Crossing the Line: How Donald Trump Behaved With Women in Private

May 15, 2016 · 799 comments
Sheldon (Toronto)
I can understand the comments criticizing the Times for running this type of story. I can understand the comments criticizing the tone of the story, even if I don't think those criticisms are fair. Similarly, I wasn't too happy to see the Times running story after story after story on Clinton and her emails and thought they were overkill but I wasn't surprised, that's what the Times does.

But I'm disappointed by those choosing to believe the women who say they were misquoted rather than believe that this was an issue of women who didn't like seeing how their words appear in print. Are these commenters that ignorant of the media or at its limits, media and the law? Granted that public figures, like Trump, would have to prove that not only was the Times wrong, but it was maliciously wrong to win a defamation lawsuit, but some of the women aren't public figures and wouldn't have to prove the Times was malicious per Sullivan.
The lawyers would have certainly been involved and they would have gone over every word and required that the women had been quoted accurately. Almost certainly, every quote would have been backed up by recordings.

Not surprisingly, according to CNN, during her Fox interview, "Brewer Lane did not dispute any of the specific quotes or ask for a correction."

Gee, I wonder if those commenters who said the women were misquoted will apologize. My guess is no, they'll just do the Donald.
lds (outside of new york)
Now that this story has been debunked I assume this changes many of the heavily recommended comments? and opinions?
Zack (Chicago)
Will the NYT print a retraction re: Rowanne Brewer Lane's pushback on the Times' slant?

Lane said - “Obviously they feel like they need to do something to make him look bad or go along with their article,” Brewer Lane said.

“Why do you think the left — the mainstream media — is so obsessed with just creating this headline about how Donald Trump treats women?” host Ainsley Earhardt asked.

“I don’t know. I think that they’re just reaching for straws,” Brewer Lane said, adding that her manager has reached out to the reporter to say they would be telling her side of the story.

“It just gives journalists a bad name, but I’m glad you’re here to set the record straight,” Earhardt said.
SKM (geneseo)
The new public editor certainly has her work cut out for her.
Said Ordaz (Manhattan)
Hey NYT, apparently you're not totally on the level here.

Explain yourself:

Carrie Prejean Boller, who was featured in The New York Times’ piece on Trump’s alleged treatment of women, spoke out tonight on “Hannity” about being misrepresented in the article.
Elizabeth (Chicago, IL)
The article quoted directly out of Prejean's book, and at some length. How is she being misrepresented? Perhaps she has economic reasons for wanting to curry favor with Trump.
mm (LA)
People who don't like Trump are clearly in denial. Despite all evidence, they want to interpret everything in different ways.
Chrissyml (Vancouver)
No, the story that was in her book was reinterpreted by the so-called reporters. Just like Michael and Megan decided for Ms. Brewer Lane that she had had a "debasing encounter" with Donald Trump, they interpreted a story Carrie had written in her book to suit their agenda. Lies of omission are still lies. The New York Times should be embarrassed to employ these people because they have shown no journalistic integrity whatsoever.
B. M. (PA)
Besides revealing his tax returns, maybe Donald Trump should reveal himself in a Speedo before we vote in November. Extra points for walking around in high heels. This would be consistent with the way he judges other people.
SKM (geneseo)
How very odd that none of the "Readers' Picks" are dated beyond May 14. How very, very odd.
Barb (The Universe)
Not odd at all. Readers picks are simply listed in the order of which comments get the most "likes." Nothing strange about it.
Jesse (Boulderado)
Trump is clearly a sexist womanizer who looks at women as objects first, people second. And while that's not exactly new news, it's good to see it chronicled and looked into a bit more in depth.

Now let's dig into his business dealings and tax returns!
Christopher Rillo (San Francisco, CA)
When I picked up the Sunday paper and saw the banner headline, I anticipated some salacious and troubling allegations. Although I am a Republican, I am not a Trump fan, in large part because of his troubling personality, including misogynist conduct. As I read the article, however, it became clear that the most it had to say was that he liked beautiful women (which I hope is not a crime) and judged beauty pageant contestants based upon their physical attractiveness, which is the essence (like it or not) of such events. The actual allegations, in fact were silly. Trump offered a date a swimsuit, which she voluntarily changed into in private and commented that she was very attractive? As the article admits the woman and Trump dated extensively, implying a close relationship, and such conduct occurs in normal social dating interaction. The most graphic allegation was that Trump called some office staff "honeybunch" but they wee not offended. Since they were not offended, probably because they understood that the term was an endearment and he treated them well otherwise, its really a non issue. Unfortunately the article seems to lack objectivity and probably should have been quashed. In this crazy campaign season, we will need the NYT to keep us all sane and write objective fair articles. There is enough fodder to parse for both candidates without writing that Trump mistreats women because he asked a date who didn't bring a bathing suit to change into a suit.
Andrew (U.S.A.)
Because of the magnitude of the distortion of the facts presented, I may not renew my subscription.
Donna (Idaho)
It is clear that with women, Donald is at times creepy and boorish, and at times charming and a perfect gentleman. He isn't hiding anything from us here. Besides, didn't we decide at the end of the Bill Clinton era, that we "didn't care how one behaves in private"?

Those of us with a deathly fear of a Trump presidency should really focus on what makes that prospect truly terrifying. When do we get to learn what he may well be hiding? Is he really as successful as he says he is? Is he really worth billions? When will we learn about Trump University? An ad juxtaposing Trump's pronouncement about how "great" Trump University will be along side the lawsuit now pending would be a start. Let's get a full financial disclosure from him, and I think we will find that the Emperor has no clothes.
Chris Moser (Alberta, Canada)
Someone at the NYT needs to write an article like this about Bill Clinton.
Tofugawa (Edo)
Old, moldy hat, not running for prez, irrelevant tit for tat.
Bonnie Smith D (Austin TX)
I am disappointed that the NYT is choosing to highlight this issue which is tabloid in nature. It really comes as no surprise nor is it unique to Donald Trump but seemingly epidemic among the rich and powerful men. We are talking about the Presidency! Let's focus on more substantive issues such as foreign policy knowledge, environmental awareness, immigration reality, diplomacy, etc. Rise above it NYT and don't let Trump reality show drama lead the way.
mm (LA)
I think it's too late now. The NYT could choose to cover tough issues, but every single time they fall into this trap, they love to talk about politics and sex.
Robert (ND)
Just like the NYT can get to a higher standard, so too can both candidates. As they say: past performance is not indicative of future results, and I believe both Trump and Clinton could administrate well (if with different styles/goals).
Chrissyml (Vancouver)
Gee, Carrie Prejean was on Fox News saying that she didn't give Barbaro and Twohey the dirt they wanted and so they took a passage from her book and twisted it.

Like I said before, read the piece carefully, people. Bringing up the number of people interviewed is meant to lead the reader to believe everything written is from an interview, but many of the stories presented aren't from interviews with the women.
Elizabeth (Chicago, IL)
The article quoted a lengthy excerpt from Prejean's book. How is that "twisting" anything?

Donald Trump walked out with his entourage and inspected us closer than any general ever inspected a platoon. He would stop in front of a girl, look her up and down, and say, “Hmmm.” Then he would go on and do the same thing to the next girl. He took notes on a little pad as he went along. After he did this, Trump said: “O.K. I want all the girls to come forward.” …

Donald Trump looked at Miss Alabama.

“Come here,” he said.

She took one more step forward.

“Tell me, who’s the most beautiful woman here?”

Miss Alabama’s eyes swam around.

“Besides me?” she said. “Uh, I like Arkansas. She’s sweet.”

“I don’t care if she’s sweet,” Donald Trump said. “Is she hot?” …

It became clear that the point of the whole exercise was for him to divide the room between girls he personally found attractive and those he did not. Many of the girls found the exercise humiliating. Some of the girls were sobbing backstage after he left, devastated to have failed even before the competition really began to impress “The Donald.”
Kevin (New Hampshire)
Even IF everything in this fraudulent article were true... it pales to insignificance compared to Hillary's record of bullying and terrorizing the women that were victimized by Bill. There's the real story! But we won't be reading that story anytime soon in this liberal rag.
pieceofcake (not in Machu Picchu anymore)
and after watching Megy Kelly interviewing Drumpf - I just wonder when the NYT -(and it's 'jounalists') show the same type of 'journalistic matter of fact'?

This 'blond Lady' put every insult the Drumpf threw at women -(and at her) in a manner on the table which makes these two nice journalists who wrote this story here look like the reporters of a (censored) High School Journal.

No criticism intented as a love my High School Journals - but that's just not the way Drumpf - and his likes communicate anymore. As we know the words he likes to use (especially for women) are the words Kelly quoted in her first approach of him - and quoted make it nearly impossible for a comment passing moderation at the comment section of the NYT.

And that was - is - really the problem of this article and probably the main problem of the NYT in trying to report about Drumpf but having to do it so civilzed or 'political correct' that you guys are no match for somebody who isn't all of the above.

It's like not passing a comment - where the commenter points to Jennifer Lawrence comment about Trumpf while the wole readership is painflully aware of all the comments Drumpf pointed at women - and he is the one - who quite sucessfully came up with the idea: 'I just quoted somebody else!)

Now - will you guys improve - or will this comment again be censored?
It's not as bad - as if a Blonde from Fox makes an even better ad for Drumpf -by smilingly putting every 'Bimbo-word on the table.
Jane (New Jersey)
It appears that Hillary is married to the same kind of man......
Chrissyml (Vancouver)
Unlike Bill Clinton, the women Trump dated didn't accuse him of rape and indecent exposure.
Sam (Clawson, Michigan)
Does it bother any of you who cheered this article that the primary focus of this article disavows the letter and the spirit of what portraying Donald Trump as a sexist monster? In interview after interview she tried to set the record straight about her encounter with Donald Trump. She said he was a gentleman and in no way demeaned her.

The bathing suit issue is of particular interest to me because, on its face, it makes no sense why it's even mentioned in the article. Why are you people up in arms about a man asking a woman, at a pool party, if she would like to borrow a swim suit? Her side of the story makes perfect sense while the author's obvious spin lacks credibility or any semblance of objectivity. The article belongs either on the opinion page or the gossip page, certainly, it should not have been presented as news.
Carol (Midwest USA)
It's a personal decision to decide whether or not Trump's treatment of women is boorish, sexist, etc, or not. I think it is. Apparently Brewer Lane did not. But his reaction to the reporting of his behavior, threatening a lawsuit and demanding a retraction, reveal a deep character flaw-he has an uncontrollably bad temper. If he is elected, let's just hope that other heads of state who their own "nuclear codes" don't have twitter.
Robert (ND)
His supporters would argue that he would stand up for our country the same way, and it's highly unlikely that they would see defending one's reputation as a character flaw. And celebrities do sue papers for libel all the time, it's not that unusual.
Provvidenza (Ontario, Canada)
Dump Trump
Diane (Mike)
For all those opportunities The Donald provided women because he was a "shrewd" business man and noted that women worked harder than men, I wonder if he paid the women the same salary as he would have paid men.
James Van Vuren (Seattle)
Trump's ex-girlfriend didn't think Trump's asking her to put on a bikini within moments of first meeting her was offensive? What a surprise. But what else would you expect from someone capable of dating Donald Trump.
Annik (San Diego, CA)
Why would anyone want their mother's, daughter's, sister's or friend's lives in his hands? I'm scared to death of the prospect.
mm (LA)

WOW. This is becoming laughable. Carrie Prejean Boller, former miss USA just said some good things about Mr. Trump. Laughable isn't the right word to describe this anymore. It is disturbing how NYT behaved with these women! SHAME. I can't even
king (massachusetts)
Ms. California on Hannity now, calling NYT liars for what they say out of context. Ms. Cali defends Trump contrary to NYT article. Seems to be trending here.
Annik (San Diego, CA)
Hannity?! Yes. that most venerated of reporters. That Trump lover. Who needs facts (the multiple people quoted in this article here)? It's funny that people are directly quoted yet turn up on the news a day later to disavow their words. Actually, not funny. It's sad. Trump will always be a bully. Read his book.
Jeff (Virginia)
Carrie Prejean was just on the news explains that they New York Times took an excerpt of her book out of context. She went on to say that she is grateful of Donald Trump and how he is a great man....the New York Times should have published the next couple of lines of her book to get the real honest story. Check it out for yourself....she was just on Hannity explaining. Don't believe the liberal media!
Annik (San Diego, CA)
Kind of hard to discount her words here. These are her words too in this article. He bullies people. Don't fall for his tactics. This is not Russia. We need a media. Trump wouldn't survive without it. Seriously. He would literally deflate. Nothing behind the bluster. I have faith in people. We are not stupid. He truly believes we are. The people who avoid him will have better long term careers. A narcissist is empty. They lack empathy and will smile at someone then turn around and stab them if it suits them.
Ross Strickland (Stuart, Florida)
Well said. NY Times, how about an unbiased story....just once?
Chrissyml (Vancouver)
Honestly, you need re-read the piece carefully, Annik. The words "Their accounts--many relayed here in their own words" differs from saying "these women were directly quoted word for word"."

The authors go on to write,"...according to the interviews, as well as court records and written recollections."

Just as Ms. Brewer Lane never said she felt debased, a story Carrie Prejean wrote in her book was re-interpreted by the authors, who figured they knew what really happened.
Kay (Connecticut)
A narcissist. A petulant child. An inveterate liar. Self-deluded. God help us all if he actually wins.
Catherine J. (South Carolina)
Since they went all the way back to boarding school in the 60s where oh my goodness- a teenage boy liked pretty girls- I am surprised they didn't interview one of his pre-school female classmates- perhaps he pulled her pig tail when she stole his cookie at snack time- I mean, the world needs to know!
nadkar (St. Louis)
I'm confused. How is Donald Trump different than many of the presidents we have had? I am sure if every presidential candidate in our history would have been subjected to the same level of scrutiny with respect to the treatment of women, we could easily substitute their names into this article with only minor alterations! And let me tell you, I have Donald Trump! He's horrible! Unbelievable!
Bill Kabbaj (New York City)
What the article misses is that Trump treats men / male colleagues similarly. I don't think he'll bite his tongue whether speaking to a women or insulting a guy. Equal opportunity after all perhaps.
Kevin (NYC)
This is a man who in the 1990's purchased a high-end Manhattan condo so his mistress could live in it and then defaulted on the debt to the bank saying he shouldn't have to pay them. At what point do people just say that is not the type of person you want as your national political leader.
SarahinTexas (San Antonio)
Meh. There are at least a dozen more compelling reasons not to support Donald Trump as a presidential candidate than his immature attitude toward women. And I say this as a 34-year-old feminist woman.
Ramón (Santa Fe)
This piece is not journalism. It belongs in the supermarket tabloids. Are the authors going to be fired or will they be allowed to continue writing this type of trash ? This makes me reconsider why do I even bother subscribing to the Times.
RHM (Pennsylvania)
You mean to say, you pay money to read their stories? Man, really!
RHM (Pennsylvania)
The article does give an insight into Mr. Trump's personality. But your characterization, clearly, is flawed with Ms. Brewer Lane so completely negating it--and so quickly. It appears that the journalist-duo selectively extracted her statements, without giving credence to the tone (irony!), the purpose, and the impression Ms. Lane wanted to convey. There should be a credit rating for newspapers. And when such less than creditworthy news appear, your points go down.
eaguthrie (chesterfield, va)
it wasn't a pool party she was at, it was a job as a model to provide female decoration around a pool for 30 male guests. perhaps it was a paid job, I don't know, some say. but she was there at the bequest of a modeling agency, not an invited guest, she was the paid entertainment. just the fact that trump hired 50 women to be there should tell you something about his (and many men's) attitude towards women.
MissyMooMoo (cape cod)
The women interviewed for this smear campaign have complained that their stories were misrepresented.
Will the NYT be hunting down the women that Hillary demonized after they came forward with complaints of being sexually abused and harassed by Bill?
Angela Atterbury (US)
Why pay any attention to an orange-faced combover? Really. Why? The mouth. The orange. The combover. All signs of insecurity. Ego. And ignorance.
RHM (Pennsylvania)
So what?
jacquelinehdavis (<br/>)
please everyone VOTE--- Let's make him a "Loser" -- the most painful
ending he could experience. Can you imagine? Trump----Loser!!
Doesn't that make you smile?
Patagonia (Maitland)
Now Trump is threatening with a lawsuit, this should be fun.
Kels (Tanley)
I will start by saying this: The thought of a Trump victory terrifies me. I have heard the public things he has said about women. and those statements are atrocious. I think Trump is atrocious. This article makes me VERY uncomfortable. A supposedly reputable mainstream news publication, doing a huge story, and (besides Trump's public statements I mentioned) ALL based on hearsay. Nothing in this story can be verified. . This was not done to Bill Clinton. This has never been done to any liberal politician, and there have been plenty that would match the level of "facts" in this story. The "NYT picks" on commentary for this article are supportive of the NYT. Trump is scary. What the NYT is doing is just as scary. This story is outright political propaganda, and the NYT pretty much makes no bones about it. It may be political propaganda against someone who frankly should never hold office. But that does not matter. Again, this is truly scary.
RHM (Pennsylvania)
It reminds me of WaPo suggesting extra-constitutional measures, if necessary, to remove Trump. The fact is he is an egoist (as if other politicians are babes in the woods), but makes no attempt to show that that is what he is. Crude? Maybe. Unpolished? Maybe. But so what? He has big ideas at least.
C.C. Kegel,Ph.D. (Planet Earth)
Mr. Trump is almost as bad as the legendary philanderer Bill Clinton. I overlooked that in Clinton. What I cannot overlook is Hillary Clinton's use of "Mrs." instead of "Ms."
She and the NYT have set gender neutral language back 40 years. This is more basic to feminism than abortion.
SarahinTexas (San Antonio)
As with changing one's name after marriage, using Mrs. versus Ms. is entirely a matter of choice.
Todd Fox (Earth)
You insult your sisters. What prefix we use is our CHOICE.
Todd Fox (Earth)
If Hillary dropped the prefix "Mrs." she'd have to revert to her original name, Rodham, and she would lose the power and cachet of being a "Clinton."

The two of them campaigned as "two for the price of one." That is still implied, as evidenced by her recent announcement that Bill will be in the White House again with the assignment to fix the economy.

The rest of us are free to define ourselves as we choose and to use whatever prefix suits us. Many women still change their name when they marry or even establish a new shared surname as a way of representing to the world that they are a family and that they consider their partnership permanent, primary and important. This in no way diminishes feminism.
Lucia (<br/>)
It’s about time the media takes the gloves off and lets all of us know the deep depravity and ignorance Trump displays.
kglavin (California)
Bravo to the NY Times and I just heard about Trump's law suit threat. I will donate to any legal defense fund.
Sharon5101 (Rockaway Beach Ny)
It was the New York Times that finally crossed the line. See what happens when the revered Paper of Record becomes desperate for the ultimate Donald Trump "gotcha" story? After months of grasping at straws the best the Times can come up with now is an old yearbook photo of a teenage Donald Trump with a sheepish grin on his face walking hand in hand with his high school sweetheart with the caption reading LADIES MAN. Or--horror of horrors--Fred Trump ignored Ivana's request for fish and ordered a steak for her despite her objections?? Somehow I don't see this so called expose winning next year's Pulitzer Prize.
Chrissyml (Vancouver)
The NYT should be ashamed of its low standards for journalism. The authors claim to have interviewed more than 50 people and this is the best they could do? By mention "more than 50 people were interviewed", the reader assumes every story is from an interview, but this is not the case. The Ivana story, and a number of others here, comes from a man who wrote a biography on Trump. Much of the biography on Trump comes from such 'impartial' sources such as articles appearing in the NYT and Washington Post. One "source" is from a deposition more than 25 years old. The 'journalists' even write that the author of the deposition declined to talk to them!
SEA (Glen Oaks,NJ)
I am mystified how anyone with any ethics, morals or heart could even
consider voting for this jerk. That's all he is- an egomaniac, a creep, a
spoiled and coddled rich brat. Wake up, America !
Ignacio Rodriguez, M.D. (Fl)
With this article the NYT has hit a new low! Many of the women interviewed have complained that they were quoted out of context. Let's see you do an article on their comments on National TV! Your obvious bias is poor journalism!
RHM (Pennsylvania)
From your name, may I take the liberty to assume you are of hispanic descent? And that you are a physician? If so, I have always had this question: why does the media assume that all legal immigrants of hispanic origin would support bringing in illegal immigrants (immigrants without papers) from other countries? I would not support anyone trying to sneak in from India into the US illegally. For example.
John King (St. Petersburg, FL)
By all means, let's drive "sexism" from our midst. If men keep on liking women as this article shows Mr. Trump clearly does, who knows where the world will end up? Why, we could have women liking men too! Perish the thought.
susan paul (asheville,NC)
Once again I write that all this anti-Trump documentation and detail needs to be in the newspapers that support him, not in the NYT!!! How can that be done? It is getting a bit tiresome to be reading basicly the same sickening details of a sickening personality over and over again, for months in the NYT. I don't mind if it will effect change in the way people vote, but it would be so much more effective in a more Trump supportive publication, wouldn't it?
mm (LA)
Ironic that this article is titled "Crossing the Line"... NYT has definitely crossed the line. It's been a waste of my time for the past few days...
tompe (Holmdel)
This article is a lie. Shame on the NYT and its reporters.
Cyndee (Texas)
Ha! Does anyone remember the way the Kennedy brothers treated women? Why is the media so biased? Let's talk about HILLARY'S treatment of women.
gatorboots (Austin, TX)
This is awful, disgusting, and definately on par with treating all people like dirt similar to the Nevada Democratic Primary.

Come on NYT! Really. Misogyny, bigotry, and racism are very unacceptable. Some people are good some are deeply flawed; however, we already all agree it is wrong to subordinate women. Many presidents have a long history of doing such. Maybe we should remove their images from public display.

This is as unacceptable as mult-billion dollar contracts awarded to Clinton Foundation allies. Where is the reporting in regard to the panama papers which implicate HIllary Clinton is an unprecedented amount of global corruption? Gilbert Chagoury, a Boko Haram supporter? Hillary directly receiving money from a man who actually supports murdering women and disfiguring their genitals.

Report on the world's most powerful woman, inline for the oval office, glad-handing the global elite while doling out favors to men who actually kill women.
jane landam (florida)
Just another biased article about a republican. What a surprise!! With regard to Ms. Brewer: she showed up at a POOL PARTY and Trump asked her to put on a bathing suit because everyone else was in swim suits. How awful! If she didn't want to put on a swimsuit, she could have declined or left the party. She didn't. She went on to date Donald. When his dad insisted on ordering dinner for Ivana at Tavern on the Green, many of your younger readers don't know that there was actually a time when that was that was considered "polite". Also, one of the comments here says that in order for Trump to hire a woman, she has to be beautiful as well as talented. Did you see the photo of Barbara Res?? The NYT is just looking for dirt on him.
Rhoda M (Mass.)
While Trump certainly prefers good-looking women and has engaged in the standard ways men behave badly, he hasn't asked a state policeman to bring an unsuspecting girl to his hotel room. Where are the Times exposés on the behavior of JFK (atrocious), LBJ (ditto), and Clinton and his randy associates?
Bernacchi (Rome)
Has the staff of NYT spent the same time, energy and resources to dig up dirt on Hillary Clinton? It wouldn't be hard to write a scathing article about all the trash and debris in Hillary's trail. I am not defending Trump but the NYT is far from impartial or objective when it comes to their coverage of this election or their treatment of Hillary Clinton.
Merle McClung (Florida)
Whether it is denying people entry to the US because of their religion, making terrible comments about Mexican immigrants or the constant demeaning patter about women, Trump is off his rocker. He wants to trash the Constitution and sell out America and he considers women as widgets, something to sell to the highest bidder. Trump's ideas are 50 years out of date.
zb (bc)
In recent interviews Ms. Brewer Lane disputed the Times representation of her story. Trump has made much of this to discredit the Times. However, scratch beneath the optics and you find an even dirtier characterization of Mr. Trump’s misogynist relationship with woman.

Ms. Lane has not disputed any fact in the story including the kiss or bikini or parading her around as a “Trump Girl”. To the contrary, according to Ms. Lane’s the facts were accurate except as to how she felt at the time. The Times characterized it as “a debasing face-to-face encounter”, while Ms. Lane calls it a positive experience.

I will not question what Ms. Lane says of her feelings. Its easy to understand an aspiring model in those days might have found the attention from a rich celebrity professionally positive and personally flattering.

What Ms. Lane may be missing, however, is if the story she now reads which is true to the facts, sounds to her that Trump was debasing to woman maybe its because most reasonable people would find such behavior exactly that. There are simple tests Ms. Lane might use: how would she feel if the same was done to her daughter; how would she feel if asked to do it now, or refused her an opportunity if she did not.

There is something else Ms. Lane might consider. While she has acknowledged accuracy of facts – Mr. Trump’s reactions was to say it never happened. Essentially, Mr. Trump called her a liar. I wonder how positive she feels about that?
quantumtangles (NYC)
So, you seem to know Ms. Brewer Lane's story better than Ms. Lane herself. Perhaps you should apply to the NYTimes for an opening as an investigative reporter. You seem well qualified.
SMB (Savannah)
I agree. Unless Mr. Trump was also in a swimsuit, asking her to wear a bikini was basically parading her in skin to show off his "Trump Girl". That is turning her into a sexual object and whether she knows it or not is demeaning.

I suspect more will come out about Mr. Trump that is even worse. His money and his lawsuit threats have no doubt intimidated or buried numerous unsavory episodes. This is not acceptable, including the way he continues to insult women and call basic female bodily functions of public figures "disgusting". This man has very serious problems.
zb (bc)
If you took the time to read you would see everything I said was in the story or Ms. Lane has publicly stated and acknowledged.

But please don't let facts get in the way of your trolling. Perhaps more importantly your comment (and those other trolls who recommended) indicate that you believe Trumps actions (kissing, bikini, parading) were appropriate behavior.
brennandl (columbus ohio)
reading this was a waste of time!
Michael Smith (Boise ID) Donald Trump is no better than Bill Clinton. Should make for an interesting debate go-round in the general election campaign.
TheraP (Midwest)
Ms. Lane was incredulous that her story was perceived, by the writers and a huge segment of readers, as evidence of predatory male behavior.

Why does that not surprise me?

Because, as a therapist, I've met many women who, similarly, did not initially recognize they'd been victimized or abused. Sometimes it took months, even years, before a woman gained enough self-respect to recognize that she'd been hoodwinked, taken advantage of, a victim of harassment or even physical or sexual abuse.

So I understand that even now, Ms. Lane feels unable to see what so many of us, including the writers, view without hesitation, as inappropriate and creepy behavior on the part of Don Juan Trump.

This is 2016. This is America, not Saudi Arabia. And DT is neither a Medieval Prince with droit de seigneur, nor should he get a free pass for such behavior - even if it happened in the past. Because his reprehensible habit of taking advantage of attractive young women is part of a pattern, a pattern of serial and deliberate conning & using women for his own gratification & self-aggrandizement.

He lies about it. He boasts about it. He excuses it.

Who among us would want our young people exposed to such a man as president? Why, you'd have to include a warning at every presidential appearance: "The following event/broadcast may not be suitable for all audiences, due to the potential for troubling language or behavior."

Imagine that...
jacquelinehdavis (<br/>)
VOTE! And make him wear the title he Fears---- Loser!!
That would make us smile!!
Barb (The Universe)
NYT - pick the above comment. Says it all (thank you).
herbie212 (New York, NY)
Hey Michael and Megan, lets do a story about how Bill Clinton behaved with women, and how Hillary Clinton covered for Bill.
Yeah, because that's never been done.
Caffeinated Yogini (Midwest)
Trump is a straight up bully. Now he & his boys are bullying NYT. So I am really to believe that when NYT asked to speak to that former Trump girlfriend, she really believed it would be a "flattering" article? Or is she trying to extend her 15 minutes of fame? And then Trump calls the CNN control room to tell the morning anchors that the girlfriend is telling her real story on Fox? C'mon, now. I've listen to Trump for years on Howard Stern. We are all being fooled. Grow a spine NYT.
Brian Grainger (Alamo, CA)
Go Times!!! I really appreciate you having the guts to do a critical story on Trump knowing that he would threaten to sue. He has bullied the media too long. His treatment of women is abhorrent. I am sure there is a lot of scandal in his business dealings too!
NorthCountryRambler (Schroon Lake, NY)
Perhaps I have become so inured to Mr Trump's behaviors that the rude displays detailed in this article seem trite by comparison, but certainly not worthy of the NYT front page. After a day of listening to this article dissected by the media, and the Donald, I am most angry with the Times - for putting me in a position where I actually side with the man. Shame on us all.
GodzillaDeTukwilla (Carencro, LA)
None of this matters. Trump supporters (men and women) don't care about the facts. They care about the image, the persona. This behavior fits the persona he projects. The best way to go after Trump is to use his thin skin against him.
Robert Fuller (Lafayette)
Biggest waste of print I've ever seen. Alert us when you have something on Trump that's worse than the modus operandi of our average Elephants or Donkeys. They are the ones that have dulled our ethical and moral senses. No one cares if he's a pig - we are used to that.
Kiwon (NJ)
I have been admired and loved NY Times long time. Even thought other people are insisting it is much more inclined to Democrat party side in politics. I have been also supported Democrat for quite a long time. I always think NY Times is a standard and a balanced newspaper in politics. I am very very disappointed with the article two people wrote. I can't even saying they are journalists. They made the conclusion of the story and fit women's stories in it. After 9.11 have caused many America high standards were collapsed. It is one example of the sadness.
Peter J (Akron, Ohio)
I think this article is balanced and it obviously has an agenda, but they do light him in a good light as well. Trump's father was from another generation, many of us have parents that were like that. He has met thousands of people and there were a handful of people who had quasi negative things to say. I don't even think the Lane bikini story is that outrageous. He asked her to use the bathroom to change and not right in front of him or anything like that. The ones who are speaking out against him, based on this reading, could have misunderstood him. There are dynamics to conversation and relationships. I think this article humanizes Trump and overall makes him look better than the image of him out there in the media. I don't think this piece demonizes him per se and he is human, so he is not perfect. But, there are notable stories where he helps women too! Overall, you can see in this article that they are stretching the quasi negative stories they have to sensationalize!
LarryPDX (<br/>)
I am no fan of trump, and after hearing the reporters on MSNBC I was expecting a different story. Apparently no ones disputes the quotes of Ms Brewer Lane.

But the story says:

"But the 1990 episode at Mar-a-Lago that Ms. Brewer Lane described was different: a debasing face-to-face encounter between Mr. Trump and a young woman he hardly knew. This is the private treatment of some women by Mr. Trump, the up-close and more intimate encounters."

One could argue if this is debasing or not, but apparently Ms. Lane did not think so, but the Times implied she did, apparently because they could not get the women who did feel debased with their encounters to go on the record?

Looking past this, trump seems to need to grow up or is it some other problem?

And it is great that the media is finally focusing on him instead of his statements. But New Yorkers who should know him, voted for him. Hopefully this is just hard core Rs without a clue? What else could it be.
quantumtangles (NYC)
Why would yo believe anything these reporters say after they have been discredited? Mr. Brewer Lane was attending a pool party at Mar-a-Lago. Guests were swimming (it was a pool party). Ms. Lane did not have a bathing suit. A bathing suit was offered to Ms. Lane. Ms. Lane accepted. Ms Lane changed in to the bathing suit. Ms. Lane went swimming with the other guests. Sounds scandalous to me!
J. Edward (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
I skipped this article when it first appeared Sunday as too obvious to bother with, and since then it's become a ricochet tool in the broadcast media, where network newscasts can start a story with "A firestorm over a New York Times article has Trump supporters leveling bias charges..." and then the broadcast goes on to echo all of the Trump-as-anti-woman points from the article spending only an obligatory second or two on the objections that have been raised.
Not a Trump supporter here (ever) but I DO know a hit piece when I smell one: “You like your candy,” he told an overweight female executive - well? I've had worse things said to me as an overweight man by female (never male) coworkers. He exhibited "a shrewd reliance on ambitious women" - oh, how sexist of a male businessman! Really? And 50 interviews conducted over the course of 6 weeks, of "women and men who had closely observed his conduct since his adolescence" - whoa! Tell me you didn't have a pre-determined conclusion in mind when you started.
This article is actually helping Trump: none of the findings will seem scandalous to his supporters, and the unabashed drive to portray them as such will signal to them the need for the cultural shift he represents. You have to know by now that the mentality of a Trump supporter is "Go ahead and bash him, you only make me want to vote for him more." So, Thanks NYT, nice going.
Mr. Trump attended an all male military school in the early 1960s, an environment in which women were objectified and thought of as foreign. Over many years in the business world into the 21st century, he appears to have failed to grow out of that attitude. His participation in beauty pageants, an environment in which most adult men would feel strange and uncomfortable, is symptomatic of his failure to adjust to modern realities.

Today's bright young men have the advantage of having women as classmates, colleagues and friends from an early age.
Christopher B. Daly (Boston)
As you know, Ms. Brewer Lane has attempted to distance herself from the comments attributed to her in this article, providing ammunition for Fox News and for Trump himself. Since she has broken faith with you, why not call her bluff and post the audio of your interview with her?
(This should be SOP with sources who lie or try to weasel out of things they actually said.)
Chrissyml (Vancouver)
Ms. Lane didn't claim to feel debased, Christopher; Michael and Megan made THAT claim for her! Ms. Lane said on Fox the same things she said to the Daily Mail last month. Unlike the article about Trump and Ms. Lane which appeared in the Mail, this story is intended to be a smear piece.
quantumtangles (NYC)
You assume that she was lying. Maybe the reason the NYTimes hasn't posted the interview is that she is telling the truth. Bets anyone?
Catherine J. (South Carolina)
Seriously? This article is a joke. If this is the best you can come up with on Donald it proves there are not many skeletons. This is on par with an US Weekly article. He hired women in top positions when this was unheard of, his own daughter is a shining example of a respectful classy business woman, and he has the upmost respect for women and their work ethic. But he treats women as equals which means he will say what he thinks about a person male or female. Isn't it a double standard to act like women should be protected from certain words or comments that a man should not be? This is just liberal dribble with quotes from disgruntled employees and a women who was a model a million years ago and now wants to be relevant- even though she went to Fox News and disputed your article. Don't journalist have something better to research than Donald Trump's past girlfriends...? How about focus on issues for a change. Trump will be the next president- so all of you need to get prepared.
Karen (Ithaca, NY)
Trump's comment on the "attempt to force steak" incident:
"Mr. Trump defended his father’s conduct. “He would’ve said that out of love,” he said. If his father had overruled her fish order, Mr. Trump said, “he would have said that only on the basis that he thought, ‘That would be better for her.’ ”
He refers to his Mom as an "ideal woman" in how she deferred to her husband's every whim.
Do we need any more proof of where Trump pictures women? Sure, he gave some positions of power, but ONLY to his major benefit.
Now I need to take a shower.
Sandra (North Carolina)
Donald Trump says, "no one respects women more than me." Make no mistake, a true hunter ALWAYS respects its prey...
Todd Fox (Earth)
Brilliant comment
TW (Indianapolis In)
How depressing. If we didn't already know that DJT was a misogynistic insecure narcissist, this article hammers it home. Ironically, if we elect HRC this November, we will put another misogynist back in the White House. I truly doubt that Bill has changed his spots. Yup, I for one will miss Barack Obama -the only adult in politics.
Todd Fox (Earth)
A fashion model is asked to change her clothes and to show off her body at a gathering of potential professional contacts by a man who owns a modeling agency. Gee, what a scandal.
Edie Clark (Austin, Texas)
I suspect I am not the only woman for whom this article brought up painful memories. Many of us have been in the difficult position of having a powerful boss make inappropriate advances. This man does not belong anywhere near the most powerful office in the free world.
Catherine J. (South Carolina)
Women who exploit every little thing said by a male boss are the reason women are not hired as often as men. Some model put on a bikini at his request and then she dated him- sounds like she was really upset. A woman was told she likes candy yet she continues to work for him. These women are just trying to be relevant.
Rose (California)
It seems odd to do a hit article on a man who gave strong women opportunities when no one else would. The only reason would be to slam him. Nothing in this article is odd for the period of time. There are no Bill Clinton or Cosby behaviors with Trump, just normal male flirty behavior and lots of giving women opportuity. None of the women said no....or stopped seeing him for his normal behavior. I never saw a NYT article on Obama's drug usage, communist friends and family or lack of experience. The stark difference is startling. And then Hillary just said she would put Bill in charge of the economy. Bill the man who was impeached and who lost his licence to practise law. Bill the man who pushed NAFTA. Our jobs are gone due in part to NAFTA. Now that is a story.
Memma (New York)
Donald Trump seems to lack empathy as is clinically symptomatic of those who have a narcissistic personality disorder. A narcissist is psychologically incapable of seeing anyone else's point of view, which creates chaos.
His insatiable need for self-aggrandizement drives many of his actions, which explains how he can so effortlessly objectify his own daughter as a sexual object. In bragging about her, he is bragging about himself.

Having power and money, he is able to play out his narcissistic desires, no matter how insulting or inappropriate, without fear of repercussions from victimized or compromised women..
He is basking in the attention of a ready-made constituency honed by the right wing GOP, who are cheering him own no matter how vile his words and actions, and he is wallowing in the power he has over them. He is living the Narcissist's dream.

Even in hiring women to head up projects, he makes it clear that men are better, but for his purposes, women will work harder. A narcissist will manipulate and exploit any situation to their advantage. They know no other way.

this article is balanced, but it has imbued him with a complexity that he does not seem to possess. Yes, he is crude and denigrating toward some women, and seems to be gracious and fair toward others, but that does not mean he is perplexingly hard to fathom.
If one keeps in mind that a narcissist's only goal in life is self-aggrandizement, he is really a very shallow and simple man.
TheraP (Midwest)
I agree with DT's lack if complexity. I'd say instead that he uses smoke screens, fudge factors, to assist in lying right and left. It's not complexity at all, but evidence of a Con artist - saying everything and nothing.

The man lacks total credibility.
hil (SM CA)
Great comment. Agree. Totally.
jacquelinehdavis (<br/>)
Let's VOTE and make him a LOSER--- What would he fear more than
Loser Trump? Doesn't that make you smile?
NVFisherman (Las Vegas,Nevada)
Trump is a big phony and gets away with it since he has money. The economy is in a recession. There are a lot of women without jobs. If Trump can get this country moving again all the sexism will be forgotten. Women (and men) need good jobs.
SingTen (ND)
The people who think this is just a NYT expose for Clinton are clearly so rabidly anti-Clinton or don't recognize misogyny when it hits them in the face. Women are so objectified in this culture that it is hard for many, both men and women, not to see it as "normal". Women will never achieve equal status to men in this country until they can strut down the street with a paunch and bald and still see themselves as hot.
WR (Midtown)
Interesting that Brewer Lane, who has taken CNN to refute this hit piece, is actually a Hillary supporter. This article and it's writer / editor need to be investigated by a neutral third party. Perhaps like the Rolling Stone hit piece, the Columbia School of Journalism should find out what really went on here.

This does not bode well for the "newspaper of record".
ltcolskippyusmc (33351)
So the picture of the Donald is not one that most mothers would want their daughters to date. Three marriages marred by multiple affairs and he is going to attack Bill Clinton? Hypocrisy, thy name is Trump.
Fibonacci (White Plains, NY)
When you are full of yourself, way full of yourself, you lose sight of the merit, value and significance of others. Empathy, respect, tolerance and compassion are lost. Others are viewed as peons not peers, and (mis) treated accordingly (even if you think you aren't).

The USA doesn't need another God above the rest of us. It needs a leader who respects all humans regardless of race, color, sexual orientation, etc., and who can bring the best of all of us.
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
Here on Capitol Hill, we watched in complete horror as Michael Barbaro and Megan Twohey, the purveyors of the now discredited, ridiculed Trump article, defended themselves and refused to apologize to Ms. Brewer-Lane, who flat out accused them of lying to and about her.

As a Black attorney in Washington DC, a great deal is learned during the course of a trial by non-verbal communication, which can often serve as evidence. Neither of the two NYT reporters looked directly into the camera, or made direct eye contact with the interviewer.

That is an absolute give away of guilt when you are being asked a question about something you've done. If you can't own your actions enough to look someone in the eye and defend it, that's a problem.

I was already a Trump voter, just based on the damage Barack Obama has done to the Black community over the years. But this cinches it for me and millions of others.
vince (New jersey)
Frankly I would have difficulty letting them into my house to watch my dog
Stafford2CJ (MI)
@DCBarrister. Thank you, sir. The fact that you see that this president has only done harm to the black community gives me hope. In the name of unity and hope he has divided us along as many lines as he could.
Heather (here)
My thought is that it's pretty sickening when a journalist who is biased uses their skills to try to influence voters with lies and deceit. After hearing from Donald's ex Brewer Lane and how she stated that they left out stuff, it sickens me the way media behaves like children today. And I'm not even sure who I'm voting for. But this doesn't sit right with me.
Diane (Montclair, NJ)
Thank you for the article. I and every woman I know have sensed these things about Trump. It's nice to have some facts to back up the perceptions.
quantumtangles (NYC)
"facts!?" please check that and watch Ms. brewer lane's CNN interview.
I wonder what is more ridiculous - this article or the comments on this article. Demonstrates the liberal sheep mentality and confirmation bias.

These are the comments from Rowanne Brewer Lane, the women who Trump has supposedly "debased" - “He never made me feel like I was being demeaned in any way,” He never offended me in any way. He was very gracious.” She is planning to vote for Trump this election.

This is Time's intellectual dishonesty at its best.
FXQ (Cincinnati)
I saw the interview by the woman who claims that these reporters distorted and took out of context her story. I also saw the rebuttal by the reporters who say they interpreted correctly what she told them. NOT. Guys, obviously you didn't report accurately what she was telling you. She just said so. Now, Trump can point to her and throw discredit, or at least doubt, on the entire story which is probably ninety nine point nine percent true. And her rebuttal of your story is now bigger than your story. You blew it.
Inna (New York, NY)
I hate Trump but this is very low.
L Fitzgerald (NYC)
So the fact the Rowanne Brewer Lane now disputes the NYT's characterization of her direct quotes is evidence that this article was a merit-less hit piece. Hmmm. It's clear that Ms. Lane saw professional value in putting herself in Donald Trump's path. The fact that she regards this strategy as positive (and successful) and that Trump "was a gentleman" is not relevant.

The point? Women — even those pursing careers in entertainment — should not have to run the Trump gauntlet to succeed, to be "stunning Trump girls," to advance their careers. Trump is hardly the only powerful and value-free man to routinely direct women into their underwear or bikinis or his tower. Some women (and men) look at this as the cost of doing business. But what of those who don't? Who regard it as what it is? And for those who think this doesn't happens in the workplace, in eveyrday interaction, across all strata, I got a candidacy I wanna sell you.

The point Barbaro and Twohey make with Ms. Lane's own words is how childish and inappropriate and disqualifying a lifetime of this Trumptastic stuff really is. It may have well served Ms. Lane but it won't serve the United States.
Peter Cooperman (Avon, Ct)
Howard Stern for Vice President.
Inveterate (Washington, DC)
Trump's behavior with women may seem odious. But it gives to everyone a signal derived from evolution that he is a very fit leader. Such fit leaders have huge egos and great reproductive success. So, the more the stories about women come out, the more likely people (including many women) are to vote for him!
Mark Schaeffer (Somewhere on Planet Earth)
This piece, with innuendos and suggestions, is not good investigative or responsible journalism. This might give Trump more ammunition to attack this paper (and it does need some serious the paper is beginning to look like "yellow journalism") and Ms Clinton. What a terrible move on the part of NYT. Just as cunning crafty self serving women, using their bodies, slept with Bill Clinton, knowing he was a married man and a Governor running for the Presidency, only to later "tell all" (which is disgusting enough) with exaggerations and fabrications for money, for publicity and because of their stupidity (which was used by the Republicans well), we have pretty girls who spread their legs for a job or a career "talking about the Donald" after they have worn his bikini for him and paraded themselves to him. How badly brought up are these women. My wife is an educated woman with a Ph.D. and I respect women a lot...but it is difficult to respect any woman who sleeps with a man, married, rich and/or famous, and then "tells all" or "tells it to journalists, or so called journalists". These are not just whoring women, they are also pimping themselves for money, fame and publicity. How does NYT fall for this. The Donald might be a disgusting vulgar greedy uncouth misogynist, but these women who give interviews about men they slept with or dated decades later are not angels. They are just as bad...and enable men like Donald to remain the way they are.
Dee Dee (Iowa)
Creepy Donald.
vince (New jersey)
I guess that the Times no longer publishes either honest journalism....or comments that disagree ....this hit piece which even your own quoted lead source says was a dishonest representation of her comments and the lack of dissenting comments below indicate a pattern of selection not representative of honest journalism.
ltcolskippyusmc (33351)
He denies all the allegations that he treats women like a piece of meat, but we have him on tape doing just that; . “You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of asp.”

I guess a complete narcissist like him with the proof on tape will still deny it. He can't help it.
Reggie (Florida)
A piece of asp? Now he is going after snakes? So confusing....
sethblink (LA)
Anybody who thinks this article is going to do anything to hurt Donald Trump's chances to win the election is deluding themselves. There is no behavior described here that should be surprising to anybody, pro or anti Trump. Much of the stuff is hearsay, and the fact that one interview subject has questioned the authors' interpretation of her story highlights the main problem with stories like this. Even those of us who would never want Trump to be President (and I count myself among them) and who have voted for Bill Clinton twice have to admit that Trump's track record with women is no worse than Clinton's. Much better to focus on policy where both Clinton's run rings around Donald and leave this stuff alone.
Rwest (Ok)
sethblink: ?
NAFTA, Hundred of thousands of jobs move to China, and Mexico..
Millions of Jobs in the USA moved over seas, due to Clinton, Hillary said just today she was putting Bill back in charge. What The Heck.
Jobs are just starting to dwindle back from these over seas ventures and you want to renew. You think they run rings around Trump, They are what brought on the housing crisis.
joannar (CA)
kind of creepy when all comments on a biased article are praising it in lockstep. NYT, have the integrity to print comments disagreeing with your bias. stop censoring.
why not a misogynist comparison piece between trump, the serial boor and Hillary's husband, bill Clinton, the serial philanderer?
Karen (Ithaca, NY)
Because Bill isn't running for president.
Erik Thompson (Leucadia, CA)
But he was, and the hit pieces were not.
Judy (Pittsburgh)
Too funny, you serious ?
Leanne Brown (Lake Arrowhead, CA)
Some, many, or possibly all of your published stories are half, quarter, or quite possibly contain no truths at all. This is not to say that many/most men don't consider themselves strong women magnets. However, your publication and your reporters have an obvious agenda. Many of these women have since been interviewed on television. They are annoyed and concerned with your lack of objectivity, & fair, accurate reporting. They maintain you have used misleading, out of context situations, and/or completely fabricated conversations that had supposedly taken place. Not quite sure why reporters compromise their journalistic credentials and abilities to push a political agenda.
Bcb (16333)
Until the last decade, the television news media, both at the local and national levels, hired some smart women but their was also a requirement that they were attractive and skinny. Media as hypocrite yet again.
Jim Dwyer (Bisbee, AZ)
The Grey Lady has spoken. The Donald should look ashamed, but he won't.
Erik Thompson (Leucadia, CA)
The Gray Lady...
used to be relevant.
serenescientist (`London)
I'm shocked that Donald Trump likes hot chicks. Amazing.

Maybe next you could look at Bill Clinton's treatment of women, and how Hillary has stood by him through that?
John MacGowan (New York)
Absolutely pathetic on part of the New York Times .
WestSider (NYC)
NYT recently announced its intention to expand international coverage. Shouldn't they be focusing on accurate (Brewer Lane refutal) real news coverage in US first? Too many opinion columnist who gives us repetitive whine (Roger Cohen comes to mind), too few substantive reportage.
Dave (NY)
I am embarrassed for this newspaper. I have been a New York Times subscriber for over 15 years. I am the furthest thing from a Trump supporter; however, this article is poisoned with the bias, clear and what can only be said as probably one of the most slanted and propaganda type articles ever written. This is something that a Russian newspaper/never mind, Mr. Putin, would order. Not many of us want to see Mr. Trump elected but I think the majority of us have confidence in the country will survive regardless. Our country will never survive if we have what is supposed to be our most respected, our most reliable and our most prestigious Newsagency be so clearly in the corner of one candidate candidate. Disappointed in your writers
David Hung, Ph.D. (Los Angeles)
If you ignore the insinuating filler/comments and the psychoanalyses in between the quotes and just stake to the quotes, you would find nothing so wrong with Donald Trump's treatment of women.

Sorry NYT, as much as you tried.
Greg Sutter (LA)
I read the article and I watched the CNN and Fox News Reporting of this article. Two women you interviewed NYT claim this was a hit piece. Trump is not the story of this article. Your reporting is NYT. For shame. If I wanted more salacious drivel, I would have read the NY Post and learned about Bill Clinton's courtesan.
Molly (Middle of Nowhere)
Throughout my life I have at times found myself attracted to men most other women found the least physically appealing, and have at times been completely repulsed by men most other women found to be incredibly physically appealing. The difference: their personality.

Are they selfless, caring, charitable, kind, compassionate, have a sense of humor, make others feel good about themselves, interesting, intelligent, have common sense and a good outlook on life? These are the men I find attractive.

Do they behave like Donald Trump: rude, arrogant, narcissistic, selfish, sexist, conceited, inconsiderate and unkind to those around him? I don't care how much money he has or how physically attractive a good deal of the female population finds him, to me he's absolutely disgusting.
Flyer (Nebraska)
Creepy, way immature, and supremely insecure. This guy gives me the willies, and I'm a 65 year old male. Asking about his own teenage daughter's "hot" rating? Sick, sick, sick. Additionally, he lies whenever confronted about his wierdo behavior, and never, ever admits to any of his bizarre schnanigans. God help us.
Mark (Las Vegas)
Everything I needed to know about Donald Trump came up in the first question posed to him in the first Republican debate. Megyn Kelly asked Donald Trump about all the demeaning things he’s called women over the years and asked him to respond to the potential charge that he is part of the war on women. He answered by saying, “I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct.” So, what was Donald Trump trying to say? It sounded to me like he was saying that when he calls a woman a “dog” and she's offended, it’s the woman who has a problem. To which I say, “What kind of %#$ is that???” But, what was particularly troubling to me is hearing the crowd cheering that answer. Forget about policy. Leadership starts and ends with respect for other human beings. And that one answer was all it took to disqualified him from my vote.
Mode (Washington state)
Judging by this article, the only way to approach a women is by walking on eggshells and being an over sensitive beta-male.. The claims made by this article have already been proven to be taken grossly out of context by most of these women!

The ravenous appetite for victimhood, and the transparent bias of the media in this country is sickening.. TRUMP 2016!!

Thanks for censoring my freedom of speech, NYT!
schnauzerfriends (VT)
If the same level of energy were given to expose and report the scandals of both Clintons as well as of Obama, one might consider some of Trump's comments sexist. However, the bias of the NYT is so blatant that any criticism of Trump is not acceptable. Nowhere is Trump given credit for his numerous charitable acts, his business successes, his admirable family, etc. Trump is portrayed as a sexist while Bill's misogynistic history is IGNORED.
Nowhere is the apparent lack of charitable acts noted nor is an examination of the Clinton Foundation's records suggested as needed.
Eisenhower (West of Eden)
This is about the future of not only our Democracy, but of the entire WORLD.
This low brow 'playboy' is not in any way, shape, form (or even one's wildest imagination) even nearly mentally adept enough, knowledgeable enough, intelligent enough, nor psychologically stable enough; to deal with multiple, simultaneous, esoteric threats in the 21st Century... a multi-polar, near instantaneous, thermo-nuclear age.
Mark (Tennessee)
Trump wanted to play with the big kids instead of just a HS bully of grade school types. He's starting to get a taste but he's not seen anything yet! Bod Woodward who brought Nixon down seems to have something on Trump. Think organized crime, IRS, RAPE and things that will shock the world before it all comes out late summer and early fall on Trump. He wanted to play with Hillary so may the bully sees how it is when one PUSHES BACK HARDER! lol
Nicholas Balow (Palm Harbor, FL)
Hate to say this but this was a slimy "got you" piece of poor journalism. There are so many other issues you could go after Trump, but you chose this topic for some strange reason? Not a fan of both parties and I truly hope you spend as much time and money on Clinton's past.

I expect better, and as a subscriber for a long time I hope this was a one time mistake.

Please do your research better and don't forget the Clinton's.

Bill Delamain (San Francisco)
And now Rowanne Brewer tells Fox that the NYT spun her story, that Trump treated her well. Oh well...Another NYT job to support Clinton turns out to increase Trump's popularity as a victim of bad journalism. Great NYT!
Suri (NJ)
What happened, NYT? what was the motivation behind this piece? I have a hard time having faith in the fourth estate?

The media by going overboard in the coronation of Hillary Clinton is going to inadvertently make Donald Trump the president of USA. I warn you. Mark my words. The more you pander to the queen, the more you are being obvious and the more people are losing their respect for you all - The NYT, MS NBC, FOX, CNN have become ridiculous.

This was so evident that you were trying to buttress the woman card argument for Mrs Clinton by making Mr. Trump look bad. And it has back-fired so badly that two respected journalists end up looking pathetic.

How about a piece on Mr. Clinton?

I hope Sanders runs as a third party candidate - he has such a great chance of winning.
WR (Midtown)
More and more it does seem that the secret agenda of the New York media is to get Trump elected. A Trump Presidency will double their bottom line.
Fran C. (San Francisco)
Ms Lane's current comments are not crucial to my opinion & understanding of Trump's repulsive behavior toward women. She is not arguing whether or not he did these things, just how it should be interpreted, right? His ex-wife also disavows that he raped her, which I highly suspect is at least partly because she does not want to be raked over the coals by Trump & his followers, and so many clueless misogynists who don't believe that a married woman can be raped by her husband. Not to mention, that she'd not just be going against any rich & powerful man, but the Republican contender for President, and her own daughter who's campaigning for him.

The women who experienced Trump's actions can provide all kinds of excuses. We know though, his thoughts & actions are sexist and damaging to women. The best he can say about women in the work-place is that we may be efficient and productive in the best possible case, but only bc we have something to prove. This is clearly NOT supporting women. It's creating and relying on a sexist environment and using women to work harder than any man just to gain some respect & keep their jobs. It's sick. We err by relying on what women in his orbit say publicly. They have a right to their own interpretation &/or to do damage control. But their stories show a man who objectifies and hurts women as a matter of course. Just one more reason he is a complete horror show.
OpenMinded (denver)
Frankly, I'm not surprised that pro-Trump supporters are on here calling it a "hit piece", and the NYT a "partisan", "liberal" rag. My question is, did any of these people actually read this story or they latching on to the denial from the first woman featured in this story? This is a story of a pretty model type who is taken advantage of by a skeezy rich old man. She wouldn't have been at the party if she wasn't pretty and she wouldn't have been with him if he wasn't rich. She's scared now that he might attack her now, like he does all women who speak truthfully about him? Maybe. There are dozens of interview in here about women who worked with him, by him, some who admire and a lot that don't. The article was enlightening, specially the story on Ivana's assault, how he criticized and humiliated the pageant contestants. Without even reading the article, I already knew that he takes advantage of women, humiliates women, mentors a few (woo hoo he's a secret angel!) but his track record is clear. I wouldn't want my kids anywhere near this sexist, racist, ignorant pompous man. I am eagerly awaiting his defeat.
ebmem (Memphis, TN)
Ms Brewer Lane has publicly objected to the misleading characterization of her interactions with Mr. Trump. Although I'm not a supporter of Trump, this article is intentionally misrepresenting her situation.
Elizabeth Guss (New Mexico)
Donald Trump's response to former Miss Universe Alicia Machado -- "I don't care" -- is indicative of his regard for women, our well-being, our intelligence, and our contributions to the world at large. While she is only one of the women he has grossly mistreated, she at least recognized the humiliation the he heaped upon her for something as inconsequential as her weight. The women who work for him stunningly believe he respects them, despite his continued denigration of them by the use of inappropriate language and the proffering of them as evidence of his evolved feminism.

Oh, please; spare us! Unless a woman is stacked, skinny, and gorgeous - a "10" in Trump parlance - "the Donald" doesn't even want to hire her. Since when does THAT have anything to do with employment qualification? Trump may think that calling his "girls" names like "dear", "honey", and such while promoting their careers is helpful, but all the while he is making the claim that but for Donald Trump, these women would never had made it. They are beholden to a man for their success -- as obviously all women are in his eyes.

Donald Trump is a repulsive, misogynistic viper, and anyone who dares to disagree with him or challenge him is subject to personal attacks and base, gutter-foul assaults on their character.
N (WayOutWest)
Yesterday I received an online survey from NYT asking what it would take for me to unblock their ads from my digital subscription. How about you do some professional campaign reportage first? Then we'll talk. Your attempts to sway readers into voting for that wooden neo-corporatist false Democrat are pathetic.
RPTD (Syracuse NY)
Seriously what is this article trying to tell me? That Donald isn't the perfect modern husband? C'mon Donald is who he is. He's rich and powerful and there are lots of beautiful women who are seeking exactly those qualities. That said his children seem to adore him and his former wives appear to be quite respectful towards him. Look deeply into the relationships of a 1000 men and women and you'll discover a lot worse tales that those profiled. This is all coming from someone that believes Trump's candidacy is a travesty. But focus on something that is a bit more relevant to this man's ability to be the leader of the free world. After all this is the New York Times right?
Elf (Boston MA)
We are all being played by Mr. Trump. Do you think it is just a coincidence that one of his old “girlfriends” (Rowanne Brewer Lane) is the one who is professing that she is being misquoted, misrepresented, and more in the interview in the N.Y. Times. Mr. Trump gave the Times a list of 50 women to the Times to interview. She was on the list. Here is an ex bunny who appeared on the “reality show” Pawn Stars selling an autographed Beatles guitar supposedly acquired at the Playboy Mansion at some sort of “get together”. The appearance at the time was obviously a cry for publicity and attention, as is this latest appearance. Mr. Trump continues to inundate us with “reality show” mentality and performances. Was she a “plant” by the Trump people? It sure looks that way. She sure managed to get her face and name back into the national spotlight. I wonder if there was anything else she may be getting for her performance. This campaign is such a joke it makes me seriously consider not voting for the first time in my life!!
Off course you are being played when NYT makes you believe that journalists are not responsible for what they report and onus of reporting the truth is on the person they are interviewing.

There used to be this little thing called fact check.
By the way, this is not just one women, a bunch of them have gone public that NYT article took things out of context.
Bill C (Columbus, OH)
Its obvious by the New York Times shoddy research in regards to the Trump / Women article as proven by those women now coming forward about their cites in the article being misquoted and taken out of context, that the Stupid Generation (The Millenials) have now infiltrated our once great news reporting institutions, being put into control of defining what is the truth for the American public rather than doing the proper due diligence the American public expects to be done to ensure that what is reported by these cupcakes is indeed the truth.
Sheldon (Toronto)
No one held a gun to Lane's head to tell her story. If didn't come from her, it wouldn't have appeared.

Both sides could define 'hit piece' differently. The Times as one a story as one in which the quotes were inaccurate, taken out of context, or didn't give Trump a fair chance to comment on it before publication or held the story until later in the year Since the Times played fair, they wouldn't think this was a hit piece .

The problem is that she doesn't like how her words appear in print. Most likely she, like Trump, didn't believe in homework and didn't read the Times on Trump to get some idea of how her story would be presented. Perhaps she lives in the Fox News echo chamber. Or to be Machiavellian, perhaps she planned to get a second bit of publicity, knowing that Fox News would love to put her on TV. Hard to tell whether she and her manager were stupid or just pretending to be stupid. But that's always going to be the case with Trump and his supporters.
Andrew J (Baltimore, MD)
Sorry but just because this woman was flattered Mr Trump wanted to see her in a bikini rather than offended doesn't make the story less true and it certainly doesn't make it less appalling! This man disgusts me.
Ken H (Metro Detroit)
No one should be surprised at how Donald Trump conducts himself with women - the entire sordid act is consistent with the rest of his ridiculous buffoonery.

The fact he uses some women in key positions when it suits him does not mean he respects them, or anyone else. It's just more proof that he does whatever he thinks is in his own best interest.

It's beyond an American shame for him to become the Republican Presidential nominee. The Republican leaders are choking on him while trying to salvage the election.

It would be priceless to see how he'd react if he saw his daughters being treated the way he's treated so many others. Unfortunately even that wouldn't be enough to make him understand.
Fran C. (San Francisco)
Well said, Ken H. Though you must know that he'd be perfectly thrilled if a powerful man degraded and debased his daughters. He's done it multiple times himself to his own children. I can only agree, as other women are quoted as saying in this article: gross.
Robert (ND)
"Just more proof that he does whatever he thinks is in his own best interest" Gee, hiring smart capable women to top positions who he know will work hard thanks to institutional sexism, what an awful, horrible move for him. Especially if it helps his business stay afloat so that he can sign the paychecks (little details that government workers don't have to worry about as much, true). 19 trillion dollars, and counting! Wheee!!!!
Eddie T (Jesup, GA)
Ms. Lane, not surprisingly, says that the authors misrepresented her statements and that Trump never mistreated her.
Frank Lee (Saginaw, MI)
It sounds a lot like I fell down the stairs.
Thomas Green (Texas)
It seems her Botox provider has caused her more pain.
Julie H. (Mexico)
I'm not suprised that a man like him would have stories like this. Trump is a sexist that doesn't quite know that he is harming these women. He may think he is an encouraging person but really, he is a horrible person. It's a shame that such man is running for president in the Unites States.
Robert (Palo Alto, CA)
Your relentless bias in favor of Hillary and against Trump is painfully obvious. Even the first woman you alluded in this hit piece has declared that the NYT 's article grossly misrepresented her experience with Trump. He has his issues, to be sure, but that's no excuse for smearing him as you obviously do at every opportunity. The NYT used to practice fair journalism. Now, besides trying hard to be trendy and covering decadent celebrities and hip hop "artists," the NYT is slowing abandoning its commitment to professional journalism and becoming a more overtly partisan rag. Profoundly sad.
Phillip (California)
Robert is correct, when will the New York Times be brave enough to report on the likes of Bill Clinton and his surrogate, Hillary. There is nothing honest about either one of them.
David Conroy (Brooklyn)
Are we to ignore and accept Trump's behavior in the name of "fair" journalism? Trump has lowered the bar on politics and civility in general. We need our journals to expose this, and not turn away.
dave (nevada, tx)
Who said you should ignore and accept the behaviour? The point was made that if the NYT was approaching this research with true journalistic there would be 50 interviews women who interacted with Hillary, after they were accosted, assaulted, insulted and groped by Bill. Then the reader can compare how Hillary's treatment of women matches up with Trumps. I understand Hillary is not responsible for Bill's behavior, but she is responsible for her behavior towards the women she interacted with, or ignored and tried to push aside. The 12 yr old girl that was raped, whomever Bill was hanging around with when traveling with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, the women identified in spoken out, etc... How about those 50 interviews for the NYT to conduct and report back on? Then let the public compare side by side.
Apey (New York)
Wow. He called a woman "honey bunch". The horrors. I am a woman living in New York and get called honey bunch all the time- mostly by women. Grow up people. There are more important things at stake here than being insulted- if that kind of thing offends you. If this hit piece (most of which has been refuted) is all the Times can come up with then they are actually helping Trump's campaign. Shameless biased "reporting". Give me something besides political incorrectness to make me hate trump. Because honestly he's looking a whole lot better than the alternative.
OpenMinded (denver)
Of course you shouldn't be insulted by women calling you honey bunch. They are not misogynistic pompous playboys. You seem to confuse the context of all the encounters in this article. Since the piece includes both negative and positive interviews/episodes, I don't see how you call it a "hit piece". As far as "political incorrectness", maybe you should read how his first wife said he raped her or is that just politically incorrect? Or how he's denigrated many of the women who worked with him, for him? To his credit, he hired and promoted capable women, while filling his offices with "hot" women so he could have eye candy. As a professional woman who works in a male dominated profession, and with daughters of my own, that is not just "political incorrectness", that is unacceptable and shameless behavior that no woman or man should condone.
Apey (New York)
OpenMinded you need to read the full context of the rape comment made by his first wife and her own retraction of those statements. Of course the liberals will say that she was forced to or paid to or whatever- because they want and need as much ammunition as possible. Of course this is a hit piece. Just read the title. Yes he WAS a playboy. He admits it. It doesn't mean he is one now. Where was the outcry from the left when Clinton was engaging in all of his playboy activities? Even during his political reign? Nope- we all were supposed to be tolerant and forgiving- after all- that was his private life- and who hasn't screwed up? It's a double standard that the left seems blind to.
Anthony D (Long Island NY)
Read the article again. His first wife said the rape story was totally without merit.
Dave (Philadelphia)
Honestly, it is embarrassing for the Times to stand by this without clarifying the comments made after the fact that her story was spun to sound bad. Sadly, it now makes accusations grounded in fact seem to be baseless, and further helps Trump's false claim that the press is out to get him. He is a repugnant man who should not be President, based solely on what he said and did, and what he says he will do. Articles like this now will cast a bad light on anyone who accuses him of being a bad businessman, or stands up to his vile political viewpoints.
Stafford2CJ (MI)
Are you seriously saying the press isn't, for the most part, out to get him???
jackk (SF)
If Trump knew the NYT was pursuing a piece about how he had mistreated women, how better to discredit the story than to enlist one of those women to feed them a sensational story and then later come out and claim she was mischaracterized.

My guess is that the NYT got punked.
areader (us)
So, the NYT writes an article trying to show how bad Donald Trump is and its main witness says he's a great person and a gentleman.
bigphil (lake forest park)
Watch the interview today with Rowanne Brewer, the primary source for the NY Time story. Ms. Brewer was interviewed 2 hours by the Times. She claims the NYT story completely mischaracterizes her and completely takes out of context some of her quotes.
Robert (ND)
Memories fade and how we remember events can change over time, but listening to her she doesn't sound like a woman whose mind is so weak that she doesn't understand that she was being objectified as is implied by many here. Ms. Brewer describes Trump as a gentleman. It's interesting to see how hard it is for people to believe that he could actually have behaved gentlemanly towards her based on his (mostly extremely inappropriate - so extreme that it is surreal) behavior on the campaign trail, but is the campaign trail much more than a fake show anyway?
the Other Point of View (right behind you)
What is most sad is that this opinionate political hatchet job is being disguised by the paper as journalism. Yes, there were interviews conducted and facts collected. If you had stopped there, you MAY have had something to report (though the kind and way you collected them says something too, does it not?). Instead you added your spin to every single one of them, spin which has already been disputed and discredited. I once thought the New York Times was worthy of trust, but that is clearly no longer the case.
bronx refugee (austin tx)
The gig is up NY Times. Do the honorable thing and fall on the sword for this one. Even without Ms. Lanes complete denunciation -referring to the false negative spin you put on her words - this story smelled bad right from the beginning. You claimed, disingenuously, that the story was a complex portrait of a man full of contradictions, but the only contradictions came from the events you described and the spin you put on it. This article preaches to the choir (an intentional choice), and strongly reinforces the rights "liberal media" theories and no doubt helps Trump immensely. I heard your reporter's interviews - more spin. There is still hope for you yet, but repent 'afore the end is nigh.

Yours Truly,
Loyal Reader (for now)
Robert (ND)
"this story smelled bad right from the beginning" - agree!
Edward Flaherty (Pittsburgh)
I have lost all respect for what was a credible newspaper........politics replaced policy and the result was one of the most embarrassing and contrived articles in newspaper reporting!
It's a sad day for what was a newspaper of stature. The future of the paper may lie in comic least the laughter would be earned!
Dennis (New York)
Trump's misogynistic statements abound. His chauvinistic piggish behavior has been well documented throughout his adult life. The guy reeks of bad behavior, not only to women but to anyone who dares irk him. The things he said about Cruz's wife and his opponent Ms. Fiorina were atrocious, uncouth and downright ugly, as is Trump's bullying behavior. A jerk is a jerk is a jerk. Then, now and tomorrow.

Bayou Houma (Houma, Louisiana)
The Times gatekeepers in the Comments section did not post my recall of how the paper had to correct its story about similar accusations it reported against Senator John McCain, charges of adultery which turned out to be baseless in the 2008 Presidential Primaries.
Nathan (Chicago)
Mr. Thrump's accusations, that Sen. Clinton enabled her husband's bad behavior, are like those of rapists who blame the rape victim. They say the victim enabled because she was too pretty or she dressed provocatively. These accusations reflect Trump's low esteem of women and may provide some clue to why he's gone through so many wives.
One more reason not to vote for this fascist.
Stafford2CJ (MI)
@VW. I'm pretty sure you don't understand what fascism is. In fact, it seems a large portion of the population is confused. This is the dictionary definition; Simple Definition of fascism
: a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government
: very harsh control or authority. Hmmm, as far as I can tell, there's only one side here who forces everyone to live by their rules or be labeled a hateful bigot...
student (los angeles)
These two writers have the audacity to go on CNN and stand by their stories, refuse to apologize to Ms. Brewer Lane. I don't mind that. But their voices are shaking, they're embarrassing themselves. They look nervous as hell.
areader (us)
And listen to what Ms. Brewer Lane said next - only a praise for Mr. Trump and his treatment of women!
Chrissyml (Vancouver)
Even worse the NYT is standing by the shoddy, biased so-called "journalism".
Dennis (New York)
The Times has the transcripts and recordings that will prove them correct. For whatever the reasons the person who is now refuting what she told the Times will be shown to be a lie. She said what she said. It is there on the record and Trump once again exposed as the liar he has always been.
Myles (Little Neck, NY)
If you are going to take a big swing at the ball, you’d better be sure you hit it.
Story quotes just TWO women — one of whom was in charge of construction for his company, admittedly a precedent-setting move in real estate at the time, and who had nothing but praise from and for Trump.
The other claims the Times mischaracterized her quotes.
I wondered, when I read the story: “Where’s the beef?” The only concrete accusation was from Trump’s ex-wife, who claimed in a book written in 1990 that he had raped her. That got tremendous play at the time, as have the long-known stories of Trump calling newspapers pretending to be his own p.r. person — and she retracted the charge soon after. Was she paid off? Who knows?
But that’s it.
The Times did itself and Hillary Clinton no favors with this story, which can only kindly be deemed a “hit piece.” Times has been in the tank for Hillary all year — consistently downplaying and dismissing her opponent Bernie Sanders in a great deal of its coverage.
Maybe it is by way of atonement for the way former ed. Howell Raines obsessively pursued Bill Clinton’s alleged misdeeds.
The effect will be to give Trump a platform to claim he is being unfairly smeared. They are also giving him a wide opening to go on the attack against Hillary’s husband, who — Trump is right (!) here -- was charged with much worse things than the Times has been able to turn up against Trump.
Keep this up, and this sort of thing will help make Trump the next president.
David Campos (Phoenix)
I can only say that I agree with you completely and your analysis is exactly right. This article is not worthy of the Times and actually will generate sympathy for Trump. I didn't think that was possible.
Vip Chandra (Attleboro, Mass.)
Myles: As one who ardently champions the candidacy of Bernie Sanders, I fully agree with you and David Campos. The coarse and odious character of Donald Trump was never in doubt, but judging from countless comments here, this tendentious report on the front page without a Bill-Clinton like smoking gun to be found anywhere in it has made many readers more sympathetic to him and more intense in their antipathy to both Hill and Bill . Those voters are probably now fuming over the unwelcome prospect that if Hill wins the White House we would be "getting two for one."

Hill might as well be saying to herself now, "With friends like The NY Times, do I need enemies?"
suzinne (bronx)
This is the way the world worked at one time. Even in the work place, women were expected to be EYE CANDY. During a performance review as a young woman, was told that I "spruced up the joint." Coming from a family lacking in positive reinforcement, I was flattered!

Male bosses have told me that they would prefer that I wear skirts. A male coworker was told he had a good desk placement because he could look at my legs during his work day. And after getting a bobbed haircut, had a boss tell me he didn't like short hair on women.

Yes, Trump exhibits boorish behavior, and so some men now and a reasonable amount of men men DID back then. Doesn't make them all horrible people, and some of the men in my story were actually very good bosses overall.
Me (Minnesota)
Seems like the article needs a bit of fact-checking, as at least one of the 'sources' says her comments were deliberately misrepresented in this article.

Hate on Trump all you will, (and I'm certainly not a fan) but a newspaper - especially a newspaper like the NYT - needs to be better than this. It doesn't really matter whether or not the authors 'stand by their article' - if the very sources they 'quote' (sources that were not hostile or antagonistic) dispute the characterizations and context of their quotes, then there is a real problem.
minh z (manhattan)
Wow - a day later and the writers of this article are now defending their negative "spin."

Here's some advice NYT - stop trying to print "hit" articles on Donald Trump. Your bias is showing and the more desperate this paper gets to trash Trump, the poorer the job it does of explaining why.

You've actually got to talk about the issues in this campaign. And Donald wins hands down with issues of concern to the citizen voters - illegal immigration, bad trade deals, security, etc. But you know you can't win on criticizing him on the issues and your anointed Hillary can't either.
Chrissyml (Vancouver)
"But the 1990 episode at Mar-a-Lago that Ms. Brewer Lane described was different: a debasing face-to-face encounter between Mr. Trump and a young woman he hardly knew."

If anyone at the Times had any integrity, a published apology to both Ms.Lane and Mr. Trump would be made. However, I'm not holding my breath waiting.
Mark Walcoff (Los Angeles)
Key word...Integrity!
Rain (Sydney)
As a long time Times subscriber, I'm disgusted by this article now that so many of the women have come forward to dispute the account. Propaganda at its worst. You're helping Trump win...

Very angry!
Merrilee Atkins (Cincinnati Ohio)
Too much of reporter's attitude is revealed.
Claus Gehner (Seattle, Munich)
With great regret, in this case I have to agree with Donald Trump when he characterized this piece as a"lame hit piece".

When one of the women highlighted in this article comes out the next day to say that her comments were completely mischaracterized by the authors, and when these authors then come on TV news shows and seem unbelievably defensive and self-righteous, this shows very bad journalism and poor editorial judgement on the part of the NYT.

It should be obvious by now, that you cannot out-Trump Trump by going into the gutter with him. That is what the NYT tried to do by doing this "lame hit piece" on him. The resources could and should have been better spent on analyzing in depth all the outlandish policy proposals "The Donald" has made.

At worst, after reading this piece, one comes away seeng Donald Trump as a spoiled fraternity brat in how he deals with women, no worse then probably half the male population of the US, and something Trump has never even tried to hide. But even in this NYT "hit" piece, it comes across loud and clear that in many ways he has given women opportunities to succeed in his company, and they, the women, appreciate that.

Worst of all, this ill-conceived, ill-researched and obviously slanted piece will give Conservatives added ammunition to discount most of the press as having a "liberal bias" and being obviously unfair to Conservatives.
Apey (New York)
No ammunition is needed. It's pretty obvious to everyone EXCEPT liberals that the media is biased against conservatism. But this article is great proof of it.
Lynn Lawson (Waynesboro, Virginia)
I am no fan of Trump and the idea that he might win this scares the hell out of me but this article represents an approach to Trump that doesn't get Trump and I too fear that Trump and his fans will find a way to use this to his advantage. I thought the commercial of women repeating Trump quotes was also ineffective because the women who support Trump don't want to be like the women in the ad. This approach tends to appeal primarily to the women who had no intention of voting for him in the first place. I say this to be helpful, not critical, as I do NOT want Trump to win.
California Modern (California)
INSIDE EDITION: "One of the former models quoted in the story, which ran on The Times' front page Saturday, Rowanne Brewer Lane, is now blasting its reporters: "I'm extremely upset. Basically, they lied to me,” she told Inside Edition. Brewer Lane, who dated Trump in 1990, says The Times distorted her words.

She said she wasn’t offended and it was "the exact opposite of what they depicted." She added "I feel betrayed and deceived" by The New York Times. “I never saw Donald be disrespectful to a woman, I met a lot of women when I was with Donald, a lot that worked with him, for him, and he was very graceful to every one of them,” she told Inside Edition.
Osbournef (los angeles)
Now that a number of the women quoted in this article have come forth to dispute your account of the facts it is made clear this is a hit piece. Keep it up NYT this will convince more and more people to vote for Mr. Trump in the fall.
Sam (Midwest)
Wow it is no wonder why no one trusts the NY Times or any liberal media anymore. Write a hit piece twisting the words and testimony of these women to fit the democrat narative used to be an unbelievable thing, but this article doesnt even try to hide its motives.
OpenMinded (denver)
Again, one woman has come out to say they put a negative slant. How about the rest of the article? It just confirmed that DT is a misogynistic frat boy, an image which he's done an excellent job of transmitting all on his own. Frankly I read the NYT article as historical background to a character we're already familiar with. I don't see why anyone thinks this makes him look any worse than what he, his campaign, his many wives, affairs, have already shown us about an insecure overbearing aging playboy who's latest conquest will be the whole country if we let him. Also, if the NYT with its excellent reporting offends you, maybe you shouldn't read it. I for one try to read/watch many points of view (WSJ, NYT, Wash Post, CNN, FOX on occasion).
Tags (Los Angeles)
A small man with unresolved Daddy issues. Clearly he's the one with something to prove. From the most beautiful girls in high school, to the biggest, best, most attitudes of today. A man whose sense of self comes from what he's acquired (whether homes, businesses or women) and not from what he's contributed. Remember what happened the last time we had a president with Daddy issues? A war we're still fighting that has cost the lives of thousands around the world.
Wevebeenrippedoff (CO)
maybe more women should reveal decades if not centuries worth of infidelity and whoring around by members of Congress of both parties...
Marissa A (Austin, TX)
I constantly wonder how far Trump would've gotten in the polls if he were a woman. To me, his candidacy has little to do with his political stances and speeches and everything to do with being born in the right demographic. As he stated himself toward the beginning of his campaign, he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any voters. If anyone wonders how much power we, men and women, give wealthy white men in this country, look no further than Donald Trump.

Perhaps this is the rude awakening we need. This just has to stop.
expatindian (US)
I don't think anyone has given white men power. They are largely responsible for building this country. As a brown female, I have been treated better by the white men that you so detest, than almost anyone. yes, including other women.
Doc (New York)
I'm amused to see all the back and forth here. I just find the article boring. People who like Trump are not going to change their minds, and people who dislike him will maintain their opinion. There's nothing really new here, so I am not sure what the point was in publishing the article, except that it generated a lot of "clicks" for the NYT.
student (los angeles)
wally s. (06877)
So many people who are began reading this article knowing how they'd react. No Democratic politician called him a racist or misogynist when they were accepting his checks. Now that's all he is? Not too many Democrat politicians have spent much time examining the Kennedy's or bill Clinton or David Patterson, or the Mayor of San Diego -but they sure care that Trump called a woman "honey bunch". This is hardly the smoking gun of a misognyst- a man who has broken glass ceilings and promoted women to the highest ranks in his firm. If this is what the Times can come up with, to me ive seen way worse. Im sure Woody Allen cares about the way Trump thinks about women as well.
FLT (Michigan)
Is it possible for the news outlets to publish one or two front page stories about Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton without Trump's name in the headline as well? I haven't seen many of them. Kudos to Trump for all the free publicity he has gotten out of all the media options.
ML (Boston)
Trump, plain and simple, is what we used to call in the early days of objecting to this kind of behavior, a "male chauvinist pig."

The trouble is, many, many, many men think this way and wish they had the power and control over women to talk and behave the way Trump does. So though they wouldn't say so explicitly, once again these descriptions will earn Trump respect and envy from his male supporters for "saying what he means."

And now Mr. Trump's stated main focus in life (according to another NYT article today) is to assassinate Hillary Clinton's character. Par for the course.
SB (Los Angeles)
OK all you "objective commenters" - now that the person quoted has denied the context of the reporting - now what do you think about the reporters?!
Jim (NYC)
Won't the Times change the lead now that Lane says it is a misrepresentation?
minh z (manhattan)
The bias is showing. And it's ugly and embarrassing for the NYT. But unfortunately par for the course for this paper on reporting and editorializing on Trump.
Wally Wolf (Texas)
Well, it's not like we weren't warned that dealing with the anti-Christ was going to be tough.
quantumtangles (NYC)
Agreed. HRC is tough to deal with, ask Huma or Cheryl.
JDR (Denver)
To take a person's words and twist them is abhorrent. Rowan Brewer Lane has spoken to the media today and said her words were twisted and she had nothing but glowing things to say about Mr. Trump. Shame on you for trying to smear him. It casts shadows on anything else in this article that might be remotely true. I'm a woman who stands behind Mr. Trump.
Calvin (Maryland)
By now it's clear the two writers of this piece misrepresented Rowanne Brewer in their first few paragraphs. Yes, sometimes bad reporting happens, but I would like to see an apology or explanation from the writers or NYT on how the story got spun into portraying Mr. Trump negatively.
Wally Wolf (Texas)
I wish someone would start a movement or a partition where Obama could have another 4-year term in the White House. We need a good safe four years to get our heads back on straight. I don’t know how the country got to such a low point, but clearly Donald Trump for president is not going to work. If you think Bush was a bad president, just wait and see what this guy is capable of doing. Why is everyone so concerned about the way he treats women? That’s small potatoes compared to the damage he is capable of inflicting on us and our country.
Dave_Cognac (Iowa)
The mere fact you'd suggest such a thing shows how out of touch you are with basic constitutional principles. You wonder how we got here? Obama and liberals like you is why we're here. Tired of crony capitalism, tired of relative morality, tired of blatant hypocrisy, tired of MSM dumping on every conservative, and supporting ppl like Clinton and Obama, ad nauseum.
Wally Wolf (Texas)
Have you forgotten what a disaster every republican administration turns out to be?
Ben (Indiana)
Articles like these play right into Trump's hand. If the election turns into a debate about who has a better history with women, Trump will eviscerate Hillary on her and Bill's past. Trump will go where other politicians refuse to go, and if the campaign turns as ugly as people suspect it would, Trump can easily win. Clinton does not want to have this type of fight with Trump because nobody has beaten him yet.
Gl remote (Usa)
Trump will require a retraction, since the lead witness here has revealed that The NYT. Completely made up the conclusions and misquoted her. The NYT has so little credibility these days that they should give him the entire front page to respond. Any less will solidify their image of a biased propsgsnda rag.
areader (us)
So, the NYT reporters are now saying that Rowanne Brewer Lane is just a poor woman who first didn't understand what she and Mr. Trump were doing and how she was supposed to feel about it, then didn't understand what she was saying to reporters, and now don't understand what the reporters wrote about her.
Really, a poor woman.
Fixento (pa)
NY Times, a liberal tabloid rag written and edited by unprofessional people who are more interested sensationalism and expanding the liberal socialist cause instead of the honest reporting of facts. When the accuracy of the article is challenged by one of the articles key sources, the immediate response from the paper is, my notes are accurate and the source is wrong and inconceivably backup by the papers inept and inert management. Only a moron or a liberal would believe that a reporters notes [why didn't the reporter record the conversations] are more accurate than the women who gave the information. New York Times a ethically bankrupt news paper that's and embarrassment to their profession which is perfect for NYC.
LegalSpeak (Washington, DC)
Can you imagine how brutal the stories would have been if the New York Times was around during Bill Clinton's campaigns in 1992 or 1996?
Mike P (TX)
As bad as Trump is portrayed here, it takes a fool's fool to think Bill Clinton and his enabler Hillary have treated women any better.
Diogenes (nunja)
I posted 2 days ago that this hit piece was pure propaganda. You can always find someone to say something derogatory about anyone. That is a fact of like. I figured that is what this was, that the NYT dredged up some women that had an old beef with Trump.

Now that one of these women have come forward and stated the NYT totally misrepresented her comments and that she had a very positive experience while dating Trump, it is even worse than I suspected. They totally distorted this woman’s interview. This just shows the NYT is a propaganda machine for the left. Period. End of story. They are not concerned with news. They are concerned with peddling a political view at ALL costs, even at the cost of their integrity.

This is not a not a newspaper and the people writing for it are NOT journalists. It is right up there with Pravda of the old Soviet Block. I simply am staggered so many people are allowing themselves to be lied to by this rag.

Hell look at the NYT times “Comment Picks”. Talk about a lack of impartiality. Their comment picks are one sided and an echo chamber. What boggles my mind is so many democrats and leftists allow themselves to be suckered by dishonest rags like this so-called newspaper.


Thankfully not everyone is so easily hoodwinked. Which is why Trump is so popular. The actions of institutions like the NYT shows just how despicable and desperate they are.
VinnyD (AZ)
Best comment on here.
pieceofcake (not in Machu Picchu anymore)
I commented two days ago, that this piece was an ad for Drumpf - and I expressed my anger about that - and thus my comment never was posted by NYT moderation.

And I saw the two reporters on the TEVEE and I got this impression that they are both - very 'nice and well educated people' and that might be their problem - because when 'one of these women' told them her story about Drumpf telling her to put on the bathing suit - they probably were shocked absolutely shocked - about such an offer from an old Drumpf - and thus they probably just overlooked that 'the woman' was as pleased as she could be.

And so it probably is just another misunderstanding - where Diogenes says something real cynicle and everybody understands it as a funny joke.

So please Diogenes get over it - If you know what I mean -
Period. End of story.
Maria O. (Queretaro, Mexico)
This article made a huge impact in me. American citizens are voting for a sexist and racist person to be their president. Are we gone mad? A man that does not respect and value a woman is not a man. Haven't we learned from our history? How women have made historical impacts such as men? Respect if you want to be respected.
I'm mexican, so honestly I don't like Donald Trump because of every comment he has made on us. But, I'm also a woman, and for me this acts that Trump has made aren't acceptable. I don't like him, but I respect him, and I expect the same for me, and even more when he is running for US presidency.
VinnyD (AZ)
Ever comment he's made on you? You mean like, "I love Mexicans."? He has not said one derogatory thing about Mexican people. I challenge you to prove me wrong. You're confusing his comments about illegal aliens.
L (Connecticut)
He'll lose so many women's votes it'll make your head spin!
Mark (California)
Congratulations to the NY Times on yet another in a long line of distorted, omissive, manufactured Yellow Journalism manure straining to pose as news.

Not even a day passed before one of the interviewees protested about how badly the NY Times misrepresented and misquoted her. This begs the question of how many other politically self-serving fallacies and distortions the NY Times propagandists 'trumped up.'

NO-ONE, except the most ignorant and intentionally ignorant Leftist cultists, takes seriously the NY Times anymore, nor have they for a very long time.
BillMack91302 (Calabasas)
Rowan Brewer now says the NY Times lied to her and that Trump was a polite respectful gentleman and that she supports his candidacy. It now appears that it was the NY Times that treated her badly not Trump. Shame on you NY Times!
Chrissyml (Vancouver)
The NYT reporters would have known that Rowan Brewer has always maintained that Trump was a real gentleman and that dating him "was a wonderful time" if they had taken the time to read other interviews she had done recently. They must really about a Trump Presidency when they resort to lies of omission.
dolly patterson (Redwood City, CA)
People that live in glass houses should not throw stones.....Trump better be very careful about attacking either Clinton.®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=3&pgtype=collection
RS (New York, NY)
Your expose' on Bill Clinton, no doubt, is almost ready to publish. Compared to him Trump looks like a perfect gentleman. And Hillary as enabler is going to overcome this how? Looks like the NYTimes is about to endorse Trump based on treating women better than the Clinton machine. I look forward to NYTimes abandoning its double standard.
OpenMinded (denver)
NYT has done many articles on Bill Clinton, do a search and read them. Goodness, and Trump looks like a "perfect gentleman"? With his insults (Meghan Kelly, Rosie O'Donnell, Heidi Cruz and a 100 others), his ogling of his own daughter ("what a rack she has" he said), his comments and treatment of his first wife, second wife... really?
Sharon5101 (Rockaway Beach Ny)
Just change the last name of the presidential candidate from Trump to Kennedy and this story would never ever have seen the light of day.
Trista (California)
I think plenty of people knew about Kennedy's peccadilloes; we wanted him as president because he showed the personal courage in his wartime service; the education, political insight and respect for the issues the U.S, faced. Trump displays none of this. He is coarse and immature. Worst, he is ignorant and irresponsible.
Kels (Tanley)
please, stop grasping at anyway to defend this NYT piece. It is propaganda pure and simple. It would be best if people would just admit that at this point. Don't defend one chauvinist because he's on the "opposite team" from the one you don't like. When it gets to the point of compromising/weaponizing women's rights issues to gain some kind of perceived victory in the political sphere, civilization is pretty much done for. I don't know why so many called progressives think women's rights are something that can be sacrificed for some "greater good."
[email protected] (Great Neck, NY)
I am not a Trump supporter. I am also not a Clinton supporter. I am disappointed in the absence of choice faced this November. That being said I wonder why the NYT Picks fail to include a single comment about the story already falling apart with Ms. Brewer stating that the article does not accurately reflect what she told the reporter. There is enough material about both candidates without the Times publishing stories like this one. I have to correct myself because there are three candidates but the Times doesn't give much attention to Sen. Sanders these days who continues to mount a serious challenge to Sec. Clinton less than one month before the final primaries. But for super delegates, the Democrats might start their convention without a clear winner. That's a story the Times could cover.
I just saw an interview with one of the women that you claim Trump mistreated deny your version.
Your article will just turn more people to vote for trump.
People view the NYT as part of the establishment that is trying by hook or crook to undermine and demonize Donald. It should be abundantly clear that people are voting against the establishment whether it is Bernie Sanders that has do remarkably well against Hillary or Mr Trump.
If the NYT would be honest they would apologize for this hit piece.
Sid (Kansas)
Who is not disgusted with this pig? Why is he candidate of the Republican Party? They are willing to support him. Should we support them?
Adam Nixon (Italy)
You're trying to smear Trump, and this is the best you can do? LOL.
This is New York Times investigative journalism, and this is the best you can do? LOL. You interviewed 'dozens of women'. No you interviewed 4.2 dozen. And that's the best you can do? LOL. You found what, THREE who would say something vaguely critical of the man? Is that the best you can do? LOL. And two of those were dating him. And they didn't complain till after he dumped them. Is that the best you can do, New York Times? LOL. Face it, there is no article here. You have no case. And you know who makes New York great? Not the New York Times. Donald Trump makes New York Great. And judging by the totally artless and substanceless efforts of your so-called 'journalists' on this piece, (LOL) your organ isn't worthy of the prefix.
jck (nj)
This article was not "Fit to Print".
I am not a Trump supporter but if this smear attack based on virtually nothing is the worst the writers could discover,he might be a saint.
Chandrasiri (Cincinnati)
I just wonder why my earlier comment submitted Sunday criticizing this article was not posted. Looked like the writers hoped to help Hillary Clinton's campaign but now it appears they have caused more damage instead.
Sharon5101 (Rockaway Beach Ny)
Quick--get me the smelling salts!! I'm having the vapors. It's really disgusting that the esteemed Paper of Record, the old Grey Lady, herself is becoming little more than a tabloid rag.
JoAnne Norton (Reston, VA)
This Rowanne thinks it acceptable for a man to take her to a room and ask her to put on a bikini after first meeting her and present her then to a group saying: "This is a Trump girl". This is not exploiting. She liked this? I would put a negative slant on it from just reading it. The Times just described it, that is all. I think she is a jerk. Did she trust this man all of a sudden?
VinnyD (AZ)
She said they took her quotes out of context. So, you don't know the whole story surrounding that incident.
Dan (New York)
It's really awful to ask someone at a pool party if they want a bikini right? Next time you're at a dinner party will you be offended if someone offers you food?
William (California)
Now caught in misleading innuendo that is a bold faced lie, how does the NYT plan on reclaiming even the slightest credibility during this presidential campaign? You smeared the words and intent of a woman, so what kind of woman's rights advocate can your paper be?
VinnyD (AZ)
Good point. For them and those who lean left, a woman's words only matter if it fits their ideology and narrative.
StewKat (NYC)
I wonder what it means that Ms. Lane told Fox News that she feels misquoted?
Kathryn Boseman (Baltimore, MD)
I did not read the article. I don't need a fluff piece that purports to be investigative journalism relevant to the current election. I am sick to death of all forms of media feeding us interpretations of polls instead of concise, non-biased discussions on specific issues. I am sick to death of the endless analysis of how trump became the political figure that he is instead of making ALL of the candidates answer the questions that are asked. I am sick to death of the media purporting to be "news" when it is clearly nothing more than info-tainment. I am sick to death of having to devote literally hours of my life every week just fact checking the noise coming from the networks, the Internet and the radio.

I certainly do not need another article like this to tell me the Trump is unfit to serve this country in any capacity let alone as President. Stop reporting on his behavior. The people who are turned off by it, do not benefit from this kind of 'reporting'. The people who love him are not going to be dissuaded by it.

Ask the candidates the hard questions and accept nothing but an answer. If they dance around it and attack other people instead of answering...shut them down. Period. You are all part of the problem.
Chandrasiri (Cincinnati)
Today, I heard this hit article blew up in the face of New York Times. I used to trust NY Times as a respected newspaper. Now it is staffed by less than honest and sometimes clueless journalists.
Sharon (Leawood, KS)
Did you actually read the article? If you read the article it's pretty balanced. If Trump actually had positions and policies developed perhaps the media could cover those.
quantumtangles (NYC)
Did you listen to the person who was quoted out of context by the vaunted NYTimes? How can you believe anything this article says then about anything? I expected this, unfortunately from the disgusting NYTimes Clinton PR machine.
Kimbo (NJ)
If you look at other news outlets, it will make you question the motives and accuracy of this piece. Too bad the NYT can't be more impartial.
They jumped WAY out front in endorsing Hillary. Now, they seem more like a scandal sheet in their biased unapologetic support of her and every reporting aspect of the election.
MRO (New York, N.Y.)
In the not too distant past we used to call a guy like this a dirty old man.
Sue (Cleveland)
Who, Bill Clinton?
Donald (Fresno)
Look at how his children behave and you know how he behaves in private!
tishtosh (California)
Donald Trump’s children were raised by their mother, Ivana, according to Donald, not by him. He has said he had no interest in child rearing, he considers that woman's work, so why give Donald the credit that belongs to Ivana?!
Michael Grinfeld (Tucson, AZ)
Donald Trump represents a danger to our country and to international stability. So, it doesn't help when the New York Times publishes dubious, poorly supported articles that are so easily assailed and seem to justify Trump's complaints about the press. It's no surprise that the sources are coming forward to challenge the way they were portrayed.
Bill Girten (Scottsdale)
One of the former models quoted in the story, which ran on The Times' front page Saturday, Rowanne Brewer Lane, is now blasting its reporters, claiming they were dishonest about what the story was supposed to be.
“I'm extremely upset. Basically, they lied to me,” she told Inside Edition. “They promised me multiple times that it would not be a hit piece, and clearly it was.”
But Brewer Lane says it was anything but, telling Inside Edition: "I told The Times that I was flattered by that comment, I was shocked and flattered."
She said she wasn’t offended and it was "the exact opposite of what they depicted." She added "I feel betrayed and deceived" by The New York Times.
Once they began dating, she says the billionaire was "gentlemanly."
“I never saw Donald be disrespectful to a woman, I met a lot of women when I was with Donald, a lot that worked with him, for him, and a lot that did not and he was very graceful to every one of them,” she told Inside Edition.
What happened to truth in this first of many stories on Trump form the NYT. Should we believe anything we read about Trump in the Times?
dolly patterson (Redwood City, CA)
Who has won more Peabody's and Pultzers--the NYT or Inside Edition? Who has the best record for journalism w/o sensation -- the NYT or Inside Edition?
quantumtangles (NYC)
Pulitzer, Peabody, and Nobel all in the liberal tank.
Jude Smith (Chicago)
What Trump's candidacy has done to the part of the electorate who thinks he should be commander-in-chief is given them license to behave poorly in public. This includes the misogyny, xenophobia, sexism, racism, etc.. If the world thought American behaved badly in the past, they haven't seen anything yet.
Frank Mazzeo (Richmond)
It is amazing how the main street media has helped create this monster and now they will try to destroy him. Unfortunately for the media (and perhaps the country) they have lost almost all credibility with main street America. From their pandering to hrc, a blatantly dishonest politician; almost obsequious coverage of Trump; and negative or nonexistent coverage of Sanders, main street America has concluded that for the most part the main street media is the supplier of misinformation and has it's own agenda. Unfortunately this agenda is not in the interest of the 99% but more in the interests of the corporations and shareholders that own them. Who owns the NYTimes again? Oh yes, billionaires and hedgefunds.

Now that the media has lost their credibility it will be interesting to see how they dig themselves out of this big hole they dug themselves into. My guess is that they will not be able too and we will have a president Trump, particularly if someone as dishonest as hrc is running against him.
Aaron (Texas)
Anyone who heads the Miss Universe pageant obviously appreciates beautiful women. But that was never a crime until the Times decided to put a bulleyse on Trump after becoming the Republican nominee for the presidency.
Spencer (St. Louis)
Anyone who heads the miss universe debacle sees women as objects. So, Aaron, when are we going to see men parading around in Speedos and high heels?
Dmj (Maine)
It would happen in a split second if men could make money at it. As it stands, women gain considerable financial advantages and opportunities by being in beauty pageants, for better or worse.
But, then, women constantly seek financial advantages in who they partner with, much more so than do men.
I have zero issue with men, who wish to, employing themselves as, for example, male strippers (more power to them). Why do so many women have an issue with women making money in the same way? Seems that too many women today overtly patronize and objectify women by arguing that they have to have the 'correct' perception of themselves and others.
And, again, I say this as someone who will vote for Hillary Clinton and not Donald Trump.
student (los angeles)
Few days before this article was posted, I watched a video on Ms. Brewer Lane, talking about the sweetest thing that Trump did for her (on Inside Edition). And then I read this, I thought to be myself, "you've got to be kidding me." Either Ms. Brewer Lane is telling two different stories or ny times is.

And by the way, I bet it is just not flattering at all for somebody to comment on your beauty (and which by the way, many women would agree, if anything, they would feel flattered, if they are secure and confident in themselves).

Now Ms. Brewer Lane has said that ny times has indeed spun her words and put a negative connotations to it. This article absolutely does nothing to hurt Trump. It polarizes everybody's opinions on Trump. The haters are going to hate. And his supporters are going to laugh.
Ed (Old Field, NY)
Now comes Hillary Clinton, just as cynical but a worse actor. Every issue, whatever it is about, is really a women’s issue; anyone who disagrees with her is a sexist. Is Trump sexist? It doesn’t matter whether he is, because he is. If elected, her entire Presidency would be based on this. What is her position on x? Who knows? Who cares? It doesn’t matter. She could favor something or oppose it. All that matters is that she is doing the right thing for women, and her opponents want to control and repress women. She doesn’t have to do a thing to improve women’s lives; in fact, any concrete accomplishment would he a hindrance to this strategy, because the important thing is this cosmic battle, which must never end. Trade, immigration, the economy, education, healthcare, foreign affairs all must be placed in this framework.
The result of all this is that we have a generation of young people that rejects religion, that views the very idea of America with suspicion, and that race relations are worse than at any time since before they were born and systemic racism has been frozen in place. But who cares? It got Bush reelected. It got Obama elected and reelected. Why should Hillary Clinton tamper with a winning formula? If women’s lives might be worse in four years, who cares? She meant well; she was on the right side; she fought the battle. Just ask her spokespersons.
In this context, emerges Trump.
In this context, he is most honest person in American politics.
Ed (Old Field, NY)
As most Americans increasingly believe that the officials and bureaucrats of Washington are thoroughly corrupt and barely competent, so the political class has come increasingly to rely on public relations and communications to divert people. Obviously, this was hardly new in politics, but George W. Bush perfected it with a brilliant insight: if something is an effective diversion, why not make everything a diversion? Why not make an entire Presidency a media strategy? For Republicans of that time, it was based on patriotism and Christianity. His administration made every policy a controversy, a drama in which there were heroes and villains—and guess who were the knights in shining armor? It was the duty of Americans to choose sides in this cosmic battle. Every issue, whatever it was about, was really about God and country; anyone who disagreed with him was a traitor or reprobate (thus John Kerry[!] in 2004 as the goldbricker and louche). Then came Obama, even more cynical. For Democrats of the time, every issue, whatever it is about, is really about civil rights; anyone who disagrees with him is a racist. It is always 1965.→
Bruce D. (Seattle, WA)
Regardless of whether he is helping advance a woman's career or simply making advances, the underlying repugnance of Donald Trump is that his only interest in women begins- and ends- with whether he finds them sexually attractive or not. For those who do not meet his narrow standards, regardless of whatever capabilities, education, or expertise they may possess, there is nothing but a disdainful dismissal. A man with such a deplorable attitude about half the population has no place in the White House.
Kimbo (NJ)
Have you ever met him? What are you basing your claim on? This story has already been proven to be a bust. I find it impossible to get an honest article in this paper if it relates to politics.
Andrew (NJ)
I have not heard anyone dispute the facts presented in the article. It is up to the reader to draw his or her own conclusions about Trump's behavior. IMO the perception of Trump that emerges from this article is consistent with Trump's own behavior during his campaign for president. Perhaps that is what is troubling.
Kels (Tanley)
Andrew from NJ has said many sexist things. Nobody has disputed that (except maybe you, Andrew, but you are biased.) Now it's up to the readers of this comment to draw their own conclusions.
Darrel (California)
I look forward to the Times front page study of Bill Clinton's treatment of women over the decades. Please publish it soon.
Bob (Rhode Island)
I'm more interested in Senator David Vitter spending tax payer money on hookers or Newt Gingrich serving his cancer stricken, bed ridden hospitalized wife with divorce papers while he was cheating in her with his current wife.
Heck eclven Mark Sanford skipping out in his constituents to hook up with his girlfriend while his wife watched the kids.
Oh, you rightists wrlere under the impression only the Haircut cheated?
Pete Sequeira (Newark)
Don't hold your!!!
Mary Mino (Chicago)
This is a perfect example of media bringing in its own bias/politics instead of being unbiased as journalists. While you are at it why not bring in the sexual antics of lots of past presidents (wow-even some prominent 20th century Democratic Presidents) ?? You don't need a formal history education to understand that you are forgetting character issues of the past, and that it didn't make much difference to the ability to do the job as President. Also that you are going for anything that could stick to dissuade voters against Trump, that you are trying to sway opinions and are doing your best to slam Trump's character. Nice job NY Times at "unbiased" presentation of information. It's obvious that people are sick of this and Trump's undeniable rise by voters is getting out of control for liberals.
Winifred Smythe (Austin)
I think the line from the article, "He sees himself as a promoter of women," is really telling. The big picture reads to me that Trump very much *does* like women, when they look and act in a way that benefits him and that he likes, and that jives with his values about what women should be. He seems to me to have some respect for that role, and fillers of that role. But I don't get the impression that he has any respect or consideration at all for women as individuals, or for women to define what it means for them to be people, or to be women. Cross him, defy him, even disappoint him, and he's brutal: sex "absent love and tenderness", the "humiliation" of the cameras at the gym, etc. He also seems to have no respect for women not under his power or control.

So what I'm getting at is, I don't see this as a contradictory portrait at all; I see it as a classically sexist portrait. Mr. Trump likes women--in their place. And as the strongest man around him, as the man with the power, it is his right and duty and pleasure to define that place, and even to enforce it. I don't think he has any genuine respect for the people women are outside of this narrow definition and role. He is genuinely disgusted by womens' actions (e.g. breastpumping) when those actions aren't looking beautiful and sexy, or making him lots of money and prestige. He's genuinely disgusted by "fat, ugly" women who don't consider those things priorities, too: to him, they're not really women, so they're nothing.
E.N Deboo (Columbus, OH)
Appears the woman in the article does NOT agree with how the NYT misrepresented what she said:
simone (london)
I don't understand. The problem is that he would do things like give judgement on the physical appearance of women participating in a beauty contest that he owned? Is this the kind of stuff we're talking about here?
Bill Girten (Scottsdale)
The NYT puts 20 hit-man on Trump and the first article they come out with is already completely discredited by the main person they misquoted saying “They spun it to where it appeared negative. I did not have a negative experience with Donald Trump,” Rowanne Brewer Lane
Now the 20 hit-man know that everything the write will be discounted and not believed. Great move
John (Oregon)
It is truly appalling that the NYT has not run the story regarding Ms. Lanes' repudiation of their article. It is sad new reality, but the truth if that one relies on the Times to be knowledgeable, one will be woefully uninformed and misinformed.
ZorBa0 (SoCal)
So "Their accounts — many relayed here in their own words — reveal unwelcome romantic advances, unending commentary on the female form, a shrewd reliance on ambitious women, and unsettling workplace conduct, according to the interviews, as well as court records and written recollections."

One can only surmise that if one is governor or president, who incidentally does hold extreme prejudice in a public servants employment status and future, is to be swept aside. FYI see "’90s Scandals Threaten to Erode
Hillary Clinton’s Strength With Women" at

Two wrongs don't make a right, but the difference in moral turpitude is egregious: unwanted or undesired [tried] is vastly different than imposed [Bill did]!

Is one to assume from "But in many cases there was an unmistakable dynamic at play: Mr. Trump had the power, and the women did not. He had celebrity. He had wealth. He had connections. Even after he had behaved crudely toward them, some of the women sought his assistance with their careers or remained by his side." that this is a warning shot for all others in so-called inequitable "power" relationships?
JKS (Atlanta, GA)
Let's harken back to Bill Clinton and the legitimate sexual harassment cases against him that this country had to endure, shall we?
Bob (Rhode Island)
Right after we clear up what Mark Sanford and David Vitter did.
After all they still cash tax payer funded paychecks.
The rightist philanderers
Aaron (Texas)
If Bill Clinton had done the same, would the Times have written a full page article on it. Oh yeah, The accusations against Bill Clinton actually were not 'Trumped' up. But I dare anyone to find a full page article by the Times rebuking Bill Clinton for 'crossing the line'. There may have been a time when the Times actually cared about appearing unbias and neutral. But those days have long since passed.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Are you kidding? You must not have been alive for the ridiculous impeachment trial of Clinton. Good god.

Hard to believe the GOP vile hatred at the time- Irony points for Hastert for being a molester of young guys and Gingrich for cheating while chastising about cheating.
VinnyD (AZ)
Bill Clinton committed perjury. Fact! Perjury is a crime. Fact! The constitution states a president can be impeached if he commits high crimes or misdemeanors. Fact! He also committed said perjury to subvert the justice of a woman he sexually harassed. Fact! How was the impeachment ridiculous? Do you like our presidents to be lawbreakers?
Kels (Tanley)
What did the NYT have to say about that? Did they do a full page salacious expose on it? No? Oh well, then, it's not the same thing.
Nat More (Florida)
This article had no trigger warnings! Now I'm going to have to grab some play-doh, a couple of stuffed animals, and retreat to my safe space for the rest of the day. I never knew that Donald liked women. I thought he was gay. Very, very disheartening.
minh z (manhattan)
Well, Nat, maybe that will be the next subject of the NYT's series of "factually fluid" hit pieces on Donald Trump. And what will you do then?
Barbara Lock (PA)
In a society that relegates sex to a commodity, women are complicit, using their attributes to their advantage. Are the women vulnerable or are they brokers for their own power? 20 years of psycho-therapy is just ludicrous. I am very suspicious of those voices crying as victims. I am also suspicious of the veracity in this article. All of the women here had choices. Ambition has it's inherent risks especially for women in business.
Ricky (Saint Paul, MN)
America awaits with bated breath the spectacle of one of the world's most despicable philanderers attacking a woman who courageously fought to save her marriage and family under the most exceptional conditions when her husband was unfaithful.

To turn to a subject so personal and out of bounds - of course this is Mr. Trumps's style. He has no class, no manners, no ethics, no morals, no principles, or common sense.

If there is a single woman who is ready to vote for Mr. Trump under those circumstances, it would to be someone who was either demented, mentally deficient, or criminally clueless - or all of the above.
VinnyD (AZ)
Hahaha! Are you joking? Boy, you bought the Clinton propaganda hook, line, and sinker. When he was unfaithful? He's been unfaithful their entire marriage. He's also been accused of sexual assault multiple times. To stay with him through that makes Hillary and enabler; not someone who's courageous.
quantumtangles (NYC)
Thanks Ricky, I just threw up my lunch gagging on the garbage you posted.
Coloured European Observer (Europe)
Thank you for this article. It really shows what kind of man he is. Now, the RNC has decided to ignore all these deep and serious character flaws, which tells us what kind of men THEY are. Their statement is "People don't care about his problems with women". To the RNC apparently "people" are exclusively white conservative males.
RLABruce (Dresden, TN)
What about Hillary's character flaws? Try to keep a sense of proportion!
Bill Girten (Scottsdale)
Thanks for this article? It's not an article, It is a collection for made up misrepresentations. Check your facts. “They spun it to where it appeared negative. I did not have a negative experience with Donald Trump,” Rowanne Brewer.
The Times goes on to describe the incident as “a debasing face-to-face encounter between Mr. Trump and a young woman he hardly knew.”
But Lane told Fox News that was not the case.
“He never made me feel like I was being demeaned in any way,” she said, calling the article “very upsetting.”
“The New York Times told us several times that they would make sure that my story that I was telling came across … that it would not be a hit piece,” she said. “That my story would come across the way that I was telling it … and it absolutely was not.”
Coloured European Observer (Europe)
The facts about miss Brewer Lane speak for themselves. Whether that "appears" negative, depends on ones self-esteem and moral values. *I* for one and many others, think that it was a negative thing.

If you, as 21 year old girl, do not think there's anything wrong with being paraded around in a bikini in front of fully clothed old men, then of course she will say Trump made her feel good, not bad.
- why did she agree to the interview, she can't have thought it was a puff piece about Trump, unless she's even more dense than she appears to be now. And to be fair it's not a complete hit piece either, some women do have genuine positive experiences with him. But loads of men treat women well, but they do NOT demean women like Trump does.
- And she NEVER said anything factual was not true in the article.

What happened to miss Brewer Lane is very understandable: She wanted to tell stuff about Trump (maybe to get back at him, we don't know), but then realized it make HER look worse than him, and dumber too. So, she retracted. Nothing new about that. It's called battered wife syndrome: you don't wanna admit (predominantly to yourself) that you're THAT stupid, so you deny, deny, deny....
Jeffrey (California)
After hearing Rowanne Brewer Lane push back against her portrayal in this article in the media today, what is striking is that she doesn't see how showing her off as "a stunning Trump girl" isn't demeaning. He has taken a stranger and made her part of his collection; his property.

Unless their sexists have a loin cloth and are hitting the women with a club, people don't want to know about it. Further education and sensitizing is clearly needed.
Jeffrey (California)
typo. should read: "what is striking is that she doesn't see how showing her off as "a stunning Trump girl" IS demeaning.
Patrick (Chadds Ford, PA)
Bill Clinton is the poster child of a predator sexual abuser whose appetites have disgraced his family and the nation with serial lies and conduct that deservedly led to his numerous encounters will law enforcement, the courts, and his subsequent impeachment all the while Hillary stood by her man like Tammy Wynette supporting his tortured excuses for infidelity and sexual abuse.
Bob (Rhode Island)
I hope The Haircut taps Newt Gingrich to be his running mate.
Then we'd have two "men" who between them have amassed 7 wives...and countless cocubines.
Susan (New York, NY)
Bill Clinton IS NOT running for president....please try to keep up.
vaporland (Denver, Colorado, USA)
"Nero Appointed Roman Fire Marshal"

FORT MITCHELL, Ky. — Hillary Clinton already has an assignment for her husband, Bill Clinton, if they return to the White House next year. The former president, Mrs. Clinton told voters on Sunday, will be “in charge of revitalizing the economy.”
John Goudge (Peotone, Il)
Gee, where was the NY Times back in the day? If a liking for the ladies is a disqualifying defect, why didn't we hear of the Kennedys, LBJ and FDR? They call cavorted when in office.
Bob (Rhode Island)
Because they were too busy tallying up Trump's, Guilianni's and Gingrich's marriage totals...
Hummmmm (In the snow)
Does this sound like Trump?

Men that are abuse are very clever, smart, and extremely charming. Most of these men have a personality that draws people in because of their level of charm this is part of their art to deceive and manipulate. This is why often times when a victim does report an assault she is not easily believed because people usually say “not him, he is so nice’ “you are so lucky”, All of this plays into his because if he gets people outside of the home to buy into his deceit the victim has little if no support. Most batterers are seen as “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" because of the stark contrast in their public and private selves. When we look into the mind and behaviors of the batterers the DSM-IV gives us some diagnostic criteria/diagnosis for this population.

Diagnosis of Abusers/Batterers

1. Antisocial Personality Disorder, (deceitfulness, repeatedly lying, use of aliases or conning others for personal profit or pleasure.)
2. Borderline Personality Disorder (a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships by alternating between extreme idealizations and devaluation.)
3. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (Has a grandiose sense of self-importance.)

When we look at the profile/characteristics of batterers/abusers we can clearly see how this diagnosis will be found in this population. It’s important to be careful with this diagnosis because many batterers will look to use as an excuse for their behavior.
VinnyD (AZ)
Fits Bill Clinton to a T.
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
Last week the NY Times openly asked what it would take to destroy Donald Trump in the 24 hour American news cycle.

Back to the drawing board fellas, this one is a dud.
Dectra (Washington, DC)
Yes, DCB,

Continue to stand behind this disgusting man; overlook every single thing that the rest of us know: those who continue to support him are nothing more than enablers of a man who is UNFIT for office.
Native New Yorker (nyc)
It would appear, from the examples presented within this article at least, that Donald Trump promotes women to significant roles because he sees the extra value he can obtain from them (working harder to make an inroad in a mostly or all male field) than a man in the same role and also that, if he in any way feels threatened by their success, he can simply put them down simply for being women. He can't do that with men. Women can never out succeed him no matter what work they do, because they, by definition as women, are less than he is. So hiring and mentoring women gives him both economic and self-promoting benefits. No one is simple, but this comment may be a part of more complex and nuanced understanding of Donald Trump's interactions with and perceptions of women.
Gibs (NJ)
You get a gold medal for mental gymnastics.
Pete Sequeira (Newark)
It's no wonder that this once great newspaper, which actually reported the real news, not their leftist agenda, is going down the tubes, just like the Washington Post and Boston Globe!!! If only they reported the truth on the corrupt Clintons and their ties to foreign campaign contributions from human rights abusers like China, and anti woman Arab states!
RealDonald (Stockholm)
These are sad days. When even the New York Times produces tabloid journalism of the lowest kind. I can sense the disappointment between the lines: You poured a lot of time and effort into this story, and came up with almost nothing. Maybe you should have "killed your darling" in the bud, and not published. There's almost nothings newsworthy in this story. Only a few disgruntled ex-employees, and young women who are disappointed about how things worked out. All in all, better luck next time.

And, I'm looking forward to reading a story about disgruntled ex-employees of Mrs. Hillary Clinton. That might be a more interesting read.
VinnyD (AZ)
Not only is the Times dishonest, but you're doing a bad job carrying Hillary Clinton's water. Running a false hit piece on Trump's relationship with women naturally makes people think about Bill Clinton's relationship with women, which includes accusations of sexual assault, and how Hillary sought out to discredit and destroy his accusers.
Sara G. (New York, NY)
Maybe this is old news, but I asked a psychologist friend the other night to offer his diagnosis of our would-be-president: narcissistic personality disorder. Given the description and symptoms below (Mayo Clinic), his diagnosis seems spot on.

" may come across as conceited, boastful or pretentious. You often monopolize conversations. You may belittle or look down on people you perceive as inferior. You may feel a sense of entitlement — and when you don't receive special treatment, you may become impatient or angry. You may insist on having "the best" of everything — for instance, the best car, athletic club or medical care."

-Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
-Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
-Exaggerating your achievements and talents
-Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
-Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
-Requiring constant admiration
-Having a sense of entitlement
-Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
-Taking advantage of others to get what you want
-Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
-Being envious of others and believing others envy you
-Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
Missy Dunn (Northern Virginia)
Sara- sounds like you are writing about the Emperor Obama.
4Julia (Deep in the Heart)
You just described every trait of Hillary Clinton.
VinnyD (AZ)
Sounds like Obama.
vaporland (Denver, Colorado, USA)
the model in the initial segment is stating that this article does not reflect her actual comments or feelings.

you should know by now that trump is beyond reagan, he's "teflon donald"

"If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." - obi-wan donald?

NYT really misfired on this story.
Who expected a hit piece on Trump about Women from NYT? Did not see that one coming.

If you uncover he is an accomplice or enabler of a serial rapist, flies to Lolita Island over a dozen times as evidenced with his name on a flight manifest or pays women 38% less than the women in his staff (Clinton) or writes an article in a paper about how women supposedly fantasize about being violated without consent by 3 men at once like Sanders, I would be interested.

I am not interested in how Trump treats the women who date or marry him. I am interested in how he will run the country. There are many positive accounts of the women who have worked for him through time and there are more female executives at the Trump organization then men.

Your biased reporting is obvious and makes you look like fools.
Hans Viertel (Wisconsin)
So how does this compare to how Bill Clinton treated women? Monica Lewinsky? Or Ted Kennedy? Or John F Kennedy? Or how Lyndon B Johnson treated everyone? Seems to me that if any of those would get the same scrutiny that Donald Trump is getting here, there would be jaws dropping to the floor. The New York Times is using all of it's resources trying to pin something on Trump. Imagine what would happen if they did that to Hillary Clinton.
chris (f)
I tried to get through this slop but after a few paragraphs I thought who cares? There's like five articles about trump everyday on the times. We get it, he's a jerk. Report on something else now that you've created this monster. All these articles only empower a person who never apologizes or admits wrongdoing.
Edmund Snyder (oklahoma)

Trump behaves like Bill Clinton or a Kennedy, if they had almost unlimited funds.
Diogenes (nunja)
Everyone accusing Trump of being a sexist is totally off the mark. Trump is definitely NOT a sexist. Many of you evidently do not even know the definition of sexism.

If anything, you might be able to accuse him of being a womanizer. A womanizer and a sexist are NOT the same thing.

But not like any of that matters as most of you doing this are just looking for any excuse to reinforce your political biases. But for what it is worth I will take a womanizer over the constant stream of bought and paid for politicians. I will vote for Trump for that reason alone. Something HAS to change and you will NOT get it with life-time establishment politicians like Hillary Clinton.

The media are playing all of you and most of you are too hoodwinked to see it. The establishment, which includes organizations like the NYT, don't want Trump in because he cannot be bought by special interests. This country is being gutted and too many of you are stuck in some kind of high school drama mentality that is steering your decision making process. Again the media is playing all of you on such base levels and most of you are too propagandized too see it.

The NYT could find just as many people to smear Hillary Clinton if they so desired. Which goes to show you that the NYT is not institution of journalism. It is nothing but a propaganda machine for the establishment.
Southern Boy (Spring Hill, TN)
I hope if Hillary Clinton makes an issue of Trump's "treatment" of women, I hope he comes back at her with a furious attack upon her husband's treatment of women, treatment that was physically abusive and in some cases criminal; treatment of women which she overlooked, condoned, and facilitated, all for her political expediency and selfishness.
Dectra (Washington, DC)

News Flash: Hillary's husband isn't running for office.
vaporland (Denver, Colorado, USA)
"Nero Appointed Roman Fire Marshal"

FORT MITCHELL, Ky. — Hillary Clinton already has an assignment for her husband, Bill Clinton, if they return to the White House next year. The former president, Mrs. Clinton told voters on Sunday, will be “in charge of revitalizing the economy.”
VinnyD (AZ)
So, this is the latest talking point. Read Southern Boy's comment. What does it say about someone who not only stayed with someone like Bill Clinton, but actively attempted to silence and discredit his accusers?
Remy (SoCal)
Came here to read about the lies, that was exposed this morning. no credibility, no real journalist but it is a very entertaining piece. You should be change your name to New York Entertainment Times because this is not real news Lol
DrC (Tx)
Apparently the New Joke Times decided to still push this fantasy article. Rowanne Brewer Lane had a PHONE interview with FOX after this article came out and she was FURIOUS about how the NYT twisted and spun what info she gave during the interview.

Just another Left Wing smear job.
Barbara (New York NY)
After reading this, are there still citizens who think this man should be President?? A person who thinks and behaves this way is not suited to the Presidency.
Doc (arizona)
If and when Trump crosses the line with Hillary Clinton, and he will, Hillary should call 'time out,' walk up to Trump and slap is face, HARD. TWICE. Regardless of politics, all women will identify with the many reasons a woman would slap Donald 'Potty Mouth' Trump, twice, hard. I believe such a act of controlled violence will gain Hillary the respect and votes she needs to put Trump in the corner with a dunce cap on.
Matt (Davidson)
I'm a big fan of the Times, and I don't plan on voting for Trump, but this article portrayed him unfairly. No, he's not politically correct. That's hardly news.
Eric (Rochester Hills MI)
Way to go NYTs - you proved to have zero skill at journalism. You do an interview and then decide to spin it the way you politically want it. Zero class - zero value newspaper. When are you going to print a retraction/apology?
David (Grove City PA)
How amazing. A New York Times that gave Bill Clinton a pass, ignoring his gross conduct with females and his wife as she covered, lied, and destroyed accusers' reputations, has now taken a keen interest in Donald Trump's sexual predation. The double-standard is breathtaking. Whited walls. I won't vote for Trump, but this type of hypocrisy and bias is why people don't trust the Times.
VinnyD (AZ)
The Times was foolish to run this article because the contrast between how they handle this issue between the two candidates is so glaring, and when one sees this article, they cannot help but to think of the omission of a corresponding article on the Clintons.
tiddle (nyc, ny)
While this might be "news" from NYT, it's really not any news to anyone where extravaganza and outrageousness are the norm of Trump. Would this really have any impact, come November? I highly doubt it. Those who vote for Trump are not voting for women's rights (or civil rights, or minority rights), they are voting for Trump the candidate that upsets the status quo.

To that end, I rather think this is the sort of "gotcha" reporting that befits tabloids, rather than a respectable news source like NYT, synonymous to gossip news.

I've already made up my mind, that I would write in my own candidate's name in the Nov ballot anyways, so who cares about Trump. If anything, I'd much rather seeing more news about when Sanders the nuisance candidate is dropping out, so that the Dem field is cleared off.
RNC Chairman says that "nobody cares"! That shows the low class and lack of principles of these GOP characters. I care and everybody should care about the traits of a presidential nominee. He is trying to put everybody in the same plane as the dumber of the Trump's supporters to see how many would give Trump passes for behavior unbecoming a candidate.
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
Nobody cared on the left when the allegations against Bill Clinton surfaced.
VinnyD (AZ)
So, do you care about all the accusations of sexual assault against Bill Clinton?
Janet (Philadelphia)
"I care and everybody should care about the traits of a presidential nominee."

Then why, during the impeachment of Bill Clinton, were we told that his similar sexual behavior was none of our business? None of that was supposed to matter when electing a President. We were told that it was a matter strictly between him and his wife.

I have no idea whether or not you had this opinion at the time. But plenty of journalists wasted no time telling the American people not to care about the traits of a President.
Lost in a fog (Middle of the country)
The attacks on the Trumps cover everything from his posing as his own publicist in the 1970s (CNN) to his "treatment of women" (NYT).

He might as well fire back with both barrels. Got my bag of popcorn ready.
Patrick (Chadds Ford, PA)
Crossing the line? You guys are giving yellow journalism a fresh coat of paint with metallic flakes with this torturous smear that has backfired:
Ainsley Earhardt: "will you vote for him?"
Rowanne Lane: "I think Donald is doing a great job..and I'm supporting him"
Trump and Palin are going to destroy Hillary and erase the ill-gotten gains of the radical democrats and close the Bush/Clinton chapter of politics.
A D (Oregon)
One of the women quoted in the article is already saying she was misquoted and what she said was spun to make Trump look bad.
Bob (Rhode Island)
So she's telling the truth and all the other ladies are lying.
Hey, I have some nice swampland in Florida y'all should look at.
David (Randall)
He is an unusual mix. Although he has clearly been un-PC and juvenile at times with regard to woman, at the same time, he has been a leader in the real estate world in terms of hiring and providing opportunity for women. Also interesting (although not really and certainly not surprising!) the NYT seems to have twisted the record on this.
Would be great to give the facts and let the readers decide how to
Jason (New Orleans)
This article is complete satire. The New York Times should be ashamed of themselves for finding a bunch of jealous women who are angry. Crowding the field with resentful women will not hold Mr Trump back from becoming our next president.
naniofseven (Boston)
There is nothing about Donald Trump that isn't execrable. This story, however, is a despicable witch hunt, not worthy of the NYT readership. As disgusted by the story as I am by Trump.
Gracie (Kim)
I have not waded through the 2930 comments, but I am intelligent, liberal leaning, PhD educated female who is what could be described as pretty. I belong to, what one could describe as the cultural and intelligent elite. This article is completely hypocritical - open any dating website where lawyers, judges, academics and business elite preside. Open any of their requests for a woman and the comments will be: must look good in a bikini, prefer a woman who is slender, I like a woman with long legs and healthy hair, must be well groomed. These are quotes. The fact that these professional are not running for president does not allay my fears. The way that Mr Trump displays his masculine peacock feathers may not suit anyone style. What is sexism these days - is the question of the day - if 2016 has one word it is sexuality.
VinnyD (AZ)
It's called human nature. We're genetically predisposed to want a healthy, attractive mate just like all species.
Chimes123 (New York City)
If that's the best the reporters could do in probing Donald Trump's life with women dating back to the nineties, then Trump is alright with me. In fact, he's even better with women than I thought, based on your story.
Mr.A (Nash)
This, with the multiple, now public lies has sealed my vote. If the left and right hate him so much they are going to literally put words in people's mouth, he's going to be the next President. You left and right people need to come to the center with the rest of us normal folk.
VinnyD (AZ)
Yep, this hit piece totally backfired.
JPM (Houston)
Hit piece. Find and watch the video of the first woman profiled in this article and how she says NYT got her story wrong and misrepresented her meeting with Donald. Or just keep lying to yourselves in your liberal echo chamber. The choice is yours.
EJ Mann (New Jersey)
What's the big deal here. Trump thinks or thought like most men: visual first, unspoken sexist bravado/boorishness coupled with the "notch on the bedpost" mentality. Welcome to Venus and Mars. However, the important part of the article relates to Trump's hiring of women in key positions when to do so was anathema. He weighed their talent to make him money and hired them with very good salaries. Enough said.
John Smithson (California)
This article has more spin on it than a tennis serve. When you get down to the facts reported, there are few. As the lead source for the story has said she was misquoted and her story spun, I think the New York Times has crossed the line and ought to retract the story.

Like him or hate him, I have seen no evidence that Donald Trump is sexist.
Carol (Toronto)
A hit piece? Well, it did hit the mark...DT is a chauvenist. No one can deny that, especially women who have experienced this type of man. HIs followers will though, because so many of them see women in that way, be they men or women. Just as he is an authoritarian figure, so too are those who love his braggadocio, his bullying, his arrogance and uneducated speech patterns. They love him because he thinks like them.
Heaven help us all if he should win the White House.
gsandra614 (Kent, WA)
Trump reminds me of the delusional character, General Jack Ripper, in "Dr. Strangelove." Actor Sterling Hayden played the role and uttered the following: "Women sense my power and they seek...the life essence."

A certifiable nut job wants to be President.
Bob R (Pittsburgh)
The Times has egg all over its face. Any objective reading of the article made it look like these women felt demeaned and actually said Trump "debased" Lane. Being "quoted accurately" is a lie by omission as they twisted the actual quotes to imply something that was not there. They should retract this and issue an apology immediately. Now the other woman who worked for him (Barbara Res) also came out and said her comments were taken completely out of context

Its like, for example, quoting a woman who says, "this guy I never met came up to me and gave me flowers!". The context makes all the difference. What if the woman who said this also said after that quote, "he was soo handsome and I was soo flattered I just knew he was the one and a year later we were married!" Hardly creepy and actually is a romantic story.

What the Times did was took a quote like the one above and said, "this guy has a history of creepy, stalker behavior that many women were troubled by. One woman, who dated him told this reporter, "this guy I never met came up to me and gave me flowers!" Very troubling sexist behavior has always followed this guy".

They can defend it any way they want, they lied by omission and twisting the context and it is slander.
Jay Roth (Los Angeles)
I just saw the two reporters who wrote this story interviewed on CBS and CNN, and I came away from those appearances certain their article is skewed and exaggerated to reflect their own negative view of Trump.

To start, CBS showed a clip from a Rowena Brewer rebuttal of the Reporters's story about the bikini bathing suit story that started off their article. She stated she was misquoted and the event mis-characterized by the reporters, and that she came away from the experience with positive memories of Trump. She was at the time a professional model who earned her living on her looks - why would showing them off to praise offend her? Also the reporters lifted the bikini story out of context. They didn't bother to inform if other bathing suit swimmers were splashing around in the pool, or lounging on pool chairs.

Yes, Donald is a boor, but the media keeps exaggerating his boorishness and attitudes toward women through its own lens of feminist distortion. That was obvious listening to the two reporters rationalizing their own observations for the slanted, non-objective nature of their article.

I don't care about Trump's attitude about female appearance anymore then I care about ludrucious charges of Hillary enabling Bill's sexual proclivities. But I DO care about the deterioration of American journalism reflected so frequently now in the NY Times and other other media outlets - and Super Market stories desiguised as objective news articles like this one prove the point.
VinnyD (AZ)
The charges against Hillary aren't ludicrous. It's a fact that she, along with Betsy Wright, ran a "bimbo eruptions" team to handle all the women claiming to have had affairs with Bill. She went on national TV and lambasted Gennifer Flowers, but Bill admitted during the Jones case he did have an affair with her.
TheraP (Midwest)
Every day that DT spends responding to attacks is a good day for Dems.

There is so much muck to dig upon on the Don "Juan" that every day, going forward, should be a "good day for Dems".

I'm sure the Times, and every other representative of our Free Press, is Just Getting Started.
NYtimes has zero credibility at this point. Sad partisan self destruction. I come here only for laughs now.
Southern Boy (Spring Hill, TN)
This is outrageous! Trump's actions are worse than anything done, or allegedly done, by Bill Clinton!
Bob (Rhode Island)
Trump is a real dirtbag.
Stacy (Manhattan)
If anything derails Donald Trump it won't be articles like this. People, including myself, who are turned off by this kind of behavior are not going to vote for the man anyway. And for many of his supporters -witness the comments here- his womanizing is a plus.

I'm also not sure his diehard supporters care that he is nuttier than a fruitcake. Craziness is part of his schtick. As long as it is big and bold craziness, it just makes him seem like a tough guy.

No, what will do him in is something, or several somethings, that show him pathetic, small, and weak - that undermine his alpha-male gig. The business with the fake alter egos chiming his own praises is in this category. Except that that happened some time ago and is perhaps not big enough to matter. But if more of that kind of thing keeps coming out his carefully crafted "big guy" character starts to unravel.

Then things will get squirrelly fast. No one likes to be duped.
Hombre (So. Oregon)
As boorish as Donald Trump can be, there is nothing here that approximates in seriousness the allegations of mistreatment made by women against both Bill and Hillary Clinton which have not been featured this way by the Times.

We have come to understand that newspapers feel entitled to reflect their bias, but bias coupled with hypocrisy is really a push, isn't it?
Sam (NJ)
It's like you guys are TRYING to get Trump elected. This is very embarrassing.

Trump needs to go. We all know that. But this article was a pathetic hit piece way beneath the Times standard. You're playing directly into Trump's hands.
vonWolf (Hollywood)
Trump still has a way to go to meet the high standard of using, and abusing woman as President Bill Clinton..I wish him luck..My concern is that a few of the woman from the article are saying they have been misquoted...I hope thats not true, I prefer to see Trump in as negative a view I as I can..I dont care if its true, as long as it shows how evil(whether he is or not) Trump is, which is why I love the NYTimes(inquiring Minds want to know. I want to know!).
WRG (Somerville)
so Brewer Lane says she was misrepresented here? but, note that she has not claimed she was misquoted! she's Trump's ex, and a supporter of his campaign, and no one near her warned her about the NYT being "liberal"?

she doesn't sound bright.

but, that's the sexism of Trump: surround himself with ignorant but beautiful models (all desperate for fame and money), rather than normal intelligent women.
Chrissyml (Vancouver)
Actually, Brewer Lane did say she was misquoted and that she will be supporting Donald Trump in the general election.

As I mentioned yesterday, she told the Daily Mail last Month that Donald is very how and gentle. She contacted Fox News to set the record straight.
Dale B (California)
Yet another New York Times pants on fire moment.

One of the key individuals in the article has repudiated the the essence of what was portrayed in the article. The Time response is to stand by the article claiming what the portrayed is what she meant not what she is saying.

The real article is about reporters supporting Hilliary Clinton. If they cannot spin reality to portray Trump as a sexist, Hillary looses. Her attempts so far to created division between the sexes has failed. So this is the Times's desperate attempt to get that back on track.

If we want to talk about people demeaning women, how about the willful, quite successful attempts by Hillary to demean all of the women that were banging her husband. It is understandable what she did but for the New York Time to cheap-shot Trump with a hit-piece and not do the same for Hilliary clearly shows their bias in presenting the facts.
47% (Brooklyn)
People don't realize how rampant this is on our culture. In fact there is alot of media talk regarding the pay disparity among male verse females. (I believe the official number is that females earn 77% of males.) But here is the honest truth how it works in corporate America.
There are two kinds of females. The pretty and attractive ones. (what society considers pretty). And the non pretty/ over weight females. The attractive females are the first to be both hired and promoted in the work place. That is even before many men. The unattractive females get hired and promoted last after the men. So there should really be 3 numbers when measuring gender pay disparity. 1) attractive females. 2) Men 3) Unattractive females Even when companies make an effort to promote women in the workplace as a corporate responsibility its only the attractive women that they promote.

I would venture to say that attractive females earn more than men.

My underlying point is our culture has so evolved around looks that we are blinded by whats really important.
VinnyD (AZ)
The pay gap has been proven to be a myth. When apples to apples are compared, men and women earn the same. Do an online search and find out for yourself.
47% (Brooklyn)
Vinny its half way a myth. In other words if you compare simply male to female then you are correct. But you are only correct because of my analysis. Attractive females aren more then men so they make up for the unattractive ones. I want you to compare unattractive females to attractive females and men. I am positive that you will see a pay gap amoung unattractive females who are equally as competent. I see it every day in corporate america.
pieceofcake (not in Machu Picchu anymore)
and don't say we didn't warn you guys...
steelmanr (East Coast)
More on the aesthetics of Trump. The beauty, media and entertainment fields are a judgy business. That will offend some people. Time has elapsed so the she said he said has new context. These efforts to nick Trump miss the larger picture of his support; voters dissatisfied with far more than the aesthetics of their messenger.
dcaryhart (SOBE)
As in Game of Thrones, Little Finger has his shortcomings.
Mark (New York)
Thanks for the expose. So exactly how different is the Donald from Slick Willy Clinton and every Kennedy, ever? I missed that part of the article.
Mike (Cranford, NJ)
And of course, no one ever wrote a word about Bill Clinton's escapades, right?

If you don't mind that Trump behaves this way, that's your business, just as it was for people who shrugged when they heard it about Clinton. But that doesn't mean it's wrong to point it out.
J House (Singapore)
Today, we learn from other media sources the NYT made a false portrayal of a woman's account of her interactions with Donald Trump, and that she was misled by these NYT reporters as to the substance of her allegations.
Is it too much to ask of the Times to have honest reporting on the facts that interviewees give to the Times reporting staff? What are readers to make of the other allegations, now that this has come to light?
Please, if the NYT is going to engage in hit pieces targeting the GOP fron runner, can their reporters at least do it honestly?
BillMack91302 (Calabasas)
It appears Trump is just a classier and less aggressive version of Bill Clinton.
Liz Wilkes (Canyon Lake, TX)
Not sure if anyone has examined this angle, but was Hugh Hefner Trump's role model? The age factor and behaviors really suggest that. He's stuck in the 50s view of women from the pages of Playboy.
c3gc (Princeton, NJ)
I love the NYT and gladly pay my subscription, considering it a true value. I do not subscribe to The National Enquirer. . . . At least I did not think I did.
Bean (Florida)
You would of gotten a more accurate account from "The National Enquirer". They spun this article so badly that even the people interviewed are saying it is all lies.
SKM (geneseo)
Oh no, New York Times, how many votes did you win Donald J. Trump with this now discredited piece of pulp fiction?
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
"They [NY Times] told me several times and my manager several times that it would not be a hit piece and that my story would come across the way that I was telling it and honestly, and it absolutely was not." - Rowanne Brewer-Lane May 16, 2016.

When will Obama liberals learn?
O' what a tangl'd web we weave,
When first we practice to deceive.
wpw3 (new york)
The quote below is mis-attributed given that it is a written excerpt, and The Donald was neithet a politician nor an aspirant to the White House at the time.

"I will never again give a wife responsibility within my business."

–Donald J. Trump, presumptive Republican nominee

Also, perhaps irrelevantly, I had occasion to work with Barbara Res in the early 90s and recall that she was very intelligent, and highly competent.
Jon (S)
I am no fan of Trump, and I find his recent actions and comments deplorable, but this article is a hit piece that is beneath the NYT. Focus on his policies. Those are heinous enough. Of note, the woman in the lede has already claimed that she was misquoted by the NYT on this one.
pieceofcake (not in Machu Picchu anymore)
she wasn't 'misquoted' - as she ment what she said as a compliment for Drumpf - not unlike the NYT who thought this article wasn't an ad for Drumpf,
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
Another attempt by the NYT to "bring down" Donald Trump, unraveling before their eyes.

Now Trump can play the Bill Clinton card with ease. Epic fail.
Ford Sell (California)
NYT starts out with a completely misquoted, misrepresented story according to Rowanne Brewer Lane, the actual person supposedly quoted see

Sorry NYT, your biased reporting continues to hurt your credibility.
Bob Dowd (Chicago)
From what I hear, the women quoted now all say the NYT took their comments out of context and twisted their words around..Will the NYT admit this and apologize and retract this lie of theirs?
Z.M. (New York City)
I think, unfortunately, you ended up doing The Donald a favor. This rather lame exposé gives him the opportunity to dwell on the subject of Bill Clinton's transgressions and Hillary's reactions to them- and point out to the fact that in comparison his lapses, if any ,pale in comparison. The outcome, for anyone who cares, is pretty predictable and scary.
Please focus on the more critical issues to demonstrate he is not fit to be President of the United States. Please.
KA (Ohio)
And the NYT lied? I'm so surprised.
hct (emp_has_no_pants_on)
This, THIS is the article everybody's talking about??!

I saw the CBS "This Morning" morning live on-set interview with the two NYT reporters this morning and it was interesting to see how much squirming they were doing (Mr. Barbaro, especially) under very neutral, rather friendly and fair questioning. A lot of stammering going on there.

So I head over to the internet to read the actual article in question and find it rather underwhelming - especially the rather weak and whimpering ending. (In fact, I had to keep scrolling down to look for the continuation of the article because surely this abrupt close wasn't the nail-in-the-political-coffin ending I was expecting.)

Now, like others, I'm not a big Donald Trump supporter but this article just seems almost ridiculous and reaching. In the interest of "jounalistic fairness," NYT, when is the next article in this casting-aspersions political series going to highlight and detail Hillary's hilarious behind-the-scenes aiding and abetting of Roamin' Willy's unwanted advances/gropings/physical assaults over the past two-and-a-half decades, starting with that infamous 1992 post-Super Bowl 60 Minutes where Hillary's lying-with-a-straight-face, ends-justify-the-means, talent was first nationally broadcast?
Pillai (Saint Louis, MO)
Don't you all know? Everyone lies about Trump. Every single one, without exception. Everyone is out to disparage him, take advantage of his broad mindedness, his kind heart.

Except of course, if it's a flattering comment. Then it is all true.

If elected, this man will be the Muammar Gaddhafi of America. And we will have the mind numbing know-nothingness of the Republican party to thank for that.
Robert (ND)
Everyone is entirely honest about Hillary Clinton, right? From the secret service agents to the Chilpotle workers who serve her lunch.
petey tonei (Massachusetts)
Trump supporters need to open their eyes. Trump not only questioned President Obama's birth, he also poisoned his own white butler's brain with hate speech against the First African American President of the country. IN the 21st century, there is no room for such nonsense, racism, bigotry that Trump and his former butler display.
A D (Oregon)
"he also poisoned his own white butler's brain with hate speech against the First African American President of the country" where is your proof of this allegation?
Daniel (Chicago)
Rather than get into a he said / she said as to whether the NYT accurately portrayed Ms. Brewer Lanes' comments (something she is contesting post-publication), how about publishing online a transcript of the reporters' interview9s) with her, or better yet a copy of the recorded interview? Presumably, that will put the lie to the out-of context changes.
Todd Fox (Earth)
Trump is a sexual pig. Tell us something we don't know.

The New York Times went down a dangerous road in publishing this article. Bill Clinton is also a sexual pig and, let's be honest, his transgressions include allegations of rape, taking advantage of a young intern, lying under oath, and publicly shaming the women he had sex with and calling them liars. It's never been proven that his wife knew of his trashy behavior - let's not dignify the cigar incident by calling it an affair - but it's hard to believe she didn't have at least some inkling.

Did you really want to give Trump the rationalization to start this line of attack? Mark my words, when the attacks begin he'll say "I didn't start this. The NY Times threw the first salvo and they are her biggest supporters."

Dumb move NY Times.
Carol (Toronto)
So ... the fact that we all know he is a Chauvenist pig doesn' t seem to matter to some. It would seem that Americans feel ok with his disgusting behaviour, but are not ok with Bill Clinton's. Actually, it comes down to who would you rather have in the White House with a finger poised over that red button... Hillary or Trump? As a Canadian, I know who I would choose if I could...need a hint?
Joanne (Norwalk, CT)
This article was proved to be incorrect by Rowanne Brewer Lane. She was on Fox and Friends this morning stating that the New York Times misquoted and misrepresented what she said and it was totally wrong. They turned her words around to defame Trump to put him in a bad light. She supports Trump and said she was treated with respect by him. She said he was not sexist in any was and was not as the New York Times is represented him. Just goes to show how bias and skewed the New York Times and the media are!!
Ray Yurick (Akron, Ohio)
Her treatment by him was sexist. Whether she recognizes it out not is another question.
Robert (ND)
So she is too weak minded to decide for herself whether she was treated well or badly? Because women just are more weak minded in general, right?
David Porter (USA)
This is tabloid journalism at it's finest, ranking right alongside the National Enquirer. The first person quoted in the article has already said the whole thing is a lie, that Trump was a perfect gentleman to her, and that she is voting for him. You must be so proud of yourselves to publish this garbage.
mike danger (florida)
Why do liberals have to lie? Why does the New York Times feel the need to forsake their sacred obligation to report the truth? WHY IS THIS STORY A BIG LIE?
Ray Yurick (Akron, Ohio)
She's changing her story (a bit)-she's complaining mostly about emphasis and not being misquoted. Stockholm syndrome?
Carol (Toronto)
Why do Republicans have to lie? Why does Congress spend millions upon millions of dollars on hearings of Bengazhi and the ACA and Hillary's emails when they have been proven futile? Why ? We know why, don't is an election year.
B Sharp (Cincinnati, OH)
Many of the commentators are attacking Bill Clinton with any negative comments on Donald Trump. This 2016 election is about Hillary Clinton who survived her husbands infidelity with grace which made her only stronger.
Just because a person is married does not make them a bearer of their spouses misdeeds.
On that note I would add Trumps current wife is full of grace and could easily stand up on her own .
vonWolf (Hollywood)
Hillary used her power, and position to harass, and ostracize most of the woman her Husband cheated on her with..That's not very graceful(it is understandable, but She should have gone after him)..She used her power, and position to get revenge on those woman..BTW if you dont believe me you can easily google it..There are several hundred articles, and interviews on it.
J House (Singapore)
Hillary Clinton appeared on national television multiple times to defend her husband's bad behavior, including helping him further the lie that he had not had an affair with Gennifer Flowers in a post-Super Bowl 60 minutes interview in 1992. Furthermore, she did it again, defending his behavior with Monica Lewinsky, right up until physical evidence of the blue dress appeared. It stretches credulity to believe Hillary Clinton did not conspire with her husband to keep these affairs hidden from public view.
Her character is relevant to this presidential campaign.
Todd Fox (Earth)
If Hillary is elected, Bill will be back in the White House again. The first time they ran their unofficial slogan was "two for the price of one." She has already announced that Bill will be in charge of fixing the economy.

Does anybody really consider the Clintons as individuals rather than a power couple? If they were actually individuals they would have divorced the minute he left the White House.
slothb77 (NoVA)
This article was written by the same paper that was swooning over Bill Clinton? Such a joke.
H.L. (Toronto)
Why no mention of Trump Models?
Ellen C (NY)
Is this news? NYT = 0, Trump = 100.
TheraP (Midwest)
WRONG! Times advertisers are salivating over how popular this article is! How many comments it's getting! All those pro-DT posters, you're making bucks for the NYTimes!

I love it!
Ellen C (NY)
Thanks. That's one rational reason for why this inane article was written. I couldn't understand why such junk was published by the NYT
DPM (Pennsylvania)
I think I need to take a shower!
Mike Brooks (Eugene, Oregon)
The women "reported" on in this story have come out and told the entire world that this story is a complete fabrication. They did not say the things attributed to them and several are claiming defamation. The Times, apparently, is in a rave with the Wasington Post for that outhouse basement apartment of the journalism world. Shame on you.
Michael Z (Detroit, Mi)
Actually you're incorrect. She stated her words were taken out of context. She did not deny any of the quotes attributed to her however.
vonWolf (Hollywood)
So are you saying that the story is true? or are you just nit-picking the language? If the quotes are taken out of context to make the reader believe something else was being said(or change the meaning), does that not qualify as a fabrication?
Dennis (New York)
The nation has already heard a plethora of positively chauvinistic contemptuous comments Trump has said about women. He is an uncouth lout, a small-fingered vulgarian who bullies anyone who gets in his way. Unfit to be president? Good God, this guy's unfit to be let loose among the human race.

Robert (ND)
Unfortunately, those kinds of words might backfire.
Dennis (New York)
I and the nation heard what Trump had to say about women, from Rosie O'Donnell to Megyn Kelly to Carly Fiorina. As a reader of SPY Magazine three decades ago the same stories about Trump were there in abundance. The guy was, is and will be a bona fide chauvinistic slob. He reeks of objectifying women his entire adult like. Trump is a jerk.

Carole (Wayne, nj)
Why do I feel in any discussion of Donald Trump by the news media that I am in the world of "The Emperor Has No Clothes"? Why is this candidate taken seriously and written about ad nauseum? If you don't like what he says today, wait until tomorrow when he will turn it around and say he didn't really mean that at all. And just watch those who said they would never support him get on the bandwagon as well. Who will be brave enough to say, "He has no clothes"?
SandyG (Chicago, IL)
Rowanne Brewer Lane is now saying her words were taken out of context in this article, but she doesn't deny what she was quoted as saying. It really doesn't matter if she felt his behavior was demeaning (she was dating this rich man, after all), that doesn't change the fact that it was demeaning. He paid his first wife $1.00/year for her work in running his hotel - that she accepted that doesn't change the fact that it was demeaning and sexist.
sfw (planet mom)
As much as I am no Trump supporter, I viewed the whole $1.00 a year thing as "we are rich enough- we don't need to draw another salary." There is precedent for this with other CEO's who start foundations etc. While this article is chock full of examples of sexism, I don't think the $1.00/year is a strong argument of sexism.
Ford Sell (California)
SandyG, did you ever stop to think that the $1.00/year may be a smart tax approach that any accountant would recommend? This wasn't to demean, but rather to avoid double taxation. Please SandyG, get your facts straight before you slander.
A D (Oregon)
"He paid his first wife $1.00/year for her work in running his hotel" why is this even an issue? How is this demeaning and sexist? Couples that have a business together often don't pay themselves what they are worth. I'm sure she didn't have to survive on that $1.
Janet (Philadelphia)
I have voted in presidential elections since 1972. I have voted for 6 Democratic candidates and 5 Republicans. I don't like Donald Trump, but this is not a silver stake in the his heart for this election. Until you can come up with a "war on women/sexual harassment" breadcrumb trail that is comparable to what Bill and Hillary Clinton have strewn lo, these many years, as a predator and his enabler, you've got nothin'. And yes, I did vote for Clinton.
expatindian (US)
I've not always agreed with the NYTimes, but I always thought you were ethical. Your hatred for US Nationalists and for Donald Trump is causing you to openly tell lies! If I were Donald Trump, I would sue your company to bankruptcy. It's not done to lie about someone abusing or degrading a woman.

Here's an interview from the leading person in your story, contracdicting your spin.
Mike d nyc (manhattan)
Wow. Reading Rowanne Brewer Lane's angry complaint about the twisted reporting of her relationship with Donald Trump in this article [], it seems that the writers and editors set out with a pre-conceived slant toward denigrating Trump. From her interview:
"The New York Times told us several times that they would make sure that my story that I was telling came across. They promised several times that they would do it accurately . . . and it absolutely was not."
Asked what the reporters got wrong, Brewer Lane said they took her quotes and "put a negative connotation on it."
"They spun it to where it appeared negative. I did not have a negative experience with Donald Trump, and I don't appreciate them making it look like that I was saying that it was a negative experience because it was not," Brewer Lane said.
Jeff G (NJ)
I just watched Ms. Lane being interviewed on TV. She says this article in NYT is a lie and based on lies. She had and has no problem with Trump. She plans to vote for him. It is too bad that the NYT no longer has any interest in accurate reporting and has become a propaganda machine for the Democratic Par.ty
And if only the Times' reporter hand't pulled a '60 Minutes' to spin the story.
Jay (Dee)
So many words to PROVE! Trump is a sexist, racist... blah blah blah...

If you have to use so many words to prove something, well, then you've failed.

For all the women offended, grow up...
sfw (planet mom)
The racist one is easy if you listened to his speech announcing his candidacy-- It is difficult if you refuse to listen or make up reasons about "what he meant when he said(racist thing here)" instead of actually listening to his very obvious racist rhetoric.
Moses (Bangalore)
'He was very gracious. I saw him around all types of people, around all types of women. He was very kind, thoughtful, generous. You know, he was a gentleman.'

Former Trump girlfriend BLASTS The New York Times for 'false' retelling of how she met Donald Trump
nogard (California)
So now that the very women who have been lied to and about in this rag of yellow journalism are actively coming forth to say that the NYT has lied to them, the readers and misrepresented them and their quotes in this very article, will those statements be printed or this post proclaiming the truth about the report, reporter and paper even be printed? And why are those so opposed to Trump willing to lie, cheat, deceive and misinform to keep him from simply enforcing our border and immigration laws and for simply declaring that he will put America and Americans first which should be the president's natural position, without even having to be stated?
jlfliberty (Atlanta)
Rowanne Brewer Lane spoke the truth on air at Fox and guess what, she revealed that the New York Times does no longer understand what journalism is. She by default revealed the NYT to be filled with liars and hypocrites. I guess live unedited truth in conversations destroy the Times ability to pervert truth into their deceptions. Hey NYT, deception is not journalism. The free press used to be a good thing given to the protectors of truth and our nation, now it seems those protectors have become immersed in complete corruption.
petey tonei (Massachusetts)
We have a clear choice. Bernie Sanders who elevates the issues, illuminates our problems and solutions and lifts up our spirits.

And then we have Trump and the Clintons who drag us deep into the lowest possible human muck. Go away Trump, go away Clintons.
Shelly Rios (Texas)
Men choose to act inappropriately. Biology is not an excuse for lude behavior. Now, in 2016, Americans have a choice to elect (or not) a man who has chosen to behave in an out dated manner, and who reacts, not responds- a dangerous personality trait in a would-be world leader. Other male presidential candidates did not have this reputation, so let's not dismiss Trumps behavior as a biological burden. I hope the majority of American voters are smart enough to understand this.
Cliff (Japan)
That's it? You've gotta be kidding. A dramatic expose' end up being just another garden variety attempt to prevent an anti-Obama from becoming president.

'Some crude remarks, occasional juvienile behavior, some questionable statements...

Men who aren't part of the metrosexual scene will see it all as standard old style "man's man" behavior. Women who haven't been deluded by politically correct college holidays will see most of this as "a typical guy"... but actually cooler.

Most of this could easily be Bill Clinton or JFK.

You've gotta come with with something better than this to impress people who aren't sleeping on beds of kale.
sallyedelstein (NY)
Trump is the worst kind of throwback to the Mad Men era when misogyny was laughed off as business as usual. The suggestive remarks and creepiness of male workers made sexual harassment a near daily ordeal faced by women in the workplace.In fact it was the stuff of great humor.The world of businessmen men objectifying and infantilizing women, lascivious philandering and wild office parties was fodder for comics and cartoonists alike.Check out some vintage sexist office cartoons -Not a one of these cartoons would pass HR today
WalterFox (Toronto Canada)
Same old same old boring cookie cutter article. This formula in column writing has been used and over used in every liberal publication in North America for 20 years.
The men are always the problem even if they do good.
Sil (Maryland)
Ms Brewer has already come out saying her comments were completely twisted and misrepresented. She was quite angry about it and said NYT lied. Obviously this is a hit piece meant to help Hillary. Shameless... this was once a reputable paper right?
Bernard McFadden (Ct)
Congratulations NYT on a doing your job. Folks should read the story and make up their own minds if they want to vote for Trump. The free press is an important component of our democracy.
Saints Fan (Houston, TX)
yeah, free to lie about what happened.
John (New York, NY)
Actually you are wrong, this is not free press. The press does not have the right to falsely report something. Libel (a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation) is not protected under the first amendment
Jim (Long Island, NY)
So beauty contest queens are "offended" at being objectified ..... REALLY!??
claire (colmar)
Like any self-respecting narcissist, Trump cares only about how those around him reflect on him. His "respect for women" is about how he can exploit them for his own betterment, whether by hanging them on his arm, or by having them run his empire. Of course he "loves women." They make him look good. He has no respect for women, nor men.

Don't fool yourselves, men. He doesn't give a tinker's cuss about you, either. If you can make him look good, you'll be OK. Otherwise, you're useless.

I would like to see an essay on how Trump treats men -- I think that might speak more powerfully to his base, who don't appear to have any more respect for women than he does. Perhaps if they could see how he treats men in his circle -- using them to make himself look better -- they might support him less.
Nancy Tait (Canada)
I'm shocked. I had no idea men weren't suppose to see a woman as attractive and worthy of saying so. I'm a Canadian, and if this is the way men are now suppose to approach women something is seriously wrong with this world.
Donald Trump in my book is all man. Good for him.
Chris A. (Michigan)
People are offended? Why? He is the very embodiment of the direction this country is heading. Literally what we have lobbied for, voted for and campaigned for change for in the past few decades. He is just the "male version" of it. There is a "female version" but that wasn't the point of this article. For everyone as outraged over what he did...they can be just so if they were to read an expose on several women in society too. This is what happens when parents leave the teaching of morals up to the schools and the schools do not see it as their job to teach morals.
HarlanR (Baltimore MD)
Who does Trump think he is? Bill Clinton? And thanks for revealing the political party affiliation of all the women because, yes, that DOES matter.
4Julia (Deep in the Heart)
The lady quoted extensively and featured in the lead of this story is on television this morning completely disavowing how she is portrayed and quoted in this article. She said quite clearly Trump is kind, generous and a gentleman.

It seems this story is a misleading, hit job lying about a political candidate to deceive the public and promote the other candidate who is accused by multiple women of covering up her husband's abuse of women, including even an accusation of rape.

No longer can the New York Times lie like this without being found out and exposed. This article is a disgrace. And by the way, the lady quoted at the beginning, Ms. Brewer Lane, said she plans to vote for Donald Trump.
PJ DiCrosta (Rupert, V5)
I am so disappointed in the lack of content in this article, and in NYT for placing it on the front page. While it shows a man with weak character, there is nothing more than personal opinions and creepy incidents. I am so not a Trump supporter, but this unfocused article demeans the paper, and more likely belongs in People Magazine.
Bo Diddly (90210)
HA! Another bogus smear campaign. When you misquote someone at this point in the game, expect them to find another source to get their word out. You know...A.K.A. the truth?!

Instead of Trumping up bogus stories, how about some equal time spent digging up the bones in your queens closet for all to read?
Gilbert Zimmerman, Jr. (Northern Neck, Virginia)
I often offer conservative (and I like to think) thoughtful comments in this space. I must admit that I am mostly surprised by the frequency with which I am published. Now this. Apparently this was an untruthful, intentional hit piece on Mr. Trump. I am certainly no fan of Trump. And I am certainly not a fan of Hillary Clinton. A problem many of us deal with. While The Times has a well-deserved reputation for leaning left in its temperament, they certainly have a higher calling to not distort the truth. The 'Newspaper of Record' has an obligation to the readers to explain how this sort of reporting is tolerated. Trump is certainly not going to take this nonsense lying down.
Jeremy (Indianapolis, IN)
This is truly sad, yet still too often prevalent in the power culture today. It's even more sad that Mr. Trump doesn't understand how deeply his actions are hurting people. It reminds me of how Bill Clinton could seemingly lose any appreciation for the true value of a woman if he found her attractive. It is even harder to correct such behavior because those in powerful positions surround themselves with excuse makers that either justify or ignore actions and insulate the people they've sworn to protect (lest they lose their own positions). I think it would be a valuable follow-up story to detail Bill & Hillary Clinton's vilification of the women Bill objectified. All this abuse must be brought to the light so that it stops. Political protectionism for the sake of elevating agendas is hurting people.
Sharon5101 (Rockaway Beach Ny)
The anti-Trump marathon just goes on and on with no end in sight. John F Kennedy was lucky he ran for president during a time when there was this "gentlemen's agreement" on the part of the media not to go snooping into the private lives of presidential candidates. However it was no secret that Kennedy was a notorious womanizer and Jackie seriously considered leaving him before his 1960 presidential run. It took a hefty bribe from old Joe Kennedy to persuade Jackie to remain married to him and just look the other way. Yet Kennedy was beloved by all, no questions asked. Donald Trump, by comparison, is treated like a first class sexist sleaze. More media hypocrisy at its worst.
Frederick (Earth)
This article continues to demonstrate how the NY TIMES is not a serious news organization and can not be trusted to report ALL the facts. You mean to tell me you could not find 1 woman who benefited from working for Trump? NOT ONE !!!!

When is the article coming out about how Hillary lied to a Grand Jury? Lied to the public? Lied her way into a Senate seat? Committed campaign finance fraud thru the Clinton Foundation?

Again, no shame at the NY TIMES.
RealDonald (Stockholm)
The woman in the first story says that the portrayal is false. She did not have a negative experience with Donald Trump. Will NY Times answer this?

Former Trump girlfriend hits back at 'upsetting' NYT cover story
Latino4Trump (Boonton, NJ)
The New York Slime, how ironic for them to accuse Trump of bullying women, as they take a woman's story and misquote her, and nationally tell a lie about what happened between Trump and her. How disgusting. I guess it is okay for you to lie and abuse women. Women and minorities need to wake up to the old liberally tactic of making republicans seem like racist and abusers of women. The reality is that the democrats have used women and latinos and blacks for so many years only to get you vote. WAKE UP!. ie this story
CT mom (CT)
I'm unhappy with the candidates in both parties. Neither option is pristine. HRC's husband is an impeached, philandering former President who lied about sex with an intern. Can we please focus on more substantive issues like foreign policy and domestic economic well being?
T (Ca)
Bill Clinton was not impeached. Check your facts.

Also, Clinton impeachment hearings were run by really upstanding REPUBLiCAN men like newt (cheated multiple times on his wife) and hastert (pedophile) and Livingston (cheated on wife also).
Saints Fan (Houston, TX)
He WAS Impeached (aka indicted) in the house, but not convicted in the Senate. Look it up.
DZnDef (Laguna Beach)
He was impeached for lying under oath. Not for having an affair.
JeddMcHead (Atlanta, GA)
I can't wait to read your in-depth analysis of Bill Clinton's treatment of women. He may not be running for the Presidency but his wife is and I'd think it hypocritical if you reserve such an expose for Trump alone, since you're so concerned with this issue abusive treatment of women. Rude language and sexist remarks pale in comparison to rape, don't you think?
SMB (Savannah)
Kind of ridiculous. Did you miss the Clinton impeachment by the GOP adulterers like Newt Gingrich and people like Hastert, the child molester? There are many years of reporters and others examining Bill Clinton's affairs. None of them rise to the abuse and disrespect that Trump has evinced for women.
pcrudy (right here now)
'...1997: Meanwhile, Temple (Taggart) also wants to enroll in college and pursue a degree in architecture. But she would leave it all for the right modeling offer. "It would be a good opportunity and great money," she said. ..'

She praised Trump to the hilt in 1997; but the NYT got the real story....ha!

You know how to tell if this story means anything? You won't see next time you go through the check out line.
Janet Swanborn (Chicago)
My, my, look at the reactions here. People calling out the NYT for illustrating Trump's contempt for over HALF the population. Sorry, folks; it's important to psychoanalyze the man at the most fundamental level. Policies? They're malleable. This stuff, though, is fundamental.
SMB (Savannah)
Trump did pay people to attend his announcement of his candidacy. I imagine he is still paying people even if it is commenters who are claiming that decades of mistreatment of women is the norm and that it doesn't matter and is all the fault of the NYT, not Trump's reprehensible behavior.
kimwim (meriden, ct)
Mr. Trump is a master manipulator, preying on the insecurities of others. Some of us can see through his games. Let us hope enough of us can come November.
Lawrence (New York, NY)
“It was intimidating,” she said.

It is intimidating only if one let's it be so. If one is more concerned with personal ambition and advancement, over personal integrity then one can be intimidated and allow themselves to be called 'it'.

(“He brought me out to the pool and said, ‘That is a stunning Trump girl, isn’t it?’ ” Ms. Brewer Lane said.)
harry k (Monoe Twp, NJ)
Left out the part when Trump was 16 he knocked down a boy and cut his hair.
Disgraceful - NY Times now a subsidiary of the National Enquirer.
jb (wayland ma)
there are a number of comments that refer to ivana and her role in the business. why isn't she interviewed? why don't the children ever speak of their mother? the omission of credit to her for the business and the successful children speaks to his regard for women: let them do the work and the strict narrative is I'll take the credit
BillMack91302 (Calabasas)
Ivana isn't interviewed because she speaks very highly of Donald and the media only wants interviews with people that can be used to slam him.
Joe Wazzzz (Hide Away, FL)
How is it that men have wound up doing all the hard, dirty, dangerous work and have shorter lives as a result? Who is exploiting who? I think women and men are always negotiating their positions with each other. Women have for the past 50 years felt it was safe to move out from behind the men and have fun with some of the "guy" stuff. At the first sign of disaster, I am sure that they will duck back behind the nearest man. Why do women naturally scream when they are afraid? It is natures way of having them call the nearest man for help or alerting another woman to go find a man for help. Think about it. Donald Trump's candidacy is showing how people are tiring if the PCBS.
This latest alleged anti TRUMP expose is not worthy of publication in the National Enquirer, which,by the way is a pretty good "hebdo" with excellent sources. My assumption is that NYT is trying to mobilize women voters by saying, "See, look how sexist and misogynistic he is!" But I don't recall any accusations of non consensual sex being leveled at Mr. Trump, or that he is a sexual predator like a former c-in-c, whose lechery was covered and justified not only by his spouse, but by NOW, which appears to be a branch of the Democratic Party, rather than a disinterested defender of womens' rights. Recall Ms. Ireland, who I believe was once the head of NOW, demurring, hedging about Clinton's pleasuring himself in the Oval Office with a twenty something intern, rather than speak about Clinton's shamefulness and willingness to disgrace himself and the Office of the President by his actions. Thus, DT's behavior is without any real consequence when compared to the comportment of the man they call Slick Willie. Realize that NYT is trying to find anything on Trump that will stick, cause disaffection within the ranks of his supporters. But they smell victory in November, and more important, so do the Party's notables.
June (USA)
Most of the women were misquoted. One was on Fox and Friends talking about how she was misquoted. She said at no time did she ever feel demeaned by Donald Trump . Hue treated,her in a respectful manner. The NYTimes cannot be trusted to tell the truth. It tries to destroy those it doesn't support. It really hates Donald Trump.
Tomas (NJ)
Mrs Lane just spoke out on Fox and said she was lied too by the times. She had only positive experience with Trump, said he was a gentlemen and supports him.
makemyday (USA)
So Trump is an Alpha male - BIG deal, so is half of America!!! What's that got to do with him being the President?? What a useless article - being used to attack him in any way possible!! Shame on you NYT!!
SMB (Savannah)
For those who question why the New York Times focused on Donald Trump's treatment of women across the past few decades, this goes to the character of the leading Republican candidate for president. And it is not past, given the way he has treated women in recent months. Someone who is a serial abuser of those he works with will not stop in new circumstances. Too many commenters have blamed the victims of the abuse, the old 'she shouldn't have dressed like that', 'she shouldn't have had a drink with him', 'what did she expect' or 'it was her own fault' because she was a model/a beauty contestant, etc.

Look at the way Mr. Trump just treated Megyn Kelly. She has a J.D. from Albany Law School and is one of the top hosts on Fox, with a background in media. But Mr. Trump reduced her to female bodily functions and insults, never acknowledging her professional background or her right as a debate moderator to actually ask questions of the candidates. This went beyond disrespect to something much more primitive: he could not stand for a woman to question him publicly, especially an attractive woman.

How would he interact with world leaders who are women? How could he be a president who would respect the rights of American women, including fair pay, health care, minimum wage, basic workers' rights, and discrimination issues?

Mr. Trump's doesn't just abuse women. He has expressed bigotry towards other segments and insulted many men also. But there is something creepy here.
BJ (Haddonfield)
I read the whole thing. Poorly written dreck yet featured on the front page. Poor transitions, lack of context, an abrupt and strange ending. I'm really starting to worry about the NYT.
Linda MacLeod Goodman (Massachusetts)
Donald Trump engaged with many thousands of women over the years, yet this hit piece presents only a handful of unsubstantiated complaints. The true and untold story is the gratitude hundreds of women feel for the opportunities Mr. Trump cared enough to make possible. This piece came alive briefly when just three of these women had their say. The truth is more compelling than any spin and if reporters knew that, they'd know why Mr. Trump is so popular and they're not.
Smokey Lagerfeld (Geneva)
This article is problematic at so many levels. It is no doubt gratifying for East coast elites to further cluck and tsk tsk at the "revelation" that the vulgarian gambling and beauty pageant magnate leered at women. For his voters, and for much of the world, such 80s alpha-male behavior is actually a refreshing change from the neutered Puritan sexual hypocrisy of American politicians. Replace Trump with Mitterand, Berlusconi, or Putin and the article would be a big yawn. And if leering and lasciviousness disqualifies Trump from political life, why is Bill Clinton still parading around the campaign trail? Trump's open vulgarity makes him immune to accusations that he's venal; in fact it's his campaign promise. Oppo research should focus on a different narrative: that he's an elite New York 1 per center huckster who's selling nationalist fluff to add the White House to his collection of properties, where he'll eat Trump steaks (not fish) and cavort with "hot" celebrities while sneering at the "losers" who voted for him. Paint him as Leona Helmsley and you may get anti-Trump traction.
Linda MacLeod Goodman (Massachusetts)
This apparent hit piece on Donald Trump reveals what it's trying to obscure. Mr. Trump engaged with many thousands of women over the years, yet your oppo researchers could only come up with a handful of unsubstantiated complaints? Would there be any without the invariable few among thousands willing to lie for attention or spite?
The true and untold story is the gratitude many hundreds of women feel towards Mr. Trump for the opportunities he cared enough to make possible. This article came alive briefly when just three of these women had their say, because the truth is more compelling than any lie. If reporters knew that, they'd know why Mr. Trump is so popular and they're not.
Mark (Chicago)
It's going to be great fun reading about the details if the presidential candidates lovers friends and enemies. NYT handles this better than People magazine. I can't wait to see who Hillary has slept with and learn whether her husband has warmed to her.
Lenn (Manhattan)
Are there any people of African, Latin, Asian, or Native American ancestry work for him?
Confucius (Marin County)
The leadership of the private clubs known as democrat and republican parties are very afraid of a populist like Donald Trump and getting desperate!

They want to hold onto power and continue to use political correctness to advance their agenda, even while a majority of citizens support an outsider.

They think the progressives sheeple will fall for this trick, particularly the ignorant ones that have convinced themselves that what is bad is good so they can feel better!

Then there are the control freaks who cannot have real men who are not afraid of what others think and will not be controlled by political correctness and correct freaks!

The sheeple and their control freak masters have done enough damage and it is now time to put them back in their "safe-spaces" and/or closets!

Have a nice day while you still can...
Koons (MI)
Unfortunately, there is no longer a presidential candidate in Republican.
Donald Trump has no dignity and quality as a candidate for president.
I don't think trust him. He seems to have a very weak and bad character.
If he become president, the United States, as well as the world would fall into chaos.
Eric C. Jacobson (Los Angeles, California)
In his (under-remembered) nationally televised speech to the (July) 1984 Democratic National Convention Colorado Sen. Gary Hart said that "the worst sin in political affairs is not to be wrong, but to be irrelevant." Hart was referring to a Democratic Party that was about to take the politically suicidal position that what the country yearned for was a restoration of the Carter-Mondale status quo ante President Reagan's 1980 election.

The insight applies equally to the Fourth Estate. Here, the Times is not just wrong to focus on instances of Donald Trump's arguable sexism by the standards of ultra-political correctness–virtually no normal healthy heterosexual man could pass muster under the standards implied by the Times' writers and editors–but irrelevant:

Mainstream tabloid coverage of presidential candidates began shortly after Hart declared his 1988 candidacy in April 1987. The Miami Herald's editor Tom Fiedler almost immediately thereafter began plotting with an anonymous female informant who sought Hart’s political demise.

Gary Hart was martyred politically in 1987-88 but the public has since REJECTED tabloid journalists as morals police and self-appointed gatekeepers of who can- and who can’t run for president and have their views seriously considered by the voters. This explains the mainstream media’s current avoidance–with a 10 foot pole–of the National Enquirer’s puke-inducing rumor-mongering about Ted Cruz’s alleged affairs.

Alas the Times didn't get the memo.
Well this is good I suppose the the faltering NYT has so little to do, so maybe do a full expose' about Shrillary and her enabling of her pervert, the Bubba........Really does anyone take this crap personally?..... People have lives, all kinds of people in all kinds of circumstance....grow-up....
dave (nevada, tx)
So will the NYT now interview 50 people that Hillary interacted with after Bill had behaved inappropriately with them? The Jeffrey Epstein court records can provide at least 10 names of potential intimate encounters. The NYT could gleen more names from the Clinton impeachment hearings , etc... Heck, even Wikipedia has a chapter on Bill Clintons sexual misconduct. Shouldn't Hillary's interactions with those people be equally enlightening to voters across America? Isn't her enabling and narcissistic demeanor an important aspect of how she might conduct herself as POTUS? Is the NYT is really interested in journalistic research or just out to derail the candidate they don't like?
Darren (St. Louis)
Where was this indignation and outrage when Bill Clinton was running for the Presidency? Shame on you! You have become so sad and pathetic. I feel sorry for being the old grey lady. Your stewardship has passed to hard core ideological hypocrites. What I S sad is that you..being the left wing pinheads running the show...will ride this ship right down to the bottom of the ocean like the Titanic....all the while blaming global warming for the iceberg you struck instead of the Captain and crew manning the ship.
MB (Syracuse)
Funny, instead of reporting the NYT decides the agenda, and writes a persuasive essay to get folks to change their minds. How can you even call this reporting? Straight propaganda.
Bassplayer5 (RockyMountains)
The Times got what it wanted: a lot of media play today from a front page article with shocking headlines and prurient implications. I doubt the news media reports about it are based on anyone's reading the entire article. At bottom this is a hit piece, burying the other side of the story -- the side with positive statements in Trump's favor-- in the last half of the article and pretending that this gives the story balance. It doesn't, but sadly it does demonstrate that America's newspaper of record can lower its standards to tabloid journalism.
John (Malaysia)
Hi all, I am not condoning any thing that debase women but why pick this time to bash on Donald Trump. Shouldn't people must focus on how he could run this country??? Let's look at that Hillary Clinton??? She got a lot of problems like:

Clinton Body Counts:
Seriously, are u all going to vote for someone who got involve in murders

Mena Drug Connections:

And the famous one:
Does this one really honor women???

I think u all should start focusing on some that might make America great again rather then hitting below the belt this issues.
Arnold S. Eilers (Stockton, CA)
I'm not a real strong Trump supporter, but your biased stories are beginning to make me lean in his direction, just on principle if nothing else. It seems that SOMEONE or SOMETHING is infusing your editorials with a tremendous amount of fear. If I were on your editorial staff I would lately be worried about a backlash from the readership. I think that Trump might actually be welcoming this adverse publicity. It all spells "name recognition" after all.
Jim (Texas)
Wow, if this were bill clinton everybody would be cheering him on. Bill clinton destroyed womens lives, reading this, i dont see it, a lot of mis alignment of the truth.
That said, lets keep our eyes on Hillary Clinton on her mistreatment of men, especially those she killed in Benghazi !
KS (Centennial Colorado)
Well, I guess this puts to rest the broadside that Trump doesn't like women.
Not to mention how many women he has running things in his companies.
So, next week will we read from the NYT interviews with Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, even Huma A re not only Bill's conduct, but Hillary's?
Tony Goulart (Wyoming)
Oh heavens to Betsy! Donald is an alpha male in a fannypack wearing metrosexual world of the New York media. Oh woe is us! Alpha males are so scary! What a pathetically unremarkable article. Try again.
Kate (Missouri)
Is that all you have on Trump? He did not rape or molest anyone did he? He did not hire private eye's to destroy any woman who rejected him did he? Why not look into what Hillary did to the women who Bill had any relationships with including those he raped. Hillary said women who are raped should be believed. Does she believe Juanita Broderick or the others?
Z.M. (New York City)
Really? Really? Dozens of interviews, amounting to more than 50, looking back 40 years, over the course of six weeks? This huge effort of investigative journalistic labor and resources to produce this?

I would not be bragging about what a yeoman's work it was to produce this rather lame gossipy piece when there are so many far more worrisome issues concerning Mr. Trump's policy positions which pose a threat to our national security and world peace. Or his and his entourage's alleged ties to the mob. And this comes after the puff piece you published about his former butler, who, as uncovered by another publication, had been posting despicable xenophobic, racist, birther opinions on his FB page.
Toni (Pacific Northwest)
Don't think this is *news* concerning Donald Trump. Given that it isn't, why has the media - knowing what he's about for some time already, been giving him so much publicity in his bid for the presidency? And while ignoring a candidate of substance - with even much larger crowds of support - like Bernie Sanders?

Well, because ya'all just want your Wall St candidate Hillary Clinton. Who's no better for women in a whole host of other ways.

So please spare us your righteous indignation about sexism, and when it comes to either of these sharks you hope to see in a general election gladiator ring, for your newspaper sales.

Bernie or Bust, whatever you say about Donald Trump. Why did Bill Clinton invite him into the presidential race, to begin with? From the looks of photos at his wedding with Clintons as guests, doesn't look like Hillary had much of a problem with him at all!
L’OsservatoreA (Fair Verona)
Perhaps another party, with millions to spend on politics, just issued an order for the fading Times to put up a broadside against The Enemy - or else some nice things, perhaps swanky dinner invites, would not be coming the Times admin types' way.
Lucious Nieman (Cedarburg, Wisconsin)
The reason voters "overlook" criticism of Trump is that the elites who run, or imagine that they run, the United States want to destroy him because Trump threatens their grasp on power. Who with good judgment would care whether Trump kissed beauty contestants on their lips or engaged in a contest for power with his equally willful wife? Voters realize that more is at stake in the elites' benign neglect of the declining middle class than tales that appear to have been lifted from the pages of People magazine.
Calypso (Long Island, NY)
I would not call the so-called elites' treatment of the middle class "benign neglect." The term I'd use is "greedy indifference."
Guy (New England)
Contrary to that flawed assumption of this NYT hit piece, most voters couldn't care less about Trump's personal behavior as a private citizen, especially after a President Bill Clinton.
Voters can also make a distinction between Trump's behavior with individual women and the over-generalized smear that Trump treats ALL women the same as these individuals whom the NYT dug up from his past.
Uncle Sam (Long Beach, NY)
This is an article that is riddled with inconsistency. It presents as much a positive picture of Trump as a promoter of women in several senses of the word. Several allegations are unsupported i.e. His alleged predatory behavior with Ms Universes. I would suppose you might have found some corroberation. Likewise with other behavior Trump denies. Otherwise, we see him relying on strong women in his work, paying them well and treating them fairly. I don't imagine Trump lives up to all the standards of a perfect gentleman, but honestly, and i believe most women will agree, i don't know many men that do. Perhaps Donald is also guilty of treating women without the traditional "double standard" and hypocracy. That's why he is going to kick Hillary's posterior.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Well in the real world, outside right wing media, people can be good in some ways and bad in some ways instead of cartoons of evil or good.

But No, actually, to your point- he is continuing to treat women WITH "the traditional 'double standard" and hypocrisy" because that is who Trump actually is- and he has no problem with that. And that is why he will lose.
Eliot Dennis (USA)
But I suppose that you approve of rapist Bill Clinton and his enabler wife, right? Trumps makes a few remarks and you're shocked and appalled, but a real rapist and his wife are campaigning for the WH (again) and that's fine with you. Sorry, who is a hypocrite? Look in the mirror.
Winthrop (I'm over here)
The commentarians are having a fine time kicking The Donald around. I did not read all the comments, but I have yet to see one that is favorable. So much "venting" suggests a mob. Regardless of my opinions, I'd never join in with such a low-down, cowardly chorus.
Yoda (New Jersei)
NYT now resorts to running hit pieces. Please attach warning label for those of us with no desire for such garbage.
Lakemonk (Chapala)
Why would anyone vote for a creep like Trump? There is something inherently sick about a society that worships people like him.
Eliot Dennis (USA)
Tell us, how do you feel about Bill Clinton, who as actually raped several women and abused his office to seduce young employees? How do you feel about Hillary Clinton, who has enabled him and supported him in his lechery for many decades? And yet, here you are, whining about a few remarks made by Trump. That's messed up.
Joanne Z (Chicago Illinois)
Looking forward to the "Paper of Record" interviewing 50 people to find out what Hillary said in her $265k speeches to Goldman Sachs.
fran soyer (ny)
How about 50 people to find out what Trump discussed at Jones Day last week ?

This article is very kind to Trump. If you see it as otherwise, that's your hang-up.
Usha Srinivasan (Martyand)
You're kidding. The Clintons are as sullied as this bully.
Confucius (Marin County)
Joanne Z; Here is a piece of what Clinton is involved in.

Psst, Hey Hillary,

If you do us a favor we will do you a favor. All you got to do is divert
all Secretary of State email communications from the official government
protected systems to your own unprotected system. If anyone finds out
about it just deny that you had any knowledge of classified information
being transmitted to your unprotected server.

payment for your cooperation with this agreement, will will guarantee
massive speaking fees ($250,000) per 15 minute speech with one of our
network partners.

Do not worry what we do with the information that we collect.

OK partners, we got ourselves a sale, a TWO-FER!

That's right, buy just two state secrets and will throw in a third for free!, That's right free!

somehow "obtains" top secret information indicating the time and place
of Seal Team 6 arrival that originated on Hillary Clinton's unprotected

Using this information, the Taliban prepares and when Seal Tem Six arrives
(in an un-armed Chinook!!!) they are shot down and all aboard killed!

Do any of you actually believe that this does not go on.

Just look at the Clinton's personal wealth and their Clinton Foundation.

In a sane society, these people would be tried and executed swiftly.

Have a nice day...
Keith (Pittsburgh)
Will the Clinton's receive the same in-depth scrutiny? A balanced analysis of the party front-runners would suggest that they should.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
I guess you missed the 1990s, the 2000s, and the 2010- present day right wing gargle about the Clintons. Consider yourself lucky.
Lawrence Clarke (Albany, NY)
It will ne interesting to see him "flesh out" (pardon the pun) his thoughts on building the wall (where the money for it comes from) and dispatching of ISIS. When will our legislators (in closed session) hear his thoughts on how he will defeat ISIS quickly?

Mr Trump can take advantage of vulnerable people (young ladies aspiring to be beauty queens and females who work for him) but how will he handle Russia in Crimea and eastern Ukraine and China establishing bases in the South China Sea?

Inquiring minds would like to know before election day.
ScottinAspen (Aspen, Colorado)
The Council on Foreign Relations will keep him in line......just wait and see.....
Confucius (Marin County)
They fear him and are already considering making policy changes. This is real leadership.

One only has to look at the opposition to understand the impact he already is having!



Have a nice day...
Victor Gold (Berkeley, CA)
Surely the New York Times has better things to do with its resources than run an article like this. You could probably say the same things about almost every man in an executive position in the entire world. Does that mean that we should not know about this behavior of Trump's? I am not sure that it is more important than recognizing the disaster or ISIS on ancient sites or perhaps a million other daily, and genuine, tragedies. Really, NYT. Leave junk like this to lesser publications. Your readers do not deserve to see this tripe on the front page. And, I am not a Trump admirer. Far from it.
Ripley (Texas)
About half the population is female. It's extremely important that voters know Trump has contempt for half the population of a country he believes he deserves to lead. It's merely your opinion that this is "junk."
Victor Gold (Berkeley, CA)
Surely, it is my opinion. And I am not saying that his behavior is justified. It's only that it's not surprising, given all we know about Trump. And, I expect that Trump's contempt is not limited to women. It's just easy to tag him with that. It just seems like a lame article for the NYT to run. As the Ms Litt said at the beginning of the comment thread, the article shows how entrenched sexism is in this culture, but I would extend that description to nearly every culture. Women are almost always given short shrift and it is shameful.
Confucius (Marin County)
It is worse than junk.

We citizens expect this from the paper of "record".

Its days are numbered...
NineEight7 (Kennesaw, GA)
The people who find Donald Trump's behavior so abhorrent are people who are uncomfortable with take-charge men. Well, guess what? The President of the USA had better be a take-charge guy. He says what he thinks and he lives in the world of tangible things. If he even does a fraction of the things he has promised to do he'll be the best president of the past 50 years.
Coastal Existentialist (Maine)
It's really pretty simple to categorize a Trump: he's a pig.
Michel (Santa Barbara)
In it's never ending quest for "objectivity" the "high horse riding" NYT will , no doubt isn't it NYT, now spend 6 weeks interviewing 50 women, including 21 year old interns to ask them what it was that Bill Clinton asked them (and asked them to do) when he took them in the Oval Office..
We're eagerly awaiting another "crossing the line" article on those matters.
Thank you , high minded NYT, for this (coming) future well done job ..
Bill R (SoCal)
Dream on. NYT wouldn't dare impede the coronation.
Usha Srinivasan (Martyand)
Write in Bernie Sanders. It seems that is the only honorable thing to do.
Dennis (New York)
The maniacs who support the small-fingered vulgarian will still defend him when he shoots someone on Fifth Avenue, especially if it were a NYTimes reporter. Trump has already foreseen this. He's a prophet who sees a profit in the stupid voter. He knows how to get the stupid vote. He loves the stupid vote. And they love him back.
Bill Fogarty (Pennsylvania)
These types of purported events being reported as news is why people are being pushed to a disruptor like the Donald. You are doing Mr. Trump a favor.
Susan (NYC)
Lead article, above the fold. Must have been a slow news day. This article will not sway women who weren't voting for Trump or those who will. I am with the former group but I can't see the point of this article and I think it's beneath The New York Times. How about a lead article on Trump not releasing his taxes, his numerous bankruptcies, his use of non-union labor? Or an article debunking his most often sung praises: "he tells it like it is"; "he's a great businessman"; "he'll get things done". Not that anything will matter to Trump's supporters - for them anything goes and it's all good.
William Shine (Bethesda Maryland)
Must have been a slow news day indeed. What a waste of space. What didn't we know already, he is a narcissist, an inadequate personality? Surely there must be more substantive issues re, for example, his taxes, investments, his profound ignorance about the world other than his own. This should have been, if any place, in your insipid Style Section
Mike (Santa Clara, CA)
Probably the most troubling part of the article is that Trump was in a position of power over these women and their success or lack of it was in part incumbent on their "cooperation" with Trump.
Robert (ND)
Wouldn't cooperation with the boss be a necessary component for any employee to be successful? If he was asking them to do things that equated to sexual harassment / assault, then he should be under investigation for that, but it doesn't sound like anyone is explicitly charging him with that. The same way that the FBI is not charging Secretary of State Clinton with anything.
Mike (Queens, NY)
Hasn't pulled pants down and told woman to "Kiss It" like Bill Clinton
Traci (Brisbane)
Laughable!!! Are you talking about Trump or B. Clinton...Get a grip this is nothing NEW!
Dennis (New York)
Nothing new but another notch in the destruction of Donald Trump.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
What is NEW is the GOP's brand-new embrace and even enjoyment for this kind of behavior from their candidate. Yes, it is a new day for the Values crowd. Trying to square Donald Trump with the puritanical likes of Mitch McConnell is indeed an unholy alliance in the bestiary. Their no-birth control, anti-abortion, anti-Planned Parenthood, cry over the fertilized egg crossed with Donald Trump takes some doing but they are doing it, they are finding a way. Bless their hearts.
KLM (South Carolina)
So basically you're attacking him because he finds woman attractive and lavished attention on them? gotcha...
Mark Kessinger (New uork, NY)
Unless ytou are a person's mother, grandmother, aunt or spouse/significant other, you have no business addressing another adult with words like 'sweetheart," "dear,' etc., and this goes double in a professional setting.. Outside of the context of a familial or intimate relationship, these are not terms of endearment, but are rather expressions of gross disrespect of another adult.
Mary (Seattle)
Trump makes me ill.
L’OsservatoreA (Fair Verona)
You may be right
I may be crazy
But it just may be a lunatic you're looking for!
You may be wrong for all I know
But you may be right

Billy Joel - You May Be Right
Pat O (NC)
how presidential, he shares another trait a lot of presidents have had (albeit mainly democrats) like the husband of the one he is running against. Damn, another reason to vote for the donald. I wish he would pick Bernie for a running mate, that would stick it in the eye of ALL the political elite this year.
Dennis (New York)
The eye whom you think would be struck is not that of the political elites as you so vehemently label. It is your own eye, just as it is your face you would spite by cutting off your nose not that of the elites. You sure are mad, but that won't get you revenge, just more misery for you to wallow in. That is the sad result of your anger.

Bird Clark (Coeur d Alene, ID)
Where was this concern when Bill was running. All the same types of allegations were flying about. We don't like it when powerful people are not nice, I get it. Why is all the venom pointed towards non-Democrats? That is truly hypocritical.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
I guess you missed Clinton's phony impeachment out there. Plenty of venom from the GOP if that is your measure.
Dennis (New York)
I recall a nonstop barrage of news stories about the sins of Bill. Where were you? Don't recall them? Or his impeachment? I don't remember a time when Bill or Hillary wasn't under the scalpel of some Right Wing witch hunt. What happened to your memory? Amnesia?

micky bitsko (New York, NY)
@ Bird Clark: The NYT is basically a liberal Democratic newspaper. We all get that bias. And both ends of the media tend to be harder on those in the opposite ideological camp.

But here is some is something else to consider. We could say that both Bill Clinton's and Donald Trump's abuse of their power with women was reprehensible. Yet Clinton at least tried to keep his dalliances completely private. Trump apparently enjoys flaunting his. Some might say, great, that proves that Trump is less of a hypocrite.

But others might say that Trump's flaunting of his "scoring" with women is a personality disorder that reveals a deep insecurity about his masculinity. And they might be right.

We had a president not too long ago who needed to prove that he was tougher than his dad, that he could go "all the way Baghdad." And we know how that worked out.

Bottom line: we can't risk putting the world's largest nuclear arsenal in the hands of Donald Trump, a man who may be deeply insecure about his masculinity, who shows absolutely no inclination towards self control, and who contradicts himself from one day to the next.

Trump is not Presidential material at all. No way, no how.
Mike (Williamsville)
Hillary Clinton would be wise to create a Sister Souljah moment and attack the NY Times over this article. That is, to state loud and clear that an esteemed publication such as The Times should be focusing on real issues such as trade, jobs, and ISIS, rather than engaging is this type of gutter journalism. This would instantly preempt the kind of trash talking that Trump has engaged in and undoubtedly will continue to look to pursue regarding Hillary's role as an "enabler" in Bill's transgressions. Elevating the level of campaign dialogue will only work in Clinton's favor.
NineEight7 (Kennesaw, GA)
Hillary is too deep in the doo-doo to elevate the level of dialogue. Only the most naive ingénue would buy that nonsense.
Mike (Williamsville)
NineEight7, to channel John McEnroe, you cannot be serious! In the Clinton vs. Sanders debates, we’ve heard earnest and in-depth discussions about campaign finance reform, college tuition, health care, gun control, fracking, criminal justice, and Syria. From Trump in the GOP debates and other commentary, we heard lots of personal insults, plus about genitalia size, John McCain not being a war hero, Megyn Kelly “bleeding out of her …whatever”, that Mexico was “not sending their best…”, and that global warming was invented by the Chinese. All from a man who for years was obsessed with his anti-Obama birther nonsense that he now refuses to talk about. And it’s Hillary that’s too deep in the doo-doo? Get real!
EMK (Chicago)
Seriously? Is this what the NYT considers front page news? Is this how the nyt (lower case-not a typo) will cover this candidates bid for the Presidency? Did nyt cover former President Clintons alleged "bimbo eruptions" in a similar fashion? Trump may win for the same reason Clinton won: it's all about the economy. Get in the game nyt, get in the game.
Dennis (New York)
Yes, the NYTimes did cover what you call Bill's "bimbo eruptions". The fact that you use the phrase coined back then to refer to Bill's dalliances proves the point you are trying to negate. How dumb is that?
zDUde (Anton Chico, NM)
Sheldon Aldeson's investment just took a hit. Really? That the racist, neo-Mussolini, Trump is also sexist? I am shocked—shocked—to find that sexism is going on in here! Apparently there is too much inertia for the GOP to avoid crashing onto the shoals---wonderful.
Mark Belmont (Kansas City)
I find it surprising that the reporters couldn't dig up anything worse than this. So, to recap, Trump is a neanderthal who occasionally gives women, by dint of his amazing generosity, business opportunities. What part of this did we not know already? I can't believe that there isn't more. Unless I'm wrong, the press has not done its job uncovering more skeletons.
Alia (Texas)
Why are you blaming Mr. Trump? Most of your examples cite the Miss USA contest and contestants - so why don't you write a piece about our society and how our society is set up to admire beauty and thin-ness in women? Do you think the pressure to be thin only happens to Miss USA contestants by Mr. Trump? Ask ANY woman on the street anywhere in this country and she will tell you of many pressures in her life by various forces to be thin. I would prefer that the NYTimes address that instead. Ask any woman, and strangely, the more educated the woman is, the more pressure on her to be slim. This is a very strange article. You blame Mr. Trump for things that are ingrained in our society and which normal men everywhere in the US are guilty of.
StandingO (Texas)
So Trump likes to have talented, attractive women working for him? And sometimes calls them "honey" or "dear"? And we know Hillary likes talented, unattractive women working for her. And sometimes screams and curses at them. So what's the point here?
SadDayInMudVille (Virginia)
I support Hillary Clinton. I am attractive, curvaceous, hip and hot. So what's your stupid point?
NineEight7 (Kennesaw, GA)
Dear, you support someone who has enabled a huge amount of sexual predator behavior. Unless you encourage this sort of thing, Trump is your man.
Dennis (New York)
I guess the point is to point out the idiotic mindset of someone who is from a state that voted for Rafael Cruz.
Liberty Apples (Providence)
Certainly not very flattering. But what is far more damning - and presented without the vast reportorial skills of The Times - is Mr. Trump's own monologue of racism, vulgarity and lying that borders on the pathological.
Bob F. (Lawrence, Kansas)
This article states all one needs to know about the ignorance, backwardness, and stupidity of your garden variety Republican. Sadly, they are about to nominate a bigoted jackass as their presidential candidate.
RLABruce (Dresden, TN)
As opposed to idiot Dems electing a felon awaiting indictment? I would rather see a womanizer who did NOT break the law than a proven liar who thinks she is above the law!
Paul (Connecticut)
I am not a Trump supporter, but I think it's important to point out the contradictions between what Rowanne said in this interview and here, four months ago:
Cybele Plantagenet (flying low)
You're right. I guess any news is good news for her.
David (Santa Monica, CA)
The Times does itself a disservice by running a feature story with no story. Trump is a boor, a self-loving boy-king, a provocateur. We know. We also know he’s not entirely a monster, that he’s gone through life making friends and enemies, sometimes of the same people. Nothing here illuminates or clarifies anything we don’t already know. It reflects more poorly on the Times than on Trump.
futbolistaviva (San Francisco)
Ah, The NYT just cannot resist with their "Trump porn".

Editor, enough wall to wall coverage of this buffoon.

Why don't you dissect Trump's complete and utter lack of command on significant issues?

Afraid you might get fewer CPM's?
Eric (Tolley)
Drip...drip...drip for every week until the election. I bet there are literally hundreds of stories.
NineEight7 (Kennesaw, GA)
When they start targeting Hillary, it won't be a drip but a fire hose.
Harry Hoopes (West Chester, Pa)
A tempest in a teacup. The NYT Editorial Board has sunk to a new low. No one has suggested that a crime has been committed so stay out of an individual's personal life. Perhaps you as a group or as individuals would not like to have your personal lives investigated.
Raymond Mellott (Florida)
So then is it your contention, then, that we should stay out of hillary"s relationship with her husband, and his adventures? Or..
Melinda (Just off Main Street) this point, I think it's fair game! Both candidates should be scrutinized in an equal fashion.
Harry Hoopes (West Chester, Pa)
Billybob's hilarious sexual adventures were never any of my business.
Mike (Virginia)
So the GOP "establishement" of white middle aged men has begun to embrace a misogynistic, womanizing, loudmouth who panders to their supposedly enraged base by eschewing the "politically correct" approach of respect for women at home, in the work place and on the campaign trail. Have at it suckers, you will certainly get what you deserve come November!
NYT Reader (Virginia)
This smear will run on the front page of the NYT until the election in November and the comments section will remain open until November because it is an effort by the NYT to slander Mr. Trump's character.
fran soyer (ny)
This is a guy who said boarding school was tougher than going to Vietnam, and that POWs are losers.

If the NYT runs articles like these every day for the next fifty years, it wouldn't be long enough.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Right. The real problem for the American voter is the press reporting about a history of wacked out behavior from the GOP guy running for President. Why can't they just wait so we get surprised and blame them for not vetting him.
Cybele Plantagenet (flying low)
What character? He certainly doesn't have a moral one. He's a sleazy chameleon (no offense to chameleons).
bryan (norwalk, ct)
The NYT continues to circle the drain. Are you guys that stupid that you haven't figured out by now that this kind of reporting emboldens and increases Trump's support? If I didn't know better, I'd say you were trying to get him elected.
Dennis (New York)
I believe water circles the drain. What kind of water? Tainted water? Water from Flint? What is the point of your mixed metaphor?
JTC (Atlanta, GA)
I have few, if any, doubts about the statements in this article. I could never vote for Trump, and I'm saying this as one who has voted only for Republican presidential candidates starting in 1976. My question to the NYT reporters and the editorial board: did Bill Clinton's "extra-curricular" activities get this depth of scrutiny from the Times in 1992?
Cybele Plantagenet (flying low)
Sorry....I've been a feminist for eons, but I can't feel sorry for Ms. Brewer. She agreed to date Trump after his piggish behavior, and got a brief taste of the good life with a narcissistic billionaire. Of course he was running the show.
George Landers (New Jersey)
This has a name: Intermittent Reinforcement. The fact that Trump can sometimes be supportive is par for the course for how shrewdly manipulative people operate. Someone who is a monster 100% of the time quickly loses power. Successfully manipulative people know how to keep people unbalanced.

“it has been well established that relationships of this kind - those that fluctuate between outbursts of aggression and times of loving tenderness - create emotional attachments that are are far stronger than attachments that proceed on a steadier, more even keel. The paradoxical truth is that this mode of inconsistent, unpredictable relating creates a gluelike connection between the oppressor and his oppressed, always apprehensive partner. That is why, as painful and damaging as these fear redden relationships may be, they are extremely hard to sever."
Helium (New England)
Well, it's clear how the NYT's wing of the Clinton campaign will be spending the 6 months. Good luck with that! The Times editors will never see that many do not share their take on Trump and have more appropriate targets for their feelings of outrage. This story has nothing to say. Trump in the 80s was Trump in the 80s. Amazing news! No actual wrong doing of course. Unlike Bill Clinton, who was President at the time and remained so. I remember the Times considered it a private matter. Trump is far from a perfect human specimen with pluses and minuses but we will never see any balance in the Times coverage. The clear bias renders all of their "reporting" suspect.

0515 20:39
Jafo232 (New York)
All of this would be fine if his name was Bill Clinton.
fran soyer (ny)
Why are you comparing him to the spouse of the Democratic candidate.

I don't recall Democrats going around saying "well Obama's no worse than Ann Romney ... "
Amy (Nevada)
Ann Romney made headlines for the prices of her designer cloithes and her horse. Obama was portrayed as a humble community organizer, not a highly paid lawyer.
methinkthis (North Carolina)
There is a great dilemma. Neither of the front runners have great backgrounds. The real question should be where they are today. What is their real current thought and situation? Certainly some of the instances presented are not what is desired.
Unfortunately, a relatively small percentage of registered voters have given us two front runner candidates that have many issues. See link for the percentages, with two exceptions mostly in the 30's % or less. So a small part of the population has given us candidates that I personally think a majority would wish there was a third choice with a better history. Unfortunately, again, the nature of the presidential campaign, we have to run with C- candidates.
Hillary has a 30 year track record of being ethically challenged. She is under investigation by the FBI and she continues the ethically and morally challenged story by insisting it is just a security audit. Nobody at the FBI is doing a security audit on the Clinton's attempt to keep emails out the public eye. The FBI is doing an investigation into possible violations of laws regarding the handling of classified information and perhaps other items as well.

Is the desire to have a woman president so strong that someone like Hillary Clinton is acceptable as that first? Really, there are many women who have demonstrated higher integrity and ethics and better judgement that would be a much better choice for the first woman president.
Robert (ND)
Don't know if it is a security audit or investigation into possible violations of laws, however I would think that the FBI would have acted by now if they did in fact have any new evidence about Secretary of State Clinton rather delaying any necessary steps further into the campaign cycle. It's not as though there is a locked device delaying their investigation and preventing them from uncovering / revealing necessary information to voters.
Dennis (New York)
I can't think of any woman who is more qualified to be president than Hillary. Demonstrating higher integrity? What the heck is that suppose to mean? Ethics, better judgement? I could only imagine the names you'd pull out of a hat.

Good God, don't you have enough problems in North Carolina without dissecting Hillary's disqualifications. We will judge you by where you're from. Why shouldn't we? You've made fools of yourselves, why can't we? Keep your eyes peeled on your bathrooms. You've got more problems than worrying about Hillary.
Peter Murkett (Monterey, Massachusetts)
Complete waste of newsprint. Where is the 2 page examination of the repercussions of any of his statements? Time to get to work on real news, instead of this easy cheesy tabloid fodder.
You really let me down.
itsmildeyes (Philadelphia)
Ever since I hit puberty (many years ago), I've encountered men like this. They exist. It's just a fact of life. I am no fan of Mr. Trump and do not find his apricot hair an aphrodisiac. Then again if he looked like Keith Moon and played the drums and it was 1969 again, who knows? I guess I allow a different (lesser) level of decorum for an artist or an entertainer (or private citizen) than I do for a public official. Is this fair? I'm not sure. Artists may influence me. Politicians, however, can enforce their influence through legislation.

Mr. Trump is an entertainer; I don't really care how he acts in that sphere. If he wants to be taken seriously as a politician, I guess he's going to have to clean up his act. Has anyone actually asked him, is it actually his desire to move from the entertainment sphere - leaving that behind - into the political sphere, particularly because of all the restrictions that that may place upon his behavior. I'm just not convinced he wants this or that he thought he would even get this far. If he wanted to stop at this point, could he?
Jogi (Ft. Lauderdale)
This article was a non-starter for me. Sexism is still rampant and unfortunately accepted by both men and women. Nothing remarkable here...Donald being Donald. I was disappointed that NYT would dedicate so much real estate to this story. Far more outrageous celebrities doing real harm to women got less coverage. Bill Cosby has allegedly committed atrocities...where is the coverage.
WestSider (NYC)
I wonder if Bill and Donald have hung out together, they seem to share the same trait toward women.
Steve Stone (Dallas, Tx)
I don't give a thought to how people acted 30 years ago. People change and belief systems transform. Hillary was friends with a KKK Grand Dragon and Obama was against gay marriage in the last 10 years but both would tell you that they have "evolved" and changed.

I admire that Trump doesn't try to hide his beliefs. He wears them on his shoulder. Bill Clinton has abused women for decades but would never allow his real beliefs of women to show. What you see is what you get with Trump. He puts women in power all over his company and that says more to me about his attitudes toward women and anything else he could do. If you want to see what is important to someone, look at how they spend their money.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
I believe the KKK is endorsing Trump right now since you say your interests are in the current scene and not 30 years ago.
Robert (ND)
Is Donald also friends with a KKK Grand Dragon? Or is he tolerating their endorsement? (neither one is so great, frankly).
JHM (Taiwan)
I personally have nothing good to say about Donald Trump, nor would I vote for him. However, this story has been featured prominently for two days now on the front page of the online edition of the New York Times. In the name of impartial and ethical journalistic impartiality and ethical journalism, how about a similar article about the way Hillary Clinton has treated the people who worked for her when she was First Lady or Secretary of State? The stories of her abuse of Secret Service agents or staff are well documented.
Robert (ND)
I would be interested in knowing how much of these stories are really true. Everyone gets flustered sometimes but someone running for the highest office should be able to show decorum in most situations. Donald may not get high marks for decorum either -- or is his rudeness just much more public in nature? Not saying thank you in particular sounds not so great.
Maureen (boston, MA)
Hard to imaging Donald J in meetings with Chancellor Merkel or Christine Lagarde or the many other women in positions of power.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
He would be worse than W trying to massage Merkel's shoulders while she mentally tried to incinerate him.
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
Or worse than Barack Obama looking Merkel in the eye and lying to her about spying on her personal cellphone records.
Robert (ND)
 “Hillary was very rude to agents, and she didn’t appear to like law enforcement or the military,” former Secret Service agent Lloyd Bulman recalls.

Wow. Don't (at all) like someone's making fun of POWs, but if true this doesn't sound great either.

“We spent years with her,” yet another Secret Service agent notes. “She never said thank you.”
JHM (Taiwan)
I personally have nothing good to say about Donald Trump, nor would I vote for him. However, this story has been featured prominently for two days now on the front page of the online edition of the New York Times. In the name of impartial and ethical journalistic impartiality and ethical journalism, how about a similar article about the way Hillary Clinton has treated
fran soyer (ny)
Donald would have to get another 25 years of coverage like this to get near Hillary.

This article could headline from now until November and he would still have gotten more favorable treatment from the press than Hillary.
WestSider (NYC)
My preference would be a story on how Palmyra is once again falling into the hands of terror groups in Syria merely a week after the Russians had a symphony performing there. How is it that each time the Syrian government has the upper hand, miraculously the terrorists regain strength to take territory back. Who is helping them? Is it the Saudis and other gulf nations? Or are we or Israel helping them out?

But who needs serious reporting, when we can rehash Trump being a womanizer as if there was anyone on earth who didn't know it.
chairmanj (CA)
I do think this article has been on the front page (online) a bit too long, but I also think this has nothing to do with digging up dirt on Hillary to be "fair and balanced".

Look, guys -- Donald Trump is about having power and using it. Surprise!?! His appeal is to do just that -- use the power of the USA to destroy our perceived enemies. What he thinks of women, how he treats women, does not matter to his advocates.
bkw (USA)
The information in this piece is more proof that Donald Trump is a radically insecure person. And it's apparent that his attempt to overcome his insecurities is through "winning;" through proving to himself and others that he's a winner (that's why he constantly calls others losers, because deep inside that's how he feels about himself.)

Also, being a winner means he must have the best. And that means his wives and female companions--even his daughter--must be a "10." Trying to out run his insecurities also means his name must be in billboard sized letters on airplanes, buildings, and golf courses around the globe. Also, even though it appears he's given women an opportunity to excel, it's because he's concluded that women work harder than men so they can better help him win.

Being oblivious is another Trump trait. His lack of filters and insults that freely fly out of his mouth are childlike; like a playground bully. Thus he comes across like a man-child rather than an adult with dyed in the wool evil intent. And that, I believe, is why his followers overlook his often noxious behavior. It's as if he just doesn't know better.

And because all of his success hasn't provided the self-worth he's desperately seeking (he's apparently unaware that's something that comes from the inside) he's presently going way over his head by attempting to prove he can win the biggest prize of all, president of the United States and leader of the free world. Heaven help us.
Susan (WI)
Great analysis. Being an optimist than not, I tend to believe that both Hillary and Trump would rise to the occasion if elected. I don't know if it is human nature to want to win and avoid losing, or if it is some personality defect, but I personally am more interested if he (or she) is "win-win," and if Donald brought women on board to his companies when no one else in the industry was doing so, those actions speak volumes.
Carlos (Kansas)
Yes! Thank goodness both Hillary and Bill Clinton are such honest and honorable people who would never dream of bending the rules, enriching themselves, or abusing young women. Wow! Boy I feel so grateful to have such fine and upstanding candidates on the Democrat side!
Kels (Tanley)
your opinions all well and good, however grumbling about someone is not the stuff of a full out front page expose in a supposedly reputable newspaper. And the fact that you call this "information" -- well, it's sad what qualifies as information these days. I have a degree in Mass Communications. If i had turned in this article for any reporting project I would have failed. If this is considered journalism- and what we rely on as part of our society's system of checks and balances... to use your words, heaven help us.
jcarob (Hell, MI)
And yet millions of women will vote for Trump because they think he can steer the country away from what they feel is the beginning of the end of the American dream. Meanwhile, the idealogues of the left and their media mouthpieces, such as the reliably liberal NYT and the Bezos-owned WaPo, are trying mightlly to find some wedge issue to distract from the big issues that all Americans face: dwindling job opportunities, growing welfare rolls, rampant crime in the cities and now commonplace in the suburbs, sexual irresponsibility leading to increasing numbers of children being discarded before birth and afterward, widespread use of drugs like heroin in places where such use was unimaginable a few decades ago, massive public debt that is strangling our prospects for a better standard of living and putting us all at risk of a grim future.
fran soyer (ny)
Your chicken little routine flies in the face of reality.

Things are not nearly as bad as you claim, and far, far better than they were under Reagan or either Bush.

Perhaps things were better under Clinton, but the Clinton era was the best in history.
thinkagain (California)
I don't have time to look up all the statistics on the fear-mongering issues you've raised, but here's info on one. Abortions have declined from over 800,000 before 1998 to less than 700,000 in the last few years. And by the way, 59% of those who get abortions are mothers. They're doing it for family planning, not because they're all having wild sexual escapades. And this decline is attributed to the increasing availability of good contraception, which may no longer continue as Republicans do their best to shut down Planned Parenthood everywhere.
WestSider (NYC)
You are right about all except this " the idealogues of the left and their media mouthpieces, such as the reliably liberal NYT and the Bezos-owned WaPo,"

The opposition to Trump isn't coming from the left at all, as a matter of fact, many if not most of Sanders voters will go to Trump if Hillary is the nominee, because based on Trump's history, they believe the only analysis that has been right was delivered by the Church Lady a week ago on SNL, if you missed it look it up.

Trump's opposition is coming from the neoconservatives who are worried about his lack of interest in interventionism. Trump is to the left of Hillary when it comes to foreign policy and that scares them. I personally think Adelson's latest support for Trump is an attempt to tar him because he knows that would turn off Trump supporters.
L’OsservatoreA (Fair Verona)
There could be a dozen Pulitzer Prizes awaiting the politically independent reporter willing to work and interview witnesses about the tragic order from ___? for the U.S. military to stand down and not save lives during the Benghazi attack.

Instead, what's left of The Times wants to scare its statist liberal readers out of voting for Mr. Trump, while ignoring the War on Women conducted by the Clintons over the past 40 years.
Janus (Rhode Island)
Gee, many of the responses seem to be from women who were living in a closet in the 60's thru the 90's. From the "sexualization" of women in movies, on television and in all aspects of the media...we have all been subjected to much of this behavior by men. Was it right...NO! But, I don't think Mr. Trump was any different from the vast majority of men before women began to build their confidence and realize their self worth. I bet many of them would not tolerate his suggestion to change into a swim suit...etc.
Bet Bill Clinton could teach him a few things on being sleazy.
rainreason (seattle)
We're also not going to vote for Bill Clinton again... it's a good thing he's not running for president. Erstwhile, ready for Hillary.
A D (Oregon)
Uh, hate to tell you but hillary was there through all of it.
Lynn in DC (um, DC)
" We're also not going to vote for Bill Clinton again ...."

Really? Does anyone think Bill is going to sit on the porch if Hillary becomes president? They are offering the "twofer" deal again. Hillary's just said that Bill will be used to "revitalize" the country.
Gary Bonilla (London/New York)
I am the son of a early and practical feminists, I grew with a then-progressive way to look at gender at work, and an assertive approach to calling out inequality. The personal details behind these are of no consequence right now. But I had the benefit of being raised with feminist principles. Which are nothing more than human equality principles. This happened during the 70's and 80's. And what is important about that is that my mom could had been one of this women executives that today pass judgment on the presumpltive Republican candidate. The ones that according to numerous accounts were heavily maninputaled through demeaning and shameful- if not sociopathic- powerplay. (Safe to say, based on experience,my mom would have stood up for herself and stopped him in his tracks.) So let me be clear. Sexist power play is bad now. But it was equally bad then too. And the excuse that we have had gender practice-weak presidents in the past is not an excuse, but a historical fact. It is past. It should not to be repeated. So if you are for progress and for the continued and rapid evolution of gender and diversity relations that could generate rich innovation, higher productivity in the U.S. and not to mention lovely society standards to live by, read this article. If you think that the info in it is viable, do your research. And hopefully, don't vote for this ghost from the past.
Jon Dama (Charleston, SC)
Trump sound a lot like Clinton; Bill, that is. Democrats had no problem with his treatment of women and voting for him; so what should I act differently towards Trump.
thinkagain (California)
Clinton never publicly humiliated women by expressing disgust for individual women's biological functions, including that of breastfeeding a baby, as Trump has done. He also did not denigrate women publicly on the basis of their appearance, as Trump has done repeatedly.
Bugmon (offshore R.I.)
Clinton was not a caveman like Trump is now.
Janet Swanborn (Chicago)
I have a problem with it. I'm not going to cut off my nose to spite my face and vote Republican, though.
James (NY)
I'm looking forward to this level of in depth scrutiny of Hillary Clinton's career. Actually this was a pretty weak article if it was meant to perpetuate the Trump sexism story.
Kay Argabright (Del Mar, CA)
"But when Mr. Trump lost confidence in women, he could inflict lasting damage on their lives".
Any woman who has initiated the end of an intense relationship with a true narcissist understands how truly sick this kind of personality can be. Trump feeds on the pain that he inflicts. He is publicly proud of his relentless and degrading attacks against women like Rosie O'Donnell and Megyn Kelly. You don't see that kind of behavior from Bill Clinton. Please stop comparing these two men and their separate behaviors towards women in some bizarre attempt to justify your vote for someone as sick and twisted as Donald Trump.
Garth (Vestal, NY)
The most telling part of this report was how Trump grew distant from his first wife in part due to her success managing one of his properties. She was only supposed to manage the hotel, not thrive, and he had no interest in her success and offered no encouragement. Donald doesn't like it when he may have to share the spotlight. His self centered behavior is so extreme it is almost impossible to fathom.
Some women he regards purely as sex objects. But he also gives other women a more than even opportunity in his various businesses so he really is a contradiction. One part misogynist, one part chivalrous. Other celebrities and politicians have behaved beneath Donald at his worst.
But the real question is whether this flawed individual is capable of occupying the Presidency and not doing damage to the nation. What if there is a terrorist attack on a Trump property somewhere outside of the U.S.? Will Trump see this as a personal attack and respond with American forces completely out of proportion? Will his domestic policies be mainly to gild his own image without regard to long term costs? What if his Secretary of State starts to get better press than Donald?
Trump doesn't like to read or to study, has no grasp of economics, and changes positions weekly, just to name a few of his weaknesses. I'm no fan of Hillary but the thought of President Trump scares me. How his supporters only hear "Make America Great Again", and not question how is just as troubling.
A D (Oregon)
He has talked about and there are written points and expert opinions on the "HOW" all over the internet and TV. Certainly as much or more on the "how" as the other candidates.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
You have to admit this is great fun to watch the Tea Party sanctimony squad who got in such a twist about Bill Clinton 20 years ago for consensual sex that they got child molester Dennis Hastert and serial marital cheat Newt Gingrich to go after The Big Dog for lying about it. The GOP has been The Church Lady on steroids since Reagan.

Now, in their dotage, they want to give The Donald all the room in the world to be "normal" as one poster from Georgia posted.

If we are looking for some 70 year old senior citizen in heat who is campaigning on his "Pro-Life" and "punish women" stand-up routine to run the Free World with his rancid butler by his side, we sure know where to look.
thinkagain (California)
Great points, and your last paragraph was hilarious! Thank you, Kay.
tom n (gastonia.NC)
Too bad you couldn't have vetted Obama so hard 8 years ago
L’OsservatoreA (Fair Verona)
No, that would have required an actual independent newspaper staffed by professionals. 60 years ago, it might have happened.
Janet Swanborn (Chicago)
What specifically are you referring to?
bryant6pac (ms)
dang it i would call him a hit it man ,but who am i.....
Zarohla (NJ)
If the NYT hafd spent as much time investigating Bill CLinton's adventures.
Um, I think he was. He was impeached, and those that were around during that time were pretty disgusted by just how much he was investigated because it had nothing to do with his competence while in office. In Trump's case, his governing competence is questionable at best. At worst, he's a pathological liar, changing his position on a daily basis.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
They did. He lied. He got impeached.

Part 2 was Newt calling for the wrath of heaven for Clinton at the very same time he was cheating on his own wife. And Dennis Hastert chairing an impeachment committee while sitting on his history of molestation of his own wrestling students in small town Illinois.
I guess you could call that their "adventures" in Irony. GOP style.
Andy (96813)
Trump is clearly a narcissist struggling to find his male identity. His preoccupation with sex and beautiful women shows a very flawed character of one not even fit to be elected dog catcher. Putin sees this and has been exploiting Trump's vulnerabilities hoping that he be elected POTUS, Putin will then use him to make the United States the laughing stock of all nations.
arbitrot (Paris)
Trump has done the country a favor that we never could have predicted.

He is in the process of destroying the Republican Party.

No greater love hath a man than he act as the boor and buffoon that he is so that Hillary Clinton can become President and the Democrats can retake the Senate.

Thank you Donald!
Susan (WI)
Up for a one party system are you?
arbitrot (Paris)
Heavens no. Use your iMagination.

How about having the BernieBro fill the gap, so our two party system is arguing about policy, as Paul Krugman puts it today, rather than policy fantasy and the post prandial behavior of the candidates?

And if something like this happens, we have The Donald to thank for it.
AV (Tallahassee)
Would the New York Times care to devote some space to all the Republican congressmen who have engaged in some kind of sexual misconduct just in the last couple of years or so? Even in that short time you would need a full page to list them all. It proves of course that Trump fits right in. It also proves you're not as good as Fox News. At least they're fair and balanced. Not liars like you who lie through omission.
Bugmon (offshore R.I.)
I got a smile from this.
...But overall you thought this was a well-written and well-researched article, nice.
Ozfer (World)
Nice how the NYT publishes a article with such a vendetta against Trump, then hand picks comments they agree with and shove the ones they dont to the back. What a load of bunk, Trump was right the NY Times is dying and will be gone soon. Good riddance
Rationality2016 (Santa Monica, CA)
That'll be the day!
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
Or that'll be the day after Trump is sworn in as the 45th President of the United States.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
What a world! What a world!
SKA (Athens)
Great report. Americans can see themselves in Mr. Trump shoes. Now please explain More then 10 millions votes for him.
This article was a hit for women as well men. This article deserves psychoanalysis of all women you interviewed.
Love the NY times for great reporting.
1515732 (Wales,wi)
When Bill Clinton ran there were all kinds of woman complaining about his "bedside manner" Did the Times do a expose" then?
Vince (New York)
Just the opposite. They protected him and squelched the stories of women who had negative things to say. This newspaper is completely in the tank for the Clintons. Disgraceful.
Raymond Mellott (Florida)
You must have not been around in the 1990"s.
Robert J (New York)
If you think sexism is the red letter of death, I can say it is not. It has become a PC red herring and you know what else --- the average man and woman is tired of it. Sit around drinking with my friend and women and men tell the same type of "sexist" stories.

I never see much sexism mentioned when young women marry old men for their money. Nope that is a-ok.
Susan (WI)
Curious how you know that younger women always marry older men for their money? Did you interview them all? Some women like older men because, they tend to be less threatened by women and are also less competitive with them.
Alia (Texas)
Oh get real. That is a very slim minority.
Janet Swanborn (Chicago)
Is it your position that these men are nitwits or something? Or that the women are putting the men's heads in vises like when Shemp was in the money?
Rob Gallucci (New Jersey)
It's good to know that the NY Times is dedicating it's prime real estate, front page, top of the "digital" fold, to its support of Hillary Clinton through negative reporting on Dinald Trump and Bernie Sanders.

If we are young to pave the salacious news pathway how about equal time to the Clinton Foundation questionable practices, especially with Bills paramour.
goeasyonus (great nw)
not a single conviction for this mountain of paper trying to skewer trump......the only ones who are gonna read this are those that were never gonna vote trump anyway. thaks for the free air time.
AV (Tallahassee)
Wow. Despite statements about him being an outsider and not a politician it seems Mr. Trump is just like all the other politicians after all. So he's no better than Ensign and Sanford and Craig and Vitter and Foley and Packwood and, well, there's too many to mention but one thing's for sure, he fits right in.
pernel (Princeton NJ)
A thorough and relevant survey. But front page lead? Really?
Marlowe (Ohio)
Women will have a stark choice in November. They can vote for a pig or they can vote for a woman who has spent her life working on behalf of women. Any woman who votes for Trump should check herself into a mental health facility because she has demonstrated unimaginable self-loathing.
Mike Smith (Oakland)
What's interesting is if you google "Rowanne Brewer Lane," you quickly find photos of her and Mr Trump and talk of how they went out for several months and that she issued this statement on his Presidential run:

“I spent enough time with Donald Trump when we dated, to know how respectfully he treats people, especially women. He was very gracious to every man and woman I ever saw him come in contact with. For such a bold and successful businessman he has shown that he can be extremely compassionate and understanding, and I truly believe “passion” is where his desire to become president and make America great again comes from. Donald stands up for what he believes in. If you intentionally start a fight with him, you’re going to get one, and (to coin a phrase) he can put his money where his mouth is! He is obviously holding his own in this Presidential race and I say more power to him. ”

That doesn't sound like she thinks he crossed any lines.
hpc (Usa)
Lol no - part of the problem win someone like Trump is that it's impossible for women like Brewer Lane to oppose him because he'll smash them with the might of his money and legal team. To me that statement 100% sounds like she was paid off
Vince (New York)
"...the problem win...." Hmmm, sounds like a Freudian slip. But I agree. He will win in November.
Mike Smith (Oakland)
or we could consider the fact that she went out with him for months at the time to counter her all-of-sudden disgust.

Her previous statement at least aligned with her previous actions.

Unlike her new change of tune.
Cliff (Philadelphia, Pa.)
It is puzzling how he can be so smart at making money while being so clueless about treating other people with respect.
fran soyer (ny)
The way he makes money ( extortion, threats, intimidation, bribes ) requires that he doesn't treat people with respect.

It's not a bug, it's a feature.
Jean Frioui (Wisconsin)
Enough is enough on this woman hating racist bufoon!!!!
Steve (New York)
Obviously the Donald has a lot to answer for but for Ms. Machado to indicate that he was the cause of her bulimia and anorexia is ludicrous. Despite the myths that these are caused by society's view of how women she looked, in fact they have nothing to do with this. These are diseases where women have distorted body images.
Susan (WI)
Should Trump have behaved as he did? No. But If you are good looking enough to be in a beauty pageant, it is reasonable to believe (in our superficial, appearance based culture) that you would have more doors open to you than someone who wasn't able to get into a pageant. And it's hard to feel sorry for someone who voluntarily chose to enter the pageant then feels slighted because someone was critical of her appearance. Trumps' lack of humility, insensitivity, and inability to apologize does not reflect will on him but not sure how very much different this makes him from other candidates.
RiverCityTide (Jacksonville)
Ok we get it. Trump likes women.

And the globalists prefer Chinese making $1.50 an hour over American workers.

Pull out all the stops puppets. It will not work.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Well Trump likes Chinese workers for his fancy pants ties too unless he has started building a new clothing factory empire in Kentucky or Alabama that no one knows about.
Harvey Lyon (Steamboat Springs)
Well, Guess I'm going to have to up my political donation to Trump!
Melinda (Just off Main Street)
Please let me know who cherry picks these comments. I wrote one this morning, which never saw the light of day. I figured maybe it was a glitch, so I wrote and submitted a second comment late this afternoon. Neither were ever published. Frequently, my submitted comments do not appear.

I did criticize the NYTimes for not subjecting Hillary Clinton and her husband to the same scrutiny as Donald Trump but it was stated politely. After reading the other comments, it seems many felt the same way I do.

So what gives, NYTimes? Is it all the news (and comments) which are 'fit to print'...or simply all those which fit your point of view?
Vince (New York)
The latter.
Helium (New England)
Lots of comments missing but you know the Times likes quotas and the positive negative comment ratio has to reflect the general population or it's not PC.
Chris535 (PA)
The Donald does not deserve to be called "Mister" as he demands of everyone including the news media, so he can call them by their first names to create a class difference. He's a lowlife.
Link (Maine)

Now do a hit piece on Hillary.
Then, try your hardest to come up with someone who has an honest, bad thing to say about Sanders.
Helena C (Darien)
Just one thing: please do not write anything else about this guy. We got it already.
g shepherd (St Louis MO)
Sadly, the official word RNC chair is that people just don't care about the reports of Trump's sexism. So there you have it. His voters are as bad or worse.
Mr Myxpyx (New York)
Your bias against Trump only serves to rile up your liberal base. Only liberals read and value NYT articles. But where were/are the articles on Bill Clinton? Oh yes, you love the Clintons. Move along....nothing to see here.
Geneva Ayte (Short Hills, NJ)
Why would the NY Times waste ink on this topic? Is this the best they can do?
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Vetting someone who wants to be POTUS who obviously needs to check his Viagra dosage and is running on the "punish women" malarky is of interest to plenty of people.
Vince (New York)
But vetting the Clintons is taboo. Is that how you roll?
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Vince - if you don't know about every sentence breathed by and about Hillary Clinton starting in the 90s by now, then it is too late for you to do anything but see a doctor as to why.

Clinton has not been out of the public critique for decades. If she was asked some twenty-something to get in a speedo for the old folks to ogle at her private swim party or kissed contestants in the guy beauty contest or had some habit of blurting about young men's rear ends while on the job, and the press somehow missed it, then you can be the first to shatter the illusion of her already being vetted.
Robert Dana (11937)
Oh my gosh. You mean Trump was going through a divorce and 'came on' to a pretty girl. He was 44 and she was 26.

Are you guys serious with this nonsense? It's not okay for a man to be attracted to a woman?

Henry (Upper Nyack NY)
For better or worse, most guys are hard wired for sex and Trump just has more money and more opportunities to act out. I know, we are all supposed to be ashamed of our preoccupation with women and sex or at least to pretend to be more civilized. Does The Donald cross the line? Probably, but that is hardly the really problem when considering his presidential ambitions. This article did very little on that score.
Ringferat (New York)
Unhelpful. This coverage is unhelpful. But I bet it gets lots of clicks, so that's all that matters, right? Does Trump's obvious treatment of women really warrant the time and energy of a NYT front page piece? How about the issues? What about ISIS? What about the US suicide rate? What about whites killing themselves? What does Trump think about this? Trump and Sanders both have a mission to get this country off topic and focused, in very superficial ways, on them. And it seems to be working.
NineEight7 (Kennesaw, GA)
No, Trump is alone in his desire to actually bring America back to greatness. We're going to build a wall. protect our borders, enforce our laws, and defeat islamic terror. The article is VERY HELPFUL because it reinforces the reality that Trump is a normal guy driven by normal desires.
Kay Walsh (Sacramento)
My, my sounds like Bill Clinton whose advances on women are way more than reported in fact some were prominent women who could not let their names be published.
This behavior was all too common when I was in my twenties by a whole heck of a lot of men.
Not excusing Trump but this is not news for a celebrity.
GJ Tryon (Canada)
So, after Donald Trump, well in advance of his time, promotes a woman to a commanding position in his building empire, based solely on her merit, all that the Times can do is obsess over some petty slights and disagreements whose veracity is, at best, open to dispute. As for the rest of this litany of fifties-like-era scandals, I suggest the paper remarket them n a New York Times' Politically Correct Dating Guide -- the Do's and Don'ts for today's proper young gentlemen with an eye to future political office.
BHirsh (Miami FL)
This is hilarious.

If Hugh Hefner were the presumptive Democrat nominee, the NYT would be silent as a wooden owl.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Maybe the sanctimonious GOP will run Hugh Hefner's botoxed carcass as VP. Would be right up the alley of these new "values voters" of Trump's. Pool Parties for all, Donald has plenty of extra swim suits and floaties for the swimming impaired.
ihk888 (new jersey)
anybody reads this article as news is a joker. we have wonderful choice in November, this nothing new persona or the other who raked millions of dollars with scripted speech from the Wall Street crooks yet claims will clean up and claim she is for average American? we should have "none of the above" ballot in Novemberl Election.
hel1015 (Sarasota, FL)
What is wrong with the NYTIMES?! Trump on the front page, with 2 more pages inside? Blech! Aren't there more important things to write about? "All the news that's fit to print?" Nuh-uh - I don't think The times has met it's own minimum standard on this one.

Trump, is a problem for America, a problem created by the media, including the NYTimes. If that ego-head jerk had to pay for the publicity that he has been given gratis by all the media throughout this primary process, he wouldn't be a problem today, in my opinion, because he certainly would never pay for it himself.

I wouldn't be surprised if that ego isn't behind Trump's reluctance to divulge his personal financial information - I bet he doesn't have nearly as much money as he says he has, and is too ashamed to face up to that inconvenient truth. Might tarnish "his brand!" Blech again, and hogwash!
Ryan (Utah)
Why is Trump wearing his pants up to his belly button as a teen? He was a complete nerd then? But it says "ladies man, Trump" for the pic lol
Link (Maine)
It was the style at the time. It's not any more complicated than that.
Ted Pikul (Interzone)
Savvy voter.
Fred (Paris, France)
Trump is the ultimate megalomaniac who needs the company of pretty women and uses them - lots of them - to elevate his ego. Of course, there have been many megalomaniacs like Trump, past and present. The difference, they did not stand at the cusp of holding the most powerful office and becoming the person in charge of the largest nuclear arsenal in the world. Perhaps, at this point, one should recall a somewhat modified version of a quote by Henry Kissinger saying that "I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country (elect Trump) due to the irresponsibility of its people. The issues are much too important for (US) voters to be left to decide for themselves."
Cathy (Michigan)
I'm really interested in how the emerging image of Trump's creepiness is going to affect his appeal given the pop culture significance of creepiness. It's damaging to be seen as creepy. According to the New Yorker article "The Age of Creepiness," the word creepy "helps to brand the people whom, for our own safety, we might rather keep at bay." I could see this NYTimes article having an impact.
NineEight7 (Kennesaw, GA)
The only impact this article is going to have is to attract even more supporters for Donald Trump. He liked women? Good! He's driven by natural tendencies. Obama was driven by a deep desire for social engineering, which is not natural in the least. Hillary is exactly the same.
Susan (<br/>)
None of this is news. Donald is not atypical of successful men of his generation. The reason why Donald as a candidate appeals so much to so many frustrated non-college-educated men and women is that he is successful. They don't care how he treats women. The women in this article sound like whiners. They knew what was going on - why were they around Donald Trump in the first place (e.g. at a dinner at Mar-a-Lago) in the first place? Each women felt that she would find a path to male-approval, wealth and maybe even teach Donald a thing or two. Women who enter beauty contests are willingly competing primarily on looks and sex appeal.

Physical beauty sells.

What is missing? Actual hard analysis of how Donald Trump would function as President of the US. What are the actual qualifications for the job? Compare how Donald and Hillary meet the qualifications. I look in vain through all of our many sources of information for evidence on these presumptive nominees for relevant data. Does the NYTimes have any reporter capable of doing this? How about that guy Nicholas Confessore who covers New York State? He seems to have a nose for politics and history and enough political background to actually ferret out facts on important topics. Didn't Mr. Confessore's research and articles help to bring down Governor Switzer? You can do better than this she said/she said litany of former Trump women and beauty contestants.

This election is a watershed for America - help us out here!
Link (Maine)
Former girlfriend who didn't get a ring no less. And you'd only know this if you read the photo captions...
Susan (WI)
How would he function as POTUS? It's possible that people selected to be members of his cabinet would be more representative of the population than previous administrations for one. In addition to the other facts presented in this article, the facts are that he hired and promoted women to leadership positions in his companies, at a time that this was uncommon practice within a male dominated industry.
kevin (My PC, USA)
This is Rowanne Brewer Lane’s personal statement on Donald Trump: “I spent enough time with Donald Trump when we dated, to know how respectfully he treats people, especially women. He was very gracious to every man and woman I ever saw him come in contact with. For such a bold and successful businessman he has shown that he can be extremely compassionate and understanding, and I truly believe “passion” is where his desire to become president and make America great again comes from. Donald stands up for what he believes in. If you intentionally start a fight with him, you’re going to get one, and (to coin a phrase) he can put his money where his mouth is! He is obviously holding his own in this Presidential race and I say more power to him. ”

This is The NY Times on Brewer's take on Donald. "But the 1990 episode at Mar-a-Lago that Ms. Brewer Lane described was different: a debasing face-to-face encounter between Mr. Trump and a young woman he hardly knew. This is the private treatment of some women by Mr. Trump, the up-close and more intimate encounters.

Somehow these two paragraphs don't jibe. This can't just be a smear piece by the Grand Old Lady, can it?
CarolK (Tampa)
Trump has opened Pandora's box and allowed a voice to gross encourage expressions of sexism, misogyny, racism, and xenophobia rather than encourage all in his sphere of influence to achieve a higher purpose.

It's easy to take the path of least resistance. How does encouraging voters to regress to gross incivility mean change for the better in Washington? It's what exists already by the influences of talk radio, partisan political pundits, and extremists. And now some want a President who will give voice to and encourage discourse at the lowest levels of the human experience. It is more of the same, only louder and uglier.

To think that this type of behavior will "fix" things in Washington is astonishly naive. Mr. Trump represents all the things that individuals who support him are disgusted with in politics....sleazy, talking out of both sides of their mouths, less than honest, etc. What he has done is allowed the anger and deep seated sexist, racist and xenophobic fears of a segment of the Republican base find a platform to resurface. A classic example of "regression in service to the ego."

Trump supporters will find, I believe, their support of him, in the end, a Faustian bargain.

"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." Maya Angelou
Link (Maine)
I'm with you; we need another ineffective marshmallow for President.
CarolK (Tampa)
You are right. He kinda does look like a marshmellow. But, hey, he's 70 I'll give him a break on appearance.
zero (Northern Canada)
What I see in Trump is an old, rich, powerful guy, A GUY, who despite his male tendencies genuinely sees value in the abilities of women. A lot of people give lip service to gender equality, but Trump hired women to high level positions within his company in an era when it was almost unheard of. He doesn't have to say he respects the abilities of women, his actions prove it.
NineEight7 (Kennesaw, GA)
Well spoken
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
The article pretty much points out that he is a contradiction of old timey sexism and willingness to promote a few women within his company. The very first comment is by someone who worked for him.
David (SF)
You seem to completely disregard his actions toward women of less-than high level positions. Do they just not count?
Benton Powers (Saratoga Springs)
Out of 300 million plus people, Trump and Clinton are the final two in the running for our presidency. Politics in this country has reached an all-time low.
Jillian (Minnesota)
Bernie Sanders is still in the race
pclock (Palo Alto)
Clinton set the accepted standard for liberals. So what's the problem with Trump?
f.s. (u.s.)
Many reader commenters are asking how any woman could vote for Donald Trump. Based on the people I know personally, I have a three word response: Party over Principle. There are far too many Americans who treat their party like a football team and won't abandon it no matter how filled with losers (in the figurative sense) it is. I guess some of us are not so different from the North Koreans who only know how to love one political party and its Dear Leader no matter who he might be. And I think this also explains the many defensive comments you see here from Republican voters, to the tune of "what about Bill Clinton and JFK".
NineEight7 (Kennesaw, GA)
Most supporters of Trump DESPISE the GOP. Yes, it's true. They simply like Donald Trump and what he stands for.
David (SF)
Bingo. Or, to use another term, "tribalism." Which The Donald knows just how to exploit.
Joe E (Winchester, VA)
"First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the women."

Ollie (Missouri)
Seriously? Is this all you got? If you put 1/10 the effort into a similar article on Hillary's mendacities, it would be 10 times worse.

Look at it this way. Would you rather have someone offer you a swimsuit so you could join the fun at a pool party and then say nice things about the way you look, or would you rather have someone slander you and try to destroy your reputation because you had the temerity to speak out about being sexually assaulted by that person's husband?
Inveterate (Washington, DC)
Evolution has made this behavior highly successful. Alpha males court multiple women, who want their resources. As a result they have lots of children, and the alpha male traits become more common on earth.
Jillian (Minnesota)
Common should not mean accepted. There needs to be far more education about Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It's a hidden epidemic that is very apparent in the public response to Trump's behavior.
This kind of behavior is NOT ok. Women accepting this kind of behavior because it's all they've ever known is maddening. We need to educate people on this issue because it's truly frightening that people can believe things that never really happened. People with NPD truly are oblivious to reality and literally create their own.
I think every presidential candidate should submit to psychological testing before even being considered to run a country. Why on earth is this not done?
Kay Johnson (Colorado)

Well some grown-ups have evolved past their monkey phase. Cats and dogs mark their territory as well- should we expect some of that too from The Donald?
Link (Maine)
Humans have not evolved. They are slaves to trends. There's a difference.
J House (Singapore)
The former President, Bill Clinton, was convicted of lying under oath in a deposition in front of a sitting federal judge, in a sexual harassment case no less. His penalty was fines and disbarment from practicing law in Arkansas for a certain time period.
The President's character didn't seem to be an issue to the NYT when the stories began to surface.My, have times changed.
John Boom (Okanogan, WA)
What another white guy in power who treats women questionably, I thought Bill Clinton was already reported on. Oh wait, this is the next guy who may be president. Anyone heard from John Edwards lately?
Ben (Jerusalem, Israel)
And how did Mr.Trump "mistreated the women"?
This is a yellow writ paid for by Hillary campaign. Hillary, on the other hand, is a crook, liar, thief & unfit to hold any office.
NineEight7 (Kennesaw, GA)
I see you're writing from Jerusalem. Trump seems to understand the importance of Israel and our friends in that part of the world. Hillary and Obama only have contempt for Israel.
itsmildeyes (Philadelphia)
Oh, my goodness, Ben. I wonder how it is we see Sec. Clinton so differently. (I do agree with you, however, there is no 'there' there in this piece about Mr. Trump.)
boobeh (tucson, az)
Please do a thorough investigation about the Trump project in Dubai, which a HUGE billboard advertises as the future "Beverly Hills of Dubai." Ask about the abominable conditions of the immigrants who are working on the project starting with their having to surrender their passports to the company upon their arrival which is far more important in terms of his fitness for the presidency thank how many women he has taken to bed (before, during and after his marriages). And in spite of all his screaming about China, learn about the percentage of Trump products made in China. Also... Ivanka has her own brand in China and thousands of her scarves were recalled here because of a toxic chemical in the fabric. It reveals, in addition, to everything else about this man-- I can't even look at him without shuddering-- an egregious example of Trump hypocrisy.
Will Adams (Atlanta, GA)
This must be what Italians felt like during the Berlusconi years.
Kaari (Madison WI)
If you are horrified to think that a lot of people are going to vote for Donald Trump despite his attitude toward woman - or Bernie Sanders despite the fact that his priorities seem quite unrealistic to you - then ... you just don't get it!!
You just do not get how FED UP! people are and exhausted with the economic status quo that they have been dealing with for the past forty or more years!! These folks have had it with incremental change and guess what? Most are not reading the New York Times, and if they did, it wouldn't make any difference in how they are going to vote.
CJ (New York)
.......underneath the surface behavior,
which is quite bad enough and has no place in male female relationships......there really is only one word that sums it up for
NineEight7 (Kennesaw, GA)
Creepy is better than criminal, which happens to be an excellent adjective for Hillary and Bill.
Jody (New Jersey)
Undoubtedly, all of this is true. I'm a Bernie Sanders fan, but I have to say that it's a sad day in publishing when the New York Times stoops to this level of writing. We have the National Enquirer for this. Silence would have been a much more admirable choice, and one, until about 23 years ago, that would have never seen print.
BorisIII (Asheville, North Carolina)
The things reported about Trump have no comparison to the information written about Obama and Clinton on political fiction web sights that Trump fans think are mostly true facts. Just because the fake information supports their views.
Jack Nargundkar (Germantown, MD)
After this in-depth take on how Donald Trump has treated women over the course of his storied career, I wouldn’t be surprised if he chose a woman as his vice presidential running mate – if for no other reason than to counter the negative fallout from this exposé. Even if this exposé were partially true, it still reflects a man with a 20th century mindset running to lead the world’s most powerful nation in the 21st century.

Knowing how shrewd Mr. Trump has proven himself to be during the primaries, he will attempt “to kill two birds in one stone” prior to the Republican National Convention. In order to make up with the other minority group that dislikes him even more than women, Mr. Trump will chose a prominent Latino as his vice presidential nominee – there is only one person, who fits that bill, Susana Martinez, Governor of New Mexico.

One hopes that women and Hispanics will take a close look at the exhaustive Trump record that is available online (print, audio, and video) before they cast their vote for a man, who has proven to be a serial chameleon on two of the major issues that directly affect them – women’s rights and immigration – and with which Trump will attempt to take us back to the 20th century, in which he thrived.
Paul King (USA)
Martinez has said she won't run with him.

To her credit and also smart politically.

He's a loser this Fall.
Leila (somewhere)
I was actually expecting worse from The Donald. This article is not so bad, it paints a very normal picture of a male Donald's age. Actually, I'm a millenial and I know fellow millenials who behave like this, I always though that it was normal behavior for most males. I'm a woman, and my dad was just like Donald when I was a 15, he was always showing how proud he was when people found me pretty, he was so proud of having "beautiful" daughters, so he invested money on how I looked. An ex Boyfriend I had was like that also, he was proud of having a "sexy" girl by his side, so he was always happy to parade me around and I'm sure he was always bragging to his guys what went on between us, and finally, I had male bosses that called me "gorgeous". I can see how being called "gorgeous" by an older boss can weird and a little gross, but once you show what you can do, everything is fine and they find some other girl they can annoy. In short, this article about The Donald and women, hardly hurts him, it just paints him as being the same of many males that I have encountered in my life, my dad included.
Marla Dekker (NYC)
I'm sorry to hear you have been surrounded by men like this. In my opinion, this behavior is not excusable. I'm in my late 50s and experienced it with bosses and it tends to throw you off balance and destroy your self esteem. You shouldn't have to "shrug it off".
Kay Johnson (Colorado)

Wasn't this already a script for a Bette Davis movie? Maybe adjust the carburetor on your Time Machine.
ms (ca)
Yeah, I too am sorry that you consider this type of behavior normal. You're a millenial so I can see why you might not understand how this type of behavior can be harmful. It is one thing to be considered and commented on as "pretty" but another if the same men or others think that is the end-all and be-all of your person and you aren't promoted or given opportunities because of their prejudice or, vice versa, limit your own life because your thinking is that beauty is what constitutes the majority of your worth. Men aren't threatened when you are a entry level or even mid-level worker; where the rubber really hits the road is when you become their superior or are in an executive-type position. Some young women who grow up this way never develop other aspects of their person, whether personality, intellect, or social, and are sorely disappointed when their looks decline or disappear (looks are less long-lasting than other attributes). Hopefully, you'll come across men in your future who appreciate you beyond only beauty.
Bayou Houma (Houma, Louisiana)
Now the Times complains about Trump's behavior with women. But which President and also former candidate for President lowered the political bar for candidates accused of this kind of public behavior? An honest answer has to be Bill Clinton. So now you accuse Trump with philandering baggage similar to Clinton's. Meanwhile, if Hillary wins her White House bid, she promises that Bill will serve in her kitchen cabinet. Bill, who said he engaged in sexual antics with an office intern because he could! Trump may not raise the ethical bar for our Presidents, but he sure didn't lower it.
fran soyer (ny)
I don't think Bill Clinton or Trump should be President.
petey tonei (Massachusetts)
Not kitchen cabinet..she is clearly stating (in coal country Kentucky) Bill will be economist in charge!
EricP (Albany,NY)
I am not a trump supporter but is this article a shock to anyone? Seems like a smear article to preach to the choir of liberals reading this. Wait, Trump hit on Miss USA contestants?!?!?!, now I've heard everything. The point NYT seems to be missing here is that none of this matters to to his approval rating, in fact it will probably help. Trump likes hot chicks, case closed. No one needs to worry what bathroom he'll be using.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)

What bathroom? Sounds like he'll be writing his name on the sidewalk for everyone to enjoy.
Matt (Michigan)

— Jim (Columbia, Mo)

You find a man who hires, promotes and enjoys the company of women “creepy”, do you Jimbo. Weird.

True creepiness can be found in the New York Post’s article about Sen. Sanders' essay that details his rape fantasies and extraordinarily misogynistic view of women.

A similarly revealing article detailing “congenital liar” Hillary Clinton’s creep factor was penned by former Bill Clinton GF Sally Miller. You might ask yourself why the Times or Washington Post doesn’t have 20 plus reporters doing any investigative reporting into all that’s revealed in that piece.

Perhaps creepiest of political all is another congenital liar and make believe 'indian', Elizabeth Warren. The True Liberal Nexus long ago detailed her creepiness and lies. Did the Post or Times detail a jot or tittle of it? Nope, but no big surprise that. It doesn’t fit their neo-fascist, pc narrative.
Mayballyne (Texas)
Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas redux. So sorry we missed the opportunity to get that one right. Maybe we can make the necessary restitution here.
Link (Maine)
Hardly similar stories.
Todd (Illinois)
Great hit piece on Trump! Like the woman who felt uncomfortable putting on the bikini and then dated Trump. What a great source! I also liked how the woman who had a positive impression of Trump was mentioned toward the end of the article sandwiched between two super mean comments.. I can't wait for The New York Times to invest the same amount of time and money on a similar piece on Bill Clinton. Oh, wait... you weren't planning to write that article, were you? I do not think Trump is a credible candidate but between anti-democratic "activists" trying to disrupt his public appearances and clearly biased "journalists" writing obvious politically-motivated articles like this one, I am starting to warm up to the guy. Your strategy of trying to convince women to vote against Trump is an okay one, I guess, but with Hilary on the other ticket it might backfire (rides on the "Lolita Express" anyone?) so I wish you luck. One last comment - I loved the "NYT Picks" section that the comments default to, this gives the newspaper a way to "curate" the comments to make sure only the desired anti-Trump ones are featured.
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
A friend from college came to visit last year. She didn't know my gym had a pool so she wanted to swim so I bought her a swimsuit at Target. She put it on in my apartment.

Clearly I am a Republican with no values. Right NYT?
itsmildeyes (Philadelphia)
If you run for president, she might remind you of it. Lol. Recalled events often have a way of becoming embellished; points of view sometimes change with the passage of time. Yikes, you might want to forget you ever mentioned this to readers at the New York Times. It'll be our secret, unless I can get a book deal out of it.
Finally facing facts (Seattle, WA)


That's all you got, Times?

All that reportonial energy for....this?
Pat (New York)
I see Reince Prebius says "people don't care." I guess women are not people but animals like Drumpf says. Seven out of ten women dislike Drumpf and I don't think it is about his orange face and wacky hair. Drumpf we are coming for you in November. Remember all us fat pigs, disgusting, menstruating hags...we vote too.
Dan (New York)
Good job ignoring how unfavorable Clinton is among men
Brooklyn Traveler (Brooklyn)
If you go to a lawyer and ask her to put on a bikini, it's sexist and obnoxious. If you go to a beauty pageant contestant and ask her to put on a bikini, it's part of the job, isn't it?

I wouldn't vote for Trump and would no sooner go to a beauty pageant than a horse shoe toss - but if you're a runway model or an actor or a dancer or somebody who works in a business that is mostly about physical appearance...then you accept that comments about your appearance are par for the course, don't you?

And women who enjoy hanging out with rich and powerful men...well, a lot of us would prefer hanging out with the rich, powerful and glamorous than hanging out with the poor, the meek and the anonymous.

I would much rather have lived my life being The Donald than being The Nobody. I mean, at least Tuesday and Thursday.