Late Night Prepares for a Very Long Impeachment

Nov 01, 2019 · 7 comments
Capt. Pissqua (Santa Cruz Co. Californica)
But why isn’t there any folly about how our system is only half serious meaning that after the house condemns tump,Then there’s the Senate that must also condemn the banana republic leader… Which most likely won’t happen, so we’re still stuck with the idiot!
Justin Stewart (Fort Lauderdale Florida)
Let’s be brutally honest..... The GOP Majority Senate won’t vote to Impeach...
DR (New England)
Do Republicans really want to call things Soviet style?
jhbev (NC)
I miss Jon Stewart!!!!!! And I enjoy the late night guys BUT, they are all playing to the choir. It is so obvious the republicans in congress, scared out of their wits by the blackmailing incompetent in the white house do not watch late night tv, but only the faux network aka fox news. Will Rogers while taking digs, was kind, polite, wise and funny. The time for good manners has passed. Four letter words are so common on on the streets they should he as common on tv. As tey sat, we live in interesting times. I hope we do not look back with humiliation at what we did not do.
Paul (Duluth MN)
Will go on so long that new peaches, Impeachmints, will have time to be genetically engineered and streets in Atlanta get renamed Impeachtree Avenue, Street, Lane, Way, and Boulevard.
Ron B (Vancouver Canada)
Trump has made Colbert a rich man
PT (Melbourne, FL)
Sometimes, the best take on the events of the day is to be found in the late night commentary. Trump has single-handedly given this industry so much fodder, they're in heaven. Not like the Obama days -- when Jon Stewart complained "the guy isn't funny... he's serious."