Ted Cruz’s Conservatism: The Pendulum Swings Consistently Right

Apr 18, 2016 · 297 comments
ebmem (Memphis, TN)
Fiscal conservatives have been betrayed by both parties. Blue dogs were run off for trying to prioritize spending and eliminating ineffective programs The clear message of the TEA Party, to stop giving away the store to corporate welfare, like ObamaCare, has been characterized by establishment Republicans as wackiness and by establishment Democrats as anti poor.

The establishments of both parties love the status quo: stay in power with donations from cronies for giving corporate welfare.

This explains Bernie, who proposes to take everything and redistribute it. It also explains Trump, a Democrat donor who increased his wealth using real estate investment that benefitted from tax abatements at the expense of the people and most of the time was able to sell his interests before the investments collapsed. Who knows better than Trump that the masses have grounds to object to the policies of the establishment government.

You don’t have to like Ted Cruz’s looks, his personality, his religion, his position on social issues or every one of his specific policy recommendations in order to vote for him. The reason you should support him is that he is the only one who wants to move the country away from the corporate welfare and government control that is destroying the underpinnings of the economy. The Republicans in Iowa were smart enough to vote for him even though he stood on the third rail in Iowa politics, advocating for the elimination of the ethanol subsidy.
pb (calif)
The GOP calls it conservatism. I call it radicalism.
Gorby (Ohio)
Yes, the pendulum does swing. I would say the current president is the most liberal president we've had since the founding of our great country. So 50 years is a short time.
Mike Iker (Mill Valley, CA)
How frightening can one man be? I have long described Ted Cruz as the most dangerous man in America (yes, more than Dick Cheney). He is undeniably intelligent, very much so, but twisted by his extremism on all points. Religiosity - an off-the-scale Christianist but somehow completely devoid of Christian charity. Governing philosophy - a hater of the role of anything national (except warfare and anti-abortion policy). Worldview - unabashedly despises anything outside of the USA. National fiscal policy - Well, since he hates the role of the national government, it is unsurprising that he wants to abolish the IRS and was willing to destroy the nation's credit rating by reneging on its obligations obligation to pay its bills.

He is the most dangerous man in America because he might actually win the presidency and if he does, there is no limit to what he would do in pursuing his fanaticism. Here's a terrifying thought - should Cruz be elected president, we would be depending on Congressional Republicans to protect us from his intentions.

Some of the founding fathers were skeptical that the American democratic experiment would survive. Will it? Will we?
EJD (East coaster)
I don't want a conservative in office and I don't want a liberal in office. I want someone who represents the conservative part of me and the liberal part of me...and I think most of us live in this middle ground: don't tell me ( or my children) who I can love, don't waste my tax dollars, don't legislate my body, preserve the middle class, educate our children, deal with immigrants and refugees compassionately, honor and PROVIDE for our vets, treat and house our mentally ill and homeless...and when you speak to me, remember that I am smarter than you think...
Jammer (mpls)
Hopefully he will be routed like Goldwater and we won't see another like him for the next 50 years.
bdr (<br/>)
Cruz is a Tea Party stalwart, NOT a Republican. Once his flat tax is adopted, the next issue he will face is how to make the earth flat.
M.R. Khan (Chicago)
Ted Cruz is an ideologue and hardly an intellectual which by definition requires one to be a critical thinker and question orthodoxy. He developed a far right wing ideology as a teenager culled from Reagan era staples like the National Review and Commentary and has hardly strayed since. He may have read Madison and Tocqueville, and memorized the Constitution but there is little indication that he appreciates the nuances and complexity of these great works of political theory. Prof. George at Princeton could perhaps enlighten us as to what Madison and Tocqueville would have endorsed in the far right "Dominionist Armageddon Evangelical theology" adhered to by Cruz and his father Raphael.
Roland Cozzolino (New York)
Way too much thought on this candidate, IMO. If he wasn't running against the most hated republican candidate of all time, he would be an afterthought.
Rudy C. Torrez (Visalia, California)
The Cruz pendulum does not swing, it stays on the right. Mr. Cruz flip flops so quickly and incessantly to maintain Orthodox conservatism's party line that from his unique perspective, the pendulum is always on the right and anyone not on the right is against him. Echos of GWB (43).
A Cruz missile right through the roof of the Republican Convention: time for chickens to come home to roost. (mixed metaphor a bonus)
Larry Gr (Mt. Laurel NJ)
I have trouble understanding how some commenters call Trump and Cruz facists or Nazis. Trump and Cruz are both pro-capitalism, which is not compatible with a facist system.

Socialism is much more compatible with fascism or any other totalitarian government. Reference China, Nazi Germany, USSR, Cuba and Venezuela. Hitler and his National Socialist German Workers Party despised capitalism.

In addition, go to many colleges and you will encounter progressive and socialist professors and students who are actively trying to eliminate free speech. That is a component of true fascism.
West Coast Best Coast (Cali)
How dare you use reason and facts to bolster your argument!!!
Yet Again (NYC)
Fascism's "founding fathers" specifically designed their political philosophy as a means of fighting European socialism, but they also were against economic and social liberalism. So, to compare them to mainstream conservatives is wildly misguided, and to call them "liberal" is insane.

That is because Fascists were traditionalist, nationalist reactionaries, who saw "modernity" as a threat. Individualism, multiculturalism, civil rights and free markets - anything that valued individual values above the nebulous concept of "purity" - were all insidious forces that diluted the national will, and thus the capacity of a nation to unify against forces of impurity and barbarity (i.e. everyone who wasn't a fascist). Since they saw the head of state as the avatar of the national will, they concentrated power in the executive office; oligarchic capitalism, and violently restrictive social policies were both common platforms of fascist parties. Neither of these are valued by either of America's two major parties.

So, while Trump might be considered a proto-fascist - his views on immigration and militarism are fairly xenophobic and aggressive - he is, by no means, comparable to any fascist dictators of past times. Sanders and Hillary would both be utterly contemptible to fascists. Cruz, if he held the same views on ethnicity that he does on religion, is the only candidate that is even vaguely fascist, but he's far too religious, and far too economically liberal.

So please, be civil.
RosanaDana (Charleston, SC)
I sense a strictly liberal, partisan bent in these comments. Ironically, committed voters put a leftist "ideologue" in the White House for the past eight years. That passed muster for Democrats, steadfast believers in freedom of thought and expression, yet apparently condemns the expression of views from the right.

As an ardent supporter of George McGovern when I first voted, I watched the results of leftist policies, government overreach, weak national security, lack of borders, as well as a codependent mindset of entitlement programs that strip people of their dignity and plunge the treasury into unsustainable debt, while assuring a Democrat voter base. . . Liberals do not choose the GOP contender. Meanwhile, all could benefit from a lesson in civics, including a reading of our Constitution.

Today I am a conservative, more to the right than I ever dreamed possible, and wholeheartedly support Ted Cruz. He rightly believes that whatever authority is not designated for D.C. belongs to the States alone. I've been diligently studying the founding documents, notably our Constitution. Try it. Our government has clearly defined and divided authorities, . . and the responsibilities are not what we individually "think" they should be. It is what it is. Otherwise, find a country with a more agreeable Constitution or advocate for a Convention of the States to amend or replace it.

Debate and differences of opinion are healthy.
jamie (<br/>)
Sadly, for the sake of the country should Mr. Cruz be elected (God forbid), his idea of consultants appears to be, in large part, a cabal of racists and homophobes.
B Mann (NY)
Missing from this piece is any mention of the Dominionist theology at the root of Cruz's thinking. Scary stuff indeed.
Bruce Olson (Houston)
The GOP is having to live with the abominable situation it created over the last 40 years since it traded in its mantra of the legitimate Grand Old Party of Lincoln for its frankly unAmerican and cynically racist southern strategy. It is now a Gross Old Party of nothing going forward and everything going backward, hobbled by its not so subtle tendencies to be both discriminatory and racist in everything it does.

That is the legacy of its southern strategy. The result is a Trump the party leadership does not want and a Cruz the Party Leadership hates but not bad enough to not use him to stop Trump.

So what does this mean? It means that for those who are Republicans or independents who hate Clinton, their only choice will be a loser and a dangerous one at that for a good future for the American people, even if they don't vote at all.

Clinton may have accumulated baggage over her long and varied political career, but that is inevitable when one is under the intense spotlight under which she has labored. All of her baggage, even when blown out of all proportion to reality by the current Gross Old Party, does not come close to the baggage of pragmatic ignorance, hate, fear and innuendo that has been displayed by these two last white men standing on the GOP side.

Never having voted for a Clinton before, if it is between Cruz and Clinton (or Trump vs Clinton), I will vote for her holding my nose. She is a better bet than either of these Gross Old Party legacies of the past.
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
Yet another revelation from this article, or rather the photo at the top. That's the first time I think I've ever seen Cruz with his head lowered, in fake humility or worship. And it makes me wonder, just how long will it be before he joins the Hair Club for Men? By the thinning at the part, I'd say two years tops.
CAdVA (New England)
In his conservatism he lacks the convincing quality that Clinton lacks as a progressive.
In both the voters see a political calculus without heart.
Greg (Lyon, France)
If Cruz were to become President, Canada and Mexico would have an instant refugee problem.
Lady Scorpio (Mother Earth)
That is the absolute truth. I've already spoken with my family about this and I am not joking.

4-18-16@6:25 pm
Denise (Lafayette, LA)
If he is elected in November, I hope the U.S. is ready for another war; I predicted it when George W. Bush became president (and was right), and I'm hoping Cruz is not elected, because I for one do not want to see what happens in this country when King Cruz comes to power.
chezjoseph (Vermont)
Cruz is trying desperately to recussitate Reaganomics. Face it, Ted. Privatization has brought about little more than tax dodging, media advertising ad nauseum, and more Americans in or on the fringes of poverty.
Steve Fankuchen (Oakland, CA)
Given the choice between a candidate, who is a narcissist with diarrhea of the mouth and a penchant for wanting his name in the brightest of lights, and a candidate who is a religious ideologue, I would take the former any day of the week, such an individual needing compromise to satisfy that narcissism, while the latter, in a state of perpetual certainty backed up by his god, would have no problem leading us into the apocalypse.
Adirondax (<br/>)
Ted Cruz bundles together characteristics that make him a very dangerous politician.

He's very bright.

He's had a great education.

He thinks he's on a mission from God.

Him in any national elected position is simply frightening beyond words. Thankfully, like Goldwater before him, Americans are too sensible to give him the keys to the city.

Oddly, and in one of politic's great ironies, a former Goldwater girl stands in his way.

Honestly, you make this stuff up.
STSI (Chicago, IL)
In his obsession with Constitutional purity, Mr. Cruz conveniently overlooks the fact that before the Constitution came the Articles of Confederation. After some discussion, the Founding Fathers concluded that this form of national government was impractical since it had very little power (particularly taxing power) over the individual states. Under a Confederacy, the US would not exist as we know it today. Slave states would probably have left the union well before the Civil War, and without a strong national defense, Texas, California, and the rest of the Southwest would probably have remained part of Mexico. With a unified government and a national treasury, Thomas Jefferson could buy what became the Louisiana Purchase from France and send out Lewis & Clark on exploratory missions, Jame Monroe could challenge and limit European powers in the New World, and Williams Seward could purchase the Alaskan Territory. Fast forward to the 20th Century and without a strong national government, the country would continue to support child labor, indentured servitude, and probably slavery. Mr. Cruz wants everyone to believe that the problem with a "Living" Constitution is that it is a liberal Constitution. It is not. A Living Constitution is an adaptable Constitution able to adapt to changing time and political circumstances.
Greg (Lyon, France)
Too bad there is no luz in the Cruz.
Greg (Lyon, France)
When I think of the millions and millions of dollars spent on promoting the likes of Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, I think of the decent people desparately in need and I shake my head in wonder.
Rodrian Roadeye (Pottsville,PA)
Ted's wife said he would bring religion to government. No thank you Ted. I'll pass.
P. Nicholson (Pa)
The analogy of "mr Smith goes to Washington " is apt. He's intransigent, and truly fringe; as an artist, I'm reminded of art critiques where there's that lone, self assured maker (possibly a la Rand's Roark), who is sure s/he is showing a strong work, despite evidence (peers, professional publications, popular opinion) arguing otherwise.

Cruz is undoubtedly bright. Intellectually nimble, he's no slouch to research and thinking about his particular interests. But being prepared to argue finer points of constitutional application of law/practice against a candidate(s) unprepared to debate that topic doesn't make him right in a broader sense.

His unique vision is incompatible with contemporary society (values, norms, laws and practices). His voter coalition seems to be a mix of radicals, but more so of people who would be embarrassed to have Trump as the nominee, and see Kaisch as unviable at this moment due to trailing in delegates.

This default candidate is worse than imperfect, he's a danger to democracy. To what freedoms and protections we have fought for and achieved for women, the GLBT community, and many many others. It is the duty of the many, the strong to stand for the few, the vulnerable, to make our whole society strong, and I don't think this fits into Ted's hyper-conservative agenda.
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
Well, rather than "Mr. Smith goes to Washington", it's a little more like "Torquemada goes to Washington to hasten Armageddon".
Jay (Florida)
I would rather vote for the ghost of Richard Nixon than Ted Cruz...or Donald Trump, or Hillary Clinton.
I think Mr. Kasich is a genuine, honest and capable man who has the potential to be a great president.
I am a registered Democrat. I have always voted for the candidates of my party. Today in good conscience there is nothing there to vote for. If this becomes a contest between Hillary and Ted I will not cast my vote for the first time since 1968.
Can't wait for all the Dems to stay home when Hillary becomes the nominee. I am sure all of you will love Ted Cruz selecting a couple of Supreme Court members & banning Planned Parenthood.
Even better will be more tax cuts to the rich, cuts in Social Security, education and maybe teaching creationism in public schools.
Carpet bombing of course in Middle East will be dessert.
Go ahead stay home and screw your grandkids.
Democratically don't bother to vote anyway so guess we will keep GOP congress too.
Can't wait for 2017 to begin!
Greg (Lyon, France)
If Cruz and Trump are all the Republican Party can come up with, then shame on them.
Greg (Lyon, France)
Netanyahu has Ted Cruz in his pocket. Ted is Israel's candidate with strings leading to Adelson and AIPAC;
Greg (Lyon, France)
Ted is Israel's latest "cruz missile", aimed at destroying opposition to its illegal acttivities;
RobbyStlrC'd (Santa Fe, NM)
I'm a native Texan who has lived out-of-state most of my adult life. Back in Texas (Dallas area) now for a while. And, again I see the roots of conservatism everywhere.

Yet most of the people around here are not really in favour of Cruz, IMO. However...the uber-conservative Evangelicals are. Definitely a minority. But, they are *so* assiduous -- b/c they see their way of life is dying. So, in essence, they are "fighting for their life."

That said, I don't believe Cruz -- even (esp?) flying their banner -- has a "snowball's chance in Hell" of winning the general election.

[Caveat: I predicted George W. would get trounced, way back when -- that even Texans would see what fool he was. So I've been wrong before. Can't believe it, still, but I was definitely wrong. Deja vu?]
jules (california)
Bush didn't win. It was handed to him courtesy of SCOTUS.
RobbyStlrC'd (Santa Fe, NM)
I agree -- but essentially, toe-may-toe/toe-mah-toe. He did win. Definitely not "trounced," as I'd predicted.
Greg (Lyon, France)
The fact that the likes of Cruz and Trump are popular in the United States is turning the USA into the laughing stock of the world. The US is loosing more and more respect every day!
Brian (Midwest)
Last part of my rants CONT...

The reason our country was created the way it is was for the very idea of diversity. The people in NY do not live the same way as people in WI, TX, or CA, so why would they have the same laws? As Cruz points out states can be experiments for other states to see how things work out, if CO and WA end up riddled with crime and other problems then people in MN know they shouldn’t legalize weed but if those states flourish it will be evidence to other states that it is a good idea, why do so many people hate that idea? Especially on the left when you advocate for things like this all the time. When it comes to the NSA and surveillance Cruz was one of the leaders in creating stricter laws to limit the NSA for spying on US citizens which is very anti-Republican but it’s what the constitution says.

So while I encourage everyone to fight for what they believe and could care less if people disagree with Cruz’s positions but do it for factual reasons. The problem with this country is ourselves and nobody else. Americans have become so lazy and apathetic to the political process that most people don’t actually know what or who they are voting for. I beg for people to go sites like OnTheIssues.org or GovTrack.us (or conservative review for conservative candidates) and just do a little research on what the candidates have actually done not just what they say they will do. My apologies for any typos, grammar was never my strong suit.
Brian (Midwest)
I find a lot of the anti-Cruz the comments on this pieces funny, and in some cases very misinformed (or at least contradicting). I’ve noticed a few trends in the comments.

1. Nobody likes Cruz and/or Cruz is only out for himself. I put these two together because, not only do I see a decent number of them, they are inherently contradicting. Either you think nobody likes Cruz because of his bullish determination and calling out his fellow members of the senate or he is out for himself, in which case having the support of other elected officials would be very beneficial. While yes Cruz may not be the most liked man by people in Washington, isn’t that what American wants and needs right now? I mean voters in both parties are complaining about people in Washington only being concerned with themselves yet when someone who actually does what he says he would, even if it gets him hated by people, we complain about him. I get people weren’t overly happy about the shutdown but then in the same breath complain that Washington isn’t doing anything for them, you can’t have it both ways. Cruz took a stand on what he ran his campaign on when most of the rest of his own party were prepared to just ignore the people that elected him, isn’t that why they elected him? Would you all rather have your elected politicians lie to you and then just do what makes them look best?
Fred DiChavis (Brooklyn, NY)
I don't think I've ever had as viscerally negative a reaction to a public figure as I do Cruz. He seems utterly without humility, empathy or--perhaps most striking for an allegedly superior debater and legal mind--nuance. His knowing use of scapegoating and insidious tropes, with the anti-Semitic/homophobic "New York values" just the worst of many examples, is horrifying. And his demonstrated willingness to bring the government to the brink of meltdown to score political points is either cynical or straight-up psychotic.

But most of all, the presidency is no job for someone who simply can't get along with people. Even Obama, whom I consider the greatest president since at least Eisenhower, wasn't as sociable as he should have been: he could inspire huge crowds and individual connection--even among a few Republicans like Tom Coburn--but he couldn't even consistently rally his own caucus in Congress, let alone cross the aisle. Cruz is widely loathed, and takes this as validation of his righteousness. It's impossible to picture him negotiating with foreign powers, or jawboning corporate leaders, or doing anything that requires patience and collaboration and flexibility.

He would be the most isolated man in the White House since Nixon. And he utterly lacks Nixon's instinct for the center, sense of historic responsibility or strategic (as opposed to tactical) perception. All this in mind, he would be a far worse disaster in office than Trump.
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
Good points, Mr. DiChavis, and it strikes me that with the fundamentalist Cruz and the fascist Trump, Nixon is actually looking terrific these days. Diplomatically charmed China, initiated the EPA, recorded all his phone calls for posterity, really I'd vote for Nixon in a second, rather than Cruz or Trump.
MoreChoice2016 (Maryland, traveling in Spain)
Ted Cruz was a victim of extreme indoctrination as a teenager in the economic concepts of Hayek and von Mises and he did not care, or was not able, to escape the pull of those far right economic philosophers. This is not unusual. Those who are subjected to religious indoctrination (the economic kind is not far off in its intensity) often take decades or an entire lifetime to escape the "truths" they were told at a very young age. Marx was said to have told his followers that he could control the world if he was given charge of children before the age of 7.

I have some personal knowledge of this type of economic thought. Long ago when I was a young television reporter in Dallas, I was invited to a weekend session of economic lectures. Unaware of what I was getting myself into, I went. With only half a day completed, I fled as quickly as possible. I was being presented with a view of the world, once digested and accepted, that was rigid and without any compromise. I found the lectures more than useless, actually dangerous.

Cruz' thought processes appear not to have evolved since his teenage days in Houston, his "elite" education and law school years notwithstanding. The intellectual foundation of such tripe involves not so much actual thinking, but rather repeating what you've been told in every new situation. Such rigidity is dangerous in every day life, much worse in a potential president.

Doug Terry
Indominus Rex (Houston, Texas)
This has got to be one of the best articles on Cruz. Discusses strengths and weaknesses without bias. Thank you for this informative article. Love him or hate him, this is at least an honest appraisal.
Ingredient question (<br/>)
He may be a "creature of the Supreme Court" but he has gone out of the way to belittle the Court by calling the justices "9 unelected lawyers in black robes."
Sidney Oliver (Arizona)
I don't know how it's possible to write a lengthy article on Ted Cruz's conservatism without once mentioning his off-the-charts theocratic ideology.
Have the authors somehow missed his Dominionism? The very real threat he poses to American democracy? It's a disservice to your readers.
John McLaughlin (Bernardsville, NJ)
The hard or soft Dominionism? Either way, Sen. Cruz should not be anywhere near the presidency!
Ed (Old Field, NY)
Cruz knows very well that no one reads the Constitution, not even Supreme Court Justices. They turn to volumes and volumes of case law looking for precedents to support their preconceived opinions. Only if they can’t find one, do they turn to the text. He’s done it himself.
Martha (Eureka, CA)
Maybe I'm out-of-touch idealist, but I don't think we really have to worry about Cruz or Trump becoming president of the United States. Yes, it's a little disheartening that there are so many bitter, frightened people who think "carpet-bombing" is an acceptable military strategy, and who are willing to sweep all Muslims into the same bin of suspect terrorists all the while knowing next to nothing about Islam. And no abortion no matter what? These are fanatical views. But apparently, the Republican party is so far gone that fanatics and genuinely repulsive people are on track to win its nomination.
Still, that is a long, long way from becoming President of the United States. The real choice for this country is between Clinton and Sanders. I will, of course, vote for Clinton if she wins the nomination, as seems most likely right now. But I think we'd be missing the opportunity to start the long, hard slog back towards a saner, fairer country where big money doesn't rule our government. Let the political revolution begin!
C.Mello (California)
I would never vote for a Christian running for any political office who belongs to the group of Christians who want to actively assist their "God" in speeding up the arrival of the Apocalypse and the End Times. It just does not seem sane. It seems like these Christians are playing at being God themselves. There is enough trouble and sorrow in the world without actively promoting more for religiously selfish reasons. I am not that kind of Christian. My Christian God would not approve.
God Fearing (Heaven)
C Mello; Just curious who your Christian God is? The bible I read says there is only one God, and his name is Jesus Christ, so that kind of throws all other so called religions into the anti-Christ category.
Maxwell (Washington, DC)
I don't think Jesus appreciates advocates of carpet bombing. Indiscriminate murder from above is not Christian.
Joe G (Houston)
Didn't they, maybe Cruz, say they were already removing the Bible from hotels and replaced with the Koran back in '08? Now I'm told Cruz is a religious leader in the vein of Mel Gibson. Except he's not Catholic? Ok neither is Mel but how did we come to this? Cruz, Trump and Bernie were the best we could do?

You have to wonder if the media is clinging to Clinton like Fox did the last election night. Reality being to real to accept.
Lady Scorpio (Mother Earth)
Whatever Ted Cruz is selling, I have absolutely NO intention of buying!

4-18-16@12:50 pm
Theresa Turner (New Jersey)
If the choice is between an ignorant clown with no ideas vs. a religious fanatic who would impose his own version of sharia law, there is no better or worse. There is only worse.
Pragmatist (Austin, TX)
I wish that the consequences of a Cruz Presidency could be foisted on only those who voted for him. They would certainly deserve what they got. This guy is bright, but he is so out of touch with reality he might bring down the Republic. His economic views have been soundly repudiated by modern economics and his religio-political views are closer to a Christian version of Iran than the Western world.

Who would serve in his cabinet? The only people would be those who are so power hungry they would sell their souls for it. Is that who we want in government?

There is no chance anything would get done except by Presidential Order, which would be the height of hypocrisy given the GOP opposition to Obama on the subject.

This is a terrible year for Presidential candidates, but Cruz might be the worst. His pantheon of admirable characters is backwards and deeply disturbing in Hayak, von Mises, and Rand, but I guess it is not surprising for someone who is not living in today's world.
Ellen (<br/>)
I'm disoriented. Is this the New York Times? This piece seems almost complimentary to a conservative. This is an outrage!
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
Dear Ellen,
Actually it's quite clever in pointing out that despite his strengths (intelligence, determination), his policies are theocratic and demented. And noting that his foreign policy advisor is just an art historian, and that his followers include the highly ridiculed, all of it somewhat subtly points out how he is not fit to be president.
Lisa Fremont (East 63rd St.)
Many people confuse intelligence with ruthlessness. Ted Cruz is their Poster Boy
Kitty T (Benton City, Wa)
I wonder if his supporters incldg older republucans realize that the payroll taxes he promises to eliminate are Social Security and Medicare?
CJW1168 (LouisianA)
The, ‘I’m going to pursue this even if everyone else is mad at me because this is right.’”... No, that's not Cruz's mindset... it's more, I'm going to pursue this because i can get a lot of tv time, and fundraise on it. The only thing Cruz believes in is that Cruz deserves power.
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
Good afternoon from a sunny Capitol Hill.
If Barack Obama had an identical twin brother, he'd be Ted Cruz.

Enough said.
You-know-who (Seattle)
Well, now we know you don't like Ted Cruz.
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
What a weird concept, everything about them is different. Akin to saying, if Albert Einstein had a twin brother, it'd be Kim Kardashian.
Fred Gatlin (Kansas)
Ted Cruz policy positions are against almost all best interest. He is unable to get along in Senate. Who would he turn to for his Presidency cabinet, ambassadors and other important positions? He would loose by a large amount by Hilary Clinton. Would the Republican Party wakeup after the coming elections or just slip away.
pjswfla (Florida)
The problem is not that Cruz says he is a conservative. Conservatives can be decent, honorable, ethical, truthful and sensible people. So can Democrats. So can Republicans. So can Liberals. Cruz is none of those things. A rat is more honorable. A rat is more ethical. A rat is more sensible. A rat is more truthful. Cruz is a sub-species of an insect of the worst kind.
Ann Marie (NJ)
Insects have a vital role in ensuring the continuation of life on earth. Please do not denigrate them by comparing them to Ted Cruz.
MoreChoice2016 (Maryland, traveling in Spain)
What is "conservative"? It once was a guiding philosophy that represented a way of seeing the role of govt. and, by extension, the role of individuals in society. Essentially, it means nothing except, in the main, rejection of the modern world, a "turn back the pages" orientation toward almost everything.

Conservativism, when practiced with principled care, can be a reasoned counterbalance to the idea that the govt. should undertake to do anything and everything. Today's politicians, who call themselves conservatives, are in many ways radicals, people who want to rip away the last 100 yrs. of change in America. The cry is not, "You've gone too far!" but rather that you should not have departed.

Instead of a philosophy of government, conservative "thought" is a mishmash of what pleases the mega-rich and other wealthy elites (protect my money!) with an attempt to comfort rural religious devotees who see the world rushing to hell at light speed. In the form of Cruz, it represents a rigidity of thought that would wipe off the face of the earth (perhaps not literally) any of the viewpoints from the two coasts, the needs of a complex society blending rich and poor, successful and marginal, and back far away from any consideration of the needs and aspirations of minorities.

There is no conservative movement in America and there are few true conservatives. It is little more than a constant form of political opposition and Cruz represents that better than any other.

Doug Terry
Eric (CA)
Well, better than Trump is no compliment in this context.

Jingoish, racism, sexism, anti-intellectual sophistry. These are the hallmarks of current conservative "thought." Right of Barry Goldwater? Again, that just makes him look ignorant, heartless, and the wrong guy - except for Trump.
Steve Fankuchen (Oakland, CA)
Given the choice between a candidate ,who is a narcissist with diarrhea of the mouth and a penchant for wanting his name in the brightest of lights, and a candidate who is a religious ideologue, I would take the former any day of the week, such needing compromise to satisfy that narcissism, while the latter, in a state of perpetual certainty backed up by his god, would have no problem leading us into the apocalypse.
jules (california)
Exactly right Steve.
Randy (Boulder)
Maybe a good starting point for selecting someone to run the govt would be eliminating any candidates who think it is OK to shut the govt down. Pretty obvious, isn't it?
Tom Ontis (California)
I've often posited some thing similar myself: This guy is comfortable with shutting down the government, but yet he wants to lead it? Hmmmmm.
HANK (Newark, DE)
Conservatism is the sociopolitical expression of selfishness. Maintain the self beneficial status quo to the detriment and disrespect of others at any and all costs.
MdGuy (Maryland)
The only things cons want to conserve are their power and priviliges, esp. to the detriment of all others.
Deb (Jasper, GA)
Not mentioned the here is his father's preaching of a radical evangelical belief within Dominionism called the "Charismatic movement ". He believes Ted is one of the anointed kings who will take control of all segments of society, by force, meaning war, and then transferring the spoils of war from the wicked to the priests, as required to bring about the end times. Look up the Seven Mountains Mandate. If that doesn't scare you, I don't know what will. It explains a lot about Ted Cruz.
Lisa Fremont (East 63rd St.)
Haven't seen Cruz' name in the last few weeks since all the coverage is going to three New Yorkers.
Feels like a week off in the Bahamas.
zentke (Memphis)
I am surprised at all the negative comments about Mr. Cruz. This article is hardly a puff piece, it seems more like something meant to point out where Ted stands and that his stance has largely not changed over time. He may be more conservative than most, but at least he takes a stand and stands for something. In these days of politicians changing their views based on polling results he is refreshing. Being intellectual is not bad, just different. Personally I would rather have a smart man in office than a show boat, or someone who has no character so they act with none.

Regarding his christian values; There are many laws that protect and ensure separation of church and state. Being a christian is not a bad thing. But it does carry with it some things that many who are not christian do not value. The rub is that it is always easier to do the wrong thing. To me that applies to everything in life.

Doing the right thing is what is hard. One's character is what drives how we make decisions. It is not what one does in front of others that displays their true character, but what they do when nobody is looking.
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
The fact that Ted Cruz repeatedly does the wrong thing, despite finding himself alone with no support from either political side, and his Obama-like refusal to accept the possibility that someone else might have a better idea than he does is why Ted Cruz, like Barack Obama, lacks character.
CJW1168 (LouisianA)
Ted is what Ted needs to be to gain power. He believes he deserves it, and will shape his persona to that. If the tea party was not in vogue, he would have been whatever was in vogue and catered to that. Do you really believe that opinions formed from pre teen to college that never changed are in any sense normal? Most people have some core beliefs of what's right and wrong but most of our opinions are shaped by our experiences ( good or bad), our contact with other people and just the simple fact of growing up. His father's beliefs have shaped Ted and Ted will do what Ted must do in order to gain power. That is the only driving force in Cruz's life. overwheening ambition and the lack of any kind of conscience to hinder his need to get power. He is without a doubt, the scariest politician of this century.
John David James (Calgary)
There is no known world in which Cruz would be considered an "intellectual". An idealogue is the antithesis of an intellectual. Being "smart" just makes an idealogue such as Cruz all the scarier.
L.L. (VA)
In the eyes of Cruz supporters he saw the terrible down trend of this country before his colleagues and leaders. It takes guts, wisdom and leadership to be willing to stand up and fight for his people! 3 candidates from both parties today carry angry voters who want the country to be run on a different direction as Cruz predicted. He did the right thing before trying to stop policies killing our economy and his flat tax, anti-amnesty, bring-back-jobs, and security policy today and tomorrow will save the country! As one of supporters said: Don't lose a diamond while chasing glitter! ChooseCruz for the sake of this great country!
CJW1168 (LouisianA)
Wow, are you about to be disappointed. If he wins the presidency, you will be and if he doesn't you will be.
curiouser and curiouser (wonderland)
can americans just elect jesus president for eternity and get it over with

think of th money youd save w all these silly elections
CJW1168 (LouisianA)
The GOP would never vote for Jesus.. they would call him a socialist and run Cruz against him.
Carl Ian Schwartz (<br/>)
You take someone who puts idiotic ideology over facts, and "religion" over reality, and this toxic cocktail yields equal portions of hypocrisy and national ruin.
DEK (Pompano Beach, FL)
exactly what we are now seeing in the Middle East, isn't it?
Carl Ian Schwartz (<br/>)
...and who do you think were the "smartest people in the room" who cooked up our invasion of Iraq, with a too-short detour to Afghanistan? The Project for the New American Century ("PNAC")--a think tank which included Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeb!, John Bolton, and other luminaries of neoconservatism (an oxymoron that has perverted American English into its antonym). Ted Cruz follows their lead.
Annied (New York, NY)
Does Mr. Cruz truly support the immediate end of Social Security and does he truly not care if people die on the streets? If that's true, that's all I need to know.
unclejake (fort lauderdale, fl.)
So, as a lover of the constitution and it's process of stare decisis , I would assume that Sen Cruz would be a staunch defender of Roe v. Wade , the Obamacare decisions, as well as Citizen's United. I am sure he would use his executive power to enforce those decisions. As an antiestablishment anti-Washington Republican who clerked in Washington for the Supreme Court , worked in Washington for the Bush , and came back to Washington to be a Senator , I would just quote Groucho : " Are you going to believe me , or your eyes "
Lisa Fremont (East 63rd St.)
Looking forward to the reemergence of witchcraft trials, trial by fire, and chastity belts
God Fearing (Heaven)
Lisa, the fire comes after death. "Except ye repent, ye will likewise perish."

There will not be one sexually immoral person in heaven. If you do not believe me, then read God's word. There will be millions of saved sinners who were at one time sexually immoral, and even murderers, but they are repentant and turn to Jesus Christ for forgiveness of their sins. After that true repentance and belief in who Jesus is, they are washed clean by his perfect blood sacrifice. People don't understand it is not what we are, but who HE is. If you call on Jesus to save you, he will not turn you down.

It is clear in his word. "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
Fascinating analysis, and I am hit by a few new strong feelings about Mr. Cruz. I am more struck and impressed by his perseverance, intelligence, and determination. I know I am totally, immovably opposed to his political policies. No abortion even if a 13-year-old girl was raped by her father, speaks of mindless fundamentalism, and that's only one minor point of his entire, theocratic agenda.

I trust him even less now, which surprises me, as I didn't think it was possible. A man who holds to his opinion no matter what, who will fight for it to the last breath, is a fanatic. Osama bin laden was another such utterly, religiously devoted man, and I feel that no such humans can be trusted, because they're not able to compromise, they can't be negotiated with, and their ideology is not based on reason nor compassion.

Lastly, I am more sure that his presidency would bring about nuclear war. His theocratic mindset is not amenable to working out deals with our powerful adversaries. His carpet-bombing notion speaks to having no difficulty committing war crimes and annihilating civilian populations. His art historian, Coates, claims, “He means an overwhelming air campaign,” but I think as an art historian she fails to realize that such a campaign always means annihilating civilian populations.

In short, Cruz is not someone to be underestimated, and I believe he will end civilization if he gets to the White House. Pray to whatever gods might save us.
Lady Scorpio (Mother Earth)
@Dan Stackhouse,
Your last two sentences are the gist for me: he must not win. If he does, earthlings --and I do mean ALL earthlings--and our mother, Earth, are (potentially?) doomed--literally. I agree, utterly.

4-18-16@12:35 pm
Jussmartenuf (dallas, texas)
The irony of praying to a god for salvation from the god radicals is immense. A large portion of our society is dealing from a self inflicted ignorance of true believer-ism. Working from a position of ignorance induced by bible dogma is a recipe for disaster in the hands of a despot.
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
Thanks very much Lady Scorpio, and luckily I think we will be spared a Cruz presidency; the voters are not quite that ignorant and fundamentalist, overall.

And dear Jussmartenuf, thanks and the irony was intentional. I'm a buddhist myself, so all this monotheism seems a little silly to me.
S Peterson (California)
”Many conservatives cite Madison and Tocqueville, he said, but “Ted has actually read them.” Wow. That's pretty high praise from a professor for a Princeton student. Or, is that just high praise for a "conservative"?
John David James (Calgary)
Intelligence is seldom a good substitute for decency. Cruz has plenty of the former and literally none of the latter. Neither is intelligence a substitute for consistency. Purporting to follow both Jesus Christ and Milton Friedman is a good example. Intelligence combined with zealotry is never a good combination. Just gives you a very smart whack job.
George (Monterey)
Cruz is not so much a conservative as a sociopath.
Radx28 (New York)
It's a double wrong that conservatives preempted the word "right" to define their position on the political spectrum. Wrong is wrong and we should leave it that way.
pjswfla (Florida)
Conservative in not the word to describe this vile creature. Conservatives do not want to totally eliminate the rights of most Americans. Conservatives do not want to have the world run according to some warped notion of God. Cruz is a truly hateful person. I would call him an animal but that would be an insult to my cats, both of which have more values and a better sense of decency in the tips of their tails than Cruz has in his whole brain.
Hummmmm (In the snow)
In Texas, home of the Cruz family, there was a great communist movement in the years 1847 to 1856.

In 1954, the hard core anti-communists, and right wingers had the "under God" inserted in into the Pledge in 1954, and the nation has struggled with its identity ever since

"One nation under god"....... the "Founders" had nothing to do with putting that in the Pledge of Allegiance. They would spin in their graves if they could. The Pledge in the 1940's was worded simply "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, one nation, indivisible with liberty and justice for all."

The hard core anti-communists, and right wingers had the "under God" inserted in into the Pledge in 1954, and the nation has struggled with its identity ever since.

In 1988 Ted Cruz, as a high school senior at the Second Baptist School in Houston, Texas, made a video announcing his goals in life. Cruz said he wanted to “take over the world, world domination… you know, rule everything, rich, powerful

Today, Cruz’s family, which has history with the Communist Cuban Party, Cruz’s father preaches in support of having “ONLY” a Christian American Nation.

Ted hails from the Evangelical Dominion sect that preaches taking control of the nation and taking the wealth from the “wicked.” His father, Rafael Cruz, can be seen in videos online preaching about Christian Kings that are anointed to take control. Ted Cruz believes that America is a “Christian” nation and that this must be restored.
rgugliotti2 (new haven)
The level of conservatism by all of the Republican candidates is disturbing at the least. Beginning with civil rights back in the 50's the US has steadily, albeit unevenly, progressed to greater civil rights for many types of minorities ensuring they are provided the same protection afforded other, mostly white, citizens. Whites in this country are acting out of fear. Fear is an intellectual killer. Fear results in irrational thinking and that is exactly what is happening in the US during this election season. We must all, whites and others, stand against ignorance and indifference that has become so pervasive in our society recently. Vote against the Republican candidates and take a stand against fascism, bigotry, and fear.
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
Well this is a problem easy enough to solve because Ted Cruz will not be the next President of the United States. Ever.
NMY (New Jersey)
Ted Cruz's vision of America is one that is mired in the shiny TV shows of the 1950s, when everyone had a home, a car, a white picket fence, men went out to earn the bacon and women stayed home with the children. Boys and girls dated chastely in high school, married decorously in their 20s, moved into their own houses with white picket fences and did the same things their parents did. EVERYONE goes to church on Sunday, and wives obey their husbands. The government basically concerns itself with the military and building highways, but otherwise leaves everyone alone. We all pull ourselves up by our bootstraps--(too bad if you can't, you slacker). There are no gays, no transgender, no atheists, no Muslims, the crops are picked by wishful thinking (because honestly, that's what happens if you put stringent controls on immigration legal or illegal), and everyone seems happy in a Stepford sort of way. It's like a version of the world the It-brain controls in Madeleine L'Engle's "A Wrinkle in Time". If this is the version of America that makes people happy, I really need to move out.
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
I find it comical that the same NYT and liberal establishment news media that spent the last 3 weeks selling Ted Cruz's snake oil to us has finally decided to turn on Ted and give readers a glimpse into the hated, avoided and disregarded Ted Cruz that all of us here in Washington DC know so well.

I am a Black attorney in Washington DC. I work on Capitol Hill. I moved to Washington DC after graduating from law school in 2008. I have not spoken to, met or visually observed anyone on Capitol Hill that likes Ted Cruz.

His staffers tolerate him for handsome salaries. Lobbyists pretend to like him until they get what they want. But nobody likes Ted. Ted Cruz has been in the U.S. Senate since 2013. Today is April 18, 2016.

There has never been a social function held in Washington DC, featuring Ted Cruz. Political functions? Occasionally. Good time, fun, social get togethers? Never.

When you are in Washington DC as a US Senator for 3 years, and no human being in this town has ever thrown you a social function, that's not exactly someone that is likeable. I need to keep trying to say this. On any given morning when Congress is in session, an estimated 2.2 million commuters are trying to get into Washington DC. When nobody in this town "likes" you as a person, and you're 1 of 100 Senators, that says it all.

If Ted Cruz were a fish, you'd throw him back into the pond. The Cruz likability experiment 2016 has been an abysmal failure.
David X (new haven ct)
For someone reputed to have such massive intellectual firepower, Cruz says remarkably crude, naive and simplistic things. And yet even as he keeps it simple, he still doesn't seem to have control over his mouth. "Carpet bombing" is a phrase that could come to haunt our nation: even I, no military or foreign policy expert, know what it means. This is the kind of Cruz Christianity that should frighten every one of us.
sheila white (idaho)
Cruz's comment on "take our country back" is not about politics but his
Dominionist Christianity. He believes this should be a Christian Nation and we should all be ruled by Christianity. Christians should control seven aspects of culture: family, religion, education, entertainment, media, businesses and government. Larry Huch, pastor of New Beginnings claims Cruz's election to the U S Senate was a sign that he is one of the kings to reside over these so call end of times.
You can read the full story in religionnews.com, February 4, 2016.
Scary stuff! Interesting that when JFK ran for president he was questioned about putting the pope first before the country. Here you have a person running for the highest office and he states "Christianity first, America second and no red flags appear??
J&amp;G (Denver)
I do not believe that Ted Cruz will ever become president. If he does, I will go back to Canada, to preserve my sanity. He is a dangerous demagogue who will tear apart America. I don't think he will live long enough to see that. I hope he's the last member of an ugly species of Subsequentb humans .
V (CT)
"Conservatism is the blind and fear-filled worship of dead radicals."
Mark Twain
Laura Phillips (New York)
Had "christian" Ted Cruz lived in the time of Jesus, I'm sure he would have told me to stop feeding the hungry and healing the sick.
pianowerk (uk)
Ted would have joined in banging in the nails on a certain persons cross. And would have won the garments of that certain person as well. And would have done neither of the following:Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's.
Freedonia (Wiscasset, Maine)
Once again the assumption of Cruz's "intellectual firepower". Where's the evidence for it. His understanding of the importance of the consensus on climate change? His creationist beliefs in face of overwhelming evidence that it is hogwash? Return to the gold standard? Hah! His inability to recognize that compassion and humility are part of the intellectual process? Carpet bombing? All that Ivy League parchment, and he has the same intellectual tools as the least informed and least educated segment of our population. He, and they, have every right to hold and expressed their beliefs, but it is a danger to us all if we credit them with having arrived at them through intellectual rigor.
Joe (Danville, CA)
Yeah, there's nothing intellectual about believing the Earth is 6000 years old. As for Creationism or Intelligent Design, he doesn't know enough about the difference between an unsupported hypothesis and a theory. Then again, you'll rarely see "science" and "Cruz" appear in the same sentence.
mtrav16 (Asbury Park, NJ)
I've yet to see or hear anything from him that makes one think - wow, this is a brilliant man. NOPE.
Lady Scorpio (Mother Earth)
Thank you for the clarity-reality check on Sen. Cruz. He's a discredit to his Ivy League background and that's (probably) the kindest thing I can say about him.

4-18-16@12:47 pm
Diana (Centennial, Colorado)
To mention John Rawls in the same sentence as Ted Cruz is an insult to Rawls. Ted Cruz does not have a bit of empathy for the "least advantaged". He would seek to dismantle social safety nets, and issue vouchers for everything from Medicare to education. He shut the government down and cost "we the taxpayers" millions, not to mention the disruption of people's lives. His idea of "peace through strength" is carpet bombing and "glowing sands". He disdains government except when it comes to women controlling their own bodies. Further the "lesson in humility" was highly ineffective. The "smartest guy in class" is also the most dangerous.
Joe (Danville, CA)
Wow what a well written comment. The guy is dangerous. He wants to allow states to discriminate against the LGBT community, and as you mention, take away a woman's right to decide what does and does not happen to her own body. No one likes abortion, least of all a woman who is faced with such a decision. We should be supporting such women, not tagging them with a scarlet letter.

What scares me just as much is that he is a theocrat. He would have us all following his Judaeo-Christian "values", no alternatives in CruzWorld. And as someone who should know something about the Constitution, he seems not to know that most of the Founders were "free thinkers" and a good number were likely atheists. He should read some Thomas Payne.

People can worship and believe as they want. That is clearly provided for in the Constitution. What they can't do is insist that everyone else follows their so-called path to salvation. I made the mistake of dating an Evangelical, and they are little better than ISIS in their extreme views and disregard for all people who don't see things the same way.

I'll hold my nose and vote for HRC if that's the choice. What we need though are better choices. 300 plus million people in this country and this is the best we can do? Then again, probably no sane person would want the job.

Anyway Diana, thanks for your comments. I hope there are enough of us out there to prevent this reptile from going to the White House, other than as a tourist.
mtrav16 (Asbury Park, NJ)
Diana, it cost us 26 billion when the government was shut down, it=cruz.
MdGuy (Maryland)
His policy proposals are 100% consistent wih those of his billionaire funders (Mercer, Koch, et al).
BGood (Silver Spring, MD)
Interesting as his political conservatism is, I want to see a lot more about his religious affiliations and beliefs. From what sparse material I have read, he is apocalyptic, Dominionist, and dangerous. He is consciously on the Path to Armageddon.
Ricky (Saint Paul, MN)
Fortunately, as the demographics of the US population evolve, the relative proportion of white racist xenophobic bigots continues to decline. This would appear to doom Mr. Cruz' ultra-right conservative strategy.
ron (reading, pa.)
One cannot lead our country based on one's evangelical religious beliefs. Cruz can attend his church services every day of the week if he wants, but leave it out of government. His father is the puppetmaster here.
Leave what has been declared legal, i.e., abortion, same-sex marriage, etc, alone, and move on to helping where it's needed - education, jobs, safety of all Americans.
Rafael Edward Cruz is NOT the person to lead our country forward. He can only take us backward.
Tokyo Tea (NH, USA)
For all the things Cruz claims to be—"Christian", conservative, constitutionalist, and so on—I have one response: "By their fruits shall you know them."

It's particularly ludicrous, for example, to compare him to Jimmy Carter on religion; to claim that he's "the most conservative", which would presumably mean the most interested in conserving what's good; and to call him "a sort of realist school of overwhelming military force"—as if in Vietnam and Iraq we hadn't seen what was and wasn't "realistic" about "overwhelming military force".
Brad (NYC)
He would be a complete disaster as President, but I think he would be a very good candidate for the Dems to run against. Particularly if it means Trump's millions of supporters are furious at the Donald being pushed aside.
frank monaco (Brooklyn NY)
His bigest acomplishment as Senator was getting the House Members to vote on a government shutdown, which he wears as a badge of honnor. Every time he talks I see former Senator Joe McCarthy of Wisconsin.
reader (cincinnati)
Trump's extreme rhetoric has made Cruz come across as a reasonable Republican (not that there is any more reason left in the GOP). President Cruz is just a frightening as President Trump
Patrick C Fogarty (Chattanooga , Tn.)
I hold little against Mr Cruz as a fellow human being. I am of the belief that he truly believes what he is saying, and in many ways I also believe that he is expressing the very thing that many, secretly hold as the way to go, without giving further thought to the eventual consequences or the morality of , let's say, "blanket bombing!"

He may make it to the White House . However I believe , "that which is good", works in the long run. And that which is not good , is the "Hell" many believe in and attribute to "the work of the "Devil".
Lakemonk (Chapala)
I am not a US citizens, thank god, and certainly not a conservative. With a petrified fossil like Cruz as president, the US would face enormous pushback around the world and be taken down a few noches from its sense of self-importance, which the "best" (not!) country on earth really needs in order to make this a better world for all.
John S (Tacoma)
Cruz is among those vestigial conservatives who think that they can bring back the past. It can't be done. There is a place for tradition, but society and culture have changed. We have collectively eaten from the tree of knowledge and no longer live in a garden of ignorance.
At best, Cruz is an anachronism. He will never be president.
Patrick C Fogarty (Chattanooga , Tn.)
I can not say he will never be President. After all there were people that thought prohibition was a good idea.
Jay (Florida)
Ted Cruz simply lives in the past and wants to restore it. He has gone beyond conservatism and far beyond even Regan or Barry Goldwater. Mr. Cruz's views on abortion and women's rights alone should disqualify him from participation in the race for the candidacy of the Republican Party. HIs views would set back the rights of women to a place unknown to modern, liberated women.
There are simply no words that can describe a man who is totally oblivious to rights of women. Furthermore his views on religion, homosexuality, same-sex marriages, recognition of gay and lesbian rights, school choice, the budget, the IRS, taxes and deportation of immigrants are so far right of main stream America that it is simply unbelievable that America would vote this ultra-right wing demagogue into any office. He is indeed a "wacko bird". Senator John Mccain is right. Cruze engages in reckless pursuits.
Cruze is a dangerous, dangerous man. He is feckless, arrogant and without a sense of modern world and the challenges that America faces. Going backwards to Civil War values and 18th century mores and customs is a prescription for disaster. Cruze is not just a fringe figure. He is a man as dangerous and forbodding as Adolph Hitler. Cruz believes that people are "mad" at him...(because) he proclaims "this is right." No Mr. Cruz. We're disgusted and fearful of you because YOU are simply "mad". Mr. Cruz, you are not an "A" student. You're less than a "C+"...and we're not kidding.
Iver Thompson (Pasadena, CA)
Ted Cruz strikes me as the type of person to be President who would best be able to defeat ISIS (the hell with what our country and its people really need).
ISIS are a bunch of religious ideological fanatics hellbent on restoring governance in accordance with their rigid and literal Sharia Law. Ted Cruz is likewise, only his weapon is Fundamentalist Christianity. The two swords are equally as sharp and destructively lethal, only with different handles, so it would be a pretty fair fight.

And he can hang the Ten Commandments right over the front door of the White House, so it's clear to everyone entering how they have to behave and who's in charge.
Peter Doane (NM)
The links for Hayek and Mises go directly to the MisesInstitute. Perhaps the NYT could link to a less biased source.
Usha Srinivasan (Martyand)
Smart, rigid and dangerous,
messianic and zealous,
rabidly ambitious,
unholy but religious,
arrogant and mendacious,
paternalistic and ruthless,
dogmatic and fallacious,
Ted Cruz is a "theocrat",
who'll be an autocrat
and a belligerent fanatic.

A Cruz presidency will be a major catastrophe for the US. Carpet bomb ISIS? First we'll see a video of a mushroom cloud rising, then we'll see formal war declared against ISIS, then we'll see our superior air power pound Syria to a pulp. We saw what happened in Iraq. Get ready folks. Super Cruz is about to break on the American landscape and bring along the likes of Ramesh Ponnuru, unapologetically conservative and intellectual. Go figure that oxymoron.
jrj90620 (So California)
Sounds good,after Obama,but the chances of Cruz being elected,in a nation of government worshippers is nil.
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
It sounds hideous, after President Obama, and while no Americans worship government, I thank God that there aren't enough fundamentalist devout to elect Cruz.
Grand Ayatollah Ted Cruz...welcome to the Christian Taliban United States.
rs (california)
Yep. Funny how the right wingers are so (irrationally) afraid of "Sharia law" being imposed when they really appear to want to establish their very own version of the same. Maybe it's a form of projection.
Betsy Herring (Edmond, OK)
Intellectual rigidity" is not a description of a person that would make good President and is often seen in uber-religious types, i.e., his stance on abortion is a good example. He is unable to see the nuances of real life believing in an all powerful being.
mikecody (Buffalo NY)
Let me understand this - it a politician one does not like is flexible, he's guilty of flip flopping, and if he keeps to his original positions he is guilty of "Intellectual rigidity"?

Meanwhile, if a politician one likes is flexible, he shows appreciation of "the nuances of real life" and if he keeps his original positions he is showing his belief in the truth of his convictions.

Good to have that cleared up.
C.C. Kegel,Ph.D. (Planet Earth)
Milton Friedman and Barry Goldwater would turn over in their graves at Mr. Cruz' social policies. They were non-interventionist libertarians who wouldn't have legislated on issues like abortion, immigration and Fundamentalist religion.
And Friedman supported a "negative income tax, which would give a minimum income to the poor and support for poor workers, even presenting this idea to FDR, who chose instead Social Security, because it was linked entirely to work, which would be more popular.
Old Doc (Colorado)
Sure hope he wins but doubt that he will. This country has become too liberally "politically correct" and too many of us get free things from the government. Sooner or later we will see a financial collapse of the leftist policies.
L. Scott (California)
I am a conservative but we don't need a religious, Jim Jones-like radical in the White House. A person's religious beliefs are personal. Religion should be kept out of the government. The job of the government is to help better the union according to the people, establish laws and consequences that are fair and reasonable, insure peace in the community, provide the GENERAL welfare for American citizens' benefit, protection from enemies foreign and domestic, and of course, secure our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. People like Cruz push issues too far right. We need somebody in the middle who can see both sides and unite us again!!
Kent Jensen (Burley, Idaho)
Ted Cruz stated that he is a Christian first, and an American, second. This statement alone should give all of us pause for concern. Radical Islam pursues the power of the state to enforce its will, Christianity seeks the same power to restore this nation to some mythical paradisiacal Christian glory. It is snake oil of the highest order, being offered with all the intellectual trappings and sophistry that Cruz can muster. With Trump we have all of the subtlety of a sledgehammer, but at least we can see what it is with our own eyes. With Cruz we have the insidious, connivance of a man smart enough to manipulate us into believing he presents no danger to the nation, when in fact he may present the greater risk to our well being.
Iver Thompson (Pasadena, CA)
Pretty depressing read to start my Monday off with. Thanks for ruining the week. But at least I have another Media Circus SuperTuesday to try at all cost to avoid seeing or hearing about. That defensive exercise in itself keeps my mind off the unsettling potential realities if Cruz were to somehow win, as described in this story.
bamabroad (Mobile, Alabama)
And yet Cruz says he will be willing to "work with others". Don't see that happening. It's his way or the highway, even within his own party. Add that to his scarily theocratic bent. I can't imagine a more frightening and disheartening scenario than him as POTUS.
Judyw (cumberland, MD)
I like a a lot of Cruz's Policy and would vote for him over Clinton - I am in the Anyone but Clinton category.

I don't like the dishonest way Cruz had stolen delegates from Trump - that bothers me and I think the RNC should punish him. I think if someone wins a state those delegates should be bound to a candidate until they are released by the candidate. No other candidate should be able to walk in and "steal" them as Cruz has done.
Chiva (Minneapolis)
I am not a fan of here either. I could list things for you to consider in voting but please read JMWB below.
Rod (Sullivan, MO)
Cruz isn't "Stealing" Delegates. He's working the process. We are a republic, not a democracy. Selecting the delegates is part of the process. Those delegates that are attached to Trump still have to vote for him on the first ballot regardless of who their personal preference is. If they HAD to vote for the same person ballot after ballot after ballot, in a convention that no one has the 1237, we'd never get a nominee. The winner is who has a majority, not just more delegates.
Bruce Olson (Houston)
Judyw So you would put an acknowledged vote rigger, by definition a man of questionable integrity and judgement, who is someone you think his own (and assume your) party should punish, into the most powerful office in the land because you are in the "Anyone but Clinton category" with no specific explanation as to why.

I do not like Clinton and have never voted for a Clinton but if it comes down to Cruz vs Clinton I will hold my nose and vote for Hillary Clinton.

Cruz is a walking talking look alike, think alike of Joe McCarthy, especially when it comes to foreign policy and ISIS specifically. That alone is enough to sway my vote but sadly it is only the beginning. His tax ideas and ludicrous jabber about abolishing both Obamacare and the IRS without one iota of what to do in their absence, even with a simple postcard tax return (which will never happen no matter who the President is) reflects a total lack of pragmatic reality. It is also a reflection of his strategy to go after the most willingly ignorant of the voters among us.

I may not like Clinton, her style or her past record of hawkishness, but as a Vietnam Vet with over thirty years of business experience including dealing with both Washington and international companies I believe she is not an ideological loose cannon, which Cruz has already proved to be when he shut the government down over a single issue to the detriment of the entire nation, its economy and its relationship in the world we must live in.
robert s (marrakech)
I can't stand to look at him much less listen to him. That horrible nasal whine .
Tsk (Tsk)
The most scarily conservative candidate in 50 years? Sigh. Do you guys meditate to that mantra? I've been hearing it forever. Quoting Madison, Hayek, Friedman. What horror!
Brains (CA)
This man is nothing but a megalomaniac-shape-shifting-compulsive- lair. But then on the other hand, does this not truly define the entire Republican Party!
APG (Michigan)
This article is about consistency. I appreciate Mr. Flegenheimer's exposure of the facts, regardless of the impact such facts may have on any political opposition. From the obviously unpopular situation of fellow republicans considering Mr. Cruz as "a master of the ill-considered", to Mr. Cruz's opposition of abortion even in the cases of rape and incest, this piece paints a picture of Ted Cruz which is stable and unlikely to change, especially on social issues, republicanism, and frankly compromise. Remaining well to the right of democrats and most republican politicians does not appear to be a strategy with Mr. Cruz, but rather a conviction.

The fact that some readers identify this article as a "puff piece" is telling. Perhaps the virtue of consistency and sticking to one's position is actually attractive, regardless of the positions taken. When we follow unwavering dedication to philosophical bearing down the path to the unpopular decisions which such adherence leads, we are left with admiration of character despite the bad taste in our mouth.
Joe (Danville, CA)
It may be admirable to hold convictions and stick with them. It's not admirable to ignore the fact that change is a given and the only real constant in life. In this regard, it's easier to stick with a conviction than do the heavy lifting required to adapt to change.
cynic (london W2)
why do we persist in using the term "conservative?" Cruz and his policies constitute what can only be termed as "reactionary." A "conservative" is someone who who wants to maintain the status quo and perhaps tweak a bit at the edges. The Democrats are today's conservatives. Reactionaries want to turn the clock back to a status that they believe (or simply fantasize) once existed. Cruz and Islmaist jihadists fits this definition perfectly.
Paul (Verbank,NY)
The conservatism Cruz aspires to is the fringe conservatism that even main stream conservatives aren't interested in.
His firebrand speeches about liberals taking away rights of conservatives are filled with hypocrisy and falsehoods. So, yes, he's conservative to a fault, but there's your problem. That may be what his demographic wants, but what mainstream american want is a moderate. Someone to lead them into the future and not take them into the past.
We are a nation of people that need to get along and right now we're presented with demagoguery as a political choice as opposed to something we know exists and isn't spoken. So much for American progress.
In this election cycle we are presented with poor choices all around.
TRUMP is right however on one thing, the political process is indeed broken.

I will vote, but this time its more likely I have to vote against, rather than for the available candidates.
Joe (Danville, CA)
Good stuff and spot on. Yeah I'm going to have to hold my nose when I vote in November.

Poor people and those living just above poverty, and what's left of the middle class (this is probably the majority of Americans) have no representation in politics, and Cruz certainly won't help. This has been the GOP's plan for years, all the while pandering and not delivering to this constituency.

Trump and Sanders speak the truth about a rigged political system and a rigged economy, but I can't see either of them as POTUS. But I would take either of them over the reptile Cruz.
JMWB (Montana)
Here are my favorite Cruz fiscal plan points:

10% income tax on earned & unearned income
16% VAT (Business transaction tax)
Elimination of payroll taxes that support Social Security & Medicare
Elimination of corporate income tax
Increased military spending

Tax cuts are skewed to the wealthy; because of the VAT, prices on all goods increase; the SS & Medicare trust funds are no longer funded; deficits explode. What's not to like?

This isn't fiscal conservatism, this is fiscal suicide.
rs (california)
I still want to know how taxes will be collected if he abolishes the IRS!
Joe (Danville, CA)
Good points all. I'd add one to the list. "Bible Thumping" Cruz goes along with the far, far religious right in believing the Earth is only 6000 years old. Does that sound like a guy with an incredible intellect?

And being reptilian in appearance an nature (forked tongue?), you'd think he'd know his real family tree goes back way, way farther than 6000 years.
arp (Ann Arbor, MI)
There won't be any taxes, don't ya know?
James S (USA)
Cruz is a rightwing conservative, not a reactionary. On the other side, both Bernie and in reaction to him, Hillary, are left wing extremists, if I were to call them that - but I do not. They simply believe in really Big Government, and that is their right.

Cruz also believes in balancing the federal budget, which Hillary and Bernie do not. Thinking of the debt that the nation has accumulated and my children and grandchildren, I'm with Cruz.

If the country rejects Cruz, shame on the USA; the decline of "Rome" will continue, just as with the once-great UK.
JMWB (Montana)
James, you must never need social security or medicare, must not mind taxes skewed to the very wealthy or an exploding deficit. The Cruz fiscal plan cannot even come close to balancing the budget. Voodoo economics.
Cruz is a nut case. He literally may be registered as a Canadian citizen on his birth certificate that he refused to release. He is the most hated Senator as his fellow republicans dislike him immensely.

Cruz only won the Senate seat because the GOP Teaxas primary was on a hot summer day where the entire state assumed the Lt Governor would win the primary.

His antics would send the US back 50 years.
Jake (Vancouver, WA)
If you really do believe that Cruz could balance the budget with his agenda, please look at his actual plan details and figure out how much money you think the federal government can bring in as revenue. Then figure out how huge his deficit would really be. I'm sure you will be stunned.
HL (Arizona)
Ronald Reagan had a life with real experience. He was a liberal and moved his position. On balance he was not an ideologue although he clearly formed a point of view based on his life experience. He surrounded himself with some excellent people, particularly in the State Department. He also had a Democratic Congress and worked with them, often with a smile and what looked like genuine good will.

Ted Cruz has always been an ideologue. He has been a terrible Senator who can't work with anyone. If he wins he will go into office with a Republican majority. I think he's dangerous. Very dangerous.
torontonian (toronto, canada)
i thought reagan was a liberal as that was the norm in hollywood of those times. he turned conservative due to the strong willed nancy? basically reagan, as i understand, was a simpleton without any strong feelings on anything. he could be charming and sell ice to the eskimos though! however he a devil of a friend in margaret thatcher.
Tsk (Tsk)
If only... democrats were afraid of a man who wants to appropriate and control $1.5bn of taxpayer earnings, of students who outlaw political speech, of a state that forces people to bake cakes and arrange flowers or be put out of business, or of criminalizing disagreement about the extent of climate change, then perhaps they would not be driving us towards totalitarianism. But reading Ayn Rand and quoting the Constitution? That's beyond the pale!
Cruz claims to be against governmental encroachment, but wants to impose his will on women's' bodies.
Cruz claims to be an intellectual, but compared the ACA with Nazi appeasement.
Cruz claims to be a devout Christian, but spoke glibly of making the sand glow in the dark.
Cruz claims to be anti-establishment, but his education and career have been within the usual political establishment.
Cruz claims to be apart from Wall Street, but is married to one of its representatives.
Cruz is a dangerous man and hypocrite, who will say anything for power.
Solaris (New York, NY)
So, in addition to his legendary ego, contempt for anyone not just like him, and notorious inability to get along with anyone he has ever met...there's this. His dogmatic, ideology-first approach to politics.

Am I the only one laughing like some evil villain when I watch the GOP scramble to orchestrate a brokered convention so they can nominate Cruz instead of Trump? They honestly believe this man can win a general election? Hilarious.
gm (syracuse area)
Donald Trump with brains. SCARY!!
Fred White (Baltimore)
Cruz is a far worse nightmare than Trump. Literally no one knows for sure how Trump would govern. He's the only wild card candidate I've ever seen, but that's undeniably what he is. The fact that his followers would support him if he shot someone on 5th Ave. has as a corollary that they would support him if, for example, he appointed his liberal sister to a chair on the Supreme Court. Cruz's totally different. His is far from a cult of personality. His is a pure cult of ideology. So his presidency would be guaranteed to be the most proto-fascist we've ever seen. A shameless McCarthyite nightmare of bigotry, catastrophe in the Middle East, and endlessly serving the narrow interests of the Big Oil money that he's been a puppet of every step of the way in his grotesque career. Worst of all, Cruz does significantly better in the polls against Clinton than Trump does, for dessert.
beth (Rochester, NY)
Luckily, even though he does better than trump, he still loses handily.
Jack (Las Vegas)
Cruz is nothing but an extremist and a religious zealot in a suit. He uses his considerable knowledge and debating skills to convince naive and ignorant people that he is a modern day messiah.
Cruz makes Trump, a snake oil salesman, more sensible and desirable.
scott wilson (santa fe, new mexico)
Having Cruz as the GOP nominee will certainly do wonders for reviving my faith--in Hillary--as no other candidate could. Many of us who are a bit lukewarm about the Clintons these days will have renewed energy and the hounds of hell at our heels to do anything and everything to keep Cruz out of the White House.
Mariano (Chatham NJ)
The man is a zealot. Stop sugar coating it.
Jon (NM)
Cruz is a bombastic fascist...in the tradition of Mussolini. I can't wait to see how president Cruz converts the U.S. in the political equivalent of Italy, a beautiful country with lots of beautiful people, but which is run by organized crime and whose political system is the laughing stock of the entire western world. Wait, Trump is also a bombastic fascist...in the tradition of Mussolini. This is election is a win-win opportunity for Republicans!
torontonian (toronto, canada)
trump is more like mussolini. or even berlusconi. cruz has the personality of an elmer fudd!! with hair.
PQuincy (California)
Right-wing reactionaries use the term "constitutionalist" as a bludgeon, claiming control of interpretation of a document vital to us all, and imposing a radical individualist and anti-communitarian interpretation, ignoring the Constitution's own statement that its fundamental purpose includes "promiting the general welfare." This is parallel to various sectarian ideologues through time claiming the exclusive title of "christians", variously imposing Roman bureaucratic imperialism, money-accumulating selfishness, and various other values in disregard of the religions founders' overt statements.

So let's be clear: Mr. Cruz has no more claim to the title "constitutionalist" than does Ms. Clinton or Mr. Sanders, or any other US citizen. And those, like Ponnuru, who slip in that word as much as possible are perfectly aware of the ideological hijacking they're trying to impose on us. We all, including the Times, should resist such efforts to imply that liberals, socialists, communists, traditionalist conservatives, moderate Republicans, or anyone else is NOT a constitutionalist. All who value the US Constitution in its messy glory are just as constitutionalist as Cruz, and should resent his effort to exclude us.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
These narcissists believe that the Constitution is a divine revelation that only they can truly grasp with their deep vision into fantasy.
Edward (Wichita, KS)
PQuincy, thank you for your most astute comment. Everyone should click the link, read it, and be reminded.

Those claiming to be "constitutionalist" are implying that you are "anti-constitution" if your reading of it disagrees with theirs.

Those claiming to be "Pro-Life" are implying that you are "Anti-Life" if your views are different than theirs.

Those claiming to be "Freedom Loving Americans" are implying that somehow you "Hate Freedom" if you disagree with them on just about anything.

And so on and on. The point is, I am grateful to have been born an American, I love my country as much as anyone. I have the same right to claim the Constitution as my own and to hold my own views regarding its meaning as any other of my fellow citizens. I mightily resent being told that I am Un-American when I disagree with the likes of Ted Cruz. It smacks of McCarthyism.
Mary Bryan (Louisiana)
Constitutionalist has become the new "the Bible said it and I believe it".. Only the constitutionalists can properly interpret the constitutionalists and the rest of us are socialist fascist , Marxist heathens, hell bent on destroying "murica.
So how can Cruz claim to be the one to unify his party, let alone the nation? His far-far-right beliefs and obstinance make him an outlier even in the GOP.
T3D (San Francisco)
The Republicans in Washington, DC, already know it doesn't matter who their eventual nominee is, they've lost the White House. With any rational thinking at all from American voters, they'll also lose their majority in Congress, since they've never put it to any useful purpose in years. Haven't we suffered enough from the delusions of the Far Right by now?
Steve Bolger (New York City)
This kind of of Bible-thumping con artist makes his living undermining separation of church and state.
jgbrownhornet (Cleveland, OH)
Boo, it boggles your mind, and the minds of your fellow progressives, because you are so focused on the racism & misogyny of Trump supporters that you have taken your eye off the ball when it comes to the message of limited government, and how it resonates among people who consider themselves true conservatives. Progressives have to get out of their comfort zones, view the world in the shoes of others - which I understand liberals are supposed to be good at doing - and craft sensible public policy that does not insult the intelligence of people who consider themselves conservative.
HL (Arizona)
Block grants to States isn't limited government. It's transferring money taxed from the people of the United States to representatives of States where most of the people who were taxed weren't represented.

Limited taxes coupled with a huge military build up isn't limited government either.
Robert (Out West)
Actually, we mostly focused on Trump's racism and misogyny, and only noticed that he attracted a lot of similar types.

As for "sensible public policy," a) you tried to slide from "progressives," to "liberals," just as you tried to slide from Cruz' loony right-wing principles to "sensible public policy," and b) the record on such policies hardly suggests that they're sensible.

It suggests that y'all are nuts, and uninterested in what most all Americans actually think.
kathleen cairns (san luis obispo)
If you believe that taking money from the Social Security trust fund is good sensible policy, you must be independently wealthy, and have no elderly relatives who need it to survive. This kind of approach to governance is what enables much of America to dismiss conservatives as extraordinarily selfish.
Reaper (Denver)
Cruz is Trump version 0.2 with many viruses.
Publius (Baton Rouge)
If nominated, Ted Cruz will become the "Barry Goldwater" of the 2016 campaign.

"The more things change, the more they stay the same..."

Conservatives would have learnt nothing in fifty years since 1964.
Glen (Texas)
Publius, compared to Cruz, Senator Goldwater exuded a definitely pinkish aura.

It's not just being in different leagues, they are not the same species.
Hummmmm (In the snow)
Where Was Ted Cruz Radicalized?

Ted hails from the Evangelical Dominion sect that preaches taking control of the nation and taking the wealth from the “wicked.” His father, Rafael Cruz, can be seen in videos online preaching about Christian Kings that are anointed to take control. Ted Cruz believes that America is a “Christian” nation and that this must be restored.

Rafael Cruz preaches about the Seven Mountains of Dominionism whereby Christians are meant to take dominion over seven cultural elements: family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business and government. The sect is based out of the belief of Isaiah 2:2: “Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains.”

This is not a Christian nation. We are a secular nation made up of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, Agnostics and other faiths and non-faiths.

Does it scare you that Ted Cruz wants to impose his Christian sharia onto the general citizenry of the United States? It should. [H...P]
Steve Shackley (Albuquerque, NM)
And having someone who believes that it all doesn't matter because "we're all gonna die anyway" as President is even scarier. Wait, that was G.W. Bush who said that, but he did give us a nice little war that just keeps on giving. Cruz is also part of the conservative group that believes in all war all the time isolationism. Hillary with all her faults, will trounce Cruz if he's nominated, and the establishment knows it. It's so fun to watch the Republican Party implode by their own "ideology".
Steve Bolger (New York City)
It scares me that claiming to know what God thinks isn't taken to be a true telltale of dishonesty and insanity.
Hummmmm (In the snow)
Connection between Hispanics is not what you might think. I was once hanging out with some of my Hispanic friends and they were upset at how this country isn’t supporting the Spanish language enough or we’re not integrating enough of the Hispanic culture into our country considering the number of Hispanics that are a part of this country... unlike how Europe learns other languages and interacts... I listened quietly wanting to actually feel what was coming from my friends. This was my response. I said, I would like you to listen to what you are saying. You are espousing the idea that more people follow the same religions, ideals and language that was forced onto your different peoples when the Spanish came to your shores, killed and dominated hundreds of thousands of your people forcing your ancestors to give up pretty much everything of who they were. The Hispanic connection is a trauma bond. Taking that away, the different cultures within the Hispanic societies were as varied and different as the Scots, Welch, Irish and English and we know how that went. Unless Cruz can represent ALL of the different cultures that were taken over by the Spanish, which he can’t, he would really only be representing the Spanish that dominated them so many years ago.
K (St Paul)
Let freedom ring! Or wait is the election process free or bought and paid for by corporations who support people like Cruze and Clinton. Profitable corporation have these people elected to insure continues subsidies. Many of these companies export our jobs. These are the top subsidies to well established profitable corporation the is paid for by the American Middle Class. Nike/2.03b, Royal Dutch Shell/2.04b, Fiat Chrysler/2.06b, Ford/2.52b, GM/3.58b, Intel/3.8b, Alcoa/5.64b, Boeing/13.8b.

How many of these companies hold earnings abroad and pay little in there share to taxes. Candidates like Cruze or Clinton won't advocate changing this corrupt system of politics.

Rise up people of all colors who make up the middle and lower classes of the U.S. Turn off your TV rather than listen to the false campaigns. Do your homework, get the facts and cast your vote .

We don't need to be told what's best for our country we can take charge of the election process. DO IT.
Robert (Out West)
Don't forget that Trump's a born-rich, wealthy jerk who's made his pile of money sawing up neighborhoods, selling off the pieces, and going bankrupt when he gets into trouble.
Bart DePalma (Woodland Park, CO)
To sum up, Ted Cruz is the smartest candidate for president by a country mile, possesses a constant set of libertarian conservative principles, and has a history of working to implement the policies on which he campaigned.

That would clearly distinguish him from the current GOP and Democrat frontrunners.
Robert Henderson (Wilson, WY)
But Cruz's libertarianism is the anti-social, anti-Christian philosophy exemplified by the bullies in The Lord of the Flies. Many psychopaths and sociopaths are smart, rigid, self-absorbed, unwavering and blind to the damage they cause others. That Cruz possesses these traits is not a reason for glorification, but a reason for fear. The only way to to handle a bully like him is to stand up to him.
Paul O,Brien (Chicago, IL)
What he also might work on is extracting the gold teeth from citizens in order to support his gold standard idea. Also, "overwhelming military force" costs a great deal of money. A flat tax for a population facing dwindling incomes does not add up.

If he is the smartest, I'd really love to see the least intelligent.

T3D (San Francisco)
Cruz was elected to congress by the oh-so-educated voters of Texas on the campaign promise that he would defund Obamacare, regardless of the fact that the Republican party had NOTHING to replace it and also regardless of what would happen to the millions of people already on it. And the only thing Cruz has accomplished office was a downgrade in America's credit rating as a direct result of his misdirected and poorly informed actions.
And you think that shows presidential material? Seriously??
VJR (North America)
Ted Cruz is a perfect example of the damage done by the dozen years of Reagan-Bush41.... Just as he's becoming an obnoxious pre-teen, Reagan comes into power and Ted spends his politically formative years spent in that deluded environment graduating high school in 1988 and college in 1992. He is the Frankenstein's monster that was created by that period of time.
Rick (New York, NY)
VJR, the Reagan-Bush 41 era also did tremendous damage to the Democratic Party, which we are seeing to this very day. First, it laid the groundwork for the Republican takeover of Congress which took place in 1994. (The Democrats had the House majority for 40 consecutive years before then; the Republicans have had the House majority for all but 4 years since then.) Second, the humiliation of losing 3 straight Electoral College blowouts in the '80s caused the Democratic Party to largely abandon its policy focus on advocacy for the less fortunate and pivot toward a more corporate-friendly agenda. This did enable them to become more successful in presidential elections, but along the way caused them to embrace policies (such as free-trade and de-regulation of the financial sector) which have led to (1) increased economic hardship for a growing number of Americans and (2) a growing sense among the electorate that the Democratic Party is just as corrupt and on the take from wealthy interests as, and thus indistinguishable from, the Republican Party.
rosa (ca)
"He opposes abortion even in cases of rape and incest...."

So I'm simply his own little pet forced breeder? I will breed/be bred as HE dictates? Sorry, but I don't remember standing in the Slave Market and Mr. "Condom" Cruz giving the winning bid.

I DO remember, though, him standing on stage with some bizarre minister who was howling for the deaths of the gays. That little piece of joy should show well overseas.... say Uganda.

Alright, he's to the right of Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater. Yes, we all know that. But how close, in his rightness, is he to the KKK, the Neo-nazis, and the John Birch Society? Is he a beloved of the Koch Bros? Which think tank is extolling him the most?

.... and what about that "natural-born" Constitutional requirement?

"Intellectual rigidity" is another word for "crazed wacko".

Is that what you meant.....?
T3D (San Francisco)
Intellectual rigidity is another name for the Conservative Purity Test. It's also another name for any religious cult, which also defines the conservative movement.
Barrbara (Los Angeles)
Ted Cruz is the reason why Donald Trump is successful. Cruz as president would disrupt the social fabric of the country - I expect Mrs. Cruz would be a better choice. She seems to be the power and money behind the throne.
ACJ (Chicago, IL)
Ideologues are what they are: a representation of a thin slice of the American public. When you become President of the United States you represent all the people of this republic. Ideologues, by definition, are unable to assume that role.
Wolfgang (CO)
Imagine… a coup at the Republican convention in July, or continuing to watch the wretched antics of G.O.P. operatives. If not so desperate and unethical the tyrannical frolics and corrupt tricks of G.O.P. operatives would be considered comical if not so immoral. Talk about hypocrites; if nothing else, Mr. Trump has managed to expose the corrupt aspect of the G.O.P. and the fact that there seems less then a scintilla of difference between Republican and Democratic operatives.

Imagine… if you didn’t know any better, you might even think our political servants were no more than charlatans in search of their own personal El Dorado a.k.a. campaign chest. There seems no end to the depths of deceit our political servants will stoop to protect their ideological turf. Talk about la, la land suffering the woes of lost principles and elitist deceit. If you didn’t know any better you might even equate our political servants and their cunning political operatives to third world despots in search of power.

Imagine… how nauseating, while clever pundits toss around terms like ‘silent majority’ liberal elitist continue to be so enamored with their self-reflected images it is laughable, talk about… mirror… mirror on the wall who is fairest of them all. Shenanigans committed by political cultist with the left and right are so disgusting its beyond reprehensible, its egregious if not criminal. Has anyone given any thought of term limits, impeachment or imprisonment!
David (Cincinnati)
Every time I read the Ted Cruz was the smartest guy in the class or room, I despair. My only hope is that they are being sarcastic.
T3D (San Francisco)
Cruz is smart the way a cobra is smart - using body language that hypnotizes its prey before striking.
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
Dear David,
Usually it's compared to a room full of fanatical Christians or neocon pro-war folks, so in those cases he really is the smartest guy in the room. Of course, you or I, or most normal folks, would also be the primary intellect in such gatherings.
Manderine (Manhattan)
I seem to recall a popular magazine cover in 1980 with Ronald Reagans face on it, the caption read, "we warned you about Nixon".
Be afraid Americans.
Cruz, the man who lead the government shut down in 2013 at the cost of 24 billion dollars to deny health coverage under the ACA.
You have been warned.
Mark Hrrison (NYC)
I remember when Jeb Bush was considered the smart one in Republican circles.
Being smart when you believe in failed policies is an oxymoron! Emphasis on MORON!
David Kull (Scottsdale)
No mention of his call to "patrol" Muslim neighborhoods, the most obvious manifestation of his fascistic tendencies?
reader123 (NJ)
Cruz is a threat to over fifty percent of the population- women. He is also a threat to Separation of Church and State. More evil than Trump.
sandy (jasper ga)
To make an analogy about Ted Cruz the Nazis said the only thing worse than a Jew was a smart Jew. So the only thing worse than a conservative is a smart conservative i.e., Ted Cruz.
David H. Eisenberg (Smithtown, NY)
comparing Cruz (or any candidate) to Savoranolo, Torqemada or Hitler (that one by innuendo) in the comments is going way too far. I wouldn't vote for Cruz on a bet and some of his policies are very troubling to me, but, comparing him to any of those bogey men is going way too far. But, it was no different for some in targeting Bush and Obama. Partisanship makes everyone a little crazy.
Koop (Austin)
David Davis (Fort Worth, TX)
Cruz's problem is, if he's talking then he is CRUZifying the truth. As a native Texan, I feel compelled to warn you, don't trust this guy, he is a "snake".
David in Toledo (Toledo)
But, as someone else pointed out, it can be hard at times to see the snake for all the oil.
Fred (Baltimore)
Cruz's Constitution must be missing many of its amendments. Maybe that is precisely what these reactionaries mean when they claim to be originalists or strict constructionists or some such. None of that pesky Bill of Rights (except to bear arms, oddly enough), none of those Civil War amendments. They want to go to the really "good old days" when only white men of means were considered fully human at all. This is why they must be defeated!
agi (brooklyn)
I very much look forward to seeing his ideas put on display in the 2016 general election. I will relish watching him lose so that the right wing extremists can finally understand that America has heard their gibberish and rejected it.
KenH (Indiana)
I wonder when the national media will finally get it that Mr. Trump and Mr. Cruz are insane.
Paul O,Brien (Chicago, IL)
Return to the gold standard, abolish the IRS and yet have a strong military? What does he hope to pay the military with? Better include mandatory lessons in Mandarin. The only military we will see will be the Chinese troops marching down main street.

What is truly bothersome is how many people support such totally destructive ideas.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
But Gold is only one "l" away from "God". It is magic to Teddie.
Neil &amp; Julie (Brooklyn)
I cringe every time someone says that Cruz is religious. Religious people are full of charity and forgiveness. All the truly religious people I know would never tell someone else how to run their lives.

Mr. Cruz is not religious. He is a fanatic. Does anyone else know a group of people that are fanatics? How much different would living under Sharia law be than living under Mr. Cruz?
pianowerk (uk)
As U2 said "Well, the God I believe in isn't short of cash, mister"
Richard Green (San Francisco)
Two quick items: 1) " ... conservative intellectual leaders ..." Really? Who Knew? 2) Where does the Senator get his white powdered wigs?

Ans a question for the Senator. Given that you are an originalist, what is your opinion about that little "three-fifths" bit of Constitutional text? No, really, I'm asking quite seriously.
Ignatz Farquad (New York, NY)
He's a religious fascist whose college roommate said he'd rather pick a name from the phone book then see him as president. Will he pay back the 24 billion he and his fellow Republicsn criminals cost the economy when they shut down the government.
But stupid, Fox addled Americans will vote for him. Nixon. Reagan. W.
follow the money (Connecticut)
He was supposed to REGISTER as a US citizen. He/ his parents didn't

StanC (Texas)
Well, my analogy is that Cruz is a current rendition of George Wallace, the Tea Party that he represents simulates the Dixiecrats, and Texas has become a neo Alabama. Of course the anti-integration fervor of prior days is no longer the dominant theme, but little else has changed. Cruz, his supporters, and much of the region in which he garners support continues to be anti-government (i.e. "states rights"), ultra conservative, over-conspicuously religious, culturally regressive (e.g. anti-gay, anti-abortion), rural dominated, and somewhat insular.

Or to put it in another way, try to imagine Cruz's views if he were taken back in time to, say, the 1950-60s. With whom and where would he find most favor?
Blue state (Here)
W got elected partly because he seemed like someone you'd want to have a beer with. Cruz? I'd rather have a root canal, thanks.
Jeffrey Waingrow (Sheffield, MA)
This is a real fluff piece that reads like a "Mr. Cruz Runs For President". This is reporting?
Welcome (Canada)
Imagine the Inauguration: President Cruz and his father at his side. Creepy!
pnut (Montreal)
No way someone from Slitherin House takes a majority of electoral votes this go-round.
jrgolden (Memphis,TN)
Senator Cruz and his resume reeks of Tomás de Torquemada.
Steve of Albany (Albany, NY)
Since when did the Judeo become part of the Republican Christian religion ...
AM (New Hampshire)
The reason Cruz is more dangerous than Trump is because, as noted here, he really is a conservative and he actually believes the nonsense he spouts.

Modern American conservatism ruins the economy, promotes discord and backwardness both domestically and internationally, impedes scientific progress, and stymies basic human rights and values.

Conservatives, by their nature, view doctrinal purity and rigidity of the type shown by Cruz as positive attributes. In a democracy, however, they are extremely counter-productive and inflict great damage.

We should not necessarily have "religious tests" for higher office in this country. Nevertheless, the American people must make decisions about their candidates' judgment and wisdom. Any candidate - like Cruz - who actually professes to believe in supernatural powers, superstition, and medieval notions of "right and wrong" should have those infirmities of thought taken into account when we vote.

All in all, Cruz is a "perfect storm" of a candidate who is anathema to fundamental American interests.
Wally Wolf (Texas)
Ted Cruz is not a conservative; he's a radical. He's a religious fanatic. He would be a disaster as president and I don't really think our country could survive a Cruz administration. There are good reasons why he is the most unpopular senator in Washington, and if the American people vote him into office, they will soon understand.
Steve (York PA)
While this article displays what I already knew, that Mr. Cruz has very high academic chops and significant stops on his resume, I remain confused by something that happens consistently in journalistic discussions of the GOP's condition, in the NYT and elsewhere.

Everybody refers to the Republicans' "conservative base," yet will then refer to "mainstream Republicans" who seem to be more moderate than the aforementioned "base."

Wouldn't an organization's "base" be its largest group of like-minded people, Wouldn't its "mainstream" group consist of mostly like-minded people? The mainstream is where the most water flows, the primary channel, the place safest to navigate. If any of this is correct, why isn't the more moderate "mainstream" GOP its "base?"

Perhaps, if the GOP has in fact shifted well to the right of center (as many, including me, think it has), then a better word than "mainstream" for the more moderate GOP is "moderate" or "centrist." If the Cruzes and Kasiches of the party now represent the majority view, the moderates are no longer the mainstream; they have been moved to the status of minority / opposition.

I live in a GOP-dominated part of the country, and most of the folks I speak with don't like Mr. Cruz or Mr. Trump. Yet this district elected a Trump-like man to the Senate, and a Cruz-like man to the Congress. I have no idea what to do with that, except to say that our local GOP seems as confused about itself as I am about it from the outside looking in.
Ingrid (Earth)
Vote for Hillary...
Steve Bolger (New York City)
Evidently fear of post-mortem punishment by a wrathful Republican God motivates a lot of painful prophylactic idolatry in elections where placation of God is the underlying issue.
G. Nowell (SUNY Albany)
There are a whole lot of people who've read Tocqueville and Madison. An A in class puts you in the top 60% at Princeton, and doesn't make you the "smartest guy in the class."

I guess Cruz is in the Republican Party because, after all, where else can a man of average intelligence stand out as a towering genius?
The Lone Ranger (Colorado)
just like Newt.
EvaMC (Vienna, Austria)
Ted Cruz may be a lot of things--religious fanatic, radical, universally disliked, self-promoter, fact-stretcher--but conservative is not among them. He seeks not to conserve, but to disrupt, overturn, harm, damage, and profit from the chaos. He is not interested in representing all Americans, but in leading a Cruzade of evangelicals.
Tor Krogius (Northampton MA)
Conservatives clearly wish the Constitution to be viewed as a reactionary document. How sad. What do they make of the preamble?
sharon (worcester county, ma)
Tor-"Conservatives clearly wish the Constitution to be viewed as a reactionary document. How sad. What do they make of the preamble?"

It gets discarded as does ANY provision of the Constitution that they don't agree with such as the second amendment beginning with...the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." instead of as written and with its full intent: "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I argued with a teaparty conservative about the preamble to the Constitution. He stated that "providing for the general welfare" was only meant for in extreme circumstances and not for the actual *everyday* general welfare of the public. I would imagine living in a militaristic "police state" as so many of our minorities and LBGT's are subjected to doesn't interfere with insuring ones domestic tranquility either.
Cafeteria Christian, Cafeteria Constitutionalist there is really no difference. Follow the ideologies that you agree with. Discard all that you don't. It's the cafeteria ideologue way.
Boo (East Lansing Michigan)
It boggles my mind. The man who could not get along with anyone in Congress, who defied his party's leader, who shut down the federal government, costing taxpayers billions of dollars in taxpayer money over some futile protest over the ACA, now wants to be elected president. Seriously? In what bizarre world, under what circumstances, could this possibly happen and why should it?
MEP (Austin,TX)
This Texas resident for more than 50 years could not agree with you MORE! Seriously! Be afraid, be VERY afraid of Tex Cruz!!
Lisa Fremont (East 63rd St.)
Read Jason Epstein's column in the WSJ
It's not just Ted, it's how America got stuck with five turkeys--and how one of them is going to run the country for four years--probably into the ground.
pianowerk (uk)
" In what bizarre world, under what circumstances, could this possibly happen and why should it?"

1. Bizarre world? The US in 2016
2. Circumstances? The USA in an election year
3. Possibly Happen? yes, it could possibly happen , given 1 and 2 above
4. Why should it? because the US democratic system is historically, systemically, corrupted and fundamentally utterly flawed.
Glen (Texas)
This is what I believe about Ted Cruz.

His conservatism, as is his religious faith, is of the crassly cynical school of opportunism. It differs from the theologies of Joel Osteen, Creflo Dollar and other "posperity gospel" purveyors only in the currency of their desires. For Osteen, Dollar, and the others it is, yes, the dollar itself. The currency Cruz desires is power. Raw and pure power. Osteen and his ilk no more believe in a capital "G" god than does a stray dog; They believe only in financial riches. Cruz is the same, only with power instead of money. He uses the fundamentalist religion of his father to that end and that end only. It is not a faith or a system of belief; it is a tool, a hammer. Which is the only tool one needs when all the problems are viewed as nails.
Maxwell (Washington, DC)
Mr. Cruz appears to have the sort of mind that thrives in an environment where intellectual achievement is still somewhat respected, but not broadly cultivated. I found the comment on de Tocqueville illuminating: whatever views he has on the author might be, they are - must be - interpretations. And interpretation is always open to questioning and attack, which is the whole point of discourse. But as long as he's the only one in the room who's read Democracy in America, he will be unassailable. Thus, he can have the authority of Gorgias, who was never stumped; this will be based not on his own excellence, but our collective ignorance. Great books still have power, in strange ways.
Nan Socolow (West Palm Beach, FL)
The smartest guy in his class at Princeton is no reason at all to vote for Ted Cruz. Senator John McCain, one of the "goats" (low class ranking at US Naval Academy) did very well for himself and his party and he calls Ted Cruz "a wacko bird" - they are brothers in the Senate and who knows more about wacko birds than Senator McCain who ran for the Presidency in 2008 with the wacko bird from Wasilla, Alaska and lost the first of two GOP Presidential attempts? Romney wasn't a wacko bird and neither was his Ayn Randian VEEP choice, but they lost, too (in 2012). No matter what prism you look through to see Ted Cruz, he is not only a remora on the Big Shark Trump, but an unelectable and unviable wacko bird whose chances of winning the RNC Presidential nomination in July are slim to none.
HJL (North Ridgeville Ohio)
It seems to me that the strongest lesson from our Founding Fathers was that government should not recognized any religion. They feared theocracy more than anything. How can a Ted Cruz who is so smart fail to realize that when you allow individuals to practice their religion at the expense of others that you have the government recognizing that religion.
The Supreme Court used to get it right when it said states can't prevent mixed race marriages. Clearly many believers still think this is morally wrong but so what. Think Kim Davis. Can anyone explain this to me or is Cruz just an example of an Eric Hoffer True Believer who justifies anything if he believes it is morally right?
Susan (Marin, CA)
Ted Cruz is a nativist extremist and Islamophobe. How is that considered part of conservatism?
Susan (New York, NY)
Ted Cruz is a borderline psychopath. Joe McCarthy 2.0. He wants to patrol Muslim neighborhoods, "carpet bomb" our enemies and clearly he hates women. And I hear he is well-liked in DC - PLEASE NOTE SARCASM.
angrygirl (Midwest)
I don't think he's borderline. I think he's an evil, lying, narcissistic psychopath who would do irreparable harm to this country by eagerly tearing up the already frayed wall separating church and state. I detest Trump but have no words to describe my loathing for Cruz. I am furious that the GOP has brought us to the point that we have to live in fear that one of them will be elected president.
MJXS (springfield, va)
He earned money performing for Rotarians. Perfect.
Jim Jamison (Vernon)
And all this written about St Cruz without mentioning a twisted moral compass far to the right of Mr Trump. . .Cruz's 5 mistresses including a super PAC associated with him paying $500,000 in 'hush money' to one of these women.

On the economic policies put forth by his touch stones find an over arching moral concept - the value of the individual above all else. . .that fantasy individual who through their own work; without any direct or tangential assistance from society or society's programs, rises to wealthy position. This fantasy individual then turns away from others through justification that 'I could do this and so can you. . .get a job'.

Of course we all gain from society, we all grow from learning about others, we all benefit from schools, infra structure, security, medical advances, and keeping our commitments, especially in a marriage. . .all except the Libertarian like Cruz who did it all on his own.
Patrick Marsh (Boston)
Wow! A NYT article that paints Cruz as something other then the devil! This goes a long way to explaining why the republican elite can perhaps accept this guy. Still it would be hard to stomach a guy who puts a fetuses right before a women's or who still thinks gay people don't have the right to legalize their commitments to each other.
MdGuy (Maryland)
Billionaire Robert Mercer is perhaps Cruz's biggest single funding source. Robert Mercer wants to go onto the gold standard. Hence, Ted Cruz wants to go onto the gold standard.
C Martinez (London)
After reading this article I think that a majority of American
citizen will understand that even if Cruz was the smartest guy
in his class in Princeton he became a extreme right wing
sectarian ideologue. This is not an achievement that deserve a A
or a C+.
JFM (Hartford, CT)
The only question is whether enough republicans will hold their noses to vote for someone they loath or someone they hate, just because they couldn't stand to see a democrat win.
You can't educate your party to give you better candidates when you vote for whoever is on the ticket.
mj (<br/>)
Probably half of my friends are moderate Republicans.

To a person they have said they will vote for HRC before they will vote for either Sen Cruz or Donald Trump.

Make of that what you will.
Joe (Danville, CA)
What I make of that is that it's probably reflective of a substantial number of Americans, including Republicans. Thanks for your comment. Makes me feel better that a guy like Cruz can never be POTUS.

HRC is actually the best Republican candidate in the race.
Sage (Santa Cruz)
Barry Goldwater did not lie incessantly and egregiously about basic science. A vote for Trump can be rationalized (barely) as a protest against a decrepit and dysfunctional Republican establishment. A vote for Cruz is a vote for ignorance, demagoguery, patent dishonesty, and fake conservatism.
Eugene Patrick Devany (Massapequa Park, NY)
The Cruz tax reform with a too high 16% VAT and too low 10% flat income tax is as brilliant as it is extreme. No one has asked Cruz why the rich paying a 10% income tax would also need the elimination of the Estate Tax. Indeed, would Cruz help the rich before paying off the national debt and balancing the budget? The article is otherwise informative but misses the soul of Ted Cruz buried in tax reform.
Jessica (Sewanee, TN)
We don't need a rigid, knee-jerk ideologue in the White House. Texans can have him as their Senator if they want, but Cruz is dangerously narrow-minded and unsuitable for the rest of the nation.
Joe T (NJ)
Very reassuring!
Cruz may be no Savonarola, but his puritanical conservatism may yet lead us to our own "bonfire of the vanities".
Had Savonarola been more successfu, we would be enjoying a burned out picture frame, where Botticelli's "Birth of Venus" hangs.
Let's hope Cruz has the same success, if not fate, as the Renaissance Puritan.
Bean Counter 076 (SWOhio)
I guess if you want a country governed by "conservative" principles, whatever those may be, then Cruz is your man for this election cycle. I would then think for those who do not want to be governed by "conservative' principles, Hillary or Bernie are your other choices.

So, you have to decide "Is the government your friend and partner, helping all and providing Defense and opportunity". or is it the enemy preventing you from achieving your goals, blocking opportunities by helping all and providing opportunity.

I do not want to live in a "Pre-Civil War South" in 2016. There has to be middle ground.

We have wasted the past 6+ years stonewalling a working government over these kinds of differences, hopefully some solution will present itself...
CMS (Tennessee)
He is a high-functioning sociopath.

Jack (East Coast)
“Why do people take such an instant dislike to Ted Cruz? It just saves time.” - Former Bush Staffer
usa999 (Portland, OR)
It would be a breakthrough in modern journalism if reporters for the New York Times, along with those of other media outlets, would stop referring to Ted Cruz as conservative. He is not. If “conservative“ in the American political lexicon refers to someone who stands for fiscal responsibility, limited government intrusion in individual lives, adherence to the Constitution, and an embrace of those values articulated in the Preamble to the Constitution it is difficult to characterize Ted Cruz as anything other than an extremist or radical. How does one reconcile limited government with a massive extension of government control over reproductive rights? How does anyone claiming to be a conservative argue government has the right to inspect your genitals? How does one claim to be a conservative while planning military spending that explodes the deficit?
The problem here is Matt Flegenheimer is content to let Ted Cruz define himself as he wishes, and of course Cruz will armor himself in conservative rhetoric. Apparently I could announce myself as the Second Coming of Christ and Flegenheimer would dutifully write it down and publish it. Cruz is no conservative as the term has been used by political scientists or serious thinkers. Instead he is an opportunist who dresses his extremism in conservative clothing counting on the irnorance, laziness, or obedience of the media to repeat the falsehoods. The New York Times should be embarrassed, or if Trump says he is a pauper it‘s so?
David (Palmer Township, Pa.)
In addition he's not a nice person. He has that mean edge. Also his voice sounds like Porky Pig with good grammar!
Johanna (New-York)
Anyone else remembers the moment during one of the debates where, answering a question on healthcare, Trump said people would not be dying on the street under his presidency and Rubio and Cruz looked at him as if he had two heads. Trump has received a disproportionate amount of press, both positive and negative, nationally and internationally, while the far more dangerous Cruz is quietly sneaking past him.
J Higgs (FL)
Currently, Cruz is possibly the most dangerous man (or woman) in America.
Jussmartenuf (dallas, texas)
Probably so, but close behind we have Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes followed closely byTrump, Limbaugh and a host of others.
MEP (Austin,TX)
You got that right!
GWS (Hong Kong)
Ted Cruz has benefited from Donald Trump. The media has focused on Trump, while Cruz has flown under the radar. In other campaigns Cruz' policies would be scrutinized. Perhaps it's time to start?
Frank Stonehouse (Austin)
Cruz is a far greater demon than Donald Trump. I can't even imagine what the USA would look like as a religious state .... akin to Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc.
Dan Rodgers (NYC)
Not knowing the man personally I cannot fairly judge whether he is the dominating intellect that the media typically recites in any piece on him, but I think his adherence to ideology is quite clear and that's what makes him and so many in today's GOP very dangerous. In pursuit of his vision of how the world should be rather than dealing with it as it is, Cruz is inflexible and doesn't care how much damage is incurred in pursuit of his goals. This tendency was seen in the government shutdown that he provoked for no reason other than ideology. It is his desire to rule, rather than to govern with others, that leads me to declare that Cruz is a radical and an extremist and this country can afford neither.
Kevin Doyle (Toronto)
Cruz is a staunch hard-line conservative. The reality is, America does not want a true conservative.
Manderine (Manhattan)
Mr. Carpet bomb them until the sand glows Cruz.
Michael (Minnesota)
"In pursuit of his vision of how the world should be rather than dealing with it as it is, Cruz is inflexible and and doesn't care how much damage is incurred in pursuit of his goals."

Replace Cruz with Sanders and the statement is equally true.
arp (Ann Arbor, MI)
I find Cruz very intelligent and very dangerous. His attitude and delivery remind me of certain extremist of 1930-1945.
sandy (jasper ga)
I've said in essence the same thing as you in my comment.
DG (Boston)
Maybe he'll provide a balance to the most liberal president of the last half century.
nano (New York)
A more accurate balance would be that Sen.Cruz would provide a balance to the wisest president of the last half century.
ohio (Columbiana County, Ohio)
The President is not a traditional liberal. He is progressive for sure, but a pragmatist. He is not an ideologue.
Sage (California)
Balance? I think you need to look up the definition of 'balance'. Having a member of the TP/GOP-Taliban Party as President would be a nightmare. And our most 'liberal' President has sure liked Wall Street, huh? Americans don't know what 'liberal' is anymore. I grew up with liberal politicians in the 50s and 60s; there is no comparison now. Bernie is FDR~that's liberal.