Good, Bad and Mad: The News With Andrew Rosenthal

Jul 07, 2016 · 13 comments
C Moore (Montecito, CA)
And when can we expect the FBI to start its investigation of Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell regarding their use of personal email servers while in office?
NW Gal (Seattle)
I feel Mr. Rosenthal's pain.
As for Trump, women and men. Women are more thoughtful in making most decisions and candidates are important because they affect reality, life and the future. Men seem to be more emotional about an issue and go from there. That is my pop psychology comment for today.
Trump, on the other hand, seems to be publically melting down. I really believe he never thought he'd get this far with a possibility of winning. That probably scares him more than anything. He doesn't want to do the job, just win. Win, win, win, because it will prove once again what a great man he is. His ego needs to win. He doesn't really care about accomplishment unless it's demolishing something or humiliating someone.
He seems incapable of a true compliment so Saddam and Putin can be heroes. His lack of knowledge belies seeing patterns of history.
If in some twisted cosmic joke he wins the election I'm betting they will carry him off within 3 months.
Either that or the sun will fly away and the GOP will be right about global warming.
surgres (New York)
Andrew Rosenthal calls the investigation "wasteful," even though it did uncover abusive behavior that will be punished in the future.
With that standard in mind, no one should ever investigate anything unless it results in an arrest.

Even worse, AR continues his ego-driven campaign to inject his opinions on the World. Someone needs to tell him that the NY Times is not his personal blog.
Kerm (Wheatfields)
Listened to last weeks pod cast and this one and not sure how to take some of your comments such as "the serious crime of selling cd's." is this certificates of deposits or compact disc's?
Isaac Seigel (Amherst, MA)
Mr. Rosenthal,

I think you should be angry that we've reached a very tragic tipping point, too. Many of our leaders, and leader wannabes, have encouraged us to shoot back at bad guys. In Dallas last night, following a sad history of police violence against black citizens, some hot heads decided that any policeman is a bad guy - and they shot back. You should be angry that we have witnessed the tipping of social injustice to a racially charged shooting war.

I am angry that police on black violence isn't getting fixed fast enough. I am angry that the gun industry has pumped dangerous quantities of guns and 'cowboy' ideas into populace for the sake of making a few bucks. I am angry that we have a political block that thinks a shoot 'em up society is a good thing.

Isaac Seigel
Oliver (NYC)
"Citing Mr. Trump’s recent remarks in support of Saddam Hussein’s, Mr. Rosenthal adds, 'Trump is doing his best to make sure people know that he is absolutely crazy.' "

This may be true. And yes he's slipping with women voters. But what scares me is Winston Churchill's comment that the best argument against Democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.

The average voter just might elect Donald Trump president of the United States of America.
Michael Ledwith (Stockholm)
" turns out American woman voters are not as stupid as American men voters"

Their probably not as bad at grammar and spelling either. "Woman" and "men" are not comparable. In any case, the correct terms are "female" and "male".
Dave G (Monroe NY)
Oops, you made a grammatical error too: it is "they're," as in 'they are,' not "their."
Ann (Arizona)
Hillary may be "ethically challenged" but Trump is downright scary and looney. His latest rediculousness, praise for Sadam Hussein because he "killed terrorists", once again demonstrates his moral weakness and utter lack of knowledge or self-awareness. I don't want his fingers anywhere near the red button. I'll take Hillary any day over Trump, flaws and all.
C (United States)
Several years ago,when we invaded Iraq,The New York Times had a picture on the front page of a little girl falling into the dirt in Basra Iraq.I have often thought about that child wondering if she lived or died.I remember President Bush looking for Bin Laden under his desk.I remember President Bush taking resources out of Afghanistan to invade Iraq.
I guess it time for someone to say "Have You No Shame"
Scott (MA)
The last point is the most telling and the most accurate: Donald Trump is crazy. The idea that he could be president should really scare normal people
Deus02 (Toronto)
Unfortunately, after months of following around Trump like a puppy dog, giving him billions in free advertising and making boatloads of money in the process, the media has just recently come to the rather "astute conclusion" that this guy is not suited to be President. What is even more worrisome and too often ignored, however, is despite all his obvious flaws, Hillary's baggage continues to pile up high enough that in any polls to date, whatever lead she has over Trump is never beyond single digits. If any other democratic party candidate was running, this election would be no contest!
C. Morris (Idaho)
Trump is starting to look, and sound, unhinged, unglued, suffering some sort of psychosis.
His Cinci speech yesterday was nearly frightening in it's nature.
We as a nation can't allow or sanction a person of this nature to have their little fingers on the nuke switch.
Some bright talking head on TV yesterday put it this way; 'Our political system has handed us a perverse 'Sophie's Choice' in which we don't like either child.'