Donald Trump Deflects Withering Fire on Muslim Plan

Dec 09, 2015 · 618 comments
Nkwame (GH)
Actually Pew recently conducted an extensive, global survey among Muslims and - to law and non-violence binding people, i.e. certainly an overwhelming majority of us, Americans - frequently many double digit share of Muslim majority countries citizen being asked said that they would consider violence (terrorist attack) an acceptable way of addressing some perceived problems.

I hope that NYT monitors would allow this comment and the link to the Pew Research Center survey posted:
Gino (Houston, Texas)
One or two more Islamic terrorist moves will prove Trump is right. There is too long time before the real elections. Hope nothing happens. But that is what we all said after each of the terror event.
Judy (New Zealand)
Be afraid of Donald Trump. Be very, very afraid. I am.
CBRussell (Shelter Island,NY)
Perhaps Donald Trump wants a legacy of being the MOST OBNOXIOUS
candidate for US President in US History....after all this media attention...
if this is his true wish......and of course those who also want to be INFAMOUS..
will write about just as OBNOXIOUS.

So ...Donald Trump will WIN the vote around the The WORLD's
MOST OBNOXIOUS candidate running for the head of a nation..
and I am NOT on his cheering NOT a FAN...but he has won
this infamous title...
Tell me the distinction between the people saying this two weeks ago:

It is acceptable, indeed required, to deprive 200 million American gun owner's, who have never broken the law nor plan to do so, from owning certain weapons because it might possibly, maybe, prevent at least one mass murder.

Who are now saying this?

It is outrageous, indeed an abomination, to inconvenience perhaps a hundred thousand non American muslims by depriving them the privilege of a visa because it might possibly, maybe, prevent at least one mass murder.

Are they both not intended to accomplish the same purpose?
Robert T (Michigan)
I'm still trying to figure out how a supposed Syrian refugee gets in overnight and yet my good friend and professional colleague from India (married with child) who has worked here professionally for about 6 years had to move to Canada because he could not get his work visa extended or made permanent.
Cletus Butzin (Buzzard River Gorge, Brooklyn NY)
Getting mad at Trump is like getting mad at the guy who runs the depth sounding gizmo on the boat. "Eight fathoms below the keel" he says.
All he's doing is announcing how deep (or shallow) the water is, he's
not putting the boat on the sea floor.
mick (Los Angeles)
Trump is nothing if not smart. He's banking on another terrorist attack, or more. The terrorist are listing and would love to oblige him. That's the divide they're hoping for. The west against Islam. Their recruiting strategy is trump winning and the holy war starts.
The Republican Party must dump him. He is dangerous, his rhetoric can lead to a ww111. Dump the chump.
Jay Kay (Hong Kong)
10 Questions for Donald Trump

1) Timothy McVeigh was a Christian! What is the difference in your mind between a Christian Terrorist and a Muslim Terrorist?
2) Will you stop selling US military equipment to Muslim Saudi Arabia?
3) Will Muslims in America be required to wear arm bands to identify them as Muslims?
4) Will all Muslims be placed on a no fly list?
5) What is your plan for Palestine Muslims?
6) How do you plan to round up Muslims and will you set up special camps?
7) How do you plan to select Muslims for deportation?
8) Will Muslims be required to wear tracking bracelets?
9) Will you expel all Muslim foreign consulates and embassy personnel and close their embassies?
10) Will you close down all Muslim access to the United Nations?
CBRussell (Shelter Island,NY)
The unconscionable anti American diatribes and tantrums of Donald Trump to hoodwink the media...into getting attention ....similar to a spoiled brat is exactly
the media is being fooled by....Donald J. Trump is simply a grown man who acts
like a rich kid spoiled brat ...who...refuses to play by the rules and just gets
more outrageous..
The sad part that this Newspaper ...and venerable journalists.
really are fooled by simply keeping Donald Trump in the headlines and on
the air...because is such a spoiled grown up BRAT.
Jamil M Chaudri (Huntington, WV)
The Don forgot to mention that the FATHERS of the American revolution were SLAVE holders, and he wants to use that president to recommend re-introduction of SLAVERY. After all since we have gone out our way to destroy Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Palestine, Iran (through sanctions), we have the RIGHT OF CONQUERORS to ENSLAVE THESE PEOPLE.
Gail Rubino (Sunnyvale CA)
Why are the networks having Trump on as a guest and not calling him on being a demagogue? The interview on NBC Mike and Kelly was outrageous and the audience applauded like crazy. The media is complicit in the popularity of his so-called candidacy.

When will the GOP kick him out of their so-called big tent?
Phil (Texas)
If Donald J. Trump wishes to pin the San Bernadino terrorist attacks on the entire global Muslim population, he must remain consistent. Thus, he is morally obligated to pin the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood attacks on the entire global anti-abortion “pro-life” movement.

The attacker, Robert L. Dear Jr., stated in court on Wednesday, “I’m guilty. There’s no trial. I’m a warrior for the babies.” This extremist ideology threatens the lives of innocent Americans. Mr. Trump must act swiftly and call for the barring of entry into the United States for all abortion opponents and persons affiliated with the “pro-life” movement. In order to protect American lives, this temporary action should be taken until our nation’s leaders can figure out what is going on.

Should Mr. Trump refuse to call for this change, it will definitively prove that he is a pawn of his “silent majority” fan club. If he really is as strong a leader as he wants us to believe, he will stand up to the “pro-life” movement and bar all adherents from entry into the U.S.

And don’t worry…you guys can trust me. I’m like a really, really smart guy.
WessonSmith (England)
I have NEVER in my 40 years seen so many Liberals and bought and paid for Republicans so afraid of a candidate like I have seen with Trump.

The more the supposed intelligentsia and media tell us he is no good, the more people rally to his side.

I would try to explain it to you but your problem is that you think you know what's best and don't listen to the citizens who matter, the MAJORITY.
steve (santa cruz, ca.)
The citizens to whom you refer are most definitely NOT the majority. They are however, the least educated and, apparently, the least able to reason on the basis of available evidence. Fourteen people were killed in San Bernadino -- fourteen! Not 14,000 or even fourteen hundred. That's less than die every day of the week in traffic accidents or in random shootings or in ..... you name it. Statistically, your chances of dying at the hands of terrorists in this country are essentially nil. Anyone who is seriously worried about terrorism in the USA needs to learn how to think.
Barrett (Idaho)
It's good that we have a diverse country with citizens of many races. However, it was about two weeks ago that many of our representatives were telling us that the vetting of refugees is really good. Then last week the California shootings occurred and one of the shooters had been recently allowed entry into the country after she was radicalized. Obviously our "vetting" is not so good.

I watched Trump's speech and the headlines only show half of his sentence. The headlines leave out the words "until our representatives can figure out what the h... is going on". I think the relatives of 14 dead Californians would agree that something is not working right. It does need to be improved.

And it's the same with Trump on immigration concerning people from Mexico. Trump was talking about "illegal" aliens, not all immigrants. And the illegals are, indeed, breaking the law.

I think Trump is maintaining a following because his followers know the context of his comments; not just the headline words. In context they make sense to a lot of people.
MML (New York)
Should we really blindly embrace moral equivalence of all religions and cultures? Even if they openly fly in the face of our values?
Juan Rivera (Granger, Indiana)
It is time to fight Trump where he would hurt the most, his wealth, by starting a world boycott of anything Trump: his buildings, his books, his Miss Universe and other TV shows, and anything where he gets profits from...BOYCOTT TRUMP!
dude (Philadelphia)
Stop giving this guy an open mic 24/7. Sick and tired of waking up every day to hear what Trump has said. This guy thinks America is his boardroom.
Dr. Dyspepsia (New York)
If Dick Cheney is critical of Trump, then I need to rethink my position.
Debra (NYC)
There is an epidemic of radicalization going on in our country right now. No, it’s not Radical Islam, it’s the radicalization of the Republican party.

Just read the definition: Radicalization (or radicalisation) is a process by which an individual or group comes to adopt increasingly extreme political, social, or religious ideals and aspirations.
Sound like someone we know?
Everyone says “Don’t worry, he will self destruct” “He’ll never win the nomination” but I don’t think that I am overdramatizing the damage he is doing right now. If you have been following the analysts who talk about what might be driving young Muslims to become radicalized they talk about the fact that they are usually unemployed, feeling disenfranchised and powerless. They are looking for a way to rebel against their plight and to feel like they belong somewhere. What does Trump want to do? He wants top stop all Muslims from coming into this country and he wants to have a registry of Muslims who are already here. Gasoline, meet flame. Can you think of any more powerful recruiting tool than Trump stirring up the xenophobia and bigotry that apparently is alive and well and waves Trump signs at rallies. Let’s not ignore the fact that the white supremacists just endorsed him.
We should hate radical terrorists for trying to destroy our way of life and who we are. But I submit that Donald Trump is also a radical who by word and promise of deed is also trying to destroy who WE are as a nation.
I am an American, A Military Veteran, A Former Police Officer, A Former US Air Marshal, and A Voter. My Family and I strongly support Donald Trump. I have seen behind the political closed doors and will no longer remain quiet. The American public will no longer tolerate the lies and cover-ups. Hillary Clinton will say and do anything and everything to get what she wants. Donald Trump is our only and last chance to take back our country. We are the legal American Citizens of this country and we are coming forward. We will no longer be bullied. VOTE FOR TRUMP!
mick (Los Angeles)
Go back to school. You obviously didn't learn anything after the 1st grade.
Mary (Philadelphia)
There have been plenty of on-radical reputed sources from France who have detailed the areas that are predominantly muslim which are unofficially deemed "no go " zones. Yes, it is true the police have never officially taken this stance but it is well documented that the areas are poorly policed and every day parisians would never dare to go passed certain train stops out of fear of these areas. To completely deny that this exists helps no one. When the police attempt to enforce the republics laws in these areas, it ends with mass confrontation and car burnings. No one in France seems to deny this so why should the NYTimes?
ManhattanWilliam (New York, NY)
I think it's contemptible to tar an entire group of people due to the actions of some HOWEVER our country's response to the threats posed by Muslim extremists has NOT been adequately addressed by our government and the president's news conference provided INADEQUATE solutions. The reason why Trump is gaining traction is because of the lack of leadership on this most serious issue. A more coherent strategy to combat these global terrorists (bombing ISIS is NOT the answer) together with a more forcefully articulated plan would stem the rise of Trump and his reactionary and dangerous campaign.
Erasmus (USA)
How much sense would it have made for the US to allow equal immigration access to the US to Germans, Japanese, and Italians during World War II? After all, “national origin” is one category that most Americans think (mistakenly) is protected by the Constitution, even though it is protected only by limited statutes with domestic application. The threat posed by radical Islam is comparable to those threats, especially now that it has a territorial national identity.

The internment of Japanese may have been unfair, but how many incidents of domestic sabotage by Japanese-Americans did we suffer during that program? Maybe internment simply worked. We were not killing the interned Japanese, but without internment, some of them might have been killing us. We will never know, but the cost of finding out could have been very high.
Durham MD (South)
My grandfather was first generation Italian American during WW2. He spent the war making munitions (excluded from Army due to health issues, which he was bitterly disappointed about lifelong). No one sent him to a camp, or even considered sending him to a camp, and even put him in a sensitive position as far as wartime went. Yet, if he had been Japanese American, and simply looked different than he did as a white man, he would have been sent to a camp. Millions of Italian Americans just like him and somehow, without camps, no sabotage! Imagine!
DW (Philly)
He's a terribly cowardly man.
Anonymous (DC)
It's fair to disagree with Trump's new plan. It's unrealistic not to blame presidents going all the way back to Reagan, all the way up to, and including (and especially!) Barack Obama. When a series of establishment politicians have basically said it's OK for another country to slowly invade our country, unofficially and under the table, what exactly do you expect on the political horizon?

If Obama, for instance, is not willing to act responsibly on illegal immigration and say that continued illegal immigration amnesty is off the table (and furthermore pushes that unacceptable agenda behind Congress's back in a highly illegal maneuver), it's natural for other politicians to step in and offer their take on what "responsible" actually is. Yes, I'm saying blame Obama if you want to start assigning blame. Yes, seriously.

When you have a real problem, and the current establishment politicians refuse to address that problem, and furthermore they attempt to perpetuate that problem through acts of commission and acts of omission, there is going to be a political response, for better or for worse.
57nomad (carlsbad ca)
Trump puts the safety of American citizens above the tender feelings of the muslim hordes. How can he possibly hope to win like that?
L’OsservatoreA (Fair Verona)
Obviously no one believes the Trump filtering could ever apply to American immigration, even in a majority of GOP primary voters like the sound of it. Too many international agreements have American signatures on immigrants and refugees being accorded equality to seriously contemplate it.

The story here is that Trump continues to make the media sit up and bark like a smart puppy despite their political preferences. This story demands to be covered and Trump is the ultimate showman.

Political candidates of both parties will suffer by comparison simply because he is the original shiny object. The best part may be the steam coming out of the ears of the most dedicated Soros drones who thought that we would actually be hungering for Bernie the Socialist by now. Oops.
Andrew Grant (Honolulu)
The Price We Pay

As Americans, we are told we have a price to pay for freedom. Our soldiers die in war to pay for our freedom. Our senses have to listen to the likes of the KKK and Westboro Baptist Church as a price for the first amendment. We have to watch innocent children die from gun violence as a price for the second amendment. So on and so on, we have prices to pay for our rights...everywhere.

Given this, we have a price to pay regarding Muslims. We are obligated to treat them no different than anyone else...even if we are scared of the actions and rhetoric of their radicalized jihadists...lest our entire nation’s foundation crumble beneath our feet. Trump’s bigoted and implicitly racist statements calling on a ban to Muslims entering the US, and tracking of Muslims and Mosques, fully and completely undermine the foundation of our country.

He needs to be confronted by all of his “supporters,” boycotted, shamed, and pushed aside. These are the worst things to be said by a candidate for the leader of their nation since Hitler.

If you are an American, and believe in our country, then you HAVE to dump Trump. If you are sticking by are no better than the Nazis of years past.

And you know it.
You just called tens of millions of Americans Nazis, Mr. Grant. That's pretty hateful and incendiary rhetoric. Do you speak for all liberals and progressives?
Patrick Richardson (Portland,OR.)
Well it's not the Don's fault he says stupid things then tries to defend his remarks with skewed logic and weak rhetoric. After all, with a silver spoon in his mouth since birth and truly never really working a day in his life or worrying about putting food on the table despite 4 bankruptcy's he just can't imagine the suffering these people are enduring,or even care. He spouts off with what many people want to hear regardless of the topic or wether he believes it or not,and wether it is true or not. He is becoming or has become a true politician. The final test to his status is achieved when Fox entertainment starts to support him.
colleentuck (Lafayette, CO)
Why do we need to see this person anywhere. Leave him out of the paper, leave him out of the TV news. He loves all the press.
DCSOPC (Arizona)
You people who are opposed tothe Muslim ban are ripe with stupidity. Tell me, why it's just fine that nearly EVERY traveler in the world has to be inconvenienced by airport security because 1 MUSLIM had a shoe bomb. In fact there are MANY inconveniences we all have to endure because of the Muslims actions. You punish millions for the act of 1 Muslim everyday at airport security worldwide. Heaven forbid you inconvenience even 1 Muslim. Now go look at the fool in the mirror.
DW (Philly)
Um .... Are you under the impression that a "Muslim travel ban" won't inconvenience anyone but Muslims?

Tony Silver (Kopenhagen)
Let it be said at the outset that I condemn ALL TERRORISM. One of the Paris attackers is reported to have shouted: “what you are doing in Syria, you are going to pay for it now”. In Syria innocent people are being killed by “NATO partners”, a syndicate of criminals bent on world hegemony. Why are French people not screaming their heads off for the NATO gangsters to stop their evil actions, which provoke and inevitably lead to others getting involved in REVENGE killing? The Mission of ISLAM is peace; while the mission of NATO has morphed into “regime change, destruction, and killing” of all those who display temerity by opposing.
As a student of Management, I learnt that the mission of an organization is often not what is claimed. In such cases the mission is discerned from their actions. Since the demise of the Soviet Union, the single-minded devotion to the pursuit of hegemony displayed by American/NATO partnership discernable from: (1) The total destruction of Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc. (2) recruitment of new membership to the NATO.
If collective defense were truly the raison d’être for the alliance, when the Soviet Union ceased to exist, NATO should have been disbanded. But NATO was expanded. Acts belie words; words are used to HIDE the true purpose, to beguile or lead astray the masses; acts DISPLAY the true purpose. NATO is a KILLING MACHINE.
Tony, Tony, Tony. You tell us that the mission of Islam is peace, and in the VERY NEXT SENTENCE you tell us that through your studies Management you have found that the mission of an organization is not what is claimed.

Tony, did you give an iota of thought to what you wrote?
Jo anno (New York)
Martin Niemoller reminds us we are all at risk once hate and fear rule:
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
BigToots (Colorado Springs, CO)
The Donald is grabbing all the attention and that is what he wants to do. His outrageous proposals get him lots of media time. By pandering to the long standing prejudices & fears of the have-nots he has struck a cord of deep seated anger & resentment. He is articulating what many people have been afraid to say themselves. He is giving those suppressed voices legitimacy & a feeling of power. And he's lovin' it!
SBK (Cleveland, OH)
Ms. Saba Ahmed, the founder of the Republican Muslim Coalition, had whole heartedly embraced Donald Trump since he first announced his candidacy even when he insulted Mexicans, women, gays, disabled, war veterans like McCain, and other groups of people. But now, Donald Trump begins to discriminate Muslims, and Ms. Ahmed abandoned Trump. One more prove that Pastor Martin Niemoller was right. He could have said, if he is alive today, that "First they came for the Mexicans, I did not speak out, because I was not a Mexican. Then they came for the homosexuals, I did not speak out, because I was not a homosexual. Then they came after the disabled, I did not speak out, because I am not disabled. Then they came for me, and there no one left to speak for me -----". In this case, Ms. Saba is fortunate that there are still people who speak for her and her faith. I hope Ms. Saba has learned a lesson.
MAL (San Antonio, TX)
Oh my God. I agree with something Dick Cheney said.

But for him, I suspect the best Muslims are those who aid our oil-driven foreign policies.
jorge (San Diego)
Maybe a more effective approach would be to prohibit the sale of assault weapons in the U.S. to Muslims. And to Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, agnostics...
Gary G (Oregon)
I knew some toady would get around to this. Maybe, when all those folks you mention, and I'll include Russians, Chinese, Cubans and N. Koreans, start Behaving like Jihadi Fanatics, we should start treating them as such. Same restrictions, same investigations, everything.
PerryM (St. Louis)
So Democrats were happy when Obama banned Iraqis in 2011, 
when a fingerprint on an IED matched an Iraqi that he let into the nation

And they were jumping for joy when Carter banned Muslims
from entering America in 1979 - 1980 

And they were delighted when FDR banned Germans, Japanese,
Italians and anyone from the middle-east in WWII

But can't stand the idea when President Trump wants a temporary ban 
on Muslims for 9/11 and other atrocities caused by Muslims?

Islam a 7th century barbaric cult that is not compatible with our US Constitution….
doug mclaren (seattle)
Seeing as the US is also in conflict with China and Russia over various issues, the media should ask mr. Trump whether he would extend his interrogate, exclude and intern policy to Americans of Chinese and Russian descent and recent immigrants from those countries as well. And how about Cuba?
How many Cubans were involved in the San Bernardino Massacre?
jnorton45 (Milwaukee, WI)
The question is can he deflect the anger of his international investors as his name on hotels and other buildings becomes a major financial liability? Probably not, because money talks.
Cave Canem (Western Civilization)
"Barking the dirt" , that's what Trump is doing, saying the things people think but are afraid to speak up about.
Shaun (Passaic NJ)
Trump seems not to address the fact gunman Syed Farook was born in the U.S. and American. As are Dyllan Roof, Adam Lanza, James Hughes, Timothy McVeigh and Robert Dear. The call to ban all Muslims is a cheap and dirty shot to score points in an election. If he really wants to cull terrorism, why not advocate really sweeping gun control reform. It was the weapon used by five of the aforementioned killers and the weapon which kills far more Americans than any terrorist attacks ever have.
Aunt Nancy Loves Reefer (Hillsborough, NJ)
The Donald's next book: Mein Trumpf.
timewilltell (CA)
Trump only proposed putting a hold on the immigration of Muslims until we can correctly identify potential threats. Obama is already blocking the immigration of Christians? Not just a proposal, it is a fact already occurring.

Where is the rage over what Obama is doing?
Somya Gupta (Delhi, India)
"Make America Hate Again" Trump 2016
California Modern (California)
Don't let the Left deceive you. Trump asked for a TEMPORARY hold - based on keeping a TERRORIST group from infiltrating America.

Meanwhil,e OBAMA has permitted over 2,000 Syrian Muslims seeking asylum - but only 53 CHRISTIANS. Six Months ago he had 27 other Christians locked up in prison - where the STILL languish - and plans to DEPORT them back to the Land of ISIS, where they'll certainly be beheaded.

What REASON could Obama have other than because HE is an Anti-Christian Bigot? He's even publicly MOCKED American Christians as wanting to only welcome Christians like themselves. This is not the behavior of an American President - but an ideology-obsessed radical who is using the ruse of Political Correctness - to open America up to ISIS infiltration.

Are Christians flying planes into skyscrapers? Are they beheading people? No. Yet, Obama is treating Christians as an enemy. Obama's ACTIONS go far beyond what Trump is merely SUGGESTING. Obama is calling out his pit bull media on Trump - so nobody finds out that HE is discriminating against CHRISTIANS.
Politicalgenius (Texas)
Since Barry Goldwater's campaign for the 1964 Presidency, Republicans have been using fear (Iraq war, Afghanistan war, war on terror, war on drugs, etc.) and social/religious issues (abortion, gay marriage, etc.) as red herrings to shift the voters' attention away from the crucial issues facing the United States.
Fear, religion, gun rights, voter suppression and the accompanying Southern Strategy have served Republican politicians well for 50 years, but no more.

Perhaps now as a country we can proceed to address the real issues: the availability of jobs; fair pay and equal pay for women; updating and repairing the national infrastructure; quality medical care as a right of all citizens; affordable college and trade school education; voters' rights and much more.

We have Donald Trump to thank for cracking open the Republican egg of hate, fear and greed. He is the perfect man for the part. Central casting could not given us a better actor.
Thank you Donald for exposing the narrow-mindedness of base of the party of NO.
GoBernie (Tx)
Since Trump insist on visiting old stories, maybe we should help him get his facts straight:
Working4u (Anywhere USA)
And Americans wonder why this country is having so many problems. These career politicians have evolved into "do nothing stick figures" that are so afraid to act or be proactive because they are afraid they are going to hurt a foreigner' s feelings. It is not "hate". It is common sense. Washington has evolved into an entity that is out for protecting it's name face and not protecting the hard working citizens of this country. Today's meaning of being proactive is considered to be "hate". Both modern day Democrats and some Republicans really think that being passive and kind to people that want to kill Americans is politically correct? Trump is right, we have some major league problems with our so called Government and most of the elected officials that claim to be working to protect the American's citizen. Oh please, using "hate" as an excuse to do nothing is a manufactured joke.
rachel (nyc)
what i find most perplexing is jared kushner's silence.....the son-in-law of donald trump is the grandson of holocaust survivors. the only reason his grandparents came to this country was to escape religious persecution even after the war! his father-in-law is guilty of the same inflammatory behavior as hitler. banning muslims? jared, that's some serious mishagoz you married into there.
GlennK (Atlantic City,NJ)
43 deaths from so called Islamic Terrorism post 9/11 in the US. 132,000 gun related deaths in that same period. You tell me which one constitutes a real problem? T-RUMP is just running on Xenophobia and paranoia that has no basis in fact. It's like the RED scare of the 50's where people were told a Commies are everywhere in America and we need to weed them out.
Dee (RI)
Josh Ernest, Trump is disqualified for his comments? You are a horses rear end.
Obama should be disqualified/impeached for the horrible job he has done in office and that speach the other night was a waste of our time.
Ramsey Stolid (Arizona)
Perhaps someone needs to do what a French journalist named Zvika Klein did in Paris. He walked through Muslim neighborhoods in Paris dress as a Jew and was harassed, insulted and even spat on. I wonder if a Jew walking through a Muslim neighborhood in London would be treated differently by the Muslims there?
EpiBound (Tarzana, California)
Trump cites FDR's internment of Japanese in WWII, as if this were a prideful moment in U.S. history, not shameful. Hasn't he also called for Muslims to wear IDs, as if invoking Hitler's star-crossed badges for Jews?

America's in desperate trouble that such an hysterical, mean-spirited windbag is given any place in the news.
Tom (Brooklyn)
Donald Trump is a true threat to America's national security, and ISIS could hardly ask for a better recruiter than he. How can he not understand that our most valuable allies in this fight are the vast, vast, vast majority of Muslims who want to live a peaceful and prosperous life and are in far better position than any law enforcement officials to notice when those in their midst turn to radicalism. We need to be wooing them while working against the terrorists. Not lumping them all together -- and proving ISIS' point.
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
A few things to keep in mind:

Like the fake scandal over Trump's immigration comments, the media is mischaracterizing and fabricating what they want Trump's remarks to be, as opposed to honestly quoting him.

The fact the newest Trump bashing "scandal" is already losing traction on the front page is evidenced by the desperation by the NYT and mainstream media to keep the story going is extremely telling--the news media, pundits and establishment political operatives are the story now, not Trump.

Most important:

Trump's proposal is a NEW idea to stop ISIS attacks in the USA.
Barack Obama has offered NO new ideas to stop ISIS attacks in the USA.
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
Greetings from Capitol Hill!

On my way back from lunch today I stopped for coffee at Starbucks in Union Station. I found myself in queue with a cable network "news" personality. I asked if I could ask her a question. She agreed. I said "you realize that Trump didn't say what the news media is saying, and it's clear that Trump proposed a temporary ban right?"

She gave me that smile your 8 year old niece or nephew gives when you ask them why they hid their report card from mommy and daddy.

It really doesn't bother me that the media is attempting once again to smear Donald Trump out of the 2016 campaign, because its the same tactic (wild exaggeration, extreme demagoguery) the media tried with the "wall" and immigration reform.

You don't fool people with the same trick that failed the first time.
njglea (Seattle)
An article in The Guardian yesterday, linked below, highlights some of the Muslim Americans who have helped create the America we know today, from one helping General George Washington fight the British to one who revolutionized the structural building trade to allow things like the World Trade Center and Trump towers to be built - and of course boxer Muhammad Ali and some of our best sports stars. DT is a disgrace to America.
Jamil M Chaudri (Huntington, WV)
Please, we are American - we do not want facts or truth.
ItMatters (America)
Why is everyone so up in arms -- or lacking them (however you want to interpret that) about Trump's proposed sanctioning? Sanctions aren't anything new.
When a country is "being a bad boy," other countries (the UN) stop exports of necessities to that offending country. Always, it's a small community within that country that has been unlawful.
Trump's proposal is taking an honest look at a real problem. He has come up with a solution that uses sanctions. He wants to maintain the sanctity of the Americas. The freedoms.
It's not a focus on banning exports to a particular land (that would affect that entire country including its innocent residents), rather, it's a focus on not allowing "importing" of a potential few (that would of course be among all that want to enter that country) that would make the whole US suffer -- as the US already has been, right up until last week.

Humans aren't imports, I know, it's a comparison of the cause and analogy.

If the world can accept sanctions, whether it be not allowing the basic necesseties to reach a country and make it suffer, then the world can accept sanctioning a country (or what it really is: the people of the countries) from entering another country that deems it necessary to block for the health and welfare of its own people. It's it's own moral obligation.

Case in point: There are many good reasons you don't see Americans fleeing America to other countries as refugees.
msf (NYC)
It is frightening that a person without any political qualifications, but with a knack to stir up fear with 'pub' talk has a chance to run this country and run roughshot over any diplomatic conventions.

On the topic of registration: If killing of 14 innocents warrants registration in his eyes, why did he not speak up when the GOP rejected gun registration after many more innocents died?

Please Democrats, register as Republican voters to prevent his candidacy in the Primaries!
This is hysterical - funny that is. All of the candidates and elected officials are getting so worked up. Did it ever occur to you that is precisely what Mr. Trump intended?
Like it or not, he is effective in shining the light on stark corners of issues that others ignore and are too wimpish to discuss..
He is right. The vetting processes for international travelers and visa recipients to this country needs to be vastly improved . Radical - yes - Muskims who want to impose their extreme religious barbarianism on the rest of us threaten our religious freedom not the other way around. And they also threaten our lives and the lives of innocents everywhere.
Mr. Trump may say things brashly, but he gets the debate going. He is not the bigot that others paint him to be, he just wants this country to address immigration more effectively. No one can say we have a good system, when more come illegally than legally, and we are so inclusive and politically correct that we don't vet newcomers properly.
All of the news media screams in the world won't silence Mr. Trump. He's going to speak his mind, off the cuff for sure. He's rattling cages because he's forcing everyone to think.
Really, does anyone believe that he is not more realistic than he sounds? What is said on the campaign trail and how one governs are two different things entirely, as history has shown.
All who are so bothered by Mr. Trump need to remember that he didn't get where he is by being a fool.
Frank (Boston, MA)
You're right. Trump didn't lose between 1 and 6 billion dollars of his family's wealth by being a fool... It was by being a complete idiot! Which he marvelously shows us time and time again! Bravo for actually taking him seriously.
Bob Dowd (Chicago)
Read it and weep libs

8 U.S. Code § 1182 – Inadmissible aliens Page 138

f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline
Jamil M Chaudri (Huntington, WV)
We do not need any further proof, or is this enough affirmation for the fact that we are congenital xenophobic extremist. We have a tradition of making laws in good faith and then applying them in the most asinine ways.
TAPAS BHATTACHARYA (south florida)
Donald Trump is trying to write the American Values with his dose of hate mongering. Race baiting. Using Religion as a weapon.
But what he doesn't realize that he's falling into an abyss from which he can never recover come, Nov 02,2016.
Mitt Romney got his nomination in the last election cycle against Obama by promising to be 'severely conservative' which in other words means " more hateful towards Blacks,Latinos,Asians and all other immigrants etc.," and he paid a hefty price by losing it all to the First African American President ,Barack Obama .
Now if that was not a teaching moment for Donald Trump ,I don't know what can give him any wisdom. God completely failed to turn his political campaign's directions where he invokes the name of Jesus but talks not just like a Devil's advocate but he impersonates the Devil himself.
And his followers lap it all without having any intelligence that most of the educated Americans have. These mostly high school dropouts have never co-mingled with other nationalities that we did it in the colleges .
And that's why for them someone looking like a Muslim has to be a terrorist even though they've seen most of the mass shooters were White Americans like the one in Sandy Hook Elementary school massacre who killed mainly children .
So if this is the way these Racist people view the world where they see only color and Religion to judge a person's heart , then they deserve to stay in their 'Mammoth Cave' (no pun intended) forever...tkb
StopThink (New York)
Many nations have banned immigrants in times of crisis.

No one seemed disturbed about not letting Cubans into this country!

Consider yourself a hypocrite for agreeing to censor Mr.Trumps freedom of speech when it comes too banning immigrants from a certain countries, which is PERFECTLY LEAGAL!
sciguybm (Seattle WA)
I see the UK is considering banning Trump from entering their country... so let me get this straight: they want to ban Trump, (an idiot to be sure) but allow the very terrorists that kill UK people INTO their country. And are now demanding the USA do the same thing.
And, as I read the comments below: most of the liberals are right there with them.
Can't wait until they see what the islamic fundamentalists have in mind for gays, women, children and the poor.
Steve Pierson (Syracuse, NY)
Why can radical imams in England cheer on murderous Islamic terrorists who kill innocent civilians and call for more like-minded recruits, but is not all right for an American citizen to propose a temporary solution to prevent terrorism on American soil?
Denis Khan (Mumbai India)
The militants are using the Trojan horse approach of Antonio Gramski to wage their fundamentalist war against the West.
He overthrew Governments from the inside, by fuelling the latent discontent due loss of lives, increased expenditure, & losing world wide support. Unrest due to the financial crisis, job insecurity and increasing national debt, also contributed to the pull-out decision. If the armies of youth with homespun values dry up, they will be replaced by die hard mercenaries.With the terrorism pockets increasing, it will not be long before the world self destructs.
Jean Boling (Idaho)
Keep all your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Don't send the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I hide my lamp inside the golden door!
Travail (Canada)
A foreigner's take on it. The Repubs can end this circus in ten minutes. All they have to do is collectively refuse to "debate" him on the same stage (except Cruz -- leave him up there). Set a fool by himself and he will go away. Short-term loss = long term recovery.
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
Your take is problematic.
Donald Trump represents the only credible chance the GOP has to win the 2016 election. I am a lawyer in Washington DC, so this is the talk of the town. In Washington, the Obama presidency is over, hence Obama's over the top attempts to stay relevant, which includes overshadowing the Dem candidates by taking on the 2016 GOP field that Obama is NOT running against.

Trump has mobilized the voter base.
I was here when over 1.2 million people marched on Washington to protest the Affordable Care Act. I saw the fear in the eyes of the mainstream media, and Obama WH officials. A real movement that could end the Obama presidency was in their faces, and they swung into action to dismantle it, first by using the IRS to target leaders of the Conservative movement opposing the ACA, and then by breaking the arm of Chief Justice John Roberts to rewrite Obamacare, sparing it from the dustbin of history.

The Dem establishment fears that Donald Trump has awakened the solid South, and the millions of Americans that voted the Tea party conservatives into control of Congress. That fear is valid because Trump has.

If the GOP establishment gives Trump the boot, the GOP will also give any chance they have to win in 2016 the boot as well. That's no secret here in Washington.
Bob Burns (Oregon's Willamette Valley)
What's fascinating about all this Trump hullabaloo is that Trump is forcing the GOP mainstream to work with Democrats in condemning Trump, and soon they will be having to work with the Democrats on legislative issues, like NOT shutting down the federal government and not paying its bills, since the so-called "Freedom Caucus" Republicans are determined to so exactly that this month. Any Republican caught working with a Democrat is fair game for the hyper-right.

Moreover, it's a fair bet that Trump will take a walk, taking his legions of low-info voters with him and do a "Ross Perot" on the GOP.

Mr. Ryan is, as he was afraid of, caught in a political squeeze play by his own party. We are witnessing a once respectable political party's disintegration (in the strictest sense of the word).
Ms. Creech (New York City)
Would someone please tell Donald Trump that his grandfather Frederick Trump nee Drumpf was an immigrant from Germany? Also, while you're at it, tell him that many Muslims were brought over from Africa to what is now the U.S. to build this country with their slave labor.
Jo anno (New York)
The R establishment needs to come to grips with some realities: Trump is not one of you and will never be, while clownish he is appealing to a large swath of your voters, Americans' attention span is short: cut him loose now and you will profit much more than you will lose. Continue to treat him like an inconsequential jerk and he will bring you down further. To rehab your image, start telling Americans to be strong instead of afraid, to trust in the underlying strength of their union as opposed to ever splintering on our differences, and most of all, stop painting the word as something that is falling apart...just because you are doesn't mean everything else is..
NLG (New York)
Can we please start a hashtag for Mr. Trump:
Dan (Vancouver)
Trump has never been a senator or governor, and will not even be nominated.
Cruz cannot serve as POTUS, on constitutional grounds.
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
1. You have absolutely no basis to conclude that Donald Trump, who holds a double digit lead over the closest GOP competitor will not be nominated.

2. Barack Obama's wafer thin resume of barely being a state senator, US senator did not disqualify him from running.

3. Not one letter in the Constitution of the United States prohibits Ted Cruz from serving as POTUS or even being POTUS. Not even a stray mark.
StopThink (New York)
The 70's were rife with terrorist attacks
The 80's were rife with terrorist attacks
The 90's were rife with terrorist attacks
The 00's were rife with terrorist attacks
The 10's are rife with terrorist attacks and counting

The problem is not Donald Trump and that his opinions will incite attacks,
The problem is deluding one self that this scurge will end on its own.
Embracing terrorists with open arms just to satisfy ones ego of how magnanimous you are will contribute the deaths of many more Americans.
Gary G (Oregon)
Bro, Libs CAN"T Stop Think.

Gotta have a brain first, Not just some programmed article-of-faith doctrinaire mantra to recite.

But They are the smar(m)tie's, ya know.
John (US)
If the Republican party is serious about winning elections up and down the ticket next November, then they need to ban Trump from the party, back their best alternative, and do it NOW. If they refuse, then they are handing over landslides to Democrats. Let's watch their actions over the coming week and find out which choice they make. As an independent, I am ok with either decision, but I am dumbfounded at how utterly powerless that leadership has become.
Dennis (New York)
Wow! Over two thousand comments on The Donald. He may be the most unusual and outrageous politico to come down the pike in a long time but he sure does generate the comments.

Well, here's my two cents: If the GOP can do nothing to stop Trump, and this con artist manages to foll most of the Republicans most of the time, and win the nomination, they have set themselves up for a political catastrophe the likes of which has not been since the demise of Tricky Dicky Nixon over Watergate, the original "Gate" scandal.

True Observer (USA)
The catastrophe lasted 4 years and in 1980 the GOP was back stronger than ever.
Dennis (New York)
To TO: Then better luck in 2020, oui?
midnight12am (rego park, n.y.)
I believe Trump is running not for Pres. but just to feed is ego. He probably never dreamed of how good he'd be doing, and now is panicking that he just might win this thing that he needs like a hole in the head. Like in the movie, ''Springtime for Hitler''. Therefor he has to make outrageous statements that insures nobody in their right mind will vote for him.
kathleen cairns (san luis obispo)
Please, please. No more stories about Donald Trump. Just ignore him. Everyone.
Kora Dalager (Califoirnia)
Trump said, that if a muslem is an American citizen and was overseas, then he/she could come back to the US-well the suspected assassin in San Bernadino did just that, go overseas and return to kill. So even that premise is faulty. Bottom line however, Trumps proposal is counter to American values, furthermore, we have learned that incarcerating innocent Americans of a particular race, ethnicity etc. must never occur again
Lester Bowen (Florida)
Donald J. Trump President of the United States of America 2016!
This is American Spring! He will make America Great Again!
America will be Free Again!
America will be Blessed Again!
Merry Christmas,
Does it bother anyone that Trump's comments are getting more press coverage than the President's speech? Yes we need to shine a bright spotlight on his fear-mongering and call it what it is, lest it fester and grow even more. But the fact is that fear-mongering makes better headlines than does thoughtful deliberation. Reactions against Trump's outrageousness fill the space where serious conversation about the way forward needs to be.
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
Does it bother me that the European and American news media covers Trump speeches 8 times as much as Obama's?


It bothers me that Donald Trump isn't already President of the United States.
Fortunately the news media is treating Trump that way so we will be used to it by the time Trump is sworn in on Jan 20, 2017.
Heather (Palo Alto)
U.S. code gives President ability to suspend entry, temporarily, of anybody deemed a danger to the U.S. Trump will unveil this at the proper moment of course. Has anybody in politics or the national media actually *read* The Art of the Deal?

(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.
Stephen Graff (Woodbury, NJ)
Funny that Trump supports his plan by harkening back to FDR's institution of detention centers for Japanese, Italians and Germans. So his administration would consider going back those times and treat ethnic groups in the same manner. Since 2001, 50 Americans have died as a result of terrorism by Muslims. During the same period, more than twice as many have been killed by non-Muslim psychopaths. No histrionic or even level-headed consideration among conservatives about making common sense changes to gun laws, but yet we have loopy and dangerous overreactions to terrorism. The overall plan among republican candidates is to instill fear and criticize Obama for not fomenting enough abject fear among the population.
comp (MD)
Um, you're forgetting the thousands who died in 2001 on 9/11.
Rajesh (SDQ NYC MAA)
Trump's rhetoric in today's world falls somewhere between shouting "fire" in a crowded auditorium, and bartering, as in espionage, Americans' safety for gain -- political and financial, Further, in every way, it is traitorous speech, deadly speech, hate speech, and selfish speech. It is also free speech. Luckily I am free to understand from his speech what his true nature is. Unfortunately, the rest of the world may not take it so calmly.
Mary V (Shenandoah Valley)
Donald Trump is a poor excuse for a man, let alone a Republican candidate for presidential office. The more conservative Republicans deserve what they have--a loud-mouthed, inexperienced, blow-hard with bad ideas and who turns off the world.
The less conservative Republicans will vote for the Democratic candidate or not at all. I am very pleased with the caliber of all three Democratic candidates for President. Any one of them would do a fine job and would be a worthy representative of the USA. My vote will go to the experienced and intelligent Hillary Clinton!! It is time for a woman!
Marie (NYC)
Good for the Mayor of Tampa and the people of London. I wish we could ban Trump from returning to NYC. Make him a man without a city, state and country. See how he likes it.
Dan (MA)
Anyone who suggests that we have an actual working vetting process for entry, is either a maso chist, or one of Trump's rivals...Commonsense dictates that when a certain subset of people are trying to kill your kids and grandkids, then until we radically improve the process by which that whole set of people are vetted and thoroughly researched, we are needlessly endangering our kids and grandkids...Maybe if my wife and I had abor ted all our offspring we wouldn’t see the need for this, but far too many who have lifetime security teams for themselves and their families, are all to willing to needlessly endanger American families...Call me old fashion, but isn't the primary role of our government to protect America and her people...Political correctness is a cancer on this nation...It's time to push back and just say 'Hell no'! Our enemies are at war with us, and it appears only one man running for office is willing to say it out-loud…Trump 2016...because he understands that treating your enemies as friends and guests, gets Americans killed…
Graham K. (San Jose, CA)
Malik was a graduate of an al Huda school, a school for Sunni Islamist extremist females. Her parents were high rollers in Pakistan's political circles, a country where a majority agrees with ISIS.

The Department of State, when issuing her visa, failed to pick up on any of this. And she didn't even attend her interview with the consular official to get her visa approved. Her husband covered this for her, and he seems like a piece of work too.

His mother was a member of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), a Muslim organization that promotes the establishment of a caliphate and has ties to Jamaat-e-Islami, basically an Al Queda type terror organization in Pakistan.

Does the State Department not look at the family members of people who are requesting or submitting visa applications? We know that his father is a good "moderate" Muslim, who only wanted to deport all of the Jews to the Ukraine and thought nothing of his son's support of ISIS, but still - one would think that even a cursory look at these people's associations and backgrounds would have raised some serious red flags, if not stop signs.

Is it too much to ask a government drone to not be so lazy, stupid, and oblivious? If it is, than Trump is right. We need to put a halt to Muslims coming into this country until we improve our vetting process.

Religion is religion, but these people are ideologues bent on forcing their religion on the world. We stop them now, or more Americans will die.
Graham K. (San Jose, CA)
I'm with Trump on this one.

Would tighter gun control measures have stopped the San Bernardino shooters? No. The guns were bought by someone else, and the shooters weren't on a terror watch list as they should have been.

Would Trump's tighter immigration measures have stopped them? Absolutely. In fact, the Senate just passed legislation that would strengthen visa scrutiny on people with Malik's background (although those restrictions should be tighter in my opinion). So while everyone rolls around gnashing their teeth at what Trump is saying, our Senate with approval from Obama is doing what Trump recommends.
Michael Gordon (Maryland)
From the depths of failure of the Bush/Cheney administration 2000-2008, came an unlikely President, Barack Obama. His manner, his intelligence, his measured responses to various crises, his restraint, his refusal to vilify others, his strong family values, and his refusal to take the bait when political enemies attacked him on every front, demonstrates that he has been a president of great character and wisdom.
Did he get EVERYTHING right? No, no president ever FDR's shameful failure when he interred Japanese Americans in 1942 or when he refused to allow a small number of Jews into America during the war when they arrived on our shores.
But the contrast between Donald Trump's hateful demagoguery in running for the Presidency and the words and measured actions of our current President is stark. Which one of these men represents American values. If you side with the Donald, you need to take a course in the history of our nation. He is a narcissistic megalomaniac, who sounds more like Hitler than a candidate for the American Presidency. He is totally unfit to hold that position. Were he to be elected, our nation would be only a few steps from becoming a dictatorship. Imagine an out-of-control Trump as Commander-in-Chief. And for those gun lovers on the right, how long do you think it would take him to send his forces to disarm you?
So wake up America. The Trumps of America exist but they should never be empowered. It would truly be our end.
Mark (Minneapolis, MN)
Why give a voice to extremism? Deflection is what the extreme right will always do. Taking responsibility is not something extremists do. If you can change the narrative and stay away from the truth, then you do not have to take responsibility for the issues, or even discuss them. You can make it up as you go and never really confront what is really wrong with the Republican approach to American life.

Why does anyone really listen to extremists and allow them to create fear in so many people?
Perhaps someday soon Trump will have the same vision for Jews, then Catholics and so forth. People should never think "this cannot happen to me" and must stand up against hatred and bigotry, always.
Construction Joe (Utah)
This may be The Donald's Waterloo.
Luke Danes (CT)
Trump's comments and views are indeed drawing closer and closer to fascism, but what is missing is the objective fallacy -- the belief that one is bound by a higher law that allows, even requires, whatever terrible thing must be done. Trump lacks a supernatural belief system that would "authorize" atrocity. Unfortunately, many of his followers do not.
Warmingsmorming (NY)
snyone that thinks all this negative media attention is going to hurt trump is dead wrong. Let's not forget Obama made a prime time speech just a few days ago. Seems to me trump got way more coverage than the president did .
SMC (West Tisbury MA)
Remember! A mere 100 years ago it was the Irish, Italians and Eastern Europeans.
Adam (Bronx ny)
shades of Hitler The rallies with intimidating audiences, the bullying tactics When are REAL Americans going to stand up to this fraud?
Sir Chasm (NYC)
To the GOP, let Obama close Guantanamo and then you can tell us what's "un"-American.
bigkahuna1 (Mililani, Hawaii)
Trump is correct. Furthermore, England and France are lost. A long time ago. The lunatics are running the asylum in both nations. We, the American voters, will make the decision on who will next lead our country. Not politicians. Not the media.
outofblue (France)
and Trump really thinks this is THE solution? that there is only ONE solution, that the problem to be solved is much more complex than that. the guy may be clever in business, but in terms of politics, he is like the National Front in France, he appeals to the less educated of all people, the ones unable to think and analyze stuff correctly, who think everything is black or white, and that there are no nuances of grey in between.
Well, that is a fact that is the world functions more on nuances than on black or white.
David (Palmer Township, Pa.)
It has been acknowledged in Congress more than two decades ago that it was horrible mistake to inter Japanese Americans during World War II. Trump's ignorance demonstrates his unfitness for office.
carlson74 (Massachyussetts)
Roosevelt was wrong and Trump is wrong. Nothing hard about that to understand. Roosevelt at least was right 99 percent of the time while Trump is wrong 100 percent of the time.
George Wood (Amesville, Ohio)
Thanks to Boris Johnson, mayor of London, for treating Trump in the way he deserves to be treated--as a joke. He is a media created creature, supported by a very small section of Americans, as in 20% of the Republican primary voters or about, maybe, 4% of the electorate. I blame the 24 hour news cycle, with its desire to run up ratings, for Trump. Wake me up when we get to an election, not just polling and ratings.
Jurgen Granatosky (Belle Mead, NJ)
Trump is right, Cruz is right. The religion and nationality of who and how many are permitted in this country is the sole disgression of American citizens as represented by congress.

Contrary to the misinformation that the nyt and other media outlets are propagating, the U.S. Constitution does not apply to wanna be citizens or alien travelers.

The nyt of all media outlets should know better. Pathetic that it does not.
Alex (Chicago)
Funny how the liberal, politically correct readers of the NYT are so adamantly supporting a culture which demeans women, detests homosexuals and does not accept any religion other than their own!
PC gone wild!
Harkadahl (London)
The Republican party?
Harkadahl (London)
A dark veil of fascistic thought is descending on "enlightened" western cultures - within living memory of WWll. This happens when people let fear rule their minds, aided and abetted by politicians and pundits whose only goal is personal career advancement. The statistical chance of being caught in a terrorist act is way lower most other causes of death. A truly miniscule number of Muslims are politically violent and their neutralisation is matter of law enforcement, not civilisational politics. But, curiously, people choose to inflate that fear and go to expensive and immoral lengths to give themsevles the purest delusion of greater safety from death or pain.
ISIS is winning its propaganda war and overall tactical game-plan, eagerly helped by fear in the West. Their desire to have a global civilizational war is being obediently stoked by cowardly voices here. They are winning the game plan. Al Qaeda was convinced that America would stumble under the weight of its own military hubris and numerous internal divisions - a bloated empire that is ready to collapse at the slightest catalyst. Sadly that idea is looking more and more prescient for the West in general and ISIS is playing that card with great success. They are few in number but we fear them and help them grow every day.
azzir (Plattekill, NY)
Tell you what...if Trump manages to get on the ballot, he gets my vote. Islam is bent on world domination-the nuts use violence, the rest use our own policies against us. Taking over by immigration, forced or voluntary, works just fine as far as they care.
fran soyer (ny)
He's on the ballot. You can just write him in.
Cassie Holm (New Jersey)
This Man Who Should Not Be Named is a meglomaniac yelling in an echo chamber. The best thing the media can do is stop giving this guy oxygen with the constant coverage. The best thing we can do is visit our local mosque and offer support.
p. kay (new york)
I'm embarrassed to be an Amerrican. I was so proud when we elected our
first black president , I was so proud when we elected John F. Kennedy, our
first catholic president. I am so appalled to see that we can also turn up a
dangerous demagogue like Trump for consideration to be President. He has
been trumpeted by the press for months now , providing him with the kind of
exposure no one else had. What kind of press permits this disgusting Public
viewing with little or no refuting of his lies and bigotry. I recall that idiotic woman
Nicole Wallace, who appears on Morning Joe too often, crowing about her father
supporting Donald Trump. Walter Kronkite would have squelched this phenomenon and so would any responsible reporter with half a brain. As a country, we are losing our democracy when we permit this political fiasco to go on.
Gary G (Oregon)
Please leave. Join ISIL or Al Quida, or something.
Ken (Spain)
What is wrong abut controlling immigration? Who has a legal right to enter the United States? As far as I know, nothing and no one! Mr. Ryan is right; it is not conservatism. It is common sense! Trump mentioned this as a temporary measure until we learn how to stop terrorists at our borders. We have accepted a severe cut in our civil liberties in the interests of security. Why should we not accept cuts on immigration? Personally I believe Mr. Trump opens with a dream and then negotiates down to reality. He is an experienced and succesful negotiator.
fran soyer (ny)
We do control immigration. You are very gullible if you believe that we don't.
Jan (Florida)
Limitations on free speech are imposed if it endangers the public, like shouting "FIRE" in a crowded theater. Trump's -- and other like-minded presidential candidates (!) are doing the equivalent. Too bad this threat to the public of terrorism isn't likely to be addressed as the danger it is.
kgeographer (bay area, california)
The number of recommendations of comments supporting Trump's proposal here is quite large - surprisingly so I'd say. Either a bunch of reactionaries decided en masse to start reading the TImes or...

Personally I think his proposal is the most stunningly stupid and offensive thing I've heard in a very long time, on many levels. What happens when an idiot gets the big stage? And what happens when we learn he speaks for a large number of folks? Very nearly half the population is below average intelligence, and they are being pandered to by power-crazed idealogues. A megaphone is being held in place by all the media, left and right.
Talleyrand (Geneva, Switzerland)
He has not made a mistake.

Trump's strategy is:
1) Create outrage with outrageous statement. This draws attention away from other candidates, creates buzz (there is no negative feedback), and really wows the ratzher shallow but Noisy mob that goes for super-simpoistic answers.
2)= Defend statement, thus creating more buzz and giving the impression of "strength." Trump does not flipflop, though his narrative is really all over the place.
3) Accuse the others of being weak...
The more noisily you attack him, the greater his legitimacy, for the rubes.

You know who uses the same tactics? ISIS. And it works. Bomb them, close borders, bla bla bla... It feeds their ranks.
Vexray (Spartanburg SC)
What takes the cake is that Trump wants to ban Muslims only until our "representatives" figure out what is going on!

Considering the make up of Congress - and most of the current seekers of the Rep. nomination for 2016, that will happen when it snows in July in Washington D.C.

Who knows, despite global warming, it could happen in a 1000 years or so!
Dr.Dreiel (Germany)
Trump is just talking! Germany burns down refugee houses every day!

The latest is a mass of FUD being spread about young refugee men raping German blond girls. We are seeing the same behavior of German youth and not so young Nazi's coming out of the woods, torching houses with the refugees still in them. It is daily on the German main news channels. Watch the English speaking Deutsche-Welle ( or any other news channel with a European office. Europe is seeing the Kristallnacht again.
Neither the Merkel government is commenting, nor is she condemning it herself. It reminisce of bad times in the country that exterminated most no-Arians by the millions.
Do not let it get that bad in the USA. Remember Germany 1933-45!!
mick (Los Angeles)
When you can move to the right of Dick Cheney you have really done something incredible. Even most Republicans wouldn't vote for Donald Trump. He's not much of a man. He's not even a little bugle boy. And he' walking down a very dangerous path. He's hoping for more terrorist attacks. And I'm sure Isis would like to oblige him. He's basically a traitor to American values and values of the world. He's out of control his ego has taken him over. What an embarrassment to America.
fran soyer (ny)
Most Republicans would vote for Trump.

They love him, he stands for all of their values: autocracy, inherited wealth, exclusion based on arbitrary and selectively enforced criteria, racism, sexism, hypocrisy, brutality.
Karin (London, UK)
My mother was a refugee who fled postwar Germany with her family and settled in Pakistan. She later immigrated to the United States after marrying my father, who was with the US Airforce and stationed in Lahore. I married an Italian, who'd immigrated to the states but now I live in the UK where I have dual citizenship and two children who are steadfast Londoners. The world I live in is mixed up, intermarried and in constant flux. I for one believe these cultural migrations make the world a more interesting, tolerant place.
patrick J. Simoniello (11714)
Trump is absolutely correct in advocating something Obama should be doing Just as FDR did when we were attacked by the Japanese in 1942. A decision that had to be made and kept America safe. The japs were a fanatical culture who's allegiance were to the Emperor of Japan just as the fanatical Muslims are to Allah. FDRs difficult decision was as controversial today as it was then but it kept America safe. Well fact be known we are at war and under attack by fanatical Muslim terrorists and something must be done. Trump's suggestions are a temporary measure until we can find a better way to stop the influx of more terrorists to these shores and stop the attacks.
pcrudy (right here now)
Withering, as in '...tempest in a tea cup...' For decades Presidents have had the power to stop any class of alien from entering this country. President Carter actually used that law to stop Muslims in Iran from coming here.

All the Donald did was to argue for a short term moratorium against Muslims to 'vet' the 'vetting process'......if they took a pool and phrased it that way, you'd get 60% support.
Jonnm (Brampton Ontario)
From what I can see you won't see much condemnation of Trumps statements by Republicans because he is stating what an important part of the Republican base believes and if they criticize Trump as a racist and bigot they would similarly attacking a portion of their own base without who they cannot get elected.
Irene (Raleigh, NC)
Finally D. Trump says something good. Im 100% agree with him. Why Muslims have to come to the US. They have China, India, other Muslim countries close to them. I would like to see one day that Christians and other religions are welcome to those Muslims countries.
casual observer (Minneapolis, MN)
Joining world leaders World leaders condemning Trump's comment on the Muslim travel ban. Ismail Radwan, a Hamas leader and spokesman whose Hamas charter calls for the murder of Jews and the destruction of Israel, lectured Trump: “Islam is a religion of peace, a religion which opposes bloodshed.” LOL
fran soyer (ny)
Why is the GOP not standing up to him and demanding that he leave the party.

They can take him off of the ballot in certain states and yet they stand still.

How can they be trusted on national security, if they can't even protect themselves ?
td (NYC)
The biggest difference between Muslims today, and what people are talking about that happened during WWII is that we didn't have those folks blowing up marathons, flying planes into buildings, and carrying out mass shootings. Since every terrorist attack has been carried out by Muslims, who in their right mind would let them in? We have no obligation to let anyone in, least of all people who have stated that it is their mission to destroy us. This situation is nothing like what the Nazis did to Jews. The Jews weren't bothering anyone. They were minding their own business and going about their lives and Hitler targeted people who were already there. This is not what Trump is saying. He is saying, these people have declared themselves our enemies, so let's not open our borders to them anymore. Since the US government is too inept to figure out which ones are dangerous and which ones are not, it is our very survival that is at issue here, so stopping the flow is the only intelligent thing to do.
fran soyer (ny)
They didn't even carry out every terrorist attack this month ? Who are you trying to fool with this ?
Hamjilton (Florida)
It's about time those who desire to be leaders in this country actually tell us what they TRULY believe! I don't know that I agree 100% with Donald Trump but I admire the fact that he is not hiding his thoughts. I am sick and tired of our politicians, most of whom are so far removed from the problems facing the majority of our country, they do not address the reality of the crisis facing America today. Hillary, Paul Ryan, Romney, Cheney, and 100% of the "others" don't have the stones to tell us what they believe. They are career politicians, insulated from the issues over which they rule. For them, it is safer to speak of issues which affect the minority of the population, polarize those groups, then exploit the publicity. (i.e. Right to Life vs. Pro Choice) I'm tired of hearing diarrhea spew from the mouths of our current leaders. Our current president has shown weakness and apathy towards the problems facing our country. Maybe we need a leader who is willing to shake the olive branch and remind the rest of the world what the saying "Don't tread on me" means to true Americans. My beliefs: Pro choice; gun ownership till the day I die; higher tax rates for higher incomes; I don't believe in God but I'll respect your belief; I believe the United States of America is the greatest country in the world. And I am tired of the fact that our current leaders are afraid to show the rest of the world what happens when you try to threaten or exploit the greatest country on earth!
Usha Srinivasan (Martyand)
It seems we are reaching a critical point of fearing Donald Trump more than fearing ISIS if Mr.Trump's motor mouth won't leave the subject of Muslims alone. The man is a bane and he is getting what he wants--free publicity. The media feeds this narcissist many meaty bones of coverage. What if the media went dark on him for a week? He MAY stop. I say MAY not WILL but it is worth a try. No coverage whatsoever and he could have heart attack from the black out. ISIS will be devastated if that happened to the Donald but we can't please all of the people all of the time.
TheraP (Midwest)
Trump has demonstrated, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he is totally lacking in presidential demeanor. His remarks are so heinous, so lacking in compassion toward other human beings, so liable to incite violence and hatred, so dangerous to US foreign policy and social comity at home, that I lack for word to denounce his behavior.

He wants to ban Muslims from coming here. Well, there should be ways to ban people from running for president, who demonstrate such a danger to our republic, that they would sow hatred, spew abominable lies, incite a crowd to anti-American values - just to get attention. Pathetic!

Our electoral system lacks a means to winnow candidates before they can wield bigotry, calumny, horrifying personal attacks, suggest collective punishments, harm our society and alarm the rest of the world.

Trump can be glad he currently has secret service protection. But could he ultimately suffer the fate of Salmon Rushdie, who had to go into hiding, following being accused of harming Islam, until the point where an Islamic cleric declared a death warrant?

He has certainly harmed the United States! He is sowing fear in Muslim communities. He lacks the good sense to even see the harm he is causing, because he is so needy of attention. Like a two-year old! In the body of an old man, devoid of sense.
Sharon (<br/>)
There is not a strong enough printable word to describe this execrable "candidate". He and his daughter Ivanka are palling around doing business with rich Muslims, (some of whom fund these self same right wing jihadists). while Syrian babies drown.

From Al Jazeera
"It's Business as Usual in Dubai
A Dubai luxury property developer has said that it is business as usual regarding a partnership with the Trump Organization, which is run by the Republican presidential front-runner who has called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States.

"We would like to stress that our agreement is with the Trump Organization as one of the premium golf course operators in the world and as such we would not comment further on Mr Trump's personal or political agenda, nor comment on the internal American political debate scene," said Damac Properties Senior Vice President Niall McLoughlin in a statement seen by Al Jazeera on Tuesday.

The website for the Trump Organization-managed golf club, which will sit within Damac's 42 million square foot development "Akoya" and house a 30,000 square foot club house - the largest in Dubai, remained active on Tuesday.
Another of Trump's ventures in a Muslim-majority country, the Trump Towers in Turkey, also remained open for business.
In an interview with Hotelier Middle East in May, Trump's daughter and executive in the family business, Ivanka, said that she was eyeing Abu Dhabi, Qatar and Saudi Arabia as further opportunities to exploit."
Boxheater (UK)
There are 2 main problems with Mr Trump's proposal. The first problem, is that, OK, Islamist terrorists yes, are a corrosive evil which needs to be destroyed, and certainly not permitted to enter the USA. Unfortunately we already have such people in my country but so many of them are under scrutiny of which even they, will not be aware, and it is not so easy for them to obtain weapons and wreak death and mayhem here. These people are not representative of true muslims, the large majority of whom are innocent hard-working people like the rest of us. They need to be able to live their lives in peace and without harassment brought upon them by incompetent politicians or by misguided mobs or other members of the public out for revenge. I feel very sorry for these people right now. The second point, is that Mr Trump is hoping to become President of the USA. People who hold this office, which is probably the most powerful role on this planet, need to be of a careful, thoughtful, balanced and fair disposition. These are characteristics which are not currently being displayed by Mr Trump, and the voters of his party, whichever one of the two you have over there it is, and of the USA will need to to take this into consideration when casting their votes.
mjan (<br/>)
Right wing "conservative" radio commentators support Trump's hate mongering. Can anyone really be surprised? These are the people that drive the worst elements in the GOP base. They are the cheerleaders for the divisiveness that afflicts this country. Their daily presentation of distortions, lies and inflammatory rhetoric have created and sustained and continue to nourish the right-wing wing-nuts that support Trump. This is what the GOP has become -- the party of hate.
Ted Peters (Northville, Michigan)
There are nearly 400,000,000 Muslims in India and Indonesia and virtually none of them are terrorists. Islamic terrorism seems to be related to tribalism, which is still a powerful social phenomenon in the Middle East, Pakistan and Afganistan. Those regions are in shock by their confrontation with the modern world. Our strategy should be the same as we employed against the Soviet Union, containment! Instead of bombing them with explosive devices, we need to bomb them with exhibitions of the advantages of modern life... especially with regard to its advantages for both genders.
Mick777 (New York)
Hardly, you have Uiger terrorists in China, multiple violent islamist groups in the Philippines, terror attacks in Tailand (Uigers again), Boko Haram and al Shabab and others in Africa, the Bali bombings, and on and on and on. A common thread unites them all. Islam.
Jonathan Horwitz (Munka Ljungby, Sweden)
Dear Editors of The New York Times,
If you truly feel that Trump is unfit to be president why do you have "Donald Trump Deflects Withering Fire on Muslim Plan" as you headline for the on-line edition of The Times? As Frank Bruni points out, attention is Trump's drug of choice. Trump knows that bad press is much better than no press at all and you consistently play into his hand.
Please! Give us a break. Our climate is worth much more than than a thousand Trumps, and yet he, not the climate, get the headlines.
fran soyer (ny)
I don't believe he means what he says.

If Trump actually meant any of this, he would start evicting Muslims from his properties and firing them from his payrolls.

All these people who think he's serious should think about this for a minute. If he's so unsure about all Muslims, why is he housing them and employing them ?

The answer is that he does trust Muslims, and he's lying to his supporters.

If you support Trump, go to his website and ask him if he houses or employs Muslims ? Ask him. He's a hypocrite, and he's playing his supporters for fools.
Jakckie Thomas (Atlant Ga)
Pres Carter (Democrat) Deported 50,000 IRANIANS and BANNED future Iranians from coming to US during HOSTAGE CRISIS - invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not reissue visas, nor will we issue new visas, except for compelling and proven humanitarian reasons or where the national interest of our own country requires. This directive will be interpreted very strictly.
Lew (Boston)
Donald Trump's outrageous proposal is likely to be the best thing that has come to the rest of the Republican field. It's like an early Christmas for them as they can hide their anti-Syrian immigrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric behind the dangerous bufoon known as Donald Trump. Lest we forget that Cruz and Bush both proposed preventing Syrian Muslims from entering the U.S. but would allow Syrian Christians to entry rights . The rest of this pathetic group of "candidates" for the Presidency stood back from any criticism of these racist ideas.
Balqees (Saudi)
The idea is not bad at all, people you will be surprise I am a Muslim my self but I can see that man want to run USA THE WAY HE RUNS HIS COMPANY AND FIRE MUSLIMS AS HE FIRE ANYONE AT HIS COMPANY, we only have to think about one thing and that If I kicked my sister out my room, I didn't expect her to give me her stuff to use, if I am fine with that then I should keep going, so Mr Tramp you need to avoid any benefit, connection, communications call it what you want but you need to start find an alternative from now and stop put your nose at other countries like Iraq or Afganistan then I can assure the world disconnection between countries will help everybody think clearly about his mistake!!!
PubliusMaximus (Piscataway, NJ)
Remember, the GOP started this fear-mongering years ago when they perpetuated the ridiculous notion that Barack Obama was actually a secret Muslim terrorist. Now it has blown up in their face through Trump, who is the worst manifestation of that fear mongering. The hypocrisy of the Republicans who are trying to distance themselves from it now is simply staggering.
Angela (Tennessee)
I really cant understand why the American people can not understand his reasoning for saying this and wanting to do this. The fact is that we are experiencing major issues with terrorists, ISIS and such. There is no type of "screening" that can say for sure they are not coming to this country with ulterior motives. It has nothing to do with religion, as most want to claim, from Trumps perspective, just the terrorism issue. Something has to be done, the longer this is allowed to continue, the more the American people are in danger here on our own soil. This same type of thing was done to the Japanese and it worked, eventually. No one else has come up with a better plan as of yet, and its been a problem for many many years, but instead they overlook the issues and don't want to offend people, cause that's not what America is about. Well wake up people, America needs to be about protecting its own and not everybody else. I applaud Trump for his idea and hope that people will realize he is just trying to protect us.
anthony weishar (Fairview Park, OH)
Trump's plan would have missed Robert Dear, Christopher Harper-Mercer, Dylann Roof, Elliot Rodger, Aaron Alexis, Adam Lanza, Andrew Engledinger, Wade Page, James Holmes, Jared Loughner, Seng Hui Cho, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, Patrick Sherrill, and James Huberty. And the late Tim McVeigh still would have killed over 150 people and wounded 600.

They are already among us, Don.
Halil Kutluturk (Istanbul)
Hitler Justified the Holocaust through his ruthless propaganda.He worked hard at convincing the German people that the jews and others for destroying Europe and Germany.

Nowadays, Muslims become the new Jews. We must not fall in that trap again which would lead the world into new a war!
stonecutter (Broward County, FL)
Trump is an attention-hogging rhetorical "bull-in-a-china-shop", notwithstanding his cynical understanding and manipulation of the sycophantic, ratings-driven media, his real estate empire-building "skills" (whatever they may be), and his perverted appeal to 30% of the hard-right GOP base, which equates to about, what, 2-3% or less of the national electorate? He leapt from his dumb, completely unrealistic, scripted "reality" TV show ("You're fired!"), about as entertaining as watching paint dry, to his current over-the-top, mugging, hystrionic performance as "presidential candidate", for which he'll win no Emmys. I'd lay odds when he began this latest "reality" show (and it's not much more than that), he had no real expectations he'd strike the volatile chord he has (so far) with a certain demented "demo" of hard-right-wing nutjobs in this country: white supremacists, gun nuts, racists, semi-literate ignoramuses, trailer park residents. crackers and rednecks of assorted varieties, all united by irrational fear and suspicion of/disregard for reason, science, fact, and the Constitution. It's no accident he seems to keep appearing at these overflowing rallies in various Deep-South venues ("The more things change, the more they stay the same"). Is every Alabaman or Carolinian a moron? Is every Muslim a jihadist? Of course not, but quite a few are, in both camps, and Trump is playing both sides against the middle. One can only hope "cooler heads will prevail". Hope.
Mark (Canada)
By targeting ALL people of one faith for exclusion from USA, Donald trump has maligned all those people because of their religion. He must know the sentiments this kind of rhetoric can whip-up. Hence it is arguably a hate crime. There are laws against hate crimes in both Canada and the USA. I am surprised that the Attorney General of the United States has not had Donald Trump charged and arrested pending the full judicial process. Nobody is supposed to be above the law and less illustrious people spewing such invective would most likely be apprehended. This stuff smacks of Nazism, and both our countries were founded by people fleeing such philosophies and developing constitutional protection against this kind of evil. Let the principles of our democracies be upheld by full and unbiased enforcement of the laws of the land.
DStu (Nunya)
All of you Trump detractors seriously need a dose of reality. He isn't saying BAN all Muslims forever. It is just until the government can retool and figure out who is who. You will be singing a different tune when we get a Paris style attack in one of your favorite cities by guess who...radical ISLAM.

Here's just a few reason's Trump may say what he says
Laura (California)
Trump is looking for an exit. He cannot be serious.
Dalan (Cape Town)
Trump wants this ban until "we understand what's going on" ... Well Mr Trump Muslims in general are having a problem with the US Military and government because The US of A are illegally occupying or supporting regimes in half the countries in the Middle East. I don't know how you can stand in ignorance of that fact. The world is tired of America's quest for world domination. So many peoples around the world who used to identify with and praise the US have now turn against it. America was a melting pot of the world that is now socially in meltdown. Guns and violence rule ... both in the streets of main town USA and those of Middle East cities, Jerusalem, Baghdad and others.
Due to the political correct police the safety of Americans take a backseat to PC. Immigrants who are not in the US have no rights under our constitution so what trump wants to do is not unconstitutional. The screening process is so poor that the woman killer gave a bogus address in Pakistan which was not picked up by the people screening her. We need to suspend immigration and examine short comings in our screening process.
ImagineMoments (USA)
Mr. Trump has been repeatedly and repeatedly shown to make up facts, invent whatever history he wishes, distort reality, and just flat out lie.

Yet his supporters say one of the main reasons the like him is that "He tells the truth".

Do these people live in an alternate reality?
Jake Gregory (Tucson, AZ)
Hillary must get up every morning, fall to her knees, and thank God for two things: Donald Trump, and the person who helped her with that futures trade.
D. H. (Philadelpihia, PA)
TRUMP is dangerously disturbed. He's wealthy, bored and verbally abusive. Trump seems to have a severe mental health problem, as what he says is much more related to his personal opinions than logical, objective thinking. The last thing we need in the Oval Office is another spoiled, bored person of whom a failed presidency is all but guaranteed.

Since I would like to see the influence of the GOP cut back severely, I hope that Trump will run for President so that there will be a landslide of votes against the GOP.

Trump's stated ideas about how to respond to terrorist attacks would make weak material even for Archie Bunker. But do we really want someone like that to have a finger on the Nukyular button? That's the bomb!

Cruz is even worse. He comes across like a cold-blooded, violent killer who has no capacity for remorse and enjoys inflicting pain on others.

Jeb's amateurish pronouncements on foreign policy make it clear that Pappy Bush is the guy in the family with any talent for foreign policy and effective administration. Besides, records show that Jeb was involved in intentional, fraudulent voter purges. Check them out in Greg Palast's book, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy.

Rubio could squeak by as an adequate candidate, though he comes across as pandering and callow. The son of immigrants needs to share the benefits of freedom with other immigrants. But he does seem to be logical, rational and kind. Maybe he's a good person to run as Hillary's VP.
SA (Canada)
Trump is an Islamic State's dream come true: an American presidential candidate inciting against Muslims! Can we imagine a better boost to their recruitment drive? Same thing with the National Front's strong showing in regional elections in France. ISIS' strategy seems to be actually working. Their battlefield is the lowest common denominator, both in the territories they control and in the rest of the world. i.e.fear, and all the confusion and disruption it sows in the fabric of society. The rest of the Muslim world does not fall into their trap - simply because that would be suicidal - while the West seems now dangerously at risk of getting 'unhinged'. Let's just imagine a Donald Trump and a Marine Le Pen leading two great nations holding the torch of freedom, democracy and human rights down the path... a war of religions! Nevertheless, let's not congratulate ourselves for not following the siren song on our extreme right, since we - and our enlightened leaders - have certainly not done enough to crush the criminal gang that is ISIS.
Steven McCain (New York)
Withering fire Withering fire from who? Withering fire would have been to call the racist a racist. If Paul Ryan's comment was withering fire, I am still waiting on the burn. The party that has always played the race card at the drop of a hat is now all of a sudden outraged. It is reminiscent of the world seeing Bull Conner training his dogs and fire hoses on protesters in the civil rights era. Where has the outrage of right been hiding when they treat our president like some Manchurian candidate. Now the same folks who only weeks past were willing to only allow in Christian refugees are feigning their fake outrage. Where was the future Speaker of the House Ryan’s outrage when Trump talked of deporting 12 million people? The right sees Trumps latest comments as a way to finally get rid of Trump. There sudden morality is highly suspect are we to believe they are now defenders of the good Muslims? Is the race card playing right racist? Never! Ryan even said we have a few Muslims in congress. Sounded like something we have heard in the past didn’t it? They nurtured the monster called Trump and now they can’t run fast enough trying to get away from their creation. The time to hit the pause button has past Trump is here to stay. Trump has shown the world just how racist we still are as Bull Conner did decades ago. Its time the media stop fawning over the blow heart and moved on.
Dhanajaya (Boston)
This guy marks a new low to our intelligence. I am embarrassed to call myself American with our supposedly American "values." And all we are doing is giving him more attention and more attention and more attention.
stella blue (carmel)
Roosevelt put Japanese American families in concentration camps. They lost everything. Trump is just saying stop Muslim immigration until we can figure out how to vet these people, so we don't let in extremists who kill our citizens.
C J (San Leandro, CA)
By Trump's logic, the USA should bar all Fundamentalist Christians who oppose abortion rights. Some of them have terrorized Planned Parenthood and Abortion clinics. Or just banned those who work as policemen or policewomen, since some policemen have terrorized black citizens in Ferguson and Chicago.
Denah (Brooklyn Heights)
I support Trump's idea.
emoc (in)
What is the next idea for Trump, a genocide on muslims?
Thistime (London)
To paraphrase the Leytonstone bystander, we should all say to Donald Trump "you ain't no American, bruv".
Walter Borden (Mountain Brook, Alabama)
The surging low-information voter response to, lets be real, fear-mongering by the GOP, no time for false balance, is not very encouraging as it represents a troubling signal from certain public opinions. Even though Trump will likely lose, the damage is done, and the much more dangerous and insidious Cruz will make sure the door stays wide open for hate-speech, trumped--up, so to speak, as national security policy.
EdgeNinja (Queens)
The parallels between Trump's rise to the presidency and Hitler's rise to power are astounding.
Harry (Alabama)
Pastor Martin Niemoller's quote of the Holocaust:
First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me

Modified version when Trump becomes President (half in jest)
First Trump went after the Mexicans And I did not speak out Because I was not Mexican
Then Trump went after the Blacks and the Chinese And I did not speak out Because I was neither Black nor Chinese
Then Trump went after the Muslims and refugees And I did not speak out Because I was neither Muslim nor a refugee
Then Trump went after the "fat and disgusting" And I did not speak out Because I am not yet fat
And when he came for me when I questioned his policies, there was no one left to speak out for me or save me from being deported to my ancestors' homeland in Britain and ban me from coming back to the Great Nation of America
Robbie (Las Vegas)
Forty some odd years ago, Donald Trump, Mr. Tough Talk, got out of serving his country in Vietnam because he had a boo boo on his foot. All of these armchair "tough guys " are pathetic beyond words.
Jed L (New York, NY)
I'd like to know how Trump plans to determine who is Muslim and who isn't. Do any foreign passports indicate the person's religion? What about people who have recently started following the Muslim faith? Are people just going to be asked if they're Muslim, and if so, when and where? He needs to explain these things in more specific terms.
Tony B (New York)
APOPLEXY, the state in which the America Media and most politicians find themselves in light of Trump's pragmatic proposal. They're more concerned about offending Muslims than the cold blooded murders at the hands of these barbarians. Which ironically has faded into the background.

Trump gives us what no other politician in the country gives us, his honest opinion. He doesn't back track, doesn't apologize, he has the courage of his convictions and stands by them. Agree or disagree, it's a refreshing departure from the spineless, lily livered, yellow bellied politicians we have in this country who do nothing but pander, we don't know what they really think or what the really stand for.

Finally, all of you morons in the media, you love this, it's your rational to take down Trump and call him a racist. American citizens think differently, don't count out THE DONALD, he has proven to be a force to be reckoned with.
Pecan (Grove)
You're right. (As a lifelong Democrat AND a Hillary fan, I might just vote for Trump. Time to tell the truth.)
carlos decourcy (mexico)
"now my charms are all overthrown and what strength i have's my own"(Prospero/Tempest)
"ring the bell, close the book, blow out the candle"
Cynthia (Alexandria, VA)
It was wrong in the 40s and it is wrong now. I agree with Mr. Earnest that Trump is disqualified to be president. He sounds more like Hitler in the 20s and 30s.
Fran (Seattle)
And what was the - Withering Fire – from the Republican candidates. Hardly withering more like - from cautious to slightly supportive.

1. The “super PAC” supporting Jeb Bush, - not Jeb was he too busy?
2. Senator Ted Cruz, …..disavowed his proposal but pointedly declined to join in the scolding. “I commend Donald Trump …
3. ...former Senator Rick Santorum, ...seemed to embrace Mr. Trump’s impulse but differed on the details.
4. Senator Marco Rubio ?????? - must be too busy also
Lyn Turner (MN)
He's a narcissistic psychopath who spews fear instead of coming up with ways to work within the constitution laws. Come on people, wake-up before it's too late. He's everything that's wrong in America today.
Rob Woodside (White Rock, B.C., Canada)
The heights of Republican racism continue to astound me.

First it was a black guy in the white house who wasn't the butler. At the State of the Union a few years back they told Obama that he was a liar and did their best to make sure he was a one term president.

Now Trump is feeding on the same racism and Republicans can't bring themselves to denounce this disgusting behavior.

A possible ray of light in this darkness is that the media is finally starting to report this for the frightening racism it actually is. I'm sick and tired of the media reporting racism as a "fair and balanced" Republican talking point.
Waldo (Houston, TX)
Republicans saying they want the newly elected president to serve one term is not racist. Most parties that lose would hold that position.

And to disagree with how the president has handled ISIS is not racist.

President Obama's office announced that Donald Trump is disqualified to be president.

Last I heard it's the right of the people to choose their presidents not a sitting president.
JPinNP (New Paltz)
Divide and conquer . ISIS is rubbing its collective hands with glee as we fall all over ourselves fighting about the "right" way to deal with it. Terrorism is a psychological war as much as a physical war. And judging by the comments here, ISIS is winning.
gc (chicago)
The internment camps are not a "president" they are a mistake we need to learn from... otherwise history will repeat itself
E C (New York City)
Trump uses FDR's actions as justifications but neglects to mention that those actions have been unanimously condemned as racist and ineffective.
GSS (Bluffton, SC)
Dick Chaney says banning muslims goes against everything we stand for and believe in. Apparently waterboarding is ok though.
Ellie (New York City)
Delve into the long history of Christianity, when the Crusades were the legal way to kill all "infidels." When the Catholic Queen tried to destroy all Jews and Muslims in the name of her church (read wealth and dictatorship). Protestants of all denominations were not allowed to live their faith in homelands. Many probably were considered radical and dangerous. Yes, make it difficult to enter any country at this time in history, but no government should have the right to ban refugees who have experienced what these people have. How dare Ben Carson report on the refugee camps and their conditions as though these were day camps--filled with fun and true life for so many thousands, now with winter approaching. Yes, America must put in place some stringent rules, as should all nations, but all should come together and share this burden. What did we learn from the internment of the Japanese? It's a wound on our nation's history, just as other "legal" rules and allowances have been. President Obama must come to firm decisions, but look whom he has to deal with in his government! Humanity and great care have to win over fear and power struggle.
gc (chicago)
Correction.... arrgghh... "precedent"... not "president" auto correct is my bain
Ed Bloom (Columbia, SC)
Let's look past the racism for a moment and strictly look at Mr. Trump's proposal as an anti-terrorism measure.

Buried in the news about the raid on Bin Laden's compound, was a footnote about a Bin Laden correspondence referring to the need to recruit operatives who were fair skinned and light haired to get past security. Trump has not told us how he is going to identify Muslims, but as we see by the Bin Laden memo, if the terrorist have to, they will go to great lengths to disguise themselves. So the only people Trump's proposal will stop are the non-terrorist Muslims because they will be the only ones who will be honest about their faith. The terrorist will lie.
Jed L (New York, NY)
Trump has shown that he doesn't at all have his finger on the pulse of the reasonable, thoughtful, intelligent America. He doesn't realize that while Roosevelt is basically remembered fondly, the internment of Japanese Americans is one of America's most shameful events, right up there with slavery. It's incredible to think that saying something like this, and continuing to back it up, isn't going to give his supporters second thoughts.
commenter (RI)
Banning muslims from entering the United States is coo-coo, but the muslims and islam in general has a problem with women. What is it about women that they are afraid of so that they have to hide away and be servants? I don't get it. I would not stand for it.
ron (wilton)
In the right wing echo chamber it is politically correct to be anti-muslim.
Hoochachook (UK)
Readers may be interested to know that an official petition to bar Trump from entry to the UK has attracted over 125,000 signatures within a matter of hours. At the current run rate 1% of the UK's total population will have registered their names against Trump by the new of today Take note D J Trump - you are way out of line!
Lester Bowen (Florida)
President Trump might not be as forgiving as you or I toward England. They should be careful who they offend. America is very powerful.
Jim in Tucson (Tucson)
We are quite possibly seeing the breakup of the Republican Party. The responsible, pro-business, anti-tax conservatives are being silenced by the Trump supporters, who are radical social conservatives, gun-toting Christians who see little value to the Constitution beyond the First and Second Amendments.

After decades of pandering to the far right, it looks like the chickens have come home to roost. Couldn't happen to a more deserving group.
fran soyer (ny)
The GOP is so weak.

If they can't stand up to this guy, and force him to denounce this policy or leave the party, then they are unfit to lead.

It's reminiscent of the time when Bush tried to stand up to Putin, and then backed down, muttering "I looked into his soul" or something like that.

For a party that loves to calls others feckless and accuse them of leading from behind, they sure seem to have perfected the art.
lawrence donohue (west islip, ny)
Islam was bourne out of conflict between Mecca and Medina in the year 670.
It was originally an Arab movement. Its first conquest was Egypt and then all of North Africa and into Spain. Each of the areas were theathened with subjection or annialation. Following that , the Persian Empire was defeated, followed by the Bysantine Empire (Roman), and the Holy Lands.
Austria fought with them in the 1400's. In the last century, Pakistan was set up too contain them, but they have expanded into India surplanting non-
Muslim peoples. In Central Africa, they beheaded 100,000 non-Muslims.
This is only part of the history of these "peaceful" people.
It is shocking that American are so ignorant about this history. The Presidential campaign is being fought in a vacuum.
B.D. (Topeka, KS)
Maybe if the press itself knew the difference between Moslem and Muslim you could at least draw a distinction. Those who speak Arabic do. They aren't the same, you know, not in this day and age. You're villifying the idea who is what when it makes sense in terms of any profile of the primary terrorists we're concerned with.
Ned Netterville (Lone Oak, Tennessee)
The Donald wants to become another fascist dictator in the mold of FDR. He would make an even a worse president than the Hillary (similar ego) or the Bern (similar worldview). Our only hope is that NoneOfTheAbove is victorious.
beth (Rochester, NY)
I'm in no way defending Trump, but wasn't it just recently that Bush was saying we had to only allow Christians into the country? And Carson said a Muslim shouldn't be allowed to be president? They've all been horrible, Trump is only louder.
Sweet fire (San Jose)
This man's utterances and behavior are shameful examples of what we should hold up as even the bassest American values that in domestic and global politics. To cite the historical examples of ill conceived decisions made by previous American leaders is a new low for this bigot. He is so filled with an outrageous sense of superiority that it bodes ill will for everyone, including his current fear filled, uniformed bigoted followers.
Nadim Salomon (NY)
Donald Trump should be deported to Saudi Arabia where his intolerance will find a receptive audience. He could even marrried 3 women at once. His frightened supporters can follow him. We Americans will carry on and we will continue to travel and engage.
Rick in Iowa (Cedar Rapids)
This guy is simply out of his mind. He is just a megalomaniac craving constant attention. It appears he is determined to stay in the limelight. The GOP will not let him win the nomination. Period. He will do to the election, what Nader did, splitting the vote, only this time it will be the dems who benefit.
Eugene Patrick Devany (Massapequa Park, NY)
The news media should be more concerned about Mr. Trump's religious beliefs and political aberrations than about 75,000 would be immigrants. The former could cause real damage to the country.
barb tennant (seattle)
Jimmy Carter banned moslems from Iran and the Dems said OK
fran soyer (ny)
A country is not a religion. He did not ban an entire religion.
Billy (up in the woods down by the river)
on my right shoulder a fascist. a well dressed thug from Queens
on my left a Jew from Brooklyn, by way of mountains green
the fascist weaves a thread of hate, conspiracies and fear
lefty speaks of values, American and dear.

sometimes in fear I wonder if this bully makes some sense
then I remember Lennon, let's just give peace a chance
It's times like these that I give thanks that I might have a voice
I think I'll vote for Sanders. I hope I get the choice.
Steve Reicher (GLOUCESTER MA)
I thought that Nixon and Reagan would never be elected president and they were. We like to think that Americans would never elect Donald Trump; think again! I like what Bernie Sanders says, about how Trump is using misdirection to cash in on peoples' dissatisfaction with their lives; with their economic problems; with the squeeze of the middle class while the wealthy get wealthier. He's like the Wizard of Oz and I can't wait until the curtain is drawn back (I hope) to reveal this little man, Donald Trump. Then we'll have the "Son of Trump" to contend with: Ted Cruz!
JayK (San Francisco)
And where is India's Modi on this? Is he being circumspect or just scared?

His silence is deafening.

Tell us, Mr. Modi. Don't be afraid. Say it loudly; say it for all of us. Be the good man that you are. Say that all Indians condemn Donald Trump's divisive ideology. We're united behind you, Modi; we will support you.
3rdWay (MA)
What Trump has to said does not both me a bit. There are always a few bigots here and there. What saddens me is the number of Trump supporters. Look at his polling numbers. Trump give them a cover to come out of closet to openly display their intolerance.

It is easy to stop Trump. An 1% polling number will shut up in no time. It is time we, Democratic or Republic, united to stand up to stop the intolerance. Do our representatives in Congress have the courage to pass a unanimous resolution condemn Trump's ferocious statements? Enough is enough.
Eirini Oflioglu (brussels)
Mr. Trump! If you are really serious about American security, tell your administration to stop your armed forces to invade, bomb the Muslim countries. And tell your secret services to stop playing dirty games in those areas.
Sarah Centrella (Portland, OR)
Dear Donald Trump,
You can try to divide us. To stir up hate, ignorance and intolerance. You can try to single out our friends, neighbors, and classmates, telling us to live in fear.
But that is NOT our America.
The America I’m raising my daughters Mira, Izzy and my son Kanen, to become proud citizens of, DOES accept each other. My children DO NOT see race, religion, or sexual orientation, they see PEOPLE. They see their friends. Not because they are special, but because these are the values they have learned from birth, values that are part of their DNA.
Their world does not see your darkness.
You may say that’s idealistic, and maybe it is, but as parents we have a choice. We can either feed into racism, bigotry, hatred, profiling, fear and the like, or we can create an entirely new generation of future leaders, who will lead with the values that America was built upon.
I for one will #RiseUp
Joey (TX)
It would be beneficial for psychologists in America to describe (seperately) the attributes of narcissistic personality disorder so that Americans can decide for themselves...... Is Donald Trump psycologically unbalanced?
Marteenex (Frederick, MD)
The fact that people are still talking about it reflects the genius of Donald Trump. Any idiotic statement is now generating world headlines. Trump now represents the "Ugly American" in all her sartorial splendor.
Honest Abe_3 (Fairfax, CA)
Trump is an escapee of Reality TV who has turned the political circus into a real circus. Trump is a semi-conscious savant. He is a curse demanded by the ignorant who drink up his madness. He is a consummate performance artist who combines belief in the infallibility of his ego (not God) with the narcissistic sleight-of-hand of a master salesman. He’ll say anything to get the deal and his main appeal is to the lowest possible political denominators of hatred, bigotry and fear. Trump acts out the American Republican insanity. We are witnessing a mass media character disorder that feeds upon the gullibility of a mass who feel they’ve lost the American dream. To think Trump’s madness will save them shows how lost they are.
Big H (UK)
I think Trump has just had his Barry Goldwater moment.
Dan Rosenblum (Kensington, MD)
The politics of fear, which some now practice and feed upon, is among the most dangerous paths for a society to take. A dozen deaths at the hands of a few crazed shooters does not begin to compare with the millions who might die in a full-scale war, almost all of whom, on both sides, would be "innocent civilians" or "noble soldiers" drawn into the conflict from civilian life. Fear and lack of understanding build rage, a normal human response, but one to be channeled by effective leaders with cool heads and an awareness of the use of reason, information, and careful learning in guiding adaptive human decisions. Trump's comments call upon all leaders to find the best within themselves, not simply to attack Trump, who speaks from his gut and is guided by his polling numbers, but to find a course of action that will spare carnage, douse the flames of hatred, promote understanding, and lead us away from the things we fear to a safer place. Angering 1.3 Billion people is not a likely pathway to understanding, is it?
shaeri (Virginia)
A dozen deaths? You need to do some research. Have you forgotten the 120 in France three weeks ago? What about the at the Seattle community college 2 months ago? The 127 on the Russian airliner a month or so ago? The 3,000 on 9-11?
U.N. Owen (NYC)
Whether or not a bill barring entrée (of foregien-born Muslims) is considered ludicrously discriminatory and overwrought,” as Gerald L. Neuman, a Harvard law professor says (in another NYT article), is irrelevant. The global societies have a VERY dangerous problem in it's hands.

Enough niceties, when the only issue which is relevant is safety throughout the nation (and, of ALL free nations).

To me, it's akin to unfair boxing, where we are following all the Queensbury rules, and the opponent - radical muslims - are repeatedly hitting below-the-belt.

I'm NOT a 'Mr. T' supporter, but, this and other issues he's raised ARE important, and rather than the usual sweeping under the rug, he's bringing them up-front, to the hot, bright lights, where they belong.

As 'Socrates' below me has pointed out (and I've noticed the same VERY clear parallel to Nazi Germany as well), the posturing Trump's taken is almost identical to what those men (MussolinI, as well) did.

The important lesson - the mantra, as it were, from the survivors of the holocaust, 'never forget,' seems to be completely forgotten.

The sad thing is - today's generation - doesn't think history - is very important to them,

The world is at the crux, and however it's ultimately handled, or mishandled, will reverberate for a very, very long time ahead.
NYChap (Chappaqua)
Trump's proposal that would but a temporary ban on Muslim non-citizens coming to our country makes complete sense. We know for a fact that it is Muslims that are trying to kill us. it only takes a few to do a tremendous amount of damage and terrorize our way of life. Look what happened on 911. Less than 20 Muslims, with box cutters for weapons, and using our own commercial airlines, have forever changed our way of life and caused us to spend trillions of dollars trying to protect ourselves. Now, we know they will be going after "soft targets" going forward and will continue their rein of terror unless we stop them Dead in their tracks. Instead of preventing more foreign terrorists from entering our country we find stupidity in our politicians, as usual. It is time to put the American citizens first for a change and stop with political correctness. If who we are is to invite people into our country to kill us then I don't like who we are and I think we should change.
Dan (Birmingham)
The Right seems to fear Islam but not guns. But the terrorists and white male mass murderers alike will all use guns.

I am confounded and astounded that this simple connection isn't made!
FH (Boston)
Muslims make up a small percentage of the population but have been involved in significant number of terrorist events on American soil. Non-terroristic Muslims have not been vocal or visible enough in denouncing radicalized violence. Our leadership (such as it is in both parties) has failed to convey a sense of unified control and security. Because of these factors, many people see Trump's position as reasonable for the times. I do not think that the average person who is feeling some sympathy for Trump's position is driven by xenophobia but, rather by self-interest in matters of protection from obvious harm. It's a difficult mess to sort out but, in the end, one largely of our own making.
Carrie (<br/>)
I've got to hand it to the GOP: their skill at deploying fear-mongering and tribalism in order to control the sheeple is legendary. Any moment, I expect to look out my window and see a mob with pitchforks, attacking . . . uh . . . well, something or someone. Mexicans. No, women. Oh, wait, Muslims. I can't keep track. Who will it be next week?
Major Tom (Mount Olive NC)
Donald Trump will say anything for a headline and the media loves it, obviously!
Jim (Albany)
It has been reliably reported that there are more refugees in the world today than at any time since 1945. That's a lot. Are Germany, Scandinavia, the UK and the US supposed to accept the tens of millions of refugees today from current global civil conflicts? And next year. And next year. And next year. I think the answer is not unprecedented unending global migration. Do you? Okay--- fire away.. I already know the stock answers. (Basically, We bad/They good)
Dave (NY)
Trump is great for America! He has the integrity to verbalize what a disturbingly large percentage of Americans believe. The fact that Ryan and other mainstream Republicans criticize him is the ultimate in hypocrisy as they, as a party, through their media mouthpieces, through their Judges, have systematically dismantled the America that was great. The war on drugs is no more than systemic racism, the fight against unions, especially teacher's unions, is a calculated policy to transfer wealth upwards and dumb the country down, the pandering to the NRA, the attack on women's rights, etc etc Everybody needs to wake up and realize that Trump is the Republican Party, in all its xenophobic racist glory. That's why Ryan et al denounce him; they're afraid people will finally wake up to the truth.
Patricia (Rochester, NY)
Ms. Haberman, please do not dignify Mr. Trump's remarks proposing to ban all Muslims from coming to the USA by calling them a plan. His further comments about how this would be implemented prove that he is a clueless xenophobe, incapable of coming up with any kind of plan to effectively deal with this issue.
Bren (Windsor, CA)
These Republicans are beneath contempt, throwing away everything that makes America an exceptional country in the name of an Apocalyptic cowardice that has them all wetting themselves while they quiver in abject fear. Trump invokes -by way of defending himself! - one of the most shameful acts in our history, the internment of Japanese=Americans during WWII. How long will it before he and the cowards running against him demand that we round up all Muslim-Americans and "quarantine" them in that manner for the duration of their endless crusade against.... a religion? a tactic (terrorism)? Fear? Perhaps they will be suggesting next that we bring back slavery "for their own good"...
LIsa (Brisbane Australia fomerly Idaho)
It is very unfortunate that the shootings in San Bernadino have completely erased the previous shootings, only days earlier, in Colorado Springs. That was a white self-identified Christian, out to commit murder and mayhem in the sake of a cause.
The San Bernardino massacre has gotten heaps more attention because it fits the profile (pun intended) of what we want to see and believe -- that these others, of a different faith than most of us, and perhaps recognisably of a different cast of skin -- well, they are the danger.

Not us. Not one of us.

Well, the statistics say otherwise. The overwhelming majority of mass shootings in the US are by recognisably white males raised as Christians.

So whether you think Trump is a racist xenophobic fascist, as I do, and/or an incredibly irresponsible narcissistic attention seeker, as I do, here is the outcome: this grand xenophobic fascist bigoted plan, even if implemented, will not stop mass shootings in America. It will not make Americans in, say, South Carolina, or Sandy Hook Connecticut, more safe.
Ratty (Canada)
Aren't there areas in a number of cities in the US where police go with trepidation? And where the population may not contain elements radicalized as militant Moslems, but whose lives blighted are by violent crime and where civic power lies not with an elected authority, but rests in the hands of competing criminal gangs? How does Mr Trump propose to deal with this situation?
AK (Seattle)
This outrage is ridiculous - trump is willing to say what a large percentage of us unfortunately believe. This is no different from any of the other mass islamophobia and anti-brown people rhetoric that is out there.
Bill (Southern Tier, NY)
I'm actually glad he used what we did to the Japanese, Germans and Italians during WWII as justification for his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States, as I consider that to be one of the darker moments in our history.

Glad we got that out into the open, Mr. Trump.
MK (Los Angeles)
How amazing that Trump would enthusiastically invoke one of the most shameful episodes in American history to justify his policies, as opposed to trying to deny the parallels like any other politician would. What next? Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, so we should repeal the 13th Amendment?
sixmile (New York, N.Y.)
Wow, Donald j. Trump has accomplished one thing -- he has earned the moral censure of dick Cheney. Who knew that was even possible?!
Carmen Ficarra (Seattle)
Who knows what the answer is on terrorism, probably no one yet. But for Trump to think that talking trash and closing the borders is going to solve the problem, is idiotic. And to present himself that way to the rest of the world -- especially to the leaders he'll be dealing with if he gets elected -- that's just dumb.
I can trump Trump's idea: Let's deport EVERYONE who isn't a Native American, b/c frankly the rest of us came here as immigrants (however many generations ago). It'll free up a lot of space in the USA.

Now we just need to find a country that will take Trump & his ilk. Think Putin could help us out here?
Richard Crasta (New York)
That Dick Cheney is in the same camp as Hillary Clinton and President Obama, at least on this issue, is vaguely discomfiting. And yet, when you consider the profits that the Bush-Cheney cabal made from business deals, arms sales, and other concessions from the oil-rich Gulf countries and Saudi Arabia, it's a bit easier to understand. No matter, what is right is right, no matter who supports it. Trump's xenophobia is such that it would be embarrassing even in a small-town Mayor in any civilized country.
Me (NYC)
I can't believe nobody mentions the loss of revenue if 3 billion people can't come to the US. Republicans only care about money (guns? climate change? EPA? social net?) so you think they'd be against this idea.
xigxag (NYC)
The main reason Americans are filled with angst and fear over terrorism is because the media and politicians are exploiting the story for personal gain. You have vastly more chance of being killed by an automobile, by second hand smoke, by choking on food, by bicycling than being killed by a Muslim terrorist. Unless you're quaking in terror when a Huffy rolls by, your fear is misplaced.

There's cause for concern over the escalating violence, for sure, but a panicked overreaction that draws us further into conflict and breeds vastly more enemies, is foolish. Unless you're in the defense industry or being bankrolled by the defense industry, in which case it's shrewd.
EdBx (Bronx, NY)
Enough already! Do not glorify this attention addict with front page coverage, because he just keeps raising the bar on un-Americanism. Put him on page 17 of the print edition, perhaps the middle of the politics page online. Yes, he represents a segment of the population, but far, far from a majority. Just as we need to counter the narrative from terrorist organizations, we also need to counter the narrative from demagogues.
Warren (Shelton, Connecticut)
That Donald Trump has a big mouth and little actual knowledge of the world is not news. That no matter how low he goes, he still has followers, really speaks to the decline of this once great nation.
DG (Boston)
One of the ironies of all this is that for most of his adult life Trump has been a liberal Democrat -- pro-choice, pro-national healthcare, pro-gun control, and even pro-Clinton. He's voted for, contributed to, and supported Democrats pretty consistently.
Lynn in DC (um, DC)
So according to the Times, anyone can enter the US and we are supposed to have no say over it? I believe the US has the right to decide which aliens can and cannot enter. I can't believe it but I actually agree with Trump on this matter. His plan would do more to protect American citizens than anything Obama has put on the table.
fran soyer (ny)
Yes. And the President is the President, and he's decided this already.
J. Smith (Atlanta)
from the Pew Research Center on American Muslims. . . " In the U.S., about eight-in-ten Muslims (81%) say that suicide bombing and similar acts targeting civilians are never justified. Across the globe, a median of roughly seven-in-ten Muslims (72%) agrees". . . .that leaves 19% of American Muslims that accept suicide bombings. . . and 28% worldwide. . .frightening statistics.
glen (Colorado)
What we need is a moratorium on all immigration. We don't need more people from any countries moving here.

Our country, at 320 million people, is already crowded and overpopulated. We have added 120 million since 1970, with most of the increase due to immigration. Large sections of the country have huge water issues, we continue to pave over millions of acres of wildlife habitat and agricultural land, and our infrastructure is overloaded. We already emit too many greenhouse gas emissions, have other pollution issues, and are destroying wildlife habitat. Our environment is being degraded.

Wages for most Americans have stagnated or gone down. The gap between the haves and have nots has increased. We have record numbers of people on food stamps and in poverty. We don't need more workers to compete with American workers.

An immigration time out would have great benefit to our increasingly overcrowded and divided country.
SR (New York)
It's time for Trump to slink away. We've had enough of him.
aldebaran (new york)
Comparing Trump to Hitler is way off base and the kind of ridiculous rhetoric that got us into the Iraq War in the first place. Remember the rhetoric from Bush Sr.? Saddam was "WORSE than Hitler." Well, if someone is "WORSE than Hitler" of course, let's get him out--go to war--absolutely. That laid the basis for the first Gulf War. Can we criticize Trump with better rhetoric than this? Drop the Hitler references, please. It is not helping.
Jeff (Chicago, IL)
Just another outrageous, highly provocative utterance from the squeakiest wheel of the Republican presidential candidates. Reality star Trump certainly knows the value of engineering the national headlines in major newspapers and lead news stories on television. No news is bad news for a candidate seeking the presidential nomination in such a crowded field. No matter that Donald Trump's comments are always painted with the broadest of brush strokes and never contain even the most rudimentary of details. One wonders what are the identities of all his many Muslim friends who love him and supposedly agree with him as he claimed during an interview with Barbara Walters today. Even though it is very challenging to take anything Mr. Trump says seriously, his outlandish positions are sadly covered around the globe as one of the faces of America. Not only do ignorant statements from Donald Trump polarize Americans and incite hatred and potentially violence against all Muslims in this country, his desire to stop Muslims from entering this country at any cost would make a perfect recruitment tool for ISIS.
NRJ (India)
Though I would not agree with Trump. But we have to agree that he is speaking what majority in world is feeling right now. It is Muslims who are responsible for this feeling in majority. They should come out strongly and support the anti ISIS movement. Any person with minimal IQ will understand that for ISIS to survive it needs money and that money is pumped from neighboring Muslim countries. Turkey buying oil from ISIS, Saudi funding the extremists are really a major concern in world. The days are not too far for World war- III if we do not exterminate the problems now.
fran soyer (ny)

I can guarantee you that the majority of the world does not care about this at all.

You're talking 3+ billion people. If you think that many people care about ISIS, you are way, way off.
Annie Dooley (Georgia)
The ruling class of America does need to listen to the complaints of Trump supporters and stop lecturing them to be more open-minded and tolerant. Stop ridiculing them and questioning their intelligence, too. America has changed drastically and rapidly over the past few decades in every way. Many of us think most of those changes are good, but many others think they are bad. Change always creates winners and losers and leaves many confused and without moorings. Trump, for his own selfish purposes perhaps, listens to them and expresses their anger, fear, frustration and pain.
FXQ (Cincinnati)
While certainly not a Trump supporter I must say, at the risk of offending my fellow hyperventilating spittle-spewing liberal friends, he is not necessarily wrong here. There is no constitutional right to come into this country by non-citizens. Multiple attacks have already been perpetrated by only foreigners of only muslim background. Only a one certain religious group's adherents have pledged further mass destructive attacks. We obviously can't seem to reliably determine which of this population would do us harm. We are in no need of having any of these people come to this country as guests, at this time. We have just witnessed the incredible carnage inflicted by this group on democratic Europe. Muslims are the ONLY religious group committing mass murder of civilians around the world, ranging from blowing up planes, killing children, and attacking tourists. Sorry folks, but I'm with Trump on this one. Common sense trumps PC.
Nathalee (Baldwin)
As an American I have every right to protect my family Trump maybe arrogant but he is not wrong all those politician don't care about whether or not my family lives or die we the little people don't have security detail following us around. If you believe that this is just an isolated incident think again there is many more to come if we don't protect our borders. We are just numbers to most of these politician. My life is just as important as the next person and so was those innocent people who else do we need to sacrifice in the name of politics. They need to stay out until the American Government can safely secure our borders and protect our families. I am scared to go to any public area without looking over my shoulder and planning my exit strategy.
Principia (St. Louis)
Grandpa Trump immigrated to the United States, went back to Germany, got married, and brought Grandma Trump to America on a fiance visa.

Luckily Grandpa Trump did this before WWI, otherwise he would have faced difficulties from American demagogues, like his grandson, who were railing against Germans and German immigration. Germans and Jews, during WWI and WWII, like Muslims today, were unpopular immigrants. So unpopular that many already here changed their names and lied about their heritage.

Donald and his dad claimed to be Swedish. Donald, obviously scarred by his family secret, would continue to claim Swedish roots long after WWII, throughout the 1980's and 1990's! Donald only came clean to his German history in 1999! This proves, at the very least, that racial history is a complicated, personal and trendy political matter.

During WWI, The Red Cross barred individuals with German last names from joining in fear of sabotage. One person was killed by a mob; in Collinsville, Illinois, German-born Robert Prager was dragged from jail as a suspected spy and lynched. A Minnesota minister was tarred and feathered when he was overheard praying in German with a dying woman. In Cincinnati, the public library was asked to withdraw all German books from its shelves. German-named streets were renamed. The town, Berlin, Michigan, was changed to Marne, Michigan.

The poor Trump family had to live a lie, hide their heritage, and now Donald Trump will continue that tradition.
Joey Green (Vienna, Austria)
Finally, this part of the nightmare is over!

However, more embarrassing is the fact that MILLIONS of American voters share the same racist, xenophobic, irrational view of reality as this clown.

Moreover, focusing so much attention on this one horrific massacre shows a certain level a paranoia built into the entire US society.

Not to compare the two, but Sandy Hook was an "off the scale" tragedy for our nation and nothing has changed since then--except that hundreds more have died at the hands of guns!
stacyh (tucson)
I wish Mr Trump would allow himself brief moments before speaking to consider what he is about to say and what the repercussions may be. If he fails to do this, he will gradually dig himself a deep enough hole for the remaining serious candidates to pack him in there for good and dance on his grave. They may not win anyway but they certainly would not if they had to nominate Trump.
Deborah (NY)
The US spent $600 billion this year on defense, more than the next 7 countries combined The US has more planes, jets, boats, drones, spy satellites....

The US has 10-20 times more missiles than any other country, really WAY too many to count

Private US citizens have 112 guns per 100 people

We're the most armed country in the world, twice as armed as the next runner-up, Serbia.

But reading many of these paranoid irrational comments, one would think that our only defense is a tricycle and slingshot. Could it be that the relentless Republican slurs against our government have finally undermined even the Pentagon in the paranoid American's mind? If government is the problem, then the Pentagon where we have invested trillions, cannot possibly be trusted to protect us. It's the government, after all!

I've never seen a greater disconnect between American paranoia and reality. If this continues, history will not be kind.
JMFulton, Jr. (England)
The real trouble with Trump is he makes the rest of the GOP candidates field look reasonable....that he is diversionary.
Once Iowa and New Hampshire go by Trump will be gone, and only then we will realize the likes of Ted Cruz are to be taken seriously.
Pecan (Grove)
He doesn't make the others "look reasonable" to me. He makes them look even MORE dishonest than they are.
Ron Tyler (Calgary Alberta)
Trump owns 2 hotels (Bali and Lido) in Indonesia, which has the largest Muslim population of any country in the world. Wondering if his plan will exclude the top managers from the MNC Group, "Indonesia’s leading investment firm", who have partnered with him there for his hotels, from entering the U.S.
Jim J (Minneapolis)
As a lifelong conservative who has never voted Democrat, if Trump is the Republican candidate I will cast my vote for Hillary Clinton. Trump's an embarrassment and one of the least introspective people on the planet. He's irreparably damaged the Republican brand.
Josh Folds (New York, NY)
Thanks to the Christian founding fathers and, equally as important, the early Anabaptist Americans who pressed for a "separation of church and state", Americans of all faiths are able to worship whatever religion they wish. Americans can thank early Christian American for that right because it had everything to do with them. In sharp contrast, very few countries with a predominant population of Muslims affords their citizens this level of religious freedom. Turkey and a few others come to mind as exceptions to the rule. But, mainly, countries under shariah law tend to be war torn, discriminatory and anti anything other than Islam. But the Constitutional rights of Americans have nothing to do with how the United States grants entrance to foreign nations. While "we the people" are free to worship as we see fit, the United States is free to cherry pick the types of people we allow within our borders. Given the current threats that are posed by certain members of the extremists in the Middle East, it is probably best that we place a moratorium on allowing foreign nationals in from this part of the world, unless, they seek religious asylum as a persecuted minority religious group. Refusing people based upon religion seems un-American. But refusing people based upon geographic location is in order.
Finally facing facts (Seattle, WA)
You can be right and be wrong at the same time.

If you go thorugh Israeli security at their airports, it is clearly anti-Arab.

And yet, no violence at their aiports. So is freedom from terror worth the price?

Most would argue yes. 'The lesser of the evils.
Lement (LA)
“Paris is no longer the same city it was,” he said, before adding, without citing any evidence

Apparently what happened recently in Paris is not evidence enough for this liberal publication.

They want everyone to accept that this is the new normal. How cynical and stupid
Maya (south)
Trump had put at risk the lives of over a million americans living outside the US. He has also downplayed the contributions of muslim military men and loyal citizens in the US who now has a reason to believe that ISIS is with them and america is not. Surely many new terrorists were born in the minds of people following Trumps comments. Overall this is a sink the ship to catch the rat policy by Trump. Dump the Trumps to Save America!!!
Larry Elterman (Cambridge Massachusets)
Withering fire? That's a strange and totally ambiguous choice of words. Was that done on purpose? If could mean (and these are directly from the dictionary): "intended to make someone feel mortified or humiliated", or it could mean "to shrivel; fade; decay: The grapes had withered on the vine", which would mean that the opposition to his comments are not holding up. In this case, both meanings, depending on your point of view, would be totally appropriate. As an aside, Trump is portrayed as someone who only appeals to conservatives. I am extremely liberal in most of my views, but in this case, one has to also be pragmatic. What is best way to reduce terrorism? Are Trumps views really that crazy? This liberal is not so sure.
Pecan (Grove)
Ditto. Another liberal who agrees with a LOT of what Trump is saying. Why are so many pretending that what he says is not true? The outrage is faux.
Mary Elizabeth (Boston)
The Boston Marathon bombers had come here as children and had been here for more than ten years. A ban on Muslims entering the USA would
have been of no use unless permanent. Most of the Paris attackers were French nationals.
Much closer monitoring of travel out of and back to country seems in order. In fact, travelers to known radicalizing countries would not be allowed back without intense monitoring of activities.. Any communication with terrorist sites should result in harsh penalty such as a police record.
Stepped up technological advances to intercept communications, interruption of the propaganda sites and a rush of anti ISIS media. Creative thinking.
Banning of Muslims even temporarily is not a solution.
Ahmed (USA)
If muslims are barred from entering the USA, a terrorist would simply get a passport with a non-muslim name. So, if this is really about national security, what Trump is proposing is to use a jackhammer to squash a bug that isnt there.
Bobby Mac (UK)
As a Londoner I can assure you that Trump has no idea what he is talking about. There are no Islamist no-go areas in the city. And there is no fear of Muslims in general. I fact next year we may well elect a Muslim, Sadiq Khan, as Mayor of London.
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
There are at least a dozen no-go areas in Paris.
Or at least there were as recently as March when I was there.
Pragmatist (Weston, CT)
Boston Marathon, Ft. Hood, San Bernardino. What would our demands of government be if we had Muslims attacks every month or week??? Sure, Trump threw out a headline-gathering statement (the guy certainly understands PR!) not to implement necessarily, but to get the nation to focus on a growing scourge in our midst. Good for him.

p.s., France has approved extrajudicial measures that give police sweeping powers to deal with radical Islam.
lastcard jb (westport ct)
Hey Pragmatist, all US citizens...... what would Trumps plan have accomplished there? Also, Timothy McVeigh, Dear, the Unabomber and others - all US born Christians. How would this have helped? If you are truly a pragmatist then how can you not see whats in front of you?
TruthTeller (Brooklyn)
When did "not politically correct" become the new code word for "racist?"
Pecan (Grove)
When did Muslim become a race?
Eiodice (Rome)
Gaining votes by fear and targeting groups has been done before. It was done in Nazi Germany and other places that ultimately embraced extremists to take control, snuff out liberty and bring the world suffering and tragedy. Now is the time for our elected leaders to provide well thought out and comprehensive solutions to our problems, especially those that deal with terrorism before the voices of insanity take control.

The US Presidential election of 2016 will be one of the most important in world history. We forget that the Commander in Chief of America is a planetary leader and the most powerful leader in the world. Who we entrust this role to is the most important decision the citizens of the United States make. We cannot fail and elect someone who runs counter to our values, our traditions and what we stand for today and tomorrow. I dwell on this in my new book, "2016, Selecting the President," where I outline the leadership qualities a President must have now, more than ever.
NYHUGUENOT (Charlotte, NC)
In response to Morgenthau's request to allow more Jews to come to America President Franklin Roosevelt had this to say.
"America is a Protestant nation, founded by Protestants for Protestants and Jews and Roman Catholics are here by our suffrage."
Up for re-election Roosevelt was reacting to the large amount of anti-Jewish sentiment being stirred up by Father Coughlin and the belief that America was being pulled into the war by Jewish bankers.
joesopinion (Maryland)
I am tired of people trying to lump all mass shootings in America in comparison to Islamic terror attacks in the US. Planned Parenthood was politically motivated but the perp was a insane, along with Sandy Hook, Colorado theaters, Columbine, Oregon community college and the list of insane killers goes on and on. Muslim terror shootings are committed by educated, determined and disciplined Muslims in the name of Allah. Muslim terror is organized, even if some of the Muslim terrorists are inspired, because without the organizations, of which there are dozens and dozens, there would be no inspiration.
jljarvis (Burlington, VT)
The interment of japanese citizens during WWII was a black mark on the history of this country. That subjecting Muslims to the same fate might withstand constitutional rigor is irrelevant.

Trump is clearly not presidential material, as he has ably demonstrated.

How this empty boxcar managed to earn a Wharton MBA is beyond my ken. I rather suspect he wouldn't be admitted, were he to apply now.
Claude (Hartford)
Trump is a bafoonish anti-intellectual but the howling response to his latest proposal is sheer hysteria. People are murdering citizens worldwide in the name of their brutal medieval ideology with roots in extreme interpretation of a specific religion. Trump says stop importing them. This is counter to most of our commonly articulated values, but it is a sane, logical policy answer to the threat. Reject it if we will but we can't just scream and ridicule it in the face of its simple human logic.
partlycloudy (methingham county)
This guy is dangerous. So is Cruz. And what is worst is that a huge # of angry white americans agree with Trump. And they will vote for him. He could destroy america.
Wolfran (SC)
Great video; what exactly do a bunch of foreigners lecturing Americans on American values add to the conversation?
Aderemi Adeyeye (Adelphi, MD)
As a democrat, I would not say a thing about what Mr. Trump says or does. He is a republican problem that democrats are now making their own by commenting on his statements. The fact that serious-minded people would continue to spend time talking about Mr. Trump's statements, in itself, might be evidence of how low the republicans have dragged the whole country.
Native New Yorker (nyc)
A complete overhaul of our lottery visa system and getting our borders under control is at the root of our security. Do we leave our Condo doors open for strangers to enter our apartments and then let them stay and stupidly feed them because we liberally feel sorry for them? Secure our borders, send 12M people back home. Send a message to the world we are not easy or easy to get in to blow us up with dirty bombs.
David Goldsmith (New York)
In the 1930s, Jews were labeled communists and, for the most part, refused entry into this country. Had Roosevelt not followed Trumplike policies, six million lives, including many family members, could have been saved. One of the great attributes of this blessed land is that we welcome immigrants. Let's be intelligent.
Henry Hakon (London)
Trump's statement that there are places in Paris where the police does not dare to go, is correct. Some parts of Paris are so depraved of policing that a sort of anarchy rules, where normal people don't go and not even police. Weapons abound and there are rumoured to have local "snipers" on the roofs looking for police. This is not a joke. Trump says many strange things, unconsidered things, but the US and us, the west, need to wake up to the fact that our societies dont work as a whole. The gaps are too great. We have to decide whether we are willing to increase the gaps by taking in more people that are incompatible with the society that we want, or not. That is every country's right. Or we can decide if we are willing to redistribute more through taxes to support those that can't, or refuse to, positively contribute to society. You can invite one person into your house for dinner, but not 100. Trump is right to set limits
Piotr Berman (State College)
Barring all Muslim from entering USA would be simply a disaster. It would undermine commerce, scientific exchanges, tourism etc. It would offend countries with Muslim majority and those with Muslim minorities which enjoy constitutional equality -- India, Russia, France, Germany etc. etc. Alliances would be undermined, reputation of the country would go down the drain.
JRO (Anywhere)
Trump is not America, any more than Marine LePen is Franve.
Victor (NY)
Happily, Trump has now been thoroughly "outed". He's just a genuine wingnut, as has always been suspected. Underneath that ridiculous hair and overstuffed suit, lie a skinhead with the tattoos to match. Immigrants are what made this country great, and even Trumps German background cannot hide that fact.
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
I'll say it again, and challenge any Obama supporter to deny it.

If Barack Obama had made the SAME statement Donald Trump made as part of a plan to stop ISIS from attacking in the USA again, NONE of the media backlash we see would have happened.
fran soyer (ny)
And if George W Bush said "Islam is peace" right after 9/11, no Republican would criticize him.

Once again, in a language that you can comprehend:

AND if George W BUSH said "Islam is PEACE" right after 9/11, NO REPUBLICAN would CRITICIZE him.
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
Here's what the NYT and Obama supporters refuse to admit:

Barack Obama appeared before the American people last Sunday and proposed NOTHING NEW. NO CHANGES.

Trump's comments are borne out of a frustration by the majority of the American people with a failed, incompetent, dishonest, effeminate Barack Obama who is content to run out the clock on his presidency and do nothing as ISIS attacks in America.
fran soyer (ny)
These are very insightful comments.

Keep them coming.

PS - love the ALL CAPS. Gets the message across.
Eleanore Whitaker (NJ)
The Donald as we in the Metro area have known him, is a pouty, bullying rich man who must have it "ALL." Or, at least, "his" version of "all." That means the most beautiful wives (mostly golddiggers), the biggest mansions, the most money and now the most power. So he thinks.

There are two possibibilities here. A. The GOP is allowing Trump to play the village idiot because they will pull out an October surprise so totally opposite Trump, yet as covertly extremist. or B. The GOP intends to use the position of Speaker of the House as the unelected President of the US.

The rot in the GOP today is a disgusting example of men who believe what goes up will always remain "up" and that no limits to their greed for money and power can stop them. Fools always think like this. Science and history both prove them all wrong.
ockham9 (Norman, OK)
I am shocked and appalled by some of the comments here, but concerned that several of them (including Triple A and John M) received 1000 recommendations from readers. I hope that more than a few approvals were the result of careless reading, though I can't imagine how one could misunderstand the xenophobic phrases in them. Have we lost sight of the real reason we oppose radical movements, that in the long run they destroy the kernel of American democracy and human rights? How can we remain true to what it means to be American while proposing such repressive measures?
Ellen Liversidge (San Diego CA)
Trump's rhetoric reminds me of the disco tune, "Macho, macho man." Instead of war drums, we need the voice of reason that Bernie Sanders has. Let's step up coverage of Bernie, and not just war hawks such as Trump or Clinton. The American public deserves to know the intelligent, nuanced views of Bernie, and the NYT should be ashamed of itself for not covering him. (DC)
He's being attacked for being honest, meanwhile Hillie gets a NYT editorial promoting her hypocritical campaign against her supporters and benefactors (Wall Street financial institutions).
Landlord (Albany, NY)
Donald Trump is a huge distraction and the media should stop courting his attention. What the media (yes, you NYTimes) could do instead? Focus on the core issues erroding our society. Lack of good jobs, access to affordable, quality education and healthcare, decent housing that comes without outrageously high property taxes. Less government involvement with our "morale" lives and more attention to our quality of life. Much of America is hurting and angry, they are eating up what Trump has to say. Is it any wonder they are ready to lash out at any perceived threat?
Billy Pilgrim (America)
Donald Trump has truly become the Republican Party's own Frankenstein monster. Crafted out of the party leaders' coded language of suspicion and prejudice, and with life breathed into him by the conservative media's hate machine, he has knocked his creators aside and is now rampaging through the countryside. And the more he is disavowed by them and rejected by the rational citizenry, the more volatile and dangerous he becomes.

At first it was just a joke. But now this horror story is really getting scary.
James Osborne (Vernon, BC, Canada)
He's a bully. God help you if he's elected.
Manoflamancha (San Antonio)
2,977 Americans killed by muslims on 9/11 but muslims are not allowed to go to interment camps, yet 2,403 Americans killed by Japanese at Pearl Harbor and 120,000 American Japanese were sent to interment camps.
jac2jess (New York City)
Like Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt was a man both ahead of his time and a creature of his time. While he was lifting American out of the Great Depression and leading us to victory in WWII, he also interned Japanese-Americans (as well as German- and Italian-Americans, though not to as greant an extent) and refused to condemn the shamefully routine lynchings of African Americans. Sometimes it's wrong to reflect the public's views, and it's a sign of leadership when you can tell the difference.
short end (sorosville)
The Northeastern Liberal Mindset is definately the mindset of our nation's leaders, our thinkers, our capitans of industry, our "ruling class".....even as they profess to be either "democrat" or "republican".....much the same way that Ivy League school chums take opposite positions at meeting of the Debate Society.........
Sadly, the Northeastern Liberal Mindset has crystalized or perhaps more accurately....fossilized. It hasnt evolved one single step since 1968. The average NE liberal still sees the world as centered on NYC/Wall Street...laid out in neatly defined national boundaries. The Gold Standard replaced by Petro-Dollars. The Puritan work ethic still vibrant and earnestly pursuing the "moral high ground". 1968 was the pinacle of the triumph of Keynsian Economic Models......and the conservative model was just as Keynsian as the liberal model..........the only difference was to identify which Keynsian tactic would be applied where.........
We grew up in the 60s educated inside the best public education system ever created, learning that the USA was a nation of immigrants, implying that the rest of the world has some vague unalienable right to immigrate to the US. This half-truth is constantly reinforced thru wishful thinking, as we insist on telling ourselves that the rest of the world "WANTS" to be just like us.............
They do not. This harsh lesson should have been learned back about 1972, when Nixon actually DID end the Vietnam War......
Ben (NYC)
My grandfather immigrated to the United States from Russia in 1920 at the age of 19. Nearly everyone in his Shtetl in Russia (now in the Ukraine) was killed by the Bolsheviks. He escaped into Poland on the back of a bread truck.

When he took a boat from Latvia into our country, he lied about his national origins. He said he was a Polish citizen and that his mother tongue was Yiddish and not Russian.

1920 was the height of the Red Scare, and Americans were terrified of Communist infiltration from Russia. Millions of Russian Jews were turned back, where they faced at best uncertain prospects, and at worst slaughter by their non-Jewish neighbors.

Today the descendants of those Russian immigrants are ordinary Americans, and the United States never became a Communist client state.

I watch these discussions about Syrians specifically, and Muslims in general, and wonder if we are repeating the same mistake. The threat of Communism was viewed as equally terrifying in the last century as Islamic terrorism is viewed today. Are we going to once again permit innocent people fleeing conflict to be slaughtered and penned into camps? I really hope not.
Kipsbayer (New York)
First they came for the Muslims, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Muslim.

Then they came for the Hindus and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Hindu.

Then they came for the Budhists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Budhist.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

With apologies to the late Pastor Niemoller
thrushjz (Denver, Co.)
How soon the left forgets, 1979-80, Jimmy Carter rounds up all Iranians after Ayahtollah Khomeini attacks the U.S. embassy in Iran...
An American Mother (New York)
Trump is right- Obamas limp address Sunday night told us nothing new- as Donald said IS THAT ALL? Unfortunately, keeping them ALL out is where we are. Maybe these radicals will get some flack from non-radical Muslims and stop killing their own people and others. WHY AREN'T NON-RADICAL MUSLIMS RISING UP TO STOP THEIR BROTHERS? Maybe this will bring them to life!!
The chickens have come to roost for GOP.
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
The chickens have come home to roost for the GOP?
Thanks to Barack Obama, ISIS has come to America, and not to roost.

Chickens are a lot safer.
maisany (NYC)
Using that logic, thanks to Bush43, Al Qaeda came to America and killed nearly 3,000 people. I'll take 14 over 3,000 any day.
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
So as an Obama supporter you'll take deaths in the USA from ISIS attacks.

Got it.

Bush went to war against Al-Qaeda.
Obama won't even say ISIS in public.
vincentgaglione (NYC)
As a retired teacher I must say that our educational system is partly to blame that so many citizens concur with Trump's opinions. Except for PBS documentaries that Trump supporters never see, there is little curriculum in our schools about the mistakes that have been made in this country out of fears and bigotry. The bigotry extends from the religious parochialism and provincialism of early colonial settlers to nativist attitudes in the late 1800's to the detention of Japanese Americans during World War II. Now Trump uses those instances to justify his proposals. The political situation in this nation has become surreal!
James B. Huntington (Eldred, New York)
Listen to Rush - Trump is just playing the media.
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
Even Rush Limbaugh is dismissing Donald Trump!!!

Can we finally stop the LIE that somehow the GOP establishment backs Trump? Or are Obama supporters destined to remain delusional?

Fox News attacks Trump just like the rest of the liberal media.
The GOP establishment attacks and dismisses Trump just like the liberal political establishment.

Trump is truly the outsider, independent candidate that America has waited for. Which of course is why he leads comfortably in the GOP field and wins in most credible polls versus Clinton.
gathrigh (Houston)
Hillary must be giddy with relief, now that the spotlight is off emails and Benghazi and her other shenanigans. Her latest? Allow any immigrant possible to come in, given the Democrat party thinks these folks will be new dem voters, given that they get lots of free stuff. Why, it's unAmerican to deny them!
notfooled (US)
At the root of Trump's strategy (and Cruz's for that matter) is something pretty simple and comprehensive: a stance against what he disdains as "PC" culture. He begins or ends every controversial statement with: well, it may not be "PC" but I'm gonna be brave say it anyway....and this is echoed in almost every Trump-positive comment here.

To the left, PC [itself an awful right wing term] is a good thing-- it means inclusiveness, mindful consideration of those who might be different, fairness. The right believes that it is an elitist, university and media supported muzzle that prevents them from saying whatever they want, including derogatory things about people they are afraid of. But that in the case of radical Islam they are right to some degree in that it is making an uphill battle more complicated.

So, progressives must figure out exactly how "Political Correctness" needs to be balanced with plain, direct but respectful speech--what does this idea mean for our time, now? Reframe the debate and stop the right-wing distortion of an important American value that being terribly abused. And hurry up, because it's becoming something massively powerful that is being effectively used to bludgeon progressives with.
fran soyer (ny)
ISIS uses the same anti-establishment rhetoric.
Keith (Victoria BC Cnanada.)
Why do so many American Infidels want Muslims to come into their country?

Do you think Saudi Arabia wants liberal secularists and Christians in their country? No, it's an Islamic State.

Is America an Islamic State? If not, then probably keeping a bunch of people who follow a religion invented by a mass-murdering schizophrenic who wanted to rid the world of infidels is not a good idea.
Robert (Edgewater, NJ)
Umm...the thing is, Donald, we are ashamed of those WWII era tactics. That fact and so many others fly right over your narcissistic head.
Richard MacKenzie (Montréal)
The US acted shamefully with respect to its German, Japanese and Italian citizens during WWII. Apparently Mr Trump doesn't believe in learning from one's mistakes.
Hurricane Kate (Maine)
That's because he doesn't think he ever makes any mistakes!
Lesley Durham-McPhee (Canada)
The GOP is in the position of von Hindenburg. Hindenburg, when faced with the growing power of Adolf Hitler, decided to make Hitler Chancellor of Germany. He hoped to harness Hitler's power in order to keep his own. The GOP thinks they can harness Trump's power. They are afraid of him running as an independent.
Decision time. If the GOP lets Trump continue, they are agreeing with his views. Trump won't change. He will get even worse. Like Hitler, he will use his current power to usurp any laws that get in his way.
Please, stop him now. At least stand up for what's right and cut him out of the established party.
mjbarr (Murfreesboro,Tennessee)
Could it be this is just one big Punk'd job pulled by Mr. Trump on the American public?
Robert Coane (US Refugee CANADA)
The man has no shame.

Remember, "In a Democracy the people get the government they deserve." ~ Joseph de Maistre

Your choice, your shame.
David C (Clinton, NJ)
Does anyone feel like they've become Pvt. Joe Bauers from "Idiocracy?" I turn on my TV to watch the news and all I get is this movie from 2006. Apparently the cast and plot has changed a little, but it essentially is the same. For those who may not have seen the original, here is the plot summary:
Private Joe Bauers, the definition of "average American", is selected by the Pentagon to be the guinea pig for a top-secret hibernation program. Forgotten, he awakes five centuries in the future. He discovers a society so incredibly dumbed down that he's easily the most intelligent person alive. Donald Trump is playing President Camacho -- Please, someone wake me up from this nightmare.
DM (Dallas TX)
Why doesn't Hillary Clinton send her little tweets to the families of the 14 that were killed, and spare the rest of us her tired, business as usual approach that has had no impact.

What planet is she tweeting from?
Howard (Washington Crossing)
Maggie Haberman should look up the definition of deflect. She -- like Maureen Dowd -- apparently is a closet Trump admirer. You don't "deflect" a steamroller.
JSM (Massachusetts)
Protest Donald Trump by hitting him in the pocketbook. Do no business with with any company owned by Trump. Make him a financial outcast.
rdonal (tx)
One point....we can all get ourselves in a frenzy about Trump and his pronouncements in any regard or we can realize that what he suggests is just that....his idea of what needs to be done. There are 13 months before the presidency changes hands. A lot can and will be said and argued between now and the day we vote and swear in a new president.

We should be rallying and supporting those who are in the position to make real-time decisions regarding our current well-being rather than giving all the power and drama to a Maybe and a Wanna-be contender. I believe we are a more level-headed society than those who are spewing their short-term views now.

Trump loves chaos and the spotlight. The more he stirs the pot with his somewhere-out-there flimsy utterances the more we are distracted from what is at hand.

Remember.....regardless of what Trump says he will do, until we are ruled by a dictator, even King Trump will have to go by our constitutional rules and laws. Let's see how THAT plays out.
shan (Oregon)
Donald Trump ain't going into the grave he's digging for the GOP --he's just the shovel-man.
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
I am still reeling from the remarks from Josh Earnest from the White House yesterday. As an attorney in Washington DC, who works on Capitol Hill, I was apoplectic.

Isn't Josh Earnest supposed to be a grownup? Somewhat professional? Intelligent? His incoherent babbling about Trump's "fake hair" made him look and sound like the 4 year old at the supermarket who just learned he can't have all the Christmas candy.

Maybe it's just me. Maybe I've been a trial lawyer too long, but the behavior Josh Earnest displayed yesterday would get him run out of my profession and barred from appearing in any federal court of law unless he was in leg irons. It was the worst display of unprofessionalism I have ever seen.

Mr. Earnest, grow up, apologize to the American people, and if you need help with making simple speeches to people, give me a call. Unlike you, I am highly skilled.
David Jordan (CA)
Apologize to the American people?

Josh Earnest called out Trump for his overtly racist and blatantly unconstitutional stance on barring foreigners based on their religion. To have let this affront to civil society and democracy and gift for ISIS recruiting go unchallenged would have been a travesty. In fact, this is probably the first time in history that President Obama and Dick Cheney have agreed on something.

Mr. DC Barrister, if you disagree with the need to strongly condemn Trump for his inexcusable remarks, you should give up your law license and start PR consulting firm for wealthy clients with fake hair.
DCBarrister (Washington, DC)
Josh Earnest sounded like a raving lunatic, stammering, spitting and struggling for words. That's not how a White House official should conduct himself. Ever. Especially in this situation where Obama isn't even RUNNING for office in 2016.

Yes, Earnest owes the American people an apology. At best he temporarily took leave of his senses, at worst there were none to take leave of.
A. Davey (Portland)
We've heard we have muslim nations as allies in our fight against ISIS and other Islamist terrorist groups, but so far we haven't seen them or heard from them.

Nothing would take the wind out of Trump's sails faster than seeing muslim states in the region put boots on the ground in Syria and Iraq in an unmistakable and effective show of force.

Let's have a press conference where Obama and our top brass are joined by unformed generals from Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, Turkey and Iran in declaring their commitment to eliminate Islamist terrorism wherever it exists.And then let's see them start doing it.

That will shut him up.
David Jordan (CA)
One problem with your suggestion is that Syria is a failed state and as a result a power vacuum has allowed ISIS to thrive there. Similar story with Iraq. Another problem with your suggestion is that all the players you mention come with serious baggage. Do you really want Saudi Arabia in Iraq and Syria? Iran is aligned with their own terrorist groups and Russia.

After the U.S. invasion, despite hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars spent on "reconstruction", Iraq also remains a failed state which has contributed significantly to the rise of ISIS, preying on the disaffected, the disenfranchised, and the dispossessed.

Ironically, Trump's irresponsible statements act to throw fire on the flames and increase recruitment into ISIS driven by a backlash of resentment and hatred. The sad fact for those who want a quick and easy solution is that there are none, unless of course you are a demagogue like Trump.
rob (98275)
Trump has once again resorted to outright racism.Compounded yesterday when he failed to note that Indonesia's leaders of that country's 50 million Sunni Muslims condemned ISIS and both the Paris and San Bernardino attacks,by pointing-as U.S. Muslim leaders have done-violence against innocent people in the name of Islam violates Islamic law.And in this case Trump by condemning the entire religion for these violations by a small proportion of it's membership,has gone beyond being just a racist and has crossed the line to being a neo Nazi,an accusation I make against others very rarely.
Cruz in disagreeing with Trump's "policy proposal " still couldn't resist adding he "likes Donald ." When it's more likely it's Trump's supporters he likes. I could see on Cruz's face and here in voice his fear ,as of making Trump ,and by extention Trump's supporters,angry.And if he's afraid of them,how's Cruz going keep his vow to protect us from ISIS ?
Cgriff (NY)
Precedent? Hey Donald - there's a precedent for slavery in this country as well - doesn't make it right!

The GOP has lost control of it's monster and now can't destroy it. If Trump becomes the GOP nominee....the party will have gotten exactly what they so richly deserve.
Gene O'Brien (Palm Harbor, Fl.)
Trump and his supporters can't see that the demographic has changed. They see the big crowds, hear the talk radio commentators and Faux News hacks then think most of America is supporting him. After the dust has settled, conservative pundits are going to be shocked when they find their audience has withered, their voices marginalized and their jobs replaced with people whose beliefs they've been railing against.
Joseph (New Hyde Park, NY)
One reference made by Mr. Trump was to the "internment"of Japanese and Italians during the course of WWII. Yes, that was a tragedy! And let Mr. Trump understand and realize that at least in the case of italian Americans they were one of the most representative of ethnic groups in WWII defense of this country. And let it be told the right way - Japanese and Italians came to this country, fought for this country and held that flag high. What better hero could we have than Joe DiMaggio, whose father and mother, were two of those incarcerated and then we coronate Joe D in history as a proud American. We call this "UNA STORIA SEGRETA." It was a a secret story!
Diane Petersen (Boise, Idaho)
Finally ! A presidential candidate who doesn't give a hoot about political correctness and wants to actually solve problems. Trump has my vote! He may be brash, but the man is honest and how refreshing to have a candidate who says it like it is. I am sick of the robotic politicians. Look at Trump's business life...he's a financial genious. Look at his children. They are all successful and admirable citizens. He's a tremendous leader, so who cares if he doesn't talk the politician talk. He's real, not fake, not scripted. We've had that and it's not working. Our country is now under attack from within!!!! Like it or not, radical Islam hates us and intends to destroy us. Would somebody please stop them!! Bleeding heart liberalism will be the end of us. There is genuine hate in this world and it has reached our soil. Trump wants to protect this country and it is high time for that to happen. As to illegal immigration, Trump also has a plan to drastically change that. I'm sick and tired of hearing from the politicians that it's somehow "okay" for all the illegal people to break our laws by sneaking in but I have to obey the laws? Time to get real. Time to send the illegal aliens home and time to plug the hole on radical terrorists entering into this country. Vote Trump for President ! He will get things done, he will work to protect this country's legal citizens.
DW (Philly)
Never thought I'd see the day I was agreeing with statements uttered by Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, or God help me, Dick Cheney.
OldMaid (Chicago)
I'm not a fan of Trump not am I even a Republican' however, I am now going to vote for the man regardless of what may come. The Establishment clearly has been attempting to shove either a Bush or a Clinton down the throats of the American people. A recent PBS interview of Hilary was obviously conducted with such messianic fervor that is was disgusting. The interview was polished with an aplomb that rendered her words meaninglessness. What's the alternative? An ineffectual Jeb? Kid Rubio who appears to be far too inexperienced and more of the same rhetoric? I mean why does this new outlet, and other liberal doppelganger, think there is going to be a change in 2016? I want change no matter how bad it might be. The country is a mess from the way Chase bank is cutting back on services to the way the streets of Chicago are out-of-control to the sense of entitlement so many American seem to possess these days. I don't believe I am alone in feeling this way- there may be vast differences in the form of disenchantment, but it's there. Obama has exacerbated this feeling, not brought us together. It's a shame the media is now so divorced from reality that they don't get it. Then again, it's the pseudo intellectual elite living in their secured bubbles that brought us to this state of affairs. I'm not happy. The recovery is lopsided. I sense a bubbling of violence not seen since the 1970's. And my quality of life as declined. The Times needs to get in touch with reality.
Madigan (Brooklyn, NY)
Shouldn't the Justice Department lock up Mr. Trump, for his un-American activities, at least until after the elections?
speakingwheat (honokaa)
By Trump's logic, we should lay off all white police officers until we figure out why the hell they're killing so many black children.
Mike Strike (Boston)
Now the establishment is so scared that they are even bringing out mega war criminal Cheney to attack Trump.

Have we forgotten that Cheney was a key member of an administration when September 11 happened on its watch and that then provided free passage to members of Bin Laden’s family and their entourage in the hours after September 11.

Dragging Cheney out to attack Trump smacks of sheer desperation and terror on the part of our rotten corrupt establishment that has for ever cozied up to the Saudis, the principal source of Jihadist terror and hatred.

Cheney and his ilk would rather enrich themselves selling weapons to the Saudis than ensuring the safety of the homeland.
Sage (Santa Cruz)
These endless lead articles on an outrageously arrogant and ignorant candidate, who has yet to win a single vote, are a disgrace to the New York Times.
I would mention that if Trump is showing any chance of winning, he should take good care of his personal security. Any one can take pop shot at him. And Guns are everyone's hands.

May be he should have mentioned that all outsiders need to be stopped from entering the US.
sleeve (West Chester PA)
I would say a higher percent of CINOs, christians in name only, advocate violence than the 25% Trumpet quoted as Muslims advocating violence. The CINOs openly advocate violence with their love of guns and hatred of women and minorities, which is their new violent creed glorifying themselves. The entire busload of angry clown candidates foment violence in their crazy, grasping base of old angry white men raving at their TeeVees. I sincerely hope the US voters sitting on the sidelines whining their votes don't count or "they are all the same" wake up in time for the next election, because it will take huge numbers of us to overcome the Gross Odd Party's cheating and rigging of elections..
Jack (Irvine, CA)
As we fall over ourselves to be state our "American (politically correct) values and repudiate Donald Trump’s comments, let us educate ourselves with the knowledge that Islam has waged a war everyone who is not of that faith since 620 CE or approximately 1396 years. And Islam (Sunni) has waged war on Islam (Shia) since 632 CE or approximately 1384 years and it ain't stopping now.

During its growth, Islam destroyed the native civilizations of Persia, Egypt, Turkey (Byzantine), Maghreb (Berber), Afghanistan (Buddhist) and India (Hindu), Eastern Europe and the Iberian Peninsula unless they conformed. We can huff and puff until we are blue in the face that we disagree with Donald Trump.
Based on the Islam track record of 1400 years, the oppression of Muslims (Shia) and any non-Muslim in Sunni countries, I would concede that the Don has a point.
The best solution would be for everyone in America to become Muslim, and then we would not fear them anymore, unless we choose the Shia version. This is analogous to NRA argument that if only we all had guns, we would be less afraid of those criminals that intend us harm with their guns.
Jimmy (Greenville, North Carolina)
His plan is like asking someone for a photo ID before getting on a plane.
Tim Miltz (PA)
Who is at this article because of the girl in the video?

Trump was hired by the Jeb Bush campaign, Rove's mastery this time has Jeb looking good after the rodeo clown Trump does everything he possibly can to exhaust the public reacting to his bought and paid for antics. I'm just surprised Fox isn't helping this along fasterl
ML (New York)
As US terrorism rises, rhetoric becomes more and more useless. People will demand practical solutions. A million middle east "refugees" is hardly practical.
bill thompson (new jersey)
NYTimes gets it wrong again.
Much of the world is thanking Trump for clear thinking and non-PC statements. Islam is incompatible with Western civilization. When will psychotic liberal US press understand this? They are just too drunk on their own self-hate to accept Trump's common sense. They've lost the ability to think.
Sheikh Chillee (Thimpu, Bhutan)
It won't be the first time in history that only man is right and all the others are wrong. It is only because of such people that we have seen positive change in the world. There are plenty of others who feel the same as shown on TV in USA. Leaders should be held accountable for their actions if they are found to be grossly wrong or misleading.
European in NY (New York, ny)
It is sad that the NYT and so many politicians and commentators care more about the rights and sensitivities of all foreign Muslims and not about the rights and safety of American citizens.
Dr. Bob Solomon (Edmonton, Canada)
Canada's NDP leader today announced we should bar Trump from entering Canada, as do all who preach racist ideas. Sounds good to me. The Deep South and reactionary Midwest can have him. We don't want his like in Canada.
Are you listening, Cruz?
John W (Garden City,NY)
This is great. Trump has allowed all the Muslim's to explain that Islam is just another religion. The "radicalized" Muslims are not really Muslims. This is never explained by our president who enjoys telling us his strategy is working, and that he can't protect all of the people. Maybe we can be lectured by him on what we have done wrong as a nation again.
Trump helps the Muslim position by saying things people are thinking (not the NY Times who has solved the problem by banning gun sales, which is as absurd as bot letting Muslims in the US). He gives them a platform to speak about their position. Bravo Donald !!! Bravo !
shaeri (Virginia)
First, he's calling for a temporary pause until we can figure out how to vet these people. Its a fact that some want to bring Sharia law to this country (and 50% of those here believe its ok to do it with some violence), some want to follow Mohammed and kill infidels (and about 25% think its ok to use violence to punish offenses against Islam); some want to modernize. How do we determine which are which? We have to figure that out. ISIS has said they will infiltrate the Syrian refugees (which BTW are about 75% men between 18 -40 (where are the elderly, the women and children? Left behind to fight?)). Andy why wouldn't they? There are Muslims at war with us whether or not we consider ourselves at war with them. How many mistakes are you willing for the government to make? 10,000? 1,000? 100? 10? How many? I guess as long as it doesn't affect you personally, you really don't care.
OpposeBadThings (United Kingdom)
The supporters of Trump seem for the most part to be the most ignorant of the worlds realities, even those of their own country. Trump lives in his ivory tower, spits out whatever he likes, stirs controversy to maintain his poll numbers and yet, he speaks to fears many will recognise but rational thought and an educated understanding clearly show make no real sense. Yet it is the simplicity of what he says, in easy sound bites that allows those without a deeper comprehension to latch on to his absolutes. Ban this, ban that, stop this, stop that. Easily said, easily understood, not so easily done. Until he stops or someone else can as simply explain why he's wrong and make it believable and comprehensible, this aberrant individual will continue his path towards the presidency, and making America look it's worst.
reader (Chicago, IL)
To all "Christians" who support Trump, I have some Bible verses for you:

Matthew 5:44
1 Samuel 24:17
Proverbs 25:21
Luke 6:27 & 6:28
John 13:34
Romans 12:14
Romans 12:20
1 Thessalonians 5:15

It's hard to do the right thing, isn't it?
shaeri (Virginia)
We can certainly pray for Muslims and provide them with food, water and other necessities. This is why setting us safe zones in Syria, Jordan and Saudi would be workable. It would be kind to both the refugees and to American citizens. However, God never says -- 'if someone wants to kill you bring them into your house and hand them a knife and a gun'. We have a right to know who is coming into our country and why? Its for the safety of our children and our grandchildren.
Hollywood Mark (Los Angeles)
"Fourth, the Secretary of Treasury [State] and the Attorney General will invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not reissue visas, nor will we issue new visas, except for compelling and proven humanitarian reasons or where the national interest of our own country requires. This directive will be interpreted very strictly."
Fred (Brussels, BE)
A lot of people call Trump's comments un-American. Trump is the front runner of the party that already controls Congress. What "American" means is already being redefined by the (can be bothered to vote) majority of Americans represented by the Republican party.
Victor (Elizabeth, NJ)
Playing political correctness took France to the darkness they live on today, while Clinton and Bush take the decision to be in the side of political correctness, Trump goes for national security disregarding criticism or "losses". No doubt, Trump is making the difference in this presidential campaign.
fran soyer (ny)
What are you talking about ? ISIS is less politically correct than Trump. Does that mean you're going to support them too ?
Michael Matthew Baker (Rochester Minnesota)
Remember "The Crusades" stemmed on because Muslims were killing everyone who would not convert? The Catholic church decided to do the same and kill all Muslims if they did not convert? The holy kaoran says that if the infidels will not convert then to kill them. All troughout the koran it say, this read it for yourself I did!
So today what we are calling Muslim extremists are just reall Faithful Muslims true to the Holy Koran. In this country we have Muslims not willing to follow the Koran to the Law! We're dealing with the same stuff just a different century. Yhe Mahdi is alive and well and is who is driving ISIS. He is their messiah. Unfortunately Jesus IS the Messiah and will be coming back soon to defeat the mahdi and his muslim extremists so not to worry!
Mytwocents (New York)
I believe that Trump is reasonable, and I am a liberal, independent, traditional voting Democrat, and will vote for Trump and support his proposals. I asked DeBlasio the same thing and he emailed me a canned answer abut proper vetting and American being a country of immigrants. This is a unique situation though. How can we determine and vet the amount of secret hatred toward America and the degree of faith in Radical Islam of one's Muslim applicant? We cannot measure people's soul. Of course, these people will say all the right things to get the visas, like the Saudi fiancee in San Bernerdino. And then what? I don't want to be put at risk. I want ZERO risk and I don't authorize the NYT or Deblasio or anybody to take risks for my life in the name of some fuzzy big words. It's insane that the US spends trillion tax dollars on defense in far away countries, but leaves the borders open for all these criminals to come in. I would go even further and place Saudi Arabia on embargo. Once the Muslims will be really inconvenienced they will finally do something and outlaw Wahhabism. Until then, non of them in the US, and hopefully the majority of the good ones will pressure the bad ones to clean up their act.
Ah, Cruz. The Texas Christofacist. He doesn't dare say anything about Trump--after all agrees with him and needs the Liberty University crowd.
Mark B (London)
I sincerely hope that these thoughts from the gutter permanently stain his commercial brand. Here is a man who would clearly say anything to garner votes.
Fred (Brussels, BE)
Trump is a brilliant opportunist. This move restored his relevance and put himself right back in the center of attention. Looks like the US could get a race for president like France in 2002, when Chirac had to run against the extreme right candidate Le Pen. I do ask myself 1/ Why the US keeps considering/enabling the Saudi's as an ally, when they are funding Wahhabism around the world? 2/ Where are the moderate muslim voices condemning extremism? Are they undercovered by the media? Or is the unthinkable true, that there are dangerous pockets everywhere?
nikunj (mumbai)
Trump is 75% correct, and I again say " Make China like 2 child policy" all over world esp in developing countries... else they will continue to produce babies and with no jobs, they will deflect to Extremists mindwash...I hope 2 Child policy is the game changer, share it on FB/Twitter if you all agree..
Somya Gupta (Delhi, India)
How did you calculate that percentage? (Just out of curiosity)
Principia (St. Louis)
Bush, Cheney and Rove gave us wars against nations who weren't terrorists against the United States, lies, torture, gross violations of the constitution, grave strategic mistakes, ISIS, more terrorism, bank failures, more debt, widespread incompetence on an unprecedented level.

...and that all leads logically to Donald Trump.
David J (NY)
If Trump can protect me and my family from being shot dead, one day, by Islamic radicals, I would vote for him! It's as simple as that! And I believe that's how most people are looking at this issue. It's a matter of public safety. Can't be living with persistent fear that terrible things could happen to us, if we step out of our homes!
Lizbeth (NY)
Well, considering that President Obama has apparently kept you from being shot dead by Islamic radicals, would you support a third term for him?

Speaking of "living with persistent fear that terrible things could happen to us, if we step out of our homes", do you also support gun control? From 2001-2013, 406,496 people died by firearms on US soil. Over that same period, 3,380 people were killed by terrorism (both on US soil and abroad)*. It looks like Americans are doing a much better job of killing ourselves than Islamic radicals are.
(*Both figures come from a CNN article on 10/2/15 titled "American deaths in terrorism vs. gun violence in one graph")
Keith (Nebraska)
It might be useful for Paul Ryan to spell out exactly what about Trump's message is at odds with the Republican message as a whole. I'm having difficulty seeing the distinction. If the party generally has a more nuanced, specific plan for confronting radical Islamic terrorism in ways that do more good than harm, I've yet to hear them. If the party is willing, as its leaders often at least imply, to wage broad, indiscriminate war in the Middle East (exactly what ISIL wants us to do, interestingly enough), it seems entirely consistent to ban further Islamic immigration. In what sense has Trump misheard the party's consistent, persistent dog whistling? Please enlighten us.
Uzi Nogueira (Florianopolis, SC)
Donald Trump deserves to be in the 2016 presidential ballot. For the first time, millions of voters with right wing nationalist/religious views have a dream candidate to vote for. Trump is the the real deal for those folks.
jack (san antonio)
14 years of warfare
Over 5000 dead Americans
Thousands of wounded cared for by an overwhelmed VA
Terror attacks increasing and consistently done by radicalized Muslims

And establishment politicians and media cannot figure out why Trump has appeal? Maybe he is at least an alternative to more of the same.
fran soyer (ny)
Terror attacks are not consistently done by radicalized Muslims. You have to be willfully ignorant to find much space between the Dear and Roof shootings and this one.
Calaverasgrande (Oakland)
Cruz is a hypocrite. If such a ban was enacted against our enemies in Cuba he would never have become an American himself.
fran soyer (ny)
And Trump is silent about the fact that Cruz was not born here.
Chaskel (Nyc)
The message of Trump is sinking in among a certain segment of the American public and is a backlash to our Presidents policy. These Americans are tired of our Presidents pro Arab policy and the making of a horrendous deal with Iran and support of the Muslim brotherhood. The Obama policy of not identifying militant Islamic Jihad and defending Islam as religion of peace aren't the facts on the ground and Americans aren't willing to buy into his mindset.
Now Trump is saying we have no control of Muslims once they arrive here. Many like the California murderers will be open to incitement. There is a reason why 22 Arab nations will not take in Syrian refugees. Jihad is a particular kind of Arab warfare that our President doesn't understand. It is not just a physical war but a war of ideas whose purpose is to ultimately destroy our democracy and Western values and we don't need to bring the enemy among our midst. Even if only 1% of Muslim newcomers are Jihad minded we saw what damage can be caused by two people in California. I am not supporting Trump's ideas but we need to be clear and examine our policy and the actual facts of what we are up against.
Sandra Garratt (Palm Springs, California)
Q: I wonder why anyone would bother to ask Dick Cheney about his opinion? He and his neo-con cohorts are responsible for this entire mess, His opinion has no merit at all ,and he should be shunned until he hopefully goes to prison for his crimes.
colortest125 (USA)
The Muslim clerics have some BIG explaining to do about the Koran words "caliphate" and "jihad". These words give Muslim terrorist the excuse to do what they do. A clearer revision of this holy book would be very appropriate.
Peace (NY, NY)
GoP members may react to Trump's nonsense with outrage, buy they have worked hard to create a climate of fear, intolarance and dysfunction that has given rise to an extremist like Trump. It is disingenuous for Ryan and others to act as if they occupy high moral ground when in fact they are as near the bottom of the food chain as Trump.
Paul Kolodner (Hoboken)
In 1943, my father was one of thousands of Jewish refugees trying to get into America from their exile in north Africa. By a series of improbable miracles, he was one of a few who were able to slip through a loophole in American immigration regulations designed to exclude people like us – the same kind of regulations Donald Trump now proposes to exclude Muslims. I cannot begin to express how personally offensive I find Trump’s anti-Muslim diatribes. He’s a 1930’s isolationist anti-Semite with a new vocabulary – nothing more. No American in his/her right mind would object to rigorous anti-terrorism screening of prospective immigrants from Syria or anywhere else. But exclusion based on religion is anti-American, period.

Hell will freeze over before I vote for Donald Trump or any of the other xenophobic Neanderthals in his party.
Bacon Yes (New York)
This article marks an important step in journalism: "Mr. Trump’s statement about Paris has no basis in fact:..." No 'he said, she said." His statement is factually inaccurate. Period.
Randall (Madison)
How about the NYT stop writing about Trump so much(everyone else for that matter as well). The first six articles in the Politics section are about that egomaniac. ENOUGH!
Ethan Smith (Alabama)
I am 1000% behind Donald Trump. Both parties of the DC establishment are responsible for the mess we are in now. In my eyes they advocate ISIS infiltrators to reach our shores. You be damn sure we are going to hold our elected officials responsible.. We just got smacked in Cali and soon they pull off something more terrible. Just 2 ISIS trained Jihadis can do enormous damage. TRUMP OR CRUZ 2016 My mind is made up.
Bob Castro (NYC)
Add "Just Plain Stupid" to the top of Mr. Trump's curriculum vitae. There's no doubt that ISIS is celebrating about the number of young American Muslims that have been driven toward the ISIS way of thinking by Mr. Trump.
Mary Scotts (UK)
D.Trump statement says "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the united States 'until' our country representatives can figure out what a hell is going on"!!. Journalist and politicians have taken out of contest his words! He said what other people is afraid of... They should read Michel Houellebecq's Submission (Soumission) Novel where he compared EU being taken by isis, as the Roman Empire, EU a Musulman Empire!... next US in its way...
Mimi Barker (NYC)
Why is the NYT and many other media giving this demagogue's damaging and malicious smears such attention? To wit: is it really necessary to include his insidious comments, based as you point out on no evidence, in your article::

Paris is no longer the same city it was,” he said, before adding, without citing any evidence: “They have sections in Paris that are radicalized where the police refuse to go there. They’re petrified. The police refuse to go in there. We have places in London and other places that are so radicalized that the police are afraid for their own lives.”

What tenet of good journalism would be abrogated by deleting that and similar statements based on nothing but obnoxious hot air? Let the windbag spew his nonsense elsewhere. but please, ignore him to the extent you can in your pages.
JJ (Bergen county)
Trump once again controls the narrative. He has taken the rhetorical style of the bully in the White House and used it against the PC police. The media s apoplectic that they can't take him out.. What's all the uproar? If Trump is wrong he will not get elected. What's the fear?
It's funny how the media doesn't fear the idiotic position of Obama#jv, #contained.
Having the GOP establishment jump on the MSM BANDWAGON TO take down Trump is predictable.,Trump continues to do something no other GOP candidate can do, get equal or better airtime to the largest DNC PAC, the MSM

Ps why aren't Saudi Arabia and other regional countries taking these refugees?
Marko (New York)
Yeah, and Trumps poll numbers just ticked up NYT's. What does that tell you about your vs. his pulse on the American public??
oli (paris)
Dear Maggie Haberman,

Please verifiy your sources. There are suburbs in Paris where police will not go. It is a known fact. Just call any of your french counterparts .....
Jennifer Stewart (NY)
All the media coverage of DT drove me nuts at first, but maybe it’s a good thing. His popularity soared but so did the revulsion amongst those who still know how to use their brains.

I have to remind myself that we don’t read about the revulsion as frequently as the popularity—which can skew perception of what’s actually happening overall. So this column was a relief to read. It’s refreshing to see comments from sane Americans and foreigners. I’m glad the latter don’t see DT as representative of America. It had such a bad reputation for so long, and not just amongst people in the Middle East.

DT is everything that the world loathed about America before President Obama came on the scene.

Thanks to Obama many foreigners see America in a different light now. Any of the Republican candidates will destroy that fragile momentum but DT would do it the most effectively, as he would the economic and social momentum that are the result of Obama’s leadership.

DT would destroy America in every conceivable way, as he would the whole world. ‘World peace’ would be a meaningless phrase. Fortunately he’s already losing ground. And the beady eye of the world’s media will be on him as it happens! There will be rejoicing in my street when he goes down, that’s for sure.

Then TC, BC, J!B et al can have their moment in the sun. Great Gods. Btw, anybody notice how orange DT is these days?
academianut (Vancouver)
What I would like to know: How on earth would you prove someone's religion?
Trevor Collins (Australia)
If the following quote from facebook is true then Mr Trump is correct in what he said;
Islam was banned in from the USA in 1952, but Obama doesn't want you to know that nor does he respect or uphold US law. The Immigration and Nationality Act passed June 27, 1952 revised the laws relating to immigration, naturalisation, and nationality for the United States. That Act, which became public law 414, established both t he law and the intent of Congress regarding the immigration of Aliens to the US and remains in effect today. Among the many issues it covers, one in particular, found in Chapter 2 Section 212, is the prohibition of entry to the US if the Alien belongs to an organisation seeking to overthrow the government of the United States by "force, violence, or any other constitutional means"This, by it's very definition, rules out Islamic immigration to the United States, but this law is being ignored by the White House. Islamic migration to the US would be prohibited under this law because the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam, which is antithetical to the US government, the Constitution, and to the Republic. All Muslims who attest that the Koran is their life's guiding principal subscribe to submission to Islam and it's form of government. Whether it is a religion is immaterial because the law states that Aliens who are affiliated with any "organisation" that advocates the overthrow of our government are prohibited: end quote.
TK (Sunnyvale, CA)
If Trump's poll numbers among Republican primary voters go up after this, the decent thing for other Republican hopefuls to do would be to withdraw from the race, and allow Trump to be thumped by Hillary.
c (sea)
First it's scapegoating (June)
Then it's a federal database (November)
Then it's a ban on immigration (December)
Next it's internment camps
And finally it's genocide

We often learn nothing from history
Tuco_bad (San Diego)
In 1944, Roosevelt interned over 600 Jewish refugees in Oswgo, NY, because the refugees might have been pressured by German agents in the US to act against America.
kmw84 (Cairo, Egypt)
This is quite telling: 'Mr. Trump’s proposal on Monday came hours after a poll was released showing that Mr. Cruz had overtaken him for the lead in Iowa'. Trump is like a petulant, overgrown child who has managed to make it into the public sphere. Vile vile vile. Media should not even share the statements he puts out; it is an international embarrassment and only instigates more misunderstanding in the world, and negativity towards America. His thoughts and ideas are disgusting and even more saddening.
Tuco_bad (San Diego)
In 1944, Roosevelt interned over 600 Jewish refugees from Italy, in Oswego, NY, because the refugees might have been pressured by German agents in the US to act against America.
Joe820a (Lansing Michigan)

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

(f)Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.
C Richard (Alexandria, VA)
That's not right. The term class of aliens in section 'f' isn't based on the content of 1182 in sections 'a' through 'e'. The US Code specifically defines these so that immigration law cannot be applied arbitrarily. The concept of a President taking appropriate steps under his Executive Authority has been a bugbear for conservatives for two years --- so now you're OK with that?

After all, we wouldn't want President Trump to act the like the tyrant Obama --- would we?

You have to read the whole thing. I can make the Easter Bunny a terrorist if I selectively read 1182.
fran soyer (ny)
Trump said all Muslims. This includes US citizens living abroad or vacationing.

So he was wrong, and you were wrong. Again.
DM (Buenos Aires)
Banning a particular religious group on national security grounds may sound reasonable until it applies to your own religion. How would it sound to ban all Jews or Christians from coming to the United States?
Wessexmom (Houston)
Why would Maggie Haberman describe Trump's exchange with Joe Scarborough on the MSNBC's “Morning Joe” program yesterday as "sometimes tense" when it was anything but?
Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, along with their rotating chorus of agreeable regulars like Willie Geist, Mark Halperin and Harold Ford have been egging Donald Trump on from the day he announced his candidacy 6 months ago. I challenge Haberman to scour every MJ broadcast over that time period and find even one remark from the hosts that is directly critical of Trump. (She won't.) It wasn't until yesterday that Mika began to ever-so-slightly distance herself from Trump and Joe subtly conceded that Trump MAY have committed his final faux pas--the one that could MAYBE hurt him.
But after softly questioning Trump yesterday about how he would implement his ban, Joe and Mika--contrary to Haberman's description--seemed eager to frame Trump's reasoning in a light that MIGHT just make him seem reasonable after all. Once the interview was over and the panel began to discuss what Trump had just said, Joe and Mika BOTH kept reminding their guests that Trump's ban would just be "temporary", as if that one word should disqualify the man they call their "friend" from being called out for what he is--a tyrannical bully, a bigot and--according to this paper--a liar!
Here's the real question: Will anybody in the media EVER ask the cable "news" why they excused Trump's inexcusable behavior for so long?
sunraise (india)
Donald Trump has become a center of world gravitation of his views on radical and liberal Muslims: His new ideas have become a novel to extreme right people as they believe that they could not find invisible enemies living with them because of Islamic phobia : For the rest , it is not appropriate to agree : Any how , Donald Trump has become a center of gravitation :
John Doe (New Jersey)
Trump wants to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. "until we figure out what's going on."

Sounds like Trump has a well laid out plan there. Can you imagine him being commander-in-chief of the military? He'll have us invading countries "until we figure out what's going on."
Jim (Long Island, NY)
The current administration has yet to figure what's been going on for a while. To do so would take Obama away from ESPN and golfing.
Molly Cook (Seattle)
Even the remote possibility that Donald Trump could be our president is the terror I fear most. He knows not whereof he speaks and reminds me of the dog that believed his barking caused the sun to rise every morning.
Steve (Paia)
President Trump once again is "right on."

The establishment politicians see this as a chance to stand shoulder-to-shoulder and get him out, but it will backfire.

Trump is a true American.
Coolhandred (Central Pennsylvania)
Unconscionable, Unimaginable, UnAmerican!!!

Donald Trump's proposals are anathema to the foundations of the United States. It is now time to assign this Fascist to the dustbin of history.
McDiddle (SF)
It's time for responsible news outlets to stop enabling this crazy person. Just stop covering him, stop giving him an outlet for his vitriol. It's not news.
Donna (<br/>)
So then, what do we do with the Radicalized Americans who shoot up schools, movie theaters, churches and U.S. Representatives? Answer: Nothing. They are radicalized Americans of the WASP tradition and/or mentally ill.
Jim (Long Island, NY)
I'll agree that those who are already here are a problem. However, let's not be stupid and add to it.
Bob (Loblaw)
Hate to break it to you zealots but even your own political party knows this one will be a GOP blowout. It matters not if it is Trump. I point to the NYT article telling you this much and telling the politicos whom refuse to believe that the iron grip of Liberal-Progressivism is over.

Face facts. The Democratic Party is going the way of the Whigs. If one didn't know any better I would say Obama is the biggest DINO plant in history,
Murph (Milwaukee in Wisconsin)
Mr. Trump has not received a single ballot yet. All this is gasbagging for the crowd. What can he say that will not outrage his base? Evidently nothing is beyond the bounds. The majority of Americans will ultimately decide our country's path.
Jim (WI)
Its obvious. The Don is placing himself as a Muslim terrorist target to spare the rest of us. What a guy. What a president.
SE (New Haven, CT)
There's only one guy in all of the presidential campaign occupying the position Trump occupies. Everybody else sounds the same. Everybody else... I don't care if it's Hillary or if it is Carly Fiorina. I don't care if it's Bernie Sanders or if it's Marco Rubio. They all sound the same. What do they all do? They are condemning Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is condemning ISIS. Donald Trump is condemning illegal immigration. Donald Trump is condemning a weak, stupid United States leadership. Everybody else is not; they are condemning Donald Trump. In a political sense, Donald Trump, leading the presidential campaign, is the sole occupier of his position. He has no competition for it. Just in a political sense, that's pretty brilliant positioning to me. He owns the media. They can't stop talking about him.

And what's it costing him? Zero.
Susan (Palm Beach)
He is endangering the U.S. by his rhetoric.
Undercompensated (United States of America)
"Mr. Trump was applauded by some conservative commentators"

Well we're a little closer to finding out just who the real trouble makers in this country are.
So you want nations like Pakistan to cooperate with our efforts to discourage and prevent terrorism here?

Trump*s suggestion that we halt Muslim immigration to this country will work wonders. When the upper-class Pakistani can no longer come here on extended shopping trips, or enroll his children at Harvard and Stanford, his government will begin to show serious interest in rooting out terrorist havens on their soil.

Right now there are no consequences for the governments of these countries. They do not fully cooperate with us now. They have no need to; they play the same balancing game that they always have done. Change the dynamic.
Miss Ley (New York)
A nightmare. I am nearly frightened to read the comments, and in a way, I wish I had never returned to America. At an age where I thought I would never have any regrets in a life time, all the joys and sorrows are for naught in this Orwellian/Huxley scenario if the President does not put a stop to this.

If anything good can be said about this, it gives one a better sense of what it must have been like if one was a German during WWII. You don't know how you would behave, or react unless you were there. What makes it worse is that people did not have a way of knowing at the time that it could end so badly. We no longer have this excuse, which makes all this the more heinous and evil.

Donald Trump should be arrested for going up against the Constitution and for treason. Farewell to the Country I knew and loved, farewell to everything I feel dear as an American. The Statue of Liberty has been slighted, and so have I, in this hour of darkness, a time in history when America had a breakdown.
Roger (Columbus)
The Republicans and their right wing talk radio allies have brought this on themselves by their polarizing and hate-filled talk and actions over the last 30 years. They've created this monster, and now they're shocked, shocked by his comments. What a bunch of hypocritical jerks. And, the non-hypocritical ones that support Donald Trump are like hysterical little children. A vote for them is a vote for a hysterical little kid for President.
I'm willing to bet that the people here who support Trump don't know any Muslims in real life. Like any religion, there is a full spectrum of believers, from people who adhere to diet restrictions and pray to Mecca several times daily (one of my colleagues) to people who drink alcohol, eat pork, and hardly attend religious services (one of my friends, who is more culturally than religiously Muslim). Think about it.....if you're Christian, do you believe all Christians behave the same way you, believe the same things you do, or are as observant as you are (or not)?

My family owns property in another state near a mosque and over the last 3 decades, we've had tenants who were of Muslim (as well as atheists, Buddhists, Christians, Jewish, Hindu, etc. -- we don't ask but intermittently people share their lives/ customs with us over the years of tenancy). We rarely have problems with them.
Big Al (Southwest)
Would someone please tell me whether the United States was allowing non-Jewish German and Austrian immigration into our country after December 11, 1941, the day Germany declared war on the United States?

Would someone please tell me whether the United States was allowing non-Jewish German and Austrian tourists and businessmen into our country after December 11, 1941?

Seriously, I'd like to hear an intelligent, fact-driven answer to that question.
fran soyer (ny)
We allowed Christians, genius.

German isn't a religion, neither is Austrian.

And as for this being a "war", the feckless and incompetent GOP led Congress is unwilling or incapable of drafting a war resolution.
Paul King (USA)
Trump makes a bet:

That the downside of his comments on his ability to keep and increase support is less than the potential upside if there are one or more of these types of ISIS inspired shootings between now and next November.

Imagine how crazy, paranoid and vengeful large, reactive portions of our population will become if there is a Paris-style shooting at a mall or sports event with tens or a hundred deaths.

Imagine how they'll clamor for a harsh response and an even more harsh leader.

Everybody better remember that this is a potentially dangerous downward spiral, that will split us as a nation and that knee-jerking to a loose canon like Trump is our biggest threat of all.

ISIS is praying and counting on us to blow this.
hchander13 (Canton, MI)
I respect Trump. Even though his comments are occasionally over the top, he is the one of the few people in America who speaks what he believes in. We all push for people to be more tolerant and open minded, but some have become so open minded that they are closed minded about being open. They brutally insult you for your "intolerant" opinions despite claiming they are "tolerant".

When Caitlyn Jenner did something that was controversial, people praised her bravery and gave her awards. When Trump said something that was controversial, people degraded him and want to kill him. That sure is consistent.

You don't need to like him, or support him, but don't go and destroy him, he's human too and he's not perfect.
Kiddoblue (USA)
So now people want Trump to get out of the presidential campaign because he said something that offends many people. But if we take a look back at what the current person residing in the white house, has said AND done, yet these same people, who want Trump out of the race, they are FINE with obama. Did all of you know that over 30 people on the staff, of the current president, have just recently been placed on the do-not-fly list. Now if what trump says bothers you but the current administration has over 30 people who are considered suspicious enough to put on the NF List, AND that DOESN'T scare you, then THE THINKING IN THIS COUNTRY IS VERY, VERY MESSED UP!!!
angel98 (nyc)
“The immediate danger isn’t Trump’s actual policy, but the bigotry and violence that it both legitimizes and encourages.” The Atlantic - Matt Ford
Susan (Palm Beach)
Miriam Foshay (Dallas, TX)
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz and others of our legislators are gullible fools, easily manipulated by ISIS. They are doing exactly what ISIS wants: pit Muslims against everyone else. By judging people based upon their religion only, we would be doing exactly that. Demonizing one religious group solves nothing and only feeds the righteous anger of those who would fight to support the underdog. We need better leaders than this, people whose vision extends beyond Fox news.
Eduardo (Los Angeles)
Trump is the master of fact-free bloviating and should be utterly ignored. His supporters are no-information voters who represent the worst of what citizens can be like. Ted Cruz plays a slightly less obvious game, but isn't much different from Trump in substance. Another narcissist (like Trump) unqualified to be president (like Trump). The Republican party has chosen its base and will suffer the consequences for it.

Eclectic Pragmatist —
Eclectic Pragmatist —
JDD (New York, NY)
I have to say I am surprised by the level of media uproar as well as the number of comments here today over Trump's simple minded and over the top comments. Wasn't it established long ago that he is no sage or wise man. He shoots from the hip. Where is the surprise in that?
However, I am surprised and a bit shocked by is the total lack of reaction by the media over the fact reporters were blocked in Pakistan from gathering information on one of the murders of the California mass shooting. I am surprised that people are not more upset by the lack of reaction by Muslims worldwide, specifically Sunni Muslims, to yet another mass murder event so close on the heels of the tragedy in Paris. Certainly, America has plenty of its own mass murderers, but that's our business to address and it should be.
However, when Muslims kill Americans (including Muslim Americans, as one victim was) in the name of the Islamic State, I expect to see major outrage and sympathy by Sunni Muslims in our country as well as abroad. Instead, Sunnis are portrayed or allow themselves to be portrayed as lacking any reaction, as though this is none of their business.
Where is the outrage over the fact that Islam loving Sunni Muslims, including Turks, should be at the forefront of the war against ISIS, ISIL, Daesh, what have you.
Where is the outrage that Pakistani policemen blocked a NYT reporter from fact finding the Pakistani woman's past?
So Donald Trump says dumb things, big deal.
John (Hartford)
Considering that internment of the Japanese was the major blot on FDR's record, it's hardly a recommendation. Trump's statement deserves all the censure it's received but qualitatively it's not all that different from the inflammatory language we've heard from Cruz, Carson, Paul and all these other Republican crazies.
Bos (Boston)
The best strategy is to relegate him to the back page of some gossip column
Citizen (RI)
I don't think there is any real threat that Trump will survive the primary process, and even if he does he cannot win the general election. He could cause considerable difficulty for the Republican party should he split the conservative vote, but that might be the best thing that could happen to our country given the crop of candidates.

Please let the world know that Trump does not speak for all Americans, only the few ignorant hate-filled ones who have let fear take over whatever sense they once might have had. Our nation's values are diametrically opposed to his and soon he and his ilk will be no more than an interesting but shameful part of our political history.
Prof.Jai Prakash Sharma (Jaipur, India.)
That means the whole Muslim world would be out of focus in the future US foreign policy under Trump if somehow he succeeds in his presidential bid. Isn't such populist and vitriolic discourse making America more vulnerable to the evil designs of the Islamist terror groups and pushing it towards the ethnoreligiouly exclusivist state and culturally closed society?
Beyond the politicians' remarks, has any widespread, popular action developed, to condemn Trump's proposal (petition, hashtag, something?). I am sure I am not the only American who wants to communicate to the world that Trump does not speak for us.
chris (PA)
Oh, I think you will find that Twitter is FULL of condemnations of the proto-fascist, Trump.
BSL (Seattle)
While he does not speak for me either, he is asking good questions. We as a society need to talk the difficult questions. We have become so PC that about a year ago a coworker, Vietnam vet, disabled, was questioned about having a POW/MIA patch on his backpack. There was concern that he Asians might be insulted. I am sorry, that is wrong. We need to reconsider what is important to us as a society. We ALL matter.
Dan (MA)
He speaks for me.
PubliusMaximus (Piscataway, NJ)
It seems to me that Trump is actually afraid that he MIGHT win. And now he's doing everything he can to sabotage himself so he can escape that possibility.
Kate Johnson (salt lake city, Utah)
I think the prospect of Donald Trump becoming President is so unlikely as to be impossible. but it's a warning all cognizant people should heed. if there wasn't a heartbeat of terrible anger and disenfranchisement in the country, he wouldn't be where he is. intelligentsia beware.
Bill (Connecticut Woods)
Wow. Hard to believe we are so far to the right in our rhetoric that Dick Cheney is starting to look reasonable.
fran soyer (ny)
If Charles Manson calls Mark David Chapman crazy, it doesn't make Charles Manson reasonable.
Carrma999 (Utah)
Donald Trump's "rhetoric of hate" is a painful reminder of just how important is to protect the democracy and freedoms that America was founded on, the right to freedom of religion. Comparing those of the Muslim faith to ISIS is the same as comparing those of Christian faith to Branch Davidians. Trump's recommendations sound like "discrimination" on grounds of religion and race. This is shameful behavior in a Presidential Candidate and is entirety unAmerican.
Lew Fournier (Kitchener, Ont.)
If American goes the way of Trump, you'll have few principles to defend.
pjc (Cleveland)
Visit Fox Nation online and look at the comments. Visit Rushlimbaugh online and look at the comments. Visit Glenn Beck's Blaze site. If you are up for it, tomorrow, listen to any of talk radio's modern day Father Coughlin's.

The "withering fire" is going in the other direction there. And being aided and abetted by those outlets. With vigor.
Oliver (NYC)
Hey PJC,

I work at TheBlaze. What you are saying is not true.

TheBlaze is not aiding Trump. In fact, if you listened to Glenn's radio show today (though he speaks for himself and is not a part of our news operation), he condemned Trump's comments as "very un-American." Regardless, on news side of operation, we don't offer any opinion. We simply report the facts, like many other news organizations.

Please don't accuse us as "aiding and abetting" without doing your homework.


tabascoJoe88 (Reno, NV)
Why not go over to the Washington Post and see the overwhelming support there for Trump in the comments.
Bruce Price (Woodbridge, VA)
It saddens me too much to visit any of those sites and read comments - the ones on MSN are horrifying enough.
Trevor Jacobson (Portland OR)
It's a given that Trump is not big on introspection but when even Dick Cheney thinks you are too extreme you really need to take a good long look in the mirror and then go get some help!
Gregg Ward (San Diego)
I am sick and tired of so many people claiming that "political correctness" is something awful and bad. News flash: being PC is about treating people with respect; it's about behaving in a responsible and adult manner and not expressing one's negative biases, bigotry and hate in public; it's about being a decent, responsible human being to other people who are different. It's about having enough humility - as Christ taught - to admit that no one is any better than anyone else. Apparently, being decent and responsible is not important to Trump and his followers who would much rather attack people they don't like. We are heading down the road to fascism and violent extremism - and not enough Americans on the right have the courage to admit that. If we're going to start rounding up Muslims, then we sure as heck had better do the some with radicalized extremists Christians, after all they've killed just as many Americans since 9/11 as radical Islamists have.
gathrigh (Houston)
The voices of PC - not a surprise as the writer is from California. Can you spell San Bernardino?
PS (Massachusetts)
Greg - No, not really. PC (political correctness) is not the definition you’ve listed here; it’s meant to offend. PC = people against all descriptions of people based on looks, ethnicity, disability, world views, income, etc.. PC is liberal censorship of all things not liberal. It's seen as stupid/silly because it denies reality. And it's resented because it's intolerant of any other way to interact in the world. PC sees itself as the only correct p.o.v., and therein lies the irony. The origins might be behaviors you listed. but that’s not what being PC is.

Trump isn’t a fascist. Trump’s followers (and I’m not one of them) might be fascist wannabes, but I don’t think that’s his thing. He is saying no more Muslims immigration into the US until we get a handle on which ones are doing the killing. He’s calling out a violent faction and drawing a line in the sand. As for the radicalized Christians - they get sent to jail or dead when they get violent, too. But where is your anger against hate crimes committed in the name of Islam? I don’t hear itl. It would be PC -- and stupid - to pretend the issue doesn’t exist. In reality, people are looking for extremists in any of these groups, and they should be. What’s important is they do it legally, ethically. That’s where Trump weakens; he has no plans, just mouths off soundbites.
Mike (Philippines)
No offense but I don't think you know what the term "political correctness" means.
Howard Wilson (Shenzhen,China)
In 2014, Muslim terrorist killed 32,658 innocent people across the world.
This is murder on a large scale. Why would I want to live among those who would want to kill me because I do not believe their way.? All Muslims - attacks on innocent people.

2001 NYC
2004 Madrid
2005 London
2008 Mumbai
2009 Fort Hood, Texas
2013 Kenya
2015 Paris
Sheikh Chillee (Thimpu, Bhutan)
You have no choice but must live among those who want to destroy your way of life because the decision is not made by you or me but by people who have plenty of money and power to keep them and their family safe and to hold on to their wealth and power they make the whole country a scapegoat.
Henry Moore (New York)
Why bother? Why even try bother trying to talk about the vast majority of those being victims of this type of terror are themselves Muslim. Or that the VAST majority of American Muslims are not terrorists. Because none of that will make a difference to folks who think like you do. But what WILL make a difference, and what I and I hope many others will do, is be absolutely sure to go vote and make generous campaign contributions to reasonable candidates.
Rabble (VirginIslands)
That is equivalent to the car accident death rate in one year in the USA. In the grand scheme of things a drop in the 7 billion global bucket.
Brooklyn Grange (Brooklyn, NY)
Mr. Trumps statements on barring entry to the U.S. have been, according to Ms. Haderman, "Repudiated across much of the political spectrum but defended on conservative talk radio..."

Of what groups, precisely, Ms. Haderman, is the "political spectrum" in the United States comprised?
Montag (Milwaukie OR)
What if Donald Trump said something stupid and we ignored him.
Henry Moore (New York)
Or better yet, listen to him, shake our heads, and be sure to be informed when we vote.
Miss Ley (New York)
He is a useful 'weather' forecaster and gives us a broader view of how many of us are singing 'finally the truth has been spoken and we are neither stupid nor crazy'.
Customs Officer: Next! Passport please... Are you a Muslim?
Muslim Terrorist: No sir, I'm a Christian.
Customs Officer: Ok (stamps passport, hands it back)... Next!

I feel safer already!
Warmingsmorming (NY)
so you admit our vetting process is no good.
Jason Hunter (Taiwan)
Get Trump off the stand already. He doesn't even understand or FOLLOW our constitution. He is unfit for President of the United States and disqualifies himself by his rhetoric.
Dan (MA)
You mean like Obama when he redirected the Ebola patients and quarantined them?
Mark (Northern Virginia)
Why all of the focus on the man Trump? Isn't he leading the Republican "We Love . . . " and "Our Best And Brightest Is . . . " polls at something like 36%? Who are the man's followers? Whose support got him this far? Who was applauding him? Who was giving him credit for "saying what he believes"? WHO WAS LIKING HIS FACEBOOK PAGE (nearly 5 million and counting)? Who failed to see the demagogue to start with? Or worse, who is it that WANTS a demagogue for president? Because that's what the entire Republican field consists of. Trump is finished now, you can count on it, but only because he has now done himself in, not because anyone on the right see the light. The worse demagogue of the two, Ted Cruz, is still out there. The Republican party has methodically made itself fertile ground for demagogues. THAT's the problem, not Trump. He's toast, even though he may yet smolder a while.
gn (Asheville, NC)
Never thought I’d agree so wholeheartedly with Donald Trump. “We have to get a hand around a very serious problem,” Mr. Trump said on MSNBC. He’s right. To limit our exposure to radical acts of violence, terrorism, mass killings and mayhem we must take extraordinary measures. It may be only a tiny minority who are radical extremists with the capacity to lash out and claim innocent lives, but the rights of the many shall be abrogated to protect us from the few.

Let us be strong enough in our convictions to stand firm in the face of those who will say it’s un-American to impose such harsh measures on the law-abiding majority. If that’s what it takes to protect us from a radicalized minority, then call me un-American. But in the name of all that is sensible, please please – can we do something about our gun laws, once and for all?
Henry Moore (New York)
How many Muslims live in America? How many have engaged in acts of terrorism? Yep, the percentage is so small that the draconian response seems more about bigotry than security.
Dan (MA)
Well said...the haters are but one family member becoming a victim to join us...
Miss Ley (New York)
Quite ready and willing to be called un-American and on a pragmatic note, why not arrest this man for high treason? True, we bear some responsibility for letting ourselves be rolled over by this businessman, but let us think of all the people lying in the streets hungry and getting arrested for stealing a loaf of wonder bread. America is not the only country that uses guns, but we do not know how to use them, and shoot first in order to ask questions later.
Eric Karp (Saddle River, NJ)
The leaders of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, and Oman have all banned Syrian refugee immigration. These people are not anti muslim bigots, they are wise in blocking a group that would destabilize their nations. Trump is no more anti muslim than they are.
Henry Moore (New York)
Er, not the same. But nice try.
AK (Seattle)
Those are tyrannical oppressive hateful regimens. We don't want to emulate them...
pditty (Lexington ma)
To the Donald: When Dick Cheney is calling you out as "crazy" know you've really gone off the deep end.
PS (Massachusetts)
Cheney was a dark knight, evil. Trump is a wealthy Falstaff, mabye?
tabascoJoe88 (Reno, NV)
No, when Dick Chaney calls you "crazy" it's because the GOP elitists are running scared.
Michael Bain (New Mexico)

Do not stop "The Donald"--until November 2016!

Michael Bain
Glorieta, New Mexico
T.roy (Va Bch, VA)
I'll go Trump one more biggest idea, the BEST of all to stop terrorism in the US. Let's deport those most capable of terrorism, the ones with access to military style weapons and an apocalyptic vision of the future - white radical Christian conservatives. Important to note that the terrorists in CA were US citizens, not refugees. The true threats to America already live here, and they believe that they can use their guns on anyone who disagrees with them.
Dan (MA)
Actually only one of the Cali terrorists were homegrown...and who are you to tell terrorists they can't make pipe bombs?
Miriam (Raleigh)
Amazing that the trumpettes and trumpeters are forgetting good ole american born and bred terrorists.....Remember Mr. Dear? et al.. good solid deportations for them evidently.
Robin (vancouver)
how many good ole american killings were by husband and wife of 6 month old baby who was still nursing?
Rufus W. (Nashville)
I am betting that this is Trump's way to exit the race. He is a clever man, with a very strong ego, and he is a shrewd player. No doubt he was banking on the reaction he got. He can't possibly quit the race and live with himself - and I think even he is realizing that it is unlikely he will win - or maybe he is just bored. Now, the narrative will be "I spoke the truth...and was driven out!" which I will say - Good Riddance.
durhasan67 (FL)
From your mouth to God's ears.
Ghulam Muhammed (Mumbai, India)
Trump's citing of Franklin Roosevelt's internment of Japanese, Germans and Italian during WWII, is way out of logical comparison with the modern age of communication and the targeted 1.5 billion Muslims from all the 190 nations of the world. His pique is religious, if not, racial discrimination. He wants the US, the land of immigrants and of those seeking refuge from religious bigotry, as a lily white paradise, excluding everybody, including the Mexicans and the Latins. Its saving grace for the essential soul of multi-ethnic, multi-cultural that had instantly taken on Trump for his blabber-mouth rants against one and all.
emma (WA)
Every story has two sides, a common wisdom says. We only remember our sufferings and pains very deeply. Not others. What if we watch, hear and read about all the collateral damages of innocent people that America creates (or have created) in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere more than once in a blue moon. How soon did we forget what happened to Drs Without Borders recently? Let's protect ourselves but let's also remember what we do to others.
Tim (Seattle)
Who cannot see that the best way for us to reduce the threat of terrorism within our borders is to stop being xenophobic "exceptionalists," and start acting like we live within the global community rather than above it?

People radicalize because they feel oppressed or hated or marginalized, whether that feeling is real or imagined. One who is reached out to and helped with compassion is much less likely to experience those feelings. Yeah, call me a bleeding heart liberal.

The only downside to this is that the gun industry will sell fewer guns. I doubt they're willing to make the sacrifice but then again our daily mass shootings are creating record sales anyway so hopefully they'll scrape by.
Mrg (Chicago)
Here is the next chapter in this never ending media blitz - the polls are wrong. There will be investigations as to how we were so mislead as to the leaders in a political election. Donald Trump will not win the Republican primary, and the flawed polls can't create a different outcome. In the meantime the media will make millions off of scaring the public into thinking that that this radical clown could actually win a primary. Wake up, it wasn't true yesterday and it's not true tomorrow. In reality he doesn't want to be president, but no matter how he tries to blow himself up, the media keeps him alive by keeping the lie alive. There are a lot of stupid people in this country and even more stupid Republicans, but not enough to elect this idiot. Wake up, were are all part of the show.
Miss Ley (New York)
Perhaps Trump will not win the Republican nomination, but more important to this American, he has irrevocably tarnished the concept of democracy in our Nation, and it may never be the same again.
JJNYC (<br/>)
I realize these types of comments are difficult in that they push limits but I have to comment on this man's character. I was in the real estate development business 30 yrs ago and the company for which I was head negotiator was attempting to do a very large deal with Mr. Trump. It was for development control of a site every New Yorker knows. For weeks we, - two of us, actually, who had significant experience negotiating some of the biggest deals of the time - negotiated with Trump's attorney. We had never been to such a low place. In the end, when we went to see him to finalize the deal we had worked so hard to work out. He walked into the room and said: "...I've changed my mind: I want 2x what we have negotiated." The senior member of the team simply said: "...Thank you. We cannot accept these terms.." I had other words for this guy but I had to walk away. It is his turn to walk away. Walk away Donald.
Methow Skier (Tacoma, WA)
Yep. Ask any New Yorker about Trump. They've dealt with him , and had to bail him out a few times, over the past 30 years. Basta.
Pat (Mystic CT)
Now is the time for every church, every synagogue, every mosque, every temple, and every organization - whether government, fraternal, civic or professional - to publicly and unconditionally repudiate hatred and bigotry based in every form.

There is not a single Homo sapiens in this wonderful land who is not an immigrant, whether their ancestor crossed over the Bering land bridge 15,000 years ago or walked across the Sonoran desert yesterday.

Enough is enough! Trump couldn't do more to dishonor America than if he was on the payroll of its enemies.

Hitler and Mussolini were viewed as clowns until the tears and midnight knocks on the door. Serious Communists didn't take Stalin seriously. Trump may be a buffoon, but he is in earnest and we need to take him seriously.
JLM (Auckland, New Zealand)
With respect, you need to look up the definition of 'immigrant'.
Sharkie (Boston)
All this phony outrage. We're at war with Islamist terrorism. When we were at war with Germany, did we let German nationals in the country? I don't know if I like Mr. Trump much, but he's telling us things that we don't want to hear but need to hear.

When we've won this war, we can go back to normal life. Right now, we need to do everything we can within constitutional limits to win. And by the way, aliens seeking to enter the United States have no right to enter, none at all. Excluding aliens, or excluding some aliens and not others, is within the absolute authority of the executive branch, a plenary power.

I wonder about this President and his peculiar state of mind. A nation state's first duty is to protect its citizens. His reaction to this war is to turn inward, to berate and even threaten with prosecution citizens who want decisive action. He should be asking Congress for a declaration of war and invoking wartime powers. Inaction is corrosive. People fell helpless and doing nothing makes people angry and, worse, afraid.

America has been safe for so long we cannot conceive of the danger that is upon us. Instead of resolute action, we dither over irrelevant arguments on gun control (anyone remember how terrorists fly planes into skyscrapers?) and immigration policy (like the Paris shooters on Syrian and Egyptian passports). Get wise people, all this outrage is just shooting a messenger so we don't have to listen to the message.
Citixen (NYC)
Trump's claim that he's channeling Roosevelt in calling to deport, bar, or stop Muslims from entering the country, is obscene. On one significant level, the two couldn't be more different: Roosevelt recognized what he was doing and deplored it at the same time. Trump has no such compunctions. Also, while the San Bernardino couple did kill 14 innocent Americans, at least twice that number die from gunshot every day! But what they didn't do was take out half of our Navy, as the Japanese did with Pearl Harbor.

The national gravity of the two events are completely different, but the hysteria whipped up, for political profit, remains the same. That is what makes Trump an obscenity on the American political stage.
Air Marshal of Bloviana (Over the Fruited Plain)
Trump can never reach parity with the level of deceit Roosevelt used to manipulate for his own progressive agenda.
Jerome Rotramel (CA)
There is only one way to construe Senator Cruz's statement, "We will carpet bomb them into oblivion. I don’t know if sand can glow in the dark, but we’re going to find out." Cruz is calling for the widespread use of nuclear weapons against ISIS. But nuclear explosions don't discriminate between civilians and terrorists; everybody for miles around the blast dies or is irradiated. Thousands, even millions may be killed. Cities and towns would be destroyed; large swaths of land would become uninhabitable for decades, perhaps centuries. This statement is far, far worse than Trump pledging to ban Muslim immigration.
We can't just dismiss this as hyperbole or a gaffe. This is a U.S. Senator running for the Presidency advocating the use of nuclear weapons against a civilian population. Even worse, this is an evangelical Christian calling for the genocide of Muslims. There should be reporters camped out everywhere he goes asking for clarifications and apologies. There should be petitions to Congress asking for Cruz to be censured. The Republican National Committee should be disavowing Cruz as a Republican. Every serious Republican candidate for any office in the U.S. should be denouncing Cruz.
How can we let this statement stand unchallenged? How can we let Muslims believe that such statements by a high elected official are acceptable in any way, shape or form?
Kimberley (Hong Kong)
It is worth pointing out that most, if not all, of the terrorist acts committed in western countries were carried out by home grown terrorists. Since this is the case, are we going to carpet bomb Paris, San Bernardino?
Ellen Freilich (New York City)
Cruz declines to criticize Trump and with only a couple of possible exceptions, you need a telescope to detect the light between Trump's views and the rest of the Republican line-up. What happened in San Bernardino was a slaughter of the innocents, but so was Sandy Hook and so many other instances, some of which we can name, but many remembered only by the families affected. San Bernardino had an ISIS twist. Trump is both provocateur and product of the hysteria that has followed this event, a panic unbecoming to what is supposed to be a great and powerful nation. Perhaps we are merely "great and powerful" like the Wizard of Oz, thrown off course by two shooters who are now dead. Do we really want to give them that much influence? Or maybe Donald Trump is the Wizard of Oz. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"
Emily (Boulder, CO)
Trump's plan may be outlandish, but how far-flung is it from what has already happening with U.S. immigration law? Muslims already have an extremely hard time applying for citizenship to the U.S, face complications in airports and limitations on their mobility, and experience constant discrimination especially post 9-11. Not to mention our rejection of admitting refugees, or the politics surrounding undocumented immigration (i.e. racial profiling via Arizona SB-70). Blame Trump, but turn the mirror back on how our own nationalism has been historically built on xenophobia.
owl (New Hampshire)
Trump is an evil, foul, repugnant human being. He has no heart, no soul, no conscience, and appears to be the worst type malignant narcissist. I can't help but think that he's got some kind of karmic payback coming to him for all of the hatred and fear that he's fomenting. Until then, I'm terrified that the ever-growing masses of ignorant, angry, uninformed white voters will put this revolting lunatic in the White House.
Lolita Aaron (Vancouver BC)
I am with you owl, I would add to your characterization of this buffoon, crass a vulgarian of incredible magnitude. Is he dangerous? I am not sure, what he says
is so ridiculous, one would and should find it absurd, what is terrifying is that he has a following. Reading the many comments on this page is somewhat reassuring , in that there appears to be a majority of people who find him unacceptable as a candidate. His posturing is so unattractive. I have tried to imagine him as President.. What a dreadful mistake that would be
Pushkin (Canada)
One would have thought the rest of the Republican candidates would have understood from his first speech that he is not in this race to help the Republican party. He is a candidate to help Mr Trump and all of his speeches clearly indicate that. The worst commentary on the Republican party is not the bizarre utterings of Mr Trump but the apparent stupidity of the rest of the candidates. Even when he tries to blackmail the party with threats to become an independent candidate there are no voices raised by the party. Oh yes, the Republican party is in deep trouble, maybe fatal trouble, but they are being hoisted on their own petard.
A. H. (Vancouver, Canada)
The GOP's descent into craven, reactionary nativism and Donald Trump's wildly bigoted rhetoric are the end results of a long process of degradation of the body politic that began with Nixon's Southern Strategy and Reagan's elimination of the Fairness Doctrine.

Partisan bias in the media, fake news, intentional lies and hate speech on the public airwaves became legal. Objective journalism yielded to conspiracy mongering, character assassination and cheap spin. A flood of deregulated political funding accelerated the corruption of public discourse. Fox News, talk radio, divisive demagoguery, race-baiting on the public airwaves, political dysfunction, mindless war-mongering and Donald Trump have all flowed from this.

Do Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes (who, ironically, hates Trump because his network can't control him) ever lie awake at night and ask themselves what, in the end, they created? Or do they even care at all?
Tim P (Palm Springs, CA)
The completely surreal nature of the current state of political affairs should be but is not surprising. I knew that selecting a nominee for the Republicans would be a raucous and riotous process, but I had no idea that it would devolve so completely. Trump's candidacy is a perfect storm. His appeal is genuine, his resume thin but real, and his arguments have a surprising amount of common sense buttressing his support. His debased presence is also quite genuine. His xenophobia and Machiavellian talents are also quite real. And the nature of the support that his common sense buttresses is embarrassing when you hear these supporters say things like "ship 'em all outta here" when referring to Muslims...all Muslims. It's going to take a very long time for the Republican Party to answer for its sins, and Trump is definitely one of their sins, but in the meantime we have a scary election in front of us and with an electorate so riled up and trigger happy...anything is possible.
Robert (Meegan)
I'm no fan of Donald Trump but I recognize that he has tapped into a significant segment of the american electorate that simply is fed up with the political establishment in Washington, D.C. These men and women, from both parties, come to Washington with narrow agendas that are not in the best interests of the country. Moreover, they give themselves massive perks that don't relate to the average american worker.
How deep this reservoir of discontent is not known but it may be so deep that a radical bellicose such as Donald Trump could ascend to the presidency.
The buffoons in Congress have only themselves to blame if this level of discontent brings the unthinkable to fruition.
aldebaran (new york)
The other issue here is that 1 million refugees have entered EU this year alone--and next year--maybe the same or more-- coming from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan. If they, or previous refugees, eventually become citizens of countries that do not need visas to come to USA (such as France, etc), then we are at risk of attack from ISIL converts, are we not? Trump is pointing out an obvious, foreseeable risk here. The other point about the recent SB killings--the elephant in the room IMO--is that the husband was, according to his dad, "fixated" on Israel. I recall that this was a big point of Bin Labden too--Israel. Until the problems with Israel and the Palestians are dealt with--and not just allow to fester and deteriorate decade after decade--terrorism againt USA (Israel's supporter) will flourish.
Fantasy Dude (Earth)
I find it humorous that no one is addressing the real issue.

The left hates Trump and his ideas. That and a quarter will buy you a cup of coffee. They don't have a plan. They just know what they don't want to do.

Ask yourself what ISIS wants. Ask yourself how you will either compromise or defeat them. And, bad news, there is no compromise. That's it. What you are doing today won't change it and it's not going to fix itself. There is no appeasement. This is not a matter of diplomacy.
TDK (Atlanta)
"Ask yourself what ISIS wants."

Even before that ask yourself how ISIS came to be.
Syed Abdulhaq (New York)
This fella whose company declared bankruptcy 4 times so far, did not serve in Vietnam or Korea, and whose children did not serve in Iraq or Afghanistan has the gall to incite people against hardworking immigrants, muslims , blacks and hispanics has gone too far this time in calling for a ban ,surveillance and registration of muslims and mosques. He has properties in Middle East which should be expropriated by the muslim rulers there, just to put him in place. He is a blot on the good name of America and the poison he spews is a security risk to ALL americans.
Principia (St. Louis)
Donald got four student deferments from Vietnam and a medical deferment after those ran out. In 1966 he was deemed fit to fight by military doctors and classified A-1. But, the son of multimillionaire Fred Trump, developed "heel spurs" and got out of the war.
mancuroc (Rochester, NY)
It's not just Trump, it's the one-third or so of the Republican voters that he carries with him. Especially in off-years, these are the people who show up for primary elections and vote in more and more candidates in Trump's image, Until the remaining two-thirds of rank-and-file Republicans start to question the direction of their party is going, there's a real danger that Trumpism will take control of our politics, with or without Trump. It doesn't help that the Democratic Party has allowed itself to be dragged far enough to the right that it looks like Republican-lite; its leaders and their consultants have ditched the values of FDR. It also doesn't help that, for whatever reason, the media almost deny Bernie Sanders' existence, even though he commands more support numerically than Trump, who is given all kinds of free airtime.
Debbie (Santa Cruz, CA)
Trump is dangerous, irresponsible, out of touch with even the impact of his racist rhetoric. Mexicans, women, nor Muslims. Except that this obscene nonsense he is spewing is picked up internationally and offends other nations, not just our own. And most definitely ISIS will use his heartless, racist rhetoric to recruit others, especially in America. Thanks a lot Trump.
Here's a thought- SHUT UP!!! You dumb fool!!!
It's sad that there isn't an I.Q. test to eliminate buffoons like him from even running for nomination.
NYHUGUENOT (Charlotte, NC)
"It's sad that there isn't an IQ test to eliminate buffoons like him form even running for nomination."
When we do come up with a test for candidates let's make sure we have one for voters too.
Maloyo (New York, NY)
Most American "active shooters" are disaffected white American men. Many of them wrap themselves in Christianity. Does The Donald want to round them up, too?
howcanwefixthis (nyc)
Not until after they vote for him!
tom (manhattan)
There are probably more fatalities from drunk drivers leaving Mr thump's casinos over the years than attacks by terror. Don't let the terrorists win ! Don't go crazy and stupid on us Donald.
Nancy (Vancouver)
That ship has sailed. Crazy and stupid don't begin to describe him.
ClassWarfare (OH)
Vile and irresponsible...He needs to bow out for the sake of the country...
Missourimule (Missouri)
No fan of Laura Ingraham, but she's right -- people, the press, the politicians, don't understand how angry the American voters are . . . . . many, many of them are blindly, droolingly, senselessly angry . . . . . "and they're not gonna take it anymore". And no matter how idiotic Donald Trump may sound to some, he's saying exactly what a lot of people want to hear.
Cathy (NYC)
Trumps reaction is due to the ease of the finance visa and the extremist ideas that this woman brought with her to the US.
However, the husband was of the same cloth.

"The father, who is also named Syed Farook, told La Stampa that his son took on an overly conservative outlook on Islam and at least once expressed support for ideas promoted by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State militant group, also known as ISIL or ISIS. "

"He said he shared the ideology of al-Baghdadi to create an Islamic state, and he was obsessed with Israel," the father told a reporter in an interview outside the home of his other son, Syed Raheel Farook, in Corona, Calif.

The father said he counseled his son to be patient because, he said, in time political changes in the Middle East will accomplish his desires.

"I kept telling him always: stay calm, be patient, in two years Israel will no longer exist," the elder Farook told the newspaper. "

So, basically, the father would have loved to join his son in murder and the mother who lived upstairs in the shooter's house didn't notice 6,0000 rounds of ammo, 12 pipe bombs and a bomb factory in the garage.

The lives of 14 innocent people could have ben save if the mother spoke up and the father didn't poison his son with hate.

The American people might be over reacting, but it has risen due to the fact that the Muslim community does not inform the police about an individual who builds a bomb factory in their garage.
[email protected] (Bloomsburg PA)
Mr.Trump, Mr. Businessman, you are cutting off ties with your Muslim business buddies (for example, the Saudis), right? Right??? RIGHT??? No? OK. Then shut up. SHUT UP.
Humberto Cuen (NYC)
Mr. Trump's policy of barring Muslims from entering the U.S. would serve to estrange Muslims from the U.S. by conveying the idea that the country considers the religion of Islam itself as a threat and not just extremist. It would enkindle anti-American sentiment in the Middle East and among some Muslims at home. Mr. Trump's policy would also provide elements to extremist groups and individuals for arguing that the U.S. is a threat to Islam and so helping them to justify their own actions and to gain adherents.

Mr. Trump's proposal is pragmatically or prudentially misguided independently of moral considerations.
expatindian (US)
It will engender hatred? Do you think people in the Middle East would love America, if you opened the doors wide to them? Ultimately, whether you think your way of life and culture is important or not, the Middle East thinks their culture is superior and despises Western values. You cannot make people like you by appeasing them.
MJS (Atlanta)
Simply put we need to stop allowing religious radicals into the country! Muslims especially ones who insist that women where hajib and cover their head.

So here is a simple test unless you are willing to Americanize, which includes the following:

Adopt American names at the entrance points. How many of our ancestors had their names changed at Ellis island. 99% of all ethnic names were changed ask many Jewish folks how their names became King, David, Richman, etc... Even Christian Polish, Geman, Italian Russian names were changed. The Gallic Irish and Scotish names were changed to the job title Brittish names, that is how my famiiy got their name immigrating to Canada. My mother's second sisters first name was changed by the nurses at the hospital. Unfortunately, my mother was born at home and didn't get this courtesy by the nurses, she tried to Americanize it herself.

Next, English must be mandatory and learned prior to sending children to school. We need to stop wasting taxpayer money on ESOL. It should be funded by those who use it. My 90 year old mother who was born here says that when they were old enough to start school her mother declared we are Americans and we will only speak English.

Americans Holiday tradition should be honored this was founded as a Judeo-Christian nation. If you don't like that you shouldn't come here! We are understanding that people can have their own religions. But Muslims whole part of being Muslim is to eliminate all other religions.
DCN (Illinois)
Trump is the manifestation of many years of Republicans becoming ever more extreme. They cultivate right wing extremists, science deniers, religious zealots and bigots. The positions of their other candidates are not far from those of Trump, he just expresses his thoughts more crudely while the others use more civilized language. The GOP reaps what it has sowed and now the establishment no longer wants to ride that tiger.
Steven Starr (Bremerton, Wa)
On Nov. 4, 1979, militants storm the U.S. embassy in Tehran, Iran, taking 66 American hostages. President Jimmy Carter banned all Iranians from entering United States for 444 days or (1 year, 2 months, 2 weeks and 2 days).
Ellen Freilich (New York City)
Carter was taking a position against a government and even a nation, not an entire religion and all its adherents. And he was a one-term president, largely because his critics did not think he was forceful enough. Those 444 days were all days when Iran was holding our diplomats hostage.
MPS (Norman, OK)
This was a diplomatic crisis BETWEEN STATES. The visa restriction was against citizens of that state. Carter did not ban entry of all Muslims because a group of Muslim students in Iran acted against representatives of the U.S. government.

So, no, you've not succeeded in legitimizing Trump's bigotry.
Joel (New York City, NY)
The shameful game Trump is playing by appealing to the basest instincts of some people is a good thing. It should serve as a wake up call to Americans that a demagogue can stir millions to the edge of dangerous behavior. If the polls are to be believed, his exploitation of fear and xenophobia resonates with a lot of people. They are more of a danger to the future of our democracy than any radical jihadist band. Donald Trump is doing us a favor, exposing how easily the mob can be roused. How long is it until he proposes more drastic tactics?
NYHUGUENOT (Charlotte, NC)
The "mob" has already been aroused for some time. It has only been looking for a leader.
Mineola (Rhode Island)
Now is the time to be proclaiming our ideals from the rooftops. President Obama, whom I deeply admire, seemed too tame in his address. Pragmatic statements from Mitch McConnell of the "unworkable" aspect of Trump's hideous proposal is 100% missing the point. If America is truly "exceptional" it is because we as one nation agree to "fight to the death your right to ...." believe, worship, speak, vote, etc, even if those actions are contrary to our individual political preferences. Let's fight for our original ideals. That is the way to "make America great again."
Ann (New York)
Yuk. Radical and fascist as his comments appear to me - and I mean that as literally dictionary-definition Fascist, not just an idly slung insult - they seem to be garnering enough positive feedback from the voting Republican base that this man could win the primary. And then, dial back his rhetoric for the general election. And then, we have an American fascist regime.
Perry (Dallas, TX)
I was recently is Istanbul and cruised by the Trump Tower on the way to my destination. As we all know, Turkey is a majority Muslim country and our ally. And, there are Trump towers and investiments all over the middle east. Besides being essentially un American - how stange and insulting his comments.
fran soyer (ny)
Are you saying that he is harboring Muslims ?

Trump harbors people he believes may be terrorists. Figures.
Andrew Smith (New York, NY)
Stop the hyperventilating. A temporary moratorium on immigration from Moslem countries is a rational and moderate policy measure. Sizeable percentages of Moslems living in Western countries admit to pollsters that they support terrorist violence and even larger percentages admit that they would like to live under sharia laws. Islam and its adherents are unassimilable into the culture of the West. I want my people and my culture to survive and not be drowned in a Third World, Moslem flood.
Trump's comments were not about blocking immigration from Muslim COUNTRIES, it was about blocking all MUSLIMS from entering the United States, regardless of where they come from it seems. So one could be a British/ Canadian/ Australian, etc. citizen and Muslim and blocked from entering the US. Read the first sentence of the article.

The former one could argue for restrictions given the security risks, the latter is discriminatory towards one religion.
Air Marshal of Bloviana (Over the Fruited Plain)
I understand that for a number of months resident Obama interrupted, without notice to all parties involved, an emigration program in Syrian refugee camps due to the possibility of sending IS recruits among them to the U.S.. Will someone explain to me the difference between that logic and Trumps?
Orit Weksler (El Cerrito Ca)
I wonder when republican party will announce that it would not allow a candidate to run with anti-dempcratic agendas like this. I would think that many republicans would appreciate that. Where will they draw the line?
Lou H (NY)
We should not underestimate the possibility that actual 'warfare' will breakout in the US. Right-wing radical fascist types ( followers of Trump ideology) will actually become violent against the US, its citizens and our institutions.

This is not benign!! It should not be tolerated. It is not political speech, it is hate speech masquerading as politics.
JL Farr (Philadelphia)
Really? Laughable.
The One Percent will not be wielding guns. They will be hiding behind their tax shelters.
PS Nice car.
Rupert31 (SC)
trumpster is rightly the target of approbation due to his insulting remarks. But he's only echoing Jeb Bush's call for a religious test for immigrants and refugees. More important trumpster is echoing the most base xenophobic and nativist tendencies that seven years of GOP fear-mongering have brought to the forefront. Sen Graham pleads that trumpster does not represent the Republican party. Unfortunately for those with any morals in the GOP trumpster is doing exactly that.
Andrew Allen (Wisconsin)
Dr. Ben Carson's idea makes the most sense in my opinion: Build safe, comfortable refugee camps in a country nearer the refugees' homes.

We would thereby fulfill our moral obligation to protect fellow human beings while at the same time protecting American lives from unvetted terrorists who might slip in as refugees.

Even with our regular immigration process, people who want to enter the U.S. don't get in immediately. Some have to wait for years.
Elliott Jacobson (Claymont, DE)
How is it possible that a nation as big, as rich, as powerful and as important as the United States of America, could produce in one of our major parties such an assortment of barroom blabbermouths, uninformed ignoramuses, chicken hawks, etc.running for President in which a primitive and dangerous ideology is a substitute for thought? Where are the TRs, the FDRs, the Ikes, and the Abes? Indeed, Teddy Roosevelt once mused on how impatient he was with the drab notion that the mere making of money should be enough to satisfy the aspirations of a truly ambitious man/woman.
Kathryn (brooklyn)
Your readers deserve facts, not opinions. "A poll asserting that 25 percent of Muslim Americans condone acts of violence against other Americans was from a “very highly respected group of people." "More like 'widely shunned.'” "Mr. Trump’s statement about Paris has no basis in fact: There are no districts there or outside Paris where the police have said they are unwilling to go." Where's your proof for your assertions? This is not good reporting. Stop inserting your own social action platform opinions into your articles. I may not agree with Trump, but I'm tired of seeing the unprofessional, cutting writing. It looks like the writing of an inexperienced Undergrad.
Hecares (Los Angeles)
Japan is the only country in the world that has no terrorism since Japan does NOT allow muslims to enter their country. Please read this article.

If someone enters your house and destrys and kills your family, would you still open door at them and tell them not to? I will shout my door.
aperson (everywhere)
i'm muslim. i have family that has lived in japan, done business in japan, fallen in love in japan, attended conferences on urban planning in japan, taught english in japan, studied engineering in japan, dj'd in japan, traveled for fun to japan, backpacked in japan, partied in japan, made friends in japan. they're all muslim too.

maybe japan "has no terrorism" because of its stringent gun laws (unlike the US). here's an excerpt from an article in the atlantic:

"To get a gun in Japan, first, you have to attend an all-day class and pass a written test, which are held only once per month. You also must take and pass a shooting range class. Then, head over to a hospital for a mental test and drug test (Japan is unusual in that potential gun owners must affirmatively prove their mental fitness), which you’ll file with the police. Finally, pass a rigorous background check for any criminal record or association with criminal or extremist groups, and you will be the proud new owner of your shotgun or air rifle. Just don’t forget to provide police with documentation on the specific location of the gun in your home, as well as the ammo, both of which must be locked and stored separately. And remember to have the police inspect the gun once per year and to re-take the class and exam every three years."
Edward (BC, Canada)
Every time this self-absorbed ignoramus opens his mouth he recruits another 100 Jihadis.
John S (USA)
To NJNative: I agree; let's also get rid of the secret ballot in our elections. Let us know who our neighbors vote for.
MDCooks8 (West of the Hudson)
And perhaps only Trump knows how to create attention....Indirectly we are all promoting him like it or not...
MDCooks8 (West of the Hudson)
What is amazing that Trump has people who opposed Bush and Cheney, agreeing with them now....

How the world turns....
Cheryl (Elkton, MD)
These politicians are SCARED to death of Donald Trump! It opens up a lot of the American people have been wondering for months and that is.... it all comes down to MONEY!! These politicians could care LESS about the "American way, or who Americans are"... it is MORE about the Muslims that they have made deals with across the world with DEEP POCKETS. As we KNOW that is NOT a factor for Donald Trump... but it certainly IS for the Clinton's. And of course there is the little thing of the election that Trumps ego driven Republican candidates would literally scratch out their own mother's EYES to win, and the same of course is the case for Obama's legacy (which is a complete disaster) and Clinton's crowning which she KNOWS she is entitled to! I for one would trust Donald Trump before A single one on either side of this war on the American people.. and that is exactly what it is. WE the PEOPLE are pawns to these politicians and if hundreds die in the process so be it if they get what they want whether that is an election or millions of dollars! Donald Trump never needed this campaign and probably NEVER wanted it but HE as so many average Americans LOVE this COUNTRY and wants to live where he does not have to fear having his wife, and nine year old son and others he loves blown to bits because of the NEGLIGENCE of OUR pathetic leaders and politicians.
Chris C (Boston)
A humble suggestion, going forward can the NYTimes, from now on, refer to Donald Trump as "You-Know-Who" or "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named"?
expatindian (US)
I think part of the reason for Trump's popularity is that fellow citizens like you belittle their experiences and thoughts. Their suggestions might not be sensible or valid, but isn't it our job as citizens to not ignore them and try and see what's going on?
Judy Creecy (Germantown, NY)
Like Rachel Maddow said tonight, Donald Trump doesn't want to be president. It's too hard. He just wants to put on a big show, lap up all that attention and sign off before the real deal occurs. Relax, America.
R M Gopa1 (Hartford, CT)
Trump is the demagog we know and recognize as such. A far more dangerous demagog is Ted Cruz, the junior senator from Texas who operates largely under the radar and who is working assiduously to inherit Trump's followers when the carnival barker finally exits he stage.
Bill Holland (Freeport, ME)
Trump's belligerent demeanor as captured in this photo remind me another self-styled "Duce": Benito Mussolini.
Kathy (Corona, CA)
The more press you guys (NYTimes) gives this guy , gives him exactly what he wants, more attention. He reminds me of the kid in class looking for any kind of attention he can get - and boy is he getting it. Your online paper has declared him stupidly important. Can't you find something else to write about?
Steve (Atlanta)
He doesn't want to be President, he just wants the spotlight to stay on him. The fault lies with his supporters, and the media who continue giving him relevance.
Jimmy Verner (Dallas)
I think Trump is a disaster. But you can't argue with him by saying he has no evidence when you don't have any evidence, either. For example, what's your evidence for this statement? "Mr. Trump’s statement about Paris has no basis in fact: There are no districts there or outside Paris where the police have said they are unwilling to go."
littleninja2356 (UK)
Trump's rhetoric sounds like a rerun of the Nuremberg Laws.
JMM (Dallas)
Candidate Ted Cruz called for a 3-year moratorium on accepting any immigrants from ISIS countries. Except for setting a term of 3 years I don't see a difference. What is it that the media has against Trump? He can't be bought or beholden?
Mike (NYC)
Trump is not talking about rounding up Muslims, he is not advocating that we put Muslims in internment camps, he is not advocating that anyone be deported. He is advocating that we stop allowing Muslims into the country for now until we sort things out. That makes sense. It is not illegal. People who would come to our country have no rights, zero, to come here. They come here solely at our discretion.

If this will stop the next San Bernardino, the next Paris, the next subway and train bombing, the next plot to sabotage the fuel lines at JFK, the next shoot-up at LAX, the next Riverdale synagogue bombing, the next Boston Marathon bombing, the next 9/11, it will be worth it.

Muslims,,,,,,,,,, you made your bed, now lie in it!
TDK (Atlanta)
"If this will stop the next San Bernardino, the next Paris, ... the next 9/11, it will be worth it."

This is the kind of thinking that creates these kinds of messes in the first place. This is the kind of thinking that makes things even more dangerous.

"Muslims,,,,,,,,,, you made your bed, now lie in it!"

Need a broader brush, I think.
N.B. (Raymond)
What if ISIS now decides to carry out an attack on USA? The Donald won't win. Ted cruze would. Hillary must cover all her bases with her expert experience beyond what I know as to how to prepare if an ISIS attack can't be prevented here
Now is this time to call Muslims in our nation to show they believe ISIS is our enemy needing to be DESTROYED.
Charles (San Jose, Calif.)
Fox News's foil for Trump, Bill O'Reilly, shows quite the odd couple excoriating Donald today: Sen. Lindsay Graham who in the Baptist low-country tradition says "he should go to hell!," and Whoopie, demanding to know when the GOP is gonna get Donald back on his leash. It's ex-airman Lindsay who wants to nuke ISIS almost as much as Cruz does, and Whoopie I noticed was very deferential to Planned Parenthood in recent months, speaking of cretininsm. O'Reilly is Gepetto pulling the strings.
Brian MacDougall (California)
Well, so much for the dog whistle racism of the modern Republican party; it's all out in the open now. Good luck walking this back! When Dick Cheney is your moral reality check, or the editor of an American Nazi blog lionizes you, you know you're in tall weeds. The GOP is finished, but they have to ride the Donald train to the end of the line. Trump just handed Hillary the keys to 1600.
Air Marshal of Bloviana (Over the Fruited Plain)
Trump is yielding nothing to the democrat party, exactly as it should be. Don't like it? Vote for whoever you wish but quit trying to run the Republican party primary because we don't need your advice. Thanks, now back to Barack, Bernie and Hillary with you! Run away! Run away!
Ultraliberal (New Jersy)
What if Trump had said, We have to carefully vet all Muslim refugees arriving from Syria , Iraq, & other hot beds of Muslim Radicalism,instead of we have to ban all Muslims.I'm sure it would not be an issue.Trump is a builder not an orator.His enemies pick up on this weakness & exploit it, but to be fair we all knew what he clumsily try to express. He is not a bigot.The Pastor who would not vote for Rubio, because his main supporter is Jewish & has a gay son, & is active in securing the Gay community the same equal rights, afforded to all Americans.That is bigotry under the guise of religion, What Trump said & will continue to say is what is on the minds of most Americans. He may not be glib but his heart is in the right place.He will do more to create jobs by rebuilding our infrastructure, than any President that preceded him.
He may tell Putin that he is a puny little tyrant, & help to kick Assad out of office, & scare the hell out of ISIS, but he will no matter how crude he says it ,get his point across,& get results without firing a shot.If nothing else he has stood up to the good old boys of the Political establishment, & shrugged off their insults and innuendoes. Ready or not, here comes the next President.
Dear Editors Print this as a Times pick if you dare.
oscar (brookline)
Has anyone mentioned to Trump that we almost universally look back on the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII with regret and shame?
J Burr (London)
I'm sad to see many of the NYT commentators here talking about Trump as though HE were the enemy. He is merely making a suggestion that could protect citizens of your country. ISIS is the enemy -- along with anyone who defends them, including so called 'moderate Muslims' who are in denial of that fact. Since ALL jihadists are Muslims, temporarily blocking them from the U.S. makes sense. Political correctness will be the downfall of the U.S. and of civilization and democracy. This 'political gagging' has already led to countries in Europe being covertly overtaken by Islam. 20 + years of liberal multiculturalism (Muslim immigration) has failed dismally in Sweden, a country now ranked as the 'rape capital' of the world (2nd only to Lesotho). A similar situation exists Netherlands, where a bill is in front of their parliament admitting that fact -- and offering measures to reverse it. Neither has it worked in the UK, where a tsunami of Muslim immigrants (and their multiple offspring) have made the indigenous population into a MINORITY in many areas. Indeed, throughout the UK, Sharia Law trumps the British Judicial system, halal meat is routinely served to schoolchildren (whether or not they are Muslim) and high streets are filled with women covered head-to-toe in Burkhas). Listen to Mr. Trump; he may not be PC, but he has made a proactive suggestion to protect his people. The Barbarians are at YOUR gate; do you REALLY want to let them in?
Sarah (N.J.)
What Trump recommends., i.e., not accepting people in this country based on their religion, is unconstitutional.
Simon Sez (Maryland)
American Muslims have nothing to fear from Trump or any other politician.

You are fully protected by American law.

No one can legally trample on your rights or dignity.

The majority of Americans will not elect a bigot.
Will Lindsay (Woodstock CT.)
I don't think you can "disqualify" anyone from running for office based on what they say, you know that pesky freedom of speech thing. However, Donald Trump has NEVER been qualified to be the president of the United States.
gw (usa)
This excerpt would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic. No, it's hilarious anyway......

“Paris is no longer the same city it was,” he (Trump) said, before adding, without citing any evidence: “They have sections in Paris that are radicalized where the police refuse to go there. They’re petrified. The police refuse to go in there. We have places in London and other places that are so radicalized that the police are afraid for their own lives.”

Mr. Trump’s statement about Paris has no basis in fact: There are no districts there or outside Paris where the police have said they are unwilling to go. The mayor of London, Boris Johnson, meanwhile, said that Mr. Trump’s claim about his city was “complete and utter nonsense.” Saying crime was falling in London and New York, he added: “The only reason I wouldn’t go to some parts of New York is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump.”
Citizen (Texas)
Trump seems to hate just about everyone. What's the history of the Trump lineage? Where are the Donald's roots? Just curious.
LBJr (<br/>)
I agree with Dick Cheney. Hell has officially frozen over.
BryanKen (NY)
Inhumane, cruel, bigoted....anyone who was thinking Trump should understand that these words could easily describe modern Islamic tenets. Before you defend all those with Islamic affiliations at any cost, consider the Islamic view on how women are to be treated, where LGBT members stand in their world, the history of Muslims and slavery into the 20th century, and the Islamic view and consequences of apostasy. To name a few issues. Think hard about whether every religion is morally equal and deserves to be defended with such fervor and indignation.
SCA (<br/>)
I*ll bet that few of my indignant, liberal, earnest commenting friends have ever experienced a Muslim community from the inside, rather than as a courteously-received guest. You imagine, perhaps, that you have Muslim friends; they share meals with you and invite you to their holiday tables.

But they don't accept you as equals. You might be happy if their daughter married your son. They will not be happy if your son wants to marry their daughter. They will send her to the home country to be married to a cousin and bring him back over here on the strength of her citizenship or green card.

They like you, but they don't believe you have a grasp on the *truth* by which they live. They don't believe it*s really possible to be a good person and be an atheist at the same time. They aren't necessarily plotting to kill you or blow up your neighborhood. But they do not share your values. Not the important ones which define us as a nation.
DW (Philly)
This is no different from many religious people.
Elrod (Maryville, TN)
SCA has just described conservative Christians. I wouldn't call for keeping them out either.
jerry bierman (naples)
Mr. Trump just go third party. The republicans are not your party. Let's find out how many people will support you. There is still time. Think about it.
Bob Tyson (Turin, Italy)
" Instead, he referred to three proclamations by which Roosevelt authorized government detention of immigrants, and which led to the internment of thousands of noncitizen Japanese, Germans and Italians."

AND thousands of US CITIZEN Japanese too. Please.
Pigliacci (Chicago)
Donald Trump in his gold-trimmed boudoir: "Now THAT oughtta do it!"
fanspeed (long beach)
Why does this quote come to mind_ hmmmm
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Miss Ley (New York)
Many times, fanspeed, and thank you for putting it in writing. It has been circulated on a global basis and appears to have reached us at the bottom of the mailing list.
Don (USA)
Obama is cold and uncaring. He has total disregard for the safety and security of all Americans. The same applies to Hillary Clinton.

Obama's own officials have admitted they can't distinguish Radical Islamic Muslims from law abiding Muslims so why does he want thousands of Muslims to immigrate here.

What's wrong with delaying Muslim immigration until they can be properly vetted?
Mitzi (Oregon)
Today's news on the radio etc....Trumps ugly voice and cheering crowd. Over and over again. Thanks media for giving this demagogue all the airtime you do....If he get elected you all can blame yourselves....Other candidates say things. They hardly get covered. Sure makes $$ for the media.....and is killing democracy.
Falcon195 (San Diego)
Trump argues, more or less, that our inability to vet non-citizens effectively, combined with documented, wide-spread anti-American Moslem sentiments, DEMANDS a moratorium on Moslem immigration until we can 'sort things out' in what is now universally accepted as WAR.
SE (New Haven, CT)
What Trump has done to all other candidates is what in sales is known as getting a commitment.

He got everyone to commit to what would be a soft position if there are future attacks. He believes that there will be ... the others don't think past the most current sound bite.

I cringe every time I hear a talking head arrogantly call Trump out for not being specific or for changing positions, not knowing Trump has been setting people up and has effectively neutered all of the establishment's top tier (Bush, Walker, Kasich) without breaking a sweat.

He just got the entire field to commit to a position they will not want to be in after a future attack, and yes, that includes Hillary.

So in essence the others are dependent now on ISIS or other radicals not murdering people. Imagine that, the rest of the field is hoping ISIS just packs up their toys and goes home. Trump just had them walk right into it...
AACNY (New York)

So in essence the others are dependent now on ISIS or other radicals not murdering people.

Shouldn't American politicians BE dependent on ISIS' not killing Americans?
Damond (Brooklyn, NY)
When leaders fail to solve serious problems, there is always snake oil .
FMike (Los Angeles)
Trumps' invocation of U.S. "precedence" during WWII of course calls to mind the internment of Americans of Japanese ancestry, a point he anticipates in noting that this of course would not apply to American citizens. Instead, it invites comparison with a darker parallel, in the government's refusal to open the gates to Jews fleeing Germany, immediately before the outbreak of war.

The 1939 "Voyage of the St. Louis" - a German liner carrying primarily Jewish refugees - stands as a tragic symbol of a broad failure in American foreign policy; the link to the U.S. Holocaust Museum is excellent.

937 passengers - most of them Jews - left Hamburg on May 13th, bound for Havana where they hoped to obtain U.S. visas. But on arrival on May 28th only 28 were allowed to disembark and the ship left port on June 2nd, triggering furious efforts to persuade U.S. authorities to allow it to land and admit the refugees. But in the face of a popular waive of xenophobia, anti-Antisemitism, etc., the President refused to issue an executive order to admit the St. Louis refugees. Hope exhausted, the ship returned to Europe, docking at Antwerp on June 17th.

The 908 returning refugees were admitted to various European countries, with 288 taken in by Britain. But of the remaining 602, 254 would perish in the Holocaust: lives that could have easily been spared.

Mr. Trump fails to understand that people are called refugees for a reason.
Daniel (Waterhouse)
It seems like we are conflating the domestic rights of US Citizens with non citizens. When we say we wish to protect religious liberty, we mean we should exercise a policy of nondiscrimination where religious citizens are concerned to promote their well being.

Why is it our duty to promote the interests of non citizens, be they religious interests or otherwise?

My primary concern is not terrorism, but rather Sharia communities, from which terrorism arguably originates. E.g., since Sweden began importing Muslim immigrants 40 years ago, rapes have increased by 1,472%, and one in four Swedish women face rape in their lifetime.

I believe in treating everyone with courtesy, and supporting the civil rights of Muslim US citizens, even if I'm not an enthusiast for Islam. But why am I obliged to support the interests of Egyptians, Pakistanis, or Eritreans, if I think doing so will come at my expense?

The answer is that if I don't, I will face enormous social disapprobation, as failure to show enthusiastic support for a given minority is taken as a sign of intense hatred and bigotry. However, I am not a politician and am disinclined to ape them. An existential question of national cohesion, safety, and freedom seems more important than being liked on twitter, so I support the embargo on muslim immigration until they run out of oil and calm down.
PS (Massachusetts)
Remember the Bosnian war? I know and worked with at least there Muslims who came here as refugees, got benefits but also got jobs, complained about America but essentially integrated peacefully. So America has opened doors to the religion. But -- this robed, armed, fundamentalist version is not what westerners see as religious practice that can function within the ideals of a democracy. If Trump is saying, inelegantly, time to sort it out, it might be the right idea -- the sorting it out now not later, that is, if we can.
Steffie (Princeton NJ)
So Mr. Trump justifies his proposal by using one of the darkest moments in modern American history as a model? Let's for a nanosecond assume that, God help us all, Mr. Trump were to become POTUS and that he managed to turn his proposal into law. In that case, he better start securing the funds his successor half a century hence will need to pay to ( a section of) the American Muslim community in restitution. Because that is precisely what happened in 1988, when the American government ended up paying $1.25 billion in restitution to survivors of the Japanese interment camps. Boy, I really do feel for Mr. Trump's children; they must at a minimum be embarrassed by the nonsensical statements uttered and the downright hate mongering practiced by their father. I know I would.