated and refuses to listen to anyone not camped inside their circle of wagons. Trump's talk about the campaign being fixed is totally irresponsible and borders on sedition in my opinion. And these revolution guys, I suppose they claim to be Patriots when they are anything but.
DC (Ct)
listen to these fools
wingate (san francisco)
Do not forget to fear them..
Gwbear (Florida)
To all the "patriotic" Trump supporters who are predicting a Revolution:

Violence is often a self fulfilling prophecy. Ours is a nation with a proud history of peaceful elections. Even Republicans know this election is not being stolen in any way. There will be no violence unless the violence-minded do something violent.

As for your wants and needs, there is far more awareness and sympathy for you than you are considering - but it's all on the Left. Trump is a man with a childish mindset and approach to the world. Like a child, he talks with supreme over-confidence of big things, all of which (like a child's point of view) are completely unworkable in the real world, or under our Constitution. Sadly, you are being had by big sounding big noise. Trump has never done a thing for, or cared for anyone other than himself in all his 70 years. He's got no intention of starting now.

If your roof is leaking, you need a new roof. Tearing the entire house down and destroying it out of frustration... just means that on top of a roof, you now need walls, and plumbing, and heat, and...

You need more than words. You need a government that will work for you. That does not mean sacred oaths to obstruct the President at all costs. It does not mean a Congress holding endless conspiracy oriented "investigations," only to start up again, when their best efforts fail to find anything.

Congress has not worked for most of the last 8 years. That must change! Help us get there!
Thank you for this wonderful insight. Hope fervently that at least some Trump suppoters who read NYT and read your comment come to their sense.
richard schumacher (united states)
A handful of nutballs with truck hats and semi-auto popguns is not threat, it's a bad joke. It would almost be fun to see them try.
Castanea Sativa (USA)
pls explain "semi-auto popguns".
wingate (san francisco)
Really ? are you sure, if you are, have the guts to tell them that to there face.
P Lock (albany,ny)
“I hope to God I never have to fire a round, but I won’t hesitate to. As a Christian, I want reformation. But sometimes reformation comes through bloodshed.”
In the New Testament of the Bible Jesus never advocated violence to enact reform and get your own way. He advocated loving your enemy, winning your enemy over through acts of love and example. In turning the other cheek. What this christian is saying is not what Jesus would do.
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
You forget the time Jesus made a huge show of chasing away the Clinto- oops, the money changers.
You appear unfamiliar with the American scene in the 1770's, before and after April 19, 1775.
Foyorama (Anchorage, AK)
New York Times; as one of the more important publications in the US you should show more restraint when reporting about a few extremist that happen to vote for Trump, not all Trump voters are violent nor are all Hilary supporters peaceful
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
The Trump or GOP people have not started any violent exchange yet. It's all been started by Democrats or their hired hands.
Remember, the GOP voters work for a living.
MKC (Florida)
"“If push comes to shove,” he added, and Mrs. Clinton “has to go by any means necessary, it will be done.”

I don't imagine Jared Halbrook has the slightest idea that he's channeling Jean-Paul Sartre via Malcolm when he says "by any means necessary," which makes the irony even more delightful.
Carl Hultberg (New Hampshire)
Many Donald Trump voters shows signs of nervous breakdown if Hillary wins.
Bob Jack (Winnemucca, Nv.)
OK. You have guns. We have tanks. Let's see what happens.
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
But the G doesn't have 200 million tanks. And the government people make stupid mistakes whether they are in an office or not. THAT's why they ended up working for the gov't.
Stickler for truth (New York)
Trump has tapped into the society we are behind the rose-colored spectacles and made us realise how ugly we collectively are.
Even those who believe they have and share a sane level of moral values can, while mocking it, recognise Trump's struggle with narccisim and, while seeing its vileness, even recognise his brand of misogyny.
He has not caused society's ills but poured oil on the flames and brought the primitive in us into the mainstream and hence highlighted it.
Collectively we are better than Trump, but it's also scary how primitive our society still is.
L’Osservatore (Fair Verona where we lay our scene)
And none of he Trump/GOP people have murdered any cops like radicals and leftists have this year.
To quote that great scientist Stephen Hawking, Trump truly appeals to the lowest denominations of humanity. It is scary that this day an age, many people could still harbour such bigottery, hatred and unwillingness to hear reasoning. How did that happen? Simple human decency.... has it totally gone out of the minds of those who spew such venom?
Voice of Moderation (Houston, TX)
Funny thing about people who would make threats of revolution. They think they would be the victorious aggressors against a bunch of weaklings. I am not a Trump supporter. However, I fully believe in the second amendment and the Castle Doctrine.

I feel bad for the folks who are supporting him who are facing some sort of mental anguish should he lose. But, their mental anguish does not give them the right to threaten or try to intimidate me.

All I can say is, they better not miss.
Ray (Syracuse)
Most people have had enough of the political class. While many Americans are living day to day, there are the Clintons who can make hundreds of thousands from making a speech, or entertaining the ideas of foreign leaders; who can buy their way out of sexual harassment scandals, who can destroy evidence and have a half dozen people plead the 5th, who can meet with people from the judicial system and for some reason, prosecution is not on the table. It is too bad the NY Times espouses the same old political corruptness that has been going on for decades, but I guess your views are dictated by people who are part of this system. Like Donald says, its time to drain the swamp.
Mia Liliana (Miami)
You realize trump is the same way right?
Steve Fahringer (San Francisco)
How were those quoted in the story selected? By the size of their tinfoil hats? I wish there were some kind of statistical tether to anchor such a seemingly inflammatory story. Some people say the earth is flat, but we don't generally give them much hearing.
jaded (middle of nowhere)
This is what makes Trump so dangerous: He feels no obligation to discourage such violent behavior because it's all about him. It's so sad that these people who fear being left behind don't realize that they would be completely forgotten by Trump should he become president.
b. (usa)
The so-called "law and order" types who decry looting and destruction in race riots now want looting and destruction at the national level, using "any means necessary" to get rid of a lawfully elected President.

These people aren't patriots, they are thugs.
The federal govt has enough precision firepower (drones) to vaporize all of them. No amount of bullets or stockpiled assault rifles will save them.

They can be eliminated without losing a single soldier.

Bring it on. If they want to fight for power, they can go to Syria.
Thomas (Tune)
Tell those who are unhappy with the election results to grow up and act like an sane adult. They may choose another country to live in if they believe our election results are unfair.
Rob (Netherlands)
Who says countries like mine want people like that (nor would they want to live here, because we have a zero gun country, even I, after a 40 year militairy career am not even allowed a bee bee gun).
And the selfprotection argument does not fly either, we have on a population of over 17 miljion around 150 murders a year.
H E Pettit (St. Hedwig, Texas)
One side says they will move to Canada,politically popular phrase of some during the 60's throughs the 70's. The other side talks about pitchforks,torches & revolution. If only those with the pitchforks,torches & Revolution would join them. My apologies to Canada,but they both seem to need [an] asylum. I would have preferred an article focused on the humor of both sides the topic. Both sides have groups that are angry because they want a utopian country for their dystopian beliefs & misbeliefs on what it is to be human .So as one of those who plans to stay, let's take a good & focused look at policies proposed & be a bit more prepared in 2018.
Mario Ruiz (Chino Hills, California)
The scariest part, is that the country seems to be ready to give these nativist gun nuts the credibility and support they seek. Only today, the gun-totting nativists who invaded the Oregon sanctuary were found not guilty. Seems that as long as the violence comes from White, good ol' boy Christians, many people are willing to look the other way.
The Closer (Midwest)
What about a Trump win??? Let's be serious. The only violence that we have seen and can expect to see if Trump actually wins this election is that perpetrated by Clinton and her supporters. Those people have assaulted his supporters and denied them their freedom to assemble. If she should lose, I expect nothing less from them. As an Independent, I'm going to tell it like it is. Sorry for the con position on this!
Cinclus (Clinton, NY)
In essence, a report like this is about a sample of the electorate. However, to really convey a sense of the population, it would have been better if the article reported the number of people they talked to (sampled) and then how many would be willing to *participate* in a revolution vs how many were *worried* about a real revolution.
Joy Johnson (Knoxville TN)
I have to believe that when all is said and done, the country will accept the results and nothing close to revolution will occur. The hype that has been going on for the last year and a half can end if the parties agree to be remotely open to compromise. I may be a cockeyed optimist to believe in compromise, but such are those who wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights!
Sarah (N.J.)
joy Johnson

I agree with you
barry (Neighborhood of Seattle)
Reading comments by others I see the continual reference to impeachment, usually by Trumpettes. Has nobody told them that this nation has seen two impeachments and nobody has been removed from office. They do not happen overnight. Maladministration moves more quickly.
Rufus (SF)
It is time for a divorce. Irreconcilable differences.

Let each state vote. First decide if you want to split. If you *don't* then just shut up, red or blue. All this talking past each other serves no purpose but mutual irritation.

If you *do* want to split then pick, red or blue. Let the red staters have their small government, no abortion, no gay marriage, Brownback economics. Let them cut taxes for the wealthy, cut taxes for corporations, cut funding for public education. As long as I'm not subsidizing them, they can do as they please. They can sell off their national parks.

It is a win, win, win, folks.
J.D. (USA)
A house divided against itself cannot stand. -- It may serve the egos of both sides to argue their own extreme points and refuse to ever compromise, but as a country, it's hurting us. If you want to make the system work, do so from within, not through outside threats of violence and unrest. If you value democracy, then preserve it rather than being the first to leave it by the wayside when things get tough. The only way this harsh divide can be healed is through listening to each other's needs and respectfully reaching compromises that benefit all. But, for that, you must leave your ego at the door. It may seem counter to our own cultural ideas of strength, but that is the last thing which is needed here. I hope we don't have to learn that the hard way.
Jim Springer (Fort Worth Texas)
Here in Texas we have two Republican Senators, Cornyn and Cruz. One is from the old school, the GOP establishment. The other got himself elected in 2012 by telling his supporters and followers, that a revolution was coming and he was going to lead it. He was not going to take prisoners when he got to Congress. Cruz did what he sat out to do, except the ones with more temperament only gave him enough rope to use it as needed. His revolution has calmed down. In fact, his election maybe in peril.

There maybe a revolution here and there by Trump's followers, but I think they will be small and manageable. We can look back to a time the under 30 crowds were going to change this country. There were small battles fought but no wars. I think a realization happened with everyone after awhile. There has to be an understanding, like Cruz is understanding now, that there has to be partisanship throughout this nation and I hope that the Trump voters will understand that.
It is very sad that there are so many people that do not trust the democratic process of their nation. It points to deep problems with education and social division in America.
Certainly there will be partisan views and positions in the electoral process. However, people need to come together when it is over.
"deep problems with Education.." You nailed it.

Education in the real sense, not simply loads of information delivered at schools to get through one entrance exam after another, would instill objectivity: so that people would not be conned, like the Trump suppoters, to believe the blatant lies politicians of any party or the media for that matter, would utter.

Such an Education would help the electorate to be realistic about their expectations from the government. Then people would at least be logical enough to respect the very fabric of democarcy, the power of the ballot, and have the common sense to accept and respect the outcome of the election. Hope this scary unprescedented scenerio of this election cycle is the first and the last of its sad kind!
codgertater (Seattle)
These fools couldn't organize a church picnic, let alone a revolution. They are worse than the Tea Party blowhards. They are all about talking a big game, but when it comes to doing anything actually meaningful they are waiting for someone else to do the hard stuff.

Any successful revolution requires an intellectual investment - a statement of a philosophy on which to base a new government, a plan for bringing that about, etc. The founders had that in spades. This bunch couldn't muster an original idea between them. Even their so-called leader has nothing better than warmed over ideas and simplistic slogans to offer.

Please - just accept your upcoming defeat like grown-ups and fade back into the woodwork from which you crawled.
Horace Dewey (NYC)
Dear God, I wish I could summon the justifiable empathy I should for that group of the Trump supporters frustrated with loss of job, incomes, status, and respect.

I'm afraid, though, that when it comes to that segment of his supporters who threaten violence and wallow in misogyny, racism, idiotic conspiracies, mind-boggling stupidity, anti-Semitism, Obama birtherism and every other odious thing they've brought to the table, all I can say is:

You want a revolution? Let's see what you've got, tough guys.

You can say and advocate anything you want, and I'm glad you can.

But to those of you who are ready to turn to violence and not just bloviating like babies: We'll see if you really have the courage off your convictions when its time for you to quietly and and with some semblance of dignity begin the prison sentences that will almost certainly result from your hateful acting out.

Bring it on.
Godfrey (Nairobi, Kenya)
So in essence, the hardcore Trump supporters are of the belief that "heads we win, tails they lose"?

So much for democratic choice.
BG (Bklyn,NY)
Media stop feeding fuel to the fire.
this is exactly what these unAmerican in character individuals are looking for.

Free exposure. There Will not be a run to the White House.
There will be a run to the jailhouse instead.

Shame how will they explain this chapter to there own grandchildren especially when their faces are plastered over the internet for treason.

Detox Detox Detox are we there yet?
Ive begun watching cartoon channel.
Don B (Massachusetts)
Nice try but it is Hillary's supporters who have consistently resorted to force, not Trump's supporters.

Past experience with the Tea Party shows what comes next. The following midterm election will be dominated by angry people determined to "throw the bums out". A lot of Trump supporters are former Democrats so the house cleaning could occur in the Democratic primaries this time. The Bernie supporters may also be back as well. It is time for the Democrats to decide whether they are "the party of labor" or "the party of crony capitalism and minorities".

As the old Chinese curse goes: "May you live in interesting times!"
Naomi (New England)
Don B, it's interesting that you see the Democratic choices as "party of labor" vs. "party of...minorities."

Why would you consider those choices mutually exclusive? Especially since we're rapidlty reaching the point of being a majority-minority nation, with whites simply another plurality. I'm looking forward to that day -- and I'm white. The country belongs to all Anmerican equally.
Cleosdad (Honolulu)
Why is the NYT publicizing the ravings of these buffoons? Don't you see a problem/danger with providing a forum for these fevered imaginings that is greater than any conceivable benefit?
Sofedup (San Francisco, CA)
Trump supporters show how far some citizens of our great - it's still great - has been dumbed down. Intellectual, rational thought is not within their grasp. They're brainwashed by faux news I.e. Limbaugh, et al who stoke basic hatred and fears easily blamed on "the other guy" obsolving them of any responsibility. it's much easier to blame gubmint, immigrants, liberals etc. truly sad.
Mark (Long Beach, Ca)
It seems that America needs to somehow make the big change to the parliamentary system of government like Canada and most European countries have. Our two party presidential system does not work any more due to the wide diversity in public opinion.

In our present system, if a voter's favored candidate loses in the primary the person has no one to vote for or to represent them..... this is one reason why both the current presidential candidates are so unpopular, and voter turnout is typically so low.
Naomi (New England)
OK, Mark, you see a problem and a solution. What's your plan for getting from here to there?
Margo (Atlanta)
Our election has been gamed. How much of a bonus does the Clinton election team get if she wins?
Mark (Long Beach, Ca)
Perhaps if one of the state governments converted to the parliamentary system and it worked well, the other states and federal government would follow.
California would be a good place to start.
Laura (Boston)
The reason there are no Hillary signs is obvious based on these interviews. Clinton supporters don't want to be violently attacked and targeted when (not if) she wins. I also know people who had their Hillary signs stolen twice so they stopped putting them out. I think the Trump people are going to have to deal with a President Hillary Clinton on November 8th. I'm with her!
John Wilmerding (Brattleboro, VT)
Because of his character flaws, including racial bigotry, Trump is attracting the growing contingent of white racist nationalists in our country as his supporters. I believe they will eventually come to reject him as a viable candidate, but to do so, they must begin to function as an authentic political party. There is a real danger that they will do this; reject Trump and find a more suitable candidate. They will need to put years of organizing into the effort, but they might identify a candidate more skilled, and with less 'baggage', than Trump. Some white nationalists and KKK members are claiming they have taken over the Republican party. They are wrong. There are still many Party leaders who are too smart to let that happen. The GOP will regroup ... you will be able to tell who the real Party leadership are because they will rally under the banner of Lincoln. I hope they rally under an anti-racism platform too ... not sure if that is too much to expect. Any "revolution" mounted by the bigoted Trump contingent will have to be put down ... hard. The real Republicans will be thankful when it is.
C. Terry (OH)
I took Mr. Halbrook's comment as a threat to Mrs. Clinton. I hope the law is looking at this man seriously.
Ward Martin (Arizona)
Someone needs to explain the term and concept of "sedition" to these people.
Jack Straw (Midwest)
All of the Donald's rants about a "rigged" election is tantamount to treason.
Elise (NYC)
To Jack Straw:

No his words are not treason. His words anger you because you have different political beliefs. That isn't treason. Just research how treason is interpreted by attorneys. Law, Jack, law. Everyone who disagrees with you is not guilty of treason.
Marjorie (Richmond)
The people quoted in this article express strong confusion.
Dairy Farmers Daughter (WA State)
This country is on the precipice of disaster. Besides the divisions expressed in this article, the outcome of the trial in Oregon regarding the white domestic terrorists who took over the Malheur Wildlife Refuge and were actually acquitted today means that people can invade federal lands and facilities armed, eject federal employees, destroy government property, and consequence is nothing. I am incredibly disturbed by the current situation in our nation. If Trump wins, I see nothing good. We will have an authoritative racist in charge who is woefully ignorant about foreign affairs. If Clinton wins, I also see nothing good because 40% of the population will believe she "stole" the election. The GOP Congress will undertake 4 more years of obstruction, and refuse to confirm any Supreme Court nominees, per Senator McCain. Forgive me for being so pessimistic, I think the situation is only going to get worse. Our national leaders and judicial systems have failed us on many levels. I'm not sure we can recover.
Regular person (Columbus)
While I think everything will be okay, I think this is a worthwhile piece of reporting and not scare mongering for readers. Trump himself may not do violence but he's whipping up his supporters into a hysterical frenzy of hatred, and that's not a good thing. I'm a liberal, but am friends with conservatives, and some of them are talking about these topics. So, let's not get hysterical ourselves, but we should keep vigilant. And, we should never let a small group of bullies and sore losers ruin this country.

Given this, there are legitimate grievances that Hillary should listen to:

1. Even if trade helps the economy overall, people do lose their jobs, and the benefits of trade in terms of lower costs and more exports only go to the top management and wealthy. I doubt that when a company imports lower cost products from China or Mexico, that they pass on those savings to consumers or that when a company exports more, the workers share in that increased revenue.

2. Some political correctness has gone way overboard. Not all white men are evil and not all minorities are angels. There has been a lot of bad treatment by minorities by police, but not in every case. We need to judge each and every case on its own merits.

3. Break up the big banks, reinstate Glass-Stegall, raise the minimum wage to at least $15/hour and increase the tax rate on the very rich back to the 90% it was from 1940-1980. The rich will still be very rich.
Sue Dawson (El Paso texas)
the obama administration has, against the will of the repubs, been pushing for raising the minimum wage. It has been dems who wanted a massive project to rebuild our failing infastructure. Remember Chris Christie refusing to take federal money during the heat of the recession. The very policy suggestions that would have helped the Trump crowd are constantly voted against by the party they persist insupporting. All they hear is they are taking your guns, The Mexicans are coming and of course Obama care will have dearh panels. All I can think is Fox fictional news and right wing radio have created this monster and the repubs have supported it because it suited their purposes. These poor people have been had. And look at the result.
SmartCat (Colorado)
Perhaps they would have less concerns about being "forgotten" after a Trump loss if they hadn't burnt every bridge to relevance before the election. The GOP Establishment will likely batten down the hatches on "populism" to infuse their elections outside of the previous "safe" parameters they have managed to keep it boxed in before this one. Trump's loss, and any downstream GOP losses, will be blamed on Trump and his supporters and there will be little incentive for the GOP to become more sympathetic to the voting base that (in their view) cost them the election they might otherwise have won against a weak Democratic nominee. The Democrats will be emboldened that a lot of the white vote is irrelevant for future wins and will also have little incentive to bend to their issues.

These white voters would have been better served building bridges to the rest of the electorate as opposed to reveling in Trump-ism and white-wing "populism", as it stands now they will be an obstacle for both parties to overcome rather than a demographic with relate-able issues. Which is a shame because if their focus was purely on working class economics as opposed to white identity politics flavored with some economic populism they might have forged a different electorate. Instead we will have the triumph of "neo-liberalism" that has little incentive to change its overall worldview given the current polarized divide based on race and ethnicity, which Trump and his voters cemented into stone.
Olihist (Honolulu, HI)
This election will not be over unless there is a peaceful transition to the next Administration. Anything less would be disastrous for the Nation. I understand the Medias need to report on the sensational, but now is really the time to start practicing responsible journalism.

The bedrock of our country's democracy has always been the ability to compromise. If we as a society lose that ability for whatever reasons, then we are committing the same mistakes that led us to Fort Sumter.
zDUde (Anton Chico, NM)
Our America is so severely divided? Utter nonsense. The disaffected, although loud, are a minority. If one wants to truly find a time when America was divided look no further than the day of Abraham Lincoln's first inaugural address of March 4, 1861. The South fiercely seething to secede would soon launch their attack on the Union's Ft. Sumter in April of 1861.

Yet look to what Lincoln said on his inauguration day, "I am loath to close. We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."

Let's also give some fair coverage on those "better angels of our nature." Why propagate the Trump voter's angst more than they merit? Ideas apparently matter more than hate---no apologies.
old hippy (the new world)
angst.....also hate is a idea. Sure would vote for Lincoln,all we have is beaves and butthead..
R.S. (Seattle, Washington)
I have seen comments both for and against the validity of this article. Here is why I believe this is an appropriate use of journalism:

Donald Trump, the candidate the interviewees support, is not making any effort to stop those who want him to be president from feeling this way. At best he encourages this sort of thinking with silence on the issue, or, my personal belief, happily fans its flames in the name of entertainment and his own ego -- placed ahead of the stability of the United States republic.

Today, Trump said this: 'We should just cancel the election and just give it to Trump'. It doesn't matter if it's a joke or not. It received cheers at a rally of his creation. Yes. The day Trump stops spewing idiotic nonsense about ignoring the results of an election, or 'second amendment people doing something about Clinton taking away their guns', articles like these become "unreasonable". The thing is, that hasn't happened.
LuckyDog (NY)
There are Trump supporters (just a few) who park at a local strip mall on Long Island with Trump flag flying. They are loud, boisterous, and bother shoppers with noise. Strangely, they have taken over the side walk outside a closed storefront - so there is no one to stop them readily. I park my car at a Long Island station to get the train to the city - and I have been careful not to display any Democrat bumper sticker on it, for fear of having my car attacked. That is what Trump has done - increased the fears of violence, even where there are no direct threats. The RNC is largely to blame, for allowing him to take over their party and use it for threats of violence, and hate speak. On November 8, you can be sure that we will exercise our right to vote against hate, and for civility - and if the threats of violence continue, we will stand up in our millions against them. Like the scene at the end of the movie "Witness" - they cannot kill all of us. We will stand up to them, via marches, rallies and even taking back the sidewalk outside closed storefronts. We won't take the threats of violence lightly - but we will stand up to them. Be sure of it.
Larry (Michigan)
The awful truth for these people planing a revolution is already becoming painfully apparent. When the trump party is over, the world will continue to advance and no one outside their community will be interested in knowing their thoughts or imagined plans for the future. There is no place for the under-educated in today's world. Donald Trump made them feel that their opinions mattered. No they do not. People of color, no matter what community, have not had an interest in the opinion of under-educated whites for decades. In fact, inviting you into their homes would be absolutely unthinkable.
Back door please! The party is over.
Elian Gonzalez (Phoenix)
Yeah, these would be the same angry one-inchers who promised this when Obama was elected. Then re-elected. Along with the $6 gallon of gas, martial law and a host of other failed prophecies.
But it looks like the psychological damage from the Bush years will continue, because these would-be revolutionaries were so very quiet during that tenure, what with rights being taken away, profiling, massive government expansion and the like.
Patrick (Long Island N.Y.)
For many decades since World War II, America has been a very stable democracy with the greatest military strength in possession of a bloated nuclear arsenal that the world has looked to for defense and leadership.

Trump has posed the possibility of instability in America that the world must fear.

If I were a world citizen apart from America, I would fear Trump having control over that power.

America is teetering on that instability.

Don Trump must refrain from inflaming the public and accept the outcome of the election and follow a path of humility to show the world that America is still stable and not a threat to it.

Any war that would begin in America would rapidly spread. Trump has to realize this and see that the fate of world peace could be in his behavior.

He must be a gentleman and respect our democracy. It's a matter of maintaining a civilized world.

Revolution is not an option.
Sue Dawson (El Paso texas)
Good luck with Trump bevaving like a gentleman. I am not at all certain that he does not have mental illness or suffer earlynonset alzheimers. He seems incapable of seeing anything beyond himself
The Last of the Krell (Altair IV)

revolution is always an option and has occurred numerous times in world history

sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesnt

america was begun by a bloody revolutionary war that lasted almost 10 years
me (AZ unfortunately)
The country is in complete turmoil. Even though I voted for her, I really hate Hillary Clinton and don't expect her to accomplish a thing. The increasing volume of emails proving that all the concerns about her character and honesty and judgment are justified reinforce my complete lack of confidence in her ability to be an effective president, or even survive a full term. I can't imagine how upsetting she must be to a Trump supporter for whom I have no respect at all. If the Republicans had not jumped off the xenophobic and racist cliff this year and nominated Trump, we'd be in even worse shape (re SCOTUS nominations) because the Democrats would have lost. How embarrassingly stupid we must look to observers in other countries.
The Last of the Krell (Altair IV)

a choice between nothing and less than nothing
Ellen (Berkeley)
Well, given that a jury just acquitted those who occupied (and damaged) a federal nature preserve it would seem that these so-called revolutionaries will not disappear quietly. I don't imagine unrest will be widespread, but I have no doubt some home-grown terrorists will be motivated by Trump's rhetoric and ignorance. They inhabit and alternate reality and hence don't seem particularly beholden to doing what's best for our nation (or themselves).
g.i. (l.a.)
Well, they have a right to protest non violently. If their protests are violent then I'm sure the government will do whatever it takes to stop it, and arrest the protesters and read them their rights. And if necessary have a trial by jury. We have never tolerated anarchy, and it will not be condoned now. There are many avenues for those who don't want Hillary as president. Violence is not one of them. And if Mr.Trump loses, and incites that mob like mentality, then he should be held accountable.
Girish Kotwal (Louisville, KY)
There have been worthwhile revolutions in history. The Industrial revolution and the Green revolution contributed to the advancement of humanity. So any revolution that is non violent and non disruptive of government and businesses should not be feared. A revolution or a significant change that is going to bring about a positive outcome should be welcome. Whatever corruption may have taken place in the past until the inauguration of the next president, it has to be stopped and permanently ended and there has to be transparency in the dealings of politicians and no one should be above the law or get a pass. Once and for all incompetent and carelessness by those holding public office should not be tolerated. Sanders and Trump have identified the flaws in our system and those flaws need to be rectified for good. Finally, no matter who is elected fair and square, all Americans have to accept the results and get on with life. There those who have said that they will leave the US, if their preferred candidate does not win. I would say feel free to leave and do something somewhere else for the good of humanity. The 2000 presidential election result was a difficult one to digest and accept for me. Somehow I had a gut feeling that the then elected president will not be right for our country and the best way to deal with my disappointment was to just leave for an overseas research stint. Each of us has to be sensitive to the feelings and passion of others and be civil and gracious.
awbradley (philly)
It would be ironic if the supporters of a candidate so lazy and undisciplined that he can't be bothered to prepare for debates or engage in policy sessions, whose entire campaign is predicated on the instant gratification of tweeting and showing up at self-congratulatory rallies, should somehow muster the effort needed for even a minor, Bundy-esque standoff at some outpost of the federal domain, say. More to the point, it is unspeakably sad that most of those sampled in this article seem to be the kinds of decent, ordinary people the feckless Trump cynically claims to stand for, people doing the hard work of his campaign while he sits around griping and moping, having squandered the goodwill and diligence of these supporters on a shameless bid to become his own vision of the most important person in the world. These people clearly do not have insurrection in their hearts; rather, what we hear now is vanishing hope for a candidate who has turned out to be one more conniving but hollow promise. Yes, they have heard others taking out their understandable bitterness in threats of violence. One suspects, however, that this is no more than the mirror effect of Trump's own twisted and futile attempts to remain relevant by threatening law suits and refusal to accept election results. Like Trump, this noisome minority will tend to respond to defeat the same way they have to the illusory prospect of victory--by doing something easy to vent their unfocused frustration. Like tweeting.
The reality is that all these tough talking people are very likely incapable of mounting an actual attempt at revolution. And should they manage to do so in some sad sack way, I will be happy to enlist to serve my country and put down these traitors and seditionists. None of these people actually understand history or the Constitution. Being angry because your favorite reality TV candidate didn't win the election isn't sufficient reason to take up arms against your fellow citizens. I really fear for the future of this country when so many people in this country have abandoned thoughtfulness and intelligence.
Zane (NY)
Sounds like inciting violence, which is a crime Is it not? By a bunch of treasonous radical white Christian terrorists. Our new war
DL (Monroe, ct)
Wow, so in order protect their 2nd Amendment rights, they are going to go out and prove the righteousness of their views by just shooting people. Just wow.
Cyn (New Orleans, La)
What is sad to me is that his supporters are so sure a Clinton Presidency will be something akin to Armageddon. I have spoken to more than a few Trump supporters and they truly believe that Hillary is evil. But more upsetting is that they truly believe that Trump will be able to end all terrorists threats to the US, build a wall, deport 11 million undocumented immigrants, create millions of jobs (and that they will be in their small towns), give them tax cuts, grow the military, preserve Social Security and Medicare, lower the cost of healthcare, tear up the ACA, do away with crime, tear up trade deals, implement tariffs, do away with Roe v Wade, while giving the top 1 % huge tax breaks.
Mick (Boston)
“Unfortunately, I’m not a man of vigilante violence."

And that's where we are.
robreg (li, ny)
Well, just in case they are serious, I do hope that they have made their final preparations.

P.S, I heard from reliable sources that Hades is having a construction boom.
Phil Dolan. (South Carolina)
A large portion of Trump support comes from secessionists, survivalists, and the entire population of the lunatic fringe. Whether Trump wins or loses, these voters will try to form their own country. They want the Dakotas. They do not shy away from letting people know about this plan. It's been in the works for decades. They are armed to the teeth. If trump wins, he will be faced with this civil uprising. Will he call out the guard? Will he send the marines? Or will he acquiesce? It's unknown. Trump is unpredictable.
JE (Connecticut)
Sorry, no sympathy for these. They could all try to go to Canada, but the Canadians know better than to let them in.
MAS (Boulder, UT)
There is simply nothing "conservative" about these people who espouse or hang on the fringe of revolution. The absolute antithesis of the word. However, there are too many guns and demonstrably too many wackjobs out there who could easily be incited. I count on the remaining free and responsible press to *not* foment the flames by highlighting irresponsible commentary. That's sort of what got us into this mess in the first place. That, and the venom of right wing talk radio. I know. I live in Utah.
Saoirse (Leesburg, Virginia)
I was sickened by Trump's threats of riots. I was especially sickened by his threat if a riot if he wasn't given the Republican nomination. I am old enough to remember the riot by the Chicago Police, at the instigation of the elder Richard Daley, during the Democratic Convention in 1968. No one old enough to remember that nightmare ever wants a riot outside a national political convention.

No one who has ever seen a riot from the inside wants to see another riot. I was in DC for the riot following the murder of Dr King. I wasn't afraid of the rioters, as I understood their anger. I didn't like how the anger was expressed, but the rage was jystified.

The DC police and firefighters scared me. I understood that they had to sometimes go into the middle of the rioting, but some had list control of themselves. It took years for MPD to get itself back under control.

Inciting a riot is a crime in most of the US, as it should be. Don't wuss out on arresting Trump when his followers riot if and when he loses. Arrest the rioters, but arrest the guy who called for riots. The judge at his bail hearing needs to remember he has a fleet of jets and plenty of money.

Trump's Secret Service protection will need to remember they are sworn federal officers who work for the US Treasury, not Trump. (I'm not worried about the Secret Service. They are professionals and a classy bunch of men and women.)
DianaID (<br/>)
Everyone in this article was older than 40, some older than 60 and retired. A revolution by those near or on Social Security? Really? Perhaps this also shows the lack of Trump's appeal to not just the Millennial generation but even X and Y
Patrick (Long Island N.Y.)
Trump is the perfect New York City animal with fleeting glimpses of genius while being unaware of history, current events, human nature, even his own mind.

That personality, having been trained to some degree at a military school, can only lead to danger and despair, as the nation has been in for the last year.

I would take the threats of revolt very seriously. Trump lacks the knowledge and mind to understand the ramifications of his own thoughts, speech, and deeds, having openly promoted violence without reservation.

The Times was wise to publish this peace as a wake up call to the complacent and sedate population who would be taken by surprise by the real threat of insurrection.

The potential for a revolt sparking began with the Gingrich "Republican Revolution" of 1995. Hostilities have built up since then in politics and society.

Words have meaning and can be dangerous if cavalier and hostile. Don Trump certainly fits the mold and his words have certainly seeded serious discontent in society. A revolt is more likely than not.

Thank you for this article. It is true news.
Michael (Philadelphia)
Trump must be arrested for treason. For what else is he engaging in than that? Crooked Hillary my butt. Treasonous Trump!
To Michael in Philadelphia:

I am sure you can research the meaning of "treason." Every person who disagrees with you is not committing treason. (Were you not paying attention in 5th grade social studies class???).
Michael (Philadelphia)
HAH, and that's what I say to your comment, Hah! As an attorney I have a better idea of what is or is not treasonous activity than you. In this case, the kind of rhetorical encouragement your candidate has used to inflame the more deplorable of his supporters, is treason in the first instance. (I'd use the Latin term for "in the first instance," but I know you wouldn't understand it.) When one's words have the intent of encouraging the overthrow of the government of the United States, that, Mr. Treasonous Trump supporter from Virginia, is what we in the law call treason. So, based your supercilious comment, I'd suggest you return to whatever grade in school you last attended, 2nd, 3rd or 4th, and learn what it means to engage in treasonous activity.
Hannes (New York)
True believers come in two sets of stripes: horizontal and vertical. The frayed and desperate people quoted here have bars in front of them, either brandished or (potentially) penning them. They are afraid with many reasons for such feelings. Others look further forward (and behind) to the horizons.
Compassion for the barred states of dis-ease are critical to being stronger together. The GOP has blood on its hands already and needs to be euthanized - to be reborn new and better. Let us hope and/or pray that Hillary et al see the good that can come out of this gnarly time.
Annika Squires (Dallas)
I believe one of the biggest issues is the fringe media outlets such as Breitbart or Occupy Democrats. These sites deliver fake, and bias news to eager followers who eat up the evidence provided to them without hearing the other side. This creates false hope and gives un-realistic facts to members of both parties who can then believe the political rhetoric of people such as Donald Trump who is calling the election rigged.
Val Strimbu (Dover, OH)
These folks are not experiencing their lives in the realm of reality. They are lost in the cult of alt-right conservatism where lies are mistaken for truth and fantasy overrules fact. This is the result of decades of deceit, misinformation, subterfuge and muckraking by the Republican Party and their right-wing media propagandists on Fox News, radio talk shows, and other media sources. They would be truly pathetic if not for the threatening comments coming from them, from Trump himself, and even from some elected GOP officials. Vote Blue and for Hillary too!
Nick (NYC)
All the best logic from all the best women and all the best men couldn't put this country back together again.

Hey, what's the difference between the United States and a lightbulb?
Jay Fredrickson (Gig Harbor Wa.)
Every day that goes by, the gap for Hillary being elected over Trump increases. These people threatening to take up arms against the government need to know that they will certainly be destroyed by our fine US Troops that will follow the order of the President. That's how it works in this country. Like Trump, these whackos are all talk, and no action.
Consultp (the 4 corners)
Unfortunately, these individuals are not all talk and that is it.
Most seriously think action is their last course of action----gs
uhclem49 (Colorado)
Since when does favoring stricter background checks translate to confiscation guns?
Nailadi (Connecticut)
It might well be true that many in Trump's support base are not well versed in the ways of civilized behavior and often seems rowdy and raucous. However, to widely imply that a bloody revolution might be started by this group is grossly wrong and amounts to little more than scare tactics and which will drive people away from civilized engagement after the election. This is after all only an election and not a confirmation of the sanity of a society. For all the reported lunacy within the wider American electoral base, Trump is still predicted to lose by more than 150 electoral college votes. So let us please step back and take a deep breath.

Moreover, we have to stop treating the election of Trump as an apocalypse or that of Hillary as the coronation of sanity. This newspaper carries a huge burden - that of objective reporting. Please don't swing to the extreme left in order to balance the nutty ways of the right wing lunatics like Fox and Breitbart News.

And remember this - the more air time you give to nut jobs, the more powerful you make them. That is how much of the media enterprise created this ugly phenomenon called Trump. Now please don't help create another monster which we may well be unable to control.
Chriva (Atlanta)
And if Donald Trump wins? Well I think you could expect the same if not far worse from the Hillary supporters. I'd suggest the NYTimes start focusing on more important issues like what President Clinton will do for black people.
Joe (Yonkers)
It's important to note that all these Trump supporters think that someone else will revolt, not them. When it comes down to it, they'll stay behind their screens and complain like they've done all along. Twitter muscles abound.
Mark (New Jersey)
The unfortunate truth is the cohort of Trump supporters have not been looking at who is beating their economic heads in. It is not Mexicans who are poorly educated and language challenged they cannot compete with. And besides, do they ever ask who hires the illegal immigrant? Maybe Republican businessmen, perhaps? No the people who outsourced millions of jobs were White Republican CEO's over 98% of the time. All of those CEO's looking to make larger profits, and of course stashing those profits overseas where they can be taxed much less if at all. Then of course these same Trump supporters also believe that the government only exists to give "those people" money to make more babies. They also seem to forget that a bunch of liberals have kept them from starving to death with Social Security and Medicare funds and fighting for pensions for many older retired workers. They seem to have swallowed the idea that government is somehow always bad but forget that such thoughts also imply something else. That implication is that corporate America will take care of them. That of course is a very stupid and naive thought. Companies maximize profits and that is all they do. They have no sense of social responsibility or desire to care for workers unless it makes business sense to do so. These people have been manipulated by using their human weaknesses and biases against them. They have had a choice and they chose poorly. But if they behave like criminals, then lock them up.
Margo (Atlanta)
Outsourcing and off-shoring jobs is not based on partisan politics.
Deborah M. (Tennessee)
Let them march. Let them cry. Let them yell. Let them get it all out of their little systems. Arrest those who break the law in doing so. Let the others have their first amendment rights. They're still losers.
BW (Texas)
ALL of these people and the Republican Leadership who have been silent and allowed this Trump Mob to happen under their banner should go and read and try to understand Bush 41's letter to Bill Clinton. That is how a democratic republic works.
Dean Fox (California)
Donald Trump is the public face of Steve Bannon and his anti-democratic paranoid co-conspirators at Breitbart, Drudge and others who only want to bring down the U.S. government and the 'establishment' that they hate. They are dangerous traitors and need to be prosecuted as such.
laurenlee3 (Denver, CO)
These people proclaim themselves "exceptional" and think we should be gunning others and each other down and who hate the government for some reason.

What makes America exceptional is its vast natural beauty. Think Yellowstone National Park, Yosemite, our mountains, rivers, lakes, mountains -- not these doltish racists with guns who run around in camouflage and play pretend.

At least the Donald has brought these people out in the open, many of whom are identical to the terrorists who took down the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City.
Ronald Cohen (Wilmington NC)
The media that fawned and fattened on Trump needs another 'story' and now its sedition and revolution. Bravo!
diogenes (Vancouver)
March on Washington
To replace Clinton with Trump
Domestic nightmare.
Michael (Philadelphia)
The real crime in all of this is that Treasonous Trump knows that what he tells these people are out and out lies, and by doing so he's put the country on the verge of armed revolution if and when he loses the election fair and square. Though I will sound naive, Treasonous Trump, and here lies the contradiction, is so vainglorious, rather than protect the sanctity of the Union, he's willing to put the nation at risk merely to satisfy his own ego. Though I've persisted in referring to Trump as "Treasonous Trump" as a way to rankle his supporters, now I believe that the path he's taking is a treasonous one, especially if he, as I suspect he will, stands idly and silently by while the more deplorable of his supporters engages in armed revolt against the government.
El Jamon (New York)
We left the south because we saw this building, ever since the tragedy in Charleston. There was an air of violence and resentment boiling over, a year before Trump ever announced his bid. We moved where we hope we will be safe. He has enabled the worst of America. He should be held accountable if there is violence in his name.
TRB (Galveston)
Too many of these disgruntleds, it seems, live in homes with dark paneling. A nice coat of something off white really just might lighten their moods.
Scott (CA)
This is all overblown (I assume/hope). Probably 99% of the people who say that are just venting and wouldn't actually do anything. Just as there have been 3561 comments about this story, we live in an information age when everyone wants to get their 2 cents in. But then again maybe that 1% is just too dumb to know that they are alone in a sea of reasonable, responsible citizens.
wfcollins (raleigh nc)
i used to think the nyt was reliable, thoughtful and trustworthy. they wouldn't print something that wasn't significant, especially since by their very act of printing something they legitimize it and can increase it's significance exponentially. i like to think the nyt is not driven by sensationalism, and wouldn't stoop to that to sell newspapers. what prompted you to print this sensationalistic piece or statistical irrelevancy, who approved this. did a senior person allow this to happen. it's bad enough i have to listen to trump and his coterie of clowns, you don't need to pile on and legitimize the fringe crazies by giving them space. oh? it's a nostalgia piece to honor the memory of goldwater (tactical nuclear weapons controlled by battlefield level commanders) and the john birch society. that explains it. enough, just stop. i need the nyt to be the adult in the room. especially given fox, the wsj and the washington post.
judgeroybean (ohio)
Ah, nice to see the "Cliven Bundy Republicans" are still with us, living in their fantasy world as freedom fighters, saving us all from the tyranny of the United States government. The paradox is that their candidate is a demagogue, who embraces real dictators like Vladimir Putin.
In a world where we're all reminded constantly of the greatness of this country and how fortunate we are to live here, and not in North Korea, Russia, Venezuela, etc., that one should feel a need to manufacture an apocalyptic narrative out of bits and pieces of conspiratorial nonsense is lunacy. Ideological purity in Trump's supporters can never be pure enough. The revolutionaries, if successful, would turn on themselves in the end.
PDL (Oracle)
Please keep reporting on these people. Document specific threats attributable to individuals. Share all of your information with law enforcement at all levels. We need a system that takes terror threats from all sources seriously and acts to prevent the planned behaviors. Be it Bubba or Abdul, apply the laws.

For all of the disenfranchised Trump supports who are just bloviating and doubling down on stupid as their lives circle the drain, water them twice a week and hope something grows.
Joseph (albany)
Just when you think the New York Times couldn't seek lower, it has sunk to a level that is below the National Enquirer (but with Ivy League educated writers). Go out into the hinterlands and find a dozen people who are going to burn down the country if Trump wins. You have to be kidding.
M Anthony (Philadelphia. PA)
Trump is the GOP's karma for eight years of obstruction. Its smug treatment of Obama goes beyond its refusal to even consider his SCJ nominee. Now pathetic Ted Cruz proposes to continue that course should Hillary win. Simply put the GOP doesn't want a two party system unless the other party is subservient to their every policy position and whim. Its obstinate stance on stifling compromise is the ultimate sign of a party in a death spiral that 'trumps' the changing color demographics of our country. Does this call for a violent overthrow of a duly elected official surprise me? Not in the least. It's just more of the same from the Grand Old Pirates who seek to savage the Navigator of our Ship of State.
David Keller (Petaluma CA)
As Bernie told us, our government has to address income inequality, the power of the 1%, the distortion of democracy by Citizens United decision and by the corporate neckhold on legislation, banking and regulations that favor the wealthy.

I surely hope that a President Clinton will push an agenda more in line with the New Deal than with the neo-con deals. If she fails to do that, these threats of unlawful and violent behavior may well come to pass, putting any threats to our lives and livelihoods by ISIL into real perspective.

I do fear for our democracy. Trump has enabled and welcomed this kind of un-American talk and actions. But the foundation it's based on - fear, anxiety, loss of power and influence - is real.
Marylee (MA)
These comments are fueled by Donald's incessant claim of rigging. Those who spoke seem to actually have NO idea of the actual party platforms. They are voting for the party that will not help them. Blue is the only way to stop the obstructionism and get something done. In the USA our tradition is peaceful transfer of power. Trump preaches sedition and has no shame.
david x (new haven ct)
We know that you Trump supporters are in trouble.
Trump will lose because he's a loser.

As long as he can get help from millionaire daddy or go bankrupt and let others suffer financially for his jets and gold-plated toilets, he can live like a pig at the trough.

But really, what's this got to do with you? Like many other Americans, you're struggling. We don't want to forget you: we want you to succeed.

Don't get suckered by some spoiled brat dictator wannabe. He's nothing like you are, and he doesn't care about you.

But we do care. And if Trump loses, we'll still care. Let's come together and create the new American, which will fully include you.
Victoria (Minnesota)
Well said, David X!

To Trump supporters who have lost jobs, are struggling financially or feeling hopeless:

My household income is $120k-$150k. The reason I do NOT want my taxes to be lower, the reason I cannot vote for Trump, is because of you. I think about you and I worry about you. I care about you feeling alone, desperately struggling alone. Therefore, how can I possibly say yes to a candidate that wants to lower my taxes at your expense? For every $500 decrease in my tax bill, it means your family will not have groceries for 1 month. I cannot accept more money in my pocket at the expense of my fellow Americans struggling with hunger, addiction, hopelessness.

I realize that some conservatives view accepting help as shameful or an admission of irresponsibility. I am telling you---this is NOT true. If you end up in a temporary bad situation, it is smarter and MORE responsible to accept help before things get worst.

Please do not feel alone anymore. Please do not feel that non-Republicans do not care about you. There are some people---non Republicans, homosexuals, pro choice people, immigrants, people of color---who really do care about you. WE are the silent majority who care but unfortunately, kindness & love does not get high media ratings. Therefore, you don't hear about us.
Douglas Evans (San Francisco)
What exactly is the news here? Is it that there are some right wing nut jobs who are attracted to Donald Trump? Is it that some of his supporters will be angry when he loses? It is certainly not news that some of these cranks are advocating for revolution, because that is not going to happen. They will go back to their miserable lives and continue being agitated by the conservative echo chamber until a heart attack forces them to a hospital, where they will be bankrupted because they opted out of the Affordable Care Act. Their great leader will be laughing all the way to the bank.
MaryAnn Doyle (New York City)
It is a sad state of affairs, this election of 2016. 330 million people in this country and these are the only 2 candidates we could come up with.

That being said, America will pay a crushingly, heavy price whoever wins the election. I truly believe the ramifications of either candidate being elected POTUS, will be so deep and wide, they will be felt long after I have met my Maker.

I take umbrage with the Trump supporters threatening violence and revolution should Clinton win. Their anger should be aimed at Trump. He betrayed the trust they placed in him by putting his ego and self promotion above their concerns and issues. He betrayed their trust in him by literally being in my opinion, an unhinged, unqualified and unprepared disgrace of a candidate. Two images come to mind -- The Music Man and the Pied Piper.

I also take umbrage with Clinton supporters, many of whom have turned a blind eye to decades old and recent transgressions. The Clintons are perhaps, again in my opinion, graduates summa cum laude of a Borgia master class.

Heaven help the American people. I will keep praying for us all.
koln99 (Chapel Hill NC)
Take a deep breath. A republican campaign headquarters was firebombed in NC a couple of weeks ago. That actual act doesn't reflect on Clinton supporters any more than these mere sullen musings mined by NYT reporters reflect on republicans.
JClark (Ridgeland, MS)
Fifty disappointed, deranged and delusional Trump supporters do not a revolution make.
Wendi (Chico, CA)
I suffered through eight year of GW Bush without threatening bloodshed or Revolution. I'm hoping Trump will take John Oliver's bet. Concede when he looses and he'll finally get that Emmy he thinks he deserves.
Stan Continople (Brooklyn)
Now, if Hillary was our only candidate as in other enlightened states like Syria and North Korea, we wouldn't be confronted with this fabricated threat. Give it a few years.
Andy Sandfoss (Cincinnati, OH)
I am not interested in comforting the losers in this election. The republic gains nothing by allowing protofascists free reign to spew threats and lies. Any of the trumpistas who think they can get their way with intimidation and violence can bring it on. There are more people in this country prepared to defnd it with force if need be than these treasonous cowards think.
Coureur des Bois (Boston)
Trump will lose the election not because it will be "rigged" or stolen. He will lose the election because he is an extremist candidate who has been repudiated by many members of his own party, the Republican Party. I know many Republicans who plan to not vote in this election. These strong Trump supporters should talk to mainstream Republicans to understand why he will lose. The election will not be rigged and Trump does a disservice to this country and to his supporters to tell them otherwise.
Lenny (Pittsfield, MA)
We of short memory: The Tea Party marched in D.C.
Some of them scapegoated people; and at least one spit at a congressman.

Let's organize a constructive organization named - - End Scapegoating In America Now.
Big Nightmare (Michigan)
The Revolution is alive and well. Trump is leading the way. In 2020, all things will be equal. MSM will have much, much more to contend with then Fox.
SgrA* (Somewhere in the Milky Way)
The red states are supported by the liberal taxpayers of the blue states. Whatcha gonna do when we pick up our marbles and go home? Good luck building innovation-driven economies when you are so, so determined to stamp out all diversity, the wellspring of imagination and resilience.
Kara Ben Nemsi (On the Orient Express)
Oh, this is silly! By the same token, Texas has left the Union countless times already.
You keep forgetting that we are in the super-heated final phase of the campaign. People behave just like football fans in the 4th quarter of a close game. After their team has lost the Superbowl, they will be depressed for a few days and then life will return to normal.
As it will in this case.
In fact, it is much more likely that the referee in a football game has been bought than it would be to rig a national election. Just can't be done, too many people from both parties watching, too many polling stations. How is that supposed to work?
AR (Pawtucket)
Another article about those horrible, unsightly deck chairs on RMS Titanic. Do not be fooled: Trump and his followers more a symptom of trouble than a cause. Try taking a step back, myopic NYT. You are supposed to be smart ones, the paragon of insight. Do you really think a 20 trillion dollar federal debt, to which you may add comparable nonfederal public debt, private, and unfunded promises, isn't a ridiculously catastrophic burden? Where are the missing giant-font headlines about our unrealistic promises? Headlines that should have been blaring day in and day out since the 60s? Have you taken a history course? What eras does ours remind you of? Is yours deliberate blissful ignorance? Are things too scary to contemplate, let alone report? Do not be surprised when whoever is elected --HRC, probably-- becomes your next scapegoat as the credit crisis continues, self-reinforcing frugality becomes vogue, disparity widens, corruption increases, and jobs vanish. The Trump stuff is silly puffery, distraction at best.
Anne Berg (New York)
This is dangerous reporting (referring to the headline). To call it a "revolution" makes it seem appealing, necessary. It can trigger thoughts in people's minds that if they don't vote for Trump they are missing being part of a revolution. This is not a Bernie Sanders revolution, which is at least wholesome - this is just mob behavior, driven by rage and bigotry. Do not make it seem appealing, please! This is actually dangerous journalism.
Alan Caro (Highland Park, NJ)
Donald Trump speaks to a population who feels so abandoned. They are almost desperate.
JRC (Miami)
I'm sure this is a small percentage of looney tunes out there and for you to put this on the front page at this point is truly irresponsible. Your partisanship is truly beyond the pale.
Ellie (oregon)
His campaign has been all about fear and resentment. It wouldn't surprise me if some of these wackos would try to do something. Fortunately, we are not a third world country where people get away with these kind of antics.
Matt (Plymouth Meeting)
The law-and-order people will revolt. Yet another Republican irony meter explodes.
Ray Markey (Honolulu)
This was a very perceptive article and rings true. Last night walking back from dinner with a friend I heard noises coming from across the street on the main thoroughfare, Kalakaua Ave. in Waikiki. I wasn't sure what they chanting but the name Trump could be heard. We were going in the same direction but they were walking faster. Eventually they crossed the street and were standing next to us. They were dressed identically in black short sleeved t-shirts. Their hair was quite short. They were in their early 20's, maybe a few years older or younger. there were 4 or 5 of them.

this is what they were chanting, "Trump will rule the world" and something derogatory about Hillary Clinton. Then they chanted "death to President Obama".
It was scary partly because they were totally unafraid that they would be challenged and they were right. You could feel the hatred coming from them and their desire to physically attack anyone who might verbally disagree with what they were saying. No one did including myself.

I said to my friend that it reminded me of films I had seen of Germany in the 30's.
Matt (British Columbia)
And here we see the direct result of a deranged leader spewing nonsense about a rigged election and lies about his opponent.
Terry Thurman (Seattle, WA.)
I hate to burst the bubble that these "dead-enders" live in but the primarily reason that America is so divided is because of the actions and the message of the GOP. The GOP began their campaign of division with the "Southern strategy" of Richard Nixon during the early 1970s and continued on with abortion, prayer in school, the ten commandments in the Courthouse, gays anywhere, and any number of other "wedge issues". Certainly the Democrats share a degree of blame for the current situation, but there is no equivalency in the actions of the Dems and the GOP. The Republicans should have the courage to own what they have wrought.
Auslånder (Berlin)
Let me put on my best Trumpian hyperbole hat here and simply say this:

Anyone who takes a gun to a polling place hates democracy.

Anyone who tries to intimidate voters hates democracy..

Anyone who tries to suppress another person's right to vote in any way has no respect for democracy or civil society.
Paul King (USA)
Such inflammatory nonsense.
The grousing of people who are understandably disappointed.

There will be people who feel devastated on either side if they lose. Same as in the last several elections. Duh.

Trump supporters-- call me when a 5-4 liberal majority on the Supreme Court essentially stops votes from being legally recounted and declares Hillary the winner.

Cause that's what I and millions more swallowed in 2000.

Your candidate is not normal. Have you noticed?
And his campaign is the most disorganized and flakey of anything in history. Just like him.
He could have crushed Hillary if he was normal.
In your heart you know that.
He's your problem.

Try embracing normal.
In your thoughts, your reaction to truth and most importantly in your choice of a candidate next time.

You blew it.
But, everyone knows (except maybe Donald) that our system conducts a very clean election for president (by all objective standards) every four years.

Ya got that?
Good luck.
Some of your readers have responded critically by saying that you are reporting on theoretical events, but as I was driving between Baton Rouge and New Orleans listening to talk radio, I heard an hour and a half of hateful, delusional and downright seditious comments about Clinton and 'her people'. According to the reactionary right wing that Trump has permission to run wild, the Clinton family is an 'international crime syndicate'. Her campaign director is at the hub of a corrupt and nefarious 'shadow government' that is thwarting the will of the American people. And her record of crimes and lies makes it not only right, but necessary, that she be jailed... or worse. The confidence and boldness with which these dangerous ideas are stated - as if they are obvious truths - is part of an ongoing incitement to violence. Some sizable portion of the population of the United States believes that CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and any other media source that doesn't espouse their own ideas is literally part of the Clinton conspiracy to thwart the will of the people... These aren't people with whom you can have a real conversation because their minds are already entirely made up, and because they have willfully chosen to ignore and disparage any source of information or argument that doesn't support their ideas. They are fundamentalists, and I believe some of them will act like fundamentalists do all over the world when Trump loses. I'd love to be wrong.
Yeah, whatever.... (New York, NY)
I do not know what is more absurd, these new inane threats of revolution or their prior threats about (presumably White)Trump supporters patrolling urban (presumably Black/Latino) voting sites to ensure no voting fraud occurs. It's all just too bizarre-- they do not have a clue--but I suspect that is why they are known as low information voters.
BabsNorcross (Norcross, GA)
I feel dumber after reading this article. Please.... as others have said, don't try to stir up the looney tunes any more than is necessary.
mop (US)
I don't recall the Democrats speaking of overthrowing the gov't when Bush was handed the presidency in 2000 by the Supremes.

Lots of the alt-right & uber-conservatives who cannot accept that a Trump administration is now an impossibility can go cry in their Milwaukee's Best. They aren't even real Americans anyway - their unabashed admiration for a xenophobic, lying, twice-divorced, sexual predator narcissist who mirrors their own hatred for the diversity that makes the country great is worthy of scorn.

We are still a land of laws - if all the tough guys really want to stage an insurrection, please do - and then suffer the consequences.
Christian Walker (Greensboro, NC)
To think of their being a revolt if such a vile presidential candidate loses speaks volumes to me about the true state of the hive mind that is the alt-right extremist population of America. It undermines the very fabric of our democracy, and it is making us look like an embarrassment on the world stage. I am not simply against Trump and his supporters because I am an African American male that just turned 25 on Monday, but I am against them because I am scared to death of losing our democracy. So much blood, sweat, tears, pain, and triumph went into building the sturdiest democracy in the history of the world, and to see it put into jeopardy like this? Terrifying, heartbreaking, unbelievable.
Shellecah (Lomita, California)
Trumpsters will likely resign to a Clinton win with no unrest or violence. They are mainly churchgoing family and community folks, employed or retired. Really, how many would jeopardize themselves, loved ones, friends and neighborhoods. People might play with as a hobby or seriously wonder about the Trump fearmongering, Fox propaganda and conspiracy theories, but I wager in the end they'll do what most have done all their lives and go the way of Jesus and American honor even if their man loses. Sanders' loss was heartwrenching to millennials, yet they're adjusting. Trumpsters are older so it's harder; nonetheless, many have built a solid respectable life, and are too civilized to degenerate into violence.
Ken (Denver)
So they want a revolution? But none of them plan to get involved.
I think that will work out just fine.
Seriously though, how will they take over an enormous, decentralized authority that includes actors like the Marines and the NSA? (and why does the press not ask this question)? I was part of one of the recent American Revolutions, we managed to end the Vietnam war and the draft. No guns were needed. Likewise the Civil Rights movement was a revolution where the people brought about change without being armed.
It's an American Taboo to point out a lack of intelligence in others but really now. These are not smart people. That does not diminish their basic equality or humanity it should however rule out rulers with IQs in the 90s and a lack of understanding of how most things work.
Connie Landro (New York)
Just proof positive that a portion of the Trumpets need a good old fashioned education. They need to learn history and government science. Those who tout revolution have no clue what our government, founded for all the people, is about. Nor that the election process and presidential transitions are the reason why blood was shed with our nation's founding.
Jeff Simpson (Shenzhen, China)
Aren't many of these people the same ones who say, "My country: love it leave it."? Curious change of attitude.
Steve S. (Suwanee, Georgia)
I'm remembering how bitterly disappointed I was with the results of the 2000 coronation, how unfair and how questionably undemocratic it appeared, and not once did it occur to me to take a pitchfork to Democracy! These fellow Americans who do not agree with me need two lessons: One in American Civics and one in responsible adulthood!
Barry Fisher (Orange County California)
Is this supposed to scare the electorate? It would be unfortunate, very very sad and alarming if certain people bave bought so far in to the distortions of truth and fear mongering that has been generated for years from the so-called alt-right and stirred up by the conservative wing of the GOP (Lee Atwater, Karl Rove with his shadow calls, and their bastard children, the Tea party) that it is now bearing this kind of fruit, than we should see those who actually promote or participate in violence treated as criminal law breakers. This is all coming about at this moment because one person, is a sore loser and is willing to bring the house down around himself if he doesn't get his way. History is strewn with these types of egoists and egotists. So sad. Won't stop me from voting though.
Daniel Yakoubian (San Diego)
Funny isn't it - when people march or threaten to march on their government offices in other countries our Government and Media treat it as a "cause celebre,'" but when people talk about it here its treated as a vile threat to our "democracy." A small minority protests in Russia and China and our media is all about the autocratic governments that crush dissent. Here we have mega-dissent, and its treated as a threat to democracy. Something stinks in our house!
RedShirtRob (Marietta, GA)
False equivalents. Yes, when people are threatening violence in response to a legitimate election, we respond differently than when people march in protest of undemocratic, oppressive dictatorships -- and this country is none of those, despite the efforts of sore losers to portray it as such...
Gerry (St. Petersburg Florida)
You can be sure that these few people who are willing to make these comments represent many more who think the same thing but just don't want to say it to a media reporter.

This group has gone from a political movement to an angry mob. They are a large group of angry, ignorant people who will follow Trump and others as if they were all (and they might be) hypnotically following somebody who they believe to be a Svengali type savior. That they believe what he says tells all we need to know about their judgement. They all might be willing to walk off a cliff like a bunch of lemmings or drink poisoned Kool Aid like Jim Jones' followers in Guyana.

We don't know what these crazies are willing to do, but to think that there are just a small amount of them because only a few will vocalize the wishes of many more is naive. We don't know what might happen, but somehow, some way, we need to be prepared for something that may threaten our democracy. Trump has gotten a taste of power from these fools. He won't be wiling to give that up. He wants to be heroic, and even if he has to be the hero of the most idiotic fools in the USA, Trump needs the adoration so much, he will accept it from people who are essentially comatose.
Mike (San Francisco)
The unfortunate reality is that for these folks, yes, washington will do nothing or next to nothing for them. The harsher truth is that if Trump is elected they, along with nearly anyone who voted for him will be completely forgotten. If they are looking for change they need to get involved locally and make that change where they live. They can do this starting as individuals showing up at town boards and county meetings, by finding groups to join and support to lobby for what they feel they need the govt to do. get involved, make it happen.
sarasotaliz (Sarasota)
Even though it seems that you (The New York Times) is taking the comments of a few looney-tunes and plastering them all over the front page, all it takes is one looney-tune with an assault weapon to kill/hurt/maim dozens, if not hundreds, of people.
It's a question worth asking: Why is it that the "right" fosters, encourages, and incites such talk, much less that kind of behavior from the lunatic fringe?
Where are the crazy liberals, hell-bent on mass destruction? Answer: There ain't any. Find me one. I could name half-dozen ring-wing idjits—American idjits—who have already committed murder (often in the name of religion) right off the top of my pointy little liberal head.
SineDie (MIchigan)
Any thinking and discussion about what defeated, armed supporters of Trump might do should be informed by knowledged of what the President is empowered to do about "insurrections."

Article 1, Sec. 8, Clause 15 of the US Constitution provides that "[t]he Congress shall have Power ... To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.

Fortunately, Congress quickly decided that "calling out" and giving orders would not be performed by Congress. In the "Calling Forth" Act of 1792 and the 1795 Militia Act, Congress delegated its "calling forth" and issuance of orders powers to the President. The authority to call out the militia and issue it orders "to suppress insurrections."

In 1827, the Supreme court decided, in Martin v Mott, that under the 1795 Militia Act the President also has the exclusive the concomitant authority to judge whether there is an exigency sufficient for calling forth the Militia and issuing orders to it, which decision is also not subject to judicial review.

If there are incidents in a pattern of insurrection after election day, the federal government will respond under the Calling Out Clause, with the National Guard (which is what the "Militia" is now called) if necessary.
Richard (Portland)
This is just sensationalist reporting. The folks preaching armed resistance are a tiny minority and almost certainly do not represent most Trump voters. HRC will win and people will get on with their lives.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
One hopes that Hillary-bashers will get lives.
RN (Ann Arbor, MI)
The GOP appears to think that only they are entitled to rule. To them compromise is when the other side (Democrats and liberals) give in and agree to the GOP demands. They cannot to see why anyone would vote against them unless they are lazy and just want handouts. The GOP leaders are either out of touch with what most people need or want or they do not care. Maybe they see themselves as the wealthy elite who do not need to be concerned about anyone without money.
The Republicans now act like my teenage children. They demand to be treated like adults and refuse to listen to any adult offering advise. Their primary thoughts are for their own self interests and never for the common good. They characterize any supporter as intelligent and any opponent as stupid or evil. When they do damage their first response is to deny responsibility. When they break the lamp they expect forgiveness, but when their sibling breaks the lamp they demand severe punishment for the offence.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
"This is a Republic where only Republicans are qualified to govern!"
JMBaltimore (Maryland)
The NYT readers hyperventilating about this article should recall that Wikileaks has shown that it is actually Democrat Party operatives who have incited violence at Trump rallies.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
You sure are a sucker for ostensibly stolen information run through the hands of thieves.
steve (santa cruz, ca.)
Excuse me, but the Wikileaks revelations have shown no such thing. Was the elderly man at the Trump rally in Carolina who sucker punched a black protester (as the protester was being led out) a Clinton operative? Are the screaming Trump supporters yelling the N-word and calling for Hillary to be "locked up" actually secret Clinton agents?
I'm not suggesting that all Trump supporters are violent, but many are and they need to be brought under control.
nyer (NY)
"Democrat Party"?
Jack Learner (NJ)
Well, my money would be on the U.S. military.
Bill Mosby (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Having voted for Hillary on October 12 (in Utah), I feel confident that she will win convincingly enough that only a few kooks do more than glance at their guns while they bury them to hide them from "gun-grabbing Hillary".
Elise (NYC)
Well, Bill, now that you have voted, I can rest easy. America is safe.
Edward (NYC)
I am a lifelong Independent voter. This article is an insult to my intelligence.

This is one way Nick and Ashley can get interviews from 50 Trump supporters.

Go to Blue Collar neighborhoods in Bronx, Jersey City, Hartford, CT and in a suburb of Philadelphia. Choose a Walmart, a laundromat, and a neighborhood bar. Go to Walmart in the morning, the laundromat in the afternoon and the bar between 11pm and closing. That's four states and takes 4 days. Easy Peasy.

That will get you great quotes from both HRCvand DJT supporters.

Nick and Ashley can make a case for either candidate. But is it good journalism?

NYT, at one time, you produced quality articles by writers who upheld the highest standards to write their articles. Articles like this should be in the National Inquirer or Horace Mann Middle School, take your pick.
Kevin (Northport NY)
The demonstrations will be more intense if Trump wins
CM (New Jersey)
The folks in this article feel, correctly, that they are losing their grip on controlling this society's culture and institutions. American society in 2016 is increasingly challenging white Christian privilege and patriarchy — and these folks don't know what to do about it, since they think those things are essentially their birthright. So they feel that they're being "robbed," when what they're really doing is playing themselves. As for these lowkey threats of violence, I trust the Secret Service is on top of it.
Sam Katz (New York City)
You hit the nail on the head. They are all white, all Christian, and all entitled. If they can't live in a world where others are "beneath" them in their perceived status, they don't know what to do. So they explode outward. It's always the uneducated, unemployed, disaffected, ignorant, and angry (for no reason) who threaten civilized society -- only they are too uneducated and too personally unbalanced to know it.
Fred (Columbus, Ohio)
This inane article eliminates any doubt about the leftward slant of the Times. None of this nonsense will occur.
steve (santa cruz, ca.)
The NYT didn't invent these people Fred; they're out there. In fact, I've met a few. Should the Times suppress this information lest it be accused by you of a "leftward slant"?
RedShirtRob (Marietta, GA)
Must. Discredit. Anything. I. Disagree. With.
Sam Katz (New York City)
The Times did not put words in the mouths of the people they interviewed. Donald Trump did that!
Chris Parel (McLean, VA)
Yes, revolution. The Republican Party will have to conduct a far reaching reform and cleansing of Trump, Tea Party and right wing influences. If not the GoP will continue a lost cause. So yes, revolution...
rudolf (new york)
My son just got a huge promotion in the US Military. I asked him if that meant he would go to the Middle East to clean up the mess he said half joking: "not even close; either Florida or Chicago."
Trump has his followers ginned up by his celebrity, nativism, anger, ignorance and lies. They will not be satisfied with a win, accept defeat or wither on the vine. Trump may have set the stage for political and civil turmoil. November 9th is upon us, we will know all shortly.
Pamalamb (Earth)
This is not journalism and it most certainly does not qualify as news!! It is irresponsible tripe! Is this what things have come to for the NYT? This piece only serves to fan the flames of discontent for the poor souls who are mentally/emotionally unstable enough to believe their candidate of choice qualifies to be President. I am praying, with all my heart and soul, that all the talk of violence proves to be frustrated tongue wagging.
Frank Richards (San Mateo Ca)
Get their names and Id. If their threats are realized, send them to Syria and accept refugees in their stead.
Paul Wallis (Sydney, Australia)
I suggest you take this a lot more seriously than "a few nuts might go nuts". Violence could happen. This institutionalized hatred has been everywhere for years. Threats and bullying online, Gamergate, supported by Breitbart, which also routinely attacks anything and everything seen as "liberal". They even attack NYT's own David Brooks, who's seen as "not conservative enough", and other blatant attacks on individuals have been normal for years.

All types of fanaticism eventually come to a violent stage. Trump has jump started something very nasty. He'll be the visible prima facie reason if any violence does occur.


Who's going to be legally responsible if people do get killed? The GOP? Enablers like Breitbart and the host of "instant conservatives" who show up every 4 years? Would Trump be accountable in any way? If you literally incite an attack on the US government, what's the legal position?

The longer term issue is how do you prevent this rabid abuse happening every election year? It's been going on since at least Obama in 2008, in various forms. It's contaminating the whole idea of democracy, and it has to go.
Miss Ley (New York)
Why do I find this so upsetting? Is this the 'Real' America? By now the Campaign Managers must know who is going to win but it could be a tight race, very. Preparations are probably being made to safeguard the People if Trump loses. Can the G.O.P. declare a State of Emergency? There is going to be violence, and a Trump supporter and I were discussing this earlier. He has stock-piled food for the next six months? This is not a stupid man, 'uneducated' perhaps, but he belongs to a different Era.

'South America' was kind enough to send word that it was unlikely that there would be a Civil War, with recipes for 26 soups. There are good people out there, and we don't need any kind of Revolution, Somebody told me earlier that this anger and fury was coming from the South?

Paul Wallis, I am not the brightest American in the chandelier, but right now some of us are feeling tense and even depressed. It reminds me that the French Nobleman, Alexis de Tocqueville, had great hope that Democracy could work in America, but he also had reservations that if it failed, we could have a far graver upheaval than any historically precedented,

We have a singular habit of posting our political views on our lawn. We should grow flowers instead, and in the meantime, The President may have to address The Nation again.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
I don't expect any member of the "alt-right" to take responsibility for what they do. Their whole "personal responsibility" schtick is as dyslexic as the rest of their linguistic inversions.
Paul Wallis (Sydney, Australia)
Actually, Miss Ley (great name) to us over here it looks like hell. You're obviously not a nation of hypochondriacs. M. de Tocqueville may have got it right to some degree. Let's just hope he wasn't too right.
Tom N (Colorado)
How can such a pathetic and biased article appear on front page? Ask the same question of HRC supporters, then elect "proper" responses to show what they would do if Trump wins.
steve (santa cruz, ca.)
Thing is Tom, it's kind of hard to imagine a frothing at the mouth "rabid liberal". The very idea of such a person is comical. Liberals tend to be better educated, more intelligent, more accomplished and .... a lot calmer. Plus, they're not out there flashing their guns -- are they?
TMB (Minneapolis)
Some reader comments have expressed concerns they had when President Obama was elected to his first term in 2008 about about the possibility he would be the victim of violence by an unhinged person consumed with misguided, pathological rage. I have to admit, I, too, felt the same way. I am increasingly relieved, as the President's second term nears its end, that he will leave office having suffered no such threat.
Despite the dire predictions expressed by the Trump acolytes quoted in this article, it is almost a certainty their rantings will NOT devolve into anarchy. Trump has been a toxic, attractive distraction for many of them. His campaign has been a years-in-the-making reality show beyond any single network's ability to cancel. But now it is rapidly closing in on its final episode.
Those who will miss the show will be able to view it forever in the ever-expanding archives of the Internet, where now everything in life finds its eternal resting place among all the other evanescent and inconsequential ennui.
As for those who have professed support for Trump during this campaign, you've got some soul searching ahead of you. Channel your emotions in positive, optimistic ways to effect change at your local and regional level that looks forward to the life you want to have and not the faux-idyllic one you continue to view in your rear view mirror. Join the rest of us looking out the front windshield seeking the positive opportunities ahead for a change.
Barrie Grenell (San Francisco, CA)
You say, "I am increasingly relieved, as the President's second term nears its end, that he will leave office having suffered no such threat."

Actually we do not know if such threats have been made. My guess is that the secret service has received many more such threats than for previous presidents but they do not make this known. Racism is alive and well in these United States.
Teresa Leone (Boston)
Who are these people? They sound like they've crawled out from under rocks. I hate to think that some of these people are my neighbors.
msd (NJ)
Trump supporters are by and large, a group of aging, overweight white men in poor physical health. The idea that they are going to get to their feet and "march" anywhere to protest the election is comical.
Gianni (NYC)
The real problem for Trump supporters is not Clinton herself, but the inevitable society and cultural changes at hand, where ever Clinton is elected president or not.
Simply put nations grow up just like people do.
Donald Seekins (Waipahu HI)
You can't make this stuff up!
Neil (Los Angeles)
Yes and I wish we had Joe Biden but that's life. His loss was too great. He would have easily won the nomination
DbB (Sacramento, CA)
This article makes a very strong case for more gun control in this crazy country.
Michael Collins (Oakland)
The fabric of the nation is being torn apart by personality politics. There is far too much emphasis on demonizing your opponent. This creates a good vs evil mentality. This "moralization" of politics leads to jihad of religious fervor and religious overtones.

Leaders try to solve our problems by looking at them from all angles and considering a multitude of contributing vectors and possible solutions. This paradigm is conducive to principled problem solving. People reach across the isle to find common ground.

Lobbyists want very specific things. They "contribute" to their candidates to get those things done. The candidates then "rationalized" their way to the "solution" the lobbyists are promoting. Rather than brainstorming all possible solutions, our leaders are now demonizing everyone else. There is no more common ground because the solution was provided before it's rationale for being.

If we want political discussions to become more civil, we have to get rid of the money in politics.
Tdot for HRC (Toronto)
What you have to get rid of first are the far-right broadcast loonies--Hannity, Limbaugh, Alex Jones (wasn't Pence one of them for a while?)--who hide behind First Amendment rights to peddle hatred and bald-faced lies. I'm not sure I think Trump is cynically using Bannon and Stone to get elected. I think your Grade-3-level speaker/ presidential nominee is an avid fan and true believer. "Why haven't the other newspapers picked up the story?" said Trump about the Nat'l Enquirer cover linking Cruz' father to Lee Harvey Oswald. He meant that, you do realize.
David Hughes (Pennington, NJ)
Nah, no revolution. If people didn't revolt when the Patriot Act took away private freedoms and when Snowdon disclosed that we are being monitored on a continuous basis by the NSA, there is nothing that our country of lemmings wouldn't rationalize and then go back to business as usual. Nothing to see here, folks, time to go home.
Tamza (California)
In those case the 'uprising' would have been from liberals - sorry got to get my latte before it gets cold // lazy talk-only folks.