New York Today: City Slickers

Feb 02, 2016 · 17 comments
Mick777 (New York)
It's spring already, today. Groundhog day is officially moot due to (yes, I'll say it) global warming.
lucky13 (new york)
It's interesting that you mention Hillary being accused of carpetbagging. According to the New York State Board of elections, you must be a resident for at least 30 days when elected. According to the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, you're a New York State resident for income tax purposes if:
• your domicile is New York State; or
• your domicile is not New York State but you maintain a permanent place of abode in New York State for more than 11 months of the year and spend 184 days or more in New York State during the tax year.
Also, according to the New York State Board of Elections, to vote in New York, you "must live at your present address at least 30 days before an election and not claim the right to vote elsewhere."
Didn't Hillary live in the White House when she ran for election in New York State? Was she allowed to vote in the election she ran in? Did she even own property in New York State at the time of election? Had she ever held any (paid) elected or appointed office? I read that Robert Kennedy was not allowed to vote in the senatorial election he ran in. Any comments?
jill (brooklyn, ny)
Lies. There is only one true groundhog predictor and that is Punxsutawney Phil.
whisper spritely (Hell's Kitchen)
"The city released a new, albeit overdue, report on safety violations in homeless shelters. [New York Times]".

If I have alerted the NYT once I have alerted it multiple times,
that the well-intentioned $inancial Grant $unding that is meant to go for improving the lives of the disenfranchised,
instead is diverted into the Pockets of the Providers.
BML (New York, NY)
As a Pennsylvanian living in New York City, I must again insist that we stop giving this "Staten Island Chuck" impostor the media attention he thrives on.
N. Smith (New York City)
So, is it the Groundhog that has to see its shadow ? --- or its handlers???
Cristina Martin (Edgewater, NJ)
Thankfully, mayor De Blasio didn't attend today's ceremony because he killed the groundhog last year!
BML (New York, NY)
Laying aside whether that was ever proven, it was in 2014.
Stacy (New York)
Very nicely crafted: "... means swapping hot dogs for corn dogs and pavement for pastures."
B. (Brooklyn)
That enormous, brightly lit Trump billboard above the stockade fence is eerie. Reminds me of those giant murals of Stalin, or Saddam Hussein, glaring over desolate landscapes.

But Trump always looks as if he's blowing out birthday candles, and angrily, at that. A bit old, isn't he, for petulance?
Barney (Boston, MA)
How about not keeping wild animals such as Chuck in a cage? It is cruel and exploits an innocent creature. Are we that stupid that this dumb ritual, which means nothing in reality, is allowed to continue? Groundhog Day -- great movie, but a stupid and cruel ritual in this day and age.
Freddie (New York, NY)
“Accuracy aside, Chuck may be relieved to learn that Mayor de Blasio wil not be appearing at this year’s ceremony.”

“Chuck from Staten Island”
Tune of “Puff the Magic Dragon”

Chuck from Staten Island lives in great fear
He frolics in the winter hoping Bill will skip this year
All the New York papers sympathize with Chuck
When Bill leaves town, they put Bill down, yet marvel at their luck, oh -

Chuck from Staten Island lived in great fear
He frolicked in the autumn hoping Bill would not appear
Chuck from Staten Island lived in great fear
Spent early winter hoping that the Mayor would skip this year

Bill’s family went trav’ling to offer help to Hil
Hil didn’t seem to want him but that Bill he went there still
New Yorkers read the stories and simply said “Oh boy!”
But Chuck from Staten Island, he reacted with pure joy, oh

(repeat chorus)

The Mayor at a safe distance, Chuck worked his artistry
His record was impressive: he’s right two times out of three
He may not be as famous as Punxsutawney Phil
But Chuck’s still glad the Mayor had gone to help his good friend Hil, oh -

(repeat chorus)
G.P. (Kingston, Ontario)
Chuck has not gotten along with City Hall in recent years. Please expand.
Kenny Becker (NY)
Chuck bit Bloomberg in 2009.
Andrew (New York)
DiBlasio dropped and killed him a few years ago. Not kidding.
Joan (New York)
Actually, Chuck died some months later, and it was claimed that the fall wasn't to blame. Not being a veterinarian, I can only say "Hmmmm"!
DSV (Eugene, Oregon)
Placing Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump on the left and right of Hillary Clinton, who alone is actually in their photo...that's subtle of you, NYT. And I say this as someone who supports Clinton!