Donald Trump’s Deportation Nation

Sep 01, 2016 · 396 comments
old goat (US)
I detest Trump- everything about his candidacy, views, and fascist-wannabe positions are abhorrent. But I get almost as exercised about the so-called mainstream media that seeks to completely obscure the distinction between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigration. I married a woman from Asia who had waited patiently in the legal line for 12 (Twelve!) years before getting a legit green card. She wouldn't marry to get the legal permanent resident alien status. So, when the Times, the Globe, the Post and others lump all "anti-immigrant" or "immigrants" in the same bundle, it's infuriating. The people who should be angriest about the broken immigration system are those who did everything by the book, the law. The rest are 'cutting in line'.
Lois (MA)
The Editorial Board seems to recognize where Trump is coming from, calling him out for his demagoguery.

How, then, did The Times manage to post a Patrick Healy article last night that reads as though the Phoenix rally never happened? An article under Healy's byline, emphasizing Trump's cynical imitation of diplomacy, appears on the front page of my New England edition, under the headline MEXICAN LEADER DISPUTES TRUMP ON BORDER WALL." Phoenix isn't mentioned at all, even after the jump, or, so far as I can see, in any news article.

So there are at least two problems here: Was anyone paying attention to Trump's rantings and the associated wall-to-wall coverage last night? Certainly not closely enough to edit Healy's obviously pre-written article before posting it And why should I, a lifelong reader no longer living in New York, pay for a print edition that goes to press so far in advance that it fails to cover the top national story of the day?

None of which even addresses the central point: the existential fear Trump poses to our politics and to our way of life.
Arnold Offner (Newton, MA)
Trump's screaming about deporting people, and his madman allegations about Hillary Clinton evading justice and perhaps being deported, remind me of a Nazi gauleiter in the 1930's screaming about rounding up Jewish people and deporting them to death camps. When will the press and television pundit-weaklings speak the truth about Trump? When will they warn openly what he is: a neo-Nazi.
short end (Outlander, Flyover Country)
I think most NY Times commenters are too narrow-minded in their interpretation of events during a very short election cycle.
We'll elect a new president. That president will fall short of expectations....and life will go on.
There is an attempt by well-meaning, yet mis-guided and delusional, "experts" to control the development of the North American Trade Block in the 21st Century.
Free Trade....much like Free Beer, Free Love, Free Lunch, Free iPhones,,,,,has proven to be an obvious fraud.
The whole John Lennon thing of "imagine there are no borders" turns out to be basicly 1968 hippie nonsense about "free movement"...without regard to local societal laws. Yet we are now enduring a generation of politicians that earnestly believes in this happy horse-sht.
What we as practical minded americans are moving towards is an expansion of the Borders of OUR Society.......via the agreements made in NAFTA.
OK, John Lennon, stop warbling long enuf to pay attention here...........
The Border is not necessarily fixed at the current 1500 mile stretch from TX to CA......
Imagine a different Guatamala/Mexico(Guatamala refuses to join NAFTA)....its only 300 miles long.
This requires a adjustment not only in American attitudes ... but an adjustment in MEXICAN attitudes as well.
Hillary is not equipped to face the Future.
Johnson-Weld 2016.
(WIlliam Weld has served as US Ambassador to Mexcio)
short end (Outlander, Flyover Country)
ITs an election year. So I'll excuse the NY Times Editorial Board for writing extremely narrow-minded, hysterical critiques of current events.
The Editorial Board has abandonned "common sense' in the name of the lofty goal of "stop Trump".
Back to the real world.........
1. NAFTA began as a far=sighted Reagan Republican strategy to incorporate the entire North American Continent into a region of common interests. This would seem to make incredibly good common sense.
2. Then narrow-minded unionist, last century, status quo political arrangements got in the way.
Bush and Clinton each took a turn at sabotaging the NAFTA treaty. Absolutely no one wanted to enforce the commitments that MEXICO agreed to make....worse no one wanted to enforce the commitments the USA agreed to make.
3.for a brief period....MExico's economy AND USA's economy IMPROVED all due to the cross border trade...and of course the non-OPEC source of OIL...but the Auto Workers in Detroit were angry about losing their obsolete, inefficient, feather-bed, low quality jobs.
4. so Bush and Clinton saw the opportunity to serve their Chinese Lobbyist Pals......and sent all the jobs to China!.....thus did every worker in Mexico lose his job at exactly the same time the Auto Workers in Detroit ALSO lost their jobs anyway....and we were all conned into blaming NAFTA.
5. As both Trump and Pena are aware...the terms of NAFTA provide the solution to the real but sensationalized problem of "illegal immigration.
Peter P. Bernard (Detroit)
"...deportation force...? Sounds Hitlerian.

Will they dress in brown?
short end (Outlander, Flyover Country)
Mexico is not that hard to figure out.
It is a fairly modern, industrialized nation....that insists on preserving a medivel regimented roman catholic society. Mexico has carefully preserved all the layers of previous incarnations.....Olmecs to Aztecs to Catholic Spanish Conquistidors to Modern Non-religious PRI............
Contrary to Popular Mythology.....MExico is NOT an ancient nation. Mexico is a modern creation, that only began its existance 1821......after nearly 300 years of existance as Nueva Espana...the crown jewel of the Catholic Spanish Empire. And later that same year, 1821, local hildalgos and aspiriing generalisimos began conspiring to break off various pieces of the puzzle and form their own private fiefdoms.....Texas, California, Sonora, Republica del Rio Bravo(south of the Rio), Guatamala, Yucatan, etc, etc, etc
Only one emotional appeal makes "mexicanos" suddenly find a common interest and unite in the desire to sacrifice even their lives for Mythological Mexico.
"The Gringos are Coming!! The Gringos are Coming!! to Arms!! To Arms!!"
If not for the USA.....Mexico is content to grovel in mud while gold-robed priests and corrupt wealthy conquistodors grind them down under their bootheels.
Elizabeth (Roslyn, New York)
And......He's Back! Good to see you Donnie - We hardly knew ye these past few weeks! What with you being so "presidential" and nice and all.
And today we will be inundated with Trump surrogates telling us all how successful Trump was yesterday and how tough he is.
The fear, hate, division and fantasy of Trump world is not my America.
Ken (MT Vernon, NH)
The NYT has all their resources dedicated to writing anti-Trump articles today.

Is Hillary still alive?
marian (Philadelphia)
Advice to Ms. Conway- make sure you get your ALL your money upfront from Trump. Once he goes down in hideous defeat, you'll get stiffed just like all the other contractors he has cheated over the years.
Let's face it- you won't nearly be as marketable to anyone once this is over so charge a lot of money now- you'll need it.
Bill Sheehan (California)
What do you mean AZ immigration laws are "arrayed against Latino immigrants"?
Are they supposed to accommodate the illegal immigrants?
M (Nyc)
Does he understand the limits of power of a president? Does he understand NOTHING of what he proposes would be within his powers? Does he understand Congress makes law and SCOTUS determines if laws are constitutional?

Yes, I believe he kinda sorta does and does not care. His fan base, however, seems rabidly ready to hook their wagons to a dictator. What's scary is how close he is to pulling off this scam.
So Trump will be doing same as the Philippines president is doing with mass execution and no trials. I am now trying to imagine all these young KKK brown shirt Trump supporters being encouraged to run to round up people in the streets who don't look like them. A vote for Trump is a vote for the KKK.
Farrel (Zehr)
Doesn't have the resources to deport? Maybe he will self-fund.
Kayleigh73 (Raleigh)
Well. Trump seems to be winning at this point—the Times has FIVE front page articles about his flip-flopping on Mexican immigrants, including a video in which he states that Hillary Clinton should be locked up. Couldn't we stick with ONE advertisement for his idiocy and say something decent about Clinton. The more press this jerk gets, the more you're giving legitimacy and assistance to his campaign. We can get that "news" from Faux News; we need some balance here like reports about the sabe candidate.
Chico (Laconia, NH)
Last night Trump spoke of crackdown on visa's, does that include the illegal practices of the Trump Model Management?
His immigration plan seemed pretty reasonable to me!
rosa (ca)
Trump has ugly allies.

There's the Republican Party that pretended to want to stop him, but are his fondest supporters. He's a racist, but he's their racist!

There's the Breitbart crew: the neo-Nazis, the white power goons, more codetalkers who agree with the Republicans: he's a racist, but he's our racist!

There's the Three Stooges: Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, and Gov. LaPage of Maine, three of Trump's best friends. Like Trump they are overweight white bullies. Arpaio likes to dress men up in pink; Christie just vetoed the $15 minimum wage bill that was voted in; and LaPage has tossed his cookies, another racist, who now swears that he'll never speak to the press again. We should be so lucky.

In this nation there has never been such a crew, all of them, who, only last year were considered diseased parasites, who, this year are simply called Trump Supporters, totally legitimate.

That's how greatly that this nation has fallen in just one year.
What was creepy last year, this year is called the Backbone of the Conservatives.

This is how this nation is presented to the rest of the world and though half of the rest of the world is retching, there are those, like Duarte and his cold-blooded murders to get rid of 'those scum', who are hooting with joy.

I listened to Trump last night and all I heard was Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Jim Jones.

There's an ill wind blowing in this land.
You'll hear it once the hoots of joy die down.
T H Beyer (Toronto)
Where is save us from the evil, ridiculous cadre of Trump
and his Giuliani, Christie, Ailes, et al, coniving to sell to the weak of mind
a maniac named Trump.
Amy Ignatow (Philadelphia)
Way to use the word "strident" to describe a man! Warms the cockles of my heart.
KJ (Tennessee)
While we're on the topic of immigrants, where is Donald Trump's wife?

A while back he was parading her around and gushing the usual collection of adjectives about how great a first lady she will be. Then she embarrassed him and disappeared. Is she still in the doghouse, or is Trump looking for a new model?
LMJr (Sparta, NJ)
The Times leaves out the last part of Trump's speech that gets misquoted everywhere. He finished by saying:
"And some, I assume, are good people."
So what would you do with Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez
Phil A. (New York)
I have to say Trump sounds like the National Socialists in Germany in the 1930s. Just replace Jews with Mexicans or undocumented immigrants and it is basically the same dangerous rhetoric. Blame the immigrants for all the countries problems. Sounds just like Hitler blaming the Jews for all the problems.
Cheekos (South Florida)
I believe that the best analysis of TrumpSpeak was offered by NYC Police Commissioner Bill Bratton, on the day after Donald Trump proclaimed that he would be the "Law and Order President." When Bratton was asked for a comments, he simply asked: "What's his experience?"

Trump merely makes false promises which will never be followed-up with even a Plan, let alone any hope of ever being followed through. Remember his past comments: George Washington warned about the loss of Industrial Jobs in his Inaugural Address. Huh, the Industrial Revolution didn't even come to America until 1820. What was China and Mexico doing back then?

Obama and Hillary Clinton co-founded ISIS. Good trick! He was in the statehouse, in Springfield, in 2013, and she was in the U. S. Senate. Oh, and Trump suggests that WE should all study History.
Chris (Louisville)
Yes, Mr. Trump's rallies are inspiring. Hillary's by contrast are boring. Never believe anything Hillary says. Her speech writers are terrible although very politically correct.
Sue Mee (Hartford CT)
So much hysterical hyperbole from the Editors regarding a plan to enforce our current immigration laws that our current Potus flouts. Strong borders is not "nativist" or "anti-immigrant." It is a common sense approach that is written into our Constitution Article IV, Section IV. Why shouldn't we be taking care of our own first? If a Democrat had said this, the NYTimes would be gushing.
Hector (Bellflower)
All undocumented visitors in the US knew fully well when they entered that they could be caught and deported quickly, so why act like it is a crime against humanity to send them home?
David Koppett (San Jose, CA)
Trump's one and only campaign platform is racism, full stop.
Matt (Carson)
What's so wrong with a sovereign nation enforcing it's border?
I am voting for Trump! We need law and order in this country after Barry the Weedman trampled on the Constitution!
Howard Godnick (NYC)
"Mexico: 1, Trump: Lost"
With fanfare and bravado
He swooped through their sky
To mingle with the amigos
This orange-haired guy

For a year he has shouted
To the world, one and all
He was going to build it
His beautiful wall

Across our south border
On Twitter he'd twit
His wall would go up
And they'd pay for it

So Mano to Mano
The two did face off
But in this moment of glory
He could only turn his head and cough

Enrique stared him down
Grabbed him firmly by his balls
"Go back across the border
"And we're not paying for any walls"

"You said we are rapists
"You said we're not friends
"Don't exploit my dear country
"To achieve your evil ends"

So Donald turned meekly
With his ego just tossed
Because south of the border
Mexico 1, Trump lost
Laird Middleton (Colorado)
Trump said there will be "appropriate disposition" of the rest of the illegal immigrants after getting rid of the criminal element. Sound like "the final solution" to anyone?
dEs JoHnson (Forest Hills)
A clue on Jeopardy yesterday gave me a clue on what to expect in the next two months: "what is swiftboat?"
C Hernandez (Los Angeles)
This man is such a two-faced scoundrel and should not be trusted. His visit to Mexico only reignited his harshness against the Mexican immigrant community. Pena Nieto was an absolute fool to let Trump set foot in Mexico. Trump came back and doubled down against immigration and continued to characterize the Mexican immigrants as ne'er do wells. The good news is that it served to show Trump's twisted, wretched character.
charlesbalpha (Atlanta)
How can Latinos be immigrants in Arizona? It is a Mexican state occupied by the US after an illegal war. We should return it to Mexico, and let its government decide how to treat the Anglos.
John LeBaron (MA)
It may be too easy to Mock Trump for his emptiness but it seems to be much harder to give him the attention he deserves, which is to say, none.
Deus02 (Toronto)
The new Trump head henchman, Steve Bannon stated, if nothing else, Trump's trip to Mexico and its aftermath, would dominate the headlines for at least 48 hrs. Well, looking at today's newspaper and other mainstream media, it sure looks like "mission accomplished". Once again, talk about non-discussion about the important issues and of course, free advertising for Trump.
FGPalace (Bostonia)
The angry display in Phoenix by the Orange Demagogue echoes the nativist anti-catholic vitriol of the Know-Nothing movement spawned in 19th century Massachusetts. By the time it spread through the Midwest, the South, and into California, its demonized targets were not just catholic immigrants, it now included slaves, Japanese, and Chinese laborers, regardless of immigration or citizenship status.

If the the Know-Nothings are considered the aftermath of the Whig Party collapse, then Trumpian nativism flourishes in the collapse of the GOP and its bankrupt agenda.

In 1855, Abraham Lincoln lamented in a letter to Joshua F. Speed:
“As a nation, we begin by declaring that ‘all men are created equal.’ We now practically read it ‘all men are created equal, except negroes.’ When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read ‘all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and catholics.’ [and now Mexicans, Muslims, and...]"

Freedom Furgle (WV)
Trump's speech was terrifying, but it was well laid out, well-given, and well-received. For the first time this election cycle, it occurred to me that he actually has a real chance to win this thing.
Get off your duffs, people! Fight back against Trump's nonsense. Tell people how Trump's economic message is a huge giveaway to the rich. Go to rightwing message boards and explain how the voucher system for schools will devastate education. Donate to Hillary. Do you wanna tell your grandkids you opposed Trump's failed candidacy with every tool at your disposal, or do you want to tell them you fought President Trump being elected by reading the comment section of the NY Times?
E. Armstrong (Canada)
Will Trump's deportation force be chartering Trump Air to ship undocumented aliens to their countries of origin? What's Trump's real agenda?
PRRH (Tucson, AZ)
Trump's speech last night scared me, but my fellow Arizonans scare me more than Trump. Yesterday the Maricopa County Republicans gave 84 yr old Joe Arpaio, 66% of their votes to run for a 7th term. Arizona is 49th in most ways that matter, yet folks here still blame the wrong people.
Pete (Maine)
We get it. He's off the wall. And his name appears a dozen times on the (digital) front page; Hilary's appears once. The marginalization of this man and his ilk has to begin with you.
AmericanValues (Charlotte, NC)
So for starters:
1) Why Trump never spoke about the employers of illegal immigrants?
2) Obama administration has been brutal on illegals so whats new? ICE has been largely successful.
3) So Romney and Trump are on par on this topic. Difference is self-deportation that Romney proposed.
4) Trump's campaign tip-toed on softening and guess what it was rubbish to begin with. How can we have a candidate so unpredictable and unreliable?
5) Why Trump denied deportation during couple of town halls and CNN interview?
6) Can someone ask Trump why he employed illegals while building his golf resorts/clubs?
7) How can GOP nominate such clown for highest and most serious/most powerful job in the world which is to lead USA? Can you imagine Trump being our POTUS? I wont blame Trump, his supporters must ask themselves: Is this what they wanted? If yes then GOP I know is already dead.
Phelan (New York)
When is the NYT going to print an article explaining how illegal immigration benefits all us racists and bigots who have the audacity to ask for some sort of southern border strategy? Will they ever tell us how much it costs to support them? Illegal immigrants don't die in the streets,they go to the ER.Does the NYT even acknowledge that there are tens of thousands of criminal illegals on our streets and in our prisons,please explain to the peasantry why one single person who is in the country illegally and has committed a felony should be allowed to stay under any circumstances.

Tell us how we're going to raise wages improve healthcare and education and allow the influx of unskilled,uneducated ''refugees'' to enter the country in unlimited numbers.The tens of thousands of single moms and unescorted minors flooding the southwest every month aren't going to do much for the economy for the foreseeable future.And finally NYT,20 years from now technology will replace most unskilled and semiskilled jobs and we will be living in a virtually cashless society eliminating the ''off the books'' economy,what do we then NYT?
ev (colorado)
That Donald Trump has made inroads with the electorate by scapegoating Mexican immigrants is not surprising -- That he visited Mexico to talk to the President, and basically said nothing, is a head scratcher. Does he think behaving like a weenie/ coward in front of Nieto looks presidential? Looks like he lied about having the wall discussion him. Is that the strong warrior that people want fighting for them? This guy is full of hot air.
Ken (MT Vernon, NH)
Heaven forbid.

Trump wants to have a working immigration system where the immigration laws are respected.

Suggesting that we start by deporting criminal aliens is described by the NYT as racist.

Hillary only seems interested in allowing everyone that has successfully violated our immigration laws to stay.

This issue alone may win Trump the election.
Len (Dutchess County)
As usual, the editorial board of the New York Times, prefers to engage in misinformation, character assassinations, and out and out lies to attempt propping up the democrat candidate. There is no analysis here, no attempt to get at the truth of anything. Pravda.
Ralphie (CT)
EB, you realize of course who is full of bombast -- you folks. Yeap, Trump stole a march on HRC as I suppose she was too busy preparing for her debate with the Donald (prepare all you want Hill, pick the right pantsuit, but Trump is still going to ask you hard questions about the various you know whats).

Truth is, Trump looked presidential and diplomatic when he met with the President of Mexico. And yes his speech in AZ was full of energy.

And guess what. Trump never painted Mexico as a nation of rapists. What he has said is that Mexico is not sending us their best and that there is a disproportionate number of criminals in the stream of people coming across our border. Anyone wish to dispute that?

What this column sounds like is desperation. Trump is closing in on HRC and HRC's corruption becomes -- as you pointed out yesterday -- more apparent by the day.

Knocking Trump for making a diplomatic move with Mexico -- and for identifying a critical problem that seems to have escaped most progressives. A porous border is a problem ad it needs to be fixed. He may not build a wall from south Texas to San Diego -- but how you protect the border is not the critical issues. But making sure it is sealed is important.
Trump supporters don't seem to see the inconsistencies in anything Trump says and does.

Scam artists might want to get a list of Trump supporters because you can probably sell these people just about any bit of malarkey or rip-off scheme. Ask Trump; he's an expert.
XaurreauX (New York, NY)
And by the way, the fact that Joe Arpaio has served as sheriff for six terms is just as sickening as the fact of Trump's being the Republican nominee.
Judyw (cumberland, MD)
The problem is our officials including the President, don't feel they have any obligation to uphold our laws.

In 1984.5 we passes a disgraceful law (Simpson/Mazzoli) act in which we agreed to give an amnesty to about 2 Millions illegal Aliens, and in exchange for the amnesty enforcement would take place, E-Verify would be installed etc. etc.

Well the only thing that happened was amnesty - the rest has been totally forgotten. Well We still want the enforcement and E-Verify we were promised in 1984. I have news for you, if we are so stupid as to pass another amnesty ( I dont care how many hoops they have to jump thru) we dont believe our government has the courage or the will to uphold and faithfully execute the laws of our nation.

They break so many laws it is not funny - in addition to illegally being present in the US, they work which they are not allowed to, they drive without licenses, and because we refuse to Deport them, they take up classroom space in schools, and the waiting room of hospitals.

The are Illegal aliens and forget the sob stories - deport them - I don't care if they have a family - the family can go back with them. I want employers punished for hiring them (nice big fat fines), And lets start exploring the correct avenue to end Birth Right Citizenship

As for Central Americans - just build a big refugee camp somewhere in Mexico for them and don't let them enter the US - PUSH THEM BACK
Nan Socolow (West Palm Beach, FL)
Trump is a force of nature - human nature - worse than a tornado or hurricane or flood or volcanic eruption. He's a climate-warming warning in one big bloviating package. A chimera of the dying Republican Party. He is a coin-toss with two heads. A Janus. An ill wind. A duplicitous and mendacious ill wind of a man.
manfred marcus (Bolivia)
At this point, crooked lying Trump will do anything to regain relevance; he must be desperate to secure his mob's support, and humiliating Méjico is one way but not the only sick adventure he deigns to do to convince he is the same vulgar bully, the same 'racist' and xenophobic guy they have known. He is unscrupulous in his ways, as irresponsible as ever, nastier than before though. He remains a dangerous clown however, and his defeat is not yet assured, a most unfortunate fact...for now.
allena (michigan)
I'm not seeing anyone talk about the most shocking and revolting concept that he introduced last night: the local police are "God" as far as rounding up undocumented immigrants.
Edie clark (Austin, Texas)
In Mexico, Trump managed to behave himself for what- 45 minutes, reading the nice words Guiliani and Christie wrote for him, and getting the photo op that was the real purpose of his trip. Kellyanne must be so proud. Then once in Phoenix, he went full red meat Breitbart, in a speech delivered with red-faced yelling, whipping up the frenzy of the crowd. This was a sad day for our country.
Robert Steen (Pittsboro, NC)
The NY Times is helping Trump's cause. He is front page, top fold news every day.

How about putting a serious article about one of many of Clinton's serious policy proposals or positions next to every article about a Trump political stunt designed only to get media attention. That would be "fair and balanced" in the true sense.
Peter J. Strauss (New York, New York)
Substitute the terms Catholics, Jews and Homosexuals for the words Illegal Immigrants and it would not be hard to think you were hearing the Trump audience in Phoenix last night (August 31) chanting "Zeig Heil" rather than "USA, USA
shesheshe (ca)
A noted Psychologist said this about Donald Trump: "He's a menace, an amoral clown, a mean, power-hungry bully---a horrible human being."
Susan Fitzwater (Ambler, PA)
Back in the day--when the Roman Empire was alive and kicking--the Emperor Claudius came before the Senate. With an idea. How about (he said) we let our old enemies, the Gauls, join your ranks and become senators? Pandemonium. Wasn't it enough (they said) we let them be citizens? Claudius had some thoughts on that subject. What else (he said) has MADE the Roman Empire great--except our policy of reaching out, embracing our old enemies--incorporating them into our Republic? We thrive (he said) huc transferendo quicquid egregium est--"scooping up talent, bringing it here." Why else (he continued) did certain other empires collapse? Because they HAD no such policy. Their policy was exclude! exclude! Ours (he said) is the opposite. We bring people in--we don't shut them out. You will find all this in Tacitus. Seems relevant, no?
A. Stanton (Dallas, TX)
“... a fanatic, rid of sense and devoid of conscience.”

H.L. Mencken writing about William Jennings Bryan in 1925.
Thomas Renner (New York City)
This is how Trump won the GOP primary, day in and day out news coverage for any and everything. Hillary, will you not learn from the past? Where are you???
Richard A. Petro (Connecticut)
Seems the "solution" to 11 million illegal aliens is easier if one merely "arrests" and "jails" or "fines" anyone employing illegal aliens.
Wait a second...we are talking WHITE people here; they need their crops picked, their lawns mowed and their hedges trimmed. Silly me.
dEs JoHnson (Forest Hills)
The Trump swithcheroo at the border is familiar to those of us who grew up in Ireland. Northern Ireland politicians excoriated the Republic as a matter of routine. Except that betimes, a northern pol liked to enjoy life in and around Dublin. Brian Faulkner was once prime minister of NI. A horsey Protestant he wouldn't miss the Dublin Horse Show for anything.

After a day of splendid luxury in Dublin 4, however, he made sure that his driver got him back across the border to a press conference just in time for the evening news. It got so that many of us could have written his remarks attacking the backward Republic and its weak leaders.

Trump is not in their league. But American voters are just as gullible as the Irish were for decades.
James Starr (Birmingham, Michigan)
The ignoramus got exactly what he wanted from yesterday's debacle:
Daniel A. Greenbum (New York, NY)
Why, then, does the Media give Trump such endless coverage?
Robert Cadigan (Norwich, VT)

The Boston Globe article included this quote:

“Just hours later, during his speech in Phoenix, Trump said the wall would be 'impenetrable, tall, powerful, beautiful' — equipped with 'above-and below-ground sensors, towers, aerial surveillance, and manpower.'”

Boston Globe 9/1/2016

Will it be built by George Lucas, Steven Spielberg or J. J. Abrams? Will George R. R. Martin consult? If you have read "Game of Thrones" it sounds like Mr Trump is planning a defense system to protect us from the undead. Perhaps he should adopt a new slogan: "Winter is coming."
William Case (Texas)
The Editorial Board asserts that “a President Trump wouldn’t have the resources to deport 11 million people,” but in 1954, President Eisenhower launched a roundup that removed more than one million unauthorized immigrants in just several months. The operation involved only 750 immigration and border patrol officers, a fraction of the force ICE and the Border Patrol could marshal today. Simply instructing the Justice Department to assist the Border Patrol and ICE rather than illegal immigrants would make a huge difference.
KenH (Indiana)
So when is Trump going to move his garment manufacturing to the U.S.?
Village Idiot (Sonoma)
Policy/shmolicy -- When it comes to temperament or qualifications for the presidency, who in their right mind would trust Trump to walk their dog or take out the garbage without getting lost?
Philboyd (Washington, DC)
I read this piece hoping to find what the New York Times editorial board believes is a solution to the immigration mess.

Perhaps I'd find, at least, a candid admission that we have an illegal immigration problem, or, if not, some logical, persuasive case that there is no harm inflicted on America to have 13 million mostly unskilled, disproportionately young male immigrants illegally inside our borders.

How foolish of me.

Trump may be an idiot whose wall is a xenophobe's fantasy. But the reason he is a viable voice in America is that the establishment, represented by the New York Times and others, has nothing to offer.

You won't even admit that illegal immigrants are straining our health care system, eroding our schools in many places, driving up our taxes through the use of social services like food stamps, and adding to our already appalling crime problem.

The door is only open to Trump because institutions like the New York Times, and the established political parties, are too paralyzed by the fear of being labeled as bigots to confront the illegal immigrant issue in any meaningful way. As long as your position on illegal immigration consists of ridiculing Donald Trump, you'll enable him to keep his following.
Aml (NYC)
Every time the media obsesses on the relatively trivial email mistakes of the one candidate worthy and highly qualified to be POTUS, the polls favoring the grotesque Trump shift in his favor. The people of the United States are poised to commit a great crime.
minh z (manhattan)
Enforce the law.

We wouldn't have this conversation and the hysterical babblings of the NYT Editorial pages, Op-Ed columnists, elites, globalists, Big Media and such if Obama had enforced the law. And Hillary would put American interests first when it comes to enforcing immigration law. And if the Republicans enforced E-verify.

Stop blaming DT for a large part of the American's public lack of patience on this issue. We want the laws obeyed and enforced. We want security. And we want our interests (that of American citizens) considered first when our politicians propose, create laws and enable, rather than hinder, enforcement.

It's that simple. Stop making it anything else than that. And DT is the ONLY candidate that talks any sense on this issue.
jacobi (Nevada)
"Mr. Trump has spent his entire campaign painting Mexico as a nation of rapists, drug smugglers"

That is a flat out lie, but I guess to be expected by the NYT whom makes it no secret that they are a biased propaganda outlet. It is true that some illegals are all of those including murderers and those are what Trump are referring to.
Rebecca Rabinowitz (.)
What do you mean, NYT, in stating that "By now we should all know better than to take what Mr. Trump says on any given Wednesday as somehow truer than what he said the...?" If your Editorial Board has only "now" just figured this out, the rest of us can only ask, "where have you been for the past 18 months?" Drumpf is incoherent 100% of the time, because a sociopathic, infantile narcissist and pathological liar cannot avoid that. Everything he spews is inconsistent, and he continues to skate away while lying about everything he spews, all video and print evidence to the contrary having no effect upon his lies, or, appallingly, upon his foaming, rabid supporters. The man is in this only to temporarily assuage his omnipresent black hole of emotional need, and to pad his bank account by conning even more international banks and crooks into filling Drumpf's personal coffers. Stop pretending he is a credible candidate - and call him out every time, instead of using vague platitudes and implying that he isn't really what he is: an unmitigated threat to the nation and to the world.
Aaron (Cambridge, Ma)
Again, the New York Times editorial board has nothing to say about the rule of law, which is at the heart of the immigration issue. They also seem upset the Donald Trump by talking to the Mexican president is working the problem, something that the democrats have failed to do. The democratic position on immigration is incoherent. So now they attach Trump.
Joe From Boston (Massachusetts)
Trump talks tough when it comes to illegal immigrants, and especially that they are taking jobs from Americans.

Trump Model Management is a Trump-owned company that brough foreign modles int the US under tourist visas and put them to work illegally, as reported by James West in Mother Jones on August 30, 2016.
Jean (Nebraska)
You say it is ridiculous but you are very much responsible. Trump has done harm to our country with his white supremist beliefs and hatred toward immigrants, and harm to our global relations by his discusting treatment of one of our allies to help himself win. This newspaper goes after Hillary when she has done nothing dishonest and while doing great good for our country both politically and through the mighty Clinton Foundation.

One would nevrer come to this conclusion reading your publication. Because of false equivalency or your lack of hard work and lack of journalistic judgement, you contribute to the problem. I worry for our country when I see how hard our good leaders have to work for us, not only by putting forth their proposals but having to counter the misinformation from the press.
grannychi (Grand Rapids, MI)
I served my countrymen and -women in the military. Donald Trump's beliefs are contrary to everything I have held sacred.
Connecticut Yankee (Connecticut)
Watching Trump's speech last night last night gave me chills. It reminded me of films I've seen of Hitler at Nuremberg -- his shouting and the screaming, applauding crowd. I hope this is not indicative of the rest of the country, or we're in deep trouble.
frostbitten (hartford, ct)
Trump's "deportation force" might be better named the "security and safety force" - S.S. for short. Perhaps his "poll monitors" would be the first batch of recruits.
NorthernVirginia (Falls Church, Va)
The most sensible thing to do is to immediately expel all illegal aliens from our country. It just makes good sense.
oxfdblue (Staten Island, NY)
The NY Times needs to be a lot more forceful in its coverage of Trump. You treat him too much as a serious candidate. He is not. He is a demagogue, a fascist, and a danger to the very existence of this nation.
I've read stories from the 1930s in the Times as Hitler rose to power, and then destroyed what freedoms existed in Germany. Back than, the Times was one of the few US papers to take Hitler to task for his actions.
Why can't you do the same, not just in editorials, but in articles, to Trump who present this nation with the same danger that Hitler did to Germany 75 years ago?
Ed (Oklahoma City)
I used to think highly of most NYC politicians, but Trump and Giuliani have greatly diminished my feelings. Is there lead in your water?
Tom J (Berwyn, IL)
He talks tough here, acts like a puppy dog over there, and somehow that's all consistent and right with his supporters. I guess the biggest victory for them is ticking off liberals and scaring brown children. Nut job. Loser -- I'm telling it "like it IS."
edmcohen (Newark, DE)
One has to admire the insidious cleverness of DJT in Mexico. He got a priceless presidential-appearing visual, and made a complete fool of his host.
One also has to call DJT's Arizona performance out for what it was: It was "The Jews are Germany's misfortune" 21st-Century style!
James (Long Island)
Why was'nt the Trump enabler McCain at the rally, cheering his candidate on.
nzierler (New Hartford)
Is there no limit to Trump's arrogance? Going after illegal immigrants as if they are the bane of our society is like closing down a restaurant because you don't like the busboys. What Trump is doing is the ultimate bullying tactic - attack the defenseless illegal immigrants (but not before you exploit them on your construction projects).
Djon Diesel (NYC)
TAKE AWAY : NYT supports 11 Million violations of US Rule of Law when it serves self-interests. QUERY ; Why stop there, let's have complete and total anarchy.
Douglas McNeill (Chesapeake, VA)
If we collectively lose our senses and elect Trump as our president, we may come to regret it mightily. As the nativist fever sweeps the nation, the only groups that may avoid its sting are the Iroquois, Senaca, Sioux, Apache, Mohawk, Blackfeet, Cherokee et al. who can truly claim to NOT be immigrants.

"First they came for the trade unionists and I did not object because I was not a trade unionist..."
John Smith (NY)
Why do you insinuate that Deportation is a negative policy when most law-abiding Americans call adherence to the US immigration laws a bedrock principle for keeping our country safe and secure. The open borders crowd of which the NY Times Editorial Board seem to be charter member are totally wrong on this, Just because America welcomes immigrants, the people from other countries need to respect our laws and apply LEGALLY, not skip the line by swimming across the Rio Grande. Shame on the NY Times for disrespecting our immigration laws.
Norm (Peoria, IL)
Most nations are "deportation nations", including Mexico.
Mazz (Brooklyn)
And what does the good senator John McCain have to say? The silence is deafening.
Dennis W. Weeter, PhD (Maryville, TN)
People need to read their history books. Read the pages that relate to 1933 Germany. The "deportation force" could be "brown shirts?" They will be the sirens in the night and knocking on your door because a neighbor saw a "Mexican" working on your lawn, or working on your roof. or placing concrete, and that neighbor called the FORCE. The FORCE may pick you up in the process. In 1933 Hitler used the Jewish people as the straw man for what was wrong in that country. TRUMP substitutes people from south of our border. The outcome is the same. We will have a group that we can HATE. What comes next? Folks, I am not paranoid. This man, TRUMP, is beginning to scare me.
Malcolm (NYC)
What struck me most about Trump's speech was the relentless demonization of illegal immigrants, and the constant implication that they are the ones responsible for all our nation's crimes and ills. This is ridiculously false, and it is also extraordinarily cruel, since our economy is largely propped up by our continuing exploitation of cheap immigrant labor. Thus these human beings are exploited AND demonized by the likes of Trump. The same vile stench engulfs Trump's speeches as saturated Hitler's invectives against the Jews.
Mary (NY)
Will the real Donald Trump stand up? Two things to worry about: why his supporters think that he is "real" and the way Trump manipulates the media so that an entire day is broadcast anticipating his travel and speech. That alone should be a clue as to his need for constant attention.
Kris (IN)
Trump's entire immigration plan is like a plan for his own self-destruction.

Melania Trump's immigration path has YUGE holes that still have not be clarified.

Documented proof that Trump models were brought in from other countries under false pretenses.

Countless numbers of illegal immigrants used by Trump on his construction projects.

Misrepresenting to the public of why he needs to ship in foreign workers to Florida to work for him.

I have no doubt that with a little digging, we'll find that Trump has employed housekeepers, nannies, gardeners who were illegal immigrants because he's that selfish and thinks the rules don't apply to him.
gregory hatton (eldred, ny)
I will be surprised if the unpopular president of Mexico survives his meeting with Trump. What could he possibly have hope to gain from it?
R.P. (Whitehouse, NJ)
I read the actual text of Trump's speech. Is the Times editorial board talking about a different speech than the one he gave? His speech seemed like a sober emphasis on important issues to me - and ones that, because of political correctness, we can usually never talk about. What is wrong with saying that illegal immigrants drive down wages? What is wrong with making the truthful point that sanctuary cities should not be able to violate federal immigration law? The most incredible thing is that progressives accuse Trump of fear-mongering, after they have spent the last year telling us that Trump was a Hitler or Mussolini.
John Quinn (Virginia Beach, VA)
I am not a supporter of Trump. However, I request that the NY Times editorial board publish an editorial before the election that explains, from the perspective of the board, why illegal immigration is good for the United States, and why illegal aliens should be allowed to remain in the United States. If the board can give examples of other countries that tolerate the rate of illegal immigration that the United States endures, please list those countries. It is time for the NY Times editorial board to openly support illegal immigration and the retention of illegal aliens.
Ludwig (New York)
Let us face it. Trump scored a coup and his opponents are going to have a hard time "interpreting" him so that he continues to look stupid.

The NYT has always used ambiguous language, using the term "immigrant" for both legal and illegal and pretended that any objection to illegal immigration amounted to a hatred of all immigrants.

As a legal immigrant, who had to work hard to get a green card and citizenship, I have always resented the NYT's attempts to brush all my work under the rug. I suspect Trump HAS read the constitution, but I certainly was required to learn it. A "literacy test" was imposed on me which Democrats OPPOSE being imposed in general as a requirement for voting.

Trump said something positive about Mexican Americans, people of Mexican origin who are actually citizens of the US.

It is important that he made that distinction between citizens and people here illegally. The latter may well deserve our compassion or even respect, but they do NOT have the rights of citizens.

You will continue to make the charge against Trump of racism, but it will look less plausible.
Kellyanne Conway as a spokesperson on the Sunday talk shows is a big improvement on Paul Manafort. She is a much more effective liar. When asked a question, she has the good grace to obfuscate, change the subject, and then recite a canned, prepared speech, by the end of which the listener has forgotten what the question was. Manafort on the other hand would try to answer the question directly and lie in a way that was obvious to any informed listener. The Donald, like Manafort, is a very bad liar and he even has “tells”—for example, he follows an outright lie with the phrase, “believe me.”
Sarah (Arlington, VA)
What a speech, and that one from the teleprompter to boot. It was written in a style for the language of a fifth grader - with my apologies to fifth graders.

It is hard for me to remember anything at all, except that the wall will be "beautiful" - maybe as beautiful as his gaudy penthouse - , and that those evil pinkos like Obama and his administration let millions upon millions of dangerous criminals run around loose being a danger to our security.

And then came the punchline, that the know-nothings terrible, terrible, terrible Obama considers climate change one the of greatest dangers of the planet. And the crowd went wild.
Li'l Lil (Houston)
Herr Trump shows his plan for his Gestapo to hunt down and throw out aliens. His hateful supporters cheer him on. Herr Trump speaks to people's fear and prejudice. The real issue is the drugs that come to American customers, like congressman and corporate types. Why was there no follow up to the report of the heroin/cocaine found on Mitch McConnells's Chinese in-laws yacht. Fox news cover up, perhaps. The war on drugs was ineffective from the getto, from Nancy Reagan's imperious command, Just Say No. Wow, impressive concern there. So Herr Trump does not know or acknowledge the issues, only mob mood. Immigrants take jobs is an outright lie. These are jobs Americans don't want; construction and manufacturing companies are working on ways to get legal status for immigrants so they can hire workers for the jobs Americans don't want. The GOP media, fox news, has brainwashed those couch potatoes who live in their own bubble and have long felt superior to immigrants and blacks. They have no facts, no critical thinking skills, and generations to come will curse them if the elect Herr Trump. Trump exports all his manufacturing, used undocumented immigrant models, including his wife. He is a dictator in designer suits. He stirs up hate and those who take the bait are not Christian in any sense of the word.
Jeffrey (Michigan)
Has anyone paused to consider the nonsensical absurdity of Trump's views, specifically regarding Mexico?

On the one hand, he has his acolytes convinced that NAFTA has destroyed American jobs because they've all moved to Mexico.

On the other, Mexicans, legal or not, have stolen all of our jobs here at home.

All of this against a background that features the lowest number of border crossings in over ten years, and an annual net migration of 20,000 people - negligible in a country of our size.

Where's the media on this?
David Meli (Clarence)
Put a rock in a velvet pillow case and hit your neighbor in the head. They will not tell you it is a soft rock.
Yes the immigration system is not functioning as it should, but Trumps dystopia is only an excuse and blame game.
Those people most uncomfortable in this society are lashing out looking for the culprit. Immigrants are the low hanging pinata, the easy target. Forget about an economic system that disproportionately rewards those with means and wealth, or the effects of technology and automation, or an infrastructure designed a century ago. Solutions to that require leadership and politicians who know what they are doing. It would require citizens to educate themselves about what the nation needs. Much easier to blame the illegals. Last night he paraded the exceptions as the rule. Let history predict the out come. The Russians blamed the Jews for their failing economy starting the Pogroms. The Turks blamed the Armenians. The Nazis... Nothing good came from any of those policies and each weakened its society.
To say the only people who can come are those with the means to afford it is to deny our own ancestors who came with few possession or money but dreams and ambition.
There was nothing American about that speech only hate
Here is Pink Floyd doing Trump's speech
ACB (Stamford)
His hate spewing and fear manufacturing is very contagious, as demonstrated by the cheering rabble. He needs to be cautioned or stopped. He is viewed by the rest of the world as a dangerous buffoon. He does not represent the majority of Americans or the Hispanic America becoming American. His "vision" of the brown shirts rounding up "people" illegal or otherwise is disgusting. We have surely learned not to do this, yes? after many previous mistakes, reds under the beds, Japanese internment camps. People, illegal or otherwise have universal civil rights. This is never mentioned. The media tries to rationalize his words and actions, parsing logic where there is not any New script writers cannot conceal his wicked and harmful vision of this country. He needs to be disowned. His speech is not "free", it is incendiary.
ChesBay (Maryland)
I think Trump was just there to grease the palm of Pena Nieto, to give him a high five. They are both of the dufus species, and will soon be out of the public eye-----we hope.
Ron Munkacsi (Sneads Ferry NC)
That rally in Phoenix sent some chills down my spine. I somewhat imagined Trump's voice a bit higher in pitch and the dialogue being in German. It was an exercise in American Facism and the hate was pouring out into his audience who looked angry and fanatical. That rally could have been shown in a split-screen with Nazi rallies from the 1930's. Why can't more people fathom the similarities? We cannot let history repeat itself, especially on our soil.
kwb (Cumming, GA)
For me this is an amusing piece. By mixing Trump with its pro-legalization stance, the editorial board gets positive comments from the regulars. These same regulars are anti-legalization in vast numbers on op-eds without Trump in the mix.
rosa (ca)
In 24 hours Trump has revealed himself to be:

1. A liar. ("They will pay for the wall.")
2. A hypocrite. ("They are our friend." "They are not our friend.")
3. Schizoid. (See #2.)
4. Having a lousy tailor. He looked fat, rumpled-dumpy and cheesy.

I watched the whole speech last night.
This morning I had to fight the urge to goose-step as I watered my daisies.

Seig HAIR!
Richard Heckmann (Bellingham MA 02019)
As I listened to Trump's divisive tirade, all I could think of were the parallels to the 3rd Reich. Hitler, the gestapo and frightened Jews. I don't want to live in a country that has turned to pitting one against the other, whether here or around the world.
I am awestruck that his followers have never heard of globalization. Have no idea he makes his products in foreign countries. Have no idea that he has borrowed $400 million from the bank of China. It comes out of both sides of his mouth. Let his con stay within his divided mouth.
TheraP (Midwest)
I feel we are reaching a breaking point. Or maybe it's just me - reaching a breaking point. On the one side we have rabid mobs inciting a rabid candidate to further incite them. Disgusting! Shameful! Horrifying! On the other side, I can only describe myself. Disgusted. Ashamed. Horrified. Deeply sad. Sorrowful. Sadness like death. Sorrow like a bottomless lake.

It is time to beg the third party candidates to throw their weight with the Democrats. Love of country alone should prompt their selfless assistance in defeating a dangerous bully and his mobs of whipped-up followers. Concern for the world, for the planet, is so important they should band together to fight for our common unity, peace, and a desperate desire that we emerge from this nightmare with a willingness to heal.

Please, let us stop the madness. Together!
Gary (Seattle)
The circus show of clowns coming out of a small car during the primaries continues. Only now one clown comes out but with a different face and costume. And this clown only shows mad faces and plays dirty dirty tricks on the audience...
Jtati (Richmond, Va.)
If you are suffering in this economy as many are, stop blaming immigrants. The deregulation planted in tax-cut bills and hidden as pork in hundreds of others broke down restrictions allowing "job creators" to save tons of money manufacturing overseas - mostly in Communist China - killing jobs here and flooding consumers with cheap, dangerous products. Codicils and pork in other bills eased restrictions that allow these same importers to bank their money overseas and avoid paying taxes. Few of you lost house painting and lettuce picking jobs.
There are upwards of 925,000 illegal immigrants already ignoring deportation orders. They have had their day in court and our legal system has determined that they are not eligible to remain in this country.
By not acting on those orders, issued through due process, our legal system becomes even more arbitrary, negotiable and corrupted by political opportunism.
Our those really our values now: legitimizing lawless opportunism for political expediency?
Sage (Santa Cruz)
Out of neighborliness, and seeking to lead by example, the adult next door invites the AWOL juvenile delinquent to a polite mature talk. The juvenile delinquent listens dutifully, is civil, shakes hands on departing, and then without batting an eye straightaway resumes, in a new and slicker variation, his past wanton mischief-making.

When is the New York Times going to finally wake up and realize that this is NOT a story about ideology, public policy choices, or endless microanalyses of personality traits and disorders?

It is a story about the morass into which a democracy -lazily overdependent on a corrupt two party system- falls, when one party establishment cravenly and mindlessly marches behind a long since proven-to-be untrustworthy power-hungry leader, mainly on the basis that that candidate is the most tunnel-visioned ambitious and well-connected, while the other party establishment with reckless idiocy turns itself into a Roman circus, only to profess dismayed surprise that unchained lions can actually main or kill spectators.
David R (Kent, CT)
Trump became the Republican's nomination for president not despite his 14-month-long continuous stream of ugly, rude racist and bigoted statements but because of them. Yet if there was anything to respect about him, it was that we were pretty certain we know what he thought and felt because he was constantly telling us--something quite rare in politics.

Now he expects us to replace in our minds the "rapists and thugs" comments he's been saying all this time with the "spectacular, spectacular people" comment he made yesterday.

I guess he has nothing to lose.
rudolf (new york)
America is in deep, deep trouble, no doubt about it. It is not Trump. So what he is a lunatic, there are so many of them in the world. It is his millions of followers; the millions of them here in the US created the strength for him to fly to Mexico and have his official meeting with President Nieto. They then made it possible for him to fly to Arizona and further deepen hatred here in the US and fear and confusion across the borders. Hitler was the same type of lunatic and because of that had his millions of followers - they created all the killings by cheering along and strengthening this insanity. If Trump is elected similar things will happen. And where is Obama or little hillary?
A. Stanton (Dallas, TX)
That speech last night was an awful blot on this country.

Mr. Trump and the present possessors of the Republican Party have injected a huge amount of social poison into this nation’s political circulatory system over the course of the past year. Getting rid of them is the necessary first step in putting this country on course to heal itself.
Will Trump issue an executive order to have the Statue of Liberty modified to replace the torch with an outstretched arm and wagging finger pointing away from the USA? The tablet in her hand rewritten with the NRA Constitution and an AR weapon hanging from her shoulder? Her large feet treading on the poor, the persecuted and the unfortunate?

At this point, if she could, would be covering her face in shame and embarrassment at what is going on in our political discourse and the mean spirited scapegoating of the people she represents.
Clark Landrum (Near the swamp.)
At his meeting with the Mexican President, Trump showed that he could maybe avoid passing gas during an audience with he Pope. Then, at his so-called speech on immigration policy, he reverted to his usual caustic blather about walls and deportation. He has neither the desire nor the capacity to act in a presidential manner.
J (New York, N.Y.)
What would happen to wages for citizens and legal
immigrants if 11 million individuals were removed
from the work force? I suspect they would rise
considerably as the least desirable jobs would be
bid up to attract legal labor. At some point a slicker politician will link illegal immigration with wages and
not hatred.
John Quixote (NY NY)
May Emma Lazarus remind us of the high road here because the cheering masses of hateful republicans on my television every day have made me grieve for an America that once welcomed free speech to inspire not to incite, to build roads not walls, to invest in schools not political action groups, to seek peace not violence, and to respect the golden rule as well as the golden door.

"Give me your tired,your poor
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Dave (Mich)
I will not vote for Trump. But, the issue of illegal immigration is legitimate. You can't ignore the law or enforcement of it and claim you will protect and defend the constitution and the laws of the United States. That is why this issue has propelled Trump so far. Being radical in enforcement of the law is seen not as bad. In the end when you hear Trump and digest his stupid idea of building a wall, giving rich people more money, and his truly white nationalist ideas, you must in the end conclude he is unstable, unprepared to truly lead. If elected He will be the instigator and national leaderof race bating. I can't live through the 60,s again. Really remember the 60's. The riots, the hate, the stupid war's.
Joe (White Plains)
America has always struggled between its darker side and its better angels. It has welcomed millions of immigrants, yet it is the same place where Leo Frank was lynched, where thousands of Klansmen marched openly through the streets of Washington D.C. and where we interned 120,000 Japanese Americans during World War II. Last night our darker side was on full display. There is a sickness haunting this country, the same sickness that contaminated Europe in the 1920s and 30s. This is fascism. It has finally come to America, and last night it came wrapped in five American flags all neatly starched and folded like cardboard.
ACJ (Chicago)
The level of ignorance of Trump and his followers is now becoming dangerous. He has given his followers the license to defame entire nationalities and religious groups. Comments I hear in public places, made right out in the open, questioning an individual's ability to speak English, or asking out loud, why they wear certain clothing, or asking to be seated next to a "real American." How does Paul Ryan, et. al. and those Trump spokespeople sleep a night. This man has no shame --- that makes him very dangerous.
DRS (New York, NY)
Oh, please. We can find the money from this bloated government to deport the illegals. It's really not that complicated and is quite feasible. Illegals have no respect for the law, by definition and all must go.
Bear (Valley Lee, Md)
Trump should look at his own heritage. He is German/Scottish and the influx of the immigrants from both countries was cause for great disturbances in the US.

Crime by European immigrants from all countries led to massive levels of violence... much more than most of the stuff (by population) that is happening now, and there was violence between the Germans, Italians and the Irish, based simply on their ethnicity.

And remember, all the immigrant had to do was show up at an immigration center with little advance warning.
andrew (new york)
Never in our lifetimes have we heard the kind of thuggish speechifying from a presidential candidate which is the essence of Trump's character and appeal. Last evening was one of the more ugly examples and the rousing response from a nit wit audience made it all the more appalling.
Sure, the country is, or has already turned against him. But what a scare he is giving us.
Eraven (NJ)
How did we come from Ellis island to building a wall on Border?
Can you imagine an actual 2000 mile long border between two supposedly friendly countries regardless of who pays for it? An actual wall?
Are Trump supporters serious.
It will be easy for me to count the number of racist in this country after the election. I will take the number that Trump gets
Ike Welch (Atlanta)
In going to Mexico, Donald Trump acting presidential or not will not save him. He will lose. He needs to look at the electoral college and see the impact of changing demographics. You cannot insult various demographic groups and expect them to vote for you. Human nature does not work like that. There is an alliance of about 40% white electorate and an overwhelming majority of various minority groups that will deny him the presidency.
I live in Arizona. I'm not sure what Donald Trump is talking about? Homes are being built by the thousands all over the valley. Businesses are hiring, unemployment is low. We had rain during the monsoon season. The sunrise and sunsets continue to amaze, the cactus bloom. Children go to school and adults go to work every day.

I lived through Vietnam, the Cold war, the war on poverty, the war on drugs, the war in Iraq twice, the war in Afghanistan, ISIS, etc., etc., etc. Things are as they have always been, opportunity is still available, death and destruction is still around, along with dysfunctional families and horrible poverty.

A war on our southern border seems extravagant even for our highly developed Military Industrial Complex. I'm against it.
Christian Miller (Saratoga, CA)
With a population of 320 million, the United States does not need any more people. The purpose of the U.S. government is to serve United States citizens. I favor a ban on all immigration.
blackmamba (IL)
I have a very modest two step proposal to resolve the immigration problem.

First, the United States will return to Mexico all of the Western and Southwestern states that America took from Mexico as the spoils of a imperialist colonial episode involving a bellicose American invasion and occupation of Mexico during the Mexican-American War.

Second, the United States will deport all of the American illegal drug addicts, illegal drug dealers, illegal drug financiers and illegal drug gun providers to the Czech and Slovak Republics and Slovenia along with Ivana and Melania Trump.

All of the Mexicans in one major part of America will be Mexican again. And the Americans will be illegal aliens. And the Mexican illegal drug murder and corruption problem is that there are too many American drug addicts, drug dealers and gun runners.
Steven (New York)
This editorial spews almost as much hatred as Donald Trump.

And the editorial board is trying to make the word "native" an evil word. Is there something wrong with being a native?

Sure, just open all the doors and let the whole world in! what could go wrong?
Aurace Rengifo (Miami Beach)
Peña Nieto reminds me of the groups of people that has been insulted and humiliated by Trump and still support him. His popularity is historically low.

Women, Muslims, blacks, latinos......

No wonder many Mexicans, including ex-Presidents, have voiced their outrage.
Virginia Witmer (Chicago)
After rereading this editorial, may I congratulate the editorial board of the Times for having come closer to writing the truth about Donald Trump in one space, than most in the media have had the courage or the intelligence to write or speak.
Don P (New Hampshire)
The Statue of Liberty weeps as Mr. Trump continues talking about his ludicrous Hitler-like and Stalin-like deportation and immigration proposals.

On November 8th voters need to show Mr. Trump that he doesn't talk or represent our America and send him packing!
Ceilidth (Boulder, CO)
It's hard to take this editorial seriously when it runs next to David Malpass's nonsense on the American economy.
Paul Muller-Reed (Mass.)
Not one person in the media has picked up on his wink to his supporters -- if you are an "illegal" immigrant, you are automatically a criminal. Doesn't illegal mean crime? Therefore he is saying he will deport all 11 million to his supporters, but the media makes it sound like he has "softened." Why is this so hard to see?
Nicholas (Timisoara, Transylvania)
If only these white Americans who endorse Trump would see a short film with their own ancestors leaving the European shores who knows when and the struggles they faced, they would be more sympathetic with the new immigrants. But most Americans do not live with history, have little attention span and empathy and all too often they identify with the disproportionate power America projects; now they want to go to war and toot American "exceptionalism" but when the war goes badly they think that by building barriers they will resolve the problems they created in the first place; hollering "make America great again" will be yet another form of pounding their chests - a primitive behavior indeed.
Should their ancestors see what the descendants are doing, they would turn in their graves.
ibeetb (nj)
"He would, however, be able to make millions of immigrants miserable, and break up their families....."
Blacks were not immigrants but....the breaking up of families was something America did in horrible fashion to slaves. Guess he feels that worked so he will try again
CBRussell (Shelter Island,NY)
Donald J. running as ....he said last party affiliation..
He is NOT running for President of the USA...he is going to try to be ...
a dictator....a head of a police state...well...Hitler tried this...and devastated
so...I think it is about time...Editors you might try to write about real Republicans
now Libertarians ...who have no desire to be dictators but to be heard and
written about...I know the NYTimes is biased to Hillary Clinton...but this
country is a democracy...and you Editors are shutting out the Libertarians who
are really former Republican Governors...and so do not go the way of
Trump...and put the country on media ..lock down..write about the Libertarians
and give this nation a be open to discussion once more...not
shut them out ..just like Trump...take a good look in the NYTimes mirror..
do not call the kettle black when you are also of similar hue.
terry brady (new jersey)
Funny thing this Trump and it was remarkable that he was wearing a spray can full of "hair spray" while in Mexico. It was thick and his head resembled a full football helment. This was made move evident as he grew bored with Nieto's speech and would tilt his head down or especially when he needed to brace himself by grasping the lectern. Remarkably, he lied about who would pay for the wall by saying it was not discussed when he might have said I'm saving that discussion for later. Or, better, I came today to get agreement to renegotiate NAFTA and boarder cooperation.
Suzanne (Jupiter, FL)
Donald J. Trump barely human and never humane.
A racist White Nationalist and Putin Sympathizer.
A "clear and present danger" to our nation and to the world. Full Stop.
Just despicable.
Steve (Louisville)
Yes, we should all know better than to take what Trump says seriously.

And yet - somehow - we keep doing it. You keep doing it. In fairness, the NY Times has been much more aggressive about puncturing this buffoonish balloon than almost anyone else. But the media (and by that I mean what we have left of what you might call the "responsible media") keep treating every Trump event as if it were going to be, at last, the Sermon on the Mount.

The coverage of both Trump events was a series of gushes about how he read from notes (in Mexico) and "seemed presidential." When are we going to get past the ridiculous, amateurish idea of optics in this campaign?

Chuck Todd, who has become an embarrassment to NBC, said, between speeches in his all Trump all the time "reporting," that look how Trump has managed to control the spotlight, even as he - Todd himself - continued to operate the spotlight.

Todd said that Hillary Clinton was that very day giving an important policy speech, and, yet, "crickets." I guess that's smart political journalist speak for "no sound at all but the crickets." Who exactly was supposed to be talking about her speech but him and his brethren?

Bill Kristol said later in the evening that you had to give Trump some credit, he had reassured the undecideds - I guess by standing solemnly next to the president of Mexico and not raising his voice. My God, do we have such an uninformed, easily swayed electorate as all this??
Dadof2 (New Jersey)
Every time Trump's surrogates tell us that Donald Trump is going to give a "serious policy" speech I have to wonder how they can say it with a straight face, or if they are as deluded as the Jim Jones followers and have drunk the Kool-Aid.

All Trump's "serious policy" speech last night on immigration was, as the article's author points out, "empty words strung together and repeated". Trump merely repeated he's going to build an unbuildable wall, make Mexico pay for it (though Nieto, in his ONE tough step told Trump "No Way!"), and round up every illegal alien and ship'em out. What's new about that? That's the same absurd, unworkable, inhumane "plan" he's been spouting for well over a year.
He polished this up by repeating the false assertions (lies) that Hillary Clinton is a) a criminal (she's not), b) wants to drop ALL border restrictions (she doesn't) c) and isn't healthy--Why is NOBODY pointing out she endured 11 hours of the Benghazi hearing and Trump was complaining a 2 hour debate was too long when there were still half a dozen candidates on the stage?

But the most disturbing thing is that too many Americans are not discerning enough to realize that Trump has a 40+ year history as a selfish, self-serving con-man leaving a string of broken promises and damaged lives in his wake, with NO experience or realistic policy, and Hillary Clinton is perhaps the BEST prepared candidate the nation has ever seen?
Bruce (Chicago)
Everything in this editorial is true. But, as before, the biggest problem we face in America is not Donald Trump - it is the people who support him.

His biggest evil is that he has energized and emboldened his followers to double down on all the inaccurate, inappropriate, illogical and irrational things that they believe, and to make it once again acceptable to say them out loud, in public, and to want them as our public policy.
David Henry (Concord)
Hillary has been too complacent; she needs to answer all of Trump's aggressive absurdities with a forceful NO, this is not my America.

I reject Trump's stance: don't vote for me, and I'll punch you in the nose.

You,Trump, don't have the right to address OUR nation in this fashion. Take a hike.
jk (Jericho, Vermont)
I am reading the NYT while spending time in Germany. Reading about Donald Trump's nasty rants and raves in Phoenix , after he returned from Mexico, is llistening to echoes of Herr Hitler. Maybe Trump is channeling Der Furher? The "steady roars of cheers" brings back memories of the roars at the Nuremberg Rally. "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
Jonah (Los Gatos, CA.)
Trump or Nieto? From a diplomatic standpoint it is hard to determine who was the greater buffoon.
srwdm (Boston)
NYT writers, editors, and executive editor:

I note on the accompanying front page news analysis: "Trump resorts to political gymnastics on immigration".

I don't recall you ever using the phrase "political gymnastics" to refer to H Rodham Clinton's lurching and posturing during the primaries in response to the insurgency of Bernie Sanders. Instead, Sanders was treated blatantly unfairly.

And many of your progressive readers will never forget or forgive that blatant unfairness.
Stephen (Woodbridge, CT)
I am just waiting for Donald Trump to realize that it is impractical to deport all the immigrants that he would like to remove from the streets of the United States and to propose establishing detention centers which he would call "Trump Meadows". Perhaps this will be part of Trump's "Final Solution" to his perceived immigrant problem.
robust (GA)
A man of double mind - who can trust him? No one, No one, No one.
srwdm (Boston)
For those who've been around for some time in these United States:

There is indeed a cycle of amnesty and illegal immigration. And it keeps repeating over the decades.

Another round of amnesty, and then we're going to do something about the problem is what is always said. But nothing is done.
Will (New York, NY)
Yes, Mr. Trump is a phony. The world knows it. Even his supports realize it.

But does every article in the NYT have to be about Trump?

Every. Single. One.?
No matter what Trump does or says, Times will distort his words, denigrate and ridicule him. In holding G0P candidate up to mockery, paper also shows contempt for his supporters.Times no longer deserves the reputation of a fair , independent newspaper, but fulfills the function of a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party,and a cheerleader for HRC, whose long range plan, like that of 0bama's is to admit millions of immigrants--legally or not--in order to offer them full benefits and register them with them with the Democratic party."Petits blancs" and their supporters haven't got a chance!Submersion by numbers. Within a generation, G0P as the loyal opposition will cease to exist, and death knell is already sounding. US will be governed in the future by a single political party, as was Mexico for over 70 years. We r losing the fight to defend our system of values and our culture and everyone knows it.To defend one's Anglo Saxon antecedents and Christian religion has become an act of provocation for the p.c.crowd, including the Times.Paper symbolizes liberal intolerance of the "other,"and nowhere is this narrowmindedness illustrated more graphically than in its Comments section, where left wing submissions outnumber those from the right by 9-10 to 1. Sad, because this section should stand for openmindedness,but the contrary is true. If Trump were not a wasp,but a person of color, would he be treated so harshly by the liberal media, Times included?
soxared040713 (Crete, Illinois)
I'll never understand why Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto invited Donald Trump to his country. His people, by margins so overwhelmingly anti-Trump, were opposed to it. Nevertheless, the failing president abased himself in his own country--and embarrassed a proud nation--by standing for a what amounts to a photo op for his mortal enemy. And he said afterward that Trump lied.

Well, this is what we can expect from a Trump presidency. He told Mr. Peña Nieto one thing behind closed doors and the world something entirely different freed from the shackles of privacy and the glaring heat of an audience as devoid of intelligence and compassion as he is.

His immigration policies are not workable. He appealed to the basest sort of emotion--fear--that is identical to hate. Peña Nieto unwittingly gave The Donald the imprimatur of statesmanship with his invitation, and now he'll forever be known as the man who grasped Trump's slimy hand and besmirched his country's proud people and history with one graceless act.

As I listened to the Greek chorus before him, wildly cheering every stupid utterance, I couldn't help but wonder what and who we are. There are 20th century parallels to this rancid demagogue and how did Russia or Italy or Japan or Germany turn out for all that?
Native New Yorker (nyc)
Try this in your apartment building or home: Leave the door locked, strangers find a way through and decide to stay. You call the police and they chase the strangers away. However the strangers told others that it was easy to break into your house or climb the fence in the yard. Your not home much so it's easy for new strangers who heard about your house because the old strangers told them how easy it was, except for the police chasing them out. The new strangers arriving at your house are drug mules and hurt you so that you leave. They don't stay long and move on but you were hurt in your own home by those who broke in. Is this right?
SIva (Toronto)
Generally,talkers - this and that-do little and vice versa.
Thomas (Nyon, Switzerland)
So what's next? A visit to Ottawa, although I expect that the very reasonable Mr. Tread eat would decline.

I somehow doubt that Canada would be inclined to build a wall 8,891 kilometres (5,525 mi) long, however tempting that might be.

Perhaps Cuba? No wall necessary, although I'm not sure if Trump knows why this would be.

How about Russia? Probably the next closest ..., Oh wait, Putin wouldn't pay for a wall.
William Kaiser (New York)
After this (the 'Phoenix') the GOP leaders and party members must choose between Trump's dystopian painting of all opposing views (from the media or one's neighbor) as being uninformed and mass delusion, to the view in which decency and intellectual rigor prevails. For any republican to listen to this speech, and somehow defend it , mostly to themselves, is tantamount to going all in with a movement, that one cannot begin to imagine, where it ends up, in short, tantamount to committing to a cult.
Joe (Maryland)
Standing back from his immigration solutions, Trump's policies tell a broad story of protectionism. And, echoing JD Vance, that view places his supporters on the "chosen" side that, having not enjoyed entitled lives a believed deserved, they should have them under his banner. because his supporters are non-college educated whites, it's out with the Latinos, down with the Blacks, jail for the Elites, and censorship for the Media.

This is indeed how you get the powerless, who believe they are entitled it, to follow you: compartmentalize everyone else into "evil" groups.

But that's not the world. We're not clubs and gangs, or Patriots and White Rabbits. A wall isn't going to solve anything, just like in Berlin, and China. Rounding up people--millions--has never worked either, like in Germany. Stopping trade with the world, ceasing cooperation and relationship building, will alienate our friends, and empower Putin and China.

We someone with real solutions.
David (New York)
Use Trump to smash the Clinton machine.
Use Congress to limit and shape the Trump presidency.
Alex Travison (CA.)
The torch the Statue of Liberty holds , I thought, was a symbol of enlightenment. I was taught that, and have read that is what the torch represents From what I heard tonight, in Trumps speech,the torch is in danger of being blown out.
Alfred Yul (Dubai)
I am in shock about the Mexican President's lack of sound political judgment. I can now imagine him trembling in his pants whenever Trump beat his chest and barked about how cruel he was going to get with Mexico and Mexican immigrants in the U.S. How shameful is it that Mr. Nieto demonstrate such political cowardice?
Richard (Stateline, NV)
Dear NYT Editorial Board,

Get a life! Better yet get a candidate and a life! Hillary could have had a baby between her last press conference and today! Speaking of Today, Hillary too was invited to meet with the President of Mexico. Did you notice that she didn't go?

You did notice the cheers of agreement during today's speech. Have you noticed cheers like that at a Hillary rally? Have you noticed that many people at a Hillary rally?

You say Trump has no policy. How do you explain the fact that the border guards Union supports him and not Hillary?

You really do need to get a candidate!
Citixen (NYC)
Are you kidding, NYT? How could you mention Joe Arpaio and NOT mention that he was referred for criminal prosecution by an AZ judge 11 days ago? The man is in contempt as well as contemptible. Together with Guiliani, this is the 'law enforcement' community Trump identifies with. You even put a crack reporter on it:
Ian MacFarlane (Philadelphia PA)
Anyone who believes a word Mr Trump says is being played.
Steve (California)
Donald Trump is proposing a grotesque white nationalism that is at odds with everything America stands for. This election is a test of ourselves as a nation. Do we have the collective courage to turn away from the kind of hate that Trump represents?

Let me also add that every journalistwho has normalized these ugly sentiments, including many who write for this newspaper, should be ashamed. This is a time for objective truth, not feckless faux-balance. The two major candidates are not the same. Stop pretending that they are.
James DeVries (Pontoise, France)
"By the time I get to Phoenix," I'll have changed my mind and will thereupon say nearly the opposite of what I said in Mexcio, D. F. !


Who knows what I might come up with by the time I reach Albuquerque and Oklahoma?

Even I don't know! Who's counting?!
Erik (Gothenburg)
Well at least he managed to be in the media spotlight yet another news cycle. I think that is the core value of Mr Trump: total attention all the time no matter what. I do hope that doesn't give him an advantage in the election - but, alas, I'm not sure.
Michjas (Phoenix)
Whatever you want to say about Trump, it's clear that Clinton can't hold anybody's attention. I have never seen a candidate get less press this close to an election. She speaks every day but she can't get a headline. You can say that's good strategy and she's letting Trump hang himself., but that's not what's happening. The media just finds her uninteresting. This is the Presidency we're talking about. If nobody's listening, you have no effect on the race. If I were running her campaign, my first priority would be to make some of my own news. As it is, Trump will either win or lose this thing and Clinton will be pretty much a bystander.
David Henry (Concord)
Trump as president would be constantly unsettling, the nation never knowing what he would say or do from one hour to the next. A man of chronic impulses.

The GOP is responsible. Vote accordingly.
harry k (Monoe Twp, NJ)
My MY 6 negative stories on the front page re Trump.
Mind telling me where I find "Hillary Sent Classified E-Mails After Leaving State Department"

Your search - "Hillary Sent Classified E-Mails After Leaving State Deptartment" - did not match any documents.

Shame on you.

NY Times used to be a decent news organization - now it is just an arm of the DNC.
bob west (florida)
A recent posting showed Mrs Clinton raising oodles more campaign money then Trump, but the fawning over Trump by the media quickly burys the difference! The three cable channels couldn't find enough experts last evening , to cover his 'bloviation'. Enogh gas on all sides to fill a hot air balloon!
Randy L. (Brussels, Belgium)
It shows a very limited skill in thinking critically when all you can do is bash Trump, yet, have nothing to say about Clinton, good or bad.

Trump, at least, is trying to fix a problem. No cater to the problem.
John T (NY)
Seriously? What was Peña Nieto thinking?

Does he not know that Trump has built his entire political career on belittling Mexico and Mexicans?

Did he not get that memo? How could anyone be unaware of that?

And then he invites him to Mexico and rolls out the red carpet for him?

Has the whole world gone crazy?
David Lane (Tucson)
While Trump has taken Maricopa County's nativist obsession nationally. The founder of the minuteman militia, Chris Simcox is in jail for child molestation. Arpaio is treading water to stay out of jail. And the main sponsor of the famous anti-immigration bill, Russell Pearce has been recalled. Trump is in good company.
Jerry Frey (Columbus)
Peggy Noonan:

"I close with a story that I haven’t seen in the mainstream press. This week the Daily Caller’s Peter Hasson reported that recent Syrian refugees being resettled in Virginia, were sent to the state’s poorest communities. Data from the State Department showed that almost all Virginia’s refugees since October “have been placed in towns with lower incomes and higher poverty rates, hours away from the wealthy suburbs outside of Washington, D.C.” Of 121 refugees, 112 were placed in communities at least 100 miles from the nation’s capital. The suburban counties of Fairfax, Loudoun and Arlington—among the wealthiest in the nation, and home to high concentrations of those who create, and populate, government and the media—have received only nine refugees."

Publish this comment or refuse and prove your hypocrisy...
Annie Dooley (Georgia)
Trump has insulted the Mexican people in the most derogatory terms and promised to strong-arm its government into paying for the wall, yet their president welcomes him, treats him respectfully and stands with him as an equal on a stage for a joint press conference. What does this tell the American voter about Donald Trump? It tells us that he perhaps can bully foreign leaders just like he bullied those 16 other Republican primary candidates. Not that a Putin, an Assad or a Xi Jinping would be as easy to humble as the Mexican president, but it encourages voters to dream of an America that throws its weight around, goes where it wants to go, gets what it wants, and doesn't "make nice" when it comes to American interests. That's a very intoxicating fantasy.
PogoWasRight (florida)
It is unfortunate that so many Americans are confusing our immigration problems with the Trump candidacy. The problems will be with us long after Trump is gone and forgotten. We have been facing those problems for a long time and very little is done to solve them. Our do-nothing Congress attempts to lay the blame on the President - of either party - yet offers solutions of party-line rhetoric which seldom changes.
John Townsend (Mexico)
Trump says that the matter of who pays for the wall wasn't discussed.
It was. The Mexican president made that very clear. So now Trump's penchant for out and out lying has been taken offshore. Trump and his campaign have generated so many untruths that declared that in the 12 years since its founding, “we’ve never seen his match.” And that was before this year began. According to Politifact, 19% of Trump's claims are "pants on fire" lies (vs. 2% for Hillary) while a whopping 70% of his claims are mostly false or worse (vs. 27% for Hillary). You could fill a broadcast with the lies this con man has told just since the GOP convention.
Lily Quinones (Binghamton, NY)
Trump made easy...he is a con man who is also racist, xenophobic and narcissistic. He runs his con game 24/7 and he knows what to say depending on location, location, location. In Mexico City we have "diplomatic" Trump, in Phoenix we have nativist Trump. One con man for all his lovely base of followers to cherish forever more.
My only hope is that there are enough decent thinking people in this country to hand him a demoralizing defeat. He can then go back to Trump tower and plan his next con game probably using those deluded enough or racist enough to follow him down the next lane. Enough said.
Nelda (PA)
My guess is that his numbers will go up. What an astonishing unforced error from the president of Mexico. No wonder Trump calls him a friend! He allows Trump to look presidential on the world stage. Trump can say -- who cares whether we talked about who pays for the wall? This guy knows my position, and clearly Mexico feels it must act respectfully to a strong leader such as myself. If I were a Trump supporter, the deference shown by the Mexican president would confirm for me that this is a guy Mexico will listen to. Then he goes to Arizona and lays out a multi-point plan. Sure, there may be questions on how implementable it is, but he laid something out, hours after demonstrating that Mexico welcomes him. I thought his trip was a bad move yesterday. But sometimes the gambler wins the hand.
Kirk (MT)
This editorial is way to easy on this racist nationalist. He is representative of a class of people in this nation that constitute a growing and real danger. This needs to be shouted from the roof tops not labeled as 'shallow' talk.

It is obvious that his tight association with Shannon is a mutually feeding frenzy of self adulation. The only reason they brought Conway into the den of thieves is to play 'good cop, bad cop'. She seemed like an ethical person until the past week. Maybe she will do herself justice and resign before she is damaged goods.

Vote in November.
Joconde (NY)
It was an historic summit of the 2 politicians with the lowest approval ratings of their respective countries.

What Americans saw on display at the charade of a presidential news conference was why the Mexican president has the lowest approval rating of any president in his country in the last quarter of a century: Enrique Pena Nieto is a papier maché of a president, who thought standing next to the real life piñata of a candidate Donald Trump, would make him look better.

Both came across exactly as what they are, empty suits filled with naked ambition.
Terry Pierce (Florida)
A point not made so far in the coverage of Trump's hate rant on immigrants Wednesday night was his pledge to refashion this country's immigration quotas. He is proposing that only people of "merit" may apply. That is code for white people from a small group of European countries with certain financial clout. So much for "give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore ...." The slogan "make America great again" and the constant references to the good old days of the 1950s are not code however. Trump and his white nationalist followers really do want a country dominated by white Anglo-Saxon males, and they have been blunt about saying so. Sure, Trump is convinced to moderate his tone on occasion, but if anyone had doubts about racism and nationalism being the core of his political philosophy, then he erased such doubts last night for anyone listening. What does Trump mean when he says "we soon won't have a country anymore"? Trump is advocating a "progrom" and people of conscience should be very afraid. The shining city on a hill may be headed for very dark times, and I for one am appalled as well as terrified.
hawk (New England)
Trump simply did not say that. What he said was, thousands of illegals, many who are criminals are crossing the Mexican border, and that is a huge problem.

One of the things the Federal Government is good at is counting things. If one were to simply study the US census, and look closely at the demographic trend over the past 20 years, you would realize Trump is correct.

The level of population growth here in the US is unsustainable, and is a systemic change. The only thing he could be wrong about is how severe the impact will be upon our economy, healthcare, deficit, and all government spending. If left unchecked, the US population will exceed 345 million within 10 years.

And unfortunately for the NYT these new citizens will not be reading and commenting on their columns. Many of our major newspapers will become the Blockbuster Video of our daily newsfeed.
alan Brown (new york, NY)
The Chinese have observed, correctly, that one picture is worth a thousand words. The two images that may well represent a turning point in the campaign are the picture of the two principals shaking hands and the two standing at lecterns. The third picture was the one of who wasn't there; namely Hillary Clinton who has not submitted to a news conference since December. I also find it astonishing that the news media, of whom I expected little, chose to pick up on a semantic point, texted to them from the Clinton campaign, of whether if the Mexican President did, in fact, say Mexico would not pay for the wall and Trump did not respond that this was or was not a discussion. This undermines the images portrayed? I think not.
Truth (NYC)
I do I do not support Trump. But the fact is the current system makes little sense. It's illogical:

We spend billions on a force to keep illegal immigrants out. If we catch them crossing we lock them up and eventually deport them.

But, the many that slip through, of overstay a visa, if they manage to evade INS long enough, they live in a netherworld: undocumented. They're illegal technically, but we don't care anymore. Or not as much. The federal government still cares. But in many cities, there's a law that actually says don't support federal efforts at enforcing our national immigration laws. They're allowed to get drivers licenses in some states, are entitled to varying levels of aid.

Then, after a while, someone seriously floats the idea of amnesty.

It's a literally neurotic system. . if we want open borders, then let's have that and save billions in enforcement. The conflicting system we have now is unreasonable and I haven't heard anyone propose anything that makes sense.
Steve (Long Island)
Yesterdays event clearly demonstrated that Mr, Trump has the chops, indeed the gravitas, to navigate this nation through what has become an immigration crisis. While Mr. Trump was huddling with the Mexican President laying a foundation for a relationship based upon common interests. Mrs. Clinton predictably stayed home, avoided saying anything, and presumably was working on her responses to the latest Benghazi email dump to come. She knows what is in these emails because she ordered them scrubbed and I am sure she is shocked that the FBI forensic specialists were able to retrieve them. They will conclusively demonstrate what we already know, that she lied about Benghazi to the American people in the days following the terror attack and lied to Congress under oath. That Mr. Comey did not seek or a conduct a perjury investigation with the information he had is mind boggling. Trump's pivot yesterday showed he is ready for prime time. He confirmed the center piece of his foreign policy, to wit, to secure the nation at the borders and build the wall. Build it high. Build it strong. Deport those here illegally, but deport them compassionately. Consider exceptions if Congress passes immigration reform. These are the tenets that got him this far. These are the principles that will propel him to the White House. Big day for Trump while Mrs. Clinton slept.
jrny10011 (nyc)
This year's Willie Horton is immigrants. Under Bush/Cheney re-election, it was the gays. I vote democratic because they seem much more interested in governing--dealing with policy issues and tackling large concerns--environment, caring for the poor, healthcare, progressive taxation, ensuring the Supreme Court is fully staffed.

All Republicans seem to focus on is the bogeyman, the other, the fear mongering. It is dangerous, and unsettling that so many voters are attracted to it.
This is such a bad movie we are watching. Mel Brooks where are you when we need you to spoof our comical but deranged Greatest Presidential Pretender Trump and his frothing army of supporters, ready to takeover America one way or another and by any means necessary.

Scene 1: Trump grandstands and brags to cheering masses how he will personally deport and ban tens of millions of immigrants, Mexicans, and Muslims from OUR country. Trump promises to build a yuge Wall between us and Mexico that Mexico will pay for, because He, President Donald J. Trump, commands it. Crowd roars.

Scene 2: Trump flies into Mexico to meet with President Nieto, as part of his political circus to display his greatest diplomatic skills EVER. Trump brags to the press about what a great, cordial meeting they had; claims they did not talk about paying for the wall. The Mexican citizens are furious with Nieto for showing any respect for this most disrespectful ugly American Trump. Nieto says he told Trump Mexico does not pay for the Wall.

Scene 3: Trump flies to Phoenix, AZ to reinforce and gin up his racist rhetoric, fear, loathing, and bashing of immigrants to his potential army of armed-to-the-teeth vigilantes should he lose the election--"rigged system," "do what you need to do" guys (wink-wink)

If Mel Brooks had written such a comedy in the 1970s, it would have seemed too implausible. Welcome to real life America in 2016!

Next Trump will be promising 40 virgins to every guy who votes for him.
Chris (Berlin)
I certainly wished the United States were as welcoming to refugees as they seem to be to illegal immigrants.
The refugees are the victims of America's failed Middle East foreign policy, homeless now with no fault of their own, yet they are not welcome here. Even the Afghan translators that helped the American military don't seem to get the visas they were promised.
On the other hand you have economic migrants that clearly and willingly broke the law to come to the United States while others are patiently waiting their turn to legally immigrate to this country.
Where's the sympathy for the refugees and for those people obeying the law in their quest for the elusive American Dream ?
Veritas 128 (Wall, NJ)
It is pitiful how hard the Editorial Board is unconvincingly trying to prey on uninformed voters by engaging in prejudice to only report subjective negative angles and oftentimes false narratives on everything Trump has ever done, in the interest of propelling the candidate they already endorsed. In all the years Hillary has been in public office, there isn’t a single accomplishment that anyone can cite, only her failures. Add to this her long list of clearly illegal activities. Just because the Clintons seem to be able to avoid prosecution over and over by figuring out how to hide or destroy all the evidence, it doesn’t mean that they didn’t commit any of these crimes. Why won’t the New York Times devote even half as much time to investigating Hillary as they do to undermining Trump? Please don’t mistake my writing as support for Trump. It is embarrassing to realize that this country could do no better than these two horrific candidates, but at least do the job of a respectable newspaper and present both sides fairly. By the way, now that the FBI has found the first 30 Benghazi emails that she deleted, we how have absolute proof that she committed a crime. This is because she signed an affidavit under penalty of perjury attesting to the fact that she turned over all emails and other documents created during her tenure as Secretary of State. Will the corrupt Obama administration also turn its back on this irrefutable evidence?
Didier (Charleston, WV)
George Bernard Shaw said, "Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated." Such is the defining characteristic of Donald Trump and many of his supporters. There are "Doctors Without Borders" who serve those in medical need without borders. There are the International Red Cross, the United Nations, and other charitable organizations that serve other needs of our brothers and sisters irrespective of accident of birth or place of residence. There are exchange programs and foreign study programs that foster and reinforce our interconnectedness. Then, there are those cowards who want to sit behind walls and throw stones at their neighbors on the other side. Why? Because they are afraid! Donald Trump is a weak-kneed coward who talks a good game, but is a frightened little child who runs behind mommy's skirt when anyone stands up to him. For those of you who live in irrational fear of anyone different from you, your superhero is nothing but a child wearing a Halloween costume. A carnival barker behind a velvet curtain pretending that he is the Great Oz. I hate to break it to you folks, but we're not in Kansas anymore. It is a big world. Stop hiding from it.
William Lindsay (Woodstock Ct.)
It is far more difficult to spend time, energy, and resources to help pick someone up off the ground. It is much easier to just kick them or even push them back down into the dirt. This is the Trump way. The easy way. He shall not disturb his comfortable loft.
I dare say this is not the American way. We (and most people of this world) help each other. Altruistic behavior is innate. Sometimes we sacrifice a little to achieve success with altruism. Are we really a beacon of light that people are attracted to for a better life? Or do we just say that do make ourselves feel better? Help to lift someone up, that will truly make us feel better. And possibly, make us great again. (?)
Rudolf Dasher Blitzen (Florida)
We need to look ahead; we need to imagine the atrocities that will most certainly occur. Trump is already in the White House, Trump already issued the executive order based on which anyone, anywhere and everywhere in the United States is both authorized and encouraged to stop any person who looks Hispanic, conduct an arrest of that person and call the Deportation Enforcement Unit hotline. The Deportation Enforcement Unit enforcers promptly come and take the person that has been stopped to a processing center. After processing that individual it is determined that they have arrested a U.S. citizen, born in the U.S. who is of Hispanic ancestry. Now what? Or is Trump going to ask all U.S. citizens of Hispanic ancestry to wear an official armband to prevent to be stopped by a fellow U.S. citizen. Remember the armbands used in Nazi Germany? Most certainly the U.S. citizen of Hispanic ancestry that was subjected to the above-mentioned arrest and processing will sue all those involved and will most certainly win big money.
Rudolf Dasher Blitzen (Florida)
We need to look ahead; we need to imagine the atrocities that will most certainly occur. Trump is already in the White House, Trump already issued the executive order based on which anyone, anywhere and everywhere in the United States is both authorized and encouraged to stop any person who looks Hispanic, conduct an arrest of that person and call the Deportation Enforcement Unit hotline. One of such arrests is attempted, the person that has been stopped resists arrest, a fight ensues, guns are drawn and used, blood everywhere, individuals either badly hurt or dead. It is Noon time in Main Street in Trump’s America.
Michael (New York)
I too watched the speech last evening. As a person on the opposite political spectrum, it is important to stay apprised of what the "other" side is saying and what their policies could be. I would agree that Mr. Trump dies use hyperbole when talking about issues of national security. In giving the devil his due, there are giant gaps in our immigration system. We do have an issue with those convicted of crimes , some serious, that are not citizens. The confusion between Federal and local jurisdiction allows some to fall through the cracks and Court backlogs allows some back on the streets. What I often say, Mr. Trump has struck a chord with a large segment of our population. I do not see how we can pay for his plans especially with a Conservative/ Tea Party dominant Congress that wants no part of expanding Government. Ahh but they are in love with privatization.
Leon (America)
Donald Trump reached his level of boisterous incompetence the day he won the Republican Convention and the country is paying the consequences.
He has heard of problems, misinterprets them and proposes the wrong solutions. Then he changes the solution and errs again.
Now he knows or says that he knows that half of the 11 million illegal immigrants did not come through the Mexican border, but with a visa, like his wife, but he still wants to build a wall.
When in the US he says that he wants to bring back the jobs to the US then he goes to Mexico and while there probably repeating what President Peña Nieto told him says that he wants to stop the jobs from going to China and keep them jobs in the hemisphere, that is in the US, Mexico and Central America, thus validating the treaties with those to areas.
Frustrated for his inability to articulate intelligent and workable solutions he insults foe and friend, lies about what he said or was told, incites hate and drives the country further away from real solutions.
It is high time to stop wastin time and energy listening and discussing this this character and send him back to the TV studios where he can effectively perform.
Ken Camarro (Fairfield, CT)
This was an important speech that readers should really try to find and review since it told so much. There was a horror story setup of all of the people murdered by undocumented immigrants that was made to sound like an epidemic.

But there is a simple Trump Immigration Speech Takeaway.

For one it was targeted specifically at residents of Arizona and his already-agitated collected offenses base.

But the heart of the speech was that Trump doubled down on toughness and keeping the laws the same while strictly enforcing them. There would be no path to citizenship without exit and reentry even for the Dreamers whose country is the USA. The moms and dads have to go too.

In a nutshell it was a "demagogue's masterpiece."
RK (Long Island, NY)
How many times can the country go through this process of legalizing millions of illegal immigrants? Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 did just what is being talked about 30 year later, i.e., legalized some 4 million illegal immigrants who did not commit crimes, paid back taxes, etc. The bill also called for penalties for hiring illegal immigrants.

As a result of lax enforcement of its immigration laws, the country is again faced with the prospect of dealing with some 12 million illegal immigrants. That is what gave rise to a demagogue such as Trump who used the immigration issue to become the GOP nominee and well may succeed in using it again to become POTUS.

As you put it it is "almost too easy" to mock Trump for his solutions, but he is talking incessantly about a problem that resonates with a considerable number of voters even if his solutions are unworkable, need Congress's cooperation, etc.

Both parties are responsible for this fiasco. Business interests, in need of cheap labor, pay off the politicians to not only water down immigration laws but allow for importation of cheap labor via the H1B visa.

Mexican president was foolish in inviting Trump who villainized his people and his silence while Trump talked about the wall did nothing to diminish the demagogue.

Press is giving a free pass to Trump, Hillary is in hiding and Putin will do what he can to hurt her. A perfect storm is brewing to propel Trump into the White House. Thanks, everyone!
Harif2 (chicago)
While Hillary Clinton hunkers down under a nonstop barrage of email releases, avoiding press conferences while doing a desperate impression of Richard Nixon I am not a crook! Mr. Trump has come up with something completely revolutionary,a radical new concept, enforce the existing immigration laws.As for paying for the Wall, Illegal aliens send some $25 billion a year in remittances back to Mexico. Start taxing that and Mexico has paid for the wall in no time.Missing is what to do with the eleven million or whatever the real number is, existing illegal aliens, other than the criminal element that would be immediately sent out. No mass deportations in evidence despite media coverage.Trump said we should deal with that population after everyone felt the border was genuinely secure. He implied that could take a while. This the humane way to do it. Seal the border tight. Get rid of the unsavory. Then see what our country looks like. Everyone may feel generous at that point.
Lee Schacter (Guilford CT)
The great and wise of the Acela Corridor continue to live in the echo chamber of their outdated ideas and faulty memories. Trump may be wrong for president but he is right on immigration. Every country has the right to control its borders or it ceases to be a country. Every illegal immigrant is a criminal by definition - they have committed a crime by being in the US. Many decent citizens wince at the idea of rewarding individuals for criminal acts by allowing them to jump the line. Ronald Reagan's Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 legalized about 3.6 M. By failing to control our borders we are now faced with 11+ M. Mr. Trump's manner makes many wince. But what he says about illegal immigration makes sense.
Steve (Long Island)
Yesterdays event clearly demonstrated that Mr, Trump has the chops, indeed the gravitas, to navigate this nation through what has become an immigration crisis. While Mr. Trump was huddling with the Mexican President laying a foundation for a relationship based upon common interests. Mrs. Clinton predictably stayed home, avoided saying anything, and presumably was working on her responses to the latest Benghazi email dump to come. She knows what is in these emails because she ordered them scrubbed and I am sure she is shocked that the FBI forensic specialists were able to retrieve them. They will conclusively demonstrate what we already know, that she lied about Benghazi to the American people in the days following the terror attack and lied to Congress under oath. That Mr. Comey did not seek or a conduct a perjury investigation with the information he had is mind boggling. Trump's pivot yesterday showed he is ready for prime time. He confirmed the center piece of his foreign policy, to wit, to secure the nation at the borders and build the wall. Build it high. Build it strong. Deport those here illegally, but deport them compassionately. Consider exceptions if Congress passes immigration reform. These are the tenets that got him this far. These are the principles that will propel him to the White House. Big day for Trump while Mrs. Clinton slept.
AM (New Hampshire)
Trump's ignorance and absence of character or honesty are too immense to contemplate: they approach concepts of infinity and eternity.

So, I'll concentrate on one small item: the cost of the "beautiful wall." By the way, the wall wouldn't work, of course. Trump acknowledged that people with ladders could approach it from the south, but what would they do when they got to the top of this "high" wall? Oh, he acknowledged, yes, they might bring ropes along with them, to lower them down! It's just too comical. But, back to the cost.

Last night, Trump indicated that his "wall" would also go "underground" (to prevent tunneling), either literally or by some type of a "sensor" system. Imagine! A 2,000 mile wall, high and strong, AND an underground barrier! We can't even afford to place our electric lines underground to protect against damage from weather, but we can build an "underground wall" to prevent what is now anyway a "net zero" influx of illegal immigration? And when Donald says "believe me, Mexico will pay for it," all I can think of is a silly tourist falling for an accomplished 3-card monte con man.

There are all the regular construction costs, also taking into account remote locations, private property issues, environmental concerns, transportation costs, etc. Mexico will "pay for it"?! Are we all idiots to fall for this nonsense? Trump supporters should get back to 2nd grade; they have been truant too long.
Joe From Boston (Massachusetts)
Trump said in his speech in Phoenix on August 31:
While there are many illegal immigrants in our country who are good people, this doesn’t change the fact that most illegal immigrants are lower-skilled workers with less education who compete directly against vulnerable American workers, and that these illegal workers draw much more out from the system than they will ever pay in.

Trump owns a company called Trump Model Management that has a history of hiring models that are in the US on tourist visas, which is a clear violation of US immigration law.

Two other former Trump models—who requested anonymity to speak freely about their experiences, and who we are giving the pseudonyms Anna and Kate—said the agency never obtained work visas on their behalf, even as they performed modeling assignments in the United States. (They provided photographs from some of these jobs, and Mother Jones confirmed with the photographers or stylists that these shoots occurred in the United States.)
Kate, who worked for Trump Model Management in 2004, siad "He doesn't want to let anyone into the US anymore," she said. "Meanwhile, behind everyone's back, he's bringing in all of these girls from all over the world and they're working illegally."
Trump doesn't need a massive deportation force to deport illegal aliens. We have resident alien cards that can be used as primary IDs. If police were to verify immigration status at traffic stops, hospitals at admission, or the DMV when renewing drivers licenses, then illegal aliens would be identified for deportation. Similarly, employers need to be incentivized through fines to use eVerify and existing immigration verification mechanisms.

If it were difficult to navigate daily life or have a job as an illegal alien, self deportation would happen. Legal immigrants would be able to sidestep much of the hassle with their resident alien cards; as citizens, we are all required to present ID many times a day going about out daily activities and somehow we survive.

Implementing policies like these would give political cover to implement a more robust guest worker program to reap the benefits of immigrant labor (especially seasonal labor), collect taxes, and protect said immigrants.
William Case (Texas)
The Editorial Board focuses its wrath on the Donald Trump’s proposal to turn the existing Border Fence into a Border Wall, but there is little difference between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on the border barrier issue. Hillary voted for the comprehensive immigration bill that, if passed, would have directed Homeland Security to implement a “Southern Border Fencing Strategy, adding 700 miles of fencing to the already existing Border Fence. After the bill failed, Hillary said “It is obvious there is no more defining issue in our nation today than stopping illegal immigration. The most basic obligation of any government is to secure the Nation's borders. One issue in which there appears to be a consensus between the Senate and the House is on the issue of building a secure fence. So rather than wait until comprehensive legislation is enacted, we should move forward on targeted legislation which is effective and meaningful. The legislation today provides over 700 miles of fencing within 18 months.” During her campaign, Hillary said "I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think you have to control your borders." Hillary’s Border Fence would serve exactly the same purpose as Donald’s Border Wall. So, it’s a funding issue, not a moral or philosophical divide.
Richard Green (San Francisco)
Last night Mr. Trump delivered the most un-american, if not anti-american speech I have ever heard from an American politician -- and make no mistake, despite his protestations, Trump has been a politician since the day he announced his candidacy. Or at least he plays a politician on television.

I heard a demagogue renounce American values. denigrate our elected government to an extent not heard in my lifetime. His denunciation of our government as a corrupt, un-constitutional, illegal, rigged system destroying America might have been translated from the German of a certain era.

He contends that the millions that he will deport will be treated humanely and with dignity is absurd on its face compared with the breathtaking scope of his fantastic deportation mechanism. perhaps he can have new uniforms designed (and no doubt manufactured in Mexico by the guys making Trump suits) for his deportation army. Something in black leather maybe. The proud wearers can stop people on the street whom they suspect to be illegal and aske very politely, "Sir, may I see your papers -- Please?"

The entire concept of his ideological entrance test is anathema to everything the Founders established in the Constitution. What's next, personal loyalty oaths to Trump?

If you listened carefully to Trump last night, and to the roars of approval for his outrageous "policies," perhaps you will reconsider the assertion that "It Can't Happen Here."
Patrick Moynihan (RI)
I I fully support the right to emigrate in order to find work and justice. This right is a derivative of the right to life. In simple terms, a person, especially a parent, needs to be able to find meaningful work and just society in which to live and/or raise their family. The Catholic Church is diligent in its support of this right. I am proud of this.

But, what struck me most about this column is its title--a reference to the "internal displaced people" we have locked up in this country. The Incarcerated Nation. And, who escalated that? Who sold that idea to the American people most recently? Bill Clinton, cheered on by his wife.

We certainly do not have much of a choice.
Ptooie (Boston)
But the right to ask to be admitted does not negate the sovereign rights of nations to choose those whom to admit. They should apply, and we should choose based on your noble standards, even if you decide to let 11,000,000 people in, it should be your choice, and you should not be overrun. Freedom requires that those who have freedom can exercise the power of freedom. US citizens have the right to control their destiny, which includes setting immigration policy based on a democratic process. Freedom. We are not free if anyone at any time can invade our house and ask to be a guest. There are 7,000,000,000 people on the earth, it is simply impractical to ask that we apply our Catholic faith to help them all. We cannot. It is our choice, however, and not theirs.
Objective Opinion (NYC)
No worries; Mr. Trump is not going to win the election, it's pretty certain at this point. He grandstanded for the last year or so, which is what he's done his whole life. This was a reality series for Donald - I believe in his wildest dreams, he never seriously thought he would be elected President of the United States. He's touched the nerves of millions of 'dissatisfied' Americans, who believe the current political parties have lost sight of what is best for America. The outcome of the election will be somewhat deflating; Hillary will have many challenging tasks to deal with over the next four years. Donald will soon become a fading 'political' memory; although I suspect his media aspirations are larger than ever. We haven't 'seen the last of him, but in the future, we can laugh at his statements and opinions, without worrying they will affect the outcome of our country.
Steve (Long Island)
Yesterdays event clearly demonstrated that Mr, Trump has the chops, indeed the gravitas, to navigate this nation through what has become an immigration crisis. While Mr. Trump was huddling with the Mexican President laying a foundation for a relationship based upon common interests. Mrs. Clinton predictably stayed home, avoided saying anything, and presumably was working on her responses to the latest Benghazi email dump to come. She knows what is in these emails because she ordered them scrubbed and I am sure she is shocked that the FBI forensic specialists were able to retrieve them. They will conclusively demonstrate what we already know, that she lied about Benghazi to the American people in the days following the terror attack and lied to Congress under oath. That Mr. Comey did not seek or a conduct a perjury investigation with the information he had is mind boggling. Trump's pivot yesterday showed he is ready for prime time. He confirmed the center piece of his foreign policy, to wit, to secure the nation at the borders and build the wall. Build it high. Build it strong. Deport those here illegally, but deport them compassionately. Consider exceptions if Congress passes immigration reform. These are the tenets that got him this far. These are the principles that will propel him to the White House. Big day for Trump while Mrs. Clinton slept.
Ptooie (Boston)
Would someone please explain why we should let people stay here who came here by sneaking in? If 11,000,000 people sneak in and are allowed to stay and become citizens, there will be no end to it. We have lost control of immigration and we might as well call it the United States of Mexico and America. A lot of Americans died over territory that we're now ceding to Mexicans. Surely we cannot deport 11,000,000 people, but there is no reason we need to make their lives here comfortable. If they make a foot fault or other wise come under scrutiny they should be sent home.

As for a wall, the Soviets, East Germans, North Koreans, Chinese, and Cubans did a fine job keeping people in for many years, it should be no harder to keep them out. If someone has a better idea than a wall, bring it on. To sit and admit failure is not an acceptable immigration policy.

There are thousands of miles of sound attenuation walls adjacent to highways in the US. We have plenty of wall building technology. As for manning it, even if it takes 30,000 people, we should take the money we're now handing to some portion of the 11,000,000 who snuck in, and use it to pay the guard's salaries.

Drugs? Surely some portion of the 11 million are using the same transportation networks that bring people to ferry drugs into the US. Mexico is the largest source of Heroin, and some of the illegals have created a distribution web in the US. Not all Mexicans are criminals, but in 11 mil, there are some
SpecialKinNJ (NJ)
Mr. Trump’s hollow proposals, and his relentless lies about the dangers that immigrants pose to the lives of “our American citizens.”

The Editors should be aware that Mr. Trump has focused primarily on the dangers that millions of illegal aliens pose, not only to the lives of American citizens but also—of greater ultimate importance--to the "American way of life"—a phenomenon that over the centuries, has given meaning to
e pluribus unum, that, today, is in the process of being replaced by ex uno plures.
SMB (Savannah)
Mr. Trump sounds more every day like a 20th-century fascist who will rule his regime through force and control. He "will" do this; he will "force" other nations to do that, etc.

This has nothing to do with democracy, nor is it reflecting any knowledge of American constitutional practices, laws and government traditions. He basically is throwing away decades and centuries of principles with all this. Go back to the Magna Carta for that matter.

Imposing his will and his commands on everyone else, regardless of who it will hurt, whether it is legal, and whether it can even be done is a fantasy. This is who the Mexican president met with. I doubt that he understood he was not dealing with a rational individual who would lie the minute he walked out the door onto the stage, and especially once he left the air space of Mexico. Republicans who were normal and decent people made the same mistake in the debates and their interactions with Trump. Trump is demented and not normal. He does not react in civilized or sane ways.

This election is no longer about Republican vs. Democratic policies: it is about democracy vs. fascism, and about sanity vs. lunacy. And yes, it is about law and order: but American and international laws and values, the agreements between nations that have resulted in peace and goodwill among allies for centuries, and it is against the anarchy of fascism and an individual's ignorance and delusions.
Allan AH (Corrales, New Mexico)
For well over a century, American business has richly profited from immigrant labor – documented and undocumented. This business sector has often, blatantly encouraged undocumented workers- put Mr. Trump in this category. So now we want to enter a new orderly, legal era of encouraging the flow of labor that the country obviously needs. Great! I’m all for it and perhaps the advent of more sophisticated cyber ID (not crazy walls) will make this possible – but it all begins with employers. Where are the Trumps when “punishment” for past practices is trumpeted ? The answer is: “knuckle raps” (maybe 2 raps since this is really serious) vs. tearing apart families who have lived lawfully and contributed to our nation for many years.
We need comprehensive reform that recognizes reality and also preserves the basic foundation of American decency.
Ule (Lexington, MA)
Let's step back and recognize first that the "problem" of migration across the US and Mexican border is not one of the nation's top priorities in reality anyway. There are issues, for sure. But as the centerpiece of a campaign, it's baloney. It's one of dozens of significant issues for national policy makers, and not close to the top of the list. Migrant workers add value to the economy, and they also pose a problem for law enforcement and social policy. But this over-the-top hyperventilating about it is unjustified.

It's a hot button issue for one demographic group, white males without college degrees who have to compete in fields such as construction or landscaping. That's why Trump is working them up and manipulating their emotions and perceptions. But it doesn't go to the essence of their real problem in the changing global economy. Without the propaganda, it would not probably be crossing a lot of their minds all that often.

Back in the day, working class white men used to support Democrats. God help the Republicans if the country somehow manages to provide education, training, jobs, and income for that group, and set things up so they have real improvement in their life circumstances. Hillary is bound to take a stab at that ... and the House Republicans are bound to fight her the whole way. What a mess.
I am an immigrant who came to this country as a student, abide by the law, and went through legal channel and many years of waiting before getting a green card and eventually citizenship to live the American dream. What I am about to say is not meant to be inflammatory but from the perspective of an immigrant.

Building a wall or deporting the millions of illegal migrants is but a distraction from the real issue we have at hand, that is, how do we deal with this massive population of illegal migrants in the country currently and prevent more from crossing the border illegally in the future?

Changing the semantics by calling them undocumented immigrants does not change the fact that immigration law had been broken by these illegal migrants. A pathway to citizenship is not going to solve the problem either but merely encouraging more to storm the border in anticipation of future rounds of granting pathway to citizenship.

It is perhaps cogent to look south and ask the question why and how the governments of Mexico and many of those in Central America failed their citizens and caused this massive exodus of human from their countries? We need to shine a light on these failed and corrupt governments and find disruptive political and economic solutions to end this tide of human traffic across our southern borders. No amount of sugarcoating and compassion will solve the current problem.
mancuroc (Rochester, NY)
When I saw the way Trump whipped up his audience in Arizona, the first thought that came to mind was "Nuremeberg rallies".
Margaret (Tulsa OK)
Yes, as I heard him shouting and repeating himself about criminal illegals, I was reminded of Hitler's ethnic cleansing. His drive to expel people from countries south of the border sounded like madness, since the cost is prohibitive and the social disruption would surely lead to violence. Hardworking Mexicans and their children in America must be living in dread fear of Trump's hateful "deportation" dream. He's diabolical or demented and his supporters are loathsome.
Welcome (Canada)
I had the same reaction.
HDNY (New York, N.Y.)
Don't believe the Trump who reads speeches written for him by Kellyanne Conway or other professional public relations persons.

The real Donald Trump is the man you see giving his own speeches, off the cuff, or posting on Twitter. That man spews hatred, mocks the disabled, denigrates women, war heroes, religious and ethnic minorities, and then winks and dog-whistles to the White Nationalist movement. Donald Trump lacks judgment and self control.

Many people have projected that Trump is a sociopath, and there is a good argument to be made about that. Whether true or not, the behavior he has exhibited over the last year, and for the course of his life, indicate that he should never be the President of the United States.
Aaron (Cambridge, Ma)
Trump hired by Kellyanne Conway.
Milliband (Medford Ma)
If Trump's supporters thinks it ridiculous to compare Trump to Mussolini then Trump should stop ranting like Mussolini like when he says stuff like all illegal immigrants will be cleared out of the country in one hour of him becoming President. Believe you? Don't think so. You lost me when your alleged posse found amazing things in Hawaii's Department of Vital Records.
[email protected] (wichita)
Musolini actually said that he would make Italy great again in a speech he gave standing next to a statue of a Roman emperor . I will show a clip to my class about the fascist support of excavations at Pompeii.
dEs JoHnson (Forest Hills)
Milliband: Mussolini, indeed. But we need to remember that Il Duce emerged before Der Führer. And Hitler acknowledged his debt to Mussolini. Point being that even a blusterer like il Duce can spawn evil.
KayJohnson (Colorado)
Yeah- Old Donald's Original Lie is still hanging around the GOP.
Breck (Agnes Water, Queensland)
As a US citizen who's lived in Australia for 15 years I've seen the power of fear of illegal immigrants here develop into harsh policies that have become widely tolerated by the population. The threats used to support the law and order argument here and by Trump are wildly exaggerated but the logic of 'a rule is a rule' is pretty air tight. Hillary and the rest of the caring community should openly embrace a Trump-Light (and call them that) range of policies that would increase enforcement of existing laws, drop the stupid wall, and embrace greater bonds with Mexico. A more humane and caring version of Trump's dark plans will undermine his appeal to borderline haters and be a big relief to all. Only love can trump Trump!
Donna (California)
Why does his verbal skills sound like they came from a Dr Seuss book-monosyllabic?
Rusty Inman (Columbia, South Carolina)
Someone needs to break it to The Great American Grifter that deporting undocumented persons does not require a "deportation force."

Mr. Trump could tell the business community that the onus for identifying undocumented persons will be on them if he is elected; i.e., if they are caught with undocumented personnel on the payroll, as has been the case with Trump's varied enterprises over the years, they will be subject to heavy fines for each person suchly employed and will lose those workers. And he should tell the business community that he is going to come after them with the same nasty intensity he seems to manifest when talking about the undocumented.

Without work, many undocumented persons would leave for home, where they could at least find low-paying jobs making The Donald's ties, shirts, etc.

Of course, The Grifter's friends would be unhappy, given that they would no longer have a cheap workforce with no standing to complain about anything. They would have documented workers entitled to any number of rights and privileges not available to those "without papers." Profit margins would plummet Many small businesses would become unsustainable.

This is the dirty little secret per Trump, corporate America and the undocumented: Hiring those "without papers" makes the P&L sheet more attractive. Which is why Trump is lying to his rabid base when he talks about "rounding them up" and "sending them back." He'd sooner "send the base away" than lose his cheap labor.
anne (Nice)
Tornadoes are hollow at the center, too, and they do a lot of damage.

Your last line described Mr. Trump to a tee. I hate to even imagine the damage to the US and worldwide he could wreak. I hope it's something we never have to watch unfold.
Ghulam (New York)
Trump has only two cards to play with: showmanship and bigotry. He is getting better at both. That should cause concern.
Thomas (Branford, Florida)
Watching Trump share a stage with President Nieto was telling. He was uncomfortable and uneasy. He was the bully child forced to comport himself out of his comfort zone. Donald Trump is doing the last thing he would expect. He is exposing himself as a failed , flawed, fraction of a man.
David Taylor (norcal)
The notion of illegal aliens "coming out of the shadows and paying back taxes" is ridiculous on its face.

Do you think the hundreds of thousands of businesses, and 10's of millions of parents, are going to stand idly by while their employees reveal the wages paid to them, and how those employers did not pay their share of the SSDI? And state worker's comp? And state unemployment insurance? The whole notion is a non-starter.

And, when people of low income, which many aliens are, start filing their taxes and claiming the EITC and child care credits, it's going to result in a net loss to treasury, guaranteed.

The notion of aliens paying back taxes is a foolish one. It won't work.
Ron Diego (San Francisco)
It is astonishing that Trump continues to poll 40%. Are there really that many people willing to vote for this bigot?
dEs JoHnson (Forest Hills)
Ron: Trump's support isn't just from a core of racists. Giuliani? Christie? The SCOTUS is a big prize, so is AG of the USA. So are all the various "jobs for the boys." For industry, it means little of no regulation, and for the people it means more bad air and bad water, but without recourse to the courts.
r.j. paquin (Norton Shores Michigan)
To answer your question; yes there are! And you will find them pounding the bible as well as those who pound back the booze. It is the little secret your neighbor will keep hidden, while saluting our flag. Problem is those salutes are beginning to look familiar to 1930's Germany.
Stuart (New York, NY)
Before I had the chance to say anything, "Highlights and Analysis" was changed to "Coverage and Analysis" on the front/home page A nuance, but an important one. This is not a horse race. But where is the headline that tells readers that Trump's so-called immigration policy is based on lies? Crimes in immigrant communities are down. Crimes in native-born American communities are up. Where is the headline that says Trump lies about immigrants and immigration?
dEs JoHnson (Forest Hills)
Stuart: a comedy on Irish TV years ago spoofed a sports program. Highlights, followed by Lowlights, then Lowlights of the Highlights and Highlights of the Lowlights...
jmc (Stamford)
The Trump speech structure me as racist and fascist.

Apart from that, it was also almost entirely counter factual. It was in essence little more than 1:14 of stringing together lies and occasionally insults, taunts and a reach for the bottom of the Republican cesspool.
Trump should be soundly thrashed.

He should release his tax Returns, announce his plans for an actual blind trust, agree to a a complete separation from his business interest, make a full disclosure about his foreign deals and dealings.

And the media, apart from obsessing about every single detail about Hillart should get off their collective duffs and stop dodging the tough questions.

Those questions go to the heart of his complete lack of decency. The (media (not the NYT so much, should get off its rear, television in particular,should stop reeling off poll numbers and focus on substance.

The CNN anchor who stunned the Trump lawyer had done her homework.
Jefflz (San Franciso)
Trump defines immigrants and Muslims in the same way that other despots defined "foreigners" people not belonging to the race of the motherland. His adoring fans rise to their feet to cheer him when he blames their problems on these "outlanders". Trump basks in their adoration and cares not in the least about the evil he stirs. He thrives on it.

There is nothing new about Trump's behavior. We have seen it all before. We witness the rise of a fascist hatemonger in America that nearly half of our people want as their leader. Sinclair Lewis was right. It can happen here.
Anomar (Michigan)
The Editorial Board needs to do a much better job than this. Trump's speech genuinely frightened millions of people. Explaining why that is the mood of the country this evening/morning would be the minimum I expect. Unless some of the mainstream media begin calling Trump what he really is and hammering it in while explaining that Hillary has not financially benefited from helping the poor and sick via the Clinton Foundation, you will have failed, again. This time, your failure might put the final nail in American democracy's coffin.
dEs JoHnson (Forest Hills)
Anomar: Amen and thank you.
Kona030 (HNL)
"Maybe they can deport Hillary Clinton"..

Well, compared to what he said a few weeks ago, first that she was the co-founder of ISIS, the most gated group on earth, followed by the urging of "2nd Amendment folks" to either wipe her or the federal judges she'd appoint out, I guess this was tame by comparison...

If I lived to be 200 years old, I don't think I'd ever see a more dangerous and frightening candidate than Donald Trump ever again....
Chris (Staten Island)
Hey guys, it's 1932 in America. We face an imminent threat of having a fascist elected President. This is not hyperbole; Donald Trump legitimately harbors all of the defining characteristics of a fascist. In view of this very real danger, can we dispense with the false equivalency narratives for the remainder of the election? I cite Jorge Ramos: "We'll all be judged by how we responded to Donald Trump." Do you really want to draw your lot with the many media Quisling who enable Donald Trump? Do you care at all? I hope you do. We need you to help protect our imperiled democracy.
CWP (Portland, OR)
Let's be honest, for once,

The New York Times, aka the print versionof MSNBC, despises Donald Trump. There is utterly nothing he could have said, short of withdrawing from the presidential race, that would've satisfied you.

Therefore, any "analysis" you might offer is strictly tribal, and should be discounted as the ravings of one more partisan. Oh, how the once-mighty have fallen.
Dave (The Villages, Florida, USA)
It is unfair to say nothing would have satisfied the media, or me for that matter. I would have been impressed if during his immigration speech Mr. Trump exhibited some of the balanced, professional expressions used during the Mexico City news conference.
Here (There)
I know you're not going to say anything nice about Mr. Trump, but yesterday showed him a statesman.
r.j. paquin (Norton Shores Michigan)
Yes, but! In the evening speech he made out he had never been to Mexico that day. As I listened last night I began to worry about his personal health; the guy is mental and needs compassionate care; something he has never offered a fellow being. He is wanting!
composerudin (Allentown, NJ 08501)
I'd hardly describe his feeble and fumbling attempts to say how much he admires the Mexican people, and how many of them he hires "statesmanly". He seemed utterly ill-at-ease and hugely embarrassed at not giving his usual ranting and raving performance. DID still manage to maintain the total narcissism, however.
Elizabeth Sherwood (Mexico City)
I think not. If you are a statesman you do not fly into a country and meet with it's leader for a few hours! My guess is the trip was rushed on both parts so that the streets were not filled with protest.

Here the comparison is Chamberlain meeting with Hitler!
Fox (Libertaria)
Not one mention of the Angel Moms in your Editorial.

Sort of sad that you would betray them that way. If they had been the mothers of black kids killed by cops you would have lionized them. But, they do not fit your liberal narrative and that is more important than a true discussion on illegal immigration

I side with the Angel moms over you and Hillary. So will the American people this November
dEs JoHnson (Forest Hills)
Fox: sad indeed that people are murdered. Since 9/11, some 450,000 have died of gunshot wounds in America. Some of Trump's Angel moms were men, and some mourned deaths back in the 1990s, others in 2002. But all that was Clinton's fault. If you insist that the problems of America are caused by one person or one party, you'll never solve a single problem.
Joe From Boston (Massachusetts)
All the Angel Moms were white. Or did you not notice? Not a dark face or an Asian face in the bunch. I guess those people won't be voting for Trump (which was one requirement to get on stage).

Some of them had kids who died in auto accidents. Who plans an auto accident? Who has one deliberately? That is an unfortunate outcome, but it is hardly the act of a drug dealer or a rapist.
parik (ChevyChase, MD)
Our cable print, network CEOs and owners have done irreparable harm to this always fragile heterogeneous structure; they have given Donald Trump unfettered access to poison political attitudes of the body politic. Trump's pernicious demagoguery has never been seen in era of mass communications.. That empowerment, which is typically exercised by fiat of host nation's despot, but is not handed from media to enable it's being.
I can only conclude media's motivation is in concert with foreign entity to cause societal harm or simply done for enrichment.
dEs JoHnson (Forest Hills)
parik" "media's motivation???" Fox owner was Australian, a megalomaniac. But Facebook and Twitter are governed by a foreign entity? No, greed is native to all countries.
94705 (Berkeley, CA)
What a wimp. Goes to Mexico acting like a low level bureaucrat.

Shows up in Phoenix and yells the same old "we will deport them all and build a wall".

No plans. No solutions. A light weight.

Can't wait for the debates!
Jon (CT)
After a silly afternoon of courting Mexicans in Mexico Donald Trump reverted to his hate-filled rhetoric at a speech about immigration in Arizona. To watch that speech was more than was scary. As his volume level rises higher, Trump sinks into the abyss that will eventually swallow him.
Steve C (Bowie, MD)
I fervently hope you're right.
Victor Wong (Los Angeles, CA)
Annual immigration levels to America are too high and our policy towards unlawful entrants much too lax. That television personality Donald Trump is the only national candidate addressing these concerns is both sad and alarming.
Eric Ryan (Dallas)
Trump dodged the only real issue regarding immigration: treatment of the 11 million plus or minus undocumented immigrants who are not criminals and have genuine roots in this country. The whole day was a nothing sandwich without any genuine consideration of the real issue. Illegal immigration between Mexico and the US is approximately net equal, with as many Mexicans leaving as illegally entering. Our country is spending obscene amounts of money on border control, not to mention the additional monitoring by Texas law enforcement foolishly dispatched by the politically driven Governor of Texas. The statistics do not justify the amount of time wasted today by the media and Mr. Trump's campaign. Yet, Mr. Trump has once again fired up the fear and hatred of immigrants, especially those from Central and South America. I can only hope the American voters have the intelligence, common sense, and courage to ignore the messenger and the message.
Bill (Charlottesvill)
This opinion piece would be a lot more powerful if it had some actual figures to back up those opinions with. For example, according to the American Action Foundation, the cost of deporting 11 million illegal immigrants and keeping them out would be between $400-600 billion over the next twenty years. In addition, both the housing market and the economy as a whole would suffer by taking this mostly younger than average group out of the labor force, eventually shaving more than 5% off the GDP.

Opinions and general disdain for Trump and his policies are all well and good. But it helps if you have some hard data to back them up with.
MAF (San Luis County CA)
Even the honored dead of our country would rise up to vote this speech down and its deliverer down. They didn't fight for exclusion, but for American ideals, prominently among them inclusion.

E Pluribus Unum- From Many, One.
just Robert (Colorado)
Donald Trump won the Republican nomination on the backs of those who believe our problems as a nation are solely caused by illegal immigrants who take away their jobs. While this fixation is misplaced and largely untrue their passionate intensity can not be denied as they have bought hook line and sinker Trump's personification of Mexicans and anyone not like them.

Now he predictably wants to pivot, curb his tongue and somehow prove he can be a statesman. It is a method used by such tyrants as Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin when they wanted to appear something that they did not believe in but needed others support meanwhile continuing their hateful messages and actions. Only those who want to be duped can fall for this duplicity, but it seems that swaths of our electorate are willing to buy the snake oil. and if history is any judge, these will be the first to suffer betrayal and damage from this two faced con artist.

Now is the time to choose between sanity represented by HRC and the insane duplicity of Trump. It terrifies me that this country could actually choose the latter and it is a measure of the depths to which we have fallen that we could even consider it.
John (Lammers)
About Mr. Trump's proposed wall. Will it be as effective as the iron curtain?
Dian Gish (Alexandria, Va)
Is there any way to know how many people are paid to attend? From watching other Trump rallies/speeches, it seems that tonight, many people were not in the vocal cheering section, but were included because of the background noise. I thought this crowd tonight was not that enthusiastic compared to other speeches. It is sort of like having a laugh track and can make so much difference in crowd behavior. How much/or not are the "Angel" Moms paid/given/promised? Is it just TV time? I don't believe everything I see is real/true anymore, even in the "moment". With "the Donald" all is lies. Trump is factually wrong with his assertions. Perhaps I am on the borderline but I wonder about these things when I see the public so unengaged as the audience was at the speech most of the night. I have become suspicious now. It could even be Democrats but we are too crazy and so many don't understand the big picture. Bribes are not just money. Power is a much more potent currency. Just thinkin'...
A.G. Alias (St Louis, MO)
I listened to the entire Trump-speech in Phoenix. It was mostly a rehash of what he was saying all along. He introduced a introduced a number of mother's whose children were murdered by illegal immigrants, which appeared impressive in the optics. But other than his ardent supporters who "believe in him, but not believe him," may have been impressed again. He may get a bump in the polls. But in the long run, he may not succeed.

Nevertheless, Hillary Clinton is so unimpressive that many may not want to elect her. She must change and be more like as she was during her second Benghazi hearing for 9 long hours, and unlike the imperious Hillary she was during the first hearing. Otherwise Trump may steal the election from her.

As the NYT editorial suggested, she has to clean up the appearance about the Clinton Foundation connection. There's nothing there but that's not what the voters see. What they see is what matters in the end, not the reality.
Cue1952 (Muskegon, Michigan)
Say what you may, but Donald Trump has taught me to be afraid, very afraid. Even too very afraid to follow him in line to a snow cone stand in Monterrey.
Kathy Lollock (Santa Rosa, CA)
I'm not sure what was exactly gained by Mr. Trump's visit to Mexico; just as I question what exactly motivated a considerably unpopular president there to host a man who spares no words to demean the Mexican people. If this is an attempt in diplomacy by both parties, it set an ominous precedent. Judging by Donald Trump's speech re immigration, that visit was not about winning over Latino votes. Quite the contrary. It was to show his supporters that as an " experienced" businessman he can get for them exactly what they continue living in their White Bubble and, at all costs, to stop the course of our country's history of accepting people whose skin shade is darker than theirs.
Brian (California)
I feel for the millions of latinos who are having another sleepless night. What is America becoming to them? What kind of fears are rising? What kinds of hopes are diminishing? My message to them is that America is NOT what you saw in Arizona tonight. We are much better than that.
Ben Groetsch (Saint Paul, MN)
So in the eyes of the NY Times, we should have open borders with drug cartels and gang-banging criminals from Latin America violating our sovereign rights, sucked the entire social welfare state dry, bypass ICE enforcement with get out of jail free cards paid courtesy of La Raza, and have generations of undocumented workers paying nothing back to Uncle Sam's coffins while having a entitlement mentality by demanding multilingualism in our state government imposed on hard earning taxpayers. Sorry, I really don't want a "Mad Max" society in the United States. We have immigration quota laws on the books for decades that haven't been enforced by any President until Trump came on board and demanded for accountability. But the elites like the NY Times think anything related to border enforcement and protecting the interests of the United States is a psychology of "bigotry." Well, I'm not a bigot. I just don't want my community be flooded with illegals who cannot speak English, broke our immigration laws, scamming the social welfare system with fake SS numbers and getting a free ride from taxpayers, driving down our living wages from working class Americans, and allowing a system of criminal activity in connection to drug cartels and corruption in Mexico.
sdw (Cleveland)
Is there anyone else out there wondering if Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto was bribed to extend an invitation to Donald Trump and to treat the Republican nominee like he already had been elected?

It made no sense for the Mexican president to pander to the man whose insults to Mexico and Mexicans have been shameful. President Nieto, probably realizing that his political career now lies in ruins, Twittered that he had refused to pay for the Trump wall.

If the Mexican president was not bribed, he must be a very stupid man. He disgraced himself, and he embarrassed his countrymen.
Jim (Breithaupt)
My wife and I lived in Phoenix for over twenty years ago. Three years ago, we had to leave, we'd had enough. Racial profiling, hate talk, bigotry, this is not the country I once recognized. Those who are deluded enough to believe that anything this hate-mongering presidential candidate sells out of the back of his wagon, and I am loathe to use the word "presidential" in this context, will continue to blame the media and the liberal elitists once this guy is proven a sham. Imagine the lunacy of trying to turn our country into a gated community by building a giant wall the length of our southern border. Think of it. The idea is not only impossible, it is anathema to a humane and searching solution to a highly complex problem. The real violence comes not from the immigrants but from the black hearts of those who support this demagogue.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
Then you ARE the problem. Ignoring illegal immigration will not secure our borders -- it will ensure our children can't find jobs, because illegals will work for $4 an hour under the table.
fly-over-state (Wisconsin)
I think we all know well enough by now how this all works so it’s hard to blame President Nieto. This is a trademark bully move. Very likely Mr. Nieto received a call from Mr. Trump to invite him to Mexico. The obvious strategy being that it would soften Mr. Trump’s image back home and especially prior his speech in Phoenix. It’s also highly logical that there was, if not direct, then an implied threat that if Mr. Nieto rejected Mr. Trump overtures for an invitation, that it would not end well for Mexico should he be elected. Again, trademark bully tactics. This can surely be the only logical reason for President Nieto to invite Mr. Trump to Mexico. Or, he’s as unhinged as is Mr. Trump?
Mark (Cheboyagen, MI)
Enough with the boorish, dull, sad clown already. Just a few columns down from this one is Trump's miraculous economic plan full of, guess what? Tax cuts for the rich! Who would have guessed. We have only one serious presidential candidate and that is Hillary Clinton. The other one is Goucho Marx with orangish hair. ( The Laws of My Adminstration)

Hillary Clinton put forward a serious plan for mental health care. Did we get any coverage of that?
Meanwhile this piece was in the Guardian 2 days ago.
Nasa: Earth is warming at a pace 'unprecedented in 1,000 years'.
Do we think that will affect immigration and the economy? Any coverage?
Steve (Long Island)
Oh please with the global warming fiction which once debunked morphed into so called climate change. This whole industry is a boon doggle based upon junk science hypothesis to drum up funding for the tree hugging leftists who would destroy entire industries (coal) and leave families unemployed if they could just save one spotted owl.
James (Houston)
Any tax cut is for the "rich" (top 50% earners) because they are the only group paying federal income taxes. Global warming again? The latest NASA satellite data does NOT show any such warming pace, see my reference below. Everybody was wondering why Hillary would use a personal server for emails. We now know that HIllary was running a pay for play operation while secretary of state. What she says about mental health is irrelevant because she is not getting elected.
Christine Bunz (San Jose CA)
Oh please, don't denigrate Groucho!
Frank (Durham)
I am always amused at the fact that the mere act of reading a script written by a professional is considered presidential. Political speeches are rhetorical devices to sway people your way. If anyone is interested in body language, you only have to watch the discomfort with which Trump reads lines that he does not believe in. Peña mishandled the visit. The only sign of displeasure was the fact that they did not put an American flag by Trump, to indicate that he did not represent the country. Those of us who know Mexicans, are aware of the extreme courtesy and generosity that typifies them and Peña, to his disadvantage, was true to that characteristic by treating him as an invited guest. And Trump repaid him, as is his wont, with the same unjust accusations. This duplicity is what we can expect from him, whether negotiating a dealing, refusing to pay his workers, or being president.
j. von hettlingen (switzerland)
It's not hard to imagine that Trump writhed in discomfort standing next to his Mexican host, President Peña Nieto at the photo-op, trying to hold back his vicious tongue.
Then across the border, hours later, he was glad to relive the spirit of "Let Trump be Trump" in Arizona, declaring triumph in front of his supporters over Mexico - to build the wall and deport immigrants en mass. There is no way for him to ditch his base instincts, because he knows they have sustained his popularity for so long.
Bruce Rozenblit (Kansas City, MO)
How stupid does he think we are? He's all over the map, depending upon who he talking to. His statements are so varied that they have lost all meaning. He just tells people whatever he thinks they want to hear. That's not leadership, that's not presidential.

Trump is a salesman of the worst kind. He doesn't represent the product (policy). He represents himself. He is the product.

He is selling himself without regard to anything else. Selling without regard to his party, civility, common sense, and above all, respect for the office he claims to seek.

He's not a madman or a psychopath. He is an egomaniac of astronomical proportions. My father used to tell me,"Son tell a lie three of four times and pretty soon you start believing it yourself." That's Trump. He truly believes his own lies. So much so, that there is nothing left but lies. His existence is nothing but one big continuous lie.

What is so frightening to me, is that many tens of millions are buying it. They still support him. What has happened to our nation that has caused a con man of this magnitude to be loyally followed by so many?

I viewed an interview with a Trump supporter and he said he supports Trump because "he tells me what I want to hear". Right. Sure. Scariest words in politics.
John LeBaron (MA)
How can Trump believe his own lies? Even his lies contradict one another almost by the minute.
Edward Davis (Hawaii)
Why is there such a discord between your editorial on Trump's speech, which accurately reflected its off-the charts hate that blamed immigrants for everything and your news-story headline(s) which suggest that his speech was a soft swerve while insisting on the wall. The wall was not the center of his speech.
chicagobluesman (Chicago)
Really a remarkable display of hate-fueled political theater. I'm not so sure that Trump, himself, hates--I don't think he has durable views on much of anything except his own wonderfulness. The speech, though, was crafted to whip up the hateful alt-right/white nationalist crowd. I thought Trump's initial delivery--so tethered to the teleprompter he once mocked--sounded like a stiff 6th grader reading a term paper someone else had written (Bannon? --there was a lot of Breitbart in there). But before long, he was again looking and sounding like a demagogue from a 1930's Nazi Riefenstahl film. Surreal. Beyond creepy.

They say sunshine is the best disinfectant and fact-checkers are already cleaning up by shedding light on the stream of misinformation and fabrication we heard tonight. They'll set the record straight, but it won't matter to the folks in Phoenix or others who share their un-American sentiments.

Illegal immigration is not our most serious threat. Our country is built upon cultural diversity and a welcoming stance to those who value freedom and rule of law. People like me--of white European descent--have no special claim upon this land. It was never ours and demographic projections indicate it will be less-and-less ours each year. I am more grateful than ever for the presence of all colors and cultures and I am absolutely counting on people of color to again save us from ourselves. We cannot let this hateful, vacuous, dangerous man become president.
frostbitten (hartford, ct)
I love this line - 'I don't think he has durable views on much of anything except his own wonderfulness'.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
It has nothing whatsoever to do with COLOR. There are American citizens of every race and religion and ethnicity.

These are NOT US Citizens. They are ILLEGAL ALIENS. They are not "Undocumented" but thieves who sneak into the nation illegally and steal jobs from US citizens.

If YOU did that - -in any nation -- stole in the border, and stole a job -- you'd be DEPORTED instantly. Just try that in MEXICO. Mexico has very harsh, strict immigration laws!
AJ (Noo Yawk)
While NYT editorial writers, as media pundits often do, react to the latest Trumpism (commenting on rather than making the news), one wonders where Ms. Clinton is. Why isn't she "making" news? Any news!

All the news is about Trump. The latest Trump statement. His visit here. His campaign replacement there.

Other than Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin, there has been next to no news created by Ms. Clinton's campaign. Some reactions here and there, but where's the grabbing of the agenda? What are she and her people waiting for? September is here!
Lynn (New York)
Clinton spoke to the American Legion yesterday on a broad range of topics of interest to the military, veterans, and their families, and anyone who cares about them. The speech was covered by c- span and, apparently, absolutely no one else.
The political press is completely incompetent. They obsess, as you point out, about an aide's sick husband, but are completely uninterested in policy proposals.
RJS (Phoenix, AZ)
@AJ—Clinton gave a great speech yesterday also on our nations place in the world. The media ignored it. Clinton is campaigning but she is a traditional candidate and doesn't allow the media to manipulate her. Trump gets the coverage because he is by and large a train wreck. And Trump plays the media like fine fiddle. It's embarrassing to watch all of these pundits get suckered.
James (Houston)
Her news is called "pay for play". I fully expect an indictment regarding perjury and her pay to play state department operation.
Paul (Trantor)
Donald's multi billion dollar wall (10 to 30 billion dollars) is self aggrandizement in the cruelest sense of the word. As Dwight Eisenhower succinctly put it in a 1953 speech;
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children..."

Building Donald's wall diverts money that could be better spent. Even the thought of it is wrong.
Christine McMorrow (Waltham, MA)
"By now we should all know better than to take what Mr. Trump says on any given Wednesday as somehow truer than what he said the previous Wednesday, or will say the following Wednesday, and whether what he tells the Mexican president or a crowd in Phoenix is more honest than what he says at a presidential debate or in a campaign ad."

The biggest problem with Trump is that nobody calls him out on his lies. Oh sure, some outlets give him four or five Pinnochios, but the main substance goes unchallenged,

For example: the whoppers that Mexican criminals are pouring over the borders, marauding and pillaging along the way, like the barbarians of Roman times. It's now taken for granted that this is Trump at his most "fanciful" but why not more serious articles that take apart every Trumpian assumption, piece by piece?

And where is Clinton? She calls him out, and gets barely a mention. But her campaign seems to have gone silent--perhaps for the good, given her negative coverage, but the fact remains that the Clinton-Kaine ticket seems like an afterthought.

This is one party rule by default---and the fault of the media. Are we having an election, or not?

Trump has made his singular impact with immigration, when we have far bigger fish to fry. Yes, immigration reform which as languished in Congress for 8 years is important--but so are the economy, tax reform, infrastructure, energy policy and of course, foreign affairs.

This is where our national conversation should be.
DrPaul (Los Angeles)
You ask 'where is Clinton?' Why don't you ask her? Oh, that's right, you can't, because Madam refuses to take questions. Who cares what she says in speeches before tiny audiences if nobody can ask clarifying or challenging questions. To paraphrase the ditty...'Answer no questions, you're spouting all lies'.
Porphyry (Saint Helena, CA)
Deport Hillary Clinton? Outlandish and absurd. The glorious Trump show keeps drawing and distracting our attention. I did my best today to ignore the story, hyped on all the networks and totally boring. So I worked, went to my kid's inspiring back to school night, and came home to the inevitable daily news cycle. The bunch who talked in Arizona tonight were so grotesque that I refused to pay attention. Maybe tomorrow will be better. I have four news feeds everyday, none better than NYT, yet it's a strangely boring season. PBS radio did best today with President Obama's comments on global warming at Lake Tahoe, which were more real than this other nonsense.
klirhed (London)
Another shameful day for America. Now more than ever I see Trump as a highly dangerous aggressive demagogue. I remember from history Mussolini being meek and friendly when meetin foreign leaders, then back at home delivering threatening bombastic speeches about same leaders and their people. When Trump says something we better believe him not consider him a clown.
Den (Palm Beach)
The lunacy of Trumps wall is apparent. It would takes years before the first fence or stone is laid. The whole concept will be tied up in Courts and administrative bodies. Condemnation proceedings,environmental studies, and Congressional disputes will make its construction impossible-as it should be. The cost to build the wall would be about 25 billion-yes billion dollars,and the maintenance will more than double that. And in the end it will not stop people from coming across the boarder. What we need is a policy via work permits that will allow Mexicans to come across the boarder and work here and then go home. That will allow them to make a decent wage and take that back home and make their life in Mexico better. The Mexican economy will grow and that is to our benefit. Trumps' plan is absurd-as is he. He is a immoral!
ccaruth (Atlanta, GA)
Trump's speech was appalling, repulsive, truly against everything America stands for. He must be defeated by a huge margin.
meremortal (Haslett, Michigan)
The press and television "journalists" are heavily implicated in his rise. This is a sickening period in our history. I am not clear how we recover.
TerryO (New York)
I have painfully followed every step of this awful presidential race. Maybe as a New Yorker i don't get something. But my question is -- with so many problems that we face as a nation and as part of the global world, why is the 'threat' of Mexicans coming into the US taking first place as a concern? This is not a facetious question; it is something I am really trying to understand. Any non-polemic, non partisan answers would really be appreciated.
Gemma (Austin, TX)
Very simple-- Trump has identified a cohort of very angry, very frustrated people in this country who feel that our politicians and politics as usual has failed them. Trump has made illegal immigration their scapegoat for violence, terrorism, and lack of jobs. He doesn't KNOW much about the bigger problems our country and our world is facing, so he isn't discussing them much. He wants to WIN and he obviously thinks his approach is working. He has made that very clear. The debates should showcase his shortcomings on knowledge, IF the moderators can focus on policy questions and real issues. Is that A-polemic, A-partisan enough for you?
Andrew G. Bjelland, Sr. (Salt Lake City, Utah)
It is time to recall that the last time the US two party system fell into disarray with the collapse of the Whigs, the anti-Catholic, anti-immigrant Know Nothings came into ascendancy.

As Hegel stated two centuries ago: "The lesson of history is that humans do not learn the lesson of history." Santayana's more noted comment echoes this: "Those who do not remember history are condemned to repeat it."

In the immortal words of Kurt Vonnegut: "So it goes."

Has the GOP actually come to such an ignoble end? Will it vanish like the Whigs only to be replaced by Trump's Know Nothing pseudo populists?

Probably not. With gerrymandering, voter suppression, divisive "moral" issues, Koch brothers et al. funding and ALEC finagling at the state and local levels, the GOP will doubtlessly linger on, ever obstructionist and ever dragging the nation towards anti-democratic outcomes.

Trump will doubtlessly loose his bid for the presidency, but the GOP will stagger on in its plutocratic ways.

The sheeple will continue to be blind to their own economic interests and continue to prop up the tottering scarecrow that is today's Republican Party.

"So it goes."
Betsy S (Upstate NY)
It may be worse than that. Dark money is everywhere. The Koch brothers and their allies have a plan in place to work up from the local to the state to the federaland put candidates who share their views in positions of power. This isn't paranoia; it's fact. ALEC is only one manifestation of that plan. Trump's success is a blip that has disrupted the plan.
Trump has revealed that the base of the Republican party isn't really conservative. He has brought the ugly pandering to fear and hatred right out in the open.
The press is enthralled. There's an awful fascination among the public with Trump's antics. The danger is that we will be so distracted by the sideshow that something even worse will emerge to fill the void.
It's not just plutocratic. Money is only one source of power, albeit very potent.
The cat in the hat (USA)
It is perfectly legitimate to deport people who break our laws. We have the right to make our immigration laws, not Mexicans and certainly not Carlos Slim's bought and paid for American mouthpiece.
John (NYS)
"It is perfectly legitimate to deport people who break our laws."
In his speech he seems to have priorities starting with criminal illegal aliens. That seems fair. And also targeting those here illegally draining the safety net. That also seems fair. Ending catch and release as it is also seems fair.

While he said he will enforce our laws, he did talk about priorities. I think that means no one will be protected by executive order, he is not going to put lots o effort into deporting otherwise good people.

This all seems fair and makes sense.
Paul Wortman (East Setauket, NY)
Unfortunately, Mexican President Pena Nieto inadvertently played Neville Chamberlain to our 21st century version of an authoritarian would-be tyrant in Donald Trump. Of course, as Trump revealed when he crossed the border into Arizona, there will be "no peace in our time" If he becomes President and initiates the harsh ethnic-cleansing, deportation program he calls immigration reform including treading on Mexico's sovereignty in forcing them to pay for his wall. As someone named after a Polish rabbi who perished in the Holocaust, I vowed "Never again!" Now I feel transported back to the 1930's when ultra-right (aka "alt-right") racism is being falsely peddled as the cause of all our problems and too many of my fellow Americans who have forgotten or never learned the harsh lessons of the Second World War era are succumbing to it. Then it was Jews, now it is Hispanics. In Donald Trump we have an an unstable demagogue who will ultimately repeat the destruction of those like him who my uncles fought and died to defeat by inciting international conflict through his bullying and callousness.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
Unfortunately for your theory. "hispanic" is not a race at all.

It is a culture and a language (Spanish). Hispanics can be of any race -- some are Asians, some black, some mestizo indian, some European and some mixed. There is no "brown" race.

Many natural born US citizens are hispanic. However, FOREIGN NATIONALS cannot simply sneak in here and steal our jobs. All such foreign nationals must be deported ASAP and our borders secured.
Walter Rhett (Charleston, SC)
Which is the real Trump? Ihe one who flies in for photo-ops (passing out play-doh and standing at podiums) or the one who is so self-absorbed and narcissistic that he can't offer grief to console a family before inserting politics? The one who foregoes sharing remorse to proclaim grief as a reason to vote for him?

The death/grief/vote triangulation has been his constant, a staple of his appeal, at the center of his hollow promises. It is not so much I will make America great as it is I will end America's grief. For Trump, it means punishing those who have hurt you.

Trump refuses to acknowledge freedom comes with risks. Risk acceptance is the basis of liberty; without it, society quickly becomes a tyranny! Ask the 4,700 Americans lynched. Note Trump's "strong" military makes no mention of ending sexual assaults, numbering 20,000 a year within the ranks; he is silent on institutional misogyny that effects morale and performance, and damages the moral standing of our forces and unit cohesion.

He pits the "other" against all comers: "they" take jobs from African-Americans; they kill white children, they rape--they are the scapegoats for all of America's social ills. Trump's list of actions is Area 57 come to life. It has no budget or process, it has no plan! Its blame is its solution. Its symbols are its victories. Its shame is declared patriotic.

As an African-American, I know the grief and risks of freedom. I blame no one and believe we still have a country.
caveman007 (Grants Pass, OR)
When the alleged killer of Kate Steinle is freed, (deadlocked), by a heavily Hispanic jury we will discover that racism is truly a two way street.
Clearheaded (Philadelphia)
This is more loony fantasy - by Hispanic, do you mean illegals? Probably. You may not realize that illegal immigrants don't serve on juries any more than they vote.

If by "Hispanic" you mean American citizens of Hispanic descent, those jurors would certainly decide the case on its merits and render a fair verdict. This demonization of American citizens whose parents or grandparents emigrated to the U.S. is the ugliest phenomenon in this election cycle, and it must stop.
Rocko World (Earth)
So ignorance and bigotry are ok because someone else is an ignorant bigot?
Murray Bolesta (Green Valley AZ)
Never is any mention given to the cataclysmic environmental impacts of a border wall, not to mention the accompanying gigantic esthetic and cultural destruction. Everyone ignores those little things.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
There are already TWO other walls (*approved by HILLARY CLINTON, as a US Senator!) and we just need to complete the project. It's half done already.
Leigh (Qc)
Trump himself gave up all pretense at making sense months ago, but the NYT Editorial Board continues to faithfully parse his stream of conscience nonsense; treating it, however disdainfully, with a seriousness it doesn't at all deserve. It reminds this reader of the final scene on palace steps in Woody Allen's 'Bananas' when the new dictator of the banana republic solemnly decrees all his subjects must wear their underpants outside their trousers to the especial consternation of Howard Cosell who is for some unknown reason covering the obscure event live for Wide World of Sports.
Jean Farrell (NJ)
If only it were a stream of conscience. Donald Trump seems to be missing a conscience.
Mineola (Rhode Island)
We were told to "never forget." Listening to the first fiery part of Trump's speech tonight all I could think was that this is how it starts. He called for "ideological certification" of immigrants. He said they'd be asked what they thought about gays, honor killings among other things. But he didn't indicate what the "right" answer was. And if he had, he could change the correct answer tomorrow. He is such a dangerous man and America needs to understand that.
Patrick (Long Island N.Y.)
The real "Illegal Aliens" are the Mafia that have preyed on and victimized Americans for better than a century. Don Trump famously erected massive structures in New York and would have had to at least peripherally understood the Mafia control over much of the building industry. Was he complicit, or did he appease them? He talks and acts like Mafia and perhaps that is how he learned to be who he is. He is involved in gambling also, long a domain of the Mafia.

Did you know there are three "Caesar's Palaces" in America. I believe Don Trump may turn the White House into the fourth.

Our focus should be on the head of the Beast, the Mafia that is the root and source of organized crime.

All the immigrants I see are hard working and clean cut people who just keep to themselves.

The Mafia rules so much and yet still exists.

I don't trust Trump.
Mark Thomason (Clawson, Mich)
"Mr. Peña Nieto treated him like a visiting head of state at a news conference, with side-by-side lecterns and words of deferential mush."

That was Trump's purpose in doing this. Hillary's has been portraying him as unthinkable, nuts, simply incapable of being a President. So he went to a foreign country, was received like a President, and acted like one.

It was not foregone that he could. Other politicians fell on their faces on such foreign trips, done for much the same purpose. Romney famously made a fool of himself doing this, and did considerable harm.

It should be noted in a fair news story that he did something difficult at which others failed, and seems to have pulled it off. Instead, this merely notes that he did not say much of substance. "To mock him for emptiness is almost too easy."

Mocking him seems to be the default here, but it is beneath the NYT to behave that way. This isn't FOX News, and ought not to act like it.

Of course there was little substance. That was not the point, and it was not the place anyway in a foreign country standing next to its President. He did what Presidents do on such occasions. That he could and did that was the point.

This undercut the basis of much of the attack on Trump. It is hardly definitive, but that was the point, it worked, and it ought to be recognized by those seeking clear understanding of what is happening as it develops.
Christine McMorrow (Waltham, MA)
@Mark Thomason: "That was Trump's purpose in doing this. Hillary's has been portraying him as unthinkable, nuts, simply incapable of being a President. So he went to a foreign country, was received like a President, and acted like one."

I beg to disagree. Flying to Mexico to meet an unpopular president literally falling all over Trump to appear presidential and failing miserably (the after-tweet of claiming he'd started the conversation by saying he'd never pay for Trump's damn wall) does not make a candidate suddenly qualified to lead the free world.

Yesterday's "act" was more surreal than any satirical political film I've ever seen, including "Being there" and "Wag the Dog." All Trump had to do was stand there in his suit, look appropriately serious (or hungover) for 15 minutes and then read his speech of mush.

Contrast that with his Scotland trip where he showed he hardly knew what the Brexit vote meant, except for the fact a sinking pound would benefit his golf course.

Kellyann Conway is doing a great job of packaging this candidate, but even she can only go so far. Last night's speech, immediately following the hollow press conference, only made the choice of Trump more frightening.

"Acted like a President" in Mexico, of all countries? I don't think so.
Mark Thomason (Clawson, Mich)
It stings, eh?

The mud slinging went all the way to red baiting and McCarthy-like guilt by distant association. It featured heavily some overt claims about mental health.

Now a real life event does not fit the mud thrown. Nothing could really fit the masses of mud thrown. That is the danger of going so far over the top on this approach.

Hillary's team has gone far over the top. Nothing seems too extreme. That tarnishes her, because it looks foolish, and it looks more foolish when bits of reality leak in like this one.

Is Trump great? I did not say that. Is he insane, Putin, Hitler, fascist, a dictator wannabe, and all the rest? No. He did not get this far by being completely helpless and incompetent.

Is Hillary better? Well, it is to her to argue that, but what we get is all this mud instead. And of course a webs site with a lot of legalistic weasel words sort of but not quite promising things.
Nevin Leder (Rincon, Puerto Rico)
What you're saying might be persuasive, if one agrees with your odd opinion that carrying off an empty phot-op is somehow evidence of presidential mettle. However, Trump's subsequent tirade in Phoenix made a mockery of his nice talk with President Nieto, and also deeply insulted Nieto and millions of Mexicans on both sides of the border. Is that sort of demagoguery also "presidential" in your eyes?
Norman Epstein (Tucson, AZ)
Despite the initial impression that he was surprisingly diplomatic and cordial in Mexico City, Trump revealed his true self tonight in Phoenix when he repeated false allegations of crime run rampant due to illegal immigrants, repeated that Mexico will pay for the wall, and didn't soften his stand on deportation in any meaningful way.

Trump's speech in Phoenix was the same fact-free, ranting self we have come to know, with the twist that today he used the President of Mexico like a dishrag---he got a photo op to make him look "presidential" in the afternoon, then tossed Nieto and Mexico away by evening. Very diplomatic, very classy. This is a dangerous, unstable person.
Virginia Witmer (Chicago)
Yes. Donald Trump is dangerous. Last night was 100% demagogery. If the people in the audience had been listening to Nazi newsreels, would they have echoed them?

How many more lies can Donald Trump and the Republican party trumpet? They have been extremely successful in their propaganda against Hillary Clinton and now in holding her to a different standard than any other presidential candidate in history (will Donald Trump and his family give up their holdings - indications are that they have no charities?). Now this nation, which has been pushed by a series of Republicans in all three branches of government to becoming an oligarchy, is using a real "No Nothing" to try to destroy our last best hope.
Virginia Witmer (Chicago)
A real Republican. Sadly too many are. They are forced to buy electability.
It's hard to take this editorial seriously when you purposely refuse to differentiate between legal and illegal immigrants.
Bruce Kanin (Long Island, NY)
...and if the editorial did differentiate the two, focusing on "illegal" immigrants, would you feel better about Donald Trump's repugnant, bigoted comments about Mexicans along with his insane proposals to "round them up" and build a wall?
Jtati (Richmond, Va.)
The editorial was not about immigration reform but Trump's approach to it as a candidate. Trump himself did not offer workable solutions.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
There is a method to their madness. They don't want borders, they don't want laws. It's why they have the Brexit -- they want a world with no borders, where everyone just traipses around and goes anywhere they like, and lives off welfare. And a world where EVERYONE, always votes their way -- hard left liberal.

They want illegals in the US, because they will vote (YES THEY DO) and vote Democratic. Enough of them, they would have a permanent majority, and could impose all the lefty social engineering of their dreams.
Frank Peters (Corona del Mar)
Hillary will dispatch Trump, I worry about the next Trump character because this Phoenix audience wants someone to represent their paranoid fears
Rob Campbell (Western Mass.)
There is no next Trump character Frank, this is it, this is the real thing and it is happening now. Many believe he has no shot, they have said that from (and before) day-one. Trump knows EXACTLY what he is doing. I'm not sure the paranoia is not shared more widely...
mkm (nyc)
They are not afraid, they are angry; a very different emotion indeed.
Dave Holzman (Lexington MA)
Since the millennium, there are an additional 9.3 million jobs, an additional 18 million immigrants, and an additional 16.5 million additional working age Americans.

The NYT editorial board cares more about people who are in this country illegally than it cares about Americans who are out of work because there is too much immigration (both legal and illegal). It's this sort of attitude that led to the GOP take-over of the Senate during the midterms, when all the new GOP senators campaigned on amnesty as bad labor policy for American workers. And it's this same attitude that has fueled the rise of Trump.
Bruce Kanin (Long Island, NY)
...but the Democrats and President Obama wanted to do something about "illegals" via legislation. Guess who stopped them? Hint: G.O.P.
Bruce Price (Woodbridge, VA)
And the same attitude that led to their defeat in 2012 I suppose.
Jtati (Richmond, Va.)
18 additional immigrants? Where does that statistic come from?
Scott (Colorado)
I think a lot of Americans' frustration, certainly mine, stems from the fact that deportation for illegal immigrants is nominally the law of land already. For 30 to 40 years instead of enforcing the laws, we've just looked the other way, ignoring that people break the law. Pro-immigrant activists then try to shout down those who would simply like the law enforced as racist or xenophobic. My grandparents were immigrants. I'm pro-increased immigration. But my grandparents got here legally, and it's about time we made legal immigration easier, granted some kind of limited amnesty, and then actually enforced our laws. Continuing to ignore the lawlessness that currently runs rampant helps no one.

Congress: pass laws making the path to legal citizenship easier, grant some amnesty, and give the Executive branch some funding to actually fight illegal immigration.

Bonus: you won't have a Trumpian candidate again.
mj (MI)
This will never happen as long as business owns the government. The simple solution is to enforce the law that says you have to be of some sort of legal status to work in the US. But alas, what would the greedy meat packers for corporate farmers do? They might have to take a cut in their fat bonuses to actually pay a living wage with benefits. And we can't have that. The 1% must have their due. And everyone elses.

If people really wanted to support immigrants they would go after businesses like Donald Trumps where a whole cadre of undocumented Polish workers worked night and day to tear down the old building where Trump Tower now stands and got stiffed in the process.

What we need is to tighten labor laws to make sure every worker gets a fair shake, not just the oligarchs who sit back and rake in the cash.
RJ (Londonderry, NH)
I agree with one proviso - the ONLY path to citizenship for those who have broken our laws is MANDATORY military service to consist of not less than a 4 year term. You do that, you're IN LINE for citizenship. Otherwise, while I'm not with Trump, I am MOST DEFINITELY in favor of deportation.
JSK (Crozet)

You say, "continuing to ignore the lawlessness that currently runs rampant..."

Your comment represents a common screed and outright myth:

From that WSJ piece:

"They might start by pointing out that numerous studies going back more than a century have shown that immigrants—regardless of nationality or legal status—are less likely than the native population to commit violent crimes or to be incarcerated. A new report from the Immigration Policy Center notes that while the illegal immigrant population in the U.S. more than tripled between 1990 and 2013 to more than 11.2 million, “FBI data indicate that the violent crime rate declined 48%—which included falling rates of aggravated assault, robbery, rape, and murder. Likewise, the property crime rate fell 41%, including declining rates of motor vehicle theft, larceny/robbery, and burglary.”"

If one looks at reality, rather than quoting one's favorite horror story, this NYTs editorial is correct about Trump's immigration proposals: ridiculous.
John (Cologne, Gemany)
This election is not a referendum about a single person or policy. It is about a choice between two different people and their policies.

On the topic of immigration, the NY Times has endlessly criticized Trump. Fair enough. But please dedicate an equal amount of energy and space to the specifics of Hillary Clinton's immigration policies.

I'm sure your readers would appreciate the opportunity to compare and contrast these two candidates' plans.
Phil Dauber (Alameda, California)
What we heard from Trump tonight was another assault on the American people, a vomit of lies, viciousness, arrogance, and psychopathic insanity.

The nadir was his proposal to deport Hillary Clinton.

Worse was to hear a Republican stooge like Hugh Hewitt wax poetic on MSNBC about how great a day the psychopath had.
fly-over-state (Wisconsin)
We should all be lining up at the borders now because the lines will be very, very long. The sooner we get in line, the sooner we can relax and check this "true-citizen" obligation off our list. We’ll all have to get in line to show our documents. How else are we going to determine who is legal vs. illegal unless we have this process to prove our citizenship? I for one, on the out chance that Mr. Trump will be elected, am heading to the nearest border in hopes of being first in line. Ready, set, go – see you at the border! I’m sure that it will be a calm, orderly and quick process.
Virginia Witmer (Chicago)
Flyoverstate, you made me smile for the first time today. Last night's speech left me really scared.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
Uh..."how will we prove who is a citizen"? I mean seriously, sir -- duh. You prove it with a passport or birth certificate!

Just as is required for travel, or to get Social Security, or a driver's license!

How do you think it is done in EVERY OTHER NATION ON EARTH?
Acajohn (Chicago)
What a sad statement on this country's politics and people this campaign is. Truly awful.
Mauijim (Washington State)
Trump was not clear on the fate of non-criminal, undocumented immigrants. He said they would need to return to their home country and apply for legal entry to the US. I believe he also said they would go to the back of the line if they wish to apply for permanent status. He was vague about the quantity of visas that may be available saying there would be no extra visas but the amount of visas would be decided later by some TBD method. Later in the speech he mentioned that undocumented immigrants that remained in the US, after he deported criminal immigrants and secured the border, would be dealt with at a later time. To paraphrase: Trump will deport the bad guys, create an airtight border and worry about the good guys later. Did I get that right?
Steve K (NYC)
And while he's doing all that he'll balance the budget, eliminate the national debt, destroy ISIS, rebuild our steel and coal industries, etc - all without raising taxes...
Dick Springer (Scarborough, Maine)
We could regard it as a jobs program. We need to build camps to concentrate the deportees until their deportations can be processed and and we'll need guards and other to staff these concentration camps.
John Fasoldt (Palm Coast, FL)
Sarcasm. Correct, Dick? I keep waiting for Trump's 'final solution...'

--John 09/01/2016 - 5:48AM
Ken (Staten Island)
But after Trump's tax cuts we won't have the money to pay for the personnel necessary for rounding up & deporting of the illegals. Unless we hire illegals to do that.
Steve K (NYC)
maybe in addition to make America great hats (made in China) Trump will branch out into brown shirts and jackboots.
DbB (Sacramento, CA)
It's no wonder Mexican President Pena Nieto's approval ratings are at rock bottom. He invites a hostile foreigner to his residence, gives him a platform to appear uncharacteristically reasonable (reading a script written before their meeting), and then watches helplessly as the foreigner returns to his home turf and tells his right-wing supporters he expects Mexico to capitulate to his ridiculous demands. One thing is for certain: Donald Trump would never show such disrespect to Vladimir Putin.
lg212 (ftl, fl)
The Donald immigration policy is as insane as he is a mega manic -- however what a great way to get free publicity for your campaign. It is on every news channel, newspaper and late night talk show. Let's face it that is very clever. Hopefully the American people will not be fooled by this fool.

Where are your taxes Donald?
John (Cologne, Gemany)
"Mr. Trump...said they had not talked about the bill for the wall; Mr. Peña Nieto later disputed that on Twitter, saying he had refused to pay."

The continued lack of honesty by the NY Times on this issue is stunning.

According to the Mexican president, he told Trump that he wouldn't pay for the wall and then moved to a respectful discussion of other topics. Again, just to be clear, there was no discussion about paying for the wall, exactly as Trump stated.

"at the beginning of the conversation with Donald Trump, I made it clear that Mexico will not pay for the wall." From there, the conversation turned to other topics and continued in a "respectful manner,"
John Townsend (Mexico)
You have a weird sense of truthfulness. Trump said it wasn't discussed deliberately leaving out the plain fact of the Mexican president's emphatic
statement at the get go that Mexico would not pay. This was the crux of the whole meeting, Everything else was window dressing.
Jeff Laadt (Eagle River, WI)
If, as John asserts, "there was no discussion about paying for the wall", it is only because Mr. Pena Nieto cut off that discussion from the start. Per Pena Nieto: "at the beginning of the conversation with Donald Trump, I made it clear that Mexico will not pay for the wall."

John's position is entirely illogical.
No surprise. Why would the leader of any country invite a presidential candidate over to quarrel?
Lily (Nags Head, NC)
Again, I am reminded how toxic this all feels. As if we're in a co-dependent relationship that is spiraling down to the ugly dark corners of our psyche, testing the very core of our being. And Trump is the very very slick, very very controlling and manipulative boyfriend. Run, country, run!
Joshua Schwartz (Ramat-Gan)
"But the fear and loathing that he (= Mr. Trump) has tapped into, that so easily won him the nomination, are real."

And what will happen to that fear and loathing after Mr. Trump is defeated (assuming based on the polls that he will be)?

Will there be reconciliation of sorts or will the fear and loathing just fester, grow and spread?
Alfredo (New York)
Republicans and White Supremacists are armed to the teeth and beyond, just waiting for the right time to start an armed insurrection leading to the collapse of democracy in the USA. I predict a bloodbath.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
The NYT prides itself on ignoring and denigrating the working classes, and all of "flyover country", so of course, they want a President Hillary who will do that automatically -- seething with the same contempt that had Candidate Obama in 2008 calling us "bitter losers who cling to guns & religion"....Hillary will double-down on that.
MIMA (heartsny)
We are what - 70 days or so from electing a new president of the United States and we are listening to a nominee screaming bigotry, lying, running to Mexico for a day trip to schmooze with the Mexican government's leader, and come back and tell supporters that the man he just met with is yes, going to pay for this fantasy wall, as the wall gets taller everyday - but that the Mexican leader is wonderful and a friend.

Please tell me this is a surreal, fictitious movie that no one wants to see.
Trump's speech tonight was rife with falsehoods, about-faces, fear-mongering and disjointed attacks on President Obama and Hillary Clinton. The dangerous conman in Arizona was nothing like the fake, would-be statesman in Mexico hours earlier. Consistently inconsistent.
But Trump's American audience was enthralled. They seemed to believe that Trump will deport all illegal immigrants on day one, bill Mexico for an imaginary project, and that President Obama ignores ISIS because of climate change. Messages don't have to be true for their consequences to be real. And Trump's supporters, who heard him tonight, had a brainwashing session that patriotism means scapegoating others. There's nothing light about Trump's empty words.
EricR (Tucson)
I suspect DJT feels the power and the glory every time he exploits the fundamentals of mob psychology that whips his supporters into a frenzy and occasionally causes violence. What he doesn't get is he's the sorcerer's apprentice and all those broomsticks will come back to drown him in a sea of retribution when he doesn't deliver on his half-formed policies and promises. When the economy and our national and personal security begin to rapidly evaporate, and our infrastructure further collapses around us and he and his tax bracket buddies get richer and fatter, even the most star struck, ideologically indentured will see the con for what it is. When many millions more of us have nothing left to lose, things will get a lot uglier than anyone would like to think.
Although there is a particularly virulent strain of GOP extremism here in AZ, there's also a whole lot of opposition, albeit not as well organized and as deeply entrenched. I lay much of the blame for this at the feet of Janet Napolitano who left us with Jan Brewer when she became AG. Brewer was the perfect cipher, the personification of Norquist's ideal candidate, someone who will advance the agenda, sign the bills and not be bothered by thoughts or a conscience. The ensuing political atmosphere allowed for the expansion of Joe Arpio, whose legal bills will strap Maricopa county for years. But fear not, their grip is weak and they are aging badly, and we will pull AZ out of their cold dead fingers, sooner or later.
AG (new york)
It's going to be interesting to see him in the debates, where, I presume, no audience participation will be allowed. How will he tolerate being questioned, without his rabid followers to prop up his limp d ... er, ego?
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
Well, we DID believe he would deport all illegals. That is less clear today. But there is NO DOUBT that this is what a vast majority of American CITIZENS want today -- the deportation of every illegal alien in the USA, and secure borders, and the application of existing immigration laws.
Dana (Santa Monica)
The most striking thing abut his Phoenix speech was his non-stop call for "punishing illegal immigrants." - and the way the crowd reacted to it. Nobody bothering to connect the dots that Trump never once called for the employers of these "illegals" to be punished - the Trumps and his country club cronies who employ undocumented immigrants by the tens of thousands - paying them the bare minimum and treating them as marginally as possible. When are we going to punish them??? Oh that's right - the "illegals" are the ones to blame - not the Trumps of the world who exploit them
John Townsend (Mexico)
Aren't the americans who exploit these "illegals"by hiring them clandestinely for peanuts breaking the law by doing so? In other words they are "illegals" too.
mj (MI)
Yes, yes, yes! Finally I'm not the only one saying this. The easiest way to stop undocumented immigration is to punish the businesses who exploit these people. And yet never a word is mentioned about this. If ever there was a question about big business ownership of the media people should look to this.
James M. (lake leelanau)
I can't say it more forcefully than you: Trump-like employers have cheated the undocumented from all over the world for decades...shameful and shameless are these 'patriots' - cheating their workers out of social security benefits, safe working conditions etc. etc. Possibly not the 'poorly educated' but those of us who can read, talk and think understand who the real enemies of democracy are and have been and it's not 'the Mexicans.'
Dana (Santa Monica)
Mr. Trump is a pathological liar, among other things. Not that his supporters care so long as he keeps affirming their racism and bigotry - and allows them to take it out of their house and proudly into the open. Mr. Pena Nieto has taken leave of his senses - he should be (legally) removed from office for his shameful meeting with Mr. Trump. He sold out the country he is supposed to lead. But, in my opinion, the worst people of all are all those Republicans out there who claim to have the moral high ground and pay lip service to Trump being distasteful - and then make a pathetic pseudo-intellectual argument as to why they will vote for him in Nov. Their revolting attempt to assure us and their conscience that they aren't bigots like those at the rallies - they simply feel convinced that Trump is joking, sarcastic and capable of being "presidential" when he needs to be. These snakes in Kellyanne Conway clothing are the worst of all.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
You can be bigoted towards illegal aliens, but not racist.

Mexican is NOT A RACE.

Hispanic is NOT A RACE.

Latino is NOT A RACE.

They are languages or cultures or nationalities, but they are NOT RACES. They can be of ANY race. They are terms that do NOT refer to race. There is no "brown" race.
Prof.Jai Prakash Sharma (Jaipur, India.)
Like his last minute opportunistic overreach to the African Americans last week, this one to Mexico is his crossborder move to offer explanations as the trade-off for the Latino vote.
stu freeman (brooklyn)
The one thing that The Donald doesn't seem inclined to do with respect to those undocumented immigrants who are still crossing the border (despite the over-50% who are now going in the opposite direction) is to prosecute those employers who unknowingly hire them. Needless to say, Mr. Trump has displayed no interest in having himself arrrested.
stu freeman (brooklyn)
Oops; my bad. Make that "to prosecute those employers who KNOWINGLY hire them."
Richard (Stateline, NV)

If you actually had listened to the speech you would have heard him say that he would force employers to use an expanded e verify system. That's more than Hillary has said she will do.
Jerry Frey (Columbus)
"prosecute those employers who [un]knowingly hire them."

You could say that about any administration since Reagan.
Socrates (Downtown Verona, NJ)
Trumpty Dumpty imagined a tall, powerful, beautiful Southern border wall,

Trumpty Dumpty huffed and puffed and marketed that great imaginary wall.

But all of Trumpty's coarseness and all of Trumpty's xenophobic acumen

Couldn't give Trumpty's bloviations and prevarications an electoral win.
Here (There)
Roses are red,
Some tulips are yellow.
Come November ninth,
You'll say, "Prez-elect Trump, hello!"
Richard (Stateline, NV)

Israel has a wall between them and Gaza. Are you against that too?
John Townsend (Mexico)
Well don't forget that with gerrymandered voting districts, voting restriction laws (ie voting ID laws), and a fickle low information electorate that incredibly put a bunch of gleeful stalwart GOP obstructionists in power not once but twice since 2010.
Susan Anderson (Boston)
History is rife with examples of what happens to civilizations that spin ever more diligently around a hollow core of selfishness, without regard for reality. Add to that a frenzy of hate, a refusal to acknowledge that collaboration and cooperation are more likely to solve problems than a scorched earth policy, and you have the makings of collapse and violence such as the unimaginative among us cannot even dream of.

What makes people think they will be winners in a system where Trump is playing them all for losers? What makes them think he will treat them any different from those he's hurt and exploited in his casual way through bankruptcies and gaming the system for profit.

Honestly, how can anyone trust a guy who bankrupts casinos and weasels out of his debts? A guy who buddies up to Putin and thinks dictators are wonderful?

I do wonder what Mr. Nieto was thinking when he treated Trump like a visiting dignitary. Didn't it occur to him that he would earn his own people's disrespect? Isn't it obvious that Trump is a dumpster fire?

Surely the history of the world's dictators would warn us not to volunteer to put our country in hock to a hate promoter. There is no possible good result to be had from giving him power; he's only in it for what he can get out of it. And he's too stupid to do anything but everything in his power he can to debase our country and our standing in the world.
The cat in the hat (USA)
It is not selfish to have or enforce immigration laws. Let the Mexican oligarchy share their largess with their own people instead of demanding the rest of us support them.
Richard (Stateline, NV)

"In it for what he can get out of it"? Two words "Clinton Foundation"!
Jerry Frey (Columbus)
"History is rife with examples of what happens to civilizations that spin ever more diligently around a hollow core of selfishness, without regard for reality."

So the Romans should have allowed the Huns to devastate Gaul and occupy Rome?
Mark Lebow (Milwaukee, WI)
Is there a leader of another country who has the courage to refuse to meet with Donald Trump, whether Trump is the Republican nominee or not? The only such person I can think of is Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London, but there has to be someone else with enough courage to refuse to give this bully the air of authenticity he thinks he can buy.
caveman007 (Grants Pass, OR)
Why did the president of Mexico meet with an incoherent American politician? Might they have something in common?
jmc (Stamford)

Probably not.
Geoffrey James (toronto, canada)
Justin Trudeau
Majortrout (Montreal)
As of 2015, there were 11,500,000 illegal immigrants in the USA. That's about 3.2% of the US population, or 1 in every 30 people in the USA.

Think about it.
stu freeman (brooklyn)
And at least 40% of the American population is ready to elect Ronald McDonald our President. If we got rid of them and kept the 11 million "illegals" our nation would clearly come out ahead.
Tom (St. Louis)
Think about how difficult it would be to forcibly round up and deport 3.2% of the population. Think about how losing 3.2% of the population would gut the US economy.

Is that what you mean by "think about it"?
[email protected] (Redmond, WA)
According to the Pew Research Center, this figure is down from a peak of 12.2 million illegal immigrants in 2007.
Think about it.