Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Glimpse Housing Up Close

Apr 24, 2016 · 21 comments
Force6Delta (NY)
As we all know, this is just typical rhetoric and election year photo-op "tokenism" with a cherry picked audience, tight security, and so on, ad nauseam (all of which disappears when the politician disappears). This has been going on for decades, if not centuries, and keeps getting worse. You can't find a politician AFTER an election, and you can't get rid of them BEFORE an election. This blatant "tokenism" is not going to change until REAL leaders are elected, who WILL make the changes that are necessary, which is easy to do when those in charge sincerely care, are competent, and are REAL leaders. Don't be fooled by the old and worn-out mantra of the claims of no money being available to improve public housing, there is plenty of money available. Greed, corruption, incompetence, self-promotion, political maneuvering, control, power, careers, the "isms", and other "negatives" that occur when there is a lack of REAL leadership, are the reasons for public housing (and other) problems to exist. Get actively and immediately involved and elect REAL leaders, and STAY involved. You CAN make the needed change happen, and quickly.
Emma Peel (<br/>)
All talk (again) from Hillary who it turns out registered an LLC in the state of Delaware so that her and her lovely husband Bill could funnel their money from various speaking engagements through at a much lower tax rate. I suppose her excuse will be well everybody else does it. Wasn't it she who just said recently that exploiting tax loopholes was an "abomination"? Hypocrisy knows no bounds with this woman.

And of course she'll fight for affordable housing for us working stiffs. Sure she will.
Dubyew (Westchester, NY)
Talk is cheap. Promises are even cheaper. Nothing will change until people the poor begin to vote.
Andy lewis (Boston, Mass)
It's the Republicans who won't release money for badly needed housing across the nation. Get rid of Republican in Congress, and the nation will build, revive, and uplift the American spirit, that, people should live in decent, affordable, Housing. There's no doubt about that.
Patrick (Long Island N.Y.)
The future is urban and the cities are islands that must be nurtured for the future. Cities are incredibly energy efficient. Imagine an apartment with only one wall facing the exterior to lose heat and cold. Imagine the efficiences of mass transit compared to one person driving a two or three thousand pound car to get somewhere. Or transportation of goods within a city instead of over great rural distances. The cities are the future in a world desperately trying to limit green house gases.

Invest in public housing.................please.
EdBx (Bronx, NY)
For many years, NYCHA did a very good job of managing public housing. Then funding was scaled back. Buildings of that age need repairs, but money for repairs is not available.
Joseph (albany)
Renovating existing housing is not sexy. So instead of renovating, de Blasio wants to build more and more new affordable housing units (outside the 80/20 developments that are not paid for by the city, and where few of the 20% live in poverty), further increasing the population of a city and a subway system that is paced to the gills.

I don't the city should spend a dime on creating (and subsidizing) new low-income housing until the existing housing (most of which is over 50 years old) is made livable.
Coolhunter (New Jersey)
This is a management and culture problem. First the culture problem. No one respects free stuff. The more you give money to these dysfunctional housing authorities, the worse it gets. Best they be closed down and put the money, and more of it, into Section 8 vouchers.
NYC Taxpayer (Staten Island)
Section 8 tenants are usually among the worst people to rent to.
jwp-nyc (new york)
@Coolhunter - this is a lies and racism problem. ''Culture'' is a birdwhistle for race. Siphoning off and diluting the poor via §8 allows absentee landlords a way to make money via vouchers while not investing in the 'fixer uppers' once they get them rented. Then they use §8 as a blockbuster and the neighborhood mortgage levels redline.

NYCHA if funded adequately was able to do a good job- and the communities have power and votes. But, not enough to leverage a Gerrymandered Conservative congress nationally.
Will (New York, NY)
These so called housing projects are nothing more than poverty machines, turing out generation after generation of government dependency.

Tear them all down. Not another dime for repairs. These human disaster zones are irreparable.
KellyNYC (NYC)
But what do you propose to do with the millions of residents?
So, I guess they can live on the streets. Even I can barely afford a place in New York. Lose a job or get sick and I am done. There are very few places for them to go.
True we need to rethink a better long-term solution. In the meantime they nned somewhere to stay.
Will (New York, NY)

NYCHA currently has approximately 403,000 residents. Not "millions". Let's start our debate with facts, okay?

With an estimated $17 BILLION deferred maintenance problem, that means well over $42,000 PER PERSON (not per family, per PERSON!) in unfunded costs.

This must end. It is not sustainable. I would say it is a gift to the lucky few who get it, but there is NOTHING lucky about getting trapped in this demoralizing mess called NYCHA.

It must end for everyones' sake, most especially the residents of this mess.
NYC Taxpayer (Staten Island)
I'm tired of endlessly reading about the problems of public housing in NYC. The NYCHA is a disaster and the wonderful residents of the projects destroy their own buildings with vigor. How much more money should we throw at this disaster?
Steve (Maine)
The "Revolution" can happen if Bernie and Hillary work as a team They can elect many, many Democrats and Progressives from Presindent to House and Senate. They also can help fund and elect new Governors, state representatives, mayors all the way to dog catchers, This will allow a more liberal SCOTUS so that Citizens United, Voter Rights Act, campain finance reform, secure right to choose, LGBT rights, decent healthcare and many other liberal causes can actually become realities. Gerrymandering that ensures right-wing candidates are always safe can be reversed, Medicaid expansion can happen in almost every state, eventually leading to options like Medicare for All. This can all happen if Bernie stops the circular firing squad and helps to bring his followers along. If he continues the way he is now, an injured HRC may win, but change will only happen around the edges. Bernie can choose.
Sandra Garratt (Palm Springs, California)
...OR if Hillary stops telling Bernie to quit and get out of her way so so she can claim what she assumed was her nomination in the bag already. It's not over and it's wrong to presume.....not every Democrat thinks another Clinton in the Whitehouse is a good idea, please stop cramming Hillary down our throats....that attitude is a real problem and it does not make everyone feel good about Madame Secretary, far from it.
charlotte scot (Old Lyme, CT)
Steve the Revolution can't happen the way you are describing it. What you are dreaming about is the first term of the Obama Administration... Democratic President, Democratic congress and we get a health care policy written by ? The pharmaceutical industry? Establishment candidates who are financed by corporate America just don't fit in the political revolution . They have too much to lose. These people like the system the way it is
jwp-nyc (new york)
The circular logic that Sanders backers will not back another candidate even though that candidate has been rolling up millions more in actual popular votes doesn't cut the mustard. The attitude problem is called Sanders Cult Self-brainwashing.
RJS (Phoenix, AZ)
Good for Hillary and Bernie whatever the reason they went to campaign at public housing. Hard to imagine a GOP candidate visiting the projects. In fact, Trump would be the president of the 1% despite his current cognitive dissonance populism.
Lady Scorpio (Mother Earth)
I went to the Politico link. I wasn't thrilled to learn that they had to pressured to visit the projects. But, at least they went. I agree with you apropos the GOP candidates. If any of them have visited a project, I'm not aware of it. Btw, cognitive dissonance populism? That's creative. I've not heard that description before. I've heard of RPD aka republican personality disorder, but not cognitive dissonance populism.

4-24-16@7:15 pm