Joe Biden Concludes There’s No Time for a 2016 Run

Oct 22, 2015 · 606 comments
Darchitect (N.J.)
I am just sorry.
NeverLift (Austin, TX)
"Say it ain't so, Joe."
Apathetic (Michigan)
Biden echoed many sentiments from Sanders' campaign and not Hillary's, which says something about how low HRC will stoop to become the Leader of the Free World.
curtis dickinson (Worcester)
I was hoping he'd run because I'm tired of Hillary's ambition to become president at any cost using lies and deceit and stepping on the the lives of others. Biden would have been a breath of fresh air for a repugnant Democrat party.
coffic (New York)
When listening to his speech, it seemed to me that his timing was perfect--he said it was too late to file all the reports. He didn't say that he didn't want to or his family didn't want him to run. However, if Hillary makes an enormous blunder today, he will jump in. He is just waiting for an enormous groundswell to "force" him to run "for the good of the country". As of this moment, he couldn't beat Hillary, even though I agree with your assessment of her. Benghazi aside, thinking of her becoming president is truly scary.
Ray Wulfe (Colorado)
For me, the Bill Clinton era was a time of the greatest prosperity I have known. Since GWB, and especially since 2008, it's been the hardest time I have known. I imagine that after spending more than an hour in the same room with HRC, I might feel like killing myself, but if there's a chance to regain a little of that 1990s optimism and prosperity, I'm in.
mick (Los Angeles)
I respect Joe quite a bit but is comment about Republicans not being enemies was more than a bit naïve. Of course they may not be his enemy but he's not in contention and was never in contention. But if he was then he would see what bitter enemies they can be. He certainly can't speak for Obama or for the Clintons. He may be good ole Joe to the Republicans but that's because he's not a factor. But the Republicans have been Hillary's vicious enemies for more than 20 years. And Obama's for eight.
Where you been Joe?
D. Young (Oregon)
Yes the current state of the Republican party is beyond awful. However, remember that Joe is till the VP and it is part of the VP's job to mitigate with Congress for the president. Joe is highly respected by the saner portion of that party - Lindsay Graham (best friend of McCain) called Biden the most decent, honest person he has met in his entire senate career). The budget talks are coming, it would not make sense for him to verbally trounce all the Republican party and give the nuts a chance to say "See, it is all the president's fault that things fail."
Gene (Atlanta)
The media should expose Joe Biden's farce!. He isn't running because he would be whipped by Hillary. He waited to see her fail and when that didn't happen, he announced he will not run. The supposed family and timing issues are now and have always been a a complete smoke screen. His exposure as a possible candidate never even came up until it looked like Hillary was faltering.
Burgundy is Better (Paris-France)
It is remarkable that in this 1500 worded piece neither Baker nor Haberman fit in the pointed fact that with all the affection for a non-declared candidate - Joe has only managed 15% in the polls. If he announced that pop would wear off and Joe would have been polling his usual 5% max support. You can't plagiarize greatness, and Joe Biden is a typical throwback to the emotion driven Irish sexist politician who thinks he's a great Liberal.
Ray Wulfe (Colorado)
Hard to argue with I recall, Joe has tossed his hat in the ring before, and has been pretty much ignored.
Steve (Middlebury)
This is so sad is so many ways. Not enough time for a run, the headline proclaims. Canada did it in 78 days.
FederalGrunt (Washington, DC)
Why would anyone vote for this guy? I remember his comments during the Anita Hill hearings and this line about Obama, "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." From what I've seen over the years, the guy has consistently been racist and sexist. And no, I don't vote Republican.
will w (CT)
This guy displays the excesses of arrogance in the political stratosphere. Thinking the world is waiting with baited breath for an answer to a question few are asking, he seems to wait until time is called for him, thus negating his "run". Thanks, Joe, because this is the very reason you would be a very poor choice as a presidential contender. Good riddance.
Tony D (Ca)
Biden's arrogance pales when compared to HRC who is arrogance personified, out of touch with the people she claims to help, and she is totally untrustworthy. I do give her credit for being a survivor of near bankruptcy.

Biden was a viable consideration for me.

I will go with Sanders.
Anne Russell (Wilmington NC)
I love Joe Biden but feel certain he's made the right decision.
Ethel Guttenberg (Cincinnait)
Until yesterday, I was hoping Biden would pull out, he did...and become the "Elder Statesman" to support the probable Democratic candidate and I do mean the DEMOCRATIC candidate. Instead, it seems that he couldn't resist to throw a barb at Hillary Clinton. That, Mr.Vice President was not helpful to either the candidate, the Democratic Party or the country. It certainly wasn't "Staesman" like.
Dennis (New York)
For Joe Biden, our likable enough but fact-challenged VP, the third time will not be the charm. Before his announcement yesterday, when many pundits were predicting, a-wishing and a-hoping, that Biden would enter the race and boost the ratings of the Democrat's somewhat mediocre battle between Hillary and Bernie, a friendly competition which paled in comparison with the volatility of shoot-from-the-hip take-no-prisoners Republicans, who tend to speak before thinking things through, the Vice-President was already beginning to engage in something noted in his previous failed campaigns, an embellishment, to be kind, of his version of the facts.

This time around, Joe analyzed his chances and came to a more realistic assessment where he stands. Time has indeed run out: Biden's age, his propensity to improvise, too often speaking off the cuff, have caught with him. With US elections now turned into massive fundraising machines which must be launched the day after the previous election, good old Joe calculated correctly that the clock was ticking and his time had passed.

Canadians, who just experienced their longest election cycle, lasting many MONTHS, are aghast at the US process, but that's the way we do it here Canada. We're Americans. Socko Boffo. Politics has become its own incessant reality show, and now it has an actual reality show host, The inimitable Donald, leader of the pack of Republican clown car.

Pogo was right.

Ray Wulfe (Colorado)
Yeah, you guys used to be a pillar of political good sense, but I think we're starting to rub off on you. You should probably move ;-)
barb tennant (seattle)
If Hillary wins, the Clintons will shut Obama out for all phone calls, no cozy dinners at the White House and they will close down everything he did........if Biden won, Obama would almost have his own desk in the White House....why is Obama giving Hill and Bill this chance to stab him in the back?
Ray Wulfe (Colorado)
Uh, just a guess, but maybe because decided not to run? And anyway, I voted for Barack and am satisfied with his record, but apart from the ACA, what has been so radical? The ACA isn't chopped liver, but then it's not a revolution, either.
kb (Los Angeles, CA)
Save your tears. Biden put Anita Hill thru Hell, and he put Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court.
Dave (Tx)
Actually Joe, please DO BE SILENT. America needs fresh ideas, and a new inspired direction that does not decimate the middle class, like Obamacare has. It's lifetime political figures like yourself that have become so ingrained in the bubble of DC, spending (borrowing) with reckless abandon, doubling our national debt in 7 quick years, and perpetuating middle east wars and conflict that has left us shaking our heads.

No ... go off into the sunset, you did your best. You're appreciated and your efforts are recognized. The results were not good, but America will recover.
Ray Wulfe (Colorado)
Joe Biden and fresh ideas is a huge oxymoron.
Kate (Greenwich,CT)
Did the Clinton machine get to Biden? Not surprising since this is Hillary's last chance.
EDC (Colorado)
No, a far better candidate got to Joe Biden.
avrds (Montana)
Both Joe Biden and HIllary Clinton supported the invasion and occupation of Iraq, which to me is a sign of extremely poor judgement and lack of foresight.

But unlike Clinton, who still wears her hawk wings with pride, Biden seems to have learned his lesson given his comments yesterday.

Now that Biden is out of the race, I hope the unions will start lining up with Sanders, who not only voted against sending our young people into Iraq, but who also supports working families, not Wall Street.
Richard Kennedy (Celo, North Carolina)
Can he be VP again?
jwp-nyc (new york)
Joe Biden is a really loved beltway insider and nice guy. He has the ability to 'cross the aisle and find middle ground' with a Lindsay Graham or a Mitch McConnell. This served him well in the Senate. Whether it has been an effective tool for him in managing it as Vice President is much more debatable. In fact, it might have been one of President Obama's greatest weaknesses. There are few things in politics more debilitating than a weakness that is forever loyal and a friend, for their is little most people can do about it. FDR could. Obama seems more challenged in this regard. Both of these presidents, however, seemed more inclined to go out into battle with their enemies directly than to use surrogates to outflank them.

Obama made serious errors on taking power in his first term with a clear majority in the House and Senate. The most serious of these was in wanting bi-partisan backing of things like national health insurance when it was clear from the outset that this wasn't going to happen. It seems from here that part of the reason for Obama's misreading of the currents and eddies in the legislative bodies was the counsel being provided by his well-liked and respected second in command. By the time they figured this out, it was too late. Twenty four solid months of fomenting hatred and birther suspicions in the more racist inclined hustings and the FOX abetted invention of the Tea Party had done its work, and the true complexions of the GOP became clear.
Vlad (Wallachia)
He is a filthy liar no matter how you cut it. No time? He'd get nothing but 24/7 coverage for a month just for declaring. There is over 1 year before the election (used to be when people declared). What about his dying son saying "promise you'll run for President"? Have you simps forgotten that nonsense already? Or did his son say it and biden is reneging on his promise to his dying son? Pick your evil. Oh wait, you did when you hired this admin...
Mainstream (Washington DC)
Biden dropped out because of his gaffe on bin laden; he got a taste of how the press would go after his lies. Re Hillary, his misogyny is unedifying but typical - he seems a mean, entitled man, who couldn't resist putting down a woman.
Joe Arlotta (Linden, NJ)
Hillary could make – and the Vice President might consider, since he didn’t close the door to this possibility – as smart a political decision as President Obama made in 2008 to put Joe Biden on her ticket.
esp (Illinois)
Joe was in a real conundrum. He has run before and knows how nasty politics can be. Who in their right mind would want to spend the next year being beaten up by the likes of Trump and Hillary, and company.
I would have liked to see Joe run. He's a great guy. I think, though that he made the right decision for him. And I am sure it was a difficult decision.
We love you Joe.
Ray Wulfe (Colorado)
The guy makes George Bush sound like Schopenhauer.
Jim Davis (Bradley Beach, NJ)
If Joe Biden saw himself as the natural successor to Obama, he should have made his intentions clear over the past two or three years. He didn't, and he is not going to be the Democratic candidate.

If Mr Biden truly loves his country and is loyal to his party, he will put his efforts into electing the eventual Democratic nominee whether that is Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton.
byrnm (New Jersey)
Too bad -- he's the one Democrat who would not have been a lightning rod for partisan attack and resulting political gridlock. While I agree with most of both Hillary's and Bernie's policies, either the first woman or first Jewish president would be subject to the same kind of disrespect and knee-jerk opposition we've seen presented over the past seven years to our first black president.
George Young (Wilton CT)
Finally, this soapbox has ended. Joe never intended to run. But the price of his luncheon and dinner speeches after he is out of office has greatly increased with all of the attention. Not to mention a few corporate Board of Directors jobs.
Sushova (Cincinnati, OH)
Let`s face it , twice defeated Biden had no chance winning the nomination , now he could talk about the glory of what would have been through rose colored glasses.
Joe Biden is a likable man but he is a politician first, all the jabs at Hillary Clinton without naming her is how politicians play their games.
News media was circulating Obama did not give him blessing knowing Biden may never beat Hillary not that the President is fond of Clintons.

He is a smart Politician.
Fred (Kansas)
Joe Biden is what politicans used to be. He is a real person that cares those he represnts and does what he says he will do. He is willing to work with others.
Sage (Santa Cruz, California)
After this bit of un-news, let us march forward, and:
Feel good about losing with Bernie.
Cheer the coronation of Queen Clinton.
Feel good about the upcoming novelty in US presidential politics:
A Clinton is likely to be elected over a Bush, with lots of creative and insightful coverage thereof in the New York Times.
Look forward to 8 more years of hapless, compromised, opportunistic feeble Democrats failing to stand up to Ignorance-First Do-Nothing Republicans.
mt (trumbull, ct)
Joe Biden was pushed to run because he knew Hillary was dangerously close to being indicted. As he had inside knowledge. He was the back up plan.
But Hillary was having none of it. She told Obama that she wasn't going down without taking him with her. There is so much dirt she has on this man and there was no way she was taking the fall a second time without doing all she could to ruin him, too. When that threat was made clear to Obama, he backed down with Biden and the deal was off.
Make no mistake, it was not about money nor time, it was the fear of Hillary's wrath ( after all, she has nothing more to lose at this point) that undid this plan.
Kevin O'Reilly (MI)
He should have been the nominee back in '08. Instead, the Dems fell for a smoother orator and "change".

Biden could have brought better political experience and, believe it or not, the "change" many were seeking.

The difference would have been his ability to work with the "opposition" as he described the Republicans, instead of the "enemy"

Now, with the likely election of Hillary Clinton, we'll have at least four years of political animosity between the White House and Capitol Hill, just as we have now.

no "change" at all
Kim (NYC)
Race, is not an "ability". But you're correct, Biden would not have had to contend with that automatic wall from Congress. Remarkably, he did manage to penetrate it for a modicum of progress. Hillary will meet the same wall, perhaps an even higher, thicker one, as she is a Clinton, and gender isn't an "ability" either.
Dheep' (Midgard)
“They are our opposition; they’re not our enemies,” - Sorry Joe -you are wrong on that. They made it this way.
But still, you would have made a fine President Mr Biden. It just was not meant to be. And you had the good sense to realize it was to late and too much to do.
R.B. (Aurora, Co.)
I'm wondering if/when the next Democrat is elected president, will we still have the same obstruction from the Repubs in the House and Senate? If so, I'm ready to move to another country.

This election season is so very, very stupid and it's only going to get worse, as usual. Thank god I'm not swayed by these yahoos that want to bring down the country.

Good for you, Joe. Enjoy your life!
GlobalCosmopolitan (London)
No time to run? This is an indictment of the American political system and it's appalling. No other democracy in the world requires 2 years to choose a president or prime minister. Most have an election process that lasts just 2 to 3 months. We need to end these ridiculous and embarrassing primaries, and put a stop to the hundreds of million dollars required to fund this nonsense, most of which comes from corrupting wealthy individuals and special interest groups. All other democratic countries have a far less expensive, less time-consuming and less complicated selection process, and they manage just fine
carlson74 (Massachyussetts)
We did not need more of the same both Joe and Hillary are in that category and have been for years.
Sorry Joe but the right wing of the Republican Party is now in control of that Party and are more dangerous to real freedom than anyone since Adolph Hitler.
To all you Ted Cruz fans sorry but Ted is not legally qualified to run for President. "(d) a person born outside of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is a citizen of the United States who has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year prior to the birth of such person, and the other of whom is a national, but not a citizen of the United States; - See more at:
Coker (SW Colorado)
I am sorry Mr. Biden isn't running. Many Americans have affection for this man.
will w (CT)
It's too late for these kinds of sentiments when selecting US leadership. This country is entering a phase of its existence where we are going to need tough negotiating and compromise if we are to avoid World War. I think people who publicly vent their emotions for effect are not especially inclined to see the forest for the trees anyway.
njglea (Seattle)
Good Job, Vice President Biden! It was a smart move for you and democrat/progressive/independent voters. Divide and conquer will not win the next elections and it is time special interest groups take their proper place in helping build society instead of taking care only of themselves. CLINTON/SANDERS 2016!
Cletus Butzin (Buzzard River Gorge, Brooklyn NY)
He should've said "Well... I was just 'Biden' my time, y'see." He laughs, Obama rolls his eyes, the press corp groans. I'm sort of amazed during this sussing out that none of you crackerjack Pulitzer candidates didn't try to wrangle that headline somewhere. Maybe one of you did, my eyes tend to glaze over these days whenever I sense that political drift. I mean, imagine if sports pages covered professional wrestling.
preston (tacoma,wa)
I for one am a liberal who would have proudly voted for Joe, with his integrity and class, but am unlikely to be able to bring myself to cast a ballot for Hillary, with her endless fudging of the facts, and triangulation of her target voters. If the Republicans nominate a clown, I'll sit this one out. If they nominate a sober alternative to Clinton, I will probably vote Republican for the first time in many years.
Paul (South Africa)
Yipee ! No Obama clone to follow.
Betsy (Providence, RI)
Good grief, thank God this is over .... what a waste of media time and effort.
Betsy (Providence, RI)
Biden's decision simply opens the door to Trump's presidency. Democrats are now left with candidates who will be -- for disparate reasons -- unable to win.
Steve Fankuchen (Oakland, CA)
May the memory of all Vice President Biden's personal losses live for a blessing.

As I go through West Wing for the third or fourth time, the Vice President's genuine tribulations and angst again point out the brilliance of the TV show, not only in its portrayal of political complexity but in reminding us that, perceived gods and devils alike, politicians are people, not stereotypes and bumperstickers, even when they sound that way.
Kristine (Portland OR)
Sorry to see this as the outcome. Don't think HRC stands a chance and wholly agree with Mr. Biden's chastising her for trying to distance from POTUS' achievements. Would have much preferred a Biden/Warren ticket and believe it was the Dems' only shot at maintaining the highest post in the land. Ah well, guess it's time to start making those veiled threats about moving to Canada again.....
shelchad (Montreal)
A sitting vice-president, a natural choice for president, feels he can't get into a race more than a year out, because the money has been gobbled up elsewhere. Whether Biden is the next wave or a has been, it's democracy that is transparently the loser, here.
ManhattanWilliam (New York, NY)
GOOD, he made the right decision not to run. As terrible as it is to lose a loved one, it must be observed that if he's still not able to consider a run for president after nearly 6 months then he clearly doesn't have the temperament for the top job. Of course I really don't believe that that is the actual reason for his decision. While he's been a loyal Vice President and I respect him overall, he's not the "man of the moment" and his chance passed several years ago. While he's leaps and bounds above all the Republican contenders, he doesn't have the passion that Hillary Clinton has demonstrated nor the supporters in place to mount a challenge to her.
Rick in Iowa (Cedar Rapids)
I think Joe or Bernie would make absolutely excellent Presidents. Unfortunately, I don't think either would be elected under current conditions, which is really sad, and an indictment on our so called democracy.
Richard (<br/>)
This was a good decision on Biden's part. Now if Clinton would come to the same conclusion too and also withdraw we could move on to electing Sanders POTUS and start reforming this country and change into the social democratic society it must become.
Ann Callanan (NYC)
Never will I forget the way Joe Biden assassinated the character of Anita Hill.
RAC (auburn me)
Thank God this is over. All the air time devoted to this was such a waste. Biden has been oversharing about his feelings toward Hillary for the past seven years.
Bill Fenton (Seattle, WA)
Is there any reason why anyone cannot write about the incredible harm Mr. Biden caused by the laws he either co-authored or managed? How about Civil Asset Forfeiture for a start. Could some national pundit list all of the legislation he fostered that has ruined lives?

Joe, we loved you - but it's time to go..... Really..
S B Lewis (Lewis Family Farm, Essex, New York)
Let's look without emotion at the mess. Let's strip the veneer. Let's open our eyes and take a good look at ourselves as the vice president makes his way.

The vice president topped in his first run in 1988. He never recovered. 2008 was a joke. Obama chose him - and placed Clinton where she was under his control. Biden was not chosen for his presidential talent. He was chosen because he is supporting and weak. Ditto Cheney. This stuff is not knew. Who ever heard of Harry S Truman - the senator that dared to control the War Department spending of FDR? Nixon? Not Taft. Agnew, not Rockefeller. Mondale, not Teddy. The pattern is simple. Do not choose talent. Choose Sarah Palin.

As for the mess, give thought to The Speaker chosen. Paul Ryan can add and subtract. This man is no Joe Biden.

The nation requires brains - leaders that will inspire the reporting of Mary
Williams Walsh of The New York Times. When she can offer an account that suggests merit in government, we will know that we have leadership that can manage.

Today we have nothing but trouble. Biden's departure is assured. Obama is toast. Clinton Inc., may learn that the Department of Justice is just.

And we may be in for one of the most difficult times in our history.

Who thinks Trump gets it? Do the math. 12 million by 80, the capacity of a bus, suggests 150,000 buses and more simply to move his illegals to the border and back... Trump, a class D demagogue, a buffoon with no more class than a bar room bully.
Ray (Texas)
Come on Joe, the Democratic primary clown car has an empty seat, after the only reasonable candidate - Jim Webb - dropped out. Your gaffes would have brought some fun into the funeral that is going on over there...
frances farmer (california)
Gosh darn it, I so wanted him to run. He could have won without the money and I don't fully believe that was the reason he chose not to. I feel like I should make a more substantial comment but I'm just saddened by the news...
Maje (California)
Am actually very glad he won't run. He's a good man yes, but I definitely want Hillary in the White House. Furthermore Biden would have probably been Hillary's "Ralph Nader" in the primary, and might have cost her the nomination as Nader probably cost Gore the presidency.
Mohgan (Brooklyn)
It's just funny that his reason for not running was that it was "too late".... it's like... he waited and waited and waited and waited and waited and waited and waited and waited and waited and then... AH! It's too late!
mona (tx)
Was just thinking the same thing. I guess that's one way to get out of doing something you can't admit to yourself you don't really want to do. Just procrastinate until there's no time left and use THAT as your reason for not doing it.
David Gregory (Deep Red South)
Joe Biden wrote the Crime Bill that helped Incarceration Nation grow to it's current size.
Joe Biden wrote the Bankruptcy Bill that hung college debt around the necks of a generation of kids who will never be out of debt.
Joe thinks the TPP is just grand.

He is corporate "democrat" like Hillary. The closer you look at his record the worse he looks even before the plagiarism.

Enjoy your remaining time as Veep, Mr Biden and go home and enjoy your family. Had you stepped in, you would have been embarrassed.
Gwbear (Florida)
A good and smart man, even a wise one, likely just made one of the smartest decisions he ever made...

Mr. Biden clearly was not burning for a run for the Gold in the ugly horror that is modern Presidential politics. His heart was not there, and people on both sides would have had a field day with his long public foot dragging. This is not a race for the ambivalent.

He takes the job too seriously - as well as the one he already has - to mess with it. Contrast this with Donald Trump, who has made a mockery of the Presidency. One man gets it. The other has turned his quest into a sideshow, with himself as both the main act and the carnival barker.

I wish Joe Biden very well indeed. Well done, sir!
John (Port of Spain)
Thank you, Joe. You have done us all a big favor, including yourself.
Daniel Hudson (Ridgefield, CT)
Always looking for, or should I say manufacturing a clash, the media has made too much of Hillary's inclusion of Republicans in her enemies list. She said it with the broadest of smiles and ,yet, of course, there is a basis for it as we shall see even again today. It is well known by those who were there that Hillary worked extremely well with Republicans in the Senate when she was there to "get things done". They know it; some have acknowledged it. Bide knows it. He really took a kind of cheap shot in his innuendo on that matter.
Ethel Guttenberg (Cincinnait)
Daniel, You are so right. I'm afraid his remark will actually help the Republicans. After all the Republicans did in hampering the President's program, in spite of how "friendly" Joe Biden was with some of them, you would think he would understand what she was really saying. They are "enemies".
treabeton (new hartford, ny)
"Say it ain't so Joe."
BRH (Wisconsin)
Had Biden run, Clinton would have drubbed him. The guy's a fraud.
esp (Illinois)
And Hillary ISN'T a fraud? The "lady" doesn't even know what she believes. She has flip-flopped so much she doesn't know what she believes. As a life long Democrat woman, I guess I will have to vote for the Republican for the first time in my life. Oh, there will be two Republicans running. Hillary and someone else. Hillary was a Republican before what ever she is now. Flip-flopper even in her political party choices
jacrane (Davison, Mi.)
He a fraud and she's a liar. They should run together. Liberals would love them.
CG (Greenfield, MA)
I encourage you to learn more about Biden's long career...
mc (New York, N.Y.)
Val in Brooklyn

OK, NYT, after all the pushing you've done you finally have your answer. Biden's not running. Can you please stick to the subject, which is those people who're actually running?

Submitted 10-21-15@10:08 p.m. EST
drc (<br/>)
"…clears way for Clinton." Getting ahead of yourselves, NYTimes?
David Carris (Burlington, Vermont)
"Easing the path for Clinton," !!!??? Excuse me but there is at least one other very viable Democratic candidate. Does the Times not read its own Ombudsman's criticism of its Bernie reporting? House organ of the Clinton campaign.
EuroAm (Oh)
Yes, easing the path...for now there is only one where there was a possibility of two.
Brendan (New York, NY)
I just hate , hate , hate the coronation frame the New York Times places around its analysis of Clinton and Sanders. It's mendacious. Also, I will send a big box of tissues to all the NYT ers pumping up a Biden run. It was obvious and gross.
r.j. paquin (Norton Shores Michigan)
Good for you, Mr. V.P. Time for you, family. Time for the rest you have earned...
MauiYankee (Maui)
Thank you for Clarence Thomas Joe......
Dectra (Washington, DC)
And I suppose you give all the GOP Senators on that panel a 'pass' for putting Thomas on the Supreme Court? Or is it your contention that Joe Biden, by himself, installed Thomas?
Ben (New Jersey)
With Biden out of the picture, what's a moderate to do? Enough of the crazies on the right, the wackos on the left and the megalomaniac with unidentifiable matter sprouting from his head (and unimaginable garbage sprouting from his mouth).
Mike Bloomberg - we need you.
Fred (NYC)
Good decision Joe! We love you and your service to our country!
morGan (NYC)
A man with genuine dignity
Compare to the scandalous hustlers from ARK who live in Wall Street dens.
This lib/dem voter will vote for Trump if he is the GOP nominee
Rick in Iowa (Cedar Rapids)
Arkansas living on Wall Street. You mean Huckabee?
mick (Los Angeles)
Another closet Republican pretending not to have a choice.
Warren Kaplan (New York)
Biden wasn't the upstanding guy many on these comments seem to think. He was a SERIAL plagiarizer. He lifted speeches from Neil Kinnock ( who unseated Margaret Thatcher). He also lifted, UNATTRIBUTED, many parts of speeches by Robert Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey. Nosiree! These weren't mere oversights.

Teachers and universities, for example consider plagiarism a SERIOUS offense.
Biden thought nothing of doing OFTEN! Until he got called on the carpet for it and it made him DROP OUT of the 1988 presidential race. That's serious.

Sorry. He seems like a nice guy but a leopard doesn't change his spots. Not that much anyway. Let us say that his ethics are in question. Then again, he's a career politician. That explains a lot!
Rick in Iowa (Cedar Rapids)
Plagiarism ? How do you spell that? Rand Paul.
Federalist Papers (Wellesley, MA)
If a Plagiarist falls in the woods - does anyone care?
Dectra (Washington, DC)
Perhaps you should ask Randy Paul....your 'candidate' who has a well known history of Plagiarism, FP
Bill (Charlottesville)
“And for the sake of the country, we have to work together.”
Tell that to Republicans, Joe - not to Hillary.
Waldo (Houston, TX)
he's talking to you too Bill.
warnomore (Punta Gorda, FL)
John Kerry, any one?
With a tougher shell?
Glen (Texas)
I think you would have made a damn good President. And I think, no, I know, you made the right decision.


And best wishes. May your grandkids have the opportunity to live in the world you would have them inhabit.

Glen (USA)
I'll vote for the atheist Jewish idealist with a heart, honesty and experience.
BERNIE 2016.
mick (Los Angeles)
He won't be on the ballot.
Jerf (Brooklyn)
"I've waited long enough that I can now definitely say 'it's too late"'
Leading Edge Boomer (<br/>)
A wise decision by Vice President Biden. A run would inevitably diminish his career at the end.

As Secretary Clinton said, history is not finished with Joe Biden. I can imagine him in all sorts of roles to pursue causes that he finds worthy. He's certainly made mistakes over a long political career, but on the whole he has been an excellent representative of all of us, including those of us who do not live in Delaware.

The Clinton administration could put him on the Supreme Court after the next vacancy and advise/consent by a Democratic Senate, but that may not suit his free-wheeling nature, and a younger sane justice would have a far longer impact.

A cabinet position would be a full-time job, and a downgrade after his top-level partnership with President Obama.

Special envoy in various appropriate situations would seem to suit his nature perfectly. Attack hard problems, and still have time for family and well-deserved leisure.

Thank you Joe for your service.
Sarah (Arlington, VA)
My admiration for the plain spoken and sometimes foot-in-the-mouth Joe Biden has gotten quite a damper during the last few weeks. The extended will he run, when will he announce, time is running out back and forth was quite infantile in my opinion, as well as the open snides at Ms. Clinton.

With yet another Shmenghaaaaazi hearing coming her way, I thought her remark about whom she likes to have as her enemies was quite funny. These very people have - after all - been the most fierce enemies of Biden's boss, Mr. Obama, starting the very day get was sworn in the first time.
anon (NY)
Those mourning the end of Joe Biden's political career might want to Google "Joe Biden and Neil Kinnock." David Greenberg's piece in Slate entitled "The Write Stuff" gives a good summary of his life-long history of plagarisms, big and small. Although Biden lifted not only Kinnock's rhetoric but also, bizarrely, his life story, his father was in fact a car salesman, not a coal miner. I'm guessing the cars were used.
abbybwood8888 (Los Angeles, California)
Somebody should take the transcript of Biden's comments and compare them to the platform of Sanders and ask Biden during his coming months long "staying in the game" if his speech didn't reflect far more of Sanders' platform than Hillary's.
msanonymous222 (Chicago, IL)
It did. And I'm sure that wasn't unintentional.
margaret_h (Albany, NY)
Surprising any sane person would want to be an undersecretary these days let alone president.
Don Wiss (Brooklyn, NY)
"an absolute national commitment to end cancer as we know it today."

I hope he can get the NIH to fund studies on using the ketogenic diet to control cancer. The evidence is out there. But the profit oriented medical community will never fund something that would severely reduce their revenue.
Churyl Minne (Pittsburgh PA)
There are a number of questionable cancer treatments out there... 8th element (basically hyperbaric oxygen therapy) is another one. The one thing in common is the comment that big pharma or the medical industry won't pursue them. It's really the NIH and the NCI (National Cancer Institute's) purview since they are not supposed to be an entity driven by profit. Be careful and skeptical about anything scientific that looks "too good to be true."
Burt (Oregon)
I'm so glad.
Withheld (Lake Elmo, MN)
Paul Ryan said he wouldn't run as Speaker of the House unless all his Republican factions endorsed him. They didn't, but he has apparently agreed to run anyway. Biden knows full well that he cannot shove his way into the Democratic primary race. But like Ryan, who says he wouldn't be receptive to a draft Biden campaign that would not cost him a dime or any time.

If there is no Draft Biden campaign going forward, then Biden clearly is unelectable. If there is such a campaign and it reduces Hillary and Bernie to obvious losers, then Biden should be ready to take a pass and accept his party's endorsement by acclamation. It won't happen and he was right to take his name out of contention.
FXQ (Cincinnati)
I'm relieved that Biden is not running for president. Not because I'm a huge fan of Hillary, but there is something that I find just not right about his character. He's a good man, and wise in many ways, yes, but also immature in some ways. His backing on the highly flawed policy of funneling military grade weapons to the nation's police forces under the guise of community policing is a prime example of his inexplicable lack of insight, and for me is a red flag as to his judgement. His support of Wall Street and the banking industry is another strike against him.
John (Port of Spain)
He also sold out Iraq by denying the opposition party a legitimate victory.
NYHuguenot (Charlotte, NC)
Biden Was a US Senator from Delaware. When I lived in Southern New Jersey we we called Delaware the "Corporation State or The state of Dupont. Nearly every large corporation is incorporated in Delaware because there is very favorable tax treatment for corporations. It was designed bt the Duponts.
Deborah (California)
There is something very wrong with a system where we are over a year away from the election and it is too late to decide to run.
will w (CT)
What point you are missing is that it's not the process that is flawed it's the person running, in this case, Biden.
Tim (Houma, LA)
The National Press will now have one last reason to distract American citizens from Bernie Sanders. Americans already know everything about "Hilary" that they need to know: she has no integrity. What will the National Press now fill the Democratic news stories about to justify NOT reporting on Bernie Sanders? Eventually Americans will see through the plan to keep Bernie Sanders out of the news to limit his message and awareness of him in the consciousness of U.S. Citizens. The Bernie Sanders campaign keeps picking up members! Time to recognize the only current political candidate with integrity. :)
Tim (Houma, LA)
The National Press will now have one last reason to distract American citizens from Bernie Sanders. Americans already know everything about "Hilary" that they need to know: she has no integrity. What will the National Press now fill the Democratic news stories about to justify NOT reporting on Bernie Sanders? Eventually Americans will see through the plan to keep Bernie Sanders out of the news to limit his message and awareness of him in the consciousness of U.S. Citizens. The Bernie Sanders campaign keeps picking up members! Time to recognize the only current political candidate with integrity. :)
It's too bad Hillary lacks the integrity and honesty of Biden. It's also too bad that Sanders, who sees foreign countries as examples to follow, lacks the pride Biden has in the United States. It's too bad all politicians, republican and democratic, don't hold him up as an example what a true American is.
It's too bad Hillary lacks the integrity and honesty of Biden. It's also too bad that Sanders, who sees foreign countries as examples to follow, lacks the pride Biden has in the United States. It's too bad all politicians, republican and democratic, don't hold him up as an example what a true American is.
Lawyer/DJ (Planet Earth)
It's too bad you're a Trump supporter.
WestSider (NYC)
Joe Biden could have won against Hillary, with no money and no organization. He is not an unknown character, and he is liked by the voters of all stripes.

The media keeps trying to convince us money, ads, etc., will determine who will be elected. Not any more. Americans will pick the candidate who genuinely sides with the people against the warmongering neocon oligarchs. We know unnecessary wars means, no social security, no Medicare. We also know how greed on Wall Street has bankrupted so many already, and can do a lot more damage, and therefore we refuse to elect a candidate in their pocket.
Patrick, aka Y.B.Normal (Long Island NY)
I'm sorry to say Clinton is right and real. The Republicans are enemies. They have done a lot to sabotage our government that millions of Americans depend on just to survive.
Simon M (Dallas)
It's the right move for the Dems'. Hillary will easily win the Presidency and also flip the Senate back to the Dems (not to mention the House probably in 2018) thanks to overwhelming support among women and minorities. I think Biden would have had a much tougher road to winning the Presidency. I have a feeling the party elders talked to Biden and have a plum assignment lined up for him when Hillary wins in a landslide!
Jim (NY)
Biden presented himself well today, presenting a optimistic image for the country. Contrast this to hillary's comments during the debate about her enemies- the Iranians, republicans, insurance companies, etc. if elected it will be a difficult 4 years.
JMM (Dallas, TX)
I would have voted for Joe because I trust him and I have the highest esteem for his abilities. His service has been immensely valuable and I am grateful.

I hope that Joe can enjoy many wonderful years with his lovely wife. God knows that Joe has had more than his share of tragedies.
Mick (Florida)
Biden's criticism of Clinton's characterization of Republicans as the enemy makes me happy he chose not to run. Such nonpartisanship warms the cockles of the corporate media's political reporter class but is as feckless as the outcome for America is disastrous.

We've had 7 years of reaching out by Democrats to Republicans whose unabashed goal was to insure that Obama was a one-term president. (That didn’t work out so well for them . . . or the American people.)

Too many people (including reporters) forget the disastrous results when Democrats attempt to compromise and the positive results when they refuse. Remember John Boehner bragging that he got 98% of what he wanted from Obama ... and then the Republicans shut down the government anyway?

Compare that to the ARRA, supported by only two Republicans, and the ACA, supported by none. The former averted a Great Depression 2 and helped create millions of private-sector jobs (even with 4 million lost Jan-Aug ‘09, the net gain under Obama has been over 7 million). And even more jobs would have been created if the bill hadn’t been larded with $300B of tax cuts that the CBO estimated were the least productive job creators in the entire bill.

And extrapolating from Kaiser-Permanente data (lack of health insurance among 45 million resulted in 45,000 premature deaths), the ACA has saved tens of thousands of lives while Republican governors (by refusing to expand Medicaid, at no cost to the state) are killing tens of thousands. (USA)
Well. It is absolutely not possible for me to vote for Clinton. At this point, she's been everywhere, done everything - all badly. And if this avaricious dynasty is not halted now, we are in for the unbearable Chelsea campaign - just because why not. Be it as it may, I cannot vote for this.
Bernie 2016!
Amy (Brooklyn)
It never made sense for Biden to run. I believe ti was all all theater to give the illusion of drama and controversy in the Democratic race. If this theory is correct, it shows is the depth and extent of the control the Clintons have over the Democratic party -- and ultimately how un-democratic the nomination process will be this year.
James L. (NYC)
This was a political announcement. To stage at The White House, with the President, was inappropriate and implies political sentiments that, indirectly, could be perceived as endorsed by President Obama. The vice president should have announced his decision elsewhere without the implied symbolism.
Peter Rant (Bellport)
Excuse me, but he just should have announced he was not running. Why all the drama about his family tragedy? There is just level of false self importance that is prevalent here. Being a Vice President of the United States Of America has only one requirement and that's to be alive and breathing. Any dentist or plumber has a job of far higher significance. If Biden was leading in the polls, and money was pouring in, and Hillary was on the ropes, he would be running like Usain Bolt.
simon (albany)
Bill Bradley would always be my first choice, but Joe Biden seems like a smart and good person. I used to think Mrs Clinton was smart, though basically a mirror image of her husband, but no longer. That kind of leaves no reasonable choice.
Joe (NYC)
Anyone who takes this long to decide is unfit for the office.
Ben Ryan (NYC)
The fact that he lost the "invisible primary" aside, I wouldn't wish the horrors of a presidential campaign on someone grieving over his son. I know a few things about what Shakespeare called "obsequious sorrow" myself, and I can't see how anyone could manage a campaign while enduring such pain.
jwp-nyc (new york)
Joe Biden had not declared. He had been flirting with doing so for months. But, an undeclared candidate and one-step-removed incumbent, enjoys the sentimental support of the populace. With all that good will, Joe Biden, who has been included in the polls all along in the expectation that he might decide to run, has been hovering in the 15% support range. Let's be real, that's the best he's ever done. The last times he ran on his own he was performing at about Jeb Bush's current level to as low as Governor Christie. Joe has been getting a lot of encouragement to run from those supporters who would hope to work on his behalf - but, less encouragement from those who write the checks. Without a doubt Biden has been a loyal and faithful vice president to Barack Obama. But, it is evident that the support that went to Obama is not aligned behind Biden. That is nothing to fault Hillary for. If you don't like the odds prove the bookies wrong. But, it means you have to run the race.
John Van Nuys (Crawfordsville, IN)
As a pastor, it has been my sad duty to minister to grieving parents. One cannot begin to imagine the hell on earth such a loss creates. I cannot imagine anyone entering the political maelstrom of a presidential run with that heartbreak to deal with as well. I think Mr. Biden is a good man and he will remain in my prayers.
Paul (Long island)
VP Biden is, as Barack Obama might observe, a "likeable enough" man who has twice failed in his bid for the Democratic Presidential nomination. At soon to be 73, Mr. Biden wisely chose to step aside and end the speculation and distraction about his candidacy. If anything, and I speak as a 75 year-old life-long progressive Democrat, the party could benefit from younger, more energetic, and vibrant new faces that would bring the "excitement" that Justin Trudeau brought in his stunning victory in Canada the other day. The nation cannot afford a boring election that results in low voter turnout favoring Republicans. Now that the Vice President is not in the running, it's time to focus on the likely running mate with Hillary Clinton who could bring charisma, energy, and vision to the campaign. My choice is Sen. Elizabeth Warren. If women are about the break the "glass ceiling" of the Presidency, why not really smash it with America's most exciting progressive voice.
Jack (Dakota)
VP Biden just might not have the "fire in the belly", very understandable in view of all that he's been through, but it's a poor reflection on the U.S. political system if time has really "run out".

Lyndon Johnson was a political giant after JFK's death and appeared to be unbeatable in '68. But Senator Gene McCarthy had the conviction to run against LBJ, beginning early in 1968 and was successful in causing Johnson to withdraw from the campaign. A constant campaign of 2+ years should not be necessary to run for president, but is billions of dollars beneficial to the political industrial class.
Paul (Long island)
VP Biden is, as Barack Obama might observe, a "likeable enough" man who has twice failed in his bid for the Democratic Presidential nomination. At soon to be 73, Mr. Biden wisely chose to step aside and end the speculation and distraction about his candidacy. If anything, and I speak as a 75 year-old life-long progressive Democrat, the party could benefit from younger, more energetic, and vibrant new faces that would bring the "excitement" that Justin Trudeau brought in his stunning victory in Canada the other day. The nation cannot afford a boring election that results in low voter turnout favoring Republicans. Now that the Vice President is not in the running, it's time to focus on the likely running mate with Hillary Clinton who could bring charisma, energy, and vision to the campaign. My choice is Sen. Elizabeth Warren. If women are about the break the "glass ceiling" of the Presidency, why not really smash it with America's most exciting progressive voice.
Jack (Dakota)
VP Biden just might not have the "fire in the belly", very understandable in view of all that he's been through, but it's a poor reflection on the U.S. political system if time has really "run out".

Lyndon Johnson was a political giant after JFK's death and appeared to be unbeatable in '68. But Senator Gene McCarthy had the conviction to run against LBJ, beginning early in 1968 and was successful in causing Johnson to withdraw from the campaign. A constant campaign of 2+ years should not be necessary to run for president, but is billions of dollars beneficial to the political industrial class.
Simon M (Dallas)
It's the right move for the Dems'. Hillary will easily win the Presidency and also flip the Senate back to the Dems (not to mention the House probably in 2018) thanks to overwhelming support among women and minorities. I think Biden would have had a much tougher road to winning the Presidency. I have a feeling the party elders talked to Biden and have a plum assignment lined up for him when Hillary wins in a landslide!
Peter Rant (Bellport)
Excuse me, but he just should have announced he was not running. Why all the drama about his family tragedy? There is just level of false self importance that is prevalent here. Being a Vice President of the United States Of America has only one requirement and that's to be alive and breathing. Any dentist or plumber has a job of far higher significance. If Biden was leading in the polls, and money was pouring in, and Hillary was on the ropes, he would be running like Usain Bolt.
John Van Nuys (Crawfordsville, IN)
As a pastor, it has been my sad duty to minister to grieving parents. One cannot begin to imagine the hell on earth such a loss creates. I cannot imagine anyone entering the political maelstrom of a presidential run with that heartbreak to deal with as well. I think Mr. Biden is a good man and he will remain in my prayers.
James L. (NYC)
This was a political announcement. To stage at The White House, with the President, was inappropriate and implies political sentiments that, indirectly, could be perceived as endorsed by President Obama. The vice president should have announced his decision elsewhere without the implied symbolism.
Jim (NY)
Biden presented himself well today, presenting a optimistic image for the country. Contrast this to hillary's comments during the debate about her enemies- the Iranians, republicans, insurance companies, etc. if elected it will be a difficult 4 years.
Amy (Brooklyn)
It never made sense for Biden to run. I believe ti was all all theater to give the illusion of drama and controversy in the Democratic race. If this theory is correct, it shows is the depth and extent of the control the Clintons have over the Democratic party -- and ultimately how un-democratic the nomination process will be this year.
Patrick, aka Y.B.Normal (Long Island NY)
I'm sorry to say Clinton is right and real. The Republicans are enemies. They have done a lot to sabotage our government that millions of Americans depend on just to survive.
WestSider (NYC)
Joe Biden could have won against Hillary, with no money and no organization. He is not an unknown character, and he is liked by the voters of all stripes.

The media keeps trying to convince us money, ads, etc., will determine who will be elected. Not any more. Americans will pick the candidate who genuinely sides with the people against the warmongering neocon oligarchs. We know unnecessary wars means, no social security, no Medicare. We also know how greed on Wall Street has bankrupted so many already, and can do a lot more damage, and therefore we refuse to elect a candidate in their pocket.
mc (New York, N.Y.)
Val in Brooklyn, NY to WestSider in NYC

Liked by voters of all stripes? Not so fast. I've read comments reflecting the exact opposite of what you presume. FYI, Biden screwed up badly during the Senate Judiciary hearings, which were key to Clarence Thomas's appointment to SCOTUS. That alone, is reason why this voter--namely me--couldn't conceive of voting for him.

In future, please remember to speak for only for yourself.

Submitted 10-21-15@10:22 p.m. EST
Ben Ryan (NYC)
The fact that he lost the "invisible primary" aside, I wouldn't wish the horrors of a presidential campaign on someone grieving over his son. I know a few things about what Shakespeare called "obsequious sorrow" myself, and I can't see how anyone could manage a campaign while enduring such pain. (USA)
Well. It is absolutely not possible for me to vote for Clinton. At this point, she's been everywhere, done everything - all badly. And if this avaricious dynasty is not halted now, we are in for the unbearable Chelsea campaign - just because why not. Be it as it may, I cannot vote for this.
Bernie 2016!
Gwbear (Florida)
Sadly, you are exactly part of the problem. A vast portion of what is "wrong" with Clinton, is the never ending attacks on her, which people on the Right spun with hateful fervor, and which folks on the Left believe.

Let's be clear: Clinton has been in the national public space for way over twenty years - and has been the target of relentless muckraking attacks by the Right for *every single moment of it!* From Whitewater and "baking cookies" and pantsuits all the way up to email non-issues and Benghazi. You say she is a no vote? How? Why? She has no response, public or private except to retire completely (or die) that will satify her critics. No wonder she looks bad. Consider her attack history. This is their purpose. Don't buy it!

She is not perfect, but after all this, the sheer weight of it all, she is still standing! In this day and age, with American politics on a permanent war footing, look at what this says about her. Frankly, the longer she stands, the more I admire her. What's the alternative? Staying at home on election day is *a damaging act to reason, balance, and the future of this nation!* Be very sure of one thing: there is no candidate on the Right with her skill, balance, sanity, experience, or her fitness for the job. None! They know it, which is why they come at her like hyenas on the hunt.

For God's sake, vote for the sake of reality! We are a nation at political war, and our government - and future prosperity - is in the balance.
Rick in Iowa (Cedar Rapids)
I love Bernie, but the general public will not elect him. Hillary, with all her warts, is the last best choice we have to protect America from incredible right wing extremism. If the GOP wins the executive branch and keeps congress, we will all rue that day.
mick (Los Angeles)
Bernie won't be on the ballot so I guess you're stuck with The trumpet .
Mick (Florida)
Biden's criticism of Clinton's characterization of Republicans as the enemy makes me happy he chose not to run. Such nonpartisanship warms the cockles of the corporate media's political reporter class but is as feckless as the outcome for America is disastrous.

We've had 7 years of reaching out by Democrats to Republicans whose unabashed goal was to insure that Obama was a one-term president. (That didn’t work out so well for them . . . or the American people.)

Too many people (including reporters) forget the disastrous results when Democrats attempt to compromise and the positive results when they refuse. Remember John Boehner bragging that he got 98% of what he wanted from Obama ... and then the Republicans shut down the government anyway?

Compare that to the ARRA, supported by only two Republicans, and the ACA, supported by none. The former averted a Great Depression 2 and helped create millions of private-sector jobs (even with 4 million lost Jan-Aug ‘09, the net gain under Obama has been over 7 million). And even more jobs would have been created if the bill hadn’t been larded with $300B of tax cuts that the CBO estimated were the least productive job creators in the entire bill.

And extrapolating from Kaiser-Permanente data (lack of health insurance among 45 million resulted in 45,000 premature deaths), the ACA has saved tens of thousands of lives while Republican governors (by refusing to expand Medicaid, at no cost to the state) are killing tens of thousands.
jwp-nyc (new york)
Joe Biden had not declared. He had been flirting with doing so for months. But, an undeclared candidate and one-step-removed incumbent, enjoys the sentimental support of the populace. With all that good will, Joe Biden, who has been included in the polls all along in the expectation that he might decide to run, has been hovering in the 15% support range. Let's be real, that's the best he's ever done. The last times he ran on his own he was performing at about Jeb Bush's current level to as low as Governor Christie. Joe has been getting a lot of encouragement to run from those supporters who would hope to work on his behalf - but, less encouragement from those who write the checks. Without a doubt Biden has been a loyal and faithful vice president to Barack Obama. But, it is evident that the support that went to Obama is not aligned behind Biden. That is nothing to fault Hillary for. If you don't like the odds prove the bookies wrong. But, it means you have to run the race.
JMM (Dallas, TX)
I would have voted for Joe because I trust him and I have the highest esteem for his abilities. His service has been immensely valuable and I am grateful.

I hope that Joe can enjoy many wonderful years with his lovely wife. God knows that Joe has had more than his share of tragedies.
simon (albany)
Bill Bradley would always be my first choice, but Joe Biden seems like a smart and good person. I used to think Mrs Clinton was smart, though basically a mirror image of her husband, but no longer. That kind of leaves no reasonable choice.
Joe (NYC)
Anyone who takes this long to decide is unfit for the office.
Jack (Illinois)
Joe is 10 times more fit to serve than any GOPer out there. All of them, even some from the past and certainly all of the current offerings.
PRS (Ohio)
Fortunately, Biden will NOT pull a Ralph Nader, ultimately doing much more harm than good. That he came close, though, says a lot about the power of politicians' egos.
PRS (Ohio)
Fortunately, Biden will NOT pull a Ralph Nader, ultimately doing much more harm than good. That he came close, though, says a lot about the power of politicians' egos.
Jack (Dakota)
Vice President Biden's decision is very understandable, but too bad for our country. The Democratic Party is now left with the spectre of 8 more Clinton years which unfortunately tend to controversy, skating along the edge of indictment. Maybe better than the last 6 years of GWB's tenure, but isn't it a shame that our great country can't find a world-class statesman as leader?

Mario Cuomo would likely have carried that level of inspiration but he demurred; now we lose the opportunity of VP Biden's leadership--and no great hope from the other Party. Eight more years of the Clintons is not inspiring.
Jack (Dakota)
Vice President Biden's decision is very understandable, but too bad for our country. The Democratic Party is now left with the spectre of 8 more Clinton years which unfortunately tend to controversy, skating along the edge of indictment. Maybe better than the last 6 years of GWB's tenure, but isn't it a shame that our great country can't find a world-class statesman as leader?

Mario Cuomo would likely have carried that level of inspiration but he demurred; now we lose the opportunity of VP Biden's leadership--and no great hope from the other Party. Eight more years of the Clintons is not inspiring.
Betsy (Providence, RI)
Don't fret -- Democrats will not win the White House.
ecco (conncecticut)
just weird, the whole thing...whatever the backstage and the personal (to which he vp biden is entitled) lead with "we're out of time," the one variable that was dependant is passing strange.
ecco (conncecticut)
just weird, the whole thing...whatever the backstage and the personal (to which he vp biden is entitled) lead with "we're out of time," the one variable that was dependant is passing strange.
Ted Manning (Peoria, Indiana)
"Say it ain't so, Joe."
Ted Manning (Peoria, Indiana)
"Say it ain't so, Joe."
warnomore (Punta Gorda, FL)
He's still next in line. Does that mean he's resigned from VP too?
Chris (Brooklyn)
Joe loves the spotlight, but he's a smart guy, too. Good decision, Joe.
Chris (Brooklyn)
Joe loves the spotlight, but he's a smart guy, too. Good decision, Joe.
Alain Paul Martin (Cambridge, MA)
Joe Biden will always serve the country and, as he has single-handedly achieved as a young US senator, during the GOP opposition to SALTII treaty, he will spare no efforts to contribute to make the world safer for all. As I observed in the New York Times on August 1st, Joe Biden has “an impeccable character and an unwavering commitment to the country, its people and a better world... [He] instills pride, confidence and accountability and inspires trust and greatness as did Lincoln.” I am confident he will now act as a great statesman above the dysfunctional political fray and build allies across the political spectrum to bring a measure of decency to Washington.

I wish Vice-President Biden the best in whatever he choses to pursue.
Alain Paul Martin (Cambridge, MA)
Joe Biden will always serve the country and, as he has single-handedly achieved as a young US senator, during the GOP opposition to SALTII treaty, he will spare no efforts to contribute to make the world safer for all. As I observed in the New York Times on August 1st, Joe Biden has “an impeccable character and an unwavering commitment to the country, its people and a better world... [He] instills pride, confidence and accountability and inspires trust and greatness as did Lincoln.” I am confident he will now act as a great statesman above the dysfunctional political fray and build allies across the political spectrum to bring a measure of decency to Washington.

I wish Vice-President Biden the best in whatever he choses to pursue.
Amy Farrey (WI)
I figured he would not run. The media really really wanted him to run though! Heck, some online media source yesterday had already written up an article and posted it, (that he was running). Anyways...I'll be supporting #Bernie2016!
Amy Farrey (WI)
I figured he would not run. The media really really wanted him to run though! Heck, some online media source yesterday had already written up an article and posted it, (that he was running). Anyways...I'll be supporting #Bernie2016!
woktoss (China)
Looks like Clinton is the woman for the job
woktoss (China)
Looks like Clinton is the woman for the job
doug mclaren (seattle)
Joe not running may turn into a nightmare for the GOP. The happy warrior campaigning on behalf of the democratic candidate could make the difference in 2016, adding another accomplishment to his long and honorable career.
doug mclaren (seattle)
Joe not running may turn into a nightmare for the GOP. The happy warrior campaigning on behalf of the democratic candidate could make the difference in 2016, adding another accomplishment to his long and honorable career.
Molly Cook (Seattle)
Joe Biden's decision is not what many of us wanted, but that's simply because we recognize the goodness and intelligence of this man. A grieving father has a lot on his mind and Joe's honesty about that brings a much-needed measure of honesty and dignity back to this mud-splattered campaign. He's reminded us that bullying, bluster and nasty behavior are not leadership. Viva, Joe!
silivallyjoe (san jose, ca)
Can we please avoid the impending inevitability of another US President with a surname of "Bush" or "Clinton", just for the sake of appearances? So the rest of the world won't laugh at us?
Jake (Wisconsin)
Sorry, Biden's wrong: The Republicans ARE our enemies, and by "our" I don't mean Democrats. The Republicans, as they are currently constituted, are the enemies of democracy in general, of our country and everything good it stands for. The current Republicans, in fact, are the enemies of humanity. As "the opposition", they don't merely oppose Democrats; they oppose everything good, everything worthwhile.
kilika (chicago)
I'm glad he didn't split the party.
Simon Sez (Maryland)
Thank God.

It would have been a wretched mess if he had run. The man was sending so many unmixed messages: I don't want to do this but it's really tempting.

Unless reality intervenes ( you know, it does that kind of thing) Hillary will be the next president.

And that is really unfortunate.
stakan (Manhattan)
Well, he definitely took his sweet time to keep everyone guessing. A career politician is a career politician is a career politician. But by the end of the day, why would he want to be the fodder for the Clinton millstone apparatus?
WestSider (NYC)
This is very upsetting. I will vote for Bernie, and we may end up with Trump at the end.

I cannot cast a vote for a representative of Wall Street and neocon war hawk.
MSW (Naples, Maine)
All the very best to him and his lovely family. I applaud his commitment to wade into the upcoming campaign when he feels appropriate - he'll be a good ally of Hillary Clinton -- and a strong critic of a lot of the nonsense espoused by the republicans.
Patrick, aka Y.B.Normal (Long Island NY)
The self predominates and must be preserved so you can support the next important; the family. He made the right decision. I can only hope that the outpouring of admiration helped sustain him in a difficult time.
MauiYankee (Maui)
Thanks for Clarence Thomas
Thanks for enhanced and mandatory sentencing.
for Iraq.
Thanks for executive drone trials and executions of Americans
Thanks for disappearing Glass Steagle
Don't blow your opportunity to be Hillary's VEEP.
Simon Sez (Maryland)
Thank God.

It would have been a wretched mess if he had run. The man was sending so many unmixed messages: I don't want to do this but it's really tempting.

Unless reality intervenes ( you know, it does that kind of thing) Hillary will be the next president.

And that is really unfortunate. (USA)
Dear reality, please please...
Bernie 2016.
WestSider (NYC)
This is very upsetting. I will vote for Bernie, and we may end up with Trump at the end.

I cannot cast a vote for a representative of Wall Street and neocon war hawk.
Patrick, aka Y.B.Normal (Long Island NY)
The self predominates and must be preserved so you can support the next important; the family. He made the right decision. I can only hope that the outpouring of admiration helped sustain him in a difficult time.
stakan (Manhattan)
Well, he definitely took his sweet time to keep everyone guessing. A career politician is a career politician is a career politician. But by the end of the day, why would he want to be the fodder for the Clinton millstone apparatus?
MauiYankee (Maui)
Thanks for Clarence Thomas
Thanks for enhanced and mandatory sentencing.
for Iraq.
Thanks for executive drone trials and executions of Americans
Thanks for disappearing Glass Steagle
Don't blow your opportunity to be Hillary's VEEP.
mc (New York, N.Y.)
Val in Brooklyn, NY to MauiYankee in Maui

Assuming your last line is sarcastic (what else could it be?), thank you for your excellent memory, clear head and one great comment.

Submitted 10-21-15 10:56 p.m. EST

P.S. For the love of the Goddess, please tell me you don't think that's what he's after! No! No! No!
MSW (Naples, Maine)
All the very best to him and his lovely family. I applaud his commitment to wade into the upcoming campaign when he feels appropriate - he'll be a good ally of Hillary Clinton -- and a strong critic of a lot of the nonsense espoused by the republicans.
Molly Cook (Seattle)
Joe Biden's decision is not what many of us wanted, but that's simply because we recognize the goodness and intelligence of this man. A grieving father has a lot on his mind and Joe's honesty about that brings a much-needed measure of honesty and dignity back to this mud-splattered campaign. He's reminded us that bullying, bluster and nasty behavior are not leadership. Viva, Joe!
Jake (Wisconsin)
Sorry, Biden's wrong: The Republicans ARE our enemies, and by "our" I don't mean Democrats. The Republicans, as they are currently constituted, are the enemies of democracy in general, of our country and everything good it stands for. The current Republicans, in fact, are the enemies of humanity. As "the opposition", they don't merely oppose Democrats; they oppose everything good, everything worthwhile.
silivallyjoe (san jose, ca)
Can we please avoid the impending inevitability of another US President with a surname of "Bush" or "Clinton", just for the sake of appearances? So the rest of the world won't laugh at us?
kilika (chicago)
I'm glad he didn't split the party.
Mary Ann (Western Washington)
Age is certainly a consideration in the Democratic field. Biden has the experience and the gravitas for the office, but, like the other Democratic candidates, would he have been able to take the pressures and travel schedule of the presidency.

I am looking seriously at Martin O'Malley as a candidate. He has a good record as governor, but not the foreign policy experience. With Clinton as his VP, I think they'd be a good team.
cjpgh25 (S.t Louis, MO)
As much as I appreciate Joe Biden, and respect him and believe that his VP experience is a dominating factor for a presidential candidate, I have a sense of huge relief because of his decision. Quite frankly, I feared the worse outcome...that somehow we would not win the most important election of our lives, and that the "Billionaires Capitalistic Dictatorship" of our country would continue without without even the start of democratic controls to revive the Constitution and its design to work "for the common good".
Steve Fankuchen (Oakland, CA)
As I go through West Wing for the third time, the Vice President's genuine tribulations and angst again point out the brilliance of the TV show, not only in its portrayal of political complexity but in reminding us that, perceived gods and devils alike, politicians are people.

May the memory of all Vice President Biden's personal losses live for a blessing.
PS (Massachusetts)
For a moment, when reading this (in my tired state), I thought I was reading about a final contestant on The Voice. Should he stay or should he go now? Who will win? Holy cow, what drama. (Not.) I'd be all set with the 78 days the Canadians take to elect their PM. Feeling the election fatigue already.
Michael B. (Washington, DC)
I challenge the opening statement of this "news story", that Mr. Biden's participation threatened to "fracture the Democratic Party". Now Secretary Clinton faces no serious opposition to her nomination, no matter what the junior senator from Vermont says. Obama v. Clinton strengthened the Democratic Party.

I believe this is good news for Republicans. I think this will make Secretary Clinton a weaker candidate. Not that I thought VP Biden was a great candidate, he proved twice that he wasn't. Undoubtedly he is a good man.

Ultimately, I hope this country can move beyond the two party system, it isn't doing us a lot of good. I'm not satisfied with these choices, with these ideas. To get nominated, the Democrats move to the left, only later to try for the center to actually get elected. The Republicans do the opposite, moving to the right, then back to the center. The process of doing so makes them all look ridiculous. At the end of it all, we have two very small states with an outsized influence in picking the eventual contestants. The media distracts us from the real issues when they inflame Planned Parenthood, like that is really affecting the day-to-day operation of the United States.

The process takes too long, overall. Most countries have a much shorter cycle. I suppose it doesn't yield any better efforts. But I have hope.
Michael B. (Washington, DC)
I challenge the opening statement of this "news story", that Mr. Biden's participation threatened to "fracture the Democratic Party". Now Secretary Clinton faces no serious opposition to her nomination, no matter what the junior senator from Vermont says. Obama v. Clinton strengthened the Democratic Party.

I believe this is good news for Republicans. I think this will make Secretary Clinton a weaker candidate. Not that I thought VP Biden was a great candidate, he proved twice that he wasn't. Undoubtedly he is a good man.

Ultimately, I hope this country can move beyond the two party system, it isn't doing us a lot of good. I'm not satisfied with these choices, with these ideas. To get nominated, the Democrats move to the left, only later to try for the center to actually get elected. The Republicans do the opposite, moving to the right, then back to the center. The process of doing so makes them all look ridiculous. At the end of it all, we have two very small states with an outsized influence in picking the eventual contestants. The media distracts us from the real issues when they inflame Planned Parenthood, like that is really affecting the day-to-day operation of the United States.

The process takes too long, overall. Most countries have a much shorter cycle. I suppose it doesn't yield any better efforts. But I have hope.
Steve Fankuchen (Oakland, CA)
As I go through West Wing for the third time, the Vice President's genuine tribulations and angst again point out the brilliance of the TV show, not only in its portrayal of political complexity but in reminding us that, perceived gods and devils alike, politicians are people.

May the memory of all Vice President Biden's personal losses live for a blessing.
PS (Massachusetts)
For a moment, when reading this (in my tired state), I thought I was reading about a final contestant on The Voice. Should he stay or should he go now? Who will win? Holy cow, what drama. (Not.) I'd be all set with the 78 days the Canadians take to elect their PM. Feeling the election fatigue already.
cjpgh25 (S.t Louis, MO)
As much as I appreciate Joe Biden, and respect him and believe that his VP experience is a dominating factor for a presidential candidate, I have a sense of huge relief because of his decision. Quite frankly, I feared the worse outcome...that somehow we would not win the most important election of our lives, and that the "Billionaires Capitalistic Dictatorship" of our country would continue without without even the start of democratic controls to revive the Constitution and its design to work "for the common good".
Mary Ann (Western Washington)
Age is certainly a consideration in the Democratic field. Biden has the experience and the gravitas for the office, but, like the other Democratic candidates, would he have been able to take the pressures and travel schedule of the presidency.

I am looking seriously at Martin O'Malley as a candidate. He has a good record as governor, but not the foreign policy experience. With Clinton as his VP, I think they'd be a good team.
Mista Dobalina (Minneapolis)
Thank goodness! I'm glad that this media charade will finally be over. He probably never intended to run in the first place, but every news outlet just couldn't help to fan the flames and speculate day in, day out. This is a non-story and should not even be a headline. The fact that he needed to make an official statement about this just shows how terrible our corporate media outlets have become.
Mista Dobalina (Minneapolis)
Thank goodness! I'm glad that this media charade will finally be over. He probably never intended to run in the first place, but every news outlet just couldn't help to fan the flames and speculate day in, day out. This is a non-story and should not even be a headline. The fact that he needed to make an official statement about this just shows how terrible our corporate media outlets have become.
Betsy (Providence, RI)
So true. His "sort of" entry into the fray also served to undercut Hillary Clinton, not a terribly friendly act on behalf of his party. Glad this drama is over with.
John (CA)
Kind of sad when the great hope of the Democratic party is Joe Biden. Maybe they will field the A team in 2020.
John (CA)
Kind of sad when the great hope of the Democratic party is Joe Biden. Maybe they will field the A team in 2020.
JoeB (Sacramento, Calif.)
I like Joe Biden and am glad he made this decision. I did not want Republicans covering him in mud like they have Hillary Clinton. Joe has great leadership qualities and his service to this country is not over.
JoeB (Sacramento, Calif.)
I like Joe Biden and am glad he made this decision. I did not want Republicans covering him in mud like they have Hillary Clinton. Joe has great leadership qualities and his service to this country is not over.
Aaron (Ladera Ranch, CA)
My goodness! This was like waiting in a dark room, ready to yell surprise except it took 6 months for the guest to arrive and then it was too late because it wasn't his birthday anymore! Now what do we do? The chips are stale, the ice has melted and Dan in accounting may be dead. Seriously, this was an orchestrated PR disaster, everyone was in a big hurry to do nothing! Shame on you uncle Joe for letting this drag on so long.
Aaron (Ladera Ranch, CA)
My goodness! This was like waiting in a dark room, ready to yell surprise except it took 6 months for the guest to arrive and then it was too late because it wasn't his birthday anymore! Now what do we do? The chips are stale, the ice has melted and Dan in accounting may be dead. Seriously, this was an orchestrated PR disaster, everyone was in a big hurry to do nothing! Shame on you uncle Joe for letting this drag on so long.
Elijah Mvundura (Calgary, Canada)
I am not an American, but I have always admired Biden, and with this decision I respect and admire him more.
Elijah Mvundura (Calgary, Canada)
I am not an American, but I have always admired Biden, and with this decision I respect and admire him more.
Brian Sussman (New Rochelle NY)
I was hoping to see Joe Biden nominated in 2008, but Barack Obama was my next alternative; yet I would have voted for Hillary Clinton if she had been nominated.

I'm hoping to see Bernie Sanders nominated in 2016, but Joe Biden was my next alternative; yet I will vote for Hillary Clinton if she is nominated.

Hillary's a bit too conservative and too much of a hawk for my tastes, but none of the Republican candidates are intellectually or emotionally qualified to be President.

Joe Biden is intellectually and emotionally qualified, and well-experienced to be an excellent President.

But Joe has done the the USA and Democratic Party a valuable service, announcing his decision to not run, at this early date, because the Democratic Voters are left with only two excellent and electable choices: the Progressive Bernie Sanders, or 'Rockefeller Republican' Hillary Clinton.

Either Sanders or Clinton will beat any of the current Republican candidates, as the Republicans running, with the exception of John Kasich, are intellectually and/or emotionally deficient, and are political Reactionaries and/or Joe McCarthyites.
Brian Sussman (New Rochelle NY)
I was hoping to see Joe Biden nominated in 2008, but Barack Obama was my next alternative; yet I would have voted for Hillary Clinton if she had been nominated.

I'm hoping to see Bernie Sanders nominated in 2016, but Joe Biden was my next alternative; yet I will vote for Hillary Clinton if she is nominated.

Hillary's a bit too conservative and too much of a hawk for my tastes, but none of the Republican candidates are intellectually or emotionally qualified to be President.

Joe Biden is intellectually and emotionally qualified, and well-experienced to be an excellent President.

But Joe has done the the USA and Democratic Party a valuable service, announcing his decision to not run, at this early date, because the Democratic Voters are left with only two excellent and electable choices: the Progressive Bernie Sanders, or 'Rockefeller Republican' Hillary Clinton.

Either Sanders or Clinton will beat any of the current Republican candidates, as the Republicans running, with the exception of John Kasich, are intellectually and/or emotionally deficient, and are political Reactionaries and/or Joe McCarthyites.
Jordan (Baltimore)
What a good and decent human being. Just his decency and genuineness has added to ours.
Jordan (Baltimore)
What a good and decent human being. Just his decency and genuineness has added to ours.
Wechsler (New York City)
Joe Biden has always been a class act who cares so deeply about the future of this country. We can only hope he stays active in public service after his term as Vice President. Here's hoping Hillary brings him into her cabinet.
Wechsler (New York City)
Joe Biden has always been a class act who cares so deeply about the future of this country. We can only hope he stays active in public service after his term as Vice President. Here's hoping Hillary brings him into her cabinet.
Independent (Maine)
Good decision by Joe. I would prefer him to HRC, by far, but I'd prefer Dr. Jill Stein, Green Party, to both of them. Yes, it's time for a woman POTUS; just not the dishonest, corrupt, scheming, fail upwards Hillary Clinton.

I would prefer that Sanders had run as an Independent, as I think the Dems would deny him the candidacy, even if he were the one with the primary votes. They're like that; witness the limiting of debates by DNC to favor HRC.

We need to break the stranglehold of the two major corporate parties on our already feeble democracy, or we will lose our democracy.
Brian Sussman (New Rochelle NY)
'Independent', your wasted 'Green' vote only benefits the reactionary, racist, anti-environmental Republican candidate who if elected will stock the Supreme Court with appointees you will detest.

Voters with your attitude voted for Nader in 2000, resulting in a fool, GW Bush, being elected and destroying the relative stability of the Mideast, cheerleading greater paranoia in the USA, damaging our environment and economy, appointing reactionaries to the Supreme Court, and damaging the USA and World for decades to come and in so many ways.

It's amazingly bizarre for a Progressive voter, to vote for an unelectable Third Party candidate for President in 2016, considering the resulting destructive consequences of the USA electing a Republican reactionary bigot and anti-environmentalist as a result of Third Party candidates sapping the electability of the Democratic candidate.
WestSider (NYC)
I agree. Dr. Stein is brilliant, and totally ignored by the media.
Independent (Maine)
Good decision by Joe. I would prefer him to HRC, by far, but I'd prefer Dr. Jill Stein, Green Party, to both of them. Yes, it's time for a woman POTUS; just not the dishonest, corrupt, scheming, fail upwards Hillary Clinton.

I would prefer that Sanders had run as an Independent, as I think the Dems would deny him the candidacy, even if he were the one with the primary votes. They're like that; witness the limiting of debates by DNC to favor HRC.

We need to break the stranglehold of the two major corporate parties on our already feeble democracy, or we will lose our democracy.
Brian Sussman (New Rochelle NY)
'Independent', your wasted 'Green' vote only benefits the reactionary, racist, anti-environmental Republican candidate who if elected will stock the Supreme Court with appointees you will detest.

Voters with your attitude voted for Nader in 2000, resulting in a fool, GW Bush, being elected and destroying the relative stability of the Mideast, cheerleading greater paranoia in the USA, damaging our environment and economy, appointing reactionaries to the Supreme Court, and damaging the USA and World for decades to come and in so many ways.

It's amazingly bizarre for a Progressive voter, to vote for an unelectable Third Party candidate for President in 2016, considering the resulting destructive consequences of the USA electing a Republican reactionary bigot and anti-environmentalist as a result of Third Party candidates sapping the electability of the Democratic candidate.
WestSider (NYC)
I agree. Dr. Stein is brilliant, and totally ignored by the media.
a retired architect (Mifflintown, Pennsylvania)
Joe Biden is a decent man who can still serve this country. One way would be as a Senator from the State of Delaware and in my opinion he should consider running for that office.

He can do more as a Senator than as a President. The Congress is an absurd theater playing to an audience that sits in disbelief at how low this country has fallen: the inmates have taken charge. Congress needs more people like Biden, Sanders, and Warren to offset the crazy right wing that is dismantling our physical infrastructure, our high academic standards of public education, our social support network, and is turning this country into a pay for service economic system that will benefit those in control of the market accessibility while taking public monies for doing so.
a retired architect (Mifflintown, Pennsylvania)
Joe Biden is a decent man who can still serve this country. One way would be as a Senator from the State of Delaware and in my opinion he should consider running for that office.

He can do more as a Senator than as a President. The Congress is an absurd theater playing to an audience that sits in disbelief at how low this country has fallen: the inmates have taken charge. Congress needs more people like Biden, Sanders, and Warren to offset the crazy right wing that is dismantling our physical infrastructure, our high academic standards of public education, our social support network, and is turning this country into a pay for service economic system that will benefit those in control of the market accessibility while taking public monies for doing so.
E.Kingsley (Fl.)
The NYT's continues to pretend that Clinton is the front runner as if
we the voters could be persuaded by the Time's refusal to recognize that Sanders is going to be the people's candidate just as Obama was.
E.Kingsley (Fl.)
The NYT's continues to pretend that Clinton is the front runner as if
we the voters could be persuaded by the Time's refusal to recognize that Sanders is going to be the people's candidate just as Obama was.
SomeDude (Calfornia)
Biden had this one, now we have to decide between a pathological liar and a socialist, yikes. I'd rather have the Donald!
SomeDude (Calfornia)
Biden had this one, now we have to decide between a pathological liar and a socialist, yikes. I'd rather have the Donald!
vacciniumovatum (Seattle)
Democratic Socialist...not the same as a socialist.
Carolyn (Ohio)
I am a Joe Biden fan and IMO he has made the right decision. I would love to see Joe do great things after his term as VP is over. He will now be free to accomplish much more as a "free agent". I am sure he will. His family can take a deep breath and look forward to a more relaxed future. They deserve it.
Carolyn (Ohio)
I am a Joe Biden fan and IMO he has made the right decision. I would love to see Joe do great things after his term as VP is over. He will now be free to accomplish much more as a "free agent". I am sure he will. His family can take a deep breath and look forward to a more relaxed future. They deserve it.
Nora (Minneapolis)
I would have been very happy to support Jo Biden for President, and I was hoping he would run. He is probably closer in temperament and philosophy to Barack Obama than any of the other candidates, and I think we have prospered emotionally and economically from Obama's presidency. So, I am disappointed in Biden's decision, but I completely understand it.
Nora (Minneapolis)
I would have been very happy to support Jo Biden for President, and I was hoping he would run. He is probably closer in temperament and philosophy to Barack Obama than any of the other candidates, and I think we have prospered emotionally and economically from Obama's presidency. So, I am disappointed in Biden's decision, but I completely understand it.
Kathy B (Seattle, WA)
Thanks, Vice President Biden.

You have done so much for us over the years. That will continue.

I am sorry for the loss of Beau. Thank goodness you are taking care of yourself and your family.

As I looked at the photo of Joe and Jill and Barack Obama and I thought about his family, I was struck by the years our nation has had with no scandals in the White House. Indeed, I believe the President, Vice President, and both of their families are powerful role models.
Kathy B (Seattle, WA)
Thanks, Vice President Biden.

You have done so much for us over the years. That will continue.

I am sorry for the loss of Beau. Thank goodness you are taking care of yourself and your family.

As I looked at the photo of Joe and Jill and Barack Obama and I thought about his family, I was struck by the years our nation has had with no scandals in the White House. Indeed, I believe the President, Vice President, and both of their families are powerful role models.
Gail (<br/>)
I wrote to Biden on and urged him not to run. The reasons I gave were the disgraceful Clarence Thomas hearings that led to the appointment of one of the least qualified and least competent judges on the SC, the history of plagiarism even after being caught and reprimanded by the public, his caving in to the credit card lobby in his state, and his repeated use of the sympathy card for personal gain. I do not wish him ill. He is an old style pol whose smarmy kissing and hugging do not appeal to me. I think he did a very good job as VP and clearly led the way for LGBT rights and for that he should be applauded. I urged him to go out on a high note and I am so glad he took my advice. I suspect millions of other voters offered similar opinions. As a result, I think history will remember his strong points and give him a pass on his failings.
shack (Upstate NY)
Gail: I think Joe Biden is one of the classiest guys in Washington. There are several reasons, I'm sure, that he chose not to run. Your comment that he took your advice is quite remarkable. Please pass along my wish to Jim Webb that he not run as an independent. I ask you because of your obvious amount of influence and power among the political elite.
Gail (<br/>)
I wrote to Biden on and urged him not to run. The reasons I gave were the disgraceful Clarence Thomas hearings that led to the appointment of one of the least qualified and least competent judges on the SC, the history of plagiarism even after being caught and reprimanded by the public, his caving in to the credit card lobby in his state, and his repeated use of the sympathy card for personal gain. I do not wish him ill. He is an old style pol whose smarmy kissing and hugging do not appeal to me. I think he did a very good job as VP and clearly led the way for LGBT rights and for that he should be applauded. I urged him to go out on a high note and I am so glad he took my advice. I suspect millions of other voters offered similar opinions. As a result, I think history will remember his strong points and give him a pass on his failings.
shack (Upstate NY)
Gail: I think Joe Biden is one of the classiest guys in Washington. There are several reasons, I'm sure, that he chose not to run. Your comment that he took your advice is quite remarkable. Please pass along my wish to Jim Webb that he not run as an independent. I ask you because of your obvious amount of influence and power among the political elite.
TANG (New York)
Sorry for his loss.

We've discussed him in our class and we were wondering whether he would run for the president. He surely arouses compassion and sympathy around the whole country including me, and his public image has now been perceived as a kind, genuine and responsible man. We thought he might have much bigger chance to win.

After all, politicians are human. I respect his choice.
TANG (New York)
Sorry for his loss.

We've discussed him in our class and we were wondering whether he would run for the president. He surely arouses compassion and sympathy around the whole country including me, and his public image has now been perceived as a kind, genuine and responsible man. We thought he might have much bigger chance to win.

After all, politicians are human. I respect his choice.
CL (Paris)
Happy not to be able to discharge credit card debt or student loans in bankruptcy? Glad the not so brilliant jurist Clarence Thomas is on the Supreme Court? You should give thanks to the former almost candidate again Joseph Biden. Good riddens.
CL (Paris)
Happy not to be able to discharge credit card debt or student loans in bankruptcy? Glad the not so brilliant jurist Clarence Thomas is on the Supreme Court? You should give thanks to the former almost candidate again Joseph Biden. Good riddens.
whatever (nh)
Truly sorry, but I am glad he didn't.

His Hamlet-ing was making the Democratic party look ridiculous and pathetic. The very fact that he was even commiserating over this, in the face of a family tragedy, was distasteful to me.
whatever (nh)
Truly sorry, but I am glad he didn't.

His Hamlet-ing was making the Democratic party look ridiculous and pathetic. The very fact that he was even commiserating over this, in the face of a family tragedy, was distasteful to me.
macman007 (AL)
I believe this is all a setup. I think Hillary will be indicted for her email server, and when that happens her numbers will quickly plummet, and then Obama will ask Joe to take her place and then he will step in and run. He will then choose Warren as his VP. This scenario would insure Obama's socialist agenda would continue on should the democrats win the election in 2016.
Patrick (NYC)
Who is going to indict her, Eric Holder?
Kevin (Northport NY)
Yes, let us eliminate medicare, social security, drop the income tax altogether, and let the wealthy destroy the rest of America. Too bad for 99% of America
Ron Goodman (Menands, NY)
Obama's socialist agenda? Would that be not prosecuting bankers, RomneyCare for all of us, or the endless war in Afghanistan? Curious minds would like to know.
macman007 (AL)
I believe this is all a setup. I think Hillary will be indicted for her email server, and when that happens her numbers will quickly plummet, and then Obama will ask Joe to take her place and then he will step in and run. He will then choose Warren as his VP. This scenario would insure Obama's socialist agenda would continue on should the democrats win the election in 2016.
Patrick (NYC)
Who is going to indict her, Eric Holder?
Kevin (Northport NY)
Yes, let us eliminate medicare, social security, drop the income tax altogether, and let the wealthy destroy the rest of America. Too bad for 99% of America
Ron Goodman (Menands, NY)
Obama's socialist agenda? Would that be not prosecuting bankers, RomneyCare for all of us, or the endless war in Afghanistan? Curious minds would like to know.
babel (new jersey)
Biden has been a great Vice President, both for the country and for Barack Obama. He is beloved in his state of Delaware. He is a true blue collar lunch bucket Democrat. Colleagues on both side of the aisle seem to genuinely like the man. His word was his bond and he knew how to cut a deal. Joe served with distinction as the Head of the Foreign Relations Committee in the Senate. He raised a wonderful family. There were few public funeral services that were as moving as the one for his son Beau, The love and loyalty and high sense of public service that permiated that family were inspirational and because of Beau's death heart-wrenching at the same time. Although it was obvious, throughout his career that he wanted to be President; an almost life long dream, he should know that wherever his grandchildren go his name will be spoken with reverence and a smile. That is an extraordinary legacy to leave them.
babel (new jersey)
Biden has been a great Vice President, both for the country and for Barack Obama. He is beloved in his state of Delaware. He is a true blue collar lunch bucket Democrat. Colleagues on both side of the aisle seem to genuinely like the man. His word was his bond and he knew how to cut a deal. Joe served with distinction as the Head of the Foreign Relations Committee in the Senate. He raised a wonderful family. There were few public funeral services that were as moving as the one for his son Beau, The love and loyalty and high sense of public service that permiated that family were inspirational and because of Beau's death heart-wrenching at the same time. Although it was obvious, throughout his career that he wanted to be President; an almost life long dream, he should know that wherever his grandchildren go his name will be spoken with reverence and a smile. That is an extraordinary legacy to leave them.
Stephanie (<br/>)
Biden is a good, valiant man - I would say perhaps a great man. He has been an outstanding vice president. And I think he would have been a great candidate and president. I hope we have not seen the last of him.
Stephanie (<br/>)
Biden is a good, valiant man - I would say perhaps a great man. He has been an outstanding vice president. And I think he would have been a great candidate and president. I hope we have not seen the last of him.
CWerner (Sarasota, FL)
I just wish he had said something complimentary about Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, as in we already have two excellent candidates for president without me.
SomeDude (Calfornia)
He could, but then that would make him a liar, we already have one of those running.
Tammy Sue (New England)
He must hate the Clintons for sliming him, most recently in relation to allegations about OBL. He definitely took a swipe at her with that remark about the GOP as enemies. He's probably entertaining offers from the Machine even as we speak.

He can't endorse Sanders without incurring the wrath of the credit card interests that have been buttering his bread for 30 years. How can he support his family (and sadly, perhaps, Beau's) if he's blackballed form the book deals and speaking tours?
CWerner (Sarasota, FL)
I just wish he had said something complimentary about Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, as in we already have two excellent candidates for president without me.
SomeDude (Calfornia)
He could, but then that would make him a liar, we already have one of those running.
Tammy Sue (New England)
He must hate the Clintons for sliming him, most recently in relation to allegations about OBL. He definitely took a swipe at her with that remark about the GOP as enemies. He's probably entertaining offers from the Machine even as we speak.

He can't endorse Sanders without incurring the wrath of the credit card interests that have been buttering his bread for 30 years. How can he support his family (and sadly, perhaps, Beau's) if he's blackballed form the book deals and speaking tours?
MSL, NY (New York)
I have always liked Joe Biden, but, like Al Gore and John Kerry, he is not a good campaigner. I want the Democratic candidate to be someone who will win. If he were the nominee, the Republicans would dredge up every gaffe he ever made. He might have been a good president, but not a good nominee. I am happy he made the decision he did.
MSL, NY (New York)
I have always liked Joe Biden, but, like Al Gore and John Kerry, he is not a good campaigner. I want the Democratic candidate to be someone who will win. If he were the nominee, the Republicans would dredge up every gaffe he ever made. He might have been a good president, but not a good nominee. I am happy he made the decision he did.
Maureen (boston, MA)
Vice President and future private citizen Biden can now enjoy his grandchildren as a family man, just as he has always been, but this time without the added pressure of public service.
Maureen (boston, MA)
Vice President and future private citizen Biden can now enjoy his grandchildren as a family man, just as he has always been, but this time without the added pressure of public service.
Betty Greenwald (New York, NY)
I voted twice for Obama. I will be voting for Trump next. Trump is the best democrat now. He is more democratic than you think and I do not trust Hillary at all. I would have voted for Biden/Elizabeth Warren had they run.
petey tonei (Massachusetts)
You haven't tasted Bernie yet?
Kevin R (Brooklyn)
A "democrat" would not sue the Scottish government and attempt to derail a massive offshore windfarm simply because the wind turbines will be an "eyesore" a few miles off the coast where his future golf course is being built. That's just one undemocratic foible that mr trump is currently involved in (which does not get any press in the US)

This man is willing to stop climate change mitigation on the off chance that renewable energy "may" create a "blight" in the eyes of his well-to-do customer base. A democrat cares about the future of our children and grandchildren on this planet. Donald Trump cares about his bottom line, and this presidential race is only going to create a massive windfall of profit for his brand, with all the free press and advertising.

Wake up! Bernie is the truth, open your eyes and your mind. He is the TRUE democrat in the purest sense, and the only reason it may seem othetwise is because the Democratic Party has swung so far to the right while republicans have done the same, so even someone like Donald trump can fool some people into thinking he is democratic in some ways!
Betty Greenwald (New York, NY)
I voted twice for Obama. I will be voting for Trump next. Trump is the best democrat now. He is more democratic than you think and I do not trust Hillary at all. I would have voted for Biden/Elizabeth Warren had they run.
petey tonei (Massachusetts)
You haven't tasted Bernie yet?
Kevin R (Brooklyn)
A "democrat" would not sue the Scottish government and attempt to derail a massive offshore windfarm simply because the wind turbines will be an "eyesore" a few miles off the coast where his future golf course is being built. That's just one undemocratic foible that mr trump is currently involved in (which does not get any press in the US)

This man is willing to stop climate change mitigation on the off chance that renewable energy "may" create a "blight" in the eyes of his well-to-do customer base. A democrat cares about the future of our children and grandchildren on this planet. Donald Trump cares about his bottom line, and this presidential race is only going to create a massive windfall of profit for his brand, with all the free press and advertising.

Wake up! Bernie is the truth, open your eyes and your mind. He is the TRUE democrat in the purest sense, and the only reason it may seem othetwise is because the Democratic Party has swung so far to the right while republicans have done the same, so even someone like Donald trump can fool some people into thinking he is democratic in some ways!
LuckyDog (NYC)
The sad thing was the constant back and forth, will he or won't he - clearly it would have been idiotic to get into the race late, the only question is why delay today's announcement? If the Democrats are completely stupid and ignore their best candidate in decades, Hillary Clinton, then after a lifetime of voting exclusively for Democrats, I will vote for anyone else. Saying it clearly - if they cheat Hillary Clinton of the nomination, then I will vote for anyone else and NOT the Democrat. The Democrats need to show intelligence in the selection of their nominee, and frankly they have the most distinguished one ever, so it should be a slam dunk for Ms. Clinton.
LuckyDog (NYC)
The sad thing was the constant back and forth, will he or won't he - clearly it would have been idiotic to get into the race late, the only question is why delay today's announcement? If the Democrats are completely stupid and ignore their best candidate in decades, Hillary Clinton, then after a lifetime of voting exclusively for Democrats, I will vote for anyone else. Saying it clearly - if they cheat Hillary Clinton of the nomination, then I will vote for anyone else and NOT the Democrat. The Democrats need to show intelligence in the selection of their nominee, and frankly they have the most distinguished one ever, so it should be a slam dunk for Ms. Clinton.
Robert (South Carolina)
I'm glad VP Biden decided not to run because if he had my supposition would have been: he needed something to do; or old establishment democrats had tried to get him to run because he was more controllable than former Secretary of State Clinton; or some of his friends were trying to make him seem more important that he is or was. Joe should go out on a high note at the top of his game. He is not as tough or intellectual or persuasive as Hillary Clinton and not as qualified for the presidency.
Robert (South Carolina)
I'm glad VP Biden decided not to run because if he had my supposition would have been: he needed something to do; or old establishment democrats had tried to get him to run because he was more controllable than former Secretary of State Clinton; or some of his friends were trying to make him seem more important that he is or was. Joe should go out on a high note at the top of his game. He is not as tough or intellectual or persuasive as Hillary Clinton and not as qualified for the presidency.
j.r. (lorain)
Not a fan of biden but am delighted he made this decision.. There are many obstacles in his path to gain the nomination and subsequent election. Besides being tied to failed Obama policies, he cannot ignore the issue of age. Like his counterparts sanders and HRC, their age is a definite liability. As the campaigns roll on, this issue must be addressed by all the candidates.
j.r. (lorain)
Not a fan of biden but am delighted he made this decision.. There are many obstacles in his path to gain the nomination and subsequent election. Besides being tied to failed Obama policies, he cannot ignore the issue of age. Like his counterparts sanders and HRC, their age is a definite liability. As the campaigns roll on, this issue must be addressed by all the candidates.
Kevin R (Brooklyn)
This will only help Bernie in the long run. I'm of firm belief that the vast majority of Bernie supporters are absolutely convinced he is the best candidate. I do not feel that Hillary supporters are quite as steadfast in their beliefs that she is undoubtedly the best possible choice.

The majority of supporters who were in Biden's corner were centrists who simply wish to vote for anyone other than Hillary, and I feel most of those supporters simply have not yet taken a serious look at Bernie yet.

The momentum is undoubtedly in Sanders' favor as there are so many people who question Hillary's trustworthiness, and this is only going to continue.

Bernie supporters are die-hards and one by one, former Hillary and Biden supporters are beginning to feel the Bern.

The only thing that the media and the right can possibly think of to stop this revolution from happening is to fear monger, redbait, and scapegoat as many people as possible with socialist-related rhetoric, assuming the public will be easily manipulated into becoming so frightened of a "communist takeover" that vast swaths of people will rally in Hillary's favor. This strategy relies on the assumption that the American people are stupid, ill-informed and gullible enough not to do their research and make a serious vote for the best candidate.

It's time to wake up, because a revolution is in the process of taking hold and the entire US political paradigm is about to shift. It's real, and it's happening.
Kevin R (Brooklyn)
This will only help Bernie in the long run. I'm of firm belief that the vast majority of Bernie supporters are absolutely convinced he is the best candidate. I do not feel that Hillary supporters are quite as steadfast in their beliefs that she is undoubtedly the best possible choice.

The majority of supporters who were in Biden's corner were centrists who simply wish to vote for anyone other than Hillary, and I feel most of those supporters simply have not yet taken a serious look at Bernie yet.

The momentum is undoubtedly in Sanders' favor as there are so many people who question Hillary's trustworthiness, and this is only going to continue.

Bernie supporters are die-hards and one by one, former Hillary and Biden supporters are beginning to feel the Bern.

The only thing that the media and the right can possibly think of to stop this revolution from happening is to fear monger, redbait, and scapegoat as many people as possible with socialist-related rhetoric, assuming the public will be easily manipulated into becoming so frightened of a "communist takeover" that vast swaths of people will rally in Hillary's favor. This strategy relies on the assumption that the American people are stupid, ill-informed and gullible enough not to do their research and make a serious vote for the best candidate.

It's time to wake up, because a revolution is in the process of taking hold and the entire US political paradigm is about to shift. It's real, and it's happening.
Carole in New Orleans (New Orleans,La)
Joe Biden... Super American citizen!!!
Smart enough to know he can be supremely relevant and not be the President.
President Obama's great choice, a genuine patriot of the 21st century!
Excellent example of honor and selfless service to our Nation.
Carole in New Orleans (New Orleans,La)
Joe Biden... Super American citizen!!!
Smart enough to know he can be supremely relevant and not be the President.
President Obama's great choice, a genuine patriot of the 21st century!
Excellent example of honor and selfless service to our Nation.
sfpk (San Francisco)
GIven the state of affairs and animosity in this country, would YOU want to be President? I sure wouldn't. Until we civilize ourselves, the best and brightest will avoid politics.
sfpk (San Francisco)
GIven the state of affairs and animosity in this country, would YOU want to be President? I sure wouldn't. Until we civilize ourselves, the best and brightest will avoid politics.
The Cranky Native (Seattle)
Thank God he got the message. He likes Cheney as a person for the Love of Christ. There's no place in the world for an American president in this new era to have friends like that anymore, don't you read your own media? Can't you hear us?
Here is what a Bidden run would have done. White guy's would carve out some votes from Hilary and Bernie would be the front runner by a wide margin. So, that would make me happy. We all know that there is no hope for the GOP. They are nothing to worry about, never have been. The only reason they have the Hill is because we are lazy voters. Believing other wise is self delusion.
The Cranky Native (Seattle)
Thank God he got the message. He likes Cheney as a person for the Love of Christ. There's no place in the world for an American president in this new era to have friends like that anymore, don't you read your own media? Can't you hear us?
Here is what a Bidden run would have done. White guy's would carve out some votes from Hilary and Bernie would be the front runner by a wide margin. So, that would make me happy. We all know that there is no hope for the GOP. They are nothing to worry about, never have been. The only reason they have the Hill is because we are lazy voters. Believing other wise is self delusion.
norman pollack (east lansing mi)
Biden's remark that Democrats should not only honor but also run on Obama's record convinces me that he is Hillary lite, i.e,, approval of war, intervention, covert action, drone assassination, etc., ad nauseum, merely warmed over Cold War.

In his term as vp he has shown absolutely no courage in calling out the grave errors and unlawful acts of foreign policy, nor has he said a word about the administration bias in favor of Wall Street. Biden is the Washington INSIDER par excellence.
norman pollack (east lansing mi)
Biden's remark that Democrats should not only honor but also run on Obama's record convinces me that he is Hillary lite, i.e,, approval of war, intervention, covert action, drone assassination, etc., ad nauseum, merely warmed over Cold War.

In his term as vp he has shown absolutely no courage in calling out the grave errors and unlawful acts of foreign policy, nor has he said a word about the administration bias in favor of Wall Street. Biden is the Washington INSIDER par excellence.
Dee (WNY)
Joe Biden- a class act with the common touch. Thank you for your service.
Dee (WNY)
Joe Biden- a class act with the common touch. Thank you for your service.
Satire &amp; Sarcasm (Maryland)
If Biden had chosen to run two months ago, he might have had a shot at the Democratic nomination ... especially if Hillary Clinton were to tank for some reason. But the three month "will-he-or-won't-he" spectacle destroyed any political capital he might have had. For Biden, launching a campaign in late-October 2015 would have been a DOA campaign from Day One.
Satire &amp; Sarcasm (Maryland)
If Biden had chosen to run two months ago, he might have had a shot at the Democratic nomination ... especially if Hillary Clinton were to tank for some reason. But the three month "will-he-or-won't-he" spectacle destroyed any political capital he might have had. For Biden, launching a campaign in late-October 2015 would have been a DOA campaign from Day One.
Martha Davis (Knoxville, Tenn.)
Ever the good soldier, Joe won't just retire quietly. He'll be out on the hustings, doing his best to elect the Democratic nominee.God bless him.
Martha Davis (Knoxville, Tenn.)
Ever the good soldier, Joe won't just retire quietly. He'll be out on the hustings, doing his best to elect the Democratic nominee.God bless him.
pj (new york)
What a shame. I could have voted for him. Can never and will never vote for HRC. She is the worst of what politics has to offer.
pj (new york)
What a shame. I could have voted for him. Can never and will never vote for HRC. She is the worst of what politics has to offer.
mick (Los Angeles)
Oh yeah so I got a Trumpet for you to blow. Blowhard that is.
scratchbaker (AZ unfortunately)
I hope Joe Biden considers putting himself in consideration for Vice President under whomever the nominee is (I hope Bernie Sanders). That would be good insurance of upholding the Obama legacy plus he has witnessed firsthand how to deal with an impossibly difficult Congress.
scratchbaker (AZ unfortunately)
I hope Joe Biden considers putting himself in consideration for Vice President under whomever the nominee is (I hope Bernie Sanders). That would be good insurance of upholding the Obama legacy plus he has witnessed firsthand how to deal with an impossibly difficult Congress.
FRB (King George, VA)
People. Biden is 73. He's not going to run for the Senate and he's not going to get appointed to the Supreme Court. He's going to retire, maybe get interviewed now and then on some news show and play with his grand kids. Give the man a break.
FRB (King George, VA)
People. Biden is 73. He's not going to run for the Senate and he's not going to get appointed to the Supreme Court. He's going to retire, maybe get interviewed now and then on some news show and play with his grand kids. Give the man a break.
Larryat24 (Plymouth MA)
They don't come much better than Joe. Thank you for your years of service in making America a better place, not just the biggest bully on the block.
Larryat24 (Plymouth MA)
They don't come much better than Joe. Thank you for your years of service in making America a better place, not just the biggest bully on the block.
gfaigen (florida)
Biden continues to put his foot into his mouth - what sort of Democrat finds every opportunity to diss Clinton? Shades of jealousy and this man cannot retire in any grace if he continues to make emotional criticism and without thought of what effect it has on his own party.

As much as i love the man, I wish he would shut up and move graciously to retirement.
emerson080 (Austin, Tx.)
I remember when he called Obama "clean and articulate."
gfaigen (florida)
Biden continues to put his foot into his mouth - what sort of Democrat finds every opportunity to diss Clinton? Shades of jealousy and this man cannot retire in any grace if he continues to make emotional criticism and without thought of what effect it has on his own party.

As much as i love the man, I wish he would shut up and move graciously to retirement.
emerson080 (Austin, Tx.)
I remember when he called Obama "clean and articulate."
DS (Miami)
I have more respect for Biden now than ever before. He has nothing else to prove, and has served this country well. I'm proud of you Joe.
DS (Miami)
I have more respect for Biden now than ever before. He has nothing else to prove, and has served this country well. I'm proud of you Joe.
Diane (Arlington Heights, IL)
The fact he didn't like "courting donors" makes me like him even more.
Diane (Arlington Heights, IL)
The fact he didn't like "courting donors" makes me like him even more.
James5290 (Roanoke, VA)
Joe Biden is wrong. The behavior of the GOP clearly indicates they see anyone outside of their tent as the enemy that must be destroyed by any means necessary.

It is a good thing Joe is not running. And he needs to stop taking pot shots at the Democratic frontrunner unless he is prepared to run. If you ain't running, shut your trap.
James5290 (Roanoke, VA)
Joe Biden is wrong. The behavior of the GOP clearly indicates they see anyone outside of their tent as the enemy that must be destroyed by any means necessary.

It is a good thing Joe is not running. And he needs to stop taking pot shots at the Democratic frontrunner unless he is prepared to run. If you ain't running, shut your trap.
aussiebat (Florida)
I like good ole "Uncle Joe" and am saddened by the loss of his son, but the reality is he has chosen the right path. Everyone seems to have forgotten how gaffe prone he was in his earlier run. This way he is a free agent, able to say what he thinks without having to roll in the mud that American politics seems to have become. I wish him all the best.
aussiebat (Florida)
I like good ole "Uncle Joe" and am saddened by the loss of his son, but the reality is he has chosen the right path. Everyone seems to have forgotten how gaffe prone he was in his earlier run. This way he is a free agent, able to say what he thinks without having to roll in the mud that American politics seems to have become. I wish him all the best.
oldchemprof (Hendersonville NC)
Someone to think seriously about should a vacancy occur on the Supreme Court.
oldchemprof (Hendersonville NC)
Someone to think seriously about should a vacancy occur on the Supreme Court.
bb (berkeley)
Hats off to Joe. He has been an asset to our country and government. He did not say he would not run if selected as VP. He is honest, reasonable and caring. Perhaps he will team up with Bernie, who is the most reasonable candidate to come along in many moons. Unfortunately, Hillary, a smart women, does not seem to have the American peoples interest in her heart and we will probably get the same old thing should she become president.
bb (berkeley)
Hats off to Joe. He has been an asset to our country and government. He did not say he would not run if selected as VP. He is honest, reasonable and caring. Perhaps he will team up with Bernie, who is the most reasonable candidate to come along in many moons. Unfortunately, Hillary, a smart women, does not seem to have the American peoples interest in her heart and we will probably get the same old thing should she become president.
Maria M. White (Alexandria, VA)
It is difficult for me to forget that Joe Biden was the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings. Anita Hill's testimony meant nothing to Mr. Biden and the other committee members. I would have never voted for Mr. Biden.
Maria M. White (Alexandria, VA)
It is difficult for me to forget that Joe Biden was the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings. Anita Hill's testimony meant nothing to Mr. Biden and the other committee members. I would have never voted for Mr. Biden.
Willie Green (Cypress, TX)
That's a shame... I had been looking forward to deciding between Joe Biden & Bernie Sanders... Hillary has way too much baggage and is just as uninspiring as Jeb Bush.
Willie Green (Cypress, TX)
That's a shame... I had been looking forward to deciding between Joe Biden & Bernie Sanders... Hillary has way too much baggage and is just as uninspiring as Jeb Bush.
Grant (Boston)
Vice President Biden’s decision to not run is sound. However, the pronouncement to not be silent borders on the absurd as his influence continues to wane as does all respect which is but a sliver, symbolic of his empty seven years and counting in high office. Whatever dignity remains should be carried forth in a quick and quiet exit from public life in any and all capacities as his characteristic shoot from the hip and malapropos lip have surpassed their shelf life. As a reminder, perhaps the door should hit him on the way out.
Grant (Boston)
Vice President Biden’s decision to not run is sound. However, the pronouncement to not be silent borders on the absurd as his influence continues to wane as does all respect which is but a sliver, symbolic of his empty seven years and counting in high office. Whatever dignity remains should be carried forth in a quick and quiet exit from public life in any and all capacities as his characteristic shoot from the hip and malapropos lip have surpassed their shelf life. As a reminder, perhaps the door should hit him on the way out.
Frank (Durham)
There was no space for Biden. The Democrats are pretty much in accord as what to do. The difference is how much can realistically be done. As a consequence, there was very little space for Biden to interject his candidacy. I don't know how much personality can influence the path to legislation. Some people put great store to that. Would a Biden buddy-buddy approach smooth the path of liberal legislation?
It is important to blunt the attack of radicals of the right by having a Democratic president, with a stronger minority that is now available. Any Democratic president would do that and Biden could win, but I don't think he was vital to that goal.
Frank (Durham)
There was no space for Biden. The Democrats are pretty much in accord as what to do. The difference is how much can realistically be done. As a consequence, there was very little space for Biden to interject his candidacy. I don't know how much personality can influence the path to legislation. Some people put great store to that. Would a Biden buddy-buddy approach smooth the path of liberal legislation?
It is important to blunt the attack of radicals of the right by having a Democratic president, with a stronger minority that is now available. Any Democratic president would do that and Biden could win, but I don't think he was vital to that goal.
bobbieo (Germany)
I'm surprised that so many commenters assume, prematurely, that the Democratic nominee will be Hillary Clinton. While that may be so, it certainly is not a fait accompli. I think the nominee will be Bernie Sanders and anyone who doesn't grasp this possibility has his/her head in a bag and is not paying attention.
FRB (King George, VA)
bobbieo - you are way over there in Germany and that's a long way to see clearly. So let me make it easy for you. The nominee will be Clinton. Period. Deal with it.
Patrick (NYC)
Really? Why, do you think Sanders is going to get the Socialist vote?
bobbieo (Germany)
I'm surprised that so many commenters assume, prematurely, that the Democratic nominee will be Hillary Clinton. While that may be so, it certainly is not a fait accompli. I think the nominee will be Bernie Sanders and anyone who doesn't grasp this possibility has his/her head in a bag and is not paying attention.
FRB (King George, VA)
bobbieo - you are way over there in Germany and that's a long way to see clearly. So let me make it easy for you. The nominee will be Clinton. Period. Deal with it.
Patrick (NYC)
Really? Why, do you think Sanders is going to get the Socialist vote?
whome (NYC)
Anyone who has done nothing other than hang out in DC as an elected official his entire professional life, needs to take a breath of fresh air, go home and do some non-political adult productive work.
I guess that Biden figured that out.
whome (NYC)
Anyone who has done nothing other than hang out in DC as an elected official his entire professional life, needs to take a breath of fresh air, go home and do some non-political adult productive work.
I guess that Biden figured that out.
Susan (Edgartown)
Such a good decent, honest, hard working, genuine man! And, now we are left with Hillary who was annointed from the beginning, as there is no one in the party willing to challenge, fight "the machine," or put their dreams on the line for fear of her henchmen coming after them. The Clinton's stop at nothing, will do anything (including dirty tricks, threatening etc) to get her elected. So sad for the Democratic Party that this is what they're left with. God help us all. I'm sure Bill is dancing at Bidens decision. He wants the presidency more than her.
Cowboy (Wichita)
"anointed" by whom exactly? She was ELECTED TWICE as the first woman from the state of New York to the United States Senate, and also served (appointed by the president and approved by the Senate) as US Secretary of State.
Like or politics or not, she has every right like all others who have served in the Senate etc to run for the highest office.
Susan (Edgartown)
Such a good decent, honest, hard working, genuine man! And, now we are left with Hillary who was annointed from the beginning, as there is no one in the party willing to challenge, fight "the machine," or put their dreams on the line for fear of her henchmen coming after them. The Clinton's stop at nothing, will do anything (including dirty tricks, threatening etc) to get her elected. So sad for the Democratic Party that this is what they're left with. God help us all. I'm sure Bill is dancing at Bidens decision. He wants the presidency more than her.
Cowboy (Wichita)
"anointed" by whom exactly? She was ELECTED TWICE as the first woman from the state of New York to the United States Senate, and also served (appointed by the president and approved by the Senate) as US Secretary of State.
Like or politics or not, she has every right like all others who have served in the Senate etc to run for the highest office.
Kit (LA)
I would have voted for Joe Biden. Like many others I've never been completely comfortable with the Clintons. I think he would have been a wonderful president. Barrack Obama will be a tough act to follow and I think Mr. Biden would have been perfect. Bernie Sanders has a lot of appeal but I don't think will do as well as president. I can't think of one Republican that is acceptable. So it will likely come down to Mrs. Clinton and while I believe she will be excellent in the job I would be much happier if she could answer a question without sounding like a lawyer trying to confuse the jury.
JoanZee (U.S.)
The issue now, is BEAT TRUMP, give Bernie Sanders a chance...Hilary has too much baggage...
Kit (LA)
I would have voted for Joe Biden. Like many others I've never been completely comfortable with the Clintons. I think he would have been a wonderful president. Barrack Obama will be a tough act to follow and I think Mr. Biden would have been perfect. Bernie Sanders has a lot of appeal but I don't think will do as well as president. I can't think of one Republican that is acceptable. So it will likely come down to Mrs. Clinton and while I believe she will be excellent in the job I would be much happier if she could answer a question without sounding like a lawyer trying to confuse the jury.
JoanZee (U.S.)
The issue now, is BEAT TRUMP, give Bernie Sanders a chance...Hilary has too much baggage...
JenD (NJ)
I am relieved he decided not to run. Not because he wouldn't have made a good candidate and likely a fine President, but because his indecision showed his heart was not in it. I am glad he is going to give himself more time and space to grieve with his family. He has given this nation many years of service and when all is said and done, I believe he will be seen as one of the most effective Vice Presidents we have ever had. I wish him and his family well.
JenD (NJ)
I am relieved he decided not to run. Not because he wouldn't have made a good candidate and likely a fine President, but because his indecision showed his heart was not in it. I am glad he is going to give himself more time and space to grieve with his family. He has given this nation many years of service and when all is said and done, I believe he will be seen as one of the most effective Vice Presidents we have ever had. I wish him and his family well.
p_promet (New Hope MN)
I deeply respect the feelings of the Biden family, and I suppose that at this late date, it's probably not feasible for the Vice President to run. But it would have been a good thing for us--the citizens of this great country, AND their representatives.
...The nation needs leaders who can help guide [“push, prod, persuade, and convince”] the people’s representatives in Congress through the tough times that lay ahead. I personally think Joe Biden has played that role already as Vice President, and admirably too…
The Veep has established a winning track record, of keeping our citizens smiling [not easy!], but more importantly, he has a knack for working hand in hand with the leadership in Congress, to create laws that both Republicans and Democrats can abide by.
...So why not have the 2016 Democratic candidate for President choose Joe Biden as his or her running mate, again? Why let a good man go, when there's so much important work left to be done in the Congress…?
p_promet (New Hope MN)
I deeply respect the feelings of the Biden family, and I suppose that at this late date, it's probably not feasible for the Vice President to run. But it would have been a good thing for us--the citizens of this great country, AND their representatives.
...The nation needs leaders who can help guide [“push, prod, persuade, and convince”] the people’s representatives in Congress through the tough times that lay ahead. I personally think Joe Biden has played that role already as Vice President, and admirably too…
The Veep has established a winning track record, of keeping our citizens smiling [not easy!], but more importantly, he has a knack for working hand in hand with the leadership in Congress, to create laws that both Republicans and Democrats can abide by.
...So why not have the 2016 Democratic candidate for President choose Joe Biden as his or her running mate, again? Why let a good man go, when there's so much important work left to be done in the Congress…?
Charles Samuel Dworak (Preston ,Victoria, Australia)
Now that he's not running for president Joe Biden would be wise to heed the words of Abraham Lincoln during the 2016 campaign. Mr Lincoln said "It is better to let people think you're a fool than for you to open your mouth and prove it."
Charles Samuel Dworak (Preston ,Victoria, Australia)
Now that he's not running for president Joe Biden would be wise to heed the words of Abraham Lincoln during the 2016 campaign. Mr Lincoln said "It is better to let people think you're a fool than for you to open your mouth and prove it."
NI (Westchester, NY)
I am glad for him because I love him. I'd hate to see him lose. He is just too decent, kind and an honest man to be sullied by all the lies, deceit and greed which is the present day mutation of Politics. He is the last of the Mohegans. Our collective loss, indeed!!
NI (Westchester, NY)
I am glad for him because I love him. I'd hate to see him lose. He is just too decent, kind and an honest man to be sullied by all the lies, deceit and greed which is the present day mutation of Politics. He is the last of the Mohegans. Our collective loss, indeed!!
Anthony N (NY)
Because of his long tenure in politics, it's easy to nit pick at VP Biden's flaws, which he certainly has.

But, "warts and all", he is in the best tradition of the Democratic Party - along with FDR, Truman, LBJ, Humphrey and the like.
Anthony N (NY)
Because of his long tenure in politics, it's easy to nit pick at VP Biden's flaws, which he certainly has.

But, "warts and all", he is in the best tradition of the Democratic Party - along with FDR, Truman, LBJ, Humphrey and the like.
sophia (bangor, maine)
My advice (unasked for) for Joe? Enjoy your grandchildren and make every moment count. I'm happy for you and your family that you are not going to run the gauntlet.
sophia (bangor, maine)
My advice (unasked for) for Joe? Enjoy your grandchildren and make every moment count. I'm happy for you and your family that you are not going to run the gauntlet.
Pat (Mystic CT)
So now it's Hillary vs a Republican - in all likelihood Marco Rubio. If he chooses Kasich for VP, it's all over. With all her baggage, the drip drip of the email fiasco and the Koch cash machine, and Florida and Ohio going Republican, her chances diminish daily. We need a level headed socially responsible and fiscally sound candidate. Michael Bloomberg, are you listening?
LuckyDog (NYC)
According to whom? Most Americans are now wise to the fact that the GOP is using our tax money in endless hearings and nonsense to try to stop her momentum. Look at all her experience - we have never had such a qualified candidate for president. We should be so lucky! We also get all the expertise of Bill Clinton, one of our best presidents ever - remember the economic recovery and economic advantages of his 2 terms? Florida is going to the Democrats - if they don't hide the votes and shuffle them around in trucks on the highways as Jeb did in 2000, can you say "voter fraud" cause we can. Get over the lies, learn some truth, and know that with the rise of social media, we will all be watching at the polls in November 2016 to make sure that no laws are broken by the desperate GOP, which can only "take" office by corrupt means.
Pat (Mystic CT)
So now it's Hillary vs a Republican - in all likelihood Marco Rubio. If he chooses Kasich for VP, it's all over. With all her baggage, the drip drip of the email fiasco and the Koch cash machine, and Florida and Ohio going Republican, her chances diminish daily. We need a level headed socially responsible and fiscally sound candidate. Michael Bloomberg, are you listening?
LuckyDog (NYC)
According to whom? Most Americans are now wise to the fact that the GOP is using our tax money in endless hearings and nonsense to try to stop her momentum. Look at all her experience - we have never had such a qualified candidate for president. We should be so lucky! We also get all the expertise of Bill Clinton, one of our best presidents ever - remember the economic recovery and economic advantages of his 2 terms? Florida is going to the Democrats - if they don't hide the votes and shuffle them around in trucks on the highways as Jeb did in 2000, can you say "voter fraud" cause we can. Get over the lies, learn some truth, and know that with the rise of social media, we will all be watching at the polls in November 2016 to make sure that no laws are broken by the desperate GOP, which can only "take" office by corrupt means.
Richard Grayson (Brooklyn, NY)
Wasn't Hillary Clinton asked what enemies she'd "made," not enemies she'd "had"? Given that the bulk of the Republican party considers her an enemy (they seem to think that even mainstream Republicans are their enemies), I believe she was accurate and that Biden's remark was obnoxious and self-serving. Good riddance to him!
Nan Seelman (Detroit)
She was asked which enemy are you most proud to have made. Republicans wasn't a great answer.
Richard Grayson (Brooklyn, NY)
Wasn't Hillary Clinton asked what enemies she'd "made," not enemies she'd "had"? Given that the bulk of the Republican party considers her an enemy (they seem to think that even mainstream Republicans are their enemies), I believe she was accurate and that Biden's remark was obnoxious and self-serving. Good riddance to him!
Nan Seelman (Detroit)
She was asked which enemy are you most proud to have made. Republicans wasn't a great answer.
michjas (Phoenix)
Biden is a nice guy. These are hardscrabble times. Things change over the years. But these days, nice guys finish last.
RM (Vermont)
The nation loses today. It appears the nation will be left with a Hobson's choice of a third term of a Clinton Administration, a fourth term of a Bush Administration, or possibly even a former neurosurgeon who combines the characteristics of Mr Rogers and Chauncey Gardner. Trump is looking pretty good right now.

Joe should have gotten the agreement of Elizabeth Warren in advance to be his running mate, and the two announce together. What a dynamic duo they would have been.
RM (Vermont)
The nation loses today. It appears the nation will be left with a Hobson's choice of a third term of a Clinton Administration, a fourth term of a Bush Administration, or possibly even a former neurosurgeon who combines the characteristics of Mr Rogers and Chauncey Gardner. Trump is looking pretty good right now.

Joe should have gotten the agreement of Elizabeth Warren in advance to be his running mate, and the two announce together. What a dynamic duo they would have been.
michjas (Phoenix)
Biden is a nice guy. These are hardscrabble times. Things change over the years. But these days, nice guys finish last.
HRM (Virginia)
I'm sure good old Joe "won't stay quiet." When he was in the senate he was quizzing a candidate for something. A news agency counted the number of times he said "I" or "me." There more times than there were minutes. Even in the interview he touted all that he did and how important and close he was with the president. Obama did the best he could. He made him the V.P. and sent him to that little room V.P.s go to. We didn't have to listen to his nightly sound bites from the senate. Even there he managed to stick his foot in his mouth on a recurrent basis. He couldn't be elected. Even with his ego, he knew that. But it reflects on Hillary that people tried to push him on his party and the public.
HRM (Virginia)
I'm sure good old Joe "won't stay quiet." When he was in the senate he was quizzing a candidate for something. A news agency counted the number of times he said "I" or "me." There more times than there were minutes. Even in the interview he touted all that he did and how important and close he was with the president. Obama did the best he could. He made him the V.P. and sent him to that little room V.P.s go to. We didn't have to listen to his nightly sound bites from the senate. Even there he managed to stick his foot in his mouth on a recurrent basis. He couldn't be elected. Even with his ego, he knew that. But it reflects on Hillary that people tried to push him on his party and the public.
CastleMan (Colorado)
I am disappointed by this news. Vice President Biden is a good man who obviously cares about people and knows how to get along with people. We could use his leadership in the White House and my family would have eagerly supported his candidacy. His family's recent loss had to have been devastating and we wish Mr. Biden, Dr. Biden, and his family all the best.
CastleMan (Colorado)
I am disappointed by this news. Vice President Biden is a good man who obviously cares about people and knows how to get along with people. We could use his leadership in the White House and my family would have eagerly supported his candidacy. His family's recent loss had to have been devastating and we wish Mr. Biden, Dr. Biden, and his family all the best.
Montreal Moe (WestPark, Quebec)
What further evidence does America need than the only candidate whose name is not polarizing is Bernie Sanders. Politics is no longer about course options it is simply identity politics and there is no longer a United States of America. The debate is over the goals and values of the two sides cannot be reconciled. We had this debate in Canada our Federal Parliament is a confederation of regions.
Monday's election was statement of Canada's values and what was repudiated was the politics of division. When Stephen Harper went to the Atlantic Province and made his Romney 47% speech Monday's election became a referendum on Harper's American style politics and this week Canadians of every political stripe are content with the result.
Montreal Moe (WestPark, Quebec)
What further evidence does America need than the only candidate whose name is not polarizing is Bernie Sanders. Politics is no longer about course options it is simply identity politics and there is no longer a United States of America. The debate is over the goals and values of the two sides cannot be reconciled. We had this debate in Canada our Federal Parliament is a confederation of regions.
Monday's election was statement of Canada's values and what was repudiated was the politics of division. When Stephen Harper went to the Atlantic Province and made his Romney 47% speech Monday's election became a referendum on Harper's American style politics and this week Canadians of every political stripe are content with the result.
Wordsworth from Wadsworth (<br/>)
Vice President Biden has had his share of grief and heartache. I admire his ability to persevere.

Joe and Jill Biden make a very classy couple. In that regard, he was very fortunate.

I will never forget the image of him holding the rosary when they were going after bin Laden.
Wordsworth from Wadsworth (<br/>)
Vice President Biden has had his share of grief and heartache. I admire his ability to persevere.

Joe and Jill Biden make a very classy couple. In that regard, he was very fortunate.

I will never forget the image of him holding the rosary when they were going after bin Laden.
David H. Eisenberg (Buchanan, NY)
Hear that deep sigh? That's from the Clinton campaign. I don't know that he would have beaten her, but though this has been an exceedingly difficult campaign to predict anything, I expect the majority of his supporters will head in her direction rather than Sanders, at least if she does well at the hearing. We will know soon enough.

The VP is not someone who would likely be my choice, but if we can ever really know any of these people, I at least suspect he is personally as pleasant as he appears in public, his gaffes are either goofy (not stupid) or because he was telling the truth when he wasn't supposed to (or they were acting like he wasn't supposed to). And, he would have made it an even more exciting race than it has been - and it has been the most exciting in my memory without him.
David H. Eisenberg (Buchanan, NY)
Hear that deep sigh? That's from the Clinton campaign. I don't know that he would have beaten her, but though this has been an exceedingly difficult campaign to predict anything, I expect the majority of his supporters will head in her direction rather than Sanders, at least if she does well at the hearing. We will know soon enough.

The VP is not someone who would likely be my choice, but if we can ever really know any of these people, I at least suspect he is personally as pleasant as he appears in public, his gaffes are either goofy (not stupid) or because he was telling the truth when he wasn't supposed to (or they were acting like he wasn't supposed to). And, he would have made it an even more exciting race than it has been - and it has been the most exciting in my memory without him.
Working Class (Midwood)
Invoking his deceased son as the primary inspiration for possibly entering the race, and shortly thereafter as the reason for exiting, certainly errs on the side of vile. No?
Charlie Ratigan (Manitowoc, Wisconsin)
No, it doesn't, Working Class. It errs on the side of being human...and feeling. It's clear his are moccasins in which you have never walked.
Working Class (Midwood)
Invoking his deceased son as the primary inspiration for possibly entering the race, and shortly thereafter as the reason for exiting, certainly errs on the side of vile. No?
Charlie Ratigan (Manitowoc, Wisconsin)
No, it doesn't, Working Class. It errs on the side of being human...and feeling. It's clear his are moccasins in which you have never walked.
incredulous (Dallas, TX)
Although I was frustrated, at times, by the length of time it took for him to make his decision, I can understand why it did. Beau was one of his biggest supporters, and I am sure that he would have enthusiastically supported his fathers candidacy. However motivating that would be, his grief could be a distraction, as I am sure his priorities have changed, as they should. The part of the Republican party that has lost their minds would not hesitate to use his loss to project him as weak. I have the ultimate respect for him, I am saddened by all that he has gone through in his life in terms of personal loss, and I wish him nothing but peace and continued reliance on his faith to lead him forward. Thank you for everything Joe.
incredulous (Dallas, TX)
Although I was frustrated, at times, by the length of time it took for him to make his decision, I can understand why it did. Beau was one of his biggest supporters, and I am sure that he would have enthusiastically supported his fathers candidacy. However motivating that would be, his grief could be a distraction, as I am sure his priorities have changed, as they should. The part of the Republican party that has lost their minds would not hesitate to use his loss to project him as weak. I have the ultimate respect for him, I am saddened by all that he has gone through in his life in terms of personal loss, and I wish him nothing but peace and continued reliance on his faith to lead him forward. Thank you for everything Joe.
Griff Brewer (Illinois)
The friendship and brotherly loyalty Biden and Obama have developed over the course of this presidency is both touching and powerful. These politicians share a deep respect for one another, not just due to their positions, but their judgement. Biden believes in Obama and everything this administration has tried to accomplish, and he is right to say democrats should run on this president's record.
Griff Brewer (Illinois)
The friendship and brotherly loyalty Biden and Obama have developed over the course of this presidency is both touching and powerful. These politicians share a deep respect for one another, not just due to their positions, but their judgement. Biden believes in Obama and everything this administration has tried to accomplish, and he is right to say democrats should run on this president's record.
mh12987 (New Jersey)
He is a good guy, and I'm sorry for his losses, but I think the veiled criticism of Hillary in this particular speech was inappropriate. The harping on the "enemy" question she was asked at the debate -- which was a throwaway question that I thought she handled reasonably well -- seems really petty to me. What's the right answer to that question anyway? Doesn't Biden's answer -- we should all get along and work together -- apply to anyone who might be named an "enemy" -- Republicans, Wall Street, Russia? There's sour grapes there about having essentially lost twice to Hillary in the race for the nomination. And maybe it's just the lingering memory of Anita Hill, but to me there is a sexist element to it. I hope he finds a way to get behind her candidacy in a real way.
mh12987 (New Jersey)
He is a good guy, and I'm sorry for his losses, but I think the veiled criticism of Hillary in this particular speech was inappropriate. The harping on the "enemy" question she was asked at the debate -- which was a throwaway question that I thought she handled reasonably well -- seems really petty to me. What's the right answer to that question anyway? Doesn't Biden's answer -- we should all get along and work together -- apply to anyone who might be named an "enemy" -- Republicans, Wall Street, Russia? There's sour grapes there about having essentially lost twice to Hillary in the race for the nomination. And maybe it's just the lingering memory of Anita Hill, but to me there is a sexist element to it. I hope he finds a way to get behind her candidacy in a real way.
Sally (Mexico)
This is definitely America's loss. We could certainly use a kind, gentle, considerate man who could help bring America back to what it was previously. The best of everything to you and your family.
Sally (Mexico)
This is definitely America's loss. We could certainly use a kind, gentle, considerate man who could help bring America back to what it was previously. The best of everything to you and your family.
Leo Garcia (Wisconsin)
I am sad for the loss of his son he should not run for president of the United States because he should be able to spend time with his family. Hillary Clinton's only real challenge was to defeat Biden now its a shoe in for Hillary Clinton.
Leo Garcia (Wisconsin)
I am sad for the loss of his son he should not run for president of the United States because he should be able to spend time with his family. Hillary Clinton's only real challenge was to defeat Biden now its a shoe in for Hillary Clinton.
Gorbud (Fl.)
Guess he will spent the rest of Pres. Obama's term defending him when Hillary finds it expedient to attack, abandon or otherwise denigrate ANYTHING "accomplished" during the 8 wasted years of Obama rule.
Hillary better appear to be an extension of the Obama years lest Uncle Joe might start picking her apart.
Gorbud (Fl.)
Guess he will spent the rest of Pres. Obama's term defending him when Hillary finds it expedient to attack, abandon or otherwise denigrate ANYTHING "accomplished" during the 8 wasted years of Obama rule.
Hillary better appear to be an extension of the Obama years lest Uncle Joe might start picking her apart.
Tim (New York)
I'm glad he's not running. I think Hillary now has an open road to the nomination. I like her willingness to use military options in the Middle East.
Tim (New York)
I'm glad he's not running. I think Hillary now has an open road to the nomination. I like her willingness to use military options in the Middle East.
JKvam (Minneapolis, MN)
Wish he could stand in at the Presidential debates, if only to best challenge whatever the GOP has to say about the state of things.
JKvam (Minneapolis, MN)
Wish he could stand in at the Presidential debates, if only to best challenge whatever the GOP has to say about the state of things.
Ira Jay (Ridgewood, NJ)
I have great respect for Mr. Biden, but I think this is the best decision for him, personally, and for us Democrats. With Mr. Biden's emotional burden from his son's loss, and, yes, his age, too, I think he should spare himself the unrelenting pressure of what is shaping up as a brutal election cycle, and later, the burden that the Presidency has become with an out-of-control Congress, and multinational world problems and issues. While I have issues with both Clinton and Sanders, I think that Democrats need the unity of one or two front-runners. The entry of Biden at this time might become a three-way jostling match that will disperse and interfere with a unified message that the Democrats can offer, in contrast to the Republican circus.
Ira Jay (Ridgewood, NJ)
I have great respect for Mr. Biden, but I think this is the best decision for him, personally, and for us Democrats. With Mr. Biden's emotional burden from his son's loss, and, yes, his age, too, I think he should spare himself the unrelenting pressure of what is shaping up as a brutal election cycle, and later, the burden that the Presidency has become with an out-of-control Congress, and multinational world problems and issues. While I have issues with both Clinton and Sanders, I think that Democrats need the unity of one or two front-runners. The entry of Biden at this time might become a three-way jostling match that will disperse and interfere with a unified message that the Democrats can offer, in contrast to the Republican circus.
Peter (Newark, DE)
I feel sad that Biden has withdrawn. He is a politician who was never afraid to tell the public the way things really are. For instance, Biden was ridiculed for suggesting that Iraq should be divided up among the different ethnic groups in the country, but look at the effects of imposing a Shia government on the Sunnis (ISIS). I would certainly have voted for Biden over either Clinton or Sanders.
Peter (Newark, DE)
I feel sad that Biden has withdrawn. He is a politician who was never afraid to tell the public the way things really are. For instance, Biden was ridiculed for suggesting that Iraq should be divided up among the different ethnic groups in the country, but look at the effects of imposing a Shia government on the Sunnis (ISIS). I would certainly have voted for Biden over either Clinton or Sanders.
Pretzlogic (Austin, Texas)
Joe Biden is a good man and probably would be at least a good, if not great, president. He's thoughtful and genuine. Yes, he has sometimes stumbled as a campaigner and as a Senator, but as a Vice President - he's been among the best I can remember. He has an authenticity that is lacking in all the other candidates (other than Bernie Sanders) of either the Republican or Democratic party. (Take a look at Frank Bruni's column on Ted Cruz today.) Genuine Joe, thank you for your service.
Pretzlogic (Austin, Texas)
Joe Biden is a good man and probably would be at least a good, if not great, president. He's thoughtful and genuine. Yes, he has sometimes stumbled as a campaigner and as a Senator, but as a Vice President - he's been among the best I can remember. He has an authenticity that is lacking in all the other candidates (other than Bernie Sanders) of either the Republican or Democratic party. (Take a look at Frank Bruni's column on Ted Cruz today.) Genuine Joe, thank you for your service.
Ben S. (San Francisco)
Current and former Biden staffers, like myself, must now grieve what might have been, successful or not. Many of you may not like him, may be angry at him, may think him a fool or too aged. For us who have worked for him and those who know him well, the impending loss of his love and personal values in public life is a deeply personal loss. Godspeed, Joe Biden!
Ben S. (San Francisco)
Current and former Biden staffers, like myself, must now grieve what might have been, successful or not. Many of you may not like him, may be angry at him, may think him a fool or too aged. For us who have worked for him and those who know him well, the impending loss of his love and personal values in public life is a deeply personal loss. Godspeed, Joe Biden!
tim tuttle (hoboken, nj)
Joe Biden is a wonderful guy. A guy who probably could cross the aisle.

Unfortunately the Republicans have NO interest in compromise. Enter the tiger woman. She will fight for Democratic values. She will not go in with some preconceived notion that we can all work together and get along. She will battle relentlessly.

Joe's great. But now let's get on with Hillary winning an election and standing up to some really horrible right wing zealots whose only interest is to actually shut government down. This is reality. The fight is on and it may be for the survival of this great nation and democracy.

She's really bright. Well informed. Very connected. Seasoned and battle tested. Can't wait until Hillary debates Don Trump and shreds him. Actually she can start tomorrow by throwing Trey Gowdy out the window...
tim tuttle (hoboken, nj)
Joe Biden is a wonderful guy. A guy who probably could cross the aisle.

Unfortunately the Republicans have NO interest in compromise. Enter the tiger woman. She will fight for Democratic values. She will not go in with some preconceived notion that we can all work together and get along. She will battle relentlessly.

Joe's great. But now let's get on with Hillary winning an election and standing up to some really horrible right wing zealots whose only interest is to actually shut government down. This is reality. The fight is on and it may be for the survival of this great nation and democracy.

She's really bright. Well informed. Very connected. Seasoned and battle tested. Can't wait until Hillary debates Don Trump and shreds him. Actually she can start tomorrow by throwing Trey Gowdy out the window...
c (sea)
Vice President Biden is a deeply good, honorable soul. And that is how we will remember him and his time in office. I would call that a legacy to be proud of.
c (sea)
Vice President Biden is a deeply good, honorable soul. And that is how we will remember him and his time in office. I would call that a legacy to be proud of.
I'm sure he would be running if he thought he had a chance. Who would even consider such an undertaking on the heels of such personal loss other than someone who really wants it. He already has two failed attempts at the presidency and the only thing that has come out about him in the last eight years of being Vice President is his knack for doing or saying the wrong thing, not any kind of real leadership. Why his possible candidacy has been in the news other than unneeded drama is a mystery to me.
I'm sure he would be running if he thought he had a chance. Who would even consider such an undertaking on the heels of such personal loss other than someone who really wants it. He already has two failed attempts at the presidency and the only thing that has come out about him in the last eight years of being Vice President is his knack for doing or saying the wrong thing, not any kind of real leadership. Why his possible candidacy has been in the news other than unneeded drama is a mystery to me.
Charles Samuel Dworak (Preston ,Victoria, Australia)
So Joe Biden says that even though he will not be running for president he won't remain silent. All he is likely to achieve is to divide the Democratic Party and give the electoral advantage to the Republicans. He claims that as Vice-President his status on the world stage trumps that of a Secretary of State. It may be true in a card game that if spades are trump then the king of spades will trump the queen of spades but in the real world with real people things don't quite work that way. A great Secretary Of State will have a much greater impact on the world scene than a vice-president who is just a "yes man" for the president. When Spiro Agnew was Richard Nixon's Vice-president from 1969-1973 he didn't achieve anything near the status that Secretary Of State Henry Kissinger achieved on the world scene. After Mr Agnew was forced to resign and then Mr Nixon was forced to resign Mr Kissinger was still s force on the world scene as Gerald Ford's Secretary Of State.
Charles Samuel Dworak (Preston ,Victoria, Australia)
So Joe Biden says that even though he will not be running for president he won't remain silent. All he is likely to achieve is to divide the Democratic Party and give the electoral advantage to the Republicans. He claims that as Vice-President his status on the world stage trumps that of a Secretary of State. It may be true in a card game that if spades are trump then the king of spades will trump the queen of spades but in the real world with real people things don't quite work that way. A great Secretary Of State will have a much greater impact on the world scene than a vice-president who is just a "yes man" for the president. When Spiro Agnew was Richard Nixon's Vice-president from 1969-1973 he didn't achieve anything near the status that Secretary Of State Henry Kissinger achieved on the world scene. After Mr Agnew was forced to resign and then Mr Nixon was forced to resign Mr Kissinger was still s force on the world scene as Gerald Ford's Secretary Of State.
Lawrence (Washington D.C.)
How about if we have someone who will be less than 100 years old at the end of their term please show up. And not MOM (Martin O'Malley)
The presidency is too much for those of social security age.
Lawrence (Washington D.C.)
How about if we have someone who will be less than 100 years old at the end of their term please show up. And not MOM (Martin O'Malley)
The presidency is too much for those of social security age.
Priscilla (Utah)
I am just sorry that he didn't include remarks about Mrs. Clinton's hawkish attitude. Someone or something needs to push her out of her rightwing hawkish stances.
Yoda (DC)
maybe a prison sentence for illegal use of private emails systems for official emails wll fix her arrogant attitude.
Priscilla (Utah)
I am just sorry that he didn't include remarks about Mrs. Clinton's hawkish attitude. Someone or something needs to push her out of her rightwing hawkish stances.
Yoda (DC)
maybe a prison sentence for illegal use of private emails systems for official emails wll fix her arrogant attitude.
NYChap (Chappaqua)
We all know that Hillary Clinton was chosen by the left and the Democrat Party to be the President right after Bill Clinton left the White House. She was supposed to be President in 2008 in that election year but so took it for granted that she let it slip away because she was lax in running her campaign and we got Obama instead. So, even though her record is atrocious, as was Obama’s when he got re-elected and she is a pathological liar and the majority of American’s do not trust her, she will probably get elected President simply because she is a woman and woman voters want to elect the first woman President. After that we will no doubt elect the first Jewish President to satisfy Jewish voters who support the Democrats for some unknown reason in every election. The Democrats like firsts because their policies are wrong headed so they can’t ever run on their records or their policies which basically is to tax the rich so they can give free stuff to those who aren’t rich. Deserve and qualifications have nothing to do with Hilary Clinton’s front runner status. Joe Biden, like everyone else who might endanger her front runner status, was told not to challenge her. So like the zombies that the Democrat politicians are they do what they are told and wander around aimlessly until they are called to follow the instructions of their superiors which in Hillary’s case Biden was told it isn’t his year.
Jeff (Nv)
And if you are lucky, she will legalize what ever it is you are smoking.
NYChap (Chappaqua)
We all know that Hillary Clinton was chosen by the left and the Democrat Party to be the President right after Bill Clinton left the White House. She was supposed to be President in 2008 in that election year but so took it for granted that she let it slip away because she was lax in running her campaign and we got Obama instead. So, even though her record is atrocious, as was Obama’s when he got re-elected and she is a pathological liar and the majority of American’s do not trust her, she will probably get elected President simply because she is a woman and woman voters want to elect the first woman President. After that we will no doubt elect the first Jewish President to satisfy Jewish voters who support the Democrats for some unknown reason in every election. The Democrats like firsts because their policies are wrong headed so they can’t ever run on their records or their policies which basically is to tax the rich so they can give free stuff to those who aren’t rich. Deserve and qualifications have nothing to do with Hilary Clinton’s front runner status. Joe Biden, like everyone else who might endanger her front runner status, was told not to challenge her. So like the zombies that the Democrat politicians are they do what they are told and wander around aimlessly until they are called to follow the instructions of their superiors which in Hillary’s case Biden was told it isn’t his year.
Jeff (Nv)
And if you are lucky, she will legalize what ever it is you are smoking.
jacobi (Nevada)
Oh well we still have Jim Webb, the only sane democrat candidate to make things interesting. Hopefully he will make an independent run to give other sane democrats a choice. Heck I would consider voting for him, he is the only one with extensive military experience.
petey tonei (Massachusetts)
We don't want wars in the foreseeable future. We want someone who can run the country with his/her ears to the people's pulses and heart beats...and that person right now is Bernie.
jacobi (Nevada)
Oh well we still have Jim Webb, the only sane democrat candidate to make things interesting. Hopefully he will make an independent run to give other sane democrats a choice. Heck I would consider voting for him, he is the only one with extensive military experience.
petey tonei (Massachusetts)
We don't want wars in the foreseeable future. We want someone who can run the country with his/her ears to the people's pulses and heart beats...and that person right now is Bernie.
r (undefined)
You really should watch the news .. Webb ended his campaign yesterday ......
Reuven K (New York)
I'm glad he's not running. Both other times he ran, he failed to win a single primary; what makes him a better choice today?

And, he has the proverbial foot-in-mouth disease, which would have provided endless ammunition for his opponents.
Reuven K (New York)
I'm glad he's not running. Both other times he ran, he failed to win a single primary; what makes him a better choice today?

And, he has the proverbial foot-in-mouth disease, which would have provided endless ammunition for his opponents.
Kristine (Westmont, Ill.)
Hopefully the Democratic Party is not so fragile that having a contest between two serious candidates will fracture it.
Kristine (Westmont, Ill.)
Hopefully the Democratic Party is not so fragile that having a contest between two serious candidates will fracture it.
Warren Kaplan (New York)
No great loss. Just another career politician and one that was a multiple plagiarizer! A guy who plagiarizes regularly shows a lot of his character. He seems like a nice guy but alas, he's a politician who has been around for a very long time. Always a danger sign these days.
Mind you none of the others are any better!
Warren Kaplan (New York)
No great loss. Just another career politician and one that was a multiple plagiarizer! A guy who plagiarizes regularly shows a lot of his character. He seems like a nice guy but alas, he's a politician who has been around for a very long time. Always a danger sign these days.
Mind you none of the others are any better!
Steve Singer (Chicago)
Something everyone seems to have missed in the Biden contretemps: the odds of a "President Trump" appearing in our immediate future just improved significantly.
Steve Singer (Chicago)
Something everyone seems to have missed in the Biden contretemps: the odds of a "President Trump" appearing in our immediate future just improved significantly.
Iver Thompson (Pasadena, CA)
At least, for whatever reason, he's finally put this soap opera mellow drama to rest. All the soul-searching and angst over his supposed influence on the fate of the rest of the world was getting embarrassing for for him as well as our own political system. What new political drama will the talk-heads create now so as to give themselves something to talk about 24 hours a day.
Nan Seelman (Detroit)
Mellow drama. Funny!
Iver Thompson (Pasadena, CA)
At least, for whatever reason, he's finally put this soap opera mellow drama to rest. All the soul-searching and angst over his supposed influence on the fate of the rest of the world was getting embarrassing for for him as well as our own political system. What new political drama will the talk-heads create now so as to give themselves something to talk about 24 hours a day.
Nan Seelman (Detroit)
Mellow drama. Funny!
Mortiser (MA)
No term limits on the Vice Presidency. Put Biden on the 2016 Demo ticket as running mate and lock this thing down.

With the way the GOP struggles to field even remotely reasonable Presidential candidates, one can imagine what their VP talent pool will be like. Where's that David Duke at?
Mortiser (MA)
No term limits on the Vice Presidency. Put Biden on the 2016 Demo ticket as running mate and lock this thing down.

With the way the GOP struggles to field even remotely reasonable Presidential candidates, one can imagine what their VP talent pool will be like. Where's that David Duke at?
Dcet (Baltimore, MD)
I for one am sad that the Vice President decided not to run. I understand and respect his reasoning, but gaffes aside, he is a good and decent man. All too human. Mr. Biden is also a very skilled politician, and that would have been a great thing for this country. Thank you for your service Mr. Vice President.
Dcet (Baltimore, MD)
I for one am sad that the Vice President decided not to run. I understand and respect his reasoning, but gaffes aside, he is a good and decent man. All too human. Mr. Biden is also a very skilled politician, and that would have been a great thing for this country. Thank you for your service Mr. Vice President.
scorcher14 (San Francisco)
A complete bummer. The one potential candidate that would have made a good president has decided not to run. Now there is no one worth voting for. Pity for the country.
scorcher14 (San Francisco)
A complete bummer. The one potential candidate that would have made a good president has decided not to run. Now there is no one worth voting for. Pity for the country.
Richard (Bozeman)
Objecting to the word "enemy" seems a little fussy. Most dictionaries list "opponent" , "adversary" or "rival" as synonyms.
mbelleville (Boston)
And she was describing as her enemy which few could quibble with.
Richard (Bozeman)
Objecting to the word "enemy" seems a little fussy. Most dictionaries list "opponent" , "adversary" or "rival" as synonyms.
mbelleville (Boston)
And she was describing as her enemy which few could quibble with.
blackmamba (IL)
I have always liked and admired Joe Biden as a normal natural human being. Having met him on behalf of civil rights organization several times on lobbying and educational missions he knows how to put you at ease. And I generally have agreed with him on his political domestic socioeconomic educational positions. But we part company on occasion on foreign policy national security defense issues.

This was a wise personal and political decision. When Biden first entered the Senate President Barack Obama was 11 years old. Biden has run for POTUS enough. Bernie Sanders was 20 years old when Barack Obama was born. And Hillary Clinton was 14 years old when Obama was born. Only Chaffee and O'Malley were born after 1950 (Chaffee) and 1960(O'Malley).

How did the Democrats end-up with such a hoary bunch of allegedly progressive liberals?
Richard Luettgen (New Jersey)
Examine their principles and you'll see that they really ARE unchained liberals. Certainly, Bernie is and the draft-Veep-nominee-in-waiting, Elizabeth Warren, is as well. You may have ended up with them because primary voters are dinosaurs who like that kind of extremism. But you can't get someone elected by simply leveraging the commenting community of the NYT, as an undivided Republican Congress so eloquently proves.
blackmamba (IL)
I have always liked and admired Joe Biden as a normal natural human being. Having met him on behalf of civil rights organization several times on lobbying and educational missions he knows how to put you at ease. And I generally have agreed with him on his political domestic socioeconomic educational positions. But we part company on occasion on foreign policy national security defense issues.

This was a wise personal and political decision. When Biden first entered the Senate President Barack Obama was 11 years old. Biden has run for POTUS enough. Bernie Sanders was 20 years old when Barack Obama was born. And Hillary Clinton was 14 years old when Obama was born. Only Chaffee and O'Malley were born after 1950 (Chaffee) and 1960(O'Malley).

How did the Democrats end-up with such a hoary bunch of allegedly progressive liberals?
Richard Luettgen (New Jersey)
Examine their principles and you'll see that they really ARE unchained liberals. Certainly, Bernie is and the draft-Veep-nominee-in-waiting, Elizabeth Warren, is as well. You may have ended up with them because primary voters are dinosaurs who like that kind of extremism. But you can't get someone elected by simply leveraging the commenting community of the NYT, as an undivided Republican Congress so eloquently proves.
blackmamba (IL)

I know and fear that you are right from both ends of the political spectrum. In an Internet age and 24 hour cable news mass media era entertainment and commerce encourage and reward extremism during our lengthy campaign primary season. With Republicans controlling both houses of Congress, a majority of the Supreme Court and state executive mansions and legislatures I am mystified by Democratic gloating. I have been an independent at the local and state level but admittedly I have a black left political bias.
John J Sharkey (Akron, Ohio)
Biden's support of the Obama record and his idea of furthering the same as the possible next president was the best reason to see that he is not running.

Best wishes to you Joe.
John J Sharkey (Akron, Ohio)
Biden's support of the Obama record and his idea of furthering the same as the possible next president was the best reason to see that he is not running.

Best wishes to you Joe.
delphine herbert (Ocala, Florida)
Too bad we can't roll all three into one super candidate but it's long past time for a woman and Hillary is that woman. Let's hope she has the wisdom to keep both Joe and Bernie in her administration, perhaps Joe continuing as VP and Bernie made Special Advisor for Moral Rectitude.
delphine herbert (Ocala, Florida)
Too bad we can't roll all three into one super candidate but it's long past time for a woman and Hillary is that woman. Let's hope she has the wisdom to keep both Joe and Bernie in her administration, perhaps Joe continuing as VP and Bernie made Special Advisor for Moral Rectitude.
Cheng (San Francisco)
If Mr. Biden wished to run for president, he should have done so because he had a great vision for the nation, and not based on his son's passing and the grieving process. Throughout the last few weeks, he appeared wishy-washy, and lacked the resolve to make a decision, not quality desirable for a national leader.

Instead of making a graceful exit, Mr. Biden made a long-winded speech. I could not imagine Mr. Obama doing that, or Mrs. Clinton, for that matter.
Cheng (San Francisco)
If Mr. Biden wished to run for president, he should have done so because he had a great vision for the nation, and not based on his son's passing and the grieving process. Throughout the last few weeks, he appeared wishy-washy, and lacked the resolve to make a decision, not quality desirable for a national leader.

Instead of making a graceful exit, Mr. Biden made a long-winded speech. I could not imagine Mr. Obama doing that, or Mrs. Clinton, for that matter.
Scott D (Toronto)
There was no genuine swell of non-media interest in him running and his grief was clearly visible. Biden, a classy American original.
Scott D (Toronto)
There was no genuine swell of non-media interest in him running and his grief was clearly visible. Biden, a classy American original.
Don Hi (Winnipeg, Manitoba)
Anyone who was not so totally wrapped up in himself as Joe Biden would recognize that Hillary Clinton's remark about Republicans being her enemy was made in jest - although she would have ample reason to think it seriously given that party's conduct toward her.

I too remember how Biden grossly exploited the Clarence Thomas hearings for his own political benefit. His leadership turned what should have been a serious assessment of Thomas's qualifications into an obscene political crucifixion of both Thomas and Anita Hill, thereby allowing the Republicans to make Thomas into a martyr and confirm him despite his shortcomings.

Everytime I hear Biden speak, I get slightly nauseous. He says he won't be silent. I say, too bad.
Don Hi (Winnipeg, Manitoba)
Anyone who was not so totally wrapped up in himself as Joe Biden would recognize that Hillary Clinton's remark about Republicans being her enemy was made in jest - although she would have ample reason to think it seriously given that party's conduct toward her.

I too remember how Biden grossly exploited the Clarence Thomas hearings for his own political benefit. His leadership turned what should have been a serious assessment of Thomas's qualifications into an obscene political crucifixion of both Thomas and Anita Hill, thereby allowing the Republicans to make Thomas into a martyr and confirm him despite his shortcomings.

Everytime I hear Biden speak, I get slightly nauseous. He says he won't be silent. I say, too bad.
trudy (<br/>)
That really is a shame. A fine man who would have been a great president.

Everything he said about Hillary is why I won't vote for her. A warmonger, unable to compromise, etc.

Bernie 2016. But Joe would have been great too.
trudy (<br/>)
That really is a shame. A fine man who would have been a great president.

Everything he said about Hillary is why I won't vote for her. A warmonger, unable to compromise, etc.

Bernie 2016. But Joe would have been great too.
offtheclock99 (Tampa, FL)
Biden is a thoughtful and decent man, one of the better ones in DC. Of course, he has his own baggage (as all candidates do) and those of us who wished he had run shouldn't delude ourselves that he wouldn't have faced some big obstacles. I think many of his supporters, from President Obama to myself, overestimated his appeal to the "white working class male." He would have had a better chance of snagging some of these voters, as would a Jim Webb (as unfathomable as a Webb candidacy would be) but among the Democratic base he doesn't have a core constituency. Older women democrats--arguably the most reliable voting bloc--are squarely for Hillary. Younger and more leftwing Dems are for Bernie. The "rationale," as the pundits say, for a 72 year old white male who's been in politics for 50 years was never there.

And that saddens me. I generally align with the Democrats and I feel my fellow liberals/progressives are being terribly short-sighted going into 2016. Hillary, after she inevitably gets the nomination, will face a visceral hatred from the right that's truly unfathomable. Remember the 90s? It will only be intensified because of her necessary run to the left during the primaries thanks to Bernie.

She probably will still win in the end, but it will be ugly and divisive. Don't expect an end to the vitriol in the next 8 years.
offtheclock99 (Tampa, FL)
Biden is a thoughtful and decent man, one of the better ones in DC. Of course, he has his own baggage (as all candidates do) and those of us who wished he had run shouldn't delude ourselves that he wouldn't have faced some big obstacles. I think many of his supporters, from President Obama to myself, overestimated his appeal to the "white working class male." He would have had a better chance of snagging some of these voters, as would a Jim Webb (as unfathomable as a Webb candidacy would be) but among the Democratic base he doesn't have a core constituency. Older women democrats--arguably the most reliable voting bloc--are squarely for Hillary. Younger and more leftwing Dems are for Bernie. The "rationale," as the pundits say, for a 72 year old white male who's been in politics for 50 years was never there.

And that saddens me. I generally align with the Democrats and I feel my fellow liberals/progressives are being terribly short-sighted going into 2016. Hillary, after she inevitably gets the nomination, will face a visceral hatred from the right that's truly unfathomable. Remember the 90s? It will only be intensified because of her necessary run to the left during the primaries thanks to Bernie.

She probably will still win in the end, but it will be ugly and divisive. Don't expect an end to the vitriol in the next 8 years.
Cynthia Harrison (Washington, D.C.)
Let us not forget that Joe Biden gave us Clarence Thomas, by agreeing to suppress information about Thomas's well-known interest in pornography and refusing to let Hill's supporters testify. He sat by while Simpson, Hatch, and Specter leveled disgusting charges against Hill and he ended the hearing because he wanted to be a nice guy to his buddies on the SJC.
His recent remarks about his credentials in foreign affairs trumping those of the secretary of state show again that he lacks the good judgment we require in a president.
Cynthia Harrison (Washington, D.C.)
Let us not forget that Joe Biden gave us Clarence Thomas, by agreeing to suppress information about Thomas's well-known interest in pornography and refusing to let Hill's supporters testify. He sat by while Simpson, Hatch, and Specter leveled disgusting charges against Hill and he ended the hearing because he wanted to be a nice guy to his buddies on the SJC.
His recent remarks about his credentials in foreign affairs trumping those of the secretary of state show again that he lacks the good judgment we require in a president.
NYChap (Chappaqua)
We all know that Hillary Clinton was chosen by the left and the Democrat Party to be the President right after Bill Clinton left the White House. She was supposed to be President in 2008 in that election year but so took it for granted that she let it slip away because she was lax in running her campaign and we got Obama instead. So, even though her record is atrocious, as was Obama’s when he got re-elected and she is a pathological liar and the majority of American’s do not trust her, she will probably get elected President simply because she is a woman and woman voters want to elect the first woman President. After that we will no doubt elect the first monkey President to satisfy animal rights groups. The Democrats like firsts because their policies are wrong headed so they can’t ever run on their records or their policies which basically is to tax the rich so they can give free stuff to those who aren’t rich. Deserve and qualifications have nothing to do with Hilary Clinton’s front runner status. Joe Biden, like everyone else who might endanger her front runner status, was told not to challenge her. So like the zombies that the Democrat politicians are they do what they are told and wander around aimlessly until they are called to follow the instructions of their superiors which in Hillary’s case Biden was told it isn’t his year.
NYChap (Chappaqua)
We all know that Hillary Clinton was chosen by the left and the Democrat Party to be the President right after Bill Clinton left the White House. She was supposed to be President in 2008 in that election year but so took it for granted that she let it slip away because she was lax in running her campaign and we got Obama instead. So, even though her record is atrocious, as was Obama’s when he got re-elected and she is a pathological liar and the majority of American’s do not trust her, she will probably get elected President simply because she is a woman and woman voters want to elect the first woman President. After that we will no doubt elect the first monkey President to satisfy animal rights groups. The Democrats like firsts because their policies are wrong headed so they can’t ever run on their records or their policies which basically is to tax the rich so they can give free stuff to those who aren’t rich. Deserve and qualifications have nothing to do with Hilary Clinton’s front runner status. Joe Biden, like everyone else who might endanger her front runner status, was told not to challenge her. So like the zombies that the Democrat politicians are they do what they are told and wander around aimlessly until they are called to follow the instructions of their superiors which in Hillary’s case Biden was told it isn’t his year.
Richard (Delaware)
Nonsense about the son's death. An old time politician like Biden had only one concern all along and that was could he raise enough money. He determined he couldn't, so he backed out. He'll do fine when he is out of office. The credit card companies in Delaware will put him on their boards to continue rewarding him for opposing consumer protection legislation when he was senator,
Richard (Delaware)
Nonsense about the son's death. An old time politician like Biden had only one concern all along and that was could he raise enough money. He determined he couldn't, so he backed out. He'll do fine when he is out of office. The credit card companies in Delaware will put him on their boards to continue rewarding him for opposing consumer protection legislation when he was senator,
Jerry M. (Little Rock)
He clearly didn't have the enthusiasm to run this time. Why he agonized over this for so long in a mystery to me. He must have had ambivalent feelings about being a candidate again.
Jerry M. (Little Rock)
He clearly didn't have the enthusiasm to run this time. Why he agonized over this for so long in a mystery to me. He must have had ambivalent feelings about being a candidate again.
Ray Russ (Palo Alto, CA)
My sentimental vision is this: Biden ambles slowly off into the sunset having had a lifetime of honorable public service informed by personal integrity, commitment to his country and the respect and the genuine adoration of a large segment of this country's citizens. In the foreground of my vision I'm resigned to see a honking car packed packed with 10+ clowns with brightly painted faces taking turns driving erratically in circles as they scream and shout their absurdist line trying to define a GOP which I was once proudly a part of.

I'd like to go have a beer with Joe Biden and tell him exactly why I'm leaving the insanity that my party has so effortlessly segued into.
Ray Russ (Palo Alto, CA)
My sentimental vision is this: Biden ambles slowly off into the sunset having had a lifetime of honorable public service informed by personal integrity, commitment to his country and the respect and the genuine adoration of a large segment of this country's citizens. In the foreground of my vision I'm resigned to see a honking car packed packed with 10+ clowns with brightly painted faces taking turns driving erratically in circles as they scream and shout their absurdist line trying to define a GOP which I was once proudly a part of.

I'd like to go have a beer with Joe Biden and tell him exactly why I'm leaving the insanity that my party has so effortlessly segued into.
Joe Schmoe (San Carlos, Ca)
A decent man, I wish him well. I'll respect him if he can do a Ike on us and call out the donor-banker-legislature-complex. Anything else is criminal

Go Bernie go. I'll donate again. Keep going.
Joe Schmoe (San Carlos, Ca)
A decent man, I wish him well. I'll respect him if he can do a Ike on us and call out the donor-banker-legislature-complex. Anything else is criminal

Go Bernie go. I'll donate again. Keep going.
simzap (Orlando)
I believe Biden was a great VP and his support has been crucial to the success of the Obama administration. But I also think he's dead wrong about working with the GOP and "reaching across the aisle". They bit Pres. Obama's hand off when he tried too hard to do that. The GOP isn't just Sec. Clinton's enemy, they are the enemy of democracy and anything else that stands between them and power. The only constituents they care about, judging by their actions, are the wealthy, the selfish and the bigots.
simzap (Orlando)
I believe Biden was a great VP and his support has been crucial to the success of the Obama administration. But I also think he's dead wrong about working with the GOP and "reaching across the aisle". They bit Pres. Obama's hand off when he tried too hard to do that. The GOP isn't just Sec. Clinton's enemy, they are the enemy of democracy and anything else that stands between them and power. The only constituents they care about, judging by their actions, are the wealthy, the selfish and the bigots.
Steve the Commoner (Charleston, SC)
Most of the extraordinary, sane, stable Americans want little to do with our severely flawed election process, which after the Supreme Court's atrocities, can no longer be called, "Democratic."
Steve the Commoner (Charleston, SC)
Most of the extraordinary, sane, stable Americans want little to do with our severely flawed election process, which after the Supreme Court's atrocities, can no longer be called, "Democratic."
julia (western massachusetts)
Thank you, VP Biden. Im counting on your good self and the commie geezer from Vermont to keep HC as honest as a potential player in this global whatever, can (or should) be - in the meantime, may we all remember this is the USA, not Canada, not Denmark, not Vermont.
bobbieo (Germany)
Yes, this is the USA, a country that could benefit GREATLY from learning about countries like Denmark and states like Vermont. Your glib comment shows how little time you spend learning ANYTHING. And your idiotic comment about "Commie geezer from Vermont" reveals your abject ignorance about what it is to be a "commie". You are trumpeting your ignorance like it's something to be proud of.
julia (western massachusetts)
Thank you, VP Biden. Im counting on your good self and the commie geezer from Vermont to keep HC as honest as a potential player in this global whatever, can (or should) be - in the meantime, may we all remember this is the USA, not Canada, not Denmark, not Vermont.
bobbieo (Germany)
Yes, this is the USA, a country that could benefit GREATLY from learning about countries like Denmark and states like Vermont. Your glib comment shows how little time you spend learning ANYTHING. And your idiotic comment about "Commie geezer from Vermont" reveals your abject ignorance about what it is to be a "commie". You are trumpeting your ignorance like it's something to be proud of.
Nancy Miller (Somerset, NJ)
I am sad today to learn that Vice President Biden will not be seeking the Democratic nomination for president. He has always been a gentleman of great integrity and a fine statesman. This is a great loss for our nation. However, I can understand the difficulty he had in making his decision after the loss of his son Beau. I wish him, his wife, Jill, and his family, all the best in the years ahead.
Nancy Miller (Somerset, NJ)
I am sad today to learn that Vice President Biden will not be seeking the Democratic nomination for president. He has always been a gentleman of great integrity and a fine statesman. This is a great loss for our nation. However, I can understand the difficulty he had in making his decision after the loss of his son Beau. I wish him, his wife, Jill, and his family, all the best in the years ahead.
Brad (NYC)
An early birthday present for Hillary. She will now glide to the nomination. And unless the republicans nominate Rubio I suspect will take the general election in a walk.
Brad (NYC)
An early birthday present for Hillary. She will now glide to the nomination. And unless the republicans nominate Rubio I suspect will take the general election in a walk.
Adirondax (mid-state New York)
Like others, I can't get past Senator's Biden's involvement with the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings. There were others willing to come forward to corroborate Hill's testimony that this guy was a serial harasser. Biden stopped it.

So we are left with a complete dunce on the Supreme Court.

Fact is this happened on his watch.

Having said that I join with other citizens in thanking Vice President Biden for his public service and wish his family all the best in dealing with their grief.
Adirondax (mid-state New York)
Like others, I can't get past Senator's Biden's involvement with the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings. There were others willing to come forward to corroborate Hill's testimony that this guy was a serial harasser. Biden stopped it.

So we are left with a complete dunce on the Supreme Court.

Fact is this happened on his watch.

Having said that I join with other citizens in thanking Vice President Biden for his public service and wish his family all the best in dealing with their grief.
FG (Pittsburgh, PA)
But, alas, the Republicans ARE he enemy -- of Hillary Clinton, certainly -- but also of Bernie Sanders and of the Constitution and of the American people -- AND of other Republicans. That Joe Biden could and would have reached across the aisle is probably true, but I fear that this generation of Republicans would have cut off that welcoming hand. I'm a Bernie Sanders man myself but I feel very comfortable with Hillary Clinton because, among other things, I know that when the Republicans go for her juggler, she'll knee them in the kiwis. I think they know that, too.
FG (Pittsburgh, PA)
But, alas, the Republicans ARE he enemy -- of Hillary Clinton, certainly -- but also of Bernie Sanders and of the Constitution and of the American people -- AND of other Republicans. That Joe Biden could and would have reached across the aisle is probably true, but I fear that this generation of Republicans would have cut off that welcoming hand. I'm a Bernie Sanders man myself but I feel very comfortable with Hillary Clinton because, among other things, I know that when the Republicans go for her juggler, she'll knee them in the kiwis. I think they know that, too.
Raymond (BKLYN)
He'd have taken a big chunk of HRC's votes. Her billionaire backers will be very grateful.
Raymond (BKLYN)
He'd have taken a big chunk of HRC's votes. Her billionaire backers will be very grateful.
Paul (St.Louis)
Would've liked to see him mix it up a little bit with Hillary, but understand entirely why he opted against running.

Oh well, at least we'll always have that quote from that famous speech he gave..."Ask not what your country can do for you....." ;-D
Paul (St.Louis)
Would've liked to see him mix it up a little bit with Hillary, but understand entirely why he opted against running.

Oh well, at least we'll always have that quote from that famous speech he gave..."Ask not what your country can do for you....." ;-D
k8earlix (san francisco)
Fantastic! I'm not sure we need a third candidate who could only distinguish himself as continuing the Obama presidency, while Clinton and Sanders are offering new ideas that will take us forward.

I can't imagine running for that office unless you have a fierce, burning desire for it every waking moment. If he doesn't have that, then it would be a mistake to run.
k8earlix (san francisco)
Fantastic! I'm not sure we need a third candidate who could only distinguish himself as continuing the Obama presidency, while Clinton and Sanders are offering new ideas that will take us forward.

I can't imagine running for that office unless you have a fierce, burning desire for it every waking moment. If he doesn't have that, then it would be a mistake to run.
HOUDINI (New York City)
I agree with the Vice President's decision, as while he's lingered long and defiantly in public service, his time is over and should be over given what he has endured. He has nothing left to prove and he should be thanked with his long service remembered. Too much is too much. For anyone.
HOUDINI (New York City)
I agree with the Vice President's decision, as while he's lingered long and defiantly in public service, his time is over and should be over given what he has endured. He has nothing left to prove and he should be thanked with his long service remembered. Too much is too much. For anyone.
Arlene (New York City)
Joe Biden has had 7 years to "get along" with his Republican friends on the Hill. I would think that Mr. Obama selected him as his running mate for just that purpose. Mitch McConnell and his cronies stated openly that their sole aim was to make Obama a one term president. Nothing in all this time has changed and it is obvious that if Biden's job was to make "friends" on both sides of the aisle for The President's agenda, he failed miserably. The Republicans declared war on the Democratic Agenda. Hilary has every right to be proud of her Republican enemies. Mr. Biden, if you couldn't get your friends to behave rationally as Vice President, do you think that would change if became President? Is it as simple as Black and White?
Arlene (New York City)
Joe Biden has had 7 years to "get along" with his Republican friends on the Hill. I would think that Mr. Obama selected him as his running mate for just that purpose. Mitch McConnell and his cronies stated openly that their sole aim was to make Obama a one term president. Nothing in all this time has changed and it is obvious that if Biden's job was to make "friends" on both sides of the aisle for The President's agenda, he failed miserably. The Republicans declared war on the Democratic Agenda. Hilary has every right to be proud of her Republican enemies. Mr. Biden, if you couldn't get your friends to behave rationally as Vice President, do you think that would change if became President? Is it as simple as Black and White?
Sinister Veridicus (MA)
There was no reason for Joe to run. None. Some lament the fact that HRC appears to be the "chosen one" and point to her scandals as evidence that she isn't fit to hold the Office. First, they are not her scandals. They are fabricated scandals thrown at the wall by the party of children. Somehow this party is know as the Grand Old Party. How ironic.

Bernie Sanders would never, ever, ever win in the United States for the presidency. He is a self proclaimed socialist. This is a capitalist based society with some socialist regulations and safety nets. There is no way this nation in its present state of mind would ever elect him to the Executive. It's just a fact.

HRC is intelligent and highly capable. She is clearly the best candidate from either party. That is why the republicans have essentially engaged in cheating. They know they can't beat her in honest debate. And if you are a die-hard Sanders voter, she is far better than refusing to vote and ensuring one of the wacko's from the right get the Oval Office. Nader ensured that in 2000, and the results were disastrous with George W Bush. Today's republican candidates are even more incompetent than him.
Josh (Grand Rapids, MI)
Clearly, the FBI feels differently. Spin it all you want, HRCs email follies will be her undoing.
Sinister Veridicus (MA)
There was no reason for Joe to run. None. Some lament the fact that HRC appears to be the "chosen one" and point to her scandals as evidence that she isn't fit to hold the Office. First, they are not her scandals. They are fabricated scandals thrown at the wall by the party of children. Somehow this party is know as the Grand Old Party. How ironic.

Bernie Sanders would never, ever, ever win in the United States for the presidency. He is a self proclaimed socialist. This is a capitalist based society with some socialist regulations and safety nets. There is no way this nation in its present state of mind would ever elect him to the Executive. It's just a fact.

HRC is intelligent and highly capable. She is clearly the best candidate from either party. That is why the republicans have essentially engaged in cheating. They know they can't beat her in honest debate. And if you are a die-hard Sanders voter, she is far better than refusing to vote and ensuring one of the wacko's from the right get the Oval Office. Nader ensured that in 2000, and the results were disastrous with George W Bush. Today's republican candidates are even more incompetent than him.
Josh (Grand Rapids, MI)
Clearly, the FBI feels differently. Spin it all you want, HRCs email follies will be her undoing.
Seabiscuit (California)
I may have actually voted for him. However, no way I would support Hillary under any circumstances. Trump is looking the best now.
Seabiscuit (California)
I may have actually voted for him. However, no way I would support Hillary under any circumstances. Trump is looking the best now.
Lenore (Manhattan)
Good. He is the Senator who worked very hard on behalf of the banks whose credit card bills are located in Maryland, who worked hard to make it more difficult for students, then all people, to declare bankruptcy.

Sorry, but bye-bye.
Lenore (Manhattan)
Good. He is the Senator who worked very hard on behalf of the banks whose credit card bills are located in Maryland, who worked hard to make it more difficult for students, then all people, to declare bankruptcy.

Sorry, but bye-bye.
N. Smith (New York City)
To be quite honest, this announcement was far from surprising. While not an expert or political pundit, even I knew that Mr. Biden wouldn't be running. And this, several months ago for precisely all of the reasons that he has given. However just why he waited so long to confer this is anybody's guess.
Being the President of the United States of America is most certainly not a job to take on without unbridled commitment and enthusiasm. Given his present family situation, Mr. Biden has undoubtedly made the right decision.
N. Smith (New York City)
To be quite honest, this announcement was far from surprising. While not an expert or political pundit, even I knew that Mr. Biden wouldn't be running. And this, several months ago for precisely all of the reasons that he has given. However just why he waited so long to confer this is anybody's guess.
Being the President of the United States of America is most certainly not a job to take on without unbridled commitment and enthusiasm. Given his present family situation, Mr. Biden has undoubtedly made the right decision.
Anne Rood (Montana)
We've all had our encounters with celebrities. Tom Brokaw dissed me in an elevator at 30 Rock; I only said hello. In the late 70s at Buttermilk Mtn Jack Nicholson said "ah, no" when approaching the lift line I called out "Single?" Didn't recognize him in this Detroit Tigers cap, but that voice still haunts me. (Anjelica was way ahead in the line, he didn't seem happy.) While in college in the Roanoke Valley in the mid 70s, I interned at WDBJ one semester. They sent me out to Roanoke Airport to interview Sen Biden who would be speaking at my college that night. He was so handsome, I have always hoped that was the reason I stumbled oh so awkwardly in our little talk in the airport parking lot. But he was very kind and patient. That night I sat in about the 4th row of the small auditorium. About three minutes into his talk he saw me, recognized me, and smiled. I smiled back -- yes, as everyone says, he is the real deal. God bless you, go be a great grandfather.
Anne Rood (Montana)
We've all had our encounters with celebrities. Tom Brokaw dissed me in an elevator at 30 Rock; I only said hello. In the late 70s at Buttermilk Mtn Jack Nicholson said "ah, no" when approaching the lift line I called out "Single?" Didn't recognize him in this Detroit Tigers cap, but that voice still haunts me. (Anjelica was way ahead in the line, he didn't seem happy.) While in college in the Roanoke Valley in the mid 70s, I interned at WDBJ one semester. They sent me out to Roanoke Airport to interview Sen Biden who would be speaking at my college that night. He was so handsome, I have always hoped that was the reason I stumbled oh so awkwardly in our little talk in the airport parking lot. But he was very kind and patient. That night I sat in about the 4th row of the small auditorium. About three minutes into his talk he saw me, recognized me, and smiled. I smiled back -- yes, as everyone says, he is the real deal. God bless you, go be a great grandfather.
An LA Lawyer (Los Angeles)
Smart move, Joe. Better to end your career as a great public servant than as an also ran, and you may be tapped for service in the Clinton or Sanders administration.
An LA Lawyer (Los Angeles)
Smart move, Joe. Better to end your career as a great public servant than as an also ran, and you may be tapped for service in the Clinton or Sanders administration.
Paul (Dover, DE)
We may have just lost the only authentic candidate. The government runs best as a collaboration between the executive and legislature branch. Mr. Biden is the only candidate out there that had even a smidgen of a chance to build a coalition.
Paul (Dover, DE)
We may have just lost the only authentic candidate. The government runs best as a collaboration between the executive and legislature branch. Mr. Biden is the only candidate out there that had even a smidgen of a chance to build a coalition.
Vermonter (Vermont)
The entire situation with the Democratic "primaries" and "debates" show haow morally and intellectually bankrupt the Democratic party really is. The "acceptance" of Mrs Clinton, with all her baggage, dishonesty, corruption, and ethical problems is disturbing, at best. Any "normal" person would be doing prison time for any of the things she is skating on now. Can't the Democrats do any better? Mrs Clinton is not the woman to put in the whitehouse, no matter how bad the Democrats want to.
Vermonter (Vermont)
The entire situation with the Democratic "primaries" and "debates" show haow morally and intellectually bankrupt the Democratic party really is. The "acceptance" of Mrs Clinton, with all her baggage, dishonesty, corruption, and ethical problems is disturbing, at best. Any "normal" person would be doing prison time for any of the things she is skating on now. Can't the Democrats do any better? Mrs Clinton is not the woman to put in the whitehouse, no matter how bad the Democrats want to.
Larrry Oswald (Coventry CT)
Too many old pols do not have the good grace to go gently into the night. We were all thrilled when 'the torch was passed to a new generation of Americans.' It is time for that again. I think Ms. Clinton will be a good caretaker for our divided land. Who knows if we will ever again be united? Canada has just made a change for youth. Hope that goes well. We should do the same someday.
Larrry Oswald (Coventry CT)
Too many old pols do not have the good grace to go gently into the night. We were all thrilled when 'the torch was passed to a new generation of Americans.' It is time for that again. I think Ms. Clinton will be a good caretaker for our divided land. Who knows if we will ever again be united? Canada has just made a change for youth. Hope that goes well. We should do the same someday.
3rdWay (MA)
Joe Biden is one of finest persons in politics. He made good and only logical choice. The writing is on the wall for quite while. Running for President is tough business. You have to have such a passion and desire that nothing is going to stop you. When agonizing for months, it only means one is not ready.

Joe will be an excellent candidate for the Secretary of State in a Clinton admiration. I hope Joe will be offered the job and accept it.
3rdWay (MA)
Joe Biden is one of finest persons in politics. He made good and only logical choice. The writing is on the wall for quite while. Running for President is tough business. You have to have such a passion and desire that nothing is going to stop you. When agonizing for months, it only means one is not ready.

Joe will be an excellent candidate for the Secretary of State in a Clinton admiration. I hope Joe will be offered the job and accept it.
dEs JoHnson (Forest Hills)
I think Biden can undertake a very essential task, one he may have hinted at in his announcement, that is, the healing of American politics. While Hillary Clinton is clearly a target of GOP vicious nastiness, and Republicans in general have stayed silent during years of words and deeds unworthy of a great country, Biden needs to offer the silent, wavering rump of Republican rationalists an exit ramp. Not just an exit ramp from chaos but a slip-road to governing in a true American spirit.

I hope this is what Biden has in mind. Otherwise, we're in for a very rough ride. Come on, Joe! You can do it!
dEs JoHnson (Forest Hills)
I think Biden can undertake a very essential task, one he may have hinted at in his announcement, that is, the healing of American politics. While Hillary Clinton is clearly a target of GOP vicious nastiness, and Republicans in general have stayed silent during years of words and deeds unworthy of a great country, Biden needs to offer the silent, wavering rump of Republican rationalists an exit ramp. Not just an exit ramp from chaos but a slip-road to governing in a true American spirit.

I hope this is what Biden has in mind. Otherwise, we're in for a very rough ride. Come on, Joe! You can do it!
nancy (annapolis)
You should be proud, Mr. Vice President. Not only of your faithful support of the President, but an entire lifetime of doing the right thing as a human being and, above all, as a husband and father. I hope you will find the months and years ahead extraordinarily fulfilling - no matter what you do.
nancy (annapolis)
You should be proud, Mr. Vice President. Not only of your faithful support of the President, but an entire lifetime of doing the right thing as a human being and, above all, as a husband and father. I hope you will find the months and years ahead extraordinarily fulfilling - no matter what you do.
Becca (Florida)
Congrats, on a very wise decision, VEEP. You've served in honorable and authentic fashion, and for a very long time. After all your losses, sincerely hope you spend the rest of your years with the lovely and brilliant Jill, and family, and stop and really take it all in. Great job, sir, now live, be well, and be free.
Becca (Florida)
Congrats, on a very wise decision, VEEP. You've served in honorable and authentic fashion, and for a very long time. After all your losses, sincerely hope you spend the rest of your years with the lovely and brilliant Jill, and family, and stop and really take it all in. Great job, sir, now live, be well, and be free.
Ned (San Francisco)
I like Biden a lot, and think he would be a good president, but this was a smart move. For one thing, he waited too long. Despite the death of his son, he should have had an answer a month or two ago. For another, we have a great candidate in Clinton, if she can shake off the pollsters, admit more mistakes and take some risks. She's smart enough to do a Geraldine Ferraro "I'll take questions until you are exhausted" thing. Don't make Gore's mistake, Hillary. Embrace controversy and bring Bill out on the trail!
Ned (San Francisco)
I like Biden a lot, and think he would be a good president, but this was a smart move. For one thing, he waited too long. Despite the death of his son, he should have had an answer a month or two ago. For another, we have a great candidate in Clinton, if she can shake off the pollsters, admit more mistakes and take some risks. She's smart enough to do a Geraldine Ferraro "I'll take questions until you are exhausted" thing. Don't make Gore's mistake, Hillary. Embrace controversy and bring Bill out on the trail!
kmk (Atlanta)
A shame. Biden might have been able to overcome the Democrat weariness engulfing this nation, but with him out, the President will be a Republican.
kmk (Atlanta)
A shame. Biden might have been able to overcome the Democrat weariness engulfing this nation, but with him out, the President will be a Republican.
Judy Venonsky (Pennington, NJ)
Vice President Biden is a noble statesman and a good man. I would not wish the vindictive maelstrom of an election season on anyone, least of all a man who has dealt with so much tragedy in his life already. Hopefully he will continue to contribute in other important ways to moving forward the issues that are so vital to the future of our country.
Judy Venonsky (Pennington, NJ)
Vice President Biden is a noble statesman and a good man. I would not wish the vindictive maelstrom of an election season on anyone, least of all a man who has dealt with so much tragedy in his life already. Hopefully he will continue to contribute in other important ways to moving forward the issues that are so vital to the future of our country.
DeeBee (Rochester, Michigan)
Now that he is out, please welcome President-Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton. First acts, pass the TPP (did you peasants really think for a minute that I was against it?) and let Wall Street do whatever it wants. Then expand the welfare state to include illegals (can't splinter families, can we folks?) so that the US can eventually go bankrupt.
DeeBee (Rochester, Michigan)
Now that he is out, please welcome President-Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton. First acts, pass the TPP (did you peasants really think for a minute that I was against it?) and let Wall Street do whatever it wants. Then expand the welfare state to include illegals (can't splinter families, can we folks?) so that the US can eventually go bankrupt.
Fred Reade (NYC)
I'm glad he's not running. I don't consider him true presidential material in terms of vision and leadership. He's just Hillary with a much better personality. The Dems need young and dynamic leaders. They are incredibly weak nationally in all political measures except the presidency. GOP controls the vast majority of state legislatures, governors and of course they dominate the Congress and have way too much control over the Supreme Court. The Dems need to create strategies to become a more powerful force on those levels. If the GOP wins the presidency the party of science denial, xenophobia and denial of voting rights will be in full control.
Siobhan (New York)
The way to become more powerful is to put up candidates that win.
Fred Reade (NYC)
I'm glad he's not running. I don't consider him true presidential material in terms of vision and leadership. He's just Hillary with a much better personality. The Dems need young and dynamic leaders. They are incredibly weak nationally in all political measures except the presidency. GOP controls the vast majority of state legislatures, governors and of course they dominate the Congress and have way too much control over the Supreme Court. The Dems need to create strategies to become a more powerful force on those levels. If the GOP wins the presidency the party of science denial, xenophobia and denial of voting rights will be in full control.
Siobhan (New York)
The way to become more powerful is to put up candidates that win.
karend (New York, NY)
I am glad VP Biden made this decision, for several reasons, but his "sour grapes" comments are very disappointing. I do not think that Mr. Biden would have won the nomination, or the election, but more importantly, I do not think a man in mourning is at a point where he should make a choice to run for president. While distraction can be comforting after a loss, neither a campaign nor running a country provide the time and space for the reflection needed in the aftermath of a child's death.
Nonetheless, the snide comments and bitter attacks on Hillary Clinton diminish my opinion of Mr. Biden. I expect better from the Vice President of our country, and if he is unable to control his emotions and act in the best interest of this country - which is best served by electing a Democrat in 2016, he is not the man I thought he was. Further, if he cannot control his emotions toward Hillary, how can we expect him to control them in the event he needs to make decisions for the country?
Rick (New York, NY)
karend, if you're referring to Biden's criticism's of Clinton referring to the Republicans as an enemy of hers during last week's debate, then in my opinion, he was absolutely right to criticize her for that. It benefits the Democrats to be seen as the "adults in the room" who are willing to reach across the aisle and compromise for the greater good while the Republicans are stuck with the image of being the unyielding "party of no". Comments like Clinton's erode, if not eliminate, that benefit. Clinton (assuming that she is the Democratic nominee next year) will have enough challenges trying to win as it is. She cannot afford to be seen as representing a party which is just as into political brinksmanship as the Republicans, and she can least afford to be someone contributing to that corrosive image of her own party.
karend (New York, NY)
I am glad VP Biden made this decision, for several reasons, but his "sour grapes" comments are very disappointing. I do not think that Mr. Biden would have won the nomination, or the election, but more importantly, I do not think a man in mourning is at a point where he should make a choice to run for president. While distraction can be comforting after a loss, neither a campaign nor running a country provide the time and space for the reflection needed in the aftermath of a child's death.
Nonetheless, the snide comments and bitter attacks on Hillary Clinton diminish my opinion of Mr. Biden. I expect better from the Vice President of our country, and if he is unable to control his emotions and act in the best interest of this country - which is best served by electing a Democrat in 2016, he is not the man I thought he was. Further, if he cannot control his emotions toward Hillary, how can we expect him to control them in the event he needs to make decisions for the country?
Rick (New York, NY)
karend, if you're referring to Biden's criticism's of Clinton referring to the Republicans as an enemy of hers during last week's debate, then in my opinion, he was absolutely right to criticize her for that. It benefits the Democrats to be seen as the "adults in the room" who are willing to reach across the aisle and compromise for the greater good while the Republicans are stuck with the image of being the unyielding "party of no". Comments like Clinton's erode, if not eliminate, that benefit. Clinton (assuming that she is the Democratic nominee next year) will have enough challenges trying to win as it is. She cannot afford to be seen as representing a party which is just as into political brinksmanship as the Republicans, and she can least afford to be someone contributing to that corrosive image of her own party.
Fred Furrer (Portage, Wisconsin)
Joe Biden never planned to run against Hillary Clinton. He was only offering himself as a viable alternative if Hillary stumbled badly -- which she hasn't. Joe remains a viable alternative if something unforeseen happens to Hillary. I would like to see Joe Biden be selected as the VP under Hillary, and then maybe I would think that ticket is better for the country than Trump. Right now, I think this country needs a non-politician for President, and Trump is the right man for that job.
Fred Furrer (Portage, Wisconsin)
Joe Biden never planned to run against Hillary Clinton. He was only offering himself as a viable alternative if Hillary stumbled badly -- which she hasn't. Joe remains a viable alternative if something unforeseen happens to Hillary. I would like to see Joe Biden be selected as the VP under Hillary, and then maybe I would think that ticket is better for the country than Trump. Right now, I think this country needs a non-politician for President, and Trump is the right man for that job.
So few of us private citizens would find the courage and self-awareness to do as Joe Biden and say, "I'm just not up to this." Honesty and integrity at the deepest levels, Mr. Vice President.
So few of us private citizens would find the courage and self-awareness to do as Joe Biden and say, "I'm just not up to this." Honesty and integrity at the deepest levels, Mr. Vice President.
James (Flagstaff)
One has to respect Mr. Biden´s decision. Of course, for those of us who are sick and tired of more than Secretary Clinton's emails, Bernie Sanders does offer a serious candidacy and alternative, a progressive voice well-grounded in some of the great achievements of the New Deal and other Democratic accomplishments, and one with a better chance than ever of prospering in a general election when the Republicans are in such total disarray.
James (Flagstaff)
One has to respect Mr. Biden´s decision. Of course, for those of us who are sick and tired of more than Secretary Clinton's emails, Bernie Sanders does offer a serious candidacy and alternative, a progressive voice well-grounded in some of the great achievements of the New Deal and other Democratic accomplishments, and one with a better chance than ever of prospering in a general election when the Republicans are in such total disarray.
RSYY (San Francisco)
As Rachel Maddow remarked this morning, as have many other pundits, Joe Biden is one of the few if only politicians she has ever known to be universally beloved and respected by both sides, and all politicians. I'm disappointed by Vice President Biden's announcement. Primary election issues aside, I thought he offered the best chance the Democrats had to win the general election. Too many Democrats/liberals that I know simply do not trust Hillary Clinton, and for good reason. (I'm a former supporter myself.) Joe Biden is an honest, intelligent, authentic man, and we would have been better as a nation with him leading the helm as the next President. Alas and alack, that will not be the case. So . . . Bernie, I'm all in! Let's do this!
RSYY (San Francisco)
As Rachel Maddow remarked this morning, as have many other pundits, Joe Biden is one of the few if only politicians she has ever known to be universally beloved and respected by both sides, and all politicians. I'm disappointed by Vice President Biden's announcement. Primary election issues aside, I thought he offered the best chance the Democrats had to win the general election. Too many Democrats/liberals that I know simply do not trust Hillary Clinton, and for good reason. (I'm a former supporter myself.) Joe Biden is an honest, intelligent, authentic man, and we would have been better as a nation with him leading the helm as the next President. Alas and alack, that will not be the case. So . . . Bernie, I'm all in! Let's do this!
John (New Jersey)
Biden can't have run, certainly not after the Democratic debate.

He can't win where the majority of issue the democratic candidates cited in the debate are all from (or all made worse) the Obama/Biden term in the White House.

Either those issues are real and he's part of the cause or they are baloney and he can be a candidate. Since the democrats rallied at the issues Clinton and Bernie voiced, then it's got to be the former. Hence, he can't have won - therefore, he won't run.
John (New Jersey)
Biden can't have run, certainly not after the Democratic debate.

He can't win where the majority of issue the democratic candidates cited in the debate are all from (or all made worse) the Obama/Biden term in the White House.

Either those issues are real and he's part of the cause or they are baloney and he can be a candidate. Since the democrats rallied at the issues Clinton and Bernie voiced, then it's got to be the former. Hence, he can't have won - therefore, he won't run.
Shark (Manhattan)
Amazing how just the rumors of a run, made the Clinton camp shake like auttum leaves in a fall breeze.

So much for being confident of a win.
chris (PA)
Do you have any evidence that the Clinton camp was trembling over Joe?
Shark (Manhattan)
Amazing how just the rumors of a run, made the Clinton camp shake like auttum leaves in a fall breeze.

So much for being confident of a win.
chris (PA)
Do you have any evidence that the Clinton camp was trembling over Joe?
Ben Graham's Ghost (Southwest)
Had Vice President Biden chosen to run and I decided he were the better choice to former Secretary Clinton, I would be giving him a pass. His conduct in the Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas hearings and his instances of plagiarism indicate character may be lacking. The hearings, charged with race and Biden's trying to be fair as possible, I tend to understand. The plagiarism disappoints, but he was young. Meanwhile Hillary Rodham Clinton was helping prosecute Richard Nixon; presciently coming up with a single payer health plan; doing what a carpetbagger in New York can rarely do (win the hearts of many New Yorkers); and becoming the most traveled Secretary of State in history. Burdened by her gender? Yes. Fierce and brilliant (see the debate)? Yes. All under the duress of her nationally known President husband who in private must have been a handful? "Staggering."

And still, while Hillary Rodham Clinton will have my vote as the most viable Democrat, I expect her to lose. This country is not ready for a woman who is only 4.9x more qualified than any other candidate to be President. The standard for women is 5x more qualified. I am ashamed.
Ben Graham's Ghost (Southwest)
Had Vice President Biden chosen to run and I decided he were the better choice to former Secretary Clinton, I would be giving him a pass. His conduct in the Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas hearings and his instances of plagiarism indicate character may be lacking. The hearings, charged with race and Biden's trying to be fair as possible, I tend to understand. The plagiarism disappoints, but he was young. Meanwhile Hillary Rodham Clinton was helping prosecute Richard Nixon; presciently coming up with a single payer health plan; doing what a carpetbagger in New York can rarely do (win the hearts of many New Yorkers); and becoming the most traveled Secretary of State in history. Burdened by her gender? Yes. Fierce and brilliant (see the debate)? Yes. All under the duress of her nationally known President husband who in private must have been a handful? "Staggering."

And still, while Hillary Rodham Clinton will have my vote as the most viable Democrat, I expect her to lose. This country is not ready for a woman who is only 4.9x more qualified than any other candidate to be President. The standard for women is 5x more qualified. I am ashamed.
WiltonTraveler (Wilton Manors, FL)
He made the right decision, not only for himself but also for his party (which did not need a divisive primary struggle). One must give him credit for that and also for all the help he has provided Obama in negotiating with Congress. A noble politician of the old stripe.
WiltonTraveler (Wilton Manors, FL)
He made the right decision, not only for himself but also for his party (which did not need a divisive primary struggle). One must give him credit for that and also for all the help he has provided Obama in negotiating with Congress. A noble politician of the old stripe.
Jack M (NY)
Biden was steamrolled by the Clinton money machine. Unfortunate, because he's the only one who could have taken her on, and she knew it. Sanders is an idiot for defending Clinton publicly on her email machinations. In that moment he lost the nomination. He showed that he just doesn't have the toughness in him to take on one of the toughest, ruthless, most calculating politicians out there. He didn't have to attack her, but there was no reason to defend her. She should be the one who has to defend her constant self-created problems. There's a time for chivalry and a time for politics. It's a tough game. Biden is miles ahead of Hillary as a person who exudes trustworthiness and dignity. A person who seems to have a real core, rather than an empty pantsuit with an obsessive quest for power. At the same time he had the toughness to play the game.
Jack M (NY)
Biden was steamrolled by the Clinton money machine. Unfortunate, because he's the only one who could have taken her on, and she knew it. Sanders is an idiot for defending Clinton publicly on her email machinations. In that moment he lost the nomination. He showed that he just doesn't have the toughness in him to take on one of the toughest, ruthless, most calculating politicians out there. He didn't have to attack her, but there was no reason to defend her. She should be the one who has to defend her constant self-created problems. There's a time for chivalry and a time for politics. It's a tough game. Biden is miles ahead of Hillary as a person who exudes trustworthiness and dignity. A person who seems to have a real core, rather than an empty pantsuit with an obsessive quest for power. At the same time he had the toughness to play the game.
Sy (California)
So ends my personal hopes that Joe Biden would make a run for the WH. As an Independent who voted Democrat in the last election, I am faced with voting for either Hilary or Bernie. All I can say is, Bernie, you'd better win this one. If your electoral vote count shows no chance, I will vote for any Independent candidate (Jim Webb -?) as in a prior election-simply because I firmly believe that Hilary hardly represents average working Americans (as exemplified with her Blue blood lifestyle). As a shrewd politician, she will say anything to get elected!!!
Sy (California)
So ends my personal hopes that Joe Biden would make a run for the WH. As an Independent who voted Democrat in the last election, I am faced with voting for either Hilary or Bernie. All I can say is, Bernie, you'd better win this one. If your electoral vote count shows no chance, I will vote for any Independent candidate (Jim Webb -?) as in a prior election-simply because I firmly believe that Hilary hardly represents average working Americans (as exemplified with her Blue blood lifestyle). As a shrewd politician, she will say anything to get elected!!!
Victor (Santa Monica)
I have a different reaction than most of the readers. I think it's unseemly for him to publicly make his decision to run and then not to run all about his son's death and his personal grief. I didn't hear his speech that so many praise, but we can be sure of one thing, he didn't write it. The truth is surely that he did not run because he didn't have a chance against the Clinton machine. It was not, to my mind, a dignified end to his political ambitions.
Victor (Santa Monica)
I have a different reaction than most of the readers. I think it's unseemly for him to publicly make his decision to run and then not to run all about his son's death and his personal grief. I didn't hear his speech that so many praise, but we can be sure of one thing, he didn't write it. The truth is surely that he did not run because he didn't have a chance against the Clinton machine. It was not, to my mind, a dignified end to his political ambitions.
Nick Metrowsky (Longmont, Colorado)
Too bad, he would have made a great president. A person who is genuine is hard to find in politics; especially in our caustic climate.

With Mr. Webb and Mr. Biden out of the picture, it is down to Ms. Clinton and Mr. Sanders. And, based upon recent poll numbers, Ms. Clinton may end up being the nominee. On the GOP side, take your pick.

With that said, unlike Canada, the US will continue down the road of greed, special interests and into oligarchy. In a way, Mr. Biden and Mr. Sanders were teh faint voices that have been snuffed out.
Nick Metrowsky (Longmont, Colorado)
Too bad, he would have made a great president. A person who is genuine is hard to find in politics; especially in our caustic climate.

With Mr. Webb and Mr. Biden out of the picture, it is down to Ms. Clinton and Mr. Sanders. And, based upon recent poll numbers, Ms. Clinton may end up being the nominee. On the GOP side, take your pick.

With that said, unlike Canada, the US will continue down the road of greed, special interests and into oligarchy. In a way, Mr. Biden and Mr. Sanders were teh faint voices that have been snuffed out.
Mike (Virginia)
I like and respect Joe Biden. But the coy "peek a boo" approach to making the inevitable decision not to run has not been good for his otherwise dignified and remarkable political career. His service and support for Presdident Obama contributed mightily to our recovery from the ecomomic and foreign policy disasters of the previous Administration. Thank you Joe!
Mike (Virginia)
I like and respect Joe Biden. But the coy "peek a boo" approach to making the inevitable decision not to run has not been good for his otherwise dignified and remarkable political career. His service and support for Presdident Obama contributed mightily to our recovery from the ecomomic and foreign policy disasters of the previous Administration. Thank you Joe!
Leslie374 (St. Paul, MN)
Although Joe Biden would not have been my top choice for the 2016 Democratic Nominee, I have enormous admiration for him both as a politician and a human being. I believe it was his wisdom, compassion and emotional integrity that led him to the decision he has made.

There are many ways to serve this nation, and I hope the political powers of this country realize that Vice President Biden's political and life experience have the potential to provide this country with invaluable support.

This country needs Joe Biden's good character to help unify the American people. Let us not forget what he offers us as an American Citizen.
Leslie374 (St. Paul, MN)
Although Joe Biden would not have been my top choice for the 2016 Democratic Nominee, I have enormous admiration for him both as a politician and a human being. I believe it was his wisdom, compassion and emotional integrity that led him to the decision he has made.

There are many ways to serve this nation, and I hope the political powers of this country realize that Vice President Biden's political and life experience have the potential to provide this country with invaluable support.

This country needs Joe Biden's good character to help unify the American people. Let us not forget what he offers us as an American Citizen.
freeasabird (Texas)
So the Dems don't want to upset a Hillary presidential run...
Is it because she is a woman, or because she is a Clinton?

Similarly, in Texas, the Democrats put all their eggs in the Davis's basket when she ran for the Texas Governorship last year, and we know what happened there.
Having said that, if Vice President Biden's heart is not in it, then, I don't like to see him run either.
freeasabird (Texas)
So the Dems don't want to upset a Hillary presidential run...
Is it because she is a woman, or because she is a Clinton?

Similarly, in Texas, the Democrats put all their eggs in the Davis's basket when she ran for the Texas Governorship last year, and we know what happened there.
Having said that, if Vice President Biden's heart is not in it, then, I don't like to see him run either.
rice pritchard (nashville, tennessee)
This is bad news for the American people. The plan was for Biden to peel off Clinton supporters and usher Sanders into the Democratic nomination. Under no circumstances must Clinton be the Democratic nominee, or heaven forbid, the next President. If the Clintons succeed in cheating Bernie Sanders out of the Democratic nomination with their usual "bag of tricks" he must as a principled man refuse to support HRC for president and is honor bound if he truly cares about the American people to run as an independent or third party candidate for president. Sanders has never run as a Democrat in his life before this year and owes them nothing if he is not their nominee. It is imperative if we are to retrieve even a remnant of a democratic republic and not become an open dictatorial plutocracy not to allow the Republicrat establishment to "hijack" the American electorate and offer up the false choices of two corrupt bought and paid for banking and corporate puppets as the two main parties' respective presidential nominees. Only by the Democrats nominating Bernie Sanders and the Republicans nominating Donald Trump will we have genuine rule by the people again when one or the other wins the Oval office. A "win/win" for the average American either way it goes. Otherwise it will be "business as usual" as America continues its descent into chaos and ruin. We need a real choice not an "echo" in 2016!
rice pritchard (nashville, tennessee)
This is bad news for the American people. The plan was for Biden to peel off Clinton supporters and usher Sanders into the Democratic nomination. Under no circumstances must Clinton be the Democratic nominee, or heaven forbid, the next President. If the Clintons succeed in cheating Bernie Sanders out of the Democratic nomination with their usual "bag of tricks" he must as a principled man refuse to support HRC for president and is honor bound if he truly cares about the American people to run as an independent or third party candidate for president. Sanders has never run as a Democrat in his life before this year and owes them nothing if he is not their nominee. It is imperative if we are to retrieve even a remnant of a democratic republic and not become an open dictatorial plutocracy not to allow the Republicrat establishment to "hijack" the American electorate and offer up the false choices of two corrupt bought and paid for banking and corporate puppets as the two main parties' respective presidential nominees. Only by the Democrats nominating Bernie Sanders and the Republicans nominating Donald Trump will we have genuine rule by the people again when one or the other wins the Oval office. A "win/win" for the average American either way it goes. Otherwise it will be "business as usual" as America continues its descent into chaos and ruin. We need a real choice not an "echo" in 2016!
kj (nyc)
The most important thing Biden said, is what every candidate ought to say and fight for: “The middle class will never have a fighting chance in this country as long as just several hundred families, the wealthiest families, control the process.”

This must be THE central campaign issue.
whoandwhat (where)
He's been vice president for 7 years. Funny that he just figured this out.
kj (nyc)
The most important thing Biden said, is what every candidate ought to say and fight for: “The middle class will never have a fighting chance in this country as long as just several hundred families, the wealthiest families, control the process.”

This must be THE central campaign issue.
whoandwhat (where)
He's been vice president for 7 years. Funny that he just figured this out.