Poor Sleep May Be Bad for Your Heart

Nov 11, 2019 · 9 comments
Jen (Midwest)
Another thing to worry about as I try to fall asleep!
Richard (Palm City)
Another Times story with no meaning for me at age 83, I don’t care how much young people sleep I want info on how to live to be 93.
Mike J (Illinois)
Meaningless. You start with half a million subjects and you get ridiculously low relative risk. How does this even survive peer review? Absolute risk 14% vs 12% for worst case. Zzzzzzzzzzz.
MainLaw (Maine)
@Mike J No more ridiculous than most medical studies.
Malaika (International)
A friend of mine works two full time jobs, both restaurants . Very long hours and very stressful work as well. I’ve been trying to talk her out of it with no avail or to reduce hours at least . For example one is full time and the other is part time. She is forgetful and I said maybe the consequence of not having enough sleep already . She wouldn’t listen .
ron (wilton)
May be. Is it possible to read an article about health that is definitive.
Phil (New York)
@ron Science doesn't work that way. Gods do.
Pamela L. (Burbank, CA)
While I appreciate this information, it's not really an article, is it? It's more of a blurb. This is really important information and deserves to be fully explored in an article and not summarized in this manner.
Dick Brummel (Kansas City)
@Pamela L. May be just a “blurb”, but you can simply follow the hyperlink to the full study in “Neurology”.