Ukraine Pressured on U.S. Political Investigations

Sep 20, 2019 · 246 comments
Christopher Hull (Los Angeles)
Biden and his son should be in jail. Trump trying to out a corrupt VP is GOOD NEWS
Kiska (Alaska)
@Christopher Hull Please cite facts to back up your assertion.
matty (boston ma)
@Christopher Hull Biden is not VP. Trump is not trying to out anyone. He is illegally openly soliciting the help of a foreign government to sway our election.
Viv (.)
@Kiska Here's the investigation from The Hill: And if you want primary sources, here's the video from the Council on Foreign Relations, with Biden saying what he's accused of doing.
BarbL (Southern California)
Thank you, Mr. Zelensky, for having more class than some of our leaders.
Grace Wells (Planet Earth)
This sounds like a classic case of extortion. And extortion is an impeachable offense. To the House Dems leadership this is a gold mine! Get to it! The public needs answers!
Jon Galt (Texas)
@Grace Wells The extortion, based on his own words, was VP Biden's threat to Ukraine's investigation of his son's illegal activities. This should be the real story.
L'historien (Northern california)
@Grace Wells if they would only grow a spine and jail those who refuse to cooperate with congress.
Underhiseye (NY Metro)
@Jon Galt Yes, correct. But then how would Mr. Schiff be able to deflect from the debacle that was this week’s impeachment inquiry where two of three witnesses didn’t even appear And the third witness who did appear showed the hearings for what they are... Laughable. The Ukrainian Government is well within their purview to investigate Mr. Biden’s son. The American people deserve to know all those who seek to leverage their proximity to government based power. The Biden family should be no exception. That Mr. Trump didn’t withhold aid, and our assets, troops and tanks remain in Europe on standby to any Russian aggression, is proof there was no extortion, just another red herring for Corporatist Neoliberal Democrat’s to hide their own complicity and shameful actions. Mr. Trump saw this nothing burger for what it is. Kudos to him.
Putinski (Tennessee)
I am willing to bet that "investigate" really means spread disinformation and propaganda across social networking platforms. Asking foreign countries to investigate our own people is so low as to be treasonous in my book.
@Putinski I believe that consorting with foreign countries to destroy our democratic process is treason. Certainly an impeachable offence. Maybe not being at war makes a difference????
George T. (Portland, OR)
Trump faced no consequences for seeking foreign help with the 2016 election, so he's trying to do the same thing in 2020. It's almost as if you don't enforce the law, criminals conclude they can do whatever they want!
Michael (Ca)
@George T. Trump has never faced consequences for anything in his life. His pampered upbringing doomed him, and now all of us! Parents do a great disservice to children by spoiling them.
Tom Q (Minneapolis, MN)
Exactly what business does Mr. Giuliani have in asking a foreign government to begin a corruption investigation within in its own borders? He is a private citizen. He is not in the employ of the government of the United States. He is not acting in an official capacity as a representative of the President of the United States. He has no equity stake in a Ukrainian natural gas company. Can anyone imagine the reaction in this country if, say Boris Johnson, as a private citizen, sent a British private citizen into this country and pressured the CIA to investigate a private American company? And if the CIA didn't cooperate, then Britain would cease to be involved in supporting American efforts in the Middle East!? Words wouldn't begin to describe the reaction here. Not surprisingly,Trump recalled the prior American ambassador to Ukraine, Mary Yovanovitch, in May of this year. Equally not surprising. he has named no new ambassador. If he wants Rudy meddling in another country's affairs, then he ought to formally appoint him as our ambassador. Otherwise, Rudy, stay home.
Here Come Da Judge (New York USA)
You say “Rudy stay home” I’d revise that idea to “Rudy get in a home”. He’s not sane.
Gordon Jones (California)
@Tom Q Vladimir would love that.Think the Ukrainians would be less than joyful. Would no doubt refuse his credentials. State Dept. and Foreign Service would puke.
Hec (Texas)
Or better yet, Rudy should go to jail, where he can’t commit more acts of treason.
Michael (NW Washington)
Many Republicans seem to have reached the point where anyone who stands up against corruption is an enemy of Trump. It is deplorable that they can't open their eyes and see what the corollary of that belief is. It seems there is no longer any logical or Constitutional based argument that can shake them out of their trance. Complete annihilation at the next election seems to be the only remedy left.
NYTpicker (Hanover, MD)
@Michael, I doubt they're in any form of trance. Rather, they're probably quite awake. They're lining their pockets by doing the bidding of their millionaire or billionaire donors. That's just politics as usual for them - nothing out of the ordinary. Unfortunately, many of our fellow Americans don't see it that way. Oh well....
Martin (Amsterdam)
@Michael But Trump is standing robustly against the corruption of his main Dem opponent in 2020, just as he has stood so firmly against corrupt foreign interference in 2016 to help Crooked Hillary :-) Pity his corrupt attempt to use corruption as a tool against his enemies is a primary index of the breathtaking corruption now swamping Washington. The drain seems completely blocked - swamped.
DSD (St. Louis)
Trump and the Republicans are not going to give up power peacefully in 2020. We are entering waters we’ve never seen before and it’s deeply disturbing.
K. (Texas)
He was elected to govern but instead he has been spending most of his time to cover up all his misdeeds! Any CEOs with that kind of troublesome behaviors would have been fired a long time ago. His enablers like most of his Republican minions make our political system too generous with him and his cronies. In spite of his incessant conducts of abhorrence out of our best public housing unit, I would like to stay hopeful that our political norms will prevail once his impeachment begins, especially after the revelation of his Ukraine phone call. --- An example of the Icarus fate for our immature politicians: Donald Trump was simply too close to the sun of Narcissistic Bully-ism exacerbated by his clueless notion of the Constitution and patriotism.
Sambam (California)
The Republican Party lost their belief in democracy decades ago, when they realized they had to find ways to hold power as a minority, but they have now completed their descent into being a criminal organization that only exists to protect their mob boss.
Jim Brokaw (California)
Trump used US military aid to Ukraine as a tool to boost his re-election campaign and asked a foreign government to investigate the family of one of his political opponents. Merriam-Webster, please put this in your next dictionary as part of the definition of "treason". Thank you.
Martin (Amsterdam)
The Fake President and his fake lawyer are trying to corrupt an investigation into corruption - involving Manafort and their leading opponent in an upcoming US presidential election. They seem to have a rather limited imagination :-) 'Hey, it worked last time...' '...and we got away with that so far, even though everybody knows what we did'
Think (Wisconsin)
In response to a reporter’s question on Friday, Mr. Trump declined to say whether he had discussed Mr. Biden or his family with Mr. Zelensky. “It doesn’t matter what I discussed..." . . . . . “It doesn’t matter what I discussed...” ?!?!? How dare you! Trump apparently thinks he is now King of the United Sates. His arrogance rises to the level of an impeachable offense. And the translation of "It doesn't matter..." : is "Yes, that's exactly why I called."
Hector (Texas)
Maybe the whistleblower is the Ukrainian President.
Monterey Seaotter (Bath (UK))
Who'd have thought that the GOP would be happy to have a traitor as President.
northeastsoccermum (northeast)
In tonight's edition of Life in Trumplandia: A former reality show host turned president asks a former comedian turned president to dig up dirt on his biggest rival's son. But uh oh! Someone spoiled the fun!
Not that someone (Somewhere)
I know you won't publish this, but what the heck. Rudy Giuliani is a troll, a disgrace, and proof of the failings of our current culture, that he should thrive or have any influence. Trump is a great president to have as the last president (under the old ways) - listen to the climate change kids and lets have that revolution, at least in our minds and hearts, to abandon the faith we have in these faux leaders, and their constant waste of our time and resources.
Jay (NYS)
Roy Cone would be proud of his boy.
BTO (Somerset, MA)
Trump doesn't have any allies, all he has is a gang of thugs.
exo (far away)
only Warren can drain the swamp.
yves rochette (Quebec,Canada)
@exo Way too early to say, please
Tom W (Cambridge Springs, PA)
There is something that must be made perfectly clear before any future attempt is made to restore constitutional democracy to our nation. The reason why Donald Trump can break all of the rules all of the time is the inherent (extreme) danger associated with the congress or the courts or any law enforcement agency standing up to him. This must never, ever happen. Never! It must never happen because then our idiot president would be entitled to play the “THEY’RE PICKING ON ME” victimization card. Which, as all liberal philosophers agree, would automatically gain Donald Dimwit a second four-year-term of office. A chance at a coronation. And the prize showcase Carol Merille is pointing to. Let Trump scrap the constitution. Let him openly commit treason. Let him return us to the carefree days of aristocracy —> but DON’T put him in a position to play the role of the victim. THAT would be the end of civilization as we know it!
Mark McIntyre (Los Angeles)
Trump and his cadre learned nothing from the Russia investigation, Mueller Report or U.S. law. In fact, they may have been emboldened because there were no repercussions, and he has a pathetic lackey as Attorney General.
Judy Weller, (Cumberland, md)
I think it is appropriate to get this information on Hunter Biden.I think it is appropriate to get this information on Hunter Biden. The NYT published information on the Biden ties with Ukraine earlier this year. So this is hardly big news. Actually I think it should be investigated. We know that during the Obama Presidency Biden’s son got a seat on a Ukrainian Oil company board at a 6 digit salary just for the use of his name. Biden Faces Conflict of Interest Questions That Are Being ... › 2019/05/01 › politics › biden-son-ukraine
Malcolm (Cairhaven, Mass)
@Judy Weller, then it's referred through law enforcement, not from the Chief Executive Officer who is never supposed to influence or instigate a criminal investigation. Oh, and never interfere with one either. On both counts Trump is guilty as can be.
BarryNash (Nashville TN)
Arrest Giuliani?
JANET MICHAEL (Silver Springs)
Is Congress not acting on impeachment because they think the public doesn’t care-WRONG-we do care. We have suffered through the Mueller report which was obfuscated-we have been patient while the Judiciary Committee has sent out endless subpoenas-now we are faced with Trump”s extortion of a foreign leader for election related help.It is now or never Congress-as Lady Macbeth said, “ Screw your courage to the sticking point”.
Michael Tyndall (San Francisco)
'Mr. Giuliani asserted in an interview on Fox News that Mr. Zelensky was being advised by “people who are the enemies” of Mr. Trump.' Trump always divides people into one of two groups, his friends and his enemies. Like a mob boss, his friends will do whatever favor he requires. It's not optional. And if you cross or even rebuff Trump, be prepared for severe consequences. It would not surprise me, and there's some reporting to this effect, if Trump promised Putin he would not intervene if Russia annexed the Donbass, just as they did with Crimea. But this payback would only be operative if Trump doesn't get the necessary Biden dirt in time for the election. Putin would just have to settle for another 4 years of Trump and probably full sanctions relief in a second term.
Marc (Virginia)
Mr, Biden's some it an American and Trump is not protecting and American. He is endangering and American. There is no depth to which he won't sink. None of us are safe. If it suits him, he will sell us out too.
Rm (Worcester)
It is pure and simple. The fluke emperor has no clothes or any shame. He is low of the lowest and goes to any level to destroy others. KGB gave him the White House. His whole life shows that he was a big failure in business as reflected by six bankruptcies. His luck changed after his collusion with shady foreign help funding his business ventures. For the same, he does not want to show his tax record since it will expose his criminal acts. As he has done throughout his life, he continues his evil practice by suing everyone or making fake claims to defraud others by using a big army of lawyers. During his real estate deals, he did not pay the contractors after completion of projects. Alas, they didn’t have the army of lawyers to fight back and they accepted little to nothing payment for the work they did for him. It destroyed many families. He is using the same evil practice to continue his criminal activities daily. Ukraine is a classic example.
Dr. Girl (Midwest)
Who is Hunter Biden? Ok, just kidding. We just know that he is not the President. So this amounts to another illegal campaign donation by Trump? Except I had not idea that I was donating to Trump's campaign. That is what the NYT should expand on. Does this amount to an illegal campaign donation by the US government?
Mike Boyajian (Fishkill)
Giuliani should face disbarment for his role in this scandal.
Appu Nair (California)
Yeah, someone needs to look into real foreign collusion as is the case with Biden's son. Where was the media in this case? The media was all over Trump's' children for fake reasons as soon as he announced his candidacy. So, if the President or his people asked Ukraine if there was any corrupt dealings with Biden's son, it is entirely appropriate. The US does not want to collaborate with a country that nurtures corruption within this country.
Ricky (Texas)
Every time I see the character that currently sits in the chair behind the resolute desk, I see the clown from "IT" and "IT 2". How could any company of any size survive very long with the lies and the corruption that this administration has, and my fellow citizens, it's not a company that's being dragged thru the sewer, its the United States of America. I keep hearing that the House needs to go ahead with Impeachment, with that I don't disagree, but it's the Republican side who are complicit by there lack of voice and action. If you take a bad guy put him on a horse and then find a tree to park the horse and bad guy under, guess what if your intention is the hang the bad, you can't without a rope.
Douglas (Minnesota)
This apparent behavior by Trump and his gang is utterly outrageous and unacceptable. If this isn't justification for impeachment, we probably don't have a system capable of controlling or removing a rogue president. That said, let's try to be accurate about recent history, rather than promoting "official" versions that don't correspond very well with reality. "Mr. Leshchenko and two other Ukrainians, all of them young, Western-leaning politicians and veterans of the 2014 revolution . . ." That "revolution" was, in fact, a coup, provoked and supported by the the US and fronted by honest-to-goodness, seriously not-kidding-even-a-little, modern neo-Nazis. Neo-Nazi threat in new Ukraine: BBC NEWSNIGHT
Dan B (New Jersey)
Having learned there's no cost to inviting Russian interference in 2016, why not invite Ukranian interference in 2020?
Connie (Colorado)
I am horrified by this whole incident. Someone needs to get a backbone (Republicans in Congress) and stand up against this crook. He is now using our country as a pawn in threatening deals. We are the laughing stock of the world. He has ruined my Republican Party and this will resound for many years to come. How in good conscience can this man hold the Ukrainians hostage to his total ego? What about people who are hungry, sick and destitute there? Shame on you, Trump!
Koko Reese (Ny)
The president can't inquire about corruption between officials in his country and a foreign entity ? Huh ? So... . what was Biden doing anyway asking a Ukrainian prosecutor who was basically investigating his son Hunters shenanigans in Ukraine to be fired ?? Hunter was getting millions of dollars from a shady gas company operator in Ukraine ... he was on the board of a the gas company for some reason.. he can't speak a word of Ukrainian ?. Pops was at the time doling out billions of dollars of aid to the Ukraine .. the people on this comment section are so myopic in their hatred for Trump.. they are not seeing the real scandal here..
betty sher (Pittsboro, N.C.)
Better yet - ALL COUNTRIES should investigate Trump!
Todd (NE Ohio)
Sarah Kendzior has been telling us about this for over a year now. Trump is deep in bed with Ukraine.
MPA (Indiana)
Fake news continues to write a story as if it is factual, when no one knows the facts.
Kathleen S. (Albany NY)
In the name of all that's holy, is there nothing we can do to protect the USA from this man?
Judy Weller, (Cumberland, md)
Hunter Biden has been involed with Ukrainian Oil Company and the history is found in Wikipedia’ “Burisma Holdings On April 18, 2014, Burisma Holdings announced Biden's appointment to its board of directors in a press release.[17] Burisma is the largest non-governmental gas producer in Ukraine; it was incorporated in 2006 and is baseds Ukraine. ...With the revelation that Hunter Biden was serving on the board of the Ukrainian company Burisma, many raised concerns about Hunter Biden's interests conflicting with official US government positions. The White House dismissed nepotism charges against Biden's son.[29][30] But the director of the US-Ukraine Business Council, Morgan Williams, pointed to an "American tradition that frowns on close family members of government working for organizations with business links to active politics". Williams stated Biden appeared to have violated this unwritten principle: "... when you're trying to keep the political sector separate from the business sector, and reduce corruption, then it's not just about holding down corruption, it's also the appearance."[31] Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion of loan guarantees if President Petro Poroshenko did not fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who was investigating corruption in Burisma Holdings; Shokin was fired on March 29, 2016.
Adam S Urban Warrior (Bronx NY)
Where is Congress when this traitor acts? Where are they? Speaker Pelosi? He’ll get even worse until he lands in jail No key
susan (nyc)
Nosferatu (Giuliani) used to prosecute "the mob." Now it appears he's working for the 21st century "mob."
Topher S (St. Louis, MO)
It's incredible that anyone trusts a man who lies daily about things large and small and who had a private, secretive meeting with Russian bigwigs after being elected. This amoral, malignant narcissist and his mouth are a clear and present danger to the US.
Greg Jones (Philadelphia)
why shouldn't our President investigate anyone who threatens the security of our country?
Newman1979 (Florida)
Dania M. Kaleniuk, Executive Dirirector of an Anti Corruption Center in Kiev said it was" crystal clear that Trump was seeking to trade military trade for political favors". Sounds like a "crystal clear" case of felony "extortion" and a conspiracy to commit a felony extortion by White House aids. Aided by a coverup by Barr or "obstruction of justice" a felony, by the Attorney General od the United States.
Steve Griffith (Oakland, CA)
Treason doth never prosper. What’s the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.
Rob Vukovic (California)
I don't trust a president who would even have Rudy as a personal attorney let alone make him an envoy to foreign leaders. Rudy shouldn't even leave home without a mental health professional and a gallon of Thorazine.
Bashh (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Where was Robert Mueller when we needed him?
tom harrison (seattle)
The Dems have until Monday morning, 8 a.m. EST, to officially start impeachment proceedings or you lose my vote. All of the candidates swear up and down that we MUST stop Donald Trump yet you won't even hold one single member of his team in contempt much less actually do anything to stop him. If this is all you have to offer as a party, why on earth would I want you running the largest country on the planet? This quote in the HuffPost pretty much sums up the entire Democratic Party. "“We’re going to have those fights,” Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.) said Thursday. But he said he didn’t see it as a huge deal if Democrats waited another handful of weeks to really duke it out. “He’s been taking our lunch money pretty regularly, and there comes a time when you have to stand up to the bully,” Huffman said. “But I think he gets the lunch money this one more time,” he said."
Plumeria (Htown)
Don’t wait for them to “really duke it out.” I’m so surprised and disappointed in my party. What a poor, weak example they have set for young voters. It’s way past time to hold witnesses in contempt and send them to JAIL!
Reader902 (Basking Ridge, NJ)
Regarding '... Mr. Trump told Mr. Zelensky that Ukraine could improve its reputation and “interaction” with the United States by investigating corruption...' what is the likelihood he was referring to the White House?
DSD (St. Louis)
This is treason - again. Think AG Barr will do the right thing - morally and legally - and prosecute?
Edward (Honolulu)
“It is not clear whether Mr. Trump specifically linked United States aid to Ukraine to political help in next year’s election in the United States by investigating his political opponents.” Unless this link can be established, there is nothing there. In fact, Zelensky has denied that a quid pro quo was mentioned in the July telephone call he had with Trump. So what is this all about except to smear the President once again?
Michael Tyndall (San Francisco)
@Edward 'So what is this all about except to smear the President once again?' So far there's lots of smoke. Trump's ICIG appointee received a whistleblower complaint from a person who is represented by a legal expert in this area. Per statute, the IG reviewed the complaint and found it both CREDIBLE and URGENT, as his letter to the House Intelligence Committee detailed. It was then sent to the acting DNI who has a week to review and comment before being REQUIRED to pass it along to the Congressional Intelligence Committees. But the complaint was somehow waylaid by the OLC, an office with no official role in this process. Subsequently, the reporting by multiple news outlets is highly suspicious for presidential impropriety based on multiple inappropriate actions. You're right that the details matter, but there must be transcripts or recordings along with many people familiar with the details. And Trump insists there's been no impropriety, so closed door hearings could clear this up in an afternoon. So why does Trump always act so guilty while insisting he's innocent. A very smoky question.
Kate Kate (The Bronx)
@Edward all the president has to do is release the transcript of the conversation and stop fighting so hard to cover up what he claims is nothing wrong.
RLW (Chicago)
Hey Mr Trump and Mr Giuliani and all the rest of the Trump team: How about America First? Why not spend valuable resources on making life better for all Americans rather than looking for Hillary's emails or Biden's connection to Ukraine? We are all watching this "partisan" game and we voters feel ignored by the Trump administration that is running in circles to put out political brush fires instead of accomplishing anything for us voters.
SLB (vt)
Don't bother to rely on any "transcripts" of any conversations Trump had with anyone----early in his presidential term (I can't remember about what) Trump made sure that the "official" record of something didn't include something (neg. to him, of course). It was just one thing that was drowned out by all the other outrageous actions he's taken. No "official" record can be depended on.
Anonymous (The New World)
What Trump has done is bribe a foreign government. The fact that we give them military aid makes the bribe implicit, whatever he may say. This constitutes a felony and makes impeachment mandatory under the Constitution.
Tom W (Cambridge Springs, PA)
@Anonymous Agreed. Now. The next step is to pull Speaker Pelosi away from political sagacity and toward the rule of law.
tom harrison (seattle)
And what will the Democrats who control the House do about this? They will clutch Pelosi's pearls and then give us another circus like with Corey...and Trump will keep on going, and going, and going. Right now, Pelosi is the problem. But she is only concerned with still being the Speaker come next election and won't do anything to threaten that so she will let Trump be Trump and just wring her hands and blame it on Mitch. And Schiff will sear that he has conclusive evidence of collusion. And Rachel Maddow will try and connect the dots. But, Donald Trump will still be king of the world and there doesn't seem to be anything a Democrat can do to stop that. Not even hold his cronies in contempt of Congress just to wipe the smirk off of their face. No, we will just get more talk of "now is not the time for this fight" from the Democrats.
Lilly (Key West)
It seems that this "whistleblower" was designed to bring attention to Hunter Biden's use of his father influence to cut a dirty deal. Wanna bet Bernie's campaign is behind this tactic? The last thing moderate Democrats should want is this scandal going primetime in mainstream media.
jeffk (Virginia)
One reason Trump's administration was unable to get "dirt" from the Ukraine is that there is no investigation initiated on the US side and there is an agreement between the US and the Ukraine regarding that. Why is there no investigation initiated by Trump's administration? Because there is zero evidence of wrongdoing.
Underhiseye (NY Metro)
@Lilly Very interesting theory. Are you then suggesting someone on the “inside” perhaps with the ability to see the transcript or even listen to the calls pushed this to the forefront? Just as the faux impeachment hearings commenced and summarily imploded? Can members of Congress, their proxies, conduct surveillance and espionage from within the Intelligence Community? How are these no name sourced leaks occurring, with such granular detail? That would be a significant data and communications security breach worthy of some investigation... one would think.
Alan Cole (Portland)
This article would have been stronger if it mentioned -- as reported by the NYTs yesterday -- that the block on aid to Ukraine was lifted on Sept 12th, one day after acting DNI got Rep. Adam Schiff's letter demanding he release the whistle blower's report. That tight linkage suggestions are rather troubling scenario.
Dr. Girl (Midwest)
Well, this happened before with no consequences for the Trump family, so expect it to happen again and again. No collusion. My guess is that if a private US citizen made a deal with Iran to get information on the Trump family, the DOJ would be all over that!
Javaforce (California)
This is way beyond what is reasonable behavior for a US President, Attorney General and the President’s lawyer. The most alarming thing is Trump and his whole administration seem to think this is Ok. This is not Ok. This sort of thing is something that might happen in Russia, North Korea and other dictatorships. Whatever the complaint is it must be a real doozy judging by the lengths that Barr and the White Houses are going to in blocking it. Where’s Moscow Mitch and the Republicans in Congress?
fast/furious (Washington, DC)
If this is true, Richard Burr, Rob Portman, Lindsay Graham and Mitt Romney should tell Trump to resign. Let's watch and see if they are going to stay silent as this story unfurls. It's now being confirmed by the NYT, WAPO and WSJ. This is not fake news. This is possibly going to be evidence of a felony committed by the President. Let's see what the 'Republican statesmen' are willing to do or say as evidence builds that the President has committed the crimes of bribery/extortion - in violation of our national security.
Jane K (Northern California)
Thank you @fast/furious, for calling out those GOP Senators that claim to have the interests of the USA and it’s citizens above all else. Their constituents need to make their voices heard when the elected officials put support of a Republican president before the interests of our citizenry’s.
JimmySerious (NDG)
It seems Trump is threatening to withold US military aid to a NATO ally if they don't help him in his personal campaign for re-election I can't help but think this is happening because Trump believes the Pelosi Democrats don't have the guts to stop him.
David (New York)
Maybe this is Trump's version of shooting someone on Fifth avenue in New York. He did it in plain sight, and the Republicans are not upset at all. Just business as usual. I agree with the person that posted that Trump has ruined the Republican Party for a generation. They younger generation looks at this and laughs, they will never vote republican ever.
WHM (Rochester)
What is most astonishing in this sordid situation is the fearsome presence that Giuliani brings to the Ukraine. This is the seriously enfeebled former lawyer who rants so tremulously on TV these days that most people need to change channels. Yet, he is feared abroad entirely due to his attachment to Trump. Imagine his status the second Trump loses in 2020 if that happens. We have many losers in (or just out of) politics these days (Zinke, Pruitt, Priebus, Spicer, Gorka, Scaramucci), who could never have any prospect of being in the news except for their association with Trump. Is there someone out there in the swamp who could replace Trump in the cult of personality if he goes down? Could the base take up with Bannon or McFarland? Seems unlikely but dont be too sure.
St7v7n (NYC)
Pelosi: “If the president has done what has been alleged, then he is stepping into a dangerous minefield with serious repercussions for his administration and our democracy.” Which means he should be impeached! Right!?
@St7v7n Yes but timing is everything, though we seem to be getting close to Trump's expiration date.
left coast finch (L.A.)
What I want to know is why is Hunter Biden, as well as all children of both Democratic and Republican movers and shakers, in other countries rebuilding infrastructure and investing in their futures, even if it’s legitimate as I believe Biden’s work was especially compared to the blatant self-dealing of Ivanka Trump’s Chinese trademarks and Jared Kushner’s Saudi money to prop up his family real estate empire, while our own infrastructure in the United States crumbles? Why wasn’t Hunter Biden in the Appalachia or red states dependent on coal working to transition them to the renewable energy future his father and President Obama were working to enact? That’s the question I pose to all wealthy, well-connected progressives. We don’t need new museum wings, Ted Talks, or leftwing versions of “thoughts and prayers” while your children blow off science, engineering, and American public service careers for high-flying careers in predatory finance or building up foreign nations. We need you HERE NOW to populate, finance, and energize the tremendous undertaking of rebuilding the US, advancing better widespread public education, and working to transition every state to the progressive renewable future that THIS COUNTRY needs now, not China, not Ukraine, nor any other country. I’d also like to ask the NYTimes to look into who is doing that work here now. The only wealthy, well-connected political scion doing such work that comes to mind is Joe Kennedy and his Citizens Energy.
jeffk (Virginia)
We live in an increasingly connected international environment and helping our neighbors is a good thing. I did humanitarian work in central America and also in the US. I think both were good. We should not just think about ourselves all the time. If so we are acting just like Trump and his foolish supporters.
Occupy Government (Oakland)
"The whistle-blower’s specific allegations remain cloaked in mystery." Nonsense. The allegations remain cloaked in cover-up. Why can't the Times state a fact in a simple declaratory sentences? The only mystery is what took so long to notice Trump was holding up the $250 M while pressing an unfounded conspiracy theory. And Rudy is delusional. Who let him out?
Gdnrbob (LI, NY)
'Mr. Giuliani has said he sought a meeting with the president to investigate a natural gas company, Burisma, where Mr. Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, had served on the board of directors'. And, when Congress tries to obtain legally sanctioned information, it is called a 'Witch Hunt'. And, one he can subvert through the courts. May Karma have her day with these hypocrites.
Toms Quill (Monticello)
So, the whistle blower is "partisan" --- but Trump's withholding of US military aid to Ukraine, (aid Ukraine needs to resist Russia aggression), unless Ukraine gives Trump fake news about Biden is not partisan? And, as long as we are talking about foreign institutions, can we please see the Deutsche Bank ledgers that show how Trump laundered money for Russia's oligarchs? Welcome to the Global Mafia! Oh, and Trump's tax returns too, please -- Mr. Barr.
Dr. Professor (Earth)
I am amazed by the silence of the GOP/Republican politicians, and amused by those who go out of their way to defend everything Trump does/says with the most convoluted and torturous logic imaginable. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck!
Allan Slipher (Tucson, Az.)
Lets see now. Trump' refused to approve military shipments to Ukraine they uses to defend themselves against Putin's invasion until Ukraine's new government agrees to provide dirt to Trump's administration about a member of former Vice President Biden's family so Trump can start a smear campaign against Biden, who now leads Trump by large margins in US presidential election polls. Oh. I get it. Isn't that mafia style extortion and abuse of office for personal gain? Aren't those criminal felonies? Yep, sure looks like it to me. But Ukraine's new president Zelensky repeatedly refused to become involved in US politics and repeatedly rebuffed Trump's extortion, despite Russia's five year long war, annexing Crimea, occupying two more regions of Ukraine, and killing 13,000 Ukrainians. Wow. How do we get that kind of president who stands up for the integrity of his government and country in the face of extortion instead of the kind we got that sells out his country and allies for personal gain? Perhaps Ukraine could offer America an AID program on how to find, confront, and end mafia style corruption in the executive branch of government so our president can get asylum in Russia with Putin's other stooge, the one Paul Manafort used to work for, that the Ukrainians removed from office back in 2014. In the meantime, Congress, when are you going to end the crime spree in the White House?
John Doe (Johnstown)
What goes around comes around, I guess. Thanks, Hillary and Christopher.
Rob Vukovic (California)
Quite frankly, I don't want a president who would even have Rudy Giuliani as a personal lawyer let alone make him an envoy to foreign leaders.
Keef In cucamonga (Claremont CA)
Enough. At this point Speaker Pelosi’s refusal to introduce articles of impeachment amounts to gross neglect of her constitutional duty. The GOP are hopeless and corrupt, but the Democratic leadership needs to step up for the American people, and let the spotlight and onus fall firmly upon Mitch McConnell and the Senate. Anything less is to accept this degree of lawlessness as a permanent feature of our politics, and the impeachment remedy a mere dead letter in a mere, dead document.
Dorothy Darling (New York)
Anytime he’s credibly accused he says “partisan”. Really? No one can reveal crimes of corruption, obstruction, quid pro quo diplomacy and on and on with this crime family Trump presidency and the GOP. Then he had Giuliani being out of touch with reality in the Chris Cuomo show.
Kate Kate (The Bronx)
@Dorothy Darling The whistleblower is almost certainly someone he appointed.
ChristineMcM (Massachusetts)
We need Zelensky over here to help everyone learn how to say "no" to Trump. The president was trying to extort the Ukrainian government dangling money allocated by Congress for help in defending against Putin agression in return for "Oppo" research on the Biden family. This is a criminal action. No public official may engage in dirty quid pro quo deals more akin to mob behavior than a president. if this isn't a high crime and misdemeanor I don't know what is.
Lars (Hamburg, Germany)
Is there no end to the corruption and malfeasance in the Trump Regime? Why would Ukraine do this for Trump? They know he doesn’t keep his promises anyway, and Trump is compromised by Putin already. Don’t be so sure Trump was promising anything to Ukraine but rather, about Ukraine ... Far more rewarding for Trump
Dorothy Darling (New York)
Ukraine is a fake friend. They have more “love mother Russia” citizens then not. Their use was if we could use the port and they were a contender for NATO membership. Russia rolled in and took that land back. They’re a bad country with a bad history. They want western money and relationships. Their Russian citizens also shot down a passenger jet armed by Russia. Ukraine has mass graves of Jews killed by their Nazi occupiers right after arriving. The Ukrainian auxiliary assisted the Babi Yar massacre.
Taz (NYC)
If true, it's unambiguously an impeachable offense. No wonder not a peep from the Repubs. They're as stunned as everyone else.
Think (Wisconsin)
“For me, it’s crystal clear” that the Trump administration was seeking to trade military aid for Ukraine’s war against Russian-backed separatists for political favors." . . . . . So that is what happened! Speaker Pelosi, start the impeachment hearings now! This country has had all that it can and will take from this fully corrupt president.
Ambrose Rivers (NYC)
What's the argument for Ukraine not investigating Hunter Biden?
CosC (Cambridge)
@Ambrose Rivers Undoubtedly they'd pursue an investigation if there was something to investigate. Threatening to withhold military aid without an investigation smacks of "Find something even if you have to make it up." Or even worse, you don't have to find anything, just say you think there might be something, and that's enough for a smear, even if there's nothing worth pursuing. It's grossly unethical at best.
jeffk (Virginia)
There is an agreement with the US that Ukraine will not investigate unless there is a parallel investigation on the US side. The fact that even Trump's DOJ has not started an investigation tells us that there is no evidence substantial enough. This is all Trump deflecting from his incompetence and corruption.
Burghound (Oakland, CA)
@Ambrose Rivers One: They don't answer to Rudy Guliani. Two: See #1
DLNYC (New York)
Last night, Giuliani went on Chris Cuomo's CNN show and in an unhinged rant started weaving together what must be the wild conspiracy notes from Fox News. It included an accusation that Joe Biden "took out" $1.5 billion from China. As counter-logical it is that such a thing took place, or that something like that could be concealed, or that Fox's favorite boogie-man George Soros was somehow involved, I think that Democrat's strategy of letting the crazy man scream nonsense in the middle of the street and ignoring it, is not working. Too many people conditioned by Fox News believe this stuff. Really they do, and they must be taught some critical thinking skills so they can discern lies from truth and explain to them how investigations are done, and how documentation, research and journalism are done. I understand that 10 to 20% of the population will always believe that the moon landing was staged in some Hollywood backlot and a grand conspiracy covered up the truth. But 40% of the country believes this stuff? Say it ain't so.
CosC (Cambridge)
@DLNYC It looks like it is that bad and it has been that bad. Additionally, a greater part are just completely oblivious and disinterested/apathetic.
Barbara (Scarsdale, NY)
@DLNYC As one who also viewed "the president's lawyer" rant how he didn't and then he did ask a foreign government (Ukraine) to "investigate Biden's son," since when does a president's personal lawyer request a foreign government's cooperation to do such investigation on a possible opponent??? This is not normal, this is not American, and the founders would be turning in their graves--this is not what they envisioned and this is not what Americans want their elected officials to be doing.
Robin SEWELL (Athens,GA)
Has anybody thought of the position the Ukraine might be in if faced with a President Biden?
Not that someone (Somewhere)
@Robin SEWELL Won't be a problem, thank goodness.
Neil (Wisconsin)
@Robin SEWELL, As opposed to the position they are presently faced with?
Kate Kate (The Bronx)
@Robin SEWELL He probably wouldn't be pals with Putin and look the other way while Russia tries to impose themselves on Ukraine. And it's not the Ukraine, it's just Ukraine.
Eric (FL)
Racketeering and extortion is what we have here. Expect Russia's enforcers to show Ukraine why they should have paid trumps protection fee.
Maureen (Vancouver, Canada)
Trump: "I hire only the best people."
BC (St. Louis)
Why is it all thinks Trump lead to Putin's best interests?
Steve Snow (Cumming, Georgia)
Drip, drip, drip...and pretty soon there’s absolutely no law left!
just Robert (North Carolina)
Mr. Giuliani's role in this sleazy affair could be a scene from the Godfather series except the power of our President and his minions is far greater than any mafia boss. The horse's head in the bed this time is the threat that Trump will interfere in Ukrainian internal affairs and elections. Mr. Zelinsky is an honorable man. That we have no honorable people in our executive branch paints us as no more than any other Authoritarian mafia led third world country and it seems that Giuliani is proud to do trump's dirty work ala Michael Cohen who he should follow into prison.
N. Smith (New York City)
There is something so obtuse and obscene about this story that it bears looking into -- but if anything, it's little more than just another one in a series of this President's diversionary tactics employed to keep the scent far enough off the trail of his numerous misdeeds in order to confuse and distract the masses and any investigations from the direction in which they should really be headed. And then there's the fact that this particular masquerade is being headed by none other than head Court-Jester-cum-Personal- Lawyer Rudy Giuliani, whose involved in quite a three-ring divorce circus of his own. Apparently, it's not only Zelensky who's in an "unfortunate situation".
Peter Malbin (New York)
What exactly was Hunter Biden doing in the Ukraine? And what was Joe Biden’s benefit in this matter? Shouldn’t this be part of the story?
Neil (Wisconsin)
@Peter Malbin, What was Donald Trump, Jr., doing talking to a Russian lawyer, with ties to Putin?
fast/furious (Washington, DC)
@Peter Malbin The story is about Trump attempting to use U.S. foreign aid to extort the President of Ukraine by pushing him to investigate Hunter Biden in order to get the foreign aid. Trump and Giuliani appear to have committed bribery/extortion/conspiracy. This has nothing to do with Joe Biden, who is not involved in this mess.
Jeff (NYC)
@Peter Malbin That's a question worth asking, but where does that rank next to the fact that the President of the US is trying to use millions of dollars -- taxpayer dollars -- to get a foreign government to do his bidding?
King Philip, His majesty (N.H.)
Imagine using a foreign entity to subvert an election.During last election , it was lawyer Michael Cohen who conspired with trump to subvert an election . The judge in the Cohen case asserted that Trump had instructed Cohen to commit a felony. Now we have another Trump lawyer, Rudi Giuliani, working with agents of a foreign entity to subvert another election. Treason is stalking trump.
Sha (Redwood City)
This is what happens when you let a criminal get away, he gets emboldened.
Kevin (Los Angeles, CA)
We currently have the most corrupt, traitorous, criminal person in history sitting in the White House. What happened to the "law & order" patriots in the Republican party? On top of that, what happened to fiscal conservatives? Trump is spending money like a drunken sailor, and raising the national debt to a level never seen before. Pathetic. The people need to revolt, and the entire GOP needs to be held accountable.
Grove (California)
We might have a more ethical government if we let the mafia run the country. This administration couldn’t possibly be more corrupt and self serving than it is.
Thomas Smith (Texas)
Why shouldn’t he? If I were in his position I would be interested in whether or not the then vice-president used his office for his son’s profit. Seems like this is similar to what Democrats are trying to do to Trump.
Dan B (New Jersey)
@Thomas Smith The president does not sic foreign states on political rivals. Its an abuse of power and all kinds of corrupt. If you can't see that- well, that's why we're doomed.
Cathy Moore (Washington, NC)
Maybe because bribery is a felony?
Andy (Denver)
@Thomas Smith Only problem is that this has already been investigated and no wrong doing was found, uncovered, prosecuted.
Jay Orchard (Miami Beach)
Trump has never accepted the fact that being President is not the same as being a CEO. You don't get to order around, the other branches of the government and you can't use the government and its employees or its assets to do your personal bidding.
Jeff (NYC)
@Jay Orchard Trump's behavior would not even be acceptable at a public company. He would only get away with it in his own private company.
caroI s (santa cruz)
@Jay Orchard. And he delegates government business (military aid to Ukraine) to a private citizen, his personal lawyer Rudy, to negotiate on his behalf, instead of the State Dept? Isn’t this just another example of Trump’s lack of boundaries, conflating his personal interests with those of the country as whole? And I wonder what Pompeo has to say about all this mess. Did he advise Trump on aid to Ukraine? Was he ignored? What knowledge did he have of Trump/Guiliani’s offers to the Ukraine government? If Pompeo was aware of the illegal negotiations, why did he not issue a whistleblower complaint to Congress or resign in protest? It appears the entire administration has been corrupted in their service to and cover-ups for Trump.
fast/furious (Washington, DC)
A quid pro quo to give Ukraine promised foreign aid funded by U.S. taxpayers if Ukraine will investigate Hunter Biden - which is apparently what Trump asked for repeatedly - is bribery. It's a felony. Trump must resign. This is crystal clear. It's not like the Mueller investigation where Trump Jr could claim he was just meeting with the Russians to talk about adoption, that he didn't know it was about Russians aiding the Trump campaign. If Donald Trump did this - as is being widely reported - he committed a felony which jeopardized our national security. Trump basically put our national security for sale to someone who would give him something of value to him personally. Trump must resign or be forced from office.
Suzanne Victor (Southampton, PA)
Plea to democratic candidates for President. Please use the next debate to discuss the threat of Trump as President and what he has done and is doing to our democracy. There have been three debates to discuss your policies. I can’t think of any thing more important at this time. He is destroying everything and nothing is being done. I have given up on Nancy Pelosi. We,just learned from The Wall Street Journal that Trump pushed the President of Ukraine eight times in a phone call to go after Biden. This cannot stand.
Denny (MD)
@Suzanne Victor Thank you! If the next debate turns into a Biden or Warren bashing event, I will scream!
Martha Carter (Scottsdale)
Parts of the whistle blowers urgent message may be dribbling out now, in spite of Trump and Barr's attempts to bury it. Odd things are happening with a generally unhinged Giuliani babbling on TV about Ukraine, and the president's evident attempts to pressure its president to start an investigation of Biden's son. Along with his withholding of aid to Ukraine, there may have been a promise, if this is what the whistle blower is referring to. It may be a offer of corrupt money. If this is correct it is the most cringe worthy act Trump has attempted with a foreign power.
tom harrison (seattle)
@Martha Carter - Most cringe worthy act Trump has attemtped with a foreign power that we know of.
bgp (NEPA)
Once the evidence becomes clear, it is time to impeach Trump. If he did pressure Ukraine for purposes of his re-election campaign, that is exactly the sort of "high crime and misdemeanor" that the framers of the Constitution considered grounds for impeachment and removal from office.
Karen Lee (Washington, DC)
So, even Ukraine's TV-personality-president is more thoughtful than the United States' reality-TV-personality president. Sigh.
The Republicans in elected office ran interference for Trump when he "welcomed and accepted help" from Russia to interfere in our elections in 2016, rather than prosecuting him for treason. Now Trump is pressuring Ukraine to help him win the 2020 election. This is illegal. This is treasonous. And every GOP official who stays silent in the face of this is complicit. Party over country every time with these guys. I feel sick.
Jon Galt (Texas)
Why is everyone ignoring the elephant in the room? VP Biden did threaten Ukrainian officials to back off investigating the activities of his son or the US would reduce their aid package. Biden bragged about it himself at a meeting. If any crime was committed, it was by Biden.
tom harrison (seattle)
@Jon Galt - No, it sounds more like crimes were committed by both.
jeffk (Virginia)
Then why is Trump's DOJ not investigating that? Because it did not happen. Nice conspiracy theory though.
Burghound (Oakland, CA)
@Jon Galt Never happened. Keep dreaming.
Nick Metrowsky (Longmont CO)
In 2016, there was Russian interference in ten US elections. After a long investigation, Mueller, Congress, Justice Department, etc. did not come up with any conclusive evidence that Trump or his campaign. No2, in 2019, we have this: "For me, it’s crystal clear” that the Trump administration was seeking to trade military aid for Ukraine’s war against Russian-backed separatists for political favors," It is clear that Trump, and his administration, were trying to get a foreign government to interfere in US elections. The government refused, but what if it didn't? Meanwhile, there is deaf silence from Pelosi and Schumer. And, Trump? This, plus the story yesterday about a whistle blower's report being suppressed, should be having Congress working on articles of impeachment. But, what do we have? Silence.
Reva Cooper (Nyc)
The House is starting impeachment. And Pelosi and Schumer are probably wisely keeping quiet for a few days to let Trump hang himself. Notice how his story has changed 180 degrees in just 24 hours.
N. Smith (New York City)
@Nick Metrowsky No. What you have is a vast American electorate that voted someone like Donald Trump into the White House and a Republican Senate willing to play along. As for the Mueller Report, it came up with enough evidence during the scope of its investigation to make anyone with a modicum of intelligence and a working knowledge of the U.S. Constitution wonder just WHAT the heck is going on here. In the meantime, we have a country falling apart by the seams, and a People ready to blame everyone else besides themselves for why there's no one in Congress lacking the gumption to do anything. In short. Impeachment isn't easy … unless you're Republican.
Joe (California)
Trump pressuring the Ukrainians to do his oppo research for him might suggest that he thinks the Ukrainians are in a better position to investigate American political opponents than his own campaign or the GOP. That would be weird, unless Trump were somehow more Ukrainian than American and Republican. Or if his Ukrainian contacts were somehow also embroiled in a larger, umbrella organization such as one controlled by Russian oligarchs.
Karen Lee (Washington, DC)
@Joe, well, he used to claim that his father's family was from Sweden, so that isn't much of a stretch.
John Grillo (Edgewater, MD)
Having the status of a private citizen, hasn’t Giuliani admittedly violated federal law by engaging in matters of foreign affairs with Ukraine? Here, personally requesting that Ukrainian state officials conduct investigations for the benefit of his private client Trump. Shouldn’t a federal criminal investigation be started to look into this instance of “private” foreign policy freelancing?
Reva Cooper (Nyc)
Yes, the New York State Bar Association should Deal with this, too.
John Grillo (Edgewater, MD)
Specifically, Giuliani’s
John Grillo (Edgewater, MD)
Specifically, Giuliani’s meddling could be a violation of the federal Logan Act.
Jim Remington (Eugene)
Does anyone have an idea what Republicans in Congress are doing these days, other than grinning vacuously and collecting their salaries? Note: soliciting campaign contributions does not count as "doing something".
Marge Keller (Midwest)
"Mr. Trump told Mr. Zelensky that Ukraine could improve its reputation and “interaction” with the United States by investigating corruption" The irony of that statement is astounding. Apparently this guy doesn't see anything wrong when he dabbles in corruption, regardless the level or the reason, but then he is the first one on the band wagon to ask someone else for help in investigating corruption of a political opponent. All of this corruption swirling around Trump and yet he maintains that he did nothing wrong or inappropriate. Everyone is wrong but him. Sure.
Karen Lee (Washington, DC)
@Marge Keller, yes, he's projecting again. This seems to happen on most days, so at least he is consistent.
Mark Thomason (Clawson, MI)
The US government ought to itself have opened, should still open, an investigation into the entire story of US conduct in Ukraine. Start with the coup, and US funding of it. Then go on to US money spent to spin up a civil war, and keep it going. Include in that Congressional corruption in both parties, sending money under false pretenses meant to incite violence. Also look at how major US figures profited from that. Yes, I believe Biden and son did and in a huge way, but there were more going for that gravy train. Get all of them. Then we can properly ask Ukraine for cooperation with the US probe. It might very well sweep up a good many Republicans. That's good too. My target is the hawks and Cold Warriors who so distorted this, and got so many people killed while enriching themselves and their friends. It is the neocon types of both parties I want to get. They are ripe for investigation. Then if Biden's young, inexperienced, and entirely unqualified son did what Jared Kushner has done elsewhere, nail him. That is just one of many. We won't be rid of the Iraq War liars who take us to war until we finally put them in jail.
@Mark Thomason Thank you. You have given us the entire history of how we have used the Ukrainians to promote the sick ambitions of our neocons, politicians and military industrial complex, with no thought to the Ukrainian soldiers and civilians who where killed in the process. I guess anything goes to "Make America Great Again!"
Neil (Texas)
I say this is another canard for folks who don't want to discuss really important issues. The House will now go on a rampage hoping to find a "high crime and misdemeanor" We have seen this movie before and we know how it ends.¹ It's called Mueller. And remember Mueller did not even talk Steele Dossier which was definitely financed by folks sympathetic to Hillary. They themselves admitted it. So, this is a reverse of Steele - except the shoe is on other foot.
James S (00)
@Neil No, the issue here is that Congress is ineffective at using what it knows to investigate and prosecute crimes. The person behind this complaint should leak it to the press because clearly Congress doesn't know what to do with it. And I guarantee you it's exactly what it looks like: Trump buying favors abroad.
Reva Cooper (Nyc)
Except both Trump and Giuliani have now both clearly admitted collusion.
tom harrison (seattle)
@Neil - I say get rid of both feet and get a new pair of shoes. Its time we abandon both the Dems and the Repubs and quit letting a handful of people try and rule everyone else like medieval times.
Elinor (NYC)
A high level intelligence officer who worked in the White House sacrificed everything, including his safety, security and personal well being, followed all the rules and we seem not to be able to figure out a way for him/her to speak without violating the Espionage Act. Yesterday on MSNBC Frank Figliuzzi a former national security officer at the FBI said the whistle blower should wait one week and then visit Adam Schiff's office to discuss what concerned him and what the IG felt was so "urgent." The protections for whistle blowers need to be enforced. Be prepared for great blow back from Trump and his supporters. It is my strong belief that Bill Barr should recuse himself. He is the AG, not Trump's personal lawyer.
fast/furious (Washington, DC)
@Elinor Barr will behave ethically? MAYBE.....
Jane K (Northern California)
How difficult is it to recognize the corruption of our president asking foreign governments to interfere in our election process by digging up dirt on his opponents? What say you Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham?
Seattle (Seattle)
@Jane K They say "so what". The GOP leadership, and the vast majority of the remaining partisan membership have already defected in heart and spirit from the country of their birth. They care nothing for representative democracy. They care nothing for the separation of church and state. They are boosters for autocrats. That is about the most pure definition of 'unamerican' you are going to get.
D (Pittsburgh)
So, I'm confused. Everyone is talking around a whistleblower case involving most likely Trump and Ukraine but no one knows the details. Then the Times reports that Trump pressured Ukraine to investigate Biden and his family. So I should put 2 and 2 together and come up with 4, right?
S (Boston)
@D you might wanna read the article again but these are known and mentioned facts. What's unclear is what other information exactly was exchanged between the two
D (Pittsburgh)
@S Got it. Seems there was a quid pro quo mentioned too. So 2+2+2=6. Not sure what else will come out. This is pretty "bombshell" as it in.
tom harrison (seattle)
@D - Rudy put 2 and 2 together last on t.v. for everyone. I had just been wondering all day what happened to Rudy and then suddenly there he is telling Chris that sure, he asked the Ukraine to investigate Biden. I have never seen an attorney like Rudy who constantly makes things worse for his client.
Samuel (Seattle)
"... Mr. Trump declined to say whether he had discussed Mr. Biden or his family with Mr. Zelensky. “It doesn’t matter what I discussed,” he said, before alluding to allegations that Mr. Biden, while vice president, had improperly pressured Ukrainian officials to dismiss a prosecutor on behalf of his son. Sorry Trump but it does matter. Especially if you are implying that Ukraine shold work to undermine someone running for political office in the U.S.A. Trump and Giuliani are asking foreign countries to meddle, it appears. So it does matter, it matters a lot! And, what to we hear from the rest of the GOP on this? ....."crickets."
Ask Your Questions (New York)
@Samuel Agree. And the crickets outside my window actually make more noise than the GOP.
Michael (Oakland, CA)
I assume that Mr. Trump's unofficial chief foreign policy advisor, Vladimir Putin, had a hand in the ploy to deprive Ukraine of military support to deter Russian argression, while seeking to damage Joe Biden. In a better world, Donald Trump would be toiling away in a Soviet work camp for the remainder of his life, cleaning filthy latrines 12 hours a day, 7 days a week.
IndyPen (Hudson Valley)
@Michael I didn't think of that. You're right. There are so many threads to pull and follow. How are we to keep up. Does t do any work for us/U.S. There are only so many hours in the day and it seems like he spends his time finagling his own pet concerns. Wow, the exceptional US elected this. We must deserve it.
Kyle (America #1)
Trump has made the swamp worst by building his casino in it.
Mjxs (Springfield, VA)
This is what we thought would happen when he got elected. He’s acting like a New York mob boss, or what he thinks a New York mob would act. This is a shake-down. This is extortion.
Miss B (Atlanta)
Nothing Trump does has a positive aspect to it! He's always looking for dirt because he doesn't even know what clean is.
Steve Snow (Cumming, Georgia)
Think about it... in November of 2020 the republican party will have endorsed and will be supporting a criminal for president of the United States..
Chris (Missouri)
I think it is past time to not only release any and all Trump tax returns - including foundations, corporations, LLC's, etc. - but to put a freeze on all assets, both liquid and real estate. The orange buffoon is going to pull a Sackler and squirrel away assets offshore.
Seattle (Seattle)
@Chris When he loses the election (lets just say he does) charges should be filed immediately and his travel restricted. I think he is a MAJOR flight risk. It is not to far fetched to have him living in Russia stirring up trouble by playing Putin's new role for him as a 'government in exile'. Strange times indeed.
Ted (NY)
Again, Trump is the result of the endemic meritocratic corruption that destroyed the American middle class. It gained legitimacy under Bill Clinton, and the country was destroyed. The “golden age” of “vulture capitalists”, was possible by destroying the law, destroying cultural values that were substituted by “ for lack of a better word, greed is good.” And, so we got to Trump with his ineptitude and chronic corruption. Still, Sheldon Adelson, Stephen Ross among others are fund raising for his re-election. Parts of the Golan Heights are to b named for Trump, and Netanyahu has promised to appropriate the entire Palestinian “occupied” lands. Nadler’s much touted Lewandowski interrogation wars a dud. Surprised?
DR (Toronto)
@Ted Pretty sure Greed is Good was the motto of the 80's - not Bill Clinton's doing.
Chris (South Florida)
Do Republicans realise that Trump is destroying their party for a generation? Their standing with young people is absolutely in the garbage for being on the wrong side of every issue that will effect their lives over the next couple of decades.
Robert Rifkin (Lake Mary , FL)
“For me, it’s crystal clear” that the Trump administration was seeking to trade military aid for Ukraine’s war against Russian-backed separatists for political favors, Daria M. Kaleniuk, the executive director of the Anti-Corruption Action Center in Kiev, said in an interview.” Even if Ukrainian President Zelensky agreed to cooperate with President Trump, there is no guarantee that trump would keep his word. Mr. Trump has a strong relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin who has already taken Crimea and is looking to take more of the Ukraine.
Steve Snow (Cumming, Georgia)
This is where this country has come to in Three short years... the threat to every stable institution that has defined what has been good about this land is UNDER ASSAULT!! If this congress is too cowardly to act and a politicized s.c. Is now enabling the reduction of democracy, only one avenue delivers this republic to salvation.... the vote!
carole (Atlanta, GA)
@Steve Snow It would be nice to have 95-1000% confidence both in the electoral system and the infrastructure that enables it, wouldn’t it? Not to mention the one person, one vote standard that’s so obviously missing in the USA, under the rules of the electoral college. As it stands now, I have maybe a 40-45% confidence range in our elections.
Ask Your Questions (New York)
@Steve Snow Do you believe that Trump will really leave office if he is defeated in 2020?
Steve Snow (Cumming, Georgia)
I would like to believe, however chimerical it might sound. That his numbers will be trending so low by next march or April, and knowing how he couldn’t possibly accept a full rout of him, his character and his family... that he will decline to run..
hoconnor (richmond, va)
Anyone who witnessed the spectacle of Rudy Giuliani on CNN Thursday night with Chris Cuomo had to come away with the assessment that Ol' Rudy has gone completely bonkers. "America's Mayor" was ranting and raving, contradicting himself and blatantly lying. It was sad and pathetic. Have to seriously wonder if Giuliani has some sort of medical problem that needs immediate attention. In the meantime, Giuliani should be allowed on television -- for his sake. Thursday night's performance was absolutely cringe-worthy.
John Harper (Carlsbad, CA)
@hoconnor His wife is divorcing him before he's declared cognitively unfit to handle his finances. Then it will be harder for her to get a decent settlement.
Jane K (Northern California)
Giuliani is a better witness than Corey Lewandowski to the corruption of the Trump presidency.
hoconnor (richmond, va)
@hoconnor Meant to say "should NOT be allowed on television". Thanks
Joanna (Georgia)
It really seems like this article should accompany a banner headline reading "President's Lawyer Admits Trump Pressured Ukraine to Attack Political Rival." As so many things have, leading up to this, it SEEMS like a turning point. If I were the RNC I'd at least start backroom discussions about what to do if they need another candidate for 2020.
Viv (.)
@Joanna I love how the veracity of the underlying allegations aren't even addressed. The fact is that the Obama administration DID pressure Ukraine government NOT to prosecute Biden for his role in the gas company debacle. The fact is that the ONLY reason Biden was even made a board member was so as to curry favor with the Obama administration - just as many politician's children are made board members of corporations seeking government favors in the US. Biden had zero experience in the energy sector or Ukraine matters. He doesn't even speak Ukrainian.
fast/furious (Washington, DC)
@Joanna They'll run Mike Pence in 2020. Nikki Haley is a better candidate in that she's a better politician but Haley is indicating she doesn't want to be involved in any overthrow of Mike Pence. Although she could change her mind....
Dr. Girl (Midwest)
@Viv How about a real investigation? If they can find proof of Joe Biden and Barack Obama's collusion with Ukraine in exchange for military support, then they can leave the white house. Oh wait they are already gone! This was about Hunter Biden.
domplein2 (Portland)
It’s either treason - which Americans don’t seem to accept - or “forget it Jake, it’s Chinatown” (or Bizzaro World...:(
M Troitzsch (San Francisco)
Both, really.
Jeff (New Jersey)
Sadly, a large number of Americans have been accepting treason for going on three years now.
John (California)
Mr. Giuliani needs to be haled before the New York State Bar and asked to defend his ability to continue practicing law. His actions are criminal in nature, and encouraging others to commit illegal acts, is a basis for his disbarment.
fast/furious (Washington, DC)
@John What Giuliani and Trump appear to have been doing is conspiracy to extort a foreign country and also conspiracy to violate campaign finance laws by getting something of value from a foreign country (opposition research against a political rival) in exchange for money (U.S. foreign aid of $250 million, which Trump was withholding while demanding Ukraine try to have 'better relations' with the U.S.
PB (northern UT)
Good grief! I am beginning to believe that Trump and "his very best people" actually do not really know the difference between right and wrong, or if they do know, they don't care. The new Trump strategy seems to be to just do wrong things in plain sight--maybe even talk about it on Fox News as if there is no problem with what they are doing. It does appear to be working because Trump supporters have their talking points to dispute any criticism or charges of wrongdoing against Trump. Voila! Wrong isn't wrong anymore--unless, of course, a Democrat is elected president. Republicans do corrupt things and simply then redefine them as not wrong but right. Wrong is right; and right is wrong. See how simple. And Trump just may be reelected again.
fast/furious (Washington, DC)
@PB Giuliani knows the difference - he used to be a federal prosecutor. We have to assume Giuliani knows this was illegal - and possibly the actions of a traitor - and just doesn't care.
Kiska (Alaska)
@fast/furious Giuliani is a senile drunk. When you realize this, it explains his behavior perfectly.
Pat Choate (Tucson, Arizona)
How is this Administration's threatening to withhold money appropriated by Congress from Ukraine unless they've indict Biden's son not illegal? Why are the Federal Courts dithering on the House of Representatives lawsuits to get the Administration to provide materials needed to do Constitutional oversight? Are there any Republicans still in Congress? I have heard nothing from them on these issues so they must be absent from Washington.
Mark Thomason (Clawson, MI)
@Pat Choate -- "How is this Administration's threatening to withhold money appropriated by Congress from Ukraine unless they've indict Biden's son not illegal?" That is exactly the approach (weapons instead of cash) that the US should take with Saudi Arabia, requiring honest investigation of the murder of our journalist. The objections I see are not really to the process, just special pleading to protect the target.
Sherry B. (Colorado)
Is this not the definition of bribery?
Gordon Jones (California)
@Sherry B. Bribery and extortion. Looks like this Ukraine accusation by Trumputin crew was going to be the tip of one of their planned spears against Joe. I call it "Birther - Chapter 2". Clearly Cadet Sharpie had plenty of back door contacts in Ukraine. His campaign team was loaded with them. The main spear point is already out there - daily - the "Socialism" label. It will persist. It becomes "Birther - Chapter 3".
Jim Brokaw (California)
@Sherry B. -- no, I think this is the definition of treason.
Jeff (New Jersey)
Just because it’s a witch hunt doesn’t mean there isn’t a witch. Can someone tell me please, how is it *not* a violation of the election laws that prohibit soliciting foreign intervention in an election when the president’s lawyer admits having done so? Democrats have thrown their own under the bus for far, far less. (Maybe that’s why we lose?)
Patrick alexander (Oregon)
Rudy Giuliani, a guy who once was obsessed with building and then burnishing his image. Now, he seems intent on , not only destroying it, but also on making himself a laughing stock. Then again, why not? We have a president who is a laughing stock, so, why not his attorney?
Tom (France)
Someone please enlighten me. Why is Rudy Giuliani not yet in prison? And are there no persons in the White House who respect the US constitution. When I was young such actions qualified as high crimes and treason.
Joanna (Georgia)
So, the President's own lawyer admits that he solicited aid from a foreign government to take down a political rival? And this is just the stuff we're hearing, I'd love to know what was said in the private talk between Trump and Putin when they spoke at length with only the Russian interpreter there. But that, and so much else, no one will ever know. The idea behind the "collusion witch hunt" was that a foreign power might try to work with a candidate while they actively sought to change an election (Russia has been firmly established as attempting to manipulate the election even if the benefit to Trump was only coincidental). That's small potatoes compared to SEEKING OUT and pressuring other countries to knock down political rivals. Nixon has desperately needed someone like Trump to come along and take the burden of being the textbook example of political corruption. How exactly is it that other Republicans are willing to sit quietly by as both our country, and their party, is exploited to secure reelection?
John Graybeard (NYC)
@Joanna - Isn't the real question not whether Trump is going to surpass Nixon, but rather whether he is going to outdo Benedict Arnold?
Gordon Jones (California)
@John Graybeard My take - he already took the lead - long ago. Vile, vindictive, chief Narcissist. Clearly and obviously afflicted with the well known Dunning Kruger Effect. How did this happen to us? Apathy, Vladimir, Bernie as a spoiler, apathy, let polls do their voting for them. Wow. The black stars were aligned. Never again. Vote - Dump Trump, Ditch Mitch, bar Barr, emasculate Lyndsey Graham, throw the Tea Party types out of office and into the nearest harbor. Take our country back - Make America Great Again.
Just Me (Lincoln Ne)
So Trump says all his talking was OK. His reason for illegally stopping Congress from getting the Whistle blower's allegations then is what exactly?
Stanley Mann (Emeryville,California)
This is just one more example of Trump, his cronies and his administration conspiring to use a foreign government to influence a U.S. election, i.e. just as in 2016 with Russia It´s clear the U.S. congress MUST vote for a formal impeachment inquiry to obtain the Whistle Blower´s complaint along with an unredacted Mueller Report, Trump´s Tax Returns etc..even if the House Democrats do not believe the Republican let Senate will convict President Trump, an impeachment vote will put those Senator´s on the record and hopefully they will be defeated in 2020 along with Trump and his enablers.
David (USA)
President Zelensky, you don't need to appease the corrupt administration of Donald Trump. He will be out of office very soon. Every poll shows this. Second, to the Democratic leadership of the House: please get your act together and impeach Trump. We know the Senate will not convict, but if you don't impeach Trump you will all look like doormats. Stop hand-wringing. You could get an impeachment vote tomorrow.
Underhiseye (NY Metro)
@David There can be no impeachment. They had one single line of clean inquiry related to Ms. Daniels and they blew it. Probably intentionally. All the actions before and following the illegal FISA warrants compromised everything else. The ongoing Presidential Harassment only serves to keep the focus off the coup inside the coup inside the coup.
Robert (Michigan)
Trump has no clothes....
Clare (Studio City, Ca)
I’m thrilled that this story sheds light that the President of Ukraine is ‘smart’ & not playing along the hardball politics of Mr TrUMP or his cronies. This actually throws light for now anyways—that Ukraine’s President can be trusted.
Yves (Brooklyn)
This is why people migrate. We're either sanctioning them or "liberating" them.
james haynes (blue lake california)
If the Ukrainians and Russians are working on behalf of Trump's re-election, the western Democracies should come to the aid of the Democratic nominee. Send Euros, lawyers and hackers. If the FBI again intervenes to help Trump, Interpol should pitch in on the side of the Democrats and send detectives.
mrpisces (Loui)
Nothing but corruption is oozing out of this Trump Administration and the Republicans, with their silence, are drowning in it....
@mrpisces Just wait until trump loses in 2020. We must make sure it is by a landslide. He will not leave without creating havoc!
Huh (Upstate)
Anybody else remember the Republican Convention in Cleveland? This current situation has that deja-view-all-over-again feeling, but this time with a US$ 250 million for Ukraine’s defense involved. Zelensky being pressured by Giuliani fits a long-established pattern. And Trump wasn’t officially the candidate when it started. WaPo’s Josh Rogin published this 7/16/2016: “ The Trump campaign worked behind the scenes last week to make sure the new Republican platform won’t call for giving weapons to Ukraine to fight Russian and rebel forces, contradicting the view of almost all Republican foreign policy leaders in Washington.” “Throughout the campaign, Trump has been dismissive of calls for supporting the Ukraine government as it fights an ongoing Russian-led intervention. Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, worked as a lobbyist for the Russian-backed former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych for more than a decade.” Source:
USNA73 (CV 67)
Rudy Giuliani and John Gotti turned out to be two sides of the same coin. Hard to tell the "good guys" from the "bad guys", isn't it?
Havadood (Ridgefield ct)
Fee Fi Fo Fum....I smell a high crime and misdemeanor.
Bob R (Portland)
How dare Zelensky not kowtow to Trump and his minions.
Prince (MN)
Over and over, the Trump administration has shown that there is no length they won't go to win. Not for the American people, but for themselves. That includes working with foreign governments at the expense of the United States' credibility abroad. There is only one word for this: treason.
Ted Morton (Ann Arbor, MI)
@Prince Right on... 18 U.S. Code § 2381.Treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
Karen Lee (Washington, DC)
@Ted Morton, I'd be happy if Trump were deemed "incapable of holding any office under the United States", in perpetuity. If he continues to dominate the news for the rest of his lifetime, I can ignore him because what he does has no bearing on, well, anything. Unfortunately, this isn't the case while he is president.
Blackmamba (Il)
@Prince Nonsense. Treason is defined in the Constitution. America is not at war with Russia or the Ukraine. Collusion, conspiracy, cooperation, coordination and colloboration with Ukraine and Russia is not treason nor war.
Sunshine Coaster (Sechelt)
This could be the issue that spell's Trump's doom. Readers who want to keep fully informed should go this corroborating article in the Economist which provides more detail, particularly regarding Rudi Giuliani.
JB (Nashville, Tennessee)
@Sunshine Coaster I've uttered your first sentence so many times it's lost all meaning. As long as Trump has cover from the Senate, atty general and SCOTUS, every bit of his corruption will go unpunished.
Stephen Calvit (Minnesota)
@Sunshine Coaster I read the Economist article you referenced in your response to the NYT article. Very informative! Thank You!
@Sunshine Coaster Thank you very much for that link. I'm not a lawyer, but it sounds to me that what the Giuliani-Trump combo has done in Ukraine is treason
Susan Goldstein (Bellevue WA)
So, business as usual in Trumpland.
T (Colorado)
The Trump administration’s corruption is astounding!
Sam Song (Edaville)
@T Make corruption great again.