Overlooked No More: Elizabeth A. Gloucester, ‘Richest’ Black Woman and Ally of John Brown

Sep 18, 2019 · 2 comments
professor (nc)
Fascinating! I love really love this series; please don't ever stop publishing Overlooked No More.
Bill Cullen, Author (Portland)
Great article and thanks for that bit of history. So much of American history has been written by our white ancestors that it feels like we are missing a good 20% of it or so of it... One favor I would ask of all contributors to the NY Times is to stop inserting the name Trump into an article that has nothing to do with him. In this article you say that Ms. Gloucester's worth was comparable to Trump's. No one knows how much money Trump is worth; refer to Forbes magazine's many forays into that including conjecture that Trump is not even a billionaire. Ms. Gloucester obviously worked very hard for her fortune and Trump simply pillaged and conned for his often bailed out by his wealthy father. Reading between the lines, I understand why you might want to make that comparison but please show a little journalistic discipline.