Why Wouldn’t Tiffany Trump Speak for Herself?

Oct 06, 2016 · 179 comments
Old Catholic (Oakland, CA)
Why is Ms. Stanley so coy? Tiffany Trump's father cheated on her mother in a most public and degrading way. He thinks his older daughter, Tiffany's half-sister, is "a piece of ass," someone he wouldn't mind "dating" if she weren't his daughter. On the Howard Stern show, as noted by CNN, he laughed about wanting his second wife, Marla, to abort his child--Tiffany, then a young woman who'd turned out not to have the breasts or legs he said he'd hoped she'd have. Come on, Alessandra. Just say it. You're a reporter, right? Not just someone who enjoys a good laugh with the people Trump lets you talk to.
Pacifica (The West)
Not speaking to a self-important reporter shows Ms. Trump has good judgment.
TishTash (Merrick, NY)
Self-important? Alessandra Stanley is anything but. You must be inhaling the Donald's fumes.
Pia (Las Cruces, NM)
Just focus on the horror which is Donald.
Give the kid a break.
Jackie (Missouri)
I don't know Tiffany. I don't know anything about Tiffany. But it could be that she is an honest and forthright person who would, if asked, spill the beans on her father, and nobody in the family wants that!
Kathy Ocallaghan (Rome, GA)
Maybe the Trump people just want the youngest daughter to enjoy a private life as much as she can before the spotlight inevitably turns to her as it has the others, opening her to comments about her behavior, her looks, etc. She seems like a nice enough young lady to me. There has never been this kind of scrutiny and curiosity about Chelsea Clinton. Why does everyone handle the Clintons with kid gloves? Seems to me like people are more afraid of the lying Clintons than Trump. I will not vote for Hilary until "untrustworthiness" becomes the trait I value most in a leader.
Lisa (NY)
There "has never been scrutiny about Chelsea Clinton"?!?

Her appearance was the butt of Republican jokes for eight years. Including from John McCain on national television.

And unlike Tiffany Trump today, Chelsea Clinton was a minor at the time.

But I guess if one is creative enough, every article or topic can somehow be pivoted to and attack on the Clintons. I'm surprised Benghazi wasn't wedged in.
Kathryn Mark (Evanston)
That kind'a leaves out the Trumpster too.
sweetie pie (New York City)
REALLY!!!!! And you "trust Trump" Where, pray tell, is your critical evidentiary judgement? Be honest. Be careful. Look for fact based evidence and question the source.
Ceilidth (Boulder, CO)
The Trump children's "nearly impeccable behavior?" Really? I think you must have left out his sons when you wrote that. On which planet are they paragons? Junior and Eric are conduits for alt right racists and for fun, they like to slaughter animals from endangered species. What a pair. They look and act like a pair of enforcers from the Sopranos.
Dean (US)
Don't be too impressed by his adult offsprings' "obedience, loyalty and nearly impeccable public demeanor." As another commenter noted, except when they are re-tweeting white supremacist filth, or mocking Syrian refugees, or standing triumphantly over a beautiful wild animal's corpse. Besides, as to the three older ones, it's Ivana who raised them, not him. Give her a little credit!

And how else would one expect the children of a narcissistic billionaire to behave toward him? Please him and you stand to inherit the billions. Piss him off with any misstep and you are likely to be cut out completely -- as well as your children. Look what he did to his nephew -- their cousin -- cutting off money for medical treatment for his critically ill newborn baby because the nephew challenged provisions of Grampa Trump's will, that cut out DJT's deceased older brother and ALL of that brother's family.

The Trump kids know exactly what would happen if they crossed their father. They've seen it. And he showed them years ago that he was more than willing to abandon them, when he left Ivana for Marla, then left her. He's a narcissist. They only matter to him insofar as they reflect well on him. They have everything to gain if they do; and much to lose if they don't.
Lisa (NY)
This comment is my personal "Pick." It hits every nail on the head.
Lisa (NY)
Another telling anecdote, this one from a profile of Ivanka:

Little Ivanka, about 10, was sitting on the Trump jet with her dad waiting for Marla Maples to show up for the flight. Marla was late. Over the protests of Ivanka, Donald Trump instructed the pilot to leave without Marla to teach her a lesson, in the process teaching one to Ivanka as well: This is what happens if you cross The Donald.
Jackie (Missouri)
If my narcissistic ex is any indication, Trump's kids matter to him only as far as they provide him with an occasional great photo-op and allow him to meet the qualifications of "family man" needed for modern Presidential candidates. Otherwise, they don't exist and it's all about him. And notice that their mothers raised them, but Trump somehow gets all of the credit for them turning out okay.
MJB Wallace (Carmel, IN)
Perhaps she supports Hillary? MJB Wallace
Melinda (Just off Main Street)
I agree with @StanContinoble who pointed out:

"Chelsea Clinton is always accessible to the press because they treat her with an absurd degree of obsequiousness, although she has no more substance...and more silver spoons than the Four Seasons."

You can be sure President (aka Queen) Hillary will make sure Chelsea is on her path to elected office while she is President. It will all be orchestrated by Mom and, of course, the press will gush and treat Chelsea with kid gloves.

If Trump weren't on the ticket, I would hope voters would voice a resounding NO to the Clinton Dynasty. This is simply an abysmal election year.

We've already been through the Dynasty Thing with the Bushes...and look how that turned out.

Enough with both of these families.
Steve M. (New Jersey)
One reason that the Trump campaign may keep Tiffany out of the limelight is that she was actually born prior to Mr. Trump and Marla Maples' wedding. This could be a hard pill to swallow for the evangelicals.
Kathy Ocallaghan (Rome, GA)
Actually, the "evangelicals" can probably handle it.
Lisa (NY)
Until very recently, according to her rich-kid Instagram account, the public persona of Tiffany Trump was spoiled party bimbo. You can still find many of the old photos online, although the Instagram account's most repellent content was taken down months ago. My guess is that that is part of the reason why Tiffany Trump, famously named for air rights, is kept under wraps.
Bob F. (Lawrence, Kansas)
Why waste a drop of ink writing about a family whose very existence is premised on exploiting others in exchange for piles of cash?
Lisa (NY)
Because of the threat the head of that family poses to our nation and the world.
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
Lisa, but another fawning Alessandra Stanley paean to the lifestyles of the rich and famous does nothing to report on that threat.
Lisa (NY)
Paul --

I meant to refer her not to the silly featherweight profile of Tiffany (for whom I in fact have great sympathy as a child of divorce myself, also more or less ignored by a distant father) but to the fact that Trump has muzzled selectively just one of the four adult Trump children. Why just Tiffany? Muzzling just one adult child is yet another strange act of a bizarre man reputed to be a control freak.

If I had my druthers, the families of candidates would be neither trotted out and exploited by the candidate (at the convention and otherwise) nor profiled by the press. But that will never be the norm this country unfortunately. And once a candidate does the first thing, then inevitably the press will do the second thing.
Carol (California)
One person commented that Tiffany is not pretty like Ivanka. She is pretty. Not quite as perfectly pretty as Ivanka but still pretty.

We do not know what she would or would not have said. Basically, Trump's campaign said "no interview with Tiffany," but a profile story and photo is ok. I am sure the Times has run profiles of other people who did not give an interview to the reporter.

From the outside, it is the behavior of the family who do speak to the press that is off. None of his children are children except for Barron. The rest, theoretically, are adults of an age to be independent. Perhaps the children of billionaires are never independent during the billionaire's lifetime.

The number of people around Trump who have signed legally binding non-disclosure forms is another odd thing. I don't believe any other candidate has so legally duct taped the mouths of so many people. I do remember a statement made by Trump from another story (do not remember where story appeared) in which he boasted of the number of people he *owned* and had *stuff* on. This statement was made before 2015, before this recent run for president. An odd thing for anyone to say.

Lastly, the legal document that Trump had all other GOP candidates for president sign to support him if he won the nomination is another very odd thing for a candidate to do. Has any other candidate ever done anything like that?
Lisa (NY)
The ironclad nondisclosure and non-disparagement agreements one must sign for even the lowliest job in the organization or the campaign are legendary. Reportedly even Trump's ex-wives signed nondisclosure and non-disparagement agreements in connection with money received upon marital termination and into the future -- one negative word could impact them financially.

But how does Trump keep shut the mouths of people who have never worked for him, directly or indirectly?

The answer, including too many reports, including those of Andrew Ross Sorkin, here in the New York Times, is fear of retribution. Trump never forgets a perceived slight, and he will go after you tooth and nail if you cross him or even ruffle his vanity.
Lisa (NY)
Regarding the first paragraph and the comment above:

Why is anyone on this comment board assessing the personal appearance of Tiffany Trump and comparing it to Ivanka Trump? Are these two competing in Donald Trump's beauty pageant?
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
Carol: got an xample you can cite of the Times profiling someone with a photo shoot but not allowed an interview? I'm having trouble thinking of even one. Why? Because a glossy photo shoot with zero substance is PR, not journalism. That the Times is evidently blind to it shows how very far its journalistic standard for integrity has fallen. Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, much?
Ecollins8 (New York, NY)
Meh. Sometimes enquiring minds don't need to know. And while I'm #NeverTrump, this snarky write-around doesn't belong in the NYT I love and respect.
Fleurdelis (Midwest Mainly)
One of the many disappointing aspects of this candidate are his children. They are highly educated and yet still go along with all the hateful things he says. One can assume they are highly paid, well above their abilities and this is payment for subservience. Their care and concern for the less fortunate in our society is no where to be found, as though they never left their Park Avenue existance for even a moment. I fear for the grandchildren in this family and their ability to suffer a family legacy that will be written about for years to come in very unfavorable ways once the election is over.
Dady (Wyoming)
Maybe she does not trust you?
Lisa (NY)
The real subtext here is that the powers that be in the Trump family do not trust HER.

Every other adult Trump child is opening his or her mouth to the media, including the Times, daily. Only the accidental-plagiarizer resumé-falsifying wife and Tiffany have been muzzled.

This is candidate behavior worthy of exploration.
John (Brooklyn)
His children's "nearly impeccable public demeanor" lol. The word "nearly" must be doing a lot of work in that sentence to cover Don Jr's tweeting white supremacist memes.
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
B Sharp (Cincinnati)
The reason is obvious that Trump campaign would not allow for Tiffany to speak to reporters because Trump was married while carrying on with her mother Marla Maples and she was born when Trump was still married to Ivana.
Steve M. (New Jersey)
No she wasn't. Bur she was born before Donald and Marla got married.
shirls (Manhattan)
"conceived" before marriage while still legally married to Ivana.
Ruth Bonapace (Leonia NJ)
To keep perspective, Chelsea Clinton was off limits to journalists for many years. However, what makes this different is it seemed from the story that Tiffany didn't get anywhere near the level of attention from her father as the other siblings (and living in California is no impediment to a family this wealthy) and this is her first chance to enter the inner circle. So she would probably be afraid to make a "mistake" in an interview and risk being marginalized again. Just my guess.
B Sharp (Cincinnati)
Chelsea Clinton was the butt of cruel jokes while growing up starting from Limbaugh to anybody and everybody in the right wing media.
I give Clintons a lot of credit, one likes them or not that Chelsea turned out to be a wholesome person.
Lisa (NY)
Yes, when Chelsea was a minor. Tiffany Trump is an adult.
Kate F. (Virginia)
Does anyone else think Tiffany could pass as Chelsea Clinton's younger sister?
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
ken (CA)
Amazing how the media has idealized this spoiled, sleazy family. If they are not the "elites", who is? More photos of the Brothers Trump proudly displaying various body parts of endangered animals that they have slaughtered please!
shirls (Manhattan)
Exhibiting Man's dominion over mammals is a character flaw!
Pups (NYC)
"Impeccable public demeanor"? What about Donald Jr.'s Skittles statement?
conniesz (boulder, co)
Tiffany is an adult and if she wanted to talk to the press over the campaigns objection, she would. I believe this young woman probably just wants to be left alone - so leave her alone already!
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
OK, leave her alone, just don't run a fawning profile, either.
D. (Syracuse, NY)
Again, point missed. She has every right to refuse an interview of course, but this is NOT what happened.
Lisa (NY)
Tiffany herself did not decline the interview. It was declined for her by the campaign and the family. Tiffany did, however, show up for the photo shoot. Clearly the family wants her to be seen and not heard.
Jack Straw (Midwest)
Speak for herself? Ha! How did that work out for Melania?
Sisters (Somewhere)
So she could say: "I rrrrote it"
Lisa (NY)
The take-away from the story of Melania's clearly inadvertent plagiarism (how would she even know what plagiarism is?) is that far from "hiring the best people to do the best job," Trump's campaign management has been a joke. Melania got crucified because no one competent was assigned to help to produce and to carefully vet her words before she was trotted out at the convention.
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
"Inadvertent plagiarism" is about equivalent to Stanley's oops moment about the Trump spawn' "*nearly* impeccable public demeanor" while ignoring Donald Jr.s racist tweets.

No, "inadvertent plagiarism" begins and ends with George Harrison having to pay $2 million to the writers of "He's So Fine," ruled inadvertent plagiarism by "My Sweet Lord."
Bob Jones (Fredericksburg, VA)
Why was this story ("The Other Trump") published? Doesn't the New York Times have rules or policies governing story sourcing? Because who you were allowed to talk to had to be approved in advance, it appears the Trump campaign did everything but write the story for you. Is this a practice that would have been followed had this been a story about anyone or anything else? Has the paper agreed to similar restrictions before? It seems to me, if you had to rely on sources picked by the campaign organization and that few others wanted to talk on the record about Tiffany, that maybe there's no "story" here (at least right now), or the author should have been assigned to write about something else or given more time to develop this story. I think I expected more from the newspaper that is considered among the best - if not THE best - in the country.

(Tiffany did not consent to be interviewed for this article, although she did pose for its photo shoot. Instead, the campaign delivered a list of approved contacts. Other family friends who were not on the list said they were instructed not to speak without authorization.)
Lisa (NY)
The real story is how the Trump people controlled the story. And that story is relevant, and it has been reported fully by the New York Times.

Arguably, the Timesshould have reported only that story and skipped the meaningless canned "profile" of muzzled Tiffany.
Ceilidth (Boulder, CO)
The Times TV reviewer must have written the story because no self respecting reporter would have worked hand in hand with the Trump organization. Funny, too, how the photo they printed in the original story was a demure one and today's photo is a classic of the bimbo sex kitten variety.
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
Lisa, it is on point to call out the Times for letting the Trump campaign control the Times' story. The Times allowed itself to be intimidated into running a thoroughly content-free puff piece that effctively is not journalism at all, but rather serves as free PR for the Trump campaign. Bob Jones is right, this story should have been spiked with extreme prejudice.
kj (nyc)
Importante information to solve the mystery: anyone who volunteers even to make calls for Trump campaign must sign a huge contract saying, among other things, to never EVER say anything against Trump EVER, in the entire lives. Imagine his will must contain similar language-- and that his on going support hinges on the same kind of agreement.
Ellen Freilich (New York City)
His will, his divorce papers, his pre-nups ...
Wally Wolf (Texas)
I think Trump is probably the most dangerous candidate this country has ever produced; however, I do understand his family situation. It's really quite simple: If you can't stand for me, then don't lean on me."
The children were raised by their mothers. You know, the three different women he has had 5 children with. You know the women with whom he cheated when he was married.
Hugh Briss (Climax, Virginia)
Something is going on. It's unbelievable! People are saying the Trump campaign didn't want Tiffany interviewed because she wouldn't be able to remember the last time her daddy paid taxes.
MsPea (Seattle)
Poor little Tiffany. It's very obvious that Ivanka is the spokesperson for that family. Probably Tiffany has lived in the shadow of her sister her whole life. Not allowing Tiffany to speak when Ivanka speaks often and everywhere says a lot about Tiffany's role in the Trump family.

Or, maybe Tiffany just isn't interesting and has nothing to say.
Wally Wolf (Texas)
Or, God forbid, Tiffany isn't too bright.
Sisters (Somewhere)
That's what I thought too. She was a risky all along, born to a still married father.
Steve M. (New Jersey)
Much like her father. Or is he?
Reader (New York, NY)
Wow, this is a total non-article! An actual story about nothing and you printed it! Slow news day?
Who cares about Tiffany Trump or any of the other Trumps for that matter? Why do you keep dedicated print space to these clowns?
shirls (Manhattan)
Because "family politics/relationships" MATTER? ... a measure of the man?
JS (New York)
I thought the initial article was sad — Marla Maples boasting of DT's attentiveness to Tiffany, when clearly there was next to none.

The psychological pressure on Tiffany Trump must be immense right now: the other three are in the limelight and doted on while she never was.

I hope she makes it through without becoming a trainwreck. So far, so good — seemingly.

If her quiet is for his money, as other commenters wrote, I hope she gets out quick. From experience, there's nothing but pain when you sell yourself to your dad.
Cowboy (Wichita)
I very much doubt she was involved in any negotiations with regard to selling herself.
Virginia (California)
If the only thing Janice Kiker didn't want you to say was that she shook hands with HRC, then why did you say it? (i.e., was that not off the record?)
Cowboy (Wichita)
No, the Trump campaign made her available; it was not off the record. She asked not to tell, but revealed it herself. The reporter didn't agree obviously.
neal (Westmont)
Sources can often persuaded to allow such a statement to be used, if it was said off the record, if it can be explained how it would be used and in what context. Just because the campaign approved her talking does not mean any particular conversation is on the record, though clearly there is a mutual understanding.
Cowboy (Wichita)
Clearly there was no "understanding" of her comment being off the record. She did say it, the reporter reported. End of story.
Amy (Denver)
I have no idea how close Ivanka, Donald Jr., and Eric are to Tiffany, but can you please not refer to them as "half" siblings? We know they have different mothers but that term is becoming obsolete and often does not connote the bonds that siblings often have.
Let me put it this way: If you had one child who was adopted and another who was your biological offspring, would you use the prefix of either adopted or biological to identify them to others? No, you'd say they were your children.
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
Amy, is "demon spawn" more to your liking? :-)
JB (Colorado)
Would you agree to an interview which you knew would be nothing more than a search for your faults? The children and relatives of presidential candidates should be LEFT OUT of the fray. LEAVE THEM ALONE.
D. (Syracuse, NY)
Not when the candidate stacked his convention with family members, this daughter included. I agree people have a right to privacy but not after they choose to become public figures.
Sisters (Somewhere)
After the candidate, their father lined them up on stage and still do then they can be all left alone. Fine
Lisa (NY)
With the exception of the 10-year-old boy, these progeny have been paraded by Trump. They are fair game. (And, yes, pun intended with respect to the two bloodthirsty, Safari-loving brothers -- referred to by Bill Maher as Uday and Qusay.)
Linda Kelley (Arlington, VA)
One thing that has troubled me about the NYT and other media for many years is the role of PR. In any of the profiles of people or companies, how much of the information is what a reporter learned from researching as many sources as possible, and how much of it comes from the PR firm representing that individual or company? If it is mostly the latter, how is that any different from an advertisement, which is required to be labeled as such? There is no way to know whether we are reading somewhat objective information or basically an advertisement, and I find that disturbing.
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
At least the Times' fawning profile of Elizabeth Holmes included talking to its subject. How did things turn out at Theranos, anyway?
HappyMinnow (New York, NY)
I would never vote for Trump but I think some of the comments here are probably overly harsh and cynical. Yes, the Trump campaign comes across as controlling by not allowing Tiffany Trump to do the interview. But Tiffany Trump is in her early 20s and didn't grow up in the glare of the media like her half siblings. She might be smart but perhaps not as savvy and experienced in dealing with reporters as the rest of her family who are a decade older.
Abby (Tucson)
I found the timing weird since we're all wondering who mailed those tax forms from Trump Tower. In this case, the framing would be in the NYT's ticking hands. I didn't even read the story, that's how little I care about this outside child's opinions, but learning she isn't allowed any suggests she and Ms. Khan may have someone in common? It's well known Trump pays women to shut up about him.
Wally Wolf (Texas)
This is not exclusive only to women.
Mareln (MA)
Tiffany Trump? Never heard of her.
ama (los angeles)
it isn't a far reach to believe that the entire trump clan knows which side their bread is buttered on. slather it on thick, daddy!
Robert Roth (NYC)
I don't want to be interviewed either. So don't even try.
sue (minneapolis)
She's 22 - at that age most have no filter - brain is not
fully developed. Who really cares?
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
Sue, at 70, her father definitely has no filter, nor does his brain appear to be fully developed.
Glenn (Cary, NC)
So far I am not aware of any Trump family member whose brain is fully developed.
Emily (<br/>)
All this conjecture. Conjecture breeds paranoia. Trump is an extreme symptom of a terrible worldwide plague, from which will continue to suffer until we deeply understand its workings; then how to heal and inoculate ourselves.
B Sharp (Cincinnati)
We have read plenty on Trump family, how about interviewing Clinton family or her very close friends who knows her from childhood are like her closest confidant ?
Of course I am not taking about the ones who are politicians but are well know in the their own ingenuity.
Lisa (NY)
That has already been done exhaustively. Research past profiles of Hillary Clinton, particularly the fascinating profile by the New York Times published in connection with the 2012 election.

My favorite story from that: when little Hillary forgot to put the cap back on the toothpaste tube, her dad would throw her toothbrush out the bathroom window for her to retrieve.
rick (manhattan)
Such lovely little darlings those Trump children! I mean how gracious, equating Syrian refugees to a bowl of Skittles, the re-tweeting of neo-Nazi messages and all those fantastic pictures of animals they've killed while on safari!!!! Just lovely. I could gush on and on about them all day. You know, it really does take great parent to raise hatful, gun-loving, entitled brats. The future looks bright or is that a reflection coming off all the tacky gold at Trump Tower?
Wally Wolf (Texas)
You mean Flick and Flack - the Trump boys? They would do or say anything for their daddy because without him, they'd be working at Wal-Mart as greeters.
neal (Westmont)
Right, that goddammed jew-burning, white supremacist Pepe. How dare them.
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
Last Friday, Bill Maher called them "Uday and Qusay." LOL.
LS (Maine)
So much talk about the mystery of Trump's children being the opposite of their father in public, i.e. well-behaved.

Obvious conclusion: they were raised by their MOTHERS.
D. (Syracuse, NY)
In fact Trump has on numerous occasions made that clear himself, stating that childcare is "not his thing".

See a fascinating collection of statements by him over the years on this point: https://www.buzzfeed.com/andrewkaczynski/donald-trump-thinks-men-who-cha... and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trumps-backwards-views-on-parenting-.... A neanderthal in every respect, including parenting!
johns (Massachusetts)
I have just one comment. Who cares?!!!!!
Aubrey (NY)
the author writes that it wasn't meant to be a hit job, but expressing the purpose as "whether and how she measured up" against her siblings isn't exactly neutral. mentioning the close family friend who asked that one thing not be told, the author goes on to tell that one thing. then the author's conclusion is that the campaign thinks Miss T. "couldn't handle it" - which might not be the only reading at all of many reasons to respect certain boundaries.

sometimes reporters send mixed signals too - about implicit negative bias toward anything negative.
Stan Continople (Brooklyn)
Chelsea Clinton on the other hand is always accessible to the press because they treat her with an absurd degree of obsequiousness, although she has no more substance - and possibly less - than Tiffany. She's got more silver spoons than the Four Seasons.
D. (Syracuse, NY)
Based on this "assessment," I am sure you've never really heard Chelsea Clinton speak publicly.
American in London (London, UK)
Whenever I hear Chelsea speak, she seems like she has a lot of substance. She's obviously smart and articulate, just like her ma and pa.
Jack Straw (Midwest)
What rock have you been under?
Lee (Tampa Bay)
So where did the young lady attend high school and college? Is the reporter telling us that she couldn't find one old friend of Tiffany's or a teacher who wasn't bound by a legal agreement? Like much of this article, that just doesn't make any sense or ring true. Trump has five kids so the odds are that dear old dad has his favorites and it could be that Tiff is not one of the top four. Maybe she has some sort of issue like a learning disability that would become apparent should she be interviewed. Most certainly however there are financial incentives for that branch of the family to keep quiet. She is attractive so it is curious that she has been hermetically sealed by the campaign of a former beauty pageant affecionado.
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
She just graduated from Wharton, like her father and at least one other sib.
Lisa (NY)
She did not graduate from Wharton. She was not a business major at the University of Pennsylvania.
Probably old man trump "donated" quite a bit of money to U Penn for his son trumpy to get in, and then trumpy did the same thing for his children. You must know not all students who got in into Ivy Leagues are top-notch students. (Remember one Dubya Bush?)
Garth Olcese (Netherlands)
Why would you waste your time, your readers' time, and Tiffany Trumps time to interview her. She's barely an adult. In fact she still can't rent a hotel room by herself or a car in many states. She's not a candidate. And how would knowing anything about her or her opinions be relevant news useful to readers or helpful to voters? My opinion--quit wasting everyone's time and write a real article.
Nevsky (New York)
I wonder if she tried to speak to Melania? Is she allowed to speak for herself any more? Would like to hear the details about her immigration. Also, it seems like more people are bound by confidentiality agreements than any past or present candidate. Wonder what stories they have to tell?
Marika H (Santa Monica)
It appears that Tiffany has had a limited relationship with her father, and siblings, up until now. Now that it is useful to him, she is being asked to play a role in the family. Irregardless of any financial benefit, the emotional gratification of finally being given equal status to her siblings must be thrilling for her. To me, this is a classic expose of just how crude Trump is, women, and even children, are just objects to be used and then discarded. Yuck. But I don't judge Tiffany for participating, it is a Cinderella story in a way.
Casey (Brooklyn)
People people are saying that Trump pays every wife and kid to keep their mouths shut about the real Donald and issues bonuses to them when a flattering quote appears in the media. Many say that his first ex-wife threw a fit when his second ex-wife got more money for saying that Donald was a great lover than she got for saying that he would be a great president. His current wife is believed to be paid for saying nothing at all.
ms (ca)
I thought it was telling in the interview when Marla Maples say she is very proud of raising her daughter mostly on her own and also the fact Tiffany spent most of her childhood in California.
dormand (Seattle)
It will be interesting to see how many of the Trump brood legally change their names to limit the association to this most despised nominee for the President of the US in history.

On the Rachel Maddow Show on Wednesday, October 5 Kurt Eichenwald reported that his research showed that Donald Trump's father time after time bailed him out of failing businesses.

We really have to do a better job of screening the applicants that both major political parties produce for nominations for our country's highest office.
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
Bears a suspicious resemblance to Poppy and W, and we know how that turned out.
Robert J. Godfrey (Florida)
Maybe women aren't allowed to in her culture?
neal (Westmont)
I support Trump and thought this article was pointless and tasteless...but 1 this comment was hysterical.
harley (France)
If we believe the rumors that Marla was the leak for Donald's 1995 tax return, we can also assume that Tiffany might be caught in a fight between her parents and doesn't want to have to be asked about it publicly.
A.B. (Sweden)
What's in it for Tiffany to let her be interviewed? I think that the entitlement of journalists is sometimes stunning. Interviews happen when interviewees have something they want to say, not because a journalist thinks it would make a good piece, as this journalist seems to think. And why should everyone have something they want to say to people they don't know? I certainly don't.
D. (Syracuse, NY)
The point is that it wasn't the subject of the profile who made the personal decision to decline an interview. Yes, she has every right to decline in principle, though apparently not in the "reality" of Trump's world.
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
Very simple, @AB, no interview, no profile. That is what SHOULD have been the protocol. Otherwise, the Times is doing free PR for Trump's family. #notjournalism
barbara (CA)
Poor Tiffany. Got a father obsessed with women's looks who even commented when she was an infant as to whether she would have large breasts. Maybe she doesn't get to speak because she isn't pretty like her half-sister Ivanka.
Lisa (NY)
What a terrible thing to say.

How Trumpian, to assess these two females based on your own perception of how good they do or do not look.
Ben Ryan (NYC)
Marla released the tax returns and Tiffany knows it!
Belle (Seattle)
The five Trump kids - Donald Jr., Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany, and Barron - all come across as spoiled rich kids with plastic faces.
Lisa (NY)
Baron? You are attacking a 10-year-old boy? What exactly did this 10-year-old boy did to deserve that?
Mrs. Cleaver (Mayfield)
She is a student in a demanding law program. I'm surprised she had the time to take a picture. Perhaps if the author had been a student in a demanding graduate program, she'd understand. Sleep is a luxury.

She is also the only one of the adult children not married, and without a job, though she probably will work within the Trump company. But, why take the chance of saying something that will be taken the wrong way or out of context? Something that will be there forever thanks to Google?

Her father is running for political office. She is not. She hasn't had much public speaking experience, and she doesn't want to do anything that will embarrass him or her. I'm not understand what is so difficult to understand about her wish for privacy.
cass county (rancho mirage)
whaaat? she is not yet accepted to any law school.
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
That said, why is the Times profiling her, June? #notjournalism
Lisa (NY)
She is not a student in a demanding a demanding law program, or any law program. She is merely studying to take the LSAT, and she's got a whole year to do it in. When I was studying to take the LSAT, I had plenty of free time on my hands.
Donna (California)
I think the writer is forgetting she's only 22. That- in today's evolution of maturity is the equivalent of a 16 yr old (Trust me on this). She may simply not be *ready* to put on the learned persona and hasn't mastered the art of deflection.
Lisa (NY)
Just like her dad is not ready at age 71.
cass county (rancho mirage)
i might be just a tad more interested if i thought tiffany had even one worthwhile syllable to say.
Joseph (albany)
I don't recall Chelsea Clinton giving interviews when mom was running for president in 2008. Did you miss that?
cass county (rancho mirage)
yes. she did. interviews and speeches.
jbsea (usa)
If there is a really dysfunctional person in a family, it suck all the oxygen out of the environment. There's just not enough energy or attention for a second person to be a total mess. The whole rest of the family kind of accommodates the, say, narcissistic one. That's why the Trump kids seem kind of normal. There's just not enough room for more crazy.
realist (new york)
Note how quiet all of Trump's exes have been during his campaign. I'm sure they've been paid handsomely to keep their traps shut.
Lisa (NY)
Reportedly nondisclosure and non-disparagement clauses are part of their financial contracts. This would go a long way toward explaining Ivana's retraction of her claim of marital rape, which was made under oath.
I remember she spoke at the GOP convention and her fondest memory of Trump was that he signed her report cards (aww, what a guy), I'm guessing she doesn't have a whole lot of stories to tell about daddy dearest anyway.
MauiYankee (Maui)
And why would anyone listen?
Jack Wallace, Jr. (Montgomery, AL)
I believe that it is a combination of factors. First, as someone has already stated, both Marla and Tiffany are dependent upon The tRump for financial support. Second, Tiffany did not grow up in The tRump's household so she may be more independent than his other doting children who appear to be millionaires due to his largess and business dealings as well as extensions of his personality.
Harris Silver (NYC)
bringing new definition to term allowance
Lynn in DC (Um, DC)
"His children's obedience, loyalty......"

For heaven's sake, they aren't dogs.
west coast delivery subscriber (usa)
Right, but then again......
rgleiner (jackson)
I would wager it's because she's a young woman who never got a sense that she was loved by her father and is desperate for it. She never do anything to cross him.
Cowboy (Wichita)
Tiffany knows which side of her bread is buttered.
Laura (NJ)
You can bet all that "impeccable public demeanor" is fake. There are plenty of videos, many of them recent but before His Highness ran for president. Those are the real kids.

And it's also very common for children of genuine narcissists to be doting and adoring. The adult narcissist sees his/her children as extensions of himself (as indeed. narcissists do with everyone), especially his/her children. They're his children. They must be perfect. They are therefore vastly spoiled. The narcissist often also pits the children against his/her spouse, who ends up being the bad person.

This isn't always true. Many children of narcissists have had a horrible time and have suffered serious abuse.

But it does happen, commonly, and I'm guessing that's the case here.

The well-groomed obedient Trump children? Groomed for the cameras, the press, and most likely, the cabinet.

Although Tiffany may be an exception. Her mother may have kept her more grounded.
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
Ms. Stanley: When you have a subject made available for a photo shoot, but not to be spoken to, you do not have a piece of journalism. You have a public relations puff piece. This never should have run, and your inability to see the problem of writing about somebody who won't speak to you, without unlimited access to friends, relatives and people who have had significant interchanges with her.
If you had had the courage to tell the Trump PR machine, whom you seem to hold in high regard, that without an interview, there would be no story, what do you think they would have done? You had a puff piece about the "invisible" Trump child in the mddle of the candidate's worst, most chaotic week. Cognitive dissonance, much?
sweetie pie (New York City)
Money Money Money. She surely would be disenherited should she say something negative. Growing up this young girl only got to see her father two weeks a year. This has got to be hurtful and who knows what resentment has been brewing in her heart.
TerryDarc (Southern Oregon)
Many, many people are saying the conversation went like this:
DONALD: Tiffany! Nice to talk to you. You know, during these primaries, I'd like you to... you know, keep your lip buttoned. I know you and I have had our diff...
TIFFANY: Dad!!! I said I hated you!
DONALD: Well, what I wanted to say was that it would be worth your while to keep it buttoned...
TIFFANY: Dad! You never listen to me..
DONALD: Yeah, yeah, well would it be worth 5 mil to keep your stupid yap shut until November 10? Too much to help old dad become presi...
TIFFANY: $%#@*#!!!
DONALD:Tiffany, where did you learn to talk like that?!
TIFFANY: 5 mil?
DONALD: 'at's my girl! I knew you could depend upon you. Now put mom on or tell her to lose that '95 tax return and... Tiffany? Tiffany?
Ryan (Derry, NH)
Hilarious, and most likely true.
laura174 (Toronto)
Tiffany grew up in California, far away from her father. She was the 'invisible Trump' until just before the convention. I have a feeling that the other Trump kiddies might not be so fond of the daughter of the 'scarlet woman' who broke up their parents' marriage. I doubt that no Trump children would ever blame their father. Not if they wanted to stay on the payroll.

Tiffany's job is to give the impression of family unity and daughter worship. But the Donald has made it clear who his favourite daughter is. He probably wouldn't even date Tiffany.
Blerb (MA)
Tiffany leaked the tax return, perhaps?
shirls (Manhattan)
It was Marla! Joint return?
Turgid (Minneapolis)
The guy at the top is a control freak. It's not about what the right decision is, it's about what he decides. He is the author of reality. I feel bad for anyone under that thumb.
Mark (Atlanta)
Not helicoptor offspring but more like Stockholm Syndrome and Tiffany probably doesn't have it since her mom really raised her. So the campaign is afraid she will speak her mind unlike the other captives.
D. (Syracuse, NY)
No interest in reading the profile, but this Insider piece makes me laugh. Didn't Trump insinuate that Ghazala Khan "wasn't allowed to have anything to say," presumably because she is Muslim! (For the record, while she chose not to speak at the DNC, she did pen an op-ed and gave interviews in the days after, and her husband said they wrote his impassioned speech together.)

Maybe Tiffany Trump "isn't allowed to have anything to say"? Or maybe she just doesn't have anything of importance -- Trump's more publicly visible children are all certainly quite vapid so that would be of little surprise.
William C (San Diego)
Her microphone is broken.
CocoPazzo (Bella Firenze)
Wouldn't it be nice to learn that the reason Tiffany isn't available for interviews is because she has a well educated mind of her own, and opposes much of the nonsense that spews from her father's Tweets? Or, as my mother told me, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
I'm-for-tolerance (us)
A picture is worth a thousand words.
cass county (rancho mirage)
really. i have read articles about miss tiffany and seen a few of her deleted tweets. her outlook and attitude is fairly vapid and self-promoting. at least one photo semi-porn. graduated from penn, but in sociology or something. i kind of feel sorry for her. but i seriously doubt she anything but worships the trump.
Rudolf Dasher Blitzen (Florida)
In Trump's life everything is really mysterious. I have serious reservations about a man that has a very nice looking wife, much younger than him and when he wakes up at 3:00 AM he gets the cellphone and send some tweets. I didn't wake up at 3:00 AM every day but when I did my wife and I had a great time and certainly no tweets were involved.
Bill (Fairfax, VA)
We didn't need to know that.
Green Taxman (Albany, New York)
I suspect that Tiffany is a secret Muslim, and of course she would not be allowed to speak on her own.
D. Orr (nyc)
Why did the Times go ahead with a glossy photo shoot if she wasn't willing to speak to them directly?
SFR Daniel (Ireland)
Well, you go with what you've got, right? And mystery is intriguing. (And she's very nice looking.)
skeptic (Austin)
Abby (Tucson)
Did they get a bug up their bean she is the one who mailed them those tax forms? It's not unimaginable, but I bet an aide did him a YUGE favor. he needs to own his massive success/failures.
Shelley K (NYC)
The only safe assumption is that the Trump campaign was deathly afraid that if allowed to speak, she might be too honest about her father.
georgiadem (Atlanta)
No mystery here, daddy holds the purse strings and can open or close the the flow of money to children and ex-wives. He has shown us over and over that he can be a petty vindictive jackass whenever crossed. They surely know that better than anyone other than Rosie O'Donnell.
thomaskelley (Cali)
I am guessing Trump's children receive a salary whether they work for Trump or not (probably paid through the Trump Foundation). I know I never speak ill of the person who signs my paycheck.
memyselfandi (Spokane)
Hmmm.... . Tiffany Trump is an adult, at least legally. So, isn't it her own responsibility to say whether she will be interviewed or not? Why doesn't she speak for herself. If she declines an interview, so be it. If someone else controls whether or not she is interviewed, then something is rotten in Trumpmark. I would never think it proper to control my adult daughter's personal life in such a way.
uofcenglish (wilmette)
This girl and her mom are financially dependent upon Trump. She won't do anything she is told not to do. The consequences would be dire.
Dcet (Baltimore, MD)
You would never control your daughter in that way, but I am sure you are a normal fella.
With Trump, we are not dealing with normal.
Urko (27514)
What documented proof do you have that her father is "controlling" her? Do you know them? How well?
A lot of people no doubt wonder whether Tiffany supports Trump's platform on house to house searches by Trump's 'deportation force' to remove some 16 million people from this country, increased policing including 'stop and frisk', privatization of Social Security, etc.
Lynn in DC (Um, DC)
Grow up. Even if she disagrees, she isn't going to say so publicly. Do you think Chelsea agrees with everything Hillary says?
Lisa (NY)
Lynn – –

The comment above was, I think, intended sarcastically. You are taking it literally.