Blaming Muslims After Attack, Donald Trump Tosses Pluralism Aside

Jun 14, 2016 · 678 comments
Mareln (MA)
Aside from Republicans in general, how can Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Bob Dole and especially John McCain, support a narcissistic, know-nothing fascist's candidacy for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?

For those who are in office and DO support such a low life, can't they be charged with treason?
indy mod (NY)
Donald Trump uses fear and intimidation to get his way. It would not be too far fetched to imagine him setting aside the Constitution and assume state of emergency dictatorial powers in order to keep Amerika Great Again. He has promised that he's the only one that can keep us safe, no need for the Congress nor the Supreme Court.
Scott H (Minneapolis)
Mr. Trump knows a lot of bankers. Corrupt bankers caused the financial collapse of 2008. Mr. Trump didn't tell anybody about the corrupt bankers. Mr. Trump should go to jail.
michael mcallister (Poland me)
Where does Bernie stand?
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
Hardly matters, really.
Stephen Miller (Oakland)
It is interesting to me how the Trump campaign can be seen as a sort of Anti-program. Foreign people and ideas are bad. Conspiracies are everywhere helped along by third columnists including the president. Trust in anything but the infallible Trump is foolhardy. We are to believe our only salvation is to rally around the flag to defeat the invisible and all-powerful infidels (Muslims today, but the name can be changed to suit the situation). It is a crusade, neo-McCarthyism, neo-fascism - you name it. Build a wall, ban immigrants, circle the wagons and pull up the blanket. Best not to look out the windows or read a book without checking with the pastor.

Make no mistake, this is exactly how Hitler was democratically elected.
Goose (Sydney)
Donald Trump says that he will suspend immigration "when there is a proven history of terrorism against the U.S., Europe, or our allies". Ireland?
Dave (USA)
I'm so sick of hearing Trump open his mouth. Everytime he does, something stupid usually comes out of it. Can you imagine what our allies abroad are thinking about him and the mindset of our country. Ouch.
Steve Fankuchen (Oakland, CA)
Trump's rant about threats to national security brought back memories of my mother saying, "It takes one to know one."
Abby (Tucson)
OK, ya'll, this man is spliting.

That is, he is psychologically putting "others" into the Bad Columns and himself and anyone who follows him into the Right Column. You can guess who's going to be shoved off the island next week!
Bob (Seaboard)
Trump is just giving voice to what many Americans are thinking, many of them his likely voters. They do not see this as domestic or homegrown terror. They see a direct link between what happened here and what is happening in the Middle East, Europe and Asia. Even as the mainstream is trying to play this down, many see this as the direct influence of radical, militant Islam, as a war between (chiefly) Christianity and Islam and as a struggle between good and evil. They feel the left, its liberal values and multiculturalism are partly responsible. Mocking Trump may help win an election but it is not going to change the strong undercurrents.
Wine Country Dude (Napa Valley)
This is a horrifying display of emotional fear-mongering.

I refer, of course, to all the people quoting Martin Neimoller ("First they came for the Muslim terrorists....") and positively getting vapors over the imminent appearance of the Fourth Reich. There's little point to debating with people whose sole aim is to excoriate.

In my view, Trump's comments are welcome and totally appropriate.

PS: Mateen was a citizen, they tell us. Mateen's father, you know, the guy who said that what his son did was unnecessary because God will punish gay depravity, was the one let into the country. Even then, our government was making excellent choices, but there's no need to compound them now by opening the doors further to people who would like to exterminate us. Or maybe just gays.
B (Minneapolis)
It should not be surprising that Trump is going to run on fomenting fear. He can't make a coherent policy statement. The press is starting to expose him as a business man that only succeeded by taking advantage of his business partners, stockholders and taxpayers- not comforting for voters who would become his "shareholders" and taxpayers if they elect him. And, how many times and how effectively can he trot out the same old debunked attacks on Hillary Clinton?
And, if the angry white men he has conned into thinking he will do something for them realize that all they have to fear is fear itself, he is toast.
Trump is a thug, a thug with money (but not as much money as he claims). He wants to rule like a thug: by fear & intimidation, by throttling free speech, a free press and most protests. To vote for Trump is to vote for the United States of Trump Thuggery.

If we accept that "what you see is what you get" then Trump has given ample warning to everyone (in the USA and across the world) of what kind of tactics he will employ.

If there is an opposite of "presidential", Trump is that opposite.
Abby (Tucson)
No Teflon for THIS Don, either
John (NYC)
All of this has nothing to do with anything; not guns, not ISIL, not anti-gay terrorism.

The guy was a deep inner closet gay person who was acting out against his inner gay tendencies by seeking more religion and found Radical Islamic ways. He clearly didn't know Al Qaeda from ISIL from other terrorists groups who are all fighting each other. He frequented the same gay bar and was turned down. Now he's acting out and "proving" to himself and others that he's just a terrorist and not a gay guy.

He was a troubled, closet gay and an angry man who used ISIL as a not-so-clever ruse. He's a lone wolf wannabe terrorist.
Mimi Hock (Chapel Hill, NC)
samu (NY)
Trump is right on using the phrase "islamic extremism", how else can you describe two attacks in NYC, including 9/11 and the recent ones in this country?
Why is Pres.Obama so careful with Islamic sensibilities?
The world would be better without this menace causing untold suffering.
On the other hand, when is the FBI going to crack down on Islamic terrorists?
Obviously, they had this criminal on their radar.
Pres. Obama owes an explanation!
@samu: What Trump knows is that the phrase "Islamic extremism" is a great way to set people off (and you took the bait!) - he's using that phrase to create fear and hatred. Trump will call anything he doesn't like by a derogatory name, because that's how his very feeble brain operates. He is apparently correct in thinking that his followers are not any smarter than he is.

Further, Trump owes about 1,000,000 apologies. I want to hear Trump start apologizing and then keep going. But he won't apologize, because he's too much of a narcissistic nut job.

In the end, the real "menace" that is likely to cause untold suffering in the USA is named "Donald Trump".
Tired of Hypocrisy (USA)
The first amendment gives us freedom of religion just like the second gives us the right to keep and bear arms. Both come with restrictions, we can't practice cannibalism as a religion just like we can't have nuclear weapons.

We are now faced with a certain group of devout followers of a religion who believe homosexuality is evil and can be punished by death. These same followers also believe that women are worthless and are owned by men. Should those who believe in this particular brand of religion be allowed to practice it in the US or even be allowed to live among us?

The same way some want to remove "weapons of war" from the general populace those whose beliefs are inimical to the beliefs of Americans should also be removed. It is very hypocritical to want to remove the weapons of war without also removing the warriors who wish to use those weapons against America.
ronnyc (New York, NY)
I do not believe Trump's message can be confronted by denying it. When leaders, be they political or religious, claim that the philosophies of ISIS and other similar groups are aberrations or just wrong, they run up against facts. ISIS is maniacal but the Saudis and Iranians are not all that different as they treat their populations. And lest we forget, the Iranians killed many Jews in Argentina. The Saudis teach hatred of others very much like ISIS (and put it into practice in Yemen). It is easy to find hundreds if not thousands, of articles, many in the Times, about the cruelty of some Muslim groups around the world. Are they all aberrant? And who decides? The Koran is available on line, so it's pretty easy to search "Koran Jews" for instance and find quite a few rather unpleasant (to me at least) directives. Are they aberrant? Long past is the day when any one group has a lock on knowledge. Now we all have the same access. So I ask our political and religious leaders to stop pretending they are handing us commandments from on high. When they deal in fantasies, they cheapen everything they say. I don't have advice on how to deal with these cruel philosophies but treating their adherents as simply misguided or unhappy won't work.
B.S. (West Sacramento, CA)
Timothy McVeigh was not a Muslim, but did a pretty good job pointing out how this country is quite good at producing its own native terrorists.
Jack T. (Boston)
This is getting really disturbing. Trump would be MAJOR DISASTER for the USA. The country could be changed in terrible ways. There would be a "right way to think" (Donald's way) and a "wrong way to think" (everybody else). The GOP apparently has lost ALL RESPECT FOR ITSELF, it just cares about winning and seems happy to trample on the Constitution, defy basic human empathy, and turn our democracy into a right-wing kingdom where the capacity of the human mind to be open and able to reason will be wiped out. The GOP seems to be fueled by DOGMA today, how is this different from the dogma of our enemies? Both are closed systems, unwelcome to critical thought and compassion for our fellow humans who may differ from us.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
So the answer is to have Empress Hillary? and she would tell us what to think -- and eat -- and where to go to the bathroom? How is that any different? It is really lefty liberals who want to tell everyone that there is one way to think -- THEIR WAY -- and everyone who disagrees is stupid or low information or (now) HITLER.
RB (West Palm Beach)
Donald Tromp is saying all he needs to say
To appease to right wing extremist. Hillary wants to take your guns away and let Muslims come into the country and have fun. A crazy man killing scores of people is not fun.
This is very sad, an ignorant self centered man is poised to become president. The fact he is able to reach this far speaks volume about how much we have advanced as a nation. I am very ashamed.
Abby (Tucson)
Hillary knows the Congress will keep her from having to give up assault rifles. We don't need to engage in deflections which the NRA pumps like a Winchester day after day...

I wouldn't be here if not for the 1886 Repeater, but I don't want to retell an old horror story. Pleasant Valley War, 1887. Known as the bloody AZ feud that took 20 lives after the US Army removed the Tonto Apache to make way for civilized society.

Shirley Temple's first time on screen, too, but the way they told it took all the ironing out of it, Grandfather!
Charles (San Jose, Calif.)
I wouldn't be here if not for the 1886 Repeater, but I don't want to retell an old horror story.
..... and then proceeds to tell it. It's your prerogative to change your mind, naturally.
Bruce (Florida)
There is an article in the Orlando Sentinel today that shows, based upon its investigation, that the shooter had been going to Pulse for years, and suggesting that he sought out the company of gay men. So isn't it quite possible, even likely, that the shooter was a very disturbed young man who was was deeply conflicted about possibly being gay, and, given his religion and upbringing, deeply ashamed of it.. That sort of conflict can produce the the rage leading to this mass killing. This very plausible theory has nothing to do with ISIS. The claim to allegiance to ISIS gave the shooter cover so that he still would not have to come out as gay.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
It is possible, but my understanding is that Omar Mateen was there several times -- not so much a regular visitor perhaps as scouting out a potential place for a terror attack? Wouldn't a terrorist do just that? Check where the exits and entry were? Check where the guards were stationed? Plan to hold hostages in the bathrooms? You cannot do that if you go to the location for the FIRST TIME on the day you launch the attack.

I am always mystified that people who are gay (or pro-gay) want to tag other people as gay -- to out them -- as if they are saying being gay is something BAD. What differrence does Omar Mateen's sexual orientation make? If he WAS a closeted gay man, who murdered 50 other gay men -- is that BETTER than if he was a straight man who did the same thing?
@Concerned Citizen: Maybe you should do more research before you post a comment like this. The killer was not just "casing the joint" - he was also "cruising" for gay hookups on online gay websites. The man sounds like he was gay and couldn't bear to be what his family's beliefs said was unacceptable - he was caught in an inner conflict that he could not resolve. It's horrible that his solution was to take out 49 other people, instead of just dealing with this on his own.

PS: "pro-gay"? Your use of that phrase says far more about you than it does about anyone else.
ann (Seattle)
Obama’s mother was an anthropologist who did field work in Indonesia. Barack Obama spent some of his formative years growing up in a Muslims society. Back then, Indonesians practiced a more moderate Islam than they do today. I wonder if our president would recognize current Indonesian society which has turned quite observant and intolerant of anyone with different beliefs.

Saudi Arabia has been financing the building and staffing of thousands of mosques across the world. It also prints religious books, all to teach the extreme version of Islam - Wahhabism. This version of Islam is washing across the world, wiping away any versions of Islam that are at all tolerant of people with different ideas. Wahhabi mosques are here, in the United States.

President Obama may remember a more tolerant practice of Islam from his childhood, and not quite realize how Wahhabism has been changing Muslim cultures. Consequently, he may not be acknowledging, even to himself, the impact radical Islam could have on our country.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
I agree. (Also, I do not think Obama is a Muslim. That's silly.)

He was exposed to the gentle, peaceful Islam of Indonesia. You don't see this kind of terrorism in Indonesia. You do not see in the USA among our black Muslim population.

You see it in the Middle East. You see it stoked and encouraged by Saudi Arabia, and financed with oil money.

Obama is both ignorant and willfully blind. He is probably very sympathetic to that gentle form of Islam -- as I am -- because that's how Americans see religion. As basically benevolent.

But the strain coming out of the Middle East (and now Europe) is NOT that kind -- it is violent and dangerous, it hates women and gays. And it is out to do mass murder and mayhem.

I suggest everyone here stop and read The Atlantic's article recently on "The New Caliphate". It will scare you to death.
Susan H (SC)
President Obama attended a Catholic school in Indonesia, so obviously there was much more tolerance at that time. Don't know if there are still Catholic schools there today, but we have cousins who were missionaries in New Guinea, very close by.
Homersilliad (PA)
Why don't we circumvent the discussion of banning guns and just ban the ammo?
Felipe Mendez (Oregon)
Dear NYTimes editor,
Why is it that the only articles on today's front page that are accepting readers' comments are articles about Donald Trump? Orlando is a news story that goes far beyond one Republican's opinion. Orlando is about a closeted homosexual who went homicidal. The U.K. Guardian is taking the lead on this story. The NYTimes needs to get a reporter down in Orlando to conduct some interviews with former gay liaisons of the shooter. They are out there and could help shed light on this tragedy which is being misconstrued as an attack masterminded by the Islamic State.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
Well, it's an election year. And the NYT is obviously scared to death that their beloved Empress Hillary might not win. I figure they know something they are not publishing. Instead, they launch hysterical attack after attack against Trump -- a man they also claim is a buffoon that nobody likes, and who can never win.

Common sense tells you that if someone can't win, they are no threat. If they are no threat, you would not waste the time and expense to put 5 articles a day about that man on the front page!

This is a horrible, ghastly mass murder -- a very frightening lack of judgment from the FBI -- possibility that some of the dead were killed by friendly fire from police -- and all the NYT can think to do is USE this awful tragedy to BASH TRUMP.

Sorry, but that is disgusting.
@Concerned Citizen: You know what's TRULY disgusting? Trump and what he has said/tweeted on this topic. Trump deserves a global bashing on this.
Charles (San Jose, Calif.)
C'mon, L. You're in NYC. Hardly a podium from which to moralize to we happy few who do not live on an island off the coast of America. You gave us Trump, a NYC boy.
Michael Bain (New Mexico)
If Mr. Trump really wanted to address mass murders in the United Sates, he would propose a ban on White Males. According to a CNN report from 2015 white people, mostly males, have committed 62% of mass shootings since 1982 ( ).

To set an example, and be a true leader, he should start by banning himself.

Michael Bain (and yes, I'm a white male)
Glorieta, New Mexico
Tom (California)
I can't stand the self-serving, pathological liar, war-mongering panderer, serial exhibitor of poor judgement, and entrenched pawn of the rich, Hillary Clinton...

But I will vote for Her over this deranged and dangerous nutcase.

Decent Americans really have no choice.
Abby (Tucson)
That was hilarious and a high form of ego defense, mechanic!

Way to fix his wagon!
Charles (San Jose, Calif.)
I'm eager to hear a fellow Californian define "decent." Many have tried.
Abby (Tucson)
The opposite of ascent? These are just footpaths, what's the destination? I am over the hill and waiting for ya'll to catch up!
Leslie (Amherst, MA)
Ultimately, the blame for this heinous massacre of innocents falls squarely at the feet of ALL orthodox religious doctrines and their practitioners that promote the despicable notion that LGBTQI people are, somehow, vile and less than human. This was about a young man who grew up in a family, a religious culture, and a still dominant political climate that condemned who HE was to such an extent that he became virulently self-loathing and homophobic. Add to this the hatred and discrimination he likely experienced as a Muslim and person of Afghani descent, the quite real possibility that he suffered from bi-polar disease (characterized, partially, by swings between depression and mania), and the revoltingly easy access to semi-automatic guns we have in this country, and you have a powder-keg in the making. Personally, I do not believe that Mateen's actions were, in any real sense, politically motivated. I do not believe that he was acting as a "lone wolf" agent for any of the organizations or individuals he--AFTER he had already slaughtered dozens--then told the police he swore allegiance to (Whether ISIS, Hezbollah, the Boston Bombers, the US-born suicide bomber, or otherwise). What I DO believe though, is that homophobia--primarily a products of religious doctrine--caused this atrocity. Whether your Christianity/Orthodoxy foams at the mouth about homosexuality or "hates the sin but loves the sinner," you are culpable.
DMutchler (NE Ohio)
I wonder if Trump is going to revoke the use of his name on all the "Muslim" properties in the Middle East? Will he cease all business deals with those nasty "Muslims"? Will he boot Qatar Airways from the Trump Tower?

Trump has his name on more Middle Eastern property than most Americans. Isn't that a bit like aiding the "enemy" and helping those "Muslims" further along their ideals and apparent hatred of the USA?

Honestly, anyone who is really buying a thing this man says is showing true ignorance. He's out for himself only, and if America benefits, good for him; if American suffers, I am sure it will not be his fault. And again, he doesn't care because he can just go back to his world, the one in which so very few other live in, and trust me, they aren't believing a word out of this guy's mouth, because they have likely been screwed by him or at least know that he is nothing but an egoist.
bikemom1056 (Los Angeles CA)
And Trump's "speech" should justify legal involuntary commitment of mentally for pubic safety. He is not a danger to himself. He is too narcissistic. But he is certainly a danger to other people...many other people
T. T. (Cleveland)
I would feel safer if we could again ban assault weapons & high-capacity magazines. Gun owners that have these weapons can be given a period of time to bring them in and be reimbursed for whatever they paid for them or their present value. These weapons could be given to the police, National Guard, branches of the military, or even to our allies to be used by their militaries.
Thereafter they would be illegal to own - with large fines and/or possible jail times…… I know what a lot of critics think of this – that the “bad guys” will be able to get these weapons anyway. And yes, some will. But the laws of supply and demand will come into play & the price of the illegal weapons will sky-rocket. Maybe “gangs” will have a couple (instead of dozens) & there might be some militant groups that will hand onto theirs, too, but they aren’t the actors shooting up theaters, bars and restaurants.
I would feel safer & you would, too. …. And this last massacre in Orlando might have been 10 killed and 10 wounded – yes, still tragic, but not as tragic.
Mystalope (Planet Earth)
Once the ban is in place, stop all imports of the ballistics, unless it's to the military of course... Can't shoot it if you don't have the bullets...
PeterS (Boston, MA)
If Mr. Trump will become our President, can he stop home grown terrorists like Mr. Mateen? The only way to make sure incident like this will never be committed by a Muslim is to make sure that there is no Muslim in this country. He probably will have to deport all Muslim immigrants or put them in concentration camps. We are experts in doing concentration camp already. We got plenty of practice in WW2 interning our Japanese citizens. Are we truly safe then? What about Muslim who have converted to other religion? Can we trust them to truly have converted? How many generations should be trace it back? Two generations? May be five generations is safer? Should we stop with just all Muslims? May be Muslim religion is not the only mark of Cain? What if we got involved in a military conflict with China in the South China Sea? Easily can happen. Surly, all Chinese immigrants and their children must be spies? Anyone with Chinese blood cannot be trusted and must be rounded up too. What about terrorists like Dylan Roof? A terrorist group is a terrorist group even if they are white and Christians. So, President Trump must deport himself for his obvious association with Dylan then? After we all leave, America will be Great Again for wildlife. Mr. Trump will be remembered as one of the greaaaatest presidents for the very positive environmental impact to the continent. Just following his argument to the logical conclusions ;)
Mystalope (Planet Earth)
I shouldn't smile, as I was too angry for that... but you succeeded. Hopefully we can look back on this period as a 'strange but true' episode... Did America really... I mean, really, get this close to letting him get a chance at the most powerful job on the planet? Wouldn't it be wonderfully ironic if he got a taste of his own gun-happy doctrine... Is there a Lee Harvey waiting in the wings for Mr T? Oh and by the way - where are you all going to emigrate to? I mean, the rest of world probably isn't too keen on Americans at this point in time... Just sayin'...
PeterS (Boston, MA)
We should of course all follow Mr. Trump wherever he self-deport himself to. Without little people and "undesirables" like us, he will have no one to degrade publicly! He likes our company so much and we really cannot deprive this great man of his greatest pleasure. I am sure that he will hire us as lackeys to keep us loyal and vote for him wherever he goes. We need to be a bit careful though. We need to make sure that he pays what he promised because he is kind of cheap for the great man that he is.
Jeff (California)
When I first hear about the attack on the Gay nightclub, I assumed it was perpetrated by a nutcase "conservative, evangelical, christian. ISIS and the conservative, evangelical christian movement shares the same attitude about gays and are both willing to commit murder to promote their beliefs. So, Trump should advocate deporting everyone who belongs to a hate group. But then who would be left to vote for him?
ondelette (San Jose)
Trump has called for his bans, but he also said if the ban Hillary Clinton called for -- military style assault rifles -- were imposed then innocent gun owners couldn't protect themselves.

The New York Times ran a story on the history of the gun called the AR-15. The gun is only called that when it is not purchased by the American military. Otherwise, it's called an M-16. It isn't "military-style" it's military.

The AK-47 is called an AK-47 when it's purchased by militaries, and when it's bought and sold for "civilian use," which I guess means so that innocent gun owners can protect themselves. So when someone kills with one, he or she kills with an AK-47, not a "military-style" weapon, not a "long gun", a famous, world-recognized military weapon.

It's time to start calling the AR-15 or the "long gun" or whatever, an M-16, wherever and whenever it's used.

If Donald Trump wants to end politically correct speech, and rant about calling it, "Radical Islamic Terrorism", he and everyone else should stop using the politically correct expressions, "AR-15" and "long gun", and start calling it an M-16. If he can't do that, he should resign.
muslit (michigan)
Did Trump offer his condolences to the families of the victims? I imagine not. Most were Latinos.
Ben Bryant (Seattle, WA)
Can't we all see now that the Emperor has no clothes?
Abby (Tucson)
Not only that, but such tiny underwear!
Martiniano (San Diego)
Play to the fears of people who don't have trained thinking skills. Go after the uneducated, make them afraid and make them believe YOU are the only person who can save them, YOU are the only person who "gets it". And convince them that they are the "real Americans" and the rest of us, veterans, descendants of American war heroes, Americans who worked hard to build a financially secure life for ourselves with some left over to help others, we are "they" and "they" are a threat.
Eochaid mac Eirc (Cambridge)
there is sure a lot of editorializing in this "reporting."
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
The NYT is desperately, pathetically, shilling for HIllary Clinton and the Democratic Party.

That makes this not news, or even an editorial .... but campaign propaganda from a mouthpiece of the Democratic Party.
Timesreader50 (DC)
There are over 3 million Muslims in the United States.Less than 10 of them committed acts of terror.
Abby (Tucson)
BUT, we just ruled that ammonium nitrate dump explosion an arson, so who was not interested in keeping tabs on the amount of explosives those agies had on hand with the typical cotton seed corner?

Anyone remember Robert Marshall, USDA investigator hot on the heels of Billy Sol Estes and his corners in same materials when a sheriff ruled he'd shot himself in the back TWICE? Should have taken Johnson's offer to step UP into Washington, Robert! Marshall wasn't gonna fold his core for no body's business.
HJ Cavanaugh (Alameda, CA)
For all his money why not hire an experienced, top notch press agent? Did anyone proofread the speech before he blurted out "he was born in "Afghan". There is no such place as "Afghan", and being born in Queens, NY qualifies you as a US citizen, even in Trump's case.
Jacqueline Jones (Portland, Ore.)
The Times should bar Trump from it's pages just as Trump has barred the Post and BuzzFeed from him entourage. If he didn't have a voice, he wouldn't have followers.
sophia (bangor, maine)
The shooter in Orlando was an American citizen. The shooter in Charleston is an American citizen. One of the San Bernadino shooters was an American citizen.

How does Trump think that banning ALL Muslims from coming to America (That means YOU, Mayor of London, England) is going to change anything. It will just make more enemies more determined to strike here, probably more American citizens.

And, by the way, Timothy McVeigh was an American citizen. And a Christian. How many did he kill? 200+. Trump is a ridiculous demagogue and he must be stopped from reaching the Oval Office. He doesn't make sense on any level.
Bonnie Allen (Petaluma, California)
How about sweeping measures against Christians, who are responsible for far more killings in the U.S. than Muslims? Or how about sweeping measures against men, who perpetrate all of the mass shootings? If we banned men, there would be no more mass shootings. Or maybe just ban non-Muslims, since only a tiny portion of shooters are Muslim.
50kw (Albany)
let's apply the logic of those who oppose gun control to Mr. Trump's call for banning Muslims from entering the country: criminals aren't deterred by laws, right? On this basis, gun control is meaningless. How, then, would a law banning Muslims from entering the U.S. stop terrorist activity? After all, as Mr. Trump frequently reminds us, laws simply don't stop those who want to do us harm...
Tad Banyon (Dallas, TX)
In these times we should be willing to admit our fears. Trump certainly does, and his followers certainly do. They argue that these times are so unique, and our fears so reasonable, that we shouldn't hesitate to bend the rules a little to keep us safe.

After initially disagreeing with him, I have come around. I now think we SHOULD take extraordinary measures to rid the country, as much as possible, of the dangerous, fanatical extremism that stands to destroy the nation as we know it. Maybe we SHOULD consider the idea of kicking unstable psychopaths out of the country and not letting them back in, even if it isn't strictly "legal" (i.e., PC).

Then, once Trump is gone, we can get back to worrying about far less diabolical threats to our way of life, like religious fanaticism.
Mystalope (Planet Earth)
There is always a temptation to react to terrible times in this way. The trouble is, it's never that simple. Even if I were to agree, and take you seriously, the logistics of organizing what you (and Mr T) suggest are basically impossible. It would require a degree of organization and skill waaaaay above that of poor Mr T, who, let's face it, couldn't organize a drinking party in a brewery... I mean... if he had the intelligence and charisma of someone like... ohh... Adolf Hitler... then maybe? I mean... that guy was organized... and he really got Germany back on it's feet didn't he?
Paul (Albany, NY)
At some point, you have to stop blaming "the Donald" and wonder what's the matter with the base.
Pete DeLorean (Tempe, AZ)
It's astonishing how little time is being spent on this topic.

I felt the same way about illegal immigration when it was the big topic a year or two ago. No one, at all, was looking at the systems and conditions in Mexico causing the exodus. Everyone's freaking out about the symptom, and not looking at the cause.

I agree with you. The problem isn't Trump. The problem is us.
mbs (interior alaska)
Fran Soyer, below, got it right: Donald Trump is gloating over a terrorist attack.

And there are people who want to see him become POTUS. I would never have believed it of my country.
Tom (California)
Why are 99 percent of us risking the lives of our friends, families, and fellow citizens by allowing the other 1 percent among us - mentally ill, hateful, paranoid cowards- to possess weapons of mass murder?
kicksotic (New York, NY)
Safe to say the GOP's quite happy shouting we need to be "tough on terror" while their sugar daddy the NRA sells the terrorists assault weapons.
KP (Portland. OR)
By God forbid if he becomes president, will it end just banning Muslims? I don't think so. He will try to apply this to all other races, other than the one he belongs.
Mystalope (Planet Earth)
And then he'd be looking at the females and thinking... hmm... the vote?
Nancy Robertson (USA)
The terrorist's second and current wife, Noor Mateen, was with him when he bought the ammunition that killed 50 people. This woman knew all about the attack her husband was planning and even drove him to the nighclub so he scope it out beforehand. She is an accessory to the crime and should never be let out of prison, regardless of whether or not she cooperates with the authorities now .
ScrantonScreamer (Scranton, Pa)
Trump basically accused of Obama being sympathetic to or somehow supporting Islamic terrorism. When is the Democratic party going to attack Trump on this? President Obama, Hillary Clinton and every Democratic member of Congress cannot continue to allow Trump to spew this nonsense without a response. Fight back!
Michael Branagan (Silver Spring, MD)
Lets see: No Muslims (killers), No Latinos (rapists).

How about no Euros. Oops, to late, we already handed out the small pox blankets. Never mind.

Once you start a "list", there is no end. Or have I missed something.
cchuvalas (Indianapolis)
Hannibal is at the gates with his visionless band of Republican elephants, and his name is Trump.
MJR (Stony Brook, NY)
How can these leading republicans stand with him after this horrifying speech? How? How can they mutter that he may improve before the election? What are they thinking?!
Charles (San Jose, Calif.)
It's a real laff riot to watch the Democrats try pin the tail on The Donald for Obama - Biden's failure to keep America safe.
James (Phoenix)
Extremism exists in all religions, every group has its bad apples, blah, blah, blah. But only one religion makes it perfectly clear that intolerance, hate and violence is the center of its beliefs. It controls what you do both in public and in private; in politics and in daily life. and if you disagree with them you can be killed. Just look at what is happening in Europe with the flood of so called migrants. These people do not and will not assimilate into the host country. But instead they rape, steal, defecate in public places and demand they be accommodated for their religious beliefs. All the while showing utter disrespect to the culture and laws of the host country. Is this what you want in America? You want Sharia law? Just ask the Mayor of Irvin, TX or the people of Alabama what they went through. Multi-culturalism does not work especially with these people. Europe is being destroyed by it. Don't let it happen to America. It will if Clinton is elected for she is another Angela Merkel of Germany who sold her country to the Muslims.
Mystalope (Planet Earth)
You're so right, and I respect your vast knowledge on this subject. I'm also in awe of your ability to somehow have gathered this information on each and every 'so called migrant' and that you have personally observed them 'defecating in the streets', 'raping', 'stealing' and to quote you directly blah blah blah. It's nice, for once, to read such a lucid and factually accurate account - as opposed to the fatuous and lazy racism tied up in patriotism that one normally observes... Go you. By the way - T E Lawrence would have loved the fact that you used his portrait in your profile. Such delicious irony.
Barbara Pines (Germany)
While so much of America and the free world was reacting with shock and grief to these tragic deaths, the opportunist Donald Trump - as I imagine it - was salivating with joy at the anticipated boost he'd get (he assumes) in his climb to the pinnacle of power. I hope that undecided voters will remember the mass killings that took lives, including children's, in such places as Newtown and Oklahoma City and note that in these cases, the killers were not Muslim. Scapegoating one religious or ethnic group for political advantage does absolutely nothing to stop the carnage. Nobody has anything to gain from this event except, possibly, Trump himself. Unless his comments backfire, as Romney's "forty-seven percent" comments did four years ago.
Mike (NYC)
It appears to me that what we have here here is a closeted, Muslim, self-hating gay man who was conflicted about being gay and his fervent adherence to the koran and its cruel proscriptions as to gay people and it made him snap.
Ghulam (New York)
Donald Trump's anti-Muslim rants are being widely condemned by Democrats and by the press. A cautionary note is needed. His anti-Muslim stance may have much wider resonance than many of us believe. Many Americans do not know any Muslims personally. The terrorist attacks from 9/11 to Orlando have left them with puzzlement followed by anger. Hillary Clinton is not doing herself any favors by bringing up Trump's proposed ban on Muslim immigration again and again. She probably will not win much support with her position on gun control either. Both Mrs. Clinton and the mainstream press will have to be much more imaginative, aggressive and shrewd to keep this menace at bay.
Said Ordaz (Manhattan)
WWII, Japanese sympathizers got incarcerated while the war was being fought.

Chicago 1930's, people associated with the mob were rounded up so as to clean the streets.

Revolutionary War, British sympathizers were caught and kept under lock and key while the war was won.

So why can't we jail every person here in the USA who is calling for Jihad in our land, who keeps praising ISIS and calling for murdering people locally? the government for sure knows who they are, they can play dumb but they know who they are. Round them up and teach the kids that hate is not right, teach them to integrate and teach them American values.

Once we have a generation of kids who are with us, not with them and against us, we might be able to win this war on terror.

ok, I'll sit here and waiting for the rants and raves of liberal bleeding hearts calling for human rights for jihadists
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
Dear Said Ordaz,
Sorry but in WWII, it wasn't Japanese sympathizers who were interned, it was all people of Japanese descent, none of whom actually had loyalty to Japan. In Chicago in the 30's it was only people with connections to the mob, not all Italians.

So keep in mind that from your name there, if Trump put this kind of round-up into motion, you would be jailed too. Just it's the kind of name he'd assume might have sympathies for jihadists. So be careful what you wish for.
Mystalope (Planet Earth)
You're so right... these tactics were all the marks of genius and fixed the problems of the time completely, and humanely.

And of course that's how it started in Germany in 1933... I mean.. those pesky Jews, those homosexuals, mentally disabled, lefties... lock em up for a bit... that's all we want to do... teach em a lesson, show em whose boss... re-educate them.

I mean history is full of classic examples - isn't it wonderful!?
Eben Spinoza (SF)
Trump clear doesn't want to be elected President. He's doing a Heath Ledger impersonation.
Larry Gr (Mt. Laurel NJ)
Sweden is now considered the "rape capital" of Europe and the West. How did this happen? Was it Erik and Viktor coming down from Lapland? No, it was caused by open migration of unvetted men from Islamic nations.

Open your eyes people! Look at the real reality, not the reality you would like to see! Trump is correct when he says we need to temporarily ban migration from Muslim nations until we know they can be properly vetted! Once this is accomplished we can permit them in through normal legal channels.
Tom (California)
This wide-mouthed bigot, and his stampeding herd of bigoted supporters, are the group who should be banished and banned. The Republican Party would cease to exist, and America would improve overnight.

Let's get to work on it.
Jerry Cunningham (San Francisco)
According to Mr. Trump's logic, Catholics are radical Christians and should be banned from Northern Ireland.
kakorako (nyc)
What USA needs is a ban on lunatics such as Trump and ban on weapons for civilians. Can you imagine civilians having access to heavy weapons.
Frank (Boston)
The "solutions" offered by each Trump and Obama-Clinton would not have prevented the Orlando tragedy.

Banning Muslims at the border wouldn't have stopped an American citizen inside the country from killing other Americans.

Banning gun sales to people on a terrorist watch list wouldn't have stopped an American citizen who wasn't on a terrorist watch list (but was a licensed security guard) from buying guns.

Trump seems determined to set up new internment camps.

Obama-Clinton seem determined to find every excuse possible to take away guns from law-abiding Americans.

What sorry excuses for leaders.
Cindy-L (Woodside, CA)
Islam is the most misogynistic of the major religions. In many Islamic countries women are imprisoned and beaten for displaying their hair. The New York Times magazine run pictures of Saudi Arabian malls and public places and there wasn't a woman in one of them. Several weeks ago the Times had a video of greyhound races in Pakistan. There wasn't a woman among the crowd watching the races. Last Sunday the Times ran an article about a hate crime committed against a mosque. It showed a picture of a worship service at the mosque. There were no women present. I am a feminist. I strongly advocate the participation of women in public affairs. I am not happy about a large number of immigrants arriving who want to exclude women from public life. I am also a strong supporter of the separation of church and state. I feel very conflicted!
David Forster (Pound Ridge, NY)
Cindy, Those of us who live in the West are, indeed, fortunate. Unlike the rest of the world, our society experienced the Reformation, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment and the separation of church and state. We live by the rule of law. The prospect of "a large number of immigrants arriving who want to exclude women from public life" is pretty remote, if you look seriously at our strict immigration laws.
Maryam (California)
I am a Muslim American woman and my religion doesn't oppress me. You have to remember that religion and culture are two different entities.
What you and many other bigoted Americans don't understand is that the mainstream muslims like me are being attacked two folds. We are being shoved between a rock and a wall by extremely radical so called muslims and by you lot who call themselves the citizens of a free democratic world.
If you care so much about the constitution that protects gun rights you should also be aware of the constitution that protects my right to be protected from your hate and my right to practice my religion as I wish.
Mystalope (Planet Earth)
It is difficult. It should be difficult. There are no flippant answers to this. There are however, ways in which you can look at this objectively. One cannot change a culture that has existed for 200+ years in the space of one lifetime. America is still trying to sort out that fact that a percentage of it's population still think that it is okay to deny people their basic rights based upon their gender, sexual orientation, religion, or skin color. To expect an ill-educated American white male to instantly buy into LGBT or feminist rights and ideology, is difficult. Oh wait, you were talking about immigrants... My bad.
jlockley (San Francisco)
Islam and homophobia were hardly the causes of the massacre, only the triggers. The killer was a lunatic, maniac, mad man, who lacking the exposure to the radical material he consumed, would have found a different outlet for his rage: Teenagers, Jews, Women, theater visitors. The cause was his rage combined with easy access to military grade weapons.
The rush to exploit this situation before the dead are buried and the injured are out of harms way by all of the standing candidates is despicable.
Peter Zenger (N.Y.C.)
From the article:

"Mr. Trump described the gunman in the Orlando shooting as “an Afghan,” though he was born an American citizen in New York City..."

Every year in New York City we have parades for people who consider themselves to be Irish, Italian, Polish and so on - even though they were born in this country.

In the parlance of New York City, Omar Mateen was an Afghan.

This was a rare example of Trump getting something right. Just as a broken clock is right twice a day, Trump is right about twice a year.

If we extrapolate from this, a Trump Presidency would produce 8 good decisions; assuming, of course, that we managed to survive for 4 years with him in charge.
Steve S. (New York)
Maybe some of the survivors will run for Congress someday. Like Carolyn Maloney, they can take up the cause of gun control.
Michael (Tristate)
Always question a "leader" who engenders fear rather than hope, courage, and love. Look at the history and see which leaders used fear as their tool and check their names. You'll be horrified.
Optimist (New England)
Congratulations to the GOP! They have created a Trump nominee, who talks and acts worse than a teenage boy with raging hormones. Putin is laughing "What an idiot Americans have nominated!"
Neil (New York)
After the San Bernardino attack, travel by citizens of Iran, even 2nd generation and holding European passports, was restricted. So for example, a German citizen born in Iran now has to apply for a visa in order to travel to the US. Since there haven't been many cases (or any cases) where an Iranian committed this kind of terrorism, the question becomes why don't we focus on the real source of terrorism in the world, i.e. the Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia? Donald Trump is fanning the flames of anti-Muslim fear without necessarily addressing the real problem.
BearBoy (St Paul, MN)
America is at war with Islam. They are plotting against us, and slaughtering us in our neighborhoods while the President continues to do nothing. Last week, 3 American raised ISIS terrorists were convicted here in the Twin Cities before they could slit our throats. Obama's response? Crickets.

Until he pulls his head out of the sand and faces the truth, the Democratic party has no chance to win the presidential election. Pathetic, but his dithering will ensure that Mr. Trump will win in November.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
Islam itself is undergoing a long overdue reformation.

It really did get decapitated by Hulagu Khan at Baghdad in 1258 CE.
Emily R (<br/>)
To be clear, I do not and never would support a ban on Muslims.

What's never been explained to me is how this would even be implemented. Religion is a choice unlike your country of birth. How do you ban a group that could easily claim to be another religion upon entry? This only further illustrates the absurdity of Trump's plan.

Plus, this man was American. He didn't immigrate here. This wouldn't even apply.

Trump is a loony tune.
Peter (Upstate New York)
Perhaps others have said this, 1300 comments ago, but wouldn't it make more sense for Trump to suggest keeping homophobes out of the country?
Mystalope (Planet Earth)
Every nation gets the government it deserves...
It is now obviously the duty of every American to ensure that the the rest of the world doesn't get another Adolf Hitler. Adolf started small, he wrote a nice little book, the middle class intelligentsia of the day wrote some stinging articles and the rest of the world looked on... but the working man in Germany in 1935 saw only the well-delivered rhetoric, and the rhetoric was clever, it was simple to understand, a reading age of 10 was required...

History repeats itself, sometimes in the space of a single lifetime...

"False opinions are like false money, struck first of all by guilty men and thereafter circulated by honest people who perpetuate the crime without knowing what they are doing..."
Realist (Santa Monica, Ca)
I'd like someone to tell me how a woman whose husband has been killed and her little children are a threat. Why don't the media (Washington Post?) really expose Trump as a sicko, as opposed like treating him like a regular person. Just being selfish, the Republican convention should be fun. I can't wait to hear all their "moral" politicians explain their support someone worse than Palin.

Aaron Burr might have been remembered as a great man except one thing. That's how I feel about McCain after Palin.
Charles (San Jose, Calif.)
In the fullness of time, the Democrats will accept that America is in a time of war - what Democrats call "an existential crisis," in homage to Fanon and Malraux - and that it will worsen via technical & biological means. In 2018, anxious Americans of all stripes will strew garlands in President Trump's path, having lived out what Samuel Langhorne Clemens said of his Republican father:
"When I was sixteen, I couldn't believe how little Pa knew about the world. When I turned twenty-one, I could not believe how much Pa had learned about the world in the interim."
Rumor's of Donald's defeat are greatly exaggerated, Sam added.
AmateurHistorian (NYC)
Let's have real democracy, let's have direct democracy like UK and Switzerland, let's have a referendum. Put the Muslim question to a vote. No more beating around the bushes, name calling scare tactics to silent the people, let's have a vote.
Mike Shell (Jacksonville, FL)
This man has no comprehension of the real world.
Charles (San Jose, Calif.)
What world is that? "The world that is yet to come"?
Melpub (Germany and NYC)
I wish people would stop producing photos, cartoons, and commentaries on this man. Forget him. Ignore him. Stop paying any attention to him. No articles about him should appear in this, or any other newspaper.
Anne Lynn (Connecticut)
While most of our country struggles again with how to make diversity and inclusion the norm, Mr. Trump encourages us to turn in our neighbor.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
Anne Lynn: are you serious? If you see your neighbor stockpiling weapons or bombs, you would say nothing? Because "it's not neighborly"????
mykgee (NYny)
Donald trump puts us all at risk with this type of speech. Do people realize how much hatred against the US there will be if he is elected?
Charles (San Jose, Calif.)
And imagine what living Life with any risk, ever, would be like? Glad I do not live in America....
As one pundit said, "Americans have a neurotic drive to live in a risk-free society." In other words, "grow up."
Mystalope (Planet Earth)
Americans don't even know the half of it. Actually the majority don't care. I mean - how is the rest of the world important? Where is Yurp anyway? Isolationism is the best way forward - cut all trade links - build everything at home, ban everyone. Simple. Oh and if I say it's so, it is. Who needs facts?
David Forster (Pound Ridge, NY)
The craven GOP politicians in Washington who've hitched their wagons to Trump are going to pay a price when he drives that wagon train off the cliff. When they run for re-election, they're going to have a lot of explaining to do, like why they put their career and their party ahead of their country.
Mystalope (Planet Earth)
I think the penny may eventually drop.. but it's a tough one... I mean... at least Donald will sign the papers that lower the taxes for the rich - and that's all that matters - right? Republicans don't seem to have the ability to take the long-term view. I think it's in their DNA. Small minded, narrow field of view, as long as it's not in my back-yard, etc. Better to vote with the Devil than have.. ugh... the plebs... ugh... taking over... and *vomit* free health care and *spew* equal rights...
Arthur Rimbaud (Paris)
Trump is a horrendous racist, he is totally incompetent to be the leader of this great country.
Slann (CA)
"Trump says" should be enough to stop reading, as he'll say anything to anyone on any subject, as long as he thinks it will be recorded/repeated/broadcast.
He just sounds like an empty-headed shill.
Steve Fankuchen (Oakland, CA)
Trump's rant about threats to national security brought back memories of my mother saying, "It takes one to know one."
Chriva (Atlanta)
Bans are not effective; however public mocking and criticism for Islam's inherent abuse of the most basic human may prove effective like it has with evolving Christians and the Mormons. Think about it; Mormons were openly racist until the 1970's until they finally gave in to allow blacks to join after tremendous public pressure. Christians were generally anti gay until the turn of the century; now most denominations (of course Mormons still hate gays but they'll come around eventually) proudly have openly gay ministers and members. Let's focus our scorn on Islam and hopefully we'll see more examples like Sadiq Khan marching in gay pride parades.
rmlane (Baltimore)
What is stunning is no one bothers to mention that
Saudi Arabia or Pakistan are even worse than Trump.
If anyone disagrees please move there.
And we are importing their beliefs and values through their immigrants.
Tom (California)
So, according to you, our choice is to love the bigoted scapegoating hate-monger Trump, or move to Pakistan?

You missed your time and place... Germany, circa 1930...
Charles (San Jose, Calif.)
What a challenge: Agree, or choose self-exile. Everything I heard about Baltimore is true.
John Gaguine (Juneau, Alaska)
The New York Times doesn't like Donald Trump. I don't like Donald Trump. But it bothers me that so many of the Times's news articles about Trump, like this one, read like opinion pieces rather than objective reporting. Maybe objectivity is passé in the era of Fox News, but I expect more from the "paper of record."
Hychkok (NY)
For more than 3 hours, the "good guys with guns" could neither prevent or stop the carnage committed by one bad guy with an assault rifle.

That's the only thing any speech should be about.

Assault weapons kill innocent Americans. Good guys with guns listened to 49 people get killed.
Mystalope (Planet Earth)
Thank you. Brilliant. Genius. You've managed to encapsulate, very deftly, the perfect response to an over-debated and too-easily-lost argument. You need to get that comment onto Social Media, so it gets picked up, and used.
Tom (San Francisco)
Trump's self-serving and malicious scapegoating of all Muslims for the actions of a few psychopaths is irresponsible and contrary to how a leader should act. Whether singling out Muslims or Mexicans, Trump the would-be tyrant is following in the footsteps of another Fascist dictator who rose to power in 1930's Germany through racist attacks on a minority. This is a very ugly time in American politics, and Trump is the ugly face of bigotry and racism.
Mystalope (Planet Earth)
I think the more comments (and I've eluded to this myself) that compare Mr T to Mr H the better. If the newspapers and social media can jump on and really this obvious 'bandwagon' it should be enough to educate/scare people from voting for him. One can hope eh?
Chriva (Atlanta)
What is needed most now is a growing chorus of criticism and mockery of Islam's worst anti gay tenets and ingrained gay hating culture. Christians now have gay ministers performing gay weddings with openly gay congregations because of the determined efforts of more than a few to bring about needed change and equal rights. The same needs to happen with Muslim and Mormon communities pronto.
GSS (Bluffton, SC)
He has a line of ties with his name on it now. He would probably start his own line of yellow crescents for muslims to wear. After that he could resurrect a line of yellow stars of David, and other symbols (e.g. for hispanics) to go with his next prejudice. He probably would also have a yellow pen or tablet for journalists.
Steve (Jersey City)
As long as Hillary Clintion and Liberals like the majority of readers of paper refuse to even begin that there just might a problem with the killer's faith and go to great lengths to avoid any discussion of it yes, it's going to help Trump. I am a Hillary supporter and I thought Trump's speech was much more genuine and brought up topics that need to be discussed. People are so quick to judge and hurl terms like racism, but let's think. if you really cared about someone, wouldn't you them to know if there was something wrong with them.
Randall S (Portland, OR)
Did he say anything about how he intends to accomplish that? I feel like blatantly violating the plain text of the Constitution wouldn't go over well, even with a right-wing Congress.
sullu (nyc)
It has now been confirmed, by multiple sources, that Omar Mateen, the shooter in the Orlando massacre, was himself gay. He frequently visited the same club that he committed the massacre in, and he attempted to initiate dates on a famous gay-dating app.
Additionally, he was born and raised in America.
His wife, father and community have all claimed that he was not religious in the slightest.
Multiple eyewitness reports indicate that he would get drunk at the very club he committed the massacre in, and would have to be kicked out because of his unruly behavior.
Colleagues and acquaintances have mentioned that he was a loner, a social introvert, and prone to make violent statements and threats against other people.
His wife left him because he beat her and was physically abusive.

Yet, the media continues to ask questions about 'radical Islam' and about Islam's stance on homosexuality. What blatant hypocrisy!

He wasn't a 'radical Muslim'.

He was a mentally deranged psychopathic American closet homosexual who was battling with his sexual identity.

Instead of concentrating on his mental issues, and on the easy gun laws that our country is notorious for, politicians and media pundits wish to cast all of that aside, and choose the easier target of questioning his faith, and of Islam's stance on sexual issues.

The guy was mental, plain and simple. Islam's stance on homosexuality is IRRELEVANT to this massacre, period.
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
Well, there's one way that Islam's stance on homosexuality is relevant. If it were tolerant of gay people, like the Episcopalian church but not the Catholic church, then this maniac probably wouldn't have been so repressed and self-hating, and would have led an easy-going gay life instead of turning into a psychopath.
Don (USA)
Why are Obama and Hillary more concerned about the well being of Muslim immigrants instead of the safety and security of all Americans? Everyone should be asking themselves this question.

Obama and Hillary conveniently leave out the part where Trump says it is a "temporary ban" until they can be properly vetted. Obama's top national security officials have confirmed we can't properly vet these immigrants. So why do they want to put all Americans in jeopardy contrary to their oath of office?

Nobody including Trump has said that all Muslims are bad. The facts are that we are being attacked by self proclaimed Muslim terrorists. They are not of any other race, nationality or religion.
Edgar (New Mexico)
Stretching the facts is Donald Trump's forte. Trump rants and his followers swoon. Trump lies and his followers repeat the lies. Trump cheats and steals and his followers applaud. Trumps followers don't want a president, they want an inciter-in-chief.
Dave (Wisconsin)
It is becoming apparent what caused this attack. From other sources it is clear that the attacker was most likely gay himself. He had frequented the club where this event took place. His ex-wife thinks he's gay. He used Gay apps and he once propositioned another male.

It isn't hard to figure out the motivation now. His own father, his religion and his entire culture hates his gayness. He probably loathed himself in response.

This kind of self hatred can be turned outward as if 'they' did it to him rather than it being his own internal struggle.

Not difficult to understand. It is the combination of cultural intolerance and guns that cause this kind of tragedy. ISIS and terrorism is the excuse, the red herring, the deflection of reality by the perpetrator. He just felt better being part of a cause as he went out then being a tortured soul acting out of self hatred.
DR (New England)
Using Trump's logic, every other nation in the world would be well advised to ban Americans, particularly young, white males from entering their countries, just look at the number of young, white males committing mass murder in the U.S.
Peter McE (Philadelphia Pa)
I've resisted describing Trump as a fascist demagogue because I felt he hadn't quite met the definition. I'll be dropping that scruple now.
magicisnotreal (earth)
As I watch the President deliver a speech about how Daesh is being beaten and I click on this article I am saddened by the fact that it seems only foreign press has noticed that Mr Mateen was apparently a closeted gay man dealing with all the mental emotional anguish that being closeted and belonging to a faith that vilifies homosexuality inflicts on the mind.
The fact is this attack by him seems to actually be a case of his mind finally breaking under the pressure of his homosexuality and how that conflicted with his faith after years of only a few might know what kind of self inflicted anguish.
I expect his reaching out and claiming he association with Daesh was his last ditch effort to “show” (to whom since apparently only he knew he was gay?) that he was a good Muslim and NOT as is being asserted by many whom have no other proof that he was acting on behalf of Daesh.
Mystalope (Planet Earth)
A thoughtful post. Forgive the Americans for being wrapped up in the moment. Having Donald as a Presidential contender must be hard to take - especially when he and his supporters are making such crass statements at a time of National Mourning. It's easy to miss the human 'causal' element in any such event, it's also easy be angry and horrified and... simplistic. The basic truth of this is that anyone who commits such a terrible crime needs two things.
1. A society incapable/unwilling to spend the time and money identifying and helping people to deal with mental health issues (whatever the cause).
2. Easy and unchecked access to military grade weaponry.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
There are a couple of allegations -- admittedly very interesting -- that Mateen was a regular at the nightclub, and on gay dating apps. If so, this should be pretty easy to prove.

However, it does sound to me like classic gay "outing" behavior -- claiming that nearly everyone is gay.

It also just confuses things. Is it a hate crime if the shooter was gay himself? I saw his father on TV; that is NOT a hateful, extremist Muslim father. He was crying and saying his son was NOT religious (and happy about that).

Also we have heard nothing from his current wife.
Ponderer (New England)
Why does he not see that, with the exception of native americans and enslaved peoples, we are ALL immigrants. It is the source of our strength, not a weakness. His wife is an immigrant herself.
The only good thing about these bizarre rants is that one has to think they will fully reveal his true colors to those considering voting for him.
jorge (San Diego)
It looks like the election will come down to 2 different types of fear and hate: fear and hate of "them" (as defined by Trump) or fear and hate of Trump himself.
allan slipher (port townsend washington)
Trump's words are goading terrorists to lash out and putting lives at risks. His conduct goes far beyond mere self serving rants and utter stupidity. If one American is harmed or dies because of his incitements then in my eyes he is a traitor.
Michael (Southern California)
It must be my age, but I am surprised that few comments connect the Japanese-American internment in concentration camps with calls to take punitive measures against all Muslims in the form of a travel and immigration ban into the States. The similarity is inescapable. Before incinerating them, the Nazis first characterized all Jews as enemies and restricted their movements.
Sharkie (Boston)
Please, Japanese Americans were detained, not murdered. It might make sense to at least keep Muslims under observation if not detain them.
Mystalope (Planet Earth)
I'm glad there are a few of us who can see the parallels. Hopefully this will spread.
maw808 (Honolulu)
Another massacre, another political football. I'm reminded of the "blind men and the elephant" and Chicken Little parables. Depending on a speaker's leanings, this mass killing resulted from: homegrown terrorism, international terrorism, too easy access to assault weapons, a hate crime, lone wolf/lone rat, porous borders, failed immigration policy, no-fly list, FBI failure, Democrats' failing, Republicans' failing. Everyone‘s got skin in the game.

Occam's Razor says the simplest answer is usually right. Orlando Gay community witnesses reported that the killer cruised local bars, and frequented online gay sites. What does his cell phone trail reveal? Queer Tinder? Something similar?

What if this deranged gunman was simply unable to reconcile a rigid Muslim orthodoxy with his sexual orientation? What if he actually had NO political allegiance? This would explain inconsistencies that are befuddling investigators: his purported allegiances to ISIS, or Hamas, or Al Queda, or the Boston bombers, some of which are sworn enemies of each other. For a deeply conflicted soul, ANY political affiliation would deflect attention from his shame-filled inner turmoil.

Perhaps competing interests are so eager to seize the moment and publicly vent their anger that they'll not willingly relinquish the microphones to a most likely--and apolitical--alternative that would silence them. After all, homophobia, internalized and otherwise, isn't nearly as juicy and topical.
Sharkie (Boston)
Plenty of people are mentally ill, cannot reconcile their sexual orientation with religious beliefs, have anger issues, buy guns for the wrong reasons, etc. The FBI says this guy "consumed" IS propaganda night and day. His mosque was radical. His Dad was a vocal Taliban supporter. It's the religion. Sad.
Bashh (Philadelphia, Pa.)
And yet the FBI did nothing to prevent him from buying WMD.
Mystalope (Planet Earth)
Well said.
Samantha (Los Angeles)
On one side, we have a candidate who is suggesting workable solutions to tackle the extremely challenging problem of identifying mentally ill men (of any race), with access to an arsenal of assault weapons, before they use them on others.

On the side, we have a candidate who thinks that our sitting President is a member of an ISIS sleeper cell.
A Guy (East Village)
Could somebody *please* explain how banning people from entering the United States based on their religion is not flagrantly unconstitutional?
Sharkie (Boston)
Yes. The Bill of Rights does not apply to aliens attempting to enter the United States. The executive branch has plenary power over immigration. Aliens have no right to enter the United States and no rights under the constitution outside territorial limits and extremely limited ones at point of attempted entry (basically not to be detained indefinitely). They may be excluded for any reason, including such reasons as national origin or religious belief. There are limited constitutional rights for aliens in the United States.
mita (Indonesia)
what kind of person who took a chance to congratulate himself upon the occurence of a terrible event? what kind of person who just simply said that President Obama must be blamed for that event? that is a person who is not smart, who doesnt understand what he does and what he says - that is a person who only cares about himself..
florida len (florida)
You Liberals do not get it. We have a government with massive, bloated departments that can't be relied to do the radical screening and tracking of people coming in from terrorist countries.

You are all so worried about being politically correct, that you don't see that Trump is trying to take this big monolithic government that we have and make it somewhat functional. All it would take is a couple more of these fanatics let into the country to set off another Orlando. And yes, Muslims know when there is something nefarious going on, but they stay silent.

Finally, by Obama is weak and wishy-washy about the situation, and issues platitudes, and does not call them what they are, neo-nazis. He should declare all out war on them by building a real coalition, organizing our troops and wiping them off the face of the earth before they reek more terror.

So, do we want another Obama-styled hack who says the same old PC platitudes or do we want Trump who says he can make a REAL difference? Instead of the NY Times and others trying to politically assassinate him with headlines like in the Washington Post that reflect hysteria that the same old-same-old system fear change to something that can function for 'we the people" and bring real change.

So I say, congratulations Mr. Trump and I hope my vote and others fed up will lead to a landslide for him. Yes, I say throw "all the bums out" that do nothing for us, and only for themselves including the 'chosen one' and her ilk.
Sharkie (Boston)
Even if Trump is more noise than substance, PC Democrats Obama and Clinton ignore popular will, preach their diversity nonsense and will not even try to protect us. They need to be voted out. Our government has an absolute obligation to protect its citizens from external threats, especially foreign potential terrorists.
desmo88 (NYC)
Thanks to reality TV and social media and the media who can't tell a Joe McCarthy from MLK, Trump has the loudest voice in the room, always. Until that changes, Trumps messages will prevail.

Wake up people, unplug the megaphone.
Sharkie (Boston)
Simple truth, if the Muslim aliens themselves are not terrorists, their children can be, as proven over and over and over again in Europe and the United States. When are people going to get wise? It's the religion.
Pecan (Grove)
Maybe it's religion in general. This would be a good time to put a stop to tax exemptions for ALL religions. Hit 'em where it hurts.
DickeyFuller (DC)
The only prayers that Donald Trump has ever said in his entire life are for more criminal activity to be done before the election, by people who claim to be Islamic extremists.
Pedro Mosqueira (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Trump's speech doesn't praise anyone who respects individual rights. I had the opportunity to known Muslims that live in America and are very good and hard-working people who deserve the propper respect. In addition, there are important Muslim countries in the world that are American allies, where is Trump's diplomacy? Sounds like passionate and unresponsible statements.
Charles (San Jose, Calif.)
Those who hope that the killer was a self-loathing gay man, not unlike Alan Turing was, are unaware of the old Arab dicta: "Girls for procreation, boys for recreation." Political correctness decreed it to be poor form in the Liberal press to depict Yasser Arafat as gay, despite his constant companion, a blonde Aryan specimen. Read Oriana Fallaci's interview with Arafat in the early 1990s, she calls out his Teutonic sweetheart hovering submissively, nearby.
David-Kevin (Washington, DC)
Trumps's recent comments re. Muslim Americans, President Obama and the Washington Post prove he is unfit for the office he so desperately seeks. He lacks a basic understanding of civics, freedom of the press and the vital importance of this nation being an inclusive country. His open contempt of these ideals makes matters worse.

His buffoonery masquerades as personality; his volume levels, as passion. If he possesses skills at fact-checking, he excels at concealing them.

The emboldened spirit and work ethic an immigrant brings to this country in a single day far surpasses anything he has done or will continue to do in a thousand of his lifetimes.

Our country has been rocked by the events in Orlando. But, we will not be defined by those events. We are defined by those that followed where millions of people here and around the world gathered together—not just for a moment of silence but for collective determination to move ahead in spite of hate and vitriol.

The victims' deaths resulted from a slow-creep in our culture of divisiveness, hatred and vindictiveness, of which Trump plays a major part. His comments on social media, therefore, patting himself on the back for remembering the victims does not honor them.

It mocks them and insults their families and loved ones.

Trump is incapable of being the Commander in Chief. His actions, behavior and words are brazenly contemptuous of the highest office in the land.
Jack M (NY)
Here's a thought experiment: How many more would it take to justify a targeted ban on the immigrant families most likely to produce terror? 1000 killed? 10,000? A chemical plant attack? Dirty bomb? Why not save the inevitable dead and skip to the inevitable unfortunate conclusion. We have seen enough to see where this is heading.
rl (Kew Gardens NY)
It's going to be a long long long time before I ever vote for a Republican. They can take their line off my ballot.
William Boyer (Kansas)
Trump? I don't like Trump but I know propaganda when I see it. Please note that comments are not allowed on stories about Orlando, Obama or Hillary but are allowed for attacks on the boor Trump disguised as "news" articles. Today Obama turned a serious moment and chance to unite the nation into an irrational, angry, even hysterical, voice raising partisan attack on Trump, Republicans and anyone who dares to disagree with him. Every experienced psychologist, police officer, detective and CIA interrogator who watched his performance saw a very disturbed person. Yet the Times will not allow comments on that. No, its all about the clod Trump.
William Boyer (Kansas)
Trump is a very serious threat to the left wing establishment as their hysterical posts make clear. Their presidential non-entity, their incompetence, their elitism and privilege, lies and corruption have made and empowered Trump and now their Frankenstein monster is loose. Remember it wasn't the right that put Trump on TV and made him a Star. Torches and pitchforks...hurry!
Sharkie (Boston)
So true. At first, Trump was a whipping boy for the PC press. Now he's going to swallow them whole. I never thought I would miss George Bush and his despicable but effective Vice President.
angel98 (nyc)
Let's see if Republican Party members have any backbone or integrity.
How many will rescind their support for him.
It will be telling. We will know for sure (not just suspect) that personal well-being and career advancement is and has always been their number one priority if they don't.
Frank McNeil (Boca Raton, Florida)
No wonder Trump doesn't like the Pope. There's no room in his world for more than one person, Trump, who claims infallibility in matters of religion (and everything else).

It's a Tocqueville moment. In Democracy in America, the great French political historian, no doubt inspired by Andrew Jackson's excesses, warned of the dangers to democracy from its dark side, the ability of demagogues to move angry masses of citizens to do terrible things, such as "Old Hickory's" Trail of Tears, his pitiless expulsion from the Carolinas of native American tribes.

Trump will have need to use as templates the Trail of Tears and General Leslie Groves's concentration camps for innocent Japanese=American citizens, if he is to expel 11,000,000, mostly Latino illegal immigrants and purge America of its Muslim citizens, the policy which lies behind Trump's broadside against all American Muslims for failing "to turn in the people" who killed in Boston, Orlando and San Bernardino.

Don't expect courts to save us from Trump. Dred Scott, Plessey vs. Ferguson, and Korematsu enshrined, respectively, slavery, segregation and concentration camps for Japanese-Americans. It's up to you, the voters.
Sharkie (Boston)
Really? I just want someone to save us from Islamic terrorism now before it gets out of hand. We have over three million moslems in the United States at this time. The statistic is about one in a thousand is radicalized and a smaller portion of those go on to make terrorist attacks. So there are thousands of these time bombs among us.

IS was not kidding when it said Paris was just a start. Look what happened in Belgium. One of the Mollenbeck participants had a roommate who worked in a nuclear power plant. The plant had a near melt down when someone drained all the lubricant out of the impellers for the cooling system.
bob (santa barbara)
I'm surprised the donald missed the obvious. These are not immigrants doing the shooting. So in addition to deporting all the mexicans, he also needs to deport all the muslims, not just bar new ones from entering.
Sharkie (Boston)
Actually, he did say that the terrorist was not an immigrant and highlight the more disturbing problem of the western born children becoming terrorists.
Patrick (Long Island N.Y.)
The majority of people use an internal filter when they speak. Don Trump is most certainly in need of one, if he is capable. Can you imagine the effect this man would have on our nations standing in the world?
Deborah (Montclair, NJ)
Incapable of reason.
Incapable of analysis.
Incapable of thoughtful discourse.
Incapable of compassion.
Incapable of empathy.
Incapable of shame.

Ladies and gentlemen, your Republican nominee for President.*
* Also applicable to the Majority Leader in the Senate and the Speaker of the House.
Cheekos (South Florida)
Anyone who looks to Donald Trumpet for rational thought is truly lacking of same themselves.
Abby (Tucson)
He's appealing to their inner baby blankets. Bunch of thumb suckers, seriously.
JW Kilcrease (San Francisco)
Dear NYT-- why? Why persist in providing this reprehensible, juvenile, bloviating waste of DNA additional exposure? All the while continuing to splash lurid details of this horrific event on the front page in blatant appeal to greater network traffic. Your sense of appropriateness has never been more questionable.
Bruce (Denver CO)
Is it possible that this zillionare is a total nut case who needs immediate mental health hospitalization OR is he a clever opportunist who will seize on any opportunity, regardless how horrifying, to pander for votes? Either way, he is understandably the laughing stock of the world and anyone who at their wildest moment has thought above voting for him needs to come to their senses.
angel98 (nyc)
All followers of Trump believe they will get something out of him being President.

But, his history shows he is a 100% take the power, take the money and run kind of guy leaving all his supporters, investors in the dust bloodied & bruised. It is about Trump and Trump alone. His followers days are numbered if he is voted in as are those of the US.
Dwarf Planet (Long Island, NY)
Trump is trying to create the idea of a siege mentality where America is being assaulted by everyone else, all at once. He wants to build a wall on the southern border. He wants to build a travel wall by banning entry to Muslims. He wants to build trade walls by erecting tariff barriers. He wants to build intellectual walls by opening up libel laws. He wants to build walls between neighbors by asking them to turn each other in to the police if they overhear "something". Everywhere you turn, you run into walls, walls, walls...

The end game of this "fortress America" is to justify the assumption of vast new executive powers, far beyond the scale of anything that Obama or his predecessors has done. Trump understands that when the country believes you're on war footing, it's much easier for people to turn to the promise of a "strong" leader to deliver them from the siege. It's no surprise that both Putin and Kim Jong-Il have praised Donald.

Orlando was tragic, but keep in mind that it was an isolated incident. Already, more Americans have died in the days since from unrelated gun violence.

Terror is real, and good intel is needed. We also need to hit back more strongly at the source where ISIS is based. But, this doesn't justify the scale of response that Trump suggests is needed. It plays into ISIS' hands (creating the sense that the West is at war with Islam) and it plays into Trump's real goal of arrogating as much power to himself as he can get away with. Beware, folks.
R Sorin (Brooklyn)
Donald Trump is fanning the flames of hatred, bigotry and intolerance in the United States, and for this reason, I consider Donald Trump to be a homegrown domestic terrorist.
Cindy (Boulder)
I guess I'm missing something. The shooter was born in America. How would preventing Muslim immigration have prevented him from doing what he did? Trumps ranting has no reason at all behind anything he says. The biggest question is why can someone on a no-fly list, still be able to go and buy a gun with no waiting time at all? That is what needs to be reviewed
Bridget (Houston, TX)
Obviously, Mr. Trump, you're neglecting the fact that the shooter did not immigrate to the US; he was born here. So banning Muslims won't stop the problem entirely.

So what do we do about the Muslims that are already here? We need to keep an eye on them and perhaps the only safe thing we can do to maintain the security of the United States is to segregate them from the rest of society? We moved Native Americans all to Oklahoma and took care to keep us safe from the Japanese during World War 2. Can we also round up the Muslims of this country and send them to somewhere away from the rest of us? Are there camps we can create? They may be separate, but this is America. They will remain equal in the eyes of society.

At least they will remain equal in the eyes of our goverment until these denigrates also undoubtedly start causing trouble within their. They're all subject to radicalization, so who knows? Luckily our country does support capital punishment in such instances.

But so many of them are dangerous. What's the best way to execute so many in the tight time frames terrorist threats impose? Are gas chambers cruel and unusual? From what I've read it's a humane form of punishment. I think this might be how veterinarians put down sick pets, right?
tawanda7 (New York)
Among all his other bombastic remarks, the fact that he questioned President Obama's "being smart" is unbelievable. This hateful, boorish man is not the least bit capable of leading our county.
Anthony (Wisconsin)
May Trump keep isolating himself from reality, effectively building a wall around himself so that only he will hear his inane proclamations.
RD (Baltimore. MD)
Trump blames the dog for Son of Sam
Abby (Tucson)
Look, Martin and Burns, with names like that you think you'd know humor is the highest form of ego defense, aside from sublimation. Now is not the time to reside without outrage, so take a stage, any stage, just let us get our parking tickets validated!
disenchanted (san francisco)
Sen. McCain? Speaker Ryan? Sen. Mitchell? Anyone? Anyone in Republican "leadership"-land going to speak up and tell the truth here, i.e. that this would-be emperor is naked as the day he was born, and that he poses a real danger to the world? I'll say this for Mitt Romney - he's not a panderer.
aoxomoxoa (Berkeley)
I fear, yes fear is the appropriate word, that you are not likely to see anything like statesmen arising from the detritus of today's Republicans. We are all losing more than can be estimated by their craven behavior, but this is the new reality. Integrity has been generally lacking among these people in recent years, but I would never have imagined how readily they would capitulate. What's even more astonishing is that a number of these little men not long ago appeared to recognize the dangers to the nation posed by Trump. I guess they want in on whatever lucre he can squeeze from any source.
Abby (Tucson)
I don't know why you'd ask Marley's old tea pot to clunk in.
Damian (Boston)
The Donald may want to looks at the stats. Since 9-11 a majority of deaths by gunfire have been from non muslim Americans and in fact the total for deaths due to terrorism is a small %. The stats don't lie........but notice the GOP only gets up in arms when it's a terrorist attack not that they'll do anything about it. They never do.
Christopher Walker (Denver)
Does the attack in Colorado Springs then justify a Christian ban, Mr. Trump?
Bob (Ca)
actually it does, if it was bourn out of christian dogmas.
Abby (Tucson)
These behaviors are born out of psychic distortions, some encouraged by others. We should learn to decipher where the signals got crossed, not toss out the whole broadcasting system. Was it the sender, receiver or are we deceiving ourselves into believing the world is made of split deciders?
Aaron (Ladera Ranch, CA)
Let's allow immigration and travel from Muslim nations who fully embrace our Democracy, there can't be more than 3.. All [other] nations will be denied until their respective governments take the necessary steps for equality and human rights. Like my mom would tell me, "Clean up your room first, then you can play outside..."
Andrea (Portland, OR)
For all of you wanting to ban Muslims, how are you going to ban someone born in the United States? Get a grip. Guns are the problem. Waiting in line at the airport to board a plane is fine, but if you're going to let any crazy bun guns all day long, what is the difference?
Trump and the NRA are blaming Obama!!! That is hilarious. So typical of the GOP.
'Leave our 2nd amendment rights alone'. But hey, 'we are going to delete the 14th amendment from the constitution because of anchor babies'.
Pick and choose all you want, you disgust any conscious human being on this planet. Say why did 9/11 happen again? Bush was warned many, many times Osama determined to hit USA, while Bush cleared brush at Crawford Ranch the entire month of August 2001.
Then of course habeas corpus was taken away, then the entire crash of the economy in 2008, all under GOP rule.
If anyone thinks Trump and the GOP are better for the economy or a 1/2 sane world, I have some land to sell you, or a casino to bankrupt anyway.
Ed (Austin)
Listen, if someone is a recent immigrant and convicted of aiding and abetting terrorists, it's reasonable to deport them.

But the rest of it? That's not an American I want to live in. It's morally wrong and counterproductive to boot.
Roberta (Newport News)
If one accepts the notion that "dangerous" people from terrorist nations should be prevented from entering a country, then the rest of the world should prevent Americans from crossing their borders. The first cause of death in the U.S. is gun shot wounds--we are a frightening people--"dangerous" to ourselves as well as to others. Perhaps Europe as well as Canada and Mexico should build walls to keep us out.
William (Baltimore, MD)
We are watching the Republican Party literally shred itself. In not taking a stand to distance itself from Trump -- even the the rational core of the national party destroys any claim it may once have had for leadership.

The party is infested with everything from the xenophobic, voter suppressing snakes, to the simply self interested unethical (e.g., Gringrich, Grassley, Hatch) faction -- to the morally and ethically challenged leadership -- and the absolute, albeit appropriately named trolls like Reince Priebus -- it has proven to be the destructive party, the obstacular party, the ignorant party -- a group that so flagrantly lacks either intellectual or ethical professionalism ... that it effectively has no role in the American political future.
Mike Murray MD (Olney, Illinois)
Out here in flyover America it is increasingly difficult to find anyone who is not going to vote for Trump. The people are looking for some sort of savior from what they see as liberal treachery at home and abroad. There is no reasoning with these folks and their turnout at the polls will be very high.
steve bowen (sharon, ct)
It might be beneficial for all to consider that, for America with its pluralistic acceptance of all religions, the issue is not with the religion of Islam but with the political philosophy that seeks to gain dominance over other people and other countries. That is not religion and bears no resemblance to a system to manage man's relationship with his/her God. Trump would be well advised to use this distinction. Further, it would not be illogical to ask American Islamic communities to separate themselves from the political tenants of Islam or lose their tax exempt status. It is foolish of us to allow an avowed enemy who revels in the horror of the Orlando massacre to divide us using our own core belief on religious tolerance.
Michael B (New Orleans)
Don't Mr. Trump's fraudulent activities with his so-called Trump University justify banning billionaires? Coupled with his repeated looting of his casino-related enterprises, these financial improprieties (read, thefts) should be sufficient grounds for banning Mr. Trump from any further financial transactions.
Jay Trainor (Texas)
The more outlandish Trump gets, the more possible I think he's a stooge/plant, helping Hillary get elected. I know it sounds weird but certainly no serious candidate would make the provocative statements that dominate Trump's campaign in an attempt to do and say anyting to get attention.
WestSider (NYC)
Instead of wasting ink on Trump's idiotic comments, the media should amplify the fact that the guy was a regular at the Pulse, and on apps like Grindr, and the possibility that he had hooked up with people in the club previously and did it to eliminate witnesses to his own sexuality.

Knowing how muslim communities feel about gays, this will diminish his potential status as a hero in the eyes of others who may be thinking of doing similar things.
antoninabodywork (Cambridge, MA)
I find it hard to believe that the Republicans who say that Trump's determination to play to his hard-line base undermines his chances in the general election haven't gotten the truth yet. It seems so obvious that he's saying these things not to play to his hard-line base, but because he actually believes them.
Allen (Brooklyn)
As more and more information becomes available, it now appears that the massacre in Orlando was another incident of 'Death by Cop.'

Omar Mateen was an active participant in the Orlando gay scene. He attended gay bars and clubs. He was on a variety of gay dating websites. He was also a member of a strongly anti-gay family and a member of a religion whose clerics often use strong anti-gay rhetoric.

Mateen's brief first marriage shows that he was troubled. His first wife claims that he demonstrated homosexual tendencies and was called gay by his father.

As a gay man, Mateen was torn between his strong sense of family and religion and his homosexuality. His choice was to kill himself and he did so in a manner which would, in his mind, hide his shame: He slaughtered members of the gay community while proclaiming allegiance to an organization which very publicly condemned and murdered gays, an organization to which he was neither a member nor had contact.

By all evidence, Mateen was troubled, delusional and psychotic. He committed suicide in what he most likely believed would be a blaze of glory. Instead, Mateen went out as an embarrassment to himself, his family and his religion - a loser.
Wine Country Dude (Napa Valley)
I bet 90% of the commenters are sad that Trump's birthday is not April 20. That, along with reading the entrails of birds, would provide proof positive, for liberal minds,, that he is, indeed, the Second Fuehrer.
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
Eh it's alright, his words and actions loudly proclaim he's the second fuehrer.
Slin (DD)
Every single one of the people who don't stand up against Trump will be complicit when the next attack by radicalized jihadists (or other groups targeted by Trump) happens. Everyone who provides him with free airtime, with venues to speak, with support in whatever form will have to share the blame. This isn't the fault of Muslims not turning someone in, this is the fault of those who spread hate and intolerance and encourage this kind of terrorist response.
Bob (Ca)
in other words, you justify terrorism and killing of innocents in return for speech?
Abby (Tucson)
I certain the killer blames his father for his inability to see a son behind a gay man. And now look at the mess his father has to clean up after.
Jen Rob (Washington, DC)
Donald Trump's egotism and provincialism prevents him from engaging in critical thinking. After such a tragedy, what kind of leader says, "Told ya so!" He may as well also predict that it's going to rain during monsoon season. It's overly simplistic to think banning those from countries such as Syria will fix this problem, and it shows Trump's willingness to ignore the facts (this killer was born in NYC, just as Donald was) in service of his own agenda.
berly1 (Denver, CO)
Trump is frightening. My real fear, however, would be living in a country where he could/would be elected. And it now appears to be a distinct possibility.
Rob Wagner (Mass)
When I read comments on other sites it is as scary as many have written here. However, it is readily apparent that much of the hatred has nothing to do with policies or politics but with ignorance and fear of what people don't understand and the growing realization that the world is changing in ways they can't comprehend. There is a Black president, a woman will likely be the next president (please make it so). Their children are playing with other children that are of other races and/or sexual orientations. Their religions are showing signs that they are outdated and were perverted by mankinds interpretation of ancient writings that conveniently fit their schemes to maintain a social structure that fits their personal desires for status and power. However their fight to stop change is as effective as holding up there hands to stop the wind. Unfortunately, beware their last ditch efforts to turn back time as it will get uglier as the desperation grows. However, don't let your silence enable the resistance.
Abby (Tucson)
You do know half of the hatred is coming from Russians working one of the saddest jobs in human misery, right? They are up all night, and not to have fun. We are subject to their hate since we don't filter for hate mongers.
Rob Wagner (Mass)
Not exactly sure about the Russian comment but I do agree the world changing is impacting all nations and religions and the stricter the religion/govt/society is, the harder the change is to accept.
Abby (Tucson)
I'm talking about the well exposed army of Russians tied to laptops chiming in whenever Donald rings their homophobic and Islamic hating bells. They get paid to ruin our self esteem, and Trump is often there to endoers their pre-mediated messages. Think SuperPUNKS who don't even have to file a 501c3.

This is not a trumped up lie, it is establishment fact! Putin regularly sends his legions to attack, much like his duplicitous friend Murdoch, and stokes anxiety whenever and where ever he can. Trump envies the man.
kathleen cairns (san luis obispo)
Yes, some of the people who have perpetrated these horrific crimes are Muslim; but some aren't. Aurora, Newtown, Oklahoma City, Virginia Tech--none of these mass murderers were Muslim. All of them, however, were men who could not find a way to fit into larger society. They were loners. They were failures at life, at relationships. Rather than taking responsibility and trying to change themselves, they lashed out at society and did so in a way sure to garner them the attention they so craved and that eluded them in life.
Elle (Houston)
"But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."
-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials
ComradeBrezhnev (Morgan Hill)
It is demonstrably true that immigrants from Muslim countries, who would certainly tend to be Muslim, provide an elevated risk. Vis. Marteen's parents who never should have been allowed to immigrate.
That's not racist or any -phobia. Common sense. Along with attempting to seal the borders against illegal crossings. Common sense. Left-wingers sacrifice common sense on the altar of a seeming Hippocratic Oath knock-off of 'first don't offend'. I prefer 'first defend'.
Julius Pulp (Washington)
Trump said the gunman was born, quote, “In Afghan, and he is an Afghan.” That is incorrect. The gunman was born in the United States. This is the sort of misinformation that consistently comes out of his campaign. And it gets his base of supporters amped up and ready to attack Muslim Americans – which is wrong.

Instead of Trump stating that this was an act of terror carried by, presumably, a mentally ill man who had access to assault weaponry, he goes off the cuff and begins to use disparaging remarks about Muslims, their faith and their allegiance.

The gunman was a confused individual who claimed allegiance to Daesh and Al Qaeda who are not affiliated with one another. This would suggest that he had no real understanding of the two organizations or their motivations.

The real problem is the pervasive access to guns in this country and the inattention of law makers to draft legislation to address gun control and mental illness.
Billy (up in the woods down by the river)
This guy has ripped the robe off of the emperors that constitute the Republican party. He has destroyed their facade and exposed the hateful ideology that fuels their obstructionism and bigotry.

Conspiracy theories? Here's one:
He was hired to do this. And if so he's done a heck of a job.

Perhaps we should be thanking him. What he's done is expedited the exposure. He has shed a light on this institutionalized sickness for all to see. He put it all on fast forward. These are revelations to anyone who was formerly not paying attention.

Should we be wondering who may have hired him as a skilled wrecking ball?
Saty13 (New York, NY)
After the horrific attacks in Belgium, was it any surprise when the terrorist-on-the-run was found in the most obvious place -- the Belgium neighborhood where he grew up, surrounded by a community that protected him against law enforcement? It was reminiscent of Osama bin Laden, who was hiding in plain sight, protected by a large and loyal network of Islamists in a military town in Pakistan.
It's time we started to recognize that the Muslim community, even in the U.S., has not been as cooperative as it should be. To claim that we should appease and never offend this community, out of fear that we would turn them into terrorists, is absurd.
During WW2, we put the Japanese in internment camps (not a proud moment of our history), yet none of them strapped on a suicide vest to blow up a cafe full of innocents. We relegated Native Americans to reservations as we systematically took over their lands, yet none went on a stabbing or beheading rampage.
Let's stop reaching for alternative answers to the question "why do they become radicalized?" We already know why. Islam.
Tom Wyrick (Missouri, USA)
Germany declared war on the USA in 1941. Mr. Trump has a German heritage, I believe. Was the Trump family at war with America in 1941? Hostile to American principles? Rooting for a German victory?

It does not occur to Trump (or other backward rednecks) that virtually every American hails from a family of immigrants. Diversity does pose social challenges, but also accounts for much of our success.

It has been said before, but never gets old: Mr. Trump was born on third base, and thought he hit a triple.
John Lubeck (Livermore, CA)
Trump's comments (these an others) continually demonstrate that no rational person with honesty, integrity or morality would support him. That so many people do (either Democrats or Republicans), shows that America is filled with irrational, dishonest, immoral people completely lacking in integrity.
Julius Pulp (Washington)
Trump said the gunman was born, quote, “In Afghan, and he is an Afghan.” That is incorrect. The gunman was born in the United States. This is the sort of misinformation that consistently comes out of the Trump campaign. And it gets his base of supporters amped up and ready to attack Muslim Americans – which is wrong.

Instead of Trump stating that this was an act of terror carried by, presumably, a mentally ill man who had access to assault weaponry, he goes off the cuff and begins to use disparaging language about Muslims, their faith and their allegiance.

The gunman was a confused individual who claimed allegiance to Daesh and Al Qaeda who are not affiliated with one another. This would suggest that he had no real understanding of the two organizations or their motivations.

The real problem is the pervasive access to guns in this country and the inattention of law makers to draft legislation to address gun control and mental illness.
bill t (Va)
Nothing Obama has done, or said, or refused to say, has reduced terrorism one iota. His policies have been denial, evasion and blaming everyone else but the real cause. Trump is the only one that makes sense.
Trump yanked the Washington Post's press credentials in part for truthfully reporting that he implied President Obama is complicit in domestic terrorism. Previously, he brought Megyn Kelly and Fox News to heel by threatening to damage their ratings with a similar selective boycott. Perhaps it's time for the press to put aside scooping one another, band together, and go on strike against further coverage of Trump until all are allowed to do so without his censorship. Let the disinfectant of unfettered 1st amendment freedoms cure the nation of his toxic demagogy.
Arthur Rimbaud (Paris)
To be a good president of the US, you must have a global consciousness, the capacity to intuitively understand macro-changes to come and how to create conditions to allow them to manifest in the most influential way, for the common good of mankind.

Trump is stuck in his ethnocentric infantilism.
marty (andover, MA)
The Times just reported that Pres. Obama spoke out against Trump and castigated him for his dangerous rhetoric. I would go a step further...this is no time to "mince" words. Trump is a deranged sociopath, a modern-day Hitler whose megalomaniacal and anti-social personality endangers all Americans and hence, the world. Maybe an influential politician like Elizabeth Warren would dare speak these words. But we're long passed the point of niceties. Republican party "leaders" like Ryan and McConnell, having spent the past 7.5 years willfully obstructing everything Obama has tried to do to further this country, should be totally ashamed of themselves as their craven lust for power has greatly contributed to the desultory state of our country.
Michael (Brooklyn)
I find it interesting that a reality tv show star who has never draped a flag over a soldier's casket, or ordered a terrorist leader to be killed, is accusing the man who has done those things, our President, of being soft on terrorism. Trump's rant was predictable, uninformed, ignorant and perverted. It won't win him any votes.
vincent van gogo (CT)
If it was ever worth as much as he says, then the Trump brand has got to be depreciating by a couple million dollars a day.

I wonder if Donald will try to claim that as a charitable deduction on his taxes.
Charles (San Jose, Calif.)
As it appreciates politically by a couple million voters a day. So it all nets out.
Paul King (USA)
We can make this nefarious dope go away forever.

Donate and work hard for the most logical alternative - the democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton. A thoughtful, normal person who is well qualified in experience and temperament to be president.

I don't believe the lies that Republicans have been hitting her with for 25 years. Including assassinating a member of her husband's administration!
Can you believe their desperate bull?
Have you noticed Republicans will do or say anything to feed their power addiction? A sick cult they have become. An internal threat to liberty.

I'll work hard for Hillary and on election night we will have driven a stake through the heart of a very evil man who cares about no one but himself.

What a great night that will be!!
Moishe Pippik ((Not so) Orange County, CA)
Couldn't Obama declare an emergency terror-war situation and immediately ban the selling, advertising, and exportation, of all assault rifles as weapons of mass destruction that are a national threat to the public welfare?
Sal Fladabosco (Silicon Valley)
I knew as soon as I heard the term 'war on terror' i knew we were in for decades of blind military action and huge increases in spending and an unending attack on our individual rights.

It's the perfect GOP war - the enemy has no uniforms, no capital, no leader to capture, they look and dress different than we do and there is no way to define victory.

It's not really war, as we can all see. It's a criminal conspiracy hiding behind religion. They are venomous violent misdeeds of nature and despite my liberal nature, I see that they, like smallpox need to be eradicated.

Not the people or the followers of the religion. Just the violent criminals.
wildwest (Philadelphia PA)
Trump certainly doesn't lose points for lack of consistency. His bigoted, bullying, fact free brand is clearly defined and probably won't change no matter how much he makes his GOP colleagues squirm. It is of course deeply offensive that he all but accused our twice elected sitting president of being sympathetic to ISIS. But never mind. Herr Drumpf is such a scamp. So this is what all those years of race baiting and immigrant bashing on Fox and hate radio led to? We finally have our very own Grade A #1 fascist American dictator? All we have to do to usher in the apocalypse is vote Republican in November.
Jose Jimenez (Spain)
As I see almost nobody of the commentators knows the Muslim religion. Well, I exclude the Muslims, but they are clearly part of the speech. The reaction to press the Muslims is correct because the terrorists contact normally only with this group. By the way, the Trump's measure is already active, just the name of the measure is different. Something like people that came from zone of civil war...

And by the way, the Orlando case is not exactly Muslim issue. This man was clearly gay, but because his social environments (including its religion) prohibits this behavior he was in very serious personal conflict. And clear he was very aggressive person. So he attacked. Even himself.
Joseph Poole (New York)
This article presents a deliberate distortion of Trump's assertions. Trump is not saying that there is no distinction between Muslims who pose a threat versus those that don't. What he is saying is that our government has proved itself incapable of making such a distinction and that, until we figure out how to make that distinction, we need to recognize it and limit certain categories of immigration until we can. This is simple common sense, and the Times does not advance the argument by distorting it.
Ed (Old Field, NY)
One problem is that the FBI is still basically a law enforcement agency rather than an intelligence gathering agency, so agents are trained to think in terms of building a legal case against a suspect that they could later present in a court. If Mateen were overseas, Obama would have authorized the CIA’s request for his droning a couple of years ago.
David X (new haven ct)
I just watched the live video of two of the people who were injured. One's name was Ms Parker, as I recall, and the other's name I apologize that I didn't hear. Their dignity, courage and articulateness inspired me deeply. Their words will stay with many of us--to our betterment, and I wish it were possible for the rest of us, in gratitude, to take some of the pain and suffering from them.
Susan H (SC)
This event has really put the haters in a quandary. In the past, they could at least look down on, if not hate, black people, and after the civil rights act passed they had to look down someone else. Conveniently there were LGBT people who had come out of the closet. But then the Supreme Court decision said there shooed be protections and rights for LGBT people. So sorry Muslims. It's your turn to be the scape goats for all that is not right in the US. Doesn't matter that many of you are doctors, professors, movie stars, newspeople and even bankers and CEOs. Until enlightenment comes or a new group is found to take your place.
birddog (eastern oregon)
And where are the adults in the GOP leadership? It is perhaps understandable how one unhinged member of a far out fringe group could presume to speak for a small segment of likeminded (but deluded) individuals-This is after all the US of A where freedom of speech is held sacred. But how can the leadership of a main stream political party like the Republican Party sit back and only cluck and coo among themselves and make feeble sounds in the press about, "The System will constrain him" when they are asked why they have not taken a more active role in denouncing such hate filled and deceptive rhetoric? We stand to throw away our great experiment in creating a Democratic Republic which is governed, "By the People and For the People" for the sake of creating a small minded regime governed by Fear and through Intolerance? Shame on us (all of us) if we let this happen.
Steen (Mother Earth)
This mass killing in Orlando has unfortunately turned the spotlight on a deranged politician. Instead it should focus on getting the assault rifles and other weapons of mass killings off the street.
The real fight should not be about Muslims in America, but rather the NRA.
The Second Amendment has always been about the right to bear arms as a protective or defensive measure, not a offensive measure.
Jim (Brooklyn)
At Stonewalls in Greenwich Village I witnessed a large peaceful memorial/demonstration for the recent shooting in Orlando. These kind of rallies usually scare me -I feel claustrophobic, trapped and irrationally served up to the anger of the mob. But this wasn’t that. I felt totally safe and part of a spiritual community. I was moved by the love and solidarity of the event. I was shown a passage to mourning without anger, frustration or specific fixes. Speakers spoke of LOVE. Thank you Stonewalls for making me feel a part of something wonderful and eternal. I’m so proud to be human.
ondelette (San Jose)
I would have preferred to leave a comment on Max Fisher's column, which contends that the causes of incidents like Orlando, because they involve human minds, are complex, and people deal with them by shoehorning them into the simple. But unfortunately, comments are only solicited for one such shoehorning, that of Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for the highest office in the land.

My opinion, to add to the chorus that has become a cacophony since so many possible motives have been unearthed, is that we have candidates like Donald Trump, with simplistic views that -- in the dark warnings of Roger Cohen this morning -- may send the world into a spiral of violence not unlike the beginning of World War I, precisely because the public is never asked to comment on the more nuanced views, like those of Mr. Fisher.

Expect little of the public intellect and you will be rewarded, expect much and you will be rewarded as well. Someday, it will be realized that the public intellect fulfills all prophecies, and you need to act accordingly when you try to predict the news.

In other words, with all due respect, there you go again giving Trump free air time. It only took 24 hours for the press to shift its emphasis from the horrible events in Orlando to full time coverage of what The Donald thought of them. I would like the government the people deserve, not the government the press deserves. More nuance, please!
Christie (Bolton MA)
Assault rifles and ammunition for them should be banned completely. Any person owning either a gun or the ammunition should face 20 years in prison. Present owners, including gun shop owners, should have one month to turn them in for cash—six months to turn them in before having the guns and/or ammunition confiscated and the person indicted.
Charles (San Jose, Calif.)
They are banned completely, that's why he had no armor-piercing rounds, and assault rifle to shoot them with.
Eochaid mac Eirc (Cambridge)
I for one, as someone who supports neither Trump or Clinton, am reminded of Clinton's speech from a couple weeks ago.

While the progressive Left, so well-trained at dismissing opposing viewpoints with an argument from 'hate' can easily dismiss Trump's facile, racialist populism, they seem completely incapable of grasping that Clinton's rhetoric is much more polished, but perhaps more insidious:

In simpler terms - it's the constant bombing and killing to Muslim civilians in needless wars, stupid.
Jim (Washington)
Trump doesn't even know what 'pluralism' means. That there are millions of Americans who completely agree with Trump no matter what hateful or ignorant proclamations he makes is very unsettling. A very large group of our citizens are hell-bent on destroying the very values that Made America Great.
This is the Unsettling of America.
We must come together and stop this scourge before it is too late.
Nancy G (NJ)
I am more horrified by the rhetoric of Trump than almost anything. And his dangerous and ludicrous rhetoric attacking the President's patriotism by insinuation. Predictable perhaps with Trump's dabbling and sometimes leading the mindless Birther nonsense.
Trump offers no solution except the exploitation of fear, ignorance and division...a field well seeded by GOP extremes.
JRO (San Rafael, CA)
Its not about muslims and its not about guns. Its about the hatred fueled by the ultra right wing hostility- mongering machines in the name of their personal moral beliefs (and in the name of herding the masses) that condone the demonization of LGBTs, women's right to choose and any other issues that can be used as a wedge issue to inflame citizens. Mr. Trump, how about the killers of doctors who have performed abortions. Who can we keep out of the country to avoid this slaughter? How about other crimes against LGBT - who can we blame? The monster in our society is a creation by people who think like you think.
pato (USA)
Systemic violence towards gays is mainstream and even the law in many Islamic countries.

The US can't sustain its values if it allows those values to be undermined from abroad.

Our foreign policy and immigration policy must reflect the values of Liberty for all. Making certain that those that are coming here respect our values and are assimilating to our common values is essential to our peace and security.
SageinthePNW (God's Country)
Trump's incoherence grows each day and this is the GOP!
FWB (Wis.)
ALL news media should ignore the orange baboon! (Sorry for insulting baboons!)
Erik Flatpick (Ohio)
We the American People are on stage here--do we stand up for the freedoms of plurality that so many of us have died for, or do we follow this lying, mendacious demagogue down his rabbit hole of FEAR? It's up to us ...
Norman Salik (Goodyear, AZ.)
Another ridiculous proclamation from Donald Trump. Lets's see, Mateen was 29 years old and if he was born the year that his parents came to the US, it make the year 1987 and who was president in 1987, George H.W. Bush. If they came here earlier that would put them in the Ronald Reagan era. One of Trump's heros (I don't think he has any heros except himself).
Tony P (Boston, MA)
When as a nation we should be looking inward to see how we can better include as many factions of our countrymen as possible to help identify and thwart domestic acts of violence, Trump continues to look at ways to further alienate and separate certain groups (immigrants, Muslims, refugees) who are essential to the success of the task at hand. Dividing us now is most dangerous to us all.
As a second generation Russian-American, whose parents left the Soviet Union to get away from leaders in Moscow who hated us, will we be next be in Trumpistan? Especially if Putin does something crazy or God forbid one of his jets hits an American ship. Or to distract his people's increasing unhappiness with their economy, invades the Baltic states? Will Trump then put our Russian Orthodox Christian churches under surveillance as they were in the Soviet Union? Will my extended family be unable to enter this country to immigrate or visit? They are worried about exactly this turn of events with the erratic and at times seemingly unhinged Donald Trump.
Tracy Beth Mitrano (Ithaca, New York)
In the mishmash that is Trump's analysis missing is a simple point: the shooters obtained their weapons not through some terrorist underground but with unchecked U.S. laws.

The First Amendment allows people in the United States to think however they want. The laws of this country limit behavior, not thought.

It is the behavior we must target. It should not matter whether it is "terrorist" or "delusional." We need to look to ourselves, our culture and our laws, that allow criminals access to assault weapons.
J.C. Hayes (San Francisco)
Consider the possible strategies that would have limited the carnage in Orlando:

1. Continued and close surveillance of the killer by the FBI after he had been identified as a potential terror risk: Not legal, and probably impractical.

2. Trump's ban on Muslims coming to the U.S.: Wouldn't have worked in this case because the shooter was American born. Also, it's not clear he was a practicing Muslim.

3. Arming everyone at the nightclub: This is the NRA's solution, but it is fatally flawed; in a chaotic situation how many party-goers would be shot by fellow party-goers?

4. A national ban on the sale of rapid-fire assault rifles: Legal (we have one in California, although they can be purchased elsewhere and brought in); and it would remove one the deadliest parts of the arsenal available to mentally unstable and violent people.
Craig (NY)
Putting aside Mr. Trump's arguments themselves, what he has unambiguously demonstrated is that he has formed his opinion before all the facts are in about the perpetrator. Mr. Trump has assumed that the attack is based exclusively on religious beliefs. It now appears there may (or perhaps may not) be more personal reasons for the attack. In any event, one ought to wait until more facts are available before reaching conclusions and arguing them to the public. One of the things I want in a President and Commander in Chief is someone that does not make rash decisions on incomplete facts, but shows appropriate, level-headed, restraint.
D Price (Wayne NJ)
I wrote the first part of this comment in response to another article, but I think it better suits this one.

The Donald, a picker of low-hanging fruit, is not known for his nuance. That he lumps all Muslims together monolithically, with no distinctions between the intolerant-fundamentalist-jihadi-microminority and the 3-ish million peaceful Muslim Americans woven seamlessly into this nation's communities is proof enough. (Incidentally, my stepson-in-law fits the latter category, and has a degree in -- Trump might be shocked -- criminal justice.)

By extension of Trump's logic, if a fundamentalist Christian had stuck in Orlando, should we look suspiciously at all Christians?

Subtleties, details and distinctions matter. Placing all Muslims into a single circle of the Venn diagram will not lead us to identify which subset of a subset of a subset is the real enemy. And so it will eventuate that operating on Trump's baser instincts will be not only prejudicial, but ineffective as well.
George N. Wells (Dover, NJ)
Extremism exists in all religions. The absolutist wings all claim sole ownership of the truth along with a set of rules by which everyone must, by their standards, adopt. While some absolutists limit their demands to the faithful, most want to impose them on all of humanity. Along with this comes the express, or implied, idea that anyone who is in violation of or their rules is, by default, a legitimate target of their rage.

Fortunately most humans are not absolutists, only a very small percentage claim the position of absolutist. The rest of us just try to live our lives comfortably inside our own skin and live alongside others.

The absolutists all make life for the rest of us difficult. The absolutist all really want temporal power to dictate to everyone else on the planet and become the absolute ruler of all humanity.

To punish those who do not subscribe to the absolutist positions is only to make the absolutists' argument seem more plausible and drive some to join the absolutist cause.

Lastly, we have people with serious mental problems that will use any excuse to lash out at a world that they can neither understand nor tolerate. The absolutists use them to further their aims.

There is no fast track to paradise in taking the lives of others. If there is a fast track from killing, it is straight to hell. The "Golden Rule" is part of all religions.
Ray Russ (Palo Alto, CA)
Interesting how the more conservative elements in this country readily hop on the bandwagon offering 'support' and 'moments of silence' and cries for more scrutiny of non-white, non-Christian, non-Americans.

I won't pretend to speak for my dead brothers and sisters in Orlando but I'd like to believe that they would find the pillorying of another marginalized segment of this country by sanctimonious, xenophobic politicians as nauseating as this American does.

As others have intoned more articulately than I I'll add to the chorus 'Not in my name."
BC (Indiana)
Trump not only referred to the terrorist as Afghan but blamed Obama on his parents immigration to the US even though it occurred 30 years ago when Reagan was president. How can he be allowed to make such false and misleading statements without the press calling him on it. General reference to lies are not enough, they must be identified and he must be called out on every lie he tells. He is running for president of the United States. To argue that he just lies all the time or calls back things he says is not an excuse for failure to report falsehood in detail.
Elise (Northern California)
Thinking about all the shootings the Italian Mafia committed years earlier, why weren't all the Italians deported?

Looking at the brutal gun deaths at the hands of the IRA, why didn't we deport all the Irish, or at least forbid them from coming into the US. (That would empty most police departments and the US military).

Looking at FBI statistics, one cannot help but notice the large percentage of crimes committed by young white men, from drunk driving fatalities to the molestation of children. Why don't we deport all of them to...well, somewhere?

The Russian mob is often described by the FBI as the most vicious and violent of all, shooting and torturing people, including women and children, without any hesitation. Why don't we deport all the Russians, Ukranians, etc.? Naturally, that would include 2 of Trump's 3 wives.

Ted Kazinsky was a university professor. So why don't we deport all the university professors?

We don't deport or refuse entry to this country of entire swaths of people based solely on some trumped-up irrational fear about "Them" because we are (allegedly) smarter than that. Well, some of us anyway.
Abby (Tucson)
Careful, you are talking about some the The Don's most esteemed connections! I heard Little Nicki is coming out of the joint soon, so anyone connected to that sociopath has to be sweating bullets.
Sharkie (Boston)
All these poor, gentle people murdered and wounded and this paper rehashes old wedge issues. The killer should not have been here because his Taliban propagandist father had no business entering the US.

And what is this nonsense about freedom of religion? When, please, does a belief system stop being a religion and become a criminal ideology? What religions would the Times and its readers protect, one that involves human sacrifice? Salafism is no different. Islam the religion of peace? For how long are people going to swallow that refuse?

We are a secular society in which religion is subject to law. Anyone who seeks to live by Sharia law offends this foundation principle. Anyone who practices Salafism declares himself an enemy to our most deeply held beliefs.

Aliens have no right of any kind to enter the United States. Whole classes and groups may be excluded on the basis of religion, nationality or race when it serves the interests of the United States. Let's put a stop to this.

Does that mean restricting travel to visit relatives, sure. But aliens have no right to enter and we have a right to live free of Islamic Terror.
Bookpuppy (NoCal)
Mr Trump represents more of a danger to this country than ISIS ever will. To me his rhetoric of hate is also more responsible than anything else for what happened in Orlando.
Sui generis (New York)
So in Trump's warped view, people such as Dr. Oz's Turkish father, Steve Job's Syrian biological father, Huma Abedin's Indian and Pakistani parents, Nigerian Hakeem Olajuwon, British Cat Stevens, British Indian Salman Rushdie, Somali Iman and Pakistani Malala Yousafzai -- all Muslims -- would be banned per se based on the mere fact of their religious affiliation. The only thing worse than Trump's rhetoric is the fact that any Republican can promote him as a viable general election candidate and still sleep at night.
Tom (California)
And what does the Oracle of Hate and Division Donald Trump plan to do about angry white men armed to the teeth with assault weapons, extended magazines, and explosives? After all, mass murderers Dylan Roof, Timothy Mcveigh, Jared Loughner, Adam Lanza, and James Holmes, to name a few, fall into this demographic....

My guess is his plan is to make them even angrier...
gmg22 (DC)
I would love those who think Trump has hit the nail on the head here to explain to me: How would a "ban on Muslims entering the country" have prevented what happened in Orlando? This perpetrator was born IN THE UNITED STATES, when RONALD REAGAN was president.

If what Trump and those in thrall to him really want is to deport all people with ancestry from any Muslim country, including those who are US citizens, they should just say so so we all know exactly who and what we're dealing with. I'm pretty sure we've dispensed with the dog whistles at this point.
Jefflz (San Franciso)
Trump is the ISIS poster boy. They are losing the ground war in a big way and Donald Trump's Islamophobia is helping them recruit the terrorists that represent their last best stand.
George (Monterey)
Can't the FBI have him arrested for disturbing the peace? Can the DOJ do something to get him off the streets?
The headline talks about banning all Muslims, yet the body of the article states "[Trump]...called for a ban on migrants from any part of the world with “a proven history of terrorism” against the United States or its allies". Consistency vs propaganda?
Art Mills (Ashland, Oregon)
Donald Trump is part of the problem not the solution. He reinforces the ISIS propaganda. A ban against all Muslims entering the U.S., and special surveillance of American Muslims are exactly the wrong things to do. Both steps would impede U.S. government efforts to work with the American Muslim community to uncover and deal with you people who would align with ISIS. Both efforts would help ISIS not us. It is time to firmly reject Trump's politics of hatred and ignorance. We need to combat ISIS intelligently and resolutely out of confidence in the American way, and with the tenacity that is part of the best in American tradition. Trump would lead us out of fear and weakness to a place of utter defeat.
Marcus Taylor (Richmond, CA.)
A country that can't tell the difference between "forged" papers concerning "Yellow Cake Uranium", or a stolen Iranian Laptop with Nuclear Plans by way of Israel, or Iranian IEDs with "English Markings" needs a "timeout".

Further a country that created Abu Graib, Guantanamo Bay, the secret prisons and prison ships around the world, a country that launched two recent wars on faked justifications and killed more than a million civilians, a country that overthrew 13 legitimate democracies, and that installed and financed 42 bloody and brutal dictatorships around the world, shouldn't be shooting off too loudly about terrorists!

We've backed more than a few ourselves ... besides, we have a bad habit of "stabbing" our friends in the back or has everyone forgotten about Noriega (our friend), Saddam ( our friend against Iran), Batista (our Cuban friend before Castro) and a long list of others. Do any of you remember the "School of the America's" ... a CIA funded assassination training facility?
Steve Bolger (New York City)
A country that interrupts a UN mandated inspection process that is proving a war unnecessary by having the war anyway is beneath stupid.
Rich (Chicago, IL)
To Trump - using Trump's words - YOU'RE FIRED! Trump is not, and has no place as President of USA! If anything g should be banned - ban automatic weapons.
JKvam (Minneapolis, MN)
The GOP is morally and intellectually bankrupt on virtually every issue of import. They've nominated Sarah Palin for the Vice Presidency and now will nominate Donald Trump for the Presidency. They re-write textbooks, profligate military weaponry on a civilian populace, vote against equal pay measures for women, enable and promote catastrophic economic and health care policies and traffic in a brand of open bigotry not seen in leaders in this country in close to 50 years.

Our children have "active shooter" drills in their elementary schools and the largest donors to their cause advocate arming kindergarten teachers, pastors, movie theater ushers and one presumes now, DJ's to "protect our freedoms." Every person that made the ultimate sacrifice for America is dishonored by their rhetoric. The men that fought in the Revolution, in the trenches of Europe and stormed Normandy were not fighting and dying for this vision of America. They would be appalled.

These are not smart men. We deserve and need to demand better.
William Case (Texas)
Donald Trump has proposed a temporarily suspension of travel from countries known for exporting Islamic terrorists until the Homeland Security Department can improve its methods of determining which travelers pose a threat. U.S. Code § 1182 (Inadmissible Aliens) states: “Whenever the president finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.” If such a ban had been in place before September 2001, it might have saved the lives of thousands of Americans who died during the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. It might also have prevented the San Bernardo attack. The Orlando gunman was U.S. born, but the type of ban Trump proposes might have prevented his parents from immigrating to the United Sates. Terrorist attacks carried out by travelers and immigrants or the children of immigrants from Islamic countries have killed thousands of Americans since 2001. If this doesn’t make a temporary travel ban appropriate, what would?
I do not choose to live my life as a citizen of the United States in the subjunctive tense.
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
Sorry, dead wrong again. You say "If such a ban had been in place before September 2001, it might have saved the lives of thousands of Americans who died during the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon." But not a single one of the 9/11 attackers was a citizen. So this ban would have done nothing about that attack.
SLG (Coupeville WA)
It is time for law enforcement and security professionals as well as diplomats from the current and past administrations [Obama, Bush, Clinton] to go on record with the american people about the implications of Trumps "policies" for national security, diplomatic relationships and law enforcement. Counters by President Obama and Secretary Clinton are too easily dismissed by his followers. "Old hands" need to weight in.

And, I agree with the other commentators. This is increasingly worrying and increasingly reminding us all of Nazi Germany in the 1930s. If he is elected can we expect Kristalnacht? Personally, I'll head for Canada on election night if he wins.
RAP (Somerset County, New Jersey)
It is time again for the USA to look to what happened in Australia after a ban on assault weapons was enacted. Australia has not descended into a chaos of street crime and murder (as is predicted by the rabid and irrational NRA), yet, lo and behold, there have been none, zero, zilch mass shootings since then. Before the ban, there was at least one every 18 months.

We have more guns per person in the USA, and yet far more mass shootings even when adjusted for population size than countries with fewer guns per person.

How can any intelligent person think the solution to all this is more military assault weapons in the hands of anyone who wants one? The facts are this causes more mass shootings, not less.

I for one am hoping Australia is taking non-crazy immigrants from the USA who are trying to escape this gun-loving insanity
Ed Burke (Long Island, NY)
As usual a well thought out strategy to 'Whip Up' the rightwing paranoids, delusionals, haters, bigots, racists and core of Trump support. Also, as usual, it has no bearing on the causes of this lone lunatic, make that American citizen, native born lone lunatic who would have been affected Not At All, by banning Muslims from entering the United States. Now if Donald Trump were in fact an actual Christian, then his first response would have been to ask that all of us who are horrified by this latest corruption of the 2nd amendment, pray for Peace on Earth, and the defeat of all evil.
Emmanuel (Burbank, CA)
Part of Mr. Trump's rhetoric seems to be strategic, rather than just inflammatory. I'm a gay European man who lives in the US. To me, the part of this story that stands out the most is the ease with which perpetrators of mass shootings were able to acquire firearms in the United States. Ms. Clinton's speech underlines that. In so doing, she accepts that some of the blame comes from the United States itself. Maybe not all of it, maybe not most of it, but some of it. The United States has a gun culture that makes mass shootings easier. It also has an unofficially tiered society that allows some forms of extremism to go unnoticed. (So does Europe, certainly.)

Mr. Trump, in contrast, lies the whole of the blame on "others." Who the others might be changes from day to day, but anyone who is ever blamed by Mr. Trump leaves his potential electorate blameless. According to him, those responsible are evil foreigners, or American residents and citizens who, for one reason or another, do not or should not count as "real Americans."

This strategy, however disingenuous it might appear, is certainly effective. The people likely to vote for Mr. Trump are desperate to think of themselves as the beacon of civilization in an unruly world. People who have been wronged, as opposed as people who may have to correct their assumptions.

I happen to think that Ms. Clinton is right, but I doubt she will be very convincing.
Kevin (New York)
There are so many inconsistencies and examples of flawed logic in Trump's speech. But I'll just point out one bizarre correlation that Trump tries to turn into causation. Trump claims that Mateen's parents never should have been allowed to enter the US. As far as I have read, though, Mateen's parents haven't been accused of any wrongdoing or even harboring sympathy toward Islamic jihadist ideology. So is Trump actually suggesting that we should prevent people from entering the US because of the chance that those people might live here for 30 years, lead seemingly uneventful lives, and then have a child who will go on mass killing spree?
Trump barely mentioned Mateen's parents directly in his speech, yet still claims that they and people like them shouldn't be allowed to come to the US. He supports "proper vetting" of Muslims who wish to immigrate into our country. So maybe he can explain how we are supposed to predict the actions of immigrants' unborn children three decades in the future while we decide whether to allow them entry to the US.
Brooklynguy (brooklyn NY)
I just read the text of Donald Trump's talk and nowhere could I find a proposal to ban all Muslim Immigrants. I note that he proposed a suspension of immigration from parts of the wold where there has been a proven history of terrorism against the United States but I think it is quite a leap to say that that means all Muslims regardless of country of origin. A suspension is not a ban. I believe that the suspension would only be in effect until such time as we could verify the backgrounds of the people seeking entry. I agree that it is reasonable to not let suspected terrorist buy guns. But I also think it is reasonable to not let someone coming from an area with proven acts of terrorism into our house until we have done a thorough check on them.
nomad127 (New York, NY)
I just listened to an "update" of the Orlando investigation by President Obama, which turned out to be little more than a vitriolic stump speech against Donald Trump. There will be many more.
While I do not agree with the idea of banning one religious group from entering the United States, even on a temporary basis, I believe that a suspension of all immigration for a limited period of time would be helpful to our country.
My parents came to the U.S. from France a little over forty years ago. At about the same time my husband's parents came here from India. I have been accused of racism and xenophobia by some on the basis of my political leanings. I don't think these accusations were fair.
The world and the country have changed. Let's adapt our immigration policies to the new realities. Not everybody wants to come here to do us good.
Robert (Out West)
Yeah, no violent Muslim and other religious groups in India, all right. By the way, this shooter was born here, so it's a tad difficult to see how shutting down all travel to the US wpuld be much help.
teo (St. Paul, MN)
Trump raises some valid concerns. To the extent that individual Muslim people living in the US know that one of their friends/relatives/acquaintances is committing a crime, such people should report the conduct. Likewise, to the extent that elderly people are taken advantage of by businesses, government should be pursuing such businesses.

But the country is nothing if it incorporates a religious test for entry. The country is nothing if we start deciding who gets which services based on the religion they practice. We've never had this and we never should have this.
Robert (Out West)
One may hope that you felt the same way about Dylan Root's family and friends, and that before the next time you talk about wha we've never had, you find out what the rules of the Massachusetts Bay Colony were.
WiltonTraveler (Wilton Manors, FL)
Wouldn't it be ironic if the Orlando attack wasn't an ideologically motivated at all. The shooter apparently had visited the club several times over a three-year period, he is reported to have had a gay dating ap on his phone (for use or to lure victims—both are possible), and he had gay acquaintances where he lived in Port. St. Lucie.

So let me paint a different scenario:

Here was a closeted gay man who went postal on that account, and, afraid to admit this to his family, decided at the last moment to justify his murder-suicide by claiming a religious-political motive.

Trump, as usual, has leaped to a conclusion and used it to proclaim his perceptiveness, when really it just reveals a dangerous impulsiveness. His hateful religious prejudice aside, he's too irresponsible to occupy any political office.
Bob (Ca)
The truth is always in between somewhere.
It is obvious now his actions were not guided by his US citizenship and upholding american values and the Constitution.
If a reasonable analyst were to guess, his personality was shaped during childhood. What kind of a childhood was it- a muslim family at home, a homophobic father from Afghanistan, where being gay means a death sentence. Please note his father called him a "good boy", i.e. being in accordance with his family guidelines.
You can take a guy out of Afghanistan to US, but you cannot take Afghanistan out of him.
Have you never seen or forgotten massive celebrations and dancing in the streets of the arab world on 9/11? I sure hope those dancers don't come here. Click around for the orlando comments coming from that area for a refresher.

That civilization has not produced a society or government with humanistic and liberal agenda, please do not assume automatically they are just like you and me. That culture is patriarchal, women are 2nd class, gays are to be stoned. Please do not expect they will readily adopt western culture- the recent events in Europe and elsewhere show a quite different pattern.

Religion is a big part of culture this is why people get labeled according to their church name, however we cannot ignore that fact that islamic culture is aggressive and intolerant of the western and american culture.
It has proven to be a bit too strong for our melting pot here.
Robert (Out West)
I'm just hoping that America adopts Western culture someday soon, starting with its liberal traditions of free speech, free religion, and rational thought.
Brian Sussman (New Rochelle, NY)
It's clear that the massacre in Orlando was due to hatred of Gays by Omar Mateen, who himself may have been a closeted gay.

Certainly, Donald Trump has been spouting his own Anti-Gay hatred throughout his hate-filled presidential campaign, while encouraging violence against decent American citizens who have protested Trump's fascist hatred-filled speeches.

So, Trump is very much, immorally the source of increasing hatred of Americans by Americans,

Omar Mateen was a natural-born citizen of the USA, and yet Trump, himself full of hatred, bile and ignorance, wrongly accuses Omar Mateen of being an immigrant, in Trump's hopes of causing more violence in the USA.

It is Trump who is a clear and present danger and should be treated as such.

This massacre was certainly not Islamic Terrorism, but rather it was in the American terrorist mode, commonly caused by Christians. Let us not forget that historically most terrorism in the USA, has been caused, not by Muslims, but rather by Christians against Christians. Examples are so-called reborn Christians burning Crosses on their neighbors lawns, as well burning down Christian Churches occupied by their neighbors, and lynchings.

Trump is the problem, and definitely not the solution. If Trump is President, that might lead to a nuclear World War; but certainly would result in more bigotry in America and violence directly caused by Trump's reactionary, bigoted ignorance and provocations. For God's sake, deny Trump the GOP nomination.
Stephen Avondale (Sweden)
It is easy to recognise that Trump makes an exceedingly good job convincing europeans that certain aspects of the US political scene is little better than what we all have grown used to watch on The Simpsons or Family guy.

Then again; he manages to tap into the frustration of a globalised world trying to shake of the worst financial crisis in decades.

...and yes, he is a dangerous and tragicomical figure at the same time.

Still: looking at the same Europe where we so easily dismiss more or less odd american political aspects we find that an ultra nationalist almost won the presidency in Austria. Le Pen and Front Nationale which are shady at best when it comes to ultimate horrors like the Holocaust stands a descent chance of winning the political power in France - just imagine, a publicly elected semi-Nazi president with nukes in the European birth land of freedom and brotherhood.

...and of course we must not forget mr Putin. The towering gloomy shadow in the East.

Contrasting the US with that Trump looks more tragic than dangerous.
Rishi (New York)
Our country definitely needs to take things seriously. No matter what areas of government or police departments or security or recruitment centers for military etc, we see all is taken as casual. We definitely need some policing out side popular bars or places where events take place,like places of worship, concerts, movie places etc. Police presence will scare the evil minded and even if some evil takes place the damage will be much less than what happened in Orlando.
Chris (Napa)
Donald Trump demonstrates once again that he is incapable of introspection or any meaningful contemplation on the serious issues that face our society.

Thanks to Donald Trump, "political correctness" is out-of-style. What we have now is a free-for-all on hateful speech. Donald Trump has made it fashionable to speak freely and hatefully about anything, to toss aside all etiquette and any appearance of tolerance or respect for differences in opinion and lifestyle.

These violent attacks are to me just another manifestation of Trump's concept of "freedom of expression." According to Donald Trump, it is OK to toss aside "political correctness" and to express exactly how you're really feeling, regardless of its impact on society and those around you.

This young man, that just killed 49 people, did just what Donald Trump demonstrates on a daily basis. He expressed to the world exactly how he felt... no holds barred. And in order to bring the same notoriety to himself that Trump gets on the campaign trail, he needed to use a gun instead of a microphone.

Donald Trump mantra is that we need to eliminate "political correctness" (i.e. "civility"). Now add to that his support of the gun lobby. With these sorts of values in place, we can expect to see these horrors escalate. Clearly anyone can purcahse an assault rifle in the U.S. and they have the right to express their hatred freely accordingly to Donald Trump.

I hope the Republican party is proud of their leader.
R Taylor (Houston)
So, when white right-wing, Christian males commit similar acts of terror, how should we treat them?
M.M. (Austin, TX)
Oh, they're "patriots." Everyone knows that, am I right?
Steve Bolger (New York City)
We let those people blow of steam by screaming at people coming and going at Planned Parenthood clinics.
Peter Zenger (N.Y.C.)
Both Trump and Clinton "knee-jerked" their response to this tragedy in the expected way:

Trump provided nonsensical gibberish.

Clinton provided standard liberal mantra.

Neither one of them actually addressed the issue at to what our anti-terrorism strategy should be. Apparently, we don't have one.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
What do you expect after stuffing the Congress with people who promised to exile planning and thinking from Washington?
Tamas (Chicago)
Glad to hear Clinton is trying to reclaim the spirit of bipartisanship we saw after 9/11.

Oh wait, that's the one that got us into Afghanistan and Iraq, right?
Steve Bolger (New York City)
The US couldn't accept the Taliban's offer to deport Saddam to a neutral country for trial of the charges he masterminded the 9/11 attack because he knew too much about how the US operates through insurgencies.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
Oops, I knew I had mixed up my bogeymen the moment I clicked "submit". Obviously Osama bin Laden was the guest of the Taliban it felt obliged to treat according to local tradition.
Abby (Tucson)
Glad you copped to it because I recognized the incongruity immediately, Bolger. You are typically right on target.
Abby (Tucson)
Has it fallen off the radar this guy was stoked on steroids? Rage is rage, folks.
Brooklyn Traveler (Brooklyn)
It's really rotten of Trump to turn this terrible crime into more attention for Trump. The man has no class at all, no dignity. His hairpiece has more substance than his soul.
RidgewoodDad (Ridgewood, NJ)
Unless ISIS is recruiting homosexuals, this is a loser who couldn't make it with women, then learned men didn't want him either. Like a spurned lover, he took aim at everyone that rejected him.
Lisa Fremont (East 63rd St.)
The Democratic Party line remans gun control and "our hearts an prayers go out for the victims'
Americans are disgusted with this tripe. It is not only refreshing, but hopeful that Mr. Trump articulates action instead of platitudes to innocent victims of monstrosities like Orlando.
I believe the majority of Americans will support a candidate who has a plan for securing our borders that protects us. Anyone who calls it racist is IMO still living in the Dark Ages from whence ISIL emerged and I encourage them see the light of day.
Susan H (SC)
It would help if that plan had any possibility of being realized! With two rivers crossing over that border, one of them several times, and shared water rights, how do you build a wall that doesn't dam that river? Voting for Never Never Land accomplishes nothing.
Peter (New York, NY)
You know, Trump is really useful in his way. You can listen to what he says and how he says it and be absolutely certain that the exact opposite is what is truthful, smart, and humane.
Laura (Charleston SC)
Trump should be tried for TREASON. The implications he stated on Fox News about Obama somehow being involved in terrorism are astounding and absolutely treasonous. What's the penalty for that? Maybe a jail in the mideast would take him for us.
pamela (hanalei)
No one in our media blames Bush, Obama and Hillary, at least partly, for their stinking oil wars in the middle east. I'm not excusing this maniac's horrific murders, but the media refuses to connect the dots that what the victims went through at the club happens every single day to innocent civilians under US drone and fighter jet attacks for the last 16 years. Talk about "radical"...
Anthony (Connecticut)
Let's leave aside the populist threats of terrorism for the moment. Far more people than are directly impacted by terrorism, are seeing their jobs under threat and have had their standard of living being stagnant for decades.

Inviting in more immigrants - and definitely not only Muslims, but also H1B visa immigrants, for example - seems to me to be a surefire way of worsening the above problems. At the very least, it certainly can't help the stagnating middle classes to allow in many extra low-income immigrants from wherever, and this I believe is the greatest issue HRC has yet to grapple with in her campaign.
Daveindiego (San Diego)
The Mike Murphy quote at the end was priceless.

Paul Ryan, here is ya boy Trump that you have backed.
HistoricalPerspective (Chicago)
Trump has it right, and wrong. No, you can't generalize an entire group, and set a precedent by banning them, even . However, what disturbs me is the stifling of any type of criticism of Islam, and Muhammed. 17 yr old kid in Singapore is facing years in prison for picking apart Koran. His youtube channel was bombarded with misogynist, anti-LGBT, anti-east asian slur by thousands upon thousands of Muslims. Ex-Muslims youtubeFacebook channels are facing bans, just because it is offending Muslims. Is this what the regressive left going for? Merkel has it wrong, you have it wrong.
Malika (Northern Hemisphere)
Not all. Some. We need to be very careful here not to lump millions of Americans who are Muslim and who "look" like Muslim all together. That would be like Nazi Germany. However, we need to a better job than just "monitoring" radicals who advocate violence. Why not separate them from society and let them live on some small Hate Island where they can grind their teeth for a couple of decades?
We sometimes protect individual rights more than the rights of the great mass of people, at our peril. What might that peril be? Donald Trump. The director of the FBI should resign and the chief of police of Orlando for his snail response.
Sandra (New York)
Here's hoping that Trump loses the general election "bigly" and that it takes years for the GOP that embraced this divisive and ignorant narcissist to recover.
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
I don't think it takes a lot of intelligence to realize that Trump is just plain wrong about this. We're not a nation that rejects people based on their race or religion, I'd hope. The vast majority of Muslims are not violent nor drawn to terrorism; rejecting the refugees in particular based on terrorism is crazy, because they're fleeing terrorism and want to have nothing to do with it.

But there are two major things about Trump's statement that trouble me extremely. One is that it's bigoted; after McVeigh killed all those people in Oklahoma City, were there calls to exclude white Christians from our shores? After the D.C. sniper was caught, were there laws proposed to remove all black people from America? It seems saner to me to avoid blaming an entire religion or race for the acts of one individual.

The other is that Trump has no plan to counter terrorism at all, no big ideas, no clue for stopping this horrible plague. But everything he does propose helps to alienate all Muslims and foreigners generally, and seems to seek to exacerbate terrorism by being so antagonistic that it convinces more people the terrorists are right.

We cannot afford to have this ignorant bigot speaking for our nation.
Tom Grilli (New Haven CT)
Shame on St. Anselm for hosting this hate monger. I believe in free speech, but the Catholic Church doesn't need to be complicit in promoting such views.
E.Bergeron (Lockport La.)
I think Trump is on Point We are all getting tired of PC I just looked up gun deaths 2015 and I was not surprised how the left spins this number. Here is what I found. In 2015 there was 12,942 gun deaths reported in the us 64% of these are REPORTED suicides that bring us to about 4,400 Murders...anyone wanna guess the Drunk/impaired driving deaths 2015...anybody? 9,800. I don't recall hearing the left calling for a alcohol band? You can't argue that they are not the same they both kill innocent people, you wanna know something else...they are both the most regulated items in the United States
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
Dear E. Bergeron,
Your statistics are incorrect, there were about 12,942 gun homicides, out of the total of over 30,000 gun deaths. Two thirds of the gun deaths are suicide, but there's over 30,000 a year no matter what. So yes, drunk driving deaths are less than gun murder deaths.
StevenR (Castlemaine, Australia.)
Would Trump have advocated the mass deportation of the millions of Irish residents of England during the 'troubles' there?
'Terrorists' with names like Murphy or Mulligan were blowing up pubs and almost succeeded in blowing up a Prime Minister. Sympathisers to the Republican cause may have been a majority of the Irish population at the time...even a sizeable minority of the Engish population.
Did even Thatcher suggest all Irish or indeed all Catholics should be rounded up?
Did she demand the Royal Navy blockade the Irish Sea?
The campaign of the IRA was at least as alarming and vicious as that of these ISIS killers. But I don't recall anything as bigotted and racist as Trump suggests for all Muslims getting traction there at the time. Perhaps the Irish weren't brown or black enough for that.
In the end the Peace Train departed leaving bigots like Ian Paisley at the the same way it will depart again one day... leaving the Trump bigots likewise fuming and blustering on the platform.
Barbarika (Wisconsin)
Lets propose a hypothetical experiment: Imagine a nazi like ideology was alive and in power in Europe and brainwashing people to commit acts of violence in US. New york times readership will be completely in agreement on blocking immigration of such individuals and their families. Now look at political Islam. The central power is Saudi Arabia which supports death sentences for astrologers, sentences women reporting rape to prison, finances 100s of thousands of Wahabi madarsas from Albania to Bangladesh to India, sowing chaos everywhere. In Syria, ISIS implements pure islam, throwing gays from building and buying/selling women like cattle. So why is Trump is wrong in stopping the import of people who support such ideologies. Fort Hood, San Bernadino, and Orlando, are the three mass casuality examples of such thought. Is it that Islam is too big, 1.5 billion people, does that changes the evil of it. Islam is as bad as the catholicism of dark ages was and it has violent power in its control right now. Unless, political islam is completely shunned, it will not reform. Yet Hillary takes millions from political islam. Obama threatens to veto truth about Saudi role in 911. How cowardly, political correctness has to be?
Susan H (SC)
Trump owns hotels in four Muslim countries. Wonder how much money he makes from them.
Michael (Washington, DC)
Fifty people dead, the LGBTQI community still forced to live in fear for being who we are, but yeah--let's make this all about YOU Trump while playing to everyone's current vulnerable state, pathos, and spin as usual. Disgusting.
futbolistaviva (San Francisco)
The elephant in the room in this country is limiting access to military weapons to all American citizens.
You want an AR15 or semi-automatic weapon?
Go join the military and fight for your country.

We have cowards in Congress, pure and simple.
Lilo (Michigan)
As a category, "military weapon" is not equal to "semi-automatic weapon".
angel98 (nyc)
Paul Ryan, John McCain and a host of other Republicans support him!
Trump will do anything for attention and they will do anything for their personal aggrandizement and career. A perfect storm.
Barbara (Virginia)
It is shocking to watch Trump essentially gloat over this act of barbarous slaughter because in his narrow world view -- which stops about two inches beyond the end of his nose -- it proved him "right." Here is what that tells you about Trump, if you didn't already know: Everything, anything, is good if it is good for him or shows that he was right. Not only does this reflect an utter lack of principles, but it also shows a certain lack of intellect. I mean, how much smarts does it take to predict that there will a gun massacre in America?
Anne H (Virginia)
Watch out NYT, apparently if you report true things this xenophobic idiot has said he'll revoke your press credentials. Although truly it might be a relief to not have to listen to his insane bigotry in person.
Ben (NYC)
I am the first to point out the logical connection between Islam and violence by its practitioners, but this is stupid. The guy was already vetted (so to speak) twice by the FBI and they found nothing. He was a US citizen, so blocking new Muslims from entering the country wouldn't have stopped this. He doesn't appear to have had any contact with any Jihadist groups...
Abby (Tucson)
But he was a closeted homosexual who we can now see has left his father the very mess he could not address honestly. Clean up on aisle hate!
Chris (Louisville)
Thank you for this video. You just changed my mind. I am voting Donald Trump!
M.M. (Austin, TX)
Oh, you poor thing.
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
If he wins, your suffering will be completely deserved.
Abby (Tucson)
From Russia with hate, no doubt.
Paul Cohen (Hartford CT)
The Donald is a fascist idiot.

I'd also like to point out to the authors of this piece, JONATHAN MARTIN and ALEXANDER BURNS, that your statement, "Without distinguishing between mainstream Muslims and Islamist terrorists, Mr. Trump...“ applies just as much if not more to President Obama's indiscriminate bombing by drones and jets and special ops in our wars of aggression against the Muslim world. Drone strikes kill far more Muslim civilians than the intended targets to be assassinated. In a 5 or 6 month period in Afghanistan, 90% of the people killed by drones were civilians. It’s bad enough that the targets are denied any due process but the process used to place someone on the assassination list is almost cavalier. For more terrifying information, read Jeremy Scahill & Glenn Greenwald’s new book, “The Assassination Complex: Inside the Government’s Secret Drone Warfare Program.”
Abby (Tucson)
I will warn ya'll that a regular diet of The Intercept can leave you feeling pretty anxious, but for a real reason, which is why I must restrain my diet of that object lesson.
Paul Cohen (Hartford CT)
Hi Abby,

Last night I watched a YouTube video of Jeremy Scahill giving a review of his book. What's really scary is, according to Scahill, Obama's war to intimidate whistle blowers from leaking information to the press during his two terms have resulted in more prosecutions under the Espionage Act of 1918 under Obama than the combined total of all U.S. presidents starting with the act itself during WWI- which W. Wilson pretty much used to squash dissidence to our last minute entry into that war. Enjoy your week.
Abby (Tucson)
How about how Wilson kept a lid on Black Tom so we wouldn't go off on the Germans sooner than we might be capable of without petering out? Lehigh Valley Railroad took it in the shorts to keep the loss of all that ammo off line and also keep the Germans thinking they were speaking safely between the legal briefs.

I saw it on History Detectives. Amazing bit of theatre after a big boom.
Third.Coast (Earth)
It's being reported that the shooter was for years a regular at gay bars - including Pulse - and contacted men on gay dating apps.

So, how long will it take for the momentum of the "radicalism" angle to die down and how soon can we talk seriously about this man being sexually confused and a self-hating closeted homosexual?

I mean, seriously, you don't build up enough rage to shoot over a hundred people just because you happened to see two men kiss. That wasn't where this all started.

My guess would be he was recently rejected by someone or never had a successful relationship with a man and was still wrestling with the expectations of his parents and society in general.
L. Howell (Colorado)
NYT, I just wonder why you put Trump's responses at the top of the headlines, without offering perspectives from our president at the same level, or the other presidential candidates. Giving this kind of irrationality so much attention seems dangerous.
AvaEducator (USA)
Donald Trump's vile point of view is the polar opposite of what this country needs for healing and safety. He is not sophisticated or compassionate enough to understand this. Shame on him and his supporters.
Eleanor McNally (Massachusetts)
Donald Trump is more dangerous to The United States and American citizens than Islam. He is proving himself to be a pathological liar and someone who can't help himself from fabricating anything that he wants to use as a weapon against someone he views as an opponent or an enemy or anyone who disagrees with him.
The Republican leadership had better address this tragedy because he isn't going to go away or change his behavior and rhetoric. He is an entity unto himself there is no one outside of himself.
Nanj (washington)
In the present day when technology promises so much to solve our problems, it would seem to me to be worth looking into whether, with all the (big) data at our disposal - from governmental and private sources - and using predictive modeling/machine learning techniques, we can create a range of behavioral profiles that offer significant potential for harm and identify individuals who fit these so that we can better protect society from such harm.

I know we have the brain-power for it.
PogoWasRight (florida)
Well, American Voters! Does this man sound Presidential to you ???
Abby (Tucson)

Right now, you are my Henry Gibson! Pat Paulson can kiss my grits!
Patrician (New York)
I think it's fair to ask Trump where he stands on E Pluribus Unum.

Probably also be time for him to change his slogan to: "I'd rather win than care."
Abby (Tucson)
How about all that money he pulled out of that disaster he now calls Atlantic City?
Greg (Seattle)
Mr. Trump is s pathetic loser, with s capital "L". When I think of this puerile man all I picture is a huge orange pumpkin with a tiny green stem as an appendage. The thought of him even being the Republican candidate for president of the US shows the sorry state we as s nation, and the Republican Party, are in.
Andy (Venice, CA)
The intelligence briefings that are customarily provided to major party nominees post-Convention cannot come soon enough for Donald Trump. If I am accurately imagining what information would be imparted, no one possessing inate intelligence and common sense would thereafter continue to behave this way absent truly horrific intentions.
BC (greensboro VT)
One of the subheads to this article says that Donald Trump has revoked the press credentials of the Washington Post. While I understand their response to continue covering his candidacy, I would respectfully suggest that it may be time for the press to reject Trump's press credentials.
Virgil Starkwell (New York)
If Trump took the facts seriously, he would see that this had not all that much to do with Islam. Mateen was a closeted gay man with mental health problems, marital and job instability, and evidently a frustrated sexual identity and life. His lurching around toward extremism, starting in high school, was a sign not of ideological drift but of emotional instability. This massacre wasn't about Islam, that came after the fact. It was about a gay man who failed at being gay. He didn't target the night club because of a religious objection to homosexuality. He targeted a place where he had tried and failed to achieve intimacy and sexual release. A ban on Muslim immigration would be a stupid and irrelevant response to this shooting, or to the San Bernadino shooting, It's a cheap stunt by a charlatan and a congenital liar that would do far more harm than any good at all.
Abby (Tucson)
Seems he had a classic case of the father doesn't love mes, but chose to lash out at innocents. That's displacement. Now his father has to pay for what he did.
Teed Rockwell (Berkeley, CA)
I've often said that the distinction between "lone gunman" and "terrorist" is meaningless, because it's usually based on religious prejudice. A lone gunman who is Muslim, and therefore likely to shout "Allahu Akbar", is automatically promoted to terrorist. But the Mateen case shows us that there is a difference, and that ignoring this difference was lethal. The FBI repeated investigated Mateen (The Orlando Shooter) but concluded he was not a terrorist because he had no connections with outside terrorist organizations. For the FBI, that was the essential property that defined a terrorist, and because he lacked it they stopped checking on him.

It seems to me we should conclude that, unlike Europe, America has no Islamic Terrorists. What we have are a large number of lone gunmen, some of whom are Muslims. Because Europe has strong gun laws, only members of organized international terrorist groups have access to assault weapons. In America, any lone gunman can buy an assault rifle, and do every bit as much damage as the organized groups in Europe. But we should not conclude from this that we are threatened by the same factor.

Most American Muslims, like Muhammad himself, are middle class business people. Most were Republicans until 9/11. They have cooperated with Govt investigations, and are quick to condemn the lone misfits in their communities who have committed violence. We won't catch those misfits if we are looking for the organized terrorism found in Europe.
Bill (Madison, Ct)
I'm waiting to hear that spineless bunch of republican leaders (McConnell and Ryan) condemn his hate speech. Those sniveling cowards are sitting back waiting to see how it plays before they say anything. He even insinuated that President Obama was involved.

Immigrants had nothing to do with this.
Lydia Negron (Hudson Valley)
Trump is a moron, plain and simple. He has no idea what he is talking about.

I hope to God his supporters wake up from their stupors and discover what an imbecile and dangerous bigot he is.
scott_thomas (Indiana)
Many people think that this ranting plays into the Jihadis hands, as they want a war between Islam and the West. But it is also true that there are plenty of Westerners who would also welcome it, sad to say.
Rodger Lodger (Nycity)
Well, we have a lot of indignant folks here outdoing each other on castigation of Trump. May I suggest the way to keep him out of the White House is to work on Bernie Sanders and his supporters to make sure they will vote, and vote for Hillary? That is more important, is it not? You can't shake Trump supporters. Pan for gold where the gold is.
Abby (Tucson)
That old onion is not even worth crying over, as we are collectively having a catharsis as we realize DIVISION is not our core value!
nrfc1 (DC)
It is looking more and more like this wasn't terrorism. He might have claimed the violence in the name of ISIL, but in the same breath he claimed it for a man who blew himself up fighting ISIL. That contradiction is important. It shows that terrorism was just a justification. He was an American who was filled with self loathing over being gay, who suffered narcissistic injuries, who lashed out not because he was filled with religious fervor, but because he was a terrible person. In my opinion, terror is a red herring and should not be included in this conversation
Barbyr (Northern Illinois)
I'm surprised Donald did not suggest we torture Muslim acquaintances of suspected terrorists until they divulge all they know about their firends, neighbors and family members that may have spoken harshly about their country, or threatened someone, or recently bought a gun, or has ever traveled anywhere overseas, or carries a backpack, or uses a pressure cooker to can tomatoes.

"They all knew"? So lets start making sure they tell us what they know.
Jeff (California)
Hilary should talk...her overseas policies are causing massive displacement of Middle Easterners. If it were not for the policies of the war-mongering Democrats we would not even have this problem. Americans cannot go to the Middle East, kill over a million people to secure oil that does not belong to us, displace millions in multiple countries, conduct drone strikes killing innocent women and children and then expect that Muslims will be all nice and friendly to Americans. Is not that a 'duh' moment? Hilary is a war hawk. She is causing hundreds of millions of Muslims around the world to hate Americans (not to mention South Americans and soon Africans). Although I am not a Trump supporter this is an election between two very undesirable people, one of whom (Hilary) was 'appointed' to her candidacy by a corrupt Democratic Party. Look at the exit polls and you will see Bernie actually won by a landslide in all pivotal states. But they cannot let him through. At least Trump is not controlled by the oligarchs. He likes Putin and may avoid a nuclear holocaust. Hilary is inviting a nuclear war. Who will make us safer, the war monger or the NY businessman who happens to be a bit bigoted?? I say vote for the bigot and not the drone murderer of innocents. When the Neo Conservatives support Hilary you KNOW something is wrong with that picture. The King Has No Clothes!!! She is a shill for the establishment corporate kings (thugs)!
JoanneN (Europe)
Hello, the unprovoked war on Iraq that destabilised the entire region happened under a Republican president. (And incidentally so did the abandonment of Afghanistan after the mujahedeen defeated the Russians.)
Just substitute the word Jew for Muslim in any of that orange-haired orangutan's speaches, and you've got the Nazis. This is what is going on here. It will end no better this time.
DannyInKC (Kansas City, MO)
All we get from our "leaders" is 'We are the world" hogwash. That's why Trump is succeeding.
JoanneN (Europe)
Ah, but if America is not 'the world', then what are you? A bunch of disgruntled Brits who conquered the lands of the original inhabitants and shipped Africans over to work their fields?
Howard F Jaeckel (New York, NY)
Although I strongly deplore what I regard to be Barack Obama’s potentially catastrophic foreign policy, Donald Trump’s none-too-subtle suggestion that the president may be in league with Islamic terrorists should be disqualifying.

It is time for Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and other Republican leaders to say “enough,” and support whatever changes in party rules may be necessary to prevent Mr. Trump’s nomination.

A political party is a private organization. Respecting the “will of the voters,” as expressed by a fraction of the electorate in a primary process often open to non-party members, should not be considered an inviolable mandate. Offering voters a reasonable alternative to Hillary Clinton in the general election, while avoiding the national disgrace of a Trump candidacy, should take precedence.
Student (New York, NY)
Freedom. Individuality. There is a lot of "me" but little "us" in the U.S. or A. That is why we are all heavily armed and ready to defend ourselves against all threats ,foreign and domestic, especially domestic since our arms are mostly used against fellow Americans. I don't claim to know why we are the way we are, whether it is because diverse, heterogenous societies don't work, or something else. But however we got here, it ain't working. We have extreme wealth inequality. We have mass incarceration. We sue and and we shoot. There is no "us", it's all about fear of "them".You know it's broke when our young people are so desperate to belong, that they fall for the empty rhetoric of vicious and depraved groups like ISIS. When their lives feel so empty that they will kill and die in the name of ideologies of hate. In order to make America great, we need to make the American Dream accessible to *all* our citizens and, as a country, we need to behave as a responsible citizen of the world. An "army of one" cannot win. But no, instead we fan the flames of fear and seek to alienate and marginalize more people. Seems that Terror has won the War on Terror.
Boston Barry (Framingham, MA)
President Trump will find it necessary to declare martial law when a terrorist attack occurs on his watch. The people must be protected.

Think it can't happen here? Listen to the man.
M.M. (Austin, TX)
Oh, no worries. We'll make sure Trump never makes it to the White House and, more importantly, that those who support him never get a saying on how this country is governed--ever again.
Christian Walker (Greensboro, NC)
So, should we disallow any southerners into northern states since Dylan Roof was born in South Carolina?
Larry (Morris County, New Jersey)
Trump thought he had his Islamic jihadi terrorist attack to ride. As facts emerge (some being inexplicably missed by even the NYT), this is becoming a case of suppressed homosexuality being expressed in ultimate violence. Give it a week and Trump will be exposed further as the fool most of us already know him to be.
Bruce (NY, NY)
Perhaps Trump is mentally ill? He is certainly a racist and the real terror threat to this country - he must be stopped at all cost.
JG (New York)
Let alone what party he belongs to, is Trump really clear on what country he is in?
alan (St. Louis)
I take it that if this very sick individual had proclaimed his fealty to the Pope in his deranged 911 call, Mr. Trump would be calling for a ban on Catholic immigration and would be blasting priests for not turning in the anti-American believers in their midst.
Durham MD (South)
It sounds ridiculous to modern ears, doesn't it? But this was pretty much the prevailing national feeling about Catholics in the early part of the 20th century, and did end with the banning of immigration from mostly Catholic countries. Even in the 1960s it was widely felt that then candidate Kennedy as a Catholic would put the Pope before his own country. Just the scapegoats change.
alan (St. Louis)
You are correct and, as absurd as it sounds, a great many people bought it.
Christian Walker (Greensboro, NC)
Donald Trump:

Make America Racist Again.
AJ (Noo Yawk)
Japanese Americans in WWII? Trump? "Put'em in concentration camps!"

German Americans in WWII? Trump? "Put'em in concentration camps!"

Hey Trump, that means your family would either never be here or be in an American concentration camp. Do you have even the most elementary understanding of the implications of what you propose? The Tony Awards' lampooning of your starring role in "The Book of Moron" was not just close to, but right on the mark.

Why not then also review Russian Americans during the Cold War?
Or Chinese Americans after communism came to China? (wait, we did actually persecute Chinese Americans then - "hooray?" - maybe in "The Book of Moron").
GWE (No)
Have we collectively lost our ability to look at information rationally?

According to Trump: This guy was born in Afghanistan. He killed because he was Muslim. We should therefore ban all Muslims from that area. This will make us stronger. So will everyone being armed....and gays and lesbians should not marry.

Please consider:

1. Murderer was American. Born here, same as Tim McVey and countless others.

2. ***More Americans die by legally purchased guns than Muslims. ****

3. Marginalizing LGBTQ contributed to this atmosphere of hatred--particularly since there are reports the shooter may have had LGBTQ inclinations and visited the club often and had for 3 years.

Trump is the WORST.
MRO (New York, New York)
Why is it that our legislatures have no problem finding that possession and/or selling of a something like a drug, which harms primarily only those who use it, is unlawful and deserves confiscation and incarceration, and requires considerable resources from our law enforcement agencies? But possession and/or selling of an assault rifle, which is designed for one purpose only---mass slaughter of human beings at the hands of the gun owner---is deemed a constitutional right? The rationale for that point of view is twisted and immoral.
jacobi (Nevada)
While Obama, Hillary, and our "progressives" are blaming American freedoms, ISIS and others are laughing and planning more attacks. In this case a faulty diagnosis can be fatal.
M.M. (Austin, TX)
Actually, the joke is on ISIS. Omar Mateen was a gay man, from what it's slowly emerging, who just couldn't cope with being stuck in the closet.
DR (New England)
Trump is the best thing to ever happen to ISIS, a powerful recruiting tool and if (God forbid) he ever became President, the U.S. would be an incredibly easy target for all kinds of attacks. Criminals all over the world are salivating at the thought of Trump at the helm and you can forget any help from our allies after Trump has alienated all of them.
Philip Cafaro (Fort Collins, Colorado)
The question shouldn't be whether the US should ban gun ownership or ban muslim immigration. The real need is for common sense policies that limit gun ownership and limit immigration where appropriate.

Conservatives don't want to hear it, but we should ban semi-automatic weapons and tighten gun licensing, for the common good.

Liberals don't want to hear it, but we should reduce immigration from countries like Afghanistan or Somalia, whose citizens hold primitive views about women's rights and religious freedom. Again, for the common good.

I'm a liberal who plans to vote for Hillary Clinton this fall. Could never vote for the Donald. But I don't like Clinton's proposal to increase immigration from the Middle East to accommodate millions of refugees -- caused in part by stupid policies she has supported in the Senate and the State Department.
William Boyer (Kansas)
You plan to vote for HRC, an undeniable liar, incompetent and money grubber, crook and enabler of attacks on other women. So what does that say about your judgement on other matters? If you said that you can't vote for either candidate I might take you seriously.
angel98 (nyc)
If embracing and loving Muslims & Mexicans would get Trump more attention and adulation he would be down for it in a NY minute.
Richard (Wynnewood PA)
Trump is right. Some Muslims present a risk of radical terrorism. So do some Christians, like the kid who murdered a group of African Americans in their church. There are also Jews who could be risky like the ones who shoot little Palestinian kids holding a kitchen knife or scissors. The only safe route is for the USA to become a Buddhist State, with no guns or weapons of any kind run by people who believe in peace instead of perpetual war. Not you, Donald.
JRM (Milton, MA)
Putting aside the racist overtones(?) on which Trump's policies are based, and putting aside the perhaps legal yet morally reprehensible and practically stupid proposed immigration reforms to block members of an entire religion, are there not serious constitutional problems with Trump's ideas about Muslims in this country, particularly American citizens who are Muslims, under the terms of the 14th amendment? How can the government, federal or state, profile or act differently towards or, as he would have it, demand certain things of a whole category of Americans that it does not of others? He indicated that 'they [Americans who are Muslim] know something' and must be 'made to report this'. How can that be constitutional? We need more defenders of our constitutional rights, Democrat, Republican, independent, whatever, to call him on this as many did when he questioned the validity of an independent judiciary over the judge in the Trump U. case. How can he, perish the thought, swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution when he does not seem to know it or cherish it?
Danno (Oahu)
The Times' notion of "pluralism" is misplaced. America's precious and hard won civil rights can only exist within the protection of secure borders. If we have porous borders, which allow those who wish to destroy us inside, we begin to live in fear. Once we are living in fear, we become more willing to sacrifice our freedoms for security. The constitutionally obnoxious Patriot Act is a perfect example of this. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, "Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
FilmMD (New York)
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses from white Northern Europe only. No Muslims.
Ross Salinger (Carlsbad Ca)
I keep running into angry people these days. This is the Donald's constituency and he appeals to people who don't want to understand the real nature of the world political scene or the interdependent global economic system that we have today. They've been brought up on television shows where a middle class family has all the money in the world. They've been fed a celebrity based cultural view. They've been bombarded by the credo that every opinion is worth something. So, you get "this". How would banning Muslims have prevented the Orlando massacre? To be fair, this guy could just have easily used a home made bomb (remember Boston) so gun control isn't really going to stop these attacks either.
g-nine (shangri la)
Banning anyone or anything is not going to prevent future attacks. Law enforcement must reevaluate how these active shooter situations are handled. Setting up a perimeter and negotiating is not the best response as it may have once been when hostage takers had a list of demands. These cowards who choose to shoot unarmed civilians need to be met with an immediate response of overwhelming firepower by the police. In this situation in Orlando the OPD were using the SOP of the department but it is time that our federal law enforcement develop better operating procedures to deal with these cowards. This coward was in the club for approximately 180 minutes and he shot 100 people. After the police stormed the building this coward didn't live another minute.The belief that banning Muslims or banning guns will end these attacks is, as my grandmother used to always say, whistling past the graveyard. We need to accept that there will be future attacks and we need as a nation to figure out how are we going to limit the damage and stop the cowards from killing unarmed civilians? Every city will need to develop a very rapid response team who can unload overwhelming firepower against these cowards and take them out within minutes instead of hours.
Marilynn (Las Cruces,NM)
What does it mean when the criteria for being placed on a terrorist watch list and put under investigation is breached daily by a candidate for President? Why is there no charges of "hate speech" placed against this Candidate? Why is the Republican Party, and Paul Ryan allowed to support and give consent to the violence of motive, words and plans of this candidate? In a Democracy , with every freedom there is a responsibility and accountability through a system of checks and balances. Let's get on with it..
William Boyer (Kansas)
So you want government controlled speech? If your ideas were applied Obama and most Democrats would be on a watch list.
Lakemonk (Chapala)
Guns, guns, guns, guns, guns... bibles and money are the gods of the US. A sad day for the US, a good day for the NRA and gun manufacturers. When will brainwashed, undereducated and ignorant US "cowboys" understand that their stupid Second Amendment is medieval and uncivilized. Will you now send drones to Orlando and Bernandino and other US neighbourhoods?
A. Morris (Dobbs Ferry, NY)
Is there anybody else who believes that this is a man who obviously does not want to be President? Yes, he is shockingly un-qualified and in way over his head- he must know that.
He entered the race as a vanity endeavor and to his amazement won the popularity contest because now the GOP rank and file are dominated by opportunists, con-men, corporate shills and complete morons. But while this has given his ego an enormous boost, there can be no way that a man this selfish and intellectually lazy would wish to assume the frighteningly huge demands and responsibilities required of the position.
Hence his continued insistence in speaking and performing in a manner that all but challenges the party to replace him with a candidate more "reasonable" and "electable" (good luck with that). He won't step down. His narrative requires him to be strategically removed as the candidate.
Watch as he will continue to double down on this strategy with even more outrageous statements and behavior.
If all else fails, he may even plot his own assassination attempt - it will fail of course (dumb he may be, but a suicide case he ain't). In his mind attempted martyrdom is definitely a brand booster
Li'l Lil (Houston)
Trump, like Fox, doesn't give a damn about facts. The shooter is from New York, an American citizen. So while he spews hate and anger, his followers cheer him on because they too are too dumb to ever want the facts. Trump is now preventing the Washington Post from covering his events. Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Speech, anyone concerned. If you disagree with Trump, he will "throw them out" "shut them down", no facts needed. Hitler, for sure. If you are one of the dwindling Americans who can think without being led by your nose ring to Fox news lies, you should be very, very afraid of this man.
Barbara Kenny (Stockbridge)
It's hard for me to understand the logic of public debate prioritization's, and media information conduits in particular. Plastered all over the Times have been articles about the 50 people killed in Florida. Trump thinks we should ban all Muslims because of this. According to the the Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 32,675 people died last year as a result of motor vehicle collisions. That's 100 people EVERY DAY. Should we deport and ban all car manufacturers?
Why the focus on guns instead of cars? The Times should be highlighting the abysmal situation faced by Amtrak and other railroad companies, EVERY DAY. With adequate public transportation, look at how many lives would be saved EVERY DAY.
Patrick (Long Island N.Y.)
I wonder if Don Trumps' leading masses in hatred inspired this attack. With all the vitriol he has generated, I truly believe there will be even more attacks from within and from outside our nation. I used to think that a President Trump might get us blown up.

Now I know he will for sure.
Richard Chapman (Prince Edward Island)
The November election will tell us a lot about who we are and about who our neighbours are. Is the United States the land of the free and the home of the brave? Mr. Trump would seem to want make our country the land where some are free and others less so. He would make the home of the frightened, the suspicious, the paranoid and the cowardly.

One of the problems with hate is that it is so easy. It is easy to talk about "THOSE people" and who THEY are and what THEY do and what THEY are like. Our ignorance makes it even easier. People in the town I grew up in in the 60's were typical of people in many towns in America. They were mostly white, mostly Republican and mostly on the wrong side of the civil rights debate. While not being outright segregationists they were content with the de facto segregation that white middle class communities afforded them. At the same time they had cordial, even friendly relations with the few African-americans in town. It's easy to disparage a group but also deceptively easy to like and befriend an individual of that group. We are quite capable of holding hate and friendship in our hearts at the same time.

Mr. Trump is stoking the hate and destroying the possibility of friendship. More astonishingly his call for a ban on Muslims completely avoids the fact that Mateen was born and raised in the U.S.. In fact most of our "terrorists" are home grown. I suppose the next step for Trump will be to deport Muslims as well as Mexicans. Where?
Psysword (Ny)
As a former Muslim myself, I don't feel threatened by the Islamic ban, as I deny being Muslim if asked, though I still have an Arabic name. I do believe here though that the hand must be forced for the Reformation of Islam, and this present Status Quo is not leading to a healthy "Protest" within Islam. The Reformation of Islam is the most urgent crisis facing the planet right now, and even though it has taken place in my Mind and the Program replaced with Rationality, I wonder what it will take for the billions that reproduce in a carefree manner in Asia and Africa, to overcome their natural Patriachal instincts and do away with the last of the Judaic inspired Religions.
I don't believe that Immigration is the answer now in today's age, I immigrated over 20 years ago, but now with the 7 billion, it is time for them to find their own answers and maybe the Islamic Thinkers can find Rationality a suitable replacement. Mosques and Culture serve no purpose other than to chain you in, reinforce, condition you, and there is no sadness with which I have even abandoned by own culture and taken to Western languages, clothing, food, and way of living. I don't miss my former insufficient Islamic Asian culture at all. I want people to go down the path of the intellectual Martin Luther and he braved the reprehensible and fascist Catholic Church to free us all eventually from Religion. Amen.
njglea (Seattle)
DT had better ban all baptists. There is an article in today's USA today about a baptist minister in Sacramento piling hate on the LGBT community. "SACRAMENTO — In response to the shooting at an Orlando gay nightclub early Sunday morning, a California pastor praised the massacre, stating "they deserve what they got." Pastor Roger Jimenez of Verity Baptist Church was posted to YouTube on Monday, the day after the tragedy. (It’s been taken down by YouTube.) "Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?" asked Jimenez. "Um no. I think that’s great. I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida, is a little safer tonight. The tragedy is that more of them didn’t die. The tragedy is I’m kind of upset he didn’t finish the job — because these people are predators. They are abusers."

But he is not advocating that people kill gays.

Hate knows many faces and regardless of what DT and the radical religious right try to tell you it's not about one religion - it is ALL religious operatives who preach hate, anger, fear and war.

Hate has no place in civilized societies. Keep religion in America in homes and places of worship and OUT of our government, politics and lives and watch how peaceful, civil and equitable America becomes. NOW is the time.
Richard (Phoenix)
The work of an obviously deeply disturbed young man. The extreme religious statements before and during the massacre were in my opinion simply a way of obscuring the fact that Mateen was gay or he suspected so, and he hated himself for that. The arguments about gun control, religious zealotry and politics all have their place, but the root of this act in my opinion is self loathing based on sexual orientation. Prayers to all people so horribly affected by this madness.
Tony Verow MD (Durango, CO)
Richard: Mateens situation is not unlike that of deeply religious Christians who realize that they are gay and are tortured by loathing from their religion for their sexual orientation. Substitute one intolerant conservative religion for another and the result is similar: a lot of self hate and turmoil created by an overbearing religious heirarchy. Witness all of the TV evangelists who hide in the closet for years, and more than a few Republican politicians (Senator "Widestance" from Idaho).
DR (New England)
If gay people weren't scorned and persecuted there would be no reason for people to be upset about being gay.
MG (Tucson)
Well we, the United States have been killing Muslims daily for over a decade now. Keep killing people and eventually some of them are going to try for some payback. Best thing we can do to stop this violence is to pull out of the Middle East and let those countries solve their own problems. We don't need their oil anymore.
BBBear (Green Bay)
Mr. Trump, a measured response was in order, and you failed. New information about the perpetrator suggests that he may have been gay, and that his internal conflict may have been the seed for this horrible crime. If this proves to be true, I cringe at what your response will be.
EuroAmerican (USA)
America was built by Europeans and their descendants, and remained relatively homogeneous until the 1960s (hovering around 90% of European descent). Since then the establishment has been on a unceasing march towards the unsettling reality of multiculturalism. Very different people from every part of the world have since been let in, and forced upon existing communities. Add modern day identity politics and you have a rich environment for all sorts of division. Someone like Trump was inevitable, particularly now that the European American demographic has been antagonized for decades. Liberals: you reap what you sow.
scrappy (Noho)
You have a laughably simplistic, and I'm guessing self-serving, view of American history. Yes, we all held hands and sang together before the 1960's.
So, we're counting black folks and indigenes in with the Europeans? But presumably are not including the Mexicans, despite sort of being Europeans? What part of the country was 'relatively homogenous'? California? New Mexico? Texas?
DR (New England)
Wow. This is terrifying. Have you never read a history book? America was populated by Indians, Europeans forced their way in and committed genocide against them.
Al (minneapolis)
The guy was a US CITIZEN. What should we do now Trump? Round up all Muslims regardless of citizenship and deport them from the country? Put them in internment camps until the terror somehow magically disappears? The worst part of everything he's said is that it's happened before to the Japanese during WWII. It's a disgrace. If America votes him into power, we have no one else but ourselves to blame for the fallout, and no one but ourselves to blame for failing to learn from history.
Bob H (Philadelphia)
It occurs to me that the logical policy that Donald Trump and people who support his thinking on this should be proposing is the identification and close surveillance of all Muslims currently living in the United States. I don't see how a ban on future Muslim immigration would have impacted the events in Orlando in any way. As with most of his policies, his plans to temporarily halt Muslim immigration really don't address the dangers as he sees and understands them. He's missing his own point.
Marcus Aurelius (Terra Incognita)
@Bob H:

"It occurs to me that the logical policy that Donald Trump and people who support his thinking on this should be proposing is the identification and close surveillance of all Muslims currently living in the United States."

I agree. That is what I would call a "Fifth Column Avoidance" doctrine. But your failure to see any reason for at least a temporary ban on future immigration from Islamic lands (and that, I think, is what he had been saying) is where you and I would differ. If we have sleeper cells in our midst now, why should take the chance on allow in those people who might create more?
KMS (&lt;br/&gt;)
Trump's 90-day ban on Muslim immigration (as time to develop an effective method of identifying more likely troublemakers),was the sole sensible proposal he made.

But naturally, tho others seeking the presidency were experienced politicians who, like all politicians, didn't want to chance upsetting any group of voters that made up the electorate.

Grow up USA!
Matt (NH)
Are you or Trump talking about immigration? Entry into the US as an immigrant or as a refugee is a lengthy process, with a host of security checks. The process can take years. A 90-day ban is meaningless in this instance.

Are you or Trump talking about visitors? These include, among others, H-1, student, and visitor visas. These are less stringent but still require documentation that is verifiable. Can these processes be improved? Probably. But that has nothing to do with your, or Trump's, fear-mongering. If there are procedures to be improved, that falls squarely on the State Department in conjunction with Homeland Security. No need for a some arbitrary ban. The Secretaries of Homeland Security and State can immediately direct a review of these procedures and implement improvements. Oh, and one more thing. These are likely not to happen because Republicans in Congress have consistently failed to approve budgets for these purposes.

Oh, and these bans, or whatever Trump means when he blathers on, would have had no impact on Mateen or the San Bernardino shooters. Rather, he should direct that citizenship be stripped from all American white men in the 20s, as these are the ones responsible for most mass shootings. Try that one on for size.
Karen (Boston, Ma)
The killer was an American. Born in the USA. Trump doesn't mention this.
Marcus Aurelius (Terra Incognita)
Well, Karen, Mateen was American born but was he truly AN American?
C (Portland, Oregon)
Fearmongering at its best. He knows exactly what his nationalist base wants to hear.
Bob Bobbins (Sweden)
Our country needs to define religion. When a certain way of thinking has the potential to cause great harm it should not be given the constitutional protections of "religion". We do not need to tolerate the small number of Muslims in America if doing so causes anxiety for the larger population. Our constitution is not a suicide pact.
Rufus W. (Nashville)
I would add - that we should not tolerate any religions or religious groups that create an unfair and unequal world for members of the LGBTQ community or women. The tax exempt status of all religious groups needs to be eradicated until all people are treated equally.
married4eva (Troy, NY)
I had a strong belief that 26 lost souls in a school would end these out of control gun laws. I believed that 9 souls murdered in a church would have a positive impact on gun control laws. Now, 50 Americans are dead and 52 are wounded. When Harvey Milk was shot, Dan White was given 5 years, because our gay lives did not matter then. Now they do, and they always did to us. As we taught you to how to prevent HIV and accept difference, we'll take on this work. To paraphrase Colbert, to love is a verb. We in the LGBT community will mourn our dead, but we will fight like hell for the living in a way you cannot imagine. We won't allow Trump to treat anyone in the ways in which we were treated.
Suzanne (Indiana)
To anyone out there who supports Trump's idea of a ban on Muslims, you do realize that when he runs out of Muslims, he'll find some other group to vilify, right? And it could well be your group. You say you are white, Christian, and a God-fearing American and so are safe? Think again. When you rule by fear, there always, always has to be an enemy...
Mytwocents (New York)
The job of a commander in chief and our huge military budget is aimed to keep America safe on American soil. The reality is that since 9/11 the only attacks on American soil have been from radical Muslims.
Why spent trillions in the middle east chasing the goose of an idea, yet don't be sensible with the threats at home?
I fully support a temporary Muslim ban here and in the EU. It will make us safer in the long run. It will also force the Muslims who want to come to the west to clean up their act.
jaysit (Washington, DC)
He is gloating over this attack. It doesn't matter what the facts are, he sees the word "Muslim" and demagoguery ensues.

At this point, he's reading scripted speeches drafted by ingenious speechwriters, instead of his usual raving and ranting. It's the same fascist script, but polished up by his version of Leni Riefenstahl.

Be very afraid.
Abby (Tucson)
Guess what I found in the Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology which these Trumps daily turn on its head to inspire anxiety and detachment from humanity! It's a well worn out strategy Hitler used to chase the Jews and socialists away!

Dennis Hastert features prominently in the Chapter on Reality Negotiations when Mark Foley's sexual harassment of a Page was exposed. He falsely blamed the exposure on the Dems' politics, and endorsed Foley's excuses, being an alcoholic, being gay himself and having suffered sexual abuse, too. They both pathologized being gay the oldest way in the book, by example! Sorry they feel that way, but they are the outliars, folks.

Of course, this handbook came out in 2009, so we don't know which chapter Hastert's ego defense mechanisms might fit into, now, but it has to hurt, right, Dennis? Being held to account?
atb (Chicago)
If it justifies a Muslim immigrant ban then it also more than justifies a gun ban.
bkw (USA)
The only thing that Donald Trump should do us all a favor and ban is the ongoing ignorance that keeps flowing unfiltered/unrestrained from his lacking in insight and wisdom narrow uninformed mind. An empty tea pot makes the most noise.
Abby (Tucson)
Kick out all the Orange people? Uh, oh, there goes my husband's Irish family!
JMM (Worcester, MA)
In the same way Bush put together a case based on ties to terror to justify an invasion on which he had his mind set, so Donny will use this tragedy and any others which happen to push for his predetermined agenda. Donny started shooting his twitter off before any facts were confirmed.

In this case the shooter's family says he wasn't motivated by politics or religion, there are reports he claims to support 2 or three different groups in the mid-ease, who are in a shooting war with each other,(and others), the shooter had spent more time at the club prior to the last couple of weeks and had reached out on gay social media. I don't know how to put all that together in a coherent assessment, but Donny can't either. Maybe the FBI didn't blow it. Maybe the shooter was having other troubles, unrelated to the politics of religion.
Nicky (San Jose, CA)
If the Republicans have any ounce of self-respect, they will rise up and reject him at their convention as the reactive, demagogue, racist he is. They can actually do this, if they actually want to have a real political party, but it looks like they have abandoned sanity. Notice how shootings in Oregon, Sandy Hook - none get the Trump ideology of ban entire groups of people. And the utter insidiousness of trying imply Obama is somehow connected to it, speaks to his conspiracy birther idiocy - the Republicans have put party before country with this con man. Meanwhile, Hillary gave an outstanding speech yesterday (finally) and Tump's racism gets all the coverage.
MarkAntney (Here)
Except you can't Reject,..what you actually support.

Ref, "...,they will rise up and reject him at their convention as the reactive, demagogue,..."
Binx Bolling (Palookaville)
"If the Republicans have any ounce of self-respect..."

Obviously, they have no shame. After repeatedly denouncing the man as unfit for the presidency, they turn on a dime and support him in their desperate bid to cling to power.
RJS (Phoenix, AZ)
I haven't read all the comments but I'm sure it's been pointed out that banning Muslims wouldn't have stopped this act of terror since the terrorist was an American born and raised here. This bears repeating and needs to be shouted from rooftops. The terrorist was 29 yo and was born in the United States.
Thomas Feeney (Hartford, CT)
Trump is a shining example of what I expect my children and grand children to intolerant of - a self-entitled, self-aggrandizing bully who will say and do anything to 'WIN' in his mind's eye. Facts are irrelevant and history is convenient only when in support of a self-serving motive; wherein honor, honesty, integrity, truthfulness are merely tools and not values.
xanjay (San Francisco, USA)
It would not be outside the realm of reason to believe that Trump's recent rants over the months, against Muslims finally tipped this maniac killer over the edge and encouraged him to do what he did. Very sad.
new conservative (new york, ny)
Islam is the problem. It needs major reformation if it is to be compatible with modern society. Islam does not offer a brotherhood of man - only a brotherhood of your branch of Islam - Sunni or Shiite. It is more a political system for domination of non-believers than anything else. In every society around the world where Islam is present with other faiths or ways of life it shows intolerance and violence. The solution is to discourage Islamic immigration to this country and to monitor mosques and other sources or radicalization. If the West doesn't do this it will be ever more violently attacked.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
Wahhabism is an extreme aberration of Islam.

Rejecting all claims by anyone to know what Allah ("The All") thinks, and never claiming to know anything about it oneself, is a very liberating lifestyle.
Abby (Tucson)
Sounds like you only like easy answers to complicated problems, much like The Donald on Immature Defense Mechanisms. I suggest you suppress your inclination to pop off and examine how you contributed to such a situation, myself.
Sabre (Melbourne, FL)
Trump is betting that today's America is the land of the scared, ignorant and racist. If he is right, then it is goodbye to democracy.
William Boyer (Kansas)
Let's ask the dead and their families in Orlando.
chris (Belgium)
Very frightful indeed. But to stop this scourge of radicalism, history has shown it takes an equal dose of radicalism. I would argue that Trump is making more sense than his opponent given the times we live in - I know that in Belgium we now wish some tough talk would have been had.
director1 (Philadelphia)
Trump's brother said he was the one who threw cake at parties, he still is a "cake thrower", infantile attention getting.
C.C. Kegel,Ph.D. (Planet Earth)
Yes Trump is hideous, obscene in his reaction to this attack. But the scariest part is that he is likely to win. This is a populist election in which the people are very angry. Ms. C. does not put forth solutions for these angry people; she defends the establishment, the status quo.
Trump was 2 points ahead of Clinton in a national poll last week. But the MSM doesn't see how real and grave the Trump threat actually is.
They don't recognize what a weak an widely despised candidate Ms. Clinton is. It is incumbent upon HER to unify the party, not Bernie Sanders. And she can only do this by adopting more progressive policies. Instead she panders to Republicans. Republican politicians like Ryan have ALWAYS intended to endorse Trump, just seeking their moment and trying to influence him. And the people with guns are feeling very defensive.
Bernie Sanders IS the best candidate BY FAR against Trump. Ignore the consistent polls that say so at your (and my) peril. But it is too late for that. Democrats have picked a loser. Think Hubert Humphrey, 1968, when liberal anti-war voters dropped out. The used car salesman won big. Ms. C. has made no effort to appeal to progressives.
Yes, we have to stop Trump. But 13 percent of those polled intend to vote libertarian or green. Ms. C. must appeal to these people and other Sanders backers. I do not think she will. She is too stubborn and arrogant. Hubris could be her downfall.
Larry M (Minnesota)
If the Sanders backers you cite can't distinguish between Clinton and Trump, then they have some serious comprehension problems.
Carrot (IL)
The future president of a rule-of-law country should at least understand the Constitution, the Constitution cases, past and present.

A good Constitution class now seems very necessary.
William Boyer (Kansas)
Do you mean in the same way Obama and Democrats have demonstrated they understand the Constitution? I'm all for that.
Jack (Asheville, NC)
I keep waiting to hear that the Trump campaign is actually a scripted reality TV show written and directed by Sacha Baron Cohen with "the Donald" playing the part of Borat Sagdiyev and the American public being revealed as the dangerously thoughtless, idiotic, clueless mob, ready to perpetrate any evil, that sadly it seems to be. Alas, Trump seems to be for real and that diminishes all of us.
Michael and Linda (San Luis Obispo, CA)
At about the same time as the Orlando massacre, a man with a carload of guns and bomb-making materials was arrested in southern California. He had left Indiana, where he had a history of violence, violating the terms of his probation prohibiting him from leaving the state, and was on his way to the Gay Pride parade in Santa Monica. But the man wasn't a Muslim, so in the Trump playbook he apparently doesn't qualify as a terrorist.
Ah, how we laughed at Limbaugh and Beck (Glenn). "Outrageous! Lunacy! Ignorance! Man, those guys are way out there…"
We were wrong.
Like a tsunami passing undetected below ships above it, the hate and rage of conservatives has reached shore.
Joe M. (Los Gatos, CA.)
What more could this man say to further clarify his position, his intent, and his moral code? Is America really so divided that some of us watch this buffoonery in utter dismay while millions of others who cast their vote for him feel he speaks to their inner sense of what is right?
Perhaps this is an aberration. Or perhaps this is exactly democracy in action, and we are watching the organization of our civilization seeking to right itself. We can hope.
Jan Marijs (The Netherlands)
In The Netherlands Wilders (leader of the PVV and member of the Dutch parliament) is prosecuted for "hate speech", calling out for "less Maroccans" in The Netherlands.

In the law of The Netherlands, hate speech is any speech, gesture or conduct, writing, or display which is forbidden because it incites violence or prejudicial action against or by a protected individual or group, or because it disparages or intimidates a protected individual or group.

Isn't it about time that Trump is prosecuted for "hate speech"? Prove of this kind of crime he himself delivers almost every hour of the day.

Freedom of speech: of course. But within the limits of the law.

I don't know much about US - criminal law, but I can't believe that "hate speech" is allowed (in any state) in the USA.

If so, maybe it's time for an adaptation of law.
Z.M. (New York City)
Mr. Trump has said much worse. He has also insinuated our president is a foreign usurper and a traitor. He has somehow linked President Obama to the massacre in Orlando. He is inciting violence and inflaming racist sentiments. In as much as he is putting all of us in peril, yes, freedom of speech aside, he should be stopped. He is a very dangerous loose cannon. Worse still is the fact that the Republican leadership continues to endorse him instead of repudiating his odious statements and distancing themselves from a presumptive nominee who is obviously suffering from serious psychiatric and personality disorders. He is a stain on the Republican party and all those who support him. The entire world is in disbelief as they hear and observe his continuing shenanigans.
Lilo (Michigan)
Inciting riots and direct threats of violence can be prosecuted. But just saying that I don't like a given person or group is free speech. It should not and can not be limited by government. There's no end to what some groups might find disparaging or intimidating. A Hollywood actress just guilt tripped a major studio into removing a billboard because she thought it was promoting violence against women. Some Muslims have rioted and killed people because they think that any description or depiction of Muhammad is blasphemous. And Muhammad aside, some people's idea of blasphemy covers a lot of territory.

The idea that "hate speech" should be outlawed and punished by the government is a craven reversal from Enlightenment ideals. If you don't like what someone says ignore them or insult them right back. But don't try to get the government to put them in jail or fine them or censor them.
Juan (Canada)
There is no such thing as hate speech in the USA.
Nelson (California)
To say that far too many Republicans share his kind of racism and have for a long time is a gross understatement. Trump represents the racist, misogynist “silent majority” of the GOP. All this pathological entity is doing is bringing to the fore the inner-self of the nation’s extreme fascist right-wing sector of society. This IS the GOP, ugly, racist, obstructionist and selfish. Like Nazism in the past the current GOP is recruiting white nationalists, KKK, and assorted uneducated, mediocre underachievers who respond to the call of their leader with a sonorous ‘sieg heil’. Will their fuehrer succeed? Not a chance, no matter how much money the gun lobby and their buddie$ pour into his campaign. The country rejected gov. Wallace, and Goldwater in the past. It is expected it will do the same this November……fortunately!
MRP (Houston, Tx)
Moderate Islam allowed radical Islam to take root and metastasize--these aren't Lutherans shooting up nightclubs and bombing trains--and Muslims need to more effectively confront the rot in their culture and religion. Draconian policies regarding Muslims generically will play into the hands of the radicals and make it less likely that the moderates can or will help.

By the same token, France has some of the strictest gun control laws around and that didn't stop Charlie Hebdo and Bataclan. Radical Islam has declared war on the west. At root, it isn't a criminal justice problem and it isn't a gun control problem. Much of the world is demonstrably less safe after nearly eight years of Jimmy Carter on steroids. Proposing to continue his policies is folly.

It looks like our presidential choices are going to be between bad and worse, a contest to see who can most effectively mobilize their base of useful idiots.
Burton Winn (San Anselmo, Ca)
Wrong. At root, this is both a criminal justice problem and a gun control problem. The criminal justice system failed to prevent the
Orlando massacre; the FBI dropped the shooter from its radar, and
the assault weapons used were much too easily obtained. Multiple failures in a country awash with guns...
rajam81 (PA)
Just like traffic laws don't prevent every accident, gun control laws won't prevent every massacre. But it will definitely reduce crime depending on how good the laws are and how well they are enforced. IMO it is much safer to disallow guns for all than to allow guns for all.
Chef B (Dallas)
Someone tell Dopey that this perp was born in Queens (Like him) and that you can't deport an American citizen
Tad Banyon (Dallas, TX)
"... you can't deport an American citizen..."

True. But as Trump suggests, maybe these unique times call for unique-- yes, even extralegal-- solutions. Maybe the gains from deporting an American citizen vastly outweigh the temporary losses from not honoring the rule of law. Maybe the very existence of the country is at stake and hard choices have to be made.

Since there's zero question in my mind that America will be A LOT safer after deporting Donald Trump, maybe we shouldn't be so quick to rule it out.
Joe From Boston (Massachusetts)
Nobody close enough to talk to Little Donnie Dictator will be willing to correct him, because that would get the person fired.

Little Donnie Dictator lives in his own bubble, where what he thinks is the only think that matters. After all, it is all about him, al the time, whatever the topic.
So after all the agonizing about Islamic theology it turns out this guy was a regular at the Pulse club and others in the area. There is more than meets the eye going on here, but don't let that dissuade the Trumps, Gaffney and Gellars from their hate-a-thon.
Doug k (oak park)
I haven't heard any interviewers pressing the donald on this ridiculous proposal:

- since he applied it to this horrible incident, would he try to deport American citizens whose heritage is from a Muslim country?
- what countries would he include in his ban? this guy was US, the Paris terrorists were European.
- how would he enforce it? everyone wear a symbol on their clothes of their religion?
- he says it would be temporary - what would be his criteria for lifting it? the end of terrorism in the world?

I know the donald will weave and duck to avoid mentioning any specifics, but that, to me, is why we read professional journalists who should be able to pin him down over time.
Mystalope (Planet Earth)
I agree, but the degree of apathy shown by the media in attacking Trump possibly stems from the realization that Donald's supporters don't care about facts, or the truth.
Daniel Jaye Halley (Northampton, MA.)
Could you please define "professional journalists"? The major news publications are censored before the issues occurred. Biased at best.
The rush to judgment in this event, as with other recent shootings, is ridiculous. Listen to the FBI rep on NPR. The shooter mentioned all kinds of random radical groups, many that are in opposition too one another. Listen to the way the shooter's father talk on the news. Listen to the ex-wife: we have a wife beater. People are complex, they come from complex backgrounds, and we want to nail down and simplify the motivations. He's mentally ill. As are most ISIS fighters, as are most racists, homophobes, animal abusers, wife beaters and anyone who is so consumed with anger and hatred that they are consumed with the desire to harm. Lack of empathy, lack of responsibility and then the seduction of groups that feed those characteristics in order to justify. There is no cause. There is just extreme anger and hatred looking for a cause, any cause will do as long as you can do harm. These are the people we need to be concerned about. Where is the next mentally ill person just begging for conflict of this level?
Chriva (Atlanta)
Trump is well tuned to what a significant minority of Americans feel. Just like I'm for fewer KKK members I'm also for fewer gay hating Muslims. It's not a minority of Muslims that hates gays - its the vast majority. Gays are routinely publicly executed in places like evil Saudi Arabia and Iraq. You'd think that after this horrific shooting that American imams would sponsor and host a number of gay pride events as a token of their goodwill to the LGBT community... but no. Why? Because if they speak out or show support they will be targeted for execution. Instead ISIS will no doubt be throwing 'supposed' gays off the roofs in Raqqah in 'celebration' of Omar Mateen's (who of course was gay himself) evil deed. What a horrible religion Islam is.
ChesBay (Maryland)
Horrible, racist, bigoted cretin. The gunman was an American citizen. Christians have been known to murder doctors, and they certainly treat LGBT people badly. Maybe they should be "banned," too?
Serafina Malinche (New York, NY)
What the NYT does not get is that many people agree with Trump's common sense approach to this threat. That's why he won the nomination. But that point of view is not reflected in the NYT, Washington Post, or Guardian because no journalist could come out in favor of a halt to Muslim immigration and be able to keep their job. It's that very PC mob mentality that has lead to the rise of Trump in the first place.
ANM (Australia)
Mr Trump has his ideas to build that wall and Mexico pay for it along with banning all Muslims etc. This massacre was committed by the son of an individual who, from what I have read, looks like someone who was an active participant in that feudal war in Afghanistan.

The US needs to look at what kind of persons you bring into the country, what was their background and what language they understand, what is their self conversation, how they look at the world. This guy's father had aspirations to be president of Afghanistan. So, what were they dong in the USA. He needs to be in Afghanistan. Surely, such conversations happened often in their household.

Furthermore, what surprises me is how come the US intelligence services, and of course ours here, do not know the type of people Afghanis are. Pakistan has given them refugee status to the point that they are part of the Pakistani population now and Pakistan accepted millions of them and they repay Pakistan by uttering derogatory statements about Pakistan at every step. These Afghanis do the same for Australia, and I am certain the same would be true towards the US.

It is not the banning of one group or other that is required. The entire refugee system needs overhauling whereby civilian refugees are kept close to the theater of action and after the war ends they return to their homelands. We, all of us western countries, are importing uneducated, uncivilized brutes to our countries and these people simply do not fit in.
Prof. Sigrid Gottfredsen (Madison, Wisconsin)
Interesting that this "Afgan" was born and raised in Tromp's own hometown, yet Trump considers him a foreigner.
Abby (Tucson)
Trump thinks anyone who isn't in the Mob is an enemy, ask Little Nicki!

Isn't Scarfo about to go FREE? I'm sure the Don likes to imagine himself as powerful as all that, but he's just a rug rat. Same as Sinatra; Russell Bufalino couldn't stand that loud mouth front man, either.
If the Republican Party nominates this nasty, ignorant and hysterical creature as their candidate for President of the United States they will have chosen to destroy themselves. Perhaps that is their intention - it will certainly be the result.
John Leiberman (Garden City, NY)
The shooter has nothing to do with isis.

He is not a member or a representative of Isis, just as the
kid that murdered black parishioners in church while brandishing
a confederate flag was not a member of the confederacy.

They are mentally ill people. Suicidal and pathetic, they seek
infamy and revenge in their last moments and they used ideological
garbage as a rationale.

We as a society should work towards removing that "reward" of notoriety
and remove the extraordinary ease with which mass shootings can be perpetrated.

We must ban assault rifles. NOW
MarkAntney (Here)
So in essence this is Trumps;
"Segregation Now, Segregation Tomorrow, Segregation Forever!!!" moment.
Ricardo (Netherlands)
Lets call the length that most politicians and many people in general go to to remain 'politically correct' ridiculous. There is no way to say anything now, especially online, that will not cause an 'uproar'. For one I do not see the issue with saying that most acts of terrorism being perpetrated around the world are carried out people on the extreme fringes of the Muslim faith.
Having said that not all Muslims are terrorists, there are approx. 1.4billion Muslims in the world and obviously only an extremely small percentage can be called radical or extreme.
But not all terrorists are immigrants and/or Muslim. Case an point being that this guy (I prefer not perpetuate his name) in Orlando was born in the U.S. he was not an immigrant. He was an American. As was the white middle America guy arrested going to California gay pride parade with rifles and chemical components for explosives. So how do you deal with that? Stop all white men from Indiana with rifles from going to California during near dates of gay pride parade. Good luck with that... Most mass shooting in the States are carried out by white guys, call them what you want, deranged or mentally ill, the fact is they committed an atrocious act and the only reason they aren't terrorist is because most do not have a political agenda which is needed to be called a terrorist.
Blanket solutions rarely have the intended effect but as long as the divisiveness continues these are going to be the only ones suggested.
Naren Bhatia (Ann Arbor)
Thousands of Americans are killed every year by gun bearing Christians. Should we ban all Christian immigrants?
Judy Creecy (Germantown, NY)
I have never before, in my many years, seen a candidate so lacking in wisdom, discernment and basic common sense. His appeal totally escapes me. His inconsistency, his childish prattle, his constant need for attention and his outright lying render him unsuitable to be dog catcher.
Travail (Canada)
This now appears to have been a murder-suicide committed by a man whose sexual identity was in chaos. He was a gay man from a fundamentalist family-- he could have just as easily been Christian fundamentalist or Jewish, as that incident in Israel shows. He pinned it on "jihadism" to make it look political, and Trump has taken this phoney story and run with it. Will someone say this clearly? There are right-wing nationalists all over the world who are exploiting this -- like Trump.
Arthur Rimbaud (Paris)
This is a better explanation.
Jason Galbraith (Little Elm, Texas)
Illegal immigrants will not be the only people deported forcibly, detained illegally, or executed extrajudicially in this country if Trump is elected.
logodos (New York)
From reports the shooter was gay, and evidently filled with such self hatred that he organized "police suicide", with Islam merely a projective cover for his mental illness. It hardly matters. We have to deal with "radical Islam", its declared hatred of gays, its restrictions on women, its declared ar on Jews, the West and modern civilization. If they do not get guns, they will use knives as we have seen in Israel and France. Bans on weapons are irrelevant -and have nothing to do with the "cause"-weapons are a means not the cause. It is not racist to call out radical Islam. We do not have the means to afford mental treatment to the hundreds of thousands of disaffected Muslims, and insane terrorists-we have to kill them where they are, wherever they are, and if the police and government can not stop them, we have the right to have the means to protect ourselves. Owning weapons to protect ourselves will not stop terrorism, but it will deter it, and it will give us a means of self defense when the public (or a large segment of it) does not trust Government to stop Isis, Others rightly fear the end of privacy, freedom of movement, individual freedom,. It is hard not to see Orwell's "1984" and the Brave New World in this Governments acts. There will always be a reason to give up freedom, until the last moment it is lost.
Keith (USA)
What I find horrifying is the possibility of a similar attack during the next presidential election and President Trump calling a state of emergency, "postponing" elections and sicking his followers on troublemakers. You know, "those people" who seem to be up to something.
Michjas (Phoenix)
What Trump speaks of is not new. Refer to the Red scare and the Palmer raids directed in part at Italian immigrants in 1919-20. School children are taught that those who acted like Trump suffered from hysteria. Maybe Trump could get his bearings if he went back to the sixth grade.
Cynthia (Massachusetts)
Trump is a deranged ignoramus who spoon-feeds the weak, the ignorant, and the doltish a particularly virulent brand of truthiness, hate, and fantasy. That this individual is the Republican party's nominee is proof positive that this nation has lost its mind. And this is where average Americans need to wake up and smell the coffee. We don't live in a reality show. This election is for keeps. It's time to take our nation back from the Republican troglodytes that support this ogre.
Brad S (Berlin, MA)
Formal gun control will do little to curb gun violence, much like the war on drugs has had little impact on the trafficking and use of drugs. Where there is a market there will be guns. What is feeding the market to use these guns, in many instances, is the increasingly ludicrous, dangerous and very poorly supported idea that some deity exists to drive these agendas. The sooner humanity decouples themselves from the preposterous notion of God the better off and safer we will all be.
CBRussell (Shelter Island,NY)
Anyone in Congress who supports Donald J. Trump should be listed as
as dangerous as Trump...who I view as mentally unbalanced.

So I think those that support Trump do so for one reason...and that is to
stay in office or to be re elected.
We need to know the names of those in Congress who support Trump.
Could the writers of this article just provide us with this list..and make
their names we can show the world that we will not take any
chances on keeping these errant and irresponsible legislators out of
our Congress and hopefully others like them unelectable throughout our
cities, towns and villages...because any lawmaker who advocates weapons
which can destroy lives in a few minutes are outlaws.
Matty (Boston, MA)
The Trumpf has it WRONG again.
This justifies an assault weapons ban.
GreenGal1967 (San Francisco, CA)
And whom do we ban when it's the number one perpetuater of these horrors: a white guy?
Trump really does make it just shockingly easy. Does his 'plan' include prohibiting all people born in Queens from emigrating to Florida? Or just those with their original hair?
rad6016 (Indian Wells)
Why would anyone ask for Trump's opinion on any issue that invites hatred? Don't you get tired of being hit over the head with the same ignorant, blathering tripe?
Bullmoose (Washington)
Muslims could always take a page from the Cannonball Run script, dress up as priests, medics, generals or other outfits that do not draw attention and enter with impunity. No need for anyone to panic.
Abby (Tucson)
I see it differently, Trump. This guy is more like you than you will ever know. Your first wife's lawyer says you raped her because you didn't like the way your hair treatment played. Same animal, couldn't get his way, so some other soul has to pay. Your lawyer, again, claiming men can't rape their wives; it's legal. Just like this guy's rotating axis!

Look, this guy didn't even understand the rift between Sunni and Shia, he's so all over the place, just like Donald. He just knew his claims of allegiance, as if anyone could Trump HIM, would leave us all freaking beyond reason. Way to play into the terror complex, Trump.
Helena (New Jersey)
Virtually all the terrorists were men. We should ban all men from coming to America.
McDiddle (San Francisco)
Why does this paper or any other continue to cover Trump? Where are the journalistic ethics in reprinting lies and stoking hate? The 1st Amendment does not protect the right to yell fire in a crowded theater. How long will it take before the editors realize our theater is at full capacity?
Audra (NYC)
To extend Trump's absurd argument: Because a few radicalized conservative Christians have murdered physicians who perform abortions, shouldn't we ban all Christians from the United States as well?
AJ (Noo Yawk)
Bans can be good. So let's accept Trump at his word.

The 1st person to be banned - from the airwaves and territory of the United States - should be Trump. I think (at least fervently hope!) most Americans would agree.

That's not censorship, just sanity.
Rebecca Rabinowitz (.)
If John Lehman is still "questioning whether Trump has made any effort to learn about national security," I can only surmise that Lehman has his head stuck in the sand, or is busy singing "la-la-la-la, I can't hear you!!" Let me answer for you, sir: no, your appalling, dangerous, bombastic ignoramus of a POTUS candidate has not learned anything, and never had any intention of doing so. He is a "shoot from the hip" conspiracy monger who has neither the intellectual gravitas nor the recognition that his indolent, willful refusal to accept his massive limitations poses the worst threat in a POTUS candidate I can recall in my lifetime. You, sir, should be loudly denouncing this xenophobic madman - and you should equally loudly refuse to endorse or support him, and demand that the rest of your terminally ill party do the same. The man will not "pivot" - this is who is is, in addition to being a grifter, con man, business failure, cheat, racist, and misogynist demagogue who believes he is running for the position of Emperor of the nation. The real question, Secretary Lehman, is why are you still dithering? The nation is burning, sir. Have you, at long last, no decency? No integrity? No soul?
Fred (Chicago)
Nothing new here. Donald Trump's supporters will still love him. The only hope is swaying those on the fence as well as making sure large numbers of people with at least some common sense get out to vote. As he rehashes his familiar nonsense, the press rehashes its same criticism. He needs to keep being nailed for cheating people, as he did with scams such as Trump University or stiffing small businesses in his construction projects.

Incidentally, Donald Trump's heritage is Scottish, violent folks who revolted against their government, and German (no need to discuss WW2 here). Deport him.
Wade (Bloomington, IN)
Let me sure I have this right, ban a group of people who had noting to do with the person who was born in the United States that killed the people in Orlando. Now this person made a call to 911 to make a claim to shift the blame to someone else. Now if it would have been harder for him to get the gun this might not have happen. One last thing disrespecting the President is not the answer either. Gun control is the answer!
Lucas Eller (Murray Hill, Manhattan, New York)
How pathetic and sick! Donald Trump doesn't even know who our allies or enemies are. He may think the president of Mexico isn't our enemy, and consider Vladimir Putin our best ally. Not so long ago there was an article here in the Times when he was asked if he had met president Rousseff of Brazil, his answer was: "No. Who is he?" How could he not have known who's the president of one of the largest democracies in the world, one that's located right here in the Americas? The answer is: Because he's an idiot.

Donald Trump is EXACTLY LIKE Omar Mateen: mean, stupid, merciless and cruel, and he will try to destroy not only a gay nightclub and take away the lives of 49 people, instead he will want to destroy our families, our security, everything good that this great nation stands for. And we are just a few months away from it, if he is elected later on this year.
John David James (Calgary)
Trump is the greatest weapon radical Islam and ISIS has. They want to sow fear and hatred of the "other" and to start a religious war. Trump gives them precisely that.

Trump and all his followers need to know that a wall will be needed around the entire country, and it best be a very high one.
george j (Treasure Coast, Florida)
So tired of hearing Obama blame guns while being unable to utter "radical Islamic terrorism". While I am in favor of a ban of assault weapons which I see no need or purpose for, the Dems bleating about guns, in general, is a farce. Ban guns and even if they cannot obtain them illegally (which they will), the Islamic terrorists will use fertilizer bombs, trucks and knives to kill us. A ban on immigration from terrorist occupied countries makes sense. Wake up and smell the coffee readers, before more of OUR innocent citizens are murdered.
Joe From Boston (Massachusetts)
george j. said:

"So tired of hearing Obama blame guns while being unable to utter "radical Islamic terrorism"."

George, Little Donnie Dictator has been saying "radical Islamic terrorism" very often for at least a year. That does not appear to be the proper incantation to shut down ISIS, because they are still with us. (What does that say about Little Donnie Dictator's power?)

Is Little Donnie Dictator going to tell us next that he is about to click the heels of his ruby slippers, and that will fix the problem? (He always says EVERYTHING is so EASY.)

Or is he going to start rubbing lanterns that he finds along the beach, so that one of his three wishes will be to make ISIS go away?

What's the big plan to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, huh? How about some specifics? (oh, I know, those are so complicated. Complicated is bad, bad, BAD.)

Curious minds want to know.
marian (Philadelphia)
This shooter is just another bigoted, but job murderer. He is essentially the same as the guy who shot up the Black church, the same as the movie theatre shooter, the same as the Newton school shooter and every other crazy person who can easily access assault weapons. Every person has their own story but the one common thread is that these shooters have serious mental problems and they were all able to get hold of assault weapons. Assault weapons are designed for military use and should NEVER be allowed to be sold to the public. Assault weapons were banned at one time and the GOP allowed the ban to lapse- no surprise there. The GOP and the NRA have blood on their hands since they continue to do nothing to prevent assault weapons to be on our streets. They are the real terrorists and the real face of evil. Trump is just another bigot in a long line of them. Banning Muslims is no answer and will only further alienate people.
Donald- get a clue- this latest shooter was born here. Next, I imagine Trump will want to round up all Muslims and deport them along with the illegal Mexicans.
Grizzlde (Alaska)
Trump is on the right track for protecting Americans from the fruits of islam.
Stop them from entering the usa unless very thorough background checks are conducted and if they have no documented history then they don't get in the country. We also need a better immigration system that tracks who comes in and who goes out and who is left and who violates their visa while here.
In addition legislation is needed to allow the arrest and detention of individuals who fit the FBI terrorist profile not for the purpose of conducting a court room trial but to imprison them until the war on terror is concluded at some point in the future. Wharehousing them on an Aleutian Island seems like a safe out of the way place.
Politicians who run for public office and propose or conduct policies which aid and abet individuals with the potential to be terrorists should either be prevented from running for office or removed from office.

Last but no least, do NOT vote for democrats because they refuse to protect America and its allies, witness the last 8 years of Clinton and oboma.
Tokyo Tea (NH, USA)
“And we don’t know what’s happening.”

SOME OF US might know more about what's happening if we bothered to inform ourselves—instead of making up fake information.

SOME OF US might start by understanding that a ban on foreign Muslims would have had no affect on an American shooter from NYC.
Nelson (California)
Trump’s ignorance and bigotry are commensurate with his lack of intelligence and ethics. His followers, the moral fringe, are even worse. If, and only IF, the crooked clown ever becomes POTUS, which I sincerely doubt, it will mark the beginning of the end of America’s greatness.
Mirjana Tinkovich (Benson, AZ)
"Money is cause of all evil" - old Serbian proverb - beter to say: GREED.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
Notwithstanding that, money is the lifeblood of civilization because it enables mutually beneficial exchanges of entirely unrelated services and items.

I've never seen a dumber idea than putting a casino operator in charge of the money-movements in the public sector.
Didier (Charleston, WV)
If monitoring the activities in mosques is so important to Mr. Trump, he should volunteer to perform that work for the Clinton Administration after his defeat. He clearly has insights into predicting human behavior that every other person lacks. It would be irresponsible for him to decline the appointment to such an important post.
Abby (Tucson)
Speaking of defense mechanisms, this Trump is a hair's trigger from pulling a fast one, Gotti! Of course, ne needs someone with the ballistics to pull the trigger because he's conflicted about owning his own rhetoric.
E C (New York City)
Trump has taken the path of Fascism. Will America follow?
1420.405751786 MHz (everywhere)
america suckers follow anyone who tells them what they want to hear

look at bernie madoff
Don Alfonso (Boston,MA)
Based on Trump's analysis, it's clear that his restrictions on the immigration of Muslims constitute an unhinged and illegal attack on religion. For example, following his reasoning, why not assume that Catholicism is highly conducive to pedophilia? Hence, Catholic clergy seeking entry to the US should be banned at least temporarily, or until Catholic authorities can assure us that their clergy are safe. Obviously, this is an absurd proposal, but no more so than Trump's preposterous and un-American attack on Muslims.
Darren (NYC)
The article's title states that Donald Trump is "tossing pluralism aside" which is absurd. This is still by far the most pluralistic society on earth and no temporary ban on Muslims hailing from countries that have a history of terrorism against America and her allies is going to change that. Even with the temporary ban, plenty of immigrants from non-islamic nations will continue to pour in here. At what point are we going to put safety ahead of political correctness? Are we so feckless as a society that we rather put our children into harms way for the sake of appearing tolerant? Are we going to continue to allow non-tolerant individuals take advantage of our tolerance and bring them in here to commit mass murder? Enough is enough. Trump is 100% correct and I suspect there is a massive silent majority that agrees with him.
al (medford)
Trump want to keep guns in hands of terrorists. Any person from anywhere can walk into any gun store in America and buy this insanity. An AR-15 is as much a terror weapon as a terrorist. No reason for it to be protected under 2nd Amendment. Oh, add the large magazines too. Crazy.
caps florida (trinity,fl)
The assault weapon ban lapsed under the GWB administration after prior administrations did the sensible thing of continuance. He and "pres" Cheney will go down in history as causing the initial decline of the USA of the moral leadership of our world which has know caused untold damage and death. This decline along with the dumbing down of our country over the past thirty five years(the government is the problem not the solution) has brought the Donald and others to the forefront of the political process with the potential for disastrous results. The leadership of the GOP have made a little noise but they should be up in arms strongly criticizing this hateful rhetoric. The game is on: who's more powerful, the GOP or the NRA?
shack (Upstate NY)
Donald Trump. He said the killer was "born an Afghan" of Afghan parents. He said the family shouldn't have been allowed to enter the US.
Here lies the rub for this rocket scientist. This terrorist murderer was an American citizen, born in Queens, NY where another undesirable, Donald Trump is from. The president on watch when this terrorist's parents came here was good old Ronald Reagan. Good times. Back when we were fighting the Russians and arming (creating) the Taliban. I'm surprised that Trump doesn't know this. It's well documented in Rambo 3. I thought this was just the type of source that the Donald got his news from. He has a very good brain, you see. I apologize in advance for the glibness of this comment in these sad times, but it is the only way I know how to express my disgust at the thought of people actually believing this tragic excuse for a presidential candidate.
KJB (Austin, TX)
I am so tired of hearing Republican "leaders" talking about what Trump needs to do to hide his real self and deceive voters. If ever there was a time to show a modicum of leadership, it is now. They are not going to win this election with Donald Trump. They should be denouncing this imbecile and start the important process of reclaiming the Republican party. It is important for our future.
Michael (Houston)
During World War II, how many Germans were permitted to immigrate to the United States? How many Japanese? FDR, considered the most important Democrat president in US history (and maybe of all parties), did exactly what Trump is suggesting now. You can disagree with the suggested policy, but there is precedent.
Suzanne (Indiana)
Not really a precedent. Islam is a religion, the practice of which is protected by the Constitution. FDR banned immigrants from nations with whom we were at war. What country are the terrorists from? This one was from the US. His parents emigrated here during the reign of the patron saint of Conservatism, Ronald Reagan. If banning immigrants would have stopped this carnage, wouldn't we have to make it retroactive? How far back do we go? My great grandparents came from overseas in the 19th century. Is that back far enough to not be suspect?
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
Sure, and it's widely realized today that it was wrong to do that, and the Japanese internment camps, at the time. That those actions were a dark stain on an otherwise noble period in American history. So just because something was wrong fifty years ago doesn't mean it should be done now.
nml (NYC)
Apples and oranges. Those were countries with which we are at war. Do give IS the respect of calling it a state and equating it with Japan and Germany.

It is a collection of armed hooligans spewing vile b/c they have nothing better to do with themselves. Something got horribly lost with these people. They know as much about Islam and Don the Con knows about world affairs and the Constitution - some quotes taken out of context and sound inflaming.
Uzi Nogueira (Florianopolis, SC)
Who knows? perhaps Orlando/San Bernadino -- terrorist induced massacres -- could mark an inflection point in America's love affair with unfettered access to guns. Past history, however, does not indicate any changes in the current status quo.

There is a war between radical Islam and the West, led by the US. The easy access to powerful guns makes America a perfect target for domestic terrorist attacks in the near future.
John adams (<br/>)
Compare the two speeches: Clinton the lawyer, speaking calmly, assuringly, reasonably expressing trouble and concern vs Trump speaking animatedly, powerfully, convincingly expressing anger and revenge. This is the face of Campaign 2016. The master of reality TV and a lifetime of flim-flam con artist deals vs the corporate lawyer. As a lawyer myself I can easily relate to Clinton but I deeply fear that broad sections of the US electorate will opt for the man who wears whatever clothes suit his purpose of the moment over his carefully tailored rival. This election isn't about ideas; it isn't about policies, facts, figures and positions. It's about who voters feel close to, identify with, in short, like more. The flim-flam man has a major leg up in this race, I fear.
MsPea (Seattle)
I'm more afraid of a Trump presidency than an Islamic terrorist. His fixation on all Muslims is out of proportion and is evidence of his mental instability. He appears to have no ability to think rationally. He cannot distinguish between a real threat and his own paranoia. This is not a man who should hold public office of any kind.
Trump claims to be a seer about all things. If he is so knowing about the future about everything why didn't he warn the Orlando police department of what was going to happen?
In reality he is just like the proverbial town drunk with his zipper down and a filthy booze bottle hanging on his finger. He is an ignoramus who uses the past by insinuating himself into the story as though he was the hero who knew it all in advance.
Yet , his resolve is to get rid of immigrants even though everybody knows the murderer was a New Yorker by birth just like Mr. Trump. Both come from immigrants.
SMB (Savannah)
I am so sick of Trump. 49 people die and he tweets. Donald doesn't seem to know everything isn't about him. His lunatic views of the world just show how crazy he is. Whatever his mental delusions which seem to include paranoia and narcissism, he is not helping any situation. Of course, the U.S. doesn't persecute people of various or of no religions. Of course, bigotry should not be given government force. Of course, you don't have mass deportations, mass detentions, walls and blocking of people according to their religion or ethnicity or whatever.

This is not Germany in the 1930s, where various groups were labelled decadent or enemies or whatever. Looking back at history, there are scary parallels in the early days of Nazism to what Trump is proposing.

This many is an insane would-be fascist dictator who maps his bizarre view of the world on everything around him. Using tweets, arm waving, and descending from above on his jet or escalator.

Grotesque caricature of a man.
Barb Campbell (Asheville, NC)
As long as we live in a society where "weapons of mass destruction" are readily available, this will continue to happen. The Orlando shooter was a US citizen and there was no justification for deporting him or locking him up before a crime was committed. People in a free society cannot be penalized or restricted until AFTER a crime is committed.

Mateen, 29 y.o. and born in New York, was exposed to the same diet of violence that all Americans his age have experienced - violent television and movies, violent video games, violent news coverage. Mix in probable mental problems and legal access to assault weapons and we get mass shootings. So what parts of the equation can we change?

It's irrelevant whether he was influenced by terrorist propaganda. Again, in a free society we can't restrict access to information. Tougher immigration laws would not have made any difference. The shooter was American born 29 years ago. So, again, what parts of the equation can we change? We can't detain everyone who is not pure Caucasian. We can't detain everyone with mental problems. We CAN restrict access to weapons that do maximum damage in the shortest amount of time.

If the shooter did not have assault weapons, the armed security guard at the club could probably have stopped him soon after shooting began; even some of the unarmed patrons of the club might have stopped him. The key ingredient is the weapons. Wake up America!
Paul (Virginia)
Trump has proved that he is a master at correctly gauging and reading the true mood, feeling, and leaning of at least 50% of the American voters. The dark side of American has always been bubbled under the surface of the feel good and self righteous American values. Trump is betting that the economic situation, stagnant income, and insecurity of a significant many Americans allowing this dark side to rise to the surface is now. The Democrat and Republican establishments as expected had been counting on politics as usual to placate the American electorate and are now desperate to stop Trump and at least 50% of American voters. If Trump wins in November, the year of 2016 would be remembered as a watershed event in American politics when voters reject the establishment's choice and true democracy works regardless of how ugly and misguided the choice is.
AmateurHistorian (NYC)
Attack Trump all you want. The vocal minority that wants more "diversity" knows if there is a referendum today the vast majority of American will vote to ban illegal immigration and immigration from religious extremist countries.
Abby (Tucson)
We'll see come November whose clinging to an old hat and who's gonna inherit all that.
Matt (NH)
I don't have the words to comment on this racist bilge.

Omar Mateen was not a Muslim immigrant. He was an American born a few miles from where Trump himself was born in NYC.

A ban on Muslim immigrants or travelers does not apply in this instance.

It is terrifying to consider that there are Americans who believe this lunatic.
Abby (Tucson)
Yup, and FOX is their finder, can't feel Left Behind without her. Although, Jon Stewart claims talk radio's claims the nation is crumbling would shame ISIL into the dirt. I don't go there; it is a social contagion.
Ludwig (New York)
"Mr. Trump suggested that all Muslim immigrants posed potential threats to America’s security and called for a ban on migrants from any part of the world with “a proven history of terrorism” against the United States or its allies."

But THAT statement is consistent with the interpretation that Trump would NOT bar Muslims from India or Bangladesh, two countries which have not participated in terrorism against the US, Indeed, he might not bar Muslims from Iran whom pretty much everyone in the US loves to hate but which has had NOT connection with 9-11 and was the home of the revered poet Rumi.

What the media are doing is to give every single one of Trump's utterances the worst possible interpretation. Given that the NYT is pushing Hillary, how seriously can I take the NYT's interpretation of Trump's utterances?
IHD (Steamboat Springs CO)
The main objective of terrorists is to instill fear in the populations they hate. The result of this strategy also causes anger. Both of these reactions in the targeted populations result in irrational thinking and behavior.

So who is creating more fear and anger in our country, Donald Trump or the terrorists. The answer seems obvious to me.......the biggest threat to America is Donald Trump.
Dennis (New York)
Trump's argument strikes a familiar chord to anyone versed in the history of Germany in 1930's. Fear is the key, fear of the outsider, fear of the other, but also fear of your neighbor, fear of even members of your family. Like the obedient German children who donned brown shirts and pledged allegiance to their Fuhrer, Herr Trump wishes we all would heed his words and be at his beckon call. Pledge allegiance to Trump. Trust him, he says.

Listen to the wisdom of Herr Trump. He has identified the enemy. It is the person who does not look, sound, act like you. He or she is different, not really an American as we've come to know what Americans should look like in a John Wayne universe.

Suspicious behavior of any kind should be reported to local authorities. Better safe than sorry. With everyone watching everyone else and with all of us arming ourselves to the teeth we will feel safe and protected. Thus speaks Herr Trump. Trust in him. He will lead us into being a greater nation, a nation of super humans, super men and women, all working to make America great, again. America Uber Alles.

Don (USA)
Not even close to being correct. Trump said we should stop allowing any immigrants from entering this country who can't be properly vetted. This includes Muslims and all others.

Obama's top officials have admitted they can't do this. The real question people should be asking is why is Obama still bringing them here?
angel98 (nyc)
How many times does it need to be pointed out that this guy was an American Citizen, born and bred in the States.
jacobi (Nevada)
At least Trump is not blaming America and our freedoms for the attack, he is blaming the attackers.
Michjas (Phoenix)
Thee is a way both to protect ourselves and to continue Muslim migration at current levels. We have intelligence information regarding the number of ISIS soldiers who come from each Middle Eastern country. If we divided the total quota from all the countries and admitted immigrants in reverse proportion to the number of ISIS soldiers from each country, we would reduce the chance of domestic terrorism and we would create an incentive for law abiding folks to keep their countrymen from joining ISIS.
jimsr1215 (san francisco)
what trump says makes sense if you listen to his comments and not just read the pieces cut out by the biased media
joe (Nj)
When the smoke clears, I expect the LGBT community to lambaste the administration and ramp up intense pressure on the President and HRC to actually DO something concrete -- and I don't mean gun control. While many do not like Trump's rhetoric, he will take action.
Bkldy2004 (CT)
And you know this how? Because the "Donald" told you so? Stop drinking the kool aid and use your brain.
JCB (<br/>)
Trump is the human embodiment of (any) cover of The National Enquirer. All trash, all the time - seriously regarded only by the gullible and weak-minded.
WC (Boston)
Why not blame the (legal) easy access to automatic weapons? The Donald is in bed with the NRA. How many more massacres do we need? What's the real problem here? Our love affair with military-grade weapons. But let's talk about Muslims instead.
Ariel (New York)
The evidence strongly suggests the shooter was NOT a Muslim extremist, that he was NOT very religious. However, he WAS a batterer with a history of violence and controlling, dominating behavior against his wife. Very typical behavior of a batterer. It doesn't matter where his family originally came from. He may have used Muslim extremism to give his violence a sense of meaning, but essentially he's a textbook batterer.
lisa (nj)
Trump continues to top himself with ignorant remarks. These shootings are done by American citizens, so how is banning people from this country going to stop that? How can someone be on the no fly list and still be able to buy a gun? Answer that Trump.
Roger Faires (Oregon)
So what group should we ban from this country so there is no repeat of the South Carolina church shootings? Or the Colorado Planned Parenthood shootings? Or the Newtown shootings?

When do we get to implement the ban on New York real estate hustlers?
sallyedelstein (NY)
Donald Trump's "Good Neighbor" policy is appalling.
Although sometimes it seems that all Donald Trump learned about life he learned from a comic book, clearly Little Donnie would have benefited from reading those Public Service ads that ran in comic books teaching you "to be nice to your neighbors - even if they are immigrants." Take a look.
Sandy (Florida)
Better yet, a permanent ban on Donald Trump.
Welcome (Canada)
Before some weapons are banned, the Republicans in Congress must decide where they stand Keeping quiet will not suffice. Either you stand with Trump or you stand with America. Decide and then voters will know what to do with YOU, elected official.
Bkldy2004 (CT)
They're waiting to see which way the wind blows first. Can't have them actually having morals or any sense of decency
ivehadit (massachusetts)
The gunman's profile is very complicated. He was drawn towards the gay community, and we know it's not accepted in his culture. His acts can be described as one of a cowardly, highly depraved and mentally unstable person unable to reconcile his internal conflict. It's hardly a profile of a radicalized lone wolf. Mr. Trump just wants to exploit, exploit, exploit the high emotions around this tragedy.
Emile Gurstelle (West Milford, NJ)
I am more afraid of the threat of a Trump presidency than the threat of terrorism. Tragic as any terrorist attack is, the overall harm Trump can cause this great nation is the true terror.
L.E. (Central Texas)
Listening to Trump's speech yesterday, it did not quite follow the usual routine. In the places where he would normally have received rousing applause and squeals of adulation, it was possible to actually hear individuals shouting their approval.

Maybe some people are actually hearing his words when he says he can do things without Congress, that people should be imprisoned for not reporting on neighbors, and basically doing away with the entire trial system entirely.
Rick (NYC)
Trump himself fosters intolerance toward the "other" which is what the Orlando massacre seems to have been about.
Abby (Tucson)
Yup, he's completely split on personalities that terrify him. Take this ego driven loser who was posing just like him.
mark w (leesburg va)
Its easy to demonize all Muslims today just like it was easy to demonize Jews in the 20th century or protestants in the 16th century. Trump shows how little we have advanced.
Dr. Svetistephen (New York City)
The distinction underpinning this piece -- "mainstream Muslims" vs. "Islamist terrorists" -- also forms the disinformation campaign of organizations like CAIR. But is not recognized by leading Muslim religious authorities (from Sheikh Qaradawi on the Sunni side to the Ayatollah Sistani on the Shiite, to the current Grand Mullah of the Al Azhar-University Mosque in Cairo to the Turkey's strongman Erdogan. There is ONE Islam, and it means following the teachings of the Qur'an literally. No one familiar with that book can deny DEMANDS the death of homosexuals, and in the post cruel ways. This is not a matter of interpretation: this is the revealed truth for all Muslims. Thus ANY devout Muslim understands this, and would have no problem with its application in many Muslim states. In fact in ten Muslim countries it is a capital offense, including in Saudi Arabia and in Iran. Carrying out that obligation in Dar el Harb, the Land of War, of the infidels, poses greater risks so few might do it: but all are indeed programmed to do it. When the piece speaks of cancelling American pluralism the truth needs to be recognized that Muslims endure it: they do not celebrate pluralism. They want all of us to be placed under the code of Sharia, as poll after poll reveals. As such they represent a danger, as a group, to the Bill of Rights. We once had the McCarran Act to keep out fascists, Nazis and communists because their ideological views are subversive; so are those of Muslims.
Rita (California)
1. All religions have leaders who "interpret" the literal word of the Holy Book for the illiterate. It explains why you have sects within a religion.

2. All religions have a mixture of true believers and adherents in name only.
angel98 (nyc)
Muslims are not subversive - fanatics and fundamentalists are, and there are a great many here of all religions and ideologies born and bred Americans, generations old.
Glenn S. (Midwest)
Say goodbye to the NYT's Trump campaign credentials. God forbid this article be truthful.
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
Ah, this article is truthful. It's Trump that lies all the time. If you prefer to believe his lies than the truth, that doesn't speak well of your character.
Mary (PA)
Trump is the poster boy for ISIS. He has been defeated by terrorism and is ready to concede defeat for the precious freedoms that are the heart of our nation. His theory seems to be, "We can't beat them, so let's join them." No, Mr. Trump, no. You validate the terrorists every time you open your mouth.
Bill (Cambridge, MA)
what is the point? The perp was a US citizen, born in New York.
MarkAntney (Here)
Wow, the CONservatives are just getting around to replacing Jefferson Davis.

Credit for sticking to a plan,..and it only took them 155+yrs.
Jim (New York)
Banning "Muslims" isn't the answer. Banning terrorists is. Yes, we should carefully screen those entering our country for terroristic ties wherever they come from. If we know that someone comes from an area known to foment hatred towards us (be it the Middle East or elsewhere) that person should receive a higher level of scrutiny. For a non-citizen, entry into our country is a privilege and we have the obligation to protect our homeland.
mm (ny)
The guy's not a "Muslim immigrant" to Florida.

He's a New Yorker who migrated to Florida.

Maybe we should ban native-born New Yorkers from running for President?
Susan (New York, NY)
Apparently this idiot doesn't realize that his kind of talk only fuels the fire. This is the kind of talk that "inspires" groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda. And of course he doesn't mention guns and the gun "laws" we have in this country. What about the white American men/boys that massacred people in this country? No talk from Trump about Sandy Hook, Columbine, the shooter that massacred people at a movie theatre in CO and the head case that shot up a Planned Parenthood clinic in CO. Not a peep from Trump or the rest of Congress but when some "foreigner" reeks havoc and massacres our citizens this idiot gets his knickers in twist. Congress is partly to blame for all of this because they are bought and paid for by the NRA. Congress has blood on their hands.
scott k. (secaucus, nj)
Even the conservative NY Post had an article today about how easy it is to buy an assault weapon in Florida. That is the main cause of this atrocity. If the GOP doesn't wake up, this will happen again.
Huxley (Hanover, NH)
Here we go again with the "otherness" syndrome: In the cover of the NYTimes it states that the killer was "americanized". No, he was American!! Anyone that is not WASP but was born in America and behaves as a regular American is not "Americanized"... is another American
Clover (Alexandria, VA)
Funny that it's ok to ban Muslims in violation of the first amendment, but it's not ok to ban assault weapons because it's a violation of the second amendment.
J McGloin (Brooklyn)
Hypocrisy kills. The USA thinks it is perfectly acceptable to use the world's most powerful military (we spend more than the next ten countries combined including our allies) and the CIA, with drones and communications surveillance that sucks up everything, to "protect our interests."
Dick Cheney, (who was on the board of Halliburton, which made billions off of the Iraq War, even while there substandard work was electrocuting service people in their showers) met with global oil companies where they looked at a now declassified map that split up Iraq's oil between them. They got the oil and we got ISIS, which directly grew out of the disaster we created in Iraq, which then spread across the border to Syria. (This is settled history, not conspiracy theory. Look it up.)
We have been doing things like this for over a hundred years. Almost every war we fight is a war of choice designed to open up some market for some corporation, most of which are not even based in the US or will soon move their headquarters somewhere else so they don't have to pay for the military they use so willingly.
South America has 'Banana Republics," because Secretary of State John Foster Dulles (D) used the CIA to put entire countries under the control of United Fruit and Chiquita banana. Hillary's pal Kissinger helped overthrow elected the elected president of Chile and told Pinochet his terror was ok.
Stop the terror and the terror will stop.
schmigital (nyc)
I'm with Trump on this one. It's time to take our country back.
winchestereast (usa)
Yes. We prefer our mass shooters and murders to be white, Christian, overtly mentally ill - like most of our prior serial killers, arsonists, guys unloading bullets into innocent victims in McDonalds in California or Luby's or from the roof of the University in TX or in a church in Charleston.
angel98 (nyc)
How far back? 1900s, 1800s, 1700s.
Any further and it reverts back to the Native Americans.
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
America is the shining city on the hill, the place that welcomes the unfortunate and refugees from other nations, the place where everyone is supposed to be treated equally. From your statement, it isn't your country.
Glen (Texas)
The bellowing silence of Ryan and McConnell in response to their candidate for Fuehrer speaks an entire Encyclopedia Britannica's set of the content and character of the Republican Party. Though the calendar may read 2016, in the Republican Reichstag it is always 1936.

The goosestep, people, is back in fashion.
partlycloudy (methingham county)
Since the killer was born in NY just as Trump was, I think we should deport all yankees from NY for the safety of all Americans.
Activist Bill (Mount Vernon, NY)
Trump can say whatever he wants to say, just as Obama and Clinton continue to defend the terrorists. Whether you want to believe him, or them, is up to you.
winchestereast (usa)
How did the rest of us not hear the president or Clinton defending this shooter or any other recent mass murderer? Do you have a special radio on which you receive these messages?
Maggie (Los Gatos)
I believe them
Phil M (New Jersey)
Trump will do nothing but create more hate for our citizens with his anti Muslim tirades. That along with calling for more access to guns is an insane position to take. However, we are living in insane times so Trump fits in very well. His popularity is easy to understand as I consider many people in this country to be mentally unstable including most of our leaders.
Francis (Florida)
The killing of homosexuals. The killing of children and people in church. The targeted killing of black children by authority figures. Lynching, burning at the stake, drawing and quartering and stocks all have similarities. The torture and murder of people deemed to be outside the perceived norms. Religious beliefs is a cord which runs through these atrocities. The profiteering of Religions from human oppression has been acknowledged by at least one major group.
That the recent killer may have been an homosexual/bisexual is no surprise. Can you imagine the lifelong conflict of innate same sex attraction and religiosity? I can't. It seems to lead to some dark places.
As we journey further into this election season it will be interesting to see the behavior of many lawmakers in Congress and Senate. Undoubtedly there are a couple of openly gay people, even more whom are closeted and then those with families that include homosexuals. We may never know the numbers who fall into the same repressed group as this killer but another failure to respond to another selective mass murder would show where sympathies lie.
Disingenuous and rote eructation about "thoughts and prayers" have not been working. Killings like this are multifactorial and addressing them are well within the capabilities of the USA..
William Case (Texas)
At their inaugurals, presidents elect promise they will faithfully execute the office of president and preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution tasks presidents to take care that the laws are faithfully executed. If elected, Donald Trump has promised to enforce the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, which President Bill Clinton signed into law in 1996. This act calls for the deportation of unauthorized immigrants and a crackdown on employers who hire them. Hillary Clinton has promised not to enforce the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act if she is elected president, a direct violation of the presidential oath. Yet it is Trump’s position the New York Times find extreme.
winchestereast (usa)
The GOP and Chamber of Commerce seem to object to any punishment of employers hiring illegal immigrants. Donald brings his over on the hundreds of guest worker visas he obtains for his resorts and clubs. He marries some.
If he needs cheap goods in quantity, he has them made in China and Bangladesh, sells them here. Avoids the whole equal pay, decent working environment, child labor thing. He's smart. Very presidential.
Snip (Canada)
Write, email, phone Mr. Priebus and Mr. Ryan and tell them they have to repudiate Trump NOW, before it is too late. There has to be a coup at the Republican convention. They are about to nominate a lunatic for President.
NYHUGUENOT (Charlotte, NC)
I've yet to hear Trump say that no Muslims should be allowed into this country. What he has said is that we need a better vetting process that fully investigates those who enter the country.
I have to laugh at the Obama administration's claims that all these "refugees" are being vetted. With whom? How do you investigate these people's lives when they are coming from countries without a functioning government. I'm sure there is an equivalent to the DMV or FBI functioning in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan.
When a person born in this country can be turned into a radical after years of American schooling and opportunities how much easier is it to turn someone born in these countries? How can we verify what is going on in their hearts and minds?
" Islam is not a religion. It is a political movement" said Turkish President Erdogan. He ought to know. Turkey has been fighting to be a secular state since the days of Ataturk and it is getting harder every year to do so with so many people coming into the country from places where religion and state are one.
We need to be as sure as possible about who are letting into this country.
winchestereast (usa)
Are we going to vet the people we already have here? The blond blue eyed disturbed haters and white supremacists and neo-Nazis and homophobes and angry white guys with assault weapons? The ones who commit most of the mass shootings? And arsons? Or the depressed, drug-addled moms who kill their kids? Or the toddlers with access to loaded guns? Or the billionaires who lie, cheat, and steal from contractors, etc and then run for President? Can we build little walls around all of us?
Audra (NYC)
To extend Trump's absurd argument, since a few radicalized conservative Christians have murdered physicians who perform abortions, shouldn't Christians also be banned from the United States?
KenH (Indiana)
I just dk when ppl will finally get it that DT is insane.
Linda (Sebastian, Fl)
Not any more than you.
Joe S. (Chicago)
What if Mateen was homophobic and secretly self-hating his own self, sexuality? He finds a more 'acceptable' expression of that by resorting to the guise of his Muslim ancestor's hatred of homosexuals. The bigger story is that an organization like ISIS is able to use one of our own - he is one of us, an American, and that person's self-hatred as a weapon of violence. What is the best response? Travel bans and immigration bans on Muslims? More hatred of Muslims? Maybe the fault is that we did not give Mateen a better way of dealing with his own self hatred. (Oh, and banning assault weapons, too!)
Linda (Sebastian, Fl)
I believe that Mateen was exhibiting a homophobic identity which brought him confusion, thus expressing it in the only way he knew how, destroy the insurgents before it was revealed.
Jeffrey Waingrow (Sheffield, MA)
In the beginning, guys like Trump are simply seen as outrageous. Eventually they're understood to be mortally dangerous. But by then it's often too late.
The more uncertain or scary a situation, the more people seek quick and simple answers and explanations--some people especially. This is the basis for rumors and very dangerous, such as lynch mobs. This is one reason a central message from Trump (and Fox News, Republicans, and right wingers) is "Be afraid; be very afraid," because fearful people are: (a) open to suggestion, (b) receptive to emotional appeals, and (c) likely to grasp at simpleminded and often wrongheaded explanations.

So here we are as a country faced with the horrendous Orlando situation, and Trump, the quintessential can artist and demagogue is out there doing what?

Exhibiting positive leadership qualities by settling fearful and worried people down, reminding them to be supportive of each other, and working through this terrible situation together?

Or is Trump hoping that by fueling fear, hatred, suspicion, and offering stupid and dangerous solutions to complex problems, he can personally triumph over all and be chosen President of the United States?

But so far what I see on news and hear on NPR radio is people coming together and Orlando Strong! What I hope is Trump's fear mongering, hate, and damaging solutions are mightily defeated in November.

Fingers crossed
Mystalope (Planet Earth)
"False opinions are like false money, struck first of all by guilty men and thereafter circulated by honest people who perpetuate the crime without knowing what they are doing..."
Joe Gilkey (Seattle)
Too many mistakes have been made in how this war was started and how it is now being waged, both at home, and abroad. The medias indignation of Trumps remarks only serve to bring more attention to these realities we have been saddled with.
Dan (New York, NY)
This is rich considering that Republicans resist any gun controls after mass murders because they contend the controls would not have prevented the attack. So does that line of reasoning not apply here? A Muslim ban would not have prevented this attack since the murderer was born in the U.S.
Linda (Sebastian, Fl)
Yes it would have. His father would not have been allowed with his Talib an beliefs.
Doug McDonald (Champaign, Illinois)
Its time to call out, every single time, the
NYTime's misstatements and lies in their so-called news and analysis articles.

And when it comes to Donald Trump, that's almost every article!

"He claimed the country has an “immigration system which does not permit us to know who we let into our country,” brushing aside the entire customs and immigration enforcement infrastructure. "

That's from this article. " brushing aside the entire customs and immigration enforcement infrastructure. " That's the offending clause.

The article clearly implies that Donald Trump is "brushing aside" the
customs and immigration structure. The person doing that is Barack Obama.
True, at airports its ruthlessly enforced. But not elsewhere. He, Obama,
lets in anybody who wants to cross from Mexico illegally, or, except of course
for Cuban refugees, who are ruthlessly send back to Cuba, land a boat on our coastline.

And distortions by the NYTimes happen all the time when Trump is concerned. Please, Times fact checkers, read the articles for misstatements like this one.
winchestereast (usa)
How did we miss that the president had disbanded Border Patrol? You're another poster with a special radio with facts available to only you. Thanks for sharing. Our radio reported that Pres. Obama was the first US president to visit Cuba since 1959, opened a dialogue, eased most restrictions, opened up our first embassy there in over 50 years, and paved the way for families to be reunited, arranged the release of US Aid worker Alan Gross after 5 yrs detention in a Cuban jail. Amazing.
Michael (Brookline)
The only thing Trump has to offer is fear itself.

Make no mistake, a Trump presidency would give us exactly the opposite of what he is offering. We would be less safe, prosperous and secure. He would be a bona fide disaster for the United States and the world.
Truth (Atlanta, GA)
Why does the media continue to give this stupid, small-minded maniac of a man a platform?

Let's ban all White men since White men have done mass shootings.

Let's ban all Black men since Black men have committed mass shootings.

Let's ban all Christians since Christians have committed mass bombings and shootings.

Let's ban all __________since they have committed mass bombings and shootings.

Anyone who agrees with Trump only reveals the lack of quality of their education and the lack of their ability to problem solve.

If there was every a 21st Century Rising Hitler, I would say Donald Trump would be the one.

America, if you have some sense, you better not elect him. We will see how smart we are in 146 days.
Mystalope (Planet Earth)
Every nation gets the government it deserves...
Adolf Hitler, by popular vote, was named chancellor of Germany on Jan 30, 1933.
What happened next?
Neal B (Canada)
Young man fully integrated into the American way of life. Bought a gun, shot people. People get shot and killed every day. Nothing unusual.
mls (nyc)
Has anyone on Trump's team informed him that the killer was born in the US? How, exactly, does Trump's proposed banning Muslims from entering the US address this kind of incident? Will Trump propose next that the US "deport" all Muslims, regardless of their status? Or is it simply time to round them up and put them in "work camps"? How is the Trump "sideshow" different from Germany in the thirties?

Sickening. Just plain sickening.
mls (nyc)
And, if I may add to my own comment by replying to it, Trump has called for Muslims to "turn in" the "dangerous" Muslims among them. "They know who they are," according to Trump. So now he wants citizens to spy on their neighbors. Again, every fascist regime in history follows this path—the Nazis and the Soviets come to mind, and so does the McCarthy era US. This man is so dangerous, and obvious, and despicable.
Kevinizon (Brooklyn NY)
I think Trump actually does fit in with republican ideology -- they always prefer their solutions to be one-note black/white clear without details or any basis in reality. So they have to be loving the man, more and more.
Frazier (NY)
The American Christian right really needs to condemn this, ASAP;

and so does the NRA. More likely vice versa.
commenter (RI)
It's so easy - if you don't like what the press is printing about you,, just bar them from printing. First amendment be damned. Imagine what a nightmare it would be if by a fluke of fate he becomes president?
I belong to a minority religion that has felt the sting of condemnation for centuries.
All we ask is that we and ALL groups of people should be allowed to have scoundrels and rapists and muderers among them without being condemned as a whole.
William Case (Texas)
Donald Trump has proposed a temporarily suspension of travel from countries known for exporting Islamic terrorists until the Homeland Security Department can improve its methods of determining which travelers pose a threat. U.S. Code § 1182 (Inadmissible Aliens) states: “Whenever the president finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.” Islamic terrorist attacks carried out by travelers and immigrants or the children of immigrants from these countries have killed thousands of Americans since 2001. If this doesn’t make a temporary travel ban appropriate, what would?
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
Well William Case, you're usually quite reasonable, but this statement: "Islamic terrorist attacks carried out by travelers and immigrants or the children of immigrants from these countries have killed thousands of Americans since 2001" is a total lie. There haven't been thousands of Americans dead from terrorism after 9/11, and travelers, immigrants, and children of immigrants, combined, may have killed about 80 Americans at most. Most mass shootings are carried out by white Christian men, so ban them first.
Bob Kramer (Philadelphia)
It takes courage to stand for your convictions when they are unpopular. This is the choice the Republican Party leadership is now facing. It is clear Trump will not "pivot" and will continue promoting fear and racism. It is also clear that the Republican base is buying it. So the choice for McConnell, Ryan, and other party leaders is this, do I continue to just "slap his hand" but continue to commit my vote for him or do I clearly say this is wrong and I will not vote for him? Will I educate my base on why this wrong or will I let my party continue to be infected with this fear? How do we want to be remembered in history? Where is the courage?
Hypatia (California)
Well, Trump might be on to something -- America does seem to "supercharge" Muslim religious murderers. It took 8 of them to kill 164 in Paris, and 10 of them to kill 164 in Mumbai, and 3 to kill 32 in Brussels. It took only one zealous American Muslim terrorist to slaughter 49 people in Orlando -- a much higher efficiency rate for Allah. Maybe it's something we should look into.
mj (MI)
This isn't a story about a Muslim terrorist. This is a story about a young man who grew up in a religion that didn't tolerate his sexuality, who was searching for a place to belong. What he did, how he acted out is horribly wrong but the fact remains this has zero to do with terrorism and all to do with an intolerant culture. The first words his father uttered were not sympathy but a quick rebuttal to make sure no one thought his son was gay.

The message is insane here. He could have just as easily been a Christian Fundamentalist. This young man is no different than the one that walked into a church and killed the parishioners or the one that walked into a school full of children and opened fire.

We need to keep guns from these young men then figure out how to save their lives and those lives around them.

Donald Trump as the empathy and sophistication of a rock. I don't even know why the Times gives him space.
Mor (California)
The shooter pledged allegiance to ISIS. He attended the mosque with the first American suicide bomber who eventually blew himself up in Syria. What difference does it make whether he had psychological problems or not? You might argue that anybody who subscribes to the rigid homophobic mysogynist version of Islam has psychological problems - and it would be millions and millions. The behavior of Muslim immigrants in Germany certainly suggests the need for cultural, rather than individual, therapy. Focusing on the religion that inspires such behavior is more important than on each individual jihadist.
sundarimudgirl (seattle, wa)
My thoughts parallel yours about this being about a young man searching for a place to belong (and add pointed mental instability) - and you could say that about all of the young men that trod the path this young man did before him. It seems to me the same is true of the young men who join ISIS. The term that came to me was "identity crisis" - a phenomenon that appears to be plaguing groups of young men all over the world. It feels like suddenly in human cultures men don't know who they are anymore, feel they have nothing to do and no way to act, feel cut off from everything. You can feel it in varying degrees everywhere.
joivrefine52 (Newark, NJ)
I'm surprised Trump didn't suggest using the camps in which this country wrongfully interned Japanese Americans during World War II to now intern all Muslim Americans. The greatest menace to the Constitution, to law abiding citizens, to all that this nation has stood for over the 200 plus years is not terrorism. It's Trumpism. Hillary will have long coatails. Remember LBJ - Goldwater 1964?
jds966 (telluride, co)
As usual-Trump misses the point. Why do we act so mortified and surprised by these acts of vengance? How many Muslims have been murdered by US troops?? there is no doubt that trump would make this situation FAR WORSE with his Nazi tactics. Perhaps he will build camps for the Muslim citizens of the USA? along with his dopey "great wall of trump."
In fact--trump is a key part of this hate vs. hate butchery--he is the voice of hate. let us silence him in November!
David Henry (Concord)
Why do we take a madman's words as real? He's says he's a Muslim; he might as well say he's a shoe.

He is only an insane person spouting nonsense. A real Muslim is peaceful.
fsharp (Kentucky)
No true Scotsman would do such a thing!
Old School (NM)
Trump is right of course. Islam and its practice in the USA is the larger problem. It's uncanny that the left retreats into denial of this obvious fact. Sure there are mental health problems, and the gun laws in the US must be modified (long overdue). However the looming problem is that because the liberal politically correct mind set will not allow "us" to unite. They will attack conservatives immediately after one of their own "troubled muslim" commits murder on a large scale. Rather than start to fix the problem they will focus only on guns and deny that although there are many good and peaceful muslims in the US that their religion will not and cannot work here. Muslims are the new black for the liberals.
John P (Pittsburgh)
You do realize that just because you are on the right politically, that doesn't mean that you are right in your opinions. As a matter of fact, you are generally wrong, as you are here. The Constitution can be a inconvenient instrument when Trump or yourself are ranting, but that's alright. Just go back and read it and see how misguided you are.
Jerry (NYC)
Do you even a casual understanding of our Constitution and the principles and ideals upon which our country was founded and have sustained us for some 250 years?
A. Davey (Portland)
Trump is deranged, and there's no better proof of this than his obsession with undermining President Obama by implicating him in the Orlando massacre.
pipoabq (albuquerque)
He is us!
In reality, the American popularity of Donald Trump is nothing but the confirmation of the pathology of his supporters : Monstrous narcissism, excessive greed,mendacity,anti-intellectualism,obsession with appearances at the expense of substance, absence of mature and rational judgement.
What really hurts is the electorate that supports Trump.
Neil &amp; Julie (Brooklyn)
Hitler wasn't Hitler either- until he was.
gerald42 (White Plains, NY)
Killer was born in Queens to Afghans who immigrated here. Similar to Trump's origin. Maybe we should have kept both families out.

Seriously, if this was a lesson on why we should keep Muslims out now, don't we have to do the same for all Muslims in the U.S, and others who Trump does not like? Latinos, dark-skinned Americans, POWs, disabled, women who are not gorgeous, and liberals.
Dennis (Florida)
While Trump and New England Patriots QB Tom Brady seem to be thick as thieves, the same might not be true of Pittsburgh Steelers signal-caller Ben Roethlisberger. During a recent rally in Pittsburgh, Trump said he had Big Ben's support "100 percent" and that the quarterback would speak the the Republican convention later this summer.

However, the quarterback told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that he "is staying out of politics and will not attend the GOP event." So that friendship built on the golf circuit may not be as strong as Trump thought.
C Martinez (London)
Trump created his own brand of trash politic,
he will hammer the same message until November.
The Republican Party can live in hope that some day
he will reach the mantle of statesmanship, they should
be aware that their day of reckoning is yet to come.
CSW (New York City)
First he banned the protestors.
Then he banned the journalists.
He said he would ban Mexicans and Muslims, too.
He said he would jail women who had an abortion.
He even said he would jail his presidential opponent.
And this he said is how he would Make America Great, again.
Larry M (Minnesota)
Let's get something straight:

Demagogue Donald Trump was using a teleprompter, and he still spouted lies. Which means he didn't "misspeak"; he lied, deliberately. Why is that? Because Trump is a demagogue and a pathological liar. Once again, and just to be clear, Donald Trump is a liar. Why is the New York Times incapable of reporting this fact? There's no conjecture here. Trump - the demagogic liar - lied again. As a liar, it's what Donald Trump does; lie.
Ultraliberal (New Jersy)
The problem is not Muslims, the problem lies with those that literally believe and accept Islam literally. It is no different than those who accept & believe devoutly in any religion.The danger to America is religious fanatical belief.For this country to continue to grow & prosper we must remain secular.I am not against religious culture. I am against fanatical religious belief.In reading the scriptures I can’t get beyond creation.I am afraid of anyone who can take creation literally. These are people who are capable of anything, including murdering Doctors that perform abortion.This is where Trump becomes a bigot, he is a bigot when he lumps all Muslims together, including the educated & the secular, He is a bigot when he lumps all Mexicans together including the educated & the secular.He is not a bigot when he is particular as to whom we accept into this country.The question an immigrant must answer before he is admitted into our country does he believe that God created the earth in six days, if he or she says yes , they could be made to believe anything, including Jihad .
AG (Wilmette)
Somehow a ban on AR-15's is not going to work, but a ban on Muslims will?
Mark (Denver)
Maybe I missed something in my journalism class but reporting should be just that. Many comments are subject to the authors interpretation in this and many NYT political stories. I agree with many of the conclusions reached within but be it Hillary or Mr.Trump all of the reporting on both of late are fit for your editorial page not news sections.

If objectivity is the goal you miss the mark on both sides.iIf selling papers is the goal well done. Perhaps you are now compensated directly by article page views ar ad revenue generation.

Regardless it leaves the reader energized or hostile but not educated by any form of sophisticated delivery. Try this one... All the MEWS that is fit to print.
JP (California)
Not all Muslims are terrorists but virtually all terrorists are Muslim. Seems logical to me that increased scrutiny of these folks would make sense. But then again, I realize that common sense has all but died in this country.
Jerry (NYC)
Have you been asleep, out of the country or just out of touch during all the other mass shootings that have taken place in this country with alarming regularity in the last several decades? Have you ever heard of the Oklahoma City bombing?
angel98 (nyc)
When terrorist is a word only used in reference to Muslims how could it be other.

But all mass shooters are terrorists and the majority have been white American males not Muslims.
I'm a graduate of St. Anselm College. I value my time there. Their Institute of Politics saw its roots in the 1980 election, and through that I was able to see and hear Carter, Reagan and Anderson discuss and debate and answer to their beliefs and policies. I saw some pretty smart students hold these candidates accountable for their speech. As it should be. Yesterday however was quite different. The college simply offering him a closed venue to carry on with no public interaction. No uninvited persons were allowed at the press event. His vitriol and lies now have the SAC brand tied to them in every photo and video. I hope that the college and the abbey rethink their format and only allow public forums for the benefit of all and not allow any candidate to go unchallenged. The First Amendment only guarantees that Congress shall make no law... SAC is not the Congress and is not required to let anyone who wishes to have a one-way pipe to the world.
Melda Page (Augusta, ME)
As far as I can see it, the most dangerous people in this country are white men between the ages of 20 and 65. This is the group that should be banned from ownership of guns as well as other explosive devices.
jacobi (Nevada)
I agree we are dangerous. Many have been trained and fought in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other places as required by our military service. So we who have fought for your freedom you believe should be denied our constitutional rights?
KASNE (Texas)
How is the Times helping with no headlines about the gunmans homosexuality? This was not an ISIS issue, yet that is all your front page is about, and this a day after we found out he had a Grindr page and frequented the club.
Dwarf Planet (Long Island, NY)
I completely agree. There is an element here that isn't being explored. What we have is a gay man trapped in a religion that, by and large, is not accepting of that identity. It could be that there is no real ISIS connection. Just another mass shooter who wanted extra publicity (well, he got it) by claiming he's part of the terrorist group. Anyone who wants to get in the news can claim they're "inspired" by ISIS, like those teens a few months back who chanted "ISIS! ISIS!" in the Bronx as they beat up a Muslim man.
Abby (Tucson)
Was he casing the joint or was her really gay? I see, now, he may have been splitting himself into more pieces than two!
Lianna (Potomac, MD)
Donald should explain to us how a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country would have prevented the attack in Orlando. The killer was born in NEW YORK. He lived in FLORIDA. The killer was AMERICAN. Trump's speech was nothing more than nativist trash. I am by no means Hillary Clinton's biggest fan, but at least her speech proposed actual solutions on how to stop home-grown terrorists. The rant Trump was on proved that he had zero facts about the attack and decided to use it as an opportunity to promote his agenda of fear. The vile and hateful non-sense that spews from his mouth is absolutely disgusting. He should be embarrassed. I know that I am.
grannychi (Grand Rapids, MI)
Somehow I think that a president who sees fit to bar any media outlet that he doesn't like is a greater threat to our national security. No contrast there with the world's dictatorships.
Jeff Lovejoy (Rochester, NY)
I don't understand how these arguments have gotten so emotional.

Every time one of these terrorist attacks takes place, bringing up the Constitution or the Bill of Rights makes you a terrorist, an even bigger terrorist than the radicalized Muslim extremists who are bringing death to places like New York City, Boston, San Bernardino, Orlando, and elsewhere.

The NRA is just despised in all this commentary, worse than the Taliban, worse than al Qaida, worse than ISIS, worse than anybody. Why is this? The NRA's sole purpose is the defense of the Constitution of the United States of America, and the Bill of Rights. That is it. The real question here should be: "Why are we all not members of the NRA?"

You might as well be a radicalized Muslim extremist, because defending the right to own and bear arms makes you something worse -- a gun nut. A gun crazy.

The commentary, mainly by those who obviously don't own a gun, is just vicious, uncivilized. The hatred is amazing. And that is all it is. Just hatred.

It would be one thing to require everyone to own a gun. So why all the hatred?

Because those responsible for bringing this level of terror to "their" vaunted "homeland" would rather foment hatred to cover their failures, at a time when Americans need to defend themselves most, because those responsible for the country's safety and security are not -- the mass media and our own government.

Don't ban guns, ban those responsible.
AC (Minneapolis)
The NRA's purpose is to promote the sale of guns. They used to be a gun safety organization but that ceased long ago.

How do you ban a US citizen?
Scott Rose (Manhattan)
I wonder what the editors and others thing of this:
Brussels, Belgium in recent decades went from having a 1% to a 24% Muslim population.
When, recently, two Muslims were elected to the Brussels city government, they held a press conference and announced their goal over time of turning Belgium into an Islamic state under Sharia law.
Their constituents left them in office.
Smith (New York, NY)
I wonder how Trump would have reacted to this tragedy had the killer not been Muslim. Had the killer been - oh, I don't know - a decorated American Army veteran with a name like "Timothy McVeigh"? How would his Muslim ban have prevented that?
Wine Country Dude (Napa Valley)
He surely would have been happy to see McVeigh executed, toot sweet. As I remember, a large number of Americans put aside their purported revulsion with capital punishment to support it "in this case". Mr. McVeigh was rather summarily dispatched, with a minimum of candlelight vigils.
Chris (ATL)
Any difference separating Donald Trump and GOP congress supporting him Just melted away. GOP congress members still backing up Trump are nothing but racist and scaremonger.
Peter (Cambridge, MA)
No, Mr. Trump, it's all left-handed red-heads that are the dangerous ones. Or maybe it's folks who refuse to wear ball caps, yeah, that's the ticket.

You want a huge inaccurate over-generalization? How about this one: all white male Republicans are idiots and should be banned from entering the US.

Trump is truly a one-man threat to our national values. When will he start saying that maybe the problem is the Jews?
Nancy (Upstate New York)
How about a ban on homophobes and violent spouse abusers instead? Or rather, how about just simply stopping them from buying assault weapons?
Jerry Sturdivant (Las Vegas, NV)
Donald Trump promised he’d kill the family of terrorists. This terrorist’s father is a given, but Trump should be asked if he’d kill this terrorist’s previous wife and kid, or just the present ones he left behind. And would he have waited until after the press interviewed them.