Clinton, Trump and Sexism

Jan 24, 2016 · 473 comments
James (Long Island)
I forgot that Hillary Clinton is a woman.
It was overshadowed by her more obvious (and meaningful) attributes.
Dishonesty, lack of achievement, pandering and self-involvement.
We should be focusing on her ability to be bought and not her gender.
Her plans won't work. Obama has added $8 trillion to the US debt, we need a change in direction. There is a tipping point, where debt becomes unsustainable. If you're a Democrat, vote for Bernie.
Robert Stewart (Chantilly, Virginia)
Another thoughtful op-ed, NK, and your reflections are very much appreciated.

My wife of almost 50 years and I have been discussing the candidates and for whom we will likely be supporting this year. We both like Clinton because she impresses us as someone with significant experience, competence and a sensitivity to issues that need to be set aright, i.e., social justice issues; also, she is a Democrat, and we have supported the Democratic candidates all our lives primarily because they have been the ones interested in advancing social justice in our society.

We have disagreed on a number of things during our many years of marriage, but never on the candidate that will get our vote. Competence and a commitment to social justice are what count with us; sexism is clearly a social justice issue to be addressed and corrected in order "to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility...promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity," as noted in our Constitution's Preamble.

We do not care if the candidate is male or female or gay or straight, etc. Neither a candidate's sex nor sexual orientation should count for anything.
DAVID (Potomac)
Does Mr. Kristof suggest that Bill Clinton's behavior constitutes sexual predation? As in, engaging in non-consensual sexual advances or worse. If that is so, it is amazing that this has not become a bigger issue forcing the Clinton campaign to address it or at least come up with a narrative explaining Hillary's enabling this behavior at the expense of victimized women. If not, and Bill Clinton's behavior is just louche and opportunistically seedy with consenting women, then Bill is tacky and embarrassing while Hillary is either a very blinkered credulous yet ultimately forgiving woman or uncaring and really cynical. If the second, the question is a sideshow, but the first - enabling victimization of women - this hints a serious character failing, which should become a large issue and disturb any voter.

At least, it should, but in a year than one where the Republican Party has gone insane and double-downed on irresponsibility, major questions about character are almost speed bumps.
Kovács Attila (Budapest)
Ultimately his husband was elected to be the POTUS, and he enacted the policies currently crippling your country (admittedly with the follow up act of one G. W. Bush). However as far as democracy is concerned that's all right.

In the meantime the pendulum continued its swing. Now you say H. Clinton's biggest selling point is... her gender? And that's... a good development?
KMW (New York City)
I would vote for a woman for president just not Hillary Clinton. She has changed positions on some issues (she was once for marriage between a man and a woman) but changed her position to win favor from her liberal left wing base. She has the support of Planned Parenthood who performs more abortions than any other organization and sells baby body parts to the highest bidder. She has never spoken out against abortion which is a travesty. Whether or not you like Carly Farina (I happen to) she was at the March for Life in Washington, DC and strongly condemned abortion. She spoke from the heart and was not afraid to express the power of her convictions. Hillary Clinton is an opportunist and will say anything to get the democratic nomination.
Andy (Salt Lake City, UT)
I think Clinton faces both gender handicaps and gender advantages. The relative magnitude of either force is unlikely to show through polling though. Even on election day, win or lose: I doubt anyone will ever isolate the effect of gender bias in the outcome. However, at least we're talking about the problem.

What I haven't seen anyone cover or discuss (on either side) is the impact of religious bias in politics. In my experience, measuring the issue is like finding the 9th planet through gravity fields; you can't see it or talk about it but the force is there. We politely choose to ignore religion's influence on political outcomes yet the swaying power of religious beliefs is huge. Kennedy is the banner waver for the issue but what about Kerry, Romney, or now Sanders.

I'd like to see a more open and honest discussion of all the biases that both help and afflict potential candidates. Gender is one but there are many.
Luke (Yonkers, NY)
The Republicans' attempts to neutralize Hillary's feminist cred by accusing her of being Bill's enabler will backfire on them. Nothing is more ludicrous than today's GOP, with a frontrunner who likes to talk about how good a woman would look on her knees, preaching to us about who is and is not a good feminist. If they try this in the general election, they will supercharge Hillary's feminist mojo. My advice to them: don't go there. For all the queasy talk about what a bad candidate Hillary is, she was made for that kind of fight. If you're expecting John Kerry, you've got a nasty surprise coming.
Common Sense Observer (San Jose, CA)
My opposition to Hillary is based on the following simple facts.

1) As a former US Senator she is without accomplishment
2) As a former Secretary of State she proved herself to be demonstrably incompetent: Russia reset, Iraq withdrawal, leading from behind in the overthrow of the Libyan government, the abandonment of our Egyptian, Saudi, and Israeli allies, and kowtowing to Iran
3) She is a proven serial liar: defending Bill from episodic "bimbo eruptions" by character assassinating his victims and telling the American people that the Benghazi attack was caused by a video even though she knew she lying at the time
4) She is a corrupt influence peddler who has enriched herself and Bill by making friendly decisions to donors to the Clinton Foundation
5) She is shameless and therefore outside the bounds of decency set by shame
Larry Schnapf (NYC)
the fact is the Bill Clinton did not "pay more of a price for his misbehavior" because of Hillary's willingness to marginalize the women who he attacked. When these women needed help to confront a sexual predator, she put her own future ahead of the seeking justice for these women. Nothing she has done since then can outweigh how she betrayed these women. is it any coincidence that sexual assaults have become an epidemic on college campuses? Its unfathomable to me how so many women voters can turn a blind eye to how Mrs. Clinton enabled a repeated sexual predator as the price to gain power and wealth.
CAF (Seattle)
Everyone seems to miss the facts that Hillary Clinton is a dishonest and unethical. Who cares about her gender. She's the reincarnation of Richard Nixon.
Esther L., M.D. (Florida)
There are instances of Trump joking about being attracted to his own daughter, he even hints at having sex with her. That's not disgusting?
SKC (Los Altos Hills, Ca)
Should Hilary Clinton become the nominee I will vote for her in the general election while holding my nose. My problem with her, and the Clintons in general, is they seem to lack a moral compass. The speaking fee thing with Wall Street is, I think to a lot of Americans, but a form of bribery. And her charging UCLA a couple hundred thousand bucks for her speech is outrageous especially at a time that California public universities were facing huge budget cuts. I am sad to say the Clintons are every bid as bad as the right wingers say they are, except fot the part about murdering her own lawyer. For her to say they were broke when they left the WH is just as bad and tasteless as Fiorina saying that she was also unemployed!

Dowd's column today may be tongue in check and Palin is certainly ignorant of lots of things but she's doing nothing more than what the Clintos do - make a quick buck by hook or by crook.

It's a sad day for feminism to stick Clinton out as a model, except in the sense of Dowd praising Palin for the triumph of feminism.
Baxter F. (Philadelphia, PA)
So many comments here about men shaming women and therefore we must vote for Hillary. As a lifelong Democrat with daughters, I disagree. Hillary doesn't get the nod on experience. She was a one-term senator from NY because she was married to a former President and "saint" of the Party. This may sound sexist, but it is the truth. As Sec'y of State, she pushed for the overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya and as senator voted for the Iraq war. The result was so many dead bodies, with more to come if she is elected President. On the domestic front, she says all the right things for progressives, yet is 100% bought by Wall Street. She and Bill desperately wanted to be part of the 1% and have achieved it. So maybe social programs will remain intact, but the middle class will continue to disappear. Can such a person with so much personal greed really represent the majority of Americans? I have watched how Hillary treats women who cross her and it's nasty. I won't judge her as a woman, but if I treat her fairly, she cannot receive my vote. One other interesting fact. All the women in my extended Democratic family, except one, will not vote for Hillary. They would like a woman President, but that isn't sufficient reason to vote for her. They feel the bern!
marawa5986 (San Diego, CA)
I had a long time "Facebook friend" with whom I agreed on much, until recently, when he posted "I just can't stomach HRC". We had an exchange, with me trying to elicit from him exactly what was so objectionable about Hillary. He couldn't articulate it, other than just saying she was "sneaky" and "didn't have integrity", but I knew exactly what it was. He just couldn't stomach the possibility of a woman in the White House. When I pointed that out to him, he promptly told me to do something vile to myself, and unfriended me.
TPH (Colorado)
First, I am a man. Second, I liked Hillary Clinton when she first came on the national scene with Bill in 1992, and liked her during her her active participation in Bill Clinton's two terms in office. Second, I was excited to see her become a strong, active woman senator. Third, I was totally behind her when she went for the nomination in 2008, and have remined behind her ever since. I have never had any problem with "liking" Hillary for her stand out abilities. She is obviously an extremely smart, focussed and driven person that -- contrary to most polititians - stands by her principals and acts to achieve her goals. One only needs to listen to a portion of the Benghazi hearing to know that she is head and shoulders above the people running against her. Now I am 100 percent behind Hillary as a primary candidate. You don't have to be a woman to like this candidate, and if she's a "feminist" as that term is defined in 2016, it does not faze me in the least. Her election would futher empower women worldwide, and that would be terrific.
nlitinme (san diego)
Hillary is a paradox, she is not perfect but history documents clearly her dedication to making the world a better place for women and children and in that way, all humans. I remember the horrific vilification she endured while first lady. This continues to this day in one form or another. I would like to see an end to outsized corporate influence in politics , more than just about anything because I think this is the nexus connecting all to a failed state. Bernie certainly offers an alternative to this , but I do not think he is electable. Although experienced and inexperienced leaders can take a dive into oblivion, all things considered, experience on the world and domestic stage is more desirable, so Hillary has my vote
David Gottfried (New York City)
Hillary got more than half a million dollars from Goldman Sachs to give a speech that lasted for well under an hour. Today she was asked about that on Meet the Press (For once, the elite media is looking into these things and is beginning to understand the travails of the dispossessed). The interviewer asked: What did Goldman Sachs get for that.

Hillary said that they got to learn about her trips around the world. Yeah, right. She told them the hermitage in Russia was beautifuL. Well any elementary art student already knew that. When she answered that question, the timbre of her voice, the tightening in her neck muscles, every fiber in her being showed she was LYING

Joe Yohka (New York)
Should feminists, and all humans, not care that she indeed did scold and belittle those who accused that man, her husband, of sexual misconduct?
Steve Bolger (New York City)
I am reading a biography of Jonas Salk now. He won fame as the first developer of a polio vaccine. Fame subsequently ate up his time and family life.

Fame is a curse because it destroys privacy and attracts all sorts of grifters who try to bask in and exploit proximity to it.

I don't envy Hillary her fame, and I don't believe the accusations of all the grifters reacting to it.
David (Providence)
If she becomes president, do you think she'll bring back all the furniture she took from the White House when she moved out the first time around?
fast&furious (the new world)
I'm a woman and feminist and I support Bernie Sanders.

I've been waiting all my life for a woman president. But I've also been waiting for economic justice. Hillary's an impediment to economic justice.

The Clintons have promoted regressive policies that substantively harmed women. Their embrace of 'bankruptcy reform,' made bankruptcy harder and ended student loans discharge, hurting single women, divorced women, elderly women, single mothers, students. They fought for 'welfare reform,' throwing millions of single mothers (and children) - into poverty so dire Hillary's mentor Marion Wright Edelman of the Children's Defense Fund disgustedly severed ties with her.

Hillary's always supported a status quo that punishes and continues economic discrimination against women.

Bill Clinton recently said "Hillary and I don't believe college should be free." Why not? What if, like Germany, we had free public universities, helping millions who can't afford college? One advantage of a more educated populace is significant decrease in disease, premature death and infant mortality - -ask any public health nurse why this is true. Given that, a healthier life for millions, why be against free college? The whole country would benefit. Currently, massive student loan debt leaves millions struggling: deferring marriage, children, home ownership, retirement saving. Who benefits?

Hillary's the same old same old regressive policies of the past with a history of hurting women.

Go Bernie.
Tom Paine (Charleston, SC)
Feminism in the USA is a rebellion without a cause. Oh yeah - there are very many abused women - but they are mostly in immigrant and minority communities. Not much feminist interest there. Nope - the flag wavers mostly reside in the upper income, credentialed, pampered and snooty society with nothing to do but complain. Oh my - a tax on tampons - the inhumanity and unfairness makes one tremble with rage.

And what else do they have to complain about? Clearly if taxed tampons are the cause célèbre then it's evident that there is no better country on this earth for women. None better for achieving economic success and personal freedom. Of course - dopey white males made it rotten for women in the past. But now that American men have been largely well - feminized - now no country is better for women. Really, what is it they don't already have?
sk (Raleigh)
Trump considers women no more than objects to be bought. Look at his wife/s.
David B. (Somerville)
Great article. I think younger women who don't get on the Clinton bandwagon need to step up. I think Hilary was probably mad at both Bill and his many willing girlfriends, and I for one do not blame her for anything she said or did during what must have been a hellish time. There is a whole boatload of sanctimonious you know what chucked at this tough, decent, canny adult, and part of why I support her is that she can take it.
Aurel (RI)
Never in my wildest dreams considering this unfathomable campaign that tampons being taxed would become an issue. I stopped reading your column Mr. Kristof. If this is feminism I'm turning in my membership. Good grief they tax food in North Carolina. Now that's an issue worth column space in the NYT. And it effects women far more than the price to tampons. What a disappointment you are today.
Ann (Brookline, MA)
From free trade to deregulation, the Clintons have been the architects of policies that have caused great harm to working people, men and women. I am a woman and part of the age group that is supposed to be on her side, according to the media. I am angered by the suggestion by some of her supporters that I should cast my vote, in part, on the basis of gender. Character, integrity, record, and platform are what matter to me in supporting a candidate. Clinton does not support the expansion of Social Security, the true universalizing of health care, or the reinstatement of such protections as Glass-Steagall; no doubt she will champion the TPP soon enough should she become president. Her gender does not make her regressive politics any more palatable.
AACNY (New York)
If Clinton is elected, the country will be mired in infighing. Everyone who challenges Hillary will be labeled a "sexist". Her defenders will dig in and defend her regardless of how many laws she breaks. The GOP will be relentless in its pursuit of her.

It will be one big mess for the country. Even worse than the current mess, if that's possible.
jefflz (san francisco)
Would it be sexist to say that no woman including Hillary would ever say as did Donald Trump "I could shoot people on Fifth Ave and not lose a single vote"?
Main Rd (philadelphia)
There are reasons other than sexism why some liberal men and women do not warm to Hillary. She is very smart, tough and poised - good things. But there is the "slick Willie" thing about her that goes to trust, and there are other substantive concerns mentioned in other comments that weaken her chances of success in the general election. As we are seeing in the racial politics context, the people making charges of sexism are, themselves, highly focused on that identity characteristic. It's human nature i suppose, but not intellectually sound or constructive.
Vincent from Westchester (White Plains)
Women are held to a higher standard than men??.

Not in Divorce Court.
rdonal (tx)
I want to like Hillary. She is super-intelligent, competent, insightful, passionate and seasoned. That should be enough reason, even in light of her political bearings which, as with any elected official, I generally both agree and disagree with.

That said, I just cannot seem to embrace Mrs. Clinton as our president. I struggled with this same visceral decision in the 2008 presidential election when she ran against Obama. I felt she certainly would serve us well in some capacity in the White House but not as Commander-In-Chief. I am even more certain of the same this time around.

Mrs. Clinton possesses all of the necessary experience that one would naturally want a president to have and then some. She's a driving force and respected voice among world leaders, her peers and followers. She's able to remove herself from the fray and make tough decisions and yet, I don't want her for our president.

The only way I can describe this disconnect is that it's not about her policies or her convictions. It's about HER. Yes, that has been stated elsewhere, but it is so true. There is a smugness about her, a certain air of elite-entitlement to the White House's #1 seat....a better-than-thou snubbery that comes out with every debate when she points her finger and wags her head.

She seems to have reigned those awful postures in a bit but the fact remains she will better serve the women of the world outside of the White House as their champion than inside it as the "Woman of the Year".
Mary Askew (Springfield MA)

I remember the 1970's fairly clearly and Kristof is wrong when he says Trump's disgust for female bodily functions belongs to that era. I think the 1370's might be closer to Trump's era.
Marie (Luxembourg)
While reading this article, a sentence from an Austrian writer, Marie Ebner- Eschenbach came into my mind: An intelligent woman has millions of born ennemies - all stupid men.
Go Hillary Rodham, go!!
Mor (California)
Feminism is the main reason why I would vote for Hillary. And it's not because she is a woman but precisely because, as Mr. Kristoff point out, she is a feminist: I.e., she holds the worldview that men and women are equal, and that everything that a man can do, a woman can do equally well. A man can be a feminist if he holds the same worldview and he would be my candidate. But there is nobody like this among the current crop: Trump and "worldview" don't belong in the same sentence; Cruz is as a proponent of the Christian Shariah; and I disagree with Sanders' economic policy. But people who accuse Hillary of not being a true feminist because she slammed her husband's mistresses don't know what the words means: it describes an ideology, not gender or private behavior. Anybody who supports contraception and abortion, equal pay, and women in position of power and authority is fine with me, no matter how good or bad their marriage is.
CraigieBob (Wesley Chapel, FL)
Race, religion, gender, and ethnicity are all poor reasons to vote for or against anyone. I would hope that candidates could stop exploiting these arbitrary and 'accidental' divides in the electorate.

None of us had any control over these things. All but our choices of personal beliefs, perhaps, should be attributed to "accidents of birth."

Now, who's going to do a better job of cleaning up Wall Street, keeping us out of senseless wars, protecting reproductive and sexual freedom, repairing our decaying infrastructure, tackling income and wealth inequality, or addresssing any number of equally pressing issues? These are serious questions on which to base a reasoned decision in the voting booth.
Joseph (NJ)
With my 401K tanking, and half of it invested in stocks, I really don't want anyone "cleaning up Wall Street" (whatever that means).
mrmerrill (Portland, OR)
Yaawwwnnnn...Ask yourself, Mr. Kristof: how many trees were wasted on this? Then we will all be grateful fewer than once was the case.
Paul (White Plains)
The bottom line is that Hillary Clinton believes she deserves to be president simply because she is a woman, and has been given a fast pass to the U.S. Senate, Secretary of State, and the first woman to run for president. Rubbish. Without her husband, Hillary would still be practicing law in Arkansas and blaming men for keeping her down.
Peter Kuhn (Berkeley)
So true. And wasn't there an article a few months ago in The Atlantic that listed the 3 reasons we had to vote for Hillary? I think it boiled down to she's more likely to win, the Supreme Court vacancies, and she's a woman. It was surprising to me that no reasons about her desirability as a president were offered and I'm sure the author tried to come up with something.
Kepha Hor (Maryland)
Give us a break, Nicky. Feminism has been the established religion of the United States since Roe v. Wade. So what if people describe HRC as "bitchy". They also describe Trump a egotistical and Cruz as calculating--scarcely compliments.

If HRC loses this election, it won't be for being a feminist. It'll either be because she rightly gets indicted and convicted for jeopardizing national security or because people will take notice of her utter incompetence as SecState and her long record of staying one short, technical jump ahead of the law. You've got to admit it was masterful seeing to it that the Whitewater files were "lost" until the day after the statute of limitations ran out. Possibly, people may also note that while she admitted to her daughter that the Benghazi attack was an Islamicist mob action, she tried to fob it off on an obscure video by an obscure Coptic immigrant. This suggests to me that for HRC, the First Amendment is not for people outside the accepted consensus (the very people the Amendment was designed to protect) and that little people can be smashed if it is in the interests of HRC.
J Sowell (Austin, TX)
The content of her emails---be they to her daughter or political officials---reflected the status of information that she knew at the time that the emails were sent. Given the dynamic situation---please remember that there were four attacks in different countries---and its inherent shifting assessment, it is not surprising that she may have communicated at any one time a particular conclusion that the intelligence agencies had put forward as to the attacks' cause(s).
DrPaul (Los Angeles)
A number of years ago, a study published in the Psychology literature found that the most important indicant of whether or not a man remained in a long term relationship with a woman was whether or not he liked the sound of her voice. I'd venture to guess that the vast majority of men in America, as do I, cringe in near horror at Hillary's voice whenever she raises the decibel level. Her harsh, abrasive, angry, accusatory tone, regardless of the verbal content, at least subconsciously underlies the repulsion so many of all pursuations feel toward her. Not to mention the hideous frozen smile welded to her face which any sentient being can see is phoney, often inappropriate, and utterly devoid of genuine warmth and humanity. Voice and 'smile'. Those are the underlying genesis of her pending crash and burn.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
Don't tell us: you think Sarah Palin is delightful.
Jerry D (Illinois)
"When a Gallup survey first asked Americans if they were willing to vote for a woman for president, in 1937, only one-third said they were. By last year, 92 percent were willing to do so." The scary part about that statistic is that last year a third of that 92 percent were likely thinking they'd be willing to vote for Sarah Palin for president.
barb tennant (seattle)
A feminist doesn't let a man treat her as a door mat
Joseph (NJ)
According to Kristof, if she is ruthlessly ambitious, and sees being a doormat as essential to her cause, then anything is excusable.
de Rigueur (here today)
The disappointment for me is not that there are still men who stigmatize older women and simply refuse to employ them (check the unemployment figures), but that so many young women refuse to have other women's back. They simply are helping the perpetuation of the idea that a woman loses value as she ages while men gain it. When they get their pink slips down the line mommy will already be dead and unable to help.

I agree that the language used by some of the Clinton campaign was wrong regarding the "Bimbo" eruption years ago, but the Obama campaign was only 8 years ago and the stuff being said by some of his supporters was arguably worse, let alone what the same old attack pooches of the right were growling.
Pierre Anonymot (Paris)
The only subject on which Hillary is versed is women. Her 4 years as Secretary demonstrated that she knew little and understood less about anything in foreign affairs. She backed the destruction of what her Bush friends had left of the Middle East. She was the instigator, with her friend Victoria, of the debacle in the Ukraine. She rushed off to promote the change of processors in the poppy fields of Myanmar. Etc., etc.

She is intimately involved in the NYT's favorite subject, gay rights that has been so closely paired with women's rights.

She accuses Bernie Sanders of changing course on gun laws over the years when her endless changes run from day to day depending who she's talking at (except she IS pretty consistent if the Wall Streeters' fee is over $200,000.)

Yes, your choice for President and Debbie Schultz's choice pair up. Your reasons are just. Women's rights and gay rights. But that is not a broad enough scope to manage the behomoth machinery of the U.S. and successfully head us and the rest of the industrial world in the direction of peace, prosperity, and justice.

You've backed the wrong horse.
David Gifford (New Jersey)
Many below have chastised Kristoff here and Krugman yesterday for their support of Hillary. What has happened to Democrats that we are no allowed to support one another. Bernie supporters just want everyone to see it their way with no regard for Hillary's actual accomplishments in regards to Bernie's. It is a disgrace to watch so called lefties tear down two excellent progressive columnists because they write an OpEd piece in favor of Mrs Clinton. You may not like Hillary but she is certainly capable of running this country from day one on. The nineties were another period in time. Many of us women alike supported Bill through his issues because we did see it as Right-Wing conspiracy. We slut shamed those same women. Woman who definitely knew Bill was married when they saddled up to him. They were not saints either. But is the height of female sexism to through a wives support of her husband in her face, like as if many of them wouldn't have done the same in her place. Stop Republicanizing history in favor of Bernie. We liberals are better than that.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
Bernie won't know who is just flattering him into doing the stupid until he wins the Democratic nomination.
avrds (Montana)
"For most of her career, Hillary Clinton suffered for being a feminist."

This opening makes me wonder if the Times sent out a memo to all its columnists with polling numbers, seeing if they would do something -- anything -- to help shake up the race in Clinton's favor.

As a life-long humanitarian, who has pointed to the horrors of war around the world, I can't believe Kristof would otherwise write such a story. Clinton's support for the invasion and occupation of Iraq should, from the outset, disqualify her as someone with poor judgment and foresight.

Her vote, and the subsequent attacks on her because of it, have absolutely nothing to do with her gender or her feminism.
Adam (Rockville Centre, NY)
Unfortunately Mr. Kristof,you wasted your available writing space to criticize Trump and offered nothing of content to support Hillary except showcasing her ability to beat Mrs. Bush in a bakeoff. Have you considered trying to produce anything relative to her ability to effectively lead this country? My opinion is that you will be unable to do this(not enough relevant content) and is why you choose to focus on this subpar journalism. I'm sure you are capable of more than this.
Rea Tarr (Malone, NY)
Whether I like Ms. Clinton (let's get rid of that "Mrs." folks!) or not is irrelevant. I will vote for a female for president. I'd vote for a female extraterrestrial; I'd vote for a female gorilla.

Her husband is besides the point. Just as Martha Washington or Pat Nixon or Barbara Bush or even Jackie Kennedy were. Her positions and actions are no worse or better than those of every single politician out there -- and also besides the point.

What is the point is that it's time we had a woman as our head of state, women. Let's have the first female president of the United States now, sisters. Let's stop living in the dark ages.

(If you're afraid to vote against your husband's wishes, just don't tell him. OK?)
Aunt Nancy Loves Reefer (Hillsborough, NJ)
If only Mrs. Clinton wasn't tethered by that umbilical cord to Goldman Sachs and the rest of Wall Street I might vote for her too.
Ann (Berkeley)
Wonderful column. Elephant in the room that no one talks about Many thanks for putting it on center stage. Girls do not understand sexism. Years later, when they no longer look young and "fertile", they will. Women understand but so many spend hour upon and hour and many dollars attempting to appear younger. The media conspires to exacerbate the problem. Always.
CraigieBob (Wesley Chapel, FL)

The media are paid to exacerbate the problem. It's called "advertising."
Deb Hoffmann (Zurich)
yes and all of the negative male letters below...typical not worth the space they are given dh
ML (Barrie Ontario Canada)
I agreed with most of the article, but the last paragraph stating that its a truism that " women are often still held to a higher standard than men" is complete rubbish. Both men and women are held to higher standards depending on the circumstances. Men are held to a much higher standard with respect to stoicism, strength, and emotional restraint in many work and social situations. Women as well, are judged unjustly, such as "bitchy" in scenarios as the author stated. Concluding that only the female sex is held to higher standards is not only delusional, it misandrist.
jeito (Colorado)
I disagree. Hillary Clinton is not allowed to show any degree of emotion without being critiqued and/or criticized for it, whereas the male candidates are given more leeway. She and Carly Fiorina have to come across as stronger and more forceful in the area of international relations in comparison with any of the men running, or they are labeled as weak ladies. Lastly, every female on the planet has to work harder than men to be taken seriously and paid the same. If you don't understand this, you are probably male. In that case, ask the females in your life for their perspective.
lmsmith (Baltimore, MD)
You don't get it. Men have much more leeway in how they live and respond to things. For example, anger is more acceptable in a man than in a woman. In a woman, it's seen as bitchiness. On the other hand, if a woman appears to be "stoical" and restrained emotionally, she is seen as being cold. As you correctly state, these are seen as signs of "strength" in a man, but not so in a woman. When Mr. Kristof says that women are held to a higher standard, this is what he is talking about. Whatever response a woman has to any given situation will always initially be viewed through the lens of sexism.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
It is not delusional to look at the right wing's blabbery about Hillary Clinton somehow being too morally compromised for their tender sensibilities and then giving Trump a big old pass on his failed marriages, cheating, bankruptcies, and yes, big fat multiple lies basically every day on the campaign trail.

Call that being held to a different higher standard because that is exactly what it is.
Joseph (NJ)
You did it, Kristof! Through careful, patient analysis, you were able to build up to the punchline: Consider Hilary blameless for her slut-shaming of Bill's victims. She is a poor, weak, woman, after all.

Kristof, you are a true evangelist for the Hilary brand.
Robert (Out West)
Actually what Kristof said was that Clinton has a life-long record of fighting for women and kids and it has fortunately become easier to say so in recent years, but you go rght ahead.

As for your discovery that she might strongly defend her husband and that politics is often dirty pool, I couldn't say.
kwb (Cumming, GA)
It has always been harder to disprove an assertion than to prove it. If you voted for Clinton in the 2008 primaries vs. Obama you must be be racist. If for Obama maybe you're sexist. If you dislike the ACA you must be either a racist or a far right extremist. If you support enforcing immigration laws, well then you're a nativist or a xenophobe or an islamophobe.

Negative labels have always been with us, and election season ramps them up.
Robert (Out West)
However, we CAN nail down the following:

1. The current GOP is heavily funded by the extreme Right.

2. The GOP has attacked women's rights and basic science at every turn.

3. The GOP's Presidential candidates are either rabidly angry at immigrants and anybody with the nerve to demand the same civil rights as anybody else,mor too cowardly to say otherwise.

Nice try on describing everything as a left-handed problem, though. Unfortunately your two current leaders are both nuts.
CBRussell (Shelter Island,NY)
Hillary an artful...chameleon....and....endeavors to charm...
with deft quixotic sharp but pointless strategies....

Well....such a the same type as Sarah Palin...but really a helluva
a lot smarter....and devious.

Consider Bernie Sanders...and his that is a pair we CAN count on..!!!.....what you see...and what you actually what you will get...!!!
MikeC (New Hope PA)
"what you see...and what you actually what you will get...!!!" or NOT get because Sanders will not be able to pass any of his big ideas proposals through congress: Medicare for all, free tuition for all, etc. costing tens of trillions of doillars
Robert (Out West)
I see it doesn't concern you that when you talk about Clinton you throw the usual "them sneaky wimmens," adjectives and skip her marriage altogether, but when you talk about Bernie your whole claim rests on applause for his marriage.
wildwest (Philadelphia PA)
I have found that many of my male friends and colleagues seem to loathe Hillary with an almost visceral intensity. Not just Republicans. One centrist Democrat I know is actually trying to parse through the lack of options on the Republican side to prepare for the eventually that Hillary may be the candidate. Seriously?

I can understand those who do not support Clinton because she is a neo-liberal with enormously profitable ties to Wall Street. I can understand not voting for Clinton because she is the quintessential establishment candidate. I can understand opposing her because the Clintons supported NAFTA and repealed Glass Steagall. Folks with those objections generally support Bernie. But this is something else. When I try to probe my friends about their antipathy toward Madame Secretary they hem and haw about her supposed "lack of accomplishments" but it soon becomes apparent that they just can't stand Hillary.

For that reason I am going to agree with Mr. Kristoff. I strongly suspect that many of the men I speak with oppose Hillary due to their own innate sexism whether they are aware of it or not. There may be valid reasons to oppose Hillary Clinton as our next president but her gender should not be one of them. If anything we should embrace the possibility of the first woman president as a huge milestone in our evolution as a democracy. But before that can happen some of the dudes I hang with will have to get out of their own way.
TheOwl (New England)
It is tough to vote for someone who has demonstrated such contempt for the people and shown a penchant for official corruption for personal profit.
Mary Fitzpatrick (Hartland, WI)
It is also enlightening (and depressing) to see how hard Clinton-haters on the Left will work to come up with all the "legitimate" political reasons they won't vote for Mrs. Clinton. When the reality is they are just looking for a cover for sexism. I won't say they wouldn't support ANY women candidate, but she'd better be more "likable", e.g. conform better to their notions of feminine - submissive, apologetic, nurturing.
Reader In Wash, DC (Washington, DC)
It's constant lying, changing positions to suit to the moment, considers herself above reproach, when loosing an argument change the topic, etc....
Hillary Rodham Clinton is not nearly what one would expect nor desire in a woman... if it is indeed sexist to find her not so ... there are many in that camp who think it ..... the fact that she is a woman has no real connection to the plain fact that she is a pseudo intellectual whose phony air cannot be peeled away ... and has shown only a record of public relational incompetence
Mark (CT)
Hillary is suffering, not because she is a woman or was a feminist, but because she has broken the law and could (should) be indicted. And quite frankly, she should be worried.
Samy St Clair (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Yet time after time and who knows how many tax payer dollars are thrown at trying to prove that, it fails to materialize anything worthy of the paper those accusations are written on.
Robert (Out West)
How'd she break the law, exactly? By the way, there's this whole "innocent until proven guilty," thingie you might want to look into.
SKC (Los Altos Hills, Ca)
I think this sexism in disguise. Remember the general who passed on classified documents, knowing they are classified, to his mistress/biographer. Did he break the law? What "punishment" did he get? Was he worried?
Ralphie (CT)
Kristof has written a very nice pavane for a politically dead princess. Ravel must be turning in his grave.

Let's stop this silliness now about if you don't vote for Hillary it's because you hate women, that the only reason people wouldn't vote for her is because she is female.

That's the trouble with progressives -- they think identity first and maybe (sometimes never) get around to logical analysis. But let me save you all that effort. The simple truths are (a) HRC is personally unappealing (b) she is the embodiment of avarice and greed (c) she has no political presence and will never be able to lead, certainly not a divided government (d) her scandals out number her achievements. You may say that's easy when someone has no achievements, but you need two hands to count all of her scandals (e) her e-mail situation will undo her and if not, it will only be because of Obama's DOJ playing politics (f) if the e-mail doesn't get her then rest assured the Clinton foundation will (g) she's ridden Billy's coattails her entire career (h) her wardrobe is appalling.

I wouldn't vote for HRC under any conditions. She is a political hack and a crook and is trying to play the "woman" card to regain entrance to the WH. But, there are lots of women I'd vote for and yes we should have a female president -- as soon as either party offers a viable candidate. Despite Carly being in the race (she won't be nominated), 2016 is not the year for the first female prez.

Au revoir HRC.
Robert (Out West)
I adore the way that you ended this screed by holding up Carly Fiorina as an example of what women politicans should be.
Clare (<br/>)
Her wardrobe is appalling? Do Obama's suits meet with your sartorial approval? How about GW's outfits when he was clearing brush?
annabellina (New Jersey)
Your article has mentioned Clinton's appearances worldwide in support of women, and I may not know enough on the subject to opine, but what changes have been wrought by her appearances? I think of her term as Secretary of State as a million miles in a plane, but have a far clearer idea of accomplishment from John Kerry. (The position of Secretary of State has been held recently by both men and women, so clearly gender is not an issue here.)
Hillary is mired in a 1970s view of womanhood, including blaming another for the peccadillos of her husband. Even at the time, I was put off by her attacks on the very young woman who she claimed somehow buffaloed the President of the United States. If Bill Clinton were such a wimp, he would not have been a successful president.
When asked what would be different if she were president, she answered, smirking, "Well first off, I'm a woman." Hurray! erupted from the crowd, but yuck erupted from me. Of course she can be president; of course Indira Gandhi and Margaret Thatcher and Golda Meir, and Elizabeth Warren, can be tough. Who doubts that any more? Who doubts that women can serve in combat? Who doubts that women can run companies. Her defensiveness undercuts these healthy assumptions about the competence of women.
miriam (Astoria, Queens)
"Hurray! erupted from the crowd, but yuck erupted from me."

Groans erupted from the guests at the debate-watching party I attended (the guests included both Hillary and Bernie supporters).

If Bernie Sanders makes it to the presidency he'll be the first Jewish president. That will be a Jewish first, but so what - it's no reason to vote for him, or against him.
josie8 (MA)
Nicholas Kristof is a hero for women. However true the statements he makes in this column, there are many other considerations as to why many of us won't vote for Ms Clinton. It's a matter of trust: her (e-mail account as Secretary of State, Benghazi). The way in which he Clinton Foundation has handled its money is another negative.
Also, I think the Juan/Evita syndrome is bad for the country. At this point in our history, the income gap between haves and have-nots is huge. Why should we install a candidate who represents the top of the ladder in acquiring enormous amounts of money after her husband has left the Office of President. Ms. Clinton was claiming poverty a short time after leaving the White House, and by the way, taking with her furnishings that were not her property.
I would have these same opinions if Ms. Clinton had been president and Mr. Clinton wanted to follow her to the White House. It is not a gender issue at all.
We certainly don't need to reinforce any already rampant cynicism.
Clare (<br/>)
If you aren't voting for Hillary because you don't want to see a Clinton dynasty, I can understand that (the disasters and depredations of the second Bush, would give anyone pause about electing family members of previous Presidents).
However, if you are not voting for Hillary because of Benghazi or her e-mail server, that is another matter. Neither of these "scandals" have been shown to be anything of substance after multiple investigations. Don't vote for her for real reasons, not because of ginned-up non-scandals.
socanne (Tucson)
I am a feminist. I've always liked Hillary. I voted for her in the last election. But the country needs Bernie more than it needs another Clinton White House.
petey tonei (Massachusetts)
Didn't vote for Clinton but agree we need non Clinton, Bernie in the White Housr. Clintons did what they could inviting Hollywood stars, rock stars, schmoozing gurus, celebrities so much that those guys are still sworn clintonites.
waitstill (earth)
bernie sanders is exactly what the country needs and we the people are in full on revolt wll make sure the next president of the united states is
president sanders
the last thing the country needs is dynasty politics and another clinton in the whitehouse
being a feminist means the best person for the position ...
real feminists are genderless
"it’s a measure of how much the country has changed that these days Clinton is running as a feminist" - can someone please, just once, explain for me what accomplishments make Hillary Clinton qualified to be president other than her marriage to Bill Clinton? She did little as a senator, she did little as a Secretary of State (all the silly Benghazi conspiracy mongering aside - she did very little and the world is no safer or stabler for her time in that role), and she mangled healthcare reform in the early 90s only to vote for a better-than-what-we-had-but-not-particularly-great healthcare reform as a senator while Obama was president. I'm unmoved by this claim that now she's a brave feminist emblematic of progress toward equality - I think she's a lair and the tepid success of her candidacy reveals the shallowness of thinking on these matters.
miriam (Astoria, Queens)
When Bill Clinton first took office I was very impressed with Hillary. She was not like most First Ladies - even then, I thought, she could be a politician in her own right.
Is it your assertion that in 1992 based on her gravitas as first lady that you thought she was qualified to be president? I voted for her husband and thought the right attacked him, his administration, and Hillary on illegitimate grounds that highlighted their mean-spirited and vacuous politics - but I never thought a reasonably good lawyer from Arkansas was qualified to be president of the United States because she was attacked and seemed to be smart and dignified in her response. I'm not saying she's stupid or all that wrong in what she claims to support - but I just don't see anything that tells me she's qualified or that she'll do what she says - we must agree that the whole family's surest characteristic is that they're political and hold politics over integrity when making public statements
Joe (Iowa)
The country is hopelessly lost when the leader of the free world laments a tax on tampons.
Clare (<br/>)
Um, he didn't bring it up. And what was he supposed to do? Get all nervous and uncomfortable and slap down the questioner for talking about icky female stuff?

Women menstruate and use pads and tampons, and shouldn't be taxed for doing so. Unless you'd prefer that they didn't.
Mimi (Dubai)
Ridiculous comment. Someone asked him about it. He said he disagreed with it. It's a big deal if you care the least bit about fairness of taxation.
Jackie (Westchester, NY)
Misogyny, misogyny, misogyny. Aren't all those white male "libruls" happy Bernie came along to save them from voting for that "ambitious," "calculating" politician, Hillary Clinton. That every man who has ever held elective office has been ambitious and calculating and a politician . . . "er well, this is different!" Even Kristoff here writes a namby pamby column that takes no actual position because, you know you really can't go all out for someone who you know has a life and a history and a vagina. She reminds you of your mother (let's admit it) boys and, unfortunately, girls. And that just won't cut it. And as for Dowd on the other page at NYTimes - clearly Bill wasn't interested at some point and she's been fuming ever since (I can be sexist, too!).
Hillary is the most qualified and experienced person running for president. And you know what, she's a she and it's time.
waitstill (earth)
"And you know what, she's a she and it's time"
now there is a sexist statment
what she is is a former first lady....who has done nothing on her own..ever
she rode the coattails of her husband her entire career....she is a failed candidate ....she has horrible judgment and she is owned by wall street
the fact that she is a she..."dependends on what the meaning of "is" is"
the first woman president will be a self made woman not a former first lady using her husband as a 2 fer....after president sanders leaves office elizabeth warren will be our first woman president....self made and deserving
Leah (Virginia)
Oh please! Hillary Clinton is not and never has been a feminist. She is and always has been an opportunist. Boo hoo. Problem is that she did stand by her man and knowingly let him denigrate woman after woman. Maybe there is something to her victim cries of conspiracy after all - except the real perpetrator against whom she wails is not the Republican Party - it's her lost conscience.
Adirondax (<br/>)
In an article on Clinton and feminism you mentioned "skirting the issue?"

Really? "Skirting?"

Somehow that seems linguistically appropriate.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Great metaphor.
miriam (Astoria, Queens)
Some of us can't resist a pun :(
Anyone who is remotely for fairness based on achievement will write in Joe Biden for president - if we've really come far enough to judge a candidate on her or his substantive accomplishments rather than on their gender then we have surely come far enough to recognize that Hillary Clinton is not qualified to be president based on substance beyond being a woman. The claims that those of us who don't support her are sexist is silly - we're just not lemmings being led by a single variable - sex (not gender, by the way - gender is social/psychological variable, sex is a biological variable - Hillary is a biological female and likely a psychological female, too - but people aren't referring to her gender orientation, they're referring to her sex - come on folks, it's the native language for most of you - get ahead of it).
judyb (<br/>)
Joe Biden has an admirable record, except for his treatment of Anita Hill during the 1992 Clarence Thomas nomination hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Biden's refusal, as Chairman, to take Prof. Hill's accusations seriously was a crucial factor in aiding Thomas' confirmation to the Supreme Court. And the country has suffered the consequences ever since.
Michael Boyajian (Fishkill)
Not everyone has evolved including Bernie Sanders who cleverly uses surrogates, so called Bernibots, to smear Hillary Clinton and the organizations that support her like Planned Parenthood and others.
Vincenzo (Albuquerque, NM, USA)
Bernie smearing Hillary ? Bernibots? What a crock.

I would jump at the opportunity to vote for the right woman --- one whose honesty and liberal (NOT NEO-liberal) values are above reproach --- Elizabeth Warren, for example. Hillary's problems as a candidate have little to do with her gender, mostly to do with the stains on her honesty and her arrogance in believing she's above the law. NO ONE who receives a high-level security clearance (I had one before retirement) is unaware of the necessity to stringently avoid storing classified documents on an unsecured server --- and no one I knew would even think of removing classified markings from a document, much less actually do so.
waitstill (earth)
As it turns out, Hillary Clinton has been endorsed by groups where the decision (of endorsement) was carried out by an elite executive council, or a board of members, while Bernie Sanders appears to have been endorsed by groups where the decision was taken by members further down the hierarchy.
For example, in the last week alone, Clinton has scored endorsements with progressive groups such as Planned Parenthood and Human Rights Campaign, but exactly how the voting transpired in the pro-abortion organization has not yet been fully disclosed, in the latter instance, the decision to select Clinton was taken by the board of directors of Human Rights Campaign.
For example, Clinton got an endorsement from the Human Rights Campaign this week. That decision was made not by a vote of HRC’s membership list but instead by a 32-member executive board that includes Mike Berman, the president of a lobbying firm that works for Pfizer, Comcast, and the health insurance lobby. Northrup Grumman is among its list of major corporate sponsors.
Ken (MT Vernon, NH)
I hope Hillary does not get elected.

It will be too painful to listen to the Liberals claim that any time Republicans opposes Hillary's policy proposals it is because they hate women.

We've heard enough of that same lame name calling during Obama's presidency.

The Democrat strategy seems to be to claim the Republicans hate virtually every different group that one could possibly hope to pander to.
Robert (Out West)
Yeah, we're funny that way. We see a few Christmas cards with the White House lawn covered with watermelons and a few thousand rants about Kenyan moozlims, or listen to a few thousand clever jokes comparing Hilary Clinton to assorted animals, and there we go again complaning about racism and misogyny.
Anthony Wesley (Seattle)
Because they have clearly demonstrated that they do.
Clare (<br/>)
Um, it wasn't the liberals who called all Mexicans rapists or called for American Muslims to be tracked in their own country, or said a woman using the bathroom or breastfeeding was disgusting or said a female presidential candidate should be spanked or have spent forty years trying to denying women control over their own bodies or questioned the very American-ness of an African American who is president or assumes ever police shooting of an unarmed black person is justified because all black people are thugs or works to deny marriage equality and equal rights to gays and lesbians.
That Republicans are the ones attempting to de-fund Planned Parenthood, an organization that has provided effective, efficient, compassionate care to women for decades, because of something Planned Parenthood is NOT doing pretty much says it all.
Democrats don't need to claim that Republicans hate every group, all they have to do is attribute to Republicans what Republicans actually say on a daily basis and point to their policy positions and legislative agenda. Don't like being called haters? Then just stop saying and doing hateful things.
Stephen (Oklahoma)
While we are at it, let's get rid of taxes on toothbrushes and toothpaste and toilet paper too.
Joseph (NJ)
Get ready for the new Sanders regime, Stephen. Everything will be taxed! (And at much higher rates than now.) Power to the people!
Ella (Washington State)
Lets make them all items that one can purchase w food stamps, too!

(I'll bet Bernie is the only candidate who knows you can't buy feminine hygiene products, TP, soap or oral hygiene products with them.)
miriam (Astoria, Queens)
In one of the Democratic debates (the second?), the candidates were asked what change they would bring to the presidency. All of them talked about the policies they hoped to enact - all but Hillary Clinton, who said she'd be the first woman president. That drew groans from me and from many who were watching with me, male and female.

Vote for me, I'm a woman. Carly Fiorina could say the same.
David Gifford (New Jersey)
It would seem you missed the whole point. It wan't vote for me because I am a woman. Look at Hillary's career. When has she ever said vote for me Because I am female. How can anyone but a Bernie supporter even say this. What is wrong with women. You have an extremely talented and experienced candidate and all you can focus on is her sex, in a sexist way. Yes, women can be just as sexist. Hillary's accomplishments got her to the table not her sex, without them she wouldn't even be there.
miriam (Astoria, Queens)
David Gifford, that is what she said in the debate. I'm sure there's a transcript or video that you can check.
just Robert (Colorado)
There are plenty of stereotypes concerning women that still prevail especially among the GOP and their Christian followers. It is still the task of a woman to hold the family together and if her man cheats she is the one found wanting. It is the fault of a prostitute that she sells herself not the man that patronizes her or the economic system that drives her to it. Ageism and sexism intersect when she gets a few wrinkles or can not fulfill her purpose to have a baby. Just look at all the ads still aimed at these stereotypes that are claimed not to exist and indeed some progress is evident, but because our society does not want to look at their remnants they are pushed underground andt denied.

Prejudices die hard and constant vigilance is needed.
TSK (MIdwest)
This is mush. Tampons? There may be some unfairness in how they are taxed but we all wish that was our biggest problem.

Most women know they breathe the same air as men and if the country is economically unfair and owned by an oligarchy then it impacts everyone and the money involved is much bigger than a Tampon tax. As Bill Clinton once said "it's the economy stupid" and most women and men don't believe they share in the same economy as the billionaires and Hillary is in bed with them.
David Gifford (New Jersey)
Wow. How sexist can one get. Hillary is in bed with Billionaires. Even the in bed part should be a sign. Young women are finding ways to dis Hillary because they have decided on some other candidate and in their desire to be right they have torn down a more than capable female in a way only men can. It seems to me young women are no less sexist today than previously . They still love to throw other women under the bus. Unbelievable!
TSK (MIdwest)

I am not a young women so imagine what else you have assumed is wrong in your comment.
rob (98275)
After Trump mentioned Bill Clinton's sexual wrong doings,the Bill and Hillary said they wouldn't talk about the subject.But my guess is that rather than waste a useful issue now,when her main rival is the non sexist Bernie Sanders she's biding her time in case it ends up being her against Trump;then we probably shouldn't be surprised if she contrasts her and Bill still being married to Trump's THREE marriages.
In the same sentence that she mention's Trump's THREE bankruptzies.
quantumhunter (Honolulu)
Interesting that Mr. Kristof nor most commenters mention the following:
As outlined in the Washington Post:

Bill Clinton's "non-consensual" affairs and Hillary's demonizing the women who dared speak out against Bill:

Jennifer Flowers
Juanita Broaddrick
Kathleen Willey
and one more:
"Clinton’s post-presidential travels on aircraft owned by convicted pedophile Jeffery Epstein. Gawker reported that flight logs show that Clinton, among others, traveled through Africa in 2002 on a jet with “an actress in softcore porn movies whose name appears in Epstein’s address book under an entry for ‘massages.’” Chauntae Davies, the actress, declined to discuss why she was on the flight. Clinton has not commented."
klm (atlanta)
I'm not going to read these comments, because the Hillary hate is strong. People who dislike her with the heat of a thousand suns will be all over these comments. People, if you want a Republican president and a Supreme Court that strips away our rights, keep it up. I will vote for the Dem nominee, period.
David Gifford (New Jersey)
Wow. Hate to be judged by such saints. Nothing about Bernie's position on guns, which he has had for years for those who have been actually following him. It is OK for him to have a mea culpa but not Hillary. This is very disingenuous of left leaning Dems. Forgiveness for only those they support.
sallyb (<br/>)
klm atlanta – agreed. There are many, many reasons to vote for the Dem candidate (also all the way down ticket), but the importance of naming the next SCOTUS justice(s) has got to Number #1!
Jett Rink (lafayette, la)
She may pay more of a price for his misbehavior than he ever did? Maybe, but the whole country is paying the price both of them ultimately gave us. I loved Bill. Still do. Probably always will. He was successful in turning the tide for many in the US. But if he'd had the good sense to keep his zipper up, he might have kept GWB from being installed by his brother in Florida. But no, Gore couldn't allow Bill's support. Because of his indiscretions, Bill was toxic at the time.

But all was not lost. Not yet, at least, in 2003, that is, until we started a war in the Middle East. I just can't walk back Hillary's vote for that one. I can not understand how anyone leaning even slightly left could be a hawk. That is completely inconsistent with my values and terribly difficult to dismiss.
splg (sacramento,ca)
Never understood why many are willing to seize upon the flimsiest of evidence---the Benghazi accusations against her, for example---to label Hillary Clinton as some cunning and evil dissembler in a driven quest for power for power's sake, or whatever it is those who hate her so much believe her ultimate goal is.
In observing and weighing her years in and out of political life, my conclusion is that she perhaps only a whisper above the most ordinary of politicians. I find her too lacking in insight, cunning and imagination to be the evil person so many make her to be.
There is no question that going back to the Arkansas years, even earlier, she embraced and espoused noble and progressive ideas. But how much has she evolved and matured since, despite the impressive resume, especially when you see some of the dopey mistakes she makes---the e-mail fiasco, for example?
One would have hoped she would have become a more classy and astute politician from her long experience in government and with all those years reflecting on and looking for solutions to the nation's problems and ills. With that history we should expect a more inspiring figure.
Sorry, I only see in Hillary someone who may at best be competent, but all too ordinary as leaders go. But I would underscore how shameful I find the pillorying of her is, as well as the disgusting character assaults she has endured all these years.
Reader In Wash, DC (Washington, DC)
Hillary is a lot things. A feminist is not one of them. What feminist attacks other women for speaking up about being the victims of sexual harassment, molestation, and rape?
AACNY (New York)
This is the problem with identity labels and the web they weave. A feminist can also behave like a mysognist. Does that mean she's no longer a feminist or that the labels are meaningless?
Kevin (On the Road)
We still live in a deeply and intensely sexist country.

Unfortunately, Beenie supporters of late have been all too quickly to attack her as an affirmative action woman who doesn't deserve to win. Shameless.
miriam (Astoria, Queens)
As a Bernie supporter myself, I can tell you that the case against Clinton, for most of us, is that she is too compromised - she is too friendly with the moneyed interests, too willing to support halfway measures or things that are downright dangerous like TPP, and to be disingenuous and take positions of convenience. That's that's the case for preferring Sanders to Clinton, whether or not we'd vote for her if she were the nominee. No one doubts her smarts and toughness.

I've never heard the charge that she's an affirmative action woman. You must have listened to a Beenie supporter, not a Bernie supporter.
AACNY (New York)
Thank goodness for Sanders! If if weren't for him, every critic of Hillary would be accused of "sexism". It's only because Bernie's supporters don't support her that any criticism is even permitted without being shutdown by accusations.

Let's hope this is a sign that the identity slander engaged in by so many people against those who disagree with them is on the wane.
Robert (Out West)
Actually, we just go with accusing the flagrantly sexit ones of being, well, flagrantly sexist.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Of course that applies to the Hillary Haters as well, whose sudden interest in cheated on spouses is a deal breaker that was easy breezy when Newt was in the ring, i.e., Political Weepery. Interest in Bernie is just triangulation, not interest in fairness.

Of course actual sexism exists, but that somehow escapes these trembling sensitive types and should not be mentioned to them, lest they holler "identity slander".
Nancy (Great Neck)
FOR most of her career, Hillary Clinton suffered for being a feminist....

[ Good grief, Hillary Clinton had had a brilliant career and the idea that she suffered through her career for being a feminist is ridiculous. Support Clinton or not, at least be honest about her. Clinton is no feminist martyr. ]
Kalidan (NY)
The Hillary Clinton presidency, I hope, creates a condition where gender-related discussions enter the zone of sanity. At present they are not. The misogynist American wing is unforgivable, the "woman and gender studies" segment of American academe is uniformly anti-intellectual and downright crazy (one lens; everything is gender-related). The big segment in the center that abhors misogyny and is befuddled by the "w&g" crowd - I suspect - finds ways to avoid any conversation outside the privacy of their homes.

But by golly, one of the things I am looking forward to doing is to pull the lever just to stick it to the yahoos on both sides. I have just about had enough of the shrills on both sides.
Bonnie (NYC)
Unfortunately Hillary is not the appropriate woman to be the first female president of the USA. She is a war hawk and a person who has shown very poor judgement in the handling of secure government emails and she has a long history of disingenuousness. She is a poor role model in her handling of her husband's treatment of women and much more. I sincerely hope she is not elected. It would be bad for this country and women.
Sophie (France)
'cause you'd rather have Trump elected perhaps ?
Bonnie Rothman (NYC)
Bonnie, I might agree if there were other women (or men) as well qualified as Clinton. Her "handling" of Bill's sexual error is no better and no worse than millions of other women who decide to stay with their husbands in spite of less than perfect behavior. Indeed, many of those most critical come from backgrounds that extol staying with the marriage. I'm bored and irritated by these kinds of criticisms.
Hoover (Union Square)
Hillary is being "scolded" for threatening a woman who was allegedly raped by Bill - not for the rape itself. And the criticism comes after she tried to make political hay by saying "rape victims deserve to be believed." In short, it's Hillary's conduct - not Bill's - that is being questioned here. It is 100% fair.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Maybe cite your sources for some type of believability on this issue. Smear stuff has been around for decades.
shayladane (Canton NY)
If Goldman-Sachs offered me $600,000 to speak, I'd take it too!

Now, consider this: the Clintons receive huge amounts from governments and corporations in speaking fees. A good deal, if not most, goes to the Clinton Foundation. Despite what Republicans say, the foundation spends nearly all that on charitable activities. (This is verified.) No Wall Street corporation or foreign government tells the foundation what to do, so why would anyone assume that any of them would tell President Hillary Clinton whar to do? It is another political ploy by the Republicans!
Miriam (NYC)
The Clinton Foundation accepted "donations" from dictators with terrible human rights records when Clinton was secretary of state in exchange for the US selling them arms. The Foundation also accepted "donations" from banks when Clinton was secretary in exchange for tax provisions. Both of these have been documented, one in the International Business Times and the other in the Atlantic. How can Clinton claim to be for gun control, when she helped arm dictators and how can she help to clean up Wall Street when the Foundation accepts these so called donations from the banks and she and her husband get huge speaking fees from these organizations. It doesn't matter that some of the money goes to charitable activities. Where does the other money go? Charity Navigator gives Doctors Without Border a rating of 92% whereas until recently the Clinton Foundation was on a watch list and even now they can't give it a rating. So concerns about this Foundation are not merely Republican ploys although you can be sure they will raise them if she were the Democratic candidate.
shayladane (Canton NY)
Charity Watch rates it at 92%. Certainly there are controversies. The Clintons are a political family and have been for
shayladane (Canton NY)
decades. Their foundation is public, not provate. Their donors are rich, famous, foreign, corporate, whatever. I don't believe there are any credible charges of illegality. 92% of the money goes to bona fide charitabe work. The other 8& goes for expenses. Do you think that their 2000 employees who do the direct charitable work do it for no salary? No expenses for equipment and supplies.
Tony T (Lakewood NJ)
Hillary Clinton has a remarkable record of accomplishment, which is something that only an ideologue can deny. Whether she is your choice for president is a different issue.
The question is not who is leading in the polls; rather it is a series of questions. Who is addressing the issues that need to be addressed. How practical are their proposed solutions. What skills have they in assembling a coalition of suport for their ideas. How broad is their knowledge of the world in which we find ourselves. How adept are they in selecting good advisors, and how do they interact with those advisors
I'm undecided. I like a lot of what Bernie Sanders has to say, but he has yet to address the other parts of the story.
We need to make our decisions based on evidence, and the practical considerations of a complex and messy world
Phyliss Kirk (Glen Ellen,Ca)
Bernie Talks. hillary walks the talk.
Kenan Porobic (Charlotte)
Dear Nicholas,

What do the good governing principles have in common with a gender of the politician, candidate, elected official or the president?

Gender is as irrelevant as race or ethnicity.

Please, stop misinforming your readers!
Tom Bleakley (Lakewood Ranch, Fl)
Ask most Republicans if race of the president is irrelevant and if they answer truthfully, you will withdraw your admonition about misinformation.
Indigo (Atlanta, GA)
I'm reading a biography of John Adams, our second President.
If he could see the current crop of Republican candidates, he'd hang his head in disgust.
Hillary is a strong, intelligent, battle tested person who would make a great President.
Unfortunately, The Dumbing Down of America seems to be accelerating.
The motto we may see after the next election might be - welcome to hard times.
The Republican party wins elections, not with its policies to improve this country, but by propaganda, pandering to the rich, and insulting anyone and everyone who is liberal, a Democrat, or even a moderate Republican

Hillary is going to "get it" from the GOP and even the mainstream media because she is married to Bill, because she is a smart woman, because she is not to be trusted (like the Republicans??), and because she is a woman (which still works as an argument among the tea partiers, fundamentalists, and lawless cowboy base. Bernie is a socialist and a radical (never mind the GOP is now aligned with the radical right). Pelosi is___, & so it goes with the GOP

Basically, the Republican party is morally and politically bankrupt when it comes to providing coherent policies and good old-fashioned common sense to even try to fix the many problems in this country--many of which became far worse during the Bush-Cheney Administration. Ironic isn't it that most of us have stagnated or are on the decline economically, while the wealthy corporations, banks, and individuals have done very, very well

Hello! Republicans don't really want to fix anything, because the status quo works very well for the super rich for whom the Republicans work 24/7. And among our not-well educated or too-busy-to-pay-attention-to-politics citizenry and entertainment-driven media industry, the GOP's negative insults against "the other" & smear campaigns do get the job done. Look at our GOP Congress
Midtown2015 (NY)
No one casts more stones at Hillary than the NY Times woman columnist right here, right today. Nuff said.
17Airborne (Portland, Oregon)
So. Mr. Kristof. Your point is... what, exactly? That we should vote for Ms Clinton because... she's a woman? Because she's a strong woman? Because she cares about women? So women can be part of the conversation?

Take a pill and calm down.
Dr. Bob Goldschmidt (Sarasota, FL)
When Secretary Clinton voted to go to war in Iraq it was for one or more of these reasons:

She had bad judgement
She believed it was politically expedient

Either way Senator Sanders comes out way ahead.

Check out the video for yourself.
Jessica S. (Glen Ridge, NJ)
NYHUGUENOT (Charlotte, NC)
"what people liked most about a Clinton candidacy was her gender. Her chromosomes are, at least for Democrats, her biggest selling point."
Indeed, the electoral process has evolved. Instead of thinking of voting for the Democrat or the Republican I can choose whether I should vote for the vagina or the penis. I guess that's an improvement over deciding to vote for the White or the Black candidate?
terri (USA)
It's an improvement over voting for male or male.
AACNY (New York)
Reverse sexism. No surprise it is being engaged in at The Times.
dEs joHnson (Forest Hills NY)
The comments sections of various online journals etc. are filled with misogynistic bile aimed at HRC. Whether the writers of such comments are RNC or Koch trolls, (and most of them are men...poor old white guys!) we can't say. But whoever... clearly they think that kind of sewage works in politics. And it does.
dEs joHnson (Forest Hills NY)
Will all those fulminating against Wall ST. please withdraw their pensions from stocks quoted and managed there.
ben (massachusetts)
Hillary is the fruit of feminism. Political correctness is the infection by which it took hold. That is how someone with some intelligence but no imagination and even less sense of fairness becomes the default standard bearer of the
Dem. party. When people so fear questioning the party orthodoxy for fear of being not PC.

Hillary a woman for whom sexism, homophobism, racism, xenophobism and all the other ism’s is the prism through which she sees the world. No wonder, Sanders an otherwise middling senator takes her the distance.

She goes after Trump using the sexist attack but he doesn’t play the PC game and goes right back at her. She shuts up fast.

I can hear the dialogue at the Clintons home now:
Hillary: “Bill it’s your fault I am in this race. I never wanted to run”.
Bill: “ But I only thought it was what you wanted”.
Hillary “It would have been if you hadn’t had those affairs”
Bill “Just stick to the issues honey. You’re smarter than everyone”
Hillary “ Oh white men are so sexist, homophobic, racist, xenophobic. The first thing I do when i am elected is even the pay grade. Then we’ll see who has the last laugh.”
Bill “You’ll feel better when NH is behind us”.
Hillary: “I really just want to quit. You do it”.
Bill “I would honey but there is the 22nd amendment”.
Paula (East Lansing, Michigan)
I have to laugh at all the women here so critical of Hillary's response 20 years ago to Bill's bad conduct. "She's a bad role model for young women" because she put up with it and even tried to defend him by criticizing the women.

Do I hear a single word about Trump and his serial marriages to "great" women? Does anyone complain that he doesn't seem all that interested in American women? “Oftentimes when I was sleeping with one of the top women in the world I would say to myself, thinking about me as a boy from Queens, ‘Can you believe what I am getting?'” (Esquire) No--silence--dead silence. Is Donald expected to be a role model for young men--get sex where you can--and marry the prettiest girl you can afford.

Do we hear a single word about Ted "the hypocrite" Cruz? Married to a Goldman Sacks executive, getting loans from them for his campaign while claiming to put his family's entire financial well-being on the line for this campaign. Railing against Wall Street while he lives off the same teat? Give me a break. I hope his wife has no political ambitions--she will be tarred with his hypocrisy more than he has been.

Seems sexism among women is alive and well. 20 years ago still matters for Hillary--for the men in the race, not so much.
klm (atlanta)
All the "ladies" who hate Hil because she stayed with Bill have no idea what they'd do in the same situation. Nobody, I repeat nobody, knows what's going on in their marriage, just as I don't know what is going on in yours. Mind your own business, please.
PA (Silicon Valley, CA)
You're not hearing it because neither of them is being pushed on us as the inevitable nominee by the party. It's fun to cry sexism, but patently untrue in this case. (I speak as a woman who will not vote for Hillary, Trump or Cruz).
miriam (Astoria, Queens)
What can you say about Donald Trump when he uses a husband's philandering to attack the aggrieved wife?
Reader In Wash, DC (Washington, DC)
Trump is criticizing Hillary for being part of the attack machine that tried to intimidate and discredit Bill's victims.
MikeC (New Hope PA)
Ironically, Trump was a philanderer himself with Marla Maples while he was married to Ivana.
waitstill (earth)
hillary clinton is not a feminist ...she is an opportunist

no true feminist would ever consider her to be one
she is a hanger on to her serial sexual predator husbands coat tails
she has no identity other than what she got from her husband and its insulting to real feminists to watch her claim self reliance and then drag her husband out there to do what she can not do ...seal the deal ...but without success she will not be the nominee...feel the bern
beth (Rochester, NY)
She has a remarkable record on women's and children's rights- long before her husband was president. As a true feminist, I disagree with you totally.
shayladane (Canton NY)
Are you a Rupublican?

I am just a few years younger than Hillary, and I have personal experience of what life was like for women both before and after feminism. Women's thoughts and evolution in thoughts were changing rapidly for years. None of us can know what the dynamics were inside the First Marriage. Very few feminists were challenged the way she was. Who are we to judge her?
waitstill (earth)
what would you say to the millions of children of poor families that were ripped apart by the clinton's mandatory minimum sentencing which destroyed black families in much the same way slavery did ....not one wall street banker went to jail for destroying our economy as bernie said ....but million and millions of blacks and poor whties went to prison for minor drug violations....destroying their childrens lives and theirs.....that gave rise to the profitability of private prisons for profit whose lobbiyests are bundlers
of hillary's super pac ...and these prisons for profit are traded on the new york stock exchange profiting from caging is a moral outrage...your lack of moral clarity is is in the deeds of the clintons not the words
"depending on what your definition of 'is' is"
how about the welfare for work ...creating a enormous homeless population of poor families filling up shelters
....throwing these children in the streets you really think the clintons have children at heart ...not in deeds
Lisa Kraus (Dallas)
"We are not responding to Trump,” an aide, Jennifer Palmieri, tweeted triumphantly, “but everyone who understands the humiliation this degrading language inflicts on all women should.”

As a woman, I did not feel humiliated. That's on Trump.
alan (fla)
I honestly get it, fellow democrats, but those of you who do support Bernie, are doing so because he is a good guy, does where a white hat is likely kind and grandfatherly, you are all using you hearts and not your heads. I don't blame you for these feelings, but at some point when you realize he will not win the south nor most of flyover country plus god know s how many more the rabid right controls, then you must acknowledge we cannot lose this election. The odds on favorite by miles is HRC for all the obvious reasons, she is the most qualified, her husbands peccadillos aside. Please keep perspective on this and yes I do understand all the "justifications' for wishing BS to be Potus, r u willing to gamble all? Think hard , think long, please.
ton (Ann Arbor, MI)
Ms. Clinton spoke unwisely about women her husband mistreated. Yes, this is a BAD thing. Throughout her life, Ms. Clinton has spoken UP on behalf of BILLIONS of women. This is a VERY GOOD THING.

Are her opponents "straining at gnats and swallowing a camel"?
Reader In Wash, DC (Washington, DC)
Sexual harassment, molestation, and rape are "mistreatment?"
rs (california)

Reader, where are Bill's convictions for harassment, molestation and (good grief!) rape? Just because Fox says something doesn't make it true.

And I have never read anything that makes me think Clinton did anything non-consensual.
Coolhunter (New Jersey)
Mx. Hillary suffering? Give me a break, elites like Ms. Hillary have never suffered, in and for anything. Ms. Hillary is a cold, self absorbed person, is and has always been so. Save your pity for the deserving. The picture provided with this article, showing the smirk tells it all. No, Mx. Hillary will not be getting the 'Pity peace Prize'.
andrew (NJ)
This is a perfect illustration of how dysfunctional our political discussion has become. The political is personal. I just can't wrap my head around an individual from NJ, who has never met Hillary, never met anyone who knows Hillary, but yet knows Hillary so well that they can confidently assess her character. Hillary, I would presume is a lot more complicated, and better, than the right-wing depiction of her as a cold, heartless, snollygoster, whose only concern is a ruthless pursuit for power. Unfortunately, many have bought into the propaganda. Is it possible, in todays political climate, to be fair-minded with those we disagree?
Kat (GA)
Do you realize that you've been snookered by the Arkansas Project?
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Luckily there is a difference between Reality and an odd collection of sour imaginations towards a public figure.

Your opinion is your lens on others, not Reality. Good to keep it straight.
MKM (New York)
Hillary is not running as a feminist, she is pandering to the women vote - which is perfectly fine. But it does leave column sounding rather stupid.
dcl (New Jersey)
It's really disingenuous to claim that people are judging Clinton's marriage. This has nothing to do with their private marriage. What they are criticizing is abuse of power and blatant hypocrisy. Clinton is no feminist. She is a woman and a powerful woman, yes, although largely by dint of her connections with her husband--but that doesn't make her a feminist. Am I supposed to vote for her because she has a vagina? Carly Fiorina also has one, so does that make her a feminist too? And Hillary is hardly a liberal Democrat--look at her record, look at her donors.

A feminist doesn't attack women as "bimbos" when they charge your powerful husband with sexual assault. A feminist doesn't join her husband in hushing it up by attacking & smearing *the women.*

Juanita Broaddrick has accused Clinton of rape. Kathleen Willey has accused him of sexual assault. Paula Jones accused him of sexual harassment.Clinton admitted his sexual relations with Gennifer Flowers, and (after lying under oath) Monica Lewinsky (who was extremely young & an intern in the white house). I remember Hillary's laughing it all off, smearing the women, calling it a 'Bimbo eruption,' making fun of Gennifer's name, insinuating it was a porn name.

She is not a feminist. She is just wearing the mantle of feminism now because it helps her vote. Clinton has Wall Street ties, is a corporatist & a power hungry politician who does whatever is expedient at the time.
sfw (planet mom)
I judge a politician's commitment to feminism based on the policies they support, not how they react to the women their husband slept with. What happens in their marriage is none of my business. Her views of the women who her philandering husband slept with are none of my business. It is about the laws she supports for the women of this country, not some unbecoming soundbites from a messed up home that I never have to live in.
dcl (New Jersey)
She used her political power to mock and silence women who came forward to accuse her husband of sexual assault, and abuse of power (e.g. a 21 year old intern). This is not 'philandering." Talk about minimization.

Also if it were inside her own marriage, fine. That would mean she'd be doing whatever is her business *inside* the marriage. Publicly attacking the women who stepped forward, however, has *nothing* to do with inside her marriage.

Also, what laws exactly does she support that are feminist, that someone like Sanders does not support? In what way is she more of a feminist according to the laws she supports, than Sanders?

Finally, if you support laws on paper but then exempt yourself from those laws when expedient (her mockery of women who came forward as 'bimbos') you are at the very least a hypocrite.
partlycloudy (methingham county)
Trump hates women, blacks, hispanics, muslims, etc.
There are many men, and sadly many women, who will vote against Hillary because she is a woman. I saw that all through my career, when I'd help women get hired and the women would dislike me because I was a successful woman. Women are taught to compete with other women for everything, even the most unimportant things. And are jealous if men like another woman even if that woman is not interested in any of those men. I hope Hillary wins.
fishlette (montana)
Hilllary, like most politicians, are high on sleeze and ego. Unfortunately, such traits are prerequisites to survive a campaign. I don't care a whit about Bill's misbehavior...such was and is a personal matter. My guess is that if a Laura Bush had acted like Hillary had the situation been similar, Laura would have been lauded by the Republicans for doing what she had to do to save her marriage. My problem with Hillary is that though I agree with her goals and visions and appreciate the work she has done to bring attention to the plight of women and children worldwide, she has not been particularly effective in making any changes for the good as First Lady, Senator, or Secretary of State. It appears that the only folks who are running who have governing experience and accomplished any good excluding Christie because of personal pettiness a la Bridgegate and Cruz because of shutting down the government to satisfy his pet peeve (Obamacare) and while he held Canadian citizenship to boot (there should be a law prohibiting persons with dual citizenship to serve in Congress or hold high Government office), are Kasich and Sanders. Too bad...they seem like nice guys and nice guys finish last. .
NYHUGUENOT (Charlotte, NC)
Canada like the US awards citizenship by virtue of being born there. It requires a positive action by someone to renounce that citizenship which Cruz did.
This problem of who is a US citizen seems to be popping up more and more. Consider McCain being born in Panama while his Father was stationed there with the Navy or George Romney who was born in Mexico while his parents served as missionaries there. There are at present 16 members of Congress who were born in foreign countries while a parent who is a US citizen was working for a corporation.
This is a discussion we need to have. While we're at it let's discuss the problem of children being born in the US of parents who weren't even supposed to be here. Because we cannot deport a US citizen is it right that it's parents get to stay here and be supported by taxpayers? The US is the only country in the world doing that.
Ken (MT Vernon, NH)
The rule for citizenship for a child born abroad (as of 7 years ago) was that one parent has to be a US citizen AND able to prove that they resided in the US for at least five years after the age of 18.

The consulate accepted copies of my undergraduate and graduate degrees from US Universities as proof in my case.
miriam (Astoria, Queens)
McCain was born in the Canal Zone, which was a U.S. possession at the time.
HIllary is, by far, and really far, the most qualified candidate in the race. If she is not elected president, it will be because she is a woman and for no other reason. But I think she will win, because she so far exceeds the qualifications of the others. We will have a huge celebration when a woman is elected president. Equality of the sexes will be heralded and the progressive nature of the electorate praised. But those of us who know it is still the fact that a female candidate must be better, smarter, more qualified if she hope to get the job over a male counterpart will know that if any of the candidates even came close, like Obama in 2008, he would win. Thank god none of them do.
Bonnie (NYC)
If she is not elected it will have NOTHING to do with the fact that she is a woman. It will be because the majority of the people polled do not trust her and for many very good reasons !
Nannie Turner (Cincinnati)
So,Bonnie,go ahead and vote for Trump.See who cares.Hillary Clinton will be the next and first woman President of our United States.
PA (Silicon Valley, CA)
So we are supposed to overlook her corrupt speaking fees from Wall Street, the Clinton Foundation conflicts of interest and her attacking of powerless women, or risk being called sexist? Nice try
Lola (New York City)
Feminist? Hillary has piggybacked her position as Bill Clinton's wife into every position she's held in public life from Senator (when the President's wife finally announced she was running, all other New York Democrat candidates immediately dropped out), to Secretary of State--she stated in her concession speech after losing the nomination to Barack Obama: "What Does Hillary Want?" Hmmm, not much talk of unity there. And let's not forget she bullied the newly elected Bill Clinton into naming her head of his health care reform bill, which never even got to a vote.
sfw (planet mom)
How exactly did she piggyback on his fame? By not changing her name and getting plastic surgery to hide who she was? She was famous for being First Lady and no matter what she did afterwards, she would always be recognized for this very public position. She could be "piggybacking on his fame" by getting a job as a greeter at Walmart (because you know they would give her the job, even if she wasn't qualified) or perhaps she could use her political experience and educational background to get a job that suited her skillset better. So in a perfect world, how should Hillary have gone about her career without "piggybacking" on her international exposure as wife of a former president?
Define Providence (Long Island, NY)
I would submit that for many who yearn for principled leaders, the reluctance to support Hillary Clinton has nothing to do with the fact that she is a woman. Rather, it's the shapeshifting, the unmistakable tendency towards expediency -- indeed the venality -- she has demonstrated over the years, which is summed up in five minutes in this conversation between Billy Moyers and Elizabeth Warren:

Now, if Elizabeth Warren were running, this would be such a different conversation.
avrds (Montana)
That is a heart-breaking interview. Thanks Define.
lyndtv (Florida)
But Elizabeth Warren isn't running. Do you believe Bernie Saunders can be elected? That is the question. If not, who is left? I'll take pragmatism over idealism any day. starting another war is a terrible idea and that is what the Republicans push.
avrds (Montana)
Lyndtv, I believe Bernie Sanders can be elected. I believe in what he stands for, and has stood for over his long career.

Listening to Warren describe in glowing detail her meeting with First Lady Clinton on the bankruptcy bill, and how Clinton clearly convinced her husband to veto it, only to vote for it herself when she was representing Wall Street in the Senate really says it all. Almost as much as when she represented herself as a gun-toting churchgoer in 2008.

But even more, and the one issue more than any other that will probably keep me from voting at all if she is the nominee, was her vote on Iraq. If you want to start another war, I'm quite convinced Clinton's your president.
Jimmy (Greenville, North Carolina)
Hillary Clinton fought off those women who tried to destroy her home. She kept her family together and kept her husband home with his daughter.

Hillary Clinton has the strength and courage to stand up for the family and her administration will drive down the divorce rate.
Reader In Wash, DC (Washington, DC)
Hillary Clinton fought off those women who tried to destroy her meal ticket.

There fixed that for you.
Eduardo (New York)
Hillary Clinton is a congenital liar. The more you read about her past, the more likely you are to conclude that she has got a lot of nerve running for president. She should be indicted for her callous and cavalier attitude and disrespect for the positions she has held and insulting the American people's intelligence in her answers regarding the latest email scandal. The real race is between the clinton mafia versus the FBI.
avrds (Montana)
I admire Hillary Clinton's accomplishments in life, but hate her vote for invading and occupying Iraq and her other hawkish responses around the world that have destabilized the Middle East and resulted in the deaths of thousands and thousands and thousands of human beings.

We do not need another George W. in the White House. As an international humanitarian, Mr. Kristof, you above all should understand that.

This is not sexism but true feminism -- judging a woman by what they do and say, not for their gender.
A. Stanton (Dallas, TX)
How many women are still flushing their tampons? Shouldn't there be a tax on those who do?
mmm (United States)
The plumbers union would never let that happen.
Eric (Detroit)
I don't see that Feminist issues are playing large in this election. I think Bernie Sanders has captured the discussion. "The system is rigged" and "The middle class is getting ripped off". These both encapsulate many Feminist topics. Time to admit the possibility that women getting ripped off may have been due to being middle class and not because of gender. You see, men have been getting ripped off too.
Cathy (New York, NY)
For those who would go back to 1992 and argue that a feminist would have taken the side of the many women who accused Bill of sexual harassment, I suggest that Hillary was in the unique position of having to choose between maintaining her marriage (even if you assume it is a transactional, opportunistic one) and supporting her husband's accusers. As long as she remained committed to (an obviously flawed) marriage (family values, anyone? Forgiveness of one's spouse's transgressions is supposedly a virtue, if it preserves the institution of marriage, right?), it would have been impossible to support Bill's accusers. Kristoff is absolutely right--Hillary is held to a higher--indeed, impossible--standard in this case. I take her otherwise strong record on "women's rights are human rights" as indicative of her strong commitment to the overall position of women. The feminist "purity" test others are projecting onto Hillary shows the double-standard to which this strong woman is repeatedly held.
Reader In Wash, DC (Washington, DC)
All Hillary had to was to say and do nothing. She did not have to attack the victims.
danielle8000 (Nyc)
I'm voting for HRC because she is the ONLY candidate who understands the gravity of human rights abuses against women and its impact of the economy, civil rights, democracy, and children's well being. And I know this not bc she's a woman, but bc of her lifelong work, dedication and public statements on behalf of women around the world.
She's not perfect, none of the candidates are, but she's my candidate far and away above the others because without a doubt HRC will improve women's, and therefore children's, lives globally more than any other candidate. And she knows how to realistically accomplish that goal she's dedicated to once in office as POTUS.
As for Maureen Dowd, I suppose she'll still be ranting and trying to tear HRC down in every way she can imagine until the end of her days. She might as well go so far off the deep end as to endorse Palin as womens new voice. Oh wait.
Steve C (Boise, ID)
Hillary didn't have to choose between saving her marriage by forgiving Bill and supporting (in Monica's case) the young woman Bill had an affair with. She could have done both. Hillary could have restated her commitment to her marriage and still have made clear that Bill was wrong in the affair and in maligning Monica, and we, the public, should have some understanding for a mistake by a very young woman smitten by an older, powerful man.

Instead Hillary chose only to malign the young woman even further.
ozzie7 (Austin, TX)
England is so much more progressive than America in regards to women in leadership: we must look like fifth graders in intellectual comparison.

Perhaps we should take the fifth -- no not a swig -- the fifth amendment.

There is a lot of talk how intellectual Cruz is in debate, but if one looks at the world tournament, you will notice annual victors from England and Ireland. We are a bit behind, won't you say? Hardly an index for us to measure accumen.

The movie industry's great festival is going on -- it's in England at the London Film festival. Queen Elizabeth and Maggie Thatcher are part of a rich history in femal leadership. Are our women in the USA inherently less competent? Or is it the masses of men who can't see an intelligence in woman? Ego deflation is often signaled by anti-feminism, here in the States.

Donald Trump recognizes the power of women at the ballot box this time around, and he aims to diffuse the liberal likes of Hillary Clinton, but hardly chooses a comparable intellectual in Palin. Why? Why didn't he seek someone like Margaret Warner? Are GOP women massively suppressed? He has already insulted Florina's looks a time or two, but not one of her arguments. Go figure.

Women in the Grand Ole Party have only one viable option in the voting booth -- Hillary Clinton. It's a secret ballot, why not?
russellcgeer (Boston)
Billary - A made for TV movie we all loved, but it's all they should be. We don't need a mini-series, just like we didn't need Bush 2. I fear another dynasty. Power is a heady thing. Bill and Hillary are intoxicated by it. The Bushes were, as well. Trump, please...he's like Tony Montana. Bernie's my bet for sound logic and determined vision. He's been a consistently sane and sober voice for human progress and fairness for over 50 years.
JPE (Maine)
It would have been helpful and the column included comparative data on attitudes toward electing a black along with the info on women supporting "a woman" and Hillary.. How many women would vote for any woman, "as a woman," and how many blacks would vote for any black "as a black?"
Gene Phillips (Miami Florida)
I believe Hilary will bring us to war to prove how strong a woman can be.
She will change a few lines in the TPP trade agreement that she helped build but then said she didn't like it anymore. Many people told us we give away our sovereignty as a nation to Multi National Corporations with TPP but Hilary will sign it fast as fast can. All the progressive talk will be just that,talk. She will be a Republican light on the economy / Neocon heavy on foreign policy.
jck (nj)
"Hillary Clinton suffered"?
All suffering should be so good.
This should be a paid Clinton political advertisement.
Lake Woebegoner (MN)
Women should be held to a higher standard than men, or what's a heaven for? The problem here is that Ms. Clinton clearly doesn't meet it. It's not operative sexism going on here, it's just plain finding a leader who can truly lead. She can't. Trump can't. Personally, I'd pick Barbara Bush. She has more good sense than either or both of these two sexist candidates. I'll bet her cookies were a lot better for us than Hillary's were, too. Her husband was the best leader we've had since Truman, too. He actually knew where the buck stopped, and it wasn't for a dalliance in the Oval Office. Jeb is cut from the same good cloth, but we are all too blind to see it.
Richard A. Petro (Connecticut)
Dear Mr. Kristof,
Suppose you read in a newspaper that you "significant other" had been caught in a "compromising situation", had lied about it and, then, finally admitted to some very gross behavior.
I am guessing the "significant other" would have been shown the door.
Ms. Clinton, indeed, has a "long vision" and just because "Bubba" was caught with an intern she was not about to let this "speed bump" throw off her quest for power.
The only question being, is this good in a president or bad?
Gender's got nuthin' to do with it.
Sobe Eaton (Madison, WI)
My take on the situation is different. To me, she held her family together through a difficult time, and exercised good Christian sensibility by forgiving her strayed husband.
That's how she acts in her personal life. If that offends you, don't vote for her.
Richard A. Petro (Connecticut)
Dear Sobe,
Funny how "good Christian sensibility" happens to coincide with "the quest for power".
I am sorry but I'm not privy to Ms. Clinton's "private life" as you seem to be but, outside of gender, she's just like anybody else who has, or is, running for president; say what it takes to win, stay the course toward the goal of the presidency and hope Bernie sanders doesn't pull off an upset much like Mr. Obama did in 2008.
Christ and his values has got NOTHING to do with it.
sfw (planet mom)
What you are citing is a messed up home, not someone who is unfit to govern. Look at her policies and her political background and focus if you want to know how she would do as a president. Look at her marriage if you want to know what it would be like to marry her or live in her house.
jlalbrecht (WI-&gt;MN-&gt;TX-&gt;Vienna, Austria)
I'm all for a woman president, I'd just prefer another woman. Senator Elizabeth Warren? I'm with her 100%. Hillary Clinton? Okaaaay. Hillary Clinton or Senator Sanders? I'll take Sanders on every issue (except maybe guns - but it is a tough call as he is quite pragmatic there), and hope he picks a young woman as a running mate to take over when he leaves office in 2024.

My concerns about Clinton involve electability and choices. Clinton has experience, but no executive or local experience and more baggage than a transatlantic cruise ship. She doesn't run a good campaign. She waited too long to frame and go after Sanders, and now in a panic she is all over the place and in totally negative attack mode. All bad strategy and tactics for a general election and for a president. Can you say, "Nixon"?

If Clinton goes against Trump, she can say nothing about money in politics. Trump would just say, "You're bought and sold. I'm not. Actually, I gave you money, too, and you came to my wedding just like I asked." A greater fear is he got something else from her when she was a NY senator. If that comes out in the GE, she's toast.

Her votes/positions on foreign wars are disturbing at best.

Her record on LGBT is "follow the polls".

Her proposals for Wall Street regulation are "triangulation" (at best). Well, except how she saved Wall Street after 9/11.

She is not a leader. She is a follower.

You'll note all of my points (I could go on) have nothing to do with her gender.
esp (Illinois)
I am a woman. I make cookies. And I am a woman. There is nothing wrong with staying home and making cookies. Hillary should have tried that. And then maybe she would be a true feminist.
Oh, and I also worked to fulfill my profession, an honest profession, nursing.
Oh, and I had to work because my husband was an alcoholic, an abuser, and ran around. I divorced the loser. I managed to do both including raising my children alone, but I guess baking cookies was beneath Hillary. (And I never received help from the government).
Hillary is NOT a feminist. Hillary is a selfish, egotistical conniving liar that will do ANYTHING including using other women to get what she wants which is to be the first female president. She is not really interesting in helping the little women of the USA.
Feel the Bern
Pia (Las Cruces, NM)
those who can't bake, go to law school.
Matt (NJ)
Taxing Tampons is sexist because it's a necessity?

Well we tax antibiotics cream, bandages, condoms, toilet paper, shampoo, soap, clothing, jock straps, shoes etc. Which one of these necessities should be exempt as well? Of course none of those, well because they are used by men, or by men and women.

It seems Feminism in this context means special treatment for women, and only for women, so we focus on tampons.
miriam (Astoria, Queens)
New York State does not tax clothing or shoes that sell for less than $110.
Catherine (<br/>)
I still have the old Consumer Reports magazine with Mrs. Clinton's recipe. I have made her cookies hundreds of times since that October 1993 issue. When diehard Republicans tell me how wonderful the cookies are, I say, "That's Hillary Clinton's recipe."
quantumhunter (Honolulu)
Yes, Hill gets my vote because of her great cookies. Not.
Ernest (Cincinnati. Ohio)
Mr Kristof. Thank you for another solid and grounded article. Bernie is great and I am glad he is pushing his topics in the campaign, it will only make Hilary more effective in the fall. I am so glad you mentioned her time as Sec of State where in every country she went to she met with the leading women organizers often over the objection of the male heads of state. This world will only change when women become more empowered.
To Sanders supporters. You have not been subject to the Republican sausage grinder yet. In fact they are going easy on him because they are afraid of Hilary.
And a tax on tampons? Who knew?
Mitch I. (Columbus, Ohio)
"And a tax on tampons? Who knew?"

Umm . . . 50% of the adult population?
Ernest (Cincinnati. Ohio)
Great reply and proves the point.
mike (mi)
Is it only about feminism and her gender? What about her, her husband's and daughter's political family business? What about all the enrichment of that family based only on speeches and "access"? Does anyone really believe that Bill Clinton will give White House tours and speak only on family based issues as First Gentleman? Won't he really be pulling the levers of power behind the curtain? Won't he really be rewarding old friends and punishing old enemies? Can the Clinton Foundation/Global initiative ever be at "arms length" during another Clinton administration? Will large contributions be made to the foundation without the hint of "access"? Even if they will say Chelsea is running the show is that "arms length" enough?
No one seems to be addressing the "what about Bill" question. Are we to be happy to revisit the "two for the price of one" pitch from the past. I voted for Bill Clinton twice but something about this dynasty has an odor to it.
bkay (USA)
Whatever she does; wherever she goes it can be proudly stated from a feminist point of view that Hillary Clinton literally, figuratively, behaviorally, professionally, and politically already "wears the pants."
David Gregory (Deep Red South)
Ms Clintons name did not cost Bill re-election. I was there and was in College and active in Politics. Bill Clinton got thrown out because he lied to the people of Arkansas and was called out because of it.

Frank White was a Democrat who switched parties to run against Bill Clinton in the general election because he knew he could not beat him in the Democratic Primary. Clinton imposed some unpopular taxes among other things and broke campaign promises he made to voters in the previous election.

He also lost because the Republican Party was energized by the Reagan candidacy and some of the Reagan support carried down ticket.

Ms Clinton was despised then as now because the more people see her in unedited the less they like her. She comes across as a condescending know it all with a healthy amount of entitlement and a strong dose of professional victimhood. The dislike for her in Arkansas is widespread and visceral.

Ms Clinton these days never misses a chance to play the "I'm a girl vote for me" line like a trump card in rallies and at Debates. That makes many cringe as nobody should vote for or against someone because of their sex.

Despite being a Southern state Arkansas elected the first woman to serve a full term in the US Senate- Hattie Caraway - in 1932.

Many dislike Ms Clinton not because she is a woman- they dislike her because she is not likable & they do not trust her.
manfred marcus (Bolivia)
Yes, sexism is 'alive and well', and may continue its shameful course until there is a price to be paid, when immunity is gone. Demeaning women may, in fact, suggest that some men are afraid of women that speak up and able to counter with reasoned arguments a primeval paternalistic ritual. In fact, when we hear a bully (not necessarily Chris Christie, mind you), cowardice is part of the package.
Tim Dowd (Sicily.)
Liberal women really need to get a grip. Well, at least liberal white women. The whole sexist issue in Presidential politics is over. It's yesterday's news. The country elected a black man, with a white mother, whose last name was Obama to the WH. Twice. Game over! Sure, there will be some voters who won't vote for a woman, a black, a brown, a Catholic, a Mormon, a disabled, a non veteran, NYer, etc. Some prejudices will exist. But, the issue has been marginalized. Probably to the dismay of Hillary and the other perpetual victims.
David Ricardo (Massachusetts)
Hillary Clinton is not a feminist. The way that she personally attacked the victims of her husband's sexual predation disqualifies her from any qualification as a feminist.

There are at least 14 cases of women who were his victims, Where was Hillary the feminist to defend them, when their names were dragged through the mud?
Paat (CT)
i come from a background much different from those who comment here. as an italian-american i was raised in a culture where men had the say in certain grandiose affairs, i.e., soccer, world politics, concrete mixtures, building massive structures. the women , like my grandmother, truly ruled the family: how the
children would be raised, the household budget, the health of the family, the arbiter of all disputes, the
organization of all family matters. i don't think clinton has covered 'new' ground in raising the
stature of 'women'...we always knew who ran our lives...our mothers, our grandmothers.. even tho i'm 76 and she's long gone my grandmother has been the greatest influence in my life. clinton? she' ok, no big deal. i think my grandmother was smarter.
miriam (Astoria, Queens)
That was a common joke in the 50's and 60's, and I din't think it was limited to Italian-Americans: "I make the important decisions: I decide about Red China, and my wife decides what school the kids go to."
dEs joHnson (Forest Hills NY)
There is so much erudite psychological analysis of HRC in the comments that one must wonder why there is so much mental disturbance and suicide in America.
i's the boy (Canada)
Poor Hillary, in her quest to be President, first woman President, has to endure shots about her track record, her being a woman, from those men who seek the Holy Grail. Seems a shame that she might be undone by that old womanizer from Arkansas.
Harold (Winter Park, FL)
Hillary has been the focus of the GOP attack machine for some time now. Some of the comments here reflect the effectiveness of those repeated, daily attacks. Underlying much of the anger directed at her are two things to me: 1)her threat to the GOP as she just might be able to be an effective President, and in the process, deflating the effectiveness of their "war on women" SOP; and 2) "How can she make so much money? She is a woman for God's sake."

She is my candidate because of her intellect and experience. There could be no better resume for the POTUS position than hers. Bernie is a good man where he is and may pull Hillary a bit more to the left as he campaigns, but, he ain't no CEO.

Is she perfect? NOPE. But, neither am I - though I am pretty close.
james (<br/>)
Hillary is as much a feminist as Corporate America allows her to be, and while she has a better human rights record than any of her Republican (potential) rivals, she is tied to Big Money. As a result of her political/economic ties/restraints, she --willingly or not-- cannot represent women's interests beyond Corporate Interests. As for Trump, he is not only a bonafide Corporate American, but a Frat Boy-- a male who was raised to be an Elitist/Misogynist.
Gabbyboy (Colorado)
I've see so many opinions that diss Hillary because of her so-called ties to Wall Street. I'd like to point out that if you have an IRA, 401k, trust. Pension, etc. you too are tied to Wall Street.
kcz (Switzerland)
This part of one reader's comment is so compelling and succinct that I'd like to see it reposted for the benefit of those who may have missed it by not reading to the end:
Tom Paine (Charleston, SC)
"Her chromosomes are, at least for Democrats, her biggest selling point." Hillary is playing this card to the hilt. But why are Democrats buying it? Are there convincing examples of of women in prominent government positions which show that women rule better than men? Or even that they lead differently? Where's the proof? HRC's "biggest selling point" sounds a lot like more of feminist inspired "revenge against the males" than a substansive factor for evaluating a candidate's worthiness.

Sad for the country and especially sad for women.
miriam (Astoria, Queens)
While I'm for Bernie Sanders now, I'll vote for Hillary Clinton if she's the nominee. How can I not? The rule still holds true that any Democrat is better than any Republican.

But the strongest case for Hillary is not her sex; it is her experience, inside knowledge and political skills.
sdw (Cleveland)
This is a good column, but Nicholas Kristof may be a little too comfortable with the progress made by women in politics. Across the country there still are vast pockets of resentment against women seeking office – especially for high office.

When we encounter these misogynist views among Republican men, we roll our eyes but are surprised only at the creepiness of Donald Trump’s sexism. Republicans are not going to change, which is perhaps the most important reason among dozens why they are unfit for the presidency.

When we see and hear such views trotted out by Democrats, however, like those of some in the Bernie Sanders camp attacking on Hillary Clinton, we ought to be downright furious.
mmm (United States)
Nothing new, we saw the same attacks from Obama supporters in 08 as we do among Sanders supporters today. I mean literally the same attacks. Copy & paste is alive and well among left-wing misogynists - men and women alike. Despicable.
martha (Madison, WI)
Hillary handles the double standards well. The bro-gressives always pretend if they get the support of the Woman Vote they'll help with our feminist causes. Since we got the right to vote and entered the full time workforce we are still waiting for real paid leave, equal pay, affordable childcare and fully funded reproductive health care. Bernie isn't going to make those things a priority if he hasn't helped make them a reality after decades in DC. Hillary speaks to them daily and has plans to make them happen...without a revolution. Breaking up the big banks is not going to make life better for a working parent or change the fundamental racial and gender biases that are entrenched in our culture. Women possess skills and talents to address these challenges.
Janine Gross (<br/>)
"So today Hillary Clinton is scolded for... helping to stigmatize the women who accused her husband of misconduct, which oddly means that she may pay more of a price for his misbehavior than he ever did." This might be the first time ever that I've disagreed with you, Mr. Kristof. Hillary Clinton will pay the price not because of a sexist double standard but because of concerns about her character. When viewed as a whole, her efforts to disparage her husband's accusers, her use of a private email server while Secretary of State, her use of secretive super PACs, and her acceptance of enormous public speaking fees and campaign contributions from Wall Street's biggest players, reveal an untrustworthy person, driven by self-interest, running a traditional style campaign reliant on wealthy backers who undoubtedly expect something in return. My vote will go to the candidate whose character flaws have yet to emerge AND who will be beholden to no one but the voters come next January.
Reader In Wash, DC (Washington, DC)
You forget charging college and universities hundreds of thousands of dollars for speaking to students. And stealing furnishings from the White House when they left. They were caught and return the items. And of course blamed others.
Mary (NYC)
Good article. I'm not a fan of the last paragraph though. It's not odd that Hillary has had to pay a higher price for her husband's behavior - she just happened to be at the start of her career as an elected official, and man, do I hate how she treated those women in the 90s. Not cool.

I actually like Hillary (not as much as Bernie), but the scolding is justified, and it did leave a public dent in her reputation as a feminist. I wish that she would express regret for that when she addresses younger women.
Steve C (Boise, ID)
To hold Hillary accountable for her vilification of Monica in the Bill/Monica affair is not, as Kristof suggests, having Hillary pay for Bill's misdeeds nor is it holding women to a higher standard than men.

Hillary, as a feminist, should have been defending Monica. That's right. Hillary should have defended her husband's young, naive mistress from abuse, not heaped more on. In the Bill/Monica affair, who was the perpetrator and who the victim? Monica, 20 some years old, behaved as one might expect a very young, naive woman to react when an older, powerful, (some say) attractive man responded to her attention. It was Bill's responsibility to say no, and he didn't.

Hillary's response to the whole affair should have been publicly something like this: "Bill very much wronged me as well as the young woman he took advantage of in satisfying his desires. Bill should have known that this would end badly for the young woman and consequently avoided it. Since he didn't, he has to take responsibility for the relationship and should ask the public, as I do, not to judge the young woman for what was youthful thoughtlessness. I'll add that I want to preserve our marriage, and Bill and I will work on that."

That would have been the response of a feminist, actually of any thoughtful human being. The response should not have been, as Hillary did, to lay more shame on a smitten, misguided young woman who hadn't thought through the consequences of what she was doing.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Yes, because in the real world, people leap to defend the folks their spouse cheats with. Maybe people get marriage counseling like that way out in Boise, ID. har
Pia (Las Cruces, NM)
Other similarly charged men have stepped up to the
confession box on their own, Steve. Think about it.
Timothy Bal (Central Jersey)
"So today Hillary Clinton is scolded for turning on and helping to stigmatize the women who accused her husband of misconduct...." Misconduct? Now that is a squishy word choice.

Juanita Broaddrick (look her up in Wikipedia) claims that Clinton RAPED her in 1978, and her story is credible.

I can understand why Hillary was OK with this. Her political career depended on it. I suppose she thinks the ends justify the means. But we have quite enough lying, two-faced politicians. Add to that her penchant for hobnobbing with Wall Street titans and her vote for invading Iraq in 2003, one must ask: is this the best lady we could have as our first woman President? I would prefer Elizabeth Warren for President over every other woman, and man.

I see this column as just another shilling for Hillary by the elites, especially when she is opposed by a much stronger, more honest, more trustworthy candidate: Bernie Sanders. It also diminishes the reputation of Mr. Kristof, in light of the fact that Bill Clinton is very likely a former rapist, enabled by his wife, Hillary Clinton. (Had Bill Clinton not been a powerful politician, but an ordinary American, he might have ended up in prison instead of the Oval Office.)
S. Mauney (Southport, NC)
Juanita Broaddrick did not accuse Clinton of rape until 1999, 21 years after the alleged rape, which she did mention to her then husband. Ken Starr did not chose to prosecute because the was not sufficient evidence. There may well have been a rape but there is no evidence Hillary knew about it or did anything to cover it up. Get your facts straight.
Reader In Wash, DC (Washington, DC)
By your logic Bill Cosby should be off the hook.
Wendy Fleet (Mountain View CA)
At 71, I thought we'd be so much further along toward human/earthling. The astronaut said, "When I looked back at the Planet Earth from space, what struck me is that there aren't ANY lines on it." In that radical moment, I became an earthling. I *got* our fragility, the utter simplicity of our earthhood. There is no Planet B. We must tenderly tend this one.

The spastic narrow-hearted misogyny that still is a plague upon the Planet dismays me. The misogyny of women towards women makes me most bone-marrow sad. I thought we could admire, be inspired by all smart, strong, dedicated people. The idiot stereotypical tarring of Hillary from kneejerk Id baffles me.

Jung says we cannot heal unconscious contents until they become conscious. So I'm hoping that if Hillary is President, we'll begin, finally, the national and global process of letting women and girls thrive and bloom as their earth-right.
Don P. (New Hampshire)
"He that is without sin among you, let him cast a stone at her." Look, we all have made mistakes in our lives. The true character of a person is shown by what they do after such mistakes.

Mrs. Clinton is a strong person who has achieved remarkable success and furthered and championed the cause of women and those without voices for a lifetime.

Despite personal failings by her husband, Mrs. Clinton believed in her marriage, overcame adversity, raised a wonderful daughter, reached the pinnacle of success in all of her endeavors and continues to speak out on issues that matter to most Americans.

It's time we stop judging Mrs. Clinton for past mistakes and instead focus on what she or other Presidential aspirants can do to help Americans.
Reader In Wash, DC (Washington, DC)
Oh I am sure many if not most of us have not attack the victims of sexual harassment, molestation, and rape for speaking up.
How far back is the past? In 2014 and 2015 alone HRC collected $21,667,000 (not including Bill!) in speaking fees from the likes of Goldman Sachs, Bof A, Morgan Stanley, UBS, CIBC (bank regulation issues), KKR and Apollo (tax loophole for hedge fund manager issues) GE (export and ExIm Bank issues). Does this not offend? Does this not reach a different order-of-magnitude level of self-enrichment? Is this not Exhibit A for the argument that big money has corrupted politics???
Steve (New York)
Saying that the difference between what the Clintons have gone through indicates that women are being held to a higher standard ignores individual differences between Bill and Hillary.
Bill was a gifted campaigner who could tell a convincing lie without batting an eye. For all her efforts, Hillary has never acquired that skill. It has nothing to do with gender.
Krista (<br/>)
Steve, that sounds nice, even egalitarian, until you look at statistics...numbers...that prove that women systemically get a bad deal in this country whether they decide to stay home with the kids or venture into the world of employment.

Women are not only held to a very different, higher standard, they are also paid less for being more competent than their male counterparts. Ask a working woman how many times she's floated an idea in a meeting, had it shot down, and then floated by a man five minutes later to general applause. It's always sickening...
People scold Clinton not because she's a woman but because of her lack of honesty, integrity and her playing the system for personal gain. Manipulating emails to spare scrutiny; selling speeches with her husband (reportedly $25 million worth in the past 24 months) to the very groups she now wants to take on as president make her a flawed candidate regardless of her professed policies (which change with the wind).
Krista (<br/>)
Plenty of men give paid speeches...I hardly hear a peep from anyone about it. Are we resentful, boys, that a woman had the audacity to make money off the demand of to organizations to hear her voice? Sounds like sour, old, white man grapes to me.

Hillary was always to the left of Bill and got many a tongue lashing from the media for it...feminism became a bad word just like regulation. Feminism means paying women equitable wages for their work without drinking their breast milk at work on a dare or playing crass, sexist grab-#@s games to humiliate us and keep us down. Regulation merely means having rules to prevent greedy businessmen disguised as public servants from gleefully poisoning our air and water aka Flint.

Grow up, America. Hillary is a spectacularly qualified candidate. No one is as qualified and experience is being tossed in her face like an epithet. I'm talking to you, Bernie.
Yes Krista, well known people make paid speeches. Recently a pundit wrote about Condoleezza Rice making paid speeches to excuse Hillary Clinton. The obvious difference: Rice had retired and was not running for high public office and had nothing to sell to the detriment of the public; and she didn't ask for $250K for a half hour's speech. Let's analyze the morality of the Clintons receiving $250-600K for speeches sometimes as short as 20 minutes. Does anyone think a speech per se is worth that kind of money? So what is the economic bargain between rational parties? When the Clintons (either of them) take the money what do they think they owe the party paying? Do they owe them something beyond the speech in terms of access? entitlement? If so, the Clintons have abused the public trust: they have nothing to give back but potential influence stemming from Hillary's position as POTUS. If not, have the Clintons snookered the likes of Goldman Sachs? I doubt that is the case; GS isn't known for often taking the bad side of the bargain. Hillary is immoral. It's not about feminism or politics. It's about empowering evil.
Krista (<br/>)
JF, in the fee market, things are worth what people are willing to pay. Would you be happier if she only made 77% of what a man makes for a speech?

Her speeches are worth what people are willing to pay...unless you're a closet communist or mysoginist? Haven't heard you mention the fees charged by republicans like Reagan, whose first paid speech had an astronomical fee and was for a foreign audience...Japan if my memory serves.

The trouble with republicans isn't as much jingoism alas it is blatant hypocrisy about it.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
I liked your observations about "how far we have come", but I think when Clinton or another woman becomes President there absolutely will be a national conversation about sexism that is just as painful and ugly as the racism conversation has been with the catalyst of a mixed race President in office.

But Bring it On. Because we are not going to get past these issues that hold back national creativity until we rip off the scabs. People who blame Obama for "more racism" are naive. These things don't just "unexist" because we managed to pretend they really weren't there. We are better off for acknowledging it and getting on with it. It will be the same with Clinton and sexism- the nasty stuff will start Day One. We know what to expect this time.
JMC (Lost and confused)
The sexism and attacks on Clinton haven't even begun. Bernie is too much of a gentleman. The GOP won't be.

And it will probably be effective among that section of the electorate that thinks that destroying the lives of women for speaking the truth about your cheating husband is less than admirable and perhaps deserves more than just a Scolding.

Sexual mores and public perceptions have changed a lot since the 1990's. A President who had 'a bit on the side' was often portrayed as a charming rogue. Many people today would see him as a sexual predator.

The scorched earth response seeking to destroy women who told the truth about your husbands sexual adventures may have been considered very 'Stand by Your Man"in the 90's. Many people today see it as shielding and enabling a sexual predator. Ask any Catholic Bishop. Times have changed.

Expect a lot of Republican ads on point.
GordonDR (North of 69th)
NK writes: " I hope that women will push for a more robust discussion of domestic violence, human trafficking, reproductive health care, equal pay and women’s rights worldwide, issues that never received the attention they deserved when we men monopolized the stage." I too hope for more discussion and also action on these issues, to which you might add adequate parental leave for both women and men, and affordable daycare. But men have not monopolized the "stage" for a long time now. For decades, while feminists and their allies in Europe insisted on advancing such issues, those in the US focused on getting everyone to call actresses actors and getting corporations and ad agencies to stop making ads that were sexist toward women (a good idea), which were then replaced by ads that are sexist toward men. So the Trumps of this world are not the only ones responsible for slow progress on substantive matters in the US.
Patrick (Ithaca, NY)
Now that we're soon ending the two terms of our first black president, the idea of having a first woman president seems a logical, time-has-come impulse. Unfortunately I don't feel Hillary Clinton should be that woman. For all her vaunted experience, there has been a perpetual cloud of ethical malfeasance that follows her around, much as the dust is always hanging around Pigpen from the Peanuts cartoons.

From her early days of being fired from the Watergate investigation for ethical violations, to the recent discovery of information above top secret classification on her illegal server, these are the marks of serious character flaws, if not an offence worthy of criminal prosecution, not election to the highest office. Add that she is in the thrall of Wall Street and that the Clinton Foundation has taken donations from countries who's laws are far less as admirable as to the "human rights" she purports to believe in and advocate for, the hypocrisy is blatant.

If she were not so self-serving, she would recuse herself from the election. But since I son't see that happening absent being prosecuted, your assertion of her being held to a higher standard then men because she's a woman is misplaced. She's being held to the same standard of honesty as any other politician (or would-be politician in the form of Trump). The balance is weighed, and she comes up wanting.
Krista (<br/>)
Snopes on your hypothesis: "A pair of articles published during Hillary Clinton's run for the presidency in 2008, one by Northstar Writers Group founder Dan Calabrese and one by Jerry Zeifman himself, asserted that Zeifman was Hillary's supervisor during the Watergate investigation and that he eventually fired her from the investigation for "unethical, dishonest" conduct. However, whatever Zeifman may have thought of Hillary and her work during the investigation, he was not her supervisor, neither he nor anyone else fired her from her position on the Impeachment Inquiry staff (Zeifman in fact didn't have the power to fire her, even had he wanted to do so), his description of her conduct as "unethical" and "dishonest" is his personal, highly subjective characterization, and the "facts" on which he bases that characterization are ones that he has contradicted himself about on multiple occasions."

Nice try.
Narda (California)
I heard from a millennial commentator that it is only "women of a certain age" who see a need for a female president. Well, if they continue to vote for men who have no respect for women's issues, their wives or their daughters, then we will all go back to the 1910s when Margaret Sanger saw the deaths of 150,000 women, the lack of health care for women and thus their children, families at risk because of the woman of the family has to stay home to take care of an elderly parent. Men still think that they know best for women. Tell that to a woman denied care at a hospital when she has to choose between her death or the death of a child.
Montreal Moe (WestPark, Quebec)
I guess I have a problem with this because I am a Quebecer and feminism is so 20th century. Our last Prime Minister was mean, nasty and controlling the fact she was a woman really was inconsequential. While the rest of Canada was debating hijabs Quebec was debating hijabs, crucifixes, skull caps and turbans.
I admit to having a particular distaste for Hillary but I ask myself every day whether that is because she is a woman and every day I answer I have the exact same distaste for Bill.
Still at the end of the day I would sooner see a (Rodham) Clinton in the White House than a 2016 Republican.
Incidentally if she should she visit Quebec she is and will always be Hillary Rodham.
Manitoban (Winnipeg, MB)
Hilary willfully and actively did her best to destroy the reputation and the lives of victims of a sexual predator (her husband). For political purposes. No, it is not about what her husband did (who is not running), it is about what she did (who is). Today, she wants to wear the mantle of defender of women. It induces nausea.

Palin is maybe the equivalent on the right, if we are measuring by hypocrisy. Maybe. Nearly everyone else running on both sides is a moral saint compared to Hilary.

I'd says it is surprising how many people here defend this kind of person, but sadly, it isn't. It is all about the end goal - getting dems into office. Any vile person is forgiven, the preyed-upon women's who's characters were assassinated forgotten, to that end. Despicable.

If we are going to hold up Hilary as the defender of women, let us at least be consistent and also elevate Dennis Hastert to defender of the well-bring of children. No? Well then stop embarrassing yourselves and just be up-front about it; any villain is fine, as long as it gets team blue elected.
miriam (Astoria, Queens)
Donald Trump is a moral saint compared to Hillary?
Chris (10013)
Much of the criticism of Hilary stems not from gender but from actions. Like her husband, she believes that she can assert external positions while her personal action reek of self dealing and hypocrisy. She hates Wall Street while taking millions in for "speeches" and made 100x her money trading commodities. She promotes woman's rights while systematically trying to destroy women abused by her husband. She wants to be seen as a foreign policy hawk while she signed off on deals giving the Russians control of much of North America's uranium reserves while her foundation received $2.35M in "donations" from the Uranium One's Chairman. Time after time, she demonstrates disregard for personal ethics while promoting an evolving agenda. I can't stand/wont vote for trump or cruz and I won't vote for Bernie because I believe that his policies are simply wrong. However, I cannot fault either Bernie or President Obama on ethical issues. In both cases, they consistently lead by example. Hilary should not be President and achieved nothing during her career that was not the result of a Machiavellian political machine
Carolyn Egeli (Valley Lee, Md)
Hiliary Clinton is NOT leading in the polls for Democrats in the early primary states. Bernie Sanders is. And that is who I will vote for, because there has been complete dedication to the public good in his record. Hiliary Clinton is a corporatist with huge ties to Wall Street, prison corporations, Monsanto, the war profiteers and a host of other things I do not want our country to be represented by.
dEs joHnson (Forest Hills NY)
Complete dedication? He served in DC for 27 years and went home to Vermont every weekend. That's dedication? No wonder they hadn't heard of him in most of America before the campaign.
Moira (Ohio)
How is going home to Vermont every weekend NOT dedication? Did congress have sessions over the weekend that he refused to attend? No. Nice try though.
RoughAcres (New York)
For 13 years in a row, Hillary has been the world's most admired woman.

THAT is a bully pulpit, and one a US President could use to her advantage.

Mitchell (Oakland, CA)
I can already imagine Trump's attack: "What a loser! She couldn't even stand up to her own philandering husband; how can we expect her to stand up to Putin?"

Go, Bernie!
Doug Keller (VA)
So I take it you tacitly accept Trump's sexism, and actually take it as a further reason to go for Bernie (which I think was pre-ordained anyway).

Imagine if Trump went after Bernie as the oldest person ever running for his first term as president -- a serious consideration when we would rely on his continued health and mental capacities while in office. It's a rather potent negative for the Republicans to push.

Would you shout "Go Hillary?"
Maryellen Simcoe (Baltimore md)
That's a cheap shot, not surprising from Mr Trump, but I thought Bernie supporters were above such tactics.
coffic (New York)
Do you disagree with Trump's imaginary attack?
Shaw J. Dallal (New Hartford, N.Y.)
Whether Mrs. Clinton wins the primaries or not, whether she is the Democratic nominee for president or not, and whether she is elected to be the next US president or not, Mrs. Clinton will leave a mark, for the better, on the political process. She will no doubt go down in history as one of the most influential women in modern times, having altered, perhaps for ever, mistaken perceptions about the vital role women play in political affairs.

For this, the nation should be eternally grateful to Mrs. Clinton.

I also admired Mrs. Clinton greatly during her eight years as the nation's First Lady. I loathed the cooked-up charges leveled against her during that period, and was happy and relieved when she was exonerated.

Yet I began to have reservations about her when she first began to campaign for a vacated seat in the US Senate from the State of New York, reversing prior principled positions she had publicly taken and announced as First Lady.

Her reversed positions on humanitarian and political issues pertaining to the Middle East were especially and blatantly opportunistic. Her vote for the war against Iraq was particularly offensive and destructive.

Yet with all her flaws, I will vote for Mrs. Clinton, were she to be the Democratic nominee, against any of the current Republican candidates.

Yet Senator Sanders remains my favorite Democratic candidate, not because Mrs. Clinton is a woman, or not because she is not a capable political figure, but in spite of both.
Misky (<br/>)
In spite of the fact that she is a woman? Explain, please.
Reader In Wash, DC (Washington, DC)
Hilter was "influential" too. Lying, corrupt, venal, Hillary's influence is not positive.
Carol Colitti Levine (Northampton, Ma)
Did Margaret Thatcher ever hold herself up as a feminist? Or complain about gender bias? No. She was just a respected leader. Despite her detractors, she persevered and never played the victim. A woman of substance. No. A person of substance.

Hillary Rodham Clinton has not exhibited that confidence nor consistency of character to prevail.
Misky (<br/>)
Margaret Thatcher did not have to wrestle with the high level of misogyny that exists in the United States. Hilary Clinton does have to wrestle with the high level of misogyny in the United States. Thus, your comparison of the two women is flawed.

Clearly, racism and misogyny are neck and neck in the US's race for the bottom. Evidence: a black man has been elected president before any woman. That mirrors the fact that black men were given the vote 60 years before women of any color were allowed to vote in the United States.

Bernie, of course, does not have to deal with that.
joen. (new york)
Great example, all Hillary has is her gender. The point Kristof is missing is Hillarys not only acquiesce in the accusations against Bill , but her support of his attacks. She turned those women's complaints into a political discussion. As to Bill not being held accountable, that was the national media's decision to quickly dismiss those women, its was a political decision not to damage Bill in his campaign against GHW Bush. Bill continues to be enabled by the press only due to his political affiliations. Hillary may be elected, but she will come into office damaged , with endless past scandals and a lack of respect.
Larry (Florida)
Thankyou for telling it like it was. Mrs. Thatcher was a classy, dignified woman worthy of respect.
When was the last time such was written about Mrs. Clinton?
Air Marshal of Bloviana (Over the Fruited Plain)
Hillary Clinton is a feminist to the extent that she exploits gender to advance a positive perception of herself among peers who haven't met Bill alone yet.
Misky (<br/>)
Men, of course, never use gender to prevail.
Charles (Tecumseh, Michigan)
So I guess your point, Mr. Kristof, is that it was acceptable for Hillary Clinton to trash and try to silence the women her husband abused.
Maryellen Simcoe (Baltimore md)
Silenced? Good grief, Monica Lewinski gave a Ted Talk! Not one of the women who accused Bill Clinton was kept quiet, we have all known their names and their stories for nearly twenty years. This moral outrage for their sakes is a little rich, where were you when these stories were fresh? And did expect the Clintons to just roll over when their reputations were at stake?
Reader In Wash, DC (Washington, DC)
Maryellen said "try to silence" and try they did. And for a time were successful.
Mineola (Rhode Island)
I'm a feminist. I think Hillary is immensely qualified for the job. I don't like her connection to Wall St. I don't care what she said 15 years ago about the women involved with Bill. I care about her policies and who her Supreme Court nominees would be. I'm also scared of 8 more years of obstructionism by ta GOP that will be faced with a different version of "the other" in the White House. She's a pragmatist. What's her answer to that?
Larry (Florida)
So are you saying that one's character means little?
Maybe you could channel MLK and let him know just how wrong he was.
Steve L (San Diego, Ca)
Hillary a feminist. This is better than the comedy channel.
Misky (<br/>)
You have to have fought battles to understand war.
Bruce (usa)
Why hasn't the FBI secured the remaining files? Why isn't Hillary in prison yet?

The Democratic Party is an Obamanation to the USA.
Larry (Florida)
Bruce, I wish I were wrong but you are more likely to spend next summer on the moon than see Hillary under an indictment.
Rohit (New York)
As Maurice Chevalier said, "Old age is not so bad when you consider the alternative."

The Democrats are not so bad when you consider the alternative.

I do not like the pro-abortion Democrats any more than you do.

But where is the choice?
Eric (New York)
I support Bernie Sanders because he is a lifelong progressive who knows the biggest problem in politics is money. Get rid of Super PACs, Citizens United, and the influence of rich donors, and we could elect moderate and progressive candidates who spend their time governing instead of fundraising.

That said, if Clinton is the nominee I will gladly support her. (Any Sanders supporter who doesn't vote for Clinton is helping elect a Republican. Let's not repeat the disaster of 2000 when Nader siphoned enough Gore votes in Florida to get Bush elected.)

Hillary Clinton, whatever her faults as a campaigner, is smart, tough, and experienced. We might not get the political "revolution" America needs, but we would get a very capable leader who would do more for women's rights globally ("half the sky") than anyone else on earth.
Steve (New York)
Considering that the former chair of the DNC, Ed Rendell, has said that he'd support Bloomberg if he ran as an independent over Sanders if he gets the nomination sounds to me like he is saying that it's either Clinton or forget getting his vote.
How come the Sanders people shouldn't feel the same way especially as how the DNC has tried to put it's thumb on the scale for Hillary in every one of its actions so far.
dEs joHnson (Forest Hills NY)
That must be one really big magic wand Bernie has if he can "Get rid of Super PACs, Citizens United, and the influence of rich donors, and...elect moderate and progressive candidates who spend their time governing instead of fundraising." Seriously? this is America, not cloud cuckoo land.
F. T. (Oakland, CA)
Of course, HRC also has many factors that could disqualify her, that have nothing to do with her gender. Her priorities, in the fact that big money is the family business. Her allegiances, in that she brings with her millions given by billionaires; corporations (American and foreign, including Russian); and foreign governments, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, and others.

Her hawkishness, as in her stating, and re-confirming, that she would "annihilate" Iran; and now, is willing to down Russian planes in Syria. (Really? We want to escalate a confrontation with Russia, in Syria?)

Her disdain for the women who choose to stay home, and who yes, might even bake cookies. Her deafness to the pain of racism, in declaring after all the videos that "All lives matter." Her lack of interest in the issues of middle America, until big crowds and polling figures told her that these were issues that would gain her votes.

Some of us believe that true feminism is equality, not pandering because of sex. And that a true feminist would urge us all to vote according to our values and beliefs, not our gender.
Misky (<br/>)
I find it interesting that this turns up in your litany: "Her disdain for the women who choose to stay home, and who yes, might even bake cookies." Hmmmm.
James (Flagstaff)
The "novelty" of a woman campaigning for the presidency, and doing so with one of the most impressive resumes in the race, raises another problem. It's hard for many Hillary supporters to come to grips with the fact that she may prove to be like many male candidates over the years who were eminently qualified on paper but were simply not effective candidates (though they tried more than once). Not because she's a woman, or held to a different standard, or judged harshly by an electorate won't elect a woman, but because she isn't running a particularly strong campaign or connecting effectively and persuasively with the concerns of today's electorate. Nor is she overcoming the public's sense that expediency is her higher value (and, to be gender neutral, her husband's highest value). And, that realization, more than starry-eyed idealism, is leading some of us to embrace the implausible candidacy of Senator Sanders, rather than go down with a ship we didn't want to be on in the first place.
Misky (<br/>)
"It's hard for many Hillary supporters to come to grips with the fact that she may prove to be like many male candidates over the years who were eminently qualified on paper but were simply not effective candidates"

Have you any data to back up this statement?
mme (wolf)
"most impressive resumes in the race" someone has had a little too much too drink.
Diana (Centennial, Colorado)
I am a woman and I am not going to vote for Hillary Clinton because she is a woman, I am not going to vote for her because she is a Democrat, I am going to vote for her because she is the most qualified person running for the office of President of the United States. The fact that she will fight for women makes that a bonus. The fact that she will fight for the Middle Class is a huge bonus, ties to Wall Street aside.
As for her paying for the transgressions of her husband, Donald Trump should not cast stones. His house is made of thin glass. The Republicans are using Bill Clinton's misdeeds as a distraction from the fact that their candidates are odious and dangerous, and offer nothing but the same tired ultra conservative platitudes that are indecent. Hillary Clinton is not and should not be held responsible for whatever her husband did.
SW (San Francisco)
Can one really be for the Middle Class and Wall Street concurrently? That is not the prevailing wisdom of the NYT editorials or the majority of its readers. Hillary is a Republican when it comes to financial and macroeconomic policies, coziness with Wall Street and foreign affairs.
Steve (New York)
You don't note that Hillary is trying to attack Bernie for being too naive about foreign affairs to be president. Curious that on the most important foreign policy decision of the 21st century, the invasion of Iraq, it was Hillary who allowed herself to be deceived by phony intelligence.
coffic (New York)
"Hillary is a Republican when it comes to financial and macroeconomic policies, coziness with Wall Street and foreign affairs." Actually, those attributes make her a full-fledged Democrat. Most Repubs would fit that description, too.
Bob F. (Lawrence, Kansas)
Yes, a woman sitting in the oval office is long overdue. Unfortunately, we asked Elizabeth Warren and she said "no.:
Mary Ann (<br/>)
You commented that it may be a sign of progress that young women "don't see their space defined by a glass ceiling." I don't think it is a sign of progress. I think it is a sign that women don't really experience gender discrimination until they age, gain experience and compete with men for higher level jobs. Being young affords women some advantages that evaporate with age. I predict that looking back on their careers 30 years from now, their perspectives will have changed.
Mike (hague)
"Another Gallup survey found that what people liked most about a Clinton candidacy was her gender. Her chromosomes are, at least for Democrats, her biggest selling point."

nice selling point for lizard-face Clinton: Vote for me, I'm a woman!

Nice.. now, why would ANY man vote for her then?

Trump will trounce Clinton. It will be glorious to watch. And a bit sad.. for her
Misky (<br/>)
It would be sad for her, but much sadder for the US.
Rohit (New York)
Lots of men like women. Some men even call themselves feminists.
Pia (Las Cruces, NM)
Trump is no movie star, Mike.
Vote for me, I'm a demagogue.
Fem (Washington)
Let's face it, if the tables were turned and it was Bill running for president, people would be supporting him all the way. Not attacking him on every single sin committed in the limelight. There would be no " You're a lier!" You cannot be president! People whom oppose Hillary Rodam Clinton need to admit it's because she's a woman. Simple as that!

When are people going to stop pretending that they are for woman equality and advancement. That's the real lie in politics. The US has had so many success' , if the US really wanted a woman president there would have been one already. Just look at who her potential Republican nominee may be; trump. Disgusting, vial, woman hating man , who I may point out is not afraid to show it. And you liberals won't stand up for Rodham Clinton! Shame on you.
Misky (<br/>)
Thank you.
Nora01 (New England)
I am both a liberal and a woman. I "won't stand up for [Hillary]" because she is entirely capable of standing up for herself. If she isn't, she's not only in the wrong ballpark; she isn't even in the right game.

Hillary is so ready to attack and to see herself as attacked that her campaign foolishly called out Sanders campaign for obliquely referring to her in a mild ad. It was "foolish" because an ad that would only have been seen by the residents of Iowa and New Hampshire had its profile raised to national level. By calling attention to it, she amplified the message. Not a winning strategy.

I will not be voting for Hillary in the primary, however. She is too much Republican-lite for my tastes and too bellicose. If I want bellicose, the other side has it in spades. All that lack is the Republican-lite.

No, I will vote for Bernie because he has my concerns front and center. He also has something rarer than being a woman in politics: integrity. Now, that truly is a quality I never thought I would see in a presidential candidate again in my lifetime.
Madre (NYC)
Many young women do not support feminism in the classical sense because they don't think there is sexism.

This is partly true - a woman experiences more sexism as she makes progress in the society and in her career. When you are a student and fortunate enough to come from a comfortable background you feel invincible. You think sexism doesn't apply to you and therefore you don't need any woman championing for women's and children's rights.
You even think that Bernie Sanders is more feminist than Hillary Clinton.

They will find out in a decade or two how wrong and naive they are.

I did.
SC (Rincon)
That's because they are young...give them time...
Nora01 (New England)
Those same college women, who do not think sexism exists, grade their female professors lower than the males. If they get a poor grade from a man, they think they didn't work hard enough or understand the material well enough. If they get a poor grade from a woman, she is a - as Barbara Bush said, "rhymes with rich". Young women are sexists, themselves. They just don't know it.
Linda G (Kansas)
Me too. You describe exactly what happened to me. As a college student and young professional, I was treated the same as the super majority of men in my classes and work life. Then, I had my first child and realized my boss with two kids at home did not need to leave the meeting at 6:00 PM because HE needed to get home to the family. But I did. Then, I quit work because I couldn't do well the only two things I wanted to do well: mother and work. I could only do one and there was no choice about what I had to do well. That's when I realized how uneven the playing field in our society is toward women.
Julie (Playa del Rey, CA)
The implication I should be excited solely by idea of first woman president is annoying and condescending; Clinton should drop it.
Yes it's beyond time, but not just any woman, and these times of money buying our politicians hence laws and tax policy have to be stopped.
Sanders is the only one talking the talk and walking the walk.
Trump and Sanders are both vilified by their national parties and the general political/media/entertainment vested interests, yet they each get more popular on their respective sides.
(Only one has actual experience and policies.)
The people know both parties are bought.
Gender is not the big issue in this election, Big Money is.
Parrot (NYC)
so here is a higher standard for all women to aspire to:

"as President Obama’s own former defense secretary, Robert Gates, admitted, “the odds are pretty high” that her home server was accessed by one or more hostile foreign governments."

wipe it away with a......"cloth"?
Misky (<br/>)
But Robert Gates is guessing. Where's the evidence?
boganbusters (Australasia)
I am attracted to this column opposing sex traffiking of children specifically.

Only way to fight this is by decriminalizing child sex traffic making it a civil offense. Otherwise the felony will fall within the purview of the county, state and federal prosecutors/DAs. Informants of other felonies down the road from our intergenerational family business had been given immunity from federal, state and local governments for human trafficking for a generation.

US laws and executive orders have a long way to go to adhere to basic human rights. Change is needed if US is to be respected.
Jim Waddell (Columbus, OH)
It's hard to consider Hillary Clinton as a feminist when she has denigrated and attempted to destroy the women who accused her husband of sexual harassment or even rape. In that respect she more represents a 1970's male, who rarely believed women's claims of rape.

And this whole thing about taxing tampons is ridiculous. Clothes are also a necessity and they are subject to the same sales tax as tampons - at least here in Ohio. Depends and diapers are a necessity for those who need them - but they are taxed too.

If we exempted every "necessity" from the sales tax, there wouldn't be much left to tax. But here's a suggestion for New York: Let's exempt feminine hygiene products from the NY sales tax and to to make up the shortfall, let's eliminate the sales tax exemption for the New York Times.
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Spoken like a "1970s male": The article explains that they are taxed inexplicably as "luxury items".

Since we can't cure Stoopid it would be nice to be able to tax it.
brighteyed (01720)
Yes, Hillary has been subjected to sexism. Yes, Donald is guilty of sexism. That having been said, Hillary has unfinished issues that the Republicans are eagerly awaiting to tie her up with, such as Benghazi, emails, Clinton Fund in Haiti, the soap opera that is the Clintons, etc. She can't get out of her own way when trying to resolve these issues, (and in my mind they are largely non-issues). She prevaricates a la Bill and will tie up the nation in nonsense. She seems to be a bit of a loner, but what is needed now is a Democrat with significant coattails to load the Congress. She appears to be all about Hillary and not about the issues. The Democrats should have come up with female alternatives like Senator Amy Klobuchar or Governor Gina Raymondo, rather than a 'rightful heir to the throne'. She is too ready to send out the troops rather than rely on diplomacy, which is strange for a Secretary of State. Please spare us from a another season of 'The Clintons'!
Kay Johnson (Colorado)
Seriously, get some new talking points. This is thin gruel. "She appears to be all about Hillary". Ugh. "Prevaricates a la Bill". Nonsense is right.
Samy St Clair (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Are you kidding? Benghazi is a dead horse beaten to a pulp.
Robert J Citelli (San Jose, CA)
As Mr Clinton was able to serve his full term, did HRC benefit as a result? Did her defense of Mr Clinton help preserve his presidency? Had Mr Clinton actually been removed from office would HRC run for Senate? Be named SOS? Has HRC benefitted from her prior stance or is she a victim now? Perhaps both are true.
Reba Shimansky (New York)
I want to commend Nicholas Kristoff for his praise of Hillary Clinton as a feminist, something you rarely read in the NY Times. However there are other examples that Kristoff left out:
On September 5th 1995 Hillary Clinton gave the greatest and most famous feminist speech of all time at the UN 4th World Conference in Beijing where Hillary Clinton said that "woman`s rights are human rights".The Clinton administration was opposed to her giving the speech but she gave it anyway.
Hillary organized Irish women to support the Northern Ireland Peace Agreement and that is why she is in the Irish Hall of Fame.
When Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State human rights groups in Saudi Arabia were outraged that a 50 year old Saudi man was about to marry an 8 year old girl.The Saudi courts rejected the mother`s plea to stop the marriage. Hillary called Saudi authorities and said "Fix this on your own and I won`t say a word". A new judge was appointed and the child was given a quickie divorce.
Wanda Fries (Somerset, KY)
Thank you.
Philip Sedlak (Antony, Hauts-de-Seine, France)
86 or more countries have already had female heads of state (some more than once). Don't we have enough evidence yet to know how women differ from men in public office?
eva staitz (nashua, nh)
she is not trusted or believed. that is not a gender issue.
Misky (<br/>)
I disagree. So called "uppity women" are not trusted or believed in the United States. Think of Lily Ledbetter (think of me, while you're at it.)
Jim (Phoenix)
What ever happened to voting for people on the issues, their past performance in office and the stamina they've exhibited in dealing with hard issues and a grueling work schedule. I don't care one way or the other if Hillary is or isn't a feminist. What I care about is that she seemed overwhelmed by the demands of being Secretary of State. If Secretary of State was too taxing, why in the world would you run for president. Have we ever had such a disappointing crew of candidates for president as the ones we're offered now?
Misky (<br/>)
"she seemed overwhelmed by the demands of being Secretary of State. If Secretary of State was too taxing, why in the world would you run for president."

The word "seemed" is an important word in your statement. "Seemed" to whom? Not to me, for example.
proffexpert (Los Angeles)
I get it. Hillary's feminism is a sort of "get out of jail free" card. Since Hillary is a woman, then it's OK for her to receive large contributions from drug companies and healthcare companies and then say that single-payer is an impossible dream. If a man did that, he'd just be a corrupt and hypocritical politician. But it's OK if Hillary does it.
Misky (<br/>)
Having been brought up in a military family, I understand fully that to win a war you must understand and work with the realities of your opponents. It doesn't work to charge out ahead of the line, beating you breast and waving your banner in a display of bravery.
marian (New York, NY)
"…Hillary Clinton is scolded for turning on & helping to stigmatize the women who accused her husband of misconduct, which oddly means that she may pay more of a price for his misbehavior than he ever did. That irony would encapsulate the truism that whatever the progress, women are often still held to a higher standard than men."

You are mistaken, Mr. Kristof.. She will pay for her own behavior. She is an abuser of women in her own right. She may, in the end pay a higher price because she is a feminist fake whose only rationale for running is her gender. Savvy women are revolted by her.

Regarding the Clinton assaults, WSJ, NYT, Fox, Trump–& virtually everyone else–are missing the elephant in the room–Hillary–who promotes herself as the feminist in the race. That she rode to notoriety on the backs of her predatory husband & the women they abused says otherwise.

The charging of Bill Cosby reminds us that the Clintons, too, are not above the law.

Unfortunately, the statutes of limitation have run on the Clinton crimes.

But there are no statutes of limitation in the court of public opinion. It is critical all voters inform themselves & issue their verdict with their votes.

There are 2 relevant videos online, the Dateline NBC investigation of the alleged rape of Juanita Broaddrick by Bill Clinton, & an interview of Broaddrick detailing the alleged threat by Mrs. Clinton two week later.

I urge anyone planning to pull the lever for the feminist pretender to watch both.
Misky (<br/>)
I am a very savvy woman. I whole-heartedly support Hilary Clinton.

Any one who gets elected will be forced to work with the status quo and then use what power he/she has to incrementally change things. Obama is a graphic illustration of this truth and I am not being derogatory. Obamacare is the example. Of course we all wanted single payer and still do but establishing Obamacare, given the ugly realities of this plutocracy, was a necessarily incremental step towards social justice.

Like Obama, Hilary is a realist. I'm afraid that Bernie's election would only lead to a version of the charge of the light brigade.
Greeley (Farmington CT)
Please do not attempt to speak for me or anyone else who has a very different view about the accomplishments and, yes, the personal history of Hillary Clinton. "Savvy women are revolted by her" is NOT a true statement, and you sound as shrill as Sarah Palin when you make it. It is discouraging to see that many who consider themselves to be progressives and morally superior to the Republicans are stooping to the same level of discourse and lack of civility in the political discussions this year. While I don't support Mr. Sanders for a variety of reasons, I do admire the decency he exhibits (for the most part) towards Mrs. Clinton, and his refusal to surrender a sense of civility. I wish many of his supporters would follow his example.
HR (Maine)
I would be thrilled to help vote in the first woman president. But not JUST to have a woman president.
Hillary's problem isn't changing her surname, or 'standing by Bill' through his transgressions, or eschewing cookie baking for career advancement.
Her problem is her constant shape shifting to try to appease whomever criticizes her. She does this by compromising her ideals and her positions; to the point that I - and apparently a whole lot of other people - don't know for certain what they are. She would rather switch than fight (to upend an old TV ad).
It's one thing to change your mind on an issue over time as you gather more insight. It's another to be constantly chasing polls and money to figure out what your position ought to be on any given issue.
While I believe she does truly have concern for underprivileged children and disadvantaged women, it isn't really to any greater degree than most women democrats.
A strong female voice on the left will always be needed and wanted, but there is nothing special about hers.
Janis (Ridgewood, NJ)
Americans are too overly obsessed with having the first female president of this country; that's the basic problem.
Misky (<br/>)
I think you mean "male Americans."
macbev (Petaluma, CA)
Dear Nicholas Kristoff,
I greatly admire your courage and humanity. Unfortunately, I don't think that Hillary Clinton's ethics are on the same level as yours. I don't see how she can take money from Wall Street and from military corporations and act in the best interest of all Americans. Recently, in Mother Jones magazine, there was an article about how nations that had donated to the Clinton foundation got preferential arms deals when she was Secretary of State. Check it out. I would love to see a woman as president, but I think Elizabeth Warren would be a much better candidate.
Red Lion (Europe)
Warren would be great. Her campaign would be one of the most exciting ever. She'd lose badly, but we'd all be inspired -- until the Greedy Obnoxious Psychopath who would win got in office and with an equally sociopathic Congress dismantled everything Warren stands for.
Nick K (Reno)
When Bill's dalliances were exploited by a rigid, puritan America, the Russians didn't see much in it, on the contrary, called Bill a "muzjik", a real man; the French were un-flummoxed, citing Mitterrand's amante and daughter out of wedlock as perfectly natural, while the Guardian could not be troubled beyond "kissing of the presidential mace"... Hillary took a tough stand though on the female violator, and Maureen Dowd explained it better than I can. Sexual adventures notwithstanding, feminists should ask why Hillary is taking Goldman Sacks money, why Chelsea is marrying a Goldman Sack man; it was Goldman Sack that got fined five billion dollars not for crossing the street in the wrong place, but by crossing the law. We see a plethora of questionable liaisons that should be scandalous, unless, of course, we root for muzjiks, fancy ourselves French, and not mind honoring the presidential mace as "that woman" did.
NI (Westchester, NY)
It is amazing when more things change, the more it stays the same. As I see the cohort of caricatures of men in the frey, she seems like the only Man among the Candidates. She is the only PERSON who has the grit, tenacity, understanding of issues and policy whose resumé is out of this world. She is brilliant, thinks on her feet and a steeliness that no other candidate can summon. Inane, irrelevant topics like her hair, her clothes, her laugh even her lunch are points of debate trying to crucify her because she has the XX chromosome. Let me tell you, when I vote for Hillary, it is because she is the only 'Person' cabable of doing the job of President. I would want her stable mind and stable hand on the Red Button.
SW (San Francisco)
Would that be the same "stable" hand that supported illegal regime change in Libya and thereby brought ISIS to the Afican continent? Or the same hand that knew about and supported arming, training and funding unvetted Syrian rebels on behalf of that superpower of human rights, the Saudis?
Matt (NJ)
This is the same stable hand who kept a private server to keep her official communications free from prying eyes, and then wiped that server when asked for the official contents?

Then we learn she had sidebar communications on highly sensitive topics with Richard Blumenthal which she failed to turn over when asked?

And then there's that little ditty in the NY Times of Russian corporations giving her foundation millions, and she just happened to argue in favor of their desired policy.

Money and power - that's what she cares about. Laws, and the country are secondary, or not even a consideration.
Gregory (Wolf)
She is the only person to laugh at an underage rape victim. FACT
flak catcher (Where? Not high enough!)
i think trump could use a little more help in this category of political appeal.
jacobi (Nevada)
Clinton is a feminist in the same vein as Cersei from Game of Thrones. It is all about power and nothing more.
MARGROSE (Glen Cove, NY)
Hillary was hurt by Bill's transgressions but the women with whom he cavorted knew he was a married man. She is the best qualified, knows what can and cannot be done in governing and always is a lady no matter what is thrown at her. That is class and what we need is a gracious demeanor as we deal with other countries and as we try to reconcile differences between our two parties in Congress..
Aaron Adams (Carrollton Illinois)
Without a doubt there have been some great women leaders in the thousands of years of recorded history. However, if you scan the index of an encyclopedia of world history, the names of men leaders outnumber those of women at least 99 to one. Is this because men were usually physically stronger or was it really sexism or was it all just a cultural thing or did men prove to be the better leaders in the long run?
minh z (manhattan)
No Mr. Kristof, it's not the problem of Hillary being ahead of or behind the times. It's about Hillary being unsuitable for the times.

If Hillary Clinton talked about what she would do about the issues that face the average American citizen voter in plain terms, and repeat her message, she might come off as having a platform that cares about a majority of voters.

Her message is muddled and unclear, whereas Donald Trump's is easily repeated. Let's also talk about Donald Trump's experience as a husband and a business mogul - there's very little to suggest that he disrespected women and in fact many are in key positions in his company. His ex-wives and kids don't seem to make the gossip pages. Hillary and Bill on the other hand can't seem to avoid controversy and much of it is about women.

She might be held to a higher standard, but much of the problems of HRC as self-inflicted. And that isn't something that has anything to do with her age or her sex.
Misky (<br/>)
" It's about Hillary being unsuitable for the times." According to. . .? Well, you, of course.
Tom Silver (NJ)
"...which oddly means that she may pay more of a price for his [Bill Clinton's] misbehavior than he ever did. That irony would encapsulate the truism that whatever the progress, women are often still held to a higher standard than men."

That's hardly the material point with respect to this Presidential campaign. Hillary is running now - not Bill - so her inconsistency in saying women should be believed, except when Bill is the culprit, belies the feminism which she is trying to make the heart of her campaign. Of course we must consider the evidence which Hillary says proves Bill's accusers are liars, but for all other women - Hillary in her statement made no such demand for evidence. Just belief. (What exactly was the evidence against Paula Jones - to whom Bill paid many hundreds of thousands of dollars to settle her complaint. And what was the evidence against Juanita Broaddrick, whose story is well known to all who really do care about women victimized by men?) Come on Kristof - you don't have to stretch it this far for Hillary. Nobody doubts your own feminist bona fides.
M. (Seattle, WA)
Hillary is tanking, and the liberals are desperately trying to sell her to the public. No sale.
AG (Wilmette)
Trump is not just a sexist or misogynist, he is an inhumanist. Misanthrope doesn't cut it, and humanist means someone who cares about people, so a new word is needed to describe someone who is an extreme ill-bred lout, a cad, a boor, one who does not begin with the fundamental assumption that the stranger you see on the street is a civil person. His default position is to hold the other person in contempt even without knowing anything about him/her. A total waste of space.

I regard Trump as a member of my species only to the extent that his eating, drinking, and excreting biology is the same as mine. In every other regard, he might as well be a slime mold.
naomi dagen bloom (<br/>)
He IS slime mold, in corporate clothing.
Margo (Atlanta)
We saw "The Apprentice" - the rewards were based on skill and ability, how much more do you want?
Fan of Hudson (<br/>)
Hillary's top donors are Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, and many other financial and law firms. Then she says that they don't control her. Just some truth occasionally please, Hillary.
Laura Quickfoot (Indialantic,FL)
Taiwan has just elected their first female President.
The United States of America has had 44 male Presidents.
Not one female President.
What higher standards was George W held to? That everyone could imagine having a beer with him? Look where that got us.

Having just moved to the south coming from NYC and So Ca, I find that I just might as well have moved to a Middle Easten country for all their religious zealotry and misogyny. Although I am doing what I can to help turn Florida purple.
In a parking lot of a super market here I came across an SUV with a bumper sticker that had a picture of Hillary and the bumper sticker read
Life's a Bitch. So don't vote for one."
I stood there and slowly peeled off the bumper sticker.
Even the "Stand Your Ground" Law didn't dissuade me.
I was standing my ground.
Larry (Florida)
So much for the First Amendment, right Laura?
Perhaps you should consider staying out of the hot sun.
SLLaster (Kansas)
Be careful.
PHL11 (Copenhagen)
I don't agree that slamming Hillary for shaming women her husband victimized is ironic. It is merely pointing out Hillary's constant hypocrisy.
1) She shames women her husband attacked, then says we should believe and support victims.
2) She helps pass drug laws that target blacks and calls young black males "super predators," then she says black lives matter.
3) She says she will always remember meeting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and shaking his hand. Two years later she worked for Goldwater on a anti-Civil Rights platform.
Hillary is the worst kind of "feminist." She's the solidarity is for rich white women kind of feminist. She's the glass ceiling kind of feminist, when the majority of nurses, home healthcare workers, and primary education teachers are women and these are professions are underpaid. The glass ceiling doesn't enter into for these women. She's an identity politics kind of feminist, when class consciousness and class politics is what would improve the lives of the most women, children and men.
sweinst254 (nyc)
A lot of the broad acceptance of a woman leader is because of strong women across the political spectrum. You may hate them (I do) but Palin, Bachmann, et al. have changed minds on the right, as Margaret Thatcher did in Britain.

That said, I found the last paragraph puzzling. Bill Clinton has not run for any public office since the Lewinsky affair, so I don't see how Kristof can compare what Hillary is going through to him. And please don't cite "high approval polling numbers" — I long ago quit believing in such polls.
tory472 (Maine)
But the eight percent who wouldn't vote for a woman today are probably perfectly willing to vote for a self- aggrandizing narcissist.
Donald Johnson (Colorado)
I don't think Sarah Palin or Hillary Clinton are qualified to serve in the White House as role models for little girls or old ladies. Their greed for political power and perks is outrageous.

Their disregard of the truth and integrity is dismaying.

And their disdain for those who disagree with them and oppose them is the kind of arrogance that Obama has used to divide the country since he burst on the scene.

I hope to see a woman in the presidency, but I want that president to be as wise as she is smart, as personable as she is tough and as honest as she is ambitious.
Misky (<br/>)
". . .as role models for little girls or old ladies. Their greed for political power and perks is outrageous."

But it would be ok for little boys or old men? Do you find Trump, Cruz, Rubio to be free of greed for political power and perks? Or perhaps could it be that such greed is perfectly ok for males?
Annie (Pittsburgh)
Amazing. Equating Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton, really amazing. I guess a woman is a woman is a woman and no differences in ability, intelligence, experience, attitude, or goals means anything whatsoever because of that second X chromosome. And, ohmigosh, wanting political power! Get back in that kitchen, woman, know your place.

Of course, for Mr. Johnson, blacks better learn their place, too. Just for the record, Mr. Johnson, it is not President Obama who has divided this country, but the desire for getting their way at any cost and willingness to trash government coming from the right. And, oh, yeah, the down deep belief that no Democrat, especially not a black one, belongs in the White House.
Pat in Denver (<br/>)
Why do you think I, as a woman, must support Hillary Clinton? I find nothing about her to be admirable. I suppose I will have to vote for her if she is the last Democrat on the ballot, but it will be very, very difficult.
AACNY (New York)
Hillary is being scolded for being a hypocrite. She said, "Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed and supported." How, exactly, does this square with her demonizing the women Bill assaulted?

She's not being held to a higher standard. She's being held to the standard of someone who is claiming to be a champion of women.

If you want to pick a feminist champion, try to find someone who is not so morally challenged. She's a poor symbol.
Madeline Conant (Midwest)
The Republicans float lots of anti-Hillary memes to see which ones get traction. In a stunning burst of irony, some young women seem to buy the story that casts Hillary as a feminist betrayer because she spoke up 30 years ago against Bill's accusers. The Republicans say, "It's time for a woman president, just not this one." Right.

The Republicans are silent about Bernie Sanders. Because their fingers are crossed.

I really like Bernie Sanders, but if he gets the nomination the Republicans are ready to run over him like a concrete truck.
Richard Krain (Scarsdale, NY)
Nick, I agree with your column yet I am still nervous about voting for Hillary. Not because she is a woman but because there is something that is disingenuous about her. In her public appearances, she comes across as slick. I just can't figure out where she stands on so many issues. For months it looked like she was moving away from Obama in response to his poor ratings. Then, as he strengthened his act and gave a highly effective State of the Union speech, she suddenly seemed to embrace him and his policies. She has taken lots of money from the banking community and wants us to believe that there is no quid pro quo. I suspect the same lack of clarity regarding her stance on our incredibly high healthcare costs. It was easy to protest Shrelki's behavior but will she really fight the pharma lobby to allow the government to negotiate drug prices? Who is the real Hillary Clinton?
Hi Nick, it is a surprise that Editorial Board, who is bent on destroying Hillary Clinton as candidate, allowed this column to appear.
Harry Pearle (Rochester, NY)
"FOR most of her career, Hillary Clinton suffered for being a feminist." I believe that Hillary is still defensive about the possibility of becoming the first woman president. What if she pushed it to the max?

I suggest, for example, that she could use the "V" for victory sign in a new way. She could show "V" signs with both hands, to form a "W" (V V), for woman. But my fear is that Clinton is too ashamed to try anything like this.

My sense is that having a woman president is huge. I think it is not just about women, but also about men and the value of all of us who feel left out in the system. A woman president, by her very presence would be a constant reminder that everyone counts. Yes, our status counts. Our pay counts. Our opinions counts.

I believe that having a woman president could boost the economy, and perhaps save us from a downturn. It would be a sign of HOPE for the future, as more and more women and men rose up.

"One step for WOMAN. One giant leap for HUMAN kind!
Occupy Government (Oakland)
What other candidate is challenged because of his wife's activities? Donald Trump's attacks on Bill Clinton are fundamentally different from political attacks on any other candidate. That difference is sexism. The media should call it out. Instead, they sell papers on the details.
Gratefully (So. Oregon)
There is something wrong about lying in general, lying to your constituents, to the nation, your wife. When Hilary defended her husband in the face of what she most certainly knew to be lies about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky, I lost all respect for her. If she lied to protect his office at the time, she'll lie to protect hers. Period.
shayladane (Canton NY)
Everyone who reaches Hillary's age has baggage, has made mistakes, and has regrets. If you claim differently, you are a fool, IMO.

Hillary's history in the public eye and privately is continually being raked over the coals with no possible opening for redemption. If she comments, she is a liar; if she keeps quiet, it's a cover-up. I truly believe this is because she is a woman.

Many men and women, even today, prefer to blame women and forgive men for comparable "wrong actions." Despite great progress, cultural changes rarely progress at the same rate for every group of people.

For most of us, no one ever brings up an unfortunate event from 20 years ago and publicizes it simply to embarass us without even considering how we may have changed over the years. Its almost never done to male politicians any more. Why is it still tolerated?

I do believe that the standing of women is another great question for our time.
Ostinato (Düsseldorf)
It doesn't really matter if she is male or female. She is ambitious and intelligent. I giver her credit for facing the public following her husband's infidelities. She has a lot of backbone. However, she has sold herself to lobbyists. She has no clear direction. I see her as an opportunist. Her behavior toward staff members in the early Clinton White House has been the topic of interest and may reflect her true self. I find her understanding of international affairs to be at best superficial and cannot imagine her dealing with international crises as well as John Kerry has. As a candidate she recognizes that Bernie Sanders is catching up with her and has hijacked and rephrased the issues that he had been representing for nearly 40 years. In my opinion she has disqualified herself from being President. But then, she is not alone on that big stage.
Hank (West Caldwell, New Jersey)
As Martin Luther King said one day we shall judge a person by the quality of their character instead of by the color of their skin, so shall this same principal apply to how we regard and treat gender differences; and specifically end the discrimination against women.

My theory that explains the suppression and horrific mistreatment of women throughout history is that for most of human history we have had agrarian societies in which the physical strength of men was celebrated as a high virtue and licensing men to develop egos of superiority and to not respect women's innate intelligence and abilities.

That agrarian history of civilization has now evolved into a technological culture, mostly in the western hemisphere of developed nations. Just note that it is the parts of the world that are still very agrarian where the abuse of women is still rampant whereas in the western technological societies women are asserting their rightful place in society. Physical strength is no longer is critical, but intelligence and character are critical. History is evolving and the tragedy of suppressing women, and men with over inflated egos is gradually changing. Women who are every bit a intelligent as men, if not more so, and emotionally more mature (and always have been), are finally revolting because society no longer requires the "physically strong men." The change can not happen soon enough or fast enough.
mmm (United States)
In most agrarian societies, throughout most of human history, it's not the men who have done the work requiring the most physical strength. It's the women -- pregnant, lactating, carrying babies on their back -- who plow the fields, haul the water, gather the wood. Before that, when (male) hunters made a kill, women were responsible for the back-breaking work of hauling the carcass back to camp.
Anetliner Netliner (<br/>)
Hillary Clinton's problem isn't feminism. Clinton's problem is that her pro-Wall Street, business as usual stances have alienated a substantia share of Democratic and independent voters.

Feel the Bern 2016!
Jwl (NYC)
Please read her plan for reining in Wall Street...tougher than Dodd Frank, tougher than anyone else.Do your homework!
petey tonei (Massachusetts)
She is so pro Wall Street that even Bloomberg won't run against her.
Richard Luettgen (New Jersey)
Hillary Clinton didn’t suffer for much: she’s been at the center of national politics for 23 years, and of Arkansas politics for years before that. She’s been an influential First Lady of Arkansas and of the United States, a U.S. senator and a U.S. Sec. of State. She has a raft of “firsts” as a woman associated with her name. I imagine MOST feminists would like to have suffered as much.

She did suffer, not so much for her feminism as her gender, when as a new associate with the Rose Law Firm of Little Rock she had to suffer a lecture by the senior partner who took off his boots and put his bare feet up on the desk.

Then, of course, Hillary owes enough to feminists to take up their banner in the upcoming as a quid pro quo. During Bill’s troubles with Monica Lewinsky in the late 1990s, feminists were astonishingly silent about credible accusations leveled at Bill by Juanita Broaddrick (charges of rape), Kathleen Willey (charges of sexual assault) and Paula Jones (charges of sexual harassment). The feminists largely ignored Bill’s alleged transgressions while Hillary was active in seeking to discredit the women alleging the wrongdoing.

In the end, Hillary will not lose out by her sex, though I’m not sure given who she is that it will be a major factor in any success at securing the presidency: her life overshadows her gender. Trump, should he face her, will moderate his sexist manner so as not to alienate a very large part of America, and not just women.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
Get real, that dress didn't go to the cleaners because it was a trophy.
srbenedicta (convent)
Good one, Steve!
Maggie Mae (Massachusetts)
But the charges were investigated at the time, and found to be not credible, rife with contradictions, skewed timelines, recantations, misrepresentation. There's plenty of detail out there for anyone who wants to review the cases. I'm a Sanders supporter myself, but Hillary Clinton is a smart, accomplished person who's very capable of being an excellent president. It's a huge disappointment to me that so many people still expect her to answer in one way or another for her husband. I read commenters in this thread -- self-described feminists, at that -- who appear to feel more ranchor toward her than they do Bill.
ScottW (Chapel Hill, NC)
Young women (my daughter is one of them) would love to support Hillary if they believed in her policies. But they don't need to support Hillary, just because she is a woman. They are actually listening to what the candidates are saying and not merely reflexively endorsing the pre-ordained favorite.

This is refreshing. We need a candidate who is not beholden to Wall Street, financiers and corporate interests.

If you endorse the viewpoint that money is speech and corporations should control our President, please vote for Hillary. But if you believe business as usual is bad for democracy vote for Bernie.

Most of us would love a woman President. We just want one who is not beholden to the moneyed interests who have controlled Politics for way too long.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
Don't waste your vote on an exercise of futility.
CL (Boston)
With all due respect, it's quite presumptuous of you to assume that those who support Hillary Clinton are doing so only because she is a woman or are not listening to what the candidates are saying. It is also rather easy to say you'd "one day" love to see a woman President, just not this one, not today.
Pam (Evanston IL)
Spare me. Your daughter is not listening to what the candidates say. She's listening to what all her friends say. And they all say jump on the Bernie bandwagon! If she actually listened to what Hillary says she'd be very impressed with her absolutely mainstream democratic message. It's truly sad that young women like your daughter are being brainwashed by the anti-Hillary chorus in this country.
Christine McMorrow (Waltham, MA)
What a conclusion, Mr. Kristof: "So today Hillary Clinton is scolded for turning on and helping to stigmatize the women who accused her husband of misconduct, which oddly means that she may pay more of a price for his misbehavior than he ever did."

If so, it sure shows that Hillary seems to always land on the wrong side of whatever feminine issue she's trying to up-end. Talk about bad timing, even "Send in the Clowns" from a "A Little NIght Music" couldn't say it better.

And this is the problem with transitional women, that is, women who lived through all the social changes launched by Betty Friedan in 1964. Just when she is ready to capitalize on her experience with female putdowns, here she is finding herself out of step with the young women she worked so hard to help, and only supported by some of her own peers, who finally feel their time has come.

But a funny thing about timing is this: just when you think you've got it down, it ups and runs off in the opposite direction. Clinton must be shaking her head at how easy it is for Trump to shake off his boorishness and ugly innuendo about women while she is always just a little bit off, either too far ahead, or too far behind, the voters she's trying to attract.
AACNY (New York)
Don't blame Trump. Obama did an end run around her too. All he had to do was talk. He didn't even have experience.

She's just not that great a politician. She's a much better lawyer and can fight like the best of them. She should be on the bench somewhere.
Jwl (NYC)
I would like to know just how Hillary Clinton is out of step with today's younger women. These women are, after all, walking in her steps.
Jackie (Westchester, NY)
Oh, now she's not such a great politician! I thought the current misogynist critique was that she's too much of a politician! No @AACNY she should be president. She is the most experienced and qualified person running for president. But hey being female only qualifies her for something less in your eyes.
Socrates (Downtown Verona, NJ)
The right-wing impeached President Bill Clinton over his erections and they would love to impeach Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton using those very same erections, once again using every means necessary to distract the United States of America from the basics of good government and good public policy.

60% of minimum wage workers are women; Hillary wants to raise the minimum wage; the GOP wants to keep or eliminate the minimum wage, one of their many-splendored thousand points of misogynistic public policy.

Hillary believes in equal pay for equal work; the GOP prefers to pass on the issue.

Child care, family leave, worker benefits ?

Hillary supports those items; no Republican dare apply.

We all know that Hillary supports a women's right to control her own uterus, a right the Grand Uterine Party fights daily to destroy.

When we look at public policy and sexism in America, we see Hillary actively supporting women's rights and Republicans actively undermining them.

For most Americans outside the right-wing propaganda-industrial mill, 2016 is an Election Year.

But for the creepy Genitalia Over People party, 2016 is an Erection Year.

Whatever it takes to distract Americans from good government and good public policy: GOP 2016
pigenfrafyn (Boston)
@Socrates-----such a great post. There's not much to laugh at during this election cycle, but you manage to bring out the absurdity of it all in the wittiest of ways.
With your permission, I will now refer to the GOP as the Genitalia over People party!
Greeley (Farmington CT)
Thank you, Socrates, for articulating so well what this election should be about, and Hillary's true positions on these important issues. There is so much demonizing of Hillary going on, that I can only assume the Republicans have correctly implemented the only winning strategy they have to get the White House back; derail Hillary, even with her own party. Those who read and comment on these pages have been correctly calling out the Republicans for all of their transparent sins. It just seems to me that they don't realize they have fallen for the Republican media machine, and could be complicit themselves in a Republican victory.
michjas (Phoenix)
Your comment reeks of sexist stereotyping. Raising the minimum wage is good policy, but it isn't a women's issue unless you assume that most women are unskilled laborers. Family benefits are also good policy. But they aren't a women's issue unless you write off single women without children. Abortion rights are good policy, but they aren't a women's issue unless you believe that religious women don't count. Women's issues are those that apply to all women. You believe in women's rights only if they conform to your agenda. Men who believe they have the right to define women's rights are sexist in the extreme. Oink, oink.
Colenso (Cairns)
(Outrage at his “oafishness” — a standard put-down of a strongman — was such that the Donald tried to mollify critics by running for the only job that money can't buy —President of the United States ... NOT)

Trump is a fraudulent showman and con-artist; Hillary is a cunning and unscrupulous opportunist and one half of a pair of charming cynics driven by their lust for power, money and notoriety. When thinking about the latter, think a cleverer version of Bonnie and Clyde.

Neither the Donald nor the Clinton is a 'strong' man or woman, that is, an ethically strong person. There is much more to virtue than being a competent shyster capable of pulling the wool over the eyes of gullible and naive journalists and their fame-blinded followers.
Thomas (New York)
Since when does "strong" specifically mean "ethically strong"?
Paul Easton (Brooklyn)
Think a more media savvy version of Mr. and Mrs. MacBeth.
Steve Bolger (New York City)
The word "charm" is alien in most sentences about Trump.
John LeBaron (MA)
I would ask what any spouse would do when confronted with attacks on his/her mate that conflict with support for some grander principle? I'm not sure if HRC has handled this conundrum as well as she could have, but for the life of me I can't think of anything better.

Life happens. It throws curve balls. You deal with them as best you can. Defending Bill through politically-inspired, though justified, attacks against him is hardly a show-stopper for a Hillary Clinton presidency. Who would have done differently?
Marylee (MA)
I agree John L. What impresses me is that after enduring the humiliation around her husband and Monica, Hillary didn't retreat and hide. She went out and won a Senate seat from NY. She is a role model for rising above the "woman scorned"
Paul (Ventura)
Fine, then don't pretend that you are pro-women and a feminist now. If you belittle and besmirch women who were molested by the most powerful man in the state-Governor or the most powerful man in the world.
That's why most OPEN MINDED people think she is a liar who will say anything!
Reader In Wash, DC (Washington, DC)
RE: I'm not sure if HRC has handled this conundrum as well as she could have, but for the life of me I can't think of anything better.

REALLY? How about not saying or doing anything rather than participating in attacking the victims?
terri (USA)
I hear many people criticizing you if you say you are voting for Hillary Clinton because she is a woman. I say why the heck not? We have been voting for men for ever just because they are men.
Hillary Clinton is the smartest, most knowledgeable and the most supportive of women's rights than any other candidate by far. Why wouldn't everybody support her.
AACNY (New York)
Choosing to ignore unethical behavior because of the person's gender is just a modern day version of sexism. "It's okay because she's a woman" has replaced, "It's not okay because she's a woman."
sweinst254 (nyc)
I remember when Thatcher ran the first time for prime minister, a prominent British feminist who supported her being quoted in the Economist that "in 100 years, no one will remember her politics, but everyone will remember she was a woman."

I can't verify it, but I suspect that woman may have had buyer's remorse.
madden (paris)
If only what you wrote about Hillary were true, I'd vote for her, too; but I don't believe a word of it. Also, there's a lot more wrong with this country that don't seem to concern her as much. Bernie gets my vote.
Jwl (NYC)
Mr. Kristof, you are absolutely correct, women are always held to a higher standard. Men seem to feel emasculated when working for women, they are hunter gatherers, who are these women in their place? Well, the women have earned their places, Hillary Clinton has earned her place. This is a woman who has had an impact on history both as senator and Secretary of State. There is not another candidate with her resume. The Trumps and Sanders of the race can bellow, but she can speak, and she can write, and she will give you her plans and explain how they will benefit the country. Yes, women are held to a higher standard, and that's precisely why we should elect this woman as our next president.
John (Midwest)
I am sorry but women are NOT always held to a higher standard. I have seen women as smart, competent and virtuous as any man and I have seen women as stupid, incompetent, and petty as any man. Nonetheless, in decades of teaching at public universities, I have seen many privileged, mediocre women hired for tenure track jobs over far better qualified men in the same subfield. Those who make such sweeping, sexist generalizations as "women are always held to a higher standard" justify others in doing the same in reverse.
Paul Easton (Brooklyn)
You can't deny she has had a major impact on Iraq, Libya, Syria, and similarly unfortunate places.
PHL11 (Copenhagen)
As I recall Hillary Clinton, having never lived in or been involved in the politics of NY, stepped in, displaced Nita Lowly (so much for solidarity huh?) and ran a cynical campaign based on name recognition from her husband's achievements. (so much for feminism). While there she voted for the Iraq war (i.e. to ship other women's children into harms way and demolish the lives of women and girls in Iraq) notch feminism there, eh?

Bernie on the other hand served 25 years as Senator. 25 years! And has been consistent in promoting class consciousness and class politics. He voted against the Iraq war. What's important isn't the identity politics of "being a woman" or calling yourself a "feminist." What is important is the actions of the person being actions that are generally good for women and their families. When, as Secretary of State, Hillary decided to topple Libya without a plan to stabilize it, was that plan good for Libyan women and their families?
Robert Lee (Toronto)
Ms Clinton v Mr Trump v Mr a Liberal vs. two Conservatives? A replay of Bill Clinton v Dole and Perot! My money's on the woman...
Eric Fleischer (Florida)
Mr. Bloomberg a Conservative? He makes Ms. Clinton look like Goldwater.
Roger Binion (Moscow, Russia)
It wasn't against Dole in 1992 when Perot ran; it was against George HW Bush, the sitting president.
Nancy (Wellesley MA)
Hillary sticking with Bill and bashing the women he caboodled with is just hypocrisy on her part. She uses him and he uses her and neither one cares. It makes her a terrible role model for young women who want to be judged on what they can do not who they hook up with. Hillary didn't stay with Bill to save her marriage, she saw it as her route to power - I doubt she would have gotten to be senator or sec of state without his backing
cbd212 (massachusetts)
I guess, I'm just a little annoyed at women who feel that they have the right to judge other women's marriage. Also, to feel they have the right to decide what does or what does not make an acceptable role model. You really don't know anything about the Clinton's marriage. You only know what outsiders opine. Your snarky opinion about her abilities as a senator and secretary of state is demeaning not only to her, but to all women. If you truly believe that women can only obtain postions of authority through a man, you either are not a student of history, or you simply are jealous of a woman who has withstood more vitriol and opprobrium than all the other candidates put together. And that says a lot about your view of feminism.
Anne-Marie Hislop (Chicago)
@Nancy in Wellesley, MA: It fascinates me that people are so very willing to judge the Clinton's marriage. In general we favor couples working through the rough patches and saving the marriage. Yet, when a very public political couple does just that folks like you assume that they "use" each other and don't care, i.e., don't love each other. You say, "Hillary didn't stay with Bill to save her marriage, she saw it as her route to power."
1) She shared that with you personally did she? No, I thought not
2) Exactly what power does she gain by being married to a former president? She won her senate race; she was appointed by Obama to be Secretary of State, i.e., Bill did not have a place in that.

Plainly you dislike the Clintons - why not simply be honest and say that fact instead of many other "facts" of your own imagination?
Jwl (NYC)
I'm very interested how strangers like you make absolute statements about the innermost working of other's relationships. I don't know why the Clintons chose to stay together, and neither do you. Criticize her for her work, but stay out of their bedroom.
Debbie Lackowitz (New York)
Hey Nick. In the HV (hudson valley) we're getting snowmegeddon! So I'm warming up by reading your column today. It's not hard to understand what Hillary did during Bill's career at all. She's a strong, intelligent woman married to a charismatic man in public office. Enough said. What does bother me however, is slinging back Bill's transgressions on HER. WhatEVER happened, they weren't HERS. To make it seem so now (20 years?) is ludicrous. What I actually want is the choice between Hillary and Bernie to be about issues, not emails or stuff that happened 20 years ago that aren't hers to own. Did she support Bill, her husband? Of COURSE she did! Now for the republican side. You want sexism, look NO further. Donald (he's an abuser, I say an abuser!) and then dear Ted (she should be spanked!). OMG what year are we in? I next expect Don Draper to appear and exude, well you know. (apologies, Jon Hamm!!) Offended? You betcha! Come ON guys. Let's all begin by trying to locate ourselves in the current century please? Enough I say, ENOUGH!
AACNY (New York)
Hillary acted as his "henchwoman." How strong and brave of her!
PDX Biker (Portland, Oregon)
I disagree that Hillary is held to a higher standard than a man would be--her reaction to her husband's behavior, at the time, was anti-feminist. She should not have spoken ill of the women. Would a man slut-shame the man or men his wife had relations with? Who knows.

And, younger women probably know that no glass ceiling has been shattered. I think they are more discerning--it's not enough to vote for a candidate just for her gender. I know I am more discerning than that. I'd love to have a female President, but not Hillary Rodham Clinton.
mom of 3 (nyc)
So my daughter has to stand up to kids who think her playing travel soccer isn't feminine and I have to put up with garbage on construction sites and the glass ceiling had be enough shattered? Look around board rooms and silicon valley. Meantime, when someone is hurt by a spouse stepping out at a particular time and responds unwisely is that not simply human? No one is blaming Mamie or Jackie O. Why not? Oh, right, all they did was put up and shut up. Hillary actually thought she could expect better.
Philip Sedlak (Antony, Hauts-de-Seine, France)
"Slut-shaming" is probably gender neutral. Anyone whose relationship partner has strayed will likely find that the "outside person" is a lesser person than the offemded party. Woman and man, man and woman, man and man, woman and woman. Some will be jealous enough to demand a split, some won't.
Lady Scorpio (Mother Earth)
@PDX Biker,
Thanks. You've put well, what I was thinking. I'm not sure if Mr. Kristof is oversimplifying or being disingenuous, but, something's off here. And, it's not to his credit.

What raises my eyebrows is others' comfort with Hillary's handling of her husband's infidelity. If he were a private citizen, that might be one thing, but, he wasn't. My understanding is that he abused his authority; she helped him abuse it; and now it appears that Mr. Kristof wants to question or criticize those who don't accept her 100% as a feminist role model, human rights activist.

Mr. Kristof, no rational person could disagree with you about Trumplestiltskin. But you lost with with your closing on Hillary.

1-24-16@2:23 am est
Liz Ferguson (Berkeley, CA)
Thank you for boosting the signal on important conversations we need to have about double standards, sexism in elections, and Obama's win on menstrual products. But don't forget: Hillary isn't the democratic nominee - she's in the run and Bernie Sanders has a strong chance of winning. I'm a woman and I'll vote for Bernie because he is addressing the root issues underlying intersectional inequities. No other candidate is doing this, including Hillary. We can't afford to use only a gender lens in picking a candidate: we have to consider how candidates are funded (and by what special interests), and use an intersectional lens to understand how a candidate will address issues of white supremacy, patriarchy, and oligarchy.
Gratefully (So. Oregon)
I'm with you. Wish I could recommend more than once.
Jwl (NYC)
Liz, I disagree. I do not understand why Bernie Sanders entered this race. He has a limited resume, has never pushed through any bill that furthered his political philosophy, so why exactly do you think this red faced, bellowing man would be an effective leader?
Carlos F (Woodside, NY)
Bernie! Bernie! It's kind of hard for some of us to get exited about at 74-year old white male. Enough of men ruling this country. Hillary Clinton is above all others, including Bernie.
Mark S (Watertown Ma)
Good column. Yes, it's possible now for Hillary Clinton, as the most highly qualified candidate, to become president. But sexism is still a factor working against her, and it's even difficult to point it out since many are unaware of their own subtle sexism and only notice the most obvious kind in others.
Roger Binion (Moscow, Russia)
Sexism was against her in 2008, and rabidly so, even among the Democrats. Look how little support she received from her own Senate colleagues during that run.

And sexism is still around today but it isn't as apparent as Bernie is no Obama.

The ugly side of sexism will truly rear its odious head once Hillary secures the nomination, regardless of whom the GOP nominates.
JABarry (Maryland)
Women are not only part of the conversation, they are defining themselves rather than be defined by men. Women can be decision makers and nurturers. It's a brave new world! Real men respect women and their choices. Then there is Trump. What does it say about a "man" who is "disgusted" by a woman's natural bodily functions? Trump tried to shame Hillary Clinton; he ended up shaming himself...but he is so full of himself he doesn't even know it.
carl99e (Wilmington, NC)
Donald Trump, let us not forget, is a germophobe. It does not take much to creep him out totally. But for now he may be fighting his greater instincts for his public image, such as it is. He is a study in contrast or more rightly contradictions. No shortage of ambiguity and discord. Ever the salesman whom you should not trust.
Roger Binion (Moscow, Russia)
Donald Trump may be a germaphobe but I don't recall any of his remarks about men using the bathroom as being 'disgusting.'

Did I miss those?
Diane (OR)
..."That irony would encapsulate the truism that whatever progress, women are often still held to a higher standard than men."

Which may be one of the better reasons to vote for women. In order to be successful women must attain that standard. And they very often do.
How convenient. Successful people often think they succeed by fair rules. Wall Streeters will love your comment.
Paulette Singer Barrett (New York)
Women on women's issues becomes "damned if you comment, damned if you don't!" But we're light years better than we were 25 years ago!
Hillary Rodham Clinton's candidacy is a Rorschach Test. And the question of whether America is ready for a female President - or, for that matter, a Jewish President if Sanders wins - reminds me of questioning whether America was ready for a Black President. As President Obama summed it up, his skin color precluded some people from supporting him, and was a plus to others. Visceral, emotional, biased reactions are an unfortunate part of politics. So my answer about America's readiness is yes, but expect a lot of ugliness. President Obama's two solid victories have pulled the rug out from under the feet of racist certainties, while also bringing hateful ideology into the open. There will not be unanimity about the first of any new category as a leader, but precedents will challenge assumptions and prejudices down the line.
Philip Sedlak (Antony, Hauts-de-Seine, France)
Were the other 86 or so countries which had a female head of state "ready." My question would be why the US is still trying to decide if a woman can be president.
akin caldiran (lansing, michgan)
my problem is , Mrs.Clinton herself, not because she is a she or oatmeal chocolate chip cookies or ironing a shirt, you can do those things and still can be a president , and l rally do not care about her husband's personal life, but l do care about she is a liar and she is not bringing any thing new on the table so l think our country should look for other places like Mr.Michael Bloomberg, yes he is rich but not spoil and a new face and new ideas, that is what we need
cbd212 (massachusetts)
Only in this country can someone be called a liar with on evidence to back it up. I am sure you are slinging that same mud at Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and Bernie Sanders - or do they just "miss-speak?"
bsebird (<br/>)
Please check out Michigan these days for a look at govenment by a businessman using business values. The rest of the people don't really seem to count for much.

The corporate standard of the bottom line, alone, really doesn't cut it as a credential for governing.

Lots about New York is not so great after three terms of Bloomberg and de Blasio is trying to bring the rest of the citizens back into the calculations about governance.

All the praise about the city is for and from the one percenters who ook over the housing and other sectors to the detriment of the rest of the people. Sad but true.

Think twice about that on a national level. After all, we are trying to undo the corporate power of Citizens United, aren't we? So the rest of us can participate?
will (oakland)
And Ted, The Donald, Mario, John, Jeb! and their ilk are not liars? Get real. Bloomberg? Great, split the right.
Miriam Borne (Manhattan)
Thank you for reminding us what Hillary Clinton's presidency means for all of us. Aside from her strong leadership credentials, she will change the conversation about womens' societal role forever. A feminist for our next president, what a difference for life on planet Earth...
Paul Easton (Brooklyn)
I have had it with the identity politics of the upper and middle classes. They want equal rights to join with our oppressors. When women get elected as national leaders it is always the toughest ones, the ones who can beat the men at their own gorilla game. Meir Thatcher Merkel Clinton. The ones who put the lie to any feminist claim that women are more humane.

Let's try to be reasonable please. Clinton is a superhawk. If she is elected she is as likely as not to lead us into thermonuclear war with Russia. I don't think that is what you want Nick, is it? Please think about what you are saying.
Jwl (NYC)
Paul, I'm certain you must have support for the outrageous statement you left us with, but you cited nothing, just more garbage.
Paul Easton (Brooklyn)
Here is an article about Clinton's team. It's true they have also got Obama on their side, but sometimes I suspect that he wishes he didn't have to be. In any case Obama is only an enabler whereas Clinton is a leader of the team.

Please ask yourself if this is the country that you want to live in.
Paul Easton (Brooklyn)
Here is an article about Clinton's team. It's true they have also got Obama on their side, but sometimes I suspect that he wishes he didn't have to be. In any case Obama is only an enabler whereas Clinton is a leader of the team.

Please ask yourself if this is the country that you want to live in.
CL (Boston)
I applaud this article for at least calling attention to the higher standard that Clinton must face; however, I am afraid that it barely scratches the surfaces of the sexism she is up against. Yes, she has more readily embraced the role of gender in this campaign, and people are calling out Trump for his disgustingly sexist remarks, but let's remember that Trump is STILL winning. Clearly, not everyone is laughing at him rather than with him or he wouldn't even be a blip in the polls. Instead, his rise has not surprisingly coincided with Clinton's very real shot at becoming the first female president. Poll after poll shows that many, many men refuse to vote for Clinton. So, they are desperately searching an alternate on both sides of the aisle.

Perhaps we need to look no further than Clinton's well documented "likability" problem to document the ongoing sexism. Hillary Clinton has been voted Gallup's Most Admired Woman for the past 13 years in a row. In every poll, a high majority of Democrats still retain a "favorable" view of her, yet the press is obsessed with her likability "problem".

Perhaps the most notable evidence of the ongoing sexist culture is that women are made to feel guilty if they support Hillary "just because" she's a woman. (Or the assumption that this is the only reason we do - as if Sarah Palin is a close second on anyone's list.) Caring about gender equality in government is not a "non-issue."
KO (Vancouver, Canada)
I suspect that if elected, Hillary will still have to endure a culture that is so sexist, just as Obama has, and continues to, endured a culture so racist.
AACNY (New York)
To claim that opposition to a female candidate -- who is considered highly unethical and morally corrupt -- is based on her gender is the height of identity-fixation.

As for supporting a candidate based on gender alone, that was considered "sexist" before the term was redefined to mean whatever it means today.
SHB (Valley Forge, PA)
Here a few more good reasons to support Hillary:
Her advice to her husband not to intervene to stop the Rwandan genocide. Her role has been reported by numerous people who have written on White House decision making during the genocide in Rwanda.
Her advice to her husband not to intervene in Bosnia to stop the possible genocide taking place in that region. This too has been reported on by several reliable journalists. Hillary supposed fell into the "they have been doing it for centuries camp.'
Her support for intervention in Libya, using trumped up propaganda about how a massacre was about to take place. Her sensitivity was shown by her comment about Libya: "We came, we saw, we killed." In relation to the health and education of women, Libya ranked ahead of all but one other African country. Today Libya is a far worse disaster than it was under Qaddafi.
We should support Hillary because of her wise support for the American invasion of Iraq.
And to show how well Hillary has learned her lessons, up to recently she advocated policies toward Syria that would have necessitated a greater commitment of air and ground resources.
Where would these resources come from? Ask Hillary.
Did Hillary object when her husband decided to have a mentally challenged African-American teenager executed? It's not on record.
Hillary will most likely be our next president, this can only be seen as a dire outcome of what promises to be the most disappointing and depressing election in memory.
Tobin (Worcester)
Based on my experience in Massachusetts, I think there still is a lot of unacknowledged sexism in the response to Hillary. There were definite problems with Martha Coakley's two unsuccessful bids for office here (in 2010 for senate against Scott Brown, in 2014 for governor against Charlie Baker), but I believe her gender played a role. Similarly, I get Bernie Sanders' appeal, but I have to think that some of the anti-Hillary sentiment has got to be based on her sex. I don't hear the same anger directed against Bill Clinton.
Nancy (Wellesley MA)
Martha Coakly was a god awful candidate- only the crazy Democratic Party would pick her to run for gov after she lost Kennedy's seat to Brown. But like Hillary she was the insiders pick. The voters saw right through her - so too are the voters showing resistance to Hillary. It is more about her ethics and the sleazy Clinton vibe then the fact that she is female. America will have a female President at some point, but coronating Hillary is the most stupid move the Dems have made in years
Diana Moses (Arlington, Mass.)
I voted for Martha Coakley for Senate as a vote against Scott Brown. If I were to vote for Hillary Clinton, I think it would be a similar sort of vote and would depend on my opposition to her opponent. I didn't like Coakley's law and order attitude or how she handled her piece of the Fells Acres case. I don't like Hillary Clinton's policy on no-fly zones and regime change without a follow-up plan, I was underwhelmed with her performance as Secretary of State. If people try to tell me that I ought to feel that I want to vote for Clinton (and I'm not saying that's what this comment is implying), I find that an odd argument.
vacciniumovatum (Seattle)
I am both a Jew and a woman. And I am working to get Bernie Sanders elected President of the United States in 2016.

Bernie's appeal has nothing to do with Hillary's gender in my case. Being female is a plus in my eyes since I am fully aware of the double standard since I have faced it too in my (male-dominated) profession. But it's their policy stands and past actions that have brought me to this place.

And I don't judge the Rodham-Clinton marriage. I wouldn't want to be in it, but I wouldn't want to be in most marriages. I only hope that Bill knows how darn lucky he is and how much more he owes her than she owes him. No matter what, I expect him to be on his best behavior since it could hurt her chances. I don't want her to lose the Democratic nomination because of her husband. I want her to lose because Bernie is a better person to hold the job.