Afghan War Casualty Report: November 2019

Nov 07, 2019 · 3 comments
Al (Idaho)
Gee, are we still over there? Huh. The truth is, presidents learn pretty quickly that getting into a war and beating up the bad guys is great free press. They seem to always forget that most wars are not like ww2. It's not clean and over when it's "over". The day after day casualty count, especially if it involves Americans is bad press. So we wind these conflicts down and let the locals continue to slaughter each other even if almost nothing ever gets resolved. That's ok, because, well, most Americans just don't have the time to care. When I think of those poor, desperate people in places like afaganistan who are mostly just trying to survive let alone "nation build", its just heart breaking. We can't fix the place. They can't fix the place. No one has been able to. All they seem to be able to do is fight. Afganistan (and a bunch of other places) won't come up at any debates or press conferences. Mostly because there really aren't any answers and why would anyone stick their neck out by saying anything? So it will just continue and I'll read about and feel guilty that I'm safe and comfortable while people every bit as good as me and deserving of a chance at life will continue to die.
sarss (Northeast Texas)
Isn't this war lost?I was in Vietnam in 1970. We knew the war was lost,but we were still there, US and Vietnamese on both sides still dying for years to come. Can't this be ended?The aftermath will not be good,but an end has to come.
Greg Tutunjian (Newton,MA)
Thank you for your continued and detailed reporting. Stay safe.