Teaching With: ‘How to Win an Election’

Sep 23, 2016 · 140 comments
Gianni Mendez (wakiva)
The way to win a election is to play on the Canadians emotion with hope and fear.the hope of a good country and jobs presidents who can really provide this and show evidence this will help. TO play with fear we would lie or bend the truth so they can win like G bush saying that the opposing president will cut education.
Sa'mya Cannady (whs)
Storytelling is a very important thing in an election because it gives them sorta a feel on who you are on what you came from , it really is the key because the people want to know what you have set up for , for there country they want to know how you can help them and if you are truly right for office .Using the storytelling method is more pleasing / comforting to the people because people want to know how you can relate to them how you can connect to what they been through or what they are going through at this point and time in there lives .
Andrew Smith (Apopka, FL)
Candidates use storytelling to help win elections. It tells us the hard work and dedication they went through to get to where they are. Voters just want to hear things in a way that sounds organized to them. When a candidate tells a story they put it through a filter. The filter is used by identifying Threat, Opportunity, Fear, or Hope. People react to fear and are easily seduced by stories. This is why most candidates use storytelling, because they receive reactions from them.
Sa'mya Cannady (whs)
Andrew smith

i agree because with out them telling us a story or giving us a back ground of them selves we don't really know much about them so storytelling would be a really good option , it helps us understand them and what they been through and see how they connect with us in many ways it helps us make up our mind on who is stronger mentally for our country , to know who will make the right calls and lead this country in the right direction , telling their stories are their best bet to win us over , the more we know about them the more we will want to pick them to lead us but the less we know but the more we find out we start to think we can't trust them so i agree storytelling is very important
Hope Ross (Apopka Fl)
Storytelling is most definitely a key factor in elections, without it voting would be more factual. There were four main things candidates use to get votes: fear, hope, opportunity and threat. Some candidates in the past quite literally used these, for example Obama used "HOPE" as his slogan for his campaign, But in this years election Donald Trump is using the opposite, fear. He wants us all to be afraid of "changing" America, as in allowing more people to come into our country. He wants us to afraid of the negative people have done in the past to our country. However, Hillary seems to be more about opportunity and hope. A quote i love from her campaign is "You have to keep working to make things better, even when the odds are long and the opposition is fierce... That's why we're here, not just in this hall, but on this Earth. The founders showed us that, and so have many others since.They were drawn together by love of country, and the selfless passion to build something better for all who follow. That is the story of America. And we begin a new chapter tonight." In this quote from one of her speeches she basically tells America not to give up, and to keep loving the country we live in. Not only are the point of views opposite, but so are their "stories". Hillary comes from a family that struggled with money, while Trump comes from money.
Christina P. (Florida)
Trump’s story is of him coming from a wealthier family, and growing up with plenty. Hillary’s story is of her growing with a family that struggled. The people of America would relate to her story more than they ever would with Donald Trump’s because many people are also struggling. Both also provide a threat, an opportunity, a fear and a hope. Hillary wants to help middle class families and the poor. This is the opportunity she provides, but all that can also provide a threat because it arises the question of firstly how is she going to do all that and address all the other problems like America’s debt to other countries and terrorists invading our borders and killing our people. Donald trump is more focused on the rich and what is happening worldwide, the hope he provides is that he can fix those problems, but the fear would be that he would turn America away from being the great multicultural melting pot that it is now and block or deter new people from ever coming in. Another fear is what will he do for the poor and the constant discrimination that keeps on occurring to minority groups?
Mackenley Desima (Apopka, FL)
I agree with what the points you bring up, Christina. The use of the "Plain Folks" technique is pretty essential for storytelling and building character to appeal to the viewer/voter as it makes them feel as if there's someone out there running for president who truly understands their feelings and backgrounds that can be viewed as their "hero." But with Trump being a member of the "Sophisticated" class since birth it makes it seem as if he'd be more willing to defend the class he's been involved in since birth rather than the middle class that makes up the majority of this country. Especially with his background in threatening to
Mackenley Desima (Apopka, FL)
I agree with you, Christina. Hillary's method of making herself seem just like the average american citizen using the "Plain folks" method definitely makes her look like the hero of the election showing that we have a president who knows how we feel to build a character and trust between her and the voters. Meanwhile Trump was born into his money and ranking in the "sophisticated" upper class makes you wonder who is he really trying to help?There's also the issue of him hurting the minority in deporting immigrants and targeting ethnic groups in the middle and lower class that seemingly portrays him as the "villain."
Clay Reeves (Florida)
In “How To Win An Election” storytelling is used a lot. The Candidates use this in there run for president. They use information that isn't from when they are running. It instead is from years and years earlier. President bush used storytelling to get himself re-elected president. This tactic is used in many ways when people are running for something. They use this so they can sway the voters to vote for them. For example in the recent presidency Donald Trump has said that Barack and Hillary have created ISIS. HE did this to make people scared of voting for Hillary so it is easier for him to win.
Gianni Mendez (wakiva)
THE way bush uses story telling is a real Effie way to get voters, But trump uses fear like isis is made by Obama to scary people who are other wees ingredient to search
Jessica (fl)
The film states that “successful campaigns tell a story” and constantly reminds people what a big factor storytelling is in election campaigns. The film says that campaigns identify four major things, that is fear, hope, opportunity and threat, in today’s elections these four attributes are frequently used in attempt to tell a story. For example, Trump is constantly talking about removing immigrants from the United States and building a wall in between the U.S. and Mexico, this is him using the fear factor to tell his story. Now on the other hand, you have Hillary's campaign which basically uses the opposite, which is hope. Hillary gives the people of America hope by speaking about the rights of women and children and how she can make those more prominent in today’s society. Either way, both of their campaigns tell a story and do it by using at least of of the four major things.
Jasmyne Santiago (wekiva HS)
In the film "How to Win an Election" it is telling us the different types of art that is used in story telling to help gain voters. The different types of art used is fear, hope, opportunity, and threat. Both candidates of 2016 use these different types of art to get peoples attention and make them vote for them. One candidate Hillary Clinton uses the art of hope and opportunity. She uses hope and opportunity to make people believe that she will give kids a better future by doing many things like supporting them in medical expenses. The other candidate Donald Trump uses the art of fear and threat. He uses fear and threat because he makes people believe that there are certain people or groups out there that aren't good, nut he also uses hope by telling everyone that he will make america a better place.
Hope Ross (Apopka Fl)
I see what you are trying to get at, when you say that Donald Trump uses hope as a tactic to get votes. But who is the "hope" directed towards? The way he plans to make America great again would actually DESTROY or economy. Its proven that immigrants do most of the hard labor in our country, the rest of us are too lazy to do it (sad but true). Without their hard work we wouldn't have alot of things. I think he is more about the use of fear, not hope.
Rachel Long (Wekiva High School)
In the film "How to Win an Election" Mark McKinnon tells us about the aspects that make a successful campaign or "story. These four aspects are fear, opportunity, threat, and hope. In the 2016 campaign, the two presidential candidates use these techniques to try to attract voters. One candidate, Donald Trump, uses the fear tacit to make the voters believe that they have to fear certain groups of people in our country, and then he instills hope in people by telling them hes going to make America "great again." On the other hand Hillary Clinton uses Opportunity and hope to make people think that if she is elected that she will advocate for the minority groups and will give children better futures by increasing funding for schools.
Clay Reeves (Florida)
Rachel I agree with you and think that Donald Trump has used the fear tacit in his campaign. There are four things that are needed to win an election. Hillary Clinton has try to make voters vote for her by using hope and opportunity to make them like her more. I agree that they are using these techniques to win the election and be president. They have used sayings that have been trying to sway the voters in their favor. The candidates have been making fun of each other to make their job easier and have the other look stupid.
Hai-Mie Nguyen (Ocoee, Fl)
In the film (and article), it explains how storytelling plays a major role in elections, and how storytelling is used by the candidates to help persuade people to vote for them. What Donald Trump does is he puts fear in his audience and convinces them that he can "Make America great again", as if America isn't great already. He also uses "fair" and "treat" to get people to vote for and support him. Trump says that the United States should build a wall because immigrants are coming in, so they need to get deported. What Hillary Clinton uses is hope. She uses this to show that "every child has the god-given potential to be something special." Both of these presidential candidates increase their chances of winning the election by using these strategies, no matter how biased.
reon nocholas (United States, Florida)
During the presidential election Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton both use storytelling. They use storytelling during the campaigns to connect to the american voters. Hillary Clinton is showing hope and opportunity by telling the public she's all for the children, making education better and creating more opportunities for our youth. Trump is using foreign and domestic terrorism to put fear into the voters and saying he'll protect our boarders all while threatening illegal immigrants of deportation.
Jasmyne Santiago (wekiva HS)
I agree to what you are saying. Hillary is trying to make everyone believe that she is going to be a good president because she is going to help children around the world. Donald trump puts fear and terror into his voters to make them believe that he is going to protect them.
Samantha C. (Florida)
When having a campaign it is important to have a story. Donald Trump uses story telling through fear and threatening people for his campaign. He puts fear in Hispanics, African Americans, and Islams. He does this by saying he does not like them but somehow some of these races are still voting for him, most likely because of the fear he puts in them. Although he uses fear Donald Trump also uses opportunity in his campaign by pointing out things in the country that are going bad like terrorist attacks and will explain how he can do better for the country. Donald Trump uses lots of story telling in his campaign.
Korynne Johnson (wekiva highschool)
How to win an Election was a video going back to the past of presidential election all the way toward present of presidential election. Explaining how many electors get people’s votes by “Telling a Story”. This video was explained by a leading political strategist, who helped Bush, Obama, McCain, and others with their strategies basically explaining how to get votes. Electors have to connect with the voters by Fear, Hope, Threats or Opportunity for example Hilary Clinton uses hope and opportunity as her way to connect with middle class voters by wanting to open up more jobs and help disablity kids. While Donald Trump connects with his voters with fear by talking about terrorist killing many people by building a wall. Also the way electors get votes is by telling their back story. For example of bush his story was unique a normal hard working man just trying to make America great again. Another example could be of president Obama where his story was coming from the bottom of discouragement toward fulfilling his dream and to make history.
Shanel Blair (Wekiva High SChool)
I think the idea of storytelling is very interesting. It is more like bending the truth a little, in order to seem better than the opponent. In this year’s presidential election, all four main point of storytelling are used. Hillary Clinton’s plan is to help many kids, giving them opportunity and hope for a happy life. She also explains that she wants to invest money into kids’ education, so they can be successful and get a chance (or opportunity) to have a better life than their present day. On the other hand, Donald Trump uses threat and fear to make his point. He threatens Hispanics and he goes against everything he does not like. Also, both Clinton and Trump use fear to make us think they both work for ISIS or some hacking network. Storytelling is definitely used in this year’s election.
Lyric Jackson (Apopka, Fl)
Donald Trump, the republican candidate, tells his narrative of being a business owner from Queens, NY and being able to become a successful Wall Street businessman. His wealth is something that many aspire to have so, he can use that to his advantage to gain more votes. Another thing that Donald Trump does is uses fear to instil the idea of opportunity in the people. For example, he uses the illegal immigration issue as propaganda to scare the public into believing that illegal immigrants are dangerous and the way to prevent them from entering our country is to build a wall. The wall is seen as an opportunity to unify the country and make it stronger while keeping others out. This idea is expressed through his slogan “make America great again” because it gives the American people to the opportunity to return the country to a state of “greatness”. The democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, uses hope to inspire the voters to look towards the future. She does this by telling her story of coming from a middle-class family and working all her life fighting for the rights of families and children. She focuses on protecting the future of The united states which is the children. Throughout her campaign, she mentions the importance of providing for those children in order to protect the country itself. She uses the phrase “stronger together” to stress the importance of coming together as one nation. Both of their stories change how the public views the candidates.
Shaniah W. (Apopka, Florida)
I am not surprised that an election relies on storytelling in order to be successful. In this election Hillary uses the strategy of fear against Trump, saying that we should be afraid of him and his policies and the hope that we should have in her to be the better leader. Trump on the other hand says that we should see other countries as a threat and the opportunity would be to appiont him as president.
Hai-Mie Nguyen (Ocoee, Fl)
I don't think that he is saying people SHOULD be afraid of him, but I just think he's saying certain things to GET people to be afraid of him. But it is dumb how Trump says that we should see other countries as a threat. Because not all countries are threats. I don't think that Trump should be president because he says a lot of things that are biased.
Gisele (Apopka, Fl)
In the video we learn that politics are about using what you can to convince people of a story you want sell them. Four key themes used to sell a story in politics are: hope, fear, threat, and opportunity. You can find these elements all throughout the current election with Clinton vs. Trump. Donald Trump’s story uses threat to convince Americans that immigrants are creating issues in society. This instills fear in the people and when people are afraid they look for someone to help them, because of this he convinces them that given the opportunity of being in charge of the country they can hope and trust that he’ll “make America great again”. Although Donald Trump is much more brash in his campaign, Hillary Clinton also uses these to manipulate the American people into trusting her story. Hillary focuses a lot on children and improving on things for them which uses hope of parents who want the best education/society for their children. Also she uses fear that Americans have from the threat of Trump being the president. In the video it was mentioned that “half truths” are often used during a campaign. Candidates pull out information that supports their “story” and leave out the rest. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have both focused on spewing out information that usually brings a positive look onto their own story. Overall, the video points out how manipulative an election can be, and although you may not notice it, all campaigns use these themes to help make their story.
This film explained how to win an election by just telling a story, that have a theat, an opportunity, fear and Hope.In our election today Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump uses storytelling to get their voters. Hillary uses her fear as Immigrations which is also Donald Trump's theart , Hillary's fear of immigration relates back the fear of family members being deported which will breaking up family than she shows her Opportunity and hope which is also her slogan “We Are Stronger Together”. Then on the other hand trups showing how Immigration is bad a threat for our country then as an opportunity he plans to building a fence all around the Border to keep the mexicans out which is Making America Great Again as his hope. However that just one one story that's being told between the two candidate to win the election. But at the end of the story there alway have to be their way of saying happily ever after for Hillary Clinton it will be “stronger together” ;and for Donald Trump his fairy tale ending is “America great again”.
Elyssa Sanchez (Apopka,FL)
The video showed us that the way to win an election is through a story. You have to caught the voters attention to get them to vote for you. If not you don't stand a chance. To be honest, voters don't always vote for the person they believe is the best choice, most voters vote for the candidate who has the best story. Candidates use 4 strategies to achieve this, fear, hope, threat, and opportunities. Take this election for example, Bernie was talking about wanted to give school kids free colleges. This got all the future college/college kids to support him and want to vote for him.
Jessica (fl)
I completely agree with your statement that voters don’t necessarily vote for who is best fit but who tells the best story, this is why politicians and presidential candidates work so hard to include the four main techniques is because they know people want a good story. Also i wasnt even thinking about Bernie Sanders when we were talking about storytelling in the election, you make a very good point saying that the reason he had such a great following of people that consisted of those in their college ages was because of the claim he made in his story.
Chandler P. (Apopka, FL)
In our modern world, the technique of storytelling is used everyday. From the media to presidential campaigns, everyone has a story to tell that makes them unique. Barack Obama was the "first black president", making him stand out and attract attention from voters. Which then led to his winning of the presidential election twice, and serving two terms in the oval office. A current presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, is using her story of becoming the "first woman president", which has helped her gain a substantial amount of female voters for her campaign.
Arian L. (Wekiva High School)
The storytelling aspect is very prominent in Trump's campaign this year. He uses the slogan "Make America Great Again" scaring people into thinking that America isn't already great. This will make people vote for him because even though he uses fear, there is also hope in that slogan. Hope that he will be the president that "fixes" America. Clinton's slogan on the other hand is very bland compared to Trump's but what she says in debates make up for it.
Alannis H. (Orlando, FL.)
To win a campaign you must be able to tell one of the four different types of stories: fear, hope, threat, and opportunity. If you do not tell a story containing one of these four aspects then your campaign will not be as strong. In the video the narrator talks about using these types of stories for yourself, saying that you will give someone hope or that they should elect you to help you fight off the threats. However, you can honestly use these types of stories against people too. In the 2016 election, both Trump and Clinton are using these types of stories to strengthen their poll numbers. Both Clinton and Trump are using the nation's fear of Isis against each other, using fear to tear the other down instead of building themselves up.
Zachary pinthieve (wekiva high school)
i agree with alannis because without the four main aspects of a story it will be hard to win the persuasion of your voter. Fear, hope, threat and opportunity. Also as alannis has stated your campaign will not be as strong as your opponents if they have a good one as well
Austin C. (Florida)
Donald trump uses three of the four aspects of story telling, fear, hope,and opportunity. Trump uses these three aspects in his slogan "Make America Great Again" which seems to be working for Trump and he is getting a lot of attention, also with his story about him being a boy from Queens who got successful and became a big business manager and getting rich. Hillary tries to incorporate hope and opportunity with her logo and "Hillary for America" and "I'm with her stronger together" in order to convince people that she is right for president. The most recent presidential elections have all had significant amounts of story telling in them because that is how they increase their chances of winning and it allows people to relate to them.
Sean (Florida)
The use of storytelling in the presidential campaigns of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are a huge factor in who will become the next president of the United States of America. The use of fear and threat are used when Trump says that Mexicans and terrorists are dangerous, but he will deport them. The use of hope and opportunity in Trump's motto, "makes America great again", shows opportunity for improvement in the country, but also hope for that better outcome.
Nikhil Patel (ocoee,florida)
In this article, it explained how important storytelling is in elections and how the two main candidate use them as strategic advantages. Trump uses fair and treat to lure voters into supporting his campaign. He brought the idea that the US needs to " Build a Wall", and the immigrants and the foreigners need to deport and go back to their country of origin. Hillary on the other hand uses hope and opportunity to entice voters into her campaign. She says that every child has the potential to be something special. She also explains that jobs will open up with her being elected into president. Both of them use these strategies to make their campaigns the leading two in the election.
Meghan (Florida)
In this video, it talks about how storytelling can be a influential part of a presidential campaign. Our two presidential candidates both use motivation and fear to persuade someone in their advertisements. Donald Trump uses a lot of fear, he does this by telling citizens of America that we need to deport all Mexicans that are illegally living in America, but also build a wall against the U.S and Mexico. Hillary Clinton uses these by saying she's going to save the children all over the world, giving them things they probably would not have the chance to have before.
Jacqueline (Apopka FL)
This video talks about how candidates use storytelling as a strategy to gain votes. The four techniques used to tell a great story are threat, opportunity, fear, and hope. Donald Trump uses threat and fear in his campaign by talking about deporting Mexicans and Muslims. Trump is threatening to building a wall to prevent them from coming to the U.S. He makes it seem as if Mexicans are making America a bad place to live in and all they’re bringing with them is crime. Trump also talks about terrorists being criminals and talking negative about women. Hillary Clinton is using opportunity and hope in her campaign by caring about the education of children and giving more opportunities for jobs.
Kelechi (Apopka)
The purpose of this film is to show how to win an election and how people have won former elections. The speaker of this film emphasizes the fact that a candidate has to have a believable story and to make sure the audience is attached to what they say if they want people to support them throughout their challenge to become president. Candidates, more than not, make sure that they make their opponent look bad and to make their opposition look like the enemy while they make themselves look like the hero like when Trump stated Hillary was a "mosquito". When you make up a story you have to "exaggerate the truth" to win people over to your side.
Deja (Wekiva HS)
The main point for the video is storytelling. To run for president you always have to have a good story to tell, may it be true or false. A Lot of Candidates such as Hilary Clinton, and Donald Trump, use false statements and stories. They take some fact and morph into into something worse for their fellow candidates. Hilary makes it seem as if she were elected the world would be renewed, for she would help the children have better futures. While Trump thinks that surrounding ourselves may help us in the fact of better protecting ourselves. They use fear, hope, opportunities for a better future, in their speeches. This film helps us to understand why they do these things and how they benefit from them.
Iyanna Brown (Florida)
There are various ways to manipulate the audience into voting for a candidate by using storytelling strategies like hope, opportunity, or fear. Throughout this presidential election candidates have used stories of opportunity and fear in order to gain votes. For example, in the presidential debate when answering the question of how to better the inequalities minorities have to face, Trump mentions that HIllary has called African-American males super-predators. The statement that Trump made is use of the fear aspect of storytelling because it would scare voters, especially African-American ones from voting for Hillary Clinton. Voters would be in fear that she will not actually make an effort to better inequalities, instead just ignore or make them worse. When HIllary answers the question of how to better inequalities Hillary uses the hope aspect of storytelling by saying that there needs to be a better relationship between minorities and cops. Also HIllary says that there needs to be better background checks. Hillary's response gives African-Americans hope for a better future. Hillary also uses the fear aspect of storytelling with her ads against Trump, showing viewers how he speaks badly of women, Muslims, Mexicans, and the disabled. Hillary's ads scare the voter into not voting for Trump in fear that he will show how prejudice throughout his time as president.
Naomi Rogers (Wekiva high school)
In the video Mark McKinnon talks about the only way to win an Election is to tell a story. The candidates must be good storytellers, Good stories win and campaigns without a story lose.There are four "filters" which are Fear, Opportunity, Treat, Hope. Donald Trump seems to be using Threat by saying he will build a wall and make Mexicans leave/deport them. While Hillary Clinton is offering opportunity and hope. These two candidates are the last two standing/left because they are both good storytellers
Cale (Florida)
This video explains that each president election is a story, and the one with the best story wins. It explains that each of these "stories" includes a victim of a threat or denied opportunity, a villain, a resolution, and a hero. These stories are supposed to identify a threat, opportunity, fear, or hope. In this presidential election, one of Hillary Clinton's stories could be that the Muslim people are the victims because Trump plans to shut down the borders to them and the resolution would be to not vote for Trump with her being the hero. The story would identify a threat, but it would also provide hope and opportunity to the whole Muslim community.
Trent hamilton (alaska)
For every successful campaign, needs to tell a story, like a book. A lot didn't really stand out to me in this video, but one. Which was that people/voters liked the stories of the candidates. I assume they like the story of the candidates because it lets them get to know the candidates better and become closer to them, makes them feel closer like a friend. Also for every good election, should identify these four things, threat, opportunity, fear, and hope. I agree that fear and hope deal with the most emoticons, fear can do a lot to a person good or bad so having someone to help them out for better is there hope. Candidates are our hope for our future for a better place. I said before that not a lot stood out for me because I had a pretty good idea on what they do to try to win. Like telling us what we want to her, to get our votes. How do i know, well it has happened before in the previous years. So doing these things will get you to win pretty much.
Andrew Smith (Apopka, FL)
I agree that if candidates use story telling they become closer with their voters. I also agree that voters like hearing what we want to hear and agree with.
Jacqueline (Apopka FL)
This video talks about how candidates use storytelling as a strategy to gain votes. The four techniques used to tell a great story are threat, opportunity, fear, and hope. Donald Trump uses threat and fear in his campaign by talking about deporting Mexicans and Muslims. Trump is threatening to building a wall to prevent them from coming to the U.S. He makes it seem as if Mexicans are making America a bad place to live in and all they’re bringing with them is crime. Trump also talks about terrorists being criminals and talking negative about women. Hillary Clinton is using opportunity and hope in her campaign by caring about the education of children and giving more opportunities for jobs.
Zachary pinthieve (wekiva high school)
The main idea that was shown throughout this video was on how to win an election that the candidate must have good storytelling for the voters. candidate s often make a story that poses the opposing candidates as threat and makes you you look like the good guy. Also when making your story it could have misleading facts for example they can say how the economy has grown since since such a time but that was last counted in 1994 so the facts might well be correct but those statistics were 22 years ago and is not relative to now.
I agreed with what you said in topic relating to the film. It was a really good Summarization of what the author was saying. However I do believe that you should have went More in depth with the four Main points that the story should have. Also believe that you should I gave some examples relating election that is going on now, to make people understand more of what you were saying about the Opposing candidates. Another thing that I believe you needed to do was elaborate more when you said “when making your story it can have misleading facts”. I did not really understand how that went with the four main points that you should have in a story which were threat opportunity fear and Hope so if you could elaborate more or how it really related to them. Overall i thought you did good you gave a really fitting summarization it could've been better. On a scale from one to ten i would give you a five and a half, just because of understanding and i felt there could of been more said there . What I would advise for next time a little more Death in and meaning to your words and phrases.
Kelly A. (FL)
In the current presidential between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, all four aspects of storytelling are used. Hillary uses hope and opportunity by promising to support children's education so they may have more opportunities and abilities that many do not have now. Trump is unsurprisingly using threat and fear in order to win the election, he does this by talking of deporting Mexicans and Muslims, he also displays negative behavior towards gay marriage and women.
Christina P. (Florida)
I agree that all four of the aspects of storytelling is being used, but you don't explain how either what Trump says can be hopeful and provide opportunities and how some of what Hillary is saying may provide threats or fears. Both of their stories has a fear portion and a hope portion as do many other stories. A story isn’t just positive or negative, as you seem to be saying, but a mixture of compelling elements, that is what makes a story interesting. You can’t just say that Donald Trump is all bad (fear, and threats) and Hillary is all good (hope and opportunities) if it was that easy then Americans would not need to see presidential debates and the nominees would not have to prepare for months just so they can have a shot at becoming president.
Angela Moreno (apopka fl)
If you want to win a presidential election you have to tell a story- a great story. If your campaign doesn't include a good story- you probably wont have a good campaign- in order to have the majority vote and have voters favor your ideas, and aspirations as president there has to be some type of storyline to lure them in. There are four strategies one can use to achieve this goal, one can use hope, fear, opportunity, and threat. Clinton and Trump are both using these techniques in the current presidential election in their campaigns, in their speeches, everything they do as potential presidents of the united states ties back to those four strategies. Trump uses fear, and threat- threatening to build a wall and speaking of terrorists and immigrants as criminals as where Clinton decided to use hope in order to get people to be in favor of her speaking of how with her in office there would be more job opportunities etc. overall this video shined the light on how elections go on behind the scenes and really nothing is what it seems when it comes to politics and life as a whole.
Jessica Brevil (Wekiva high, Apopka)
The Speaker in the video explains that presidential debates tell a story. The speaker than elaborates on the subject by giving details of how the stories in politics often includes lies, "half-truths", and similar techniques in the structure such as the use of stating a threat,opportunity, fear and hope . The whole idea of storytelling stood out to me because when comparing the speaker's statements to the recent presidential debate, pretty much everything that the speakers says is true. Clinton uses some the four techniques, hope, in some of her campaign to presents herself as a hero. "everyday americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion..." Clinton uses this statement to represent how she will deal with the american economic problems, and then she provides an opportunity by stating " I am determined to get the economy moving again." She is literally saying that she is giving you an opportunity, but you have to take it. It was very surprising to see how much we are cheated, as citizens. This subject has got me thinking about the number of people who were elected just for having good story techniques.
Shanelle White (Wekiva High School)
The video informs us, about the strategy every, presidential or just a political candidate uses. The strategy they use is called “storytelling”, in this strategy they use four key things to help spread their point, which are threat, opportunity, fear and hope. Every candidate has used it whether we notice it or not, they might not be the same speeches, but they are inspired by the same concept. This concept is to get something Americans can support and stand behind, if you look back Obama used one of these main points in his election, he used hope, because isn't that what we all strive for? In the election this year Hillary Clinton uses both hope and opportunity, by talking about a brighter future for our children and giving them a better education. Isn’t that what you hope for an opportunity for your children to succeed in life and have a bright future? Donald Trump uses threat, fear, and hope. Donald Trump uses the recent and past event to his advantage, he talks about them and how those people are a threat to us, and how they can be among us right now, but with his help he can get rid of them, and help bring them to justice. Isn’t that what will appear to parents, because they want their children to live in a safe environment? There is not one candidate who has not used these four concepts, because what is better than appealing to the people who are getting you elected.
Andrew O (Orlando, Fl)
This video brings up an interesting idea about the importance of storytelling in elections, and specifically the recurring themes of opportunity and hope, as well as fear and threat, seen as a central part of many campaigns’ platforms. In this campaign, these themes are very prominent, seen even in campaign slogans, along with the storytelling aspects discussed in the video. For example, the theme of opportunity and hope can be seen in the “Make America Great Again” slogan of Mr. Trump’s campaign, as well as in the storytelling aspects of his campaign, where he portrays himself as a boy from Queens, New York who made it big time in business, supporting his themes of hope even further. Also, the themes of fear and threats are very apparent in this election with Trump emphasizing the issue of illegal immigration, and both candidates stressing the importance of diminishing the threat of radical terrorist groups in the Middle East. As was discussed in the video, these recurring themes are found in the missions of successful campaigns because they tell a story, and allow the American public to unite under a purpose provided by the election. These themes have certainly emerged and been successful in this election, and I think it will be interesting to see which of the stories wins the election.
Joseiliz Lopez (Wekiva Hs)
Storytelling applies to the aspect of presidential campaigns to the 2016 elections because in storytelling there are 4 factors hope, fear, opportunity, and threat. Fear is being use by presidential candidate, Donald Trump. What Donald Trump is doing is creating fear among Americans and telling them that Mexicans will ruin America if they are not stopped as in now. He is portraying the Mexicans as a threat to the United States of America. The other candidate, Hillary Clinton, is using hope. What Mrs.Clinton is doing is telling people that with her as a president there will be more hope for children living in this generation she is saying that they will have different opportunities to succeed in life and that she will be the one to guide them to that success.
Jeremy Park (Central Wisconsin)
I agree with what he says, but all I ask of them is to be truthful when trying to persuade the public to vote for him or her. A good story that fits in the publics best interest is what will win the votes.
Lyric Jackson (Apopka, Fl)
I completely agree that the more authentic your story is the easier it will be to persuade voters as seen in the video, Barack Obama’s story was good for the public because it inspired the public to know that you can come from any background and still be successful.
Gianni Mendez (wakiva)
The video tells how to tell a story for president. You may not like what some one is standing for political but they at least stick with there claim. We are driven by fear and hope and if we are given that we will like you.
Angel (Gutierrez)
In the "How to win an election" video it talks abouts how presidential candidates use a storytelling technique to get the citizens to vote for them.An example of this is Donald Trump saying how we should build a wall to keep out immigrants coming to america,due to terrorism occuring around the world which is the threat/fear part of storytelling.Also saying how Hillary is "the founder of isis",which makes her seem as the Villain,which is other part of sotytelling,and the supposed "hero" is Donald Trump thats going to slove these problems.
huhg miunjgus (your mom)
I felt like this video really showed me how important politics were
Mitch (Somewhere)
The one thing that stood out to me was the fact that he related campaigns to black and white movies. He gave situations a villain, a hero, and a meaning. Being able to find these things and have the campaign ads tell you a story that makes you want to vote for them should be the only thing that people who are trying to be elected for anything need to do.
Chandler P. (Apopka, FL)
I agree. It's really interesting how we can relate presidential campaigns to older movies. But if you think about it, everything these days has a story. And each one includes an antagonist, protagonist, and a plot that is much like those of books and movies.
Morales (EBIA Upper School)
This taught me a lot of the background of the political. Some of the things that the video talked about taught me new things. How people mostly respond to fear, what the campaign is all about and how the voters react to every word a candidate says.
Austin C. (Florida)
I agree with you because theses candidates that are running create or tell their stories in order to allow people to relate to them easier and they want a reaction out of the audience, and for it to be a powerful message in order to get more votes.
Ailee (Florida)
I agree with you, the information in the video makes the way politicians campaign make sense. It's all one big story they are telling while using things we all fear to persuade us into voting for them.
alexi (mars)
it's like to show how to win an election
IJP (California)
After watching this video I would say that the message that I am going on and the emotions behind it are the we are being racialy divided and we are used to having two races "Black & White."
Shanelle White (Wekiva High School)
From the video that was provided, how do you get this was about race. I didn’t see that at all in the video. What I saw was how politicians manipulate, Americans by telling us a story that will make us elect them. “Maybe we should elect him because he’s one of us” or “Look at him and what he stands for why shouldn’t we vote for him” or “He’s going to help our children succeed let’s vote for him”. There has yet been one thing to lead, to it being about race, therefore I disagree with your assessment of the video. What was there was hard core facts about the manipulation, and the strategies they use to let us buy into them and their “story” so they can be elected.
Sean (Florida)
Seeing how this video is about the use of storytelling in presidential elections, I question how you got the idea that the country is being racially divided into blacks and whites. The emotions used in the storytelling influence fear, opportunity, hope, and threat, rather than the idea that racial segregation in the country exists.
Naomi Rogers (Wekiva high school)
The video talked nothing about race. It talked about the four filters of story telling and how good stories win.And how voters think very simply which is based who had a better story. Voters are persuaded by the stories that are being told to them.
J Edgar (World)
This video helps me understand why politicians do the things they do. This just goes to show that you can't trust anybody, especially in politics. I am looking forward to the next election, and hopefully America makes the right choice.
Gisele (Apopka, Fl)
I really agree with your comment. This short video really brings to light that in the end, politics is just about doing/saying what politicians can to interest people enough to convince the majority of their audience to believe in them or the story they’re selling. Once an election is just about who has the “better” story it no longer seems very honest/trustworthy which is rather disappointing when you remember these untrustworthy politicians make up our government. Nonetheless, I am also looking forward to the election, so far watching it unfold and get closer to the actual election day has been quite interesting.
Arian L. (Wekiva High School)
I agree that it can be hard to trust anyone in politics because it can be difficult to tell whether they're just trying to win or if they're being genuine. I also hope that America makes a genuine choice and that they're not just choosing out of fear.
Rachel Long (Wekiva High School)
I disagree with you that "you can't trust anybody, especially in politics" because not every politician, or person even, fabricates the truth and makes people believe one thing and then does not follow through with it. While the claims and stories told by presidential candidates may not be completely obtainable, most candidates that do become president push towards their promises and goals they set which i think is a great reason to trust most politicians.
I found it very amazing that campaigns at their core, are just the telling of a story, whether the story relates to fear or hope, it is always a storyline that truly grabs the attention of the public. George W. Bush was able to become president simply with a soft-spoken, folksy attitude, and a story that provoked fear, and a solution for the American people. People say that politics is confusing, and all about the facts and policy. But truly, what America subconsciously pays attention to in politics, is the story that is being woven.
Kelly A. (FL)
I agree with you, this video made politics seem a lot simpler in the fact that those campaigning just had to appeal to the public eye. Politics are truly all about stories and more importantly how that are presented to the audience.
Deja (Wekiva HS)
I agree with you, in the fact that most things that are brought to us politically truly grab our attentions, may it be true or false, we subconsciously choose a side we think has a better chance.
Shaniah W. (Apopka, Florida)
I completely agree with you on the fact the campaigns are just stories and that we are simple being fed what we were looking for. also the fact that we are looking for the best and most appealing story.
Alan De La O (Apopka)
In this video, all four storytelling techniques are used. Donald Trump uses fear and threat by saying that he is going to deport illegal immigrants out of the United States. He says that he wants to deport them, because they are criminals when they are really not. Another thing he has said was that he wanted to ban Muslims from entering the United States. All those insulting comments he said made people in America believe that immigrants and Muslims were criminals. That's why some people think that Donald Trump is the person they should vote for. Hillary Clinton gives Americans hope and opportunity by saying that she cares a lot for children's education. She says that she will reduce the costs on college for students. She also cares for refugees in other countries. Donald Trump insults woman by saying mean stuff to them. Hillary Clinton supports woman who work hard for their children.
Jasmine (Florida)
In order to win the presidential debate , you have to turn the citizens favor towards your side and , we learned that candidates do this through storytelling. There are four strategies to accomplish a great story , there's hope , fear . opportunity , and threat. Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump use these techniques in order to favor the people towards themselves. Hillary Clinton uses both hope and opportunity in her speeches and campaigns , she says that there will be more opportunities open for people no matter what their race is , like job wise they will be many more job opportunities. Whereas Trump uses threat and opportunity , as well, the threat being the illegal immigrants that are in the united states , so to stop this from happening he's building a wall to prevent people coming , this means there will be more opportunities
McKenna Pedretti (Galesville)
After watching this video, politics became much clearer to me. Despite how much I despise it, politics do center around lies and it is our job to determine what is the truth. I always knew that fear was a tactic to us in order to get elected, but I never realized our current politicians do it to us without the general public even realizing it. Overall I think this video took me by surprise. I knew many of the facts discussed in this video, but I never really took time to think about it.
Tran P. (Florida)
I agree with your statement because the politicians or candidates does seem to twist their stories into something more appealing to the voters. They use people emotion such as hope and fear to make them appear as the solution to the problems. I think this video did bring the idea of “storytelling” in presidential campaign to people's attention and it is important for voter to be careful with their decision.
Jasmine (Florida)
I completely agree at first I wasn't really one for politics , I was always lost ,but thanks to this video I am able to get some sort of understanding of how it works.
Jessica Brevil (Wekiva high, Apopka)
I agree with your statement about politics. The speaker states that many politicians use lies and then propose them as "truths". As american citizens we should think more thoroughly on things like politics that will have a huge impact on our country. We shouldn't be bias when thinking of whom to vote for. Our votes should not be impacted by a person's charisma or speech ability. We should always further research politicians' statements to break down the lies and truths that they are providing in their campaigns. In doing so we will not vote in an oblivious manner but with an attitude of positivity and trust in our own votes for the American future.
Minh-Anh Nguyen (Wekiva High School)
In the 2016 election video talks about how candidates use techniques to tell a story to gain voters.. The four storytelling technique they had use in the video are threat, opportunity, fear, and hope. For threat, Donald Trump had said the Mexicans had made the US the worst place to live in. The mexicans had felt a threat by Donald Trump. For hope, Hillary Clinton had cared about children getting a good education and also giving us positive thoughts in her speech. For opportunity, they are giving us time to choose which president will help us lead our country. For fear, when there are two candidates that are going against each other and one candidate is winning but the candidate that you choose is not winning so you have fear that the candidate you have picked is not going to win. They use storytelling techniques to lie to grab the citizens attention. When a candidate is telling a story you can always determine whether they lie or not.
bryan (apopka)
The purpose of this short film is to show how to win an election. The speaker stresses that a candidate must have an interesting and believable story if they want supporters. Candidates often make a story that puts the opposing candidate as an enemy and and make their self the hero. So when your making a story candidates often have to use the technique ''white lies'' which is when a candidate stretches the truth, for example when Trump said ''Clinton and Obama created Isis'' that was a stretch of the truth because Clinton and Obama obviously did not create Isis. Candidates also try to create fear, threat, hope, or opportunity for the voters.
Hayden M. (Florida)
The video that we watched talks about how candidates use stories to gain supporters. This applies to this years campaign because Hillary and Trump both use stories as support. Hillary has many ads on television that use fear to make people not want to vote for trump and in the video it was stated that "people respond to fear." Trump on the other hand uses hope to gain supporters. His campaign slogan is to "Make America Great Again," which makes people hope that he will accomplish that. He uses the story of immigrants to his advantage and gives people hope that getting rid of them will increase jobs. In the end, story telling creates a bond between a candidate and the people of America, and it seems to be that whatever story is better decides who is elected the president.
Sebastian Nieves (Wekiva High School, Apopka)
On the 2016 election, the aspects of storytelling I saw were present were threat, and hope. The threat related aspect I see on this 2016 election are that Donald Trump is trying to convince people to the idea that Mexicans are a problem to our country. Mr. Trump says that Mexicans are making our country a worst place to live. He uses phrases like “They bring in cryme, they’re rapists” to try to make people see the threat that the country is passing through. What Mr. Trump is going to do is “Build a wall” or make Mexicans to never come and get them out. What he refers to is trying to make the U.S. border more safe and more impossible to cross. Trump’s slogan is “Make America Great Again”, which is reffering that the United States is already having government problems. On the hope side, Hilary Clinton is trying to show positive messages through different actions she has made, like help provide millions of children with health care. She helps people understand her reasons to be a good president through all of her accomplishments. Also, Donald Trump is also trying to spread a message of hope. He believes that he can “make America great again” because he thinks that all danger, he will get it out and put a wall on it. The case is that, every candidate tries to spread messages of every aspect of storytelling, and attack themselves with them.
Emily Gardner (Wekiva High School)
The main idea presented in the film is to win an election the candidate must have a interesting story for the voters to follow. By story the speaker means some sort of problem or situation, that the villain (Other candidate) promotes or does nothing to solve, and the solution, which comes from the hero (the supporting candidate). This "story" makes voters intrigued to vote them by creating fear, hope, a threat, or opportunity for them. In which they can used "white lies' or stretched truth to tell. Which I highly agree with this statement, by pulling people's emotions it makes getting their vote much easier. However in a sense, for those who can not see past the truth of the matter, it is brainwashing the voters which I find to be wrong. But in an election even the dirtiest tricks can become fair if not caught.
Minh-Anh Nguyen (Wekiva High School)
I agree with you Emily because most candidates use “stories” to grab people's attention. The candidates uses the storytelling technique which are fear, hope, threat, and opportunity to integrate with them. When you mention “ But in election even the dirtiest tricks can become fair if not caught” I think it is true. I can relate this with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. With Donald Trump he is a villain because he is making up white lies and making promises that he is going to do later but not really do it. For example he mention that Mexicans had made the US the worst place to live in and many Mexicans were not happy with that statement. On the other hand, Hillary Clinton she is extending the truth and making promises that she is going to do later. For example she is helping children get better education and help parents get better insurance. I highly agree with you about villains being a liar.
Yeison Castaneda (Wekiva High School)
This film about "How to Win an Election" is an idea of how presidential candidates use some sort of technique to persuade their voters. As shown in the video, these techniques are known as "storytelling". Donald Trump uses fear and threat to persuade his voters. His viewpoints have to deal with ideas of being threatened and fearful in this country due to some aspects that happen. After people see his viewpoints. they start to believe the things he is talking about and they start to support him more often. Many voters notice the things that presidential candidates say and it has an affect on their vote. It is very likely that this technique to persuade voters will continue on in other elections.
bryan (apopka)
I agree with Yeison because candidates do have to use many different techniques to persuade the voters. I think using Trump as an example was a good idea because puts fear into the voters with his stories and he is making them believe him. I agree with you on the end note as well that this technique will most likely keep being used in the elections to come.
Kate Campopiano (Apopka)
This short film pushes the idea that having a believable and interesting story may influence the choices of voters in an election. With the 2016 election coming up in nearly a month, we have be able to see many of these storytelling skills be used in interviews and debates with the 2 candidates over the last year or so. We see the techniques of threat and fear being used by Donald Trump to gain support, for example he constantly goes on and on about immigration, refugees, terrorists, etc. to create this idea that they are a major threat to America. Once people start to believe that these are major threats, they start to fear that they are in danger and begin to give their support to Trump who they believe will be their hero. Hillary has been able to create hope and opportunity for people who are opposed to Trump. She works with those who are often ignored and creates hope for them.
Andrew O (Orlando, Fl)
I completely agree about how these themes are used in the election by both candidates to connect to voters and gain their support. Storytelling, as stated in the video, is very important to both candidacies, and I think the example you provided about Trump and his leverage of fear "about immigration, refugees, terrorists, etc," is a good, accurate analysis of many of the main points of his campaign. However, I think that both candidates use all of these themes, rather than one utilizing fear and threat, while the other utilizes hope and opportunity like you suggested, as they agree on several points connected to these themes, such as the necessity to boost the economy and create jobs (hope, opportunity) and the need to take actions against terrorists (fear, threat).
Stephanie Charles (Florida)
Storytelling in a campaign really does make or break the cases of the candidates, telling the story to their audience; as McKinnon has stated, it's important to hear/learn the story of the candidate and what that story has to offer for them to be president. "The first black president" Obama, "The first female president" Hillary, these stories have much to offer in their own respective campaign, however- the more respective one would go to Obama, as unfortunately- in the 2016 Election, despite the stories Hillary and Trump could tell, it's buried deep within all the fear and slander throughout the campaign, what with Trump's racist comments and Hillary's infamous email scandal, these two would use any kinds of methods to get themselves elected and focus more on what they can pander to( i.e. Trump with fear of foreign attacks, Hillary actually trying to play the female president story ) rather than what they can tell. Both try to be their Heroes of their own story, while trying to make the other look like the villains; by presenting a problem and a resolution to one anothers cases, creating hope in areas the other candidate couldn't think of covering. These aspects are what is going to sway the people and the voters in their endeavors to become president.
Stella Canfield (Florida)
To win a presidential election, you have to be persuasive. The goal is to persuade citizens to vote for you. One of the many ways these candidates persuade citizens is through storytelling. Throughout the past year, both Trump and Hilary have mastered this skill and put it to the test every debate or public speaking. There's four strategies used in the video including, threat, opportunity, hope, and fear. Trump uses the threat and opportunity in his storytelling. He does this by telling citizens the threat of illegal immigrants but explains that with building a wall there will be opportunities for more jobs. Clinton on the other hand, talks about the fear of not having enough jobs in America, and providing hope that she will create more. Each strategy is efficient in the presidential campaign, that is why both Trump and Hilary have followers that are loyal and supporting.
Brandon R. (Orlando, FL)
McKinnon, in the video, makes a good case for the storytelling aspect of the American political system, and how it has been used historically to help people be elected president. The main structure of the storytelling strategy involves a simple narrative story arch, with a villain, a resolution, and a hero to carry out that resolution. The use of threats and fear apparently appeals best to the American people, as McKinnon explains that it helped multiple presidents win the election under his advisory to their campaign, despite the American people generally not caring for that specific candidate's policies. McKinnon even said that he deserted John McCain's campaign in the general election, because he felt that Obama had a good narrative for the country, that anything was possible if we could have a black president. In the recent 2016 election, it is possible to see some of the bigger candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Hillary, though not always entirely apparent, has a narrative similar to Obama's; she aspires to be the first female president of the United States. Donald Trump's is more obvious, mostly in part to it being his campaign slogan. Trump poses the problem that America isn't what it used to be, he paints a picture that America is now overrun with terrorism, astronomically high taxes, and a severe lack of jobs, his solution to this is to "Make America Great Again" with his new policies as of being elected president.
Hayden M. (Florida)
I agree with what you have to say. Both candidates this year have completely different stories. One is using fear and the fact of being the first female president and the other is using the idea of hope and accomplishment of "making America great again." A presidential campaign in the end is decided mostly by the story that is given. Even though there may be more people that agree with Trump, Hillary's story may end up being the deciding factor because of her being the first female president.
Angel (Gutierrez)
I agree with your statement,after you made this point it makes sense that Hillary's story/narrative is being the first female president of the United States,while Donald Trump's is making America great again.Also the storytelling aspect used in political events attracts the citizens and influences which presidential candidate they vote for the election.Also showing the threats/opportunities and heros/villians.
Nathanie Doralus (Florida)
The current election displays many of these "strorytelling" techniques. Donald Trump, the republican nominee, uses threats and fear to persuade voters to follow him. He constantly speaks about the apparently numerous threats facing our country: illegal immigrants, refugees, terrorists, etc. The U.S. is the “victim” in this example. He has made the “villain” those very threats, but also the current leaders of the U.S. government, like Hillary Clinton, who he says can’t be trusted because she is another “crooked politician” who should be punished for her infamous email scandal. His resolution is obviously to win, and to further access to the U.S. for all foreigners by supposedly building a wall. He has invoked fear into many Americans, and used that fear to make them believe he will be their savior. Their hero that will ”Make America Great Again”. On the contrary, Hillary uses the exact opposite strategies: opportunity and hope. Her ideas and policies surround the common theme of being “stronger together”; that the lower and middle class need to receive more opportunities and the wealthy should contribute more to that. She also villainizes Trump, making her seem like the only hope for immigrants, refugees, and minorities in general for future freedom. Her attacks emphasize Trump’s past prejudice and disrespectful remarks about women and other minorities. Both presidential candidates this election year have created different narratives in order to win the vote and with job.
Ailee (Florida)
These “storytelling” techniques are used in the 2016 presidential election. For example ,Hillary Clinton uses strategies that are discussed in this video. One the biggest factors in her favor is the fear of Trump being president. She uses this to create hope in voters and gain supporters. Donald Trump uses the threat to opportunity strategy and claims that China is a fundamental threat to the U.S. economy and elaborating on his plan to resolve this (opportunity).
Chidima U. (Florida)
I agree with your comment, especially when you mentioned that Hillary is mentioning the fear of Trump being president. People fail to realize the strategies that both sides are using. they also fail to realize that they should look further into how these two candidates are handling problems because if they don't support what they will be doing then how are they even trustworthy.
Caleb Brown (Apopka, Fl.)
In the current presidential election, Donald Trump uses the strategy of threat to opportunity that was mentioned in the video by posing Isis (the threat) as the enemy and creating a plan to defeat them if he becomes president (the opportunity). Evidence of the use of the presidential campaign strategies is also seen in Hillary Clinton's campaign when she uses America's fear of losing jobs to create hope through introducing a plan to create more jobs.
Chidima U. (Florida)
This document helps us understand the importance of stories for the presidential election. Both candidates will usually use hope,fear, opportunity, and threats to help strengthen their argument. Mark McKinnon explains how during the time where Obama was running for president he dropped out because he knew that Obama was a great man and it would be a nice story for the first African American president. He also didn't want to be the person to say mean things about Obama when he knew that he didn't mean it. The 2016 campaign has many interesting stories to go along with it. Hillary Clinton would be our first female president and Donald Trump was said to not be anything special and he would surely fail. Each of them use fears to strengthen what they are trying to argue. Hillary Clinton constantly asks if Donald Trump is the man we want because he is said to be racist, sexist, homophobic, and more. Donald Trump states that Hillary Clinton was the one who created Isis with the help of Obama. They also explain the opportunities that will be given to people in the future. Trump ants to start more businesses and Clinton is fighting for every child's potential. She is giving hope to those children and Trump is giving jobs and hope to those he need jobs. One threat that they are facing is violence such as gun usage and Isis. If they find a solution for this it could really boost up hope for people.
Caleb Brown (Apopka, Fl.)
Although that the candidates are fighting against the distinct fear of gun violence and terrorism, what specific actions are they taking to introduce those hope and opportunity aspects? Other than that, the points you introduced are very interesting, and I agree with them.
Brendan G. (Florida)
I agree with what you are saying. If they could just stop focusing on making each other look bad and just focus on trying to get their own plans in order, this election might not seem as bad but all they are doing is mudslinging.
Stephanie Charles (Florida)
I also agree with you on your argument; this years campaign seems more about slander rather than just making the other "look bad" so to speak. I wish the two would come down from their out-of-this-world perspective to band to see the bigger picture.
Jenny.P (Orlando)
This document breaks down and tells us how the aspect of storytelling in presidential debates has always been here.The stories that these candidates often visualizes about is hope,opportunity, fear, and threats.Many candidates often go back and forth with each other telling stories about how they're going to stop threats giving us hope that we'll be safe again.Another thing candidates are known for is making inadequate promises,such as starting things to help those in need, or fixing states that has been damaged by a natural disaster. Lastly, the main thing candidates do in a presidential debate is tell stories on each other making themselves look better than the other party, in hope that we will cower away in fear and give our votes to them instead.
Phillilp (Wekiva HS)
In order to win an election a candidate must have a good story. The election also consist of hope,fear, threat,or opportunity. An example of a good story is, candidate Hillary Clinton story is being the first lady president is a convincing story for voters. On the other hand Candidates must also use fear as a way to easy down the story. A prime example of this is, Donald Trump,s theory on Hillary creating terrorist group “ISIS”. This theory is hit many voters heart and led them to believe this. Threat also known in the political world as” propaganda” is used to demote the other candidate. To illustrate, an advertisement that is all around social media about Donald Trump is him just calling out racial slurs and saying sexist things and the last thing they say is do you believe him. Lastly, Hope plays an important role on the influence of the voters decision. For instance Hillarys hope is reaching out to the children of america and this gives the parents of america a reason to vote for their child's future
Sebastian Nieves (Wekiva High School, Apopka)
I agree with your statements and way of thinking. Candidates are always trying to create a story so they can get the votes. On this 2016 election, the aspects I believe that are outstanding are fear and hope. As mentioned on your example, you said that Trump is saying and making people believe that Clinton is creating “ISIS”, and I believe he does it just to cause fear of the other candidate. Also, adding to your example on the social media, on some commercials on TV aslo show this type of content. They show some of Donald Trump’s words and interviews where Trump is being “racist” with mexicans. On the hope side, I have also seen some of Clinton’s campaing ads showing her doing some of her accomplishments and good actions. She is trying to spread a message of hope to their viewers and maybe try to get some more. But it is always going to be like that on every election. Everyone has a story to tell.
Trey (Florida, U.S)
The storytelling aspect of presidential debates have always been there. If you look at 2016 Presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton they have their story lines posted all over the world from hillary clinton instead of going for the money once graduating from yale went and helped find funding for disabled children, and donald trump being a kid from queens destined for failure became somebody and is now worth billions of dollars. These stories that the candidates portray are either about opportunity, hope,fear, or threats. One story that both of these candidates use is the threat of isis and how they will deal with them. Both Hillary and Trump go back and forth on how they will stop and destroy isis bringing the story of hope. They also bring the story of fear by putting fear in the voters by saying how bad the other candidate will be and what he/she will do to bring the country down. Finally they bring the story of opportunity by talking about how they will bring opportunities through jobs and tax breaks to the voters. All in all both of these candidates use valid stories to back their side up and they both use stories with opportunity, hope, fear, and threats to sway the voters.
Jenny.P (Orlando)
I agree with your explanation on how candidates tell stories to help sway the voters towards them.I also like how you broke down exactly what the candidates do to make their stories seem true.
Quanijah Christensen (Florida)
I agree with the specific examples about how each candidate references the four types of stories. The fearing of how bad life would be if they were to pick the other candidate and the opportunity of new jobs. Also, it is nice how you countered the threat of isis with the hope of them destroying isis. You included specific details and elaborated on each point rather than just stated them. Overall, very well written.
Quanijah Christensen (Florida)
I agree with each specific example of how candidates use the four aspects of storytelling. It was impressing how you countered the threat of isis with the hope of destroying isis. Also, it is very true that candidates inform voters of how bad life would be if they did vote the other candidate. They also always state that they will open up more job opportunities. Therefore, each point was very well elaborated on and overall, very well written.
Arianna (Wekiva High School)
This short documentary does a great job at clearly explaining the art of "storytelling" as a leading political strategist.This strategy has had many good results, considering many citizens get wrapped up in the story whether factual or fictional, therefore I believe many candidates will continue to use it to help win the election.This "storytelling" strategy can be seen in the 2016 election by Donald Trump.He uses fear and hope to persuade the citizens of the United States to vote for him.He uses the fear of the violence behind gun use and terrorist as the problem and different races as the enemy or villain.He uses hope of "Making America great again" to portray himself as the "Hero", and he proposes ideas such as building a wall around America as a solution.This is his "Story" that he is using to help him win the election,against his opponent Hillary Clinton.
Tran P. (Florida)
The film emphasize the importance of “storytelling” in presidential campaign which use fear, hope, opportunity and threat to compel voter to choose that candidate.They also present information that is easily to understand and remember using short slogan. The “storytelling” aspect of presidential campaign can be apply to the 2016 election because the candidate Donald Trump use the fear and threat factor of increasing terrorist and gun violence to persuade his audience to vote for him while using the hope factor that he can “make America great again” which portrait him as a hero. The candidate Hillary Clinton also use the threat factor of terrorist and the opportunity factor to convince the audience to vote for her to become the first female president which can be view as great progress toward an equal society, supported by her slogan “I’m with her”. The storytelling make each candidate appear to be the solution of the major threats or problems in today's society. People have to be careful with their choice and look at the facts not just the story in order to make the right decision.
Adreonnis Reyes (Florida)
The art of storytelling is amazing to me, even doing it on a global scale in an election could allow people to be so intrigued that they believe your words that conjure up feelings and then they are on your side. What surprised me was how easy the outline of winning an election is. All you need is a villain, a hero, and a resolution and what comes from that is the hope and opportunity the audience (voters) wants. I like that his criteria for a story is threat, hope, opportunity, and fear. Additionally, the fact that the story strategist himself, Mark McKinnon could not go against Obama because he saw good in him is funny to me because it goes to say even the story teller himself has his own opinions and feelings and does what he seems to think is the right thing.
Arianna (Wekiva High School)
I agree with you and I also find it quite fascinating how people can get wrapped up into someone's words not necessarily actions and just join their side.I was also surprised at how simple they made winning the election sound, yet I guess it is hard to make sure you're always portrayed as the Hero in the story and not the Villain.For example, Donald Trump is constantly being portrayed as the Villain when pertaining to any race other than Caucasian, because he wants to "Make America Great Again" by sending citizens back and building walls.Makes me wonder how he is going to make himself look like the Hero again, going to be hard.
diana vargas (wekiva high school)
If you want to win the presidential campaign of 2016 you have to think of this four things first. Which are threat , opportunity, hope and fear. You have to threaten your opponents and making them have fear of you. You have to make the other opponents see you as a threat. By scaring your opponents they will now be to scared to confront you about anything and if they do you will probably have something better under your sleeve. You have to be fearless against your opponents. Now you have to make the people of the united states of america have hope in you. You mainly have to have hope in yourself too. If the people have hope in you , they will see that you are a good candidate to vote for. Last but not least , the people have to see that you will give them opportunities. What person wants to elect a president that won't give the people opportunities.
Ash Phan (Florida)
Most people don’t remember things by reciting or memorizing things repeatedly. They often remember things by referring other things they know to what they want to remember. In most cases, the things that make something memorable can be put into 3 factors: recognizable, seen everywhere (repetitiveness), and sometimes humorous in a notorious way. The 2016 election is an example of how things like the media and the internet have spread a large topic into something even larger than ever before. Donald Trump is notorious for his quote, “Make America Great Again.” If it weren’t for his often racist remarks and quotes, he wouldn’t be remembered as much as he is now. Hillary Clinton’s slogan is, “I’m With Her.” People may remember it, but it hasn’t had the same impact as Trump’s quote. The story of Trump and Clinton can easily be recalled by the internet and media’s stories of them. Everything that went viral goes viral because of the internet and media. The election between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney isn’t as memorable because of the lack of media and internet attention when compared to 2016’s election. A story, or in this case quote and internet or media attention, is very much needed for something to gain popularity and then become history everyone knows about.
Yanisha W (Orlando)
Everyone loves a good story. Not just little children, but adults as well. Most stories adults read would be about problems that's going on today or politics. Storytelling is a big thing, especially in politics. Not saying that politics sit there and write a comic book or something, but they’ll say and do anything to make it seem like they are the BEST candidate. Mark McKinnon believes that a great campaign story can get you really far in a debate. And i agree. Politicians either want to put hope or fear into our minds. Most go towards fear because people respond the most to fear. For example all of these videos about Trump and how he is just rude and disgusting, especially to women. That kind of story grabs woman's attention because it’s like it’s toward them and they feel targeted. Or the videos about how Clinton had some secret or hidden emails and how she has all these medical problems. No one wants an unhealthy president, that will make unhealthy decisions from a hospital bed. These stories are used to better each candidate's chance of winning but then again, it really decreases the amount of credibility and you see how low each candidate will go to get what they want.
Yeison Castaneda (Wekiva High School)
I agree with what you are saying. Most people see fear as a reason to be persuaded in picking the person that they believe would help keep them safe. Presidential candidates should focus on making themselves look good, but not in a way to make the other candidate look bad. They just make themselves look bad to when they publish their ideas. The voters should notice how these techniques work and find a way to have the best reason to support their candidate of their choice.
Alan De La O (Apopka)
I agree with you, because what you are saying is clearly represented in the video. Presidential candidates want to put fear, or hope on people's heads. Donald Trump uses fear by saying mean comments to women he does not like. He also says that immigrants and Muslims are criminals. Hillary Clinton brings hope by helping children who are refugees. People should get to know how the idea of storytelling works with every candidate. Presidential candidates should say things that works out for the nation. They should also not tell lies about other candidates, because that makes them look bad towards others.
Jacqueline (Apopka FL)
I agree with you, because it's true the presidential candidates want to put hope or fear in our minds. For example, Donald Trump says immigrants and Muslims are criminals and people are convinced Trump will be the better candidate to protect them. Also stories like Trump being being rude to women and Clinton deleting her thirty three thousand emails attracts the peoples attention as well as making themselves look bad. Although this gives the other candidate a better chance to win.
Deri Abner (Florida)
Stories intrigue people of all places, ages, and cultures. So, Mark McKinnon believing that a great ,“campaign story”, can get you a first place win to being president is no shocker at all. This is evident in his explanation on why he didn’t run against President Obama, since the story of ,“the first black president”, is one that he wouldn’t be able to top. Another headline campaign is the first leading democrat woman,to be nominated a presidential candidate,Hillary Clinton.She is going up against the leading republican candidate, Donald Trump. She has a story that some people in America would love to sell and buy but so does Trump, so it's up to political strategist like Mr.Mckinnon to create a NY Times bestseller that the american people can fall in love with. It's definitely agreeable that Mark is right about campaigns since he led George W. Bush to office.
Yanisha W (Orlando)
I totally agree with what you’re saying. Most elections are about what can bought and sold. Most of the time it doesn’t even matter if it’s true or not. People go towards what’s most interesting or like what was said in a class discussion, “who would you rather go have a drink with?”. McKinnon was most definitely thinking when he chose not to go against Obama because who wouldn’t love a story about the first African American President?
Brendan G. (Florida)
The one thing that stood out to me was the fact that he related campaigns to black and white movies. He gave situations a villain, a hero, and a meaning. Being able to find these things and have the campaign ads tell you a story that makes you want to vote for them should be the only thing that people who are trying to be elected for anything need to do
Melissa Pena (Apopka)
That's true. Out of all the ways to interpret "good" guys and "bad" guys, isn't it funny that they use old movies? It just goes to show that this form of "storytelling" has been going on for a long time.
Shekinah Harmon (Apopka, FL)
Storytelling impacts the presidential election the candidates all tell stories every past candidate and president has had one. I agree when he talked about the fear factor in campaigns because Trump uses those methods in todays election, I believe that people are afraid of what his next move will be. Trump uses different stories to appeal to certain people all over the united states. Hillary uses the children and education to appeal to the votes it's all apart of the story.
Nathanie Doralus (Florida)
I agree with you that Donald Trump uses the fear factor to sway voters to his side. You made a good point about him switching from story to story to appeal to certain people all over the U.S. Hilary using children and education to sway voters is an example of hope in my opinion. Children are the “future”, and people want to have hope that the future will be better than the present in many different ways like incomes, employment and crime. They both use different “stories” to so that the voters can find them interesting and trustworthy. Though their stories are quite different from each other, they still serve the purpose of persuading Americans to vote for them.
Hayden M. (Florida)
The political strategist that was telling his story explained that voters want "simple stuff." Yes, it's important to know what you're voting for but wouldn't it be easier if it was easy to relate to a candidate or if you experience sympathy for them or if they make you feel united and powerful? I completely agree with the strategy of using story telling to win campaigns. Even if a president has the best policies and ideas, what if they're boring, anti-social, socially awkward, or anything else like that? But on the other hand, you have an excited president who is happy to be in office and is happy to serve his people and is encouraging to the citizens of the United States. Even if the first president has better policies the second one still will be favored by the people of the United States simply because they can tell a better story in every situation. I don't think this is a bad thing easier, a president that can relate to his or her people may be a more capable president than the one with the more sensible ideas.
Stella Canfield (Florida)
I agree with you when you say that story telling makes the campaign more interesting, especially since it's something the public can understand easily. I do believe story telling is essential to persuading voters for both Trump and Hilary.
Zac (Florida)
I agree with the fact that campaigns need to be like storytelling. They need to catch your attention and be convincing, which is exactly how campaigns have to be. Also most campaigning people talk about their past with America and their future and how they are going to make it better. I believe that this film was well thought and the director of the film has a good point about how campaigning speeches and mindsets should include or be set upon.
Alexis Thomas (Florida)
Politics is all about entertainment now a days, so story telling plays a huge part in elections. Especially this year's election it is not only about telling stories about their life, or random stories, but also telling stories about other candidates as well. Some true, some false, some twisted just a little to be the truth and not to be the truth all at the same time. I say, if presidents have been telling stories all these years and still manage to win elections then its still going to continue throughout the years.
Deri Abner (Florida)
I don't agree that politics are all about entertaining, but I do understand how some people actions and comments can create drama and controversial topics. After all there are two sides in every election, but to say that its entertaining is an incorrect term ,because some of the things the republican candidate Trump says probably won't be taken as, "entertaining", to other countries and people.
Quanijah Christensen (Florida)
This video was very well thought out. I believe that storytelling has impacted presidential elections and will continue to do so. It impacted Obama's election is will surely impact the 2016 election. Most candidates tell stories int here campaigning. They mention stories of their past, present, and stories of where they see America after they are elected. This encourages voters positive thoughts on candidates because it helps them view the candidates as some what normal. if voters feel as if they can relate themselves to a candidate, they would most likely vote for them. Reason being the ingroup bias stating that people favor those similar to them.
Adreonnis Reyes (Florida)
Yes! So true i agree if voters feel that they can relate to a candidate they will most likely vote for them even though the candidates have a great amount of money who are running now. Who would want to vote for someone who acts stuck up and snobby while being rich when you are nearly as financially stable as them? They would not. However, I think that there could be a possibility of the strategies of winning a campaign to change. You never know, it could be one person in the long run who will have have that brilliant idea to switch up how to win an election. Things change but i do not think the way candidates express how they see America in the future will change because we need that clear and firm message for confirmation.
Melissa Pena (Apopka)
For some reason, this wasn't very surprising to me. It does make sense that they would use controversial topics and add them with some imagery and text in order to play on people's emotions. Makes me seriously doubt what is truth and what is "streched" truth.
Shekinah Harmon (Apopka, FL)
I agree it's makes you wonder if what their saying is the truth or a facade,
Phillilp (Wekiva HS)
This statement is true because the story's politicians say do encourage the voters to vote for them. Theses politicians can also stretch the truth for example the 2016 election Donald Trump stating that Hillary is the reason why" ISIS" is created today. When Donald Trump made this statement he complete stretched the story
Angela Moreno (apopka fl)
I agree although it was kind of surprising to see him so blatantly speak out and admit to the shameful techniques and strategies used i almost expected it, i always knew politics were a shady business but i never knew it was as manipulative and so openly okay with what they were doing and how they were accomplishing their goals of becoming president.