Netanyahu Says No to Statehood for Palestinians

Mar 17, 2015 · 668 comments
Randall Frank (Ann Arbor MI)
So to all of the people who denounced former President Carter's (are you listening Mr. Dershowitz) claims of an apartheid direction in Israel's leadership, I'm waiting for your apologies to our former President.
Robert (New York)
Mr. Netanyahu is a liar! He is not a man of character but a self serving devious politician. He never wanted peace as is apparent from his recent remarks. Instead he wants to seize all of the land he can get his greedy little hands on no matter what the cost is in human life and hate he creates throughout the world for Israel. The United States should disavow their allegiance to being their ally if he is reelected. We can ill afford to let to let this one fanatic cause the destruction of the world!
Hydraulic Engineer (Seattle)
All the arguments I have heard regarding allowing a Palestinian state lead me to 2 conclusions: 1. a separate state is essential to liong term stability if the region, 2. The Palestinians (especially Hamas) and the Israeli steelements and clear intent to make the West Bank part if Israel are both major forces preventing such a state.

Israel is quite reasonable to point at the Gaza strip's putting all it's efforts into building 1,000s of missiles and tens of attack tunnels, instead of developing an economy for its people as proof that having a state in the West Bank would be a disaster.

And yet, Israel has no realistic solution of what to do with the 2 million Palestinians who live there.

I suggest that the West Bank be divided into maybe 3 pieces, to be turned over to the Palestinians one at a time, as long as conditions are met, such as no more attacks, no build up of arms, improved education and opportunities for Palestinians, etc. Each such violation results in a delay.
Mark (Auburn, CA)
This should surprise no one. Israel has never negotiated in good faith over the occupied territories. This is evidenced by the fact that Israel started the 1967 war for territorial gain. This is proven by the fact that since 1967, there has been a steady increase in the size of the settlements and correspondingly, the cantonization of Palestinian land. Israeli settler homes are built; Palestinian homes are demolished. The progress has been inexorable for 48 years. The facts, not words, prove Israeli intent. Netanyahu has just been the first Israeli to be honest about what has always been Israeli intent. Are we on the right side?
hrm (cb)
Just before the most recent conflict, Obama and Kerry were blaming Israel for the lack of progress. In the meantime the Palestinians signed a pack with Hamas. A week or two later the rockets were unleashed on Israel. When a ceased fire was finally established by Egypt, who Obama had turned his back to, the U.S. wasn't even asked to the table. Netanyahu is drawing some hard lines as he see what he perceives as increasing dangers to his nation and alienation by the President. A state could still occur if he felt the dangers were gone. But as long as the Palestinian leaders want to hold hands with Hamas, it won't.
Bob Bunsen (Portland, OR)
The status of Israel has been fraught since the founding of the modern nation in 1948, with plenty of wrongdoing on both sides - ostensibly justified, but still wrong.

I wonder what Theodor Herzl would think of today's Israel. In his book "The Jewish State," he wrote:

"We shall live at last as free men on our own soil, and die peacefully in our own homes. The world will be freed by our liberty, enriched by our wealth, magnified by our greatness. And whatever we attempt there to accomplish for our own welfare, will react powerfully and beneficially for the good of humanity."
Mark Thomason (Clawson, MI)
Well said. Balanced.

I wish there were some better way to keep this from being buried in all the rest.
bnc (Lowell, Ma)
During the terror regime of Joseph McCarthy, many of our parents' generation were afraid our neighbors were communists. We have witnessed a resurgence of that tactic since September 11, 2001 as well as recently with Mr. Netanyahu',s scary speech to our Congress. Why do these fear mongers control us? That is Fascism, not democracy.
Jonah Thomas (Fairfax)
Peace is not possible for Israel. They can't give arabs enough to satisfy them, and still be Israel.

War is very bad for Israel. Increasingly they become something that is not the Israel that any sane person could support.

There is no solution. Something terrible will happen, and when it does we will all realize that we knew all along it was coming but none of coud figure out how to stop it.

We should do what we can to get ready. One thing that Americans can do is try to keep nuclear weapons out of the middle east. When there is a nuclear war for Israel, regardles of the outcome -- whether Israel nukes somebody, or israel gets nuked, or both -- it will be the end for Israel as a truly sovereign nation, and as a nation which can provide safety for Jews.

The USA can work toward a deal where Israel gives up nuclear weapons and no arab nation gets them. That would be a truly good deal for Israel. Then when the terrible thing happens it won't be as bad as it would be with nukes.

It might be a good thing for th world to see what it means to win a nuclear war. It could lead to worldwide nuclear disarmament. But it would be bad for Israel. The whole middle east as a nuclear-free zone would be far better.
Two Can Sam (Pennsylvania)
Bibi's carrot and stick policy is a fascist farce at best. He never had any intention of progressing the two-state talks to conclusion. Although his carrot was an illusion, he never had any difficulty yielding use of the stick.

The world grows tired of his regime, as do the majority of Israelis. Perhaps peace will prevail once his kind of rhetoric is permanently absent from the world stage.
Brown Dog (California)
Currently both one nation and separate states are being opposed, so what aspiration remains? Eviction? Extermination? As an American, I am sickened by my being used to support a repression of any people. Mr Netanyahu, please do not try to recruit this American into any hate club. At least I can respond by expressing my being repulsed by this recruitment here and by tracking and voting against any U.S. representative who invited you as head of a foreign state to recruit me into such a repulsive aspiration.
Lawrence (New Jersey)
What is such a new phenomenon in all of this is the externalization of the heretofore " internal" Israeli body politic. The world no longer views this country as speaking with one voice, and it is refreshing to see a vibrant Israeli democracy with its manifest devisiveness - which ironically, exists in our own nation due to the intervention of Mr. Netanyahu and his Republican cohorts regarding the crucial Iran nuclear issue. Given we provide Israel with billions of dollars in financial and military aid, it's great to have such transparency to help us determine how our investment in our ally is spent.
A. Simon (NY, NY)
Anyone paying the slightest attention to Israeli policy over the last twenty years already knows there is no intention to allow a viable Palestinian state by any Israeli government.
You don't build and support massive illegal settlements, arm settlers, crisscross settlements with highways forbidden to be used by Arabs, steal water and natural resources, and then expect the world to believe you are serious about peace.
From Sharon to Bibi, the US has either been played for fools or our governments have avoided confronting Israel to appease its powerful friends. In either case, we need to cut ties now, regardless of who wins this election.
Good relations should resume if, and only if, there is an immediate settlement freeze and 20% dismantling of existing illegal structures.
tony silver (Kopenhagen)
Israel has definitely the right to exist...and a viable independent state of Palestine also. Remember, they both have Semitic roots.
Live and let live.
krocklin (los angeles, calif.)
Palestinians are a fake creation ordered and constructed by the Grand Mufti Haj Mohammed Effendi Amin el-Husseini [1889-1974]. They were basically discovered (formed and invented) and originate from mass immigration from Egypt and Saudi Arabia with purpose to commit jihad. The Egyptian fighters ended up in Gaza and the Saudi fighters ended up in the West Bank according to their rout of entry. This has been well documented by British government reports from Transjordan. It also fits the video clips and rants by Hamas leaders, who seem well aware that Palestinians are fake yet continue to argue that they ‘lost land’. We are dealing with a terrorist organization here, and not a people who became victims of loss of land.
Furthermore Abbas of the PLO/Fatah has said in a Palestinian state no Jew would be welcome.
For all the Israel bashers out there I urge you to get more informed.
Start by Googling Al-Husseini, praised by Abbas recently, who was a Nazi collaborator and responsible for organizing Nazi Muslim brigades that killed 90K Bosnian Jews.
And that is only one of his crimes.
He waged pogroms on Jews throughout Palestine after WW1.
Netanayu's fathers unsuccessfully tried to have him prosecuted at the Nuremberg Trials.
Instead he urged further violence that has reverberated to this day.
Ian Maitland (Wayzata)

In 1914, on the even of Zionism, Palestine had 738,000 Muslims & Christians and 60,000 Jews (Benny Morris, Righteous Victims, p. 83).
Chazak (Rockville, MD)
This is probably the 1st time in history that an endangered political leader told his base what they wanted to hear in order to scare them into going to the polls. Oh, wait, it's not?

Seriously, top of the fold on both the NYTimes and the Washington Post? And both of them act like this is some sort of a major policy announcement despite the fact that it was made in the end of a hard fought political campaign. This is the problem with the Times' coverage of Israel, there is no perspective and the Times always, and I mean always, writes headlines crafted to make Israel look as bad as possible.

Calm down people. If the Palestinians, who have rejected a state in 1937, 1948, 2000, 2008 and 2014 actually agree to peace, then whoever is the popularly elected Israeli Prime Minister, won't stand in the way. Unfortunately, there are no Palestinians interested in peace, so the point is moot.
George (Athens, Greece)
Why should there peace with Palestinians?
It is a status quo that is too convenient for the Israelis, since they have somebody to always blame, but also one that leads to an influx of money, weapons and goods for Israel. So saying that there will be no Palestinian state it is just one more thing that some voters want to listen and some "interests" want to happen so that to open their wallets.
Umar (New York)
Bibi isn't interested in a 2-state solution?
Next thing you'll tell is that professional wrestling is rigged.
Awensok (Hoston)
Barbaric behavior by the Plaestinians (or any other enemy) has always been used to justify the same and to justify discarding the moral standing of the aggrieved. The US is extremely good at that. Blindly following the Eye for an Eye doctrine so precious to those who lack strength of principle simply continues to lead the world into darker and darker places.
BUT it is said, can you demonstrate anything that works better? ALWAYS the cry of the mud-stuck right wing. WE have no choice, it's them or US.

So BB attempts re-electiion by promising to continue the idocy of trying the same thing over and over again until it works. Since it never will, he gets to try again.

I'm sure he'll be returned to office by the unsighted.
Tom Lessing (South Africa)
Bibi's vow that he would never establish a Palestinian state is in perfect harmony with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob's promise that those (including the leftist coalition parties in Israel) who dare to divide His land will have to face his wrath. The West and in particular the USA headed by Barak Obama are heading for a head-on collision with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
anlyztht (New Jersey)
God didn't create Israel. Western colonial powers created Israel. The UN created Israel. It was an horrific mistake borne of guilt and remorse. Those powers who stole land from the indigenous people to hand over to Jewish European immigrants, created the ME hell we live with today. God had nothing to do with it.
David Hedricks (Asheville, NC)
I don't think it's fair to tie Netanyahu's denial of a Palestinian state to his perceived desire for peace or not. The two aren't necessarily linked.
Mike (Nashville, TN)
I am afraid Bibi forgot the principle first propounded by James Carville that "Its the economy, stupid". This is true even in Israel. I hope Bibi wins but if he loses, this is the reason.
elliot (New York)
His logic is sound as to why Palestinians are not ready for a legitimate state. Its plain and simple. The concession of more land to Palestinians would put the Israeli population at a greater risk of terrorist attacks. Given the tremendous rise of radical Islam in the middle East and its unpredictable nature, I would advise the Palestinian Authority to legitimize themselves before they ask to be legitimized as a sovereign nation by the rest of the world. Palestinians voted in Hamas, a terrorist organization, and they have had numerous chances at everlasting peace. The Israeli disengagement of Gaza ordered by Sharon in 2005 is an ideal example. Gaza was supposed to be considered the Singapore of the Middle East and it is now a radical Islamic hell hole. The PA and its other factions had the opportunity to build beautiful schools and infrastructure in Gaza and yet, they built tunnels and spent millions of dollars given by the world on a massive weapons depot to kill innocent Israelis as their people suffer. This perfectly foreshadows what will happen if more land is given to Palestinians. Any reasonable person who has a true interest in Israel's security would strongly advise against a Palestinian state. Unless Palestinians understand that "occupying" terrority will never justify killing innocent Israeli civilians, there should never be a state, period. I hope that one day they will come to their senses, but it is a premature act to legitimize Palestine as a sovereign state.
E C (New York City)
I see the dream of a democratic Israel quickly washing away.
Tom Magnum (Texas)
This election is between Netanyahu and President Obama. President Obama dispatched his political hit team to Israel just like he dispatched it to Texas to elect a democrat governor of Texas. In Texas "Battle Ground Texas" as it was called was defeated. I hope that Netanyahu is able to defeat it in Israel as well.
Leonard Wood (Dallas, Texas)
Why does it not surprise me how this article from NYT is slanted against Bibi..

I hope he wins.. Israel needs a strong leader and the US needs to get rid of Barack and his cronies.
tony silver (Kopenhagen)
Achievements of Bibi
Look at this Netanyahu government's achievement. Bad relations with the US. Bad relations with Turkey. Bad relations with Europe. Rise of anti-Semitism after Gaza. Bad relations with the Palestinians. And finally, what peace process?
Judy Lamppu (Granada Hills, California)
Netanyahu is so respected in the U.S., more beloved than our own weak president. Our president has done everything possible to weaken Bibi, his dislike and resentment apparent. I wish we had him here to lead our country. A decisive, brilliant tower of strength and wisdom. If Israel wants change for change's sake, they are foolish. and I never thought of my "people" as limp fools - at least not since the holocaust. These dangerous times for Israel and the West do not require anything but firm resolve.
Ian Maitland (Wayzata)
The Russian people feel the same way about Putin.

Both leaders earn rave reviews from their ecstatic populaces by seizing land belonging their neighbors.
tony silver (Kopenhagen)
The Middle East dilemma was caused by the Germans and inadvertently by the UN.

Let us recall that the UN imperfectly created Israel in 1948, mostly at Palestinian expense, to solve a Jewish refugee problem and to make recompense for what the Germans did. However, it's now time to let the Palestinians establish their own state in what's left of their land.

If the parties, given a fair chance, cannot themselves resolve this problem then the UN should impose a solution and police it until the parties get used to their facts on the ground.

Draw borders based upon where people actually live today, not in 1948, 1967 or 2,000 years ago and immediately confer international recognition upon those borders whether the parties like it or not. Invoke a policy akin to the Doctrine of Eminent Domain and award Just Compensation to everyone, Jews included, who lost property as a result of the UN's creation of Israel. The UN should establish a Middle East Compensation Commission where people come, present claims and walk out with a check in exchange for a Release of Claims. That's fair.

The settlers? Let them stay where they are. If they land on the Palestinian side of the border they'd be Jewish Palestinians who will enjoy all of the rights and privileges accorded to all citizens of the State of Palestine. Israel has Arabs, Palestine can have Jews. It's the same thing.
A. Simon (NY, NY)
Netanyahu has done more to hurt Israel on the world stage than any other Israeli leader. Hundreds of Top Israeli military brass and even the former head of Mossad are against him. That should make any supporter think twice, no?

President Obama has done more for Israel than any American president, as per Shimon Peres and even Netanyahu. That has earned our president disrespect and blatant racism in Right wing Israeli circles. This is appalling and should be denounced by all American citizens.
ra44mr2 (chicago)
The only "solution" palestine will accept is complete acquiescence by the Israelis and for them to stand silently as they are all killed off and the palestines can then take back the entire nation. They will accept nothing less than the total annihilation of Israel. They have proven that over and over again in the past. Each time Israel eases up they use that additional freedom to attack.
tony silver (Kopenhagen)
Why not israel simply accepting the ARAB PEACE INITIATIVE?
A peace loving Palestinian leader is Netanyahu's worst nightmare. Netanyahu, Lieberman, and Bennet are saying private whispered prayers of ecstasy and thanks: "Thank you, Hamas!"
A. Simon (NY, NY)
Substitute Palestine for Israel and you are right on the money.
Vincent Amato (Jackson Heights, NY)
In addition to the essential lawlessness of expanding an Israeli presence in Palestine, your graphics illustrate an interesting pattern. Israelis tend to take not only the high ground, but the sparce green zones that exist in the territory and build tract housing on the sites. The net effect is to not merely to eat up territory but to have a negative environmental impact on the land as well. One can only imagine the outrage and frustration of Palestinians as their occupiers establish Western style suburban tract housing on their land and compound the hurt by negatively impacting a fragile environment.
davec (WA US)
"Palestinian State?" Observations:

1. Want a State, go ask the UN. The UN gave Israel their own land, how generous!

2. Why dont "palestinians" want their own land? Because they never HAD any of their own. They want someone elses.

3. They were given Gaza AND Gush Katif, what have they done but used Gaza to launch military attacks on Israel?

4. Palestinians are welcome in Israel, unless they are suicide bombers or bulldozer drivers. See # 2....

5. "Palestinians" dont want "their own state" they want Israel destroyed. They admit it. Why continue to lie about it?
tony silver (Kopenhagen)
Why doesn´t israel accept the Arab League Peace Initiative and put an end of this stupid bloodshed once for all.
The Arab League Peace proposal of 2002 is the most honest for all and will end Israel’s isolation.
"Israel needs to look hard at this initiative, which promises Israel peace with 22 Arab nations and 35 Muslim nations - a total of 57 nations that are standing and waiting for the possibility of making peace with Israel, “Kerry said.
A. Simon (NY, NY)
These are tall tales that have been discredited repeatedly for decades, but nonetheless surface like a resistant weeds.

Fact: there was never an Israel until 1948. Saying there was never a Palestine to justify land theft is preposterous.

The population of Palestine in the early 1800's was 350,000, in 1860 it was 411,000 and in 1900 about 600,000 of which 94% were Arabs. In 1914 Palestine had a population of 657,000 Muslim Arabs, 81,000 Christian Arabs, and 59,000 Jews.

By 1948-1960 the Arab population drops dramatically from 1,061,270 to 289,600. In 12 years we see the slaughter and displacement of about 800,000 Arabs.

Fact: Israel is stealing Palestinian land and breaking international law. Israel is committing ethnic cleansing.

No amount of fairy tales will change the truth.
scoter (pembroke pines, fl)
Here's a sketch of one possible solution. The US and other western states are already backing off on their support of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank. Many Israeli's would love to dump it on someone else. In the absence of good faith negotiations between the Israeli's and Palestinians, there's very little legal pretext for the continuation of the Israeli occupation. The original UN resolution called for 2 states, and Israel is still obligated to honor the resolution which gave it legitimacy as a state. The Israeli's already gave up Gaza, so a precedent is established. What's wanted is a NATO force under UN auspices to separate the 2 nations based on the Green Line. East of the Green Line, the occupants will have to work out a state government under the security umbrella of NATO. Most of the Jewish settlers will withdraw voluntarily. Israel will send in forces to forcibly pull the "Greater Israel" fanatics out of there, as they did in Gaza. US and others will compensate Israel for losses. Palestinians will not emigrate to Israel proper, and compensation for lost property from 1948 will remain an open issue. We won't expect Israel to relinquish East Jerusalem proper. But Palestine will get a government compound within the borders of Jerusalem abutting the de facto border, with at least one "capital" building, & sovereignty over the Temple Mount, excluding the West Wall, with guarantees they won't destroy archeological remains of ancient Jewish occupations.
Nanj (washington)
I see to see shades of Mr. Putin in the Israeli PM.

Surely he does not need the hardline rhetoric to stuff down everyone's throats to win? People are smarter than that. Especially having lived in a tumultuous region for all these years.
Barbara T (Oyster Bay, NY)
Netanyahu does not have Israel's best interests at heart, nor the Palestinians. Denying statehood over ISIS occupation is a pathetic excuse for denying freedom to others. Remember, it was not that long ago that Israel gained its right to statehood. Progress sometimes means letting go of old rivalies and moving toward tolerance, temperance and moderation in developing peaceful relationships worldwide.
Greg (Lyon France)
If any other world leader had done what Netanyahu has done to the US Secretary of State and to the US President, that leader and his local supporters would be persona non grata in all the States of the Union.
Brian Frydenborg (Amman, Jordan)
The answer to the question "Who controls Gaza?" can tell you a lot about why today's election is so important.

In today's election, Israel must choose between peace and being an oppressor, between new leadership and the Netanyahu faction. Why an examination of Gaza's sovereignty is essential to understanding why, as I discuss here:

Israel is not honest with itself or anyone about Gaza, and this represents the type of Israel we will have and the future of Palestinians if Netanyahu wins again.
Mark B. (New York, NY)
Who controls Gaza? Hamas. Of course if we are looking for full honesty, you seem to forget that Egypt has actually be far worse to the Gazan civilians than Israel during the past months. The Egypt border is sealedt, the Egypt forces have destroyed homes, and Egypt barely lets any humanitarian supplies into Gaza. Yes, let's be fully honest about the situation.
G. Bemis (New Market, Minn.)
Israel and the world would be much better off if Mr. Netanyahu would be defeated. Should he remain Prime Minister, Israel will be not have much support from the nations of the world. It is about time that Israel make a serious attempt to settle its difference with Palestinian state.
Greg (Lyon France)
Netanyahu should be given the Nobel Prize for Deception.
Two Can Sam (Pennsylvania)
The problem with that is - Who exactly did he deceive?

He has telegraphed his position from day one.
Yet another slap in the face of Israel's self described "best friend in the world". There's a saying as old as the ages, "with a friend like this, who needs enemies?"

While professing to support a "two state solution" the Netanyahu regime has undermined its creation at every turn while embarrassing the US publicly with announcements of increased settlements on disputed land while our Sec of State was in the country.

Now, in a blatantly desperate attempt to win the support of the extreme right wing of the Israeli electorate he has pulled the rug out on the basis of 30 years of US mid east policy, again despite his promises of support as long as all of his terms were met.

Clearly, it was all a huge, extended lie by the same Israeli Prime Minister who just two weeks ago stood in the well of the US House of Representatives and stated that it was Iran, who could not be trusted to live up to its promises.
RHolm (Phoenix)
So Israel lied to the world, they lied to their only ally and they lied to me. They do not want peace and it is time for us to stop providing aid and cover at the UN. Israel has been stalling with negotiating since Obama came to power without any results. Israel loves to talk without getting anything accomplished. Why? So they can continue to solidify their grip on seized West Bank land they have no intention to return to Palestine. The old world order is about to crumble. As a Palestinian State, Palestine can go to the International Criminal Court and take away control from the US and Europe.

The courts have the power to take money from Israel and cut off banks from trading with Israel. It is the only way to get cooperation.
Greg (Lyon France)
Netanyahu has just sealed the fate of the Likud Party. By rejecting the 2-State solution, he rejects the international community, he slaps the US in the face (yet again), and more importantly he makes it impossible to form a coalition with any left and centrist parties.
Jean Santilli (Italy)
Bibi fails to understand that HOPE is more important than security. Without Hope, a bunker is a grave.
If today’s election opens a window of hope, the whole of the Middle East will win, in the best interest of the rest of the world. But then everyone involved will have to decide between endless warfare and lasting peace and prosperity.
There’s nothing wrong with the oil & weapons business, except its mediocrity. So here is the alternative: a shortsighted “security” policy backed by mediocre business, or the Super Mega Business made possible with a policy of lasting peace and prosperity in the Middle East. But one point must be clear: the only rational answer to the infernal madness invading the world from the Middle East is a greater, enlightened madness, based on HOPE for all the people in the Middle East.
In 1945, millions of refugees roamed Europe. While some were rebuilding cities, others were trying to rebuild the hearts and the souls, and dignity, and honor, lost in so much horror, when it seemed impossible to believe in any future for humanity. Some were trying to rebuild HOPE.
In 1945, there was no such thing as the E.U. : the European Union.
In 2014 in the Middle East, there is no such thing as the U.L.P.: the United Lands of the Prophets.
“The U.L.P. – A Paradigm Shift for the Middle East” is a two-page program. (Free download in four languages from , a site where millions of researchers publish their works).
Concerned citizen (New York)
In the 5 years since the Bar Ilan speech, the Palestinians and entire Middle East have radicalized significantly. Netanyahu’s statement reflected today's reality that an Islamic entity will arise in the West Bank if Israel pulls out just as it rose in Gaza after Israel’s pullout in 2006. His rejection of a Palestinian State was in the context of what has taken place and could be expected to continue, not in the ideal world of the Palestinians moderating and being willing to live alongside Israel in peace. It is Palestinian terrorism which has created this situation.
Steve (Sonora, CA)
Hmmm ... "No to Statehood for Palestinians"

Perhaps our response should be "No to Military Assistance to Israel." They have sucked the US teat for far too long for what we get in return. And conservatives should love this: cut the budget and foreign aid.
Another Columbian (New York , NY)
And what exactly did we "get in return " for the hundreds of thousands of dear and brave and invaluable American lives ( not to mention the monetary costs ) lost in defending France , Britain , Korea , Vietnam , Kuweit , Iraq . Afghanistan ( more names available...) . Last I looked , NOT ONE American lost his life defending Israel....
james thompson (houston,texas)
This is equivalent to the line of some radicals who deny the right of Israel
to exist. Netanyahu is saying exactly the same thing to the Palestinians.
What, then, can the Palestinians do but fight back?
Tom (Hampton, VA)
Netanyahu's message to Israelis... Be afraid, very afraid... just leave me to protect you.
Netanyahu's message to Palestinians... I've been lying to everyone about my intentions all along. Please continue bombing and I will continue to be in power to take your lands, your homes... and fill your homes with "New" Israelis from France, Denmark and the Ukraine.
Netanyahu's message to Americans... I will lie to you and as long as I can use Republicans to beat the "Fear Drum", I will remain in power and the Status-Quo will remain until there are ONLY Israelis in the greater Kingdom of David...
marian (Philadelphia)
i am a supporter of Israel and only want them to live in peace with all their neighbors. I am not an expert in all the ramifications of a one state solution versus a two state solution and I am sure there are many upsides and downsides to each solution. My only observation is that the current status quo is not working and there is no peace. Perhaps a two state solution could work and in a few generations, they could learn to live like normal neighbors. It won't happen right away since there is so much rancor. If the Palestinians could have their own homeland and take responsibility for their own destiny, it may take the wind of of the sails of Hamas. I know it's easier to continue to blame Israel and the West for all their problems- and given today's situation, it's easy. What will not be easy, is once the Palestinians have their own state, they may be forced to figure out their own government. Of course, given the current instability of the entire region, it's not going to be easy. It will take generations for this entire region to be stable and for the Palestinians to learn how to work, have a strong, modern economy and to govern. They don't have many good role models in this region- except for Israel.
Ken Sturmer (Florida)
Well, just perhaps Netanyahu has finally ended his political career. It is obvious that he does not want a peaceful solution to the Palestinian problem! If for some strange reason, he is re-elected. The United States should reconsider it's support for Israel. War mongering is not in our best interest, although there are Americans who would support Israel, no matter what.
M. Imberti (Stoughton, Ma)
Actually, if I were a palestinian, I would pray Netanyahu would win. Europe and maybe even the US were beginning to take action towards recognizing a Palestinian state. Now that he has openly shown himself for the liar and backstabber that he has always been, how could he regain any credibility? The world would turn against him and throw their support and money behind the Palestinian cause. With him gone, we'll be back to the old games, and a Palestinian state will continue to be a pipe dream.
j (d)
There will NEVER be peace without a Palestinian State (that doesn't get its water and electricity and municipal services through Israel).
bnc (Lowell, Ma)
Another irony _the Ukraine's dependence upon Russia for natural gas. How we detest that but not Israel's stranglehold.
Tatarnikova Yana (Russian Federation)
Instead of aggressive escalation of the conflict with the Arab world Mr. Netanyahu should tell his voters a little about how he well going to improve the economic situation in the country...
midwestjim (detroit, michigan)
People need study their history a bit better - there is ALREADY a "two state solution" in place. The area of what is called "Palestine" was entirely contained within the British Protectorate of "Trans-Jordan". The division of Trans-Jordan into the state of Israel (as a primarily Jewish state) and the nation of Jordan (as a primarily Arab state) has already been accomplished.
Greg (Lyon France)
AMMAN, Jordan, July 31 (1988)— King Hussein of Jordan tonight abandoned to the Palestine Liberation Organization any claim to the Israeli-occupied West Bank his Hashemite family ruled between 1948 and 1967. ''We respect the wish of the P.L.O., the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, to secede from us in an independent Palestinian state,'' the King said
geebee (ny)
It's time we left Israel to go it alone. We have by supporting Israel been supporting abuse and brought down upon the U. S. much of the hostility that Israel deserves because of its actions toward the Palestinians. This anti-Israelism is not anti-Semitism, per se, as Israel often claims. But it's too close for comfort. Israel creates fresh hatred by its own behavior.

Leave them to their self-sown consequences.
Dryly 41 (<br/>)
So, Bibi's been stringing everybody along for all this time. That's really not the stuff of a great leader.
Margaret (California)
When Netanyahu dared to pretend his own opinion to be independent, Obama's state department has began to spend millions of US dollars to defeat his electoral campaign.

Our national debt has reached its' ceiling, but instead of paying it out, our authorities continue to take care about who is sitting in the government of countries overseas.
David Johnson (Greensboro, NC)
We here in the US should be thankful to Netanyahu for finally saying out loud what has long been painfully obvious to anyone paying attention. The US can no longer pretend that a two-state solution was a viable option and that Israel wants peace more than it wants land. Our "unconditional" support of Israel must become a conditional one, lest we become drawn into a war by an imperialistic regime that feels it must maintain military superiority over its neighbors. That kind of thinking can lead to rash behavior which we, the US, must distance ourselves from. Perhaps, losing that unconditional support will enlighten the Israeli public and their leaders to the possible consequences of such thinking and put them on a better path toward equity for the Palestinians and relations with neighbors based on respect rather than military might.
Wonder Weenie (Phoenix, AZ)
Palestine existed until 1948 when the state of Israel was created.
historylesson (Norwalk, CT)
The Arabs have rejected every peace proposal/two state solution offered.
They do not recognize Israel's right to exist.

This subject has less to do with Netanyahu than with the persistent fiction that there can, and will be, a two state solution. All Netanyahu did was spell out the truth.
Ever since the 1967 war, we've clung to these fantasies of a two state solution. It ended when Israel won the '67 war.
But still, Israel is held accountable by an ancient, at this point, UN resolution that bears no relationship to reality.
And only Israel is held accountable to this UN double standard of defining their country by pre-1967 borders, with some land swaps added.

For the millionth time, America, there are no "Palestinians" as Arab PR so successfully has defined them. How we all love an "underdog." Poor "Palestinians" robbed of their land/nation.
They never had one. A "Palestinian" was anyone who lived in the area known as Palestine, since WWI ruled by the British under the mandate, until after WWII, when the UN recognized Israel, and partitioned land into two countries, Israeli and Arab.
Israel accepted partition and the boundaries.
The Arab League declared war on Israel, instead. When it was over, Jews couldn't enter Jerusalem, pray at the Western Wall, and the entire Jewish Quarter of the Old City was leveled by the Arabs.
In 1967 the Israelis won a war. Turned Jerusalem into an open city.
Occupied West Bank? Fiction. They won it, live in it, govern it.
Time to accept it.
hillishager (Florida)
History lesson or fiction?

Palestine has been recorded on maps for 2,000 years.
Ian Maitland (Wayzata)
Even if you say this a million and one times, it is still a complete fabrication.

In 1914 Palestine had 738,000 Muslims & Christians and 60,000 Jews (B. Morris, Righteous Victims, p. 83). If those Palestinians and their descendants aspire to nationhood in their land, why is their claim inferior to that of the Jewish colonists who founded their state in that land?

All this talk of how Palestine never existed or the Palestinians aren't really a people strikes and so it's fine if Israel drives them off their land strikes me as perilously close to the racial ideology we thought we had vanquished in WWII.

Israel agreed to "defining its country" by the pre-1967 borders when it endorsed Security Council Resolution 242 which provided for the "inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war" and the "withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict."

As for your story that, after 1948 "Jews couldn't enter Jerusalem, pray at the Western Wall", that is crude propaganda. The Jordanian officials in Jerusalem did not apply any religious test or block off the Western ("Wailing") Wall. It is true, ISRAELIS were barred from the Western Wall. That is hardly surprising since a state of war existed between Israel and Jordan-- but that had nothing to do with religion.

OTOH, after 1948, Israel prevented Palestinians from visiting the homes, fields and places of worship from which they had fled in the war. It razed those villages and their mosques.
blacknblue2 (Niagara)
The world will be a bit safer without Bibi. Bibi grew up with a father that never wanted or accepted the partitioning agreement. Instead Bibi's father supported removing all Arabs from the land.

The UN bar Israel and the US has voted against the settlements for decades, because they're illegal but Israel keeps doing it. Israel has never signed the NPT ....why not? Who do they think they are?

The Palestinians throwing rocks, Arab's keep bombing. The Arab's are seeing a wall. Israeli's call it a separation wall and Arabs call it a wall of apartheid.

How well did the Berlin wall work? I remember President Reagan saying tear down that wall. Loved it!

How well did apartheid work in South Africa?

How well did Jim Crow laws work in the USA? Can't eat at the the same lunch counter? Some people said the laws were for protection.

Will a new Prime minister find an answer? Don't know....they've been fighting int hat area of the world for centuries.

I don't remember as much animosity in the 1950's when I was a kid.

Eisenhower knew the danger and pain of war. When it came to foreign policy, he applied his own personality to world affairs. He had never been rash and as a rule opted for the moderate course. "Eisenhower's personal inclination was always to try to talk and to conciliate." The world has walked far, far away from talking.
Michael Nunn (Traverse City, MI)
Adi Perkin: “This election had a very bad side, which was that instead of talking to the citizens, the campaigns were about besmirching the others." Welcome to politics American-style, Ms. Perkin.
Christie (Bolton MA)
Millions of Palestinians whose families were violently expelled from their homes by Jewish settlers in Mandate Palestine in 1947-48 remain stateless. These include the people of Gaza, the West Bank (four million) and a million or more in diasporas in Lebanon, Syria, and other countries.

Statelessness is rare in today’s world, a result of reforms initiated by the international community after the horrors of World War II and its preceding decades. The Palestinians are the last major stateless population. Stateless people do not have rights as most people understand the term. Their situation in some ways resembles slavery, since slaves also were denied the rights of citizenship. Stateless people’s property is insecure, since people with citizenship rights have better access to courts and to ruling authorities. Palestinians never really know what they own, and Israeli squatters routinely steal their property with impunity. Squatters dig tube wells deeper than those of the Palestinian villagers, lowering aquifers and causing Palestinian wells to dry up.

Apartheid Forever: Israel's Netanyahu rules out Palestinian Citizenship Rights | Informed Comment
justin sayin (Chi-Town)
After years of ongoing negotiations and a hope for peace the PM throws all of it out the window in a panicking manner to hold on to power. Such disrespect to all who have engaged in talks to resolve the two-state situation for decades will surely backfire and well it should .
Eleanore Whitaker (NJ)
Oh big surprise, King Bibi has spoken. Now, the entire world must bow down at his feet. Think again. Of course, Israel doesn't want a Palestinian state. Any more than it wants a peaceful Middle East not entirely occupied by Israel. did we miss that? NOT.

The reality is that for more than 3 decades, Israel has always put the kabosh to any peace talks. They do it so obviously these days, it's laughable. They want until the curtain on the world stage is almost down. Then, SLAM! The Israelis do an about face with some trumped victimhood.

Israel is an aggressor nation. It has proven this time and again for its failure to accept that, before they decided to used some antiquated idea of a Promised Land, there never was an Israel. There always was Palestinian Territory. I guess if you choose to rewrite the Old Testament to suit, you get to claim land that never belonged to you?
Bob (Nevada)
Since they are either Egyptian or Jordanian castoffs, is it not preferable for the "Palestinians" to occupy the East Bank of the Jordon? Of course, since this neither occupies any portion of the city named after the Jew, or any of Israel's traditional hectares, it won't sit well with the antisemites of either side of the aisle.
Atif (New York)
Netanyahu as the representative of the Israeli people is free to articulate his goals and wishes.

But, the time to pretend to say one thing, because it helps you hide your real agenda, and do the exact opposite is over.

Basically, Netanyahu is saying: might is right. We have power and so we will concede nothing to the Palestinians, despite having agreed to a two state solution earlier. In fact, we will make it practically impossible for a Palestinian state to come into existence or exist.

There is no reason for the world body to step in and defend Israel's position every time. Certainly, we need to stand for our own foreign policy stand, not one dictated by Israel or AIPAC.

If our values, goals, and interests have diverged over time from those of Israel, the time to put American lives in danger, and security interests at risk, should also be over. We should stand behind parties committed to peace.
Rick from NY (New York)
I pray for the good people of Israel to vote for hope over desperation and choose Mr. Herzog. Bibi's heart is in the right place but his paranoia over Hamas and Iran can only lead to a catastrophic war that we will get dragged into.
JJSchwartz (Northern Wisconsin)
A one state solution is no solution if there is ever to be peace in the Middle East. As it stands Israel, with the 'undying support' of the United States will always be in a state of a cold war if not a hot war in that part of the world.
Paul G (NY)
Israel is doomed regardless of who wins. Face facts, in about 3 generations Israeli Arabs will have gained population parity with Jews and will then surpass them, they will effect then control Israel and when that happens, well, who knows? I suspect Israelis from all 3 religions will leave as the emotionally stunted Arab hotheads take over and the forces of darkness close in on what is now a Camelot on the Mediterranean where education, enlightenment and advanced technology now exist, the only bright spot in the bleak Middle East.
The Palestinians don't need arms, missiles or help from Isis all they require is patience, something in short supply with Arabs in general. My question? What are you going to do with what you inherit?
talknic (sydney)
The Palestinians ask for their legal rights under the same laws and UN Charter Israel agreed to uphold when it was proclaimed. Mr Netanyahu's stance is against principals enshrined in the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, against the principals enshrined in Israel's plea for recognition, against the principals of the UN, International Law and against the basic tenets of Judaism.
Wayne Fuller (Concord, NH)
Did Netanyahu just become the mirror image of Hamas and call for the elimination of Palestine? Does this offend our moral sensibilities?
klassylady25 (Oklahoma City)
There never was a Palestine. Bibi knows this and so do the others that live in the Palestina.
You may be right, historically, but neither was there an 'Israel', or an 'Italy', or a 'Germany' until they were officially established, and then recognized by the the rest of the world.
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
PT's got a great point, "Germany" only began to exist in the 19th century. "The U.S.A." only got created in the 18th century. "Israel" only began in the 20th, at least this version. The previous version was probably "Yizreel" instead, only English didn't exist yet.
Roland Berger (Ontario, Canada)
A protectorate would be much more thrilling.
charlotte scot (Old Lyme, CT)
I have always supported the people of Israel because I feel they have a right to peace. I cannot support the continued road to war. I cannot support the US risking the lives of our young people and spending our money to support the warmongering regimes the people are choosing. Perhaps if Israel has to go it alone it will begin to accept its responsibility for creating peace.
Jozsef (Oklahoma)
There is nothing new in Netanyahu’s statement. It has been the Zionist plan since the early 1930-is. David Ben- Gourion stated that Israel’s border be defined by the “Trans Jordan line” which includes all of the west bank, part of West Jordan, and part of South Lebanon, including the “litany river”. This will definitely end up in a war. Nobody is going to be a “Winner”. It is only the question of time. I’m 79 years old now, and I been following this since a young child. Regardless what we and the Iranians agree to, ether Iran or Saudi or Egypt sooner or later, they will acquire Nukes. We know that the Israelis already have perhaps as many as 400 nuclear war heads pointing who knows where. Perhaps the Romans knew what they were doing when thy dispersed (see Roman Diaspora) the Jews 2200 years ago.
Mark Thomason (Clawson, MI)
"There is nothing new in Netanyahu’s statement."

What is new is that we can no longer pretend he thinks the opposite.

The excuses and outright lies fall away in the heat of a campaign.

Now our support of Israel is support of settlements and destruction of the Palestinians, despite our constant claim that it is not.
Fred (Kansas)
It seems that the only way to resolve the Israel Palistatin issue is to remove the Jewish, Musilum and Christian extremists from power in the sensitive areas. The only way to do that is to make Jerusalem and the West Bank an International controlled area.
Jackson (Any Town, USA)
According to earlier UN Resolutions and UN Resolution 242 which ended Israel's surprise attack on Egypt, Jordan, and Syria Jerusalem is designated as an international city, not subject to Israeli governance. Israel's occupation of Jerusalem is illegal under international law.

Israel pays little attention to UN Resolutions as they have the US veto in their pockets which prevents the UN states from penalizing Israel and enforcing any resolutions. There are over 200 UN Resolutions pertaining to Israel/Palestine. It is the current policy of the US to veto every resolution condemning Israel.
Eric (NY)
It may be true that Netanyahu never supported a 2-state solution. On the other hand, history shows that the Palestinians never have either - starting with their rejection of the UN proposal for 2 states in 1948, and their rejection of the proposal Clinton's presidency when they were offered 90% of what they wanted.

Sadly, prospects for peace are as dim as ever, but the blame is shared, in spite of the hatred of Israel that spills out in these comments.
Voiceofamerica (United States)
Baloney. Even the US negotiator told the Palestinians "they are offering you a bantustan." Israel's own foreign minister Shlomo Ben Ami readily admitted that NO COUNTRY could possibly accept what the Israelis offered--a swiss cheese collection of cantons, no control over Palestine's own borders or airspace, forfeiture of all prime agricultural land, no contiguity between Gaza and the West Bank, no right of return, etc etc In short, a sleazy joke of the sort the Israelis are famous for.
Mike Halpern (Newton, MA)
You are right abut the shared responsibility of Abbas and Netanyahu in rejecting a compromise-based peace. But the "hatred of Israel that spills out in these comments" is for many posters, such as myself, not against the concept of Israel as a Jewish homeland, but against the Likud concept of a might makes right settlement-based expansion of Israel by forced acquisition of the West Bank. Whatever one thinks of Abbas, he's not the one building settlements inside Israel.
Krystyna (London)
Netanyahu is a defender of Israel. He sparks hatred in his enemies and those who are full of hate; but he will not sell out his country for the favour of a few, nor will he bow to intimidation. He is a true leader and to be admired.
Consider the names of other tyrants that could be substituted for Netanyahu in that statement. ie. Stalin. (or worse).
Krystyna (London)
Netanyahu cannot be compared to a 'tyrant' or to 'Starlin (or worse)' in any language on earth. You speak the language of hate, the language of those who are 'full of hate' that I referred to in my comment above. There can be no peace where there is such hatred.
Greg (Lyon France)
He can defend Israel all he wants, but he cannot expand Israel without world condemnation.
Carina (San Francisco, CA)
This is not news - Bibi's actions have spoken volumes of his resistance of a Pelestinian State.
Jak (New York)
Anyone possessing elementary knowledge of Israeli-Palestinian conflict will tell you that " 2 State solution " will not happen regardless who wins Israel's election.

It does depend on the region's chaos and, until it subsides, there is no 'solution'.
Mark Thomason (Clawson, MI)
"It does depend on the region's chaos"

US policy has produced that chaos. Was that ill chance, or design? Who benefits?
Chip Steiner (Lenoir, NC)
Give Netanyahu credit: he decided to quit lying.

Israeli disenchantment with economic and domestic policies is understandable. Its ambivalence regarding Palestine is not. With the exception of Lieberman and a few others whose fundamental solution to the Palestinian "problem" is to exterminate the very idea of statehood using every avenue possible short of physical genocide, Israeli leaders offer no solutions. Do Israelis think the Palestinian "problem" will just fade away if it is ignored? Given the facts on the ground, a two-state solution is no longer plausible. Of course it is heresy to say it but genuine inclusivity beginning at the creation of the State of Israel might have borne a model nation in the Middle East demonstrating how one people and two religions could harmoniously co-exist and prosper. Such a solution might still work but it would be an extremely difficult and painful slog. Palestinians need to acknowledge the right of existence of the State of Israel. Israel needs to remove the word "Jewish" from the "the Jewish and Democratic State of Israel." Enter into a marathon negotiation simply to agree not to blame the "other." Then begin the decades-long process of turning Israel, Judea, and Samaria into a cohesive (and, in the end, an incredibly powerful economic) state. Rename the country "Jerusalaam" (spelling intentional). Somebody has to start. I know. Just a pipe dream.
Mark Thomason (Clawson, MI)
Netanyahu is such a compulsive liar that one could suspect this is his first step to ending the settlements and creating a Palestinian state. He will certainly claim that in private talks to placate the US. His right wing allies will certainly be paranoid about that, not trusting and relieved.
Knut A (Norway)
So Prime Minister Netanyahu has finally come out of the closet, and revealed what his true agenda has been all the time, ever since his first moves to destroy the Oslo peace process in 1998 by starting to build the Har Home (Abu Ghneim) settlement on the north side of the valley between Bethlehem and the forested green hill that was to become this new settlement.

And: At the time, he would hold cabinet meetings with decisions that further alientated and violated the peace efforts, announce these decisions at the stairs below the plane waiting to take him to Washington to meet the American president (Clinton), after which the whole farce would play out as if President Clinton and the U.S. had "endorsed" these same fateful and destructive decisions. Unfortunately, during all these 17 years, the world failed to see the true colors of Mr. Netanyahu, and as a result the peace was lost.

Hopefully, with these elections, the Israeli people themselves will realize what a huge mistake it has been to elect Mr. Netanyahu during these past years. And hopefully that will restart peace.
Robert F. (New York)
Netanyahu didn't have to disavow anything. The Palestinians made it clear that they will not recognize Israel as a Jewish State. They won't even recognize its right to exist within secure borders. And their failure to abandon their demand for a right of return means they're not really serious about peace.
Mark Thomason (Clawson, MI)
Nobody has or will "recognize Israel as a Jewish State" until it is clear what that means. Not even the US has done that.

Specifically the concern is for statements like those of Lieberman about Israeli Arabs.
Mark (Connecticut)
Forget a "Jewish" state. It's a red herring in these issues. Will the Palestinians ever accept the existence of Israel as an independent state? Will the entire Arab region accept the existence of a non-Muslim state? Did the Arabs or Palestinians accept the existence of Israel as an independent state before 1967 when there were no settlements? Will Hamas ever change its charter which propounds the elimination of Israel? Will the Arab states cease being led by mafia-style clans whose only interest is staying in power and hoarding riches, so Israel's existence becomes a convenient tool in their agenda? The answers to these questions is an emphatic No.
Greg (Lyon France)
Never before had Israel demanded recognition of the “Jewish State of Israel”, not in the Egyptian peace agreement, not in the Jordanian peace agreement, nor in the earlier negotiations with the Palestinians. It was simply Netanyahu moving the goal posts to make a peace agreement impossible.

Fact: When the United States of America recognized Israel in 1948, President Truman explicitly declined to use the terms "the new jewish state" and instead crossed out those words and replaced them with "the State of Israel".
curtis dickinson (Worcester)
It is time for Palestine to be recognized as a country. Perhaps do not allow them to have a military, If Israel and Palestine could learn to play nice together we'll have another ally in the Middle East. Got to get rid of the old stick-in-the-mud hardliners first.
JeeWhiz (USA, currently flyover country)
So once again, the left tsk tsks over the lack of a Palestinian state, completely ignoring history and looking at life in a vacuum. Our government sends money to a 'charity group' that just happens to have political operatives on the ground, hoping to throw the election in the direction of the opposition.

For once I"d like to see what the Palestinians are committed towards doing in order to stop the violence and ACT like a state. Acknowlege Israel's right to exist, would be a start. Back when Arafat was offered EVERYTHING that they wanted, except the 'right of return', the west gave him the Nobel Peace Prize and he went home and started the second infitada. Clinton stood on his head trying to make it happen, Israel offered everything that they could (while still existing as a state) and the answer was no from the Palestinians.

Tell me what the Palestinians are going to do to commit to peace and I'll listen, but I'm not holding my breath.
Chad Brown (Westchester County)
US policy should be to remove all existing nuclear weapons from the Middle East and to block their introduction to any new countries. Until people there can figure out a way to live together or else one side wins without any nukes.
scrim1 (Bowie, Maryland)
It appears that the idea of a two-state solution may be dead.

But there are two versions of a one-state solution: the solution of Naftali Bennett and his ilk of a Greater Israel ethnically cleansed of all Palestinians; or a secular state composed of Jews and Palestinians (not a "Jewish State") in which all have equal rights.

As an American grateful that my ancestors immigrated to the U.S., I am hoping any one-state solution is much more like the latter than the former.
Cernan Sixtyeight (New York)
Israel has offered a 2-state solution SEVEN times since 1937 (Peel). Each time, the Arab leadership rejected the offer. 1947, they agreed to give up Judea, Samaria, Gaza & eastern Negev. 1967, they offered the "West Bank", Golan Hts., Sinai and Gaza. In 2000, 2001, 2008 & 2012 similar offers were made, including turning over the eastern half of Israel's capital, Jerusalem, to the Arabs. Each of these offers were rejected.

Natanyahu, himself, supported these efforts, but it's obvious that he has lost patience. After a quarter of a century of Arab immigration into Jewish Palestine (1920s to 1940s) followed by 19 yrs of Jordanian occupation of Judea, Samaria & Jerusalem and Egyptian occupation of Gaza, leading to more Arab immigration, these 3rd & 4th generation Arabs are now permanent residents of Israel. Unlike her Arab neighbors, Israel has offered them full citizenship and rights. The PLO faction among them have rejected this, which is why Israel has tried, 1 more time, to offer them autonomy, turning their governance over to the Palestinian Authority (not to mention giving the Gaza strip to the "Pal" Arabs, something neither Egypt, Great Britain nor the Ottoman Turks ever offered to do).

Yet, the Arabs still reject an independent Arab Palestine along side Israel. The train has pulled out of the station. The "Pal" Arabs have missed the train. The time is long overdue for accepting the fact that Arabs will never agree to 2 States. Time to move forward with 1 state, Israel.
Prometheus (NJ)

As I've been saying Netanyahu does not want peace. Peace requires fixed borders.

As long as they are fighting, Israel can strong arm more territories away from the Palestinians.
Russ (Monticello, Florida)
This may turn out to be the "no state" policy. There can't be a "Jewish and democratic" Israel when Arab Muslims are the majority. Pick one, a "Jewish" state or a "democratic" state.

The "two state" solution was an attempt to maintain an unstable ethnic/theocratic dominance with institutions of democracy, by pushing Palestinians toward separation. It was also an attempt to overcome the problem of the exercise of outsider-supported minority power within a hostile and resentful region, calming the hostile neighbors by allowing something of value for the Palestinians.

Israel is starting to look more and more like South Africa under the Boers. The minority Boers were disrespectful, oppressive and violent toward Africans, but also worked hard, were educated and economically successful,'d that turn out? Other people's lives matter. The perception of justice matters. Ignore that at your peril.
Mark Thomason (Clawson, MI)
Two states was originally an Israeli idea, their idea for what to do with the Palestinians they didn't want in Israel. Then some factions among them got greedy for the land. It is the same thing that happened to the Native Americans as US settlers pushed into lands promised to them.

It was wrong then, and it is wrong now, but now it is rejected by the whole world just as the world accepted then and now rejects slavery and keeping females without legal rights.
Mark (Connecticut)
Very wrong. A two state solution was proposed and ratified by the UN. Your enmity toward Israel is undeniable.
Louiecoolgato (Washington DC)
After today's vote, it is possible that Israelis are going to say 'no' to Bibi.....While he was running around the world, telling everyone that Iran is evil, he neglected the issues at home...namely, the high inflation lack of affordable housing, and lack of jobs. No one cares about world affairs when you are suffering at home.

As Clinton said in 1992 (when he unseated Bush Sr.)....It's the economy, stupid.
RAC (auburn me)
What is the difference between denying Israel's right to exist and saying there will never be a Palestinian state?
Cole Pixel (Atlanta)
The most important thing for voter is to elect the person who will really care of the country, protect it's interests and citizens. Not the most popular one or who promises mountains and marvels.
That Israelis have no intention of returning confiscated land and living in peace with their neighbors has already been extremely well established by Begin, Shamir, Barak, Sharon, Olmert and Netanyahu over the past forty years -- if you judge not by their words but by their actions. The only thing that surprises me about Netanyahu's admission is its honesty. It reeks of desperation. Now with the cat out of the bag, could we please stop wasting more time and resources on farcical "peace talks" between Israel and its neighbors?
norman pollack (east lansing mi)
Israel is in a state of denial, whichever party or coalition of parties wins. In vain does onefind soulsearching over the rape of Gaza, a chapter in the annals of barbarism and cruelty. Domestic issues are all well and good, but frankly are a diversion to what his central for peace and Israel's long-term security: the Palestinian question and its corollary, settlements.

To preserve the status quo, Israel has made itself an international pariah, a position on which Israelis seem to thrive. Besotted with hate and malaise, the Israeli citizen uses militarism as the national vehicle of cohesion: celebrate exploits of killing as a means of drawing together.

Needless to say, this is a corruption of Judaism, which for centuries has expressed universal values of peace and mutual respect. The Great Paradox: The Jewish State is anti-Jewish, defaming and caricaturing a beloved faith founded on human rights and aid and succor to all deprived, displaced, and underprivileged. It is tragic that world Jewry increasingly supports current Israeli policies, which only encourages what we find today in Israel: Netanyahu and Herzog alike lack the moral courage to to bring Israel into line with international law and morality. Whichever party or coalition wins, we will have more of the same: more Gazas, more settlements, more contempt for world opinion, in sum, the DESECRATION of Judaism itself by this arrogant, lawless nation acting in the name of Jewish values.
abie normal (san marino)
"Israel is in a state of denial..."

'There's no crime like kidding yourself.'
Tony B (Sarasota)
Surprise....he's a right wing hack. Who knew?
Tom Paine (Charleston, SC)
Israel is well on its path towards becoming an apartheid state. This to complement its status as an unacknowledged nuclear armed one.

Remember how the US led the world against the once similar South Africa? The moment of truth approaches? Get ready for a torrent of excuses by the neocons and the Israeli apologists. Also expect on the cable networks an endless replaying of Shindler's List, Exodus and Holocaust films as the mighty propaganda wing of Israel supporters swing into full action. It never ends.
Mark Thomason (Clawson, MI)
"Remember how the US led the world against the once similar South Africa?"

Actually the US was dragged along by the rest of the world, kicking and screaming all the way. The US was among the very last to turn against South Africa's white rule system.
Larry (NY)
Since when is one country allowed to dictate to another people what they are allowed to do or not do?
Jimmy (Greenville, North Carolina)
A nuclear Iran will force Israel to cede land for a free Palestine. Bibi can do nothing about that.

Once Palestine is up and running there will be peace in the middle east. A strong Iran will police the region and disarm the dissident groups.

Now we see why President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. He is using our ally, Iran, to do the heavy lifting to bring peace to the middle east. Pres Obama will be know as the "Peacemaker & Father of Free Palestine."

A great diplomatic coup!
Stuart (Jerusalem, Israel)
I am on my way out my door to vote for the party of Yitzhak (please don't call him Isaac) Herzog. There is some hope that the center left can cobble together a coalition to govern. But it is an illusion as the biggest party in the Knesset, whoever it will be will have 20% of the seats. This means an unstable coalition that will certainly last at most another 2 years and we'll be going though this again sooner than needed.

The best news that comes out of this election is the "Joint List" of the four traditional Arab/Far Left parties that have been in the Knesset for years. They will likely be the third largest party in the Knesset. Not only will this be arguably the largest democratically elected party of Arab interest in the Middle East, but the separate party leaders have shown the way for Jewish parties by overcoming severe internal differences- from Islamicists to Communists- to join together. Stability will come to Israel when we return to a system where there are two big parties one on the center/left and the other on the center/right so that sectarian parties have less control over the destiny of the nation. Despite it all, I remain optimistic for all citizens of this wonderful country.

I don't have to read other comments to know that no matter who is elected, anti-Israel vitriol will continue unabated. Thank you for helping to convince so many French Jews to move into my neighborhood. Thank you all make the Zionist dream a continuing miracle.
Qrt (Scotland)
This was just a recognition of what has obviously been his policy - and Israeli policy more broadly. It is clear that the expansion of settlements is an explicit strategy to prevent a Palestinian state. This does little to further peace efforts. Supporters of Israel put all of the blame onto the Palestinians, but when Israel has an unsaid - or now explicit - policy against peace, this perspective is exposed as false. This policy, which undermines peace in the Middle East, also undermines US interests. Why exactly does the US give billions to Israel every year and protect it with its veto in the Security Council if Israel is working against US interests?
Joseph Corcoran (Virginia , USA)
That is an easy question . Answer : AIPAC and Jewish political donations . It is all explained in great detail in the book " They Dared to Speak Out " by ex-congressman Paul Findley .
Lynn Russell (Los Angeles, Ca.)
Israel will continue to be "The Burr Under the Saddle of the World" until they recognize that no country can stand divided, as occupiers and as the most caustic of basic human rights abusers. The security of their minds will be elusive until they arrive at a "State of Consciousness" embodying the consciousness of unity with respect for their differences, letting go of the past and embracing hospitality for all in the 21st century.

It is not possible to invade occupy or fight one's way to peace in this small strategic spit of land. Unless the Israeli's and Palestinians desire these repugnant characteristics to forever reside in their DNA they must decide on a mutual quality of life inclusive of all, from day one, beginning today. The uniqueness of this type of agreement and country will be transcending and transformational.
Lynn Russell (Los Angeles, Ca.)
Israel could benefit from a transformational figure such as Nelson Mandella or even Abraham who, according to several versions of the Bible spread roots for Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Would that individual please step forward.
herdie (Australia)
When you and I immigrate or emigrate we live next door to wherever we make our home. These people waltzed in and decided to take squatter's rights. Where did olive trees and orchards get so much money they have a better armed forces than any of us out here? I don't know about you but a lot of others that I know have just plain 'had enough'. Their religions are so similar one can't tell which is which.
Kari (Olsen)
Premeditated bombings of UN schools and children.
Illegal settlements.
Military control of an entire population with gross human rights abuses and dehumanization.
Failure to follow the boundaries set for the creation of your country.
Security used as a moniker for the wall of totalizing and closed rationalizations for violations.

When will you take accountability for your brazen violations of international laws and human rights?
When will you become a nation that embodies and supports equal dignity and rights for all peoples?

The international community is tired of your excuses, extremism, hubris, subversion of peace, and mockery of global leaders who made the creation and continuation of your country possible.

You were borne to embody and reflect the world’s humanity in the aftermath of a grotesque annihilation of humanity, yet you have failed miserably in this mission—and with conscious intentionality.

You have built your future on the continued and increasing oppression of an entire people, and normalized and codified this in your culture as a fixed condition for existence.

What will you do next? Will you placate and patronize the world for another 10, 20, 60 years? Or, will you stand up and become the people and country you promised you would be when the world displaced an entire people so you could have a place?
FT (Minneapolis, MN)
There is a bigger chance of peace and a two/state solution if Netanyahu wins the election. Perhaps the Palestinians will see that their total resistance with terrorist gave them nothing, not even hope, and that it's time for them to find someone willing to negotiate.
Stephanie (Tunis)
If it's no to statehood, then the only alternative is one state. This is really the only solution anyway: one secular state with equal rights for all people who live in it and everyone following the same laws. It's the only way to live in the modern world. It will be better for everyone who lives in the region. The US support for the settlement enterprise only continues the apartheid and ethnic cleansing. Stop the madness and embrace the one state solution.
Bos (Boston)
Dangerous men tend to put his own ambition ahead of other people's well being, even his own people, let alone humanity at large
Greg (Lyon France)
UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338 (which Israel had helped draft) which provided for "withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent [1967] conflict" in exchange for peace and security. Those resolutions represented official US and international policy then, and they still do.
INTJ (Charlotte, NC)
I suspect Herzog has made an error in at least one respect, in his equating Israel's security with good relations with Washington. While that may technically be true, it is an argument not likely appeal to the fiercely independent and nationalistic Israelis.
BBD (San Francisco)
Netanyahu said it himself all along,

If it looks like a duck, it smells like a duck, it quakes like a duck then what is it.

He was always against the creation of the two states and always finding excuses but our politicians were so in love with this guy that they couldn't tell day from night.

Times now to recognise Palistine and then work towards conflict resolution. At least millions of people won't be living as slaves.
Einstein (America)
Mr. Netanyahu is a major impediment to world peace.

Our fellow human beings, Israeli citizens want world peace. The Israeli people have collective wisdom and experience that is extremely important to help us all find solutions.

Mr. Netanyahu is leading them in the wrong direction.
Moazzem Hossen (Bangladesh)
Such a blunder! Extremism shall never prevail.
Tal Barzilai (Pleasantville, NY)
That is why both Hamas and Fatah need to be stopped especially when they are known for thwarting so many attempts to make peace with Israel to keep their agenda going.
Jimhealthy (Santa Fe, New Mexico)
He just sealed the deal. Bibii commits to being on the wrong side of history. What a desperate move. He must really sense he's going to lose.
Paw (Hardnuff)
I am fighting the urge to become a self-loathing jew over this guy.
Everything he says & does makes me embarrassed for Israel, for jews, for anything & everything Zionist.

But why should I take responsibility for this pathetic attention-seeking, fear-mongering narcissistic hawk?

Just because he so cloyingly perpetuates Israel's undeserved attention-grab on the world stage, it's bizarre complex about trying to be a US state, it's intolerable influence on American war-mongering & politics, it's beloved position as an island of Islamophobia in America's manufactured perception of the region as a rabid swarm of unadulterated violent jihad, does NOT mean I have to take responsibility for this man just because I was born of jewish ancestry.

After all, if it were not for the dispensationalists voted in by our own Christian fundamentalists that have consistently supported Israel out of some misperceived biblical mandate, Israel would never have been a player in US politics.

Let's hope he's history in the coming election.
Tom Sage (Mill Creek, Washington)
Well, at least he's not lying anymore.
kgeographer (bay area, california)
It has been perfectly clear for a long time that a 2-state solution is not part of Israel's plan. Refreshing to hear it declared explicitly; maybe this will help bring about the long overdue recalibration of the US-Israel relationship.
Joe B. (Stamford, CT)
This is sickening news that will no doubt be applauded by at least 47 Republican US senators who are trying to get him reelected. Cut him loose. The two-state charade is over. Israel never was at the peace table.
Sheldon Bunin (Jackson Heights, NY)
So we are to have perpetual war. The Palestinian problem shall remain a cancer in the middle east. The hallmark of Israeli policy shall be bad faith and refusal to recognize geopolitical reality. So to keep the Palestinians in poverty and resentful Israel has agreed to accept the approbation of much of the world, rocket attacks, suicide bombing of restaurants, school buses and crowded streets. In the end a two state solution will be forced upon them or Israel will be destroyed as a Jewish state by the difference of population growth between Jews and Muslims in a single state, unless Muslims are related to 3rd class citizenship in which case the result will be civil war.

I believe that history and justice require a Jewish state and want it strong and democratic but leaders like Netanyahu will guarantee that Israel will become Palestine by mid-century, destroyed by short sightedness, swamped in a sea of raging people who hate Jews and would push them into the sea.

Were it not for American support Israel would be in deep trouble now. The UN would have recognized Palestine as an independent nation and much of Europe and Asia would recognize it. Netanyahu has allied himself with our extreme right wing war party, which in 2 years may have considerably less power while a Democratic administration may not trust or want to deal with him.
Local guy (NYC)
It shouldn't surprise you that Netanyahu has allied himself with the only American politicians that haven't abandoned Israel. The two state solution is dead because the Palstinians killed it, not the Israelis. It's amazing that the world has not learned the danger of appeasing terroist aggressors. Maybe they will just stop randomly killing civillians if we give them that small peace of land they want; didn't work with the Nazis and it won't work with the Palesitinians/ Isis/Iranians.
Paul Jay (Ottawa, Canada)
At least Netanyahu is being intellectually honest. Israel is an expansionist European settler-state, perpetually growing by territorial conquest. It is good of Bibi to come right out and confirm this for all the soft-hearted liberals.
Dr. Dreykup (Staten Island)
Anyone concerned about continuing Israeli occupation depriving Arabs of democracy, stop worrying. An independent State of Palestine would probably be more oppressive to its people than the Israelis are. (Remember, Hamas won the last election - because Fatah is so corrupt; and remember the Islamist democracy credo: one man, one vote - once!)
Michael Several (Los Angeles)
If Netanyahu forms the next government, as I expect he will in the end, Israel's spokespeople and Israel's defenders in America, such as AIPAC, will no longer be able to deny the fact that Palestine has nobody to talk to.

In addition, by putting Israel as opposing a two-state solution while the international community continues to pursue this will further isolate Israel, erode its diminishing support, and increase political and economic actions against it. As Israel continue on its self-destructive path, it will be essential for our country to limit its political engagement and support for Israel in order to protect our own national interests.
Sharon5101 (Rockaway Beach Ny)
The worst job in the world has to be Prime Minister of Israel. It's a total lose-lose proposition. No matter what you, think, do, or say you're always going to be in the wrong.
E C (New York City)
This is just another example showing that Bibi is a liar.

He lies about wanting peace; he lies about Iraq'a WMDs; he lies about Iran's nuclear capabilities.
scientella (Palo Alto)
what right does this man have to deny Palestinians their statehood. Israel has become a monster.
Andrew (Vancouver)
It is definitely time to say good bye to BB,or whatever one wishes to call him..That guy is out of touch with the vast number of sane people, and really needs to be replaced..The Palestinians need and desire an independent state of their own..Gaza has generations now that have lived under this maze of control,that to me, is absurd...
David A Ross (Beacon, NY)
Two hopes on the eve of the Israeli election:

That Bibi is shown the door.

That Bibi-loving Congressional Republicans and all the other Addleson- blinded supporters of Bibi-like policies meet a similar fate sooner than later.
Maani (New York, NY)
Does Mr. Netanyahu WANT to lose this election? Between his ill-conceived agreement to talk to Congress at the GOP's invitation, his ongoing settlement building (not widely supported in Israel) and now his flip-flop on the two-state issue (over 70% of Israelis favor a two-state solution), it is almost as if he is doubling down on a hardline position, which will almost certainly play into the hands of Mr. Herzog. Maybe he is banking on Mr. Herzog being such a poor leader that he, Netanyahu, will be brought back once again to "set Israel right." Whatever his strategy, it is a strange one.
Daniel Belteshazzar (Bay Area, CA)
How many terrorists did Netanyahu release so the Arabs would agree to the peace talks? Abbas failing to agree to extent negotiations ended the talks. The Arabs will never agree to peace. At least Netanyahu can be honest about that now.

I disagreed with Netanyahu about a two state solution creating a Palestinian state. This is really a three state solution since there is already the Arab-Palestinian state of Jordan, and the Jewish-Palestinian state of Israel, we don’t need the terrorist state of Palestine.

I don't think there is a solution to this conflict, and I don't see anyone killing anyone as a solution. But Naftali Bennett's plan may be the best path for a solution some time in the future.

Area C of Judea and Samaria has 300,000 Jews and 55,000 Arabs, only 4% of the Palestinian population. Israel was recognized as having full jurisdiction over Area C of Judea and Samaria by the Oslo II Accord. Israel should give citizenship to the Palestinians that live in Area C, and Area C should be recognized as Israel proper. In Area A, such as the Gaza strip, Israel completely withdrew from and has self-governance, and Area B is under joint Israeli and Palestinian governance.

Allowing the free flow of food and humanitarian supplies to areas A and B, and showing the people in Gaza and Judea and Samaria that their life's will be better if they work with Israel and not Hamas, trust can be built and a final peace agreement can be made in direct negotiations.
Christie (Bolton MA)
“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.”
MLK, Jr.
flyfysher (Longmont, CO)
Netanyahu now makes clear that Israeli policy is not co-extensive with American policy and interests. As an American, I'm putting America's interests first and foremost and not merely to serve as Israel's proxy (something the Republicans would do well to learn).
Kevin Cahill (Albuquerque)
Bibi rules out two states. Bibi refuses to accept all Palestinians as Israelis with equal rights. What's left for the Palestinians?
Miss Ley (New York)
Kevin Cahill,
Let us not weep for Israel yet, nor for the damage this Prime Minister seems intent on inflicting on its People, on America's foreign policy, on all of us in the end. It should not come as a surprise to report, that more Israelis and Palestinians will wish to come to our shores, while the winds of war blow stronger than ever, and our President along with a few good people, stamps out this latest and dangerous antic on the part of a misguided leader. Israel is standing strong and will make the right choice in the name of its future and humanity.
Tim McCoy (NYC)
The elephant in the room remains the fact the Palestinians have always rejected any, and all, two state solution(s) that leaves Israel as the Jewish State, while also insisting that any Palestinian state be strictly muslim. That hasn't changed since the 1940's.

Netanyahu, Herzog, or Livni, if you wish. Take your pick. No Israeli politician would support another Gaza Strip on the West Bank. And any Palestinian State encompassing Gaza and the West Bank, any that one might imagine today, stands a very good chance of being even worse than Gaza, which the Israeli's left to Palestinian governance in 2005..
nostone (brooklyn)
He made those statements six years ago.
He never meant those words he spoke in 2009 would apply for ever, so the fact his position has changed is not proof that he did not hold that position in 2009.
The PA and Hamas brought this on when they killed those children last year
and they built tunnels into Israel so they can infiltrate their men into Israel and kill people...
Why would you think Netanyahu's position would remain the same when the PA have proven they can't be trusted,
Netanyahu did what he had to and I support him..
Now it's up to the PA to change Netanyahu's mind by showing they can be trusted.
Miss Ley (New York)
The time has long gone since Mr. Netanyahu plans to have his mind changed on any issue, and this person has the memory of Children of Gaza in heart and mind.

This Prime Minister has caused havoc and enough noise during his term in power, and this American is hoping for new governance and a renewal of a cordial and stronger alliance with Israel. Known as The Holy Land, a country that continues to inspire many of us, and where many of us one day again will visit as a symbol of freedom and hope.
unreceivedogma (New York City)
If Israelis re-elect Netanyahu, then it will be time to call a spade a spade, and think of Israel as an Outlaw State.
sleepyhead (Detroit)
I'm no Israel scholar and opinion here count for nothing, but judging Bibi's legacy and prospects might be as simple as 1) are things in Israel better or worse than before him (don't seem to be) 2) if Israel is stronger internationally (definitely not) and 3) if the future looks brighter with him or just more of the same (most likely). Aside from that, he's completely broken my heart with his behavior vis-à-vis the folks here who confuse money with morality and the tragedy of Bibi is not his, but Israel's.
Greg (Lyon France)
Netanyahu panics for votes and publicly exposes his dishonesty. With no world leaders able to trust anything Netanyahu says, how can Israeli voters want this man to represent them.
Shilee Meadows (San Diego Ca.)
Well the truth is finally revealed as what Netanyahu is now saying matches his actions over the last twenty years of warmongering. Netanyahu has never wanted peace which allies him perfectly with the Pubs and the neocons in America.

And like them, he has been arrogantly wrong on just about everything regarding war in the Middle East.

I hope Netanyahu’s actions of accepting Boehner’s invitation to come to our congress as a political ploy and his continual disrespect of our president, who is all about peace in Israel, will backfire.

I pray Israel decides Bibi Netanyahu is a threat to their peace, their growth as a nation and decides not to re-elect him as their Prime Minister.
D. H. (Philadelpihia, PA)

I thought that Bibi had gone off the deep end going to Congress and breaching US protocol by disrespecting the Office of President of the US. But now, in a final act of desperation, he is trying to outdo himself for destabilizing, dangerous positions with the hopes of winning the election. He rightly deserves to be soundly defeated. Let's hope that Israel is never haunted by the "Ghosts of Bibi" or "Bibi Zombies." They've got plenty of their own problems. They don't need Bibi dumping his own failures on the nation.

The fact is that in the Middle East, despite all appearances to the contrary, the only solutions are ultimately going to be political. The facts prove it: Despite the loss of 1 million lives by the Iraqis and the Iranians, all of that bloodletting did not resolve their war. A shift in political influence, however, did accomplish it. I'm hardly suggesting that their resolution be a model for anyone else. But political solutions are the only ones that work, for better or worse.
Greg (Lyon France)
This is nothing new. For decades the West has been guilty of doing nothing to stop the illegal colonization and annexation process.

David Ben-Gurion: “We must expel Arabs and take their places ....”

Moshe Dyan: “settling Israelis in occupied territories contravenes, as known, international conventions, but there is nothing essentially new in that...”

Shimon Peres: “..maximum territory and minimum Arabs”

Ariel Sharon: ”Everyone there should move, should run, should grab more hills, expand the territory. Everything that's grabbed will be in our hands, everything that we don't grab will be in their hands."

Likud Charter: “Safeguarding the right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel as an eternal, inalienable right, working diligently to settle and develop all parts of the land of Israel, and extending national sovereignty to them.”
Miss Ley (New York)
Did any of these leaders visit Congress with their views on Palestine and come in through the back door without respect for the President? Israel is not about to place their future generation under the banner of a leader who appears to be nothing more than a dictator to many nations watching today and the walkers of the sky among our midst.
Quandry (LI,NY)
Bibi has proven himself to be both a fool and dead wrong. First, he has inappropriately intruded into American politics, and has now flip flopped on the Israeli two state solution, both to Israelis' and Americans who have supported this position for generations. Hope he can tread water indefinitely off of Tel Aviv, because that is where he will end up if there is no two state solution. Although, I'm not looking forward to seeing him do that, because it'll hurt the rest of his country, except for the zealots.
Frank (Durham)
Of course, we knew it all the time. And Netanyahu must really be desperate to abandon his delaying strategy used to keep other countries from losing patience with him.
A majority of the then United Nations, ashamed by the treatment that Jews suffered through the centuries and horrified by the Holocaust, decided to create a country for them in a land that had a smattering of Jews but had been in Arab hands nearly 2,000 years. At the same time, they created a Palestinian state. The state of Palestine exists on the same legal premise that the state of Israel exists. It is not up to Netanyahu or Israel to decide whether it should exist. They can continue to occupy it and impose limitations and discriminatory regulations on Palestinians, but they cannot maintain a double standard in treatment (others may use a harsher term) for ever and with increasing stress on their own citizens. Besides, with the ISIS violence sprouting all
over, shouldn't they be afraid that a similar horror may visit them?
NorthernVirginia (Falls Church, Va)
"I don't think that there is any bigger obstacle to peace than the settlement activity that continues not only unabated but at an enhanced pace."
James Baker, Secretary of State
May 23, 1991
adrienne fuks (tel aviv israel)
James Baker had not met Hizbullah, Hamas nor ISIS. These babies were not born yet.
They make settlement activity look like child's play, albeit a naughty child!
Ralph (Chicago, Illinois)
I get it that the NY Times hates Netanyahu and blames him for just about all the problems in the Middle East, but one would have thought that even the NY Times would want to preserve some journalistic integrity. Well, this article shows that one would be wrong.
The headline on this article, and author's comments in the first paragraph, are not at all what Netanyahu said, if you read his actual quote. The stated quote never uses the words "never" when it comes to describing a Palestinian state. In fact, the phrasing is all in the present tense.
This was a campaign sop to the right wing, and it is truly remarkable how the NY Times chose to distort it in your headlines.
flyfysher (Longmont, CO)
Well I just don't see a lot of progress by Netanyahu towards establishing a Palestinian state. I suspect if we were Palestinians then we might feel it has already been an eternity.

Campaign sop? Should people disregard a candidate's stated position?
entity.z (earth)
There is an infuriating double standard in the America-Israel dynamic. If the Supreme Leader of Iran publicly declared "there will be no state of Israel", American politicians would react with outrage and alarm. Republicans would promptly declare war. Americans would be expected to express great sympathy for the imperiled Jews of the middle east, and to be ready to die in the battle for their survival. But now that Bibi has declared that there will be no Palestinian state, there is no such reaction. Not a peep from any politician at all, even from the President, who has endured yet another defiant insult from the ungrateful Netanyahu.

What's sick about this double standard is that not even Bibi's uncouth behavior will stop the slavish monetary, diplomatic, and military support to the undeserving and rebellious Israelis. Sick.
CLAY (Columbus, Ohio)
Bibi said in a previous speen, "to evacuate lands gives attack grounds to the radical Islam." He is not a slow learner and is the cement Israel and the mid east needs! Their survival depends on Bibi's ilk. God Bless Israel. A WASP!
Rajiv (Palo Alto, CA)
PM Netanyahu has made it clear. All the negotiations with Palestinians were a charade. He wants the US to go to war with Iran. He does not believe in diplomatic solutions. Bibi has interfered in American partisan politics and has shown disrespect to leaders around the world. As an American citizen, I want to make it clear to Israelis that if you re-elect Netanyahu, as much as we support the Jewish cause, we will not support further funding or military aid for Israel.
linzt (PO,NY)
I only hope, the Israelis say No to Netanyahu also.
American tax dollars at work. Just another special interest group feeding at the trough of US tax payer money.
hillishager (Florida)
Iran should have a diminished need for nuclear weapons if Netanyahu is no longer prime minister.
Richard Marcley (Albany NY)
The US needs to work for a nuclear free ME. Of course that will be difficult since the US supplied the weapons to israel in the first place.
Sensi (n/a)
IIRC France did, not the US.
David Boxenbaum (Casper, WY)
Even if the Palestinians do get their state, there is no guarantee for peace. There will not be peace as long as hatred of Jews is spread through Palestinian media, schools and kindergartens.
HappyCamper86322 (here)
The Palestinians already have a nation. Check out a history book. It's the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, originally named the Emirate of Transjordan when established in 1922.
Delving Eye (lower New England)
And this is the man whom 47 Republican senators invited to speak before Congress. Sort of speaks volumes about the wavelength that Netanyahu and an intolerant GOP share.
CMH (Sedona, Arizona)
Is anyone seriously surprised by this? Look at his record and personal history. Of course he is never going to give the Palestinians a possibility for statehood.
Mahtomedi rider (Mahtomedi, Mn.)
If the Israeli public thinks that annexing the West Bank will buy them any security it is astonishing. Netanyahu has never really desired a two state solution and the future he envisions, which will be a majority Arab population within the borders of Israel, will be unthinkable and ungovernable. If we are all lucky, Netanyahu will go down to defeat tomorrow.

Another reason to hope for this, is the impact on the American right. People like Sheldon Adelson, who are part of the poisonous mix of both money and Republican longing for a disenfranchised Palestinian community will have to stew in his juices brooding about how the Israeli public "let him down".
I cant wait to hear how Talk Radio tries to interpret the Israeli rejection of the very candidate 47 House members were just drooling over.
DS (Georgia)
Act of desperation by a fickle politician.
MDG (Denver)
May Netanyahu bring a hundred years of Suffering, death and destruction to Israel! American soldiers and treasure should not be wasted on this thorn in the side of the world.
Eric (La Jolla)
Steal land and tell the inhabitants they can not have a nation ? You learned well from us.
Sleater (New York)
Monstrous. I hope this seals his fate in an election loss.
CB (Milwaukee WI)
US Aid to Israel should cease if it publicly or effectively ceases support of a two state plan for Palestine and the West Bank.
Richard Adams (Santa Cruz, CA)
What the Palestinians may never achieve by resistance, if there is one state, including them and all Israelis, they may one day accomplish by the ballot box. I'm sure Bibi and his minions would like that less than two states, but that's what they are making inevitable.
Hanna (NY)
Good call Mr. Natanyahu.. There was two state solution once. It was called partitioned Palestine. The poor palestinians immidiately tried kill every Jew they could find. Never again Mr. Nstanyahu.
Fred F (NYC)
You're right, Hanna. With Netanyahu, there will never be peace again, and the USA is being dragged into the fire with him!
Marc (western US)
A peace process between the Israelis, a US ally, client state & outpost of Western Civilization, & the arabs is a waste of time. The arabs are unable to govern (control) themselves as we've seen over & over again.
I'm not Israeli or Jew, no do I have a dog in the fight. However; our government, at any given point should be supporting our ally, instead of indulging in petty sulking & maneuvering. Shame on Obama & his collaborators.
Dan (Gloucester, Mass.)
Was there really ever any doubt about Netanyahu's views on the issue of a Palestinian state? The question I am left with is why did the media give him a pass on this all these years when his outlook and actions were obvious and when he was surrounded by allies who were worse on it?
[email protected] (Columbia, MO)
Benjamin Netanyahu is just a greedy, power-hungry and dumb politician.

I hope the Israeli electorate see the statement for what it is and vote for the other guy.
Village Idiot (Sonoma)
Now I'm not a scientist, but it's easy to understand that understanding Israeli politics is something even the Israelis don't understand.
But apparently Bibi is the Israeli Dick Cheney, without the charm. If his behavior starts a war, he might be surprised to discover that notwithstanding the general fondness for Israel among the GOP & the Dems, "Je Suis Bibi" will probably not be on any Pentagon recruiting posters.
jack kramer (albany ca.)
I am reminded of Captain Renault in the great Casablanca who says while pocketing his winnings that he is shocked there is gambling going on in Rick's.
Netanyahu his spent his entire life fighting against a Palestinian state including during the years that he feigned an embrace. We are not shocked that this bully in fear of losing his grip returns to his strong suit, naked appeals to the most vicious strains of the Zionist enterprise.

We should by now know that to find a 'Land without people for a People without
land is an constant project that does not turn away from the 'disappearing of those people that cling to the memory of their land'.
Mike 71 (Chicago Area)
Irrespective of whether Mr. Netanyahu, or Mr. Herzog wins a majority on March 17th, the Palestinians have yet to demonstrate a sincere commitment to a two-state solution. In the absence of such a commitment, no Israeli government is obligated to make an effort, as the Barack and Olmert governments did in 2000 and 2008, respectively. Why is the onus always on the Israelis to go forward with peace proposals? Nothing precludes Palestinians from taking the initiative and proffering a two-state proposal, such as one based on the Arab League Peace Plan, of their own.

As acceptance of the Israeli, or similar proposals would constitute "de-facto" recognition of Israel's right to exist within "secure and recognized boundaries" per UNSCR 242 and 338, Palestinians, in rejecting those proposals, prefer the "occupation" of disputed land continue. Under International Law, the victorious belligerent may retain captured land, until possession is modified by treaty. See:
The Post World War II occupations of Germany and Japan ended with peace treaties. When the Palestinians are committed to ending hostilities against Israel, this occupation will end as well!
BIrnster (Pinehurst, NC)
Palestinian leaders do not want a negiotated two-state solution, they want it imposed upon Israel. And if that happens, it won't matter who's in power in Israel...Israel will deny it.
Semityn (Boston)
most comment writers here are too young to know that following the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, Israel had inherited former Egyptian citizens in Gaza and former Jordanian citizens in the West Bank (of Jordan).
If over the years, Egypt and Jordan decided to abandon their former citizens, in hopes of creating additional Arab refugees problem for Israel, why is this suddenly an electoral problem for Israel ? Check with the Hamas elite in Gaza, they all could produce their Egyptian passports. Same with the PLO/PA elite in Ramallah, all are proper Jordanians. All claims of supposed "statelessness" and "appartheid" with or without the PA are simple propaganda with a single aim: to continue and collect vast sums of aid from taxpayers of donor countries, mostly from the gullible West. It's been like that since 1948 and this wheel is well greased.
Alex (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
Let me see if I am understanding what you are saying. Because the Palestinians are supposedly citizens of these countries, though these countries haven't ruled these areas since 1967, they are not entitled to live on the land they were born on and their families are from? Also, I find issue with how you could not consider preventing the whole scale movement of people (e.g. women and children in Gaza) to enter and leave like living under "apartheid" conditions.
Bryan Ketter (<br/>)
When your political existence relies on conflict, of course you will not seek the humane.
Dennis McMahon (Lancaster, PA)
And he is the one who accuses Iran of of duplicity?
dmf (Streamwood, IL)
The prime minster Netanyahu under challenges and political pressure in a close election in Israeli Tuesday , has dropped a bomb shell and a huge turn around on International understandings on the Palestinian State for decades ! Netanyahu expressed his deep rooted conviction by announcing in clear terms : " says no Palestinian state if he wins ...". Notably , this would be a stark violation by Israel 's guarantees given for decades to the U. S. , U. N. and a World : End of occupation of Palestinian Lands by Israel , with two Sovereign States side by side for Palestinian and Israeli peoples . Speaker Boehner has embarrassed himself , Congress and his office in this bad deal for inviting Netanyahu for listening to his cry of Wolf since 1992 on Iran , and the latest announcement by Netanyahu in violation of U. S. foreign policy , and strategic commitment on the Palestine State .
Jose (NY)
Well, at least he is honest and expresses what is most likely in the collective unconscious of the Israelis and its American supporters. After all, what we are witnessing live in this age of instant 24-hour news and on-line availability is the same that happened in the US during the XIX century with regards to the Cherokees, the Sioux, etc. As the great late Palestinian intellectual Edward Said mentioned once (to the horror of Charlie Rose during the course of his interview), who says that there has to be a happy ending to the Palestinian cause? Was there any happy ending for the Sioux?
Rrkr (Columbus Ohio I)
States defined on religious grounds are bound to fail. Let there be one state in Palestine. We can call it Palisrael or Israelistine or whatever; it doesn't matter. Over time, after lots of killing, people will learn to live together. This has happened in India and in Europe; it will happen in Palestine/Israel as well.

And, oh, this will happen faster if we leave them alone to sort it out.
Lucian Roosevelt (Barcelona, Spain)
Israel takes land and mistreats Palestinians.
America offers veto protection in the UN, sends 6 billion dollars a year to Israel and Congress votes however AIPAC tells them to.
Muslims see this and conclude America is biased and anti-Muslim.
This leads to thousand of young Muslims becoming radicalized.
Which leads to USS Cole, 9-11, ISIS, shoe bomber, etc, etc, etc.
One of these days I'd like to see an American president say enough is enough and withdraw all of our support for Israel
Sensi (n/a)
Nobody is asking the US to remove all their "support for Israel", the world is asking the US to stop vetoing any sanction or progress at the UN Security Council and to stop systematically shielding the land-stealing warmongering bully and his illegal population settlements in military occupied territories from International Law and justice.
Mike (NY)
The 2-state solution is no longer possible in practice due to all the illegal settlements in Occupied Palestine.

The real issue now is what will be the character of the now inevitable single state: a truly democratic state for all its citizens or an apartheid state?

Apartheid states usually become pariahs among nations and sooner or later collapse. By making the 2-state solution impossible with its policy of expanding the illegal settlements in Occupied Palestine Israel has sown the seeds of its own eventual demise as a Jewish State,
Tal Barzilai (Pleasantville, NY)
First of all, as a native of Israel, I do find it appalling to hear from the anti-Israel crowd the same repeated myths that have been debunked so long ago yet some continue to believe them despite that hence committing the assault on reason. Let's be realistic here for a moment. Would any of you ever want to talk peace with some whose only intentions is to see you dead and nothing else? Also, try looking at the causes for once rather than the effects. It's not that Bibi doesn't want to have a Palestinian state, he just doesn't see the reason to talk about one as long as he knows that the answer from the Palestinians will continue to be the same and that is to never wanting to recognize a Jewish state such as Israel let alone cease from the terrorist attacks. The real oppressors to the Palestine territories are both Hamas and Fatah, who rule those lands with iron fists and kill whoever doesn't agree with them. I hope that one day there will be a group of Palestinians that will stand up to both Hamas and Fatah and plan to work on making peace with Israel. I find it an irony that there are centrist and moderate groups in the Knesset willing to work with peace with the Palestinians while the PA is full of nothing but extremists that continue to be bent on the destruction of Israel as their charters continue to imply that. Overall, it won't matter what side of the political spectrum the Israeli PM or Knesset is, because the Palestinians will always refuse to make peace.
Lau (Penang, Malaysia)
What should be even more appalling to you is that these comments come from your closest ally. Now just think how well Bibi's statement would be received by the rest of the world. Sometimes you can try to convince yourself that you can convince the world - after a while, you need to pull your head out of the sand.
Richard Iverson (Camarillo, CA)
The way I see it the very existence of neo-Israel follows the script of a home invasion robbery where, when the cops show up to restore the rights of the homeowner, the invaders convince the cops that they have some magical deed to the property. Then the cops side with the invaders when they offer to the owners the use of a back bedroom, the outhouse but no kitchen privileges!

The American right kvetches over the 12 million illegals here among a population of 320 million (mostly allowed in gradually by both Republican & Democratic previous presidents' failures to enforce the existing laws) but never imagines what it was like when 600,000 European Jews came pouring in through the harbors at Haifa & Ashdod within a few months into an Arab land with a couple of million or so native inhabitants! Shock & Awe... maybe?.

As an American I don't want to be leveraged by Benji, Adelson and AIPAC into having to support this travesty!
Bob Castro (NYC)
Regardless of who wins, the Israelis will continue their Settlements Program. The Americans called their program Manifest Destiny. The Germans called theirs Lebensraum.
Robert Brown (Raleigh)
Obama threatens to attack Israeli planes that are trying to defend Israel from a nuclear attack that is coming sooner or later and within striking distance. If Israel can't defend themselves without Obama trying to hold them down, why would Israel want to purposefully weaken themselves in their homeland, especially at a time when they're expecting mass exodus of Jews from Europe who're fleeing muslim extremists who're rapidly growing in number.

Bibi isn't extreme, he's just a combination of a cautious plus being a politician.
Lucian Roosevelt (Barcelona, Spain)
You will not see a single American GOP politician criticism these remarks. Why? Because they can kiss any future donations from AIPAC or Sheldon Adelson goodbye.
Sugar Charlie (Montreal, Que.)
Is anyone so naive or so ignorant as to believe that Netanyahu previously believed in a two-state solution or honestly worked to achieve it? On the contrary, while talking about a two-state solution, and claiming that no-one on the Arab side would negotiate with him to achieve it, he steadily absorbed more and more West Bank territory through creation and expansion of settlements. He now simply finds it politically convenient to be truthful. So far as I am concerned, he is utterly devoid of credibility.
tom (Bay Ridge)
In that case, if Israelis choose to elect Netanyahu, Palestinians have no more reason to waste time with Israel's fake negotiating and stalling tactics.
They will have complete legitimacy to try to free themselves by force and, indeed, no other option.
fjpulse (Bayside NY)
Good point! If Bibi wins, all Europe will recognize Palestine. Many states will make friends with Iran too, whose word will suddenly seem dependable by comparison. Please God, may Israel dump this chump, who holds himself above the nation.
Austin Perilstein (Seattle, Washington)
Lets hope that Netanyahu alienates more voters than he can hope to gain by appeasing the right wing Israelis. In the midst of so much turmoil in the Middle East how can he possibly hope that war is the right option? Israel is a successful state, and should use its power to exert positive influence on the rest of the region rather than pushing its warmongering ideals. Lets hope that Netanyahu's statement will spark a sense of alarm in the West, and result in some changed policies.
jozooizzi (Toronto)
Although I believe that the 2 state solution is the only TRUE solution, yet one has to ponder the rest of the world's impotence when it comes to asking the Palestinians for concessions of their own! Of course I'm not referring to land but rather to cessation of the will to destroy Israel and complete disbanding of anti Israel militants/groups. Israel will hence feel obliged to follow with the same policy, i.e. no military rule of the (hostile)Palestinians.
Mark Thomason (Clawson, MI)
If the Palestinians render themselves even more completely helpless before the Israelis, then finally the Israelis out of the goodness of their hearts will be fair?

Nobody believes that. You are just laughing up your sleeve to suggest it.
Ted (Fort Lauderdale)
Never to a state for palestinians? How about no more U.S. tax dollars for Israel?
Roger Ramjet (Shyts Creek)
How about you get a clue. Read the PLO Charter then let me know if you still feel the same way.
Ted (Fort Lauderdale)
Netanyahu is too pushy. I really don't care about the PLO at this point. We are waisting money on a government that could care less what our interest is in the region. I have a clue about that much.
Cycledoc (Everson WA)
In reality Likud, despite their rhetoric, has blocked and refused to recognize even the idea of a two state solution since they started colonizing the west bank in 1979. Yet these are the same folks who dump on the Palestinians because they won't recognize Israel's "right to exist. Maybe the Palestinians simply recognized and understood the Israeli position.

If there is ever to be peace this has to change. And if there isn't Israel will slowly wither away.
Roger Ramjet (Shyts Creek)
Doubt it.
Sensi (n/a)
Palestinian officials recognized Israel "right to exist" decades ago, but Bibi want them to recognize out of thin air Israel as "a Jewish nation", which is obviously nonsensical and out of place in regard to the 20% Israeli Arabs who aren't Jewish. That's the latest fallacy found by Bibi, agitated around since nearly a decade.
Tal Barzilai (Pleasantville, NY)
Keep in mind that both PMs Ehud Barack in 2000 and Ehud Olmert in 2008 offered land to both PA chairmen Yassir Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas on two separate occasions on land negotiations for peace and neither of them were members of Likud, but either Labor or Kadima, which are both pretty liberal.
Ralph Sorbris (San Clemente)
This is not something new. Netanyahu has never committed to a two state solution.
Tal Barzilai (Pleasantville, NY)
Neither have Abbas or even Arafat on their ends, but I don't hear the same reactions on them rejecting it.
Michael O'Neill (Bandon, Oregon)
Israel is free to select the leader they desire. One could wish that they will stop fearing all the rest of the world. But it certainly is not likely.
DSS (Ottawa)
This reminds me of the US/Canadian situation with native Americans. North America was once their land. It was taken over by immigrants who gradually relegated Indian populations to remote small pieces of land with little to no economic value. Although those living on reserves have a quasi self-government, stay quiet and stay put, they have access to a few benefits like health care, no tax obligations and education. The Israeli/ Palestinian situation, although similar, is worse in that the Israelis give little to nothing in terms of benefits. Although it looks like Netanyahu would like to keep it that way, or find ways to make it worse, this kind of situation is not sustainable. Israel needs to wake up and accept their neighbors as friends in need. The cost of treating your neighbor as you would like to be treated is certainly better for all concerned and more economical than continuous military conflict.
Chris (Arizona)
Really? What if the UN had felt the same about a Jewish homeland in 1947?
jozooizzi (Toronto)
Although I believe that the 2 state solution is the only TRUE solution, yet one has to ponder the rest of the world's impotence when it comes to asking the Palestinians for concessions of their own! Of course I'm not referring to land but rather to cessation of the will to destroy Israel and complete disbanding of anti Israel militants/groups. Israel will hence feel obliged to follow with the same policy, i.e. no military rule of the (hostile)Palestinians.
Wizarat (Moorestown, NJ)
I wonder what is the US Congress (The Israeli Lobby) had to say about the statement of Boehner's invited Guest speaker.

It is not just the Republicans, we do have some others too.

This is your candidate, Republicans, Sheldon Adelson, Haim Saban and more; you are betting on him for peace?
Bunnell (New Jersey)
At this point a Netanyahu victory is the best possible outcome. Having this extremist stance laid out in the open is just what America needs to see in order to finally wake up and take a stand, and stop supporting Israel unconditionally.
Dave in A2 (Ann Arbor, MI)
Netanyahu will apparently say or do anything to retain power, threatening the peace of the entire region. We can only hope the Israeli voters finally understand this and him, and retire him for good.
Cowboy Marine (Colorado Trails)
With such an obviously unstable man as Netanyahu with his finger on the trigger of Israel's secret nuclear weapons, why would the Iranians give-up their nuclear weapons development program to serve in their defense (MutuallyAssuredDestruction)?
AGC (Lima)
It is high due time for the UNITED NATIONS to accomplish one of the reason
for its creation. And work its will to institute a Palestinian State ; otherwise
the UN is quite irrelevant , especially with its " Seccurity Council" which
comprises the PRIME ARMS DEALERS !!!
MarkB3699 (Santa Cruz, CA)
When Netanyahu announced the expansion of settlements several years ago, I wondered why he would do such a thing given the delicate ongoing peace talks at the time. Being a Jew with family in Israel I have always been supportive of the Israeli government, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Now I see that I shouldn't have. The situation reminds me of the runup to the Iraq invasion of 2003. I thought Bush must have known something we didn't know about WMDs. Lesson learned. Never turn your back on a hawk.
Cindy Bradley (Indiana)
For the second time in the last two weeks, he's stuck his finger in the eye of Israel's "most important ally." We've been working for decades to achieve a 2-state solution, and this guy has just thrown us under the bus.
Bunnell (New Jersey)
Israel has never been much of an ally. The way I see it, their settlement building (ultimately financed by us) has caused nothing but trouble for us in terms of national security. We're hated in that part of the world at least in part because we're associated with Israeli expansionist polices. And let's face it, that hatred isn't entirely unjustified. We've enabled such policies, plain and simple. Ultimately, it's our national security at stake when we give unconditional support to this great "ally." I'm all for a secure Israel, but this isn't the way to achieve it. Enough already.
Jay (Florida)
All sides are so deeply entrenched in their total mistrust of others that no matter what the outcome of the election, no matter who wins or loses, ultimately the people of Israel and the Palestinians all lose too. The forever underlying current of tribal and clan histories of revenge and violence are never far from the surface. Those Israeli's who so desperately want peace that they were once willing to give up East Jerusalem and take down settlements while allowing a 2 state solution can no longer have hopes for peace. Threats of ISIS and radical groups including Nusra, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda and now the factions of Iran and Iraq are ever closer on the horizon. Even Turkey once an ally is now a threat. In the face of all of this America is withdrawing from the Mid-East and pivots towards Asia while Putin is overran Georgia, Ukraine and Crimea. The U.S. no longer can maintain a full carrier battle group in the Mediterranean. So the Israelis will vote based on fear. Real fear. The Israelis will vote on the candidate that offers hope of survival. Economic and other politics will fall to the wayside. Israel is a nation forever besieged by its enemies. Right now Israel has no friends it can trust. Certainly Mr. Obama is no friend or ally. The election hinges solely on the perception of the Israelis not on who can achieve peace but who can sustain survival.
If Netanyahu wins or loses it makes no difference. The loss of American support lost this election for all Israel.
Micah (Harris)
Imagine that- a politician making campaign promises which more than likely are meaningless.

Instead of the knee jerk reaction of blaming Israel with all that's wrong in the region (and the world, for that matter), how about we focus even a little bit on those who "Promise to finish what Hitler started" or those for whom "God in Heaven, Hitler on earth!" is a mantra learned in the way we learn the Pledge of Allegiance or my personal favorite, a kindergarten ditty "Hamas! Hamas! Jews to the gas!"

Have you ever notice how people obsessed with Israel 'awfulness' have no issue with any of the aforementioned? And have you ever noticed how people who deny the Holocaust are perfectly fine with the very idea or pretend they don't hear it?

Your mother was right. You really are known by the company you keep.
Paul (Thailand)
Wow what a horrible thing to say, telling the truth as politician and doing the right thing, who does this guy think he is?
....and thus, he shan't be reelected because if he is, there goes any hope for peace.
Dana Hendrickson (Menlo Park, CA)
So how do the Republicans who invited him to Congress feel now? Let the spin begin!
angel98 (New York)
They probably invited him to set the stage for this and to seal their agreement to back him all the way when he came "clean" about it.
John Campbell (Bakersfield, Ca)
If you want to blame stalled peace talks on someone then blame it on those who decided that Israel has no right to exist. The so called Palestinians and the Iranians come to mind quickly as well as their stated ultimate goal. It's President Obama and his administration who are to blame for where we are today. Billions of dollars spent on so called Palestinians and what did they do with the funds? They bought munitions and built tunnels from which to attack Israel while the people they claimed to care so much about suffered. They even built a tunnel from the UN building and stashed munitions there!

I'm tired of people who claim to care so much more than anyone else who have no skin in the game. Israel doesn't deny So called Palestinians from living peacefully in the nation of Israel. So called Palestinians want to deny Israel exists. You do the math. Prime Minister Netanyahu is right.
DLS (Brooklyn NY)
Oh go back and read some history, mister. " So called Palestinians" were living in the area now called Israel for thousands of years before the United Nations and Britain decided to make the state of Israel over the objections of the people living there and all of the countries around. They felt guilty about the decimation of Jews in WWII. As well they should have felt. But instead of stealing land from the people living there under the guise of a homeland that "God" supposedly gave to the Jews (religious baloney), reparations should have been made with land from the country that committed the atrocities upon the Jews: Germany. That's right: the Jewish homeland should have been in the Black Forest. Then perhaps the Jewish people would have not be in the ironic and horrible position of disenfranchising and destroying the Palestine people in a manner so similar to the way they were handled in WWII.
nostone (brooklyn)
It's because of people like you who will say Israel exist but believe it shouldn't because you say Jews stole it,and therefore can not be believed when they say they want peace.
You have no grasp on reality.
The land isn't Jewish because of the Holocaust.
The modern Zionist movement started in the eighteen hundreds,
Before the first World War.
There were few Muslims living there then.
There were Jews living in all of the mideast who were treated with disdain
This Jews were a very small percent of the population in the places they lived and therefore had to live under Muslim rule but that number was not so small if you could combine all the Jews who lived in the entire mid east.
They had a right to live there because they had a right to have a small area of the mideast they can call theirs where they didn't have to live under Muslim rule.
Palestinian were always Jews.
The Muslims living in the Mideast were Arabs and the people you call palestinians are there children
Israel is a small part of the mideast and it's area is the same percentage of the land area a the percentage of the population the Jews had.
This is why they had a right to a country of that size.
This justification did not start with the Holocaust and was something the Zionist movement was always based in which started way before the Holocaust.
pat (oregon)
And so... can we now presume that our own GOP also opposes a two-state solution?
jim emerson (Seattle)
Which just confirms the saying: "Actions speak louder than words." Netanyahu and his predecessors have never behaved as though they were interested in a two-state solution. So, let Israel build more physical and political walls around itself. It's hard to imagine a country that has done so much to isolate itself from the world.
Well Mr. House Majority Leader,
What do you think of Bibi now. Your kind of guy.
Jay (NYC)
Netanyahu has given America reason to consider our financial and military aid. Let's hope Israel doesn't become a litmus test polarizing issue in 2016. It would have both parties fighting internally, but it would reveal the depths to which American politicians are beholden to special interests post Citizens United.
J Clearfield (Brooklyn)
"Netanyahu Says Never to a State for Palestinians" If elected.
Then, please, dear Israel, vote him out.
Bill (new york)
The US makes the settlements possible through our tax revenue by direct aid and through direct giving from US citizens. As an ally we also protect Israel.

Since we get nothing but Arab anger in return for our support I think we should make Israel the 51st state and begin taxing her for the privilege of the union. Like Bibi we should finally show are cards.
Dewan (Central Florida)
That is not a revelation. Israeli land grab is not over yet.
Just1GuyWhoCares (Milwaukee)
Just for a moment, consider the following: If you take two peoples who are at war, and you give each side a state, (actually one side will have two states, Gaza and the West Bank, and the other will have one state), then you have two states at war, not two peaceful nations. After all of these years - literally watching the entire conflict on TV since its inception - does anyone seriously believe that a second state will bring peace? I do not know what the solution is, but two state will not bring more stability. It will bring more and bloodier war (which may be what certain factions want, anyway).
Michael (Birmingham)
A statesman he's not, just another professional politician trolling for votes, whether in Israel or in front of the U.S. Congress. The world would be much, much better off if he lost tomorrow.
Christie (Bolton MA)
The many years of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s rule entailed three wars in Gaza, increased settlement expansion, a dishonestly proposed two state solution and further oppressive measures against both the Palestinians and Jewish members of society.

Netanyahu's tenure has been based on social exclusion for the poorer members of Israeli society leading to chronic housing shortages, soaring food costs and very high child poverty levels.

For Bibi to point the finger at overseas interference at work is to ignore the existence of the billions of dollars appropriated from the U.S. taxpayer and the facts of Sheldon Adelson's Israeli newspaper empire and money backing him all the way as well as AIPEC buying votes of US Senators and Congressmen.

Netanyahu has finally openly stated that the occupation will never end, admitting his underlying goal all along for the settlements. His vision of a Greater Israel, encompassing all of Palestine, has created strong anti-Zionist sentiment throughout the world and has caused even many fair minded, justice loving Jewish Americans to join or create protests against him.

For the good of Israelis and the US, it is way past time for Netanyahu to go.
Allen Nelson (WA)
Of course, he's never been for a real 2-state solution.
Every US President and Secretary of State who dealt
with him knows that. He just went through the motions
of negotiations for PR purposes.

The problem is that there are so many Jewish settlements
interspersed through out the West Bank now that I don't see
how there can be a Palestine. Look at the map the NYT has
created of Jewish settlements in the West Bank with 350,000
inhabitants and tell me how a Palestinian state could be created
there, unless most of these settlements were evacuated. Which I
doubt will ever happen.

Congratulation, Israel You have succeeded in changing the facts on the ground to preclude a viable Palestinian state being established in the West
Bank. Just be careful what you wish for.
Really? (USA)
By doing as you describe they have written into their own destiny endless terror and conflict in their neighborhood.The USA as their ally must continue to fund, defend and bear the ugly consequences of this belligerent pariah state? Time to cut them off and tell them to go it alone.
Andrew Arato (New York)
If there is a slim chance for two states, tomorrow is still a key day.

The voters now heard it all. If they vote for netanyahu, or those further to the right, they re voting for an apartheid one state.

Voting for meretz, the arab list, or perhaps herzog is the last chnce. If that chance is missed the stuggle for one democratic state of all its people will be thereby launched.
Krish (SFO Bay Area)
If you ever wondered why and how people turn radical you really need to look no further. All you have to see is how Israel treats the Palestinians - as sub humans.. and on top of that doing everything to stop them from filing a human rights complaint through the UN.
PCHulsy (Ithaca, NY)
Anyone with a heart would be sympathetic to innocent Palestinians trapped in a no-win situation but I think many Westerners, despite an abundance of evidence, still put on rose-colored glasses when examining the intentions of the majority of Israel's neighboring populations. When Barak pulled out of Lebanon, did Hezbollah cease operating against Israel or did it redouble its efforts? When Sharon pulled out of Gaza, did democracy ensue or did it allow Gaza a zone from which to fire missiles on Israel, a country whose destruction is its explicit goal? Even the two state solution allows for a Palestinian state in the West Bank, a piece of land deemed so unsatisfactorily small in 1967 that three Arab nations engaged in war to get more territory from Israel. With armed guards posted at the synagogues of Europe, the at best indifference of the world to Jewish suffering throughout history, and the bands of bloodthirsty religious lunatics wandering through the Middle East, is it really so unreasonable for Netanyahu to take a strong stance to protect Israel's security?
heinrich zwahlen (brooklyn)
Wake up Israel: there is no future for you with Netanyahu!
PS (Massachusetts)
Wow, most of the comments here seem unfavorable toward Israel (at least after a somewhat quick look). When did that happen? And such odd timing, if you consider the growing threat of terrorism from sections of the Muslim world. Hard to keep up with this much less understand it. Hemingway had a great line about shifting alliances, but it was easy to digest because he was talking about girls in small towns; this is scarier. Are we disengaging from an ally and if so, why? Does it have to do with Obama? Younger people and new points of view? Americans talking trash from a safe distance? Just the right thing to do at this time in history? I am lost at the moment.
flyfysher (Longmont, CO)
America's and Israel's interests are not co-extant. That is why.
Jeff Atkinson (Gainesville, GA)
Perhaps because Americans are finding it more and more difficult to think of the people of Israel and the leaders they elect as having moral values we want to share.
teo (St. Paul, MN)
Will the Hail Mary pass work? That is the only question left. Anyone who thinks that Bibi believed in a true two-state solution has some kind of illegal drug in their system. He's authorized expansive Jewish settlements. He's demanded a much more aggressive approach toward Palestinians. He's very much against a two-state solution -- despite previous commitments -- and now that he's in trouble, he formally comes out against a two-state solution in hopes of rallying the right. Perhaps it will work. We shall see.
Dan in Phoenix (Arizona)
Just another reason Bib MUST go. Why elect someone who is promising war for eternity?
Jack (US)
I missed it where he promised never ending war. I thought he just said he wouldn't agree to a two-state solution since the Palestinians have not agreed to anything reasonable, and clearly do not want two states if they must "allow" Israel to be a Jewish State.

When did he promise eternal war? I'd like to hear that.
Clairette Rose (San Francisco)
@Jack --

If you scroll through all these conflicting comments, you will find that Bibi promised eternal war (and also the genocide of every living Palestinian Arab) at just about the same time the Arab residents of a place called the British Mandate of Palestine (though for how long they were there we cannot be sure, but I'm guessing they drifted in from Syria sometime in the latter days of the Ottoman Empire) had their land stolen from them and were forced out by 600,000 Jews who bounded out of concentration camps and DP camps and flooded the ports of Haifa and Ashdot, though if this were a just world, according to some, they should have been given a home in the Black Forest, just to teach the Germans a lesson, since the Arabs had nothing to do with the Holocaust anyway.

Or perhaps Bibi promised eternal war and a big land grab sometime during the 1963 war of aggression against Israel, when the 1967 borders became reality because the Arabs started a war they couldn't win. (Bibi had just celebrated his Bar Mitzvah that year, but has been Prime Minister from the start in the minds of some posting here.)

Or maybe the people who think Bibi promised eternal war have actually been, by mistake, reading the Hamas charter?
David Gold (Palo Alto)
I guess that means Netanyahu is endorsing an apartheid state with Palestinians as non-citizens with no rights.
Tom Paine (Charleston, SC)
Netanyahu is a thuggish politician. But on the matter of a Palestinian State he is absolutely right. A two-state solution in such a small area never made any sense. The geography just doesn't fit the proposed solution. So the question for Israel becomes what to do with the Palestinians already living within the future Israel.

Actually the question has already been answered - Israel will continue to rule and make miserable the Palestinians as it has done since its founding. There is no reason not to because there is nothing of substance that can be done to alter the dynamics of overwhelming Israeli power vs the Palestinians. And it doesn't hurt Israel to continue in this manner.

Ariel Sharon defended this policy as sustainable for hundreds of years. So it is not a surprise that Bibi - basically Sharon's clone - believes this too.
"There is no reason not to because there is nothing of substance that can be done to alter the dynamics of overwhelming Israeli power vs the Palestinians."

How about, at some point down the road, an exasperated US finally threatening to (and being prepared to) withdraw its financial, moral, and military support from Israel, leaving it all but friendless in the world. Wouldn't that maybe alter said 'dynamics'?
Hecpa Hekter (Brazil)
Why is so difficult to understand?
Isn't a coalition that includes Arab countries fighting the ISIS beasts? Now, think, please think: imagine that the US has Mexico and Canada declaring that they want all Americans out of their country, that Washington is their capital that in addition to more than 25 thousand rockets placed to be fired anytime into the US, that every-so-often fire between 50 to 200 a day into its territory. Or France with the same from Spain and Belgium, or Japan with the same from Hong Kong and Taiwan....
Be frank, please. Serious. Sit in a quiet place and reflect about it.

Want more? Hamas Charter specifically states the need to destroy not just Israel, but the Jews. Nazrallah, from Hezbollah in Lebanon states loud voice that all world Jewry should move to Israel in order to easily finish them. Iran call America the big satan and Israel the small satan and repeatedly indicates the need to eliminate the "Zionist vermin" off "Muslim lands".
At the same time, a carnage of untold proportions since the middle ages has destroyed Syria and Iraq at the ISIS hands who declare that they will not stop until conquering "from Jerusalem to New York and Paris".

Today, after Israel returned their Gaza areas many years ago, has received more than 16,000 rockets that in spite of being crude and primitive they ... YES! they carry lethal explosives.

How many would you accept falling on your head?

Create a Palestinian state and watch what happens.
Jack (US)
Well said, and thanks for such a clear explanation. If the commenters here today are representative, I fear for the future of Israel AND the US. Such hatred as is on display, with no true understanding of the issues, is not the country I've known all my life.
Uzi Nogueira (Florianopolis, SC)
If Benyamin Netanyahu is re elected he'll deliver on his promise and the White House/Congress will go along. The dog has been wagged by the tail a long time ago.
PacNWGuy (Seattle)
So basically he's saying there will be no democracy in the occupied territories, and the people there will have to live with the Israeli military running their lives indefinitely. He's really working as hard as he can to both move Israel's relationship with the US as low as possible and increase the terrorist threat against his country as high as he possibly can.
jas2200 (Carlsbad, CA)
Bibi finally said what he has always thought. He only did it because he is in danger of losing power, and he thinks it will get him re-elected. It's always all about Bibi for Bibi, not about what's best for Israel. If he is defeated, he could always move to the a red state in the U.S., and he'd be a shoe-in for a House seat as a Republican. He'd fit right in.
Invidium (CA)
Well, this is surprising. I never expected this kind of desperation from such a steely man.

Most interesting is Mr. Netanyahu's comment that the Israeli left would "join the international community," which implies that his Israel is not a part of that community.

It's unfair for Herzog to characterize Bibi's recent actions in the United States as threatening Israeli security. The Israelis would have to go completely off the deep end for the United States to consider a reevaluation of its relationship with that nation. But Netanyahu's declaration that the Palestinians will never have a state while he is in office only reinforces Herzog's point.

It looks like the Prime Minister is starting to realize that he may not be in office for very long. As long as food and housing are problems in his country, the people won't want him there, no matter how strong his credentials on foreign policy.
Sal (CA)
If Israel elects this warmonger, I am not sure how I can have respect for such a country. Fear for your and your children's lives actually does NOT justify everything. If the government of Israel decides to ignore the rest of the world, well, then I guess we'll just ignore them too. I have never supported the sporadic boycots in my field against Irael, but if it comes to that Netanyahu gets re-elected, I will make sure that there is no Israel anywhere in my career.
eaglone (New York)
Nothing new. He has moved the goal posts at every turn. No serious intention of a Palestinian State.
Mike (Charleston, SC)
Israel is at the cross roads of deciding if they want to be a part of the world or commit suicide !
Jack (US)
True; the suicide will be if they agree to the Palestinian demands.
Mike (NY)
The time has come for the US to stop using its veto power in favor of Israel whenever Israel is an issue before the UN Security Councl. Our doing so always in the past is largely responsible for the rogue state that Israel has become.
why-hate (Naturally)
In view of this,taxpayers should start thinking otherwise as we head into the next election. Include a ballot question on NOT funding Israel whatsoever if he gets reelected. It's about time Americans stopped funding unnecessary wars and crimes against humanity.
MCH (Florida)
How about our stopping funding Hamas?! They use our taxes to buy concrete to build tunnels rather than build homes and infrastructure. They also use these funds to buy weapons to kill Israelis. You read too much Palestinian propaganda.
Jay (NYC)
I think Netanyahu overplayed his hand. Americans have been working for decades to help solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, often taking Israel's lead. If Israel wants one-state, is it going to be a democracy or another Middle Eastern theocracy, like Iran and Saudi Arabia?

Will Israelis themselves stand for a religious apartheid state where the Jewish population is under seige from terror networks with no help from its neighbors? The solution is always peace. Now, Netanyahu has shut that door, after declaring war on Iran from the floor of our Congress, after 47% of our Senators disparaged the president to Iran's leadership to promote war. Netanyahu looks like a war-mongering bigot. This is a time for wise people to turn down the temperature. The US is decidedly against another war in the Middle East. Where is Netanyahu going with all this? He can flip an agreement with the Palestinians like a light switch. Why is he using his power and stature for war and conflict? I think he is a brilliant and witty man when he speaks. Although we disagree, I find him insightful for a politician. But, why is he being so stupid on the issue of war and peace in Israel?
ggk (California)
So Bibi gave up the facade of supporting a two state solution -- he must really be in trouble. Maybe his GOP admirers should have schooled him better in the art of dog whistle politics. You can say you support something, when your hard core supporters know you don't, but do not admit that you don't support it -- do not blow the regular whistle. The GOP is much better at maintaining the deception.
Elizabeth Bennett (Arizona)
So Republicans want to support Israel to the tune of $8 billion, while threatening to disassemble Obama Care, Medicare and our own infrastructure, Why don't Americans see the absolute lunacy of letting the ignorant and militaristic members of the Republicans party empty our coffers for a foreign country, while destroying our own safety net? Come on, voters!!!
Jack (US)
Ahh c'mon, now. Republicans only want to replace Obamacare. They have no plans to repeal Medicare or to "disassemble our infrastructure."
Kevin (Red Bank N.J.)
Perhaps you should back check this papers or others about Republican demands that lead to cutting unemployment benefits and food stamps. Republicans have opposed Social Security from the days it was proposed in the 1930's. They are on record all over the place for reducing the safety net to nothing. As for the infrastructure, Republicans may say they want to fix things but they never vote the money to do it.
Elizabeth Bennett (Arizona)
Jack, you're right--I should have said "refuse to repair". My bad.
Kevinizon (Brooklyn NY)
The middle east is not the united states. Negotitaions and give-and-take are a very western thing. What exists there now is an ever-increasing jewish population, amongst other nations that are grumpy at this expansion and push-out of palestinians. Both parties are headstrong, believe in their side and their right to exist on the same land. BUt cannot agree to give up anything in negotiations, for all kinds of reasons.

An actual agreement amongst the two parties would be a serious, major miracel.
pellam (New York)
The question that is seldom asked is what are the Palestinians and the other Arab nations willing to offer Israel for peace? We always hear what Israel has to offer to the Palestinians, but I would love to see some authority setting forth the totality of the Palestinian terms where true co-existence is mentioned. Of course it does not exist, as the Palestinians want a right of return so as to overwhelm and later terrorize and expel the Jewish population. Only those who are anti-Semitic or ignorant believe otherwise.
Shoe on other foot (Naturally)
This guy wants power but can't afford to feed his own people. Shows up here with a tin can in hand and begs for our tax dollars all while slapping our president in the face. Enough with these insults. There is a better solution to this insanity. How about we .i.e tax payers buy back the land they took from Palestinians? Then the Israelis have a state and money to live on while Palestinian have their's. Sounds like a satisfactory deal for everyone.
Jack (US)
It's be the law of war for eternity that if one group wages war on their enemy and loses, the losing party forfeits any land taken by the other group. During the 6-day war, Israel was attacked simultaneously on three fronts, and won. That's the very short version of how Israel came to be in possession of these territories. Had they not kept the land, Israel would be vulnerable to her enemies' attacks forever.

Israel made sincere attempts to negotiate with the Palestinians, and made major concessions. The Palestinians failed to make any concessions of their own, but insisted that Israel give in to all their demands.

If Israel were to concede this land to the Palestinians, they would be vulnerable, and could no longer provide for their own security. They would be under constant attack from those who plan to eliminate the Israeli State (and all Jews wherever they may be).

Netanyahu has done what he must do to keep his country safe.
Just like America, there are at least 2 Israels and 2 sets of Palestinians. The far right extremists in the latter two camps have had their chance to resolve this truly ghastly situation, but simply doubled-down on what had already proven to be dead-end strategies -- murderous mayhem and mutual condemnation.

Let's just hope that those that genuinely want peace and equity in the region can finally get another crack at it in the coming months and years. For now they have a thoughtful and constructive champion in our current President, even if not in our painfully inept right-leaning Congress.
Cary Appenzeller (Brooklyn, New York)
The only difference now is that the mask is off, and Netanyahu's true face as the obstructer of peace in the region is laid bare. He is now shown to have never had any interest in peace and the creation of a Palestinian state, but rather as an opportunist right wing fanatic with no vision whatsoever
dbw75 (Los Angeles)
The Palestinians have never wanted peace. If they did, it would have happened 30 yrs ago when Israel reached out to all its neighbors, and made peace with Egypt, made peace with Jordan, but Yasser Arafat and the Palestinains NEVER wanted peace, they always wanted Israel gone. ANd so the people of Israel elected Bibi , because they were fed up with the Palestinains who never wanted peace in the first place. The old saying, which is true. The palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. And so we now have this
Tommy (yoopee, michigan)
Desparation. Plain and simple. He shouldn't worry if he is ousted. With his "speech" to congress two weeks ago, he has a well paying job as an AIPAC or Israeli government lobbyist on K-Street. He'd make much more money doing that anyway.
Jim Steinberg (Fresno, California)
Last-minute, desperation end zone pass by Bibi.
Portola (<br/>)
What a betrayal, Bibi. And what hypocrisy to have pretended to support the two state solution until now.
Jack (US)
Perhaps he really did support a two-0state solution as he said, but Palestinian intransigence finally hit home, and he realized that it could never be, especially with Hamas in charge.
Paul (California)
I have yet to hear a compelling argument about why supporting Israel is actually in the national interest of the United States.
Che Beauchard (Manhattan)
Bravo Paul for pointing out that the emperor wears no clothes.
C. Morris (Idaho)
The velvet glove falls from the iron fist.
Joe C. (Indianapolis)
This guy has shown his cards. Like them or not.

Bibi is for war with no compromise or hope for a diplomatic outcome. Take your side.

Better than most politicos though. At least you know here he stands.

I'm against him!
Jack (US)
No one has yet been able to tell me when and where Netanyahu called for war. Others, like you, make the questionable claim, but seem to have pulled it out of thin air.
audge (Virginia)
Netanyahu only confirmed the obvious. Western diplomatic niceties have required him to maintain the fig leaf of negotiations for a very long time. With this fiction now put to rest, the US and Europe must now formulate a new policy. Europe has already begun to shift away from Israel. Will the US acquiesce or will our government break with Likud and its allies? This is a wedge issue that has domestic and international complications for us. It can split Democrats and Republicans, the US and Europe, as well as the US and our Middle Eastern Arab allies. Israelis may salvage the situation by rejecting Netanyahu and his right wing allies, but, even in defeat, Netanyahu's policy may survive. I fear that Israel may be committing suicide, but it will bring other states with it. The future just took a nasty hit.
Shoe on other foot (Naturally)
And to all the Arab countries that conveniently used to hide behind the Whitehouse and not directly confronting/criticized Israel on this issue. ...what say you now? It's time to stand and be counted.
Jimmy (Iowa)
The suicide would be to dump Prime Minister Netanyahu. Without his firm hand and level head
Iran will develop nuclear weapons and will bomb them.
Iran has already declared that is their goal.
I hope and pray that Israel will not decide to throw it all away since Obama obviously doesn't like them. It is very likely that no matter who is elected our next President that he/she will likely be more supportive of Israel.
Matt Von Ahmad Silverstein Chong (California)
Reminds of McCain pleading to have votes because he knew how to catch Bin Laden.
BS (Delaware)
Somehow Mr. Netanyahu's position suggests a very bad outcome for all involved parties. If he is elected and stands by it, Israel can look forward to endless uprisings and wars for countless decades to come. Israel runs every chance of becoming what they hate. Many of the smartest, best educated and talented people I know are Jewish. But they are American followers of Jewdaism. I'm beginning to wonder if Israeli born Jews, educated by years of war and killing, can even think clearly and intelligently about their future.
Jack (US)
Israel has been the victim of "endless uprisings and wars for countless decades" that were not of their own making. Some-most of it has been caused by vicious anti-semitism; others by the desire for Islamic supremacy. Anyone who is honest will admit that 99% of all conflicts with Israel are due to the fact that Muslims will simply not accept a Jewish state in their midst. Palestinians do not want their own state. They refused it at the time when Israel was created, when both a Jewish and a Palestinian state were offered. They refused it again every time Israel has made concessions for peace.

Palestinians want to feel free to attack Israel. As it is, they get the sympathy of people who are unaware of history, and excuse their behavior with claims of Israel's so-called "apartheid state" If they have a state and do the same, they will be accused of starting a war. Why would they EVER agree to a state if they can manipulate people so easily this way?
Kevin (Red Bank N.J.)
Jack, you sound like you know history. So what about the history before 1947. Perhaps a telling of how Great Britain allowed the inflow of Jews into Palestine. A hundred years ago there was no Jewish state. Now in 1947-48 you won that war an formed Israel and you have American support. But get out of the West Bank.
lewellyn (nj)
Bibi has provided a great service to Israel and the world. For him, this is about energizing and consolidating his base, a far higher priority than Israel's long-term security. For Israel, this clarifies the choice about who they are as a nation, their allegiance to western democratic values, the importance they attach to international law and the support of western nations. And as a Jewish American torn by how Israel appears to be evolving, it will be a signal whether I was wrong in once believing in the Israeli vision.
Michael (NYC)
But Iran will have the bomb in 2 years, I mean 5 years, I mean 3 years. Netanyahu is pathetic, as most liars and bullies are.
treabeton (new hartford, ny)
Memo to Israeli people:

Time for a new leader.
Steve Singer (Chicago)
It's not for us to commit the same mistake that Netanyahu made in 2012, by openly supporting Mitt Romney against President Obama. It was perceived for what it was at that time and almost certainly backfired; probably significantly hurt Romney on election day.

As to Israeli political leaders I am agnostic. About the problem of a lily frond of Jewish people surviving in a hurricane-swept Muslim ocean I am not.

Netanyahu's long term strategy is nonsensical; a dead-end. Whether anything constructive can be salvaged from it is more difficult to say. In that regard, perhaps it really is too late.
Spensky (Manhattan)
This is identical to the 2006 Hamas' move to annul the Oslo Peace Accord, which is the same as a declaration of war. We should treat Netanyahu similarly to Hamas now.
Marie-Florence Shadlen (Brooklyn, NY)
No amount of beer and pretzels can paper over our clashing conflicts of interest. A 2-state solution, no more settlement building, no pre-emptive strike on Iran are deal breakers for Israel. The high risk, high reward nuclear deal with Iran could move chess pieces over the board and create new ME alliances. Israel is making alliances with Sunni arabs. Saudi Arabia may have questionable connections with ISIS. It's all about policies. Personality styles are irrelevant to this equation. No credible candidate now in the Israeli election would accept the Obama administration's policies.

Rumsfeld on Fox News 03/14: “"Our relationship with Karzai was absolutely first-rate during Bush, It's down hill like a toboggan ever since Obama.”
NY Times 03/15: “The C.I.A. was dropping off bags of cash —up to $1 million — at the presidential palace every month.”

Giuliani praised Putin's manly leadership compared with Obama's. There's nostalgia for Bush's days of accord with Putin. “Despite the rupture over the Georgia war, Bush wistfully recounted their fond memories of visits at Crawford and the Moscow dacha." NPR 09/13: Leon Aron regarding Obama. "This is a kind of patronizing (from Putin) that I certainly don't recall, ever." Putin shows his true colors and annexes Crimea, moves in on Eastern Ukraine. It's not about friendships.

Mr. Adelson, $190 million won't suffice to change our Middle East policies. The American public has awakened. Congress is on notice.
RF (New York)
The United States gives Israel billions of dollars of support every year, no strings attached. In return, Israel's Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, gives the United States a very open, defiant middle digit.

This latest gesture of Netanyahu's brings to mind the income tax season commercial exhorting us to "Get your billions back, America". The refund is long overdue.
David Chowes (New York City)

His decision to say 'no Palestinian State' to get more of his far right base will end Netanyahu's second and last role as prime minister. As he ignores serious internal domestic and economic problems... It is clear that he and his wife are mostly motivated by ambition (in the sense of Shakespeare's "Macbeth.")
Erich (VT)
It's more than a little ironic that it apparently takes staring defeat in the eye for Bibi to utter the first words of truth (in english) to come out of his mouth in memory.
Theo (Manhattan)
Judea and Samaria will always be Jewish land, and terrorism will not change that!
Theo (Manhattan)
Thank God! Who needs another state sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East.
mikeoshea (Hadley, NY)
I'm more than 72 years old, and I remember Netanyahu from the old days when he didn't even pretend to believe that Jews and Palestinians could possible live together. He wasn't afraid to show how much he hated people who dared to claim that they had the right to live on land which he thought should be that of the Jews. He hates all Arabs. My grandmother needs to come down from her perch (secure) in heaven to give him some advice.

She would tell him to treat your enemies as you would treat your friends, and you might be pleasant surprised at how many new friends you make. If he can't do that, he should, at least, treat his so-called enemies as he himself would want to be treated (seems to me I read this in some old book), and he would be even more pleasantly surprised.

It doesn't matter how many atomic bombs a small country like Israel has! If it doesn't try to make REAL peace with at least a few of its Arab neighbors, it won't ever live in real peace.

Netanyahu is not the answer; he will continue to lead Israel down a dead-end street to disaster.
Smart sociopaths eventually outsmart themselves. Not today or next week, but eventually Netanyahu and his party will find themselves utterly on the wrong side of history. The generation of Europeans who felt guilt or discomfort about the various catastrophes of WWII wont be around much longer. Their children and grandchildren have little reason to stand with an Israel that has proven itself no better than any other Middle Eastern nation.

Its only in the US, with the stranglehold evangelical Christians have on the GOP, that criticism for Israel cannot translate into political choices now. But disgust with the GOP and its own brand of Sharia-style legislating will eventually erode evangelical strength.

So enjoy your victory while you can, Bibi. Your grandchildren will be living in a different Israel than the one you envision.
Jack (US)
If you believe the GOP has Sharia-style legislating, take a quick trip to the Middle East and experience Sharia under ISIS. You'd be kissing the feet of the GOP if you were alive to return to the US.
Patrick (Long Island NY)
There will be war if Netanyahu is elected. He deliberately started it soon after receiving assurances of backing from our military Congress.
me (earth)
So? Surly no one believes any Israeli government will accept a Palestinian state.
Jack (US)
Apparently, many here do seem to believe that if they can just get rid of Netanyahu, Israelis will embrace the Palestinians, and then all the Jews will leave Israel in order to please their new Palestinian friends.
D. R. Van Renen (Boulder, Colorado)
At least he is now being honest. It was so obvious. Was Kerry going along wth the game or was he fooled? Now that it is out in the open will the U.S. continue to acquiesce to Israel's will?
Alan Jay Weisbard (Madison, WI)
The notion that Bibi ever supported a real two state solution is a complete fantasy, plausible only to those who haven't been paying attention. His famous Bar Ilan speech established the fact that he could pronounce the two words--"two states"--but not that he believed in them or would pay any price to pursue such an outcome. His speech was riddled with qualifications and possible "outs", more a PR gesture to buy time to perpetuate the status quo and go nowhere, slow. If there is ever to be peace, it will take a different Israeli government and much more active interventions by the US and European governments. Sadly, the "Zionist Camp" has run a very disappointing campaign and avoided many of the critical questions facing Israel at this critical juncture in its history.
ernieh1 (Queens, NY)
If Netanyahu is deposed as prime minister, doesn't shouldn't this have the domino effect of knocking Boehner, who engineered the Netanyahu speech, off his perch? Maybe he will retire to Israel where he can achieve a natural tan.

If Netanyahu bites the dust, the whole Republican side of Congress, and some Democrats, will look like they have been duped by Bibi.
robert s (marrakech)
like sen. schumer and gillibrand
Lucian Roosevelt (Barcelona, Spain)
Bibi could say that Palestinians are inferior people and should move to Jordan and the US still wouldn't change it's Israel policy.
Vizitei Yuri (Bad Homburg, Germany)
It's high time that the two state charade is finished. Arab leadership never really wanted it. If they did, the deal would have been done 30 years ago. Israel should turn gaza over to Egypt. They will know what to do with Hamas. And West Bank should go to Jordan - where it has always belonged.
Netanyahu declares the 2 state solution to be dead and it's the Arab's who didn't want it? -- What about Rabin, who, when at the doorstep of a peace settlement was assassinated by a right wing Israeli?
Doug (Chicago)
The people of Palestine should now unequivocally demand the right to vote. You want your home land, win it at the ballot box. The U.S. should cut all finds to Israel and not allow bibi to outsource is Iran war casualties to the USA. Gawd bless the people of Israel but you are on your own with this guy!
Clairette Rose (San Francisco)
@Doug --

The Palestinians did vote. And Hamas won.

steve snow (suwanee,georgia)
FiRST he was for Peace AND THEN HE WAS NOT! It's hard to imagine any other scenario but a return to intifada, with all of the terrible tragedy that will attend this. He was never the leader that Isreal needed... and all of these years have slipped away.
Sheeba (Brooklyn)
One cannot be surprised by his declaration. What would be news is if American Foreign Policy and Israeli Aid was more in line with the path to a two state solution.
Barry Of Nambucca (Australia)
Is this supported by the Republicans who invited Prime Minister Netanyahu to speak to the US Congress? In the interests of fairness and impartiality, I am waiting for these same Republicans to invite a Palestinian representative to speak to the US Congress.
When Netanyahu has such a closed mind on a Palestinian state, what hope is there for a long term solution?
light (earth)
He is proudly denying people, whom he views as inferior, the right of independence and statehood. Why on earth would the US still support such a regime? This is unbelievable.
B. (Brooklyn)
If the Palestinians and their supporters renounced their vow to drive the Israelis into the sea, and rewrote their charter to that effect, and policed themselves so that no terrorists blew themselves up in Jewish markets and plazas or sniped at Israelis driving their cars or rammed their trucks at Jewish pedestrians, then no doubt Netanyahu would be glad of "a two-state solution" -- which, after all, was the original United Nations conception: homelands for Jews and for Palestinians.

A Palestinian country that has as its core the extermination of the Jews is nothing much, after all.
Dave (Ventura, CA)
Ah the old guard, so filled with bluster that it blurts from him; a dinosaur, a backward thinker.
The world does not need you or your ideology, it's time to move on-time to make some progress.
Dave (the good Washington)
I am tired of the United States being "required" to support George Dubya Netanyahu. If Israel wants him as the Prime Minister, there's nothing that says the United States needs to continue supporting his myopic policies.

Get US out of Bibi's Israel.
Jack (US)
I agree. The US is currently in Israel, under Obama's direction, interfering in the Israeli elections. If Israel were to do that to the US, you would be screaming about it. Why is it okay for democrats to do to Netanyahu what we would never have allowed them to do to Obama?
blau1 (NewYorki)
Today, it doesn't matter if Netanyahu went back on his word, the palestinians had 20 years of chances to make peace. They did not make peace not because of Netanyahu but because they don't know anything but hate for the State of Israel. We had Ehud Barak who already divided Jerusalem but instead of peace we got an anti-fada. On the contrary Netanyahu was willing to give two states a chance and the palestinians joined hamas instead. Netanyahu is king and will stay king.
Scorpio69er (Hawaii)
"For a century, the Zionist colonization of Palestine has proceeded primarily on the pragmatic principle of the quiet establishment of facts on the ground, which the world was to ultimately come to accept. It has been a highly successful policy. There is every reason to expect it to persist as long as the United States provides the necessary military, economic, diplomatic, and ideological support. For those concerned with the rights of the brutalized Palestinians, there can be no higher priority than working to change U.S. policies, not an idle dream by any means."

--Noam Chomsky
JDA (Orlando, FL)
Long live Noam Chomsky.
eretz Israel (NY)
Israel has the right to defend itself! No one will dictate our interests for us. Just like America had their manifest destiny, so does Israel - eretz Israel. All the land of Israel is ours. The goyem do not dictate terms to us, we dictate it. Understand? Stop the anti Semitic rants and accept the fact that we will do what we please. Shalom
RM (Vermont)
I thought Dr. Martin Abend died years ago. Guess I was wrong.
JDA (Orlando, FL)
This is shameful response. Your position is "We are right because we have might and we have a right to do something terrible to a people just because others have done something terrible."
Robert Koch (Irvine, CA)
So, you are a dictater?
AKA (California)
The Palestinian people never had any illusions of the Likud party's fake gestures concerning peace. The actions of Bibi Netanyahu, and Ariel Sharon before him, of aggressively expanding the illegal settlements spoke louder than words. These were never the actions of someone planning for peace with the occupied people. The occupied people were never fooled. But they spent the last 22 years proving to the U.S. and International Community that the alternative to perpetual occupation and death is possible.

Names change, and players come and go, but the policy is always clear. Lies and deception are justified, even to your most loyal allies, all in the name of having and keeping a national home country. Killing and stealing are justified. God's chosen people? What kind of a god would accept such mockery in his name?
Paul (Indiana)
One of the flaws of contemporary journalism is to report what people say with equal weight to what they do. If anybody's paying attention to the prime ministers actions, and his timing of them (new settlement agreements are sure to appear whenever negotiations are about to start) then this statement is like, d'oh. Of course it is pandering to the right wing, but he is now being forced to tell the truth because of the fear of losing.
dodo (canada)
Actually, the way things are going, what may emerge in the next while is indeed two states -- an Arab Palestinian one and a binational "state of all its citizens," currently known as Israel. Eventually the two will be merged into an Arab-majority state called Palestine.
Eli (Palo Alto)
That would mean the death of Israel as a Jewish state, which will never happen. We have all seen what happens when Jews don't have their own homeland.
Matthew Carnicelli (Brooklyn, New York)
Practically speaking, if Netanyahu wins and sticks to this position, it's going to be very hard for the US to continuing supporting Israel.

The United States desperately needs the cooperation of Muslims to defeat both al Qaeda and ISIS - and American support for an Israel that is making no pretense of attempting to arrive at negotiated solution with Palestinians makes getting that cooperation almost impossible.

At the end of the day, all politics are local - and local to many of us means protecting US citizens from the threat of terrorism. Continuing to align with an Israel pursuing a policy of manifest destiny could only put the American mainland at exponentially greater risk of terrorist attack, as well as place American personnel in foreign lands at even greater peril than they are today.

If Netanyahu now wins this election, it may prove the ultimate Pyrrhic victory.
Mary Ann (Western Washington)
To all those who want to eliminate aid to the fear-mongering government of Israel: be advised that it would take the initiative and approval of Congress.

Do you really think Congress would do that?
Christie (Bolton MA)
There have been dramatic reversals before.
Frank McNeil (Boca Raton, Florida)
Isn't blind ambition what cost Saul his throne?

Netanyahu's desire to remain "King Bibi" is more important to him than the interests of Israel. First, he damaged relations with the U.S. by intervening in our domestic politics and, now, by saying Israel will never recognize a Palestinian homeland, he has gone back on his word, endangered unspoken understandings with several Arab nations and played into the hands of the terrorist "Islamic State" (ISIL). He has also made Iran's hardliners very happy; they, like Netanyahu, want to sabotage a working Iranian nuclear agreement with the U.S.and Europe.

The Israelis will judge for themselves in their election. In the outside world, Netanyahu has made life more dangerous for the people of Israel and, depending on how things play out, for us, too.
Jack McHenry (Charlotte, NC)
Israel has only one real choice for long term survival and that is to drive all the Arab peoples out of its land. The demographic time bomb alone is enough to undo Israel with anything less than a thorough program of ethnic cleansing by relocation or other means. The only long term viable homeland for the Jews is America.
Christie (Bolton MA)
So what is wrong with Israelis living as Americans do?
Shaun Narine (Fredericton, Canada)
It's been obvious for at least 20 years that Netanyahu never had any intention of returning any Palestinian land or allowing the creation of a Palestinian state. Remember, he took personal credit for destroying the Oslo Accords. At least now, the many people making excuses for Netanyahu in the US (and elsewhere), claiming that peace could only be had through negotiations, no longer have any ground to stand on - the truth is out. The man does not want peace. He wants all of Palestine. He always wanted all of Palestine. That is why he was engaged in "negotiations" that went nowhere; that is why he did all he could to undermine Abbas; that is why he completely ignored the Arab Peace Plan. Now that Netanyahu has admitted his true intentions, let us hope there are immediate consequences.
Awensok (Hoston)
What could be more revealing about a politician, not that he promised the extreme right what it wants -- an unending conflict to demonstrate that the Israelis are fully capable of playing on a world stage as a mighty force of biblical power and law that can and will exact the last measure of suffering each time it can, but that he will throw everything and anything he (may) believe in to hold power. That's just the kind of character a man needs to always appeal to the right on both sides of the Atlantic.
I hope we will all remember when denying another people the right to form their own state was so appaling and despicable when it was the state of Israel that was seeking its own formation.
Hanna (NY)
Not if other people are denying Israelli people right to securely exist.
Hanna (NY)
Pals want to destroy Jewish state.
Patrick Barbieri (Washington, D.C.)
I wonder about the psychology of Israelis like Mr. Netanyahu. Is it a death wish? Do they have some existential need to have enemies? Israel's misdeeds are always defensible and even moral. Increasingly -- especially with the announcement that Israel will build a wall along the Jordanian frontier -- the country resembles a ghetto, albeit one with nuclear capabilities.
And we were told all along that the Palestinians are the one who never wanted a peace deal. The beaty of "truth" is that it always reveals itself.
We are all witness an arrogant politician on a suicide mission.
Jack (US)
Netanyahu seemed to be sincere in his negotiations for a two-state solution, but Palestinians would never offer any concessions. They always insisted that theirs would be a Muslim State, but that Israel would be a multi-ethnic state. John Kerry pushed Israel to make more concessions than they were comfortable with, but nevertheless, they agreed. Settlements were destroyed - have you forgotten that? When Hamas took over, Israel had no other choice but to stop negotiating.

It is true, as you said, that "The beauty of 'truth' is that it always reveals itself." The Palestinians never negotiated in good-faith. Israel must now look to her own security.
Can you elaborate on how "Israel would be a multi-ethnic state" when Israel's policy is to only grant citizenship to Jews?
Israel is quickly becoming an apartheid state and the sooner the Israelis realize this the better their are. As I stated previously the"truth" always reveals itself and the "truth" about Israel is depressing...
Clairette Rose (San Francisco)
@AGM --

Start by informing yourself before spouting opinions that have no basis in fact.

You have confused the Israeli policy of the right of return -- which says any Jew may become an Israeli citizen -- with some distorted idea that only Jews can be citizens of Israel. Israel IS a multi-ethnic and multi-religious state, including citizens who are Arab muslims, Christians, Druze and others

Arabs and muslims hold 10 or 11 seats in the current 120 seat Knesset, they can serve in the army, they hold civil service positions, and have even sat on the Israeli Supreme Court. So please, get a dictionary and look up "apartheid" as well before ranting on with false statements you think are "depressing" truths about Israel.
JeremyPike (Brownsville, TX)
I go right-wing on most issues, but I sincerely have no clue why Repubs and the American right are demanding adoration for Netanyahu from Obama. He is at best an isolationist and an extremist of similar caliber to Hamas. Basically he is saying he doesn't support a two-state solution. Like Hamas, Netanyahu only has a vision for one people, one land. Disgusting and disappointing. I sincerely hope Israelis are more level-headed than their current PM.
Bruce Northwood (Washington, D.C.)
Well at last it is out in the open. Netanyahu has always been against peace with the Palestinians as his actions over the last twenty years have indicated. His confession the day before elections is the act of a desperate man. It is time for the U.S. to rethink its blind support for Israel and and close the ATM that has been spewing out billions for Israel over the decades. He is a dangerous man who wants war with Iran and wants to drag us along It would be nice if he was crushed in the election nbut a close loss will suffice.
RM (Vermont)
Israeli voters should not settle for a bad deal. They should hold out for a better deal. Oust Netanyahu.
Jim (Los Angeles)
Israel is then violating the UN and US mandates to stop settlement building and land grabbing. Clearly Israelis extremists are running the show. The West Sanctions Russia but not Israel in such circumstances?! Bibi will win and I am unclear as to what role the EU or US even play in the matter. The future of war and peace seems to be only be in the hands of the Worlds Jewish Federation. The rest of us appear to just be lackies along for the ride. Impotent in the face of Tel Aviv.
JohnMcC (San Francisco, CA)
I'm not exactly clear how this is news. Netanyahu.'s at least being honest about the intentions of many Zionist extremists over the last 100+ years
M. Imberti (Stoughton, Ma)
'Honest' and 'Netanyahu' don't belong in the same sentence. Expedient and opportunistic are more like it.
Richard Humphrey (Los Angeles)
The problem for Jews, was when the Brits, French and Americans gave half of Palestine to Zionists instead of insisting on one state.

The problem for Palestinians has been continued annexation of Palestinian lands.

The problem for the world is islamic extremism, which has its roots in both of the above.
anononandon (earth, earth)
Apparently, Bibi is attempting to convince people he is a real life fascist dictator. Wow. What a travesty for Israel.
Ted (Brooklyn)
If Netanyahu is defeated will this be seen in the USA as a referendum on the Republican Party?
bnc (Lowell, Ma)
Israeli-induced terror keeps the "military - industrial - congressional" complex in business; 47 senators agree.
David MD (New York, NY)
I have been to Israel many times and to some degree keep up with the politics there. Hamas and their missiles and tunnels and wars they create and the Abbas's Palestinian Authority, which just lost a $650 million judgment in US federal court for funding terror is responsible for Netanyahu and the far right for getting elected. Abbas claims he wants peace but turned down a 2008 Israeli peace proposal. Instead, he pays terrorists and their families wages while they are in Israeli prison. Instead of pursuing peace in 2000 with the Clinton Peace Plan, the Palestinians pursued violence instead with the second Intifada.

Perhaps one day the Palestinians will realize and the US, Europe, and moderate Arab states will emphasize with the Palestinians that their pursuit of violence is counterproductive to their goal of having their own state. Until then, Israelis will be electing people on the far right end of the political spectrum.

As it is, neither Hamas nor Abbas have been given the democratic mandate to govern the Palestinians because Hamas's and Abbas's terms of political office were finished years ago. Ultimately the Palestinian people deserve the right to have new elections which are long overdue and we can hope this time around they will elect leadership that truly denounce violence and *finally* sign a peace agreement.
Scott Heskes (San Francisco, CA)
Netanyahu's statement has little to do with policy change and everything to do with posturing to remain prime minister. As things are shaping up Likud will not have enough seats in parliament for Netanyahu to be in position to form a new government. He knows his only chance is to undermine a Herzog referendum and calling on Mr. Kahlon to rejoin Likud is one last effort to remain in power. The NYT reporting needs to dig deeper. A piece on Israeli parliamentary procedures would be helpful.
ronnie (ny)
Yeah, have you seen the maps of those proposed deals? Its like having an independent state, but major roadways would still be under Israeli control. No sensible leader would have accepted that.
Paul (Minneapolis)
Let them have it. Give residency to those living in palestine but not citizenship in the new greater Israel. And get the US out of their politics forever. No more aid, no more nothin.
David Taylor (norcal)
A Palestinian state was never plausible given Israeli settlements. Facts on the ground changed the situation years ago. But the two possible outcomes of all the parties admitting this are worse than a Palestinian state: a secular state with a Palestinian majority, or an apartheid state.
bnc (Lowell, Ma)
Peace means a cutback in US aid to a "victim of terrorism". Israel must keep poking the stick at their caged beast.
jefflz (san francisco)
The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin by the right wing about 20 years ago marked the true end of the peace process in Israel. Netanyahu is a direct spinoff of that tragic event.
soxared04/07/13 (Crete, Illinois)
One has to ask why Mr. Netanyahu didn't declare his one-state intentions when he addressed his enablers in Congress on March 3rd. His trailing poll numbers forced him to admit this terrible truth: Palestine will never exist. When will American aid stop? U. S. aid is the ground floor of every settlement that Israel raises up. America can continue to look the other way or she can do what she should have done long ago: cut ties with a rogue state that would crush its neighbors and swindle is benefactors. Dishonor, thy name is Israel.
Richard (Miami)
90% of the US population doesn't care about Israel. It's indifference at best. With that said, the US is Israel's best friend and arguably their only friend. The US politicians (congress) care about Israel because the Israeli lobby funds their campaigns. It's a client hooker relationship. The clock is ticking on Israel. Survival is the game. They better figure out a plan because the current plans aren't working. Netanyahu is playing with an old play book. At this point Israel has to make peace, give up the ship or use their nuclear arsenal.
Dwayne Moholitny (Edmonton, Alberta)
I just about fell out of my chair when I read the headline! & this is news?
Arnold (Philadelphia)
......all the more reason he must not be re-elected.
William Alan Shirley (Richmond, California)
Let us extract the essence of this man, the people that follow him and his perspective towards the Palestinians. It is worse than divisive. No good will come of it. It' future is inevitably destruction. It is all evil.
grizzld (alaska)
Bibi deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for standing on his principles. The UN offered the arabs a separate state of their own after WW2, but the arabs refused, and wild Bill Clinton managed to get Yasir Arafat to the table with the Israel pm at the time and again was made a very generous offer and refused. The basic problem is that the arabs refuse to recognize Israel as its own nation state. Until they recant that, there will never be peace or a meaningful deal except sporadic truces during perpetual warfare. The same is true with ISIS and the worlds terror groups. Unless the West puts an iron boot on their necks and cuts off their leadership and use of global technology the war on terror will be never ending Obama and the Clintons can fool some of the Americans some of the time but they cant fool everyone all the time. Just say no to democrats at the next election.
Steve Singer (Chicago)
Only if he had made peace with his enemies, something he resolutely refused to do.
Jack (US)
I know logically that I shouldn't be, but I am still amazed at the number of people who believe the terrorists are innocents who want nothing more than to live in peace with Israel.
Tom (Connecticut)
It is time that America ended foreign aid to Israel as Netanyahu told Congress more than 20 years ago: "I believe that we can now say that Israel has reached childhood's end, that it has matured enough to begin approaching a state of self-reliance ... We are going to achieve economic independence [from the United States]."
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to a Joint Session of the United States Congress - Washington D.C., July 10, 1996
(Source: Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs )

Who gains and who is hurt in the untold billions the US has doled out to Israel?
Mike Edwards (Providence, RI)
Isn't this a non-event? Mr. Netanyahu has always expanded the settlements in the West Bank. He has never given any indication that they will be scaled back. Remember his opposition to a two state solution using the 1967 border with "agreed upon swaps"? Mr. Netanyahu wasn't agreeing to any swaps.
Whether he wins the upcoming election or not, he is merely being forthright and stating the obvious.
Matt J. (United States)
It is clear that the US needs to cut off aid to Israel until there is someone who can lead that country in a responsible manner. I give Netanyahu credit for not lying about what everyone knows it the underlying problem with the negotiations (that Israel is not negotiating in good faith). However, it is time to realize that Israel is a contributor to the problems in the Middle East and not a part of the solution.
Richard G (Nanjing, China)
Bibi is clearly trying to sucker the U.S. into another Middle East war, aided by Republican ninnies in Congress who will not be sacrificing the blood of their sons or daughters nor their personal bank balances. When American Jews start sending their children into the Israeli army and American "lawmakers" do the same with their children to the U.S. military, I'll lend more credence to the truth of their "beliefs." Don't hold your breath - it will be the sons and daughters of poor West Virginia and Kentucky coalminers who will do Bibi's bidding.
Ranjan Pethiyagoda (Australia)
Those who were brought up in eastern religious traditions, like Buddhism, believe in rebirth or in a continuation of existence beyond death. They also believe that their current existence and the conditions of that existence is the result of actions in previous lives (karma). Whether this is a fact, in a physical sense, is not the philosophical issue. What is important is the practical idea behind it.

Thus, for a Buddhist, it is possible to believe the prospect of an Israeli Jew being born as a Palestinian in Gaza in a future birth, or vice versa. Subscribing to such a belief makes a huge difference to the way one would treat one’s national “enemies”. The underlying idea that there is a possibility that one would be born again on one’s enemy’s side does wonders to the way one looks at one’s adversaries in the present life.

Whilst the Buddhist belief of rebirth is a complex idea beyond our sensory perceptions of a physical reality, the literal understanding of rebirth goes a long way towards the way we treat others. Thus when Israelis bomb Gaza killing scores of children or Palestinians lob home-made missiles into Israel terrorizing civilians, the idea that in some future existence one may be at the receiving end of such actions would perhaps make them think twice before they get involved in such terror.
Christie (Bolton MA)
Netanyahu never supported the concept of a two state solution. While he has claimed in English to do so, he told his followers he wanted Gaza for seaside holiday homes for Israelis.
jim (arizona)
Peace is hard to achieve as long as one nation of human beings is bent on destroying another nation of human beings, while the west not only supports the former's actions, but supplies it with billions of dollars in military aid to do so.

I, for one, am tired of U.S. lives, blood, and treasure being spent on a war on terror that would likely not be necessary if we would simply stop supporting this genocidal nation.
David Lockmiller (San Francisco)
Finally, the Benjamin Netanyahu lies of his support for a two-state solution have been replaced by the truth.

Someone should wake up John Boehner and Mitch McConnell to let them know that Benjamin Netanyahu has been making fools of them. John Kerry should be given the opportunity to punch Benjamin Netanyahu in the face.

And, the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee should have one last meeting to condemn the perfidy of Benjamin Netanyahu and to dissolve permanently the organization itself.

By the way, the United States giving Israel $3 billion a year must stop, now.
N. Smith (New York City)
No big surprise here. Mr. Netanyahu has cast his fate with the extreme right-wingers because they're the ones who are keeping his party-boat afloat. His re-election would be a disaster for Israel, and would most certainly be the cause of more skirmishes in the future. After so much dehumanization and humiliation, even the most peace-loving Palestinians are bound to fight for their basic human rights, which also includes the right to keep their land.
WestSider (NYC)
Now the best thing would be for Netanyahu to win so we can all put an end to this farce of 2 State solution. Let Palestinians ask for Israeli citizenship and get it over with.
Barry Fisher (Orange County California)
B.N just confirmed what I've suspected since he gained power. I contend he never has supported the two-state solution has worked to undermine it at every turn, and now finally, in a last ditch effort to scare and turn voters at the poll, comes "out of the closet" with his views. This makes everything that the left and the Palestinians have been saying since he came to power. The main impediment to peace between the P.A. and Israel has been and is Benjamin Netanyahu. Now Israel has choices, a move towards institutional apartheid a bankrupt strategy in so many important ways, or a move toward a viable two state solution or a 1 state democracy or republic with equal civil law and civil rights for all. A secular state not a Jewish state, not a Palestinian state, not a Suni or Shia state. Doubtful we will see that. Jews rightfully fear becoming a demographic minority. The largest growing Jewish population is by far the Orthodoxy and that also bodes ill for the future in my view. Whatever will happen, Netanyahu should no longer be the leader of Israel. I'm sure this announcement is a desperate act tied in to his apparent desperate failings at the polls. Its too bad this man has held the post as long as he has. He's just wasted time, money, peoples hope and aspirations and any opportunity to move forward. For Israel's good, and for its future, he must go!
Christie (Bolton MA)
The Jewish people in the US are a minority of the population. I believe they prosper here.
Barry Fisher (Orange County California)
Appreciate that, but its not an equivalent situation.
Michael M. T. Henderson (Lawrence KS)
Well, now Bibi has come right out and said it. No peace with Iran, no peace with Palestine. Why, Bibi, why? Simple: Without these two threats, Israel's allowance from Uncle Sugar could be cut. The State gets over $3 billion in aid, plus another billion in military aid. What would Israel do for revenue if its pocket money dried up? Sell Jaffa oranges?
BTW, don't accuse me of Antisemitism. 50% of my genes are Jewish, and Arabs are also Semites.
Kathryn McHenry (Bainbridge Island, WA 98110)
And, while we are at it --- After Bibi's angst and finger pointing over Iran getting nuclear weapons, do you know the truth about how Israel got their nuclear arsenal? I heard about this a few years ago and decided to check it out again. Guess "it takes one to know one". Why hasn't anyone mentioned this during the GOP's recent attempts to sabotage the negotiations????? You can add another destructive force in the Middle East (Hint: It's name is Bibi). Hope the voters wake up and do something about it. Don't miss the following link from the Guardian a year ago.
Judy Sullivan (Boston, MA)
I'm tired of hearing about what the Israelis will not do, and about what they want the US to do. They create their own destiny. If the destiny that they want is an island of sanctimony and selfishness surrounded by a world of people who do not like them, so be it.
Mark Shyres (Laguna Beach, CA)
My father always said never make any decisions when you are tired, angry or under the influence of drugs.
bob lesch (Embudo, NM)
'No Palestinian State if He Is Re-elected'

the perfect reason to elect anyone else.
ROC (New York)
I don't know why anyone is surprised by his statement. The Israeli's position has been to bargain, agree and then back out of the agreement. This is a rogue country that treats the Palestinians as badly as the Germans did the Jews in the early 30's.
The Senate and House pay lip service to Israel simply because that's where the money is. Charles Schumer, our Senator representing Tel Aviv, passes out liberal amounts of cash to elected officials who vote the right way.
Their was a joke that was very popular in certain circles, "Guns for the Jews and sneakers for the Arabs." Unfortunately American politicians have taken this to heart. Shame on them and shame on Israel.
KagisoB (Gaborone)
Am worried this man has access to and commands a nuclear arsenal..
Mark Shyres (Laguna Beach, CA)
I guess you have no worries about Russia, North Korea, Pakistan and Iran. Lucky you.
Jose C. (New York)
No 2 state!? Fine! Make it one but give full rights to ALL the people born in that land, stop bringing people from other people to colonize it and be truly democratic for once!
Mark Shyres (Laguna Beach, CA)
Are you talking about Israel or America?
The irony is wonderful.
rjh (NY)
So . . . Netanyahu just stated his intention to wipe Palestine off face of the earth. Clear enough.
TruthOverHarmony (CA)
It's about time... if someone has been promising to do that and been trying to do that since you were born, maybe that's the clear message they need to actually give up and declare they are ready to live in peace.
Meengla (USA-Pakistan)
I have found plenty of so-called friends of Israel online who are honest enough to say that they are duplicating the actions of the Europeans against the native people of north America.
What these people don't realize (or don't want to) realize is that even if the injustice done to the native people were set aside the Palestinians number almost as much as the Jews in that region and there is simply NO WAY they can be permanently made to be quasi-slaves of the Israeli Jews. Time and numbers are on the side of the Palestinians--it may not seem like it right now but it won't be too far into the future when their pitiful situation starts improving--unfortunately at the expense of those currently enjoying all the largesse from the sole Superpower's patronage.
Tick Tock. Tick Tock....
Ak (San Francisco)
Unless I missed something, I think we are still at Palestinians expecting Israel to recognize their need for a state while at the same time they maintain their mission to destroy Israel. The eye opener being that Palestinians think this is a sane request.
Crusader Rabbit (Tucson, AZ)
It's not just Bibi who doesn't want a Palestinian State. The Palestinians don't want a "state" either. They want something that rhymes with "state." It's called "Caliphate."
Jill Friedman (Hanapepe, HI)
It has been obvious for years that both the Israeli and US governments had no intention of allowing a Palestinian state. The US government gave up any remaining pretence months ago when it opposed the Palestinians' very reasonable request in the UN to establish a state in 3 years. Then the US Congress invites Netanyahu and gives him a standing ovation--making it clear to the world that the solution will have to come from the efforts of other countries and not the US.
Christopher Moore (Roanoke, Virginia)
A so-called "Two State Solution" in Israel is not viable because the primary issue at stake is not whether the Palestinians have a homeland, but whether a Jewish state in Israel is allowed to continue to exist. Establishing a Palestinian state carved out of land currently possessed by the Israelis would do nothing to assuage the anger of Arabs towards what they see as a combination of American imperialism and Jewish treachery. Arab attacks against Israel, and retaliation by the Israelis, will continue as long as a Jewish state remains in Israel. Neyanyahu is correct in his assertion that compromise is impossible.
heyblondie (New York, NY)
Please be a bit more scrupulous in your wording; what we are seeing in action here is not "Jewish treachery" but "israeli treachery". It's bad enough that Netanyahu claims to represent worldwide Jewry without having others tar us with that brush as well.
Ron (here)
Well, at long last the man is showing a modicum of honesty about his true intentions
olivia james (Boston)
why would any israeli vote to uphold this unjust, bellicose, and ugly status quo? hasn't the futility of fear and agression been proven over and over again? i don't see how the country can sustain itself with netanyahu.
Robert (Pennsylvania)
Netanyahu has finally shown his true colors -- a war monger who will never bring peace to the Middle East. Let us hope that the people of Israel chose wisely in their election. The choice is another thousand years of war, or co-existence.
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
It looks like the Iranians are not the only leaders who should be in receipt of a letter from our government.
Netanyahu, like our Republicants, now no other tactic other than the wholesale sowing of fear. He's been predicting Iran's "imminent" obtaining of a nuclear bomb for nineteen years now. He's not interested in peace, under ANY conditions. And his bellicosity is enabled only by US material support.
Mixing religious metaphors, this has the optics of a desperate Hail Mary pass...
BMEL47 (Düsseldorf)
The bi-national state as a de facto solution is still the only option should
Israel continue its expansion and its refusal to withdraw to the June 4, 1967 lines and remove the settlements of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
Mr. Netanyahu will be forced to eat his own words as territoriality will give way to demography, and the issue then will become one of democracy, with Zionism forced to reexamine its most basic premises.
Gosh, so does that mean he has been bargaining in bad faith all along? So much for Israel under Netanyahu being a partner for peace.
Barbara (L.A.)
Come back in a 100 years and they will still be yammering about the two-state solution, if they have not already annihilated one another. It takes statesmen to solve these problems and there are none, certainly not Netanyahu.
snark magic (socal beach)
bibi, bibi, bibi. your position on statehood is just wrong on so many levels that we fear you have forfeited the election.
Liberty Apples (Providence)
Bibi is a frightened politician on the ropes. He found the most provocative - and selfish - thing to say on the eve of the election in order to secure his badly needed conservative base. He is not the first craven hack - nor will he be the last - to put self-interest above the national good when the going got tough.
codger (Co)
Now that he's finally told the truth, I want my money back!
Zejee (New York)
The only solution is one state for Jews and Palestinians.
Jeff Atkinson (Gainesville, GA)
Judging by much of the commentary on the subject, taxpayers in the US should always support Israel regardless of what its government and military does because, even though it's a democracy, the good people of Israel aren't responsible for what their government and military does. I'd like to think, this will put an end to that twisted logic. But it won't.
John Napolitano (USA)
There's a Palestinian People. That they should have a land is only just. That Israel should have empathy for this need calls upon that nation's Humanity and Justice. Mr. Netanyahu has his head in the sand more deeply than any and is sinking....
Buck Rutledge (Knoxville, TN)
At least the man is now admitting what any casual news observer has known for years. Political desperation has a certain scent.
Wizarat (Moorestown, NJ)
So what is new? Palestinians had known it for the last 65 years, The ISraelis do not want it, the Arabs (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, Egypt, and Bahrain) do not want it. The Palestinians have been used by all including us and Turkey to serve our needs.

Too bad for Israel as now the Veil is off from them and it is going to be a single State with both people living as equal citizens; sure then peace will prevail as no borders would exist between the locals and the imported crowds.
Lillibet (Philadelphia)
No one who follows Israeli politics would be surprised by this. He has no alternate plan. His intent has always been wipe out the Palestinians: ethnically cleanse the entire area, and eliminate those who won't leave. The monster Israel has feared all this time won't come from gestates within.
Netanyahu is saying bluntly what he has been doing and saying indirectly to establish Israeli state from Jordan River to Mediterranean Sea. It is also a fact on the ground. It is geographically impossible to have two states with settlements like a swiss cheese in Palestinian lands. it is better for Palestinians to stop wasting time, accept one state and demand equal rights as citizens. It will give Palestinian more political and economic clout than a separate state. A separate state will be a large prison camp.
bnc (Lowell, Ma)
Israel will never accept a single state; it fears eventually being overtsken by Sharia law.
Eric Morrison (New York)
I'm starting to wonder for how long will be an Israeli state if he is elected? "Jews won't standby and let ourselves be slaughtered," he says. And yet slaughtering Palestinian Arabs to achieve Jewish statehood is okay? Interesting contradiction.

Maybe he should take such things into consideration before he makes these claims about who does and doesn't deserve statehood, and who he (as if he's God) decides whom he'll grant said statehood - as if it's only his decision. Such conceit! Such arrogance! Such hubris! How can anyone not loathe this man, let alone cast a vote for him?
James Currie (Calgary, Alberta)
If Netanyahu is re-elected, the US has no alternative but to withdraw financial support for Israel, if it wishes to retain its high moral standing. Of course that won't happen, but Americans have to realise that they are supporting gross injustice to the Palestinian people. The inhuman behaviour of Israel is the very reason for the militant groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah. I'm certain the vast majority of Palestinians wish peace with dignity, but those of them who have tried to achieve that peace have been let down, leaving fertile ground for the terrorists.
Peter Schaeffer (Morgantown)
Anyone who has followed Israeli news has known this for a long time. Nor is PM Netanyahu the first to say so. We, in the United States, just did not want to believe it. Hence, after decades, peace is a more remote possibility than ever.
Marcoloreno (Italy)
The unstated Israeli policy for the past 66 years has been to eliminate the Palestinian people and to create a Greater Israel. All peace talks and all two state solutions are and have been completely contrary to this unstated by clear aim. netanyahu is just making this overtly clear. Peace talks and the creation of two unequal states has just been a time wasting technique for Israel to eventually try to occupy all the land.
In a two state solution Israel can give back some land, property, rights, but even that is an absurdity. Why not ALL the land, property and rights? Why does Israel get to keep anything – how is the appropriation by foreigners, of land and property of an existing nation prior to 1948 fundamentally different from the appropriation of land and property on the arbitrary 1967 date, which is used as the basis to discuss a two state solution?
The only just solution is a return to a one state Palestine nation as it was before the colonial occupiers came.
Leesey (California)
"Mr. Netanyahu made the assertion on the eve of an election in which he is trailing in the polls." I'm stunned, I tell you, stunned that this political clown would be changing his opinion - just before the election.

And will he now be "reversing his support" for everything he advocated before the US Congress, while simultaneously offending so many Americans with his obvious political ploy? How many votes did that get Bibi?

All we can do is hope the people of Israel do the sane and intelligent thing come their election day.
JMC (Lost and confused)
So Netanyahu has finally said what has been obvious to the rest of the world for many years now.

Maybe now the USA can face facts and base American policy on American interests and realities.

American contortions trying to justify the unjustifiable actions of the Israelis toward the Palestinians have made us a laughing stock in the eyes of the world.

Israel is not an ally - it is a war mongering albatross that compromises American influence and prestige and confers absolutely no benefit to American interests.
Zoot Rollo III (Dickerson MD)
What's beggars belief is that this angry, myopic failure of a leader actually believed that the adulation & fawning he recieved from the right wing dinosaurs in Congress somehow represents American sentiment. It has to rank as one of the most bizarre miscalculations by a politician in modern times. I know that the Israeli press, owned by the pimp Sheldon Adelson, routinely fabricates lies about the extent of the (rapidly waning) support for Israel in America; but even still, it's unfathomable.
Mitchell (Los Angeles)
How can there be an honest discussion of two states when one will not even recognize the right of Israel to exist? How well has Gaza succeeded under the control of Hamas?
Eric Morrison (New York)
Why does Israel have a right to exist, again?
After all, I thought the world have given up on colonialism... (except for two countries... the US, and Israel).
Mary Ann (Western Washington)
How can Gaza succeed when Israel malevolently controls access, goods and funds into and out of the Strip?
Chris (10013)
The damage to Israel wrought by Netanyahu and his duplicitous ways will take years to be fully understood. He has ceded the legitimate high ground the Israel enjoyed by lying to the world, embroiling the US in his lies, and by slapping the President of the United States in public. Israel will continue to lose support in the US and from younger Jews around the world. Palestinians, whose actions have earned them disdain, now are elevated by Netanyahu's actions.

Israel must reject his corrupt leadership and stop the expansion of settlements. This is the only chance to stop the decline in Israeli support around the world.
bkay (USA)
It's no surprise that Mr. Netanyahu and Republicans have become bosom buddies. Tactic-wise they were cut from the same cloth; peas in the same pod. They will sacrifice ethics and good sense to win elections. Regardless the consequences. Anything goes. And it's not necessary to search for a Republican example. The recent 47-ers threatening Iran letter is right under our collective nose. For Benjamin Netanyahu, his battle for relevance is between himself and the liberals using the Palestinians. For present day Republicans, it's them v progressives using President Obama.
mike (manhattan)
There are no "Partners for Peace" anywhere in the Mid-East (except maybe Jordan, a country caught in everyone's crosshairs). For too many countries, politicians, and groups, peace is not in their interest.

As an eight year old kid, the Yom Kippur War and the ensuing oil embargo were my introduction to foreign policy. And what has changed since? Suffice to say, nothing for the better!

The Mid-east, from Libya to India is a quagmire, a sinkhole. Engagement is a waste of time and treasure, and now too often, American lives. It's time to get out and leave it alone. American foreign policy must stop doing the bidding of the oil lobby, the arms industry, the Israeli lobby, and the End Times bible-thumpers. We must disenthrall ourselves from the behemoth National Security State which insists that ISIS is our problem.

Our Government needs to act in our interest. It needs to subsidize that effort now. Energy independence, now, means American disengagement from the Mid-east. Use the billions given the oil industry, Israel, Egypt, and US military for that region (CentCom!) as seed money for alternative energy. Even coal and fracking are better than being engaged in that part of the globe. Our policy, and every ever so slight variation over the last 40+ years fit the definition of insane: doing the same thing over and again, but expecting different results.
Linda (New York)
Netanyahu has now admitted he's lied repeatedly. Now: I'd like to see him openly admit his "solution" to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: an endless series of wars. Perhaps then we'll examine the huge set of fantasies sustaining this "plan": the fantasy that Israel indefinitely retain its military superiority; the fantasy that Israel will be accepted by other nations while holding on to the territories and periodically attacking; the fantasy that U.S. public opinion, specifically, is unchangeable and that U.S. support will be endlessly forthcoming; the contradictory fantasy (which has voiced by Netanyahu) that Israel is self-sustaining and does not need external support, the fantasy that Israel will be a refuge from, not a contributor to anti-Semitism; the fantasy that the immediate political expediency of building housing just happens to coincide with Israel's long-term existential interests...One could go on...The House of Netanyahu is a structure of false beliefs which cannot be sustained. Whatever the outcome of the election, these beliefs need to be scrutinized. Particularly, those members of the U.S. Congress who support these policies must provide us with their vision of the future.
NJB (Seattle)
Well thank goodness for that. It's been pretty obvious for some time that Israel under Netanyahu had no interest in a two-state solution but the Obama administration felt compelled to go through the motions. If Netanyahu forms the next government in Israel, we can at least stop the pretense that such is possible and wasting our time and energy. Maybe we could also stop wasting our money by diverting the $3 billion we send to Israel annually to more worthwhile uses, say, towards our own low-income and poor citizens or the education of our children.

And while we're at it, let's stop the nonsense that we will ever attack Iran even if we can't negotiate an end or a delay to their nuclear aspirations. If Israel feels threatened let them attack Iran.

If Israel wants to embrace a hard-line right-wing government, it's time for the US to put some daylight between us.
Miss Ley (New York)
Let us thank Mr. Netanyahu for taking the trouble to visit us, not for 'political' reasons, but to warn us that Iran was a threat to all of us. Let us not forget the applause of the U.S. Congress who rose to its feet in a spirit of passionate enthusiasm, while only one intelligent person remained seated. Let us understand on the eve of the Israel elections that there will never be a Palestinian state while he is chosen for a third term. Let us be prepared for the next American President to be battling the winds of war, and that Mr. Netanyahu has something to do with this state of affairs.
jewinkates (Birmingham AL)
No reversal of settlements, no support, and begin the withdrawal of total allegiance to Israel.
Morgan (Medford NY)
NO objective person or nation ever believed Netanyahu was truthful or honest on this issue. He has carried out subterfuge, evasive tactics and outright bold faced lies. He always employed dishonest tactics and words to delay, delay and delay. This troubled area of conflict would benefit from his removal.
Maholly (Chapel Hill, NC)
In the heart of Netanyahu is extreme fear. He is driven mad by it. He is not a rational person but is filled with panic.
His supporters, including the United States, enable him in his dysfunction by cooperating in his endeavors, thus locking him into his fear generated insanity and does not have to grow and tolerate his fear, and internally moderate it. Emotionally he is a child, with childlike views of the world.
David (Charleston, SC)
Bibi was never a credible bargaining partner; lies, settlements and punitive expeditions. His overt duplicity has strengthened him politically and degraded Israel's security.
viola (boston)
I have always thought that he was the single biggest impediment to peace and now he has proven it. If he is re-elected I pray for Israel's survival.
Amélie (Manhattan, NYC)
The election comes down to whether the wolf or the wolf in sheep's clothing will win. Either way, Palestinian lives will continue to be destroyed by the colonialist, never-ending expansionist state of Israel.
Leigh (Qc)
Win or lose, Netanyahu's day is done because there is no exit from the cul de sac into which he's driven his country but through the painful process of sooner or later going into reverse.
Paul (White Plains)
Capitulating to the Palestinians will only lead to additional demands for more land and reparations from Israel. Face it, Hamas is the poster child for the Palestinians, and they are not about to modify their call for the destruction of Israel. The bleeding heart liberals posting here would be well served to remember who is our only ally in the Middle East. Israel is fighting for its survival; they are not as fortunate as all the hypocritical doves demanding that they once again capitulate to Islamic terrorist states in order buy a few years of relative peace.
Jim (Washington)
We must look past Netanyahu's obstructions to the implementation of the Two State Solution.

The task of evacuating the settlers is simple. Each settler, men, women and children may take only what they can carry and no more. International troops will oversee security during the transition and prevent settlers from damaging buildings and infrastructure as they are herded toward the waiting buses and trucks.

They will be moved to the Israeli desert locations that already contain the huge'holding pens' constructed to contain the African immigrants. The settler 'holding areas' will offer exactly the same amenities offered to the blacks in their holding pens. The settlers will remain in their holding areas until they can prove they have an approved place to live within existing Israeli culture.

Security for the settlers will be provided by rehabilitated Negro or Arab Israelis. There will be no problems.

Palestinians will take possession of the settlements after a lottery-based selection process determines what families my move to specific structures in specific settlements. Families displaced by the last Israeli assaults on Gaza will be provided housing first.

Problems that arise during the transition will be addressed by the IDF who will utilize the same harsh methods they are famous for.

The transition will happen quickly and will be characterized by deep reflection and the absense of whining. We will create a better world.
Miss Ley (New York)
Alas, the sorrow and pity of it all, the scenario of a better world that no better person would want to live in.
No Palestinian State until there isn't any land left to grab. Then there will be a second class (non) citizenry living and out numbering Israeli Jews in the new and expanded Israel....what to do then? Ghettoize the remaining Palestinians , then take away all their freedoms and them force them out of the land. And to think before the second war there was peace there...
Vida (Florida)
I am not at all surprised by Netanyahu's acknowledgement that he will never accept a Palestinian state. He said the very same thing many years ago, as a young man, when he gave a talk at UCLA. Why nobody paid attention to that speech has always amazed me. More recently he moved Israelis into Palestinian land and proclaimed that Israel is a Jewish State, despite that about 20%+ of its population is Arab. He invited French Jews to move to Israel knowing there was no room in Israel. Many Americans today are upset with our government for "adopting" Israel at the expense of our own citizens Netanyahu has always tried to undermine the US efforts to achieve a 2 state solution and has no problem killing innocent people to achieve his goal. It's time for Americans to wake up and realize that under Netanyahu there will be no peace in Israel, Palestine, or anywhere else in the world. Given our present Congress, it appears that Netanyahu runs our government too. If he gets his way, he is likely to try to get rid of the Palestinians in Israel, much like Hitler tried to do with eliminating Jews. Natanyahu is already doing this to Palestinians on their own land. We should learn that one evil should never lead to acceptance of another evil.
Thomas (Branford, Florida)
On NPR last year, I heard a knowledgeable guest on Diane Rehm show say that 60 % of Israelis favor a Palestinian state. If that is true, why can't it happen?
Wayne (New Jersey)
Because it isn't true.
Jerrold L. Sobel (Naples, Florida)
Because it would be suicide for Israel to do so.
Steve Fankuchen (Oakland, CA)
Jeez, it's just too hard to make a living writing satire anymore. And I was just starting to get over the Chinese Communist Party ordering the Dalai Lama to reincarnate, whether he wanted to or not.

So now Netanyahu has taken to using Hamas as his speechwriter, just changing a few nouns here and there. A week ago at the time of his Congress speech, I commented on how Boehner and the Republicans were thinking of running Netanyahu for a Democratic Senate seat up for grabs in 2016 unless, of course, Sheldon Adelson made his billions available to the Republicans only if they ran Netanyahu for Vice President.

It currently seems even more likely, now that he is poised to lose the election. If Netanyahu takes a Fox "news" gig after losing, then we know he's running.

Meanwhile, I am giving up trying to portray the absurd as plausibly real -- the meat of satire -- inasmuch as reality clearly exceeds my very limited imagination.
Jack (US)
Very limited imagination, indeed!
Hamasdegh (Annandale)
Once again Mr. Netanyahu says NO without explaining to all concerned what alternative he has in mind, if he has one ! Does he believe that the status quo is the only way Israel can handle the challenge it has ...
Sarah (Arlington, VA)
How about Democratic Senators writing an 'open' letter to The People of Israel?

They should tell them that as long as Bibi is the PM and no matter who the next president will be, the US will not use its veto pen in the UN Security Council any more when Palestinians apply for statehood again at that august body'?
Jack (US)
It's already been done. Not by democrats in the Senate, but by Obama, his campaign people, and the US State Department. They simply didn't have the nerve to do it openly as the republicans did with the letter to Iran. Instead, they did it behind the scenes, hoping their interference would not be noticed.
Jerrold L. Sobel (Naples, Florida)
Great idea....Throw your lot in with people that danced in the streets on 911 and stick it to the only democracy in the Middle east.
mqurashi (Leesburg, FL)
Finally the truth comes out. It had been evident that Israel, no matter who the leader has been, never desired to have a Palestinian State. All the documents; Camp David Agreement, Oslo Accord, had been tactics to buy time while expanding illegal settlements. US has been had all that time. Israel never subscribed to the US declared policy. After the Israeli elections, US needs to rethink its policy of intelligence sharing and financial aid. It should abstain from any new resolution that is brought before the UN Security Council.
Jerrold L. Sobel (Naples, Florida)
Israel has made every effort for peace but has met nothing but recalcitrance from the Palestinian Arabs.
Shaun Narine (Fredericton, Canada)
No, Israel has been avoiding peace for a very long time. The Arab Peace Plan came out in 2002 and promised Israel peace and economic relations with all the Arab states if it returned to its 1967 borders. Israel's response was to completely ignore this, to not even pursue negotiations. Netanyahu has simply admitted what he has believed his whole life - Israel must control all of Palestine and the Palestinians must be permanently subjugated. I suspect that his long-term goal is ethnic cleansing.
Doron Stauber (Ramat Hasharon, Israel)
As an Israeli, I have aspirations for peace. But I cannot accept what the palestinians want.
I can accept a 2 state solution. 1 state for Israeli Jews. & 1 state for palestinians. Not 1 state for palestinians, and 1 state for Jews and palestinians. (which is what the palestinians want)
Olivia (California)
Not a big surprise since Netanyahu's actions have continued to speak "no Palestinian state ever" with the expansion of settlements and war after war with Gaza. Actually Netanyahu made this statement last week which The Jewish Press published the same day.

Now that Netanyahu's words coincide with his ongoing actions, anti-Semitism is sure to surge even more rapidly world-wide which is unfortunate for non-Israeli Jews that consider other countries their homeland. Howard Jacobson, considered the literary voice of British Jewry, said as much in February after the Copenhagen killings; he claimed Britain as his country, not Israel. I'm not so sure others will understand that and could hold all Jews, regardless of where they live, responsible for the on-going oppression of Palestinians and the expansion of settlements, and last summer's massacre in Gaza by Israel and try to reenact the Copenhagen scenario.

Should Netanyahu prevail in tomorrow's election I would hope all US aid - monetary and defense - be cut to Israel.
Jack (US)
"War after war with Gaza" were all started by Gazans.

"Should Netanyahu prevail in tomorrow's election I would hope all US aid - monetary and defense - be cut to Israel. " I would not be surprised if you get your wish since your money and mine have already been used to help undermine Netanyahu. This administration has apparently forgotten that Israel is supposed to be an ally.
Jerrold L. Sobel (Naples, Florida)
War after war with Gaza? You have it all wrong. Israel abandoned Gaza a gesture of Peace. Hamas wanted none of this. They are sworn to the destruction of Israel and have done nothing but initiate every conflict between the two.
Jerrold L. Sobel (Naples, Florida)
Why would a man wounded in combat and having lost a brother fighting Islamic extremism as Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu has ever consider carving a Palestinian Arab state out of the body of Israel? Under the present conditions and mindset of the unity government; Hamas and PA, it would be preposterous for him or anyone to even contemplate such a move.

But his many critics will now scream, he reversed his 2009 speech. It was a mistake then, it would be a mistake today and most likely will be one for the foreseeable future. Would any rationale person willingly lease part of his house to a hostile person which refuses to even recognize the man’s ownership of that house? Where and when have the Palestinian Arabs even feigned any true conciliation with Israel?

Why is that so? Because from the beginning this conflict was never about land, statehood for the Palestinian Arabs, the right of return, or sharing Jerusalem; all issues but ancillary to the least common denominator, the right of Israel to exist as a recognizable, sovereign, Jewish state.

As long as Sharia law calls for: dar-al-Islam (forbidding of a non-Muslim to own land on ground claimed by Islam) the creation of a Palestinian Arab state would be suicide for Israel and any Israeli government whether headed by Prime Minister Netanyahu or any Israeli government that might succeed him.
Chris (10013)
The "body Israel" are not the current borders. An Israeli leader who willfully lies to the world, to his Allies in the US, and executes a deceitful policy of settlements diminishes Israel to level of those that it opposes.
Victor (NY)
If you go back and read Netanyahu's comments when Obama was pressuring him to at least appear to support a two state solution what he said was he was willing to accept "the idea" of a two state solution.

So this current position rejecting two states is not new. It is a slap in the face to Obama, was encouraged by the GOP congress and this puts all the cards clearly on the table.

So will the US continue to give 3 billion dollars a year to a state that has declared their intention to pursue the policy of ethnic cleansing and territorial annexation? If it wee Russia and the Crimea we declare crippling sanctions. With Serbia and Kosovo we declare war. But with Israel we have historically asked them to at least pretend to be engaged in peace talks even when the whole world knew they were not.

So the question for Americans is what is in our interests? Annexation and expulsion of the Palestinians, or the sliver of land that is left for small, weak Palestinian state?

Netanyahu's real bet is that AIPAC owns congress and so no president, especially a lame duck one like Obama can pursue US interests that don't fall in line with Israel. The tail has so far been waging the dog and Netanyahu believes it will continue to do so. Let's see if he's right.
Marcus (NJ)
Not surprised here.Now that he has made his feelings known to all as not being interested in a Palestinian State, should he win the election the US should take away all the aid that Israel unconditionally receives and revoke the special relationship status between the two countries.This should be a lesson for the Israeli backers in the US Congress and all over the world:It was all about land,water and other resources,never about security.With over 100 nuclear weapons in it's arsenal,Israel is as secure as it can be
charles Spada (boston)
As if Netanyahu's intentions have not been obvious all along. Question is why are we spending billions of US taxpayer dollars to broker a two state deal between Israel and Palestine if Netanyahu is set on and has finally admitted to no Palestinian state, and why are we gifting more US taxpayer billions to an Israeli government that works contrary to negotiating a serious and lasting peace. Both countries certainly deserve their own state, but it takes two to tango. What a waste of good money after bad.
nostone (brooklyn)
His intention to make Israel a safe place Jews can call their own was always known.
Hamas and the PA because of their actions in the last year have convinced him if given a separate state they will work against Israel.
This is why he has changed his position from the one he had on 2009 and why I support him..
John Townsend (Mexico)
For a country that possesses nuclear weapons and the implicit guaranteed protection of the worlds biggest superpower to say that a country with no nuclear weapons poses an existential thread is simply hilarious. But this is no joke, the usual insolence of Israel leaders coming to our country to tell us what to do and how much to give them, is now an affront and Obama should declare Netanyahu persona non-grata. Netanyahu forgets that Israel would not exist if it was not for the United States, and to come here over our president to chummie up with his political foes and criticize our policies is an insult to all Americans. I will never understand why we put up with this sort of insolent behavior from an ungrateful protege. Netanyahu is a murderous hawk and he wants the United States to wage war on Iran on his behalf, but Obama is no Bush. He should be sent packing
Jack (US)
If you don't like the fact that Netanyahu came to the US to deliver a speech he was invited to give, how do you feel about Mr. Obama's campaign people going to Israel to directly interfere (with taxpayer money) in their election? It seems the latter is a far more egregious - and insolent - action.
JMM (Dallas, TX)
If I were a Palestinian and Netanyahu were re-elected, I would throw stones and launch homemade rockets too. And probably, start digging tunnels again. The Palestinians have been in prison for too long.
olivia james (Boston)
they are the most abused people ever, yet unlike israelis, who netanyahu said in his recent campaign ad, er address to congress, would never again passively accept aggression, that is what they demand of the palestinians.
El Lucho (PGH)
This is not news to either Israelis or Palestinians.
Ironically, the people who are the most exposed as a result of this declaration are the Republican leaders who invited a person with such an extreme position to speak to Congress.
Wayne (New Jersey)
It's a relief that Bibi finally feels the liberty to openly defy the two-state nonsense that would turn the J&S territories, those native and indigenous lands of one people - the Jews -- into another Syria/Iraq.

From the Euphrates to the Nile,
The Land of Israel is every mile.

He will be the next PM.
Peter (CT)
Iran will control Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon within a generation.
The displaced arabs living in no man's land, aka, palestinians, should decide
quickly if they prefer the protection from aggressive Shiites by being part of a greater Israel or by being part of a greater Jordan. American Arms will provide the fire power, so it comes down to which government will be enable them to thrive economically and religiously. I think Israel may end up being the best bet, so get on with integrating into a greater Israel.
sipa111 (NY)
Why is this a surprise and isn't this vision what we, the United States, have been funding and protecting all along. At least he's finally being honest about it. When will we?
Gary Gibberns (Calgary)
So Netanyahu has dropped his long term cover story that he wanted a state for the Palestinians, who certainly have as much right to live in the west bank as the Israelis have living in their cities. What will his "final solution" to the Palestinian problem be? Drive them into Jordan, kill them all, place them in a giant ghetto? Who has tried that before? How did it turn out? This is a man without principles who will do anything to retain power, even to the detriment to his own followers. Amazing.
ScrantonScreamer (Scranton, Pa)
No matter which party wins this election, the US needs to stop giving military aid to Israel. They are a wealthy first world nation and do not need our help to maintain their army.

We need to use that money here to begin to rebuild this country.
Rosalie Lieberman (Chicago, IL)
Were the Palestinians to offer Israel a realistic peace agreement, in full view of the threats from ISIS, etc. (meaning, some Israeli military presence along the Jordan River valley, a demilitarized Palestinian state), and renege the useless "right of return" nonsense, you can bet the Israeli public would be pushing for its acceptance. And no PM would defy them, either. Forget Netanyahu's words-he is giving the PA tit for tat with years of turning down significant offers. I don't agree with his choice of words. Instead, he should be challenging the Palestinian leaders, or the people, to present Israel with a plan that enables them both to prosper. And until such time, Israel will wait, and not yield further concessions that are harmful, such as the unilateral withdrawal from Gaza.
Ian Maitland (Wayzata)

Don't you realize that the game is up?
Descarado (Las Vegas)
So many posters here giving Hamas a carte blanche pass.
Mauger (USA)
And this is the person some say is more trustworthy than President Obama? Only those who have been blind or equally duplicitous will be surprised by his recent statements. PM Netanyahu's past actions have all been in keeping with his new revelations.
Wayne (New Jersey)
Yes, this is the person some say is more trustworthy than President Obama.
And their correct.
sgrAstar (Somewhere near the center of the Milky Way)
The apartheid state, in all its sanctimony and viciousness, is taking form. How far from its founding ideals has Israel fallen! I'd like to see the US withdraw all financial and military support.
Jack (US)
So, is it your objective to eliminate the sole democracy in the Middle East?
Casey (Memphis,TN)
If Israel has no intention of seeking a two-state solution in the foreseeable future, then it becomes unclear why the U.S. would continue to support Israel in the UN or financially. Upon formation of the next Netanyahu government, the U.S. should cutoff all financial support to Israel.
Ian Maitland (Wayzata)
Netanyahu has done the world a favor by taking his mask off. Now his ugliness is plain for all to see. For us there are no more excuses. No more clinging to the hope that Bibi really doesn't mean what he does.

Netanyahu's game plan is to annex the West Bank.

That annexation will surely mean, as in 1948, another tide of humanity forcibly expelled from their homes and fields and driven into neighboring countries. Or, possibly worse, a huge sullen population herded into Bantustans or Gazas and living permanently under the guns an searchlights of their Israeli jailers.

In the same endless cycle, Israel's brutal policies will breed more despair and more terrorists. Then Israel will point at the terrorists they have nurtured and say "We told you so. The Palestinans are unfit for statehood."

It is time for the US to recognize a Palestinian state in the West Bank.
Jack (US)
"That annexation will surely mean, as in 1948, another tide of humanity forcibly expelled from their homes and fields and driven into neighboring countries. Or, possibly worse, a huge sullen population herded into Bantustans or Gazas and living permanently under the guns an searchlights of their Israeli jailers."

The hyperbole is outlandish. There is a very big difference between Israel giving up on fruitless negotiations, versus forcibly rounding up Palestinians and gunning them down.

If the US endorses a Palestinian state at the UN, will be effectively be tossing over Israel as an ally. Our allies are already worried that the US will not stay true to our word. Why prove it to them?
Kurt (Germany)
Good for him. Do not understand why we are attacking him and our jewish freinds so much. As soon as the Jewisch state is formally recognized by all of the Palestinians, then fine.
proudcalib (CA)
Netanyahu is so patently desperate at this point that he'll say anything to claw onto his office. I certainly hope our Israeli friends retire this gentleman tomorrow.
RPW (Jackson)
Bibi has snookered the US for years, but the joke in the long run is on Israel. For Bibi has condemned Israel in the long run to live in one state with a Palestinian majority that they will find Israel cannot suppress in apartheid conditions forever. If Israel re-elects Bibi after his admission, Israel can expect a big change in the conduct of the United States toward Israel--a change that will make Israel more insecure than ever. If they re-elect Bibi, they have brought it on themselves.
Jeff Atkinson (Gainesville, GA)
I'd like to think you're right about a big change in the conduct of the United States toward Israel. But you aren't. Israel's PR machine will continue to fool our voters and rent our political hacks.
SM (Chicago)
Netanyahu does not want a Palestinian state. But neither he wants to take responsibility for the annexation of the occupied territories. Because in that case he would face the alternative between expelling all the Palestinian population that resides there or to make them Israeli citizens. Since both options are seen as unacceptable, Israel persists in the old style colonial approach of keeping control of the land and treating its inhabitants as sub-human prisoners. This policy has fed and is still feeding the ideology of the Islamic terrorists, who are just the other side of the coin of Likud's policies.
Robbie (Las Vegas)
Absolute validation why the Obama Administration has viewed him with such disdain all along. Congress should he ashamed of letting itself be used by Bibi during his recent speech, but then, those people are mostly shameless.
Shelley (NYC)
Which makes it so much sweeter that bibi's speech and the #47traitor's letter is backfiring...Adelson is not a happy man tonight...with any luck Aldelson, bibi and the GOP lose big tomorrow...
Jerry Hough (Durham, NC)
Let us hope Netanyahu is elected. Then the West would be quicker to bring Israel to the United Nations for sanctions for apartheid. Obama does not need the approval of Congress for this. All that is needed is a promise that the US will not veto and the disruption with other countries will force the end of apartheid.
Clairette Rose (San Francisco)
@Jerry Hough --

I am baffled that someone who doesn't know what the word "apartheid" means has been granted "trusted commenter" status by the Times.

Your misuse of the word, used as an anti-Israeli propaganda meme for decades, denigrates the real struggles of South Africans. It further shows ignorance or willful dismissal of the facts on the ground in Israel.

As of late last year, the population of Israel is approximately 8,252,500, of which
the Jewish population is 6,186,100 (75%); 1,709,900 (20.7%) are Arabs; and those identified as "others" (non-Arab Christians, Druze, Baha'i, etc) make up 356,500 people (4.2%).

Arab-Israelis hold citizenship, vote, and may serve in the military and other civil services. There are three Arab-Israeli political parties; Arabs hold 13 seats in the Knesset; an Arab has been a Supreme Court justice.

While witnessing events in Ferguson, MO, which mirror a persistent and pervasive racism in our own country (whose ugly history of colonization and aggression and genocide also includes slavery), I find it unseemly to hear so many like you be so quick to call for an end to an apartheid that doesn't exist in Israel, along with others who are rushing to see Israel in fact destroyed by their "compassionate" one-state solution.

A "one state" solution means achieving the goals of Hamas (the destruction of a Jewish state) and creating one more intolerant muslim-majority nation which will persecute all non-muslims -- and of course women.
sodium chloride (NYC)
The NYTimes has subsumed the previous separate article, by Jody Rudoren, "At Campaign Stop Netanyahu Admits Jerusalem Settlement Was Strategic" into this article, "Netanyahu Says No Palestinian State if He Is Re-Elected."

Why drown out and divert from the previous report? Both are misleading and unfair.

The former is false in so far as it ignores that construction on West Bank settlements fell 52% last year. Furthermore, such construction has been 19% less in the last six Netanyahu years than the construction there of his two predecessors, Omert and Sharon between 2003 to 2008. That according to Israel's respected, Bureau of Statistics.

President Obama charge that: “we have seen more aggressive settlement construction over the last couple years than we’ve seen in a very long time,” was unfounded.

As to Netanyahu pledge just now: No Palestinian State, there Rudoren is withholding the context. Namely that ten days ago it was leaked that Netanyahu had made overtures, last year, for a statehood deal in line with what his predecessors, Omert and Barack had offered.

This has deeply undermined Netanyahu with his base and is much of the reason he has fallen in the polls. In the face of defeat he is trying to reassure his right wing factions. He is a politician. Let's remember, Obama opposed gay marriage for his 2002 election on the basis of the teachings of his Christian faith. For the 2012 election the Sermon on the mount required him to support gay marriage.
Zoot Rollo III (Dickerson MD)
Fascinating; you make an analogy - actually a fair one objectively speaking - between president Obama and Bibi, a boorish thug who masquerades as a statesman, who has repeatedly insulted Obama - and all Americans - in vile ways that are unprecedented between America and her allies. But what's the point? Why bother with a hate filled little man who's no longer even trying to be clever about dragging yet more young American men and women to useless deaths in the most wretched, hate-toxified part of the planet??

Who cares about a few skewed statistics? Bibi's behavior in the recent past has been reprehensible. He's crossed the line with America and, in the process, has made his squalid little bed. Let him sleep in it now and, hopefully, good riddance.
Jim Walker (Vermont)
It really turns realty on its' head when people on here blame the Palestinians for not accepting Israel. I don't believe anyone asked the Palestinians when Israel was created by the usual inept colonial powers who have screwed up everything they've touched. The land wasn't theirs to give in the first place. And the current Israeli leadership and its' supporters go on wailing about Judea and Samaria and the promised land and that God gave it to them. God if there even exists such a deity never gave anyone anything. In short people took, like the Europeans gobbled up North America and Australia or the English grabbed South Africa and what was then Rhodesia, etc. Israel was never, ever a country until it was created in 1948 out of guilt. They were a people of a certain religious bent who occupied an area of land and even that wasn't contiguous. It was created with the duplicity of the U.S. Britain and the then Arab rulers who were all out for themselves which is why the country of Jordan exists today. Israelis should look at their own history and that includes the Holocaust and then reflect on how they're currently treating the Palestinians because in the end their current policy is unsustainable and ultimately a dead end.
Wayne (New Jersey)
Yo Jimmy --
"Israel was never, ever a country until it was created in 1948"?

Never ever? Really?

Read the bible, dude. Or maybe just read something.
Raj S (Westborough, MA)
God Bless Benjamin Netanyahu for his right stance. A Palestinian state would produce and export nothing but Terrorism and world will be a much dangerous place then.
John (Saratoga NY)
If al qaeda was on your doorstep, would you yield territory or try to shore it up? Islam, headed by the PLO and Hamas are israel ' s friendly neighbors.
John Townsend (Mexico)
Yeah sure, just like the Gaza people should just sit back and accommodate the ghettoization of their community being deliberately strangled, starved and constantly under seige for years by a vastly more powerful Israeli force. These are countryless people being unmercilessly suppressed by bullying treachery. Primitive missles are a pathetic effort to express their grievances that by any other means falls upon the deaf ears of a brutal occupier.
Valerie Elverton Dixon, Ph.D. (East St Louis, IL)
The two-state solution was always only an interim step. A two state solution could have allowed time for the two sides to grow to trust one another. The truth is that both Israelis and Palestinians want the entire country from the river to the sea. Now the question becomes how to achieve a one-state solution that ensures economic and political justice for both Israelis and Palestinians. Israelis will have to decide whether or not they will live in an apartheid state and deny equal rights to Palestinians or in a just peace democracy where every citizen has equal rights and an equal vote even if that means that Palestinians will be the majority.
Matt P (Brookline, MA)
Well, at least he's now admitted what has been the objective and obvious policy of his government since he took office.
lainnj (New Jersey)
It is impossible to imagine at what point the American people will say no more weapons and no more money for this criminal enterprise. What they have been doing to the Palestinians has been despicable for many years, yet we now see Israel's leader opening admitting that stealing land is their goal. Peace was never the goal. I'm sick to think of how the US has supported this genocide and this mess. We are complicit in this tragedy.
K.H. (United States)
In other words, Mr. Natenyahu just told the Israeli people: No more peace under my watch.
Stephen (Phoenix)
One can only hope for a large turn out in tomorrow's election. Only then, when all people vote, will we have two things: a true Israeli choice and the ouster of hate filled Netanyahu. If that happens, maybe both Israel and the Palestinians can move forward into peace. I pray for Israel, a country I care deeply for.
Mark Shyres (Laguna Beach, CA)
Odd, i don't see any comments about Hamas demanding a one-state solution free of Jews.
Bibi didn't shift his position -- he just finally told the truth. He's been lying to the entire world for the past 6 years, dangling a bogus, empty "peace process" while he settled Palestinian land just as fast as he could. Sadly, Obama, Kerry, the rest of the WH crowd, and the West in general, were totally gamed by this colossally duplicitous man.
Vlad-Drakul (Sweden)
No president Obama has never believed Netanayu. As their famously bad relationship proves. However because of the politics of this nations (See sabotaging Diplomatic relationships with Iran and hostile speeches to Congress) he has never been able to do more than he has when he pointed out correctly the issue of the illegal settlements.
Alff (Switzerland)
Appalling - a standing ovation's worth of appalling -
Mark Shyres (Laguna Beach, CA)
No one from Switzerland should be allowed to judge another country. Switzerland isn't actually a real country, but a confederation of independent states in business to hide other people's stolen money. I thought the national policy to neutrality. Haven't all the males been gelded?
jb (ok)
Mark, ad hominem slurs bespeak a poor argument. Pretty low of you, sir.
Alff (Switzerland)

I vote in New York's 10th Congressional District (Greenwich village), born and raised in New York, Ph. D. Columbia.

Why are you so offensive to a fellow American, or to anyone else, for that matter, simply because they are in Switzerland?
Marcoloreno (Italy)
Israel exists because outsiders appropriated an existing, populated nation for themselves convinced it was the moral thing to do, & that God had decreed it. During its history Israel has tried to “ethnically cleanse” the land of the indigenous Palestinian.
A two state solution would mean acceptance of Israeli regional hegemony and its military supremacy. If you want a two state solution where Palestine would be an equal partner with Israel you are excluded from any debate of a two state solution. The only two state solution possible with Israeli’s and the USA’s consent is a militarily strong Israel with nuclear weapons supported by the USA & an inferior Palestinian state where Palestinians would still be marginalized in their own country. This is the premise of any current two state solution debate. And this is what’s wrong and why no solution has been found: this premise is wrong.
There no symmetry whatsoever between the two peoples. Israel is the Occupier and Oppressor; Palestinians are the Occupied and Oppressed. What is there to negotiate? Israel holds all the power.
The only solution is a one nation Palestinian state where Jews, Christians, and Muslims live side by side in a state where everyone is guaranteed equal rights.
Ralph Migliozzi (Grass Valley)
History Lesson:

The PLO was formed by the Arab League as a political arm of Islam. The PLO charter, including the failure to recognize the state of Israel. The Arab league, which represents most of the Arab world still does not recognize the state of Israel. The Palestinian Authority has since grudgingly recognized it because the state of Israel refused to negotiate further if they didn't. When Egypt formed a peace treaty with Egypt, they were expelled from the Arab league. the Arab league, as does the PA, believes that any state that was formerly under Islamic control has to return to Islamic control, that includes the whole state of Israel. The text books in the west bank and Gaza still teach that ALL of Israel is Palestine. Look it up. That is the secret agenda. Why would any rational human being agree to give up half their nation and sacrifice security with this kind of agenda?
M. Imberti (Stoughton, Ma)
And all the maps in Israeli schools show that the entire land from the Mediterranean to Jordan is called Israel.
Bruce R (Pa)
No American tax payer money to any country that denies the need for a two state solution : Israel and Palestine. I am tired and disgusted at the way so many of our politicians fawn over Netanyahu.
Dye Hard (New York, NY)
I've always looked upon the Israeli process as a shell game with 3 shells.
If the Palestinians pick the walnut with the bead, they get the treaty.
But none of the walnuts have a bead under them. And now Netanyahu says as much. And our country and dollars support this nonsense. We should be ashamed of ourselves.
Lenore (Manhattan)
I am most interested in the result of the election, now that Netanyahu has finally come out as a supporter of the illegal confiscation of Palestinian lands. If he is reelected, this will tell us a lot about the desires and intentions of the country as a whole.

A moment of clarity has arrived.
Dan Stackhouse (NYC)
Indeed, very akin to when elections were first held (and only that once) in Gaza, and the people apparently chose homicidal terrorists to lead them, indicating that the majority of the residents in Gaza had no interest in peace. If Israel likely votes against peace, then hopefully this silly myth of a 'peace process' can be dropped and folks can stop promoting false hope.
rosa (ca)
nostone (brooklyn)
Very true.
The Arabs never voted for peace and do not want it now.
What Netanyahu has done is just a reaction to the position the Arbs have held and still do.
Kafantaris (Warren, Ohio)
Netanyahu's only allegiance is to himself. He will say and do anything to get elected.
Randall Johnson (Seattle)
Netanyahu has the allegiance of at least 47 US senators.
William O. Beeman (San José, CA)
Well now we know how far Netanyahu is willing to go in pandering to the extremist forces in Israel to secure a victory in the upcoming election. I thought I could not be further appalled by Mr. Netanyahu and his fear-mongering and pandering, but now I realize that he is completely unfit for public office. Sheldon Adelson, AIPAC, JINSA and other extremist groups aside, do Israelis really want a war-monger as Prime Minister? He has already been in office for nine years. Now he is heading for Hosni Mubarak territory in terms of unopposed leadership. The feckless U.S. leaders who fear getting "scored" by AIPAC are too weak to oppose Netanyahu's extremist politics that will only lead to more violence. This is a new low in Israeli leadership.

Let us not forget that the settlement movement was started by the Gush Emunim, who saw settlements as a way to bringing about the Jewish Apocalypse. Branches of the Gush were willing to use violence to achieve their aims. The Gush was opposed at first, and now their settlement vision, adopted by Ariel Sharon, is now State policy. Anyone who cannot see this is delusional. Israel under Netanyahu will push and push continuing the permanent war in the region and scourging those who long for peace.
Mark Shyres (Laguna Beach, CA)
What makes anyone living in the US qualified to judge and decide who is fit to run another country? Look what a muck of it we've made here.
Jack (US)
So instead you suggest that Netanyahu agree to give Hamas anything they wish and in so doing, further endanger the Israeli people? Speak of current events, not the past. Israel has been subjected to missile attacks from Gaza on a regular basis. The attacks (and murdered schoolboys) were ignored for as long as possible, until Netanyahu had no choice but to respond militarily. If Palestinians wanted peace, they would act peacefully. Yet they have not, so one can only conclude that peace is not what they desire. Hamas has been quite clear. They do not want peace, they want the elimination of Israel. Netanyahu would be a fool if he were to allow a Palestinian State, bringing their enemies even closer to their border.

In the meantime, the Obama Administration used his campaign people and taxpayer money to support Netanyahu's opponent. And while doing so, he refused to meet with the Israeli leader while he was in Washington - because he didn't want to give the appearance of of interfering in Israel's election? No, because he wants Netanyahu gone because of personal animosity.

I am embarrassed that the president of my country would behave in such a childish and overtly hypocritical manner to undermine an ALLY. Combine this with the Iranian deal in progress, the open hostility toward Israel, and the rise of anti-semitism in the US and Europe, and I fear for the Jewish people. Another world war and holocaust may well be the result of Obama's duplicity.
jb (ok)
Mark, if you wish no one to speak of these matter, or consider no one "qualified" according to you, you might do better than to peruse the comments section of an article. Obviously you find it irritating that anyone dare comment. And that is somewhat irritating in itself, frankly.
FXQ (Cincinnati)
So he has been lying to us AND getting billions in military and economic aid, with the false premise of working towards a two-state solution. I think we should ask for a refund.
Mike Halpern (Newton, MA)
Changed his mind? Anyone who believed he ever supported a two state solution must also believe that there's a fig of difference between him and Putin.

And let's say he wins: will the US finally give up the pretense that the Likud wants a compromise-based peace and finally join the rest of the world in censuring Israel at the UN?
AJ (Michigan)
Is this any surprise considering how Netanyahu has come to embody neo-conservatism in the 21st century, perhaps only after Bush and Cheney? This ideology brings only war and suffering, not peace and prosperity.
The Other Alan (Plainfield, NJ)
I actually favor a One-state solution because it will be the safest and strongest state possible. As reported by the NY Times, Joint List leader Ayman Odeh rebutted Avigdor Lieberman by saying “I am very welcome in my homeland. I am part of the nature, the surroundings, the landscape”. I wish that can be said by every Jew, Muslim, Christian, Israeli, Palestinian, Druze, Bedouin west of the Jordan River. Short of that is more of the same, or worse still to come.
Merlin (Atlanta)
Apparently, this is a desperate statement by Netanyahu, one driven by bad polling numbers. Even if he eventually prevails, his trailing at the polls indicates that Israeli voters are not persuaded by his dubious grand-standing at the US Congress.
Amélie (Manhattan, NYC)
This is absolutely not a "desperate statement." It has always been his position but has held back in saying so to keep up the facade that he is interested in peace and in ending the obliteration of Palestinians.
alan Brown (new york, NY)
Netanyahu supported the concept of a two state solution to the conflict in 2009. This is 2015. In the interval the Palestinian Authority lost control over Gaza and has not regained it. Hamas, entrenched in Gaza, launched rocket attacks on Israel and tunneled into Israel and murdered soldiers and attempted to murder civilians. A war was fought (again). Iranians, including generals, are surveying the Golan Heights. ISIS doesn't lurk far away. Netanyahu's backing away from a two state solution in these circumstances is understandable. No one should expect Israelis to commit mass suicide. It won't happen.
Christie (Bolton MA)
Netanyahu never supported the concept of a two state solution. While he claimed in English to do so, he told his followers he wanted Gaza for seaside holiday homes for Israelis.
David J (Goshen, IN)
Yup, it's too bad, I guess we might as well make it much, much worse by violating international law and making meaningless territorial acquisitions in order to appease an ultra-right movement.

What are you thinking? None of that justifies abandoning a two-state aspiration, and none of it justifies settlements, in fact, a less secure world raises the stakes and need for international credibility and legitimacy.
No problem, so when do the Palestinans start to vote in Israeli elections
Orrin Schwab (Las Vegas)
Perhaps it is now time to end the "Zionist dream." Looking at the two hundred Israeli settlements on the West Bank, a Palestinian state doesn't appear to be possible. What is possible is the incorporation of millions of Palestinians into the Israeli electorate, bringing about an Arab majority. The Jews then will have a choice, accept a secular Israeli state or disenfranchise their burgeoning non-Zionist or anti-Zionist majority. Remember, there are two time bombs at work here. One is the Israeli Arab and Palestinian birthrate. The other is the ultra orthodox birthrate, vast numbers of home reject Zionism.
James F Traynor (Punta Gorda)
It is time for us to recognize the Palestinian State. Enough is enough.
Jeff Pardun (New Jersey)
This basically means all the efforts made by the US to try to move forward with peace and the 2-state solution since Netanyahu has been in office have all been in vain.

This statement is not very reassuring to hear from Netanyahu or to realize he has wasted American time, credibility and money pretending to be constructive. Not the type of thing you want to hear from one of your closest allies....

I hope Israeli's realize Netanyahu has got to go in this election.
rosa (ca)
"...have all been in vain."
At the least, pointless.
M. Imberti (Stoughton, Ma)
Oh please. "All the efforts made by the US to move forward with peace...."

Is there really someone who still believes the US have been honestly trying? With public announcements of approval of new Jewish-only settlements in East J and the WB every other month? Blame Netanyahu all you want, he's only had one agenda from day one, but our successive governments would have had to be really dense not to be wise to the gig. The blame rests squarely with those organizations in the US who hold the President and Congress hostage to Israel's interests, and going against whom would be, in former President Carter's words, political suicide.
DRD (Falls Church, VA)
Guess we can look forward to a continuation of the yearly "haircuts" of violent provocation and massive reprisal that will keep the area enflamed until some terrorist steps in with something exponentially more lethal. I will never forgive Arafat his cowardice at the crucial moment in 2000. But the hard right's sabotaging of any further move towards peace will eventually doom the region to a shared, sorrowful fate.
Cold Liberal (Minnesota)
No wonder some of the radical supporters of the Palestinians would consider a nuclear option in dealing with a man like this. No hope for peace in the Middle East in our life times.
Jon G. (NYC)
While this isn't surprising - anyone could see that with Netanyahu's support of new settlements in and around East Jerusalem that the goal was to make it difficult, if not impossible, to create a viable Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. However, on the eve of the election to announce this, it seems like a desperate move to appeal to the far right, while also demonstrating that he no longer even attempts to show any respect for the Obama administration and its efforts in forging peace.

One can only hope his views will be irrelevant after the election tomorrow.
JPM08 (SWOhio)
So, will we continue to support this charade?

Of course we will, way too many paydays for elected officials to even contemplate stopping, yet, even thinking about it.....make Israel a state and consider all Palestinians illegal aliens, that will jump start more USA tax dollars flowing...we can buy part of Iraq!

An absolute mess, of our making, with zero public debate!

And it has nothing to do with religion
verycreative (baltimore)
Good people of Israel,
We Americans support and appreciate our good friends in Israel. However, Netanyahu is taking Israel into a dangerous and isolated place. We do not appreciate his political finagling with the republican congress and his hardline stance against the Palestinians. We urge you to vote him out of office so that our countries can work together to promote a stable and secure middle east.
Barbara (Virginia)
The Israeli PM is adopting a strategy of assuring Israel's future that is the political equivalent of eating all the ice cream you want while never gaining weight. Unfortunately, when he wakes up from his dream, the Palestinians will still be there. What then?
Imogen (London)
Peace will never be on the cards so long Zionism is present in that region. The peace processes are nothing but a farce, they have been set-up at times by America but controlled by Israel. Israel's overbearing influence on US politics has been catastrophic for the Middle East. The corruption, bullying, intimidation of politicians by AIPAC, other Zionist lobby groups and their associates have brought America to its knees. Why Americans have not questioned the unprecedented access and influence that Israel has in its political machinery is beyond me!
claire (New York, ny)
America isn't the only one to blame here, the UK doesn't stand all innocent, so let's not act like they are, and get on the let's hate America band-wagon now. Thank you very much London
dkensil (mountain view, california)
At least he's "coming clean" proving that he never had any intention of ever negotiating a two-state solution. Those who thought otherwise were - are -blinded by a vision clouded by a misreading of this evil man.
David (California)
There is only one alternative to a Palestinian state - an apartheid state.
álvaro malo (Tucson, AZ)
Netanyahu is not a statesman! He is a selfish politician hedging his bet on an election that he may be loosing.

Ben-Gurion, a founding father of the modern state of Israel was a true statesman. Less than a month after the Six Day War, at the beginning of July 1967, he spoke at Beit Berl, the “think tank” of the Israeli Labor party — as related by Arthur Herzberg, a conservative rabbi and prominent Jewish-American scholar and activist:

"The Ben-Gurion who walked into the meeting had about him the air of a prophet who had walked out of his tent to die, but had paused on this last journey to tell us truths which the less farsighted could not see and which only a man possessed by the spirit would dare tell. He warned his listeners against the euphoria that had swept the Jewish world in the aftermath of the Six Day War. Ben-Gurion insisted that all of the territories that had been captured had to be given back, very quickly, for holding on to them would distort, and might ultimately destroy, the Jewish state" — the chickens are now coming home to roost.
Steve (Out Of The US)
This only confirms what a unpleasant individual he is with his rants about security.

Find a way to live with your neighbours and they won't have a reason to fire missile at you.
manfred marcus (Bolivia)
Netanyahu is a hypocrite; reneging on his longstanding agreement of a two state solution, even when the U.S. tried to mediate with John Kerry, oh so recently. Electoral opportunism or what he always had in mind...and just kept to himself? I'm afraid this is not the way to make peace with your neighbors, no lasting security either. A hollow victory, inequity in the making, its consequences anybody's guess.
garibaldi (Vancouver)
This should put to rest the myth that keeps getting trotted out, namely that the Palestinians are the ones who don't want to recognize the statehood and legitimate national aspirations of the other side. Rrhetoric aside, it is Israel that has, piece by piece, undermined efforts to create a Palestinian state by building new settlements and militarily confining Palestinians to what amounts to a giant prison. Netanyahu's comments simply affirm a historical reality.
r.raushenbush (California)
Netanyahu's position is contrary to the longstanding US policy in favor of a two state solution. US leaders should say so--and that message should be clear to Israeli voters. They should not expect unconditional US support.
Lucian Roosevelt (Barcelona, Spain)
Very sad. This one man is single-handedly destroying the reputation of Israel around the world.
William (Alhambra, CA)
I'm curious to know what a one-state solution would be. It is just the status-quo going on indefinitely? Without the political shield of "eventual Palestinian statehood," the US will have a very difficult time maintaining simultaneously workable relationships with both Israel and Arab states.
Deadalus (New York)
Then this pretty much justifies an armed struggle. This is the right of people who live under occupation.
gmg22 (DC)
Did anyone -- and I mean anyone, from the president and secretary of state on down to Joe Schmoe reading the morning paper -- ever, for even a second, think that Netanyahu actually supported a two-state solution, or that his intention was ever, for even a second, anything other than "use the peace process to stall for time while we keep building settlements"? I'm glad he's now said it out loud, but this is definitely a case of the emperor having no clothes.
Sandra (Boston, MA)
It's good that he's finally come out and said what has been plain to most people. So, now the Israelis can decide if they want to vote a wanton liar into office.
bnc (Lowell, Ma)
The gulf widens. Walls. Military equipment. More strife and "threats" to Israel. More imaginary enemies. Mr Netanyahu will do anything to get more of our money.
Polite New Yorker (New York,NY)
Just as Israel's safety and security belongs in the hands of the Israeli people, the rights of a Palestinian state rest solely with the Palestinian people, not Mr. Netanyahu.
FT (Minneapolis, MN)
Netanyahu is stating that Palestinians have been opposed to a two-state solutions, as their actions have shown over and over again. Israel is now in agreement, except that the single-state solution doesn't include a Palestinian state.
Lois (Boston)
I am a secular American Jew and a liberal who supports Israel's right to exist peacefully beside peaceful Palestinian state--not the cynical and destructive politics of the current prime minister. After Mr. Netanyahu's March 3 speech and the surrounding hoopla, I thought he had reached the height of arrogance. Netanyahu's shameless parody of a State of the Union address, his flagrant disrespect of President Obama, his willingness--no, eagerness--to collude with Republicans in flouting diplomatic protocol, and his egregious claim to represent "the entire Jewish people"--all retard the peace process and reinforce the resurgence of antisemitism among those unable or unwilling to distinguish between the prevailing leadership of Israel and the worldwide community of Jews.

Today's outright renunciation of support for a two-state solution is Netanyahu's most outrageous behavior yet, and the saddest. Like not a few other politicians who fancy they have transcended the prejudices that beset their ancestors, he ignores the responsibility of historically oppressed peoples to reject victimization and promote healing.

If Netanyahu retains his post, it is hard to imagine how Israel can sustain what tenuous claim it has to good citizenship within the community of nations. It is easy to imagine that his arrogance will be used to justify the regrowth of antisemitism and ignite even further incidents of antisemitic violence. And it is certain that mid-East peace is further away than ever.
ibivi (Toronto ON Canada)
He's desperate. I hope the voters of Israel select someone who is not so hardline.
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
If you want a voice in Israeli politics, then move to Israel and make aliyah. It is your right as Jew (even a secular one). Then you can VOTE and make a difference!

However I support Israel (also as a Jew in the US), I know I am NOT an Israeli and at the end, Israeli's must make their own decisions. I don't live in a tiny place surrounded by hostile forces. I do not have rockets launched at me day and night. Nobody is threatening to drive ME into the sea.
Lois (Boston)
How interesting that Netanyahu, a non-resident and a non-citizen, has a loud voice in American politics and is afforded an incomparable platform for influencing our political process. It seems only fair for Americans to voice our opinions in return.
George (DC)
He will get re-elected. And all hell will break loose around the world. Islamic terrorism towards Jews worldwide and Americans is going to go through the roof. Israelis will have stated, by their votes, "We will NEVER support a Palestinian state."
ron (vernon)
Netanyahu suspects that his days as PM are numbered -- he is desperate and out of control. Tomorrow is al watershed moment -- Israeli voters will do well for themselves, and the rest of the planet, to send him to permanent political exile, and, even better, to permanent retirement...
Madame de Stael (NYC)
Hard liners make things hard for everyone. Netanyahu is a depressing reality and the United States should stop funding that reality in favor of reconciliation, human rights and peace.
EClark (Seattle)
Ah, the true colors of Israel are now evident: NO Palestinian State, NO signature on nuclear proliferation treaties, NO discussion of Israeli nuclear weapons and YES to all the US tax $ they can get. Let's work to break diplomatic relations with and all financial support for this rogue country!
Concerned Citizen (Anywheresville)
This is ONE person's opinion. Did Ronald Reagan speak for all Americans? George W. Bush? Sarah Palin?
Doug (Chicago)
Palestinians have only one choice now. Seek the right to vote. One state solution. Demand your right to vote and you will have your nation and it will be called Israel.
PJF (Seattle)
It is time to give up on a separate Palestinian state, and accept, the "facts on the ground" that speak to the truth that Israel has always found Palestinian intransigence a convenient excuse to build settlements on Arab land. Netanyahu is finally saying what any reasonable person has always known -- all significant actions of the Israeli government have been toward expanding Israel proper rather than negotiating peace. So let them have their Eretz Israel. And then they will be forced by sanctions to give the vote to all citizens and then there truly will be a bi-national state in Palestine. Israeli Jews will probably not be in charge much longer if that happens, except they will drag their feet at including everyone and it will be apartheid South Africa all over again.
Steve Singer (Chicago)
One small problem with your thesis being that there are a few million Palestinian Arabs whom I suppose you would describe as "being in the way".
Russ (Monticello, Florida)
Next, Netanyahu et al will toss the "democratic" piece of the idea of Israel being "Jewish and democratic." As he forges ahead with a racial/theocratic "one state" solution, beware the "no state" solution which may be next.
Someone (Northeast)
No Palestinian state? No end to settlements? Then no American money. We have needs at home.
Maigari (Nigeria)
At last saying it -the truth- as it is. All along there was at various times through his actions and body language the facade of any Israeli/Palestinian deal on a two-state solution with PM Netanyahu. It was just that the US state department and Congress have been unable to unwilling to see through the facade perhaps fearful of what the Israeli Lobby could unleash in the White House and Capitol Hill.
Now that he has confirmed it, we wait for Secretary Kerry and Speaker Boehner to translate what it means but the Palestinians and whoever supports them have their task clearly spelt out f them on any two-state solution]ion.
Jim Walsh (Nahant, Massachusetts)
At last he has stopped his barefaced, cynical, manipulative lying and stands revealed as the Far Rightist he has always been and in defiance of the policy of the United States of America's policy.
cw (chilmark)
At least he's being honest for once. And he's showing that his own re-election and power matters more to him than peace and a good future for his own people or his neighbors.
If I didn't know any better, I'd think he's been hanging out with Republicans too long.
John LeBaron (MA)
Prime Minster Netanyahu's declaration is simply an admission of what his policy has been all along. At least he now owns it. His interlocutors need no longer deal with his fiction of support for a two-state solution. Sadly, this still fails to bring solution any closer, but probably no further away either.
Iced Teaparty (NY)
Now that Netanyahu is on the record rejecting a two state solution and peace negotiations are a thing of the past, the truth is out, Israel (if it reelects him) will not compromise with the Palestinians, it is clear that the United States must regard Netanyahu and Israel in a more adversarial light as impediments to peace that do not deserve U.S. aid. Time for Israel to pay its own bills, Republicans. Stop spending my money on this.
Salman (Fairfax, VA)
Well at least he is being honest about the imperialism that has been the cornerstone of Israeli policy for decades.

The real question is why American tax payers have to fund someone else's imperialistic ambitions?
A.L. Hern (Los Angeles, CA)
"Mr. Netanyahu said that Mr. Herzog would give East Jerusalem as a capital for the Palestinians. 'Me and my friends in Likud, we won’t let that happen,” he added'."

Did Netanyahu actually say "Me and my friends...won't let that happen?" In Hebrew (does Ahebrew even make the grammatical distinction between "me" and "I")?

An employer of such atrocious grammar, Netanyahu's even more of a thug than I thought.
Bob (Ohio)
So it is now absolutely clear: Any all US aid monies to Israel are in support of complete oppression of the Palestinians without any future hope of reprieve. If we accept this as our stated US policy, then we should expect the enmity of Arab peoples towards us forever.
Vexray (Spartanburg SC)
With all the settlement in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, Netanyahu has set up the Putin game - must protect Russian speakers everywhere.

Must protect Jews in all occupied territories - even if they speak Russian!
George Xanich (Bethel, Maine)
Is Netanyahu the only man and candidate to deliver a lasting peace? His quest for peace and maintaining it is to deny a solution to the Palestinian issue. Under his leadership he has frayed the relationship with the US and has isolated Israel from the world with his heavy handed approach to Gaza. Settling on acquired post war land may be solution to the Israeli housing problem but at the cost of pushing and encroaching upon Palestinian Lands; increasing tension in the area and waiting for an attack in response to this encroachment. If the Israeli people wish to live in a bunker and siege mentality than Netanyahu will continue along this path. It is not know if his opponent will solve the problem if elected but perhaps a new leader with a different tact may be needed.
polymath (British Columbia)
No Palestinian state under any circumstances? Yet another reason not to re-elect Netanyahu.
tony silver (Kopenhagen)
Bibi's words and tactics amount to nothing
He has no credibility and is not to be trusted. His record shows a lack of sincerity, arrogance, and disregard for any laws which brings embarrassment for his people.
Priscilla (Utah)
The alternative to a Palestinian state, whatever shape that state takes, is endless war. Since that is the status quo it may appeal to the majority but then they get what they wish for.
Harriet (Mt. Kisco, New York)
If he is elected, we will be involved in yet another war. We cannot afford it. We don't want our soldiers going. He is determined to make a war and our republican congress will happily go along with him.
Peace (NY, NY)
This is hardly a surprising development. Even Iran is at the negotiating table. Why does the US continue to support this lunatic? Cut him loose. Stop sending Israel money and arms. Then see whether they continue with this level of bluster.
oz. (New York City)
Why would anyone be surprised that Netanyahu "reversed" his position about the two-state solution? He has never supported it. Period. And when he said he did, he said so only for political expediency .

In the future, the bigger problem for Israel as a sustainable nation may be not the Israeli-Palestinian conflict itself, which is horrible enough. More intractable still may be Israel's own internal fracture, now increasingly dividing Israeli citizens themselves into those who favor settlements, their building and their use, and those who oppose them.

Each side is ferociously willing to do away with the other side. Is this a future civil war in the making?

I say Israel's current policy of indefinitely-continuing territorial expansion is wrongheaded and unsustainable. It is not an actual political and legal solution. It is simply a continuing de facto occupation. In my view, that formula has no viable future.

On the matter of the settlements, I'm afraid Israel has long passed the point of no return. New thinking is in order, and therefore Netanyahu definitely has to go.

wj (florida)
The lessons of the Holocaust have not been learned if they do not extend to one's neighbors. The Middle East is awash in tribalism and will be a continuous stream of death and destruction until the peoples decide to wage non-violence. Jerusalem has become a symbol for the failure of world religions to get beyond themselves. What do you pray for at the Western Wall and to whom?
snark magic (socal beach)
bibi, just give them their state, then build a long, high iron curtain.
rosa (ca)
And why was I supposed to hate the Berlin Wall, the Original Iron Curtain, why am I to love a different wall whose purpose is the same? No sale here, Snarky.
Goggle the 60's rock song, "West of The Wall" (where hearts are free, west of the wall, you'll wait for me..")
Time for Israel to hand over all the illegal settlements and be satisfied with the 67 borders.
82airborne1968 (Austin, TX)
Bibi has to get elected first, and that doesn't look too promising right now.
DA (Pennsylvania)
Since there's going to only be one state west of the Jordan, let's make it a democratic state with suffrage for all, not an apartheid state!
John Lee (Walnut Creek, CA)
I wonder whether this means that the US Congress would not support the two states solution now. As far as Netanyahu is concerned, anyone with any brain would know he was totally insincere with his 'support' for that.
Not Atall (North America)
Finally, he's stepped out of the closet. What a weight off his chest this must be!

Sadly, though, I don't think the slogan "it gets better" applies here.
Ben Orbach (NY, NY)
Maybe President Obama can go to the Knesset and give a speech that explains to Israel's parliament how a 2-state solution and the dismantling of the settlement enterprise is in Israel's national interest. That would be some excellent irony.
NYexpat-GT (FL)
So finally a conniving politician admits his motives, which have been so visible through the transparent dressing of lies and posturing for years. Between his apocalyptic speech to congress and today's blunt declaration, Bibi has clarified who he is and what he stands for in dark, stark terms.

In turn he has blown what remains of the cover for congressional Republicans. Their warm embrace of Bibi's extremism reveals the things they share in common: extreme Islamophobia, an extreme vision of Euro-Judeo-Christian conquest of Muslim lands and domination of the world order, and the willingness to go to the extreme of bombs, bullets, and massive bloodshed to achieve their unachievable fantasy.

Republicans need not dissemble anymore. By supporting Netanyahu they underscore their nasty, rebellious oppostion to our President, their rejection of American diplomatic efforts for a two-state solution, and their callous disregard for the American lives that will be lost in their destructive approaches to the problems in the middle east. The Republicans running for president need not try to evade the party's position. They should be as frank as Bibi. And both Israeli and American voters should be clear when they vote in favor of destructive extremists.
Adam Smith (NY)
TO get a sense of where the UN had defined as Israel's borders, we need to look at the "Legal International Map in 1947 for Israel and Palestine" and compare it to the 1967 Map and then to the occupied Land as of 2015 when Netanyahu finally admitted he has no intention of making Peace.

IT is also noteworthy to see where Jerusalem is in the 1947 Map and where Netanyahu made his speech today.
NYChap (Chappaqua)
Like it or not, Bibi is correct. “I think that anyone who is going to establish a Palestinian State today and evacuate lands, is giving attack grounds to the radical Islam against the state of Israel.” Why isn't it clear that most, if not all, nations in the middle east want the State of Israel gone and all the Jews that occupy Israel dead? If Bibi doesn't get re-elected and the new prime Minister starts to appease Israel's enemies it will not be long before Israel is no more.
The US should re-think it's relationship with Israel. Let them pay their own bills. Netanyahu's behavior in the last few weeks should make it clear, we have no friend in Israel and Bibi shifts his opinions according to the polls. Let's hope the Israeli's who care about future peace in the Middle East, vote the Likud party out and end his political career once and for all. His decision to address Congress here, two weeks before the election, is despicable.
Larry Buchas (New Britain, CT)
That clinches it for Herzog.

Have to like his answer "It's Us or Him!"
Gus Hallin (Durango)
At some point, no matter how paranoid a politician is, you have to ask yourself, "Do I want to live in the kind of world that this guy is creating?" We finally figured out the answer to that question with Dick Cheney, now it's Israel's turn. Is this the kind of world you really want to live in?
SpecialKinNJ (NJ)
Netanyahu Says No Palestinian State if He Is Re-Elected; as there has been none, to date, it seems likely there'll be none in the future: it's hard to believe that a state can be built on a foundation of hate. When Palestinians come to love their children half as much as they hate Istrael and Israelis, it's possible they'll be ready for statehood (to borrow from Golda Meir).
Ian Maitland (Wayzata)
What Golda should have said is that there will be no peace until the Israelis love their children more than they covet their neighbors' land.
Teresa evans (Nc)
I hope he gets trounced tomorrow.
Ladislav Nemec (Big Bear, CA)
Of course, no Palestinian state of any kind will benefit the State of Israel in 2015. My prediction: Netanyahu will win but, perhaps, with a smaller majority than he did last time.

Details are not important.
JoeSmith (Pennsylvania)
It's past time we significantly decrease aid to Israel. Why should the U.S. keep sending billions to prop up a foreign country? If they aren't viable on their own by now, they never will be.
Know Nothing (AK)
Bravo: now we know where Israel stands, and we can now judge if the US is willing to continue to contribute to that position. Might it not seem odd if we support a more reasoned solution. At least now we shall have a clear view of US policy re Palestinians.