F.B.I. and Justice Dept. Said to Seek Charges for Petraeus

Jan 10, 2015 · 586 comments
hunter (Texas)
Gen., Petraeus should be treated the same way Sandy Berger was treated.
[email protected] (Maryland)
Word has it the general has the goods on Hillary Clinton. This may be an attempt to silence him. Benghazi Hillary should be the one indicted not this brave soul.
DougalE (California)
It worked. They neutered him. And they continue to hold the possibility of an indictment over him to ensure he won't step out of line.

The right to a speedy trial means just that. It's been 26 months since the story broke. His constitutional rights have been abridged. Holder should be indicted, not just on this, but on several other matters including lying to Congress.
George (NC)
No indictment. He knows too much about too many, and knows too many too well. Justice will have to be served by prosecution of whistleblowers who expose government wrongdoing.
Laird Wilcox (Kansas City, MO)
It seems like they're going after him pretty hard. There was apparently no bad consequence of his carelessness and he cooperated fully. It makes you wonder if there isn't something more going on here. Somebody in the Justice Department has a vindictive attitude toward Generals?
Iconic Icon (Domremy-la-Pucelle)
Jill Kelley's civil lawsuit against the FBI is still active, see the news stories from the fall of 2014. As long as the potential criminal prosecution of Petraeus is unresolved, he can invoke the Fifth Amendment and Kelley's lawyer cannot take his deposition. A little bit of good news for him in an otherwise grim situation.
coale johnson (5000 horseshoe meadow road)
perfect. one more misjudgment by GWB and Co.
gsn78613 (Leavenworth)
You do remember Patreus was appointed to the CIA by bh0?
Gary (Brookhaven, Mississippi)
Police officers commit murder and other crimes against average citizens with a degree of regularity and the financial industry recently wreaked havoc against a huge proportion of Americans a few years ago. Little to no prosecutions for those obvious crimes. Why the rush to prosecute a Retired Army General who violated a regulation, with little to no apparent damage? This country swings like a tree branch in the wind!
Darrell Baker (Montgomery, AL)
Broadwell, also a West Point grad, was an Army Reserve Major who was selected for promotion to LTC when the affair was revealed. As a minimum, she held a Secret clearance by virtue of being a commissioned officer. The material may have been Top Secret rather than Secret which would be a breach of security protocol. Nevertheless, she was entrusted by the government with classified information. This does not rise to the level of providing classified information to an individual with no security clearance or, worse, providing it to a foreign national.
Constable Plod (Tokyo)
Just because you have the right to do something, prosecute Petraeus, doesn't mean you have to do it. The much self-trumpeted "truth, justice and the American way" is often used by the petty or the attention-seeking to settle scores, and that's what this looks like.
It's all a bit too Ken Starr for my taste.
Pierre Anonymot (Paris)
Aside from lying to the public, the president, and congress to improve his image Petraeus killed a lot of soldiers and civilians with his failed surge theory, but there a mystery hanging out there:

All of our secrets, all deciders and pretendants skeletons hide out in 2 places, the FBI files and the CIA files. Why was this man made the Director of the CIA when he could have been given some less sensitive job as he was being eased out of his military job?

You may rest assured that he noted down a lot of pertinent facts about a lot of pertinent people. That may yet save him. It's called blackmail, but everyone in politics uses it, rest assured. Who gave him the keys to the kingdom?
Michael Lawson (Knoxville, TN)
PU-LEEZE! Just let it go. This man has suffered enough. He lost his career, and his family. This is a man who served his country honorably for his entire adult life. He fell for a beautiful younger woman, and disgraced himself. His indiscretion could have caused damage to the national security, but it didn't. That doesn't cancel out the previous years of faithful service to his country. If you want to prosecute someone, how about Dick Cheney and George Bush, who started a war under false pretenses, violated international law, and approved torture and crimes against humanity? They get to walk, but you crucify General Petraeus? No way!!!
gsn78613 (Leavenworth)
He didn't "lose" his career. He self-destructed by making a deliberate decision.
Robert Scott (Salt Lake City, Ut)
Oh this is all well and good, but how about court officials pushing hard to prosecute the much larger and more dangerous felonies committed by Chaney, Hayden and the other torturers in W's administration - war criminals all.
ConcernedCitizen (California)
As a practical matter, if he is to be charged he should be recalled to duty and face court-martial. The general may figure rightly that the DOJ does not want to put a bunch of classified material in evidence, in a civilian court. The military has a method for protecting the classified information, while its much tougher in federal district court.
gsn78613 (Leavenworth)
Why should he face court martial over something that happened while he was the CIA director?
Raffaro (Anchorage Alaska)
Yes of course, prosecute this man to the full extent of the law.
However Eric Holder needs to be sitting next to The General for the violations of his post, starting with Fast and Furious!
Imagine two generals making little rocks out of big rocks?
rdk111 (so cal)
I can only dream, while we're at it, most of the administration
cynical sophisticate (Hackettstown Clearviw Cinema)
General Petraeus was a great leader of the military and the CIA. He made a small mistake and got involved while married- I'm certain he is too committed to service of the USA not to have revealed anything to his mistress on his personal computer-He suffered enough when his affair was revealed to his family-I think a trial would be a total waste of time and everything would be classified anyway. Nothing would be revealed to the public.
Doiksi (Pueblo CO)
Now it appears that Mr Petraeus is the "fall guy" for C.I.A. Director John Brennan who should have resigned with the release of the Senate Intelligence Committee's report on torture. Was Petraeus or Brennan or each culpable on charges that they initiated instances of torture at Guantanamo and elsewhere? I do know that neither has clean hands. Both catered to a system of abuse of detainees; and both have lost any semblance of morality. But neither will be prosecuted.
Deeply Imbedded (Blue View Lane, Eastport Michigan)
How could the United States ever prosecute such a renaissance man, leader, economist, lover, and now getting rich in private equity... He is the American Dream. A Dreamboat General. Next he will be climbing Everest if he has not already done so.
mike j (ft drum ny)
They really need to look into when He was NATO's Commander! She was with him then too, how much was she told about SPECIAL OPS???
[email protected] (Cape Cod USA)
So what I see here is that people want Petraeus prosecuted for possibly speaking of classified documents with a woman he was having an affair with. Eric Holder knew about the impropriety long before his Petraus removal but chose to use it when from what I gather was Petraus' unwillingness to go along with the Benghazi cover up.
Yes Petraus violated his oath as a husband, but never was proven to have shared secrets with his lover. I see this as a method to keep Petraus silenced as the all powerful corrupt administration gets their ducks in a row before all their control is gone when 2016 elects a new leadership.
Once Obamas gone the Benghazi survivors will no longer be under constant threat to speak about the events that day.
Patraeus silenced and imprisoned would diminish his ability to validate their claims, and possibly solidify the facts that no survivors were the choice Obama and Hillary chose to ensure they survived the tragedy with their political skin in tact.
Gordon (DC)
Let's see if Eric Holder finally found his backbone. Wall Street has loved it being MIA for years.
Jwrtr 68 (New York City)
Why don't they try him for treason since he and a handful of other high ranking military officials were colluding to overthrow the United States government?! If it turns out that a laundry list of co-conspirators must go then so be it. Whether he was sleeping with this woman and disseminating classified military intelligence is of no consequence other than to add fuel to the fire for his conviction on numerous counts, bottom line. Get him A.G. Holder, spare no expense of any kind!!!
rdk111 (so cal)
That's kooky! He can cause severe hurt to hill and barry, no other good reason for this now, best he spills his guts now about benghazi and let the bodies hit the floor!
Plainer (Las Vegas, NV)
Ancient Asian proverb that withstood the test of time : "There is a woman in the shadows of every crime."
btb (SoCal)
Gen. Petraeus is one of the only executive level federal employees who gave me real value as a a taxpayer. Holder on the other hand....
Socrates7 (Virginia)
...has not been indicted for illegally disclosing classified information to unauthorized individuals
disillussioned1 (virginia)
Lots of commenters state that divulging classified information is vigorously prosecuted, something I am not aware of. I sat on a number of court martial proceedings but never for that offense. I served in units that dealt with very highly classified info, know that some of that info got out but never was anyone even charged, all this during the height of the Cold War. I would love to see some statistics on this.
Susan (Texas)
We've got a man Corzine who lost a billion dollars of investor money and yet Holder can't seem to find the time to prosecute him.Seems to me he did more harm to the people in this country than Petaeus. It does seem as if the real criminals go scott free.
Winthrop Staples (Newbury Park, CA)
Why is not anyone considering the possibility that Ms. Broadwell, who is obviously a vindictive and obsessively jealous person (who committed the criminal act of sending an anonymous threatening e-mail to Ms. Kelley), stole the classified materials from the General's computer or work place. That would make her the legitimate criminal, make her analogous to an enemy agent or guilty of treason. The fact that she might have been doing it as an act of jealous snooping or trying to get "control" or "leverage" in the relationship would not change the fact that Broadwell was the one committing a criminal act. Unfortunately there is a significant probability of a political reluctance to lose women's votes by "blaming the victim" the woman partner in the adultery scandal so the potential guilt of Broadwell is taboo for either the justice department to explore or the media to report on - for it would conflict with the media's narrative of women's always being the victim, not responsible child-like princesses deserving of rescue ... because women are such big profitable customers of media products. Again this probably has degenerated to a matter of money and political power and there are few who really care about the truth or justice.
Socrates7 (Virginia)
the proper question is whether the government considered this in its investigation.

i not sure who "anyone" is. there are certainly enough petraeus supports in the comments section that fit the definition of "anyone" and would lust after such a conclusion but other than having that opinion they really don't contribute much formally (though i suppose they provide entertainment value ).
rdk111 (so cal)
Exactly, follow logic and that's on the money!
Cheryl (<br/>)
Something has to happen. What amazes me - but probably shouldn't - is that he made his revelations to,a part time paramour. Something out of a WWII B Movie. And from the stories that came ou at first about the socializing that officers were involved in overall - it all sounded inappropriate and unseemly.
William M. Palmer, Esq. (Boston)
In the final days of the Clinton administration, Holder, then no. 2 at DOJ, subtlely but clearly pushed the pardon of the infamous criminal fugitive March Rich - a shameful act when DOJ policy was not to recommend to the White House the pardon of any fugitive - as by his very status a fugitive was one who had sought to evade the process of justice. Holder then was clearly motivated by his overriding personal ambition to gain favor with Rich's attorney, Jack Quinn, former counsel to VP Al Gore, as Gore looked as if he might be the next president and so to select the next AG - a job Holder clearly held in his sights.
This pattern of favoring and protecting the monied and political elite - more recently displayed by Holder in letting the banking & financial establishment get away with the criminal fraud that was a key part of the financial crisis - is now evident again in Holder's final days as AG. Holder at his core has been a man committed to his image, career advancement & ties to the establishment - and massive earning potential that awaits him when he returns to private practie if he keeps those ties - than to vigorously pursuing the demands of justice wherever they might lead and so protecting the American people as a whole.
If the line investigators & prosecutors and their supervisors have concluded that Petraeus should be indicted, he should be. If Petraeus and his attorneys deny the charges, they can disprove them at trial - that's the way it is done in the US.
Why single out Holder.....arent ALL of them really good at only one thing: SELF PROMOTION. Including the revered general
Bob Cherry (Berlin, MD)
Back to the battlefield for terrorists and jail-time for the 4-Star. Its bewildering, and its as dumb as it is disasterous.
angel98 (New York)
Justice á la carte

Banker = pass jail, get a huge bonus, collect billions
Politician = pass jail, appear on talk-shows, collect billions
Celebrity = we don't care, we love you
Adulterer = get raked over the coals, lose your job, get fined, go to jail, and whatever else we can think up to humiliate, disgrace and belittle you
Leaker = don't care if you just talked to yourself or your pet gecko. Lose your job, get fined, go to jail etc.
Rick (Louisville)
Let the process continue. As Justice Brandeis said, "Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants."
Wayne Griswald (Colorado Springs)
What should be done is the records of others should be examined and the same thing should be done to Petraeus that is done to Sergeants, Captains, or Lt Colonels in similar circumstances.

I think what happened is of almost no consequence, I've worked with classified info and what most people don't understand is 99% of has absolutely no meaning, and usually the higher the classification the less significance it has. But there is a need for the classification system and the rules and procedures must be followed. I have done investigations of breaches of classification procedures and what he did is almost beyond belief, totality irresponsible. He needs to pay some penalty, I don't think ti needs to be very severe if he takes responsibility, but do the same thing to him that would be done to anyone of a lesser rank in a comparable situation, even though usually the penalties are too severe.

That being said what he did with classified info is totally irresponsible and anyone who does this should have his security clearance revoked (this means loss of civil service job or dismissal from service for most military). He shouldn't be treated differently than anybody else.
Andy Greenberg (NYC)
I doubt that he'll be punished. It's just not The American Way. We prefer to go after those at the bottom, not those with money or power. Now at KKR, he'll have plenty of both.
Howard Ino (Orlando)
Feinstein can selectively reveal extremely sensitive intelligence information in a partisan "report on torture", undermining our national security yet Holder's gang is going to destroy Petraeus. It is obvious that Petraeus did not conform to Obama's strategy of undermining our military and has to be taken down.

Obama will soon be out of office and the truth will come to the forefront.

Meanwhile, America is witnessing the destruction of every institution in America... The VA, IRS, NSA, Military, CIA, Secret Service, immigration, local police... all in the past six years. There is a pattern developing.
KathleenJ (Pittsburgh)
If Petraeus was an enlisted guy, he would have been convicted long ago and would be already serving time in Leavenworth.
gsn78613 (Leavenworth)
For adultery?
persingergirl (maryland)
He should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. With his rank and position, he knew better.
John Lentini (Big Pine Key, FL)
If there was ever a case where "prosecutorial discretion" was warranted, this is that case. We don't need to know the details that will come out in a trial, and there was no harm from the leak. Holder has given passes to people who did far more harm.
witz (Miami)
We don't know enough info to react on. What does "access" to his email account mean? That he gave her his address? Big deal. That he gave her a password enabling her to read all his CIA email? That would be bad.
Perhaps Holder and his boss are afraid that a trial will reveal that their golden boy had a pattern of dalliances and indiscretions. What other dirt has been swept under the general's rug?

Credibility is already on trial here. Not just Petraeus', but the Administration's, also.
ejzim (21620)
Alas, all of our heroes seem to have feet of clay.
Diogenes (Florida)
Well, well, Obama now finds himself between a 'rock and a hard place.' My guess is that he and his AG will concoct some reason for giving him a pass. I have never concurred with those who placed him at the pinnacle of generals who served. Having an affair is not the problem; his poor judgment is.
GWPDA (Phoenix, AZ)
The piper must be paid. No special rules can apply.
To Leena-
Bowe Bergdahl walks around un-prosecuted and we're considering charging General Patreus?
Only this administration could mix such a cocktail of liberal progressive idiocy.
albertus magnus (guatemala)
According to the article a reporter asked why the recommended prosecution took so long. My question is, where, in the "time-lapse" of the original story, has the media and reporters been? How many times these past years has the Times asked, "Hey, what about David H. Petraeus?"
Jim Mc (San Francisco)
If only he had 'merely' tortured some folks. Then he would be in no trouble at all.
Michael S. (Maryland)
I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, General Petraeus had a gross lapse in judgment and made a horrible error. On the other hand, I suspect that these charges are moving forward only because Mr. Petraeus could be a potential Republican presidential candidate.

We do not ask our potential presidents to be perfect people (see: JFK and Clinton). Indeed, the only reason that Mr. Obama had such a clean record prior to his election was that he had done so little previously. Although I am disappointed that Mr. Petraeus violated his position of trust, I think that on balance his contributions to the nation are so immense that he would nonetheless be a worthy candidate for high political office and should be given a pass on this one very serious lapse in an otherwise stellar career.
Joe (Santa Cruz)
As a veteran I agree that is is a sad day or all. What I found even more amazing are the reports that while at Central Command General Petraeus went to an off post party with an escort of Tampa motorcycle officers. It may be that he and others have lost sight of the oath we all took on becoming young military officers. If we hold privates accountable I suspect the military generals may need to also be held accountable.

The Iraq War as a tragedy for all involved it looks like General Petraeus will be another chapter in this national tragedy, a fallen hero.
msf (NYC)
Like many said here - leakers have been prosecuted for less - even unfairly so (Manning, Snowden).

What I do not agree with is the 'guilty unless proven innocent' sentiment in the comments here. Let the courts decide.
Kathryn Tominey (Benton City, Wa)
I have heard nothing to indicate he was paying her bills or "keeping" her in any way so Mistress would not be the right term. She was a bed partner neither more nor less.
LadyLeft (Chicago)
The professional left will do whatever they can to smear and hamstring Petraeus, to prevent him from speaking freely about the incredible incompetence and mismanagement he saw as a part of the worst administration in history. This keeps him out of politics, too--even more important to those who don't like America very much.
AMR (Emeryville, CA)
One would expect that, following the usual pattern, David Petraeus will be tried and eventually receive a Presidential pardon.
jwp-nyc (new york)
In the real politic there might be factors at work here that are more and less than they seem to be.

On the one hand, Petraeus was consummate at playing a Washington game of out-flanking his boss by intimations and off-the-record briefings that fueled the engines of McCain, but not in a way that was legally prosecutable, just merely politically opportunistic and less than loyal. On the other hand, the very fact that Petraeus ran the Iraq show as this administration pursued a strategy of backing out of a no-win national mistake, girded it from the most egregious attacks of the right. Then the scandal. By not charging Petraeus, Holder has frustrated the McCains and others in his looney circle and even outside its orbit, by 'denying them' in their own heads the means to attack the administration by seeming to come to the defense of their 'friend' Petraeus - as a defendant - who as such would be hampered in his ability to contradict their likely ludicrous exaggerations and assertions because any judge would restrict him from commenting outside the court. That convoluted but, to those who know the ways of DC obvious, analysis explains such self-serving blather by McCain as, '“At this critical moment in our nation’s security, Congress and the American people cannot afford to have [Petraeus] silenced or curtailed by the shadow of a long-running, unresolved investigation marked by leaks from anonymous sources.” - The bet here is that this can will be kicked down the road.
PeteS (MO)
The only real charges he can be prosecuted for are not following "Need to Know".

"To have access to classified information, one must possess the necessary two elements: A level of Security Clearance, at least equal to the classification of the information, AND, an appropriate "need to know" the information in order to perform their duties."

If I remember correctly the person he passed them off to was a Military Officer with an equal Security Clearance. Where is the reporting on TEMPEST protocol rather than the personal attacks?
Richmond_Pope (London)
Interesting story but the only new information is that charges "have" been recommended for him? And when, besides in the nebulously past tense, did this happen?
H. Amberg (Tulsa)
Civilian oversight, both over the military and the police has been robustly resisted by both and both are out of control. It is time to change that. If Petraeus has done nothing wrong, he should trust the judicial system enough to let him prove his innocence. There certainly are enough recent cases where folks like Bradley and Snowden have been roundly decried for their actions. Someone of Petraeus' stature should most certainly be held accountable for his actions.
disillussioned1 (virginia)
Trust the judicial system? That's a very bad joke and judgement call. To defend oneself costs a fortune, as I know from experience. Even when one prevails as I did, you lose.
socanne (Tucson)
I am really tired of important men behaving like oversexed adolescents. It is men who have hormone problems! Throw the book at him.
roger (boston)
Gen. Petraeus deserves the respect of the public. However, he appears to have been duped by Ms. Broadwell. There is cause for concern about the nature of information provided to her and what she did with it. Did she pass the information on to foreign agents either intentionally or unintentionally? Was her computer hacked by people aware of her close relationship with Gen. Petraeus?

These are potentially serious issues of security that could have been avoided if Gen. Petraeus had behaved professionally. The DOJ may have to bring charges against him, Ms. Broadwell, and any other people who had access to critical documents.
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
Let me get this straight: In your view, Roger, a four star general (that fourth star requires the advice and consent of the US Senate), Director of Central Intelligence, graduate of West Point, holder of a PhD from Princeton, and author of the putatively definitive text on counter terrorism was "duped" by a reservist/groupie in the process of writing a fawning biography of him? He was willingly "duped" right out of his camo pants.
Keith Ferlin (Canada)
It is really a shame in many respects that Obama didn't pursue charges for the criminal actions of Bush, Cheney et al. I understand the reasons he chose not go after them citing the need for the nation to pull together after Bush trashed the economy and the world and your country was in a recession. Obama wanted to begin some healing, wanted to encourage some bi-partisanship. Six years of a hostile congress dedicated to making him fail was what he got for his efforts. In hindsight maybe he should have gone after them and you wouldn't still have Cheney going around and spouting the war- mongering and ignorance that created the mess in the first place. Maybe that would be the catharsis for your nation to move from that dark, dark spot in your history.
gsn78613 (Leavenworth)
bh0 will never pursue those charges you drool over because he is doing the same thing Bush did.

Little to anything has changed under bh0...congratulations on Hope and Change.
Bathsheba Robie (New England)
It's outrageous that Holder has waited so long to decide whether to indict Petraeus. The fact that classified information was found on his mistress's computer has been known for years.

In this case, as in others, Holder comes off as a weak ditherer, unable to make hard decisions. He wants to satisfy everyone, but, this time he can't. The typical tactic of indecisive people like him is to put off and delay the decision. Not a good personality trait for the U S Attorney General. Petraeus, like anyone in his situation, has the right to know whether or not he will be prosecuted. His life is on unnecessary hold while Holder keeps kicking the rock down the road. I believe that the discovery of his security breaches happened years ago.
Wayne Griswald (Colorado Springs)
These lengthy delays are just the way our criminal justice system works, I have no idea why and its terrible, maybe its necessary to prevent mistakes, but this is just he way things work, its not Holder's fault.
Ed Winter (Montclair, NJ)
When the time is right for this Administration, the president will make his decision and it will be announced. As with so much else, this could take some time.
fritzrxx (Portland Or)
If Petraeus convincingly appears to have allowed Broadwell access to CIA computers, he should be tried.

If found guilty, he should do prison time -- not a lot but definitely no time off for remorse after getting caught either.

What kind of logic awards time off for remorse expressed only after a wrongdoer got caught? Remorse should bring clemency only if it led the wrongdoer to repent of his misdeeds, turn himself in, and cooperate fully in his misdeeds' investigation.
Walt Bennett (Harrisburg PA)
Of course he must face prosecution. Why is our instinct to shield the most powerful from being held accountable for their actions, when they are the ones who should be held most accountable?

And why does Holder need more than a second to know that?

Chuck S (Palm Beach,FL)
The General knows some real dirt on Obama and is salivating for an indictment.He knows there was no classified information divulged by him and the info on the computer may have been a plant.He also knows the woman writing the book had a top secret clearance and the info on the computer went no further if it went anywhere at all.The case is flimsy and is a shot across the bow tailor made to shut him up prior to the presidential election.There must be something major coming up that Obama wants to cove up during a news cycle with this garbage.
Tom Magnum (Texas)
The classy thing for President Obama to do is pardon the general. Attorney General Holder is the guy who put the lists of criminals together to receive a pardon from President Clinton. Mark Rich a fugitive billionaire was on that list along with some really bad people. The general is not a bad person and did not do anything that was bad for the country.
pam (usa)
The powers that be are probably hoping Petraeus will plea bargain with him. For the Attorney General in the Obama administration to prosecute a military hero would be bad pr, even if the hero is guilty. I kind of wish they would spend some of their energy going after Broadwell. It does take two to tango.
Bruce Olson (Houston)
There is too much going on in the background of this for me to hope to understand what the real story is or indeed what the real game is all about. My wife and I happened to see the riviting movie "The Imitation Game" last night about the man and the project to succesully break the German Enigma codes in WWII. Some of what I read today about the Petraeus affair seems eerily similar with repsect to the leakage of classified documents to a female associate who becomes romantically inclined. Who knows why Broadwell was in possession of them and why?

In the movie, a tragic but true history of a man who, in spite of or maybe because of his own human nature and eccentricites is ruined after serving his country to the point of saving untold numbers of lives and shortening the war by years is tragic.

Why has Holder and Obama not moved on this based on what we the public think happened? For sure there is more to it than what I read here. My experinces in Vietnam with raft of classified information, long since outadated, has taught me that fact. Will it take 50 years to really know as it did with WWII? I suspect so, no matter what happens now.

In the meantime, the sharks are circling, just waiting for the opportunity to make a name or a buck for themselves.
Donald Campbell (Gloucester, VA)
No surprise here. Battle space preparation for Queen Hillary. Dems have to make sure to slander any decent competition. Anyone with more trust, accomplishments and skills than Hillary must be ground under before the election.
Unfortunately, with the sole exception of Jeb Bush, pretty much all the potential presidential candidates have more public trust, skills and accomplishments than Hillary, so it is going to be a long election cycle.
michjas (Phoenix)
Evidence indicates she regularly stalked high military officers and that she likely pressured him for disclosures to benefit her writing in exchange for a promise not to reveal their illicit affair. In other words, she likely blackmailed him. Petraeus's leak was surely not designed to compromise national security. Rather, it was an attempt at CYA. Petraeus readily admitted his affair and resigned, possibly in order to end the investigation before his leaks were discovered. That didn't work. Over and over again, we see instances where the cover-up is worse than the crime. This is one of those instances. It boggles the mind that bright and capable people never learn that it's the cover up that will come back to haunt them.
Tom Mariner (Bayport, New York)
One of our most successful Generals is targeted because of possible pillow talk while a criminal leaker who caused devastating loss of international relations is welcomed in Russia, and our own Senate divulges secrets to the press because it fits their ideology and election chances. And the same Justice Department and Attorney General who saw nothing wrong with the IRS influencing the 2012 Presidential election in Watergate II will come down hard on Petraeus.

I guess that's the "fundamental change" we all voted for -- a new way of looking at and rewarding patriotism.
ana (brooklyn, ny)
After Eric Holder's shameful behavior, by choosing to not prosecuting anyone in Wall Street, he can perhaps show some back-bone with someone who gave away military information to a honey pot.

Having failed to show strength and leadership in almost every area, Holder should prosecute this flagrant case.

But, I have little faith left in Obama's Justice Department. Although I voted for Obama and would do so again.
hey nineteen (chicago)
Why does anyone find it "sad" that ex-General Petraeus might find himself incarcerated for breaking the law? I'm not a distinguished member of The Bar, but isn't revealing military secrets treasonous? I think any of us old enough to have confronted the complexities of lust can imagine the wince-inducing scenarios between Mr. Petraeus and his much-younger lover; just because one is the senior military commander doesn't mean he's any less a man out to impress a younger beauty with insider confidences. He's not being charged with picking up drinks on the taxpayers' dime or teaching her Morse code, after all. It seems that the higher one's position on the rock pile, the easier it is to administer "justice" to those grubbing about on the pebbles below. Just exactly where is this imaginary line on the hill where those above bear no consequences for their misdeeds? Is it any wonder why ever fewer Americans have not one iota of respect for anyone working in any public capacity - from bus drivers to teachers, police, elected officials, judges, the lady behind the desk down at the water bureau? How have we so perverted the idea of leadership that we expect better behavior from the rank-and-file than from superior officers? Such a small, sordid denouement.
Jor-El (Atlanta)
I never saw the "brilliance" of this man who was lauded by so many. He must be punished to the full extent of the law or the message to not only the troops but to the broader country is that rules are for those without the power to alter them.
General Petraeus was far more irresponsible and neglectful than he could afford to be. He should be held responsible to the fullest extent the law allows because he did, in fact, put the nation at risk. Giving him a pass would send the absolute worst message to those in service. But the problem is that Petraeus was approved by everyone in power and they'll defend their bad decisions all the way down the line. And these are the people who decided to spy on you and me. Makes one feel very uncomfortable.
Suzanne (Brooklyn, NY)
Holder needs to prosecute Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld for war crimes (illegal war and torture). He needs to prosecute too-big-to-fail banks. Of course he won't. So much for the "people's prosecutor." It is hard to take anything else he does seriously when his prosecutions (mostly whistleblowers) are so selective. I can't wait until he leaves.
Bob Mayer (Write on the River)
Patreus is not a "war hero". The only combat he ever really faced was getting shot in the chest at a rifle range on Ft Campbell by one of his own soldiers as a battalion commander in the 101st. The fact his career continued to rise after such an event is stunning and due to his political connections. For any other commander, such an event would have ended their career. He married the Superintendent's daughter after graduating West Point. He's been a political player his entire career.

Leaders must be held to a higher standard, yet it seems they get cut more slack than some sergeant or private. As a fellow West Point graduate, Patraeus disgusts me and I have no respect for the man or the officer or the public servant as head of the CIA. He worked for us, the citizens of this country and he betrayed our trust.
Mark R (New York, NY)
If the U.S. government can systematically decline to enforce immigration laws against millions of lawbreakers every year, many of whom have done nothing to deserve such munificence, surely it can decline to bring felony charges against one of the great generals in American history, based on a personal indiscretion that has caused no demonstrated harm to anyone.
A Raffoul (United Kingdom)
It is important that justice should be seen to take its course. Evidence discovered must be challenged by defence. The law does not and should not differentiate between citizens - whether 5 star-generals or simple infantry.

Let's get it over with but under the law of the land.
Cheekos (South Florida)
Justice has a tough decision in this case. Petreus was a high-flying, pro-Republican who seemed like he was basking in the potential President spotlight. And now, President Obama is being blamed for everything under the Sun--the Ebola Virus, unrest in the Middle East and, now, for trying to educate the Populace, going after Petreus would surely be attacked by the 'RIGHT".

The Obama Administration is now being attacked for vastly improving the Economy--virtually cutting the Unemployment Rate in half since Bush left office, providing health insurance to (what) 14-18 Million uninsured people, winding down the two Unnecessary Wars. Part of the problems with the GOP is continued racism, and part of it is jealousy that they haven't thought to do those things--or anything constructive for the past six hearts. Oh, woah is them!

John Cahill (NY)
This tunnel-vision recommendation for a felony prosecution is reminiscent of the neanderthal impeachment of Bill Clinton. President Obama, as usual, got it right when he suggested the criteria of "a negative impact on our national security." Absent any evidence that there was such a "negative impact," it is best to allow Mr. Petraeus to get on with his life. He has lost his job, his career and he has been publicly humiliated before the whole world. Dragging this out further with a long and scandalous trial would do far more harm than good to the fabric of justice in the United States.

Yes, in the microcosm of criminal jurisprudence, dropping the matter would be unfair to those in lesser positions who have done far less to deserve prosecution, but in the macrocosm of the impact on the entire body politic justice would be better served by dropping the matter now. In both the Clinton and Petraeus affairs we would do better to learn from the French that affairs of the heart require common sense as much as blind justice.
EssDee (CA)
The disclosure of classified information is a serious crime. Had a junior enlisted person done the same, there would be no question of prosecution. It would have already happened, and to the maximum extent of the law. PVT Manning is a prime example.

We tend to hold elites to lower standards of judgement and behavior than their subordinates. This is unfair and harmful to the organizations they lead.

Mr. Patreus belongs in a federal penitentiary if he disclosed classified information to someone not authorized to have it. Period.

He should be held accountable for whatever he did. Additionally, lots of generals should be held accountable for not being able to win wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with the best trained and equipped military forces in the world, trillions of dollars, and over a decade to do it with.

Our lessons learned from Iraq and Afghanistan ought to include: forces should not be let by unethical people, and leaders should be held strictly accountable for combat performance.
Southern Boy (Spring Hill, TN)
I commented on this article earlier and a reply to it asked if I think General Petraeus should not be held to the same standard as other government employees and military personnel who hold high level TS security clearances. My answer is yes he should and obviously he is. But the point of my comment was that at the heart of this investigation that led to uncovering the breach of mishandling classified information was his affair. In the world of security clearance investigating, the fact of an affair, or multiple girlfriends, unfavorable details of ones private life are about the only issues, beside a bad credit score, the government can hold one to deny or remove a security clearance. An affair that happened 20 years ago is fodder for investigation. But then I know of cases, mainly involving military personnel in which their behavior, much like that by the secret service personnel in Colombia a few years ago, went unnoticed, mainly because nothing happened to bring it to the surface. In the case Robert Oppenheimer, the mastermind behind the atomic bomb during WWII, security personnel believed he was a security risk because of his left wing liberal politics, but they could never prove anything thing until began investing his affairs (read the Brotherhood of the Bomb). Yes, the sin of adultery surfaced and ultimately paved the way for the removal of his security clearance. So all said, it depends on the person is and how the government perceives them at the time .
Howie Lisnoff (Massachusetts)
I can picture the headlines already: "Retired General Petraeus gets slap on the wrist for allegedly giving Ms. Broadwell classified documents; Private Manning gets over 30 years for similar breaches of national security." Is Senator McCain kidding about letting this slide because of the recent level of international violence? I don't think that laws were written to only apply to specific times.
TruthBeTold (New Jersey)
If the US Government wants to prosecute Snowden and others....then they must prosecute Petraeus.

Not to prosecute would be just one more example of the 2 Americas that currently exist. The one for the wealthy, powerful and connected....and the pther for the rest of us.
You're equating this with Snowden?
DaveN (Rochester)
Why not? Both of them released classified information to people lacking the security clearance to have it. The difference is that Snowden did it for the benefit of the American public, while Petraeus did it for sex.
Barry Pressman (Lady Lake, FL)
The law in this country is seen to be vindictive in far too many instances, and excess punishment has recently been shown to be counter-productive. Decriminalizing the possession of small amounts of grass is but one instance of reforms thankfully entering our system of justice. Punishing Petraeus by felony prosecution would also be vindictive, having no actual benefit to our security. It is the small minds who jump upon this type of opportunity to make there miserable days.
Are you equating pot possession with breaching national security protocols? The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency is not some stoner zoned out on the couch in the folks' basement. Small minds, indeed.
Nannie Turner (Cincinnati)
National security is the point here.Not the affair itself.He gave classified information to someone who was not qualified to receive it.
manapp99 (Eagle Colorado)
In light of this from the story:

"But investigators concluded that, whether or not the disclosure harmed national security, it amounted to a significant security breach in the office of one of the nation’s most trusted intelligence leaders. They recommended that Mr. Petraeus face charges, saying lower-ranking officials had been prosecuted for far less."

We have the fact that his crimes (regardless of how serious you see them) are punished by those lessor individuals who have committed them in the past. If Petraeus is given a pass then we can correctly conclude that there is a justice for the people and a lessor justice for the elite. Is that the system of justice you want to live under? If punishment for the same crime has been harsh then how do you not amend those punishments for those currently serving them if you are to let Petraeus slide? It is small minds that don't see the problem with different sets of justice for the well connected.
Casey (Brooklyn)
Every American has witnessed, time after time the rich and/or
powerful get away with misdeeds for which lesser folk are punished with serious jail time. It is essential that Holder reverse this and begin applying the law evenly to all.
Omalena (Delaware)
This has every thing to do with Benghazi!
TimothyI (Germantown, MD)
I hope you're being sarcastic; it's hard to tell. There are viewers of a certain vulpine network that are just brainwashed enough to believe what you said.
Gene (Atlanta)
Did Petraeus reveal secrets to his mistress? Two investigations say he did. I have no reason to doubt the investigator's results.

Why no indictment? I believe Obama is afraid of what Petraeus will disclose of Obama's actions and inactions while Petraeus was a commander and at the CIA. Of course, reality could be just the opposite. Obama wants to keep Petraeus from disclosing the same information.

Either way, I predict Holden or his successor will never bring charges unless Petraeus discloses all. I also predict Petraeus will never disclose all unless he is indicted.

Got the picture?
SoWhat (Dallas, TX)
Like it or not you are right and messy as it is, this is as it should be. In any war you have to break some eggs and sometimes you break the wrong egg. If we demand perfection from our leaders we will never get anyone smart enough to handle the job to take it. I think this has been the case for years, probably the unintended consequence of Watergate.
Just for the record this is your opinion, right? Unless you are privy to Gen Patraeus' thoughts and or President Obama's?
Gael (Miami)
Petraeus must represent some kind of real threat to this administration.
Charles (Fl)
What isnt leaked in DC. Its a joke how some are prosecuted and others arent. The hypocrites of the US government are why most average citizens are done with them.
Gerard Freisinger (Warwick, NY)
Would like to see a trial with evidence of any harm Gen Petreus did to the US.
If no harm proven, having an affair is not sufficient for condemnation.
The courts do not take affairs into account in divorce proceedings regardless of which partner strays. Other countries would not give it a second thought provided no harm was done to the country.
This would not be a divorce proceeding. The issue is not an adulterous affair by a staff officer. The issue is breach of national security protocols.
Ad (Ga)
Sorry Mr. President, but no one else in the service has gotten a free pass on a security breach, because the US is safer because of the work that they've done. If anything, the general should be held to higher standards than the people who work for him. Every military member knows what would happen to them if they disclosed classified material to someone (a lover no less), and everyone in the military will be watching this.
disillussioned1 (virginia)
Lots of people in and out of the service have gotten a free pass before even after admitting that they broke security rules.
Dudie Katani (Ft Lauderdale, Florida)
In some ways, the give him a pass issue is a ridiculous argument because he has suffered enough already is the same argument for the illegal immigration but with reverse results. Immigrants get away with it and the General does not? If you bust the general for breaking protocol and allowing his "whatever she is" access to classified information, then how do you give a free pass and amnesty to people who broke the law and are here without documentation thus illegally. You cannot have it both ways Either you are indicted for illegal activity or you are not and get a get out of jail free card. What message are we sending to our society? Power and money can buy you freedom and if you are the pet cause of a leftist president you get the card too..... The double standards have to stop or the laws become a joke.
ceilidth (Boulder, CO)
I'm sure you will next be calling for a trial for Dick Cheney. After all he lied to the country in order to start a war that killed more people than 9/11 and he encouraged the use of torture. No? Why not?
Tom (Fl Retired Junk Man)
One more knucklehead thinking he owns the job. This was a highly trained individual put in a position of trust, and he betrayed it for a tryst. I guess we know where his brain was really located. Unfortunately this is all part of our human experience, I don't have a problem with the sex, I do have a significant problem with the classified information.
disillussioned1 (virginia)
Petraeus is no knucklehead and ALL men are born with two brains and only enough blood to service one at a time.
R. Williams (Athens, GA)
Being a man, I have to agree with you to some extent about the two brains problem. Such agreement, however, does raise in my mind two follow-up questions. First, doesn't the two brain problem prove that at least one of the brains caused Petraeus to, in fact, be a knucklehead, at least for a time. Second, does this two brain problem suggest that men should not be allowed positions of power?

While I don't think women are necessarily free of such multi-brain problems themselves (witness Petraeus' trysting partner), perhaps humanity has suffered for eons from the impulses of the male second brains, which seem always to be either convinced they are more impressive than they are or fearful they are not impressive enough, both inflated and diminished egos generally leading to stupid actions.
Socrates7 (Virginia)
i have a problem with betrayal of trust and an oath...whether it's infidelity in marriage or the control of classified information.
G (Florida)
Cause he is a Republican. If he changes to Democrat he'll be fine.
Matt (DC)
I'll trade a Petreus trial for sending Cheney to the Hague for war crimes. One got lax due to an affair, the other lied to start a war that killed thousands.
ARC (China)
Alas I don't think we will get to make that choice!
However I agree that the war crimes and crimes against humanity (torture, fomenting aggressive war, etc), committed by Cheney are more serious transgressions than Petraeus' carelessness or impulsive sharing ( if that is what gave Ms. Broadwell her access to the classified material). Their very different motivations aside, Petraeus and Chelsea Manning caused similar insignificant (if any) damage to real US interests. Cheney on the other hand inflicted a life threatening blow to our country's dignity and self-respect as well as to the rule of law internationally. Unless there is prosecution of him and the coven of fellow miscreants around him in the Bush White House, I don't know how we as a nation will be able to recover.
William Scarbrough (Columbus Indiana)
Wouldn't surprise me if Republicans put Petraeus on their short list of presidential hopefuls for 2016. He would have the full backing of McCain.
john kelley (corpus christi, texas)
he needs to face the same charges that any jr officer, noncom or enlisted person would face. It sends a terrible message to everyone in the military if he gets a pass. On the contrary Sr staff should have a higher expectation, if only because of their access to more critical information and the expected example they need to project. Otherwise the great leveling ground of the military doesn't vary from any corporate structure.
gladRocks (Houston, TX)
He was not in the military when he was CIA Director. He was a civilian. And Justice has to have evidence to prosecute.
Bob Clarke (Chicago)
Absolutely nutty criminalization of everything! What a terrific way to assure the exclusive recruitment of wooden unimaginative martinets as future military leaders. There is an absolutist fundamentalist virus gripping the prosecutor class. Context, real harm and broader legitimate political considerations are ignored by the the excessively literal legalistic mind. Could not a future president call in an old wise man she knew in college to mull over a problem involving touchy confidential facts? Lincoln did. Roosevelt did. What of anguished musings of a past president with Abagail Adams or Obama consulting with his "smart as a whip" wife? The criminalization of politics itself, beginning with patronage, and now leaning toward forbidding "horse trading," has pushed us more toward ideological conflict and away from contests between parties made up of broad coalitions pursuing both state benefits and ideas. The death of political parties and their works inevitably leads to bitter and chaotic conflicts; threatened government shutdowns and loss of public credit are but the beginning. In the end, constitutional democracy itself is endangered.
TruthBeTold (New Jersey)
I am not sure of the point you are trying to make. This is not a political issue....either he did or did not committ a crime with regard to classified material.

If the US Government wants to prosecute Snowden and others....then they must prosecute Petraeus. Not to prosecute.....NOW that would be politics.
Abby (Tucson)
Sorry, I don't find his leadership particularly admirable on many levels. His work with Steele's death squads was atrocious, his obsession with his image as a Tampa Templar is embarrassing to those who really sacrifice, and this failure of character says more about who he lets at his wisdom than John McCain can contemplate. He's saying bring it, he will expose our failures as we try to hold him accountable for his own. So what's not to prosecute? He is a national disgrace. Bring it.

BTW, did not Paula say CIA was holding captives in Benghazi to a public audience? We know her source was reliable.
NoParty (PA)
I think it funny that those who leaked this report want to remain anonymous. Since they had no permission to state there was a decision to prosecute, why are their accusations considered valid? What kind of person, or persons, convince themselves that leaking reports they have no right to bring to the pubic view until Holder decides. is acceptable? I hope Petraeus fights this, and if he does, my guess is that the accusations will be found false. That is probably why Holder, who along with the President has no respect for our military, is withholding his decision. Then, the "leakers" of the report need to be named and held accountable. The "throw mud at everyone" and then drop the prosecution is a common commodity with this Administration, which is a real Circus when it comes to honor or integrity.
Dan (MA)
He's back to being "Betrayus" again...being thrown under the bus by the dems is to be expected by all...
Bella (Nyc)
It seems a no brainer that a prosecution should be brought: it certainly would be if the general had been a low level grunt in Langley. I hope that the Gen is innocent, but lets resolve it in open court rather than insinuate one way or another.
coffic (New York)
The only plausible reason for not charging Petraeus is that there is no/not enough evidence. Obama and Holder will do anything to render impotent our military.
carlson74 (Massachyussetts)
Nah his failure in now proven in Iraq should be punishment enough. Just look at what is happening there now and what he is now thinking about that now History will not treat him well but show him to be the mediocre General he was.
Voiceofamerica (United States)
The question at hand is whether this brutal torturer and mass murderer did anything to harm the CIA, an organization likewise devoted to horrific crimes around the world.
Joseph Huben (Upstate NY)
A Nation of Laws holds all equally responsible. A nation of privileges selectively excludes certain elites from equal justice.
Petraeus' must face judgment.
disillussioned1 (virginia)
The US ceased being a "nation of laws" long ago. The tax code is a perfect example of the perverse development of the original concept. There are so many exceptions to the guiding principles in our tax code that were inserted at the behest of various constituencies that the end result is that only the politically powerless get taxed at the originally intended rate. Virtually every law enacted recently has intentionally created loopholes.
Joseph Huben (Upstate NY)
Tax loopholes are not in question. Associating Petraeus providing classified material to his girlfriend is not equivalent to tax law. Misdirection confuses and deceives the audience in a magic act. We can all see the "strings" being pulled for Petraeus. Integrity and honesty are the issue. If an enlisted man did what the general did McCain and Graham would not be misdirecting us and taxes and Obama haters would not be advocating for special status. Too big to fail?
Abby (Tucson)
Rupert Murdoch so wanted to run this clown against Judy; Punch and Judy, the double team to defeat democracy and Benghazi. Must say I'm glad Mitt will step in it...I got a joke I can't use otherwise.

My health insurance premium is so low...(How low is it?)

So low, I now clear enough income to pay federal taxes! Because Obama cared, now Mitt cares about me, too! I'm out of the 46%.

Bring it, Petreaus; I wish we'd prosecuted MacArthur. But he'd been married to a Stotesbury, doncha know...so he already had immunity.
Trashcup (St. Louis, MO)
Got caught with his pants down, then his girl friend with secret documents. Time to go to court and face the music like the real man he claims to be. These guys egos get so big they think they can do anything they want to do. Sorry, the law still applies to you and yours.
Arclight (NorCal)
Let's impeach Obama and jail Petraeus and call it a wash.
Sierra Tahoe (Outwest)
I am constantly amazed and appalled at many New York Times commenters who, I would have thought, knew better. So many simply assume that a person is guilty and call for harsh penalties before the facts are known. Even rich and powerful people are entitled to a presumption of innocence. Meanwhile, Attorney General Holder has not decided to prosecute. And Petraeus himself is willing to stand trial rather than plea bargain. Could it be that Holder doesn't think there is enough evidence to prevail and that Petraeus might just be innocent? Can we, for a change, not jump to conclusions about a person's guilt?
mec (texas)
The tendency to trust you illicit sex partner is hard-wired into the human genome. Your sex partner, illicit or otherwise is usually the LAST person you should trust with anything but, There It Is. In this case, whatever he left on her computer appears to have done no harm. Eric Holder cannot say the same about the various scandals he promoted during his "career."
Jack (Florida)
What goes around should come around; I wonder whether AG Holder should convene a grand jury and then indict, prosecute and jail the President for talking about state secrets with his wife; be tough for either of them to deny that. She's not been elected; she holds no high office; why should marital versus mistress status make a difference?

This has the smell about it of a political witch hunt, joyous to the left who hates the military, and odious to everyone else.
Lars (Winder, GA)
I agree, Jack, this whole thing has smelled fishy from the start. He may be guilty of something, but it has all the earmarks of Washington infighting. I would have preferred that Holder had dragged some Wall Street types to jail first.
vernon jacjson (N.C.)
isn't it "so" convenient that the one their talking about charging is Petraeus and NOT his commander's IE Obama and Bush? :-/
Apercu (philly)
Hopefully Mr. Betrayus (sic) will be put away for his life...He is a tool of the M.I.C and a traitor to the American people...We reap what we sow...
disillussioned1 (virginia)
Sir, what happened to the fundamental American concept of presumption of innocence?
albaniantv (oakland, ca)
What if everyone is telling the truth? Could well be that Petraeus didn't tell Broadwell ( I think Dickens would have liked these names) any passwords and she just guessed them. He seems like the type whose passwords would be a mishmash of his dog's and kids' initials or birthdays. I can see it now, she guesses the passwords, recites them aloud and his ears go red.
Daniel Redding (England)
The U.S. Govt. Is like a bunch of cannibals...eating their own. Where's the respect for all that Patraeus did to serve his country? Does it count for nothing? Meanwhile the faceless beaurocrats immunize themselves from their own law breaking by prosecuting and throwing Govt. whistleblowers in jail.
Harry (New York)
How can someone so important be prosecuted for such a common crime? Guys, give him a break, he is no petty criminal. What are we going to do next? Try George Bush for lying about WMD?
robert zisgen (mahwah, nj)
It is common knowledge that most classified info is far more classified than it need be. The real question here is whether it was disseminated beyond Ms. Broadwell's computer and if it was did it do any real harm. If the answers to those questions are "Yes" then the Gen. should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If "No" then allow him to plead to a misdemeanor or something less and put this matter behind us.
Ken (Washington DC)
I graduated from the US MIlitary Academy (As did Petraeus) and i retired from the US Army as a Colonel not 4 months ago. Thus, I have a stake in the integrity of the military and its leaders. Make no mistake; if I as a Colonel had done half what we already know Petraeus did, I would have been prosecuted and separated from the Army, most likely with loss of retirement pay. That is a fact.

Petraeus should be prosecuted. It should be public, and if he is found guilty and punished, it should be the same level of punishment that any other rank would receive. No one should even consider any less.
Abby (Tucson)
Thanks for your service and congratulations on making it to retirement. Dad had three years afterward, then nailed his actuarials. He alwasy was an accuracy freak.

Make the most of yours, sir. Service takes its toll. But this grunt? He disgraces your service and my father's. He needs to know justice, too.
RLABruce (Dresden, TN)
Do you remember Loral giving China the capability for intercontinental ballistic missiles? President Clinton, instead of prosecuting them, APPROVED their traitorous act AFTER it was done. Granted that Petraeus should be prosecuted, this is a case of selective prosecution for political and/or anti-American purposes. Hint: Have you noticed how many combat-experienced officers are being selectively forced from service?
b seattle (seattle)
his girlfriend also graduated from the Point
Dave SImpson (Seattle, WA)
What Patraeus did in Iraq after the war, was probably the best thing we could hope for. If he cheated after that, it should be noted, but I don't see anything that affected our efforts in Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria. The man did a huge job for America. If they say he talked to his girlfriend, "Big Deal" now.. It's nothing..
Don't ruin a man's career on something so small! Iraq is OVER!!
disillussioned1 (virginia)
His career has already been ruined, Iraq is not over in spite of Petraeus' best efforts and I agree that whatever secrets he might have revealed were most likely over classified, trivial or outdated.
Cornflower Rhys (Washington, DC)
If the evidence suggests that he committed a crime, he should be prosecuted just like anyone else.
jim p (maine)
Fool for love. Four causes account for virtually all crime. Psychopathy, addiction, a desire for unaffordable luxury and being a fool for love. Our rock star general became a fool for love.
Jimmy (Greenville, North Carolina)
Leave the man alone. She is a very attractive woman. What man his age would not pass alone a little info.

Have mercy on the man!
Abby (Tucson)
Mercy comes AFTER judgement.
Doris (Chicago)
I would prefer they seek charges again the CIA and the folks that tortured. Why do they get a pass?
Voiceofamerica (United States)
Petraeus would be at the TOP of that list.
Ben (NU)
Maybe He'll go to Russia and live with snowden, I bet they'd be best buddies...
rude man (Phoenix)
Solooks like he really *should* be called "Betrayed us"!
Harold R. Berk (Ambler, PA)
So the FBI discovers that the head of the CIA and the former head of American forces in Iraq gives classified documents to his mistress and Eric Holder cannot figure out whether to prosecute. Oh, Eric Holder please resign now before you prosecute another public spirited whistleblower while leaving Wall Street bankers free to go about their indictable pursuit of profits at all cost and regardless of negative effects on the nation.
kayleigh2861 (Texas)
Sharyl Atkisson had classified government documents planted on her computer, but she found them before they could be used against her. This whole thing with Petraeus smells fishy to me. I think he knows too much and is being discredited so he won't be tempted to talk.
RLABruce (Dresden, TN)
Bingo! You can't trust ANYTHING coming from the government or their sycophants in the so-called "free" press.
Joe Shea (Bradenton, Fla.)
We have to ask, why did the Tampa woman want such info? Was she a spy for someone?
Erin A. (Tampa Bay area, Florida)
My understanding is that she was receiving anonymous harassing emails, and wanted to know who was sending them...going down that rabbit hole uncovered the affair, as Broadwell (I have to agree with the previous commenter who stated that Dickens would love these names) was the person sending them.
She certainly seems to be an interesting, ah, character (Jill Kelley), but she doesn't strike me as someone involved in a larger controversy - or someone capable of, or even desirous of, pulling off a spy ring or the like. I imagine that she would much prefer to go back to her pre-Broadwell affair life, with parties and stature and puffed-up self-importance...
Robert Strougo Esq (Nyc)
Do a million great things but one infidelity and your ruined.......another example where it takes almost a lifetime to create A reputation and one moment of poor judgment or passion to destroy it. Especially in politics where dems and reps are after their adversaries and character assassination is the best way to win......
Scratching My Head (Atlanta, GA)
not the affair. the passing of secrets. unless by infidelity, you meant the passing of secrets. In which case, it's a pretty big infidelity.
WestSider (NYC)
Yes he should seek an indictment. A rank and file soldier would go to jail for the same offense, why make an exception for the elite?
Dotconnector (New York)
Isn't the "rule" supposed to be that when classified information is leaked or anonymously sourced to make the government or the military look good, we're just supposed to accept it, regardless of what the law says? There only seems to be a "crime" when the people in power get embarrassed.

Besides, in the eyes of Washington, what higher purpose can there be than glorifying a public official? So this appears to be nothing more than business as usual inside the Beltway.

"Duty, Honor, Country" remains the motto at West Point, but somewhere along the line, Gen. Petraeus decided that a more appropriate second word would be "Ego." One wonders how our system allows a person who's so cavalier about oaths and vows to be entrusted with all the secrets.
Mike (San Diego)
The Times should look into how he dealt out punishment for those under his command for their infractions when he was in the army and,also,when he was head of the CIA. A working hypothesis should be that he wasn't too kind in those situations.
EuroAm (Ohio, USA)
First, have the president recall the general to active duty then, bring him up on charges of ‘conduct unbecoming’ for having the affair while married and reduce him in rank to major followed by him resigning his commission, and then let the AG and the Justice Dept. have a go for his releasing classified information.
SpikeTheDog (Marblehead)
Ridiculous witchhunt.
Casey (California)
In this, the 100th anniversary of the great West Point Class of 1915, his dishonorable discharge should be read to an assembly of all current cadets.
david (ny)
Whether or not one supports the Iraq War or the "surge" should be irrelevant to determining if Gen. Petraeus is guilty and if so what his punishment should be.
michjas (Phoenix)
Very wrong, We have a long history of not prosecuting the crimes of great generals for wrongful causes. Most notably, Robert E. Lee was never prosecuted for treason.
amydm3 (San Francisco, CA)
“At this critical moment in our nation’s security, Congress and the American people cannot afford to have his voice silenced or curtailed by the shadow of a long-running, unresolved investigation.”

While he could be saying this about President Obama and the numerous Benghazi investigations that have been promised by the Republicans, he is referring to a four star general who leaked classified information to his mistress.
V (Los Angeles)
If the surge would have really worked, Iraq wouldn't be a mess now.
db (bf Georiga)
So you are second guessing your O in chief when he claimed the war was won?
Dave (Richmond, VA)
It did work. OBAMA blew it.
KS (Centennial Colorado)
The surge did work, and well. Then Obama took all troops out to lose Iraq.
And you might look at the many naysayers before the surge success of Gen Petraeus, esp Nancy Pelosi, and those who funded the full page ad of "General Betray us (roughly)", even before he spoke to Congress.
pjc (Cleveland)
Power corrupts, and sometimes just by making you act seedy. I feel no sympathy for the man.
JP Venne (Victoria, Gozo)
No, power does not corrupt; corrupt people wants power.
Henry (Phila)
From the time Petraeus married the Superintendent's daughter his career has floated on an elaborate, lifelong, fraudulent self-promotion. By 2011, Petraeus had so well sold himself that many deluded voices were calling him one of the greatest generals in U.S. history. I well remember a nauseating 2011 Senate hearing where the ever-gushing Lindsey Graham gushed that, if he could, he'd give Petraeus a fifth star.
It's not a sufficient penalty to send Petraeus to jail. Let's adapt Cromwell's situation to modern times. Call Petraeus back into the Army, bust him to private, and give him a dishonorable discharge.
Socrates7 (Virginia)
amen henry.

all-in-all that doesn't sound much different than the son and grandson of an admiral becoming a senator.

it's amazing how high some folks can climb when they get to start halfway up the mountain.
jim p (maine)
As he seems to be making a fast buck in retirement, the loss of his military pension resulting from a dishonorable discharge wouldn't hurt his comfortable lifestyle.
Apercu (philly)
:)...I like the cut of your jib! I agree 100% with your punishment. A fitting punishment; to lose your benefits ( a general's is substantial) and being scorned by your peers...Funny, I just noticed you're from philly too... Yo from. SWP!
tomjoad (New York)
Will this be yet another example of "two tier" justice like we saw last week in the paltry sentence received by former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell?

Aren't the rich, powerful and connected people getting enough of a pass in this country as it is?
Dr. Jacques Henry (Boston, Mass.)
Sen. John McCain and other Petraeus cheerleaders are stepping out of line here by not letting the Justice system work for their well-connected friend as they would have for a less privileged citizen.
josebear5 (tx)
What justice system you Holder and Obama?
Joseph Huben (Upstate NY)
No. The American justice system. Rank, privilege are un American if justice is abandoned for the elite.
Tom (New Mexico)
Director of the CIA sharing classified material with a lover. Not that his lover was a spy, but isn't this how spies operate. This was the highest ranking US intelligence officer in the nation. Maybe I have read too many John Le Carre novels.
brian begley (stanford, california)
I think he should go to jail. If he is being given an extreme amount of responsibility and trust as director of the CIA and a general in the armed services then he should be expected to act accordingly. Having an affair is not the crime. Sharing top secret documents with his journalist lover is. Since many below his rank have gone to jail for such breaches in confidentiality then he should pay the piper too. Let it be a sermon to those who come after that breaking the law with treasonous flirtations will not be tolerated and no one is above the law.
Merlin (Atlanta)
In fact, for a Director of the CIA, having an affair should be a crime. The female lover is the classic spy.
NYHuguenot (Charlotte, NC)
Under the Uniform Code Of Military Justice adultery is a crime. Petraeus has gotten off light enough for his crimes.
disillussioned1 (virginia)
Fair enough, but then shouldn't we first go after presidents like JFK who slept with an East German at the height of the Cold War, then Secretaries of Defense and State, national security advisors, heads of various agencies like NSA and ones we don't even know about?
Mike (Austin)
I read all the comments here about how he should be sentenced to many years of prison and just a shake my head.

None of us know what was passed between the two, and if it was anything significant. I say this as a person who's had clearances, and marveled at how prone the government is to stamp huge amounts of material as classified. Maybe there's something here, but I can just as easily imagine not.
WestSider (NYC)
Yes, he had high level clearances and low level IQ, who was too busy writing emails to his hottie to win the war.
DaMo (The Middle)
Then how did she get information on HER computer that only the director of our chief spy agency should have?
Merlin (Atlanta)
All things considered, FBI's charge against Petraeus is unlikely to be frivolous.
Rob L777 (Conway, SC)

I think most surprising to me is that the country's head spook at the time used unencrypted webmail (purportedly Gmail) to communicate with Mr. Broadwell under an assumed name, and she did likewise. They used an outdated spy trick of leaving their love messages in the draft folders of their accounts, then deleting them after they had been read. Anyone who had access to their accounts could have read these emails.

My brother's ex-wife discovered the affair he was having with a co-worker by reading his emails on their shared home computer. David Patraeus's technique here was on par with the actions which led to my brother's divorce. It is as though these guilty men wanted to be caught. In Patraeus's case, his wife and family were incredibly forgiving. I'm certain she probably extracted big financial and emotional costs for her husband's stupid and brazen infidelity, as well she should have.

I hope felony charges are brought against him. He seems unwilling to cut a deal about the matter, which is surprising because all this stirs up a pot which had long since cooled. I am expecting his wife to file for divorce within the next year or so. I am guessing he will lose some of his current jobs as a result of this renewed taint. At least, I hope this is what happens to him. The Teflon shield his former status gave him appears to have worn away.
ez (Pittsburgh)
As an Army Reserve Officer Paula Broadwell would have had a security clearance. As director of the CIA Mr. Petraeus, by some regulation, likely had the authority to grant Ms Broadwell a CIA clearance and/or access to classified information. Perhaps, in the end, the only violation was Broadwell keeping classified information on a personal, unsecure computer. John Deutch, a CIA director in the 1990's was accused of keeping classified information on a personal, unsecure computer. Janet Reno, the Attorney General, declined to prosecute and Clinton eventually issued a pardon, settling the matter.
Citizen (RI)

But, as you probably know, merely *having* a security clearance isn't sufficient. There must exist a need to know in addition to the right to know, and regardless of whether or not Petraeus "granted" her access to classified information, if Broadwell did not have a true need, then Petrraeus in fact disclosed, or allowed to be disclosed, classified information to an unauthorized person.

Impropriety in Petraeus' personal/professional relationship, or an appearance of impropriety, makes the matter more complicated, and magnifies the significance of the disclosure.

Many people are perfectly willing to give Petraeus a pass because of "all the good he did," but if he disclosed classified information to Broadwell, a person unauthorized to receive the information, then what he did is no different from what Private Chelsea Manning did, except in degree.
NYHuguenot (Charlotte, NC)
No one is granted a clearance without a background investigation. Clearance is given if your job requires access to classified information. As a Construction Electrician I had a Top Secret clearance when I was assigned to a military telephone exchange. When I was transferred and assigned to a power plant I had no need of a clearance and it was removed. Clearance does not mean you get access to any information for your security level but only that which you are required or need to know. When I was being cleared friends called to let me know that they had been visited by the FBI for information. They mostly subcontract it out to retired Agents.
Tom Chapman (Haverhill MA)
There are different levels of security. Simply because Paula the Party Girl was a reserve officer it doesn't logically follow that she had the same type of security clearances that Gen. Petraeus had in his capacity as CIA Director. I suppose that a case could be made that Gen. Petraeus had the authority to give his girlfriend a top security clearance.
But I'm guessing that this wasn't the first time that the Good General strayed from the marital bed. Guys who seek out increasingly younger, (and cuter), female companions usually start long before they reach their 60's.
Apropos of nothing, can you believe how primitive this guy's tradecraft was??? Goodness...
bc (newburgh ny)
I have read over the decades of what the C.I.A. have placed under top secret classifications and it indicates that the C.I.A. doesn't have any idea or standards of what top secret represents. To prosecute General Petraeus who served his country with honor under extremely difficult conditions is ridiculous.
Joseph Zilvinskis (Tully, N.Y.)
What, exactly, were his "difficult conditions" did the air conditioning malfunction at his headquarters? He was a career soldier not a boy scout troop leader
James Walsh (New York City)
If there ever was a time when a Presidential Pardon would be the right thing to do this is it.
jutland (western NY state)
I agree. No exoneration, just mercy. And while he's at it, one for James Risen too.
zenrider (Melville, NY)
Why? Because you agree with his politics? Maybe those who nicknamed him "General Betrayus" were on to something...
Ralph Swindler (Panama City, FL)
Do we really need to waste taxpayer money on a Soviet style show trial? I think not. We have too many people on trial and/or in prison in this country to begin with. We are criminalizing political beliefs and charging people for faulty memory or poor decisions. Reserve trials and prisons for people who actually do harm to others not because they had a little pillow talk with a lover.
Joseph Zilvinskis (Tully, N.Y.)
Ever hear of John Porfumo?
NYHuguenot (Charlotte, NC)
Poor decisions lead to criminal acts. A person with clearance can be prosecuted for leaving a filing cabinet unlocked, leaving a sensitive document on their desk or taking home documents where there is a chance of loss of the documents. Information that is classified is classified for a reason. That reason may not be evident now but may be pertinent in the future.
H. Amberg (Tulsa)
A low level private is serving a life sentence for leaking information. Our justice system so far has proven that there are two justice systems, one for the poor and powerless and one for the rich and famous. It is time to begin to correct it.
Mike Snyder (San Antonio, TX)
Leave the man alone. He contributed and suffered a thousand times more than Bush, a million times more than Cheney. I am proud of Gen. Petraeus which is more than I can say for the former Executive Branch of our government.
Voiceofamerica (United States)
Suffering???!!?? You should consult Petraeus' thousands of torture victims on that subject, though unfortunately, most of them are dead.
Joseph Huben (Upstate NY)
Leave Snowden alone too? He revealed information that hurt no one but the torturers, robbers of privacy, and international criminals who kidnapped and renditioned suspects.
Sarah (Newport)
What helpful advice can he give on private equity as a partner at KKR? And since when can someone with no experience in a field become a partner at a major firm in that field? Talk about cronyism.
Merlin (Atlanta)
Come on, this is a naive question. His value is the massive connections he brings to the firm. For someone of Petraeus' stature, this is priceless.
jim p (maine)
Well, you know, he's a very quick study, so I'm sure he came up to speed on private equity lickety-split.
Liz Siler (Pacific Northwest)
Not getting why anyone would think he shouldn't be prosecuted. Snowden gives out "classified" information and he can't even legally get back in the country. Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning is in jail. They're both in these unpleasant impasses because of leaking 'classified" information to people who weren't supposed to have it. What makes Petraeus so special?
brian (ny)
It is amazing to think that the greatest democracy in the history of the world would operate like successive us governments have in the past.
disillussioned1 (virginia)
Snowden is free to return to the US and face prosecution. His situation is totally different than Petraeus'. Snowden meant to do damage to our current national security for the greater good of protecting our civil liberties. Snowden did do damage to us. Nothing of the sort is alleged against the general.
frank (atlanta)
Not sure what to think here. Maybe the FBI tried to muscle petraeus and he called their bluff. If the evidence is strong me thinks the general would plead. Guess we'll find out.
UncommonSense (New Jersey)
This is an ignominious conclusion to an honorable and spectacular career. I must agree with those who have stated that he must be treated as anyone else, though I hang my head in recognizing this. A stellar career destroyed by a lapse in judgement. Read more at uncommonsense66.com
Citizen (RI)
All the more reason to exercise good judgment, isn't it?
S Landes (Waterford CT)
I believe the general served his country well. However that is not the issue here.
Let's see if justice is in fact blind???
M. Ray (San Diego)
The myth that we have the best justice in the world will be demonstrated here again when when the General is allowed to ride off into the sunset...
rick g (OH)
The treatment of Sandy Berger proved to us that Justice is certainly not blind and has a very political side to it.
Did Ms. Broadwell not understand her responsibility as an American citizen not to accept or possess classified material? Is she to escape prosecution?

Both belong in jail. The taxpayers of America employed General Petraeus to protect the American people at all times and he violated our trust. He must be brought to justice.
Cornflower Rhys (Washington, DC)
Depends on whether the law defines her conduct as criminal.
J Clearfield (Brooklyn)
I do not understand the government's puritanical line on what was -- as it appears -- a relationship between two people. While the government is allowing billions of dollars to be parked overseas in tax shelters for the wealthy, robbing America of its rightful tax base and helping catapult the current alarming gap between rich and poor. How dare the FBI or the Justice Dept. steal even one dollar from us, the taxpayers, to finance a court case that should be stoopped before it starts. This was a relationship between two people. The extrapolation that any man who would lie to his wife is therefore unfit to hold any position of power is ludicrous. Politicians are lying to us all -- for better or for worse -- it is ludicrous to prosecute anybody for cheating on their wife. @johannaclear
Talman Miller (Adin, Ca)
This was more than just pillow talk if the reports can be believed. Classified information was found on her computer that she could only have gotten if she had the security pass words. That was a breach of security from the top guy in the CIA. What was she going to do with this information?
SqueakyRat (Providence RI)
You aren't paying attention. He's not being prosecuted for cheating on his wife. He gave his girlfriend access to classified information.
NYHuguenot (Charlotte, NC)
Petraeus has gotten off light so far. Under the Uniform Code Of Military Justice adultery is a punishable offense.
Bill (Des Moines)
No different than anyone else. If he committed a crime he should be prosecuted. If what he did is in the gray zone probably not since those are discretionary and he has been disgraced already.
michjas (Phoenix)
I was a prosecutor for 20 years and you couldn't be more wrong. If we prosecuted everyone who committed crimes, half the population would be in jail. Almost half of Americans cheat on their taxes -- ever claimed excess charitable contributions or a bogus work or medical expense? -- that's a felony. They pay prosecutors to determine which crimes matter and which don't. And we do it every day. So your notion is based on a fantasy and for professionals like myself it's rank amateurism.
Alex Trent (Princeton NJ)
Oh, so only prosecutors (and defense lawyers) are able to judge right and wrong and the rest of us amateurs do not. I think you have it wrong…exactly opposite actually. Your attitude denies one of the major problems in our rapidly deteriorating legal system.
Dave SImpson (Seattle, WA)
I feel for Patraeus,
That man was thrown into the mix when GW Bush started the whole thing.
What a huge mess, but if you say 50% of America cheats on their taxes... You need to go to jail, not Patraeus! You're just justifying your cheating. And Patraeus was a general that had the nation on his shoulders.. You had your own taxes.. COME ON!!....
pete (new york)
Petraeus is a great American and a war hero, we need to give him a pass. He already has paid a steep price.
dack (minneapolis)
Did you read the article?

"Since his resignation from the C.I.A. on Nov. 10, 2012, Mr. Petraeus has divided his time between teaching, making lucrative speeches and working as a partner in one of the world’s largest private-equity firms, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts."

Yeah, really paying the price.

He should be held accountable for breaking the law, just like anyone else.
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
Steep price? A visiting professor at City University of New York, a *partner* at Kohlberg, Kravis and Roberts, one of the world's biggest leveraged buyout firms, and a serial deliverer "lucrative speeches." I should only pay such a "steep price." And he spilled classified information to his biographer/groupie, with whom he cheated on his wife of 37 years. What ever happened to the Republican mantra of "personal responsibility." So the same people who are happy that Bradley/Chelsea Manning is in prison, and who want to send Edward Snowden to join Manning want to give Petraeus a pass? Pass the hypocrisy.
Sage (California)
LOL! A great American? An exaggeration. Martin Luther King was a great American.
andyreid1 (Portland, OR)
Classified is classified, rank should have nothing to do with prosecution. Broadwell couldn't have been able to access those emails without Petaeus's help. Just because he was a 4 star general and no harm was done is a bad excuse for not prosecuting and sends the wrong message to people like Bradley "Chelsea" Manning.

People go to jail for conspiracy, ie. no crime was committed, they were just planning a crime. Petaeus actually committed a crime, let justice decide.
Socrates7 (Virginia)
well, let's wait for a trial before we say he actually committed a crime. that's what justice (a trial) is supposed to decide, i thought....
Shescool (JY)
He had headed the CIA, and was an army general. If he was not tried, then one would start questioning what has become of those institutions and of the justice system.
Nuschler (Cambridge)
This was only two years ago. It takes awhile to build a solid case.

AND it has been sitting on Eric Holder's desk for quite some time. Who knows when he will make a decision.
Also once Petraeus retired he no longer could be tried in a military tribunal under the UCMJ.

One can be tried as a traitor under civilian laws. My late husband was a West Point grad with Petraeus. Petraeus turns my stomach.
William O. Beeman (San José, CA)
Ha! In this climate with the GOP and the right wing continuing to defend Iraq actions by the Bush administration, how far can this go? Not very. Petraeus is arrogant to the max. So he will probably receive a slap on the wrist, if that, while Republicans will find some reason to attack Obama for "undermining national secutity" or some such nonsense.
Nuschler (Cambridge)
Especially since Senator John McCain is now screaming (What has happened to him?) that we need the services and military mind of Petraeus!!
Southern Boy (Spring Hill, TN)
In the book, See No Evil, by Robert Baer, a former CIA agent, he discusses how not only married individuals involved in affairs but single men with a lot of girlfriends are security risks. General Petraeus is now in that fold; he is a security risk because he had an affair with a woman, and supposed gave her secret information. In the world of security clearances, sexual issues are about the only thing that can truly bring someone down besides a bad credit score. Once, I had an investigator doing a background check for a TS/SCI clearance ask me about an employee's divorce. The divorce happened about 10 years in the past but the investigator wanted to know if it involved any "hanky-panky." I told the investigator I did not know the details of the event. but I had, I would not have said anything about it. Why? What does it matter? How would it jeopardize national security? Would the nation fall because of some hanky-panky? It seems to me that the government needs to investigate real issues of consequence rather than snooping around in people's intimate lives. However, these are the issues that the government uses to mark people as security risks, as it has General Petraeus.
janeyre (St Louis, Missouri)
I am trying to understand, your comments. You feel, General Petraeus, should not be held to a higher standard, than your person? He gave classified information to a girl friend. He deserves a trial and reduction in rank and pay. Why would he not be responsible for his failures?
lgalb (Albany)
In the end, Petreus has all the hallmarks of a classic Greek tragedy. A great and powerful military leader esteemed by all brought down by some basic human frailties and indiscretions. They were actions he knew was wrong but still succumbed to their temptations.
Socrates7 (Virginia)
i guess it depends on how you define "great" here.... petraeus -- meh...not so much. the "grunts on the ground" that executed his strategies -- definitely.

there is no "indispensable 'man'" only "indispensable 'men'" who are typically unsung....
janeyre (St Louis, Missouri)
George, you are so spot on. An enlisted person, who get time in Leavenworth. Reduction in rank/pay. Discharge less than honorable... And then some...
George (DC)
An enlisted man would be doing 35 years in Leavenworth.
mikecody (Buffalo NY)
Only if he had been charged, tried, and convicted. Since General Patraeus has gone thru none of these stages, both he and the afore mentioned enlisted man are free and presumed innocent.
Julie R (Washington)
As long as the rich and powerful can keep their thumbs on Lady Justice's scales and the Lady herself remains blind to their crimes there is no reason to believe the General will be held accountable for his. Eric Holder has done a yeomen's job protecting a long list well connected criminals even as he concern trolls the people of Ferguson for their cries of injustice. You helped build that Mr. Holder.
janeyre (St Louis, Missouri)
How, did Holder help build Ferguson? The rich and powerful were already here, when Holder was appointed. It's called "White Privilege" surely you know about it...
Julie R (Washington)
Do tell how many white privileged men Holder has prosecuted? Can you worry about judicial inequality and protect the rich at the same time? I think not.
Socrates7 (Virginia)
“Congress and the American people cannot afford to have his voice silenced or curtailed by the shadow of a long-running, unresolved investigation marked by leaks from anonymous sources.”

1. Senator McCain: Stop implying you're speaking for the Anerican people when you're really just speaking for yourself. As one of those American people you appear to speak for it's insulting.
2. Thank goodness the investigation is resolved now. Let's move on to the trial.
R.B. (NYC)
"...Mr. Petraeus, a retired four-star general who served as commander of American forces in both Iraq and Afghanistan, has said he never provided classified information to Ms. Broadwell, and has indicated to the Justice Department that he has no interest in a plea deal that would spare him an embarrassing trial."

Pretty strong statement, suggesting perhaps that Ms. Broadwell gained access to the classified information found on her computer without his knowledge.

Although the Justice Department declined to prosecute Ms. Broadwell for cyberstalking Jill Kelly, a wealthy Tampa Bay socialite whom she mistakenly perceived as a rival for Petraeus' affections, the harassing emails Ms. Broadwell anonymously wrote to Kelly certainly suggest she was more than inclined to nutty behavior.

Ms. Broadwell may well have escaped prosecution from the Justice Department for being in possession of the classified information because she told investigators that Petraeus had provided it to her.

If this turns out to a case of "he said, she said", I would not be inclined to believe a nut case.

It may be an effective defense.
toughcrowd (Snowy Mountains)
I had the same thought. Could it be that the investigation took so long because while she was in possession of the information, they can't prove how she obtained it, bluffed Petraeus, and now he's calling them on it? I guess we'll see...
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
Not gonna fly. The head of the CIA is responsible for maintaining the utmost security. He was hacked by his, um, *mistress.* Even if he was hacked by a crazed stalker-femme fatale, by CIA rule it's STILL on him and it likely never would have happened had he not allowed himself to be flattered right out of his camo pants.
nick (ca)
let both tell their stories in court
Yoandel (Boston, MA)
So let's see --some folks engage in torture and destroy the power, reputation, and sense of morality of our country, and make the US go into war under false premises. And then another man actually almost turns around said conflict, saves hundreds of lives both American and Iraqi by being smart and extraordinary as a leader --and while the first group of men self-aggrandize themselves in Fox News, we send the military hero to prosecution.

If the US military ever decides to throw away our civilian leadership, well, this would be their exhibit A of absolute incompetence and turpitude.
toughcrowd (Snowy Mountains)
I see what you're saying, but you can't excuse bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior. Instead, join with others and insist all bad behavior be addressed.
Nuschler (Cambridge)
"And then another man actually almost turns around said conflict, saves hundreds of lives both American and Iraqi by being smart and extraordinary as a leader."

You really think that Petraeus turned Iraq around?? Have you seen the conflict in Iraq these days? Heard of the Islamic State? Please tel us how Petraeus won the war!?
Voiceofamerica (United States)
"So let's see --some folks engage in torture and destroy the power, reputation, and sense of morality of our country, and make the US go into war under false premises. And then another man actually almost turns around said conflict, saves hundreds of lives both American and Iraqi by being smart and extraordinary as a leader --and while the first group of men self-aggrandize themselves in Fox News, we send the military hero to prosecution."

The most aggressive and egregious practitioner of torture in this entire horror show was none other that General David Petraeus. Read about his work in Iraq with the Shia Wolf Brigade.
srwdm (Boston)
The Director of the CIA gives his "mistress" (current girlfriend) top-top-level classified access and information—to write a hagiography of St. Petraeus? And she's blackmailing another competing woman? This sounds like the plot of a cheap spy novel.

Never underestimate the tunnel vision and power of the moth scent. Has it been on display by other HIGH government officials over the years?

And the accompanying picture in this article of the four-star general . . . he looks like a goon, or should I say a loon?
Casey Jonesed (Charlotte, NC)
Reputation far exceeds his abilities. How does a supposed great leader
fail so miserably? Cause he's not a great leader. The Surge was paying
off Iraqis, plain and simple. No genius there. The media has made Petraeus
and his failings will ultimately (of course depending on Holder) bring him
JGalt (LA)
Jonesed -You seem to think that a great leader can't also engage in affairs outside the marriage. Are you that naive? There have been many senior government leaders, including military officers, who have engage in this kind of behavior yet their leadership did not suffer from any of it. I doubt any any of them were ever charged with a felony even if there was a possibility that they had done so.
nick (ca)
remember he was being set up as a potential presidential spin sorta like Christie if you look beyond the veil then it ain't so pretty
Joe From Boston (Massachusetts)
"They recommended that Mr. Petraeus face charges, saying lower-ranking officials had been prosecuted for far less."

Military officers also get busted for having affairs.

They could go after him multiple ways for multiple offenses.

What make him immune?
Nuschler (Cambridge)
He is retired from the military. He can't be touched in a military tribunal. (Why do you think he retired?)

The Department of Justice is now his prosecutors.
rbblum (Houston,TX)
Appears that Petraeus is and has been on the enemy's list of a lying, lawless, scandalous administration. Though, it would likely be rather revealing to read an investigative news report from Sheryl Attkisson on this issue.
Dave (DC)
This article seems carefully parsed. The FBI and Justice Dep't prosecutors "have recommended" felony charges. So they have. When did they? Recently?
David Illig (Gambrills, Maryland)
Lock him up.
RH (Georgia)
The prosecutors always talk as if they have all the evidence but their procrastination makes me wonder. I suspect that the government may not have a good case at all, and they have been probably threatening the general in order to get him to take a plea, but it appears he won't. I am curious to see what comes out in trial.
Rich Dunnagan (Illinois)
I suspect that this "leak" is actually an attempt to force the General into accepting a plea deal through public pressure. I hope he holds on and forces their hand. If he stands firm this may be the last we hear about it.
Nuschler (Cambridge)
Accept a plea? This is a 4 star general. My best friend is a general. Their egos don't recognize ANY imperfection. In HIS mind he is NOT guilty..therefore NO ONE can find him guilty!

There's a book that is mandatory reading at West Point. I read my military husband's copy. "Nineteen Stars" It's a book looking at the West Point experience of grads who went on to be five star generals...and one four star general. Can you imagine being told that MacArthur, Marshall, Eisenhower and Patton are THE men that you must emulate at West Point and in your career? Very heady stuff...sending men into combat...planning global war.

A four star general will never plead out.
Grant Wiggins (NJ)
Or are you thinking too much of the Cruise-Moore-Nicholson movie A Few Good Men?
Vladimir Tepes (Washigton DC)
There is so much that is classified that shouldn't be or that is over classified that I look at this with a jaundiced eye. There is also the issue that if it was CIA information it is within his. Authority to declassify it. Without knowing what it was it is not responsible to conclude he should be prosecuted or not. Also the fact others have been inappropriately prosecuted for less doesn't,t men he should be.
Vlad (Central, NJ)
Your right, it's not our decision now is it?
whimsicaljackson (jefferson, ny)

Chest full of medals
Is not a bullet-proof vest...
"Peaches" for dessert?

Our best and brightest
Do not understand e-mail---
Comes back to bite you.
Fitnesspro (Florida)
Clearly, the allegations against General Petreus do not pass the smell test, let alone stand in court. They sound politically motivated and defy even common sense.
Nuschler (Cambridge)
How do classified documents ending up on her computer sound politically motivated?
First of all he is a citizen. Not a politician. What POSSIBLE gain could be gotten from a felony indictment?

Could you explain that?
Merlin (Atlanta)
Considering the public humiliation, the husband of this woman Paula Broadwell must be made of either steel or pulp for him to stick around.
Patrick (Long Island NY)
This is an entirely predictable political propaganda case by the F.B.I.

There have been many it seems, intended to spread fear in the Government.
DH (Boston MA)
Here's a guy who headed an agency and a military command that practiced torture and various other war crimes and they consider indicting him for sharing his email with his girlfriend. You can't make this stuff up.
Steve (Houston)
"John McCain, Republican of Arizona, wrote to Mr. Holder last month that the investigation had deprived the nation of wisdom from one of its most experienced leaders." Never mind if he was illicitly providing access to classified material in exchange for a sex
JGalt (LA)
Steve - he has not been found guilty by a court of law, thus, he's not guilty until proven to be. And as far as the illicit sex, that's business as usual in Washington.
jay65 (new york, new york)
this is a crock. Holder is a lame duck. Clearly, Broadwell either had or easily could have gotten a classified clearance. No harm no foul. Comey is beginning to look like a Stakonivite. The FBI's look into all those e mails because of Kelley was inappropriate.
Jack (Middletown, CT)
Petraeus now working for KKR and giving 100K speeches shows how broken the entire game is. I knew Petraeus had issue when I read that an aide to him, had to put freshly cut pineapple in his bedroom each evening.
John Everett (Agoura Hills, CA)
I am a Petraeus fan having served 27 months in Iraq as a advisor to the XVIII Airborne Corp and Special Operations Command. In my eyes he almost walks on water. BUT if he disregarded security rules for his girlfriend then let justice be done. I am glad I do not have to make the final decision. He is an American hero.
Katie (Bellevue, WA)
Yours is an honest and fair comment and I thank you for it.
Socrates7 (Virginia)
1. peter was the only man who almost walked on water not petraeus.

2. american hero...? eh...i dunno, let's ask his wife....
Joren Maksho (Hong Kong)
Why a hero? May we consider Iraq his handiwork? They threw us out.
Facts Straight (Chengdu)
It's absurd for the Justice Department to press felony charges against Gen. Petreaus for pillow talk with his mistress while not pursuing criminal charges against Dick Cheney who lied about WMD's, the Valerie Plume affair, and ran black bag operations out of the VP's home. If Holder wants Justice to served then indict Cheney.
Tyrone (West Coast)
The only crime General Petraeus is guilty of is knowing too information that could damage the socialist-progressives who infest our government with our King Obama.

So the solution is simple, slander Petraeus, a general who fought with distinction and honor as any American hero would. Slander him so he loses credibility and is no longer a threat to the Socialist-Progressive Regime.
MSPWEHO (West Hollywood, CA)
Hmmm…perhaps "Betray Us" was the right nickname for this guy after all.
Lynne (Boston, MA)
My God, what have we come to? Indicting a decent human for a minor ingraction while all manner of politicians and corporate shills who lie and scam get of Scot free? What an sham of a world we live in.
Katie (Bellevue, WA)
If true, there is nothing minor about mishandling of classified information. It's a very serious matter that you seem to have no appreciate for.
jay65 (new york, new york)
No harm no foul. And, maybe he didn't even do it volitionally. Perhaps she hacked. She wasn't a spy,, she was writing a book. The FBI was out of line for going on a fishing expedition through three levels of e-mails due to that social climbing Kelley's complaint.
J. (NC)
Ironic, isn't it? The FBI and DOJ personnel who prosecute improper leaking OPENLY engage here in improper leaking themselves to put pressure on their boss, the attorney general, and their target, Gen. Petraeus. Fat chance any of them ever gets even a letter of reprimand, though these law enforcers freely admit they are not authorized to do what they are doing.
George (DC)
"Leaking" unclassified information is not a crime.
J. (NC)
It may or may not be depending on what was revealed, to whom, when, and how.

Even if not a criminal offense, it is a violation of the DOJ's United States Attorneys' Manual, DOJ's bible for conduct in these matters.

Bruce Rozenblit (Kansas City)
Bush walked. Cheney walked. Wolfowitz walked. Tenet walked. Perle walked. Feith walked. The Obama administration didn't prosecute any of them and they took this nation to war on a cooked up pile of lies. It was just a little war that took the lives of 4500 Americans, over 100,000 Iraqis, cost trillions, and blew apart the Middle East. No big deal at all.

Petraeus opened his big mouth in bed. If the information he relayed to his lover did not result in any loss of life or cause America any serious strategic problems, then give him a timeout, possibly reduce his pension one notch to three star level as punishment. Other than that, leave the old soldier alone. The guys listed above need to stand trial, not him.
Facts Straight (Chengdu)
Well said. You are 100% correct.
PogoWasRight (Melbourne Florida)
It does not have to be "either or"...can they not ALL pay the price for their deeds?
jb (ok)
Yes, the general has an impressive resume. There are millions of people, however, who work and suffer, who do their best in dirty, ill-paid, necessary jobs and still remain good and decent people. They are called names, vilified for their near-poverty sometimes, have trouble getting medical care--and when they commit a crime, there is no call to "leave the poor fellow (or woman) alone." There's so much sympathy at the top in this nation, and none at all, or bullying, for those at the bottom.
Patrick (Long Island NY)
Indeed, after many decades of preying on it's own people, this government, the Government of the Government People is destroying itself from within.

All people involved in this story are American Government and military members. I see no reason to believe they acted contrary to the nations interests.

Who oversees the Justice Department and it's F.B.I.? They are hardly angels.

United we stand, divided we fall.

Paranoia, the destroyer.
SqueakyRat (Providence RI)
Paranoia is a delusional mental state. Would you care to say what's delusional about these accusations against Petraeus?
Steven Eisenberg (Wynnewood PA)
It's hard to see real long-time New York Times readers getting too out of shape over the leakers who inform us what other government officials are hiding.

As for it being self-serving, yes, all leaking probably is, just like lying about it..

Taking away the leaker's pension seems to me a reasonable sanction. But don't waste my tax dollars locking them up. Same goes for any other leaker.

Spying for a foreign government is something else.
Lars (Bremen, Germany)
Senator McCain is worried about long running, unresolved investigations leading no where, depriving the nation of leadership and distracting us at a critical moment ............Say what??? The man is joking, right?

The irony of that sentiment coming from a Republican leader is beyond rich. It hasn't stopped 'em from "having a go" at President Obama for a single day since election night in 2008.
Lawrence (Washington D.C.)
Maybe he and Chelsa Manning can share a cell.
The quality of intel he had as director of the cia, and his position, just slightly higher that Chelsa's makes it possible that he would be deserving of a longer sentence than she.
jrsh (Los Angeles)
The former Clinton administration CIA director John Deutsch was equally careless with classified information and pleaded to misdemeanor charges. Perhaps his experience could serve as a blueprint for a plea agreement with Petraeus.
Don And Jeff (Nyc)
At a time when it's become painfully clear that the wealthy, well connected, elite get slaps on the wrist for breaking laws that would send the rest of us to prison for the rest of our lives, it's impossible to imagine that charges will ever be brought against Mr. Petraeus.
Eloise Rosas (DC)
I had started to think that he had gotten away with it.
Gary (Manhattan)
"When the [male member] stands up,
The brains lie down."

-- Old Yiddish saying

Words cannot express my contempt as a former junior Navy officer for the utter lack of personal integrity displayed by General Petraeus. All that ramrod straight charisma and fawning press, and in the end he turns out to have feet of clay and to be a bum just like the rest of the losers. Shame on him. And Broadwell.
Joren Maksho (Hong Kong)
Understandable feelings, sir. But the charges are about giving classified info to
unauthorized person(s). The Administration has pursued "leakers" of all types. While it would be logical for Holder (Obama) to prosecute, it isn't likely--and not just because Valerie Jarrett says: don't do it.
Robert Edwards (Mississippi)
I will wait to see the evidence. I don't trust this administration as far as I can throw them. If he is guilty, it will come out and he can pay the price.
Saundra (Boston)
If Sherryl Atkisson proves that the feds planted docs on her computer, that is all this Paula has to say. Who trusts them not to frame people they want to control and use for political purposes during an election.
DSM (Westfield)
Petraeus, Clinton, Gingrich, Corzine, Weiner, Sanford, JFK, LBJ--why do so many very accomplished, very bright, very powerful men throw all their brains out the window as soon as they fin dout their power make sthem vey attractive to women?
Joren Maksho (Hong Kong)
Good point. But consider their taste in such paramours. That is at least as telling.
wes evans (oviedo fl)
If sharing classified information is going to put people in jail then a whole lot of Senators, Congress people and their staffers are going to prison. Maby even a President.
Michael (Wilmington DE)
I'd be quite surprised if Petraeus ever ends up in a public trial. As the article points out, Petraeus "has said he never provided classified information to Ms. Broadwell, and has indicated to the Justice Department that he has no interest in a plea deal that would spare him an embarrassing trial." Unless this statement indicates a last-ditch, desperate gambit of bravado, it suggests that Petraeus -- who undoubtedly has picked up some tactical skills during his career -- is not going to go gentle into that good night. There is little doubt that a former 4-star General and Head of the CIA knows where at least some bodies are buried. Leaked information posted on Wikipedia by an "unscrupulous" military contractor is one thing: a player of Petraeus' stature prepared to tell all he knows on a witness stand is quite another. Petraeus may be culpable for some ill advised pillow talk, and surely no one is silly enough to believe powerful men will behave as boy scouts. Finally, after he supervised a war that was begun as a pre-emptive strike and sold to the American public on false pretenses is his morality even worth discussing. No, I don't think anyone in a leadership role -n the Bush or Obama administration will want to see Petraeus take the stand.
Ben Franklin (Sent overseas to buy)
He would likely fall off a ladder, have a car "ACCIDENT", or shoot himself in the head 12 times.
KB (Phila, Pa)
He's an American hero with a weakness for younger attractive women... We can forgive this.
Katie (Bellevue, WA)
It's not my place or yours to forgive him for his infidelity to his wife or his violation of UCMJ. That's not why he's been investigated.
emm305 (SC)
Is there anyone else in government who you would approve of if they gave classified information to, essentially, someone off the street?
Joe From Boston (Massachusetts)
That is YOUR opinion. It is NOT my opinion.

Throw the book at him. The more senior the officer, the more one expects that he will "toe the line."

Admiral Mike Boorda committed suicide when he was called out for wearing a V he did not earn on a medal.

Here we are talking possible mishandling of classified information. That beats wearing the wrong medal by a mile.

While rank has its privileges, it also has its *RESPONSIBILITIES.*
Mark (Felton, CA)
If Petraeus is suspected of breaking the law, he should be charged. It's irrelevant that he presided over failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that killed mostly civilians, killed or permanently maimed thousands of Americans, and helped lay the groundwork for sectarian rule, the rise of ISIS, and the renewed vibrancy of the Taliban. Wisdom, Mr. McCain? Or just your kinda guy?
Katie (Bellevue, WA)
I'm going to share a personal experience from my military service in the USMC because it's relevant to this article in a tangential way.

One of my collateral duties while in the Marine Corps was handling the classified information vault. I was assigned that responsibility with one other NCO in my command and we were supervised by a 1st Lieutenant.

While on deployment during a training exercise, at a time when I was assigned responsibility for an attache holding classified information, I sliced open my thumb all the way down to the bone. It was a severe enough injury that I was shuttled off to the military hospital for treatment. In that brief moment of pain and chaos, I left the attache case behind in a secured area inside the intelligence tent at our deployment site. I breached all protocols for proper handling of classified information and I was removed from the classified vault and all my duties related thereto taken away. I did not lose rank but I was disciplined and had to forfeit 3 months of pay, as a result. I was given no pass, no mercy and it was appropriate that I was not. I learned an important and costly lesson that day.

General Petraeus was far more irresponsible and neglectful than was I and his failures were done at a time when the nation was at war. He should be held responsible to the fullest extent the law allows because he did, in fact, put the nation at risk. Giving him a pass would send the absolute worst message to those in service.
Observer (USA)
Well said Katie. Petraeus's punishment to date has been a $220k/year pension, mid five-figure speaking engagements, fat pay from corporate board memberships and now most despicably appointed CEO of a division of KKR, one of the buy-out/private equity firms that has destroyed the US manufacturing base, looted pensions, and ruined tens of thousands of American lives and likely prevents possibly you, but surely tens of thousands of your USMC comrades from getting decent jobs at home after risking life and limb for their country.

What did I miss? Aside from great self-promotion resulting in very high rank, what did this Petraeus accomplish? Subduing the Kurds? Oh wait, they are ostensibly on our side.

By the way, when did Petraeus lose his gray hair? It looks like he has the same colorist as Sheldon Adelson.
Socrates7 (Virginia)

thank you for your service.

it would be nice if petraeus and other senior ranking individuals were held to the same standards but based on my service experience it's not even close to likely. too much carpet in senior officials' offices to sweep things under
Joe From Boston (Massachusetts)
Katie, THANK YOU for your service.
emm305 (SC)
He will face as much prosecution as former Sen. John Ensign, i.e., none, for the same reason - both are affiliated with The Fellowship/The Family/C Street/National Prayer Breakfast.
Doug and David Coe train their disciples, like Mark Sanford, James Inhofe, Sam Brownback, Hillary Clinton and scores of others in politics, business, the Pentagon that they are anointed by God to lead. These Christians have NO humility.
Due to his 'friendship' with Sen. Dr. Tom Coburn, I have been concerned for years that Obama was involved with this group, too. The failure to prosecute Ensign and, now Petraeus (see Jeff Sharlet's book 'C Street') makes that look depressingly more likely.
Kafantaris (Warren, Ohio)
Surely we have better things to do than to look for ways to prosecute General Petraeus.
Michael S (Wappingers Falls, NY)
The problem is that the government doesn't have to look for ways, Paula Broadwell already provided them. What don't you understand about providing classified information to an unauthorised person? The only shoe that hasn't already dropped is whether Paula had access to the Director of the CIA's CIA email account. Doesn't take too much imagination to figure out why that is a serious criminal offense and an even more serious security breach.
palo-alto-techie (Palo Alto)
While America has a long history of revering its war-heroes -- Washington, after all, was the first president -- it also behooves us to forgive those who have fallen from grace. To do less is to advance the implausible idea that a perfect American hero actually does exist. We should be lucky at all that volunteers such as David Petraeus actually take a bullet for us on the front lines in the name of those ideals we so casually exercise on this forum.
Katie (Bellevue, WA)
We don't and shouldn't cherry pick those whose crimes we deem forgivable and those whose crimes we deem worthy of prosecution. All held to the same standards. Anything less and our entire nation is a fraud and we should admit as much and stop touting ourselves as the shining beacon for the rest of the world to emulate.

Joren Maksho (Hong Kong)
How is Petraeus a war hero? For doing what? Shall we consider Iraq his handiwork? Afghanistan?
Ben Franklin (Sent overseas to buy)
Sorry, but I have to remind you of Audie Murphy. He was and still is the closest we had to perfect. Selfless, honest to a fault, fearless, and a man of continuing integrity. Even later in life with major money trouble, he turned down offers to appear in tv commercials to sell booze and I think cigarettes because he did not feel that was being a good role model.
The trash we have now cannot hold a candle to the heros of the past.
ar (Greenwich)
These people have paid enough. Their careers have been ruined and they have had to make make whatever amends they can to their spouses, and in a marriage the scar of infidelity often lingers. They have both apologized and I believe their apologies to have been sincere. I read Broadwell's book when it first came out and there was no classified information that couldn't be found in a hundred other places, which is to say, if there was classified information at all, that information was commonplace. Petraeus was a godsend in helping us to get out of a war that we shouldn't have fought in the first place, a first-rate general. On the the hand, we have millions of people who have lost their jobs, their homes, and their health insurance thanks to Wall Street. You can devise CDOs designed to fail, bet against them and make billions without a hint of prosecution coming your way in the financial world. And yet we want to prosecute Patraeus and Broadwell? Give me a break.
Katie (Bellevue, WA)
Just because it wasn't published in her book doesn't mean there was far more classified information that came into her possession via Petraeus. And she and Petraeus aren't being prosecuted for their immoral conduct in an extra-marital relationship. The charges against Petraeus, if they come, are about things far more serious and that should not be ignored simply because you or others like him.
alexandron (Atlanta, Ga)
President Nixon was pardoned, so why not Petraeus? All those years of service by both men meant something.
SqueakyRat (Providence RI)
The pardon for Nixon was a serious mistake, just like the tacit pardons for the torturers of the Bush administration.
Rudolf (New York)
Holder, obviously, is delaying any action here hoping that he will have resigned as Attorney General (which is about to happen any time now) so Loretta Lynch will make the decision. She is a straight forward tough lady and will prosecute Petraeus as dictated by law.
Petraeus should have known better then leaking information.

My problem with this story is that he is using his reputation to lobby for KKR. For you less educated Kolberg Kravis Roberts is a notorious leveraged buyout firm. He should be ashamed.
Elizabeth (Florida)
The apologists for Petraeus on these posts are alarming. I wonder if they use the same reasoning for a 12 year old playing with a toy gun or a guy selling cigarettes on the side walk and was choked by the police? How many justify stop and frisk of young black and Latino males simply because they are young black and Latino and not guilty of anything except living?

To read some of these comments is sickening and appalling that we can excuse one of the highest leaders of the land who not only betrayed the trust of his wife, but also his position. What a wonderful example to the lower rank and file. And how convenient to speculate that they are going after him because they are trying to cover up something? Surely that would make him spill his guts quicker.

Grow up and let go of your hatred of The President for goodness sake.
linda (brooklyn)
holder's job has been to protect the powerful.
and despite petraeus's disgraceful exit, i suspect he retains a power base of some very influential friends.
Frank Viviano (Barga, Italy)
Influential friends? Seems far more likely that the former General had very influential enemies -- especially in the Army.
I anticipate a reprise of "General Petraeus or General betray us?".
gts58 (Indiana)
No excuse for releasing classified information to an unauthorized person. This is what happens when you let your penis do your thinking rather than your brain.
Lawrence (Washington D.C.)
The dumb stick has done in many a man.
William Keller (Havre de Grace, MD)
The case against General Petraeus is built upon the fruit of a poison tree. The boys from Hoover's outhouse have over- stepped the powers of search and seizure. We have filled the FBI with Lilliputian pigmies capable of raising political backstabbing to felony retribution. Our enemies must be very joyful.
Merlin (Atlanta)
Do you have better information on this case than the FBI?
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
He was the Director of Central Intelligence, the highest ranking intelligence officer in the country. He leaked to his mistress/biographer/hagiographer. He might as well have been a mole.
Dr. MB (Irvine, CA)
Hopefully, we show to the World at large that here we do not subscribe to the philosophy of some being more equal than others!
Archer (NJ)
Too bad. They look quite happy together.
swm (providence)
I had that thought momentarily, but then I started thinking about how Paula Broadwell ended up cyberstalking another woman. This was a serious error in judgement by Petraeus.
dapepper mingori (austin, tx)
Having an affair with your 'biographer' is so Gary Hart or John Edwards. Cheap and pathetic, but it is good to see at least that Petraeus had a pulse.

That said....

Paula Broadwell was pretty hot. If she were writing my autobiography I'm certain I would have cratered as well.

I always have thought of Petraeus as a craven, egotistical, political driven hack. The antithesis of who should lead our military.

This only confirms that for me.

Indict him, try him, convict him. But I certainly understand.
srwdm (Boston)
A speedy and fair prosecution and trial is warranted, especially given the high position of trust he was in.

And the carrying-ons that led to the potential felony charges were obviously not a simple lapse "after being married for over 37 years." But never underestimate the power and lure of "the affair"—and all that goes with it.

Profound disappointment in Mr. Petraeus.
Lle (UT)
To a lot of people,this Petraeus is a hero.Mr Obama even call Petraeus is an experienced leader.All this Petraeus did was throwing the dollars anywhere he went and the Arab were busy to pick-up the dollars and forgot to fight the American forces.I wonder how this experienced leader will do when he encountered a REAL ARMY insteads of a band of an armed men.....
Michael Ballinger (Nevada)
As a retired Regular Officer, he is held to a higher standard and should be held accountable for incredibly poor (zipper) judgement
sthomas1957 (Salt Lake City, UT)
I'm just curious -- how does the Justice Department go from finding classified information on Paula Broadwell's computer to assuming that General David Petraeus necessarily gave it to her? Could she not have stolen it from him?

That wouldn't excuse his poor judgment in having an extramarital affair while heading up the CIA in the first place, but it would downgrade the behavior from willful negligence instead to just stupid carelessness on his part. It also makes you wonder just how close Monica Lewinsky was in getting away with classified material from Oval Office computers despite Democrats' claims that it was no big deal, although a naïve 19-year old intern doesn't raise near the alarm bells that someone of Ms. Broadwell's stature does.
Merlin (Atlanta)
You will have to wait for a court trial for the evidence you seek.
Optimist (USA)
I used to admire and hope Mr. Petraeus would run for president, but no longer. With power comes great responsibility. I cannot imagine giving the man the greater power of the White House after what he had done as a general and a CIA director.
DannyG (Jackson, MI)
"Well a hard headed woman
A soft hearted man
Been the cause of trouble
Ever since the world began, Oh yeah"
--Elvis Presley--
Katie (Bellevue, WA)
It's incredibly revealing how many comments are posted on this thread that attempt to steer the discussion away from Mr. Petraeus and his irresponsible, unethical, immoral, unprincipled and, yes, illegal behavior, and onto someone...anyone from the Democratic side of the aisle. Contrary to what so many here seem to believe, this is not a game and his mishandling (intentional or otherwise) of classified information is no game. Given his prior standing in the military, he was/is expected to conduct himself at a higher standard than those he commanded. He failed to do so and should be held accountable to the fullest extent that the law allows. To do anything else is to send a morale-crushing message to those in uniform that should never, ever be sent.

Stop the politics and the childish diversionary games, people. This is about Petraeus...his actions and his failures of duty. It is about no one and nothing else.
Don Walk (New Mexico)
Would it be too much to ask you to wait on judgment until Patreaus is found guilty, should that take place?
Have you stopped to think what the reason may be that Patreaus is not dealing with negotiations and is willing to go to trial?
This is an effort to keep him quiet about something, as this supposedly took place four (4) years ago and now for some reason it comes to the forefront?
This probably is taking place at the instructions of Hillary Clinton and her run for the Presidency in 2016. That and because of the Congressional hearing on Benghazi that is not going to go away, like the others.
ustserv (Houston)
Ask Sharyl Attkisson about how her computers were hacked during the same time frame and some confidential documents were "planted" on her computer. She has filed suit against the government.

Obama was getting ready to fire Mr. Petraeus about the same time. As slimy as this administration is, it would not surprise me if the FBI or NSA planted those records on Paula Broadwell's machine to make sure Obama had a case to fire Mr. Petraeus. Consider how the administration continues to withhold documents unless ordered by the courts and even then efforts to delay the documents are made. How about the lost e-mails belonging to Lois Lerner.
Saundra (Boston)
they are 'steering" it that way because it was chosen to be leaked right at the end of a Presidential Campaign, to deflect the media attention from the President who was not doing very well at the time.
Fran Syptak (North Carolina)
If the US Courts obey their Constitutional duty to dispense equal justice to all its citizens, the Military Court must apologize to Bradley Manning for the torture we subjected him to and President Obama must pardon Edward Snowden. Then I would agree that his pardon of General Patreaus would be in the best interest of our Country in this politically polarized time.
penna095 (pennsylvania)
"F.B.I. agents discovered classified documents on her computer after Mr. Petraeus resigned from the C.I.A. in 2012 when the affair became public.
Mr. Petraeus ... has said he never provided classified information to Ms. Broadwell..."

Either she is a hacker, or Sen. McCain has gone off the deep end again, voicing his concern that Mr. Petraeus is necessary for the Nation's security.
Saundra (Boston)
Or it was placed there by the same people who disrupted Sheryl Atkissons computer and planted files there. She is pretty sure she would have been accused for having them.
SqueakyRat (Providence RI)
Or Petraeus is lying.
Michael S (Wappingers Falls, NY)
Too many comments suggest these leaks were the result of a sexual liaison. These leaks were made to give Paula material because Petraeus's amorata was writing a hagiographical biography of him. The only glory attaching to Petraeus is the result of self glorification.
Whys (Between the Lines)
He is the *only* reason Iraq didn't fall into irrevocable civil war and that is the *only* reason the US was able to exit Iraq with even a shred of national integrity. He nearly single handedly won the war that Bush and Rumsfeld lost. We owe him a tremendous amount and he has already suffered sufficiently for his personal relationship mistakes. Just give the man a presidential pardon.
Bill Fox (Myrtle Beach SC.)
He bought off the Sunni tribes. They then attacked the Al Qaeda.
It wasn't great military genius. Please
Ladislav Nemec (Big Bear, CA)
Am I crazy or were very similar articles published before? Do we have to hear about Petraeus and his lover/biographer again and again?
Dave (Richmond, VA)
Just think, he could have retired and lived a fantastic life, instead he takes the CIA job and royally screws up everything.
West Coaster (Asia)
No, even worse, he takes a job with KKR and screws the whole of society doing private equity deals. So much for decades of serving the country -- now it's cash-in time.
David (Los Angeles)
Wow, 16 of the first 17 comments I read in some way blame Obama for this. I find it hard to believe that this is representative of NYT readers. Call me paranoid (and maybe I am, seriously) but I smell shenanigans.
Katie (Bellevue, WA)
Sad testament of the times, isn't it?
Cecil (Nims)
Holder isn't worthy of carrying Petraeus' mess kit.
jack47 (nyc)
“Such behavior is unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization such as ours...”
Merlin (Atlanta)
Holder doesn't need to be worthy of any of that. He just needs to bring Petreus to justice.
Paul (Virginia)
Petraeus' military service to the country is irrelevant as to whether or not he should be criminally charged. Not to prosecute Petraeus will only deepen the mistrust and cynicism that a majority of Americans have of this country's justice system and will do great harm to this country's democratic and political institutions.
michjas (Phoenix)
For those who see political motives, understand this. The case has gone through the career professionals and they have recommended prosecution. The head of the FBI has weighed in, but he is not known to be terribly partisan. The politics kick in now, with Holder, who weighs the prosecution decision from a whole different perspective. To this point, case decisions have mostly been nonpartisan. Those who see political purposes so far are most likely jumping the gun.
A reader (USA)
An incredible mistake for the Director of the CIA. Too bad the general's mind was disabled by his zipper. He should be prosecuted and, if found guilty, punished. If anything, the fact that he was DCIA makes his decisions even more outrageous.
Retired military (Kentucky)
Sad situation for all the concerned individuals, even sadder for the military and the country. Leadership is not just being the boss or being smart, it's also about setting an example for others to follow.
Jayredd (Chicago)
How is this for setting an example?:
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
If you like your policy, you can keep your policy.
Obamacare will cost the average family $2,500 less.
The attack on the Benghazi consulate was spontaneous and caused by a youtube video.
I could go on and on about the leadership you spoke of and the examples the president displays to all Americans.
This is another window into the strength of weaknesses. Yet again, the pull of a human weakness outweighs professionalism, training, family. It's a reminder not to be shocked when someone "who doesn't look the type," "was idolized," or whatnot is a person like the rest of us.
roland (San Francisco, CA)
So many variables here. What was the information? How classified was it? What could have the consequences been?

The fact she had it on her computer makes me think it was not extremely detrimental information.

Essentially, the world is not as cut and dry as people try to make it. Its impossible to take a side here without knowing more.

On a side note, this goes to show what a woman can do to a guy. This Petraeus character is a disgrace to the male gender.
Tamza (California)
Let the TRIAL determine if things were serious enough, and the sentence might be based on the gravity of the proven charges.
Katie (Bellevue, WA)
So you shift the entire burden of responsibility to the woman involved and not the 4-star general? How convenient. I actually think the man did this to himself.
furrpiece (Dallas)
Gen. Petraeus is not just a former commanding general, but he us a great patriot and one of the few war heroes of this generation. For the likes of Holder and Obama to even consider prosecuting him and sending him to prison is an absurdity.

In fact, the people who should be tried and sent to prison include, Obama, Holder, Jarrett, and a few others. They are absolutely criminals of our time who have lied, cheated, and covered-up for other dishonest people in the Administration.

If they dare to prosecute Petraeus, they'll have a citizen revolt on their hands.
You might want to rethink that comment since Petraeus said
“It marks an important victory for our agency, for our intelligence community, and for our country. Oaths do matter, and there are indeed consequences for those who believe they are above the laws that protect our fellow officers and enable American intelligence agencies to operate with the requisite degree of secrecy.”
He was speaking about the Kiriakou’s conviction at the time.
Chuck Mella (Mellaville)
The War in Iraq was the biggest military debacle of our lives outside of Viet Nam. Billions of our money, burned, squandered. The actual war criminals, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, et. al. still breathe free air but you want to go after members of the current administration? Idiocy.
Jc (Alaska)
If Petraeus was as great a man as you say, he would not have forsaken his duty and honor in the course of also cheating on his wife. Checkmate.
aroleflin (Ft. Launder dale)
There is more to this folks than the writer or story suggests. Petraeus knows what went down in Bengazi and knows Obama, Clinton's and Holders cover up in those murders.
PCH (Green Mountain)
At last, the conspiracy theorists have finally arrived and the gloves are off at the NYT.
Robyn Ryan (New Orleans)
This generation's MacArthur. Another pompous, ego-driven hack flattered by the media into believing his own PR. He let the CIA and Halliburton run wild.
Doug S. (Albuquerque, NM)
Wonder if he made millions off of Halliburton like Cheney and W did via Halliburton's involvement in their Iraq fiasco.
Joseph (Boston, MA)
Prosecuted? Petraeus saved the surge by unilaterally buying off Sunni warlords with $400 million. A brilliant move! He's an American hero.
Katie (Bellevue, WA)
He's a traitor that handled classified material like it had no importance. He has no morals or principles and is certainly not the family values man that the right wing would pretend he is.
Socrates7 (Virginia)
...thought you spent 33 years in the legal profession?

an accusation of guilt is not the same thing as guilt. sorry but you need to let a trial and a conviction get in the way before you get to call him a traitor.

you'll see from my other posts that I'm no petraeus fan but i would want him to have the same due process that i would want in the same circumstance and the same that you had in your incident while enlisted in the usmc
Socrates7 (Virginia)
...my apologies, i meant "23 years in the legal profession" not "33 years". regrets if i made you feel older than you actually are....
Cynthia (San Antonio,Texas)
Our President has said he has no plan for defeat of IS. This week another great example of our present ineptitude in Iraq was announced when it was revealed our weaponry, body armor and armored vehicles are being used by Iranians. We just found out the tribal attacks are continuing and the new Iraqi President doesn't think it can be stopped ala Al Maliki whom our President was instrumental in getting rid of. Why would we expect him to have a plan, a man with no military experience or understanding; when the most well qualified, most expert American military men, who have vast experience in military matters are side lined, the subject of political attacks and fired and now one is under threat of indictment. This is a statement related to many senior military men. This has been a trend throughout the Obama administration. No wonder.
upstater (NY)
Apparently, your " finest minds, now sidelined" weren't able to handle what another "fine Texas mind, G.W.Bush" got us into. Hope he's still cutting brush on the ranch!
Andrew S.E. Erickson (Tijuana, Mexico)
Rank has its privileges, but they don't include immunity from prosecution. To those with the highest privilege goes the highest responsibility for probity. Prosecute him.
g.i. (l.a.)
How ironic and sad that a man of his learning, rank, and demeanor can be seduced by an attractive woman. It speaks volumes about how easy it was for him to compromise his values. I don't blame her. He should have known better. A court hearing should serve as a lesson to other leaders in the military, or in government who are a liability to this country by their actions.
styleman (San Jose, CA)
Don't let his mistress off the hook. We don't know who was the primary mover in their adulterous relationship. From what I read about her at the time, she was a social climber and name dropper. If she was the mover, shame on the general falling prey to it. If he was the primary mover, then his womanizing and pillow talk (which made its way onto her computer) disgraced his uniform and cruelly betrayed his wife and country. He should be prosecuted to get all of the facts on the table.
Christian K. Jones (Norfolk, VA)
There is no doubts that Mr Petraeus is an incredible patriot, especially for his unwavering devotion to the service of his country. In the time when our nation needed someone with astute judgment in the fight against extremism which has threatened the American way of life, and global peace as a whole, Mr Petraeus answered the call, for that we as a nation are indebted to him. As a public servant, one is held at a very high standard so Mr Petraeus should have been cognizant of that before indulging into infedelity, and I am incredibly disappointed; however, he is still a human who is subject to mistakes, regardless of his place in society. Also, he should have known that it is his responsibility to protect sensitive national security information regardless of the nature of threat that the breach of such information would cause. The question would be, was his intent unscrupulous when he leaked information to his allege girlfriend? And if the answer is undoubtedly yes, he should definitely be held accountable. I certainly don't think he was trying to jeopardize the security of our nation, but whatever the case maybe, justice must be served.
Tt (Watertown)
Let's focus on the charges. Whether Petraeus had an affair is irrelevant.
michjas (Phoenix)
Sometimes equal justice for all leads to the wrong result. When the greatest military leader of his time leaks classified information to his girlfriend, provided there was no substantial harm, this is one of those times. Obama has taken great steps in immigration by choosing not to prosecute 5 million deportation cases. If there was no great harm here this should be case 5 million and 1.
V123 (US)
He committed adultery under UCMJ. This is a crime. I think it's stupid but it is the law and hundreds or thousands of others have been prosecuted for this crime. If he disclosed national secrets or confidences to his paramour? Come on -- it is a crime.
Katie (Bellevue, WA)
False equivalency.
justin sayin (Chi-Town)
When you look at the full context of Petraeus's career this one blip seems insignificant. When you look at the past careers of those with high leadership roles who have been embroiled in scandal and went on, got past it and were the least worn for wear, proceeded to contribute to our national discussion, you feel this one should also be given a pass. ... In this time of encroaching terrorism around the world we should envelop his council and expertise to combat this scourge in the years ahead .
PogoWasRight (Melbourne Florida)
If you look at a bank robber's career, it is not just "that one bank" which was a "blip" on his record..........
Prometheus (NJ)

I'll believe it, when I see it.
Hank (Daytona Beach, FL)
Seems to me to be the incompetent picking on the competent.
puarau (calif)
Please, do not even consider prosecuting this man until we have the bulk of the wall street mob behind bars.
Katie (Bellevue, WA)
It isn't and should never be an either/or proposition. What Wall Street did is in no way related to what Petraeus did. No connection at all. Stick to the subject at hand.
Mark Weitzman (Las Vegas)
As much as I dislike Petraeus, I think we need to change our policy. Everyone in Washington leaks information - whether to reporters, wives, girlfriends, golf buddies. We need to stop making this a crime, and simply demote/fire or ignore people who do this. I think 3 recent CIA directors have been accused/convicted of either taking classified documents home, stealing them from a library etc. This is all nonsense. So lets stop prosecuting government officials, or reporters, or even this dumb general.
getalife (GA)
Another rw hero falls. Some leader huh?
Cecil (Nims)
Nearly every military leader in the nation is a Republican. Your head would be on a stake without them.
AnthonySmith (Wilamette)
The new CEO to be of Lockheed Martin stepped down within hours of Petraeus for the identical reason...makes t harder to be called to testify if not still employed by the offending company it would seem

......were they not shipping arms to AL Qaeda through Benghazi to Turkey then Syria...It almost appears they are going after Petraeus so he keeps his mouth shut, right Mr. Comey?
zootalors (Virginia)
Well, Petraeus might want to review the Bob McDonnell trial in Virginia before deciding whether he has any interest in talking about a plea deal to spare himself and his family an embarrassing trial.
Vic (san diego)
He must know something very important for them to go to this length to keep him quiet. I hope he sees that there is no hope and reveal all he knows. Government employees that keep their mouth shut (Lois Lerner comes to mind) never get prosecuted.
SqueakyRat (Providence RI)
How does this keep him quiet? I don't get how that works.
Steve P (Kentucky)
Nixon looks like an Angel compared to this administration
PogoWasRight (Melbourne Florida)
I do not see how Holder can possibly AVOID doing it!
Barbara Ellen Norman (Terre Haute IN)
Steve P,

Go back to the original sources and you will see the lowest level of
cowardice in most of the people closest to Nixon. They feathered
their nests to the Nth degree.
styleman (San Jose, CA)
Compared to the presidents we've had since then (Jimmy Carter excepted), I would forgive and take Nixon back in a nano-second. At the very least, and despite his personal psychology, he had the ability to make some hard decisions.
John Burke (NYC)
Considering all the leaks of actually important national security secrets from Obama administration officials to, among others, the New York Times, which promptly published them for the world to see, prosecuting this guy for showing off to his girlfriend is just bizarre.
SqueakyRat (Providence RI)
How about some examples of Obama administration officials who are believed to have leaked national security secrets but have been let off the hook? You'd better not be talking about Snowden!
If you have proof of classified evidence, you should contact the FBI. If you don't then you are just repeating gossip and they have tea for that party you attend.
steve1014 (California)
No matter how successful, distinguished, intelligent and effective they may be, when some men get to a certain age, they lose all judgment where sexual behavior is concerned. I have seen it many times. Friends and associates lose all influence as these men march toward divorce, separation from their families, loss of their careers. disgrace, and, sometimes, impoverishment. Many of them know where their misconduct will lead, but they are helpless to back away. How are the mighty fallen.
styleman (San Jose, CA)
Thinking with the wrong organ.
Debra (CA)
Holder drug this out so Patreaus would keep his mouth shut, hopefully he will write a book exposing this administration for what it is, dishonest, corrupt and inept.
PogoWasRight (Melbourne Florida)
You mean, like Nixon? And George W.? THAT kind of dishonest, corrupt and inept? Does the name Spiro Agnew ring a bell with you? Or Watergate?
sthomas1957 (Salt Lake City, UT)
If Petraeus didn't do anything, why would Holder drag anything out? Moreover, what would Petraeus have to benefit from if he did nothing wrong?

If Petraeus did do something wrong, why would Holder have to try and keep his mouth shut? You see a lot of felons publishing their stories from prison?
Justice Holmes (Charleston)
Will Obama pardon him to keep him quiet?
Katie (Bellevue, WA)
Like Scooter Libby?
Doug S. (Albuquerque, NM)
Justice Holmes? Really?? Think he'd have to be convicted of something first before he could be pardoned.
Alan (Michigan)
Can't find those IRS emails, but going after the General they found those emails real quick. Could it be that it's his fondness for Republicans is the actual crime?

I see the NYT doesn't bring up the full page ad general betray us...
Julia (NY,NY)
My comments appear to differ than the others. The General has served America and President Obama well. He fell in love and made terrible mistakes. His disgrace has been punishment. We need to show mercy.
Wayne Griswald (Colorado Springs)
Nobody would say this about some captain or sergeant, they would be hammered.
Guillermo (AK)
The mistake he made was disobey a commander in chief, that's why he needs punishment, what a Country we are.
joeff (Washington DC)
Isn't there a word for disobeying your CinC? Oh yeah--"insubordination."
Jay Roth (Los Angeles)
Big deal. How secret were the secrets? So much of what gets classified is nonsense. Did any of the classified info get into enemy hands? Did ANY of it ever get out? If not, chastise the General, and let's move on.
Double Yawn.
Doug S. (Albuquerque, NM)
Agree. This is just another tempest in a teapot.
So the Obama administration claims they found classified information on Petraeus’ lover’s computer. First, I would consider the source. The Obama administration has not been the most forthcoming entity with the truth. And second, there’s the problem of Edward Snowden, who absconded with pretty much all of the classified info this country had…so I’m not quite sure we had not already seen and heard of what was on her computer. I hope he writes a book.
SqueakyRat (Providence RI)
The Petraeus/Broadwell scandal preceded Snowden's leaks by a couple of years, I believe.
rxfxworld (Whanganui, New Zealand)
It ought to be a no-brainer. Petraeus should be prosecuted based on the FBI inferences. But I doubt he will be because there exists a double standard. Remember that no one besides a few small-fry were made to stand trial and be punished for torture. This despite the Gen. Taguba report that said the torture led right up to the oval office.
Apologists for Petraeus make the claim that he (singlehandly) helped to turn around the Iraq war. Not so. He was a Major general doing a good job and then as things got desperate, appointed to lead and promoted. With no authorization he (by his own admission) paid off the Sunnis to stop fighting the Shiites so we could leave without appearing to cut and run. See how successful that was. Those same Sunni are now ISIS.
HKGuy (New York City)
I suspect Justice is sitting on this because it would be difficult to prove any substantial damage from the allegations, and if the charges don't stick, it's going to look like a witch hunt.
PogoWasRight (Melbourne Florida)
What's the matter with a "witch hunt"? This IS politics, you know.........
CalJJ (Sacramento)
All this because he disagreed with Obama Iraq strategy. Thought this only happened in the Kremlin. What next, going to have him removed from old photographs?
SqueakyRat (Providence RI)
You think Obama made him head of the CIA as punishment?
Peter Zenger (N.Y.C.)
On September 10, 2007 The New York Times printed an advertisement paid for by a group called MoveOn.org, in which Petraeus was referred to as "General Betray Us". There was a big backlash against MoveOn.org, and they rapidly backtracked.

It may well be, that they had hit the nail on the head, even though their labelling of Petraeus could not been due to any knowledge of the issue at hand, which occurred later on.

Like Nixon, Petraeus is a commander who lost his war; and therefore subject to the full force of the law.

Victory, on the other hand, would have covered any level of perfidy on the part of either man - Petraeus might well be the forerunner for the 2016 Republican nomination, had we actually won in Afghanistan, and Nixon would be revered by Republicans the way Ronald Reagan is today.
Peter Coburn (Lyme, NH)
It is ironic and sad to see the prosecution of General Petraeus for alleged security breaches but no prosecution or even investigation by this administration of the war criminals who tortured prisoners in their power to reveal information they did not possess or which did not even exist.

General Petraeus never ordered the torture of prisoners to find the (non-existent) connection between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein, nor did he torture prisoners to reveal the (also non-existent) Iraqi nuclear program. Yet war criminals who did just that are walking about scot-free and making public statements that seem to revel in their crimes.

"War criminals" is not an issue, but a fact. We executed Japanese for water-boarding US prisoners of war after WW II and at Nuremberg we dismissed the defense of Germans who said that they were only following orders and punished them harshly, sometimes with death.

Petraeus has shown some bad judgment and made some mistakes. I doubt he has caused any great harm to our nation and our security. Dick Cheney has damaged this country in ways that may take generations to repair and yet he is not only at large, but seemingly under no threat of prosecution for his crimes.

I call on President Obama and Attorney General Holder to reset the priorities of the Justice Department and to pursue the real criminals among us.
PogoWasRight (Melbourne Florida)
"Harm" is not the problem. He violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which every GI understands, down to the very lowest rank. And expects it to be applied to all ranks......
Katie (Bellevue, WA)
They should do that as well but not ignore what Petraeus did because you or anyone else find it a lesser crime. It's not a choice. They should proceed with prosecutions for all.
PogoWasRight (Melbourne Florida)
If he did it, do him. The privileges of rank do not extend that far - I spent 20 years in the military, and he should be treated the same as he would treat others. Also, if he was helped in any way by other GIs, they should be gone after also. It may not be obvious to civilians, but even the lowest ranks know and understand what is going on.....
polymath (British Columbia)
It would be a tremendous mistake to give General Petraeus a pass on the disclosure of classified information to an unauthorized party, particularly during the time he held the most sensitive intelligence job possible.

It is irrelevant whether there is no evidence that it “in any way would have had a negative impact on our national security,” as Obama stated. And Obama should have known better.

Performing extremely valuable service to the U.S., as Petraeus did, does not empower someone to break the law with impunity.
MAS (Washington, DC)
Sandy Berger takes classified papers and stuffs them down his pants. Just a mistake--no prosecution for anything. Martin Indyk "mistakenly" takes his secure computer out of the Embassy and is reprimanded with a 90 day suspension, then back to work and promotions.
SqueakyRat (Providence RI)
Did they pass classified information to unauthorized people? No? Maybe that's why they weren't prosecuted.
Maryanne (Sonoma, CA)
Don't we have more serious concerns?
const (nj)
The point MAS is making is that we shouldn't have selective prosecution based upon political affiliation.
Katie (Bellevue, WA)
That's an assumption and it's a tired one, at that. I have read nothing that leads me to believe that this is political. That's a claim made by those whose principles waver depending on whether or not the accused is on their team. It's sad and it's petty.
This is not a difficult issue. Mr. Petraeus should be treated no differently than any other CIA or Intelligence Community employee when it comes to disclosing classified information to an unauthorized person. If that's where the evidence points, he should be indicted and brought to trial. It will be another black mark for Attorney General Holder if he fails to do so.
Elizabeth (Cincinnati)
Is there a back story behind this revelation? Why did the Attorney General take 3 years to decide whether to prosecute, and if Holder decide to prosecute General Petraeus, will he also be required to charge Paula Broadwell for similar crimes? This will certainly provide some voyeuristic distraction from the incessant coverage and speculations about the 2016 Presidential election.
Termater (Florida)
You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.
Don't find fault, find a remedy
McGruff (Tampa Bay, Florida)
This has been timed to silence Petraeus during the Benghazi hearings.

This is Obama playing hardball.
JimmyMac (Valley of the Moon)
Which of the thirteen hearings are you referring to?
Dj (San Francsico)
Will these prosecutors be going after the administration that provided classified materials to the makers of Zero Dark Thirty? Will Kathryn Bigelow and Sony pictures be 'brought to justice'?
Rob J (Tampa, FL)
I guess my question is why wasn't Sandy Berger or William Webster get prosecuted when they also took/stole/misused classified information?
mac (washington)
To clarify... they both deserve the stockade and then DD!
Justice Holmes (Charleston)
About time. Now they should break him and take away his pension. A few years in the brig would be appropriate. Then out with no money and no more consultantships with the military industrial comples.
koyaanisqatsi (Upstate NY)
Prosecute him. Bradley Manning (now Chelsea Manning) was sentenced to 35 years for leaking classified documents. The elite should pay a price as well rather than just the little guy/gal.
jane (ny)
It's time to mete out justice equally to all persons found guilty. Why should the powerful who commit crimes against the State.....Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney and Petraeus among others......get away with it when we lesser beings would be sentenced without a thought.

We deserve to live in a country that truly abides by the declaration: "with liberty and justice for all". And justice cuts both ways.
scott (Los Angeles)
He's too close to the Admin for charges to be filed. Being the CIA director and a friend of the administration I'm sure he has a lot of information that can cause serious problems. My money is on this quietly disappearing.
SqueakyRat (Providence RI)
If the information he has is classified, then he won't be able to reveal it in testimony. If he blows it to the media, that should make for a very interesting sentencing hearing.
Katherine C (Nashville)
It's very possible that the classified information on her computer consisted of the names of the members of the Afghan cabinet, or the results of the latest Iraqi election. The military classifies everything - a CYA and a result of their technical set-up. Is there any info about whether or not this "classified" information was something that was common knowledge (available in the pages of the NYT and elsewhere) or not? I think there is a growing tendency in the military to be careless with classified information because so much information that has no business being classified is.
bb (berkeley, ca)
The general must be prosecuted as we have done with others that have committed crimes. Of course we don't really know if he committed a crime so he is still innocent until we prove he is guilty. The notion that he was having an affair is between the general and his wife. A women having an affair with a married man usually can't be trusted.
Rascal69 (Michigan)
I don't recall prosecuting Sandy Berger for criminally removing classified documents from the National Archives...do you?
Katie (Bellevue, WA)
Can the married man having the affair be trusted?
Charles G (North Carolina)
There has to be a M*A*S*H episode with Frank and Margaret that covers this. It has to be comical. The lady lives in Charlotte and disappeared for a while. She has hired Dee Dee Myers to help her image. Most people know what she is. What scares me is Petraeus put the nation at risk because of his actions. Had it been President Clinton, some news outlets, including some on the NYT staff would be livid and indignant. This is an easy call -- let a civilian jury sort it out.
Katherine C (Nashville)
We do NOT yet know whether Petraeus put the "nation at risk" based on his actions.
sylviag2 (Palo Alto, California)
That's why he should be tried -- to find out the truth.
DCContrarian (Washington, DC)
So let's see:
Blow the whistle on unconstitutional activity? Prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

Hack the computers of congressional staff? Not even worth an investigation.

Disclose classified information to your mistress? Requires further review.

Got it.
janeyre (St Louis, Missouri)
SMH, what a bummer... I am still wondering, if he feels, it was worth it... What is wrong with some males? The humiliation, Mrs, Petraeus, has gone through. These women, seeking powerful males, make me sick. Of course, he could have done the smart thing. Remained faithful... Now, look at the mess. The pain for two families and the trust, gone... Charge him, he has more than $280,000.00 pension and should have that greatly reduced. He is just another dumb guy... She, the other woman, is just another dumb woman... No class, no excuses... Sigh...
Dan (MT)
The power of a beautiful woman's allures can overwhelm the defenses of even the greatest general of the greatest nation in human history. A thing like this can not be diminished by any legislation or fear of retribution; it can only be compassionately forgiven. We can only hope no other harm has been done.
Barbara Ellen Norman (Terre Haute IN)
So. . .you're saying that men (specifically) cannot be trusted with any degree of freedom? This is pretty sad.
dmooney23 (Ithaca)
Give him a pass.
Katie (Bellevue, WA)
Patrick (California)
I think a lot of this is designed to keep Patraeus out of politics. Plenty of fear of Petraeus exists in our political class. I read the book. Interesting. So let's hear what big secrets Patraeus let out of the bag....show me some facts guys.

Tell me again how many generals Obama took down. How much did Obama like and follow their advice. Wonder what General McChrystal thinks of this situation with Patraeus?
Mukhter Said (NYC, NY)
"Why bother" uhh maybe because people get fired/trialed for this ALL THE TIME
alansky (Marin County, CA)
What?! You mean one of the good old boys may not get to just say, "Mistakes were made" and go about his business? Unbelievable!
Rascal69 (Michigan)
Yeah, just like Holder. See Fast & Furious, then try to make that same comment with a straight face.
as (New York)
Having deployed three times I have to say that ignoring his behavior sent a very strong message to us, the troops on the ground. This sort of corrosion in this case and others has led to a serious credibility problem in our military at every level. In addition those soldiers who knew about this and aided and abetted this behavior before he got out bear some culpability. One can expect that this breaking down of discipline and respect will lead many in the ranks to not fully do their duty and some others will die as a result.
sylviag2 (Palo Alto, California)
Excellent point, as. Petraeus' behavior is a disgrace to the "grunts" who got no special treatment and lost limbs from IED's.
joeff (Washington DC)
I'm less concerned about his keeping his fly zipped than his mouth. Of course he should be prosecuted--his "suffering" seems to be of the type that modern oligarchs have come to expect. He can plead guilty, forfeit his government pension, and do a little time in the brig--during which his KKR draw will be sent to Switzerland. Then Obama can pardon him on his way out, while most sentient Americans continue to shake their heads in resigned bemusement.
Bill M (California)
If General Petreus committed a felony in disclosing classified information to a female friend, he of all people should have known better and he should be charged with his transgression. I would not like to see him serving time for anything he might have done, but he should be charged and tried and if guilty he should acknowledge and apologize for a regrettable, if human, weakness.
Justice Holmes (Charleston)
He should serve the same time as any other military member who shares classified information in exchange for sex. He is a disgrace.
jane (ny)
Why shouldn't he serve time if found guilty? Surely others who leak classified information end up in the brig.
David (Portland, OR)
Just out of curiosity, why would you "not like to see him serving time for anything he might have done"?
SI (Westchester, NY)
Please , Mr. Holder don't set up a grand jury because he was a four-star (just decorative on his lapel - not earned ) General. Please don't give it any thought. Send him to prison because that is what he deserves. Putting his love-life before our country's security - he should be indicted for treason!!
Mike M (Marshall, TX)
Why on earth is the AG even weighing in on this decision? This ought to be handled at the US Attorney level. The very act of the AG considering the case lends the appearance that the potential Defendant is getting special consideration because of his former position or rank.

I have no idea whether the man is guilty or not. But indict him, let the prosecutor take his best shot, and let the chips fall where they may. If he's not guilty, hopefully the AUSA trying the case won't be able to persuade the jury. But Patraeus won't be the first guy who might beat the rap, but can't beat the ride. It happens every day somewhere in our criminal justice system. He shouldn't be treated differently than any other Defendant.
D J (LoHud)
The man was former DCIA, that is why the AGUSA is involved.
Fox (Libertaria)
I hope it goes to trial. It would be great to have someone on trial who knows the inner workings of what has been going on. Between this, what the CIA did to the Senate Committee and what happened to that CBS reporter. We need a public trial to force accountability.
Man_in_PA (Pennsylvania)
Exactly. He says he didn't do it. We know they can plant classified information on your computer without your knowledge. It's been done.
Tom (Los Angeles)
So he used poor judgement . He was fooling around with a young woman and
his judgement was hormonally impaired. He did a great job, is of value to the President and U.S. Military. Enough said. Look at John Kennedy and Newt
Gingrich. They didn't set any great examples for keeping their pants zipped.
John (Connecticut)
We are supposed to be a nation of laws.
Georg Witke (Orlando, FL)
He was a disastrous commander, pushing for the "surge." He was not good for the president or the country. He may have been good for the previous president. We know the level of that one.
scott (Los Angeles)
Tom, I think you missed the reason for the possible charges. It would be for sharing classified information to a person without the proper security clearance. The charges are not for having an affair.
boo radley (california)
Giving a pass to the well placed is a worse crime than than sharing secrets. Petraeus may have violated the trust of the American people, the military pledge he swore to and could have endangered our combat troops due to this transgression. He himself appears ready to have his day in court.
MIMA (heartsny)
And meanwhile back at the farm, so to speak, his wife Holly, was supporting military families and was honored for doing so.

Too bad Gen. Petraeus was not so honorable. Sometimes the price paid for such dishonor is very high and here is an example. All the medals in the world cannot put Humpty Dumpty back together again this time around.
Suzie (Northern Virginias)
Holly was given that job by the administration...why?
Katie (Bellevue, WA)
Don't even try, Suzie. Don't attempt to shift blame from Petraeus to the President.
DaveN (Rochester)
How do you justify the long list of prosecutions of other leakers, and the years they're spending in federal prison, if you let Petraeus off the hook for the same thing? The Obama administration has shocked me with their relentless, unprecedented pursuit of leakers, so why stop now? When Obama pardons Edward Snowden, I'll support a "boys will be boys" excuse for letting Petraeus off the hook. At least Snowden had noble motives, unlike Petraeus, who was pursuing a sexual relationship. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
aunty w bush (ohio)
dumb. pettraeus did stupid guy thing. there are countless reasons why we just let him slink away. so lessers got hit. so the world isn't perfect. going after petraeus would cause more harm than good. let it go….
PogoWasRight (Melbourne Florida)
Going "after" Petraeus would only cause harm to Petraeus, where it belongs. The military grunts at the bottom of the ladder should know that the rules apply to everyone...........
silverlakegirl (Tennessee)
Obama has a double standard, he is only human. I tend to think that where there is smoke, there is much more fire than is evident from the smoke. If Petraeus betrayed his wife of 37 years, what would keep him from betraying his country in the single-minded pursuit of vanity and sexual pleasure? I wonder if Petraus can be prosecuted under military law, criminal law, or both. The American people deserve an accounting of any compromises Petraus may have made in pursuit of his own self-interests during his tenure in power.
Josh Hill (New London)
I say cut the guy some slack. Yes, he used poor judgment and lost his job as a result, but that doesn't justify a prison sentence, particularly in light of his distinguished service record.
AJB (Maryland)
His career is certainly a factor worth considering if he is found guilty, but there needs to be a trial first. We don't "cut people slack" before even finding out what they may have done wrong.
RDS (Portland, OR)
Like a lot of myopic military men, he thinks not only does he know the world, he is pretty damn special in addition. His media image concerns and interest in running for president had no business in his job in the military. Trying to be a politician and celebrity was not his job either, but he constantly acted like one. His lavish, totally unacceptable entertaining was yet another facet of this guy. His military service record was neither outstanding or distinguished. Think of Douglas MacArther or Alexander Haig. Out sized egos with no real basis for them. He should be prosecuted as among the few things he actually knows, he knows military order and procedures are not to be disregarded or trashed.
jane (ny)
Then let's let Ed Snowden off the hook.
Jim (Colorado)
I never saw the "brilliance" of this man who was lauded by so many. He's obviously an adept political "operator" and knew how to navigate the halls of Congress and how to end up quite wealthy as a partner at KKR. So I repeat: I never saw any evidence of his "brilliance" for the job he supposedly was appointed to do. Now it turns out that he let information of a "national security" nature slip out while his fly was unzipped. Please remind me why we would prosecute Edward Snowden yet we could vet Petraeus and put him in charge of Iraq and then the CIA, get these results and then have the president speak of his illustrious career. The problem is that he was approved by everyone in power and they'll defend their bad decisions all the way down the line. And these are the people who decided to spy on you and me. Makes one feel very uncomfortable.
student of history (Long Island,NY)
letter of the year so far
scratchbaker (AZ unfortunately)
Make the punishment severe enough, even for "golden boys" like Mr. Petraeus, and perhaps the next higher-up in the U.S. having an affair will not be so stupid. Otherwise I don't see how you get such behavior to stop, if people exercise such poor judgment while conducting clandestine affairs. Being seduced for secrets is as old as history, is it not?
Eric (San Carlos, CA)
Exactly. What would we all be saying if Ms. Broadwell had been a Russian spy? It is ludicrous to give Mr. Petraeus a pass because of his military career. He used poor judgment, as he admitted, and I suspect (and expect) that he wouldn't allow such poor judgment from his previous subordinates at the CIA. For crying out loud!
Jon Harrison (Poultney, VT)
I published quite bit about Iraq in the period 2006-2010. I was not and am not a Petraeus worshiper. On the other hand, he played a bad hand quite well in 2007-2008. True, the Surge was not a victory in the classic sense of the word, but it did represent a tactical success that gave Iraq a chance to reach some sort of political arrangement between the sects, while at the same time giving America (and the US Army) the opportunity to leave without its tail between its legs.

I would give the general a pass on this, given his undeniable achievement in Iraq and his longtime service to our country. I have to wonder if he would take the soldier's way out if he was actually prosecuted. That would be far more tragic than any harm his pillow talk may have caused.
leena (vancouver, BC)
How can you be a leader if you don't lead honestly and honorably? How can a country claim to deal decently with its troops when it allows the top men to cheat!
BKB (Athens, Ga.)
Gosh, @leena, I don't know. How can you let guys like Cheney, Bush and Rumsfeld be leaders? If ever an axis of evil deserved to be called to account, it is they. At least Petraeus served honorably for decades, even if he is an egotistical, arrogant guy. Looks tome like a slow week at Justice, if this is all they have on their plate.
Peter (Monterey, California)
Obviously he wasn't "allowed" to cheat. Obviously he has been punished and must live with his shame and tarnished record. What more would you impose on the man?
Mike Francis (Orlando, FL)
The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, whose entire educational and professional life was, until 2012, funded by US taxpayers, gives classified documents to his mistress, and we're seriously questioning whether he ought to be prosecuted? If anyone should be held accountable, it is he!
donald surr (Pennsylvania)
OK then, how did that classified information get onto her personal computer? Does he talk in his sleep?
Piasor (Mechanicsburg, PA)
I suspect Sharyl Attkisson's lawyers have an answer to that.
Man_in_PA (Pennsylvania)
If Petraeus says he didn't do it but the Obama administration said he did, I know whom I believe. And it isn't Obama.
JimmyMac (Valley of the Moon)
You can reach conclusions a lot faster by eliminating the thinking part.
And Petraeus hasn't said he didn't do it.
josh_barnes (Honolulu, HI)
A while back, somebody (not me!) on this forum rhymed "Petraeus" with "betray us" and was roundly criticized for doing so. Seems they were on to something.

I can't begin to say how tired I am of "Leaders" who can't keep their pants zipped...
polymath (British Columbia)
His affair is none of our business.

His unauthorized disclosure of classified information is very much our business.
Wiston Galt (California)
"Leaders" who can't keep their pants zipped -

Are you referring to Bill Clinton?
Shelley (NYC)
That was me! And while it seems longsighted, frankly I never thought this day would come. I hope he's dishonorably discharged and imprisoned.
Smarten_up (USA)
This was the fellow the outgoing Chancellor of CUNY wanted to set up in a cushy, almost no-show job at great expense. Student and faculty protests forced them both back to a position of a-dollar-a-year seminar, if my memory serves me correctly.

I think that even at a dollar, CUNY is over-paying. This is NOT the model we want for our future leaders!
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
The original position carried a salary of $150K per year. I know, becse my daughter is in the Macaulay Honors College of City University of New York, where he still "teaches." While his "salary" was supposed to be privately endowed, granting such a generous salary at time when tuition was being increased yet again created, as PR people say bad optics. So did the protests. His seminar is open to "hand-picked" students, those not likely to clash with him You'd think a West Point grad, holder of a PhD from Princeton, four-star general (an appointment requiring the advice and consent of the US Senate), and Director of Central Intelligence, could handle anything Public College Honors College Students could dish out. That administration seeks to "protect" him speaks volumes.
Keep US Energy in US Hands (Texas)
A sick and disgusting episode of lust, betrayal and shocking egoism and a total lack of judgment by the head of the CIA. Such incidents are usually not isolated either, so dig deeper. Broadwell had classified documents on her computer, Petraeus says he didn't give them to her, he care says Petraeus gave her access to his CIA computer and e-mail. This is just so simple...find the truth and if needed prosecute him to the full extent of the law.
leena (vancouver, BC)
in the interest of fair play they have got to charge Petraeus. otherwise justice is not served.
Joanne (San Francisco)
Don't we have more important matters to deal with? Focus our tax monies on feeding the poor, educating our youth, and aiding those out in the field trying to curb the spread of ISIS. Just don't indict him. We don't need to read endless media rehash about the affair. Let's move on to address real problems.
leena (vancouver, BC)
Wouldn't it be hypocritical to let Petraeus get away with it when people under his command would have the book thrown at them. When did the US become an elitist society?
scratchbaker (AZ unfortunately)
I think our country is capable of multitasking. This crime should be prosecuted.
Dennis B (Frankfort, Ky)
You are exactly correct in saying there are other serious issues but that absolutely does NOT exclude prosecuting passing classified information! Having an affair does not give you privilege to do this and it needs to be stopped in its tracks.
Harley Leiber (Portland,Oregon)
Why bother. Hasn't he sacrificed enough. He has admitted his poor judgement, has quit the CIA, is no longer in the military, and her biography revealed nothing of any national security interest. If in the throws of passion he revealed his password to her slap him with fine and be done with it. The Justice Department has bigger fish to fry...
gmk (San Diego)
Let's keep in mind that other DoD and CIA personnel who have released classified information to the press have had the book thrown at them. Harley's suggestion doesn't hold water.

But don't be surprised to hear that he will be pleading guilty to a wrist-slap charge and receive a retroactive reduction of rank and a down-grade of his military pension, none of which would be likely to affect his consulting work.
leena (vancouver, BC)
Isn't the justice department about exactly this kind of crime. Isn't that the FBI's job?
G. Michael Paine (Marysville, Calif.)
Oh! So it is ok to give away secrets as long as you admit your crime?
jason (new york)
Remember when both parties were trying to get him to run for President?
joe (THE MOON)
What a joke. The guy is making a fortune and mccain is worried that we are losing his advice. His main claim to fame is paying millions of dollars to the sunnis in iraq to keep them quiet. The so called surge was a surge in dollars to the sunnis.
jmndodge (Granite Falls, MN)
It's sad to think that Petraeus could be prosecuted and sent to prison basically for sharing with his "girl-friend". Still the breech of security is a criminal offense, and once you know about it, you have to make a decision. What is far more frustrating is the lack of charges for those who lied our way into war - who committed war crimes, covered up criminal activities and whose actions have made our world a much more dangerous place.
gmk (San Diego)
Hmmm. Trading sex for access. Not exactly anything new. Mata Hari paid for this with her life, and wasn't there someone named Delilah mentioned in the Bible? Last time I checked, sharing with your "girlfriend" isn't an exception written into applicable law, and looking back to Mata Hari and Delilah, can be just as damaging as sharing confidential information with other pesons.
josh_barnes (Honolulu, HI)
It's not about "sharing" per se, and nobody's going to prosecute him for transferring GENETIC information (his DNA is not classified). But the information on Ms. Broadwell's computer, apparently, was highly classified.
Paul (Bellerose Terrace)
Suppose the "girl-friend" with whom he "was sharing" had been a carefully picked embedded spy? Both the Army and the CIA expressly forbid adultery for *just that reason.*
Chris (10013)
The standard for Petraeus is higher than that of an enlisted person. He must be punished to the full extent of the law or the message to not only the troops but to the broader country is that rules are for those without the power to alter them.
Matthew (OK)
Since the beginning of human civilization the rules have been for those without the power to alter them. That's precisely why so many work so hard to get power. I don't think we need to worry about sending the message that humanity remains the same. Petraeus may end up one of the rare exceptions, but it will be insignificant to the big picture.
Adirondax (mid-state New York)
Thank you for making this point that the law is not applied blindly.

Think of all those white collar crooks that headed up the mortgage-backed securities departments who knowingly committed fraud on a daily basis. Not a single one of these investment banking executives, whose bonuses depended on all the money that got made in that business, has ever done a single day behind bars.

If the pattern holds true to form, Mr. Petraeus will also never see the inside of a jail cell.
trblmkr (NYC)
That message is already ringing in our ears so often that our eardrums have developed calluses.
Noo Yawka (New York, NY)
Attorney General Eric Holder has no choice on this. He must go forward with this criminal case.
He represents all Americans, not just the President, and he should follow the law.
Let the process commence and let the chips fall where they may.
Leo D (Austin)
NooYakk, one of the funiest comments I have ever read. Holder does not represent the people of the US, he never did and never will. He emphatically stated his "belief" system regarding prosecution and it had nothing to do with "the people" or "arbitrary legal precedents".

My firm was contacted to represent a well respected academic and a president of a major university because of documents that were leaked after a judge had them sealed.

Hmm, anyone think that the administration might have a little bit of incentive to start covering their tracks by playing the distraction game?
Epic (Male)
What is more likely is that he was sloppy, and used his lover's computer for work, then failed to erase his trail. That sloppy behavior runs all through our upper echelons of military, business, and government.
David (Birmingham)
Attorney General Eric Holder has no choice on this. He must go forward with this criminal case.
He represents all Americans, not just the President, and he should follow the law.
Sarcasm, right?
Steve Fankuchen (Oakland, CA)
If Petraeus is guilty, then he should be dealt with accordingly. Not that those who intentionally outed C.I.A. agent Valerie Plame were ever all brought to justice. Let's see what happens. It might demonstrate a stark difference between the Bush and Obama administrations. Or it might not.

And how many corporate officials or private citizens who have supplied information, material goods, or weapons to our listed enemies have been appropriately dealt with?

The problem with creating heroes is that when they turn out to be human, the rest of us tend to get overly disillusioned. But, then again, both politicians and the media have a tendency to exaggerate the virtues and faults of everything from people to gadgets to their pet project to their crusade-of-the-month.
Matt (Carson)
Re-read the correct history of the Plame affair. She was not a covert operative therefore she wasn't outed.
Howard Ino (Orlando)
She was not outed by Libbey, as the Media Monopoly charges. She was inadvertently outed by Armitage.
Dagwood (San Diego)
Even the Times is propagating the nonsense that the surge resulted in victory in Iraq? Huh? The surge, which largely was comprised of paying Iraqis millions of dollars not to shoot at us, transformed an utter catastrophe back into a mere criminal disaster. The country's infantile need for a hero story was what was needed, much more than anything in reality, and Petraeus fit the bill. His work in Afghanistan was less than great, and he failed completely as CIA chief. I hope the Times finds a way to return to reporting facts soon.
Josh Hill (New London)

The surge worked well enough.
E.T. Bass (SLC)
This isn't about Iraq, it is about an Army general.

Clinton was impeached and lost his law license. John Edwards had to go to trial. Why not the same here?

Sounds like a plan to me.
Trix Schwartz (Bronx)