Do You Like Your Friends?

Sep 20, 2016 · 22 comments
Ethan Kirsch (Asheville Nc)
I like to think that I like my friends but sometimes i really hate some of them. Sometimes They just get on my nerves and do stuff that makes no sense to me. I get that we are all different people but sometimes they do stuff that i can't believe they would do. i think a true friend is someone you can turn to in a time of crisis and someone who can do they same. friends also make you laugh and make you feel comfortable around them. I am happy with my friends in general i just think it would be nice for me to make more friends especially people who dont have that many friends.
Ken m. (Washington)
sydney koos (Bingham)
I have had multiple best friends my whole life, but the people I would consider to be my best friends are the people in my group message. some of them are gone on missions and some are in college but I know that I could cont on them for anything and that they will always be there. We also are very good at staying in touch. The people in this group message are boys and girls.
Shayla (kent ohio)
Yes I honestly love my friends. I would consider all of the friends i have true because I keep my circle small.Yes I do believe that my friends feel the same way. We are all here for each other.
I am very happy with the friends I have. I just hope that when i get older and my friendships start to part we will still have one another's backs.
Gia B. (Kent, OH)
I don't just like my friends, I love my friends. If I didn't actually like my friends, I wouldn't call them my “friends”. I don't like to use the term “true friend” because there has been times where I though a person was a true friend, and was told by them that they were a true friend. But in the long run of growing up, things change, mind sets change, and people start to get distant or just don't like how you're living your life. I hope the feeling are neutral between my friends and I, or else that would make me feel like a clingy creep, but if they weren't, I probably would have gotten the hint a long time ago. If someone was a true friend, they would forgive you, look past your flaws, and let you life your life as you please, unless you're hurting yourself in the process.
Guadalupe.M Period: 5 (Anaheim)
When people ask me what is friend to you well i say a friend is someone you can count on when your at your weakest moments and your strong moments aw well because that's someone you know they will always be there. I have a lot friends i do but i love all my friends especially my close friends they are like family because we see each other like that because we get along so well. We have real friends and fake friends, the real friends are not so many.
I do agree with the journalist because not all of them are real only some are true friends. Many of my friends are metal is like hi and bye thing. I can honestly say I have 5 or 6 close friends.
“ Others point to a misunderstanding of the very notion of friendship in an age when “friend” is used as a verb, and social inclusion and exclusion are as easy as a swipe or a tap on a smartphone screen.” Study has shown that sometimes technology takes over your actually friend and a phone or tablet it's just object so why trade someone to something that it's not even there in the first place.
john (fresno)
i see friends as family and i respect that and them
Hafsa (Courbevoie)
I love my friends because for me it's friends like family. They have always been there for me in good and bad times. I have not many friends, but the little I have I can count on them.
Karli Mecham (Utah)
I completely agree with this. I have very few bestfriends, but I love them and know that they will always be here for me. They are seriously just like family.
Bel (Paris)
My definition of a friend is someone who you can depend on in every situation and is truly there for you when you need them.
I like my friends but there are 2 types of friends.
We have real friends and fake friends, the real friends are not so many.
I do agree with the journalist.
Jessie (Paris)
I like my friends but I agree when we say that the word "friend" has been deprived of meaning.
For example, because of facebook, we call everybody "friend" even when they are not.
Sometimes there is mistunderstanding between people because they think that you like them more than you really do. Anyway I don't have a lot friends because I think that qualitie is better than quantity and that why I really like friends I have !
sydney koos (Bingham)
I also agree with you Jessie. The word friend is definitely over used an over rated lately. everyone throws around that word like its nothing, when really best friend means a lot and it takes a lot for me to consider a person that.
Arman I. (Madera Ca.)
I like my friends, yes we get mad at each other...a lot but we sort things out and its like nothing ever happened. To me a friend is someone who sticks with you, even in the hardest times, someone who will stand right besides you and will get you free food from the snackbar. My point is, there will always be ups and downs but true friends will always be there when you need them.
Harley Potter (b)
I love my friends to death I have known many of the since kinder garden.I would call many of them true friends probably like 5 or 6 of them.I really do think the feelings are mutual.My definition of a friend is someone who will stck with you throught thick and thin.I do also belive that a friend is some one who makes time for you.I would miss my best friend.No not realy.I am happy with all my friendships.I do have hopes and goals like finding a friend I will keep forever.
Waiverly (Burlington, NC)
I like my friends but I wouldn't call them all true friends and they probably feel them same way about me. My definition of a friend is someone who you can depend on in every situation and is truly there for you when you need them. I do agree with the author. "Friends" that pressure you to do things that you don't want to do and who make you feel bad about yourself aren't really friends. Friends are not just the people you see five days a week at school. There are people who would think that and I'm okay with that because if they think that I'm happy for them. I'm happy with the two friendships I have now and I feel that is enough and I know that I can count on them for anything and that they won't about me behind my back or change my life for the worse. I just hope I keep these friendships throughout my lifetime.
Amy (Michigan)
In my case, the friends I feel closest to have other people they would consider better friends. The friends that depend on me are often people I don't particularly like spending lots of time with, but people I feel a responsibility to help simply because they care about me so much.

I was talking about this article just last week with a friend I hadn't seen in years. We were talking about the times we hadn't been in touch, and we had both felt hurt that the other had not gotten in contact during that time. She said in a later email, "if you want people to check in on you, you have to check in on them."

Overall, I'd say that even if the feelings of connection aren't mutual, the effort put in to the friendship should be. Those friends of mine who have other, closer friends? Even though I'm lower on the list, per se, they put in as much effort as I do toward the friendship and that's why it's lasted so long. Likewise, I've had friends who were more attached to me than I was to them, but they put in very little effort, so as much as I tried, the friendship fell apart.

I’d say I’m lucky to have the friends I do. It’s taken a while to get here and I’ve lost a lot of perceived friends along the way, but now I have a small, comfortable group of people who are okay with me calling them my closest friends, plus a larger network of acquaintances: people who like me and whom I like well enough, but without any expectations for long term contact.
Kitty (Toronto, Canada)
I'm very fortunate to be able to say that I have far more than the usual number of true friends. Most are people I have either been friends with directly since childhood or were part of my childhood community.

My 20's and early 30's meant forming and losing many transient friends. Then I was in a serious relationship for a number of years... then I became single again.

I'm now single and in my early 40's with no kids. I have had to make new friends to fill my social time (as my childhood ones are tied down with family responsibilities, work, etc.). There is a significant community of singles that are in their 30's and early 40's in my city who share my religious beliefs etc. Most of us are acquaintances who hang out to stave off loneliness. Some, more bitter people like to think that once any of us find "the one" we will run from this group and never look back. The truth is more complex (at least for me). I have a couple of true friends from this crowd (not as deeply connected as my childhood friends of course), and others who I like on a casual basis who I would likely stay in touch with should I ever marry.

So the answer here is yes, I like my friends, yes they are true friends, and also yes, there are some people who are "friends" I socialize with in a group setting who I don't like as much or even at all.
tdb (Berkeley, CA)
I wonder what the outcome of this study would be in more gregarious societies that the US which is very individualistic and competitive and where the meaning of "friends" has not been banalized so much by social media (i.e. Italy, Spain, Latin America, I think many Arab societies). Or maybe the problem lies in the distinction between "friends" (anyone) and "friendship" or marking the term "friend" with the qualifier "true friends" (versus the banalized sense of mostly anyone).Or maybe you should look at different ethnic groups or classes when designing your studies in the US.
Bob (Atlantic City)
Hi Ian,

A lot of people don't mind not having friends, but if you are truly sad about the kind of life you lead socially, it would help you a lot to try to mingle some more. Whether it's in a professional, educational or social setting, simply throwing yourself out there could be a big step. As proposed in the article, friends you make may not be on the same level in terms of emotional attachment to the relationship. However, something not discussed in the article, is that this isn't always a bad thing. In friendship groups, you may be closer to one person than another, but the setting of a friendship group is that every individual is "friends" with each other.
Dude Guy Man Broseph (Columbus, OH)
Being 23 now, I've been thinking about this a lot recently, what a friend really means. I think I have a few great friends that I made starting in 5th grade and we really spent a lot of time hanging out together when we joined the wrestling team together for several years up through high school (I quit junior year because I didn't enjoy going without food just to get pinned in all my matches at the JV level). Through college, we all stayed in touch once we came back from school breaks, but we all started becoming different. It's no longer HS life for anyone of us. Friends I've made in college have all seemed to be in passing and I never really got to become close with any of them. My roommates from last year were great to be around, but it seems like we're all going in different directions. Myself and other current classmates I'm friends with in my engineering major are all seniors now, and it's more of a "Let's Survive In One Piece" type of relationship until we all get jobs and start our lives. I like my co-workers but it's because I need to get paid and I'm sure they recognize it too.

I can't tell if it's my depression or reality, but either way I don't know if I really have "friends." And it sucks.
ZaNya D APE199 (NC)
Most of my friends that I did have, I wouldnt necessary say I like them. I have only one true friend and she has been here since the 6th grade. I am now in the 11th. To me the definition of friends is someone who is there for you through it all, someone who checks up on you and cares. We dont have to talk everyday but true friends will always be there for eachother. There is a few people that calls me a friend but I dont feel the same about them. I'm nice but I keep my circle small, I am happy with the one friend I have. If you dont lose friends then your'e not growing up, the real ones stick with you forever.
Ian Horner (North Carolina)
I have no friends, this article helped me realize how sad I am.