Is the U.S. Betraying Its Kurdish Allies?

Oct 08, 2019 · 3 comments
Bruce Mincks (San Diego)
I wonder if the Kurds might be selected out of a process between American and Russian forces for exchanging prisoners before prisoners become a liability for prison systems in the security of national borders. Conversely, if we can discriminate dangerous "terrorists" from other kinds of criminals, we might get a step closer to closing Guantanamo in terms of Pompeo's foreign relations. Let's all support Mike Pompeo while he's away in Rome from a Congressional subpoena back home. A mutual exchange might add to the Minsk Agreement's provisions, similarly, if we just Chill while the Cold War plays out for Trump's dictatorship. Then we might secure our cyber like everybody else's in a different strategy for the Senate to ignore. Watch Putin for the score, now that everybody's hacked.
Michael Kittle (Vaison la Romaine, France)
This Trump decision high lights his basic belief in isolationism and white nationalism. The Trump base may still not fully understand Trumpism and MAGA which always has meant make America white again, stop immigration, and minimize making deals with foreign allies. Essentially Trump is trying to recreate his fantasy of America before WW II. It’s dangerous to have a president who lives in a fantasy world.
Warren Shingle (Sacramento)
Betrayal—not something we like to think we are capable of committing. The dead bodies of Kurdish women and children will prove to us that we are perfectly capable of turning our backs on those who have fought for us and even died for us. Where is the Republican Senate?