How Should We Honor and Mourn Those We Have Lost to Covid?

May 20, 2022 · 64 comments
Nataly Fúnez (Glenbard East High School)
I really think that the idea of memoring those we lost because of Covid is a great idea, it would remind us of what we all went through, how we faced it and how we are moving forward and of course remember those who are not longer with us. I believe that for all - Covid was a huge struggle in our lives, and future generations will learn about this but I believe that having a monument will tell more than just textbooks that can distort the reality we lived in. Instead of building a stone or any architectural monument it could be a place where real facts are shown and real stories like the ones in the article are shared, kind of like the 9/11 Memorial Museum type of thing.
I think that by doing this, we may honor those who battled the virus and those who tragically lost their lives as a result of it, even though it was a very horrible event. Although it would cause many to get upset, it also demonstrated that we had so far succeeded in battling the virus. With this memorial, it demonstrates more about how we survived and that we can still accomplish a lot more in the years to come. There is a lot more history to be spoken about by doing this, particularly with regard to this awful occurrence. It was july 18,2021 when my twin nephews died while my sister was pregnant with them. We can't help but feel frightened because the enemy is unseen at the peak of COVID. My sister had healthy twin pregnancies, but unfortunately, the twins passed away when they were in their mother's womb during the fourth month because my sister tested positive for covid and the twins died. So the film reminds me of my past experiences about covid. I am also a victim and experience the pain of losing someone special in our live and i will never forget that.
Dulcemaria Trejo (Atrisco Heritage Academy HS Alb, NM)
Covid has made our world ,a world full of loss.The pandemic has made America and other countries go into a world wide lock down.Ever since COVID came to our lives our world has not been the same.Our society was being put down , people getting sick,people passing away and not being able to see your loved ones . COVID has made it very hard on people because we think once the pandemic is over everything will be fine when in reality it’s not.even if our people get better we will always remember the ones we lost to the sickness , we will always remember how hard they fought and that just because we are better now doesn’t change the fact that we lost them. So I agree that even tho we should see the vaccines as a victory it’s still a loss because we still have to deal with the fact that we lost someone.We need to live in a society were we help one another out ,make sure that when we talk about something we makes sure we aren’t hurting somebody in the outcome. We need to honor the people who were lost in this pandemic and honor them as people who fought!.
Angguto (University of Southern Mindanao)
A lot ot people came to personalize and dedicate a white flags, which is their way to honor their loved ones who had died because of COVID. Even though the pandemic is almost over, and the things are returning to normal, we should accept the fact that the families or relatives of the victims won't be reunited with their loved ones again.
Marco C. (Poly High School)
The way that I think we should mark this tragic milestone of the United States surpassing one million Covid-19 deaths is, to have a group meet, of the people who have lost their loved ones, so they don't have to go through, and suffer through this grief alone. I believe people should do this, so it doesn't get worse the way that they feel, that they don't obtain a greater, deeper depression. I believe that they should pick a day out of the year, of which their is no work nor school, and the day should be dedicated to mourning over the death of loved ones through Covid, to show our respect towards them and their sad deaths through lives that were taken away too soon, and the depression that their loved ones were left with because of their deaths.
Liv Conn (Glenbard West HS glen Ellen IL)
How does reading the stories of those who lost loved ones during the pandemic, chronicled by Ms. Bosman, affect and move you? Do any of the stories resonate with your own experiences and feelings? I myself lost my father to COVID-19 and it changed my life forever. My father was sick with covid for 1 1/2 months and passed away 9/14/21. When people mention the virus I do not feel affected or offended but I do believe people should recognize that not everyone isn’t affected by them talking about it and they should understand that people are hurt and confused still about the virus and that people have lost loved ones, like myself and they should be more aware of the people that have passed away. I will always have a soft spot for those that tell me there own stories of them losing a loved to the virus or just in general because I have also gone through lose of loved ones. Hand I understand the hurt and confusion they might be going through, although everyone is different and as there own story to tell.
Edie Luper (Glenbard West)
bosses that you don’t have COVID. If someone told me 5 years ago that 1 million people would die in 25 months to a disease that originated from bats, I would probably think they were crazy. COVID has effected me and so many others in substantial ways, from quarantine to losing loved ones. I think one way to honor the lives we have lost is by creating a holiday for them , a Memorial Day. Also voicing our opinions of the constantly changing world around us. One more thing that we could do is by creating it a low to be vaccinated as it would represent the how grateful we should be that we have that option.
Justin (Arcadia)
I am devastated with Covid and the death toll was a bit too much my uncle passed away because of Covid 19 and a lot of famous people passed to. I think a holiday to remember this event and leave a memorial in a populated area. It’s important because we can remember these events in history.
Aysha Garza (West Jordan, Ut)
I believe by doing this shows the history and even though it was such a huge tragic event, it could also show appreciation towards the ones that fought the virus and the ones that sadly passed away from it. Even though it could trigger many, it also showed that we made it and we fought the virus so far. With this memorial way, it seriously shows more than it's being told by Biden that yes we made it through and we could still do it a lot more in many years that will come upon us in the later future. Especially with this tragic event, there is much more history to be told about by doing this.
Aidan (Utah)
The number of deaths from COVID-19 are heart wrenching; however, I also expected them to be this high, as many people have refused to take the proper precautions to keep themselves and their peers safe.
Zaiden Jackson (Valley Stream North High School)
I think that there should be a memorial should be shown on television to honor those who have died as a result of COVID. Covid alone has claimed the lives of nearly a million people in the United States and countless more throughout the world. We will undoubtedly need to learn more about Covid so as a result we can minimize further pandemics like this
Dulcemaria Trejo (Atrisco Heritage Academy HS Alb, NM)
@Zaiden Jackson I agree with you we lost so many people due to COVID that we should have a holiday for them. A day that everybody knows that people were fighting for their lives. COVID has not been something that’s easy for our society we should help the ones who are in grief and make them know we haven’t forgotten about their loved ones. So,yess we should learn more and more about COVID so we can make this disease go away.
Babara Allen (Washinton, DC)
I strongly agree with this, there HAS to be more recognition for this question. Some people might say that when Biden honoured these tragic deaths using a speech, it fixed this problem. But what if talking about it isn't enough? What if we need to actually act, or at least try and do something so that we could give these families a thing to make their day? Although I am not writing about this from a third person point of view- I was lucky to meet one of the kindest and admirable people ever, in here I'll call him Jones. So I knew Jones for a very long time, and we became super close because we were simmilar- looks and personality. He made me think about life differently, in a optimistic kind of way which surrounded everyone with happiness, hope and love. But like you probably assumed- Jones died. A few days (or weeks since I don't remember exactly) after my 14th birthday he passed away because of covid. I was more than sad. It felt like no one actually cared, a few people did say comforting words but words are never enough, at least for me. I want people to care and do something for Jones and all the other people who lost the fight against coronavirus. Oh, and by the way Jones was my father ):
Trevon Smallwood (Washington, DC)
I feel that a memorial should be shown on national television to honor those who have died as a result of COVID. Covid alone has claimed the lives of nearly a million people in the United States and countless more throughout the world. We will undoubtedly need to learn more about Covid so as a result we can minimize further pandemics like this. This season of Covid has helped pave the way for what the world should be focused on, and all I can hope is that we realize and act in the best interests of our future.
Tyler Darnell (Valley Stream)
It is unfortunate and sad to see the covid death toll numbers. These are record-breaking amounts of deaths, and to see how quickly we lost so many people, and lead to the suffering and mourning in many others, is simply unbelievable. Fortunately, my family has been lucky to not suffer any deaths or bad hospitalizations due to coronavirus. However, hearing these stories from Ms. Bosman about how sudden this process was, and my girlfriend's family (specifically older members), with how much suffering and life altering effects covid has had on them, hits hard. This is because it lets me realize and understand how lucky myself and my family are to have not had to go through these events of trauma. Unfortunately, there are differences in the covid death counts amongst different members of society. This is unfortunate, but unfortunately it is hard to handle due to the government spending money in many places that are or were not necessary in the current state of our country. In my community, there hasn't been a real event that recognized the people lost from the pandemic, however I have noticed some statewide events, that held moments of silence, or were made to help remember all the lives covid had taken so rapidly.
Arunima (VSN)
It Is horrific to see that Covid has taken nearly a million lives from us and has left millions more to have to suffer through the loss of loved ones. Despite having the some of the best doctors in the world and one of the more advanced healthcare systems in todays world, the US was still the country that suffered the greatest loss of the pandemic closely followed by china and India. One of the leading causes of this, in my opinion, is not because of anti-maskers or anti-vaxx people, but rather the lack of resources provided for lower ethnic/ racial minority groups. These communities are being hit the hardest because they vulnerable and already have a hard time surviving, and now lack the proper resources to stay healthy during this global pandemic. Looking back at the pandemic now at a greater scope, it truly sad to see that it demonstrates how the healthcare system has failed these minority groups and shows how we as a society have become selfish when it comes to making sure that others around us, other than our own families and loved ones, remained safe and healthy during those troubling times.
mateo (VSN)
the fact that a virus that at first was not seeming to be a such a big deal would come to claim a little over a million people in under two years. although personally it does not emotionally or physically affect me because the concern is with people i know not of, i still feel more families have suffered than there should have been. although we will never forget those that have been lost i think its best we move on in the most economically beneficial way possible.
Dominic (VSN)
it is quite horrifying that the virus was able to kill 1 million people in under two years and shows how dangerous covid really is even though the government did what it could to try and stop this pandemic. I think those that have been lost from Covid will always be remembered because of the impact this has had on us all. For a while, I believe people were trying to protect the elderly, and those at risk, and there are still people that are superconscious. Many schools are involved in helping, and even honoring those lost. The way that all of our lives have changed, I don’t think we can ever forget those lost in this tragedy.
Jayden P (Valley Stream)
The amount of people who died from covid is a horrific number. It's quite unnerving how the virus has hit 1 million deaths within a 2 year time span. Regardless, all the people who died should be remembered properly.
Mathew olivencia (Valley stream North High school)
It's truly horrifying how the death toll has already hit 1 million, and most possibly even greater than that for the deaths that are unaccounted for. Not relying on what people's political views are, I locate it sickening how some humans can nonetheless no longer accept as true that covid would not "exist" when over one million human beings have now died from it. Some humans will by no means see some of their very shut cherished ones ever again, and it strikes me to hear the tales of people's losses, and how they sense they have misplaced a phase of themselves. The pandemic has modified American Society due to the fact many human beings trust that American society will by no means return to normal and that covid has continuously modified American society. I felt like America in no way did sufficient for the pandemic. Yes, we have a vaccine and human beings are beginning to pass on, however, how can we go on if humans are nonetheless dead from people's carelessness each and every day?
Chris P. (North High School)
The amount of people that have died to Covid is honestly terrifying and tragic. The pandemic and the loss of life has made me shocked towards American society, due to the number of people that chose to believe that covid did not exist and encouraging other people to not social distance or wear a mask or any other action that could prevent the spread of covid
Gabriel (Valley Stream North)
The amount of people who died from COVID is horrible and tragic. This virus changed the world as we know it and more and more people will die unless we all get vaccinated. The weak and elderly are the ones who are most in danger due to their weak immune systems. So all we can do is hope that it will change soon so less and less people have to die for this disease. And we should honor the fallen to this virus as the same way we honor the doctors that helped us through this pandemic
Nnamdi Aniagba (Valley Stream North High School)
It's honestly scary how the death toll has already hit 1 million, and most likely even more than that for the deaths that are unaccounted for. No matter what people's political views are, I find it sickening how some people can still not believe that covid doesn't "exist" when over one million people have now died from it. Some people will never see some of their very close loved ones ever again, and it moves me to hear the stories of people's losses, and how they feel they have lost a part of themselves. The pandemic has changed American Society because many people believe American society will never return to normal, and that covid has forever changed American society. I felt like American never did enough for the pandemic. Yes, we have a vaccine and people are starting to move on, but how can we move on if people are still dying from people's carelessness every day?
Matthew (Long Island)
I think those that have been lost from Covid will always be remembered because of the impact this has had on us all. For a while I believe people were trying to protect the elderly, and those at risk, and there are still people that are super conscious. Many schools are involved in helping, and even honoring those lost. The way that all of our lives have changed, I don’t think we can ever forget those lost in this tragedy.
Chelsea R. (Valley Stream North HS)
As tragic and as horrible as the number of Covid deaths are, I somewhat expected these high numbers. It is extremely tragic and invokes feelings of fear and sadness. These deaths should be addressed and honored. I can resonate with some of these stories as many of my family members had battled Covid and my grandfather was even hospitalized. This pandemic has altered many aspects of American society and it will take some time for things to fully return back to normal. There have also been many conflicting points of views on how to handle this situation.
Rohan (VSN High School)
The number of deaths from Covid-19 is horrific and quite depressing. It is sad to hear about the lives lost due to this pandemic but I feel as though it helped open my mind to the harsher realities of the world and the faults in our society as a whole. This shows how the decisions our country makes while sometimes being beneficial can also be detrimental and lead to grave consequences that may result in the loss of our loved ones.
Ailani (NY)
The staggering number of deaths because of COVID was incredibly alarming. After discovering possible solutions for the death toll, many people still refrained from accepting these fixes. More attention should be brought to this milestone, as many people have chosen to forget about Covid because they would prefer to go back to their regular lives. Although the frustration is understandable, the number of deaths only increases.
Isabella (Valley Stream North)
The death toll is sadly not shocking to me, I was aware of the high death counts throughout the spread which made it all the less surprising but all the more upsetting. It's scary that diseases can kill others while we are hopeless to cure them, it's also depressing to see the loss of the death of people. The deaths caused by Covid are a painful reminder that despite people trying to protect others, some lack empathy. Some people engaged in dangerous activities thus putting high-risk people. Personally, I have heard many times that the disease “only affects the elderly and immune-compromised what the big deal” or something of that matter. This reflects poorly as these compromised people deserve to be protected and everyone should take measures to protect anyone even if they were already compromised. The fact that certain races (black and brown people) were more affected by covid adds to the rage and depression the pandemic caused. I believe that the news did not report the death specifically of black and brown communities enough, this reflects poorly on our society as we should always help people more affected by a disease/virus. It's also frustrating that other communities are even at the risk of being more affected by covid. Therefore, it's necessary to improve conditions for marginalized people. This is why disease prevention and precautions are essential to protect the immunocompromised, the elderly, and other communities during a dangerous situation like Covid.
Julian (Valley Stream North)
The fact that the Covid death toll has surpassed one million is shocking, especially when you consider the one million families and friends who have had to endure the loss of a loved one. The fact that 1 million people have died has passed me by disturbs me, because the sheer number of individuals who have died is horrifying.
sedgeley duperval (valley stream)
I think the main reason covid is still around is because of the selfish people who refuse to get vaccinated for the dumbest reasons. I mean, is seeing half the population die from covid not enough proof? It very sad how people decide to go on with their day not caring about the ones who died because of this deadly virus and seem like everything is fine. We still need to be careful as a community, or this virus will never settle down.
Nattaly (Valley Stream North)
My reaction to the covid death toll was being in shock and also thinking and actually trying to picture the amount of lives lost in America. When trying to imagine the number you see on your tv or phone its hard to process the though of that many people dying especially because it makes you think how many families in America are mourning their lost loved ones. The importance of recognizing this tragic milestone is to show how much one disease from 2020 has affected us now in 2022.
Yasmin (Valley Stream North)
The Covid death toll is horrifying. Reading these stories made me sad and a little bitter towards this whole fiasco. Bassett is right about the doctors and vaccines but because of the various views towards them both, deaths were not as preventable as they should’ve been. The importance of noting these tragedies is to remember those who passed and it also helps with grieving issues.
A.T (NY)
The continuing rising number of COVID-19 mortality rates is saddening and shocking. It is interesting to see the demographics of who is being most effected by the virus in different perspective. There is many instances of an indication of COVID-19 prevalently affecting those in lower-income or less developed areas and/or countries. This is terrible to think about because it seems as though your life is almost meaningless just because you are put at a different position in life than others. It also makes me think about just how privileged my friends, family and I are able to receive proper, accessible health care. The unfortunate but true reality, is that as time goes by we as a society become more desensitized to the those being effected by diseases such as COVID-19. It is almost as though we have "gotten used to it", that we sometimes forget just how many people are impacted everyday, and how we can easily be one of them.
Arunima (VSN)
@A.T I agree with your point about Covid hitting lower ethnic/ racial minorities the hardest. I think the pandemic was truly a demonstration of our modern society and how despite our state having one of the most advanced healthcare systems and greatest doctors, we failed to reach out to the minority groups or provide much help. It shows that we as a society have become selfish and have stopped looking out for/ caring for others outside of our own loved ones or making sure they stay safe and healthy,
Michael (North High School)
The large death toll of Covid is saddening. It's unimaginable to think something could be so dangerous in today's day and age with all our new technology. As a person who has lost family members during the pandemic, I feel sympathy towards these people. I also feel inspired by some of the people who have rose from that feeling of helplessness and powerlessness. While we are towards the top of the medical peak in the world, the USA has a large population, and although 1 million is an unfathomable number, it's less than 0.3% of our population. Considering places like Peru lost about 20% of their population to covid, I think that this is a tragic yet important milestone for the US.
minayle (ny)
The number of individuals who have died as a result of Covid-19 is heartbreaking since so many people have lost their lives and so many others have lost family members and friends as a result of the virus. Covid has changed people's lives forever, and we're all trying to find our own new norm. However I believe this alarming high number of deaths could have been decreased if the government had acted quicker in response to Covid, and people took responsibility for Covid and did their own best to protect themselves, and everyone else and prevent anymore deaths.
isabella (ny)
The number of deaths caused by Covid-19 is horrifying. It is insane to put that many deaths into perspective as well as the fact that it was in such a small amount of time. On the other hand, I am not that surprised, for Covid is very highly contagious and many people did not take proper precautions to protect both themselves and others surrounding them. I believe a good memorial type of project could be donations to healthcare facilities/hospitals in honor of those who lost their lives due to covid.
Iqra Aftab (North High School)
The number of deaths that have happened because of covid is unbelievable and terrifying. Many people lost their loved ones and dear ones because of this terrible pandemic. The stories that I read about people who lost their loved ones are absolutely terrifying for me to even think about. I can't even imagine what's going through the people who lost their loved ones and I hope they can find a way to move on. This pandemic has changed all our lives in one way or the other. The world has changed due to this and many people have suffered because of this. The amount of deaths in such a short period of time is unimaginable. This has been a very important piece in history and I hope all of these people are remembered.
Amelia A. (Valley Stream North High school)
The number of deaths from Covid is unimaginable and terrible. What Mary T. Bassett has said is true, this has made me take more time to think about the people in our society and those who have been elected. This milestone is a way to show how far we have come and how the decisions we make can affect so many people. I do not think this tragic milestone was appropriately acknowledged, I hadn't heard of this since I have read this article, more attention should have been brought to this and those millions of people who lost their lives should be honored.
Nattaly (Valley Stream North)
@Amelia A. I agree, seeing how people in power react unaffected or careless about such a tragic milestone really should make people think about how we should pick our nations leaders.
Sienna (Valley Stream North)
The number of deaths from COVID-19 are heart wrenching; however, I also expected them to be this high, as many people have refused to take the proper precautions to keep themselves and their peers safe.
Madison (valley stream north)
teh amount of deaths from covid-19 is upsetting, because there are so many people who lost there lives an so many people who have lost family members and friends because of the virus. the virus will forever change teh world, and peoples lives. Although Covid is a contagious disease, I did not expect that Covid would have the power to kill over 1 million Americans. I can relate to the people who have lost multiple family members at the hand of Covid
Destiny (Valley Stream North High School)
It's honestly scary how the death toll has already hit 1 million, and most likely even more than that for the deaths that are unaccounted for. No matter what people's political views are, I find it sickening how some people can still not believe that covid doesn't "exist" when over one million people have now died from it. Some people will never see some of their very close loved ones ever again, and it moves me to hear the stories of people's losses, and how they feel they have lost a part of themselves. The pandemic has changed American Society because many people believe American society will never return to normal, and that covid has forever changed American society. I felt like America never did enough for the pandemic. Yes, we have a vaccine and people are starting to move on, but how can we move on if people are still dying from people's carelessness every day?
Daniel (America)
I think the situation is very tragic and horrifying, but at the same time the deaths are not as tragic as one might think as first. According to my research, the average age of someone who died to Covid is 83 years of age. Since the average lifespan of a human is 75 years, most of the victims were going to die anyway sooner or later.
Kaleia (VSN)
The covid death toll is horrifying to me. I think it's hard to put into perspective how large of a number that is. The stories are very upsetting to me. I mostly agree with her perspective. The entire pandemic made me realize how divided American society is. The country couldn't unite to follow the CDC and WHO recommendations during the pandemic and that cost lives. I think these statistics are indicative of deeper systemic issues in America. I think the country is doing its best to commemorate the tragedy. I don't know what else I or any of us could do. Grief is personal and we all have to deal with it on our own terms.
Mairaab (VSN)
The death toll is surprising to me because even after everyone's efforts there were still a lot of deaths. There was this one dark period of time were people were just dying and no one left there house and every day you would hear about the increasing numbers but I did not think it would be this many. I lost one of my close family members to covid- our families were close and though i was not close to her she was always a person who you would think is gonna be around, her not being around isn't something you would expect. These types of pandemics I had only read about in history books were populations were being wiped out so it is a strange thought to think that we will also be in a history book and have experienced one of the phenemona.
daniella (valley stream)
It still hard to understand how in such little time that many people died. They should have something done because they demonstrate an important time in our history, and they deserve to be remembered as many had great lives ahead but were sadly cut short.
Destiny (Valley Stream North High School)
@daniella i agree with your comment. Although this virus killed many people many were coming to the age where they wanted to retire and relax. sadly they didn't get to do that, but now they are resting peacefully. Also without having to worry about death rates and viruses.
Sianna J (New York)
The death toll surprised me especially we were trying everything for example, quarantining, social distancing & wearing masks. The story reminds me of my mother when she got covid she was so scared to get us sick and if she did, she said that she would blame herself. I think that if we were prepared and had enough money the really high death could be avoided. I have personally lost someone to covid, it was hard for me because I didn't get to say goodbye.
Obedson R (New York)
it is unimaginable, never thought a disease would have been able to kill this many people, especially because of our level of technological advancement in healthcare. I do feel very about Ms. Bosman and her story, but I can't relate to her fortunately for me. It doesn't really affect me a lot, but I do think people in America need to stop going out at least for now during the pandemic. I think the fact that some people like Hispanic people are affected by the covid shows that are country is is evenly developed which mean some people in different places may not have as much access to healthcare. As for the elderly I think it's just because of their age and the fact that their immune system is more vulnerable compared to younger people. We recognized the threat that covid poses to our daily life, so we wear mask to limit the spread and to protect others around us.
Ismaela (Valley Stream North High School)
There should be a national brocast for the people that lost there lives and there should be a global memorial service for them. If possible there should be a graveyard that is dedicated to those that lost their lives.
Joseph D (Valley Stream North)
I am very surprised that even though Covid is a contagious disease it was able to kill 1 million people. I am deeply saddened by the fact that the pandemic leads to the loss of so many lives. What's shocking is that is coming from a country with one of the best healthcare systems in the world surpassing India and China. I don't think we could truly return to normal we can only limit and suppress its effects on the world.The worst part of this is that the people still dying is because of the people that refuse to get vaccinated for the dumbest reasons.
Michael (North High School)
@Joseph D I share your surprise in that outrageous death toll. I agree that even with our top-notch healthcare it's been a difficult recovery and we're nowhere near finished. Although I also agree that the refusal to get vaccinated is absurd, it is technically they're opinion, and there's nothing we can do about it.
Sadi (New Bedford MA)
The biggest Covid death toll belongs to the USA, the third most populous country in the world after China and India. The USA has the best doctors in the world, fastest vaccine invented country, and far better health system than China and India, still it's on top. This is really harsh truth for the USA. Now the pandemic is near the end, everything is going back to normal but victim's families will not get their close people and probably they will not be able to back to fully normal life. These one million people will never come to their families. This lost is unrecoverable.
Isabella Menjivar (Valley Stream North)
Although Covid is a contagious disease, I did not expect that Covid would have the power to kill over 1 million Americans. I am extremely disappointed that the pandemic resulted in the loss of so many lives. As displayed in the article, I find the New York City story most relatable. When I had Covid, I felt guilty and blamed myself for getting everyone in my household sick. Luckily, everyone recovered. Despite my situation improving, the man from NYC also felt guilty for the death of his wife from Covid complications. Despite America being a first-world country, all the losses of life cause me to think that America still needs better health care. Sadly, minorities are more vulnerable to Covid. That statistic proves that our nation needs to spread awareness for healthcare equality. I believe America has not properly recognized all the lives lost. So, for every life lost money should be donated to hospitals to improve healthcare.
Alexandra (Cary High School)
I think the main reason covid is still around is because of the selfish people who refuse to get vaccinated for the dumbest reasons. I mean, is seeing half the population die from covid not enough proof? It very sad how people decide to go on with their day not caring about the ones who died because of this deadly virus and seem like everything is fine. We still need to be careful as a community, or this virus will never settle down.
daniella (valley stream)
@Alexandra I agree with you in the way that people were selfish in regards to covid
Daniel (America)
@Alexandra The average age of someone who died of Covid is eighty three years of age. And one million is not half of three hundred twenty seven million. Please stop posting incorrect alarmist statistics.
Iqra Aftab (North High School)
@Alexandra I agree with you. Everyone should get the vaccination so we can have a healthy and safe environment. I hope people can stop being selfish and think about others and start getting vacinated.
Emily (New York)
The fact that the Covid death toll has reached one million is incredibly upsetting, especially considering the one million groups of family and friends that have had to suffer through the loss of their loved ones. I know what it’s like to see your loved ones suffering in a hospital, so stories such as Ms. Bosman’s are very moving to me. However, Mary T. Bassett’s perspective on how we’ve had so many deaths despite coming so far in healthcare is not so surprising. Despite the immense progress we’ve made as a society, those in low-income families still find themselves unable to protect against diseases which might hurt them and their loved ones. Unfortunately, everything comes at a price, including something as lifesaving as a vaccine or as short and simple as an overnight stay at the hospital. In order to prevent such large death tolls in the future, it is essential that we make healthcare affordable for all American citizens; wealth should not affect your right to live a safe, healthy, and comfortable life.
Ameya (Florida)
I remember seeing an Instagram infographic that said something along the lines of “Covid believes in equality; no matter what race, gender, or sexuallity you are, you better mask up!”. Although this post seems harmless and the message behind it is good in intention, Covid does not operate this way. It is in fact selective and that’s why we should absolutely mourn the losses of people who have died from this pandemic because Covid has absolutely destroyed so many people’s lives who simply lacked the proper resources for safety. A lot of the time we think that people who are getting covid or are dying from covid are people who are anti-mask or anti-vaxx. However, a majority of the time, this is not the case. The people who are being hit the hardest by covid are low income or racial/ethnic minority communities, not because they aren’t trying to be safe, but because they lack the proper resources to be safe. This pandemic has highlighted the utter inability of the government to protect their vulnerable communities and make sure that they get the proper resources that they need to survive. It has also highlighted people’s selfishness when it comes to keeping their friends and families safe. We should mourn the deaths of those lives who could have easily been saved through proper policy. Covid has not been the “great equalizer”, it has simply beat down the same communities who have a hard time surviving to begin with.
Ismaela (Valley Stream North High School)
@Ameya I agree with you and social media is a good way to spread the word!
Julian (Valley Stream North)
@Ameya I agree with you on how covid is not a virus that infects people at random but rather the low income groups or even elderly/children.
Olivia Crater (Cary High School)
It's honestly scary how the death toll has already hit 1 million, and most likely even more than that for the deaths that are unaccounted for. No matter what people's political views are, I find it sickening how some people can still not believe that covid doesn't "exist" when over one million people have now died from it. Some people will never see some of their very close loved ones ever again, and it moves me to hear the stories of people's losses, and how they feel they have lost a part of themselves. The pandemic has changed American Society because many people believe American society will never return to normal, and that covid has forever changed American society. I felt like American never did enough for the pandemic. Yes, we have a vaccine and people are starting to move on, but how can we move on if people are still dying from people's carelessness every day?