Maggie Hassan Is the Right Choice for New Hampshire

Oct 28, 2016 · 172 comments
sj (eugene)

New Hampshire,
as with the entire Senate,
deserves to have a representative
who actually chooses to work,
particularly toward a progressive end,
and to govern - - it is what used-to
separate our country from most other
experiments in self-government,
and which has sadly been completely lacking - -
particularly in the 21st century.

go, Ms. Hassan, go!!
Beyond (McDermitt NV)
KA: the vacuous ornamentation to McCain-Graham photo ops. A total zero who wants to keep feeding at the Senate trough.
Carl Hultberg (New Hampshire)
Kelly Ayotte thought if she just said "Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi" often enough she would get to be Vice President. Sorry it didn't work out for her.
HJS (upstairs)
Hassan is a leader, with a great record as Governor of New Hampshire. Ayotte has turned herself into a pretzel supporting Trump, the gun lobby, and the insurance lobby. She's another cog in the Republican gridlock, sitting in Congress and accepting her taxpayer-funded salary while refusing to govern. Let's pay someone who actually does her job: Maggie Hassan.
Elena (Asheville)
I would feel more confident in this endorsement if I had ever seen the NYT ever endorse a Republican. There are none that I can recall, so this seems a wholly partisan and predictable outcome.
Dismayed Democrat (Hawaii)
As a native Granite State daughter now living in another state I am beaming with pride that NH could bring such a gifted and seasoned woman to the US Senate as Maggie Hassan. She speaks from the heart, knows her own mind and is the right kind of blended leadership for both NH and the US.
I have watched Kelly Ayotte's embarrassing and shameful reactions to DT, and say NH is lucky to be rid of her. Good luck to Ms. Hassan.
Robert (St Louis)
Having lived in NH, I can attest to the fact that the NYT Editorial Board has about as much sway in New Hampshire politics as a piece of granite.
John D (San Diego)
This just in, NY Times endorses Democrat, film at 11.
Jackson (Birmingham)
I really don’t care about Senator Ayotte’s support for Donald Trump but I do care that she volunteered to take Senator Joe Lieberman’s place joining Senators McCain and Graham, as one of the “Three Amigos” war party. There is never a conflict or potential conflict that those three don’t demand that the U.S. start bombing (Bomb, Bomb Iran) or sending in troops. Senator Ayotte is always out front leading a charge for war. For that reason alone Senator Ayotte must be defeated.
Mary Beth Anderson Goldblatt (Fort Montgomery, NY)
I am a native of New Hampshire, and my first reaction to the headline was that the people of NH whom I know and love would be incensed that NY was telling them who to vote for as their senator, and would be tempted to do the opposite. The conservative Manchester Union Leader will have a field day with this headline. However, I support Maggie Hassan and the article makes a great case for the voters of my home state selecting her. I hope they do.
phil morse (cambridge, ma)
Admittedly, Hassan is a better choice for New Hampshire than Ayotte, but I don't see how keeping Gitmo open does anything for New Hampshire. Is she afraid some terrorist down there might attack Nashua? Her lack of courage was apparent in her unwillingness to take on the NH Chief of Police Association regarding the legalization of Marijuana. Also, I for one, anyway, have seen no initiative coming from Hassan about lowering the unfair and regressive tax burden on home owners.
manfred marcus (Bolivia)
Agree, Ms Hassan is worlds apart from Ms Ayotte's wishy-washy measures that benefit no one; and her ultimate insult to decency by suggesting Bully Trump as a model for children? Give me a break. Hassan must be elected to restore the true values most people aspire to.
hannstv (dallas)
As I try to budget our families insurance plan for the next year I am reminded the last time the Democrats help the White House, Senate, and House we got the thanks I will pass.
Koobface (NH)
Those of us who respect the US Constitution could see that Trump was unqualified to uphold the Constitution the moment that Trump descended his Golden Escalator in June 2015 and declared Muslims personas non grata.

It took Kelly Ayotte until October 2016 to figure out Trump is un-American. Very poor judgement of character. It disqualifies her.

But what was the Trump statement that finally changed Ayotte’s opinion?

Was it discrimination against Muslims? Nope, she supported that Trump policy for years.
Mocking the disabled? Nope, Ayotte had no problem with that.
Trump’s obvious hatred of Mexicans? Ayotte continued to support Her Man. Racism wasn’t enough.
Attacking NATO and bedding with Putin? No.
Attacking freedom of speech? That did not dissuade Ayotte.
Attacking Freedom of the Press? That did not keep Ayotte from supporting proto-fascism. What is in her head?

So what was it?
It wasn’t until Trump boasted of groping women’s genitals during a sexual assault that Ayotte finally woke up and realized Trump shouldn’t be president. All of that other stuff was A-OK with her.

Millions realized in June 2015 that Trump was dangerous. Ayotte evidently still doesn’t understand that, although she finally, FINALLY, understands that Trump is anti-woman. That’s the *only* thing that bothers her.

Ayotte does not represent we citizens. She only protects herself. She needs to go back to her family and leave the unrepresented alone.
Jasr (NH)
Kelly Ayotte bills herself as a moderate willing to "stand up to her party," but she cannot even fake a halfhearted criticism of the most odious presidential candidate in decades, Donald Trump.

She is in firm solidarity with the Republican Party's cynical attacks on Planned Parenthood, which if successful will have the perverse effect of increasing the number of unplanned pregnancies and preventable cancers, especially among working-poor women.

She has been visible and vocal in her solidarity with Republican far-right political figures who have sought to undermine the administration's foreign policy at every turn, and applied her signature to the disgraceful letter to the mullahs of Iran, undermining efforts to halt Iran's nuclear program while pretending to do the opposite.

It's time for her to join a law practice in Nashua and leave NH with better representation.
Milliband (Medford Ma)
Kelly Ayotte for all her supposed independence has been a long time toadie of the despicable Mitch McConnell. If she is reelected and the Republicans are in the minority she will be a willing participant to McConnell's hijacking of democracy through the bogus use of the administrative filibuster. She kow tows to the Republican cabal on gun safety and holding hearings for the nominated Supreme Court justice Merrick Gardner among other issues. She will always be McConnell's willing enabler, while doing the kabuki dance about being an "independent voice."
Milliband (Medford Ma)
Merrick Garland
George (Concord, NH)
It really should not be a shock to anyone that the New York Times has endorsed someone who has aligned herself with Elizabeth Warren. If anyone looked at her record as governor they would see that all of her decisions have been made with an eye toward running for the Senate. She addressed the opiate crisis only when she could no longer ignore it and it became a political liability to her. She has raised fees and taxes on everything relating to things that people must use if they want to live and work in the State. The fee increases disproportionately impact those who are least able to afford them and small businesses that are struggling. Her appointments to the judiciary and State agencies have been purely political and mediocre nominees have produced unsatisfactory results. it cannot be her record as governor that led to this endorsement because her record is abysmal. If she is elected, you can expect her to walk lockstep with Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. The notion that she can be bipartisan is a joke if you consider the past 4 years that she has been governor where she overestimated state income in order to justify pet projects that the State could not afford and had to be reigned in by the State House and Senate. This New Hampshire resident is familiar with her record and will be voting for Kelly Ayotte. I cannot afford to vote for someone so fond of taxes on working people.
HJS (upstairs)
Aligned with Warren, to regulate the outrageous greed of our corporations, and their interference in the legislative process? Another great reason to vote Hassan.
John (Indianapolis)
When was the last time the old gray lady ever supported a Republican? Maybe TR?
Wilbray Thiffault (Ottawa. Canada)
$102 million in the race. That election is good for the economy of New Hampshire. It is more money than a federal election in Canada.
Lisa L. (Boston MA)
Maggie - thank you for being an effective and authentic leader - exactly what our country needs.
CK (Rye)
As a NH person I concur that Hassan is a great fit for US Senator. As a liberal not mesmerized by the PC tendency to stretch the truth to the breaking point wherever it is useful to demean the American Joker Trump, I must say Trump did not boast about "sexual assault." That sort of interpretation is an annoying childish lie, especially so as Clinton would belong in jail under the same rules of social engagement, leaving Trump the preferable candidate. Which of course he is not. It's impossible to ask the NYT to cut the PC lies, they have proved they will not. So I'll just say, "You suck," and leave it at that.
Tom (San Francisco)
Umm, grabbing a woman by the "p***y" without her permission is indeed "sexual assault." You really should not claim to be a "liberal" if you think that kind of behavior is not sexual assault.
Bruce Northwood (Salem, Oregon)
You cannot say that your are supporting a candidate but not endorsing him. Your support is an endorsement. Anything else is just doublespeak out or Orwell.
Lisa C. (Washington, D.C.)
As a born and raised, twenty-something New Hampshirite, I can't wait to submit my NH absentee ballot for Kelly Ayotte!
This article neglects to fully contemplate the struggles of NH's young people.
Due to the heroine epidemic, I have seen former schoolmates overdose and friends lose custody of their children. This has been devastating for young people. Maggie, with her power as governor, has not, by any metric, done enough to fix the problem. Maggie's inaction towards the heroin epidemic is unacceptable considering the size of our state and the bipartisan will to fix the problem.
Additionally, Maggie may have “contain[ed] in-state tuition”, but this article fails to mention that UNH has one of the highest in-state tuitions in the country. Our “contained tuition’ is so high that it is often more reasonable for NH students to attend equally priced, but higher ranked universities out of state or in Canada. Once again, Maggie has not done enough to address education costs at the state level.
Maggie and Kelly are both great women who have broken ceilings and redefined NH politics. However, until Maggie can find solutions to her problems, in typical NH tradition, I will be splitting my ticket. And posting a selfie of it, which I may now do since the courts have recently overturned Maggie’s unconstitutional ban on ballot selfies… once again, Maggie just is not in this race for us young people!
Anthony N (NY)
To Lisa,

I have relatives living in NH who attended UNH, as did their children. One of them is a part-time faculty member. They would agree with you about the heroine epidemic and the cost of in-state tuition at UNH. But, they have a somewhat different take.

Without a state income tax or sales tax, from where will the needed resources come to alleviate those problems?
TheOwl (New England)
Maggie Hassan has proven herself to be a tax-and-spend liberal who has absolutely no sense as to how to get value for the money spent.

We, The People, don't deserve to have Ms. Hassan and her like running our government.

We cannot change the culture of government excess, waste, and fraud by continuing to vote for candidates who represent nothing more than an endorsement, waste, and fraud.
John (CA)
Ah, the attacks on the tax and spend. TheOwl feels we don't need government, but drivers on our roads, sends his kids to our schools, drinks safe water and eats safe food, all from our tax dollars. But will then support Republicans like Donald who corrupt the tax system so that he pays nothing.
DaveB (Boston MA)
Absolutely right! We need to vote instead for whatever the Koch brothers tell Kelly to do, and for her to vote against any woman's right to choose. And we need to support or was it to not support Trump? I forget what Kelly has said today, as opposed to yesterday.

We need a paragon of consistency, or was that inconsistency, just like Kelly. Go Kelly!
karl hattensr (madison,ms)
Democratic platform is debt and destruction of future genrations and it is someone else fault . Solve problem by taking some one else money.
Kathryn (New Hampshire)
Go Maggie!
Montreal Moe (WestPark, Quebec)
I realize I am Montreal Moe and have no interest in US politics but my wife keeps sending money to the Hassan campaign with my consent and approval. I wholeheartedly endorse the NYT endorsement and the opportunity to comment on two other Senatorial campaigns.
Last night we watched the Vermont Senate debate and were taken to place few Americans ever really visit idea politics. The five candidates all offered interesting policy ideas and it was clear the Independent candidate won with the Marijuana Party Candidate a close second, the Peace and Freedom candidate came in third and explained what real socialism was like and that his friend Bernie Sanders was a capitalist but somewhat liberal, Senator Leahy came in fourth defending himself on charges he was too far right. In addition to being called a Fascist , capitalist and an oligarch and being accused of being obscenely wealthy and corporatist he had to defend himself from Republican opponent who accused him of being in the pocket of big business for not supporting Bernie.
The real highlight came at 2AM when I woke my wife up to have her watch the moment in Illinois to watch the senate candidate she had already voted for have her Americanness questioned by Senator Kirk.
There is nobody that speaks to being American like Tammy Duckworth a family who roots in North America go back to Washington and whose mother is Asian and a brand new American. Mark Kirk showed us America's darkest side in the truest GOP tradition.
Catholic and Conservative (Stamford, Ct.)
You show us the Democrats true colors. They complain about the prospect of Russia influencing this election, providing no proof and asserting a tie to Donald Trump, but gladly take handouts from you and your wife? You are candid about your attempts to influence our election. Can spell h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e? Try using that description next time you write about Hassan or Clinton.
KMW (New York City)
As a New Englander (Boston) I hope New Hampshire stays in the Republicans hands. Senator Kelly Ayotte was damned if she did and damned if she didn't support Donald Trump. She was either alienating her voting base or Donald Trump supporters. She has been a great senator and very effective for the great state of New Hampshire. I hope Mrs. Ayotte keeps her seat and if I could vote for her I would in a heartbeat. We need to keep the senate Republican for the good and wellbeing of our country. Kelly Ayotte for senator.
jk (Jericho, Vermont)
As a NH resident (ignore my above moniker) I am voting for Maggie Hassan. Kelly Ayotte has voted 12 times to defund Planned Parenthood in NH. For many women in this small state, their ONLY medical care for gynecological health is through Planned Parenthood.
Kristine Walls (Tacoma WA)
I am reading this endorsement from faraway Washington state because I am interested in the New Hampshire Senate race. The results of any Senate race affect the entire country. For example, McConnell is from Kentucky - not my state - but his obstructionism has harmed the entire country. Whenever I have seen Ms. Ayotte on TV, she has been standing near McCainand Graham. Why? Is she their protege?
CK (Rye)
Is Ayotte a GOP tool? The understated question of the week.
DaveB (Boston MA)
She's their pet.
Leslie Prufrock (41deg n)
What a surprise an endorsement for a Democrat!
Ian Maitland (Wayzata)
The Times has huffed and puffed and huffed and puffed about money in politics. And it does so again today. It tut-tuts that "Democrats, Republicans and special-interest groups pouring upward of $102 million into the [N.H. Senate] race."

How sly of the Times not to mention that most of that money has gone to Hassan and her allies.

In September, Real Clear Politics reported that "spending by Ayotte’s campaign, the National Republican Senatorial Committee and other aligned groups lagged Democratic spending by $6.2 million over the summer, from July 25 through Sept. 5, according to tracking by a GOP source. In that period, the total spending on the Republican side was $5.9 million; total spending on Democratic side was $12.1 million".

Hassan's punishment for pigging out on interested money in politics? The Times' endorsement. High time the Times practiced what it preaches. And it owes its readers the whole truth, not a redacted version.
Sam I Am (Windsor, CT)
Spare me.

Democrats will play according to the rules, on the platform of improving the rules.
HobokenSkier (NY, NY)
You can tut tut about money in politics but for one team to try to play without the money and the other to use it would be insanity.
You can agree that the rules for money in policics need changing but until they change both candidates need to compete on equal financial footing.
partlycloudy (methingham county)
Ayotte tried to have it both ways. By not repudiating Trump, she showed she does not care about America or women. She should be defeated.
john (virgin islands)
This endorsement is not about what is best for NH, where I was born and raised and vote, but rather it is about the NYT and the people of NYC and their desire to see Hillary have a compliant Senate and House. What seems to me to be best for NH and for the country is to have a strong Congress ready to check on either the corruption and self dealing of the Clintons or the sheer vile craziness of Trump - and that means a strong anti-Trump Republican leadership of Congress, of which Kelley is for sure a part.
Mary O (Boston, MA)
The republicans will keep the house. The senate should go to the dems because the repubs haven't done their job, obstructing the supreme court hearing for half a year. It's unprecedented.
CK (Rye)
Ha! Had Trump not been caught on tape being a pig, Kelly Ayotte would be all-in for the Orange Ogre. She has ZERO backbone, nothing much upstairs for a mind of her own. Zero ideas. You goofs with your Clinton self-dealing meme seem to not realize President is a public job not a private foundation, while you seem to not be able to understand the difference.
Marylee (MA)
Voting blue will stop the obstructionism advocated by mitch McConnell. Our nation needs something legislated!!
Timothy Jay Smith (Paris, France)
Clinton needs a Democratic Senate to stop Republican obstructionism. Punto.
Bill (Madison, Ct)
Isn't Ayotte the one who said that absolutely Trump would make a good role model?
jk (Jericho, Vermont)
Yes she sure did... so what kind of role model is she?
Kelly Ayotte is the dimpled darling of the far right. She has on various occasions embraced the infamous xenophobic Joe Arpaio Arizona's "toughest sheriff" and she consistently falls in line with Mitch McConnell, blocking Supreme Court nominations and voting straight Tea Party (her earliest and most consistent supporters) against Planned Parenthood--as if contraceptive and breast screening services did not matter. She is, in every sense, a closeted Trump. She looks lovely, and plays the New Hampshire style of non confrontation, but she is who she travels with. Most appalling of all is her resistance to closing Gitmo, the most unconscionable and counter productive of all Republican creations of the imaginary hobgoblins they use to control the electorate.
David Lane (Milford NH)
It's a time for change. Go Maggie.
G (NY)
I can't recall the last time I read a New Hampshire related article in the NY Times, yet here you are endorsing someone to be a Senator in that state?

I suppose the editorial board is well-versed in the affairs and needs of the people of NH?
Epidemiologist (New Hampshire)
When Ayotte was first elected in 2010 she jumped on the Tea Party band wagon and hewed firmly to the Republican line with a the intent, I think, of moving up quickly. When her hard line seemed to threaten her chances at home, she strayed a bit from the party line, but maintained much of the hard-hearted core of the republic agenda.
My one argument with Hassan, and there is only one, is that she joined many other governors in banning Syrian refugees from the state immediately after the Paris attacks - a pointless, ineffective (governors just can't do that), and pandering move. Nonetheless I fully support Hassan.
With the large volume of ads repeated over and over, you can come to realize how the facts get twisted: one vote for or against a bill becomes "voted FIVE TIMES" when you include the procedural votes that lead up to a final vote that "hurts out Veterans" when it moved money from one DOD wallet to another DOD wallet. "VETOED a budget" that could have helped someone, yet there must have a final budget. DI that help those people more?
Along with the presumed privilege of the first primary, we in New Hampshire get years of this nonsense. Trying to parse the lies for fun is all we have left.
Well, then again, there are all those pretty leaves.
Steven (New York)
Why don't you just write an editorial saying that we endorse all democrats?
Carole Doreski (NH)
And what of Senator Ayotte's signing of the infamous Republican Iran letter? Had Democrats done this to Bush/Cheney, they would have been accused of treason.
Kona030 (HNL)
With Senators McCain & Cruz both implying it would be ok for GOP senators to block all of Clinton's judicial nominees, EVERY single Republican senator up for re-election deserves to lose - every one!...

GOP senators have this sense of entitlement RE: the federal courts, and they think if their party can't make the nominations, then no one should.......They are acting like a bunch of kids, if the teams aren't to their liking, then they'll just take the balls, bats, bases & go home.....At least kids have an excuse for acting like that - THEIR KIDS....A US senator should know better...

A Democratic led senate in 2017!!
jkj (pennsylvania USA)
Take back the Senate and House 2016!

AND all the more reason to do so as Republican't Jason Chaffetz of UT is planning Years Of Investigations on President Clinton starting next year. Americans, we CANNOT go through this again nor ever again! Stop them NOW! No more fake investigations, votes to repeal ACA, obstructionism, filibusters, misogyny, wasted taxpayer monies and time witch hunts, bigotry, racism, etc. No more!

Just another reason to vote ONLY Democrat 2016 and shove the Republican'ts and deplorables so far down that they will never recover and end up in the trash heap of history where they belong.
Mizbehaves (Florida)
We need a two-party system in this country. We need candidates that can express policies without being demonized or referred to in terms generally reserved for our "enemies." The US is not a monarchy. But from reading some of these comments, it appears that some of us wish we were (a monarchy) so we can keep the same"dynasty" in power and consider a challenger as some sort of traitor. We need candidates of both parties to present specific plans and policies. Neither candidate has done a particulary good job in my opinion. Clinton does a slightly better job in that department, which, based on her government service, is to be expected.
Bill (Madison, Ct)
Once in a while McConnell allows her to take an independent stand if he has enough votes but don't kid yourself that she is at all independent. When he tells her how to vote, she does it.
Joseph (albany)
Memo to editorial writer - very few New Hampshire residents will see this editorial, and not a single New Hampshire voter on the fence will vote for Hassan because of it.

How about a little more focus on New York issues? I mean this is the New York Times, not the USA Times.
Corey (Hillsboro)
Memo to Joseph. This NH resident saw the editorial and shared it with a number of people on the fence.
Linda (NH)
Joseph believe it or not there are people in other states who are interested in news that affects more than their own state AND people in NH who read the NYT everyday!
kwb (Cumming, GA)
Do newspaper endorsements mean anything these days? The NYT never endorses any Republicans, and so there's no surprises here.
Corey (Hillsboro)
Are there any worth endorsing these days? It's no longer the Republican party you fondly recall.
Catholic and Conservative (Stamford, Ct.)
and JFK must be spinning in his grave to see what the Democrats have become......
njglea (Seattle)
Go Get 'Em, Ms. Maggie Hassan!
Lawrence (Colorado)
Ayotte has had plenty of chances to make responsible choices. Unfortunately her most obvious choice was to just twist around as a political weathervane.
Gerald (US)
It was obvious from the beginning of Senator Ayotte's first term, when she started to appear as a background fixture in press conferences by the Republican leadership, that she was being groomed for bigger things. It also quickly became obvious that a main driver of her actions was political ambition. We've seen numerous examples of that in recent months as she tries desperately to be on the right side of whichever way the wind of the Republican campaign for the Presidency is blowing. Maggie Hassan will be a far better choice for our state, which is now developing a track record of electing women that we're proud of.
Ian Maitland (Wayzata)
@ Gerald:

Kelly Ayotte is politically ambitious??? I am shocked, shocked.

No doubt you'll be voting against Hillary Clinton.
Nyalman (New York)
If you believe Maggie Hassan is not driven by "political ambition" I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale.

Also is "political ambition" is a disqualifier for you than you will surely not be voting for HRC.
Gerald (US)
Sorry Ian and Nyalman: She's one of my senators here in New Hampshire so I see her close up and follow her actions closely. She has consistently put the Republican Party and its mostly obstructive policies before country. You really can't say the same about Hillary Clinton. All politicians have ambitions but there's a spectrum of motivation. Clinton has a long history of working especially for families and children. Many of her Republican colleagues in the Senate thought highly of her work ethic and willingness to collaborate with them. Read the New Yorker piece written about her experience in the Senate. Of course Hillary Clinton is ambitious; it's just not the only thing that drives her. I will happily vote for Hillary Clinton though she was not my first choice. The characterization of her by the GOP (it's been going on for years) is absurd and ALWAYS one-sided, never acknowledging her accomplishments. You may have drunk the Koolaid, but I'm sticking to water. And champagne on November 8.
alan Brown (new york, NY)
Kelly Ayotte is a well respected and moderate Senator who could help forge a bipartisan coalition in the U.S Senate if re-elected. Is there one Republican candidate for the U.S. that the NYT Editorial Board supports? If not why not write an editorial that says we recommend you vote for any and all Democrats running for the U.S. Senate. It would save a lot of newsprint.
RWilsker (Boston)
Right - because she's shown such independence when talking about the horror show that is the Trump campaign.
Milliband (Medford Ma)
A "moderate: Republican in the Senate means you only take Fearless Leader's Mitch's commands 90% of the time.
Michjas (Phoenix)
he Times has chosen to endorse Democrats in close races against Republican incumbents. The clear purpose is to bolster efforts at gaining Democratic control of the Senate. It's not like the newspaper is in the regular practice of endorsing candidates in North Carolina and New Hampshire. The merits of the candidates are of little concern, notwithstanding the summary accounts off their backgrounds. Many Republicans that are particularly offensive are also up for election. The Times has not endorsed their opponents if the election is not close. Rather than pretending to be concerned with the individual merits of the candidates, the Times should be transparent and straightforward. What they are really saying, and what they should write, is that these are the Democrats with a chance to beat Republican incumbents, which is why you should get out and vote for them.
E. Reyes M. (Miami Beach)
No! It means we need a democrat controlled senate regardless of who wins.
Joe (Yohka)
Let's save ink and time. The NY Times only endorses Democrats, regardless of character and experience.
Bill (Madison, Ct)
They've often supported republicans in the past. Today they are all Mitch McConnel foot soldiers and he just lets them vote differently sometimes when he doesn't need their vote.
Awesome (New Hampshire)
NH resident checking in here. Maggie's good and will get my vote. However, her stonewalling of of marijuana reform in NH is infuriating. While the rest of New England seems to taking steps to move along with the times, we can't even decriminalize here. And cynically given the polling (60% on NH-ers support reform), the only reason I can think of for her position is that she felt it would hurt her in this election cycle. Boo!
fairtax (NH)
The NYT decries partisan politics, unless it's aligned with Democrats and liberal elites. Note the highlighting of Ayotte's position on abortion, where she breaks from many in her party by supporting a woman's right to choose, but with a limit of 20 weeks. Ok NYT, where do YOU draw the line on the right to abort a pregnancy? Is it 24 weeks, 30 weeks? These are very difficult moral, ethical and legal issues, which will always be up for debate. Each side has compelling arguments with respect to women's rights, the role of the government to protect life, limiting government intrusion into our private lives, and the rights of unborn human beings. And please, NYT, don't start spouting "science" concerning the viability of a fetus. It's irrelevant in this debate, since the crux of the Right to Life movement is based on the belief that life begins at conception. No one knows, even the intellectual elites at the NYT, whether that is true or not.
Bill (Madison, Ct)
I'd like to see her be independent when McConnell needs her vote. Point out those instances to me.
Al (Springfield)
You contradict yourself with every word you write. You write about "the role of the government to protect life, limiting government intrusion into our private lives, and the rights of unborn human beings", but you have no problem intruding in the life of a woman who's carrying a fetus and the decision that she and she alone has to make concerning her life. You want privacy for your life but not those who disagree with you. Maybe you should try harder to educate yourself instead of scorning those who have value education.
stidiver (maine)
Did you get the memo about Ayotte's efforts to defund Planned Parenthood, which is more about helping people have wanted babies than aborting unwanted ones?
John Zhao (Massachusetts)
As a New Hampshire voter, I've been consistently disappointed by the stances taken by Senator Ayotte. I know for whom I'll be voting.
Jess Darby (New Hampshire)
Me too, John. Ayotte puts special interests first and she is not in step with NH values. I'm voting for Maggie.
Nyalman (New York)
"I've been consistently disappointed by the stances taken by Senator Ayotte"

Such as?
Rich (Reston, VA)
The New York Times editorial board could take a lesson from the Washington Post editorial board, which actually finds it possible to support qualified Republican candidates for office. That is why I can respect the Post's editorial endorsements, because while the Post generally leans left of center politically in its editorial stance, it is not blinded by ideology.

Would there be any Republican Senator, past or present, who the Times would see fit to endorse? Susan Collins? Lindsay Graham? Lisa Murkowski? Olympia Snow? John Warner? Anyone?

These editorials are getting to the point of "dog bites man", "the Pope is Catholic", and "today the sun rose in the east".
Leslie Prufrock (41deg n)
If they ever endorsed a non Democratic Party candidate at the national level, it would be much bigger news than Brexit.
RWilsker (Boston)
I'm sorry - blinded by ideology? And you're not talking about Republicans?

The folks you mentioned either don't need NY Times recommendations or, as with John Warner, don't deserve a recommendation.

But, tell you what, when you have Republican candidates who don't dismiss science and denigrate scientists, don't try to push to push their religious beliefs on everyone else, don't vote in lock step against anything that's good for the country because it might make a Democrat look good, don't support racists and misogynists, and aren't on the Koch brothers' payroll, you just let me know.
shend (Cambridge)
This is the same paper that endorsed Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama in 2008, and surprise, Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders in 2012. Fortunately, at least in 2008 Democrats had the good sense then to make the better choice.
linda5 (New England)
This article skipped how Kelly Ayotte jumped on the tea party wagon lickedy split when she thought it would get her votes. It's a shame. At one point she was her own woman, now she's trump's and in trouble.
She earned that.
charlieblues (Boxford, MA)
Add to the list of sins mentioned in the endorsement the biggest sin: signing the letter to the Ayatollah in which Republican Senators sought to "instruct" him in the ways of democracy so that he should understand that the Republican majority in the U.S. Senate would cancel any agreement he might reach with President Obama. Put plainly, Kelly Ayotte sought to undercut our President in negotiation with a foreign power.

And now the Ayotte TV commercials say that Maggie Hassan gave nuclear weapons to Iran. Shameful!
Tom (Mac Dermott)
Dumping Kelly Ayotte as New Hampshire's senator would be a negative for both the state and the nation. In one term, she has demonstrated energy and leadership and a capability to work across the aisle, putting aside ideological issues in order to accomplish results.

It's forgotten, of course, that she was a (if not the) leader of the move by women in the Senate to end the government shutdown a few years back. Is that not an example of the kind of person we (including Democrats) want in the Congress?
David Kerr (New Hampshire)
But who caused the government shutdown to occur in the first place? This would be like patting someone on the back for fixing a flat tire when they put the nail in the treads to begin with.
Marylee (MA)
Ayotte is the woman poster child for the Mitch McConnell obstructionists. She votes the party line, even supporting Donald!
Everett Flynn (Minneapolis, Minn.)
Hmmm. Kelly Ayotte.... "putting aside ideological issues in order to accomplish results." Really???

Sen. Ayotte doesn't support Trump. She appears as if she can barely stomach him, which would be to her credit in my opinion, if not for her willingness to endorse him, and then later walk that back to say she'd vote for him, but won't endorse: and if not for saying he's a role model for children, but then to walk that back as well. She contorted herself in this way purely for ideological purposes.

And let's see, what about her support of the indefensible position of Republicans in the US Senate to refuse to hold hearings on the president's nominee for the Supreme Court? That strategy stands out as one of the most blatant ideological issues and it's distinguished by having zero precedent in terms of how high court nominees historically have been treated by either party. And why did she take this position, and why does she defend it even now? She did so for purely ideological purposes. This strategy is an egregious dereliction of duty by Senate Republicans and I hope New Hampshire voters remember it when they cast their votes in this Senate race.

Lastly, as far as your assertion that Sen. Ayotte works "across the aisle, putting aside ideological issues in order to accomplish results...." You might want to edit that particular piece of propaganda, lest others find it as laughable on its face as I do.
Joseph C Bickford (North Carolina)
Go Maggie!
Valerie Elverton Dixon, Ph.D. (East St Louis, IL)
Kelly Ayotte was with John McCain and Lindsay Graham when they persecuted Susan Rice over talking point she was given by the CIA. The obstruction of Judge Garland and the GOP threat to continue judicial obstruction even after the election is reason enough to send every last Republican home.

If they do not pay a HEAVY political price for the politics of obstruction, we will only get more of it.
RPM (Newfields NH)
How much left wing liberalism and socialism do you want?
D.M. Griffin (Aiken, SC)
Not only is Ayotte a puppet of Mitch McConnell, but a dancing partner with McCain and Graham. What I find most upsetting is her position on Donald Trump.
JSD (New York, NY)
Your endorsement could have been distilled to 12 words:

"Ayotte will vote for Mitch McConnell to control the Senate. Hassan won't."
Porter (Sarasota, Florida)
I was shocked when Ayotte was elected Senator because she was a long-time Republican Party hack and a rubber stamp for whatever nonsense was being touted by the national party, whether it made sense or not or had the slightest relevance to the people of New Hampshire.

Since she's been in the Senate she's acted true to form as a rubber stamp for Mitch McConnell and a shill for the Tea Party loonies that determine Republican policy, another backer of the Party of No that stops any positive, progressive actions that would actually help Americans who aren't rich.

Maggie Hassan is a proven leader, smart as a whip, a wonderful Governor and the very best choice for Senator from the Granite State. Ayotte doesn't come close to being in her league.
arthur (NH)
Kelly Ayotte is a Mitch McConnell puppet. Her ads accusing Judge Garland of being a progressive candidate without a hearing were a example of her McConnell lock step inability to be her own voice let alone the voice of NH.
tonynelson (Boston, Mass.)
Ayotte has a voting record that is consistently among the most bipartisan in the senate. We need more, not fewer people like her in Washington.

Hassan on the other hand would undoubtedly be much more partisan given her record.

New Hampshire voters deserve representatives that represent their perspectives, not New York's.
Calliope (Seacoast NH)
Actually, this editorial is EXACTLY representative of the perspectives of those of us who live in New Hampshire and actively work toward a better future for the state.
JSD (New York, NY)
It's irrelevant how "bipartisan" a single senator's voting record is if she empowers a fanatically partisan Senate leadership.
pirranha (philadelphia pa)
why waist your time, Bipartisanship is only good for Republicans according to the times. Democrats can be lockstep with the party and still get the Times endorsement.
alex (indiana)
Another editorial in which the Times' is endorsing a Democrat for the Senate. This race is in New Hampshire. The newspaper is doing its best to help the Democratic party in its effort to wrest control of the Senate from the Republicans. The Times ran a similar editorial, about the race in North Carolina, just Wednesday.

The New York Times is a corporation, and an extraordinarily influential one. It has a constitutionally protected right to publish such editorials under the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights, which protects freedom of the press and freedom of speech.

It is not at all surprising the Times is endorsing Democratic candidates for the Senate. What is unexpected, and indeed hypocritical, is the paper's strong oppositiion to the Supreme Court's decision in the Citizen's United case, a decision which protected these freedoms. More importantly, the person the Times supports for President, Hillary Clinton, has promised that within 30 days of taking office, she will work to amend the Bill of Rights to overturn Citizens United.

The CU decision concerned an advocacy organization that wished to broadcast a video critical of Mrs. Clinton, near the time of the Democratic Primary. SCOTUS upheld their right to do so. Whether Mrs. Clinton is motivated by feelings of vengence or simply a belief that too much free speech is a bad thing is hard to say. She is wrong on this, and the Times' support of efforts to eviscerate the Bill of Rights is difficult to understand.
Robert E. Kilgore (Ithaca)
CU validated the unlimited buying and selling of our political representatives. Re CU: Every decent American -- not just the Times -- is attempting to undo this insult to our republic. It probably escaped your attention that the New York Times is a national -- even international -- newspaper.

One notes that you've used the Times to validate your Indiana opinion... close your eyes and concentrate hard... perhaps the irony of your comments will come to you.

Incidentally, you'll note that God recalled Scalia... draw your own conclusions.
t glover (Maryland, Eastern Shore)
@Alex The prism through which you view the Citizens United decision illuminates a very narrow sliver of the decision from a very sharp angle. Nowhere in your 4 paragraphs do use use the words "money" or "unlimited". Conflating Mrs. Clinton's intentions regarding CU as "... an effort to eviscerate the Bill of Rights ..." is well beyond any light in the visible spectrum.
Ian Maitland (Wayzata)

God recalled Scalia? You haven't been paying attention.

Who recently said this?

"In reading a statute, does anyone now decline to focus first on its text and context? When addressing constitutional meaning, does anyone ignore the founders' commitments?"

[No one questions] the need to prevent judges from acting on their personal policy preferences. "If the answer is 'no' — and the answer is no, or mostly no — Justice Scalia deserves much of the credit. And that is a legacy worthy of a law school dedication."

The speaker -- Justice Elena Kagan, a classy lady. Scalia's legacy goes marching on.
garrett andrews (new england)
Go Maggie!
Richard Gaylord (Chicago)
why is the NYT endorsing a candidate in the NH senate race? is the paper going to endorse candidates in every senate race in the US? shouldn't they, like Putin, stay out of attempting to influence political races outside its domain?
Deborah Re (Huntington, NY)
The Times is a national newspaper read by people across the globe. For example, you are reading it in Chicago.
Sullivan (New Hampshire)
The New York Times, along with the Boston Globe, plays the role of New Hampshire's newspaper. New Hampshire does not have a large city, and the homegrown newspapers are all local. Kudos to the NY Times for its key endorsement of Maggie Hassan for Senate.
hal (florida)
Your comment suggests that NYT is a local paper rather than international. Nothing is outside its "domain". You might be more effective if you impressed upon your favored candidate that she/he is running for an *international office* (the Senate), and should be first (and second and third) concerned about issuess affecting our nation as a whole, worldwide, rather than the colloquial needs of one state. Your two Senators have as much sway over the USA's future as mine if you elect someone effective on the world stage. This election should teach the same lesson to *our* Senator.
Valerie L. (Westport, CT)
Thank you for covering and publishing editorials on the important news.

While Trump makes all sorts of noise and most of the media amplifies it, state and local congressional elections are what will determine the direction of our nation for the coming years. Will Hillary be able to appoint a Supreme Court justice? Adjust and improve "Obamacare"? Address global warming and other environmental ills? So much depends upon a few Senate races, like the ones in New Hampshire, North Carolina, and others.

The "down ticket" vote is the real story now.
Jean-Louis Lonne (Belves France)
Ok for Ms Hassan, she seems the better candidate, but spending 102 million dlrs for this election??? Or any election.
R Stein (Connecticut)
Jean-Louis, it's not the 102 million that's striking; it's the per-voter expense of around $114 in a state with a very small population, virtually no industry and generally no influence on national issues. As others point out, getting the national government functioning again depends on 'control' of the Senate by Democrats. That's why.
We have been running a very large country with a dead, obstructive, Republican Senate for too long. No progress equals going backwards in a global economy.
Joseph (albany)
For the New York Times, any registered Democrat picked out of the phone book would be the right choice for New Hampshire senator, and for any senator running in 2016 (and running in any year).
BobsOpinion (New Jersey)
Wow, this is earthshaking. The NYT's is not supporting a Republican. Wow, they are actually supporting a Democrat. When was this editorial crafted? Probably when Hassan announced her candidacy. This has to be a joke.
Lynn (New York)
They did not endorse the Democrat who ran against your Governor, choosing to remain neutral in that case. As has become obvious, not endorsing the Democrat was a glaring mistake.
Joe (Yohka)
Lynn, they were not neutral. But nonetheless, whether that was correct or not, is not a representative sample of all NY Times endorsements. There are many fine Republican governors, as well as Democrat governors. One's bias is easy to spot when we cherry pick examples.
s. cavalli (NJ)
Ms. Hassan another Democrat willing to take any position that will get her votes; much like Hillary. Get this: she likes Obamacare, she likes and supports zillions of dollars for climate change and even wants more gun laws which we have plenty of.

Vote her out so we don't get to be a total welfare country.
mikethor (Grover, MO)
If we have plenty of gun laws, maybe someone should start enforcing them. Maybe then the number of people killed daily by guns (nearly 100) would decrease.
Joe s (Ky)
Once again, The New York Times editorial board supports a democrat. What a surprise? Kelly Ayotte has been a wonderful Senator who has reached across the table more than anyone in her party and certainly more than anyone in the Democratic Party. She has never embraced Mr. Trump and her comment about Mr. Trump as a role model has been totally blown out of proportion and by whom? The NYT, The Washington Post, CNN and CNBC. The same news outlets who have tried desperately to bury all the negative, greedy, and dirty tricks that have been revealed about the democratic party and the nefarious Clintons over the past several months. A Free Press is the most important buffer against a corrupt government. It's a real shame that so many news outlets have become the "news" and not reporters of the news. "All the news that's fit to print." As long as that news fits neatly into the agenda being pushed by the above newspaper.
Lynn (New York)
If you agree that domestic abusers with orders of protection should be able to buy AR-15s on line to avoid background checks, or that a Presidential Supreme Court nominee should not even be given the courtesy of an up or down vote, then yes, Ayotte is your candidate.
Joe s (Ky)
Lynn, of course a supreme court nominee should be given the courtesy of an up and down vote. Ironically, President Obama and Vice President Biden (Two men whom I have great respect for) were both against a hearing on a Supreme Court nominee in the final years of Republican Presidents. Its wrong but like everything else it is party politics. And no I don't agree that domestic abusers should be able to buy AR-15s, but I need to look at the whole picture when voting for a politican. After more than a half-of-century on this planet, I still have not found a politician who I agree totally with.
Robert E. Kilgore (Ithaca)
Fee-fi-fo-fum, Joe.
Lippity Ohmer (Virginia)
Every candidate imaginable is the correct choice for NH, so long as that choice isn't the Third Stooge Kelly Ayotte.

Ayotte is nothing more than the ultimate empty suit, a complete blank slate with no core beliefs or ideas; just someone with an R tacked onto the end of her name, and so of course the mindless right-wing base voted her into office, just like they blindly do for all their candidates.

Ayotte's entire senatorial career can be summed up thusly: she was really good at standing on stage as the token woman next to John "Maverick" McCain and Lindsey "We All Know Your Secret" Graham. Period. End of story.

Other than that, she accomplished not a single thing. (Obstruction and doing nothing doesn't count as an accomplishment, unless you're a right-winger.)

Besides, don't feel too bad for Ayotte. If she happens to lose this race, I'm sure she has some cushy right-wing lobbyist job lined up, where she can make plenty of money continuing to spout and spew her useless propaganda against and condemnations of big gubmint.

The same big gubmint that's paid her swell paycheck and given her cushy benefits for these past six years...
MJCK (undefined)
With all of your bluster, you missed the part about her being one of the most bi-partisan senators. You also might want to look at Hassan's leadership in the opioid crisis. New Hampshire families are suffering terribly...
Greg K. (Troy, MI)
Wow!! What a surprise!! The NYT endorses yet another Democrat for senate. What does it take for even a moderate Republican to "earn" your backing? Maybe some of the donors to Bill Clinton Inc need to lobby the NYT on behalf of the Republicans. Would that change the paper's perspective?
[email protected] (Keene, NH)
Thank you for shedding light on the NH Senate race. I am furious that she did not allow the senate to have hearings on President Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court. Governor Hassan is the right person for the job and will do the JOB that Kelly Ayotte has not done.
Janis (Ridgewood, NJ)
Why is Maggie Hassan the "right choice" because she is a democrat? She will ruin that state as Democrat Molloy has ruined Connecticut with "taxing everything."
Cliff Anders (Ft. Lauderdale)
What a mis-informed comment. Ms. Hassan was the Governor of NH and didn't "tax everything." She is running for one of NH two US Senate seats. As a US Senator, she will have no part in the taxation decisions within the State of New Hampshire. She has a much more accomplished record than Ayotte and that is why she is the better candidate. Ayotte's term has been completely unremarkable. She has not done anything in the last six years to distinguish herself as a Senator. Lots of votes to block things, but nothing introduced to address the issues. So your claim of her intention of taxing everything, is completely invalid. It is based on your stereotype of Democrats as over taxing. During her term as Governor, when she really did have the ability to take such actions, she did not.
Bob (San Francisco)
I can only hope that the voters of New Hampshire are smart enough to recognize that the values of the Times are not their values and vote for Senator Ayotte. Why aren't you excoriating candidates for supporting Clinton given the sleazy and probably illegal activities of Clinton, Inc.?
jeff (Goffstown, nh)
Right, Hassan will be little more than a rubber stamp for President Clinton. I hardly call that putting NH first. There is much to complain about regarding Senator Ayotte but she has done a good job for NH despite the propaganda coming from the "we know whats best for you better than you do" political left. I generally support term limits but Ayoote has completed one term. I'll vote to give her one more.
Andrew From Boston (Boston)
Don't forget that Ayotte signed Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton's treasonous letter to the mullahs in Iran. As a former attorney general who doesn't understand or doesn't care about the separation of powers she has no place anywhere near the US Senate.
Dave (Western MA)
I agree with the NYT, but I've yet to see a more intense argument against Ayotte that stresses how she followed Mitch McConnell's leadership to vote NO for all things Obama. And who can forget her stint as one of the Three Amigos? Her argument that she finds common ground is full of baloney.
Brand (Portsmouth, NH)
Hassan proposed irresponsible spending bills that were reigned in by conservatives, she is a progressive hence the NYT support. If the Senate was firmly democrat the NYT would pay her no mind.
World_Peace_2017 (US Expat in SE Asia)
Kudos to the NYTimes and the people of NH for recognizing that Maggie Hassan has shown good leadership and been on the right side of crucial issues. Being able to read so much from the US and the world, it seems that she is of the same high qualities and values that so many good world women leaders are coming. Good Luck, Gov. Maggie Hassan, the US Senate needs you.
Marathonwoman (Surry, Maine)
Donated to Hassan's campaign yesterday. Only time I've contributed to an out-of-state race. Ayotte is a moral coward, who refused to back sensible gun laws in the wake of Newtown. She's also anti-choice, an especially despicable quality in a woman. Hassan has proven herself an excellent leader. Go Maggie!
Steve Projan (Nyack, NY)
Ayotte is a pseudo-independent who slavishly has toed the Republican line when push comes to shove. In the end she is just another obstructionist who has earned the opprobrium she is now reaping. Hassan will do right by the people of New Hampshire and the country.
Dennis (New Hampshire)
There was a time when a moderate Republican would routinely earn my vote, but NOT recently; not when that means 'modern' Republicans control Congress and the radical right-wing agenda of Mitch McConnell Inc. trashes the US Constitution by not considering reasonable presidential nominees to federal courts, ravishes the local & global environment, exploits women and vulnerable minority populations, and betrays working people who try to earn a livable wage and be healthy. Republican politicians have been extreme grossly irresponsible in putting the stingy interests of the current GOP Rulers ahead of the American people's interests in a cravenly partisan way for too long. In practice, there are no moderate Republicans, because they must obey their leadership in Washington rather than their constituents - compromise in the name of good government is a vise in the modern GOP. So, more than ever, a vote for ANY Republican is not responsible. Republicans need to refresh their party from the top down before they can be elected to exert governmental control again. Kelly Ayotte must be voted out and be replaced by the Honorable Maggie Hassan for the good of New Hampshire and the nation.
Fulan (<br/>)
Maggie Hassan is the moderate Republican in the race. There is no Democrat. Of course we'll vote for MH but our choices range from conservative (keep those scary Syrians out of NH) to craven ("What do I do, Mitch? Tell me!").
Carina (NH)
I am a life-long resident of NH, a registered Republican, and have been voting since 1978. I am also a citizen of our United States and can no longer tolerate the partisan politics and anti-government antics put forth by my party's current leadership. Therefore, I have just cast my absentee ballot for Maggie Hassan.
Elizabeth Fuller (Peterborough, New Hampshire)
The Ayotte Campaign is bombarding New Hampshire with anti-Hassan ads. They must be having a hard time finding bad things to say about her because one centers around how her husband handled a sexual misconduct case when he was the head of Phillips Exeter Academy. Hassan did receive a $1000 donation from the perpetrator, but there is no evidence that the money was given to Hassan to ensure the accusation would not come to light. Once it did come to light, Hassan made a donation larger than the campaign contribution to HAVEN, run by the Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence.

Ayotte has also politicized our state's heroin and opioid crisis, using parents of children who have died from addiction to say Maggie Hassan did not do enough to save their children. In fact Hassan has been a leader in fighting the opioid epidemic according to county sherifs who have worked with her on the ground, the President of the Professional Firefighters Association, a leading advocate for NH Drug Courts, a former US Attorney, and other parents who have lost children to drugs.

Hassan has proved as governor she can work well with others to get things done.

Thank you for your endorsement.
njglea (Seattle)
Yes, Ms. Fuller, I had to laugh yesterday when the illustrious Newt Gingrich told the fox so-called news anchor that she is "obsessed with sex" when she tried to discuss The Chief Predator and Con Don's sexual scandals. Good old Newt was having an affair when he tried to impeach President Bill Clinton for lying about having consensual sex with an aide. He probably laughed with his mistress about it. The republicans are the ones obsessed with sex scandals - unless it's one of their own. Ignore them.
Anetliner Netliner (Washington, DC area)
Well said, New York Times.

Maggie Hassan, a flinty New Englander and pragmatic governor, would represent her state well in the U.S. Senate.

More importantly, I hope that New Hampshire news organizations will be endorsing Governor Hassan for Senate.
elizabeth (exeter nh)
And yet the Portsmouth Herald did not...
soxared, 04-07-13 (Crete, Illinois)
Well said, editorial board. Kelly Ayotte, like many Republicans once they took a seat in the Senate, joined the one-way stream of anti-government sentiment. She's no different from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell or House Speaker Paul Ryan--at least as far as Donald Trump is concerned.

Ayotte, like McConnell and Ryan, can't see beyond the partisan mirror into which they look every day. They refuse to consider the greater good for the country. They always manage to find excuses for inaction or obfuscation or obstruction and they boil down to this: their conservative ideology. Once Republicans assume office and reach a sitting majority, their carefully crafted statements of bridging the divide go up in smoke.

Ms. Ayotte was given the golden opportunity to cast herself as a legislator of principle and independence. She could have stood up to McConnell and Charles Grassley in the Senate when they stood on the steps of the Supreme Court and told President Obama "No!" She could have, as Republicans surely do when it's in their political interests, reminded her leader--and the nation--that the Constitution, so beloved of the Right, is still the people's bible, their contract with those to whom they surrender their trust. Ms. Ayotte walked away from that.

She also, in fear of the NRA, ran from sensible gun safety initiatives. This was inexcusable. Sandy Hook is a stone's throw from New Hampshire. Ms. Ayotte's retreat from that holocaust should seal her defeat.
pigenfrafyn (Boston)
Nothing wrong with being pragmatic. And of course we have to support another smart woman from Massachusetts. Shout out to Lincoln-Sudbury High School.
Paul P. (Arlington VA)
She deserves the job as Senator if for no other reason she is not as spineless as her challenger.

Her challenger, Ms. Ayotte, clearly has no sense of decency; given that she holds up Mr. Trump as a "role model" for her own children.
AM (New Hampshire)
Gov. Hassan is quite conservative, but she is a great improvement over Sen. Ayotte.

You listed many of Ayotte's mistakes. Another is her craven submission to the defense interests and her extreme militarism. The worst mistake, however, is that she was a signatory to the treasonous letter regarding the Iran deal. In her opposition, she would seek to allow Iran to get nuclear weapons that are now denied to them. How she could put Iranian interests over those of the west is mysterious. It is a very dangerous game she and other Republicans are playing.
Brand (Portsmouth, NH)
Where do you get your facts?!

Silly revisionism, particularly any reference to Hassan as Conservative.
AM (New Hampshire)

Thanks for the comment. I have gotten my facts, in part, from speaking to her.

One example of her conservatism: you will remember that Gov. Hassan opposed (and opposes) a state income tax, while her primary opponent was for one (which, obviously, would institute more progressive taxation than we now have). Gov. Hassan has many very "centrist" views and, while she is certainly less conservative than Sen. Ayotte, she is far from the progressive wing of the Democratic party.
chickenlover (Massachusetts)
It is impossible for any human being, man or woman, to support Donald Trump. And for Kelly Ayotte to do so is a tragedy and a travesty. In the process, she is like the other spineless wonders in the GOP who are willing to contort their tongues and strain the English language beyond recognition.

I "support" Kelly Ayotte, but will not "endorse" or vote for her.
World_Peace_2017 (US Expat in SE Asia)
I support the fact that Sen Ayotte needs to find another job or a better party to belong to, being a contortionist for the fatally flawed GOP is not the job that a good person would fill.
TonyB (NJ)
Kelly Ayotte is the ultimate republican hack and opportunist. It will be a refreshing change not to see her crowding into every republican photo opp as they oppose yet something else. " Support but don't endorse?"- how stupid is that.
Matt (VT)
Kelly Ayotte, in addition to voting six times to defund Planned Parenthood and voting against bipartisan gun background-check legislation, has a 35% score from the League of Conservation Voters, due to votes in support of the Keystone XL pipeline, fast-tracking of trade agreements, and exempting fracking from regulation under the Safe Drinking Water Act. She voted against an amendment to the Constitution of the United States that would reduce the influence of corporations and other special interest polluters in our elections. She might be "finding common ground," but it's not with ordinary citizens, it's with the oil and gas industry.
NYer (NYC)
Thanks for some hard facts!

With a record like this, is it any wonder that Ayotte is hoping the "controversy" over her yes/no support of Trump will provide a smoke-screen for a truly deplorable record?
Opeteh (Lebanon, nH)
Kelly Ayotte is moderate Republican who cannot express her true opinion in the right wing Republican majority. As such she is unable to represent the values of the majority of New Hampshire constituents. In direct conversations with Kelly Ayotte I found her to be smart, pragmatic and well informed. However Maggie Hassan has the necessary temperament and the fitting political agenda to better represent and further the interests of our increasingly progressive state.
George (Concord, NH)
By progressive, you mean liberal correct?
Marylee (MA)
Ayotte is a coward and adheres to the command of the hateful, anti people McConnell. Shameful, no moral center.
Colin Furrer (Jamaica Plain MA)
Gave Maggie Hassan $30, and then $50. Will be very glad to see this good lady get elected, and the Senate turn Democratic. Looking forward to having a more progressive Supreme Court. Feeling good about this election, after all the awfulness. Go, Dems!
njglea (Seattle)
Good Job, Mr. Furrer!
Fred (Korea)
I agree. Kelly Ayote is the female version of Marco Rubio. Just an empty suit who came into the senate with high expectations and didn't do anything.
njglea (Seattle)
Yes, on Koch brothers and friends money. She needs to go.
silver bullet (Warrenton VA)
"Support but won't endorse". We've heard this one before. Senators Kelly Ayotte, Mitch McConnell, and Speaker Paul Ryan are contortionists on a high wire act that would make Karl Wallenda marvel at their ability to balance their positions while being buffeted by turbulent political winds. New Hampshire voters deserve much better than the incumbent Ms. Ayotte who doesn't seem to know what she stands for.
Don P. (NH)
Maggie Hassan has worked tirelessly for NH as Governor and now Maggie can take her pragmatism to Washington as our U.S Senator!