Trump, Ukraine and Impeachment: The Inside Story of How We Got Here

Nov 11, 2019 · 462 comments
Lore (Zuerich)
If you read the foreign press, you will learn that Biden, too, did dubious action in the Ukraine. "'The image of the Bidens in the Ukraine affair receives further scratches The role of the Biden family in Ukraine is obscure. The company in which a son of the former US Vice President sat on the board was more involved in criminal investigations than previously reported."
John Tollefson (Dallas Texas)
Shun republicans Don’t sell, buy, teach, medically treat, represent, educate, hire, or communicate with them. If they are hungry, watch them starve. Cold, watch them freeze. Cancer can be given no mercy.
True Observer (USA)
If everything was kosher, how is it that right after the Republican Convention out of the clear blue some Ukrainian Accounting ledgers show up with Manafort's name on them which forces Trump to dump him as Campaign Chairman. This was Ukraine messing with Trump trying to help Clinton.
CW (Boston)
You and your conspiracy theories are clearly not serious. There was a leadership shake up in Ukraine that made possible the release of a lot of records. Manafort had been doing sketchy business there for years - he’s now in jail for it. These type of ignorant conspiracy theories have got to stop for the good of our democracy.
EGD (California)
@CW Ignorant conspiracy theories. You know, like the entire fake Russian Collusion narrative Schiff and the Dems ran with for over two years?
Rob Wagner (Mass)
Unfortunately, the impeachment drama is over. The Dems' will vote to impeach along party lines and the Senate will deny it along part lines. Done. Unfortunately, the public is weary of investigations so this was probably the last bullet in that gun. The only question left to answer is will the information provided change votes one way or another. It won't change the die hard Trumpers or the die-hard anti Trumpers. so there is a sliver of the populace whose votes are up for grabs. Will they care enough and, if they do, will the Dems's have a candidate that doesn't scare them more than Trump?
Barbara (SC)
Trump should have been impeached long ago for the obstruction of justice during the Mueller investigation. There is no question that Trump has been using his office for private profit as well. Democrats just couldn't get support for that, so they have had to use what Trump all but handed them, a simple and easy-to-follow campaign funding. Anyone who is being honest cannot want this man to continue in office. He is tearing the country apart as well as damaging our relationships world-wide.
An informed reader (NYC)
The timeline of events demonstrated in this article lays bare the inadequacy of the Republican defense that no harm was done as the money was released. Nikki Hailey is one such enabler who put forth that argument elsewhere in today's paper. Ukraine had come dangerously close to issuing the statement Trump demanded in order to release the aid allocated by a bi-partisan Congress. It was only the whistle blowers's concerns which reached Congress in spite of Barr's attempt to dismiss it, which caused the money to flow. We came very close to a great deal of harm being done, if not for the courage of this civil servant who is now under great threat, as the Republicans demand he appear at the impeachment hearings in violation of all regulations and protections for whistle blowers.
CherokeeNative (San Diego County, CA)
Thank you for this article explaining the circumstances and events culminating in Trump’s extortion of Ukraine for his & Putin’s own political gain. Trump is psychologically unfit and should be impeached and removed. My only wish as we go through these impeachment proceedings is that the NYT would remove its fire wall so that all Americans can read its articles concerning the impeachment proceedings. I do believe this would be a patriotic act. America, please contact your Senators and Reps and demand they vote to impeach and remove. We must hold not only Trump but the GOP Congress accountable. Vote Dem in 2020!
So the Repubs want Trump for another 4 years.....what could possibly go wrong? The mind boggles.
mt (Portland OR)
I wish these articles that provoke such unanimous comments expressing outrage and despair, would also inspire a fighting spirit in the electorate to defeat trump at the polls, and enumerate how to do that. All this decrying is not getting us anywhere. Fight!
John Bowman (Peoria)
Wait wait! Impeachment proceedings have been going on for almost two years. Ukraine conversations are very recent. What happened to the solid information that Adam Schiff said last year, that he has to impeach Trump? AOC said that she would have impeached Trump right after he took office. Was it all lies?
Joe (AL)
@John Bowman Just because there are no headlines or news cycles, doesn't mean Trump is innocent respect to Russia conspiracy. Open your mind- please read the Muller Report or even the Ukraine Transcript and educate yourself. If you are paying close attention, most of the issues are stuck in the courts and they will be resolved in time and justice will have its day. Couple of weeks ago, the court ordered DOJ to release the Grand Jury materials and unredacted versions of the Muller report to Congress. Now the appeals court put a temporary hold on that. Likewise, taxes and subpoena issues will eventually be resolved. The facts of the Muller investigation and the reports are out there if you care to read. Trump is able to delay the process and the inevitable justice by not cooperating with the House committees. At the end, justice will prevail. It is just calm before the eventual storm post court decisions
GeritheGreek (Kentucky)
John. You've gotten confused. Trump is the proven pathological liar. These House representatives have been our civil servants for years, know the laws and the proper procedures as opposed to Trump who knows nothing about running the country.
tom barlow (astoria ny)
@John Bowman Wow are you misinformed. Speculation on impeachable offenses during other Trump scandals is not the same as "impeachment proceedings," which just started after the transcript was released.
Brian GARY (Seattle)
The silence and absence from the story of the Secretary of State is very strange. Where was Mr. Pompeo and what was he up to while this debacle was unfolding? He is not exactly covering himself in glory.
Elle (Kitchen)
Many thanks to Sharon LaFraniere, Andrew E. Kramer and Danny Hakim for their fine journalism. Putting the story into chronological sequence clarifies motivations. I am curious as to the part Manafort has in the bigger story. I hope there's a thread there Schiff can pull on, and get Manafort out of prison to testify. It would be hard to stomach seeing him, but his presence - incarceration has dimmed his sleek gloss - might stiffen the spines of many others who should testify.
mt (Portland OR)
@El. Agreed. A succinct and excellently informative timeline.
Casual Observer (Los Angeles)
Pence laid the wreath at the grave of the unknowns, yesterday, not Trump. He went to see the parade in New York. This may not seem significant to Trump but he fails to see how that matters. About what do veterans care about when they remember their service? Drill? The people with who they shared the experience, that’s about what they remember. He should have laid the wreath. Trump is pressing a disinformation campaign continually to present a false persona to the world that began back four decades, initially to be a celebrity and to be famous. He chose to rely upon misrepresentations of reality to succeed in his life and it’s worked well for him. While rational agents disbelieve him, he plays on people’s irrational impulses to manipulate very smart people into very unreasonably risky behaviors. Inevitably Trump brings results that obey the odds, always. Ukraine presents a problem for Trump as do any foreign policies which compromise his personal businesses abroad. Russia wants the Ukraine back. Russia depended upon the Ukraine for much of it’s strength. Trump desperately wants to remain friendly with Russia. He supposedly hates people thinking that his refusal to accept Russian interference with the 2016 election was that it diminished his victory. But having that campaign run out of the Ukraine seems to be his intent, here. Why? Are Ukrainian election manipulations less dismissive of his victory? He’s trying to shift the blame but why?
John Whitmer (Bellingham,WA)
"This account of the efforts to muscle the Ukrainians for Mr. Trump's political gain is based on [a lot]..." Was it quid pro quo? Of course it was; all transactions are from buying a dozen eggs to international trade agreements. Was either the "qui" or the "quo" (or both) related to American national interests or to the President personal interests? If you don't know the answer to that question you've been living on Mars the past few years. To paraphrase a well-known football coach from years past: Our President's personal interest isn't everything; it's the only thing.
Brian W. (LA, CA.)
Without exception, I have disagreed with the intense hawkishness of John Bolton. However, I must give this devil his due at this point. It does seem evident that he truly puts America, and his own personal code of honor, ahead of politics. If Bolton gets too disgusted with the offensiveness of Trump and his minions, he may indeed testify without the court's blessing. Hope springs.
Pottree (Joshua Tree)
Yeah, but other than that, what have you got against Trump? Minor league stuff! You’re just anti-Trump, which these days means anti-American, because of course they are one and the same. You think this little tempest is such a big deal? Wait until Trump’s second term! And Russia, if you’re listening, the second term won’t be only for just four years.
northlander (michigan)
Am I now just an “acting” citizen?
Steve (Louisville)
This is the most concise recap of this whole mess that I have yet read. But I'm worried that all the people outside of the NYTimes world won't read it, and be informed only by the pro-trump cues they get from Fox, all the GOP bag men and elsewhere. In other recounts, all the various strings and nets get complicated by too much back story, too much reference to the Mueller Report and all those Russian names, cacophonous to many Americans' ears. The Watergate issue was simplicity itself. Someone had broken into DNC HQs, there was lots of evidence, and the only thing left to prove was what Nixon knew and when he knew it. This isn't nearly as straightforward. I'd like to think the Democrats are smart enough to keep the narrative straightforward, understandable and convincing. But we're Democrats. There has rarely been a cow pie somewhere in the field that we've avoided stepping in.
tom barlow (astoria ny)
@Steve Hopefully, the Speaker of the House and Democratic strategists have a way forward that avoids giving the GOP ways to turn this to their advantage in 2020. But how?
Susan Wood (Rochester MI)
@Steve Watergate was not by any means as simple as you imply. Nixon eventually resigned not for the burglary but for efforts to obstruct the investigations, which as he said in the "smoking gun" tape were "moving in productive directions." And what were those directions? They probably had to do with a lot more than a burglary, such as Nixon's treasonous secret deal with South Vietnam to undermine the Paris peace talks. Nixon's resignation and pardon meant that the full story on that would never completely see the light of day, although we know more about it than we did then.
Henry (Middletown, DE)
This is all about Trump wanting to be above the law, in other words a dictator, with complicity from the Republican party.
H. Clark (Long Island, NY)
Trump cares not how many lives are lost in his zeal to vanquish his opponents. Whether it's Kurds or Ukrainians or kids in cages, if he can capitalize on it, he'll do it. He is evil incarnate.
scott hylands (british columbia, canada)
When Mulvaney said that the funds to Ukraine "were delayed because of concern about how the Russians would react", I came out of my chair. That's in effect conspiring to weaken a NATO ally. Why do that? Well Trump doesn't want to get into a tit for tat arms buildup in Eastern Europe. With Russia. I think the trail of crumbs goes straight to Trump and Putin's private tete a tete in Helsinki. It's not just the Bidens in this mulligatawny. This is just as intriguing and juicy as Le Carre.
Alk (Maryland)
I am so tired of the Republican talking points on this. Man do they ever think we are stupid! This is so completely black and white, so wrong, so damaging to our country. It is time for them to stand up and do the right thing for the country. Their base will follow once they hear it from their elected representatives. Lets get rid of this guy before he can do more irreparable harm.
Excellent article explaining the start to the present of this sad episode in American history. One has to read it slowly and sometimes reread parts to connect all the dots. This is a very serious abuse of power by the President and those who surround him. I hope that the upcoming hearings starting tomorrow will awaken all Americans that impeachment is necessary. Whether the Senate votes to convict will be a storyline for a future date. I lived through Watergate and that it was a different time and circumstance, however there is a strong correlation between abuse of power and obstruction of justice, which is exactly what we have at the present time.
GCAustin (Texas)
I take exception with the media’s characterization of impeachment as exclusively a “battle” between Republicans and Democrats. At the end of the day this is a Constitutional exercise. Real crimes were committed. This isn’t some little inter party argument. It’s a Congressional Grand Jury and it needs to be treated and respected as such. It’s time to focus on the Constitution and the country, not the political circus around it.
MJM (Newfoundland Canada)
Tell that to the Republicans in the Senate and the House.
Robert FL (Palmetto, FL.)
Trump has unilaterally aligned our foreign policy with that of Russia. Now rather than fight back, the Republican party is crafting a public propaganda campaign of obfuscation. Time for true patriots to come forward, drop partisan positions and right the ship of state.
Dr. Girl (Midwest)
After Mueller dropped the ball, Trump knew he was safe. Trump is willing to play this game to its end ugly end. Few others are willing. We have no hero. The hero is us.
Lyndsey (WA)
So the GOP has determined that Trump did in fact withhold the approved funding to Ukraine in order to get them to interfere in our 2020 election, and they do not consider it an impeachable offense? This was a bribe using taxpayer monies. Because his attempt was not successful, it’s okay that he did it. What is the GOP going to do about his behavior? Apparently nothing. They are too afraid to stand up to him, afraid of losing their positions in our government, yet they are not afraid that we Americans will vote them out of office? Either way, they stand to lose.
John Doe (Johnstown)
@Lyndsey, as far as I’m concerned every paid political ad I see on TV is election interference. What’s not election interference? It’s become worse than that all encompassing word “terrorism.” With elections all to live for it’s time to die.
vwcdolphins (Seattle, WA)
Democracy at work. The scales of justice are leveling.
Chris (Minneapolis)
It would not have mattered whether or not Ukraine actually did anything to investigate the Bidens. All trump needed for a campaign talking point to hound them was Ukraine simply SAYING they were investigating. That is all trump needed. The wall is old news. Muslim immigrants are old news. trump needs something big to rile the base with. I guess all he has left is Witch Hunt.
Pottree (Joshua Tree)
What’s Mexico now,,chopped liver?
John Townsend (Mexico)
Ardent GOP trump supporters seem to think the Mueller investigation is no longer relevant. Mueller said on nation-wide TV that his report did not exonerate trump and that ONCE OUT OF OFFICE he was definitely liable to indictment for criminal deeds most pointedly the deliberate obstruction of justice described in considerable detail in the report! The extensive evidence in the report is geared to support this eventuality. The 2020 election itself is the vehicle for bringing this trump criminal travesty to a just end.
Common cause (Northampton, MA)
What is so damaging to the US and dangerous for its future are the changes to that are pursued by Trump and his minions that attempt to upend our democracy. Our government is based on open discussion within the various departments, between the different departments represented in the cabinet and by the American people through a free press and open and fair elections. Over time, the US has tried, through refinements in the law, to ensure that the process is honest and legal. Knowledge of what our government is doing is supposed to be open to the people who will ultimately decide the direction of the country through open elections. Unfortunately, the label of conservative is misapplied. There are important conservative principles that are important to balance the operation of the government. However, on almost every count there is a group funded by secret money, off shore accounts, billionaires and foreign despots to divide Americans and, in their weakened state, destroy these principles of American democracy. This is being accomplished by unpenalized lies, a shadow government run by people such as Rudi Giuliani, dark money and self serving deception.
William S. Monroe (Providence, RI)
Trump is delusional enough to believe this nonsense about the Bidens and about Ukraine's influence on the elections, but it is still telling that, more than an actual investigation, he was demanding that Zelensky make a very public announcement of investigations. This was calculated to throw a shadow over Biden's election bid, and to aid Trump, whether the investigations really happened or not. It was clearly an abuse of power to get a foreign country to aid in Trump's election. That is two crimes in one!
Len (Duchess County)
This report, and I'm using that word very loosely, is a disgusting distortion of what happened and basic reality. Reading the actual transcript of the phone conversation in no way conveys anything like this report attempts to portray. Clearly the request, if it could even be called that, was part of a much larger conversation about corruption. Mr. Biden and his son are part of that, despite the prevailing talking point that it has been "largely debunked." It needs to be investigated beyond what we already seem to know.
Chickpea (California)
@Len President Zelenskyy: “...We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. specifically we are almost. ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.” President Trump: “I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation....” Via witnesses, we now know that Trump explicitly expected Ukraine to: 1. Take the blame for Russian interference in the 2016 election (See Republican Senate report) and 2. Dig up, or manufacture, political dirt on Biden to use in the 2020 campaign (collusion). Pretend what you will. This is imposing corruption, not fighting it.
Joe (AL)
@Len You are 100% wrong on this. What you have read isn't an actual transcript of the phone conversation. This itself shows that you are unaware of the details. It is a summary of the call released by Trump. The actual transcript of the call is stored in a secure location in NSC. If Trump is so innocent as he claims, he should release the word-for-word transcript and prove his innocence. If you really want to know what was told on the call, please read Lt.Col.Vindman's testimony. He was on the call, and it is the direct evidence. Finally, if you want to know the larger corruption of this saga, read the testimonies of Fiona Hill, William Taylor, Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch et. al. Please do your homework.
MJM (Newfoundland Canada)
An investigation has to be based on evidence. So far there is no evidence - just an insinuation by Trump and his personal employee, Giuliani, and appointee, Sondland. If what you say is true, bring the evidence. Simple to do if it exists.
Cathleen (New York)
And sadly, I suspect the open hearings are only going to add to the tumult, rather than resolving anything. Our elected officials respond to TV cameras the way the referees in Harry Potter's World Quidditch Match reacted to the veela: ignoring their responsibilities in favor of flexing their muscles and stroking their mustaches. I can already predict what will happen: rather than being adequately prepared and taking the opportunity to ask insightful probing questions, the Democrats will grandstand and the Republicans will resort to name calling. I cannot forget the Cohen hearings where we were treated to a grown man saying on national TV "Liar, liar, pants on fire!" I don't worry so much about how we got here. I worry about how we're going to get out again.
Joe (NJ>)
If the courts being a co equal branch of goverment would rule that if called before congress to testify YOU MUST APPEAR. By the constution congress is the oversight commite, end of story. trump is useing the courts as in private buissnes to delay & obstruct.
Bob (Clinton, MA)
I've heard reasonable people ask why Trump wants the Ukrainian govt to investigate the conspiracy theory that it was Ukraine, in cahoots with Clinton, that hacked the DNC in 2016. Remember...Obama imposed sanctions on Russia, including kicking out diplomats and seizing Russian property, in retaliation for their attack on the election. If Russia, err Trump, can convince enough Americans that Ukraine was responsible for the attack, then the rationale for those sanctions evaporates and Trump can justify lifting them. Trump's motto really ought to be "Make Russia Great Again!" #MARA!
jim auster (colorado)
Trump committed treason by helping Russia invasion of Ukraine as soon as vital military aid was withheld with intent to extort personal political favor, regardless when Ukraine knew aid was withheld and request made for Biden investigation.
William Case (United States)
The impeachment furor erupted because President Trump asked Ukrainian President Zelensky, as a favor, to ‘look into” allegations made by Ukraine officials, including a former president and general prosecutor. These allegation, which are not Republican "conspiracy theories," appeared in a series of articles and interviews published by The Hill, an American newspaper.  —they have evidence that Ukraine’s National Anticorruption Bureau collaborated with the Democratic National Committee to interfere in the 2016 presidential election; —that members of the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv obstructed Ukrainian anticorruption investigations; —that Vice President Joe Biden quashed a Ukrainian investigation of Burisma Holding to protect his son Hunter, who say on its board of directors. The whistleblower listed these allegations on page five of his complaint, which triggered the impeachment inquiry. Expectations that the Senate will convict and remove the president for asking Zelensky to look into allegations made by Ukrainian officials are delusional.
H. Clark (Long Island, NY)
It'a unfathomable that a man of limited intellect and severe myopia has been able to wrest the American government — including the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches and Cabinet departments from the State Dept. and the EPA — and turn it all into a destructive force for evil and mayhem. When alleged 'grown-ups' like Tillerson, Mattis and McMaster were present, they chose to snivel, make snarky comments in the dark, then run away as fast as they could to try to cash in on the coup unfolding before their eyes. Even Mr. Mueller, the consummate adult, aided and abetted Trump with a damning albeit tepid report that seemingly vanished into the ether. Not content to steal one election, Trump employed bribery and extortion to subdue his current political opponent. All this — while GOP sycophants sit on their hands, collect checks and excellent health benefits. America is in its death throes, and everyone above is complicit. I did not think this country was so easily conquered. Apparently all it takes is zeal, kompromat, and a phalanx of co-conspirators. If he wins again, and he probably will, Trump will destroy everything. Red hats burn at the same temperature as blue hats. You can see the writing on the wall. America is about to take its last breath. What a horrid pity.
gc (chicago)
2 questions: 1.) When was the funding supposed to go through it was approved in May 2019.... 2.) because of this hold how many Ukrainians died
Chris Mark (New York)
Another question: I’m always hearing that the Biden conspiracy theory was thoroughly investigated and debunked. Who investigated, how and when? This is a very important point that we need when countering Trump defenders!
Bob (Clinton, MA)
"The Ukraine saga is yet another episode in which Russia is the potential beneficiary of White House decisions." In other words it's more evidence that Donald Trump is an active, witting Russian agent, placed in the White House by Vladimir Putin in the greatest intelligence coup in history. Find that unbelievable? Think that's too outrageous to even consider? Read my analysis of Trump's relationship with Putin, examine the facts in the public record from Putin's perspective, and tell me where I'm wrong...
Bob (Canada)
How we got here ... 1) Mob like deal making and 2) Social Engineering of followers through deception "Social engineering is using manipulation, influence and deception to get a person, a trusted insider within an organization, to comply with a request, and the request is usually to release information or to perform some sort of action item that benefits that attacker." Kevin Mitnick
signalfire (Points Distant)
...against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic...
Brian (London)
The US and the UK really do have a special relationship. We both can no longer do truth in politics. As Billy Connolly once noted in jest perhaps we should take a pause from voting as it only seems to encourage politicians. Another point he made - that the desire to be a politician should exclude you for all time from being one -might indicate civil "jury" duty is needed. Until truth returns to civic life we may as well live lives in spite of our respective nations politicians hoping that truths return comes about peacefully.
Don Q (NYC)
As a country, we have held up military aid many many times before in order for corruption to be investigated. The difference here is that Trump forgot that past presidents and vice presidents are immune from scrutiny. Also, anyone running for political office is immune from scrutiny, although the whole Russia investigation doesnt count.
Djt (Norcal)
@Don Q Were those other events to which you refer to help a personal political campaign or to achieve a foreign policy objective?
Don Q (NYC)
@Djt That's a subjective, partisan question. That can be applied to both situations.
Rod (Miami, FL)
There is a long term problem here that is not being discussed. I believe all future presidents will be challenged when those who oppose their policies do not accept those changes. Politics will become more of a blood sport. The nation will be driven further apart and much more difficult to govern.
Bob (Canada)
They should of known how the call was going to go. Almost a year earlier Trump used the same tactic to get Ukraine to stop cooperating with the Mueller Investigation. Don't believe me? Have Trump release the transcripts of both calls, not just the Memo of the Jul 25 call. As the bottom of the first page of the memo states. "Caution: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a disccussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of the Situation Room Duty Officers and NSC policy staff assigned to listen and memorialize the conversation in written form as the conversation takes place. A number of factors can affect the accuracy of the record, including poor telecommunications connections and variations in accent and/or interpretation. The word "inaudible" is used to indicate portions of a conversation that the notetaker was unable to hear."
Cranford (Montreal)
We know Trump has a “love affair” with Putin who got him elected. We know Putin wants to get rid of the money losing sanctions imposed because he illegally grabbed land Crimea from Ukraine, costing him and his cronies billions of dollars, and because he meddled in the 2106 election. How to get rid of all these expensive sanctions? Make the case it was Ukraine that meddled in the election and prove Russia is squeaky clean. And get his buddy to do the dirty deed. And by trying to withhold money for Ukraine’s defence he again does Putin’s bidding, because we all know Putin wants Ukraine back and after that will invade the Baltic states which are his main objective because it gives Russia ports and military ground on the west of Europe and which can be supplied by train and road from Russia. And of course, Trump won’t lift a finger under the pretence it’s not America’s business to get involved in foreign wars or help NATO, the latter being a policy Putin clearly desires. It’s all linked. A repeat of the domino theory - once Ukraine falls so will the Baltics. And Trump is complicit in all this.
Les (SW Florida)
@Cranford I think you nailed it and I hope proof of this comes out.
Andie (Long Island)
Why is it so important to Trump that Ukraine, rather than Russia, be blamed for the 2016 election interference?
Semper fi (Texas)
@Andie So the US sanctions placed on Russia after they invaded Crimea will be lifted.
Robert (Boston)
There is a consistent subtext in many of Trump’s interactions, be they foreign or domestic, his speeches and rallies and his press conferences: Donald Trump himself does not believe he is a legitimately-elected president. He is stuck in place as a young child, always lonely striving for the very acceptance he rejects. Counter-intuitive? Nope. Narcissism is the flip side of insecurity and (gee, stop me - where’ve we heard this before?) Trump’s insecurities are chronically manifest. Republicans are willing to *normalize* Trump’s actions as they desperately seek his political cover. That they are willing to risk a looming Constitutional crisis, catalyze by Trump’s garden-variety extortion of Ukraine, is a disgrace.
Robert (Boston)
@EGD - I commend you to actually research the meaning of “extortion” before you, again, wrongly state Trump’s actions didn’t constitute such. It’s a textbook example of extortion AND a violation of campaign finance laws. Hey, as Mick Mulvaney said, “get over it.” Not.
Arkemano (Atlanta)
So tragically sad for America. Poor Trump can’t imagine winning anything honestly. Competition is nothing more than mounting campaigns of lies, conspiracies, and ad hominem attacks.
Tommy (Paris)
November 1999, two Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill. "_ I have had this terrible nightmare, a Reality TV moderator and crooked businessman managed to take over the GOP primaries and got elected POTUS. He appointed family members to key positions and constantly abused his power for personal interests. America was sold to foreign powers who pulled the strings in the backyard.. _ Thank god, this can't really happen in the land of the free, with our great system of checks and balances, and even if it did happen, we would all stand um to impeach the jerk and dave the nation. Right ? _ This is not the way my nightmare ended, no..."
Anne-Marie Hislop (Chicago)
And... if Bolton knew things that would exonerate Trump, he would simply ask Trump for permission to testify, ergo... what a mess! How sad that this narrow-minded little man in the White House has so damaged our reputation on the world stage and damaged the reputation of democracy as many will be left thinking it is a sham.
Kally (Kettering)
I wonder if John Eisenberg will testify.
Paul Central CA, age 59 (Chowchilla, California)
In the whirlwind of these impeachment proceedings we have heard a great deal of debate about which "high crimes and misdemeanors" the president has committed? The Justice Department supposedly determined that the President did not violate Campaign Finance Law because the "value" of the $400 million could not be determined. Absurd on its face, but let us continue. How has the Justice Department not investigated the obvious violation of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, written in response to Nixon's abuse of the Presidency. This act clearly states that the President or any of his officers must immediately notify Congress of any impoundment of funding. Specifically: PROPOSED DEFERRALS OF BUDGET AUTHORITY S EC . 1013. ø2 U.S.C. 684¿ (a) T RANSMITTAL OF SAGE .—Whenever the President, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the head of any department or agency of the United States, or any officer or employee of the United States proposes to defer any budget authority provided for a specific purpose or project, the President shall transmit to the House of Representatives and the Senate a special message specifying— (1) the amount of the budget authority proposed to be de- ferred; (2) any account, department, or establishment of the Gov- ernment to which such budget authority is available for obligation, and the specific project or governmental functions involved; (3) the period of time ... (POTUS and his staff have clearly violated this law)
Ed (Philadelphia)
Putin himself could not have designed a more cunning scheme to undermine Ukraine. Hmmm
Joe Miksis (San Francisco)
Donald Trump is a lifelong misogynist, grifter, tax shirker and pathological liar. Since becoming President, Trump has also become guilty of bribery, extortion and obstruction of justice. It is impossible to defend this vile man on so many levels of crime. The Republicans are doing the best they can. With no plausible defense against the factual evidence, GOP politicians have decided to obfuscate and deny Trump's misconduct and corruption. His worst co-conspirators are Giuliani, Mulvaney, Pompeo and Barr. How did America allow itself to fall so low?
J J Davies (San Ramon California)
"I'm a little worried about this Sollozzo fellow. I want you to find out what he's got under his fingernails. Go to the Tattaglias, and tell them you're not too happy with our Family, and find out what you can " ---Don Corleone "There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that, so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great." ..Don Trump One of these men wanted to use taxpayer money for an investigation of a rival.
FilmMD (New York)
Congratulations Donald! This transcript proves conclusively that you were doing actual work before noon. Well done! Bravo!
MJM (Newfoundland Canada)
Thanks. I needed a chuckle right about now.
Jennifer (Ohio)
Excellent timeline account of how we got here! I think it should be read verbatim at Wednesday’s first televised hearing!
VWalters (Kill Devil Hills, NC)
Ukrainegate is part of a larger pattern with Trump, which is why it MUST be taken so seriously. Trump has never respected the normal rules, laws, or protocols. With Ukraine, he takes it to a whole new level to the point that it threatens our national security and people’s lives. He is totally self-serving, not a servant to the America. He is a clear and present danger. He must be stopped and held accountable. The Republicans have failed over and over again to reign him in are are still carrying his water no matter how despicable the behavior. The thought of Trump getting another term is terrifying. America as we’ve known it may very well cease to exist.
CathyK (Oregon)
Remember how the Ukraine’s erected straw soldiers to spoof the Russian of their strength, unbelievable real bullets against straw soldiers while we held up military aid because Trump felt threatened by a political rival.
chris (NoVa)
The inescapable conclusion is that the Trump administration is as corrupt as the previous Ukrainian leadership that the US and European nations worked so hard to transform. Both saw nothing wrong in commandeering public policy and funds for private gain. And Republicans don’t think this rises to level of impeachable acts?
Pat (Colorado Springs CO)
OK, excellent article. But am I just stupid? I keep up on things. How did we get to Ukraine? And why? I mean, it is surreal. Russia interfered with the election, all 17 national security agencies agree. WHY is Ukraine in this discussion? They have no idea either.
Truthbeknown (Texas)
Heck, several of them were actively involved!
TLG (Newtown, PA)
@Pat - the most likely conclusion is that, after already taking the Crimea, Russia is invading Ukraine, who are desperately trying to hold them back. This operation would hold back funds designated for defense against the Russian invasion,would destabilize trust in Zelensky, and would also appear to shift the blame for election interference away from Russia - all of which are in Putin’s interest. On top of that, Giuliani attempted to replace the anti-corruption chief of the Ukrainian natural gas company, Naftogaz. And, Trump gets the benefit of smearing a top opponent with a whiff of made-up corruption, which is precisely what worked for him in 2016 with “her emails”.
Semper fi (Texas)
@TLG Well stated. Clear and concise. Thank you
DB (Connecticut)
I wondered as I read the title of this article how long it would take before the manipulation started.. In just the second paragraph “..two note takers exchanged troubled looks”, and by paragraph three Trump’s “Do us a favor” quote is presented as part of the same sentence pertaining to investigating Biden’s son and Biden himself for his push while Vice President to fire the Ukrainian prosecutor. It is not.
Kenny B (Fort Lauderdale)
@DB “..two note takers exchanged troubled looks” is from direct sworn testimony from Lt. Col. Vindman while he was note taking during the July 25th call. Read the transcript!
Bill (Tennessee)
Who is Mykola Zlochevsky? He was a minister of natural resources under Viktor Yanukovych. He was the owner of Burisma. After Biden's highly publicize Anti-Corruption stagged act. The Ukrainian prosecutor Shokin was replaced. Then the Burisma investigation was closed with no charges filed. You can spin it anyway you want. It still comes back to rest in the same spot.
James (Georgia)
Trump extorted a foreign government for his personal benefit. Impeach and remove,
chris (NoVa)
@Bill I think your timeline is wrong (Burisma investigation ended much earlier) but for the sake of argument let's go with your hypothesis. Now you have to prove the quid pro quo with, say, a transcript of a phone call, testimony offered by others who were involved, etc. "No quid pro quo" -- what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
W.A. Spitzer (Faywood, NM)
@Bill ,,,True or not it has nothing to do with the fact that Trump used U.S. taxpayer money to extort a foreign government to declare it was investigating a political rival.
Tom (United States)
Elections sure do have consequences, don’t they?
Opinioned! (NYC)
This happened because: 1—Trump wanted to please Putin by providing him with a cover that it was Ukraine and not Russia that interfered in the last presidential elections so that this 2020, Putin can steal the US presidency again and hand it to Trump 2—Trump is dumb enough to believe that he can bend reality, thinking that if he can use the Congress-approved budget to extort a manufactured charge agains Biden from Ukraine, no one will care No amount of “the call was perfect” or “read the transcript” can replace this toothpaste back into the tube. Which beggar two Qs: 1—If the call was perfect, why was the full transcript secreted away in a codeword protected safe in the dead of the night by unknown operatives and only the doctored parts were released? 2—If impeaching Trump guarantees his reelection, why are the Russo-Republicans not jumping with glee and supporting this impeachment gusto? Because the Russo-Republicans know that Trump committed a crime and has placed the interest of Russia over the interest of the US.
Ed (Silicon Valley)
Let's go back one step further. Why Ukraine? Who told Trump this is the country to blame for the 2016 DNC server hack and not his beloved Russians and use Zelensky to slander Biden? It's a known fact that Trump knows nothing about Eastern European countries other than that weird reference about Montenegro and WWIII a few months ago, which was exactly the same tripe Putin was selling (what a coincidence!). And we know Trump has had many private meetings and phone calls with Putin. And it just so happens Ukraine is the country Putin invaded. So how did it happen that Ukraine became the country to extort a lie from, you know, the country that needed US weapons to fight off invaders who just happen to be Trump's biggest crush? Ambassador Taylor was right. His biggest nightmare was going to happen. Had there been no whistle-blowing, Ukraine would have never gotten any aid. Trump would've played the desperate Zelensky for a chump with the blackmailed investigations and Zelensky would've lost support from his fledgling democracy. Which is exactly what Putin wants. So the real question is why does Trump do everything Putin wants him to do? And why do the Trumper Republicans support a president who goes out of his way to help Putin? For those of you who served, on this Veterans Day, thank you for protecting our Constitution and our democracy. At least somebody did.
chris (NoVa)
@Ed Why Ukraine? Let's ask Paul Manafort, who was doing work for the Russia-backed leadership in Ukraine before they fled.
e. (San Antonio, TX)
"All roads lead to Putin." I keep that in mind whenever I read the transcripts and articles regarding Trump's extortion play with Zelensky.
Tom W (Cambridge Springs, PA)
Mr. President, “I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot...” of corruption, division, deception and embarrassment. Resign. Do the one thing of which you’re capable, to serve the American people and the whole world. Please. Resign.
Michele (Seattle)
Thank you, NYT, for this “road map” to impeachment. By weaving the threads of the story together in chronological order, the overall pattern becomes very clear, convincing and damning. Trump is clearly guilty of extortion, bribery, soliciting foreign interference in our electoral process and obstruction of Congress in its investigative role, all examples of high crimes and misdemeanors. As damning as this is, there is no doubt more that we don’t know about. Who is paying Giuliani since Trump is not? Why do all roads lead to Putin and to advancing Putin’s interests at the expense of the US and our allies’ security interests?
gary e. davis (Berkeley, CA)
Like the alcoholic who's the last one to admit he's got a problem he can't lick; and must be confronted by the entire family and all who would, in principle, support his recovery, Trump is the last to recognize his chronic blundering and incompetence. There's one way to make this all fair and caring: The full Cabinet confronts him, and he retires to the golf course.
petey tonei (Ma)
You all are focusing and obsessing over Ukraine! What about Jared Kushner’s back channels? Didn’t he do whatever he wanted to, in the Middle East? Saudi? Turkey? Why is Jared not under scrutiny? Come on, media, lawmakers, don’t give Jared Kushner a pass? How did he get security clearance so easily in the first place? Why hasn’t anyone questioned his combining business with America’s security? Open your eyes fellas!!
ShowMe (Missouri)
@ petey tonie I agree with the exception of one thing. Neither Jared or Ivanka could get their top security clearances for months and months. They could not pass through the standard vetting process. In May 2018, trump finally ordered his chief of staff John Kelly to grant Kushner his clearance, overruling concerns flagged by intelligence officials and the White House lawyer.
Misplaced Modifier (Former United States of America)
If Hunter Biden is fair game, so are Invanka and Jr and Jared.
petey tonei (Ma)
@Misplaced Modifier isn’t Jared globetrotting on our the taxpayers’ account?!what kind of experience does he have to negotiate business and peace dealings at international levels? Surely he didn’t learn those from his dad who was actually convicted for fraud tax evasion and witness tampering.
Truthbeknown (Texas)
Ridiculous. The American people see this for what it is. These non-elected employees do not respect the American people’s leadership choice and want their own policies followed, not the policies of the elected leaders. Everyone of them should be terminated....let them go and survive in the private marketplace.
SC (Philadelphia)
Sure Texas Let a dictator and his cronies run the whole darn government primarily for Putin’s benefit - great idea.
ShowMe (Missouri)
@truthbeknown Those people are the protectors of our Constitution, protectors of our democracy.
chris (NoVa)
@Truthbeknown "These non-elected employees" are long-time civil servants who know illegal activities when they see them. They have US interests at heart, not the personal interests of elected leaders who don't care what the Constitution says.
C&M (Sydney, Australia)
I originally signed up as an NYT subscriber specifically to spite Trump and his bogus “failing New York Times” rhetoric. But I stay now as a faithful subscriber because of the quality of the journalism. This article is yet another example of absolutely brilliant reporting. Thank you to one and all at the NYT for the work you do to seek the truth and speak it to power.
Jennifer (Ohio)
I too am a loyal NYT subscriber and this particular article alone made my digital subscription more than pay for itself!
Kathe Stoepel (Chicago)
I agree
Mark Bower (West Norriton, PA)
Anybody else see the irony of Zelensky making his proposed declaration on “fake news” CNN?
Marlene (Canada)
trump saying the new leader is 'a very reasonable guy' spells gangster mafia takedown.
R (Massachusetts)
This entire story is based on a premise of poppycock. Just like the Russia hoax, which the NYT promoted with equal certitude, this will also fall apart. The errors in “fact” are too numerous to list.
SC (Philadelphia)
Would be interesting to see the top ten of your list.
Jennifer (Ohio)
Try listing just a few of those errors, please!
ShowMe (Missouri)
@R Your comment is laughably missing anything refuting that which has been stated under sworn oath by a dozen or so Republican or trump appointees and other government experts.
Bobbie GWhiz (Enfield)
While it is tangential to this story, the Hunter Biden highly paid board position was an attempt to curry favor with the Obama administration. Why else would Hunter have been hired and paid a generous salary? It may have, in fact, had no influence, but it looks bad. I suspect Joe Biden had a fractured relationship with his son, due his long standing problems, and they had an understanding to keep a safe distance from each other in discussing many matters. So the Vice President did not have the kind of relationship with Hunter that would allow him to discuss the inappropriateness of his board position. But it was inappropriate, and permitted an easy opportunity for political opponents to take advantage of the situation for political gain.
chris (NoVa)
@Bobbie GWhiz Yup, it's bad optics at the least. I wonder what Nikki Haley thinks of it, given that she sits on the board of Boeing, which has lots of government contracts.
Question Everything (Highland NY)
It's truly amazing; the insane pretzels that both Republican politicians and MAGA voters twist themselves into trying to defend Trump's behavior. All that contorting just to avoid saying three little words to Americans who didn't vote for Trump because they knew he was a swindler and con artist before he entered politics. You. Were. Right.
Mister Ed (Maine)
Terrific summary and timeline. It is unbelievable that any thinking person, Republican or Democrat would not conclude that the president is not up to the task at hand. Even if Republican senators are not willing to convict the president, they at least should censure him and construct a work around until he is out of office (including taking away the nuclear codes) and running someone else for president.
George N. Wells (Dover, NJ)
I'm more-and-more concerned about the "bromance" between Trump and Putin. Meetings with no transcripts, Trump deciding to use Putin's translator instead of one from the State Department, using Giuliani to remove the US Ambassador to Ukraine, and now manipulating the elected president of Ukraine for Trump's political gain trying to validate claims that it wasn't Russian operatives who manipulated American social media during the 2016 campaign. At what point does all of this add up to a charge of Trump "giving aid and comfort to an enemy of the USA?" Although Trump wants us to think of Putin as "A new friend." What is being promised to the elected officials or what threats are being made that is causing the silence and the resignations? Trump keeps claiming that anyone who disagrees with him is committing an act of treason. Since Trump loves to use projection as a manipulation tactic...
Dr. Reality (Morristown, NJ)
When the son of the vice-president of the United States gets paid $50,000 per month for a job he is not qualified for, in an industry he has no knowledge of, in a country he has no connection to, that raises a huge presumption of guilt with respect to pay-to-play influence peddling and corruption, and the burden of proof is on the Bidens and the Democrats to show that the job was legit. Hunter's confessions as to "bad judgment" belie the likelihood of such a showing. The partisan Democrats have a huge blind spot as to this, being so obsessed with their relentless efforts to impeach Trump.
ShowMe (Missouri)
@ Dr Reality And you and Republicans have a huge blindspot about trump’s clan. Nepotism stinks, but it is not illegal or unusual in many corporate board rooms, so get a grip on yourself. But your comment begs the questions: What about Costume Clothing Lady Ivanka, now White House Advisor? She’s raking in cash all over, most recently obtaining Chinese patents. And what about Back Channel Kushner, now White House Advisor. He has been bailed out of his 666 Trump Tower building financial problems by Crown Prince Bone Saw and his ilk. Sordid transactional nepotism. And btw, both Ivanka and Jared finally have top security clearance thanks to their daddy. This is despite neither of them being able to pass the routine vetting by the intelligence agencies. Scary.
DMZ (Atlanta)
Trump can be charged with Accessory to Murder, after the Fact. Trump committed Federal Felony Bribery. (18 USC 201) Ukrainians died during the commission of his Felonies. There is a statute in American law called: "Death during the Commission of a Felony" ( search it ) Extortion and Bribery may be the least of Trump's legal liability.
@PersimmonJam, Your feedback is very interesting. However, respectfully, I disagree. The issue is not today’s journalism. In fact, I believe we owe reporters and most of the news media a debt of gratitude for their hard work. They work every day to bring us transparency and to enable is to make our goverment accountable. If there is one profession which has excel during the Trump Presidency is journalism. It is the rest of us who decide to consume unchecked facts on unregulated media (such as tweeter or facebook) to justify whatever believes we already have. Do not get me wrong. I think Tweeter and Facebook are wonderful tools but they are no news outlets and people should be wary as they can be used for propaganda purposes.
John Vance (Kentucky)
I wonder what goes through Chief Justice Roberts’ mind when he gets up in the morning? Impeachment, DACA, abortion rights, gay rights, etc all coming up during the term of an incompetent president heading an angry, demographic demanding their dwindling dominance be restored. The associate justices will be remembered only as footnotes in the historical archives, but the “Roberts Court” decisions could be real headliners if they are found to be rowing against the tide of human progress. Will he be a Taney or a Harlan? Will his court be that of Plessy v Ferguson or Brown v Board of Education? What will his great grandchildren be reading about him in history class? I know I’d be thinking about it, I hope he is as well.
wz (Cambridge, MA)
I have trouble reading this article with the big photo of trump...I hope it doesn't contain anything earth shattering...maybe the writers will understand their work is not read by people like me who can't stand to see him so continually prominent on the page.
judgeroybean (ohio)
Trump's criminal behavior, conspiracy, bribery, malfeasance, obstruction of justice, on and on, is so blatant that it's laughable. In a rational society, with a rational government, the vote to impeach would be unanimous.
Steve (NJ)
What is most disturbing, is that the media is not playing the video / audio of Joe Biden bragging about how he was threatening to withhold a billion dollars to Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor investigating his son's shady Ukrainian gas company. The Democrats are actually trying to impeach Trump for something that Biden actually did, watch the video.
ShowMe (Missouri)
@Steve Gaslight much? There is plenty of mainstream news video of Biden “bragging” about withholding aid because it was straight forward, out-in-the-open, United States government developed and sanctioned policy, not a back channel extortion rolled out by Rudy Giuliani and his bagmen Igor and Lev. Please. Gaslight somewhere else.
TLG (Newtown, PA)
@Steve. Biden was indeed pretty happy about getting Ukraine to get rid of that prosecutor. The prosecutor wasn’t investigating anything; rather, he would threaten investigation in order to extort payments from companies. He didn’t reduce corruption at all, but rather added to it. And that is why both the E.U. and the U.S. wanted Ukraine to replace him with someone who would actually fight corruption.
Semper fi (Texas)
@Steve VP Biden was delivering a United States government policy decision made by the Obama administration. It had bipartisan congressional support. It was done out in the open and not hidden away from public knowledge. It was a policy supported by European Union members, the International Monetary Fund,and the anticorruption organizations inside Ukraine, among others, who were pop concerned that there was no anticorruption activity being done by that prosecutor. The Ukrainian prosecutor was corrupt and he was not investigating Burisma at the time he was removed. He was removed and replaced by a prosecutor who wanted to investigate corruption in Ukraine.
David Klebba (PA)
Does any one know exactly why Mitch Romney said that Russia is our real foe during the 2012 Presidential election? What did/does he know that we didn’t?
W.Wolfe (Oregon)
Of course Trump "pressured" Zelensky's access to much needed American Foreign Aid for Trump's own political Gain. This has become so overly obvious, it is ridiculous. And Trump, and Fox news are, like; "hey, we do this all the time. No biggie". No other President of the USA has ever stooped this low. It is sad to say, but this IS a Game-Show Host Presidency. How long do we have to wait for Constitutional reckoning? Can what is left of our Congress and Senate throw this bum out, and now? Things get uglier by the day, and the next day, too. But I don't think that Trump's nose can grow much longer.
Tournachonadar (Illiana)
A tale of venality and presidential irrationality. What's missing--and what is called in Latin and French by the term "catimini", is the element of Putin's orchestration of this entire Ukraine fiasco.
Dr. Dan (Miami)
How did we get here? The entire republican party collectively decided to abandon the laws of constitution. That's how. It is a slow motion train wreck watching hundreds of supposedly level headed conservative leaders twist themselves into pretzels and soil themselves trying to wordsmith a defense of it. Like a kindergarten child caught lying. It is repulsive and yet America cannot turn away from watching. And the R's cannot change course - there is not enough courage in its members.
Mary (Pittsburgh, PA)
@Dr. Dan One thing I don't understand is that while "I'd like you to do us a favor though" has become a marker for quid pro quo, an earlier line in the call summary is far more suggestive -- but never mentioned. After reminding how "very very good" the US has been to Ukraine, Trump then says, "I wouldn't say that it's reciprocal necessarily." Reciprocal is a synonym for quid pro quo.
Angelsea (MD)
All the evidence, including the "redacted" transcripts of "The Phone Call" based on notes, not transcripts, clearly show Trump's mafia approach to smearing the man he considers his main political enemy and the Democratic Party. This is believed by nearly all Democrats and some Republicans as evidenced by the few questions to candidates on the Democratic trail related to the upcoming Impeachment Process. Democrats, and some Republicans, already know Trump needs to be impeached, tried, and removed from office. Nixon's crimes against the United States pale in comparison to Trump's crimes.
Chickpea (California)
In the end, Republicans, to a man, will sell out their country to defend Trump. The Fox News consumers believe every fool thing they hear on TV, but the Republicans in the House and Senate will betray their country in full knowledge of what they do. It’s really up to us. Why aren’t we in the streets trying to save our country? The 2030 election may well be too late.
Casual Observer (Los Angeles)
Is the issue the pursuit of dirty tricks to use in elections or is it something much more dangerous? What if the purpose of holding back the military aid was to delay delivery of the military aid? What if the purpose is to do a favor for Russia? What if if it’s a continuation of the concerns expressed much earlier about providing anti-tank weapons to Ukraine upsetting Russia by Mulvaney? Maybe the silly nonsense denials about quid pro quo and extortion about having Biden’s son being investigated is actual a distraction from another purpose? Consider how Trump frequently calls Putin and seeks foreign leaders’ advice which contradicts that from both career experts of the U.S. government and Republican advisors? Consider how much advantage Russia has gained as the U.S. undoes the world order it created? Coincidence? I think that the investigation into this administration must be expanded to address Trump’s real foreign policy goals and actions.
Anon... (Anon a Dem Prez)
I think the biggest problem Democrats have is that Trump is not evil and Machiavellian as they wish him to be. He's crass, obnoxious, aggressive and narcissistic, but not genuinely wicked and ruthless. This makes it slightly harder to justify the hatred and desire to see him fail. Accordingly, though the Times casts Ukraine as a "solution to Trump's political problems," it is increasingly looking like a solution for Democrats' political problems. Well, if Democrats can prove Trump crossed the line - even if having been manipulated into it by Giuliani, they will have their victory, especially Adam Schiff. But it won't be as sweet a victory as it would have been if Trump were as Machiavellian as most Democrats either assumed or hoped.
SV (San Jose)
What we do not know is if and how Russia instigated all of what has happened to bring Ukraine to its knees. I am inclined to think the Russians have something on Trump and they are using it to their advantage.
Howard Clark (Taylors Falls MN)
The two Marines, assigned to open the door for trump: I share their pain and anguish for that unfathomably horrendous duty that day. Hopefully they will be able to avoid heroin use in the future.
alf13 (Philadelphia)
Our diplomats understand what is right and wrong and what is their responsibility under the constitution. Trump has not enough insight to understand this but the real shame is the members of the republican party who are trying so hard to make this all go away and even refuse to even read the materials that document this. Their shame and lack of protection of our constitution will been seen historically as a true low point of our elected officials.
zb (Miami)
By blocking the military aid to the Ukraine Donald Trump was obviously trying to help himself politically but just as certainly he was also doing the bidding of his Russian masters who I am sure were happy not to see the aid going to the Ukraine.
Jack Toner (Oakland, CA)
I don't understand on what basis Trump can order Bolton not to testify. Bolton is no longer a government employee. I have seen no explanation for this anywhere. Obviously it's illegal to disclose classified information but Bolton knows a lot of unclassified information. Is this based on executive privilege? How does that trump freedom of speech?
Coureur des Bois (Boston)
Trump has misused my tax dollars as leverage for the personal political purpose of getting himself re-elected, and I want him removed from office for using public funds for private gain.
JJ Gross (Jerusalem)
What greater "foreign influence" can there be than the nepotistic foreign hiring of the ne'er do well son of a US Vice President for 50 Grand a month while said VP is in charge of relations with that very same foreign country? Surely this should be justification for a presidential inquiry, particularly if that former VP has aspirations to become POTUS.
ShowMe (Missouri)
@ JJ Gross Here’s a greater “foreign influence” that should be investigated. Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner and the Chinese, Arab, and Saudis money flowing into their coffers.
This photo! Nobody seems to be talking about it, but it is a powerful photo. It is an honest photo: it speaks to a president at odds with what he would like to portray, as well as the confusion surrounding his presidency. Kudos to the photographer.
Lolita (Vancouver BC)
The photograph of DT in this very good article, is of a man who is in great distress. One cannot help but wonder how this might impact on his physical and mental health.. A daily assault on his veracity, his competence, the ongoing scandals and accusations, have to play a part in his general well being. An impeachment hearing with testimony from people with impeccable credentials looming large. For anyone one with any measure of a conscience or a sense of morality , this would constitute a daily nightmare. One wonders what he does to make himself feel better? He is a member of the same specie as all of us, surely there must be a breaking point, if he reflected at all on the enormity of it all. But this would require some insight and self-awareness.
Casual Observer (Los Angeles)
Observe how he deals with the losses of life and property that affect all of us. Observe how he cannot speak freely at any event without turning his talk to what bothers him no matter how irrelevant. Observe how he addresses his own blunders with facts and failures. He has spent a lifetime not taking responsibility for his behaviors and no fear because he has usually not been held to account. He’s a person who has lived in a protective bubble his whole life.
Jennifer (Ohio)
I share your concerns....”one wonders what he does to make himself feel better”. My immediate response to that is schedule more rallies.
Lolita (Vancouver BC)
@Casual Observer Ordinary mortals would wither, it must take some kind of impermeability to withstand so much opprobrium in order to continue with such gall. It is hard to believe that there will not be consequences or accountability.
Asra Jawaid (Coral Gables)
If multiple members of the President’s Administration are willing to testify that he was willing to blackmail Ukraine’s newly-elected head of state for his own political gain, that - in and of itself - should be reason enough for the American public to vote him out of office.
Question Everything (Highland NY)
Trump solicited a foreign government to investigate his political rival. That's interference in the 2020 American election. That's illegal. Period. No quid pro quo is required. Asking that "favor" was illegal. Republicans ignore Trump's solicitation of election interference is illegal itself. Additionally.... it's irrelevant that military assistance was released in September. The "favor" was asked in July per Trump's own phone call memo. Congress approved military aid to Ukraine in February. Trump had no business holding up aid. Aid was released in September BECAUSE the whistle blower report AND others talking to their IGs about the July 25th phone call proved Trump's "favor" was illegal. And lastly.... why should Trump or Mulvaney care how Russia "feels" about Congress giving aid to Ukraine to fight Russian aggression? Mulvaney has alluded to this as a reason for holding up Congressionally approved aid. Russia invaded Ukraine. Our military assistance to Ukraine, including Javelin missiles to stop Russian tanks, was the correct policy action. Russia is the aggressor by invading Ukraine. Why should Trump, Mulvaney or any White House official care if Russia is not happy about America helping Ukraine repel Russian aggression? Which leads to the last BIGLY question. What leverage does Putin have over Trump that's making him act this way? Did Putin ask Trump a "favor" in a phone call withhold aid? America needs that phone transcript too.
MG (Sacramento)
Thank you NYT. What a puzzle to put together. It is intriguing and right out of a espionage novel. I wish to God it were fiction and not reality. What a nightmare this so called president and his followers have led us into. I am 70 y/o and am ashamed of what has become of my country.
petey tonei (Ma)
@MG they haven’t yet got started on Jared Kushner back channeling, upending America’s State department. Giuliani is a distraction so lawmakers won’t focus on Jared and his dealings,; Jared is a huge globalist, so much for trumps claims of being a nationalist, seriously folks!! It’s still not late, intelligence committee should direct their attention on Jared as well.
Jennifer (Ohio)
You sound like my potential soulmate. I just turned 70 and am appalled by our leader, day in and day out!
Bob Guthrie (Australia)
When I see how dependable Trump has been to the Kurds and other US allies (Ukraine) it sure makes me glad that my country is not an ally of the USA... oh wait a minute... Vietnam, Korean War. Iraq War, Afghanistan... oh I forgot... Australia has been a reliable ally. It slipped my mind for a moment. We are an ally. I sure hope we don't get treated like other allies like Ukraine or the Kurds.
Ahunt (Seattle)
Very well written piece. What a world we live in ! It is really strange to live in these times. I don't know if it's just me but not long ago being a president meant being a person beyond reproach, being an example of an honest person who tries their best despite the odds and at the end of the day is a patriot. Impeachment will be on party lines and Senate will aquit on party lines as well.
polymath (British Columbia)
Wouldn't it be more efficient to just ban research and education of any kind?
kagni (Urbana, IL)
What would be the Republicans reaction if the tables turned, if Congress would make foreign aid conditional on recipient governments making statements that they investigate Trump campaign, "just checking if it is all clean" ?
Kathy Marshack (Portland OR)
I know this story by heart now since I have read about it daily for weeks. However, each time I read it, I can’t believe Trump is still in the Whitehouse. Nixon would have resigned by now.
Xoxarle (Tampa)
If Trump gets away with this, and is exonerated by a partisan Senate, and given that he is now surrounded by powerful enablers in Barr, Pence and Pompeo, what abuses of power will he commit in the remaining year of his first term? That is the thought that should concentrate minds.
Thomas Devaney (Philadelphia)
When the Senate finally says whatever they will say (changing the subject) he’ll also then be able to hand out pardons galore for anyone who wasn’t able lie with impunity as he was. Not only will the Senate give him the green-light, but they’re also in effect green-lighting the unprecedented pardons to come.
PersimmonJam (US)
I have a unique position to be able to listen, patiently, to co-workers, acquaintances, and family for their take on the impeachment hearings. The consensus, for the most part, is that the allegations don’t rise to the level of actual removal from office. I don’t agree with this general consensus, but I have a glimpse into their reasoning. In essence, they are jaded by the view points from other news sources and that every news outlet has political motives. So, they believe the truth they want to believe. But, I suppose if the economy were in shambles then their perspectives might change. We are in a dark time with the state of journalism in this country.
Tom W (Cambridge Springs, PA)
@PersimmonJam I respectfully disagree with the final sentence of your comment. The article on which we are commenting is clear, consise, readable and credible. This piece could be used in a college course as an example of quality journalism. note: In 2017, in reaction to Trump’s “fake news” attacks on the press, the president was asked for the name of a reliable news sourcee. Don’s answer? The National Enquirer.
jbc (falls church va)
the question to pose to your coworkers, acquaintances, and family is the one that I pose to to my Republican friends who assert the same position. To wit, what is your definition of "high crimes and misdemeanors" that would constitute an impeachable offense? Not one has offered an answer.
Tom W (Cambridge Springs, PA)
It may well be time for the long-silent Republicans in the House and Senate to loudly declare their positions in this matter. The president and Rudy Giuliani will obviously throw one nonsensical lie and one absurd excuse after another in the general direction of the facts outlined in this well-written article. What other options do the Prince of Lies and his court jester have? These two fools both appear to have completely lost all contact with reality and truth. Now the congressional Republicans need to decide. “Do I continue to hitch my star to this unfit lunatic president? Or do I scrape together my remaining dignity and credibility, and begin to compose a lengthy apology to my constituents.” All Trump’s carnival barker tricks will avail him nothing. The walls are closing in. Distance yourselves now gentlemen, or commit political suicide like Lindsey Graham!
Ida (NYC)
In the very name of fighting corruption in Ukraine, Trump attempts to corrupt Ukraine.
Jordan Davies (Huntington Vermont)
I think this article sums up the need for impeachment very neatly. We have a narcissistic president who will do anything to get ready-elected even if it means demanding the help of a foreign power through bribery. What is most harmful to our democracy is the shameless support by the GOP sycophants to support the president. They won’t see reason and that is quite beyond me to understand. Where is their moral compass, their belief in a democracy? I despair for our country.
Szeldim Wright (Chicago)
Don't know why Sharon, Andrew and Danny didn't report this, but if crimes against the United States by anyone, a US Citizen or a foreign national are suspected, the FBI has the authority to investigate, anywhere in the world. Reporting this would establish that Trump not only doesn't want an actual investigation to ever happen, he needs it to never happen so he can raise money from his base to re-elect him and continue his scams against America.
BR (Bay Area)
After reading this - it’s clear that impeachment isn’t enough. He needs to be imprisoned.
Tim Lynch (Philadelphia, PA)
The electorate must ,in no uncertain terms, oust all Republican office holders. President GOPenstein is but an allegorical junkie,being enabled by the likes of the Federalist Society, ALEC, the Ryans,McConnells,Grahams, Toomeys,Meadows,etal. His opponents in the primaries are complicit too. This isn't just Trump ,it is the whole bunch of them, corporations too; the stripping away of environmental protections,labor laws, free speech and free press,the deconstruction of foreign policy, and even nuclear arms treaties. Evil triumphs when good? men remain silent. Republicans and the corporations arw co-conspirators, and the puppeteers. It took a village to enable this guy. They are to blame .
Nka (Chicago)
How would you assess the above stated recollection of events if you knew that both Trump AND Zelensky were elected with a LOT of help from Russia? OK, maybe that's too much to ask. Forget Trump elected by Russians. But leave Zelensky elected by Russians. What conclusions can be drawn?
Tom W (Cambridge Springs, PA)
@Nka I’ve often wondered how WWII would have turned out if the Japanese had had Godzilla fighting on their side.
Joseph (NY, NY)
If Democrats and Independents and Moderates want to win in 2020, we have to raise our voices and be heard. It’s not a “quid pro quo”. It’s bribery and extortion. It’s not a counter argument to the Impeachment Inquiry to call Hunter Biden and The WB as witnesses. It’s right out of the Russian/Putin playbook. Distract. Confuse. Call it out! There comes a time to get angry and indignant. Repubs do this well. About 35% of the electorate are Trump cultists. They don’t care. The rest of us need to speak up and save this country from Trump.
Tom W (Cambridge Springs, PA)
@Joseph Isn’t it amazing that such a large cult can be built on nothing but lies, nonsense, bad manners and ignorance. Delusion is a powerful force.
Gwen (Baltimore)
@Joseph Simple: vote.
jg (Bedford, ny)
It doesn't take a conspiracy theorist to assume Putin is still calling these shots, moving his chess pieces, deflecting blame for past and future election interference to Ukraine, and just as Trump thought he could put Zelensky "in a box," Putin keeps Trump in a box that Trump is too naive (to put it nicely) to recognize, and from which he has no escape.
Nelly (Half Moon Bay)
@jg Yes. One of my most anticipated questions asked of the impeachment witnesses is; "Why does everything Trump does represents an advantage to Russia? And better, I wish that question could be asked of the Republican congressmen and women in this hearing. Is that allowed? Asking a questioner a question?
Hanan (New York City)
No doubt Trump appears to be caught in his own actions because he has the "absolute right" to say and do anything. The "perfect" phone call was imperfect and most listening knew it. That's why the WH tried to hide it. The backdrop dates all the way back to Trump's campaign. It finally caught up with him given the golden friendship of Giuliani who wanted part of the action. This is just Ukraine being investigated. No one has looked into Saudi Arabia, yet which has likely some pro quo keeping the oil prices low; providing cover for US resident and journalist Khashoggi's murder and turning a blind eye to the internal terrorism within the country locking up dissenters and then there is Yemen... Turkey... deals, deals and more deals via phone calls and twitter utterances that nothing wrong is being done. Ukraine is tied to Russia. Trump is enamored with Putin and Russia. Those early meetings with Trump and no notes of what was promised, ugh said by Trump to Putin. It's more than five months of Trump breaking the law, selling or giving away our national interests in climate change, NATO and other international relations that he has scuttled thereafter brazenly lying about. The Mueller probe allowed Trump to escape, barely-- again over issues related to Russia, computer hacking, campaign violations, etc. Impeaching Trump has been an option since his first year in office. The price that has been paid since has been enormous. Make Trump Accountable America. He's done plenty wrong!
Benny Dells (Westchester NY)
Thank you for this concise brief. It should convince every open minded person that what was done here by Mr. Trump was wrong and is an impeachable offense.
DH (Atlanta)
The thing is, Trump and his allies didn’t really think there was any corruption with Biden, they (he ) just wanted the PR declaration on CNN by the new Ukrainian president to declare that there WAS an investigation so that they could use that and amplify it over and over for an advantage in the 2020 election. That’s what we call Fake News. Note that Zelensky really didn’t even have any investigation. Poor Zelensky. Such an abuse of power by Trump to use and abuse the new president of Ukraine who really wants to end corruption and get Putin off their border. How many Ukrainians died because of Trump’s extortion?
JOSEPH (Texas)
Do you get the feeling this will turn out just like the Mueller Report? I do.
Craig (Queens. NY)
I guess you didn’t read Volume 2 of the Mueller report which detailed up to 10 instances of felony obstruction of justice by Trump.
Falconpunch (In Utan)
Considering the house now has access to the unredacted Mueller investigation report let's hope so! Bring them all in for a grilling and let the chips fall.
David (Major)
Giuliani apparently learned a good deal from prosecuting/investigating the mafia about racketeering and extortion....
Bob Guthrie (Australia)
Sometimes I think the broader picture- one that is even more damning- is forgotten due to the clarity, brevity and precision of the (alleged as yet) extortion scandal. There was enough in the Mueller report to indict him 11 times over on witnessed obstruction of justice- proven by Mueller though couched in hard to read legalese. Now to the broader picture already established: 16 Trump associates with contacts to Russia, 28 meetings with Russians, 37 Indictments/Guilty Pleas, over 90 criminal indictments and 199 criminal charges. And as with the multiple women claiming sexual assault or similar... Trump has to be 100% squeaky clean. Yeah right. And there are fairies at the bottom of everyone's garden.
Steve Mills (Oregon)
If only every American took the time to read this, Congress could be moved to remember the oath of office they all took. Pressure is what it's going to take.
Ernie (Maine)
I wish the basic premise of your comment to be correct, sadly, a large portion of Americans can barely read it seems, and even if they can, they seem to want to believe what they want to believe instead of parsing facts. It is a very depressing state of affairs.
Rita (California)
Read the depositions. The Ukraine caper started in February with Giuliani inserting untrue smears against the Ukrainian Ambassador into the media via John Solomon and the help of Fox wit the goal of eliminating opposition to Giuliani’s fake investigation into the Bidens and the the debunked DNC server hoax. Had Mr. Trump really been interested in corruption in Ukraine, he would have consulted with the State Department professionals instead of Putin and Orban.
waldo (Canada)
@Rita Joe Biden was handling the Ukraine file under Obama, when his son was on the board of a shady ‘gas company’ drawing a nice sum for what? Even if he was doing nothing wrong, the optics were such, that Daddy should have recuse himself from handling the file. That’s when and where it started and the DNC server issue wasn’t a hoax, just as the Steele dossier ordered and paid for by the DNC wasn’t either.
Richard Kavey (Cazenovia, NY)
The difference between Don Corleone and Don Trump: Don Corleone was an excellent leader.
Nelly (Half Moon Bay)
@Richard Kavey Don Corleone is a figment of imagination. Trump isn't. The gangster adulation has gone far enough in this country. It is exactly that adulation and titillation that created Trump and what we are seeing today. Don't let your Mafia movies affect your sense of it has Trump's.
H E Pettit (Texas & California)
This is getting so convoluted. I opposed Trump as soon as he admitted in the famous bus video that he successfully raped women. Look up the definition of rape & listen to the recording. Now he takes advice from a convicted felons (2) & gets caught at bribery. He has the FBI & CIA , two of the greatest investigatory institutions on this planet at his disposal , & they say there is nothing there on the Bidens. I will spend my last breath in making sure he gets tried in court as soon as he is out of office. I believe in a 2 party system but am amazed at the Republicans. Disgusting. When Trump loses the 2020 election , he should worry what Putin does with all they have on him because he is useless & not very intelligent. What do Russians do with useless assets ? Ask the British , they have had several in their country.
David Patterson (Los Altos CA)
Why is Congress unable to acquire the actual transcript of the call, since that is the core of the question? It was locked away but surely has no remaining national security basis for being so, and Congress should be able to acquire it no matter what security clearance even if not for public viewing. I do not recall any discussion of this quite obvious question.
Nelly (Half Moon Bay)
@David Patterson There are most certainly tapes of the call, both here and in the Ukraine.
Mia (New York)
So basically, Trump detachment syndrome is a real thing. Except for it actually explains the derangement displayed by Trump himself, rather than describe public reaction to him.
William I (Massachusetts)
What is really difficult to fathom is how Trump is competitive for re-election. The Democrats will most likely not get anywhere near 20 Republican senators to vote for removal, but Murkowski, Collins, and Romney may take a principled stand. These three votes and public opinion may do the trick to remove this narcissistic sociopath from office next year. It is really extraordinary that we put ourselves in this position. Republicans, please nominate John Kasich next time. It is not too late to do it now.
Michael Cohan (St Louis, MO)
Bill Weld should be the Republican nominee. Sadly, of course he won't be, but I can dream, can't I?
waldo (Canada)
@William I Calling Romney ‘principled’ is a huge stretch.
Tom W (Cambridge Springs, PA)
@William I “Trump is competetive for reelection.” Of course he is. Trump’s presidency has rested on a foundation of denial from Day 1. Denial of reality, fact, truth and reason. Denial of climate change, environmental disasters, and science in general. Denial of economic realities. Denial of human rights. There is a core group of voters who’ll support Trump REGARDLESS. They are running from the light of truth, just like their Liar-in-Chief. As their numbers dwindle, those who remain loyal Trumpists may well get noisier but their days are coming to an end. The Prince of Lies is in a world of trouble. Trouble his lies can’t fix.
Sheet Iron Jack (SF Bay Area)
Awesome reporting. What I have completely failed to understand though is whether the Trump administration has any constructive policy at all. So far what I’ve seen is only consistently destroying earlier policy, creating divisions within society and just outright cruelty to the least privileged. This is my country?! The very same one that passed the Disability Act decades ago, establishing wheelchair friendly sidewalks all over?! When I see a sidewalk neatly sloping gently on to a pedestrian crossing, my heart swells at the humanity of it all. This Administration has been a rude wake up call.
Simon (Adelaide)
Did the FBI even vet DT? How long did it take them? 2 hours? How about the family? The whole thing is a travesty - DT is a tool with an ego.
Nelly (Half Moon Bay)
@Simon Yes. The FBI vetted Trump, and it's why a known and potential Russian asset like Carter Page was immediately surveilled as were other shady characters within the Trump orbit. If we live long enough, all of this will come out, particularly with a successful impeachment that can expand upon just the Ukrainian angle.
eve (nyc)
A mob job gone wrong. Trump doesn’t know any other way. That how he ran his business and nothing changed since. Only now it’s the country at stake not his bankruptcies. He just doesn’t care as long as the focus is on him, he is convinced he is right and perfect. A typical psychopathic narcissist. 
Sharon (Tn)
Elect a clown, expect a circus.
Miriam (NY)
If all this indisputable evidence and corroborated testimony doesn't result in the timely removal of the perpetrators involved in this crime wave, reality itself must be brought into question.
waldo (Canada)
How we got there: It started on the night Hillary Clinton lost the presidency, despite thousands of polls, pundits and the media predicting otherwise. It continued with looking for a reason ( since Trump’s popular appeal wasn’t enough) for the defeat, and Russiagate was born. For the next 2 years (and at a cost of tens of millions of taxpayers’ money) Mueller was investigating, unfortunately his report delivered virtually nothing. Something (anything) needed to be found to keep the flame alive. Enter Ukraine and poor Zelenskiy, newly elected, a former comedian, thrown right in the middle of the latest, so-called ‘impeachment inquiry’ which - as its initiators know full well - will also go nowhere. Trump will be reelected. End of story.
James (Georgia)
Trump used the power of his office to illegally extort a foreign government for his personal political benefit. End if story.
waldo (Canada)
@James Except he didn’t. Listen to what Nikki Haley said, if you don’t believe me).
alan brown (manhattan)
We got here because on the night that Trump was declared the next President Democrats, especially the left, said he's not my President (he is), called for recounts (he won them), asked for a constitutional convention ( it wasn't held), then began demanding impeachment, had Obama do an investigation of Russian interference and " collusion" (he did, Russians interfered, no collusion,) then demanded a special counsel (Mueller), he did it in almost two years (no collusion, no decision on obstruction of the collusion that wasn't.), then got to find something so get him on asking Ukraine to look into corruption and Biden or no arms (they got the arms, he didn't get the investigation but there's still a quid pro quo??). Outcome: Impeachment for sure,acquital for sure. election, 2020 ( I'm not a prophet). Accomplishments by congress on immigration, infrastructure, healthcare: Zero. Whose fault: Republicans and Trump, who else? Commentators in NYT who will recommend this: near zero, replies at least a few questioning my sanity, patriotism etc.
John (LINY)
This story goes earlier again as one of the diplomats says Mulvaney temporarily delayed money in 2017 out of deference to the..... Russians. Putin’s boys are at it all the time.
KCF (Bangkok)
An easier way to analyze Trump's intentions towards Ukraine is to simply accept that he was recruited by Russian security services during one of his many trips there, probably in the late 80s or early 90s. Taken ostensibly for business, none of those trips resulted in anything tangible, and it's easy to imagine Trump's bad behavior or easily manipulated ego made his recruitment a piece of cake. He was probably recruited at the time as an access agent, since he himself had no real placement to provide important information, but could introduce Russian case officers to other potential recruits. There's plenty of indications that this has occurred, far too many to list here, but among there are his insistence at keeping his own personal smartphone, one-on-one meetings with Putin and no other American's present, repeated trips to the then-Soviet Union and later Russia for no purpose and his nearly 100% support for Russian policies and goals. That's where Ukraine fits in. By taking the path he's taken, Trump's again 100% behind Russian goals in the region and 100% opposed to US priorities. A simple counterintelligence polygraph of him, Kushner, and Giuliani would set everything straight.
Paul Yates (Vancouver, Canada)
If Trump cannot be impeached over the intent of obvious bribery then nothing outside of a felony on live tv will dethrone him. There’s already a cold civil war underway in America and if it’s not stopped with the evidence discovered about Ukraine there’s no turning back. Trump will destroy America and stand on a mountaintop proclaiming he saved it. America will never recover if Trump is not impeached over this clear and present danger.
pointofdiscovery (The heartland)
Lock him up. There is no way these actions are not impeachable.
Joseph (Los Angeles)
Congratulations to Donald J. Trump for forevermore being in the #1 spot on any future lists of "Worst Presidents in U.S. History." He will never ever ever ever EVER be knocked out of that spot.
Anonymous (The New World)
Trump has continuously projected behavior upon his rivals that both he and his family blatantly exhibit themselves! He did this with Hillary - parading women to the debate that had accused Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct while we were slammed every day by credible accusations of Trump’s own disgusting misogyny, including the Access Hollywood tape. What next? Blame Hunter Biden for killing the Ukrainians he absolutely killed by holding back aid for four months? Or maybe Hunter, like Ivanka, got 30 Chinese patents approved and a project funded in Indonesia? Or maybe he was secretly in disguise in Riyadh with Jared as the world’s largest IPO was about to be launched? Or was Hunter actually the genius who egged on Trump and MBS to strong arm Qatar until Kushner’s failing 666 Fifth Avenue got bailed out? What has he promised Putin, Ukraine? Greenland? The Grand Canyon? The vice-presidency?
Barfoote (Long Island)
Impeaching trump for the Ukraine affair is like coming home from work and discovering that your dog has peed on the carpet, and then beating your dog. Trump is too clueless to know that such a deal is obviously inappropriate and maybe illegal. The House should take the high road and investigate Trump to the fullest, leaving no stone unturned, but then leave it to the voters to decide in 2020. Going through with impeachment will only galvanize Trump’s base and further entrench partisanship. Apologies to all the canines out there for the unfavorable comparison.
Stephen (Oakland)
The inside story: the president is a thuggish, sociopathic, criminal con artist. Done.
Allen (Santa Rosa)
Karma is clearly on President Zelensky's side. He really dodged a bullet there.
Tim (Heartland)
Is anyone going to be surprised if we finally get Trump’s tax returns and learn that he’s up to his ears in debt to Russians? Think about it. What has been the common denominator in all the myriad scandals with this prevaricator? Russia. Trump wasn’t vindicated by Mueller’s work. He and his proxies obstructed justice related to facts surrounding Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. All Mueller said was that he couldn’t indict a sitting President— Congress would have to impeach. Remember Helsinki in July, 2018? Did we ever learn what transpired between our President and Putin in their private discussions? Remember how Trump came out of those meetings sounding like a Russian agent? Then we move on to the Ukraine. Hm, what does the Ukraine have to do with Russia? Everything! Win / win for Trump. Extort an investigation into your political rival, and if that doesn’t work, at least Putin still benefits! At the very least you’re seen making things difficult for Russia’s enemies. Will we ever see those tax returns?
GCAustin (Texas)
Trump says he may attend the May Day Parade and stand side by side with Putin in Moscow’s Red Square next year. Unbelievable! I hope he goes. That picture alone should help Democrats win the fall Presidential election.
Hector 1803 (Eatontown, NJ)
@GCAustin not the May parade, the Victory Day (May 9) parade, celbrating the German surrender to the USSR in 1945. Admittedly they're only about a week apart, but they're not the same
waldo (Canada)
@GCAustin It is Victory Day ( May 9th), and next year will mark the 75th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany by the Allies (USSR, USA, UK, France). May Day is Workers’ Day around the globe and falls on May 1st.
rford (michigan)
Let's be honest...the man is in over his head, certainly, over his ability to comprehend what in the name he is doing to the disservice to the country that what he pledged to serve. He serves himself. End of story. VOTE THIS GRIFTER OUT OF OFFICE!
Bob Guthrie (Australia)
US intelligence knows that Russia, not the Ukraine meddled in the 2016 elections. The more preposterous Trump's lies are, the more his lemmings believe him. Human nature can be very strange. The draft dodger is believed over war heroes like Vindman. Wow. Like climate change denial, facts are out the window. Lindsey et al will wear this in the history books.
Bernie (Fairfield County)
WOW! How can anyone read this and think this Ukraine affair is ok? And for Niki Hailey to go on National TV saying she saw no issues pretty much seal her faith.
Jeff (San Francisco)
Don’t you man to say Donald Trump’s obsession and fealty to Vladimir Putin and all things Russian? Curious, isn’t it?
Lake trash (Lake ozarks)
The president’s behavior is criminal and an abuse of power. He has proven to be incompetent to serve as president. He is a threat to national security. He will be impeached. Let’s see how many patriots in the senate stand up for the founding papers of this country or just say he’s stupid and criminal but that’s ok.
kay (new york)
The only answer to save this country from a corrupt, criminal and treasonous president is to impeach him, convict him and remove him. Republicans, our republic is at stake. Time to man up and stand up for our country, not the crook destroying it.
Javaforce (California)
I think what’s most important about Trump denying Ukraine the military aid that was appropriated by Congress is that it helped Vladimir Putin.
Andi (Washington)
Please impeach Trump. In addition to lacking general ethics, he poses a threat to the environment in an era of climate change and potenential death staring us in the face a few 5 years down the line. He does not care about the US population or the well-being of the world as a whole, he cares only for himself and gaining wealth and power. He is a virus and a parasite that will only continue to grow the longer he remains in office. I fear that if we do not impeach him now, he will be reelected due to gerrymandering or due to the political sway he has on American people through excessive, false, and inflamatory posts on Facebook and Twitter. He is not good for the environment nor is willing to win the next election with evenhanded tactics. Impeachment of Trump is one of best options we have to save ourselves.
Thomas (Galveston, Texas)
Either Mr. Trump's mind is sick, or he is a Russian asset. One thing is certain...he does not have the best interests of the United States in mind.
Bob Guthrie (Australia)
@Thomas Not mutually exclusive. He is both.
Kate (Ohio)
It's both: his mind is sick AND he's a Russian asset.
Fitim Kelmendi (New York)
Who cares!!!! Move on!
Paul Mueller (Portland, OR)
We care. Thanks for asking.
withfeathers (out here)
Trump's obsession with Ukraine is of Russian manufacture. Can we please focus on the fact that his piddling electoral schemes are greasing Russia's wheels in Ukraine at every turn? He is a malefactor under the sway of a foreign power and needs to be removed from office.
vallyball57 (Kansas City)
The Senate will never covict. The only chance is in his second term and the Senate flips to the dems
Robert M. Koretsky (Portland, OR)
As Deep Throat told Woodward & Bernstein, “You’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg here.” Ukrainegate is only the part of Trump’s iceberg above water, what lies below the waterline?
Koko Reese (Ny)
This is like a sad echo chamber .. Trump is going to win in 2020 all the whining ain’t going to stop it.... maybe if Mike gets in you folks might actually have a shot... but I doubt he passes the woke 2020 criteria...really sad
doug mac donald (ottawa canada)
The impeachment in Congress and the trial in the Senate will have absolutely no effect on the 38%-40% who support Trump and likewise will have none on the 55%-57% who detest him...the Democrats are playing for the 5% who are undecided.
David (Philly)
I believe you have made a grave error with regard to the title of this story. It should have the word "threatens" in the present tense, as opposed to the past tense "threatened." It ain't over yet!
Chris Conklin (Honolulu)
Somewhere in Moscow, the Russians must be rolling on the floor with laughter while drinking shots of vodka at how they aided in electing a corrupt, pro-Russian US president who is making us look like fools on the international stage. And giving our allies pause that America can again ever be trusted to have their backs. I can only hope that when the impeachment inquiry is said and done and the facts are out, we as Americans remove this corrupt President and prove once, again, that unlike Russia or other oppressive and autocratic regimes, Americans can come together as a country to rise above our faults and mistakes.... One can only hope...
S Butler (New Mexico)
Nancy Pelosi had to initiate impeachment proceedings against Trump. If she hadn't, Trump and the Republicans would still be proceeding unbridled and lawless in their efforts to torpedo the Democrats in 2020 in every federal, state, and local election. The mere act of impeaching Trump has thrown cold water on Republican efforts to cheat in the 2020 elections. Smart and heroic. Bravo, Nancy Pelosi.
John Tollefson (Dallas Texas)
Blah blah Do something to stop republicans- Shun them. Don’t sell, buy, teach, medically treat, represent or communicate with them. Don’t hire them. Fire them.
Applarch (Lenoir City, TN)
The only conclusion we can draw from these damning facts is that Trump was the mastermind of a criminal conspiracy comprised of his personal attorney, his chief of staff/OMB head, and the Secretary of State. He directed these co-conspirators to rig the 2020 elections by unlawfully withholding military aid appropriated by Congress to extort and bribe a foreign government to initiate sham investigations of the political rival he most feared. This conspiracy took place over the course of months and encompassed lawless acts like removing the anti-corruption US Ambassador to Ukraine for fear that she would blow the whistle on Trump's shakedown scheme. It almost worked. Ukraine, desperate for the military aid it needed to counter a furious assault by Russian military irregulars, agreed to produce the demanded “deliverable,” public announcement of investigation of the Bidens, during a scheduled CNN broadcast. Shortly before this was to occur the whistleblower story broke, the aid was released two days later, and Ukraine cancelled the CNN announcement. Never in American history has there been so brazen an abuse of the mighty powers of the presidency, grossly undermining US national security and committing multiple felonies, all to falsely tar a political opponent.
Tuna (Halifax, NS)
Thank you for a clear (and chronological) article. While I appreciate all the articles the NYT pump out on the topic at hand, it is articles such as this one that "brings it home". I am NOT complaining at your coverage of the topic, only that important things/facts can get lost in the overwhelming amount of details. I'm lucky to live in Canada although I avidly read what is happening in US/DC politics. Articles such as this one, I think, will help your fellow citizens better understand the issue.
Charna (Forest Hills)
How did we get here? Millions of Americans voted for a very corrupt man to be president. Trump was a corrupt businessman and the office that he holds now has not changed him one iota. He will never change. Our president will be impeached but Republicans will not convict him. Therefore he will continue do the most reprehensible and criminal acts because he knows his cohorts in congress will protect him. The only solution is to vote Trump out in 2020 in order to save our democracy. It cannot be close or he'll find a way to say the election was rigged. Every eligible American must vote!
nmmp (-)
Hey Trumpites: you still think this is a nothingburger concocted by Democrats? The entire article makes clear that Trump’s own people were shocked and outrage by his actions. HIS OWN PEOPLE. Not Democrats. Let that sink in.
Peter Close (West Palm Beach, Fla.)
One can only hope & pray that at the start of the second Trump term, ALL of his children are afforded security clearances AND White House offices.
Friend of NYT (Lake George NY)
Thanks for this outline of the road to impeachment of President Trump. One point it touched all too briefly: The divisions within Ukraine and within our political system. Manafort worked for former Ukraine president Yanukovich. He received millions for his advise. But Yanukovich was pro-Russia and most likely stands behind the more than 100 Ukrainians killed in the Maidan 2014 revolution. Manafort in effect worked for Putin through Yanukovich. When the Ukrainians would have no part of that pro-Russian trend in Ukraine, preferring connections to the West, Yanukovich fled to Russia. We must also recall the strong pro-Russian sentiment in the Trump campaign for the US Presidency. And Lavrov's and former Russian US ambassador Kisliak's visit in the White house shortly after Trump's inauguration. It is possible, I suspect even likely, that Russian money flowed into Trump's campaign as it flowed to Manafort through Yanukovich. It would explain why Trump hopes to keep all his finances private. Russia strongly supported and supports western far right political movements, also with money. To these belong the Trump camp. Of course Trump is also highly unprincipled and completely without political and diplomatic experience. Russia's role in the election was disclosed by Muller III's meticulous work. The current Roger Stone trial will reinforce that connection. Trump and his helpers try to refocus instead on the Ukraine hoax and the Bidens' alleged misdeeds. That spiel is mute.
Rex Page (CA)
After Zelensky told Trump that Yermak had talked to Giuliani, Trump described Zelensky as “a very reasonable guy.” Did Trump learn mobspeak by watching movies, or did he learn it directly from mobsters?
Rick (Louisville)
@Rex Page Donald obviously thought he was making Zelensky "an offer he couldn't refuse". To your point, I believe he really does think like that, but I think it came from movies. From what's been reported, real mobsters thought he was a useful idiot, kind of like the Russians.
The Ukraine debacle for Trump is self inflicted. His ego/paranoia (one or both) are his undoing. Unfortunately the Senate may be his savior. It is hard to know which GOP Senators will vote for impeachment. They know who they are. Their positions will not be known until the vote.
WATSON (Maryland)
Larry Curly and Mo. Donald Ruddy and any other Trumpist you want to fill the 3rd role. Sonderland, Pompeo, Mulvaney stooges all. And the tragedy is that they are stooges to the Russian Puppet Master Putin. This is treason with a capital T and that must lead to impeachment with a Capital I. No need to remove Trump from office. We will do that in 2020. The allies at the end of the Second World War could have had Hitler “removed” but deemed that counter productive. The shame here is that Trump is supposed to represent us. The USA but in fact cannot get past representing himself. You are no Louis XIV the Sun King Donald but you are the film flam man you have always been. You ultimately will be judged first of the worst Presidents of the United States.
Concerned (So Cal)
You forgot Shemp!
Thereaa (Boston)
Jail the whole criminal family
S Butler (New Mexico)
Republicans other than Trump seem to be settling on an argument against removing Trump from office that amounts to this: "Trump did something wrong, but it's not serious enough to remove him from office." Trump doesn't need any argument to get the 34 votes he needs in the Senate to stay in office. The trouble with the Republicans' argument is that it will harm Trump's already perilous reelection chances. He's going to get beat over the head with this argument for months leading up to the general election next November. Every Republican that utters this argument during Trump's impeachment trial will become part of Democratic attack ads. Everybody will see Republicans saying that Trump did something wrong. A losing argument for Trump's reelection.
Mike Brown (Troy NY)
Polling results in late 2019 might influence the GOP congress to support Trump regarding Impeachment & Trial. Risky business considering the volatility surrounding him. Blind faith can be fickle bringing the Democrats a trifecta in 2020.
rab (Upstate NY)
Trump's past was prologue. Trump extorting a foreign government for personal political gain matches his MO perfectly. His history of fraud, shady deals, lies, corruption, collusion, and narcissistic behaviors that are already on record make his claims of innocence laughable.
berman (Orlando)
@rab But Nikki Haley doesn’t think it’s an impeachable offense. So there.
Jim Brokaw (California)
In answer to the article's headline question - we got there by electing a crooked president. We elected a person who has, his whole life, believed that he was above the law, and that he can evade the consequences of any action, regardless of the legality of that action. We elected a crook, a con man, an amoral grifter. *That's* "how we got here."
Mike (Bklyn)
Putin shapes his policy on everything. Pretty simple
Dan (Colorado)
Not sure why anyone is surprised. Trump is a criminal -- he has been his entire adult life. He can't do anything legitimately, as he lacks any level of intelligence or thoughtfulness. Pretty much every business he has been involved in has failed. It got to the point where no bank wold give him a loan, except for Deutsche Bank, already found guilty of laundering money for Russia. Trump is a crime boss. He ran a fraudulent university. He ran a fraudulent charity that has been shut down. He refused to pay people he hired, then used thugs to keep them quiet. During the campaign, more crimes and shakedowns. He also colluded with Russia to help them interfere in the election, as a payback for all the money laundering he has done for them. Ukraine is just another in a long line of crimes, conspiracies and cover-ups. He belongs in prison for the rest of his life.
witm1991 (Chicago)
Does anyone remember the tearing down of Bonwit’s and the building of Trump Tower? MOMA was waiting for the Art Deco panels on the exterior of the building. Trump allowed them to be destroyed and stiffed the Polish immigrants who worked on the building. What more did we need to know about him?
RSSF (San Francisco)
Trump and Republicans did not want closed-door hearings. Now they are getting what they wanted.
Red O. Greene (New Mexico)
Funny, but I thought Trump was either too fat-headed or too dumb to even imagine he had "political problems."
TMSquared (Santa Rosa CA)
About the "fringe theory," embraced by Trump, that Ukraine and the DNC framed Russia for the 2016 hack, the press needs to report on Lt. Col Vindman's responses to questions by Adam Schiff, as recorded in the transcript of Vindman's House Deposition. Schiff is following up on questions from Republican staff counsel, insinuating that the theory is valid. Schiff acknowledges that he is treading close to classified territory, and Vindman affirms that; Schiff then asks if, in Vindman's professional opinion, would the Russians have an interest in promulgating such a false theory as an information weapons against Ukraine. Vindman replies, "Absolutely." Schiff then asks, "Have you seen Russian operations employed for that purpose," and Vindman replies, "Yes." I think a good word for the relationship between Trump's interests and Russia's interests that Vindman is describing is "collusion." I'm not a lawyer, but a better word might be "conspiracy."
S Venkatesh (Chennai, India)
The peoples of the Free World have seen the flood public evidence exposing Donald Trump using $400 millions of US Govt Funds to compel a foreign govt, Ukraine, to engage in criminal support of his Re-election campaign. Such action by a President is considered outrageously criminal by the people of any democracy. This outrageously criminal action of Donald Trump is wholly supported by 194 Republican members of Congress representing over 120million Americans !! This outrageously criminal action is publicly touted by Donald Trump as ‘perfect’ !
bellicose (Arizona)
This very flawed man was Donald Trump before he was elected and he is still Donald Trump. Can anybody be surprised by any of his actions? He will, of course, blame everybody but himself for whatever goes wrong. We haven't heard anything from Giuliani and Pompeo. It is only a matter of time before he tosses them under the bus with another claim of not knowing what these guys were up to....with a complaint, "I never even met 'em".
Mike S. (Eugene, OR)
We are really, really lucky that there was a whistleblower. Imagine all of us hearing for the first time from Zelensky on CNN about Biden, Burisma, and 2016. It would have been impossible after that to silence right wing talk shows. Any contradictory information would have been discounted by many voters, and everything that we know now would be considered even more sour grapes than it is already. If Trump gets re-elected, there is no guarantee we will have enough decent people in Washington left to speak up the next time. Eventually, even a robust system fails when damaged enough. The Democrats need to run on a strong platform of no corruption. Devote each month of 2020 to a cabinet position where the Secretary left in disgrace, and say how it will be different. Double up a couple of the months to make it all come out.
Dan (Idaho)
The result of the whistleblower’s complaint is that Biden is out of the race, Trump’s support is galvanized, and an impeachment inquiry is distracting from the presidential primary. I doubt that it will result in a full impeachment; the Republican senators will keep him in office. I don’t know if the president knows what he is doing, but someone seems to (okay, so maybe that conspiracy theory is a little too outrageous).
Steven Dalkowski (Brooksville ME)
Please explain “full impeachment.” Turmp either will or won’t be impeached. If impeached, he either will or won’t be removed from office.
Brian BRUCE (Canada)
Full impeachment ..... means the house will vote on articles of impeachment recommended by the judiciary committee. If there are enough votes (extremely likely as simple majority required) the articles will then be passed to the senate to commence trial proceedings. To convict, and hence remove, the president from office, a 2/3rd majority is required (67 senators if all 100 participate). As this will require at least 20 Rep senators to agree to conviction, removal from office seems unlikely. They may, however, pass a censure motion saying ’naughty’ that requires a simple majority. After all that, its up to the American people to decide on Nov 3rd next year. B
morGan (NYC)
Next time he and his GOP cabal in Congress start shouting "deep state out to get me" I hope NYT devote an entire editorial not only refuting this falsehood, but countering by exposing how Trump set up an illicitly operated Giuliani shadow State Dept and used our tax money to advance his reelection.
James Lacy (Massachusetts)
The only one touting Russian collusion is trump and the gop. Collusion is not a legal term. Democrats never pushed collusion, they stood with our agencies to do their jobs and report. Now that a lot of information is in the diaspora you should read that instead of using meaningless talking points. The fact is the Clinton Campaign did look for dirt with campaign funds. trump is using the full faith and credit of the US, my tax dollars, to dig his dirt. Get over it, to quote a lame sycophant, Hillary lost. Obama is out. trump is renting space in your head. Go sweep a sidewalk or something. That would be more respectable than banging on about the past.
EGD (California)
@morGan Maybe you could tell how and why the DNC and the Clinton campaign paid for the dirt on Trump through the Perkins Coie law firm that became the basis for the Steele Dossier and the whole false Russia Collusion narrative.
Paul (Santa Fe nm)
Let us assume that what everyone says will happen, will happen. That is, the House will vote to impeach, and the Senate will say that soliciting a foreign government's help in manufacturing negative information about a political opponent is not worthy of conviction. Preposterous, of course, but likely. Why wouldn't every candidate, following such a process, go directly to foreign governments and say "If you find or manufacture information on my opponent that helps me win the election, I will vote as you direct me to. So, for example, I move to South Carolina and run for Senate against Lindsey Graham. I fly to Beijing, meet with their security service, and say that if you prove moral turpitude or lying or secret life or whatever about Graham, you can tell me how to vote in the US Senate. Of course Graham will do the same thing to me. Make the case that this is not only a likely scenario, but in fact inevitable.
Grace (Bronx)
Surely this is a selective rewriting of history. For instance, where are the details about the whistleblower who appears to have been a former employee of Joe Biden's and who had a team of lawyers write up his/her claims.
W.A. Spitzer (Faywood, NM)
@Grace ….The whistle blower outlined a series of concerns in their complaint. Investigation of the complaint has shown that the whistle blowers concerns were accurate. It doesn't matter if the whistle blower came from the moon. Investigation has shown that the issues outlined in the compliant were accurate. They are facts. What problem do you have with facts?
EB (Las Vegas)
@Grace If this investigation was "selective", what additional or new facts have the Republicans added to dispute the whistleblower allegations? The right answer is NONE.
Amy (Brooklyn)
@Grace The accuracy of the whistleblower comments remains to be proven, The issue here is that any story hat claims to be "The Inside Story" doesn't really tell us "the inside story".
GE (Oslo)
Say, why don't you just make big laughing-stock out of this emperor without clothes? I bet laugh is the worst he'll face. I've wished many times when he has been speaking from his rostrum in the WH that all reporters just started laugh loudly.
Andrew (Australia)
The Trump maladministration is unsurprisingly what happens when the country elects a narcissistic, ignorant, unethical, shameless, climate-change denying, deluded D grade celebrity and failed businessman. He’s a national embarrassment and his dealings with the Ukraine are more than enough to justify ridding the country and planet of his malevolent influence and getting on with solving the major problems the works faces. Trump is a major distraction and roadblock to progress. He drains all the energy and resources that could and should be devoted to helping people, addressing pressing problems and improving lives. The sooner he’s behind us the better.
ernieh1 (New York)
Trump claims there is no quid pro quo. But it was Mulvaney, the president's Chief of Staff who ordered that the $391 in military aid be suspended. Unless we are to believe that Mulvaney was acting on his own discretion to withhold aid approved by Congress (not at all believable), then the only reasonable conclusion is that he got the order from Trump. So there not be any tape where we hear Trump giving Mulvaney that precise order in so many words, but any fair minded jury would arrive at the conclusion that Mulvaney was carrying out Trump's wishes, however expressed. But the clincher is that Mulvaney himself declared there was a quid pro quo, and even went so far as to say it's the kind of thing that's done all the time. So now the GOP is saying "So what? It's not an impeachable crime. Let's investigate the Bidens instead."
Rick Gage (Mt Dora)
Thanks for the road map on how we got here. I don't think we can stress enough that what the president did was unethical, unlawful and unAmerican. Taking into consideration the fact that no rational person believed the fake stories about the Bidens and, indeed, those stories were proven false by the president's own intelligence services the blackmail was also unnecessary, unprovable and unhinged.
Mary (Alabama)
This is a great summary of the whole debacle. Make all the articles to come on the live testimonies free to all readers, not just subscribers. This is more important than bad weather. Thanks NYT!
Mockingjay (California)
Does anyone remember when the Republican Party changed its position on the Ukraine before the Republican National Convention in 2015 when Trump was running for office? It was a tiny little news blip......But it suggests a deep Russian alliance of Trump, Manafort, etc..... Here is the link and the first few paragraphs from the Wash Post coverage. "The Trump campaign worked behind the scenes last week to make sure the new Republican platform won’t call for giving weapons to Ukraine to fight Russian and rebel forces, contradicting the view of almost all Republican foreign policy leaders in Washington. Throughout the campaign, Trump has been dismissive of calls for supporting the Ukraine government as it fights an ongoing Russian-led intervention. Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, worked as a lobbyist for the Russian-backed former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych for more than a decade. Still, Republican delegates at last week’s national security committee platform meeting in Cleveland were surprised when the Trump campaign orchestrated a set of events to make sure that the GOP would not pledge to give Ukraine the weapons it has been asking for from the United States."
Mockingjay (California)
@Mockingjay sorry I got the year wrong. It was 2016 of course, but this shows that the Trump-Russian connection runs deep.
Ida (NYC)
Yes. I remember thinking "uh oh" at the time.
Packer Fan (Southeast)
I don’t care how we got stuck with him: “EPA to tighten limits on Science...” Get Rid of Him..your planet and your children are waiting..
Katydid (NC)
Lots of humans are, on occasion, selfish. Trump exceeds all expectations in his selfishness, taking it to literally criminal levels.
just Robert (North Carolina)
'Only after the Ukrainians explicitly understood that military aide depended upon their complying did their opposition crumble' It seemed that at that point the Ukrainians finally understood the true extortionate nature of Trump's demands. Up to that point they may have thought they could negotiate with Trump, but Trump held that crucial military aide hostage and they crumbled. Trump's use of power is directly out of a mafia play book. He made them an offer they couldn't refuse. This is a point that can not be swept under the carpet and is in his own words and that of his lawyer or should I say consigliori. And Republicans that deny this become complicit in the crime. What more is there to say about the abuse of our highest office and Trump's depravity?
Mark McIntyre (Los Angeles)
If Trump had left the Bidens out of the conversation and simply dwelt on well-documented corruption in Ukraine, we wouldn't be having this conversation. But this is how Trump has conducted himself his entire life: what's in it for me personally? If I give you something, you need to reciprocate. Now it's finally catching up with him.
RjW (Chicago)
Long ago Trump should have been proscribed from totally private conversations with foreign leaders. The abuse was clear from the meetings with Putin and the subsequent White House meeting with his Minister et al. The case should have been that no President should be allowed this all to abusable communication technique in peacetime. We’re left to infer what level of advice/ orders this President received, either directly from Putin, or indirectly through his boys or son in law. Being that public knowledge exists re Russian oligarch financing of many of their real estate projects. And then there’s the Saudi’s and the rest, all waiting to help,with cash in hand, if they haven’t already.
Doug Giebel (Montana)
President Trump is a practiced expert at putting the blame for his own misdeeds onto others. Hence the "talk to Rudy" (or others) orders. Apparently realizing a "quid pro quo" situation would be questioned, he ordered "no quid pro quo" while also demanding a "quid pro quo." As President Trump now claims he was just after Ukrainian "corruption," he insists that Joe Biden (and son) are part of that corruption. Unfortunately for Mr. Trump, Joe Biden is a private citizen and one of Mr. Trump's office-seeking political adversaries. No way around that fact. Therefore, Mr. Trumps demands for a Ukrainian investigation are illegal, violate the Constitution and make for an obvious impeachment charge. A tangled web without escape. Doug Giebel, Big Sandy, Montana
Edgar Winter (New York)
As bad as it is for the President to extort the Ukrainians for his own political gain, this is also pay back to Putin for 2016. Having the new anti-corruption comedian turned politician bow down to Trump and step into the middle of partisan US politics and admit that it was the Ukrainians and not the Russians who hacked the DNC emails and then ultimately not receive the military was pure gold for Vlad.
Joe (NC)
Good recap. Isn’t it easy to imagine that Putin put the idea in Trump’s head that really it was Ukraine behind the DNC email hack and not him ? Putin is playing #45 like a cheap fiddle !
Toto_Ly_Insane (US)
Mike Pence. Shame on you. You are in the thick of the pile of lies. No matter how religious you claim to be, you know Trump is wrong. A strong and stalworth man would have been courageous enough to stand up for what is right in the eyes of man and the eyes of God. Even if it risks one's political career. All I can say is this: "Macy's called. They need their department store mannequin back." Because you are as hollow.
LD (Sacramento CA)
@Toto_Ly_Insane Agreed!
Elizabeth A (NYC)
At the heart of this appalling narrative is a narcissistic, petty and ignorant man, willing to subvert the interests of his country to salve his fragile ego. And let's remember that there were no grownups listening in on his private calls and meetings with Putin. Lord knows what he asked for — or promised to do.
Speakin Out (Preston Connecticut)
Sorry, but you fed sugar coated what happened
Billy (The woods are lovely, dark and deep.)
Giuliani is a hand grenade. Bolton is a street sweeper that won't sweep. Pompeo is an active volcano. Trump is a wrecking ball. That's how we got here. The Senate will fiddle. That's how we're stuck here.
J Brian (Lake Wylie)
This unconscionably sliver-thin, barebones piece falls miserably short of detail. The Ukraine call, by all accounts, reveals absolutely nothing impeachable except that is the fourth or fifth (I’m losing track of them all) shady attempt to unseat our President by hook or by crook. None of the others worked and neither will this silliest one of all.
luiz (Cleveland)
You emphasize the real problem: The enthusiasm of conservative voters to be propagandized and spread propaganda. You have made yourselves, at minimum, accessories to election fraud. At most, accessories to treason.
Kenny B (Fort Lauderdale)
@J Brian In these dark times a little comedy always helps. Thanks for the laugh!
Sophistia (FL)
Take Trump’s advice and “read the transcripts?” That is, the real ones. In honor of Veterans’ Day, a day remembering those whom have served our country, take some time for actually reading the words of patriots serving our country now. These courageous public servants providing testimony are dedicated and have honorably served our country. Unlike the dilatant, draft dodging Don, they are credible witnesses to bribery and extortion. They deserve our respect and gratitude. It is quite clear from their testimonies that Trump made Congressionally approved aid to an ally contingent upon a personal favor, an investigation into the Bidens, for political gain to benefit himself, not the US. Your tax dollars just went into a political campaign without your consent. Using your tax dollars as a bribe to a foreign leader to influence an election for personal advantage is illegal. This is NOT how diplomacy works in the US. Attempts to draw false equivalence to the Bidens is laughable. There’s no parallel in breadth or depth of the malfeasance of the Trumps. Trump’s next bankruptcy will be you, the US taxpayer.
John Doe (Johnstown)
So as compelling as “quid pro quo” supposedly is as an obvious basis for an impeachable crime as this summary would make one believe it should be, why has MSNBC suddenly switched all its references to the case for a crime being that now Trump “bribed” Ukraine? Some producer there thought that Latin would lose to many of us and their hard sell might fall through?
Dave Allan (San Jose)
@John Doe Technically "extorted" would be a more accurate term. I wish the media would get it right....
michjas (Phoenix)
A glaring problem for impeachment jumps out from this account. Trump made the call and suspended aid. Virtually everything else is traceable to his minions, particularly Giuliani, who seemed to have a mission all his own. To make the case, the dirty deeds must bear Trump’s fingerprints. The testimony of Trump’s close advisers is needed. Otherwise, he can claim that those around him spun out of control and his mistake was insufficient oversight, not a criminal intent to extort. Everything turns on busting through the specious privilege claim and getting to the insiders who must be forced to spill the beans.
Dubious (the aether)
Trump's repeated instructions to "talk to Rudy" and the fact that Giuliani was his legal representative, acting on behalf of Trump the private individual as well as, apparently, on behalf of the Presidency of the United States, show Trump's "fingerprints." Or is it that you suspect that Rudy was able to act pro bono for Trump because he was being paid by (and acting for) Firtash or some other mobbed-up Ukrainian?
michjas (Phoenix)
@Dubious But the question is whether Giuliani did things without Trump's knowledge. If you're trying to make the case, it is troubling that "the former New York mayor’s influence over administration policy toward Ukraine “was almost unmissable,” You may not be troubled that. But if you're a responsible Senate juror, you are surely wondering if Giuliani did crucial things on his own.
Chris (SW PA)
The president is a criminal and the people of the US like it that way. Laws are for beating down the poor and not for holding wealthy people accountable since they are above the laws. We see it here again and have been seeing it for quite some time. The people can't be so oblivious that they don't see all the crime, so they must approve. We have a mafia like president because the people want a mafia type president. Trump represents the true nature of the American people. Liars, cheaters and criminals. That is the true America.
Jay Orchard (Miami Beach)
What is most disturbing about Trump's attempts to get Ukraine to investigate the Bidens and the made-up conspiracy theory of Ukraine's alleged intervention in the 2016 US election is not that Trump tried to get a foreign government to aid in his re-election campaign. It's that Trump actually became so delusional about the Bidens and Ukraine having done something wrong that he acted on that delusion in a totally unlawful and reckless manner. More than being unfit for the Presidency from a competence or ethics standpoint, he simply is mentally unfit for the job.
Mark McIntyre (Los Angeles)
@Jay Orchard Amen to that! Trump has the temperament of a 5-year-old.
Andrew (Australia)
@Jay Orchard He’s mentally unfit to run a lemonade stand.
lisa (michigan)
@EGD doesn't matter what his skill set is- do you think Ivanka & Jared would be working in the white house if it weren't for their father? Do you think Jena Bush would have her tv show if not for her father. Why is Nikki Haley on the Boeing board she doesn't have that kind of experience.
Rob (SF)
If this is exhausting, wait until the rest of the Russia, Turkey, China, etc. favors come out.
Sam (Lexingon, ky)
Quid pro quo with appropriation for Ukraine Paying hush $ to a porn Star out of campaign funds Inviting Russia meddling in US elections then & now Lying constantly about virtually everything We just need something significant to get republicans on board with impeachment. Truth is that republicans know they lost the country already and their only strategic choice to survive is to worship trump. They have nothing else left, including no pride.
Susan Fitzwater (Ambler, PA)
Rome was not built in a day. The United States of America--the world's remaining superpower--a country that has striven for some years (with the inevitable sins--failings--follies) to do good in the world-- --that nation did not achieve that position in a day. Words fail me. So many--so very many great Americans there have been that strove to serve their country. Build up their country. Enable their country to "do some good in the world." ALL THIS-- --being flung aside. Thrown away. Jettisoned. By a parcel of crooks. Who is it--who, in God's name, IS it-- --that continues to support this man? This man--ever red-faced, ever-scowling-- --that is destroying the country he purports to serve. What are those GOP senators DOING? Why is it (apparently) they are SITTING there doing NOTHING? Why are the alarms bells not going off all over Washington D.C.? But I misspoke. They ARE going off. Our hope right now is in the Democrats. It sure isn't with the Republican party. Supine as ever. Indifferent to the welfare--even the good name of their country. Sorry, New York Times. I had to vent. And so--what now? What now? Dear Lord, what now?
common sense advocate (CT)
The far shorter story for how we got here - we allowed Donald Trump to be elected president. Everyone who voted for him and everyone who stayed home because the alternative was not progressive enough - that's how we got here. The good thing about accepting responsibility for allowing a monstrosity like Trump into the Oval Office? We can fix this. Vote 2020.
Kathy Gordon (Saugerties NY)
@common sense advocate Voting is not enough. Start working now to defeat Trump and the complicit Republicans. Support your favorite candidate with your money and/or your time. And when the Democratic nominee is chosen, UNITE behind him or her. Talk to your neighbors, enroll new voters, make phone calls, write letters to the editors, host meet and greets, support Democrats in local races … give of your time and your resources as if the American future depends on you. It does.
Alice In Wonderland (Mill Valley California)
As usual, all roads lead to Putin. The press is suggesting that Trump wanted to extort Ukraine. Trump withheld $400 million in aid until Zelenskiy agreed to do the Trump the political “favor” by smearing a lead rival, Joe Biden. But what if the real motive was to benefit Putin and Russia, at the expense of the new president of Ukraine? What if Putin manipulated Trump for Russia’s own devious ends? How is Trump getting his orders? I predict that in 50 years the answer to that question will be found in Russian archives.
Toto_Ly_Insane (US)
@Alice In Wonderland And just who is Rudy Giuliani's paymaster?
Tanis Marsh (Everett, Wa)
@Alice In Wonderland Hello Alice. Your question is more existential than mine, although I present the mystery of why moves of the President seem to most always favor Putin. I feel much deeper deception with the conspiracy theories which delve into our protection entities such as FBI and CIA. I do recall when that was perhaps pertinent -- perhaps Hoover! Now, I see, with wonder, not the disagreement in theory, but validity. Even established thoughts deserve scrutiny, but this President has not presented much in the way of truth, honor, nor consistency of thought; I pause: money always seem to work for him if not others. I hope it isn't fifty years, but in my lifetime so that I feel more secure about my lovely grandchildren.
Scott Werden (Maui, HI)
It sounds to me that Bolton is to Trump as the missing White House tape was to Nixon. I am not sure why the House is not pushing for a quick resolution of the law suit that Bolton's attorney filed to find out whether the House investigation has precedence over Trump's claim of privilege. Bolton needs to testify as to what all Trump and Giuliani were up to.
Tanis Marsh (Everett, Wa)
Fred in Cambridge could not have said it better! This plot would astound even Shakespeare. The ongoing themes keep knotting themselves together due to a President who grasps conspiracy theories and who is seeped with such insecurity that, like an elephant, he never forgets -- never! This news article was complicated enough. The Mueller Report is relevant to this Ukrainian travesty as are the recent world travels of our Attorney General. This President is willing to circle the globe rather than acknowledge perhaps Russia has had a mysterious hold over his reign as well as acknowledge our nation may not be besieged by a "deep state." Trump is driven by his unfettered pride which leaves the truth tangled somewhere struggling to burst forth! It feels like our nation is having a nervous breakdown due to the constant exhausting issues which seem endless. Perhaps this Veteran's Day is one day that all can take a moment to remember just how much so many have given to keep us free! Perhaps things will get better?
Moose (Australia)
Can someone please explain how this would “put to rest questions about his legitimacy”? Wouldn’t it simply mean the Ukrainians had tried to get him elected? “If Mr. Trump could promote the Ukraine theory, he might be able to undercut the evidence that the Russians had tried to get him elected, and put to rest questions about his legitimacy.”
Connor (Durham, NC)
Round 1 - (Russia) The first time dems were ginning the political machine of impeachment, they were banking on Trump flubbing his lines and incriminating himself, crossing their fingers that the man would say something so egregiously inflammatory that even conservatives sipping cocktails at the monocle would be flummoxed with unbridled rage, and thus unequivocally assent to his immediate removal from office. That didn't happen - so... Round 2 (Ukraine) - A comparatively more digestible sequence of events occurring between phone calls with powerful Ukrainians, and furtive meetups between multinational fixers. It's surely more coherent than Round 1, but really, who are we kidding - he ain't going nowhere. The occasional soundbite from 'never-trumpers' is not a total denunciation of Trump's presidency - They are merely threatening a removal vote in the Senate, so they have more control over policy direction. It's a simple gambit.
David (Chile)
Fabulous investigative reporting by the team of Sharon LaFraniere, Andrew E. Kramer and Danny Hakim. It presents a strong narrative that illuminates all the cobb-webby underhanded back-channel skulduggery by shining bright light directly on the relationship between every sly twist Ghouliani and Co. try to use to get the Ukrainian president to cave on his reluctance to get mixed up in US politics. This article just reaffirms my take on Trump and Co's. desire to play the only way they know how and that's down and dirty and should be enough for any decent person to agree that this so-called president and his retinue should be shown the door sooner than later. If not now, when?
Mark (Atlanta)
Corrupt leaders, dictators, strongmen, tyrants...all can be effective leaders or like Trump, incompetent managers.
ChristineMcM (Massachusetts)
When you read this all strung together, it paints an absolutely devastating picture of the president's behavior. which makes it all the more frightening that the GOP is unified in not getting to the truth, but rather, protecting the president at all costs. They won't even read the transcripts! Its truly amazing how much conspiracy theories are driving Republicans. It bodes ill for our country when everything Donald Trump does is to benefit Vladimir Putin and yet, its only Democrats see this as dangerous. Not only is the president obsessed with his own political survival, apparently his entire party is as well. Doesn't anyone but Democrats think about the safety and future of this republic? We are perilously close to losing it.
Jeff Bryan (Boston)
@ChristineMcM I wonder myself, whether the republicans have the country in mind. It certainly does not seem that way. At an expo in Worcester last weekend and at a cr dealership this morning, I spoke with two people who could care less about this. Both think the economy is great and will be hard to convince otherwise. " a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest" - Paul Simon
Leslie (Oakland, CA)
@ChristineMcM One has to wonder if the Republican Party has some interests that involve Russian participation.
michjas (Phoenix)
@ChristineMcM I think you're jumping the gun. True, Republicans in the House are obliged to familiarize themselves with the evidence. But in the end, they don't much matter. The House Democrats are in charge. And note that Schiff is still working because he wants to put together a best that will convince the skeptical. Schiff has not abandoned hope in the Senate. And many Republican Senators are in wait and see mode. They are not dismissing the House's investigation before it is complete. You suggest that the Senate is a lost cause. And so do many others. But Schiff is not one of them. He's got his nose to the grindstone and he is not screaming foul before the game in the Senate begins. You have chosen to scream foul. And you can point to a long history of abuses. But 150 years ago, three years after the Civil War, when partisan hatred was even higher than today, seven Senators broke party, saw their careers go up in flames but did what historians tell us was the right thing. If Schiff builds an air tight case, which he is apparently trying to do (not settling, like this account), he will create the same dilemma for the Senate Republicans created 150 years ago -- my office or my conscience. In moments like, the past is not a great predictor. Some almost always step up. Don't count them all out. Instead, count how many decide that love of country is more important than fealty to Trump. And keep in mind that about 20 out of 50 will do.
John (Simms)
My thoughts... 1. Trump never coordinated with Russia during the 2016 campaign. 2. When the FBI started to investigate him for coordinating with Russia he started to question where the heck this theory came from 3. Mueller does not find evidence that Trump coordinated with Russia in 2016 election (see point 1) 4. Because Trump was accused of (by the FBI) but did not coordinate with Russia he is open to all kinds of theories as to what really happened 5. People come to him and say it's Ukraine and not Russia and he believes it
steve (usa)
@John My Thoughts, 1. Trump and his campaign attempted to coordinate with Russia, and were willing to coordinate with Russia, giving Russia a green light. 2. Trump was guilty then and is guilty now 3. There is plenty of evidence of the campains guilt and the cover up 4. Trump loves conspiracy theories because he is a paranoid individual, mostly because he is guilty and a crook. 5. He is absolutely was using the office pf the presidency to get dirt on political rivals, and abused his power. 6. Trump does not have the character and moral standing to be President of anything let alone this country. 7. Trump should be impeached, removed from office and sent to the dustbin of history.
@John In the immortal words of another great leader, “Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.”
BillyBopNYC (UWS)
@John Have another drink of kool-aid, you’re going to need it when Trump is impeached and you’re world of fairy tales comes crashing down.
Ken (St. Louis)
21st-century dumbed-down America got what it wanted, and deserved: a dumbed-down president.
manfred marcus (Bolivia)
Trump inviting foreign interference ought to be enough to nail him as 'fifth columnist' or worse. Have you ever seen a more dishonest illiterate (by choice) president, trying to keep a misinformed (by choice) base captive of his worst impulses, lies and insults whenever he opens his mouth? If this fraudster is not impeached, it would constitute political malpractice...if not complicity with his criminality. A propo, that Republicans have the gall to misjudge the disgraceful situation we are in, is outrageous, a dereliction of duty to rein in this runaway bully...before he sells them as useless idiots... to the butcher. Can't we see that Trump's election was only possible because of our willful ignorance of all the baggage he came with (and being a dedicated demagogue and an expert crook was part of his 'regalia')? It is like a newlywed that thinks her alcoholic spouse will stop drinking...for love.
J Hislop (San Raphael, CA)
I haven't gone back to research the exact time line, but it seems to me that Ukraine wasn't an issue at all until Joe Biden decided to run. Then suddenly Ukraine is a big problem. Why Ukraine? Because that just happened to be where Hunter used to work. They couldn't tie either one of them to Russia so they totally invented the whole Ukraine "corruption" story.
huh (Greenfield, MA)
I wish I could get my Trump-blind relatives to read this, but if they think it puts him in a bad light, they won't read it. I'll send the link to them anyway, But, of course, they will just delete it, why? Its from the NY Times.
Marco Avellaneda (New York City)
How we got there? In the summer of 2014, Putin forces invaded Ukraine, shot down a Dutch airliner, annexed Crimea. This peompted sanctions by the US administration (Obama) on Russian officials (Magnitsky Act) and support to Kiev. In the meantime campaign-manager-to-be Paul Manafort was helping the Russian side and enemies of the West. Then DJT got elected, repealed sanctions and eatablished a cozy telation with Russia. Not seeing the point of helping Ukraine butbthe advantages of not to, he and his staff cooked up this manipulation of US military aid. The rest is embellishment and DC nonsense. This administration is probably guilty of treason to our country as well as our allies. God help them!
Random musings: If I find out that you know that someone broke the law how is it wrong for me to encourage you to report it to law enforcement? Take this quid pro quo thing. They both did it, Biden and Trump. The difference is that with Biden they were cool. Everything went unsaid, everyone knew what was expected of them, and they all implemented their little scheme. Sneaky. Trump could have done the same thing. But Trump, on the other hand is brash, uncouth, can't resist shooting off his mouth. Couldn't resist putting it to Zelensky who probably would have done what was expected of him. And that is how we wound up where we are. Trump's best strategy at this point might be to go, "Oops. Sorry. Didn't know we couldn't do that. It won't happen again." Immediately half the nation will forgive him.
John Doe (Johnstown)
@MIKEinNYC, all Joe has to do is look Leslie Stahl in the eye, chuckle and say, “y’all know I’d never do such a thing.” His base laps it up like bears do honey. There’s something about bases that Trump does not have a monopoly on.
Gary Daughters (Atlanta)
The story seems meticulously reported. As such, the unattributed statement below sticks out. Who says? Who delivered the message, to whom, and how was it conveyed? If you can't give us some idea, you should rework or delete following: "Only after American officials explicitly told the Ukrainians that the military aid depended on that announcement did their resistance finally crumble."
dba (nyc)
When will democrats and the media ask the republicans how they would respond if Obama had withheld congressional funding from a foreign country until that country announced an investigation into Romney and his family? I don't understand why no one has asked this question.
BillyBopNYC (UWS)
@dba Simple answer, Obama had too much integrity (and intelligence) to ever engage in extortion.
chas (california)
"Withhold," "Freeze," "Block," "Release": Please, will someone, presumably in Defense or State or OMB, who knows about Federal budget management, get down to basics to explain for the public the critical steps taken and when with the Ukraine military aid money. We need to know to have the legal and administrative foundation to build on to find out who did what. Enough about 'freeze' or 'release.' We need to know about the actual operative terms: "allotment," "de-allotment" (OMB functions) and "commitment" and "obligation," i.e. departments' use/signing of grant agreements (DOD and DOS functions in this case). This will show who actually exercised what authority and when. If you don't want to come forward to testify, just give the info to the press. It is not sensitive info, but it is critical to the inquiry. REPORTERS: You can dig it out!
Ed (forest, va)
Donald Trump is so evil, so disgustingly immoral, so corrupt. Let us remove his hold on our White House and everything it embodies.
John Doe (Johnstown)
@Ed, impeachment is not enough . . . . Exorcism! At least it’s not another witch hunt then. Best to keep things fresh and snappy even in the depths of darkness.
Sara (Oakland)
It is incomplete to simply attribute Ukrainegate to Trump’s personal agenda. His POV seems dominated by Putin whispering in his ear- making Trump share in Russian ambition. His re-election serves Putin as does absolving Russia of attacking US sovereignty. Seizing Ukraine is an added perk fueled by feeding Trump nonsense intel.
S Butler (New Mexico)
If Donald Trump wants to investigate Hunter Biden, then why doesn't he just send in Bill Barr's Justice Department and the FBI to investigate Hunter Biden like they would with anyone that was thought to have committed a crime? Why not just go for it? Why not ask Ukraine openly for what they have on Hunter Biden that might constitute a crime here in the United States? Doesn't that happen in other cases with other people and other countries? Why are they hesitating? It would be a two for the price of one scenario to get the son of a political rival and to an alleged criminal responsible for their criminal acts at the same time. They certainly wouldn't hesitate if they really had something on Hunter Biden. I think I just answered my own question.
Geraldine Mitchell (London)
@S Butler- I'm not convinced Trump cares whether Hunter Biden had done anything wrong or not. H Biden was investigated and found not to have. What he seems to have wanted from Ukraine in return for promised arms was 'stuff' on H Biden - maybe fake or not didn't bother him.
Misplaced Modifier (Former United States of America)
Invanka, Jared and Jr need to be investigated
ktscrivienne (Portland Oregon)
I think so, too.
Why have any hearings on the potential of impeachment of our President? The NYT has determined (by this story) that our President is guilty, will be impeached and will be removed from office. I guess the NYT was sitting as a notetaker on the phone with the our President and the Ukrainian President. Oh wait..sorry...I forgot. The NYT is only following their orders as directed by their masters - the Democratic party! I can't wait to see the "correction" by the NYT when impeachment is voted down in the Senate (correctly, btw), our President isn't removed from office AND he beats the NYT...oh, I meant the Dems, once again in 2020!! But I know there won't be any "correction"...but everything else will happen. And the Dems know it.
Murray Bolesta (Green Valley Az)
It was the Mueller report. Trump not only refused to accept its lessons but perversely, and immediately, used it as rational for continuing his same criminality, only worse. Perverse is the key term. That's trump in a nutshell.
Julio Wong (El Dorado, OH)
Where’s Wikileaks and Julian Assange now? Or do they only play for one team these days?
M Vitelli (Sag Harbor NY)
We got here because we have an uneducated population being directed by religion and talk radio . Money and fame have become more important than integrity and knowledge. We elected a reality tv personality as President , what did we expect?
Dan (Colorado)
@M Vitelli We elected a criminal as President, not a TV personality.
ChristineMcM (Massachusetts)
Thank you for raising issues of education and the influence of partisan media. the president has so weaponized truth that he's got his followers and allies not challenging him on anything. his party has been corrupted by greed, his followers by hate. We are in a really precarious place as a nation.
erkcyclisme (South Carolina)
Exactly. Trump is merely a reflection of a country that has lost its moral compass.
petey tonei (Ma)
But but but you have to go before the July call...because even back in John Kelly and Rex Tillerson days, they knew fully well Trump was a disaster. They have evidence, they were witness. They can testify that Trump is absolutely unfit for office especially public office. He should retire play golf and watch his reality show tapes. Spend more time with his son baron.
petey tonei (Ma)
@petey tonei go back to the reports..Jared Kushner clashing with John kelly. Steve bannon clashing with javanka. Lawmakers turned their heads away collectively, completely ignoring Jared Kushner role of inserting himself into State department affairs, intelligence affairs, completely bypassing the bureaucrats in place who were meant to protect the system. Shame on those officials who gave Jared Kushner a free pass. Not even questioning his real motives of profit gains for his family’s business. Didn’t they know Jared’s own father is a felon convicted of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering?
Confused (Atlanta)
“A solution to his political problem” or should we recast this to read “fulfilling his promise to drain the swamp”? How can the NYT and it’s readers overlook the issue of Biden’s son drawing millions for doing little, including something he was not qualified to do? Those facts need to come out and if this makes it to the senate, the Bidens need to be called to testify. Their hand was in the cookie jar and covered with crumbs. I am now beginning to realize how political corruption works—something Trump has known all along—do something that is unethical and immoral but cloak it with a scheme that looks legitimate. Any impeachment hearing in the senate might just expose numerous members of Congress who could be taken down.
Down under (Australia)
Is this meant to be funny - how about Ivanka Trump sitting in with world leaders and at the UN - she sells handbags! And her husband, a real estate salesman holding talks on peace in the Middle East. They are top White House advisors - if that isn’t nepotism, and a cruel joke, then what is it.
Elizabeth A (NYC)
@Confused Hunter Biden is not President of the United States. He did not withhold military support for an ally in return for personal gain. By all means, let's investigate him. But this in no way absolves Trump, who promised to protect and defend the Constitution, and instead abused the power of his office, in direct contradiction to the interests of the nation. And by the way: if corruption is so rampant in Ukraine, and such a problem for our continued support, where is the list of other people and companies that need investigation? Why only Biden?
Confused (Atlanta)
Well there is a big difference—millions of dollars did not accrue to them. Ultimately it comes down to money. Trump and his family do not need the money and are passing up opportunities that could otherwise be lucrative because of Trump. If you are speaking about qualifications look at Obama—a gracious gentleman but one who had little experience for the presidency.
proffexpert (Los Angeles)
And yet, Trump's GOP smooth-talking enablers and sycophants assure us that Trump's extortion/bribery AKA "quid pro quo" is no big deal and the GOP Senate will exonerate him.
Concerned Vicar (Michigan)
Will someone please acknowledge publicly that Ukraine, Syria and Trump's actions at home all blatantly serve Russian interests?
Nelly (Half Moon Bay)
@Concerned Vicar This is one of the most important points to be brought up in the coming hearings. It is the weak Republican underbelly and the Dems must aim for it, repeatedly.
Boregard (NYC)
How we got here? Hmm...a grifter tricks a fair amount of the US public that he cares about them, and would take care of all the race based problems they think they are victims of...convinces them that he would drain the swamp, but only enough so that his personal swamp creatures can still survive. Is that how we got here? What do I win?
Jim (Portland, OR)
Great recap of how we got to where we are today. At the root of it all is a President who puts his personal interests before those of his country. This is a text book "abuse of power." Regardless of whether the Senate will remove him from office, the House must impeach if only to record, for the sake of our democracy, that this conduct should not be acceptable.
Joaquin (Chicago)
This was the best summary of the past 4 months that I've seen assembled, very well done and excellent reporting here.
Ricardo (Austin)
In a century or two, the Trump administration will be used as the prime example of kakistrocracy in the dictionaries.
LD (Sacramento CA)
@Ricardo There won’t be another century or two!
flowingwaters (PA)
First of all, as someone else has already pointed out, it's not a transcript. It is a "recreated transcript", which immediately brings some question of completeness and accuracy. Also, what is in the other communications that were locked away with this one? Supposedly there were several different calls hidden away on the secret server, not just this one. It would be negligent of the impeachment committee to ignore those.
Jeffrey Waingrow (Sheffield, MA)
For the life of me, I can't understand why Bolton needs a court to decide for him. He's no longer a government employee, and what he might say is unlikely to include classified information to which he might be privy. There's some calculation here, Is it about book deals, speaking gigs, or some other area of self-interest? Even should he end up testifying, I doubt he'll reveal anything that contradicts the Republican fictions.
John Bergstrom (Boston)
@Jeffrey Waingrow Good question. It sounds like he is just playing games, but maybe he has some legalistic concern about executive privilege in relation to things that happened while he was actually working for Trump. But more likely he is just grandstanding, and looking for an angle of some sort. It's funny, I've heard a lot about him over the years as a neo-con war-hawk, but I've never heard about him as a conniver and games-player. But that's the role we see him in now.
Ken (St. Louis)
Unilateral objectives. Aggressive diplomacy. Parochial demands. Prudence and protocol be damned. For three years Trump has been a one-person wrecking ball against his nation's institutions and reputation. And the whole civilized world has suffered. We recall the inept, power-stricken Wizard of Oz, who so loved his image that he cast himself in an endless lightshow of intimidation and lies. We all know what happened to Oz: exposed, shamed, exiled. May the same [deserved] fate await the faux Wizard of Trump.
William (Oklahoma)
This episode is all of a piece of the arrogance and ignorance with which a uniquely uninquisitive and ilinformed President attempts to destabilize and demoralizing the very government he, in theory was elected to lead. Thank you to all the valiant patriots inside the government who have attempted to restrain him.
Hank (NY)
There have bee an avalanche of other equally relevant (and criminal/immoral) issues that upended this presidency. This one story has gained enough traction, but I'm struggling to think of a past scandal that has ended a politicians career that Trump has not also committed.
Margo (Atlanta)
There haven't been any improbable "suicides" by anyone appearing to be a threat to Trump. There's that.
Feline (NY)
DJT conspired against (AGAINST!) U.S. and world interests to benefit Russia at his boss's (V.Putin) direction. Isn't that a very significant federal crime? Like, VERY significant?
Leslie374 (St. Paul, MN)
This whole drama is deplorable and disgusting. Trump is an irresponsible loser. He is inept and unable to lead this country. But where are the leaders in the Senate... who can step in and empower the cessation of this madness and frankly criminal and treasonous act. Colonel Vindman and Ambassador Yovanovitch are the heroes and the adults in the room. As I walk my dog to calm down, I thank the spirits for their ethics, courage, insights and strength. I stand with both of them and admire their integrity as human beings and Citizens. Unlike most others involved in this outrageous debacle they had nothing to gain, no book deal to sign, no bank account to enlarge... they were just and continue to courageously serve this country.
Oh yes....please, please Senate...please make it so all our efforts to remove this President who stole the 2016 elections away from the only rightful ownership of any Presidency (the Leftist Dems) don't go to waste! The Dems wishes of impeachment and removal of our President are just leftist dreams as is their desperate desire to win the Presidency in 2020. What is so sad is....the Dems all know their efforts will yield... nothing
Sophistia (FL)
So your argument is that it’s a waste of time to follow the rule of law? Maybe it only applies when it’s convenient for day trading conservatives to use as a political cudgel. Defending the Constitution is always a winner. The Senate may not convict, but Trump will forever be “Impeached.” Hey, it must grate him to realize that he’s no better than Bill Clinton.
Emily Levine (Lincoln, NE)
Don't forget his disastrous hiring of Manafort----straight from Ukraine corruption and millions made and owed there----as his first campaign chair. There is a reason Manafort approached trump for the job and offered to do it for free. Hmmmmmm . . . . what could it be?
Blackmamba (Il)
What does Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin have on Donald John Trump,Sr? Beyond Trump's desire to enhance the Trump Organization profitable advantage arising from his occupation of the White House that he is hiding from the American people in his personal income tax returns and business accounting financial records?
Kenny B (Fort Lauderdale)
As a retired US Foreign Service officer I stand in solidarity with my diplomatic colleagues. We took an oath to the Constitution, are decidedly non-partisan and care greatly about our country. As the impeachment hearings progress this week and Republicans try to defend the indefensible by attacking these patriots as 'deep-state' or Never Trumpers, Americans should hang their heads in shame at this national disgrace.
Dan (Colorado)
@Kenny B I hang my head in disgrace every single day Trump is still in office (and not in prison).
Harry Thorn (Philadelphia, PA)
@Kenny B It is illegal for a private citizen to attempt to conduct foreign policy. With Giuliani's long list of activities, surely he can be found to have violated this law.
Steve (maryland)
@Kenny B "National disgrace" fits the bill beautifully and in fact, it describes three years of trump mis-leadership and law breaking. God comment, Sir.
Andy (Denver)
My god, the man is a lunatic. How anyone with a functioning brain can support the current occupant of the White House is a complete mystery to me. And if they believe they are patriots they are only fooling themselves, or are completely unaware of the meaning of the word.
Nelly (Half Moon Bay)
@Andy I agree. But Trump's followers are angry and scared people.
GraceNeeded (Albany, NY)
Poor Zelensky, getting the squeeze from the President of the United States, acting like the criminal mobster he really is. Has this man no shame? How could ‘America’s mayor’ and President act like this? Why would the Republican leadership support this third finger raised to the rule of law? Either we are a democratic republic where no one is above the rule of law or we and the world are headed for anarchy, the likes of which the world has never seen. You cannot expect people to obey laws that leadership refuses to obey, especially when they have little to show for being law abiding citizens (subpar healthcare that the Republicans in leadership are jubilant about rescinding, less value of hard earned wages, while Republicans give the 1 percent a tax cut- Trumps’s way of paying for loyalty to him, with our tax dollars, and a planet dying that Republicans refuse to address, as Trump continues to attack our democratic institutions holding him and them accountable). We have certain unalienable rights as citizens and we aren’t going to allow this bully in chief to rape our country and its people of resources to achieve them simply because Republicans refuse to do their job. We should refuse to work or shop for a day(s) till they commit to do their jobs. I suggest Black Friday, as a day of prayer and protest for our nation. Justice will be served. The day of reckoning will come. Woe to those who continue to do what they know to be unjust and illegal, to hold power and wealth.
David (Connecticut)
@GraceNeeded GraceNeeded raises the most profoundly issues arising from this: 1. If Trump is acquitted by the Senate, we can rest assured that the Republicans will pull out all the stops in terms of election tampering (and Zuckerberg will throw up his hands and say, see, it's beyond our control). Implication: Elections in the US will be a chaotic joke going forward. 2. As GraceNeeded asserts (thank you, GraceNeeded), there will be zero incentive for anyone to obey the law in our society. Bet that's not going to work out so well. Given that the Republicans in Washington and in US state governments know that these results are ahead, one must assume that they are expecting the need for authoritarian government (which may or may not work out for Wall Street), but will mean that our democratic experiment has ended.
LD (Sacramento CA)
@GraceNeeded “Either we are a democratic republic where no one is above the rule of law or we and the world are headed for ANARCHY, the likes of which the world has never seen. You cannot expect people to obey laws that leadership refuses to obey.” WELL SAID! That is exactly where this madness will take us; straight into ANARCHY where everyone will want to do whatever seems right in their own eyes no matter what the Law says. IMAGINE the utter chaos and Lawlessness that will ensue!
AY (California)
@GraceNeeded Well said. Comments are fine, but in the midst of all the assumptions about the Senate refusing to impeach or remove, I believe steady doses of nonviolent civil disobedience must be administered.
Jerry (Washington, DC)
Russia is working hard to undermine democracy in Europe and North America while threatening its neighbor, Ukraine, with military conquest of part of its territory. We spend hundreds of billions of dollars defending ourselves and other democracies from Russian aggression. Trump's withholding of aid to Ukraine is tantamount to TREASON! Why will the dems not just come out and say it?
BTO (Somerset, MA)
As a CEO of his own company, Trump in business deals was probably very used to "do us a favor", and who ever was at the other end was probably very glad to do the favor to get the business. However talks between nations should never be about favors, they should always be above board so nothing comes back to bite you. Trump and family continue to claim that the impeachment inquiry is trying to undo the 2016 election. Well anyone with a brain knows that you can’t change history, the results of the election will stay the same no matter what the inquiry does. However if someone is violating their oath of office by requiring a quid pro quo which is bribery or extortion then they should be removed from office, which doesn’t change the election results and if Trump wants to blame someone, all he has to do is look in a mirror.
Dale Irwin (KC Mo)
@BTO I suspect Trump spends a lot of time looking In the mirror. All it does is feed his delusional take on reality. He sees a full head of hair, instead of that laughable, swirling comb-over. He sees a stable genius, instead of a hopelessly needy and insecure narcissist out of his depth. Sadly, he sees a victim.
kagni (Urbana, IL)
Many including Nicky Haley say no crime has been committed since the deal was not consummated. Tell it to Governor Blagojevicz, sentenced for 15 years just for considering a deal, also never consummated.
Mike S (Neponsit ny)
@kagni Nicky Haley has lost any credibility. Anyone that touches Trump turns to stone. She should have stayed far away from this.
J Pasquariello (Oakland)
Nicky is trying to save her own career by threading the needle between Trump and truth.
Julio Wong (El Dorado, OH)
@kagni - Who cares with Haley thinks? She’s irrelevant.
Jim Steinberg (Fresno, Calif.)
Forget the con man's words. He lies all the time. Concentrate on his face. His facial expressions all but advertise: "I'm guilty."
Margo (Atlanta)
I'd rather view results.
Petersburgh (Pittsburgh)
We have to wonder if Trump did not receive direct marching orders on how to undermine Ukraine from Putin, during one or more of their "private" meetings, especially in Helsinki.
Ellen Valle (Finland)
@Petersburgh : I know this has often been said before, by many people: I don't think he's smart enough. He's also too impulsive; what you're suggesting would demand a degree of rational thought and self-control. He'd have to keep a number of points in his mind at once, and be able to anticipate what would happen several moves ahead, as in a chess game. I think he's barely capable of playing checkers or dominos. It's the irresolvable question: is he acting out of malicious impulse, or just out of ordinary stupidity and ignorance? Of course, there are those who say both can co-occur in the same individual. They may well be right.
Ralph Braseth (Chicago)
Trump is obsessed with Russian influence in the 2016 campaign. Putting collusion aside, the FBI, CIA, NSA, a bi-partisan congressional investigative body, the military and private cybersecurity companies agree that Russia fiddled with the American political process in 2016. Bolton, Pompeo and a parade of other administration officials, current and past, have no qualms about naming America's arch-enemy of foul play in 2016. What's Trump's motive? Why the inability to name Russia with shenanigans when Putin, a former KGB director, has a history of sticking his fingers throughout European politics? Is the president in debt to Russia?
Dubious (the aether)
Every time Trump shifts blame away from Russia, he is helping the Kremlin cover up its crimes. Trump is a knowing participant in an ongoing foreign intelligence operation.
Dr. Pangloss (Xanadu)
How we got here? Really? Allow me: The anachronism known as the Electoral College plus the racist, xenophobic "poorly educated" of "deplorables" fame; set to simmer and mix with the Fox-Evangelical-NRA-GOP nexus and set aside to see for 40 or so years. After rising and bubbling in the demographic decline of rural America bake in a narcissistic, criminal, 4th rate con man and violá you have the international loss of credibility, domestic fermentation of violence, an all-out assault on the rule of law and the office of the presidency now becoming a dumpster fire... set at 40O° and walk away mind you
Olivia (Rhinebeck, NY)
Treason. Corruption. Stupidity. Only one person benefits. Putin. Case closed.
TWShe Said (Je suis la France)
Simple Story Line-Trump wanted help getting dirt on Biden and tried to withhold military help to Ukraine to get them to do it. That he was caught-doesn't make it benign. It was attempted extortion which is impeachable. The Whistle Blower is a Patriot and should be protected. Who expects the person pulling the fire alarm to pay for the fire? Ridiculous........
Mark (Toronto)
@TWShe Said Trump did not even want an investigation.There was nothing there! All he wanted was a television announcement for the US media to pick up and keep running.
John (Simms)
Question... If Trump and his campaign coordinated the hacking of the DNC server with Russia why would they believe that Ukraine did it? Trump embracing the Ukraine theory seems to indicate that he DID NOT coordinate with Russia or engage in a quid quo pro
Summer Smithedti (Dallas, TX)
Trump is the only person in our government who doesn’t believe it was Russia. It’s pathetic that you believe him and Putin over our nation’s many intelligence services.
Sue O (Portland)
@John Read further... the Hungarian Prime Minister had Trump's ear, and filled it with anti-Ukraine theories:
Ida (NYC)
Answer: Trump does not think Ukraine did it. He knows Russia did, and he is trying to help himself and Russia by blaming Ukraine . . . a typical insideous Trump maneuver.
cherrylog754 (Atlanta,GA)
Simply put, it reads like "Watergate". The crime, then the cover up.
Fred (Cambridge, MA)
Shakespeare could not have written a storyline as rich in mordant tragedy. Trump's human smallness betrays the immense power of the office he gained only through his lust for approbation.
Michael Tyndall (SF)
Golly, cut the president done slack. What do you expect from a lousy NY real estate developer. He doesn’t know which direction the sun rises, let alone right from wrong. And he’s too incompetent to actually extort a weak country fighting for its independent survival. I’m sure he’ll do better after a stern admonishment from House Democrats. Just like he’s reformed his behavior after all his other faux pas. Trump 2020: More of the same, only with less incompetence and self dealing! Lindsey Graham promises...
C.L.S. (MA)
If it were a Greek tragedy, we would look for the "tragic flaw" that brings down the hero. In the current case, Trump's inability to control his knee-jerk readiness to solicit/accept collaboration from a foreign source to help win elections is the fatal flaw ("Russia, if you are listening” 2016; "Ukraine, I’d like to ask a favor” 2020.). In 2016, Trump probably would have won the election without any foreign-sourced help, but he couldn't help asking for it (another example being the Trump Tower meeting about "abortions"). In 2020, getting dirt on Joe Biden is an obsession at least as strong as the earlier one to get dirt on Hillary Clinton, with the difference that in 2020 he may really need the dirt to avoid losing re-election. So, that's something to add to the psychoanalysis of Trump, but with concurrent apologies to Sophocles and the other Greek playwrights: Trump's inherent depravity hardly merits comparison with the sympathy/empathy we feel for the heroes of Greek tragedy, even if his downfall may indeed be a moment of national catharsis.
Joel Levine (Northampton Mass)
What is most troublesome about this article is that each time an allegation is made about the Biden involvement, it is summarily dismissed. There are no details as to the kind of investigation that occurred and who conducted it. Secondly, the premise is given that not asking Hunter Biden was the right thing to do. Quite remarkable.... Let us recall how we got into Ukraine in the first place. The elected President decided he wanted to reject the EU offer and go with Moscow. So we, yes we, engineered a coup to chase him away. Look back at how money flowed from the US to the other factions. Then , in a corrupt county , we now had people who were " ours" and those who were not. Easy then to support one and not the other. Burisma was corrupt ( the head was indicted ) and the role of the Board members was what is called " whitewashing" use Western names to influence the letting of gas contracts. This is a common practice. If all knew Biden was a whitewash, why did no one tell him to leave the Board? ( Now his father says he wanted him to " own " something of his own ) Trump may be fixated on those who have undermined his Presidency. But who really knows what was and was not corrupt. He asked for the corruption investigation to continue. If he asked for one to be made up re Biden , then there would be no basis. BUT he asked for an investigation...and to date we see no hard evidence that one was really done.
Peter Rasmussen (Denmark)
@Joel Levine "each time an allegation is made" I also see that any wrong doing or problems are refuted, including Ukrainian officials, except by hard core Trump supporters. So, it is not clear to me what you want, eg. are you a Trump supporter or are you a regular non-partisan concerned citizen? In my opinion the Biden issue is as old and non relevant now as Hillarys emails.
Joel Levine (Northampton Mass)
@Peter Rasmussen No I am not ..but i have not seen the details of any of the investigations to date. We are considering overturning an election. I do not like Trump but every piece of evidence of wrong doing or all that would exculpate him has to be widely accessible. So far, we have people saying what they thought and we do not have the Nixon tape wherein the President clandestinely does wrong. And the most obvious question...If Trump really wanted to pressure him, why choose a public call? That has to speak to intent....I am not for him but i want this process to convince all and just the ones who want him out.
Summer Smithedti (Dallas, TX)
Whether or not you or Trump acknowledge the investigation done in Ukraine, it was done. The corrupt behavior predated Hunter Biden’s board seat. Do Trumpers ever get tired of being wrong?
kkm (NYC)
This is an excellent piece which clearly and concisely describes how, as a country, we managed to place a highly corrupt individual in the Office of the President of the United States of America. He then appointed many of his corrupt buddies into positions to wield power on his behalf. This is a very sobering moment in the history of the United States and we can certainly do far better going forward. This corruption is not who we are as a country or as a global superpower.
Nostradamus Said So (Midwest)
@kkm Putting his family in positions of influence are feeding the corruption in this country. Why not stop the corruption in Washington DC before fighting corruption in a foreign country? The Ukraine can do whatever it wants about corruption including ignore it like the republicans are doing the corruption in the White House.
kkm (NYC)
@Nostradamus Said So : Thanks for your comment. I would go one step further -and have written about this multiple times since Trump was elected- a federal law requiring all candidates for President and Vice President disclosing 8 years of taxes: federal, state, local and foundation. Every candidate running for President and Vice President since Watergate has disclosed their taxes voluntarily...except Trump. In addition, large NYC banks have not lent money to Trump since the early who is lending to him...perhaps Russian oligarchs? Hopefully that question will be answered once Mazars LLP (Trump's accounting firm) satisfy their subpoena request for his taxes. In addition, no one has ever placed relatives in positions of influence - as you mentioned - and that ought to be another federal law on the books. Just the fact that these issues - taxes and relatives - even has to be raised as potential federal laws - speaks volumes about the caliber of individual we have sitting in the Oval Office.
Victor Mark (Birmingham)
@kkm I appreciate kkm's comments. Of note: 1) President John Kennedy placed his brother, Robert (Bobby) as national Attorney General in his administration. He served well, but I prefer that a President would not any more appoint any family member to any position in the White House, however stellar that person would be. 2) I agree that all candidates for higher governing office should be required to release the prior 8 years of federal tax returns to qualify for being on the ballot. However, because of Trump's intransigence and the love of the Republican Party, I seriously doubt that any Republican legislators will agree to this requirement, until Trump is out of office. Otherwise, the effort to require high officeholders to disclose their federal tax returns would humiliate Republicans because of their adoration of Mr Trump.
Bronx Jon (NYC)
“Trump, Ukraine and Impeachment: The Inside Story of How We Got Here” Okay, we’re here, so now how do we overcome the omertà of the Republicans and get there?
Ken L (Atlanta)
This a fine summary of the events. It does end with the question of Bolton's testimony. Bolton knows what the right thing to do is. He's asking the court to cover his rear. Courts pass judgement on legal questions. This is an ethical and moral question. Mr. Bolton, if you support the country and the Constitution, you'll do the right thing and testify.
On the coast (California)
@Ken L Bolton just signed a huge book deal and probably wants to save some juicy bits so people will actually buy the book.....
proffexpert (Los Angeles)
@Ken L You don't really expect Bolton to act like an honorable man, do you?
Mark (Toronto)
When and who scooped the Ukraine story ?
Cynthia Lamb (NM)
Please clarify. Why does the media and others insist on calling a memo of the July 25th call a "transcript"? Isn't a transcript a copy of dictated or recorded material? This material was neither dictated or recorded. It's an imperfect recollection of a conversation because statements were omitted such as those that Lt. Col. Vindman tried to have incorporated into it. It appears to have been conveniently edited by the White House before it was spirited away to a vault. When Republicans refer to this manuscript and say "just read it," aren't they referring to a document slanted toward their interpretation and tainted from the start?
rab (Upstate NY)
@Cynthia Lamb GOP: "Read the Transcript" DEMS: "Release the Transcript" Then we can actually read it.
fred (Santa Barbara)
@Cynthia Lamb When those in power write the document, that document becomes questionable that it is the whole truth or even that it is nothing but the truth. On top of that, Trump is well versed in never saying what he me really wants or means. Like the criminal who is always aware that the phone is tapped, try not to leave a record of your criminality.
Doug Connah (Baltimore)
@fred But at least the "transcript" —that "beautiful" transcript—provides the evidence in Trump's own words of an element of the Federal crime: the solicitation of the foreign national, Mr. Zelensky. That's plainly made illegal by a Federal statute.
Sandra Lee (New York City)
Any wonder why so many of us want to know what was said in all those lengthy one-on-one Trump-Putin conversations and phone calls for which we have no read outs? Given how intellectually stunted and morally bankrupt Trump is, I assume he simply parrots the talking points the Kremlin feeds him. He is so pathetically weak.
El Guapo (Los Angeles)
@Sandra Lee In the end the outcome that Putin wants is what Trump will strive to do. Nobody in the USA wants to think of POTUS as beholden to an adversary like Russia. People want to believe that POTUS is loyal to America in spite of the evidence that Trump is only loyal to himself and nobody else. Trump wanted to blame Ukraine for the 2016 election interference so he can push to remove the sanctions on Russia. This is Putin's goal. And Trump is doing his level best to comply. But unfortunately for his ineptitude he got caught. Releasing the details of the July 25th call was the most asinine move ever. And to double down with the mantra "read the transcript" is beyond comprehension. The next day he admits to asking for help of Ukraine and China in front of the assembled press. For God's sake he might as well confess on a stack of Bibles and say "I did it". Totally incredible!
Dr. Dan (Miami)
@El Guapo ...And yet, his supporters shout three word slogans in a foamy-mouthed bender frenzy fueled by the euphoria of FINALLY being on the winning team. It matters not WHAT they are winning, just that they are. It is the political equivalent of the toxic mortgage crisis. Republican control (deregulation) was intoxicating - until it wasn't. Sobriety is coming and the hangover will hurt bad.
Mother (Central CA)
@Sandra Lee, but why Putin? What is the real reason trump yeilds to Putin. This is the crux of the matter; trump’s corruption is tied to Putin. Treason send him to Jail.
barbara (nyc)
Clear as a bell. Thank you.
Pigenfrafyn (Boston)
And sadly no matter how many articles are published explaining Trump’s extortion scheme in Ukraine, it won’t matter one iota to the MAGA crowd. They simply do not care.
Bernard Waxman (st louis, mo)
@Pigenfrafyn And unfortunately it does not matter to most of the Republicans in the House and in the Senate. To me they are even worse than Trump. If they stood up to him things would not be so bad.
Deflated (NYC)
@Pigenfrafyn You are so right - many of them were speaking at the Veterans Day Parade here in NYC. They simply do not care. For some, abortion is all that matters. For others, they are propagandized by FOX and parrot the words they hear. It's frankly frightening. Some were going after an 88 year old woman holding up a sign in protest. She kept repeating that the people marching in the parade and those that died fought for her right to hold that sign. They got in her face. An 88 year old woman with a cane. They are ugly people who just want to spew their rage. And Republican Congressman and Senators are more than happy to help them by disregarding the Constitution. All ugly people hiding behind religion.
larry (pittsburgh)
we got here because this Idiot with his bone spurs and habitual lies got elected.
Sarah (CT)
@larry It's almost like electing a narcissist with no government experience was not a good idea!
Bob (Minn)
This is an excellent story that explains some of the recent testimony in a way that is easy to understand. The bottom line: Trump extorted a vulnerable newly elected president for his own political gain, using US tax dollars that were meant to help secure NATO, the EU and the US citizens. And he conspired with Giuliani months before the July 25th phone call was made to get a phony PR narrative out that could be amplified for months before the election. And don’t think for one minute he also was not only thinking about his own “exoneration” from working with the Russians during the 2016 elections, but he was trying to exonerate Manafort and Putin. It would be an easy excuse to drop sanctions and give Manafort the pardon he wants if his disinformation campaign worked. The rest of the story is going to show how Trump worked with all the former corrupt Ukrainian officials to get the narrative, including Shokin and Firtash.
Shawn Alexander (New York)
@Bob you sir, sizzled this down to the core, even from the key points of the article. thank you. i concur.